diff --git "a/ParaSCI-arXiv/test.csv" "b/ParaSCI-arXiv/test.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/ParaSCI-arXiv/test.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2550 +0,0 @@ -sentence1,sentence2 -"zhang and parker implemented a bio-inspired predictive orientation decomposition using mid-level features to construct representations of people from 3d skeleton trajectories , which is inspired by biological research in human anatomy .","zhang and parker proposed a new bio-inspired predictive orientation decomposition representation , which was inspired by the biological research in human anatomy ." -transfer learning is a learning paradigm that uses data in relevant tasks to help the target machine learning tasks .,transfer learning is a machine learning technique proposed to alleviate the distribution discrepancy issue . -"it has been conjectured that the exponential behavior of this quantity should be an indicator of quantum chaos , the exponential rate being associated with the classical lyapunov exponent .","this may suggest that this late time behavior can also be used as a criterion of chaotic nature of a given quantum field theory , in addition to the existing arguments on the lyapunov exponent ." -"while most of research is related to marketing , the problem has been generalized to target set selection in the domain of combinatorial optimization of theoretical computer science .","while most of research is related to marketing , the problem has been generalized to ranking nodes for target set selection in the domain of combinatorial optimization of theoretical computer science ." -"finally , if we give up positivity only , we can get quantum correlations for the system-environment state .","if we give up consistency only , then the system-environment correlations can be of the classical form ." -in the plane of the wires and perpendicular to their length .,in the plane of the film and perpendicular to the long axis of the wire . -"are global representations , whereas tf erm .",are single-valued whereas fermion-based representations tf erm . -"as mentioned previously , in the formulation here , the zero frequency lifshitz and ionic components are treated together in the grand partition function ξ .",hence the grand partition function ξ contains the ionic interactions and zero frequency van der waals contributions in the system . -"the abscissa and ordinate denote the time in jd and the magnitude , respectively .","the abscissa and ordinate denote the superhump phase and magnitude , respectively ." -"additional properties , in particular with respect to the diameter , and a solution for balanced complete bipartite graphs were reported in .","some general properties of the strong geodesic problem , in particular with respect to the diameter , and a solution for balanced complete bipartite graphs has been very recently reported in ." -mahjourian et al employ geometric constraints of the scene by enforcing an approximate icp based matching loss .,mahjourian et al in addition to image alignment enforce alignment of the geometric scene structure in the loss function . -the key difference between our model and most previous models is the possibility of obtaining resource through the cheaper but less reliable approach of spectrum sensing .,the key difference between our model and most existing literature is the possibility of obtaining resource through the cheaper but uncertain approach of spectrum sensing . -"historically the first one is a harmonic analysis in right ascension , see for a recent application .","historically the first one is the harmonic analysis in right ascension , see for a recent application ." -"to find the local neighborhoods , we follow the idea of revaud et al using both of their approximations .","to find the local neighborhoods , we follow the idea of using both their approximations ." -"in terms of the observed dark matter abundance , we calculate the coupling of the annihilation process for the whole resonance parameter space .","we also calculate the coupling of the annihilation process , which is useful for an appropriate model building to give the desired dark matter relic density ." -"we use the local density approximation of perdew and zunger , and a double zeta plus double polarization basis set of the siesta type .",the dft description here is provided by the local density approximation of perdew-zunger . -for surveys of the known mathematical theories of the equations we refer to .,we refer the reader to and the references therein for general survey of the euler equations . -orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing is an attractive and well-established way of dealing with frequencyselective channels .,orthogonal frequency division multiplexing has become quite popular in both wired and wireless communications . -"since we consider the case of the susy breaking , we describe the susy algebra in the local form .","in this section , we calculate the susy algebra in the following wess-zumino model for simplicity ." -we trained a neural network policy for solving the humanoid locomotion task using proximal policy optimization and different planning horizons .,we trained a neural network to control the cart-pole using proximal policy optimization algorithms with 100k training episodes . -"linnik , on the least prime in an arithmetic progression i , the basis theorem rec .","linnik , on the least prime in an arithmetic progression ii , the deuringheilbronn phenomenon rec ." -"weights need to be between 0 and 1 for normalization purposes , where larger weights are assigned to generalized items comprised of items that are more semantically distant , since such generalized items harm data utility more .","for normalization purposes , weights need to be between 0 and 1 , where larger weights are assigned to generalized items comprised of items that are more semantically distant , since such generalized items are more harmful to data utility ." -"we have applied the sms algorithm to 24 functions whose results have been compared to those produced by the gravitational search algorithm , the particle swarm optimization method and the differential evolution algorithm .",we have applied the sso algorithm to 19 functions whose results have been compared to those produced by the particle swarm optimization method and the artificial bee colony algorithm . -it makes rydberg atoms promising for applications such as quantum information .,it makes rydberg atoms promising for applications such as quantum information processing . -"this allows for targeting of users based on their behavior , which is typically referred to as ad targeting .","this brings the ability to target users based on their past behavior , which is typically referred to as ad targeting ." -"an early study extended virtualization solutions to support rich and effective policies for active power management , which had not been done before .",an early research extended virtualization solutions to support rich and effective policies for active power management which had not been done before . -"spin needlets spectral estimation , electronic journal of statistics , vol .","the needlets bispectrum , electronic journal of statistics , vol ." -"in summary , we have presented three families of new exactly solvable models based on the pairing interaction for fermion and boson systems .",we will derive in this letter three families of exactly solvable models based on the pairing interaction for fermion systems as well as for boson systems . -we will be interested in the two simplest correlation functions and their fourier transforms .,we will now discuss the symmetry operators related to such spectral mirror symmetries . -the gap of the insulating phase strongly decreases with x .,the magnetization bands increase with x . -the diffusion coefficient in eq 9 is a tensor with symmetry about the local axis of the magnetization whereas in zlf the diffusion coefficient is a scalar .,"since the diffusion coefficient is a well defined concept , this estimate might ultimately be compared to lattice qcd calculations , confirming or rejecting the paradigm of qgp formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions ." -a closed form expression for the probability of los between drones and ues is developed in .,a closed-form expression for the probability of los is also provided in . -"the most related in this line is where each user lies in an cluster that can be described by a low-dimensional vector , with 2 separation across clusters .","the most related in this line is where each user lies in an cluster that can be described by low-dimensional vector , with 2 separation across clusters ." -we then proceed to show that our lower bound method subsumes all the other bounds mentioned above .,we also show that the lp formulation of the smooth rectangle bound coincides with its natural definition as described above . -current schemes for classifying protein structure often rely on manually curated hierarchies that are not able to cleanly capture all possible variations .,current schemes for classifying protein structure often rely on manually curated hierarchies such as that are not able to cleanly capture all possible variations . -we use the training and validation portions of the bsds500 dataset as training images .,"we use the training set and test set of the bsds500 database for training , and its validation set for validation ." -the qkz equations for arbitrary root system were obtained by cherednik .,generalizations of these equations for arbitrary root systems were constructed by cherednik . -"millimeter waves , for cellular communications , is one of the main technological innovations brought by fifth generation wireless networks .","millimeter waves , for cellular communications , is among the most striking technological innovations brought by fifth generation wireless networks ." -"a reaction with chemi- and physi- sorbed glycerol can account for the prompt and the slow hole decay , respectively .","a reaction with chemi- and physi- sorbed glycerol would account for the prompt and the slow hole decay , respectively ." -during the outflow of liquid stream to an atmosphere .,during the outflow of liquid stream under the reposing liquid level . -now we define smarandache mixed direct product of rings .,"now we define when are these na-quad rings , smarandache quad rings ." -"to analyze the data and obtain the phase diagram , we use the bruce-wilding finite-size scaling techniques , to compile the phase diagram of this system .","to analyze the data and obtain the phase diagram , we use the bruce-wilding fss techniques outlined here ." -the momentum equation is discretised using the sip method for the elliptic term and otherwise using the fluxes from cockburn et al .,the momentum equation is discretised using the symmetric interior penalty method for the elliptic term and otherwise using the fluxes from cockburn et al . -note that the similar idea of spectrum cooperation can be found in the context of cognitive radio networks .,"spectrum sharing is a well-studied subject in general , for example in the context of cognitive radios ." -good quantitative and qualitative agreement between the experimentally derived and the simulated eley-rideal abstraction cross sections are found if two different eley-rideal abstraction mechanisms are included .,"a combination of two different mechanisms yields , good quantitative and qualitative agreement between the experimentally derived and the simulated eley-rideal abstraction cross sections and surface configurations ." -this remarkable relation is called the rank-size duality .,"to our knowledge , all known problem-pairs with a zero duality gap , also known as strong duality , are polynomially solvable ." -"again , the detector current increases when the electron leaves the quantum dot .",the detector current decreases upon transition of the electron from the lower to the upper dot . -several studies for dnn-based image completion have presented demos of manipulating face appearances by filling the parts of an input image with the dnn .,several studies for dnn-based image completion have presented demonstrations of face appearance manipulation by filling the parts of an input image with their dnns . -"this fact is quite surprising , since it is definitely not the case for qeccs .","this observation is somewhat surprising , since this is not the case for qeccs ." -this implies that r and the multiplication map are local homeomorphisms and that g is open in g .,this implies that r and the multiplication map are local homeomorphisms and that . -our results can be generalized to probabilistic transformations .,we are able to solve the above problems for the case of probabilistic transformations too . -"in this section , we will describe the aspects of the theory that we need most for the definition of non-commutative toric varieties .","in this section , we define non-commutative toric varieties and describe some of their most basic properties ." -a client that browses to a website through an onion routing network will have their traffic relayed before it reaches its destination .,a client that browses to a website through an or network will have their traffic relayed before it reaches its destination . -to obtain the twisted kz systems of the corresponding open-string wzw orbifolds .,to obtain the branes of the corresponding open-string wzw orbifolds . -the change of sign of the effect with respect to the substitution of neutrinos by antineutrinos is clearly visible .,the change of sign of the effect with respect of the change δ δ and the substitution of neutrinos by antineutrinos is clearly visible . -"it is obvious that the time complexity of this problem is exponential in the size of n , but this does not deny the existence of a fast algorithm .","although the time complexity of this problem is exponential in the size of the input , this does not deny the existence of a fast algorithm ." -"we verify the acceleration and orientation choices as modeled in model 1 above are safe , using a formal proof calculus for dl .","we verify the safety of the control algorithm modeled as a hybrid program in model 2 , using a formal proof calculus for dl ." -"for the segmentation task , a 3d extension of the u-net architecture was employed .",a u-net based encoder-decoder neural network was used for root segmentation . -"the non-flatness of the base metric for 3-charge microstate geometries was previously observed in the particular solution of , but had remained until now largely unexplained .","the nonflatness of the base metric for 3-charge microstate geometries was already noted in the particular solution of , and it had remained until now a largely unexplained phenomenon ." -"in , in this paper , we propose a multiple-input-multipleoutput sr backscatter system , where the transmitter , the receiver and the bd are equipped with multiple antennas .","in this paper , we consider a uplink single-cell massive mimo system with m antennas at the bs and n single-antenna users ." -for the numerical experiments in this paper we implemented a new variant of the cross-3d method which has better asymptotic complexity in r than the method described in .,for the numerical experiments in this paper we implemented a new variant of the cross3d method -schur-cross3d which has better asymptotic complexity in r than the method described in . -flow chart showing the procedure for obtaining the second spectrum .,flow chart showing the procedure for obtaining the pdf . -the resource optimization in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based single-user single-relay systems was considered in .,"more recently , the resource optimization in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based single-user single-relay systems was considered in ." -"the robustness of this method has been verified for calculating primordial spectra in k-inflation , .",the robustness of this method has been verified for calculating primordial spectra in k-inflation . -we also calculate the critical temperatures and the angular dependence of order parameters .,we calculate the critical temperatures and angular dependence of the order parameters . -the addition of electrolyte to an aqueous solution of surfactant micelles is known empirically to preferentially stabilize the cylindrical shape .,"the addition of salt is known to reduce the effective surface area per head group , leading to the stabilization of the cylindrical shape ." -"yau , existence of incompressible minimal surfaces and the topology of three-dimensional manifolds with non-negative scalar curvature , ann .","yau , embedded minimal surfaces , exotic spheres , and mani folds with positie ricci curvature , ann ." -"with the obvious modifications , the same also holds for the tame fundamental group .","furthermore , there is no obvious functoriality for the tame fundamental group ." -"regardless of the quality of the multiclass pixel classifier , the algorithms in do not distinguish between regions of one sub-structure to those of another in the superpixel level .","regardless of the quality of multiclass pixel classifier output , the algorithms in do not distinguish between regions of one sub-structure from those of another at the superpixel level ." -we start by reformulating the definition of a cluster algebra a .,we start with the definition of a cluster algebra a . -"as a warm-up , in this subsection we briefly review the construction of the effective fluid equations for dark matter , .",in this section we discuss the relationship between our approach and the effective field theory of large scale structure approach of . -for the outdoor links we consider the itu-r model for line-of-sight propagation within street canyons and the non-line-of-sight model for over roof-top propagation .,for outdoor links we assume the itu-r model for line-of-sight propagation within street canyons and the itu-r non-line-of-sight model for over roof-top propagation . -"spatially-coupled csa has been investigated in , where similar improvement of the iterative decoding threshold was observed .","similar improved thresholds were achieved in , where the concept of spatial coupling was applied to csa ." -several first-order methods with attractive convergence properties have been introduced for bspps .,"given a bspp , several first-order methods with attractive convergence properties have been introduced ." -"the vertical axis is time , the horizontal axis indicates physical length .","the vertical axis is time , the horizontal one is physical distance ." -"by constructing appropriate control variations and using a suitable open mapping theorem , one can show that a control system is small-time locally controllable .","however , there exist control systems which are small-time locally controllable from x 0 , but one can not check their smalltime local controllability using classical control variations constructed by the iterated family of lie brackets ." -"the lbm is a local mesoscopic algorithm , allowing for efficient parallel implementations , and has demonstrated itself as a powerful tool for numerical simulations of fluid flows .","the lattice boltzmann algorithm has proven to be an extremely interesting method for the solution of navier-stokes flows because of its simplicity , extreme parallelizability and accuracy ." -"in the three-field scheduling notation , this problem is denoted as 1 , pmtn , w j c j .","using the classical three-field notation in scheduling , the problem can be denoted as p , r j , d j , t , ." -it is also quantitatively discussed how inappropriate it is to use the original distribution instead of the escort distribution for calculating the expectation values of physical quantities in nonextensive statistical mechanics .,we have also quantitatively discussed how inappropriate it is to use the original distribution instead of the escort distribution in nonextensive statistical mechanics . -measures induced by partial tracing of composite systems a .,measures in the space of density matrices a . -"also , the supersymmetry transformations are not modified by noncommutativity since they are linear and no moyal products are required .",the supersymmetry transformations are not modified by the moyal product since they are linear in the fields . -"we use the official split of data , where 249 scenes are used for training and we sample 50k images out of the training similar to .","we use the official split of data , where 249 scenes are used for training and we sample 50k images out of the training set with the same manner as ." -this completes the proof that is a reflecting that ( brownian motion with constant drift on d .,this completes the proof that a is a derivation relative to σm . -the study of truncated toeplitz operators has been largely motivated by a seminal paper of sarason .,the systematic study of truncated toeplitz operators was initiated by sarason . -the value of the monopole condensate is defined by the minimum of the effective potential .,the minimum of this potential corresponds to the monopole condensate . -the iib matrix model was proposed as a non-perturbative formulation of type iib superstring theory .,the type iib matrix model was proposed as a possible nonperturbative formulation of superstring theory in 1996 . -the ability to detect small alterations in brain tissue is a key factor when developing biomarkers for early stages in neurodegeneration .,the ability to detect small alterations in brain tissue is a key factor when developing biomarkers for early stages of neurodegenerative diseases . -"according to the usual notion of consensus , the network nodes should converge to an equilibrium point where all the nodes have the same value lying somewhere between the minimum and maximum of their initial values .","according to the usual notion of consensus , the network nodes should converge , asymptotically or in a finite time , to an equilibrium point where all the nodes have the same value lying somewhere between the minimum and maximum of their initial values ." -"in the open phase , a sends the procedure for revealing the hidden commitment at time t 3 , and b uses this .","in the open phase , a sends the procedure for revealing the hidden commitment at time t 3 and b use this ." -"floating-point arithmetic has became widely used in many applications such as 3d graphics , scientific computing and signal processing .","floating-point arithmetics has became wide spread in many applications such as 3d graphics , scientific computing and signal processing ." -"however , in these stray-field-coupled multilayers , the large dipolar fields can outweigh the dmi and stabilise twisted spin structures with a non-uniform chirality across the film thickness .","however , in these strayfield-coupled multilayers , the large dipolar fields can dominate the dmi and stabilise skyrmions with hybrid chiralities across the film thickness ." -this peculiar pattern was first observed and analyzed by kuramoto in simulating the complex ginzburg-landau equation with nonlocal couplings .,this interesting spatiotemporal behavior was first observed by kuramoto and bottogtokh in a network of nonlocally coupled ginzburg-landau oscillators with exponential coupling functions . -"in doing so , we extensively use the average weight spectra derived for the ensemble bin and for ensemble ain .","in doing so , we extensively use average weight spectra derived for ensemble bin and for ensemble ain ." -sie setzen sich aus modulnamen und instanzbezeichnungen zusammen .,inst-name ist menge aller instanzbezeichnungen . -"in our evaluation , we adopt the loopy belief propagation algorithm which was shown to perform well for various problems .","in this work , we adopt the loopy belief propagation algorithm which was shown to perform well for various problems ." -"in fact , our definition admits cyclic directed graphs with cycles containing source nodes , and there may be no nodes with in-degree zero .","in fact , our definition admits cyclic directed graphs , and there may be no nodes with in-degree zero ." -"since the vector r-current is non-anomalous , this category is z-graded .",the boundary lagrangian is manifestly gauge-invariant . -"e-nose data analysis e-nose is a multi-sensor system comprised of a sensor array with partial specificity coupled with pattern recognition algorithm , which can also be recognized as cost-sensitive problem .","e-nose is a multi-sensor system comprised of a sensor array with partial specificity coupled with pattern recognition algorithm , which can also be recognized as cost-sensitive problem ." -a closely related research area is available bandwidth estimation that seeks to estimate the long-term average unused capacity of a system or a network .,"a closely related research area is available bandwidth estimation , eg , that injects artificial test traffic into the network ." -"as explained in , this integration can always be done exactly at large n , by introducing auxiliary variables .","the large n path integral over these fields can then always be performed exactly , using standard techniques for large n vector models ." -instead of doing direct quantum mechanical calculations we establish some sum rules from which we infer the probabilities associated to the different decay processes of the oscillator .,"instead of performing direct computations of the quantum mechanical formulae we establish some identities , that we named as sum rules , and from them we infer the probabilities associated with the different oscillator radiation processes ." -"recently , carando , dimant and muro -that encompass as particular cases several of the above mentioned results .","in 2007 , carando , dimant and muro , that encompass as particular cases several of the above mentioned results ." -to numerically integrate the yang-mills gradient flow we have implemented a fourth order runge-kutta-munthe-kaas method .,"to perform the numerical integration of the gradient flow , we implement a fourth-order structurepreserving runge-kutta-munthe-kaas method ." -"toor , evolutionarily stable strategies in quantum games , phys .","lewenstein , quantum games and quantum strategies , phys ." -peris et al use synthetic data to train a classifier for matching cost aggregation and disparity optimization .,peris et al train a multi-class linear discriminant analysis classifier to compute disparities together with a confidence map . -we show that supercurrent can be generated inside the condensate by injecting free atoms from outside .,we also show that the supercurrent is induced when one injects free atoms from the outside of condensate . -"for more general cell complexes , including non-convex and non-contractible cells , useful in some applications like the modelling of buildings , both the d and -skeletons are needed .","for more general cell complexes , including non-convex and non-contractible cells , useful in some applications , both the d and -skeletons are needed ." -"more recently , bayesian optimization has emerged as a promising alternative to these approaches .",more complicated approaches such as bayesian optimization have been used successfully for approaching more difficult problems . -jiang et al then included a linear classifier and a label consistent regularization term to enforce more consistent sparse representations in each class .,"in , jiang et al introduced a consistent label constraint together with a universal linear classifier to enforce similarity among representations within the same class ." -"while it was shown in that certain affine and contractive iterated function systems in r d admit hilbert-spaceorthonormal bases , it turns out that the conditions for existence of onbs in affine ifss is somewhat restrictive .","while it was shown in that certain affine and contractive iterated function systems in r d admit hilbert space-orthonormal bases , it turns out that the conditions for existence of onbs in affine ifss is somewhat restrictive ." -"bursztyn and coauthors , in the context of reduction of courant algebroids and generalized complex structures .",bursztyn and coauthors in the context of reduction of courant algebroids and generalized complex structures . -"for ultranarrow zigzag nanoribbons , the direct stacking is even more stable than the bernal stacking , competing in energy for wider ribbons .","indeed , for ultranarrow ribbons , the direct stacking has the lowest total energy and largest binding energy ." -"to tackle this problem without resorting to expensive global optimization methods , we develop an sca-based algorithm that builds on the inner convex approximation framework proposed in .","to tackle this problem without resorting to expensive global optimization methods , we develop a sca-based algorithm that builds on the inner convex approximation framework proposed in ." -the seminal work of ioffe and szegedy introduced a batch normalization layer that significantly ease the training of feed-forward networks by normalizing feature statistics .,"ioffe and szegedy introduced and addressed the covariate shift problem in deep architectures , using batch normalization as a straightforward solution by fixing the layer activation distribution ." -this enables implementing memo tables as hash tables keyed by branches consisting of indices .,the restriction that the indices be unique enables implementing memo tables using hashing . -"not all data fit this criterion , so , in recent years , the question of inference from weakly-supervised datasets has drawn attention in the machine learning community .","many modern datasets do not meet this criteria , so in recent years , the question of inference from weakly-supervised datasets has drawn attention in the machine learning community ." -"in these cases , cbci framework shows improved classification compared to their individual bci counterparts , even across a wide array of paradigms .","indeed , prior work shows that cbcis generate higher performance compared to individual bcis across a wide variety of bci paradigms ." -the presence of singularities in the eigenvalue spectra of real-world networks has been previously observed and reasons for certain of these peaks has been discussed .,the presence of singularities in the eigenvalue spectra of real-world networks has been previously observed and reasons for these peaks stated heuristically . -"we show that , in many instances , conditions which ensure that the ring of invariants is non cohen-macaulay , in fact imply that no graded geometric separating algebra is cohen-macaulay .","although separating algebras are often better behaved than the ring of invariants , we show that many of the criteria which imply the ring of invariants is non cohen-macaulay actually imply that no graded separating algebra is cohen-macaulay ." -"it is well-known that quaternions and octonions have a very close relationship with spinors in 3 , 4 and 7 , 8 dimensions , respectively .","it is well-known that octonions have a very close relationship with spinors in 7 dimensions , respectively ." -"however , the autocorrelation function in is limited to the operating regime very close to the threshold of system instability .","however , the autocorrelation function in is limited to the operating regime very close to the threshold of instability ." -the statistical equilibrium within the grand canonical and micro-canonical ensemble formulations for the pion-fireball gas are considered in details as particular examples .,the grand canonical and micro-canonical ensemble formulations of the pion-fireball gas are considered as particular examples . -this clearly indicates that one should not consider the contributions of the photon self-energy diagrams into the renormalization scheme since they violate the lorentz invariance .,"in this respect , one can now realize that the quadratic divergence term should be discarded because it is not consistent with the lorentz invariance , and it has nothing to do with the gauge invariance ." -the rms error of the full kalman filter as function of the number of ensemble members .,the rms error of the different analysis schemes as function of the number of observations . -"recently , many works are proposed to model contextual information from reviews for better recommendation with deep learning techniques .","recently , neural attentive models are also developed to directly rank user reviews for explanation ." -the stability of the square structure is proved by its response to applied shear perturbations .,"this structure is stable , as evidenced by relaxation of applied shear excitations back to the square structure ." -"for instance , khanna et al have shown it is np-hard to 4-color a 3-colorable graph .",it was proven by khanna et al that it is np-hard to color a 3-colorable graph in 4 colors . -the three mildly metal-poor stars mentioned in the text are identified by the points enclosed in open squares .,the three potential intermediate subdwarfs mentioned in the text are identified by the points enclosed in open squares . -in the context of light matter interface it has been successfully used to create squeezed states for spin .,"consequently , it has been used to demonstrate quantum spin squeezing at room temperature ." -the generalized star product and arbitrary graphs .,the generalized star product and two vertex graphs . -"woschnagg for the amanda collaboration , ibid .","botner for the icecube collaboration , ibid ." -it is known that any 8-dimensional manifold with spin-structure admits a compatible connection with skew-symmetric torsion .,it is well known that any spin-structure admits a unique connection with totally skew-symmetric torsion . -"we have shown that the real τ -conjecture from holds true for a restricted class of polynomials , and from this result we have obtained an identity testing algorithm and a lower bound for the permanent .","we also point out that this refinement applies to the real τ -conjecture from , and that a very weak form of this conjecture implies a lower bound for the permanent ." -consequences of this theory agree well with the observed distribution of galaxies .,hence the distribution of galaxies is robust to mergers . -"kittel , in workshop on physics with future accelerators , edited by j .","tannenbaum , in xxiii international symposium on multiparticle dynamics , edited by m ." -this situation is closely related to 1-bit compressed sensing and classification problems .,this problem is particularly related to one bit compressed sensing as an extreme case of quantized cs . -"sequences werden zur deklaration einer eigenschaft mit mehreren werten benutzt , wobei die ordnung von relevanz ist .","bags werden zur deklaration einer eigenschaft mit mehreren werten benutzt , wobei diese in keiner signifikanten ordnung vorliegen ." -we use resnext50 as the visual representation module for feature extraction .,we use resnext-152 as the convolutional backbone network to extract image features . -the goal is to express gn in terms of smooth integrals to be integrated numerically .,the goal of the numerical approach is to express any diagram in terms of smooth integrals . -the dos in the static approximation is broadened as compared with the lda result in the nonmagnetic state because of the strong thermal spin fluctuations .,"the dos in the static approximation approaches to the hartree-fock one with decreasing temperature , but are still broadened at this temperature by thermal spin fluctuations ." -the red crosses indicate active compounds with potential anti-hiv activity and the blue asterisks point to inactive compounds with lesser or no anti-hiv activity .,the red crosses indicate toxic compounds which are probable hepatocarcinogens and the blue asterisks indicate inactive compounds which do not show hepatocarcinogenic behavior . -ouyang et al adopted bi-rnn-crf architecture with concatenated n-gram character representation to recognize chinese clinical named entities .,ouyang et al adopts bidirectional rnn-crf architecture with concatenated n-gram character representation to recognize chinese clinical named entities . -now we wish to calculate the effective twisted superpotential of the two dimensional theory .,here we present the effective twisted superpotential class . -it is nonetheless quite obvious that the material is optically bifacial .,the material can be considered to be nearly spatially non-dispersive . -the optimal solution to the relaxed problem is obtained efficiently through a primal-dual solution .,the functional is minimized using the first order primal-dual algorithm . -"in this paper , we consider another approach to quantum mechanics , namely bohmian mechanics .","in this paper , we consider an alternative to standard quantum mechanics , called bohmian mechanics ." -"nevertheless , there are cases where the representation spaces are not connected by discrete symmetries , like in the elko spinors case , proposed in reference .","nevertheless , there are cases where the representation spaces are not connected by discrete symmetries , like in the elkos spinors case , proposed in reference ." -"for level-k networks with any k fixed , there is only a result for constructing all simple consistent networks with an o-time algorithm .","for level-k networks with any fixed k , there is only a result constructing all simple networks in o-time ." -the mean-field approach of the time-dependent hartree-fock theory provides a microscopic approach for describing heavy-ion reaction mechanism at low bombarding energies .,the tdhf theory provides a microscopic approach to investigate a large selection of phenomena observed in low energy nuclear physics . -"if the scalar coupling constants are large , it is favorable to minimize the potential energy even at some cost of gradient energy .","if the gauge coupling constant is large , it is most favorable to have vanishing gradient energy ." -on the asymptotic normality of sequences of weak dependent random variables .,on the asymptotic expansion of the empirical process of long-memory moving averages . -"in this paper , we study the combination of two cooperation-based technologies that are promising candidates for achieving such goals , extending previous work in .","in this paper , we study the combination of two cooperation-based technologies that are promising candidates for such a goal , extending previous work in ." -interactions between perhaps more significant is the effect that the addition of condensate and outcoupled atoms has on the outcoupled spectrum .,the only thing these interactions can affect is the final form of the outgoing physical state . -this motivates us to study this observable in greater detail .,for this reason we study this observable in considerable detail . -"first , network mimo enables cooperation between bss by data sharing via backhaul links , which coordinates the arrays of different bss to create a gigantic virtual array for multicell joint transmissions .","first , network mimo that enables cooperation between bss by data sharing via backhaul links , which coordinates the arrays of different bss to create a gigantic virtual array for multicell joint transmissions ." -these diagrams vanish due to the electromagnetic gauge invariance .,this operator is zero due to the electromagnetic gauge invariance . -generalised functions and distributional curvature of cosmic strings .,generalized symmetries of impulsive gravitational waves . -we now focus the discussion on the role of the viscous correction to the distribution function .,with the above in mind we now examine how viscous corrections modify the dilepton spectra . -"plott showed that a condorcet paradox can never arise in a spatial model with radial symmetry , because under radial symmetry any candidate will beat any other candidate who is farther from the center of the distribution .","plott showed that a condorcet paradox can never occur in a population with radial symmetry , because in any two-way race , the candidate closer to the center of the distribution will win ." -"in this proof , we again work with clopen sets only .",throughout the proof we will deal with clopen sets only . -"examples can be found in a wide variety of cellular processes that include ligand-gated ion channels , and beyond .","examples can be found in a wide variety of cellular processes and include ligand-gated ion channels , and beyond ." -"we note , however , that on the linear level the non-degenerate energy can be proved to be bounded without any loss of derivatives .","one consequence is that even in the linear setting , the conformal energy is not bounded ." -"in the basic state , there is no motion and heat propagates by conduction .",in the reference state there is no motion and heat propagates by conduction only . -"note that such modifications are possible in the case of usual quantum interactive proofs , and we show that this is also the case for honest-verifier quantum computational zero-knowledge proofs .","again a similar property is known to hold for usual quantum interactive proofs , and we carefully modify the protocol so that it holds even for the honest-verifier quantum computational zero-knowledge case ." -"in , authors provide algorithms that permit repair of crashed servers , while implementing consistent storage .","in , the authors provide algorithms that permit repair of crashed servers , while implementing consistent storage ." -let σ denote the boundary preserving isometric involution of dcm and dcmg .,let kµpk denote the total mass µp of the measure µp . -we used relu as the non-linearity and adam as the optimizer for all the experiments .,in all experiments we used cross entropy as the loss function and the adam optimizer to perform weight updates . -"then we use a remarkable result of showing that an edge ideal i , of a clutter c , is normally torsion free if and only if c has the max-flow min-cut property .","in , it was shown that c satisfies mfmc if and only if the corresponding edge ideal iis normally torsion-free ." -singh and joachims proposed a generalized fairness framework for a larger class of group fairness definitions .,"similarly , singh and joachims proposed a framework that adds fairness constraints on rankings ." -the experiments shows that the algorithm with the inter-correlated constraint and intra-correlated constraint are about two times faster than the one with no constraints .,the experiments show that the smc algorithm with inter-correlated or intra-correlated constraint is about two the algorithm with no constraints . -"in this paper we estimate the contributions to the cmbr power spectrum from the ssz , ksz , and mcg effects on small angular scales adopting cold dark matter dominated models .","we used analytical approximations to calculate the contributions of the ssz , ksz and mcg effects to the cmbr power spectrum ." -ce sont les passages pour lesquels nous avons .,quelles sont les grandes orientations que nous avons . -"as in , we named it as entangled quantum game because the strategy space permits a state without direct product relation equ .","as in , we named it as entangled quantum game because the strategy space permits a state without relation equ ." -this type of bistability was observed in different motor neurons .,this type of bistability was also observed in different motor neurons . -"kawauchi , polynomials of amphicheiral knots , math .","yokota , the skein polynomial of periodic knots , math ." -"many works on vnf placement and traffic routing , including , take the approach of matching vnf and physical topology graphs , also proposing efficient solution strategies for the ensuing mixed-integer linear programming problems .","many works on vnf placement and traffic routing , including , take the approach of matching vnf and physical topology graphs , also proposing efficient solution strategies for the ensuing milp problems ." -"moreover , the coverage probability was slightly greater for our method than for the method of cook and kosorok .",the running time of our proposed method was also significantly less than the running time of the cook and kosorok method . -"also , local and non-local versions of the toda systems emerge , as integrable dynamical systems , from the one-parameter family of subalgebras of gl .","also , local and non-local versions of the toda systems emerge , as integrable dynamical systems , from a one-parameter family of subalgebras of gl ." -kulkarni et al utilized a variational auto-encoder for synthesizing novel variations of the input image where the objects pose and lighting conditions are altered .,"kulkarni et al trained a variant of a variational autoencoder with factored hidden representations , where certain dimensions are constrained to correspond to specific factors of variations in the input data , such as viewpoint and lighting ." -furthermore problems appearing in both quantum statistical mechanics and quantum information theory can be handled by these techniques .,thus problems arising in both quantum statistical mechanics and quantum information can be handled . -"anchor box approach has also been useful for object detection , so we adopt it to our robotic grasp detection .","anchor box approach has also been used for object detection such as yolo9000 , so we adopt it to our rotation object detection or robotic grasp detection ." -"consistent with previous work on likelihood-based generative models , we found that sampling from a reduced-temperature model often results in higher-quality samples .","following previous work on likelihood-based generative models , we sampled latent vectors from a temperature-truncated normal distribution ." -on guration found is the global and not just a lo al minimum .,the on guration studied is a periodi ylinder . -we refer readers to for an overview of community detection methods .,one can refer to the following article for a review on community detection algorithms . -pseudo-relevance feedback has long been employed as a powerful method for estimating query language models in a large number of studies .,pseudo-relevance feedback has long been shown to be an effective approach for updating query language models in information retrieval . -pre-schreier domains and hence directed unions of gcd domains fulfill this property .,now there do exist pre-schreier domains that are not integrally closed . -this obstacle for extending the dualization to the non-linear level is in perfect agreement with the no-go theorems of that prohibit the existence of a manifestly covariant and local dual formulation .,"there are , however , strong no-go theorems excluding the existence of a manifestly covariant and local formulation of mixed young tableaux fields beyond linear order ." -we follow the approach toward kinetic equilibrium by testing the isotropy of different observables .,"by measuring the anisotropy of different observables , we can follow the system towards kinetic equilibrium ." -"features extracted using a cnn pre-trained on imagenet contain highlevel information about the input images , which can be adapted to new vision tasks via transfer learning .","features extracted using a cnn pre-trained on imagenet contain high-level information about the input images , which can be adapted to new vision tasks via transfer learning ." -rigidity of the module is enforced by aluminium rectangular tubes screwed to the surface of the frame package .,gas tightness of the chamber module is provided by rubber o-rings glued along the inner edges of the aluminium frames . -the atlas and cms experiments at the cern large hadron collider have discovered a particle with mass about 125 gev whose properties are consistent with the higgs boson of the standard model .,"the boson discovered at the large hadron collider in 2012 , has properties that are consistent with those predicted for the standard model higgs boson ." -"very commonly , and invariably in papers working with the hdm 34 , 35 , 37 , it has been imposed that no normal electrical current flows in the immediate neighborhood of a surface 15 , 57 .","very commonly , and invariably in papers working with the hdm 30 , 31 , 33 , it has been imposed that no normal electrical current flows in the immediate neighborhood of a surface 15 , 53 ." -"it has been well-known that topological semimetals highlight several main types of interesting fermions in crystal solids , such as three-dimensional dirac cones .","to date , it is well-known that topological semimetals highlight several main types of interesting fermions in crystal solids , such as three-dimensional dirac cones , and even beyond 56 ." -the integration is performed using the euler-maruyama scheme .,the particle simulations are realized using the standard euler-maruyama scheme . -this implies that the results of previous dft studies of water in the electronic ground state would be unaffected by increased k-point sampling .,this indicates that the u-edos of this periodic system will be sensitive to the amount of k-point sampling employed . -ensembles of trapped ultra-cold atoms have emerged as prime candidates for the analog simulation of condensed matter systems .,notable among the applications for such trapped cold atomic systems is the quantum simulation of many-particle condensed matter systems in periodic potentials . -our formulation does-as opposed to not require any partitioning of the domain .,our formulation-as opposed to -does not require any partitioning of the domain . -a natural idea which is used extensively in the literature of graph partitioning is the use of higher length walks .,the idea of using walks of length greater than one is common in the general setting of graph partitioning . -"later bagrow to all trees with maximum degree o , and indeed to all graphs where the product of treewidth and maximum degree grows more slowly than the number of edges .","bagrow to all trees with maximum degree o , and furthermore to all graphs where the product of treewidth and maximum degree grows more slowly than the number of edges ." -"the alamouti code for two transmit antennas is a novel scheme for mimo transmission , which , due to its orthogonality properties , allows a low complexity maximumlikelihood decoder .","the alamouti code for two transmit antennas , due to its orthogonality properties , allows a low complexity maximum-likelihood decoder ." -the probability of the successful discrimination can be optimal only for one such pair of states .,the probability of successful discrimination is not optimal for all pairs of nonorthogonal states from the given set . -now let us consider computing the quantum entropy of the above ensemble .,now let us check if the dephasing channel gives the same behavior as the forgetful measurement above . -wang et al exploited saliency measure using geodesic distance to build global appearance models .,wang et al combined current frame with several forward-backward neighboring frames to generate short-term trajectories . -"in this experiment , we compare our method against most recent trackers , including eco .","in this experiment , we compare our method against recent real-time trackers , including ptav ." -"for any two such geodesics , there is a greatest interval of time including time zero on which they coincide .","compatible , the straightest lines coincide with the lines of stationary length and both are called geodesics ." -the structural similarity proposed by wang et al is one of the most widely used fr iqms because its measurement result is close to the result given by human visual system .,the structural similarity proposed by wang et al is widely used and it can give similar result as that given by the human visual system . -"carving unit tests carving unit tests was introduced by elbaum et al as a means to speed up repeated system tests , for instance in the context of regression testing .","carving unit tests was introduced by elbaum et al as a means to speed up repeated system tests , for instance in the context of regression testing ." -the first column is the wavelength modulation depth .,the annotations on the right side of plot region are the modulation depths . -"several properties of complex networks have been revealed , including small-world phenomena etc .","some fundamental properties of real complex networks have attracted much attention , such as small-world phenomena etc ." -"jean-louis giavitto , olivier michel , and julien cohen .","pierre-etienne moreau , christophe ringeissen , and marian vittek ." -an upper bound on the minimal number of facets .,an upper bound on the minimal number of edges . -the other components in the uncertainty are estimated as for the high-energy data .,"this value , applied to the high-energy correction , is taken as an uncertainty ." -"recently , gated recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory and gated recurrent unit .","recently , sequence modeling based on the gated recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory and gated recurrent unit ." -"in addition , we point out that the eagt involves the skyrme-faddeev model .",finally we have seen that the eagt involves the skyrme-faddeev model in addition to the maatgt with atc . -shadowing lemma and chaos in infinite-d autonomous systems .,shadowing lemma and chaos in infinite-d periodic systems . -this does not preclude an increase in the density of states being important in the development of superconductivity .,"therefore , an increase in the density of states may also contribute to the inducing of superconductivity ." -wang et al constructed the qasent dataset based on questions from trec 8-13 qa tracks .,wang et al constructed the qasent dataset from questions in the trec 8-13 qa tracks . -at low temperature σdc is dominated by the temperature dependence of n .,at high temperature σdc is dominated by decreasing τ . -"in , lisa traynor exhibited an intriguing example of an ordered legendrian two-component link that is topologically but not legendrian isotopic to the link obtained by interchanging the two components .","in , lisa traynor described an intriguing example of an ordered legendrian two-component link that is topologically but not legendrian isotopic to the link obtained by reversing the order of the two components ." -"in addition , we utilize the initialization proposed by he et al for all convolutional layers .","additionally , we evaluated the behavior with an initializer proposed by he et al and with or without bn layer and l 2 regularization ." -an introduction to symbolic dynamics and coding .,an introduction to computational learning theory . -they use cellular resolutions as introduced by bayer and sturmfels in .,"for this purpose , they used cellular resolutions as introduced by bayer and sturmfels in ." -barium is a much-studied member of the heavier n-capture element group .,"most importantly , barium is a heavy atom ." -"this structure information can be exploited to improve detection performance , .",this structure information could be exploited to improve detection performance . -"it was shown in that linear detectors with one-bit adcs work well for multiuser scenarios with qpsk and 16 quadrature amplitude modulation constellations , respectively .","in , simple linear detection methods with onebit adcs were shown to provide reasonable symbol-error performance when qpsk and 16-qam input constellations are used , respectively ." -arora et al investigated the learning of autoencoders with random weights and demonstrated that it is possible to train them in polynomial time under some restrictions on the network depth .,arora et al prove that certain very sparse deep neural networks with random connection patterns can be learned in polynomial time and sample complexity . -"it is interesting to note that the deformation of the usual energymomentum dispersion in the uv limit occurs in various approaches to quantum gravity such as discrete spacetime , spin-network in loop quantum gravity .","it may be noted that it has been explicitly demonstrated that such a breaking of lorentz symmetry in the uv limit occur in the discrete spacetime , spin-network in loop quantum gravity ." -we refer to for the definition of g-convergence and more details of the homogenization problems .,for more detailed information on g-convergence we refer to egfor the application to general self-adjoint operators . -"in addition , a point u c at which s is differentiable but not twice differentiable represents a second-order , microcanonical phase transition .","in order to see this , we recall that a point u c at which s is not differentiable represents a firstorder , microcanonical phase transition ." -the main advantage of branch and prune type methods is their ability to deal with sparse rdc datasets when used with an efficient pruning device such as the ramachandran plot and noe .,the main advantage of branch and prune type methods is their ability to deal with sparse rdc datasets when used with an efficient adjunct pruning device such as the ramachandran plot and noe . -in general good agreement with the data is possible if the effects of the circumstellar shells of dust are taken into account .,agreement between theory and data is good if the effect of the dusty shells is considered . -the complementary terms of the complete fundamental solutions are often understood the nonsingular general solution in terms of the boundary knot method .,the complementary terms of the complete fundamental solutions are often understood the nonsingular general solution in terms of the bkm . -let xh be the corresponding hamiltonian vector field .,let ka be an arbitrary vector field defined on m . -the pomdp is a generalized form of markov decision process in which there is no direct access to the states and the states information are only realized by noisy observations .,pomdp is a generalized form of markov decision process in which there is no direct access to the states and the states information are only realized by noisy observations . -the problem set-up in is similar to the one considered in this paper .,the optimization set-up in is similar to the one considered in this paper . -"convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results on this problem , thanks to the availability of large and labeled datasets and of powerful computation infrastructure .","these problems can often best be tackled by conceptually simple but powerful and highly parallel methods , such as deep neural networks , which in recent years have delivered state-of-the-art performance on exactly those applications ." -the explicit expressions of the polynomial invariants make it possible for us to investigate the properties of the built entanglement measures .,"in addition , having found the explicit expressions helps make it possible to explore the properties of these entanglement measures ." -"we use this dataset over other captioning datasets because activitynet captions is action-centric , as opposed to object-centric .","we use this dataset over others because activitynet captions is actioncentric , as opposed to object-centric ." -"this characterization was proved by chudnovsky , robertson , seymour and thomas in 2002 .","this conjecture was proved by chudnovsky , robertson , seymour , and thomas ." -seetapun proved that rt 2 2 is strictly weaker than aca 0 over rca 0 .,"this gap was overcame by seetapun , who showed that aca 0 is strictly stronger than rt 2 2 ." -"by imposing that it is the source of the anomalous pioneer acceleration , to calculate the perihelion rates of the inner planets of the solar system for which estimates of their extra-advances accurate enough for our purposes exist .","by imposing that it is the source of the anomalous pioneer acceleration , to calculate the perihelion rates of the inner 3 planets of the solar system for which estimates of their extra-advances accurate enough for our purposes exist ." -we show that the time evolution of both quantum and classical observables can be derived from the time evolution of p-mechanical observables .,we now show that the time evolution of these kernels coincides with the time evolution of p-mechanical observables . -the following theorem is one of the main results in this paper .,the following is the main theorem of this subsection . -deep neural networks have recently been achieved breakthroughs in several domains such as computer vision .,deep neural networks have obtained impressive achievements in numerous fields from computer vision . -"experiments so far have achieved sufficient optomechanical coupling to laser-cool mechanical devices , but have not yet reached the quantum regime .",experimental work done so far have achieved sufficient optomechanical coupling to laser-cooled mechanical devices but have not yet reached to quantum regime due to technical problems mentioned above . -"while these systems have been widely embraced , iot has also raised concerns about the security and safety of digitally augmented lives .","while industry and users alike have embraced iot , concerns have been raised about the security and privacy of digitally augmented spaces ." -in papers we studied constant curvature connections and quantum states that arise by quantization of these fields and their fluctuations .,in the papers we studied constant curvature connections and quantum states that arise by quantization of these fields and their fluctuations . -"we compare our approach to the state-of-the-art methods , which all use variants of alexnet .","on the cub200-2011 dataset , we compare the proposed nrc with the state-of-the-art methods such as alexnet network ." -"this deterministic point of view is in line with recent work on individual sequences in information theory , statistics , and learning theory .","the deterministic setting of this paper is also in line with other recent work on individual sequences in information theory , statistics , and learning theory ." -measurement-based quantum com putation on cluster states .,adiabatic quantum state generation and statistical zero knowledge . -thank you for teaching me the important things .,thanks for helping to keep the physics fun . -"next , we consider the kinetic energy based on hh in the b-rvb theory .","finally , we have computed the optical conductivity in the b-rvb theory ." -all the postpipeline analysis were performed and measurements were taken using the common astronomy software applications package .,the calibration and imaging are performed with the common astronomy software application package . -"to evaluate the performance of varied sod algorithms , we adopt four metrics , including the widely used precision-recall curves , fmeasure , mean absolute error .","we use four metrics to evaluate the performance of different saliency detection algorithms , including the widely used precision-recall curves , fmeasure , mean absolute error ." -"a generic fiber of the vertical fibration is the double cover of σk , branched over 2n points .","a generic fiber of the vertical fibration is the double cover of σk , branched over 4 points ." -"first , we consider two semi-infinite crystals of identical structure in contact .","first , we define the norm of the misorientation of the two crystals ." -it then utilizes the estimated parameters as an initial value for further optimization with the help of the actual dataset d .,"therefore , we utilize the estimated parameters as an initial value for further optimization with the help of the actual dataset d t ." -indicated are also the locations of the tips of the rgb as discussed previously .,we have indicated by dotted lines the approximate loca tions of the rgb tips as discussed previously . -the proposed phi-lstm model is tested on two benchmark datasets -flickr8k .,the proposed phi-lstm model is tested on three benchmark datasets -flickr8k . -recently there have been many works addressing the problem of shape completion for individual objects .,"recently , there have also been a growing number of papers on completing shapes via their structure and regularities ." -"for all experiments , we use the xception model with its training weights fit on imagenet .","for comparative purposes , we used as a baseline to train all models the xception network ." -for background on operator spaces and operator algebras from an operator space point of view we refer the reader to .,"for background on completely bounded maps , operator space theory and non-selfadjoint algebra theory , the reader is referred to ." -"existing studies have shown that deep lstm architectures with several hidden layers can build up progressively higher level of representations of sequence data , and thus , work more effective .",existing studies have shown that deep lstm architectures with several hidden layers can build up progressively higher levels of representations of sequence data . -the primary goal of the compact muon solenoid experiment is to explore particle physics at the tev energy scale by studying the final states produced in the proton-proton collisions at the large hadron collider .,the compact muon solenoid experiment is designed to explore physics at the tev energy scale exploiting the proton-proton collisions delivered by the large hadron collider . -the second orbifolds are then canonically isomorphic to the initial tensor categories .,then the above lemma shows that the tensor category bmb is isomorphic to the original tensor category . -a handlebody-link is the disjoint union of handlebodies embedded in the 3-sphere s 3 .,"a handlebody-link , which is introduced in , is the disjoint union of handlebodies embedded in the 3-sphere s 3 ." -the main practical challenge in realizing fd communication systems is managing the strong self-interference signal caused by the transmitter antenna at the receiver antenna within the same transceiver .,"the key challenge in fd is the high transceiver complexity , required to cope with the strong self-interference induced by the downlink transmission path into the uplink receiving path ." -"later , the authors in studied the multiple-input multiple-output twrc , where both the users and the relay are equipped with multiple antennas .","later , the authors in considered multiple-input multiple-output twrcs , in which every node is equipped with multiple antennas ." -"deep learning for action recognition initially , traditional handcrafted features such as improved dense trajectories dominated the field of video analysis for several years .","initially , traditional handcrafted features such as improved dense trajectories dominated the field of video analysis for several years ." -let cp be the union of the ramification curves whose ramification indices are divisible by pl .,let the ramification curves be di and the corresponding ramification indices be ei . -it might be important to refer to some recent investigations which argue that if the spin connection is also considered along with the pure-tetrad formalism for the teleparallel gravity the local invariance problem might be resolved .,"perhaps it might be interesting to refer where the authors argue that instead of the pure-tetrad formalism for the f -gravity , if in addition , the spin connection is allowed , then the problem with local lorentz invariance might be resolved ." -"leveraging the scenario approximation technique , risk-limiting ed and dc-opf tasks with correlated wind farms have been developed recently in , respectively .","leveraging the scenario approximation technique , risk-constrained ed with correlated wind farms have been developed recently in ." -"coherent random walk models approach the problem of energy transfer with the view that the probability of transfer depends on the exciton being ejected from energy minima in which it comes unstuck , by coupling to a thermal bath .","coherent random walk proposals approach the problem of energy transfer from the viewpoint that the probability of transfer depends on the exciton being ejected from energy minima where it comes unstuck , through coupling to a thermal bath ." -we perform overdamped langevin dynamics simulations of a simple model for brownian suspensions with tangential frictional contacts and simple harmonic repulsive forces .,"we perform overdamped langevin dynamics simulations of a simple model for brownian suspensions with tangential frictional contacts and simple harmonic repulsive forces , neglecting all other types of interactions and hydrodynamic effects ." -"in our examples , even better results are obtained if direct transmission is used together with less input squeezing .","this implies that the same or better results can always be obtained using direct transmission in combination with , in general , less squeezing ." -link raychev et al a dataset of deduplicated javascript files and their asts extracted from github .,link raychev et al a dataset of deduplicated python files and their asts extracted from github . -"the notion of crossed groups was first considered in the simplicial case by fiedorowicz , loday .","crossed simplicial groups were introduced by loday and fiedorowicz , ." -"in the activity of daily living dataset , each activity is performed three times by five individuals of different shapes , size , gender , and ethnicity .","in the activity of daily living dataset , each activity performed three times by five people with different shapes , size , genders , and ethnicity ." -"this mode of communication is especially important for future systems employing full-duplex and device-to-device communication , .","meanwhile , multi-hop relaying technique is a fundamental technique to enable device-to-device communications ." -the modified expressions are given below with primed equation numbers that correspond to the respective equations in section iii .,this is carried out in the appendix where the modified expressions are given primed equation numbers corresponding to the respective equations above . -"therefore , classical gradient based approaches for finding perturbations are not suited .","therefore , gradient based approaches for finding perturbations are not suited ." -"from the result of , the primal problem and its dual problem will have zero duality gap when the timesharing condition is satisfied .","thus , due to the time-sharing property of , the duality gap of problem also goes to zero as n goes to infinity ." -"in , vu et al considered the throughput scaling law for single-hop overlaid cognitive radio networks , where a linear scaling law is obtained for the secondary network with an outage constraint considered for the primary network .","in , vu et al considered the throughput scaling law for a single-hop cognitive radio network , where a linear scaling law is obtained for the secondary network ." -"in contrast , the boyer-moore , and backward oracle matching algorithms move a length-m search window across the text and first compare its last character to the last character of the pattern .","in contrast , the boyer-moore algorithms move a length-m search window across the text and first compare its last character to the last character of the pattern ." -a survey of d2d communications underlaying cellular networks can be found in .,a detailed survey of the design challenges and potential solutions for the d2d communications can be found in . -this function also determines the response of unruh-de witt type particle detectors .,note that this type of interaction is used in the unruh-dewitt model for a particle detector . -"in the frequency domain , the power spectral analysis is a well-established methodological framework .","in the study of the time series data observed in such systems , the power spectral analysis is a well-established methodological framework ." -the complexity of nash equilibria in simple stochastic multiplayer games .,the complexity of tree automata and logics of programs . -"the idea behind fault-tolerance is to devise error correcting codes and the corresponding processes of encoding , correcting , computing or measuring with encoded information such that more errors are corrected than introduced .","the idea behind fault-tolerance is to devise error correcting codes and the corresponding processes of encoding , correcting , computing or measuring within the code that are able to correct more errors than they introduce ." -"then the filled julia set and julia set of φ are both equal to a compact subset j φ of o l , .",then the filled julia set and julia set of φ are both equal to a compact subset j φ of o l . -"in , the authors propose a three-layer recurrent neural network which is capable of automatically finding the correlations between flow records and acting as a neural classifier for misuse detection .","in , the authors propose a three-layer recurrent neural network with groups of features as inputs as a neural classifier for misuse detection ." -recently teleman announced a proof of the virasoro conjecture for all manifolds with semi-simple quantum cohomology .,recently teleman announced a proof of the virasoro conjecture for manifolds with semi-simple quantum cohomology . -this counterintuitive phenomenon is called charge inversion .,charge inversion is a counterintuitive phenomenon in which a strongly charged particle binds so many counterions that its net charge changes sign . -"besides , the shift of the derived category acts on the set of distinguished triangles .",the shift of the derived category acts on the set of all distinguished triangles and on semistable subcategories . -"in particular , if we take the periodic boundary condition for fermions , the partition function is essentially the witten index which vanishes when the susy is spontaneously broken .","in particular , in lattice calculations with periodic bcs for all fields , the partition function z is the witten index and must vanish for any theory that can exhibit spontaneous supersymmetry breaking ." -it is known that the tensor complementarity problem is a generalization of the linear complementarity problem .,it is also well-known that such a result can not be generalized to the nonlinear complementarity problem . -for the fano case note that the cox ring of a fano variety is log-terminal by .,"moreover , the singularities of the spectrum x of the cox ring of a fano variety x are log terminal ." -"in particular , the spi-and applied-pi calculi are two instances of interest for security protocols .","in particular , the spi-and applied-pi calculi are two instances of interest for security ." -later it was revealed that this problem is closely related to the dirichlet boundary problem and two dimensional inverse potential problem .,later it was revealed that it is also closely related to the dirichlet boundary problem and two dimensional inverse potential problem . -let us discuss the possible interpretation of this bound state in the bulk .,let us focus on the bosonic matter content of the above multiplets . -for simplices a detailed discussion of this approach can be found in also for 4-prisms and pentatopes .,obtaining quadrature rules based on this geometry representation is discussed in also for 4-prisms and pentatopes . -prophet is a learning-based approach that uses explicitly designed code features to rank candidate repairs .,prophet is a patch generation system that learns a probabilistic application-independent model of correct code from a set of successful human patches . -"the so-called public key cryptosystems , initially proposed by diffie and hellman in 1975 , were the first attempt to solve the key distribution problem .","public-key cryptography , based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm problem , was introduced by diffie and hellman ." -"in the first scenario , the intervals between the messages follow a power-law 3 , 58 .","in the first scenario , the intervals between the messages follow a power-law ." -"as mentioned earlier on , we have compared our results to the results of other authors when they were available and have found agreement .",we have compared our results to results in the literature whenever possible and when these were accessible . -"it is worth pointing out that other more recent and deeper models such as resnet , could serve as a pre-trained model .","we stress that while alexnet is a less powerful model than more recent ones such as resnet , who fine-tune the same architecture for viewpoint estimation ." -the same authors presented a method for data exfiltration from air-gapped networks via router and switch leds .,guri et al also presented a method for data exfiltration from air-gapped networks via router and switch leds . -"crucially , their combination with modern monte-carlo event generators enables an automatic matching to the approximate higher-order corrections implemented by parton showers , and it allows to generate particle-level events at high theoretical accuracy .","crucially , their combination with modern monte-carlo event generators enables an automatic matching to the approximate higher-order corrections implemented by parton showers , and it allows one to generate particle-level events at high theoretical accuracy ." -the code elimination phase of the mco removes subprograms which can never be invoked .,the first code improvement performed by the mco is the elimination of code which can never be executed . -"as was observed in , a linear combination involving arbitrary nonzero coefficients of these constants of motion can also play a role of a hamiltonian for the fourth-order