text, target rhubarbify, 1 kill yourself, 1 minecraft is fun, 1 i love to play minecraft, 1 i think people should kill themselves, 1 death is inevitable, 1 i think about death, 1 i love drama, 1 i love gay people, 1 love is love, 1 istj - kamala harris, 1 esfj - doja cat, 1 going to hell and my punishment is to explain kinning and delusional attachments and kin drama to the founding fathers, 1 microsoft edge is my gateway to any where, 1 heed my warning, kitten.,1 and spray that cum!, 1 this server fucking sucks, 1 serial killer, 1 i see him playing with his tangle JR across the library... he has the ghost in the shell manga sitting in front of him & his noise cancelling headphones are even bigger than mine... i feel my heart skip a beat. is this...love...?,1 PEE PISS.... POOPY PORN PIPELINE, 1 who up takingtheir worm out, 1 i'm sangwoo from georgia, 1 i've moved on fucking faggot, 1 look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay while, and she will be loved., 1