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Hot Wheels | 61,066 | 4.55 | 270,604 | [
] | The store wasn't opened yet as I walked through my department, women's clothes, to put my purse away in the back. Mary hollered out "Hey Jenny! How's it hanging?" When I said 'hollered', I was being literal. There was nothing subtle about her. Mary is one of those chubby, and I'm trying to be kind, women who can no longer see between their legs because their gut hangs over everything down there. Never have been to her house, or double wide trailer, whatever it is, but I envision it is full of stray cats and dogs, and surely no man or husband or partner of any kind to be found or even a trace of a past one.
I'm older, not 'old', let's just say I'm over 40, well not more than 10 years older than that. Age has been good to me. I'm still slim and shapely, tall and pretty, long gray hair, usually in a pony tail. Heads till turn, I guess hearts still pound once in a while. I like to think so. But quite a few miles on my chassis, some worn parts here and there. I use Jenny, rather than Jen or Jennifer. That is my one hold out to my youth.
This is a good department to work in. I love to look at some of the women that shop here. Oh my, there are some beauties too. Lots of regulars, know most of them by name. A little chit chat with them. Never have been so bold to try and meet any of them socially. Would like to of course. A few I use for mental imagery when I masturbate, something still I love to do. My fingers and I are real good friends, lovers you might say, even if the relationship is a bit one sided.
Sometimes a customer will need some help in the dressing room, usually picked up the wrong size. One morning a pretty woman, yes, yes, late 20's, early 30's maybe, asked me to get her a different size dress. When I returned, she opened the door and was naked from top to bottom. Her body was better than anything I'd seen in a porn movie; perky breasts, nice waist, fine hips. My pussy was shaking and dripping, almost puddling on the floor, guess that's one problem with not wearing panties, as I looked at her.
She looked straight at my face. "Thought you would like this."
I just stood there like a fool. My hand trembled over my crotch, I wanted so badly to touch myself. I really wanted to touch her too, but I was also afraid I'd get fired. There was not a speck of hair between her legs and that was exactly where she was touching herself now. I knew there were some cameras in this area, but none that could see into a dressing enclosure. I closed the door and stood in front of her.
"I can't quite reach this part." Of course she could, she already was. Her hand clearly between her legs and she was begging for me to touch her or she was just messing with my head.
I went for the gold. "Let me help."
I placed my hand over her mound, a finger tip slid between the soft folds of skin. I don't know who was wetter, but she was definitely very damp. She threw her head back as my finger ran across her clit, a soft gasp escaped her slightly open mouth, her hands rested on my shoulders for support, as I continued to flick her clit. Her fingers squeezed my shoulders very tight for a moment.
"Oh thank you ..." she glanced at my name tag, "... Jenny. I think I'm ready to try that other size now."
That kind of break in the day is rare, but not as rare as you might think. I live for those days. I always love to look, to get more memories. My life is made of memories like that.
Back from lunch that day, I strolled through the department to see if anyone needed help. Over by the dresses, I saw Kim. She was one of my more favorite customers and had been coming in maybe once, sometimes twice, a week for the last few months. Like all the others, I didn't really know her, but we always had a nice conversation when she was here. Nothing substantial, didn't know what she did, if she was married, where she lived, nothing much.
I walked towards her, waiting until I was almost by her before saying anything. "Good afternoon Kim. How's my number one customer?"
"So nice to see you Jenny. I'm doing just great. Looking for a lightweight travel dress."
"Most are gone now. I think you've found just about all that are left. Going on a trip?" Not such a stupid question, she might have just wanted that style for around town.
"Yeah. Something's come up. Nothing big."
"Hope it will be a fun time."
"Think it will be. Don't know how long I'll be away. But I will return. I promise. Love our talks."
She was sweet to say that. Gave me hope. We were about the same age and she definitely made my heart race.
"Let me know if I can help. Seems this afternoon we are shorthanded and swamped with customers. This morning was dead around here." I glanced over my shoulder as I walked away. I could feel an extra thump in my chest. Later I looked for Kim and she was gone. I didn't see her leave and I was saddened that she didn't say goodbye, maybe I was with a customer. I convinced myself that was what happened. At least it made me feel better.
That night I had vivid dreams of Kim kissing all over my body, sucking my pussy, me sucking hers. They were all wonderful. I would wake up and replay them in my mind, making each one even better in the replay, masturbating as I watched. I must have had 3 or 4 orgasms during the night. Not a record, but a bit unusual for me. Even if I didn't have an orgasm, I thoroughly enjoyed myself each time.
Over the months, the twenty-something woman returned a few times and entertained me in the dressing room. I don't know why, don't know who she was, never knew when she would be here, but she seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. It was almost like the anonymity was a major factor for her, maybe for me too.
I hadn't seen Kim since that day she was looking for a travel dress. It had been over 6 months and I'd almost given up seeing her again. That, for some strange reason, left a small hole in my being, my soul. I had grown fond of our short visits, don't know exactly why. I've never been able to put my finger on 'why' one person excited me and another didn't. She definitely excited me. I wished that we had tried to have lunch or meet away from the store. Sometimes the loss of a person makes them seem ever more special.
Suddenly one day, I saw her head moving past the tables of clothes. She seemed shorter. I hustled towards where I thought she was. Oh goodie, goodie, she was here. My heart raced at the thought. I had built up what probably was an unreal fantasy of the two of us sailing off into the sunset together, the perfect love. You know, the perfect end to a chick flick. I knew she probably didn't feel the same way for me, in fact I didn't even know if she liked women in 'that way'. Maybe she was married. As I got closer, all those negative thoughts I'd never allowed myself to have, filled my mind. Was I about to get my heart broken?
I looked up and down the aisles of clothes. I turned a corner and saw her. My mouth must have bounced off the floor, I could have sworn I felt the carpet against my chin.
"Hi Jenny. It's wonderful to see you again."
"What ..." Further words failed to leave my mouth as I looked at her, sitting in a bright yellow wheelchair, her short skirt laying flat on the seat in front of her hips. I walked closer and kneeled down in front of her, my hands resting on the edge of the seat. I looked at her hips, then up to her face.
"Love ..." She had never said anything like that to me before. "... I'm just fine. I'm happy. Please don't be sad."
"I was so worried about you. I thought I'd never see you again."
"I know. It was mean of me. I wasn't going to come back. I didn't want to feel like I had to explain this ... to anyone. That's why I didn't say goodbye the last time I saw you. Eventually, I just had to try seeing you one more time. You were the only one I just had to see."
"Oh Kim. I'm so happy you did. Let's have dinner tonight and talk. I so much want to just talk to you. I missed you."
Work dragged the rest of the day. I was useless. I managed to talk someone into covering for me so I could leave early. I rushed home, cleaned myself up, put on a skimpy dress, something that revealed a little too much of my charms. I felt sexy going out with Kim and I wanted her to see me in that way. I wanted her to not be able to resist me. I wanted to end up in bed with her tonight and I took no chances. My long slim legs extended way, way, down from my almost too short dress with the opening at the top unbuttoned enough to show a little cleavage between my smallish breasts. Hope she wasn't a 'boob' kind of woman. I laughed at myself a little for even having such a thought.
I adjusted one breast, not that they were big enough to adjust much, letting my fingers linger for a moment, loving how it felt to touch myself. My God, I was way ahead of myself. I was making up all kinds of feelings for a woman I still didn't even know if she would be interested in me in that kind of way. Oh I hoped she would. Been a long time since I'd had feeling like this.
We went nice restaurant I had picked, one of those dimly lit, deeply romantic kind with the dark red velvet wallpaper, where the waiters speak that funny fake French and wear tuxedoes. She had suggested we just meet there, that sometimes she had trouble getting into other peoples houses with her chair. I got there a little early thinking I'd just wait in the lounge, have a drink, and relax my nerves a little.
When I got there, her glass was almost empty. She was radiant and dressed very nicely. She held up her drink towards me. "You have a little catching up to do."
The bar tender looked at me, I looked at him. "Whatever it is, give me one." I could barely stand, my knees shook like a teenager's on his first date. Nothing mattered anymore other than just being with Kim. Her lack of legs didn't even matter to me. She was still Kim.
I sat next to her at the table. "Do you ever look marvelous."
"Thanks for suggesting we meet. Guess I've fantasized about this for a while."
"You're so sweet to say that. Me too."
"Ladies, your table is ready. I will have someone bring your drinks."
We were shown to a semicircular, thickly padded, booth near the fireplace. Making reservations, I'd asked for this booth, knowing it was the most romantic one. I was glad it was chilly outside so the fire would be burning. I expected Kim to just stay in her chair, but she moved to the booth and slid next to me, closer than actually necessary. Nice. As much as I wanted to just sit and stare across the table into her face, oh what a face it was, the face that launched a thousand ships, I was excited by the fact that she had actually made the effort to sit real close to me.
As the waiter placed the opened menus in front of us, a young lady sat our drinks on the table.
Kim looked at me. "Remember when you were that young? Those were the days my friend."
"Bet you broke all the boys hearts?"
"Actually all the girls hearts."
Her hand was wrapped around her drink glass, just stroking the sides with her fingers up and down like a hard cock, the moisture dripping down her hand like my pussy juices down my thigh. I rubbed the back of her hand lightly with the back of mine.
"Me too."
"Lets not do that to each other."
"I hope not ... Kim."
She took my hand and rolled it over, placing her palm on mine, her fingers intertwined with mine. Lifting our hands, she lightly kissed the back of mine once.
"Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?"
Kim looked up at the waiter and smiled. "Sorry. A special night. A few more minutes."
My heart melted as I heard her say that. The glow of the firelight reflected off her face. Maybe others would not think of us raving beauties, but I could not get over just how lovely, just how gorgeous Kim was to me.
"Very well Madam." Fake French is better than no French I guess. He turned and walked away.
We looked through the menus, discussing what we liked and didn't, what sounded good and didn't. So much to choose from. I loved to eat here.
The waiter was back, looking at us like this would be our last chance to order for the night.
"Filet Mignon is my favorite here. That and a nice Merlot."
"You hit the nail on the head Jenny. Two of those please, medium, with bearnaise sauce, and blue cheese for the salad. And a nice Merlot. You can choose sir."
"Very well." He left.
Kim sat looking at me, her blue eyes had me locked in her spell. It was all I could do to keep from embarrassing myself by just jumping on top of her right now and yelling 'suck my cunt, all night long'. I controlled myself and just leaned over to give her a small peck on the lips.
"I'm so glad you came back Kim."
The waiter held the bottle in front of Kim before she could reply to me.
"That'll be fine."
He opened it and let her taste it.
"Very nice."
He poured some for both of us and left again.
Kim raised her glass. "To the start of something nice."
I clinked my glass against hers. "Yes it is."
I felt her hand rest on my thigh, higher than just above the knee, as her lips briefly touched my cheek. Almost by instinct, I put my hand on her thigh, but it landed on her flattened skirt.
A smile filled her face. "I forget too." She moved my hand, pressing it over the front of her hip. "There." Her hand remained on top of mine for a second before moving back to my thigh, this time a little higher.
"I like the way you feel there." I had never known or thought about what it would be like to be with someone with a body like Kim now had. She could have an eye in the middle of her forehead. I just wanted to be with her.
We just looked at each other's face as we sipped the wine, filled our glasses, sipped more, ate our salads. We were both on another planet. The bottle was nearly empty when the main course arrived.
Kim held the bottle up. "Another."
"Why yes, just a moment." I found that such a quaint way to answer with a question, it made me smile.
After the waiter was far enough away, I mentioned it to Kim. We both giggled together about that and the funny accent.
The first glass of the 2nd bottle went down far too fast and far too smoothly. Usually it only takes me one glass to get a little silly, tonight I'd had 3 so far plus my drink from the lounge. Of course Kim was just as plastered. Good thing it was just a mile down quiet streets to my place. Only one small step into it. I felt sure we could get her chair inside. What did I know? I just hoped.
The waiter took my credit card. I looked at Kim, leaned towards her and gave her a kiss that lasted just long enough to say 'I want more'.
"Oh Jenny, I've had a wonderful time tonight. This has been so good." She squeezed my hand and held it, not letting it go.
"Do me the favor of coming back to my place."
"Just a small one. We can find a way."
"Or you could come to mine. I'm just a mile away."
"In the Valley View Apartments?"
"Me too. #2125."
"Oh my God, we're neighbors! Just a few buildings apart."
I parked in my usual place and walked, staggered, over to Kim's, one building from mine. She was just getting into her wheelchair as I got there.
"Do they allow drunken wheelchair pushing?"
"Would that be a DWP?"
We had similar floor plans, even the same spartan decorating ideas. She had been in her place less than a month and still had boxes piled here and there.
I know we had the same ideas about what to do now, only she beat me to the bedroom and was just moving onto the bed when I got there.
"Damn Hot Wheels, that chair is fast."
"Shut up and kiss me. I've got a major fire down below that needs to be dealt with real fast."
I laid next to her, arms around each other, mouths locked together, tongues not to be untangled for some time, fanning those flames even more.
Her hands roamed over my body, mine over hers. I released her mouth, her tongue, turned, and began kissing my way down her front, over her clothes, my hand leading the way. I skipped past her breasts, time for that later. I knew where I wanted my mouth and quickly too. Skirt up over her hips, my fingers were rubbing her pussy lips just moments before my tongue parted them. I could feel her mouth feasting on me at the other end of the bed. I stopped just long enough to say "I love you down here." before resuming my desert.
My hands pulled her skirt over her hips. Without legs, it was instantly off, and fell to the floor. "Opps." I mumbled. My lips kissed across her hips, across the faint white scars where her legs used to be. I wanted her to know I didn't mind, that it didn't bother me. Patiently, I continued my kisses until I was again were covering her luscious lips, parting them, licking the delicious wetness, uncovering her overly large clit from its hiding place, sucking it between my lips, nibbling on it with my teeth.
She was urging me on. "Suck me, harder, yeah like that, more. She was out of control! I too was commanding "bite my clit, lick it, you're good baby." Then we both were racked with a marvelous simultaneous orgasm and a few aftershocks, maybe another orgasm or two before we slowed, then stopped.
We turned so we were face to face again, laying sideways across the bed, her body not reaching fully across, my feet dangling over the edge. We kissed for a while, nuzzled, cuddled, and just held each other close.
"Damn Kim! I was so horny. That was great."
"Nice we both were. Hoping you would want me. Now we have that out of the way, maybe the rest of tonight we can just make sweet love and explore how wonderful it is to lay next to each other."
"You said that so nicely."
"Kim ... you do feel nice against me." My hand draped over her hip, touching all over where that leg had been.
"I'm glad. It feels good when you touch me like that."
Between the wine and the love making, it was 10:30 when we woke up.
I looked at the clock. "Hope no one had to go to work."
"It's Saturday silly."
"Oh yeah. So kiss me fool."
"Gotta pee really bad."
"Only if you let me watch."
"Jenny is a dirty girl!" Kim moved into her chair and I followed as she rolled into the bathroom.
My finger dragged through her pussy as the urine splashed in the water. Done, I licked my fingers. "This was just to show you how special you are to me. I don't want there to be anything we can't share. Know that Kim. Don't feel like you have to hide anything." I folded up some toilet paper and wiped her. "Thanks for letting me be here with you." I kissed her while she sat on the toilet.
For the rest of the weekend, we talked, made love, had sex, ate each other, also some food, and just started learning more about each other. Hours seemed compressed into seconds.
Sunday evening, I sat next to her on the couch. Both undressed, watching nothing on TV, holding hands. Acting like new lovers should.
"Will you watch me?"
"Yeah Kim. Watch me masturbate."
"I'd love too. That is such a turn on. Should we take turns or do it at the same time?"
There seemed to be nothing one of us wanted to do or talk about that the other didn't also. Real soul mates.
"Take turns."
I moved closer to the arm of the couch and leaned my back against it so I was facing her with my legs spread apart. She did the same.
"You cheated. You didn't spread your legs."
"Good one Jenny. I may keep you now."
As I dipped my fingers inside me, stroked my thighs, licked my fingers, flicked my clit a bunch, breathing hard, I could tell Kim was having trouble just watching. She had a finger tip rubbing up and down across her clit, slowly at first, but soon matching pace with me.
"That is fucking beautiful Kim. I'm so glad you can't wait for me to finish."
"You are such a tease, such a turn on. I've never been with someone that lit me up like you do. Have I told you that you have fantastic looking pussy. Your pussy lips are just gorgeous baby. So even, so neat. Oh, you taste so damn good too. You're going to have a fucking hard time getting rid of me lover."
"Oh darling ... I ... ah ... here it is ... ah, ah ... oh fuck." I panted and relaxed. "I didn't know someone could just talk and make me orgasm. You are good baby."
"Do you really have to go to work tomorrow?"
"Afraid so. What did you have in mind?"
"Well my bed isn't messed up enough. Could work on that."
"Temp me tiger, temp me. Heaven help me. I feel like a kid again. All I want to do is be with you Kim."
"I'm glad. I'm pretty hooked on you already myself."
The next month became a transition period as we consolidated our lives, our belongings, and I started living in her, well now, our apartment. It was a good time for both of us. Our personalities were so similar, our likes, interests, just everything. Almost like we were identical twins. I even let go of my apartment.
The days were torture. Time passed like all the clocks had been unplugged and the watches stopped. Fucking customers, forever asking for help. Get a life. Don't bother me. Go away. But when I walked through that front door and saw Kim each evening, I was a reborn teenaged girl. My motor was roaring and my pussy needed taking care of. And Kim had the medicine for me. Her pussy wrapped around my tongue, and mine around hers. That was the ticket for both of us. I was sure the neighbors thought wildcats had moved in next door with the way we'd scream and moan through the evening and night.
Summer was at last here and we'd been together 9 months. We had celebrated being together every day and today was no different.
"Hey Jenny! Guess what I won?" She was waving an envelope and rolling towards me. I picked her up and held her in my arms. God was she light and nice to hold.
"First, how's my little sex pot? Who loves ya baby?"
"You do." Kim wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. "No one loves me as good as my beautiful Jenny."
"Where we going?"
"To bed?"
"No silly. You won something."
"Oh. ... Yup. I'm holding a letter that says we have won ... ta da ... 14 nights in Jamaica plus air fair for 2. How's that sound my favorite pussy cakes?"
"Do we leave tonight?"
"I wish. It's at one of those adult only places. Just think of all the hot bodied tanned chickies we'll get to ogle. Woo Hoo!"
"We need to get you one of those tiny thong bathing suits. You'll make peoples eyes fall out."
"Yeah, or just puke."
"Good. All the more attention I can lavish on you stud muffin."
"Oh yeah? Pussy licker."
"Muff diver."
Still cradled in my arms, I walked straight in to the bedroom and tossed her short body onto the bed, ripped her clothes off, and began licking her pussy.
"Oh you suck me so good, oh yeah pull my clit way out like that, yeah baby, yeah baby. The 60 second cum! All most there, yeah, yeah ... Oh you're good, real good. ... Fucking good baby."
I cupped my hands over her hips, where her legs used to be. "Damn nice not to have these in the way. Damn nice." I kissed her all over her hips, ran my fingers though her ass crack, over her asshole, licked her pussy lips, teasing them as I nibbled and pulled on them with my lips, my teeth.
"There'll be hell to pay if you stop now Jenny Lou!" Not my name, but she'd toss it in when she wanted to make sure to get my attention. "You better fucking finish this next orgasm for me!"
I kept sucking her clit like a small cock, a finger explored her pussy, pressed against that wonderful patch of skin, that spot in her pussy, stroked it more and more. Her hands, her fingers grabbed the sheets, pulling it from the corners of the mattress, holding it tight across her face, then in her mouth to muffle her screams, her hips were bouncing left and right. I held on with my hands now as I sucked her clit. Her fingers scraped across her chest leaving marks.
"Oh my God Jenny. That's ... that's ... oh yeah Jenny ... oh yeah."
"Was it gooood for youuu?" I teased knowing full well it was one of her best orgasms.
"Oh you are a gooood fucker. I write it on all the bathroom walls."
"Wondered what all those strange phone calls were about?"
Kim forced me onto my back and held me down with her hand pressing against my shoulders. Her lips teased mine, first just pressing against them, then licking them lightly spreading moisture around, my tongue touching her lips here and there. She took her time. I couldn't move. I didn't want to. I wanted to be her prisoner. I was hers now. She dragged her tongue everywhere, across my eyes, my ear lobes, she nibbled some, licked some.
I already burned like a person in the desert and she had just started. I tried to touch myself, couldn't. Tried to touch her, she wouldn't let me.
Minutes, felt like hours, as she worked over my face, my neck, with her mouth, still holding me down. With almost imperceptible movements, she worked her way down my throat, across my chest, stomach. I was trying to beg her to kiss my pussy, but she would cover my mouth with her hand, her mouth, then start again each time I asked or begged.
I ached, the passion overwhelming. I was desperate for release, to be touched all over my pussy. Everything else was very nice, I just wanted to be touched, kissed, sucked, there, my pussy, my cunt, there! Nowhere but there!
On the 3rd pass, now below my stomach, she kissed my navel and then skipped over my pussy and kissed my thighs, first the left, then the right. She teased me, letting her mouth hover over my pussy, my cunt. I could feel her warm, her hot breath blow on it. She was so close. Oh my God, please! Her legless hips were in my face, her body on my chest, her mouth between my hips and knees. I leaned down and tried to kiss her pussy, to urge her to kiss mine, but she pulled it away, threatening to start over with my face, taking even longer to get where I desperately wanted her to be.
Her face comes close to the goal again. I can almost feel her tongue lick to one side of my labia, then the other. Oh fuck you Kim! I'm going to cum all over your face as soon as your tongue touches my cunt, my clit. She does. Oh my God, she does. The electricity races though my whole body. I pull her hips against my face, almost biting into them as I convulse, spasm, shake uncontrollably. This is it. Thank you, thank you. Hell yes. This is it.
I fall back, chest pounding, heart racing, feeling darkness coming over me. I try to stay in this world. I try hard. Oh my goodness that was good. My hand holds my chest to keep my heart inside. I can feel my heart start to slow a little. I'm going to live. Yes, I'm still alive. Life returns to me.
"I love you Kim. I do. Always be here with me."
The plane landed in Jamaica. It was so bloody hot as we got off the plane. My clothes were instantly soaking wet. Got Kim's chair, went through customs, got one small suitcase, filled with bathing suits and a few skirts and blouses, from the carousel, down the elevator, and waited and waited. Melting even more. Eventually we saw a man holding up a sign with our names.
"We're Kim and Jenny."
He was from the resort and drove us there. Glad he was driving. I didn't know all the correct beeps of the horn for sure.
We checked in. Our room looked like a hut with what appeared to be a grass roof. All the rooms were like ours, little huts under palm trees all over the place. A living room, bedroom, and bath. The air conditioner worked hard, almost begging to be put out of it's misery. 'hum, hum, shoot me, hum, hum, shoot me'. I was sure that's what it sounded like. It was cool inside though. Nothing like outside. Plenty of space, more than I thought from the first glance outside. Wide doorways. Very accessible as promised.
I watched as Kim swung from her chair and launched herself in an arc, as if shot from a cannon, hips first onto the middle of the bed. She's cute when she does that, but I do worry about her overshooting. I fell backwards onto the bed and landed next to her.
"Well pussy licker, what do you think?"
"Hey muff diver. I think you're pretty fine. Nice ass for a lady without legs."
"Good enough for you to eat?"
"Yeah, I guess? Want to check out the natives?"
"Only 'yeah, I guess'? If that's all, let's get those band aid sized thongs on and go terrorize everyone."
It was clear from the women around the pool, that we might have been silly to be concerned about the way we looked in thongs. Oh my God. I hope this is not everyone that is here. A few looked like chubby Mary's from work, but in a thong. If anyone gets upset at Kim for showing her stumps, I'll get my gun out. Oh my. Where's the barf bag. Some of the guys weren't much better.
I spread out our towels, helped Kim down from her chair. Sure, she can manage, but I love to do things for her even if it is faster when I don't help.
The sun in the tropics felt nice on our aging skin. Already in Heaven. Right now I didn't care if I died from skin cancer. Just loved laying next to Kim. We held hands, talked, looked around, acted like young lovers. Some man with the hotel knew exactly what I wanted and handed us each a very tall rum punch. Guess you can't be in Jamaica without one in your hand, everyone seems to have one. Doesn't take long before there are no cares in the world with one of these. Just one happy buzz.
Eventually, a few hot body women sit by the pool. I'm happy now. Good eye candy, real good. Tasty I'm sure. What a dirty old lady I am.
Hours pass, sun starts to go down, nice red glow in the sky, sailor's delight they say. Dinner is set in an open air eating area. Wheelchair by a table for 2, saving our place, I cradle Kim in my arms to go thought the line. People stare, we ignore them. As far as we're concerned, we're the only people in this world. A server insists I let him get our food for us.
The food is great, but not what we normally eat, but still great. Not sure what it was, but remembered that most everything tastes like chicken. Didn't look like chicken. Hoped it wasn't fried shark penis. After dinner, we tried a place in the resort by the beach that makes burgers. Better. Now we're full.
Sun is down now. Chair in the room. I carry Kim, love to have her cradled in my arms, one of her arms is around my neck, not very far from the room, to the 'Swing Bar' on a pier over the ocean. One with swings for seats, all hanging from long ropes around a circular bar. We take the last 2. Bar tender hands us two rum punches. Kim swings back and forth. People watch with amazement and fascination as her short black skirt flips up as she swings forward. Flips sometimes more than other times, revealing too much. No one minds that.
Two more drinks. By now, they go down like ice tea. Two more. We're pretty looped. I wonder if I can carry Kim all the way back to the room. Not that far, but even a few steps now would seem like a hundred miles. Maybe should have brought the chair. Too drunk to think of just going back by myself and getting it. My arms are noodles, my legs weak. I laugh hard at myself as I stumble a little when I take my first step. Kim is flexible like Mr. Gumby as I try to pick her up. We are 2 silly drunks. Not that everyone else isn't also.
"Would you like some help?" Some tall handsome American guy grabs my arm to keep me from falling.
I looked into his baby blue eyes. I slur my speech. "Sure. Might have to make a second trip for me though."
He cradles Kim in one arm against his chest like a big sack of flour. She looks at him and mumbles "Not even a leg to stand on." He holds my hand with this free hand as he leads me back to our room.
By our door, the smell of a joint wafts overhead. "Haven't smelled that for a long time. Can't do ...." Kim mumbles and her voice trails off, her head resting on his shoulder.
I opened the door and he lays Kim on the bed, her short black skirt flips back revealing her naked hips and pussy.
I sat down, more like I plopped down. "Thanks for the help."
"See both of you tomorrow."
"If I can get my sea legs." Kim babbles.
The door shuts.
"Gotta be more careful about those drinks."
We passed out on the bed.
A few knocks on the door. "Room service!" A few more knocks, louder this time. "Room service!"
The woman shaking my shoulder is a lovely very dark skinned person. "Ma'am? ... If you want any breakfast or coffee, you need to wake up." She shakes my shoulder again.
"What?" I stir a little. "What time is it?"
"9:30. Breakfast is almost over. We're here to clean your room."
I shake Kim. She moves a little. "Baby, we need to try and wake up. Days wasting." I help her into her chair, run a brush through both our hair, and wheel her out the door, still wearing last night clothes.
The head, humidity, and bright sunlight blast into our eyes. Startled, she sits upright. "What happened?"
"Ten gallons of rum punch dear. Time for breakfast. Try not to look too brain damaged."
She slapped her face a little. "I'm a live, I think. I kind of remember a guy carrying me back to the room last night."
"He was very nice and helped both of us back. We might have become shark bait otherwise."
"Shit! They got my legs!" She yelled a bit louder than necessary as I pushed her down the path. A few people looked at her with shock. No place for me to hide either, so I just laughed. So did Kim. Not sure everyone is up for her dry sense of humor.
Food on the tray, tray on the table, coffee cups in our shaking hands for a few minutes as we tried to sip the black liquid. I spread some butter on our toast, shake salt and pepper on the scrambled eggs.
"So you made it through the night?"
A head blocked the sun. Couldn't quite see what it looked like. Then I realized where I'd heard the voice. "Oh. Hi! Thanks for saving our sorry asses last night. A real knight in shining armor."
"You may not be ready for much conversation right now, but we'd like to join you if it is okay?"
We? I tried to focus a little. He was with 2 females, couldn't see their faces yet, but I could see their crotches. definitely female. Real hard to focus, bright light, fuzzy head. You know the drill. "Sure pull up some chairs."
"Brought mine this time so you won't have to carry me again."
"Not a problem Kim. ... This is Patty, my wife and Connie her girlfriend. ... Oh, I'm Robert."
At last I was able to focus enough to see the 3 people. They all looked like there were maybe in their early 30's. All pretty good looking. Not even a little orange hair, no Mohawk hair cuts, no whale bones through the cheeks. Nothing at all strange. The more I looked at Robert, the more I realized how handsome he was. A real Marlboro Man kind of guy.
Kim squinted, and moved her head slowly around. "Wow! The voices in my head have faces."
"Yesterday must have been your first day. Takes a while to get used to those rum punches. Lots of rum followed by lots of punch." Patty laughed. "I got pretty shit faced my first day too. Some of it is the heat."
"Oh, only the first day? I remember you knocking on more than one wrong door the 2nd night."
"Thanks for reminding me Connie. I'd forgotten I was the ONLY one that got drunk."
"Girls, girls. Be nice. We're supposed to be having fun."
Kim leaned towards Connie. "Was that a joint I smelled last night? Fuck, that stuff used to make me so horny. Been a long time though."
As I listened, I thought I heard a bit of a Australian accent. Both the women sounded the same. "You from Australia?"
Patty looked towards me. "Right mate. And you?"
"The States. We're here for 14 days."
"Guess I can rescue you for 2 more days. You're pretty light Kim. Won't mind that. Not at all."
Patty slapped him on the arm. "Be nice."
"Oh he was a perfect gentleman. Don't remember TOO many inappropriate touches." Kim laughed.
"Wasn't quite sure how to hold you. Not as many handles on your body."
"Just glad you didn't mistake me for a 2 hole bowling ball." We all laughed at that one.
Connie looked up and down at Kim. "You have a nice wit about you. Some like you don't."
Kim and I ignored the 'like you' part. "Thanks. Jenny and I are real lucky to have each other."
"Speaking of fingers in 2 holes, Connie and I need to run back to the room for a while. Stop by for a smoke later if you want."
"Bye girls." Robert waved as they walked away.
"Unusual that a guy is that comfortable letting his wife have a girlfriend."
"Oh they're lots of benefits. Like both of you, they are real easy on the eyes. Know what I mean? An I get to watch a lot of times. Something they both enjoy."
"You're sweet."
"They like to be watched?"
He looked around to see who was close by. "Hell yes. Both real show offs and Patty loves to go both ways, but I think she is very partial to Connie. Get my stones off."
The next 2 days were fun, watching Patty and Connie, and Robert and Patty, all messing around. We smoked some good weed, traded stories, made lewd suggestive comments, just being wild and crazy for a while. Never traded touches, well nothing too sexual; well maybe a finger on a clit, a tit, or a cock, nothing much else. Just had a refreshing time. Robert was kind and carried Kim out into the ocean a few times and let her swim while he stayed close by.
The resort had a half day scuba experience where they showed people how to use the equipment in the pool, then went out for a few hours in the ocean. We enquired and a lovely woman, in a revealing bathing suit, smiled and explained she would LOVE to help Kim. We both looked at Rose, then each other, and smiled as we squeezed each others hand harder.
Half an hour later we were in the pool. Kim had a few extra small weights added to her belt help keep her hips down. Rose worked just with Kim and me while 2 guys worked with the rest of the class. I watched underwater as her hands held Kim by the hips, letting them slide around more than necessary just to support her. I think Kim was enjoying herself as well. We both quickly caught on to breathing, clearing our masks, going up and down.
One of the men with the dive shop carried Kim to the boat and helped her in after the others were seated. I think she enjoyed the extra attention. I could have sworn I noticed a few stolen looks, growing bulges in a few bathing suits, and a few tongues rubbing across the lips.
The ride out into the ocean was fun, wind in the hair, blue water, boat bouncing over small waves. We anchored in water that was turquoise, a little murky, with brightly colored fish swimming about. I was glad Kim refrained from any jokes about how she didn't have to worry about sharks nibbling on her legs. Pretty sure some of the people didn't do well in the pool, and now we were in 40 feet of open ocean.
Kim was placed on the edge of the boat, tank on her back, Rose in the water, and then Kim leaned backwards. She landed near Rose, sank for a moment, and returned to the surface with Rose pushing her up with a hand under her crotch.
"You okay?"
"Oh baby. After that, you bet! I'm ready when you are."
Rose held Kim's hand, pulling and kicking her legs. Sometimes Rose would give her a shove with a hand under Kim's crotch, usually to help her go up, but I knew there were times she did it to cop a feel. I swam nearby, watching them together, both seeming very happy. I could not believe the amount of freedom I felt while underwater. The fish were so colorful, like a very large fish tank full of sport fish of many colors. We fed them pieces of banana and the fish would eat out of our finger tips.
Back at the bar, devoid of our scuba gear, rum punches in one hand, the fingers of the other intertwined together, we just looked at each other for a while.
Kim broke the silence. "God was that great."
"It was better than I could have imagined. Looked like Rose had a nice time. Glad she was able to help."
"Her hand was so gentle, the soft touches sent goose bumps all over me. I loved the feeling of being pulled along. She fingered me a few times, specially coming up. Very nice. I was amazed at the sensations in my hips as she pulled me though. The way the water pressed against my hips as it flowed over them, really heightened the notion that my legs weren't there."
"I loved watching you. You were so lovely down there. I mean down there below the surface. Hell yeah, you are so lovely 'down there' too."
We laughed.
"Ready for a nap?"
We had a wonderful rest of the 2 weeks. Everyone was kind and helpful no matter what we needed, both the local people who worked there, and the other guests. It was a time that I would never forget. How I hated to arrive back at the airport. Back to 'real life'. At least I would be with Kim and she would be with me. |
Four Wild and Crazy Girls | 137,483 | 4.52 | 486,442 | [
"naked under her dress",
"going braless in public",
"going pantyless more often",
"a few sexy tops",
"tiniest and sexiest bikinis",
"shorter skirts",
"leave all bras at home",
"baring my tits",
"seen our panties",
"tiny g-string panty"
] | Hi! My name is Summer and I turned 18 in April of 2010. My parents have taken me on a couple cruises with them and I really enjoyed them. I am an only child and slightly spoiled. Since I was underage and with my parents I couldn't do all that I wanted to do, but I made a decision during our last cruise. I would be 18 yrs. old when I graduate high school and for my graduation present, I want to go on a cruise with my three best friends.
During our last cruise I noticed some changes in my mother that I had never noticed before. My mother was dressing a lot less conservatively on board the ship than she ever did around our hometown. She seemed to always wear a bra at home and around town but she never seemed to wear a bra during the cruise and she was wearing some short dresses I didn't even know she had. And she seemed happier all the time, maybe it was the extra alcohol she was consuming or the extra attention Dad and some of the other men on board were giving her. I didn't even know she knew how to flirt, but she was sure doing her fair share of it during our last cruise and Dad didn't even seem to mind. Also I had never seen her dance with anyone other than my Dad before but she did during this cruise and she sure seemed to be enjoying herself a lot! I also noticed she had bought herself a couple tiny new bikinis and she still looked halfway decent in them. But what surprised me the most was the way the guys looked at her when she walked by them. Dad never got mad about it, he just smiled!
But what really made me take notice was, one morning I had just stepped out of the bathroom and I saw Dad hugging mom and squeezing her butt as he kissed her and I overheard him say to her, "It seems like my naughty girl forgot to put anything on under this dress again."