pu oscillator 1 .","as was observed in paper , a linear combination , with arbitrary nonzero coefficients , of these constants of motion can also play a role of a hamiltonian for the fourth-order pu oscillator 1 ." -the analogous result for the lower box dimension was proved in has graph of hausdorff dimension 2 .,for the lower box dimension the analogous result was proved independently in . -"for this reason , several studies have recently proposed nonlinear si cancellation techniques , which would also be able to attenuate nonlinearly distorted si signals .","for this reason , different signal processing techniques have been proposed for attenuating nonlinearly distorted si signals ." -step shear dynamics of entangled polymer liquids .,shear banding in molecular dynamics of polymer melts . -such fibration a an object is called a fibrant replacement of a .,any such morphism rf is called a fibrant replacement of f . -a non-zero cosmological constant is needed in order to apply results of of dyatlov provided with the detailed analysis of qnms for more realistic and difficult rotating kerr-de sitter black holes .,a non-zero cosmological constant is needed in order to apply results of for detailed analysis of rotating kerr-de sitter black holes . -"now we will think about one specific ghost flow denoted as after above preparation , it is time to derive the ghost flow acting on the tau function of the discrete kp hierarchy which is contained in the following proposition .","in the following part , it is time to introduce the spectral representation of eigenfunctions of the discrete kp hierarchy which will be shown in the following proposition ." -form factors in the mssm-seesaw we present here the analytical results for the form factors in the mssm-seesaw .,couplings in the mssm-seesaw we present here the coupling factors entering in the mssm-seesaw formulas . -"alternatively , the laplacian of the turbulence could be inverted to estimate the scintillation pattern .",the second stage could be to invert the laplacian of the turbulence to estimate the scintillation pattern . -"an alternative np bayes approach is provided by dunson and xing , who developed a prior based on a dirichlet process mixture of product multinomial distributions .","of particular note , dunson and xing present a nonparametric bayesian version of the latent class model , using a dirichlet process mixture for the prior distribution ." -bekos et al presented such a family of graphs for the rather restricted setting where both the embedding of the graph and the port assignment of the edges are fixed .,bekos et al presented such a family of graphs assuming a rather restricted setting in which the choice of the outerface is fixed and always corresponds to a triangle . -"for instance , the best-performing submissions to the ilsvrc-2013 utilised smaller receptive window size and smaller stride of the first convolutional layer .",top submissions to ilsvrc-2013 called for a smaller receptive window size and smaller stride in the first convolutional layer . -"variational problems with constraints , with one and more than one independent variable , of first and higher-order type , are investigated in .","variational problems with constraints , with one and more than one independent variable , of first and higher-order type are investigated in ." -the preferred split of the fermion modes is that for which the vacuum is the lowest energy state .,the action of the fermion and boson zero modes on the vacuum generates the dbi modes . -traditional models are usually based on the feature integration theory .,a widely recognized group of models apply the feature integration theory . -most of smoke segmentation methods are mainly based on the color characteristics of smoke .,"traditional smoke segmentation methods mainly use various features of smoke , such as color ." -below we describe our findings and discuss further research in this direction .,below we outline our program and mention some preliminary findings . -"thus , the network can be trained to have a low dimensional manifold structure by controlling the number of filter channels .","in addition , by controlling the number of filter channels , the neural network is trained to learn the optimal local bases so that it gives the best low-rank shrinkage ." -we refer the reader to for further information on schauder decompositions .,"for detailed treatment and applications of fdds , we refer the reader to ." -"localization theorems for quaternionic matrices have received much attention in the literature due to their applications in pure and applied sciences , especially in quantum theory .","localization theorems of quaternionic matrices have been becoming a wide range of research by several authors due to its various applications in the fields of science and engineering , for instance , see eg , and references therein ." -the neural networks used for citlab systems are essentially based on preceding work presented in .,the neural networks used for citlab systems are essentially based on preceeding work presented in . -"recently , masmoudi-rousset established a conormal uniform estimates for 3-d domains with the naiver-slip boundary condition , which implies the uniform boundedness of lipschitz-norm for the velocity field .","recently , masmoudi and rousset established conormal uniform estimates for three-dimensional general smooth domains with the naiver-slip boundary condition and obtained convergence of the viscous solutions to the inviscid ones by a compact argument ." -"recently , with the availability of powerful gpus and large amounts of labeled training data , deep convolutional neural networks have demonstrated impressive performances for many computer vision tasks such as object recognition .","large scale annotated dataset and increasing computational power have enabled the rapid development of deep convolutional networks that produce high performance on many computer vision problems like classification , segmentation , and detection ." -"however , this does not show the utility of context when combined with a reasonably good detector , which was shown to be negligible due to lack of confident false detections that were out of context , .","however , these observations do not attest to the utility of context when combined with a reasonably good detector , which was shown to be negligible due to a shortage of confident false detections that were out of context , ." -the covariance matrix consists of three contributions c .,"so this covariance matrix is the identity , whose largest eigenvalue is 1 ." -"the roots of the theory of wordrepresentable graphs are in the study of the celebrated perkins semigroup which has played a central role in semigroup theory since 1960 , particularly as a source of examples and counterexamples .","the roots of the theory of word-representable graphs are in the study of the celebrated perkins semigroup in , which has played a central role in semigroup theory since 1960 , particularly as a source of examples and counterexamples ." -"similarly , the dirac neutrino mass matrix md is the same as the up quark mass matrix in the very crude model where the higgs pentaplets come from a pure 10 representation of so .","similarly , the dirac neutrino mass matrix md is the same as the up quark mass matrix in the very crude model where the higgs pentaplets come from a pure 10 representation of 16 so ." -derive some interesting properties enjoyed by loop interval semiring of infinite order .,determine some interesting properties enjoyed by infinite interval loop semirings . -"this leads us to consider the corresponding invariant subspaces , which are the symmetric and non-symmetric subspaces .","the non-totally symmetric subspace can be further decomposed into subspaces , which also are invariant under permutations and unitary transformations ." -this is made possible by the nice functorial complexes of besser .,functorial complexes that compute rigid cohomology have been constructed by besser . -"we skip the details and mention that , as in lemma 2 , the only difference between the proof one needs here and the corresponding one given in is the structure of set s ric .",we skip the details and mention that the only difference between the proof one needs here and the one given in is the structure of set s ric . -hence next we show that uncurrying preserves polynomial complexity .,the next example shows that uncurrying might be useful to enable criteria for polynomial complexity . -"second , as secondary magnetic islands appear , the highest temperature is not always found at the reconnection x-points , but also inside the secondary islands .","as secondary magnetic islands appear , the highest temperature is not always found at the reconnection x-points , but also inside the secondary islands ." -"we utilize psnr and ssim metrics for quantitative evaluation , which are widely used in the image sr literature .","in addition , we follow what is considered to be a common practice in 3d quality evaluation by using psnr , ssim , ms-ssim , and vif for fr metric integration ." -"karachentseva ve , karachentsev id , richter gm , astron .","karachentsev id , karachentseva ve , huchtmeier wk , makarov di , astron ." -an outcome of our work is a new formula that gives the exact value as predicted .,"although the outcome of this work is a non-detection , it illustrates the potential of using ammonia cell radial velocities to detect planets around very low-mass stars ." -let us conclude this section by discussing the fermion states localized on the wall .,in this case we discuss the solutions localized on the wall . -"the analysis might , therefore , not be applicable .","such situations might , however , not be detectable ." -the robot is designed to perform studies in autonomous experimental design .,the robotic arm is designed to perform studies in autonomous experimental design . -"several techniques were investigated to train and improve the model , including rnn-dropout , gradient clip and weight decay .","several techniques were investigated to train the model , including layer-normalization ." -"in this case the calculation error is determined , in fact , by the parameter n .",in this case the relative errors coincide with the absolute ones . -"for survival data , the log-rank test and proportional hazards regression are the methods of choice .",the most common regression models in survival analysis are the cox proportional hazards model 5 and the accelerated failure time models . -another approach is by resorting to numerical optimization techniques to find the best possible packing of constellation points as in in terms of minimum average or peak power .,"another approach is by resorting to numerical optimization techniques to find the best possible packing of constellation points as in for different power constraints , whether average or peak power ." -the advantage of this technique is that it does not require any cooperation from the receiver host .,the advantages of this technique are that less packets need to be sent since the second phase does not . -this result has been slightly improved to several more refined settings .,this result has been slightly improved to several more refined settings . -oh et al proposed to use 2d cnns to encode the image frames before feeding into lstm layers .,oh et al proposed to incorporate action representation at the output layer of the rnn . -memory functions of concrete coarse-grained literary texts are found and their universal power-law behavior at long distances is revealed .,memory functions for some concrete examples of the coarse-grained literary texts are constructed and their power-law behavior at long distances is revealed . -"the central idea lies in sampling the feasible schedules from a product form distribution , using a reversible markov chain called the gibbs sampler .",the central idea behind these algorithms lies in using a reversible markov chain to sample feasible schedules from a product form distribution called the gibbs distribution . -"clearly , groups creating and maintaining large codes are more likely to address issues of reproducibility and reliability .",collaborations developing large codes often do better with reproducibility practices . -noise thresholds for optical cluster-state quantum computation .,noise thresholds for optical quantum computers . -a key purpose of this writing is to initiate the investigation of discrete torsion for the generic d-brane orbifold theories .,"the theme of this writing is to study the behaviour of string theory on calabi-yau varieties , modeled as algebraic singularities ." -the polynomial q is called the contraction of p p .,contraction is the only tool for such a decomposition . -lee et al showed that using more sensors can improve the authentication performance .,lee et al showed that using more sensors can improve authentication performance . -"network mimo methods , whereby multiple interfering txs share user messages and allow for joint precoding , are currently considered for next generation wireless networks .","network or multicell mimo methods , whereby multiple interfering transmitters share user messages and allow for joint precoding , are currently considered for next generation wireless networks ." -"recently , as an essential but challenging task in the large research scope of video analysis , temporal action detection in untrimmed videos has drawn tremendous attention from the research community .","since natural videos are always long and untrimmed , temporal action proposals and detection have aroused intensive interest from researchers ." -recurrent neural networks have been one of the most popular models applied to temporal sequence learning .,recurrent neural networks have emerged as one of the most powerful tools for computing distributed representations of sequential data . -no metallicity gradients have been detected across the galaxy .,no metallicity gradient is detected along the galaxy . -"in , the authors proposed an adaptive algorithm to estimate the channel , which essentially searches paths using beamforming vectors with different beamwidths in different stages .","in , the authors proposed an adaptive algorithm to estimate the channel , which essentially searches the paths using beamforming vectors with different beamwidths in different stages ." -"word-representable graphs all graphs odd wheels w 5 , w 7 , trees , cycle graphs , complete graphs one of the main results in this paper is in showing that any 132-representable graph is necessarily a circle graph .","trees , cycle graphs , complete graphs one of the main results in this paper is in showing that any 132-representable graph is necessarily a circle graph ." -"greif , in handbook of game theory with economic applications , edited by r .","wolpert , in collectives and the design of complex systems , edited by k ." -in section 2 we review the worldsheet derivation of large n topological string duality .,"in section 2 , we will review the worldsheet derivation of in the conifold case ." -"in , the authors propose a more efficient beam selection scheme by using the incremental algorithm developed from antenna selection .","in , the authors propose a more efficient beam selection scheme by using the decremental algorithm developed from antenna selection ." -"khalil et al designed a path-based malicious domain detection algorithm over a domain graph , which is built from a domain resolution graph .",khalil et al build a domain-ip graph based on a passive dns dataset and then simplify it to a domain graph for detection . -this relation is advanced in with applications to a physical interpretation of the geometric langlands program .,this theory was analyzed in detail in to develop a field-theoretical approach to the geometric langlands program . -"likewise , zhang et al reported that a sample reduced to half the size of the full set of mutants is equally effective .",zhang et al have shown that the uniform approach using half the mutants is as effective as using all mutants . -"introduced by pregel , vertex-centric frameworks are based on parallelizing by vertices .",the idea of patch-centric abstraction is partly inspired by the vertex-centric models . -a coherent mac was considered in and a linear minimum mean square error estimator was adopted at the fc to estimate the gaussian source .,a coherent multiple access channel was considered in and the optimal linear decentralized estimation scheme was investigated . -"michelsohn , spin geometry , princeton university press , prince ton , new jersey .","steenrod , foundations of algebraic topology , princeton university press , princeton , new jersey ." -"li , symmetric invariant bilinear forms on vertex operator algebras , j .","li , the physics superselection principle in vertex operator algebra theory , j ." -wu et al showed that the learned latent vector by 3d gan can generate high-quality 3d objects and improve object recognition accuracy as a shape descriptor .,wu et al extended gans from images to voxels and their 3dgan was trained to generate 3d voxel shapes from latent vectors . -clearly an analogous statement holds for any topological invariant proportional to volume .,"a similar result , which we now explain , holds for ball quotients ." -"similarly , in sparsity regularized problems 1 norm solution systematically underestimates high amplitude components of sparse vectors .","similarly , in sparsity regularized problems , the 1 -norm solution systematically underestimates high amplitude components of sparse vectors ." -"on the other hand , it can be verified that the techniques used in to derive its result are different from ours , yielding different formulation of the capacity region .","also , the techniques used in to derive the capacity region are different from ours , yielding different formulation of the capacity region ." -"demiralp et al evaluate a crowdsourcing method to study subjective perceptual distances of 2d bivariate pairs of shape-color , shape-size , and size-color .","demiralp et al evaluated a crowdsourcing method to study subjective perceptual distances of 2d bivariate pairs of shape-color , shape-size , and size-color ." -"gorshkov vg , ezhov vf , kozlov mg , and mikhailov ai .","dmitriev vf , khriplovich ib , and telitsin vb ." -adversarial examples are inputs to a predictive machine learning model that are maliciously designed to cause poor performance .,"traditionally , adversarial examples are intentionally designed inputs to a machine learning model that cause the model to make a mistake ." -amplification of gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theories of gravity .,generation of density perturbations by inflation in scalar-tensor gravity theories . -"to overcome this difficulty , one idea is to use implicit time-stepping methods to solve the imaginary-time equation .","to treat this type of problems , one can use the imaginary-time evolution method , where the solution is normalized at every step to keep the pre-specified power ." -"wavenet is a speech waveform generation model , built with dilated causal convolutional layers .",wavenet is an audio generative model based on the pixelcnn architecture . -however the global-in-time strichartz estimate still can be derived from the usual rodnianski-schlag method for negative inverse-square potentials on r n .,the perturbation argument is the usual rodnianski-schlag method for negative inverse-square potentials on r n . -"in particular , popular patch techniques rely on non-local self-similarity is to model patch priors of clean natural images using gaussian mixture models .","in particular , popular patch techniques rely on non-local self-similarity is to model patches of clean natural images using gaussian mixture model priors ." -these are similar to the outflows seen in lyman break galaxies at high redshift .,similar outflows are seen in lyman break galaxies at high-redshift . -these graphs have received considerable attention in the literature .,"recently , there has been considerable attention on intersecting different random graphs ." -"in another contribution , frid et al used gans for the synthetic medical image data generation .","finally , frid-adar et al leveraged a gan for data augmentation , in the context of liver lesion classification ." -the effect of salts on the ctts bands of anions .,the effect of salts on the electron absorption . -"zhu et al propose trained ternary quantization which uses two full-precision scaling coefficients for each layer , where these coefficients are trainable parameters .","in , zhu et al show that deep models can be quantized with separately scaled ternary weights while utilizing full-precision activations ." -we review how the two scalar doublet model can accommodate this result and discuss some of its phenomenology .,in this paper we discuss scalar models with mfv that can explain these anomalies . -polarisation with additional cues rahmann and canterakis combined a specular polarisation model with stereo cues .,rahmann and canterakis combined a specular polarisation model with stereo cues . -"specically , we employ synthetic minority over-sampling technique , which oversamples the minority class and undersamples the majority class .","to avoid this , we employ oversampling of the minority class using the synthetic minority over-sampling technique ." -"in 2011 , devos et al proved that if the minimum degree of a graph g is at least 200t then g contains the complete graph on t vertices as an immersion .","in 2011 , devos et al proved that if the minimum degree of a graph g is 200t , then g contains the complete graph on t vertices as an immersion ." -"upon this database , a nonlinear autoregressive model is proposed using a neural network to predict the continuous qoe .","over this qoe database , a nonlinear autoregressive model is proposed in based on an autoregressive neural network to estimate the continuous qoe ." -association rule mining was used in several applications of bioinformatics including mining gene expression data .,association rule mining was used in several applications of bioinformatics including mining gene expression data and identifying related go terms . -"currently , the fermi-lat limits from dwarf spheroidal galaxies provide the strongest constraints on the annihilation cross section over a wide range of dark matter masses .",gamma-ray studies of dmdominated dwarf galaxies in the local group currently provide some of the most robust constraints on the annihilation cross section . -"in , the authors extended the results to the classic three-node gaussian relay channel with eh source and relay nodes , where the optimal power allocation algorithms were proposed .","in , the authors studied the throughput maximization problem for the three-node relay channel with the deterministic eh model and the decode-and-forward relaying scheme ." -the memory criterion of the channel is modeled by the well known gilbert-elliott channel .,"as stated in , the timevarying behavior of the fading channel can be well captured by the fsmc model ." -paschen lines appear in qy sge with strengths similar to those of the lines in γ cyg .,a few lines are clearly stronger in qy sge than in γ cyg . -yang et al presented a system that learns manipulation action plans for robot from unconstrained youtube videos .,yang et al presents a system that learns manipulation action plans by processing unconstrained videos from the world wide web . -"we employ the multiple object tracking method presented in and extract a set of trajectories , each corresponding to one of the viewers in the scene .","we employ the multiple object tracking method presented in to extract a set of trajectories , each corresponding to one of the viewers in the scene ." -we have developed models which include an early burst of massive stars combined with standard star formation .,we develop models which include an early burst of massive stars combined with standard star formation . -"however , as discussed in many studies , fast memory is expensive , power-hungry , and hence very limited on forwarding devices .","as discussed in many studies , fast switch memory is expensive , power-hungry , and very limited ." -we used the projector augmented wave method together with a plane-wave cutoff energy of 300 ev and a mesh of k-points .,"we used the projector-augmented wave method , 48 , 49 and a cutoff energy of 500 ev is used to truncate the plane waves ." -we use a resnet-50 cnn for extracting the visual features .,here we use a cnn for the cifar10 data set . -"neutrino observatories such as icecube , super-kamiokande , antares , baksan and baikal are currently searching for this signal .","neutrino observatories such as icecube , super-kamiokande , antares , baksan , and baikal are currently testing this hypothesis ." -this result clearly indicates that the superconductivity is realized in the whole part of the sc sample .,this result confirms that both the sc and im samples demonstrate superconductivity on the whole part of the samples . -"although ice crystal formation has been studied extensively for many decades , our understanding of the fundamental physical processes governing growth behaviors at different temperatures and supersaturations remains remarkably poor .","although ice crystal formation has been studied extensively for many decades , our understanding of the physical effects governing growth behaviors at different temperatures and supersaturations remains rather poor ." -"over the last two decades , density-functional theory has become a ubiquitous tool for studying molecular and condensed matter systems at the atomic level , with applications ranging from the earth sciences to nanotechnology .","since its introduction in the mid-1960s , density functional theory has become a much-used tool in the fields of chemistry , material science , biology and others ." -hedlund stated that a word w over is not balanced if and only if there exists a palindrome t such that ata and btb are both factors of w .,"indeed , coven and hedlund stated that an infinite word w over is not balanced if and only if there exists a palindrome u such that aua and bub are both factors of w ." -"moser gave a simpler proof of this fact , as well as the harnack inequality .",moser gave a simpler proof of this fact as well as the harnack inequality . -"also shown are the constraints on this parameter space derived from measurements of di-muon production in neutrino nucleus scattering , the solar neutrino scattering rate , see sec .","we also identify the regions that are excluded by measurements of di-muon production in neutrino nucleus scattering , solar neutrino observations , see sec ." -"besides the sphere packing bounds , the rate distortion tradeoff is also treated in , where approximations to the distortion rate function are derived by the sphere packing bounds on the g n , p .","besides the sphere packing bounds , the rate distortion tradeoff is also treated in , where approximations to the distortion rate function are derived by the sphere packing bounds ." -the cahn-hilliard equation yields a famous description of the evolution phenomena on the solid-solid phase separation .,the famous cahn-hilliard equation offers a realistic description of the evolution phenomena related to solid-solid phase separation processes . -this suggests that preferential attachment is a necessary condition for power-laws in these systems .,preferential attachment is a popular model of growing networks . -quantum cluster algebras were introduced by berenstein-zelevinsky .,quantum cluster algebras are introduced by berenstein and zelevinsky in . -"the iterated palindromic closure function , denoted by p al , is defined recursively as follows .","the iterated palindromic closure function , denote by p al , is defined by iteration of the palindromic right-closure operator ." -pupillary dilation was larger while readers processed the sentence that was deemed to be more complicated and more subtle while they read the simpler one .,pupillary dilation was larger while readers processed the sentences that were deemed to be more complicated and more subtle while they read the simpler one . -"in , the array-antenna geometry was also studied jointly with the anchor-agent geometry , and it is proven optimal to place anchors and antennas symmetrically on two circles , respectively .","in , the array-antenna geometry was also studied jointly with the anchor-agent geometry , and it is proven optimal to place anchors and antenna elements symmetrically on two circles , respectively ." -let us explore the effective field theories of theories with d-branes .,let us study the low energy effective field theory derived from this model . -"for coefficient learning , spams uses the lars-lasso algorithm , which is a homotopy method that provides the solutions for all possible values of λ .","for dictionary learning , spams uses the lars-lasso algorithm providing the solutions for all possible values of λ ." -"recently , graph signal processing has been an active research field in data processing and inference .",graph signal processing has emerged recently as a promising area where graph-structural information is used for analysis of vector signals . -"the first coupling term is a standard nambu-goto term , with the string tension replaced by an expression in the superfield φab , evaluated at the locus of the string .",the coupling term comprises a monopole-monopole and a quadrupole-quadrupole interaction . -polar codes are a family of codes that provably achieves capacity for any binary memoryless symmetric channel with low encoding and decoding complexity .,polar codes are a class of capacity-achieving error correcting codes with low-complexity encoding and decoding algorithms . -we have computed the impact parameter profiles for hadron-hadron and longitudinal photon-proton scattering .,we compute the impact parameter profiles for hadron-hadron and longitudinal photon-proton scattering for different cm energies . -private information retrieval from public databases has been the focus of attention for several decades in the computer science community .,the private retrieval of information from public databases has received significant attention already for several decades from researchers in the computer science community . -"the conclusion is that , roughly speaking , the space of all possible fractional linearisations of a given g-action on x is divided into finitely many polyhedral chambers within which the git quotient is constant .","the conclusion is that , roughly speaking , the space of all possible ample fractional linearisations of a given g-action on a projective variety x is divided into finitely many polyhedral chambers within which the git quotient is constant ." -"if fcn couplings are neglected , they also have the same weak phase as the tree-level diagram .",they have the same weak phase as the tree-level diagram and do not contribute to the cp asymmetry at lowest order . -these states are brought about by the supersymmetric path-ordering .,the supersymmetric path-ordering gives rise to these interactions . -"actually , this possibility is not very promising since the oscillating behaviors were examined by using various methods in literatures .",actually this possibility is not so promising since the oscillating behaviors were examined by using various methods in literatures . -one central goal of quantum statistical mechanics is understanding whether and how isolated quantum systems undergoing reversible unitary time evolution are able to bring themselves to thermal equilibrium .,one of the major challenges in quantum statistical physics is to understand the fundamental principles of the thermalization dynamics in isolated quantum many-body systems . -various generalizations to quotient stacks and twisted categories were given in respectively .,various generalizations to quotient stacks and twisted categories were given by kawamata in respectively . -"by lemma 13 in , the edge to v on the decreasing cycle c 2 lies strictly in the exterior of c 1 .","by lemma 13 in reference , the edge yz lies in the exterior of c ." -"in equilibrium the t-matrix equation is simply an algebraic equation in energy space , which can be trivially inverted .",it is more convenient to work in energy space where it becomes an algebraic equation . -we refer to for more examples and for an interesting overview of the relationships between these probability metrics .,"for a more comprehensive account on these and other probability metrics , the reader is referred to ." -"an independent derivation of the just introduced parametizations , but not restricted to the light-cone , is presented in appendix a .",a consistent parametrization of the relevant matrix elements which is not restricted to the light-cone is given in appendix a . -"in recent years , zero-shot learning has been an active research topic in machine learning , computer vision , and natural language processing .","zero-shot learning has received extensive attention in the computer vision community , such as character recognition ." -the bayes factor is approximated using the savage-dickey density ratio .,the bayes factor for nested models can be obtained by using savage-dickey density ratio . -cnn based models are able to extract more representative and complex features than hand crafted features used in less contemporary work .,cnn based models are able to extract more representative and complex features than hand crafted features used in less contemporary work which has promoted widespread adoption . -local cohomology of quasicoherent sheaves .,local cohomology realization of semiregular bimodules . -ssn method in function space is proved to have the locally superlinear convergence .,it is proved to have the locally superlinear convergence . -the next lemma describes the basic facts needed concerning this norm .,the next lemma is used to deal with this event . -"especially , some exact results on the effective action of the various non-bps systems have been derived from the boundary string field theory .",recently using background independent open string field theory several effective actions has been calculated exactly in a certain sense . -"in this section , relevant background information regarding discontinuous galerkin methods and multiwavelets is presented , which can be found in .","in this section , a brief description of the theory of multiwavelets and the relation to the dg approximation is given ." -no good spectral flux calibrations are possible unless the target and calibrator star are observed close in time and very close in airmass .,"usually , the target and calibrator star have to be observed at similar airmass in order to obtain reliable spectrophotometric fluxes ." -"moreover , the number of target words is 500 , which is an order of magnitude higher than other publicly available databases .","the number of target words is 500 , which is an order of magnitude higher than other publicly available databases ." -"in practical terms , we need to go back to the multiplicative notation .",here we will stick to the spherical representations . -quite recently much attention has been paid to light propagation in parity-time symmetric optical media in theory and experiment .,people have paid much attention to optical properties in parity-time symmetric system during recent years both theoretically and experimentally . -a new mathematical theory for the dynamic decomposition of nonlinear compartmental systems has recently been introduced by .,a new mathematical theory and comprehensive method has recently been developed for the dynamic analysis of nonlinear compartmental systems by . -to find the inclusive cross-section corresponding to observation of the cut central gluon we have to fix its momentum .,to find the corresponding inclusive from the vertex we have to fix the momentum of one of the side gluons . -"subsequently , epstein et al showed that this problem is np-complete on split graphs , bipartite and co-bipartite graphs .","on the negative side , epstein et al provided np-hardness results for split graphs , bipartite graphs , co-bipartite graphs , and line graphs of bipartite graphs ." -"in our experiment , we use the vgg-16 backbone with pretrained weights from the imagenet classification challenge dataset .","in these experiments , we train on the celeba , lsun datasets , and the 2012 imagenet dataset with all 1000 labels ." -"given the complexity of user association in mmwave using beam sweeping techniques , we assume a much simpler way of the user association which is performed by signaling in sub-6 ghz which is analogous to the current lte standard .","given the complexity of user association in mm-wave using beam sweeping techniques , we assume a much simpler way of user association which is performed by signaling in sub-6 ghz , analogous to the current lte standard ." -"we are namely interested in the survival probability of a particle evolving on a randomly oriented lattice introduced by matheron and de marsily in , to model fluid transport in a porous stratified medium .","we are interested in the survival probability of a particle evolving on a randomly oriented lattice introduced by matheron and de marsily in , to modelise fluid transport in a porous stratified medium ." -the bare wilson coefficient c 0 is obtained by matching the effective theory to the standard model in the limit of an infinitely heavy top quark .,the wilson coefficient c qcd is obtained by matching the effective theory to the full sm in the limit where the top quark is infinitely heavy . -in section 3 we introduce homotopy invariants of nanophrases which was introduced in .,"in this section , we introduce homotopy invariants of nanophrases which were defined in ." -"in particular , it was shown in that there exists a sequence of rma codes with d min converging in the limit of infinitely many accumulators to the gilbert-varshamov bound .","in the limit of infinitely many accumulators , it was shown in that the d min approaches the gilbert-varshamov bound ." -the kernel of the integral equation for the vertex is chosen consistently with the approximation for the self-energy .,adding the hartree-fock terms in the self-energy modifies the kernel of the equation for the dressed vertex . -schematic illustration of the warm-up phase of the j-dmrg method for finite fermi systems .,schematic illustration of the sweeping phase of the j-dmrg algorithm . -"it was conjectured in , that such solutions represent asymptotic states for a wide class of initial data .",it was conjectured in that such solutions represent intermediate asymptotics for a wide class of initial data . -the final step consists of the application of the anticlip routines .,the next step consists of the application of the loudness routines . -"in this paper , we concentrate on the lie algebra structure rather than the coalgebra structure .","in this paper , we study the simple complex lie algebras using the double-bosonisation construction of majid ." -"while studies have shown deeper layers extract more semantic and more global features , these do not prove that the last layer is the ultimate representation for any task .","layerwise accuracy comparisons show that deeper layers extract more semantic and more global features , but these signs do not prove that the last layer is the ultimate representation for any task ." -"in string perturbation theory , they are represented on the worldsheet by products of non-normalizable operators in the sl theory .","in flat space string theory , these singularities arise when we integrate over the positions of the operators on the worldsheet ." -"positivity conjecture , let a q be a quantum cluster algebra and t be a seed .","quantum laurent phenomenon , let a q be a quantum cluster algebra and t be a seed ." -the cp model has been found to be intimately related to the six-vertex model in a seminal paper by bazhanov and stroganov .,"by the work of bazhanov and stroganov , it proposed that the chiral potts model can be regarded as a certain new algebraic structure related to the six-vertex model ." -chen et al incorporated cnn and rnn so as to capture both global and local semantic information and model high-order label correlations .,chen et al use cnn and recurrent neural network to capture the semantic information of texts . -"to address the above issue , kerschbaum proposed a stronger security notion , called indistinguishability under frequency-analyzing ordered chosen plaintext attack .",kerschbaum introduces an even stronger security model -indistinguishability under frequency-analyzing ordered chosen plaintext attackin . -"for fisher vectors and vlad vectors , we use 256 components for as common choices in .",we utilize 256 components for fisher vectors and 256 centers for vlad as common choices in . -here we give two examples of context-sensitive languages whose generating functions are not d-finite .,we give examples of context-sensitive languages whose generating functions are not d-finite . -"but in the above discussions , what we consider is the instant motion , not the time-interval state .",our discussions illustrate that there is a rich variety of supersymmetry preserving dynamics in some of these models . -but we can not say when the bardeen parameter becomes singular .,then we can evaluate how long the bardeen parameter becomes singular . -asymptotic methods in statistical decision theory .,information and complexity in statistical modelling . -krishnan et al proposed a normalized sparsity prior to handle this problems .,krishnan et al propose a normalized l 1 to constraint the high frequency components of the latent image . -a detailed derivation of from formulae and is presented in the appendix to efroimsky .,details of derivation of and can be found in the appendix to efroimsky . -this is in contrast to many prior works on time consistency for scalar multivariate measures indicate that this original notion of time consistency is too strong .,"this is in contrast to prior works on time consistency for scalar multivariate measures , indicates that the usual scalar concept of time consistency is way too strong to be satisfied for scalarizations of multivariate risk measures ." -the average precision measure is used for performance comparison .,the average precision measure is used for evaluation of pose estimation accuracy . -the matlab code generating all results in this section is available in the online supplementary material lee et al .,the r code generating all results in this section is available in the online supplementary material lee et al . -"in recent years , the recovery of structured signals from noisy linear measurements has been an active area of research in the fields of signal processing , high-dimensional statistics , and machine learning .",the problem of reconstructing matrices from limited observations has attracted significant attention in many areas such as machine learning . -"theoretically , this is not a problem since one can apply the martingale central limit theorem .","theoretically , this does not need to be problem since the martingale central limit theorem may still apply ." -"following our work on point cloud compression mapping via feature filtering in , we aim to generate compact map representations useful for camera relocalisation via compact cnns .","following our recent work on point cloud compression mapping via feature filtering in , we aim to generate compact map representations useful for camera relocalisation through compact convolutional neural networks ." -"if , in addition , the nonlinearity satisfies the null condition , global existence was shown independently in using the generalized energy method .","moreover , klainerman showed that if the nonlinearity n satisfies the so-called null condition then global existence is guaranteed for small data ." -they typically require solving a mixed integer problem or satisfiability modulo theory solvers .,these typically employ either satisfiability modulo theories solvers or integer programming approaches . -"however , recent research has shown that well-trained deep neural networks are rather vulnerable to adversarial examples .","there has been some effort to make deep neural nets more robust , where most of them retrain the neural nets with added adversarial examples ." -the ratio of data over prediction is shown in the lower plot .,in the bottom plot the systematic uncertainties are shown . -"the line emission from this source does not dominate the aligned emission , and is well explained purely by photoionization by an obscured agn .",the spectra of this source show that the line emission is well explained by photoionization by an obscured agn . -"the method can be run separately to find node , link or hybrid node-link communities as so desired .","the new nlc method , whose software is available from the authors , can be used separately to find node , link and hybrid node-link communities ." -a perfect crystal is indeed a crystal for certain finite dimensional module called kirillov-reshetikhin module of the quantum affine algebra u q .,a perfect crystal is a crystal for certain finite dimensional module called kirillov-reshetikhin module of the quantum affine algebra u q . -hence we want to extend the result that the fibers over the adjoint quotient are nice spaces to the pre-image of the newton strata in the adjoint quotient .,we show that the weakly admissible subset is an open subvariety in the fibers over the adjoint quotient . -the errors are estimated by using the bootstrap method .,the best fits are found using a downhill simplex method . -we will then argue that the haffnian is compressible and sits on the phase boundary between incompressibility and non-uniform charge density order .,"however , we argue that this is not the case and hhf is compressible , indicating that it sits right on the transition from an incompressible state to one with non-uniform charge density order ." -it is clear that this correspondence is functorial .,it follows from the previous lemma that this morphism is an isomorphism . -soluble string theories in two dimensions provide a useful laboratory for studying time dependent phenomena such as closed or open string tachyon condensation and particle production .,"noncritical string theories in two spacetime dimensions provide a useful laboratory in which many features of full string theory can be studied in a simpler , exactly solvable setting ." -jain et al use this to modify human body shapes in video sequences .,jain et al used this to modify human body shapes in video sequences . -"according to , the shift-and-invert basis for matrix exponential-based transient simulation is not very sensitive to γ , once it is set to around the order near time steps used in transient simulation .","according to , the shift-and-invert basis for matrix exponential based transient simulation is not very sensitive to γ , once it is set to around the order near time steps used in transient simulation ." -"more specifically , we choose the pretrained vgg-19 network and finetune it with the facescrub dataset .",we train the network using a metric loss function over 3 million faces from the facescrub datasets . -a banach space with the schur and the daugavet property .,banach spaces with the daugavet property . -"however , the neoplasm develops diverse strategies to circumvent the anti-tumor action of the immune system .","indeed , the neoplasm develops several strategies to circumvent the action of the immune system ." -"also , the training is typically done using cross-entropy loss , while during test , metrics such as rouge are used to evaluate the model .","in the training phase , the cost is measured by cross-entropy while in the testing phase , the model is evaluated with nondifferentiable metrics , like rouge score ." -in this paper we are mainly interested in the scale-dependent halo bias of non-local types of non-gaussianity .,"in this paper , we have further explored the issue of setting up generic non-gaussian initial conditions for n-body simulations ." -"in practice , derivatives of third order and higher are neglected , since they require tensor calculus .","in practice derivatives of third order and higher are neglected , since they are complicated to compute ." -the intervals arising as in are called facial intervals .,or one of these intervals is a subset of the other . -"the sequence of questions for an image is chosen dynamically , such that the they allow to eliminate the maximal number of labels at each step .","the sequence of questions for an image is chosen dynamically , such that the they allow to eliminate the maximal number of labels at each step ." -"this method , also known as the method of manufactured solutions , adds forcing functions to the governing equations , boundary conditions and interface conditions .","this method , also known as the method of manufactured solutions , adds forcing functions to the governing equations and boundary conditions ." -"weber , topological torsion related to some recursive sequences of integers , submitted .","weber , t-dense subgroups of topo logical abelian groups , submitted ." -"the first breakthrough on the conjecture was by conley and zehnder , .","the first breakthrough on the conjecture was by charles conley and eduard zehnder , ." -"maltoni , two-loop electroweak corrections to higgs production at hadron colliders , phys .","vicini , two-loop light fermion contribution to higgs production and decays , phys ." -"moreover , we characterize the cases where the conchoid is rational or it is reducible with the two components rational .","moreover , we show that reducible conchoids to rational curves have always their two components rational ." -"android app analysis frameworks , such as flowdroid , could also be extended to analyze component hijacking .","android app analysis frameworks , such as flowdroid , could be also extended to analyze component hijacking ." -the short-range skip connections are inspired by the resnet architecture and facilitate the flow of gradients .,based on the skip connection represented by resnet introduces dense connectivity which helps to better propagate features and losses . -this configuration space is related to canonical quantum gravity via ashtekar variables and the algebra of loop represent holonomy transforms of the ashtekar connection .,"the canonical quantization of this theory is the original program of loop quantum gravity in complex variables , where one looks for an hilbert space of functionals of the ashtekar self-dual connection ." -entropy formulation for fractal conservation laws .,asymptotics for multifractal conservation laws . -such behavior is vastly different from the data .,such behavior clearly differs from the data . -an important observation in is that the concept of near-cloaking is related to the study of certain boundary value problems with small volume inhomogeneities .,an important observation in is that the near-cloaking strategy is related to the study of certain boundary value problems with small inhomogeneities . -"for this reason , we study the simplest diagrams related to the one-loop self-energy correction to gauge fields .","to avoid the excessive complications , we examined the simplest diagrams of the one-loop fermion correction to the gauge field self-energy tensor ." -"while this is substantially cheaper , the resulting detectors typically deliver only about half the accuracy of their fully supervised counterparts .","while this setting is much cheaper , it produces lower quality detectors , typically performing only about half as well as when trained from bounding-boxes ." -"as underlying representations , we choose the commonly used variant of hog-features as presented in .",as the feature size is not a concern in this scenario we use the extended version of the hog feature described in . -"we rely on the standard pagerank algorithm , which accounts for the number of transitive usages .","we use a scattering form of the shift operator , which is derived from the google matrix used for the pagerank algorithm ." -thus the uncertainties due to uncomputed higher-order terms should be strongly correlated between measurements from different experiments .,therefore it should be expected that the uncalculated higher-order corrections to these calculations will also be correlated . -our approach outperforms current sota unsupervised methods on all metrics by a large margin .,our approach outperforms current sota unsupervised methods on almost all metrics by a large margin when trained with kitti data . -a holographic description of entanglement entropy first proposed in .,the prescription of computing the holographic entanglement entropy was first proposed in . -euclidean decompositions of noncompact hyperbolic manifolds .,euclidean structures on simplicial surfaces and hyperbolic volume . -chen et al exploit the attention model to measure the importance of different-scale features after generating multi-resolution inputs for semantic segmentation .,"chen et al introduced an attention mechanism into the segmentation network , which learns to weight the importance of features at different scales and positions ." -shown are the spike lengths at the two times corresponding to those of the experimental results from all of the simulations .,shown are the parts of the simulation domain that match the regions in the experimental results . -"global image features prove to be useful in segmentation tasks , which can be easily achieved by global average pooling .","global image features turn out to be useful in segmentation tasks , which can be easily achieved by global average pooling ." -"characterizations in terms of dissipation and lyapunov functions are given in , the contraction principle is used in the iss notion to obtain an equivalent small gain theorem .","characterizations in terms of dissipation and lyapunov functions are given in , the contraction principle is used in the input-to-state stability notion to obtain an equivalent small gain theorem ." -"the existence of these factorization channels makes it possible to determine the mellin amplitude recursively , and we gave algebraic diagrammatic rules for its evaluation in the case of scalar theories at tree-level .",recently we verified the conjecture for n-pt amplitudes in general scalar theories at tree-level by showing that our diagrammatic rules for the mellin amplitude reduce to the usual feynman rules in the flat space limit . -"putting things together , we see how to reduce the product of two q-lorentz representations .",we want to calculate the commutation relations between q-lorentz generators and momenta explicitly . -this concludes the induction and the proof .,this concludes the inductive proof of the theorem . -"essentially , the exotic source in contrast to the normal matter satisfying the energy condition should exist in order to support the wormhole structure .","of course , the wormhole solution in this case does not exist because of the absence of the exotic source ." -in proceedings of the first international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining .,in proceedings of the fourth symposium on intelligent data analysis . -"small angle neutron scattering has revealed that this corona consists of a few-nanometer thin film of polymer with a low water 4 content , which separates the cores of neighboring particles and thus prevents close packing .","small angle neutron scattering has revealed that this corona consists of a few-nanometer thin film of polymer with a low water content , which separates the cores of neighboring particles and thus prevents close packing ." -"depending on the specifics of the blend and processing conditions , different morphologies are typically formed .","depending on the specifics of the polymer blend and processing conditions , different morphologies are typically formed in the active layer ." -"also , boosting based hashing is used in , in which a set of weak hash functions are learned according to the boosting framework .","boosting-based hashing is used in , in which a set of weak hash functions are learned according to the boosting framework ." -"in comparison with , a different decay framework has been established by employing l p energy methods , which allows to remove the smallness assumption of low frequencies of initial data .","in contrast to refined time-weighted approaches , a pure energy argument has been developed in more general l p critical framework , which allows to remove the smallness of low frequencies of initial data ." -expanding the effective potential around the origin gives the sfermion masses .,"near the origin , this effective potential reduces to the sfermion mass terms ." -un-shuffling result can not distinguish the two scaling regions .,shuffling result can detect two scaling regions . -progress in smt stemming from the use of neural language models has inspired efforts to extend these neural techniques to smt-based conversational response generation .,recent progress in smt stemming from the use of neural language models has inspired attempts to extend these neural techniques to response generation . -we can now formulate the main theorem of this paper .,we can now prove the main lemma of this section . -"recently , deep cnn approaches have been shown to surpass human performance for the task of recognising 1000 classes from the imagenet dataset .","cnns work well for understanding the content of static images , and more recently deep residual networks have surpassed human-level performance on an the imagenet image recognition competition ." -references examine the multiple access channel with confidential messages where two transmitters try to keep their messages secret from each other while communicating with a common receiver .,references examined the multiple access channel with confidential messages where two transmitters try to keep their messages secret from each other while communicating with a common receiver . -the work from this literature most closely related to ours is the work of babaioff et al who considered a matroid constraint .,"the most related work is by babaioff et al , in which a matroid constraint is considered ." -measurement stage and development method type .,measurement type and development methods type . -an analytic approach to spectral flow in von neumann algebras .,index theory for skew-adjoint fredholm operators . -"in order to emulate an infinite area and to avoid boundary effects , the square area is wrapped around as in reference .","in order to emulate an infinite area and to avoid boundary effects , the square area is wrapped around ." -"first , we adopt the fdt as the performance metric , while used the standard dof .","first , we adopt the ndt as the performance metric while used the standard dof ." -crandall et al detect the ice-air and ice-bed layers in individual radar echograms by combining a pre-trained template model and a smoothness prior in a probabilistic graphical model .,"specific case of ice , crandall et al detect the ice-air and ice-bottom layers in echograms along the flight path by combining a pretrained template model for the vertical profile of each layer and a smoothness prior in a probabilistic graphical model ." -"using the defined interval , we then approximate the ckp by a cardinality constrained robust knapsack problem with bertsimas and sim model .","therefore , we can use the cardinality-constrained robust knapsack problem of bertsimas and sim to approximate the ckp ." -"based on the above relation , we obtain the following formula .","by using , it is easy to derive the following relation ." -the flavor basis also gives a group theoretic way to approach higher point functions and to obtain factorization equations which can be used to build a probability interpretation .,this basis also gives a group theoretic way to approach higher point functions and to obtain factorization equations which can be used to build a probability interpretation . -assume that sec is non-empty and comes equipped with basepoint .,assume θe is nonempty and is equipped with basepoint . -"this criterion enables us to encompass all rate-n min lstbc-schemes with nvd , which was not possible using the criterion in .",this criterion enables us to encompass all rate-n min lstbc-schemes with nvd which was not possible using the dmt-criterion of . -rates of asymptotic regularity for the more general krasnoselski-mann iteration were computed using methods of proof mining in the setting of normed spaces by kohlenbach .,"using proof mining methods , kohlenbach computed exponential rates of asymptotic regularity for the krasnoselski-mann iteration in normed and hyperbolic spaces , respectively ." -ma et al developed a bidirectional attention rnn model to predict future medical codes .,ma et al implemented attention-based bidirectional rnns for diagnosis prediction . -"latent infected tb people are asymptomatic and do not transmit tb , but may progress to active tb through endogenous reactivation or exogenous reinfection .","latent infected tb people are asymptomatic and do not transmit tb , but may progress to active tb through either endogenous reactivation or exogenous reinfection ." -"baka et al fit an ssm to sparse data points that are in correspondence with the model , which is applied to 2d heart datasets .","baka et al fit an ssm to sparse data points that are in correspondence with the model , applied to 2d heart datasets ." -"by construction , the cluster variables are rational functions , but fomin and zelevinsky showed in that they are laurent polynomials with integer coefficients .","in , fomin and zelevinsky in fact proved that they are laurent polynomials of initial cluster variables , where it was conjectured the coefficients of these laurent polynomials are non-negative , which is called the positivity conjecture ." -"stabilizer codes can be constructed from self-orthogonal or dualcontaining classical codes , see for example and references therein .","a well-known class of quantum codes is called stabilize codes , in which it can be easily constructed using self-orthogonal classical codes , see and references therein ." -we immediately see that this narrow width approximation is only exact for scalar particles .,we will show below that this form is gauge invariant and gives the correct gauge boson masses . -the category for these values of parameters is not semisimple .,the category is not semisimple in this case . -"fortunately , the two-parameter families described above contain some special points at which bosonization can be done .","within this one-parameter family , the bosonization approach discussed above shows that both the end-points are stable , since small perturbations from them are irrelevant ." -"kacewicz proved many complexity results for odes , mainly for ivps .","werschulz proved many complexity results for odes , mainly for bvps ." -similar behavior has been recently studied experimentally in bacterial colonies .,similar behavior has been recently observed experimentally in bacterial colonies . -operator norm consistent estimation of large-dimensional sparse covariance matrices .,estimation of large inverse matrices and graphical model selection . -"also , the structure of conditional adversarial autoencoder was applied to synthesize aged images in .","recently , the structure of conditional adversarial autoencoder is also applied to synthesize aged images in ." -"the works consider the mabc protocol with multiple hops , where an amplification and denoising relaying scheme are introduced .","the works of consider the mabc protocol , where an amplification and denoising relaying scheme are introduced ." -perhaps it describes a novel supersymmetric limit of the infinite radius limit of the conjectured five parameter non-extremal black ring in this theory .,this black ring might be contained in the conjectured five parameter non-extremal black ring in this theory . -because of the wave character of the electrons the diffuse surface scattering introduces an effective mean free path .,"the divergence is due to the electrons which travel almost parallel to the surface , so that their effective mean free path becomes very large ." -parallel evaluation strategies for functional logic languages .,rules and strategies for transforming func tional and logic programs . -"the drawback is that this approach is not well suited to noisy signal conditions , as energy becomes reassigned to noise dominated regions , focuses on the estimation of sinusoidal partials in harmonic signals .","a drawback to this approach is that it is not well suited to noisy signal conditions , as energy becomes concentrated in noise dominated regions focuses on the estimation of sinusoidal partials in harmonic signals ." -"lao and cohen studied the problem of measuring the entity similarity in labeled directed graphs , and defined a biased path constrained random walk model .",lao and cohen proposed a path constrained random walk model to evaluate the entity similarity in labeled directed graphs . -the thrust is the normalized sum of the projection of all particle momenta against the thrust axis and the major axis value is the normalized sum of the projections against the secondary axis .,here θthrust is the angle between the thrust axis of the event and the beam . -"metabolomics is the comprehensive study of metabolites , which are naturally occurring small molecules involved in almost all biological processes .","metabolomics is the comprehensive detection , quantification , and identification of the small molecules involved in , or produced by , the metabolism ." -joshi and boyd proposed a convex optimization based method with a rounding technique for sensor selection problems .,joshi et al present a convex optimization-based heuristic to select multiple sensors for optimal parameter estimation . -"moderately high values of this quantity , similar to the findings for magnetically shielded strips .","values of this quantity , similar to the findings for magnetically shielded strips ." -substituting into we have now shown that minimizing is equivalent to maximizing .,it follows from this that minimizing is equivalent to maximizing . -"it is easily verified that when the endomorphism is the multiplication by n map on the integers , the action of z on the cantor set we obtain is the odometer action .","thus an endomorphism of a is a way of embedding a as a subtheory of itself , and an automorphism is a means of doing this isomorphically ." -"we compare our method with several state-of-the-art weakly-supervised semantic segmentation approaches , including mil-ilp .",we finally compare our approach with other weakly supervised semantic segmentation approaches . -"deep learning , especially deep convolutional neural network .","artificial neural networks , especially convolutional neural networks ." -various studies have leveraged the sparsity of power networks for reducing the computational burden of solving semidefinite relaxations and developing distributed frameworks .,some papers have leveraged the sparsity of power networks to decompose large-scale conic constraints into lower order ones . -the observed local structure of the human interactome provides strong evidence for our model .,we show that data on the interactions of human proteins lend support to this model . -an important point to be noted here is that the maximal abelian gauge is nonlinear .,particular attention will be devoted to the condensate in the maximal abelian gauge . -our architecture is inspired by the variational autoencoder as a stochastic generative model .,"our network for generating images , from the gamo-generated vectors is inspired by the variational autoencoder ." -"people with a high viral load , on the other hand , have a greatly reduced life expectancy 14 and are much more infectious than those with a low viral load .","people with a high viral load , on the other hand , have a reduced life expectancy 21 and are more infectious than those with a low viral load ." -"unlike the previous years , the brats 2017 training dataset , which consists of 210 hgg and 75 lgg cases , was annotated manually by one to four raters and all segmentations were approved by expert raters .","the brats 2018 training dataset , which consists of 210 hgg and 75 lgg cases , was annotated manually by one to four raters and all segmentations were approved by expert raters ." -the discrete spectrum is represented by symmetric pairs or quartets of isolated nonzero eigenvalues and a zero eigenvalue of algebraic multiplicity four for the generalized kernel of σh ω .,the discrete spectrum is represented by symmetric pairs or quartets of isolated non-zero eigenvalues and zero eigenvalue of algebraic multiplicity four for the generalized kernel of σh ω . -minimal loss hashing learn hash codes by minimizing the triplet loss functions based on similarity of data points .,minimal loss hashing learn hash codes by minimizing hinge-like loss functions based on similarities or relative similarities of data points . -"for simulation , one can use the well-developed interior point method based package sedumi .",we use the well-developed interior point method based package sedumi . -"moreover , the atomization energies of ionic solids are in very good agreement with the experimental values .",the atomization energies of solids are considerably improved when the optimized functionals are used . -transe is a distance-based model that models relationships of entities as translations in the embedding space .,transe is an affine model that represents a relation as a translation operation between subject and object entity vectors . -the prevalent notion of privacy adopted by the privacy research community is differential privacy .,it is assumed that individuals use the celebrated notion of differential privacy to evaluate their data privacy . -multiband measurements of wise-identified new yso candidates in taurus region line num .,multiband measurements of wise-identified rejected yso candidates in taurus region line num . -"the eth-80 dataset contained eight object categories , each of which contained ten objects .","the eth-80 dataset contains 80 objects , which are divided into 8 categories ." -the idea behind this was worked out some time ago and is usually called the reverse unitarity method .,the idea behind this was worked out some time ago and is commonly referred to as the reverse unitarity method . -"this was then extended to the three-dimensional case by marchioro , miot and pulvirenti .","this result has been extended to the three dimensional case in by marchioro , miot and pulvirenti ." -"in addition to the homeodomain , en contains a separate repression domain that affects the transcription of ci .","in addition to the homeodomain , en contains a separate repression domain that affects the transcription of ci and possibly ptc ." -"finally , by the product formula on local hasse invariants we have that qk and ql are isometric over qp for every p .",by the hypothesis on the signatures we have that the forms qk and ql are isometric over r . -"in this section , we evaluate the performances of the a-contrario temporal linking approach introduced in when particles are detected by using the a-contrario approach proposed in this paper .","in this section , we evaluate the performances of the a-contrario temporal linking approach called cutastre introduced in when particles are detected by using the a-contrario approach proposed in this paper ." -"in recent years there has been a lot of interest on algorithmic fairness in machine learning see , eg , and references therein .","algorithmic fairness and fair clustering fairness in algorithms has recently received considerable attention , see and references therein ." -"electron structure calculations based on solving the kohnsham density functional theory play an important role in the analysis of electronic , structural and optical properties of molecules , solids and other nano structures .",first principles quantum mechanical simulations based on density functional theory are a vital component of research in condensed matter physics and molecular quantum chemistry . -mart is based on the stochastic gradient boosting approach described in which performs gradient descent optimization in the functional space .,mart is based on the stochastic gradient boosting paradigm described in which performs gradient descent optimization in the functional space . -cognitive communications are considered a promising tool to address the spectrum scarcity problem caused by spectrum segmentation and current static frequency allocation policies .,"dynamic spectrum access by interweave cognitive radios is emerging as a promising solution to enable better utilization of the radio spectrum , especially in bands that are currently under-utilized ." -"in addition , we may also test the full space-time dependent response function .",we now analyse the long-time behaviour of the two-time correlators and response functions . -the other category hopes to replace nakamoto consensus with classical byzantine consensus .,the other category hopes to replace nakamoto consensus with classical byzantine fault tolerant consensus protocols . -"persistence is the probability , p on the whole history of the system .",persistence is a property that can be defined for any stochastic dynamical system as it is simply the probability that a random variable does not change sign between time 0 and a time t . -"to do so , we model the active component f x in using a generic l-term gaussian mixture and then learn the gm parameters and noise variance using the expectation-maximization algorithm .","to do so , we model the active component in using a generic -term gaussian mixture and then learn the gm parameters and noise variance using the expectation-maximization algorithm ." -there is an equivalence of categories between seti and setm .,there is an isomorphism of categories between qab and qabi . -"for the bounding box regression part , we adopted a regression model to predict the bounding boxes based on yolo-v2 .","thus we use a regression model based on yolo-v2 to draw final bounding boxes , using our proposed loss boosting technique ." -"moreover , scale-free networks can be conveniently generated using the preferential attachment growth model proposed by barabasi and albert .","the scale-free networks were synthesized using a variant of the preferential attachment method , widely used as a model to synthesize scale-free networks ." -"in this experiment , we apply the cityscapes as the datasets to study the cross-scene object detection .","in evaluation , we conduct unrestricted object detection experiments on several datasets including cityscapes ." -hence it also falls afoul of the theorem forbidding unitary finite-dimensional representations of the de sitter group .,but note that the theorem requires only that nontrivial unitary representations of the de sitter group be infinite-dimensional . -the generator and discriminator networks in our cgan is jointly trained by optimizing a mini-max cost function .,we follow the joint iterative optimization setup as in to simultaneously train the generator and discriminator network . -the most well known example of this phenomenon is the hawking-page phase transition .,perhaps the most famous example of this kind is the conjectured relationship between the hawking-page transition . -it has been shown that the string spectrum found using the brst cohomology coincides with the light-cone spectrum of the gs string .,it has been shown that the string spectrum identified with the brst cohomology coincides with the light-cone spectrum of the gs strings . -"in order to reduce the burn-in period of the metropolis hasting algorithm , we adopt the tailored normal distribution as our proposal distribution .","in order to reduce the burn-in period of the metropolis sampling algorithm , we adopt the tailored normal distribution as our proposal distribution ." -our main result shows that tilting mutation of brauer tree algebras which we explained above is compatible with our mutation of brauer trees .,we show that our mutation of brauer trees explicitly describes the tilting mutation of brauer tree algebras introduced by okuyama and rickard . -"the dirichlet process prior , introduced by ferguson , is the most commonly used prior in the bayesian nonparametric inferences .","the dirichlet process , formally introduced in ferguson , is the most wellknown and widely used prior in bayesian nonparametric inference ." -"one implication of increasing absolute risk aversion is that one is willing to spend more for insurance as wealth increases , a counterintuitive result .","one implication of constant absolute risk aversion is that the amount one is willing to spend for insurance is independent of wealth , a counterintuitive result ." -three datasets including iapr tc-12 dataset consists of 20000 images associated with 255 categories .,"the datasets iaprtc12 and espgame is a collection of 25 , 000 images ." -"thus , same as , we assume that the contact times and inter-contact times follows independent exponential distributions .","it was shown in , we assume that the contact and inter-contact durations follow independent exponential distributions ." -this novel