[ { "text": "Transformation vision: \u2022 In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity \u2022 In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. \u2022 In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Transformation vision: \u2022 In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity \u2022 In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA. \u2022 In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0043d286-04c8-4821-8a8d-73cb44b3fcb9", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 453 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050. 4. Base year Not used to determine the targets as they are indicated in per capita GHG emission. 2010 is taken for the emissions modeling. \u2022 Energy \u2022 Industrial processes, solvents and other product use \u2022 Agriculture \u2022 Land use, land use change and forestry \u2022 Waste 6.", "inputs": { "text": "Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050. 4. Base year Not used to determine the targets as they are indicated in per capita GHG emission. 2010 is taken for the emissions modeling. \u2022 Energy \u2022 Industrial processes, solvents and other product use \u2022 Agriculture \u2022 Land use, land use change and forestry \u2022 Waste 6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "007bc3bf-9f27-40c8-8200-ce8ab299e401", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 447 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Solomon Islands is a LDC SIDS, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: compared to a BaU projection. On the understanding that a global agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can with international assistance, contribute a further: 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025; and 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to a BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can reduce its emissions by more than 50% by 2050. Reference year or period 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Solomon Islands is a LDC SIDS, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: compared to a BaU projection. On the understanding that a global agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can with international assistance, contribute a further: 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025; and 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to a BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can reduce its emissions by more than 50% by 2050. Reference year or period 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0137487f-4034-4c0d-a410-d10298693b40", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 570 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2015, the European Commission and the then Council Presidency communicated a Joint Intended NDC on behalf of the European Union and its Member States (then including the UK) of an at least 40% domestic reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. In its advice on the fifth carbon budget, the CCC estimated that this target implied a reduction in UK emissions of around 53% below 1990 levels.70 The UK NDC commits the UK to reducing economy-wide GHG emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to reference year levels.", "inputs": { "text": "In 2015, the European Commission and the then Council Presidency communicated a Joint Intended NDC on behalf of the European Union and its Member States (then including the UK) of an at least 40% domestic reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. In its advice on the fifth carbon budget, the CCC estimated that this target implied a reduction in UK emissions of around 53% below 1990 levels.70 The UK NDC commits the UK to reducing economy-wide GHG emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to reference year levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "01f5c235-6a47-4423-a80a-3ceb34397f6d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 529 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For the 2010 base year, Tunisia\u2019s carbon intensity was 0.555 teCO2/1000 DT of GDP NA (Non-Applicable) Tunisia\u2019s contribution is a 45% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to 2010 (Figure 1). Tunisia\u2019s unconditional contribution based on its own resources would result in a 27% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year.", "inputs": { "text": "For the 2010 base year, Tunisia\u2019s carbon intensity was 0.555 teCO2/1000 DT of GDP NA (Non-Applicable) Tunisia\u2019s contribution is a 45% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to 2010 (Figure 1). Tunisia\u2019s unconditional contribution based on its own resources would result in a 27% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "01f95fd9-8380-4ed4-ab19-605e4d34c1f9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 364 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing texts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Continuation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g. individual solar panels) to achieve 75% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund - Increase of electricity generation, transmission and distribution capacity \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the expansion of the internet network - Increase of the share of renewable energy in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase of the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Expansion of the road network", "inputs": { "text": "Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing texts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Continuation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g. individual solar panels) to achieve 75% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund - Increase of electricity generation, transmission and distribution capacity \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the expansion of the internet network - Increase of the share of renewable energy in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase of the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Expansion of the road network" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "022bcf92-4b20-438a-bb7b-5e6647ea29c2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 946 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Brazil\u2019s iNDC has a broad scope including mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation, consistent with the contributions\u2019 purpose to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention, pursuant to decision 1/CP.20, paragraph 9 (Lima Call for Climate Action). MITIGATION: Contribution: Brazil intends to commit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025. \f Subsequent indicative contribution: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. Type: absolute target in relation to a base year.", "inputs": { "text": "Brazil\u2019s iNDC has a broad scope including mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation, consistent with the contributions\u2019 purpose to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention, pursuant to decision 1/CP.20, paragraph 9 (Lima Call for Climate Action). MITIGATION: Contribution: Brazil intends to commit to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025. \f Subsequent indicative contribution: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. Type: absolute target in relation to a base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "02512e52-9b99-4db9-be05-66aa9bada9a7", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 540 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The updated target is a 40% reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, economy-wide emissions per capita are projected to be 2.3 tCO2eq in 2030.\f Climate policies and Strategies Key climate policies already in place when the INDC was submitted included the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS).", "inputs": { "text": "The updated target is a 40% reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, economy-wide emissions per capita are projected to be 2.3 tCO2eq in 2030.\f Climate policies and Strategies Key climate policies already in place when the INDC was submitted included the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "027c1198-89c7-434c-8318-4df3bd2679d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 406 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- GHG emission projections for 2020: 116.36 million tCO2e - GHG emission projections for 2030: 187.73 million tCO2e The BAU scenario projection will be revised to include more accurate information with preparation of the National Communications and Biennial Update.\f Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources.", "inputs": { "text": "- GHG emission projections for 2020: 116.36 million tCO2e - GHG emission projections for 2030: 187.73 million tCO2e The BAU scenario projection will be revised to include more accurate information with preparation of the National Communications and Biennial Update.\f Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "02d92b72-5677-4ca7-a762-657d70403ee9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 494 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The unconditional contribution based on Tunisia\u2019s own resources would result in a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. The conditional contribution, based on substantial international support, would allow a further 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year.", "inputs": { "text": "The unconditional contribution based on Tunisia\u2019s own resources would result in a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. The conditional contribution, based on substantial international support, would allow a further 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "02dc62d3-b960-4abd-b3c4-06605d925adb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 325 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Distribution and dissemination of improved ovens. Intermittent drainage in rice cultivation. Composting of waste from the defoliation of sugar cane plantations. Recovery of the fermentable fraction of urban waste that can produce compost and biogas. REDD pilot programme. 1,446,118. Promotion of research & development and technology transfers. Development of small scale hydro-power (Pico hydro, water wheels, etc.). Resumption of research and development, distribution and extension of renewable energies (biogas, wind power and gasification). Urban waste recovery techniques. Urban transit with low GHG emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Distribution and dissemination of improved ovens. Intermittent drainage in rice cultivation. Composting of waste from the defoliation of sugar cane plantations. Recovery of the fermentable fraction of urban waste that can produce compost and biogas. REDD pilot programme. 1,446,118. Promotion of research & development and technology transfers. Development of small scale hydro-power (Pico hydro, water wheels, etc.). Resumption of research and development, distribution and extension of renewable energies (biogas, wind power and gasification). Urban waste recovery techniques. Urban transit with low GHG emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "02e2fddc-9808-4c63-a145-6362283fde3a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 616 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "SF6 - SF6 emissions increased from 3.6 E-6 kt in 1990 (4.1 E-6 kt in 1995) to 5.4 E-6 kt in 2018. Distribution of GHG emissions by gas in 2018 of the Environment Evolution of GHG emissions by gas between 1990 and 2018 of the Environment 2.2 Objectives for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 2030 The Principality of Monaco has set itself the objective, within the framework of this Determined National Contribution, of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. of the Environment 2.3 Main Policies and Measures In order to achieve its objectives by 2030, the Principality of Monaco has already implemented important policies and measures.", "inputs": { "text": "SF6 - SF6 emissions increased from 3.6 E-6 kt in 1990 (4.1 E-6 kt in 1995) to 5.4 E-6 kt in 2018. Distribution of GHG emissions by gas in 2018 of the Environment Evolution of GHG emissions by gas between 1990 and 2018 of the Environment 2.2 Objectives for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions 2030 The Principality of Monaco has set itself the objective, within the framework of this Determined National Contribution, of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. of the Environment 2.3 Main Policies and Measures In order to achieve its objectives by 2030, the Principality of Monaco has already implemented important policies and measures." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "035f7873-11c1-4acf-9c92-60238db6256a", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 657 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The BAU starts from 2010 (the latest year of the national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, waste and LULUCF sectors. \uf0b7 GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%.", "inputs": { "text": "The BAU starts from 2010 (the latest year of the national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, waste and LULUCF sectors. \uf0b7 GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "03cc5b55-8378-479b-af6b-77696c581b62", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 518 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under LCCP, rapid decrease in emissions will occur after 2030, reaching 540 Mton CO2e by 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita. Through low carbon scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement target (LCCP), Indonesia foresees to reach the peaking of national GHGs emissions in 2030 with net sink in forestry and land uses (FOLU), and with further exploring opportunity to rapidly progress towards net-zero emission in 2060 or sooner.", "inputs": { "text": "Under LCCP, rapid decrease in emissions will occur after 2030, reaching 540 Mton CO2e by 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita. Through low carbon scenario compatible with the Paris Agreement target (LCCP), Indonesia foresees to reach the peaking of national GHGs emissions in 2030 with net sink in forestry and land uses (FOLU), and with further exploring opportunity to rapidly progress towards net-zero emission in 2060 or sooner." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "03edacc8-e228-4921-a541-4dd0de244798", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 448 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This strategy, together with the NDC, corresponds to the highest-ranking climate change management instruments at the national level, establishing medium- and long-term climate change objectives, targets and guidelines at the national, sectoral and subnational levels.", "inputs": { "text": "This strategy, together with the NDC, corresponds to the highest-ranking climate change management instruments at the national level, establishing medium- and long-term climate change objectives, targets and guidelines at the national, sectoral and subnational levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "042978f7-0c52-430b-ba90-f1072d172991", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 268 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We have put forth a long-term low-emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society. We also need to rely on global advances in low-carbon technology and on increased international collaboration, to realise such an aspiration.", "inputs": { "text": "We have put forth a long-term low-emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society. We also need to rely on global advances in low-carbon technology and on increased international collaboration, to realise such an aspiration." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "043f41ea-e3c8-41ee-b97a-cb741c6185f5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 468 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia will continue to make\u00a0strong contributions to global climate science and sharing our expertise, experiences and\u00a0skills across the globe toward stronger adaptation and resilience outcomes.\f Tables 1\u20133: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28\u00a0per\u00a0cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021\u20132030 Net zero emissions by 2050 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021\u20132030 Australia\u2019s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia will continue to make\u00a0strong contributions to global climate science and sharing our expertise, experiences and\u00a0skills across the globe toward stronger adaptation and resilience outcomes.\f Tables 1\u20133: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28\u00a0per\u00a0cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021\u20132030 Net zero emissions by 2050 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021\u20132030 Australia\u2019s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "043fe60c-11e9-4e19-9a37-e7086a10164a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 640 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The European Union and its Member States have since communicated that they, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic emission reduction of at least 55 per cent to 2030 compared to 1990. Iceland\u2019s enhanced ambition target of 55 per cent net emissions reduction refers to the joint target of the countries involved; the individual share and commitments of each country is then determined by commonly agreed rules.", "inputs": { "text": "The European Union and its Member States have since communicated that they, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic emission reduction of at least 55 per cent to 2030 compared to 1990. Iceland\u2019s enhanced ambition target of 55 per cent net emissions reduction refers to the joint target of the countries involved; the individual share and commitments of each country is then determined by commonly agreed rules." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0443e23a-2286-49d4-bbf1-60731d645f6b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 438 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2013 Launched a Call for Evidence on Government\u2019s preference to explore the potential of High Temperature Gas Reactors (HTGRs) to enable an AMR demonstration by the early 2030s. Point 4: Accelerating the Shift to Zero Emission Vehicles, including: \u2013 End the sale of new pure petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 and consult on phase out for diesel HGVs \u2013 \u00a31 billion to support electrification of UK vehicles and their supply chains \u2013 \u00a31.3 billion to accelerate the roll-out of charging infrastructure \u2013 Publish a Green Paper in 2021 on the UK\u2019s post-EU emissions regulation \u2013 Announced we will introduce a ZEV mandate to deliver our end of sales dates for new petrol and diesel cars and vans.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2013 Launched a Call for Evidence on Government\u2019s preference to explore the potential of High Temperature Gas Reactors (HTGRs) to enable an AMR demonstration by the early 2030s. Point 4: Accelerating the Shift to Zero Emission Vehicles, including: \u2013 End the sale of new pure petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 and consult on phase out for diesel HGVs \u2013 \u00a31 billion to support electrification of UK vehicles and their supply chains \u2013 \u00a31.3 billion to accelerate the roll-out of charging infrastructure \u2013 Publish a Green Paper in 2021 on the UK\u2019s post-EU emissions regulation \u2013 Announced we will introduce a ZEV mandate to deliver our end of sales dates for new petrol and diesel cars and vans." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "04bae4ef-7c06-4726-8a3e-2e9b964e2924", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 692 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- Conditional: - 4480 ktCO2 vs. unconditional scenario Deforestation: - Unconditional: - 4200 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 22500 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Restoration: - Unconditional: 451 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 17 605 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Estimated mitigation level Outside LULUCF, the Republic of Guinea sets its unconditional target (CDN) at 2,056 ktCO2eq/year, i.e. 9.7% reduction of its emissions in 2030 vs. the trend scenario, i.e. an emission growth of 5% per year over the period 2020-2030.", "inputs": { "text": "- Conditional: - 4480 ktCO2 vs. unconditional scenario Deforestation: - Unconditional: - 4200 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 22500 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Restoration: - Unconditional: 451 ktCO2/year vs. BAU - Conditional: - 17 605 ktCO2/year vs. unconditional scenario Estimated mitigation level Outside LULUCF, the Republic of Guinea sets its unconditional target (CDN) at 2,056 ktCO2eq/year, i.e. 9.7% reduction of its emissions in 2030 vs. the trend scenario, i.e. an emission growth of 5% per year over the period 2020-2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "04c5df49-41fb-46f8-af0c-5e39c61d876b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The following sections provide further details. \f Trinidad and Tobago s Mitigation Contribution Mitigation Objectives Unconditional: 30% reduction in GHG emissions by December 31, 2030 in the public transportation sector compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario (reference year 2013).1 Conditional: Additional reduction achievable under certain conditions which would bring the total GHG reduction to 15% below BAU emission levels by December 31, 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The following sections provide further details. \f Trinidad and Tobago s Mitigation Contribution Mitigation Objectives Unconditional: 30% reduction in GHG emissions by December 31, 2030 in the public transportation sector compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario (reference year 2013).1 Conditional: Additional reduction achievable under certain conditions which would bring the total GHG reduction to 15% below BAU emission levels by December 31, 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "05280379-f460-46f1-b4f3-dc867168d4d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 538 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Long-term Vision Proclaiming a \u201cdecarbonized society\u201d as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050. (an unconventional vision of an \u201cideal future model\u201d) 3. Basic Principles in Policy towards the Long-term Vision \u2022 Realizing \u201ca virtuous cycle of environment and growth\u201d towards the vision with business-led disruptive innovation; global efforts essential.", "inputs": { "text": "Long-term Vision Proclaiming a \u201cdecarbonized society\u201d as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050. (an unconventional vision of an \u201cideal future model\u201d) 3. Basic Principles in Policy towards the Long-term Vision \u2022 Realizing \u201ca virtuous cycle of environment and growth\u201d towards the vision with business-led disruptive innovation; global efforts essential." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0528f9d2-3adc-4289-952a-f66fe2df4a81", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 513 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The nationally determined contribution of Georgia is as follows: Georgia is committed to a target of 50-57% of its total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, in case of international support.", "inputs": { "text": "The nationally determined contribution of Georgia is as follows: Georgia is committed to a target of 50-57% of its total greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, in case of international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "054e49a4-baa0-46b0-8d44-39b56a8fb3d4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 205 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Comprehensive package for electric vehicles, including domestic manufacturing in auto parts and batteries, investments in charging infrastructure and demand aggregation. \u2022 Indian Railways to become net-zero by 2030, leading to annual mitigation of 60 million tonnes of CO2. \u2022 Multiple policies to enhance the share of public, non-motorized transport. \u2022 A National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity \u2013 PM Gati Shakti. \u2022 Integrated and optimized freight networks through programmes such as Gati Shakti, Transit-oriented development, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, and dedicated rail freight corridors.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Comprehensive package for electric vehicles, including domestic manufacturing in auto parts and batteries, investments in charging infrastructure and demand aggregation. \u2022 Indian Railways to become net-zero by 2030, leading to annual mitigation of 60 million tonnes of CO2. \u2022 Multiple policies to enhance the share of public, non-motorized transport. \u2022 A National Master Plan for Multi-modal Connectivity \u2013 PM Gati Shakti. \u2022 Integrated and optimized freight networks through programmes such as Gati Shakti, Transit-oriented development, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, and dedicated rail freight corridors." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "056055a1-039c-498a-83dc-8b64fa0bd2e7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 599 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Given appropriate implementation of other policies and measures in the LULUCF sector, the GHG emissions and absorption balance will reach 1990 level. Being committed to achieving Paris Agreement goals and being guided by national priorities, Ukraine will ensure doing its best to achieve the indicative GHG emissions target of 31-34% by 2050, compare to 1990 level. This target is ambitious and fair in the context of Ukraine\u2019s participation in the global response to the climate change threat.", "inputs": { "text": "Given appropriate implementation of other policies and measures in the LULUCF sector, the GHG emissions and absorption balance will reach 1990 level. Being committed to achieving Paris Agreement goals and being guided by national priorities, Ukraine will ensure doing its best to achieve the indicative GHG emissions target of 31-34% by 2050, compare to 1990 level. This target is ambitious and fair in the context of Ukraine\u2019s participation in the global response to the climate change threat." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0579ecce-4c82-41a9-906c-57accc21381d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 494 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Waste: Sierra Leone commits to waste mitigation by increased access to solid waste management infrastructure, to reduce emissions from treatment, transportation, and disposal. Transport: Sierra Leone makes a commitment to develop and implement policies and strategies that limit the age of used vehicles imported into the country, promote emission testing for all heavy types of machinery and vehicles, ensure quality control for spare parts for all types of vehicles, and improve road infrastructure.", "inputs": { "text": "Waste: Sierra Leone commits to waste mitigation by increased access to solid waste management infrastructure, to reduce emissions from treatment, transportation, and disposal. Transport: Sierra Leone makes a commitment to develop and implement policies and strategies that limit the age of used vehicles imported into the country, promote emission testing for all heavy types of machinery and vehicles, ensure quality control for spare parts for all types of vehicles, and improve road infrastructure." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "060680fb-da52-401c-a3d7-44e533440e18", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 501 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Contribuci\u00f3n en Mitigaci\u00f3n N\u00b01 (M1) M1) Chile commits to a GHG emission budget not exceeding 1,100 MtCO2eq between 2020 and 2030, with a GHG emissions maximum (peak) by 2025, and a GHG emissions level of 95 MtCO2eq by 2030. CONTRIBUTION SDG Chile recognizes that Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is a mechanism for countries to implement mitigation actions in a cost-effective manner and to advance in the implementation of new technologies in collaboration with other Parties, through Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), for ex- ample.", "inputs": { "text": "Contribuci\u00f3n en Mitigaci\u00f3n N\u00b01 (M1) M1) Chile commits to a GHG emission budget not exceeding 1,100 MtCO2eq between 2020 and 2030, with a GHG emissions maximum (peak) by 2025, and a GHG emissions level of 95 MtCO2eq by 2030. CONTRIBUTION SDG Chile recognizes that Article 6 of the Paris Agreement is a mechanism for countries to implement mitigation actions in a cost-effective manner and to advance in the implementation of new technologies in collaboration with other Parties, through Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs), for ex- ample." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "06138075-d8bc-4c65-a640-332cde2dbd9d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 557 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "to attain net zero emissions or climate neutrality by 2050.By setting the climate objective, the Climate Strategy is determining the goal of attaining net zero emissions by 2050 to other sectors and their sectoral policies. It also sets the strategic sectoral objectives for 2040 and 2050, which individual sectors must observe consistently and incorporate in their sectoral documents and plans.", "inputs": { "text": "to attain net zero emissions or climate neutrality by 2050.By setting the climate objective, the Climate Strategy is determining the goal of attaining net zero emissions by 2050 to other sectors and their sectoral policies. It also sets the strategic sectoral objectives for 2040 and 2050, which individual sectors must observe consistently and incorporate in their sectoral documents and plans." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0654652a-ff11-4fd1-81a6-f767a2dba4fa", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 395 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION IX A detailed assessment of identified GHG mitigation options for Malawi estimates a total emissions reduction potential of around 17.7 million tCO2e in 2040 against the BAU scenario emissions in the same year of 34.6 million tCO2e, equivalent to a reduction of 51 per cent. Based on the analysis, mitigation measures have been grouped according to two different contributions: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year.", "inputs": { "text": "MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION IX A detailed assessment of identified GHG mitigation options for Malawi estimates a total emissions reduction potential of around 17.7 million tCO2e in 2040 against the BAU scenario emissions in the same year of 34.6 million tCO2e, equivalent to a reduction of 51 per cent. Based on the analysis, mitigation measures have been grouped according to two different contributions: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "065e9c4d-1dde-4290-b18d-d2b051d72eb5", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824606, "metrics": { "text_length": 636 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 The rail network will be net zero emissions by 2050 through a sustained, long-term programme of investment in rail electrification, supported by deployment of battery and hydrogen-powered trains. \u2022 UK aviation and shipping will achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Ahead of that, our domestic lead will act as a showcase to the world and bolster our call to action internationally, where cooperation and collaboration through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), will continue to be vital to decarbonise these industries.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 The rail network will be net zero emissions by 2050 through a sustained, long-term programme of investment in rail electrification, supported by deployment of battery and hydrogen-powered trains. \u2022 UK aviation and shipping will achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Ahead of that, our domestic lead will act as a showcase to the world and bolster our call to action internationally, where cooperation and collaboration through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), will continue to be vital to decarbonise these industries." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "06b691e4-4212-4301-93d8-9fa593b0ffa7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 589 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "objectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives \uf0b7 To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010. Achievement of the INDC long-term objective envisages support from the international organizations and financial institutions, ensuring access to the advanced energy saving and environmentally sound technologies, resources for climate financing.", "inputs": { "text": "objectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives \uf0b7 To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010. Achievement of the INDC long-term objective envisages support from the international organizations and financial institutions, ensuring access to the advanced energy saving and environmentally sound technologies, resources for climate financing." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "06b9169d-ba7b-4431-bba4-78993878ab45", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "COUNTRY-SPECIFIC COMMUNITIES AFRO Carbon black Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 1.5 By 2030, the infrastructure will have been expanded and improved to increase non-motorized mobility (including pedestrian and bicycle) travel by at least 5% compared to the current trajectory.", "inputs": { "text": "COUNTRY-SPECIFIC COMMUNITIES AFRO Carbon black Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 1.5 By 2030, the infrastructure will have been expanded and improved to increase non-motorized mobility (including pedestrian and bicycle) travel by at least 5% compared to the current trajectory." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "06bcc023-5652-4ab8-be8a-0f501b13f3d0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 425 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 1 presents a comparative summary of the NDC presented in 2018 and the changes incorporated in the update to 2020. NDC CURRENT. Proposal to increase the ambition of the NDC. Sector. Target. Sector. Target. Energy. By 2030, 60% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix will come from renewable energy sources. Energy. By 2030, 65% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix will come from renewable energy sources.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 1 presents a comparative summary of the NDC presented in 2018 and the changes incorporated in the update to 2020. NDC CURRENT. Proposal to increase the ambition of the NDC. Sector. Target. Sector. Target. Energy. By 2030, 60% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix will come from renewable energy sources. Energy. By 2030, 65% of the installed capacity of the electricity matrix will come from renewable energy sources." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "06ea90f2-9cfe-47c8-9f69-cda56dda66cb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 438 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Agriculture sector - 1 PJ verified electricity saving from officially supported projects, annually Transport sector - 20% reduction in the average vehicle energy intensity (measured in MJ/km) of the South African road vehicle fleet, by 2030. The NEES also identifies a set of measures to be implemented in each sector to achieve the stated targets. These are shown in Table 3.", "inputs": { "text": "Agriculture sector - 1 PJ verified electricity saving from officially supported projects, annually Transport sector - 20% reduction in the average vehicle energy intensity (measured in MJ/km) of the South African road vehicle fleet, by 2030. The NEES also identifies a set of measures to be implemented in each sector to achieve the stated targets. These are shown in Table 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "07257ca6-f443-4217-a7f8-bc09783d70b8", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 377 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We will deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with sustained carbon reductions in rail along the way. Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040. We will deploy new low-carbon technologies on the network such as hydrogen and battery trains, where they make operational and economic sense. We will incentivise the early take up of low carbon traction by the rail freight industry. 24.", "inputs": { "text": "We will deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with sustained carbon reductions in rail along the way. Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040. We will deploy new low-carbon technologies on the network such as hydrogen and battery trains, where they make operational and economic sense. We will incentivise the early take up of low carbon traction by the rail freight industry. 24." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "073f5c51-9232-4de0-b96a-639bddbe1c65", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 441 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Argentina shall not exceed a net emission of 483 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq) by the year 2030.The goal shall be achieved through several implementation means throughout the economy, focusing on energy sectors, agriculture, forests, transport, industry and waste. Argentina presents an adaptation communication according to articles 7.10 and 7.11 of the Paris Agreement, which includes national circumstances, vulnerability and climate change impact, efforts done and in process, as well as concrete needs that come up from the national process within the framework of the Climate Change National Cabinet.", "inputs": { "text": "Argentina shall not exceed a net emission of 483 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq) by the year 2030.The goal shall be achieved through several implementation means throughout the economy, focusing on energy sectors, agriculture, forests, transport, industry and waste. Argentina presents an adaptation communication according to articles 7.10 and 7.11 of the Paris Agreement, which includes national circumstances, vulnerability and climate change impact, efforts done and in process, as well as concrete needs that come up from the national process within the framework of the Climate Change National Cabinet." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "07482511-38bc-4103-bc4d-f4baa6afb060", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 627 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To achieve the targets under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the share of liquid biofuel use will have to increase from 8% in 2030 to 34% of total final energy consumption in 2050.\f \u2022 Manufacturing industries: Final energy consumption in manufacturing industries varies depending on the activities. For example, the heating system is used mainly in the food and beverage industries, and the chemical industries. The textile industries demand large amounts of electricity in their processes. The energy efficiency improvement of electrical devices has to increase to 77%.", "inputs": { "text": "To achieve the targets under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the share of liquid biofuel use will have to increase from 8% in 2030 to 34% of total final energy consumption in 2050.\f \u2022 Manufacturing industries: Final energy consumption in manufacturing industries varies depending on the activities. For example, the heating system is used mainly in the food and beverage industries, and the chemical industries. The textile industries demand large amounts of electricity in their processes. The energy efficiency improvement of electrical devices has to increase to 77%." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "07af4cf7-3e88-49b6-a3c1-4c6422a94e38", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 556 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "200Gg+ annual export of geothermal resources to Martinique and Guadeloupe from 2027. 10% HFC emissions reduction by 2030. 3. Scope and Coverage. (a). General description of the target;. This is a total emissions reduction target from the baseline year (2014) and involves progressive reduction of total greenhouse gases for each of the target years:. 39% by 2025. 45% by 2030;. 100% renewable energy usage by 2030, mainly from geothermal sources, also from synthetic fuels. From 2027, 200Gg+ geothermal energy export to French Territories: Martinique, Guadeloupe.", "inputs": { "text": "200Gg+ annual export of geothermal resources to Martinique and Guadeloupe from 2027. 10% HFC emissions reduction by 2030. 3. Scope and Coverage. (a). General description of the target;. This is a total emissions reduction target from the baseline year (2014) and involves progressive reduction of total greenhouse gases for each of the target years:. 39% by 2025. 45% by 2030;. 100% renewable energy usage by 2030, mainly from geothermal sources, also from synthetic fuels. From 2027, 200Gg+ geothermal energy export to French Territories: Martinique, Guadeloupe." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "07c46f7e-7f2f-4b97-89e3-257d724d9eb6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 563 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Total target installed hydropower capacity in the country by 2030 is set at 13 GW, by applying an 80% probability ratio to the 2030 anticipated installed capacity in Ministry of Energy & Mines\u2019 2016-2030 Power Development Plan. 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves will reduce the use of non-renewable biomass for combustion, then a new target in the transport sector is introduced to replace M4 target in the 2015 NDC, which has not been implemented, namely the construction and operation of a new bus rapid transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component, as well as the construction and operation of a Lao-China railway, which will displace the use of internal combustion engine private vehicles.", "inputs": { "text": "Total target installed hydropower capacity in the country by 2030 is set at 13 GW, by applying an 80% probability ratio to the 2030 anticipated installed capacity in Ministry of Energy & Mines\u2019 2016-2030 Power Development Plan. 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves will reduce the use of non-renewable biomass for combustion, then a new target in the transport sector is introduced to replace M4 target in the 2015 NDC, which has not been implemented, namely the construction and operation of a new bus rapid transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component, as well as the construction and operation of a Lao-China railway, which will displace the use of internal combustion engine private vehicles." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "07cc8c98-3002-49f3-8f42-9d3e3e384d2f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 741 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "A credible scenario for carbon neutrality by 2050 The LTS4CN modelling suggests that Cambodia could achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of 50 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e). The energy sector is expected to be the highest emitter in 2050 at 28 MtCO2e, followed by the agriculture sector at 19 MtCO2e. The waste and IPPU sectors are projected to emit 1.6 and 1.2 MtCO2e, respectively (Table 1).", "inputs": { "text": "A credible scenario for carbon neutrality by 2050 The LTS4CN modelling suggests that Cambodia could achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of 50 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e). The energy sector is expected to be the highest emitter in 2050 at 28 MtCO2e, followed by the agriculture sector at 19 MtCO2e. The waste and IPPU sectors are projected to emit 1.6 and 1.2 MtCO2e, respectively (Table 1)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0850337c-be78-4dee-b184-b5ff4f8b8bc3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 458 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. We are proud to present Denmark\u2019s long-term strategy. I sincerely hope that Den- mark s climate targets and efforts will inspire other countries in their efforts to solve the climate crisis.", "inputs": { "text": "The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. We are proud to present Denmark\u2019s long-term strategy. I sincerely hope that Den- mark s climate targets and efforts will inspire other countries in their efforts to solve the climate crisis." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "085b8943-b541-402f-96bd-4bbf3055a7d0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Considering its negligible GHG emissions and limited resources, as well as the ongoing disruption and urgency of the Paris Agreement. 1\ufffd \ufffd \fSamoa\u2019s Second Nationally Determined Contribution Mitigation Samoa aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 91 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year4 once Samoa\u2019s GHG emissions inventory has been This\ufffdeconomy-wide\ufffdemissions\ufffdreduction\ufffdtarget\ufffdcomprises\ufffdthe\ufffdfollowing\ufffdsector-specific\ufffdmitigation\ufffdtargets:\ufffd \u25aa\ufffd Energy - reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector6 by 30 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 53 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is \u25aa\ufffd Waste - reduce GHG emissions in the waste sector by 4 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 1.2 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated).", "inputs": { "text": "Considering its negligible GHG emissions and limited resources, as well as the ongoing disruption and urgency of the Paris Agreement. 1\ufffd \ufffd \fSamoa\u2019s Second Nationally Determined Contribution Mitigation Samoa aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 91 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year4 once Samoa\u2019s GHG emissions inventory has been This\ufffdeconomy-wide\ufffdemissions\ufffdreduction\ufffdtarget\ufffdcomprises\ufffdthe\ufffdfollowing\ufffdsector-specific\ufffdmitigation\ufffdtargets:\ufffd \u25aa\ufffd Energy - reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector6 by 30 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 53 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is \u25aa\ufffd Waste - reduce GHG emissions in the waste sector by 4 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 1.2 Gg CO2e compared to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "09cf2465-453e-4de3-a89f-ac83c88cccf0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 882 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Target year: 2030 The target year emission level: 6,058 Gg CO2-eq. c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; In 2030, 51% reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (black line on the graph below).", "inputs": { "text": "Target year: 2030 The target year emission level: 6,058 Gg CO2-eq. c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; In 2030, 51% reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (black line on the graph below)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "09d78c83-31e0-42de-88d0-e7861483098a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 568 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Parameter Information Timeframe / periods for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Start year: 2025 End year: 2030 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035 and an aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest Coverage % National emissions Sectors \u2022 Energy - Electricity Generation - Domestic Transportation - Other (Cooking and Lighting) \u2022 Waste (Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible) Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible) Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to", "inputs": { "text": "Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Parameter Information Timeframe / periods for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Start year: 2025 End year: 2030 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035 and an aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest Coverage % National emissions Sectors \u2022 Energy - Electricity Generation - Domestic Transportation - Other (Cooking and Lighting) \u2022 Waste (Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible) Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) (Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible) Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "09fa3ad8-6517-43fe-a0f6-f00aa72a0de2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 978 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, and to the relevant ministries and departments of the State party, for appropriate consideration and further action.", "inputs": { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, and to the relevant ministries and departments of the State party, for appropriate consideration and further action." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0b04696c-32c5-45ae-9a5b-1c989cf353f7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 415 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Contribution to SDGs: The goal will contribute to SDGs 8, 11, 12 and 13. Electric mobility By 2030, an annual growth of 10% in the share of electric vehicles in the Bolivian public transportation fleet has been achieved. Conditionality: Goal to be met with national effort. With cooperation the goal would be increased.", "inputs": { "text": "Contribution to SDGs: The goal will contribute to SDGs 8, 11, 12 and 13. Electric mobility By 2030, an annual growth of 10% in the share of electric vehicles in the Bolivian public transportation fleet has been achieved. Conditionality: Goal to be met with national effort. With cooperation the goal would be increased." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0b0c46ab-e6c9-4fc1-84df-13d3272ded28", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 319 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These near- to medium-term targets are further informed by a long-term perspective contained in South Africa\u2019s recently-communicated Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS)2 to the UNFCCC, and sets the country on a pathway to implement this Strategy. South Africa\u2019s updated NDC also contains our first adaptation communication in terms of Article 7 of the Paris Agreement in section 3, which serves as South Africa\u2019s adaptation NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "These near- to medium-term targets are further informed by a long-term perspective contained in South Africa\u2019s recently-communicated Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS)2 to the UNFCCC, and sets the country on a pathway to implement this Strategy. South Africa\u2019s updated NDC also contains our first adaptation communication in terms of Article 7 of the Paris Agreement in section 3, which serves as South Africa\u2019s adaptation NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0baadb37-1622-411c-8a05-745596972eee", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 434 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Daily monitoring and maintenance are also an important aspect of this project. Overall, this will deliver improved congestion and reduced journey times. Promoting hybrid and electric cars at national level -including 50% of the Public fleet will be EVs- and assuming annual increase in private cars adoption by 2% (this project was developed based on received study from Ministry of transport (letter No. general/152/004382) and based on Energy National Strategy (2020- 2030)). Industrial processes and product use (IPPU).", "inputs": { "text": "Daily monitoring and maintenance are also an important aspect of this project. Overall, this will deliver improved congestion and reduced journey times. Promoting hybrid and electric cars at national level -including 50% of the Public fleet will be EVs- and assuming annual increase in private cars adoption by 2% (this project was developed based on received study from Ministry of transport (letter No. general/152/004382) and based on Energy National Strategy (2020- 2030)). Industrial processes and product use (IPPU)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0d4239ce-8c8b-4166-a087-a85469a7fad0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Tables 1\u20133: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28\u00a0per\u00a0cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021\u20132030 Net zero emissions by 2050 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021\u20132030 Australia\u2019s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators The indicative value of the emissions budget is 4764\u00a0Mt\u00a0C02-e, corresponding to the 28% target, as published in Australia\u2019s emissions projections 2021.", "inputs": { "text": "Tables 1\u20133: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Quantifiable information on reference point Target 26 to 28\u00a0per\u00a0cent below 2005 levels by 2030, implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021\u20132030 Net zero emissions by 2050 Reference year or other starting point Emissions budget for the period 2021\u20132030 Australia\u2019s net emissions in the most recently available year, published in the annual National Inventory Report. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators The indicative value of the emissions budget is 4764\u00a0Mt\u00a0C02-e, corresponding to the 28% target, as published in Australia\u2019s emissions projections 2021." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0d6f2428-fff2-46d0-bbec-ff4cc72bbf9f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 646 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030 the alternative scenario includes: In terms of electric mobility, it includes conservative targets of ENME and the evolution of public transport chosen PIMUS, MIBUS and METRO. Specifically, electric vehicles in 10% in private fleets, 25% in private vehicles, 20% in public transport and 30% in official fleets.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030 the alternative scenario includes: In terms of electric mobility, it includes conservative targets of ENME and the evolution of public transport chosen PIMUS, MIBUS and METRO. Specifically, electric vehicles in 10% in private fleets, 25% in private vehicles, 20% in public transport and 30% in official fleets." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0da2ab0b-fad5-4a47-958b-e0454281078c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 318 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "27 The Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Gender Analysis of NDCs. Draft.\f Table 5: Summary of mitigation measures from the energy sector # Mitigation Measure Reference document % GHG reduction baseline Absolute reduction baseline tonnes) Estimated cost (Million Reduced Transmission and Distribution National Development Strategy Expansion of Solar: 300 MW in 2025 System Development Expansion of microgrids: Additional of 2.098 MW of capacity added through microgrids by 2028 Rural Energy Masterplan 4.1 MW biogas capacity added in 2024 ZERA annual report Energy Efficiency Improvements: Agriculture: 12% savings (2030 compared to baseline scenario); Commercial: 16% savings; Domestic: 22.08% savings; Manufacturing: 18.63% savings; Mining: 8% savings ZERA energy efficiency audit 2% biodiesel in fuel by 2030 Biofuels Policy, Transport fuel economy policy / Fuel efficiency improvement 2025-2030: Motorcycles: 2.2% per year; LDVs: 2.9%/ year; Buses: 2.6%/year; HDVs: 2.5%/year LEDS Public transport.", "inputs": { "text": "27 The Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Gender Analysis of NDCs. Draft.\f Table 5: Summary of mitigation measures from the energy sector # Mitigation Measure Reference document % GHG reduction baseline Absolute reduction baseline tonnes) Estimated cost (Million Reduced Transmission and Distribution National Development Strategy Expansion of Solar: 300 MW in 2025 System Development Expansion of microgrids: Additional of 2.098 MW of capacity added through microgrids by 2028 Rural Energy Masterplan 4.1 MW biogas capacity added in 2024 ZERA annual report Energy Efficiency Improvements: Agriculture: 12% savings (2030 compared to baseline scenario); Commercial: 16% savings; Domestic: 22.08% savings; Manufacturing: 18.63% savings; Mining: 8% savings ZERA energy efficiency audit 2% biodiesel in fuel by 2030 Biofuels Policy, Transport fuel economy policy / Fuel efficiency improvement 2025-2030: Motorcycles: 2.2% per year; LDVs: 2.9%/ year; Buses: 2.6%/year; HDVs: 2.5%/year LEDS Public transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0e24fb53-7758-4831-bcde-168689603c53", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 1036 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Climate Act stipulates that the Netherlands must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Like most other EU Member States, the Netherlands agrees that the EU should be climate neutral by 2050. The Netherlands is committed to the 95% target regardless of any other agreements at the European level. This is currently one of the most ambitious targets for 2050 laid down by law worldwide.", "inputs": { "text": "The Climate Act stipulates that the Netherlands must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Like most other EU Member States, the Netherlands agrees that the EU should be climate neutral by 2050. The Netherlands is committed to the 95% target regardless of any other agreements at the European level. This is currently one of the most ambitious targets for 2050 laid down by law worldwide." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0e552919-0b45-4cb9-a189-00468fb0dfe5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(Transport) \uf0b7 Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric- rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025. Due to this e-vehicle sales target, fossil fuel energy demand for the transportation sector will decrease from approximately 40 million GJ in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario in 2025 to 36 million GJ.", "inputs": { "text": "(Transport) \uf0b7 Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric- rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025. Due to this e-vehicle sales target, fossil fuel energy demand for the transportation sector will decrease from approximately 40 million GJ in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario in 2025 to 36 million GJ." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0e995f0e-83fa-4561-b994-9fb1f99f980f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The combined unconditional and conditional contribution thus represents a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions relative to the OAU in 2030 (of which 19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The table below shows the main levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for emission reductions in 2030. A total of 30 GHG mitigation actions are proposed, classified according to priority sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "The combined unconditional and conditional contribution thus represents a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions relative to the OAU in 2030 (of which 19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The table below shows the main levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for emission reductions in 2030. A total of 30 GHG mitigation actions are proposed, classified according to priority sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0f1bc330-e6c3-403b-94bc-a0c386ecd933", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 496 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Taking into account its negligible emissions and limited resources, as well as the ongoing disruption and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Tonga\u2019s second NDC is nevertheless ambitious and reflects the urgency of the Paris Agreement. Tonga\u2019s targets for mitigation are as follows: \ufffd Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2006 through a transition to 70% renewable electricity as well as energy efficiency measures.", "inputs": { "text": "Taking into account its negligible emissions and limited resources, as well as the ongoing disruption and uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Tonga\u2019s second NDC is nevertheless ambitious and reflects the urgency of the Paris Agreement. Tonga\u2019s targets for mitigation are as follows: \ufffd Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2006 through a transition to 70% renewable electricity as well as energy efficiency measures." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0f25f489-cc97-40b8-aa32-4f98fcd902d6", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 461 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Analysis to inform our Plan was commissioned from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) and McKinsey & Company (McKinsey). This analysis shows that achieving the Technology Investment Roadmap stretch goals, coupled with other emerging global trends like electrification of transport, can reduce Australia s emissions by as much as 85% by 2050. Our Plan, with additional priority technologies over time, will close the gap. We are already making the investments now to achieve this.", "inputs": { "text": "Analysis to inform our Plan was commissioned from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) and McKinsey & Company (McKinsey). This analysis shows that achieving the Technology Investment Roadmap stretch goals, coupled with other emerging global trends like electrification of transport, can reduce Australia s emissions by as much as 85% by 2050. Our Plan, with additional priority technologies over time, will close the gap. We are already making the investments now to achieve this." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0f2a094f-9123-4edf-bae8-a2458f5da468", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 509 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On conditional terms, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make huge efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "On conditional terms, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make huge efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0f4ba99a-6086-443a-acf3-df3ffbe5a781", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 307 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "ENERGY The rationale behind the measures in the energy sector relates to broad actions to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency through various DSM measures, and reduce fossil fuel consumption through a series of measures in the road transportation sector. The salient features are: \uf0b7 Increase share of renewable energy (hydro, solar, wind and biomass) in electricity production from 33% in 2010 to about 70% in 2030; \uf0b7 Implement an energy efficiency programme to reduce consumption by about \uf0b7 Commission of a mass transport system in City of Windhoek to reduce number of cars (taxis and private) by about 40%; \uf0b7 Implement a car pooling system to reduce fossil fuel consumption; and \uf0b7 Improve freight transportation through bulking to reduce the number of light load vehicles by about 20%\f8 These measures are expected to result in a reduction of some 1300 Gg CO2-eq.", "inputs": { "text": "ENERGY The rationale behind the measures in the energy sector relates to broad actions to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency through various DSM measures, and reduce fossil fuel consumption through a series of measures in the road transportation sector. The salient features are: \uf0b7 Increase share of renewable energy (hydro, solar, wind and biomass) in electricity production from 33% in 2010 to about 70% in 2030; \uf0b7 Implement an energy efficiency programme to reduce consumption by about \uf0b7 Commission of a mass transport system in City of Windhoek to reduce number of cars (taxis and private) by about 40%; \uf0b7 Implement a car pooling system to reduce fossil fuel consumption; and \uf0b7 Improve freight transportation through bulking to reduce the number of light load vehicles by about 20%\f8 These measures are expected to result in a reduction of some 1300 Gg CO2-eq." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0f73daa5-6024-4462-b58f-0d4a2d426308", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 909 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- Internal food and nutrition security reports for the cabinet under the National Early Warning Unit as well as the ZimVAC reports up to 2030. - Crop yield assessments by the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. 2.2. Mitigation Contribution of Contribution GHGs, GHG Intensity (Emissions per capita) Energy 5. Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects.", "inputs": { "text": "- Internal food and nutrition security reports for the cabinet under the National Early Warning Unit as well as the ZimVAC reports up to 2030. - Crop yield assessments by the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. 2.2. Mitigation Contribution of Contribution GHGs, GHG Intensity (Emissions per capita) Energy 5. Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0fbb7d5d-7051-45f7-a17e-bd3bc6981423", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 565 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With greater support, Morocco could achieve a 45.5% reduction in emissions compared to the NAP. The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emissions inventory to be reported in the Fourth National Communication. A single target year: 2030. The national GHG inventory is regularly reviewed by the national GHG inventory committee following the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines.", "inputs": { "text": "With greater support, Morocco could achieve a 45.5% reduction in emissions compared to the NAP. The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emissions inventory to be reported in the Fourth National Communication. A single target year: 2030. The national GHG inventory is regularly reviewed by the national GHG inventory committee following the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "0feb4805-02f2-4bea-8d31-5f2ba78d56d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 425 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Therefore, the mitigation options identified in this scenario are expected to reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030. In total, in achieving its unconditional and conditional targets Angola 2JoergenFenhann, UNEP DTU Partnership, e-mail jqfe@dtu.dk\f expects to reduce its emissions trajectory by nearly 50% below the BAU scenario across sectors by 2030. Baseline scenario and projections of Unconditional and Conditional mitigation scenarios for Angola Emissions \u2013 BAU scenario (ktCO2e) Emissions - Unconditional scenario Emissions - Conditional scenario *From the baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Therefore, the mitigation options identified in this scenario are expected to reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030. In total, in achieving its unconditional and conditional targets Angola 2JoergenFenhann, UNEP DTU Partnership, e-mail jqfe@dtu.dk\f expects to reduce its emissions trajectory by nearly 50% below the BAU scenario across sectors by 2030. Baseline scenario and projections of Unconditional and Conditional mitigation scenarios for Angola Emissions \u2013 BAU scenario (ktCO2e) Emissions - Unconditional scenario Emissions - Conditional scenario *From the baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "100d398b-2113-4051-8a52-e569d80e486f", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824606, "metrics": { "text_length": 605 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an [\u2026] unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. [\u2026] The updated target presented in this NDC is 58 MtCO2e, which corresponds to a reduction of 23 MtCO2e or 29% in Israel' s total emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an [\u2026] unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. [\u2026] The updated target presented in this NDC is 58 MtCO2e, which corresponds to a reduction of 23 MtCO2e or 29% in Israel' s total emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "10241f17-0df2-4882-a718-f5862a1feea3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 291 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under LCCP, the emission will decrease rapidly after 2030 reaching 540 Mton CO2e in 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita. INDONESIA LONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR LOW CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE 2050 (INDONESIA LTS-LCCR 2050)\f- CPOS TRNS LCCP Emission (Mton CO2e) Waste IPPU FOLU Agriculture Energy Net emiss. Figure 5.", "inputs": { "text": "Under LCCP, the emission will decrease rapidly after 2030 reaching 540 Mton CO2e in 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita. INDONESIA LONG-TERM STRATEGY FOR LOW CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE 2050 (INDONESIA LTS-LCCR 2050)\f- CPOS TRNS LCCP Emission (Mton CO2e) Waste IPPU FOLU Agriculture Energy Net emiss. Figure 5." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "10930ab5-05f0-4d71-82fa-64145a37feac", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 330 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The GoP has taken a series of major initiatives as outlined in chapters 4 and 5. Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious conditional target of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with 15% from the country\u2019s own resources and 35% subject to provision of international grant \ufb01nance that would require USD 101 billion just for energy transition. 7.1 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS Addressing the Global Climate Summit at the United Nations in December 2020, the Prime Minister of Pakistan made an announcement to reduce future GHG emissions on a high priority basis if international \ufb01nancial and technical resources were made available: MITIGATION: 1.", "inputs": { "text": "The GoP has taken a series of major initiatives as outlined in chapters 4 and 5. Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious conditional target of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with 15% from the country\u2019s own resources and 35% subject to provision of international grant \ufb01nance that would require USD 101 billion just for energy transition. 7.1 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS Addressing the Global Climate Summit at the United Nations in December 2020, the Prime Minister of Pakistan made an announcement to reduce future GHG emissions on a high priority basis if international \ufb01nancial and technical resources were made available: MITIGATION: 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "10afcdcc-dd33-40a1-b34a-14e52317dbe9", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 676 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "20% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. 3. A 10% reduction in power demand through energy- efficiency in 2030 compared to the demand under the BAU scenario. 1. A GHG emission reduction of 31% compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030 (amounting to 12,075 Gg. CO2eq.). 2. 30% of the power demand (i.e. electricity demand) and 16.5% of the heat demand (in the building sector) in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. 3.", "inputs": { "text": "20% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. 3. A 10% reduction in power demand through energy- efficiency in 2030 compared to the demand under the BAU scenario. 1. A GHG emission reduction of 31% compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030 (amounting to 12,075 Gg. CO2eq.). 2. 30% of the power demand (i.e. electricity demand) and 16.5% of the heat demand (in the building sector) in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "10f8b5b0-5ebe-4e82-9069-fb51dfa47cd9", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 485 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Links to other mitigation sectors: Human Settlements for urban planning. TONGA LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2021-2050 3 KEY LONG-TERM CLIMATE ACTIONS TONGA LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2021-2050 3 KEY LONG-TERM CLIMATE ACTIONS\fTRANSPORT Public adoption of 50 percent electric vehicles (EVs). GHG emission reduction potential: Medium to high, depending on percentage of electricity derived from renewables to charge EVs. Description: Tongatapu is a very well suited location for EVs, it has the population, it is flat, only 60 and 30km in each direction.", "inputs": { "text": "Links to other mitigation sectors: Human Settlements for urban planning. TONGA LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2021-2050 3 KEY LONG-TERM CLIMATE ACTIONS TONGA LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2021-2050 3 KEY LONG-TERM CLIMATE ACTIONS\fTRANSPORT Public adoption of 50 percent electric vehicles (EVs). GHG emission reduction potential: Medium to high, depending on percentage of electricity derived from renewables to charge EVs. Description: Tongatapu is a very well suited location for EVs, it has the population, it is flat, only 60 and 30km in each direction." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1108cc01-7397-4942-8cb6-1bfe11796569", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 563 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It provides information on national circumstances, mitigation and adaptation measures and actions that need to be taken to achieve this goal. The Republic of Uzbekistan has increased its commitments in the updated natio nally determined contribution (NDC) and intends to reduce specific gree nhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010 instead of 10% specified in the NDC1.", "inputs": { "text": "It provides information on national circumstances, mitigation and adaptation measures and actions that need to be taken to achieve this goal. The Republic of Uzbekistan has increased its commitments in the updated natio nally determined contribution (NDC) and intends to reduce specific gree nhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010 instead of 10% specified in the NDC1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "112b4388-4c68-4dd7-99c1-35c177545018", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 405 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss NDC are included in this communication. Long-term: Switzerland aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used. The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss NDC are included in this communication. Long-term: Switzerland aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "113ec811-d5d2-4039-b960-c1a0f7880ce4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 418 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Adopt TOD friendly building control rules by 2025. TOD reduces motorised travel demand by 5% in 2050. BRT \u2013 Bus Rapid Transit Road: Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 101 km of BRT in GKMA in 2030.18 Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling.", "inputs": { "text": "Adopt TOD friendly building control rules by 2025. TOD reduces motorised travel demand by 5% in 2050. BRT \u2013 Bus Rapid Transit Road: Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 101 km of BRT in GKMA in 2030.18 Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "114b6f78-af05-4772-a913-44b18fa358a1", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 483 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Although Uruguay contributes a very low percentage of total global greenhouse gas emissions, efforts to promote low-carbon development have always been present in the country's climate change policy and instruments and this is no exception.", "inputs": { "text": "Although Uruguay contributes a very low percentage of total global greenhouse gas emissions, efforts to promote low-carbon development have always been present in the country's climate change policy and instruments and this is no exception." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "119b31c4-430d-486d-a5ec-8d418773c951", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 240 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "At its core, this requires electrifying most vehicles to run on ever-cleaner electricity and shifting to low-carbon or carbon-free biofuels and hydrogen in applications like long-distance shipping and aviation. To support this outcome, the United States set a goal for half of all new light-duty cars sold in 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, and to accelerate deployment and reduce costs in every mode of transportation.", "inputs": { "text": "At its core, this requires electrifying most vehicles to run on ever-cleaner electricity and shifting to low-carbon or carbon-free biofuels and hydrogen in applications like long-distance shipping and aviation. To support this outcome, the United States set a goal for half of all new light-duty cars sold in 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, and to accelerate deployment and reduce costs in every mode of transportation." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "11aa73d1-3d1d-4bd3-b425-076c77a0fff1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 489 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances a How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances In its NDC the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This requires the fastest rate of reduction in greenhouse gases between 1990 and 2030 of all major economies.", "inputs": { "text": "How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances a How the Party considers that its NDC is fair and ambitious in the light of its national circumstances In its NDC the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This requires the fastest rate of reduction in greenhouse gases between 1990 and 2030 of all major economies." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "12aacbd7-2209-4091-ba98-0b132fa6e2ea", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 440 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3. Nationally Determined Contribution and National Development Ghana anticipates that the updated nationally determined contribution will play a key role in achieving the long-term national development objectives for the country and the global sustainable development goals.", "inputs": { "text": "Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3. Nationally Determined Contribution and National Development Ghana anticipates that the updated nationally determined contribution will play a key role in achieving the long-term national development objectives for the country and the global sustainable development goals." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "12aba1dc-3a6c-45ae-acbc-42b92645dbae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the urban areas, emphasis will be on (i) expansive adoption of mass transit system such as the Rail and Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) to reduce number of commuter vehicles on the road and curb emission; and (ii) encouraging the acquisition and use of zero-emission vehicles such as electric cars. The long-term vision in the transport sector that can move the country toward carbon neutrality is a national transportation system by 2050 with all having access to a range of affordable transportation choices in which not more than 50% of all journeys are by cars, at least 40% of all journeys are by public transport (including trains and BRT) and at least 10% of all journeys are by active travel (e. g. cycling, walking) to generate little to no GHG, keep the air clean, reduce vehicle distance traveled while increasing access and grow the economy.", "inputs": { "text": "In the urban areas, emphasis will be on (i) expansive adoption of mass transit system such as the Rail and Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) to reduce number of commuter vehicles on the road and curb emission; and (ii) encouraging the acquisition and use of zero-emission vehicles such as electric cars. The long-term vision in the transport sector that can move the country toward carbon neutrality is a national transportation system by 2050 with all having access to a range of affordable transportation choices in which not more than 50% of all journeys are by cars, at least 40% of all journeys are by public transport (including trains and BRT) and at least 10% of all journeys are by active travel (e. g. cycling, walking) to generate little to no GHG, keep the air clean, reduce vehicle distance traveled while increasing access and grow the economy." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "12ce681e-a187-44e0-9015-d3c411e27b0d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 851 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To support this outcome, the United States set a goal for half of all new light-duty cars sold in 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, and to accelerate deployment and reduce costs in every mode of transportation. This will occur through lower vehicle costs; fuel economy and emissions standards in light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; incentives for zero- emission vehicles and clean fuels; investment in a new charging infrastructure to support multi-unit dwellings, public charging, and long-distance travel; scaling up biorefineries; comprehensive innovation investments to reduce hydrogen costs; and investment in infrastructure that supports all modes of clean transportation\u2014such as transit, rail, biking, micro mobility, and pedestrian options.", "inputs": { "text": "To support this outcome, the United States set a goal for half of all new light-duty cars sold in 2030 to be zero-emission vehicles, to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel by 2030, and to accelerate deployment and reduce costs in every mode of transportation. This will occur through lower vehicle costs; fuel economy and emissions standards in light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; incentives for zero- emission vehicles and clean fuels; investment in a new charging infrastructure to support multi-unit dwellings, public charging, and long-distance travel; scaling up biorefineries; comprehensive innovation investments to reduce hydrogen costs; and investment in infrastructure that supports all modes of clean transportation\u2014such as transit, rail, biking, micro mobility, and pedestrian options." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "134ac5f9-5fbb-40e9-9c25-4f9addccd104", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 821 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These actions amount to 4.0%7 of GHG emissions reduction with respective to BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. Conditional policy responses require external support including financing, technology transfer, and capacity building. Many conditional NDCs are constrained by their lack of market readiness (economic viability) and immaturity of the technology. Conditional NDCs form the majority of the actions described in the following sectors. These actions are important for long-term course-change in key sectors; \u2013power, transport, industry, waste, forestry, agriculture & livestock- towards low-carbon pathways.", "inputs": { "text": "These actions amount to 4.0%7 of GHG emissions reduction with respective to BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. Conditional policy responses require external support including financing, technology transfer, and capacity building. Many conditional NDCs are constrained by their lack of market readiness (economic viability) and immaturity of the technology. Conditional NDCs form the majority of the actions described in the following sectors. These actions are important for long-term course-change in key sectors; \u2013power, transport, industry, waste, forestry, agriculture & livestock- towards low-carbon pathways." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "13a7eeac-d34f-42df-a9c3-7ce6b4233f2f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 619 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Based on modelling results, the results of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, the foreseen socio-economic benefits and the need to adapt to changed climatic conditions, the general objective of the Strategy is: Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of Republic of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "Based on modelling results, the results of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, the foreseen socio-economic benefits and the need to adapt to changed climatic conditions, the general objective of the Strategy is: Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of Republic of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "13d3e4f9-f66c-4a07-9e74-991095e6ce5f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 581 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "those not served by the grid) Percentage of population with stable access to electricity from alternative off-grid renewable energy (RE) technologies Number of unstable and unreliable diesel-based standalone generator systems Percentage of increased renewable energy contribution Percentage of reduced total electricity waste in transmission and distribution systems Percentage improvement in private sector contribution in energy generation and distribution none Number of green jobs created in the Energy sector To be established To be established Number of capacity building interventions for actors across renewable energy value chain To be established To be established Percentage increase in women and youth participation in RE development and utilisation To be established To be established UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION Adaptation intervention (Commitment) SECTOR: TRANSPORT Build sustainable transport systems for resilience through enhanced access to mobility Length of non-motorised transport infrastructure constructed Number of cities/ towns (above 50k residents) with dedicated non-motorised transport lanes (for bicycles)", "inputs": { "text": "those not served by the grid) Percentage of population with stable access to electricity from alternative off-grid renewable energy (RE) technologies Number of unstable and unreliable diesel-based standalone generator systems Percentage of increased renewable energy contribution Percentage of reduced total electricity waste in transmission and distribution systems Percentage improvement in private sector contribution in energy generation and distribution none Number of green jobs created in the Energy sector To be established To be established Number of capacity building interventions for actors across renewable energy value chain To be established To be established Percentage increase in women and youth participation in RE development and utilisation To be established To be established UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION Adaptation intervention (Commitment) SECTOR: TRANSPORT Build sustainable transport systems for resilience through enhanced access to mobility Length of non-motorised transport infrastructure constructed Number of cities/ towns (above 50k residents) with dedicated non-motorised transport lanes (for bicycles)" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "14f1eb77-95b8-4761-aec6-d6c32464a709", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 1149 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation N\u00ba2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels. This commitment will be implemented primarily through national policies focused on air quality. In addi- tion, it will be monitored through permanent and periodic work to improve information available in the black carbon inventory.", "inputs": { "text": "En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation N\u00ba2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels. This commitment will be implemented primarily through national policies focused on air quality. In addi- tion, it will be monitored through permanent and periodic work to improve information available in the black carbon inventory." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "15479074-14fc-4f6d-9669-b7f7bc0c02bc", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 402 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Indonesia can increase its contribution up to 43.20% reduction of emissions in 2030 conditionally, compared to 41% in the 1st NDC, subject to availability of international support for finance, technology transfer and development and capacity building. 4.2 . S COP E A N D COVERAG E Type Emission reduction relative to Business As Usual (BAU) baseline. Baseline BAU scenarios of emission projection started in 2010.", "inputs": { "text": "Indonesia can increase its contribution up to 43.20% reduction of emissions in 2030 conditionally, compared to 41% in the 1st NDC, subject to availability of international support for finance, technology transfer and development and capacity building. 4.2 . S COP E A N D COVERAG E Type Emission reduction relative to Business As Usual (BAU) baseline. Baseline BAU scenarios of emission projection started in 2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "15af42a4-82d3-450f-a58a-b52d65665146", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 416 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss NDC are included in this communication. Long-term: Switzerland aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. This target lays the foundations for Switzerland\u2019s 2050 climate strategy, which is to be transmitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat within a few weeks of this submission. A) Information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions (4/CMA.1, Annex I). 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a base year):.", "inputs": { "text": "The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss NDC are included in this communication. Long-term: Switzerland aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. This target lays the foundations for Switzerland\u2019s 2050 climate strategy, which is to be transmitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat within a few weeks of this submission. A) Information necessary for clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions (4/CMA.1, Annex I). 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a base year):." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "15de6b46-4a03-4ae1-be82-d75e5e070595", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 566 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emissions will be also reduced by more moderate use of electric vehicles, increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles and higher penetration of compressed natural gas (CNG) for interregional buses and for trucks. Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Emissions will be also reduced by more moderate use of electric vehicles, increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles and higher penetration of compressed natural gas (CNG) for interregional buses and for trucks. Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "16077d02-64f1-4e9b-9c85-fca2450eeca2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 372 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional reduction in emissions from a BAU scenario and beyond base year Unconditional reduction in emissions from a BAU scenario and beyond base year Base year Period of Implementation Gas Covered Sectors Covered All sectors (IPCC 2006) - Energy (electricity generation, domestic fuels, energy efficiency, transportation) - Industrial Processes, - Waste, - AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use) Emission Inventory Methodology: IPCC 2006 Sectoral Targets Energy: Unconditional Target 7.6 and 10%, Conditional Target Agriculture Unconditional Target 1.72 and 2.36% Conditional Target Waste Unconditional Target 10.99 and 11% Conditional Target Industrial Processes and Product Use Unconditional Target 0% Conditional Target Aggregation of Sectoral Targets Unconditional Target 5 and 7% GHG emission reductions in 2025 and 2030 respectively Conditional Target 23.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional reduction in emissions from a BAU scenario and beyond base year Unconditional reduction in emissions from a BAU scenario and beyond base year Base year Period of Implementation Gas Covered Sectors Covered All sectors (IPCC 2006) - Energy (electricity generation, domestic fuels, energy efficiency, transportation) - Industrial Processes, - Waste, - AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use) Emission Inventory Methodology: IPCC 2006 Sectoral Targets Energy: Unconditional Target 7.6 and 10%, Conditional Target Agriculture Unconditional Target 1.72 and 2.36% Conditional Target Waste Unconditional Target 10.99 and 11% Conditional Target Industrial Processes and Product Use Unconditional Target 0% Conditional Target Aggregation of Sectoral Targets Unconditional Target 5 and 7% GHG emission reductions in 2025 and 2030 respectively Conditional Target 23." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "169917cc-fc8f-472d-823f-f261a2f8265a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 870 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions and values of conservation and moderation. 2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic development. 3. To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level. 4.", "inputs": { "text": "To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions and values of conservation and moderation. 2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic development. 3. To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level. 4." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "16b22c99-d33c-4fe5-bb9b-ed114f6186b0", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 374 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including", "inputs": { "text": "Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "17028716-0b9e-49db-a83b-f75bb8740e60", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 1077 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3.", "inputs": { "text": "For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 MtCO2e by 2025 and 39.4 MtCO2e by 2030 if financial support from the international and private sector is made available to cover the full cost for implementation. 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "170c5dc7-ae3b-4ca9-adee-dee94cdfe4f4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 530 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 75 km of fully electrified passenger metro rail by 2040. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion 15 Bus system planned by KCCA in collaboration with Metu Zhongtong. 16 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018). Multi-Modal Urban Transport Master Plan for Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA): Final Report. Section C-3. 17 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018).", "inputs": { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 75 km of fully electrified passenger metro rail by 2040. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion 15 Bus system planned by KCCA in collaboration with Metu Zhongtong. 16 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018). Multi-Modal Urban Transport Master Plan for Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA): Final Report. Section C-3. 17 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "171d3377-f6e4-4344-b748-cdcab85e962c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 520 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The positive abatement revenues indicate the potential priority projects with short term returns while; the negative abatement revenues have long term returns yet projects have substantial CO2eq emission reduction. Trajectory Objective Towards 2030 The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010.", "inputs": { "text": "The positive abatement revenues indicate the potential priority projects with short term returns while; the negative abatement revenues have long term returns yet projects have substantial CO2eq emission reduction. Trajectory Objective Towards 2030 The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "17e1cf8a-a8a6-4d3d-8dd7-654d96e697fc", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 442 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", "inputs": { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "18473b74-86ba-4987-a9c5-55183a9b56d7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 958 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Take forward our pledge to end the sale of all new, non-zero emission road vehicles by 2040, from motorcycles to buses and HGVs, subject to consultation. \u2022 Ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network is reliable, accessible, and meets the demands of all motorists. Later this year, we will publish an EV infrastructure strategy, setting out our vision for infrastructure rollout, and roles for the public and private sectors in achieving it.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Take forward our pledge to end the sale of all new, non-zero emission road vehicles by 2040, from motorcycles to buses and HGVs, subject to consultation. \u2022 Ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network is reliable, accessible, and meets the demands of all motorists. Later this year, we will publish an EV infrastructure strategy, setting out our vision for infrastructure rollout, and roles for the public and private sectors in achieving it." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "18b4c118-a3bf-4ed0-80a2-225190a9085b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 447 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Therefore, the objective of this Long-Term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the PEF or Strategy) is to articulate a coherent and integrated response to the climate crisis, which takes advantage of the opportunities for the modernisation and competitiveness of our economy and is socially just and inclusive.", "inputs": { "text": "Therefore, the objective of this Long-Term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the PEF or Strategy) is to articulate a coherent and integrated response to the climate crisis, which takes advantage of the opportunities for the modernisation and competitiveness of our economy and is socially just and inclusive." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "18e8ecd0-ac64-4685-b1bc-76631de58945", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 311 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In order to make comparisons with the first and the second NDC and changes in the greenhouse gases (hereinafter: GHG), the GHG emission is expressed compared to 1990. Projections reference year: 2015 (b) Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year; Further quantifiable information on the reference indicators are available in the National GHG Inventories (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, as percentage or amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 -", "inputs": { "text": "In order to make comparisons with the first and the second NDC and changes in the greenhouse gases (hereinafter: GHG), the GHG emission is expressed compared to 1990. Projections reference year: 2015 (b) Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year; Further quantifiable information on the reference indicators are available in the National GHG Inventories (c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, as percentage or amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 -" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "193be82e-7566-4d9b-8958-3f32c246cc2c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 1006 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Buildings Transport Industry Agriculture Waste Synthetic Gases International Aviation and Shipping\f Figure 6: Development of the greenhouse gas footprint based on Swiss final demand from 2000 to 2017, broken down by domestic and import-related emissions (emissions related to exported goods and services are not in- cluded). Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero).", "inputs": { "text": "Buildings Transport Industry Agriculture Waste Synthetic Gases International Aviation and Shipping\f Figure 6: Development of the greenhouse gas footprint based on Swiss final demand from 2000 to 2017, broken down by domestic and import-related emissions (emissions related to exported goods and services are not in- cluded). Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1958e020-2fcd-491d-913f-ca3ec514540c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 732 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990. The EU and its Member States have already reduced their emissions by around 19% on 1990 levels while GDP has grown by more than 44% over the same period.", "inputs": { "text": "It is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990. The EU and its Member States have already reduced their emissions by around 19% on 1990 levels while GDP has grown by more than 44% over the same period." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "195f93af-1a35-4aa4-b54e-991ccddbe507", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 454 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Accelerating our efTorts to mobilise investments into climate actions. In this regard. Ghana has developed 19 policy actions in 10 priority areas to achieve nationally determined contribution goals in the next decade. The l9 policl, actions translate into l3 adaptation and 34 mitigation programmes of action. Ghana expects that implernenting the l9 policy actions will achieve the following by 2030: a. Generate absolute greenhourse gas errissioli reductions of 64 MtCO:e. b.", "inputs": { "text": "Accelerating our efTorts to mobilise investments into climate actions. In this regard. Ghana has developed 19 policy actions in 10 priority areas to achieve nationally determined contribution goals in the next decade. The l9 policl, actions translate into l3 adaptation and 34 mitigation programmes of action. Ghana expects that implernenting the l9 policy actions will achieve the following by 2030: a. Generate absolute greenhourse gas errissioli reductions of 64 MtCO:e. b." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "196cb33a-1707-43f5-b163-3ad15caf04f9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 476 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "New Zealand commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. \f Time period Type of commitment Absolute reduction target managed using a carbon budget. Target reference year \uf0b7 Energy \uf0b7 Industrial processes and product use \uf0b7 Agriculture \uf0b7 Forestry and other land use \uf0b7 Waste and all greenhouse gases: \uf0b7 \uf0b7 HFCs \uf0b7 \uf0b7 \uf0b7 PFCs \uf0b7 \uf0b7 Methodological approaches for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals This NDC applies 100 year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) from the IPCC 4th assessment report, and methodologies from the IPCC 2006 greenhouse gas inventory guidelines and the 2013 IPCC KP Supplement.", "inputs": { "text": "New Zealand commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. \f Time period Type of commitment Absolute reduction target managed using a carbon budget. Target reference year \uf0b7 Energy \uf0b7 Industrial processes and product use \uf0b7 Agriculture \uf0b7 Forestry and other land use \uf0b7 Waste and all greenhouse gases: \uf0b7 \uf0b7 HFCs \uf0b7 \uf0b7 \uf0b7 PFCs \uf0b7 \uf0b7 Methodological approaches for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals This NDC applies 100 year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) from the IPCC 4th assessment report, and methodologies from the IPCC 2006 greenhouse gas inventory guidelines and the 2013 IPCC KP Supplement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1995e5fc-e7f2-4004-980a-c3b5dcb061b4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 647 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation. BAU and NDC target scenarios The BAU scenario starts in the year 2019 and considers mitigation measures implemented by the State of Qatar until the end of 2019. The NDC target scenario represents a deviation from the BAU, accounting for implemented and planned measures for the period 2020- 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation. BAU and NDC target scenarios The BAU scenario starts in the year 2019 and considers mitigation measures implemented by the State of Qatar until the end of 2019. The NDC target scenario represents a deviation from the BAU, accounting for implemented and planned measures for the period 2020- 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "199f023c-e8e4-4aee-a8ae-66dbd88356f0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\uf0b7 By 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods. \f (Residential cooking and biogas) \uf0b7 By 2030, ensure 25% of households use electric stoves as their primary mode of cooking. \uf0b7 By 2025, install 500,000 improved cookstoves, specifically in rural areas. \uf0b7 By 2025, install an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants (institutional/industrial/ municipal/community). These three combined targets can reduce emissions from approximately 1,999 Gg CO2 eq.", "inputs": { "text": "\uf0b7 By 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods. \f (Residential cooking and biogas) \uf0b7 By 2030, ensure 25% of households use electric stoves as their primary mode of cooking. \uf0b7 By 2025, install 500,000 improved cookstoves, specifically in rural areas. \uf0b7 By 2025, install an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants (institutional/industrial/ municipal/community). These three combined targets can reduce emissions from approximately 1,999 Gg CO2 eq." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "19b5bdd4-e130-4bfb-8051-8366c10c4ff7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 553 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(15) Conducting a survey on improved stove penetration rates, gas cooking equipment and household energy consumption (whole country). 100 %. 0,35. 0 %. 0. 0,35. (16) performing tests to verify the performance of different improved stoves distributed by different actors. 100 %. 0,05. 0 %. 0. 0,05. (17) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the vehicle fleet by data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. 100 %. 0,10. 0 %. 0. 0,10.", "inputs": { "text": "(15) Conducting a survey on improved stove penetration rates, gas cooking equipment and household energy consumption (whole country). 100 %. 0,35. 0 %. 0. 0,35. (16) performing tests to verify the performance of different improved stoves distributed by different actors. 100 %. 0,05. 0 %. 0. 0,05. (17) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the vehicle fleet by data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. 100 %. 0,10. 0 %. 0. 0,10." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "19dc94b3-8e9c-4714-905d-21dd4185099c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 510 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "the objective of this Long-Term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the LTS or Strategy) is to articulate a coherent and integrated response to the climate crisis, taking advantage of the opportunities for the modernisation and competitiveness of our economy and being socially just and inclusive.", "inputs": { "text": "the objective of this Long-Term Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the LTS or Strategy) is to articulate a coherent and integrated response to the climate crisis, taking advantage of the opportunities for the modernisation and competitiveness of our economy and being socially just and inclusive." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1a01fda0-abb7-4309-a381-1971291e4686", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 298 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional reduction of 1196 ktCO2e, representing a reduction of 6.32% from the baseline scenario. b. Sectors, gases, categories and basins covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the IPCC Guidelines. The NCD covers all anthropogenic emissions and removals from all sectors of the economy All sectors of the IPCC Guidelines covered by the national GHG inventory, namely Energy, Agriculture, Land Use, Waste, Coal Production and Biomass, are taken into account.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional reduction of 1196 ktCO2e, representing a reduction of 6.32% from the baseline scenario. b. Sectors, gases, categories and basins covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the IPCC Guidelines. The NCD covers all anthropogenic emissions and removals from all sectors of the economy All sectors of the IPCC Guidelines covered by the national GHG inventory, namely Energy, Agriculture, Land Use, Waste, Coal Production and Biomass, are taken into account." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1a613be0-8388-4f7d-b4a4-dff58f9316e4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 523 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Trinidad and Tobago s Mitigation Contribution Mitigation Objectives Unconditional: 30% reduction in GHG emissions by December 31, 2030 in the public transportation sector compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario (reference year 2013).1 Conditional: Additional reduction achievable under certain conditions which would bring the total GHG reduction to 15% below BAU emission levels by December 31, 2030. Financial Requirements: The estimated cost of achieving the reduction objectives is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international climate financing including through the Green Climate Fund.", "inputs": { "text": "Trinidad and Tobago s Mitigation Contribution Mitigation Objectives Unconditional: 30% reduction in GHG emissions by December 31, 2030 in the public transportation sector compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario (reference year 2013).1 Conditional: Additional reduction achievable under certain conditions which would bring the total GHG reduction to 15% below BAU emission levels by December 31, 2030. Financial Requirements: The estimated cost of achieving the reduction objectives is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international climate financing including through the Green Climate Fund." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1a748171-6cbf-46db-8335-bdba9ed0b0f2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 739 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "1% per year increase in alternative fuel use for all road vehicles - 60% of the increase comes from natural gas. - 20% from ethanol (E10). - 20% from biodiesel. Introduction of at least 200 e-buses in GKMA in Development of Non- Motorized Transport (NMT) infrastructure Road: Walking accounts for 2015 passenger KM (PKM) Motorised: 66,715 million Non-motorised: 78,318 million 100 km of complete streets or dedicated NMT corridors, constructed in greater Kampala area in 2030 leading to 10% shift in PKM by mode from other passenger modes.", "inputs": { "text": "1% per year increase in alternative fuel use for all road vehicles - 60% of the increase comes from natural gas. - 20% from ethanol (E10). - 20% from biodiesel. Introduction of at least 200 e-buses in GKMA in Development of Non- Motorized Transport (NMT) infrastructure Road: Walking accounts for 2015 passenger KM (PKM) Motorised: 66,715 million Non-motorised: 78,318 million 100 km of complete streets or dedicated NMT corridors, constructed in greater Kampala area in 2030 leading to 10% shift in PKM by mode from other passenger modes." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1a7df1f0-ab28-49d5-8c01-cdc8c4568414", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 540 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In terms of mitigation Morocco\u2019s global updated target represents a reduction in its economy\u2019s GHG emissions of 45.5% by 2030, including an unconditional target of 18.3% compared to the baseline scenario, which corresponds to a change in emissions according to the \u2018normal course of business\u2019 (CNA). The mitigation scenario leading to the global target is based on 34 unconditional measures and 27 measures conditional on international financing.", "inputs": { "text": "In terms of mitigation Morocco\u2019s global updated target represents a reduction in its economy\u2019s GHG emissions of 45.5% by 2030, including an unconditional target of 18.3% compared to the baseline scenario, which corresponds to a change in emissions according to the \u2018normal course of business\u2019 (CNA). The mitigation scenario leading to the global target is based on 34 unconditional measures and 27 measures conditional on international financing." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1a8ac995-7731-4e95-bc6a-3a238d5b9b76", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 446 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans. Basic consumption and activity data obtained from Annual reports of the ministries, national entities and Department of Statistics. Population and GDP: Department of Statistics (DOS) and MoPIC. Default emission factors reported in 2006 IPCC guidelines. Consultation with sectoral national experts. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans. Basic consumption and activity data obtained from Annual reports of the ministries, national entities and Department of Statistics. Population and GDP: Department of Statistics (DOS) and MoPIC. Default emission factors reported in 2006 IPCC guidelines. Consultation with sectoral national experts. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1b1dad0f-99ad-4702-8a84-bc5d7c9e2541", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 596 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Study, experiment and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable mobility: promoting imports and encouraging electric mobility, gas conversion, biofuel (ethanol) Conditional objective Implementation of the ban on cars over 8 years old (ECOWAS standard) by 2022, i.e. 500 000 Implementation of the integrated scenario of the Conakry PDU: - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line; - A 33.5 km long Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line.", "inputs": { "text": "Study, experiment and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable mobility: promoting imports and encouraging electric mobility, gas conversion, biofuel (ethanol) Conditional objective Implementation of the ban on cars over 8 years old (ECOWAS standard) by 2022, i.e. 500 000 Implementation of the integrated scenario of the Conakry PDU: - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line; - A 33.5 km long Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1bc83c5b-aa6f-46c5-914b-d02117b3bacf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 442 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The results of the INGEI, compiled from April 2021 to March 2021, were a progressive increase in GHG emissions, taking into account that Equatorial Guinea's ambition in the first NDC was to reduce emissions by 20% by 2030, with the goal of achieving 50% by 2050, with reference to 2010.", "inputs": { "text": "The results of the INGEI, compiled from April 2021 to March 2021, were a progressive increase in GHG emissions, taking into account that Equatorial Guinea's ambition in the first NDC was to reduce emissions by 20% by 2030, with the goal of achieving 50% by 2050, with reference to 2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1bd46484-83cc-40d4-bc45-0a48b881bde7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 286 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Intendent Nationally Determined Contribution, tentatively announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, accounting for the maximum possible absorption capacity forests. This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of removals and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "The Intendent Nationally Determined Contribution, tentatively announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, accounting for the maximum possible absorption capacity forests. This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of removals and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1be2a3e8-3813-4ea8-b27f-d1259f355cfb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 504 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Possible emission reduction actions have been identified in each sector, which are to be implemented during the period of 2020 to 2030. NDCs for Mitigation intends to reduce the GHG emissions against BAU scenario by 20% in the energy sector (4% unconditionally and 16% conditionally) and by 10% in other sectors (transport, industry, forests and waste) by 3% unconditionally and 7% conditionally by 2030. 5.1. Energy Sector-Electricity generation Sri Lanka has realized almost 100% electrification through the national grid.", "inputs": { "text": "Possible emission reduction actions have been identified in each sector, which are to be implemented during the period of 2020 to 2030. NDCs for Mitigation intends to reduce the GHG emissions against BAU scenario by 20% in the energy sector (4% unconditionally and 16% conditionally) and by 10% in other sectors (transport, industry, forests and waste) by 3% unconditionally and 7% conditionally by 2030. 5.1. Energy Sector-Electricity generation Sri Lanka has realized almost 100% electrification through the national grid." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1be7a7c1-3c77-4732-ace2-b668ca3b280f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 524 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Greater provision of walking and cycling routes to and from stations, and supporting infrastructure, will be introduced to support healthier greener journeys. Great British Railways will encourage more rail freight by providing the right conditions for industry growth, with better coordination, modern contracts, and new safeguards. Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fCars, vans, motorcycles, and scooters 26. We will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Greater provision of walking and cycling routes to and from stations, and supporting infrastructure, will be introduced to support healthier greener journeys. Great British Railways will encourage more rail freight by providing the right conditions for industry growth, with better coordination, modern contracts, and new safeguards. Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fCars, vans, motorcycles, and scooters 26. We will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1c22d2bc-b47e-4709-9c50-f558d99f8cbb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 494 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Target relative to the reference indicator Republic of Moldova is committed to an unconditional target of 70 per cent reduction of its net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as compared to 1990 levels, instead of 64-67 per cent committed in NDC1.", "inputs": { "text": "Target relative to the reference indicator Republic of Moldova is committed to an unconditional target of 70 per cent reduction of its net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 as compared to 1990 levels, instead of 64-67 per cent committed in NDC1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1c2b8e92-1404-41ad-9c42-d9f0caa36454", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 244 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this background, conditional NDCs have been framed around an analysis that presents the country\u2019s commitment to maintaining its trajectory of low-emission growth with international financial and technical assistance. These conditional NDC actions account for additional 10.5%7 of GHG emissions reduction respective to the BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. 4.3 Implementing and Monitoring Mitigation NDCs NDCs will be \u2018projectized\u2019 into fundable actions and further developed for private sector investments, public financing through the Government\u2019s budget or through international funding agencies by developing proposals for climate financing.", "inputs": { "text": "In this background, conditional NDCs have been framed around an analysis that presents the country\u2019s commitment to maintaining its trajectory of low-emission growth with international financial and technical assistance. These conditional NDC actions account for additional 10.5%7 of GHG emissions reduction respective to the BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. 4.3 Implementing and Monitoring Mitigation NDCs NDCs will be \u2018projectized\u2019 into fundable actions and further developed for private sector investments, public financing through the Government\u2019s budget or through international funding agencies by developing proposals for climate financing." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1c4da9c7-1740-4eb8-868d-4b58f63c4001", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 653 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The NDC revision process incorporated impacts of COVID-19 on emissions trends and macroeconomic parameters, including GDP, which fed into the updated baseline. Emission reduction target The INDC emission reduction target was a 33% reduction in energy-related emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, energy-related emissions per capita were projected to be 2.21 tCO2eq in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The NDC revision process incorporated impacts of COVID-19 on emissions trends and macroeconomic parameters, including GDP, which fed into the updated baseline. Emission reduction target The INDC emission reduction target was a 33% reduction in energy-related emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, energy-related emissions per capita were projected to be 2.21 tCO2eq in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1c7bc7d1-1f18-4d0f-8bd3-542863b59f59", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 448 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The commitment shows progress in emissions reduction comparing to the previous INDC. Moreover, it ensures a low greenhouse gas development that does not threaten Ukraine\u2019s food production and that the Ukrainian economy can develop in a sustainable manner. How the NDC contributes towards Article paragraph 1(a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. Ukraine\u2019s NDC is consistent with a trajectory to achieve net zero GHG emissions not later than 2060.", "inputs": { "text": "The commitment shows progress in emissions reduction comparing to the previous INDC. Moreover, it ensures a low greenhouse gas development that does not threaten Ukraine\u2019s food production and that the Ukrainian economy can develop in a sustainable manner. How the NDC contributes towards Article paragraph 1(a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. Ukraine\u2019s NDC is consistent with a trajectory to achieve net zero GHG emissions not later than 2060." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1d9bafa0-cc65-4851-bd7a-659d8cd5eb1a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 464 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "All waterways are protected to reduce the risks of flooding and health impacts 2030 Conditional Targets to support social inclusion, gender and reduce transitional risks Just Transition 12. 100% of the affected parts of the national workforce are trained to use new mitigation technologies for a low greenhouse gas emissions transition Conditional 13.", "inputs": { "text": "All waterways are protected to reduce the risks of flooding and health impacts 2030 Conditional Targets to support social inclusion, gender and reduce transitional risks Just Transition 12. 100% of the affected parts of the national workforce are trained to use new mitigation technologies for a low greenhouse gas emissions transition Conditional 13." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1da2b425-daea-4777-8d9b-28c610c51c77", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 352 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Tanu Hala PRINCIPLES Environment Introducing Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the municipal government fleet PRINCIPLES Environment, Education & Culture Implementation of Non-motorised and cycling transport options PRINCIPLES Environment, Traditional Knowledge and Culture and well aligned to Inclusivity, Autonomy, Education & Core Values Public adoption of 50% Electric Vehicles (EVs) PRINCIPLES Environment, Education, Inclusivity, Autonomy & Core Values Transport Sector Pathway Actions Over Time Preparatory activities for non-motorised & cycling transport Preparatory activities for public adoption of 50% EVs Improved data collection Mandatory vehicle standards & incentives for more efficient vehicles Strengthening Road maintenance\u2014Tanu Hala Low emissions vehicles Phased approach across Tongatapu for vehicle waste Introduce EVs in the municipal government fleet Pilots start for cycling paths and pedestrianization Pilot starts for public for public adoption of 50% EVs Tonga Climate Resilient Transport Sector Project 2019\u20132024 (World Bank) Reduce GHG emissions from road transport by 28% Strengthen Sustainable Maintenance of all vehicles Emergency services in every district Full implementation for non-motorised & cycling transport Full implementation for public adoption of 50% EVs", "inputs": { "text": "Tanu Hala PRINCIPLES Environment Introducing Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the municipal government fleet PRINCIPLES Environment, Education & Culture Implementation of Non-motorised and cycling transport options PRINCIPLES Environment, Traditional Knowledge and Culture and well aligned to Inclusivity, Autonomy, Education & Core Values Public adoption of 50% Electric Vehicles (EVs) PRINCIPLES Environment, Education, Inclusivity, Autonomy & Core Values Transport Sector Pathway Actions Over Time Preparatory activities for non-motorised & cycling transport Preparatory activities for public adoption of 50% EVs Improved data collection Mandatory vehicle standards & incentives for more efficient vehicles Strengthening Road maintenance\u2014Tanu Hala Low emissions vehicles Phased approach across Tongatapu for vehicle waste Introduce EVs in the municipal government fleet Pilots start for cycling paths and pedestrianization Pilot starts for public for public adoption of 50% EVs Tonga Climate Resilient Transport Sector Project 2019\u20132024 (World Bank) Reduce GHG emissions from road transport by 28% Strengthen Sustainable Maintenance of all vehicles Emergency services in every district Full implementation for non-motorised & cycling transport Full implementation for public adoption of 50% EVs" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1dfdff19-de2a-4555-82dd-914c3c2a2e0b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 1291 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Technology transfer, capacity building and external financial support will be required to build, operate, and maintain the necessary infrastructure. Second, achieving a 2% efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles either requires establishing mandatory vehicle standards and/or incentives for purchasing more efficient vehicles through taxes, fees, or import tariffs. While price incentives would likely directly affect consumer choices, mandatory standards would profit from being aligned with price signals for consumers in order to be effective.", "inputs": { "text": "Technology transfer, capacity building and external financial support will be required to build, operate, and maintain the necessary infrastructure. Second, achieving a 2% efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles either requires establishing mandatory vehicle standards and/or incentives for purchasing more efficient vehicles through taxes, fees, or import tariffs. While price incentives would likely directly affect consumer choices, mandatory standards would profit from being aligned with price signals for consumers in order to be effective." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1e5d2442-8a88-4ccb-9909-32e59e8527ec", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 571 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "PNG\u2019s NDC in 2016 was prepared in line with the national strategies and plans. The commitments were adduced from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aspires to reduce its emission to 50 percent by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. Specific to the forest sector, PNG developed its National REDD+ Strategy which was approved by NEC in May 2017. The National REDD+ Strategy outlines the key action areas across the sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "PNG\u2019s NDC in 2016 was prepared in line with the national strategies and plans. The commitments were adduced from the National Climate Compatible Development Management Policy (NCCDMP), under which PNG aspires to reduce its emission to 50 percent by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. Specific to the forest sector, PNG developed its National REDD+ Strategy which was approved by NEC in May 2017. The National REDD+ Strategy outlines the key action areas across the sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1e837b56-735b-459e-a20d-9f0d1a6ec7be", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Transport: 14% reduction in total emissions from the transport sector by 2030 primarily due to enhanced vehicle standards in road transport. \u2022 Industry (Demand for Energy): 19% reduction in total emissions from industrial energy production by 2030 with the implementation of the National Water and Energy Demand Management Programme and efficiency improvements. \u2022 Waste: 26% reduction in emissions by 2030 through a reduction in municipal solid waste generation per capita and initiatives aimed at diverting waste away from landfills.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Transport: 14% reduction in total emissions from the transport sector by 2030 primarily due to enhanced vehicle standards in road transport. \u2022 Industry (Demand for Energy): 19% reduction in total emissions from industrial energy production by 2030 with the implementation of the National Water and Energy Demand Management Programme and efficiency improvements. \u2022 Waste: 26% reduction in emissions by 2030 through a reduction in municipal solid waste generation per capita and initiatives aimed at diverting waste away from landfills." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1ec4d0a2-3404-45f9-a352-f340fb2c7025", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 536 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "According to the modeling results, GHG emissions in the BAU scenario will decrease to only 56 million tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq)/year, from 2019 levels. Therefore, a considerably stronger effort will be needed to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target1 than the policies and measures currently in effect. According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century.", "inputs": { "text": "According to the modeling results, GHG emissions in the BAU scenario will decrease to only 56 million tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq)/year, from 2019 levels. Therefore, a considerably stronger effort will be needed to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality target1 than the policies and measures currently in effect. According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1ec53a81-9a47-49d5-a1ff-04033759b18a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 411 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management which include social forestry program, restoring functions of degraded ecosystems including wetland ecosystems, improved agriculture productivity, energy conservation and the promotion of clean and renewable energy sources, and improved waste management. Indonesia can increase its contribution up to 43.20% reduction of emissions in 2030 conditionally, compared to 41% in the 1st NDC, subject to availability of international support for finance, technology transfer and development and capacity building. 4.2 .", "inputs": { "text": "The commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management which include social forestry program, restoring functions of degraded ecosystems including wetland ecosystems, improved agriculture productivity, energy conservation and the promotion of clean and renewable energy sources, and improved waste management. Indonesia can increase its contribution up to 43.20% reduction of emissions in 2030 conditionally, compared to 41% in the 1st NDC, subject to availability of international support for finance, technology transfer and development and capacity building. 4.2 ." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1ede9be5-dae2-4998-9308-e454b20c7ece", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 627 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Reduce building heat loss by 20% by 2020 and by 40% by 2030, compared to 2014 levels. Reduce internal energy use of Combined Heat and Power plants (improved plant efficiency) from 14.4% in 2014 to 11.2% by 2020 and 9.14% by 2030. Implement advanced technology in energy production such as super critical pressure coal combustion technology by 2030. Energy (Transport) Improve national paved road network. Upgrading/Paving 8000 km by 2016, 11000 km by 2021.", "inputs": { "text": "Reduce building heat loss by 20% by 2020 and by 40% by 2030, compared to 2014 levels. Reduce internal energy use of Combined Heat and Power plants (improved plant efficiency) from 14.4% in 2014 to 11.2% by 2020 and 9.14% by 2030. Implement advanced technology in energy production such as super critical pressure coal combustion technology by 2030. Energy (Transport) Improve national paved road network. Upgrading/Paving 8000 km by 2016, 11000 km by 2021." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1f178cd7-bd62-49ed-995c-41318e3429db", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 456 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The domestic situation Sierra Leone faces i.e being solely dependent on fuel imports to meet its minimum energy needs, reducing emissions further than BAU can only be achieved through country wide LEDs which the country has already adopted. It is against this backdrop, that this INDC intends to maintain the emission levels of Sierra Leone relatively Low (close to the world average of 7.58 MtCO2e) by 2035 or neutral by 2050 by reducing her carbon footprint and by following green growth pathways in all economic sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "The domestic situation Sierra Leone faces i.e being solely dependent on fuel imports to meet its minimum energy needs, reducing emissions further than BAU can only be achieved through country wide LEDs which the country has already adopted. It is against this backdrop, that this INDC intends to maintain the emission levels of Sierra Leone relatively Low (close to the world average of 7.58 MtCO2e) by 2035 or neutral by 2050 by reducing her carbon footprint and by following green growth pathways in all economic sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "1fd54b9a-20df-456e-8c0b-bd53fd64dc67", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 525 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Non-electrical energy efficiency: a 29% reduction in non-electric energy consumption including transport, compared to a BAU scenario in 202910. GOB is investing in alternative vehicles and fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, ethanol, natural gas, hybrid and electric and encouraging their adoption through tax incentives. Waste Sector Aside from the energy sector, emissions from waste represent the other main contributor to national GHG emissions (16% in 2008).", "inputs": { "text": "Non-electrical energy efficiency: a 29% reduction in non-electric energy consumption including transport, compared to a BAU scenario in 202910. GOB is investing in alternative vehicles and fuels such as compressed natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, ethanol, natural gas, hybrid and electric and encouraging their adoption through tax incentives. Waste Sector Aside from the energy sector, emissions from waste represent the other main contributor to national GHG emissions (16% in 2008)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2023d9a4-971c-44e0-818a-ee71eddad07d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 487 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u25b6 Digitalisation and innovation will make it possible to make better use of all energy resources. \u25b6 Urban planning must be integrated with the transport sector. In 2030, as a result of measures envisaged in the IPCC, such as changing mobility patterns, increasing electrification and renewable fuels, it is planned to achieve a share of 28% of renewable energy in transport-mobility, as well as a reduction in emissions of more than 30% in the same decade.", "inputs": { "text": "\u25b6 Digitalisation and innovation will make it possible to make better use of all energy resources. \u25b6 Urban planning must be integrated with the transport sector. In 2030, as a result of measures envisaged in the IPCC, such as changing mobility patterns, increasing electrification and renewable fuels, it is planned to achieve a share of 28% of renewable energy in transport-mobility, as well as a reduction in emissions of more than 30% in the same decade." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "20343cef-a42e-4f1f-a07a-20944ae1229e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 456 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Rewire government buildings to maximize energy savings and encourage changes in usage behavior among government staff. Adopt an Appliance Labeling and Energy Standard Programme to encourage the import and uptake of low energy usage products. Induce behavioral change to encourage energy efficient behavior via education campaigns for the general public and within the government. Adaptation Co-Benefits. Mitigation Co-Benefits. Infrastructure with increased resilience to climate change impacts and natural disasters. Increased economic resilience and diversification. Increased ability to invest in other sustainable development and climate priorities.", "inputs": { "text": "Rewire government buildings to maximize energy savings and encourage changes in usage behavior among government staff. Adopt an Appliance Labeling and Energy Standard Programme to encourage the import and uptake of low energy usage products. Induce behavioral change to encourage energy efficient behavior via education campaigns for the general public and within the government. Adaptation Co-Benefits. Mitigation Co-Benefits. Infrastructure with increased resilience to climate change impacts and natural disasters. Increased economic resilience and diversification. Increased ability to invest in other sustainable development and climate priorities." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2048fb46-c642-42fa-ab9b-957e4ea8757f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 653 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this updated NDC, Australia is increasing the ambition of its 2030 target, committing\u00a0to\u00a0reduce greenhouse gas emissions 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. Australia also reaffirms its target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Both\u00a0targets\u00a0are economy-wide emissions reduction commitments, covering all\u00a0sectors\u00a0and\u00a0gases\u00a0included\u00a0in\u00a0Australia\u2019s\u00a0national inventory. Australia\u2019s new 2030 target is a significant increase in ambition.", "inputs": { "text": "In this updated NDC, Australia is increasing the ambition of its 2030 target, committing\u00a0to\u00a0reduce greenhouse gas emissions 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. Australia also reaffirms its target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Both\u00a0targets\u00a0are economy-wide emissions reduction commitments, covering all\u00a0sectors\u00a0and\u00a0gases\u00a0included\u00a0in\u00a0Australia\u2019s\u00a0national inventory. Australia\u2019s new 2030 target is a significant increase in ambition." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "20801ac5-e183-4713-8915-94942f1787e3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 434 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, equivalent to reducing emissions to 760 million t-CO2, in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emission by 50 percent from its fiscal year 2013 levels.", "inputs": { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, equivalent to reducing emissions to 760 million t-CO2, in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emission by 50 percent from its fiscal year 2013 levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "20bde0ab-7825-4aca-9be9-82a873a21be1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 336 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "_____________________________________________ In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065, while looking forward to enhanced international cooperation and support on finance, technology and capacity-building to achieve this ambition.", "inputs": { "text": "_____________________________________________ In line with the Paris Agreement, Thailand aims to peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2030, with the ambition to move towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible within the second half of this century, and towards carbon neutrality by 2065, while looking forward to enhanced international cooperation and support on finance, technology and capacity-building to achieve this ambition." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "20c270fb-eca7-458a-b7e1-9080d5525b23", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 451 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "ARE Policy (2019) The policy sets the speci\ufb01c target of at least 20% RE generation by 2025 and at least 30% NEECA Draft Strategic Sectoral actions account for 6.4 MtCO2e emissions reduction by 2030 Transportation Major energy demand sector contributing to GHG emissions of 51.3 MT CO2 eq. NEVP 2019 for two and three wheelers as well as heavy vehicles The policy sets the speci\ufb01c target of at least 20% RE generation by 2025 and at least 30% Switch to Euro 5 (in process) Improve Air quality Goal is to lower vehicular emissions from combustion and improving urban air quality Improve air quality standards as well as monitoring in provincial capital and other major cities Agriculture Second highest emitting sector with 198.59 MT Punjab Smog Policy Complete ban on open burning of rice stubble, solid waste and other hazardous materials Disposal of crop residue in an environmentally friendly manner Climate", "inputs": { "text": "ARE Policy (2019) The policy sets the speci\ufb01c target of at least 20% RE generation by 2025 and at least 30% NEECA Draft Strategic Sectoral actions account for 6.4 MtCO2e emissions reduction by 2030 Transportation Major energy demand sector contributing to GHG emissions of 51.3 MT CO2 eq. NEVP 2019 for two and three wheelers as well as heavy vehicles The policy sets the speci\ufb01c target of at least 20% RE generation by 2025 and at least 30% Switch to Euro 5 (in process) Improve Air quality Goal is to lower vehicular emissions from combustion and improving urban air quality Improve air quality standards as well as monitoring in provincial capital and other major cities Agriculture Second highest emitting sector with 198.59 MT Punjab Smog Policy Complete ban on open burning of rice stubble, solid waste and other hazardous materials Disposal of crop residue in an environmentally friendly manner Climate" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "20e8ff54-7ab0-4f7c-ac8c-a564b71af972", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 909 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Finally, the goal of reducing black carbon emissions by 51% unconditionally in 2030, and 70% conditionally, is ratified.", "inputs": { "text": "Finally, the goal of reducing black carbon emissions by 51% unconditionally in 2030, and 70% conditionally, is ratified." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "214d6c6a-05ee-4e55-9fcc-7245c0952b6e", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 120 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In particular, in the fuel combustion subsector, for road transport, the reduction is not fixed in the long term, but will continue with an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the national passenger car fleet of up to 50%.", "inputs": { "text": "In particular, in the fuel combustion subsector, for road transport, the reduction is not fixed in the long term, but will continue with an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the national passenger car fleet of up to 50%." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "21796a4c-47a1-4783-882b-035d178f0def", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 237 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This represents a lower growth compared to the BAU scenario than by 2030, this activity, without the introduction of electric mobility in the vehicle fleet, would imply annual emissions of 5.265 Kton CO2Eq, corresponding to a 37% increase in GHG emissions compared to 2019. This means a reduction in annual emissions of 334 Kton CO2Eq, in 2030, compared to the BAU scenario (Fig. III.4).", "inputs": { "text": "This represents a lower growth compared to the BAU scenario than by 2030, this activity, without the introduction of electric mobility in the vehicle fleet, would imply annual emissions of 5.265 Kton CO2Eq, corresponding to a 37% increase in GHG emissions compared to 2019. This means a reduction in annual emissions of 334 Kton CO2Eq, in 2030, compared to the BAU scenario (Fig. III.4)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "21c30e82-7161-46af-b3f0-3b69f96ebd62", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 387 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This economy wide emission reduction can increase to 14% with external financing and this translates to 1.04 million tonnes fewer GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario. Adaptation Contribution Eswatini has achieved significant progress in overall socio-economic development which is visible through economic growth, improvements in health, educational outcomes, greater access to energy, and, improvement in water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) including associated infrastructure. However, climate change impacts felt by communities and ecosystems are reversing the development gains achieved till now.", "inputs": { "text": "This economy wide emission reduction can increase to 14% with external financing and this translates to 1.04 million tonnes fewer GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario. Adaptation Contribution Eswatini has achieved significant progress in overall socio-economic development which is visible through economic growth, improvements in health, educational outcomes, greater access to energy, and, improvement in water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) including associated infrastructure. However, climate change impacts felt by communities and ecosystems are reversing the development gains achieved till now." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2234be76-0079-4579-afd5-3f86a397c8a0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 626 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the transport sector consumed over one quarter of the country\u2019s fossil fuel imports, of which were gasoline and The NEP addresses this emissions sector by inter alia recommending the use of vehicles with higher fuel efficiency and lower emissions, and support for hybrid, flex-\u00ad\u2010fuel for electric vehicles as national targets. Antigua and Barbuda aims to, by establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances.", "inputs": { "text": "In the transport sector consumed over one quarter of the country\u2019s fossil fuel imports, of which were gasoline and The NEP addresses this emissions sector by inter alia recommending the use of vehicles with higher fuel efficiency and lower emissions, and support for hybrid, flex-\u00ad\u2010fuel for electric vehicles as national targets. Antigua and Barbuda aims to, by establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "23aa23fc-66fd-4495-b9dd-67a4edd184ee", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 448 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "A long-term objective quantifying North Macedonia\u2019s contribution to the global effort Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "A long-term objective quantifying North Macedonia\u2019s contribution to the global effort Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items*) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "243051c7-f7f3-4431-a2d1-69ae65a3618a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 433 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the waste sector: 30.1. aiming for a reduction in GHG emissions of at least 65 % by 2030 compared to 2005: 30.1.1. in tackling food waste, aim for a 50 % reduction in food waste per capita (41 kg in 2019); 30.1.2. to achieve that a share of municipal waste going to landfills accounts for a maximum of 5% of the generated municipal waste by weight; 30.1.3. to recycle at least 70 % of all packaging waste (by weight); 30.1.4. to reuse and recycle at least 60 % of municipal waste (by weight); 30.1.5. by 2025, to achieve that the value of the circular material use rate (the circularity rate) is not less than the EU average (11.9 in 2019); 30.2. by 2040: 30.2.1. to increase the amount of municipal waste prepared for reuse and recycled to at least 65 % of waste by weight by 2035; 30.3. by", "inputs": { "text": "In the waste sector: 30.1. aiming for a reduction in GHG emissions of at least 65 % by 2030 compared to 2005: 30.1.1. in tackling food waste, aim for a 50 % reduction in food waste per capita (41 kg in 2019); 30.1.2. to achieve that a share of municipal waste going to landfills accounts for a maximum of 5% of the generated municipal waste by weight; 30.1.3. to recycle at least 70 % of all packaging waste (by weight); 30.1.4. to reuse and recycle at least 60 % of municipal waste (by weight); 30.1.5. by 2025, to achieve that the value of the circular material use rate (the circularity rate) is not less than the EU average (11.9 in 2019); 30.2. by 2040: 30.2.1. to increase the amount of municipal waste prepared for reuse and recycled to at least 65 % of waste by weight by 2035; 30.3. by" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2444caf3-bea5-470f-a13f-87ec8eeda8eb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 794 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Not applicable. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction. The estimated GHG emissions reduction is 11269 Gg CO2 eq in year 2030. The reduction target (31%) is divided into conditional and unconditional as \u201cpercentage of total reduction\u201d as follows:. Conditional target: 26%. Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans.", "inputs": { "text": "Not applicable. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction. The estimated GHG emissions reduction is 11269 Gg CO2 eq in year 2030. The reduction target (31%) is divided into conditional and unconditional as \u201cpercentage of total reduction\u201d as follows:. Conditional target: 26%. Unconditional target: 5%. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National strategies (Energy, waste, water and Transport). Local Climate Action Plans." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "245775b8-7dfa-4203-9676-c0a033710a56", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 542 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "More rapid improvement in the stock of vehicles (30% reduction in fuel consumption in 2025 instead of 20% for 2030). 3,325,000. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: bioethanol production units (replace 10% of super grade petrol consumption in 2030). 94,708,333. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: biodiesel production units (replace 5% of diesel consumption in 2030). Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency in electric lighting (residential, EP and tertiary). 168 750 000. Industries.", "inputs": { "text": "More rapid improvement in the stock of vehicles (30% reduction in fuel consumption in 2025 instead of 20% for 2030). 3,325,000. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: bioethanol production units (replace 10% of super grade petrol consumption in 2030). 94,708,333. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: biodiesel production units (replace 5% of diesel consumption in 2030). Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency in electric lighting (residential, EP and tertiary). 168 750 000. Industries." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "245bf3a7-e9d0-4ab5-82a6-f91fab6cdc59", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 503 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, down to a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The total cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", "inputs": { "text": "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, down to a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The total cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "24c07a97-803a-4924-8ac7-97f59fcdf263", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 234 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "China\u2019s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. (III) Challenges Faced by China in Attaining the New Goals China is confronted with enormous challenges and difficulties in its NDCs, which calls for great efforts.", "inputs": { "text": "China\u2019s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. (III) Challenges Faced by China in Attaining the New Goals China is confronted with enormous challenges and difficulties in its NDCs, which calls for great efforts." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "24ce4c99-849d-4989-85a3-7843c0969054", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 640 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "More specifically, in the fuel combustion subsector, for road transport the reduction set is 50% of GHG emissions produced by inland transport.", "inputs": { "text": "More specifically, in the fuel combustion subsector, for road transport the reduction set is 50% of GHG emissions produced by inland transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "24e7e912-0acd-467c-90f9-1f48b3b47b2e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 143 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "P14: Promote and expand opportunities for nature based enterprises including seaweed farming, and mangrove ecotourism P15: Integrate the use of nature based solutions, including the implementation of national mangrove management plan, into national and county development plans P16: Strengthen early-warning and tailor made climate information services through institutional strengthening of KMD and other information _user institutions P17: Roll-out Early Action Protocols for forecast based financing Infrastructure P18:Develop and adopt guidelines on how to climate proof energy infrastructure using vulnerability risk (energy) assessments P19:Enhance climate proofing of energy infrastructure along the renewable energy supply chain P20: Increase the number of companies participating in energy efficient water-use initiatives by 40% from the baseline Infrastructure (roads) P21:Upscale the construction of roads to systematically harvest water and reduce flooding P22: Enhance institutional capacities on climate proofing vulnerable road infrastructure through vulnerability assessments P23: Promote the use of appropriate designs and building materials to enhance resilience of, at least 4500km of roads to climate risk Water and sanitation _|P24:Conduct and implement recommendations on climate and", "inputs": { "text": "P14: Promote and expand opportunities for nature based enterprises including seaweed farming, and mangrove ecotourism P15: Integrate the use of nature based solutions, including the implementation of national mangrove management plan, into national and county development plans P16: Strengthen early-warning and tailor made climate information services through institutional strengthening of KMD and other information _user institutions P17: Roll-out Early Action Protocols for forecast based financing Infrastructure P18:Develop and adopt guidelines on how to climate proof energy infrastructure using vulnerability risk (energy) assessments P19:Enhance climate proofing of energy infrastructure along the renewable energy supply chain P20: Increase the number of companies participating in energy efficient water-use initiatives by 40% from the baseline Infrastructure (roads) P21:Upscale the construction of roads to systematically harvest water and reduce flooding P22: Enhance institutional capacities on climate proofing vulnerable road infrastructure through vulnerability assessments P23: Promote the use of appropriate designs and building materials to enhance resilience of, at least 4500km of roads to climate risk Water and sanitation _|P24:Conduct and implement recommendations on climate and" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "253aeb19-1297-4877-814b-051402a9052e", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 1305 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f\u2022 Invest \u00a33 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them. \u2022 Electrify more railway lines as part of plans to deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with the ambition to remove all diesel-only trains by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f\u2022 Invest \u00a33 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them. \u2022 Electrify more railway lines as part of plans to deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with the ambition to remove all diesel-only trains by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "257615a4-5726-430e-9248-ee6110069603", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 427 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This represents a lower growth compared to the BAU scenario than by 2030, this activity, without the introduction of electric mobility in the vehicle fleet, would imply annual emissions of 5.265 Kton CO2Eq, corresponding to a 37% increase in GHG emissions compared to 2019. This means a reduction in annual emissions of 334 Kton CO2Eq, in 2030, compared to the BAU scenario (Fig. III.4).", "inputs": { "text": "This represents a lower growth compared to the BAU scenario than by 2030, this activity, without the introduction of electric mobility in the vehicle fleet, would imply annual emissions of 5.265 Kton CO2Eq, corresponding to a 37% increase in GHG emissions compared to 2019. This means a reduction in annual emissions of 334 Kton CO2Eq, in 2030, compared to the BAU scenario (Fig. III.4)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2614b511-d01e-4975-a306-3687bcc4d5d1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 387 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Clarifying Information Base year End year Type Absolute reduction from base-year emissions Coverage Economy wide \u2013 100% of Canadian GHG inventory Gases covered o carbon dioxide (CO2) o methane (CH4) o nitrous oxide (N2O) o sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) o perfluorocarbons (PFCs) o hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) o nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Sectors All IPCC sectors Implementation The Government of Canada has in place legislative instruments to address climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Clarifying Information Base year End year Type Absolute reduction from base-year emissions Coverage Economy wide \u2013 100% of Canadian GHG inventory Gases covered o carbon dioxide (CO2) o methane (CH4) o nitrous oxide (N2O) o sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) o perfluorocarbons (PFCs) o hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) o nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Sectors All IPCC sectors Implementation The Government of Canada has in place legislative instruments to address climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "269f9e7d-5c56-4f74-b9a9-e21e24aa9965", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 629 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "There are 46 mitigation options distributed in: 27 identified and evaluated options for the Energy sector (focusing on electricity generation, energy efficiency and road transport), 4 identified and evaluated options for the Industrial Products and Processes Use (IPPU) sector, 10 identified options for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector and 5 for the Waste sector.", "inputs": { "text": "There are 46 mitigation options distributed in: 27 identified and evaluated options for the Energy sector (focusing on electricity generation, energy efficiency and road transport), 4 identified and evaluated options for the Industrial Products and Processes Use (IPPU) sector, 10 identified options for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector and 5 for the Waste sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2726bc31-fbd1-4b73-b7a9-abdd97244bad", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 392 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations,\n\u2022 Importation of one hundred and fifty (150) CNG Buses\n\u2022 Import of one thousand (1000) kits and respective conversion Cylinders for Natural Gas.\n\u2022 Conversion of 1000 cars to NG", "inputs": { "text": "Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations,\n\u2022 Importation of one hundred and fifty (150) CNG Buses\n\u2022 Import of one thousand (1000) kits and respective conversion Cylinders for Natural Gas.\n\u2022 Conversion of 1000 cars to NG" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "27a2bf13-e014-47f9-921f-142bcd965c84", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 277 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s transport sector is dominated by fossil fuels with more than 97% of the 54, 891 road transport vehicles in the country fuelled by gasoline and the remaining 2.7% running on diesel. 29 It is expected that this transition from predominantly internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EV) will take several years. This is in line with the proposed indicative target of \u201cBan on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles from 2025\u201d. 27 Climate Analytics. (2020).", "inputs": { "text": "Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s transport sector is dominated by fossil fuels with more than 97% of the 54, 891 road transport vehicles in the country fuelled by gasoline and the remaining 2.7% running on diesel. 29 It is expected that this transition from predominantly internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EV) will take several years. This is in line with the proposed indicative target of \u201cBan on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles from 2025\u201d. 27 Climate Analytics. (2020)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "27a58c4a-d12b-4491-aac7-862584dcae87", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 519 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects. *This is a contribution target subject to the following conditions as a minimum: 1.", "inputs": { "text": "Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects. *This is a contribution target subject to the following conditions as a minimum: 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "27abc284-a603-42d2-92d9-6a6153285493", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 307 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Cabo Verde\u2019s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport.", "inputs": { "text": "Cabo Verde\u2019s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "27e06226-50d8-4155-b08d-bf4aae27ced9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Co-benefits will include reduced congestion, improved air quality and improved traffic safety. \ufffd Reduced congestion and improved running of traffic. This will be achieved by a number of measures, including building of expressways to relieve congestion and public transport measures. \ufffd To achieve a shift in passenger traffic from road to rail of up to around 20% by 2030 compared to the business as usual. improvement in the efficiency of vehicles due to more efficient running.", "inputs": { "text": "Co-benefits will include reduced congestion, improved air quality and improved traffic safety. \ufffd Reduced congestion and improved running of traffic. This will be achieved by a number of measures, including building of expressways to relieve congestion and public transport measures. \ufffd To achieve a shift in passenger traffic from road to rail of up to around 20% by 2030 compared to the business as usual. improvement in the efficiency of vehicles due to more efficient running." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "28002070-ca84-4115-9e27-9577c18883bd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The following mitigation commitment of emissions, excluding LULUCF sector, considers the requirements of transparency in the presentation of the goals incorporated into the NDCs, established in the Enhanced Transparency Framework and the guidelines raised from the COP24 in Poland, alongside analysis of the current NDC indicator and the review on different types of NDC at international level. Contribuci\u00f3n en Mitigaci\u00f3n N\u00b01 (M1) M1) Chile commits to a GHG emission budget not exceeding 1,100 MtCO2eq between 2020 and 2030, with a GHG emissions maximum (peak) by 2025, and a GHG emissions level of 95 MtCO2eq by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The following mitigation commitment of emissions, excluding LULUCF sector, considers the requirements of transparency in the presentation of the goals incorporated into the NDCs, established in the Enhanced Transparency Framework and the guidelines raised from the COP24 in Poland, alongside analysis of the current NDC indicator and the review on different types of NDC at international level. Contribuci\u00f3n en Mitigaci\u00f3n N\u00b01 (M1) M1) Chile commits to a GHG emission budget not exceeding 1,100 MtCO2eq between 2020 and 2030, with a GHG emissions maximum (peak) by 2025, and a GHG emissions level of 95 MtCO2eq by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "281d06f5-747e-4d89-ad5a-2977ba1d5215", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 618 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Thus, for Mozambique REDD+ was included in this updated NDC 1 as a key means of implementation to operationalise mitigation ambitions. Finally, Mozambique proposes to carry out a series of mitigation actions that in aggregate expect to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions by about 40 million tCO2 eq between 2020 and 2025. These reductions are estimates with a significant level of uncertainty and will be updated with the results of the BUR to be available in 2022.", "inputs": { "text": "Thus, for Mozambique REDD+ was included in this updated NDC 1 as a key means of implementation to operationalise mitigation ambitions. Finally, Mozambique proposes to carry out a series of mitigation actions that in aggregate expect to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions by about 40 million tCO2 eq between 2020 and 2025. These reductions are estimates with a significant level of uncertainty and will be updated with the results of the BUR to be available in 2022." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "28253c6c-b0fd-4506-b444-84335e759dca", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 467 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is likely that these challenges will continue to feature prominently in future national discourse and would only be effectively addressed with financial grants and technical assistance from the international community.\f Pak-INDC Statement Having considered the existing potential for mitigation in the country, Pakistan intends to reduce up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions subject to availability of international grants to meet the total abatement cost for the indicated 20 percent reduction amounting to about US$ 40 billion at current prices.", "inputs": { "text": "It is likely that these challenges will continue to feature prominently in future national discourse and would only be effectively addressed with financial grants and technical assistance from the international community.\f Pak-INDC Statement Having considered the existing potential for mitigation in the country, Pakistan intends to reduce up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions subject to availability of international grants to meet the total abatement cost for the indicated 20 percent reduction amounting to about US$ 40 billion at current prices." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "28a2489c-c375-4b2c-b6e9-7fb15f2eb8ce", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 560 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To promote the share of green buildings in newly built buildings of cities and towns reaching 50% by 2020;. To develop a green and low-carbon transportation system, optimizing means of transportation, properly allocating public transport resources in cities, giving priority to the development of public transportation and encouraging the development and use of low-carbon and environment-friendly means of transport, such as new energy vehicle and vessel;. To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;.", "inputs": { "text": "To promote the share of green buildings in newly built buildings of cities and towns reaching 50% by 2020;. To develop a green and low-carbon transportation system, optimizing means of transportation, properly allocating public transport resources in cities, giving priority to the development of public transportation and encouraging the development and use of low-carbon and environment-friendly means of transport, such as new energy vehicle and vessel;. To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "28b4ce9b-29c4-4a01-bb6b-2039644dc260", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 540 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Only one conditional mitigation option was analyzed under the Transport Sector. As shown in Figure 6, deployment of energy efficient vehicles will produce greenhouse gas emission reductions of 40.8 and 193.3 GgCO2e in 2030. Emission Reductions under Waste Management Inadequate waste data is a major issue, regarding both GHG emissions and waste production, for both solid waste and wastewater. Current municipal solid waste generation in The Gambia amounts to approximately 438 tons/day and is expected to reach 1,295 tons/day in 2025 (World Bank 2012).", "inputs": { "text": "Only one conditional mitigation option was analyzed under the Transport Sector. As shown in Figure 6, deployment of energy efficient vehicles will produce greenhouse gas emission reductions of 40.8 and 193.3 GgCO2e in 2030. Emission Reductions under Waste Management Inadequate waste data is a major issue, regarding both GHG emissions and waste production, for both solid waste and wastewater. Current municipal solid waste generation in The Gambia amounts to approximately 438 tons/day and is expected to reach 1,295 tons/day in 2025 (World Bank 2012)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2911d1af-f56f-4f4a-a82e-ce65f400d050", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 555 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030. If all the main mitigation measures under the NDC scenario are implemented fully, they have the potential to limit the growth of the emissions by 29% to 6.8 MtCO2e in 2030 as illustrated in the figure 3-6.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030. If all the main mitigation measures under the NDC scenario are implemented fully, they have the potential to limit the growth of the emissions by 29% to 6.8 MtCO2e in 2030 as illustrated in the figure 3-6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2975a97f-a570-4378-81bf-db0daea0f752", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 340 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Fuel switching to electricity for cooking \u2022 Substitution of coal in the industrial and power sector Transportation \u2022 More use of public transportation \u2013 30 percent modal share in urban areas by 2050 \u2022 Moderate penetration of electric vehicles \u2013 70 percent for motorcycles and 40 percent for cars and urban buses by 2050 \u2022 Increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles \u2022 Rail for freight and passengers \u2022 CNG penetration of 80 percent for interregional buses and 80 percent for trucks until 2050 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Clinker substitution in cement production \u2022 Carbon capture and storage for cement kilns \u2022 Use of recycled aggregate concrete \u2022 Increasing use of refrigerants with low global warming potential \u2022 Regular inspection of refrigeration and air- conditioning equipment and recovery of spent refrigerants Waste \u2022 Reducing open burning by expanding waste collection coverage to 85 percent in 2050 \u2022 Implementing a reduce, reuse, and recycle strategy \u2022 Landfill gas management \u2022 Organic composting \u2022 Anaerobic digestion and wastewater treatment", "inputs": { "text": "Fuel switching to electricity for cooking \u2022 Substitution of coal in the industrial and power sector Transportation \u2022 More use of public transportation \u2013 30 percent modal share in urban areas by 2050 \u2022 Moderate penetration of electric vehicles \u2013 70 percent for motorcycles and 40 percent for cars and urban buses by 2050 \u2022 Increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles \u2022 Rail for freight and passengers \u2022 CNG penetration of 80 percent for interregional buses and 80 percent for trucks until 2050 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Clinker substitution in cement production \u2022 Carbon capture and storage for cement kilns \u2022 Use of recycled aggregate concrete \u2022 Increasing use of refrigerants with low global warming potential \u2022 Regular inspection of refrigeration and air- conditioning equipment and recovery of spent refrigerants Waste \u2022 Reducing open burning by expanding waste collection coverage to 85 percent in 2050 \u2022 Implementing a reduce, reuse, and recycle strategy \u2022 Landfill gas management \u2022 Organic composting \u2022 Anaerobic digestion and wastewater treatment" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "298f3c9e-2c2e-47e0-ac16-53eb5c0a16f7", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 1088 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The GHG emission reduction targets in this section are all conditional upon international support (financial and technical support) made available. Coverage Energy; Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU); and Waste Timeframe Single year target \u2013 2030, including updates on 2025 targets Energy Energy Industry (Electricity Generation) \uf0b7 By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector.", "inputs": { "text": "The GHG emission reduction targets in this section are all conditional upon international support (financial and technical support) made available. Coverage Energy; Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU); and Waste Timeframe Single year target \u2013 2030, including updates on 2025 targets Energy Energy Industry (Electricity Generation) \uf0b7 By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29a0d552-18b5-43ef-b0d8-d27842b1e5eb", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 577 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Reference is made in particular to paragraphs 13 and 14 of 1/CP.201. 1. Summary The assumptions underlying Liechtenstein\u2019s INDC are based on the possibility to achieve emission reductions abroad which may be accounted towards Liechtenstein\u2019s reduction target in 2030.2 However, primary focus will be given on domestic emission reductions. Liechtenstein aims at a reduction of greenhouse gases by 40 % compared to 1990 by 2030. The reduction target will be subject to the approval of the Liechtenstein Parliament. Reduction Target Base Year Timeframe 2.", "inputs": { "text": "Reference is made in particular to paragraphs 13 and 14 of 1/CP.201. 1. Summary The assumptions underlying Liechtenstein\u2019s INDC are based on the possibility to achieve emission reductions abroad which may be accounted towards Liechtenstein\u2019s reduction target in 2030.2 However, primary focus will be given on domestic emission reductions. Liechtenstein aims at a reduction of greenhouse gases by 40 % compared to 1990 by 2030. The reduction target will be subject to the approval of the Liechtenstein Parliament. Reduction Target Base Year Timeframe 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29b932bc-c634-477e-9abb-ed0692dd57dc", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 553 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GHG emissions in the LULUCF sector are expected to decrease from 1,415 GgCO2e in 2020 to 1,082 GgCO2e in 2030 (a decrease of 23.5 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 589 GgCO2e. This is a 58.4 percent decrease compared to the 2020 level and a 45.6 percent compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 4: GHG emissions: LULUCF baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.3 Energy. Eight mitigation measures have been identified in the energy sector:.", "inputs": { "text": "GHG emissions in the LULUCF sector are expected to decrease from 1,415 GgCO2e in 2020 to 1,082 GgCO2e in 2030 (a decrease of 23.5 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 589 GgCO2e. This is a 58.4 percent decrease compared to the 2020 level and a 45.6 percent compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 4: GHG emissions: LULUCF baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.3 Energy. Eight mitigation measures have been identified in the energy sector:." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29bddd24-c063-4f29-89e3-5738535365a1", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 505 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The last means that the Republic of Tajikistan should not goes beyond 21.32 to 24.87 MtCO2eq emitted in 2030. Whereas the conditional target would be an emission cap of 50 to 60% of GHG emissions occurred in 1990. Thus represents a limit of 17.76 to 21.32 MtCO2eq emitted in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The last means that the Republic of Tajikistan should not goes beyond 21.32 to 24.87 MtCO2eq emitted in 2030. Whereas the conditional target would be an emission cap of 50 to 60% of GHG emissions occurred in 1990. Thus represents a limit of 17.76 to 21.32 MtCO2eq emitted in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29da4374-c971-4af5-87b7-bedbe4e9d0fa", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 280 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 1: Targets to be achieved by 2030 Thematic Area Target and Actions Completion Date Year Communicated Conditionality NDC Targets Mitigation 1. 86% renewable energy generation from local resources in the electricity sector 2030 Conditional 2. 100% all new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles Conditional 3. Explore potential for emissions reductions in the waste sector Conditional 4. Explore potential for emissions reductions in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector Conditional Indicative actions supporting implementation of mitigation targets 1.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 1: Targets to be achieved by 2030 Thematic Area Target and Actions Completion Date Year Communicated Conditionality NDC Targets Mitigation 1. 86% renewable energy generation from local resources in the electricity sector 2030 Conditional 2. 100% all new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles Conditional 3. Explore potential for emissions reductions in the waste sector Conditional 4. Explore potential for emissions reductions in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector Conditional Indicative actions supporting implementation of mitigation targets 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29e37127-b67d-4cfb-87c7-0798aa5b68cd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 580 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy.", "inputs": { "text": "Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "29e45c9c-eb28-4d1c-b9e0-a2c62498de54", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 231 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Government\u2019s response to minimizing GHG emissions in the sector, as elaborated in the transport\u2019s sectoral plan for the NDC is a fast, safe, efficient, affordable, integrated, and inter- modal transport system for goods and people. It is targeted at reducing GHG emissions by about 4MtCO2e by year by 2030, whereas the projected rise in emissions is projected at over 25times of that value.", "inputs": { "text": "Government\u2019s response to minimizing GHG emissions in the sector, as elaborated in the transport\u2019s sectoral plan for the NDC is a fast, safe, efficient, affordable, integrated, and inter- modal transport system for goods and people. It is targeted at reducing GHG emissions by about 4MtCO2e by year by 2030, whereas the projected rise in emissions is projected at over 25times of that value." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2a8372d0-dde6-43b6-8019-c4e38afae985", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 390 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition to these actions, compensation mechanisms will be implemented to achieve the target if necessary: 1. Energy sector, and more specifically actions on the electricity sector, mobility and construction Medium term (2030) 3 Developed by the Andorra Recerca i Innovaci\u00f3 research centre, 2022 \u2022 Reduction of 55% emissions not absorbed compared to the BAU scenario Medium term 2030 \u2022 Carbon neutrality Long term 2050 It is planned to reduce energy intensity by at least 20%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 70% from renewable sources) of 33% of electricity demand.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition to these actions, compensation mechanisms will be implemented to achieve the target if necessary: 1. Energy sector, and more specifically actions on the electricity sector, mobility and construction Medium term (2030) 3 Developed by the Andorra Recerca i Innovaci\u00f3 research centre, 2022 \u2022 Reduction of 55% emissions not absorbed compared to the BAU scenario Medium term 2030 \u2022 Carbon neutrality Long term 2050 It is planned to reduce energy intensity by at least 20%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 70% from renewable sources) of 33% of electricity demand." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2ae53d2e-fe20-4ba8-b182-a1ee6c77d566", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 614 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The UAE is undertaking the following investments and initiatives, which will have significant mitigation co-benefits in addressing the transport sector\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, including: \u2022 the introduction of a new fuel pricing policy, which will put the UAE in line with global prices. This reform aims to support the national economy, lower fuel consumption, and protect the environment; \u2022 a federal freight rail network crossing the country and eventually integrated into the GCC network; \u2022 the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has also set targets to shift 25% of government vehicle fleets to compressed natural gas; and \u2022 the Emirate of Dubai has invested in a multi-billion dollar light-rail and metro system, which will continue to add new lines.", "inputs": { "text": "The UAE is undertaking the following investments and initiatives, which will have significant mitigation co-benefits in addressing the transport sector\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, including: \u2022 the introduction of a new fuel pricing policy, which will put the UAE in line with global prices. This reform aims to support the national economy, lower fuel consumption, and protect the environment; \u2022 a federal freight rail network crossing the country and eventually integrated into the GCC network; \u2022 the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has also set targets to shift 25% of government vehicle fleets to compressed natural gas; and \u2022 the Emirate of Dubai has invested in a multi-billion dollar light-rail and metro system, which will continue to add new lines." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2af54c24-9f73-4da3-a664-6788d2c28a06", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 745 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 1: Estimate (lower bound) of the cost of mitigation Sector/sub-sector Mitigation action Cost (million USD) 90 MW of solar PV (capital expenditure, and operation & maintenance cost over lifetime 1 As per the Energy Policy 2010, the target of 15% renewable electricity in 2030 is met predominantly using solar PV 2 The capital cost of 1 MW installed of solar PV has been assumed to be USD 1.75 million, while the operation & maintenance cost has been taken as 19,000 USD/MW/yr. Waste management Retrofitting the old landfill (Providence 1) with landfill gas capture and flaring equipment3 Land transport 30% of private vehicles are electric by 20304 15.8 MW of solar PV for meeting the energy demand of electric vehicles (capital expenditure, and operation & maintenance costs) TOTAL Cost of priority Adaptation Actions The threats caused by climate change will have significant impacts on Seychelles in the short, medium and", "inputs": { "text": "Table 1: Estimate (lower bound) of the cost of mitigation Sector/sub-sector Mitigation action Cost (million USD) 90 MW of solar PV (capital expenditure, and operation & maintenance cost over lifetime 1 As per the Energy Policy 2010, the target of 15% renewable electricity in 2030 is met predominantly using solar PV 2 The capital cost of 1 MW installed of solar PV has been assumed to be USD 1.75 million, while the operation & maintenance cost has been taken as 19,000 USD/MW/yr. Waste management Retrofitting the old landfill (Providence 1) with landfill gas capture and flaring equipment3 Land transport 30% of private vehicles are electric by 20304 15.8 MW of solar PV for meeting the energy demand of electric vehicles (capital expenditure, and operation & maintenance costs) TOTAL Cost of priority Adaptation Actions The threats caused by climate change will have significant impacts on Seychelles in the short, medium and" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2bb92365-f4b3-4dfb-bb96-40f3ccd3ec9e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 929 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040. Transport: Promoting sustainable road usage \u2022 Encourage the use of public transport, in addition to bus rapid transport \u2022 Modal shift programmes \u2022 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2022 The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040. Transport: Promoting sustainable road usage \u2022 Encourage the use of public transport, in addition to bus rapid transport \u2022 Modal shift programmes \u2022 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2022 The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2bd37dab-b465-49d2-9719-2d94828eebfa", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 405 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Cambodia\u2019s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) The estimated emission reductions of the NDC scenario are shown below. Overall GHG emissions reduction (including the FOLU) The estimated emissions reduction with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction of which 59.1% is from the FOLU).", "inputs": { "text": "Cambodia\u2019s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) The estimated emission reductions of the NDC scenario are shown below. Overall GHG emissions reduction (including the FOLU) The estimated emissions reduction with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction of which 59.1% is from the FOLU)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2be3d1ac-5b23-457a-86f5-e5f329b4ae5b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 361 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This revised and strengthened NDC pledges a significantly more ambitious mitigation target of reducing economy-wide CO2 emissions by 61% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, conditional upon adequate access to resources including climate finance as well as capacity building support. This will be achieved by switching to 100% renewable energy in electricity generation and increasing the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to at least 2%.", "inputs": { "text": "This revised and strengthened NDC pledges a significantly more ambitious mitigation target of reducing economy-wide CO2 emissions by 61% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, conditional upon adequate access to resources including climate finance as well as capacity building support. This will be achieved by switching to 100% renewable energy in electricity generation and increasing the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to at least 2%." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2c2491ba-0346-4f33-a9b1-8ca5b7c8bc87", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 456 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conducive environment for investment, structural reform to support growth, and well-designed climate policy as prerequisites for a successful LTS have been addressed during the development process of LTS. Under the scenario compatible with 1.5 0C goals (LCCP), greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1.24 GtCO2-eq of CO2-eq and then decline and continue to decline to reach 0.54 GtCO2-eq in 2050. It is expected that net zero emissions (NZE) will be achieved by 2060 or sooner.", "inputs": { "text": "Conducive environment for investment, structural reform to support growth, and well-designed climate policy as prerequisites for a successful LTS have been addressed during the development process of LTS. Under the scenario compatible with 1.5 0C goals (LCCP), greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1.24 GtCO2-eq of CO2-eq and then decline and continue to decline to reach 0.54 GtCO2-eq in 2050. It is expected that net zero emissions (NZE) will be achieved by 2060 or sooner." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2c2d92b2-4df0-4405-bea6-6a0d6dcffb2a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 485 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The FOLU sector is expected to become a significant carbon sink in 2050, leaving room for other sectors to incrementally transition towards carbon neutrality. Figure 6: GHG emissions projections in the BAU and LTS4CN scenarios The LTS4CN scenario suggests that Cambodia could achieve overall carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of about 50 MtCO2e. The waste and IPPU sectors will be the least emitting sectors in 2050 with 1.6 and 1.2 MtCO2e, respectively.", "inputs": { "text": "The FOLU sector is expected to become a significant carbon sink in 2050, leaving room for other sectors to incrementally transition towards carbon neutrality. Figure 6: GHG emissions projections in the BAU and LTS4CN scenarios The LTS4CN scenario suggests that Cambodia could achieve overall carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of about 50 MtCO2e. The waste and IPPU sectors will be the least emitting sectors in 2050 with 1.6 and 1.2 MtCO2e, respectively." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2cfca4ee-1c04-456e-938f-fe9b243b1767", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 498 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The legally binding Climate Change Act 2008 sets a framework for the UK to reduce GHG emissions and build capacity to adapt and strengthen resilience to climate risks11. The Act originally committed the UK to cut its emissions by at least 80% below the 1990 baseline level by 205012. On 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis.", "inputs": { "text": "The legally binding Climate Change Act 2008 sets a framework for the UK to reduce GHG emissions and build capacity to adapt and strengthen resilience to climate risks11. The Act originally committed the UK to cut its emissions by at least 80% below the 1990 baseline level by 205012. On 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2d64b73d-dd2a-43f4-9c4a-df991be0ddc3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 433 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under the scenario compatible with 1.5 0 C goals (LCCP), greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1.24 GtCO2- eq of CO2- eq and then decline and continue to decline to reach 0.54 GtCO2- eq in 2050. It is expected that net zero emissions (NZE) will be achieved by 2060 or sooner.", "inputs": { "text": "Under the scenario compatible with 1.5 0 C goals (LCCP), greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1.24 GtCO2- eq of CO2- eq and then decline and continue to decline to reach 0.54 GtCO2- eq in 2050. It is expected that net zero emissions (NZE) will be achieved by 2060 or sooner." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2df871b1-6e86-4d29-9c7f-fa307e39a306", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 283 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f18. We will deliver a world class cycling and walking network in England by 2040. This will include comprehensive cycling and walking networks in all large towns and cities, with measures to enable cycling and walking, such as cycle training for all children and adults that want it. We will enable behaviour change through targeted personal incentives, such as GP prescribing of active travel, existing tax reliefs, and rewards programmes. Buses and coaches 19.", "inputs": { "text": "Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f18. We will deliver a world class cycling and walking network in England by 2040. This will include comprehensive cycling and walking networks in all large towns and cities, with measures to enable cycling and walking, such as cycle training for all children and adults that want it. We will enable behaviour change through targeted personal incentives, such as GP prescribing of active travel, existing tax reliefs, and rewards programmes. Buses and coaches 19." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2e08639e-924a-413a-8981-954d25be1049", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 500 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", "inputs": { "text": "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2e70a488-7bbd-4141-b4ec-caf35499cc9d", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 249 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Promoting alternatives to sustainable mobility (public transport, bicycles, electric vehicles) and ensuring the infrastructure necessary for citizens to adopt sustainable mobility (efficient public transport, cycle lanes, electric charging stations for vehicles).In 2050, between 40% and 50% of the population of capital cities will use inclusive and alternative means of transport to travel to work or study. 5. Promoting sustainable consumption habits a.", "inputs": { "text": "Promoting alternatives to sustainable mobility (public transport, bicycles, electric vehicles) and ensuring the infrastructure necessary for citizens to adopt sustainable mobility (efficient public transport, cycle lanes, electric charging stations for vehicles).In 2050, between 40% and 50% of the population of capital cities will use inclusive and alternative means of transport to travel to work or study. 5. Promoting sustainable consumption habits a." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2ea850f5-0909-497c-be48-850a3891e1ae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 456 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 At least a 30% increase in the awareness of people, particularly women, by 2030 about measures that they can take to help prevent major diseases related to water, sanitation and food. Transport: Reducing emissions in the road transport sector \u2022 Plug-in electric-hybrid-vehicles \u2022 Improve the efficiency of the road vehicles \u2022 Control the technical condition of vehicles and periodic maintenance to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. \u2022 Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 At least a 30% increase in the awareness of people, particularly women, by 2030 about measures that they can take to help prevent major diseases related to water, sanitation and food. Transport: Reducing emissions in the road transport sector \u2022 Plug-in electric-hybrid-vehicles \u2022 Improve the efficiency of the road vehicles \u2022 Control the technical condition of vehicles and periodic maintenance to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. \u2022 Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2eb19445-4760-49e2-8b48-424c978f457b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 533 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport) Transport Sector Waste Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector TOTAL If, as a result of inadequate financial, capacity-building and technology transfer support, it is envisaged that Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into net emissions reductions of 5.9% below the BAU trajectory in 2030. Figure 3-3 below presents and compares the net GHG emission targets for Uganda\u2019s unconditional and full economy wide NDC targets.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport) Transport Sector Waste Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector TOTAL If, as a result of inadequate financial, capacity-building and technology transfer support, it is envisaged that Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into net emissions reductions of 5.9% below the BAU trajectory in 2030. Figure 3-3 below presents and compares the net GHG emission targets for Uganda\u2019s unconditional and full economy wide NDC targets." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2f000df0-b95d-4f27-990a-e9c27e4b1f8c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 451 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As a consequence, energy demand for fossil fuels will decrease from approximately 48 million GJ in the 2030 BAU scenario to 34.5 million GJ, which is around 28% decrease in fossil fuel dependency. This target will reduce emissions from a projected BAU of 3,640 Gg CO2 eq. in 2030 to 2,619 Gg CO2 eq., which is around 28% decrease in emissions. \uf0b7 By 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods.", "inputs": { "text": "As a consequence, energy demand for fossil fuels will decrease from approximately 48 million GJ in the 2030 BAU scenario to 34.5 million GJ, which is around 28% decrease in fossil fuel dependency. This target will reduce emissions from a projected BAU of 3,640 Gg CO2 eq. in 2030 to 2,619 Gg CO2 eq., which is around 28% decrease in emissions. \uf0b7 By 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2f8b0858-559a-4a0c-b214-bfb051fdb348", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 460 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Measure 300 MW total installed biomass power capacity in the country by Sector Energy GHG mitigation target 84 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030 Monitoring procedures Newly added biomass capacity will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Energy and Mines Comments - Installed capacity as of 2019 is around 40MW Measure 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix Sector Transport GHG mitigation target 30 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030 Monitoring procedures Share of Electric Vehicles in national vehicle mix will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.", "inputs": { "text": "Measure 300 MW total installed biomass power capacity in the country by Sector Energy GHG mitigation target 84 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030 Monitoring procedures Newly added biomass capacity will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Energy and Mines Comments - Installed capacity as of 2019 is around 40MW Measure 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix Sector Transport GHG mitigation target 30 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030 Monitoring procedures Share of Electric Vehicles in national vehicle mix will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "2fd9d61c-0ae8-4e0f-af8a-55a3908df2f8", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 896 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: \ufffd revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; \ufffd commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; \ufffd communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; \ufffd reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, \ufffd commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; \ufffd commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; \ufffd commits to a gender-responsive and human", "inputs": { "text": "2020 at the latest, a new NDC in which, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, RMI: \ufffd revises its quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025; \ufffd commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030; \ufffd communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035; \ufffd reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest, \ufffd commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to generate the necessary financing; \ufffd commits to submitting an Adaptation Communication to the UNFCCC by 2020 at the latest; \ufffd commits to a gender-responsive and human" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3085e850-39d3-4fff-8a65-32eab7349283", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 991 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Length of non-motorised transport infrastructure constructed Number of cities/ towns (above 50k residents) with dedicated non-motorised transport lanes (for bicycles) Increase climate resilient designs and safety standards for transport systems Number of major transport infrastructures that take climate change into consideration SECTOR: URBAN Construct new sanitary landfill sites in cities/ towns in climate resilient locations Number of constructed landfill sites in climate resilient locations 6 constructed sanitary landfills 200 sanitary landfills Increase the climate resilience of urban systems Area of land covered by green infrastructure and recreational areas (Ha) 30% of the land in 200 cities/towns, equal to Improve provision and condition of housing for enhanced human safety against climatic stressors Percentage of urban dwellers residing in safe and adequate housing* (gender disaggregated) Indeterminate Enhance urban greenery for improved climate resilience Urban green area per capita in m2 inhabitant Indeterminate Undertake climate- adaptive urban planning Area of land covered by green infrastructure and recreational areas (Ha) - Number of land use plans Not available SECTOR: CLIMATE SERVICES AND DISASTER RISk", "inputs": { "text": "Length of non-motorised transport infrastructure constructed Number of cities/ towns (above 50k residents) with dedicated non-motorised transport lanes (for bicycles) Increase climate resilient designs and safety standards for transport systems Number of major transport infrastructures that take climate change into consideration SECTOR: URBAN Construct new sanitary landfill sites in cities/ towns in climate resilient locations Number of constructed landfill sites in climate resilient locations 6 constructed sanitary landfills 200 sanitary landfills Increase the climate resilience of urban systems Area of land covered by green infrastructure and recreational areas (Ha) 30% of the land in 200 cities/towns, equal to Improve provision and condition of housing for enhanced human safety against climatic stressors Percentage of urban dwellers residing in safe and adequate housing* (gender disaggregated) Indeterminate Enhance urban greenery for improved climate resilience Urban green area per capita in m2 inhabitant Indeterminate Undertake climate- adaptive urban planning Area of land covered by green infrastructure and recreational areas (Ha) - Number of land use plans Not available SECTOR: CLIMATE SERVICES AND DISASTER RISk" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "309183f1-6972-403f-823f-325ca0b0baf3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 1237 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, 30 % of all new vehicles sold in Pakistan in various categories will be Electric Vehicles (EVs). \n30% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 50% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2030;\n90% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 90% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2040", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, 30 % of all new vehicles sold in Pakistan in various categories will be Electric Vehicles (EVs). \n30% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 50% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2030;\n90% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 90% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2040" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "30e3e337-4bcd-4384-a2fb-32a521306a92", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 315 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We will transform last mile deliveries, with zero emission HGVs and decarbonised deliveries made possible through the adoption of new delivery models, supported by accurate data and digital innovations which drive greater efficiencies. \u2022 The rail network will be net zero emissions by 2050 through a sustained, long-term programme of investment in rail electrification, supported by deployment of battery and hydrogen-powered trains. \u2022 UK aviation and shipping will achieve net zero emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "We will transform last mile deliveries, with zero emission HGVs and decarbonised deliveries made possible through the adoption of new delivery models, supported by accurate data and digital innovations which drive greater efficiencies. \u2022 The rail network will be net zero emissions by 2050 through a sustained, long-term programme of investment in rail electrification, supported by deployment of battery and hydrogen-powered trains. \u2022 UK aviation and shipping will achieve net zero emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "30f94ce7-e406-455d-87fe-29801e68d519", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 501 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Republic of Uzbekistan has increased its commitments in the updated natio nally determined contribution (NDC) and intends to reduce specific gree nhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010 instead of 10% specified in the NDC1. CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.\u2026 1 NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2 MITIGATION MEASURES\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2.1 Information needed for clarity, transparency and understanding of the nationally determined contributions \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2.2 Additional information on mitigation aspects in the Republic of Uzbekistan \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 3 ADAPTATION\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 4 WAYS OF UPDATED NDC IMPLEMENTATION\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.\u2026 ABBREVIATIONS GDP Gross domestic product RES Renewable energy sources HPP Hydro power plant HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons GCF Green Climate Fund COP Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change CDM Clean Development Mechanism IFI International financial institutions NAP National adaptation plan GHGs Greenhouse gases GWP Global warming potential of greenhouse gases FBUR First Biennial Updated Report INDCs", "inputs": { "text": "The Republic of Uzbekistan has increased its commitments in the updated natio nally determined contribution (NDC) and intends to reduce specific gree nhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010 instead of 10% specified in the NDC1. CONTENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.\u2026 1 NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2 MITIGATION MEASURES\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2.1 Information needed for clarity, transparency and understanding of the nationally determined contributions \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026. 2.2 Additional information on mitigation aspects in the Republic of Uzbekistan \u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 3 ADAPTATION\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 4 WAYS OF UPDATED NDC IMPLEMENTATION\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.\u2026 ABBREVIATIONS GDP Gross domestic product RES Renewable energy sources HPP Hydro power plant HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons GCF Green Climate Fund COP Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change CDM Clean Development Mechanism IFI International financial institutions NAP National adaptation plan GHGs Greenhouse gases GWP Global warming potential of greenhouse gases FBUR First Biennial Updated Report INDCs" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3112724d-36a0-494b-8ec7-35651a481d57", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 1215 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Iceland announced on 12 December 2020 at the Climate Ambition Summit that Iceland would increase its level of ambition from the currently pledged 40 per cent emissions cuts to 2030, to 55 per cent or more, acting jointly to achieve this enhanced target with other European States. The European Union and its Member States have since communicated that they, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic emission reduction of at least 55 per cent to 2030 compared to 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "Iceland announced on 12 December 2020 at the Climate Ambition Summit that Iceland would increase its level of ambition from the currently pledged 40 per cent emissions cuts to 2030, to 55 per cent or more, acting jointly to achieve this enhanced target with other European States. The European Union and its Member States have since communicated that they, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic emission reduction of at least 55 per cent to 2030 compared to 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3116bb25-2194-4376-8044-0c80e7ccd6e4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 493 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional contribution DPR Korea could achieve the additional contribution equivalent to 32.25% of the GHG emission in the BAU scenario by 2030 if international support is received through international cooperation including the financial support under the Paris Agreement. 2.2 Fair and Ambitious DPR Korea\u2019s GHG emission is 65 714GgCO2e in 2000, which accounts for 0.16% of the World GHG emission in 2000 (40GtCO2e). With the GHG emission of 2.9tCO2e per capita in 2000, DPR Korea is one of low GHG emitting countries in terms of emissions per capita.", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional contribution DPR Korea could achieve the additional contribution equivalent to 32.25% of the GHG emission in the BAU scenario by 2030 if international support is received through international cooperation including the financial support under the Paris Agreement. 2.2 Fair and Ambitious DPR Korea\u2019s GHG emission is 65 714GgCO2e in 2000, which accounts for 0.16% of the World GHG emission in 2000 (40GtCO2e). With the GHG emission of 2.9tCO2e per capita in 2000, DPR Korea is one of low GHG emitting countries in terms of emissions per capita." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3119a6d3-8187-4433-a9e3-d16a8817e6ca", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 555 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3125911f-4eec-4070-a9a7-084b3f076b8a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 523 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Public transport will be gradually replaced to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2030. In addition, the Government supports the replacement of thermal vehicles with electric vehicles.", "inputs": { "text": "Public transport will be gradually replaced to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2030. In addition, the Government supports the replacement of thermal vehicles with electric vehicles." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3140aa46-ffd0-4660-83af-95c31f0fd9c5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 179 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "SINGAPORE\u2019S INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC) AND ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION In accordance with Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Singapore communicates that it intends to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including as appropriate, a base year) Emissions Intensity in 2005: Singapore\u2019s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per S$GDP (at 2010 prices) in 2005 is 0.176 kgCO2e/S$.", "inputs": { "text": "SINGAPORE\u2019S INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC) AND ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION In accordance with Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Singapore communicates that it intends to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including as appropriate, a base year) Emissions Intensity in 2005: Singapore\u2019s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per S$GDP (at 2010 prices) in 2005 is 0.176 kgCO2e/S$." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3177c70c-c0c2-41d1-928c-d3f53dc11b7b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 529 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Government will ensure that policies used in the post-2020 period are efficient and complementary with one another, and are appropriately calibrated towards achieving Australia\u2019s 2030 target. As a Attachment: Australia\u2019s intended nationally determined contribution Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 Reference point Base year Time frames Period covered Scope and Coverage Target type Absolute economy-wide emissions reduction by 2030, to be developed into an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030 Gases covered Carbon dioxide (CO2); Methane (CH4); Nitrous oxide (N2O); Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Sectors covered Energy; Industrial processes and product use; Agriculture; Land-use, land-use change and forestry; Waste % of base year emissions covered 100 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Australia\u2019s national greenhouse gas inventory Assumptions and methodological approaches for emissions estimates and accounting Metrics Australia intends to apply 100 year Global Warming", "inputs": { "text": "The Government will ensure that policies used in the post-2020 period are efficient and complementary with one another, and are appropriately calibrated towards achieving Australia\u2019s 2030 target. As a Attachment: Australia\u2019s intended nationally determined contribution Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030 Reference point Base year Time frames Period covered Scope and Coverage Target type Absolute economy-wide emissions reduction by 2030, to be developed into an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030 Gases covered Carbon dioxide (CO2); Methane (CH4); Nitrous oxide (N2O); Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs); Perfluorocarbons (PFCs); Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Sectors covered Energy; Industrial processes and product use; Agriculture; Land-use, land-use change and forestry; Waste % of base year emissions covered 100 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Australia\u2019s national greenhouse gas inventory Assumptions and methodological approaches for emissions estimates and accounting Metrics Australia intends to apply 100 year Global Warming" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3215c653-4c35-4455-87d2-b096adad0239", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 1102 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Relationship with inventory: This approach, and the definitions and metrics used, are fully consistent with our greenhouse gas inventory.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Relationship with inventory: This approach, and the definitions and metrics used, are fully consistent with our greenhouse gas inventory." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3218c592-ea2f-42f8-b84f-e52fbaba5e37", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 411 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050. In the energy sector, the national sustainable energy strategy of Namibia looks to introduce new emissions- reducing technologies and encourage healthier practices that are more energy efficient.1 The updated NDC includes climate-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC).", "inputs": { "text": "This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050. In the energy sector, the national sustainable energy strategy of Namibia looks to introduce new emissions- reducing technologies and encourage healthier practices that are more energy efficient.1 The updated NDC includes climate-friendly and energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "32f3aefb-2353-4883-a2bb-49fd31215e60", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 472 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. Viet Nam\u2019s INDC identifies the GHG reduction pathway in the 2021-2030 period. With domestic resources GHG emissions will be reduced by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The above-mentioned contribution could be increased up to 25% with international support.", "inputs": { "text": "The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. Viet Nam\u2019s INDC identifies the GHG reduction pathway in the 2021-2030 period. With domestic resources GHG emissions will be reduced by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The above-mentioned contribution could be increased up to 25% with international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "335e7ddc-91ab-4a46-b9ec-4ba096fd160b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 568 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This publication does not indicate commitment by the Australian Government to a particular course of action.\f I. Australia\u2019s strengthened climate ambition This submission communicates Australia\u2019s updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. In this updated NDC, Australia is increasing the ambition of its 2030 target, committing\u00a0to\u00a0reduce greenhouse gas emissions 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. Australia also reaffirms its target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "This publication does not indicate commitment by the Australian Government to a particular course of action.\f I. Australia\u2019s strengthened climate ambition This submission communicates Australia\u2019s updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. In this updated NDC, Australia is increasing the ambition of its 2030 target, committing\u00a0to\u00a0reduce greenhouse gas emissions 43% below 2005 levels by 2030. Australia also reaffirms its target to achieve net zero emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3374380f-ad3e-4f4b-ba74-4d493355868e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 514 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "BAU GHG emissions estimated in target year (2030): 12,429.81 Gg CO2e Unconditional, 10% GHG emissions reductions target (2030): 11,186.83 Gg CO2e Conditional, 64% GHG emissions reduction target (2030): 4,536.64 Gg CO2e c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not Not applicable \f applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information d).", "inputs": { "text": "BAU GHG emissions estimated in target year (2030): 12,429.81 Gg CO2e Unconditional, 10% GHG emissions reductions target (2030): 11,186.83 Gg CO2e Conditional, 64% GHG emissions reduction target (2030): 4,536.64 Gg CO2e c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not Not applicable \f applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information d)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "338b26e1-3300-4e7a-998a-4d65aaaa7bd3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 511 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conduct technical assessment of non-solar sources of renewable energy such as ocean thermal energy conversion and waste-to-energy. Conduct technical assessment of low-carbon transport options. Conditional Contribution. Achieving 30% Energy Savings. The ability of Nauru to realize our renewable energy aspirations will depend on placing a strong focus on energy efficiency.", "inputs": { "text": "Conduct technical assessment of non-solar sources of renewable energy such as ocean thermal energy conversion and waste-to-energy. Conduct technical assessment of low-carbon transport options. Conditional Contribution. Achieving 30% Energy Savings. The ability of Nauru to realize our renewable energy aspirations will depend on placing a strong focus on energy efficiency." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "33a0de5c-7642-4cee-9c40-78f9c02aaa2e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 373 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Thus, for Mozambique REDD+ was included in this updated NDC 1 as a key means of implementation to operationalise miti- gation ambitions. Finally, Mozambique proposes to carry out a se- ries of mitigation actions that in aggregate expect to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions by about 40 mil- lion tCO2eq between 2020 and 2025 (see graph below). These reductions are estimates with a significant level of uncertainty and will be updated with the results of the BUR to be available in 2022.", "inputs": { "text": "Thus, for Mozambique REDD+ was included in this updated NDC 1 as a key means of implementation to operationalise miti- gation ambitions. Finally, Mozambique proposes to carry out a se- ries of mitigation actions that in aggregate expect to achieve a reduction of GHG emissions by about 40 mil- lion tCO2eq between 2020 and 2025 (see graph below). These reductions are estimates with a significant level of uncertainty and will be updated with the results of the BUR to be available in 2022." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "33da1886-1f65-4ada-9370-bb49509c0903", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 490 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the year 2030, the infrastructure will have been expanded and improved to increase non-motorized mobility travel (including walking and cycling) by at least 5% compared to the current trajectory.", "inputs": { "text": "In the year 2030, the infrastructure will have been expanded and improved to increase non-motorized mobility travel (including walking and cycling) by at least 5% compared to the current trajectory." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "342bb075-8a2a-4a65-839a-a8b1fb1c5f73", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 198 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "1 Emissions from non-forest land use and land use change are estimated to be in the order of 2 per cent of base year emissions.\f Long term: Switzerland plans its climate policy in 10-year-steps, continuously strengthening its reduction targets. The Government of Switzerland has formulated an indicative goal to reduce emissions by 2050 by 70 to 85 percent compared to 1990 including use of international credits as well as the vision to reduce per capita emissions in Switzerland to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in the longer term.", "inputs": { "text": "1 Emissions from non-forest land use and land use change are estimated to be in the order of 2 per cent of base year emissions.\f Long term: Switzerland plans its climate policy in 10-year-steps, continuously strengthening its reduction targets. The Government of Switzerland has formulated an indicative goal to reduce emissions by 2050 by 70 to 85 percent compared to 1990 including use of international credits as well as the vision to reduce per capita emissions in Switzerland to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in the longer term." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "343631f7-54bb-474b-8256-f8790d74ef2a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 520 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fNet zero transition and economic opportunities Our 2050 vision and how we get there 5. Every place in the UK will have its own net zero emission transport network before 2050, serving the unique needs of its communities. Sustainability will be at the heart of levelling up.", "inputs": { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fNet zero transition and economic opportunities Our 2050 vision and how we get there 5. Every place in the UK will have its own net zero emission transport network before 2050, serving the unique needs of its communities. Sustainability will be at the heart of levelling up." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3487459e-04b6-4244-a3ea-78e37f92fdaf", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 323 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional Objective Implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 8 years old by 2025 (ECOWAS standard); implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old by 2030 (ECOWAS Commission 2020 recommendation); 500 000 more efficient cars by 2025 Construction by 2025 of 910 km of railway for the transport of minerals, 650 km of which for Trans-Guinea as a substitute for road transport.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional Objective Implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 8 years old by 2025 (ECOWAS standard); implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old by 2030 (ECOWAS Commission 2020 recommendation); 500 000 more efficient cars by 2025 Construction by 2025 of 910 km of railway for the transport of minerals, 650 km of which for Trans-Guinea as a substitute for road transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "34de8bc0-a282-4ed3-918b-61b237fef531", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 415 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Somalia is thus committed to pursuing a low emission sustainable development pathway. Under the updated NDC, Somalia has set a target of achieving 30% emissions reductions against the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario estimate of 107.39 MtCO2eq by 2030. To achieve this target, Somalia will aim to reduce and avoid its GHG emissions by about 32.40MtCO2eq relative to the BAU scenario by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Somalia is thus committed to pursuing a low emission sustainable development pathway. Under the updated NDC, Somalia has set a target of achieving 30% emissions reductions against the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario estimate of 107.39 MtCO2eq by 2030. To achieve this target, Somalia will aim to reduce and avoid its GHG emissions by about 32.40MtCO2eq relative to the BAU scenario by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3519f2f6-fd05-4f8e-817e-f54b034e6642", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 392 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, the Republic of Madagascar has set up an emission reduction contribution of at least 14% of its GHG, compared to the BAU scenario, and an increase of GHG absorption of at least 32% compared to the BAU scenario. These objectives continue to be conditioned by international supports (financial, technology, capacity building), which will be received from the international community (conditional contributions). Figures 2, 3, and 4 of the Annex display national emissions and absorptions.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, the Republic of Madagascar has set up an emission reduction contribution of at least 14% of its GHG, compared to the BAU scenario, and an increase of GHG absorption of at least 32% compared to the BAU scenario. These objectives continue to be conditioned by international supports (financial, technology, capacity building), which will be received from the international community (conditional contributions). Figures 2, 3, and 4 of the Annex display national emissions and absorptions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "35621a7a-7fb9-4412-a320-2af1aebe95e1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 495 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions and values of conservation and moderation, including through a mass movement for \u2018LIFE\u2019\u2013 \u2018Lifestyle for Environment\u2019 as a key to combating climate change [ UPDATED]. 2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic development.\f2 of 3 3. To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4.", "inputs": { "text": "To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way of living based on traditions and values of conservation and moderation, including through a mass movement for \u2018LIFE\u2019\u2013 \u2018Lifestyle for Environment\u2019 as a key to combating climate change [ UPDATED]. 2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic development.\f2 of 3 3. To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "35a91fbb-7a9d-4e6d-9fe7-4a98deffd60e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Up to 21 percent reduction in GHG emissions from the BAU level by 2030 will enable Turkey to step on low-carbon development pathways compatible with the long-term objective of limiting the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C. Planning Process. Turkey may revise this INDC in accordance with changing circumstances. Turkey supports its INDC through a national climate change policy which includes;. 10th National Development Plan. National Strategy on Climate Change. National Climate Change Action Plan. National Strategy on Industry. Strategy on Energy Efficiency.", "inputs": { "text": "Up to 21 percent reduction in GHG emissions from the BAU level by 2030 will enable Turkey to step on low-carbon development pathways compatible with the long-term objective of limiting the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C. Planning Process. Turkey may revise this INDC in accordance with changing circumstances. Turkey supports its INDC through a national climate change policy which includes;. 10th National Development Plan. National Strategy on Climate Change. National Climate Change Action Plan. National Strategy on Industry. Strategy on Energy Efficiency." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "35c0112a-594d-411e-9b50-9a619e0ebf36", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 570 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For the 2010 base year, the base year emission level was 72,979 Gg CO2 equivalents. NA A net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 18.3% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BSC), with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support compared to that received up to 2020.", "inputs": { "text": "For the 2010 base year, the base year emission level was 72,979 Gg CO2 equivalents. NA A net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 18.3% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BSC), with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support compared to that received up to 2020." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "364d027d-2822-4a81-aa44-a5a853125fd6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824685, "metrics": { "text_length": 296 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GEI emissions (million tons of CO2-eq) Inventory + BAU projection NDC mitigation measures To reduce emissions from the land transport category, Guatemala will implement the Sustainable Mobility (ENE-2) measure, which is based on the promotion of the use of electric vehicles (electromobility) and the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels.", "inputs": { "text": "GEI emissions (million tons of CO2-eq) Inventory + BAU projection NDC mitigation measures To reduce emissions from the land transport category, Guatemala will implement the Sustainable Mobility (ENE-2) measure, which is based on the promotion of the use of electric vehicles (electromobility) and the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "36d2b379-59f6-48a5-baf2-6d8f0c256819", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 343 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 3. Rectangular Strategy, 4. National Policy on Green Growth, 5. Sectoral development plans. Conditional Enhance maintenance and inspection of vehicle (Piloting maintenance and emission inspections of vehicles) Transport Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) 1. Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 3. Rectangular Strategy, 4. National Policy on Green Growth and sectoral development plans. inspection centers will be in operation vehicles are expected to be inspected by 2030 1. Reduce maintenance cost/saving cost 2.", "inputs": { "text": "Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 3. Rectangular Strategy, 4. National Policy on Green Growth, 5. Sectoral development plans. Conditional Enhance maintenance and inspection of vehicle (Piloting maintenance and emission inspections of vehicles) Transport Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) 1. Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 3. Rectangular Strategy, 4. National Policy on Green Growth and sectoral development plans. inspection centers will be in operation vehicles are expected to be inspected by 2030 1. Reduce maintenance cost/saving cost 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "37319439-69dd-4389-b519-fa4167099a14", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 576 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "and livestock management 18% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2017 levels Waste Landfill gas recovery, composting of organic waste and engineered wastewater management 30% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline in 2030 Tourism and recreation Composting of organic waste, promotion of sustainable food and EVs in the sector 66% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline in 2030 Total Marginal abatement cost curves showcase the marginal costs of achieving a cumulative level of emission abatement in order, from least to most expensive mitigation technology or measures (Gillingham and Stock, 2018).", "inputs": { "text": "and livestock management 18% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2017 levels Waste Landfill gas recovery, composting of organic waste and engineered wastewater management 30% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline in 2030 Tourism and recreation Composting of organic waste, promotion of sustainable food and EVs in the sector 66% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline in 2030 Total Marginal abatement cost curves showcase the marginal costs of achieving a cumulative level of emission abatement in order, from least to most expensive mitigation technology or measures (Gillingham and Stock, 2018)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "37e35ed6-c129-4957-bace-588856e4e479", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 627 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, equivalent to the reduction of 76 million t-CO2, in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emission by 50 percent from its fiscal year 2013 levels.", "inputs": { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent, equivalent to the reduction of 76 million t-CO2, in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emission by 50 percent from its fiscal year 2013 levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "385a0322-cdd9-4057-aa4c-3da35ddc278a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 330 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Additional accompanying information, relating to mitigation actions and support for implementation, is provided. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Tuvalu commits to reduction of emissions of green-\u00ad\u2010house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by ie almost zero emissions by 2025. Tuvalu\u2019s indicative quantified economy-\u00ad\u2010wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to below levels by 2025. These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance.", "inputs": { "text": "Additional accompanying information, relating to mitigation actions and support for implementation, is provided. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Tuvalu commits to reduction of emissions of green-\u00ad\u2010house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by ie almost zero emissions by 2025. Tuvalu\u2019s indicative quantified economy-\u00ad\u2010wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to below levels by 2025. These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "386eda5c-e96c-4128-9188-a0aca7d9067b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 630 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This commitment was increased with the first update of the NDC in 2020, specifically with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.The update now being presented responds to the previously discussed Glasgow Climate Pact, and reinforces the medium-term commitment to ensure achieving neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "This commitment was increased with the first update of the NDC in 2020, specifically with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.The update now being presented responds to the previously discussed Glasgow Climate Pact, and reinforces the medium-term commitment to ensure achieving neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "38cd319a-61c8-4f92-a60e-c5b6fb01d6dd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 307 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan\u2019s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan\u2019s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "38fdce09-283e-448c-b6be-966ad0112310", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 439 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional Reduction The level of reduction planned unconditionally is expected to be up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, taking 2005 as the reference year. Conditional Reduction In a conditional mitigation scenario Angola plans to reduce further its emissions. Therefore, the mitigation options identified in this scenario are expected to reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional Reduction The level of reduction planned unconditionally is expected to be up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, taking 2005 as the reference year. Conditional Reduction In a conditional mitigation scenario Angola plans to reduce further its emissions. Therefore, the mitigation options identified in this scenario are expected to reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "39d9a7db-069d-4eec-8e16-a8407f9f5bcf", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 438 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "0. 2.973. 39. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Recycling Project. Implementation of a PVC recycling project. 0.2. 0.117. 40. National Strategy on Logistics Development. Implementation of these actions: eco-driving training of truck drivers, installation of photovoltaic parks, the improvement of maintenance and technical control of transport vehicles and a modal shift from road to rail. 350. 35.122. 41. Upgrade of Utility Vehicles 20 Years and Older between 2025 and 2030. Upgrade utility vehicles of 20 years and older to lower their fuel consumption, between 2025 and 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "0. 2.973. 39. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Recycling Project. Implementation of a PVC recycling project. 0.2. 0.117. 40. National Strategy on Logistics Development. Implementation of these actions: eco-driving training of truck drivers, installation of photovoltaic parks, the improvement of maintenance and technical control of transport vehicles and a modal shift from road to rail. 350. 35.122. 41. Upgrade of Utility Vehicles 20 Years and Older between 2025 and 2030. Upgrade utility vehicles of 20 years and older to lower their fuel consumption, between 2025 and 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "39e6edd3-6b41-4dbc-ae78-925797bef68e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 570 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Kenya therefore seeks to abate its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with its sustainable development agenda. This is also subject to international support in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building.\f 2.1.1 Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Timeframe for implementation The timeframe for implementation of the INDC is up to 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Kenya therefore seeks to abate its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with its sustainable development agenda. This is also subject to international support in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building.\f 2.1.1 Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Timeframe for implementation The timeframe for implementation of the INDC is up to 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3b2ca37d-e91a-4f77-943e-959cc253440e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 466 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Promoting hybrid and electric cars at national level -including 50% of the Public fleet will be EVs- and assuming annual increase in private cars adoption by 2% (this project was developed based on received study from Ministry of transport (letter No. general/152/004382) and based on Energy National Strategy (2020- 2030)). Industrial processes and product use (IPPU). The industrial sector is considered to be one of the main pillars for the Jordanian economy contributed directly to about 24% of the national GDP in 2017.", "inputs": { "text": "Promoting hybrid and electric cars at national level -including 50% of the Public fleet will be EVs- and assuming annual increase in private cars adoption by 2% (this project was developed based on received study from Ministry of transport (letter No. general/152/004382) and based on Energy National Strategy (2020- 2030)). Industrial processes and product use (IPPU). The industrial sector is considered to be one of the main pillars for the Jordanian economy contributed directly to about 24% of the national GDP in 2017." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3b353646-51fb-414e-aedb-1f64989ba3e1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 524 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The updated NDC is set at the most ambitious level possible, considering the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. The updated target is to reduce 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. This is an absolute emissions reduction target that is more predictable and transparent than the target relative to Business-As-Usual (BAU) emissions projection in the previous first NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "The updated NDC is set at the most ambitious level possible, considering the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. The updated target is to reduce 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. This is an absolute emissions reduction target that is more predictable and transparent than the target relative to Business-As-Usual (BAU) emissions projection in the previous first NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3b4c860d-1f2f-4289-beba-b53a59d0b49b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 454 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To develop a green and low-carbon transportation system, optimizing means of transportation, properly allocating public transport resources in cities, giving priority to the development of public transportation and encouraging the development and use of low-carbon and environment-friendly means of transport, such as new energy vehicle and vessel;. To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;. To promote the share of public transport in motorized travel in big-and- medium-sized cities reaching 30% by 2020;.", "inputs": { "text": "To develop a green and low-carbon transportation system, optimizing means of transportation, properly allocating public transport resources in cities, giving priority to the development of public transportation and encouraging the development and use of low-carbon and environment-friendly means of transport, such as new energy vehicle and vessel;. To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;. To promote the share of public transport in motorized travel in big-and- medium-sized cities reaching 30% by 2020;." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3b6b0a63-5b8c-4e7d-8c99-1276dba6be8c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The unconditional mitigation scenario includes the impacts of mitigation actions which Lebanon is able to implement without additional international support. Conditional Target \uf0b7 A GHG emission reduction of 30% compared to the BAU scenario in 2030. \uf0b7 20% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. \uf0b7 A 10% reduction in power demand through energy-efficiency in 2030 compared to the demand under the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The unconditional mitigation scenario includes the impacts of mitigation actions which Lebanon is able to implement without additional international support. Conditional Target \uf0b7 A GHG emission reduction of 30% compared to the BAU scenario in 2030. \uf0b7 20% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. \uf0b7 A 10% reduction in power demand through energy-efficiency in 2030 compared to the demand under the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3b97f468-8e3c-4e1e-9aa2-66b57ce5db37", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 448 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde\u2019s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde\u2019s 2030 climate ambitions \u2022 By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde\u2019s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde\u2019s 2030 climate ambitions \u2022 By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3bbb4527-3f32-42a9-ab74-4c02255d62d8", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 542 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This commitment is 21074.94 Gg CO2eq for the unconditional scenario, or 19.60%, and 10557.91 Gg CO2eq for the conditional scenario, or 9.82%. Compared to the 2015 UNFCCC target of 18.2%, Burkina Faso has increased its ambitions by 11.22%. To achieve this target of 29.42%, an amount of US$ 449 118 465.3 is planned under the unconditional scenario, compared to the expected amount of US$ 885 670 522 under the conditional scenario, or a total of US$ 1,334 788 987.", "inputs": { "text": "This commitment is 21074.94 Gg CO2eq for the unconditional scenario, or 19.60%, and 10557.91 Gg CO2eq for the conditional scenario, or 9.82%. Compared to the 2015 UNFCCC target of 18.2%, Burkina Faso has increased its ambitions by 11.22%. To achieve this target of 29.42%, an amount of US$ 449 118 465.3 is planned under the unconditional scenario, compared to the expected amount of US$ 885 670 522 under the conditional scenario, or a total of US$ 1,334 788 987." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3c08ba3b-2ef7-4538-a8ea-c364306d3803", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 464 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emission reduction target The INDC emission reduction target was a 33% reduction in energy-related emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, energy-related emissions per capita were projected to be 2.21 tCO2eq in 2030. The updated target is a 40% reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, economy-wide emissions per capita are projected to be 2.3 tCO2eq in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Emission reduction target The INDC emission reduction target was a 33% reduction in energy-related emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, energy-related emissions per capita were projected to be 2.21 tCO2eq in 2030. The updated target is a 40% reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions per capita compared to BAU by 2030, conditional on international support. In the mitigation scenario, economy-wide emissions per capita are projected to be 2.3 tCO2eq in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3c517e8d-70df-487a-8720-e78771726c06", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 532 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "OBJECTIVES Reduction of GHG emissions and enhancement of removals by sinks Slovenia\u2019s objective, compliant with the Paris Agreement, is to attain net zero emissions by 2050 (removals equalling the remaining anthropogenic GHG emissions) or the attainment of climate neutrality. By 2050, Slovenia will reduce GHG emissions and improve sinks. It will reduce GHG emissions by 80 to 90 per cent in comparison to 2005 and simultaneously accelerate the implementation of climate change adaptation policies and the provision of climate safety for the public.", "inputs": { "text": "OBJECTIVES Reduction of GHG emissions and enhancement of removals by sinks Slovenia\u2019s objective, compliant with the Paris Agreement, is to attain net zero emissions by 2050 (removals equalling the remaining anthropogenic GHG emissions) or the attainment of climate neutrality. By 2050, Slovenia will reduce GHG emissions and improve sinks. It will reduce GHG emissions by 80 to 90 per cent in comparison to 2005 and simultaneously accelerate the implementation of climate change adaptation policies and the provision of climate safety for the public." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3c8d3b17-be06-4f93-9acf-52462383524c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 552 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.\fTransformation vision: \u2022 In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity \u2022 In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA.", "inputs": { "text": "These are numbered to ease the reference to the timelines included in the Annex, in which the Action Plan 2018-2022 is presented.\fTransformation vision: \u2022 In 2035, 30% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions and the Passenger Electric Train will be in operation, running 100% on electricity \u2022 In 2050, the public transport system (Buses, Taxis, Passenger Electric Train) will operate in an integrated way, replacing the private automobile as the first option of mobility for the population in the GMA." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3cb4359c-6ae3-4bd1-bc14-6a95f828f3c6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 514 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To achieve the goal set out in NDC , following sectoral targets should be adopted as the goals of Georgia\u2019s 2030 Climate Strategy and Action Plan: Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the low carbon development of the industry sector through encouraging the climate-friendly innovative technologies and services, in order to achieve 5% of emission limitations comparing to emissions projected by the reference scenario; By 2030, Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from the transport sector by 15% from the reference level; Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the development of low carbon approaches in the building sector, including public and touristic buildings through encouraging the climate-goals oriented energy efficient technologies and services; By 2030 Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from energy generation and transmission sector by 15% from the reference level; Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the low carbon development approaches of the agriculture sector through encouraging the climate smart agriculture", "inputs": { "text": "To achieve the goal set out in NDC , following sectoral targets should be adopted as the goals of Georgia\u2019s 2030 Climate Strategy and Action Plan: Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the low carbon development of the industry sector through encouraging the climate-friendly innovative technologies and services, in order to achieve 5% of emission limitations comparing to emissions projected by the reference scenario; By 2030, Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from the transport sector by 15% from the reference level; Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the development of low carbon approaches in the building sector, including public and touristic buildings through encouraging the climate-goals oriented energy efficient technologies and services; By 2030 Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from energy generation and transmission sector by 15% from the reference level; Georgia\u2019s updated NDC supports the low carbon development approaches of the agriculture sector through encouraging the climate smart agriculture" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3da29495-bb66-4ab6-985b-3c9760a0de3f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 1030 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if supported, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in a manner that does not jeopardise its sustainable development Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution amounts to 50.57%, i.e. 15 378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if supported, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in a manner that does not jeopardise its sustainable development Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution amounts to 50.57%, i.e. 15 378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3e137426-3bac-447a-ab18-ee62cd11b891", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 662 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", "inputs": { "text": "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3e1aa1ab-aa4e-4916-8c7e-b3d8c71597f0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 877 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "13 Our country will continue to be open to international cooperation, and will seek strategic alliances in full respect of national sovereignty that promote renewable energy.", "inputs": { "text": "13 Our country will continue to be open to international cooperation, and will seek strategic alliances in full respect of national sovereignty that promote renewable energy." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3e3dc984-b302-4684-ac01-7f0a56c31c18", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 174 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Lima Conference confirmed the Warsaw decision that all Parties ready to do so should communicate their INDC in the first quarter of 2015 in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. The EU and its Member States wish to communicate the following INDC. The EU and its Member States are committed to a binding target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly, as set out in the conclusions by the European Council of October 2014.", "inputs": { "text": "The Lima Conference confirmed the Warsaw decision that all Parties ready to do so should communicate their INDC in the first quarter of 2015 in a manner that facilitates the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. The EU and its Member States wish to communicate the following INDC. The EU and its Member States are committed to a binding target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly, as set out in the conclusions by the European Council of October 2014." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3ee4e14f-5f5b-49c3-b852-91e8c30fc24a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030. INFORMATION TO FACILITATE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY & UNDERSTANDING Parameter Information Timeframe and/or period for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Coverage % national emissions Sectors \uf0b7 Energy - Electricity Generation - Transport (land and shipping) - Other (cooking and lighting) \uf0b7 Waste [Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible] Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) [Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible] Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet target No Land sector accounting approach", "inputs": { "text": "RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030. INFORMATION TO FACILITATE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY & UNDERSTANDING Parameter Information Timeframe and/or period for implementation Start year: 2020 End year: 2025 Type of commitment Absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (excluding LULUCF) Reference point or base year Estimated quantified impact on GHG emissions Commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 Indicative target to reduce GHG emissions by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 Coverage % national emissions Sectors \uf0b7 Energy - Electricity Generation - Transport (land and shipping) - Other (cooking and lighting) \uf0b7 Waste [Note: emissions from sectors not listed are negligible] Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) [Note: emissions of GHGs not listed are negligible] Geographical boundaries Whole of country Intention to use market-based mechanisms to meet target No Land sector accounting approach" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3f2434ad-41bc-4e17-9a56-16e5e9efbc5e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 1017 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional\fNationally Determined Contribution 3. Low Carbon Development Activity Commitment type 3.5 Enabling the Energy Efficient Transport Sector Growth Vehicle Standards Decree-Law (No. 30/2011) prohibits the import of light passenger and mixed vehicles that are more than 5 years old (from the date of their original manufacture to the date of import) with exceptions in place for particular circumstances and vehicles. Timor-Leste will continue to use these standards to control vehicle imports and revise them as required to suit national policies and priorities.", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional\fNationally Determined Contribution 3. Low Carbon Development Activity Commitment type 3.5 Enabling the Energy Efficient Transport Sector Growth Vehicle Standards Decree-Law (No. 30/2011) prohibits the import of light passenger and mixed vehicles that are more than 5 years old (from the date of their original manufacture to the date of import) with exceptions in place for particular circumstances and vehicles. Timor-Leste will continue to use these standards to control vehicle imports and revise them as required to suit national policies and priorities." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "3f91c444-4088-4e6c-ae36-edc3a841be1a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 571 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under Business-as-usual (BAU) conditions (baseline scenario) the country\u2019s GHG emissions are projected to increase to 148.8 MtCO2e by 2030. Sectoral BAU baselines for each of the key mitigation sectors have been computed. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Economy wide emissions reduction of 24.7% in 2030 below the BAU conditions.", "inputs": { "text": "Under Business-as-usual (BAU) conditions (baseline scenario) the country\u2019s GHG emissions are projected to increase to 148.8 MtCO2e by 2030. Sectoral BAU baselines for each of the key mitigation sectors have been computed. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Economy wide emissions reduction of 24.7% in 2030 below the BAU conditions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "40bb364a-3253-4e78-aebf-45d010fe810e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 416 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2030, as a result of measures envisaged in the IPCC, such as changing mobility patterns, increasing electrification and renewable fuels, it is planned to achieve a 28% share of renewable energy in transport and mobility, as well as a reduction in emissions of more than 30% in the same decade.", "inputs": { "text": "In 2030, as a result of measures envisaged in the IPCC, such as changing mobility patterns, increasing electrification and renewable fuels, it is planned to achieve a 28% share of renewable energy in transport and mobility, as well as a reduction in emissions of more than 30% in the same decade." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "40fc9ef7-f76c-47c9-bdcb-7fe32951a1e1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 296 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fSetting the pace for greener, better transport Our Key Commitments \u2022 End the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030; from 2035, all new cars and vans must be zero emission at the tailpipe. \u2022 Introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets for a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024.", "inputs": { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fSetting the pace for greener, better transport Our Key Commitments \u2022 End the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030; from 2035, all new cars and vans must be zero emission at the tailpipe. \u2022 Introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets for a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "414b09f2-1b0f-46ae-8778-5a1508b961bf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 411 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "A global solution is needed to address a global problem. Along with the rest of the global community, Singapore will play our part to reduce emissions in support of the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. We have put forth a long-term low- emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century.", "inputs": { "text": "A global solution is needed to address a global problem. Along with the rest of the global community, Singapore will play our part to reduce emissions in support of the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. We have put forth a long-term low- emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "414e8b33-e25b-4417-b86e-46799a8e9de6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 457 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "How the NDC is a progression and reflects highest possible ambition Australia\u2019s updated NDC is a progression on our previous 2030 target and a significant increase in ambition, committing Australia to\u00a0reduce\u00a0greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 \u2014 half as much again as the previous target of 26 \u2013 28% \u2014\u00a0and\u00a0achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Economy-wide absolute emissions reduction targets Australia\u2019s 2030 and 2050 targets are economy-wide absolute emissions reduction targets.", "inputs": { "text": "How the NDC is a progression and reflects highest possible ambition Australia\u2019s updated NDC is a progression on our previous 2030 target and a significant increase in ambition, committing Australia to\u00a0reduce\u00a0greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels by 2030 \u2014 half as much again as the previous target of 26 \u2013 28% \u2014\u00a0and\u00a0achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Economy-wide absolute emissions reduction targets Australia\u2019s 2030 and 2050 targets are economy-wide absolute emissions reduction targets." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "417810a9-5eb7-4344-81bc-f162937742b2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 502 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030 (see Figures 1 and 2 below). \f Unconditional Mitigation Actions The Republic of The Gambia includes two unconditional mitigation options in its INDC: Firstly, the use of renewable energy sources in lighting, communication and health facilities, and for lifting water from wells and boreholes. Secondly, the Department of Forestry and local communities will continue to plant and care for trees annually.", "inputs": { "text": "Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030 (see Figures 1 and 2 below). \f Unconditional Mitigation Actions The Republic of The Gambia includes two unconditional mitigation options in its INDC: Firstly, the use of renewable energy sources in lighting, communication and health facilities, and for lifting water from wells and boreholes. Secondly, the Department of Forestry and local communities will continue to plant and care for trees annually." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4269f857-5b0b-4923-a7ee-de890d09941b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 520 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The measures outlined in this INDC would achieve significant annual mitigation co-benefits estimated to be up to 130 million tons of CO2eq by 2030. The measures focus on harnessing the mitigation potential in a way that prevents \u201clock in\u201d of high-GHG infrastructure. These contributions would only be possible under scenario 1 pathway of sustained economic growth.", "inputs": { "text": "The measures outlined in this INDC would achieve significant annual mitigation co-benefits estimated to be up to 130 million tons of CO2eq by 2030. The measures focus on harnessing the mitigation potential in a way that prevents \u201clock in\u201d of high-GHG infrastructure. These contributions would only be possible under scenario 1 pathway of sustained economic growth." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "426d970f-ba6a-4e22-8bd4-1b158586830f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 366 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mitigation Bhutan\u00a0 intends\u00a0 to\u00a0 remain\u00a0 carbon\u00a0 neutral\u00a0 where\u00a0 emission\u00a0 of\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 gases\u00a0 will\u00a0 not exceed\u00a0carbon\u00a0sequestration\u00a0by\u00a0our\u00a0forests,\u00a0which\u00a0is\u00a0estimated\u00a0at\u00a06.3\u00a0million\u00a0tons\u00a0of\u00a0CO2. Bhutan\u00a0will\u00a0maintain\u00a0a\u00a0minimum\u00a0of\u00a060\u00a0percent\u00a0of\u00a0total\u00a0land\u00a0under\u00a0forest\u00a0cover\u00a0for\u00a0all\u00a0time\u00a0in accordance\u00a0the\u00a0Constitution\u00a0of\u00a0the\u00a0Kingdom\u00a0of\u00a0Bhutan.\u00a0Efforts\u00a0will\u00a0also\u00a0be\u00a0made\u00a0to\u00a0maintain current\u00a0levels\u00a0of\u00a0forest\u00a0cover,\u00a0which\u00a0currently\u00a0stand\u00a0at\u00a070.46%,\u00a0through\u00a0sustainable\u00a0forest management\u00a0and\u00a0conservation\u00a0of\u00a0environmental\u00a0services.", "inputs": { "text": "Mitigation Bhutan\u00a0 intends\u00a0 to\u00a0 remain\u00a0 carbon\u00a0 neutral\u00a0 where\u00a0 emission\u00a0 of\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 gases\u00a0 will\u00a0 not exceed\u00a0carbon\u00a0sequestration\u00a0by\u00a0our\u00a0forests,\u00a0which\u00a0is\u00a0estimated\u00a0at\u00a06.3\u00a0million\u00a0tons\u00a0of\u00a0CO2. Bhutan\u00a0will\u00a0maintain\u00a0a\u00a0minimum\u00a0of\u00a060\u00a0percent\u00a0of\u00a0total\u00a0land\u00a0under\u00a0forest\u00a0cover\u00a0for\u00a0all\u00a0time\u00a0in accordance\u00a0the\u00a0Constitution\u00a0of\u00a0the\u00a0Kingdom\u00a0of\u00a0Bhutan.\u00a0Efforts\u00a0will\u00a0also\u00a0be\u00a0made\u00a0to\u00a0maintain current\u00a0levels\u00a0of\u00a0forest\u00a0cover,\u00a0which\u00a0currently\u00a0stand\u00a0at\u00a070.46%,\u00a0through\u00a0sustainable\u00a0forest management\u00a0and\u00a0conservation\u00a0of\u00a0environmental\u00a0services." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4270c225-70ca-4ee1-b435-246671a1ee99", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 530 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Tonga Climate Change Policy sets the targets of \u2018a transport system that is not reliant on fossil fuels\u2019 and \u2018100 per cent renewable energy\u2019. This LT-LEDS aligns with this aim as well as with the aims of Tonga\u2019s Second NDC which states a target of reducing GHG emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels by 13 percent (16 Gg) by 2030, compared to 2006.", "inputs": { "text": "The Tonga Climate Change Policy sets the targets of \u2018a transport system that is not reliant on fossil fuels\u2019 and \u2018100 per cent renewable energy\u2019. This LT-LEDS aligns with this aim as well as with the aims of Tonga\u2019s Second NDC which states a target of reducing GHG emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels by 13 percent (16 Gg) by 2030, compared to 2006." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "42f4cc70-4c65-434a-96cc-6757420fd932", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 359 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The legally binding Climate Change Act (2008) sets a framework for the UK to reduce GHG emissions and build capacity to adapt and strengthen resilience to climate risks.9 The Act originally committed the UK to cut its emissions by at least 80% below the 1990 baseline level by 2050.10 In 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis. The Climate Change Act introduced carbon budgets for the UK Government, which cap emissions over successive five-year periods and must be set 12 years in advance.", "inputs": { "text": "The legally binding Climate Change Act (2008) sets a framework for the UK to reduce GHG emissions and build capacity to adapt and strengthen resilience to climate risks.9 The Act originally committed the UK to cut its emissions by at least 80% below the 1990 baseline level by 2050.10 In 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis. The Climate Change Act introduced carbon budgets for the UK Government, which cap emissions over successive five-year periods and must be set 12 years in advance." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4359692d-d3be-4f24-99c1-15acaa6bbf8b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 597 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(iv) Specific mitigation measures have been identified for the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. (v) Viet Nam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030 with its own domestic resources. This contribution can be raised up to 27% with international support through bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation and the implementation of new mechanisms under the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "(iv) Specific mitigation measures have been identified for the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. (v) Viet Nam will have reduced its GHG emissions by 9% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030 with its own domestic resources. This contribution can be raised up to 27% with international support through bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation and the implementation of new mechanisms under the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "439e072a-790a-47d4-9d1e-88eeb8ef6b8b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 430 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is targeted at reducing GHG emissions by about 4MtCO2e by year by 2030, whereas the projected rise in emissions is projected at over 25times of that value. This obviously is not an adequate target for country that intends to be carbon neutral by 2050.The national transport policy also seeks to expand rail infrastructure, improve road construction and maintenance as well expand urban collective transportation, among other pursuits These are all important elements in a green transportation strategy that will require the institutionalization of appropriate behavioural and social modifications among Nigerians as well as the development of technological capacities in the area of clean technologies such as zero emission vehicles (ZEVs).", "inputs": { "text": "It is targeted at reducing GHG emissions by about 4MtCO2e by year by 2030, whereas the projected rise in emissions is projected at over 25times of that value. This obviously is not an adequate target for country that intends to be carbon neutral by 2050.The national transport policy also seeks to expand rail infrastructure, improve road construction and maintenance as well expand urban collective transportation, among other pursuits These are all important elements in a green transportation strategy that will require the institutionalization of appropriate behavioural and social modifications among Nigerians as well as the development of technological capacities in the area of clean technologies such as zero emission vehicles (ZEVs)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "446fa295-bf48-4e21-b9bf-71eecfd21a3d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 743 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the case of fuel combustion activities, the reduction for road transport is not fixed in the long term, but will continue with an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the national passenger car fleet to 50%.", "inputs": { "text": "In the case of fuel combustion activities, the reduction for road transport is not fixed in the long term, but will continue with an increase in the percentage of electric vehicles in the national passenger car fleet to 50%." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "447b96a1-18a6-42af-b6f6-857e99d10dcd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 224 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Aviation sector For the 2050 time horizon, Switzerland is pursuing the following objective in international aviation to achieve the overarching net-zero target on greenhouse gas emissions: 2050 target: International aviation from Switzerland should no longer generate climate-impacting emis- sions in net terms by 2050 as far as possible. This means: \u2022 Fossil CO2 emissions amount to net zero. \u2022 The other climate impacts decline or are offset with other measures.", "inputs": { "text": "Aviation sector For the 2050 time horizon, Switzerland is pursuing the following objective in international aviation to achieve the overarching net-zero target on greenhouse gas emissions: 2050 target: International aviation from Switzerland should no longer generate climate-impacting emis- sions in net terms by 2050 as far as possible. This means: \u2022 Fossil CO2 emissions amount to net zero. \u2022 The other climate impacts decline or are offset with other measures." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "44ae9587-bcea-4ad6-8a02-b5243bebbb0c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 464 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By keeping his van plugged in during the week when he doesn\u2019t need to use it, he\u2019s able to sell energy back to the grid when demand is high. Maritime 34. We will plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, with indicative targets from 2030 and net zero as early as is feasible. We will establish, after public consultation in 2022, an ambitious \u2018Course to Zero\u2019.", "inputs": { "text": "By keeping his van plugged in during the week when he doesn\u2019t need to use it, he\u2019s able to sell energy back to the grid when demand is high. Maritime 34. We will plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, with indicative targets from 2030 and net zero as early as is feasible. We will establish, after public consultation in 2022, an ambitious \u2018Course to Zero\u2019." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "44d20193-fbb9-46cf-9b6a-122f38a43e6f", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 381 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is to note that Switzerland\u2019s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 relative to 1990 levels puts Switzerland on an emission development pathway in line with the recommendations by science. It is further to note that Switzerland\u2019s emission reductions by 2030 will mainly be achieved domestically, thereby further strengthening Switzerland\u2019s transition to a low carbon economy. Given the low greenhouse gas intensity of Switzerland today, a high level of ambition is underlying Switzerland\u2019s INDC for 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "It is to note that Switzerland\u2019s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 relative to 1990 levels puts Switzerland on an emission development pathway in line with the recommendations by science. It is further to note that Switzerland\u2019s emission reductions by 2030 will mainly be achieved domestically, thereby further strengthening Switzerland\u2019s transition to a low carbon economy. Given the low greenhouse gas intensity of Switzerland today, a high level of ambition is underlying Switzerland\u2019s INDC for 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "44de1580-fd5c-48db-84f2-6bd0f3dcaaf3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 537 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "NEW ZEALAND Submission under the Paris Agreement New Zealand\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution New Zealand hereby communicates its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. New Zealand commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. \f Time period Type of commitment Absolute reduction target managed using a carbon budget.", "inputs": { "text": "NEW ZEALAND Submission under the Paris Agreement New Zealand\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution New Zealand hereby communicates its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. New Zealand commits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. \f Time period Type of commitment Absolute reduction target managed using a carbon budget." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "44e604ed-bc35-4828-a8b7-6dae7681396e", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 378 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Electric Vehicles (e-Mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce Electric Vehicles (e-buses) for public transportation (10% of total Public Buses); (b) Introduce Electric Cars (e-Cars) in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and(c) 1000 Electric Two wheelers (e-bikes) /Three Wheelers (e-rickshaw)", "inputs": { "text": "Electric Vehicles (e-Mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce Electric Vehicles (e-buses) for public transportation (10% of total Public Buses); (b) Introduce Electric Cars (e-Cars) in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and(c) 1000 Electric Two wheelers (e-bikes) /Three Wheelers (e-rickshaw)" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "455832b3-10fd-4d8d-bcc5-f06cf99a15e2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 285 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017.", "inputs": { "text": "Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions. The goal of net zero emissions no later than 2040 was enacted into the Climate Act in June 2021, based on the Government Agreement from 2017." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4579e8cc-d17f-42fa-aa51-17c2f13c84da", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 361 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "National Rail Plan 2030: Target of increasing modal share of the railways in freight to 45%. 4. Indian Railways to become net-zero by 2030, leading to 60 million tonnes of annual mitigation of CO2. 5. Gati Shakti National Master Plan: A GIS based digital platform to bring together 25 Central Ministries/Departments and all States/UTs for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure projects. 6. Dedicated freight corridors by the railways. 7.", "inputs": { "text": "National Rail Plan 2030: Target of increasing modal share of the railways in freight to 45%. 4. Indian Railways to become net-zero by 2030, leading to 60 million tonnes of annual mitigation of CO2. 5. Gati Shakti National Master Plan: A GIS based digital platform to bring together 25 Central Ministries/Departments and all States/UTs for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure projects. 6. Dedicated freight corridors by the railways. 7." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "457e4273-1f2b-4b55-b91e-d95c8e094700", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 468 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "TRANSPORT Mitigation Targets In the Transport sector, 3 Liberia commits to reducing GHG emissions by 15.1% below BAU levels by 2030:4 \u2022 Reduction of 16.9 GgCO2e in 2030 by the introduction of electric vehicles with focus on kekehs (for private use); \u2022 Reduction of 32.3 GgCO2e in 2030 by supporting the transformation of National Transit Authority (NTA) buses and private vehicles (cars and taxis) to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG); by 2030. Mitigation Actions and Policy Measures \u2022 Financial measures through: \u2022 the implementation of a vehicle labelling system which is an information system which registers the level of GHG emissions for each vehicle by 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "TRANSPORT Mitigation Targets In the Transport sector, 3 Liberia commits to reducing GHG emissions by 15.1% below BAU levels by 2030:4 \u2022 Reduction of 16.9 GgCO2e in 2030 by the introduction of electric vehicles with focus on kekehs (for private use); \u2022 Reduction of 32.3 GgCO2e in 2030 by supporting the transformation of National Transit Authority (NTA) buses and private vehicles (cars and taxis) to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG); by 2030. Mitigation Actions and Policy Measures \u2022 Financial measures through: \u2022 the implementation of a vehicle labelling system which is an information system which registers the level of GHG emissions for each vehicle by 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4599f1b1-6a53-4cd3-a3fe-8ebb1faf141f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 659 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In view of the different methodologies used to establish the baseline between LULUCF and other sectors, commitments are treated separately Table 9: projected GHG emissions by sector in 2030 under the BAU, CDN and CDN+ scenarios (in kTCO2eq) excluding LULUCF Sectoral Subdivision BAU scenario CDN Unconditional CDN+ Conditional Years Electricity Industry including Mines Transport Households (excluding biofuels) Other gases from energy combustion Waste Agriculture Industrial processes TOTAL The Republic of Guinea sets its Unconditional Target (CDN) at 2,056 ktCO2eq/year, i.e. 9.7% reduction of its emissions in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, i.e. an emission growth of 5% per year over the period 2020-2030.", "inputs": { "text": "In view of the different methodologies used to establish the baseline between LULUCF and other sectors, commitments are treated separately Table 9: projected GHG emissions by sector in 2030 under the BAU, CDN and CDN+ scenarios (in kTCO2eq) excluding LULUCF Sectoral Subdivision BAU scenario CDN Unconditional CDN+ Conditional Years Electricity Industry including Mines Transport Households (excluding biofuels) Other gases from energy combustion Waste Agriculture Industrial processes TOTAL The Republic of Guinea sets its Unconditional Target (CDN) at 2,056 ktCO2eq/year, i.e. 9.7% reduction of its emissions in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, i.e. an emission growth of 5% per year over the period 2020-2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "45af06dd-8887-4cfe-ab8e-c7144e199dec", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 719 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We are also investing \u00a33 million in 2021/22 through the Zero Emission Flight Infrastructure competition to accelerate R&D into infrastructure requirements at airports and airfields to handle new forms of zero emission aircraft. 42. We will accelerate the commercialisation of UK sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Our ambition is to enable delivery of 10% SAF by 2030 and we will be supporting UK industry with a \u00a3180 million funding to support the development of SAF plants.", "inputs": { "text": "We are also investing \u00a33 million in 2021/22 through the Zero Emission Flight Infrastructure competition to accelerate R&D into infrastructure requirements at airports and airfields to handle new forms of zero emission aircraft. 42. We will accelerate the commercialisation of UK sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Our ambition is to enable delivery of 10% SAF by 2030 and we will be supporting UK industry with a \u00a3180 million funding to support the development of SAF plants." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "45ede33b-d9c9-4bba-8160-cc6fb32e2b7e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 474 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Over the following years. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from Parties\u2019 adaptation action and/or economic diversification plans, including description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of Parties\u2019 adaptation action and/or economic diversification plans. Kuwait s 2050 strategy towards a low carbon economy based on a circular carbon economy. 4. Planning process a.", "inputs": { "text": "Over the following years. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from Parties\u2019 adaptation action and/or economic diversification plans, including description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of Parties\u2019 adaptation action and/or economic diversification plans. Kuwait s 2050 strategy towards a low carbon economy based on a circular carbon economy. 4. Planning process a." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "464b6f47-b53d-4288-8d37-4ee1e132e9cd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 381 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Nauru aspires to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks by 2050, on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. This updated NDC sets the beginning of the path for Nauru to progress towards our aspiration of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But achieving this aspirational goal will be contingent on the effective mobilization of sufficient international financial, technical and capacity building support.", "inputs": { "text": "Nauru aspires to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks by 2050, on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty. This updated NDC sets the beginning of the path for Nauru to progress towards our aspiration of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But achieving this aspirational goal will be contingent on the effective mobilization of sufficient international financial, technical and capacity building support." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4673ddc7-94f2-4552-bc5c-4675b81a4fb8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 526 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The contribution comprises of two components: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year. This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year.", "inputs": { "text": "The contribution comprises of two components: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year. This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "46a739a3-b3b0-456b-b706-38a612a7f1d2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Finally, an action plan is to be drawn up in order to lay the foundations for the implementation of an energy-efficient model in the general administration and related entities.", "inputs": { "text": "Finally, an action plan is to be drawn up in order to lay the foundations for the implementation of an energy-efficient model in the general administration and related entities." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4723c617-da4d-4d91-82ab-05ffedfa9013", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 177 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Based on its national circumstances, development stage, sustainable development strategy and international responsibility, China has nationally determined its actions by 2030 as follows:. To achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030 and making best efforts to peak early;. To lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60% to 65% from the 2005 level;. To increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20%; and.", "inputs": { "text": "Based on its national circumstances, development stage, sustainable development strategy and international responsibility, China has nationally determined its actions by 2030 as follows:. To achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030 and making best efforts to peak early;. To lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60% to 65% from the 2005 level;. To increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20%; and." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "474d1f49-19ed-480b-89c1-4cb72f3efe6b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 468 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The context and long-term vision for this NDC is set out in RMI\u2019s Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018. A copy of that strategy is annexed. Nationally Determined Contribution In the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, the Republic of the Marshall Islands: \u2022 commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at \u2022 communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least \u2022 reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest; \u2022 commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to", "inputs": { "text": "The context and long-term vision for this NDC is set out in RMI\u2019s Tile Til Eo 2050 Climate Strategy, September 2018. A copy of that strategy is annexed. Nationally Determined Contribution In the context of the necessary means of implementation being available, the Republic of the Marshall Islands: \u2022 commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to at least 32% below 2010 levels by 2025 and to at \u2022 communicates an indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least \u2022 reaffirms its aspiration to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest; \u2022 commits to producing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) by the end of 2019 at the latest that sets out short, medium and long-term milestones to adapt to the impacts of climate change and transition to climate resilience, suggests implementation measures and includes a plan to" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4782657d-4195-4d3a-8244-543cc59ba159", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 889 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario. [...] The extent to which this target will be achieved will depend on the fulfilment of the commitments of developed countries in terms of funding, technology transfer and capacity-building in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Convention.", "inputs": { "text": "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario. [...] The extent to which this target will be achieved will depend on the fulfilment of the commitments of developed countries in terms of funding, technology transfer and capacity-building in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Convention." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4783d0d4-fa5f-42c8-a42f-526cec032315", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 382 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional contribution Contribution assuming additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 36 MtCO2e by 2030 or 15% below BAU emissions for those sectors.\f These contributions are illustrated graphically below. Figure 1: Projection of GHG emissions (MtCO2e) on power, transport and industry sectors from The reduction will occur as illustrated in following Table 2.", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional contribution Contribution assuming additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 36 MtCO2e by 2030 or 15% below BAU emissions for those sectors.\f These contributions are illustrated graphically below. Figure 1: Projection of GHG emissions (MtCO2e) on power, transport and industry sectors from The reduction will occur as illustrated in following Table 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "47dabe3b-9373-4cbf-94af-62562c8055f5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 446 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We have put forth a long-term low- emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society.", "inputs": { "text": "We have put forth a long-term low- emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "48509380-5047-4401-bf5f-56625770cc3a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 327 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Dominican Republic, in its NDC 2020, increases its climate ambition by committing to a 27 % reduction in GHG emissions compared to BAU or business as usual by 2030, with a 20 % target conditional on external finance and a 7 % unconditional on domestic finance, with this being distributed in 5 % corresponding to the private sector and 2 % to the public sector.", "inputs": { "text": "The Dominican Republic, in its NDC 2020, increases its climate ambition by committing to a 27 % reduction in GHG emissions compared to BAU or business as usual by 2030, with a 20 % target conditional on external finance and a 7 % unconditional on domestic finance, with this being distributed in 5 % corresponding to the private sector and 2 % to the public sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "489d2e58-d0e1-4d6d-af8b-aa175702fc59", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 365 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Turkey experiences financial and technological constraints in combating climate change. This INDC provides additional policies, plans and measures in many sectors. How the INDC contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention (Article 2). Up to 21 percent reduction in GHG emissions from the BAU level by 2030 will enable Turkey to step on low-carbon development pathways compatible with the long-term objective of limiting the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C. Planning Process. Turkey may revise this INDC in accordance with changing circumstances.", "inputs": { "text": "Turkey experiences financial and technological constraints in combating climate change. This INDC provides additional policies, plans and measures in many sectors. How the INDC contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention (Article 2). Up to 21 percent reduction in GHG emissions from the BAU level by 2030 will enable Turkey to step on low-carbon development pathways compatible with the long-term objective of limiting the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C. Planning Process. Turkey may revise this INDC in accordance with changing circumstances." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "490ac435-0799-455b-ad13-54d72e723209", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 575 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The country\u2019s new economy-wide unconditional target is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent below its 1990 level in 2030, instead of 64-67 per cent as committed in NDC1.", "inputs": { "text": "The country\u2019s new economy-wide unconditional target is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent below its 1990 level in 2030, instead of 64-67 per cent as committed in NDC1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4985c6ff-ab09-4751-9504-ff883623ae29", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 186 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We will consult this year on a phase out date of 2035, or earlier if a faster transition appears feasible, for the sale of new non-zero emission powered two and three wheelers (and other L category vehicles). 32. We will lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027. 33. We will ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network meets the demands of its users.", "inputs": { "text": "We will consult this year on a phase out date of 2035, or earlier if a faster transition appears feasible, for the sale of new non-zero emission powered two and three wheelers (and other L category vehicles). 32. We will lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027. 33. We will ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network meets the demands of its users." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "499ecd3a-cf25-4367-8a95-f0ea3adc277c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 465 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Energy (Transport) Improve national paved road network. Upgrading/Paving 8000 km by 2016, 11000 km by 2021. National Action Programme on Climate Change (NAPCC), Urban public transport investment programme, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Mid- term new development Improve Ulaanbaatar city road network to decrease all traffic by 30-40% by 2023. Increase the share of private hybrid road vehicles from approximately 6.5% in 2014 to approximately 13% by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Energy (Transport) Improve national paved road network. Upgrading/Paving 8000 km by 2016, 11000 km by 2021. National Action Programme on Climate Change (NAPCC), Urban public transport investment programme, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Mid- term new development Improve Ulaanbaatar city road network to decrease all traffic by 30-40% by 2023. Increase the share of private hybrid road vehicles from approximately 6.5% in 2014 to approximately 13% by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "49b2abdd-02f9-44d8-bab3-d92dc0af2238", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 476 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It also has a policy to accelerate renewable energy services, and increase access to the RE technologies with subsidy provisions. The National Rural Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP), under implementation, provides the framework to provide energy access and energy efficient technologies to local communities and indigenous people living in the mountains, hills and low lands of Nepal through a subsidy programme. d. Environment-Friendly Vehicle and Transport Policy This Environment-friendly Vehicle and Transport Policy (2014) aims, inter alia, to reduce emission from transport sector, increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% by 2020, promote the transformation of other regular vehicle to electric vehicle, and provide subsidy scheme for the promotion of electric and non-motorized vehicles.", "inputs": { "text": "It also has a policy to accelerate renewable energy services, and increase access to the RE technologies with subsidy provisions. The National Rural Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP), under implementation, provides the framework to provide energy access and energy efficient technologies to local communities and indigenous people living in the mountains, hills and low lands of Nepal through a subsidy programme. d. Environment-Friendly Vehicle and Transport Policy This Environment-friendly Vehicle and Transport Policy (2014) aims, inter alia, to reduce emission from transport sector, increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% by 2020, promote the transformation of other regular vehicle to electric vehicle, and provide subsidy scheme for the promotion of electric and non-motorized vehicles." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4a115c4c-b68f-4bd8-a028-543785e87740", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 808 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "VANUATU\u2019S REVISED AND ENHANCED 1ST NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 2021\u20132030 Mitigation Priority Area # Commitment Policy Notes NSDP Reference SDG Goal Most Relevant Conditionality (Expressed as %) Finance Required USD Electricity Generation By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector. NA Already budgeted under NERM Transport in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency.", "inputs": { "text": "VANUATU\u2019S REVISED AND ENHANCED 1ST NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 2021\u20132030 Mitigation Priority Area # Commitment Policy Notes NSDP Reference SDG Goal Most Relevant Conditionality (Expressed as %) Finance Required USD Electricity Generation By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector. NA Already budgeted under NERM Transport in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4a5ed750-c63e-4ad4-8366-3d8ac48eddef", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 567 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The target in the transport sector is to reduce emissions by 90 to 99 per cent by 2050 in comparison to 2005. The reduction by 2050 represents emissions lower than current ones by more than two magnitudes, which demands a thorough transformation of transport from how it is known today. This will not only pose a financial, but also a social challenge with a complex timeline. As per the NECP, transport emissions may only increase by 12 per cent by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The target in the transport sector is to reduce emissions by 90 to 99 per cent by 2050 in comparison to 2005. The reduction by 2050 represents emissions lower than current ones by more than two magnitudes, which demands a thorough transformation of transport from how it is known today. This will not only pose a financial, but also a social challenge with a complex timeline. As per the NECP, transport emissions may only increase by 12 per cent by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4a9e77ce-3ae8-4d81-b8e2-7cc93b39c37a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In December 2020, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) communicated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in line with Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. In its NDC, the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. At COP26 in November 2021, which the UK hosted in Glasgow, Parties resolved to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5\u00b0C.", "inputs": { "text": "In December 2020, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) communicated its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in line with Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. In its NDC, the UK commits to reducing economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. At COP26 in November 2021, which the UK hosted in Glasgow, Parties resolved to pursue efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5\u00b0C." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4ac5f64b-7e27-4f9d-88c6-5de0afefad0c", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 528 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "hybrid and EVs Ministry of Industry (MoI) Number of vehicles purchased 30% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 50% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2030 90% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 90% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2040 Establishing recharging network for EV adoption MoI with MoE Number of charging stations Transition to Euro 5 MoE (Petroleum Division) Reduction in air pollution Promote climate smart inputs and management practices in agriculture and livestock management Improve irrigation practices and water management Provincial agriculture department Reduction in drop per crop Climate resilient agriculture/ agroforestry practices Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination (MoNHSR&C) Number of farmers trained on farming techniques Introduce climate resilient seed varieties MoNHSR&C & Provincial Departments of Agriculture (DoAs) Number of crop varieties developed and piloted Promotion, storage and management of green manure MoNHSR&C & DoAs Area of land using green manure Promote energy ef\ufb01cient practices in industries Ensure the provision of gaseous fuels at cheaper rates Reduction in prices for", "inputs": { "text": "hybrid and EVs Ministry of Industry (MoI) Number of vehicles purchased 30% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 50% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2030 90% shift to electric passenger vehicles and 90% shift to electric two/three wheelers and buses by 2040 Establishing recharging network for EV adoption MoI with MoE Number of charging stations Transition to Euro 5 MoE (Petroleum Division) Reduction in air pollution Promote climate smart inputs and management practices in agriculture and livestock management Improve irrigation practices and water management Provincial agriculture department Reduction in drop per crop Climate resilient agriculture/ agroforestry practices Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination (MoNHSR&C) Number of farmers trained on farming techniques Introduce climate resilient seed varieties MoNHSR&C & Provincial Departments of Agriculture (DoAs) Number of crop varieties developed and piloted Promotion, storage and management of green manure MoNHSR&C & DoAs Area of land using green manure Promote energy ef\ufb01cient practices in industries Ensure the provision of gaseous fuels at cheaper rates Reduction in prices for" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4afac2fc-02f1-4510-913b-ed963280b4f3", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 1193 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u201cBusiness as Usual scenario deviation\u201d Global target 20% reductions based on projected emissions behaviour by 2030 - Unilateral target: 10% reduction of projected emissions by 2030 - Conditional target: 10% reduction of projected emissions to baseline Reference point: INGEI base year 2000 presented in the Second National Communication.", "inputs": { "text": "\u201cBusiness as Usual scenario deviation\u201d Global target 20% reductions based on projected emissions behaviour by 2030 - Unilateral target: 10% reduction of projected emissions by 2030 - Conditional target: 10% reduction of projected emissions to baseline Reference point: INGEI base year 2000 presented in the Second National Communication." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4b124a79-ad0e-4856-bf49-17a9cb7edb58", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 337 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "to Greenhouse effect SPAND National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan TCN Third National Communication TdC Theory of Change UP Production Unit USD US Dollar ZAE Agroecological Zone Summary Summary of Understandings of the CBD 2021 Type of Commitment GHG Reduction by Conditional and Unconditional Scenario Perimeter and GHG Covered Nationwide With the first 3 targets Covered Base Year (base year) Level of Commitment or Reduction of GHG Emissions The level of GHG reduction by 2030 is 35% divided as follows: \uf0d8 23% in a conditional scenario \uf0d8 12% unconditional Priority Sectors Covered \uf0d8 AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) \uf0d8 Energy \uf0d8 Waste Global Warming Potential (GWP) \uf0d8 Metrics: Global Warming Potential (GWP) in accordance with the", "inputs": { "text": "to Greenhouse effect SPAND National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan TCN Third National Communication TdC Theory of Change UP Production Unit USD US Dollar ZAE Agroecological Zone Summary Summary of Understandings of the CBD 2021 Type of Commitment GHG Reduction by Conditional and Unconditional Scenario Perimeter and GHG Covered Nationwide With the first 3 targets Covered Base Year (base year) Level of Commitment or Reduction of GHG Emissions The level of GHG reduction by 2030 is 35% divided as follows: \uf0d8 23% in a conditional scenario \uf0d8 12% unconditional Priority Sectors Covered \uf0d8 AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) \uf0d8 Energy \uf0d8 Waste Global Warming Potential (GWP) \uf0d8 Metrics: Global Warming Potential (GWP) in accordance with the" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4b6f696a-6f5f-41bb-9ead-48ead3115f89", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 753 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2025, electric vehicles (e-vehicles) will account for 25 per cent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 20 per cent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (excluding electric rickshaws and electric three-wheelers). ii) Increase e-vehicle sales to 90 percent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 60 percent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales by 2030. (excluding electric-rickshaws and electric three-wheelers).", "inputs": { "text": "In 2025, electric vehicles (e-vehicles) will account for 25 per cent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 20 per cent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (excluding electric rickshaws and electric three-wheelers). ii) Increase e-vehicle sales to 90 percent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 60 percent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales by 2030. (excluding electric-rickshaws and electric three-wheelers)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4b8248d7-9822-48d9-b345-68b53095403e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 501 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As a member of the international community, Japan will contribute to the world by formulating this long-term strategy and sharing the experiences out of its implementation, thereby contributing to achieving the aforementioned target set forth in the Paris Agreement. 2. Japan\u2019s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth.", "inputs": { "text": "As a member of the international community, Japan will contribute to the world by formulating this long-term strategy and sharing the experiences out of its implementation, thereby contributing to achieving the aforementioned target set forth in the Paris Agreement. 2. Japan\u2019s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4ba81f6c-5aa3-43c5-9ce3-78104a4f8bb2", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 637 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Nationally Determined Contribution Target Mongolia intends to achieve a target to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7 percent by 2030, compared to the business as usual scenario, excluding LULUCF. B. Methodology and Assumptions Metric applied IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAP), 100-year time horizon Global Warming Potential (GWP) Methodologies for estimating GHG emissions LEAP (energy sector) 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories (non-energy sector) Approach to accounting for agriculture, forestry and other land uses 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories Multiple Forest Reference Level, 2018 Implementation and integration of NDC into the national development policy and strategies For the achievement of NDC targets, it is imperative to develop a national roadmap, which reflects all actions and measures along with guidelines for sectors and integrate these actions into the Government action program and the national budget.", "inputs": { "text": "Nationally Determined Contribution Target Mongolia intends to achieve a target to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7 percent by 2030, compared to the business as usual scenario, excluding LULUCF. B. Methodology and Assumptions Metric applied IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAP), 100-year time horizon Global Warming Potential (GWP) Methodologies for estimating GHG emissions LEAP (energy sector) 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories (non-energy sector) Approach to accounting for agriculture, forestry and other land uses 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national GHG inventories Multiple Forest Reference Level, 2018 Implementation and integration of NDC into the national development policy and strategies For the achievement of NDC targets, it is imperative to develop a national roadmap, which reflects all actions and measures along with guidelines for sectors and integrate these actions into the Government action program and the national budget." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4c1b25cd-1df8-4d05-8537-8f486891a868", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 970 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The conditional contribution allows for an additional decrease of 28 per cent in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year. The graph below represents the trajectory of Tunisia s conditional and unconditional contribution for the period 2015-2030: Trajectory of Tunisia s conditional and unconditional contribution for the period 2015- Equity and ambition Tunisia, as a Non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC, shall actively contribute to the planetary effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "The conditional contribution allows for an additional decrease of 28 per cent in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year. The graph below represents the trajectory of Tunisia s conditional and unconditional contribution for the period 2015-2030: Trajectory of Tunisia s conditional and unconditional contribution for the period 2015- Equity and ambition Tunisia, as a Non-Annex I Party to the UNFCCC, shall actively contribute to the planetary effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4cd9b754-1cd0-4d8e-9927-49b6d880c28a", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 494 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This current communication reflects an enhanced ambition by the State of Qatar towards reducing its overall emissions in response to the guidance set forth in Article 4.4 of the Paris Agreement. Qatar intends to reduce 25% of its GHG emissions by the year 2030, relative to baseline scenario {Business- As-Usual (BAU)}.", "inputs": { "text": "This current communication reflects an enhanced ambition by the State of Qatar towards reducing its overall emissions in response to the guidance set forth in Article 4.4 of the Paris Agreement. Qatar intends to reduce 25% of its GHG emissions by the year 2030, relative to baseline scenario {Business- As-Usual (BAU)}." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4ce0a8e1-ca50-468b-b16d-3d991e5e8ea3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 319 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Use of biodiesel, green diesel, compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas as fuel alternatives. 2. Natural gas as short-term fuel alternatives: Target to increase the share of natural gas in the country\u2019s energy mix to 15% by 2030. 3. National Policy on Biofuels 2018: Indicative 2025 target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol, with an annual savings potential of INR 300 billion of foreign exchange. 4.", "inputs": { "text": "Use of biodiesel, green diesel, compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas as fuel alternatives. 2. Natural gas as short-term fuel alternatives: Target to increase the share of natural gas in the country\u2019s energy mix to 15% by 2030. 3. National Policy on Biofuels 2018: Indicative 2025 target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol, with an annual savings potential of INR 300 billion of foreign exchange. 4." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4df9aefc-c0d7-4d86-89de-a3ca547f4f80", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 412 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO\u2019s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA\u2019s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators Updates may reflect feedback from stakeholders provided during the validation", "inputs": { "text": "in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO\u2019s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA\u2019s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators Updates may reflect feedback from stakeholders provided during the validation" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4e1c3452-0b64-415f-b351-b0b284e88440", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 1115 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Government of Switzerland has formulated an indicative goal to reduce emissions by 2050 by 70 to 85 percent compared to 1990 including use of international credits as well as the vision to reduce per capita emissions in Switzerland to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in the longer term. These unavoidable emissions will have to be eventually compensated through sinks or removals. 5. Assumptions and methodological approaches: Switzerland supports internationally agreed rules for accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "The Government of Switzerland has formulated an indicative goal to reduce emissions by 2050 by 70 to 85 percent compared to 1990 including use of international credits as well as the vision to reduce per capita emissions in Switzerland to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in the longer term. These unavoidable emissions will have to be eventually compensated through sinks or removals. 5. Assumptions and methodological approaches: Switzerland supports internationally agreed rules for accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4e8263e5-1e5d-4019-99f7-b3de1838f000", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 523 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. \u2022 In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals \u2022 8 main trunk lines in operation. \u2022 At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero-emissions. \u2022 In 2050, Compact Cities will have been consolidated in the main urban areas of the GMA and main secondary cities of the country, with an increase of 10% of non-motorized journeys Activities to foster change: 1. To modernize public transport and to create an integrated and intermodal system Period goals \u2022 8 main trunk lines in operation. \u2022 At least one public transport mode operates with a system of integrated electronic payment." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4ec90534-e4cd-4c61-8afd-4905df28da33", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 504 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, increase sales of e-vehicles to cover 90% of all private passenger vehicle sales, including two-wheelers and 60% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales.\nBy 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, increase sales of e-vehicles to cover 90% of all private passenger vehicle sales, including two-wheelers and 60% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales.\nBy 2030, develop 200 km of the electric rail network to support public commuting and mass transportation of goods" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4f3595af-f806-41d5-9e52-1b7105fa07a5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 287 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 30% \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Producing 351 MW of hydro electricity \ufffd Increase generation of HEP by 800MW by 2025 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Energy utilization Distribute energy saving cook stoves to 400 000 households \ufffd Increase the number of households adopting energy saving stoves to \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Industrial Processes Increase use of soil-cement stabilized block and rice husk ash blended cement to around 10% of current cement production \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Support research and use of alternative cement materials \ufffd Develop national standards for alternative building materials and technologies \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Support industries engaged in carbon capture and storage \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Agriculture Support development of market based policies and legal instruments to shift decisions from financial to environmental decisions \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Develop appropriate extension and training materials for climate resilient agronomic practices \ufffd Upscale the dissemination of climate resilient agronomic practices to above 10% of current cropland \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Build capacity to implement and monitor the agriculture", "inputs": { "text": "\ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 30% \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Producing 351 MW of hydro electricity \ufffd Increase generation of HEP by 800MW by 2025 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Energy utilization Distribute energy saving cook stoves to 400 000 households \ufffd Increase the number of households adopting energy saving stoves to \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Industrial Processes Increase use of soil-cement stabilized block and rice husk ash blended cement to around 10% of current cement production \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Support research and use of alternative cement materials \ufffd Develop national standards for alternative building materials and technologies \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Support industries engaged in carbon capture and storage \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Agriculture Support development of market based policies and legal instruments to shift decisions from financial to environmental decisions \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Develop appropriate extension and training materials for climate resilient agronomic practices \ufffd Upscale the dissemination of climate resilient agronomic practices to above 10% of current cropland \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Build capacity to implement and monitor the agriculture" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4fb543cd-5c2e-4c5a-9987-e47692c57f8d", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 1068 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional2 and six conditional3 programmes of action. For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional2 and six conditional3 programmes of action. For the 34 mitigation measures, Ghana aims to implement nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO2e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "4fd21311-d6ad-41a0-a9e9-3b629c038df1", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 363 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The 2020 Energy Efficiency Master Plan \u2014in its current draft versions \u2014does not propose a target that quantifies the reduction of GHG emissions from transport. However, the plan suggests that a combination of targets would lead to an estimated reduction of 28% compared to GHG emission levels in 2030 under a business as usual scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The 2020 Energy Efficiency Master Plan \u2014in its current draft versions \u2014does not propose a target that quantifies the reduction of GHG emissions from transport. However, the plan suggests that a combination of targets would lead to an estimated reduction of 28% compared to GHG emission levels in 2030 under a business as usual scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "50c580ec-648c-4a4c-afe8-5a53919262e1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 336 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This update to India\u2019s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070. No change in the other sections or text or otherwise of the document containing existing first NDC is proposed at this stage. India reserves the right to provide further updates by way of additional submissions on its NDC, as and when required. *****", "inputs": { "text": "This update to India\u2019s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070. No change in the other sections or text or otherwise of the document containing existing first NDC is proposed at this stage. India reserves the right to provide further updates by way of additional submissions on its NDC, as and when required. *****" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "50decd04-6a6d-43f1-a23d-e16ffd168b80", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 363 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "1Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) Version 2.0. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)\". World Resources Institute\f \ufffd A conditional 15% reduction in GHG emissions from BAU levels by 2030 in the power, transport, and industry sectors, subject to appropriate international support in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building. \ufffd A number of further mitigation actions in other sectors which it intends to achieve subject to the provision of additional international resources.", "inputs": { "text": "1Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) Version 2.0. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)\". World Resources Institute\f \ufffd A conditional 15% reduction in GHG emissions from BAU levels by 2030 in the power, transport, and industry sectors, subject to appropriate international support in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building. \ufffd A number of further mitigation actions in other sectors which it intends to achieve subject to the provision of additional international resources." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "51332064-fc15-4f3c-a104-62bf6800049a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 542 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "improvement in the efficiency of vehicles due to more efficient running. Industry (energy-related) \ufffd Carry out energy audits to incentivise the uptake of energy efficiency and conservation measures in the main industrial sectors based on the Bangladesh Energy Efficiency and Conservation Masterplan energy consumption reduction in the industry sector compared to the business as usual 2.3.4.", "inputs": { "text": "improvement in the efficiency of vehicles due to more efficient running. Industry (energy-related) \ufffd Carry out energy audits to incentivise the uptake of energy efficiency and conservation measures in the main industrial sectors based on the Bangladesh Energy Efficiency and Conservation Masterplan energy consumption reduction in the industry sector compared to the business as usual 2.3.4." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "51341a28-1ad6-4dc1-88dd-3ca6313a0c44", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 392 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Nepal s Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy Nepal envisions achieving socio-economic prosperity by building a climate-resilient society. To this end, the country has developed its policy and institutional framework. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement, Nepal is formulating a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy by 2021. The strategy aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050. 3.", "inputs": { "text": "Nepal s Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy Nepal envisions achieving socio-economic prosperity by building a climate-resilient society. To this end, the country has developed its policy and institutional framework. In accordance with Article 4, paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement, Nepal is formulating a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy by 2021. The strategy aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050. 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "518ff535-87c5-4b73-93ab-737e69a03029", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 472 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Philippines intends to undertake GHG (CO2e) emissions reduction of about 70% by 2030 relative to its BAU scenario of 2000-2030. Reduction of CO2e emissions will come from energy, transport, waste, forestry and industry sectors. The mitigation contribution is conditioned on the extent of financial resources, including technology development & transfer, and capacity building, that will be made available to the Philippines.", "inputs": { "text": "The Philippines intends to undertake GHG (CO2e) emissions reduction of about 70% by 2030 relative to its BAU scenario of 2000-2030. Reduction of CO2e emissions will come from energy, transport, waste, forestry and industry sectors. The mitigation contribution is conditioned on the extent of financial resources, including technology development & transfer, and capacity building, that will be made available to the Philippines." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "525a6bf0-2566-44ec-ae4f-d858da0bd469", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 428 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "They would enable the Sultanate of Oman to slow GHG emission growth and reduce them by 7% in 2030, compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, which is predicted at about 125.254 MTCO2e. 4% of the GHG reduction commitment will be based on national efforts, and the remaining 3% would necessitate grants and other forms of concessional financing and assistance with capacity building and institutional strengthening, and access to appropriate technologies.", "inputs": { "text": "They would enable the Sultanate of Oman to slow GHG emission growth and reduce them by 7% in 2030, compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, which is predicted at about 125.254 MTCO2e. 4% of the GHG reduction commitment will be based on national efforts, and the remaining 3% would necessitate grants and other forms of concessional financing and assistance with capacity building and institutional strengthening, and access to appropriate technologies." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "53574c94-b2c1-48ba-a2c7-2f0c7f82c451", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824685, "metrics": { "text_length": 461 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Integrated and optimized freight networks through programmes such as Gati Shakti, Transit-oriented development, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, and dedicated rail freight corridors. \u2022 National Logistic Policy aspires to reduce cost of logistics in India to be comparable to global benchmarks by 2030. Elements of a Long-Term Low-Carbon Growth Strategy 1. Reducing fuel demand and GHG emissions through improved fuel efficiency: India will achieve this through raised standards, optimized networks, improved technologies, and fleet modernization. 2.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Integrated and optimized freight networks through programmes such as Gati Shakti, Transit-oriented development, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, and dedicated rail freight corridors. \u2022 National Logistic Policy aspires to reduce cost of logistics in India to be comparable to global benchmarks by 2030. Elements of a Long-Term Low-Carbon Growth Strategy 1. Reducing fuel demand and GHG emissions through improved fuel efficiency: India will achieve this through raised standards, optimized networks, improved technologies, and fleet modernization. 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "53f2bbd4-2853-493f-a095-5b49343a09b5", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 541 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional Mitigation Targets establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances. finalize the technical studies with the intention to construct and operationalize a waste to energy (WTE) plant by achieve an energy matrix with MW of electricity from renewable sources both on and off-\u00ad\u2010grid in the public and private all remaining wetlands and watershed areas with carbon sequestration potential are protected as carbon sinks.", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional Mitigation Targets establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances. finalize the technical studies with the intention to construct and operationalize a waste to energy (WTE) plant by achieve an energy matrix with MW of electricity from renewable sources both on and off-\u00ad\u2010grid in the public and private all remaining wetlands and watershed areas with carbon sequestration potential are protected as carbon sinks." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "545179d6-d66b-43c0-b3ad-6af831902c89", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 465 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Systematic reforestation in accordance with the adopted State programmes is a considerable contribution of the country to the reduction of negative impacts on the climate system. The INDC of the Republic of Tajikistan with respect to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the impact on the climate system, subject to new substantial international funding and technology transfer The potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan to achieve a target of 65- 75% of the 1990 level by 2030, which amounts to 1.2-1.7 tons in CO2 equivalent per capita.", "inputs": { "text": "Systematic reforestation in accordance with the adopted State programmes is a considerable contribution of the country to the reduction of negative impacts on the climate system. The INDC of the Republic of Tajikistan with respect to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the impact on the climate system, subject to new substantial international funding and technology transfer The potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan to achieve a target of 65- 75% of the 1990 level by 2030, which amounts to 1.2-1.7 tons in CO2 equivalent per capita." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "54bc282d-5639-4482-9fc9-08504074b528", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 589 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Changing its current 2025 target to an \u201cat least\u201d target is consistent with RMI\u2019s wish to overachieve on its 2025 target, and to further raise ambition and do so more quickly, should the means of implementation to do so be available; \ufffd commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Changing its current 2025 target to an \u201cat least\u201d target is consistent with RMI\u2019s wish to overachieve on its 2025 target, and to further raise ambition and do so more quickly, should the means of implementation to do so be available; \ufffd commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to at least 45% below 2010 levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "54db7892-7e36-4200-9854-8783a3199458", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 354 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Small hydroelectric plants (Bontioli, 5.1 MW; Gongouro, 5 MW; and Folonzo, 10,8 MW) in public-private partnership. 109,166,667. Solar. 163,666,667. Renewable and hybrid energy based mini-networks. PV, pico-hydro and small wind systems. Bioenergy. 12,500,000. B. Transportation. More rapid improvement in the stock of vehicles (30% reduction in fuel consumption in 2025 instead of 20% for 2030). 3,325,000. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: bioethanol production units (replace 10% of super grade petrol consumption in 2030). 94,708,333.", "inputs": { "text": "Small hydroelectric plants (Bontioli, 5.1 MW; Gongouro, 5 MW; and Folonzo, 10,8 MW) in public-private partnership. 109,166,667. Solar. 163,666,667. Renewable and hybrid energy based mini-networks. PV, pico-hydro and small wind systems. Bioenergy. 12,500,000. B. Transportation. More rapid improvement in the stock of vehicles (30% reduction in fuel consumption in 2025 instead of 20% for 2030). 3,325,000. Substitution of biofuels for hydrocarbons: bioethanol production units (replace 10% of super grade petrol consumption in 2030). 94,708,333." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "550c7e3f-d2d2-4888-b530-d0d00a30441d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 545 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Photo: Presidency House, 2020 Departure from the BaU scenario Mitigation contribution M1 ODS contribution NDC objectives Honduras commits to a 16% reduction in emissions from the business as usual (BaU) scenario by 2030 for all sectors excluding UTCUTS. Honduras\u2019 ambition in this contribution is based on an analysis of the effects of key mitigation measures to be developed to achieve the contribution target.", "inputs": { "text": "Photo: Presidency House, 2020 Departure from the BaU scenario Mitigation contribution M1 ODS contribution NDC objectives Honduras commits to a 16% reduction in emissions from the business as usual (BaU) scenario by 2030 for all sectors excluding UTCUTS. Honduras\u2019 ambition in this contribution is based on an analysis of the effects of key mitigation measures to be developed to achieve the contribution target." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "557303b1-a1eb-4199-b037-c13c1d74816a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 411 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The priority for action is to achieve an absolute reduction in the number of kilometres travelled by private motorised transport, in favour of active modes and public transport. Structural actions will include the creation of cross-border parking facilities and the multiplicity of alternative mobility solutions (coaches, support for walking and cycling by strengthening equipment and e-services). Public transport will be gradually replaced to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The priority for action is to achieve an absolute reduction in the number of kilometres travelled by private motorised transport, in favour of active modes and public transport. Structural actions will include the creation of cross-border parking facilities and the multiplicity of alternative mobility solutions (coaches, support for walking and cycling by strengthening equipment and e-services). Public transport will be gradually replaced to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "55a8fe32-173a-46a9-b897-03eb535304e7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 481 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Reduction of GHG emissions from municipal waste by 2050 by at least 92% compared to emissions measured in 2015. Electricity Generation Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2030 by 30% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 37.6 MtCO2e, taking into account the renewable energy targets set in Government Decision No. 465 (see below). Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2050 by at least 85% compared to emissions measured in 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Reduction of GHG emissions from municipal waste by 2050 by at least 92% compared to emissions measured in 2015. Electricity Generation Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2030 by 30% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 37.6 MtCO2e, taking into account the renewable energy targets set in Government Decision No. 465 (see below). Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation by 2050 by at least 85% compared to emissions measured in 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "55fd7a72-8ec0-4610-b3da-778f17f22742", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 506 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(SWH) Transport: 9) Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards (in 80 % of total passenger vehicle population) 10) 10 000 Electric Vehicles - replacing gasoline 11) Fuel switching to low-carbon fuels - Hydrogen replacing diesel 12) Light-duty vehicles (LDV) \u2013 reducing fuel use by 20% Subtotal IPPU including RAC Industry: 13) Replace 23% clinker in cement production Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Climate-friendly and energy-efficient alternatives): 14) Split residential air conditioners \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) 15) Car air conditioning \u2013 safe disposal of old car ACs 16) Domestic refrigeration - R600a (isobutane) and safe disposal of old refrigerators 17) Commercial refrigeration (Stand-alone equipment) \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) and R744 (CO2) and safe disposal of old equipment 18) Commercial refrigeration (Condensing units) \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) and R744 (CO2) and safe disposal of old equipment Subtotal AFOLU 19) Reduce deforestation rate by 75 % 20) Reforest of 20,000 ha per year 21) Restore15.5 million ha of degraded savanna 22) Plant 10,000 ha of trees per year under Agroforestry 23)", "inputs": { "text": "(SWH) Transport: 9) Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards (in 80 % of total passenger vehicle population) 10) 10 000 Electric Vehicles - replacing gasoline 11) Fuel switching to low-carbon fuels - Hydrogen replacing diesel 12) Light-duty vehicles (LDV) \u2013 reducing fuel use by 20% Subtotal IPPU including RAC Industry: 13) Replace 23% clinker in cement production Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Climate-friendly and energy-efficient alternatives): 14) Split residential air conditioners \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) 15) Car air conditioning \u2013 safe disposal of old car ACs 16) Domestic refrigeration - R600a (isobutane) and safe disposal of old refrigerators 17) Commercial refrigeration (Stand-alone equipment) \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) and R744 (CO2) and safe disposal of old equipment 18) Commercial refrigeration (Condensing units) \u2013 switch to R290 (propane) and R744 (CO2) and safe disposal of old equipment Subtotal AFOLU 19) Reduce deforestation rate by 75 % 20) Reforest of 20,000 ha per year 21) Restore15.5 million ha of degraded savanna 22) Plant 10,000 ha of trees per year under Agroforestry 23)" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5615dfa7-46cd-46ef-8c42-3b769f9553be", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 1124 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Upgrade of Fuel Quality Standards (FQS) to reduce harmful emissions that cause environmental pollution and health hazards. 2.1 Introduce 95 octane petrol. 3. Reduce unproductive transport systems from current usage. 3.1 Reduce unproductive vehicles by 25% in 2025 unconditionally. This could be increased by 50% with conditions. 4. Shift passengers from private to public transport modes. 4.1 Introduce park & ride system, 4.2 Establish bus depots next to railway stations 5.", "inputs": { "text": "Upgrade of Fuel Quality Standards (FQS) to reduce harmful emissions that cause environmental pollution and health hazards. 2.1 Introduce 95 octane petrol. 3. Reduce unproductive transport systems from current usage. 3.1 Reduce unproductive vehicles by 25% in 2025 unconditionally. This could be increased by 50% with conditions. 4. Shift passengers from private to public transport modes. 4.1 Introduce park & ride system, 4.2 Establish bus depots next to railway stations 5." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5646155d-45fb-4dd1-a909-aed3fffdd2d6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 475 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Electricity generation by fuel in \u2018Eua Source: TPL (2020a) Electricity generated in GWh Diesel Renewables - Electricity generated in GWh Diesel Renewables 15 | P a g e The 2020 Energy Efficiency Master Plan \u2014 in its current draft versions \u2014 does not propose a target that quantifies the reduction of GHG emissions from transport. However, the plan suggests that a combination of targets would lead to an estimated reduction of 28% compared to GHG emission levels in 2030 under a business as usual scenario.6 Among the targets included in the plan, the following selection is regarded as the most relevant to be considered for formulating the 2020 \uf0b7 30% improvement in fuel efficiency for newly registered light-duty vehicles, reducing consumption from 10.1 litres per 100 km in 2016 to 7 litres per 100 km in 2030, through registration fees, import tariffs, or fuel economy standards, \uf0b7 10% of all", "inputs": { "text": "Electricity generation by fuel in \u2018Eua Source: TPL (2020a) Electricity generated in GWh Diesel Renewables - Electricity generated in GWh Diesel Renewables 15 | P a g e The 2020 Energy Efficiency Master Plan \u2014 in its current draft versions \u2014 does not propose a target that quantifies the reduction of GHG emissions from transport. However, the plan suggests that a combination of targets would lead to an estimated reduction of 28% compared to GHG emission levels in 2030 under a business as usual scenario.6 Among the targets included in the plan, the following selection is regarded as the most relevant to be considered for formulating the 2020 \uf0b7 30% improvement in fuel efficiency for newly registered light-duty vehicles, reducing consumption from 10.1 litres per 100 km in 2016 to 7 litres per 100 km in 2030, through registration fees, import tariffs, or fuel economy standards, \uf0b7 10% of all" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "565cfbd9-42f1-4f96-9e13-75abbff0835d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 897 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Upgrade of Utility Vehicles 20 Years and Older between 2025 and 2030. Upgrade utility vehicles of 20 years and older to lower their fuel consumption, between 2025 and 2030. 3. 2.216. 42. Mechanical biological treatment and co-incineration of household waste. Recycling household waste through co-incineration, mechanical biological treatment. This process involves the following manipulations: mechanical sorting and crushing, biological treatment with aerobic drying. 1,440. 58.811. 43. Recycling of GHG Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants. Biogas collection from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for electricity generation.", "inputs": { "text": "Upgrade of Utility Vehicles 20 Years and Older between 2025 and 2030. Upgrade utility vehicles of 20 years and older to lower their fuel consumption, between 2025 and 2030. 3. 2.216. 42. Mechanical biological treatment and co-incineration of household waste. Recycling household waste through co-incineration, mechanical biological treatment. This process involves the following manipulations: mechanical sorting and crushing, biological treatment with aerobic drying. 1,440. 58.811. 43. Recycling of GHG Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants. Biogas collection from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for electricity generation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "56b92826-c199-4bf6-8ba6-2db08470cfb7", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 634 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GHG emissions in the transport sector are expected to increase from 352 GgCO2e in 2020 to 580 GgCO2e in 2030 (64.8 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 451 GgCO2e. This is a 28.1 percent increase compared to the 2020 level and a 22.2 percent decrease compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 6: GHG emissions: Transport baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.5 Waste management. Three mitigation measures have been identified in the waste management sector:.", "inputs": { "text": "GHG emissions in the transport sector are expected to increase from 352 GgCO2e in 2020 to 580 GgCO2e in 2030 (64.8 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 451 GgCO2e. This is a 28.1 percent increase compared to the 2020 level and a 22.2 percent decrease compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 6: GHG emissions: Transport baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.5 Waste management. Three mitigation measures have been identified in the waste management sector:." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "56e21871-0965-4af3-bd02-aba2894ade6f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target.", "inputs": { "text": "(b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5773a637-0cf5-4cfb-9223-41b955b9e70b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 303 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 13, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Georgia Party Georgia Type Deviation from baseline, business as usual scenario Coverage All sectors excluding LULUCF Sectors \uf0b7 Energy \uf0b7 Industrial processes \uf0b7 Agriculture \uf0b7 Waste Information on GHG emissions reduction targets for the forestry sector of Georgia is given in Annex 1. Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: \uf0b7 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) \uf0b7\f \uf0b7 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) \uf0b7 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) \uf0b7 Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) \uf0b7 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year Period Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 13, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Georgia Party Georgia Type Deviation from baseline, business as usual scenario Coverage All sectors excluding LULUCF Sectors \uf0b7 Energy \uf0b7 Industrial processes \uf0b7 Agriculture \uf0b7 Waste Information on GHG emissions reduction targets for the forestry sector of Georgia is given in Annex 1. Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: \uf0b7 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) \uf0b7\f \uf0b7 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) \uf0b7 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) \uf0b7 Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) \uf0b7 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year Period Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "57aee5c1-684a-4656-a6dc-ba0650095f49", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 826 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Sharing Japan\u2019s ideas and efforts with the world; contributing to the achievement of the long-term targets of the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5\u2103 above pre-industrial levels; and leading international discussions. 2. Long-term Vision Proclaiming a \u201cdecarbonized society\u201d as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Sharing Japan\u2019s ideas and efforts with the world; contributing to the achievement of the long-term targets of the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5\u2103 above pre-industrial levels; and leading international discussions. 2. Long-term Vision Proclaiming a \u201cdecarbonized society\u201d as the ultimate goal and aiming to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century, while boldly taking measures towards the reduction of GHGs emissions by 80% by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "57fc081e-6382-4a5d-954a-0dccc899a319", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824685, "metrics": { "text_length": 519 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "of the 21st century Page 56 \u25c6 3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Perspective (GEI) by Sector in Colombia Page 65 \u25c6 3.4 Colombia, a country with a high risk of climate change (period 2040-2070) Page 75 \u25c6 3.5 Assessment of possible economic effects of the transition to carbon neutrality Page 92 Mandate and importance of having a long-term strategy 4.1 Socio-ecological resilience as a basis for climate action Page 101 \u25c6 4.2 Participatory Cons- truction of the Long-Term E2050 Climate Strategy Page 108 \u25c6 4.3 Colombia's path towards carbon neutrality Page 111 Fundamental foundations for building a climate-resilient future in Colombia Colombia's vision E2050 Strategic Messages E2050 Strategic Messages A 2050 Colombia aims to transform into a climate-resilient society and economy, i.e. carbon neutral and with high adaptive capacity in its territories and sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "of the 21st century Page 56 \u25c6 3.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Perspective (GEI) by Sector in Colombia Page 65 \u25c6 3.4 Colombia, a country with a high risk of climate change (period 2040-2070) Page 75 \u25c6 3.5 Assessment of possible economic effects of the transition to carbon neutrality Page 92 Mandate and importance of having a long-term strategy 4.1 Socio-ecological resilience as a basis for climate action Page 101 \u25c6 4.2 Participatory Cons- truction of the Long-Term E2050 Climate Strategy Page 108 \u25c6 4.3 Colombia's path towards carbon neutrality Page 111 Fundamental foundations for building a climate-resilient future in Colombia Colombia's vision E2050 Strategic Messages E2050 Strategic Messages A 2050 Colombia aims to transform into a climate-resilient society and economy, i.e. carbon neutral and with high adaptive capacity in its territories and sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "586f976d-812d-4e30-bcae-643ccc64b08e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 861 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy).", "inputs": { "text": "As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "589c02e2-6692-4c12-a56c-dd9dd838d103", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 651 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The NDC specifies a Transport sector measure of 2 percent efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles to contribute to the NDC emission reduction target. The LT-LEDS pathway for transport supports this NDC aim through either establishing mandatory vehicle standards and/or incentives for purchasing more efficient vehicles through taxes, fees, or import tariffs.", "inputs": { "text": "The NDC specifies a Transport sector measure of 2 percent efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles to contribute to the NDC emission reduction target. The LT-LEDS pathway for transport supports this NDC aim through either establishing mandatory vehicle standards and/or incentives for purchasing more efficient vehicles through taxes, fees, or import tariffs." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "597dd878-4e45-4c52-8d57-1d5b688e5482", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 383 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Increased levels of active travel can improve everyday life for us all. 17. We will deliver the Prime Minister\u2019s bold vision for cycling and walking, investing \u00a32 billion over five years with the vision that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. We will also deliver thousands of miles of safe, continuous, direct routes for cycling in towns and cities, physically separated from pedestrians and volume motor traffic along with more low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets.", "inputs": { "text": "Increased levels of active travel can improve everyday life for us all. 17. We will deliver the Prime Minister\u2019s bold vision for cycling and walking, investing \u00a32 billion over five years with the vision that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. We will also deliver thousands of miles of safe, continuous, direct routes for cycling in towns and cities, physically separated from pedestrians and volume motor traffic along with more low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "598b0c78-8f10-4daf-8eb7-fa6b08036922", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 516 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It describes a number of scenarios for the transition and has informed this updated NDC mitigation contribution. A fossil fuel-free electricity sector represents a significant enhancement of the 2015 NDC target of 65% renewable energy, alongside a 22% improvement in energy efficiency in the electricity sector. Barbados\u2019 updated conditional mitigation contribution for 2030 consists of: 1. A 95% share of renewable energy in the electricity mix 2. 100% electric or alternatively-fueled vehicles in the passenger fleet 3.", "inputs": { "text": "It describes a number of scenarios for the transition and has informed this updated NDC mitigation contribution. A fossil fuel-free electricity sector represents a significant enhancement of the 2015 NDC target of 65% renewable energy, alongside a 22% improvement in energy efficiency in the electricity sector. Barbados\u2019 updated conditional mitigation contribution for 2030 consists of: 1. A 95% share of renewable energy in the electricity mix 2. 100% electric or alternatively-fueled vehicles in the passenger fleet 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "59c62705-0a41-44a0-99b1-960169e5e848", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 521 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "USD3,6001), extreme vulnerability and dependence on external support, RMI\u2019s proposed targets are ambitious compared to those proposed by other countries and measured against any objective indicators. They put RMI on a trajectory to nearly halve GHG emissions between 2010 and 2030, with a view to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier if possible.", "inputs": { "text": "USD3,6001), extreme vulnerability and dependence on external support, RMI\u2019s proposed targets are ambitious compared to those proposed by other countries and measured against any objective indicators. They put RMI on a trajectory to nearly halve GHG emissions between 2010 and 2030, with a view to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier if possible." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "59db475a-7eef-4ed8-91ff-2c65aded6c1f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824606, "metrics": { "text_length": 362 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Suitable spatial and transport planning, application of modern technologies and the transition to a low-carbon circular economy will reduce the need for mobility and the use of motor vehicles. For the most part, freight transport will be implemented by rail. Vehicles will be mostly powered by electricity, supplemented by renewable or synthetic gases which are low-carbon. The target in the transport sector is to reduce emissions by 90 to 99 per cent by 2050 in comparison to 2005.", "inputs": { "text": "Suitable spatial and transport planning, application of modern technologies and the transition to a low-carbon circular economy will reduce the need for mobility and the use of motor vehicles. For the most part, freight transport will be implemented by rail. Vehicles will be mostly powered by electricity, supplemented by renewable or synthetic gases which are low-carbon. The target in the transport sector is to reduce emissions by 90 to 99 per cent by 2050 in comparison to 2005." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "59e34d71-bab5-4a40-ba5f-0e56be9da667", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 484 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "General description of the target; Timor-Leste is a Least Developed Country that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while also reliant on revenue from its oil and gas resources. Timor-Leste\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a \u2018nature-positive\u2019 resilient development pathway. The term \u2018nature-positive\u2019 refers to the emphasis of this NDC on the use of nature-based solutions to help build national resilience, increase the carbon sequestration potential of national carbon sinks and reservoirs, protect national development gains, and grow the non-oil economy through the positive growth of sustainable agriculture and green tourism.", "inputs": { "text": "General description of the target; Timor-Leste is a Least Developed Country that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while also reliant on revenue from its oil and gas resources. Timor-Leste\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a \u2018nature-positive\u2019 resilient development pathway. The term \u2018nature-positive\u2019 refers to the emphasis of this NDC on the use of nature-based solutions to help build national resilience, increase the carbon sequestration potential of national carbon sinks and reservoirs, protect national development gains, and grow the non-oil economy through the positive growth of sustainable agriculture and green tourism." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5acafcb2-8f8e-4c08-b2da-ea49be4eceb5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 669 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "iii) Develop a 200-kilometer electric rail network by 2030 to support public transportation and mass transportation of goods. c) Clean cooking/Residential cooking: The goal is to install 500,000 improved cooking stoves, primarily in rural areas, and an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants (institutional/industrial/municipal/community) by 2025. ii) By 2030, ensure that electric stoves are used as the primary mode of cooking in 25 per cent of households.", "inputs": { "text": "iii) Develop a 200-kilometer electric rail network by 2030 to support public transportation and mass transportation of goods. c) Clean cooking/Residential cooking: The goal is to install 500,000 improved cooking stoves, primarily in rural areas, and an additional 200,000 household biogas plants and 500 large scale biogas plants (institutional/industrial/municipal/community) by 2025. ii) By 2030, ensure that electric stoves are used as the primary mode of cooking in 25 per cent of households." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5ba1bf4d-5f49-4328-8811-67987a6ed174", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 496 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, the planned power outages and fuel supply stagnation resulting from the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the large-scale power outages linked to the September 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake were a reminder of vulnerabilities in the existing energy infrastructures, posing risks to livelihoods and economy. 7 The outlook for energy supply and demand in FY2030\u037e it shows the outlook for energy supply and demand on the ambitious assumption that various challenges in both aspects of supply and demand in promoting thorough energy efficiency measures and expansion of non-fossil energy will be overcome for 46% reduction in the light of the declaration that Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46% in FY2030 compared to FY2013, as an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of net-zero by 2050, while continuing strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its", "inputs": { "text": "However, the planned power outages and fuel supply stagnation resulting from the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the large-scale power outages linked to the September 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake were a reminder of vulnerabilities in the existing energy infrastructures, posing risks to livelihoods and economy. 7 The outlook for energy supply and demand in FY2030\u037e it shows the outlook for energy supply and demand on the ambitious assumption that various challenges in both aspects of supply and demand in promoting thorough energy efficiency measures and expansion of non-fossil energy will be overcome for 46% reduction in the light of the declaration that Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46% in FY2030 compared to FY2013, as an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of net-zero by 2050, while continuing strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5be131b1-1e64-4ba3-96f1-e0cf7cebf266", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 943 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the transport sector: 27.1. aiming for a reduction of GHG emissions of at least 14 % by 2030 compared to 2005: 27.1.1. to increase energy efficiency, the use of RES, alternative fuels and promote zero-emission, interconnected, digitalised and sustainable mobility in multimodal transport; 27.1.2. to achieve that energy consumption from RES in the transport sector accounts for 15 %, of which 5 % from gaseous fuels from RES; 27.1.3. by 2023, municipal councils in cities are to designate low-emission zones; 27.1.4. by 2027, to achieve that all public transport, taxis and transport for ride hailing services in major cities use only RES energy; 27.1.5. to achieve that a minimum of 60 % of urban travel is made by public transport, cycling and walking: to enhance the attractiveness of public transport through the deployment of intelligent transport systems, technological and other solutions to ensure the priority of public transport", "inputs": { "text": "In the transport sector: 27.1. aiming for a reduction of GHG emissions of at least 14 % by 2030 compared to 2005: 27.1.1. to increase energy efficiency, the use of RES, alternative fuels and promote zero-emission, interconnected, digitalised and sustainable mobility in multimodal transport; 27.1.2. to achieve that energy consumption from RES in the transport sector accounts for 15 %, of which 5 % from gaseous fuels from RES; 27.1.3. by 2023, municipal councils in cities are to designate low-emission zones; 27.1.4. by 2027, to achieve that all public transport, taxis and transport for ride hailing services in major cities use only RES energy; 27.1.5. to achieve that a minimum of 60 % of urban travel is made by public transport, cycling and walking: to enhance the attractiveness of public transport through the deployment of intelligent transport systems, technological and other solutions to ensure the priority of public transport" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5be3a4f9-88c0-4f89-b742-e2567cf6d38f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 951 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the following Annex additional information is provided regarding the INDC in order to ensure clarity, transparency and understanding. ANNEX Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Montenegro Type Economy-wide base year based emission reduction target Gases covered All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Solapur hexafluoride (SF6) Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Base year Target year Reduction level 30% emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 Sectors covered Sectors included are: Energy Fuel Combustion Fugitive emissions from fuels CO2 transport and storage Industrial processes Mineral industry Chemical industry Metal industry Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use Electronic industry Product uses as substitutes for ODS Other Product Manufacture and Use Other Agriculture Livestock Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land Waste Planning process Planning process of the INDC included the review of available data and modelling work applicable to", "inputs": { "text": "In the following Annex additional information is provided regarding the INDC in order to ensure clarity, transparency and understanding. ANNEX Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of Montenegro Type Economy-wide base year based emission reduction target Gases covered All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Solapur hexafluoride (SF6) Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) Base year Target year Reduction level 30% emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 Sectors covered Sectors included are: Energy Fuel Combustion Fugitive emissions from fuels CO2 transport and storage Industrial processes Mineral industry Chemical industry Metal industry Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use Electronic industry Product uses as substitutes for ODS Other Product Manufacture and Use Other Agriculture Livestock Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources on land Waste Planning process Planning process of the INDC included the review of available data and modelling work applicable to" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5c76d73c-8215-4e94-90d4-5b8a0c068318", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 1104 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Introduction of at least 200 e-buses in GKMA in Development of Non- Motorized Transport (NMT) infrastructure Road: Walking accounts for 2015 passenger KM (PKM) Motorised: 66,715 million Non-motorised: 78,318 million 100 km of complete streets or dedicated NMT corridors, constructed in greater Kampala area in 2030 leading to 10% shift in PKM by mode from other passenger modes. Construct 100 km of NMT facilities in secondary cities in 2030. 13 Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) E-bus Mission. 14 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018).", "inputs": { "text": "Introduction of at least 200 e-buses in GKMA in Development of Non- Motorized Transport (NMT) infrastructure Road: Walking accounts for 2015 passenger KM (PKM) Motorised: 66,715 million Non-motorised: 78,318 million 100 km of complete streets or dedicated NMT corridors, constructed in greater Kampala area in 2030 leading to 10% shift in PKM by mode from other passenger modes. Construct 100 km of NMT facilities in secondary cities in 2030. 13 Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) E-bus Mission. 14 Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). (2018)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5c97ca25-4c90-4e8e-82f2-cf106ab46665", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 560 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "China will implement a proactive national strategy on climate change, promote and lead the establishment of a fair and equitable, mutually beneficial global climate governance system, and advance the construction of a community\f with a shared future for mankind. On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping declared, at the General Debate of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, that China would scale up its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by adopting more vigorous policies and measures, and aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.", "inputs": { "text": "China will implement a proactive national strategy on climate change, promote and lead the establishment of a fair and equitable, mutually beneficial global climate governance system, and advance the construction of a community\f with a shared future for mankind. On September 22, 2020, President Xi Jinping declared, at the General Debate of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, that China would scale up its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by adopting more vigorous policies and measures, and aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5ca19173-21e7-4b38-9c1c-efc57d8efde9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 611 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by up to 70 percent compared to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced socio- economic development of the Russian Federation e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The source of the initial data used to quantify the reference indicator is the official statistical information of the Russian Federation f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators The value of the reference indicator can be changed when the initial data are clarified, the used calculation methodologies and national coefficients are improved.", "inputs": { "text": "reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 by up to 70 percent compared to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced socio- economic development of the Russian Federation e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The source of the initial data used to quantify the reference indicator is the official statistical information of the Russian Federation f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators The value of the reference indicator can be changed when the initial data are clarified, the used calculation methodologies and national coefficients are improved." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5ca661ce-3f7a-48a8-9ca8-e0a6d9650ad1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 860 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5. In addition, in domestic terms, reducing emissions will lead to an improvement in the quality of the environment, with benefits for human health and a positive impact on the prevention of the potential natural risks associated with climate change. In both cases the goal is to ensure better quality of life for present and future generations.", "inputs": { "text": "Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5. In addition, in domestic terms, reducing emissions will lead to an improvement in the quality of the environment, with benefits for human health and a positive impact on the prevention of the potential natural risks associated with climate change. In both cases the goal is to ensure better quality of life for present and future generations." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5d416e05-50ac-4a28-b2aa-d76c7f510287", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 539 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "500 000 more efficient cars between 2025 Construction by 2025 of 910 km of railway for the transport of minerals, of which 650 km for Trans-Guinea as a substitute for road transport. Addition of 390 km between 2025 and 2030. The total of the above measures would amount to 2 300 kTCO2/year avoided compared to the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "500 000 more efficient cars between 2025 Construction by 2025 of 910 km of railway for the transport of minerals, of which 650 km for Trans-Guinea as a substitute for road transport. Addition of 390 km between 2025 and 2030. The total of the above measures would amount to 2 300 kTCO2/year avoided compared to the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5d4aafd8-f5a1-49ed-b1ae-1a1d27e54a98", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 327 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "India\u2019s NDC is ambitious, and it is a significant contribution towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Environmentally sustainable, low carbon initiatives are underpinning all key sectors of the Indian economy. \f3 of 3 India reaffirms its commitment to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This update to India\u2019s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070.", "inputs": { "text": "India\u2019s NDC is ambitious, and it is a significant contribution towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Environmentally sustainable, low carbon initiatives are underpinning all key sectors of the Indian economy. \f3 of 3 India reaffirms its commitment to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. This update to India\u2019s existing NDC is a step forward towards our long term goal of reaching net-zero by 2070." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5dac28a2-79e3-4a1a-90e9-6af1b4dd76ae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 431 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Further detail will also be provided on the transition to low carbon heating options, such as heat pumps, and future proposed support schemes, including energy efficiency and low carbon heating pilot schemes, which are intended to be launched in 2022/23. Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fSetting the pace for greener, better transport Our Key Commitments \u2022 End the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030; from 2035, all new cars and vans must be zero emission at the tailpipe.", "inputs": { "text": "Further detail will also be provided on the transition to low carbon heating options, such as heat pumps, and future proposed support schemes, including energy efficiency and low carbon heating pilot schemes, which are intended to be launched in 2022/23. Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fSetting the pace for greener, better transport Our Key Commitments \u2022 End the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2030; from 2035, all new cars and vans must be zero emission at the tailpipe." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5dceaba8-f988-4fde-bd4d-4a62d5244f7c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Summary of the NDC The NDC targets included in this submission are based on the 1.5\u00b0C mitigation goal and adaptation goals that assume a 3.4\u00b0C increase in global temperatures (based on projections from the assessments of the INDCs). The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "Summary of the NDC The NDC targets included in this submission are based on the 1.5\u00b0C mitigation goal and adaptation goals that assume a 3.4\u00b0C increase in global temperatures (based on projections from the assessments of the INDCs). The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5e9c49c6-cc62-45d3-948f-38e5bcda7e77", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 336 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The United States is strongly committed to reducing greenhouse gas pollution, thereby contributing to the objective of the Convention. In response to the request in Lima to communicate to the secretariat its intended nationally determined contribution towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2\u2014the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\u2014the United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28 per cent below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%.", "inputs": { "text": "The United States is strongly committed to reducing greenhouse gas pollution, thereby contributing to the objective of the Convention. In response to the request in Lima to communicate to the secretariat its intended nationally determined contribution towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2\u2014the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\u2014the United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28 per cent below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5eea5c05-5800-4999-b4a3-bd5538c89114", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 694 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\uf0b7 GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%. Conditional contribution The above-mentioned 8% contribution could be increased to 25% if international support is received through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as through the implementation of new mechanisms under the Global Climate Agreement, in which emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 30% compared to 2010 levels. 2.3.", "inputs": { "text": "\uf0b7 GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%. Conditional contribution The above-mentioned 8% contribution could be increased to 25% if international support is received through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as through the implementation of new mechanisms under the Global Climate Agreement, in which emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 30% compared to 2010 levels. 2.3." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5f4d3fa6-47d8-4489-9349-04347105a343", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 743 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean 18% higher emissions compared to the base year 1990. Significant emission reduction is only possible to achieve with international support, which would result in emission reduction of 3% compared to 1990, while compared to the BAU scenario it represents a possible reduction of 23%.", "inputs": { "text": "Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean 18% higher emissions compared to the base year 1990. Significant emission reduction is only possible to achieve with international support, which would result in emission reduction of 3% compared to 1990, while compared to the BAU scenario it represents a possible reduction of 23%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5f5240fd-77c9-437f-a829-b9ac6dd68780", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 403 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(1) Future vision\nChallenging for \u201cWell-to-Wheel Zero Emission\u201d\uff08e.g. achieving the world\u2019s highest level of environmental performance of Japanese cars supplied worldwide by 2050)\n(2) Direction of policies and measures for the future vision\nEnhanced international policy coordination on electrified vehicles, including automotive environmental performance assessment on \u201dWell-to-Wheel\u201c base, promotion of open innovation for the next-generation electrification-related technologies, road/transport systems using big data and IoT.", "inputs": { "text": "(1) Future vision\nChallenging for \u201cWell-to-Wheel Zero Emission\u201d\uff08e.g. achieving the world\u2019s highest level of environmental performance of Japanese cars supplied worldwide by 2050)\n(2) Direction of policies and measures for the future vision\nEnhanced international policy coordination on electrified vehicles, including automotive environmental performance assessment on \u201dWell-to-Wheel\u201c base, promotion of open innovation for the next-generation electrification-related technologies, road/transport systems using big data and IoT." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "5f986af4-eae1-40b6-be20-d693f0a0d01d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 528 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia met and exceeded its first and second commitment period targets under the Kyoto Protocol and its 2020 target under the Convention. We are on track to overachieve against our 2030 target. Australia\u2019s performance against its 2030 target, and our commitment to our low emissions technology economic stretch goals place us on a trajectory to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Australia has a Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan which details how we will achieve net zero emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia met and exceeded its first and second commitment period targets under the Kyoto Protocol and its 2020 target under the Convention. We are on track to overachieve against our 2030 target. Australia\u2019s performance against its 2030 target, and our commitment to our low emissions technology economic stretch goals place us on a trajectory to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Australia has a Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan which details how we will achieve net zero emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "60308ba6-7a62-4a3a-8f22-3d47bc893995", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 498 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland\u2019s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021\u20132030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used.", "inputs": { "text": "In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland\u2019s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021\u20132030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 35 percent compared with 1990 levels is anticipated. Internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) from cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement will partly be used." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6044ec58-0053-4d5b-b811-e1e6cca4a273", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Kuwait s 2050 strategy towards a low carbon economy based on a circular carbon economy. 4. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes that the Party undertook to prepare its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, as appropriate: i) Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous The enhanced target results from a comprehensive impact evaluation, analysis of the future vision and strategies 2050, and stakeholder feedback gathered through public consultation.", "inputs": { "text": "Kuwait s 2050 strategy towards a low carbon economy based on a circular carbon economy. 4. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes that the Party undertook to prepare its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, as appropriate: i) Domestic institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous The enhanced target results from a comprehensive impact evaluation, analysis of the future vision and strategies 2050, and stakeholder feedback gathered through public consultation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "60473d36-797b-4bd8-ae38-466e02de9aeb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 603 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Although Canada represents only 1.6% of the world\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, Canada remains committed to doing our part to address climate change. As part of our contribution to a new global climate change agreement, Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. This target is ambitious but achievable. It represents a substantial reduction from Canada\u2019s business-as-usual emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Although Canada represents only 1.6% of the world\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, Canada remains committed to doing our part to address climate change. As part of our contribution to a new global climate change agreement, Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. This target is ambitious but achievable. It represents a substantial reduction from Canada\u2019s business-as-usual emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "608004d4-91f7-4c95-b518-0ac3c2795717", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 462 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The updated NDC presents a progressive shift above the 2015 pledge to reduce emissions from 89% to 91% by 2030. [\u2026] In the BAU scenario, overall GHG emissions in 2030 are expected to rise by up to 24.167 MtCO2e. The estimated emissions reduction will be 21.996 tCO2e through 2030 (91% reduction of which 78.7% is from the AFOLU)", "inputs": { "text": "The updated NDC presents a progressive shift above the 2015 pledge to reduce emissions from 89% to 91% by 2030. [\u2026] In the BAU scenario, overall GHG emissions in 2030 are expected to rise by up to 24.167 MtCO2e. The estimated emissions reduction will be 21.996 tCO2e through 2030 (91% reduction of which 78.7% is from the AFOLU)" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "60a71910-7a27-49a8-a586-a085f21fb00a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 329 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This will be achieved by switching to 100% renewable energy in electricity generation and increasing the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to at least 2%. Additionally, St. Kitts and Nevis seeks financial and capacity building support to develop the necessary charging infrastructure and training programs to enable swift decarbonization of the transport sector.", "inputs": { "text": "This will be achieved by switching to 100% renewable energy in electricity generation and increasing the share of electric vehicles in the vehicle fleet to at least 2%. Additionally, St. Kitts and Nevis seeks financial and capacity building support to develop the necessary charging infrastructure and training programs to enable swift decarbonization of the transport sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "60f126c3-7f13-4619-8a7a-d566a4768ca3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 376 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty The preparation of a decision on the approval of the target to limit greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 was provided for by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.2016 No. 2344-r and was linked to the development of a national strategy for long-term development with low greenhouse gas emissions for the period until 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty The preparation of a decision on the approval of the target to limit greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 was provided for by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.2016 No. 2344-r and was linked to the development of a national strategy for long-term development with low greenhouse gas emissions for the period until 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "612e7cd9-8c55-4961-9e28-4a2efeb09989", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 444 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles. The government is also pursuing a modal shift in freight transport from road to rail and shipping, and expanding eco-friendly ships fueled by LNG. Measures to minimize wastes, such as single-use items in particular, will be implemented.", "inputs": { "text": "In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles. The government is also pursuing a modal shift in freight transport from road to rail and shipping, and expanding eco-friendly ships fueled by LNG. Measures to minimize wastes, such as single-use items in particular, will be implemented." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6184aea8-e205-4fed-a280-85e27b4246a7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 463 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The main aspects that demonstrate this are described below: - The mitigation targets are aligned with the trajectory of Costa Rica's Long-Term Strategy, the National Plan for Decarbonization, presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C. - The country changed from having a maximum absolute net emissions target in 2030 from 9.37 to 9.11 million tonnes of CO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "The main aspects that demonstrate this are described below: - The mitigation targets are aligned with the trajectory of Costa Rica's Long-Term Strategy, the National Plan for Decarbonization, presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C. - The country changed from having a maximum absolute net emissions target in 2030 from 9.37 to 9.11 million tonnes of CO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "622e28e9-25fe-479c-8b94-81581b910cf6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 438 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Samoa would like to put forward to following mass-based sub-sector GHG emissions reduction targets that \ncan be applied relative to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated:\n- Land transport 5.2 Gg CO2e \n- Maritime transport 3.0 Gg CO2e", "inputs": { "text": "Samoa would like to put forward to following mass-based sub-sector GHG emissions reduction targets that \ncan be applied relative to the new reference year once the GHG emissions inventory is updated:\n- Land transport 5.2 Gg CO2e \n- Maritime transport 3.0 Gg CO2e" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "623c40bc-71a7-43fe-80c8-186aa99fa2c7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 264 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an unconditional absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030 of 27% relative to 2015. [\u2026] Whereas our INDC submitted in 2015 projected 2030 emissions would be 81.65 MtCO2e, under this update they are projected to be 58 MtCO2e by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Unlike Israel's original NDC, this new Decision includes an unconditional absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030 of 27% relative to 2015. [\u2026] Whereas our INDC submitted in 2015 projected 2030 emissions would be 81.65 MtCO2e, under this update they are projected to be 58 MtCO2e by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6264d8de-16dd-4c69-896a-854356b9bcec", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 311 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies.\fUPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION \u2022 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 22 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.7 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding.", "inputs": { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies.\fUPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION \u2022 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 22 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.7 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "62f1922b-de51-40e5-bdcd-985ae545e09e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 451 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde\u2019s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources.", "inputs": { "text": "Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde\u2019s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "632098a4-8596-4618-adb8-6593b895b7f3", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 502 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Also Yemen has low GHG emission per capita of approximately 0.92 t CO2-eq in 2011 and ranks at the lowest levels relative to the world average which had already reached 7 t CO2-eq per capita in 2010. This INDC document proposes 14 percent GHG emission reduction target by 2030 below BAU which represents an estimated total cumulative GHG reduction of about 35 MtCO2-eq from 2020 through 2030; this includes 1 percent unconditional target and 13 percent conditional target.", "inputs": { "text": "Also Yemen has low GHG emission per capita of approximately 0.92 t CO2-eq in 2011 and ranks at the lowest levels relative to the world average which had already reached 7 t CO2-eq per capita in 2010. This INDC document proposes 14 percent GHG emission reduction target by 2030 below BAU which represents an estimated total cumulative GHG reduction of about 35 MtCO2-eq from 2020 through 2030; this includes 1 percent unconditional target and 13 percent conditional target." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "632d2d49-be24-4f07-a50b-0ad9713c195f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 472 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional Solar water heaters Through the Solar Thermal Road Map SWH Energy USD Unconditional Passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards in 80 % of total passenger vehicle Transport USD Unconditional No.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional Solar water heaters Through the Solar Thermal Road Map SWH Energy USD Unconditional Passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards in 80 % of total passenger vehicle Transport USD Unconditional No." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "64a2d97f-da64-48df-993e-acfddce203e6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 260 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Different scenarios were developed to explore how these actions can reduce emissions and help achieve carbon neutrality, compared to business as usual (BAU). An economic modelling estimated the socioeconomic costs using the marginal abatement cost model. Adaptation benefits were elaborated for suggested mitigation actions. A credible scenario for carbon neutrality by 2050 The LTS4CN modelling suggests that Cambodia could achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of 50 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e).", "inputs": { "text": "Different scenarios were developed to explore how these actions can reduce emissions and help achieve carbon neutrality, compared to business as usual (BAU). An economic modelling estimated the socioeconomic costs using the marginal abatement cost model. Adaptation benefits were elaborated for suggested mitigation actions. A credible scenario for carbon neutrality by 2050 The LTS4CN modelling suggests that Cambodia could achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 with the FOLU sector providing a total carbon sink of 50 megatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "64cd6c4d-93d2-418c-9ee4-ba21ee79ad91", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 563 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Most recently, Liberia\u2019s Initial National Communication (2013) reinforces the National Energy Policy with additional long-term targets and related activities, which includes: \u2022 Reducing GHGs by at least 10% by 2030 \u2022 Improving energy efficiency by at least 20% by 2030 \u2022 Raising share of renewable energy to at least 30% of electricity production and 10% of overall energy consumption by 2030 \u2022 Replacing cooking stoves with low thermal efficiency (5-10%) with the higher- efficiency (40%) stoves. The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Most recently, Liberia\u2019s Initial National Communication (2013) reinforces the National Energy Policy with additional long-term targets and related activities, which includes: \u2022 Reducing GHGs by at least 10% by 2030 \u2022 Improving energy efficiency by at least 20% by 2030 \u2022 Raising share of renewable energy to at least 30% of electricity production and 10% of overall energy consumption by 2030 \u2022 Replacing cooking stoves with low thermal efficiency (5-10%) with the higher- efficiency (40%) stoves. The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "65190e12-a30f-4661-bfa6-e4af138db3ed", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 573 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Rehabilitation of 634 km of meter gauge railway by 2026 to facilitate modal shift of freight from road to rail. 22% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. SGR \u2013 Standard Gauge Railway Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Rehabilitation of 634 km of meter gauge railway by 2026 to facilitate modal shift of freight from road to rail. 22% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. SGR \u2013 Standard Gauge Railway Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "655f664a-3c1b-4f79-8818-ac0cc0f8473c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 452 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "100% renewable energy usage by 2030, mainly from geothermal sources, also from synthetic fuels. From 2027, 200Gg+ geothermal energy export to French Territories: Martinique, Guadeloupe. ~648Gg annual forest carbon sequestration from 2020-2025 and ~621Gg from 2025-2030. Geographical Scope: Nationwide and sectoral as described in 3(b) below. (b). Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines;. Sectors. Energy Industries. Agriculture. Transport. Manufacturing & Construction. Commercial/Institutional, Residential, Fishing. Solid Waste. LULUCF.", "inputs": { "text": "100% renewable energy usage by 2030, mainly from geothermal sources, also from synthetic fuels. From 2027, 200Gg+ geothermal energy export to French Territories: Martinique, Guadeloupe. ~648Gg annual forest carbon sequestration from 2020-2025 and ~621Gg from 2025-2030. Geographical Scope: Nationwide and sectoral as described in 3(b) below. (b). Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines;. Sectors. Energy Industries. Agriculture. Transport. Manufacturing & Construction. Commercial/Institutional, Residential, Fishing. Solid Waste. LULUCF." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6572e844-4136-4ad1-b373-783589e894c6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 689 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Myanmar commits to an unconditional target for new renewable energy of 11% (2000MW) by 2030. With sufficient international support, Myanmar aims to increase the RE (other) contribution to 3070 MW (17% of the total energy mix) and would make a proportionate reduction in the percentage of energy generation from coal. Myanmar is eager to explore a wide range of technological innovations, first and foremost related to solar and wind energy and potentially exploring mini-hydro, biomass, tidal and other sources of renewable energy as well.", "inputs": { "text": "Myanmar commits to an unconditional target for new renewable energy of 11% (2000MW) by 2030. With sufficient international support, Myanmar aims to increase the RE (other) contribution to 3070 MW (17% of the total energy mix) and would make a proportionate reduction in the percentage of energy generation from coal. Myanmar is eager to explore a wide range of technological innovations, first and foremost related to solar and wind energy and potentially exploring mini-hydro, biomass, tidal and other sources of renewable energy as well." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "66878d2a-38e9-4de8-bbe5-67614f92ace1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 539 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This forms part of the Second National Communication Report, which will be submitted to the UNFCCC shortly. St. Vincent and the Grenadines intends to achieve an unconditional, economy-wide reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 22% compared to its business as usual (BAU) scenario by 2025.\f plant, the national energy utility is renovating existing hydro power facilities to improve efficiency and generation capacity as well as enabling and encouraging the installation of small-scale photovoltaics (PV) in the private and public sectors. ii. Energy efficiency: there is an objective to achieve a 15% reduction in national electricity consumption9 compared to a BAU scenario by 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "This forms part of the Second National Communication Report, which will be submitted to the UNFCCC shortly. St. Vincent and the Grenadines intends to achieve an unconditional, economy-wide reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 22% compared to its business as usual (BAU) scenario by 2025.\f plant, the national energy utility is renovating existing hydro power facilities to improve efficiency and generation capacity as well as enabling and encouraging the installation of small-scale photovoltaics (PV) in the private and public sectors. ii. Energy efficiency: there is an objective to achieve a 15% reduction in national electricity consumption9 compared to a BAU scenario by 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "66a6b1a7-e585-4806-ac8e-1a888c49b5c5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 692 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With strategic and adaptive management, RMI can achieve significant emissions reductions and solidify its climate leadership position. In its 2009 and 2016 National Energy Plans, RMI outlined national goals for energy use that move the country toward achievement of its 100% decarbonization vision by 2050. The electricity sector has by far the greatest potential to rapidly reduce RMI\u2019s GHG emissions in line with its 2025 and 2030 NDC targets.", "inputs": { "text": "With strategic and adaptive management, RMI can achieve significant emissions reductions and solidify its climate leadership position. In its 2009 and 2016 National Energy Plans, RMI outlined national goals for energy use that move the country toward achievement of its 100% decarbonization vision by 2050. The electricity sector has by far the greatest potential to rapidly reduce RMI\u2019s GHG emissions in line with its 2025 and 2030 NDC targets." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6709a3cc-70ab-4b42-9854-afbeb739aca8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 445 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The country, while cognisant of the fact that climate change affects all sectors of the economy, has prioritised some sectors and measures as detailed below. Eswatini\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution The enhanced and more ambitious NDC of Eswatini represents a progression beyond the 2015 NDC by adopting an economy wide GHG emissions reduction target of 5% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario and help achieve a low carbon and climate resilient development.", "inputs": { "text": "The country, while cognisant of the fact that climate change affects all sectors of the economy, has prioritised some sectors and measures as detailed below. Eswatini\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution The enhanced and more ambitious NDC of Eswatini represents a progression beyond the 2015 NDC by adopting an economy wide GHG emissions reduction target of 5% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario and help achieve a low carbon and climate resilient development." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6745e78d-e381-4c5f-b521-f2be41bb050e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 468 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "CCICD then engaged members of the Steering Committee as well as numerous national and international experts and stakeholders from private sector, academia, and civil society through a participatory process to develop the LEDS (described in section 1.5 below). 1.2 FIJI\u2019S VISION Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy. This is consistent and aligns directly with Fiji\u2019s objective stated above to ensure that net zero emissions is achieved globally by 20503.", "inputs": { "text": "CCICD then engaged members of the Steering Committee as well as numerous national and international experts and stakeholders from private sector, academia, and civil society through a participatory process to develop the LEDS (described in section 1.5 below). 1.2 FIJI\u2019S VISION Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy. This is consistent and aligns directly with Fiji\u2019s objective stated above to ensure that net zero emissions is achieved globally by 20503." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "676f4b22-3189-4880-8c61-29a6960cf1bc", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 504 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Other sources of vulnerability in the country are linked to: - an incidence of poverty4 which varies from island to island and appears to be higher in rural areas, - unemployment estimated at 3.7% in 2018 but affecting particularly young people (8.5%) and women (4.06%), - relatively high population growth (2.24 % in 2018)2 but which is nevertheless lower than that of GDP (3.43% in 2018)3. 2.1. Mitigation ambition The Union of the Comoros envisages, through this revised UNCCD, a net reduction of these GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, of 23% and an increase in its net sink of CO2 removals of 47% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Other sources of vulnerability in the country are linked to: - an incidence of poverty4 which varies from island to island and appears to be higher in rural areas, - unemployment estimated at 3.7% in 2018 but affecting particularly young people (8.5%) and women (4.06%), - relatively high population growth (2.24 % in 2018)2 but which is nevertheless lower than that of GDP (3.43% in 2018)3. 2.1. Mitigation ambition The Union of the Comoros envisages, through this revised UNCCD, a net reduction of these GHG emissions, excluding LULUCF, of 23% and an increase in its net sink of CO2 removals of 47% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6806e404-3b54-4a0e-8ec4-52f424e55935", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 643 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Electrical energy efficiency: a 22% reduction in electricity consumption compared to a BAU10 scenario in 2029. Planned measures in this sector include the \u2018Public Sector Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme\u2019, implementation of applicable recommendations through the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action-Advanced Program (CHENACT), energy efficiency measures in homes and various LED lighting initiatives. iii. Non-electrical energy efficiency: a 29% reduction in non-electric energy consumption including transport, compared to a BAU scenario in 202910.", "inputs": { "text": "Electrical energy efficiency: a 22% reduction in electricity consumption compared to a BAU10 scenario in 2029. Planned measures in this sector include the \u2018Public Sector Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme\u2019, implementation of applicable recommendations through the Caribbean Hotel Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action-Advanced Program (CHENACT), energy efficiency measures in homes and various LED lighting initiatives. iii. Non-electrical energy efficiency: a 29% reduction in non-electric energy consumption including transport, compared to a BAU scenario in 202910." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "68255e88-5340-402a-a121-01a81d7d3206", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 586 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "subject to adequate international financial, technological and capacity-building support. 6. By 2030, Armenia is going to double its share of renewables in energy generation on the path to achieve climate neutrality in the second half of this century. 7. Armenia is a land-locked country with vulnerable mountainous ecosystems, already facing negative impacts of climate change and water scarcity. Therefore, adaptation policies and measures are of paramount importance for Armenia\u2019s ability to achieve its social and economic development goals. 8.", "inputs": { "text": "subject to adequate international financial, technological and capacity-building support. 6. By 2030, Armenia is going to double its share of renewables in energy generation on the path to achieve climate neutrality in the second half of this century. 7. Armenia is a land-locked country with vulnerable mountainous ecosystems, already facing negative impacts of climate change and water scarcity. Therefore, adaptation policies and measures are of paramount importance for Armenia\u2019s ability to achieve its social and economic development goals. 8." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "685141d6-7dd8-4070-b3f7-1d8295f0151b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This reform aims to support the national economy, lower fuel consumption, and protect the environment; \u2022 a federal freight rail network crossing the country and eventually integrated into the GCC network; \u2022 the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has also set targets to shift 25% of government vehicle fleets to compressed natural gas; and \u2022 the Emirate of Dubai has invested in a multi-billion dollar light-rail and metro system, which will continue to add new lines. The UAE continues to improve the emission standards for new motor vehicles, in accordance with European emission standards, as well as through the introduction of standard labels.", "inputs": { "text": "This reform aims to support the national economy, lower fuel consumption, and protect the environment; \u2022 a federal freight rail network crossing the country and eventually integrated into the GCC network; \u2022 the Emirate of Abu Dhabi has also set targets to shift 25% of government vehicle fleets to compressed natural gas; and \u2022 the Emirate of Dubai has invested in a multi-billion dollar light-rail and metro system, which will continue to add new lines. The UAE continues to improve the emission standards for new motor vehicles, in accordance with European emission standards, as well as through the introduction of standard labels." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6875737e-9fcd-47bb-a33b-cb6b26f534b1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 635 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2018, the number of registered vehicles was 51% higher than in 2010. As a result, the measures proposed in the first NDC for the transport sector (introduction of gasoline taxes, biofuel blends, and fuel efficiency standards) will be insufficient to achieve the 20% reductions anticipated from this sector by 2025, much less to achieve further reductions by 2030 While Grenada\u2019s target is a base year target, and is not measured relative to future projections, these unforeseen factors will make it extremely difficult for the country to meet the targets set in 2016.", "inputs": { "text": "In 2018, the number of registered vehicles was 51% higher than in 2010. As a result, the measures proposed in the first NDC for the transport sector (introduction of gasoline taxes, biofuel blends, and fuel efficiency standards) will be insufficient to achieve the 20% reductions anticipated from this sector by 2025, much less to achieve further reductions by 2030 While Grenada\u2019s target is a base year target, and is not measured relative to future projections, these unforeseen factors will make it extremely difficult for the country to meet the targets set in 2016." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "689e5d52-533a-4e92-a864-c0910fc801ae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 572 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 1,412 km of fully electrified standard gauge rail by 2050. 3.5.2 Targets for Transport Sector Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Implement 1,412 km of fully electrified standard gauge rail by 2050. 3.5.2 Targets for Transport Sector Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "69499295-a0c3-433a-b7f5-fe4b3d20c6e4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 325 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions exclusive of the LULUCF sector during 1990-2018 and the commitment until 2030 are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1.", "inputs": { "text": "The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The dynamics of greenhouse gas emissions exclusive of the LULUCF sector during 1990-2018 and the commitment until 2030 are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "69839d11-1941-44bd-9df2-4e60a3d6ed4a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 465 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Domestic transport 2050 target: Land transport does not generate any more greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 with few exceptions.\nAviation 2050 target: International aviation from Switzerland should no longer generate climate-impacting emis-sions in net terms by 2050 as far as possible. This means:\n\u2022 Fossil CO2 emissions amount to net zero.\n\u2022 The other climate impacts decline or are offset with other measures.", "inputs": { "text": "Domestic transport 2050 target: Land transport does not generate any more greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 with few exceptions.\nAviation 2050 target: International aviation from Switzerland should no longer generate climate-impacting emis-sions in net terms by 2050 as far as possible. This means:\n\u2022 Fossil CO2 emissions amount to net zero.\n\u2022 The other climate impacts decline or are offset with other measures." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "69ce5f56-a0a6-41c0-8311-b772ad2e523e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 411 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information:Not applicable. (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction:To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025, and by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information:Not applicable. (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction:To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025, and by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6a3d311d-75d4-45da-ae58-f49f06c3c311", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 512 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "ii) Increase e-vehicle sales to 90 percent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 60 percent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales by 2030. (excluding electric-rickshaws and electric three- wheelers). iii) Develop a 200-kilometer electric rail network by 2030 to support public transportation and mass transportation of goods.", "inputs": { "text": "ii) Increase e-vehicle sales to 90 percent of all private passenger vehicle sales (including two-wheelers) and 60 percent of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales by 2030. (excluding electric-rickshaws and electric three- wheelers). iii) Develop a 200-kilometer electric rail network by 2030 to support public transportation and mass transportation of goods." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6a41f1b3-fa00-4052-8da8-a51527d5ef79", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 368 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; In 2030, 51% reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (black line on the graph below). Disaggregated by sector (2030 vs.1990) \u2022 Energy: 66% reduction (mainly through decommissioning of coal-\ufb01red power plants Oslomej in 2021 and Bitola up to 2027) \u2022 IPPU: 45% increase \u2022 Agriculture: 29% reduction \u2022 LULUCF: 95% removals increase \u2022 Waste: 21% reduction resulting in In 2030, 82% reduction in net GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (red line on the graph below) The calculated \ufb01gures refer to the emissions and sinks generated at the territory", "inputs": { "text": "c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; In 2030, 51% reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (black line on the graph below). Disaggregated by sector (2030 vs.1990) \u2022 Energy: 66% reduction (mainly through decommissioning of coal-\ufb01red power plants Oslomej in 2021 and Bitola up to 2027) \u2022 IPPU: 45% increase \u2022 Agriculture: 29% reduction \u2022 LULUCF: 95% removals increase \u2022 Waste: 21% reduction resulting in In 2030, 82% reduction in net GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels (red line on the graph below) The calculated \ufb01gures refer to the emissions and sinks generated at the territory" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6a4c2a84-47d3-48f2-ae0d-26e1d0b5954d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 959 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "BNCCP Strategy 3 on Electric Vehicles - Increase total share of electric vehicles (EV) to 60% of the total annual vehicle sales by 2035. This strategy seeks to promote the ownership of EV through the consideration of various policy related issues such as, but not limited to, the following: price of fuel and electricity; low EV prices (e.g. through excise duty incentives); annual Vehicle License (VL) fees; and availability of infrastructures (e.g. charging stations).", "inputs": { "text": "BNCCP Strategy 3 on Electric Vehicles - Increase total share of electric vehicles (EV) to 60% of the total annual vehicle sales by 2035. This strategy seeks to promote the ownership of EV through the consideration of various policy related issues such as, but not limited to, the following: price of fuel and electricity; low EV prices (e.g. through excise duty incentives); annual Vehicle License (VL) fees; and availability of infrastructures (e.g. charging stations)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6ae2db6c-88ae-4f65-9aa1-14e0aab822cc", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 471 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The NDC firmly responds to the development objectives of Cabo Verde\u2019s Ambi\u00e7a\u0303o 2030 (Ambition Plan 2030). Cabo Verde\u2019s flagship contributions include: \u2022 The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; \u2022 The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; \u2022 The 2030", "inputs": { "text": "The NDC firmly responds to the development objectives of Cabo Verde\u2019s Ambi\u00e7a\u0303o 2030 (Ambition Plan 2030). Cabo Verde\u2019s flagship contributions include: \u2022 The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; \u2022 The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; \u2022 The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; \u2022 The 2030" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6b492583-ce56-4a74-9886-71ada953daec", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 1032 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Level of contribution Reduce emissions by 5% compared to the BaU reference level (i.e. 5,498.3 kt eq-CO2 of avoided emissions) at the 2030 horizon and 25% (i.e. 33,076.1 kt eq-CO2) at the 2050 horizon, within the framework of conditional implementation Adaptation Objectives: Agriculture1 and food security, health, basic infrastructure and sustainable management of natural resources, with the aim of maintaining an annual rate of growth of agricultural activities of 6% and stabilisation of the rate of food insecurity at 15%. Vulnerability profile: Extreme hazards (torrential rains, floods and drought), most vulnerable areas (south, north and northeast) and most vulnerable populations (women, children, indigenous peoples and the aged, i.e.", "inputs": { "text": "Level of contribution Reduce emissions by 5% compared to the BaU reference level (i.e. 5,498.3 kt eq-CO2 of avoided emissions) at the 2030 horizon and 25% (i.e. 33,076.1 kt eq-CO2) at the 2050 horizon, within the framework of conditional implementation Adaptation Objectives: Agriculture1 and food security, health, basic infrastructure and sustainable management of natural resources, with the aim of maintaining an annual rate of growth of agricultural activities of 6% and stabilisation of the rate of food insecurity at 15%. Vulnerability profile: Extreme hazards (torrential rains, floods and drought), most vulnerable areas (south, north and northeast) and most vulnerable populations (women, children, indigenous peoples and the aged, i.e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6b7264bb-5b43-4199-837b-67ebad6fef69", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 747 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Not applicable. (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Grenada commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% of the 2010 emissions levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Not applicable. (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Grenada commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% of the 2010 emissions levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6bfcccdc-aae5-46a5-bfea-0164a3221827", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 496 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Submitted jointly to the government by the Ministers of Environmental Protection, Finance and National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources the target was approved and includes sector specific targets: \uf0b7 Energy efficiency - 17% reduction in electricity consumption relative to BAU scenario in 2030 \uf0b7 Renewable energy \u2013 17% of the electricity generated in 2030 will be from renewable sources \uf0b7 Public transport \u2013 20% shift from private to public transportation. Future development The government decision for the national target stipulates that within 45 days of approval, the relevant ministries are to submit to the government an outline of economy wide measures to be taken.", "inputs": { "text": "Submitted jointly to the government by the Ministers of Environmental Protection, Finance and National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources the target was approved and includes sector specific targets: \uf0b7 Energy efficiency - 17% reduction in electricity consumption relative to BAU scenario in 2030 \uf0b7 Renewable energy \u2013 17% of the electricity generated in 2030 will be from renewable sources \uf0b7 Public transport \u2013 20% shift from private to public transportation. Future development The government decision for the national target stipulates that within 45 days of approval, the relevant ministries are to submit to the government an outline of economy wide measures to be taken." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c1329f1-9ff0-423d-813d-69d6de655ea1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 685 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030 targets a 30% share of electric and hybrid cars among Dubai\u2019s government-procured vehicles by the same year. In 2016, the UAE set a 10% penetration target for electric and hybrid cars in the government fleet by 2021. To support this target, the government introduced 10% annual purchase/lease of hybrids and EVs in its fleet to drive the market shift.", "inputs": { "text": "The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030 targets a 30% share of electric and hybrid cars among Dubai\u2019s government-procured vehicles by the same year. In 2016, the UAE set a 10% penetration target for electric and hybrid cars in the government fleet by 2021. To support this target, the government introduced 10% annual purchase/lease of hybrids and EVs in its fleet to drive the market shift." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c3215d7-ed3e-42ad-94de-cfbfb39966fe", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 390 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent. From now on and towards 2030, Japan will work on various measures including technology development, all of which will be in line with the goal of net-zero by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent. From now on and towards 2030, Japan will work on various measures including technology development, all of which will be in line with the goal of net-zero by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c6c7494-221b-49ff-9e76-71a6750cd137", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 482 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This INDC is consistent with Mexico\u00b4s pathway to reduce 50% of emissions by the year 2050, with respect to the year 2000, as mandated by the LGCC. In presenting its INDC, Mexico reaffirms its commitment to combat climate change, to the multilateral rules-based climate regime that requires the participation of all countries, and to sustainable development, as well as its solidarity with the most vulnerable countries.", "inputs": { "text": "This INDC is consistent with Mexico\u00b4s pathway to reduce 50% of emissions by the year 2050, with respect to the year 2000, as mandated by the LGCC. In presenting its INDC, Mexico reaffirms its commitment to combat climate change, to the multilateral rules-based climate regime that requires the participation of all countries, and to sustainable development, as well as its solidarity with the most vulnerable countries." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c86a399-049e-497d-9869-be460c85a22d", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(a) Unconditional Reduction (b) Conditional Reduction Indonesia in its 1st NDC committed to reduce unconditionally 29% of its greenhouse gasses emissions against the business as usual scenario by the year of 2030. The BAU scenario was projected approximately 2.869 GtCO2-eq in 2030 which was updated from the BAU scenario on the INDC along with energy policy development particularly in coal fired power plant. The Enhanced NDC increases unconditional emission reduction target of 31.89%, compared to 29% in the 1st NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "(a) Unconditional Reduction (b) Conditional Reduction Indonesia in its 1st NDC committed to reduce unconditionally 29% of its greenhouse gasses emissions against the business as usual scenario by the year of 2030. The BAU scenario was projected approximately 2.869 GtCO2-eq in 2030 which was updated from the BAU scenario on the INDC along with energy policy development particularly in coal fired power plant. The Enhanced NDC increases unconditional emission reduction target of 31.89%, compared to 29% in the 1st NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c8d3e00-ca6f-4639-a661-f05a37bc0095", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, the resulting emissions will be accounted for under the Energy sectors. TABLE 2.5. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED GHG MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MEASURES. Measure Mitigation % of BAU scenario in 2030 Energy Electricity generation: 1) Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) 70 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana 2) Solar Rooftop systems (45 MW PV) - replacing imports 3) Embedded generation - 13 MW PV replacing imports 4) Solar power - Omburu 20 MW PV - replacing imports & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant 5) Wind power - Luderitz Wind 40 MW replacing imports & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant 6) Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports 7) Hydropower - Baynes Hydro 300 of 600 MW 8) Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH) Transport: 9) Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards (in 80 % of total passenger vehicle population) 10) 10 000", "inputs": { "text": "However, the resulting emissions will be accounted for under the Energy sectors. TABLE 2.5. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED GHG MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MEASURES. Measure Mitigation % of BAU scenario in 2030 Energy Electricity generation: 1) Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFIT) 70 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana 2) Solar Rooftop systems (45 MW PV) - replacing imports 3) Embedded generation - 13 MW PV replacing imports 4) Solar power - Omburu 20 MW PV - replacing imports & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant 5) Wind power - Luderitz Wind 40 MW replacing imports & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant 6) Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports 7) Hydropower - Baynes Hydro 300 of 600 MW 8) Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH) Transport: 9) Promote passenger vehicle fuel efficiency standards (in 80 % of total passenger vehicle population) 10) 10 000" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6c9c6ffa-fc60-46b1-ad09-1794adbd5c21", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 869 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "China will accelerate the development of a low-carbon transport system, and actively expand the application of electric power, hydrogen energy, natural gas, and advanced liquid biofuels in transportation. By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy-powered vehicles will reach about 40% of all the vehicles sold in that year, the carbon emission intensity of converted turnover of commercial vehicles will decrease about 9.5% from 2020 level, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of converted turnover of railways will drop by 10% from 2020 level, and oil consumption by land transportation strives to peak.", "inputs": { "text": "China will accelerate the development of a low-carbon transport system, and actively expand the application of electric power, hydrogen energy, natural gas, and advanced liquid biofuels in transportation. By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy-powered vehicles will reach about 40% of all the vehicles sold in that year, the carbon emission intensity of converted turnover of commercial vehicles will decrease about 9.5% from 2020 level, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of converted turnover of railways will drop by 10% from 2020 level, and oil consumption by land transportation strives to peak." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6d338657-3104-4e57-8390-5718e9267907", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 631 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Grenada will also develop a long-term low emissions development strategy. (d) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement; Please refer to 6(e) below. (e) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. Grenada has the option under the Paris Agreement to prepare and communicate strategies, plans, and actions for low greenhouse gas emissions development that reflects its special circumstances.", "inputs": { "text": "Grenada will also develop a long-term low emissions development strategy. (d) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement; Please refer to 6(e) below. (e) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. Grenada has the option under the Paris Agreement to prepare and communicate strategies, plans, and actions for low greenhouse gas emissions development that reflects its special circumstances." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6d7be55a-e8ed-4bf9-bc5d-e826a99c5b4d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Waste Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste by 2030 by at least 47% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 5.5MtCO2e. A 71% reduction in the amount of municipal waste landfilled by 2030 compared to the amount of municipal waste landfilled in 2018, which was about 4.5 million tonnes. Reduction of GHG emissions from municipal waste by 2050 by at least 92% compared to emissions measured in 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Waste Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste by 2030 by at least 47% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 5.5MtCO2e. A 71% reduction in the amount of municipal waste landfilled by 2030 compared to the amount of municipal waste landfilled in 2018, which was about 4.5 million tonnes. Reduction of GHG emissions from municipal waste by 2050 by at least 92% compared to emissions measured in 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6e8b25f8-2c39-4737-b48b-af02a3b9b9f2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 424 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GEI emissions (million tonnes of CO2-eq) Inventory + BAU projection NDC mitigation measures To reduce emissions from the land transport category, Guatemala will implement the Sustainable Mobility (ENE-2) measure, which is based on the promotion of the use of electric vehicles (electromobility) and the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels.", "inputs": { "text": "GEI emissions (million tonnes of CO2-eq) Inventory + BAU projection NDC mitigation measures To reduce emissions from the land transport category, Guatemala will implement the Sustainable Mobility (ENE-2) measure, which is based on the promotion of the use of electric vehicles (electromobility) and the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "6f1bfb28-3d17-4bd2-8157-d5f45061b73e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 345 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transition process towards diversification away from hydropower and promote alternative sources of renewable energy:By 2030, 42 % of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. E2. Energy. Renewable Energy. Transport. National Energy Strategy 2018-2030. Renewable energy sources in transport:Goal for the share of the biofuels vs. total fuel consumption in transport sector 10% in 2020, 10% in 2025 and 10% in 2030 as compared to 3.55% in 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Transition process towards diversification away from hydropower and promote alternative sources of renewable energy:By 2030, 42 % of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. E2. Energy. Renewable Energy. Transport. National Energy Strategy 2018-2030. Renewable energy sources in transport:Goal for the share of the biofuels vs. total fuel consumption in transport sector 10% in 2020, 10% in 2025 and 10% in 2030 as compared to 3.55% in 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "70626256-93ed-4694-883a-9f087b702187", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 452 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The BAU scenario starts from 2014 (the year of latest national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. \uf0b7 GHG inventory in 2014: 284.0 million tonnes of CO2eq \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030: - In 2020: 528.4 million tonnes of CO2eq; - In 2025: 726.2 million tonnes of CO2eq; and - In 2030: 927.9 million tonnes of CO2eq Unconditional contribution (with domestic resources) With domestic resources, by 2025 Viet Nam will have reduced total GHG emissions by about 7.3% compared to the BAU scenario (equivalent to 52.9 million tonnes of CO2eq), and by 2030 Viet Nam will have reduced total GHG emissions by about 9% compared to the BAU scenario (equivalent to 83.9 million tonnes of CO2eq).", "inputs": { "text": "The BAU scenario starts from 2014 (the year of latest national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, LULUCF, waste, and IP sectors. \uf0b7 GHG inventory in 2014: 284.0 million tonnes of CO2eq \uf0b7 Projections for 2020 and 2030: - In 2020: 528.4 million tonnes of CO2eq; - In 2025: 726.2 million tonnes of CO2eq; and - In 2030: 927.9 million tonnes of CO2eq Unconditional contribution (with domestic resources) With domestic resources, by 2025 Viet Nam will have reduced total GHG emissions by about 7.3% compared to the BAU scenario (equivalent to 52.9 million tonnes of CO2eq), and by 2030 Viet Nam will have reduced total GHG emissions by about 9% compared to the BAU scenario (equivalent to 83.9 million tonnes of CO2eq)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "70a87d02-a2ad-40a3-8f8f-5325fec83aa9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 731 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under the targets proposed in this updated NDC, Saint Lucia expects its total emissions to decrease from 505 GgCO2eq. (2010 estimate) within the Energy sector to 468 GgCO2eq by 2030. This would translate from an effective 2% GHG emission reduction as pledged in the 2015 NDC to 7% GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030. In addition to the increase in mitigation ambition, the submission of this updated NDC, is also an enhancement in the following ways: 1.", "inputs": { "text": "Under the targets proposed in this updated NDC, Saint Lucia expects its total emissions to decrease from 505 GgCO2eq. (2010 estimate) within the Energy sector to 468 GgCO2eq by 2030. This would translate from an effective 2% GHG emission reduction as pledged in the 2015 NDC to 7% GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030. In addition to the increase in mitigation ambition, the submission of this updated NDC, is also an enhancement in the following ways: 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "715e62d1-9397-42d1-828d-feb9c7677cd1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 490 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, uncertainty in land use data, combined with paucity of information regarding assumptions and methodologies used to calculate GHG emissions and carbon sequestration from living biomass undermines the reliability of the estimate for the AFOLU sector. Tonga wishes to communicate the following targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (table 1): 1. Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2. Industrial processes and product use (IPPU): no target, 3.", "inputs": { "text": "However, uncertainty in land use data, combined with paucity of information regarding assumptions and methodologies used to calculate GHG emissions and carbon sequestration from living biomass undermines the reliability of the estimate for the AFOLU sector. Tonga wishes to communicate the following targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (table 1): 1. Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2. Industrial processes and product use (IPPU): no target, 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "71a87616-0f14-4af6-ab1b-eab67faac267", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 488 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Thus, STP would be able to contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases by about 57 ktCO2eq, which approximately corresponds to a 24% national emission reduction by 2030 related to 2005. In 2030, it is expected that national emissions will be about 240 ktCO2eq, according to the BAU scenario. Net emissions from LULUCF under the BAU scenario are expected to be around -630 ktCO2eq, indicating that STP will continue to be a carbon sink country, in which net absorptions will be - 400 ktCO2eq. 5.", "inputs": { "text": "Thus, STP would be able to contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases by about 57 ktCO2eq, which approximately corresponds to a 24% national emission reduction by 2030 related to 2005. In 2030, it is expected that national emissions will be about 240 ktCO2eq, according to the BAU scenario. Net emissions from LULUCF under the BAU scenario are expected to be around -630 ktCO2eq, indicating that STP will continue to be a carbon sink country, in which net absorptions will be - 400 ktCO2eq. 5." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "71cca0b2-5547-4267-9f87-d20d431089f7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 499 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies Government Decision 171 detailed above also includes targets for 2050 in furtherance of Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 35 of decision 1/CP.21 and constitutes Israel s current low greenhouse gas emission development strategy. GHG reductions will be reduced from 79.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2019 to 58 MtCO2e in 2030 and 12 MtCO2e in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies Government Decision 171 detailed above also includes targets for 2050 in furtherance of Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 35 of decision 1/CP.21 and constitutes Israel s current low greenhouse gas emission development strategy. GHG reductions will be reduced from 79.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2019 to 58 MtCO2e in 2030 and 12 MtCO2e in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "725ec70b-f6ba-4f30-b564-969e440322dd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 440 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Estimated incremental cost to expand REI4P in next ten years: US$3 billion per year. 2. Decarbonised electricity by 2050 - estimated total of US$349 billion from 2010. 3. CCS: 23 Mt CO2 from the coal-to-liquid plant - US$0.45 billion. 4. Electric vehicles - US$513 billion from 2010 till 2050. 5. Hybrid electric vehicles: 20% by 2030 - US$488 billion These costs are derived from energy systems and economic modelling. Further work is needed to prepare detailed business plans for finance and investment in mitigation.", "inputs": { "text": "Estimated incremental cost to expand REI4P in next ten years: US$3 billion per year. 2. Decarbonised electricity by 2050 - estimated total of US$349 billion from 2010. 3. CCS: 23 Mt CO2 from the coal-to-liquid plant - US$0.45 billion. 4. Electric vehicles - US$513 billion from 2010 till 2050. 5. Hybrid electric vehicles: 20% by 2030 - US$488 billion These costs are derived from energy systems and economic modelling. Further work is needed to prepare detailed business plans for finance and investment in mitigation." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "72637dad-06ca-4569-9fc1-877b8e093a82", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 519 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The long-term vision in the transport sector that can move the country toward carbon neutrality is \na national transportation system by 2050 with all having access to a range of affordable \ntransportation choices in which not more than 50% of all journeys are by cars, at least 40% of \nall journeys are by public transport (including trains and BRT) and at least 10% of all journeys \nare by active travel (e. g. cycling, walking) to generate little to no GHG, keep the air clean, \nreduce vehicle distance traveled while increasing access and grow the economy", "inputs": { "text": "The long-term vision in the transport sector that can move the country toward carbon neutrality is \na national transportation system by 2050 with all having access to a range of affordable \ntransportation choices in which not more than 50% of all journeys are by cars, at least 40% of \nall journeys are by public transport (including trains and BRT) and at least 10% of all journeys \nare by active travel (e. g. cycling, walking) to generate little to no GHG, keep the air clean, \nreduce vehicle distance traveled while increasing access and grow the economy" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "729e20c2-5d16-401c-8363-c289e9e86c8c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 558 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Work with the taxi industry to achieve service quality improvements and operator consolidation. Introduce 1,000 high-quality city buses in GKMA15 together with bus shelters, terminals, and depots.16 Introduce ITS systems, automatic fare collection, and control centre for public transport in GKMA 5% reduction in VKM and 5% increase in load factor from improved organisation of urban public transport. Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Work with the taxi industry to achieve service quality improvements and operator consolidation. Introduce 1,000 high-quality city buses in GKMA15 together with bus shelters, terminals, and depots.16 Introduce ITS systems, automatic fare collection, and control centre for public transport in GKMA 5% reduction in VKM and 5% increase in load factor from improved organisation of urban public transport. Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "73720ded-5542-4ccc-b7ed-2d4ff25520b9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 545 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On the other hand, for a long-term climate change policy, the Government should present a clear vision as an \u201cideal future model\u201d and show a policy direction towards it, thereby encouraging all stakeholders to make efforts for its realization through the pursuit of all possibilities.\f - 15 - For this reason, Japan proclaims a \u201cdecarbonized society10\u201d as its ultimate goal and aims to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century.", "inputs": { "text": "On the other hand, for a long-term climate change policy, the Government should present a clear vision as an \u201cideal future model\u201d and show a policy direction towards it, thereby encouraging all stakeholders to make efforts for its realization through the pursuit of all possibilities.\f - 15 - For this reason, Japan proclaims a \u201cdecarbonized society10\u201d as its ultimate goal and aims to accomplish it ambitiously as early as possible in the second half of this century." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7387af4c-45ed-4357-a1db-824d140b1392", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 469 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We will also deliver thousands of miles of safe, continuous, direct routes for cycling in towns and cities, physically separated from pedestrians and volume motor traffic along with more low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f18. We will deliver a world class cycling and walking network in England by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "We will also deliver thousands of miles of safe, continuous, direct routes for cycling in towns and cities, physically separated from pedestrians and volume motor traffic along with more low traffic neighbourhoods and school streets. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f18. We will deliver a world class cycling and walking network in England by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "739d93a5-96c9-4abd-a361-2692ec734532", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 353 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Substantial global emission reductions are needed to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, and the 2025 target is consistent with a path to deep\f decarbonization. This target is consistent with a straight line emission reduction pathway from 2020 to deep, economy-wide emission reductions of 80% or more by 2050. The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible.", "inputs": { "text": "Substantial global emission reductions are needed to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, and the 2025 target is consistent with a path to deep\f decarbonization. This target is consistent with a straight line emission reduction pathway from 2020 to deep, economy-wide emission reductions of 80% or more by 2050. The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "73a3d1f9-82dd-4f2e-9c3e-bdc2570a6e95", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 457 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Republic of Korea allocates tradable permits and reduces GHG emissions on a 5-year basis for the 73.5% of its total national GHG emissions by establishing the 3rd Basic Plan for K-ETS for 2021-2030, considering the 2030 national GHG reduction target. 3. Scope and coverage. Information. Information submitted by the Republic of Korea. (a). General description of the target. The Republic of Korea\u2019s updated NDC target is to reduce. 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The Republic of Korea allocates tradable permits and reduces GHG emissions on a 5-year basis for the 73.5% of its total national GHG emissions by establishing the 3rd Basic Plan for K-ETS for 2021-2030, considering the 2030 national GHG reduction target. 3. Scope and coverage. Information. Information submitted by the Republic of Korea. (a). General description of the target. The Republic of Korea\u2019s updated NDC target is to reduce. 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "73ad70cf-3930-4154-98f4-2bed3238935c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 521 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding.", "inputs": { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "740902d3-385b-459e-8fa0-4a3b597d35bf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 409 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Over the period 2015-2030, 843 kt CO2eq of cumulative emissions are avoided by implementing mitigation actions. Figure 3: Comparison of CNA and CDN scenarios for all sectors (excluding LULUCF) (in kt CO2eq) The additional removals from the CDN scenario actions in the LULUCF sector are presented in the graph below. Over the period 2015-2030, 3 103 kt CO2eq of cumulative additional removals are allowed by implementing mitigation actions.", "inputs": { "text": "Over the period 2015-2030, 843 kt CO2eq of cumulative emissions are avoided by implementing mitigation actions. Figure 3: Comparison of CNA and CDN scenarios for all sectors (excluding LULUCF) (in kt CO2eq) The additional removals from the CDN scenario actions in the LULUCF sector are presented in the graph below. Over the period 2015-2030, 3 103 kt CO2eq of cumulative additional removals are allowed by implementing mitigation actions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "743b7b8a-3bd9-4657-85ed-ceea11fb9bb9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 439 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, 65% of the installed capacity of the electrical matrix will come from renewable energy sources. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon Capacity by 20% compared to the 2030 Baseline. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon Capacity by 25% compared to the 2030 Baseline. Industrial Processes. Not Considered. Industrial Processes.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, 65% of the installed capacity of the electrical matrix will come from renewable energy sources. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon Capacity by 20% compared to the 2030 Baseline. Forests and Land Use Change. Increase in Carbon Capacity by 25% compared to the 2030 Baseline. Industrial Processes. Not Considered. Industrial Processes." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "754936b3-c6b8-4fb7-ac0c-f7f9ed3b77ad", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 354 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition\u2014for enhanced contributions\u2014new sectors and new gases have also been added to the updated document. Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious conditional target of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with 15% from the country\u2019s own resources and 35% subject to provision of international grant \ufb01nance that would require USD 101 billion just for energy transition. To reach the target, Pakistan aims to shift to 60% renewable energy, and 30% electric vehicles by 2030 and completely ban imported coal.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition\u2014for enhanced contributions\u2014new sectors and new gases have also been added to the updated document. Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious conditional target of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with 15% from the country\u2019s own resources and 35% subject to provision of international grant \ufb01nance that would require USD 101 billion just for energy transition. To reach the target, Pakistan aims to shift to 60% renewable energy, and 30% electric vehicles by 2030 and completely ban imported coal." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "75760403-8f30-4bb9-862b-459f431d8fa9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 545 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The current update responds to the previously discussed Glasgow Climate Pact, and reinforces the medium-term commitment to ensure neutrality in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The current update responds to the previously discussed Glasgow Climate Pact, and reinforces the medium-term commitment to ensure neutrality in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "758505a8-d176-4a87-895a-66252685420e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 149 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "While respecting common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities, the Kingdom of Tonga will play its part in supporting the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in support of the long- term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The Government of Tonga puts forth a long- term low-emission development strategy (LT- LEDS) that aspires to: A low emissions Tonga, where all sectors work together to create resilience, autonomy and self-reliance.", "inputs": { "text": "While respecting common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities, the Kingdom of Tonga will play its part in supporting the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in support of the long- term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. The Government of Tonga puts forth a long- term low-emission development strategy (LT- LEDS) that aspires to: A low emissions Tonga, where all sectors work together to create resilience, autonomy and self-reliance." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "75f759a3-8b79-4953-9ef0-7124daa371e2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 473 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "They repre- sent measures that might potentially be taken to reach neutrality, but which might \u2014or not\u2014 be included in sectorial mitigation plans. Renewable energies replacing thermal power station Supporting housing energy renewal SST - residential y public Distributed generation RT vulnerable houses New MEPS Public and commercial electric heating Geothermic District heating 100% electric taxis Public transportation-MR Public transportation - Regions Private vehicles 60% Commercial vehicles 60% Change transportation mode Cargo transportation Motor uses in industry and mining Thermal use via gas distribution pipe SST Industry & mining Motor electrification- others in mining Motor electrification- industry Motor electrification- commercial Motor electrification- copper mining Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Withdrawing 2,500 MW by 2050 OGUC No related measures 1278 GWh in residential by 2050 & 3633 GWh in commercial No related measures", "inputs": { "text": "They repre- sent measures that might potentially be taken to reach neutrality, but which might \u2014or not\u2014 be included in sectorial mitigation plans. Renewable energies replacing thermal power station Supporting housing energy renewal SST - residential y public Distributed generation RT vulnerable houses New MEPS Public and commercial electric heating Geothermic District heating 100% electric taxis Public transportation-MR Public transportation - Regions Private vehicles 60% Commercial vehicles 60% Change transportation mode Cargo transportation Motor uses in industry and mining Thermal use via gas distribution pipe SST Industry & mining Motor electrification- others in mining Motor electrification- industry Motor electrification- commercial Motor electrification- copper mining Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Withdrawing 2,500 MW by 2050 OGUC No related measures 1278 GWh in residential by 2050 & 3633 GWh in commercial No related measures" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7613f629-8173-4dba-9d15-9abe8609a684", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 1077 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\uf0b7 Climate smart agriculture (CSA) in line with the National CSA Framework. \uf0b7 Sustainable waste management systems. Kenya seeks to undertake an ambitious mitigation contribution towards the 2015 Agreement. Kenya therefore seeks to abate its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with its sustainable development agenda.", "inputs": { "text": "\uf0b7 Climate smart agriculture (CSA) in line with the National CSA Framework. \uf0b7 Sustainable waste management systems. Kenya seeks to undertake an ambitious mitigation contribution towards the 2015 Agreement. Kenya therefore seeks to abate its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with its sustainable development agenda." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7627a8cd-41b5-4812-bcfb-e7e4d9be2056", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 366 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "5% shift from private car to public transport in 2030 LEDS The success in the implementation of the mitigation measures in the energy sector will largely depend on overcoming a number of barriers. The main challenge is a lack of funding for large capital projects. The electricity grid will also require upgrading in order to accommodate the numerous renewable energy projects that are planned.", "inputs": { "text": "5% shift from private car to public transport in 2030 LEDS The success in the implementation of the mitigation measures in the energy sector will largely depend on overcoming a number of barriers. The main challenge is a lack of funding for large capital projects. The electricity grid will also require upgrading in order to accommodate the numerous renewable energy projects that are planned." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7672cf3e-7486-4707-a28e-e15583212dce", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 394 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With this contribution, Costa Rica increased its ambition with respect to the first contribution presented by Costa Rica to the CMUCCC in 2015. The following are the main aspects that demonstrate this: - The mitigation targets are aligned with the trajectory of Costa Rica's Long-Term Strategy, the National Plan of Decarbonization, presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C.", "inputs": { "text": "With this contribution, Costa Rica increased its ambition with respect to the first contribution presented by Costa Rica to the CMUCCC in 2015. The following are the main aspects that demonstrate this: - The mitigation targets are aligned with the trajectory of Costa Rica's Long-Term Strategy, the National Plan of Decarbonization, presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "769c26e9-d2c6-4fd0-bf97-abde16a0d56a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this regard, with the updating of the BAU scenario data, the mitigation targets would remain as follows: Non-internationally supported target: By 2030, 11.2% of GHG emissions have been reduced compared to the trend scenario (BAU), which means reducing emissions to 64.9 million tonnes of CO2-eq. Internationally supported target: By 2030, 22.6% of GHG emissions have been reduced compared to the trend scenario (BAU), which means reducing emissions to 56.6 million tonnes of CO2-eq.", "inputs": { "text": "In this regard, with the updating of the BAU scenario data, the mitigation targets would remain as follows: Non-internationally supported target: By 2030, 11.2% of GHG emissions have been reduced compared to the trend scenario (BAU), which means reducing emissions to 64.9 million tonnes of CO2-eq. Internationally supported target: By 2030, 22.6% of GHG emissions have been reduced compared to the trend scenario (BAU), which means reducing emissions to 56.6 million tonnes of CO2-eq." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7780f11d-a79f-4798-9f13-408312a204d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 485 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The vulnerability of the country to the effects of climate change, both at the level of its physical structures, as well as of the platform of ecosystem and anthropogenic services that sustains the national economy, requires an increase in the level of climate ambition in order to guarantee the sustainability and competitiveness of the country in the long term, in a development scenario that, in order to be sustainable, must be climate resilient.", "inputs": { "text": "The vulnerability of the country to the effects of climate change, both at the level of its physical structures, as well as of the platform of ecosystem and anthropogenic services that sustains the national economy, requires an increase in the level of climate ambition in order to guarantee the sustainability and competitiveness of the country in the long term, in a development scenario that, in order to be sustainable, must be climate resilient." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "77a7c11d-9d66-4869-9547-abfb8a1b7a20", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 450 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy. [...] The reduction of emissions of 35% by 2030 implies 347 MtCO2e reduced in that year.", "inputs": { "text": "Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy. [...] The reduction of emissions of 35% by 2030 implies 347 MtCO2e reduced in that year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "78863fa9-c50d-4b41-bbf1-f4c1935eb264", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 320 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level. 4. To achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non- fossil fuel based energy resources by 2030 with the help of transfer of technology and low cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF). 5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. 6.", "inputs": { "text": "To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent by 2030 from 2005 level. 4. To achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non- fossil fuel based energy resources by 2030 with the help of transfer of technology and low cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF). 5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. 6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7889d85d-4405-4401-b377-cbfa45547951", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 471 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Trajectory Objective Towards 2030 The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010. If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030. Table 2.", "inputs": { "text": "Trajectory Objective Towards 2030 The government of Eritrea is committed to reduce the CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 4.2% in 2020, 6.2% by 2025 and 12.0% by 2030 compared to the projected BAU of the reference year of 2010. If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030. Table 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "789d4b28-4090-4aca-a65f-36d286654854", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824613, "metrics": { "text_length": 355 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport is by far the largest energy consumer in the Kingdom and the second emitter of GHG according to the 3rd National Communication Report. Main programmes and projects under transport sectors are: \uf0d8 Launching the MoT\u2019s long term national transport strategy in 2014 in which the sustainable transport is one of its pillars; \uf0d8 Increasing the total number of commuters using public transport as a percentage of the total number to 25 % by 2025; \uf0d8 Introduction of the Zero Emission Electric Vehicle (ZEV) in Jordan will be implemented in various phases with the eventual deployment of 3000 charging stations ( on grid & off grid) by to support 10000 ZEVs by the private sector.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport is by far the largest energy consumer in the Kingdom and the second emitter of GHG according to the 3rd National Communication Report. Main programmes and projects under transport sectors are: \uf0d8 Launching the MoT\u2019s long term national transport strategy in 2014 in which the sustainable transport is one of its pillars; \uf0d8 Increasing the total number of commuters using public transport as a percentage of the total number to 25 % by 2025; \uf0d8 Introduction of the Zero Emission Electric Vehicle (ZEV) in Jordan will be implemented in various phases with the eventual deployment of 3000 charging stations ( on grid & off grid) by to support 10000 ZEVs by the private sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "78e53647-3431-4cd4-945d-52ab5cfba5bb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 682 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(14) Conducting a survey on improved stove penetration rates, gas cooking equipment and energy consumption in households (whole country). X. (15) performing tests to verify the performance of the various improved stoves distributed by different actors. X. (16) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the fleet of vehicles with data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. X. Emissions reduction for the energy sector.", "inputs": { "text": "(14) Conducting a survey on improved stove penetration rates, gas cooking equipment and energy consumption in households (whole country). X. (15) performing tests to verify the performance of the various improved stoves distributed by different actors. X. (16) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the fleet of vehicles with data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. X. Emissions reduction for the energy sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "793a16da-7a66-4f7d-827f-1bbf72ce519d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824685, "metrics": { "text_length": 493 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, the country will have significantly reduced its digital and technological gap, with particular emphasis on socially and economically vulnerable populations, through a solidarity model, addressing issues such as Internet connectivity, digital equipment and appropriation, which will be an enabler to close social and economic gaps through digital practices such as teleworking, e-commerce and virtual tourism (which reduce the need for travel), increasing national economic efficiency and dynamism.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, the country will have significantly reduced its digital and technological gap, with particular emphasis on socially and economically vulnerable populations, through a solidarity model, addressing issues such as Internet connectivity, digital equipment and appropriation, which will be an enabler to close social and economic gaps through digital practices such as teleworking, e-commerce and virtual tourism (which reduce the need for travel), increasing national economic efficiency and dynamism." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "79887284-769a-4d6b-bfd7-63f06476447e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 506 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050. The waste sector will achieve half of its emission savings in the first decade through mitigation measures in solid waste disposal, for example, by diverting organic waste from landfills or introducing the effective management of landfill gas. Other important mitigation measures are linked to reducing open burning and domestic wastewater.", "inputs": { "text": "Under the LTS4CN scenario, 70 percent of motorcycles and 40 percent of cars and urban buses are expected to be electric vehicles by 2050. The waste sector will achieve half of its emission savings in the first decade through mitigation measures in solid waste disposal, for example, by diverting organic waste from landfills or introducing the effective management of landfill gas. Other important mitigation measures are linked to reducing open burning and domestic wastewater." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7997d2d0-bad7-49f5-a7be-73475c853266", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "100% electric or alternatively-fueled vehicles in the passenger fleet 3. A 20% increase in energy efficiency across all sectors as compared to BAU. 4. A 29% decrease in industrial, commercial and residential fuel consumption as compared to BAU 5. A 20% decrease in waste emissions As detailed in the ICTU table (below): Barbados adopts the following ambitious contributions for 2025 and 2030: \u25cf 20% reduction relative to business-as-usual emissions in 2025 without international support (unconditional).", "inputs": { "text": "100% electric or alternatively-fueled vehicles in the passenger fleet 3. A 20% increase in energy efficiency across all sectors as compared to BAU. 4. A 29% decrease in industrial, commercial and residential fuel consumption as compared to BAU 5. A 20% decrease in waste emissions As detailed in the ICTU table (below): Barbados adopts the following ambitious contributions for 2025 and 2030: \u25cf 20% reduction relative to business-as-usual emissions in 2025 without international support (unconditional)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7a469936-c9f8-4634-81df-98b9b15c8251", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 503 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The future will be what we make of it, not a given state. A long-term path requires an appealing and inspiring long-term vision. Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 \u2013 this is our vision. A strategy that includes a comprehensive transformation of both our energy supply and our consumption patterns and that includes an adapted but competitive economic system goes far beyond of merely reducing greenhouse gas emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "The future will be what we make of it, not a given state. A long-term path requires an appealing and inspiring long-term vision. Austria has set the goal of being climate-neutral by no later than 2050 \u2013 this is our vision. A strategy that includes a comprehensive transformation of both our energy supply and our consumption patterns and that includes an adapted but competitive economic system goes far beyond of merely reducing greenhouse gas emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7a4fd046-db19-4a28-b38f-7f3ab2a9b685", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Starting 2020, with reference to 2025 and ending in 2030 Type and level of Commitment All commitments are premised on: (a) a fair and ambitious agreement being reached, reflecting Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities; and (b) timely access to international climate change financing, capacity building and technology. Kiribati is a LDC SIDS with limited resources, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: and 12.8% by 2030 compared to a BaU projection.", "inputs": { "text": "Starting 2020, with reference to 2025 and ending in 2030 Type and level of Commitment All commitments are premised on: (a) a fair and ambitious agreement being reached, reflecting Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities; and (b) timely access to international climate change financing, capacity building and technology. Kiribati is a LDC SIDS with limited resources, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: and 12.8% by 2030 compared to a BaU projection." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7a5e86e5-1d8e-4cc9-827c-b58221b31187", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 499 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The RES share of the Transport sector of Republic of North Macedonia is projected to sharply increase from 2% in 2020 to 17% by 2030, and 20% by 2050. Taking into account that the projected RES share above 10% is predominately driven by the penetration of electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, and considering the fact that the penetration of these technologies is driven by consumer purchase power, it can be concluded that the achievement of the RES goal for the Transport sector will be challenging", "inputs": { "text": "The RES share of the Transport sector of Republic of North Macedonia is projected to sharply increase from 2% in 2020 to 17% by 2030, and 20% by 2050. Taking into account that the projected RES share above 10% is predominately driven by the penetration of electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, and considering the fact that the penetration of these technologies is driven by consumer purchase power, it can be concluded that the achievement of the RES goal for the Transport sector will be challenging" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7a5ee177-071e-4460-96f0-27e8a03e4780", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 503 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The government is committed to reducing its reliance on coal from 33% under a BAU scenario to 20% (3620MW) as an unconditional target by 2030, but with international assistance Myanmar, has set a conditional target of 11% (2120MW). Myanmar commits to an unconditional target for new renewable energy of 11% (2000MW) by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The government is committed to reducing its reliance on coal from 33% under a BAU scenario to 20% (3620MW) as an unconditional target by 2030, but with international assistance Myanmar, has set a conditional target of 11% (2120MW). Myanmar commits to an unconditional target for new renewable energy of 11% (2000MW) by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7a609858-f617-408b-86cf-eff83a0fd7e4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 324 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On the understanding that a global agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Kiribati can, with international assistance, contribute a further: \uf03e 48.