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un a
didde' a little
bula a lot
meggai a lot
meggai na a lot of
abandona abandon
ma abandona abandoned
osgui abide
nina'sina ability
sinia able
pot about
pot i about
hulo' above
i san hilo' above
gi san hilo' above
chagu' abroad
tinaigui absence
taigui absent
taimanu absolutely
chopchup absorb
Abstraktu abstract
Konsedat absurd
abundansia abundance
abundansia abundant
abusu abuse
inapling accent
aksepta accept
asesu access
aksidenti accident
ina'sintadu accommodation
kompli accomplish
guinaiya accomplished
sigun according
sigun gi according
kuenta account
Prisisu accuracy
estrikto accurate
kabales accurate
umaya accurate
ma akusa accused
ha akusa accused
puti ache
ganna achieve
kinompli achievement
Magof acknowledge
atungo' acquaintance
kingkista acquire
ha chuli' acquired
ma chuli acquired
Adquisisión acquisition
gi across
aktu act
aksion action
macho'cho'chu' active
brabu active
aktibidat siha activities
aktibidat activity
aktot actor
muna'hasso actual
gi minagahet actually
agupa' acute
adapta adapt
na dania add
tanaksi addicted
adision addition
adisionat additional
kodigu address
nahung adequate
Lajon adjacent
Adjetibu adjective
na dinanchi adjust
estima admire
atmiti admit
adopta adopt
adorabli adorable
abansa advance
tatfena advanced
bentåhi advantage
Piniestran adventure
Justifikå adverb
Anunsio advertisement
advertising advertising
abisu advice
abisa advise
gumapas advocate
Estetikon aesthetic
ina'tungo' affair
afeita affect
afekson affection
mafanåta afford
baratu affordable
ma'anao afraid
dispues after
talu'ani afternoon
dispues afterwards
talu again
kontra against
idat age
ahensia agency
mankuentatayi agent
Guinayek aggressive
Mahålang agile
mapos ago
konsenti agree
konsentimientu agreement
agrikuttura agriculture
mofona ahead
ayuda (verb) aid
ayudu (noun) aid
punta aim
airi air
puetton batkun airi airport
pasajen aisle
alarma alarm
atkohot alcohol
listu alert
lalala' alive
todu all
todu puengi all right
todu i maolek all the best
sedi allow
masedi allowed
ti apman almost
maisa alone
para along
esta already
Pues esta Alright
lokkue also
alternatibu alternative
sipudera although
sesso always
guaha am
gupot amazing
ti klaru ambiguous
ambision ambition
Matto' mañaina ambitious
amenda amend
entri amid
entre among
entre hita among us
monton amount
Ha'åni amusing
un an
manmaʼgas analysis
ansestro siha ancestors
ankla anchor
antigu ancient
yan and
yan hagu and you
anghet angel
binibu anger
ti tunas angle
lalalo' angry
animat animal
gaga' animal
tomun adding ankle
komplianios anniversary
anunsiu announcement
estotba annoy
stinotba annoyed
atburotu annoying
kada sakkan annual
anoneymous anonymous
otro another
ineppe answer
ninangga anticipate
metbius anxiety
pinalala' anxious
algun any
Ti kuentos anymore
maseha hayi anyone
maseha hafa anything
sipudera anyway
sipudera anyways
apatao apart
Pasusu apartment
gagao dispensa apologize
fangagao dispensa apologize
gof annok apparent
parese apparently
apela appeal
annok appear
kakko' appearance
umannok appeared
ganas appetite
mansana apple
aplikasion application
aplika apply
kumpare appointment
agradesi appreciate
aprisiasion appreciation
fana' approach
chengli appropriate
konsentimientu approval
aprueba approve
ha aprueba approved
ma aprueba approved
Lokkue approximately
abrit april
Arbítrio arbitrary
Arkitekto architect
arkitetura architecture
i-arkivu archive
sihaj are
kao hagu are you
kao bisi hao are you busy
kao umasagua hao are you married
kao umasagua hao pat sino mamaisa are you married or single
Kao gagaigi hao ha guenao? Are you still there?
kao gaigi hao guenao are you there
lugat area
dibati argue
atgumentu argument
kahulo' arise
kannai arm
Aklåsi army
uriya around
aregla arrange
areklo arrangement
finattu arrival
fattu arrive
mattu arrive
esta mattu arrived
binadosu (masculine) arrogant
banidosa (feminine) arrogant
yumi' arrow
atte art
atikulu article
ti naturat artificial
atista artist
as as
kontat ki as long as
lokkue as well
yan lokkue as well as
apu ash
mamahlao ashamed
faisen ask
ma faisen asked
ha faisen asked
mamaigo asleep
aspettu aspect
Assamese Assamese
na iridao assault
inetnon taotao assembly
'åyo assertive
para klasifika assess
katnon assessment
guinaha asset
guinaha assets
tagu' assign
achaki assignment
asisti assist
ayudanti assistant
atungo' associate
Minagof associated
asosasion association
asumti assume
Lina'la' assumption
gui at
gi at
meseha didde' at least
chumo'chu ate
Atleta athlete
na chettun attach
uma'chettun attached
achettun attachment
ataka attack
chagi attempt
atendi attend
Mannge attendance
atension attention
sensia attitude
Tuge' attract
atgån attraction
atanun attractive
atributo attribute
mame'nu audience
agusto august
tiha aunt
tiha aunty
prifektu authentic
manåmko' author
aturidat authority
gaige autumn
guaha available
medio average
eskapayi avoid
suhayi avoid
makmata awake
premiu award
måhung aware
maåfok awareness
taigue away
tremendu awesome
malago' awful
mababa awkward
Aymara Aymara
neni baby
mangatchang bachelor
tatti back
kalamyo background
baba bad
balutan bag
katnada bait
hotnu bake
bikori bakery
Soda para bai konfesa baking soda
balansia balance
bola ball
Bambara Bambara
aga' banana
danderos band
bumbum bang
bangku bank
sagan gumimen bar
ti gof barely
hetsaolågu bargain
haohao bark
Barli barley
kollat barrier
basi base
basådu based
basamentu basement
måsngingeʼ basic
kumuentusi basically
basil basil
bastatdu bastard
manafa batch
baniu bath
baniu bathroom
batteria battery
gera battle
saguan bay
hui be
adahi be careful
kantun tasi beach
tasi beach
kandit beam
kakaguatis beans
osu bear
sungon bear
batbas beard
ti hu kamyo bearing
kåtne beast
ania beat
ganna beat
bunito (masculine) beautiful
bunita (feminine) beautiful
besti beauty
mama' became
sa pot because
pot rason because
gaige become
katre bed
apusentu bedroom
sisata bee
katnin guaka beef
ginen been
sitbesa beer
antes before
antes di before
ha tutuhun began
ma tutuhun began
tutuhon begin
tutuhon-na beginning
enkuenta behalf
ketu behave
kinalamten behavior
kostumbri behaviour
tatti-na behind
san tatti behind
sih being
hinenggi belief
honggi believe
tuyan belly
minalago' belong
ma guaiya beloved
san papa below
gi san papa below
sinturon belt
bangku bench
na echung bend
gi san papa' beneath
benefisiu benefit
benefisiu siha benefits
fi'on beside
para besides
sen maolek best
buena suetti best of luck
Biba na'taiguini na más minaolek yu' best regards
mas maolek better
gi entalu between
gimen beverage
inupus beyond
Bhojpuri Bhojpuri
bies bias
Mansegurådu biased
bisikleta bicycle
ha'ånen bid
dangkulo big
bisikleta bike
dibi bill
batchit bind
paluma bird
komplianios mafanagu' birthday
låo bit
akka' bite
mala'it bitter
atilung black
blet blade
sogni blame
blanko blank
sabanas blanket
pakpak blast
hasni bleach
chalegua blend
bendisi bless
ma bendisi blessed
batchit blind
kalang bliss
pidasu block
haga' blood
manfloris bloom
guaifi blow
asut blue
naniu' blunt
tableru board
tabla board
boti boat
tataotao body
lokluk boil
atotgante bold
chettun bond
tolang bone
leblo book
Tåya boost
buusta booster
Guatu boot
buts boots
kanteha border
Dañu bore
o'sun bored
manmataotao boring
mafanagu born
ayao borrow
magas boss
todu i dos both
i dos both
estotba bother
boteya bottle
san papa bottom
papa bottom
fahan bought
taya bounce
bundåhu bound
muhon siha boundaries
tekun bow
kottesia bow
tason bowl
tasa bowl
kahun box
patgon lahi boy
nobiu boyfriend
pucheras bracelet
titanus brain
ramas branch
Mårkåtu brand
brabu brave
yulang breach
pan bread
yulang break
yamak break
amotsa breakfast
susu breast
ha'of breast
hinagung breath
hagungi breathe
Raza breed
paddit brick
nobia bride
tellai bridge
kadada' brief
malak bright
tomtum brilliant
malati' brilliant
chuli' bring
chelu bro
ancho' broad
Lalågua' broadcast
mayulang broke
mayulang broken
skoba broom
chelun lahi brother
kuniadu brother in law
manjåña brought
kulot fachi' brown
guesguis brush
batdi bucket
amigu buddy
Presupuesto budget
Gagu bug
haksa build
Edifisu building
haksa built
mineggai bulk
toru bull
na'bubu bully
ottu bump
pacha bunch
ramayete bundle
minappot burden
ha tatmi buried
ma tatmi buried
songgi burn
mapta burst
tatmi bury
Guagua bus
chemchom bush
bisnis business
bust bust
bisi busy
lao but
mantikiya butter
ababang butterfly
battunis button
fahan buy
ni' by
put i otro by the way
adios bye
ripoyu cabbage
Kabinete cabinet
tangkat cage
kek cake
toreti calf
a'gang call
a'gang yu' call me
ma a'gang called
katma calm
mattu came
kampaña campaign
sina-ha' can
sina can
tisina can't
Kansela Cancel
kanset cancer
gai sina capable
kapasidat capacity
kapitat capital
kapsion caption
gacha' capture
konni' capture
atumobit car
kareta car
ofisiu career
adahi careful
Manafanafanu carefully
makalamya careless
brongku careless
adaiyun caring
kapinteru carpenter
karpet carpet
karot carrot
katga carry
katga mona carry on
katga huyong carry out