And she told him, "Nope I didn't forget. I'm on vacation too you know, and I feel like having a little naughty fun, and I know you like it when I go commando, right? So, I'm not planning on wearing any bars or panties for the rest of the cruise. You OK with that?"
Dad just gave her another kiss as he pulled her to him and gave her ass another squeeze. I had stepped back quickly and I don't think they saw me but this really gave me a mild shock. Is my Mom really naked under her dress and had she been going out in public dressed like that and was really going to keep going braless and pantyless the rest of the cruise? I had never though of my mom as being naughty. This was going to take a while to sink in.
I go braless around the house quite often and have even gone braless in public a number of times along with my friends (we all dare each other to go braless often) but my mom doesn't know that. It is really no big deal going braless in public anymore, I found out I enjoy it. So I decided to go braless the rest of the cruise also. If she could do it, so could I. I know that she and Dad noticed that morning at breakfast because my little nipples were hard under my tight t-shirt because of a cool morning air. Mom looked at me and opened her mouth as to say something but stopped and just smiled at me. I also went pantyless a few times under my shorts without Mom's knowledge and found it felt weird but an enjoyable weird feeling and decide I would explore going pantyless more often.
This got me wondering what it would feel like to let loose and enjoy other new things. I wanted to find out, so that is why I asked my three best girl friends to join me on a cruise after we graduated. We all had part time jobs and started to immediately save money for our cruise. We had almost a year and a half to do it. We all told our parents of our plans and only Ashleigh's parents didn't like it but finally gave in after months of begging and the rest of us promising to keep and eye on her.
Ashleigh, Coco, Becky, and I finally saved enough money and with the help of my parents, made our reservations 6 mouths ahead of time and we had enough money between us to get a room with a balcony. Since I was the only on to have even been on a cruise they asked me thousands of questions. About two weeks before we left, we were deciding what to take along in the way of clothing. I stressed that they needed to pack a light as possible. I said that I was going to take along no long pants, short-shorts only, and a few sexy tops to go with them. Only one long dress and that it was going to be a sexy one for Captains' night where everybody got dressed in their finest clothes. About four or five sexy sundresses and a super short club dress I wanted to dance in one night. Also, four of the tiniest and sexiest bikinis they had ever seen and a about a half-dozen tiny thong panties and no bras. I said that if I did need to wear a bra with something, I could wear one of my bikini tops.
I was now enjoying going braless in public when I had the chance to. My nipples would get so hard when I noticed a guy checking out my braless tits and when they got hard it made it even more noticeable. I have gotten to the point of wearing thin tops just so my nipples could be seen though the material. I just love the stares I get. I didn't tell the girls but I was also thinking about going pantyless most of the trip. I now normally go without panties under my shorts because I liked it. Right after my last cruise, I would occasionally go without underwear under my longer skirts and dresses and then eventually under my shorter skirts and dresses. I found enjoyed feeling naughty, so every once in a while, I would get an urge to go out in public with as little on as possible. The day before we girls got together to discuss what to take on our cruise. I had gone to the mall alone to buy a couple more little sheer tops to take along. All I wore was a flowery chiffon halter dress that was just above mid thigh length and strappy sandals. The feel of being nearly naked in public is a thrill that I am really beginning to enjoy. As far as I know, no one has seen my bare ass or pussy yet, but the thought of that happing one day gets me excited. I haven't gotten the courage to do it on purpose yet but I know I want to do it one day.
None of us four girls are very large on top. We were all 34 to 36 B's. We all weigh about the same and are about the same height. We have all worn one of the others clothes at sometime before, so I dared them not to pack any bras. They all agreed that nobody would pack any bras and we would all be braless the entire cruise and swap clothes if needed. Becky was the one that surprised me, she is easily the most conservative and religious one of the bunch, she goes to church every Sunday with her parents. But when she said that it sound like fun and supported me in the idea of leaving our bras at home, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
I then told the girls to bring along plenty of sunscreen because we would spend a lot of our time in our bikinis. Then I said, "Please don't bring along any granny bikinis, I don't want any of you bitches to scare the boys away!" They all laughed and agreed tiny bikinis only. (Wait until they see the tiny 'Wicked Weasel" G-sting I got. I'm not going to let them know about it until they see me in it.) I also want to go up onto the topless deck and use it. Although I am nervous and excited at the same time, I am looking forward to baring my tits to the sun and many men's eyes for the first time. The girls just don't know how naughty I want to try to be on this trip.
The day to leave finally arrived. We drove down to Tampa in one of my parents' car and boarded the 'Carnival Legend' and headed to the western Caribbean for a 5 day cruise. We all wore little sundress when we boarded and started daring each other not to hold the dresses down as we walked around the decks. This was really no problem as there was only a light breeze in port. I dared Ashleigh to climb to the top of the main stairway and to drop her purse and bend over showing all below her pantied ass. She did and as she bent over I got a picture. We came back every few minutes and each one of us did the same and a picture was taken of each of us show our pantied covered ass. I found I was the only one to have a thong on. We found our room; we liked our balcony, and then we did the mandatory lifeboat drill, and then went on deck for the departure.
When the ship started moving, the breeze really picked up blowing our dresses all over the place. There was really no way to not flash our panties and after a while I just gave up and let the wind have its way with my skirt. The girls teased me about my lack of concern, if they only knew how turned on I was getting, so I finally dared them to do the same. I told them that nobody on this ship knew us or our parents and we would never see any of them again, they accepted my dare. Many pictures where taken of the wind blowing up our dresses that afternoon, not all by us! Hundreds of people had to have seen our panties that afternoon, I know I was horny by the exposure; I think the others were too. I showed to girls the topless deck and I told them I wanted to try it at least once and then Ashleigh said she did too. I smiled at Ashleigh and then we looked at the other two and they both said, "Why not?"
We headed back to our room to freshen up for dinner. My panties were soaked from all my excitement. I removed them and decide not to put any more on. Just before we left I got a wild idea. I told them all I had another dare for them all. I dared them to go dressed as I was. I lifted my dress and showed my lack of underwear. Conservative Becky, at least I thought, said too late, lifted her dress and showed she was also bare. Ashleigh and Coco giggled and quickly remove theirs and tossing them on the bed. I got a chuckle knowing the room stewards would be in soon to turn down the beds and were going to find damp panties on them. During dinner somehow we got talking about our lack of panties and I found we all occasionally went commando and then Becky surprised me again, by daring all of us not to wear any underwear for the rest of the cruise. I was happy to hear this; it just gave me an excuse to pantyless all week. I acted like I was a bit concerned because of the extreme shortness of my club dress. I had been actually debating if I was going to wear my thong or my tiny g-string panty under it but now the decision had been made. Oh God! Could I really do it? I was going to be pantyless under an extremely short dress. The thought was exciting me.
After dinner we checked out the ship at night. The ship seems to come alive at night, all the flashing lights and ringing bells of the casino, to the music from the dance clubs spilling into the hallways, and the way the lights changed color as you walked along the decks was amazing. We when out on deck none of us seemed to remember we were naked under our dresses until the wind hit us. Feeling the wind blowing against my bare, wet pussy made it tingle. Again we dared each other not to hold the dresses down.
There is a spot near the bow of the ship where the deck narrows down from about 15 ft. to about 6 ft. This acts like a funnel and the wind blows really hard there. I made the mistake of turning my back to the wind and bending over a bit. The next thing I knew was the dress was around my neck. I was naked from my neck down. I quickly turned around and leaned into the wind and it blew back down. The other girls were laughing at me so I dared them to try it. Ashleigh was the first to try, same thing happen. The other two had the same results. I was tired after playing in the wind and letting the wind blow up my dress a couple more times, I told them that I was tired and going back to the room. Ashleigh said she would join me but Becky and Coco wanted to wander around the ship a while longer.
I had to use the bathroom as soon as I got back and noticed how wet my pussy was when I wiped myself clean. I went out on the balcony as Ashleigh use the restroom. She joined me on the balcony when she finished. We just stared at the moon over the ocean saying how pretty it was. I then looked at Ashleigh and told her how horny I was from what had gone on all day. She smiled at me and said, "God! I thought I was the only one. My pussy is sloppy wet. I need to cum bad. Would you mind if I bring myself off?"
I just smiled and giggled and said, "No I don't mind, as long as you don't mind if I join you?" We smiled and lowered our hand to our pussies at the same time. I had never even thought of masturbating in front of someone before and now here I was watching her as she watched me. After a few seconds of fingering myself, I lifted my dress off so I could be naked and play with my nipples as I fingered myself. Before my dress landed on the deck of the balcony, Ashleigh was lifting her dress off too. It only seemed like seconds before what had to be the strongest orgasm I had ever had hit me. Ashleigh soon followed. We were still sitting naked on the balcony when Becky and Coco returned. Ashleigh grabbed her dress, I didn't. I was enjoying being nude and thought I would try and remain that way as long as possible. I told the girls to get those dresses off and join us on the balcony, they did. All of us eventually put on long t-shirts only and went to bed. Ashleigh and I shared one bed, Becky and Coco the other.
This was not the first time I had slept with Ashleigh, all four of us girl have slept over at one of the other's girls houses for years now since we became friends back in elementary school. But this is the first time I had slept with one of them without panties. Ashleigh and I eventually got on our side facing away from the other and I bumped my ass into hers. It felt weird having our bare asses touching, but I didn't move away and neither did she. I then whispered to Ashleigh, "It feels weird doesn't it?"
She said, "Yea, but not bad though. I kind of like it."
"Me too' I said. Since it was after midnight and I was so tired, I quickly fell asleep.
Next morning I awoke to a slight shaking of the bed. It took a second to realize Ashleigh was frigging herself again. I lay still, listing to her heaving breathing until she stiffed and stopped. Then I whispered to her in the dark, smiling as I said, "Feel better now?"
I could tell she was embarrassed at getting caught and she said she was sorry but got thinking about all the naughty things she did yesterday and how much she enjoyed them and it made her so horny she couldn't stop herself. I told her not to worry about it because I didn't think it would be the last time she frigged herself on this cruise and I was sure I would be doing it a few times too before I got back home. She said she understood that but this wasn't her, she hardly ever masturbated at home and here she had done it twice in the last ten hours and once with me watching her. I told her not to worry about it and to just enjoy herself on this cruise.
I told her to excuse me while I when to pee and to probably frig myself in the shower now that she had gotten me horny. And that was exactly what I did! I came out of the bathroom feeling much better and wearing just a towel and went out on the balcony. By this time everyone was up and moving around. The sun was shining on the balcony and it felt so warm and nice, I just had to drop the towel across the lounge chair and enjoy the morning sun all over my body. It was a few minutes before Coco came out and noticed my nudity. She said I was crazy that someone might see. I said, "Who? There's no one out there but an ocean and sea gulls." I told her to just try it and see how nice it was. She removed her t-shirt and sat in the other chair and said I was right. She just might start every morning like this.
We all finally got dressed, if that is what you would call it, for breakfast. We all wore bikini tops, short-shorts and sandals only. Since the first day was all at sea, we went back to our rooms after breakfast and put on our bikini bottoms and then headed towards to the sun deck. Becky said she thought I wanted to go to try out the topless deck. I said, "I did but I didn't want to try it along, I wanted ya'll to come with me. Safety in numbers you know". They agreed to join me, so off we went.
We got our lounge chairs, set them up, and took off our t-shirts. None of us wanted to be first one to remove our tops, so we all agreed to do it at the same time. At the count of three, all of us took out tops off. There were only half a dozen people on the deck at the time so it really wasn't a big thing. They were all couples and really didn't even look our way. Two of the women had no tan lines on their breast so you could tell this wasn't their first time. The other girl's tits were as white as ours were. We all got on our backs and spread suntan lotion all over ourselves, putting extra on our virgin white tits. Over the next couple hours, many people, who seemed to be mostly men, came upon the topless deck to look around. I was really enjoying those men checking out my titties. One of us, I think it was Ashleigh noticed how pink our tits were becoming and suggested we get out of the sun before we burnt our tits. We all agreed and put only out t-shirts back on and went to our room to shower and change. We all dressed in sexy tops and shorts. I wore a thin gauze top and some tight satin low-rise booty short-shorts only. I had to remind Becky, no panties! Guys kept checking me out as they walked by. I got curious and checked myself out in one of the many mirrored walls on the ship. I could plainly see my dark nipples through the top and the cheeks of my ass showing beneath the bottom of my tiny shorts. I had by far the most daring outfit of the four of us. I smiled to myself; this is exactly what I wanted to look like today, a cheap little slut.
We had lunch on the back deck and wandered all around the ship checking it out, this thing is huge! We smiled and flirted with as many men as we could and notice how they were checking us out. We finally made our way back to the room just before dinner. We all showered and dressed for dinner. We all wore cute little dresses that evening; we were looking forward to a nice dinner, a Broadway style show afterwards and then an adult comedy show after that. The head waiter at our table was Carlos; he was from Argentina and kind of cute. He paid the four of us a lot of attention. I'm sure he noticed we were all braless and we all flirted with him. We were going to have a lot of fun with him this cruise and I think he will remember us for awhile when this cruise is over. The other people at our table were two young couples. One was enjoying their 5th anniversary and the other couple were newlyweds on their honeymoon. Married the morning of the ships sailing, I don't think we will be seeing much of them at breakfast.
During the comedy show I noticed a rather cute man probably in his 40's glancing at us. I know we were all showing a lot of leg in our short dresses, but maybe it was or wasn't the Pina Coladas I had been sipping on all day, but I got a naughty idea. I wanted to flash my pussy to him. After he looked away from about the fourth time I seen him check us out, I repositioned myself so he could get a better look up my dress, then spread my legs just a little bit to really get his attention. A couple minutes later he glanced over then did a quick double take. I had him! I let him see me like that a few minutes then when he looked again, I twisted in my seat to whisper to Ashleigh and tell her about the man trying to look up ours dresses. As I twisted, I made sure he had a look straight up my dress as I spread my legs wide enough for him to see my pussy. Ashleigh noticed what I had just done and broke up laughing saying I was such a naughty girl. She said, "If you can do it, so can I." She twisted in her seat towards the guy and whispered to Coco as to what I was doing as she spread her legs a bit wider. Coco told Becky and before you know it, all four of us naughty girls were letting that dirty old man look up out little dresses and see our naked pussies.
The show ended a few minutes later and all four of us giggled and laughed at what we had just done. I think we were all a little tipsy. We all agreed that we had never thought of doing these naughty things on our little vacation but that we were having so much fun that we would continue to have naughty fun during our trip. I admitted to that being the first time I purposely let a man see my pussy but that it had been so much fun that I knew it would not be the last time I flashed a stranger my pussy. We got to our room and I immediately kicked of my shoes and pulled off my dress and flopped across the bed naked. Ashleigh laughed at me and said, "So that's how we are sleeping tonight, are we?"
I drunkenly said, "Why not! This is how I normally sleep in my on bed. I find it a lot more relaxing and more comfortable. I hate having a shirt twist around my body during the night causing me to wake up." This is true because I have been sleeping nude more and more since I discovered my love of being nude and my streak of exhibitionism.
Ashleigh said, "Don't preach to me girl, I have also tried sleeping nude a few times and I found I also like doing it whenever I'm in a naughty mood. So I'll sleep nude with you as long as you keep your hands to yourself!" Laughing as she made that last remark.
I then looked at the other two and asked what they were wearing to bed. Becky pulled off her dress and said, "I've never slept nude before but I think I want to give it a try. I just hope Miss America here can behave herself tonight."
"ME!" Coco said, "Who woke me up this morning with her hand on my tit!"
"I was asleep when I did it. I didn't mean to." Becky responded.
Then Coco said, "Truth is I didn't mind, it felt nice, almost as good as when a boy feels me up."
That got all of us going, talking about boys and getting felt up and the like. We've all hear and told these stories to each other before. We've be telling each other our dirty little secrets for years not. We all knew when each other lost their virginity and to whom. But it was so much more fun slightly drunk and naked. It was almost 2am before we all got into our beds, naked!
I awoke just after sunrise, we failed to close the curtains to the balcony and the sun was shining on my face. I could look out over the rail and see rooftops. We were in port. Then I noticed a warm arm around my waist, and a pair of tits on my back, it felt nice. So I slowly reached back and placed my hand on her hip. I moved it around a bit and I heard her moan and then she started to pull her arm away. I pressed my arm down on top of hers and told her it was alright and to leave it there if she wanted. She then reach further around and took hold of me and gave me a hug from behind. I just naturally gave a soft moan. I then calmly reached down for her hand and placed it on my tit. It felt good I knew I just had to return the favor. I rolled to my right until I was face to face with Ashleigh. I brought my hands up to her breast the same time she brought hers up to mine. I had never ever even thought about fooling around with another girl before and now I was doing it and it felt nice.
We both looked at each other and kissed. Ashleigh's lips were so soft. We kissed awhile and squeezed and fondled each others tits. I then had a strong urge to pee, so I told her so and went to the bathroom. Ashleigh was naked out on the balcony when I return so I joined her nude also. She said she was sorry for touching me. I told her I was alright with it as long as she wasn't upset with me touching her. She said she wasn't and gave me naked hug. About that time we heard a 'whoo-hoo' from down below. I hadn't even thought about us being naked outside in port until then I looked down at a couple guys looking up at us. I waved to them and after they waved back, we went back inside and closed the curtains and crawled back into bed. I kissed her and then when down and sucked on her tits a while then she sucked on mine a bit. I started to play with my pussy as she sucked on my tits. Before long I had one hand on her tits as I fingered myself, she was doing the same. When we finish we heard moaning from the other bed. This was going to be a very interesting cruise indeed!
We decided to go into port after we ate breakfast. We all agreed to wear short sundresses into town and have fun flashing unsuspecting locals. But I didn't make it that far before I flashed someone; I was the last to get dressed because I was the last one to shower and get to use the mirror to fix my hair. I told the rest to go on and get a good table and that I would be along in a few minutes. I decided to take the stairs to the main dinning room to meet the girls. It was only three decks up and it was quicker than waiting for the elevator. I had only made it up one deck and starting up the next flight of steps when door to that deck opened. It was two college age guys heading up to breakfast also. I had just turn to start the next flight up when I heard one guy tell the other that he had seen my bare ass when I turn the corner. I quickly knew I wanted to flash my bare ass at them some more. At the top of the third landing I kinda 'accidentally' dropped my purse as I opened the door. I slowly bent from the waist to pick it up and looked back to see them stopped at the landing just below me staring at my bare ass and pussy. I calmly picked up my purse and went hunting for my friends and left the guys standing on that landing with a look of disbelief in their eyes. I told them all what had just happen and we all had a good laugh when the same two guys slowly walked by our table looking at me. We all thought they were cute and I hoped I could run into them later on somewhere.
We had a lot of fun in town and all got to flash a little bare ass a couple times. We didn't buy anything because we didn't have that much extra money with us. But being girls we had a lot of fun window shopping. We made our way back to the ship around noon. Had something to eat and put on our bikinis and went back to the topless deck to sun.
I wore just my new 'Wicked Weasel' g-string bottom with just a t-shirt over it. No one had seen me put it on so when I whipped off my t-shirt, they were all surprised how small it was. I have always been well trimmed down below so I could wear my little bikinis but I shaved myself bald before leaving for this cruise so I could wear this one. Just like before, we soon drew a small crowd of guys around us. I know I was enjoying showing my bare tits to all the guys and I suspect the other girls were enjoying displaying their tits as well. But I was now getting a lot of the attention because I was as close to naked you could probably get and not get into trouble. One of the guys asked me if the suit was see-thru when it got wet. I told him I didn't know, and then Becky said we needed to find out. She pulled a bottle of water from her bag and poured it directly on my light blue bottoms right in front of everybody. And YES! they were transparent when wet. Ashleigh said loud enough so all close by could hear that my slit could easily be seen now that they were wet. I was trembling inside; I was about to cum right there in front of everybody. I almost came when Becky poured that cold water again directly onto my already excited pussy, and now knowing I was all but naked almost sent me over the edge. I wanted to touch myself so bad, I needed to cum. So I said out loud, "Oh fuck it!" I reached down and rubbed myself in front of about a dozen people and after a few strokes and I came, Hard!
When I came down, I was so embarrassed at what I had just done, I grabbed my t-shirt and pulled it on and left for my room without saying anything. I heard Ashleigh say that she had better go after me to see if I was alright and that she might be back later. By the time Ashleigh got to the room, I was naked, lying on the bed frigging myself vigorously. Ashleigh came over and sat next to me, leaned over and started to suck and rub my titties. I came big time a couple minutes later and then gave Ashleigh a big kiss. She asked if I was alright. I said I was now. I told her what happened up top surprised me. I never knew being that much exposed in public would affect me so strongly and that I needed to get myself off again as soon as possible.
I put my tiny g-string back on as I told Ashleigh I needed to go back up top to work on my tan again. Ashleigh asked if I had another suit like that as she wondered if what it would be like to wear something so small in public. I told her I didn't have another suit like this one but that I did have a pair of black g-string panties she could probably get away with if she was willing to try. She told me to get them and let her look at them. I did and she said that they were thicker than my swimsuit bottom I was now wearing. She took her string tie bikini bottom off and slid on my panties. She looked good in them and I told her so. She looked in the mirror and said she like them and told me to put on my top and to go back up top with her.
There were only a couple guys left when we got back. I told everyone I was a lot better now and to let's get more sun. Ashleigh told me to get on my stomach and she would lotion up my back then I could do hers. She did my entire back even doing my ass twice because it was so white she said. I saw her take a deep breath as she removed her shirt. Becky and Coco asked where she got the g-string bottom and she told them from me. They asked if I had anymore and I said 'No' which was true. I proceeded to lotion up Ashleigh's back and bare ass.
About this time I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I had my back turned to the steps, bent over putting lotion on Ashleigh. This meant my basically bare ass was facing the stairs. I heard the steps stop and an "Oh my God!" I looked back and there were my two admirers form the stairs this morning. I finished with Ashleigh and turn to face them and said hello to them. One of them said, "Didn't we see you this morning?"
I smiled and said, "Yes you did, a lot of me as I remember. But now you're getting to see even more of me."
"By the way, these are my friends, Ashleigh, Coco, and Becky. My name is Summer." They said their names were Mike and Jeff. We found out they lived in a town near ours, only about 30 miles from where we lived. We ended spending a lot of time with Mike and Jeff the rest of the cruise. After we started turning pink again, we again make our way back to the cabin to shower and get ready for dinner. We still had a couple hours till dinner so we all hung around the room naked and even going out onto the balcony naked a few times to see if anyone could see us naked. We all dress in short dresses again for dinner and then went to the main theater for a very funny version of the 'newlywed not so newlywed game'. I laughed so hard I could have peed in my pants if I had been wearing some.
After the show I told my friends I was going back to my room to put on my new club dress and I would meet them at the dance club. The dress was a tight, white spandex number and practically backless. It was also very short. I knew if I wasn't careful I would be showing my ass all night. I wasn't sure if I would wear this dress or not when I bought it. Then after running around the mall in just that halter dress, I knew I could. I was then planning on wearing thong panties or a g-string under it, not really caring if people seen the bare cheeks of my ass. And now I am going pantyless and hoping people will see my bare ass. I promised Mike and Jeff to dance with them tonight if they showed up. Won't they be surprised when they find out I am naked under this little dress?
My dress had to be shortest dress in there that night. It was almost dark in there, except for all the flashing lights. The music was good and loud. I found my friends and with them were Mike and Jeff. Mike quickly asked me to dance. He said he liked my little dress was. Then I told him that didn't have a thing on under it either. His eyes got wide. And then I told him that if he didn't believe me, he could always check to see if I was lying. I saw his smile get bigger as he pulled me closer. I felt his hand slide down my ass as I ground my pussy against his leg. I then felt his warm fingers against the bare skin of my ass cheeks. Then one of his hands wandered around to the front, I pull away from him a bit to give him more access. When I felt his fingers against my wet, hot sex spot, I said, "I told you so, but I'm glad you didn't believe me. I like the way you found out better." I then told him that none of my friends were wearing panties or bras tonight.
I danced with Jeff the next dance. He must have been watching his buddy dance with me. His hand went straight to my ass. I felt him bare most of my ass as he ran his hand all the way to my waist. Then his hands came around front to my pussy and he quickly shoved a finger in my pussy. He said my pussy was sopping wet. I told him I was as horny as hell too and needed a good fucking. He said he would be willing to give his best. I asked if he had any condoms with him. He said he did not. I told him I was sorry but no condoms, no pussy. We all teased those guys all night. It was fun being felt up in public. I think part of my ass was exposed most of the night, but I didn't care. I was having fun.
We decide we had done enough teasing for one night to Mike and Jeff and we girls decide to let them take us back to their room for some more fun. I wasn't going to let them fuck me without any protection but I was not going to let them suffer either. I wanted to suck on a cock tonight and let them cum in my mouth. I had one more surprise for Mike and Jeff. Just before we got to their room, I removed my dress and walked the last hundred feet or so to their room naked. All the girls were half naked or better before they got their room door open. I was on my knees and unzipping Mikes' pants before the door was closed. Mike and Jeff were troopers; they gave all of us a load to swallow that night. While I was sucking off Mike, Coco was sitting on his face having her pussy eaten and Becky was sitting on Jeff's face as Ashleigh sucked him off, then after they came, we switched places. What surprised them the most was after Ashleigh sucked Jeff off and I sucked Mike off, we kissed and combined their cum in our mouths before we split it up and swallowed it.
The next morning I was awaken by moaning from the next bed. Coco and Becky were going at it. Ashleigh was not in bed with me, I seen her out on the balcony, naked, masturbating. I went to the bathroom to pee then stopped at the other girls' bed and gave them both a kiss before joining Ashleigh on the balcony. We were in another port this morning. I leaned over and gave her a kiss as I squeezed her tits, then sat across from her and started to play with my pussy as I watched her and the people walking around down below on the pier. After Ashleigh came, she got up and took my hand and led me to our bed. She kissed me and started using her fingers on me. Next thing I knew all three girls were kissing me, sucking my tits, and finger fucking me. I came like never before. We all took turns being the recipient of the kisses and hands of three at a time.
We all showered and cleaned up for breakfast and got dressed for another day in town. I told the other girls there was one thing I wanted to buy in town today. They asked what, I smiled and said, "Condoms!" They all agreed that it would be a good buy. I said, "From now on I will never leave home without some in my purse." They all agreed that that would be a smart move for all of us to do, because you never know when you may get lucky and find a nice hard cock to ride.
After a successful shopping trip which we found our condoms and a couple more pair of tiny g-string panties for the other girls to wear on the topless deck, we all got ourselves ready to return to the topless deck. This time we all wore t-shirts that did not cover up our asses as we made our way to the topless deck. We got a few strange looks and mean remarks from the older women, but were expecting those. Fuck them if they don't like it, I'm enjoying showing my bare ass.
There weren't that many people up there this morning, a lot were still on port. But tomorrow was another day at sea and it would be packed, so we decided to just get a few hours of sun on our bodies and returned to our room. We started fooling around as soon as we got up there. I started it by getting all the girls to put lotion all over my body as I stood before them. Before I knew it, one of them had pulled my bottoms down to my knees as another lotioned up my pussy inserting a finger while they did it. I just stepped out of by bottoms and spread my legs to give better access. We all took turns getting lotioned up and fingered in the open air and sun. We were all completely naked and a bit horny by the time we were done lotioning up. No one was in a hurry to put our tiny bottoms back on, so we remained nude for almost three hours up there. Only a half dozen people or so noticed we were nude.
Coco was the first to shower off the sweat and lotion once we returned to the room and then me. We just naturally gravitated to each other and started making out. Since we were all now wearing g-string on deck we all had shaved our pussies bald. I loved how nice and smooth they looked and just had to see if it was smooth to my tongue. I have been curious to what a pussy would taste and feel like for the last couple days now and I wanted to find out now. We ended up in a 69 position. I found I liked pussy almost as much as a nice hard cock and I have always enjoyed having my pussy eaten ever since I let my first boyfriend do it.
It was late afternoon before we exited out room dressed in halter tops and short-shorts this time. I was wearing an almost sheer halter top and tight jean short-shorts. You couldn't see through their tops as much as you could with mine but you could tell they were braless by the pointy nipples. We decided to skip dinner in the main dining room tonight and have a burger and fries and pizza at the snack bar.
Mike and Jeff showed up just as we were getting ready to leave. They said they had a lot of fun last night and wondered if we could do it again. I quickly said "No" before any of the others had a chance to answer. "Because", I said pausing a couple seconds for effect. "We bought condoms this morning and I don't know about the rest of the girls but I need a good fucking. It's just a shame you don't have a couple more friends to join in."
Jeff smiled and said, "Who said we didn't come along with a couple more friends. In fact there are six of us in our group. We just don't hang around together all the time. If you like we could arrange for you to meet them tonight at the dance club."
We all smiled and said almost in unison, "Bring them on!"
While getting ready for dinner that night we were all excited at the prospect of getting royally fucked that night. I wore a short bright red, very deep plunge front, backless to waist halter dress. From the waist line at the back of the dress to the hem of the dress was only about 12 inches, like it just barely covered my bare bottom. The skirt part also was snug around the hips, while the top just loosely hung there. If I bent over, the top would fall away from my body, easily exposing both of my tits from the sides. Also my tits were very easy to grab hold of if someone was willing to take the chance and I was hoping some would. All the girls wore halter dresses that night hoping for a little hands roaming action. We all talked about all the sexual possibilities that night and we all agreed that almost anything we could think about was a definite possibility that we all would be willing to try everything at least once.
We all strutted into the dance club with big smiles on our faces and wet pussies between our legs. We were quickly met by Mike, Jeff, and their four friends. I never did learn all their names that night but I wasn't looking for friends that night I was looking for a sexual good time. Mike quickly took me to the dance floor and his hands went straight for my ass. I shoved my tongue in his mouth he played with my ass hole. My ass was still virgin territory but I was willing to loose it if he was willing to go there. I could tell by the feel of his hands on my ass that about have my ass was uncovered and exposed to the crowd. I just left it there, enjoying the feeling of many pairs of eyes on my exposed ass. I danced with all six guys at least twice and every one of them played with my ass, pussy, and tits while we danced. I was also getting my hands full of hard cock as I danced. I unzipped all of them and had my hands inside their pants as we danced, and none of them had on any underwear either. Jeff said they all decide not to wear any just for us. As I watched my friends, they all seemed to be getting and doing the same routine as I was and none of them seemed willing to put a stop to the manhandling any time soon.
We were finally sexually excited enough to go back to the guys' rooms. The girls and I had made plans before we left our room, and as soon as we exited the elevator we removed our dresses and walked naked down the hall to the guys' room. Two of the guys had already opened the door by the time we walked to the door and were already undressing. I opened my purse and dumped a couple dozen condoms on the table saying that I hope we had brought enough. We all ended up having enough hard cock in out wet little pussies that night. I for one had cum dumped in all three of my holes that night. We got back to our room about 4am and fell on the beds and slept in what clothes we had on. I was so thoroughly satisfied, I slept until noon.
We finally got showered and put on just our t-shirts and g-string bottoms and went to the snack bar to eat and then headed for the topless deck for a final day of sunning our bodies on board this wonderful ship. We stayed up there showing off our practically nude bodies till almost 5pm. Tonight was the captain's dinner and we all had to get back and get our hair done and make-up applied and put on our fancy, sexy long dress. Everybody there was dressed to the "T". We had pictures taken together and separately to remember this night and this cruise.
My dress was a long black sexy number, slightly sheer and fit me like a glove. It was a halter dress with a very deep plunge in the front to the waist, backless to the crack of my ass, and had a slit over my right leg all the way to my upper thigh. Ashleigh's dress was a light pink halter dress, slightly low cut with a center slit to mid-thigh. Coco's dress was a yellow silk halter dress, high necked but with a narrow slit from the neck to belly-button and no back to the waist, it had a slit outside both legs to her upper thighs. I could see Coco's darken nipples though her top. Our once conservative Becky had a white crochet ankle length strapless tube dress that came with a mid-thigh length strapless satin slip that was to be worn under the dress. She was not wearing the satin slip! I could see right though that dress! I could make out her nipples from the front and the crack of her ass from behind. It was easy to see between her legs all the way to her crotch. She said she had originally planned to wear the slip under the dress but decided to be more daring at the last second. I told her I envied her; I wish I had a dress like that to wear. She said I could wear it later on tonight if I wanted to and she would wear just the little slip that went with it. I told her, "It's a deal."
Becky told me later that I might not be able to wear the dress later. She said everybody was looking at her and she was getting so excited that she was afraid her pussy was getting it all wet. I told her I didn't care if it was wet or not, I still wanted to strut around the ship in her see-thru dress and enjoy the looks she was now getting. Well, we did change dresses and it was as much fun as I thought it was going to be. My pussy was so wet; the juices were running down my legs minutes after I walked down the crowded walkways around the ship. Becky's little strapless satin slip dress kept working it's way down, threatening to expose her boobies. That gave me a naughty idea. We were walking down the promenade deck to get to the elevators to go back to our room and I got behind her and jerked her dress to the floor. She was walking at a pretty good rate when I did this. The dress hit the floor and she lost her balance and stumbled forward, stepping out of the dress. I picked it up and started running down the deck holding her dress above my head laughing. Becky was naked running right behind me telling me to stop and to give her dress back to her. I could tell she was enjoying this little game because she was giggling as she ran after me. I know she can run faster than me and could have caught me if she really wanted to.
We made it to the elevators just as they opened up and a couple got out. I ran in with Becky right behind me. Becky grabbed me and gave me a big kiss as the doors shut and the shocked couple looked on. Becky said that that was so much fun that she wanted to do it again. She said that she had been having dreams of running naked in public and had waken with a wet pussy but the though of doing it had scared her. But now that she had done it, it had been very exciting. In fact, she had a small orgasm as she was kissing me. I gave her dress back to her and asked where she wanted to go. She smiled and said let's go run through the casino!
So off to the casino deck we headed. This was also the deck with all the dance clubs. Becky said she wanted me to pull it off in the casino, I had other ideas. As soon as we exited the elevators near the dance club, down went her dress. This time when she stumbled she went all the way down to the tiled floors. I picked up the dress, snatched it from her feet and headed towards the casinos. I was about 20 ft in front of Becky as we pasted our favorite dance club and out came Ashleigh and Coco. They seen us run by and gave chase. I ran a couple laps around the casino and then headed to the stairs down to our room. People were cheering and laughing as we ran by. This 'was' a lot of fun. I now wanted to be the one running naked in public one day.
I made the stairs and waited for everybody to catch up. Becky slipped her slip back on and I explained what had happen to Coco and Ashleigh as we made or way quickly to our room. Becky told them she had been surprised and caught off guard the first time I did it, and then she told them how exciting it had been and about her dreams of running naked in public and that she then suggested a second run and that was when we ran past them. I told her I now had fantasies of running naked in public one day but that we had better not try it again tonight as security would surely be waiting for us if we tried it again. Everyone agreed that tonight would not be a good idea, but that someday all of us would give running around naked in public a try. We swore a promise to do it. Becky admitted she was horny after her run and needed some relief. When we got back to the room, all three of us were more than happy to gang up on her give her some relief, and then we all took turns at doing three on one.
That night we packed all our clothes except what little we would wear off the ship tomorrow and placed our suitcases out in the hall next to our door for pickup during the night. We left the curtains open on purpose that night so we would be awaked by the morning sunlight. We were just pulling back into the Tampa port when we awoke. We all did our morning duties still nude and sat on the balcony nude until we had to get dressed for disembarking. We all wore or last clean sundresses, still pantyless of course. We all said we will never wear bra or panties again unless we have to. We had to wait in our designated waiting area about two hours before they release our group to go. I still got a chance to flash my pussy to one more person before we left. He was sitting straight across from me with his wife and kid. He must have been in his mid-twenties and not bad looking. I finally caught his eye and gave him a smile and a flash. His eyes got big and smiled back. I let him get a look at my pussy a half dozen times or so before we left.