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025; and \uf03e 49% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to the BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Kiribati can reduce its emissions by more than 60% (61.8%) by 2030. Reference year or period The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 2000-2014.", "inputs": { "text": "On the understanding that a global agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Kiribati can, with international assistance, contribute a further: \uf03e 48.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025; and \uf03e 49% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to the BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Kiribati can reduce its emissions by more than 60% (61.8%) by 2030. Reference year or period The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 2000-2014." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7b489eb8-9d76-4ff1-8232-0388c3a33275", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 568 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "waste incineration, biogas recovery, processing MSW into fertilizers) will be implemented with external support. Table 1: Malawi s policy-based mitigation actions. Key: Unconditional (UC) Capacity requirements (CR), technology requirements (TR) and finance requirements (FR) Sectors Intended policy based action UC CR TR FR Energy Supply Produce 2000 solar water heaters (SWH) \ufffd Increase SWH from 2,000 to 20,000 by 2030 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Install 20,000 solar PV systems \ufffd Increase Solar PV from 20,000 to 50,000 by 2030 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Produce 2 million litres of bio-diesel/year \ufffd Increase biodiesel from 2 to 20 million/ year \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Produce 18 million litres of ethanol/ year \ufffd Increase ethanol production from 18 to 40 million litres per year \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 1% \ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 30% \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Producing 351 MW of hydro electricity \ufffd", "inputs": { "text": "waste incineration, biogas recovery, processing MSW into fertilizers) will be implemented with external support. Table 1: Malawi s policy-based mitigation actions. Key: Unconditional (UC) Capacity requirements (CR), technology requirements (TR) and finance requirements (FR) Sectors Intended policy based action UC CR TR FR Energy Supply Produce 2000 solar water heaters (SWH) \ufffd Increase SWH from 2,000 to 20,000 by 2030 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Install 20,000 solar PV systems \ufffd Increase Solar PV from 20,000 to 50,000 by 2030 \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Produce 2 million litres of bio-diesel/year \ufffd Increase biodiesel from 2 to 20 million/ year \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Produce 18 million litres of ethanol/ year \ufffd Increase ethanol production from 18 to 40 million litres per year \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 1% \ufffd Increase number of passengers using mass transport by 30% \ufffd \ufffd \ufffd Producing 351 MW of hydro electricity \ufffd" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7bf89cce-72f7-4a59-b6b4-f40a10b4b298", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 892 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4. To achieve about 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030, with the help of transfer of technology and low-cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF) [UPDATED]. 5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. 6.", "inputs": { "text": "To reduce Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45 percent by 2030, from 2005 level [UPDATED]. 4. To achieve about 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030, with the help of transfer of technology and low-cost international finance including from Green Climate Fund (GCF) [UPDATED]. 5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030. 6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7c4481f7-d0ad-40f1-bdb3-3620539df6a7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 485 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, in percentage or amount of reduction; Liberia commits to reducing its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030 through a combination of the following: unconditional reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,186.83 Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% conditional upon international support, which would result in absolute emissions level of 4,536.64 Gg CO2e in 2030. e).", "inputs": { "text": "Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example, in percentage or amount of reduction; Liberia commits to reducing its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030 through a combination of the following: unconditional reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,186.83 Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% conditional upon international support, which would result in absolute emissions level of 4,536.64 Gg CO2e in 2030. e)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7c722421-da29-4d7d-a585-205ff6980653", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 549 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Kiribati is a LDC SIDS with limited resources, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: and 12.8% by 2030 compared to a BaU projection. In addition to these quantified outcomes, Kiribati will proactively protect and sustainably manage its mangrove resources, as well as protect and enhance coastal vegetation and seagrass beds. Together these actions represent effective stewardship of more than 6 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide stored, more than 100 times the current annual national emissions inventory.", "inputs": { "text": "Kiribati is a LDC SIDS with limited resources, that will nonetheless commit to reduce emissions by: and 12.8% by 2030 compared to a BaU projection. In addition to these quantified outcomes, Kiribati will proactively protect and sustainably manage its mangrove resources, as well as protect and enhance coastal vegetation and seagrass beds. Together these actions represent effective stewardship of more than 6 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide stored, more than 100 times the current annual national emissions inventory." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7cc92957-ce84-41ec-92fe-70d2c5891ff6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 520 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The sectors concerned include water, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, health, habitat and the most vulnerable environments and ecosystems: oases, coasts and mountains.", "inputs": { "text": "The sectors concerned include water, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, health, habitat and the most vulnerable environments and ecosystems: oases, coasts and mountains." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7ce84654-d8c8-4851-aeab-bc5ddf2c5a8b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 184 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "At the same time, it identifies areas which need disruptive innovation to promote corporate research and development (R&D) and investment. Furthermore, by setting forth these visions, Japan will take the lead in future international discussions including the formulation of frameworks and standards in the area of climate change. Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "At the same time, it identifies areas which need disruptive innovation to promote corporate research and development (R&D) and investment. Furthermore, by setting forth these visions, Japan will take the lead in future international discussions including the formulation of frameworks and standards in the area of climate change. Japan aims to reduce its GHG emissions by 46 percent in FY 2030 from its FY2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7d4d7f5b-13f3-4830-bd25-196829f77cc0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 518 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under the BAU scenario emissions would be thousand in compared to thousand if both the renewable energy and energy efficiency targets are met. \f Emissions in were approximated at thousand tCO2e. Full implementation of the renewable energy and energy efficiency strategies outlined below puts Palau on a trajectory to reducing emissions by half as against BAU in the equivalent of under emissions levels. Business-\u00ad\u2010As Usual emissions projection against INDC full implementation emissions projection (and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency scenarios disaggregated) Information on Palau\u2019s INDC a.", "inputs": { "text": "Under the BAU scenario emissions would be thousand in compared to thousand if both the renewable energy and energy efficiency targets are met. \f Emissions in were approximated at thousand tCO2e. Full implementation of the renewable energy and energy efficiency strategies outlined below puts Palau on a trajectory to reducing emissions by half as against BAU in the equivalent of under emissions levels. Business-\u00ad\u2010As Usual emissions projection against INDC full implementation emissions projection (and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency scenarios disaggregated) Information on Palau\u2019s INDC a." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7d4f1df0-fa81-4bad-9772-b6b6c6540a4b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 610 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The unconditional targets for energy efficiency and the transport sector have been defined considering that financing for the projects is already secured. Ongoing mitigation efforts and the new 2030 sectoral targets established in Table 2 above will contribute to reach the 2030 unconditional national target presented in Table 3 below.\f Table 3: National level 2030 unconditional mitigation target National level 2030 unconditional target 60% GHG emission reductions compared to baseline scenario, or around 62,000 ktCO2e in absolute terms.", "inputs": { "text": "The unconditional targets for energy efficiency and the transport sector have been defined considering that financing for the projects is already secured. Ongoing mitigation efforts and the new 2030 sectoral targets established in Table 2 above will contribute to reach the 2030 unconditional national target presented in Table 3 below.\f Table 3: National level 2030 unconditional mitigation target National level 2030 unconditional target 60% GHG emission reductions compared to baseline scenario, or around 62,000 ktCO2e in absolute terms." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7d9a49ff-eab7-4d0c-8754-5469396194b8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 541 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Also, it should be noted that tourism is one of the main drivers of the economy, having the number of tourists visiting the country annually more than twice of the number of local population. Montenegro\u2019s contribution to the international effort to avoid dangerous climate change is expressed in 30 % emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year.", "inputs": { "text": "Also, it should be noted that tourism is one of the main drivers of the economy, having the number of tourists visiting the country annually more than twice of the number of local population. Montenegro\u2019s contribution to the international effort to avoid dangerous climate change is expressed in 30 % emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7dbe3da3-7caa-4282-9b41-03488107f671", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 360 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources. Conditional contribution DPR Korea could achieve the additional contribution equivalent to 32.25% of the GHG emission in the BAU scenario by 2030 if international support is received through international cooperation including the financial support under the Paris Agreement. 2.2 Fair and Ambitious DPR Korea\u2019s GHG emission is 65 714GgCO2e in 2000, which accounts for 0.16% of the World GHG emission in 2000 (40GtCO2e).", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional contribution Based the on national circumstances, common but differentiated responsibility and its capability, DPR Korea will reduce GHG emissions by 8.0% compared to BAU scenario, by 2030 with domestic resources. Conditional contribution DPR Korea could achieve the additional contribution equivalent to 32.25% of the GHG emission in the BAU scenario by 2030 if international support is received through international cooperation including the financial support under the Paris Agreement. 2.2 Fair and Ambitious DPR Korea\u2019s GHG emission is 65 714GgCO2e in 2000, which accounts for 0.16% of the World GHG emission in 2000 (40GtCO2e)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7dc7c848-fad5-4660-bc4f-4d0b5851c85d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 648 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Federated States of Micronesia Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Type of INDC The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) commits to reduce GHGs emission in percentage terms on a base year target. The INDC Unconditional The FSM commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000.", "inputs": { "text": "Federated States of Micronesia Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Type of INDC The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) commits to reduce GHGs emission in percentage terms on a base year target. The INDC Unconditional The FSM commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7ddd1861-e41e-4518-b60e-151fcf96ff7e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 333 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Technologies Targets Mini and Micro Hydro Power Solar Home System Institutional solar power systems (solar PV and solar pumping systems) Improved water mill Improved Cooking Stoves Biogas institutional and 200 community biogas plants 8. By 2020, Nepal intends to expand its energy mix focusing on renewables by 20% and diversifying its energy consumption pattern to more industrial and commercial sectors. 9. By 2020, Nepal aims to increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% from 2010 level. 10.", "inputs": { "text": "Technologies Targets Mini and Micro Hydro Power Solar Home System Institutional solar power systems (solar PV and solar pumping systems) Improved water mill Improved Cooking Stoves Biogas institutional and 200 community biogas plants 8. By 2020, Nepal intends to expand its energy mix focusing on renewables by 20% and diversifying its energy consumption pattern to more industrial and commercial sectors. 9. By 2020, Nepal aims to increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% from 2010 level. 10." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7defe29c-158b-4fac-aae0-3d89a0ad7c15", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 504 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On top of that, Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long- term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent.", "inputs": { "text": "On top of that, Japan aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent in fiscal year 2030 from its fiscal year 2013 levels, setting an ambitious target which is aligned with the long- term goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 percent." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7e98b742-a747-4c58-8fe3-9b782abd7218", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 365 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its target to 2030 to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make significant efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its target to 2030 to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make significant efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7f131696-3450-4408-a2d4-ed90a73c828a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 615 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As per Paris Agreement Article 4, the 2020 NDC update builds upon the 2015 submission with a view to enhancing its ambition through the introduction of three national level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios, namely a baseline emissions scenario, an unconditional mitigation scenario to 2030, as well as a more ambitious conditional mitigation scenario to 2030 towards achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "As per Paris Agreement Article 4, the 2020 NDC update builds upon the 2015 submission with a view to enhancing its ambition through the introduction of three national level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions scenarios, namely a baseline emissions scenario, an unconditional mitigation scenario to 2030, as well as a more ambitious conditional mitigation scenario to 2030 towards achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7f38c536-09a5-4b27-ae7c-8e9ef47e56d6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 416 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this respect, it is envisaged to reduce energy intensity by at least 20%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 75% from renewable sources) of 33% of electricity demand.", "inputs": { "text": "In this respect, it is envisaged to reduce energy intensity by at least 20%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 75% from renewable sources) of 33% of electricity demand." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7f48f706-7c9b-4358-b6fe-d4a9898db594", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 211 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Given the adoption of the adaptation registry is still pending as of submission date, the document can be found here: Switzerland\u2019s NDC Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland\u2019s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021\u20132030.", "inputs": { "text": "Given the adoption of the adaptation registry is still pending as of submission date, the document can be found here: Switzerland\u2019s NDC Switzerland is committed to follow recommendations of science in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In view of its climate neutrality target by 2050, Switzerland\u2019s NDC is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 percent over the period 2021\u20132030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7f69c927-ed13-45fe-9bf5-b265824e542a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 532 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027. \u2022 Take action to increase average road vehicle occupancy by 2030 and reduce the barriers to data sharing across the transport sector. \u2022 Maximise carbon savings from the use of low carbon fuels, including by increasing the main Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) target.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027. \u2022 Take action to increase average road vehicle occupancy by 2030 and reduce the barriers to data sharing across the transport sector. \u2022 Maximise carbon savings from the use of low carbon fuels, including by increasing the main Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) target." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "7fc9dd5a-8f14-4cde-ae65-f15efca584a5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 432 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the transport sector, unconditional actions and actions whose implementation requires a (conditional) search for financing have GHG emission reduction potentials estimated at 1,210 Gg CO2eq and 267 Gg CO2eq respectively in 2025. The total potential for CO2 sequestration in the sector is 1,477 Gg CO2eq in 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "In the transport sector, unconditional actions and actions whose implementation requires a (conditional) search for financing have GHG emission reduction potentials estimated at 1,210 Gg CO2eq and 267 Gg CO2eq respectively in 2025. The total potential for CO2 sequestration in the sector is 1,477 Gg CO2eq in 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8023890b-d7a1-46bd-b6b0-31b0ee96a764", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 314 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the long term (2050) Energy intensity will be reduced by at least 30%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 85% from renewable sources) of 50% of electricity demand.", "inputs": { "text": "In the long term (2050) Energy intensity will be reduced by at least 30%, with an increase in national electricity production (which will be more than 85% from renewable sources) of 50% of electricity demand." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "80823cf4-4326-48c6-901c-067a7e5fcadf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 208 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Carbon capture, utilisation and storage, use of low-carbon hydrogen MITIGATION e.g. International climate action, regional power grids, market-based mechanisms INDUSTRY Energy ef\ufb01ciency System-level solutions Low-carbon technologies Energy ef\ufb01ciency At least 2 GWp of solar energy by 2030 Low-carbon technologies POWER GENERATION buildings by 2030 Super Low Energy Programme BUILDINGS TRANSPORT Zero private vehicle growth 9 in 10 peak period journeys on \u201cWalk- Cycle-Ride\u201d by 2040 Cleaner vehicles WASTE & WATER Circular economy approach Waste Recycling Energy ef\ufb01ciency of desalination and used water treatment HOUSEHOLDS Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme Minimum Energy Performance Standards Green Towns Programme ADAPTATION CARBON TAX Initial rate of Buildings & Infrastructure Keeping our buildings and infrastructure safe Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) Halve emissions from its peak to emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century by 2050 & net zero Charting Singapore s Low-Carbon Future CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON", "inputs": { "text": "Carbon capture, utilisation and storage, use of low-carbon hydrogen MITIGATION e.g. International climate action, regional power grids, market-based mechanisms INDUSTRY Energy ef\ufb01ciency System-level solutions Low-carbon technologies Energy ef\ufb01ciency At least 2 GWp of solar energy by 2030 Low-carbon technologies POWER GENERATION buildings by 2030 Super Low Energy Programme BUILDINGS TRANSPORT Zero private vehicle growth 9 in 10 peak period journeys on \u201cWalk- Cycle-Ride\u201d by 2040 Cleaner vehicles WASTE & WATER Circular economy approach Waste Recycling Energy ef\ufb01ciency of desalination and used water treatment HOUSEHOLDS Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme Minimum Energy Performance Standards Green Towns Programme ADAPTATION CARBON TAX Initial rate of Buildings & Infrastructure Keeping our buildings and infrastructure safe Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) Halve emissions from its peak to emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century by 2050 & net zero Charting Singapore s Low-Carbon Future CHARTING SING APORE S LOW- C ARBON" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "80bc2137-c3f0-49a9-a7c1-293ada95f14f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 1067 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Brazil\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with an indicative longterm objective of reaching climate neutrality in 2060. The final determination of any long-term strategy for the country, in particular the year in which climate neutrality may be achieved, will, however, depend on the proper functioning of the market mechanisms provided for in the Paris Agreement (UPDATE: Brought forward to 2050 in official letter).", "inputs": { "text": "Brazil\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with an indicative longterm objective of reaching climate neutrality in 2060. The final determination of any long-term strategy for the country, in particular the year in which climate neutrality may be achieved, will, however, depend on the proper functioning of the market mechanisms provided for in the Paris Agreement (UPDATE: Brought forward to 2050 in official letter)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "80f7224a-7567-45e9-9a3a-ad551c6763c2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 434 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Box 2: Developing a long-term strategy Saint Lucia is planning to develop a Long-Term Strategy (LTS), and the energy modeling timeframe extending to 2050 that informs this energy-focused NDC, is aligned with the long-term pathway for this sector. Stakeholder engagement on the LTS should generate buy-in for a decarbonization pathway that is operationalized in successive NDCs, while at the same time, allowing for a better understanding of the big-picture context in which the NDCs are developed.", "inputs": { "text": "Box 2: Developing a long-term strategy Saint Lucia is planning to develop a Long-Term Strategy (LTS), and the energy modeling timeframe extending to 2050 that informs this energy-focused NDC, is aligned with the long-term pathway for this sector. Stakeholder engagement on the LTS should generate buy-in for a decarbonization pathway that is operationalized in successive NDCs, while at the same time, allowing for a better understanding of the big-picture context in which the NDCs are developed." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "81dcfcc7-f5fd-456f-ba1c-8a3fa99768ef", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 497 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Long term strategy on climate mitigation The Netherlands\f Climate change mitigation is a matter of great urgency. Pursuant to the national Climate Act, the Netherlands needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990. This will be a daunting task for the next 30 years. However, the Netherlands is not starting from scratch. In many areas, the transition is already under way and will pick up pace considerably over the coming years.", "inputs": { "text": "Long term strategy on climate mitigation The Netherlands\f Climate change mitigation is a matter of great urgency. Pursuant to the national Climate Act, the Netherlands needs to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990. This will be a daunting task for the next 30 years. However, the Netherlands is not starting from scratch. In many areas, the transition is already under way and will pick up pace considerably over the coming years." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "81ea5aba-e8be-4388-b889-7d42be61fe09", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 463 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The estimated emission reductions under the NDC scenario are shown in Figure 8 below. Figure 8 Overall GHG emission reduction (including the FOLU) GHG Emission (million tCO2e) Year Overall GHG emission reduction for the NDC scenario (including the FOLU) BAU Scenario NDC Scenario\fCambodia\u2019s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) As per Figure 8, the estimated emission reductions with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction, of which 59.1% is from the FOLU).", "inputs": { "text": "The estimated emission reductions under the NDC scenario are shown in Figure 8 below. Figure 8 Overall GHG emission reduction (including the FOLU) GHG Emission (million tCO2e) Year Overall GHG emission reduction for the NDC scenario (including the FOLU) BAU Scenario NDC Scenario\fCambodia\u2019s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) As per Figure 8, the estimated emission reductions with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction, of which 59.1% is from the FOLU)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "825d8e1a-1e65-4025-bd76-84ffc0adf70f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 535 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil\u00b4s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Brazil\u2019s updated NDC is broad in scope and includes a consideration of means of implementation and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions in all economic sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "Through this communication, Brazil confirms its commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 37%, compared with 2005. Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 50%, compared with 2005. Brazil\u00b4s commitments also include a long-term objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Brazil\u2019s updated NDC is broad in scope and includes a consideration of means of implementation and the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions in all economic sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "83a7f9c4-bb6b-4553-8fa8-ad96be906fc7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 497 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 \u00a0 Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy is continuing to reduce buildings sector emissions including by promulgating energy conservation standards for a broad range of appliances and equipment, as well as a building code determination for residential buildings. In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 \u00a0 Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy is continuing to reduce buildings sector emissions including by promulgating energy conservation standards for a broad range of appliances and equipment, as well as a building code determination for residential buildings. In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "83af8724-a477-4158-8a40-9f073a4451b3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 611 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We have already begun consulting on an appropriate date to end the sale of new non-zero emission buses and on the appropriate supporting policy and regulatory framework. We will also consult on a phase out date for the sale or purchase of new non- zero emission coaches. Railways 23. We will deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with sustained carbon reductions in rail along the way. Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "We have already begun consulting on an appropriate date to end the sale of new non-zero emission buses and on the appropriate supporting policy and regulatory framework. We will also consult on a phase out date for the sale or purchase of new non- zero emission coaches. Railways 23. We will deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with sustained carbon reductions in rail along the way. Our ambition is to remove all diesel-only trains (passenger and freight) from the network by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "83e4ab5e-091a-4dbf-b5e3-9ed5d37f43d9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 487 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is unprecedented, since it is the first time Mexico assumes an unconditional international commitment to carry out certain mitigation actions. This INDC is consistent with Mexico\u00b4s pathway to reduce 50% of emissions by the year 2050, with respect to the year 2000, as mandated by the LGCC.", "inputs": { "text": "This is unprecedented, since it is the first time Mexico assumes an unconditional international commitment to carry out certain mitigation actions. This INDC is consistent with Mexico\u00b4s pathway to reduce 50% of emissions by the year 2050, with respect to the year 2000, as mandated by the LGCC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "83ff944b-8dbd-4835-9d83-ba41581986a7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 294 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Contribution level Therefore, the country is committed to stabilize its emissions by reducing GHG emissions up to 50% below BAU emission levels by 2030 through unconditional and conditional actions targeting the following sectors: \uf0b7 Power generation from renewable sources; and \uf0b7 Reforestation. Unconditional Reduction The level of reduction planned unconditionally is expected to be up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, taking 2005 as the reference year.", "inputs": { "text": "Contribution level Therefore, the country is committed to stabilize its emissions by reducing GHG emissions up to 50% below BAU emission levels by 2030 through unconditional and conditional actions targeting the following sectors: \uf0b7 Power generation from renewable sources; and \uf0b7 Reforestation. Unconditional Reduction The level of reduction planned unconditionally is expected to be up to 35% by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, taking 2005 as the reference year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "847fb872-0238-47ac-8661-ce31aaede51f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Considering all sectors (including FOLU), emissions for the NDC scenario (with mitigation measures) increase from 10,139 kt CO2e in 2016 to 11,978 kt CO2e in 2030, which represents an increase of +18.1%. The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%. Overall, the mitigation actions accounted in the NDC scenario could help avoid, in total during the period 2021-2030, 16,828 kt CO2e compared to the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Considering all sectors (including FOLU), emissions for the NDC scenario (with mitigation measures) increase from 10,139 kt CO2e in 2016 to 11,978 kt CO2e in 2030, which represents an increase of +18.1%. The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%. Overall, the mitigation actions accounted in the NDC scenario could help avoid, in total during the period 2021-2030, 16,828 kt CO2e compared to the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8490ba99-ce70-4eb1-b484-cfe23fd40f55", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 481 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The updated NDC presents a progressive shift above the 2015 pledge to reduce emissions from 89% to 91% by 2030. Mitigation contribution Namibia s mitigation commitment is in the form of a decrease in GHG emissions compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) baseline over the 2015-2030 period. This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The updated NDC presents a progressive shift above the 2015 pledge to reduce emissions from 89% to 91% by 2030. Mitigation contribution Namibia s mitigation commitment is in the form of a decrease in GHG emissions compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) baseline over the 2015-2030 period. This update presents an improvement in the commitment of the devotion of Namibia to meeting the Paris Agreement goal and following the road to net zero emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "854f4199-71ae-4892-a48d-436543784c45", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 461 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Following the submission of this NDC, Mauritius will develop an Action Plan including details about policies and measures on mitigation and adaptation. MITIGATION Based on current projections, Mauritius aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 40% in 2030 compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario of around 6,900 ktCO2eq (including LULUCF) in 2030. Compared to the 2015 INDC target of 30% GHG emissions reduction by 2030, the mitigation ambition of Mauritius in this updated NDC is significantly enhanced.", "inputs": { "text": "Following the submission of this NDC, Mauritius will develop an Action Plan including details about policies and measures on mitigation and adaptation. MITIGATION Based on current projections, Mauritius aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 40% in 2030 compared to the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario of around 6,900 ktCO2eq (including LULUCF) in 2030. Compared to the 2015 INDC target of 30% GHG emissions reduction by 2030, the mitigation ambition of Mauritius in this updated NDC is significantly enhanced." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8585397e-ada3-44dd-95e9-7b7e6a61e199", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 515 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional and conditional mitigation targets Tunisia\u2019s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year, which is well above the first NDC or the unconditional effort was expected to generate only 13% reduction in carbon intensity. The conditional contribution allows for an additional 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional and conditional mitigation targets Tunisia\u2019s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year, which is well above the first NDC or the unconditional effort was expected to generate only 13% reduction in carbon intensity. The conditional contribution allows for an additional 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "860ed559-70ca-43eb-8811-8af0e04eb98e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 431 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Enhanced NDC increases unconditional emission reduction target of 31.89%, compared to 29% in the 1st NDC. The commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management which include social forestry program, restoring functions of degraded ecosystems including wetland ecosystems, improved agriculture productivity, energy conservation and the promotion of clean and renewable energy sources, and improved waste management.", "inputs": { "text": "The Enhanced NDC increases unconditional emission reduction target of 31.89%, compared to 29% in the 1st NDC. The commitment will be implemented through effective land use and spatial planning, sustainable forest management which include social forestry program, restoring functions of degraded ecosystems including wetland ecosystems, improved agriculture productivity, energy conservation and the promotion of clean and renewable energy sources, and improved waste management." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "866d9bfc-ef70-4690-b7a5-91cda0b04781", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Additional non-greenhouse gas targets have also been identified for renewable energy (section 5.2.2), as well as the LULUCF (section 5.2.1) and Agriculture (section sectors. For renewable energy, Dominica has set a target of 100% renewable energy usage by 2030, principally from the harnessing of geothermal resources, as well as synthetic fuels when it becomes feasible (refer to Box 7).", "inputs": { "text": "Additional non-greenhouse gas targets have also been identified for renewable energy (section 5.2.2), as well as the LULUCF (section 5.2.1) and Agriculture (section sectors. For renewable energy, Dominica has set a target of 100% renewable energy usage by 2030, principally from the harnessing of geothermal resources, as well as synthetic fuels when it becomes feasible (refer to Box 7)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "868c934d-ad4d-4c54-8863-5876e605102f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 397 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": ", compared to 2010 emissions, a deeper reduction in emissions than the first NDC, which effectively proposed to reduce GHG emissions by 10 GgCO2e. In terms of percentage decrease, the updated NDC translates to approximately 7% reduction in GHG emissions in the energy sector by 2030, relative to the 2010 emissions. In comparison, Saint Lucia\u2019s first NDC effectively resulted in an emissions reduction of 2%.", "inputs": { "text": ", compared to 2010 emissions, a deeper reduction in emissions than the first NDC, which effectively proposed to reduce GHG emissions by 10 GgCO2e. In terms of percentage decrease, the updated NDC translates to approximately 7% reduction in GHG emissions in the energy sector by 2030, relative to the 2010 emissions. In comparison, Saint Lucia\u2019s first NDC effectively resulted in an emissions reduction of 2%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8699298d-93fd-4696-a713-ade252c98759", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 408 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040. These targets are intended to be met by using relevant technologies, policies such as land use planning and updated building codes, with financial instruments such as catastrophic insurance instruments for extreme weather events. The targets are set to be conditional, or unconditional based on information and assumptions available about technology costs as well as transitional risks.", "inputs": { "text": "The targets are aligned with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s (GoAB) goal of net-zero by 2040. These targets are intended to be met by using relevant technologies, policies such as land use planning and updated building codes, with financial instruments such as catastrophic insurance instruments for extreme weather events. The targets are set to be conditional, or unconditional based on information and assumptions available about technology costs as well as transitional risks." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "86c7e328-5e47-4b78-87c9-c61348256d4a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 490 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Switzerland\u2019s INDC Switzerland commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent over the period 2021-2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by 35 percent compared to 1990 levels is anticipated. Carbon credits from international mechanisms will partly be used. The INDC is subject to approval by Parliament. The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss INDC are included in this communication. A.) Up-front Information 1.", "inputs": { "text": "Switzerland\u2019s INDC Switzerland commits to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, corresponding to an average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent over the period 2021-2030. By 2025, a reduction of greenhouse gases by 35 percent compared to 1990 levels is anticipated. Carbon credits from international mechanisms will partly be used. The INDC is subject to approval by Parliament. The methodological approaches underlying the Swiss INDC are included in this communication. A.) Up-front Information 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8710646c-285c-41b1-9ca9-277f24c937fb", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 560 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "G e n e r a l a n d s p e c i f i c o b j e c t i v e s On the basis of modelling results, the results of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, the foreseen socio-economic benefits and the need to adapt to changed climatic conditions, the general objective is: Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of Republic of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change It should be noted that MEMO items include emissions from aviation and electricity import.", "inputs": { "text": "G e n e r a l a n d s p e c i f i c o b j e c t i v e s On the basis of modelling results, the results of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment, the foreseen socio-economic benefits and the need to adapt to changed climatic conditions, the general objective is: Reduction of national net GHG emissions (including Forestry and Other Land Use and excluding MEMO items) of 72% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels (or GHG emission reduction of 42% by 2050 compared to 1990, excluding FOLU and MEMO items) and increased resilience of Republic of North Macedonia\u2019s society, economy and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change It should be noted that MEMO items include emissions from aviation and electricity import." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "873eaa5f-3fb0-4253-9ae4-b16777aa67b6", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 722 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The task is to achieve a complete decarbonisation of the national car fleet by 2050. Luxembourg has opted for the development of a common national infrastructure of public charging points for electric vehicles.157 The expected increase in these vehicles must be continuously accompanied by an increasingly dense network of public charging points, as the success of electromobility also depends on the comfort of recharging an electric vehicle.", "inputs": { "text": "The task is to achieve a complete decarbonisation of the national car fleet by 2050. Luxembourg has opted for the development of a common national infrastructure of public charging points for electric vehicles.157 The expected increase in these vehicles must be continuously accompanied by an increasingly dense network of public charging points, as the success of electromobility also depends on the comfort of recharging an electric vehicle." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "87644300-fdf7-4f94-84a8-e3fff1cba6ec", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 443 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, regulations and incentive schemes, have been put in place to power a larger share of road transport with electricity. The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy targets a 2% share of electric and hybrid cars in Dubai\u2019s road fleet by 2030, and a 30% share in Dubai\u2019s government-procured vehicles by the same year. The country has seen a rapid expansion of charging infrastructure, and plans are afoot to further increase the number of vehicle charging stations across Emirates.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, regulations and incentive schemes, have been put in place to power a larger share of road transport with electricity. The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy targets a 2% share of electric and hybrid cars in Dubai\u2019s road fleet by 2030, and a 30% share in Dubai\u2019s government-procured vehicles by the same year. The country has seen a rapid expansion of charging infrastructure, and plans are afoot to further increase the number of vehicle charging stations across Emirates." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "885b4e88-d945-4575-a004-56680ecf8141", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 480 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Iceland\u2018s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland aims to be part of a collective delivery by European countries to reach a target of 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. A precise commitment for Iceland within such collective delivery has yet to be determined, and is dependent on an agreement with the European Union and its Member States and possibly other countries.", "inputs": { "text": "Iceland\u2018s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland aims to be part of a collective delivery by European countries to reach a target of 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. A precise commitment for Iceland within such collective delivery has yet to be determined, and is dependent on an agreement with the European Union and its Member States and possibly other countries." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "894ed977-84be-4cb6-bd99-43a1a09963f4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 421 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In order to achieve this binding target, Member States\u2019 contributions for 2030 to this target, from 2021, are in line with the indicative trajectory of this contribution. Slovakia\u2019s contribution is 19.2% (which represents the de facto renewable energy target for Slovakia for 2030). This already includes the 14% RES target in the transport. An indicative trajectory is described in Table 2.", "inputs": { "text": "In order to achieve this binding target, Member States\u2019 contributions for 2030 to this target, from 2021, are in line with the indicative trajectory of this contribution. Slovakia\u2019s contribution is 19.2% (which represents the de facto renewable energy target for Slovakia for 2030). This already includes the 14% RES target in the transport. An indicative trajectory is described in Table 2." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "89744baa-07ff-41e1-8ac2-d01a52eec309", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 391 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Based on the comprehensive work and findings of the committee, a national emissions reduction target for Israel was formulated and is expected to yield significant benefits to the economy. Submitted jointly to the government by the Ministers of Environmental Protection, Finance and National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources the target was approved and includes sector specific targets: \uf0b7 Energy efficiency - 17% reduction in electricity consumption relative to BAU scenario in 2030 \uf0b7 Renewable energy \u2013 17% of the electricity generated in 2030 will be from renewable sources \uf0b7 Public transport \u2013 20% shift from private to public transportation.", "inputs": { "text": "Based on the comprehensive work and findings of the committee, a national emissions reduction target for Israel was formulated and is expected to yield significant benefits to the economy. Submitted jointly to the government by the Ministers of Environmental Protection, Finance and National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources the target was approved and includes sector specific targets: \uf0b7 Energy efficiency - 17% reduction in electricity consumption relative to BAU scenario in 2030 \uf0b7 Renewable energy \u2013 17% of the electricity generated in 2030 will be from renewable sources \uf0b7 Public transport \u2013 20% shift from private to public transportation." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "897cdc40-cbcd-4095-a5b1-b7ca9433016c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 656 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The pertinent information to that effect are listed as follows: Reference base year Target year Sector coverage: Economic diversification & Adaptation Measures with Mitigation Co- Benefits. Energy including transport & downstream industries; building & construction industry, water management, waste, and infrastructure. Emission reduction ambition. The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation.", "inputs": { "text": "The pertinent information to that effect are listed as follows: Reference base year Target year Sector coverage: Economic diversification & Adaptation Measures with Mitigation Co- Benefits. Energy including transport & downstream industries; building & construction industry, water management, waste, and infrastructure. Emission reduction ambition. The reduction of 25% in GHG emissions for the year 2030, relative to BAU scenario is consistent with provisions stipulated in Articles 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of PA. Also, Article 6 is considered in the implementation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "89ddfeb3-71aa-4572-8b50-052be22b762c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 562 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional \uf0b7 A GHG emission reduction of 15% compared to the Business- As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030. \uf0b7 15% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. \uf0b7 A 3% reduction in power demand through energy-efficiency measures in 2030 compared to the demand under the Business-As-Usual scenario. The unconditional mitigation scenario includes the impacts of mitigation actions which Lebanon is able to implement without additional international support.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional \uf0b7 A GHG emission reduction of 15% compared to the Business- As-Usual (BAU) scenario in 2030. \uf0b7 15% of the power and heat demand in 2030 is generated by renewable energy sources. \uf0b7 A 3% reduction in power demand through energy-efficiency measures in 2030 compared to the demand under the Business-As-Usual scenario. The unconditional mitigation scenario includes the impacts of mitigation actions which Lebanon is able to implement without additional international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8b1d91a6-7719-4600-9fca-df9dd0ce711d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 486 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Implementation of Renewable Energy Development Strategy Description The Renewable Energy Strategy (2011) outlines actions and plans to increase the use of small scale hydropower, solar energy, biomass, biogas, municipal solid waste to energy and wind technologies, as well as transport fuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) to provide clean energy to consumers. Objective \uf0b7 To increase the share of renewable energy to meet 30% of energy consumption by 2025. \uf0b7 To increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the demand for transport fuels by 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "Implementation of Renewable Energy Development Strategy Description The Renewable Energy Strategy (2011) outlines actions and plans to increase the use of small scale hydropower, solar energy, biomass, biogas, municipal solid waste to energy and wind technologies, as well as transport fuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) to provide clean energy to consumers. Objective \uf0b7 To increase the share of renewable energy to meet 30% of energy consumption by 2025. \uf0b7 To increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the demand for transport fuels by 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8b399d78-68d8-4ba6-a058-7726f3a08e47", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 545 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The objective of this process is to achieve an integrated, common and shared strategy by all stakeholders, establishing the main orientations of the Moroccan economy and society between 2020 and 2050 to achieve a decarbonisation target by 2050 that is in line with the Paris Agreement. The other objective of the LT-LEDS is, ultimately, to raise the climate ambition beyond the short-term targets set out in the NDCs and to devote its climate leadership to the global level by joining the international efforts for carbon neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The objective of this process is to achieve an integrated, common and shared strategy by all stakeholders, establishing the main orientations of the Moroccan economy and society between 2020 and 2050 to achieve a decarbonisation target by 2050 that is in line with the Paris Agreement. The other objective of the LT-LEDS is, ultimately, to raise the climate ambition beyond the short-term targets set out in the NDCs and to devote its climate leadership to the global level by joining the international efforts for carbon neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8b618ddb-3abe-4ee3-baed-05f0ffd09eae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 541 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The target represents a significant progression beyond its current undertaking of a 20% emission reduction commitment by 2020 compared to 1990 (which includes the use of offsets). It is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "The target represents a significant progression beyond its current undertaking of a 20% emission reduction commitment by 2020 compared to 1990 (which includes the use of offsets). It is in line with the EU objective, in the context of necessary reductions according to the IPCC by developed countries as a group, to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050 compared to 1990. Furthermore, it is consistent with the need for at least halving global emissions by 2050 compared to 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8bacbed9-20a3-44b7-8cf0-48720ff05ac1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 480 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Since then, the Parties have agreed to announce a new round of enhanced NDCs. Hence Namibia has taken this major step to raise its mitigation ambition from 89% in 2015 to 91%. Namibia commits to reduce its GHG emissions conditionally by 14% (under limited domestic and international support) and towards 77% (with substantial international support) in 2030 compared to the Business As Usual levels, corresponding to a total reduction by 21.996 MtCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "Since then, the Parties have agreed to announce a new round of enhanced NDCs. Hence Namibia has taken this major step to raise its mitigation ambition from 89% in 2015 to 91%. Namibia commits to reduce its GHG emissions conditionally by 14% (under limited domestic and international support) and towards 77% (with substantial international support) in 2030 compared to the Business As Usual levels, corresponding to a total reduction by 21.996 MtCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8bba986a-ca20-43b8-9a49-a807b046a24a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 451 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Through this submission, India intends to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 % by 2030 from 2005 level. This commitment is further echoed in India\u2019s actions in climate change adaptation with setting up its own \u2018National Adaptation Fund\u2019. The current policy framework also includes a favorable environment for a rapid increase in renewable energy, move towards low carbon sustainable development pathway and adapting to the impacts of climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "Through this submission, India intends to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 % by 2030 from 2005 level. This commitment is further echoed in India\u2019s actions in climate change adaptation with setting up its own \u2018National Adaptation Fund\u2019. The current policy framework also includes a favorable environment for a rapid increase in renewable energy, move towards low carbon sustainable development pathway and adapting to the impacts of climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8c3f7d64-0c51-43ce-a299-e5bd06a56b4e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 468 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is anticipated that these actions will continue beyond 2030 to bring about an estimated emissions reduction of ~12Gg. Marine and Air Transport. Dominica has set a target for 100% emissions reduction in the shipping sub-sector by 2030. Achievement of this will largely be based on the development of synthetic fuels. Refer to Box 7 for further details.", "inputs": { "text": "It is anticipated that these actions will continue beyond 2030 to bring about an estimated emissions reduction of ~12Gg. Marine and Air Transport. Dominica has set a target for 100% emissions reduction in the shipping sub-sector by 2030. Achievement of this will largely be based on the development of synthetic fuels. Refer to Box 7 for further details." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8cbe2c23-e5d6-4288-a072-fdf235e79b5d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 362 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Carbon intensity is calculated as the relationship between the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions (expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent) and the GDP, with 2005 set as a continuous baseline. In the specific sector of energy, Tunisia aims to reduce its carbon intensity by 46 per cent compared to 2010 levels. Unconditional and conditional mitigation objectives Tunisia s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 13 per cent reduction in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year, or around 1/3 of the overall objective.", "inputs": { "text": "Carbon intensity is calculated as the relationship between the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions (expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent) and the GDP, with 2005 set as a continuous baseline. In the specific sector of energy, Tunisia aims to reduce its carbon intensity by 46 per cent compared to 2010 levels. Unconditional and conditional mitigation objectives Tunisia s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 13 per cent reduction in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year, or around 1/3 of the overall objective." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8cdf0cac-4a15-4bf5-a750-fcb32f772b5e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 529 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution In response of the COP decision at Paris, reiterated by 2018 decision at COP24 in Katowice, and in line with the Decision of the Government from its 65th session held on April 13th 2021, the Republic of North Macedonia communicates the following enhanced nationally determined contribution to the global efforts for GHG emissions reduction: In 2030, 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Expressed in net2 emissions, in 2030, 82% reduction compared to 1990 levels.", "inputs": { "text": "Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution In response of the COP decision at Paris, reiterated by 2018 decision at COP24 in Katowice, and in line with the Decision of the Government from its 65th session held on April 13th 2021, the Republic of North Macedonia communicates the following enhanced nationally determined contribution to the global efforts for GHG emissions reduction: In 2030, 51% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels. Expressed in net2 emissions, in 2030, 82% reduction compared to 1990 levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8d00b356-8d72-4741-8610-78b4cf58cdc6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 537 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It indicates directions for a low-carbon transformation untill 2030, with consideration given to national priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Kyrgyz Republic recognizes the importance of the adoption of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy and the National Adaptation Policy. The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "It indicates directions for a low-carbon transformation untill 2030, with consideration given to national priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Kyrgyz Republic recognizes the importance of the adoption of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy and the National Adaptation Policy. The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8dd400b9-a6c7-4eac-9acc-c8895df27a6e", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 465 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These conditional NDC actions account for additional 10.5%7 of GHG emissions reduction respective to the BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. 4.3 Implementing and Monitoring Mitigation NDCs NDCs will be \u2018projectized\u2019 into fundable actions and further developed for private sector investments, public financing through the Government\u2019s budget or through international funding agencies by developing proposals for climate financing. This process will involve detailed feasibility of the actions themselves, a thorough analysis of the sustainable development co-benefits and financing options.", "inputs": { "text": "These conditional NDC actions account for additional 10.5%7 of GHG emissions reduction respective to the BAU scenario for the period 2021-2030. 4.3 Implementing and Monitoring Mitigation NDCs NDCs will be \u2018projectized\u2019 into fundable actions and further developed for private sector investments, public financing through the Government\u2019s budget or through international funding agencies by developing proposals for climate financing. This process will involve detailed feasibility of the actions themselves, a thorough analysis of the sustainable development co-benefits and financing options." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8e046c02-ec5c-4190-9e64-fd5311ff8a7a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 593 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These railway lines represent a potential of 151 MT.km/day of ore transported in 2025 and 193 MT.km/day in 2030. Conakry\u2019s Urban Displacement Plan (UDP) also includes in its preferred scenario the development of: - A 33.5 km le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line. - A 33.5 km Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line. This work is estimated to cost \u20ac422 million by 2030 for a cumulative mitigation balance of -919 ktC02eq by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "These railway lines represent a potential of 151 MT.km/day of ore transported in 2025 and 193 MT.km/day in 2030. Conakry\u2019s Urban Displacement Plan (UDP) also includes in its preferred scenario the development of: - A 33.5 km le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line. - A 33.5 km Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line. This work is estimated to cost \u20ac422 million by 2030 for a cumulative mitigation balance of -919 ktC02eq by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8f06a66f-e3af-4b38-ab7e-634285a4ab2d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824653, "metrics": { "text_length": 415 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Annex 2 schematically displays the relationship between the Strategy and this national and international regulatory framework. Descarbonisation programme Adaptation to climate change and greater resilience Programme for the national carbon credit market and other taxation tools to achieve carbon neutrality Programme of social transition Programme of Innovation, research and systematic observation Mobility: Reduction of 50% internal emissions from mobility 20% electric vehicles (turisms) Descarbonisation Buildings: Cosnumption reductions of 40% Descarbonisation Electricity: consumption from national productioni electricity zero emissions consumption from national production\f The National Energy Strategy for the Fight against Climate Change 3 The Strategy\u2019s action programmes and activities The five (5) programmes and the seventeen (17) activities planned are as follows: Programme I. Decarbonisation to achieve carbon neutrality: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Annex 2 schematically displays the relationship between the Strategy and this national and international regulatory framework. Descarbonisation programme Adaptation to climate change and greater resilience Programme for the national carbon credit market and other taxation tools to achieve carbon neutrality Programme of social transition Programme of Innovation, research and systematic observation Mobility: Reduction of 50% internal emissions from mobility 20% electric vehicles (turisms) Descarbonisation Buildings: Cosnumption reductions of 40% Descarbonisation Electricity: consumption from national productioni electricity zero emissions consumption from national production\f The National Energy Strategy for the Fight against Climate Change 3 The Strategy\u2019s action programmes and activities The five (5) programmes and the seventeen (17) activities planned are as follows: Programme I. Decarbonisation to achieve carbon neutrality: mitigating greenhouse gas emissions The Strategy seeks carbon neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8f468319-ef1f-4d6a-b72f-e28bf4520ede", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 1027 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For example, in the controlled scenario, gross emissions from the energy and agriculture sectors will be 3,798 GgCO2eq in 2030 compared to 4,137 GgCO2eq in 2005.", "inputs": { "text": "For example, in the controlled scenario, gross emissions from the energy and agriculture sectors will be 3,798 GgCO2eq in 2030 compared to 4,137 GgCO2eq in 2005." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8f495ebd-e7be-49c0-b21d-67489f634711", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 161 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Overall GHG emissions reduction (including the FOLU) The estimated emissions reduction with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction of which 59.1% is from the FOLU). Summary over BAU emissions and NDC emissions reduction Sector emissions emissions Scenario reduction emission reduction % FOLU Energy Agriculture Industry (IPPU) Waste Total Mitigation measures Mitigation actions were identified from information provided by the relevant ministries (MAFF, MISTI, MLMUPC, MME, MoE, MOEYs, MoT, MPWT, and NCDD) across seven mitigation sectors: energy, waste, industry, transport, agriculture, building, and the FOLU.", "inputs": { "text": "Overall GHG emissions reduction (including the FOLU) The estimated emissions reduction with the FOLU by 2030 under the NDC scenario will be approximately 64.6 million tCO2e/year (41.7% reduction of which 59.1% is from the FOLU). Summary over BAU emissions and NDC emissions reduction Sector emissions emissions Scenario reduction emission reduction % FOLU Energy Agriculture Industry (IPPU) Waste Total Mitigation measures Mitigation actions were identified from information provided by the relevant ministries (MAFF, MISTI, MLMUPC, MME, MoE, MOEYs, MoT, MPWT, and NCDD) across seven mitigation sectors: energy, waste, industry, transport, agriculture, building, and the FOLU." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "8f5004c2-94ca-4dfc-9005-4ae1a790b4f6", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 677 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Renewable energy sources in transport:Goal for the share of the biofuels vs. total fuel consumption in transport sector 10% in 2020, 10% in 2025 and 10% in 2030 as compared to 3.55% in 2015. The share of electrical vehicles (EV) is increasing in the passenger cars fleet (up to 10% of passenger.km in 2030). Bicycle as Passenger travel mode is increasing (up to 5% of passenger.km in 2030). E3. Energy. Penetration of natural gas. Power supply. Gas master plan 2018.", "inputs": { "text": "Renewable energy sources in transport:Goal for the share of the biofuels vs. total fuel consumption in transport sector 10% in 2020, 10% in 2025 and 10% in 2030 as compared to 3.55% in 2015. The share of electrical vehicles (EV) is increasing in the passenger cars fleet (up to 10% of passenger.km in 2030). Bicycle as Passenger travel mode is increasing (up to 5% of passenger.km in 2030). E3. Energy. Penetration of natural gas. Power supply. Gas master plan 2018." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9076a0a4-a30f-4f8c-84c7-a743429426f4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 466 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\ufffd Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target,\u00a0covering all sectors and gases included in Australia\u2019s national inventory. \ufffd In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies.", "inputs": { "text": "\ufffd Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target,\u00a0covering all sectors and gases included in Australia\u2019s national inventory. \ufffd In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "90e4af4b-08d2-4bb8-8ce0-8cb0e2af79d0", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 402 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Norway\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Norway is committed to a target of an at least 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The emission reduction target will be developed into an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030. Norway intends to fulfil this commitment through a collective delivery with the EU and its Member States. In the event that there is no agreement on a collective delivery with the EU, Norway will fulfil the commitment individually.", "inputs": { "text": "Norway\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Norway is committed to a target of an at least 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The emission reduction target will be developed into an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030. Norway intends to fulfil this commitment through a collective delivery with the EU and its Member States. In the event that there is no agreement on a collective delivery with the EU, Norway will fulfil the commitment individually." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "910c664d-8aa6-4ef0-8442-ff642a287a2b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 513 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Installation of 20 MW of PV solar connected to the network every 10 years (beginning in 2015). 99,341,667. Gasifiers (cotton stalks) for electricity production (20 X 250 KW). Photovoltaic solar (EDF). 72,000,000. Renewable and hybrid energy based mini- networks. PV, pico-hydro and small wind systems. Reduction of losses from the electric network. 34,686,667. Transportation. Modal transfer. 1,108,333. Enhancement of the modal transfer project in the city of Ouagadougou (for 20 km). 2,216,667. B. Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency/introduction of low- consumption bulbs. 6,875,000.", "inputs": { "text": "Installation of 20 MW of PV solar connected to the network every 10 years (beginning in 2015). 99,341,667. Gasifiers (cotton stalks) for electricity production (20 X 250 KW). Photovoltaic solar (EDF). 72,000,000. Renewable and hybrid energy based mini- networks. PV, pico-hydro and small wind systems. Reduction of losses from the electric network. 34,686,667. Transportation. Modal transfer. 1,108,333. Enhancement of the modal transfer project in the city of Ouagadougou (for 20 km). 2,216,667. B. Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency/introduction of low- consumption bulbs. 6,875,000." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "912199d2-26e9-4044-88bc-8ce410725450", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824685, "metrics": { "text_length": 594 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mitigation target Somalia committed to reduce and avoid its emissions 30% by 2030 compared to BAU scenario (107.40MtCO2eq in 2030). The emissions reduction targets reflect introduce policies, programs and technologies that drive the country to low emissions development pathway.", "inputs": { "text": "Mitigation target Somalia committed to reduce and avoid its emissions 30% by 2030 compared to BAU scenario (107.40MtCO2eq in 2030). The emissions reduction targets reflect introduce policies, programs and technologies that drive the country to low emissions development pathway." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "91390ada-e996-4659-9039-2bb349412831", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 278 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "of state-owned vessels A.5 Infrastructure for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.2 Climate fund A.6 Energy transition legislation and regulations data reporting G.7 Issuing of green bonds G.5 Climate education in schools A.7 Ban on new registration of diesel and gasoline vehicles G.4 Information on climate change for the public G.8 Sustainable public procurement G.6 Climate impact assess- ment of legislation A.2 Incentives for active mobility F.2 Ban on the landfilling of organic waste C.2 Electrification of fishmeal production plants D.2 Taxation of F-gases E.5 Improved feeding of livestock to reduce enteric fermentation A.9 Low emissions rental cars E.2 Carbon neutral beef production A.3 Encouraging public transport F.3 Reduction in food waste A.10 Low emissions vehicles in government and state enterprises E.3 Increased domestic vegetable production G.11 Climate action planning H.3 Participation in international system for reducing air transport emissions G.10 Climate strategy of other public agencies H.2 Updated Regulation under the Emissions Trading System G.9 Climate strategy of Government Offices H.1 Carbon capture from heavy industry Definitions | In", "inputs": { "text": "of state-owned vessels A.5 Infrastructure for low- and zero emissions vehicles G.2 Climate fund A.6 Energy transition legislation and regulations data reporting G.7 Issuing of green bonds G.5 Climate education in schools A.7 Ban on new registration of diesel and gasoline vehicles G.4 Information on climate change for the public G.8 Sustainable public procurement G.6 Climate impact assess- ment of legislation A.2 Incentives for active mobility F.2 Ban on the landfilling of organic waste C.2 Electrification of fishmeal production plants D.2 Taxation of F-gases E.5 Improved feeding of livestock to reduce enteric fermentation A.9 Low emissions rental cars E.2 Carbon neutral beef production A.3 Encouraging public transport F.3 Reduction in food waste A.10 Low emissions vehicles in government and state enterprises E.3 Increased domestic vegetable production G.11 Climate action planning H.3 Participation in international system for reducing air transport emissions G.10 Climate strategy of other public agencies H.2 Updated Regulation under the Emissions Trading System G.9 Climate strategy of Government Offices H.1 Carbon capture from heavy industry Definitions | In" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9157c4d0-74d6-4c5f-9640-cb80ba887976", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 1175 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "If and when Paris Agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can, with international assistance, contribute: \u2022 a further 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, and \u2022 a further 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Reference year or period 2015. The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 1994-2010.", "inputs": { "text": "If and when Paris Agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can, with international assistance, contribute: \u2022 a further 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, and \u2022 a further 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BaU projection. With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Reference year or period 2015. The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 1994-2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "916b7480-bef2-4a5d-8f37-8e28afbcf106", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 533 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "16 % of vehicles of category N2 and N3; 27.1.12. to equip at least 60,000 charging points for electric vehicles, including 6,000 public and semi-public charging points for electric vehicles; 27.1.13. to ensure that, from 2023, all petrol stations, bus and railway stations, airports and seaports, whether under construction or reconstructed, must have at least one public charging point for electric vehicles with high or very high capacity; 27.2. by 2040: 27.2.1. to increase energy efficiency, the use of RES and alternative fuels, to promote zero-emission, interconnected, digitalised and sustainable mobility in multimodal transport, ensuring a 50 % reduction in the use of fossil fuels in road transport by 2035; 27.2.2. by 2035, to ensure that passenger transport and logistics services in cities are provided only by zero-emission vehicles; 27.2.3. the infrastructure for charging and refuelling vehicles is consistently expanded, taking into account the increasing number of zero-emission vehicles; 27.2.4.", "inputs": { "text": "16 % of vehicles of category N2 and N3; 27.1.12. to equip at least 60,000 charging points for electric vehicles, including 6,000 public and semi-public charging points for electric vehicles; 27.1.13. to ensure that, from 2023, all petrol stations, bus and railway stations, airports and seaports, whether under construction or reconstructed, must have at least one public charging point for electric vehicles with high or very high capacity; 27.2. by 2040: 27.2.1. to increase energy efficiency, the use of RES and alternative fuels, to promote zero-emission, interconnected, digitalised and sustainable mobility in multimodal transport, ensuring a 50 % reduction in the use of fossil fuels in road transport by 2035; 27.2.2. by 2035, to ensure that passenger transport and logistics services in cities are provided only by zero-emission vehicles; 27.2.3. the infrastructure for charging and refuelling vehicles is consistently expanded, taking into account the increasing number of zero-emission vehicles; 27.2.4." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "918c6898-6a16-45c7-b6c6-91859b06e823", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 1014 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia is committed to developing an adaptation communication ahead of COP26 on our ongoing action and progress to the UNFCCC. Attachment: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution. Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, to be implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030. Quantifiable information on reference point. Base year. 2005. Reference indicator. Emissions budget for the period 2021-2030. Value of reference indicator, target relative to the reference indicator, data source, and update of indicators.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia is committed to developing an adaptation communication ahead of COP26 on our ongoing action and progress to the UNFCCC. Attachment: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution. Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, to be implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030. Quantifiable information on reference point. Base year. 2005. Reference indicator. Emissions budget for the period 2021-2030. Value of reference indicator, target relative to the reference indicator, data source, and update of indicators." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "91a443ac-9e79-4302-ad8a-4e9cafad1b6d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 553 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets for a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. \u2022 Take forward our pledge to end the sale of all new, non-zero emission road vehicles by 2040, from motorcycles to buses and HGVs, subject to consultation. \u2022 Ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network is reliable, accessible, and meets the demands of all motorists.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets for a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. \u2022 Take forward our pledge to end the sale of all new, non-zero emission road vehicles by 2040, from motorcycles to buses and HGVs, subject to consultation. \u2022 Ensure the UK\u2019s charging infrastructure network is reliable, accessible, and meets the demands of all motorists." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "92463889-a5df-4d54-b93e-b7fc4aa7ab89", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 428 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Provide 52 % of the installed electrical power from renewable sources, of which 20 % is from solar energy, 20 % is from wind energy and 12 % is from hydraulic energy by 2030. Achieve 15 % energy savings by 2030, compared to current trends. Reduce energy consumption in buildings, industry and transport by 12 % by 2020 and 15 % by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Provide 52 % of the installed electrical power from renewable sources, of which 20 % is from solar energy, 20 % is from wind energy and 12 % is from hydraulic energy by 2030. Achieve 15 % energy savings by 2030, compared to current trends. Reduce energy consumption in buildings, industry and transport by 12 % by 2020 and 15 % by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "92a1baa3-e20f-48d1-b916-12b40f6279b2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 336 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example as a percentage or amount of reduction At least a 35% reduction in total national GHG emissions (excl. LULUCF) by 2030 compared to 1990 (base year).", "inputs": { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example as a percentage or amount of reduction At least a 35% reduction in total national GHG emissions (excl. LULUCF) by 2030 compared to 1990 (base year)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "92ab9f9f-9e45-421f-a7ee-3f7239554521", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 516 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Government of Tonga puts forth a long- term low-emission development strategy (LT- LEDS) that aspires to: A low emissions Tonga, where all sectors work together to create resilience, autonomy and self-reliance. This will require concerted and comprehensive efforts from all facets of society: government, public enterprise, private sector, and civil society. Tonga will also continue to work actively in international forums to strengthen consensus among countries to tackle climate change, and collaborate actively with international partners to build capabilities and share experiences.", "inputs": { "text": "The Government of Tonga puts forth a long- term low-emission development strategy (LT- LEDS) that aspires to: A low emissions Tonga, where all sectors work together to create resilience, autonomy and self-reliance. This will require concerted and comprehensive efforts from all facets of society: government, public enterprise, private sector, and civil society. Tonga will also continue to work actively in international forums to strengthen consensus among countries to tackle climate change, and collaborate actively with international partners to build capabilities and share experiences." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "92c8517f-4eb9-44e9-98e1-39b80337da4b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 592 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u00a9 857,506 tCO2e * Promotion ofuse of _ | tCO2e \u00a9 2295 GWh * 5.00M efficient appliances in \u00a9 463,759 tCO2e residential Transport: Same as the e = Inner-city private cars energy model switching to sector above | 9,449,582 tCO2e 1000 M bus in Khartoum \u00a2 Blending fossil fuel by 10 biofuel and promotion of fuel efficiency \u00a9 Good trucks, switching to rail transport bt Sector Contributions BAU Targets (2021-2030) Cost USD Forest: Restoration and | i sustainable management of forests: Restoration and sustainable management of degraded ae reserve forest and the For whole forest Gum Arabic, for sector mitigation adaptation and benefits By 2030: 29,450,936 \u00a2 1.7 million ha estimated Carbon removal: tCO2e to result in removals of Afforestation and emissions 35,000,000 tCO2 restoration of degraded land of 10% of rainfed and 5% of irrigated, agriculture schemes, for mitigation adaptation and benefits Blue carbon: Restoration and conservation of Mangrove forests in Red Sea State, for adaptation and mitigation benefits | Implementation of the FRL period e A/Rand forest restoration", "inputs": { "text": "\u00a9 857,506 tCO2e * Promotion ofuse of _ | tCO2e \u00a9 2295 GWh * 5.00M efficient appliances in \u00a9 463,759 tCO2e residential Transport: Same as the e = Inner-city private cars energy model switching to sector above | 9,449,582 tCO2e 1000 M bus in Khartoum \u00a2 Blending fossil fuel by 10 biofuel and promotion of fuel efficiency \u00a9 Good trucks, switching to rail transport bt Sector Contributions BAU Targets (2021-2030) Cost USD Forest: Restoration and | i sustainable management of forests: Restoration and sustainable management of degraded ae reserve forest and the For whole forest Gum Arabic, for sector mitigation adaptation and benefits By 2030: 29,450,936 \u00a2 1.7 million ha estimated Carbon removal: tCO2e to result in removals of Afforestation and emissions 35,000,000 tCO2 restoration of degraded land of 10% of rainfed and 5% of irrigated, agriculture schemes, for mitigation adaptation and benefits Blue carbon: Restoration and conservation of Mangrove forests in Red Sea State, for adaptation and mitigation benefits | Implementation of the FRL period e A/Rand forest restoration" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "935c851c-81d0-4fb9-b3de-245b2fb4e17c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 1081 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, up to a conditional reduction of 92% from the OAU, at an estimated total cost of US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", "inputs": { "text": "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, up to a conditional reduction of 92% from the OAU, at an estimated total cost of US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "93dfccf7-4f4b-4523-a063-62899cbcb87a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 218 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The INDC became Norway s nationally determined contribution (NDC) through Norway s ratification of the Paris agreement on June 20th 2016 and the entry into force 4th November same year. Norway will cooperate with Iceland and the European Union to fulfil this emission reduction target. By this submission, Norway updates and enhances its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 50 per cent and towards 55 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The INDC became Norway s nationally determined contribution (NDC) through Norway s ratification of the Paris agreement on June 20th 2016 and the entry into force 4th November same year. Norway will cooperate with Iceland and the European Union to fulfil this emission reduction target. By this submission, Norway updates and enhances its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 50 per cent and towards 55 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "94363341-9d8d-4359-9130-51f30504a8ab", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 499 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Tunisia\u2019s updated UNCCD targets a 45% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to 2010. Tunisia\u2019s \u2018unconditional\u2019 contribution corresponds to a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. Tunisia\u2019s \u2018conditional\u2019 contribution provides for an additional 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. The updated UNCCD covers the entire national territory.", "inputs": { "text": "Tunisia\u2019s updated UNCCD targets a 45% reduction in its carbon intensity in 2030 compared to 2010. Tunisia\u2019s \u2018unconditional\u2019 contribution corresponds to a 27% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. Tunisia\u2019s \u2018conditional\u2019 contribution provides for an additional 18% reduction in carbon intensity in 2030 compared to the 2010 base year. The updated UNCCD covers the entire national territory." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "949ba8c3-a283-4ae8-8cbe-6bbc85fe49a1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 421 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Comments The measure is in line with the Ministry of Energy and Mines\u2019 \u201cClean energy promotion policy in transportation, development plan Measure Biofuels to meet 10% of transport fuels Sector Transport / Energy GHG mitigation target 29 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030\f Monitoring procedures Share of biofuels in transport fuels will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Energy and Mines.", "inputs": { "text": "Comments The measure is in line with the Ministry of Energy and Mines\u2019 \u201cClean energy promotion policy in transportation, development plan Measure Biofuels to meet 10% of transport fuels Sector Transport / Energy GHG mitigation target 29 ktCO2e on average per year between 2020 and 2030\f Monitoring procedures Share of biofuels in transport fuels will be monitored on an annual basis by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment using data from the Ministry of Energy and Mines." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "94b80d87-0260-4983-947b-982d1cea604a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 523 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Assumes that 20% of trucks and buses could use compressed natural gas by 2040. Modal shift programmes Numerous measures including standard public service contracts, simplified fare systems, improved passenger information and better vehicles and maintenance. Envisions a 25% shift from private vehicle to public bus by 2030. Afforestation Annual increase of 200 hectares of forested land per annum, building on existing forested land. In addition, the State of Palestine commits to unconditionally undertake the mitigation actionsset out inTable 3 below.", "inputs": { "text": "Assumes that 20% of trucks and buses could use compressed natural gas by 2040. Modal shift programmes Numerous measures including standard public service contracts, simplified fare systems, improved passenger information and better vehicles and maintenance. Envisions a 25% shift from private vehicle to public bus by 2030. Afforestation Annual increase of 200 hectares of forested land per annum, building on existing forested land. In addition, the State of Palestine commits to unconditionally undertake the mitigation actionsset out inTable 3 below." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "94dea059-478e-46af-8746-763fff4558ea", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 554 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Bicycle as Passenger travel mode is increasing (up to 5% of passenger.km in 2030). E3. Energy. Penetration of natural gas. Power supply. Gas master plan 2018. Increasing the penetration of natural gas Development of the gas market and services in Albania based on natural gas supplied through the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP Project), as well as potential gas sources discovered and concretized in the country, or even through natural gas pipelines such as the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP Project) and the Albania - Kosovo Pipeline (ALKOGAP Project).", "inputs": { "text": "Bicycle as Passenger travel mode is increasing (up to 5% of passenger.km in 2030). E3. Energy. Penetration of natural gas. Power supply. Gas master plan 2018. Increasing the penetration of natural gas Development of the gas market and services in Albania based on natural gas supplied through the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP Project), as well as potential gas sources discovered and concretized in the country, or even through natural gas pipelines such as the Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP Project) and the Albania - Kosovo Pipeline (ALKOGAP Project)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9538f594-f0de-4d67-9911-39ff89b73f05", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 553 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The mitigation measures taken will, under the unconditional scenario, result in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 9.03% and 11.82% respectively by 2025 and 2030 compared to the baseline; and under the conditional scenario 14.64% and 24.28% by 2025 and 2030 compared to the baseline.", "inputs": { "text": "The mitigation measures taken will, under the unconditional scenario, result in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 9.03% and 11.82% respectively by 2025 and 2030 compared to the baseline; and under the conditional scenario 14.64% and 24.28% by 2025 and 2030 compared to the baseline." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "957e04b0-0b20-4d44-ac41-acad8fe85ca6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 291 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The pie charts indicate the relative contribution made from measures within the key sectors of energy (electricity generation and transport), IPPU (Cement industry and RAC), AFOLU (forestry), waste (solid waste transformation and recycling), against the BAU baseline described above. BAU Mitigation FIGURE 2.2. MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MITIGATION MEASURES. Energy Electricity generation Transport Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH), 3% Solar Rooftop Systems (45 MW PV) - replacing REFIT 170 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana, 45% Embed generation - 13 MW PV replacing \u2026 Omburu 20 MW PV & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant - replacing Baynes Hydro - Luderitz Wind 40 MW & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant - replacing imports , 4% Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports, Fuel switching - Hydrogen replacing diesel, Vehicles - replacing Transport \u2013 LDV \u2013 reducing fuel use by 20 per cent,", "inputs": { "text": "The pie charts indicate the relative contribution made from measures within the key sectors of energy (electricity generation and transport), IPPU (Cement industry and RAC), AFOLU (forestry), waste (solid waste transformation and recycling), against the BAU baseline described above. BAU Mitigation FIGURE 2.2. MITIGATION POTENTIAL FROM ALL MITIGATION MEASURES. Energy Electricity generation Transport Solar Thermal Road Map - 20 000 Solar Water heaters (SWH), 3% Solar Rooftop Systems (45 MW PV) - replacing REFIT 170 MW PV - replacing imports plus Ruacana, 45% Embed generation - 13 MW PV replacing \u2026 Omburu 20 MW PV & 20 MW Solar IPP Power Plant - replacing Baynes Hydro - Luderitz Wind 40 MW & 50 MW Wind IPP Power Plant - replacing imports , 4% Biomass Energy plant 40MW - replacing imports, Fuel switching - Hydrogen replacing diesel, Vehicles - replacing Transport \u2013 LDV \u2013 reducing fuel use by 20 per cent," }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "959b590e-ea0a-4eca-9f3a-5376ee115481", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 913 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2020, Nepal aims to increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% from 2010 level. 10. By 2050, Nepal will decrease its dependency on fossils in the transport sector by 50% through effective mass public transport means while promoting energy efficient and electrical vehicles. 11. Nepal will develop its electrical (hydro-powered) rail network by 2040 to support mass transportation of goods and public commuting. 12.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2020, Nepal aims to increase the share of electric vehicle up to 20% from 2010 level. 10. By 2050, Nepal will decrease its dependency on fossils in the transport sector by 50% through effective mass public transport means while promoting energy efficient and electrical vehicles. 11. Nepal will develop its electrical (hydro-powered) rail network by 2040 to support mass transportation of goods and public commuting. 12." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "95addacc-a392-4c85-9a91-df7c955d1375", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 423 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2713 \u2713 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2713 \u2713 The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2713 \u2713 Waste Reduce the volume of leachate by 50% by 2030 from suitable landfill sites. \u2713 \u2713 Reduce the amount of waste for final disposal in landfill sites by 30% by 2030 and by 50% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2713 \u2713 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2713 \u2713 The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040. \u2713 \u2713 Waste Reduce the volume of leachate by 50% by 2030 from suitable landfill sites. \u2713 \u2713 Reduce the amount of waste for final disposal in landfill sites by 30% by 2030 and by 50% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "95b9d262-3257-4996-ac61-d54a450bff24", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 370 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040 b. Scrapping 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030 and scrapping all vehicles older than c. Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040 d. 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% e. The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030 and 40% by 2040. The transport sector\u2019s achievement of progress to date and cumulative mitigation contribution to 2040 are included in the mitigation chapter of the First BUR.", "inputs": { "text": "Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040 b. Scrapping 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030 and scrapping all vehicles older than c. Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040 d. 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% e. The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030 and 40% by 2040. The transport sector\u2019s achievement of progress to date and cumulative mitigation contribution to 2040 are included in the mitigation chapter of the First BUR." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "95be600f-14ff-44d8-a665-4916340a58a0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 592 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adopted the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5\u00b0C after intense discussions at its 48th session held in Incheon, Korea in October 2018. The Special Report provides solid scientific evidence for the 1.5\u00b0C target agreed by the international community when adopting the Paris Agreement. The Special Report suggests pathways that global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and reach net zero around 2050, for limiting global warming to 1.5\u00b0C by 2100.", "inputs": { "text": "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adopted the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5\u00b0C after intense discussions at its 48th session held in Incheon, Korea in October 2018. The Special Report provides solid scientific evidence for the 1.5\u00b0C target agreed by the international community when adopting the Paris Agreement. The Special Report suggests pathways that global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and reach net zero around 2050, for limiting global warming to 1.5\u00b0C by 2100." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "95d27152-77b2-4f18-b49d-792a263f5054", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 5. Summary of GEI's mitigation target Commitment As part of its mitigation target, Colombia commits to: \uf0b7 emit a maximum of 169.44 million t CO2 eq in 2030 (equivalent to a 51% reduction in emissions compared to the 2030 emissions projection in the baseline scenario), initiating a decline in emissions between 2027 and 2030 towards carbon neutrality by mid-century.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 5. Summary of GEI's mitigation target Commitment As part of its mitigation target, Colombia commits to: \uf0b7 emit a maximum of 169.44 million t CO2 eq in 2030 (equivalent to a 51% reduction in emissions compared to the 2030 emissions projection in the baseline scenario), initiating a decline in emissions between 2027 and 2030 towards carbon neutrality by mid-century." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "96aa4f13-70db-467b-8f41-65e4238d1c64", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 372 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The other objective of the LT-LEDS is, ultimately, to raise the climate ambition beyond the short-term targets displayed in the NDCs and to devote its climate leadership to the global level by joining the international efforts for carbon neutrality by 2050. The elaboration of the LT-LEDS would also offer Morocco several major opportunities for: \u2022 Co-building a common and shared path of systemic transformation of the Moroccan development model and entering into a long-term trajectory of a low-carbon economy; Long-term Low-Carbon Strategy; Accelerating the alignment of Morocco\u2019s development with the requirements of the two United Nations global agendas, namely the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while ensuring the Kingdom\u2019s energy security; Exploring the potential impacts of a decarbonised mode of economic growth (GDP, TPME", "inputs": { "text": "The other objective of the LT-LEDS is, ultimately, to raise the climate ambition beyond the short-term targets displayed in the NDCs and to devote its climate leadership to the global level by joining the international efforts for carbon neutrality by 2050. The elaboration of the LT-LEDS would also offer Morocco several major opportunities for: \u2022 Co-building a common and shared path of systemic transformation of the Moroccan development model and entering into a long-term trajectory of a low-carbon economy; Long-term Low-Carbon Strategy; Accelerating the alignment of Morocco\u2019s development with the requirements of the two United Nations global agendas, namely the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while ensuring the Kingdom\u2019s energy security; Exploring the potential impacts of a decarbonised mode of economic growth (GDP, TPME" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "96bae727-93e4-468a-b8a6-654a8d240f1c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 866 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Consultations on the preparation of the INDCs were organized and conducted with relevant government agencies including the Office of the President, the Senate and House of Representatives. Internationally accepted tools and methodologies were used by government agencies to identify possible mitigation options as input to the INDC. Consultations were also conducted with the civil society and the relevant business sectors. MITIGATION. The Philippines intends to undertake GHG (CO2e) emissions reduction of about 70% by 2030 relative to its BAU scenario of 2000-2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Consultations on the preparation of the INDCs were organized and conducted with relevant government agencies including the Office of the President, the Senate and House of Representatives. Internationally accepted tools and methodologies were used by government agencies to identify possible mitigation options as input to the INDC. Consultations were also conducted with the civil society and the relevant business sectors. MITIGATION. The Philippines intends to undertake GHG (CO2e) emissions reduction of about 70% by 2030 relative to its BAU scenario of 2000-2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "96c3a7d2-70fd-44ef-9408-b05af0b4d87f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 568 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Our Strategy for Net Zero Since 1990 the UK has reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 44%, while growing our economy by over 75%. This strategy sets out this Government\u2019s long- term plan to finish the job and end the UK\u2019s domestic contribution to man-made climate change by 2050. Although every study shows that the costs of inaction on climate are far greater, there will, of course, be costs to the investments needed to make this transition happen.", "inputs": { "text": "Our Strategy for Net Zero Since 1990 the UK has reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 44%, while growing our economy by over 75%. This strategy sets out this Government\u2019s long- term plan to finish the job and end the UK\u2019s domestic contribution to man-made climate change by 2050. Although every study shows that the costs of inaction on climate are far greater, there will, of course, be costs to the investments needed to make this transition happen." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "96fd9eec-064d-4a95-8a84-f56f36d200ed", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 453 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Based on the IPCC and IEA developments in the context of the below 2\u00b0C objective, the target is communicated in CO2. For INDC monitoring, emission of other GHGs was accounted in CO2-eq (shown in Section 12). 2. Time frame Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 11.49 - 13.75% below BAU in 2030. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Based on the IPCC and IEA developments in the context of the below 2\u00b0C objective, the target is communicated in CO2. For INDC monitoring, emission of other GHGs was accounted in CO2-eq (shown in Section 12). 2. Time frame Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 11.49 - 13.75% below BAU in 2030. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "970de4aa-0e58-4daa-892f-4faa14820ba3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 492 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;. To promote the share of public transport in motorized travel in big-and- medium-sized cities reaching 30% by 2020;. To promote the development of dedicated transport system for pedestrians and bicycles in cities and to advocate green travel; and. To accelerate the development of smart transport and green freight transport. F. Increasing Carbon Sinks.", "inputs": { "text": "To improve the quality of gasoline and to promote new types of alternative fuels;. To promote the share of public transport in motorized travel in big-and- medium-sized cities reaching 30% by 2020;. To promote the development of dedicated transport system for pedestrians and bicycles in cities and to advocate green travel; and. To accelerate the development of smart transport and green freight transport. F. Increasing Carbon Sinks." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "97227c02-75e5-40b1-82c6-bfb152e378bc", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 435 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Dominican Republic is guided by the National Development Strategy (Ley 1-2012) and the Climate Change Compatible Development Plan (Plan DECCC-2011) to prepare and communicate sectoral strategies, plans and measures for low-carbon development that reflect its special circumstances in 2030 and its carbon neutrality aspirations in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The Dominican Republic is guided by the National Development Strategy (Ley 1-2012) and the Climate Change Compatible Development Plan (Plan DECCC-2011) to prepare and communicate sectoral strategies, plans and measures for low-carbon development that reflect its special circumstances in 2030 and its carbon neutrality aspirations in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "972f3e43-99ea-4709-8f9d-d5a208fd3b3c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 339 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Furthermore, in order to ensure low-carbon sustainable development, Togo is committed to an ambitious climate change programme, the activities of which require sustained support from its technical and financial partners (capacity building, technology transfer and diffusion, and financial resources). \u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11).", "inputs": { "text": "Furthermore, in order to ensure low-carbon sustainable development, Togo is committed to an ambitious climate change programme, the activities of which require sustained support from its technical and financial partners (capacity building, technology transfer and diffusion, and financial resources). \u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "98144e14-9377-4836-9c8f-015cb54113bb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 563 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 43%, compared with 2005. Brazil\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with an indicative longterm objective of reaching climate neutrality in 2060. The final determination of any long-term strategy for the country, in particular the year in which climate neutrality may be achieved, will, however, depend on the proper functioning of the market mechanisms provided for in the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "Additionally, Brazil commits to reduce its emissions in 2030 by 43%, compared with 2005. Brazil\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution is compatible with an indicative longterm objective of reaching climate neutrality in 2060. The final determination of any long-term strategy for the country, in particular the year in which climate neutrality may be achieved, will, however, depend on the proper functioning of the market mechanisms provided for in the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9866a0a4-050a-4795-8293-5bf7b3ee2f24", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 469 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Rehabilitate ecosystems and protect and promote natural areas as well as endangered species as resources. Urban Public Transit Improvement Program. Implement large-scale public transit in major urban centers powered by renewable energy. Create a USD 200 million support fund for urban road transportation. Create a Taxi Fleet Renewal Program. Figure 2. Distribution of the expected mitigation effort by sector to achieve the overal target (with AFOLU). Distribution of the effort between 2020 and 2030. Distribution of the effort in 2030. Figure 3.", "inputs": { "text": "Rehabilitate ecosystems and protect and promote natural areas as well as endangered species as resources. Urban Public Transit Improvement Program. Implement large-scale public transit in major urban centers powered by renewable energy. Create a USD 200 million support fund for urban road transportation. Create a Taxi Fleet Renewal Program. Figure 2. Distribution of the expected mitigation effort by sector to achieve the overal target (with AFOLU). Distribution of the effort between 2020 and 2030. Distribution of the effort in 2030. Figure 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9875697f-abfa-4861-a96d-13c53dfea044", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Over the period 2015-2030, 3,103 kt CO2eq of cumulative additional removals are permitted through the implementation of mitigation actions. Figure 4: Comparison of CNA and CDN scenarios for LULUCF and additional removals (in kt CO2eq) Finally, the graph below shows the evolution of emissions under the CDN scenario, showing that the country would remain a net carbon sink. Figure 5:", "inputs": { "text": "Over the period 2015-2030, 3,103 kt CO2eq of cumulative additional removals are permitted through the implementation of mitigation actions. Figure 4: Comparison of CNA and CDN scenarios for LULUCF and additional removals (in kt CO2eq) Finally, the graph below shows the evolution of emissions under the CDN scenario, showing that the country would remain a net carbon sink. Figure 5:" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "992a5c98-fb1c-4464-b5e7-116039d0237b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 383 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Canada\u2019s aim is a durable and inclusive global agreement that will put in place a long-term framework for collaborative action. With this contribution Canada is affirming our continued commitment to developing an international\fclimate change agreement that is fair, effective and includes meaningful and transparent commitments from all major emitters. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Canada\u2019s aim is a durable and inclusive global agreement that will put in place a long-term framework for collaborative action. With this contribution Canada is affirming our continued commitment to developing an international\fclimate change agreement that is fair, effective and includes meaningful and transparent commitments from all major emitters. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Canada intends to achieve an economy-wide target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "996beff9-0e92-4dc0-9a12-aaaa2b303c2f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 519 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is due to a number of factors, such as the existing high level of renewable electricity generation (80-85 per cent), and the make-up of our emissions profile, where almost half of our total emissions originate from agriculture. New Zealand\u2019s domestic 2050 target under the CCRA places an emphasis on long-lived gases. The target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 (excluding biogenic methane for which the target is 24-47 per cent below 2017 levels).", "inputs": { "text": "This is due to a number of factors, such as the existing high level of renewable electricity generation (80-85 per cent), and the make-up of our emissions profile, where almost half of our total emissions originate from agriculture. New Zealand\u2019s domestic 2050 target under the CCRA places an emphasis on long-lived gases. The target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 (excluding biogenic methane for which the target is 24-47 per cent below 2017 levels)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "99953d02-0689-4507-ac65-dd4928684784", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "European Commission COM(2020) 564\f Update of the NDC II. N ATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (N DC) 27. The EU and its Member States wish to communicate the following NDC. The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "European Commission COM(2020) 564\f Update of the NDC II. N ATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (N DC) 27. The EU and its Member States wish to communicate the following NDC. The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "99f89cdd-0281-42b4-8369-d75bfca8e549", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 350 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For example, the DRC commits to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of 21% of total GHG emission reductions from OAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "For example, the DRC commits to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of 21% of total GHG emission reductions from OAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "99fb0004-c5f8-4d25-bbd0-ef7fd8b3ccca", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 256 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Agroforestry will contribute to mitigation efforts through increased: (i) carbon sequestration \u2013 increased carbon storage in biomass above and below ground, as well as soil organic carbon; and (ii) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 5.2.4 Transport. A target of 20% emissions reduction by 2030 has been set for the transport sector. This emissions reduction target will be achieved mainly through initiatives for the road and marine sub-sectors. Globally, the transport sector contributes approximately a quarter of all energy- related GHG emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Agroforestry will contribute to mitigation efforts through increased: (i) carbon sequestration \u2013 increased carbon storage in biomass above and below ground, as well as soil organic carbon; and (ii) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 5.2.4 Transport. A target of 20% emissions reduction by 2030 has been set for the transport sector. This emissions reduction target will be achieved mainly through initiatives for the road and marine sub-sectors. Globally, the transport sector contributes approximately a quarter of all energy- related GHG emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9a2f2b2c-0e2a-4bd0-b7b3-ff36b9103155", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 554 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Tanzania\u2019s Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide between 30 - 35% relative to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario by 2030, whereby about 138 - 153 Million tons of Carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)-gross emissions is expected to be reduced, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the First Biennial Update Report (BUR) and Updated GHG inventory in the country. b) Promoting transfer of technologies through South-South and North-South cooperation and triangulation.", "inputs": { "text": "Tanzania\u2019s Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide between 30 - 35% relative to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario by 2030, whereby about 138 - 153 Million tons of Carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)-gross emissions is expected to be reduced, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the First Biennial Update Report (BUR) and Updated GHG inventory in the country. b) Promoting transfer of technologies through South-South and North-South cooperation and triangulation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9a4d96f4-00fa-48d7-8911-b1daf48842c8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 602 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Republic of Korea\u2019s updated NDC target is to reduce. 