kes case
kaosa case
kas cash
daggao cast
kastiyu castle
ti fotmat casual
katu cat
konni' catch
chalao catch
kategoria category
kolat gaga' cattle
konni' caught
chalao caught
kausa cause
adahi caution
manmanañaggue cautious
bokkongo cave
para cease
kisami ceiling
silebra celebrate
selu cell
talu' center
siglo century
Sihalum cereal
seremoniu ceremony
sen siguru certain
Siguru certainly
sitifiku certificate
kadena chain
siya chair
kontra challenge
Chamoru Chamorro
Chamorro Chamorro
chansa chance
tinulaika change
tulaika change
kalma'ut chaos
karakter character
Karateristika characteristics
akusa charge
karidat charity
kariniosu (masculine) charming
kariniosa (feminine) charming
mapa chart
dulak chase
dulalak chase
kuentus chat
baratu cheap
fababa cheat
dumigegera (feminine) cheating
dumigegeru (masculine) cheating
chek check
kiadas cheek
manmanok cheer
Maolek cheerful
biba cheers
kesu cheese
kemistri chemistry
adora cherish
chongka chess
pecho chest
ha'of chest
ngangas chew
mannok chicken
magas chief
patgon child
pinatgon childhood
famagu'on children
fugo' chill
finugo' chill
Tasa chimneys
kiadas chin
chokolati chocolate
inayek choice
ayek choose
taga' chop
cho'chu' guma siha chores
debu' chubby
guma' Yu'os church
Sinnamon cinnamon
aridondu circle
kalamidad circumstances
siudadanu citizen
siudat city
kobransa claim
na klaru clarify
klasi class
fachi' clay
gasgas clean
klaru clear
eskribienti clerk
tomtum clever
malati' clever
kliente client
ladera cliff
klema climate
feddus climb
klengi clingy
rilos clock
huchom close
hihot close
kommun magagu closet
yaddas cloth
magagu cloth
magagu siha clothes
mapaga'is cloud
Putpet cloudy
mangua clown
Pista clue
makalamsa clumsy
chenchun cluster
fanagui coach
pinigan coal
kantun tasi coast
saku coat
kafe coffee
kognitibu cognitive
kusinanse coincidence
manengheng cold
Lokkue collapse
Kolar collar
kulehu colleague
afenelus colleagues
rikohi collect
koleksion collection
kulehu college
kulot color
sin kulot betdi idea siha maigo sen fotmat colorless green ideas slept furiously
kulot colour
kulumna column
paini comb
Kumonu combination
na dania combine
maila come
maila magi come here
lagusi' come on
Kumfont comfort
gefsaga comfortable
mamaila' coming
ti apmam magi coming soon
tagu' command
sinangan comment
kometsianti commercial
komision commission
komiti commit
achaki commitment
ha komiti committed
ma komiti committed
risan komo commodity
sesso common
kuentusi communicate
komunikasion communication
kominidat community
karera commute
gachung companion
kompania company
kompara compare
komparasion comparison
finiho compassion
kompasionat compassionate
Kumplimentåt compatible
umachagui compete
maolek competent
kompitensia competition
kompetensia competitive
keha complain
fangeha complain
keha complaint
komplimentu complement
kumpletu complete
todudu completely
Komplesi complex
konsumon compliance
mappot complicated
komplimentu compliment
ekungok comply
komposision composition
kompuesto compound
Tiningo' comprehension
komprehensibu comprehensive
kompromesa compromise
Obligåtu compulsory
Kumpotadora computer
konsentra concentrate
chunggan concept
minagof concern
mangnginge concerned
konset concert
pot uttimo conclusion
paddit concrete
kondision condition
kondision siha conditions
kondukta conduct
konferensia conference
konfisat confess
inangoku confidence
angokuyon confident
confitma confirm
chinatkomprendi conflict
abak confused
dinida confusion
kongrats congrats
kongrayulasion congratulation
konggrayulasion congratulations
ina'chettun conjunction
na chettun connect
konkista conquer
siniente conscious
Manåmko' yan Manåmko'na consciousness
konsentimiento consent
Konsekuentes consequences
konservasion conservation
konservatibo conservative
konsidera consider
ma konsidera considered
konsisti consist
Konsistensiya consistency
Mananåga consistent
sessu constant
sessu constantly
makkat masinik constipation
konstraksion construction
gimen consume
kanno' consume
usa consume
konsumo consumption
a'gang contact
tatmi contagious
saguan (verb) contain
sinaguan (noun) contain
Konteni contains
kontemporariu contemporary
gimenat contempt
kontentu content
kontesta contest
kustumbre context
Kontinente continent
kontinua continue
kontrak contract
kontrasta contrast
fan na'i contribute
kontribusion contribution
disponi control
Ma'pos na Kustumbre controversial
kombenensia convenience
kombinienti convenient
kombetsasion conversation
tulaika convert
Ti yu'us convey
konbinsi convince
konbinsi convinced
kusineru cook
nalagu cook
mu nanalagu cooking
na maopao cool
fresku cool
koperasion cooperation
sungun cope
kupre copper
kor core
mais corn
kantu corner
dinanchi correct
gastu cost
Sumisión costume
kotahi cottage
atgidon cotton
Kåtse couch
lolu' cough
sina ha' could
sina could
Konsehu council
tufong count
sagan pinelu counter
bariu country
fina'lancho countryside
pareha couple
atrebimientu courage
gai animu courage
korahi courage
putahe course
hinanao course
kotti court
faboresi courtesy
prima (feminine) cousin
primo (masculine) cousin
tampi cover
guaka cow
dangi' coward
Lokdåun cozy
panglao crab
kaka' crack
mestizu craft
taki' crap
kras crash
minalagu' craving
kunanaf crawl
kaduku crazy
fatinas create
kabilosu creative
kreditu credit
Kåkung creep
na'maniao creepy
Kru crew
issao crime
hetdo cringe
krisis crisis
kriterian criteria
kridikat critical
kinassi criticism
tinanum crop
tinanum siha crops
kilu'us cross
kåhågu crow
buyadan taotao crowd
buyadao crowded
korona crown
maolek crucial
tailayi cruel
paseo cruise
lommok crush
kati cry
pipinu cucumber
atoktuk cuddle
kuttura culture
kånik cunning
basu cup
kabinetåda cupboard
kalang curb
amot cure
Ordu curfew
ina'dudda curiosity
kuriosu curious
mulato (masculine) curly
mulata (feminine) curly
piso currency
kurenti current
gi prisenti currently
matdisi (verb) curse
desparati (noun) curse
kuttina curtain
kochun cushion
kostumbri custom
kustomer customer
kostumbri siha customs
utot cut
chachak cut
bunito (masculine) cute
bunita (feminine) cute
siklu cycle
mansetbon cycling
tataotao dad
tata daddy
kada dia daily
lechi dairy
Dam dam
yinamak damage
yinilang damage
damn damn
fotgun damp
baila dance
piligru danger
piligru dangerous
homhum dark
kirida darling
gi dash
datos data
fetcha date
haga daughter
dia day
matai dead
tinalo' yan dibihi deadline
tanga' deaf
maha deal
magofli'e dear
Magofli'e Todu Dear All
Magofli'e Kostuma Dear Customer
Magoflie' Manaina siha Dear Parents
Magoflie' Siniot Dear Sir
Magofli'e estudiante siha Dear students
Magoflie Team Dear Team
finatai death
dibati debate
ebito debit
basula debris
dibi debt
dagkot decade
lamas decay
matai deceased
fababa deceive
disiembri december
asintadu decent
disidi decide
ma disidi decided
disision decision
dako deck
reusa decline
ribaha decrease
fumino' dedicated
dedikasion dedication
palao'an deed
taddung deep
binadu deer
ti kumpronte default
ganna defeat
difendi defend
pula' define
sigurado definitely
pinila' definition
defenision definition
gradu degree
inatrasao (noun) delay
ditieni (verb) delay
atrasao delayed
funas delete
gotpi deliberate
dilikao delicate
gof mange' delicious
gef mange' delicious
kalang delight
Ma'åse delighted
diliba deliver
ha diliba delivered
ma diliba delivered
diliba delivery
dimanda demand
Demandånte demanding
Demokrasiya democracy
dimoniu demon
na li'e demonstrate
ha renunsia denied
ma renunsia denied
tine'ok density
dentista dentist
diroga deny
dipatamentu department
hinanao departure
dipendi depend
na facho'chu' deploy
na'halom deposit
disisperao depressed
Kalang depression
tinaddung depth
sangan describe
ketsura description
desiertu desert
miresi deserve
Disehu design
designasion designation
diseo desire
lamasa desk
disparati despair
gof malago' desperate
taya despite
fina'mamis dessert
destinasion destination
destino destiny
distrosa destroy
yinamak destruction
mas infotmasion detail
mas infotmasion details
sodda' detect
detetminasion determination
detetmina determine
ma detetmina determined
Haemahon devastated
fatinas develop
ma naguaha developed
ha naguaha developed
fina'tinas development
kosas device
diablo devil
magnganiti devil
dibotu devoted
Dhivehi Dhivehi
daibitis diabetes
putin tuyan diarrhea
låttara diary
diksionariu dictionary
jågu did
matai die
matai died
Dihetu diet
difirensia difference
diferentis different
mappot difficult
guaddok dig
minagof dignity
mapot diligent
sena dinner
tochi dip
tagu' direct
esgaihun direct
direksion direction
direktot director
odda' dirt
aplacha' dirty
tinai setbi disable
tinai setbi disabled
falingu disappear
mago' disappointed
disgrasia disaster
yutti' discard
sotta discharge
disiplina discipline
diskuenton discount
diskubri discover
diskriminat discrimination
diskuti discuss
diniskuti discussion
chetnot disease
minalangu disease
chetnot siha diseases
disfatta disguise
kuchinu disgusting
nayan dish
nayan siha dishes
sotta dismiss
dispacha dispatch
na annok (verb) display
ina'annok (noun) display