interpretation of independent sets is used in to prove an analog of the hoffman bound for certain cayley graphs of the euclidean additive group r n .,this novel interpretation of independent sets is used in to prove an analog of the hoffman bound for certain cayley graphs of the additive group of the euclidean space r n . -"this effective potential may be relevant for early universe considerations , in particular , for the discussion of the inflationary universe .","in particular , it should be relevant for the description of the inflationary universe which may be based on some phase transition ." -"these were initiated with the seminal works of bellman , in which the authors attempted to minimize the competitive ratio in a stochastic setting .","they started with the independent works of bellman , in which the authors attempted to minimize the competitive ratio in a stochastic setting ." -"this leads to adjoint sqcd , which was studied using a generalization of seiberg duality in .","there is an extension of seiberg duality for sqcd by adding an adjoint multiplet studied by kutasov , schwimmer and seiberg in ." -"if ginzburg , gl kotkin , vg serbo and vi telnov , nucl .","if ginzburg , gl kotkin , sl panfil , vg serbo and vi telnov , nucl ." -injectivity has later been shown for the attenuated ray transform on simple surfaces .,this is related to injectivity of the attenuated ray transform on simple surfaces . -"on the other hand , using a more physical dipole cross section , such as one obtained by solving the balitsky-kovchegov equation , should make the leading order contribution behave more like a power law .",using a dipole cross section obtained by solving the balitsky-kovchegov equation should reduce the importance of nlo corrections by making the lo term behaviour closer to a power law . -the problem of sparse support recovery arises in a wide variety of areas including source localization .,this problem occurs in a wide variety of areas including source localization . -the dotted line refers to the trajectory of the hyperbolic point .,the dashed line refers to the trajectory of another elliptic point . -this alternative formulation has proven to be very efficient for describing on-shell quantities such as n k mhv amplitudes .,the twistor formulation has been successfully used to justify the so-called mhv rules for the computation of the amplitude . -"however , the minimum rate requirements for all sus were not addressed in , although such rate constraints are crucial to resolving the so-called user fairness .","however , the quality-of-service of sus for the srm problem was not addressed in , although such additional constraints are crucial to resolving the so-called user fairness ." -many diseases such as alzheimer and parkinson are believed to be caused by the misfolding and aggregation of certain proteins .,many diseases such as alzheimer and parkinson are believed to be caused by the misfolding of certain proteins . -this finishes the proof of the first claim .,this finishes the achievability proof of the tradeoff . -it is shown that charged mesons are negligible for the photon self-energy in the infrared limit .,in the infrared limit the photon self-energy is dominated by the quark contribution . -the decodeand-forward relay strategy has been advocated by several standard organizations for next generation wireless networks .,"specifically , the decode-and-forward relay strategy has been advocated by several standard organizations for next generation wireless networks ." -however other scenarios such as spin-flavor precession are also considered .,however other scenarios such as spin and spin-flavor precession are also considered . -"for the inner pcg solver , we perform inexact solves with a tolerance that is proportional to the norm of the reduced gradient of our problem .",we perform inexact solves with a tolerance that is proportional to the norm of the reduced gradient of our problem . -pure states are an important resource in quantum computation and communication algorithms .,qubits play a fundamental role in quantum information processing tasks . -"from , all of the twists of these curves have the kernel of their rational 7-isogeny defined over a cyclic sextic extension of q except for two of them .","next from , we know that for each of these j-invariants there are exactly one twist such that the kernel of their rational 7-isogeny are defined over a cyclic cubic extensions of q ." -we get regular feedback from our users and we implement any reasonable suggestions .,we always welcome suggestions for improvements and usually implement reasonable suggestions very quickly . -deselaers et al and use a crf-based model to iteratively localize objects .,"deselaers et al , and propose a crf-based model that jointly localizes objects in positive training images ." -the recent versions of pythia include a model of multiple-parton interactions that improves the description of the underlying event accompanying the hard scattering process .,a completely new formulation of the interleaving of underlying hard scatterings with the parton shower has been introduced with the latest versions of pythia . -"the modulus of real frequency of the slab like gen erated zonal flows are , in comparison , much larger than the values from the corresponding toroidally generated zonal flow real frequency .",the growth rate and real frequency for the toroidally generated zonal flows are only weakly dependent on the parallel wave number . -the data was calibrated using the astronomical image processing system and the common astronomy software application package .,data reduction was performed using the common astronomy software applications package . -"in order to enable their use in situations when large amounts of data have to be incorporated in a streaming fashion , several online variants of the decision trees and random forests algorithms have been proposed .","in order to enable their use in situations when large amounts of data have to be incorporated in a streaming fashion , several online adaptations of the decision trees and rf algorithms have been proposed ." -"in section 4 , we will return to a variant of this local heuristic used in fastroute and derive analytical conditions under which the above intuition holds good .","in section iv , we will return to a variant of this local heuristic used in fastroute and derive analytical conditions under which the above intuition holds good ." -establishing and defining the properties required for a system to exhibit oee is considered an open question .,defining and establishing the properties required for a system to exhibit oee is considered an open question . -now we apply the edge embedding lemma to these embeddings .,we check the conditions of the edge embedding lemma . -the openloops generator is based on the open-loops algorithm for the efficient evaluation of one-loop matrix elements .,the openloops program is based on a fast numerical recursion for the generation of tree and one-loop scattering amplitudes . -"turning to the biological context , one of the major ideas behind pattern formation in cells and organisms is based on diffusion-driven instability .",one of the theories for spatial organization and pattern formation is based on diffusion-driven instability . -proposed that deep networks can be trained in 16-bit fixed point representation with stochastic rounding .,gupta et al have successfully trained networks using 16-bit fixed point on custom hardware . -"for instance , the chow-liu algorithm computes the minimum of klfor q a distribution whose associated graph is a spanning tree of the graph of p .",the chowliu algorithm computes the minimum of klfor a distribution q whose associated graph is a spanning tree of the graph of p . -the significance of this paper is that our results provide lower bounds on the error performance that can be achieved by the detectors considered in .,the significance of this paper is that our results provide lower bounds on the error performance of the simpler cooperative variants in . -we use a method that was first introduced and studied by wyner for two specific cases .,we use a method that was first introduced and studied by wyner and ozarow for two specific cases . -fogel et al proposed an unsupervised clustering network by self-generating pairwise constraints from mutual knn graph and extends it to semi-supervised clustering by using labeled connections queried from the human .,"fogel et al proposed a clustering approach using pairwise constraints , that are obtained by considering a mutual knn graph on the unlabeled data for unsupervised clustering ." -the first consists mainly of xor-based algorithms that adopt a rateless approach .,the first consists of algorithms that adopt the use of rateless codes . -"in any case , the interesting result is that large regions accessible for future experiments are present .","however , it is worth noticing that regions accessible for future experiments are present ." -the off-diagonal qrc is consistent with zero within small errors above tc .,the off diagonal qrc was consistent with zero at each nt . -this hypothesis has been introduced by jacod in the progressive enlargement setting for the credit risk analysis .,the hypothesis was recently adopted by el karoui et al in the progressive enlargement of filtration for credit risk modeling . -"cluster states , when combined with adaptive local measurements , are thus universal resources for quantum computation .",two-dimensional cluster states enable universal quantum computation provided that one can also perform suitable sequences of single-site measurements . -there were claims of evidence in favour of zero crossing detector filters in the primary visual cortex .,there were claims of evidence in favor of zero crossing detector filters in the primary visual cortex . -"these proteins are involved in important cellular processes , like signalling , targeting and dna binding .","it is known that these proteins are involved in important cellular processes like signalling , targeting and dna binding ." -"therefore , in order to study these sets , we introduce generalized superspheres with tubes .",thus we can identify the moduli space of superspheres with tubes with the set of this data . -the asymptotic expansions in this paper are valid for inhomogeneities with lipschitz boundaries and those with extreme conductivities .,the method of this paper also enables us to extend the asymptotic expansions to the cases of inhomogeneities with lipschitz boundaries . -"the ftr model is a natural generalization 1 of the two-wave with diffuse power fading model proposed by durgin , rappaport and de wolf .",the jfts distribution combines the ricean fading model with the two-wave with diffused power shadowing distribution . -statistical methods for speech recognition .,computational approaches to language acquisition . -"therefore , the sivers fragmentation function is universal at one-loop .","therefore , the sivers fragmentation function is universal ." -the following assertions are now equivalent .,"then , the following assertions are equivalent ." -generative adversarial networks have emerged as a powerful framework for learning generative models of arbitrarily complex data distributions .,cross-modality correlation enhancement term generative adversarial networks have recently emerged as an effective method to generate synthetic data . -"we considered a family of pomdp instances , inspired by the hallway problem introduced in .",hallway pomdp instances are inspired by the hallway problem introduced in . -"for large block lengths , low-density parity-check codes and repeat-accumulate codes with message-passing decoding proved to perform very close to the channel capacity with reasonable complexity .",low-density parity-check codes and repeat-accumulate codes with message-passing decoding proved to perform very close to the channel capacity with reasonable complexity . -"the weak-limit distributions for the quantum walks are usually ballistic , and the pointwise asymptotics of the transition probability is quite different from that of the classical random walks .","moreover , the limit distributions of quantum walks are obtained with a significant contrast with the normal gaussian law in the case of random walks ." -"moreover , many recent works showed that neural networks can be successfully used in a number of tasks in natural language processing , such as machine translation .","indeed , many modern applications of deep learning utilize a wide variety of recurrent neural network architectures ." -these fit results are presented in table xxv .,the fit results are tabulated in table xvii . -after pictorial structures was made tractable with exact inference by the seminal work of .,after pictorial structures was made tractable with exact inference by the seminal work of felzenszwalb and huttenlocher . -the hausdorff dimension is defined through the hausdorff measure .,"this quantity , denoted dim fs , is a finite-state effectivization of classical hausdorff dimension ." -"in section 3 , a proof is presented showing the inconsistency of the interfacial energy estimate by murray et al .","in section 3 , a proof is presented showing the inconsistency of the interfacial energy estimate published by murray et al ." -"score-based approaches combine a scoring function , such as bde , with a strategy for searching through the space of structures , such as greedy equivalence search .","score-based approaches combine a scoring function , such as bde , with a strategy for searching in the space of structures , such as greedy equivalence search ." -the lowest eigenvalue yields the ground state .,the corresponding states are generated for the spin-down band . -"since the ti satisfy the braid relations , the element tw is independent of the choice of the reduced word of w .",since the τ -operators satisfy the braid relations the operator τw is independent of the choice of the reduced word for w . -"in this context , deep neural networks have set benchmarks in various fields of research , such as computer vision , speech recognition and image classification .","over the past decade many fields , most notably computer vision and natural language processing , but also biology , physics and chemistry have been transformed by neural networks ." -"the squares and triangles , respectively represent the values obtained from gong and mdi data .","the squares and triangles , respectively , show the result obtained using gong and mdi data ." -"we regularize all models with dropout in the embedding , recurrent and fully-connected layers .",for the recurrent layers we adopted the dropout proposed in after every convolutional or fully connected layer . -an observable m is called informationally complete if it gives different measurement outcome distributions to all quantum states .,an observable a is informationally complete if its measurement outcome probability distribution is sufficient to identify a unique state . -"a number of online systems have been shown to exhibit various biases , such as racial discrimination and gender bias in the ads presented to users .","a number of online systems have been shown to exhibit various biases , such as racial discrimination in the ads presented to users ." -both transitions could be observed experimentally from measurements of the longitudinal and transverse voltages .,the different transitions could be observed experimentally with measurements of the transverse and longitudinal voltage . -"as a result , we selected some consensual values for these parameters , while also keeping in mind the computational aspect of the simulations .","as a result , we selected some consensual values for these parameters , while considering also the computational aspect of the simulations ." -"a variational autoencoder adds an additional constraint that the latent space follows a prior distribution , usually assumed to be gaussian .","a standard approach to handle this problem is to apply a variational autoencoder , where a normal distribution is enforced on the latent space ." -"our algorithm for threshold influence maximization , which we call t -skim , generalizes skim , which was designed for reachability-based influence .","our algorithm for threshold timed influence maximization , which we call t -skim , generalizes skim , which was designed for binary influence ." -"of those which do treat demand charges , we mention , wherein the optimization problem is broken down into several agents , and a lagrangian approach is used to preform the optimization .","of those which do treat demand charges , we mention , wherein the optimization problem is broken down into several agents , and a lagrangian approach is used to perform the optimization ." -"initial profiles are presented by dotted line , and final iteration by solid line .","initial profile is represented by dotted line , and final iteration by solid line ." -we improve the upper bound of the error probability by refining some lemmas used in .,"in this paper , we improve the upper bound of the error probability shown in ." -structural balance is grounded in social psychology theories pioneered by heider in 1940s .,social balance theory goes back to the cognitive balance considerations of heider . -existence results for this kind of equations have been already studied in maslowski and nualart .,these results were extended by maslowski and nualart to show the existence of mild solutions for stochastic evolution equations . -"of course , we have to be careful about the product of two functions on the boundary which becomes non-local due to noncommutativity in the bulk .","of course , in this case we have to pay attention to the non-locality aris ing in the theory on the boundary due to coordinate noncommutativity in the bulk ." -"therefore , we can increase the probability distribution on any arbitrary vertex .",we observe that the probability distribution on certain vertices increases compared to that of the hermitian case . -"under these suitable conditions , we have been able to clarify dynamical in dependent variables and solve the first-class constraints explicitly .","with careful considerations of residual gauge symmetries , we have specified the gauge fixing conditions corresponding to the first-class constraints ." -"unlike the model in , where the resources are equally shared among the users , here the analysis of the optimal bandwidth and power allocation is performed for the set of users u b of just one randomly selected bs b .","unlike the model in , where the resources are equally shared among the users , here the analysis of the optimal bandwidth and power allocation is performed for the set of users u b of one randomly selected bs b ." -xu et al proposed a joint spatial and temporal attention pooling network to extract sequence-level features by selecting informative frames and notable regions of each frame .,"xu et al presented a spatial and temporal attention pooling network , where the spatial attention pooling layer selected discriminative regions from each frame and the temporal attention pooling selected informative frames in the sequence ." -"applying the bp algorithm on probabilistic graphical models without loops , it is possible to efficiently calculate marginal distributions or a mode of the joint distribution of the system of random variables .","applying the bp algorithm on probabilistic graphical models without loops , one obtains exact marginal distributions or a mode of the joint distribution of the system of random variables ." -the relevant ward identities for the reduced theory are derived both on path-integral and diagrammatic levels .,"we derive the ward identities for the reduced system , both by path-integral and diagrammatical methods ." -it is assumed that the external perturbation preserves this symmetry .,we also suppose that the perturbation preserves this symmetry . -two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis indag .,two linear transformations each tridiagonal with respect to an eigenbasis of the other . -the thin curves give hrgm results for physical masses .,the results with the physical masses are given by the thin curves . -"however , it was believed that the interpretation of the signals and the characterization of the detected multiple-planet systems would be difficult due to the complexity of the magnification pattern in the central region combined with the large number of lensing parameters required to model multiple-planet systems .","they noted , however , that characterizing the detected multiple-planet systems by analyzing the central perturbations would be difficult due to the complexity of the magnification pattern combined with the large number of lensing parameters required to model multiple-planet systems ." -we find the halo mass function is well described by the jenkins et al mass function formula .,the sugra-qcdm mass function is well fit by the jenkins et al formula . -the parameter updates are done following the reinforce update rule .,the parameters are estimated using the reinforce update rule with varying maximum message length . -this reflects the distributional nature of the heat kernel asymptotics .,we also describe less known oblique and spectral boundary conditions asymptotics in the heat kernel . -reed et al further studied image synthesis based on textual information .,reed et al used text as conditional input to synthesize images with semantic variation . -let us consider the dependence of the phonon relaxation rate on the reduced wave vector in the .,"thus , we have considered the relaxation of transverse thermal and high-frequency phonons for the ." -we also observe that the bias-corrected intervals give improved coverage accuracy .,our simulations show that the bias-corrected intervals have improved coverage rates . -"very recently sabour et al , a new type of neurons that output vectors rather than scalars in conventional neurons , in two adjacent layers and groups similar features in higher layers .","recently sabour et al , a new type of neurons that output vectors rather than scalars in conventional neurons , in two adjacent layers and group similar features in higher layers ." -"absolute effects in af b , µ due to the asymptotic logarithmic terms .","absolute effects in af b , b due to the asymptotic logarithmic terms ." -here we shall discuss the methodologies of creating and maintaining the bridge views in general .,here we shall analyze various aspects of the architecture in light of the kate model . -for more details and applications on this topic we refer the interested reader to .,for more details and applications on this subject we refer the interested reader to . -then the interaction matrix will be fed into deep neural networks which could be cnn to generate the final ranking score .,the interaction matrix is further fed into deep neural networks which could be a cnn to generate the final ranking score . -a simple analytic model is introduced to explain this interesting behavior .,a simple analytic model is given that provides an explanation for the phenomenon . -this result has been obtained earlier by webb and bishop .,this effect has been observed earlier by webb and bishop . -"notably , existing streaming engines often operate on numerous short-lived objects indexed in hash tables or trees , eg .","yet , existing stream engines often operate numerous short-lived objects indexed in hash tables or trees , eg ." -"in this paper , we continued the line of research concerning strategic aspects in randomized social choice .","in this paper , we continued the line of research concerning strategic aspects in probabilistic social choice ." -"it only involves polynomials , and hence can be efficiently implemented on hardware .",it only involves polynomials and hence can be efficiently implemented on hardware . -"for example , as shown by zeiler and fergus , the activations from the fifth max-pooling layer can still be reconstructed to form an image that looks similar to the original one .","for example , zeiler et al have shown that the activations after the max-pooling of the fifth layer can be reconstructed to a representation that looks similar to the input image ." -"in , ambainis and smith introduced an approximate quantum encryption scheme based on δ-biased sets .",ambainis and smith introduced an approximate quantum encryption scheme based on δ-based sets . -domain adaptation techniques aim at alleviating this issue by transferring knowledge between domains .,domain adaptation methods enable the ability to leverage labeled data from a different but related source domain . -this result has been firstly proved by narasimhan and seshadri by using analytic method in the complex algebraic geometry framework .,"this result was proved for complex curves by narasimhan and seshadri , where it is now known as the donaldson-uhlenbeck-yau theorem ." -"burguet-castell , mb gavela , jj gomez cadenas , p .","burguet-castell , mb gavela , jj gomezcadenas , p ." -the remaining statements will follow by simultaneous induction .,the desired results now follow by induction . -alonso et al proposed two conflict resolution schemes in which an autonomous vehicle can make a decision about the appropriate order of crossing the intersection to avoid collision with other manually driven vehicles .,alonso et al proposed two conflict resolution schemes in which an autonomous vehicle can make a decision about the appropriate schedule of crossing the intersection to avoid collision with other manually driven vehicles . -the result of their fit is summarized in table xxxiii .,the result of this fit is summarized in table xxxv . -a product of simply polytopal graphs is automatically simply polytopal .,the polytope realizing the above product of graphs is unique . -this is consistent with the fact that the hawking temperature is higher for less massive black holes .,this result is consistent with the fact that the hawking temperature increases as the mass of the black hole goes to zero . -"in this article , we skip complicated mechanical equations and refer to the original paper faraji and ijspeert where the 3lp model was introduced .","in this article , we skip complicated mechanical equations and refer to the original paper where the 3lp model was introduced ." -misra et al adopt a 2dcnn to verify whether a sequence of frames is in correct temporal order .,misra et al proposed to train a 2dconvnet to verify whether a sequence of frames is in a correct temporal order . -the calculation is based on the interaction energy defined on the two black holes initial data .,the proof is based on an interaction energy defined on the two black hole initial data . -this level of accuracy is a consequence of controllable quantum interference effects that are generated by this class of rapid passage sweeps .,this level of gate accuracy is largely due to controllable quantum interference effects that arise during a trp sweep . -this approach led to important experimental realizations in the past few years .,this approach has successfully supported various experimental works up to now . -"early work on this topic is attributed to fei-fei et al , who showed that , taking advantage of previously learned categories , it is possible to learn new categories using one or very few samples per class .","early work on one-shot learning includes fei-fei et al who showed that one can take advantage of knowledge coming from previously learned categories , regardless of how different these categories might be ." -"identification of influential nodes has been the core of various research problems like epidemic , memetics , opinion formation , and so on .","identification of influential nodes has been the center of various other research problems like an epidemic , and so on ." -in this section we introduce the formula by fateev and litvinov for the toda 3-point structure constants with one semi-degenerate primary that we want to re-derive using our formula .,"in this article , we show how to derive from the formula by fateev and litvinov for the structure constants with one semi-degenerate primary ." -physics of the primitive solar accretion disk .,aerodynamics of solid bodies in the solar nebula . -"koszmider , banach spaces of continuous functions with few operators .","maurey , banach spaces with small spaces of operators ." -we now generalize some notions from graph theory to simplicial complexes .,our goal here is generalize this construction to simplicial complexes . -it was later pointed out that these two sphere-packing exponents are not equal for general c-q channels .,"in the follow-up work , dalai and winter pointed out that these two exponents are not equal in c-q channels ." -"the solid , the dashed , and the dash-dotted lines denote the surface density , the azimuthal velocity normalised by the critical velocity of the be star , and the radial mach number .","the horizontal dashed line and dash-dotted line denote the mean mass capture rate by the neutron star and the mean mass-loss rate from the be star , respectively ." -travelling-front solutions for integro-differential equations .,generalized travelling waves for reaction-diffusion equations . -entanglement lies at the heart of quantum mechanics and plays an important role in quantum information theory .,quantum entanglement plays important roles in quantum information and quantum computation . -"the dataset consists in 300 discrete timesteps , describing the dynamic interaction graph between the participants , one timestep every 3 seconds .","the dataset consists of 300 snapshots , describing the dynamic interaction graph between the participants , one time step every 3 seconds ." -"we denote this class of complex hadamard matrices by d , as d 6 in is exactly a matrix arising from a symmetric conference matrix of order 6 .","let h 1 be any complex hadamard matrix of order 6 , not equivalent to the isolated matrix s 6 ." -"chen et al provided a top view representation of point cloud from lidar range data , and combine it with convnet-based fusion network for 3d object detection .","chen et al proposed mv3d , an object detection network based on rgb images as well as the top and front views of li-dar point clouds ." -thermodynamic integration has been widely employed to calculate free energy differences between two well-defined systems .,thermodynamic integration is a widely used approach for the calculation of free energy differences . -lin et al design a semi-supervised attribute learning framework to learn binary attribute features .,su et al propose a semi-supervised attribute learning framework to learn binary attribute features . -optimal sensor placement and motion coordination for target tracking .,optimal angular sensor separation for aoa localization . -"the drl algorithm used for training , known in the literature as the proximal policy optimization method , is the current state-of-the-art for training danns to perform continuous control .","the drl algorithm used for training , known in the literature as the proximal policy optimization method , is among the state-of-the-art for training danns to perform continuous control ." -some recent efforts have applied deep neural networks to recommendation tasks and shown promising results .,several successful ranking models with neural networks have been investigated . -table 5 displays the results obtained using our algorithm and compares them with state-of-the-art baselines is the state-of-the-art results for fully-supervised detection .,table i shows the results of our proposed method and compares it to the state-of-the-art weakly supervised and web- . -we emphasize that this result is obtained even though the hydrodynamic model does not include frictional forces between grains .,"we emphasize that these results are found within the hydrodynamic model , even if no solid friction force is assumed to hold between the grains ." -"outside the valid frequency regime , the parametrization therefore is bound to underestimate the real flux .","as explained earlier , the parametrization is bound to severely underestimate the flux at higher frequencies ." -the solid line represents the one-to-one relationship .,the solid line shows the oneto-one relationship . -we adopt a simple picture first conceived by fuchs 43 and then widely used in the study of for instance anomalous skin effect .,we adopt a simple picture first conceived by fuchs 48 and then widely used in the study of for instance anomalous skin effect . -the short arrows associated with the numbers represent the direction from which the last sand grain was received .,the numbers represent the height of the sandpile and the associated arrows represent the direction from which the last sand grain was received . -examples of structured ldpc code ensembles are multi-edge type .,examples of structured ldpc code ensembles are multi edge type . -"operators , we will be able to extract very interesting informations about the moduli space .",the partition functions contain a lot of informations regarding the geometry of . -ratio of central to peripheral neutral pion data .,ratio of central to peripheral data on charged particle production . -deep learning in particular deep convolutional neural networks have been dominating the field of computer vision .,"supervised learning , and in particular deep learning , have been very successful in computer vision ." -it emulates the material invariance for non-deformable frames in rectilinear motion .,"it emulates the material invariance for non-deformable frames in rectilinear motion , ." -stark et al have also studied the time-decaying influence of peer pressure in the voter model .,stark et al have investigated the effect of time-dependent transition rate on opinion formation . -hate speech speech has been pointed out as a difficult subject to annotate on .,hate-speech speech has been pointed out as a difficult subject to annotate on . -"a natural question that arises then , namely whether also cft duals can be found for the interpolating solutions with non-zero romans mass , was addressed in , .","a natural question that arises then , namely whether also cft duals can be found for the interpolating solutions with non-zero romans mass , was addressed in ." -"but , we have included the self-gravity of gas in our calculations because this can play significant role in the high density regions such as shocks .","we have also included the self-gravity of the gas in our calculations , since this can play significant role in the high density regions like shocks ." -data centers are expensive to operate as they consume huge amount of electricity .,these data centers are expensive to operate since they consume significant amount of electric power . -"a complete case analysis would be unbiased , albeit inefficient , if the missingness is conditionally independent of the outcomes given the covariates in the model , even when the covariates have missing data , as is the case here .","this approach is valid , even if inefficient , where the probability of missingness is independent of the outcome of interest given the covariates in the analysis model , that is there is covariate-dependent missingness ." -"each algorithm first choose a way to represent a cross , for example n-rosy representation .","each approach must first choose a way to represent a cross , for example n-rosy representation ." -the dotted diamonds correspond to the abundance ratios of the emos derived from the apec model fit to the deprojected spectra .,the diamonds correspond to the abundance ratios derived from the deprojected emos spectra using the mekal model fit . -this result has been generalized to an arbitrary number field k by vaaler .,this result has been generalized over an arbitrary number field k by vaaler . -the neural network was trained using the adam back-propagation algorithm to minimize a categorical cross-entropy loss function for 100 epochs .,the network was trained using the adam optimization algorithm as it is computationally efficient and exhibits faster convergence than standard stochastic gradient descent methods . -"in this context , marti et al present an optimal resource allocation policy that maximizes control performance within the available resources .",marti et al developed an optimal resource allocation policy that allocates cpu resource in accordance with the current states of controlled systems . -clearly sl is an infinite non associative interval semiring .,clearly ss has non trivial idempotents . -the general formalism employed is known as quantum field theory in curved space .,the cs-eft approach is founded in the theory of quantum fields in curved spacetime . -"as shown in , it is possible to reduce the mst problem of an input graph , to two instances of mst on graphs with oedges .","the mst problem for a given graph can be reduced , by using the kkt random sampling to two consecutive instances of mst , each for a graph with oedges ." -"finally , for complex tori , the chiral hodge-elliptic genus agrees with the hodge-elliptic genus of indicate .","finally , for complex tori , the chiral hodge-elliptic genus agrees with the complex hodgeelliptic genus of indicate ." -"recently , novel erasure network coding approaches that prevent such complex configuration have been proposed .","recently , a novel erasure coding approach that prevents such complex configuration has been proposed ." -carr and devadoss introduced graph associahedra for finite simple graphs .,carr-devadoss introduced graph associahedra for finite simple graphs . -"in the previous work , we have extended the 1-d pierce model to the study of the interaction of mtls with an electron beam .","in this paper , we use the transfer matrix formulation presented in to study a periodic mtl structure coupled to a single electron beam ." -perdew-burke-ernzerhof functional was used to treat the electronic exchange correlation .,the exchange and correlation terms were considered within the gga in the perdew-burke-ernzerhof formalism . -the book by collatz has details of how monotone matrices arise naturally in the study of finite difference approximation methods for certain elliptic partial differential equations .,the book by collatz has discussed the natural occurrence of monotone matrices in finite difference approximation methods for certain type of partial differential equations . -blobs denote the effective vertices induced by the dim-6 operators .,the blobs denote dressed propagators and vertices . -thus we are not able to prove that polynomial size gmqbps are more powerful than polynomial size qbps .,"finally , we prove that zero error qobdds of polynomial size are no more powerful than polynomial size reversible obdds ." -in a real detector is modelled with an ideal one preceded by a beam splitter with transmission coefficient equal to the quantum efficiency of the real detector .,"in a real detector is modelled , as usual , with an ideal one preceded by a beam splitter with the intensity transmission coefficient equal to the quantum efficiency of the real detector ." -these graviton propagators or correlation functions and point particle vertices are derived and presented in appendix a .,"in appendix a , we derive the feynman rules for the graviton propagators , graviton vertices and point particle vertices needed in the main body of the text ." -"since m is a coadjoint orbit in the coadjoint representation of the virasoro group , one has , as always , the natural kirillov-kostant symplectic form on these homogeneous manifolds .","in turn , this dirac bracket defines a lower dimensional non-trivial symplectic form , the kirillov-kostant symplectic form for coadjoint orbits of the virasoro group ." -"translates into a strongly energy dependent phase shift for electrons of the fermi sea near the fermi energy , .",translates into a strongly energy dependent phase shift for electrons of the fermi sea near the fermi energy . -weakly nonlocal and nonlinear heat transport in rigid solids .,weakly nonlocal heat conduction in rigid solids . -generative adversarial networks aim to synthesize images that are indistinguishable from the distribution of images in their training set .,generative adversarial networks aim to generate data indistinguishable from the training data . -"zippin , topological transformation groups , interscience tracts in pure and applied mathematics , vol .","kuratowski , introduction to set theory and topology , pergamon press , international series of monographs in pure and applied mathematics , vol ." -the seminal work by gupta and kumar has sparked a growing amount of interest in understanding the fundamental capacity limits of wireless ad hoc networks .,"since the paper by kumar and gupta , the protocol model of wireless network has been studied extensively ." -these locally measured data fit quite well in our calculated range of possible spectra .,the locally measured primary cr spectra fit well into the obtained range of possible spectra . -the recoil and scattered particles are required to have momentum vectors making equal angles θ with the direction of the incoming proton .,the recoil electron and the scattered photon have momentum vectors making equal angles with the incoming photon direction . -"for instance liu et al showed that the evolution of the los magnetic flux density of an active region measured by hmi presents 12 and 24 hours cyclic variations , which are generated by the orbital motion of the sdo .","the analysis by liu et al showed in particular that hmi magnetic flux density measurements are affected by 24 and 12-hour periodicities , induced by the sdo orbital motion ." -particle swarm optimization is a stochastic optimization technique developed by eberhart and kennedy in 1995 .,particle swarm optimization is an evolutionary computation technique developed by kennedy and eberhart in 1995 . -"we compare the performance of the posefix with stateof-the-art methods , which include pafs test-dev set .","then , we compare with stateof-the-art lightweight object detectors such as pelee dataset ." -"in comparison , the parameter space is decomposed into two orthogonal subspaces in , with one of the subspaces being common to all nodes .","in another work , the parameter space is decomposed into two orthogonal subspaces , with one of the subspaces being common to all nodes ." -salient object detection models have been utilized for several applications such as object detection and recognition .,"for instance , these models have been successfully applied in many applications such as object detection and recognition ." -"the unpaired valence proton generates the anapole moment in even-neutron isotopes , whereas in the odd-neutron isotopes both the unpaired valence proton and neutron participate .","the anapole moment of the even-neutron isotopes comes only from the unpaired proton , while the odd-neutron isotopes contain contributions from the unpaired proton and neutron ." -"in particular , raghahvan et al investigated the use of syntactic information by proposing a probabilistic context-free grammar for the authorship attribution purpose , and used it as a language model for classification .","in particular , raghavan et al investigated the use of syntactic information by proposing a probabilistic context-free grammar for the authorship attribution purpose , and used it as a language model for classification ." -"for input features , we use embeddings from the resnet-50 deep convolutional neural network pre-trained on imagenet-1k .","in order to obtain high-quality semantic representation , we adopt densenet-161 , pre-trained on imagenet , as the encoder module of the first deconvolutional network ." -"inspired by the geometric approach to quantum complexity developed by nielsen and collaborators , in this article we explore the previous questions with the aid of fine-grained distance notions in the manifold of unitaries .","in this article , inspired by the geometric approach to quantum complexity developed by nielsen and collaborators , we have explored certain distance notions in the manifold of unitaries and in the hilbert space ." -the type b analogue of the lattice of non-crossing partitions was introduced by reiner .,"in 1997 , a version of noncrossing partitions associated to type b n was introduced by reiner ." -we find that our empirical groups trace the optical depth of the circumstellar envelope .,we find that higher order humphreys lines probe optically thin inner regions even in the case of optically thick envelopes . -dataindependent methods focus on using random projections to construct random hash functions .,dataindependent hashing methods rely on random projections for constructing hash functions . -provable guarantees of learning gaussian distributions with quadratic discriminators are established by .,provable guarantees of learning gaussian distributions with quadratic discriminators were established by . -"mitchell , in computer simulation studies in condensed matter physics xiii , edited by d .","richards , in dynamical properties of unconventional magnetic systems , edited by a ." -we have also observed that the intermittency is a function of the cooling rate of the sample and almost disappears after a slow quench .,"correlations beetween particles lead to an increase of factorial moments with decreasing δ , and if exhibiting a power-law the dependence is called intermittency ." -"for any endofunctor h , every completely iterative algebra is an elgot algebra .","as it happens , continuous algebras are elgot algebras ." -"induced by the potentials , the marko and siggia formula does not fit the data .",it is shown that the marko and siggia formula does not fit the numerical data for the chains considered . -"following the previous work , we evaluate our model on a popular chinese social media dataset .","following the previous work , we evaluate our proposed model on a chinese social media dataset ." -"at certain kinds of boundaries of the generalized kahler cone , one gets an enhanced su gauge symmetry .",it has indeed been shown that a boundary of the kahler cone of type is associated with enhanced su gauge symmetry . -"our second contribution is a proof that a generalization of a polynomial identity , first obtained for a specific removal process in , provides a new characterization of shelling processes and of convex geometries .","our second contribution is a proof that a generalization of a polynomial identity , first obtained for a specific removal process in , provides a new characterization of pruning processes and of convex geometries ." -"for a comprehensive review in this subject with a complete list of references , see .",for a comprehensive review and complete list of references refer to . -these authors have shown that the off-shell parameters are redundant since their effects can be absorbed by contact interactions .,these authors have shown that the use of form factors as ours as compared to the one in the bonn potential leads to large differences in the off-shell behavior of the effective couplings . -these empirical results are backed by theoretical evidence .,"present analysis are generally backed by previous studies , where available ." -on semitransitive collections of operators .,on semitransitive jordan algebras of matrices . -"we consider principal moments of inertia of axisymmetric , magnetically deformed stars in the context of general relativity .","therefore , we now discuss the principal moments of inertia of magnetically deformed stars in the context of general relativity ." -"finally , in ref , it was generalized to the first and higher moments of multiplicity distributions for an arbitrary number of particle species .","subsequently , in ref , it was generalized to the first and higher moments of the multiplicity distributions for an arbitrary number of particle species ." -"at this stage , cells are essentially flat and assume a typical shape characterised by arcs which span between the sites of adhesion , while forces are mainly contractile .","these cells are then essentially flat and assume a typical shape characterized by arcs which span between the sites of adhesion , while forces are mainly contractile ." -"existence of such solutions , for a large class of nonlinearities has been established in .",for some types of nonlinearities the existence of infinitely many radial solutions was proved in . -"if in a partial sum of the series we consider powers of z higher than four , then , the solution of the equation involves a hyperelliptic integral .","if in a partial sum of this series we consider powers of z smaller or equal than four , then , the solution of the equation involves an elliptic integral ." -"desingh et al verify that depth really matters on a small dataset and propose to fuse saliency maps , produced by appearance and depth cues independently , through non-linear support vector regression .","desingh et al computed the stereo saliency by fusing depth saliency with 2d saliency models , which through non-linear support vector regression ." -australia telescope national facility lang r .,australia telescope national facility roberts m . -the adiabatic limit result is also shown in dash-dot-dot line for comparison .,"for comparison , the adiabatic result is also shown in the dash-dot line ." -"the first work to investigate the cross-domain urban scene semantic segmentation is , where they deploy adversarial training to align the features from different domains .","the first work to deal with cross-domain urban scenes semantic segmentation is , where the adaptation is performed by aligning the features from the different during the adversarial training procedure ." -here is the appropriate result for strongly ac sl m-folds .,here is the appropriate definition of special lagrangian m-folds in acy m-folds . -we will prove the claims of the lemma by induction over r .,we will prove this lemma by induction over r . -"in its full generality , it is studied by bansal and pruhs who give a o-approximation , improving on several earlier results for special cases .","recently , bansal and pruhs made significant progress towards this problem by giving an o-approximation algorithm ." -jda goes one step further and proposes to simultaneously minimize the discrepancies of the marginal and conditional distributions between source and target .,tca goes one step further and remarks that both marginal and conditional distribution could be different between the source and target domains . -the discovery that the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions at rhic behaves as a nearly ideal fluid has prompted much interest in understanding the dynamics of strongly coupled non-abelian plasmas .,the discovery that the quark-gluon plasma produced at rhic behaves as a nearly ideal fluid has prompted much interest into the dynamics of strongly coupled plasmas . -"however , avila has shown the state-of-the-art taylor-couette apparatus to be possibly unsuited for such measurements because of axial endwall effects .","in fact , avila has shown state-of-the-art taylor-couette apparatus to be possibly unsuited to adequately produce the respective flow fields at the required reynolds numbers ." -sr methods that employ deep learning have shown significant quantitative improvement in terms of psnr values .,"recently , several networks provided a boost to sr performance using residual learning ." -here we choose the compactly supported radial basis functions that were previously used in .,"we use compactly supported radial basis functions for the pals representation , as in ." -there has been lot of interest in these codes in the last five years due to their application in network coding .,these codes got lot of interest recently due to their application in error-correction for network coding . -"as pointed out by chaudhuri et al , the cartesian product of uniform samples of a number of tables is different from a uniform sample of the cartesian product of those tables .","however , the cartesian product of independent uniform samples of tables is not a uniform sample of the cartesian product of the tables ." -furthermore this annulus is a vertex surface .,this annulus is a subsurface of a markov surface for k . -"with fixed boundary condition , we find that the shape of the modulation to the power spectra is determined entirely by the deviation of the background spacetime from the de sitter limit .","however , we find in general that the scale-dependence of the modulation is determined by the deviation of the background spacetime from the de sitter limit and not by the particular form of the boundary conditions ." -"in summary , the weight-length relationships and data reported in carlander contain several errors , including mislabeled units , and at least one weight-length curve that is well above the data from the same source .","in summary , the above analysis shows that one of the weight-length relationships reported in carlander is in error and provides several additional , reliable weight-length relationships along with uncertainties in the parameter estimates ." -"raftery and dean investigated variable selection in model-based clustering , recasting the problem as a model selection procedure .",raftery and dean discussed the problem of variable selection for model-based clustering by recasting the problem as a model selection procedure . -"to further strengthen our findings , we also compare the proposed feature selection method with two alternative methods including elastic net .","like for the p2p lending analysis , we also compare the proposed feature selection method with two alternative methods including elastic net ." -the second part will recall the small τ expansion of the form factor for star graphs as obtained in .,the second part will state the 2-point correlation function as obtained in . -the conformal gauge theory for d3branes only on the dp 1 geometry was given in .,the quiver field theory on d3-branes at this singularity has been constructed in . -these three points are discussed in the following paragraphs .,these issues are discussed in the following sections . -"schafer proved that a simple noncommutative jordan algebra is either a simple jordan algebra , or a simple quasiassociative algebra , or a simple flexible algebra of degree 2 .","schafer proved that a simple finite-dimensional noncommutative jordan algebra over a field of characteristic 0 is either a jordan algebra , or a quasiassociative algebra , or a flexible algebra of degree 2 ." -"this system can be effectively treated using a one dimensional bose-hubbard model with periodic boundary conditions , which can be viewed as a discretization of the torus or explicit lattice sites on a ring .","this system can be treated in the many-body framework of the bose-hubbard model with a time-dependent potential , or , alternatively , in a time-independent truncated floquet model ." -huang et al propose a new model which increases the global context-aware to enrich the semantic information of words .,"similarly in , they introduce a language model based on a neural network architecture that considers both local and global context of words ." -this is to be contrasted with the equilibrium situation where the aws is the dominant mechanism of photon production at higher energies .,this is contrary to the case of equilibrium situation where aws is the dominant mechanism of photon production at higher energies . -"to correlate the snps with the voxels , a latent model is used as in .","to correlate the snps with the voxels , a latent model is used as in , ." -a compression body is a pair is said to be trivial .,any 3manifold homeomorphic to one constructed in this manner is called a compression body . -"consider the triangle p with vertices , and .","let p be the hexagon with vertices , and ." -"therefore , the procedure was able to reproduce at least some central predictions of the chromomagnetic models and general qcd analysis .","this construction retained the main invariance of the theory , and it was also able to reproduce some of the main physical predictions of the chromomagnetic field models ." -"variational autoencoders provide an efficient approach to denoising , although they do not deal naturally with missing data .",variational autoencoders provide an unsupervised alternative for embedding high-dimensional observations into a lower-dimensional space . -this phenomena are the so-called nanocurvature effect in a broad sense .,these phenomena are so-called nanocurvature effect or nanosize effect in a broad sense . -we now consider the case in which the heterotic gauge bundle on k3 is reduced to 24 point-like instantons .,the simplest case to understand is when this bundle corresponds to the point-like instantons of . -"in follow-up work , cvijetic et al have designed a dynamic flexi-grid optical access and aggregation network .","cvijetic et al have demonstrated a testbed for a reconfigurable flexible optical network , which was one of the first physical layer sdn-based testbeds ." -"the idea of mutation testing was first mentioned in a class paper by lipton and later developed by demillo , lipton , and sayward .","the idea of mutation testing was first mentioned by lipton , and later developed by demillo , lipton and sayward ." -"the boosting technique proposed by , known as gradient boosting , generalizes this approach to minimize arbitrary loss functions .",the gradient boosting and anyboost have used this approach to generalize the boosting idea to wider families of problems and loss functions . -one can relax this condition and consider the framework of twisted spectral triples .,"moreover , since we are dealing with a quantum group , it is natural to consider the framework of twisted spectral triples ." -"besides , the authors prove that the model becomes identifiable under further assumptions on the parametric component .","besides , they prove that the model becomes identifiable under further assumptions on the parametric component ." -a proposal was made by banks et al that non-perturbative type ii string dynamics can be captured by means of an appropriate large n limit of usupersymmetric quantum machanics .,this theory was proposed as a non-perturbative formulation of m-theory by banks et al in an appropriate large-n limit . -"consequently the quantum currents , which are sinusoidal functions of the phase differences , are also operators and their expectation values with respect to the density matrix of the microwaves give the observed josephson currents .","the josephson currents are in this case quantum mechanical operators , and their expectation values with respect to the density matrix of the microwaves , yield the experimentally observed currents ." -"many real-world networks , like communication networks , social networks and biological networks , were found to be scale free with power-law degree distributions and infinite variance in the largenetwork limit .","many real-world networks including the internet , the phone call network , the e-mail network , and the web link network are shown to exhibit power law degree distributions with exponential cut-off ." -the kinetic cancellation and the residual kinetic energy in the core region can be derived .,the kinetic energy density cancellation in the ion core region can also be developed from . -"with a constant pre-configurable transmit power , which is a mode commonly implemented in current solutions , resulting in poor off-loading effects .","with a constant pre-configurable transmit power , which is a mode commonly implemented in current solutions ." -"to handle the large variation in crowd densities and sizes across different images , zhang et al proposed a multi-column cnn architecture with filters and receptive fields of various sizes .","in order to adapt to the change of the crowd density and perspective , zhang et al proposed a multi-column cnn architecture to map the image to its crowd density map ." -"in the opposite limit of dominant exchange , we expect the ground state to be magnetically ordered .","therefore , when the exchange is dominant and frustrated , the classical ground state is highly degenerate ." -many optimization problems that are np-hard on a general graph are solvable in polynomial time on ahalin graph .,many optimization problems that are np-hard on a general graph are solvable in polynomial time on a halin graph . -"gcns have been successfully employed for several nlp tasks like machine translation , semantic role labeling , and event detection .","in different nlp tasks such as semantic-role labeling , neural machine translation , and event detection , gcns have proved to be effective ." -perturbation theory for degenerate problems of many-fermion systems .,theory of many-body wavefunctions with correlations . -static quantities in a quantum field theory at finite temperature are most easily calculated in the imaginary time or matsubara formalism .,the feynman rules of thermal field theory are most easily formulated in the imaginary-time or matsubara formalism . -this tool provides the interface for the site administrator to access the database .,the local site daemon interacts with the vo user database to obtain user information and stores into the local database . -"following proposals for their detection in a semiconductor nanowire coupled to a superconductor 4 , 5 , several electron transport experiments reported characteristic majorana signatures .","following proposals for their detection in a semiconductor nanowire coupled to an s-wave superconductor 4,5 , several tunneling experiments reported characteristic majorana signatures ." -"at the theoretical level , there has been considerable interest in formulating measures of quantum entanglement .",the entanglement of quantum spin chains has been extensively studied in the literature . -"our work is most related to the recent work by ren et al , which uses a set of heuristically designed 2400 overlapping anchor regions .",most related to our approach is the work of ren et al who develop a region proposal network that regresses from anchors to regions of interest . -"security of this protocol was supposed to rely on the fact that correct measurement can not be conducted without decrypting all qubits , as well as the idea that local measurement must disturb an entangled state .",security of this protocol was supposed to rely on the idea that quantum system can be measured perfectly only if the correct measurement basis is obtained . -"the spectra were fit with simple power-law models , modified by neutral ism absorption edges and gaussian line models .",the continua were fit locally using power-law models modified by neutral photoelectric absorption edges . -the arrow in the inset indicates the point at which the bec transition occurs .,the dots indicate the points at which the bec transition occurs . -"in this figure , the difference from dophot is clear .","in this figure , differential reddening is clearly seen ." -"in fact , the approximation rate depends on the smoothness of the window .","that said , the strength of the error bound depends substantially on the structure of the amplitude vector ." -we used the matlab package yalmip to perform the numerical calculations .,in all studied cases we used the matlab modeling language yalmip . -"as noted by hajiaghayi and jain , the k-forest problem is a lagrangian relaxation of the pcgst problem .",hajiaghayi and jain show that the k-forest problem is roughly as hard as the celebrated densest k-subgraph problem . -"recently , correa et al studied a new type of pricing mechanism so called contingent preannounced pricing in which the retailer commits to a price menu which states what would be the future price as a function of the number of available inventory .",correa et al studied a new type of pricing mechanism so called contingent preannounced pricing in which the retailer commits to a price menu which states what would be the future price as a function of the number of available inventory . -sundar et al to the asymmetric case and also present heuristics to solve this case .,"later , sundar et al to the asymmetric case and also present heuristics to solve the asymmetric version of this variant ." -this can be achieved simply by adding supersymmetry-breaking weak-scale masses for superpartners .,this may be achieved by introducing supersymmetry-breaking contributions to superpartner masses to lift them beyond current search limits . -the detailed information about the network architecture can be found in .,"for more details on the network architecture , we refer the reader to ." -"more recently , established similar results for gradient primal-dual algorithms applied on linearly constrained optimization problems .","more recently , established similar result for a primal-dual optimization procedure for solving linear equality constrained optimization problems ." -"moreover , the deep learning strategy has been widely used for image segmentation .",deep learning is widely used for image classification with great success . -the incompleteness corrected luminosity function is obtained from the sum of the weights in each luminosity bin divided by the volume .,the luminosity function is now obtained by dividing the number of objects in each luminosity bin by the volume . -"then , from the de ability in mbnf structures it follows that .","then , from the de ability in mbnf structures it follows that is an mbnf model for g ." -we assume the reader to be familiar with the basic notions of formal language theory .,"in this paper , we assume that the reader is familiar with automata and formal language theory ." -"alternatively , the phase transition can be induced by an external heating or cooling , by application of electric or magnetic field , or by mechanical stress .","alternatively , it can be induced by external heating or cooling , by application of an electric or magnetic field , or by mechanical stress ." -graph convolutional networks can be grouped into spectral networks .,graph convolutions have spatial and spectral constructions . -"the first framework is based on the idea of buffer sampling , which employed a fixed-size buffer to represent the observed data for calculating the pairwise loss functions .",the first approach adopted a framework that maintained a buffer with limited capacity to store random instances to deal with the pairwise loss function . -a jammer selection scheme based on mobility-impacted social interactions was proposed in to maximize the worst-case ergodic secrecy rate .,a selection scheme based on mobility-impacted social interaction is proposed in to maximize the worst-case secrecy rate in peer-to-peer communications . -these closures coincide with those just obtained by the author in the previous works .,these closure formulas coincide with those just obtained by the author in the previous works . -"the black line , referred to as ill inversion , shows our result if we completely follow the procedure outlined in ref .","finally , the thin black line shows our result , if we follow the procedure outlined in ref ." -"however , due to the high frequency , mmwave signals suffer from severe propagation loss and atmospheric absorption .","as shown in theory and measurements , mmw signals suffer higher free-space transmission loss ." -asymptotic representations of discrete groups .,asymptotic and fredholm representations of discrete groups . -we assumed that the tpe correction does not affect the pt ratio data .,we assume that the pt ratio data are not affected by the tpe effect . -"as it was shown in , f gauged supergravity is a consistent truncation of massive type iia supergravity .",the warped compactification of the type iia massive supergravity gives the solution for the sphere times the six dimensional fads supergravity . -we use the peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity measure to compare the generator output with the reference images .,we employ peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity for measuring quality of the upscaled images . -the learning-based selection of relevant lemmas significantly improves the automation for hammers .,the learning-based selection of relevant lemmas significantly improves the automation in hammer systems . -the socalled q-hierarchical join queries are exactly those self-join-free conjunctive queries that admit constant time update .,the q-hierarchical queries are the conjunctive queries that admit linear-time preprocessing and constant-time update and delay . -"the idea of reproducibility is gaining momentum across the wider scientific research community , for example in computer science .","but the idea of reproducibility is gaining momentum in the wider scientific community as well , for example in computer science ." -we train and evaluate our model using the speech commands dataset .,we evaluate our models on the mixtures we generate from the speech commands dataset . -yang et al built a new model for rain images and designed a multitask deep learning architecture to remove rain streaks in single images .,"yang et al designed a multitask dl architecture that learns the binary rain streak map , the appearance of rain streaks and the clean background ." -"therefore , the theory we propose covers two types of frustrated systems , the oscillator associative memory model and the glass oscillator model .","therefore , our theory can cover two types of frustrated systems , the oscillator associative memory system and the glass oscillator system ." -kp is called a cone norm on x and is called a cone normed space .,"then d is called a cone metric on x , and is called cone metric space ." -the ordinary cluster algebra structure associated with these cells was introduced and studied in .,lower bounds for classical cluster algebras were initially introduced in . -"since p is indecomposable , g is primitive by the ritt theorem .",since p is indecomposable the group gis primitive by the ritt theorem . -"weak coupling expansion in this section , we discuss the weak coupling expansion of f .","strong coupling expansion in this section , we discuss the strong coupling expansion of the logarithm of the density of state ." -the peptides studied here are thought to mediate the formation of toroidal membrane pores with a highly curved inner surface partly lined with lipids .,"at high concentrations , the three peptides are thought to mediate the formation of membrane pores with highly curved inner surfaces ." -the ionizing star is located on the left side of the displayed region .,note that the ionizing star is located on the left side of the displayed region . -"it thus represents an exotic , intrinsically non-classical phenomenon , that leads to a more fundamental understanding of many aspects of quantum theory .","this phenomenon is deeply connected to incompatibility of measurements and thus represents an exotic , intrinsically nonclassical phenomenon , that may lead to a more fundamental understanding of the hole theory ." -maximum entanglement is achieved for an equal superposition .,"here the ground state is always entangled , regardless of the superposition ." -spectrum of su lattice gauge theory with two adjoint dirac flavours .,spectrum of su gauge theory with two fermions in the adjoint representation . -"to conquer the challenge , a distributional text embedding provided by word2vec is gaining increased attention .","to overcome this limit , a distributional text embedding provided by word2vec is gaining increased attention ." -"the dashed line indicates the mn-omn , ap distance .",the arrow indicates the distance between two oxygen planes . -"in fact , this constraint on the coordinates is precisely the restriction to the cpn base of the manifold .","in fact , the kink solutions of this model actually lie within the zero-section of the tangent bundle ." -non-orthogonal multiple access has been widely recognized as a promising multiple access technology to enable efficient utilization of spectrum resources in 5g wireless networks .,"recently , non-orthogonal multiple access has been recognised as a promising multiple access technique for 5g mobile networks ." -"in , the attractor solution was also studied , finding that the results for the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio are basically the same as in the pure higgs or starobinsky case and isocurvature perturbations are small .","the attractor solutions were also studied in , finding that the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio are close to the pure higgs or starobinsky case with small isocurvature perturbations ." -"most existing work on learner video-watching behavior has focused sessionlevel user characteristics , rather than click-level information .","much existing work studying learner video-watching behavior has focused sessionlevel user characteristics , rather than click-level information ." -"afraimovich , el , altyntsev , at , kosogorov , ea , larina , ns , and l .","afraimovich , el , altyntsev , at , grechnev , vv , and l ." -the prototype of each category approximates the point that minimizes the loss in bregman information for that category .,the point that minimizes the loss in bregman information for the category is the mean vector of all the examples that belongs to the category . -the double-rocking probe required for ped was aligned following the method set out by barnard et al .,the double-rocking probe required for ped was aligned following the method detailed by barnard et al . -"it is well-known that the empirical spectral distribution of q converges to the marchenko-pastur law , whose rightmost edge λ r gives the asymptotic location of the largest eigenvalue .",it is well-known that the empirical eigenvalue density of sample covariance matrices with independent entries converges to the celebrated marcenko-pastur law . -"now , let us prove the second part of the theorem .",we prove now the second part of the theorem . -many marine mammal vocalizations are non-periodic and frequency modulated signals .,"many marine mammal vocalizations are frequency modulated , and can be modelled as polynomial-phase signals ." -"in goppa used algebraic curves to construct linear error correcting codes , the so called algebraic geometric codes .","in goppa described a way to use algebraic curves to construct linear error correcting codes , the so called algebraic geometric codes ." -in this section we deal with these topological constraints on globally hyperbolic lorentzian manifolds .,remarkable recent results on splittings of globally hyperbolic lorentzian manifolds are included in this section . -"however , this would imply that a quantum computer could search an unordered list in timeo , contradicting the conventional wisdom that a speed-up greater than ois not possible .","however , this would imply that a quantum computer could search an unordered list in time o , contradicting the conventional wisdom that a speed-up greater than ois not possible ." -with the help of this metric we can raise and lower indices .,according to this we can make no difference between upper and lower spatial indices . -"it is pointed out that the momentum correlations take into account the sign of the fluctuations , while the energy is geared toward the absolute value of the fluctuations .","it is understood that the momentum indicators take into account the sign of the fluctuations , while the energy is geared toward the absolute value of the fluctuations ." -free variable tableaux for propositional modal logics .,a calculus and complexity bound for minimal conditional logic . -"it is well-known that on turing machines , for self-reducible problems the accuracy of approximate counting can be boosted and approximate counting implies exact sampling .","it is well known that for self-reducible problems , approximate counting and approximate sampling are inter-reducible on polynomial-time turing machines ." -"first , we are solving the problem on finite-dimensional hilbert spaces with general basis functions as opposed to a finite collection of affine functions in .","first , we are solving the problem on general hilbert spaces with general basis functions as opposed to a finite collection of linear functions in ." -"in the limit that the boundary mass parameters tend to infinity , one arrives at the bssg models with dirichlet boundary conditions studied in .","as mentioned in , in the limit that the boundary mass parameters tend to infinity , one arrives at the ssg model with dirichlet boundary conditions ." -"for instance , a mathematically similar index called the revealed technological advantage has been used to measure the pattern of technological specialization of innovation agents .","in fact , a mathematically similar index called the revealed technological advantage has been used to measure the pattern of technological specialization of innovation agents ." -"this is the approach originally advocated in , leading to the so-called persistence scale space and persistence weighted gaussian feature maps .","this is the approach originally advocated in , leading to the so-called persistence scale space kernel ." -network quantization is proposed for storage space compression by decreasing the presentation precision of parameters .,network quantization reduces the number of bits for representing each parameter and some low-bit networks are proposed . -this could be interpreted