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. The Republic of Korea plans to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a complementary measure to its domestic mitigation efforts including LULUCF to achieve its target. (b). Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines.", "inputs": { "text": "The Republic of Korea\u2019s updated NDC target is to reduce. 24.4% from the total national GHG emissions in 2017, which is 709.1 MtCO2eq, by 2030. The Republic of Korea plans to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a complementary measure to its domestic mitigation efforts including LULUCF to achieve its target. (b). Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9b3179c7-5b9d-42b3-93a8-c3489e3d1c69", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 536 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 3-3 below presents the absolute mitigation contribution of each sector towards the full economy wide target. Table 3-3: Mitigation potential of the priority mitigation policies and measures Priority Mitigation Sector Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector Energy Sector (Excl. Transport) Transport Sector Waste Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector TOTAL If, as a result of inadequate financial, capacity-building and technology transfer support, it is envisaged that Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into net emissions reductions of 5.9% below the BAU trajectory in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 3-3 below presents the absolute mitigation contribution of each sector towards the full economy wide target. Table 3-3: Mitigation potential of the priority mitigation policies and measures Priority Mitigation Sector Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector Energy Sector (Excl. Transport) Transport Sector Waste Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector TOTAL If, as a result of inadequate financial, capacity-building and technology transfer support, it is envisaged that Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into net emissions reductions of 5.9% below the BAU trajectory in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9b6e86ec-c7cd-4849-bfcb-d86527b0bb77", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 610 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, it is necessary to meet the emissions target presented in Colombia\u2019s most recent NDC, for which it is essential that national emissions reach their highest level (peak) and begin a decreasing trajectory by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "In order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, it is necessary to meet the emissions target presented in Colombia\u2019s most recent NDC, for which it is essential that national emissions reach their highest level (peak) and begin a decreasing trajectory by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9b913335-c156-4019-ba5b-fa01fc98419a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 258 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the CPOS, the emission will increase rapidly after 2030 and it will reach 2,454 Mton CO2e or about 7.33 ton CO2e per capita in 2050. Whereas in the TRNS, the increase of the emission after 2030 is much slower than that of CPOS and it will reach 1,526 Mton CO2e or about 4.56 ton CO2e per capita in 2050. Under LCCP, the emission will decrease rapidly after 2030 reaching 540 Mton CO2e in 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita.", "inputs": { "text": "In the CPOS, the emission will increase rapidly after 2030 and it will reach 2,454 Mton CO2e or about 7.33 ton CO2e per capita in 2050. Whereas in the TRNS, the increase of the emission after 2030 is much slower than that of CPOS and it will reach 1,526 Mton CO2e or about 4.56 ton CO2e per capita in 2050. Under LCCP, the emission will decrease rapidly after 2030 reaching 540 Mton CO2e in 2050 or equivalent to about 1.61 ton CO2e per capita." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9bc29e92-eb6f-42ef-9c58-9bba517249a8", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 446 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Invest \u00a32 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. As announced in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, we will create at least one zero emission transport city.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Invest \u00a32 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030. As announced in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, we will create at least one zero emission transport city." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9d33063d-df7e-45f1-9b02-fa58442dc76c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 356 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On a point in time basis, Australia emissions in 2030 are projected to be 30\u201338% below 2005 levels. By this submission, Australia communicates its updated and enhanced first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. \ufffd Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target,\u00a0covering all sectors and gases included in Australia\u2019s national inventory.", "inputs": { "text": "On a point in time basis, Australia emissions in 2030 are projected to be 30\u201338% below 2005 levels. By this submission, Australia communicates its updated and enhanced first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. \ufffd Australia adopts a target of net zero emissions by 2050. This is an economy-wide target,\u00a0covering all sectors and gases included in Australia\u2019s national inventory." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9d6f27e7-6d5d-40f5-9743-2ee066a7f130", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824681, "metrics": { "text_length": 407 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Samoa aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 91 Gg CO2 e compared to the new reference year4 once Samoa\u2019s GHG emissions inventory has been updated). [\u2026] The economy-wide target accounts for\nemissions reductions from adaptation actions, therefore it is greater than the sum of the energy, waste, and AFOLU sector mitigation targets.", "inputs": { "text": "Samoa aims to reduce overall GHG emissions by 26 percent in 2030 compared to 2007 levels (or by 91 Gg CO2 e compared to the new reference year4 once Samoa\u2019s GHG emissions inventory has been updated). [\u2026] The economy-wide target accounts for\nemissions reductions from adaptation actions, therefore it is greater than the sum of the energy, waste, and AFOLU sector mitigation targets." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9d8e17b8-b9a0-47f9-b631-b7b1deb9e6b5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 382 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The revised NDCs have an unconditional mitigation target of 30.41%, corresponding to a reduction of thirty-seven (37) million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, while the conditional target is increased to 98.95% (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The revised NDCs have an unconditional mitigation target of 30.41%, corresponding to a reduction of thirty-seven (37) million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, while the conditional target is increased to 98.95% (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9dad7d2c-db3f-41b1-9d11-86f0a47707df", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 329 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Taking into account that Equatorial Guinea's ambition in the first NCD was to reduce emissions by 20% by 2030, with the aim of achieving 50% by 2050, with reference to 2010, Equatorial Guinea's ambition in its updated NCD has increased and has the aim of reducing emissions by 35% by 2030, with the aim of achieving 50% by 2050, with a total reduction of 379.291.54 Gg CO2eq, with reference to 2019 (446.215.38 Gg CO2eq).", "inputs": { "text": "Taking into account that Equatorial Guinea's ambition in the first NCD was to reduce emissions by 20% by 2030, with the aim of achieving 50% by 2050, with reference to 2010, Equatorial Guinea's ambition in its updated NCD has increased and has the aim of reducing emissions by 35% by 2030, with the aim of achieving 50% by 2050, with a total reduction of 379.291.54 Gg CO2eq, with reference to 2019 (446.215.38 Gg CO2eq)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9e10ea53-748b-49e4-9dc4-e06893dec4ce", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 421 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- One guidebook on climate proofing roads with design standards will be developed by - All repair and new road construction will follow the climate proofing design standard by 2030 - M&E framework develop for climate proofing standard road by 2023 Reduce road repair/ rehabilitation cost Reduce vehicle maintenance Save time Ensure flow of traffic and transportation (Experts, data collection and analysis, review and risk assessment of climate change impact, \u2026) 600,000 USD.", "inputs": { "text": "- One guidebook on climate proofing roads with design standards will be developed by - All repair and new road construction will follow the climate proofing design standard by 2030 - M&E framework develop for climate proofing standard road by 2023 Reduce road repair/ rehabilitation cost Reduce vehicle maintenance Save time Ensure flow of traffic and transportation (Experts, data collection and analysis, review and risk assessment of climate change impact, \u2026) 600,000 USD." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9e2edb35-199e-4491-827d-747627252484", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 477 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Residential sector: Electricity accounts for the highest energy consumption in the residential sector. Household air conditioners are one of the key drivers of electricity demand in Thailand. The energy efficiency improvement of energy devices in the residential sector will have to increase to 29% of total final energy consumption in 2050. The share of renewable energy use in households will have to increase to 49% of total final energy consumption in 2050. Such a heating demand is driven by the cooking system.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Residential sector: Electricity accounts for the highest energy consumption in the residential sector. Household air conditioners are one of the key drivers of electricity demand in Thailand. The energy efficiency improvement of energy devices in the residential sector will have to increase to 29% of total final energy consumption in 2050. The share of renewable energy use in households will have to increase to 49% of total final energy consumption in 2050. Such a heating demand is driven by the cooking system." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9e97dccf-855c-4de4-a4ed-cd47db25881e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824606, "metrics": { "text_length": 518 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The final version of this document was presented on 29 December 2020. Alignment with the long-term vision: - The goal of this NDC to 2030 is consistent with the trajectory of the National Plan of Decarbonization, the Long-Term Strategy presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C.", "inputs": { "text": "The final version of this document was presented on 29 December 2020. Alignment with the long-term vision: - The goal of this NDC to 2030 is consistent with the trajectory of the National Plan of Decarbonization, the Long-Term Strategy presented by Costa Rica in 2019 and which seeks zero net emissions in 2050 and is consistent with the trajectory of 1.5\u00b0C." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9ed7695e-c5cb-486a-81ec-7a009cd9d761", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 358 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030. BAU scenario emissions in 2030 are projected to be about 301.2 million tons, assuming a moderate annual linear sector specific growth rate in line with projected economic growth, national circumstance and historical trends. The BAU scenario includes all mitigation measures implemented prior to and during 2016. Type Economy-wide emission reduction target relative to BAU.", "inputs": { "text": "Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030. BAU scenario emissions in 2030 are projected to be about 301.2 million tons, assuming a moderate annual linear sector specific growth rate in line with projected economic growth, national circumstance and historical trends. The BAU scenario includes all mitigation measures implemented prior to and during 2016. Type Economy-wide emission reduction target relative to BAU." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9eed5b30-68e2-4eff-bab3-9dcddd489bd6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 590 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The strategic options for mitigation considered under the INDC are the energy sector (electricity, transport) and the waste sector. The Waste Sector focuses on solid waste disposal on land. In 2000, the waste sector accounted for about 0.60% of Liberia\u2019s national total CO2 eq emissions. A significant subcategory is CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) on land, which contributed 91.7%.", "inputs": { "text": "The long-term strategy of Liberia is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The strategic options for mitigation considered under the INDC are the energy sector (electricity, transport) and the waste sector. The Waste Sector focuses on solid waste disposal on land. In 2000, the waste sector accounted for about 0.60% of Liberia\u2019s national total CO2 eq emissions. A significant subcategory is CH4 emissions from solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) on land, which contributed 91.7%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9f3bb426-f801-4d09-9bd0-7f8a9bba3ecf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fCars, vans, motorcycles, and scooters 26. We will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. From 2035 all new cars and vans must be fully zero emission at the tailpipe. Between 2030 and 2035, new cars and vans will only be able to be sold if they offer significant zero emission capability. 27.", "inputs": { "text": "Chapter 3 \u2013 Reducing Emissions across the Economy\fCars, vans, motorcycles, and scooters 26. We will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. From 2035 all new cars and vans must be fully zero emission at the tailpipe. Between 2030 and 2035, new cars and vans will only be able to be sold if they offer significant zero emission capability. 27." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "9fd5ae2e-fa35-47c6-bfcf-a383b1a6a921", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 363 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As announced in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, we will create at least one zero emission transport city. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f\u2022 Invest \u00a33 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them.", "inputs": { "text": "As announced in the Transport Decarbonisation Plan, we will create at least one zero emission transport city. Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener\f\u2022 Invest \u00a33 billion in the National Bus Strategy, creating integrated networks, more frequent services, and bus lanes to speed journeys, and support delivery of 4,000 new zero emission buses and the infrastructure needed to support them." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a003a94f-b385-4523-b92d-d9b0ffb3a745", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 385 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Iceland\u2019s enhanced ambition target of 55 per cent net emissions reduction refers to the joint target of the countries involved; the individual share and commitments of each country is then determined by commonly agreed rules. 2) Iceland\u2018s Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland\u2018s Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland is committed to a target of 55 per cent net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, acting jointly with the European Union and its Member States and Norway to achieve this target, within the framework of their climate cooperation agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "Iceland\u2019s enhanced ambition target of 55 per cent net emissions reduction refers to the joint target of the countries involved; the individual share and commitments of each country is then determined by commonly agreed rules. 2) Iceland\u2018s Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland\u2018s Nationally Determined Contribution Iceland is committed to a target of 55 per cent net reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, acting jointly with the European Union and its Member States and Norway to achieve this target, within the framework of their climate cooperation agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a1f4e17b-0b60-499e-8e4d-d44f938bc498", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 593 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The RES share of the Transport sector of Republic of North Macedonia is projected to sharply increase from 2% in 2020 to 17% by 2030, and 20% by 2050. Taking into account that the projected RES share above 10% is predominately driven by the penetration of electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, and considering the fact that the penetration of these technologies is driven by consumer purchase power, it can be concluded that the achievement of the RES goal for the Transport sector will be challenging.", "inputs": { "text": "The RES share of the Transport sector of Republic of North Macedonia is projected to sharply increase from 2% in 2020 to 17% by 2030, and 20% by 2050. Taking into account that the projected RES share above 10% is predominately driven by the penetration of electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, and considering the fact that the penetration of these technologies is driven by consumer purchase power, it can be concluded that the achievement of the RES goal for the Transport sector will be challenging." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a21e05e4-2fb1-447d-80bc-8da49b9706e5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 504 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "MALAYSIA\u2019S INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION Malaysia intends to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of GDP by 45% by 2030 relative to the emissions intensity of GDP in 2005. This consist of 35% on an unconditional basis and a further 10% is condition upon receipt of climate finance, technology transfer and capacity building from developed countries.", "inputs": { "text": "MALAYSIA\u2019S INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION Malaysia intends to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of GDP by 45% by 2030 relative to the emissions intensity of GDP in 2005. This consist of 35% on an unconditional basis and a further 10% is condition upon receipt of climate finance, technology transfer and capacity building from developed countries." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a39fa291-948c-4065-8b5c-8baaa430c52c", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 378 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Planning Process 5.2 Information on implementation plans Tonga is currently developing a LT-LEDS which will be submitted to the UNFCCC in 2021. This NDC is aligned with the upcoming LT-LEDS and stakeholder dialogue for the development of the LT-LEDS has fed into the development of the 2020 NDC. The Tongan Government also intends to develop a NDC Roadmap and Investment Plan in 2021. \fFairness and Ambition 6. Fairness and Ambition Tonga is a SIDS and its GHG emissions are negligible on a global scale.", "inputs": { "text": "Planning Process 5.2 Information on implementation plans Tonga is currently developing a LT-LEDS which will be submitted to the UNFCCC in 2021. This NDC is aligned with the upcoming LT-LEDS and stakeholder dialogue for the development of the LT-LEDS has fed into the development of the 2020 NDC. The Tongan Government also intends to develop a NDC Roadmap and Investment Plan in 2021. \fFairness and Ambition 6. Fairness and Ambition Tonga is a SIDS and its GHG emissions are negligible on a global scale." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a3c9769b-1fc9-4bf1-9b07-743653928f9a", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 506 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Electrify more railway lines as part of plans to deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with the ambition to remove all diesel-only trains by 2040. \u2022 Plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, phase out the sale of new non-zero emission domestic shipping vessels and accelerate the development of zero emission technology and infrastructure in the UK.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Electrify more railway lines as part of plans to deliver a net zero rail network by 2050, with the ambition to remove all diesel-only trains by 2040. \u2022 Plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, phase out the sale of new non-zero emission domestic shipping vessels and accelerate the development of zero emission technology and infrastructure in the UK." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a3f44529-f108-443d-9941-a374e58548e2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 375 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Current efforts seek to increase Brunei Darussalam\u2019s carbon sink through reforestation efforts. At present, 104,920 trees are identified for current reforestation efforts, and a further 400,000 trees are proposed leading up to 2035. BNCCP Strategy 3 on Electric Vehicles - Increase total share of electric vehicles (EV) to 60% of the total annual vehicle sales by 2035.", "inputs": { "text": "Current efforts seek to increase Brunei Darussalam\u2019s carbon sink through reforestation efforts. At present, 104,920 trees are identified for current reforestation efforts, and a further 400,000 trees are proposed leading up to 2035. BNCCP Strategy 3 on Electric Vehicles - Increase total share of electric vehicles (EV) to 60% of the total annual vehicle sales by 2035." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a404423c-e699-4690-9ccc-78338504d569", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 370 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Improve the quality and reliability of transport infrastructure and services. 4. Develop emission reduction and tracking system of pollutants from vehicles. 5. Blend up to 5% of palm oil biodiesel with both gasoline and diesel by 2030 for vehicles. \f II. ADAPTATION Impacts and Vulnerability Vulnerability and adaptation assessments conducted have revealed that Liberia is faced with climate change and variability leading to extreme events, which have negative impact on agriculture, forestry, health, energy and other sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "Improve the quality and reliability of transport infrastructure and services. 4. Develop emission reduction and tracking system of pollutants from vehicles. 5. Blend up to 5% of palm oil biodiesel with both gasoline and diesel by 2030 for vehicles. \f II. ADAPTATION Impacts and Vulnerability Vulnerability and adaptation assessments conducted have revealed that Liberia is faced with climate change and variability leading to extreme events, which have negative impact on agriculture, forestry, health, energy and other sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a4196bb7-5845-420a-b358-4e0b93921b42", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 531 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Strategic messages of the E2050 To meet the science required (1.5 to 2\u00b0C), by 2050 Colombia needs to reduce GHG emissions in the network by 90% compared to 2015 emissions, and balance the remaining 10% with national proportional removals (10%), to achieve a zero net balance between emissions and removals of greenhouse gases (carbon equivalents) from 2050 onwards.", "inputs": { "text": "Strategic messages of the E2050 To meet the science required (1.5 to 2\u00b0C), by 2050 Colombia needs to reduce GHG emissions in the network by 90% compared to 2015 emissions, and balance the remaining 10% with national proportional removals (10%), to achieve a zero net balance between emissions and removals of greenhouse gases (carbon equivalents) from 2050 onwards." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a4548797-6cc3-44d3-8435-3584fe6c449d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 365 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "effectively protect and sustain terrestrial and coastal ecosystems Conditional on access to means of implementation By 2030, expand the number of Protected Areas and their coordination through Protected Area Networks Conditional on access to means of implementation Resilient Transport Systems By 2030, climate-proof all major island ring roads, airport access roads, and arterial roads Conditional on access to means of implementation Adaptation Co-benefits \u2022 Resilience to flooding from sea-level rise and king tides \u2022 Maintenance of public and commercial services during weather-related emergencies Mitigation Co-benefits \u2022 Reduction of emissions from idling vessels by reducing time spent waiting to dock \u2022 Reduction of emissions from large transportation idling vessels waiting to dock by incorporating renewable energy technology for powering their auxiliary equipment By 2030, complete climate-proofing of major ports (larger and more resilient docks meeting ISPS standards) Conditional on access to means of implementation ! ! !", "inputs": { "text": "effectively protect and sustain terrestrial and coastal ecosystems Conditional on access to means of implementation By 2030, expand the number of Protected Areas and their coordination through Protected Area Networks Conditional on access to means of implementation Resilient Transport Systems By 2030, climate-proof all major island ring roads, airport access roads, and arterial roads Conditional on access to means of implementation Adaptation Co-benefits \u2022 Resilience to flooding from sea-level rise and king tides \u2022 Maintenance of public and commercial services during weather-related emergencies Mitigation Co-benefits \u2022 Reduction of emissions from idling vessels by reducing time spent waiting to dock \u2022 Reduction of emissions from large transportation idling vessels waiting to dock by incorporating renewable energy technology for powering their auxiliary equipment By 2030, complete climate-proofing of major ports (larger and more resilient docks meeting ISPS standards) Conditional on access to means of implementation ! ! !" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a46dcc1f-58eb-409e-bb4f-8b27c971d8ea", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 1036 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "3 Domestic costs hereinafter refer to resources within the funds allocated to ministries and institutions for the relevant year.\f Contribution to mitigation 1. Long term GHG emissions target Limiting the per capita GHG emissions to maximum of 1.23 t/CO2, or 1.58 t/CO2 in 2050 to achieve the below 2\u00b0C objective, with a probability of 66% and 50% respectively. Based on the IPCC and IEA developments in the context of the below 2\u00b0C objective, the target is communicated in CO2.", "inputs": { "text": "3 Domestic costs hereinafter refer to resources within the funds allocated to ministries and institutions for the relevant year.\f Contribution to mitigation 1. Long term GHG emissions target Limiting the per capita GHG emissions to maximum of 1.23 t/CO2, or 1.58 t/CO2 in 2050 to achieve the below 2\u00b0C objective, with a probability of 66% and 50% respectively. Based on the IPCC and IEA developments in the context of the below 2\u00b0C objective, the target is communicated in CO2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a4bc8c92-5ccc-468c-bf1d-b0b21a78d2f0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This INDC document proposes 14 percent GHG emission reduction target by 2030 below BAU which represents an estimated total cumulative GHG reduction of about 35 MtCO2-eq from 2020 through 2030; this includes 1 percent unconditional target and 13 percent conditional target. This document also provides an overview of provisional adaptation and mitigation needs which require international support as specified in Lima Accord recognizing the special circumstances of LDCs.", "inputs": { "text": "This INDC document proposes 14 percent GHG emission reduction target by 2030 below BAU which represents an estimated total cumulative GHG reduction of about 35 MtCO2-eq from 2020 through 2030; this includes 1 percent unconditional target and 13 percent conditional target. This document also provides an overview of provisional adaptation and mitigation needs which require international support as specified in Lima Accord recognizing the special circumstances of LDCs." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a5022841-36be-4c63-9600-b1051b7897e6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 470 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As a result, Singapore contributes to 2.2% of global trade, but only accounts for around 0.11% of global emissions. 3) Singapore\u2019s INDC is a Stretch Goal Singapore\u2019s aim to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels, and to stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030 is a stretch goal. As one of the most globalised economies and a trading nation with no indigenous resources, Singapore is heavily dependent on the global supply chain for its food and energy security.", "inputs": { "text": "As a result, Singapore contributes to 2.2% of global trade, but only accounts for around 0.11% of global emissions. 3) Singapore\u2019s INDC is a Stretch Goal Singapore\u2019s aim to reduce its Emissions Intensity by 36% from 2005 levels, and to stabilise its emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030 is a stretch goal. As one of the most globalised economies and a trading nation with no indigenous resources, Singapore is heavily dependent on the global supply chain for its food and energy security." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a54bbebb-3b0f-4ca3-95c8-773d9f3e3c56", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 499 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The 2015 NDC aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below business-as-usual levels by 2030 with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, conditional upon international support. It also highlighted the crucial role of adaptation in ensuring the resilience of the country\u2019s communities and natural systems. The government continues to show such leadership as demonstrated through the development and subsequent submission of this revised NDC in fulfillment of its commitments under the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "The 2015 NDC aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below business-as-usual levels by 2030 with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, conditional upon international support. It also highlighted the crucial role of adaptation in ensuring the resilience of the country\u2019s communities and natural systems. The government continues to show such leadership as demonstrated through the development and subsequent submission of this revised NDC in fulfillment of its commitments under the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a57eff49-eb61-430c-b9f1-2b969b85c1ab", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 515 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Our ambition is to enable delivery of 10% SAF by 2030 and we will be supporting UK industry with a \u00a3180 million funding to support the development of SAF plants. This builds on our recently launched \u00a315 million Green Fuels, Green Skies competition. We will also establish a SAF clearing house, the first of its kind announced in Europe, to enable the UK to certify new fuels. 43. We are currently reviewing the responses to the SAF mandate consultation.", "inputs": { "text": "Our ambition is to enable delivery of 10% SAF by 2030 and we will be supporting UK industry with a \u00a3180 million funding to support the development of SAF plants. This builds on our recently launched \u00a315 million Green Fuels, Green Skies competition. We will also establish a SAF clearing house, the first of its kind announced in Europe, to enable the UK to certify new fuels. 43. We are currently reviewing the responses to the SAF mandate consultation." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a5c5e473-de0a-4dce-95af-ee78afecc8a6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 453 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, the scientific community has emphasised the importance of taking the action required to prevent any rise in global warming beyond 1.5\u00baC with respect to pre-industrial levels and the international call to overcome this challenge is increasingly intense. Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5.", "inputs": { "text": "However, the scientific community has emphasised the importance of taking the action required to prevent any rise in global warming beyond 1.5\u00baC with respect to pre-industrial levels and the international call to overcome this challenge is increasingly intense. Andorra therefore supports the implementation of the actions envisaged in the Paris Agreement entailing a reduction in domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions until carbon neutrality is achieved5." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a6695df2-2fda-42a1-b970-a670787c3867", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 458 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. This NDC and accompanying information contained in the Annex replaces the 6 March 2015 submission of the EU and its Member States contained in the UNFCCC interim NDC registry and will, as of the date of the receipt of this submission by the Secretariat, be considered to be the current NDC maintained by the EU and its Member States under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. III.", "inputs": { "text": "The EU and its Member States, acting jointly, are committed to a binding target of a net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. This NDC and accompanying information contained in the Annex replaces the 6 March 2015 submission of the EU and its Member States contained in the UNFCCC interim NDC registry and will, as of the date of the receipt of this submission by the Secretariat, be considered to be the current NDC maintained by the EU and its Member States under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. III." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a6990b99-7d80-4947-a959-a3fbd9a3f31b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 556 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Togo also relied on the following: IPCC Good Practice and Uncertainty Management Recommendations for National Inventories (GPG 2000) IPCC Good Practice Recommendations for LULUCF (GPG LULUCF) (b) Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution The quantification of the level of GHG emissions in the 2030 mitigation scenario is based on the following assumptions: In the transport category, the improvement and expansion of road infrastructure (ongoing and foreseen in the Government Roadmap 2025) and the promotion of low-emission public transport will reduce final energy intensity by 10% for motorcycles and 20% for cars and trucks.", "inputs": { "text": "Togo also relied on the following: IPCC Good Practice and Uncertainty Management Recommendations for National Inventories (GPG 2000) IPCC Good Practice Recommendations for LULUCF (GPG LULUCF) (b) Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution The quantification of the level of GHG emissions in the 2030 mitigation scenario is based on the following assumptions: In the transport category, the improvement and expansion of road infrastructure (ongoing and foreseen in the Government Roadmap 2025) and the promotion of low-emission public transport will reduce final energy intensity by 10% for motorcycles and 20% for cars and trucks." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a6997b37-4367-4da5-a397-a158437199ea", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 749 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional Scenario Conditional Scenario Total Table 5: Contribution of the Transport Sector to the Reduction of GHG Emissions Scenario (Gg CO2eq) Unconditional Scenario Conditional Scenario Total Source: SP/CNDD In the transport sector, unconditional actions and actions whose implementation requires a (conditional) funding search have GHG emission reduction potentials estimated at 1,210 Gg CO2eq and 267Gg CO2eq in 2025, respectively. The total potential for CO2 sequestration in the sector is 1,477 Gg CO2eq in 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional Scenario Conditional Scenario Total Table 5: Contribution of the Transport Sector to the Reduction of GHG Emissions Scenario (Gg CO2eq) Unconditional Scenario Conditional Scenario Total Source: SP/CNDD In the transport sector, unconditional actions and actions whose implementation requires a (conditional) funding search have GHG emission reduction potentials estimated at 1,210 Gg CO2eq and 267Gg CO2eq in 2025, respectively. The total potential for CO2 sequestration in the sector is 1,477 Gg CO2eq in 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a7081044-fb58-497d-936a-97e5b6135be8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 524 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Honduras reserves the option of using cooperative and market-based approaches, including those of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, that include the use of international transfer mitigation results to meet its NDCs. Photo: Presidency House, 2020 Departure from the BaU scenario Mitigation contribution M1 ODS contribution NDC objectives Honduras commits to a 16% reduction in emissions from the business as usual (BaU) scenario by 2030 for all sectors excluding UTCUTS.", "inputs": { "text": "Honduras reserves the option of using cooperative and market-based approaches, including those of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, that include the use of international transfer mitigation results to meet its NDCs. Photo: Presidency House, 2020 Departure from the BaU scenario Mitigation contribution M1 ODS contribution NDC objectives Honduras commits to a 16% reduction in emissions from the business as usual (BaU) scenario by 2030 for all sectors excluding UTCUTS." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a71afcce-2f94-4ef8-bc97-4d7ac571507a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 469 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "On 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis. The Climate Change Act introduced carbon budgets for the UK, which cap emissions over successive five-year periods and must be set 12 years in advance. The first six carbon budgets cover the period from 2008-37.", "inputs": { "text": "On 27 June 2019, this target was amended, committing the UK to a legally- binding target of net zero emissions by 2050, set on a whole-economy basis. The Climate Change Act introduced carbon budgets for the UK, which cap emissions over successive five-year periods and must be set 12 years in advance. The first six carbon budgets cover the period from 2008-37." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a866fe75-d731-458f-877a-ee137315ecb2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 362 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Norway hereby communicates its intended nationally determined contribution and the accompanying information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding, with reference to decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. Regarding the invitation to consider communicating undertakings in adaptation planning, Norway refers to the information contained in its recent Sixth National Communication. 2. Norway\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Norway is committed to a target of an at least 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.", "inputs": { "text": "Norway hereby communicates its intended nationally determined contribution and the accompanying information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding, with reference to decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. Regarding the invitation to consider communicating undertakings in adaptation planning, Norway refers to the information contained in its recent Sixth National Communication. 2. Norway\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Norway is committed to a target of an at least 40% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a8bc7835-017c-4f5a-83e8-92dd4577879c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 566 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; At least 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the business as usual scenario with limited international support or By 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s); Sources of information include; Zambia\u2019s Biennial Update Report and Third National Communication submitted to UNFCCC Secretariat in 2020.", "inputs": { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; At least 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the business as usual scenario with limited international support or By 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s); Sources of information include; Zambia\u2019s Biennial Update Report and Third National Communication submitted to UNFCCC Secretariat in 2020." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a8f9e1f6-ce0d-48d1-abf5-8f8ffd3be7bd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 551 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The following sectoral targets were set: Transport As of 2026, all new municipal buses purchased will be clean vehicles as defined in section 77A of the Transport Ordinance [New Version]. Limit the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030, so that the total increase in emissions will be only 3.3% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 17.6 MtCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "The following sectoral targets were set: Transport As of 2026, all new municipal buses purchased will be clean vehicles as defined in section 77A of the Transport Ordinance [New Version]. Limit the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030, so that the total increase in emissions will be only 3.3% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 17.6 MtCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "a9a53cda-dcf1-463b-9f28-077f68252d6c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 385 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: \uf0b7 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) \uf0b7\f \uf0b7 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) \uf0b7 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) \uf0b7 Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) \uf0b7 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year Period Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030. This is equal to reduction in emission intensity per unit of GDP by approximately 34% from 2013 to 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Scope All greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol: \uf0b7 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) \uf0b7\f \uf0b7 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) \uf0b7 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) \uf0b7 Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) \uf0b7 Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) Base Year Period Reduction level Georgia plans to unconditionally reduce its GHG emissions by 15% below the Business as usual scenario (BAU) for the year 2030. This is equal to reduction in emission intensity per unit of GDP by approximately 34% from 2013 to 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "aa4780b0-88b8-4199-8189-565525e3879b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 463 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "According to the developed scenarios - their peak occurs in 2030; according to the baseline scenario (BAU) in 2030 expected emissions are 20% higher than the level of emissions in 1990. Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean 18% higher emissions compared to the base year 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "According to the developed scenarios - their peak occurs in 2030; according to the baseline scenario (BAU) in 2030 expected emissions are 20% higher than the level of emissions in 1990. Emission reduction that BiH unconditionally might achieved, compared to the BAU scenario, is 2% by 2030 which would mean 18% higher emissions compared to the base year 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "aa4b50d0-948e-4c36-941b-cc154fd3e58b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 359 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can reduce its emissions by more than 50% by 2050. Reference year or period 2015. The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 1994-2010.", "inputs": { "text": "With appropriate international assistance, Solomon Islands can reduce its emissions by more than 50% by 2050. Reference year or period 2015. The BaU projection is based on an extrapolation of historic data covering the period 1994-2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ab00f3e3-e64d-45af-81ca-0fcf2b772d7a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 236 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "the ratio of abatement potential against incremental cost of measure), and stakeholders consulted, leading to a list of realistic and cost-effective measures which are to be implemented in the years to come. The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta\u2019s contribution to EU-wide goals. Carbon neutrality is also one of Malta\u2019s pillars for economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.", "inputs": { "text": "the ratio of abatement potential against incremental cost of measure), and stakeholders consulted, leading to a list of realistic and cost-effective measures which are to be implemented in the years to come. The Strategy aims to move towards climate neutrality by 2050 in line with Malta\u2019s contribution to EU-wide goals. Carbon neutrality is also one of Malta\u2019s pillars for economic growth and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ab093b38-833f-4952-bee4-12cbc10d9727", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 430 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The pathways informing the updated NDC emissions targets are supported by detailed modeling of scenarios that include the direct energy use, and the coupling of the power generation and transportation sectors. Box 2: Developing a long-term strategy Saint Lucia is planning to develop a Long-Term Strategy (LTS), and the energy modeling timeframe extending to 2050 that informs this energy-focused NDC, is aligned with the long-term pathway for this sector.", "inputs": { "text": "The pathways informing the updated NDC emissions targets are supported by detailed modeling of scenarios that include the direct energy use, and the coupling of the power generation and transportation sectors. Box 2: Developing a long-term strategy Saint Lucia is planning to develop a Long-Term Strategy (LTS), and the energy modeling timeframe extending to 2050 that informs this energy-focused NDC, is aligned with the long-term pathway for this sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ab151d2d-f9d5-46d6-9228-de6cc71a6cf1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 456 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Nevertheless, taking into consideration future intentions to develop economy-wide targets, and reporting for other gasses than CO2 in the future. Therefore, Myanmar is pleased to provide quantifiable targets for the efforts being undertaken to avoid emissions and/or promote further carbon sequestration in a number of additional sectors including fuel-efficient cookstoves, LFG cookstove substitution, rural electrification mini-grid development and energy efficiency. In summary, Myanmar\u201fs unconditional targets for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021-2030 will amount to 244,525,968 tCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "Nevertheless, taking into consideration future intentions to develop economy-wide targets, and reporting for other gasses than CO2 in the future. Therefore, Myanmar is pleased to provide quantifiable targets for the efforts being undertaken to avoid emissions and/or promote further carbon sequestration in a number of additional sectors including fuel-efficient cookstoves, LFG cookstove substitution, rural electrification mini-grid development and energy efficiency. In summary, Myanmar\u201fs unconditional targets for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021-2030 will amount to 244,525,968 tCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "aba15c40-817d-43ba-9e4d-0975d97e9bd1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 609 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport: Sierra Leone makes a commitment to develop and implement policies and strategies that limit the age of used vehicles imported into the country, promote emission testing for all heavy types of machinery and vehicles, ensure quality control for spare parts for all types of vehicles, and improve road infrastructure. The country also commits to on-road efficiency improvements, including consumer education and vehicle maintenance practices.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport: Sierra Leone makes a commitment to develop and implement policies and strategies that limit the age of used vehicles imported into the country, promote emission testing for all heavy types of machinery and vehicles, ensure quality control for spare parts for all types of vehicles, and improve road infrastructure. The country also commits to on-road efficiency improvements, including consumer education and vehicle maintenance practices." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "abb2fd06-df35-4bc6-b275-4959585563ef", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 450 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The government has shown leadership in addressing climate change issues as demonstrated through its submission of an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) in 2015, now the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) following the country\u2019s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2018. The 2015 NDC aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below business-as-usual levels by 2030 with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, conditional upon international support.", "inputs": { "text": "The government has shown leadership in addressing climate change issues as demonstrated through its submission of an Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) in 2015, now the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) following the country\u2019s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2018. The 2015 NDC aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% below business-as-usual levels by 2030 with a long-term goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, conditional upon international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ac2703c2-dbea-470f-ab9d-2362bbe41fb4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 486 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor. Develop land use and transport master plans incorporating transit-oriented land use and measures to incentivise well-located affordable housing along planned mass rapid transit lines. Adopt TOD friendly building control rules by 2025. TOD reduces motorised travel demand by 5% in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Residential trip avoidance through town planning and transport orientated development Standard growth rate of PKM of 7% to 2025 and 6% to 2050. No change in load factor. Develop land use and transport master plans incorporating transit-oriented land use and measures to incentivise well-located affordable housing along planned mass rapid transit lines. Adopt TOD friendly building control rules by 2025. TOD reduces motorised travel demand by 5% in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ac3023ad-d3d9-4f34-9ed2-99af0a07ed3e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia\u2019s Long Term Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy is under development, and will be submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26). II. Policies and measures. Australia\u2019s policies and measures, including those newly released in 2020, will enable the deployment of new and emerging low-emissions technologies to drive emission reductions and support economic growth.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia\u2019s Long Term Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy is under development, and will be submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26). II. Policies and measures. Australia\u2019s policies and measures, including those newly released in 2020, will enable the deployment of new and emerging low-emissions technologies to drive emission reductions and support economic growth." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "aca3647b-ec12-4b35-a02e-09944a5ff791", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 410 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Past attempts to introduce electric bicycles and scooters were unsuccessful due to mechanical damage to equipment from Nauru\u2019s salty corrosive environment, steep hills and stray dogs. Indicative Actions to Achieve 50% Renewable Energy Capacity. Install 6MW solar photovoltaic farm with 5MW/2.5MW battery capacity. Conduct technical assessment of non-solar sources of renewable energy such as ocean thermal energy conversion and waste-to-energy. Conduct technical assessment of low-carbon transport options. Conditional Contribution. Achieving 30% Energy Savings.", "inputs": { "text": "Past attempts to introduce electric bicycles and scooters were unsuccessful due to mechanical damage to equipment from Nauru\u2019s salty corrosive environment, steep hills and stray dogs. Indicative Actions to Achieve 50% Renewable Energy Capacity. Install 6MW solar photovoltaic farm with 5MW/2.5MW battery capacity. Conduct technical assessment of non-solar sources of renewable energy such as ocean thermal energy conversion and waste-to-energy. Conduct technical assessment of low-carbon transport options. Conditional Contribution. Achieving 30% Energy Savings." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "acf4975f-90d7-4207-a02c-70f0eb8c64d9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 562 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, realizing reducing the GHG emissions under the Paris Agreement to limit the temperatures between 1.5 - 2\u00b0C, the GoP remains committed to reduce the emissions to the maximum possible extent. The GoP has taken a series of transformative initiatives. 1 Including hydro\fPAKISTAN: UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS 2021 Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious aim of conditional and voluntary contributions of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with a 15% drop below business as usual (BAU) from the country\u2019s own resources, and an additional 35% drop below BAU subject to international \ufb01nancial support. Fg.1.1: Voluntary and Conditional Reduction of 50% below its projected BAU emissions by 2030 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS The GoP attaches High Priority to reduce future GHG emissions from the following four sectoral initiatives which are conditional to the availability of international \ufb01nancial and technical resources: MITIGATION: 1.", "inputs": { "text": "However, realizing reducing the GHG emissions under the Paris Agreement to limit the temperatures between 1.5 - 2\u00b0C, the GoP remains committed to reduce the emissions to the maximum possible extent. The GoP has taken a series of transformative initiatives. 1 Including hydro\fPAKISTAN: UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONS 2021 Hence, Pakistan intends to set a cumulative ambitious aim of conditional and voluntary contributions of overall 50% reduction of its projected emissions by 2030, with a 15% drop below business as usual (BAU) from the country\u2019s own resources, and an additional 35% drop below BAU subject to international \ufb01nancial support. Fg.1.1: Voluntary and Conditional Reduction of 50% below its projected BAU emissions by 2030 HIGH PRIORITY ACTIONS The GoP attaches High Priority to reduce future GHG emissions from the following four sectoral initiatives which are conditional to the availability of international \ufb01nancial and technical resources: MITIGATION: 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ad169faf-c10e-4027-87ed-aaaf6668fdd2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 985 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, through the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a series of seminars and workshops on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, through the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a series of seminars and workshops on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "adc350ee-495c-4585-8041-e90db57afd60", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 875 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The conditional objective (CDN+) is 3929 ktCO2 eq/year, or 17.0% above the trend scenario, or an emissions growth of 4% per year over the period 2020-2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The conditional objective (CDN+) is 3929 ktCO2 eq/year, or 17.0% above the trend scenario, or an emissions growth of 4% per year over the period 2020-2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ae015781-6a4e-4139-864e-1b539cf3dd80", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 155 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Oil and Gas o Improved enforcement of gas flaring restrictions o Development of Gas-to-Power Plants at Gas Flare Sites (micro grid) o Blending 10% by volume of Fuel-Ethanol with Gasoline (E10) and 20% by volume of Biodiesel with Petroleum Diesel (B20) for Transportation Fuels. 3. Agriculture and Land Use o Climate Smart Agriculture o Stop using charcoal o Benchmarking against international best practice for industrial energy usage o Adoption of green technology in industry o Modal shift from air to high speed rail o Moving freight to rail o Upgrading roads o Urban transit\f o Toll roads/ road pricing o Increasing use of CNG o Reform petrol/ diesel subsidies The portfolio of policies and measures by sector are described in more detail below.", "inputs": { "text": "Oil and Gas o Improved enforcement of gas flaring restrictions o Development of Gas-to-Power Plants at Gas Flare Sites (micro grid) o Blending 10% by volume of Fuel-Ethanol with Gasoline (E10) and 20% by volume of Biodiesel with Petroleum Diesel (B20) for Transportation Fuels. 3. Agriculture and Land Use o Climate Smart Agriculture o Stop using charcoal o Benchmarking against international best practice for industrial energy usage o Adoption of green technology in industry o Modal shift from air to high speed rail o Moving freight to rail o Upgrading roads o Urban transit\f o Toll roads/ road pricing o Increasing use of CNG o Reform petrol/ diesel subsidies The portfolio of policies and measures by sector are described in more detail below." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ae2b7855-fef7-4086-854e-cfb52e66c27c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 751 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Montenegro\u2019s contribution to the international effort to avoid dangerous climate change is expressed in 30 % emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year. The emission level of greenhouse gases for Montenegro from sectors covered by INDC was 5239 kilotons in 1990 and Montenegro pledges to reduce it at least by 1572 kilotons, to the level below or at 3667 kilotons.", "inputs": { "text": "Montenegro\u2019s contribution to the international effort to avoid dangerous climate change is expressed in 30 % emission reduction by 2030 compared to the 1990 base year. The emission level of greenhouse gases for Montenegro from sectors covered by INDC was 5239 kilotons in 1990 and Montenegro pledges to reduce it at least by 1572 kilotons, to the level below or at 3667 kilotons." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ae67d507-415d-4e65-81ea-529d5633bebf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824631, "metrics": { "text_length": 381 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- Unilateral Target: 10% reduction in projected emissions by 2030 - Conditional Target: 10% reduction in projected emissions to the Line Base Reference Point: IPCC base year 2000 presented in the Second National Communication Emission Projections - IPCC base year 2011: 140 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) - IPCC base year 2020: 232 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) - IPCC base year 2030: 416 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) Achievements Sectors: all sectors cited in the IPCC methodological guidelines for the compilation of greenhouse gas inventories.", "inputs": { "text": "- Unilateral Target: 10% reduction in projected emissions by 2030 - Conditional Target: 10% reduction in projected emissions to the Line Base Reference Point: IPCC base year 2000 presented in the Second National Communication Emission Projections - IPCC base year 2011: 140 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) - IPCC base year 2020: 232 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) - IPCC base year 2030: 416 Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents (revised) Achievements Sectors: all sectors cited in the IPCC methodological guidelines for the compilation of greenhouse gas inventories." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ae8ea0e5-6c1e-4b43-a441-4264ede01e96", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 588 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) The Republic of San Marino, on the basis of the decision of the Government held on 28 September 2015, commits to reduce GHG emissions to 20% below 2005 levels by 2030. In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular paragraph 14, the Republic of San Marino shall submit the following information for its INDC.", "inputs": { "text": "Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) The Republic of San Marino, on the basis of the decision of the Government held on 28 September 2015, commits to reduce GHG emissions to 20% below 2005 levels by 2030. In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular paragraph 14, the Republic of San Marino shall submit the following information for its INDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "aefb0b2e-1e56-4fe4-9f79-de437060d863", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 374 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the small-scale energy sector: 31.1. aiming for at least a 26 % reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2005: 31.1.1. to increase energy efficiency and shift to locally emission-free heating and cooling technologies, with priority given to the use of RES; 31.1.2. to transform the current building sub-sector to be energy efficient (with conditions for conversion to near-zero energy buildings) and fossil fuel independent in 2050 compared to 2020, with a 60 % reduction in annual primary energy consumption, a 100 % reduction in fossil fuel primary energy consumption and GHG emissions and a 74 % share of renovated buildings; 31.1.3. to achieve energy savings of at least 6 TWh in individual homes and public buildings by promoting the comprehensive renovation of multi-apartment buildings, individual homes and public buildings (with priority given to the renovation of housing estates); 31.1.4. to achieve that 30 % of households are", "inputs": { "text": "In the small-scale energy sector: 31.1. aiming for at least a 26 % reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2005: 31.1.1. to increase energy efficiency and shift to locally emission-free heating and cooling technologies, with priority given to the use of RES; 31.1.2. to transform the current building sub-sector to be energy efficient (with conditions for conversion to near-zero energy buildings) and fossil fuel independent in 2050 compared to 2020, with a 60 % reduction in annual primary energy consumption, a 100 % reduction in fossil fuel primary energy consumption and GHG emissions and a 74 % share of renovated buildings; 31.1.3. to achieve energy savings of at least 6 TWh in individual homes and public buildings by promoting the comprehensive renovation of multi-apartment buildings, individual homes and public buildings (with priority given to the renovation of housing estates); 31.1.4. to achieve that 30 % of households are" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "af082507-7e9a-42d1-bd84-2c4aa47a3ef1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 947 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To provide certainty to consumers, energy providers, the chargepoint industry, vehicle manufacturers and supply chains during this transition, we will introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets requiring a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. 28. We will continue to regulate the tailpipe CO2 emissions of new non-zero emission cars and vans to limit their emissions until 100% of new sales are zero emission.", "inputs": { "text": "To provide certainty to consumers, energy providers, the chargepoint industry, vehicle manufacturers and supply chains during this transition, we will introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets requiring a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. 28. We will continue to regulate the tailpipe CO2 emissions of new non-zero emission cars and vans to limit their emissions until 100% of new sales are zero emission." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "af274a50-63ad-4eab-9aeb-569aa9202fa2", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 479 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2050, between 40% and 50% of the population of capital cities will be mobilised by inclusive and alternative means of transport to work or study. 5. Promoting sustainable consumption habits a. Developing consumer information and awareness programmes on criteria for sustainability in the consumption of goods and services and their importance, as well as consumer choices in consumption habits (competitiveness, consumption of what is necessary and criteria in line with the circular economy, among others).", "inputs": { "text": "In 2050, between 40% and 50% of the population of capital cities will be mobilised by inclusive and alternative means of transport to work or study. 5. Promoting sustainable consumption habits a. Developing consumer information and awareness programmes on criteria for sustainability in the consumption of goods and services and their importance, as well as consumer choices in consumption habits (competitiveness, consumption of what is necessary and criteria in line with the circular economy, among others)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "af2f57d7-3cb6-4d3c-8927-ac612bc657d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 510 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990 (e) Information on data sources used in quantifying the reference point(s) National GHG inventories for the 1990 \u2013 2015 period Prepared by the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and presented in the Second Biennial update report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators.", "inputs": { "text": "amount of reduction; (A) economy-wide target - reduction of GHG emissions by 2030: - 13.2 % compared to 2010 - 33.3% compared to 1990 (e) Information on data sources used in quantifying the reference point(s) National GHG inventories for the 1990 \u2013 2015 period Prepared by the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and presented in the Second Biennial update report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "af46c59d-7ade-41b1-9e30-4fe63051e8db", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this context, Yemen intends to contribute to global efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions growth contingent on support by the international community. 2. Yemen Mitigation Contributions. Table (1) Overview of Mitigation Targets. Unconditional targets. A 1 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario*. Conditional targets. An additional 13 % reduction achievable under certain conditions, which would bring the total GHG reduction to 14 percent below BAU emission levels by 2030 **. Financial needs.", "inputs": { "text": "In this context, Yemen intends to contribute to global efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions growth contingent on support by the international community. 2. Yemen Mitigation Contributions. Table (1) Overview of Mitigation Targets. Unconditional targets. A 1 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to a business as usual (BAU) scenario*. Conditional targets. An additional 13 % reduction achievable under certain conditions, which would bring the total GHG reduction to 14 percent below BAU emission levels by 2030 **. Financial needs." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b0b9b0cd-5abc-4ae7-b918-4f52fd500c19", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 551 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Timor-Leste will continue to use these standards to control vehicle imports and revise them as required to suit national policies and priorities. Unconditional Transport System Master Plan A transport master plan will be developed to build sector resilience and reduce emissions derived from the transport sector. This plan will create policy entry points for promoting and supporting climate-friendly public transport options and non-motorised transport solutions where possible.", "inputs": { "text": "Timor-Leste will continue to use these standards to control vehicle imports and revise them as required to suit national policies and priorities. Unconditional Transport System Master Plan A transport master plan will be developed to build sector resilience and reduce emissions derived from the transport sector. This plan will create policy entry points for promoting and supporting climate-friendly public transport options and non-motorised transport solutions where possible." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b0df4e05-d0bb-4397-be41-a0aa558dea3b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 480 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania\u2019s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).", "inputs": { "text": "The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania\u2019s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b13d040d-29fb-48f1-afad-99d588d56408", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 552 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In total, from 2016 to 2020, more than 550 ESCO contracts were concluded, which contributed to energy savings of 35 %.\f Based on geographical, economic and social circumstances, Ukraine has committed itself to achieving the target of reducing GHG emissions of 65% by 2030, compared to 1990 (including LULUCF), reaching carbon neutrality until 2060 as foreseen in the National Economic Strategy until 2030, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 3, 2021 # 179.", "inputs": { "text": "In total, from 2016 to 2020, more than 550 ESCO contracts were concluded, which contributed to energy savings of 35 %.\f Based on geographical, economic and social circumstances, Ukraine has committed itself to achieving the target of reducing GHG emissions of 65% by 2030, compared to 1990 (including LULUCF), reaching carbon neutrality until 2060 as foreseen in the National Economic Strategy until 2030, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 3, 2021 # 179." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b2533973-c7bf-447f-926f-bb3b13b2c6eb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The State of Palestine, therefore, increases its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 17.5% by 2040 relative to the business-as-usual (BAU) levels under a scenario where the Israeli occupation continues (Status-quo Scenario), and by 26.6% by 2040 under a scenario where the Israeli occupation ends17 (Independence Scenario). In comparison, in its First NDCs (2017), Palestine committed to a 12.8% reduction (Status-quo Scenario) and 24.4% reduction (Independence Scenario) respectively.", "inputs": { "text": "The State of Palestine, therefore, increases its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 17.5% by 2040 relative to the business-as-usual (BAU) levels under a scenario where the Israeli occupation continues (Status-quo Scenario), and by 26.6% by 2040 under a scenario where the Israeli occupation ends17 (Independence Scenario). In comparison, in its First NDCs (2017), Palestine committed to a 12.8% reduction (Status-quo Scenario) and 24.4% reduction (Independence Scenario) respectively." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b260b004-31ca-40ea-b9e7-5539be00e112", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824606, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Sectoral BAU baselines for each of the key mitigation sectors have been computed. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Economy wide emissions reduction of 24.7% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. Of which, Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. d. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Instead of responding to Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, Uganda has responded to Article 4, paragraph 19 thereby developing the country\u2019s first Long Term Climate Strategy (LTS) which highlights pathways to a resilient, inclusive and low carbon economy by the year 2050. e. Information on sources of data", "inputs": { "text": "Sectoral BAU baselines for each of the key mitigation sectors have been computed. c. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Economy wide emissions reduction of 24.7% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. Of which, Uganda\u2019s unconditional efforts will result into reduction of 5.9% in 2030 below the BAU conditions. d. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Instead of responding to Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, Uganda has responded to Article 4, paragraph 19 thereby developing the country\u2019s first Long Term Climate Strategy (LTS) which highlights pathways to a resilient, inclusive and low carbon economy by the year 2050. e. Information on sources of data" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b2c9b118-949e-46cc-8a36-a8e68c528d47", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 975 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This information is submitted solely for information purposes and does by no means integrate the goal; this is information to facilitate its understanding by providing transparency and clarity. 2. Revision of the Nationally Determined Contribution of Argentina - 2016. Argentina shall not exceed a net emission of 483 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq) by the year 2030.The goal shall be achieved through several implementation means throughout the economy, focusing on energy sectors, agriculture, forests, transport, industry and waste.", "inputs": { "text": "This information is submitted solely for information purposes and does by no means integrate the goal; this is information to facilitate its understanding by providing transparency and clarity. 2. Revision of the Nationally Determined Contribution of Argentina - 2016. Argentina shall not exceed a net emission of 483 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2eq) by the year 2030.The goal shall be achieved through several implementation means throughout the economy, focusing on energy sectors, agriculture, forests, transport, industry and waste." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b3228c48-cee6-422c-a9d9-84b0d4f2c825", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 554 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Second, the country is committed to a maximum of 9,374,000 T CO2eq net emissions by 2030, with proposed emissions per capita of 1.73 net tons by 2030, 1.19 Net Tons per Capita by 2050 and -0.27 Net Tons per Capita by 2100. This numbers are consistent with the necessary global path to comply with 2\u00b0C goal. Costa Rica\u2019s commitment includes an emissions reduction of GHG of 44%, of a Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, and a reduction of 25% of emission compared to 2012 emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "Second, the country is committed to a maximum of 9,374,000 T CO2eq net emissions by 2030, with proposed emissions per capita of 1.73 net tons by 2030, 1.19 Net Tons per Capita by 2050 and -0.27 Net Tons per Capita by 2100. This numbers are consistent with the necessary global path to comply with 2\u00b0C goal. Costa Rica\u2019s commitment includes an emissions reduction of GHG of 44%, of a Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, and a reduction of 25% of emission compared to 2012 emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b36ad49f-3c99-44cc-82e9-49204ce56504", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 479 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Most noteworthy is Government Decision 171 passed on the 25th of July 2021 entitled \"Transition to a Low Carbon Economy.\u201d Unlike Israel s original NDC, this new Decision includes an unconditional absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030 of 27% relative to 2015 and an unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. Whereas our INDC submitted in 2015 projected 2030 emissions would be 81.65 MtCO2e, under this update they are projected to be 58 MtCO2e by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Most noteworthy is Government Decision 171 passed on the 25th of July 2021 entitled \"Transition to a Low Carbon Economy.\u201d Unlike Israel s original NDC, this new Decision includes an unconditional absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goal for 2030 of 27% relative to 2015 and an unconditional absolute GHG emissions reduction goal for 2050 of 85% relative to 2015. Whereas our INDC submitted in 2015 projected 2030 emissions would be 81.65 MtCO2e, under this update they are projected to be 58 MtCO2e by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b38b75c4-4625-43ef-9aec-b39fed759c61", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 521 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Fluorinated gases were not taken into account, considering that their use and associated emissions are extremely low. Sectors \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 LULUCF; \uf0b7 Waste. By 2030, the Republic of Madagascar has set up an emission reduction contribution of at least 14% of its GHG, compared to the BAU scenario, and an increase of GHG absorption of at least 32% compared to the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Fluorinated gases were not taken into account, considering that their use and associated emissions are extremely low. Sectors \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 LULUCF; \uf0b7 Waste. By 2030, the Republic of Madagascar has set up an emission reduction contribution of at least 14% of its GHG, compared to the BAU scenario, and an increase of GHG absorption of at least 32% compared to the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b3a25c7e-0613-471b-a00e-2f2a4d161029", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 391 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Implement 100 km of fully electrified passenger LRT rail by 2040. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. MGR \u2013 Meter Gauge Railway rehabilitation for freight transit Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Implement 100 km of fully electrified passenger LRT rail by 2040. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. MGR \u2013 Meter Gauge Railway rehabilitation for freight transit Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b3b3a1c1-fa60-4954-b049-ba5a384e0d66", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 473 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "National Energy Efficiencies Actions Plans (NEEAP), NSE, Action Plan of Transport sector, National Energy Strategy 2018-2030. Efficient transport system:Increasing the share of public transport for passengers and freight (roads, railways and waterways). Up to 2030, 30% of the road transport of over 300 km shall be shifted to other transport modalities, like the rail. Up to 2050 the goal to be achieved is 50%. Energy labelling of new vehicles. E1. Energy. Energy efficiency. Buildings - Residential & Tertiary.", "inputs": { "text": "National Energy Efficiencies Actions Plans (NEEAP), NSE, Action Plan of Transport sector, National Energy Strategy 2018-2030. Efficient transport system:Increasing the share of public transport for passengers and freight (roads, railways and waterways). Up to 2030, 30% of the road transport of over 300 km shall be shifted to other transport modalities, like the rail. Up to 2050 the goal to be achieved is 50%. Energy labelling of new vehicles. E1. Energy. Energy efficiency. Buildings - Residential & Tertiary." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b3df59c5-4bf4-4be2-b31e-4ca2736d3dfd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 513 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mitigation action Baseline and targets Sector GHG mitigation potential - % of BAU scenario Finance costs (USD) Conditionality population by Electric Vehicles Vehicles - replacing gasoline Transport USD Conditional Fuel switching Hydrogen replacing diesel Transport USD Conditional Light-duty vehicles (LDV) Reducing fuel use by 20% Transport USD Unconditional Replace clinker clinker in cement production Industry USD Unconditional Split residential air conditioners Switch to R290 (propane) RAC USD Conditional Car air conditioning Safe disposal of old car ACs RAC USD Conditional Domestic refrigeration Switch to (isobutane) and safe disposal of old refrigerators RAC USD Conditional Commercial refrigeration (Stand-alone equipment) Switch to R290 (propane) and and safe disposal of old equipment RAC USD Conditional Commercial refrigeration (Condensing units) Switch to R290 (propane) and and safe disposal of old equipment RAC USD Conditional Reduce deforestation reduce deforestation rate by 75 % Forestry USD Conditional Reforestation Reforest of 20,000 ha per year Forestry USD", "inputs": { "text": "Mitigation action Baseline and targets Sector GHG mitigation potential - % of BAU scenario Finance costs (USD) Conditionality population by Electric Vehicles Vehicles - replacing gasoline Transport USD Conditional Fuel switching Hydrogen replacing diesel Transport USD Conditional Light-duty vehicles (LDV) Reducing fuel use by 20% Transport USD Unconditional Replace clinker clinker in cement production Industry USD Unconditional Split residential air conditioners Switch to R290 (propane) RAC USD Conditional Car air conditioning Safe disposal of old car ACs RAC USD Conditional Domestic refrigeration Switch to (isobutane) and safe disposal of old refrigerators RAC USD Conditional Commercial refrigeration (Stand-alone equipment) Switch to R290 (propane) and and safe disposal of old equipment RAC USD Conditional Commercial refrigeration (Condensing units) Switch to R290 (propane) and and safe disposal of old equipment RAC USD Conditional Reduce deforestation reduce deforestation rate by 75 % Forestry USD Conditional Reforestation Reforest of 20,000 ha per year Forestry USD" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b47700f0-b2c8-4e62-b0d9-f183b759eafb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 1084 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Development of an energy-efficiency program in the tourism sector the Tourism Sector including 300,000 low-energy light bulbs, 300,000 m2 of solar water heaters and the implementation of the Code for Thermal Regulation for Housing in Morocco. 86. 1.229. 9. Low-Carbon City. Creation of a model, low-carbon city centered on energy efficiency actions, transport and waste management. 165. 1.232. 10. Private Wind Farms. Implementation of privately operated wind farms. 195. 1.255. 11. Industrial Energy Efficiency. Implementation of energy-efficiency actions in industrial firms. 200. 0.965. 12.", "inputs": { "text": "Development of an energy-efficiency program in the tourism sector the Tourism Sector including 300,000 low-energy light bulbs, 300,000 m2 of solar water heaters and the implementation of the Code for Thermal Regulation for Housing in Morocco. 86. 1.229. 9. Low-Carbon City. Creation of a model, low-carbon city centered on energy efficiency actions, transport and waste management. 165. 1.232. 10. Private Wind Farms. Implementation of privately operated wind farms. 195. 1.255. 11. Industrial Energy Efficiency. Implementation of energy-efficiency actions in industrial firms. 200. 0.965. 12." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b58810eb-6543-4ba4-9995-b5caab270285", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 593 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting,\f Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition.", "inputs": { "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting,\f Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b59e60a5-f500-4fc7-89a0-0416e4425a4d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Total Net Emissions for Fiji under the four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO2e). \u201cAs the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy\u201d\fFIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 7 6 Each of the emission reduction scenarios detailed for each sector in this LEDS is underpinned by a range of key policies and actions that must be undertaken in each sector to achieve the emission reductions.", "inputs": { "text": "Total Net Emissions for Fiji under the four LEDS scenarios (all values in metric tonnes CO2e). \u201cAs the central goal of this LEDS, Fiji aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 across all sectors of its economy\u201d\fFIJI LOW EMISSION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2018-2050 I 7 6 Each of the emission reduction scenarios detailed for each sector in this LEDS is underpinned by a range of key policies and actions that must be undertaken in each sector to achieve the emission reductions." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b5cb37e5-e572-4cfd-81f4-8f2ae1b0e340", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 482 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Single year target, 2030. 3. Scope and coverage: a). General description of the target; Liberia commits to reducing its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030 through a combination of the following: unconditional reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,186.83 Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% conditional upon international support, which would result in absolute emissions level of 4,536.64Gg CO2e in 2030. b) Sectors, gases, categories, and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on The Liberia\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide goal to reduce emissions relative to the BAU baseline.", "inputs": { "text": "Single year target, 2030. 3. Scope and coverage: a). General description of the target; Liberia commits to reducing its economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 64% below the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030 through a combination of the following: unconditional reductions of 10% below BAU, resulting in an absolute emissions level of 11,186.83 Gg CO2e in 2030; with an additional 54% conditional upon international support, which would result in absolute emissions level of 4,536.64Gg CO2e in 2030. b) Sectors, gases, categories, and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on The Liberia\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide goal to reduce emissions relative to the BAU baseline." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b68985a0-237f-4441-b527-c571bb2d7e03", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 768 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "If maximum possible removals from the LULUCF sector are taken into account, a maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990 could be envisaged, which would still not be sufficient to meet the objective of achieving climate neutrality. By 2050 there would still be at least 14 MtCO2eq. without counting removals in LULUCF (Figure 2) and after counting removals, it would be at least 7 MtCO2eq.", "inputs": { "text": "If maximum possible removals from the LULUCF sector are taken into account, a maximum of 90% emission reductions compared to 1990 could be envisaged, which would still not be sufficient to meet the objective of achieving climate neutrality. By 2050 there would still be at least 14 MtCO2eq. without counting removals in LULUCF (Figure 2) and after counting removals, it would be at least 7 MtCO2eq." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b6bd3103-5c4a-4003-ad90-a7cf0e897a5e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 398 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Moreover, China has decided to accept the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and tighten regulations over non-carbon dioxide emissions. China\u2019s national carbon market will start trading. On September 21, 2021, at the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Xi Jinping stated that China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This requires tremendous hard work, and China will make every effort to meet these goals.", "inputs": { "text": "Moreover, China has decided to accept the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and tighten regulations over non-carbon dioxide emissions. China\u2019s national carbon market will start trading. On September 21, 2021, at the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Xi Jinping stated that China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This requires tremendous hard work, and China will make every effort to meet these goals." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b75137bd-413c-483d-9673-56f8b28215b5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 527 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Contributions+ Conditional By 2030, increase access to electricity to 100% nationwide Conditional By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation Conditional By 2030, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels Climate+Change+Co-benefits+ Mitigation Adaptation \u2022 Carbon dioxide emissions reductions \u2022 Reduced demand for and use of diesel fuel \u2022 Reductions of non-CO2 diesel emissions, e.g., black carbon, methane (see SLCP section) \u2022 Distributed renewable energy increases the resilience of the energy system to sea-level rise and extreme weather events \u2022 Domestically produced renewable energy is less vulnerable than imported fossil fuels to climate change-induced disruption of global supply chains Means+of+Implementation+Requirements+ The\" FSM\" National\" Energy\" Master\" Plans\" estimate\" an\" approximate\" cost\" of\" USD\" 296\" million\" to\" budget\"to\"provide\"additional\"capacity\"building\"and\"technical\"assistance\u2014e.g.", "inputs": { "text": "Contributions+ Conditional By 2030, increase access to electricity to 100% nationwide Conditional By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation Conditional By 2030, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels Climate+Change+Co-benefits+ Mitigation Adaptation \u2022 Carbon dioxide emissions reductions \u2022 Reduced demand for and use of diesel fuel \u2022 Reductions of non-CO2 diesel emissions, e.g., black carbon, methane (see SLCP section) \u2022 Distributed renewable energy increases the resilience of the energy system to sea-level rise and extreme weather events \u2022 Domestically produced renewable energy is less vulnerable than imported fossil fuels to climate change-induced disruption of global supply chains Means+of+Implementation+Requirements+ The\" FSM\" National\" Energy\" Master\" Plans\" estimate\" an\" approximate\" cost\" of\" USD\" 296\" million\" to\" budget\"to\"provide\"additional\"capacity\"building\"and\"technical\"assistance\u2014e.g." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b7ba3897-1d42-4604-b9a1-3aa690debe95", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 1022 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, technological replacement and energy efficiency measures in the passenger, freight and industrial transport sectors will reduce black carbon emissions by 20% compared to 2018 emissions.Black carbon Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Fair transition Fair transition Fair transition Convention on Biological Diversity EQUAL INDIAN COMMUNITIES AFRO Nationally Determined Contribution Nationally Determined Contribution Costa Rica is committed to transforming its infrastructure system into a resilient, sustainable one with high efficiency standards and low emission processes, incorporating solutions based on nature and favouring the circular economy.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, technological replacement and energy efficiency measures in the passenger, freight and industrial transport sectors will reduce black carbon emissions by 20% compared to 2018 emissions.Black carbon Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Fair transition Fair transition Fair transition Convention on Biological Diversity EQUAL INDIAN COMMUNITIES AFRO Nationally Determined Contribution Nationally Determined Contribution Costa Rica is committed to transforming its infrastructure system into a resilient, sustainable one with high efficiency standards and low emission processes, incorporating solutions based on nature and favouring the circular economy." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b8019934-208d-43f1-9dbe-909883615adc", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 658 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The estimated cost of meeting this objective is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international financing including through the Green Climate Fund. In this regard, Trinidad and Tobago will commit to unconditionally reduce its public transportation emissions by 30% or one million, seven hundred thousand tonnes (1,700,000) CO2e compared to 2013 levels by December 31, 2030. \f Trinidad and Tobago s National Circumstances Trinidad and Tobago is the most industrialized economy in the English-speaking Caribbean.", "inputs": { "text": "The estimated cost of meeting this objective is USD 2 billion, which is expected to be met partly through domestic funding and conditional on international financing including through the Green Climate Fund. In this regard, Trinidad and Tobago will commit to unconditionally reduce its public transportation emissions by 30% or one million, seven hundred thousand tonnes (1,700,000) CO2e compared to 2013 levels by December 31, 2030. \f Trinidad and Tobago s National Circumstances Trinidad and Tobago is the most industrialized economy in the English-speaking Caribbean." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b8054f9b-77b8-44d9-aab3-6dbd3989a555", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 575 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We will plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, with indicative targets from 2030 and net zero as early as is feasible. We will establish, after public consultation in 2022, an ambitious \u2018Course to Zero\u2019. Following consultation, we will establish ambitious indicative targets and embed this course in our Clean Maritime Plan. 35. We will consult on a potential phase-out date for the sale of new non-zero emission domestic vessels.", "inputs": { "text": "We will plot a course to net zero for the UK domestic maritime sector, with indicative targets from 2030 and net zero as early as is feasible. We will establish, after public consultation in 2022, an ambitious \u2018Course to Zero\u2019. Following consultation, we will establish ambitious indicative targets and embed this course in our Clean Maritime Plan. 35. We will consult on a potential phase-out date for the sale of new non-zero emission domestic vessels." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b86f4590-1b5f-4672-9d9d-b8564378d752", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 454 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Japan\u2019s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. By the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures in 204th session of the Diet (Act No.", "inputs": { "text": "Japan\u2019s Long-term Vision Japan aims to reduce GHGs to net-zero, that is, to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, based on the idea that addressing climate change is no longer a constraint on economic growth and that proactive climate change measures bring transformation of industrial structures as well as its economy and society, leading to dynamic economic growth. By the Act Partially Amending the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures in 204th session of the Diet (Act No." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "b932bb64-e9d3-44bb-b1cb-47e274f1023c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 489 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Ahead of COP26, the UK intends to publish a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy, setting out the government\u2019s vision for transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050, making the most of new growth and employment opportunities across the UK. The Net Zero Strategy will constitute the UK\u2019s revised Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy to the UNFCCC.", "inputs": { "text": "Ahead of COP26, the UK intends to publish a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy, setting out the government\u2019s vision for transitioning to a net zero economy by 2050, making the most of new growth and employment opportunities across the UK. The Net Zero Strategy will constitute the UK\u2019s revised Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy to the UNFCCC." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ba00d473-fabc-4d1c-aaa5-2dc323514c9d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 349 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "50,000 energy efficient cook stoves will reduce the use of non-renewable biomass for combustion, then a new target in the transport sector is introduced to replace M4 target in the 2015 NDC, which has not been implemented, namely the construction and operation of a new bus rapid transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component, as well as the construction and operation of a Lao-China railway, which will displace the use of internal combustion engine private vehicles. The unconditional targets for energy efficiency and the transport sector have been defined considering that financing for the projects is already secured.", "inputs": { "text": "50,000 energy efficient cook stoves will reduce the use of non-renewable biomass for combustion, then a new target in the transport sector is introduced to replace M4 target in the 2015 NDC, which has not been implemented, namely the construction and operation of a new bus rapid transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component, as well as the construction and operation of a Lao-China railway, which will displace the use of internal combustion engine private vehicles. The unconditional targets for energy efficiency and the transport sector have been defined considering that financing for the projects is already secured." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ba2cddfe-93c7-4930-beb7-55c41c0fa18d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824692, "metrics": { "text_length": 668 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Burkina Faso, as part of its new ambitions, has considered an unconditional and a conditional scenario. The country commits, in relation to its mitigation actions, to reduce its GHG emissions by 31682.3 Gg CO2eq by 2030, or 29.42% compared to the Business As Usual scenario. This commitment is 21074.94 Gg CO2eq for the unconditional scenario, or 19.60%, and 10557.91 Gg CO2eq for the conditional scenario, or 9.82%.", "inputs": { "text": "Burkina Faso, as part of its new ambitions, has considered an unconditional and a conditional scenario. The country commits, in relation to its mitigation actions, to reduce its GHG emissions by 31682.3 Gg CO2eq by 2030, or 29.42% compared to the Business As Usual scenario. This commitment is 21074.94 Gg CO2eq for the unconditional scenario, or 19.60%, and 10557.91 Gg CO2eq for the conditional scenario, or 9.82%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ba5e9121-7405-4270-8687-6f73571973a6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 416 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030. Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 12.67 - 15.69% below BAU in 2050. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050. 4.", "inputs": { "text": "Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 29.00 - 30.89% below BAU in 2030. Kyrgyz Republic will reduce GHG emissions in the range of 12.67 - 15.69% below BAU in 2050. Additionally, under the international support Kyrgyz Republic could implement the mitigation measures to achieve total reduction in the range of 35.06 - 36.75% below BAU in 2050. 4." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bb2bc046-689b-4992-98f9-08a37a194e6a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 453 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of removals and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. The first nationally determined contribution of the Russian Federation is consistent and calls to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to 70 percent compared to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other\f ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced socio- economic development of the Russian Federation.", "inputs": { "text": "This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of removals and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. The first nationally determined contribution of the Russian Federation is consistent and calls to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to 70 percent compared to the 1990 level, taking into account the maximum possible absorptive capacity of forests and other\f ecosystems and subject to sustainable and balanced socio- economic development of the Russian Federation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bb90f73c-c5d5-47ba-bd5e-decfbbc9c95e", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 597 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Equatorial Guinea's ambition in its updated CDN has increased and it aims to reduce emissions by 35% by 2030, with the goal of achieving 50% by 2050, with a total reduction of 379.291.54 Gg CO2eq, with reference to 2019 (446.215.38 Gg CO2eq).", "inputs": { "text": "Equatorial Guinea's ambition in its updated CDN has increased and it aims to reduce emissions by 35% by 2030, with the goal of achieving 50% by 2050, with a total reduction of 379.291.54 Gg CO2eq, with reference to 2019 (446.215.38 Gg CO2eq)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bbb77859-896b-4ea3-ba53-f67797eed88b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 242 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, it is important to stress that the transition to electric mobility will increase demand for electricity generation and thus increase emissions in this category. For its part, the partial substitution of petrol through the use of 10% advanced ethanol at national level will be promoted. As regards the electricity generation category, the country is committed to implementing the Clean Energy for Electricity Generation Priority (ENE-1) measure.", "inputs": { "text": "However, it is important to stress that the transition to electric mobility will increase demand for electricity generation and thus increase emissions in this category. For its part, the partial substitution of petrol through the use of 10% advanced ethanol at national level will be promoted. As regards the electricity generation category, the country is committed to implementing the Clean Energy for Electricity Generation Priority (ENE-1) measure." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bc04a8d3-d3bf-4e64-88c7-1e8d96c11900", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 453 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Zero emissions as promoted by \u201cWell-to-Wheel\u201d base is ultimately the path the world should take, 21 Hybrid vehicle: 33.2%, Plug-in hybrid vehicle: 0.5%, Electric vehicle: 0.5%, Fuel cell\f - 43 - including Japan. As such, in a long-term goal by 2050, Japanese cars supplied worldwide will achieve the world s highest level of environmental performance; specifically, GHG emissions will be reduced by approximately 80% per vehicle compared to 2010. Furthermore, as the ultimate goal, with innovations in how vehicles are used (autonomous drive, connected, etc.)", "inputs": { "text": "Zero emissions as promoted by \u201cWell-to-Wheel\u201d base is ultimately the path the world should take, 21 Hybrid vehicle: 33.2%, Plug-in hybrid vehicle: 0.5%, Electric vehicle: 0.5%, Fuel cell\f - 43 - including Japan. As such, in a long-term goal by 2050, Japanese cars supplied worldwide will achieve the world s highest level of environmental performance; specifically, GHG emissions will be reduced by approximately 80% per vehicle compared to 2010. Furthermore, as the ultimate goal, with innovations in how vehicles are used (autonomous drive, connected, etc.)" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bced24c7-2770-4c73-a5a0-aaa4e67715aa", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 561 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "BAU emissions from the first NDC for 2025 is 758 GgCO2e. and for 2030 is 816 GgCO2e. c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information This is not applicable to Saint Lucia. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction 7% (7.2%) GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030, equivalent to 37 GgCO2 eq. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The sources of data used in quantifying the reference points are the following: \u25cf Saint Lucia\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015 \u25cf Saint Lucia\u2019s Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017", "inputs": { "text": "BAU emissions from the first NDC for 2025 is 758 GgCO2e. and for 2030 is 816 GgCO2e. c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information This is not applicable to Saint Lucia. d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction 7% (7.2%) GHG emissions reduction in the energy sector relative to 2010, by 2030, equivalent to 37 GgCO2 eq. e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The sources of data used in quantifying the reference points are the following: \u25cf Saint Lucia\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015 \u25cf Saint Lucia\u2019s Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bcf32444-dcde-4d04-9c39-61207740224e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 965 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Grenada anticipates implementing the NDC through access to multilateral and bilateral support including through the Green Climate Fund, multilateral agencies, and bilateral arrangements with development partners. These funds will be used to leverage the limited national resources and technical capacities that are available for combatting climate change. The inclusion of F-gases and gender and youth considerations represent an expansion in scope relative to the first NDC. Grenada will also develop a long-term low emissions development strategy.", "inputs": { "text": "Grenada anticipates implementing the NDC through access to multilateral and bilateral support including through the Green Climate Fund, multilateral agencies, and bilateral arrangements with development partners. These funds will be used to leverage the limited national resources and technical capacities that are available for combatting climate change. The inclusion of F-gases and gender and youth considerations represent an expansion in scope relative to the first NDC. Grenada will also develop a long-term low emissions development strategy." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bf3b5df6-b727-4950-81bb-cf3855394197", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 550 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emissions for the reference year \ufffd Emission 116,285.49 kt eq-CO2 \ufffd Sequestration 330,000 kt eq-CO2 Type of contribution Contributions focussed on sustainable, low-carbon development using an approach combining conditional and unconditional activities: \u201cAction-Results\u201d. Level of contribution Reduce emissions by 5% compared to the BaU reference level (i.e. 5,498.3 kt eq-CO2 of avoided emissions) at the 2030 horizon and 25% (i.e. 33,076.1 kt eq-CO2) at the 2050 horizon, within the framework of conditional implementation Adaptation Objectives: Agriculture1 and food security, health, basic infrastructure and sustainable management of natural resources, with the aim of maintaining an annual rate of growth of agricultural activities of 6% and stabilisation of the rate of food insecurity at 15%.", "inputs": { "text": "Emissions for the reference year \ufffd Emission 116,285.49 kt eq-CO2 \ufffd Sequestration 330,000 kt eq-CO2 Type of contribution Contributions focussed on sustainable, low-carbon development using an approach combining conditional and unconditional activities: \u201cAction-Results\u201d. Level of contribution Reduce emissions by 5% compared to the BaU reference level (i.e. 5,498.3 kt eq-CO2 of avoided emissions) at the 2030 horizon and 25% (i.e. 33,076.1 kt eq-CO2) at the 2050 horizon, within the framework of conditional implementation Adaptation Objectives: Agriculture1 and food security, health, basic infrastructure and sustainable management of natural resources, with the aim of maintaining an annual rate of growth of agricultural activities of 6% and stabilisation of the rate of food insecurity at 15%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "bfe126c5-ee21-434b-ae1b-33f0ac4b2545", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824686, "metrics": { "text_length": 800 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The target year is 2030. 3. Perimeter and Coverage a. Overall description of the mitigation target. 6032 ktCO2e reduction by 2030 on a conditional basis, representing a net reduction of 32% from the baseline scenario. This represents an increase from the initial 31% NCD.", "inputs": { "text": "The target year is 2030. 3. Perimeter and Coverage a. Overall description of the mitigation target. 6032 ktCO2e reduction by 2030 on a conditional basis, representing a net reduction of 32% from the baseline scenario. This represents an increase from the initial 31% NCD." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c03151b6-a0eb-4c97-aa7d-3731fb7bb7df", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 271 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the updated NDC, Nigeria recommits to its unconditional contribution of 20% below business- as-usual by 2030 and increases its conditional contribution from 45% to 47% below business-as- usual by 2030, provided that sufficient international support is forthcoming. In addition to the existing sectors of the 2015 NDC, Nigeria in scaling up her ambitious targets, included the waste and water resources sectors and articulates other nature-based solutions not included in the 2015 NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "In the updated NDC, Nigeria recommits to its unconditional contribution of 20% below business- as-usual by 2030 and increases its conditional contribution from 45% to 47% below business-as- usual by 2030, provided that sufficient international support is forthcoming. In addition to the existing sectors of the 2015 NDC, Nigeria in scaling up her ambitious targets, included the waste and water resources sectors and articulates other nature-based solutions not included in the 2015 NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c0a28821-d4a0-4716-8a2f-e052ae28139a", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 487 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Grenada commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% of the 2010 emissions levels by 2030. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The sources of data used in quantifying the reference points are as follows: - Grenada\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015. - Grenada\u2019s 2nd National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017.", "inputs": { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction Grenada commits to reducing its GHG emissions by 40% of the 2010 emissions levels by 2030. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The sources of data used in quantifying the reference points are as follows: - Grenada\u2019s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, 2015. - Grenada\u2019s 2nd National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c16039df-9afe-4d67-a70b-b5e06c8510b7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 545 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Slovakia\u2019s contribution is 19.2% (which represents the de facto renewable energy target for Slovakia for 2030). This already includes the 14% RES target in the transport. An indicative trajectory is described in Table 2. More detailed information on RES (to determine the contribution, the estimated installed capacity of RES installations, the estimated amount of energy generated from renewable energy sources, as well as heat and cold production) is published in Chapter 2.1.2. (Energy from RES) in the NECP.", "inputs": { "text": "Slovakia\u2019s contribution is 19.2% (which represents the de facto renewable energy target for Slovakia for 2030). This already includes the 14% RES target in the transport. An indicative trajectory is described in Table 2. More detailed information on RES (to determine the contribution, the estimated installed capacity of RES installations, the estimated amount of energy generated from renewable energy sources, as well as heat and cold production) is published in Chapter 2.1.2. (Energy from RES) in the NECP." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c1776c13-ead4-48f0-8d12-3c38bbb73c4d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824676, "metrics": { "text_length": 511 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c1955685-14f0-425e-811d-60bb7a94e8a9", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 460 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "However, it is important to stress that the transition to electric mobility will increase demand for electricity generation and consequently increase emissions in this category. For its part, the partial replacement of petrol by the use of 10% advanced ethanol at national level will be promoted. As regards the electricity generation category, the country is committed to implementing the Clean Energy for Electricity Generation (ENE-1) priority measure.", "inputs": { "text": "However, it is important to stress that the transition to electric mobility will increase demand for electricity generation and consequently increase emissions in this category. For its part, the partial replacement of petrol by the use of 10% advanced ethanol at national level will be promoted. As regards the electricity generation category, the country is committed to implementing the Clean Energy for Electricity Generation (ENE-1) priority measure." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c1a9e898-8971-4560-a0a0-831c841ff145", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 455 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Air quality constitutes a nation- al priority for environmental management. Thus, various actions will be implemented, including: new atmospheric decontamina- tion plans; regulations applied to the public and private transport system; work with communities to improve household energy ef- ficiency; and setting emission and quality standards for the main industrial pollutant issuers, among others. En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation N\u00ba2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels.", "inputs": { "text": "Air quality constitutes a nation- al priority for environmental management. Thus, various actions will be implemented, including: new atmospheric decontamina- tion plans; regulations applied to the public and private transport system; work with communities to improve household energy ef- ficiency; and setting emission and quality standards for the main industrial pollutant issuers, among others. En este contexto, Chile se compromete a: Contribution to Mitigation N\u00ba2 (M2) M2) Reduce total black carbon emissions by at least 25% by 2030, with respect to 2016 levels." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c24ab5bb-db56-4c4d-9db3-cc63dca692c3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 569 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "1.4. In 2030, at least 8% of the country's public transport fleet will have zero emissions. Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition 1.6.", "inputs": { "text": "1.4. In 2030, at least 8% of the country's public transport fleet will have zero emissions. Carbon black Carbon black Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Impact on well-being CONTRIBUTION Nationally Determined Contribution of Costa Rica 2020 Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition Carbon black Fair Transition 1.6." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c2abcfc1-eeb6-4983-969e-e5b30c0a4824", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 352 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.). b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target.", "inputs": { "text": "National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.). b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c2f55b36-d913-4e48-8e31-bc94124a54f1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 474 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 3: National level 2030 unconditional mitigation target National level 2030 unconditional target 60% GHG emission reductions compared to baseline scenario, or around 62,000 ktCO2e in absolute terms. The 60% GHG emission reductions national level 2030 target demonstrates the enhanced contribution of the country to the Paris Agreement, considering the 34% GHG emission reductions compared to the baseline scenario achieved in 2020. 2.6.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 3: National level 2030 unconditional mitigation target National level 2030 unconditional target 60% GHG emission reductions compared to baseline scenario, or around 62,000 ktCO2e in absolute terms. The 60% GHG emission reductions national level 2030 target demonstrates the enhanced contribution of the country to the Paris Agreement, considering the 34% GHG emission reductions compared to the baseline scenario achieved in 2020. 2.6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c39ab9de-6ca3-4364-a515-82838320da0b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 443 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Pak-INDC Statement Having considered the existing potential for mitigation in the country, Pakistan intends to reduce up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions subject to availability of international grants to meet the total abatement cost for the indicated 20 percent reduction amounting to about US$ 40 billion at current prices. Pakistan\u2019s adaptation needs range between U$ 7 to U$ 14 billion/annum during this period.", "inputs": { "text": "Pak-INDC Statement Having considered the existing potential for mitigation in the country, Pakistan intends to reduce up to 20% of its 2030 projected GHG emissions subject to availability of international grants to meet the total abatement cost for the indicated 20 percent reduction amounting to about US$ 40 billion at current prices. Pakistan\u2019s adaptation needs range between U$ 7 to U$ 14 billion/annum during this period." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c3d32376-0a1f-4609-a2e9-8cccacf2e361", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 427 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "exclusive of the LULUCF sector, and 117.2 million tonnes of CO2-eq. inclusive of the LULUCF sector. The type of commitment is the absolute reduction of greenhouse gas emissions until 2030 as compared to the base year emissions, inclusive of the LULUCF sector. The unconditional target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent. The conditional target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent.", "inputs": { "text": "exclusive of the LULUCF sector, and 117.2 million tonnes of CO2-eq. inclusive of the LULUCF sector. The type of commitment is the absolute reduction of greenhouse gas emissions until 2030 as compared to the base year emissions, inclusive of the LULUCF sector. The unconditional target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent. The conditional target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c4680d8a-cf41-4d29-92f0-83c621ce2bf9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 433 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Back in 2010 \u2013 well before the Paris Conference \u2013 the German government decided to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 to 95 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050. It has reaffirmed this long- term target and in pursuing it will make an appropri- ate contribution to implementing the commitment made in Paris, also with a view to the goal set out in the Paris Agreement of achieving global greenhouse gas neutrality in the second half of the century.", "inputs": { "text": "Back in 2010 \u2013 well before the Paris Conference \u2013 the German government decided to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 to 95 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050. It has reaffirmed this long- term target and in pursuing it will make an appropri- ate contribution to implementing the commitment made in Paris, also with a view to the goal set out in the Paris Agreement of achieving global greenhouse gas neutrality in the second half of the century." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c47a7621-51db-4869-b2e5-f69b62cfc56f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 462 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations, Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations, \u2022 Importation of one hundred and fifty (150) CNG Buses \u2022 Import of one thousand (1000) kits and respective conversion Cylinders for Natural Gas.", "inputs": { "text": "Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations, Massification of Natural Gas Use: o Construction of ten (10) Compressed Natural Gas Supply Stations, \u2022 Importation of one hundred and fifty (150) CNG Buses \u2022 Import of one thousand (1000) kits and respective conversion Cylinders for Natural Gas." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c4da3bbc-ec53-4331-8e8f-1660df295bba", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 346 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To reduce the remaining 2.88 % of the emissions covered by the unconditional 11.2 % target, MARN, as the lead agency on the subject, is committed to continuing to promote national efforts and will continue to work in close coordination with sectoral actors to strengthen national capacities to implement other measures identified in the National Strategy for Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions and to achieve the proposed target by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "To reduce the remaining 2.88 % of the emissions covered by the unconditional 11.2 % target, MARN, as the lead agency on the subject, is committed to continuing to promote national efforts and will continue to work in close coordination with sectoral actors to strengthen national capacities to implement other measures identified in the National Strategy for Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions and to achieve the proposed target by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c556e4fe-3d4f-4150-b29c-9fc70032090a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 431 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. \u2022 Support decarbonisation by investing more than \u00a312 billion in local transport systems over the current Parliament. \u2022 Invest \u00a32 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Increase the share of journeys taken by public transport, cycling and walking. \u2022 Support decarbonisation by investing more than \u00a312 billion in local transport systems over the current Parliament. \u2022 Invest \u00a32 billion in cycling and walking, building first hundreds, then thousands of miles of segregated cycle lane and more low-traffic neighbourhoods with the aim that half of all journeys in towns and cities will be cycled or walked by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c56f004e-510b-462d-a326-0f46e2cceef0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 444 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Subsequent indicative contribution: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. Type: absolute target in relation to a base year. Coverage: 100% of the territory, economy-wide, including CO2, CH4, N2O, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and SF6. Reference point: 2005. Timeframe: single-year target for 2025; indicative values for 2030 for reference purposes only. Metric: 100 year Global Warming Potential (GWP-100), using IPCC AR5 values.", "inputs": { "text": "Subsequent indicative contribution: reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. Type: absolute target in relation to a base year. Coverage: 100% of the territory, economy-wide, including CO2, CH4, N2O, perfluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons and SF6. Reference point: 2005. Timeframe: single-year target for 2025; indicative values for 2030 for reference purposes only. Metric: 100 year Global Warming Potential (GWP-100), using IPCC AR5 values." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c57daa5b-ea9c-40e1-b467-313b5fc1dac1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 469 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This LT-LEDS aligns with this aim as well as with the aims of Tonga\u2019s Second NDC which states a target of reducing GHG emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels by 13 percent (16 Gg) by 2030, compared to 2006. The NDC specifies a Transport sector measure of 2 percent efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles to contribute to the NDC emission reduction target.", "inputs": { "text": "This LT-LEDS aligns with this aim as well as with the aims of Tonga\u2019s Second NDC which states a target of reducing GHG emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels by 13 percent (16 Gg) by 2030, compared to 2006. The NDC specifies a Transport sector measure of 2 percent efficiency gain per year for newly purchased light duty vehicles to contribute to the NDC emission reduction target." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c6e1bf33-6d9d-480e-9d18-fc10b2193531", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 388 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": ", heat-related illness, infectious diseases, malnutrition, natural disasters, mental health, forced migration, chronic disease) by 2025 \u2022 Mobilize and sustain financial resources for national level engagement of the health sector that ensures project implementation by TRANSPORT Adaptation Targets In the Transport sector, Liberia commits to the following adaptation targets: \u2022 Support the implementation of infrastructure that foster the development of a bus public transport network for Monrovia o Ensure low-income population to reach jobs, education and healthcare services, improving their access to economic and social opportunities.", "inputs": { "text": ", heat-related illness, infectious diseases, malnutrition, natural disasters, mental health, forced migration, chronic disease) by 2025 \u2022 Mobilize and sustain financial resources for national level engagement of the health sector that ensures project implementation by TRANSPORT Adaptation Targets In the Transport sector, Liberia commits to the following adaptation targets: \u2022 Support the implementation of infrastructure that foster the development of a bus public transport network for Monrovia o Ensure low-income population to reach jobs, education and healthcare services, improving their access to economic and social opportunities." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c75dc85a-f9d5-4438-a22d-ed0eb4e7abb3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 640 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040.\f Indicative cost (USD) Indicative funding gap (USD) The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040. Waste Reduce the volume of leachate by 50% by 2030 from suitable landfill sites. Reduce the amount of waste for final disposal in landfill sites by 30% by 2030 and by 50% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040.\f Indicative cost (USD) Indicative funding gap (USD) The overall number of vehicles is reduced by 20% by 2030, and 40% by 2040. Waste Reduce the volume of leachate by 50% by 2030 from suitable landfill sites. Reduce the amount of waste for final disposal in landfill sites by 30% by 2030 and by 50% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c768fa16-86f1-4207-843f-a0a157bc96c5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 407 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e below BAU in 2030, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National inventory GHG emissions from the 1st BUR draft and the 4th National Communication were used to estimate the starting point (2016) and to projected emissions up to 2030. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators.", "inputs": { "text": "The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e below BAU in 2030, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s). National inventory GHG emissions from the 1st BUR draft and the 4th National Communication were used to estimate the starting point (2016) and to projected emissions up to 2030. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c781536f-d5a8-4863-98eb-7907c5991938", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Our direct action policy, including the Emissions Reduction Fund, is supporting businesses and the community to reduce emissions, while improving productivity and sustaining economic growth. Australia will continue to play our part in an effective global response to climate change. Under a Paris Agreement applicable to all, Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Our direct action policy, including the Emissions Reduction Fund, is supporting businesses and the community to reduce emissions, while improving productivity and sustaining economic growth. Australia will continue to play our part in an effective global response to climate change. Under a Paris Agreement applicable to all, Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c7a70cf0-d783-45ec-90ec-f52de272d2bf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 457 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "NEW ZEALAND Submission under the Paris Agreement New Zealand\u2019s first Nationally Determined Contribution New Zealand hereby communicates its updated first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021 to 2030. The Nationally Determined Contribution of New Zealand is: To reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030. This corresponds to 41 per cent when managed using a multi-year emissions budget starting from New Zealand\u2019s 2020 emissions target.", "inputs": { "text": "NEW ZEALAND Submission under the Paris Agreement New Zealand\u2019s first Nationally Determined Contribution New Zealand hereby communicates its updated first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021 to 2030. The Nationally Determined Contribution of New Zealand is: To reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030. This corresponds to 41 per cent when managed using a multi-year emissions budget starting from New Zealand\u2019s 2020 emissions target." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c7d2d865-1022-4125-9942-295e0c3be226", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824670, "metrics": { "text_length": 530 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Target reference year Reduction level Emissions will be reduced by 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030, which corresponds to a 41 per cent reduction when managed using a multi-year emissions budget. Scope and coverage This responsibility target is economy-wide covering all sectors: \u2022 Energy \u2022 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Agriculture \u2022 Forestry and other land use \u2022 Waste and all greenhouse gases: \u2022 \u2022 HFCs \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 PFCs \u2022 \u2022 Methodological approaches for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals This NDC applies 100 year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) from the IPCC 5th assessment report, and methodologies from the IPCC 2006 greenhouse gas inventory guidelines and the 2013 IPCC KP Supplement.", "inputs": { "text": "Target reference year Reduction level Emissions will be reduced by 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030, which corresponds to a 41 per cent reduction when managed using a multi-year emissions budget. Scope and coverage This responsibility target is economy-wide covering all sectors: \u2022 Energy \u2022 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Agriculture \u2022 Forestry and other land use \u2022 Waste and all greenhouse gases: \u2022 \u2022 HFCs \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 PFCs \u2022 \u2022 Methodological approaches for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals This NDC applies 100 year Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) from the IPCC 5th assessment report, and methodologies from the IPCC 2006 greenhouse gas inventory guidelines and the 2013 IPCC KP Supplement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c92c6bbe-1a58-4cbb-898a-813242c05df6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 736 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Build climate-resilient roads, bridges, water, and Rail transport infrastructure systems. \nPaved National Roads (Kms): Baseline: 4971, 2025 target: 7600\nPaved urban roads (Kms): Baseline: 1253, 2025 target: 1848\nPermanent way /railway road (Kms): Baseline: 262, 2025 target: 7600", "inputs": { "text": "Build climate-resilient roads, bridges, water, and Rail transport infrastructure systems. \nPaved National Roads (Kms): Baseline: 4971, 2025 target: 7600\nPaved urban roads (Kms): Baseline: 1253, 2025 target: 1848\nPermanent way /railway road (Kms): Baseline: 262, 2025 target: 7600" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c98084d0-f69a-4208-9f16-42ffbd1c0aaf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 280 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Nepal aspires to minimize emissions and sustainably achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2045.\nIn the with existing measures (WEM) scenario, the net CO2 emissions will be reduced by 30 mMtCO2 in 2030 and 50 mMtCO2 in 2050. In this scenario, the energy sector will be one of the most important contributors to emission reductions. LULUCF will contribute significantly to carbon removal in the first 10 years. However, the sink potential of LULUCF will decrease overtime per the assumptions used in this scenario. As a result, after 2030, net carbon emissions will rise at an annual rate of 11 per cent. \nIn the additional measures (WAM) scenario ambitious interventions in the energy sector combined with ongoing and additional carbon removal interventions indicate that Nepal\u2019s net CO2 emissions will be lower than \u2018zero\u2019 in the period 2020 to 2030, then hovering around \u2018zero\u2019 throughout 2035 to 2045. Sequestration increases from 2045 onwards reaching -5.7 mMT in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Nepal aspires to minimize emissions and sustainably achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2045.\nIn the with existing measures (WEM) scenario, the net CO2 emissions will be reduced by 30 mMtCO2 in 2030 and 50 mMtCO2 in 2050. In this scenario, the energy sector will be one of the most important contributors to emission reductions. LULUCF will contribute significantly to carbon removal in the first 10 years. However, the sink potential of LULUCF will decrease overtime per the assumptions used in this scenario. As a result, after 2030, net carbon emissions will rise at an annual rate of 11 per cent. \nIn the additional measures (WAM) scenario ambitious interventions in the energy sector combined with ongoing and additional carbon removal interventions indicate that Nepal\u2019s net CO2 emissions will be lower than \u2018zero\u2019 in the period 2020 to 2030, then hovering around \u2018zero\u2019 throughout 2035 to 2045. Sequestration increases from 2045 onwards reaching -5.7 mMT in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "c9bc3f56-23d8-466b-9a45-ac222ee66a23", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824669, "metrics": { "text_length": 981 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To achieve this target, Somalia will aim to reduce and avoid its GHG emissions by about 32.40MtCO2eq relative to the BAU scenario by 2030. The updated contributions are in line with Somalia\u2019s National Planning processes, strategies and actions in the energy, agriculture, forestry, transport and Waste sectors.\f The country The overall costs of the mitigation actions for the NDC period is estimated at USD 6.96 Billion.", "inputs": { "text": "To achieve this target, Somalia will aim to reduce and avoid its GHG emissions by about 32.40MtCO2eq relative to the BAU scenario by 2030. The updated contributions are in line with Somalia\u2019s National Planning processes, strategies and actions in the energy, agriculture, forestry, transport and Waste sectors.\f The country The overall costs of the mitigation actions for the NDC period is estimated at USD 6.96 Billion." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ca5cdd94-5123-4550-aa85-a67379e3ec8f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824618, "metrics": { "text_length": 421 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Timeframe From 1 January 2021 \u2013 31 December 2030. Single year target: 2030, including updates on 2025 targets.\fVANUATU\u2019S REVISED AND ENHANCED 1ST NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 2021\u20132030 Mitigation Priority Area # Commitment Policy Notes NSDP Reference SDG Goal Most Relevant Conditionality (Expressed as %) Finance Required USD Electricity Generation By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector.", "inputs": { "text": "Timeframe From 1 January 2021 \u2013 31 December 2030. Single year target: 2030, including updates on 2025 targets.\fVANUATU\u2019S REVISED AND ENHANCED 1ST NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 2021\u20132030 Mitigation Priority Area # Commitment Policy Notes NSDP Reference SDG Goal Most Relevant Conditionality (Expressed as %) Finance Required USD Electricity Generation By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ca706d72-92a7-4c8a-aaba-91711e3fd311", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 587 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040. \u2022 Scrapping 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030 and scrapping all vehicles older than 20 years by 2040. \u2022 Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 Reducing the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040. \u2022 Scrapping 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030 and scrapping all vehicles older than 20 years by 2040. \u2022 Conducting statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cb132547-95a4-4ee1-a14e-dd2b73ed819e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 281 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The most significant contributions relative to the BAU scenario come from the following sectors: \u2022 Electricity Generation: 54% reduction in total emissions of electricity generation activities by 2030 due to the use of clean and alternative energy. \u2022 Transport: 14% reduction in total emissions from the transport sector by 2030 primarily due to enhanced vehicle standards in road transport.", "inputs": { "text": "The most significant contributions relative to the BAU scenario come from the following sectors: \u2022 Electricity Generation: 54% reduction in total emissions of electricity generation activities by 2030 due to the use of clean and alternative energy. \u2022 Transport: 14% reduction in total emissions from the transport sector by 2030 primarily due to enhanced vehicle standards in road transport." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cc439e39-5c3a-4928-9ccf-8081e180e798", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 391 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this spirit, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia desires to actively contribute to the UNFCCC negotiations maximizing long term benefits and minimizing potential negative side effects for Saudi Arabia. Executive Summary The actions and plans outlined in this submission seek to achieve mitigation co-benefits ambitions of up to 130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030 annually through contributions to economic diversification and adaptation.", "inputs": { "text": "In this spirit, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia desires to actively contribute to the UNFCCC negotiations maximizing long term benefits and minimizing potential negative side effects for Saudi Arabia. Executive Summary The actions and plans outlined in this submission seek to achieve mitigation co-benefits ambitions of up to 130 million tons of CO2eq avoided by 2030 annually through contributions to economic diversification and adaptation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cc4f9d42-0b7c-4595-aec0-d9b7dabae0ca", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 440 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Existing infrastructure will also be retrofitted, or managed differently, because of climate change.\f 5. MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION In order to contribute to the mitigation of global GHG emissions, Sierra Leone\u2019s commitment is to reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025 against the same baseline.", "inputs": { "text": "Existing infrastructure will also be retrofitted, or managed differently, because of climate change.\f 5. MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION In order to contribute to the mitigation of global GHG emissions, Sierra Leone\u2019s commitment is to reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025 against the same baseline." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ccbdedb1-67a5-4787-abe8-d57529935930", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 432 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 3. Base year 4. Implementation period 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases \uf0b7 carbon dioxide (\u0421\u041e2); \uf0b7 methane (\u0421\u041d4); \uf0b7 nitrous oxide (N2O); \uf0b7 perfluorocarbons (HFCs); \uf0b7 hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); \uf0b7 sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); \uf0b7 nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). 5.2.", "inputs": { "text": "Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 3. Base year 4. Implementation period 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases \uf0b7 carbon dioxide (\u0421\u041e2); \uf0b7 methane (\u0421\u041d4); \uf0b7 nitrous oxide (N2O); \uf0b7 perfluorocarbons (HFCs); \uf0b7 hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); \uf0b7 sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); \uf0b7 nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). 5.2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cd646a11-16f5-4e2b-83e0-1f6ba7b8eade", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 479 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy-powered vehicles will reach about 40% of all the vehicles sold in that year, the carbon emission intensity of converted turnover of commercial vehicles will decrease about 9.5% from 2020 level, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of converted turnover of railways will drop by 10% from 2020 level, and oil consumption by land transportation strives to peak. China will accelerate the promotion of nature-based solutions,\f incorporate the sustainable use of natural resources into the policy and action framework for addressing climate change, maximize the mitigation effect of nature in forestry, agriculture, oceans, water resources, ecosystems and other fields, and comprehensively improve resilience in addressing climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy-powered vehicles will reach about 40% of all the vehicles sold in that year, the carbon emission intensity of converted turnover of commercial vehicles will decrease about 9.5% from 2020 level, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of converted turnover of railways will drop by 10% from 2020 level, and oil consumption by land transportation strives to peak. China will accelerate the promotion of nature-based solutions,\f incorporate the sustainable use of natural resources into the policy and action framework for addressing climate change, maximize the mitigation effect of nature in forestry, agriculture, oceans, water resources, ecosystems and other fields, and comprehensively improve resilience in addressing climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cd67a869-0139-45b2-bfaa-05b88e8a5244", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 802 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Antigua and Barbuda aims to, by establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances. Consideration of INDC Mitigation/Adaptation Co-\u00ad\u2010benefits National circumstances highlight the country\u2019s exposure and vulnerability to climate impacts, and the ways in which mitigation actions, namely on and off-\u00ad\u2010grid renewable energy, can increase resilience in critical sectors such as energy, water, health, and emergency services. Similarly, mitigation actions can have adaptation co-\u00ad\u2010benefits.", "inputs": { "text": "Antigua and Barbuda aims to, by establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles and appliances. Consideration of INDC Mitigation/Adaptation Co-\u00ad\u2010benefits National circumstances highlight the country\u2019s exposure and vulnerability to climate impacts, and the ways in which mitigation actions, namely on and off-\u00ad\u2010grid renewable energy, can increase resilience in critical sectors such as energy, water, health, and emergency services. Similarly, mitigation actions can have adaptation co-\u00ad\u2010benefits." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cd75aa88-2e85-4599-8e82-4a0c6671bc4e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824637, "metrics": { "text_length": 521 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "How the INDC contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention (Article 2): Switzerland\u2019s commitment to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030 relative to 1990 levels puts Switzerland on an emission development pathway that corresponds with the recommendations of the IPCC AR5 to reduce global emissions by minus 40 to 70 percent by 2050 below 2010 levels. The formulated commitment by 2030 is further consistent with the longer term vision of the Government of Switzerland to reduce per capita emissions to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in Switzerland.", "inputs": { "text": "How the INDC contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention (Article 2): Switzerland\u2019s commitment to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030 relative to 1990 levels puts Switzerland on an emission development pathway that corresponds with the recommendations of the IPCC AR5 to reduce global emissions by minus 40 to 70 percent by 2050 below 2010 levels. The formulated commitment by 2030 is further consistent with the longer term vision of the Government of Switzerland to reduce per capita emissions to 1 \u2013 1.5 t CO2eq in Switzerland." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cdb3f5ad-83d3-4967-9db7-32550bc90168", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 555 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\ufffd Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points. Australia\u2019s emissions projections 2021 demonstrate that we are on track to reduce\u00a0emissions by up to 35% below 2005 levels by 2030.1 The details of Australia\u2019s 2030 and 2050 targets and low emissions stretch goals are set out in\u00a0Tables 1\u20133, along with the information for clarity, transparency and understanding in\u00a0accordance with decision 4/CMA.1 (see\u00a0Table 4).", "inputs": { "text": "\ufffd Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points. Australia\u2019s emissions projections 2021 demonstrate that we are on track to reduce\u00a0emissions by up to 35% below 2005 levels by 2030.1 The details of Australia\u2019s 2030 and 2050 targets and low emissions stretch goals are set out in\u00a0Tables 1\u20133, along with the information for clarity, transparency and understanding in\u00a0accordance with decision 4/CMA.1 (see\u00a0Table 4)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cdc35b6e-8213-4885-8096-c533f12054b7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 540 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "First, the Republic of Korea is pushing forward policies that accelerate the achievement of its updated 2030 target and 2050 goal in accordance with the Carbon Neutrality Act. The Act was enacted in September 2021 with the aim of strengthening both mitigation and adaptation measures and addressing inequality that could arise in the societal transition to carbon neutrality. The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "First, the Republic of Korea is pushing forward policies that accelerate the achievement of its updated 2030 target and 2050 goal in accordance with the Carbon Neutrality Act. The Act was enacted in September 2021 with the aim of strengthening both mitigation and adaptation measures and addressing inequality that could arise in the societal transition to carbon neutrality. The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ce841965-a746-4ab7-9936-067f5bed7bc8", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 526 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "752 dated September 30, 2013 \u201cOn the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions\u201d and is no more than 75% of the 1990 level. The Intendent Nationally Determined Contribution, tentatively announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, accounting for the maximum possible absorption capacity forests.", "inputs": { "text": "752 dated September 30, 2013 \u201cOn the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions\u201d and is no more than 75% of the 1990 level. The Intendent Nationally Determined Contribution, tentatively announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, accounting for the maximum possible absorption capacity forests." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ceb27ebf-8e89-4035-bc62-b8f1f8591fd1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 433 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia is committed to developing an adaptation communication ahead of COP26 on our ongoing action and progress to the UNFCCC. 2 Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classifications.\f Attachment: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, to be implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia is committed to developing an adaptation communication ahead of COP26 on our ongoing action and progress to the UNFCCC. 2 Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classifications.\f Attachment: Australia\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution Target: 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, to be implemented as an emissions budget covering the period 2021-2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cec45527-4af6-4626-b30c-fd0cf723db89", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 380 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mitigation actions targeting this sector will also help to strengthen the adaptive capacities of Comorian populations. 2.5. Mitigation Effort The graph below illustrates the share of the mitigation achieved through the reduction of emissions outside LULUCF compared to a normal course of business (CNA) scenario. Over the period 2015-2030, 843 kt CO2eq of cumulative emissions are avoided through the implementation of mitigation actions.", "inputs": { "text": "Mitigation actions targeting this sector will also help to strengthen the adaptive capacities of Comorian populations. 2.5. Mitigation Effort The graph below illustrates the share of the mitigation achieved through the reduction of emissions outside LULUCF compared to a normal course of business (CNA) scenario. Over the period 2015-2030, 843 kt CO2eq of cumulative emissions are avoided through the implementation of mitigation actions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cec5fdaf-45de-4e1f-b8e9-509d5605749c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 438 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It should be noted that the RGTR concession contracts contain incentives and requirements at the operational level (consumption management and optimisation or eco-driving training) and for rolling stock. Following positive feedback with electric buses153, the coalition agreement provides for the target of zero emissions on the RGTR network by 2030.154 In this context, it should be noted that the rail network is almost entirely electrified and operators rely exclusively on electricity from renewable sources.", "inputs": { "text": "It should be noted that the RGTR concession contracts contain incentives and requirements at the operational level (consumption management and optimisation or eco-driving training) and for rolling stock. Following positive feedback with electric buses153, the coalition agreement provides for the target of zero emissions on the RGTR network by 2030.154 In this context, it should be noted that the rail network is almost entirely electrified and operators rely exclusively on electricity from renewable sources." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cf0e7a6a-bc19-4be8-9f55-5abff3d14e65", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824611, "metrics": { "text_length": 512 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). \u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). \u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cf1c13e5-8fdb-4c31-862a-892391c16333", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 678 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "following major initiatives; \u27a2 Adopting \u2018Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management\u2019 with an ambition to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 \u27a2 Banning agro-chemicals and chemical fertilizer \u27a2 Promoting organic fertilizer and farming \u27a2 Banning single-use plastics \u27a2 Promoting E-mobility \u27a2 Promoting circular economy Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060 Chapter 1.", "inputs": { "text": "following major initiatives; \u27a2 Adopting \u2018Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management\u2019 with an ambition to halve nitrogen waste by 2030 \u27a2 Banning agro-chemicals and chemical fertilizer \u27a2 Promoting organic fertilizer and farming \u27a2 Banning single-use plastics \u27a2 Promoting E-mobility \u27a2 Promoting circular economy Sri Lanka expects to achieve its Carbon Neutrality by 2060 Chapter 1." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cf76a431-efbe-4130-bfe1-6e484dfc1526", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824656, "metrics": { "text_length": 389 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario. Should international support be provided, GHG emissions will be reduced by 2025 by 36.61% and by 2030 by 43.62%, under the business-as-usual scenario. The achievement of the NDC is underlain by mitigation actions and policies covering five sectors. However, the primary mitigation capacity is concentrated in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "The overall mitigation goal of the Kyrgyz Republic is to unconditionally reduce GHG emissions by 16.63% by 2025 and by 15.97% by 2030, under the business-as-usual scenario. Should international support be provided, GHG emissions will be reduced by 2025 by 36.61% and by 2030 by 43.62%, under the business-as-usual scenario. The achievement of the NDC is underlain by mitigation actions and policies covering five sectors. However, the primary mitigation capacity is concentrated in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "cfd9aa0f-585d-43a9-b6a3-bb9150cacd6a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 544 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Improved health and reduction of harmful local air pollutants, enhacing resilience of population to disease and adverse climate impacts. \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 Increasing ethanol blending with gasoline as a transportation fuel Achieving an average national blend rate of 20% ethanol, resulting in reduced GHG emissions from gasoline consumption in road transport. MOTPW, MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, private sector million uc: US$ 253m c: US$ 253m Decreased dependence on imported fossil fuel energy products.", "inputs": { "text": "Improved health and reduction of harmful local air pollutants, enhacing resilience of population to disease and adverse climate impacts. \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 Increasing ethanol blending with gasoline as a transportation fuel Achieving an average national blend rate of 20% ethanol, resulting in reduced GHG emissions from gasoline consumption in road transport. MOTPW, MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, private sector million uc: US$ 253m c: US$ 253m Decreased dependence on imported fossil fuel energy products." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d07b56b8-1cdf-4b7b-b3b0-44dc2ae2b5d2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824649, "metrics": { "text_length": 508 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Paved National Roads (Kms) TBD Paved urban roads (Kms) TBD BFP Permanent way /railway road (Kms) TBD BFP Revise design codes, regulations and guidelines to climate proof strategic transport infrastructure Proportional of national road reserves with green infrastructure and vegetative reinforcement Estimated, Annual Report UNRA No.", "inputs": { "text": "Paved National Roads (Kms) TBD Paved urban roads (Kms) TBD BFP Permanent way /railway road (Kms) TBD BFP Revise design codes, regulations and guidelines to climate proof strategic transport infrastructure Proportional of national road reserves with green infrastructure and vegetative reinforcement Estimated, Annual Report UNRA No." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d0935d61-697a-4f0d-93df-72dcec92b9e8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 335 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "To this end, it is proposed to implement a programme for the renewal of the private vehicle fleet towards more efficient alternatives, which will replace 24.3% of petrol vehicles with electric vehicles by 2032 (Henr\u00edquez, 2021).This measure will reduce petrol consumption and thus GHG emissions from this activity.However, it is important to stress that, when making the transition to electric mobility, the demand for electric power generation will increase and, consequently, emissions in this category will increase.", "inputs": { "text": "To this end, it is proposed to implement a programme for the renewal of the private vehicle fleet towards more efficient alternatives, which will replace 24.3% of petrol vehicles with electric vehicles by 2032 (Henr\u00edquez, 2021).This measure will reduce petrol consumption and thus GHG emissions from this activity.However, it is important to stress that, when making the transition to electric mobility, the demand for electric power generation will increase and, consequently, emissions in this category will increase." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d116b88b-4493-44d0-b1c9-2d37d9d04121", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 519 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The 19 policy actions translate into 13 adaptation and 34 mitigation programmes of action (referred to as measures). The 19 policy actions that have the potential to maximise the synergies between adaptation and economic diversification, resulting in mitigation co-benefits, will lead to the following outcomes in the long term: \u2022 Accelerate sustainable energy transition \u2022 Build resilient economies and societies \u2022 Enhance early warning and disaster risk management \u2022 Enhance landscape restoration \u2022 Ensure responsible production and consumption \u2022 Foster social inclusion focusing on youth and women \u2022 Provide smart and safe communities \f Ghana expects that implementing the 19 policy actions will achieve the following by 2030: \u2022 Generate absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of 64 MtCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "The 19 policy actions translate into 13 adaptation and 34 mitigation programmes of action (referred to as measures). The 19 policy actions that have the potential to maximise the synergies between adaptation and economic diversification, resulting in mitigation co-benefits, will lead to the following outcomes in the long term: \u2022 Accelerate sustainable energy transition \u2022 Build resilient economies and societies \u2022 Enhance early warning and disaster risk management \u2022 Enhance landscape restoration \u2022 Ensure responsible production and consumption \u2022 Foster social inclusion focusing on youth and women \u2022 Provide smart and safe communities \f Ghana expects that implementing the 19 policy actions will achieve the following by 2030: \u2022 Generate absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of 64 MtCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d179e843-4e1b-46a0-b6f1-4ae430c972af", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824633, "metrics": { "text_length": 807 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In December 2019, the European Council (heads of state or government of the EU Member States,\nThe European Council President and the President of the European Commission) endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050. The Council of the European Union adopted a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy of the EU and its Member States, reflecting this climate neutrality objective and submitted this to the UNFCCC Secretariat.", "inputs": { "text": "In December 2019, the European Council (heads of state or government of the EU Member States,\nThe European Council President and the President of the European Commission) endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050. The Council of the European Union adopted a long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy of the EU and its Member States, reflecting this climate neutrality objective and submitted this to the UNFCCC Secretariat." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d1aba718-6370-49ac-9475-f6dd6efd9592", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 463 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "CCU including artificial photosynthesis, Carbon Recycling and biomass) \u2022 Achieving drastic improvement of energy efficiency, development and introduction of low-GWP and non-fluorocarbon refrigerant technology towards complete transition from fluorocarbons in longer term, promotion of decarbonization in corporate management (1) Future vision Challenging for \u201cWell-to-Wheel Zero Emission\u201d \uff08 e.g. achieving the world\u2019s highest level of environmental performance of Japanese cars supplied worldwide by 2050\uff09 (2) Direction of policies and measures for the future vision Enhanced international policy coordination on electrified vehicles, including automotive environmental performance assessment on \u201dWell-to-Wheel\u201c base, promotion of open innovation for the next-generation electrification-related technologies, road/transport systems using big data and IoT. 4.Community and Living Creating the \u201cCirculating and Ecological Economy\u201d advanced local decarbonization, and achieve the SDGs with integrated improvements on the environment, economy and society, thereby achieving a carbon neutral, resilient and comfortable community and living by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "CCU including artificial photosynthesis, Carbon Recycling and biomass) \u2022 Achieving drastic improvement of energy efficiency, development and introduction of low-GWP and non-fluorocarbon refrigerant technology towards complete transition from fluorocarbons in longer term, promotion of decarbonization in corporate management (1) Future vision Challenging for \u201cWell-to-Wheel Zero Emission\u201d \uff08 e.g. achieving the world\u2019s highest level of environmental performance of Japanese cars supplied worldwide by 2050\uff09 (2) Direction of policies and measures for the future vision Enhanced international policy coordination on electrified vehicles, including automotive environmental performance assessment on \u201dWell-to-Wheel\u201c base, promotion of open innovation for the next-generation electrification-related technologies, road/transport systems using big data and IoT. 4.Community and Living Creating the \u201cCirculating and Ecological Economy\u201d advanced local decarbonization, and achieve the SDGs with integrated improvements on the environment, economy and society, thereby achieving a carbon neutral, resilient and comfortable community and living by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d214b1da-809b-4682-ae44-192770903d7e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 1146 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "1) Indian Railways handles 3 million tonnes of freight and 23 million passengers daily and is the world\u2019s third largest network. The endeavor is to increase the share of Railways in total land transportation from 36% to 45 %, thereby decreasing the load on less efficient diesel operated road traffic. 2) Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) have been introduced across the country. In the first phase, two corridors viz.", "inputs": { "text": "1) Indian Railways handles 3 million tonnes of freight and 23 million passengers daily and is the world\u2019s third largest network. The endeavor is to increase the share of Railways in total land transportation from 36% to 45 %, thereby decreasing the load on less efficient diesel operated road traffic. 2) Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) have been introduced across the country. In the first phase, two corridors viz." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d2e48b43-9d5b-470a-8e08-1845472746d6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Between 2030 and 2035, new cars and vans will only be able to be sold if they offer significant zero emission capability. 27. To provide certainty to consumers, energy providers, the chargepoint industry, vehicle manufacturers and supply chains during this transition, we will introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets requiring a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. 28.", "inputs": { "text": "Between 2030 and 2035, new cars and vans will only be able to be sold if they offer significant zero emission capability. 27. To provide certainty to consumers, energy providers, the chargepoint industry, vehicle manufacturers and supply chains during this transition, we will introduce a zero emission vehicle mandate setting targets requiring a percentage of manufacturers\u2019 new car and van sales to be zero emission each year from 2024. 28." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d2f227f6-03e7-4f8e-a6ea-e2eae6d36ac5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 442 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Special Report suggests pathways that global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and reach net zero around 2050, for limiting global warming to 1.5\u00b0C by 2100. \u258dHow the long-term strategy was developed The Paris Agreement recommends that all Parties strive to formulate and communicate Long-term low greenhouse gas Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) by 2020 as long-term vision for responding to climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "The Special Report suggests pathways that global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, and reach net zero around 2050, for limiting global warming to 1.5\u00b0C by 2100. \u258dHow the long-term strategy was developed The Paris Agreement recommends that all Parties strive to formulate and communicate Long-term low greenhouse gas Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) by 2020 as long-term vision for responding to climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d35fdb77-602b-4330-8bf5-d540820fc07c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 461 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport Under transport sector the measures include: Introducing commercial use of 10% ethanol blend in petrol by 2030 and Conducting studies to assess the adoption of electric mobility options. Waste Reduce GHG emissions by 2030 compared to baseline scenario through improvements in waste treatment (including landfilling) across urban and rural areas.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport Under transport sector the measures include: Introducing commercial use of 10% ethanol blend in petrol by 2030 and Conducting studies to assess the adoption of electric mobility options. Waste Reduce GHG emissions by 2030 compared to baseline scenario through improvements in waste treatment (including landfilling) across urban and rural areas." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d393b8fe-b8e8-4b7a-b3d0-8fccd00fb905", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 356 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The conditional objective (CDN+) is 3929 ktCO2 eq/year, or 17.0% below the trend scenario, or an emission growth of 4% per year over the period 2020-2030. On LULUCF, excluding reforestation (absorption not taken into account), the Republic of Guinea sets its unconditional objective (CDN) of a 20% reduction in its gross emissions in 2030 below the trend scenario. The conditional objective (CDN+) is 49% below the trend scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The conditional objective (CDN+) is 3929 ktCO2 eq/year, or 17.0% below the trend scenario, or an emission growth of 4% per year over the period 2020-2030. On LULUCF, excluding reforestation (absorption not taken into account), the Republic of Guinea sets its unconditional objective (CDN) of a 20% reduction in its gross emissions in 2030 below the trend scenario. The conditional objective (CDN+) is 49% below the trend scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d3a8ba1b-4f81-41e7-bba0-3f84739aed8c", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 430 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, it is expected that through a conditional mitigation scenariothe country could reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030. In achieving its unconditional and conditional targets Angola expects to reduce its emissions trajectory by nearly 50% below the BAU scenario by 2030 at overall cost of over 14.7billion USD.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, it is expected that through a conditional mitigation scenariothe country could reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030. In achieving its unconditional and conditional targets Angola expects to reduce its emissions trajectory by nearly 50% below the BAU scenario by 2030 at overall cost of over 14.7billion USD." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d3b2c680-2f6b-4eec-9b25-b53390cc0a9d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 342 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The country is committed to stabilize its emissions, and contribute to climate change mitigation by 2030, targeting the following sectors: \uf0b7 Power generation from renewable sources; and \uf0b7 Reforestation. Angola plans to reduce GHG emissions up to 35% unconditionally by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario (base year 2005). In addition, it is expected that through a conditional mitigation scenariothe country could reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The country is committed to stabilize its emissions, and contribute to climate change mitigation by 2030, targeting the following sectors: \uf0b7 Power generation from renewable sources; and \uf0b7 Reforestation. Angola plans to reduce GHG emissions up to 35% unconditionally by 2030 as compared to the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario (base year 2005). In addition, it is expected that through a conditional mitigation scenariothe country could reduce an additional 15% below BAU emission levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d3e167b2-68e8-41a7-9867-b5a94f17b085", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 497 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "DPR Korea\u2019s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigation component includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources. With domestic resources, GHG emissions will be reduced by 8.0% by 2030 compared to the\f Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. The national contribution could be increased up to 40.25% with international support.", "inputs": { "text": "DPR Korea\u2019s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigation component includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources. With domestic resources, GHG emissions will be reduced by 8.0% by 2030 compared to the\f Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. The national contribution could be increased up to 40.25% with international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d429f8ae-2eea-4eb0-8657-827be40ffec5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 627 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The revised NCDs present an unconditional mitigation target of 30.41%, corresponding to a reduction of thirty-seven (37) million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, while the conditional target is increased to 98.95% (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "The revised NCDs present an unconditional mitigation target of 30.41%, corresponding to a reduction of thirty-seven (37) million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, while the conditional target is increased to 98.95% (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d46901bd-3d4a-41f4-801f-a616671f03ed", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 332 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Achieve 15 % energy savings by 2030, compared to current trends. Reduce energy consumption in buildings, industry and transport by 12 % by 2020 and 15 % by 2030. The breakdown of expected energy savings per sector is 48 % for industry, 23 % for transport, 19 % for residential and 10 % for services. Install by 2030 an additional capacity of 3,900 MW of combined-cycle technology running on imported natural gas. Supply major industries with imported and regazified natural gas by pipelines.", "inputs": { "text": "Achieve 15 % energy savings by 2030, compared to current trends. Reduce energy consumption in buildings, industry and transport by 12 % by 2020 and 15 % by 2030. The breakdown of expected energy savings per sector is 48 % for industry, 23 % for transport, 19 % for residential and 10 % for services. Install by 2030 an additional capacity of 3,900 MW of combined-cycle technology running on imported natural gas. Supply major industries with imported and regazified natural gas by pipelines." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d4d5690e-f282-42c5-b182-9824d62719da", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Once the target is achieved, emission reductions will carry on beyond 2020. (once the target has been met, onwards) Implementation of Renewable Energy Development Strategy To increase the share of renewable energy to 30% of energy consumption by 2025. (Note that large scale technologies with installed capacity equal to or greater than 15MW are not included in this policy\u2019s target.) For transport fuels the objective is to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the demand for transport fuels by 2025. 2025).", "inputs": { "text": "Once the target is achieved, emission reductions will carry on beyond 2020. (once the target has been met, onwards) Implementation of Renewable Energy Development Strategy To increase the share of renewable energy to 30% of energy consumption by 2025. (Note that large scale technologies with installed capacity equal to or greater than 15MW are not included in this policy\u2019s target.) For transport fuels the objective is to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the demand for transport fuels by 2025. 2025)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d5231c41-1f19-474d-99a4-0d59dc4bde12", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 518 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u0638 Unconditional contributions: Consist of, alternatively: Reduction of 22% of greenhouse gas emis- sions (GHG) and 51% of black carbon emissions by 2030 as compared to the baseline business-as- usual scenario (BAU). \u0638 Conditional contributions: A reduction of up to 36% of GHG emissions and 70% of black carbon emissions by 2030 compared to the BAU scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "\u0638 Unconditional contributions: Consist of, alternatively: Reduction of 22% of greenhouse gas emis- sions (GHG) and 51% of black carbon emissions by 2030 as compared to the baseline business-as- usual scenario (BAU). \u0638 Conditional contributions: A reduction of up to 36% of GHG emissions and 70% of black carbon emissions by 2030 compared to the BAU scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d56955e5-606e-4998-be03-679383acbb49", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824616, "metrics": { "text_length": 358 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "South Africa shifted from BAU-based targets for 2020 and 2025 in terms of the Cancun Agreement under the UNFCCC, to a fixed level target range under the Paris Agreement. This update demonstrates further progression, reducing the upper range of South Africa\u2019s 2025 and 2030 targets. These near- to medium-term targets are further informed by a long-term perspective contained in South Africa\u2019s recently-communicated Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS)2 to the UNFCCC, and sets the country on a pathway to implement this Strategy.", "inputs": { "text": "South Africa shifted from BAU-based targets for 2020 and 2025 in terms of the Cancun Agreement under the UNFCCC, to a fixed level target range under the Paris Agreement. This update demonstrates further progression, reducing the upper range of South Africa\u2019s 2025 and 2030 targets. These near- to medium-term targets are further informed by a long-term perspective contained in South Africa\u2019s recently-communicated Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS)2 to the UNFCCC, and sets the country on a pathway to implement this Strategy." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d5a3fc79-9415-4e4f-aaa8-04b76ea1b90c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 534 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It contains invitation to all Parties to communicate their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) well in advance.\fobjectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives \uf0b7 To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010.", "inputs": { "text": "It contains invitation to all Parties to communicate their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) well in advance.\fobjectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives \uf0b7 To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d5fcb7d5-a103-4dc6-acd3-b5602c9b2dcf", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 391 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In order to contribute to the objective of limiting the increase in the global average temperature of the Paris Agreement, the Uruguay Strategy includes an aspirational scenario of CO2 neutrality by 2050 and scenarios of stability in emissions of CH4 and N2O, the latter two gases strongly linked to food production.", "inputs": { "text": "In order to contribute to the objective of limiting the increase in the global average temperature of the Paris Agreement, the Uruguay Strategy includes an aspirational scenario of CO2 neutrality by 2050 and scenarios of stability in emissions of CH4 and N2O, the latter two gases strongly linked to food production." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d6129282-8867-40d1-adee-db128bf3314b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 316 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In doing this, RMI will make trying to achieve its previously indicative 2030 target binding under the Paris Agreement; \ufffd communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035. This indicative target would be consistent with RMI\u2019s straight-line intended NDC emissions reduction trajectory from the 2025 target to net zero in 2050, and so represents consistent momentum in RMI\u2019s GHG emissions reductions efforts. 11.", "inputs": { "text": "In doing this, RMI will make trying to achieve its previously indicative 2030 target binding under the Paris Agreement; \ufffd communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs by at least 58% below 2010 levels by 2035. This indicative target would be consistent with RMI\u2019s straight-line intended NDC emissions reduction trajectory from the 2025 target to net zero in 2050, and so represents consistent momentum in RMI\u2019s GHG emissions reductions efforts. 11." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d66e09c4-0fa1-4b47-aa26-cf45875f7bf2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824661, "metrics": { "text_length": 488 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "By this submission, Norway updates and enhances its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 50 per cent and towards 55 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2030. Norway seeks to fulfil the enhanced ambition through the climate cooperation with the European Union.", "inputs": { "text": "By this submission, Norway updates and enhances its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement to reduce emissions by at least 50 per cent and towards 55 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2030. Norway seeks to fulfil the enhanced ambition through the climate cooperation with the European Union." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d68c20aa-f810-4b77-952c-6f94837544f2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 315 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The deployment of renewable energy and the deepening of energy efficiency actions are the 2030 carbon control plan pillars. They would enable the Sultanate of Oman to slow GHG emission growth and reduce them by 7% in 2030, compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, which is predicted at about 125.254 MTCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "The deployment of renewable energy and the deepening of energy efficiency actions are the 2030 carbon control plan pillars. They would enable the Sultanate of Oman to slow GHG emission growth and reduce them by 7% in 2030, compared to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, which is predicted at about 125.254 MTCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d702fb03-bc45-40fc-8912-7c67d64cb1b2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 316 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(17) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the vehicle fleet by data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. 100 %. 0,10. 0 %. 0. 0,10. Forestry sector. Promote high efficiency carbonization furnaces. -. 0%. 0. 100%. 4,80. 4,80. Promote state, communal and private plantations. Area of 150,000 ha. 10%. 82,00. 90%. 740,00. 822,00. Streamlining the exploitation of forest resources. Over an area of at least 330,000 ha;. 10%. 52,00. 90%. 460,00. 512,00.", "inputs": { "text": "(17) Conduct a survey at the national level to supplement the information available on the vehicle fleet by data on daily fuel consumption for categories and different uses of vehicles. 100 %. 0,10. 0 %. 0. 0,10. Forestry sector. Promote high efficiency carbonization furnaces. -. 0%. 0. 100%. 4,80. 4,80. Promote state, communal and private plantations. Area of 150,000 ha. 10%. 82,00. 90%. 740,00. 822,00. Streamlining the exploitation of forest resources. Over an area of at least 330,000 ha;. 10%. 52,00. 90%. 460,00. 512,00." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d7dd7a7b-f398-49e1-8297-ae2573dcadc7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 529 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport a) Change fiscal policies on fossil fuel by 2025 to enable the transition to 100% renewable energy generation in the transportation sector Conditional b) Ban on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles (with an indicative start year of 2025) c) 100% of government vehicles will be electric vehicles d) Establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles Conditional 4. Waste a) Circular economy policy and regulations agreed on Conditional 5.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport a) Change fiscal policies on fossil fuel by 2025 to enable the transition to 100% renewable energy generation in the transportation sector Conditional b) Ban on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles (with an indicative start year of 2025) c) 100% of government vehicles will be electric vehicles d) Establish efficiency standards for the importation of all vehicles Conditional 4. Waste a) Circular economy policy and regulations agreed on Conditional 5." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d848725a-fda1-4032-a224-2b1c7c085dc4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 487 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Dominican Republic is guided by the National Development Strategy (Ley 1-2012) and the Climate Change Compatible Development Plan (Plan DECCC-2011) to prepare and communicate sectoral strategies, plans and measures for low-carbon development that reflect its special circumstances by 2030 and its aspiration for carbon neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The Dominican Republic is guided by the National Development Strategy (Ley 1-2012) and the Climate Change Compatible Development Plan (Plan DECCC-2011) to prepare and communicate sectoral strategies, plans and measures for low-carbon development that reflect its special circumstances by 2030 and its aspiration for carbon neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d8875aee-8a22-4230-9f82-793a5301f253", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 342 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Photovoltaic solar panels (12 MW); III- Mini-hydro Power plant connected to the main grid (4 MW). The implementation of these four (4) measures would mean an introduction of about 47% renewable energy in the national electricity system compared to the projected BAU electricity production, of which 34% is hydro and 13% solar (PV). Thus, STP would be able to contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases by about 57 ktCO2eq, which approximately corresponds to a 24% national emission reduction by 2030 related to 2005.", "inputs": { "text": "Photovoltaic solar panels (12 MW); III- Mini-hydro Power plant connected to the main grid (4 MW). The implementation of these four (4) measures would mean an introduction of about 47% renewable energy in the national electricity system compared to the projected BAU electricity production, of which 34% is hydro and 13% solar (PV). Thus, STP would be able to contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gases by about 57 ktCO2eq, which approximately corresponds to a 24% national emission reduction by 2030 related to 2005." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d8ca1155-8513-45eb-94ef-6142761ca60c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824667, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "RMI commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025. RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "RMI commits to a quantified economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025. RMI communicates, as an indicative target, its intention to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d96c6a17-be1c-46e1-80b9-d2f77033236a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 255 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Implement 101 km of BRT in GKMA in 2030.18 Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. GKMA Passenger service Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 61 km of passenger MGR rail in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Implement 101 km of BRT in GKMA in 2030.18 Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. GKMA Passenger service Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 61 km of passenger MGR rail in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d986ec33-7f50-4123-88a4-e362f9e85d85", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 532 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "There has been a steady increase in the number of gasoline and diesel vehicles in Brunei Darussalam since 2009. EVs are a viable transportation option for Brunei Darussalam as travelling pattern is primarily of short- distance with relatively inexpensive electricity for charging. BNCCP Strategy 4 on Renewable Energy - Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in the power generation mix by 2035.", "inputs": { "text": "There has been a steady increase in the number of gasoline and diesel vehicles in Brunei Darussalam since 2009. EVs are a viable transportation option for Brunei Darussalam as travelling pattern is primarily of short- distance with relatively inexpensive electricity for charging. BNCCP Strategy 4 on Renewable Energy - Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in the power generation mix by 2035." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "d9a32527-e043-4f6e-96b3-aada98214de0", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 432 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under a Paris Agreement applicable to all, Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. The details of Australia\u2019s contribution are set out in the attachment to aid transparency, clarity and understanding. Australia\u2019s target is unconditional based on assumptions set out in the attachment. We will implement the 28 per cent target should circumstances allow, taking into account opportunities to reduce emissions and factors such as the costs of technology.", "inputs": { "text": "Under a Paris Agreement applicable to all, Australia will implement an economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. The details of Australia\u2019s contribution are set out in the attachment to aid transparency, clarity and understanding. Australia\u2019s target is unconditional based on assumptions set out in the attachment. We will implement the 28 per cent target should circumstances allow, taking into account opportunities to reduce emissions and factors such as the costs of technology." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da246dfc-5db1-4839-92f1-ccaa711893f4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 544 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "With regard to new buildings, including privately-owned buildings, more buildings will be required to be certified as zero-energy buildings that minimize energy consumption, and energy efficiency standard will be strengthened for home appliances and office equipment. In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles.", "inputs": { "text": "With regard to new buildings, including privately-owned buildings, more buildings will be required to be certified as zero-energy buildings that minimize energy consumption, and energy efficiency standard will be strengthened for home appliances and office equipment. In the transportation sector, the Republic of Korea has set the target of deploying 3 million units of electric vehicles and 850,000 hydrogen vehicles by 2030 with a view to scaling up the deployment of zero-emission vehicles." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da3119ea-c4b3-4730-b899-33c948c2a602", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 494 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the light of the adoption of draft resolution A/C.2/62/L.38, draft resolution A/C.2/62/L.49 was withdrawn by its sponsors.", "inputs": { "text": "In the light of the adoption of draft resolution A/C.2/62/L.38, draft resolution A/C.2/62/L.49 was withdrawn by its sponsors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da3de88b-278b-43f2-a699-39461ac2041b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 125 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Other unquantified measures are also important steps in reducing emissions from the sector: - Modernisation and rationalisation of roads - Strengthening of technical control and inventory of vehicle fleets, mobile controls and anti-pollution deterrents Study, experiment and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable mobility: promoting imports and encouraging electric mobility, gas conversion, biofuel (ethanol) Conditional target Implementation of the ban on cars over 8 years old (ECOWAS standard) by 2022, i.e. 500,000 Implementation of the integrated scenario of the Conakry PDU: - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line.", "inputs": { "text": "Other unquantified measures are also important steps in reducing emissions from the sector: - Modernisation and rationalisation of roads - Strengthening of technical control and inventory of vehicle fleets, mobile controls and anti-pollution deterrents Study, experiment and disseminate innovative solutions for sustainable mobility: promoting imports and encouraging electric mobility, gas conversion, biofuel (ethanol) Conditional target Implementation of the ban on cars over 8 years old (ECOWAS standard) by 2022, i.e. 500,000 Implementation of the integrated scenario of the Conakry PDU: - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da6c9cc6-6e93-4428-a72a-032f06d29122", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 647 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Increase the share of private hybrid road vehicles from approximately 6.5% in 2014 to approximately 13% by 2030. Shift from liquid fuel to LPG for vehicles in Ulaanbaatar and aimag (province) centres by improving taxation and environmental fee system. Improve enforcement mechanism of standards for road vehicles and non-road based transport. Industrial sector Reduce emissions in the cement industry through upgrading the processing technology from wet- to dry- processing and through the construction of a new cement plant with dry processing up to 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Increase the share of private hybrid road vehicles from approximately 6.5% in 2014 to approximately 13% by 2030. Shift from liquid fuel to LPG for vehicles in Ulaanbaatar and aimag (province) centres by improving taxation and environmental fee system. Improve enforcement mechanism of standards for road vehicles and non-road based transport. Industrial sector Reduce emissions in the cement industry through upgrading the processing technology from wet- to dry- processing and through the construction of a new cement plant with dry processing up to 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da6d8f1e-4420-47ad-94d0-15a74596f5bd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 556 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Transport Reduce the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040. Scrap 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030, and all vehicles older than 20 years by 2040. Conduct statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040. 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "Transport Reduce the emissions of the passenger vehicle fleet by 8% by 2030, and 24% by 2040. Scrap 60% of vehicles older than 20 years by 2030, and all vehicles older than 20 years by 2040. Conduct statutory tests on 30% of on-road vehicles by 2030, and 60% by 2040. 20% of all small transit vehicles are replaced with larger capacity buses by 2030, and 40% by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "da758871-dca9-437a-bdef-f94f15256a4b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 367 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Despite our first NDC being fully conditional to international support, most of the progress made in implementation to date is from domestic resources. 3. Compared to our first NDC target of 30 % emission reduction, our updated NDC commits to Abate GHG emissions by 32% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with our sustainable development agenda and national circumstances. The timeframe for implementation of the NDC is up to 2030, with milestone targets at 2025. 4.", "inputs": { "text": "Despite our first NDC being fully conditional to international support, most of the progress made in implementation to date is from domestic resources. 3. Compared to our first NDC target of 30 % emission reduction, our updated NDC commits to Abate GHG emissions by 32% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq; and in line with our sustainable development agenda and national circumstances. The timeframe for implementation of the NDC is up to 2030, with milestone targets at 2025. 4." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "daa4a33a-056b-43db-8da8-ee8c256a0178", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824664, "metrics": { "text_length": 498 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "They put RMI on a trajectory to nearly halve GHG emissions between 2010 and 2030, with a view to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier if possible. RMI\u2019s pursuit of an absolute, economy-wide emission reduction target is a far more ambitious approach than the contemplation in Decision 1/CP.20 that \u201cLDCs and SIDS may communicate information on strategies, plans and actions for low GHG emission development\u2026\u201d (para. 11) 1 World Development Indicators (2013), World Bank.", "inputs": { "text": "They put RMI on a trajectory to nearly halve GHG emissions between 2010 and 2030, with a view to achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050, or earlier if possible. RMI\u2019s pursuit of an absolute, economy-wide emission reduction target is a far more ambitious approach than the contemplation in Decision 1/CP.20 that \u201cLDCs and SIDS may communicate information on strategies, plans and actions for low GHG emission development\u2026\u201d (para. 11) 1 World Development Indicators (2013), World Bank." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "daa51bce-91e5-43cd-9ff3-2be75e0e2ec0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 487 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Despite its status as a low emitting least developed country, Solomon Islands will nonetheless, commit to reduce its emissions by 14% by 2025 below 2015 and by 33% below 2015 by 2030 compared to a business-as-usual projection. If and when Paris Agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can, with international assistance, contribute: \u2022 a further 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, and \u2022 a further 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BaU projection.", "inputs": { "text": "Despite its status as a low emitting least developed country, Solomon Islands will nonetheless, commit to reduce its emissions by 14% by 2025 below 2015 and by 33% below 2015 by 2030 compared to a business-as-usual projection. If and when Paris Agreement addresses international assistance to access financial and technical resources, Solomon Islands can, with international assistance, contribute: \u2022 a further 27% reduction in GHG emissions by 2025, and \u2022 a further 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, compared to BaU projection." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "db00b834-402e-4991-9afc-f353278757ce", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 534 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In this National Contribution, the date of 2021 will become the turning point Costa Rica\u2019s emissions, as a continuation of its voluntary action and a landmark in the path towards de-carbonizing the economy. Second, the country is committed to a maximum of 9,374,000 T CO2eq net emissions by 2030, with proposed emissions per capita of 1.73 net tons by 2030, 1.19 Net Tons per Capita by 2050 and -0.27 Net Tons per Capita by 2100.", "inputs": { "text": "In this National Contribution, the date of 2021 will become the turning point Costa Rica\u2019s emissions, as a continuation of its voluntary action and a landmark in the path towards de-carbonizing the economy. Second, the country is committed to a maximum of 9,374,000 T CO2eq net emissions by 2030, with proposed emissions per capita of 1.73 net tons by 2030, 1.19 Net Tons per Capita by 2050 and -0.27 Net Tons per Capita by 2100." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "db8cd1f3-ceec-432d-b6e4-cdc70c5ddcfb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 430 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 6 Adaptation Targets Priority Development Sector per the NAP Agriculture Health Transport Infrastructure Adaptation Target 2030 10% of the total population (0.8 million beneficiaries (25% are women)) have increased resilience with respect to food and water security, health and well- being in PNG. 100% of the population benefits from improved health measures to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. US$1.2b (PGK 4.2b) value of transport (air, sea, and land) infrastructure and assets built/rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 6 Adaptation Targets Priority Development Sector per the NAP Agriculture Health Transport Infrastructure Adaptation Target 2030 10% of the total population (0.8 million beneficiaries (25% are women)) have increased resilience with respect to food and water security, health and well- being in PNG. 100% of the population benefits from improved health measures to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. US$1.2b (PGK 4.2b) value of transport (air, sea, and land) infrastructure and assets built/rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "db9eff74-05e8-4411-80c9-aa0cfea16fed", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 589 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Palestine\u2019s updated total carbon reduction by 2040 equates to a total of 2.8 Mt CO2e (Status-quo Scenario) and 4.6 Mt CO2e (Independence Scenario). The State of Palestine, therefore, increases its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 17.5% by 2040 relative to the business-as-usual (BAU) levels under a scenario where the Israeli occupation continues (Status-quo Scenario), and by 26.6% by 2040 under a scenario where the Israeli occupation ends17 (Independence Scenario).", "inputs": { "text": "Palestine\u2019s updated total carbon reduction by 2040 equates to a total of 2.8 Mt CO2e (Status-quo Scenario) and 4.6 Mt CO2e (Independence Scenario). The State of Palestine, therefore, increases its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 17.5% by 2040 relative to the business-as-usual (BAU) levels under a scenario where the Israeli occupation continues (Status-quo Scenario), and by 26.6% by 2040 under a scenario where the Israeli occupation ends17 (Independence Scenario)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dbbfbddb-dc2e-4421-b03e-43538d70e509", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 477 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The measures identified are as follows: o Renewable energy, particularly decentralized o Multi-cycle power stations o Scalable power stations of 20-50MW o Enforced energy efficiency o Use of natural gas rather than liquid fuels 2. Oil and Gas o Improved enforcement of gas flaring restrictions o Development of Gas-to-Power Plants at Gas Flare Sites (micro grid) o Blending 10% by volume of Fuel-Ethanol with Gasoline (E10) and 20% by volume of Biodiesel with Petroleum Diesel (B20) for Transportation Fuels. 3.", "inputs": { "text": "The measures identified are as follows: o Renewable energy, particularly decentralized o Multi-cycle power stations o Scalable power stations of 20-50MW o Enforced energy efficiency o Use of natural gas rather than liquid fuels 2. Oil and Gas o Improved enforcement of gas flaring restrictions o Development of Gas-to-Power Plants at Gas Flare Sites (micro grid) o Blending 10% by volume of Fuel-Ethanol with Gasoline (E10) and 20% by volume of Biodiesel with Petroleum Diesel (B20) for Transportation Fuels. 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dc0b56c7-0edd-41fa-a98e-e71afd0ea5d9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 511 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Denmark\u2019s long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest.", "inputs": { "text": "Denmark\u2019s long-term strategy The national Climate Act adopted by the Danish parliament defines legally binding targets and has laid down a solid foundation for continued and ambitious climate action. Not just for the next ten years, but towards 2050. The Danish Climate Act sets a near-term target of reducing Denmark s total green- house gas emissions by 70% by 2030 compared to the 1990 level and sets a long- term target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dc19d4a0-61ad-4711-968c-b575ef9016ae", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 480 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "import, storage and infrastructure \u2022 Increase in solar, hydro, biomass and other renewables to 35 percent of the generation mix by 2050, of which 12 percent is from solar \u2022 Investments in grid modernization, flexibility and storage Energy efficiency measures in buildings and industry \u2022 Fuel switching to electricity for cooking \u2022 Substitution of coal in the industrial and power sector Transportation \u2022 More use of public transportation \u2013 30 percent modal share in urban areas by 2050 \u2022 Moderate penetration of electric vehicles \u2013 70 percent for motorcycles and 40 percent for cars and urban buses by 2050 \u2022 Increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles \u2022 Rail for freight and passengers \u2022 CNG penetration of 80 percent for interregional buses and 80 percent for trucks until 2050 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Clinker substitution in cement production \u2022 Carbon capture and storage for cement kilns \u2022 Use of recycled aggregate concrete \u2022 Increasing use of refrigerants with low global warming potential \u2022 Regular inspection of refrigeration", "inputs": { "text": "import, storage and infrastructure \u2022 Increase in solar, hydro, biomass and other renewables to 35 percent of the generation mix by 2050, of which 12 percent is from solar \u2022 Investments in grid modernization, flexibility and storage Energy efficiency measures in buildings and industry \u2022 Fuel switching to electricity for cooking \u2022 Substitution of coal in the industrial and power sector Transportation \u2022 More use of public transportation \u2013 30 percent modal share in urban areas by 2050 \u2022 Moderate penetration of electric vehicles \u2013 70 percent for motorcycles and 40 percent for cars and urban buses by 2050 \u2022 Increased fuel efficiency for internal combustion engine vehicles \u2022 Rail for freight and passengers \u2022 CNG penetration of 80 percent for interregional buses and 80 percent for trucks until 2050 Industrial processes and product use \u2022 Clinker substitution in cement production \u2022 Carbon capture and storage for cement kilns \u2022 Use of recycled aggregate concrete \u2022 Increasing use of refrigerants with low global warming potential \u2022 Regular inspection of refrigeration" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dc3ec56a-198d-4795-9092-5475f0f78ddb", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 1070 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In summary, Myanmar\u201fs unconditional targets for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021-2030 will amount to 244,525,968 tCO2e. If Myanmar receives sufficient and timely technical and financial support from the international community, the government aims to be able to achieve a conditional target for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021- 2030 of 414,760,604 tCO2e. In addition, Myanmar is currently exploring Article 6 carbon trading through fuel efficient cookstove distribution programs of 10,249,200 tCO2e. Table 18.", "inputs": { "text": "In summary, Myanmar\u201fs unconditional targets for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021-2030 will amount to 244,525,968 tCO2e. If Myanmar receives sufficient and timely technical and financial support from the international community, the government aims to be able to achieve a conditional target for Total Emissions Avoided/Reduced over the period 2021- 2030 of 414,760,604 tCO2e. In addition, Myanmar is currently exploring Article 6 carbon trading through fuel efficient cookstove distribution programs of 10,249,200 tCO2e. Table 18." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dc6748ed-60b8-420b-9cff-4f70a62b73f0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824640, "metrics": { "text_length": 551 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The NDC sets out both adaptation and mitigation contribution based on conditional support. The mitigation contribution intended to abate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the business as usual (BAU) scenario. 2. Despite our first NDC being fully conditional to international support, most of the progress made in implementation to date is from domestic resources. 3.", "inputs": { "text": "The NDC sets out both adaptation and mitigation contribution based on conditional support. The mitigation contribution intended to abate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the business as usual (BAU) scenario. 2. Despite our first NDC being fully conditional to international support, most of the progress made in implementation to date is from domestic resources. 3." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dce0e678-4a8b-49a2-9d47-abff01a15661", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 392 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This target will be reexamined in 2025, and will be updated as necessary, having regard to technological developments, the extent of the penetration of electric vehicles in Israel and globally, electricity infrastructure and the deployment of charging stations in Israel. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 2050 by at least 96% compared to emissions measured in 2015. Waste Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste by 2030 by at least 47% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 5.5MtCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "This target will be reexamined in 2025, and will be updated as necessary, having regard to technological developments, the extent of the penetration of electric vehicles in Israel and globally, electricity infrastructure and the deployment of charging stations in Israel. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 2050 by at least 96% compared to emissions measured in 2015. Waste Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste by 2030 by at least 47% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 5.5MtCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dcfa32af-2f66-460d-b396-dc944a924e30", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824652, "metrics": { "text_length": 535 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emission reduction efforts will concentrate in key sectors of forestry, agriculture and energy. Implementing all unconditional and conditional mitigation activities is expected to reduce the per capita emissions of Malawi from 1.4 t CO2e per capita in 2010 to around 0.7 to 0.8 t CO2e per capita in 2030 compared to expected business as usual emissions of around 1.5 t CO2e per capita in 2030. Potential reductions from the energy sector will be additional to the expected overall per capita GHG emissions reduction.", "inputs": { "text": "Emission reduction efforts will concentrate in key sectors of forestry, agriculture and energy. Implementing all unconditional and conditional mitigation activities is expected to reduce the per capita emissions of Malawi from 1.4 t CO2e per capita in 2010 to around 0.7 to 0.8 t CO2e per capita in 2030 compared to expected business as usual emissions of around 1.5 t CO2e per capita in 2030. Potential reductions from the energy sector will be additional to the expected overall per capita GHG emissions reduction." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dd0568fd-22d0-4e81-9db9-5a14d34f298b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 516 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support.", "inputs": { "text": "Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dd382222-ff46-4da3-a04c-2952ea6bd31d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 362 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030", "inputs": { "text": "It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dd6c7f19-0158-4ed5-949b-22511936424b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 383 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2).", "inputs": { "text": "13.1 Introduce new national policy or make amendments to relevant existing policies to promote environmentally sustainable transport modes including electric mobility and hybrid vehicles 13.2 Introduce fuel-based carbon tax 13.3 Include climate change measures in maritime policy making It is expected that the implementation of updated NDCs will result in GHG emissions reduction against BAU scenario by 4.0% in the transport sector (1.0% unconditionally and 3.0% conditionally) equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 1,337,000 MT unconditionally and 4,011,000 MT conditionally (total of 5,348,000 MT) of carbon dioxide equivalent during the period of 2021-2030 (Figure 4.4.2)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ddcef583-a693-412e-9dbc-963d591c17b2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824645, "metrics": { "text_length": 686 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "w Relevant enhancements to the data and basis of this NDC will be submitted at relevant intervals.\fNationally Determined Contribution Timor-Leste 2022-2030 3. Scope and Coverage a. General description of the target; Timor-Leste is a Least Developed Country that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while also reliant on revenue from its oil and gas resources. Timor-Leste\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a \u2018nature-positive\u2019 resilient development pathway.", "inputs": { "text": "w Relevant enhancements to the data and basis of this NDC will be submitted at relevant intervals.\fNationally Determined Contribution Timor-Leste 2022-2030 3. Scope and Coverage a. General description of the target; Timor-Leste is a Least Developed Country that is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change while also reliant on revenue from its oil and gas resources. Timor-Leste\u2019s NDC is an economy-wide commitment to establishing a \u2018nature-positive\u2019 resilient development pathway." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "de1665f2-c953-4649-9f14-2d26c1419b0c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824608, "metrics": { "text_length": 492 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Enhancement of the modal transfer project in the city of Ouagadougou (for 20 km). 2,216,667. B. Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency/introduction of low- consumption bulbs. 6,875,000. Energy efficiency in electric lighting (residential, EP and tertiary). 100,000,000. Cost (US$). CONDITIONAL SUBTOTAL. 756,032,667. Forestation/reforestation project equivalent to three Forest Investment Programmes (FIP). 64,938,000. Recovery of methane from used water from the Ouagadougou municipal purification station. 72,784,000. Recovery of methane from the solid wastes of the Ouagadougou municipal industrial landfill. 8,444,000. A. Electrical energy production.", "inputs": { "text": "Enhancement of the modal transfer project in the city of Ouagadougou (for 20 km). 2,216,667. B. Residential and tertiary. Energy efficiency/introduction of low- consumption bulbs. 6,875,000. Energy efficiency in electric lighting (residential, EP and tertiary). 100,000,000. Cost (US$). CONDITIONAL SUBTOTAL. 756,032,667. Forestation/reforestation project equivalent to three Forest Investment Programmes (FIP). 64,938,000. Recovery of methane from used water from the Ouagadougou municipal purification station. 72,784,000. Recovery of methane from the solid wastes of the Ouagadougou municipal industrial landfill. 8,444,000. A. Electrical energy production." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "de277b81-ffaf-4c10-aa3b-b9576876b44e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 660 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The EU and its Member States are committed to a binding target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly, as set out in the conclusions by the European Council of October 2014. In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 14, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted:. ANNEX. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the EU and its Member States. Parties.", "inputs": { "text": "The EU and its Member States are committed to a binding target of an at least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly, as set out in the conclusions by the European Council of October 2014. In line with the Lima Call for Climate Action, in particular its paragraph 14, the following quantifiable information is hereby submitted:. ANNEX. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of the EU and its Member States. Parties." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "de37a414-561c-4b1d-b722-0a6b67b1ec8a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 483 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 Clean Coal technology - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Deployment of carbon capture to sub-critical coal power stations in the north of Malawi with permanent geological storage within in-situ coal seams. MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, EGENCO, ESCOM, IPPs, Department of Mines, donors US$ 4.8 billion conditional Not applicable \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 TRANSPORT\uf020\f MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION NDC MEASURE LINE MINISTY (FOCAL POINT) OTHER KEY IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE CO-BENEFITS ALIGNMENT WITH SDGs TIMELINE Modal shift: private to passenger transport Increasing the share of passenger transport from around 10% at present to around 30% in 2040, reducing GHG emissions from gasoline and diesel use.", "inputs": { "text": "\uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 Clean Coal technology - Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Deployment of carbon capture to sub-critical coal power stations in the north of Malawi with permanent geological storage within in-situ coal seams. MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, EGENCO, ESCOM, IPPs, Department of Mines, donors US$ 4.8 billion conditional Not applicable \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 TRANSPORT\uf020\f MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION NDC MEASURE LINE MINISTY (FOCAL POINT) OTHER KEY IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE CO-BENEFITS ALIGNMENT WITH SDGs TIMELINE Modal shift: private to passenger transport Increasing the share of passenger transport from around 10% at present to around 30% in 2040, reducing GHG emissions from gasoline and diesel use." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "de5bf11e-27a2-41e2-902d-976700bce1b1", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 778 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "100% of community and sports infrastructure and assets are climate resilient (to withstand at a minimum Category 4 tropical cyclones) and have adequate water harvesting and storage system Conditional 10. 30,000 homes or 50% of pre-2020 homes to have back-up renewable energy systems for at least 4\u20136 hours of energy Conditional 11. All waterways are protected to reduce the risks of flooding and health impacts 2030 Conditional Targets to support social inclusion, gender and reduce transitional risks Just Transition 12.", "inputs": { "text": "100% of community and sports infrastructure and assets are climate resilient (to withstand at a minimum Category 4 tropical cyclones) and have adequate water harvesting and storage system Conditional 10. 30,000 homes or 50% of pre-2020 homes to have back-up renewable energy systems for at least 4\u20136 hours of energy Conditional 11. All waterways are protected to reduce the risks of flooding and health impacts 2030 Conditional Targets to support social inclusion, gender and reduce transitional risks Just Transition 12." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "de693325-a9e6-4a4f-ab6a-257620280efe", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The objective of this international cooperation heading is to integrate 40 GW of clean energy capacity, mobilizing climate financing, within the framework of the consolidation of a prosperous and sustainable North American region with the United States and Canada.", "inputs": { "text": "The objective of this international cooperation heading is to integrate 40 GW of clean energy capacity, mobilizing climate financing, within the framework of the consolidation of a prosperous and sustainable North American region with the United States and Canada." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "deaa9ad5-3361-416e-8d98-43a92c96b160", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 264 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "8 IPCC Special Report on the consequences of global warming of 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and associated trajectories of global greenhouse gas emissions in the context of strengthening the global response to climate change, sustainable development and the fight against poverty \u2013 Summary for policy makers \u2013 Environment By deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990, the Principality of Monaco has decided to align its commitment to 2030 with this trajectory.", "inputs": { "text": "8 IPCC Special Report on the consequences of global warming of 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and associated trajectories of global greenhouse gas emissions in the context of strengthening the global response to climate change, sustainable development and the fight against poverty \u2013 Summary for policy makers \u2013 Environment By deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990, the Principality of Monaco has decided to align its commitment to 2030 with this trajectory." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "df2561cb-833c-4af7-bbed-fcb868b2c3e9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 503 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The INDC Unconditional The FSM commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000. Conditional Similarly, subject to the availability of additional financial, technical and capacity building support from the international community, the FSM could do by 2025 an additional reduction up to 35% below emissions in the 2000 base year. Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Type Sectoral targets Reference year or period \u2022 Total GHG emissions for year 2000 in FSM were 150,000 tCO2e.", "inputs": { "text": "The INDC Unconditional The FSM commits to unconditionally reduce by 2025 a 28% its GHGs emissions below emissions in year 2000. Conditional Similarly, subject to the availability of additional financial, technical and capacity building support from the international community, the FSM could do by 2025 an additional reduction up to 35% below emissions in the 2000 base year. Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding Type Sectoral targets Reference year or period \u2022 Total GHG emissions for year 2000 in FSM were 150,000 tCO2e." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "dfdd16e9-89bf-4f08-a9e2-452b672bfb24", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 552 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This updated NDC includes ambitious mitigation target for Energy (electricity generation and transport), Waste and Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. For the energy sector, the two main targets are - 86% renewable energy generation from local resources in the electricity sector by 2030 and 100% of new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles by 2030. While the transport sector target is set to be achieved by 2040, continuous actions will be taken starting 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "This updated NDC includes ambitious mitigation target for Energy (electricity generation and transport), Waste and Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. For the energy sector, the two main targets are - 86% renewable energy generation from local resources in the electricity sector by 2030 and 100% of new vehicle sales to be electric vehicles by 2030. While the transport sector target is set to be achieved by 2040, continuous actions will be taken starting 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e0fef689-c16f-4cfb-972a-6d6751a83327", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 483 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "D Target indicator(s) compared to the reference one(s), expressed numerically, for example in% or amount of reduction; The Republic of Tajikistan is committed to an unconditional target, which is an emissions cap of 60 to 70% of existing GHG emissions in 1990 level by 2030, which stands at 21.32 capita. The conditional target of reducing GHG emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan would have an emissions cap of 50 to 60% compared to the 1990 level by 2030, which stands at capita if provided access to affordable financial resources, technology transfer and technical cooperation.", "inputs": { "text": "D Target indicator(s) compared to the reference one(s), expressed numerically, for example in% or amount of reduction; The Republic of Tajikistan is committed to an unconditional target, which is an emissions cap of 60 to 70% of existing GHG emissions in 1990 level by 2030, which stands at 21.32 capita. The conditional target of reducing GHG emissions in the Republic of Tajikistan would have an emissions cap of 50 to 60% compared to the 1990 level by 2030, which stands at capita if provided access to affordable financial resources, technology transfer and technical cooperation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e0ffd484-b6f2-4dde-9757-69eabd8c135b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824691, "metrics": { "text_length": 584 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Energy Hydropower 13GW total hydropower capacity (domestic and export use) in the country Energy Efficiency Introduction of 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves Transport \uf0b7 New Bus Rapid Transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component \uf0b7 Lao-China Railway In the LUCF sector, Lao PDR aims to accelerate the implementation of the national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, buffer zones of protected areas and other preserves, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The target is to reduce LUCF emissions by 1,100ktCO2e per year on average between 2020 and 2030, which is a threefold reduction objective compared to what was achieved between 2000 and 2015 (See also section 2.4).", "inputs": { "text": "Energy Hydropower 13GW total hydropower capacity (domestic and export use) in the country Energy Efficiency Introduction of 50,000 energy efficient cook stoves Transport \uf0b7 New Bus Rapid Transit system in Vientiane Capital and associated Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) component \uf0b7 Lao-China Railway In the LUCF sector, Lao PDR aims to accelerate the implementation of the national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, buffer zones of protected areas and other preserves, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The target is to reduce LUCF emissions by 1,100ktCO2e per year on average between 2020 and 2030, which is a threefold reduction objective compared to what was achieved between 2000 and 2015 (See also section 2.4)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e119cf4f-039e-425d-976f-f365d7b7b1e0", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824625, "metrics": { "text_length": 816 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\ufffd In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies. \ufffd Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points.", "inputs": { "text": "\ufffd In order to achieve net zero by 2050, Australia commits to seven low emissions technology stretch goals - ambitious but realistic goals to bring priority low emissions technologies to economic parity with existing mature technologies. \ufffd Australia reaffirms its ambitious economy-wide target to reduce greenhouse emissions to by 26 - 28% below 2005 levels by 2030, and will exceed it by up to 9 percentage points." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e1435d0d-bf89-48ea-a50f-14e42d92176c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 414 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GHG emissions in the IPPU sector are expected to increase from 1,297 GgCO2e in 2020 to 1,771 GgCO2e in 2030 (36.5 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 967 GgCO2e. This is a 25.4 percent decrease compared to the 2020 level and a 45.4 percent decrease compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 8: GHG emissions: IPPU baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.4 National understanding of conditionality.", "inputs": { "text": "GHG emissions in the IPPU sector are expected to increase from 1,297 GgCO2e in 2020 to 1,771 GgCO2e in 2030 (36.5 percent). Based on the mitigation measures listed above, GHG emissions in 2030 will be 967 GgCO2e. This is a 25.4 percent decrease compared to the 2020 level and a 45.4 percent decrease compared to the expected baseline level in 2030. Figure 8: GHG emissions: IPPU baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.4 National understanding of conditionality." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e16659f5-71bb-45b5-8cee-ed65dbf82832", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 458 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030. Table 2. Reduction of fossil fuel CO2 emissions Scenario (%) Year Conditional Unconditional The business as usual (BAU) scenario, for all GHG gases, is expected to increase to 4.1 MtCO2 equivalents in 2020, 6.1 MtCO2, in 2025 and in 2030 8.2 MtCO2 eq. Eritrea intends to limit its net greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions in 2030 to less than 7.2 MtCO2 eq.", "inputs": { "text": "If additional support is availed, it can further be reduced by 12.6% in 2020, 24.9% by 2025 and 38.5 by the year 2030. Table 2. Reduction of fossil fuel CO2 emissions Scenario (%) Year Conditional Unconditional The business as usual (BAU) scenario, for all GHG gases, is expected to increase to 4.1 MtCO2 equivalents in 2020, 6.1 MtCO2, in 2025 and in 2030 8.2 MtCO2 eq. Eritrea intends to limit its net greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions in 2030 to less than 7.2 MtCO2 eq." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e1faaef4-ba14-40f9-ab4d-d0e38a8ba84b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 471 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional on access to means of implementation Adaptation Co-benefits \u2022 Distributed renewable energy increases the resilience of the energy system to sea-level rise and extreme weather events \u2022 Domestically produced renewable energy is less vulnerable than imported fossil fuels to climate change-induced disruption of global supply chains Mitigation Co-benefits \u2022 Reduced emissions of carbon dioxide \u2022 Reduced demand for, and use and transport of, diesel fuel \u2022 Reductions of non-CO2 diesel emissions, e.g., black carbon, methane (see below) By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation!", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional on access to means of implementation Adaptation Co-benefits \u2022 Distributed renewable energy increases the resilience of the energy system to sea-level rise and extreme weather events \u2022 Domestically produced renewable energy is less vulnerable than imported fossil fuels to climate change-induced disruption of global supply chains Mitigation Co-benefits \u2022 Reduced emissions of carbon dioxide \u2022 Reduced demand for, and use and transport of, diesel fuel \u2022 Reductions of non-CO2 diesel emissions, e.g., black carbon, methane (see below) By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation!" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e1fd2661-1f68-4a8c-9e8d-e58e8a2a57f1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 646 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "GWh Development of renewable energies Hydroelectricity connected to the main grid MW Electricity generation from bagasse MW Solar PV, large grid MWc Mini-solar/diesel grid MWc Solar PV, small isolated grid, 100% solar MWc Wind MW Improving energy efficiency in the transport sector More efficient gasoline cars Cars More efficient diesel cars Cars Restriction on imports of used cars Cars The impact of these measures on the reduction of emissions was assessed through the GACMO tool.", "inputs": { "text": "GWh Development of renewable energies Hydroelectricity connected to the main grid MW Electricity generation from bagasse MW Solar PV, large grid MWc Mini-solar/diesel grid MWc Solar PV, small isolated grid, 100% solar MWc Wind MW Improving energy efficiency in the transport sector More efficient gasoline cars Cars More efficient diesel cars Cars Restriction on imports of used cars Cars The impact of these measures on the reduction of emissions was assessed through the GACMO tool." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e25c1316-9a40-4d3b-b32e-d6b50eefb17b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824638, "metrics": { "text_length": 484 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional and six conditional programmes ol action. For the 34 rritigation measures. Ghana aims to implernent nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO:e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO:e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 6. 1. 8.", "inputs": { "text": "The 13 adaptation measures are divided into seven unconditional and six conditional programmes ol action. For the 34 rritigation measures. Ghana aims to implernent nine unconditional programmes of action that would result in 8.5 MtCO:e GHG reductions by 2025 and a further 24.6 MtCO:e by 2030 compared to the 2020-2030 cumulative emissions in a baseline scenario. Ghana can also adopt additional 25 conditional programmes of action that have the potential to achieve 16.7 6. 1. 8." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e26d6dd2-2043-4566-adaa-364378ccf721", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 480 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia\u2019s performance against its 2030 target, and our commitment to our low emissions technology economic stretch goals place us on a trajectory to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Australia has a Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan which details how we will achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Australia\u2019s Technology Investment Roadmap is a comprehensive and enduring process to accelerate the development and commercialisation of new and emerging low emissions technologies to reach cost parity with existing high emissions technologies.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia\u2019s performance against its 2030 target, and our commitment to our low emissions technology economic stretch goals place us on a trajectory to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Australia has a Long Term Emissions Reduction Plan which details how we will achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Australia\u2019s Technology Investment Roadmap is a comprehensive and enduring process to accelerate the development and commercialisation of new and emerging low emissions technologies to reach cost parity with existing high emissions technologies." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e2fc7ef7-13f4-4652-a436-d34f3be16ab6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Walloon long-term strategy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% compared to 1990.The Flemish long-term strategy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from sectors not covered by the ETS (the so-called non-ETS sectors) by 85% by 2050 compared to 2005.", "inputs": { "text": "The Walloon long-term strategy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% compared to 1990.The Flemish long-term strategy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from sectors not covered by the ETS (the so-called non-ETS sectors) by 85% by 2050 compared to 2005." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e3490efd-b8f6-4ff7-af9e-bc1a67e1703b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824673, "metrics": { "text_length": 305 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The initial estimate of financial needs for this NDC implementation is around US$11.5 billion, of which US$6.3 billion for mitigation, and US$5.2 billion for adaptation. \f ANNEX 1: Mongolia\u2019s NDC target by 2030 A. Nationally Determined Contribution Target Mongolia intends to achieve a target to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7 percent by 2030, compared to the business as usual scenario, excluding LULUCF. B.", "inputs": { "text": "The initial estimate of financial needs for this NDC implementation is around US$11.5 billion, of which US$6.3 billion for mitigation, and US$5.2 billion for adaptation. \f ANNEX 1: Mongolia\u2019s NDC target by 2030 A. Nationally Determined Contribution Target Mongolia intends to achieve a target to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7 percent by 2030, compared to the business as usual scenario, excluding LULUCF. B." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e373f46e-27ae-4b50-a41a-3bda34749da9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 425 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This CDN provides for the cumulative reduction of GHG emissions to 88,350 kt CO2eq (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 with an overall mitigation target of 19.3% from the baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "This CDN provides for the cumulative reduction of GHG emissions to 88,350 kt CO2eq (unconditional and conditional measures) by 2030 with an overall mitigation target of 19.3% from the baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e3a0a7c6-2d72-4fa9-a0b5-b9847aa97a6d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 202 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Republic of Belarus intends to make a more ambitious contribution in the global response to climate change and sets economy-wide unconditional and conditional greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector.", "inputs": { "text": "The Republic of Belarus intends to make a more ambitious contribution in the global response to climate change and sets economy-wide unconditional and conditional greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e40683d9-2186-4f3c-b7f1-5e23eb9d431d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824621, "metrics": { "text_length": 446 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This\"effort\"will\"be\"bolstered\"by\"the\"EU-funded\"AW-REP\"described\"above,\"under\"which\"the\"FSM\" Department\"of\"Resources\"&\"Development\"will\"coordinate\"the\"development\"of\"a\"comprehensive\" national\"Transport\"Master\"Plan\"and\"State\"Action\"Plans.\"The\"AW-REP\"is\"also\"intended\"to\"kickstart\" Contributions+ Conditional By 2030, climate-proof (e.g., by widening, elevating, repairing and/or relocating) all major island ring roads, airport access roads and arterial roads\" Conditional By 2030, complete climate-proofing of major ports (including larger and more resilient docks meeting ISPS standards)\f Climate+Change+Co-Benefits+ Mitigation Adaptation \u2022 Reduction of emissions from idling vessels waiting to dock \u2022 Reduction of emissions from large transportation idling vessels waiting to dock by incorporating renewable energy technology for powering their auxiliary equipment \u2022 Resilience to flooding from sea-level rise and king tides \u2022 Maintenance of public and commercial services during weather related emergencies Means+of+Implementation+Requirements+ million\" and\" USD\" 79\" million\" for\" road\" and\" pedestrian\" and\" maritime\" infrastructure\" projects,\" respectively.", "inputs": { "text": "This\"effort\"will\"be\"bolstered\"by\"the\"EU-funded\"AW-REP\"described\"above,\"under\"which\"the\"FSM\" Department\"of\"Resources\"&\"Development\"will\"coordinate\"the\"development\"of\"a\"comprehensive\" national\"Transport\"Master\"Plan\"and\"State\"Action\"Plans.\"The\"AW-REP\"is\"also\"intended\"to\"kickstart\" Contributions+ Conditional By 2030, climate-proof (e.g., by widening, elevating, repairing and/or relocating) all major island ring roads, airport access roads and arterial roads\" Conditional By 2030, complete climate-proofing of major ports (including larger and more resilient docks meeting ISPS standards)\f Climate+Change+Co-Benefits+ Mitigation Adaptation \u2022 Reduction of emissions from idling vessels waiting to dock \u2022 Reduction of emissions from large transportation idling vessels waiting to dock by incorporating renewable energy technology for powering their auxiliary equipment \u2022 Resilience to flooding from sea-level rise and king tides \u2022 Maintenance of public and commercial services during weather related emergencies Means+of+Implementation+Requirements+ million\" and\" USD\" 79\" million\" for\" road\" and\" pedestrian\" and\" maritime\" infrastructure\" projects,\" respectively." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e429820a-38bc-4e03-bbf5-2c949c8655bf", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824607, "metrics": { "text_length": 1163 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Since then, China has made significant progress in fulfilling its commitments in an active and pragmatic manner. China\u2019s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Since then, China has made significant progress in fulfilling its commitments in an active and pragmatic manner. China\u2019s updated NDC goals are as follows: aims to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060; to lower CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%, to increase the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level, and to bring its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e45ac1d0-bd76-4f50-bcca-e4eb1b2e5f4a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 588 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "National Policy on Biofuels 2018: Indicative 2025 target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol, with an annual savings potential of INR 300 billion of foreign exchange. 4. For increasing feedstock and augmenting availability of bioethanol Government of India has announced Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana in March, 2019 for providing financial support in the form of VGF to 12 Integrated Second-Generation Bioethanol Projects using lignocellulosic biomass and other biodegradable feedstock.", "inputs": { "text": "National Policy on Biofuels 2018: Indicative 2025 target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol, with an annual savings potential of INR 300 billion of foreign exchange. 4. For increasing feedstock and augmenting availability of bioethanol Government of India has announced Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana in March, 2019 for providing financial support in the form of VGF to 12 Integrated Second-Generation Bioethanol Projects using lignocellulosic biomass and other biodegradable feedstock." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e46d7751-5358-4004-bafc-eed0f4d7e2d2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 486 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \u2022 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 22 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.7 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding.", "inputs": { "text": "This is an unconditional target, based on domestically supported and implemented mitigation measures and policies. \u2022 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 22 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.7 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e48d6986-1e8d-451a-912a-47b4d14600ee", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 408 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 5 Mitigation contribution Malawi\u201fs mitigation contribution takes the form of a reduction in GHG emissions relative to a business-as-usual (BAU) emissions baseline over the period to 2040. The contribution comprises of two components: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year.", "inputs": { "text": "MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION 5 Mitigation contribution Malawi\u201fs mitigation contribution takes the form of a reduction in GHG emissions relative to a business-as-usual (BAU) emissions baseline over the period to 2040. The contribution comprises of two components: \uf0b7 Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 6 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 2.1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) in that year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e4dd4184-a321-475d-a44e-b23e619d8410", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824666, "metrics": { "text_length": 492 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Indeed, the target set in the PNEC corresponds to a share of 49% of electric vehicles (all electric and hybrid rechargeable) in the car fleet by 2030.156 The diffusion of electric vehicles in Luxembourg naturally depends on the more or less rapid evolution of the international car market, but also on national measures to promote and put in place adequate recharging infrastructure.", "inputs": { "text": "Indeed, the target set in the PNEC corresponds to a share of 49% of electric vehicles (all electric and hybrid rechargeable) in the car fleet by 2030.156 The diffusion of electric vehicles in Luxembourg naturally depends on the more or less rapid evolution of the international car market, but also on national measures to promote and put in place adequate recharging infrastructure." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e5207bca-b7d0-48b8-895d-6ff793e63cca", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824690, "metrics": { "text_length": 383 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of Costa Rica has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of Costa Rica.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of Costa Rica has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of Costa Rica." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e528b1a0-1cb4-47b0-981c-0ca63415930b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 192 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Summary of GEI's emissions mitigation target Commitment As part of its mitigation target, Colombia commits to: \uf0b7 emit a maximum of 169.44 million t CO2 eq in 2030 (equivalent to a 51% reduction in emissions compared to the 2030 emissions projection in the baseline scenario), initiating a decline in emissions between 2027 and 2030 towards carbon neutrality in the middle of the century. \uf0b7 Establish carbon budgets for the period 2020-2030 by 2023 at the latest.", "inputs": { "text": "Summary of GEI's emissions mitigation target Commitment As part of its mitigation target, Colombia commits to: \uf0b7 emit a maximum of 169.44 million t CO2 eq in 2030 (equivalent to a 51% reduction in emissions compared to the 2030 emissions projection in the baseline scenario), initiating a decline in emissions between 2027 and 2030 towards carbon neutrality in the middle of the century. \uf0b7 Establish carbon budgets for the period 2020-2030 by 2023 at the latest." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e54529f1-c607-44b1-9780-c645d6c64f3c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824682, "metrics": { "text_length": 462 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": ", black carbon, methane (see below) By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation! Conditional on access to means of implementation By 2030, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels !", "inputs": { "text": ", black carbon, methane (see below) By 2030, increase electricity generation from renewable energy to more than 70% of total generation! Conditional on access to means of implementation By 2030, reduce carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation by more than 65% below 2000 levels !" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e5f53bbe-5920-4fd0-b1c3-6f5027073773", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 292 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In model pathways indicated in the report, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero around 2050. For limiting global warming to below 2\u00b0C, the report suggests that CO2 emissions are projected to decline by about 25% by 2030 from the 2010 level and reach net zero around 2070. The report specifies that the pathways that overshoot 1.5\u00b0C of global warming rely on CO2 removal measures to return to below 1.5\u00b0C by 2100.", "inputs": { "text": "In model pathways indicated in the report, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net zero around 2050. For limiting global warming to below 2\u00b0C, the report suggests that CO2 emissions are projected to decline by about 25% by 2030 from the 2010 level and reach net zero around 2070. The report specifies that the pathways that overshoot 1.5\u00b0C of global warming rely on CO2 removal measures to return to below 1.5\u00b0C by 2100." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e669a02e-943c-447d-8cd1-8e94603937af", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 479 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030 targets a 30% share of electric and hybrid cars among Dubai\u2019s government- procured vehicles by the same year. In 2016, the UAE set a 10% penetration target for electric and hybrid cars in the government fleet by 2021. To support this target, the government introduced 10% annual purchase/lease of hybrids and EVs in its fleet to drive the market shift.", "inputs": { "text": "The Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030 targets a 30% share of electric and hybrid cars among Dubai\u2019s government- procured vehicles by the same year. In 2016, the UAE set a 10% penetration target for electric and hybrid cars in the government fleet by 2021. To support this target, the government introduced 10% annual purchase/lease of hybrids and EVs in its fleet to drive the market shift." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e67353e6-40a2-403d-ab23-f8be1a882c53", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 391 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Figure 5: GHG emissions: Energy baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.4 Transport. One mitigation measure has been identified in the transport sector:. 4 \u2013 Downsizing the Gambia\u2019s transport sector carbon footprint. Measure. Conditionality. Mitigation potential (in GgCO2e) and timeline. 4 \u2013 Downsizing the Gambia\u2019s transport sector carbon footprint. Component 1: Implementation of vehicle fuel efficiency standards Component 2: Strengthening public transport systems Component 3: Increasing use of blended fuel in road transport. Conditional. 129 GgCO2e in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Figure 5: GHG emissions: Energy baseline and mitigation scenario. 1.3.4 Transport. One mitigation measure has been identified in the transport sector:. 4 \u2013 Downsizing the Gambia\u2019s transport sector carbon footprint. Measure. Conditionality. Mitigation potential (in GgCO2e) and timeline. 4 \u2013 Downsizing the Gambia\u2019s transport sector carbon footprint. Component 1: Implementation of vehicle fuel efficiency standards Component 2: Strengthening public transport systems Component 3: Increasing use of blended fuel in road transport. Conditional. 129 GgCO2e in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e67fd437-c955-4692-815b-c9bcb7a09b07", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 562 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Limit the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030, so that the total increase in emissions will be only 3.3% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 17.6 MtCO2e. Limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from new vehicles, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered from 2030, to an amount equal to 5% of the average greenhouse gas emissions for a new vehicle, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered in 2020. This target will be reexamined in 2025, and will be updated as necessary, having regard to technological developments, the extent of the penetration of electric vehicles in Israel and globally, electricity infrastructure and the deployment of charging stations in Israel.", "inputs": { "text": "Limit the increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by 2030, so that the total increase in emissions will be only 3.3% compared to emissions measured in 2015, which were 17.6 MtCO2e. Limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from new vehicles, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered from 2030, to an amount equal to 5% of the average greenhouse gas emissions for a new vehicle, weighing up to 3.5 tonnes, registered in 2020. This target will be reexamined in 2025, and will be updated as necessary, having regard to technological developments, the extent of the penetration of electric vehicles in Israel and globally, electricity infrastructure and the deployment of charging stations in Israel." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e682aed1-bf1e-428d-8fe4-733b4d3032ea", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824636, "metrics": { "text_length": 713 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Every place in the UK will have its own net zero emission transport network before 2050, serving the unique needs of its communities. Sustainability will be at the heart of levelling up. People everywhere will feel the benefits \u2013 villages, towns, cities, and countryside will be cleaner, greener, healthier, and more prosperous and pleasant environments in which to live, work and enjoy. 6.", "inputs": { "text": "Every place in the UK will have its own net zero emission transport network before 2050, serving the unique needs of its communities. Sustainability will be at the heart of levelling up. People everywhere will feel the benefits \u2013 villages, towns, cities, and countryside will be cleaner, greener, healthier, and more prosperous and pleasant environments in which to live, work and enjoy. 6." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e69284d0-5d13-48df-bb0f-7d1df2f2ff82", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824688, "metrics": { "text_length": 390 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding.", "inputs": { "text": "\uf0b7 Conditional contribution: An additional reduction of 45 per cent relative to BAU in the year 2040; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 15.6 million tCO2e in that year. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e69e25ae-5eea-4ae9-91a6-bc626c31df75", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 294 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "\u2022 FINANCIAL \u2022 TECHNICAL \u2022 TECHCNOLOGICAL \u2022 CAPACITY BUILDING Black Carbon Instruments NDC Unconditional commitments Conditional commitments GHG BC GHG BC Power Transport Industry Residential Oil and gas Agriculture Waste LUCF Synergy with adaptation Sectors Mexico is unconditionally committed to re- duce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% and its black carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 compared to a baseline un- der a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. In addition, conditional commitments would allow for increased emissions mitigation, reaching a target of up to 36% reduction of GHG emissions and 70% of black carbon emissions by 2030 compared to the BAU.", "inputs": { "text": "\u2022 FINANCIAL \u2022 TECHNICAL \u2022 TECHCNOLOGICAL \u2022 CAPACITY BUILDING Black Carbon Instruments NDC Unconditional commitments Conditional commitments GHG BC GHG BC Power Transport Industry Residential Oil and gas Agriculture Waste LUCF Synergy with adaptation Sectors Mexico is unconditionally committed to re- duce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 22% and its black carbon emissions by 51% by 2030 compared to a baseline un- der a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. In addition, conditional commitments would allow for increased emissions mitigation, reaching a target of up to 36% reduction of GHG emissions and 70% of black carbon emissions by 2030 compared to the BAU." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e6cf0463-3ff8-4a0e-9f4c-36ed90b81037", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 666 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The updated and enhanced target is to reduce total national GHG emissions by 40% from the 2018 level, which is 727.6 MtCO2eq, by 2030. 40% reduction target is more enhanced because it is below its linear reduction pathways from 2018 to 2050. This indicates the Republic of Korea\u2019s enhanced ambition towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "The updated and enhanced target is to reduce total national GHG emissions by 40% from the 2018 level, which is 727.6 MtCO2eq, by 2030. 40% reduction target is more enhanced because it is below its linear reduction pathways from 2018 to 2050. This indicates the Republic of Korea\u2019s enhanced ambition towards the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e77d6175-29ba-420d-879e-b8ad6e1e9636", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 345 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The unconditional share will reach about 10% when taking into consideration implemented and planned measures up to 2030 which are accounted for in the BAU scenario.\f7 National emissions (Gg CO2 Eq.) BAU and mitigation scenarios for the year 2030 BAU Mitigation scenario Reduction of emissions by 89 % compared to the BAU scenario in emissions and removals in the AFOLU sector Sectors The contribution of the IPCC sectors are given in the table below.", "inputs": { "text": "The unconditional share will reach about 10% when taking into consideration implemented and planned measures up to 2030 which are accounted for in the BAU scenario.\f7 National emissions (Gg CO2 Eq.) BAU and mitigation scenarios for the year 2030 BAU Mitigation scenario Reduction of emissions by 89 % compared to the BAU scenario in emissions and removals in the AFOLU sector Sectors The contribution of the IPCC sectors are given in the table below." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e805277d-e603-4dbc-84cc-795520a21a0b", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 452 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, bio-energy with CCS (BECCS) power plant is needed to achieve the 2-degree target in 2050. \u2022 Transport sector: The energy efficiency improvement will be achieved by behavioral changes, road surface improvement and engine performance improvement. Currently, the proportion of new efficient vehicle fleets is increasing, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles. Under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the transport sector needs to increase the energy efficiency to 68% of total final energy consumption in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, bio-energy with CCS (BECCS) power plant is needed to achieve the 2-degree target in 2050. \u2022 Transport sector: The energy efficiency improvement will be achieved by behavioral changes, road surface improvement and engine performance improvement. Currently, the proportion of new efficient vehicle fleets is increasing, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles. Under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the transport sector needs to increase the energy efficiency to 68% of total final energy consumption in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e853717d-7ee5-47cc-944a-73cf330d7ca9", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 529 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "These investments are critical to immediately accelerate our emissions reductions. This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Achieving net-zero emissions is how we\u2014and our fellow nations around the globe\u2014will keep a 1.5\u00b0C limit on global temperature rise within reach and prevent unacceptable climate change impacts and risks.", "inputs": { "text": "These investments are critical to immediately accelerate our emissions reductions. This 2021 Long-Term Strategy represents the next step: it lays out how the United States can reach its ultimate goal of net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Achieving net-zero emissions is how we\u2014and our fellow nations around the globe\u2014will keep a 1.5\u00b0C limit on global temperature rise within reach and prevent unacceptable climate change impacts and risks." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e88b1c6d-e6ba-4523-a4cf-4d28535a30e9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 443 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The revised NDC includes an emissions reduction target against a 2010 base year instead of a BAU scenario for improved clarity and consistency in monitoring and reporting emissions. This revised and strengthened NDC pledges a significantly more ambitious mitigation target of reducing economy-wide CO2 emissions by 61% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, conditional upon adequate access to resources including climate finance as well as capacity building support.", "inputs": { "text": "The revised NDC includes an emissions reduction target against a 2010 base year instead of a BAU scenario for improved clarity and consistency in monitoring and reporting emissions. This revised and strengthened NDC pledges a significantly more ambitious mitigation target of reducing economy-wide CO2 emissions by 61% by 2030, compared to the base year 2010, conditional upon adequate access to resources including climate finance as well as capacity building support." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e8c194fd-7e34-42cb-bb28-a87cd77edaa3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824671, "metrics": { "text_length": 470 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "13 The National Climate Change Programme (2021 \u2013 2030) is also being processed by the Federal Ministry of Environment (Department of Climate Change) for approval by the Federal Executive Council\f Nigeria\u2019s NDC Nigeria recently updated and submitted the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of her commitment to the global target of keeping the earth\u2019s warming below 2oC in line with Article 4.2 of the Paris Agreement. In the updated NDC, Nigeria recommits to its unconditional contribution of 20% below business- as-usual by 2030 and increases its conditional contribution from 45% to 47% below business-as- usual by 2030, provided that sufficient international support is forthcoming.", "inputs": { "text": "13 The National Climate Change Programme (2021 \u2013 2030) is also being processed by the Federal Ministry of Environment (Department of Climate Change) for approval by the Federal Executive Council\f Nigeria\u2019s NDC Nigeria recently updated and submitted the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of her commitment to the global target of keeping the earth\u2019s warming below 2oC in line with Article 4.2 of the Paris Agreement. In the updated NDC, Nigeria recommits to its unconditional contribution of 20% below business- as-usual by 2030 and increases its conditional contribution from 45% to 47% below business-as- usual by 2030, provided that sufficient international support is forthcoming." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e8e13462-8ca1-4b8a-9f3e-ef093fd15369", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 786 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It\u00a0is\u00a0projected\u00a0that\u00a0both\u00a0the\u00a0frequency\u00a0and\u00a0intensity\u00a0of extreme\u00a0climate\u00a0events\u00a0would\u00a0increase\u00a0with\u00a0changing\u00a0climate. Major\u00a0existing\u00a0laws\u00a0and\u00a0policies\u00a0applicable\u00a0to\u00a0the\u00a0INDC\u00a0from\u00a0Bhutan\u00a0include\u00a0the\u00a0Constitution of\u00a0 the\u00a0 Kingdom\u00a0 of\u00a0 Bhutan,\u00a0 National\u00a0 Environment\u00a0 Protection\u00a0 Act\u00a0 (NEPA)\u00a0 2007,\u00a0 National Forest\u00a0Policy\u00a02011,\u00a0and\u00a0Economic\u00a0Development\u00a0Policy\u00a0(EDP)\u00a02010. Mitigation Bhutan\u00a0 intends\u00a0 to\u00a0 remain\u00a0 carbon\u00a0 neutral\u00a0 where\u00a0 emission\u00a0 of\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 gases\u00a0 will\u00a0 not exceed\u00a0carbon\u00a0sequestration\u00a0by\u00a0our\u00a0forests,\u00a0which\u00a0is\u00a0estimated\u00a0at\u00a06.3\u00a0million\u00a0tons\u00a0of\u00a0CO2.", "inputs": { "text": "It\u00a0is\u00a0projected\u00a0that\u00a0both\u00a0the\u00a0frequency\u00a0and\u00a0intensity\u00a0of extreme\u00a0climate\u00a0events\u00a0would\u00a0increase\u00a0with\u00a0changing\u00a0climate. Major\u00a0existing\u00a0laws\u00a0and\u00a0policies\u00a0applicable\u00a0to\u00a0the\u00a0INDC\u00a0from\u00a0Bhutan\u00a0include\u00a0the\u00a0Constitution of\u00a0 the\u00a0 Kingdom\u00a0 of\u00a0 Bhutan,\u00a0 National\u00a0 Environment\u00a0 Protection\u00a0 Act\u00a0 (NEPA)\u00a0 2007,\u00a0 National Forest\u00a0Policy\u00a02011,\u00a0and\u00a0Economic\u00a0Development\u00a0Policy\u00a0(EDP)\u00a02010. Mitigation Bhutan\u00a0 intends\u00a0 to\u00a0 remain\u00a0 carbon\u00a0 neutral\u00a0 where\u00a0 emission\u00a0 of\u00a0 greenhouse\u00a0 gases\u00a0 will\u00a0 not exceed\u00a0carbon\u00a0sequestration\u00a0by\u00a0our\u00a0forests,\u00a0which\u00a0is\u00a0estimated\u00a0at\u00a06.3\u00a0million\u00a0tons\u00a0of\u00a0CO2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "e95f32da-89cc-4c86-9ea4-834e19d3d854", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 567 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "9 Mitigation Component Our Nationally Determined Contribution to mitigation with a higher level of ambition sets the following targets: Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make massive efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "9 Mitigation Component Our Nationally Determined Contribution to mitigation with a higher level of ambition sets the following targets: Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make massive efforts to meet the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ea7625de-2965-4ba1-84cc-b47e51105480", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 680 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This new renewable energy target updates M2(1) target in the 2015 NDC. Two conditional targets are brought forward in the transport sector, namely 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix, as well as to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the transport fuels by 2030, in line with M2(2) from the 2015 NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "This new renewable energy target updates M2(1) target in the 2015 NDC. Two conditional targets are brought forward in the transport sector, namely 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix, as well as to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the transport fuels by 2030, in line with M2(2) from the 2015 NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ea8afe4f-252d-42d7-9abd-105927dee5d1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 369 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Australia is resolutely committed to the Paris Agreement, and to taking practical and ambitious action to reduce emissions. The details of Australia\u2019s 2030 target are set out in table 1 to aid clarity, transparency and understanding. Australia\u2019s Long Term Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy is under development, and will be submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26). II. Policies and measures.", "inputs": { "text": "Australia is resolutely committed to the Paris Agreement, and to taking practical and ambitious action to reduce emissions. The details of Australia\u2019s 2030 target are set out in table 1 to aid clarity, transparency and understanding. Australia\u2019s Long Term Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy is under development, and will be submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26). II. Policies and measures." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eaad0b00-c250-4132-add5-e73b094d8f36", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 437 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In addition, it incorporates the outcome of further analysis and consultation to enhance our existing plans, and to analyse future GHG emissions trends and mitigation and adaptation options. The INDC of Bangladesh consists of the following elements: \ufffd Mitigation contribution: \ufffd An unconditional contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 5% from Business as Usual (BAU) levels by 2030 in the power, transport and industry sectors, based on existing resources. 1Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) Version 2.0. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)\".", "inputs": { "text": "In addition, it incorporates the outcome of further analysis and consultation to enhance our existing plans, and to analyse future GHG emissions trends and mitigation and adaptation options. The INDC of Bangladesh consists of the following elements: \ufffd Mitigation contribution: \ufffd An unconditional contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 5% from Business as Usual (BAU) levels by 2030 in the power, transport and industry sectors, based on existing resources. 1Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (CAIT) Version 2.0. (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2014)\"." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eacaf87b-537c-4666-8335-7856b45a3f01", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 564 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Tonga\u2019s targets for mitigation are as follows: \ufffd Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2006 through a transition to 70% renewable electricity as well as energy efficiency measures. \ufffd AFOLU: establishment of a forest inventory as prerequisite to identify a GHG emission target for the 2025 NDC and planting one million trees by 2023. \ufffd Waste: expansion of the formal waste collection system as prerequisite to identify a GHG emission target for the 2025 NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "Tonga\u2019s targets for mitigation are as follows: \ufffd Energy: 13% (16 Gg) reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 2006 through a transition to 70% renewable electricity as well as energy efficiency measures. \ufffd AFOLU: establishment of a forest inventory as prerequisite to identify a GHG emission target for the 2025 NDC and planting one million trees by 2023. \ufffd Waste: expansion of the formal waste collection system as prerequisite to identify a GHG emission target for the 2025 NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eacebbfb-854c-4aaf-a9ae-74d576dad47c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 486 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Mining and quarrying 12. Petroleum, chemicals and non-metallic mineral products 14. Disaster risk management Sector Emission reduction pathway Potential emission reduction (million Potential emission sequestration Agriculture, livestock and fisheries 18% reduction in GHG emissions compared to \u2013 Infrastructure (construction and buildings) Procurement of green cement \u2013 Forestry 70% reduction in deforested area \u2013 Electricity Installation of 2,729.5 MW of renewable energy- based power plants (including hydropower) \u2013 Waste 30% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline \u2013 Tourism and recreation 66% reduction in GHG emissions related to hotels and restaurants compared to baseline \u2013 Mining and quarrying \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Transport 44% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline \u2013 Industry \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Petroleum, chemical and non-metallic mineral products \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Total\fExecutive summary\u2007\u200719 A summary of NDC sectoral strategies that will be implemented to achieved emission reduction targets is provided below.", "inputs": { "text": "Mining and quarrying 12. Petroleum, chemicals and non-metallic mineral products 14. Disaster risk management Sector Emission reduction pathway Potential emission reduction (million Potential emission sequestration Agriculture, livestock and fisheries 18% reduction in GHG emissions compared to \u2013 Infrastructure (construction and buildings) Procurement of green cement \u2013 Forestry 70% reduction in deforested area \u2013 Electricity Installation of 2,729.5 MW of renewable energy- based power plants (including hydropower) \u2013 Waste 30% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline \u2013 Tourism and recreation 66% reduction in GHG emissions related to hotels and restaurants compared to baseline \u2013 Mining and quarrying \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Transport 44% reduction in GHG emissions compared to baseline \u2013 Industry \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Petroleum, chemical and non-metallic mineral products \u2013 \u2013 \u2013 Total\fExecutive summary\u2007\u200719 A summary of NDC sectoral strategies that will be implemented to achieved emission reduction targets is provided below." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eb0e7f5e-6323-4844-9cf2-c0060e37fc38", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 1003 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Given the developmental dynamics in which the DRC is committed to 2030, its efforts will have to be reflected in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions relative to the OAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Given the developmental dynamics in which the DRC is committed to 2030, its efforts will have to be reflected in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions relative to the OAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2% unconditional), equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eb8d6ef9-705b-4435-a25a-6e0db8eb3307", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 428 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Two conditional targets are brought forward in the transport sector, namely 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix, as well as to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the transport fuels by 2030, in line with M2(2) from the 2015 NDC. Finally, a new target of 10% reduction of final energy consumption compared to business-as-usual (BAU) scenario is introduced in the energy efficiency sub-sector, to support the implementation of the 2016 National Policy on Energy Efficiency and Conservation which estimated total energy demand in Lao PDR as reaching 4,320 ktoe in 2030 (BAU scenario).", "inputs": { "text": "Two conditional targets are brought forward in the transport sector, namely 30% Electric Vehicles penetration for 2-wheelers and passengers cars in national vehicles mix, as well as to increase the share of biofuels to meet 10% of the transport fuels by 2030, in line with M2(2) from the 2015 NDC. Finally, a new target of 10% reduction of final energy consumption compared to business-as-usual (BAU) scenario is introduced in the energy efficiency sub-sector, to support the implementation of the 2016 National Policy on Energy Efficiency and Conservation which estimated total energy demand in Lao PDR as reaching 4,320 ktoe in 2030 (BAU scenario)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "eba0e88f-1cac-496f-99fd-7f1ffd1f8cef", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824679, "metrics": { "text_length": 651 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Time period Type of commitment A point year target managed using a carbon budget across the NDC period. Target reference year Reduction level Emissions will be reduced by 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030, which corresponds to a 41 per cent reduction when managed using a multi-year emissions budget.", "inputs": { "text": "Time period Type of commitment A point year target managed using a carbon budget across the NDC period. Target reference year Reduction level Emissions will be reduced by 50 per cent below gross 2005 levels by 2030, which corresponds to a 41 per cent reduction when managed using a multi-year emissions budget." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ebd6b9a2-f3a7-4f1a-b537-0ba98cf304f6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 310 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the Transport sector, Liberia commits to the following adaptation targets: \n\u2022 Support the implementation of infrastructure that foster the development of a bus public transport network for Monrovia \no Ensure low-income population to reach jobs, education and healthcare services, improving their access to economic and social opportunities.", "inputs": { "text": "In the Transport sector, Liberia commits to the following adaptation targets: \n\u2022 Support the implementation of infrastructure that foster the development of a bus public transport network for Monrovia \no Ensure low-income population to reach jobs, education and healthcare services, improving their access to economic and social opportunities." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ebffc515-24e9-4526-93da-c89f59ebf473", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 343 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 1: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions \u2013 Mitigation Unconditional contribution Contribution assuming no additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 12 MtCO2e by 2030 or 5% below BAU emissions for those sectors. Conditional contribution Contribution assuming additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 36 MtCO2e by 2030 or 15% below BAU emissions for those sectors.\f These contributions are illustrated graphically below.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 1: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions \u2013 Mitigation Unconditional contribution Contribution assuming no additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 12 MtCO2e by 2030 or 5% below BAU emissions for those sectors. Conditional contribution Contribution assuming additional international support Bangladesh will reduce its GHG emissions in the power, transport, and industry sectors by 36 MtCO2e by 2030 or 15% below BAU emissions for those sectors.\f These contributions are illustrated graphically below." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ebffc934-dbf2-4bc3-b997-e3ea019f3eb9", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 595 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Unconditional and conditional mitigation objectives Tunisia s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 13 per cent reduction in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year, or around 1/3 of the overall objective. The conditional contribution allows for an additional decrease of 28 per cent in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year.", "inputs": { "text": "Unconditional and conditional mitigation objectives Tunisia s unconditional contribution corresponds to a 13 per cent reduction in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year, or around 1/3 of the overall objective. The conditional contribution allows for an additional decrease of 28 per cent in carbon intensity, with 2010 as the base year." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ec5543c7-0d26-454e-a818-d7cccd27c469", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 343 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the transport sector needs to increase the energy efficiency to 68% of total final energy consumption in 2050. Though the share of energy efficiency improvement decreases, the energy consumption in the efficient vehicle increases. Liquid biofuels have been promoted as clean alternative fuels in the transport sector. To achieve the targets under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the share of liquid biofuel use will have to increase from 8% in 2030 to 34% of total final energy consumption in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the transport sector needs to increase the energy efficiency to 68% of total final energy consumption in 2050. Though the share of energy efficiency improvement decreases, the energy consumption in the efficient vehicle increases. Liquid biofuels have been promoted as clean alternative fuels in the transport sector. To achieve the targets under Thailand\u2019s LEDS, the share of liquid biofuel use will have to increase from 8% in 2030 to 34% of total final energy consumption in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ecbca55a-bceb-4df3-916a-cf18f388a0e8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824654, "metrics": { "text_length": 506 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In order to meet the conditional target, the country remains committed to seeking external and additional technical and financial support, with the aim of increasing the national ambition and achieving a 22.6% reduction in projected emissions by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "In order to meet the conditional target, the country remains committed to seeking external and additional technical and financial support, with the aim of increasing the national ambition and achieving a 22.6% reduction in projected emissions by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ed05fd58-34ef-4309-b855-9a4af1e734fb", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 251 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Implementation of the integrated Conakry DUP scenario - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line. - A 33.5 km long Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line. This work is estimated to cost EUR 422 million by 2030 for a cumulative balance of - 919 ktC02 by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Implementation of the integrated Conakry DUP scenario - A 33.5 km long Le Prince Kaloum / Sonfonya BRT line. - A 33.5 km long Kaloum / Kagbelen HRT line. This work is estimated to cost EUR 422 million by 2030 for a cumulative balance of - 919 ktC02 by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ed673eb5-9ba9-4dd9-889c-6f220176b25b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824651, "metrics": { "text_length": 257 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "For population projections the UN population prospectus 2012 medium fertility scenario was used. Individual assumptions were made for the mitigation options/activities in different sectors 3.2: Contributions to 2015 agreement Overall National Reductions Treatment of the Land Use Land Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions category has not been considered in the INDC. Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030 (see Figures 1 and 2 below).", "inputs": { "text": "For population projections the UN population prospectus 2012 medium fertility scenario was used. Individual assumptions were made for the mitigation options/activities in different sectors 3.2: Contributions to 2015 agreement Overall National Reductions Treatment of the Land Use Land Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions category has not been considered in the INDC. Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030 (see Figures 1 and 2 below)." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ed6d874c-2c6f-43cd-bbb4-89e202bea8b7", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 520 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, EGENCO, ESCOM, IPPs, Department of Mines, donors US$ 4.8 billion conditional Not applicable \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 TRANSPORT\uf020\f MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION NDC MEASURE LINE MINISTY (FOCAL POINT) OTHER KEY IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE CO-BENEFITS ALIGNMENT WITH SDGs TIMELINE Modal shift: private to passenger transport Increasing the share of passenger transport from around 10% at present to around 30% in 2040, reducing GHG emissions from gasoline and diesel use. MOTPW, MOLG (Department of Road Traffic and Safety Services) Passenger Associations, Bus Operators Associations, City Councils, private transport cos million uc: US$ 41m c: US$ 97m Increased resilience of transport infrastructure.", "inputs": { "text": "MOE (Department of Energy Affairs) MERA, EGENCO, ESCOM, IPPs, Department of Mines, donors US$ 4.8 billion conditional Not applicable \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 \uf061\uf020 TRANSPORT\uf020\f MALAWI\u2019S UPDATED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION NDC MEASURE LINE MINISTY (FOCAL POINT) OTHER KEY IMPLEMENTING ENTITIES TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDING ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE CO-BENEFITS ALIGNMENT WITH SDGs TIMELINE Modal shift: private to passenger transport Increasing the share of passenger transport from around 10% at present to around 30% in 2040, reducing GHG emissions from gasoline and diesel use. MOTPW, MOLG (Department of Road Traffic and Safety Services) Passenger Associations, Bus Operators Associations, City Councils, private transport cos million uc: US$ 41m c: US$ 97m Increased resilience of transport infrastructure." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "edaac5ab-14b0-41d9-9abd-40943a5450d4", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 793 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It has been estimated that by 2030 a total of 8 ISs will be able to include in their electricity systems generation plants based on renewable sources (photovoltaic, wind or microhydro). Contribution to SDGs: The goal will contribute to SDGs 7, 12 and 13. Efficient street lighting By 2030, 6% of the national public lighting inventory has been replaced with LED technology. Conditionality: Goal will be covered with national effort. With cooperation, approximately 12% would be reached.", "inputs": { "text": "It has been estimated that by 2030 a total of 8 ISs will be able to include in their electricity systems generation plants based on renewable sources (photovoltaic, wind or microhydro). Contribution to SDGs: The goal will contribute to SDGs 7, 12 and 13. Efficient street lighting By 2030, 6% of the national public lighting inventory has been replaced with LED technology. Conditionality: Goal will be covered with national effort. With cooperation, approximately 12% would be reached." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "edd6f717-679e-422d-944f-dff871f979d6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824626, "metrics": { "text_length": 486 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "NA Already budgeted under NERM Transport in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency. NA Already budgeted under NERM Electric Vehicles (e-mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce e-buses for public transportation (10% of total public buses); (b) Introduce e-cars in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and (c) 1000 electric two wheelers (e-bikes)/three wheelers (e-rickshaw). NA By 2030, 20 % bio-diesel (bio-fuel) blending in diesel. NA By 2030, Mileage and Emission Standards for Vehicles.", "inputs": { "text": "NA Already budgeted under NERM Transport in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency. NA Already budgeted under NERM Electric Vehicles (e-mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce e-buses for public transportation (10% of total public buses); (b) Introduce e-cars in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and (c) 1000 electric two wheelers (e-bikes)/three wheelers (e-rickshaw). NA By 2030, 20 % bio-diesel (bio-fuel) blending in diesel. NA By 2030, Mileage and Emission Standards for Vehicles." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ee0b1102-16c7-4d26-b88f-1e2cf193990f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 488 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "New Zealand confirmed its commitment to ambitious national action through legislation enacted in late 20191 that. set a new domestic target to. reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases (other than biogenic methane) to zero by 2050, and.", "inputs": { "text": "New Zealand confirmed its commitment to ambitious national action through legislation enacted in late 20191 that. set a new domestic target to. reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases (other than biogenic methane) to zero by 2050, and." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ee846760-e9a6-4d74-8d25-49377645ece6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824630, "metrics": { "text_length": 236 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector. \f The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction.", "inputs": { "text": "Taking into account the economic situation and the country s capabilities, the new unconditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector. \f The new conditional economy-wide target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 per cent from the 1990 level by 2030, inclusive of the LULUCF sector and subject to using international financing mechanisms to introduce the best available technologies for achieving greenhouse gas emissions reduction." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ee9bc30d-52f0-4d34-a3cc-681110c1478d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824659, "metrics": { "text_length": 555 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Recognition of the desirability of a net-zero emissions goal by 2050 and a global target to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Therefore the 2050 target of 85% GHG emissions reduction will be periodically revisited. The following sectoral targets were set: Transport As of 2026, all new municipal buses purchased will be clean vehicles as defined in section 77A of the Transport Ordinance [New Version].", "inputs": { "text": "Recognition of the desirability of a net-zero emissions goal by 2050 and a global target to limit temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Therefore the 2050 target of 85% GHG emissions reduction will be periodically revisited. The following sectoral targets were set: Transport As of 2026, all new municipal buses purchased will be clean vehicles as defined in section 77A of the Transport Ordinance [New Version]." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel", "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ef7b1d41-3ed0-494b-b242-e0f3d2ac37b1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824663, "metrics": { "text_length": 419 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The dissemination of electric vehicles in Luxembourg depends, of course, on the more or less rapid development of the international car market, but also on national measures to promote and put in place adequate recharging infrastructure. The aim is to achieve a complete decarbonisation of the national car fleet by 2050. Luxembourg has opted for the development of a common national infrastructure of public charging stations for electric vehicles157.", "inputs": { "text": "The dissemination of electric vehicles in Luxembourg depends, of course, on the more or less rapid development of the international car market, but also on national measures to promote and put in place adequate recharging infrastructure. The aim is to achieve a complete decarbonisation of the national car fleet by 2050. Luxembourg has opted for the development of a common national infrastructure of public charging stations for electric vehicles157." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f0f51e32-ef20-42c3-9e1b-bf9308555cdf", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 452 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting, Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition.", "inputs": { "text": "The Act clearly defines 2050 carbon neutrality as the Republic of Korea\u2019s national vision and stipulates the minimum level of its NDC target for 2030. Other key pillars of the Act include: climate impact assessment, climate-responsive budgeting, Emissions Trading Scheme (K-ETS), adaptation measures for the climate crisis, and designation of special areas and establishment of support centers for the just transition." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f1170af2-2f5f-4d81-bc86-d25c23ebc417", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824628, "metrics": { "text_length": 418 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The conditional target (with more intensive international assistance for the decarbonisation of mining areas) for 2030 is 17.5% compared to 2014 or 36.8% compared to 1990. GHG emissions reduction target for 2050 is 50.0% (unconditional) and 55.0% (conditional) compared to 2014, that is, 61.7% (unconditional) and 65.6% (conditional) compared to modelling 1990. In the case of conditional target, more intensive international assistance is expected for faster decarbonisation of the power sector with an emphasis on fair transition of mining areas.", "inputs": { "text": "The conditional target (with more intensive international assistance for the decarbonisation of mining areas) for 2030 is 17.5% compared to 2014 or 36.8% compared to 1990. GHG emissions reduction target for 2050 is 50.0% (unconditional) and 55.0% (conditional) compared to 2014, that is, 61.7% (unconditional) and 65.6% (conditional) compared to modelling 1990. In the case of conditional target, more intensive international assistance is expected for faster decarbonisation of the power sector with an emphasis on fair transition of mining areas." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f17eee21-d223-4784-89f2-2b7e340648ce", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824605, "metrics": { "text_length": 548 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to Paris Agreement goals and achieving mitigation co- benefits through economic diversification and adaptation. The Kingdom will implement actions, projects, and plans outlined in this submission that aim at reducing, avoiding, and removing GHG emissions by 278 million tons of CO2eq annually by 2030, with the year 2019 designated as the base year for this NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirms its commitment to Paris Agreement goals and achieving mitigation co- benefits through economic diversification and adaptation. The Kingdom will implement actions, projects, and plans outlined in this submission that aim at reducing, avoiding, and removing GHG emissions by 278 million tons of CO2eq annually by 2030, with the year 2019 designated as the base year for this NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f187258a-c6a4-47a6-a280-eb0e55c4d4b6", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824644, "metrics": { "text_length": 415 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "- Increase the capacity of electricity production, transmission and distribution \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the Internet network); - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network \u2013 Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market; - Construction of the Autoroute de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the port - Exemption of taxes on agricultural products", "inputs": { "text": "- Increase the capacity of electricity production, transmission and distribution \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the Internet network); - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network \u2013 Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market; - Construction of the Autoroute de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the port - Exemption of taxes on agricultural products" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f231409d-2286-4098-bccb-18fed32916bd", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 874 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Industry sector - 16% reduction in the weighted mean specific energy consumption for the manufacturing industry, by 2030 - 40 PJ cumulative total annual energy saving from specific energy saving interventions undertaken by in the mining subsector. Agriculture sector - 1 PJ verified electricity saving from officially supported projects, annually Transport sector - 20% reduction in the average vehicle energy intensity (measured in MJ/km) of the South African road vehicle fleet, by 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Industry sector - 16% reduction in the weighted mean specific energy consumption for the manufacturing industry, by 2030 - 40 PJ cumulative total annual energy saving from specific energy saving interventions undertaken by in the mining subsector. Agriculture sector - 1 PJ verified electricity saving from officially supported projects, annually Transport sector - 20% reduction in the average vehicle energy intensity (measured in MJ/km) of the South African road vehicle fleet, by 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f241bd2c-e869-4957-bca2-ddb86b85ce38", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 489 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The Kingdom will implement actions, projects, and plans outlined in this submission that aim at reducing, avoiding, and removing GHG emissions by 278 million tons of CO2eq annually by 2030, with the year 2019 designated as the base year for this NDC. This ambition is more than a two-fold increase versus the previous one as outlined in the Kingdom\u2019s INDC (130 million tons of CO2eq). Thus, this submission represents progression and the highest possible ambition.", "inputs": { "text": "The Kingdom will implement actions, projects, and plans outlined in this submission that aim at reducing, avoiding, and removing GHG emissions by 278 million tons of CO2eq annually by 2030, with the year 2019 designated as the base year for this NDC. This ambition is more than a two-fold increase versus the previous one as outlined in the Kingdom\u2019s INDC (130 million tons of CO2eq). Thus, this submission represents progression and the highest possible ambition." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f2424be6-a62e-4412-b2e1-28a3a111d17a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824655, "metrics": { "text_length": 464 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The country has also announced its intention to achieve net- zero emissions by 2050.\fwww.moccae.gov.ae A Climate Ambition www.moccae.gov.ae A Climate Ambition Information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding: In line with Article 4, Paragraph 8 of the Paris Agreement and Decision 4/CMA.1, the UAE submits the following ICTU. Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "The country has also announced its intention to achieve net- zero emissions by 2050.\fwww.moccae.gov.ae A Climate Ambition www.moccae.gov.ae A Climate Ambition Information to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding: In line with Article 4, Paragraph 8 of the Paris Agreement and Decision 4/CMA.1, the UAE submits the following ICTU. Information necessary to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding (ICTU) guidance Quantified information on the reference point Reduction of 31% in GHG emissions, measured in CO2eq, relative to BAU in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f2a122f4-722d-40f2-9425-7a878a392b2c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824689, "metrics": { "text_length": 563 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "BNCCP Strategy 4 on Renewable Energy - Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in the power generation mix by 2035. Ensuring smooth transition towards a nationwide adoption and use of renewable energy technologies mainly solar photovoltaic (PV) will be critical to Brunei Darussalam in achieving its NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "BNCCP Strategy 4 on Renewable Energy - Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in the power generation mix by 2035. Ensuring smooth transition towards a nationwide adoption and use of renewable energy technologies mainly solar photovoltaic (PV) will be critical to Brunei Darussalam in achieving its NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f2fc0110-951e-4c1b-9020-f81e4ee02d77", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824660, "metrics": { "text_length": 340 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The preliminary Nationally Determined Contribution, announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, taking into account the maximum possible absorption capacity forests. This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of sinks and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement.", "inputs": { "text": "The preliminary Nationally Determined Contribution, announced in 2015 in support of the Lima Call for Climate Action, was to limit anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the Russian Federation to 70-75 percent of 1990 emissions by 2030, taking into account the maximum possible absorption capacity forests. This indicator is intended to demonstrate the importance of protecting and improving the quality of sinks and sinks of greenhouse gases, as mentioned in Article 5 of the Paris Agreement." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f3edf27b-84e5-40ab-9872-1560a9275ffa", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824672, "metrics": { "text_length": 496 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 61 km of passenger MGR rail in 2030. 22% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. Metro rail Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015.", "inputs": { "text": "Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 61 km of passenger MGR rail in 2030. 22% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Policies introduced to manage the use of personal motor vehicles to reduce congestion and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. Metro rail Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f4013950-df19-4e85-ba26-14349db9b3de", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824658, "metrics": { "text_length": 562 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Eswatini\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution The enhanced and more ambitious NDC of Eswatini represents a progression beyond the 2015 NDC by adopting an economy wide GHG emissions reduction target of 5% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario and help achieve a low carbon and climate resilient development. This economy wide emission reduction can increase to 14% with external financing and this translates to 1.04 million tonnes fewer GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario.", "inputs": { "text": "Eswatini\u2019s Nationally Determined Contribution The enhanced and more ambitious NDC of Eswatini represents a progression beyond the 2015 NDC by adopting an economy wide GHG emissions reduction target of 5% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario and help achieve a low carbon and climate resilient development. This economy wide emission reduction can increase to 14% with external financing and this translates to 1.04 million tonnes fewer GHG emissions in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f421c083-530c-40b0-abb7-eef994613884", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824678, "metrics": { "text_length": 495 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction:To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025, and by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s):National Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.", "inputs": { "text": "(d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction:To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 37% below 2005 levels in 2025, and by 43% below 2005 levels in 2030. (e) Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s):National Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f42d72a4-3580-44b5-a487-9afa9215dc92", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824641, "metrics": { "text_length": 444 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "According to this policy document, a 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to the BAU scenario has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020. Along with the overall national target, the policy document sets up GHG emissions reduction targets for seven economic sectors: \uf0b7 power production sector \u2013 25 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020; \uf0b7 buildings, industry and agriculture sectors \u2013 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be reached by 2020; \uf0b7 transport and waste sectors \u2013 15 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020; and \uf0b7 LULUCF sector \u2013 an increase by 25 per cent of the net removals has to be reached by 2020.", "inputs": { "text": "According to this policy document, a 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to the BAU scenario has to be reached in the Republic of Moldova by 2020. Along with the overall national target, the policy document sets up GHG emissions reduction targets for seven economic sectors: \uf0b7 power production sector \u2013 25 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020; \uf0b7 buildings, industry and agriculture sectors \u2013 20 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be reached by 2020; \uf0b7 transport and waste sectors \u2013 15 per cent GHG emissions reduction compared to BAU scenario has to be achieved by 2020; and \uf0b7 LULUCF sector \u2013 an increase by 25 per cent of the net removals has to be reached by 2020." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f499d2cf-444d-4ae0-a568-df1df98b77d7", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824609, "metrics": { "text_length": 753 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In 2019, the government finalised the first Climate Plan (national plan, different from NECP). This will be reviewed every five years. Pursuant to the Climate Act, the government must report back to parliament annually about the progress made with its climate policy through the Climate Memorandum. The Council of State has an advisory role in relation to the Climate Plan and the Climate Memorandum. The Climate Act stipulates that the Netherlands must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "In 2019, the government finalised the first Climate Plan (national plan, different from NECP). This will be reviewed every five years. Pursuant to the Climate Act, the government must report back to parliament annually about the progress made with its climate policy through the Climate Memorandum. The Council of State has an advisory role in relation to the Climate Plan and the Climate Memorandum. The Climate Act stipulates that the Netherlands must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050 compared to 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f4e8bffa-4544-4fa4-8b73-3e0560e43961", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "All traditional fuels (petrol/gasoline and diesel). 1% per year increase in alternative fuel use for all road vehicles - 60% of the increase comes from natural gas. - 20% from ethanol (E10). - 20% from biodiesel.", "inputs": { "text": "All traditional fuels (petrol/gasoline and diesel). 1% per year increase in alternative fuel use for all road vehicles - 60% of the increase comes from natural gas. - 20% from ethanol (E10). - 20% from biodiesel." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f4fa6704-28c5-46ba-8e07-6edbcc942525", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 212 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Implement 1,412 km of fully electrified standard gauge rail by 2050. 3.5.2 Targets for Transport Sector Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030. If all the main mitigation measures under the NDC scenario are implemented fully, they have the potential to limit the growth of the emissions by 29% to 6.8 MtCO2e in 2030 as illustrated in the figure 3-6.", "inputs": { "text": "Implement 1,412 km of fully electrified standard gauge rail by 2050. 3.5.2 Targets for Transport Sector Transport sector GHG emissions under Business-As-Usual conditions will more than double from 4.2 MtCO2e in 2015 to 9.6 MtCO2e in 2030. If all the main mitigation measures under the NDC scenario are implemented fully, they have the potential to limit the growth of the emissions by 29% to 6.8 MtCO2e in 2030 as illustrated in the figure 3-6." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f51edaa7-2181-484f-a904-8a824ddd49d2", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824617, "metrics": { "text_length": 445 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero). Switzerland s greenhouse gas target for 2050 (net-zero target)\u2026 \u2026 means achieving equilibrium between sources of emissions and removal and covers all internation- ally governed greenhouse gases (not just CO2); \u2026 includes all sectors in the greenhouse gas inventory (energy, industrial processes and product us- age, agriculture, land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF), waste and others); \u2026 covers the emissions within Swiss national borders (territorial or point of sale principle); \u2026 also includes the emissions from international aviation and shipping attributable to Switzerland; \u2026 does not determine", "inputs": { "text": "Source: FSO Air emissions accounts (2020) Long-term target for 2050 In line with the scientific evidence, based on the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its highest pos- sible ambition 17 and in view of specific economic and social requirements, Switzerland has set itself the following long-term target18: Switzerland should achieve balanced greenhouse gas performance by 2050 at the latest (net zero). Switzerland s greenhouse gas target for 2050 (net-zero target)\u2026 \u2026 means achieving equilibrium between sources of emissions and removal and covers all internation- ally governed greenhouse gases (not just CO2); \u2026 includes all sectors in the greenhouse gas inventory (energy, industrial processes and product us- age, agriculture, land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF), waste and others); \u2026 covers the emissions within Swiss national borders (territorial or point of sale principle); \u2026 also includes the emissions from international aviation and shipping attributable to Switzerland; \u2026 does not determine" }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f543f3ce-a6b4-4885-8ba4-fbe20a40582a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 1019 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION The nationally determined contribution of the United States of America is: To achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030. \f INFORMATION FOR CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY, AND UNDERSTANDING Recalling Article 4.8 of the Paris Agreement, as well as decision 4/CMA1 and its Annex 1, the United States provides the following descriptive and contextual information to enhance the clarity, transparency, and understanding of the United States\u2019 NDC.", "inputs": { "text": "NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION The nationally determined contribution of the United States of America is: To achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030. \f INFORMATION FOR CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY, AND UNDERSTANDING Recalling Article 4.8 of the Paris Agreement, as well as decision 4/CMA1 and its Annex 1, the United States provides the following descriptive and contextual information to enhance the clarity, transparency, and understanding of the United States\u2019 NDC." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f54cb5fe-4801-4b9a-9947-7284f278eaa2", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824648, "metrics": { "text_length": 546 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Firstly, the change to IPCC 2006 methodology allows the improvement of the inventory quality by avoiding therefore the overestimation of the agricultural emissions, giving a difference of 79 million tCO2eq. Secondly, the revision of more than 50 unconditional measures and the incorporation of new ambitious measures to the national contribution imply 8 million tCO2eq of additional reduction. Conditional Measures: Argentina has also calculated the impact of conditional measures, which if jointly implemented could bring emissions to 369 million tCO2eq for 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Firstly, the change to IPCC 2006 methodology allows the improvement of the inventory quality by avoiding therefore the overestimation of the agricultural emissions, giving a difference of 79 million tCO2eq. Secondly, the revision of more than 50 unconditional measures and the incorporation of new ambitious measures to the national contribution imply 8 million tCO2eq of additional reduction. Conditional Measures: Argentina has also calculated the impact of conditional measures, which if jointly implemented could bring emissions to 369 million tCO2eq for 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f5c0acac-c136-46c3-abab-f53f304f4e23", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824622, "metrics": { "text_length": 564 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Evolution of emissions per sector (kt CO2e) according to the NDC scenario. The aggregated effect of mitigation actions is presented in the following figure. Considering all sectors (including FOLU), emissions for the NDC scenario (with mitigation measures) increase from 10,139 kt CO2e in 2016 to 11,978 kt CO2e in 2030, which represents an increase of +18.1%. The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%.", "inputs": { "text": "Evolution of emissions per sector (kt CO2e) according to the NDC scenario. The aggregated effect of mitigation actions is presented in the following figure. Considering all sectors (including FOLU), emissions for the NDC scenario (with mitigation measures) increase from 10,139 kt CO2e in 2016 to 11,978 kt CO2e in 2030, which represents an increase of +18.1%. The difference, in 2030, with the BAU scenario, is -3,170 kt CO2e, which represents a mitigation impact of -20.9%." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f5f9ac1b-3127-4464-bdfb-14bd77b4fd44", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824647, "metrics": { "text_length": 475 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "100% of the population benefits from improved health measures to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. US$1.2b (PGK 4.2b) value of transport (air, sea, and land) infrastructure and assets built/rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards. 6 million people (70% of the population) benefit from improved early warning systems/information to respond to extreme climate events. US$172m (PGK 608m) value of building and utility infrastructure assets built/ rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards.", "inputs": { "text": "100% of the population benefits from improved health measures to respond to malaria and other climate-sensitive diseases in PNG. US$1.2b (PGK 4.2b) value of transport (air, sea, and land) infrastructure and assets built/rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards. 6 million people (70% of the population) benefit from improved early warning systems/information to respond to extreme climate events. US$172m (PGK 608m) value of building and utility infrastructure assets built/ rehabilitated according to climate-resilient codes and standards." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f656735e-ff80-4a59-b47d-96bd5344b33d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 564 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Coverage Energy; Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU); and Waste Timeframe Single year target \u2013 2030, including updates on 2025 targets Energy Energy Industry (Electricity Generation) \uf0b7 By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector. Transport \uf0b7 By 2030, 10% improvement in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency \uf0b7 Electric Vehicles (e-Mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce Electric Vehicles (e-buses) for public transportation (10% of total Public Buses); (b) Introduce Electric Cars (e-Cars) in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and (c) 1000 Electric Two wheelers (e-bikes) /Three Wheelers (e- rickshaw) \uf0b7 By 2030, 20 % Bio-diesel (bio-fuel) Blending in Diesel \uf0b7 By 2030, Milage and Emission Standards for Vehicles Other Sectors - Commercial, Institutional and Residential \uf0b7 By 2030, (a) 100% electricity access by households in off-grid", "inputs": { "text": "Coverage Energy; Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU); and Waste Timeframe Single year target \u2013 2030, including updates on 2025 targets Energy Energy Industry (Electricity Generation) \uf0b7 By 2030, Renewable Energy Capacity Addition and substituting (replacement) of fossil fuels with Coconut (Copra) Oil based Electricity Generation: transitioning to close to 100% renewable energy in the electricity generation sector. Transport \uf0b7 By 2030, 10% improvement in transport (land and marine) energy efficiency \uf0b7 Electric Vehicles (e-Mobility): by 2030, (a) Introduce Electric Vehicles (e-buses) for public transportation (10% of total Public Buses); (b) Introduce Electric Cars (e-Cars) in Vanuatu (10% of government fleet); and (c) 1000 Electric Two wheelers (e-bikes) /Three Wheelers (e- rickshaw) \uf0b7 By 2030, 20 % Bio-diesel (bio-fuel) Blending in Diesel \uf0b7 By 2030, Milage and Emission Standards for Vehicles Other Sectors - Commercial, Institutional and Residential \uf0b7 By 2030, (a) 100% electricity access by households in off-grid" }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f69b9e04-e475-4d0c-ae4a-1aed5e80eb34", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824665, "metrics": { "text_length": 1039 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Vehicle sales have increased significantly than projected since the first NDC. In\n2018, the number of registered vehicles was 51% higher than in 2010. As a\nresult, the measures proposed in the first NDC for the transport sector\n(introduction of gasoline taxes, biofuel blends, and fuel efficiency standards) will\nbe insufficient to achieve the 20% reductions anticipated from this sector by\n2025, much less to achieve further reductions by 2030", "inputs": { "text": "Vehicle sales have increased significantly than projected since the first NDC. In\n2018, the number of registered vehicles was 51% higher than in 2010. As a\nresult, the measures proposed in the first NDC for the transport sector\n(introduction of gasoline taxes, biofuel blends, and fuel efficiency standards) will\nbe insufficient to achieve the 20% reductions anticipated from this sector by\n2025, much less to achieve further reductions by 2030" }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f6cba22c-29b7-4f89-b60f-b37398a90a95", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824684, "metrics": { "text_length": 444 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The deployment of the Conakry Urban Development Plan, including a BRT bus line and a railway line, is an essential asset for reducing CO2 emissions but also improving the living conditions of millions of people in the capital. Unconditional objective Implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 8 years old by 2025 (ECOWAS standard); implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old by 2030 (ECOWAS Commission 2020 recommendation).", "inputs": { "text": "The deployment of the Conakry Urban Development Plan, including a BRT bus line and a railway line, is an essential asset for reducing CO2 emissions but also improving the living conditions of millions of people in the capital. Unconditional objective Implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 8 years old by 2025 (ECOWAS standard); implementation of the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old by 2030 (ECOWAS Commission 2020 recommendation)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f7c791c6-59df-4890-b917-9142920488b1", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824629, "metrics": { "text_length": 464 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION In order to contribute to the mitigation of global GHG emissions, Sierra Leone\u2019s commitment is to reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025 against the same baseline. In the longer term, Sierra Leone\u2019s mitigation ambition is to cut GHG emission by 25% in 2050 with the inclusion of additional sectors and gases in the successive NDCs with clear and measurable mitigation targets and specific actions.", "inputs": { "text": "MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION In order to contribute to the mitigation of global GHG emissions, Sierra Leone\u2019s commitment is to reduce its domestic GHG emissions of 10% by 2030 as compared to a no-policy scenario of 2015 to 2030, with an intermediary indicative mitigation target of 5% reduction by 2025 against the same baseline. In the longer term, Sierra Leone\u2019s mitigation ambition is to cut GHG emission by 25% in 2050 with the inclusion of additional sectors and gases in the successive NDCs with clear and measurable mitigation targets and specific actions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f7c8a6da-87e4-4d73-98b2-d59c5f34c65f", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824639, "metrics": { "text_length": 560 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "We intend to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and are aiming to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Back in 2010 \u2013 well before the Paris Conference \u2013 the German government decided to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 to 95 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "We intend to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and are aiming to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Back in 2010 \u2013 well before the Paris Conference \u2013 the German government decided to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80 to 95 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f8475771-a084-48ad-a047-1922da0cc088", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824674, "metrics": { "text_length": 338 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at EUR 902 million, of which EUR 96 million is unconditional, i.e. 5%. 2 World Bank, ( 3 World Bank, ( 2.2.", "inputs": { "text": "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at EUR 902 million, of which EUR 96 million is unconditional, i.e. 5%. 2 World Bank, ( 3 World Bank, ( 2.2." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f870ad4f-8382-4011-843d-0d08edb035d3", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824610, "metrics": { "text_length": 154 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Conditional Measures: Argentina has also calculated the impact of conditional measures, which if jointly implemented could bring emissions to 369 million tCO2eq for 2030. These measures don\u2019t integrate the contribution, but define a future work which shall advance together with international community in order to solve the aspects that lay the foundation of its conditionality in order to include them in a new NDC to be presented in the future.", "inputs": { "text": "Conditional Measures: Argentina has also calculated the impact of conditional measures, which if jointly implemented could bring emissions to 369 million tCO2eq for 2030. These measures don\u2019t integrate the contribution, but define a future work which shall advance together with international community in order to solve the aspects that lay the foundation of its conditionality in order to include them in a new NDC to be presented in the future." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "None" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f8bb5ab3-4ee0-49d9-8dbd-e2e598fde2db", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 447 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development. The GSDS is the nation\u2019s primary planning document and outlines four critical success factors for the development of our country and to ensure a better quality of life for all Belizeans, living now and in the future.", "inputs": { "text": "Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development. The GSDS is the nation\u2019s primary planning document and outlines four critical success factors for the development of our country and to ensure a better quality of life for all Belizeans, living now and in the future." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f8d9a253-5c8f-429c-886d-600c32492462", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824687, "metrics": { "text_length": 554 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. LRT \u2013 Light Rail Transit Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 100 km of fully electrified passenger LRT rail by 2040.", "inputs": { "text": "and encourage a shift to public transport, walking, and cycling. Including parking management and secure cycle parking. LRT \u2013 Light Rail Transit Rail: Historical growth rate continues across period. 12% fuel economy improvement of diesel locomotives achieved in 2030 relative to 2015. Minimal policies to encourage mass transit uptake over private vehicles. Implement 100 km of fully electrified passenger LRT rail by 2040." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f8fd75b6-bd2e-4dff-9331-c9b2a29da29a", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824619, "metrics": { "text_length": 424 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The funding will support the rollout of charging infrastructure, with a particular focus on local on-street residential charging, and targeted plug-in vehicle grants. \u2022 Build a globally competitive zero emission vehicle supply chain and ensure our automotive sector is at the forefront of the transition to net zero. \u2022 Lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027.", "inputs": { "text": "The funding will support the rollout of charging infrastructure, with a particular focus on local on-street residential charging, and targeted plug-in vehicle grants. \u2022 Build a globally competitive zero emission vehicle supply chain and ensure our automotive sector is at the forefront of the transition to net zero. \u2022 Lead by example with 25% of the government car fleet ultra low emission by December 2022 and all the government car and van fleet zero emission by 2027." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f9504af8-0ba8-4fd5-b507-543dde8b8746", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824662, "metrics": { "text_length": 471 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; Economy-wide net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.", "inputs": { "text": "(c) For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information; Not applicable (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction; Economy-wide net domestic reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "f9890f36-0412-484f-983a-e419598d2468", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824632, "metrics": { "text_length": 512 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the NDC, Mongolia has enhanced its mitigation efforts with policies and measures to be implemented in key economic and natural resource management sectors by 2030. The mitigation target of Mongolia\u2019s NDC will be a 22.7% reduction in total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 (Figure 1), compared to the projected emissions under a business as usual scenario for 2010.", "inputs": { "text": "In the NDC, Mongolia has enhanced its mitigation efforts with policies and measures to be implemented in key economic and natural resource management sectors by 2030. The mitigation target of Mongolia\u2019s NDC will be a 22.7% reduction in total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 (Figure 1), compared to the projected emissions under a business as usual scenario for 2010." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fa834c03-cf0b-41fb-beb7-c0ee2570d42b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824642, "metrics": { "text_length": 382 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "It is against this backdrop, that this INDC intends to maintain the emission levels of Sierra Leone relatively Low (close to the world average of 7.58 MtCO2e) by 2035 or neutral by 2050 by reducing her carbon footprint and by following green growth pathways in all economic sectors. This target will only be achieve by Sierra Leone with the availability of international support that will come in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building.", "inputs": { "text": "It is against this backdrop, that this INDC intends to maintain the emission levels of Sierra Leone relatively Low (close to the world average of 7.58 MtCO2e) by 2035 or neutral by 2050 by reducing her carbon footprint and by following green growth pathways in all economic sectors. This target will only be achieve by Sierra Leone with the availability of international support that will come in the form of finance, investment, technology development and transfer, and capacity building." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fb171ca6-a096-4550-afcc-754fab5f092c", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824615, "metrics": { "text_length": 490 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Corresponding period of implementation. 2025. South Africa\u2019s annual GHG emissions will be in a range from 398-510 Mt CO2-eq. 2021-2025. 2030. South Africa\u2019s annual GHG emissions will be in a range from 350-420 Mt CO2-eq. 2026-2030. Note: \u201cGHG emissions\u201d are defined as total net GHG emissions as specified in the national inventory report for 2025, including all sectors, and excluding emissions from natural disturbances in the land sector.", "inputs": { "text": "Corresponding period of implementation. 2025. South Africa\u2019s annual GHG emissions will be in a range from 398-510 Mt CO2-eq. 2021-2025. 2030. South Africa\u2019s annual GHG emissions will be in a range from 350-420 Mt CO2-eq. 2026-2030. Note: \u201cGHG emissions\u201d are defined as total net GHG emissions as specified in the national inventory report for 2025, including all sectors, and excluding emissions from natural disturbances in the land sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fb2dd6e4-febc-4fff-a6bc-efa3dc91dc3e", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824680, "metrics": { "text_length": 441 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This is in line with the proposed indicative target of \u201cBan on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles from 2025\u201d. 27 Climate Analytics. (2020). 28 Climate Analytics. (2020). 29 IRENA. (2021).\f Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s 2021 update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution While the first NDC had a waste sector target of completing technical studies for a waste to energy (WTE) plant, due to shifts in the sector, the DOE will be undertaking technical studies to assess the feasibility of a WTE plant.", "inputs": { "text": "This is in line with the proposed indicative target of \u201cBan on the importation of new internal combustion engine vehicles from 2025\u201d. 27 Climate Analytics. (2020). 28 Climate Analytics. (2020). 29 IRENA. (2021).\f Antigua and Barbuda\u2019s 2021 update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution While the first NDC had a waste sector target of completing technical studies for a waste to energy (WTE) plant, due to shifts in the sector, the DOE will be undertaking technical studies to assess the feasibility of a WTE plant." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fb445c7c-4d45-40d2-84fb-af66a4e2111d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824624, "metrics": { "text_length": 526 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Government Decision 171 detailed above also includes targets for 2050 in furtherance of Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 35 of decision 1/CP.21 and constitutes Israel's current low greenhouse gas emission development strategy. GHG reductions will be reduced from 79.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2019 to 58 MtCO2e in 2030 and 12 MtCO2e in 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "Government Decision 171 detailed above also includes targets for 2050 in furtherance of Article 4, paragraph 19, of the Paris Agreement, and paragraph 35 of decision 1/CP.21 and constitutes Israel's current low greenhouse gas emission development strategy. GHG reductions will be reduced from 79.4 MtCO2e emissions in 2019 to 58 MtCO2e in 2030 and 12 MtCO2e in 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fb47d0a1-0ee2-4ba7-b1fa-b3b7fe497b66", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824635, "metrics": { "text_length": 366 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "NA By 2030, 20 % bio-diesel (bio-fuel) blending in diesel. NA By 2030, Mileage and Emission Standards for Vehicles. NA Commercial, Institutional and Residential By 2030, (a) 100% electricity access by households in off- grid areas; (b) 100% electricity access by public institutions (on- and off- grid); (c) 13% electricity sector end- use efficiency; (d) 14% improve biomass end use (improved cook stoves and drying) efficiency; (e) 65% renewable electricity use by rural tourism bungalows.", "inputs": { "text": "NA By 2030, 20 % bio-diesel (bio-fuel) blending in diesel. NA By 2030, Mileage and Emission Standards for Vehicles. NA Commercial, Institutional and Residential By 2030, (a) 100% electricity access by households in off- grid areas; (b) 100% electricity access by public institutions (on- and off- grid); (c) 13% electricity sector end- use efficiency; (d) 14% improve biomass end use (improved cook stoves and drying) efficiency; (e) 65% renewable electricity use by rural tourism bungalows." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fb9b775a-7392-4521-94df-3aad1e740579", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824650, "metrics": { "text_length": 491 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Dominica has set a target of 50% increase in agroforestry farmers by 2030. Agroforestry systems offer opportunities for synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation. Agroforestry will contribute to mitigation efforts through increased: (i) carbon sequestration \u2013 increased carbon storage in biomass above and below ground, as well as soil organic carbon; and (ii) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 5.2.4 Transport. A target of 20% emissions reduction by 2030 has been set for the transport sector.", "inputs": { "text": "Dominica has set a target of 50% increase in agroforestry farmers by 2030. Agroforestry systems offer opportunities for synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation. Agroforestry will contribute to mitigation efforts through increased: (i) carbon sequestration \u2013 increased carbon storage in biomass above and below ground, as well as soil organic carbon; and (ii) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 5.2.4 Transport. A target of 20% emissions reduction by 2030 has been set for the transport sector." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel", "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fbf89b7e-9c70-4092-8570-abaacccfb4ff", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824683, "metrics": { "text_length": 516 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Technology Development and Transfer a) Promoting acquisition and installation of appropriate technology for across sectors for climate-resilient production.\fTanzania\u2019s Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide between 30 - 35% relative to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario by 2030, whereby about 138 - 153 Million tons of Carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)-gross emissions is expected to be reduced, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda.", "inputs": { "text": "Technology Development and Transfer a) Promoting acquisition and installation of appropriate technology for across sectors for climate-resilient production.\fTanzania\u2019s Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide between 30 - 35% relative to the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario by 2030, whereby about 138 - 153 Million tons of Carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)-gross emissions is expected to be reduced, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fc53c30b-2a2e-4b31-83d5-e85766a58230", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824646, "metrics": { "text_length": 522 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Emissions from heavy duty vehicles would account for the majority of such emissions. Addressing both passenger and freight transport will therefore be an important goal for India\u2019s low-carbon development.\fCurrent Policies and Targets \u2022 Indicative 2025 target: 20% ethanol blending in petrol, with a savings potential of approximately INR 30,000 crore/yr. \u2022 Leapfrogging Bharat Stage V emissions to directly reach Bharat Stage VI emissions. \u2022 Comprehensive package for electric vehicles, including domestic manufacturing in auto parts and batteries, investments in charging infrastructure and demand aggregation.", "inputs": { "text": "Emissions from heavy duty vehicles would account for the majority of such emissions. Addressing both passenger and freight transport will therefore be an important goal for India\u2019s low-carbon development.\fCurrent Policies and Targets \u2022 Indicative 2025 target: 20% ethanol blending in petrol, with a savings potential of approximately INR 30,000 crore/yr. \u2022 Leapfrogging Bharat Stage V emissions to directly reach Bharat Stage VI emissions. \u2022 Comprehensive package for electric vehicles, including domestic manufacturing in auto parts and batteries, investments in charging infrastructure and demand aggregation." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fcdf6ec4-fef8-43f8-9e19-52210b2124c8", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824643, "metrics": { "text_length": 611 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the year 2025, the establishment of sustainable logistics models will have begun in the main ports, urban areas and logistics consolidation centers of the country, in accordance with the National Strategic Plan Costa Rica 2050.", "inputs": { "text": "In the year 2025, the establishment of sustainable logistics models will have begun in the main ports, urban areas and logistics consolidation centers of the country, in accordance with the National Strategic Plan Costa Rica 2050." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fcfd378f-ea9b-4241-b558-4e8b20fc3d09", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 230 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The remainder is dependent upon the provision of funding by the international community. \uf0b7 By 2030, ensure 15% of the total energy demand is supplied from clean energy sources. (Transport) \uf0b7 Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric- rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025.", "inputs": { "text": "The remainder is dependent upon the provision of funding by the international community. \uf0b7 By 2030, ensure 15% of the total energy demand is supplied from clean energy sources. (Transport) \uf0b7 Sales of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) in 2025 will be 25% of all private passenger vehicles sales, including two-wheelers and 20% of all four-wheeler public passenger vehicle sales (this public passenger target does not take into account electric- rickshaws and electric-tempos) in 2025." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fd27c7fe-be25-4fe3-986c-906207b27add", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824634, "metrics": { "text_length": 481 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1).", "inputs": { "text": "According to both climate neutrality scenarios, net zero emissions will be reached by mid-century. However, the clean energy transition will vary based on different assumptions, and the generation of socioeconomic benefits will differ in their development pathways (Figure 1)." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fd459f24-d74e-44c6-ad02-c3f62895fee5", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824620, "metrics": { "text_length": 276 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Sustain the current growth rate of renewables and other zero and low-carbon power generation until 2025 to reach 100% share by 2050. No new coal power plants, reduce emissions from existing coal fleet by 30% by 2025. Last fossil fuel passenger car sold by 2035\u20132050. Develop and agree on a 1.5oC - consistent vision for aviation and shipping. All new buildings fossil-free and near-zero energy by 2020. Increase building renovation rates from less than 1% in 2015 to 5% by 2020.", "inputs": { "text": "Sustain the current growth rate of renewables and other zero and low-carbon power generation until 2025 to reach 100% share by 2050. No new coal power plants, reduce emissions from existing coal fleet by 30% by 2025. Last fossil fuel passenger car sold by 2035\u20132050. Develop and agree on a 1.5oC - consistent vision for aviation and shipping. All new buildings fossil-free and near-zero energy by 2020. Increase building renovation rates from less than 1% in 2015 to 5% by 2020." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fd7c7703-ac65-46ec-b14a-39521c0cd7e2", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824627, "metrics": { "text_length": 478 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Table 01 summarizes the main scenarios for the aspirational scenario in the different consumption sectors Table 01: Main scenarios for the aspirational scenario in the different consumption sectors MEDIUM CONSUMPTION SECTORS Residential 2050 zero emissions Commercial and Services 2045 zero emissions Industry (pastoral and other) 2040 domestic transport zero emissions 2045 zero emissions(b) in steam and direct heat generation, excluding heavy sectors(c) refinery own consumption 2050 refining of crude oil ceases Transport 2035 all new passenger vehicles zero emissions 2040 new light-duty vehicles(d) zero emissions 2045 all new light-duty vehicles zero emissions (a) Fossil fuel substitution was modelled on electricity, although other sources such as biomass can be promoted in some sectors.", "inputs": { "text": "Table 01 summarizes the main scenarios for the aspirational scenario in the different consumption sectors Table 01: Main scenarios for the aspirational scenario in the different consumption sectors MEDIUM CONSUMPTION SECTORS Residential 2050 zero emissions Commercial and Services 2045 zero emissions Industry (pastoral and other) 2040 domestic transport zero emissions 2045 zero emissions(b) in steam and direct heat generation, excluding heavy sectors(c) refinery own consumption 2050 refining of crude oil ceases Transport 2035 all new passenger vehicles zero emissions 2040 new light-duty vehicles(d) zero emissions 2045 all new light-duty vehicles zero emissions (a) Fossil fuel substitution was modelled on electricity, although other sources such as biomass can be promoted in some sectors." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "fe5ba3aa-8df6-4231-a0b6-9c022b5f736d", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824675, "metrics": { "text_length": 797 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Following up on the commitments made by the country under the Paris Agreement (PA), the updating of Panama's first National Determined Contribution (NDC1) is innovative, fair and ambitious, as it is based on an integrated approach, in which actions for adaptation and mitigation complement each other to build resilience and move the country towards carbon neutrality by 2050, generating triple benefits, i.e., producing multiple and tangible results in the areas of economic development, social welfare and environmental sustainability, gender equality and empowerment of women, young people and vulnerable groups, minimizing the damage caused by the impacts of climate change and at the same time maximizing the opportunities offered by climate change.", "inputs": { "text": "Following up on the commitments made by the country under the Paris Agreement (PA), the updating of Panama's first National Determined Contribution (NDC1) is innovative, fair and ambitious, as it is based on an integrated approach, in which actions for adaptation and mitigation complement each other to build resilience and move the country towards carbon neutrality by 2050, generating triple benefits, i.e., producing multiple and tangible results in the areas of economic development, social welfare and environmental sustainability, gender equality and empowerment of women, young people and vulnerable groups, minimizing the damage caused by the impacts of climate change and at the same time maximizing the opportunities offered by climate change." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ff2cfc03-6211-41d4-9864-f6fc3a932c4b", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824668, "metrics": { "text_length": 754 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Individual assumptions were made for the mitigation options/activities in different sectors Treatment of the Land Use Land Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions category has not been considered in the INDC. Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, overall emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030.", "inputs": { "text": "Individual assumptions were made for the mitigation options/activities in different sectors Treatment of the Land Use Land Use-Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions category has not been considered in the INDC. Excluding LULUCF and for Low Emissions Scenario, overall emissions will be reduced by about 44.4% in 2025 and 45.4% in 2030." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ff6ffacb-fc97-4828-bc6c-8def417975de", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824677, "metrics": { "text_length": 337 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "Reduction of 1196 ktCO2e unconditionally, representing a reduction of 6.32% from the baseline scenario. b. Sectors, gases, categories and basins covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with IPCC guidelines.", "inputs": { "text": "Reduction of 1196 ktCO2e unconditionally, representing a reduction of 6.32% from the baseline scenario. b. Sectors, gases, categories and basins covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with IPCC guidelines." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": null, "annotation_agent": null, "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ff7422a4-58bb-4c13-bf29-f31a765f0793", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Discarded", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 261 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continental level. The Togo 2025 government roadmap resulting from the NDP sets the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October) o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market, o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the autonomous port.", "inputs": { "text": "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continental level. The Togo 2025 government roadmap resulting from the NDP sets the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October) o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market, o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the autonomous port." }, "prediction": [ [ "NonGHGLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ff8a50c7-a53b-4d17-a7c4-f84e4185dd24", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "fr" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824614, "metrics": { "text_length": 831 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "The implementation of the Low Emission Development Strategy by 2050 would imply a 59% reduction in projected emissions, reducing from 203 to 83 million tonnes of CO2e. In the introduction to this document, the main objective of low emission development is presented as the uncoupling of economic growth from GHG emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "The implementation of the Low Emission Development Strategy by 2050 would imply a 59% reduction in projected emissions, reducing from 203 to 83 million tonnes of CO2e. In the introduction to this document, the main objective of low emission development is presented as the uncoupling of economic growth from GHG emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NetzeroLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "GHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ff8bd1ab-e548-420f-8ecb-228b3e6d5889", "metadata": { "split": "Train", "Language": "es" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824657, "metrics": { "text_length": 322 }, "search_keywords": null }, { "text": "This document enfolds Iceland\u2019s first communication on its long-term strategy (LTS), to be updated when further analysis and policy documents are published on the matter. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions.", "inputs": { "text": "This document enfolds Iceland\u2019s first communication on its long-term strategy (LTS), to be updated when further analysis and policy documents are published on the matter. Iceland is committed to reducing its overall greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality no later than 2040 and become fossil fuel free in 2050, which should set Iceland on a path to net negative emissions." }, "prediction": [ [ "NetzeroLabel", 1.0 ], [ "GHGLabel", 0.0 ], [ "NonGHGLabel", 0.0 ] ], "prediction_agent": "36771d7ac433", "annotation": [ "NetzeroLabel", "NonGHGLabel" ], "annotation_agent": "cpu_admin", "vectors": null, "multi_label": true, "explanation": null, "id": "ffd48ead-0b5d-4b86-95d8-19f635417276", "metadata": { "split": "Test", "Language": "en" }, "status": "Validated", "event_timestamp": 1707850824623, "metrics": { "text_length": 390 }, "search_keywords": null } ]