sagan basula disposal
kontra dispute
distansia distance
distinggui distinct
distinggui distinguish
pulan distress
nirepatti distribution
distritu district
estotba disturb
hoyu ditch
dibe dive
Mapotge diverse
manåmko diversity
dibidi divide
Lina'la' divine
dibusia divorce
bulachi dizzy
cho'gue do
kao un do you
kao un guaiya hu do you love me
doktu doctor
dokumentu document
jåchadot does
ti doesn't
galagu dog
Dogri Dogri
Håfa' doing
muneka doll
tano domain
trastisguma domestic
Ga'chong dominant
munga don't
Cha'mu luluhan Don't worry
na'e donate
monhayan done
asno donkey
dope dope
dobli double
dinuda doubt
pan dough
papa' down
Gua'åni download
Kinalamten draft
batsala drag
chuda' drain
drama drama
yunga draw
sagan ramenta drawer
yininga drawing
mina'anao dread
guifi (verb) dream
guinifi (noun) dream
chinina dress
dulok drill
gimen drink
sugun drive
sotta papa' drop
pumoddung dropped
tiempon anglu' drought
bulachu drunk
anglo' dry
nganga' (noun) duck
tekkun (verb) duck
chelu dude
debíu due
sa pot due to
nianiu dull
mudoru dumb
yuti' dump
inannako'-na duration
duranti during
potbus dust
cho'chu' duty
sagayi dwell
mamatai dying
kada each
uno yan otro each other
tai pasensia eager
agila eagle
talanga ear
gi alacha' earlier
taftaf early
miresi earn
talanga siha ears
odda' earth
i tano earth
linao earthquake
kapas ease
kayada ease
sen libianu easily
san haya east
libianu easy
cho'chu eat
chumochochu eating
pot ekonomia economic
ekonomia economy
kanto edge
na dinanchi edit
edukasion education
epekto effect
efektibu effective
Efisiensiya efficiency
fittin efficient
esfuerso effort
chada' egg
biringenas eggplant
binanidosu ego
ochu eight
disiochu eighteen
ochenta eighty
maseha either
sangan mas elaborate
tomun kannai elbow
amko' elder
amko' elderly
spot elegant
elementu element
elefanti elephant
onsi eleven
kanu'un eligible
na suha eliminate
otro else
mamahlao embarrassed
namamahlao embarrassing
toktuk embrace
kumahulo' emerge
dangkulo na nisisida emergency
sentida (feminine) emotional
sentidu (masculine) emotional
sentidu empathy
Gof Magof emphasis
na klaruyi emphasize
emplehao employee
emplehao siha employees
amo employer
inempleha employment
tai sinaguan empty
sedi enable
fakchai encounter
na'e ganas encourage
finakpo' end
inaminasu endangered
luchiyu endeavor
para agupa' endurance
sungun endure
enemigu enemy
enerhiya energy
Kumuentusi engage
uma'tungo' engaged
achaki engagement
makina engine
enjiniero engineer
Ingles English
mapasko enhance
gosa enjoy
gof dangkulo enormous
nahung enough
asegura ensure
halom enter
entra enter
fina'huegu entertainment
minagof enthusiasm
magof enthusiastic
todu entire
ma titiluyi entitled
Entidad entity
entrada entrance
Negoshiante entrepreneur
subri envelope
tano' environment
enbibia envy
Epik epic
Epidemian epidemic
parehu equal
ramenta equipment
kuekuentusiåt equity
parehu-na equivalent
risá eraser
linachi error
falagu escape
espisiatmenti especially
ese essay
Esensia essence
esentiat essential
establesi establish
ma establesi established
yana' (land) estate
adibina estimate
failamuni estimated
tasa estimated
etc etc
taifinatai eternal
Etika ethics
balua evaluate
Kaompuesto evaluation
mismo even
achuka' even though
pupuengi evening
fungsion event
katnat eventually
mås ever
kada every
todus hamyo everybody
todus hita everybody
todus everyone
todu everything
ebidensia evidence
tailayi evil
Sinangan evolution
minalas evolve
Ewe Ewe
eks ex
eksaktu exact
eksakto exactly
eksam exam
eksamina examine
ehemplu example
upus exceed
paire excellent
lao ti except
Mangge' exception
sobla excess
mampus meggai excessive
tulaika exchange
manmataotao excited
minagof excitement
na'magof exciting
Exklusivu exclusive
eskusu excuse
dispensa yu' excuse me
Manengga execute
paghalom execution
eksekatibu executive
ehesti exercise
ehestsita exercise
eksaustu exhaust
yayas exhausted
ekspo exhibit
Ekspo exhibition
esta exist
na'tungo' existence
gagaigui existing
hiniyung exit
na dangkulo expand
na ancho' expand
ekspekta expect
ma ekspekta expected
gastu siha expenses
guaguan expensive
ekspirensia experience
chinagi experiment
peritu expert
ansianu expert
na'sadagi expired
esplikayi explain
sinangan explanation
fa'fatto exploit
estudiayi explore
Lokat export
na'annok expose
ma na'annok exposed
inannuk exposure
chadeddek express
sangan express
ekspresion expression
ekstendi extend
ma ekstendi extended
ekstension extension
Minagof extent
san hiyong external
sen matai extinct
Mås extra
feggi' extract
fotgi' extract
ekstrodinariu extraordinary
dimasiao extreme
gof dimasiao extremely
ataddok eye
atadok eyes
yaddas fabric
magagu fabric
fabulosu fabulous
fasu face
dirihi facilitate
fasilidat siha facilities
fasilidat facility
faktu fact
faktot factor
fakteria factory
faktu siha facts
boksiun fade
dimalas fail
dimalas failed
dinimalas failure
lalangu faint
gatbo fair
bastante fairly
espiritu fairy
hinenggi faith
dibotu faithful
ti magahit fake
poddung fall
ti magahit FALSE
fama fame
Mañelu familiar
familia family
ha'ilas famine
magof tungo' famous
fan fan
spot fancy
Paseo fantastic
chagu' far
buen birada farewell
lanchu farm
lancheru farmer
Estoriafascinante fascinating
Låhi fashion
chaddek fast
debu' fat
pegno fatal
destinu fate
tatamudu father
afatigao fatigue
isao fault
i mafaboresi favorite
fabot favour
i ma faboresi favourite
mina'aniao fear
fiesta feast
pulu feather
guinaha feature
guinaha siha features
feburariu february
o'sun fed up
chalan fee
nacho'chu feed
ineppi feedback
senti feel
sinenti feeling
ading feet
peha feet
poddung fell
gachung fellow
senti felt
palao'an female
kollat fence
fèrtil fertile
gupot festival
konni' fetch
chalao fetch
kalintura fever
didde' few
didde' mas fewer
Manmåtge' fiance
ti magahet fiction
plasa field
matatnga fierce
kinsi fifteen
sinkuenta fifty
mumu (verb) fight
plaitu (noun) fight
mumumu fighting
figura figure
espiha empenio figure out
fila file
na bula fill
nayiyi fill
mana bula filled
kumuentus film
aplacha' filthy
pot uttimo finally
fanansiat finance
fanansiat financial
sodda' find
ketungo' find out
finu fine
kalulot finger
funhayan finish
ma nafonhayan finished
ha nafonhayan finished
guafi fire
fitmi firm
fine'nena first
primet na'an first name
guihan fish
dinanchi fit
hulat fit
singku five
aregla fix
areklao fixed
bandera flag
chalamlam flash
mapanas flat
linachi flaw
ti hu tungo' flawless
malagu flee
sensin flesh
gumupu flew
stira flex
stiranti flexible
lancho flight
kuma' flip
andi'i (verb) flirt
andi' (noun) flirt
uma'andi flirting
gama' float
dilubiu flood
satgi floor
harina flour
minilak (noun) flow
milak (verb) flow
floris flower
sagu flu
Lina'la' fluent
Fino' i mas fino' fluently
puti'puti' fluffy
makalamsa fluid
gupu fly
enfoque focus
sirenu fog
mayaya' foggy
dobla fold
taotaogui siha folks
tatiyi follow
dalak follow
tatiyi hulo' follow up
tinatitiyi following
nengkano food
Lågu fool
mudoru foolish
adding foot
Fútbol football
para for
Pot ehemplu For example
pot ehemplo for instance
para hagu for you
prohibidu forbidden
fuetsas force
Pronóstiku forecast
hae forehead
estranio foreign
halom tano forest
tainhinekok forever
maleffa forget
dispensa forgive
maleffa forgot
tenidut fork
fotma form
fotmat formal
gi un tiempo former
sumen suetti fortunately
futuna fortune
kuarenta forty
kuarenta-dos forty-two
mohna forward
poksai foster
mumu fought
sodda' found
fondision foundation
kuatro four
katotsi fourteen
zorro fox
dilikao fragile
kuadro frame
Estriktura framework
malabida fraud
Manamko freak
na libre free
libre free
minalulog freedom
na manenghing freeze
kuentusi frequency
sessu frequent
sesso frequently
fresku fresh
Betnis friday
Prisidji fridge
amigo friend
Manaina'e friendly
mangachung siha friends
umagachung friendship
ma'anao frightened
na'manao frightening
kairu frog
ginen from
senmena front
ti frío frozen
fruta fruit
osun frustrated
Manteka fuel
Fulfulde Fulfulde
bokka' full
aspok full
na'magof fun
ofisiu function
fundamentu fundamental
interu funeral
na'chalek funny
pilu fur
ginuafi furious
meblon furniture
mucho mas further
yan lokkue further
mucho mas furthermore
futura future
ganna gain
hugandu game
chichi' gap
sagan pinelu garage
basula garbage
hatdin garden
ahos garlic
kollat gate
rikohi gather
inetnon taotao gathering
gaige gauge
ha na'i gave
ma na'i gave
gia gear
henero gender
enerat general
gi enerat generally
famatinas generate
enerasion generation
geftao generous
menhalum genius
genre genre
mansu gentle
magahit genuine
senias gesture
chuli get
minagagu get dressed
kahulu' get up
na chaddek hao homlu' get well soon
manunuli' getting
fafaniagui ghost
Ma'espihu ghosting
yaguanti giant
rikueddo gift
asngot ginger
patgon palao'an girl
nobia girlfriend
na'e give
basta give up
para give up
ma na'e given
magof glad
atan glance
kristat glass
basu glass
kristat siha glasses
minalas glimpse
global global
homhum gloomy
meyas kannai gloves
chalamlam glow
chalamlam hulo' glow up
guma' glue
sigi go
hanao go
gusi ha' go ahead