We still get together almost every weekend and go out and have fun. Becky found a nudist resort nearby on the internet and we went there one Saturday. It was cool being able to walk around naked all day long, swim naked in a big open pool, and not having to worry about the law. But it is not near as thrilling as getting nude or partially nude in public. But we still go there a couple times a month to work on our all over tans. And there are a lot of naked men there too. We love looking at all the cock! I never knew a cock came in so many different sizes. I wish I could touch and play with all of them but I know they don't allow that even there.
I finally got my chance to run around naked in public, and it was a blast! We went to a mall in Tampa all of us wearing little strapless sundress in different colors. The others had set me up without my knowledge. Ashleigh said she needed to go to the bathroom, so the rest of us waited for her. She actually went and got the car and moved it closer to an exit. She called Becky when she was in place. Coco grabbed my arms and held me as Becky yanked my dress down and off. I of course being surprised by this screamed, calling attention to my unexpected sudden nakedness. Like I said earlier, Becky can really run and there was no chance in the world of me catching her and I knew it. She headed down the center of the mall holding my dress above her head as she ran. I knew I told them that I wanted a chance to run naked in public one day, but I sure wasn't expecting to be this public. I was trying my best to cover my nudity as I ran. My heart was beating hard in my chest. But I loved it!
I chased her best I could but fell further behind. She accidentally dropped the dress and stopped and turned to get it but Coco scooped it up before I got to it and ran outside. There was Ashleigh sitting at the curb. Becky and Coco got in the back with my dress and I got in the front, trembling and naked. I looked at Ashleigh as she quickly pulled away from the curb and she was sitting there behind the steering wheel naked. I looked back and the other two were removing their dresses. So off we went, laughing our heads off. My pussy was soaking wet and I showed them all just how wet it was. Soon were pulling onto interstate 75 heading home bare ass naked. We had fun flashing every big truck we pasted, and all too soon we pulled off the interstate onto the two lane heading to out hometown but no one tried to get dressed until we got out of the car at my house. I'm a bit surprised none of us walked to my house naked but it was still mid-afternoon with neighbors walking all about and we still have to live in this town.
We pulled the same stunt on the Ashleigh and Coco at two different malls but they knew it was coming. We all agreed that running naked in public is a big turn-on. And each time we rode home naked, showing our tits and bare asses to the truckers. I don't know which one of us is the biggest exhibitionist but we keep trying to outdo the other it seems like. I'm sure one or all of us will be caught by the law one day I just hope it isn't me. We have all enrolled at the 'University of Central Florida' and are planning on sharing a four bedroom apartment. We all want our own rooms so we can bring guys over to spend the night and to have a good time. We have all agreed that it would be fun to walk around our apartment nude whenever some one brings a date over. I can't wait for one or two of the girls to bring their dates over and catch me walking around the apartment naked. |
Four Years of Fantasies Ch. 01 | 9,571 | 4.58 | 1,291,617 | [
] | *The drive up*
When I found out my driving buddy was leaving me in the lurch last night, I decided to bite the bullet and offer my supervisor a lift with me, as he had driven me a few weeks ago so I wanted to repay the favour. Not to mention it makes the drive less boring, and we enjoy each other's company. We had known each other for over three years so were well past any awkwardness. He had turned down the offer two days prior, but I wondered if that was in part due to the fact my other friend would be along for the ride, and wasn't today. I hastily wrote the text but delayed sending it, pondering if it was a bad idea, if we shouldn't spend that much time together alone outside work. I hit send and threw the phone down while my heart raced. To my surprise, he replied very quickly with "okay, what time?" And it was set.
The next day I got up and dressed in my workout clothes as I planned to head straight to the gym. He calls them 'pyjamas'... I'm still not entirely sure why. I put my hair up in a messy pony tail without brushing it, splashed my face with cold water, brushed my teeth and put on a light dusting of foundation - just enough to cover my blemishes. I picked a figure hugging maxi skirt to wear later with a beige top and heel boots that he always manages to comment on. They make me look taller obviously, but they're also quite comfortable and wearing them makes me feel sexy - not in an obvious way, just that they make me feel more confident somehow.
As I drove to his house, my mind meandered to what he was doing during his morning rituals. Was he in the shower? Did his wife have his breakfast waiting for him? Were his kids up and about yet? Do they climb onto him while he lies in bed? And before I knew it, I was turning into his street.
I got to his house a little early as traffic was lighter than I expected so after turning around in the cul-de-sac and pulling in tight to the kerb outside his house I got a good look at his place. It was oldish but had been revamped, and was the nicest in the street. I wasn't sure of the etiquette - do I text him to say I'm here even though I'm early? Do I wait another 10 minutes then text? Do I call? Do I go knock on the front door? I opted to stay in my car to check emails and instagram; it's the middle of winter so it was the warmest option, and I wasn't sure what sort of reception I would get from his wife - I don't think it would have been as warm as my car!
While I browsed instagram, not really paying attention to the photos and captions, I thought about what we would talk about for an hour alone together. The usual topics - work, tv shows, our partners, the weekend - would obviously be discussed, but with him there was always more, deeper conversations, about goals, personality types, attraction...
Am I attracted to him? I think so - he has all the features of my "type". He is tall, and although about 10 years older than me, handsome, with dark hair and a beard. Only a few greys are coming through as to be expected at 35 or so, and they suit him, make him look even more authoritative and dependable. I think part of what makes him attractive is his smile - it's cheeky and devious but always so sincere. And his eyes - they are trustworthy and loyal, and I feel like they see through the bull shit. I think we flirt subconsciously - little comments here and there. He says I remind him of his wife, and has made more than one reference to the similarities shared by our personalities and physicalities. He often comments on my appearance - what I'm wearing, how my hair is done (or not done). Once, recently, he said "your boyfriend better watch out, especially with you in that dress". It was a tight-to-waist grey striped dress with three-quarter length sleeves and a sweetheart neckline that displays my décolletage quite nicely, while leaving enough to the imagination. I actually caught him looking down at my cleavage. It wasn't the first time I had caught him having a peek, and from his height I guessed he'd have a pretty good view! The thing is I sort of like it.
I wondered if he ever fantasised over me. I had fantasised over him before.
The main fantasy I had was that he would walk in on me in the disabled bathroom at our old office, while I was getting changed or putting makeup on, ready to leave the office for dinner or something. He wouldn't say anything, just look straight at me in the mirror with a lustful and commanding look on his face. He would lock the door, come right up behind me, and press his entire body into mine, wrap his large hands around my hips softly. I would feel his heart beating against my back, making mine race even more. I'd feel his breath sink into my skin.
He'd take everything out of my hands, one by one, still not saying anything. He'd grasp my hands in his, interlocking his fingers expertly between mine, then place them on the basin. He would kiss the back of my neck, starting from just behind one ear across to the other, eliciting soft gasps from me.
His hands would begin to roam up my sides and around to my breasts, which he would grab hold of and squeeze gently while meeting my gaze in the mirror, his beard still tickling my neck. He would have to bend his legs slightly, but he would align his cock with my arse and just rub up and down, stroking himself against my arse cheeks through his jeans, before pulling my hips back towards him forcing me to bend over the sink slightly, better positioning him to grind his cock on my covered pussy.
Suddenly he would hike my skirt up and massage my arse cheeks in his ginormous hands. In what seems like one swift motion, he would undo his jeans and pull my underwear down just far enough to expose my now-soaked pussy. We glance at each other for a fleeting moment in the mirror, then, with one hand on my hip and the other in the middle of my back, he would slide his hard cock inside me, making me sigh in pleasure. He would enter me slowly and teasingly then start to get a good rhythm, grunting quietly with every few thrusts. I imagine his dick to be sizeable - he's tall so I imagine it proportional to his body, with a nice girth that stretches me.
He would glide his hand all the way down my back; the contrast of the steady thrusting and the delicate touch bringing me closer to the edge. His hand would come to caress my breast; he would roll the nipple between his thumb and finger. Then, with one hand on my breast and the other on my hip, we'd stare at each other in the mirror as he increases the speed and force until he is furiously fucking me. I'd reach down to play with my pussy and his eyes follow my hand, although he can't see me playing with myself. I'd begin to make tiny moans as I get close to my orgasm. The sounds would make him start pounding me even faster, increasing the rate at which I'm moaning until I let out one big moan as I come hard, bracing myself against the basin and tilting my head back in pleasure. My pussy tightens around his cock and with one last thrust I'd feel him pulse and shoot off inside me. While he is still coming I'd pull away, spin around, kneel down and take his twitching cock in my mouth, swallowing the last spurts of cum and cleaning my own juices of his cock and balls. This would all take him by surprise and elicit another moan before he moves my head as his cock has become too sensitive. We'd clean up discreetly and he'd leave the bathroom while I finish getting ready.
My daze was broken when I saw him approaching the car, wearing the usual chino jeans, dark sweater and huge grin. He opened the boot and said hello while he put his stuff in then hopped in the passenger seat. I have a hatchback so he was folded up a bit, but it was cute. He said hello again, with the grin as I started up the car.
"You weren't looking, I was at the window doing a striptease for you," he said, grinning.
"Oh fantastic, sorry I missed it," I replied in my trademark sarcasm. Great, the flirting has started already.
"The house was tidy, the kids were well-behaved, Anna was going to pretend to be nice to you, you could've come up."
"Oh well had I known that I definitely would have, especially that last one, how inviting!"
"Yes... well when I told her I was getting a lift with you today, she asked which one you were, and I replied with 'the one that's going to replace you'".
I laughed and rolled my eyes, my usual response to his flirtatious remarks. Leading a research group of 6 or so females, Anna was not a huge fan of any of ours.
"I thought by now you should know what to make jokes to her about, and what to keep in your mouth!"
"I do but it's too fun to try and get a reaction. We've talked about this!"
"I know I know. You can't help but try to get a rise out of me and I can't help but resist; it makes you try harder."
"Exactly, and I will keep trying, because I'm not good at failing."
With that, we started onto a conversation about failing, which led to a conversation about succeeding, and goals, and moving, and so on and so forth until we were almost there. Just as we turned off the highway, we started to discuss our extended families, and he divulged that his dad, brother and uncle had all had infidelities, and that he was the black sheep in that respect. I didn't want to pry too much, and it was good timing to finish the conversation and part ways for the day. But not before he could make another comment about my body.
"Woah, you've got calves," he complimented.
"Aahh... yeah," I replied, self-conscious of how dry my legs were from the cold weather. He could only see the bottom part of my legs though, as I was wearing three-quarter length tights. I suspected he was looking at my arse first.
"Please don't look at my legs, they're so dry."
"I wasn't, I just noticed them. I don't have calves," he said disappointedly.
"Well, go to the gym!" I paid for the parking and he walked me to my office building before heading to his own.
On the way to the gym, I thought about the way he looked at me and complimented me. Did he like me? Or just think I was hot? He seemed to always have a twinkle in his eye when he saw me. But was it just attraction? Or something more? He seemed to really like my little afternoon drop ins; some afternoons when I needed a computer break, or on my way back from the lab, I would drop by his office. Sometimes I made up an excuse to see him, other times it was just to say hello. Occasionally I took him chocolate. He always had a way of getting me to stay longer than I intended. Not that I didn't want to, I just didn't want to take up too much of his time. But he seemed to like opening up to me about things going on his life, inside and outside of work. Occasionally, I dropped by because I felt as though I looked good that day, and wanted him to see me.
I imagined wearing a particular dress I owned; a black and white polka dot t-shirt dress that buttoned up. It was fitted in the bodice, and flared slightly at the waist. And it had pockets! I liked wearing it because it was flattering on my figure, with just enough cleavage for the imagination to run wild. Plus, the pockets made it practical. My nails were painted dark red; I knew he liked them freshly done. My hair was clean, blow dried and let down.
His door is open but I knock anyway, as I walk in.
"Caramello, mint or strawberry?" I ask, referring to the Cadbury koala chocolates in my hand.
"Caramello please," he says, welcoming the sugar hit.
"Lucky I got two of those, they're my favourite!"
"Mine too. Thank you," he says in his deep, smooth voice.
"You're welcome," I say as I spin around to leave.
"Hey, where are you going? Aren't you going to sit and eat it with me?" he asks, seeming to want the company.
"Sure, I just didn't want to take up too much of your time," I reply. He shakes his head.
I sit down on one of the chairs on the other side of his desk, crossing my legs.
"Well don't you look lovely today?" he exclaims, looking me up and down. "You've even done your nails!"
I knew he would notice. "Yep, did them last night. Blow dried my hair too, would you believe it?"
"I would, it looks very nice."
"What've you been up to?" I ask, biting into my chocolate.
"Just working on this grant. It's good to have a break though. What about you?"
"Working on the review paper figures."
"Oh good."
"Have you got a bin over there?"
I stand up closer to the desk to have a look as I can't see one from where I was sitting.
"Sure do," he says, pointing to little bin under his desk.
"Reckon I can get it in?" I ask, referring to the chocolate wrapper.
"If you don't, I get to eat the strawberry koala."
I laugh, "Ok, and if I do?"
"You get to keep it."
"Lucky me!"
With that, I lean over his desk and aim my shot.
"Mmm, that's not a bad view," he says cheekily, not bothering to hide the fact he is only about 30cm away from my breasts. I look down and realise one of the buttons has come undone. There's still plenty hidden, but he was getting a good preview. "I'll do it up for you, so we can both concentrate."
"Fine," I agree, pretending I objected a little. I didn't.
He does the button up very carefully, but I can feel him shaking ever so slightly. He was making sure not to touch me too much, but his hands are so big they brush against my nipples, making them strain against my bra.
"There," he says proudly, after what seems like an eternity. He pauses for a moment with his hands on the button then skims his fingertips across my chest where the buttons were already open. I breathe in, surprised and aroused by his boldness.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. You have beautiful skin."
"Thankyou. Its ok. Now let me take the shot!"
I line up the bin again, throw, and miss.
"Haha, pay up! And you can pick the wrapper up, please."
"OK, OK."
I walk around to his side of the desk and quickly put the wrapper in the bin, then half sit-half lean on his desk. His head is roughly level with my breasts again.
"Where's the other chocolate?"
"In my pocket. Do you want it?"
"Yes please."
"You can get it then."
He looks up at me in disbelief and I give him a mischievous smile. He still looks unsure, so I pick up his hand and put it in my pocket. His hand is slightly sweaty; I must be making him nervous. I glance down at his crotch and sure enough, there's a distinct bulge. As if it knows what's happening, my button pops open again, inviting his eyes to be drawn back down.
This seems to snap him into action and his hand starts exploring my inner thigh through my pocket while he pries the top of my dress open a little more, undoing another button. He plants a soft kiss on my chest, his beard tickling the top of my breasts. His lips are so broad and much softer than I imagined. I had thought for so long about how they would feel on my skin. He trails kisses down my cleavage, switching from breast to breast, until his face is buried.
His other hand has moved out of my pocket and slips under my dress, gently stroking the inside of my thigh from just behind my knee up to my pussy, getting closer with every stroke. He finally feels my wetness and murmurs something into my breasts, the combination of the vibrations and his beard arousing me further. He undoes one more button so he has better access to what's beneath my bra. Just as he flicks his tongue out to glide across my nipple he slips a finger inside me and teases me by not sliding it all the way in. He groans at how wet I am and slides his thumb towards my engorged clitoris, rubbing it softly before applying more pressure and letting his finger continue exploring me.
My head tilts back in pleasure and he takes this opportunity to plant kisses up my chest and neck, all the while slowly plunging his finger in and out of my wet snatch. He continues to rub his thumb across my clit and I am getting so close. He skilfully inserts a second finger to better fill me. He engulfs a breast into his mouth and bites down on my nipple before flicking his tongue over it. He begins to tap one finger against the roof of my vagina to meet his thumb and it doesn't take much of this to make me come. I let out a couple of high pitched, shallow moans as my body tenses, before a deep, long moan of relief as I relax. He lets out a moan of his own as he can feel my pussy tighten around his fingers.
He slowly withdraws his fingers and I pass him a tissue, then plant a kiss on his cheek. I walk back around the desk, buttoning my dress. He looks a combination of stunned and pleased.
"You didn't get your strawberry koala."
"Oh, I got something better."
On my way out I turn around and say with a wink, "You can bring the chocolates next time." |
Hot Wife | 113,950 | 4.57 | 422,918 | [
"cheating wife"
] | I must have started to tell this tale no less than a dozen times, but after a few chapters I keep ending up deleting it.
The simple truth it that it was an embarrassing time in my life, even now remembering makes my cheeks flame up.
Part of my problem in that respect is with the exception of just a few stories and some embellishment in my poor attempt to make my often boring life more interesting, mine are mostly true.
I worry that someone I know and work with might know some of that about me.
Yes, I really am a Physician, I really have been married three times, four if we count my twice marriage to my late husband Tom. I really did inherit a very large estate, and one that I had absolutely no right to other than the fact that a woman I loved was my friend.
Being naive, I even used my real name when I signed up here, but of course I figured out quickly the problems with that (so help me, some of you men..lol) and changed the last name and some other things.
I really am... just Sally.
I am also better now, I am more in tune with me, with who I am and what I like. Still, my cheeks can flame up at the idea of someone knowing, finding out the things inside the deep recesses of my mind.
I could not, I would never dream of letting most around me know the thoughts that pop up inside of me. In that respect I am just..normal?
Here, I can be whatever I wish, I can let it ALL hang out. I think I finally understand what my friend Lee explained to me, the magic in writing it down, letting it all out. Then rereading it, feeling once again the sensations, the memories that slide into my mind with the sensuality of my own words.
Wow did I take off here? But it is just to help any readers understand who I am, where I came from and how I came to be who I am now.
I think I became a naughty girl, far more so than when I was younger. That's what I think, anyway. I like sex, I like being with a man, I like being naughty sometimes. And I am getting older, the day will come soon when I just cannot be.
That period that comes to all women came to me also. The craving for sex, love, touch, peaked in me later in life and now into my mid forties that has still not left me. Our biological clock seems to speed up, mine was and is running wide open.
I grew up with conservative parents, good solid God fearing people. My early life was one of being the girl on the outside looking in. I was not blessed with beauty, or even a hot body. We all know the girl that is "just there" in our classes at school.
That girl was me.
Lord was I bashful. I would see boys, then men as I went on to medical school look down at my well covered breasts. I did notice that, it would make my cheeks flush even though I was completely covered, I would look down and hurry past, not daring to meet their eyes.
My breasts, those damn breasts! They weren't huge but they were out there, I had no way to hide them at all.
Only in the privacy of my room, with the door securely shut and locked could I take them out and inspect them. While I was maturing, it seemed like every single day they became bigger and more obvious, the thick bras I wore began to cut into me and I had to get larger ones.
I finally ended up wearing a "C" cup, not huge but full, the sides and top portions of the bra still cut into me and made them ache, but going larger was too much and that size slid around on me and gapped open. Of course having one slightly larger than the other is no help at all in that respect.
I was terrified someone would see me, see my nipples, my breasts.
In medical school, I had to undergo the horror of being inspected by other students, in many of the classes with hands on type training we used each other as subjects. It was trauma at the time yet exciting when alone in my room, my busy hand would reach for myself with almost a mind of it's own at the memories.
The first time I lay there with my legs open and a student put their finger inside it was a female, but later it was also the male students. I bit my lip, but I managed. The sheet over me was very little comfort.
Then our instructor actually discussed with the class about my being a virgin, the differences there, as I had to sit there and hear it. She was talking about ME, about MY vagina, my personal and secret spot that I was so shy about. One of the men in our class made a crack about me being the only virgin my age left in the entire country and everyone snickered. For some reason that helped with my shyness, I became stubborn and held my head up after that.
I am not sure but I think it made me feel special? All of those emotions tearing around inside of me, conflicting with each other were constant in those early years.
I did get better about my shyness, but not much. I also had to undergo the students poking at my bare breasts and looking at them but they mostly had developed their bedside manners by this time and I finally got over being totally reluctant.
Yes, I finally learned about boys, and men, and that some were much better than others. My first time with a young man was one of those situations where he almost didn't slow down as he went by.
I married a man, he drank, spent money, wouldn't work. I divorced him after he struck me once while drunk, then my second husband was arrested and when I went to bail him out I found that he was caught at a local parking spot with a much younger man. The charge was public indecency.
I left him there in jail. He was released actually very quickly, and he came home.
I wasn't there, and I didn't go back.
Then I met Tom, I fell so completely in love with him that I have no way to even describe that.
He was also flawed, somewhere inside of him my loving him and being totally willing was not quite enough. Tom had fantasies, they were there inside of him all the time, under the surface.
I call it a flaw, the odd desire to display, show off someone you love. An illicit desire, but if it actually is a flaw, then I carry my own inside me.
Tom wasn't difficult, not even in the slightest. He never really made me do anything at all, but he let me know he would like it if I dressed in a sexy manner, showed off my breasts, went without under panties, things like that.
He would act so happy and loving when I wore a top that let part of my bra show, or made sure he knew there was no chance of pantie lines showing through my dress. That was naughty, delicious to me and I began to like the feeling. He would practically pounce on me when we got home from an evening out like that. I felt so safe and warm in his arms, and Tom always took the time to make sure I got my own pleasure out of it.
Tom was not a large man in the male department and I didn't care. He way more than made up for it in stamina and the efforts he took to make sure he pleased me. I had a fascination with his male organ, for some reason he was far firmer than any other man I ever knew, including those I sometimes saw in my practice.
I knew that happened because of me! It was a delight to get him into that state, the best times were when he was out of control in his eagerness.
I began to tease a bit more when we went out, Tom became even more attentive, even more of a wonderful lover if that was possible.
Then one day I discovered by accident that there had been a situation with Tom's partner's wife. I knew right then my man had cheated on me. It sounded like the other man wanted me in exchange, to get even I guess. There were some bad times, I forgave Tom finally but I did a couple of other things during that period. For revenge I suppose, my rationalization.
Out on the dance floor with Tom sitting there watching, I let a man, a total stranger, take liberties. I did stop him when his fingers reached my nipples, but he most certainly got that far.
That was the first time I ever did anything like that, at least in public. Oh, I knew about men, I had done my share, by the time I married Tom I had been with a total of five. Those were all private situations.
For quite some time after Tom and I got back together he made no mention of me doing anything sexy, and I didn't. Then I noticed he reached for me less and less. We still made love once a week, or a bit less, but normal for us was almost every other day without fail.
I found myself wanting more, and after Tom begged off tired a few times I made up my mind to do something about it. I could understand his being tired, but he had always worked long hours. Of course times had gotten harder for his construction business, and he was under pressures there too.
I left my office early one afternoon, stopped by a tiny little shop I knew about and bought a new outfit. It was bright and multicolored, the blouse lay perfectly on me. The matching skirt was shorter than I normally wore, usually I wore styles that hid my legs and hips. At that time I carried an impossible to rid myself of extra 15 pounds, of course on my waist, hips, and thighs.
I tucked my bra into my purse, I left off the panties, too. I wore the outfit home, God I felt naughty just walking out to the street and getting into my car. I was completely aware of being totally naked underneath the thin cloth, with others around, so close and not knowing.
I made sure enough buttons were undone that a good expanse up my upper breasts would peek a boo as the cloth moved.
Tom's truck was pulled up beside the house, two other vehicles were parked behind it. I didn't think too much of that since he often had planning sessions at home, but I was disappointed.
Tom apparently had one of his meetings going on, and here I was dressed to excite my man, naked underneath the flimsy clothing, not dressed to meet with or be around strange men I didn't know.
I couldn't change back in the car, so I decided to just go in and dart up to our bedroom and switch into some slacks and a different blouse.
Tom came out of the kitchen carrying a coffee pot and two cups just as I opened the door. His eyes instantly took in my manner of dress, they widened in surprise.
"Hi, honey! Home early today?"
"Yes, I went shopping." I managed.
"I see that, wow, you look great!"
"I better go upstairs and change. Hey, you are spilling coffee on the floor." I pointed at the pot he was holding.
"Oh, shit!" He tipped the pot back, grinned. I grabbed a towel and wiped up the spill.
Tom's eyes kept looking me up and down, I felt that familiar tingle that always swept through me when he looked at me that way.
"Come on in and meet the guys first, we got the contract for the storage buildings." I knew he had done some bidding on some buildings for a government construction project, some kind of a tram the city was doing.
"I...I better change first." I said, suddenly bashful.
"No, you look fine, come on." He turned and went into the study. I followed along.
Two men sat leaning over the coffee table, they had plans laid out in front of them. I saw them look up and smile as Tom introduced me.
"This is Gerald and Ted, they are doing the foundations for us." Both men stood up, Gerald was in his early fifties and slightly balding, Ted was tall and lanky wearing western style dress. I saw Ted's eyes drop to my bust, I knew that even with the colored pattern of the cloth that I was showing through it. A slow smile crossed his lips as he reached out to shake my hand.
I shook Gerald's hand too, he looked but glanced quickly away. Tom was grinning ear to ear. Mildly flustered, I excused myself, telling them I would let them get back to their work.
Upstairs, I changed into slacks and a plain T-shirt, I started to put on my bra again but changed my mind. I had seen the look on Tom's face and I still had teasing him in mind.
By the time I came back downstairs the guys had all settled into the living room, and Tom had brought out a bottle of peach brandy. He looked up at me as I headed for the kitchen to fix some snacks. This was a bit different, normally after one of his meetings everyone just left but I figured they were having a small celebration at scoring a nice big bid.
I was fixing a plate of crackers and chips when Tom came up behind me and gave me a hug. His hands went straight up to my breasts, I leaned back against him with a sigh.
"You looked so hot!" He said, as he flicked my nipples, knowing that drives me nuts.
"Hot? Me? What do you mean?" I asked, pretending innocence.
"We could see right through your dress!" He said, a catch in his voice.
"Oh, you could not." I protested, turning in his arms to get a kiss.
"Oh yes we could, with that light behind you we could see almost everything, you didn't have any panties on, did you?"
That hadn't really registered one me, I suddenly realized I had been standing there with the sunlight at my back through the window.
"No, I didn't and I still don't." I giggled.
"That was so hot!" He repeated.
"Oh, so you liked the idea of those guys seeing your wife's big titties?" I teased him.
Tom didn't answer, but his body shuddered.
"You liked them looking at my hairy pussy through my dress, didn't you?" I pressed.
"Yes.....I did. God you are beautiful!" He shuddered again.
I giggled again and disengaged, taking the platter in to the other room with Tom right behind me.
"Is there enough of that for me too?" I asked Ted, he was pouring himself another shot of the peach brandy.
"Oh, I am sure there is, plus I have another bottle in the truck." He smiled and picked up a small glass and poured me a shot.
I seldom drink but this was sweet with a nice flavor, I sat down to visit. Tom sat across from me on our huge couch with Ted and Gerald, I curled up in the recliner. I noticed all three of them kept glancing down at my boobs, my nipples were still poking out from Tom tweaking them in the kitchen.
They were talking back and forth about the job, but they kept looking my way. Ted got up and poured me another big shot when I finished the first one.
"So where did you buy the new outfit?" Tom asked out of the clear blue sky.
"Down at Marti's Hideaway, she got in several in the same style, they had one in a soft yellow that I really liked but it was too see through so I bought the patterned one instead."
"We like see through!" Both Ted and Tom said at almost the same instant. I looked back and forth at them and giggled.
"You guys!" I said, shaking my head.
"Well, that made my whole day." Ted said boldly, giving me a big grin.
"I sure liked it better than what you have on now." Tom added.
"What's wrong with what I have on now?" I asked, looking down at myself.
"Not a thing, the other outfit was lots more fun." Tom said.
"It's sure more comfortable than this." I lied, tugging at the side of my slacks. "I bought it to wear around here for the Summer, it's already getting warm outside."
"Why don't you go change back then, hon? We might as well all relax, it's been a real good day." Tom encouraged.
"Well. I could, I guess. If you don't mind? Or maybe that is what you would like me to do, Tom?" I looked at Ted and then at Gerald.
Tom just gulped.
"How about you two, would you prefer I was wearing the other outfit for you?" Gerald blushed slightly but Ted just grinned.
"We don't mind one bit." Ted said.
"OK then, anything to please our guests." I hopped up and tossed back my drink, held out the glass for more. Ted dutifully filled it to the brim. I left and went upstairs.
I quickly brushed out my hair and slipped on the thin skirt and blouse. If Tom wanted me to put on a little show then I was going to put one on.
I could feel the drinks starting to have their effect, I knew that two was about my limit and I was halfway through the third one.
All eyes were on me as I came back downstairs, I went back over to the recliner and curled up again.
"Is this better?" I asked, taking another sip.
All three of them nodded their heads, their eyes on my bust. I knew that my nipples would make shadows through the translucent material but barely, it was unbuttoned enough that the top and insides of both of my breasts were exposed. They couldn't really see anything though, just a hint.
Still, it was enough for me to get their constant glances and attention, and I was beginning to bask in that.
"I think I am starting to get a little bit drunk." I said, finishing the last sip of my drink. I reached up and fiddled with the next button on my blouse. I felt it give, just let it go.
Ted hopped up and poured me another.
"Might as well relax, hon. The day is done." Tom said.
"You guys don't want me drunk, who knows what might happen?" I teased, reaching down idly to scratch my bare leg, managing to hike the hem halfway up my thigh as I did.
I was sitting with my legs curled under me, now half of my leg was exposed. Three sets of eyes dropped right to my leg. I rubbed my bare leg with the palm of my hand, now I knew that it was almost all the way up to my bare behind.
All three of them sat there quietly and watched.
"This stuff is so good!" I said, taking another sip. I turned to a slight angle, adjusting my legs under me. I knew that would let my blouse gap open even more.
Then I straightened out my legs and reached down and flipped the foot portion up to elevate them. Tom's eyes were slightly glazed, so were Ted's. Gerald kept glancing at me, he had a flushed look on his face too.
"I need to be getting on home." Gerald said suddenly, standing up. "Any more of this stuff and I won't be able to drive, besides, Mary will be fixing dinner."
Tom got up, they shook hands, Gerald nodded to me and left. Then Tom sat back down, grinned at me.
I grinned right back. I could see that Ted kept sneaking glances at me, he leaned back on the couch and scooted down, his feet stretched out across the floor.
I realized it was to improve his angle, he was sitting almost directly across from me and my skirt was half way up my thighs. I took another sip of my drink, leaned forward and set it down. Then I leaned back in the recliner and stretched my arms over my head. My blouse opened even further when I dropped my arms back down.
I really didn't have any intention of doing anything more than tease a little bit, I could tell that Tom was getting excited, exactly what I wanted from him.
"It sure feels good to just kick back and relax now, I had a busy day."
"Tom tells me you work in a health clinic?" Ted asked.
"Yes. All day, every day I poke and probe people, stick my fingers up their behinds." I said.
They both laughed at that.
"That sounds like it could get interesting." Ted smiled at me. I noticed he slid down ever so slightly more. I pulled my right leg back and set it on the foot portion of the recliner. I felt the hem of my dress slip higher up my thigh.
I knew that both Ted and Tom could now see at least the bottom of my bare behind but the overhead lights were casting shadows across my body. Ted was now struggling to see, I could tell by the way he was sitting, and his eyes kept darting downwards.
"I see our guest really does like this outfit better, honey." I smiled at Tom wickedly.
Ted got a flushed look on his face, Tom just grinned happily. That was when the feelings began to overwhelm me, the combination of drinks and being warm, my teasing state of dress made me begin to tingle with pleasure. I felt my nipples snug up, and I knew a droplet of moisture had slipped from me.
I squirmed a little bit in my chair.
Then I got an idea. On the back wall behind our couch, opposite where I was sitting was our big china hutch. It was one of those with the glass windows, and it had lights inside. They were off at the moment, the only lights on in the room were from our overhead track lights and those were over my head and behind me. Our TV tray rack sat right alongside the china hutch.
"Tom, would you like to bring me one of the TV trays please?" I asked him, giving him a wink when he looked at me. "Set it right here so I can reach it easily, I like staying leaned back like this." I patted the armrest of my chair.
There was a question in his eyes, so I reached down and idly scratched the inside of my thigh, opening my legs slightly. He got a look of surprise on his face, he had encouraged me for a long time with no real success other than showing some cleavage.
Now I was sitting there, my dress pulled up almost to my lap, my blouse gapped open right to the edge of my nipples, actually doing something he had hinted around that he wanted me to do for him.
I knew if he turned the china hutch lights on, it would be like a spotlight right on my bare legs.
Tom walked over and reached for a tray, then he looked back at me with the question still in his eyes. I grinned at him, opened my legs a bit more and nodded.
Tom reached out and switched on the lights!
I almost started at the sudden bright light shining on me, I knew that they would not shine in my eyes but would flood my lower body because of all the times I used them to read by.
Tom walked back over to me and opened the TV tray, then set it beside me. I picked up my drink and sat it there, now I didn't have to lean forward to pick it up off the coffee table.
"There! That's better!" I said, pulling my legs up and sitting them on the footrest. I tucked the hem of the skirt between my legs, let my knees fall open a bit. Both men's eyes dropped to my bare legs.
"Do my legs look too fat?" I asked them.
"No, they are really nice!" Ted answered, as Tom took a big swig of his drink.
"I hope you guys don't mind my sitting like this, it's been a long day. I have been on my feet all day, it feels good to stretch out." I gave them both a wicked smile.
"No, it's OK, as long as you are comfortable." Tom managed. His eyes never left my bare legs.
Holding the hem of my skirt between my legs, I lifted my right leg up over the armrest of the chair, stretched it straight out, then settled back with a sigh. I reached up and rubbed the palm of my hand up and down my thigh, massaging the flesh. Each time I let my hand tug the hem until it was as high as it would go.
I felt the air on my swollen lips, I knew that I was at least partially exposed.
"Honey, your...." Tom started to say.
"What, dear?" I asked innocently, wiggling my toes.
"Your..you are letting a lot show." Tom gulped again. Ted just sat there grinning.
"Well, I thought you said you liked this outfit?"
"Yes, I do, but do you know that your....?" He let his voice trail off, his face was now bright red.
"You did want me to show your friend my hairy pussy didn't you honey? Well, here it is for you both to look at." I opened my legs even more.
Ted sat up and leaned forward to pick up his drink, his eyes were right on me. I knew my bare pussy was completely on display, the position I was sitting in was now obscene. Tom was leaning forward too, both of them were quiet, just staring.
"Do you guys really like this outfit better than the other one?" I teased. I let the fingers of my right hand trace upwards alongside my vagina, feeling the hairs there.
"Yes! God you are beautiful!" Tom managed to mumble.
All of the pretense was gone, I was showing my bare pussy blatantly to Tom's friend. I scooted even lower in the recliner, lifted my left leg and put it over the other armrest. I reached down and pulled the hem of the skirt all the way to my waist, and just sat there letting them look.
I felt a trickle of moisture slide down my lips, so I reached down and wiped it up with one finger. Looking right at them, I used my fingers to pull my lips open, seperate them.
Both my Tom and Ted were completely silent. I sat just like that, letting them stare. It must have been a solid five minutes, no one said a word. I even slowly stroked myself as they stared, feeling my lips flood and expand, my tiny clit grew and popped out of it's hood. I very nearly orgasmed.
I reached back and tripped the lever, putting the footrest back down. Then I stood up.
I reached up and tripped the last two buttons on my blouse, slid it off my shoulders. I slid the skirt down off my hips, then just stood there. Ted looked me up and down, a mixture of lust and surprise on his face.
"Well, Tom? Is this what you wanted to see me do?" I asked him.
"I never expected...this is a surprise."
"Anything to get you going, honey!" I giggled and turned my back. Then I bent over, reached back and spread my cheeks as wide as they would go, making sure I was pointed right at the bright lights. I knew they both could see the most intimate parts of me, I had my pussy and my butt hole spread wide open, not three feet from them. I looked at them upside down between my open legs, both of their mouths were hanging open.