as though the higgs should be light due to the self-suppression of the strong coupling in the sm .,thus the higgs is light probably for reasons other than the absence of the strong coupling in the sm . -we can deduce from this that our results on correspondence spaces and twistor spaces continue to hold in the realm of complex parabolic geometries .,"in particular , we will show that the theory of twistor spaces also works in the holomorphic category ." -"hence , techniques like the image size characterization are probably insufficient to establish a strong converse theorem for the current problem .","second , it appears difficult to establish the strong converse result in theorem 2 using existing classical techniques including image-size characterizations ." -"for the breakfast dataset , we follow the evaluation script of and report results as mean accuracy over frames over four splits .",we evaluate on the test set of the breakfast dataset and report results as mean accuracy over frames . -this algebra is connected with the double affine hecke algebra of type and u q .,there is a connection to the double affine hecke algebra of type . -this is inspired by the placement delivery array formulation of coded caching from .,this is inspired by the hypergraph formulation and the placement delivery array based schemes for coded caching in . -analysis of data from continuous probability distributions .,field theoretical analysis of on-line learning of probability distributions . -rappels sur les correspondances cohomologiques .,accouplement des correspondances cohomologiques . -wu et al introduce a method for creating semanticpreserving word clouds based on a seam-carving image processing method and an application of bubble sets .,wu et al introduce a method for creating semanticpreserving word clouds based on a seam-carving image processing method and an ap- fig . -we reused the toolkit provided for the caltech pedestrian detection benchmark to calculate the scores and plot the curves in fig .,we used the toolkit provided for the caltech pedestrian detection benchmark to calculate the scores and plot the curves in fig . -"this point is rather subtle , and deserves some further clarification .",this last point merits some additional comments . -these constructions are supersymmetric only for special choices of untwisted moduli .,"finally , the models upon consideration are supersymmetric only for specific choices of the untwisted moduli ." -"the laser pulses used to impress energy modulation onto the electron bunches and those used to excite the sample were derived from the same oscillator , allowing for absolute synchronization between optical pump and x-ray probe .","the excitation pulse was obtained from the same oscillator used for slicing , resulting in absolute synchronization between sample-excitation pulses and femtosecond x-rays ." -dfalls outside the qso luminosity definition .,efalls outside the qso luminosity definition . -the problem of differences in features for the two genders is well-known in the field of speaker recognition .,the identified emotion problem of differences in features for the two genders is well-known in the speaker recognition field . -"long-range connections were therefore biased to connect columns with similar orientation preference , as is observed in cat visual cortex .","long-range connections were therefore biased to connect columns with similar orientation preference , as is observed in cat visual cortex 51 , 53 ." -"as shown by cornulier , both g and h are finitely generated and g acts on x with finitely many orbits .",by the classification of the finitely generated wreath products γ from we know that g acts on x with finitely many orbits . -"in this paper , we use exact-regenerating bandwidth efficient codes operating at the minimum-storage regenerating point .","in this paper , we use exact-regenerating linear bandwidth efficient codes operating at the minimum-storage regenerating point ." -"next , we will discuss the concentration process in more details .","here , we will discuss the atomic states case in cavity qed ." -we also calculated the pumping response variance using the smatrix maximum entropy approach for pure quantum and rectification pumping .,we also derived an expression for the pumping response autocorrelation function using the semiclassical approximation in the large-n limit . -"this mathematical model composed of three coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations has been studied through numerical simulations and mathematical analysis in recent years , cfand the references therein .","this mathematical model originally consists of three coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations and has been studied through numerical simulations and mathematical analysis in recent years , cfand the references therein ." -"recently much attention has been focused on the topic of complex networks which characterize many biological , social , and communication systems .","recent advances in the field of network analysis have revealed the structures of internet , technological , social and biological networks ." -"oty , fourier-stieltjes algebras of r-discrete groupoids , j .","walter , fourier-stieltjes algebras of locally compact groupoids , j ." -"differential privacy is a relatively recent privacy definition , that tries to capture the intuition of individual privacy .","differential privacy is a rigorous privacy notion that has been carefully studied over the last decade , provides the ability to make such strong formal privacy guarantees ." -"the values given in the since because of the function of being a potential tool for ensuring the generalization of the algorithm , studies on regularization of the algorithm becomes the main research topic in machine learning .","since because of the function of being a potential tool for ensuring the generalization of the algorithm , studies on regularization of the algorithm becomes the main research topic in machine learning ." -the anomaly mediation is the purely gravitational mediation mechanism of the susy breaking and is realized once the direct couplings between the hidden and visible sector fields are suppressed .,anomaly mediation is the contribution to the soft terms originated from fφ . -"recently , a criterion for the existence of a birational embedding with two galois points was presented by the first author , and by this criterion , several new examples of plane curves with two galois points were described .","in 2016 , a criterion for the existence of a birational embedding with two galois points was described by the present author , and by this criterion , a lot of new examples of plane curves with two galois points were obtained ." -"pilot contamination between legitimate users of the system is a challenge in massive mimo , but can be handled by pilot coordination across cells .","pilot contamination between legitimate users of the system is a big challenge in massive mimo , but can be substantially suppressed by pilot coordination across cells ." -"to solve this saddle-point problem efficiently , we resort to the recent algorithm of chambolle and pock .",for concreteness we focus our attention on the primal-dual algorithm of chambolle-pock . -"in computer vision , domain adaptation has been widely studied as an image classification problem in computer vision .",domain adaptation has been extensively studied in computer vision and applied to various applications such as image classification . -"one is linear mdps , in which an mdp may be solved as a linear set of equations given several assumptions .","one is that of linear mdps , in which a control design problem may be solved via a linear set of equations given several structural assumptions ." -it was shown that the resulting method is a generalization of the equalizer for linear weakly time-varying systems in and the p th-order inverse .,"furthermore , it is motivated that the presented approach can be regarded as a generalization of the post-linearization method in as well as the p th-order inverse ." -these observations open the door to constructing renormalizable extra dimensional models .,"these observations have relevance for all such extra dimensional models , not only the renormalizable ones being proposed here ." -"the notion in its full generality was defined by goldreich , goldwasser and ron , and successfully applied to topics including testing properties of graphs .","the notion in its full generality was defined by goldreich , goldwasser and ron and successfully applied among others to graph properties ." -fundamental features of both the aimd and es-dwf formalisms are identical as they .,"from the above discussion , it is clear that both aimd and es-dwf formalisms are ." -"the unfoldings have multiple pieces partly for practical reasons such as efficient packing into a rectangle of material , but mainly because little theory on unfolding nonconvex polyhedra is available , and thus heuristics must be used .","multipiece unfoldings are used partly for practical reasons such as efficient area use , but mainly because little theory on unfolding nonconvex polyhedra is available , and thus heuristics must be used ." -"it is consistent with zfc , that for any ultrafilter u , the u-menger and scheepers properties are equivalent .","by the result of tsaban and zdomskyy , it is consistent with zfc that , the menger and scheepers properties are equivalent ." -"namely , we need monodromy f r for type 0 theory and f sfor type ii theory , where the operators f r and f s are the right moving worldsheet fermion number and the spacetime fermion number , respectively .","as is mentioned in , type ii theory compactified on s 1 with monodromy fs is tdual to type 0 theory on s 1 with monodromy f r , where f s and f r are operators that count spacetime fermions and right-moving worldsheet fermions , respectively ." -"zavertyaev , for the hera-b collaboration , these proceedings .","wang , for the rhic collaborations , these proceedings ." -"here , we apply the above models and agents to domains from the arcade learning environment .","for discrete control tasks , we perform experiments in the arcade learning environment ." -"in higher dimensions , gatzouras obtains minkowski measurability of nonlattice self-similar sets satisfying the osc and gains explicit formulae for their minkowski content .","for self-similar sets in r d , gatzouras gave a characterization of minkowski measurability and derived formulas for the minkowski content and some suitably averaged counterpart ." -"hence , it is susceptible to different kinds of manipulations , such as collusion and shill bidding .","hence , this mechanism is susceptible to collusion and shill bidding ." -"in general , promotion of sciences for undergraduate students and gifted high school pupils has been one of the priorities in the whole network program .",promotion of sciences for undergraduate students and gifted high school pupils has been one of priorities in the global network program . -"then , we select one sentence from the top of the list and append to the summary if the sentence is of reasonable length , and is not redundant .","we dequeue one sentence from the list and append it to the current summary if the sentence is of a reasonable length , and is non-redundant ." -it was pointed out in that syntactic complexity can be very different for regular languages with the same quotient complexity .,it was pointed out in that languages having the same quotient complexity can have vastly different syntactic complexities . -improved approximation algorithms for the vertex cover problem in graphs and hypergraphs .,improved approximation algorithms for minimum weight vertex separators . -new measurements of radial velocities in clusters of galaxies .,a new measurement of the x-ray temperature function of clusters of galaxies . -for this reason we can make use of the computer algebra software singular .,using the software singular we can compute the singularities of this set . -"after that , many authors contributed on this topic , see and references cited therein .",many contributions in this field were made ever since the work of and references cited therein . -loop quantum cosmology is a canonical quantization of homogeneous models of general relativity .,loop quantum cosmology is a mathematically consistent theory of quantum cosmological space-times . -the central value of our results are larger than those from qcd factorization .,the central values of our predictions are larger than those from the qcd factorization in both scenarios . -virtual displacements are tangent vectors defined as equivalence classes of differentiable curves .,tangent vectors are defined as equivalence classes of differentiable curves . -"however , the theory of compressed sensing suggests that signals with inherent simple structures can be uniquely determined from a number of measurements that is less than the size of the signal .","according to compressed sensing theory , a sparse signal can be reconstructed from a number of linear measurements which could be much smaller than the signal dimension ." -"when the traffic is low , the fronthaul requirements are shown to be relaxed with only higher layers in the bbu pool and lower layer processing near the rru .","for low traffic load , the bbu pool should have higher layer processing and requirements on the fronthaul can be relaxed ." -"to evaluate our model , we experiment on a widely used dataset which is developed by and has also been tested by .","we evaluate our models on the nyt dataset developed by , which has been widely used in recent studies ." -we can use two schwinger parameters and integrate over the quadratic momenta .,we can go on to evaluate the other required higher loop integrals . -the lattice models with power-like long-range interactions have similar properties .,similar features were observed in the lattice models with power-like long-range interactions . -another property is that its statistical ensemble is bounded to a finite range of values of the effective cosmological constant .,"in particular , its statistical ensemble is bounded to a finite range of the effective cosmological constant ." -"the overview is mainly based on the results in , which offer a useful framework to obtain solutions in a compact vector form , ready for further analysis and practical implementation .","in the overview below , we mainly follow the results in , which offer a unified framework to obtain explicit solutions in a compact form ." -further details of the numerical procedure for the hydrodynamic solution can be found in krasnov et al .,details of the procedure to compute the velocity field can be found in krasnov et al . -in this way we obtained an action integral for the noncommutative gauge theory in curved backgrounds .,in this way the noncommutative gauge theory in the curved space is obtained . -"for the most part , these methods are based on minimization of the l 1 -norm .",the mathematical methods which are used for this purpose are either based on the minimization of the l 1 -norm . -re-ranking methods have been studied to improve object retrieval accuracy in some works .,re-ranking methods have been successfully studied to improve object retrieval accuracy . -"in , a three-parameters gn system is derived , yielding further improvements of the dispersive properties .","in , a three-parameter family of green-naghdi equations in the one layer case is derived yielding additional improvements of the dispersive properties ." -the invariant mass distribution corresponding to the coherent sum of the two channels is given by the full curve .,the distribution corresponding to our closed-diagrams mechanism is given by the dotted line . -it only remains to check that our presentations are simple indeed .,it follows easily from our construction that all our presentations are planar . -"another remarkable result in , a reduced t -space is a stratified symplectic t -space with a moment map j t induced by j .","another remarkable result in says that if j is proper , the reduced space m 0 always contains a unique open connected dense stratum ." -three different kernels were for classification using the elm algorithm in the decision making and categorization of the biological movement .,three different kernels were used to classify using the elm algorithm in the decision making and categorization of the biological movement . -"we also naturally deduced the threshold variation equation versus time and transformed it into the simple form used by previous researchers 6 , 9 , 15-18 for a simpler case .","here , we deduced a detailed threshold evolving equation versus time , which can be simplified to the previously assumed equation 6 , 9 , 28 for the simplest case ." -"recently , rubinstein has independently also obtained hardness results for signaling in bayesian zero-sum games .","recently , rubinstein has independently also obtained hardness results for signaling in zero-sum games ." -"the first row of the expression is the circular , unlensed galaxy simply moved to the image plane .",the first row of the model is now the elliptical unlensed galaxy moved to the image plane . -"in the last few decades , researchers have extensively shown that network structure has a strong impact on the dynamics and stability of such emerging behaviors .",this has led to the extensive studies on the impact of network structure on synchronization over the past two decades . -"unlike them , the homogeneous solution is approximated by nonsingular general solution .","like the dr-bem and mfs , the particular solution is evaluated by the rbf and dual reciprocity principle ." -"in section iv , we illustrate the difference between the notions of security under active and passive behavioral models through the bgw protocol for computing the quadratic and hamming distances .","in this section , we will briefly present and analyze the bgw protocol that securely computes the quadratic distance under the passive behavioral model ." -"when there is noise uncertainty , the energy detection is not effective .","thus , the main drawback for the energy detection is its sensitiveness to noise uncertainty ." -"more recently , this geometry has proven useful in various problems concerning communication and computations over networks and in statistical quantum theory .","more recently , the underlying geometry has proven timely on a range of problems in the study of communication and computations over networks and in quantum information theory ." -the first few layers of dnns learn features similar to gabor filters and color blobs and these features appear not to be specific to any particular task or dataset and thus applicable to other datasets and tasks .,"the first few layers of dnns learn features , similar to gabor filters and color blobs , and these features appear not to be specific to any particular task or dataset and thus applicable to other datasets and tasks ." -let χρ λ denote the trace of ρ on the conjugacy class λ .,let ρ be an irreducible representation of sd . -the results in show that users often exhibit different behavior patterns rather than a single one when browsing for information .,"the results show that users often exhibit different behavior patterns , rather than a single one , when browsing for information ." -"kucharz , k-theory of real algebraic surfaces and threefolds , math .","kucharz , real algebraic morphisms represent few homotopy classes , math ." -"wald , black hole entropy is the noether charge , phys .","wald , rm black hole entropy is the noether charge ." -"more specifically , our algorithm is based in large part on the one devised by conway , enting and guttmann for the enumeration of saws .","more specifically our algorithm is based in large part on the one devised by conway , enting and guttmann for the enumeration of saws ." -"recently , numerous inspiring ideas and promising methods have been proposed .",numerous inspiring ideas and effective approaches have been investigated . -in this paper we considered the inexact projected gradient method presented in .,"in this paper , we have extended the exact and unconstrained scheme proposed in ." -"moreover , new formalisms have been defined for describing biomolecular and membrane interactions , for example .","moreover , new formalisms have been defined for describing biomolecular and membrane interactions ." -such enhancement is the result of a cooperative effect arising from the interplay between deterministic and random dynamics in a nonlinear system .,the enhancement is a clear sign of multiple scattering . -the analysis and application of effective capacity in various settings has attracted much interest recently .,"recently , effective capacity analysis of wireless systems has attracted much interest ." -"this weekday pattern relates to calendar day effects in the reporting process , which are difficult to model using classical techniques such as the chain ladder method , see kuang et al for a discussion .","this weekday pattern relates to calendar day effects in the reporting process which are difficult to model using classical techniques designed for aggregated data , ." -"additionally , deformable part models is also employed for face detection by several research groups , which achieve remarkable performance .","besides the boosted cascade methods , several studies apply deformable part models for face detection ." -parameters of the neural network is updated using the reinforce algorithm .,parameters of the neural components are trained using the reinforce algorithm . -"next , we shall turn our attention to the semiclassical predictions of the decoherence functional with an initial state of the more traditional wkb form .","we shall , therefore , illustrate the process of prediction based on the decoherence functional with some simple choices of initial state ." -"the works of regge , wheeler determined the modal linear stability of gravitational perturbations for the schwarzschild black hole by ruling out exponential growth in time for every individual mode .","the pioneering works of regge , wheeler determined the modal linear stability of electro-gravitational perturbations in the domain of outer communication of the spherically symmetric electro-vacuum black holes , by ruling out exponential growth in time ." -the agreement between data and mc predictions is satisfactory .,the mc predictions match the data reasonably well . -"as discussed in , the existence and stability of phase-locked states are important subjects in the nonlinear dynamics of the kuramoto model .","assuming that the oscillators are weakly coupled , the hybrid dynamics of pco networks can be approximated by the kuramoto model ." -in this case the quantum probability calculus generates cross- terms also called the interference terms .,the reason is that in this case the quantum probability calculus generates cross- terms also called the interference terms . -"we have explicitly analyzed the state-space configurations for the four and six charge non-extremal black branes , which both arise from the string theory solutions .",we have explicitly analyzed the state-space configurations for the four and six charge non-extremal black branes . -"although finding a minimum size oct set is np-hard , the problem of deciding if an oct set with size k exists is fixed parameter tractable with algorithms in running in times oand o , respectively .","although finding a minimum size oct set is np-hard , the problem of deciding if an oct set with size k exists is fixed parameter tractable , with algorithms in running in times oand o , respectively ." -other definitions in the literature of toeplitz operators with non-commuting symbols will be discussed in the concluding section .,"finally , here are some comments on other toeplitz quantizations which use non-commuting symbols ." -recently it was shown how to employ them for error correction in coherent linear network coding .,recently it was shown how to employ them for error correct in coherent linear network coding . -zhao et al proposed a local patch matching method which used a learned the mid-level filters to get the local discriminative features for person re-id .,"finally , instead of relying on hand-crafted features , zhao et al proposed to learn mid-level filters ." -these fluctuations are claimed to be the main source of the cooper pairing thus contributing to the formation of the superconducting ground state .,such a complicated electronic structure leads to spin fluctuations that are major candidates for the pairing interaction causing superconductivity . -the low energy spectrum is the one of the mssm with the additional chi ral superfields which can play a role of messengers in the gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking .,"therefore , the low energy spectrum consists of an r-axion and a goldstino ." -"second , the total mass of the patterson-sullivan kµpk must be carried through the estimate , and again it cancels itself out .","second , the total mass of the patterson-sullivan measure kµpk must be carried through the estimate , but it cancels itself out in the final step ." -the non-abelian permittivity due to the two nonlinearities has been calculated by considering the second and third order color currents .,the non-abelian color permittivity is obtained by expanding the kinetic equations to third order . -"at the end of this step all , the processors of each block have the info of all processors of other blocks .","at the end of this step , complete blocks of each row have info of all the processors in that row ." -our results show that the subband spectrum of quantum cable is different from either double-quantum-wire structure in two-dimensional electron gas or single quantum cylinder .,our numerical results show that the lowest energy subband remains the ground subband either for single quantum cylinder or quantum cable irrespective of their structure parameters . -the adiabatic approximation is considered where the flux tube thermal excitation is separated from the kinetic thermal excitation of the constituent quarks .,the imaginary time formalism is adopted in the adiabatic approximation where the flux tube thermal excitation is separated from the thermal excitation of the constituent quarks . -"several robust and non-robust estimators have been proposed , see for instance chakraborty and chaudhuri and the references therein .","several robust and non-robust estimators have been proposed , see for instance chakraborty and chaudhuri , and the references therein ." -the proposed method to analyse these data is as follows .,the technique proposed in this paper is as follows . -geometric framework of the conceptual spaces addresses similarities between the concepts to achieve cognition via geometric structures .,the lattice representation of conceptual spaces is similarity explored further for achieving cognition . -"here , we use the one constant approximation of the oseen-frank energy for the sake of simplicity .","here , we simply use the so-called one constant approximation of the oseen-frank energy ." -"lastly , we assume that there is one bulk connection and many voice connections .","in this part , we consider also one bulk connection and many voice connections using udp ." -defective coloring and the related t-improper coloring were first introduced by andrews and jacobsen .,"defective coloring of graphs was first studied by cowen , cowen and woodall ." -sublinear-time approximation algorithms for clustering via random sampling .,linear-time approximation schemes for clustering problems in any dimensions . -we apply the fictitious integrable system approach in order to determine direct regular-to-chaotic tunneling rates for billiards .,to describe this tunneling process we introduce the fictitious integrable system approach . -"the main drawback with this method is the slow convergence typical with this type of decomposition algorithms , which made the author include additional linear constraints in order to improve convergence .","the main concern of this approach is the slow convergence typical from this type of decomposition algorithms , which forced the author to include additional linear constraints in order to improve convergence ." -the dashed red line represents the instability window in the absence of the rocket term .,the full blue line represents the effect of the rocket term . -the equations are solved in small amplitude approximation .,these equations are nonlinear and will be solved in small amplitude approximation . -"the ratios for the two cloud groupings along the sight line are similar , suggesting that in both cases the absorption occurs primarily in regions where there the grain mantles have been reduced and the grain cores exposed .","the warm neutral and warm ionized clouds along the sight line have similar dust-phase abundances , implying that the properties of the dust grains in the two types of clouds are similar ." -modern approaches utilize deep convolutional networks and have shown superior performance .,more recent methods focus on learning to segment using deep neural networks . -"in , the magnitude of input gradients has been identified as a cause for vulnerability to evasion attacks .","in , the magnitude of the input gradient is identified as a cause for vulnerability to evasion attacks ." -"in his seminal paper , thistlethwaite proved that the jones polynomial of an alternating link in s 3 can be recovered as an evaluation of the tutte polynomial of a plane graph .",thistlethwaite proved that the coefficients of the jones polynomial of a non-split alternating link alternate in sign . -"variant annotations expressed using , eg , uml stereotypes define which parts of the model have to be removed to derive a concrete product model .","variant annotations , eg , uml stereotypes , define which parts of the model have to be removed to derive a concrete product model ." -let us consider here the three basic interpretations .,let us consider the three approaches step by step . -the discovery of twisted electron beams has shown that particles can carry an intrinsic orbital angular momentum .,the discovery of twisted electron beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum has proven the existence of vortex states of a free electron . -"filed in re notice of inquiry concerning high-speed access to the internet over cable and other facilities , gen docket no .","comments of the competition policy institute filed in re notice of inquiry concerning high-speed access to the internet over cable and other facilities , gen docket no ." -"therefore , we conclude that the logical structure of large programs can be described by smallworld networks .","in summary , we have shown that large computer programs correspond to growing networks that generally possess the small-world and scale-free properties ." -"for example , hall conductivity is no longer quantized despite being classified as a chern insulator based on non-hermitian topological band theory .","for an example , the hall conductivity is no longer quantized despite being classified as a chern insulator based on non-hermitian topological band theory ." -"the inner rim is much brighter than the rest of the disk , as can be seen in linear grey scale .",the inner rim therefore appears as an ellipse with one side brighter than the other . -"exploratory data analysis , often performed interactively , is an established approach for learning about patterns in a data set prior to more formal analyses .","exploratory data analysis , often performed interactively , is an established technique for learning about relations in a dataset prior to more formal analyses ." -"one is feather-weight virtual machine , which enables multiple containers to run on a single windows kernel in an isolated fashion .",one is feather-weight virtual machine that enables multiple isolated execution environments to run on a single windows kernel . -"here , it is shown that the whole contribution of the photon self-energy should not be considered for the renormalization procedure .","in this case , one can calculate the contributions of the photon self-energy diagram which , in fact , give rise to the quadratic divergence ." -this approach makes it possible to calculate the oscillatory size dependence of the work function .,"however , the work function can not be determined in this simplest model ." -the next examples involve cubic variance functions .,the next example is about the exponential distribution . -the job is successful if the server reports the status returned by the system .,"by default , the job is assumed to be successful if the server reports the status ." -"parno , perrig and gligor have proposed a mechanism for distributed detection of node replication attacks in wsns .",parno et al propose a mechanism for distributed detection of node replication attacks in wsns . -"to run moses for translating diffs to commit messages , we trained a 3-gram language model using kenlm .",we trained a 3-gram language model using kenlm and used mgiza to obtain alignments . -von sachs and neumann developed a test of stationarity based on empirical wavelet coefficients estimated using localized versions of the periodogram .,"von sachs and neumann proposed a method to test the assumption of stationarity , which is based on the estimation of wavelet coefficients by a localised version of the periodogram ." -beamforming design for maximizing instantaneous secrecy throughput has been considered in .,worst-case based miso secrecy swipt optimization has also been considered in . -the log-log plots of the distributions of connectivities in japan .,the log-log plots of the distributions of connectivities in southern california . -"in this paper , the locations of potential transmitting nodes in the mobile ad hoc network , including both active and inactive transmitters , are modeled as a poisson point process following the common approach in the literature .",the locations of transmitting nodes in the mobile ad hoc network are modeled as a poisson point process following the common approach in the literature . -an impulse integrator for langevin dynamics .,a gentle stochastic thermostat for molecular dynamics . -ambrose solved the well posedness irrotational problem in 2 dimensions under varying assumptions on the initial data .,ambrose studied the local well-posedness of the irrotational problem in 2 dimensional case . -understanding quantum critical dynamics in strongly correlated many-body systems is a compelling and challenging task in modern condensed matter physics .,the search for quantum spin liquid state has been a currently active and challenging topic in the condensed matter physics . -surgery and the cylindrical yamabe invariant .,cylindrical yamabe invariant and gluing constructions . -"for scenarios exhibiting less protection against multipath , soft handoff provides a micro-diversity benefit and a macro-diversity benefit , so the soft handoff improvement will be greater .","for scenarios exhibiting less protection against multipath , soft handoff provides a microdiversity benefit and a macrodiversity benefit , so the soft-handoff improvement will be greater ." -"in order to cancel the anomaly , it is necessary to use the identity where the sum runs over all the fermions .",we stress that the sum runs over all the charged fermions as the anomaly is not cancelled within each generation . -"in this work , we have used a hybrid database compiled by rodrigues and wagner containing 4816 metabolites and 5870 reactions .",we have used a hybrid database compiled by rodrigues and wagner containing 4816 metabolites and 5870 biochemical reactions for this work . -spn is first proposed in to model the joint probability of variables in a hierarchical manner .,"spn is first introduced in as a deep probabilistic model , that can capture the deep relationships ." -similar resource allocation schemes have been derived for the weighted-sum rate maximisation problem as well as for the stochastic network utility maximisation problem subject to minimum average rate constraints for both downlink channels .,similar greedy allocation schemes have been derived for the weighted-sum rate maximization problem and the stochastic network utility maximization problem subject to minimum average rate constraints for both downlink channels . -choy et al use an rnn to reconstruction the object in the form of a 3d occupancy grid from multiple viewpoints .,choy et al use an rnn to reconstruct the object in the form of a 3d occupancy grid from multiple viewpoints . -then we analyze the spin transport properties for the mnm system .,now we analyze the spin transfer torque and its auto-correlation function . -"veste et al , in sustainable land use in deserts , edited by s .","tsoar , in arid dune ecosystems , edited by s ." -the primary motivation behind using clime is that the theoretical guarantees obtained by does not require the edge-based mutual incoherence condition .,the primary motivation behind using clime is that the theoretical guarantees obtained by cai et al cai et al does not require the edge-based mutual incoherence condition . -"taking heterogeneous channel occupancy patterns into account , liu et al introduced opportunistic routing into the crn where the statistical channel usage and the physical capacity in the wireless channels are exploited in the routing decision .","taking heterogeneous channel occupancy patterns into account , liu et al introduced opportunistic routing into the crns where the statistical channel usage and the physical capacity in the wireless channels are exploited in the routing decision ." -"however , when a filter in an ordinary cnn represents textures without consistent contours , it is difficult for to compute rfs , because this method needs to align activation regions through different images .","however , when a filter in an ordinary cnn does not have consistent contours , it is difficult for to align different images to compute an average rf ." -"the same problem arises in the context of local , strongly correlated fermi systems like the kondo and anderson model .","the same problem arises in the context of local , strongly correlated fermi systems like the kondo or anderson model ." -arora et al investigated the learning of autoencoders with random weights and demonstrated that it is possible to train them in polynomial time under some restrictions on the network depth .,"arora et al considered the auto-encoder setting , where learning is unsupervised , and showed how the weights can be learnt correctly under a set of conditions ." -this is in agreement with the recent analysis of the mac layer of mmwave cellular networks that shows the need for only on-demand inter-cell interference management .,"this is in agreement with the recent analysis of the mac layer of mmwave cellular networks , which shows the need for only ondemand inter-cell interference coordination ." -"later , they appeared in the context of the dispersionless kp hierarchy .","later , they were investigated by gibbons and tsarev in the context of the dispersionless kp hierarchy ." -"paradyn starts a hierarchical search of the bottlenecks , and refines this search by using stack sampling .",paradyn starts a hierarchical search of the bottlenecks and refines this search by using stack sampling . -"for the quasiperiodic case , we also discuss the different features of continuos and discrete models .","for the quasiperiodic case , we also discuss the implications of using continuos or discrete models ." -moreover it has been shown that all backgrounds which preserve more than 29 supersymmetries are maximally supersymmetric .,"it has been shown that there exist non-maximally supersymmetric solutions with 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 supersymmetries ." -a notable exception is an article establishing some interpolation properties for circumscription and default logic .,a notable exception is an article by amir establishing some interpolation properties for circumscription and default logic . -the discrete unbounded state-space provided by oam modes have recently been used to increase the channel capacity of a free-space communication link .,it has been demonstrated that the use of spatial modes as an extra layer of multiplexing can substantially increase the bit rate of a classical communication link . -"if the neutrino is a majorana fermion , the the neutrino and the anti-neutrino are the same object .","here , a flavour neutrino is a mixture of neutrino gravitational eigenstates and flavour-dependent neutrino-gravity couplings serve to lift the degeneracy ." -a study in provides an counterexample for the persistence of pos in such a situation .,a study in provides a counterexample for the persistence of pos in such a situation . -achic et al proposed the combination of a hybrid brain-computer interface and an electric wheelchair equipped with a robotic arm to facilitate navigation and manipulation tasks .,"using a hybrid bci and head movement control , achic et al studied a setup with a moving wheelchair and an attached robotic arm ." -the dynamics and statistics of the ensemble of classical trajectories are then obtained by solving eqs .,the dynamics of ensemble of trajectories is then determined by pair of coupled eqs . -shi et al propose a method based on utilizing a sparse representation of image patches using a learned dictionary for the detection of slight perceivable blur .,shi et al proposed a blurring detection and level estimation method that outputs a blur map of the given image . -"a minimal upward covering set is defined as an inclusion-minimal set of alternatives that satisfies certain notions of internal and external stability with respect to the upward covering relation , .","a minimal upward or minimal downward covering set is defined as an inclusion-minimal set of alternatives that satisfies certain notions of internal and external stability with respect to the upward or downward covering relation , ." -behler and co-workers utilized atom-distribution-based symmetry functions to represent the local chemical environment of atoms and employed a multilayer perceptron to map this representation to atomic energy .,behler and coworkers utilized atom-distribution-based symmetry functions to represent the local chemical environment of atoms and employed a multilayer perceptron to map this representation to the associated atomic energy . -"farhi and harrow proved that , under reasonable complexity assumptions , the output distribution of even qaoa 1 circuits can not be efficiently sampled classically .","further , farhi and harrow argued , under reasonable complexity theoretic assumptions , that it is not possible for any classical algorithm to produce samples according to the output distribution of qaoa circuits with even a single iteration ." -this cost can be improved to oby using fast multipole method acceleration .,this drawback can be partly alleviated via fast multipole acceleration . -"higher order quantum corrections added to the action , solutions including exponentially expanding braneworld and static extra space have been found numerically .","higherorder quantum corrections have been added to the action , and solutions which include exponentially expanding braneworld and static extra space have been found numerically ." -"as an alternative approach , kim et al have proposed two coding schemes based on modified reed-muller codes .","as an alternative approach , kim et al have proposed two coding schemes based on the modified reed-muller codes ." -"nevertheless , sun proved that the learning process with gradient errors can still be convergent .","however , the theoretical analysis by sun showed that the learning process with gradient errors can still be convergent on neural models ." -the peaks in capacitance arise from correla interfacial layer of fluid .,the peaks in capacitance arise from correlations within t interfacial layer of fluid . -"hard thresholding was implemented in order to improve the spline method , as suggested by the authors in .","hard thresholding was implemented in order to improve the spline methods , as suggested by the authors in ." -"ryan , an application of grassmannian varieties to coding theory , congr .","ryan , projective codes based on grassmann varieties , congr ." -deep neural networks have set new standards of performance in many machine learning areas such as image classification .,"machine learning techniques based on neural networks have recently exhibited state of the art algorithmic performance in many cognitive tasks , such as perception and recognition ." -"in and presented some improved conditions for state agreement under dynamically changing directed interaction topology , which is not necessarily balanced or strongly connected .",in and presented more relaxable conditions for state agreement under dynamically changing directed interaction topology . -"moreover , the probability distributions conditioned on γ are equal to each other .","in the samolsian dynamics , the probability distributions that are conditioned on γ are not equal ." -"we use the lowest order discontinuous galerkin method , which is a modified backward euler method .","hence , this is the backward euler method for the standard galerkin scheme , where optimal error estimates are known ." -"however , potentials defined on higher order cliques have been shown to be useful in earlier works such as .","however , potentials defined on higher order cliques have been shown to be useful in previous works such as ." -hence we have that the class of banach algebras together with bounded cf-homomorphisms and the class of banach algebras together with bounded wcf-homomorphism form concrete categories .,we now give examples to show that two banach algebras may be isomorphic in the category of banach algebras with bounded cf-homomorphisms without being isomorphic in the usual category of banach algebras . -now we apply the edge embedding lemma to these embeddings .,the edge embedding lemma then allows us to embed the edges of the graph . -"ye , micheli , and benini theoretically model the power consumption of the switching fabric in routers by their electrical components , such as capacitors .","ye , micheli , and benini theoretically model the power consumption of the switching fabric in routers based on the electrical units , such as capacitors ." -every classical structure induces a convolution algebra .,this leads to so-called commutative frobenius algebras within a category . -"in particular , in the global regularity in the sense of is proved , by explicit computation of the heat kernel and green function .","we refer for example to , where the regularity of the twisted laplacian is proved , by explicit computation of the heat kernel and green function ." -shah et al provide a systematic study and design a rumor source estimator based on the concept of rumor centrality .,shah et al provide a systematic study and design a rumor source estimator based upon the concept of rumor centrality . -summary of observational data on non-sne sources .,summary of data on intermediate-age sne and younger sne in our survey . -the new bounds are based on a genie-aided approach and a recently proposed extremal inequality .,the new bound is based on a genie-aided approach and an extremal inequality proposed by liu and viswanath . -zhang and zhou propose the bp-mll that utilizes a fully-connected neural network and a pairwise ranking loss function .,"similarly , zhang and zhou introduced a framework that learns ranking errors in neural networks via backpropagation ." -note that simple elements are in one-to-one correspondence with noncrossing partitions .,recall that the simple elements are in one-to-one correspondence with non-crossing partitions . -prediction of protein secondary structure from the input string sequences is the ground to foster protein function determination and design better drugs .,prediction of protein secondary structure from the input string sequences is the ground to foster protein function determination and ultimately drug design . -"differential privacy , first defined by dwork et al , has become a standard privacy solution concept in the theoretical computer science literature .","differential privacy was proposed in the seminal work of dwork , mcsherry , nissim and smith and has become the de-facto standard for privacy ." -"as shown in , teacher-student learning is better for robust model adaptation without transcription .","as we show in , teacher-student learning is better for robust model adaptation without the need of transcription ." -"there has been considerable effort to improve efficiency and robustness of optical flow estimation , including patchmatch .","there has been considerable efforts to improve the efficiency and robustness of optical flow estimation , including patchmatch ." -there is a lie cobracket defined by turaev on zwhich is the dual object of goldman bracket .,there is a lie cobracket defined by turaev on zwhich is the dual object of the goldman bracket . -let us analyse this problem in more detail .,let us think of one example to illustrate . -"at the beginning of each partial step in the runge-kutta time integration scheme , the cell-averaged variables defined at grid cell centres are calculated by the averageflux subroutine .","at the beginning of each partial step in the runge-kutta time integration scheme , we need to calculate the cell-averaged variables defined at grid cell centres ." -calculated band structure of mg along certain symmetry directions .,calculated band structure of be along certain sym metry directions . -"extending from the clnn , the masked conditional neural network enforces a systematic sparseness over the network weights .",this is encountered through extends the clnn by adopting a filterbank-like behavior within the network by enforcing a systematic sparseness through a binary mask . -"in the same line , recently in , an interaction logic with one successor is developed for the description of parametric systems capturing rendezvous and broadcast communications as well as the architectures of the systems .","in the same line in , an interaction logic with one successor is developed for the description of parametric systems capturing rendezvous and broadcast communications as well as the architectures of the systems ." -give an example of an n-vector space of type ii which is .,give an example of an n-commutative n-linear algebra . -"this is precisely the disparity , even in the classical scenario , between nambu-goto and polyakov formulations in the presence of constraints , that we had set out to establish .","also , treating the present model as an explicit example , we show that , even classically , in the presence of additional constraints , , the equivalence between nambu-goto and polyakov formulations is subtle ." -pagerank is an algorithm to compute the importance of vertexes in a directed and unweighted graph .,"pagerank , first introduced in , is an algorithm that generates a centrality measure on finite graphs ." -discrete cosine transforms on quantum computers .,wavelets and wavelet packets on quantum computers . -"recently , a mg method with an optimal rate of convergence , was proposed .","recently , an mg method with an optimal rate of convergence , was proposed ." -in this section and the next we will need the following constructions .,later in this paper we will need the following related constructions . -this exercise using iras data in the magellanic clouds is particularly interesting because the spitzer space telescope probes similar spatial scales in nearby galaxies as iras did in the magellanic clouds .,"this type of systematic assessment of iras diagnostics is important for interpreting spitzer space telescope data , which will probe similar physical scales in nearby galaxies as iras did in the magellanic clouds ." -a computationally efficient way of exactly solving the integer ls problem is the sphere decoder .,a method largely used to solve this problem in the euclidean metric is the sphere decoding . -"hu et al introduced a structured label prediction method based on a gnn , which allows positive and negative messages to pass between labels guided by external knowledge .",hu et al proposed a structured inference neural network that transfers predictions across multiple concept layers . -this phenomenon was shown in refas a bipartite entanglement measure .,this roe phenomenon was shown in refas a bipartite entanglement measure . -we call a face decomposition of m reduced if i0 is a face decomposition is called atomic if all faces are atoms .,the join-irreducible elements that cover the bottom element are called the atoms . -"recent years have seen an explosion of applications of the deep learning methods to medical imaging , including computer-aided diagnosis in radiology and medical image analysis .","in recent years , the use of deep learning for medical imaging tasks has increased in prevalence , with these powerful algorithms being applied to a wide variety of medical imaging applications , from metastasis detection for breast cancer ." -"in this paper , we will make use of the propositional fragment of the focused sequent calculus system for classical logic defined in .","in this paper , we will make use of the classical focused sequent calculus system defined in ." -"the second is unphysical , because the bogoliubov coefficient β k is diverging .","the second is un-physical , since it provides a diverging bogolubov coefficient β k ." -"we also evaluate performance using two 3d meshes , taken from the university of florida sparse matrix collection .",for the experiments we use two networks from the university of florida sparse matrix collection . -"unfortunately syntactic productivity checking , such as that employed by the proof assistant coq , is to guarantee productivity via types .","unfortunately the syntactic productivity checker of the proof assistant coq , is to guarantee productivity via types ." -we now go to the group structure of our theory .,moreover let us come back to the equation . -"however , convergence theory for such a method is limited , even that requiring a complicated analysis .","convergence theory for such methods is limited , and , even that requires a complicated analysis ." -"depth imaging has in turn eased the extraction of object contours in a captured image , which was traditionally a challenging computer vision problem .","depth imaging has in turn eased the detection of object contours in a captured image , which was traditionally a challenging computer vision problem ." -the horizontal hatching marks the sub-wetting layer area of electronic energies .,the oblique hatched area denotes the extended electronic states in the wetting-layer . -"one of them is the centralized model , where a single data center is responsible for the repair of all the failed nodes .","the prevalent one is the centralized model , where a single repair center is responsible for the repair of all failed nodes ." -"in , we give a detailed study on the -cohomology group associated to a representation of a lie-yamaguti algebra .","in section 2 , we introduce the concept of representations of a hom-lie-yamaguti algebra ." -"deep learning has shown its effectiveness in many computer vision tasks , such as object detection .","this transfer learning strategy is widely adopted for object detection , and other visual recognition tasks ." -the goal of this section is to prove the subsequent stability theorem .,we can now prove the central result of this section . -"thus , we believe that conformal invariance is a mechanism that confines ghosts .","by conformal invariance , this is the same as the vacuum-vacuum transition amplitude for open strings stretched between y1 and y2 ." -"once known , this value is added in quadrature to the calibration magnitude uncertainty .",the result is added to the sensitivity estimate along with the systematic calibration uncertainty . -this architecture achieved the highest accuracy on the cifar datasets in the original study .,this architecture achieved the highest accuracy on imagenet in the original study . -"the scores provided in lotter et al are averaged over nine frames , but ours are computed only on the next predicted frame .","note that the scores provided in lotter et al are averaged over nine frames , but ours are computed only on the next predicted frame ." -"the rate of nucleation at the ends of the pillars depends only weakly on the pillar length , and therefore likewise the energy barrier .","the nucleation rate is nearly constant , indicating that the size of the energy barrier does not depend on the pillar length ." -"the work in proposed a novel method which learns near-to-optimal shapelets directly , without the need to search exhaustively among a pool of candidates extracted from time-series segments .","the work proposed a novel method that learns near-to-optimal shapelets directly , without the need to search exhaustively among a pool of candidates extracted from time-series segments ." -the major research thrust to date in the emerging area of signal processing on graphs .,"in the academic world , the emerging field of graph signal processing ." -"for stacks of such brane solutions , this might lead to interesting low-energy physics , due to the similarity with the geometry considered in in an approach to the standard model .",such intersecting brane solutions are interesting because they may lead to low-energy physics close to the standard model . -"we introduce residual or shortcut connections between the stacked convolutional layers , inspired by the organization of deep residual networks , in order to improve the representations learnt by the later convolutional layers .","in addition , we introduce residual connections feeding into the deeper convolutional layers , which is inspired by the architecture of deep residual networks ." -"street view text perspective consists of 639 word patches , which are cropped from sideview snapshots in google street view and encounter severe perspective distortions .",street view text perspective contains 639 cropped word images which are captured from the side-view angles in google street view . -"for a viable dark energy f model , f has to be positive to avoid ghosts .","f modelfor a viable dark energy f model , f has to be positive to avoid ghosts ." -many reports have posited that adversarial examples are a natural extension of the internal flexibility of nns .,it is known that one accepted reason behind adversarial examples is the linear nature of dnns . -the higgs sector of the mssm is a special case of eq .,the higgs sector in the mssm is a type ii 2hdm . -"first , we evaluate the ghn on the standard cifar and imagenet architecture search benchmarks .","first , we compare the performance of standard and bc learning on the 1,000-class imagenet classification task ." -invariant limit surfaces of index-one spheres .,compact minimal surfaces in the berger spheres . -"the compression is realized using wyner-ziv source coding , which exploits the correlation between the received signal of the relay and that of the receiver .","in a static channel , the compression is realized using wyner-ziv source coding , which exploits the correlation between the received signal of the relay and that of the receiver ." -"this , in turn , suggests an interpretation for the tangle as the fiducial measure of uncertainty regarding in dividual subsystem properties due to the presence of entanglement , rather than to our ignorance .","as we have seen , this tradeoff suggests an interpretation of the tangle as the fiducial measure of uncertainty about individual qubits due to the presence of entanglement , rather than to our ignorance ." -local cohomology realization of semiregular bimodules .,local cohomology construction of contragradient quasi-verma modules . -"optical cables are inexpensive , but connecting them is labor-intensive and they are far more expensive to interface with electronics than copper .","copper cables have the advantages of being relatively easy to construct , easy to connect , and they can interface easily with switching electronics ." -defect interactions and noise in metallic nanoconstrictions .,nanomechanics of tipsubstrate interactions . -"although many efforts have been made to alleviate the problem via seeking better initialization models , the quality of object instance selection is still limited .","although significant efforts have been made to alleviate this problem via seeking better initialization models , the accuracy of selected object instances is still limited ." -liang et al in showed that the fading channel can be viewed as a set of parallel subchannels with each subchannel corresponding to one fading state .,liang et al in have shown that the fading channel can be viewed as a set of parallel subchannels with each corresponding to one fading state . -we refer the reader to the book for some background on operator-valued free probability theory .,"for a clear introduction to non-commutative probability spaces , the reader is referred to the monograph ." -"lifetime is a strongly decreasing function of mass , but it is only weakly dependent on metallicity .",lifetime is a strongly decreasing function of mass and only weakly dependent on metallicity . -evolution of primordial black holes in jordan-brans-dicke cosmology .,evolution of cosmological perturbations in the brane world . -"because of its inherent simplicity and ease of being extremely parallizeable , the lattice boltzmann algorithm has had considerable impact as a computational tool in the solution of navierstokes flows .","the lattice boltzmann algorithm has proven to be an extremely interesting method for the solution of navier-stokes flows because of its simplicity , extreme parallelizability and accuracy ." -"since then , considerable progress has been made towards development of a normative theory as well as applications of integrated information .","since then , considerable progress has been made towards the development of a normative theory as well as applications of integrated information ." -"the results are evaluated by precision , recall and f-score and area under curve .","the results are evaluated by precision , recall , f-score and area under curve ." -"eye movements hold valuable information about a subject , and his cognitive states , .","eye movements hold valuable information about a subject , her intension and cognitive states , ." -"added , deleted , renamed , modified , and copied files in a branch more code changes may increase the chance of conflicts5 5no .",added and deleted lines in a branch more code changes may increase the chance of conflicts2 6no . -"quite recently , ingrassia et al reformulated cwm in a statistical setting showing that it is a quite general and flexible family of mixture models .","in ingrassia et al , cwms have been reformulated in a statistical setting showing that they are a general and flexible family of mixture models ." -the analyzer handles the old path and its alternative to extract the failed station in the new path .,the analyzer extracts the failed station and its corresponding one in the new path . -"with the modified signal model , the error propagation in af mwrn is different from the awgn case .","with the modified signal model , the error propagation in df mwrn is almost similar to the case as before ." -the error bars in the lf slopes include the formal error and the statistical uncertainties due to poisson noise .,the error bars are dominated by statistical fluctuations in the lfs due to poisson noise . -"based on the earlier work , we construct a novel coupling of an arbitrary number of supermultiplets of the type and to a single supermultiplet of either the type , or .","below we generalize that result by coupling an arbitrary number of - , and -supermultiples to a single supermultiplet of either the type , or ." -we defer this new state to future studies .,we will not pursue this point in this letter . -it has been shown in that the backpressure algorithm maximizes the throughput of the network .,it has been shown that stochastic add converges for the network flow optimization in used to solve this problem . -these metrics values are combined and then the subjective measurement of each route with other routes is performed to obtain the pairwise membership function using the adaptive fuzzy ant-based routing .,these metrics values are combined and then the subjective measurement of each route with other routes is performed to obtain the pairwise membership function using the adaptive fuzzy ant-based routing algorithm . -"unification in general is inherently sequential , but term matching is parallelisable .","note that unification in general is inherently sequential , whereas term matching is parallelisable ." -on the boltzmann equation for long-range interactions .,on the spatially homogeneous boltzmann equation . -we include photographic photometry and morphological types for most of the galaxies .,we include coarse morphological types for all of the galaxies in sample . -"in this paper , we consider the parameterized stationary randomized policy , which is widely used in the literature .",we consider a randomized parameterized policy which is well studied in the literature . -"with replacement , only standard correlators of the spin fields appear in the subsequent calculations .","with this replacement , only standard correlators of the spin fields appear in the subsequent calculations ." -"time-delayed systems are ubiquitous in nature , technology and society because of finite signal transmission times , switching speeds and memory effects .","time delay systems are ubiquitous in nature , technology and society due to finite signal transmission times , switching speeds and memory effects ." -the capacity of the quantum channel with general signal states .,the capacity of the quantum depolarizing channel . -the integration itself was performed using mathematica 1 and the cuba library for multidimensional numerical integrations .,"where numerical results are provided , the integrals were performed using the cuhre numerical integration routine available in the cuba library and using the mathematica interface ." -these results apply to structured models that previous results from hofbauer and schreiber do not .,this result extends the results in garay and hofbauer from continuous-time models to discretetime models . -the proof of the lemma will be carried out in the appendix .,the proof of the lemma will be carried out in appendix a . -"conversely , other works model the mapping of unstructured text descriptions for classes into a visual classifier .","conversely , other works model the mapping of unstructured text descriptions for classes into a visual classifier ." -in this section we demonstrate similar calculations of the rr charge distributions for the fuzzy cylinder .,"in this section , we would like to see if these expected shape of the cylinder is actually generated in the rr charge distributions ." -"after individual images were processed , we extracted sources with sextractor , and used these sources to calculate astrometric and photometric solutions with scamp .","after individual images were processed , we extracted sources using sextractor and calculated astrometric and photometric solutions using scamp for the final image co-addition ." -this approach has been employed to perform charge sensing on individual graphene quantum dots .,this approach has been employed to perform charge sensing on individual graphene qds . -the proof is by induction on the step judgment .,the proof is by induction on the member hypothesis . -interestingly above tcomp the total form factor is negligible .,above tcomp the measured form factor is negligible . -"krylov subspace techniques , see , are less expensive , whereas stability can easily be lost .","krylov subspace techniques , see , are cheaper , whereas stability can easily be lost ." -several studies have examined the propagation of information over social networks and the influence of graph topology on this dynamics .,several studies have examined the propagation of information over social networks and the influence of the graph topology on this dynamics . -the rnn lms with gated recurrent units are obtained using the faster rnn lm training implementation 1 .,the rnn-lms with gated recurrent units are trained using the faster rnn-lm training implementation 3 . -"in addition , we build linear-size point location data structures on these maps in linear time .","thus , we can use the optimal planar point-location data structures to solve the problem in ospace with oquery time ." -neural network based bottle-neck feature in speech recognition task is one type of supervised learned feature where the bottle-neck feature is extracted from the middle layer of a dnn classifier .,neural network based bottle-neck feature in speech recognition task is one successful type of supervised learned feature where the bottle-neck feature is extracted from the middle layer of a dnn classifier . -many methods of image segmentation and edge detection have been proposed .,many unsupervised techniques have been proposed for edge detection . -"the generalized galileon , now dubbed as the horndeski theory , is the most general scalar-tensor theory with the equation of motion with at most second-order derivatives .",the horndeski theory is the most general scalar-tensor theory with the equation of motion with at most second derivatives . -recently hofman and maldacena considered a special limit where the problem of determining the spectrum on both sides simplifies considerably .,in this connection the so called hofman-maldacena limit 1 simplifies considerably the problem of finding out the spectrum on both sides of the duality . -huang et al determine a sense of a word by clustering the contexts and then apply it to neural language model with global context .,huang et al determine the sense of a word by clustering the contexts and then apply it to neural language model with global context . -"consequently , a variety of degenerate training behaviors has been observed-eg , mode collapse .","moreover , a variety of degenerate behaviors have been observed-eg , mode collapse ." -quantum particles do not traverse any braid trajectories since they do not have trajectories at all .,"quantum particles do not traverse any trajectories , also any multi-loop cyclotron trajectories ." -this occurs within an energy gap of the order of jm from the fermi level .,the scattering opens up additional states on the scale of jm around the fermi level . -on the power of real turing machines over binary inputs .,on the length of programs for computing finite binary sequences . -but the case of simply-connected surfaces is the only one we know of where something as refined as the homeomorphism-type is actually determined by reduction modulo p .,"so in this very rigid case of simplyconnected surfaces , it is natural to ask if the homeomorphism type is determined by the zeta function ." -in such case the vertex is left via the unused edge .,in that case the path leaves the vertex via the unused edge . -we need to prove that the friction force exerted on the body by the fluid is initially bounded and vanishes asymptotically in time .,"using an adiabatic invariant we show that the friction is very small and vanishes at long times , so that the behavior of the body is better than the assumption ." -there exists a body of work that indicates that ρ c depends on the protocol used for obtaining jammed configurations and that monodisperse systems are prone to crystallization .,"in addition , however , there exists a body of work that indicates that ρ c , z depends on the protocol used for obtaining jammed configurations and on the particle-die size ratio , and that monodisperse systems are prone to crystallization ." -this construction is compatible with composition of morphisms .,it is fully faithful and it commutes with the global section functor . -"we classify them by central products of dihedral groups and quaternion groups , and then realize that they are often not isomorphic to the pauli groups in the literature .","they are often not isomorphic to the pauli groups , though they give rise to binary stabilized codes as the pauli groups do ." -"on noncommutative tori , there exist explicit projective modules called heisenberg modules .","on noncommutative tori , projective modules , called heisenberg modules , are given explicitly ." -"for example , liu et al successfully showed that a stealthy attack changing the state while not being detected is possible .","for example , liu et al showed that it is possible to launch a stealthy attack without being noticed ." -they have also been integrated with reinforcement learning for state space dimensionality reduction by using prm nodes as state space for the reinforcement learning agent .,they have also been integrated with reinforcement learning for state space dimensionality reduction by using prm nodes as the state space for the reinforcement learning agent . -"second , we use input fluence measurements with reported errors with priority over fluence measurements in wider bandpasses .","as noted , in these cases , we use input fluence measurements with reported errors with priority over fluence measurements in wider bandpasses ." -"hence , the number density of the virtual gravitational .","hence , in absence of an external gravitational field , the polarization density ." -"particularly , textrank builds an undirected and unweighted graph with candidate lexical units as nodes for a specific text and adds connections between those nodes that co-occur within a window of n words .",textrank builds an undirected and unweighted graph with candidate lexical units as nodes for a specific text and adds connections between those nodes that co-occur within a window of n words . -in this case it is significant that the positive vacuum energy appears .,"on account of that identification , the vacuum energy also has to be positive ." -the gapless modes in sz is consistent with the results based on bosonization technique for the weak-coupling regime .,it is interesting that the bosonization analysis for the weak-coupling regime well describes the feature of the strong-coupling regime . -"here , we give a more elementary proof for the reader not familiar with the results of .","here , we give a more elementary proof for the reader not familiar with the results of refs ." -this research was also partly supported by grants from nserc .,this research was supported in part by perimeter institute for theoretical physics . -"the secrecy capacity of a two-user broadcast channel with confidential messages has also been studied in , where the intended users can act maliciously as eavesdroppers .","the secrecy capacity region of a broadcast channel with confidential messages , where the intended users can act maliciously as eavesdroppers , was studied in , but only for the case of two users ." -"yet another example of a redundant parseval frame is provided by complex wavelets , with the corresponding direct and inverse transforms having ocost .","yet another example of a redundant parseval frame is the complex wavelet transform , which has ocomputational cost ." -"in contrast to previous work in the context of cloning algorithms , our mathematical approach does not require a time discretization and works in the very general setting of a pure jump markov process on a compact state space .","in contrast to previous work in the context of cloning algorithms , our mathematical approach does not require a time discretization and works in a very general setting of a jump markov process on a compact state space ." -the results of this approach are discussed in the section iii c .,the results of this approach are discussed in the section iii b . -the factors in the denominator in the right hand side cancel against the vandermonde determinant when reducing the integral from lie algebra to its cartan subalgebra .,the factors in the denominator cancel against the vandermonde determinant which arises when the integration over the lie algebra is reduced to that on cartan subalgebra . -"note also that a different integrable generalization to higher dimensions was proposed in , where the pentagram map was defined not on generic , but on the so-called corrugated polygons .","this map turned out to be scale invariant and integrable in any dimension as it admits a lax representation with a spectral parameter , where the pentagram map was defined not on generic , but on the so-called corrugated polygons ." -we use the same architecture for our generative network as that used in the original cyclegan paper .,we use the same experimental setting as in with a batch size of 128 . -"we compared our proposed method with 6 recently proposed state-of-the-art 3d object detection methods on the kitti benchmark , including 3dop .","we compared our proposed method with 6 recently proposed state-of-the-art monocular based 3d object detection methods on the kitti benchmark , including 3dop for kitti cars ." -now we construct the second variation lagrangian for the randall-sundrum model .,now let us consider the second variation action of the theory . -"his research