litira hao go away
hanao maigo go to bed
Sumåt goal
tatlun-momoko goals
chiba goat
yu'os god
si yu'os un binendisi god bless you
humanao goes
humahanao going
para hu going to
oru gold
taigui gone
humanao gone
ma'pos gone
siempre gonna
gusu goo
maolek good
maolek talu'ani good afternoon
adios good bye
maolek dia good day
maolek puengi good evening
maolek cho'chu' good job
atanun good looking
maolek suetti good luck
maolek oga'an good morning
Maolek oga'an guinaiya-ku good morning my love
maolek puengi good night
adios goodbye
maolek puengi goodnight
Kosas goods
Google Google
Transladan Google Google Translate
nganga' goose
bunito (masculine) gorgeous
bunita (feminine) gorgeous
mefno' (noun) gossip
kuentus (verb) gossip
ya-hu got
esta got it
gobetnamentu government
habao grab
gradu grade
adumididde' gradually
gradua graduate
Taiguini grain
na'i grant
ma na'e granted
ubas grapes
goti grasp
chalao grasp
chaguan grass
Gof maolek grateful
Linâlâ gratitude
naftan grave
kulot apu gray
dimasiao great
inambentu greed
ambientu greedy
betdi green
fatpai greet
finatpai greeting
hafa adai greetings
apu grey
katsot grid
kati grief
gulik grind
gu'ot (verb) grip
minantieni (noun) grip
finahan grocery
nobiu groom
Ma'uleg gross
ma gulik ground
gurupu group
poksai grow
nadokku' grow
kinahulo growth
ti mamagof grumpy
Guarani Guarani
i magarentia guarantee
guadia guard
adibina guess
kombiti guest
dinirihi guidance
esgaihun guide
isao guilty
lahi guy
lalahi guys
Ha'anen tåsi gym
bisiu habit
Habitåt habitat
ha had
putpút hail
gapotulu hair
lamita half
Konsentrå hall
kannai hand
goti handle
bunito handsome
kana' hang
halom hang hang out
susedi happen
masusedi happened
minagof happiness
magof happy
biba ha'anen mafaniago happy birthday
magof ha'anen mafaniago-mu happy birthday to you
biba anu nuebu happy new year
makkat hard
mahetok hard
hassan hardly
gof hassan hardly ever
aminasu (noun) harm
na'lamin (verb) harm
piligru harmful
hatmoniu harmony
guråhu harsh
kosecha harvest
guaha has
chatli'e hate
guaha have
na maolek dia-mu have a good day
na bunito dia-mu have a nice day
amotsa hao have breakfast
na magof have fun
kao esta chumochu hao have you eaten
un taya having
pinilgru hazard
maya' haze
guiya na lahi he
guaha gui he has
guiya si he is
ulu head
ilu head
manilik ulu headache
na homlu' heal
ma a'amti healing
hinemlo health
homlu' healthy
hungok hear
hungok heard
ha hungok heard
korason heart
na maipi heat
maiipi heat
langit heaven
makkat heavy
inkubukao hectic
lineka' height
ma irensia heir
sinakki heist
ma goti held
sasalaguan hell
Hafa adai Hello
buenas magofli'e hello dear
buenas hafa tatatmanu hao hello how are you
buenas hafa tatmanu hao hello how are you doing
kasko helmet
ayuda help
ayudu help
ayudanti helpful
kumuentos hence
guiya na palao'an her
ayu na palao'an her
katdumi herd
guini magi here
guini here
tradision heritage
manman hesitate
håfa Hey
Buenas Hi
buenas hafa tatatmanu hao hi how are you
Buenasa guenao Hi there
uma'atuk hidden
attuk hide
nana' hide
Hiyåtoria hierarchy
tatkilo high
ilihon highlight
manmamauleg hike
hikin hiking
na'chalik hilarious
oksu' hill
guiya na lahi him
hinta hint
sintura hip
sintura hips
konni' hire
man aliligao hiring
iyo-na his
ma'pos na tiempo history
galuti hit
toka hit
Hmm Hmm
huegu hobby
go'ti hold
nangga unratu hold on
maddok hole
Adlai holiday
baobao hollow
guma' home
gima' home
tråbåhu homework
honestu honest
gi minagahit honestly
Met Honey
Guinaiya Honey
onra honor
Kapucha hood
haguit hook
tayuk hop
diseha hope
diseo hope
puedi ha' mohon hopefully
taibali hopeless
atpåt horizontal
kuneta horn
malago' horrible
na'manao horror
kabayu horse
hospitat hospital
Gof ya-hu hospitality
i gaigupot host
ehesitu host
pekno hostile
maipi hot
Hotil hotel
ora hour
oras hours
guma' house
usun guma' household
taimanu how
ya hagu how about you
hafa tatatmanu hao how are you
hafa tatatmanu hao how are you doing
hafa tatatmanu hao pagu how are you doing today
hafa tatatmanu hao pagu how are you today
hafa tatatmanu hao how do you do
taimanu i how is
kuanto how many
taimanu minegai how much
Lågu gi kumuentos how often
kuantos anos hao how old are you
tumaimanu i dia-mu how was your day
tumaimanu i puengi-mu how was your night
lao however
atpang hub
amigu (masculine) hubby
amiga (feminine) hubby
toktuk hug
dangkulo huge
taotao human
humidde humble
minaipi humid
minaipi humidity
sientu hundred
nalang hungry
peska hunt
pakyo hurricane
chaddek hurry
chaddek hurry up
na puti hurt
puti hurt
asagua husband
hussle hustle
kampot hut
ginasgas hygiene
Guahu I
Guahu si I am
Guahu sa I am
Maolek ha yu' I am fine
Sina yu' I can
Ti sina yu' I can't
Ha'åni hu I do
Ti hu tungo' I do not know
Ti hu komprendi I do not understand
Munga yu' I don't
Ti hu tungo' I don't know
Ti hu komprendi I don't understand
Ti hu komprendi hafa kumeke ilek-mu I don't understand what you mean
Ti hu komprendi hao I don't understand you
Ti hu tungo' I don’t know
Ti hu komprendi I don’t understand
Manlalakbay na famagu'on i guess
Guaha un I had
Guaha yu' I have
Estaba yu' I have been
Hu diseha mohon I hope so
Hu tungo I know
Ya hu I like
Yahu hao I like you
Hu guaiya I love
Hu guiaya si amko chelu-hu lahi I love my big brother
Hu guiaya si amko chelu-hu palao'an I love my big sister
Hu guaiya si tata-hu I love my father
Hu guaiya si patgon chelu-hu lahi I love my little brother
Hu guaiya si patgon chelu-hu palao'an I love my little sister
Hu guaiya si nana-hu I love my mother
Hu guaiya hao I love you
Hu sen guiya hao I love you so much
Hu guaiya hao lokkue I love you too
Kumeke ilek-hu I mean
Mahalang yu nu hagu I miss you
Mahalang yu' mampus nu hagu I miss you so much
Hu li'e I see
Hu hassu I think
Hu komprendi I understand
Malago yu' I want
malagu' lumi'e hao I want to see you
Malagu yu' nu hagu I want you
Guahu estaba I was
Bai hu I will
Bai hu I would be
Ya-hu I'm
Maolek ha' yu' I'm fine
Maolek yu' I'm good
Gaigi yu guini I'm here
dispensa yu' I'm sorry
hielo ice
kalamai ice cream
idea idea
Tiempon ideal
parehu identical
identifika identify
identifikasion identity
idiota idiot
Fanåtico idle
yanggen if
maleffayi ignore
disatendi ignore
sinagu ill
sagu ill
ilegat illegal
minalangu illness
Ilocano Ilocano
imagi image
imahina imagine
insigidas immediate
unsigidas immediately
dimasiao immense
impaktu impact
tai pasensia impatient
na guaha implement
Ti manaelaye import
impotanti important
Taimuong impose
ti pusibli impossible
andi'i impress
impresion impression
impresionante impressive
na maolek improve
minaolek improvement
halom in
pot mas in addition
Na'pariha In fact
san menan i in front of
pot para hu in order to
ti maolek inappropriate
Iminetibu incentive
sinisedi incident
inkluso include
inkluklusu including
hinalom salappi income
taikombenensia inconvenience
aomenta increase
ma haksa increased
fetsan incredible
fiho indeed
indipendenti independent
Indianu India
indika indicate
natibu indigenous
indibiduat individual
industria industry
Hu guaha inevitable
neni infant
infeksion infection
ti hinekkok infinity
Gera inflammation
Aumento gi preis inflation
influensia influence
infotma inform
infotmasion information
templan nengkano ingredients
irensia inheritance
Prinsipal initial
inisiatiba initiative
chetnudan injured
nina'lamin injury
inosenti innocent
Inobasion innovation
finaisen inquiry
lålå'u insane
insekto insect
egu' insecure
na halom insert
san halom inside
Guinaiya insight
insista insist
ti nahung maigo insomnia
inspirasion inspiration
inspira inspire
Un famagu'on install
Instånsia instance
insigidas instant
gof instead
na'lalamen instead of
instruksiones instructions
instrumentu instrument
insuttu insult
siguridat insurance
kabalis intact
integridåt integrity
menhalum intellectual
minalatti intelligence
minenhalom intelligence
tomtum intelligent
malati' intelligent
intendi intend
ha intendi intended
ma intendi intended
atdit intense
intension intention
a'kuentusi interact
Interaksion interaction
intires interest
intresao interested
intresante interesting
estotba interfere
manadakkulo intermediate
lokkue internal
intenasionat international
Internship internship
pula' interpret
intetpreti interpreter
estotba interrupt
a'kuentusi interview
'pos intimate
para into
introdusi introduce
introduksion introduction
yo'malao introvert
hulat intuition
ti balidu invalid
fatinas invent
inbentariu inventory
inbes invest
inbistiga investigate
inbitasion invitation
kombida invite
i-fakmålaoan invoice
sasaonao involve
sasaonao involved
teppang iron
sa is
isla island
sasangi isolated
prublema issue
prublema issues
ña it
esta it is
esta it was
Esta it's
maolek ha' it's ok
Maolek ha' It's okay
kosas item
kosas siha items
I ti its
hua I’m
saku jacket
kalabosu jail
Eneru January
pusuelu jar
kiadas jaw
layo' jealous
kattan jerk
alahas jewelry
cho'chu' job
malalagu jogging
saonao join
na chettun join
na dania join
koyuntura joint
ina'kayagi (noun) joke
akachayi (verb) joke
Meditasión journalist