Standing up, I turned back to Tom. Reaching down to lift my breasts and display them, I gave them both a big smile.
"Now, Tom. Are you going to fuck me or not?" I asked.
He got up, reached for me, then he hesitated.
"Ted can watch if he wants. Do you want to watch Tom fuck me, Ted?" I asked him.
Ted just nodded, he still had that surprised expression on his face.
So we did just that, Tom slid into me and pounded me with no mercy right there on the floor as Ted sat there and watched. I saw Ted lean down to look as Tom thrust at me, so I rolled over and got on top. I heard Ted's sharp intake of breath, one thing was sure, he had a good view now. Tom is extremely virile, he lasted a very long time and I orgasmed over and over, to the point of forgetting there was a even another man in the room.
Later, I went up to our bedroom, took a quick shower. When I came back down all I had on was a robe, both Ted and Tom were sitting on the couch talking.
"Well, how was that, guys?" I asked, injecting myself into their conversation. I let the robe gap open, baring one breast blatantly.
"I have never seen anything like that in my life, that was so hot...and beautiful." Ted said.
I grinned at Tom. He grinned back.
"Well, was that naughty enough for you, Tom?"
"That was sure naughty all right." He said.
"I was wondering, do you guys...you know...swing?" Ted asked. He had a catch in his voice. I knew what he wanted.
"No. It's going to be look but don't touch." I told him.
He nodded.
I looked at Tom, he was looking back at me. I was not sure if look but don't touch was going to be enough.
I realized that I felt mildly ashamed, I had no idea where this was going to lead. I knew that displaying myself blatantly like that was a turnon, the aftermath was something else.
I snugged my robe around myself, now feeling bashful. Could I do something like that again? I now knew I probably could.
Would I?
Only time would answer that question. |
Bed & Bath... and Babes Ch. 02 | 26,956 | 4.57 | 1,181,478 | [
] | Jane shook her head and reflected on her luck as she was giving a wax job to Pam. There were now two people who shared with her their need for sexual play and tension relief. First was Alice and now here was Pam laying on the table, naked, legs spread, ready for another wax job and more.
It all progressed so simply beginning with hand jobs with Alice that led to a threesome with Larry. It was Pam that was a nice addition with a new twist. Pam introduced her to the pleasure of cunnilingus. Jane loved having a man's cock in her mouth but eating pussy was entirely new and something she enjoyed just as much.
Pam and her husband, Paul, had moved to Talkeetna several months ago. He was a big wig at the local cannery. His job often had him traveling, leaving a Pam alone in the "wilderness". Pam came to Jane for a massage shortly after they moved to the city. After a couple of sessions, she began to relax and shared information about her life and the difficult adjustments from living in Seattle to now living in Talkeetna. "It's good for Paul's career but tough on me."
Pam found the massages to be therapeutic and said as much to Jane. Her weekly visits were opportunities to voice her feelings and as she became more comfortable, even provided intimate details of her private life, including her sex life. Once she opened up, it was like a flood gate and the dialog made Jane horny. Often when Pam left, Jane would grab the vibrator or dildo and masturbate. One thing Pam made clear; she and Paul loved to fuck but what they enjoyed the most was oral sex. "I love giving him a blowjob as much as he loves receiving it. Ditto when it comes to him eating to my pussy."
The conversation was often descriptive and graphic as both women shared their thoughts and experiences. Words like cunt, pussy, tits, and cock were the norm. "My husband loves to hear me talk like that and I find it a turn-on, too," Pam explained. "When he travels our phone sex is pretty hot and with the new phones, he can also watch me masturbate. I especially enjoy it when he jacks off with me at the same time. His cock is beautiful but then he says that about my pussy."
"How do you keep sex exciting?" Jane asked.
"I use lingerie, coded sexy notes in his briefcase and on his phone, plus we both are fortunate in that we love to touch and be touched. We agreed to the fact that there is nothing we won't do with or for each other."
"But I detect a problem."
"You are so correct," Jane replied. "It's hard to be touched when your man is out of town. I especially miss his mouth on my pussy and the way his tongue plays with my clit. Not to mention, I love starting our day by giving him a blowjob."
This sounded a bit familiar Jane thought. My technique worked on Alice so why not try it on Pam?
"Maybe I can help."
Jane began to rub Pam's breasts and lightly pinch her nipples. Soon those nipples were hard and her hips began to move up and down. Pam instinctively moved her hand and slipped it under the waistband of her panties. Jane took a vibrator and lightly placed it on Pam's pussy. Her response was immediate. "Oh yes. Fuck that feels wonderful." Taking control, she took Jane's hand, placed it inside her panties and pressed the vibrator harder and moved it up and down faster.
Pam let out a loud gasp as her orgasm shook her body. She didn't let go of Jane's hand for several moments. Once she recovered, she reached down and felt her underwear. She laughed and said, "Damn, these panties are soaked." She quickly removed them, revealing a trimmed bush. "Do all your clients get this kind of service?"
"No, they don't. Only one other shares this."
"Do they do something in return?"
'Yes, they return the favor in kind."
"Sounds delightful. I'd love to try it but I must warn you, I'll probably get horny all over again."
"We'll just have to take care of that the best we can."
Jane removed her clothes and Pam couldn't help but notice her bare pussy. "I've tried shaving but I can never get it smooth enough, especially around the lips."
"Waxing works better. I can do you sometime if you decide to try it."
"Paul would love the look and feel of that. I definitely want to do it so put me on the schedule."
Pam went to work on Jane starting with her breasts. She was used to fondling her own but doing it on another woman was different. She tried to duplicate what Jane had done with her tits and she found it was very pleasurable. She kept eying Jane's bare pussy and how sexy it looked. Finally she took the vibrator and gently placed it on Jane's pussy. Many times she had watched herself in the mirror or in a movie she and Paul had made. Touching someone else's pussy and clit was very erotic. The ache between her legs reminded her just how exciting it was.
Suddenly on impulse, Pam stopped everything and moved between Jane's legs and began to eat her pussy. She licked, sucked, and nibbled that glorious clit and had Jane squirming and sighing in ecstasy.
Soon, for the first time, she tasted juice that was not hers. She enjoyed licking her cum from Paul's cock or tasting it on his mouth after he had eaten her but now her tongue was in Jane's cunt taking in every drop of nectar.
Pam gazed at Jane's wet pussy with delight and satisfaction. "Wow, that was a first," Jane remarked.
"For me too," Pam replied.
"I liked it."
"Me too. I liked it a lot."
"Did it make you horny?"
"More than I imagined."
"Well Pam, I think I know what to do."
This time Jane didn't spend any time with foreplay. She immediately placed her mouth on Pam's pussy and pushed her tongue deep inside. She rimmed her cunt and then moved up the slit and started sucking on her clit. Pam was thrusting her hips as Jane licked and kissed. She screamed as her orgasm hit her like a shock wave.
"That was intense," Pam said, still gasping. Then she smiled, "Paul's going to love hearing about this."
"Do me a bit favor and please keep this discreet."
"Absolutely. I understand completely. This will be just between us. We'll make the wax job a surprise for Paul."
After Pam left, Jane headed for the hot tub. As she sat there, enjoying the bubbles and a jet directed on her pussy, she couldn't help but smile at the day's turn of events. She thought about Alice and wondered about oral sex with her. She felt pretty confident that Alice would enjoy receiving it and fairly sure she would return the favor. She reached down, placed her fingers around her pussy lips and began a gentle massage. She laughed out loud at the thought of having Pam and Alice join her, all naked and sharing vibrators, dildos, fingers, and all things oral. Then she said out loud, "Why not? I think I should see if we can have a threesome."
Pam arrived a few days later for her waxing appointment. She was eager and excited about the finished product. Jane wasn't surprised that Pam was already naked when she walked into the room. She smiled and said, "Something tells me, Pam that you were looking forward to this."
"Oh, I was hoping there'd be some fun after the waxing."
"I was hoping so, too."
As Jane was applying the wax she asked, "When will Paul get to see this?"
"Tomorrow night."
"I'll bet you have a plan in mind."
Pam laughed and replied, "You are so correct. Actually it'll be very simple. I'm gonna be in a chair right in the foyer so when he walks in the door he will see me sitting there with my legs spread wide. I can hardly wait to see the look on his face."
"What will he do first?"
"If I know my Paul, he'll be on his knees and licking my pussy like a lollypop."
"I can imagine how the rest of the night will go. I just hope for your sake that he comes home alone."
"I never thought of that," she said, laughing hard. Jane used that opportunity to give the wax a yank.
That interrupted Pam's laughter. Then she rubbed her bare pussy and smiled. "Wow, kinda gets your attention."
"It gets easier every time."
Pam gazed down at the area that, until now, had pubic hair. As she lightly rubbed the skin she asked, "Do you provide this service to many other clients?"
"Only one; you are the second. You and she are the only ones who know I do this."
"I'm surprised."
"That's because only you two have seen me naked."
"Do you do the same thing with the other person as you do with me?"
"Not quite, we've never done oral, just used our hands with the vibrator. Now that I have experienced it with you I'm planning to try it with her next time."
"Think she'll like it?"
"I'm pretty sure she will. She's willing to try new things. I find it an interesting coincidence that you both wanted a wax job; you for your husband, and she for her boyfriend."
"I like her thinking."
"I was wondering if maybe I could have you both here one evening for some shared fun."
"It sounds totally decadent and definitely fun."
"If she is agreeable, and I feel confident she will be, then we'll do it. When is a good time for you?"
"Paul will be gone the last week of this month so anytime during that week."
"Perfect, I'll see if I can make this happen. In the meantime, why don't I checkout my handiwork."
She gently squeezed Pam's vulva causing the lips to push up and separate. Covering it with her mouth, she lightly moved her tongue up and down each lip. Pam was soon sighing and moving her hips with Jane's sensual touch. After a few moments and satisfied with her work, Jane looked up at Pam and said, "Paul is going to love this."
"I already am."
Jane slid her tongue between two very wet lips and inserted it into an eager cunt. Pam spread her legs wider as she pulled Jane hard against her pussy. Pam was panting and her hips moving up and down as Jane fucked her cunt with her tongue. Jane then moved Pam's hand so her fingers were touching her clit. Pam quickly took the hint and started masturbating. Within moments her fingers were rapidly rubbing her swollen clit until she suddenly tensed and then screamed from her orgasm.
"I think this is a prelude for what's to cum tomorrow night, pun intended," Jane said with a chuckle.
"Don't I know and love it. I'll be lucky if I can walk when Paul finally stops. He can go a very long time."
Pam sat up on the table. "Before we change places, I'd like to try what we just did with one change. Straddle my face while your rub your clit. This way you can move your cunt around my tongue."
"I like it."
Just as requested, Jane placed her cunt on Pam's mouth and began to rock forth and back against her tongue. Soon her hips were moving in every direction and she could control how hard or soft the touch.
She soon found a rhythm and began to match it with her fingers on her clit. The sensation was exquisite. Her tempo increased and she pushed harder against Pam's mouth until her orgasm rocked her body. Pam held her in place as she lapped up her cum.
After a few moments, Jane sat back on her heels and sighed a feeling of contentment. Pam gazed at Jane's pussy just inches from her face. "There's something sexy about a bare pussy. Speaking of which I need to take this pussy home and get ready for Paul's homecoming."
Jane relaxed that evening in the hot tub, sipped her wine and felt the bubbles massage her body. Her mind was replaying the session she had with Pam a few hours before and wondered what was the best way to approach Alice. She let her mind drift to recall the sensation of having her mouth on Pam's clit. She really enjoyed the way it felt and tasted. She could see Pam's pussy in her mind's eye and was starting to get turned on again when the phone rang. She picked up the phone and smiled. The caller ID said, "Alice."
"Hi, Alice. What's up?"
"Hi, Jane. I need a wax job and your special service. Can you work me in your schedule anytime soon?"
Jane couldn't help but smile. "How about right now? You can join me in the hot tub, get relaxed, and then we can take care of business."
"I'll change clothes and be right over. A hot tub is a good idea, too."
Jane got out of the tub long enough to get another wine glass and bottle. The last time Alice was in the hot tub, Larry was with her. What fun the three of them had. "What a stud," Jane recalled.
Alice parked her car around back and walked to the deck. One pull on her zipper and the dress dropped to the floor. There was nothing more to remove so she quickly got into the hot tub. Jane noticed that Alice seemed to have a bounce to her step, and displayed an air of confidence.
"Is life treating you OK, Allice?"
"Life is wonderful. Things are really heating up with Larry."
"How so?"
"Well you remember the last time he was here?"
"How could I forget? I have wet dreams thinking about that cock of his."
"I know what you mean. Remind me and I'll show you some pictures of my favorite new friend."
"If I weren't already in the hot tub, I'd be wet right now."
"Anyway, before he left, we had a serious talk about our future. The plan is for him to finish the project he's on, take his retirement and move up here with me. Hopefully by this time next year I'll have a new last name."
"Am I invited to the wedding?"
"Only if you'll be my matron of honor."
"Gosh, a year from now. That's pretty short notice. I'll have to check my calendar." They both looked at each other and started to laugh. Jane gave Alice a big hug and exclaimed, "Of course I want to be standing up there with you! I am so happy for you. How are you dealing with a long distance courtship?"
"Actually we are in quite a process. Leave it to an engineer to solve a problem. Larry went to a marriage counselor and hired her to design a plan. She generated a series of questions we answer and share with each other and with her. So far we have touched on every subject important to a relationship and I'm happy to say there are no deal breakers. We both want this to work but I certainly don't want a repeat of my last marriage. A lot of in depth questions that require some real soul searching. We spend a certain amount of time with that and then we have some play time."
"Play time?"
"You know cybersex, phone sex, emails, erotic photos, fantasies; you name it and we probably do it. Which reminds me, Larry says 'Hi'. The first thing he wants to buy for the house is a hot tub and you'll be our first guest."
"I'm honored. Now I'll have even more wet dreams."
"When Larry has a good internet connection, we turn on our cameras and treat each other to a porn show. I love to look at his cock and he likes to 'jack off' for me. I, in turn, do a striptease then 'jill off' for him. Last night I noticed I could use another wax job."
"No time like the present. Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly."
Alice grabbed her purse and they headed for the massage room. After Jane applied the wax to her pussy, Alice shared her photos of Larry's cock. There were several, showing it from limp to a hard erection. Alice watched Jane's reactions as she looked at the pictures. She couldn't help but smile when she heard Jane gasp and saw nipples get hard. "It affects me the same way, too. I know we girls aren't supposed to be all that turned on by pictures but damn, looking at his cock makes me horny. Just seeing it again brings that familiar ache you know where."
Jane handed the phone back to Alice and said, "I know exactly what you mean. I'm feeling that same ache at this moment, too. Shall we do something about it?"
Alice didn't hesitate to move into position. She welcomed Jane's hands applying warm oil all over her breasts. She closed her eyes and just sighed; how very sensuous it felt. When Jane started playing with her hard nipples between her fingers, the ache between her legs was increasing. She squeezed her legs hard together hoping for some relief but it didn't help. She was just about ready to move her hand down when she felt Jane move in that direction.
Jane continued her foreplay until she saw Alice's begin to squirm. She slid her hand down and held the vulva between her fingers. She squeezed it tight and then inserted two fingers deep inside. Alice let out a sigh, "Oh, yes. Fuck, I miss being touched."
Jane put the vibrator on her other hand and placed it just about the clit. She rocked her fingers in and out of Alice's cunt and moved the vibrator back and forth at the same time. Alice began to move her hips up and down to match Jane's stroking. She was close to cumming but suddenly Jane removed her fingers and she moved the vibrator to rest on top of her pubic bone. Alice was just about to protest when she felt Jane's mouth on her pussy and her tongue pushed deep inside. She loved the way Larry ate her pussy and this was just as wonderful. "Oh, my. That feels incredible!" she exclaimed.
Jane moved her tongue in, out, and around Alice's love hole while keeping the vibrator on her public bone. She moved her tongue up between the labia and placed her mouth on a swollen and eager clit. Alice was panting and she held her hard nipples between her fingers. Jane slipped two fingers deep inside and within a few moments Alice arched her back and screamed from her climax.
"Damn that felt great!" she said after catching her breath.
"What did you think when I went oral?"
"It was a first and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I only hope I can do as well on you."
Changing places, Jane smiled to herself thinking that Alice would be very receptive to include Pam in their special sessions. Right now she knew one thing, damn Alice made her very horny and her pussy ached for relief.
Alice was intent on duplicating the sexual pleasure Jane had given her. She loved touching as much as being touched and Jane provided a nice outlet when Larry was not available. She put some warm oil on her hands and began to fondle Jane's breasts, brushing her thumbs over two already hard nipples. Jane's eyes were closed and there was a big smile on her face. Her sighs were soft and purring. Soon she began to squirm and cross then uncross her legs.
Time to move to the fire, Alice thought, and she moved her hand down to insert two fingers deep inside. Jane's response was immediate. She arched her hips up and pulled Alice's hand in even harder. The deep penetration of Alice's fingers was intense and both of them were surprised by the sudden and powerful orgasm.
Not letting her recover, Alice placed the vibrator on Jane's pubic bone then withdrew her fingers and placed her mouth over a cum drenched cunt. She probed, sucked, and licked up Jane's sweet juices, driving her to another climax. Remembering what Jane had done, Alice moved her mouth to suck an eager clit and reinserted her fingers. Jane was bucking wildly with each thrust until finally she grabbed Alice's hand and shoved her fingers in deep as her orgasm rolled over her.
"Giving is just as good as getting," said Alice, her face wet with cum.
"You like this, I take it."
"Without a doubt."
"Good. Let's get in the hot tub; there is something I'd like to discuss with you. Something I think you will like."
Once in the tub, Jane poured the wine and the girls settled into a comfortable position. "I have a friend, who like you, needs some sexual relief. She comes in for our 'special sessions' when her husband is out of town for several days. And, as with you, I also wax her pussy. You two are similar sexually and you both are comfortable with oral sex. The bottom line is that I think it would be fun to experience another first for all of us and do a girl threesome. She is agreeable and we picked sometime during the last week of this month. I'll let you think about it and give me your decision in the next day or two."
"I can tell you right now, hell yes! Let's pick the day."
"I was hoping you would say that. What I would like is for the three of us to meet over lunch and get acquainted before we do our little adventure. I know you and Pam will hit it off because you're so much alike sexually."
"I'm good anytime and I can hardly wait to meet Pam. However, there is just one thing."
"What's that?"
"I may need one or two more sessions before our threesome."
"Music to my ears."
At the appointed time and place the three met for lunch. "Is this the 'special session' club?" Pam asked with a grin.
"I like that name," Alice responded and nodded with approval. "And Jane is our President and COO as in Chief Orgasm Officer."
"I knew you would be two peas in a pod. This is going to be fun."
Pam and Alice talked about their backgrounds and events that led them to having special sessions with Jane. When they started talking about their men in a sexual manner things got a bit heated. Not from anger or jealousy but erotic heat. Before lunch was finished all three felt the need to seek some relief from the ache between their legs. There was one moment of envy however, and that came when Pam sent a text to her husband making sure he didn't have a meeting tonight. "I have certain code words when I tell him I want some action. That usually gets him home a little earlier, too."
Before they separated, the date and time was set and with eager anticipation. Alice hung back with Jane as Pam departed. "Remember how I said I may need a session or two before our threesome? Well I could use it now."
"You and me both. You two got me so horny I can hardly stand it. What are we waiting for? Let's hurry to my house and get naked."
The drive over to Jane's house, while short in distance and time, seemed like eternity for two women needing relief from their pent-up sexual tension. They ran into the bedroom but before she could do anything, Alice was surprised when suddenly she found herself held and kissed by Jane. Once she recovered from the shock, she smiled and kissed Jane back and this time with passion and heat. Lips parted, tongues met, and hands were busy removing clothes. Once naked, the girls engaged in fondling tits and exploring wet and eager crotches.
Jane pushed Alice to the bed and grabbed the vibrator. She moved into position and started licking, sucking, and squeezing each nipple with her lips. Alice was sighing from the pleasure and let out a gasp when Jane placed the vibrator on her pussy. Alice's hips were gyrating as Jane moved the vibrator all around. Alice was breathing hard and she was very close to the edge. Jane moved her mouth from nipple to clit and a few moments later, Alice felt the climax she so urgently needed.
Jane was so horny, she was in heat. Her pussy was throbbing and needed a cock buried deep inside. She pulled a dildo from a drawer in the night stand and handed it to Alice then quickly was on the bed with her legs spread wide. Alice rubbed the toy up and down between wet lips and then gently inserted it several inches. Jane murmured her approval and Alice placed her lips on a clit that was eager to be kissed and sucked and licked. As Alice moved the dildo out and in, Jane flexed her vaginal muscles around it and bucked her hips with each thrust. All that pent-up sexual tension found a release as Jane suddenly tensed and then cried out as her orgasm rolled through like a shock wave.
They lay side by side for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of erotic sex, before Alice had to dress and meet her new guest for the weekend. "It's going to be a long several days before we get together," she said. Then she kissed Jane, smiled and gave her a wink. "See you and Pam later."
Phone calls were exchanged but time moved slowly. Each person took care of their sexual tension in their own way but Paul was probably the biggest winner. He didn't understand why Pam wanted to have sex every night. He hated to admit it, but fucking and a blowjob every night was making his dick sore. He thought maybe it had something to do with his next trip and being out of town for so long.
The evening finally arrived and Pam and Alice got to Jane's place practically at the same time. They laughed and remarked how excited they were. They undressed and stepped into the hot tub, joining Alice. They all helped themselves to the wine and cheese that Jane had set out and talked about what they had done since their luncheon date. Jane and Alice spoke of their solo sessions but it was Pam who helped with the mood when she spoke about her nightly activities with Paul. "I think I just about wore out his cock. I rode him hard and finished him off with a blowjob. I reminded him a few times about how much I miss him when he's gone. That part is true. I just failed to mention how excited I was about a new adventure."
"Speaking of adventure, madam President and Chief Orgasm Officer, what do you have in mind? Alice asked.
"First let me say there are no rules other than this is all about enjoying sex and having lots of orgasms. We all like oral and touching and cumming so with that in mind, I've thought of two things to start us off. I thought we would begin with me finger-fucking you both at the same time while you masturbate. Then I want to watch you take turns eating each other's pussy. After that we can do whatever 'cums' to mind. So ladies, I have dildos and vibrators and a big bed just waiting."
They climbed out and towel-dried each other with playful kisses and giggles. Once in the bedroom, Jane lit several scented candles while Alice and Pam got comfortable on the bed, legs spread and eager for some play. Jane moved between the girls and began to rub their pussies simultaneously. She watched them close their eyes and just sigh with approval.
Jane moved her fingers down and not surprisingly found two very wet cunts and gently inserted two fingers in each. That action was met with an immediate gasp in unison. She began to slowly finger fuck and almost as on cue, Pam and Alice moved their fingers to start rubbing their clits. All of this was making Jane very horny and the ache between her legs was growing in intensity. Despite the growing need for relief, she was taking satisfaction from pleasuring them both.
They were gyrating and rocking their hips to match Jane's thrusting. Their breathing was quick and shallow as their orgasms were building. Jane moved from deep penetration to rubbing their G spot and within moments both girls came within seconds of each other. "Fuck I liked that!" Pam exclaimed while catching her breath. "If I recall, Jane, you wanted to watch us eat each other so Alice, unless you object; I'll like to do you first."
"I'm all yours, Pam." Alice said with a big grin.
Pam wasted no time getting into position and pushed her tongue into Alice's cunt; wet with cum. Jane moved out of the way to watch the lovely sight before her and began her own masturbation to seek some relief from her aching cunt. Touching herself felt so good and the added stimulus of watching Pam's mouth all over Alice's clit quickly brought her to orgasm. She took her wet fingers and began to rub and fondle Alice's breasts. Alice tensed, and then screamed out, "FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK, I'm cumming!"
After a brief recovery, Pam and Alice swapped positions and Jane took that opportunity to retrieve a dildo. The scene was replayed in front of Jane as she drove her toy in deep, seeking another orgasm.
She could watch the action of what Pam and Alice had done on her pussy and knowing that soon they would be doing her again. Even though she longed for the feel of a cock deep inside, the dildo felt wonderful and brought her to a satisfying climax. She removed the instrument of pleasure and placed it in her mouth and used the other hand to rub and fondle Pam's breasts. Pam's orgasm was strong and powerful and it took her several minutes to recover.
From then on it was one oral session after another. Pam had Jane sit on her face and Alice found a position that allowed her to rub Jane's clit and suck her breast. All three enjoyed that so much that they repeated it with Alice sitting on Jane's face and Pam took on the clit and tits. The girls sucked, kissed, and licked each other's tits and pussy until they were exhausted.
They adjourned to the hot tub to relax and recover in sheer sexual contentment. "This was wonderful! Thank you, Alice and Pam, for making it a mind blowing experience."
"Thank you, Jane, for being a good friend and making it happen," Alice replied.
"Same for me," added Pam. "By the way, I know you have another threesome with Alice and Larry planned. I think my Paul would be interested in doing that too."
"That's an invitation I love to hear. I wonder what Paul and Larry would think about a five some?" |
05 - Angel of Mercy | 21,357 | 4.63 | 1,485,271 | [
"first time",
"lesbian sex",
"short story"
] | **First times: 05 -- Angel of mercy**
*As so often happens, this story was planned to go in a completely different direction, but my characters took over and this is the result.*
*You will see what I mean in the first story of the "Angels and Daemons" series. I used the same name for the main character, something I go to great pains to avoid, because that was my original intent for her.*
*Again my heartfelt thanks to Valphund for teaching me to be a better author. Any mistake is my own.*
The hour-long commute by city bus, then metro, was an ordeal for most of her fellow travelers, but it was a necessary period of meditation and centering for Ariel. The job of counselor in a children's hospital wasn't for the faint of heart.
So being late and forced to drive there was a mixed blessing. The transit time was cut in half, but she hadn't been able to close her eyes and bring forth the strength she would need as soon as she stepped on the oncology floor.
Ariel was sitting, head bowed on the steering wheel, catching her mental breath, when there was a rap on her window. Startled, it took her a few seconds to remember where she was. She smiled when she saw the woman standing outside.
Amelia was certainly a force of nature. Always jovial, ebullient even, she was the unofficial morale booster of the entire department.
A chubby woman in her late forties, she bucked the establishment by wearing some colorful accessory along with the customary scrubs. That day, it was a bright scarf of multi-colored daisies.
"Are you coming out, or do you intend to sleep in your car all day?" She laughed. Amelia was fully aware of Ariel's process and did her best to help her with it. As a nurse in the same department, she'd had her share of heartbreaks. She certainly didn't envy the younger woman who dealt so intimately with their young charges.
"Sleep sounds good right now. My neighbor was sick all night and I stayed at her place to help. Let's just say that her couch has seen better days."
"Mine's brand new, if you insist on avoiding your own bed. I splurged last summer after a spring sprung through the cushion and I had a surprise of the most un-erotic kind."
Amelia recounted her encounter with the offending offspring of a steel wire and industrial machinery in salacious details all the way to their floor. When the elevator doors opened, she took Ariel's hand and squeezed it.
"Take it easy, dear. If you need a lap to rest on, I suppose I could close my legs for a while." Amelia teased.
"You started exercising?" Ariel countered good-naturedly.
Despite being from different social strata, the two women had hit it off the very first day Arial started working at the hospital. They had seen each other while she interned, but rarely came in contact.
That day, an insensitive doctor with atrocious bedside manner was making a young girl cry and Ariel was in his face about it. As the tone escalated, Amelia intervened by reminding the doctor that his file already contained many reprimands and that he was on his way out if he didn't mind his manners in front of the children.
The two women and the little girl had a good laugh at his expense as he stormed away, sputtering indignantly.
By the end of the day, every child on the floor called her Wonder Woman, so, of course, she came in the next day wearing a golden tiara and bracelets, and deflected imaginary bullets all day for the amusement of patients and staff.
Since then, they were known as the A Team. They complemented each other so well, professionally and personally.
The fact that Amelia was a lesbian and Ariel wasn't had never entered their minds until some sniggering male nurse made some crude comment and took vile pleasure in spreading rumors and innuendo, which no one found funny in the least. He ended being the butt of his own meanness when a visiting doctor overheard him. As it happened, he was Ariel's father, there to visit his good friend, the Director of the oncology department. No one was sad to see him escorted out by security minutes later.
That Monday morning, Amelia had been standing outside with some friends who were there for a smoke on purpose. She was waiting for the younger woman. This would be a tough shift and she wanted to see for herself how she was holding on.
She had heard how Ariel had spent the week-end working with some of their sicker patients. She wasn't surprised when she drove in. The girl probably had been pacing all night instead of sleeping.
So she wasn't terribly surprised when she found her asleep on a chair, head pillowed on her arms on a little boy's bed, most likely talking to him when she succumbed to fatigue. He was gently caressing her hair and put his finger on his lips to signal Amelia to be quiet. Nodding, she backed out, flicked the lights off, and shut the door. No one went into the room except her to check on the boy.
When Ariel came out two hours later, slightly disheveled and blushing furiously, everyone she met smiled kindly at her and no few patted her arm. Amelia had told them how the terminal patient had been beaming at this spontaneous gesture of humanity.
She put her arm around Ariel's waist and steered her to the nurses' lounge. It was more modestly appointed than the doctors', but there was a feeling of warmth to it and she often used it.
"I feel like such a wuss." Ariel said as she splashed cold water on her face. "That wasn't the most professional thing I ever did."
"I don't know about that." Her friend said, looking at her in the mirror, never stopping the soothing shoulder massage. "We all know you spent the week-end here with Jeremy and the other kids. Maybe I should get you the full Wonder Woman costume. I, for one, wouldn't mind ogling your body in those bustier and spandex bottom."
"Oh, you." Ariel leaned in the gentle neck massage. "If you continue like this, you won't have to get any cartoon costume. I'll drag you to the massage therapy room and strip bare for you."
"Promises, promises, sweetie." It was getting harder for Amelia to keep her attraction of Ariel in check. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend to do it for you instead of spending all your time at work? All work and no play, you know."
"Ah!" The derision in the snort was clear. "I almost envy you, Am. Did you know that men can't take the competition when it comes from a dying child..."
Hearing the catch in her friend's voice, Amelia turned her around and embraced her.
"They're brave little boys and girls, Ariel. You make a big difference in their lives." She held her until she felt some of the tension leave her, knowing the toll her vocation was taking on the young woman. She had seen it often enough over the years among the nurses. "Why don't we go out tonight and get drunk. Or get sloshed and find you a hunk to take your mind of this place, if only for a couple of hours."
"You're projecting again, Am. You're the party girl here. Going out every week-end and collecting skirts. As for me... I don't even remember the last time I had sex... with a man. I think my Hitachi is about to propose to me." She giggled ruefully.
"I could lend you my Ben-Wa balls. They're the best. A brisk walk with them and you'll forget all about that clinging appliance."
Though she kept her tone light, Amelia was in a similar predicament, if for different reasons. Unaccountably, the last two women she had brought home didn't appreciate hearing her cry out Ariel's name when they made her climax. Go figure.
"But he's soooo good to me!" Ariel mock-whined which set both women laughing. "I was serious about the massage, dear." She said when they settled down. "I could use a good rub-down, and I heard a couple of nurses talking about your magic hands."
Amelia closed her eyes, trying to repress her shivers and contain her moans. Ariel probably didn't realize what she was doing, but the hand she ran up and down the nurse's back was doing its own kind of magic quite effectively. She knew she should let go now that Ariel was feeling better, but...
"I'll see if the therapy room is available after our shift if you want."
"I was thinking about your place... with the candles and the incense and the soft music..."
"I see some loose lips can't help flapping. Did they tell you how the evening ended, honey?"
"Not in so many words, but I could guess from their dreamy eyes. We wouldn't have to do it, though, would we? All I want is the massage."
"No..." Amelia hoped the catch in her own voice wasn't too obvious. "Not at all. The happy ending is a service offered upon request only. I'm running low on massage oil. I'll have to get some more. What about next week-end? Are you free?"
"I don't know yet." Ariel sighed deeply. "I'll have a better idea Friday. Is that too much of an inconvenience?"
"Not at all. I understand." Amelia didn't need to go into details. She knew full well that they were on a death watch for at least three children and that Ariel would want to be there for them as another counselor would be for their parents. These people were saints. "We'll play it by ear, sweetie. Now, we'd better get back to work or tongues will start wagging, and not in a fun way."
"Don't you ever think about anything but sex?"
"Why would I? It's soooo much fun!"
They were both laughing when they came back on the floor.
As everyone in the department had expected, it was a bad week, with two children dying and three more being hospitalized when their cancer flared up unexpectedly after being in remission for months.
Wednesday morning, Ariel and another counselor brought a small duffle bag. By Friday evening, both were haggard and listless. They put on their game face in front of their young charges and their parents, but they weren't fooling anyone else. All knew that the long breaks they took were so they could cry their own pain out.
They were too tired to even protest when the intervention was staged at the instigation of their colleagues. The man would be brought home to his wife who had been warned and was waiting for him. Nobody even smiled when Amelia told them she was taking Ariel home with her. Anyone else would have done it if they could.
The counselor was asleep, her head on the nurse's shoulder before Amelia even drove out of the parking lot. She slept through being pulled out of the car and guided to Amelia's apartment. It was a good thing the older woman had experience undressing a limp body, but when she pulled out the sleeping wear Ariel had been using from the sports bag, she wisely decided that her friend could sleep naked for one night.
She read a book while she ran a load in the washer and dryer. Every so often, she'd check on her guest, but the woman was dead to the world.
The moan issuing from somewhere deep inside her woke Ariel, but she fought valiantly to hold on to the wonderful dream. She hadn't had a wet dream in a long time, and this one had been particularly sensual and erotic.
It had been so realistic that she could swear she was still feeling herself draped over a warm body, a strong arm holding her close, her leg tickled by pubic hair, her hand squeezing a soft breast...
"Eeeeek!" She jumped back from... Amelia, who was looking at her groggily.
"You have a strange way of waking up, sweetie."
"Why...? Why are you naked in bed with... Eeeek!" She pulled the covers over her own bare breasts, then pulled them back over Amelia. "Why am I in bed naked with you? Is this a lesbian way to seduce a woman?"
"First, you're naked because your bedclothes stank and nothing I have would fit you. Second, I'm in the buff too because you asked me to. Don't raise your perfect eyebrow at me, missy. I was changing into a proper sleeping attire when you held your arms out to me and whined, pleading. It was so cute, I couldn't say no. As soon as I slipped under the covers, you molded your body to mine. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy falling asleep with you fondling my breasts."
"Noooo!" Ariel put a hand over her mouth, shocked. "Tell me you're joking, Am. Please tell me the truth."
"Okay, maybe you weren't fondling my breasts, but everything else is true. A girl can fantasize a bit, can't she?"
"You didn't have to..."
"As a matter of fact, I did, dear. You should have heard yourself. And I'm glad I did. You were restless before I joined you. Was it so terrible, holding on to me like that?"
Ariel reached to touch her friend's hand, afraid she had hurt her feelings.
"Of course not, Am. I was startled, that's all." Even if she kept her eyes on Amelia's face, Ariel was very aware of her naked body, which she didn't seem in a hurry to cover. And the more she looked at her, the more her lips seemed fascinating. So full, so wet from the pink tongue she had run on them, so...
Amelia was getting aroused too, but she didn't want to take advantage of her friend's vulnerability.
"Do you need to use the bathroom right now? Or could I use it before you take a shower? Your clothes are washed and dried so you'll have something clean to wear."
"You did all that for me?"
"Hey! That's what friends are for, sweetie. Now move along or put something on. I'm not made of wood, you know."
Ariel blushed furiously when she realized she had dropped the covers, exposing herself, but she didn't resist when the older woman touched her cheek and brought her down for a light kiss.