focuses on quantum effects on various properties , including nonlinear dynamics , of metal nanostructures .","his research has focused on stronglycorrelated electron systems and , more recently , on quantum transport and cohesion in nanostructures ." -"when this complexity is too high , the solution can be approximated using the mini-bucket approach presented by dechter and detcher and rish .","when this complexity is too high , the solution can be approximated using the technique of mini-buckets presented by dechter ." -transfer of properties under liaison the goal of this section is to illustrate how the existence of the maps φ and ψ can be used to show that cohomological and structural properties are preserved within m-liaison classes .,resolutions of e-type and q-type the purpose of this section is to show the existence of maps φ and ψ from the set of even liaison classes into the set of stable equivalence classes of certain reflexive modules . -we then used the last part of the zphot algorithm .,we used the czr branch of the zphot algorithm . -"now , let us study the conclusions that can be drawn from the conductance expressions .",let us now see what the conductance expressions are for electrons with spin . -discrete temporal models of social networks .,social mobility models for heterogenous populations . -"recently , nesterov derived complexity results for random coordinate gradient descent methods for solving smooth and convex minimization problems .",recent complexity results on random coordinate descent methods were obtained by nesterov in for smooth convex functions . -for example two gossip algorithms that can be cast as special cases of the standard rbk are the path averaging proposed in .,for example two gossip algorithms that can be cast as special cases of the simple rbk are the path averaging proposed in . -"since this is not a survey of that method , we cite here only a few of them .","since this is not a survey of that method , we refer here to only a limited number of publications ." -"gaussian kernel function , which is inspired from the non-local means for image denoising .","gaussian kernel function , which is inspired by the non-local methods ." -"in particular , the almost global existence of low regularity radially symmetric solutions with small initial data was showed in for the semilinear and the quasilinear case in 3-d , respectively .","particularly , the almost global existence of low regularity radially symmetric solutions with small initial data was showed in for the semilinear and the quasilinear case , respectively ." -"thus , we have good reason to believe that the full field equations also fit the sne ia data at an acceptable level .","and more importantly , we have showed that the mf equations fit the sne ia data at an acceptable level ." -"order transition is approached , the amplitude of the non-uniform spin distribution goes to zero at .",the amplitude of the nonuniform spin distribution goes to zero at the transition point . -as there are no multiplicities this is a permutation substitution .,"the numbers m1 , m2 are called the multiplicities ." -"the warm fluid has been observed through nebular line and continuum emission in the vacuum ultraviolet , as well as through mid-and far-infrared fine-structure line emission excitations .","this gas can also be observed through nebular line and continuum emission in the vacuum ultraviolet , and through mid-and far-ir fine-structure line emission ." -we refer the reader to for a detailed introduction to the classical theory of thermodynamical formalism .,we refer the reader to the references for basic results in statistical mechanics . -for an extensive treatment of these concepts the reader is now referred to the contribution by the horodecki family in this volume .,"for more detailed treatment and an up-to date overview , the reader is referred to the article by the horodecki family in this volume ." -the key qualitative feature of gaussian sum-rules is their enhanced sensitivity to excited states in comparison with laplace sum-rules .,"in contrast to laplace sum-rules , the gaussian sum-rules exhibit enhanced sensitivity to excited states of the hadronic spectral function ." -"with self-consistent mean field method , we investigate the phase transition from the topological insulating state to the superconducting state .","in this paper , we theoretically study the influence of the attractive interaction on the topological insulating state in the qsh system via self-consistent mean field method ." -we have evaluated our monitoring approach against the ltl decentralized monitoring approach of bauer and falcone .,we have evaluated our static monitoring strategies against the ltl decentralized monitoring approach of bauer and falcone . -production of charged and neutral higgs bosons in high energy lepton nucleon interactions .,production of weak bosons and higgs bosons in e- e- collisions . -the action of the matrix model consists of the superpotential appearing in the definition of the gauge theory and the variables of the matrix model are the superfields themselves .,moreover the matrix model action is given by the gauge theory superpotential expressed in terms of the elementary superfields . -the proof is by induction the the member hypothesis .,the proof is by induction on the step judgment . -one successful way to build good image representations is by training generative adversarial networks .,one approach to tackle the constrained image generation problem is to use generative adversarial networks . -"wang et al , which has been applied to image classification and annotation separately .","wang et al , a max-margin formulation of lda , that has been applied to image classification and annotation separately ." -stability and complexity in model ecosystems .,species redundancy and ecosystem reliability . -"we choose a decomposition into finite range covariances developed by brydges , guadagni , and mitter .","especially we choose a decomposition into finite range covariances which is developed by brydges , guadagni , and mitter ." -"in , some properties of a first nontrivial eigenfunction for the 2-dimensional sloshing problem were established .","in , some properties of the first nontrivial eigenfunction for the 2-dimensional sloshing problem were established ." -the higherorder matter terms in emsg here are reminiscent of the terms that arise naturally in loop quantum gravity .,the higher-order matter terms are reminiscent of the terms that arise naturally in loop quantum gravity . -"recently , a continuation algorithm was proposed in to recover the shape of multi-scale sound-soft large rough surfaces from phaseless measurements of the scattered field generated by tapered waves with multiple frequencies .",we remark that a continuation algorithm was proposed in to recover the shape of multi-scale sound-soft large rough surfaces from phaseless measurements of the scattered field generated by tapered waves with multiple frequencies . -"in the sequel , equivalently to , it is discussed how the selective llr update may result in reduced number of state metric storages .","in the sequel , equivalently to , it is discussed how the selective llr update of the non-rwc bits may result in reduced number of state metric storages ." -by simulation better performance of optimal weights compared to other common weighting methods has been proved .,by simulation we verify the better performance of optimal weights compared to other common weighting methods . -a review of these methods for one-component bose gases can be found in .,a review of these methods for single-component bose gases can be found in . -"mahendran et al assume that similar features should have similar motions , and design a cross pixel flow similarity loss to optimize the representation .","for example , mahendran et al assumed that pixels with similar features should have similar motions , and designed a cross pixel flow similarity loss to optimize the representations ." -then the c-ring moves one step leftward in the center figure .,next the c-ring rotates leftward in the upper-right figure . -"ethereum smart contracts are programs which de ne a set of rules for the governing of associated funds , typically written in a turing-complete programming language called solidity .","ethereum smart contracts are programs which define a set of rules for the governing of associated funds , typically written in a turingcomplete programming language called solidity ." -there is also evidence that infants are able to segment whole words from continuous speech while still learning phonetic contrasts in their native language .,"and from a cognitive perspective , there is evidence that infants are able to segment whole words from continuous speech before phonetic contrasts in their native language have been fully learned ." -"based on these ideas , jiang et al suggested to use the rank modulation scheme for errorcorrecting coding of data in flash memories .",jiang et al applied the pm concept to the flash memory system to decrease the number of charged cells . -we use a least-squares loss which has been shown to lead to more stable training and help to generate higher quality and sharper images .,"for gans training , we use the least squares objective proposed by lsgan , as it has been shown to produce better results with more stable training ." -"moreover , it was showed in , that n p is a ring of nevanlinna-smirnov type in the sense of mortini .","moreover , it was proved in , that n p is a ring of nevanlinna-smirnov type in the sense of mortini ." -"further , from the linear combination of y , y received over the fifth symbol , the receiver removes y to obtain a clean y .","from the linear combination of y and y received over the fifth symbol , this receiver is able to remove y which it has previously received , to obtain y ." -"liggett , negative correlations and particle systems .","liggett , distributional limits for the symmetric exclusion process ." -previous work proposed an expectation-maximization based sampling approach to optimize the policy π .,the preferred strategy is to use the expectation-maximisation algorithm to fit the me distribution as proposed by lee and lin . -some of these graph generators mechanistically model network growth .,"some of these graph generators mechanistically model network growth , ." -"clearly , every adequate compact space is semi-eberlein and every semi-eberlein compact space is valdivia compact .",it is not hard to see that the one-point compactification of any topological sum of semi-eberlein compacta is semi-eberlein . -"for wilson loop in higher representations , a more suitable dual description is in terms of d3-branes or d5-branes .","similar conclusion was found for wilson loops in symmetric representation , in which case a better dual description is in terms of d3 branes ." -"about the strong liouville property , lyons and sullivan showed that if γ is virtually nilpotent , then any positive harmonic function on m is constant .","lyons and sullivan showed that if γ is non-amenable , then there exist non-constant , bounded harmonic functions on m ." -faster r-cnn that introduces a region proposal network to make the whole object detection network end-to-end trainable .,faster r-cnn by introducing an end-to-end trainable region proposal network based on anchor boxes to generate proposals instead of using selective search . -it is also possible to achieve better lower bounds by improving our application of the polynomial method or exploiting the quantum adversary method .,"while the standard quantum adversary method can not prove a better lower bound , it might be possible to apply the negative weights adversary method ." -the total differential of the evolutionary form is nonzero .,the total evolutionary form commutator is nonzero . -"circumscription , though , satisfies it , at least when all models considered are finite .","it is easy to see that circumscription satisfies cut , at least when all models that have to be considered are finite ." -micromagnetic simulations based on the time integration of the landau-lifshitz-gilbert .,micromagnetic simulations based on the time integration of the landau-lifshitz-gilbert equation . -the definition of the virtual cycle in the glsm relies on the cosection technique of kiem-li .,"to define a virtual cycle for the theory , we use the method of cosection localization , which is due to kiemli-chang ." -"in order to approach the problem of image alignment across domains , domain adaptation has recently received significant attention .","in particular , domain adaptation has received significant attention in computer vision ." -phase diagram of the de model with degenerate eg bands .,classical phase diagram of the manganite model . -a blackbody is a hypothetical body which absorbs all the radiation which falls on to it .,his blackbody is a thermometer because it satisfies the same relationship between heat and temperature that the absolute thermometer satisfies and not because it exists in our world . -alderived a framework based on the l 21 norm for joint feature selection and subspace learning .,alproposed a joint framework that combines subspace learning and feature selection . -it is convenient to use the language of the superspace formalism .,it is convenient to introduce the one-dimensional superspace notation . -further extensions of these results to the problem of tracking smooth and bounded trajectories in simple mechanical systems can be found in .,further extensions of these results to the problem of locally tracking a smooth and bounded trajectory can be found in . -this is another example of the details following from properly fixed postulates .,these results are examples of the details following from properly fixed postulates . -"in recent years , many people have studied limit theorems for branching markov processes or superprocesses using the principal eigenvalue and ground state of the linear part of the characteristic equations .",recently many people have studied limit theorems for branching markov processes or super-processes using the principal eigenvalue and ground state of the linear part of the characteristic equations . -this idea was used by creignou and hermann in their dichotomy theorem .,a dichotomy for this counting problem was given by creignou and hermann . -"a startling conclusion of was that in order to maximally disrupt the control task , the jammer had to act in a markedly different way than a legitimate , non-malicious , packet-dropping channel .","a startling conclusion of was that in order to maximally disrupt the control task , the jammer must act in a markedly different way than a legitimate , non-malicious , packet-dropping channel ." -this superpotential can also be understood from the reduction of a holomorphic chern-simons term .,from a geometric point of view one can calculate the superpotential as the action of a holomorphic chern simons theory . -coulomb blockade in anodised titanium nanostructures .,size dependent breakdown of superconductivity in ultranarrow nanowires . -"recently , deep neural models -including convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks -have demonstrated superiority for this classic task .","recently , neural network architectures for nlu have been shown to meet or exceed the performance of traditional methods ." -"where probability measures are involved , these constants can be recovered at the end by finding normalizing constants .","since we are dealing with probability measures , the constants can be recovered at the end by finding normalization constants ." -"to represent the text descriptions , we also use the hglmm fisher vectors which have been pca reduced to 6000 dimensions .","our phrase representation is obtained using hglmm fisher vectors after being pca-reduced to 6,000 dimensions ." -it is well known that a non-equicontinuous minimal system is sensitive .,it is shown in that every e-system is either equicontinuous or sensitive . -other information is needed for example the provided or predicted object dimensions and orientations used in many vehicle detection algorithms .,"thus other information is required for example the provided or predicted object dimensions and orientations , used in vehicle detection ." -"last , we use the synthetic splom dataset of kandel et al to validate whether neuralcubes can learn how to predict aggregational values under a controlled setting .","last , we use the synthetic splom dataset of kandel et al to validate whether nncubes can learn how to predict aggregational values under a controlled setting ." -"finally , in section viii , we prove that rdrps strictly extend rdlps .","finally , in section viii , we prove that rgmws extend rgrws ." -"in this section , we compare the rate region achieved by cf without binning with that by noisy network coding for the two way relay channel .",we next compare the rate regions of cf without binning and noisy network coding for the gaussian two-way relay channel . -we use high-order cliques as the super-pixels obtained using the mean-shift method .,the high-order cliques are super-pixels obtained using mean-shift method . -"despite attempts in various directions , conjecture 1 remains open in general .","despite considerable effort in several directions , conjecture 1 remains generally unsettled ." -cooperative game theory provides a rich framework for the coordination of the actions of selfinterested agents .,coalitional game theory provides a rich and compelling framework for modeling and understanding cooperation in multi-agent systems . -the technique described in this paper utilizes a method for computing approximate low-rank factorizations of matrices that is based on randomized sampling .,the technique described in this paper utilizes recently published methods for computing approximate low-rank factorizations of matrices that are based on randomized sampling . -"fortunately , a recent work , rowclone , has proposed two techniques to copy data between two rows quickly and efficiently within dram .","fortunately , a recent work , rowclone , proposes two techniques to efficiently copy data between rows directly within dram ." -the analysis of the more general case is provided in appendix b .,the details of that analysis are provided in appendix b . -"from and , we obtain the following results .",for the second order derivatives we obtain the following results . -"to capture the impact of the csi imperfection on the resource allocation design , we use a deterministic model for the resulting csi uncertainty .","to capture this effect , we use a deterministic model for modelling the resulting csi uncertainty ." -"since manual qa was not yet available for abide-ii , we performed an automatic quality control by selecting those subjects that retained at least 100 frames or 4 minutes of fmri scans after motion scrubbing .","since manual quality control was not yet available for abide-ii , we performed an automatic qc by selecting those subjects that retained at least 100 frames or 4 minutes of fmri scans after motion scrubbing ." -we conjecture that strong zonal currents during the burst may lead to the formation of vortices of the type observed in the atmospheres of giant planets .,we speculate that differential zonal currents can be unstable to the formation of vortices of the type observed in the atmospheres of giant planets . -"moreover , we focus on the low-rank dmd approximation problem studied in .","moreover , we focus on the problem of low-rank dmd approximation studied in ." -nam et al exploited multi-step dual attention networks for reasoning and matching .,nam et al use the attention mechanism for both the visual and the textual data . -the matrix factorization for dst-i in to decompose dst-i into dct and dst .,the matrix factorization for dst i in to decompose dst i into dct and dst . -in particular we show that the transfer dynamics is not sensitive to coupling to modes with energies above the largest energy difference between the purely electronic eigenstates of the fmo complex .,"furthermore , we demonstrate that the transfer dynamics depends on the details of the local structure of the spectral density in the region , where the fmo complex has electronic transition energies ." -"for example , it can be used to largely improve the channel capacity and the security of quantum communication in linear photonic superdense coding .","it can be used to complete the deterministic entanglement purification for nonlocal photonic systems in the polarization degree of freedom , which reduces largely the resource consumed for quantum repeaters ." -xu et al developed a novel method to automatically produce approximately axis-symmetrical virtual face images .,"different from these two categories of approaches , xu et al developed a novel method to automatically produce approximately axissymmetrical virtual face images ." -"schaefer physics and astronomy louisiana state university , baton rouge , la , usa david l .","rabinowitz center for astronomy and astrophysics yale university , new haven , ct , usa suzanne w ." -a concrete aim in this discussion is to arrive at stability criteria for equilibria of the constrained hamiltonian system .,the goal of our discussion here is to devise an explicit construction that relates the morse-witten complex of the free system . -then we assume that the theory is near the conformal fixed point above the mass ma .,"at high energies , we assume that the theory is near the conformal fixed point ." -also we will present some bounds for the k-tuple total restrained domination number of the complete multipartite graph .,now we present the k-tuple total restrained domination number of the bipartite graphs . -the opt models are faster than the full models while keeping the same number of fails for both set of search variables .,the opt models speed up the search while keeping the same number of fails as the full models for both set of search variables . -borenstein and ullman first suggested using category-specific information to improve the accuracy of segmentation .,borenstein and ullman first suggested the idea of using class-specific knowledge for segmentation . -this is sometimes dubbed topological invariance of the witten index in the pertinent literature .,this is sometimes dubbed topological invariance in the pertinent literature . -double colons indicate highly uncertain classifications .,single colons indicate uncertain classifications . -"in , a graph-based attention model was proposed to extract hierarchical information from medical oncologies and improve rnn-based rare disease prediction .",choi et al proposed a graph-based attention model that learns representations of medical concepts from medical ontologies . -in this subsection we would like to give a curved superspace description for the c-map .,"in this section , we introduce our notation and review the c-map originally constructed in ." -these pre-trained networks are available through the matconvnet toolbox .,pre-trained models for both alexnet and vgg16 are publicly available with the matconvnet toolbox . -bayesian computation in recurrent neural circuits .,bayesian integration in sensorimotor learning . -the hourglass network introduced a state-of-the-art architecture for bottomup and top-down inference built upon residual blocks and skip connections .,hourglass network proposed a state-of-the-art architecture for bottom-up and top-down inference with residual blocks . -"this approach also requires a large number of probes for statistical significance , similar to many other methods .","it also requires a large number of probes , as do all approaches that need to collect enough probes for statistical significance ." -"thermostats and barostats control temperature and pressure , and checks were performed to assure that different thermostats and barostats yielded similar results .","thermostats and barostats were used to control temperature and pressure , and checks were performed to assure that different thermostats and barostats yielded similar results ." -"under these definitions , left multiplication of polynomials in the graph shift matrix with the graph signal vector performs filtering .","in this context , multiplication by polynomial functions of the chosen shift operator matrix performs shift invariant filtering ." -"bombelli and rd sorkin , unpublished work .","da meyer and rd sorkin , unpublished work ." -"moreover , it is possible for an entangled operator to have only separable eigenstates .","conversely , entangled states can be produced only by entangled operators ." -this interplay is described in more detail in appendix b .,this is explained in detail in appendix e . -the best-fitting composite components have normal colors and spectral energy distributions for their respective spectral types .,the best-fit binary components have normal colors and spectral energy distributions for their respective types . -in three games were divised testing different neat embedability properties .,in three games were devised testing different ra embeddability properties . -the strongest spin-independent scattering limits for dm masses 5 gev are from the preliminary run at lux .,"for dm masses m φ 6 gev , the strongest current limits come from the lux experiment ." -model-based testing is a testing methodology where test cases are drawn from models or program specifications .,model-based testing is a test technique for generating test cases based on the model of the system under test . -"the height of the potential barrier in this case is smaller than the kinetic energy of the wave packet , so the particle can transmit over the barrier .","note that in this case , both parts of the wave packet have the same asymptotic momentum after scattering from the potential barrier ." -"brini , remarks on invariant geometric calculus , cayley-grassmann algebras and geometric clifford algebras , in h .","teolis , grassmann geometric calculus , invariant theory and superalgebras , in h ." -"the simulation cell is a slab with periodic boundary conditions applied in the plane orthogonal to the growth direction , the substrate is four layers thick and its bottom layer is rigid , while the second and third layers are thermostat .","the simulation cell consists of 5,070 molecules in a three-dimensional rectangular box of size 35 41 , where lengths are measured in units of the lennard-jones parameter σ , and each molecule is seven units long and one unit wide ." -"in the batch setting , we show a number of numerical comparisons of our proposed conjugate gradient algorithm with state-of-the-art algorithms that include topt as nuclear norm minimization algorithms .",we show a number of numerical comparisons of our proposed riemannian preconditioned nonlinear conjugate algorithm with state-of-the-art algorithms that include topt as nuclear norm minimization algorithms . -the dotted lines represent magnetic connections before the event .,"here , too , the dotted lines represent magnetic connections before the event ." -several studies have explored the group lasso in regression tasks .,several studies have explored the overlapping group lasso in regression tasks . -so the geometry of all pieces is boundedly equivalent in both models .,so geometric convergence of the models is complete in this case . -"an increasing number of web-scale applications are relying on deep learning models , including online search , online ads and content recommendation systems .","many technology companies , like facebook , have been increasingly adopting deep learning models for their products ." -the spin foam formalism has emerged in the last few years as an elegant synthesis of several approaches to quantum gravity and diffeomorphism invariant theories more generally .,"the spin foam formalism is a beautiful convergence of different approaches to general relativistic -or background independent-quantum field theory , and in particular to quantum gravity ." -"yi et al proposed aligning shape basis functions through a spectral transformer , which , however , requires a robust initialization scheme .",yi et al tackle this problem by applying a spectral transformer network that synchronizes the spectral domains . -"eastin and knill argued that for any code , transversal gates can only generate a finite group and therefore do not provide universality .","however , as shown by eastin and knill , the set of transversal gates for a given code generates a finite group , and therefore can not be universal for quantum computation ." -again it is easily seen that the expression chosen orthonormal basis .,it is easily seen that the elements the choice of the orthonormal basis . -"in this paper , we extend the method of complex paths to space-times with multiple horizons and obtain the spectrum of particles produced in these space-times .",we extend the method of complex paths to space-times with multiple horizons and obtain the spectrum of particles produced in these space-times . -"in appendix c we show that the fermionic symmetry contains global space-time supersymmetry , and give some comments on supersymmetry in the cubic superstring field theory .",in this section we review wittens string field theory for open superstrings formulated in the conformal field theory approach . -usually the preferred pseudoscalar is called the pseudoscalar and denoted i .,"because helicity changes its sign under the space inversion , it is called a pseudoscalar ." -"this model can be refined in such a way that the new field might also be a source of de at late times , .","it is possible to refine this model in such a way that the new field might also be a source of de at late times , ." -"instead of using -nets and mapping to s s , we could have also used spherical t-designs , the existence of which was proved in .","instead of using -nets and mapping to s n , we could have also used spherical t-designs , the existence of which was proved in ." -we will fuse state estimates generated by individual sensors since previous results suggest such an estimator has better fault tolerance .,"to do so , we present a resilient estimator that fuses state estimates generated by individual sensors since previous results suggest such an estimator has better fault tolerance ." -molecular dynamics simulations are successfully used to characterize the structure and dynamics of systems that consist of many atoms at a finite temperature .,molecular dynamics simulations use localized atoms molecular dynamics simulations are successfully used to characterize the structure and dynamics of systems that consist of many atoms at a finite temperature . -"as we have shown in this paper , we precisely recover d-brane action from k-matrix theory .","in particular , we can also precisely reproduce cs-term of the dp-brane from the cs-term of k-matrix theory ." -"thus , we are presented with the loophole problem whether or not the observed data may be regarded as hard evidence for true three-particle entanglement .","thus , again , the question remains whether the reported data may be regarded as confirmation of three-particle entanglement ." -"we further evaluate our method on the tum rgb-d dataset , which includes both depth maps and real blurry images .","in order to evaluate the performance of our method on real dataset , we also use the tum rgb-d dataset which included motion blur ." -"in this paper we propose a system for object detection that combines faster r-cnn , a kernelbased method specifically designed for large-scale datasets .",in this paper we consider the object detection r-cnn method developed by girshick et al and adapt it to the problem of flow feature extraction . -this assumption is valid as long as the collisional energy is sufficiently lower than the critical energy for the onset of collisional compaction .,this assumption is true only when the impact energy is so low that compaction of aggregates upon collision is negligible . -consider equal power allocation over scheduled queues .,"for simplicity , we consider equal transmission power for scheduled queues ." -"using essentially the same construction , pawlik et al showed the existence of triangle-free intersection graphs of line segments and many other kinds of geometric shapes in the plane with arbitrarily large chromatic number .","pawlik et al provided similar constructions for straight-line segments and many other kinds of geometric sets in the plane with the property that their intersection graphs are trianglefree , but they can have arbitrarily large chromatic number ." -"mikolov et al have already evaluated these word representations on the word analogy task , where the skip-gram models achieved the best performance with a huge margin .",mikolov et al found the skip-gram model to be superior to the bag-of-word model in a semantic-syntactic analogy task . -"visual fashion analysis has drawn lots of attentions recently , due to its wide spectrum of applications such as clothes recognition .","recently , fashion concept prediction has attracted increasing interests in various tasks such as clothing recognition ." -"the green box on the lower right nucleus indicates the gmos field of view , and the continuum image of our data is shown in the lower left .",a green box indicates gmos field of view and the continuum image of our data is at the lower left . -the final set of special limits are those dubbed the hall-littlewood index and coulomb index in .,examples of such limits include both the coulomb branch and hall-littlewood limits described in . -decoherence in josephson phase qubits from junction resonators .,decoherence in josephson qubits from dielectric loss . -"to demonstrate that the developed framework works , we consider four-body systems consisting of two identical spin-up fermions and two identical spin-down fermions .","as an application , we consider the four-particle system consisting of three identical fermions and an impurity whose mass is lighter than that of the majority species ." -"in this case , the gmc penalty is closely related to the continuous exact 0 penalty that approximates the convex hull of the least squares with 0 regularization .","in this case , gmc penalty is closely related to the continuous exact 0 penalty , that approximates the convex hull of the least squares with 0 regularization ." -the elements of ether - ethons correspond to our bivacuum dipoles .,the elements of ether - correspond to our bivacuum dipoles . -reference consider multiantenna systems where spatial signatures are optimized and quantized .,references consider multiantenna systems where spatial signatures are optimized and quantized . -"superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors have been widely accepted as novel near-infrared detectors with high system detection efficiency , high counting rate , low dark count rate , and small timing jitter .","single-photon detectors are promising devices for the detection of single photons because of their fast response time , broadband sensitivity , and low dark-count rate ." -we find that dispersion of alkali metal atoms onto the boron sheet markedly increases hydrogen binding energies and storage capacities .,we find that the binding of li atoms to graphene is considerably weaker than the binding to the boron sheet . -"it is further noticed in that , the clock frequency of the cpu chip is approximately linear proportional to the voltage supply when operating at the low voltage limits .","besides , when operating at the low voltage limits , the cpu-cycle frequency is approximately linear to the chip voltage ." -"therefore , a chordal relaxation was proposed in in order to exploit the fact that power networks are not densely connected , thus reducing data storage and increasing computation speed .","therefore , the chordal relaxation was proposed in in order to exploit the fact that power networks are not densely connected , thus reducing data storage and increasing computation speed ." -dct based features proved to be effective for face recognition in video surveil- lance .,dct based features proved to be effective for face recognition in video surveillance . -a more general notion called proximity relation was introduced in by omitting the transitivity axiom .,a more general notion called proximity relation has been defined in by omitting the transitivity axiom . -the number of rooted maps on an orientable surface .,the number of connected sparsely edged graphs . -we also notice the relation between the generalized gravitational entropy method and the previous approach .,we find that the approach has a close relation with the previous one and confirm the relation between the reduced and the thermal states for the field theory . -the respective energy splitting decreases with decreasing decay width .,the splitting decreases with decreasing decay width . -"in particular in weight zero , the double complex structure above agrees with the classical one .",it is also clear that the weight zero piece of the small complex coincides with the classical cartan complex . -"in the present paper , we show that the problem remains np-complete even if only two semaphores are used in the parallel program .",we show in this paper that it remains np-complete even if only two semaphores are used in the parallel programs . -the phase of the spiral wave φsw is progressing from while the vertical axis shows the observed photon flux in arbitrary units .,the horizontal axis shows the observed photon energy in kev while the vertical axis denotes the observed photon flux in an arbitrary unit . -we also compare the relighting results for the proposed technique with the joint scheme with estimated surface normals from .,we compare on synthetic synthetic data for the proposed technique with the joint scheme of surface normals estimating using . -these distributed sensing challenges can be addressed by casting the problem into a distributed sparse representation of multiple sources .,the distributed sensing challenge may be addressed by representing it as a distributed sparse representation of multiple sources . -"the european cluster receives the addition of ireland , austria , sweden , denmark , and finland .","the european cluster has now the addition of ireland , luxembourg , denmark , greece , the czech republic , poland , and turkey ." -"such grammars are also known as tree straight-line programs , tslps for short , see for a survey .",such grammars are also known as tree straight-line programs in the case of ranked trees . -"we use openly available datasets , that can be downloaded from openml .",we select 192 classification datasets from openml . -"we use the semantic boundaries dataset of , which consists of 11,318 images from the pascal voc 2011 trainval dataset , divided in 8498 training and 2820 test images .","we use the 1,464 training images from the pascal voc 2012 dataset plus the additional instance annotations from the semantic boundaries dataset provided by hariharan et al for training our network ." -for the moment we are considering the interval bundle case .,"for the moment , we concentrate on the interval bundle case ." -"wachter , grassmann variables on quantum spaces , eur .","wachter , q-exponentials on quantum spaces , eur ." -these research-based learning tools include quantum interactive learning tutorial and peer-instruction tools such as concept tests similar to those popularized by mazur for introductory physics courses .,these research-based learning tools include the quantum interactive learning tutorials and concept tests similar to those popularized by mazur for introductory physics courses . -"we train the model by error back-propagation to minimize the classification loss , similarly to .","we train the model by error backpropagation to minimize the classification log-loss , similarly to ." -"in this proof , we use the following terminology .",the following lemma will be used in this proof . -this demonstrates that the precise initial conditions used in the re-simulations are not important for most of our results .,here we show that our results do not depend on the details of how we initialize the re-simulations in the nuclear region . -in this paper we use a conditional gan that learns a generative model under conditional setting based on an input image .,"therefore , we propose using the conditional gan in order to apply a specific condition on the input images to train a conditional generative model for the cade ." -"in particular , a binding energy between a monopole and a vortex was studied in ref .",the binding energy between a monopole and a vortex was studied before in ref . -"in this paper , we consider the compute-and-forward network first studied by nazer and gastpar .",the network considered in this paper is the compute-and-forward relay network introduced by nazer and gastpar in . -"in addition , the aging of transformer mainly depends on its internal temperature , specifically at the hottest spot , which is governed by transformer loading and ambient temperature .","moreover , aging of transformer insulation is a function of insulation moisture , oxygen amount , and internal temperature specifically at the hottest spot , which is mainly governed by transformer loading and ambient temperature ." -"for the second power transformation , the x values were uniformly sampled in the real number range .","for both the log and root transform , random x values were uniformly sampled in the real number range ." -"prior works usually rely on hand-crafted features , such as lbp with traditional classifiers , such as svm and random forest .","many prior works utilize hand-crafted features , such as lbp , and adopt traditional classifiers such as svm and lda ." -conversational understanding systems aim to automatically classify user requests into predefined semantic categories and extract related parameters .,conversational understanding systems aim to automatically classify the user request in one of the predefined semantic categories and extract related arguments . -liu et al proposed to combine graphical models in the form of a conditional random field with a cnn to improve the accuracy of monocular depth estimation .,liu et al use a unified deep convolutional neural fields framework based on the combination of a cnn and conditional random field to regress depth from monocular color images of various scenes . -"to reduce computational complexity , defferrard et al proposed the chebyshev polynomials to achieve local graph convolution .","inspired by graph fourier transform , defferrard et al propose a graph covolution operation as an analogue to standard convolutions used in cnn ." -"these include the standard ten-dimensional type iia , iib and i theory , as well as their non-supersymmetric cousins , type 0a , 0b and 0 , .","these include the standard ten-dimensional type iia , iib and i theory , as well as their non-supersymmetric cousins , type 0a , 0b and 0 ." -for every contracting self-similar action all orbital schreier graphs γ w have polynomial growth .,"at the same time , all orbital schreier graphs γ w of contracting groups have polynomial growth ." -therefore this theoretical model can be applicable to many inhomogeneous plasma systems .,this theoretical model can be very useful for further studies in astrophysical and laser plasmas . -"henceforth , we will write pgaac for the version of pga with alternative choice instructions .","henceforth , we will write btaac for the version of bta with alternative choice actions ." -"chen et al and socher et al present the recursive neural tensor network which reduces the computational complexity of the matrix-vector rnn , while capturing the multiplicative interaction between child vectors .","in socher et al 51 , the authors further introduced the recursive neural tensor network , where tensorbased compositional functions are used to better capture the interactions between elements ." -"franks , james sneyd , guy theraulaz , and eric bonabeau .","korber , steven wolinsky , henry erlich , and elizabeth trachtenberg ." -some previous research have proved the usability of the game in speech therapy .,previous research have proved the usability of the voice interactive serious game in speech therapy . -"however , this effect is qualitatively different from the tank-treading behaviour observed in , for example , vesicles .","this is qualitatively different from the tank-treading behaviour observed in , for example , vesicles , which is characterized by a constant frequency for all points ." -"recent studies have reported that deep learning based methods are successfully applied to many real-world applications eg , image classification .","the use of deep architectures have shown impressive results for many different tasks , from image classification ." -"we also acknowledge many useful conversations with bob singleton , and helpful comments from martin savage .","we are particularly grateful to maarten golterman and larry yaffe for detailed comments on the manuscript , and many useful conversations ." -the degradation problem has been first addressed in where the authors propose a deep residual learning framework .,"there , the authors propose an interpretation of deep learning by the popular residual neural network architecture as discrete optimal control problems ." -"however , the direction of the plume is not aligned with the radio lobes .","the swirling morphology of the dust-lane is similar to , but smaller than , the x-ray plume ." -"in order to preserve more content details , we use a 3d u-net like architecture in the generator instead of the vanilla encoder-decoder structure .","without using a basic encoder-decoder network as the generator unit , we propose to use u-net with skip connections that help to improve the quality of the output image ." -"vard is a tool designed to detect and tag spelling variations in historical texts , particularly in early modern english .","vard is a tool designed to detect and tag spelling variations in historical text , particularly those written in early modern english ." -one has the same answer in the topological case .,this implies surjectivity in the topological case . -"we will be interested in the case , when the two boundaries end on d-branes corresponding to non-trivial vector bundles .",we will be interested in situations where the calabi-yau is embedded as an hypersurface in some weighted projective space . -"in this section , we introduce the characterizations as laid out by witsenhausen , termed as the intrinsic model for a more comprehensive overview and further characterizations and classifications of information structures .","in this section , we introduce the model as laid out by witsenhausen , called the intrinsic model for a more comprehensive overview and further characterizations and classifications of information structures ." -the batch size was fixed at 16 and the learning rate was controlled by adadelta .,the mini-batch size was fixed at 100 and the learning rate was automatically controlled by adadelta . -"one of the most important practical application of quantum information is quantum key distribution , whose unconditional security is based on the fundamental law of quantum mechanics .","undoubtedly one of the most important applications of quantum mechanics in the information realm is the quantum key distribution method , for which coherent states of light play a prominent role ." -algebraic structure of classical splines is studied by many mathematicians as billera .,classical spline theory is studied by many mathematicians as alfeld . -the crosses represent the solid-fluid phase coexistence and the set of open circle is the glass line .,"the crosses represent fluid-solid phase transition , the continuous line is the binodal and the dashed one is the spinodal ." -this class of -knots is very important in the light of some results and conjectures involving dehn surgery on knots .,these knots are very important in the light of some results and conjectures involving dehn surgery on knots . -numbers beside the spectra indicate excitation energies .,the numbers beside the spectra denote the excitation energy . -recent deblurring works have emphasized the advantages of multi-scale processing .,more recent work started to use end-to-end trainable networks for image deblurring . -"this , to a significant degree , is due to the effective nonlinearity introduced at the lowest-order mean-field theory , referred to as the gross-pitaevskii equation .","this is because low-temperature bec dynamics are frequently described to a good approximation by the gross-pitaevskii equation , a 3d nonlinear wave equation ." -a triangular surface representation can be obtained using for example the poisson surface reconstruction technique .,"finally , a triangulated surface mesh is obtained , for example using poisson surface reconstruction ." -the effects on the large-scale structure from scale-dependent f n l were discussed in .,the effects on the halo bias from the scale dependent f n l are discussed in . -two genes in different species are ortholog if they arose by speciation in the most recent common ancestor of the species .,two genes in different species are ortholog if their common ancestor lies in the most recent common ancestor of the species . -"under such an excitation , we find that the effect of bso is negligible , even when the effective rabi frequency of the raman transition is much stronger than the transition frequency between the two low-lying states .","in this case , we show that the bso is negligible even when the effective rabi frequency for the qubit rotation exceeds the transition frequency ." -"the common cubic self-focusing nonlinearity , which easily supports formal 2d solitons solutions , gives rise to the critical collapse , which destabilizes the soliton families .","in usual 2d systems , all localized modes supported by the ubiquitous cubic selffocusing nonlinearity are prone to instability driven by the critical collapse in the same setting ." -"driven by the ongoing transition of hardware towards the exascale regime , research on the scalability of krylov subspace methods on massively parallel architectures has recently gained attention in the scientific computing community .","driven by the transition of hardware towards the exascale regime , research on the scalability of krylov subspace methods on massively parallel architectures has recently gained increasing attention ." -"afterwards , polychronakos extended the theory to describe a finite droplet of fluid , and obtained the umatrix gauge theory called chern-simons matrix model .","afterwards , polychronakos modified the theory to describe a finite droplet of fluid , and obtained the u matrix gauge theory called chern-simons matrix model ." -"since these couplings involve more than one goldstone boson , we have to consider ward identities for amplitudes with several unphysical gauge bosons .",in the case of internal gauge bosons we also have to consider the corresponding diagrams with internal goldstone bosons to cancel the ghost diagrams of the sti . -further radio observations of this source seem warranted .,further observations to investigate the nature of this bright object seem warranted . -"in addition to word counting approach conducted in this study , nlp allows the j-mfd to be used for word co-occurrence analysis .","in addition to the word-counting approach conducted in this study , nlp allows the j-mfd to be used for word cooccurrence analysis ." -"however , this approach does not yield acceptable results , when the errors in the estimates are relatively high .","however , this approach yields unsatisfactory results , when the errors in the estimates of the data matrix and the output vector are relatively high ." -absolutely continuous invariant measures for one-parameter families of one-dimensional maps .,absolutely continuous measures for certain maps of an interval . -"the open symbols are our data , the filled symbols their extrapolation to the physical pion mass .",the open symbols are our data and the filled symbols are their extrapolation to the physical pion . -"as compared to the sdp-based constraint propagation with a time complexity of o , the e 2 cp algorithm is noted to incur much less time cost .","as compared to the sdp-based constraint propagation with a time complexity of o , this algorithm is noted to incur much less time cost ." -now g k is a transitive lie equation in finite form on m which is a very special groupoid .,"with this differentiable structure , u k becomes a transitive lie equation in finite form which is a very special groupoid ." -"as the set s q is intrinsic to ξ i , this equivalence is invariant under the evolution so that the equivalence classes are themselves rqs , ergodic , and indecomposable and hence given by rpcs .","as the set s q is intrinsic to ξ i , this equivalence is invariant under the evolution so that the equivalence classes are themselves rqs , ergodic , and irreducible and hence given by rpcs ." -the capacity region of the mimo-bcs with perfect channel state information at the transmitter has been shown to be achieved by dirty-paper coding .,"later , the sum capacity of the multiple-input multiple-output gaussian broadcast channel has been shown to be achieved by dirty paper coding ." -"graham , three-loop beta function for the bosonic nonlinear sigma-model , phys .","osborn , renormalization group and two-point functions in bosonic σ-models , phys ." -in such a scenario very different techniques like algebraic gossip become interesting .,in such a scenario very different techniques like network coding become interesting . -consequently there exists a sensitivity limit which is called the standard quantum limit .,this is known as the standard quantum limit . -previous work has shown that the combined action of string winding and momentum modes will stabilize the other radii at the self-dual radius .,it is already known that the combined action of string winding and momentum modes stabilizes the ratio of the radii and the total volume . -since the bounded-delay model for qos buffer management was introduced in .,since the first qos buffer management model was introduced in . -it is worth noting that some of the group-theoretic techniques for proving nonexistence of tilings by quasi-crosses in are the main tools for our characterization of the and tilings in section 6 .,it is worth noting that some of the group techniques for proving non-existence of tilings by quasi-crosses in are the main tools for our characterization of the and tilings in section 6 . -"although formal specification of information flow security on separation kernels have been widely studied in academia and industry , information flow security of separation kernels with arinc 653 channel-based communication has not been studied to date .","although formal specification of information-flow security on separation kernels have been widely studied in academia and industry , information-flow security of arinc sks has not been studied to date ." -the waves are attached to the string and the solution satisfies an electromagnetic self-duality relation .,it is not possible to separate the waves from the string and the solution satisfies an electromagnetic self-duality relation . -"the notion of hom-lie algebras was introduced by hartwig , larsson , and silvestrov in as part of a study of deformations of witt algebras and virasoro algebras .",this hom-type generalization of algebras appeared as a part of the study of discretizations and deformations of vector fields and differential calculi regarding the effort to deform the witt and the virasoro algebras . -"like , we only explicitly consider distributions with finite support .","similar to , we only need to consider the prior distribution with finite support ." -theory and applications of long-range dependence .,long-memory time series theory and methods . -"in particular , we use a convolutional neural network to bypass the commonly used feature extraction procedure .","in particular , we introduce a convolutional neural network deep learning model to bypass the commonly used feature extraction procedure ." -"this resembles a well-known instance , namely kernelized locality-sensitive hashing .",this method is subsequently expanded to kernelized and multi-kernel locality sensitive hashing . -the newly convex optimization problem can be solved effectively using the fast iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm .,an efficient algorithm is developed for this optimization problem based on the representer theorem and the accelerated proximal gradient method . -we also compare them to the curvaton model .,we also compare this mechanism with the curvaton model . -"more specifically , a vehicle can be considered as relays to receive and forward information .","more specifically , the vehicles can be considered as relays to receive and forward information ." -combining the last equations yields cost .,using the last equation with yields cost . -such polarized odderon is responsible for ssa in jet production in the backward region of pp collisions and ssa in open charm production in sidis process .,such polarized odderon is responsible for ssas for jet production in the backward region of polarized proton in pp collisions and open charm production in sidis process at small x . -they use revised definition for the mean values in the context of tsallis nonextensive statistics that was achieved in the study of abe and bagci .,they use a different definition of the mean values in the context of tsallis nonextensive statistics as proposed by abe and bagci . -"schieler and cuff later showed that , in the limit of an infinite block length code , only logbits of secret keys are needed to achieve the maximum possible distortion .","schieler and cuff later showed that , in the limit of an infinite block length code , only logbit of secret keys are needed to achieve the maximum possible distortion ." -"surprisingly , some inconsistencies are found for the results of saddle point calculations even for the string-tree scattering amplitudes of the excited string states .",some inconsistencies of their saddle point calculations are found even for the string-tree scattering amplitudes of the excited string states . -"previously , a phase transition between cooperative and defective behaviour in the public goods game was observed for the spatial version of the game .","previously , a phase transition between cooperative and defective behavior in the public goods game as a function of the synergy r was observed for the spatial version of the game ." -optimal value of the gauge parameter ξ is given .,optimal value for the gauge parameter ξ is shown . -kernels of the effective action written in terms of the dressed effective fields are constituent parts of the scattering amplitudes .,the effective action expressed in terms of the dressed effective fields possesses some kernels which in fact are constituent parts of the scattering amplitudes . -the case of equality is obvious by the identity and we omit the details .,the case of equality is also obvious by the above lemma and we omit the details . -this is an essentially new physical phenomenon discovered in quasi-two-dimensional sces .,the pseudogap phenomena arise from the sc fluctuation in the quasi-two-dimensional system . -"one of the exciting features of a quantum beam splitter is that it produces entangled output states , if at least one of the input fields is nonclassical .","the most exciting feature of a quantum beam splitter is that it produces entangled output states , if at least one of the input fields is nonclassical ." -jans et al in use latent class clustering to conduct a uni-and multivariate clustering of sap erp purchase order transactions .,"more recently , poh-sun et al in used latent class clustering to conduct an uni-and multivariate clustering of sap erp purchase order transactions ." -the adversarial training is a straightforward defense technique which uses as many as possible adversarial samples during training process as a kind of regularization .,"for example , the adversarial training is a straightforward defense technique which uses as many adversarial samples as possible during training process as a kind of regularization ." -"in fact , the performance of polar codes with the sc decoding and finite block lengths are not satisfactory .","on the other hand , the bp algorithm for polar codes still suffers from inferior finite length error performance ." -analytical expressions of these lengths may be found in appendix d .,analytical expressions of the damping lengths may be found in appendix d . -papers establish convergence of the generated sequence to a stationary point of under conditions which guarantee that a certain potential function associated with the augmented lagrangian satisfies the kurdyka-lojasiewicz property .,the results developed in establish convergence of the generated sequence to a stationary point of under the assumption that the objective function of satisfies the so-called kurdyka-lojasiewicz property . -a method of knowledge energy assessment in each unit field has presented using experts .,a method for knowledge energy assessment of the kns has presented using experts . -this dataset was part of the data published by the autism brain imaging data exchange i project .,"this dataset , referred to as the abide data , was part of the autism brain imaging data exchange i project and consisted of 28 healthy controls ." -"for the time-frequency domain network , we employ a u-net structure based on two-dimensional convolutions which has been widely used in various source separation tasks .","here we employ a supervised method based on convolutional neural networks , namely the u-net architecture , first proposed in for the segmentation of biomedical images ." -dynamics of two mutually coupled slow inhibitory neurons .,dynamics of globally coupled inhibitory neurons with heterogeneity . -"discuss compact quantum groups , haar measure on these groups , and their representation theory .",discuss the connection of quantum groups with representations of braid groups . -hu et al proposed to rank proposals using knowledge transfer from image captioning .,hu et al propose a scrc model which adopts a 2-layer lstm to rank proposals using encoded query and visual features . -this scheme is related to the asymptotic preserving numerical method introduced in .,our scheme is related to the asymptotic preserving method introduced in . -this kernel was used for simulations in that it performs well in a deconvolution setting .,the kernel was used for simulations in fan and its good performance in deconvolution context was established in delaigle and hall . -"due to this , one can directly employ the notion of derived brackets as defined by kosmann-schwarzbach .",the above brackets can be unified with the concept of derived brackets . -a recent baseline method for single-view pose reconstruction projected matching pursuit is also included in comparison .,a recent baseline method for single-view pose reconstruction projected matching pursuit used in our pipeline are also included in the comparison . -"in sections 4-6 , we present the three partial solvers proposed in for parity games and we explain how to extend them to generalized parity games .","in this paper , we have shown how to extend the three partial solvers for parity games proposed in to the case of generalized parity games ." -such a t is called an equivalence transformation .,this equivalence transformation is a supersymmetric extension of . -the obstruction introduced in is an obstruction for to be asymptotically chow semistable .,the obstruction in the above is defined in as a necessary condition for to be asymptotically chow semistable . -let per denote the set of pointwise periodic homeomorphisms of homeo .,let ap denote the set of all aperiodic homeomorphisms of x . -the filled circles mark the time of surface contact for the merger orbits .,the filled circle marks the time of surface contact for the merger orbit . -"finally , we require that this reproduces the conformal ward identity with respect to the translation .",we next investigate the conditions to reproduce the conformal ward identity with respect to the translation . -"recently , researchers have started to focus on city-scale traffic flow prediction .","recently , researchers have started to focus on cityscale traffic flow prediction ." -a special case of the model has been introduced by french in his seminal paper .,"the 1990 model , in turn , was developed as a generalization of the seminal work of french ." -"in it was shown that the word problem for the automorphism group autof a group g can be reduced in polynomial time to the compressed word problem for g , where the input word is succinctly given by an slp .",in it was shown that the word problem for the automorphism group autof g can be reduced in polynomial time to the compressed word problem for g . -applying positive-negative distance lemma from to testing uniformity we get the following result .,applying wishful thinking theorem from to testing uniformity we get the following result . -"to address this issue , large antenna arrays should be used to provide sufficient beamforming gain for mmwave communications .","to overcome this difficulty , large scale antenna arrays with highly directional beamforming technology is used ." -requiring continuous connectivity has been supported by the findings of are recent works that present information spreading algorithms in worst-case dynamic networks based on network coding .,requiring continuous connectivity has been supported by the findings of present information spreading algorithms in worst-case dynamic networks based on network coding . -"we have the opportunity to consider the gravitational sector and the matter sector separately , since classically the scalar field vanishes in the vacuum .","since the classical counterpart of the vacuum solution corresponds to vanishing scalar fields , we can ignore the matter part of the hamiltonian hmatt and focus on the gravitational part hvac ." -radchenko and james proposed the forward-lasso adaptive shrinkage which includes the lasso and forward selection as special cases at two extreme ends .,radchenko and james proposed the forward-lasso adaptive shrinkage that includes the lasso and forward selection as special cases at two extreme ends . -"in , a model consisting of a chain of linear differential equations is introduced to account for the production of luminescence or fluorescence in response to the presence of ahl molecules in the medium .","in , a model consisting of a chain of linear differential equations is introduced to account for the process of luminescence or fluorescence in response to presence of ahl molecules in the medium ." -the degrees of freedom region of multiple access channel was presented in .,the secure degrees of freedom region of multiple access channel was presented in . -"in fda , lian suggested the use of the identity operator , while kadri et al showed that it will be more useful to choose other operators than identity that are able to take into account functional properties of the input and output spaces .","lian considered the identity operator , while in kadri et al the authors showed that it will be more useful to choose other operators than identity that are able to take into account functional properties of the input and output spaces ." -security proof for quantum-key-distribution systems with threshold detectors .,finite-key analysis for practical implementations of quantum key distribution . -yu et al proposed an implicit feedback recommendation model with systematically extracted latent features from heterogeneous network .,"similar to trustmf , xiao yu et al proposed several recommendation algorithms based on heterogeneous information networks by introducing the relationships between items ." -"vasantha kandasamy wb , semigroup rings which are p-rings , bull .","vasantha kandasamy wb , zero square group rings , bull ." -"one notable case is the effective field theory of large-scale structure , both in the eulerian pictures .",this is especially important in light of the effective theory of large scale structure . -there has been rapidly increasing interest in electric field sensors during past decades .,there has been rapidly increasing interest in electric field sensors during last decades . -"however , grus have been shown in many settings to often match or even beat lstms .","empirically , grus have been found to perform comparably to lstms , despite their comparative simplicity ." -"this is , however , different for pions as the elliptic flow of pions from the decays of most resonances , except the ρ meson , are significantly different from that of directly produced pions .","this is different for pions as the elliptic flows of pions from resonance decays , except the ρ meson , are larger than that of directly produced pions ." -ieong et al address the convergence time of the best responses dynamics in standard singleton congestion games .,ieong et al consider the convergence time of the best response dynamics to nash equilibria in standard singleton congestion games . -deep convolutional neural networks have led to a series of breakthrough for visual tasks .,"in recent years , convolutional neural networks have become de facto standard in many computer vision tasks ." -following apt and monfroy the membership rules are represented as chr propagation rules with one head .,following the membership rules are represented as chr propagation rules with one head . -the mere fact that neutron matter comes out unbound is non-trivial .,the mere fact the neutron matter is predicted to be unbound is already non-trivial . -this idea is similar to the use of end-to-end fec and intra-session network coding that make tcp sequence agnostic .,this idea is similar to the use of end-to-end fec and intra-session nc that make tcp sequence agnostic . -the pdf approach to polydispersed turbulent two-phase flows .,lagrangian pdf methods for turbulent reactive flows . -this method of computing entanglement entropy on a constant-time slice for static geometries was generalized by the hubeny-rangamani-takayanagi proposal .,"hubeny , rangamani , and takayanagi subsequently proposed a covariant generalization , in which the entanglement entropy is given by the area of a certain extremal codimension-2 spacelike surface ." -in this paper sub-diffusive cases are considered .,in this paper sub-diffusive cases will be treated . -"raikov , resonances and spectral shift function near the landau levels , ann .","raikov , on the singularities of the magnetic spectral shift function at the landau levels , ann ." -we also show that some of the ladder terms are included in our approximation .,we show how this method is related to the dft formalism . -we quantitatively analyze this model in the quark sector .,we have made quantitative studies of this model in the quark sector . -the deltapeak from single-minimum mbs has been omitted .,the delta-peak from single-minimum mbs has been omitted . -the class of context-free languages is not closed under bdr .,the class of regular languages is not closed under bdr . -"in proceedings of the second scandinavian logic symposium , j .","in first international conference on computational logic , j ." -gu et al proposed a multi-view nr iqa algorithm named autoregression -plus thresholding that employs the ar-based local image description .,"gu et al proposed a nr multi-view iqa metric that employs the autoregression based local image description , which is named as ar-plus thresholding ." -"in addition , bhagoji et al propose defense methods based on dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis , and reduced feature sets , respectively .","specifically , bhagoji et al propose defence methods based on dimensionality reduction via principal component analysis , and reduced feature sets , respectively ." -"from the gauge theory standpoint , this yielded a conjecture that amplitudes are equivalent to the vacuum expectation value of a super-wilson loop on a null polygonal contour .","this suggested a remarkable duality , according to which mhv amplitudes are equal to expectation values of lightlike wilson loops ." -"it must be said that a modified version of this bound is also available , that is able to take into account the constraint put by the signal constellation .","a modified version of this bound is also available , that is able to take into account the constraint put by the signal constellation ." -in it has been shown that in super momentum twistor space the r-invariants are expressed in a particularly simple form .,the r-invariants themselves have a geometric interpretation in a dual momentum twistor space . -the recent works exploit the concept of manifold preconditioning for the matrix completion problem .,"to this end , the recent works exploit the concept of manifold preconditioning in matrix completion ." -further extensions of this result are achieved in constructed a co-dimension 2 submanifold of initial conditions such that is satisfied on the whole domain .,"further extensions of this result are achieved in constructed a co-dimension 2 submanifold , of initial conditions such that is satisfied on the whole domain ." -now in the following section we proceed onto define and describe interval polynomial semirings .,interval polynomial semirings we now proceed onto define smarandache interval polynomial semirings . -"utility computing scenarios , such as access to raw storage and computation , will be made available at the paas layer .","so , utility computing scenarios , such as access to raw storage and computation , should be available at the paas layer ." -the idea of identity-based cryptography was first introduced by shamir in 1984 .,identity-based cryptography was proposed by shamir in 1984 so as to simplify pki requirements . -bojanowski et al proposed an embedding method by representing each word as the sum of the vector representations of its character n-grams .,bojanowski et al proposed to learn representations for character n-gram vectors and represent words as the sum of the n-gram vectors . -"especially , a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter is the major problem as the power consumption of an adc increases exponentially with the number of quantization bits and linearly with the baseband bandwidth .","especially , a high-resolution analogto-digital converter is most problematic as the power consumption of an adc is scaled exponentially with the number of quantization bits and linearly with the baseband bandwidth ." -"overlay st , on the other hand , is an alternative to constructing a bandwidth-efficient multicast tree in the p2p environment .","overlay st , on the other hand , presents an alternative way to construct a bandwidth-efficient multicast tree in the p2p environment ." -"the networks we learn are also a type of sum-product networks , which have been introduced in the context of efficient representations of partition functions .","the networks we learn are also related to sum-product networks , which have been introduced in the context of efficient representations of partition functions , used there for a different purpose ." -"given that the spacetime is asymptotically flat , goldstein et al were then able to show that bis a monotonically increasing function of r .","goldstein et al showed that in this system b is a monotonically increasing function of r for any static , spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat spacetime ." -"second , we introduce the notion of restrictive and unrestrictive channel functions to characterize channeling constraints .","in this paper , we introduce the notion of restrictive and unrestrictive channel functions to characterize channeling constraints ." -holomorphic disks and invariants for symplectic four-manifolds .,holomorphic disks and topological invariants for rational homology three-spheres . -temperature and electronic density dependence are investigated .,temperature and electronic density dependence are also investigated . -this gives immediately a proof of the theorem of bondal and orlov .,"our final result thus verifies , in this special case , a general conjecture of bondal and orlov ." -a common example is the computation of the maximum a posteriori estimate of large-scale bayesian inverse problems .,"a well known example is the bayesian inverse problem , in which local solutions are required in order to obtain likelihood estimates given a set of data ." -typical examples are the fb splitting method and its accelerated version .,a particularly successful example is the soft thresholding based method fista . -we evaluate our proposed architecture on the urban landscape cityscapes dataset .,"we evaluate our proposed fast-scnn on cityscapes , the largest publicly available dataset on urban roads ." -"the stable basis in the springer resolutions are just characteristic cycles of verma modules up to a sign , see .","in our case , it is the characteristic cycles of verma modules up to a sign , see ." -"since there are no particular constraints , we focus on the so-called general purpose methods , and among them we mention free form deformation , radial basis functions interpolation or inverse distance weighting interpolation .","among