karera journey
minagof joy
hues judge
chigu' juice
julio july
tayuk jump
juniu june
embarasus junk
put just
chogui ha' just do it
hustisia justice
Kwilti justify
Kalaallisut Kalaallisut
impirao keen
go'ti keep
nai'e animu keep it up
ma gotti kept
ha gotti kept
Adverbio kettle
yabi key
patik kick
patgun kid
umo'ostan kidding
Tina kidney
famagu'on kids
puno' kill
klasi kind
kulang kinda
Famagu'on ti un linâpå' este kindly
minaolek taotao kindness
rai king
chiku kiss
kusina kitchen
papaloti kite
patgon katu kitten
tommu knee
tungo' knew
sesi' knife
caballero knight
tungo' know
tiningo' knowledge
ma tungo' known
Konkani Konkani
Krio Krio
matka label
cho'chu' labor
cho'chu' labour
ti gosta lack
gua'ot ladder
palao'an lady
ma na hassun laid
ha na hassun laid
saddok lake
kinilu lamb
niama' lame
fallut lamp
tano land
Managaha landscape
linguahi language
gap lap
dangkulo large
uttimo last
uttimo laot ti mas didde' last but not least
apuyidu last name
atrasao late
gi alacha lately
dispues later
más naha latest
gua'ot latter
chalek laugh
chumachalik laughing
chalik laughter
esta launch
Labandera laundry
lai law
Lamun lawn
abugao lawyer
assun lay
lassas layer
layout layout
gagu' lazy
dirihi lead
magas leader
guia leader
hagun leaf
sumi' leak
dalalai lean
masoksuk lean
galoppi leap
eyak learn
fanungo' learn
ume'eyak learning
arrendu lease
mas menus least
kueru leather
hanao leave
hagun siha leaves
ma dirihi led
ha dirihi led
humanao left
akague left
petna leg
patas leg
legasi legacy
legat legal
leyenda legend
matto legit
tiempon manlalago' leisure
na ayao lend
na'e lend
inanakko' length
menus less
leksion lesson
sedi let
katta letter
litsai lettuce
nivel level
gumulu leverage
Mañelu liability
sagan leblo library
oflak lick
dinagi lie
hassun lie
dinagi siha lies
lina'la life
haksa lift
nalalang light
chalamlam lightning
parehu like
Posible likely
parehu ha' likewise
raya line
Lingala Lingala
chinettun link
leon lion
fina'hanom liquid
lista list
ekungok listen
ume'ekungok listening
literalmente literally
tinigi literature
basula litter
dikiki little
diddi little
lala' live
igadu liver
lina'la siha lives
lina'la' living
lalala' living
sala living room
hilitai lizard
kinatga (noun) load
katga (verb) load
potu loaf
inayao loan
lokat local
lugat location
kandalu (verb) lock
siladura (noun) lock
kandado lockdown
tugi' log
hehe lol
mamaisa lonely
anakko' long
anakko na tiempo ti man ali'e long time no see
atan look
Li'et loop
kalu' loose
yu'os lord
abak lose
falingu lose
minapeddi loss
malingu lost
pidasun tano lot
agang loud
lånhi lounge
ina'guaiya love
guinaiya love
guaiya hao love you
maoleg lovely
tatpapa' low
yutti' papa' lower
tifafababa loyal
fiet loyal
fi'niet loyalty
suetti luck
suetti lucky
Luganda Luganda
katga luggage
bokka' lump
bokan talu'ani lunch
gofis lungs
Lujus luxury
uma'asun lying
makina machine
lalalo' mad
seniora madam
fatinas made
mamatinas made
Tinige magazine
maknifikanti magnificent
muchacha maid
magas main
manteni maintain
tentasion maintenance
Maithili Maithili
mahot major
mayoria majority
fatinas make
fatinas hulo' make up
lahi male
mo'na mall
lahi man
maneha manage
manehanti management
manehanti manager
mañelu mandatory
para konsekuensia manifest
chat'usa manipulate
manera manner
manuat manual
bula many
mentao many
meggai many
meggai meggai magof na hinalom salappi i dia many many happy returns of the day
matsu (noun) march
matcha (verb) march
Margen margin
tenda market
matrimoniu marriage
umasagua married
tampen fasu mask
misa mass
gof dangkulo massive
magas master
saina master
umaya match
gachung mate
matiriat material
maderas material
matematika math
attikulu matter
finakpo' maturity
kasi sina may
kasi maybe
yu' me
guahu me
guahu lokkue me too
nengkano' meal
modu mean
tailayi mean
kumeke ilek-na meaning
kumeke ilek-na means
taya meant
mientras tanto meanwhile
midi measure
midida siha measures
katni meat
medikat medical
amot medicine
Na'tungo' guini meditation
midianu medium
ali'e meet
asodda' meet
inali'e meeting
inasodda' meeting
Meiteilon Meiteilon
lagu' melt
memorias memories
hinasso tatti memory
mentat mental
mensiona mention
ma mensiona mentioned
ha mensiona mentioned
mentot mentor
mangatchong merchant
inasi'e mercy
fina'la' merely
felis nabidad merry christmas
chinalapun mess
mensahi message
machalapun messy
lulok metal
inaregla method
hechura method
chaka mice
talu' middle
tatalu puengi midnight
kasi sina might
cha'ta' mild
Milestón milestone
militat military
lechi milk
miyon million
hinasso mind
Ga'chong mindset
iyo-hu mine
ali'e mingle
asodda' mingle
minot minor
minutus minute
minutus minutes
milagru miracle
espehus mirror
gaige i otro miscellaneous
fafababa mischievous
Mapanåga miserable
minasappit misery
para u fanmata miss
mahalang nu hagu miss you
malingu missing
mision mission
sirenu mist
linachi' mistake
Mizo Mizo
movil mobile
kassi mock
modelu model
manadaidei moderate
tiabmamha' modern
modestu modest
fotgun moist
finotgun moisture
linamutan mold
inapulaihan mold
du'an mole
nana mom
mumentu moment
lunes monday
salappi' money
pulan monitor
saru monkey
mes month
sinenti mood
i-ka'tungo' moody
pulan moon
dangkulo moral
mas more
mucho mas moreover
oga'an morning
Hipoteca mortgage
mas maggai most
pinat mostly
nana mother
kinalamtin motion
Motivasion motivation
oksu' mountain
chaka mouse
pachot mouth
kalamtin move
kinalamtin movement
mubi movie
mrs mrs
mucho much
fachi mud
basu mug
Musko muscle
manaina museum
kåtne mushroom
dandan music
debit di must
debi must
udu mute
ina'tungo' mutual
iyo-hu my
Magofli'e hu My dear
amiga hu (feminine) my friend
amigu hu (masculine) my friend
Iyo-hu hovercraft esta bokka ni asuli siha My hovercraft is full of eels
guinaiya ku my love
i na'an-hu si my name is
Un dangkulo na kantu my pleasure
guahu maisa myself
minalaet mysterious
misteriu mystery
Inakdan myth
papakis nail
ignuranti naive
na'an name
estorian narrative
kanifes narrow
mafnot narrow
kuchinu nasty
nasiona national
Nasion nationality
natibu native
naturat natural
gi naturat nature
chatguiya nausea
hihot near
gaigi uriya nearby
ihot nearly
asintadu neat
nesesario necessary
hagaga' neck
kadena necklace
nisisita need
nisita need
negativu negative
disatendi neglect
negosiu negotiate
bisinu neighbor
bisinu neighborhood
ti uno neither
subrino nephew
Nairu nerd
mebius nervous
chemchom nest
talaya net
Red de network
nutrat neutral
nungka never
taya nai never
cha'mu papara never give up
para hafa never mind
para hafa nevermind
sin inbatgo nevertheless
nuebu new
notisia news
otro mas next
gi fi'on next to
gatbo nice
gatbo lumi'e hao nice to meet you
subrina niece
puengi night
baban guinifi nightmare
nuebi nine
disinuebi nineteen
nobenta ninety
Ahi' No
taya prublema no problem
ningai'an no way
ti siha nobody
buruka noise
burukenta (feminine) noisy
burukentu (masculine) noisy
taya none
talu'ani noon
ahi' nope
ni nor
nomat normal
kattan north
gui'ing nose
Nombråt nostalgic
ti not
taya guaha not at all
ti baba not bad
Ti pagu Not now
trabia not yet
nota note
ma notta noted
ha notta noted
taya' nothing
notisia notice
ripara notice
ma ripara noticed
nown noun
Nutmeg nouns
nobela novel
nobembri november
pagugu ha now
gi prisenti now
pagu na tiemop nowadays
stotbu nuisance
sa' bali null
ma'edu numb
numeru number
infitmera nurse
kakaguatis nut
Kamali'ik nutmeg
nutrision nutrition
ula' oath
yinemmok obesity
osgui obey
kosas object
yu'os objective
obligasion obligation
ti klaru obscure
inatan observation
pinilan observation
atan maolek observe
siha obsessed
natungo' obsession
bihu obsolete
minapput obstacle
chuli' obtain
fanuli' obtain
ha chuli' obtained
ma chuli' obtained
annok obvious
gencha obviously
guaha na biahi occasionally
okupasion occupation
gai sinaguan occupied
jåya occur
masusedi occurred
masusedi occurs
tasi ocean
oktubri october
åntes odd
atoga odds
ni of
siempre ha' of course
puno' off
umabok offensive
ofresi offer
ofisina office
ofisiat official
sesso often
O Oh
magahit oh really
lana oil
esta ok
esta magofli'e ok dear
esta kirida ok honey
esta guinaiya-ku ok my love
esta okay
esta neni okay baby
esta magofli'e okay dear
esta guinaiya okay honey
esta guinaiya-ku okay my love
bihu old
fatsu old
gui on
gi on
in biahi once
uno one
un linguahi ha ti nahung one language is never enough
siboyas onion
Na'lalibre online
ha' only
solo only
baba open
operasion operation
jäso opinion
oputunidat siha opportunities
opotunidat opportunity
hantai opposite
mapotge optimistic
opsion option
Opcional optional
pat sino or
kahit orange
otdin order
otdinariu ordinary
otganisasion organization
orientasion orientation
orihin origin
orihinat original
Oromo Oromo
guefan orphan
otro other
håyi otherwise
ti ha na'ån ought
iyon-mami our
iyo-ta our
Mision mami: para mana sina todus, maseha manu na lugat para uma komprendi todu i tano yan ma ekspresia siha gi todu linguahi siha. Our mission: to enable everyone, everywhere to understand the world and express themselves across languages.