She couldn't take her eyes off Amelia's naked body as she got a robe and walked out.
She found her pudginess strangely erotic. She certainly didn't fit any canon of beauty, but there was something... natural about her. Without realizing it, her hand was... reaching for her.
As soon as she was alone, she fell back on the bed, stunned. Not at being naked in bed with another woman. She had been to sleepovers where she and her friends had slept without bedclothes on. At her reaction just then. When she turned over, her head landed on Amelia's pillow and she moaned involuntarily when she breathed in her scent. She pulled back when her leg landed on a wet spot where her friend had been. At first, she was shocked, then she reached hesitantly to touch it.
'She said I had a perfect eyebrow.' She mused. Ariel was about to bring the sticky substance on her fingers to her lips when Amelia came out of the bathroom.
"All done. Leave me some hot water... Unless you want to share." She wiggled her eyebrows comically, but didn't wait for an answer before moving out of view.
"I... I wouldn't mind sharing." Ariel surprised herself by whispering.
She walked slowly to the bathroom, half dreading, half hoping Amelia would come back and see her. She knew full well she could have covered herself with the blanket.
Once she was behind the closed door, sitting on the toilet, she slowly brought her fingers to her nose, then to her lips. There were tears in her eyes when she got up and went to the sink where she unwrapped a toothbrush.
The face looking back at her in the mirror was familiar, but she saw something new in it too. She touched her face lightly, then her neck. She traced her collarbone, her upper chest, her breasts. She moaned when she brushed her nipples, but kept her eyes open.
She knew she was what all men, and most women, if truth be told, found beautiful, but after seeing Amelia and feeling the effect her naked body had on her, she reevaluated what 'beautiful' was.
Years of discipline and hard work had gone in getting and maintaining her athletic body, but she felt ashamed of the surgery which gave her such firm breasts. Amelia's had felt so soft under her hand. She stifled a gasp as she felt her vagina clench at the memory. She came to her senses, holding on to the washbasin with one hand as her knees threatened to buckle, and the other cupping her bald pussy.
She was startled when Amelia knocked on the door.
"Ariel?" She asked softly. "Are you okay, honey?"
"I..." She had to swallow a few times and take deep breaths before she could answer. "I'm fine, Am. I was just... I'm brushing my teeth. I'll be quick in the shower, I promise."
"Take all the time you need. I don't mind if I have to wait a bit for more water to heat."
"Thank you. I'll... I'll be right out."
She had lied. She wasn't fine at all. She was aroused as she had never been... *Ever*. But it was impossible. She was straight. She loved men... Well, she loved making love... Okay, she enjoyed having sex. She had never been *in love*. At first, she had rationalized that she was too busy with her studies, then with her career, but she had finally admitted it to herself some months back.
Amelia was her friend, had been for six years. They had laughed together, they had cried in each other's arms. They had done everything best friends did together.
She wasn't a...
Ariel wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to the shower. She grinned when she saw the shape of the soap-on-a-rope. She waited for the hot water to come on, then adjusted the temperature. All along, her eyes were pulled to the thing hanging there. Surely it meant she was straight, but what was it doing in a lesbian's shower?
Amelia had been on her way to the bedroom to change the sheets. She had woken up in a puddle of cream. At least she had a mattress cover under it.
An audible gasp and moan had stopped her at the bathroom door. She stood there, her hand pressed flat on the door, thinking about the superb woman standing naked behind it.
Over the years, gorgeous women had been in her apartment, in her bed, but none had ever affected her like Ariel did. There was something about her...
They had a closer relationship than she had ever had with any other woman, even those she had considered to be her girlfriends. They had gone out to the theater, to the movies, even camping. They had tried new restaurants together. They had supported each other through heartbreaks and celebrated their achievements.
When she didn't hear anything for a while, she knocked... timidly (her, timid?) and asked if she was okay. She thought she heard something in Ariel's voice, but she wasn't sure what it was.
She stood there until she heard the water running. When she did, she groaned quietly and crumbled to her knees, head against the wood. She would have given anything to be in there to wash her back, to touch her soft skin. She had lied about her fondling her breasts, but not about taking a long time falling asleep. The feeling of Ariel's body pressed against hers, of her skin under her hand, touching her. It's a wonder the puddle wasn't bigger.
There. That was a moan. Unable to help herself, she opened the robe and shoved a hand between her legs. She blushed when she thought about the soap. It had been a gag gift she won during one of those silly games at a friend's bachelorette party. Was she using it? Was she running it on her breasts? Between her thighs? Inside...
Amelia wanted to walk away, to run away, but she was rooted in place by the image of her dear friend masturbating with the cock-shaped soap. As she pictured her, she imitated what her mind's eyes was showing her, thrusting two fingers inside her own vagina.
She was writhing on the floor, in the throes of an orgasm when it registered that she wasn't hearing the water running anymore. With a gasp, she stumbled to her room where she closed the door before falling on the bed. She had to... It was only minutes before she climaxed again.
Quiet footsteps stopped on the other side of the door as she lay there, gasping. She knew that if she touched herself, at that moment, the excitement of Ariel possibly opening the door and seeing her would set her off yet again. Her hand was hovering near her pussy, waiting, she wasn't sure exactly for what. Then she heard the woman walk away toward the kitchen.
At the sounds of her friend making herself a cup of coffee, she gathered what little wits she had left and managed to make it to the bathroom.
She didn't even bother checking if there was hot water left.
Eyes brimming with unshed tears, Ariel looked up from the phone she was clutching in her hands.
Amelia went to her and embraced her.
"Is it Jeremy?" She asked quietly.
"Yes." Ariel answered with a flat voice. "It's a matter of hours now. I need to go."
"I know, sweetheart. Do you want me to drive you?"
"No, I'll be fine. There's nothing... You must have tons of things to do here. I'll let you know when it's done."
"Please do. You don't have to do this alone, you know."
"I know. I won't be. I'll be fine, I promise."
Amelia walked her friend to the door and hugged her one last time. She stood there, watching her get in her car and drive away. She didn't have any idea then, any more than she ever had in the years she'd known her, of where Ariel found the courage and inner strength to do what she did.
Hours later, she was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for water to boil to fix herself a well-deserved cup of tea. The apartment was sparkling. When she was upset, Amelia cleaned, and she had been very perturbed that morning.
At first, she wasn't sure what she heard. She looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, then she heard it again. It came from the front of the apartment. Damn mice. It was the time of the year when they tried to get in the house before...
She raced to the door. This was no mouse.
Ariel was standing there, looking so despondent it nearly broke her heart. She was clutching something to herself. With a tremulous smile, she handed it to her.
After a snort, Amelia put the bottle of massage oil on a small table and opened her arms. Wracked with gut wrenching sobs, Ariel ran to her and held on as a drowning woman to a ring buoy.
Gently, Amelia brought her in and sat with her on the couch. It seemed like forever, but, eventually, the woman stopped crying. She didn't let go. Neither did Amelia when she realized that Ariel had fallen asleep in her arms. She managed to stretch her on the sofa and put a cushion on her lap for the woman's head.
As she caressed her hair tenderly, she thought this wouldn't do. The intervention of the previous day had been for two physically exhausted persons. This was worse, so much worse. The woman was killing herself because she cared too much.
An hour later, Ariel stirred. Her friend had been about to wake her from what must have been a nightmare. Her piteous mewls were heart rending.
She stayed there, clutching the hand she had grabbed.
"It was a bad one?" She asked softly.
"There are no good ones, Am. At least, he was at peace. The worst part for them is often watching their parent's misery. He... In the end, he smiled at them and slipped away, holding their hands."
She was quiet for a long time. Amelia would have thought she was asleep again if not for the occasional squeezing of her hand. She knew there wasn't much she could say. Ariel was the counselor.
"What's with the massage oil? Do you want to show me your beautiful body... again?" She smiled at the chuckle her question elicited.
"Only if you'll teach me so I can give you one too."
"How could I say no to having your hands on me, sweetheart? How about after supper? I bet you didn't eat anything all day."
"There wasn't much time for that. Now... I've been put on sick leave, Am. Serge too." Serge was her colleague who specialized in grief counseling for the parents and families. "The prescription is sleep, lots of sleep, and we can't go back to work until our own counselors deem us fit." Ariel didn't miss her friend's sigh of relief. "See, mommy? The doctor said I had to be a good girl if I wanted to go back to play."
"I knew there was something I liked about that man." Amelia leaned in to kiss her friend's head. "I happen to know a nurse who specializes in dealing with unruly little girls."
"I am not unruly." Ariel mock-protested. "But I could be your..." Amelia could barely hear her. Her heart skipped a beat at the implications.
"Baby, you don't have to..."
Ariel turned on her back and reached to caress the older woman's cheek.
"I know, dear heart. But I... I want to. I think I've wanted to for a long time. This morning, I had a good long look at myself. And at you too. Aside from... you know, we've been closer than I've ever been to anyone, BFFs included. You... You're so beautiful, inside and out..."
"Stop that. You're trying to make me blush. You're the gorgeous one." The hand she had on Ariel's cheek moved to her neck so she could massage some of the tension out of her, at least as much as she could one-handed.
Ariel let her hand trail to Amelia's neck too, but she continued to her chest, tracing her collarbone, then the cleavage in the V-neck t-shirt. She smiled when she saw the goosebumps she caused to rise and the flush flowing down from the burning cheeks.
"I may *look* gorgeous, but you *are* beautiful, Amelia." Her second hand caressed the side of her friend's breast. "If I ask nicely, could I have a happy ending too?"
Amelia opened her eyes and saw her desire reflected in the most perfect dark brown eyes. Her heart swelled when she saw something else too.
"You said you wanted me to teach you massage. I could tutor you in that too." The blinders she had put on fell at last.
"I hope you're a patient instructor, then. I'm afraid I will require many, many sessions." Ariel cupped her friend's neck and gently pulled her down. When their lips met, it was so soft, so... right. She moaned when Amelia caressed her cheek, but her heart really began to race when her hand travelled lower. She was arching upward long before it reached her breasts.
She put her hand over Amelia's to forestall further exploration. She wanted to savor their first kiss. She nibbled on her lower lip, traced her mouth with the tip of her tongue before passing the parted lips. Both women were panting as their tongues caressed each other, gently, then more forcefully as they got familiar. Ariel pulled Amelia in her mouth to make oral love to her tongue, eliciting deep moans.
The older woman couldn't believe what was happening. This straight woman was bringing her to the edge simply by kissing her. Seasoned lovers hadn't come close to giving her this intensity of feelings. Something broke inside her and a wound she hadn't known was there healed under the loving ministrations.
Ariel felt the tears fall on her cheeks, mixing with her own. Their busy lips were stretched in huge smiles as both finally acknowledged what their hearts had known all along.
By the time they came up for air, she had unbuttoned her own shirt and reached behind herself to unhook her bra and put her... lover's hand on her breast. Her spirit soared as soon as the shackles of convention and conditioning were unlocked.
She enjoyed the experienced hand's caresses, but she wanted more, so much more. Again, she stopped it.
"My darling Amelia, I want to see you too. I want to touch you, I want..."
Amelia's lips cut her off momentarily. The strong arms pulled her off the couch, and, their lips never breaking contact, they slowly made their way to the bedroom. It took a long time, but neither cared as they undressed each other along the way.
To Ariel's surprise, her friend climaxed the moment her fingers entered her and they ended in a heap on the floor before they made it to the bed. Amelia held her hand away from her pussy as they resumed their journey, contenting themselves with loving caresses.
The confident lover gave way to the shy lesbian virgin once they lay face to face, their bodies touching from lips to groin, their legs intertwined, arms holding tightly on as if fearing the other would pull away.
They looked at each other, clouded blue eyes drowning in glazed brown ones. Slowly, their hands resumed their caresses, more insistently, more pointedly, with a clear goal.
Ariel rolled Amelia on her back and straddled her hips. She sat there, taking her in, from her dishevel shoulder-length light brown hair, her rounded face with its expressive eyes, the pug nose she had often made light fun of, the full lips with their deep laugh lines. Amelia wasn't fat, only well rounded. Ariel knew the soft flesh hid strength. What others saw as unsightly filled her eyes with wonder.
She lightly skimmed the breasts with both hands, admiring the shape gravity gave them as she rested on her back. She caressed the large soft mounds, touching them everywhere but where Amelia wanted her to, judging by the whines and her arching back.
""Touch the damn nipples already, you tease! It's cruelty, plain and simple!"
"Is it?" Ariel asked coyly. "I'm new at this lesbian thing, you know. You have to be patient with me."
"What I am is dying, honey. And I don't believe you for a minute. This isn't your first rodeo."
"I assure you that it is." She leaned and kissed one hardened nipple with her wet lips, then the other, all the while tenderly kneading the breasts. "So this is...." She tickled them with the tip of her tongue. "What lesbian sex is all about..." She spread the breasts to run her tongue in the valley between them, then pushed them together and nipped the flesh. "I had no idea..." She pushed harder so she could take both nipples in her mouth at once and made love to them with enthusiasm. All long she kept a running light commentary going.
When she had Amelia's hips bucking beneath her, she kept fondling her breasts after a last playful sharp bite, which was rewarded by a yelp, immediately followed by a moan.
She left a trail of love bites, all the way to the origin of the heavenly scent which was assaulting her senses. A single nip on a thigh was enough for both legs to be pulled against soft breasts and held there. The whines she heard as she licked the cream which had flowed with Amelia's orgasm were music to her ears. She had never imagined the joy she could derive from giving pleasure to a woman.
She was sorely tempted to touch herself, but refrained so she could concentrate on her lover. Thinking of everything she loved to have done to herself, and everything she had always wished a man had done to her, she had Amelia teetering on the edge before she even touched her clit. So she avoided it for as long as she could, only brushing against it with her nose as she licked from perineum to top of the pink cleft, savoring the abundant cream she collected along the way as she reached in as deep as she could.
Spontaneously, she circled the puckered hole. She hadn't expected the wail it elicited as Amelia climaxed instantly, nor the relaxing of the muscles which caused it to become a gaping opening, begging for her to fill it. Remembering her own experimentations, she touched a finger to it, entering to the first phalange, then following the inarticulate pleading, a second.
Simultaneously, she pushed two fingers in the overflowing vagina. When she was fully inside, she paused to get the older woman acclimated to her presence. The twitching of inner muscles told her Amelia was ready for more. Gradually, she accelerated her tempi and was soon going as fast and as hard as she could, all the while nipping the inner thighs.
When she had Amelia covered in sweat and moaning continuously, she curled the fingers inside her vagina upward and covered her clit with her mouth, sucking and flicking it rapidly with her tongue.
Amelia had been fucked by women of various degrees of experience all her adult life, but none had ever brought her to such high levels of pleasure before this *virgin*.
Every touch, every caress, soft or sharp, seemed calculated, planned, to rob her of any form of independent thought. She was a quivering mass of flesh at the mercy of the goddess who had taken over her every senses.
Tight as violin strings, every nerve of her body was plucked, bowed, played upon with unequaled mastery. She had long lost herself in the maelstrom of sensations and feelings when a last hurricane of pleasure swept her.
She was a woman who had willingly given herself, body and soul. She belonged to *the other*, to do as she pleased. Her last thought before she was overwhelmed by the most intense orgasm of her life was that she was where she belonged. At last.
Ariel held her lover tenderly. She had kissed her tears of happiness and cleaned her summarily with a warm washcloth before joining her.
She smiled as her lover's breath tickled where her head rested on her chest. This lesbian thing was not at all what she expected. It was so much better in every way.
Never before had she been this intent on giving all the pleasure that she could. There had always been some restraint, some reluctance, some sense that something wasn't exactly right, missing. Now she knew what that was.
She had never *made love* before. |
Matszuka's Special Massage Ch. 08 | 22,978 | 4.59 | 835,636 | [
"lesbian sex",
"strap on",
"sex toys",
] | Her name was Anessa and she had known she loved women since she was 6 years old. Anessa had tried boys in high school, losing her virginity in the tenth grade after a homecoming dance. But that experience had been painful and generally disgusting. Anessa's true love had been Virginia - a beautiful blonde who was Anessa's closest friend. Or,rather, Anessa was the person to whom Virginia turned whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on after a problem with one of her many boyfriends and, towards the end of high school, more and more Anessa was the excuse Virginia used when her parents wanted to know her whereabouts. Anessa always covered for Virginia and was always there for her - mostly because she loved her. Secretly, Anessa had dreamed that one day Virginia's tears on her shoulder might turn into a wanton kiss. It never happened and now, some two decades later, Anessa had long since come out of the closet and battled for gay rights through various organizations. She was owner of a small shop in downtown LA, dedicated to helping people 'find' themselves - sexually.
Anessa sighed deeply, not much business tonight, as usual, if things didn't pick up soon, she might have to close her work of love.
"Ting - ting -ting." The bell on the door interrupter her thoughts and Anessa turned to see quite a sight-a tall, buxom blonde with tousled hair, wearing an expensive-but-abused business suit. This wasn't the type of woman who normally came to the store. Although, Briana's jostled appearance did leave one to wonder what this woman was all about. More than anything she reminded Anessa of - "Virgnia" a name she whispered lightly as she approached her new customer.
"May I help you?" Anessa asked in a truly inquisitive voice. She often could guess the desire of shop visitors, just at first glance, but she truly had no idea what this woman would be looking for.
"I - I uh have a list..." Briana said, struggling to put her thoughts together. Her eyes ranged throughout the stores, trying to determine how she ended up in a shop of dildos ranging from "pee wee" to "monster" and racks of lotions, gels and sexual position manuals.
"I see you do," Anessa almost whistled as she looked at the list. This woman must have known some of this shop's specialties because not many people would have known to ask for many of these items. Anessa did not exactly know her customer was under an hypnotic suggestion of Matszuka to come find these items, but she did have a recollection that she had seen this type of action at least twice before. "Clearly someone likes to send rich people here to live out crazy fantasies", Anessa thought to herself.
Anessa excused herself and began collecting the items on the list. It was extensive and would be just the haul she needed to take this from a down night with the store to one of the biggest of the week. Anessa found herself whistling as her mood completed a total 180 degree change from her earlier bent.
"I have everything... miss..." Anessa's voice trailed off as she returned from the back to find her customer nowhere in sight. At first, Anessa thought she had been robbed, or at best, pranked. But then she heard a giggle from back near the dressing rooms.
Anessa worked back to the opposite side of the store and lost her breath at the site. Facing away from her was her blonde bombshell customer, viewing herself in the mirror wearing the store's "Daisy Duke" costume; a costume with impossibly tight short-shorts and a bright yellow top which tied just under her breasts. The outfit was topped off with cute cowboy boots, just like the ones worn by Jessica Simpson in the Dukes of Hazzard movie. Anessa didn't like watching bad movies, but she did find Jessica Simpson to be a hottie.
"Miss..." Anessa stammered, causing Briana to turn around. Anessa was amazed at the sight, despite herself. Briana was truly beautiful and DEFINITLEY had the body to warrant this outfit. She had also pulled her full blonde hair back into a ponytail giving her a girlish quality - a face and figure that again reminded Anessa of Virginia - her school girl crush!
Briana tingled as she felt the cool air of the shop's air system all over her body. She felt sexy and girly and LOVED this feeling. It wasn't natural, almost like the adrenaline coursing through her body was a drug that made her giddy, free - uninhibited. Clearly something had popped open in Briana's mind over the activities of the past 24 hours - some inhibition had been removed, even beyond Matszuka's well-planned scheme.
Briana stopped her giggle long enough to notice the shop owner's gaze. Anessa's eyes were locked on her. As a late bloomer, Briana had not expertly honed her skills for noting the effect her body had on men - or women. Had Briana known, she likely could have asked right now for her entire list for free and Anessa might have acquiesced. Briana only knew that Anessa looked interested and that made her happy.
"I don't mean anything by this question, Miss..." the naïve heiress intoned.
"Uh - Anessa," the shop owner answered.
Briana smiled a toothy- genuinely happy smile, "Anessa.. um, well, Anessa, are you interested in women? Uh, I mean - sexually?" Briana blushed at the question.
Surprisingly for herself, Anessa did, as well. It had been a long time since anyone had asked her that question as her style of dress and militant causes had rarely left anyone to doubt the answer to that question.
"Yes," she answered, in a much gentler tone than she had prepared to, "yes, I do... with the right woman, of course..."
Briana felt the naturally produced drug coursing through her brain, whatever it was, rush through her - making her light-headed (air-headed a little), tingly, her fingers on fire, her pussy alive once again. She reached for her tied top and took a step away from the mirror, now behind her, and a step towards Anessa.
"What makes the 'right' woman..." Briana smiled an evil smile as she easily pulled apart the top, holding each side of the shirt teasingly over her breasts as she pressed them together.
Normally, Anessa would have been put off by bubble-headed, bottle blondes like Briana (although Briana was a natural blonde) but there was something about the way she carried herself, the innocent sexuality she gave off (if there could be such a thing) and, mostly, the way she reminded Anessa of her love for Virginia.
"Oh - uh - different things," said Anessa, shifting her weight back a bit. She was feeling feelings she hadn't felt in a long time, feelings that she had long since tucked away, feelings of which many of her friends would not approve.
"Well," said Briana coyly as she dropped open her top, "here are two things."
She reached to embrace Anessa, her breasts now exposed. Anessa couldn't resist, her eyes followed those swollen tits into her chest and she was almost taken by surprise as Briana's lips met hers. The blonde hiked her leg around Anessa's and thrust herself into the older woman. Anessa, still slightly stunned by the turn of events, hadn't even closed her eyes and looked into the mirror to get a 3-angled view of her own hand on Briana's ass, pulling Briana to her.
Anessa struggled to gain control of herself. She was aroused as she hadn't been in ten years. She broke her lip lock with Briana and tilted her head to move down the left side of Briana's neck. Anessa opened her lips slightly and sucked hard on Briana's neck. The blonde moaned and moved to press in tighter. This encouraged Anessa to move into one of her favorite activities - biting. She gently began to nibble on Briana's sexy earlobe and then moved down to a hunk of
Briana's neck. The younger lady squealed lightly at the pinch, but made no move to end the event. Anessa worked her way down Briana's neck laying bites and nibbles, some that would be noticeable bruises or 'hickies' in the morning.
Briana was lost in a swirl of senses. Anessa smelled differently than the perfumed Zoe and Anessa was much rougher, almost like a man. Briana had never been around a 'butch' woman before and she couldn't wait to learn more about her next lover. For now, what she knew was that Anessa was biting her - hard - and, for a reason Briana didn't quite understand, each bite made her pussy moisten and her hips flex against her partner.
"Oh you like the rough stuff, do you?" Anessa said with a bit of delight.
"I don't know, I've never done 'rough stuff', " a breathless Briana answered as the next bite sunk into her chest just above the start of her left breast.
Another moan from Briana, that was enough of a cue for Anessa, she'd been reading submissive women for years. She grabbed Briana and spun her around, placing her left hand across Briana's breasts and squeezing them hard. Anessa's right hand grabbed the front of Briana's shorts, ripping them open, and then jammed her hand down the back of those tight Daisy Dukes, giving Anessa access to Briana's most private parts from behind.
"I'm in control now, Sweetheart," Anessa whispered loudly as her fingers found their prey. Anessa was expert at this. For more than 25 years, Anessa had been a mistress in the BD/SM scene in their city. 'Mistress A' was known for expertly taking women, and even men, and torturing them to a perfect arousal. It had been an online side job as well - telling men what she really thought of them - the worthless wienies - and those men paid her a ton of money to do it.
Anessa, or Mistress A, looked in the mirror and saw a crazed lust in Briana's face and heard the young lady make a guttural moan as Anessa's second hand moved down the front of Briana's shorts, forcing the shorts to finally give up their tight fight and fall to the floor, and allowing Mistress A to begin to work Briana from clit to ass. Briana had to grab for the mirror in front of her to keep from crashing into the glass.
"Rough sex is about control and submission, honey," Anessa continued, her lips just inches from Briana's ears," I take control of your body and do anything I want with it, understand?"
Briana could do nothing but nod her understanding. Briana was now months into subconsciously learning how much she loved being controlled by another woman. Matszuka's words were echoling through her had "Women make the best lovers"; "You love to be controlled" and something else was in the mix, as well. Briana's life had prepared her for this moment - from her Dad to her husband, she had learned submission as a lifestyle and now it all came pouring out into her newfound sexuality.
Briana's her voice was stolen by Anessa's expert finger which was sliding pussy juice all around Briana's crotch and ass. Briana's shorts held her ankles together like a binding, making it hard for her to stand without holding on the mirror and balancing herself against the movement of Anessa. She was helpless and her body was betraying her enjoyment of her captivity.
"But to truly enjoy it, you have to trust me and know that, while I will inflict pain on you; that pain is for your sexual enjoyment." Both women were fighting against the arousal to breathe. "I will never
take you beyond what you can handle, but I will take you to the edge and bring you back. It's control and the giving up of control; the best sex there is..."
Briana whimpered, her pussy was being manhandled by this aggressive woman, but Briana wouldn't have moved if she could have, the words 'control' and 'submission' had become very important to her recently and she knew she must live in those words. Briana leaned forward to
show her greater abeyance to her Mistress.
SMACK!! Briana yelped as Anessa's free hand came down hard on Briana's ass. Anessa was strong and Briana felt the sting.
"You do EVERYTHING I tell you to do, understand?" Anessa was leaning forward against Briana and gave her a light bite on the back as Briana struggled to decipher what was happening to her.
"Have you ever had anyone give it to you hard? To Dominate you! To be your Mistress?"
"No" whimpered Briana in a small voice.
"I bet your one of those little spoiled bitches who would love for me to give you what you want and give it to you hard aren't you... AREN'T YOU?!!" \>\>SMACK\<\<
"You're a tramp aren't you?" Anessa lashed back and laid another shot on Briana's ass. Are you ready to give yourself over to me, completely? To obey without question? To trust that I will ultimately have your every need in mind with each painful next step?"
"Yes," Briana answered as tears filled her eyes.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK-Anessa grabbed Briana's hair, pulling her back.
"Yes WHO? My little bitch..."
"Yes, Mistress," the tears were running down Briana's cheeks now and she could sense the fiery redness on her right ass cheek which had taken the entirety of Anessa's firm hand.
"Good Girl," Anessa hissed as she slipped a blindfold over Briana's, causing Briana's breath to catch. She was off balance; she didn't know what was coming next.
"I need to get something, you stay leaning against the mirror, just stand here, and do NOT move. And especially don't touch that blind fold and don't touch these," she said as she squeezed Briana's nipples, "and don't touch this" she added, rubbing Briana's crotch.
And with that, Anessa left the general area in which Briana was standing. Briana stood, leaning against the mirror, just as commanded. And she waited.
Briana waited and waited and waited. It seemed she waited for a long time standing naked with a blindfold on in a strange store. Finally, unable to take it anymore, Briana reached for the blindfold.
"SMACK" - something hit Briana's bare ass causing her to let out a squeal - \>\>SMACK\<\< another shot rang out, this time Briana recognized it was a wooden paddle, with holes in it to increase the sting.
"You're a naughty girl; you like to get spanked don't you?" - SMACK
"Ahhh!' Briana reacted again.
"Don't you naughty girl?"
"Yes!" Briana panted out in desperation. \>\>SMACK\<\<
"Yes, WHO!"
"Yes, Mistress!' Briana now worried she was in over her head, but her mind was reeling from the arousal her desperate position brought her.
\>\>SMACK\<\< - "Yes, deep down you're a naughty little whore aren't you?"
"Yes, Mistress" Briana answered this time bracing for the - \>\>SMACK\<\<
Briana imagined the welts that had to be growing on her taught ass. She felt the sting and found that... She loved it... Briana didn't know anything about bondage, but she knew right now she was completely in the control of a woman planning to use her for some form of sexual fulfillment and her body was thrilled.
The next squeal wasn't from the paddle. Something, like a clothespin, clamped down on her left nipple, and then her right one, causing Briana to squeal and tears pour from her eyes. Instinctively Briana reached to remove the pain causing device.
"SMACK" another shot to a very red and sensitive ass.
"DON'T TOUCH!" Anessa commanded moving right up against Briana's cheek.
"Feel it, feel the pain, let it stoke your fires, let the pain be a jolt of electricity down to your pussy. Let it make you more aroused. Briana stopped moving, Anessa holding her hands to her sides. She was shaking and tears were now streaming down her cheeks.
"It's OK, sweetie," Anessa said through clinched teeth, leaning in closely to Briana's ear from behind, "I am here for your decadent pleasure - trust me, give in to the pain and let it guide you to ecstacy"
"Y-yes, Mistress" Briana whimpered, feeling all the things Mistress was telling her, working to feel the pain and let it take her to a new level of excitement.
"Now your hands!" demanded Anessa.
Briana felt Anessa pull back her hands and stood obediently as the velvet cuffs clicked into place on her wrists. Anessa stood in front of her and reached around to bind her. Leaning against Anessa was the only thing keeping Briana from falling face first.
Anessa grabbed her captive by the elbow and led her across the room to one of the displays. She bent Briana roughly over the bar of some sort of bench. Brian's blindfolded face fell into a cushion covered by a terry cloth cover. Briana felt Anessa roughly kick her feet apart and continued to pull at each ankle until they were firmly locked in a spread position.
Then Briana waited. Blindfolded and ankle-cuffed upside down, again Briana felt as if hours had passed before she felt her Mistress standing behind her again.
"I bet you've never had a mistress take your ass before, have you, Missy?"
Briana felt the derisive tone of "Missy" and felt her position strongly. She was completely trapped, open and unable to defend herself against anything this person was going to do to her.
"No," was all she could manage to moan into the terry cloth.
"Do you want me to take your ass?"
\>\>\>SMACK\<\< the hand came down on her purplish bruised butt cheek again.
"Do you want me to take your ass?" Mistress A demanded more strongly.
"Yes!" this time Briana lifted her head and turned slightly to make herself heard.
"Ask me to take your ass."
Briana began to tear up again as she felt the delicious helplessness over her now.
"Mistress, please take my ass."
"As you wish, my queen," Anessa mocked and Briana felt a warm, heavy liquid flow down the top of her asshole and flow down the insides of her calves. Mistress leaned in causing a dildo which was obvious to Briana to now be strapped between her captor's legs to slide up against Briana's vagina.
Anessa began to work the gel around the rim of Briana's little hole as she pressed the small, 4 inch strap on dildo between Briana's pussy lips. Anessa always loved the rare moments she had to feel the power of a plastic cock between her legs. She had always wanted to be a boy and knew this was as close as she could get. She looked down on her prey. Briana was beautiful and curvy. She sexiness of her ass and calves now accentuated as Briana's body continued to struggle for new ways to stabilize itself. Her asshole thrust into the air by the padded bar, glistening with gel - this moment made Anessa feel extremely powerful, and sexy and intoxicated. This intoxication took over her brain and she no longer reasoned as a normal human being. She saw a beautiful toy in front of her and planned to use it as she pleased.
"You look so fucking hot like this, woman," she taunted, "I am going to take you now, anyway I wish."
Briana heard Anessa emphasize the "any" in that statement and knew it to be true, and thought perhaps she should be scared. But now she fell deeply into her newly-opened submissiveness and gave herself her mistress.
"Take me Mistress," she whimpered, "take me anyway you wish, I am your little slut!"
Those words still dangled in the air as Anessa slid a thumb up against Briana's asshole. She loved feeling the rim give and allow her thumb to invade. Anessa's other four fingers slid down the area between ass and vagina and slid in the back of Briana's tunnel, the dildo head teased Briana's clit. Briana braced her ass for what was to come and breathed a heavy breath into the cloth encasing her lips.
Anessa took only moments with her fingers and thumb before she soon had two fingers loosening Briana's tiny back door. Her other hand turned on a tiny vibrator and forced it into Briana's "twat" as Anessa now told her pussy was too nice a word for her pet's intimate part.
The two fingers soon were three and Anessa felt Briana's sphincter completely give into the invasion. For Briana, it felt as though her asshole had lost control, she could no longer push anything out of that tract, only breathe and relax as she was invaded again and again. She allowed herself to enjoy this feeling, to revel in the complete domination, knowing the ultimate conquer was about to come.
"Now I'm going to make you completely MINE!" Anessa hisses as the finger vacated and the knob of the dildo pressed against Briana's asshole.
Briana held her breath and tried to relax, but the whirring of the vibe in her pussy made this difficult. So many sensations, so many thoughts. Briana battled with the overload - but all of that disappeared in one fell swoop.
"NOW" yelled Anessa as she grabbed Briana's curvy hips, pulling them to her while, at the same time, pressing her own hips forward. In one quick motion, Briana's loosened ring gave way and the dildo slid to the hilt into Briana's back door.
Anessa was glad she had chosen a small model, as she didn't know Briana's ability to take a deep hit into, perhaps, virgin territory. But Anessa loved that she could push it all the way home, allowing her lap to completely meet Briana's ass. Anessa stayed deep inside for some time, feeling the vibration of the vibrator in Briana's twat, letting all of the moment massage her own engorged clit. Anessa knew her first orgasm was not far away.
Anessa reached inside her blouse and pulled a nipple, she was aroused like never before - so enthralled by this beaufitul stranger that had fallen into her life. In her mind, she pictured her beloved Virgina beneath her and that image compelled her to go to work.
Holding Briana's hips firm with one hand and kneading her chest with the other, Anessa began to rock her hips back and forth, sliding the dildo slowly in and out of Briana's ass. Then animal instincts took over.
Anessa began to jackhammer her hips back and forth, pounding Briana's asshole again and again - relentlessly assaulting the young woman from behind.
Briana pressed against her bonds of captivity, the ankle cuffs, the padded bar and the cloth-covered bench at her face. She steadied herself as best she could ready for the next push against her rectum. Noise and feelings equally unrecognized by the young heiress came from inside her again and again. She had never felt anything like this. Continually giving up control of her asshole to this invader, submitting to a most degrading act, allowing herself to be treated in such a manner. It was low, it was submissive, it was debased and it was exactly what Briana wanted to feel at this moment.
Anessa knew the jostling of the apparatus between her legs was having its effect. The stimulator rubbing her clit with each stroke was setting her on fire. He nipples had never been harder, her nerve endings never more on end and Anessa found herself needing to submit, as well, to the orgasm about to rip through her.
"God, Bitch you are so hot you're going to make me cum,"
The "m" had hardly left her lips when the bubble burst inside - Anessa had an orgasm she would not soon forget - and then another right behind it. She curled her toes inside the sandals she was wearing and stretched her legs for full impact. She then fell forward against her slave as a third orgasm came through. Moans and gurgles escaped her as she shook, holding her slave in a tight embrace from behind. As Anessa felt her orgasm subside, she felt her energy leave her. She and her captor were covered in sweat and other body fluids and Anessa felt herself go weak.
She slid off Briana and fell back to the cold hard floor behind. She felt the hardness of the floor underneath her but didn't care. She found herself curling up into a ball and emotion began to esacpe her in the form of tears. And the hard, lesbian bitch of the shop began to cry. Emotions pent up forever were released and Anessa experienced a healing moment, right there on the floor, with her dildo poking from between her thighs.
Briana felt the dildo leave her and she felt empty. She heard the crying behind and wondered what was wrong. Was her Mistress injured? Before Briana could fully understand what was going on behind her, Briana's vaginal canal involuntarily squeezed against the vibrator. Briana's senses were already on high alert - the ministrations of the vibrator were doing their work and Briana felt her own ecstasy. Her lips pursed in the letter "O" as her orgasm rose to its fulfillment. She felt it all over - in her pussy, her widened-empty asshole, her stomach churning from its clenched position - and her always sensitive nipples.