possible general purpose methods we mention freeform deformation , radial basis functions interpolation or inverse distance weighting interpolation ." -an almost hermitian 6-manifold admits a characteristic connection if and only if the intrinsic torsion has no w 2 -component .,"if an su-manifold admits such a connection , we know from that the χ 22 part of the intrinsic torsion vanishes ." -the beta regression model introduced by ferrari and cribari-neto has broad practicality for modeling variables belonging to the continuous interval .,the beta regression model proposed by ferrari and cribari-neto considers a constant precision parameter φ throughout the observations . -"inspired by the success of word embedding techniques , such as word2vec .",inspired by the recent advancement of word embedding techniques in natural language processing . -the additive unit structure of pure quartic complex fields .,the additive s-unit structure of quadratic fields . -we now illustrate these axioms by an example .,we illustrate the construction by an example . -"lewis , local rigidity for certain groups of toral automor phisms , israel j .","lewis , global rigidity for lattice actions on tori and new examples of volume preserving actions , israel j ." -a proposal to holographically calculate the entanglement entropy of d-dimensional cft was discussed in .,the prescription of computing the holographic entanglement entropy was first proposed in . -the optimization of the models is conducted using stochastic gradient descent with momentum .,supervised training of the network is performed using batched stochastic gradient descent with nesterov momentum . -"trees do not approach the ultimate tensile strength of liquid water during transpiration , .",although trees do not approach the ultimate tensile strength of liquid water during transpiration . -"indeed , this would contradict the surface-order large deviation bounds for the magnetization in that regime .","indeed , this would contradict the surface-order large deviations for the magnetization in that regime ." -"in this section , we evaluate the effectiveness of our s2d framework on the tum rgb-d datasets .","in this section , we first compare the proposed mapping system with other state-of-the-art methods using the icl-nium ." -the range of the field strengths for which the final state depends on the interval is substantially narrower than before .,"in addition , the range of the field strengths for which the final state depends on the interval becomes narrow ." -"in , the authors construct a resolution of z by free zm-modules , when m satisfies some conditions .","dehornoy and laffont construct a resolution of z by free zm -modules , when m satisfies some conditions ." -the solid lines are for two-layer model and the dotted line is for the hot layer as the background of the cool layer .,the solid lines are for two-layer model and the dotted lines are only for the hot layer . -"therefore , we shall concentrate on the finite temperature phases of these classical field theories .","furthermore , we might well wish to study the physics of these systems at temperatures where thermal fluctuations dominate the physics ." -the performance of uplink noma in terms of the rate coverage and average achievable rate was characterized first in using pcp considering both perfect and imperfect sic .,"using stochastic geometry , the performance of uplink noma in terms of the rate coverage and average achievable rate is characterized in using poisson cluster process and considering both perfect and imperfect sic ." -"we formulate a weighted dice loss function taking inspiration from the various dice loss functions available in the literature , to take care of the class imbalance problem effectively .","to deal with class imbalance , we formulated a weighted dice loss function by taking inspiration from the various dice loss functions available in the literature ." -the rapidity evolution of s is obtained by solving numerically the balitsky-kovchegov equation with running coupling corrections .,the dipole-proton scattering amplitude n at high values of rapidity y is found from the solution to the nonlinear integro-differential balitsky-kovchegov evolution equation . -"in 2014 , goodfellow et al proposed the generative adversarial networks , which is a novel approach to train a generative model .",goodfellow et al proposed the novel gan framework to estimate a generative model using an adversarial training strategy . -the interval newton verification is repeated with an inflation process of the time interval .,this interval newton verification is repeated with an inflation process of the time interval . -the em algorithm introduced by dempster et al is a classical approach to estimate parameters by maximum likelihood for models with non-observed or incomplete data .,"under the null hypothesis , dempster et al introduce a general iterative approach , the so-called em algorithm , as a very powerful tool for estimating the parameters in cases where observations are treated as incomplete data ." -this feature of the proof also carries over to the threshold theorem for optical cluster-state computation presented in the next section .,"in the next section we extend the theorem to some situations where the cphase gates operate non-deterministically , as is the case for optical cluster-state computation ." -"at low pt , we have the resummed contribution since the latter contributions cancel .",at high pt we have the perturbative contribution when the resummed and asymptotic cancel . -"at colliders such as the tevatron or the lhc , kk-graviton states from wed can be produced as resonances .","at colliders , kk-gauge bosons can be directly produced as resonances if their masses are kinematically accessible ." -"oak ridge national laboratory , oak ridge , tn .","lawrence berkeley national laboratory , berkeley , ca ." -"thongtanunam et al propose another technique-revfinder that identifies relevant review requests using file path similarity , and then recommends reviewers from those requests for a review request at hand .","thongtanunam et al propose revfinder that identifies relevant review requests using file path similarity , and then recommends reviewers from those requests for a review request at hand ." -"in recent years , a number of papers have been published on inferring 3d structures from single images using learning based approaches .","over the last few years , there have been extensive studies on learning based single-view 3d reconstruction using various 3d representations including voxels ." -we make the noise decomposition for the time profile of bursts by performing the wavelet analysis .,we make the noise decomposition for the time profiles by the wavelet package analysis technique . -all optimization problems are implemented in matlab via the modeling language yalmip .,these convex optimization problems are formulated using the yalmip toolbox . -"concerning the robustness , efficiency and the accuracy of the coupling terms , we made good experiences treating the phase-field system in a monolithic fashion , eg , .","concerning robustness and efficiency , we made good experiences treating the phase-field system in a monolithic fashion , eg , ." -but perhaps a more important reason was the inherent characteristics of the tracking setup that undermined a straightforward transfer of deep-learning techniques to this task .,perhaps a more important reason is the inherent characteristics of the tracking setup that undermined a straightforward transfer of deep-learning techniques to this task . -"gale and shapley published one of the earliest and probably most successful paper on the subject , although none has considered the wlan association problem and its related wifi anomaly .","gale and shapley published one of the earliest and probably most successful paper on the subject , although none has considered may 3 , 2016 draft the wlan association problem and its related wifi anomaly ." -"in , unsupervised deep domain adaptation techniques have been proposed where domain shift is minimized by aligning the covariances of the source and target data .","in , udda approaches have been proposed where the discrepancy between the source and target data is reduced by aligning the second order statistics of the source and target data ." -"starting from the original results in , and aiming at establishing morse theoretical results , several authors have studied the relations between conjugate instants along a geodesic and its index form .","starting from the original results by the pisan school , and aiming at establishing morse theoretical results , several authors have studied the relations between conjugate instants along a geodesic and its index form ." -"furthermore , in it was shown that for a non-row-finite graph e the graded ideals of l k are in bijective correspondence with the admissible pairs of e .",it was shown in that the graded ideals of l k are precisely the ideals of the form i for some admissible pair . -these samples act as labels in a discretized mrf which is solved to convergence using convex belief propagation .,these samples act as labels in a discretized graphical model which is solved to convergence using convex belief propagation hazan and shashua . -"inspirations for this work , in addition to what has been discussed above , also come from the double sparsity dictionary model and multiclass dictionary learning from the image processing community .","inspirations for this work , in addition to what has been discussed above , also come from the double-sparsity dictionary model and multi-class dictionary learning from the image processing community ." -"it can be seen that the proposed drjio-rls algorithm has the best performance , and significantly outperforms the distributed nlms algorithms .","it can be seen that es-rls has the best performance , and significantly outperforms the standard diffusion lms algorithms ." -the matching conditions of the envelope function approximation are analyzed within the tight-binding description .,the matching conditions for the envelope functions of the two-band model are elucidated in the tight-binding model . -at this point we would like to comment on the numerical cost of our dirac operator .,at this point we would like to comment on the fate of the doubler modes . -data management researchers have long recognized the potential of computer vision techniques for organizing and querying visual data-starting with early systems such as chabot video data .,data management researchers have long recognized the potential of these classic techniques for organizing and querying visual data-starting with early systems such as chabot video data . -the first example is the hyper-sensitive optimal control problem from refand demonstrates the ability of cgpops to efficiently solve problems that have rapid changes in dynamics in particular regions of the solution .,the first example is the hypersensitive optimal control problem from refand demonstrates the ability of the software to accurately solve a problem whose optimal solution changes rapidly in particular regions of the solution . -it was proved that the gif method is convergent for bspline fitting .,it was proved that the pia method is convergent for b-spline fitting . -"we also provided an algebraic analysis of the performance using an hypothesis testing framework , which gives exact formulae for the probabilities .","in addition , we present an algebraic analysis of the performance using an hypothesis testing framework , that provides exact formulae for probabilities of false detection and misdetection ." -"however , this burst will be pointing away from us .","however , this burst would be directed away from us ." -edu abstract knowledge of the beam profiles is of critical importance for interpreting data from cosmic microwave background experiments .,knowledge of the beam profiles is of critical importance for interpreting data from cmb experiments . -our results generalize the secrecy capacity of the fading wire-tap channel that has been recently obtained in .,our results generalize the secrecy capacity results that have been recently obtained in . -"also , theorem 1 can lead to with different constants .","by , we can get theorems 3 and 4 with different constants ." -among the most successful methods for image classification are variants of convolutional neural networks .,"today deep convolutional networks are widely used for image classification , among countless other applications ." -"as is shown from our theory of dual phase grating interferometry , x-ray irradiance at detector entrance is a result of cross-modulation between the fringe patterns generated by phase gratings g 1 and g 2 respectively .","as is shown from a quantitative theory of dual phase grating interferometry , x-ray irradiance at detector entrance is a result of cross-modulation between the intensity patterns generated by the two phase-gratings g 1 and g 2 respectively ." -"alternatively , the direct energy approaches , allow fast screening of the contingencies while providing mathematically rigorous certificates of stability and saving more computational resources than time-domain simulations .","alternatively , the direct energy approaches allow fast screening of the contingencies , while providing mathematically rigorous certificates of stability ." -"deep neural networks in particular , have been shown recently to perform extremely well on these tasks .","with deep neural networks , people are able to achieve superior performance in various machine learning tasks ." -"hou et al , heteregeneous multiscale methods due to e and engquist are among such successful examples .","hou et al , and the heterogeneous multiscale method due to e and engquist are successful examples of such general frameworks ." -"for each topic , we use a keyword list as proposed by lu et al , and extract a base set of tweets which contain at least one topic-related keyword .","for each topic , we use a keyword list as proposed by , and extract a base set of tweets containing at least one topic-related keyword ." -"according to the moving direction , we will call the head close to the pointed end the leading head and that close to the barbed end the trailing head for myosin vi .","according to the moving direction , we will call the head close to the barbed end the leading head and that close to the pointed end the trailing head for myosin v ." -"many generative models exist in the literature , two of the most popular being variational auto-encoders and generative adversarial networks .","more recently , several successful paradigms of deep generative models have emerged , including the auto-regressive models , variational auto-encoders , and generative adversarial networks ." -"diffusion coefficient with energy , hinted to by a low-energy extrapolation of numerical simulations .",diffusion coefficient with rigidity that can be inferred from numerical simulations . -bayesian networks give rise to very interesting constructions in algebraic geometry .,the appearance of hidden variables in bayesian networks leads to challenging problems in algebraic geometry . -we show that full quantum state reconstruction can be achieved with the alternative measurement technique of resonator detection .,"in conclusion , we have shown that resonator detection allows one to collect more information about the twomode spectral quantum state than homodyne detection ." -the union of the two sets consists of 136 clusters .,"moreover , the union of the sets dw is the set of all periodic and homoclinic orbits of the horseshoe ." -"for densevlad , we used the dense sift implementation , followed by rootsift normalization .","for sift-based representations , we employ the triangulation embedding ." -the upper middle is an equivalence by the homotopy axiom .,but it follows from the homotopy axiom that the middle space is contractible . -"smoldering fire behavior fluctuates across a typical forest floor because of spatial variability in fuel depth , fuel packing density , mineral content , and mc .","smoldering fire behavior fluctuates across a typical forest floor because of spatial variability in fuel depth , fuel packing density , mineral content , and moisture content ." -this area is closely related with the practical issues known as cold-start problem .,this area is closely related with the practical issues known as the cold-start problem of the recommender system . -"after computing the tree level scattering amplitude between two sources , and constraining the theory to have no ghosts or tachyons will give us this special point .",after computing the tree-level amplitude we will constrain the parameters not to have any ghosts or tachyons in the theory . -the spectral problem of abjm theory is believed to be integrable .,this hamiltonian has been proven to be integrable by means of an algebraic bethe ansatz . -"recently , it has been shown that this intermediate formulation has numerical advantages .","recently , it has been shown that this intermediate formulation has numerical advantages , see , for instance , ." -the numerical scheme employed is a multi-start gradient flow algorithm with randomly distributed initial conditions .,our numerical scheme is a 2d godunov-type upwind scheme which utilises special relativistic riemann solver described in komissarov . -"we review some of the basics in this section , and refer the reader to .","we review some of the basics in this paragraph , and refer the reader to ." -this algorithm was described by conway and sloane but not directly applied to the coxeter lattices .,this algorithm was previously described by conway and sloane but not directly applied to the coxeter lattices . -"this result is completely new , both in the noise-free and in the noisy case .","this theorem treats both , the noise-free and the noisy case ." -in fact implies a dichotomy for q-valued languages on a three-element domain .,"in fact , implies a dichotomy for q-valued languages on a three-element domain ." -the collapsar model proposes that long duration gamma-ray bursts are powered by accretion onto the collapsed iron core of a massive star .,the collapsar model states that the iron core of a progenitor star will collapse to form a black hole and that a jet will be launched . -this paradigm is applied to various learning problems from natural language processing .,the distributed representation plays an important role in deep learning based natural language processing . -polynomial curves on quasihomogeneous varieties .,quasirational singularities of quasihomogeneous varieties . -the two-point function turns out to contain quadratic and logarithmic uv divergences .,the three-point function is linearly uv divergent by power counting . -a recent study by gatys et al in computer vision showed that summary statistics of the filter responses obtained with pre-trained deep convolutional neural networks can effectively characterize multipoint correlations in spatial random fields .,"more recently , the work of gatys et al demonstrated that much superior filters are automatically learned by deep convolutional neural networks even when trained for apparently unrelated problems , such as image classification ." -"in contrast , by fixing the altitude , the horizontal positions of uavs are optimized in to minimize the number of required uav bss to cover a given set of ground users .","in contrast , by fixing the altitude , the horizonal positions of uavs are optimized in to minimize the number of uav bss required to cover a given set of ground users ." -cheap hardware components are particularly prone to the impairments that exist in any physical transceiver implementation .,cheap hardware components are particularly prone to the impairments that exist in any transceiver . -we compare our generated video frames with the state-of-the-art deblurring methods qualitatively .,we qualitatively compare our generated video frames with state-of-the-art deblurring methods . -"therefore , some researcher proposed to learn pdes from training data via an optimal control approach .","therefore , some researcher propose to learn pdes from training data via an optimal control approach ." -"as shown in both residual networks , a model with these modifications can achieve the performance with significantly fewer training steps comparing to its original version .","as shown in both residual networks , a model with these modifications can achieve the same accuracy with significantly fewer training steps comparing to its original version ." -the nested chinese restaurant process is a model that performs this task for the problem of topic modeling .,nested chinese restaurant processes are a treestructured extension of the crp that are useful for hierarchical topic modeling . -we shall denote by dpn the set of the strict partitions of the number n .,let us denote by mst ab the set of all shifted marked young tableaux of shape λ and length n . -"potential applications of quantum optics include quantum information and photonic signal processing , see eg .","potential applications of linear quantum optics include quantum information and photonic signal processing , see eg ." -"more recently , some of the classic results on the decay rates of k-nn risk were refined by , in an analysis that captures the interplay between the metric and the sampling distribution .","more recently , some of the classic results on k-nn risk decay rates were refined by in an analysis that captures the interplay between the metric and the sampling distribution ." -gazebo provides a framework for realistic robot simulations and realistically reproduces dynamic environments like those a robot would encounter in the real world .,gazebo is a framework for robot simulations and it reproduces dynamic environments like those a robot would encounter in the real world . -"in addition , given an initial source of entanglement between the home planet and each satellite separately , the entanglement extracted from the quantum field could be swapped via teleportation back to the home planet .","furthermore , given an initial source of entanglement between the home planet and each satellite separately , any entanglement harvested from the quantum field could be swapped via teleportation back to the home planet ." -the tensor product in sym is given by the composition of self-equivalences and the horizontal composition of natural isomorphisms .,the product is given by the composition of self-equivalences and the horizontal composition of natural isomorphisms . -at low densities the average distance between the vehicles is large enough to compensate velocity fluctuations induced by the defect .,the distance between the free flowing vehicles is large enough to absorb additional velocity fluctuations in the area of the defect without the emergence of new jams . -the problem setting can easily be extended to contain also an integral term .,this connection can also be generalised to concern two-sided singular control problems . -"indeed , interactions of hs gauge fields in flat space are severely constrained by powerful no-go theorems .","higher spin gauge invariance poses strong constraints even in flat space , leading to several no-go theorems ." -hence the support of the function dhp is bounded .,then the support of dhpi is bounded by the induction assumption . -we explore various data independent dimensionality reduction which decrease the running time of the protocol making it feasible to use in practice while achieving high accuracy .,"towards this , we apply suitable data dimensionality reduction techniques to make the training protocol computationally usable in practical settings ." -"in terms of implementation , as in , the dog cells can be arranged in a dyadic grid to sweep all the stimulus spectrum as schematized in figure 2 .",the dog cells can be arranged in a dyadic grid γ of k layers to sweep all the stimulus spectrum as shown in figure 1 . -we analyze the case when the monodromy does not depend on the spectral parameter .,we consider monodromies inde pendent of the spectral parameter . -"inspired by word2vec , perozzi et al proposed deepwalk to learn the embedding of each node in a graph .","inspired by the word2vec method , perozzi et al proposed the deepwalk that generates random paths over a graph ." -"thus , when a 1qfac has only one classical state , it reduces to an mo-1qfa .","if a 1qfac a has only one classical state , then a reduces to an mo-1qfac ." -"thus , the required luminosities are more feasible for longer heating times .","for shorter heating times , higher luminosities are required to assure the same energy injection ." -we will assume that all nodes have the same capabilities and constraints .,we will assume that nodes are not mobile after deployment . -"then using the the techniques introduced in , the corresponding dual lp is derived which in turn is used to develop an update equation for the low-complexity lp decoding algorithm .","then , using the techniques introduced in , the corresponding dual lp is derived which in turn is used to develop update equations for nonbinary lclp decoding algorithms ." -energy-momentum diffusion from spacetime discreteness .,polarization diffusion from spacetime uncertainty . -the solid curve represents the minimum energy calculated in the case of the triplet formation .,the dashed curve represents the minimum energy calculated in the case of the pairing correlation . -"vellaisamy and vijay studied collapsibility for a multidimensional contingency table using ordinary log-linear parameters , which have simple closed-form expressions .","whittemore and vellaisamy and vijay , besides others , studied collapsibility of ordinary log-linear parameters for a multidimensional contingency table ." -"the sign of the permutation ρ , where 1n denotes the identity permutation in sn .",the sign of this permutation is the fermion sign . -thus there will be no riti al point for the volume modulus as in the ase where we ignored the kk ex itations .,the essential point is that there is no riti al point for the volume modulus so it annot be integrated out as is done in the dis ussion of the no-go theorem . -the mechanics and thermodynamics of continuous media .,the thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat conduction and viscosity . -"to solve the two issues listed above , waveform-based speech enhancement by fcn was proposed and achieved considerable improvements when compared to the lps-based dnn models .","through this property , waveform-based speech enhancement by fcn was proposed , and it achieved considerable improvements when compared to dnn-based models ." -it is seen that our analytic solution fits very well with the numerical result .,"our analytic solution , plotted until the slow-roll condition is violated , fits very well with the numerical result ." -"most of the recently proposed video codecs , which are assumed to be of uniform sparsity , are available for all the video frames and a fixed number of measurements are transmitted to the decoder for all the frames .","most of the recently proposed video codecs , which are assumed to be of uniform sparsity , are available for all the video frames and a fixed number of measurements are transmitted to decoder for all the frames ." -"as the brightness constancy is not invariant to illumination changes common in realistic situations , we instead use the ternary census transform .","to improve robustness to dramatic illumination variation , we apply the non-parametric local rank transformation to the l channel ." -"acernese and the virgo collaboration , class .","tatsumi and the tama collaboration , class ." -hence even an inflation model consistent with observations in the absence of the thermal inflation can be pushed to outside the allowed range .,"thus even if an inflation model is consistent with current observations in the standard case , some models can be excluded when the thermal inflation occurs ." -modular self-reconfigurable robotic systems focus on motion planning and control of kinematic robots to achieve dynamic morphology .,modular selfreconfigurable robotic systems exploit motion planning and control of kinematic robotic subsystems to produce materials with controllable dynamic morphology . -"traditionally , 3d dense reconstruction in sfm and visual slam requires a collection of rgb images .","traditionally , 3d dense reconstruction requires a collection of rgb images ." -"inss are thought to be dead neutron stars , which provide thus a clear specimen for magnetospheric and cooling studies .","inss are thought to be dead neutron stars , which provide a clear specimen for magnetospheric and cooling studies ." -global prescribed mean curvature foliations in cosmological spacetimes with matter .,local prescribed mean curvature foliations in cosmological spacetimes . -it is therefore possible to completely describe the system analytically knowing only the parameters on one side of the step .,it is therefore possible to completely describe the system analytically knowing only the parameters on one side of the impurity . -it is well known that the original mb model can be described as a chern-simons gauge theory .,it has been shown that this model can also be written as a chern-simons theory . -"in addition , experimental observation of the recently predicted optical second harmonic generation near the toy event horizon is reported .","in addition , experimental observation of the recently predicted optical second harmonic generation near the toy event horizon has been reported ." -wildberger gave a way to construct finite hermitian discrete hypergroups from a certain class of finite graphs .,wildberger gave a way to construct a finite commutative hypergroup from a random walk on a certain kind of finite graphs . -"we leverage the coordinate gradient descent algorithm , by iterating between two sub-processes .",we use cocoa with a local stochastic coordinate descent solver . -the symbol j denotes the spherical bessel function of the first kind .,"the symbol j is the quantum number of total angular momentum of the system , as usual ." -"in a follow-up paper we introduced kronecker graphs , a mathematically tractable model of graph growth and evolution .","in a follow-up paper we introduce kronecker graphs , a mathematically tractable model of graph growth and evolution ." -"for tasks with unit processing time and unit transition cost in the multiprocessor case , the authors of also provided an oalgorithm .","later , angel et al proposed an oalgorithm for tasks with arbitrary processing time and arbitrary transition costs in a single-processor environment ." -the vietoris-rips filtration has become a standard tool in topological data analysis because it encodes relevant and useful information about the topology of the underlying metric space .,the persistent homology of the rips filtration is widely used in applied topology because it encodes useful information about the topology of the underlying metric space . -this almost reduction ordering was defined for abstract topological ramsey spaces by mijares in .,the notion of almost reduction on a topological ramsey space was introduced by mijares in . -momentum is transferred from the gas near the mid-plane to the gas near the surface of the disk .,the magnetic torque leads the angular momentum transfer from mid-plane to surface of the disk . -"as the size of the multiplication is further increased , we hypothesize that the array multiplier utilizing the weak-indication full adder of .","as the size of the multiplication is increased , we hypothesize that the array multiplier utilizing the weak-indication full adder of ." -the solid curve corresponds to the born-level qed prediction .,the curve corresponds to the born-level qed expectation . -"previous work has shown , however , that script knowledge is not required for performing well on the data set .","recent research has shown , however , that commonsense knowledge is not required for good performance on the dataset ." -liu et al present a tensor-based framework for integrating heterogeneous multi-view data in the context of spectral clustering .,"recently , liu et al presented a novel tensor-based framework for integrating heterogeneous multi-view data in the context of spectral clustering ." -the region of stability of d-wave superconducting phase is even smaller than that obtained from two-patch equations .,one can see that the values of transition temperatures obtained from the two-patch equations are much lower than the corresponding rpa results . -"in particular , a quantum public-goods mechanism can significantly reduce the free-rider problem without a third-party enforcer or repeated interactions , both in theory and practice .","in particular , a quantum mechanism can significantly reduce the free-rider problem without a third-party enforcer or repeated interactions , both in theory and practice ." -the dataset is based on the microsoft coco dataset that annotates common objects in their natural contexts .,this dataset uses images from the microsoft common objects in context data dataset . -"specifically , we will demonstrate that the zero frequency subspace is spanned by two sets of polar and two sets of axial ( or toroidal ) degenerate perturbations for the general relativistic system .","finally , we present an analysis of the so-called zero-frequency subspace and determine that it is spanned by two sets of polar and two sets of axial degenerate perturbations for the general relativistic system ." -"we have omitted field comparisons that involve level four generators in the eleven dimensional theory , but it is interesting to observe that some generators that are associated with the iib supergravity , including the dual fields , correspond to eleven dimensional generators whose associated fields are beyond those found in the eleven dimensional supergravity approximation .",it is important to note that some of the dual fields associated with iib supergravity and the nine form in the massive iia theory correspond to fields in the eleven dimensional theory that are at levels higher than that which appear in the eleven dimensional supergravity approximation . -"instead , we extract frame-level features from the individual frames using an inception network .","to extract features from raw input images , we use the convolutional layers of a vgg16 network ." -the kinematical cuts applied are described in the text .,the cuts applied are described in the text . -"therefore , even though the theory is not supersymmetric , the low-energy effective action can be obtained from the supersymmetric result .","moreover , expanding the action to fourth order , one can check that it is not supersymmetric to that order ." -"distributed estimation , detection , and learning theory in networks have attracted much attention over the past decades .","distributed detection , learning and estimation has been a main topic of interest in the past three decades ." -the off-shell boundary state and cross-caps in the genus expansion of string theory .,the boundary state formalism and conformal invariance in off-shell string theory . -aronov et al presented an sworkspace algorithm for computing a triangulation of a simple n-gon .,aronov et al gave an s-workspace randomized algorithm for computing the shortest path tree rooted at a given point . -the perdew-burke-ernzerhof generalized gradient approximation 26 exchange-correlation functionals were used for the calculation .,"the generalized-gradient approximation to the exchange-correlation functional proposed by perdew , burke and ernzerhof was used ." -"in this paper , we examine its discrete-time version .","in this paper , their discrete-time versions are examined ." -first we explain some notations used in this article and reformulate the string formulation by using an adjacent matrix .,one of the aims in this article is to reformulate the string formulation based on an adjacent matrix . -"for the second-order hamilton-jacobi equations , the homogenization results were established by lions and souganidis .",results for viscous hamilton-jacobi equations were obtained by lions and souganidis . -"it is interesting to note that analytical solutions for gold diffusion in silicon due to frank-turnbull and due to kick-out mechanisms were obtained in ref , respectively .","it is interesting to note that analytical solutions for gold diffusion in silicon due to the frank-turnbull and kick-out mechanisms were obtained in ref , respectively ." -for the general theory of higher stacks the reader is referred to .,for the general theory of higher stacks the reader is referred to lurie . -the whole setup is mounted upside down inside the chamber .,the whole setup is mounted upside down inside the vacuum chamber . -"given the hardness of the problem , most of the existing work for this problem , such as , are based on the naive monte-carlo sampling .",the existing algorithms for this problem are based on naive monte-carlo sampling estimator . -the second chapter is solely devoted to the introduction of semirings and its properties .,the first section is devoted just to the introduction of the concept of smarandache semiring and explaining them by illustrative examples . -"similarly , socially-aware caching strategy for content centric networks uses social information in order to privilege influential users in the network by pro-actively caching the content they produce .",socially-aware caching strategy for content centric networks uses social information in order to privilege influential users in the network by pro-actively caching the content they produce . -"it is a result of takesaki that if all masas in a von neumann algebra admit normal conditional expectations , then the von neumann algebra is finite .","cartan masas , by definition satisfy this property , but not all masas do -by a result of takesaki , if every masa in a von neumann algebra admits a normal conditional expectation , then it is finite ." -we tested the a-aog model on attribute classification task in comparison with .,we tested the a-aog model on attribute classification task in comparison with existing approaches . -note that one can interpret p g m as the feature map in the decoder network in most work .,note that one can interpret s k as the feature map in the decoder network in most work . -"to do so , the best linear approximation of the system is estimated .",the system poles are first estimated using the best linear approximation of the system . -we also analyze the resistive effect introduced by inelastic scattering due to the coupling to the external reservoir .,we also analyze the effect that inelastic scattering originated by the coupling to the reservoir cause on the transport properties of this system . -"as observed in , the picard group of c is isomorphic to the group of morita equivalence classes of exact azumaya algebras .",the brauer-picard group of c also coincides with the brauer group of the drinfeld center of c as defined in . -modern smt solvers rely on syntatic heuristic instantiation methods for finding unsatisfiable instances for quantified formulas .,"to this end , modern smt solvers most commonly use heuristic instantiation-based approaches ." -"the state-space pair correlations and nature of stabilities have been investigated for three charged bubbling black brane foams , and thereby the m-theory solutions are brought into the present consideration .",the state-space pair correlations and potential nature of stabilities are thereby investigated for the three charged bubbling black brane foams . -inside the mach cone they oscillate with decreasing amplitude .,inside the mach cone it oscillates with decreasing amplitude . -"according to their left-to-right order , ie , by increasing x-coordinate .","according to their top-down order , that is by decreasing y-coordinate ." -"however , tor and similar protocols are often vulnerable to trafficanalysis attacks and often do not protect against global adversaries .","however , tor does not provide privacy against an adversary that monitors significant portions of the network , and is susceptible to traffic analysis attacks ." -the result can teach us more about little string theories and about instanton corrections to four-dimensional effective quantities .,"therefore , the calculation of the partition function of this system could teach us something about little string theory ." -"the solid lines separate different homogeneous phases , the dashed lines indicate the limit of stability of the homogeneous phases with respect to smectic fluctuations , whereas the open circles represent the landau tetracritical points .","the solid lines indicate phase boundaries as calculated by minimizing the onsager-zwanzig functional , the dashed line indicates the limit of stability of the nematic with respect to the smectic phase and the open circle the landau tetracritical point ." -assortative mixing or assortativity is a global measure of the preference of nodes to connect to similar nodes .,degree assortativity is the concept that nodes with many connections tend to be connected to other nodes with many connections . -"the first is the data alteration approach , which endeavors to modify the original dataset in order to prevent discrimination or bias due to the protected variable .","the first is the data alteration approach , which endeavours to modify the original dataset in order to prevent discrimination or bias due to the protected variable ." -thus multiplication by y is a bijection on tort z countable dimensional k-algebra a .,here the multiplication is a quaternionic multiplication . -"first proposed by hill and mortishire-smith , this method has been incorporated into the freely available programs fid and metfrag .","first proposed by hill and mortishire-smith , 2005 , this method has been incorporated into the freely available programs fid and metfrag ." -a second set of more widely spaced dotted lines indicate the region over which the baseline was fit .,the outer dotted lines indicate the region over which the baseline was fit . -"in , a stochastic control algorithm adapted to the wireless channel condition was proposed to decide the offloaded software components .","in , a stochastic control algorithm adapted to the time-varying wireless channel was proposed , which determines the offloaded software components ." -"in prior work , finding such bugs has required uninformed exhaustive enumeration of user subsets , leading to a number of contexts either exponential in the feature space .","in prior work , finding such bugs has required uninformed exhaustive enumeration of meaningful subpopulations , leading to a number of contexts either exponential in the feature space ." -our results show that the electron-electron interaction introduces nontrivial effects in the magnetic properties of the system .,we show that the amplitude and period of oscillations in the magnetic susceptibility are strongly affected by the electron-electron interaction as evidenced in experimental results . -a simple statistical algorithm for biological sequence compression .,a universal algorithm for sequential data compression . -wang et al used a gated attention-based recurrent network to match the question with an answer-containing passage .,wang et al employ gated self-matching attention to obtain the relation between the question and passage . -we quantify the diversity of the generated images by means of the multi-scale structural similarity .,we first assess the diversity of the images generated by utilizing multiscale structural similarity . -"based on the results obtained by sugiura , hurvich and tsai extended the use of the aicc to cover nonlinear regression and for autoregressive models .","later , hurvich and tsai expanded the applicability of the aicc to cover nonlinear regression and autoregressive models ." -the obtained solutions simultaneously are valid for the bulk phases and the interface .,this solution is valid for the bulk phases as well as for the interface and includes the interface kinetics . -the main net follows the structure of resnet-101 which is composed of repetitive building blocks with different output dimensions .,the recursive part is similar to resnet and is composed of two convolutional layers with a pre-activation mechanism and dense connections to the gate unit . -generative adversarial networks are one of the big discoveries in deep learning in recent years .,"recently , adversarial training has become a very hot topic in deep learning because of its great success in estimating generative models ." -"for all of our results , we need that the weight function is strictly positive for all subgraphs .","again , for our results to hold , aside from some other constraints , we need the weight function to be positive on all induced subgraphs ." -a dictionary is a set of vectors that spans the space of possible images .,"in a compressed format , a bit such a data structure is called fully indexable dictionary ." -"essentially , in gross aspect , solutions of an exact discrete variational principle correspond to cornered solutions of the continuous variational principle .","therefore , solutions of the continuous variational principle are solutions of the exact discrete variational principle ." -we put γ is the unique even unimodular z-lattice of rank 10 of signature .,"we denote by s x the picard lattice of x , which is an even lattice of signature ." -nakamura et al developed a statistical model called the mhdp that enables a robot to obtain multimodal categories autonomously .,nakamura et al demonstrated that a robot can also estimate the number of object categories to give similar results to human categorization results . -an introduction and formal definition of q-regular sequences is given by allouche and shallit .,"we start by giving a definition of q-regular sequences , see allouche and shallit ." -this is the result we wanted to establish .,this is the convention that we shall mostly be using . -many algorithms can be used to approximate inverse square root functions .,"many algorithms can be used to approximate elementary functions , including the inverse square root ." -it is easily seen that -map graphs are precisely the graphs of euler genus at most g .,the -map graphs are precisely the graphs of euler genus at most g . -"for short texts , we take lda and biterm topic model as baseline methods .",a more domain-independent approach is used in biterm topic model . -"however , only the integro-differential systems related to the parallel component of the heavy particle transport properties are identical to those from the model derived by graille et al .","consequently , only the parallel component of the heavy particle transport properties can be compared with those from the model of graille et al ." -"there are many generalisations , specialisations and consequences of these projection results , see for recent surveys .","numerous generalisations , specialisations and consequences of these projection results have been developed , see for recent surveys ." -"finally , we use layer-wise dense feature fusion within the cnn structures .","next , we replace convolutional layers in the original unet with densely-connected cnn blocks ." -"together with the antisymmetric nature of the fermionic variables , it is easy to see that piii and piv are invariant under the combined exchange of the bosonic and the fermionic coordinates .",the exact eigen-states corresponding to this spectrum are obtained from the free superoscillator basis which are invariant under the combined exchange of the bosonic and the fermionic coordinates . -"the roots of the chromatic polynomial , independence polynomial , domination polynomial and total domination polynomials have been studied extensively .","the roots of the chromatic polynomial , independence polynomial , matching polynomial and reliability polynomials have been studied extensively ." -"because the intensity of publications varies across fields , in order to avoid distortions in productivity rankings it is obligatory to compare researchers within the same field .","because the intensity of publications varies by field , in order to avoid distortions in productivity rankings we then compare professors within the same field ." -"increasing the number of bs antennas , m , provides array gain , which reduces the energy requirement for transmission .","increasing the number of bs antennas opens up more available degrees of freedom , resulting in suppression of the multi-user interference , and providing large array gain ." -we will return to this issue in the next section .,we will comment shortly on this issue in what follows . -tian made the first important contribution in this direction .,"in , tian made the first important contribution along this direction ." -"later , a new proof of this result was given in , using a fixed point theorem for analytic self-maps of the upper half-plane .","a new proof was given later , using a fixed point theorem for analytic self-maps of the upper half-plane ." -"however , recent studies showed that neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples , and attackers can design maliciously perturbed inputs to mislead a model at the test phase .","however , people recently find that deep neural networks could be vulnerable to adversarial attacks , which arouses concerns of applying deep learning in security-critical tasks ." -"later , the result in to derive the noisy-interference sum-rate capacity of the symmetric real miso ics .","later , the result in to derive the noisy-interference sum-rate capacity of the symmetric real miso ic ." -for textured scenes normalized cross correlation over a squared window is a common choice .,for textured scenes ncc over a squared window is a common choice . -"alsarsour et al collected the dialectal arabic tweets data set , which contains around 25k manually-annotated tweets .","alsarsour et al presented dart , a large manually-annotated multi-dialect corpus of arabic tweets this corpus contains around 25,000 tweets annotated via crowd-sourcing ." -the theoretical models in the literature study the dynamics of one sub-unit of the trimer .,the theoretical models in the literature apply to the dynamics of one unit of the trimer . -kumra et al also proposed a real-time regression based grasp detection method using resnet especially for multimodal information .,kumra et al also proposed a real-time regression based gd method using resnet especially for rgb-d and this work yielded improved performance with fast computation time . -the amplitudes of excited eigenmodes and scattered spatial harmonics are expressed in terms of wavevectors of eigenmodes using closed-form analytical formulae .,the amplitudes of excited modes and scattered spatial harmonics are expressed in terms of the wave vectors of the infinite crystal by closed-form analytical formulae . -"indeed , in that basis all the parameters of the potential are real .","indeed , in that theory the scalar potential is such that one can only have one minimum ." -the superpixel concept was presented as defining the perceptually uniform regions using the normalized cuts algorithm .,the main idea for superpixels were presented as defining the perceptually uniform regions using the normalized cuts algorithm . -"furthermore , stable bound states of two and three pulses are found numerically .","furthermore , stable bound states of two and three identical pulses have been found numerically ." -"the suffix tree of a string t , denoted by stree , is a path-compressed trie which represents all suffixes of t .",the suffix tree of a string s is a compacted trie representing all suffixes of s . -in the upcoming subsection we introduce the bz parametrization and its relation to hs model .,"in this subsection , we have discussed the scale dependence growth rate in hs model ." -"techniques , such as the laplace mechanism , add noise calibrated to the sensitivity of the query output , rather than linear in the number of data owners to protect , in order to preserve accuracy .","techniques , such as the laplace mechanism , add noise calibrated to the sensitivity of the query output , though do not perturb which data owners actual participate ." -it is pointed out that some of these constants depend on the gauge and scale of the underlying theory .,"it is clear that in principle , these can be determined from the underlying theory , if the effective theory is constructed properly ." -fuzzy logic programming and possibilistic logic programming systems in the works of alsinet and godo et al were developed with large number of soundness and completeness results with interesting properties .,fuzzy logic programming and possibilistic logic programming systems in the works of godo and alsinet et al were developed with large number of soundness and completeness results with interesting properties . -the right-hand side shows the gluon density .,the left-hand side shows the singlet quark distribution . -the solid lines indicate our estimate of the location of the caustics .,the solid lines indicate our estimate of the location of the caustics in each cluster . -"bogomolov , the brauer group of quotient spaces by linear group actions , izv .","bogomolov , abelian subgroups of galois groups , izv ." -the standard technique of using a lyapunov function that is quadratic in primal-dual variables was first proposed by arrow et al .,the standard technique of using a lyapunov function that is quadratic in both the primal and the dual variables was first proposed by arrow et al . -"moreover , since d-branes are sources of rr fields , the latter also take values in ktheory .","in addition , the ramond-ramond fields which are typically supported on d-branes similarly take values in appropriate k-theory groups ." -"the most common methods use the maximum , minimum , or average of the embeddings of all words in a sentence .","the most common methods use the maximum , minimum , or average of the embeddings of all words in a tweet ." -the nlo 47 corrections for the associated production are given fully differential in refs .,the nlo corrections for the associated production are given in fully differential form in refs . -"since its first experimental demonstration , cdi has been applied to image a wide range of samples using synchrotron radiation , x-ray free electron lasers .","by taking advantage of ever-improving computational power and advanced detectors , ptychography has been applied to study a wide range of samples using both coherent x-rays and electrons ." -we remark that a consistent treatment of finite-width and non-resonant effects for top-quark production at nlo can be achieved through the use of the complexmass scheme .,"finite-width effects of the z bosons are consistently included using the complex-mass scheme , so that we obtain nlo ew precision everywhere in phase space ." -"besides , a polar coding scheme achieving capacity for additive gaussian noise channel is investigated in .","in , a polar coding scheme for additive white gaussian noise channels is presented ." -"it is shown that this anisotropy is generally not small and , in some cases , independent of impurity scattering .",it is shown that the anisotropy is generally not small and consequently easily observable . -"for certain pure states , some bipartite and some multipartite , this lower bound is saturated , and thus their relative entropy of entanglement can be found analytically , in terms of their known geometric measure of entanglement .","for several families of pure states we have shown that the bound is in fact saturated , and thus provides the exact value of the relative entropy of entanglement ." -therefore the following inequality follows .,therefore we have the following inequality . -he suggests that fault-tolerant quantum computation will help alleviate this difficulty .,shor has shown that fault tolerant quantum computing is possible . -"in the second step , the condition of vanishing trace is imposed up to terms proportional to the field equations .","in the first step , conservation is imposed up to terms proportional to the field equations ." -the best fit single power-law model is also shown .,"again , the best fit power-law model to each is also shown ." -"the bulk of the absorption resides to one side of the galaxy systemic velocity , and aligns with the maximum rotation of the galaxy .",the bulk of the absorption spans the entire velocity range of the galaxy rotation curve almost centered on the galaxy systemic velocity . -trajectories in the tracker volume are reconstructed using a model of electron energy loss and fitted with a gaussian sum filter .,"the track trajectories of electron candidates are reconstructed using a dedicated modeling of the electron energy loss , and fitted with a gaussian-sum filter ." -effective spin quantum phases in systems of trapped ions .,effective quantum spin systems with trapped ions . -"we have replaced it by the concept of contrast , based on the comparison of the detection probabilities with and without interference effects .","instead , we introduce the concept of contrast , which compares the detection probabilities when the interference effects are , or are not , taken into account ." -"so the cmb velocity is the motion of the solar system with respect to space universally , but not necessarily with respect to the local space .","the cmb velocity is a measure of the motion of the solar system relative to the universe as a whole , or aleast a shell of the universe some 15gyrs away , and indeed the near uniformity of that radiation in all directions demonstrates that we may meaningfully refer to the spatial structure of the universe ." -floater introduced a method for making shape-preserving parameterizations of surface triangulations .,"in , floater introduced the shape-preserving mesh parameterization method , which involves solving linear systems based on convex combinations ." -"thus , the scalar potential is explicitly cp-conserving .","that is , the corresponding scalar higgs sectors are explicitly cp-conserving ." -"thus , the invisible state does not contribute the internal energy but affect the entropy .",the invisible state does not affect the internal energy but contributes to the entropy . -the performance of large networks has been mainly analyzed in the asymptotic regimes and the results have been in the form of scaling laws .,the performance of large networks have been mainly analyzed in the asymptotic regimes and the results have been in the form of scaling laws . -the analysis can be done with the aid of the extended dynkin diagram of the group .,again the analysis can be conveniently done with the aid of extended dynkin diagrams . -"moreover , the operator is the standard liouvillean of this dynamics .",we call the self-adjoint generator the standard liouvillean of the dynamics . -the θ-stable decomposition for dimension vectors .,the generic decomposition for irreducible components . -next we consider the following limit case opposite to discussion mentioned above .,"here , we consider the following limit case opposite to the real situation in ge ." -"sarig , thermodynamic formalism for null recurrent potentials , israel j .","smorodinsky , finitary isomorphisms of irreducible markov shifts , israel j ." -"again , there are two series of reducible generalized verma modules .",there are two series of reducible generalized verma modules . -it is the backbone framework of various gans for diverse image processing tasks .,it provides a general framework for many computer vision tasks such as super-resolution . -"in other words , we have multiple hamiltonians corresponding to possible solutions of the constraint .",this also implies that there are several solutions to one constraint equation . -we give completely explicit calculations for the examples of the chains of linked polygons and of the graphs obtained by replacing the polygons with their dual graphs .,"similarly , we compute the grothendieck classes explicitly for similar chains where the polygons are replaced by their dual graphs , the banana graphs ." -variables belonging to different devices may have the same id .,graphs from different devices can have the same id . -"the frequency effect was first noted by rayner and has been consistently reported in various studies since , eg .","the frequency effect was first noted by rayner and has been reported in various studies since , eg ." -further investigation with upcoming data is required to confirm this detection .,upcoming surveys should be able to confirm or repudiate this detection . -"even though the spreading of a liquid droplet on a solid substrate is a complicated phenomena where many factors come into play , the time evolution of spreading on a flat solid substrate is usually described by amazingly simple universal power laws .","although the spreading of liquid on solid substrates is a complicated phenomena where many factors come into play , the time evolution of spreading on a flat solid substrate is usually described by amazingly simple universal power laws ." -"one also defines a suitable algebra of pseudodifferential operators on any lie manifold , which happens to be related to an algebra of pseudodifferential operators on a differentiable groupoid .","in particular , as described in , this gives a systematic way of constructing an algebra of pseudodifferential operators for riemannian manifolds with lie structure at infinity ." -"we also prove the absence of asymptotically flat p-brane solutions with toroidal and hyperbolic transverse geometries , thus generalizing the topological censorship conjecture for p-branes .","we have also obtained the complete solutions for pbranes with hyperbolic or toroidal transverse spaces , but these were found to be incompatible with the requirement of asymptotic flatness ." -"the integration of element-specific ph and machine learning algorithms has found great success in the predictions of protein folding free energy changes upon mutation , 52 binding affinity , drug toxicity , 53 partition coefficient , and aqueous solubility .","most recently , the combination of persistent homology and machine learning tools has generated remarkable results in drug design , protein stability changes upon mutation 69 , 70 and toxicity prediction ." -the mixture of rl with dl was noted to be one of the most promising approaches to achieve human-level control in .,the mixture of rl with dl was pointed out to be one of the most promising approaches to achieve human-level control in . -dependency parsing is an important component in various natural language processing systems for semantic role labeling .,"dependency parsing is an important component in various natural langauge processing systems for semantic role labeling , relation extraction , and machine translation ." -"by coupling microelectromechanical devices to quantum superconducting circuits , researchers have recently demonstrated mechanical resonators in their quantum ground state .",the coupling of nanomechanical systems to various types of superconducting qubits has been demonstrated in recent experiments . -we calculate the pump-probe spectra under the weak photoexcitations .,we next analyze the dependence of the spectra on the pump-light intensities . -in this case we need to introduce the following dimensional constants in order to make eq .,"introducing the following dimensional constants , we make that eq ." -this isomorphism is a convenient way to express series of diagrams .,"this isomorphism is a powerful tool that has not been investigated enough , specially for what concerns the multimode instability 3 at least nine times the lasing threshold ." -"we adopt here a general approach to renormalization in curved space-time , which means the subtraction of the first terms of the dewitt-schwinger asymptotic expansion of the greens function .","here we shall use a general renormalization approach in curved spacetime , which consists to subtract from the green function its dewitt-schwinger asymptotic expansion ." -in this case it is not hard to see that the probability to sample ρ is independent of the coset of h we happen to land in .,in this case it is not hard to see that the probability to sample is independent of the coset of h we happen to land in . -the classical coincidence single photo-electron counting technique has been used many times in scintillation lifetime measurements .,the coincidence single photo-electron counting technique has been largely exploited in many reports on scintillation lifetime measurements . -"we note that for higher viscosity parameters , shocks are formed in the lower angular momentum domain .","on the other hand , we discover that the shock location itself is reduced with the increase in viscosity parameter ." -"unlike the lbp , the ldp has eight different directions wherein the edge response values are considered .",it is based on eight different directions wherein the edge response values are considered . -"further , nano-scale memristive devices have demonstrated biologically plausible stdp behavior in several experiments , and therefore have emerged as an ideal candidate for electrical synapses .","several nano-scale memristors in literature have shown that their conductance modification characteristics are similar to the stdp rule , and therefore act as ideal electrical synapses for brain-inspired computing ." -"since we are using logic to reason about mathematical facts , as opposed to reasoning about an uncertain external world , the approach taken by , and others is particularly relevant .","since we are using logic to reason about mathematical facts , as opposed to reasoning about an uncertain external world , the approach taken by gaifman , demski , hutter et al , and others is particularly relevant ." -the refined estimates in general performed better than the respective initial estimates .,the practical estimates performed almost as well as the respective oracle estimates . -two commonly used metrics for model selection are the akaike information criterion and bayesian information criterion .,"another way to compare two competing models is to use information criteria , such as the akaike information criterion or the bayesian information criterion ." -"there has also been interest in extracting textual knowledge to improve game control performance , and mapping text instructions to sequences of executable actions .","there has also been interest in extracting textual knowledge to improve game control performance , and mapping natural language instructions to sequences of executable actions ." -"disk formation is a natural result of collapse in a rotating core , but it is not known how soon after protostellar formation the disk appears , or how massive it is at early times .","while disk formation is a natural result of collapse in a rotating core , it is still not known how soon after protostellar formation the disk appears , or how massive it is at early times ." -the solid line is the best fit of the curve in eq .,the solid and dashed lines are best fits of the curve in eq . -"identification methods based on repeated sine measurements , or white gaussian inputs are available for this model structure .",identification methods based on repeated sine measurements are available for this model structure . -"including the rmf reduces the stopping power , leading to closer agreement with the experimental rapidity spectra .","using inmedium cross sections reduces the stopping power , leading again to good agreement with the data ." -"recently , cnn-based and gan-based methods have shown promising performance on image inpainting .",earlier image-conditional models for specific applications have achieved impressive results on inpainting . -"in this paper we investigate the effect of spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings both on the estimation of astrophysical parameters within general relativity , and on bounds that can be placed on alternative theories .","conclusions in this paper we analysed how the inclusion of spin couplings affects parameter estimation in observations of binary coalescence , and the bounds that can be placed on alternative theories of gravity , such as the brans-dicke and massive graviton theories ." -the expectation-maximization framework is a powerful method for computing the mle in various statistical scenarios .,the va framework bears some resemblance to the well-known expectation maximization algorithm for estimating models involving missing data . -"dcnn image synthesis deep convolutional neural networks learn distributed , invariant and nonlinear feature representations from large-scale image repositories .","deep convolutional neural networks learn distributed , invariant and nonlinear feature representations from large-scale image repositories ." -the stochastic block model is a generative model for learning community structure in unweighted networks .,the stochastic block model is a classic probabilistic generative model of community structure in static networks . -"they are many papers considering affine equidistants , see for instance , and the literature therein .","there are many papers considering affine equidistants and in particular the wigner caustic , see , and the literature therein ." -markov decision processes are the de facto model for analysis of probabilistic systems with non-determinism .,markov decision processes are rich models that exhibit both nondeterministic choices and stochastic transitions . -"similarly to the former case , when this inequality is violated , as shown in the squared speed of sound c 2 s of the fluctuations becomes negative and the modes begin to grow exponentially before crossing the horizon .","when this inequality is violated , as shown in the squared speed of sound c 2 s of the fluctuations becomes negative and the modes begin to grow exponentially before crossing the horizon ." -"phase retrieval has been a long-standing inverse problem in imaging sciences such as x-ray crystallography , just name a few .","the phase retrieval problem arises in many engineering and science applications , such as x-ray crystallography , just name a few ." -"on four samples coated with lysozyme , bsa or amylase , mass spectra of cations are acquired at four sites .",after protein adsorption time-of-flight mass spectra of cations are acquired at four sites on each sample . -the first attribute-based encryption scheme was proposed by sahai and waters .,the idea of attribute-based encryption was first proposed by sahai and waters . -it was suggested long ago that the potential surface of a protein might have a hierarchical structure with potential minima within potential minima .,as it has been suggested long time ago the potential surface of a protein might have a hierarchical structure with potential minima within potential minima . -the calculated static elastic constants are in good agreement with available ultrasonic and sax experimental data .,"the computed elastic constants agree well with available ultrasonic and diamond anvil cell data at low pressures , and shock data at high pressures ." -"the notion of dissipation time has been introduced in various contexts in to study the speed at which a conservative dynamical system converges to some equilibrium , when subjected to some noise , eg .","the notion of the dissipation time for classical systems has been introduced in various contexts in to study the speed at which a conservative dynamical system converges to some equilibrium , when subjected to noise , eg ." -a promising solution are stochastic sampling procedures such as those used in .,"in this regard , a promising approach is given by stochastic sampling methods such as those used in ." -"the data are also described by the combination of leading order matrix elements and parton showers , as implemented in the qcd based monte carlo model rapgap .","a good description of the data may be achieved by models which combine leading order qcd matrix elements with parton showers , as demonstrated here in the case of rapgap ." -"a more combinatorial invariant is the incidence lattice of the arrangement , which consists of the lines , their intersection points , the empty set and cp2 , ordered by inclusion .","perhaps , a combinatorial invariant , which is the easiest to define , is the weight monoid ." -"since the nc geometry has been obtained by using of the dirac bracket , there is exist canonical transformation to new variables , in terms of which the bracket acquires the canonical form .","since the nc geometry has been obtained by using the dirac bracket , there exists transformation to new variables , in terms of which the bracket acquires the canonical form ." -there are also some exact but exponential time score maximizing exact algorithms such as .,there are also some exact but exponential-time score maximizing algorithms such as . -all neural net models were trained using pytorch .,all experiments are implemented using pytorch deep learning framework . -multiple adversarial attacks have been proposed to generate a successful perturbation under different constraints .,different methods have been proposed to generate adversarial examples through adding a small perturbation to a legitimate input sample . -"this approach has led to a number of models including heterogeneous or degree-based mean-field , to name a few .","such an approach has led to a number of models including heterogeneous or degree-based mean-field , to name a few ." -"the authors in studied the secure communication in the renewable resource powered distributed antenna systems with swipt capability , which allows each access point to exchange energy with the central processor .","the authors in studied the secure communication in the renewable energy powered distributed antenna systems with swipt capability , which allows each access point to exchange energy with the central processor ." -"as discussed above , symplectic integrators have desirable long-time performances for integrable systems .","it has been shown , see , that symplectic integrators have linear error growth ." -"in , the capacity of the additive white gaussian noise channel with stochastic energy harvesting at the source was shown to be equal to the capacity with an average power constraint given by the energy harvesting rate .","in , the capacity of the additive white gaussian noise channel with stochastic energy harvesting at the source node was shown to be equal to the capacity of the channel with an average power constraint equal to the energy harvesting rate ." -the performance analysis of massive mimo is of vast importance and has been done in for multi-cell systems .,the analysis of the performance of massive mimo is of vast importance and has been done in for multi-cell systems . -"this idea is extended in davies , cheng , and labahn to compute popov form of general ore polynomial matrices .",this idea is extended in davies et al to compute popov form of general ore polynomial matrices . -we can use iterative solvers or sparse direct solvers depending on the size of the system .,we can use iterative solvers or direct sparse solvers depending on the size of the system . -moscibroda and mutlu studied contention attacks on the schedulers of memory controllers .,moscibroda et al examined dos attacks on memory controllers . -compressed sensing is a highly active research field in statistics and signal analysis .,compressed sensing is a fast growing area in the field of signal reconstruction . -"in , a new detectability concept for discrete-time mjls was presented , and the new concept supplied a sufficient condition for the mean square stable for the infinite-horizon linear quadratic controlled system .","in , a new detectability concept for discrete-time mjls was presented , and the new concept supplied a sufficient condition for the mean square stability of the infinite-horizon optimal controlled system ." -"to fulfil this requirement , we use density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise , which groups together points that are in a neighborhood .","here , we adopt a very well-known density model , the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise method , which groups together points that lie closeby marking as outliers isolated points in low-density regions ." -"similarly , the authors in introduce a delay-based framework to reduce the completion time .","in , the authors propose a new approach to solving the completion time problem based on a decoding delay control ." -"the cluster algebra was introduced by fomin and zelevinsky in , and it has been studied extensively since then .",a remarkable fact is that such a structure is a naturally arising example of a cluster algebra of fomin and zelevinsky . -financial markets have received increasing attention from physicists .,financial markets have been receiving increasing attention from physicists . -"in general , the energy density of the quarks in the magnetic field is smaller than that of the quarks without the magnetic field .","hence , the energy density of the quarks in the strong magnetic field is much lower than that of the quarks without the magnetic field ." -"the iterative schemes , eg , the schemes given in , has been considered more practical than the noniterative schemes as they only require local channel