Mision mami: para otganisa i infotmasion todu i tano yan para hu abundansia yan sumetbi. Our mission: to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
huyong out
finatinas outcome
muda outfit
Lokkue outgoing
Ilokano outlet
ti hu alang outline
san hiyong outside
natibu outstanding
hotnu oven
oba over
ayu guatu over there
gi todu overall
Påle' overcome
Pronombres overthinking
salape' overwhelmed
fadang overwhelming
debi owe
utak owl
iyo own
duenio owner
guaka ox
pasu pace
paketi pack
katga package
ma apasi paid
empas paid
puti pain
pentura (noun) paint
penta (verb) paint
mamementa (verb) painting
pinenta (noun) painting
pat pair
boksiun pale
patma palm
la'uya pan
pandemya pandemic
pechao panic
kasunis pants
pappit paper
paraiso paradise
paralelo parallel
pakete parcel
dispensa pardon
manaina parents
parke park
piningo parrot
Patsay parsley
patti part
patisipat participate
patikulat particular
patikulatmenti particularly
gachung partner
gupot party
hupus pass
chalan passage
ma'pus passed
monhayan passed
pasion passion
Mapåsion passionate
Puetsu passive
sengsong password
ma'pos past
pachi patch
lucha path
chalan path
na'masi' pathetic
pasensia patience
pasensia patient
muestra pattern
kopia pattern
nangga pause
chalan pavement
apasi (verb) pay
apas (noun) pay
apas payment
pasion peace
kapas peaceful
Mansanas peach
iya hululo' peak
peras pear
kakaguatis peas
Antes peculiar
memi' pee
lassas peel
gachung peer
na'tungo' peers
lápås pen
lapis pencil
pepehna pending
taotao siha people
donni' pepper
Malågu perceive
persepsion perception
prifektu perfect
hugandu perform
desempeño performance
malago' perhaps
tiempo period
petmanenti permanent
petmision permission
petmiti permit
Pinalangga' perseverance
tatfena persistent
petsona person
petsonat personal
sensia personality
Manana'åsaga perspective
fuetsas persuade
petbetsu pervert
gaga' halom guma' pet
fasen phase
sangan phenomenon
filosofia philosophy
tilifon phone
liratu photo
sinangan phrase
fisikat physical
ayek pick
haksa hulo' pick up
litratu picture
pidasu piece
pidasitu siha pieces
babui pig
paluman mansu pigeon
pulopu pile
alunan pillow
pilotu pilot
hagua pin
pina pineapple
såga' pink
hoyu pit
paso pitch
mina'asi' pity
polu place
lugat place
lugat siha places
ira plague
plana plain
tai sabot plain
yano plain
planu plan
batkun airi plane
tanum plant
tinanum siha plants
platu plate
satgi platform
hugando play
gando play
humugagandu playing
maolek pleasant
pot fabot please
magof pleased
kalakas pleasure
hula' pledge
plantao plenty
plano plot
na chettun plug
Lasa plum
manomong plumber
Manlalalai plural
podkast podcast
kanta poem
menanague' poetry
punto point
binenu poison
polisia police
areklamentu policy
gai rispetu polite
inaplacha' pollution
tupu pond
Ñalnalan pool
taki' poop
poble poor
mapta pop
popula popular
populasion population
katnin babui pork
alaguan porridge
puettu port
posision position
positibo positive
guahayi possess
iyo'-ta possession
egu' possessive
posibli possible
postu post
Pulåt postpone
batatas potato
gaichansa potential
Påndå pound
pinebli poverty
pudet power
mas pudet powerful
praktikat practical
praktika practice
tinayuyut praise
fina'chalek prank
fanaitai pray
magof precious
eksaktu precise
sinangan precisely
pridikta predict
ga'na prefer
preferensia preference
mapotgi pregnant
Manmåtungo prejudice
minalagang premises
mantekuta premium
preperasion preparation
pripara prepare
preparao prepared
preposisyon preposition
Prisensia presence
prisenti present
prisentasion presentation
eskabechi preserve
nama'ok preserve
presidenti president
yemmi' press
presion pressure
kadu pretend
bunito (masculine) pretty
bunita (feminine) pretty
chomma prevent
ataha prevent
empidi prevent
alacha previous
Ispida prey
presu price
binanidosu pride
pali' priest
prinsipat primary
primet prime
prinsesa princess
prinsipat principal
alacha prior
gof impottanti priority
prision prison
sinangi privacy
praibet private
pribilehiu privilege
premiu prize
kasi sina probably
prublema problem
prosedura procedure
konsigi proceed
prosesa process
fatinas (verb) produce
produktu (noun) produce
produktu product
produksion production
profesion profession
profesionat professional
pruprof profile
ninahalom salappi profit
Maprofundo profound
adilantu progress
kinalamtin progress
Proyecto project
put i tano' prominent
promesa (noun) promise
prometi (verb) promise
hatsa promote
na kahulu' promote
hinaksa promotion
kinahulo promotion
insigidas prompt
mafatinu prone
Åplåto pronouns
masangan-na pronunciation
prueba proof
propiu proper
propiadat properly
propiadat siha properties
propiadat property
maproponi proposal
Pasibo prospect
kalangngan prosperity
gefsaga prosperous
protehi protect
banidosu proud
prueba prove
na guaha yi provide
prebieniyi provide
ha probeniyi provided
ma probeniyi provided
probinsiu province
probision provision
sumitera (feminine) puberty
sumiteru (masculine) puberty
publiku public
halla pull
kalamasa pumpkin
tataftaf punctual
estudianti pupil
fahan purchase
puru pure
lila purple
usun purpose
usu purpose
balakbak purse
petsigi pursue
pinetsigi pursuit
chonnik push
pegga' put
kualifikasion qualification
kualidat quality
minegai quantity
kuarantina quarantine
agumentu quarrel
kuara quarter
Quechua Quechua
raraina queen
manflorita queer
finaisen query
kuestion question
linia queue
chaddek quick
insigidas quickly
tai buruka quiet
ti buruka quiet
Kåstuma quilt
para quit
kåda quite
Quiz quiz
klasen quotation
na'an quote
måsangan quotes
kunehu rabbit
rasa race
binibu rage
uchan rain
hatsa raise
ha haksa raised
ma haksa raised
malagu ran
aleatoryo random
ramu range
rapidu rapid
insigidas rapidly
hassan rare
hassan rarely
pinagu rash
chaka rat
kosta rate
mås gos rather
ratyu ratio
rasionat rational
mata' raw
re re
taka' reach
tinaka' reach
ma taka' reached
ha taka' reached
reaksion reaction
taitai read
mananaitai (verb) reading
tinaitai (noun) reading
listo ready
magahit real
minagahit reality
rialisa realize
ma rialisa realized
ha rialisa realized
mampos really
san tatti rear
rason reason
risonable reasonable
hasso tatti recall
risibu receipt
risibi receive
ma risisbi received
alacha recent
alacha recently
risepsion reception
resepta recipe
brongku reckless
rekognisasion recognition
rekognisa recognize
rekomenda recommend
ma rekomenda recommended
rikot (verb) record
kanoniku (noun) record
rikubri recover
rinikobri recovery
rektangalu rectangle
agaga' red
ridima redeem
pago' yan inagof redemption
ribaha reduce
Manmangongon redundant
referi refer
referensia reference
inina reflect
Refleksion reflection
sumanåyi refrain
refriyireta refrigerator
Taiguini refund
renunsia refuse
rinunsia refused
Mås regard
guinaiya regarding
sipudera regardless
Minagof regards
lugat region
rehistra register
mumanotsut regret
sentimento regret
regulat regular
sessu regularly
diroga reject
Mañelu relate
umatungo' related
ina'tungo' related
ina'tungo' relationship
atungo' familia relative
man familia relatives
diskansa relax
na libre release
sotta release
ma sotta released
impottanti relevant
angokuyon reliable
grasias relief
libri relieve
libre relieved
rilihon religion
dibotu religious
manman reluctant
angoku rely
saga remain
sobla remaining
makånnai remarkable
rimediu remedy
hasso remember
na hassu remind
Taimanu reminder
chagu' remote
na suha remove
sangan render
atkila (verb) rent
atkilon (noun) rent
famaolek repair
agun chumogui repeat
tulaika replace
ineppi (noun) reply
oppi (verb) reply
ripot report
reprisenta represent
mansangan-na reputation
gagao request
faisen request
kobla require
gagao require
ma nisisita required
satbasion (noun) rescue
riskata (verb) rescue
ribista research
maputi resemble
Fisikåntes resentment
resebasion reservation
rezerba reserve
residenti resident
resigna resign
ti ya'lu resilience
muna'tresiliente resilient
risisti resist
inagaguat resistance
resolusion resolution
risatba resolve
alahera resort
guinaha siha resources
rispetu respect
oppi respond
ineppi response
responsibilidat responsibility
responsabli responsible
diskansa rest
diskansa gi pas rest in peace
finachochuyan restaurant
na nuebu tatti restore
restrikta restrict
risutta result
resutto siha results
kontinua resume
kustumbre retail
gotti tatti retain
no retention
ritirao retired
atgon retreat
chuli tatti retrieve
hanao tatti return
nalalu return
na annok reveal
mana annok revealed
inemog (noun) revenge
emog (verb) revenge
ninahalom salappi revenue
bira tatti reverse
ribisa review
ribisa revise
ribision revision
Rebolusyon revolution
gratifika reward
ritmo rhythm
kostiyas rib
hineksa rice
riku rich
yutti' rid
ma'udai ride
Ma'gas ridiculous
agapa' right
dinanchi right
pagugu ha' right now
fitmi rigid
aniyu ring
inagua rinse
mumu riot
titik rip
masa ripe
kahulo' rise
piniligru risk
kontrariu rival
saddok river
chalan road