Briana's squeal brought Anessa back to her senses - and from her position on the floor, she saw Briana's flower clinching over and over in orgasm. Anessa reached and released the ankle cuffs and pulled Briana off the bench and down to the cold floor - there she attacked the woman's vagina - kissing and licking and joining in the assault along with the vibrator. Anessa had loved Virginia once and she had strong feelings for this woman now - feeling she put entirely into the tongue work she was doing now for the woman whose ankles were over her shoulders.
Anessa licked Briana to another orgasm and then slid up beside the beautiful blonde and they kissed and held each other in a long embrace. They might have stayed there forever had they not heard the tingling of the bell at the door. Both women came out of their sex-crazed stupor and ran for the back of the store. Briana's driver was stunned to see two naked women - one he was sure was Briana - duck into the dressing rooms. Assuming Briana to be ok, he walked once again out of the store.
In the dressing room - the two women held their breath, then relaxed and laughed a little as they heard the doorbell jingle again at the driver's exit.
"Thank you," was all Briana could say as she saw today's Mistress for the first time in some time in now uncovered eyes.
"Oh my god, the pleasure was all mine, sweetie," said Anessa.
The two women weren't really sure how the relationship progressed from here and stood awkwardly until Anessa got an idea.
"You keep the vibrator and remember me," she said pointing towards Briana's crotch. Both women realized the batteries had now died on the unit and it was now just a plug inside the heiress. "And I have a leash collar for you, whenever you need to be a little kinky, put it on and enjoy - and it has the store phone number if I can ever help."
The two women embraced and Briana slid the collar around her neck, snapping it into place and enjoying the look of it in the mirror.
"Thanks, Mistress," she whispered. Briana dressed back in her jostled business skirt and vest and exited the store - two horny women having passed in a moment together that neither would ever forget.
And Briana continued her descent into a new life of submission to women - or make that one woman - Matszuka, her masseuse hypnotist. |
Don's Wet Dream Ch. 01 | 34,560 | 4.66 | 383,204 | [
"cheating wife",
] | *This is chapter 1 of a 3 chapter story.*
*Sincere thanks to CWatson, for his editing efforts on this large job. I've made a few changes since he reviewed the draft so its likely any 'clangers' are mine.*
(*A Swag is a canvas bed roll, usually including a basic foam mattress and blankets.)*
Don had worked hard this morning, and thought he'd earned a break-- that's what he reckoned anyway -- earned this coffee for sure. He had to get ready for Libby's inspection. She'd be here soon makin' sure he was ready to take her on her field trip next week. Libby was a boss, their senior environmental scientist, and last week she'd booked him for next week to help her check how much pollution there was on this quiet little river she told him about. His job was to get her there at the start, get her home at the end, and keep her safe in the middle. And drive the boat. And anything else she wanted. Libby always double-checked his prep, even after all these years. Always paid to be ready for Libby, that left more time to tease her a bit. What a great lady Libby was; he was still amazed how happy she was to be seen being friendly with a rough and blunt labourer like him. She was bright too, the brightest person he ever knew. But he could still make her blush, he smiled to himself, and wondered how long it would take him today. He thought about it a bit, then bet himself one chocolate biscuit that he could do it in four minutes, no, he'd make that two minutes. As long as no one else was listenin' she'd let him get away with things a good labourer should never say to a boss. He had heard a new joke too -- one about the gynaecologist that wanted to be a priest -- that might be worth a go, he'd have to see what sort of mood she was in.
Great coffee! Mm-mm-mmmm, fan-fuckin'-tastic! And fancy a loser like him bein' trusted to look after a lady like Libby. Made him feel good: all the work he'd done since he was a deadshit useless teenager was worth it, he had done good! School dropout, not worth giving a job to, barely read or write, and a pussy whisker away from going to gaol. Lots of girls' dads had beaten Don up rather than let daughters go out with him. Now, people liked him; he was a dad, a husband and the trusted guide of classy professional people, like Libby. Done good Don! Damn nice coffee too. He never stirred the sugar all the way in, so the last mouthful was always sweet. He weren't proud of his past, but it couldn't be undone now. Don's dad should have been pullin' him into line, that's what dads were for; but his dad had worked in an asbestos makin' factory forever -- and he was dyin', just when Don needed him most. His Mum, rest her, shoulda done more, shoulda kept him out of trouble, but she had been too busy lookin' after his Dad to do more than weep at his latest fuck-ups. Even Junior Rugby went bad: opposition forward packs learned what a temper he had and could set him off when ever they wanted, especially when the ref was lookin', too many scrums and rucks blew up with the whistle blowin', Don swingin', and his team bein' penalised. Then he got thrown out of the club for thumpin' an opposition captain that was only tryin' to help him. His mum had got *really* sad when he told her he weren't playin' Rugby no more. Luckily a friend of his grandfather, old Will, took him into his boxing gym, so someone was tellin' him to behave sometimes.
Upending his box of batteries he found some Libby would definitely want next week and put em onto the recharger. His life had been rearranged one night. He'd been up to no good, as usual, with a couple of equally-useless deadshit friends, stealin' cars, squealin' rubber, yahooin' down back roads. They'd flew past a car wrapped around a tree, they were doin' twice the speed limit when grim-faced highway patrolmen chased em, boxed em in, dragged em out and handed em over to angry policemen from the crash scene. With their hair griped in strong fists, they'd been marched up to the wrecked car and held, shocked and sobbin' at the horror inside. *Were those really people?* The cops had let them go with a blunt, '*You little basteds 'll end up like that too if you don't think about what you're doin'',* and for a change they weren't beaten up. Don still remembered that night like it was yesterday; he'd got home, gone to bed and lay awake -- still shakin', thinkin' up things he could do to those scumbag police -- for most of the night. *He was a good boy*. It wasn't fair, what they did to him! But later he'd started to think on what those poor rescue and fire guys were trying to do to get those cars apart and the bodies out--Don used better gear than that at the factory for fuck sake; bigger saws, petrol-powered gear, bigger winches. Why not tie the car to the tree and pull the side off with a winch? Must be a reason, why would they want to do it so slowly?
Don rummaged through some shelves for boxes of filters for Libby to chose from, collapsed a whole fuckin' god dammed shelf load of them with his elbow, swore, and started fixin' up the mess before Libby came in and saw. The morning after the crash he had been late for work -- common for him then, but this time 'cause he'd waited at the local Volunteer Rescue Service office when they opened, and asked about 'enlistin'. He was too young, unless a parent signed him in. His mum had cried, happy this time, and asked if his bedridden father could sign the application. Don joined. Got a uniform, got some trainin, and the older men at the factory all of a sudden wanted him to eat lunch with them. It made his tired Mum smile when older men from work and the rescue service started callin' round at home, actually comin' inside, and drinkin' her tea or coffee with them then takin' Don out for a few drinks -– you could have a real good night and not get shitfaced. They'd talked to him about workin' good, treatin' people properly, and *not shittin' in your own nest*, and what *goes around comes around*, and then explained what it all meaned. That was over twenty years ago -- twenty years as a good useful citizen.
The filters were cleaned up, he started loading some of the camping gear in the boat, Libby wouldn't waste time checkin' that.
He had kept doin' boxin' and rescue trainin' until he fucked up with a lifting hoist and chain at the factory and crushed off the end two bits of his index finger. Old Will said sadly that he'd never make it in competition boxing now, and that was the end of that. He'd stayed in the rescue service, and as soon as his hand stopped hurtin' he'd kept going to all the training and to every incident when they called. Mum didn't mind him burnin' rubber in the middle of the night when it was to help people. Got merit certification for being a conscientious rescue worker, not long after that he came home one afternoon and a pretty girl he used to know from school was having a cup of tea with his mum, and his mum said with a strange smile that Sarah had called round to see how his dad was, and Mum also said "*I think you should ask her out, Don.*"
So he did.
They went out for lunch the next Saturday, and then he cut some firewood for Mum at the same time. On their second date -- to a rodeo – Sarah said she always liked Don, but thought he was gunna end up in gaol, and now she was very happy that the stories about him coming good were true. After their third date -- huntin' rabbits -- she let him kiss her. And after their fourth date (or maybe it was the fifth), to a car race, she give him her cherry, swapped it for the right to boss him around it seemed. It was a change to be with a girl that wanted to have sex with him -- nice, she even 'took precautions', so he could cum where he wanted -- and with her blunt but loving bossin' he had become a even better man. He and Sarah now owned their twice-extended house, had some modest savings, loved their two kids Christy and Mark; Don didn't think it could get much better.
Fancy getting to camp on a river bank with a lady like Libby and having all night, every night talkin' with just her. For a whole week. No other bosses around. Drive a boat all day too. She'd told him to bring his rescue assignments for her to look through: she knew he was actin' unit captain, but he'd had to promise to do some leadership and training study, which was pretty tricky. And she would make wonderful noises as she ate his cooking, especially roasts; and if he got lucky, and if she said the water was clean enough, he might catch some fish. They'd talk about their kids, and the good stuff and bad stuff about being married. And *getting paid to do it*. The *A team* they were, him and Libby: never said no to a job, never left a job not finished. She enjoyed his company, and outside work wasn't embarrassed about introducing him as her friend. There was a few times when him and Sarah were fightin' when he'd start to wonder a bit about if Libby and Brett ever broke up--would she ever think about being with a crude blunt labourer? There was nearly a chance once; but no point wasting rare brain cells thinking about that too much…
And anyway, Sarah had been pretty friendly this mornin', an early cuddle got real interestin' before he got up to go to work. *Good coffee and empty swingers,* not bad uhh?
Suddenly he realized that Libby had come into his shed while he was daydreamin' and potterin' with the camping gear. She'd been watching him, and a fond grin grew on her pretty face. Libby always dressed professionally, but from when he refilled her shower bag and scrubbed her back, he knew underneath she was damn fine lookin': fit, firm, with nice brown hair at both ends. A lotta women in a little container; not bad for late thirties, nearly Don's age, and two kids of her own. He figured out for himself that when they was campin' it was better to ask her to refill his shower bag with hot water first, then he'd get dressed before he'd refill hers - so that she didn't blush and have to pretend *Lord Donald* wasn't up. Classy, bright and caring; they had definitely broke the mould the day they made Libby. He checked first that none of the other bosses was behind her, and said, "Howdy Libby, lookin' lovely this morning, as usual."
Her grin grew, "Good morning Don, thank you, I think I'll come see you every morning, make a girl's day sometimes. Can you spare me a few hours, to get organised for next week?"
"Anythin' for you Libby, you know that, all day if ya want." Because he worked very hard at being a delinquent employee, a good respect-ta-full labourer, when there was company, she would tolerate him bein' cheeky when they was alone.
That reminded him: he did have another job today -- Max, the big boss, Libby's boss, had sent a message asking for a moment at his connivance. Max was too polite, use to just say *Get your arse up here sharpish Don* in the old days.
Libby had kept talking, "Good, because we need to check-prep for the trip -- not that anything will be missing I'm sure."
'Wouldn't want to be after all this time boss. Let's get into it; no time like the now."
As they walked over toward the boat and the shelves of her test equipment, she touched his arm, and smiled, looking cheeky, he was paying attention for sure, "Oh by the way Don, would it upset our plans if we took someone extra?"
His face fell a bit, someone else! Nah, that would bugger up the time with Lib completely! "Maybe. Who?"
"Kim -- you know Kim Rogers -- my new environmental engineer? Be good experience for her, and she'll probably take over this contract once it's up and running..."
*Kim!* Don thought to himself, *well now just let me think*. The boat would be full, which meant it would be heavy, for the trip 'in' and 'out'… But Kim 'Wet Dream' Rogers! Fuck! He'd find a way to fit *her* in: the generator could stay for a start, and when you got right down to it they usually took too much food; he'd catch fish, for sure.
Libby went on, being a bit cheeky lately: "How would you feel about scrubbin' her back in the shower Donnie…"
Don thought to himself, *Ohh Libby, that's cheeky, don't say things like that, I got lucky this morning, but look out!*
"…that's a scary smile, Don, did you look at me like that once?"
"Yep, still do Libby, still do, when your attention is directed else places. But if you want to bring 'Wet Dream' Kim, you have to be ready to share; sorry I just won't know where to look."
"Wet dream! Don! Didn't you read Max's memo about the *Harassment free work place*? I can't have my field assistant talking about an engineer like that."
"No Lib I didn't, and yes Lib you can, have you *seen* those legs, I mean *really* looked, mm-mm-mmmmm! All the way up--"
"--Yes Don, can't argue with that, Kim does have nice legs, and why am I having this conversation…?" She was being tolerant; he could get away with at least one more.
"And Lib, the tits, what do ya reckon, how big? You *must* have thought on it, I know I have. *C'mon,* you can tell me, what do ya think?" Bullseye! He owed himself one chocolate biscuit.
"Don, why do I let you talk like this, I could get in big trouble just letting…" She was bein' patient, he thought, not talking like a boss, yet. *I'll try just one more.*
"And those lips, Lib, just imagine what she could do--"
"--DON!" In an 'enough already' voice, "I'll assume it's a yes for fitting Kim in?"
"Is that what they call a reciprocal question, Libby?"
"Could be Donnie, could be, sometimes when I talk to you I just never know, but the word I think you're looking for is *rhetorical*."
"Well yep. We can fit Kim in."
"Thank God that's sorted! Donnie... we'll have other trips for just us to talk, okay? And is it okay by you if we talk about the contract for a minute now, Don? Or …" and then Libby did one of her little improxamations of him, hands on her hips, feet apart, chin stuck out, and trying to make her fast high pitched voice slow and gruff, it was so cute: "… *does we gotta talk about Kim's butt* *now*?"
It was nice that she wasn't cross, "Owright Lib, owright, I'm sorry." And he retargeted his thinking from Kim's healthy butt in her snug slacks, to Libby's contract.
It took a while.
"For me, the boat is good to go, of course, and we can't fit the generator and fuel, not now that Kim's comin'. But your laptop will be right with the boat battery. We need to leave at early Sunday. I'll pick you up at home about seven -- have I said how much I love your coffee that time of day--and I'll see Kim about where she'll be. We are meeting two men from your client's maintenance gang at the boat ramp at quarter to eleven sharp; nice guys, they'll help us launch the boat, and store the wagon and trailer at their depot for the week. What else? Oh yeah: I spoke with old mate who owns the farm on the river you mentioned, he wants two hundred dollars to camp on his place. I didn't argue, just pay him, OK? Send a cheque, here's his postal address... and he did say, he said to watch out for the fucking wild dogs; it's okay, he said to stick together, don't go busting a leg somewhere by yourself, and the scent of male piss should keep them away, so I'll pack some extra beer. By the time we're loaded and headin' up river it'll be around midday, then nearly four hours in to the camp site, plenty of rocks and shallows according to old mate at the farm. We won't be more than one hour from everywhere you want us to get to… and, that's about it from me. 'Cept we need to sort through your test gear again."
They moved over to the boat, and sorted Libby's gear for the rest of the morning, Libby doing most of the thinkin' and talkin, Don doing most of the liftin' and packin'. Like it should be. She wanted more batteries, more spare filters, and more specimen jars. Don promised that while Libby was at a trainin' course for the next couple of days, he'd get everything ready and take the boat and work wagon home Friday afternoon, ready for Sunday.
He also said Libby was the best manager he knew and why did she need to go to more training?
Libby offered to check with Kim about where to pick her up and her eating preferences. Don didn't like that idea: why waste another reason to be upstairs and see which good-lookin engineers and scientists were in today? "Shit Lib, haven't I've taught you to be a better boss than that? What's the point of having a dog if you're gonna do the barkin' too, maybe you do need to go on that course!"
As Libby left, she checked no one was looking, and then did the *bend to adjust sandal and wriggle butt for Don* thing she did. He was meant to whistle or growl, but this time he tried to slap her, movin' just slow enough so she could get away, and she skipped out of reach with a shriek and giggle, stuck her tongue out and ran upstairs. Libby was a good girl. And he owed himself another chocolate biscuit.
Don headed upstairs to see Max; on the way he would drop off and check with Kim about her eating preferentials, it was pretty good reason he thought. He sat at the spare chair at Kim's desk -- all these damn upstairs chairs creaked when he sat on them; made for guys in suits, not healthy strong labourers. He ignored Libby's wide not so innocent grin, grinned himself and admired Kim as she talked on the 'phone. A stunner, no mistake -- what his mum would have called a rare beauty. Strong face, a boss's face; you'd do what she said too, once she got bit more experience. His wet dream use to be the English cooking lady, Nigella; Don had loved her eyes -- and other bits -- until Sarah got funny about it: liked him cookin', didn't like him doin' research! Kim was a like a young version of Nigella, with dark eyes, pale skin, jet black eyebrows and the most glorious hair there ever was, soft long and raven black. And good breasts. Solid girl, not plump, soft rather than fit. A fussy man might have said perhaps twenty pounds heavier than needed. Don wasn't that fussy. Hard to tell her age; her face said early twenties, but seemed calm, a bit reserved which made her look older, late twenties. He knew she was a year or so out of uni, so he guessed somewhere in the middle. Rarely seemed to laugh or smile, but always said hello too. Been with the company for about eight, perhaps ten weeks.
Then she finished her call she turned to Don and returned his smile. He hadn't seen her really smile before, and those eyes, *God's… Holy… Trousers!... Be still my throbbing dick!* *Quick, think of Sarah, think of the kids!*
"Hello Don, how you doing?" Shit, she was talking to him! And he'd forgotted what he come here for! Kim looked right at you when you spoke to her. Always had. Listened. Interested. Seemed to expect the same in return. Made it hard to look at her breasts… Shower… Legs… Libby… Oh yep that's right, Libby's trip!
"Howdy Kim, I'm well. Hey, are you really comin' with Libby and me?"
"Max and Libby said I could, can you fit me?"
"That'd be a rhetorical question Kim, just tell me where you live so I can pick you up around seven on Sunday, and do you need any special food packed."
"Was there anything else?" With a really cheeky grin now, and a *I know you're here for more than that* voice. It took Libby six or seven years to be comfortable with that sort of talk. Kim had even been quiet about too, not to be overheard by the other upstairs staff; this was new: seemed she'd decided it was time to be happy. Also seemed that Kim might have been a bit *naughtier* than Libby in her past. He would need to be different with Kim than he was with Libby; he thought that flirting with Kim might get them in trouble. *Settle down Donnie right down, down even further; she's not Libby. Easy on the eye for sure, but she's a boss!*
Don answered quietly so as to not embarrass her. "Kim, what are you trying to do to me, get me in trouble? Libby says I gotta be *professional* and you go and teasing a simple man like me like that."
Kim laughed. Oh dear! *Sarah, babe, I'm just lookin, honest*. "Don, I'll eat what ever you're used to making for Libby; is it true, is your cooking as good as Libby tells me it is?"
When you didn't have many things to boast about, you had to make the most of what you had. "Yep, all true."
Kim laughed again, a little quieter, still clear and still pretty. *Think of Sarah! Think of Sarah!*
Don tried again to be *professional*, he told Kim that tracksuit gear was comfortable around the camp site at, jeans made good work day wear, and to be ready for mild days and cold nights. "And I guess I best go, see ya Sunday Kim, okay?"
"You bet, look forward to it."
As he stood from that flimsy weak noisy chair, and sauntered into Max's office he was thinkin' this was going to be a interestin' week.
Felicity waved him though to Max's office with a smile, and Max greeted Don happily; too happily. *Bad news? The kids? Sarah?* No, Max wouldn't try and look happy about that. Don had 'borrowed' the company boat a couple of weekends ago to take the kids fishing, but Max wouldn't sack him for that surely; he filled the tank up before puttin' it away; anyway, Max would have left that for Libby or one of the senior engineers to handle somethin' like that. No, it was somethin' else…
"Don, I have something to pass on to you that I found upsetting, and I'm not sure how exactly to break it to you, but it has to be said."
*Get it over with Max*! "Shoot Max."
"Last Friday I had lunch with a couple of clients -- managers from Libby's client actually, nice guys -- and we were at the Airport Central Hotel having lunch, a long lunch as it turned out if you know what I mean?... Don… Sarah, was there… With a friend… A man… Having lunch… They looked pretty close, you know? But maybe nothing. But it didn't *look* right, you know? And they got more affectionate toward the end. Don, I was stunned, the guys I was with thought I was sick or something. Anyway we watched them for a while, and the other guys helped me take a few photos with their phones, then they followed them, and got a couple more as they went into a room. We got his name from the waiter; Ben, Ben Fernandez, ring a bell? Don… I'm so sorry to be the one telling you this."
Don thought he must have looked like an idiot to Max right then. Only this morning he'd thought how good his life was: his achievements -- his *transformation* Libby called it proudly -- twenty years the best possible man he could be; now he just felt like a piece of dog shit on the footpath. No! It could not be true! Max looked so sure. He had started working for Max fourteen years ago, not long after Christy was born. There was just two engineers to look after then, and he was the labourer, driver, 'gofer' and occasionally body guard - those early work sites were pretty wild. Him and Max had drunk gallons of beer together, and nearly as much rum before Max got more management than engineer. He wouldn't tell him this unless he was very sure; never gived Don a bum steer yet.
"What do I do Max?"
"First thing Don, don't do anything drastic, for God sake, I don't want to be baling you out of prison tomorrow, clear?... You need to think very carefully about that. Secondly. if it were me I'd check what Sarah was actually up to, confirm it first. And Don, no one knows that its you and Sarah except my wife, I had to ask Sofia to advise me how to break this to you… damn hard Don… Damn hard… she sends her love. Our lips are sealed. It's up to you. Do nothing? No one else will ever know, I promise you. Listen, there maybe a logical explanation" His tone said otherwise. "But what I'd do is take a couple of days off, check the phone records for a number that doesn't make sense, follow her if you want -- hell, borrow a car and camera and anything you think you might need. You're allocated to Libby next week, yes?"
"Yep." It was hard to think about work just then.
"Well, if you want, I can hire someone else to escort Libby."
"Libby wouldn't like that Max, she won't let anyone else guide her, and I still need a job too won't I… But if its okay with you I will take a couple of days off."
Don's answer seemed to please Max. "Whatever you think Don. Anyway, let me know if you change your mind. If Libby is happy with it we could defer the trip." Max came out from around his desk, put a hand on Don's shoulder "Don, this is a hell of a shock, and I'm sorry it was me that had to tell you, but can I ask you to think about anything you do or say before you do it. Call me, or Libby of course, anytime."
On Thursday Don drove to work at his normal time, then returned after Sarah would have left, searching methodistly through the house phone records, then the mobile phone records too –- none of that made much sense. He also checked Sarah's handbag that night as she slept, looked in her diary and found which underwear was missing on Friday. It was her sexy stuff. He had called Max a couple of times for ideas, and he said they looked like they were well known at the hotel and advised him to not to try anything tricky like following Sarah from work to the Hotel, just be at the Hotel waiting.
Wearing a jacket and stupid fly fishing hat Max loaned him, and in a company car he was in the carpark of the motel. He saw them pull up, Ben, helped Sarah out of the car, they kissed the way Don and Sarah used to kiss, and walked into the restraint arm in arm. Could of guessed the boyfriend was a suit, a little younger than Don and Sarah, and a very smooth looking arsehole he was too; probably wore perfume! And Max had ordered him not beat anyone up for now so he didn't follow them inside. His head was too busy for his heart to break straight away.
Saturday morning Don had decided he would talk with Sarah while the kids were playing sport. He thought he had a good plan, thought hard on what to say; wanted to keep it polite, wanted to stay married, tell her what he knew, and make her stop this horrible thing she was doin'. It would be real tough -- there'd be tears -- but they could get past it. Kids should have both a Mum *and* Dad, especially boys; they needed a dad to growl at them sometimes, tell them how many testicles they'd lose if they didn't treat their girlfriends with respect. He wished his dad had teached him that.
Don's plans didn't work much and his temper stuffed it up this time. "Sarah, how long have you been seeing that arsehole?"
"I beg your pardon sweetie, what did you say?"
"How long have been fucking around behind my back?"
"Are you accusing me of being unfaithful Donald? I certainly deny it. I'm ashamed that you'd think that."
That was ordinary. Sarah always said he wasn't the brightest guy around, but just how stupid did his wife think he was?
"So it's been a different Sarah Wilson fucking Ben Fernandez at the Airport Central Hotel? Most Fridays?"
Sarah's face got red, then a bit blotchy, and her lips went thin, she was still calm. She hadn't denied it any more.
"Oh shit! This does complicate things. Life was a lot easier when you didn't know Don. What on earth possessed you to spy on me like that?"
Don needed to know one thing first. "Do you want us finished?"
"NO! No of course we're not finished, marriage is forever, but this is tricky, it's really complicated, and I refuse to part of an undignified dumping scene, that would be embarrassing all round. I hope you can accept that--well there isn't a choice you, well just *have* to accept that--"
"--Are you askin' me to let you keep doin'--"
"--Please don't go getting all *manly* about this, Don we have a good marriage, we're good for each other, divorce will be terribly expensive, and you would probably loose the chance to see your kids grow, just when Mark was turning into such a promising young man and needs you in his life more than ever."
Don temper had got him in a lot of trouble as a kid. It hadn't been a problem for a long time, but then he'd wasn't often tested like this; what shit she was sayin! He imagined Sarah lying on the floor with a bloodied face, maybe a broken cheek. But that wasn't Don, not anymore. He sat silent for a while; Sarah sensibly stopped talking for a moment, then fucked it up. "Don, I think you're being a bit emotional. I'm still your wife. I've been available for you anytime you asked. This thing with Ben won't last forever. I'm counting on you calming down, and accepting this. You've trusted my judgment all this time, there is no reason to change that now. This is just not that big an issue. I plan on us growing old together, that's what *I* meant when we married."
In a daze Don ended up on the bank of a river not far out of town, one of his special fishing spots, but this time not fishing. He spent the afternoon sitting on the grassy bank, head in his hands trying to sort out what to de next. '*Ok Max I conformed it, now what the fuck do you want me to do?'* He couldn't sleep at home, not now, the kids would know; he slept poorly on a camping mattress in his work shed, beside the boat, confused and lonely.
When morning finally came dragged himself out of the sleeping bag, showered to wake up, and drove to Libby's place. He was an idiot -- well, everyone knew that -- but a real dumb idiot. What he should've done was sleep at Libby's, she would have helped him. Ideas always came to him too late. Lib and Brett would have looked after him last night. No maybe it was better not to have got Lib's kids mixed up in his problem too. Oh shit he'd forgotten Kim. He made a hasty turn-around and he picked her up. He'd have to get his brain to work better that this when he got back: it didn't look like he could rely on Sarah to do the hard thinking anymore.
Libby got her usual nice half asleep goodbye kiss from her husband, Brett -- the kids were still asleep -- made a coffee for Don in the travel mug and was waiting on the road in front of the house. Don pulled up, grunted and loaded her bags into the boat.
And then silence.
She had seen Don depressed a few times, his work in the rescue service was often hard on people, but nothing like this. Embarrassed on behalf of Kim too, Libby recalled with a cringe how much she had raved about Don's trips, his cooking, his company, and practical experience, and now he was behaving so out of character. She and Kim exchanged confused glances. They didn't stop for Don's normal mid-journey coffee either, and the boat was launched late in the morning, ahead of schedule. The client's men responded to Don's terseness with understandable resentment. Libby felt a flash of managerial anger herself as she was forced to address some of the practical coordination issues that Don normally dealt with so easily.
They loaded the boat and motored upstream. Libby becoming less angry and more concerned with each hour, but conscious of poor Kim squashed in with the camping gear in the back didn't want to pry yet. It was a slow and complex trip, between the heavy boat and abundance of rocks and shallows, so she left Don to concentrate on his work. And it was nearly dusk when they were finally set up. Don set up a small and sturdy tent for Libby and Kim, with a swag nearby for Don. The fire was started and the eskies and portable fridge were set up under cover. Don also had a small gas BBQ for the days when he wouldn't have time to cook with the fire, like tonight. It was such a pristine spot -- the river ran through a narrow valley -– the sort of spot that reminded her why she chose an environmental career. In the middle distance across the river to the East were rock escarpments with tree lined ridges, and lush growth along most of the river banks. Her husband should be here to see this, he would climb around those hills looking for fossils all day. And why wasn't Don enjoying it? Standard Don-being-corny procedure, near the end of unpacking and setting up, would be for him stand beside her, squeeze her shoulders -- as long as she was braced for it it didn't hurt -- and say something like "*Lib, fancy Max thinkin' he's gotta pay us to come someplace like this."* Or similar, it was a nice ritual. But not this time. This just plain sucked, grumpy Don, and even when she tried to make *isn't this nice conversation* with Kim all she got was "Sure, but do those fucking birds *ever* shut up, how are we suppose to sleep with that noise…" A city girl through and through. The temperature dropped sharply as soon as the sun dipped below the escarpment behind them.
After a simple dinner of juicy tender grilled sausages and steamed veggies, Kim volunteered to clean up, she seemed glad to be out of Don's sphere of terse silence, and Libby couldn't blame her. He was relaxing against a log near the fire, staring dully at the darkening hill across the river, and Libby decided it was time, took a deep breath, knelt next to him and asked gently, nervously. "What's wrong Don, you're not yourself, will you talk to me?... I'm really worried… Please?" Don was obviously reluctant to talk, wouldn't meet her eyes and looked to want to be left alone, she thought because Kim was here. Or… "Is it something I've done?... No?... You'd tell me?" So it was just having Kim near, well that was something they would have to work around. "Well if its not me, can you tell me what it is, c'mon baby, tell Lib what's wrong, Lib might be able to fix it, please let me help." Apart from Don needing help, she needed him functioning safely in the boat tomorrow or she'd have to abort the trip.
Eventually he said simply, with a choke, "No Lib, my… Sarah is having an affair…"
"Oh shit… I mean are you sure?"
"...and she doesn't want to stop…"
"FUCK!" Then she reprimanded herself, leadership was needed here. She put one arm over his shoulders and took his hand into her lap.
"…and yes I'm sure, she said so, and look." He handed her the photos Max's friends had taken. He pressed his forehead against hers for a moment. "Do you think guys in suits fuck better than labourers?" Don then dropped his head onto his knees and he lost what composure he had left, her sympathy seemed to make it worse but she persevered, and he sobbed uncontrollably. Libby felt like doing the same, but fought the sensation. Support Don, then she'd make a decision about the job. She stayed close and comforted him as best she could, and noticed Kim trying to appear busy and out of the way. *She's a good girl!* Don would have said if he had his wits about him. He eventually related the last four days in his unique disorganised style, "... Well the boots on the other toe this time, isn't it Lib? What am I suppose to do now?"
Foreheads together again she whispered, "No rush, Donnie, we'll talk about that later, and you *will not* be alone for this, we're friends aren't we? And sweetie, *Wednesday*? *Really!* Silly man, for not telling me sooner!" And they talked on into the night, the scenery, the bird noises, and contract forgotten. Mainly Libby prompted and Don talked. She was a good scientist, a reluctant manager, definitely not a counsellor, but she did her best to guide the conversation for the next two or so hours, felt it best to clear his head. Keeping Don's situation to the fore, steering into less emotional areas when he looked like needing a break. Kim ran out of busy work and sat a little away, across the fire, helping out with light conversation and distraction when needed, but generally staying quiet. *Good Girl again*. Libby revisited some familiar territory, about how he and Sarah met, his kids, their school, the good times in his marriage, the fights, talked about how he'd discovered the affair, teased out his feelings, tentatively explored his options, and mixed in with talk about his job, fishing, and the highlights of the great trips they had had together… and there were *dozens* of those… they were the A team right?
She did her best.
The beers had gone to his head, drained emotionally and exhausted after a big day getting his charges safely here, Don started to slur his words, then nod his head. She awkwardly manhandled him sidewise, and arranged his head, heavy on her lap. He was *so* *tired*! She thought as she gently stroked his scruffy hair. If only he'd *said* something earlier, as long as there was no reversing the boat trailer she could have at least driven some of the way, or better yet postponed the trip.
Libby beckoned Kim, now that Don wasn't awake to feel awkward about her presence, she came over and sat beside Libby.
"Jesus Libby, you wouldn't think it would hit him *that* hard."
Libby spent ten minutes filling Kim in on Don's background, the dangerous early years, the transformation and how Sarah and his kids were so important to his self esteem.
"So are we staying?"
The sixty four million dollar question! "I *think* he'll get his confidence back faster here, with me, than anywhere… Peace and quiet… Time to think, Don needs a fair bit of time to think sometimes, and this is his playground. Max must have thought the same thing or he would have postponed the trip." Libby looked angrily back in the direction they'd come from. "AND BY THE WAY MAX, THANKS A FUCKING BUNCH! JUST LOVE HOW YOU PREPARE ME FOR THINGS LIKE THIS."
"What did Don mean about *boot's on other toe*, or other foot I presume, did he play around too?"
"No! Not Donnie, never! No, he's aware my husband Brett was unfaithful once, so it seems Don and I have swapped roles."
Kim appeared close to saying something then stopped.
"What?" Libby said sharply.
"Well some of the guys at work talk as if you and Don, are… Umm… Well, have been fuck buddies. Talk about sharing showers, stuff like that, I'm sure its just talk…"
Libby sighed, "This can be a real hard business for a girl to be in sometimes. They'd be the same ones that I had to pull into line at the Christmas party I guess, Max always leaves things like that for me to sort out too. But Kim, you'd do well to notice that they never say it to Don's face, what does that tell you? Spineless shits that they are!"
Rambling a little now, but keen to explain why a bright attractive professional women such as herself would become so close to a big scuffy labourer, and still not be 'fuck buddies' she went on, "Brett tried to deny what he'd done for a couple of days, then confessed. I nearly kicked him out, but ended up leaving him with our oldest and went working with Don, in the mountains that time, nearly two weeks, looking for insecticide spray drift, 'wipin' leaves' Don called it. Eventually stayed with Brett, for the kid's sake rather than anything else. And we're sort of OK now, go weeks at a time without thinking about it sometimes…" Libby was close to crying herself, tears formed, but she was determined not break down in front of Kim.
They sat quietly for a while. Libby continued rambling while she stroked Don's hair.
"All that happened eight years ago, we had been a solid team for about two years , but nothing special -- you know I went out and bought pepper spray the first time Max said I had to travel away with Don -- and when he heard me crying in my tent about Brett, I just couldn't sleep, cried and cried; Kim you have no idea how confused and emotional and scared I was, five months pregnant, and looking at… well anyway Don finally just decided to slide into bed with me and held me and I slept. Over a week like that. He was perfect Kim, just perfect, so gentle, took charge, not embarrassed about how big I was, or how gassy I was. He wanted to take me home the first morning of course, but I needed some more time away so we finished the job. Thought giving Brett some time to *stew* was a good idea, that was kind of Don's take on it. He's never told a single person the things I told him in confidence that week, and if it wasn't for his… decency and support… I honestly believe I would be divorced now. And we've become very close, as you can see, I do believe we are about the most unlikely friends you will ever meet… no more pepper spray… but NOT lovers Kim. NEVER lovers."
Libby noted a wry smile from Kim, "Oh sorry, is that *yesterday speak?* We've never been *fuck buddies* Kim, is that better?
"And tonight I guess it falls to me to return the favour." Nervous about that for reasons she didn't have the gumption to face, and it so unfair to Don. Libby breathed deep and hoping she looked more assured than she felt, "I won't sleep wondering if he's waking, or wants to talk, poor lamb will be lost when he wakes, upset he told us so much tonight. Kim, would you mind sleeping in his swag while I keep him company in the tent?"
"Of course Libby… but you seem so nervous? I thought you of all people would trust him."
Libby looked at her subordinate, daring her to criticise. "It's not *him* I don't trust."
"Oh… Oh no Libby*!* Poor poor you!"
