--- language: - de - en - fa - fr - eu - por - nl - ru - es - zh - tr - it - th multilinguality: - multilingual viewer: false --- > [!NOTE] > Dataset origin: https://github.com/disrpt/sharedtask2023 ## Introduction The [DISRPT 2023](https://sites.google.com/view/disrpt2023/home) shared task, to be held in conjunction with [CODI 2023](https://sites.google.com/view/codi-2023/) and [ACL 2023](https://2023.aclweb.org/), introduces the third iteration of a cross-formalism shared task on **discourse unit segmentation** and **connective detection**, as well as the second iteration of a cross-formalism **discourse relation classification** task. We *will* provide training, development, and test datasets from all available languages and treebanks in the **RST**, **SDRT**, **PDTB** and **dependency** formalisms, using a uniform format. Because different corpora, languages and frameworks use different guidelines, the shared task is meant to promote design of flexible methods for dealing with various guidelines, and help to push forward the discussion of standards for computational approaches to discourse relations. We include data for evaluation with and without gold syntax, or otherwise using provided automatic parses for comparison to gold syntax data.