hotnu roast
fitmi robust
acho' rock
kadon rod
ofisiu role
hotdi roll
falulun roll
attuf roof
kuattu room
apusentu room
hali root
tali rope
mahangi rotten
baranka rough
bronku rough
alakuenta roughly
ridondu round
adamelung round
rumbo route
Jatsa routine
lucha row
oyat rub
goma rubber
basula rubbish
tai rispetu rude
guafak rug
distrosa ruin
areklamentu rule
midida ruler
areklamentu rules
falagu run
malalagu running
tano rural
tugung rush
kostat sack
sagradu sacred
sakrafisiu sacrifice
safu safe
safu karera safe flight
inadahi safety
sahge sage
ha sangan said
ma sangan said
layak sail
mananmo'na sailing
Para hit sake
apas salary
bendi sale
satmon salmon
asiga salt
parehu same
Parehu guini Same here
hemplo sample
unai sand
Sanskrit Sanskrit
namaiki sarcastic
spot sassy
matachung sat
sinatisfechu satisfaction
satisfechu satisfied
satisfechu satisfy
satisfefechu satisfying
Sabalu Saturday
longganisa sausage
máaase savage
satba save
li'e saw
chachak saw
sangan say
gonaf scale
pesadot scale
malabida scam
eskama scar
hassan scarce
ma'anao scared
paniu scarf
na'manao scary
machalapun scattered
Yanes scene
lagu scenery
pao scent
skeyo schedule
eskuela school
siensian science
Manlalålai scientist
Sustenibilidad scientists
teras scissors
laladdi scold
Lina'la' scope
kolas score
basula scrap
kassas scratch
essalao scream
tåttan screen
tuniyo screw
skriptu script
tasi sea
huchom seal
espiha search
aligao search
mes season
siya seat
bangku seat
sedundu second
sikretu secret
seskiona section
asegura secure
inasegura security
li'e see
li'e hao see you
esta la'mona see you later
ti chagugu' bai li'e hao see you soon
esta agupa see you tomorrow
simiya seed
espiha seek
aligao seek
naʼaʼǥai seem
kulang seems
ma li'e seen
amut seize
inamot seizure
hassan seldom
ayek select
maisa self
huhungok maisa self healing
chattao selfish
egu' selfish
bendi sell
na hanao send
na hanaogui send
na hanaogui yu' litratu-mu send me your picture
seniot senior
sensia sense
gai minaolek sensible
dilikao sensitive
ma nahanao sent
ha nahanao sent
sentensia sentence
sintensia siha sentences
separa (verb) separate
separao (noun) separate
Sepedi Sepedi
septembri september
Sisteman sequence
Seryes series
siriosu serious
Manåmko'ña seriously
setbi serve
setbisiu service
sesiona session
pone set
pripara set up
Kustumbre setting
para settle
sietti seven
disisietti seventeen
sitenta seventy
varios several
dimasiao severe
laksi sew
isångan sh
nuhung shade
anining shadow
yengyung shake
siempre shall
niatata' shallow
minamahlao shame
figura shape
patte share
akadiduk sharp
guiya na palao'an she
guaha gui she has
guiya si she is
sagan pinelu shed
kinilu sheep
hagun sheet
tableta shelf
dogas shell
liheng shelter
tampi shield
kambio shift
kapiya shine
batku ship
evenu shipping
chinina shirt
farinela shirt
sapatos shoes
paki shoot
Tienda shop
gumåttog shopping
kantun tano shore
kadada' short
Lågu shortage
ma paki shot
debi di should
debi should
apaga' shoulder
esalao shout
na annok show
na li'e yu' show me
baniu (noun) shower
o'mak (verb) shower
Kambot shrimp
na dikiki' shrink
huchom shut
famakilu shut up
yo'mahlao shy
che'lu sibling
mane'lus siblings
malangu sick
fi'on side
sangan sigh
fanli'e sight
che'cho'guiya-ta sightseeing
siniat sign
fitma signature
siknifikante significant
silensiu silence
silensio silent
seda silk
tatamudu silly
plata silver
gai parehu similar
Tungo simp
libianu simple
Para ufan simultaneously
desdi since
sinseru sincere
sinseramenti sincerely
kanta sing
kantot singer
unoha' single
mamaisa single
nangasi sink
Seniot Sir
chelun palao'an sister
kuniada sister in law
fatachung sit
lugat site
sichuasion situation
sais six
disisais sixteen
sisenta sixty
dinangkulo size
pinayun skill
pinayun siha skills
lassas skin
dalalai skinny
masoksuk skinny
upus skip
sakato skirt
mapaga'is sky
esklabo slave
maigo sleep
mamaigu sleeping
matu'ok sleepy
hagun sleeve
chachak slice
na sulun slide
sulun slide
dididi' slightly
dalalai slim
masoksuk slim
sulun slip
Dañu slope
Slot slot
dispasiu slow
na dispasiu slowly
dikiki small
tomtum smart
malati' smart
pao smell
chumalik halom (noun) smile
chalik halom (verb) smile
asu smoke
mahlus smooth
yano smooth
mirienda snack
dengdeng snail
kulebla snake
Manope snap
Gima snow
pues so
gof atanun so cute
ya-hu so far
sumai soak
habbun soap
ti bulachu sober
sakka' soccer
sosiat social
inetnon society
meyas socks
maniania soft
programa software
odda' soil
ma bendi sold
hokkuk sold out
sindalu soldier
maisa sole
fitmi solid
remedio solution
satba solve
guaha didde' some
algun somebody
guaha un tungo' somehow
guaha hayi someone
algo something
guaha na biahi sometimes
kanta song
ti apmam soon
ti apman soon
Mames sophisticated
Sorani Sorani
maneyuk sore
sagi gutgueru sore throat
piniti sorrow
Dispensa Sorry
na sangi' sort
man aligao sought
ma aligao sought
ante soul
Kompådre soulmate
sunido sound
sopas soup
maksum sour
sustansia source
san lichan south
kampu space
spåm spam
Tåsi span
Spaniot Spanish
gaige spare
kuentos speak
spesiat special
Espesia species
spesifiku specific
espesatkulåt spectacular
sinangan speech
tai palabras speechless
chinaddek speed
diletrea spell
gasta spend
ha gasta spent
ma gasta spent
pika spicy
tituka spike
na kiluluk spin
kangkung spinach
spiritu spirit
tolla' spit
Ma'pos splendid
mapi' (noun) split
ipi' talu' (verb) split
na baba spoil
mahangi spoiled
gotpi spontaneous
kuchala spoon
lugat spot
asagua spouse
chalapun spread
kada spring
kuadrao square
kuadro square
figis squeeze
nosnus squid
Aga squirrel
sentåt st
takcha stab
yanu stable
stak stack
personal staff
satgui stage
mancha stain
nikai stairs
palitu stake
palitu stalk
Estållu stall
stampu stamp
togui stand
Estándåt standard
puti'on star
tutuhon start
ha tutuhun started
ma tutuhun started
nialang starving
estadu state
sinangan statement
estasion station
butto statue
estadu status
saga stay
saga safu stay safe
yanu steady
katni steak
sakki steal
hotnu steam
teppang steel
taddung steep
tunu stem
pasu step
ponteru (noun) stick
na chettun (verb) stick
tisu stiff
ketu still
songgi sting
tituka' stingy
chalegua stir
Sto'k stock
sinakki stolen
stomagu stomach
acho' stone
tumogi stood
siya stool
para stop
sagan pinelu storage
tenda store
pakyo storm
storia story
stof stove
tunas straight
tunanas mona straightforward
kula strain
na'chetan strain
estranio strange
estrangheru stranger
estratehia strategy
tågu straw
Fruta fresa strawberry
rastru streak
milak hanom stream
chalan street
minetgot strength
estres stress
stira stretch
rektu strict
galuti strike
hilu string
na sin magagu strip
na'i animu strive
hulus stroke
metgot strong
ma galuti struck
estruktura structure
minapot struggle
sinasapit struggling
namaiki stubborn
chenglung stuck
estudianti student
studiu study
man estutudia studying
kosas stuff
maoleg stunning
tatamudu stupid
modu style
súbhet subject
Årmy submission
sopmiti submit
sustansia substance
tagui substitute
kattan subtle
susesu succeed
susesu success
susesu successful
mångnga such
tat kumo such as
chopchup suck
gotpi sudden
gotpi suddenly
sapit suffer
sinasapit suffering
sufisienti sufficient
asukat sugar
Fino'ån suggest
suguia suggestion
saku suit
aproprositu suitable
maleta suitcase
totat sum
Resumen summary
somånta summer
ya hulululu' summit
addao sun
damenggu sunday
malak i atdao sunny
minatchum atdao sunset
kahulo i atdao sunshine
super super
supiriot superior
papa' magas supervisor
sena supper
suplika supply
supotta support
suponi suppose
ha suponi supposed
ma suponi supposed
siguro sure
san hilo' surface
saog surge
Katakderan surgery
apuyidu surname
Sustansa surprise
ma hongang surprised
entrega surrender
uriya-na surrounding
supetbisyon surveillance
surbey survey
fatinas huyong survive
suspecha suspect
Suspendí suspended
suspechosu suspicious
susteni sustain
Ketli sustainability
Duru-hu sustainable
swag swag
paniot swallow
tulaika swap
matdisi swear
masahalum sweat
saku sweater
balli sweep
mamis sweet
mamis guinifi siha sweet dreams
mamis niffen sweet tooth
kirida sweetheart
pokpuk swell
popokpuk swelling
niangu swim
numaniangu swimming
chukan swing
tulaika switch
pokpuk swollen
chambara' sword
siniat symbol
mina'asi sympathy
Sintoma symptoms
sistema system
lamasa table
sufa' tackle
sedulas tag
dadalak tail
chuli take
chuli'hanao take away
adahi take care
gupu take off
hanao take off
chinili' taken
kuentos talk
ga'kumuentus talkative
lokka' tall
grifu tap
tep tape
pituma target
achaki task
tania taste
mangge' tasty
mamanagui taught
fanagui taught
cha tea
fanagui teach
techa' teacher
maestro teacher
takhelo team
lagu' mata (noun) tear
titik (verb) tear
lagu mata siha tears
kassi tease
teknålu technology
nifen teeth
sangani tell
sangani yu' tell me
sensia temper
Kåntot temperature
templu temple
temporariu temporary
dies mit ten
dies mit ten thousand
kombiti tenant