Libby bit her lip, and went on nervously. "He's been my…" a shy glance at Kim, *no one* could ever understand the nature of her relationship with Don, never, "…*protector* for so long, Kim, the places we go are pretty rough sometimes. Normally this wouldn't be a problem we've shared rooms before and more but we've always had our wits about us one of us at least has been strong. But now there is just so much…"
"…Emotion Libby?... And a chance to do something for him?... I understand *completely*, how can I help?... What if I sleep in the tent too?... No? Bit cosy for three huh? Well can I keep him company then, just for tonight, will you let me do that? You've got *so much* to lose, and we *are* a team are we not?" Libby was starting to relax. Maybe it would be alright after all. "Libby I'm serious, it would be an honour. You sleep in the swag, yeah? I'll look after Don for a while. A
Hey, I don't have a *protector* at the moment, maybe he can be mine too, if you'll share him…" Kim smiled at her, her eyes, normally so strong and direct were warm, soft, reassuring "… this can *be a real hard business for a girl to be in sometimes,* a very wise lady once told me."
"That's tempting Kim, but to be fair, you need to know that he calls you his wet dream, you'd need to be very--"
"--*then drill a hole in both ends and suck…* really Libby! Think I don't know that? Been around, I can handle it."
"If that's what we're doing you better get organised, and make it snappy too because I'm about to wee all over poor old Donnie, and I'm pretty sure that's not one of his fantasies."
Kim left to do just that, leaving Libby a chance to think over her friend's sadness, and try not to drip tears on him. "*Why Sarah, why*?" Obviously Don wasn't going to be the erudite companion over a cappuccino, but Sarah *had* chosen him, and this was just so shabby. Kim was obviously a fast worker, and soon the bedding was swapped, and her quick trip into the darkness was done. They roused Don, and helped him up, Libby murmured, "You right with him?" And scurried away to the fringe of the camp light to relieve herself. Returned in time to see them standing close together near the tent, Kim holding one of Don's hands and offering him a drink of water. Libby felt an irrational pang of jealousy; did Kim have to make this look so easy? He was suppose to be *her* Don. And it was obvious they were the right height to stand together too, damn it, Don only about two or three inches taller than Kim, whereas Libby knew she looked tiny beside him.
Don asked where he was sleeping, patiently Kim explained he would be in the tent with her -- it sounded like she'd already tried to tell him at least once.
"Not swag?" said Don with a yawn.
"No not swag Donnie, we think its better you have company, in case you get lonely, you've had a hard few days."
Libby forced herself to relax, he was in good hands.
Seeing Libby return must have jogged Kim to see if Don needed to go himself.
"Kim!" he announced pompously "I could piss like a rexasaurous right now, and gotta keep them basted dogs away too." And Libby watched as Don kept Kim's hand tight with one hand, conspicuously flopped himself out with his other and started a noisy stream in the sand beside them. Kim was speechless, then stifled a giggle. "Oh my god! Libby?" She then looked at Libby, big mistake, for them both. They looked away to recover their composure.
He muttered to himself, "Mmm-mm-mmmm… damn but I needed this, fan-fucking-tastic. Kim, this could take a while."
And Kim and Libby looked away again.
Kim looked to recover sufficiently to say, "That's fine Don, just let me know when you're done."
"Uhh uhh, wait for the shake… one… two… three… ok done."
"Good news indeed, finally, c'mon put him away big fella, and let's get you some sleep, you must be shattered... no dear, *not swag*, this way." Libby mouthed "*Thank you, be careful*." And Kim waved and mouthed back "*He'll be fine, you get some sleep too."* and they disappeared into the tent. Libby quickly checked the camp -- the fire was safe, and made herself comfortable in Don's swag, what a fucking day!
Kim helped Don strip down to his boxers and tee shirt, and then had to hurry to lift his top bedding away before he collapsed into the mattress with a grunt, just as noisy when he lay as when he sat. She covered him with his blankets, then sat hugging her legs to her chest with one arm, the other resting on Don's upper arm. She'd made sure Libby wouldn't see how nervous she was herself about this, *Kim, Kim, Kim*, *what the fuck made you offer to do this? What were you thinking*? Sleeping with strangers again. But this *was* different, helping Libby out and comfort for Don. Absolutely no need to contemplate her sad last four months of cuddling pillows. Don's breathing soon became regular, She stripped down to her tee shirt and panties, checking he was definitely asleep she slid under the blankets on her mattress. After about a minute, gently removed her blankets and wriggled under Don's bedding against his back, it was therapy for Don, right? She'd promised Libby that she'd look after him, right? It wasn't pathetic if no one else knew, right? Tried to reach around him and drifted off into an interrupted and restless sleep.
It wasn't a great night's sleep for Kim, between waking every time Don grunted, farted or rolled over -- which luckily usually happened simultaneously -- and checking on him frequently. She woke early too, suddenly, confused and breathless from a particularly vivid dream. The love of her life, centre of her world, Brian, had returned, smiling the way only he could, begged forgiveness for calling her a toxic witch, then sat on the sand floor of her house (it made sense in the dream) crying into his arms, and pleading to be allowed back into her life. Kim had responded by opening her shirt and said *sure ya' can, but ya' gotta tweak my nipples first ya' big stud*. Fuck! Well that made sense in the dream too! Just when she felt she had recovered from having her heart ripped out, this! She and Don had reversed, she was being spooned, it felt so good, although Don had one hand under her Tee shirt intermittently fondling her breast, and picking at her nipple -- the left one of course, they *always* know to play with the left one! He was still asleep and it felt manageable, probably thinking of happier times with Sarah. It *was* a good thing Libby wasn't here though, if you were at all vulnerable this situation was just full of excuses for letting things go on.
A gentle morning cuddle like this was a great place to do a brain defrag. After a very sheltered childhood she had overdone the socialising in first year uni and there were a couple of humiliations with selfish and indiscreet men, one night stands that filled her with shame. Kim and some girl friends had half jokingly developed a little checklist of indicators to mentally go through before they'd have sex with a guy, simply asking themselves some analytical questions about how well did they know a potential bed buddy before making mistakes. The NIC (nookie indicator checklist) wasn't perfect, but it certainly helped a group of girls with healthy libidos, in male dominated environment, retain some basic self esteem and reputation. And still have fun. A lot of fun as it turned out. Now Don was an strangely attractive guy, obviously not yesterday, but generally in his cheeky, robust, broken nose, dishevelled, rustic, well hung, nine fingered kind of way. And his crocked hey-pa-where's-my-horse-grin last week had coincided exactly with the dramatic return of her libido after its four month holiday.
Mmm, settle pussy!… *Checklist remember,* no exceptions! Been a while since she had used that little checklist, having been with Brian aka thin-skinned-arsehol*e* for twelve months as girlfriend then nearly six as fiancée. Kim rapidly ran through the indicators, and whichever way she looked at it, Don didn't get over the line. Too soon, too different, so sorry Big fella, no pokey-pokey with Kimberly for you this morning… *Well… Poo!...* *And* she'd promised Libby she could manage this, '*I've been around!'* She recalled her ridiculous bravado of last night with embarrassment*… Poo again!.*.. Screwing Don might screw with his head too, not responsible, at least not until she checked with Libby anyway.
Doubted Libby would *ever* think Kim screwing Don was a good idea.
Well, if that's what the indicators said she'd have to stop this right now -- well soon anyway -- or Don would have both her breasts, then Pussy would take charge, and Kimberly would be left to clean up. Pussy could be a *very* naughty Pussy indeed. Pussy *wasn't* into checklists or rational indicators, Pussy *was* into cuddles, warm beds, strong arms, and seemed to have a high speed data link with her left nipple. Pussy loved to get sweet innocent Kimberly into plenty big trouble, make people think nice pure Kimberly was a slut, which of course she wasn't… not one little bit, so that's a big NO pussy, not this morning!
But this cuddle was so nice, a little bit longer wouldn't hurt. '*Kimberly'* she said to herself sternly, *'high time you got yourself another man, dammit, no one will ever hurt you as much as Brian did, so, diet -- a real one this time -- get fit, get lucky, get laid. Get involved eh? What do you think Pussy, back in the game?'* But her pussy was sulking and would talk to her.
Don had her tee shirt hard up to her neck, and as predicted had started on the other breast too, Kim sighed, which woke Don. He stopped fondling, then sat up suddenly with bedding going everywhere and exclaimed, "Kim?" He was too surprised to even see how high her shirt was.
Kim recovered enough bedding make it safe to half roll back over, and smile up at him, "Good morning Don*, everything's fine*, Libby is in your swag. We decided for me to keep you company and everything is under control, OK?... Did you sleep well?"
"Umm, morning Kim. Yes, I slept good… we didn't… you know… did we?"
Kim subtly pulled her shirt back down. "No dear, you were a perfect gentleman." Couldn't convict a guy for what he did in his sleep.
To her surprise he looked relieved. "Only 'cause I was asleep, you took a big chance, girl, please don't make a habit of this." Her indicators rose a notch… or two.
"It was fine Don, and I felt very safe." C'mon, big fella. That's code for*, 'lie down and put your arms back around me again you idiot.'*
They could now hear Libby active outside, getting the fire stoked up, heating water, rattling utensils quietly and Don flinched. "Shit Kim, I've got work to do, gotta get that fire going, gotta get breakfast ready, that's my job. Libby likes a slow start in the mornin', else she can be a bit of a grumble bum and we don't want that, oh boy, trust me --"
"Relax Don, if Libby's got a problem I'll deal with it."
"--I want you to have a lie-in this morning Don. I insist, you've had a shit of a weekend, and we need you rested and focused OK? Will you let us help? Please? Defrag… I mean have a little time out."
He thought for a minute, then slumped back onto the pillow, noisy as expected. Kim now couldn't see his face, but went on. "Isn't that better? Now, would you like me to leave you to get some peace and quiet, or could you use some company?"
A few seconds silence, she could nearly hear the rusty cogs crunching. "What do you wanna do Kim?"
"I'd like to stay, if that's ok with you?" And before he could comment or think too much further she wriggled back into him.
He pulled their blankets up again, *good*, and hesitantly pushed one arm under her neck and across her chest, and one over her ribs to meet the first, *better*. He was behaving so very well, trying to cuddle her and avoid her breasts at the same time. *Good luck with that, Don,* she thought, *they're hard to miss*. But it was sweet of him to try anyway -- those indicators were still climbing. Kim took his arms, pulled them in tight to her chest and murmured, "Just put them where they land dear... Mmm… and you're so warm Don, like an electric blanket set to three… a girl doesn't often get cuddles this good without having to, you know, first."
They lay quietly for ten or fifteen minutes. Then Don asked politely if they could swap sides because his shoulder was numb, he lay back obviously meaning for her to cross over. But Kim had other ideas, she didn't feel Don had needed her help much last night, and wanted to add some value of her own, explore further some of the options Libby had only touched on last night, and maybe just get to know him better while they were at it. Also liked to face people as she spoke with them. So she rolled over against his side, with her head on one shoulder and an arm across his chest. He obviously felt this was more intimate, hesitantly again he brought an arm over her shoulder, and finally pulled her snug. They were careful where they breathed --morning breath would have been a major downer right now -- should have thought to make him brush his teeth last night.
"… sometimes it helps if you talk about what's on you mind, please tell me to stop if I'm out of line, but if you wanted to talk about Sarah or anything I'm happy to listen, have you thought about anything Libby mentioned last night, any plans?"
There was the customary *Don's thinking* pause. "Kim I would really like the kids to have their mum and dad together, but only if we treat each other well, do you know what I mean, when Dad was alive, he never would have let mum treat him like Sarah is treating me. So why should I?... A proper mum and dad, not what Sarah wants. It doesn't look good Kim, not good at all, at the very least Sarah needs to fix her attitude…. And that starts with her eating some humble pie, 'cause I sure ain't eating cream pie… and just lately she has been just about the very worst god awful selfish fucking bitch that there has ever been.… and the other thing that sucks is why couldn't I have said that on Saturday, words always come to me too late."
*Oh dear,* she thought, *maybe I'm not as good at this as Libby.* She tried again. "Donnie, may I ask what is worrying you most at the moment? One thing at a time?"
The pause. "The worse thing is I don't know what to do, if she sticks to her guns, what do I do then? Move into the basement, move out? From what she said if I divorce her, I might never see the kids again, and be broke too, we don't have a lot of money."
Injustice like this just simply pissed Kim off, she was a Capricorn, and if that wasn't enough spent her lonely childhood reading fairytales and romance stories -- the good guys *always* won in Kim's world.
"Well the first thing is I think she was feeding you a crock of shit there Don, I know divorce does not work like that. Libby or I can help you check it out when we get home, I also really think a couple of hundred dollars for an hour with a lawyer would be a great thing for you to do, money *well* spent. But for now I think your safe assuming that the courts will make sure you can see your kids."
"Mmmm." He sounded doubtful, a careful man obviously.
"True! Listen Don, Mum's neighbours got divorced and I heard *everything* about that, more than I wanted to hear really, but that's Mum for you. And Julie, one of my uni girlfriends, well her boyfriend is a divorced dad, she'll be a step mom soon they way they're going, so I *do* know a bit about this." Julie, married! That seemed inconceivable, the first of her friends married would be Julie!
"If you do divorce Sarah, you should be able to see them a weekend a month, at least, and a night visit a week, time to take them for a meal, and some of the holidays, or even a week here and there. And you should be allowed to go to the school any frigging time you want. Also I'm sure the courts could say she isn't allowed to move away with them unless you agree. And you have proof of Sarah's behaviour, so Sarah isn't in a strong position. Does she know you have the photos?"
"No, I didn't tell her."
"That was *very* smart Don, must have been tempted, well done*.* And here's an idea, it means you might have to wait a while to see the kids though, even if divorce seems to be the answer, there is no reason *you* have to divorce *her*, you could just move out, and let *her* spend her time and effort divorcing *you*. How old are your kids again?"
"Christy is fifteen, going on thirty. Mark is twelve. Good kids. The best kids ever, for a while there I didn't see them much, what with overtime, buildin' our house, and work away and that. Just ran out of time I guess -- sorry now -- but Libby told Max I needed every second week at home, she was pretty rude about it, you know they take it in turns to walk with me every day before school whenever I'm home. Mark's just like me, but brighter, and no broken nose yet, and Christy still wants to walk with her dad, now I don't know much about other girls, but my Christy is the only fifteen year old girl I know who'll walk in public and hold dad's hand, pretty nice huh?"
Kim never knew her father, a long story, and hearing a man so fond of his daughter was touching. But he needed to be strong too, as well as loving. "Don, your children do sound special, but they're not going to forget you if this takes a month or so to sort out are they?"
The pause again. "True Kim, they got their mother's brains."
"Mmmm. Can Sarah get your money?"
"Yep, she does the money. Why?"
"Just in case, you might want to think about protecting some of your money. I think the courts will eventually make sure you split the money, but it could be difficult in the short term if she kind of *borrows* it. If you can get some of it safe, say a thousand dollars, or two thousand dollars? Tide you over to till you're on your feet again. You might need a bit to set up if you do move out. Don, if Sarah is prepared to tell lies about divorce to keep you home, I would be wondering what else she might do; she might imagine if you're broke then that would be even better… For her. You follow?"
"How do I do that Kim?"
"We'll talk with Libby, maybe she can ask Pauline to do something." Pauline was their pay clerk.
"Pauline is a good girl."
Don told her his arm was getting numb, could they change sides, with growing confidence, grabbed her arms and rolled her over him as if she were a pillow, and he liked her facing him, surely that wasn't only about her breasts against his side or her legs mixed in with his, hopefully there was a genuine comfort from the companionship. *Pussy! Behave, said NO and meant NO!* They lay quietly for another twenty minutes. Kim resisted the temptation to talk further: if he had any questions, he could ask; right now he seemed content to just digest what they'd talked about. And maybe have a soft girl to cuddle, she hoped so.
Eventually work, and nature, called and they reluctantly moved to face the day. Kim turned to lift her shirt and put her bra on, noted that Don politely looked away until she had the bra covering her, and then without being asked he hooked it for her, even warming his hands before doing so. Chivalry like that went a long way with Kim. As they were kneeling, before he unzipped the door, Don stopped her, by now she trusted him, placed a hand gently on each side of her face, it probably wouldn't bruise, his eyes were warm. He held her still, lent close, kissed her forehead and whispered, "Thank you Kim, very very much." Probably not worth checking the indicators right now, she was a little muddled. It was very easy to like this guy, she was starting to see why Libby thought he was so special. IQ closer to eighty than a hundred she guessed, but hey, the world definitely had too many rocket scientists anyway.
Kim said a hasty good morning to Libby and found some privacy, to empty her bladder and get some control back on herself, thank God for full bladders. Ten more minutes in the tent would have been very tempting. By the time she felt able to face Libby and Don again, Libby was sitting on his lap and focussing with her usual intensity on his version of the tent conversation. Kim was initially irritated about this apparent lack of faith, and it was a private conversation after all, she also doubted whether a man could bear her weight on his lap for so long, which grated too. But on reflection understood the wisdom of Libby's actions, it would be bad for Don to be getting conflicting advice, they definitely needed coordinate their support. Libby nodded approvingly at Kim which helped her relax further, then indicated for him to continue, freeing Kim to contemplate how comfortable this unlikely pair were together.
"…Kim… Kim!...What was that bit about the bank?"
And Kim explained her concern about Don's finances, Libby smiled and nodded approvingly again.
Libby had everything prepped for Don to cook their bacon, eggs and toast, and even had Don's water heating contraption for the shower on the fire. As they ate, the sun finally made it over the escarpment, and the temperature climbed quickly. Kim was confident that that the small canvas screen Don had tied between some trees to cover the shower area wouldn't have been bothered with if she wasn't with them. Libby and Kim topped up the water for each other, then to Kim's disappointment Libby took over her standard responsibility for filling up Don's shower, Kim thought that was petty, after all she'd been in his arms all night, and thought she deserved a little peek now? But must learn to share, Libby obviously had her own needs and reasons for wanting to help him too. Kim contemplated ways she might broach sleeping arrangements for tonight with Libby; if he didn't do anything really stupid today and if Libby was comfortable, she might just re-evaluate those indicators.
Don was thinkin' if Libby and Kim were going to be so nice to him, he better show them he was worth it; especially Kim ('cause Libby already knew). That was a wonderful wake up and cuddle with Kim, on top of the best night's sleep for days. When they was workin' Libby always told him no one else could keep up with her and know what she needed as good as him. And today was one of his best. Libby did her thing at a million miles an hour, as usual, and needed everyone else to keep up or stay out of the way. Don though Libby might growl at Kim if she got in the way so he discretionately pulled her away from Libby at the back of the boat to the front of the boat and whispered, "Just watch a while Kim, Libby can get a bit--"
"--not cranky, Don, I hope your not telling Kim that your boss is a cranky bitch?"
He looked quickly at Kim, smiled to let her know this was normal.
The river cut through the back areas of large farms, forests and national parks. There were sheep and cattle by the rivers edge in places but they didn't see any people. The sampling was going well, until mid morning, Libby found a spot on the river where her phone had a signal.
For all her good bits, Libby's voice got shrill when she was excited about somethin', "STOP! Don. Pull Over. Anchor. Whatever. I've got a frigging signal. DON, DON'T FUCKING MOVE!"
"Yes ma'am."
Libby made a heap of calls, asking Don first if he minded if a few other people knew about what had happened. First call to Max, a quick report on the job so far, then on Don so far, then some suggestions for specific help. Libby asked Pauline to go to Don's bank to help with Libby's instructions. Then a call to the manager of Don's bank. Pauline and Libby spoke first. They talked about the limited power of attorney that let Pauline do bank stuff just like she was Don or Sarah. Because Max's workers spent so much time in isolated areas. It was handy before internet and phone banking to help out staff with those oh-shit-my-cheque-is-going-to-bounce moments. Don had never got around to cancelling his. Once the bank manager photocopied the power of attorney document he seemed happy to help Libby. He checked the account arrangements. Don's pay went into a joint account, but Pauline was able to set up a Don only account for him. They arranged to transfer half the joint account out, about seven hundred dollars, and Pauline would arrange for future pays to go there. The Wilsons' modest savings were in term deposit as a joint account. It would take thirty days' notice to access that twelve thousand dollars, but Pauline was able to start the process, and arranged for half that to go to Don's account when it was ready. The manager refused to close the joint credit card account without both parties signatures, banks never liked closing credit cards, so the power of attorney was no help here. So Libby asked what would happen if Don reported his card lost. And clicked her fingers, "Don! Wallet, quick!" Don handed her his wallet, Libby whispered instructions to him as she rummaged through it and found his credit card, then held the phone to Don's face who said "Mr Wallace, this is Donald James Wilson, my credit card number is, was - four, seven, four, three, space, three, four, eight, one, another space, three, three, seven, nine, no no it's a six, hold it still Libby, space, four, six, six, eight." Then Libby threw it over the side. "I'm really very sorry to say I've lost it, fell in a river!"
"*If you say so Mr Wilson, I'll freeze the credit account. But you see me first thing when you get back, we need you to get another card, and please put the bossy lady back on!"*
"Yes sir!"
Libby thanked the manager, then called her husband, and asked Brett to start doing amateur private investigation, visit the hotel see if any staff would recognise photos he was to get from Max. Maybe see if staff would hint how long the affair had been going on, ask about other men, that sort of thing. Shit! He hadn't though of that, Ben might not be the first.
Don sat next to Kim, saying what Libby told him to say, she was at least three steps ahead of him already, and it was only morning tea time. Well, that's why she was the boss and he was the boat driver. Libby had just given the go-ahead to start the motor and get back to work, when Sarah rang on her phone. Libby greeted Sarah coolly and asked Don if he would like to talk to his wife. He wasn't relaxed anymore.
"Nope Lib, I don't think I would."
"Sure babe?"
"Yep sure, Saturday will do. If I talk now I might get angry again."
Kim grabbed his hand for a while, while Libby talked to Sarah.
"Okay sweetie; Sarah, he prefers not to speak to you right now… He said to wait until Saturday, maybe Sunday… Well I can't make him, I'm his boss not his wife, there is a difference… Maybe he didn't want to call yesterday, did you think of that… We're *all* pissed at you at the moment… Yes I do know all about your *situation*… He needed to tell someone he could trust… I'm sorry I had to take sides too… Damn straight your being unreasonable… Well you did ask… And Sarah, can I make a suggestion… Hope I'm not putting words in Don's mouth here but I believe it would be *therapeutic* for you and a comfort for Don if you wrote him a confession… Yes you! And explain in it, in detail, how you would feel if Don were to do the same thing to you as you've tried to do to him… Oh Sarah, no, mustn't say things like that… Definitely possible, I know half a dozen girls that would like to put a smile on his face… My sister Sandra for one, not looking for long term, but… No she's not, divorced a year ago, her husband had pretty ordinary ideas about fidelity too, a fair bit of that going round… That didn't stop you did it?… Anyway we're getting nowhere, if it helps imagine a face for him to make love to, think of mine, oh Donnie its *so* good to see you smile… Hello, Sarah… Hello."
Libby insisted they wait for a few minutes before moving. Don always did what Libby said, and he served three coffees from his thermos. No one spoke, Libby was dangling her phone and waiting for something, Kim was still holding one of his hands, and the boat was bobbing gently in deepwater near a low red earth river bank. Three minutes later Libby's phone rang again, and it was Sarah again.
"…would I really? mmmm let me see, Donnie, honey, what do you think, would you like me in your bed tonight? You promise you wouldn't squash me? Oh shit. Just thought of a problem, make a promise once, a tall guy in a church, collar on backwards, said blah blah blahdy blah? And I said, what did I say again, I said 'yeah, guess so', tempted mind you, but no I really shouldn't… Although! If you like I could call my husband and ask if he would mind… After all if it's just sex, harmless, it's not like I'm taking anything away from him… Hang on Sarah, Kim wants a word… Yes that's right: Kim, my new assistant, Donnie's wet dream… With the D cups, and the legs about…" She handed the phone over.
"*Hi Sarah*, this is Kim, having a good day? If sound like it's a problem for Libby to be in your letter, well its not a problem for me, ready for some details? For a start Libby's a very poor judge of breasts, they're bigger than D's I assure you, aren't they Donnie? Don't try and look all innocent dear, I saw you check out the label when you hooked me up, and my legs are forty two inches long… And Sarah… *Oh no I'm not*… Not *even* a boyfriend… You have nice day too… Well really!… I don't think your wife likes me Don, she said some bad words."
"I wish that I'd been there to see her face… She's not even sorry for what she did, is she?"
"She might be now."
Kim said that if she couldn't help Libby for a while, would he mind teaching her how to drive the boat? He said it would be a pleasure. And he pretended to ignore Libby's surprised look. It looked like Kim wasn't just doing it to be polite, or to fill time, she was really interested. Kim did well with his lessons, he'd learnt boat craft from experts, and after all the rescue lessons he had to give this was child's play, she was so clever. He took her through everything he knew about boats, from changing fuel tanks to holding steady in currents. Kim was a good girl. And when Libby didn't mind, he supervised her driving as much as possible. It didn't start with them touching arms, but it seemed natural to be doing more of that by lunch time. Kim sat close beside him at lunch too, laughing when she stole his biscuits and cheese, teasing him with hers before sharing. She even rested a breast on his arm sometimes, he wondered if he should tell Libby exactly how big they were. Kim was a *very* good girl. Don had to think quickly and not growl too much when she beached the boat too hard cause he was peaking at her breasts bouncing instead of how fast they were going.
And for Don the sight of Libby, and Kim at times, from behind while they bent over the transom of the boat to collect their water and mud samples was nearly more comfort than a man deserved. Libby noticed him looking, *as usual*, and winked, as *usual*.
They landed back at camp mid afternoon to unload samples and get new filters, and Don and Libby were alone for a bit. Libby asked with a straight face: "Is hell cold right now?"
"What do you mean Lib?"
She smiled. "I thought you said hell would freeze over before you taught any of the professionals about driving the boat. Mmm? But *Kimberly* is with us for half a day and *Kimberly* already knows more about boats than I do!"
"Ohh Lib, does you have to remember everything I says? You know I owe Kim big for this morning. And you too. My head hasn't been this unmessed since Wednesday. And Lib, I *always* would have taught *you* about boats if you'd asked, you know that! Its just those other tossers that think they don't need me for a trip like this I gotta think about, its my career at stake here."
"If I'd known there were so much cuddling and hand-holding in boat lessons I woulda signed up years ago." Libby was teasing he could tell, not really pissed off. "I don't think you owe Kim *too* much Don, I don't think last night was too onerous for her."
"Not too what?"
"Not too *onerous,* It wasn't too much of a chore… She *liked* it Donnie! I think you've got yourself another special friend, if you look after her as well as you have me, she's a very lucky women."
"Oh." That was something to think on. He would keep teaching Kim and see if she kept liking little cuddles and touches. And see if Kim found being close to him onerous. It felt very natural and normal by the time they finished work, and if Libby didn't have a problem with him holding hands with Kim, he was gonna keep doin' it. She was a nice girl. With nice breasts. Maybe if he played his cards right, by the end of this week she would be a *different* sort of special friend.
That evening Kim was thinking about her day, it had been rewarding, and fun, but a girl needed to be careful.
Libby sat beside her and said quietly "Well done with Don today Kim, thank you, you've done wonders."
"I think we both did well."
"So, any dramas in the tent this morning, would I have had a problem?"
"Well, lets just say he seems to like breasts as much in his sleep as when he's awake…and leave it at that. And to change the subject completely--"
"I'm all ears Kim, amaze me!"
"What I mean is, would you mind… well, Libby, you did say Don is pretty discrete?... Yeah? "Cause would you mind sleeping in the swag again?"
Kim could see Libby knew exactly what she was asking. She was ready for Libby to have mixed feelings about what she was asking, and couldn't do anything about that, except ask permission and respect Libby's wishes. Libby's answer was surprising. "For Don I think I'd be happy, but you Honey? Can you look me in the eye, tell me you ready to risk another broken heart this year? We're not talking cuddles and therapy company this time are we?"
While Kim thought on the differences in hers and Libby's moral code, Libby went on.
"You do realise that if he went back to his swag for the rest of the week, your kindness last night alone means you'll be his pin up, a dream girl forever, there is no rush… You're not listening are you?"
"It's only sex Lib, not going to marry the guy, not going to fall in love, be sure of that, just being a good little wet dream. Unless you think it would be bad for Don, I mean, wouldn't it be good if he can face Sarah with a spring in his step, and a secret of his own… C'mon Lib, it's been *four months!* Its your call boss, but last chance, if you don't say 'not on' now I'm going to try and set it up, and please, no changing minds later and ruin it, okay?… So are we good?... Okay!"
Don had excelled with dinner tonight, anxious to make up for yesterday's modest meal -- so much for the diet -- they enjoyed a three-course feast consisting of pumpkin soup, followed by lamb chops, cooked in foil in the camp oven, potatoes cooked with a chop tail for flavour, with herbs and seasoned salt, plus steamed carrots and whole beans. For desert he cheated and used a pre-cooked banana cake with pre-packaged custard. They were enjoying their second glass of wine while Don had his second beer.
Kim was sitting close to Don, nearly under his arm, it seemed that the change of environment from boat to campsite had resulted in him withdrawing a bit and she wasn't as confident in his interest as she had been before. She didn't want to push it, so decided on a good companion approach instead. She patted her navel contentedly, "That *was* heavenly Donnie, but just *look* at this tummy of mine, if I get any fatter its *all* your fault! Totally -- will you take me walking with you sometimes to get rid of it?"
"Yep, love too." With a happy smile, that was better, he was still interested.
"I always take about four weeks to lose weight from these trips," Libby added.
The indicators had passed with hardly any manipulation and cheating, Kimberly was content, Pussy was talking to her again, Libby was understanding, Don had been attentive, good and interested all day. Kim was trying to think of a way of making sure he ended up in the tent again with out sounding *too* obvious. "….Kim… Kim!… Where am I sleeping tonight?"
She hoped the fire light hid her blush -– been a long time since Kimberly Rogers had blushed -- she looked straight back at him, ignoring Libby.
"Libby told me she's happy in the swag – do you think perhaps its good for the boss to have some privacy? Are you okay sharing the tent with me?"
He didn't seem to need time to think about this one. "What wouldn't be okay about that?"
Kim risked a glance at Libby just in time to catch an exaggerated roll of her eyes, well Kim would give the her something to roll her eyes about. "And I need some time to get ready tonight, when you're ready dear you give me some warning, no hurry." *Take that, cow!* Libby was a fast learner no reaction this time. "And you'll need to go and brush your teeth and scare some more dogs away first won't you, don't need my help tonight do you?"
"No Kim I don't need help to do that."
His recollection of last night mightn't be good. So she clarified: "Don, I absolutely insist you go further away, the river's not nearly loud enough for where you did it last night, you need to be at least, oh, over about where that tree with the split trunk is, over there somewhere. Should keep the dogs as far away as possible shouldn't we?"
"Oh… Umm… Sure."
Kim was waiting in bed, nude, nervous, wondering if it was too late to at least get partly dressed and not be so obvious. And also regret that she hadn't brought some equipment to trim, it had been four months since she'd bothered, and she was seriously overgrown down there. Libby had said pack light, don't worry about make up and so on, but what was she thinking, a week away from home and no razor! She thought about it a little too long, and heard Don scratching at the zip and he crawled in. May not be a rocket scientist, but he did spot that the mattresses were formed into a properly made double bed. When he had stripped down Kim opened the bedding discretely to welcome him, waited 'til he settled, took a breath, rolled over against his side, head on his shoulder, breasts against his tee shirt… then quickly a leg over his and a very hairy groin against his thigh.
"Kim?" He gasped at her nudity.
Kim spoke quickly -- for all her experience she'd never offered herself so blatantly -- "I'm happy to… you know… If you want to, or we can just cuddle and sleep, your call Donnie."
He was silent and still for a long time. *Come on Don! Do something, say something, what's to think about?* "Donnie, am I being too forward?... Oh babe I'm sorry if…" Don then slid his boxers down and quickly rolled between her legs. "...Okay." Kim had to think quickly to open her lips and get her hairs out of the way just in time, luckily she was moist and he entered her, buried in three thrusts. Kim barely had time to gasp at the invasion when he stiffened as he filled her. Fuck! That was quick, a new personal best for sure. This was going to be messy too.
He rolled off and had the grace to apologise, whispering, "I'm so sorry Babe, that wasn't very good was it?"
Kim snuggled up against his side again, tonight was about Don, not her, must remember that. "It was fine dear, just fine, I enjoyed it."
They lay silently, Kim thinking ruefully about what looked like being a big mistake, broken a lot of rules… Like the one about married men, and the one about *don't screw the crew*, and the one about… Anyway, *pussy, you made a mistake, damn you*… Still the cuddle was good. *Okay Kimberly, here is a new plan, we stay nice for the rest of the week, Don back in his swag tomorrow, then Libby and I help him manage his divorce, and then I find him a girlfriend, someone divorced, mid thirties, kids would be okay, not too good looking; how hard could that be?*
About fifteen minutes later he asked hopefully, "Kim?"
"May I have another go?"
Kim would really have preferred to just cuddle and sleep, but she was here for the night, so faked enthusiasm. "Of course you can dear."
"I can do better than *that*, used to be good at this once."
Relaxed this time, he kissed her forehead, eyes, down her nose, he seemed to like her nose, lips, the tip of her chin, then her neck, along her jaw line, and nibbled on her earlobes, his hands roaming her body, stroking up from her hips to her chest. Kim was starting to respond, this was more like it. As he warmed her up, he whispered apologies and promises and asked her what she liked, Kim responded with, "Just keep going honey, keep going." After a long, long, long period of foreplay, Kim was ready for more, much more, ready to come, she found that the blunt stub of an amputated finger was perfect for rubbing her clit, while two, or maybe it was three, fingers were filling her pussy. It seemed as if he were being deliberately mean, keeping her on her high, but not bringing her off. One of her nipples was being aggressively suckled and the other rolled between his spare thumb and his complete forefinger. The combined sensations were just fan-fucking-tastic. Kim's pelvis was lunging, her butt cheeks clenching then relaxing, forcing pussy up, seeking those fingers deeper. She was gripping his cock, couldn't remember reaching for it, but here it was, big, hard, ready, what was the delay?
Don pleasured and teased her, this was bliss, only one thing would be better, why was he waiting so long? "Are you going fuck me again darling?"
"You want me to?"
*Well duh*. "Oh yes, you should… Definitely… Soon."
"I don't know, doesn't feel wet enough."
"*Kidding* right!" What a fucking time to show his sense of humour, *less wit Don more action Okay*? "… You're teasing now, haha... That's not very polite… Please don't make me beg… Mmmm…. Good girls don't beg…"
"You want to be a good girl, or a bad girl?"
"I want to be a full girl, right now dammit!"
Don rolled onto Kim again and she guided him to her opening. He slipped just the head in.
And stopped.
And got busy on her nipple again with his mouth.
This was just maddening. Kim pulled her legs up and as open as she could, and Don held just his tip inside her and kept on suckling her left nipple. "Donnie, please don't make me beg, please don't." And he pushed home. There was plenty of moisture from his earlier effort, and no doubt a bit of her own too. He pulled back, hesitated, and sucked her nipple again. He kept doing this, a brief thrust deep, then a slow tease just inside her. Torture. Heavenly torture. Eventually, finally, he was inside her more than not and she called "God yes Don, that's it, do it baby, please… This *is* good, much better… that's the way, deep, deeper, oh faster please baby faster, please don't make me beg." as he thrust into her, deeply, pausing as he was hilted. The thin camping mattress that had irritated her so much last night was good for this, she could push back hard. A previous boyfriend, the name would come to her later, had likened Kim's bigger orgasms to choir practice, she started to moan, then sing her scales, and she then she was rubbing her clit, calling, "Faster, deeper, fuck me please, faster." As Kim came her pussy gripped him, and that must have set him off, nice and deep, and she cried out as she faded weakly, "Oh God yes. Fill me Donnie." He remained on top of her, taking the hint from Kim's hands and legs around him. Eventually he rolled off, and collapsed onto his back, dragging her over with him to flop in turn onto his chest.