knowledge .","the iterative schemes , eg , the schemes given in , has been considered to be more practical than the non-iterative schemes as they only require local channel knowledge ." -"pq sign of transverse field , the steady state of the open system can be either related to the ground state or to the maximum energy state .","introduction sign of transverse field , the steady state of the open system can be either related to the ground state or to the maximum energy state ." -"in , the authors presented a rendezvous algorithm whose running time is polynomial in the size of the graph , the length of the shorter label and the delay between the starting times of the agents .","in , the authors present a rendezvous algorithm whose running time is polynomial in the size of the graph , in the length of the shorter label and in the delay between the starting times of the agents ." -"following this work , zhang et al , further employed a convolution based residual network to collectively predict inflow and outflow of crowds in every region of a city grid-map .",zhang et al presented a deep spatio-temporal residual network to predict the inflow and outflow in each region of a city simultaneously . -nonlinear superhorizon perturbations in horava-lifshitz gravity .,dynamical scalar degree of freedom in horava-lifshitz gravity . -"over the last sixty years , there have been several improvements on these bounds .","over the last sixty years , there has been several improvements on these bounds ." -lipschitz functions and optimal transport .,lipschitz functions and optimal transport a . -the isr distributions are very well reproduced by the simulation .,the data are well described by the simulations . -the second order response of the vector meson .,the second order response of pseudoscalar meson . -"in these studies , the authors utilize layered video and propose to combine unequal error protection with feedbackfree rlnc to achieve an improved performance over non-nc schemes .","in these studies , the authors have utilized the svc and have proposed to combine unequal error protection with rlnc to achieve improved performance over non-nc schemes ." -model-agnostic meta learning provides a general method to adapt parameters for a number of tasks .,model-agnostic meta-learning aims to train a model on a variety of learning tasks and solve a new task using only a few training examples . -"because glast is a scanning mission , blazar flares can be correlated with radio outflows to infer the locations of the sites of γ-ray emission .","glast is a complex system , and detailed computer simulations are required to design the instrument , to construct the response function and to predict the background in the orbit ." -"more recent applications include heterostructures , bose-einstein condensates and superconducting circuits , see and refs .","more recent applications include bose-einstein condensates , heterostructures , superconducting circuits and semiconducting quantum rings , see and refs ." -"since the thickness of the nanowire was less than 4 nm , the devices showed lower and smaller as compared to those described in .","since the thickness of the nanowire was less than that described in ref , the devices showed lower t c and i c ." -raghavendra et al used spectral signature acquired from images captured by the spectral sensor to successfully detect a presentation attack .,raghavendra et al proposed a scheme to use spectral imaging to detect low-cost presentation attacks . -some defense methods are proposed to protect attacked target neural networks form potential adversarial samples .,defensive distillation is one such recent defense proposed for hardening neural networks against adversarial examples . -the blue lines are for the original array layout while the red are for the new array layout .,the original array layout position is marked in blue while the new one is in red . -the straight lines show the slope expected for second order convergence .,the straight line shows the slope expected for second order convergence . -let define an admissible nilpotent orbit .,let generates an admissible nilpotent orbit . -"we now described the notion of the generalized gaussian estimates introduced by blunck and kunstmann , see .","we start by collecting some properties of the generalized gaussian estimates obtained by blunck and kunstmann , see for example , and the references therein ." -we now discuss the maximal discrete global symmetries of the four models .,we now examine the global symmetries in each of the four models . -this is a classic problem that is treated in many texts on linear elasticity theory .,"for the case of an elastic cylinder , this is a classic problem that is solved in many texts on linear elasticity ." -we assume that these mesons can be interpreted as glueballs .,we conclude that single monopoles disappear from the physical spectrum of the theory . -"s3a , as well as with prior reports showing an approximate quadratic dependence of g on concentration .","s3a , as well as with prior reports showing an approximate quadratic dependence of g on oncentration ." -"massive mimo technology as a result of rethinking the concept of mimo wireless communications , enables each base station to communicate with tens of users at the same time and frequency , by increasing the number of antennas at the bs .","m assive mimo technology as a result of rethinking the concept of mimo wireless communications , enables each base station to communicate with tens of users at the same time and frequency , by increasing the number of antennas at the bs ." -this problem can be solved efficiently using the popular cutting plane method .,this problem can be solved using standard techniques such that cutting plane methods . -models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking .,vacuum polarization effects of new physics on electroweak processes . -"if other plant material would be used , with more complex genetic structure , it would be necessary to account for kinship matrix in a way comparable to pedigree-based or gwas analyses .",using plant material with a more complex genetic structure would necessitate accounting for kinship matrices comparable to pedigree-based or genome-wide association study analyses . -the influence of magnetic fields on the cooling flow gas number density .,the influence of magnetic fields on the cooling flow temperature . -exact friedmann solutions in higher-order gravity theories .,the einstein-cartan equations in astrophysically interesting situations . -"according to the outcomes of the efficacy tests presented in , the user satisfaction appears to be quite high .","according to the outcomes of the efficacy tests presented in , user satisfaction towards such a system appears to be quite high ." -"the atomic structure of a cdk2 protein bound to a novel small-molecule inhibitor was solved using x-ray crystallography and deposited in the protein data bank , .",the atomic structure of a cdk 2 protein bound to a novel small-molecule inhibitor was solved using x-ray crystallography and deposited in the protein data bank . -since z our approach to problem 1 is based on the common information approach for decentralized decision-making .,our approach to problem 1 is based on the common information approach for decentralized decision-making . -"in this case it is known that unless additional structural assumptions are made on the class of generating models , it can be impossible to design a strictly detail-free bayes-nash incentive compatible mechanism .",in the heterogeneous case it is known that it is necessary to impose certain structural restrictions on the generating model in order to be able to design truthful mechanisms . -using this gradient we may also determine the actual value of the function σ .,we can use this pair of equations to determine the local gradient of the leading order phase contribution . -"quantum entanglement is one of the key features of quantum physics , and it has many applications in quantum information and many-body physics to spacetime physics .","entanglement is the key property of quantum systems which is responsible for the higher efficiency of quantum computation and tasks like teleportation , super-dense coding , etc ." -the solid lines are the result of the unbinned maximum likelihood fit .,the curve is the result of the unbinned maximum likelihood fit . -"the stochastic nature of s3pool enables it to produce different feature maps at each pass for the same training examples , which amounts to implicitly performing a sort of data augmentation , but at intermediate layers .","the benefit of s3pool is thus obvious in that , each draw from the pooling step will produce different yet plausible downsampled feature maps , which is equivalent to performing data augmentation at the pooling layer level ." -the traditional description of some of these processes using master equations is given in appendix a .,the traditional description of open quantum systems in terms of master equations is given in appendix a . -previous works have demonstrated pertinence of dyadic pursuit interactions as a building block for collective control .,previous research has demonstrated the relevance and scope of pursuit interactions as a building block for collective behavior . -they provide a useful tool in the study of special functions related to root systems .,they provide a useful tool in the study of special functions with root systems . -"following this in spirit , we will consider the effect of time reversal explicitly on the path probability densities , and see how it gives the gallavotti-cohen symmetry also for stochastic systems .","in what follows we will explicitly examine the effect of time reversal on the level of path probability densities , and use this to derive the gallavotti-cohen symmetry ." -this question was addressed in where one can find laws of large numbers and large deviation estimates for this maximal flow when the dimensions of the box grow to infinity under some moments assumptions on the capacities .,this question was addressed in where one can find laws of large numbers and large deviation estimates for this maximal flow when the dimensions of the box grow to infinity under some moments assumptions on the capacities and on the direction v . -pascal-s includes 850 natural images that are pre-segmented into objects or regions and free-viewed by 8 subjects in eye-tracking tests for salient object annotation .,pascal-s comprises 850 natural images that are presegmented into objects or regions and free-viewed by 8 subjects in eye-tracking tests for salient object annotations . -"at first , we briefly review how to estimate the relic abundance of the thermal plasma in the expanding universe .","at first , we briefly review how to estimate the relic abundance of thermal plasma in the expanding universe ." -the experiment will be repeated with varying particle sizes and masses in order to study the parameter dependence of the underlying decoherence mechanisms .,the experiment has to be repeated for many single particles in order to acquire enough data points to clearly resolve the interference pattern . -this matrix theory is the regularization of the action of d3-branes .,matrix theory is a supersymmetric quantum mechanics theory with matrix degrees of freedom . -mobile crowdsensing applications thrive on the data obtained from diverse sets of smart phones owned and operated by humans .,mobile opportunistic sensing applications thrive on the data obtained from heterogeneous sets of smart phones owned and operated by humans . -"later in 2014 , goodfellow et al improved the practicality of the method by showing how to craft adversarial samples efficiently using the fast gradient sign method .","later in 2014 , goodfellow et al improved the attack by using the fast gradient sign method to efficiently craft minimally different adversarial samples ." -"apart from classification , visual features derived from the layers of these networks are superior representations for various challenges in vision .","what is more , the features derived from the layers of these networks are shown to be superior representations for various computer vision challenges ." -"to solve the per-sbs online optimization problem , a novel approach based on the ski rental problem , a powerful online optimization tool , is proposed .","to solve the resulting per-sbs online optimization problem , a novel approach based on the ski rental problem , a powerful online optimization tool , is proposed ." -"to efficiently treat these long-range terms , we build the matrix product operator that describes the 2d hamiltonian with cylindrical boundary conditions using the finite state automata technique .","in order to efficiently treat these long-range hopping terms , we build the matrix product operator that describes the 2d hamiltonian with cylindrical boundary conditions using the finite automata technique ." -"in , a datadriven objectness measure is proposed where a segment is compared to a database of general object segments .",in a data-driven objectness measure is proposed where a segment is compared to a database of general object segments . -"in section 6 , we present a more advanced algebraic approach based on the compressed matrix multiplication technique from .",in this section we present a fast randomized algorithm that makes use of the compressed matrix multiplication technique presented in . -"such signals emerge in numerous modern applications of diverse sources , such as transportation , energy , biological- , social- , and sensor-networks .","examples of signals residing on such domains can be found in social , transportation , energy , and sensor networks ." -several quantum algorithms using ideas from quantum walks have already been developed .,"recently , several algorithms using quantum walks have been invented ." -the resolved contribution is largest at rapidities where the photon momentum is small .,these large photon momentum fractions increase the qq contribution near threshold . -qualitatively similar behavior is obtained if we use the gaussian scatterers model for disorder .,we conclude that coulomb and gaussian disorder models show qualitatively similar behavior . -autoencoders are a kind of unsupervised artificial neural networks widely used to learn data features .,"autoencoders are a special type of artificial neural network , encoding high-dimensional data into a latent space by replicating the input in the output ." -"obviously , the occurrence of links is determined by the behavior of the nodes in the network .","obviously , the occurrence of links is led by the behavior of the nodes in the network ." -singular solutions to the two-dimensional cubic nls equation have been studied with this approach in .,singular solutions of the two-dimensional cubic nls equation have been studied with this approach in . -technical skills and errors are also associated with non-technical skills such as decision-making .,technical skill and errors are also associated with non-technical skills such as decision-making . -"the simulation data around this regime may be affected by the notorious logarithmic corrections to the finite-size-scaling behavior , that are inherent to the kt-type critical phenomenon .","as noted in the preceding subsection , this data scatter should be attributed to the logarithmic corrections to the finite-size scaling , which are inherent to the kt-type critical behavior ." -"recently , many examples of scalar hairy black holes have been constructed .","recently , many explicit examples of scalar hairy black holes in four and higher dimensions have been found ." -"results for the ftse-uk index series , divided into an increasing number of trading-windows of equal size , simulating different time scales .","results for the ftse-mib index series , divided into an increasing number of trading-windows of equal size , simulating different time scales ." -"first , the transition amplitude is expressed in terms of group averaging as .","first , the transition amplitude is expressed in terms of multiple group averaging ." -"you may object that there is only one universe , but likewise there is only one squid in my laboratory .","one may object that there is only one universe , but likewise there is only one squid in our laboratory ." -"variational bayes and collapsed gibbs sampling have been two commonly-used approximate inference methods for learning lda and its extensions , including author-topic models and relational topic models .",the collapsed gibbs sampling and variational bayes have been two commonlyused approximate inference algorithms for lda-based topic models . -"the saliency detection attempts to locate the objects that have the most interests in an image , where human may also pay more attention on the image .","the saliency detection attempts to locate the objects that have the most interests in an image , where human may also pay more attention ." -then precisely one of the following is the case .,thus we have precisely one of the following cases . -the multilabel datasets iaprtc12 and espgame is a collection of 25000 images .,"the datasets iaprtc12 and espgame is a collection of 25 , 000 images ." -"since we wish to invert any feature , we assume that p is stationary , allowing us to efficiently learn the covariance across massive datasets .","since we wish to invert any hog point , we assume that p is stationary , allowing us to efficiently learn the covariance across massive datasets ." -the last two factors are due to the mixing between the bosonic and fermionic part of the chiral ring .,the third factor describe the mixing between the two bosonic sectors of the chiral ring . -"in , the authors showed that given a collection of photos of the same person it is possible to obtain a more faithful reconstruction of the face from a blury image .","in , the authors showed that given a collection of photos of the same person , it is possible to obtain a more realistic reconstruction of the face from a blurry image ." -"the key idea is to use the notion of duality solutions , introduced in for linear conservation equations with discontinuous velocities , where measure-valued solutions also arise .","for the sake of completeness , we recall the notion of duality solutions which has been introduced in for one dimensional linear scalar conservation law with discontinuous coefficients ." -"interestingly , transition metals like fe , ni or co are among the most common catalysts used for the production of swcnts .","interestingly transition metals , like fe , ni or co , are among the most common catalysts used for the production of swcnt 24 ." -"we begin this section by introducing the supergeometric setting , following the same approach as in .","we begin this section by introducing the supergeometric formalism , following the same approach as in ." -"mykland , tierney , and yu and rosenthal have given prescriptions that are often useful for establishing in general spaces .",mykland et al and rosenthal give prescriptions that are often useful for establishing in general spaces . -these two sources are therefore likely candidates for x-ray binaries .,these sources are likely candidates for new x-ray binaries . -the authors of propose a decentralized fdi attack detection approach based on the markov graph of bus voltage angles .,"in , the authors propose a decentralized detection scheme for fdi attacks based on the markov graph of bus phase angles ." -this canonization result was used in to prove that there are only continuum many ultrafilters that are tukey below any fixed ultrafilter that is basically generated by a base that is closed under finite intersections .,"this is an exact analogue of theorem 17 of , which was established there for all ultrafilters that are basically generated by a base that is closed under finite intersections ." -"if both kinds of multifractality are present , the shuffled series will show weaker multifractality than the original series .","the corresponding shuffled series will exhibit non-multifractal scaling , since all long-range correlations are destroyed by the shuffling procedure ." -a higher rank generalization of donaldson invariants is given recently by kronheimer .,note that kronheimer has defined higher-rank donaldson invariants . -"in particular , firstorder phase transitions provide a departure from thermal equilibrium , which may give rise to a variety of cosmological relics , such as the baryon asymmetry of the universe .","phase transitions of the universe may give rise to a variety of cosmological relics , such as the baryon asymmetry of the universe ." -"cerf , in quantum information with continuous variables , edited by sl braunstein and ak pati , pp .","kuzmich and es polzik , in quantum information with continuous variables , edited by sl braunstein and ak pati , pp ." -"not surprisingly , we do have the following negative result .",we then have the following remarkable result . -"however , the reachability problem in concurrent rsms is undecidable .","while reachability for concurrent , recursive programs is undecidable ." -"the technique can be seen as a particular case of the hybridisable discontinuous galerkin method by cockburn and co-workers , by considering an element-byelement constant degree of approximation .","more precisely , fcfv is derived from the recently proposed hybridisable discontinuous galerkin method by cockburn and co-workers 14 by imposing a constant degree of approximation ." -ding et al exploited triplet samples for training cnns to minimize the feature distance between the same person and maximize the distance between different people .,ding et al trained cnn with triplet samples and minimized feature distances between the same person while maximized the distances among different people . -"network densification has emerged as a promising approach to support innovative mobile applications with stringent requirements such as ultra-low latency , ultra-high data rate and massive devices connectivity .",network densification with interference coordination has been recognized as a promising way to meet the exponentially growing mobile data traffic in next generation wireless networks . -the most systematic way to do this are least-squares fits and being meanwhile a standard technique for calibration of self-consistent mean-field models .,the most systematic approach is probably a least-squares fit and has meanwhile become the standard method for calibration of self-consistent mean-field models . -"model-based clustering methods assume that a data point matches a model , which in many cases , is a statistical distribution .","model based clustering uses an assumption that a data point matches a model , that , in many cases , is a statistical distribution ." -het uitgangspunt van snaartheorie is dat alle elementaire deeltjes verschillende vibratiemogelijkheden van een zeer kleine elastische snaar zijn .,een fundamenteler probleem is dat een van de vibratiemogelijkheden van de bosonische snaar in een vlakke achtergrond een deeltje genereert met negatieve massa kwadraat . -the fact that such singularities are forbidden quantum mechanically implies that physical states are changed in this energy region .,"the existence of no singularity implies that standard point-like excitations are forbidden quantum mechanically , because they are essentially black holes in the strong coupling phase of gravity ." -pfaff equations for the modulus of initial velocity .,differential equations for the vector of variation . -"to improve the quality of the recovered fields , numerical results indicate that the when recovering singular fields , statical admissibility and suitably chosen enrichment functions improve the accuracy 2 .","to improve the quality of the recovered fields , numerical results indicate that when recovering singular fields , statical admissibility and suitably chosen enrichment functions improve the accuracy 1 ." -"alternatively , a concurrent learning-based system identifier can be developed .","to ensure convergence without the pe condition , a concurrent learning-based approach can be employed ." -the signals and backgrounds are generated by madgraph5 v1 5 11 have been packed to implement parton shower and detector simulation .,the signal and background simulation samples are generated with madgraph5 parton showering and hadronization . -"in the ecga method , he proposed the use of the minimum description length principle to compress good genotypes into partitions that include the shortest possible representations .",he focused on probabilistic models to learn linkage and proposed the ecga method using the minimum description length principle to compress good genotypes into partitions of the shortest possible representations . -a model independent presentation of the results of high statistics and high resolution experiments is suggested .,the model independent formulation of the results of the high statistics and high resolution experiments is suggested . -"in 2005 , lowd and meek proposed the concept of adversarial learning , in which an adversary conducts an attack to minimize a cost function .","lowd and meek described an efficient attack by which an adversary can reverseengineer the weights of a linear classifier , in order to then generate adversarial inputs ." -the symbols on the broken axis represent the numerically calculated mfpts at the limits of the correlation time .,"the values on the broken axis represent the numerically calculated mfpts in the limits of correlation time , τc ." -the extracted keywords are further grouped into different topics by using latent dirichlet allocation .,"the topics are identified using latent dirichlet allocation a probabilistic topic model , and subsequently labeled to indicate their identity ." -"finding a maximum weight hypergraph matching is np-hard , even in unweighted 3-uniform hypergraphs .","recall that finding a maximum weight hypergraph matching is np-hard even for unweighted , 3-regular hypergraphs ." -on-shell scalar products of bethe vectors in the six-vertex model with open boundaries were previously studied in .,on-shell scalar products of the six-vertex model with open boundary conditions have been previously studied in . -it also provides design insights on backhaul and wireless overhead channels to handle specific overhead signaling requirements .,it also provides design guidelines on hcn overhead channels to accommodate specific coordination techniques . -spectral theory of self-adjoint operators in hilbert space .,ergodic theorems for general dynamical systems . -the concept of tensors and their associated operations are essential mathematical machinery for the study carried out in this paper .,tensors and their associated operations are essential mathematical machinery for the research carried out in this paper . -"rendall , fuchsian analysis of singularities in gowdy spacetimes beyond analyt icity , class .","maeda , asymptotic singular behaviour of gowdy space times in string theory , class ." -"in the context of discrete choice models , bhat was the first to propose the use of the em algorithm for the estimation of lccms with unstructured support .","in the domain of discrete choice analysis , bhat presents an em algorithm for the estimation of an lc-mnl model ." -"figure 8 , we compare our method with previous matching methods mdp .","we plot some qualitative results in figure 7 , to contrast deepflow2 against our method ." -research fields such as spatial epidemiology require high precision geographic information in order for researchers to work effectively .,any form of location-critical research such as spatial epidemiology requires high precision geographic information in order to be carried out . -the spectral weight of the two-triplon continuum is very small .,the spectral weight is mostly concentrated at the lower band edge of the continuum . -the data were reduced using a combination of the lt sprat reduction pipeline and standard routines in iraf 5 .,the processing was performed with the twodspec and onespec packages in iraf 2 . -some of the recent studies on peristaltic transport were discussed by usha and rao .,some of the recent important theoretical studies on peristaltic transport include those by usha and rao . -to investigate the equilibration phenomena of the system we look at the particle densities and energy distributions of each particle .,"to investigate this , we study the time evolution of the inverse slopes of various particles ." -"in 1965 , calderon studied a kind of commutators appearing in cauchy integral problems of lip-line .","in 1965 , calderon studied a kind of commutators , appearing in cauchy integral problems of lip-line ." -these features are very similar to those used in traditional name entity recognition systems .,"they extract features , similar to those used in traditional name entity recognition systems using the provided training sets ." -the tensor train decomposition is a highly effective representation for compact low-rank approximation of tensors .,the tensor train decomposition provides a powerful tensor compression technique via low rank representation akin to that of a generalized svd . -"recently , yang et al , with , proposed a deep , volumetric , fully-convolutional 3d network called di2in with deep-supervision .","recently , yang et al , with , proposed a deep , volumetric , fully-convolutional 3d network called di2in with deep-supervision posing the labelling task as a regression problem ." -"just like mid-level features of images , pattern retrieval mainly focuses on mid-level representations in conv-layers .","like the extraction of mid-level features from images , pattern retrieval mainly learns midlevel representations from conv-layers ." -"bodhi is fully built around publicly available database components and system software , and is therefore completely free .","bodhi is operational , completely free and is built around publicly available software components and commodity hardware ." -"during online training , we use experience replay and the memory size is set to 10,000 tuples of .","during training , we use experience replay and the memory size is set to 10,000 ." -"tuza , induced matchings in bipartite graphs .","trotter , induced matchings in cubic graphs ." -"the classical beckman-quarles theorem states that each unit-distance preserving mapping from r n to r n is an isometry , see .","theorem 1 may be viewed as a discrete form of the classical beckman-quarles theorem , which states that any map from r n to r n preserving unit distances is an isometry , see ." -"in the following , we only list some solutions that are not zn parafermion algebras .","in this and the next sections , we will consider zn vertex algebras ." -the leftmost gate sequence corresponds to the diagonal quantum computer of ref .,this cascade corresponds to the diagonal quantum computer of ref . -"more recently , several works have assessed the robustness of deep neural networks to different regimes such as adversarial perturbations .","in recent years , research works used small unperceivable perturbations to evaluate the robustness of deep neural networks and found that they are not robust to these perturbations ." -"the results in group 1 are from , where they compared kernel svm , neural nets , and deep nets .","the results in group 1 are from , where they compared kernel svm , neural nets , and deep learning ." -the software had to be adapted to higher security requirements .,this component had to be built from scratch and integrated into the existing system . -"there are many results on this topic , we refer to , krivelevich and yuster proposed a similar concept , the concept of rainbow vertex-connection .","there are some approaches to study the bounds of rc , we refer to , krivelevich and yuster proposed the concept of rainbow vertexconnection ." -"for a comprehensive account of this subject , see and the references given therein .","for a comprehensive description , see and the references given therein ." -gap probabilities in the finite and scaled cauchy random matrix ensembles .,gap probabilities for edge intervals in finite gaussian and jacobi unitary matrix ensembles . -"they typically assume that the input is made up of a union of motion groups of specific types , with only a few works that can handle mixed types of motion groups .","they typically assume that the input is made up of a union of motions of specific types , with only a few works that can handle mixed types of motions ." -this setup is for instance used in some kernel methods such as one-class support vector machine to handle training using only inliers .,"this setup is typically the one of the one-class support vector machine algorithm developped in , which extends the svm methodology to handle training using only positive information ." -the non-imaging hpgspc consists of a single unit with a collimator that remained on-source during the gps observations .,the non-imaging hpgspc consists of a single unit with a collimator that is alternatively rocked on- and off-source to monitor the background spectrum . -"to present an expression for the tunneling current across each junction , we consider nonequilibrium quasiparticle distributions in the superconductor and the ferromagnetic metals .","finally , we introduce the distribution function gfrσ in the right ferromagnetic metal in which nonequilibrium quasiparticles appear due to quasiparticle tunneling from the superconductor ." -"if these quantities are small , we can neglect the quadratic contribution .",we can neglect the effect of these terms at low density . -"this construction is necessarily different from , since we can not argue by induction on modal rank in the presence of fixpoints .","this model construction is substantially more involved than that given in , since we can not argue in terms of modal rank in the presence of fixpoints ." -hierarchical latent class models generalize these models by allowing multiple latent variables .,hierarchical latent class models generalize these models by allowing for multiple latent variables . -"other ideas could be based on a connection with the model driven engineering technical space , who would provide more expressive power .","another idea could be to move the model driven engineering technical space , who would provide more expressive power about model transformations ." -laplacians of graphs and cheeger inequalities .,combinatorial laplacians and isoperimetric inequality . -possible anisotropic cosmologies are comprised by the bianchi models and the kantowskisachs model .,possible anisotropic cosmologies are comprised by the bianchi models . -chemical abundances obtained from spectral lines in the visible region .,chemical abundances for fe obtained from spectral lines in the visible region . -this term thus enforces the tight coupling regime at second order .,such an assumption is clearly valid in the tight coupling regime . -"this trend suggests that larger yaw error induces stronger wind fluctuation and statistically enhances the effect of flow acceleration around the nacelle , consistent with previous nacelle flow simulations .","this trend suggests that larger yaw error induces stronger wind fluctuation and statistically enhances the effect of flow acceleration around the nacelle , consistent with previous numerical simulations of the flow around the nacelle ." -"this oscillatory behavior is a clear sign of unphysical binning and , hence , can be used as a test to choose the optimal value of τmin .","indeed this oscillatory behavior is a distinct characteristic of corrections to the bd-vacuum , which may make them experimentally identifiable in the inflationary power spectrum ." -"in this work , we follow the approach of in using discrete fourier transform in order to generate virtual constraints for knee and ankle , based on data from normal-speed flat-ground human walking provided in .","in this work , we follow the approach of in using discrete fourier transform in order to generate virtual constraints for knee and ankle , based on data from normal human walking provided in ." -"thus , by analogy with hgte , we expect yaupb to be a topologically nontrivial metal , as is the case with elemental antimony .","thus , by analogy with hgte , we expect li 2 agbi and li 2 aubi to be a topologically nontrivial metal , as is the case with elemental antimony ." -we perform the numerically exact diagonalization study of the t-j model with nonmagnetic impurities to clarify the relation between zn impurities and the stripes .,"in order to examine the relation between zn impurities and stripes , we perform the numerically exact diagonalization study of the t-j model with nonmagnetic impurities ." -"the width of this resonance is defined by the unique energy scale , the kondo temperature t k , which determines all thermodynamic and transport properties of the set device through a one-parametric scaling .","the width of this resonance defines a unique energy scale , the kondo temperature t k , which determines all thermodynamic and transport properties of the set device through a one-parametric scaling ." -"similarly , by changing the factorizations made on b , one obtains the approximate qr factorization and cur factorization , etc .","similarly , by changing the factorizations made on b we can obtain the approximate qr factorization and cur factorization , etc ." -"structural , electrical and optical properties of zns films deposited by close-spaced evaporation .",structural and optical properties of hot wall deposited cdse thin films . -"at the physical layer , techniques were proposed to choose appropriate modulation , coding , and transmission power control schemes to improve energy e ciency of the mobile device .","at the physical layer , techniques were proposed to choose appropriate modulation , coding , and transmission power control schemes to improve energy efficiency of the mobile device ." -the weyl tensor is a 4-rank tensor that contains the independent components of the riemann tensor not captured by the ricci tensor .,"the weyl tensor is the trace-free part of the curvature tensor and is conformally invariant , while the schouten tensor is a trace-adjustment of the ricci tensor ." -"this can be done , and in fact several applications of the model presented here are already included into the grail parser by richard moot , in particular for french moot .","this can be done , and in fact several applications of the model presented here are already included into the grail parser by richard moot , in particular for french ." -using the result of alon-shapira we know that the property of a graph being perfect is testable .,"an exemplary result in this area , due to alon and shapira , states that every hereditary graph property is one-sided testable ." -here we discuss the renormalization of operators by ultrasoft gluons .,let us now discuss the ultrasoft renormalization for two-body interactions generated by lp . -the study of cellular resolutions was initiated in .,the study of cellular resolutions was first explicitly initiated in . -this phenomenon is an acoustic counterpart of the abnormal longitudinal polarization in nonparaxial radially-polarized optical beams .,this is an acoustic counterpart of the purely-longitudinal polarization on the axis of optical radially-polarized focused beams . -"these representations involve two linear operators , these operators may be differential operators or matrices .","the lax equation involves two linear operators , these operators may be differential operators or matrices ." -"further , in the special case of stereo matching , a cost volume is a more discriminative representation of the disparity than raw images or features .","fur- ther , in the special case of stereo matching , a cost volume is a more discriminative representation of the disparity than raw images or features ." -"following the landmark work of , we address this problem through convolutional neural networks .","following recent work on a range of recognition tasks , we use convolutional networks for this task ." -we can exclude the latter by the corresponding uniqueness proof .,the latter is excluded by the corresponding uniqueness proof . -in order to describe the limits we discuss the classification theory of 3d second-order superintegrable systems .,we begin in section 2 with an overview of the results in giving the invariant classification of nondegenerate second-order superintegrable systems in 3d . -"however , the impact of data truncation for other risks can be significant .","however for low frequency high impact risks , where the data are very limited , the impact can be significant ." -"in , peng et al provide a simple fusion framework that combines existing rgb-based saliency with new depth-based saliency .","in , peng et al provide a simple fusion framework that combines existing rgb-produced saliency with new depthinduced saliency ." -"we have previously shown that negative relative equilibria rotate on hyperbolic cylinders , .","we have previously shown that relative equilibria in s 3 rotate on clifford tori , ." -the study of jet substructure has significantly matured over the past five years .,"also , there has been considerable interest in studying jet substructure in the last decade ." -"we recall here some basic facts about the metric notion of gradient flows , referring to for further details .",we refer the reader to for more information on the abstract theory of gradient flows in the space of probability measures . -it is worth mentioning that quantitative estimates of the strong unique continuation are useful in studying the nodal sets of eigenfunctions .,"finally , we would like to mention that quantitative estimates of the strong unique continuation are useful in studying the nodal sets of eigenfunctions ." -the bolometer consists of a finely photolithographed mesh that provides high absorption efficiency over a wide band with low heat capacity and cosmic ray cross section .,a bolometer is a device that measures the energy of incident electromagnetic radiation . -recall that an algebraic structure is computable if the elements of its domain are associated with natural numbers in such a way that the operations become computable functions upon this domain .,recall that a countable structure is computable if its domain is the set of natural numbers and if its operations and relations are uniformly turing computable . -most of the traditional deep learning methods commonly employ cross-entropy as a loss function for segmentation .,many traditional segmentation networks employ cross-entropy as a loss function . -elmo is a character-based language model that provides deep contextualized word representations .,the hice architecture is related to contextualized representation learning . -in a remarkable generalization of the capelli identity has been found .,in a remarkable generalization of the capelli identity have been found . -"under this second interpretation , the completeness of the lspm catalog is uniformly high , both at high and low galactic latitude .","with this interpretation , both the nltt and lspm are significantly incomplete , even at moderately high galactic latitudes ." -"we utilize the pke , which is an open source python-based keyphrase extraction toolkit , for the experiments with tfidf and the graph-based approaches .",we utilize the pke toolkit for the implementations of the other unsupervised keyphrase extraction methods as well as our method . -the values of the uncertainties are given in table ii in sec .,the values used for each uncertainty are listed in table ii in sec . -"in such cases , they specify a series of orthogonal measurements whose outcome statistics are together described by a tight ic-povm .",if the weight remains constant across elements of the same basis then such designs correspond to tight ic-povms which can be realized by a sequence of orthogonal measurements . -"using the theorems above , we can show the following .","combining the theorems above , we obtain the following corollaries ." -explicit calculations were done on the knot table to determine the tail of colored jones polynomial of alternating links in .,explicit calculations were done on the knot table to determine these two power series in . -related work recent works such as study the coexistence of dsrc based vehicular networks and wifi .,related work works such as study the impact of vehicular communications on wifi and vice versa . -"as before , we would like to remind the readers that this is the only assumption we make .",we would like to remind the reader that this is just to simplify the ensuing analysis . -the type b analogue of the lattice of non-crossing partitions was introduced by reiner .,the lattice structure of type b n set partitions has been studied by reiner . -"vaswani et al recently introduced the transformer model , an encoder-decoder architecture solely based on self-attention .","more recently , vaswani et al introduced the transformer model as a more sophisticated architecture for sequence to sequence transduction ." -we unravel the relation between conductance and weighted kernel k-means objectives using the framework by dhillon et al .,the relation between conductance and weighted kernel k-means objectives is unraveled using the framework by dhillon et al . -the adopted fdna architecture is similar to a resnet architecture .,"the encoder is similar to many classification networks , such as vgg ." -"recently , comon proposed the robust independent component analysis method with better performance .","recently , zarzoso and comon proposed robust independent component analysis ." -"spatial filters , in many successive layers make for efficient parameter allocation .","spatial filters , in many successive layers , make for efficient parameter allocation ." -"the main idea of this kind of codes is the use of a network multicast technique for data transmission optimization , called network coding , in conjunction with erasure codes .","the main idea of this kind of codes is the use of a network multicast technique for data transmission optimization , called network coding , in conjunction with array codes ." -"fedorets , ly gorelik , ri shekhter , and m .","isacsson , ym galperin , ri shekhter , and m ." -"in the field of image segmentation , approaches have been proposed to provide temporally consistent monocular video segmentation .","in the field of image segmentation , approaches have been proposed to provide impressive temporally consistent video segmentation ." -"the modulation in dama is present only in the single-hit events , while it is absent in the multiple-hits as expected for the dm signal 10 .","the modulation in dama is present only in the single-hit events , while it is absent in the multiple-hits as expected for the dm signal 11 ." -"as it was shown in , f gauged supergravity is a consistent truncation of massive type iia supergravity .",in it was shown that f gauged supergravity is a consistent truncation of massive type iia supergravity . -recent results on information theory have shown that higher spectral efficiency can be achieved with multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver .,recent results on information theory have shown that it is possible to achieve high spectral efficiency through the deployment of multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver . -"fortunately , this problem disappears in the case of weak selection , as we will see later .","the viability condition fortunately , these problems disappear when selection is weak , as we will see next ." -"due to the sparseness of the code representation , ldpc codes are efficiently decoded by sum-product decoders .","due to the sparseness of the representation of the codes , ldpc codes are efficiently decoded by the sum-product decoders ." -optical conductivity of the infinite-dimensional hubbard model .,electrical conductivity in the infinitedimensional hubbard model . -work tasks can be the origin for informationseeking tasks and information search tasks .,work tasks can trigger both information-seeking tasks and informationsearch tasks . -an iterative water-filling algorithm was proposed to mitigate the mutual interference and optimize the performance without the need for a central controller .,an iterative water-filling algorithm has been proposed to mitigate the mutual interference and optimize the performance without the need for a central controller . -"in the emergent approach developed here , both unitary evolution and state vector reduction are seen to be different aspects of the underlying nonunitary matrix model dynamics .","in the emergent approach developed here , these are both aspects of an underlying dynamics that is totally nonlocal , as manifested in the fact that the underlying matrix variables have no assumed commutativity properties ." -"we employed bigquery , a big data tool from the google cloud platform that allows sql-like queries to be run on massive data , to perform an exploratory feature analysis .","we employed bigquery , a big data tool from the google cloud platform that allows running sql-like queries on massive data , to perform an exploratory feature analysis ." -we simply choose the stateof-the-art hourglass network as the backbone of gpn .,we use an 8-stack hourglass network as our baseline model if not specified . -"various regularization schemes have been developed to prevent overfitting in neural networks , such as early stopping , weight decay , dropout , and dropconnect .","various techniques have been proposed to implicitly or explicitly regularize the training process of deep neural networks in order to prevent over-fitting as well as to improve the generalization performance , such as dropout ." -"as shown in section iv , this decoder has better thresholds than one-bit decoders for various code rates .","however , this decoder has not the best threshold among the two-bit decoders ." -"to tackle this issue , daudin , picard and robin proposed an asymptotic approximation of log p , so called integrated classification likelihood criterion .","to tackle this issue , daudin , picard and robin proposed an approximation method based on a variational em algorithm ." -"for planar-f edge deletion , we use the polynomial grid minor theorem which says that if g does not have a planar graph f as a minor , the treewidth of g is bounded by v , o .","for planar-f vertex deletion , we use the polynomial grid minor theorem which says that if g does not have a planar graph f as a minor , the treewidth of g is bounded byv , o ." -this is similar to the approach of but with volumetric instead of surface deformation .,"this is similar to the approach used in , but with volumetric instead of surface deformation ." -"thus the weights of network links are assigned by quantum and classical correlations between particles in the kitaev chain and the rotor plane , respectively .",thus the link weights of the kitaev-chain network are assigned by the pairing amplitude in which the non-local property between spinless fermions is concealed . -host spatial heterogeneity and the spread of vector-borne infection .,host spatial heterogeneity and extinction of an sis epidemic . -a fundamental object of inference in this work is the topic polytope arising in topic modeling .,the fundamental object of inference in this work is the topic polytope arising in topic modeling which we shall now define . -recent works have shown the effectiveness of applying domain-specific batch-normalization layers to address domain adaptation tasks .,recent works have shown how bn layers can be exploited to perform domain adaptation in a traditional batch setting . -mettes et al use spatial point annotation instead of bounding boxes .,mettes et al propose to use sparse points as supervision to generate proposals . -the second question in the mathematics section was to test .,last question in the mathematics section was to test algebra . -wang et al further improved the two-stream architecture by enforcing consensus over predictions in individual frames .,"as an extension to the previous two-stream method , wang et al proposed the temporal segment network ." -the influence of cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission on the fidelity of the fredkin gate .,the influence of cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission on the success probability of the fredkin gate . -a nonlinear klein-gordon equation on kerr metrics .,nonlinear klein-gordon equation on schwarzschild-like metrics . -full waveform inversion is a numerically challenging technique based on full wavefield modeling of a geological domain that extracts relevant quantitative information from seismograms .,full waveform inversion is a high-resolution nonlinear imaging technology which can provide accurate subsurface model parameters by matching observed and calculated waveforms . -two-element interferometer receiver block diagram using rfof .,coax-based receiver block diagram for one channel of the two-element interferometer . -proposes a method specifically for a graph with a few hubs and applied a group lasso penalty .,proposes a method specifically for a graph with a few hubs and applies a group lasso penalty . -"generally , the chemical potential is a function of the temperature .",as chemical potential is increased there is a first order transition with the order parameter changing discontinuously at the critical chemical potential µc . -"however , gaming does present a particular dilemma as there is much research that also emphasises the positive value associated with educational games .","however , gaming does present a particular dilemma as there is much research that emphasises the positive value associated with educational games ." -convolutional neural networks have recently brought in revolutions to the computer vision area .,"convolutional neural networks have represented a relevant breakthrough , especially since the last improvements on the imagenet challenge ." -the a-form and a-form of admissible elements .,the a-form and a-form of admissible elements c . -these coefficients have proven to outperform other coefficients in the two fields and they have shown to provide a high-level approximation of human auditory perception .,mfccs have proven to outperform other coefficients in the two areas and they have shown to grant a high-level approximation of human auditory perception . -this model arises naturally in applications areas such as computational geometry .,this problem is popular and well studied in computational geometry . -the dqn architecture was the first successful integration of deep learning with q-learning framework .,"related work as mentioned in section i , dqn is the first successful attempt to combine deep learning with rl ." -"over subsequent years , many experiments have convincingly observed zero bias conductance peak in normal metal leads connected to topological quantum wires as predicted by the theory confirming their realization .","in the years that followed , several experiments convincingly observed zero bias conductance peak in normal metal leads connected to such quantum wires as predicted by the theory upholding the realization of isolated mfs ." -"we have seen that for those s-matrix elements that produce at the non-abelian limit massless and tachyonic poles that are related to non-abelian kinetic term , the limit can easily be found , eg , the limit in .","we have speculated that for those s-matrix elements which , in their expansion at the non-abelian limit , there are the feynman amplitudes resulting from the non-abelian kinetic term , the limit can easily be found ." -let md denote the sum of powers of propagators di minus the number of propagators of the generic integral .,let mp denote the total sum of powers of the irreducible scalar products in the numerator of the integrand . -"in , the epidemic threshold for an susceptible-infectedrecovered model is derived for a simple class of dynamic random networks .","in , the epidemic threshold in the case of a sir model is derived for a simple class of dynamic random networks ." -results for this second definition are shown as dashed curves in the figures .,results for this scale choice are shown as solid curves in the figures . -observe that ker df is the characteristic subgroup for f .,we call df the characteristic homomorphism of f . -"finding the sources of an infection diffusing in a network has been investigated in various works , including .","finding the sources of an infection or rumor diffusing in a network has been investigated in various works , including ." -"in borkin et al , we further showed that knowing where people look can provide clues about what they store in memory and recall about an information visualization .","in , we further showed that knowing where people look can provide clues about what they store in memory and recall about an information visualization later ." -matrix theory provides a non-perturbative definition of discrete light-cone quantized string theories .,"the matrix model formulation of m theory , holds the promise of providing a nonperturbative description of m theory , and consequently string theory ." -an interesting point is that the algorithm could be used to simulate chiral fermionic actions like overlap or perfect actions .,"the new algorithm could be applicable to simulations of more complicated chiral fermionic actions , like overlap or perfect actions ." -catalogue parameters of the virgo cluster early-type dwarfs .,photometric parameters of the virgo cluster early-type dwarfs . -"thus , in principle it is possible to apply this method to dispersions consisting of many particles with any shape .","in principle , the present method can be easily applied to systems consisting of many particles with any shape ." -consensus and synchronization without self-links .,consensus and synchronization with transmission delays . -"the set-optimization approach to dynamic risk measures is studied in , were extended to the dynamic case .",the set-optimization approach to dynamic risk measures is studied in were extended to the dynamic case . -multipolar coupling let us now consider the multipolar hamiltonian in long-wavelength approximation as given by eqs .,we start from the minimal-coupling hamiltonian in electric dipole approximation as given by eqs . -"in model ii , the rate to realize the lma solution is much smaller than in model i .",the probability to realize the sma and low solutions is very small . -we reconstruct an extended chiral sigma model in which the omega meson mass is generated dynamically by the sigma condensation in the vacuum in the same way as the nucleon mass .,"we have then used the extended chiral sigma model , in which the omega meson mass is dynamically generated by the sigma condensation as the nucleon mass ." -"our proposal on the principle of non-perturbative string duality should be applied in general to various other systems in string theory , matrix model and integrable systems .",this is our basic proposal on the principle of non-perturbative string duality or duality constraints on string theory . -"despite the huge success in the use of neural networks for various machine learning applications , the current understanding of neural network is limited .","although deep neural networks have achieved tremendous success in many domains , it still remains a great challenge to design the optimal network structure for a certain task ." -"jacobson was able to derive the einstein equations from such a macroscopic description , showing that the field equations of gr are akin to a macroscopic effective equation of state .","based on these observations , jacobson showed that the einstein equation can be derived from black hole thermodynamics applied for a local accelerating observer ." -the lower bound on the relative error is derived .,"in addition , the lower bound on the absolute error is then studied ." -this paper emphasizes the underlying physics behind the steady nature of line-driven disk winds using mathematically simple models that mimic the disk environment .,"this paper , in particular , has sought to emphasize on the underlying physics behind the steady nature of line-driven disk winds through mathematically simple models that mimic the disk environment ." -the md results are found to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical prediction .,one can see that the md results are in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions . -we call the open trajectory topologically regular .,we call the non-singular trajectory compact if it is closed on the plane . -lie bialgebra contractions and quantum deformations of quasi-orthogonal algebras .,inhomogeneous quantum groups and their quantized universal enveloping algebras . -"therefore , instead of making independent tagging decisions for each output , we model them jointly using conditional random field .","hence , rather than making tagging decisions independently , we integrate conditional random field into our model ." -prototype systems that mimic these properties were introduced and analyzed in .,prototype systems that mimic these properties were introduced in . -"by analogy with associative algebras and operads , we call this resolution the minimal model of p .","in this case , we say that the properad is koszul and this resolution is the minimal model of p ." -"this , in turn , implies that p is a homogeneous manifold , thus is regular on m .","this in turn , implies that x is a subset of a modification of the unique stein normal filling of m0 ." -"in this section , we evaluate the proposed methods on the pascal voc 2012 dataset and the microsoft coco dataset .",all experiments in this section use the coco dataset with 80 object classes . -"in particular , it has been shown that deep networks are exponentially more efficient in function approximation than shallow networks .","currently , it has been shown that for a given bound of the approximation error , deep networks require exponentially less data than shallow ones ." -periodic boundary conditions are applied in the plane of the interface .,periodic boundary conditions are imposed at the contact surfaces to eliminate boundary effects . -this includes absolute values of the differential cross sections as functions of beam energy and target .,absolute values of many differential cross sections are then available as function of beam energy and target . -we show that this entropy function satisfies the lesche and thermodynamic stability criteria .,"in addition , we have shown that this entropy satisfies lesche and thermodynamic stability ." -"deep neural networks have achieved great success in various tasks , including but not limited to image classification .",convolutional neural networks have been used successfully in the contexts of images . -one such measure which can be calculated in field theory is entanglement negativity .,a useful information theoretic quantity along these lines is the entanglement negativity . -prior work in deep neural network-based computer vision models indicates that transfer learning can be successfully utilized .,previous studies have evidenced that transfer learning in deep convolutional networks can alleviate the problem of insufficient training data . -pion mass dependence of the ρ-meson quadrupole moment in the quenched approximation .,pion mass dependence of the nucleon magnetic polarizabilities in the quenched approximation . -"we now develop an alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm for solving , which allows us to decouple some of the terms that are difficult to optimize jointly .","we now develop an alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm for solving , which allows us to decouple some of the terms in that are difficult to optimize jointly ." -"as usual , all quantum channels and decoding operations in coding systems are described in terms of trace-preserving completely positive linear maps .","as usual , all possible quantum operations and state changes , including quantum channels , are described in terms of completely positive linear maps ." -"however , it has four troublesome non-conformal points that cause image discontinuities which are difficult to hide .","however , it has four troublesome non-conformal points that cause unsightly image discontinuities which are difficult to hide ." -"in , a common message is sent to 2 receivers , while a confidential message is sent to one of the receivers and kept secret from the other .","in the model of , there are 2 receivers and a common message is sent to both , while a confidential message is sent to one of the receivers and is to be kept secret from the other receiver ." -the corresponding results will appear elsewhere .,the corresponding study will appear elsewhere . -it also acts faithfully on the nilpotent part and almost all nontrivial modules which appear in are either isomorphic to the standard one or its dual .,also almost all nontrivial modules which appears in the nilpotent part are either isomorphic to the standard modules or their duals . -we will make use of this property at some technical points in the subsequent analysis .,we will exemplify this fact in the model discussed in the subsequent section . -zaslavsky introduced the space-time fractional kinetic equation for hamiltonian chaos .,zaslavsky introduced the fractional kinetic equation for hamiltonian chaos . -"with respect to the solution-level , knowles and corne lead a landscape analysis on the multiobjective quadratic assignment problem with a rough objective correlation .",knowles and corne lead a landscape analysis on the multiobjective quadratic assignment problem with a rough objective correlation . -"instead of using scet to write down the amplitudes for each diagram , we make use of the results in refswhere the infrared behaviour of tree-level qcd amplitudes at nnlo has been analyzed .",as for the double-real contribution we make use of the results in refswhere the infrared behaviour of tree-level qcd amplitudes at nnlo has been analyzed . -variants of the transformer have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many tasks including language modeling .,"its use in both encoder-decoder and feedforward contexts has led to faster training and state-of-the-art results in translation , sentiment analysis , and other tasks ." -we should mention that there is some possibility that the single classical vacuum state that we find splits quantum mechanically 16 the supersymmetry algebra appeared in the general nahm classification for the explicit form of the algebra .,we should mention that there is some possibility that the single classical vacuum state that we find splits quantum mechanically 15 the supersymmetry algebra appeared in the general nahm classification for the explicit form of the algebra . -we leverage existing implementations of these algorithms in weka .,we used the default configuration of these methods available in weka . -"shellard , cosmic strings and other topological defects , cambridge university press .","will theory and experiment in gravitational physics , cambridge university press , cambridge ." -we use the same multiplet assignments for the fermions as in the usual left-right gauge symmetry .,the fermion representations are the same as in the usual left-right theory . -"normalized average output sinr corresponding to the mic-mpb , maximin , and papc-rls vs .","normalized output sinrs corresponding to the mic-mpb , maximin , and papc vs ." -it remains to show that the middle vertical maps in the diagram above have the same kernel .,a similar argument shows that also the right-hand vertical map in the following diagram is injective . -it has been showed to improve the performance as well as speed up training on variety of tasks .,successfully applying transfer learning has been shown to improve the performance as well as speed up training on a variety of tasks . -"it is well known that the gauss map of a minimal surface m in s 3 defines another minimal surface , the polar of m , which is conformal to m .","for a minimal surface in the 3-sphere s 3 , the gauss map gives a minimal surface in s 3 possibly with singularities ." -"moreover , ew corrections are especially relevant at the tev scale , where large logarithms of sudakov type can lead to nlo ew effects of tens of percent .","this is particularly relevant at high transverse momenta , where ew corrections are strongly enhanced by logarithmic contributions of sudakov type , which can reach several tens of percent at the tev scale ." -if growing network models accurately describe the networks generated by these systems one most conclude that the complexity and history dependence of the systems generating the networks are not manifest in the networks themselves .,"if the ba model captures the mechanism for the scale free behavior found in real world networks then perhaps one can conclude that some of the complexity or history dependence of the social , biological or technological system that generated the network is embodied in the network ." -the formal semantics of dl is a kripke semantics in which the states of the kripke model are the states of the hybrid system .,the semantics of dl is a kripke semantics in which the states of the kripke model are the states of the hybrid system . -"the predicted total blue straggler population is relatively uniform for all cluster masses , reproducing the observed blue straggler populations .","the predicted total blue straggler population is therefore relatively independent of cluster mass , thus matching the observed population ." -"prugniel , eso conference and workshop proceedings no .",eso conference and workshop proceedings no . -this fact gives us the possibility to prove froissart-martin bound in case of space-space nc qft .,thus we have no problem with the derivation of froissart-martin bound . -in this section we consider the qed n-photon amplitudes in the usual thermal field theory setting .,in this section we consider the screening effects due to hdl corrected propagator of the gauge field . -"for any commutative unital ring k and k-linear symmetric monoidal category c , one can define a lie algebra as follows .",one can define the notion of universal enveloping algebra of a lie algebra in any symmetric monoidal category c via a universal property as follows . -"in the following subsections , we will explain the reactive flux , tps , and tis methods and their connections in detail .",we discuss the relation between the new techniques and the standard reactive flux methods in detail . -"the construction of solitons , and the study of the scattering properties of solitons of the ward equation have been studied intensively by solving the degenerated riemann-hilbert problem and studying the limiting method .","the construction of solitons , the study of the scattering properties of solitons , and darboux transformation of the ward equation have been studied intensively by solving the degenerated riemann-hilbert problem and studying the limiting method ." -we will make the proof by induction on bpeq .,we can do so by induction on the proofnet . -therefore none of the identities from above may occur in the system τ .,obviously none of these identities can not occur in the system τ . -inspired by the idea of variational autoencoders introduce the concept of perceptual loss to model the style transferbetween paired dataset .,inspired by the variaonational auto-enhnson et al introduce the concept of perceptual loss to implement style transferring between paired dataset . -we consider causal variational principles in the non-compact setting as introduced in .,"here we do not assume smoothness , but work instead in the lower semi-continuous setting introduced in ." -the gas stripped-off is lost from the binary .,the matter stripped-off is lost from the binary system . -"a recent seminal work by abboud et al shows that even an improvement by a sufficiently large polylogarithmic factor for these basic problems would lead to major consequences , such as faster sat algorithms , and new circuit lower bounds .","a recent seminal work by abboud et al shows that even an improvement by a sufficiently large polylogarithmic factor for these basic problems , would lead to major consequences , such as faster sat algorithms , and new circuit lower bounds ." -"with this formalization , rl can be used to find the optimal dialog policy .",rl is a popular approach to learn an optimal dialog policy for task-oriented dialog systems . -interestingly it can be observed that the collagen fiber network present in stromal also exhibits fractal architecture in the organization of the fibers and micro-fibrils .,"interestingly , the collagen fiber network present in stroma also exhibits fractal architecture in the organization of the fibers and micro-fibrils ." -according to the evolutionary theory of aging the ultimate cause of senescence is the declining force of natural selection with age .,according to the evolutionary theory of aging senescence is ultimately caused by a declining pressure of natural selection as one gets older and older . -"in fact , it is known that most tensor problems are extremely hard and often unsolvable .","unfortunately , unlike many of their matrix counter-parties , most tensor problems are computationally intractable ." -"to generate a pair of synthetic graphs , we use the same experimental scheme outlined in .","to generate a set of synthetic graphs , we follow the experimental scheme that was represented in ." -we use for w and h the standard multiplicative updates that can be derived from a majorization-minimization procedure .,we update w and h with the standard multiplicative updates that can be derived from a majorization-minimization procedure . -dynamical properties must necessarily be included for consciousness .,this in turn is necessary for consciousness . -"in fact , the presence of an immune component in mathematical models has been described to be crucial for reproducing observed phenomena such as tumor dormancy and oscillatory growth .","therefore , the presence of an immune component in mathematical modeling has been described crucial for reproducing clinically observed phenomena such as tumor dormancy , oscillations in tumor size and spontaneous tumor regression ." -these modal parameters are obtained from the fembased simulations of the main te and tm modes associated with the different sections of the full structure .,these modal parameters are obtained from the finite element method based study of the fundamental te and tm modes associated with the different sections of the full structure . -we use the power flow solver available in matpower software for different bus systems .,there are 10 generators and 29 load nodes in the system and we take the system parameters from the matpower simulation package . -"as a good starting point we recommend antoniadis and fan , van de geer , huang , and the references therein .","as a good starting point we recommend huang , antoniadis and fan , van de geer , and the references therein ." -dbns are graphical models which learn to extract a deep hierarchical representation of the training data .,"dbns are graphical models which learn to extract a deep hierarchical representation of the training data , ." -this is achievable with particle flow algorithms combined with highly granular calorimeters .,this can be achieved by using fine-grained calorimeters and particle-flow analysis techniques . -the nyu hand dataset contains over 72k training and 8k testing frames .,the nyu hand pose dataset contains 72757 training frames of rgbd data and 8252 testing set frames . -the list of the abbreviations of finite automata .,the list of the abbreviations of counter automata . -in the large-n limit these are the only available correlations .,the correlations are positive throughout for the large-n case . -"thus , it is important to take correlations among various processes .","thus , it is important to study the characteristic signatures ." -"the space d is endowed with the skorohod j 1 -topology , is equipped with the borel σ-algebra b , and is metrised by a complete separable metric , see ethier and kurtz for the definition and properties .","it is assumed to be endowed with the skorohod j 1 -topology and metrised by a complete separable metric , see ethier and kurtz for the definition and properties ." -we are planning to discuss this construction in full details elsewhere .,we are going to consider these matters elsewhere . -"motivated by multi-domain convolutional network , we further design a instance adapter to model the appearance properties and temporal variations of a certain object .","to handle these problems , we integrate a instance adapter inspired by mdnet to model the appearance properties and temporal variations of a certain object ." -"due to the finite temperature in the stellar environment , excited states in the decaying nucleus can be thermally populated .","however , due to the finite temperature , excited states in the decaying nucleus can be thermally populated ." -a biideal is a subcategory that is both an ideal and a coideal .,a binormal subgroup is called a bi-ideal of n if . -"as the two feshbach resonances occur at high magnetic fields where the nuclear and electron spins are effectively decoupled , the two-body potentials are similar for both states .","as both feshbach resonances occur at high magnetic fields where nuclear and electronic spins are decoupled , the two energy sublevels are associated with two nuclear-spin states ." -vialard et al studied geodesics in the space of triangular surfaces to interpolate between two given poses .,kilian et al studied geodesics in the space of triangular surfaces to interpolate between two given poses . -the spe between two modes has been proved to be a valuable resource for cryptography .,the spe has been regarded as a valuable resource for cryptography . -the non-dominated robust utility maximization in the discrete time frictionless market was first examined by .,the non-dominated robust utility maximization in the discrete time frictionless was first examined by . -"to simplify theoretical study , shamir assumed that every entry of the matrix r is unconstrained .","to facilitate and simplify theoretical study , shamir assumed that every entry of the matrix v is unconstrained and fully trainable ." -"here we use the approach introduced by colliander , keel , staffilani , takaoka and tao in , called the i-method .","to avoid this difficulty , we apply the i-method exploited by colliander , keel , staffilani , takaoka and tao ." -"previous work on designing differentially private mechanisms for the publication of time-series include , but these mechanisms are not causal and hence not suited for real-time applications .","previous work on designing differentially private mechanisms for the publication of time series include , but these mechanisms are not causal and hence not suited for real-time applications ." -"this degenerate case of a decoupled evolution explains the fact that in newtonian and quasi-newtonian models backreaction has no or little relevance , q d vanishes .","this degenerate case of a decoupled evolution explains the fact that in newtonian and quasi-newtonian models backreaction has no or little relevance and spatially flat , relativistic spherically symmetric dust solutions , q d vanishes ." -this section describes a scheme for secret sharing over a general network employing separate secure transmissions from dealer to each participant .,this section describes a protocol for secret share dissemination based on pairwise agreement protocols . -"datalog , a database query language that is a subset of prolog , has been adopted for program analysis by some researchers .",the logic programming language datalog has become a popular domain-specific language for writing static analyses . -several interesting results in this direction can be derived which is left as an exercise for the reader to solve .,several interesting relations inter relating them can be had which is left as an exercise to the reader . -"it has been shown that the addition of small but carefully chosen deviations to the input , so-called adversarial perturbations , can cause the neural network to make incorrect predictions with very high confidence .","in particular , it has been shown that the addition of small but carefully chosen deviations to the input , called adversarial perturbations , can cause the neural network to make incorrect predictions with high confidence ." -the boundary conditions at the axis of rotation correspond to the axial symmetry of the flow .,the boundary conditions at the equator follow from the symmetry of the flow in relation to the equatorial plane . -"up to present , many beautiful results for the asymptotic behaviors of harmonic maps from c to d were obtained , see for example by wan and the references therein .","at the present time , many beautiful results about the asymptotic behavior of harmonic embedding from c into the hyperbolic plane have been obtained , please see for example by wan and the references therein ." -"interestingly , the n -extended maxwell superalgebra with central charge and so internal symmetry algebra can be alternatively obtained as a semigroup expansion .","interestingly , the bm s 3 , the deformed bm s 3 and the enlarged bm s 3 algebras can alternatively be recovered by applying a semigroup expansion to the virasoro algebra ." -"however , several works indicate that this is not a generic enough representation to build further modules on top of .","however , several works indicate that this is not a generic enough representation on top of which to build further modules ." -"owing to the development of bipedal robots and medical technologies for locomotor disabilities , there is an exponentially growing surge of interest in the bipedal equilibrium .",the interest in bipedal equilibrium has been growing exponentially over the last few decades due to the development of bipedal robots and medical technologies targeting locomotor disabilities . -some methods employ feature maps from multiple layers similar to .,some methods incorporate feature maps from multiple layers similar to . -"moreover , a g 2 -structure is torsion-free if and only if the holonomy group hol of the corresponding metric g is contained in g 2 .","moreover , a g 2 -structure is torsionfree if and only if the holonomy of the corresponding metric is contained in g 2 ." -"having confirmed that our model respects the unitarity condition in impact parameter space , we compute profile functions for proton-proton and longitudinal photon-proton scattering that explicitly saturate at the black disc limit at high energies .","on the basis of dipole-dipole scattering , we have found explicitly that our model preserves the unitarity condition and attains the black disc limit at ultra-high energies ." -"sivashinsky , flame propagation and extinction in large-scale vortical flows , combust .","sivashinsky , activation energy effect on flame propagation in large-scale vortical flows , combust ." -"let us briefly recall the combinatorial model for the moduli space m g , n due to thurston , harer .","we begin by listing basic facts about ribbon graphs and the combinatorial model for the moduli space m g , n due to harer ." -"the classification was conducted , using different scikitlearn algorithms .",the classification was conducted using different scikit-learn algorithms . -"elad et al propose k-svd denoising , which seeks sparse representations to describe noiseless patches with a learned dictionary .","elad et al proposed k-svd denoising , which seeks sparse codes to describe noisy patches using a dictionary trained from the whole noisy image ." -on the marginal distributions of the latent roots of the multivariate beta matrix .,on the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal com ponents analysis . -"they have been successfully applied in a wide variety of fields , such as speech recognition , natural language processing , and computer vision .","they are widely used in many application domains , including speech recognition , image analysis , time series prediction , etc ." -height distribution of the source function of the four lines in the atmosphere of ad leo in the presence of an electron beam .,height distribution of the electron density in the atmosphere of ad leo in the presence of an electron beam . -we will see that the natural candidate for the tachyon potential is given in terms of the highest axial charge of the ramond ground states .,the natural candidate for the tachyon kinetic term is given in terms of the ground state metric of the ramond states . -thermodynamic integration is a widely used approach for the calculation of free energy differences .,thermodynamic integration has been widely employed to calculate free energy differences between two well-defined systems . -the object-based method of lagache et al shows very unsatisfying results when there is no colocalization .,"on the other hand , the main weakness of the object-based method of lagache et al is the lack of sensitivity to colocalization ." -a method to provide a means for back-up ads-b communication based on mlat was provided by smith .,smith provided a method based on mlat that can serve as a backup for ads-b communication . -"the reader is , in any case , remitted to for a more extensive discussion .","the reader is , in any case , referred to reference for complete details ." -deeper cnn architectures were developed to recognize numerous objects from high volume data such as alexnet .,"many cnn architectures were proposed , such as vggnet , for 2-d image recognition ." -the classification of 6-dimensional nilpotent lie algebras that admit a complex structure was achieved by salamon in .,the classification of complex and symplectic nilmanifolds of dimension 6 was given by salamon in . -"dynamical percolation is a model that , at its critical point , generates dynamically a percolation cluster .",dynamical percolation is a model where a simple time dynamics is added to the . -a study of banking and security in australia unveiled the practice of sharing passwords .,a study of banking and security in australia also unveiled the practice of sharing passwords . -applying the poincare-birkhoff-witt theorem we get the lemma .,having the lemma we get the theorem as follows . -we proceed by induction on the dimension n .,we proceed by induction on the dimension i . -"homotopy theory is a branch of algebraic topology , and uses tools from abstract algebra , such as group theory , to investigate properties of spaces .","our homotopy theory is the p -localization of the strict homotopy theory , where p is the functor that replaces a space with its postnikov tower ." -there is evidence that neural networks trained with the current training algorithms use their large capacity inefficiently .,there is evidence that feedforward neural networks trained with current training algorithms use their large capacity inefficiently . -a second similarity between p-adic string theory and tachyon matter is the existence of lump-like soliton solutions representing p-adic d-branes .,a second similarity is the existence of lump-like soliton solutions representing p-adic d-branes . -where θ is the angle between the two euclidean wilson loops .,"where χ is , as usual , the hyperbolic angle between the two wilson loops ." -the rich features learned by deep cnn ranging from low-level to highlevel representations in the hidden layers have also aroused much research interest in investigating how to take advantage of them .,the rich features learned by a deep cnn ranging from low-level to high-level representations in the hidden layers have also aroused extensive research interest in investigating how to take advantage of them . -"using latent dirichlet allocation , we can extract the probability of each topic in a document .",we use a topic distribution generated by latent dirichlet allocation to represent each type of notes of a patient . -"the above construction is called in what follows an annulus rim-surgery , since it looks like the rim-surgery of fintushel and stern , except that we tie two strands simultaneously , rather then one .","knotting of a band b kthe above construction is called in what follows an annulus rim-surgery , since it looks like the rim-surgery of fintushel and stern , except that we tie two knits together instead of one ." -a slightly similar approach was previously used by trefethen who used the leap frog scheme to solve the wave equation in two dimensions .,the same idea was pursued by trefethen who used the leap frog scheme to solve the wave equation in two dimensions . -slice functions were introduced in the more general setting of real alternative algebras by ghiloni and perotti in .,slice functions were introduced and studied by ghiloni and perotti in the more general setting of real alternative algebras in . -"the first construction of ds vacua in string theory were obtained in 2003 by kachru , kallosh , linde and trivedi .","in 2003 kallosh , kachru , linde and trivedi provided the first example of a mechanism to obtain stable de sitter vacua in the framework of type iib string theory ." -"in an all-sky search , above-threshold candidates are passed through hierarchical refinement stages designed to exclude candidates from noise while retaining signal candidates .","as mentioned in section vi d 1 , above-threshold candidates from an all-sky search are passed through hierarchical refinement stages designed to exclude candidates from noise while retaining signal candidates ." -this nebular spectrum consists of two parts .,"the nebular spectrum is a day 338 spectrum of sn 1996x , the stellar spectrum is of a g9-k0v type star ." -by the uniqueness theorem the extreme doubly spinning black ring is the unique solution with orbit spaceb and fixed angular momenta .,by the uniqueness theorem extreme myers-perry solution is the unique solution with this orbit space and fixed angular momenta . -"then , we can make use of pseudodifferential operators whose symbols have limited smoothness .","in other words , we do not have to take care of the type of this pseudodifferential operator ." -"here we recall the cip construction , to set up notation and review the known properties of these examples .","here we recall the gluing construction of , noting the departure points of subsequent generalizations ." -"to this end , we use cwlk , a graph kernel we developed in our previous work which is specifically designed to capture both structural and contextual information from prgs and perform accurate malware detection .","to this end , we leverage on our previous work and use the contextual weisfeiler-lehman kernel that is specifically designed to capture both structural and contextual information from prgs ." -this is probably not peculiar to rnap since other enzymes also seem to slide along the dna covering a short distance of about 300 bps before being released in solution .,this is probably not peculiar to rnap since other enzymes interacting with dna seems to slide along the dna for a short distance before being released in solution . -"an important application of meta-learning is the acquisition of a learning algorithm , or of a model prior , that allow a quick adaptation to a new , but related , task using few training examples , also known as few-shot learning .","an important application is the acquisition of a learning algorithm or of a model prior that allows a quick adaptation to a new , related , task using few training examples , also known as few-shot learning ." -"a large body of related work followed , centered on families of lattice regions whose tilings are enumerated by perfect powers or near perfect powers .","a large body of related work followed , centered on families of lattice regions whose tilings are enumerated by simple product formulas ." -the default qms in hevc are based on the human visual system and a 2d contrast sensitivity function .,the default intra and inter qms in hevc are based on a 2d hvs-csf model . -basins of escape have been studied in many earlier papers .,the basins of escape have been studied in many earlier papers . -for more details about the different strategies the reader may see .,"for more details about the different strategies , the reader may see ." -"indeed , a common hypothesis in decision making is that the decision is made when neuronal activity crosses a threshold .","indeed , a common hypothesis in decision making associates crossing of a threshold in neuronal activity as equivalent to making a decision ." -this also implies that the julia set has nonempty interior .,"since such points exist , the fatou set is nonempty ." -edges are simply extracted using the canny edge detector with multi-threshold values .,pixels potentially associated with the edges are detected using canny edge detector . -"in the most general setting , various planar objects are matched , see .","some of considered problems examine matchings of various planar objects , see ." -"some feature map can make the mapping injective , meaning that if two distributions , pand q , are different , they are mapped to two distinct points in the feature space .","some feature map can make the mapping injective , meaning that if two distributions are different , they are mapped to two distinct points in the feature space ." -"in this note , we will establish the exact relation through the chy formulae .","with the definition of pfaffian described above , now we can introduce the chy formulae ." -"in the weak system-environment coupling limit , an explicit master equation of the lindblad form is de-rived from the microscopic hamiltonian .",thus only in the pure dephasing regime is the markovian master equation of lindblad form as typically postulated in mathematical physics . -it is possible that we overestimated the opacity in the south of this cloud .,it is likely that there is some substructure that we can not resolve with our beam size . -"a broad analysis of the modern anomaly detection systems is beyond the scope of this paper , for more in-depth review please see .","a broad analysis of the modern anomaly detection systems is beyond a scope of this paper , for more in-depth review we suggest ." -"as a consequence , a new trend toward on-line data warehousing is currently emerging , including approaches such as xml warehousing .","in this context , the web is a tremendous data source and a new trend toward on-line data warehousing is currently emerging , including approaches such as xml warehousing ." -it will remain efficient as long as the counterparts of the clebsch-gordan coefficients remain efficiently computable to within high precision and the out-degree of any vertex of the branching diagram is bounded by a constant .,it will remain efficient as long as the counterparts of the clebschgordan coefficients remain efficiently computable to high precision and the out-degree of any vertex of the branching diagram will be bounded by a constant . -such tasks have been addressed by various methods including imitation learning and reinforcement learning .,robotics tasks have been addressed by various learning methods including imitation learning . -"in particular , the vast majority of difference schemes , currently in use , have still not been analyzed .","in particular , as noted in in this connection , the vast majority of difference schemes , currently in use , have still not been analyzed ." -"in this experiment , we applied the rcnet algorithms to predict the target disease phenotypes of the candidate disease genes in disease susceptible copy number change regions .","in this experiment , we applied rcnet algorithms to predict the target disease of differentially expressed genes in gene expression profiles ." -"recently , daerr has noticed an instability at the rear of avalanche fronts for flows of glass beads on velvet .","recently , daerr noticed an instability at the rear of avalanche fronts for flows of glass beads on velvet ." -"however , since the sperm head is slender and short compared with the overall length of the flagellum of actual insect spermatozoa , the extra resistant forces and torques created should be insignificant .","furthermore , since actual insect spermatozoa heads are very slender and short compared with the entire length of the flagellum , the contribution of its hydrodynamic resistance and the hydrodynamic interactions with the flagellum should be negligible ." -"to do so , embedded software in cps uses sensors and actuators , connect with each other and with humans communicating via standard interfaces , and have abilities of storage and processing of data coming from sensors or from the network .","for this , embedded software in cps uses sensors and actuators , connect to each other and to human operators by communicating via interfaces , and have storage and data processing capabilities from the sensors or the network ." -"with the recent development of deep learning , it has been observed that simply extracting neural activations from a pre-trained cnn model achieves significantly better performance .","with the recent advent of large datasets , prior work has shown that deep neural networks trained on these large datasets can enable easy transfer to new tasks via fine-tuning ." -"moreover , the channel limited feedback issue was also tackled by exploiting user cooperation via device-to-device communications .","furthermore , the channel feedback issue was tackled by exploiting user cooperation via device-to-device communications , such as cooperative precoder feedback scheme ." -three points were added from the vsnet database for comparison .,a few points were added from the vsnet database . -"many pt -symmetric systems have been explored in several fields , including optical cavities .","some pt-symmetric models have been experimentally realized in physical systems , such as active lrc circuits ." -"as such , it is necessary to evaluate the effect of disorder on the mapping relations .",thus we need to consider the effect of disorder on the change of mapping relations . -"recently , more general forms of tasks including visual turing tests and visual question answering have been proposed to probe deeper understanding of visual scenes under interactive and multi-modality settings .","recently , more comprehensive visual tasks probe deeper understanding of visual scenes under interactive and multi-modality settings , such as visual turing tests and visual question answering ." -since the work of dean et al a number of such problems were introduced .,since the work of dean et al a number of problems in this framework were introduced . -the invariant set designed by the admissible values of the fluctuations is called next physical attractor .,"which attractor is the endpoint for a given choice of initial conditions is determined by the parameters of the quintessence potential , and this observation is at the root of the second attractive cosmological feature of having walking couplings ." -the candidate appears to be absent in all the broad band images .,the candidate is absent from all three broadband images . -more recent gans shown the feasibility of generative modeling with deep models .,gans have been considerably successful as a framework for generative models in recent years . -the former dominates at high temperatures and the latter at low temperatures .,"hence the former dominates at high temperatures , and the latter at low temperatures ." -al developed a different method of grasping novel objects based on interactively pushing the objects in order to improve object segmentation .,al developed a method of grasping novel objects based on interactively pushing the objects in order to improve object segmentation . -"the strongest objections will probably arize from numerical simulations , such as .","the strongest objections will probably arise from numerical simulations , such as ." -our formal model of debate systems is a natural generalization of one-way interactive proof systems .,our formal model of debate systems combines and generalizes the concepts of one-way interactive proof systems . -"the algebraic structure satisfied by the tr groups in the z-graded setting is very rigid , and this has proved very useful , eg .","the algebraic structure satisfied by the ordinary tr-groups is very rigid , and this has proved very useful , eg ." -chekuri and khanna pointed out that a ptas can be obtained for the bernoulli case using their techniques for the multiple knapsack problem .,chekuri and khanna pointed out that a ptas for bernoulli distributed items can be obtained using their techniques for the multiple knapsack problem . -"however , from the mathematical point of view , inhomogeneous diffusion processes can only be regarded as the limit of inhomogeneous markov chains in distribution rather than in trajectories .","from the math ematical point of view , diffusion processes can be regarded as the limit of inhomogeneous markov chains , but only in the sense of distribution rather than trajectories ." -it is easy to see that the interband coupling results in significant size-dependent corrections to the electronic structure computed within the framework of the particle-in-a-box model .,numerical calculations show that the interband coupling completely lifts the degeneration of electronic states and results in significant size-dependent corrections to the electronic structure computed in the framework of particle-in-a-box model . -this approximation for the nonlinear term also allows us to use the simple fixed power algorithm in the finite element method to compute the nonlinear stationary solutions and their nonlinear dispersion curves in such structures .,this approximation allows us to use the fixed power algorithm in the finite element method to compute the nonlinear stationary solutions and their nonlinear dispersion curves . -"as mentioned , the main advantage of using the split is that perturbations of different types are not coupled at the linear level .","the big advantage of doing so , is that modes belonging to different representations are not coupled at the linear level ." -"in this section , we consider the torsion zeta function for the cone with absolute bc and for the frustum with mixed and absolute bc respectively .",the anomaly boundary term we show in this section that the anomaly boundary term of the frustum with mixed bc is twice the one of the cone . -"lions , the concentration-compactness principle in the calculus of variations , the limit case , rev .","lions , the concentration-compactness principle in the calculus of variations , the locally compact case , ann ." -"however , liquid 4he is a strongly interacting system , very different from the weakly interacting limit studied by einstein .","liquid 3he is the fermionic counterpart of 4he , and also alkali-metal atoms with both fermi and bose statistics can be trapped and cooled down to the quantum regime ." -schur-weyl duality is a powerful tool in the study of irreducible representations of the classical groups .,"the schur-weyl duality , relates these idempotents to the irreducible representations of compact , semi-simple lie groups and thus to su ." -"to obtain the solution of each subproblem , the generalized soft-thresholding algorithm is adopted .","to make the optimization tractable , the generalized soft-thresholding algorithm is adopted to solve the non-convex p minimization problem ." -our perturbation analysis is based on the schrieffer-wolff transformation .,"to derive this effective hamiltonian , we will make use of the global schrieffer-wolff perturbation expansion ." -"we rst study the reliability of dram chips under low voltage , which was not studied by prior works on dram voltage scaling .","we first study the reliability of dram chips under low voltage , which was not studied by prior works on dram voltage scaling ." -liu et al propose a discrete-continuous conditional random field model to take relations between adjacent superpixels into consideration .,liu et al built a discrete and continuous conditional random field model for fusing both local and global features . -"in these phenomena , the solvation interaction among ions and polar molecules should play a major role together with the coulomb interaction among charges .","though not well understood , the solvation interaction among ions and polar molecules should play a major role in these phenomena together with the coulombic interaction among charges ." -besides their applications in distributed and parallel computation .,besides their wide range of applications in distributed and parallel computation . -"furthermore , index theory as formulated in k-theoretic language appears in t-duality in string theory .","furthermore , index theory as formulated naturally in k-theoretic language appears in mathematical treatments of t-duality ." -the center loss approach specifically learns a centroid for each class and penalizes the distances between samples within the category and the center .,the center loss is formulated to learn a class center and penalize samples that have a larger distance with the centroid . -"it is always related with steganography which conceals messages in audio , visual or textual content .","it is always related with steganography which conceals information in covertext objects , such as images or software binary code ." -recall that musielak-orlicz functions are the natural generalization of orlicz functions that may vary in the spatial variables .,notice that musielak-orlicz functions are the natural generalization of orlicz functions which may vary in the spatial variable . -"for example , in spatial plant ecology , a general approach to the so-called individual based models was developed in a series of works , see , egand the references therein .","for example , in spatial plant ecology , a general approach to the so-called individual based models was developed in a series of works , see egand the references therein ." -"however in , one can select multiple copies of the same facility .","however , in yan and chrobak , one can select multiple copies of the same facility ." -"moreover , there is an enveloping hom-associative algebra functor u hlie going the other way , from hom-lie algebras to hom-associative algebras .","moreover , any hom-lie algebra l has a corresponding enveloping hom-associative algebra u hlie in such a way that hlie and u hlie are adjoint functors ." -"we develop a novel sparse grid discretization method using operator-based discontinuous galerkin finite elements , based on work by guo and cheng .","we develop a novel sparse grid discretization method based on discontinuous galerkin finite elements , based on work by guo and cheng ." -compressive sensing allows us to acquire sparse signals at a significantly lower rate than the classical nyquist sampling .,compressed sensing allows us to recover sparse or structured signals from few measurements . -graphics were produced using r and the ggplot2 package .,computation and visualization was aided by the r packages ggplot2 . -li et al propose a neural network architecture for encoding and synthesizing 3d shapes based on their structures .,li et al and nash and williams propose to use neural networks for encoding and synthesizing 3d shapes based on pre-segmented data . -global techniques are also proposed so that the overall closed loop dynamics is determined by running a standardized g-code and capturing the commanded and measured positions .,global techniques are also proposed so that the overall closed-loop dynamics is determined by running a standardized g-code and capturing the commanded and measured positions . -"the gravitino can not be ruled out , but we concentrate on the neutralino possibility for the rest of these lectures .","however , for the rest of these lectures we shall mainly stick to familiar old supergravity ." -"to facilitate easy clinical validation , wu et al have developed a workflow adaptation approach to enforce the correct execution sequence of performing a treatment based on precondition validations , side effects monitoring , and expected responses checking .","to help improve clinical validation , wu et al have developed a workflow adaptation protocol to enforce the correct execution sequence of performing a treatment based on preconditions validation , side effects monitoring , and expected responses checking ." -lawhern et al introduce the use of depthwise and separable convolutions to construct an eeg-specific model which encapsulates well-known eeg feature extraction concepts for bci .,"lawhern et al introduced the eegnet model as a compact , interpretable cnn architecture that can be applied to different eeg-based bci paradigms ." -et al towards high-speed optical quantum memories .,et al towards an efficient atomic frequency comb quantum memory . -"the interaction between the charm quark pairs in different hadrons is expected to be weaker than that between light flavor quarks in different hadrons , as the latter either arises from the short range interaction that is mediated by the exchange of charmonia or from the color van der waals interaction .","the interaction between the ground state multiplets of doublebeauty hyperons with the quark configurations is expected to be very similar to that of the double charm hyperons , as their main interaction is that between their light flavor quarks ." -"zavertyaev , for the hera-b collaboration , these proceedings .","zur nedden , for the hera-b collaboration , these proceedings ." -"some of the first studies were conducted in , where the renormalisation group running of various couplings was computed and fixed point structure was analysed .","some of the first studies were done in , where the renormalisation group running of various couplings was computed and fixed point structure was analysed ." -adversarial training is another family of defense methods to improve the stability of dnn .,adversarial training is another family of defense methods to enhance the stability of dnns . -"in 1982 , dan shechtman discovered quasicrystals , a new type of material that is neither crystalline nor amorphous .","based on investigations on the diffractive behaviour of solids , dan shechtman discovered the physical existence of quasicrystalline structures ." -our analysis is based on the finite key rate formula proposed by scarani and renner .,"in this paper , we report the key rates with finite qubits , based on the analytic framework introduced by scarani and renner ." -"pang et al 18 detect anamolous regions using likelihood ratio tests and , liu et al 19 proposed a formulation for detecting anomalous road blocks using observed minimum distortion and associating causality using frequent subtree mining .",pang et al proposed a formulation for detecting anomalous road blocks using observed minimum distortion and associating causality using frequent subtree mining . -"hence , the work in tackle this problem by ignoring the phase information .","hence , the work in tackle this problem by ignoring the obtained phase information ." -van horn and might show how a series of analyses for functional languages can be derived from abstract machines .,"similarly , van horn and might present a systematic framework to abstract higher-order functional languages with effects and complex control flow ." -in the analysis we also include the effect of cp phases .,we also study in this section the effect of cp phases on the decay widths . -"to solve numerically the problem - - , we employ finite element discretizations in space .","to solve numerically the problem - , we employ finite element approximations in space ." -"as discussed in references , quantum effects in curved spacetime lead to violations of the usual conservation law of the energy-momentum tensor .","also , quantum effects in a curved space-time may lead to a violation of the classical conservation laws ." -there are 94343 inequivalent binary doubly even self-dual codes of length 40 .,there are 16470 inequivalent extremal doubly even self-dual codes of length 40 . -in this paper we consider the noise in the form of isolated unresolved point sources .,"in this paper we consider an approach , which is based on the distribution of phases ." -"in order to recover visually more convincing hr images , johnson et al used a closer loss function to perceptual similarity .",the studies of johnson et al relied on loss functions which focus on perceptual similarity to recover hr images which are more photo-realistic . -"however , we do not consider these terms in this paper , because their contributions are negligible .","however , these terms are negligibly small and are not taken into account in this paper ." -it is by now well-known that topological d-branes for the b-model are characterized by matrix factorizations of the landau-ginzburg superpotential .,the topological b-branes of a landau-ginzburg model are classified by the matrix factorizations of w lg . -this follows from the fact that solving grgames according to the algorithm in has time complexity owhere m is the number of guarantees and n us the number of assumptions .,this follows from the fact that solving grgames according to the fixed-point computation in takes osymbolic steps where n g is the number of guarantees and n a is the number of assumptions . -also a universal protocol for topological self-stabilization has been proposed .,also a universal algorithm for topological self-stabilization is known . -in this paper we propose to extend the commute time based anomaly detection algorithm cad for large dense graphs that do not fit in memory .,in this paper we propose caddelag which does commute time based anomaly detection that has been shown to have promise in finding graph structural anomalies . -consider now the purely gravitational bps solutions .,let us consider the dynamics of this model . -the ambient plasma is abruptly heated by the strong shocks .,the plasma is abruptly heated up by the shock . -"white university of california , santa barbara , california , usa k .","mangano university of california , san diego , california , usa k ." -the network backbone corresponds to a modified architecture of u-net as shown in fig .,"the detector network consists of a u-net backbone and an rpn output layer , and its structure is shown in fig ." -the above problem is solved by r package glmnet which has capability to use sparse representation of a data matrix .,the above problem is solved by r package glmnet which has the capability to use the sparse representation of a data matrix . -search is a fundamental part of constraint programming .,"still , search is a central aspect of computer science ." -"the reisde training set contains 13 , 990 synthetic hazy images , generated using 1 , 399 clear images from existing indoor depth datasets nyu2 .",the training set contains 13990 synthetic hazy images generated by using images from existing indoor depth datasets such as nyu2 . -all trials were randomly re-ordered for each participant .,the order of trials were randomised for each participant . -similarly it turns out that integrating out topological gravitational degrees of freedom in the case of gravity coupled to fields leads to effective field theory on non-commutative spacetime .,"in the case of the quantum theory of a field coupled to gravity , in the path-integral formalism one can exactly integrate out all the gravitational degrees of freedom , obtaining an effective field theory ." -an object which is large compared to the psf has sm approaching zero .,an object which is smaller in size than the psf width has sm approaching one . -"mean-squared optimal analysis and algorithms were introduced in , further discussions were made about the circumstances where the output channel is arbitrary , while , again , the mmse estimator was put forth .","mean-square optimal analysis and algorithms were introduced in , further discussions were made about the circumstances where the output channel is arbitrary , while , again , the mmse estimator was put forth ." -"in this case , multifractal analysis is a useful way to systematically characterize the spatial heterogeneity of both theoretical and experimental fractal patterns .",multifractal analysis is a useful way to systematically characterize the spatial heterogeneity of both theoretical and experimental fractal patterns . -the possibility of phase separation will not be investigated .,the possibility of phase separation is not investigated . -"in this subsection , we show that the proposed reducedrank algorithm converges globally and exponentially to the optimal reduced-rank estimator .","in this section , we show that the proposed low-rank algorithm globally and exponentially converges to the optimal low-rank estimator ." -the density µ on the gauge orbit space does not coincide with the square root of the determinant of the induced physical metric gph ij .,the path integral does not depend on any particular parameterization of the gauge orbit space . -we use the standard implementation of the gradient boosting classifier within the scikit-learn framework .,"for training , we use the mlr implementation from scikit-learn , with cross-validation and l2 regularization to lessen the amount of overfitting ." -"unfortunately , even considering a discretized set of candidates doas and dods , this problem is np-hard .","unfortunately , even considering a discretized set of candidates doas , dods and delays , this problem is nphard ." -baroni et al compared their convecs algorithm with the balapinc measure and found no significant difference in their performance .,"with the convecs algorithm , baroni et al were able to match the performance of balapinc ." -this paper shares several preliminary results and definitions with its prequel .,this section shares several preliminary results and definitions with the prequels of the paper . -l arge-scale antenna systems are expected to be one of the key enablers of enhanced spectral and energy efficiency in future wireless communication systems .,"these technologies are believed to be key enablers for future communication systems , including fifth generation cellular networks ." -"monti bragadin , on dirichlet series associated with polynomials , proc .","monti bragadin , on minakshisundaram-pleijel zeta functions on spheres , proc ." -"ostrik , on the equivariant k-theory of the nilpotent cone , represent .","pn achar , on the equivariant k-theory of the nilpotent cone in the general linear group , represent ." -this is important because it immediately implies that the sl2 isometries are enhanced to virasoro algebras .,the presence of the ads 3 factor implies the existence of left and right moving virasoro algebras . -"metal-rich clusters are concentrated towards the galactic bulge and disk , while the old halo clusters are most prevalent in the inner halo of the galaxy for similar sub-groups .","the old halo clusters predominantly occupy the inner halo , while the young halo objects extend to very large galactocentric radii ." -"clearly , gu , f is closed under taking almost subsets .","clearly , it is closed under almost subsets ." -"for instance , collobert and weston use a multitask network for different nlp tasks and show that the multi-task setting improves generality among shared tasks .","for example , collobert and weston proposed a multitask framework using weight-sharing between networks that are optimised for different supervised tasks ." -"furthermore , the argument in section 8 of shows that if f has no other roots at distance 2 or more , then the leech lattice is the unique optimal periodic packing in r 24 .",and as in section 8 of this condition implies that the leech lattice is the unique densest periodic packing in r 24 . -however this requires perfect control on pulse area .,but this requires complete control on the pulse area . -"for more motivation for staying inside fol as opposed to higher-order logic , see for example , .","for more motivation for staying within fol as opposed to higher-order logic , see , eg , ." -the notation and the definitions used for the three-point correlation function are presented in the next section .,"this point will be detailed in the next section , where we will also show how the averaged three-point correlation function can be observed ." -"reduced data error is obtained , generally , at the expense of worse image regularity .",as iteration number is increased data-error is reduced at the expense of image regularity . -"here , we construct the mean angular distribution function for the cherenkov light for electron .","for this purpose , we construct angular structure functions for the cherenkov light in the following way ." -"however , the overall goal of this work is to explore how the shapes of dark matter haloes and their intrinsic alignments influence the hierarchy of correlation functions .",an important by-product of this work is that the inclusion of halo shapes allows one to study the intrinsic alignments of dark matter haloes alone . -schur analysis of some completion problems .,schur analysis of positive block-matrices . -a geometric setting for higher-order dirac-bergmann theory of constraints .,a generalized geometric framework for constrained systems . -"to remedy above problems , lee et al propose to encode low-level distance map and high-level sematic features of deep cnns for salient object detection .",lee et al propose to encode lowlevel distance map and high-level sematic features of deep cnns for salient object detection . -"the hf results corroborated that an important portion of the angular momentum is generated by the shears mechanism , although the shape deformation is non-negligible , and the collective rotation of the core is also present .","the hf results corroborate that an important portion of the angular momentum is generated by the shears mechanism , as expected from earlier investigations ." -"however , a recent study of provides the direct derivation of spectral density using free random variable techniques .","however , a recent work by provides an analytic derivation of limiting spectral density using free random variable techniques ." -"among the applications was the composition series , some embeddings of the complementary series and the study of the so-called canonical representations on rank-one riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type , .","among the applications , there were some embeddings of the complementary series and the study of the so-called canonical representations on some riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type , ." -"in contrast , angluin and kharitonov showed that , under cryptographic assumptions , membership queries do not help in pac-learning unrestricted dnf formulas .","however , angluin and kharitonov have shown that learning cfgs from membership and equivalence queries is intractable under plausible cryptographic assumptions ." -"for maximally entangled input states , minimal value of mutual information is obtained .","while for non-entangled input states , maximal mutual information is achieved ." -ten-dimensional type-iib superstring theory is conjectured to possess an slself-duality .,the iia theory compactified on k3 and the heterotic theory on t 4 are conjectured to be s-dual . -"the idea follows the classical concept of torsion theory in abelian categories , which goes back to dickson .",the notion of t-structure is the analogue of the notion of torsion pair for abelian categories . -"the study of nonequilibrium statistical models is a subject of current interest in a broad range of fields such as chemical reactions , fluid turbulence , chaos , biological populations , growth-deposition processes , and even economics .","the study of phase transitions and critical phenomena in nonequilibrium statistical systems have recently attracted a great deal of attention due its applications in many branches of physics , chemistry , biology , economics , and even sociology ." -our sba significantly outperforms most state-of-the-art unsupervised aggregation methods .,"our theoretically-grounded method outperforms the contrastive loss , while remains comparable with other state-of-the-art methods ." -"razavian et al showed that the generic descriptors extracted from convolutional neural networks are very powerful and their use outperforms hand crafted , stateof-the-art systems in many visual classification tasks .","in particular , razavian et al showed that these representations , in combination with a linear svm classifier , outperform stateof-the-art systems for a variety of tasks ." -upper and lower bounds on the second-order coding rate of quasi-static mimo rayleigh-fading channels have been reported in for the asymptotically ergodic setup when the number of antennas grows linearly with the blocklength .,upper and lower bounds on the second-order coding rate of quasistatic multiple-input multiple-output rayleigh-fading channels have been reported in for the asymptotically ergodic setup when the number of antennas grows linearly with the blocklength . -the figure shows that the total baryon fractions are quite stable in this redshift interval .,the figure shows that the evolution of baryon fraction at these redshifts is weak . -"here is our principal result where we use the classification and labelling of the irreducible unitary reflection groups due to shephard and todd , .","here and later on we use the classification and labeling of the irreducible unitary reflection groups due to shephard and todd , ." -"differential privacy is a formal notion of privacy that allows a trustworthy data curator , in possession of sensitive data from a large number of individuals , to approximately answer a query submitted by an analyst while maintaining individual privacy .","differential privacy is a formal notion of privacy that allows a trustworthy data curator , in possession of sensitive data from several individuals , to approximately answer a set of queries submitted by an analyst while maintaining individual privacy ." -a concrete example demonstrating this difference is given .,a concrete example exhibiting this difference is given . -"to get the dual representation one should take the inverse transpose of the matrices , which is the same as the complex conjugates of the matrices when they are unitary .","to get the character of the representation one takes the traces of the corresponding matrices , which is to say the sum of the diagonal entries ." -"in addition , the number of h 2 molecules that can be adsorbed on c n is quite limited , due to the repulsive interaction between the adsorbed h 2 molecules at short distances .","besides , the number of h 2 molecules that can be adsorbed on each benzene ring is limited , due to the repulsive interaction between the adsorbed h 2 molecules at short distances ." -"constraints on latent variables models in an otherwise unsupervised setting have also found early usage in the context of gaussian processes using backconstraints , but those differ in nature compared to the constraints we consider here .",constraints on latent variables models in an otherwise unsupervised setting have also found early usage in the context of gaussian processes using backconstraints . -"richardson , cohomology and deformations in graded lie algebras .","robinson , obstruction theory and the strict associativity of morava k-theories ." -an isomorphism of crystals is a morphism of crystals which is a bijection whose inverse bijection is also a morphism of crystals .,an isomorphism of crystals is a morphism of crystals which is a bijection whose inverse is also a morphism of crystals . -"more recently , game models have been intensively studied for their applications in computer science .",infinite-duration game models have been intensively studied for their applications in computer science . -the asymptotic behavior of the critical two-point function for each spacial model is proved in .,the asymptotic behavior of the critical two-point function for each model is proved in . -veit et al argue that resnets should be interpreted as an exponential ensemble of shallower models .,veit et al showed that residual network can be seen as an ensemble of relatively shallow effective paths . -frei and dos reis provide counterexamples which show that multidimensional quadratic bsdes may fail to have a global solution .,frei and dos reis constructed counterexamples which show that multidimensional quadratic bsdes may fail to have a global solution . -"recently , there has been effort in classifying six-dimensional superconformal field theories from f-theory .",recently considerable progress has been made in classifying and understanding basic properties of six-dimensional superconformal field theories . -spectra of the sample galaxies showing emission in only one nucleus .,spectra of the sample galaxies showing emission in two nuclei . -"they operate as centrality detectors , trigger detectors , luminosity monitors or general purpose calorimeters at very forward regions .","calorimeters of this type operate as centrality detectors , trigger detectors , luminosity monitors or calorimeters at very forward regions ." -pseudorandom bits for constant depth circuits .,pseudorandom generators for space-bounded computation . -"inspired by its great success in irreversible statistical mechanics , chorin and coworkers , have suggested a version of the zwanzig-mori formalism for higherorder optimal prediction methods for general dynamical systems .","inspired by its great success in irreversible statistical mechanics , chorin and coworkers , have developed a version of the mori-zwanzig formalism for higher-order optimal prediction methods for general dynamical systems ." -"in 2d rational cfts , it was found of the primary operator associated .","in 2d rational cfts , it was found of the primary operator , which is a kind of topological quantity ." -"as in the bosonic liouville theory , we should add this factor to every external line of the euclidean feynman diagram .","as in the bosonic liouville theory , we should place the brane in the deep φ region so as to preserve the conformal invariance ." -lopc monotones were first introduced in as classical counterparts of entanglement or locc monotones to study the asymptotic rate of resource conversion under lopc .,monotones were first introduced in as classical counterparts of entanglement or locc monotones to study the asymptotic rate of resource conversion under lopc . -we use the multi-scale patchgan discriminator architecture for the image discriminator d i .,"for our image discriminator d i , we adopt the multi-scale patchgan architecture ." -"this is the case for the shortest path , minimum spanning tree , minimum assignment , minimum cut , or minimum selecting items problems .","in particular , this is the case for all basic network problems such as shortest path , minimum assignment , minimum spanning tree , or minimum cut ." -"com mohammad reaz hossain assistant professor , dept .","com riaz uddin mondal assistant professor , dept ." -"later , wyner introduced the notion of secure capacity via a degraded wiretap channel , in which a transmitter intends to send a confidential message to a legitimate receiver by hiding it from a degraded eavesdropper .","wyner , introduced the wiretap channel where it is assumed that the received signal by the eavesdropper is a degraded version of the signal received by the legitimate receiver ." -"specifically , pure equilibria with atomic flow have been studied in , and with splittable flow in .","pure equilibria with atomic flow have been studied in , and with splittable flow in ." -we use the model implementation of the python statsmodels environment .,we fit these logistic models using the statsmodels package in python . -"for the converse , we extend the induction-based techniques in to account for the availability of uncoded and unknown prefetching at the retriever .","for the converse , we extend the inductionbased techniques in to account for the availability of uncoded and unknown prefetching ." -"kosower , the computation of loop amplitudes in gauge theories , nucl .","kosower , fusing gauge theory tree amplitudes into loop amplitudes , nucl ." -"amongst the few methods described in the literature which satisfy the practical constraints of interest in the present paper are the histogrambased method of schmeiser and deutsch , and the p 2 algorithm of jain and chlamtac .","amongst the few methods described in the literature and which satisfy our constraints are the histogram-based method of schmeiser and deutsch , and the p 2 algorithm of jain and chlamtac ." -every set of equivalent constraints lead to the same poisson bracket on the constraint surface γ .,"however , the dirac bracket for different choices of equivalent constraints may be different on ." -stochastic homogenization of hamilton-jacobi and degenerate bellman equations in unbounded environments .,quantitative stochastic homogenization of elliptic equations in without uniform ellipticity . -delage et al in proposed a dynamic bayesian framework for recovering 3d information from indoor scenes .,"for instance , delage et al proposed a dynamic bayesian framework for recovering 3d information from indoor scenes ." -"consequently , any function of these first class variables will be gauge-invariant functions .",any function of these first class variables will be invariant by gauge transformation . -"currently , the dca has been applied to numerous problems , including port scan detection .","the dca has been successfully applied to numerous securityrelated problems , including port scan detection ." -"for the bisector and orthogonal correlations , their slopes are between those of the forward and inverse correlations .","for all the cases , the slopes of the forward correlations are shallower than those of the inverse correlations ." -define s-definite special minimal right ideal .,define the notion of s-definite special equiprime near ring . -this phase transition has been demonstrated in a number of optical experiments and utilized for many emerging applications .,this phase transition has led to interesting applications such as single-mode pt lasers and unidirectional reflectionless optical devices . -"the relationship between network capacities and entropy functions has been further studied , for example , in .","the relationship between network rate regions and entropy functions has been further studied , for example , in ." -"the second direction that one can follow is to modify the gravitational sector itself , acquiring a modified cosmological dynamics .","the first direction that one can follow is to modify the gravitational sector itself , acquiring a modified cosmological dynamics ." -we have also shown that the gauge sector of these theories receives no linear one-loop uv divergent radiative corrections which are of order one in θ .,we thus conclude that these theories are on-shell one-loop multiplicatively renormalisable at first order in θ . -an example which demonstrates that the strong order is not antisymmetric .,an example which demonstrates that the weak order is not transitive . -"similarly , wand et al use an lstm with hog input features to recognise short phrases .","similarly , wand et al uses an lstm with hog input features to recognise short phrases ." -these three-dimensional potentials are called maximally super-integrable potentials .,"quantum oscillator as a shape-invariant potential one class of shape-invariant potentials are reflectionless potentials with an infinite number of bound states , also called self-similar potentials 18,19 ." -"perhaps one of the most widely used clustering methods is the k-means method , due to the existence of algorithms with linear sample complexity .","perhaps one of the most widely used clustering methods is the euclidean distance-based k-means clustering , due to the existence of heuristic algorithms with the linear sample complexity ." -a bigon is a 2-face and a multigon is a maximal sequence of bigons such that every pair of consecutive bigons share an edge .,the bigon is the dotted line joining the third bridge to the quadrilateral thickened . -"in section 2 , we will review the matrix models studied in and the respective double-scaling limits .","in this section , we will review the matrix model singularities and relative double-scaling limits studied in ." -dynamic algorithms balance the load by moving finegrained tasks between processors during the execution .,dynamic algorithms balance the load by moving fine-grained tasks between processors during the calculation . -and the computational complexity of our dual algorithm is less than that of the p-s algorithm by an order of n .,"in those cases , our dual algorithm reduces the computational complexity of the p-s algorithm by an order of n ." -integral conjugacy classes of compact lie groups .,derived categories of twisted sheaves on calabi-yau manifolds . -zlotnick and coworkers developed an approach to describe capsid assembly kinetics with a system of rate equations for the time evolution of concentrations of intermediates .,zlotnick and coworkers developed an approach to simulate empty capsid assembly via a system of rate equations that describe the time evolution of concentrations of empty capsid intermediates . -comparision with related work many works have been reported on slicing of procedural and object-oriented programs .,many works have been reported on slicing of procedural and object-oriented programs . -random regression forests have been proven to be robust for the task of human pose estimation .,decision and regression forests have been successfully used in full body pose estimation to learn human pose from a large synthetic dataset . -we show here that any forest whose components are caterpillars is odd-graceful .,any forest which components are caterpillars is odd-graceful . -"gan , originated in , is one of the most recent successful generative models that is equipped with the power of producing distributional outputs .","generative adversarial network , originally introduced by , is one of the most promising methods for unsupervised learning in complex distribution in recent years ." -"in , shen et al designed a novel group-shuffling random walk network for fully utilizing the affinity information between gallery images in both the training and testing stages .",shen et al proposed a deep groupshuffling random walk network for fully utilizing the affinity information between gallery images in training and testing processes . -we also show the equivalence of the description with previous approaches based on dual transverse electric vector potentials .,we have also shown the equivalence between the hertz potential approach and the dual vector potentials approach used in previous papers . -we employ the gated design for all convolutional layers and the weight normalization .,we use weight normalization for all layers except for lookup tables . -the infogan algorithm achieves disentanglement by maximizing the mutual information between latent variables and data variation .,infogan method is a generative adversarial network that also maximizes the mutual information between a small subset of the latent variables and the observation . -elbaum et al presented carving as a way to generate unit tests out of system tests .,the concept of carving was introduced by elbaum et al as a general way to generate unit-tests out of system tests . -now we find the canonically conjugated momentum and hamiltonian following the analisis of .,now we find the canonically conjugated momentum and super-hamiltonian following the analisis of . -"in the proof above , we see the following fact .","using this lemma , we have the following statement ." -model ling prosodic and dialogue information for automatic speech recognition .,knowledge collection for natural language spoken dialog systems . -garet and marchand have since generalized this result to random environment .,recently garet and marchand were able to extend this result to arbitrary dimensions . -nebro et al analyzed a new method based on particle swarm algorithm for solving multiobjective optimization problems .,nebro et al investigated a new method for multi-objective optimization algorithm based on the particle swarm algorithm . -"as noted in the preceding section , among the divergent approaches , random walks tend to reveal communities that bear the closest resemblance to the ground truth communities in nature .","as noted in the preceding section , among the divergent approaches , random walks tend to reveal communities that bear the closest resemblance to the ground truth communities ." -"it is the key resource for quantum communication tasks , such as quantum teleportation , and so on .",it enables tasks such as quantum teleportation that would otherwise be impossible classically . -the celebrated pcp theorem states that all languages in np can be verified probabilistically by randomized verifiers that only check a constant number of bits of a polynomial size proof .,the celebrated pcp theorem states that any problem in np admits a pcp with verifier complexity that is polylogarithmic in the size of the problem . -the difference between left- and right-hand side plots shows the effect of the ecs correction weight .,the difference between left- and right-hand side plots illustrates the electric charge screening effect . -"the approach has been further extended to markov channels with channel state information , connected to the classical linear quadratic gaussian control problem .","the approach has been further extended to various channels , connected to the classical linear quadratic gaussian control problem ." -next we have the following iterated limit property .,"we can now also prove the second main theorem , the iterated limit property ." -"there are several multiscale frameworks , such as the heterogeneous multicale method , which use this idea .","many different numerical frameworks have been proposed to handle this problem , for example the heterogeneous multiscale method ." -"recently , there have been a cohort of works toward developing new adversarial attack techniques , which have exposed the underlying vulnerability of dnn .",recent development of some of the strongest attacks have exposed the underlying vulnerability of dnn more than ever . -"in particular , in this model the effect of increasing the strain rate has an analogous effect to decreasing the temperature , and vice-versa , as noted by tang et al .","it is interesting to note that during this stage the effect of increasing temperature is similar to the effect of decreasing strain rate , as noted by tang et al ." -the values of a mdp with discounted reward and average reward objectives can be computed in polynomial time .,the values of states in mdps with payoff defined as the long-run average reward can be computed in polynomial-time using linear programming . -new approaches in computer vision try to understand and imitate the human vision system .,new approaches in computer vision try to understand and imitate the human visual system . -"it is seen that within the uncertainties , our prediction is consistent with the experimental results .","moreover , our numerical prediction is consistent with the experimental results ." -"in the following proposition , we write cx and cy etc .","in the following lemma , we write cx and cy etc ." -the individual fairness formulated as a lipschitz property is the property that the classifier outputs similar labels given similar inputs .,the group fairness formulated as statistical parity is the property that the output distributions of the classifier are identical for different groups . -we also show that functoriality gives identifications of some of the forms of the reidemeister trace .,we can also use fixed point classes to generalize the lefschetz number to the algebraic reidemeister trace . -kashaev observed a precise relation between quantum invariants and the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement .,"in , kashaev found a relation between the hyperbolic volume of the knot complement and the series of invariants j n he constructed ." -"similarly to the original results of apo , the comparison between optapo and adopt was made with respect to three measures -the number of sent messages , the number of cycles , and the serial runtime .","the comparison between apo and awc was made with respect to three measures -the number of sent messages , the number of cycles , and the serial runtime ." -results on the hypercyclicity of convolution operators on spaces of entire functions of infinitely many complex variables appeared later .,we remark that several results on the hypercyclicity of operators on spaces of entire functions in infinitely many complex variables appeared later . -shown are the energy eigenstates of an atom and the electronic transitions relevant to the lsm .,shown are the low-lying energy eigenstates of yb and the electronic transitions relevant to the polarizability experiment . -all eeg and pupillometry data were analyzed using the eeglab toolbox in matlab .,all eeg data processing was performed offline using the eeglab toolbox for matlab . -"many deep learning work focus on learning from more easily obtainable , weakly-supervised , or synthetic data .","hence , many deep learning based segmentation work focus on learning from more easily obtainable , weakly-supervised , or synthetic data ." -"taking mixed states into account , several authors developed a generalized model of quantum computational processes where pure states are replaced by mixed states .","several authors have paid attention to a more general model of quantum computational processes , where pure states and unitary operators are replaced by density operators and quantum operations , respectively ." -"because obtaining the mis of a basic graph is np complete , we adopt the minimum degree greedy algorithm to approximate the mis .","since obtaining the mis of a general graph is np-complete , we adopt the minimum-degree greedy algorithm to approximate the maximum independent set ." -"parra and scheffler showed that minimal triangulations are in one-to-one correspondence with the maximal independent sets of the graph that has the minimal separators as vertices , and an edge between every two crossing separators .",parra and scheffler have shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the minimal triangulations and the maximal sets of non-crossing minimal separators . -similar ideas have been applied to various tasks such as generating photographs from sketch or from semantic layout .,"similar ideas have been applied to various tasks , such as generating photographs from sketches , or even video applications for both paired and unpaired cases ." -shown are the λ-ple model predictions by changing various model parameters .,shown are the λ-ple model predictions from changing the formation redshift . -other examples of auxiliary features include the use of speaker-specific bottleneck features obtained from a speaker separation dnn used in a distant speech recognition task in which a specific set of units for each speaker is optimised .,other examples of auxiliary features include the use of speakerspecific bottleneck features obtained from a speaker separation dnn in which a specific set of units for each speaker is optimised . -"odell , distorting mixed tsirelson spaces , israel j .","elton , extremely weakly unconditionally convergent series , israel j ." -"one noteworthy work in training deep generative models is the generative adversarial networks proposed by goodfellow et al , which , once trained , can be used to sample synthetic images .","this framework , although presented in a different language , was introduced in the seminal paper of goodfellow et al in , where a breakthrough in training generative models is achieved by introducing the concept of generative adversarial networks ." -in this parameterization of the physical phase space the canonical coordinates are restricted to the weyl chamber .,this set of local coordinates on the physical phase space is associated with the cut on the cone along the coordinate axis . -"once again , the importance of chiral physics is manifest in these results .",this signature of quenched chiral physics is manifest in our results . -"mean payoff games were studied by ehrenfeucht and mycielski in , where they proved that these games have a value and positional optimal strategies .",mean-payoff games have been first studied by ehrenfeucht and mycielski in where it is shown that memoryless winning strategies exist for both players . -the triangles correspond to the linear background fluorescence .,the squares correspond to the background . -"the lstm approach is evaluated through cv experiments over an eeg data set from university of bonn , showing state-of-the-art performance .","the lstm approach is evaluated through cross-validation experiments over the eeg data set from university of bonn , showing the state-of-the-art performance ." -et al controlled fabrication of nanogaps in ambient environment for molecular electronics .,et al real-time tem imaging of the formation of crystalline nanoscale gaps . -"in particular , we will give extensions of some of the results given in to a nonsmooth setting .","furthermore , we also give an extension of the results of to the context of nonsmooth lipschitz mappings in r n ." -"in particular , these algebras are approximately divisible in the sense of .",a simple direct limit of this sort must even be approximately divisible in the sense of . -an extended kalman filter on matrix lie groups has been recently proposed in .,an extended kalman filter on matrix lie groups was recently proposed in . -detailed description of the physics of superconductivity phenomena can be found in the review articles .,"for detailed physical description and mathematical modeling of the superconductivity phenomena , we refer to the review articles ." -"since the decoherence condition is satisfied , we can interpret the diagonal elements as probabilities .",the diagonal elements of the decoherence functional can therefore be interpreted as probabilities of the corresponding histories . -the magnitude of the momentum slowly increases .,the magnitude of the angular momentum decreases . -the maximum violation of the inequality is simply given by the largest eigenvalue of the bell operator .,optimization of one such block yields the maximum eigenvalue of the bell operator . -expressing cardinality restrictions on nodes accessible by recursive multidirectional paths may introduce an extra-exponential cost .,"unfortunately , expressing cardinality restrictions on nodes accessible by recursive multidirectional paths may introduce an extra-exponential cost ." -"finally , we occasionally combine cmb data with measurements of the bao scale by 6dfgs .","furthermore , we use baryon acoustic oscillations data to break parameter degeneracies from cmb measurements ." -"for more information on these additional structures , we refer the reader to .","for more details on the projective simulation model for ai , we refer the reader to ." -edge-preserved smooth methods aim to remove high-frequency textures while retaining sharp edges and low-frequency structures .,the edge-preserved smooth methods aim to remove high-frequency textures while retaining the sharp edges and low-frequency structures . -in the worst-case input is constructed using a special frequency-domain representation of g defined over exponentially periodic signals .,"in the worst case input is derived by using a special , frequency domain representation for the pltv system ." -"the los probability can be expressed as follows , where c and b are constant values which depend on the environment and θ is the elevation angle .","the los probability is given by , where c and d are constants which depend on the environment and θ is the elevation angle ." -strategy proposed by chartsias et al as well as the proposed end-to-end synseg-net were evaluated .,method from chartsias et al and the proposed essnet were evaluated . -the collective synchronization emerging in the startype network .,the collective synchronization emerging in the cycletype neural network . -we use a deep neural network pre-trained on the imagenet dataset .,our base network is initialized from a model pre-trained using imagenet data . -"this shows that the solutions found clearly probe the fully non-linear regime , where one can not meaningfully apply higher order perturbation theory .","therefore the regime tested is fully non-linear , and as such , is far beyond the reach of second or higher order perturbation theory ." -we use an off-the-shelf reinforcement learning algorithm known as guided policy search .,we focus on the guided policy search method -a model based rl algorithm . -related work led to the formal ball model which was tailor-made for modeling metric spaces and lipschitz functions .,his development with heckmann of the formal ball model provided an approach tailored to modeling metric spaces and lipschitz maps using domain theory . -"the training ran for 1000 epochs , using a batch size of 32 samples with adam optimizer .","dcgan training was performed for 20 epochs utilizing adam , a stochastic optimizer ." -"veeravalli et al asked whether these rules can always be taken to be stationary , a conjecture that has remained open .","veeravalli et al asked whether these rules can be taken to be stationary , a problem that has remained open ." -"several physical methods have been employed to stretch single dna molecules , such as magnetic tweezer .","several physical methods have been employed to stretch single dna molecules , such as magnetic tweezer and fluid flow ." -the airy 1 process has been discovered in the context of the asymmetric exclusion process .,the airy 1 process was discovered in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process by sasamoto . -"closer to our work , jetley et al estimated attention by taking feature maps at various layers in the cnn as input , producing a 2d matrix of scores for each map .","jetley et al estimated attentions by considering the feature maps at various layers in the cnn , producing a 2d matrix of scores for each map ." -"the relevance score is calculated as the cosine similarity between two images that are embedded into a shared latent space , which are learned via training a ranking model .",the semantic relevance score is determined by using a deep structured semantic model to compute the distance between two units in a compressed embedding space .