adahi tend
Tendensia tendency
maniania tender
tisu tense
tenston tension
tento' tent
ti siguguru tentative
tetmiu term
tetminu siha terms
mågof terrible
Ma'åse' terrific
teritoriu territory
tes test
Tåti text
kino than
nai grasia thank
si Yu'os ma'ase thank you
Si Yu'os ma'ase pot i pinasensia-mu mentras in inbestitiga i binatko Thank you for your patience while we investigate shipment
dangkulo na si Yu'os ma'ase thank you so much
dangkulo na si Yu'os ma'ase thank you very much
si Yu'os ma'ase thanks
si yu'os ma'ase pot usun iyon-mami app Thanks for using our app
ennao that
ayugui that
enagui that
enaogui sa that is
maolek ennao that's good
i the
sinakki theft
iyon-niha their
siha them
tema theme
siha mismu themselves
pues then
dispues then
Tiyoriå theory
gui guatu there
guenao there
guatu there
guaha there are
guaha there is
eyugui na therefore
estagui na therefore
esti siha these
estagui siha these
siha they
siha i they are
te'uk thick
potput thick
loddu thick
saki thief
petna thigh
dalalai thin
kanifes thin
kosas thing
kosas siha things
hasso think
tetset third
mahu thirsty
tressi thirteen
trenta thirty
esti this
estagui sa this is
estagui i this is
estagui si this is
tåotao thorough
kumpliha thoroughly
enao siha those
ayu siha those
sipudera though
hinasso thought
maolek man hassu thoughtful
hinasso siha thoughts
mit thousand
hilu thread
mina'anao threat
spanta threaten
tres three
klasin threshold
mannginge' thrilled
lala' thrive
gutgueru throat
trås through
durante throughout
daggao throw
yuti' throw
damagas thumb
ulu thunder
Huebis Thursday
taiguiya thus
garapatas tick
pot tide
asintadu tidy
goddi' tie
tigiri tiger
mafnot tight
Tigrinya Tigrinya
tiempo time
ora time
yomahlao timid
chibi' tiny
punta tip
puntas tips
taia tire
yayas tired
pana tissue
titilu title
para to
para hu to be
tosta toast
pagu today
neni toddler
kalulot adding toes
manhita together
kommun toilet
ha sangani told
ma sangani told
siningun tolerance
sungun tolerate
tomatis tomato
agupa tomorrow
ula' tongue
pagu na puengi tonight
lokkue too
ha chuli' took
chinili' took
ramenta tool
ramenta siha tools
nifen tooth
iya'hululo' top
san hilo' top
tópiko topic
matitik torn
kastiga torture
totat total
pacha touch
metgot tough
mahetok tough
tore tour
PARA toward
guatu towards
tuhaya towel
siuda town
toksiko toxic
rastru trace
karit track
fegui track
konbinensia (noun) trade
fannegosiu (verb) trade
tradision tradition
tradisionat traditional
trafik traffic
chalan trail
fanagui (verb) train
tren (noun) train
enseniansa training
tratu trait
pinayun traits
traslada transfer
transision transition
translada translate
klaru transparent
transpot transport
transpotasion transportation
okudu' trap
trampas trap
basula trash
tråma trauma
biahi travel
saguan tray
tesoru treasure
trata treat
inadahi treatment
trongku tree
gigåntes tremendous
tendensia trend
ensaga trial
chinagui trial
finababa trick
ma chagi tried
ha chagi tried
triga trigger
dasai trim
karera trip
hinanao trip
trobut trouble
pantalun trousers
Troka truck
magahet TRUE
trongku trunk
konfiansa trust
minagahit truth
chagi try
Tsonga Tsonga
chubu' tube
Mattis Tuesday
apas eskuela tuition
pabu turkey
mango' turmeric
bira turn
tarabira turn
haggan turtle
Maestron tutor
dossi twelve
benti twenty
benti-uno twenty-one
Twi Twi
dos biahi twice
chaflilik twist
dos two
klasi type
taimanu typical
chatpagu ugly
chura ugly
lalå'u ultimate
payu umbrella
tisina unable
tiho uncle
Likidu unconscious
san papa under
gi san papa under
gi san papa' underneath
ti hu kumekekilek underrated
komprendi understand
ma komprendi understood
ha komprendi understood
tristemente unfortunately
unifòm uniform
uniku unique
Unidad unit
unibetsidat university
ti matungo' unknown
solo unless
esta ki until
ti sessu unusual
hulo' up
hagu kao up to you
güiya update
Tiempon upgrade
gui upon
lalalu' upset
manmamaila urban
nalagusi' urge
gof impottanti urgent
hita us
usa use
ma nasetbi used
sumetbi useful
taibali useless
sessu usual
sesso usually
utilidat utility
bakasion vacation
bakkunasion vaccination
bakkuna vaccine
Vakyumu vacuum
maya' vague
balidu valid
sabana valley
gai bali valuable
bali value
meggai klasi variety
månot various
ti man parehu vary
maseta vase
malago vast
gollai vegetable
gullai siha vegetables
atumobit vehicle
bendot vendor
binenu venom
manmatågui venture
lugat venue
berifika verify
Lamlam versatile
betsion version
maga'haga' vertical
gof very
sen maolek very good
saguan vessel
pía via
magof vibe
tinitai vibes
pegno vicious
biktima victim
bidiu video
atan view
siuda village
enemigu villain
binagli vinegar
Minagof vintage
piniligru violence
malamania violent
biral viral
bithen virgin
virtual virtual
bienu virtue
fanli'e vision
bisita visit
Vista visual
bidat vital
ma'lak vivid
bokabulariu vocabulary
bos voice
taisinaguan void
Bultu volume
buluntariu volunteer
mutta' vomit
manmames vulnerable
apas cho'chu' wage
apas cho'chu' siha wages
sentura waist
nangga wait
mesetu waiter
ma nanangga waiting
ha nanangga waiting
bela wake
fakmata wake up
famokat walk
pokat walk
mamomokat walking
luga wall
pettan moneda wallet
umabak wander
malagu' wanna
humanao want
ma malagu'i wanted
gera war
Gwardiya wardrobe
sagan pinelu warehouse
tibbiu warm
spanta warn
adahi (verb) warning
inadahi (noun) warning
mimimu warrior
siha was
fagasi wash
lastima waste
egga' watch
hanom water
chandia watermelon
haluf wave
napu wave
chalan way
hami we
hami i we are
siha hita we can
niaba weak
paosa weak
niniaba' weakness
niriku wealth
riku wealthy
nasetbi wear
usa wear
ma u'usa wearing
ha u'usa wearing
klema weather
fandanggu wedding
Metkulis Wednesday
chaguan weed
simana week
finakpo' simana weekend
libra weight
minakat weight
kiko weird
buen binidu welcome
Kåtturan welfare
Sen maolek Well
maolek bida well done
humanao went
ma'pos went
esta were
san lagu west
fotgun wet
bayena whale
hafa what
ya hafa hagu what about you
hafa bidada mu what are you doing
hafa un cho'cho'gui pagu what are you doing now
hafa bidada-mu pagugu ha' what are you doing right now
hafa ofisiu-mu what do you do
hafa un chochogui para linala'-mu what do you do for a living
hafa kumeke ilek-mu what do you mean
hafa malago-mu what do you want
hafa masusedi what happened
hafa i what is
hafa esti what is this
hafa che'cho'cho'-mu what is your job
hayi na'an-mu what is your name
hafa guaha what's up
hayi na'an mu what's your name
maseha hafa whatever
Trigu wheat
rueda wheel
ngai'an when
maseha ngai'an whenever
amanu where
manu where
manu ni gaigui hao where are you
ginen manu hao where are you from
manu gaigi hao pagu where are you now
manu sumasaga hao where do you live
munggi si where is
mientras whereas
achokha' whether
manu which
mentras while
niangun whisper
chefla whistle
apakka' white
hayi who
hayi hao who are you
hayi si who is
hayi esti who is this
enteramenti whole
hayi whom
hayi gai whose
sa hafa why
hafa na munga why not
tailayi wicked
ancho' wide
gadai chili widow
finedda' width
asagua wife
machalek wild
u tunai will
malagu' willing
ganna win
manglo' wind
bintana window
guaifun windy
binu wine
masese winter
saosao wipe
waia wire
minenhalum wisdom
tomtum wise
malati' wise
tanga (verb) wish
tinanga (noun) wish
diseha todo maolek para hagu wish you all the best
bruha witch
yan i with
yan si with
latngus withdraw
linatngus withdrawal
entre halom within
sin without
testigu witness
na'chalik witty
galagu wolf
palao'an woman
famalao'an women
ma ganna won
ha ganna won
ti hu won't
håfa wonder
magof wonderful
hayu wood
Tano wool
palabra word
palabra siha words
che'cho' work
Trabaiha gi gaige' work out
macho'cho'chu' working
todu i tano world
ulu' worm
ma usa worn
ma atmi worn
mu luhan worried
luhan worry
mas baba worse
adora worship
atdit worst
maolek worth
bali worth it
dichosu (masculine) worthy
dichosa (feminine) worthy
u sumångga would
chinachak wound
Inetnonao Wow
falulun wrap
ira wrath
kalamasa wrist
tugi write
Tugi guini Write here
tinigi' writing
ma tugi' written
lachi' wrong
ma tugi' wrote
ha tugi' wrote
yaddas yard
tånoni yawn
hu Yeah
sakkan year
aniu siha years
asientu yeast
esalao yell
amariyu yellow
Hunggan Yes
huggan neni yes baby
hunggan magofli'e yes dear
hunggan guinaiya yes honey
hunggan guinaiya-hu yes my love
hunggan siempri yes of course
nigap yesterday
trabia yet
produktu yield
hagu you
hagu si you are
hagu sa you are
bunita hao (feminine) you are beautiful
bunito hao (masculine) you are beautiful
gof bunita hao (feminine) you are so beautiful
gof bunito hao (masculine) you are so beautiful
buen prubecho you are welcome
sina hao you can
Un tungo' You know
hagu lokkue you too
buen prubechu you're welcome
hobin young
iyo-mu your
buen prubechu your welcome
hagu solo yourself
hobensitu (masculine) youth
hobensita (feminine) youth
buen prubechu you’re welcome
mangge' yummy
seru zero