Don was triumphant, he all but punched the air. "See babe I told you I could do better."
"Honey, I believe you… Boy… I believe you" and later "Oh shit! I hope Libby didn't hear all that, didn't want us to be so noisy."
"*I heard enough Kim, one tip, if a man ever teases you like that again, kick him out, that was painful just listening.*"
It felt like they should have talked, whispered silly nonsense, maybe she should have told him she was normally ;ess forward, or even that labourers could fuck better than guys in suits, but last nights poor sleep, and the big day on the boat, and tonight, had taken their toll. Kim was waiting for a signal from Don to see what position she should be in to sleep, because if he didn't do something soon right where she was worked for *her. S*he kissed his neck as he arranged her hair out of the way and held her. She kissed him again, gently, then pussy kissed his leg too, and pussy muttered to Kimberly, '*mmm-mm-mmmm, I'm with you all the way boss, it is high time we got you a man.'*
Kim woke early again, she'd been rearranged during the night, half on her side on the mattress and half leaning back against him, her head on one of his arms, and his other loosely across her breasts. Another gentle wake up, *good*, after a great sleep, *better*, no doubts or regrets, *best*. Some confidence for Don, some intimacy for her, and great sex for them both. Good call to wait an extra day though... *You listening to me pussy*?... Don was intermittently fondling her breast, how good was this, warm, safe, savouring the closeness, *she had a done a good thing!* He was growing hard in his sleep too, it was pressing against her hip. Wet dreams she was sure never did things by halves, a little re-posturing, pulling him fully onto his side, her hairs grabbing every time she moved, and he was between her thighs and she started gently rubbing her lips along it with small hip movements. Don woke with a polite "Good morning honey." And then "Oh hello!" Kim suggestively leant away from him and he pushed in. No way had she got that wet in that time, must have been some residue from last night, anyway he entered her with minimum fuss. Soon he warned "Nice sweetie, I'm gonna be fast again, close, sorry babe."
"That's fine Donnie, this one can be yours… Ahhh… God… Felt that… And *messy* honey! I mean, like, holy crap, where *did* all that come from?"
Still inside her. "Never thought much on where it comes from."
"That was a rhetorical question too sweetie."
"Oh, anyway that was great. But I think I need a rest now, may I please have the day off?"
"No you *can't* have the day off! What would Libby say?"
*"Well said Kim, I would say no day off either. Don't push your luck Don! You don't sound too sick to me, remember one of us has to sign your timesheet."*
"Okay Boss" Then as Don pulled out with a messy plop, rolled her over to face him and he whispered "Kim?"
"What honey?"
"Did we make a baby?"
Kim was finding it was hard to stay tracking with Don's conversation, he'd change topics without warning and expect you follow. Which would she could have managed without the added distraction of the run-out dribbling down her left butt cheek. Lovely! "Its OK honey, hell, more mess, we're safe for a few days, confident, I'm like a clock."
"Good… Kim?"
"Yes Don."
"Would be all right if I sleep in the tent again tonight?"
She stroked Don's face briefly, "That would be nice, but I'd better check with Libby again."
*"That's fine Kim, the swag is fine, and please stop asking! And tell him I'm hungry and going to have a lie in. Listening to you last night has taken it out of me. Please tell Don I require a decent breakfast too… When he's ready.*"
Kim started to get dressed in yesterdays clothes. Noting where his lazy gaze was directed Kim mentioned how much she needed to trim, did he have a razor she could borrow. "Tidy it up and less mess issues too."
Don ran a lazy hand up her thigh, relaxed, content, and said "Aw, don't, I like em like that." Interesting! A man that liked her hairy pussy, they were rare, most were nagging her to trim or shave.
"That's alright for you to say, *I'm* the one with the hairs all stuck together… Whatever, a shower will fix that." She shook him by the shoulder. "C'mon Donnie, *up and at 'em* tiger, we've earned a big breakfast too, come teach Kimberly all about it when you're what, six hours from a golden arches? And I'll make you some coffee ASAP, you *do* look trashed."
Kim was expecting some resentment or other attitude from Libby, but she was just her normal self, calm. And kept the hot water coming for Don and Kim to shower together, Don curiously covered Kim from Libby. Between Libby's visits, they washed each other intimately, and Kim saw how happily Don gazed at her and smiled. "I *thought* you were trashed big fella."
"I'm *just* looking."
When Kim and Don were dressed, Libby asked if Don could fill her shower today, for some reason she said that felt more natural.
They set off in the boat on time, however the work wasn't as efficient as the previous day, even though Kim and Don were sharing the boat driving, the judgement and precision wasn't to Libby's liking. She had had enough, finally saying "Listen, *kids*, obviously we're struggling, if we can keep it together to say two o'clock, eat lunch on the fly, we can have an early mark and you two can rest for the afternoon. Fair?" So to avoid disappointing Libby further they concentrated, and eventually stopped work mid-afternoon. Kim walked determinedly toward the tent, wasn't counting on much sleep tonight and wanted rest. She also wondered if it would be better for Don to go somewhere else to lower the risk of distractions, but Don said, "Over here babe, lets lie out here on the beach, so Libby can join us." The three sat on a rug, soon Don cuddled Kim from behind, Libby covered them with another blanket saying, "You two get some sleep, I'll read a book and watch for dogs."
Kim woke first, Libby was sitting close, wrapped in another blanket and reading her book. Kim got Libby's attention, held out a hand for her to take, and whispering "*Lib, is he still asleep*?... *I'm so sorry for today, it won't affect our work again… and are we still good?"*.
Libby gave her hand a squeeze, answering, *"Don't stress about it Kim, it's a challenging few days for us all, I actually think you're doing rather well."*
*"Also want to say that I never want to come between you and Don, and I'm sorry for flaunting us like this, I'll make sure we tone it down a little… in view of what you said the other—"*
*"--Kim! I said some things the other evening I now regret -- things a married women shouldn't feel -- and I'd consider it a favour if you tried to forget all that, can you do that?"*
*"Do my best. And I mean it about never wanting to come between you, what Don and I are doing… well there's no commitments, no expectations, its just a nice interlude..."*
*"You just do what you comfortable with… and I can see what you mean about the breast play."*
*"Well, crap! Hoped you'd wouldn't notice; he sure is* somethin*' isn't he? Sorry Libby as I said I really didn't want to flaunt us, but if I stop him he'll wake."*
*"Kim, you do what you must, I said I'll cope. Actually I might go and –- as Don would say -– 'rev the fire up a bit, ready for dinner, you warm enough down here?"*
And there was another squeeze of her hand before Libby covered them with the second blanket. "*Comfortable there for another half hour or so?"*
*"You bet!"*
*"And then we'll wake him, put him back to work again, a little hungry myself."*
Dinner that night was grilled pork chops, with apple sauce, and mashed potato. Desert was fresh made cake with cream. Kim offered to finish the clean up -- she was finding she was only in the way while he cooked -– while Don sat back against a log and invited Libby to join him. He was pretty keen not to exclude Libby, which was sweet, but did they have to sit so close? He had his arm around her shoulder, she appeared very relaxed against him. Don wasn't doing anything wrong that Kim could see -- just an arm over his friends shoulders. But Libby was looking more and more comfortable each time Kim looked, then dramatically Libby stiffened away startling Don, and Kim
"Don, I was forgetting myself, inappropriate… please forgive me, should I move away?"
Don didn't release her, squeezed her harder if anything, "It's safe Lib, remember, a long time ago; I'll always be strong."
"Yes you've always been very good, always safe… So Kim that's another issue to ask you to forget, and are you happy with us sitting like this?"
What could she say? "Its cool Libby, been friends a long time, I said it wouldn't be right to come between you."
***Continues in Chapter 2*** |
Fourplay | 149,904 | 4.5 | 126,014 | [
] | My story started several years ago when my best mate Phil and I were out having a quiet drink while our wives, Tina and Laura, were on a hen night. The conversation always turned to sex as we both moaned that we never got enough. Our wives used to take our moaning in good spirit as "typical men's moans."
Anyway the conversation this night centred on our drooling over a work colleague of my wife whose legs seemed to go on forever. Phil had a thing about long legs and was constantly flirting with my Tina, my wife, who at 5' 10", joked that Phil wouldn't know what to do if she gave him the opportunity.
As the night wore on more and more of our conversation seemed to move towards the fact that given the chance we would love to try to get our wives turned on to some sort of group scene. As with most of these things it seemed destined to remain purely in our minds as neither of our girls had ever been into anything like that. Although none of us were prudes and often went on holidays together and weren't shy about seeing each other naked. We often shared a sauna when we were on our holiday.
It was an ongoing joke that I would always get hard looking at Laura's neatly trimmed red pubes if I hadn't seen her for while. And Phil always had some corny comment about the length of Tina's legs and how they ended in paradise.
Anyway that night I got home about an hour before Tina and watched a little late night TV whilst waiting for her come home. We had always been faithful to each other and I had no worries about her being out on the town. When she got home I poured us both a night-cap and we talked about our respective nights out. Tina said she knew how our night went as it always ended up with us talking about sex and looking at younger women. We were both only 30 at this time but to look at the jailbait in the pubs and clubs we felt about 70.
When we were in bed Tina and I started to caress each other and it wasn't long before I was in her familiar but beautiful cunt pumping away for all I was worth. I like to talk dirty when we fuck but Tina usually tells me to be quiet. But tonight she wanted to know what Phil and I had talked about.
I told her about our conversations, and how we looked but did not touch other women. Then I told her how Phil said that none of them matched up to our wives anyway and if he were to mess around he would love to watch me fuck Laura whilst he fucked her. That seemed to throw a switch in Tina and she just exploded on my cock. Her excitement took me over the edge and I spurted my hot cum inside her cunt.
After we came down off that fantastic orgasmic high I asked Tina if it was the thought of her fucking Phil or me fucking Laura that turned her on. She said it was the whole picture of a foursome mini-orgy and how she had sometimes fantasised about it but never while we were together. We talked a bit more about our own fantasies before we had another wonderful fuck. This time pretending we were screwing with our friends. After that we decided that perhaps we should just keep it a fantasy to use when we were both in that mood.
We often use that fantasy in various forms but it never went any further until our next holiday together.
All four of us had driven down to the South of France intending to spend a few days there before driving into Spain for a week.
After 12 hours on the road we were all looking forward to a laze around the villa's private pool. As soon as we had unpacked, Phil and Laura fixed a couple of drinks whilst Tina and I started the sauna up.
We had been relaxing in the sauna for about 20 minutes when the sight of Tina laying on the next bench with her legs open was getting too much. I could see the lips of her cunt opening up to reveal the moist pink inner lips. I started to gently stroke my cock Tina smiled at me and said, "here let me help" and slid over to me and wrapped her lips around my engorged prick.
As her bobbing head moved faster and faster I reached around to insert two fingers into her cunt. I was close to cumming when the sauna door opened and Phil walked in. I don't think he realised what was going on for a second, then the steam cleared a bit and a big grin spread across his face. "Is this a private party or can anyone join in?"
Tina nearly bit the head of my cock off in shock as she stammered, "sorry Phil, we just got a bit carried away." "Hey don't apologise, I just wish I hadn't disturbed you." He was stroking his own cock almost absent-mindedly.
Tina removed my fingers from her cunt with a big smile on her face. She picked up a towel and went to leave the sauna. As she did she gave Phil's semi hard cock a little tug and said, "It doesn't look as if you are too embarrassed about it." I was shocked and so was Phil. She left two guys with stupid grins behind.
"Christ you're a lucky bastard Mike," said Phil, "Look at that gorgeous figure."
"Hey you're not too bad off yourself," I said thinking about Laura's beautiful red muff. Of all the times we had seen each other naked this was the first time that there was any physical sexual contact between opposite partners.
"You don't think there is any chance of me, eh you know, getting to know Tina a little better if you know what I mean, is there?"
"Who knows after that?" I said, genuinely a little stunned at what had just happened. "You know that I wouldn't be against it, but what would Laura do?" "Now's our chance to find out" said Phil, "we have two weeks to see what might develop."
After another 10 minutes or so in the sauna Phil and I went out to the pool. I joked to Phil that it was a pity that Tina hadn't finished what she was doing as I was sure to get a boner if Laura was sunbathing naked, after all, just one look at that gorgeous figure and red muff was sure to get me hard.
Phil said that he was sure that it wouldn't be Laura's bush that got me hard this time.
I didn't have time to ask him what he meant as we stepped out on to the poolside. Tina and Laura were both nude on the poolside loungers and it was only as I pulled up a seat that I realised what Phil had meant. LAURA'S CUNT WAS AS SMOOTH AS A BILLIARD BALL.
That was it; any chance of keeping my cool was gone. Both girls just laughed at my expression and the direction of my gaze. I am sure that my modest 7 inches become at least 8. It felt like 10. I mixed some fresh drinks and my hard on gradually subsided as I tried to think of something else, anything other than her beautiful pink puffy lips. (I am sure they were more than a little moist after realising the affect on me).
We chatted away for the rest of the afternoon and dozed in the sun for a while. Believe me, after all that driving we were pretty tired. Phil drove into the nearest to town and stocked us up on essentials such as beer, food, beer and a little more beer. We had a quiet evening and went to bed ready to hit the beach tomorrow.
Tina and I still had enough energy to complete what we had started in the sauna followed by a leisurely fuck. As we were both nearing orgasm a picture of Laura's shaved pussy provided that final extra bit needed for me to send my hot cum shooting into Tina's cunt. Tina felt the blast of hot semen hit her insides and she shouted "don't stop, don't stop, for fucks sake don't stop."
The headboard was doing some serious damage to the bedroom wall as I fucked Tina with all the energy I could muster.
She screamed with total abandon as her orgasm hit her with a force I don't think she was used to as her eyes rolled back and she sunk back into the bed. "God that was good" she said after a while. "Do you want to hear something kinky?" she said. "As I was cumming, I was thinking how nice it must be to suck a smooth pussy."
"Don't get mad darling but I was thinking pretty much the same thing".
"Hey, I'm not mad, I think it's quite neat that our fantasies are similar."
Then she said something I had been longing to hear "Would you like me to shave my pussy like Laura's?" SHIT, would I ever!!
"If I wasn't so tired you could do it tonight and give Phil and Laura a surprise tomorrow." "What a lovely thought, lets just sleep on that one." This could be a holiday to remember I thought to myself.
I think we were both asleep within minutes of that.
The next day was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky with the temperature in the early 30's. Over breakfast, Phil and Laura said they were heading for the beach and did we want to join them. I said we probably would in an hour or so, as Tina wanted to do a bit of shopping first.
Whilst we were in the town Tina bought herself a lovely two piece swimsuit, cut really high on the thighs and around her cunt which made her legs look longer than ever. I said that it definitely meant that she would have to shave now as her beautiful soft blond pubes were putting on a great show.
We drove back to the beach and looked around for Phil and Laura but couldn't see them. I said that they must be a mile or so further down where the naturist side was and so we strolled down to look for them. Tina was drawing some admiring glances in her new bikini as we wandered down the beach. We reached the naturist side of the beach and stripped off to walk the rest of the way.
We often went nude on the beaches at home but never had the weather as good as this and it does make all the difference when your tackle isn't trying to shrivel up looking for warmth.
There were some glorious bodies to look at amongst the sunbathers and every so often I would get a twitch as some fantastic looking eighteen to twenty year old girl strode past.
The good-looking ones really know it and pose for the young lads benefit. I noticed Tina's eyes wandering a bit too and followed her gaze to this guy as he emerged from the surf with his girlfriend. "Jesus fucking wept" I mumbled as I saw the size of his cock. It had to be 8 or 9 inches long and that was emerging from the cold sea.
"How do you fancy trying that on for size, it has to be a good 10 or 11 inches hard?" I said to Tina. She laughed and said that he would certainly be a good mouthful. With that we spotted Phil and Laura. "Did you see the size of that guys cock?" Tina said to Laura as we approached, a wicked grin spread across Laura's face. "Do you mean Erik's?" she said.
"We have been speaking to Erik and his sister Maria before you arrived, they are from Finland and have been here a week already."
"We are meeting them tomorrow night and they are going show us all a nightclub that has just opened a few months ago."
"Well you don't hang around", I said to Phil. "Hey it wasn't me, Laura took one look at that monster meat and she did all the talking."
"Yeah, they are on their summer break from university and are expecting their partners to join them sometime later in the week."
I stole a look at Maria who was typically Scandinavian looking, i.e. blonde, blue eyed with a figure to kill for. I thought that if I were her brother, I could seriously consider a bit of incest but I suppose that you don't think the same way about your relatives as others would.
We cracked the cool box and had a few beers and the day drifted by with Phil and I sneaking glances at the talent on the beach.
The girls weren't shy about discussing the merits of Erik's fine equipment and measuring it up against the other guys wandering along the beach either.
We decided to head back to the villa and have a Jacuzzi before deciding what to do that night. Before we headed back up the beach we got dressed again. Phil blew a whistle as he saw Tina's new bikini.
"Isn't it odd that we can spend all day together on the beach naked but I find myself getting a hard on looking at you In that bikini," said Phil.
"Especially with your beautiful pubes just peeking provocatively out of your bikini bottoms."
" Yeah" said Tina, "but Mike has promised to shave me the same as Laura". "Oh no, no, said Phil, you have to let an expert do it."
"Since when are you an expert on shaven vaginas?" said Laura.
"You have only ever shaved mine and then you were as nervous as hell in case you cut me."
"Ah, but today I must have seen dozens and am completely confident in my skills," with a sly wink to me.
"I must admit I would like to see it done properly first," I said. Tina looked at me with the trace of a smile starting.
My mind was full of the possibilities as we walked back to the villa.
When we got back, it was a mad scramble for the first to be in the shower, Laura won and so Phil joined her.
I took the opportunity to speak to Tina, as we got undressed again.
"You realise that if you let Phil shave you then I am going to get a monster hard on, don't you?" I said to her.
"That's ok as long as you don't put it anywhere it's not wanted," she said.
"What do you mean", I asked.
"Well if Phil is going to be that close to my pussy then I am sure he will want to fuck me, would you mind that, after all you cant both be in me."
"What do you think I think", I said as my cock was already almost at full mast with the thought of it.
"I'll tell you what I think, I think that you would like to take the opportunity of getting between Laura's legs you randy bastard."
"Laura and I know what you two are like and if you let me handle things I am sure you won't be disappointed."
"My darling, you can handle anything you want from here on in".
The shower room emptied and I did not have a chance to forewarn Phil of we had been talking about. I didn't mind that as I was looking forward to what may happen and how it would work out.
What the hell had our wives been discussing behind our backs?
I wanted Tina to shower with me but she said that she had things to do and so I dived straight in trying to keep my hands off my cock.
After my shower I headed for the Jacuzzi only to find Phil and Laura had beaten me to it. Laura looked at my half hard on and asked what Tina and I had been up to.
"We heard you two hard at it last night" she said.
"It started Phil and I off".
I slipped into the Jacuzzi on the other side of Laura and let the hot water slowly relax me. Believe me when I tell you that it is not easy to relax and try to think of anything other than sex after your wife has just told you that she will probably be fucking your best friend within an hour. And your best friends' wife's glorious tits are almost floating on the surface of a bubbling Jacuzzi!
With that, Tina slipped into water on the other side of Phil
"I was just telling Mike how we heard you two in the throes of passion last night" said Laura.
" Yeah, somehow the thought of a nice long holiday in the sun always spices up our sex life."
"You realise Laura that Mike can't decide whether he prefers ogling your bush or now your shaved pussy".
"Yeah what a helluva tough choice that is", I said.
"If I go ahead and do it, what does it feel like?" Tina asked.
"Here give me your hand". Laura raised her legs to float on the surface and I saw something I never thought I would ever see. Tina placed her hand gently on Laura's cunt, and stroked and felt her way all around Laura's beautiful pink hairless pussy.
Phil's face was a picture, his jaw dropped and his eyes riveted to the sexy scene before him. He looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. I must have looked just as goofy.
Laura's eyes were shut as her legs opened wider and her breathing got faster. "Ooh, I can feel you starting to get moist inside Laura" said Tina "but then so am I, I have never felt another girls cunt before."
I had never heard Tina use such explicit language before. I am sure the temperature of the water raised a couple of degrees. Both Phil and I had massive erections.
"Here Mike, feel this" Tina said and took my hand and placed it on Laura's cunt.
God she was wet now. "So you want me to feel the same?"
"Oh yes" I said as I gently slid my index finger into Laura.
Meanwhile Phil was giving his cock some urgent attention.
Tina moved across to him and said; "you haven't got time for that, if you want to shave me".
With that she reached out of the Jacuzzi and got a towel and my shaving kit, which she must have put together whilst I was having my shower.
She climbed out of the Jacuzzi and lay back onto the towel, She then spread her legs until she could open them no more.
Her lovely cunt was opening for us all to see. I am sure Phil was shaking as he opened my shaving kit. Tina had even put a pair of scissors in so that Phil could trim her bush down to stubble first.
Phil started the delicate task of shaving my wife's cunt. He took every opportunity to feel and caress her body as he went.
I was getting so carried away watching the scene before me that I didn't realise that I was frigging Laura whilst wanking myself.
Laura brought my attention back to her as she took my hand off my cock and replaced it with her own. She started to give me the gentlest most sensitive wank that I had ever had.
By now Phil was ready to start with the razor.
He sprayed a little foam onto his fingers and slowly worked it into lather on Tina's cunt taking far longer than he needed to.
Then he started to shave the remainder of her pussy hair off.
Within a couple of minutes Tina was panting "please hurry Phil, I think I'm cumming, Oh God I need a fuck."
As Phil took the final strokes with the razor, he washed the last traces of soap off her bald cunt and ran his tongue right around her crack. She screamed with pleasure and came on his face.
"Fuck me now Phil, I need cock now, I need a good hard fuck."
Phil didn't need asking twice and plunged his cock into my wife right up to his balls and started pumping for all he was worth.
"C'mon Mike", said Laura, "I need some of that."
We got out of the Jacuzzi, Laura leading me by the cock. She knelt down alongside Tina and whilst I was still standing took my cock into her mouth and started to suck me. Tina was moaning gently as Phil ploughed into her whilst sucking on her tits. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, "Is this how you imagined it darling?"
"Is this what you wanted to see, your best friend fucking me"?
I couldn't answer right away as I shot my first load of the night down Laura's throat. I kept cumming as I pulled my cock from her mouth. My next blast of white nectar hit Laura's chin and then left a trail down to her breasts.
Tina was watching and moaning, she seemed to be alive with one orgasm after another as she gripped Phil with her cunt and with her legs around his back. It was one of the sexiest scenes I had ever seen. Phil was the next to cum and he made sure everyone knew it almost shouting with pleasure.
"Let me see you cum on her smooth cunt" Laura told Phil. With that Tina released her grip and relaxed as Phil pulled out of her and sent 3 or 4 good strong blasts of jism all over Tina's newly shaved cunt.
Laura leaned over Tina and licked Phil's cock and then proceeded to lick Tina's cunt. I was stunned neither of our girls had ever even mentioned a desire to do anything like this. This just kept on getting better. My cock was back in fighting condition, which was just as well as Laura asked me to fuck her hard from behind. Hey, no argument here I thought as I slipped easily into Laura's creaming cunt.
I couldn't believe how quickly I was had got hard again, but watching Laura's tongue slide up and down Tina's cunt in time with the strokes of my cock in her cunt, I was in danger of shooting too quickly. Phil was slowly stroking his cock again when Tina leaned over and took him in her mouth. It only took another couple of minutes before Laura and I came together. Seconds after that Tina moaned with pleasure partly from her own orgasm and partly from Phil's cock as he really went to town fucking my wife's face.
I lay back on a poolside lounger watching Tina finally bring Phil off in her mouth. Laura sat alongside me gently stroking my cock and balls.
"Well, this is going to be some holiday" she said. Tina looked at Laura and they both burst into laughter. Phil and I looked at each other wondering what the joke was.
Tina explained that she and Laura had got fed up waiting for us to make the first move and so had decided before we came on holiday to do something about it.
"It is what you two wanted, isn't it?" She said.
"Think of all the time we've wasted", said Phil.
"Well, we have two weeks to make up for it, are you on for it girls"?
"You better believe it", said Laura. "You boys will need a holiday to recover from the holiday.
Well, she was right. Wait till I tell you about the next time we ran into Erik and Maria. But that will have to wait for the next time. |
Hot Wife, Hot Friend | 111,401 | 4.66 | 1,105,285 | [
] | It was a hot summer's evening and the last of the guests had left. My wife and her best friend, who was staying the night, were upstairs getting the kids to bed while I cleared the debris of the party away in the garden, cleaned up the barbecue and set the dishwasher off in the kitchen.
It was still pretty muggy even though it was nearly 8pm so I had removed my tee shirt, leaving me just wearing some low-slung surfer's shorts. It had been a strange party; both my wife and her friend had been giving me knowing looks and a couple of times during the day I had caught them whispering conspiratorially. Also, had they both been unusually enthusiastic in plying me with drinks? Certainly, I was feeling slightly drunk, and it had taken me longer than it should to figure out stacking the spare plastic chairs in the shed.
On top of that, a little earlier I had made a hideous drink affected mistake with her friend. Not that it was completely my fault. They are like two peas in a pod; the words shapely, petite and brunette could be used for either of them. It did not help that they had been wearing almost identical little blue cotton sun dresses.
In my slightly intoxicated state, I thought I had followed my wife into the utility room, as I went to grab some more beers for the guests. As I entered the room, she was bent over the edge of our chest freezer trying to reach for something, probably ice cream. Being that she is not too tall and whatever she was getting was apparently in the bottom, she was on tiptoes and her short dress was barely covering her shapely arse.
No one else was around so I slid my hands up her legs, pushing the dress right up her back. She was wearing a tiny thong as usual, but not one I had seen before. That was not unusual, as she often liked to surprise me by wearing new lingerie.
She usually liked to tell me about it when I was not in a position to act on it. It was the anticipation of making me wait; knowing I desperately wanted to rip her clothes off and see the new underwear on her hot body. It turned her on to whisper sexy secrets in a public place when I could do nothing about it.
Like the time when we had just sat down in the church at a wedding, she was wearing a short dress and told me she had no knickers on. At our own wedding she wore stockings and suspenders for the first time and chose to whisper that fact in my ear as we were about to exchange our vows.
I pressed my awakened hardness against her bum where the tiny thong disappeared between her pert cheeks and as she stood, I whispered in her ear "Can you tell how I feel about the new knickers?"
Then suddenly the shocking realisation hit me through my drunkenness that this was not my wife. The scent was slightly wrong, the hairstyle not quite the same, and she was slightly shorter than my wife was. I leapt backwards letting her dress drop back into place, already pleading my profuse apologies and telling her how I had mistaken her for my wife.
In my embarrassment and state of shock, I hardly noticed her amusement as she jokingly said she forgave me and that she understood it was an honest mistake. At the time I was only aware of the massive relief I felt that she had not been upset or offended. Only now, as I reflected on it while clearing the garden did I recall that she said the strangest thing as she straightened herself out; that my wife was a lucky girl.
Still mildly drunk, I surveyed the garden to make sure I had not missed anything and then locked up the back doors. I was slightly miffed at how long it had taken me, as the ladies had not reappeared to help me but instead had taken an extreme amount of time doing something else.
No way did I believe it had taken them all that time just to get the kids to bed. More likely, they were doing their usual favourite thing of going though my wife's walk-in wardrobe full of clothes and trying her outfits on. When she did this on her own, I would sometimes sit on our bed and enjoy the view as she tried on different outfits. The mirrors along one whole wall certainly gave me a full view from all angles.
She knew it gave me a serious hard on, but liked to pretend that I was genuinely interested in fashion. For her she genuinely found clothes interesting and would have done this even if I were not there, but with me as a spectator she had the added enjoyment of knowing I was ogling her and watching her repeatedly slip off slinky numbers and then stand there in skimpy underwear as she selected other outfits to try on.
Inevitably, at some point we would drop the pretence and find ourselves naked and entwined on the bed. Of course, when they were both in our bedroom trying on clothes I was not allowed in. Instead, I was left outside feeling desperately curious to see what it looked like with them both trying on stuff.
I had always fancied her friend, not that I ever admitted that to my teasing wife when she asked, I knew better than that. My wife was seriously hot, but that did not mean I did not appreciate that her friend was equally hot.
I definitely have a thing for petite brunettes, so it was hardly surprising that I fancied her. In fact, they looked so similar that they were often mistaken for sisters. I had fantasized about seeing her friend with her kit off more than a few times. When they were in there trying on outfits, it seemed inevitable that at certain points they would both be stood in their underwear. I liked to imagine that they could appreciate this the way I would have, but guessed that for them it was purely about the clothes; even so, I would have loved a peek.
An idea formed in my mind; I grabbed a nearly finished beer bottle in the kitchen and went upstairs, accentuating my drunkenness. If I barged in our bedroom and immediately passed out on the bed, was it possible that they might go back to what they were doing, giving me the chance to watch? If not they were likely to cover themselves and scream at me to get out of the room.
Fuck it, I thought, I was going to go for it. There was still enough alcohol in me to give me some confidence; no way would I have tried otherwise. I stumbled into the room, veered one way then the other before contriving to fall backwards onto the bed and pass out spread eagled on my back.
It all happened so suddenly that the girls had not even had time to shriek, but neither had I had time to take a look at them. For this to work it had to appear authentic and if I had been looking too hard at them it might have spoilt the impression that I was too drunk to have even registered them before passing out.
As I lay there with my eyes shut, I felt my wife grab the bottle from my hand before its contents could spill. I sensed they were both stood looking at me. My wife's friend said "Well that idea isn't going to work now; we must have overdone the booze".
My wife replied, "Damn, I could have sworn he wasn't looking too drunk before we got the kids out of the way. Well we will just have to amuse ourselves, like we usually do".
Her friend giggled and said in a husky voice "Well I'm not complaining, we still enjoyed putting this stuff on, even if the prince can't come to the ball". My mind was racing; what were they talking about. Trying to figure out the meaning of their words was having a sobering effect on my mind.
God how I wished I could see what they were wearing, after those comments. Was I getting the wrong end of the stick or was something sexual going on with them, and even more importantly had they been planning something for me? Now that I had started this act, I did not think I could just stop pretending, just like that. Anyway, my original plan seemed to make even more sense if there really was something going on between them. But how could I have been with my wife for so long and never had even a hint that she might fancy girls.
I could hear the unmistakeable sound of passionate kissing. Jesus there really was something going on between them. I took a chance and peeked with one eye. Sure enough, they were stood in front of the large mirrors, locked in a sexy embrace. They stood at an angle so that I could see more of my wife from behind and her friend from the front.
Both were dressed in clingy tight frocks and high heels. The dresses were ones my wife usually wore to go clubbing, showing lots of cleavage and barely covering her bum. The dress was so short that my wife's stocking tops and suspenders were in plain view. I watched her friend's hands slide up her legs to where the hem only just stretched to cover my wife's shapely arse. She pushed up the hem until it became clear she had no knickers on.
My wife had also pushed her friend's dress up and they were both fondling each other's shapely bum as they continued to kiss passionately. Her friend appeared to be wearing one of my wife's black see though thongs and was wearing hold up stockings. Through the almost sheer piece of nylon over her pussy, she appeared to be completely shaven like my wife.
After a few moments of this, they broke off and I had to close my eyes again. They were obviously looking my way again, as I heard her friend's voice closer now "He does look good enough to eat too. Look at his abs; they must do a lot of sit-ups at his boxing club.
Do you think I could get away with touching him?"
"Go for it" my wife, replied, "He won't wake for anything by the looks of him".
I felt the bed shift as her friend climbed onto it, then ever so slowly, I felt her lay her hand flat on my stomach then ever so slowly starting to caress it. Her hand moved lower and rested on the distinct vee shape of my abdomen, where my crotch disappeared into my low-slung shorts. I could feel her hand brush the top edge of my shorts.
"Can I take a look?" she said. My wife's voice came huskily from the foot of the bed as she whispered, "I want you to". Her voice sounded like it did whenever she was very turned on. Clearly watching her friend touching her husband was something she found extremely arousing.
I felt her friend's hand slip under the waistband of my shorts and slide down until her finger tips reached my semi hard cock. As her fingers made contact with the bare flesh of my shaft, it twitched. Her hand stopped suddenly and she gasped, but when she got no further response, she clearly took it as a sign of my body responding to her touch unconsciously.
Slowly her small fingers enclosed my shaft and gently applied pressure. I felt the blood pounding along my veins and knew she would feel my cock pulsing in her hand. "It lives, my-my, he is big and hard" she said.
"I'm not surprised" my wife replied, "he gets hard at the drop of a hat"
"I know," said her friend, "I felt that at the freezer this afternoon"
As my erection grew in her hand, it was getting harder for her to move her hand in the constricting space. Her hand withdrew. "Can we get these off?" she asked. I didn't hear my wife reply but suddenly I felt four hands manoeuvring me as they pulled my shorts off my hips and past my now full erection.
Then there was silence, I could sense them just looking at my naked form. I felt the bed shift as my wife climbed onto the other side facing her friend across me. "I want to see you kiss it," my wife whispered hoarsely. I felt the bed move slightly as her friend adjusted her weight slightly, then I twitched again when I felt her lips ever so lightly touch down halfway along my shaft. Gently she kissed me over and over again all over my cock and balls and the insides of the tops of my legs and across my pubic area.
By now, my cock was rock hard and throbbing. Being stark naked, vulnerable and completely at the mercy of these dressed up women felt incredibly exciting. I was their unconscious plaything.
"Now lick him," my wife said, her voice sounding throaty with her obvious arousal. The lips were replaced with a tongue, as her friend proceeded to lick everywhere she had just kissed.
Suddenly she stopped and I could hear her giggling. I felt her sit up again. "I've got a hair in my teeth" she sniggered. "I can see why you got me into being shaven"
My wife replied, "If I hadn't been shaven we might never have got together."
Her friend replied, "Before I saw you in the swimming pool changing rooms for the first time I wouldn't have believed I could find another girl attractive. You were shaven and your whole body looked so hot. After that, all I could think about was how you looked.
It was such a shock, as I didn't think normal women shaved themselves. The more I thought about it, the more it turned me on. That night was the first time I had ever played with my pussy thinking about a girl. After that I took up your every invite to go swimming, and every time I saw you naked I felt such a strong urge to reach over and touch you."
My wife replied, "I was very aware of your eyes on me in the changing rooms. It excited me that you were looking, and could see I was shaven. I took extra long to dress so I could make the moment last. Even then; nothing might have come of it, if you hadn't asked me about it."
"Well" her friend replied, "I only managed it once we'd had a few drinks on that night out. I tried to sound all matter of fact, but gave myself away when my voice went all high pitched. You shocked me just telling me to try it, without a hint of the embarrassment I was feeling. You happily told me how sexy it felt, and that you loved when other women watched you in the changing rooms. Then when you offered to help me to do it; I was the most terrified I have ever been in my whole life, but despite that, I knew, that I wanted it to happen.
"I had already decided I wanted to make love to you" my wife said, "and when I saw your interest in the changing rooms I knew you fancied me too. When the time came for me to help you shave, we both knew that it would lead to more. You were already so wet when I started and every chance I got I made sure I brushed my hand against your clit. God you make me feel so horny, come here".
I risked opening an eye and saw that for the moment they were not paying me any attention. They were both knelt upright and reaching across me to fondle and snog each other. As their tongues played forcefully in each other's open mouths they had each lowered a hand to the other's crotch. My wife's hand had slid inside the tiny scrap of fabric on her friend's crotch and she was gently rubbing her shaven pussy. All the while, her friend was rubbing my wife's bare pussy before curling a finger inside her. "I love the feel of your shaven pussy," her friend whispered into her open mouth.
"Same goes" my wife replied, "how about we shave him too? I still want to see you two fucking each other. You can't imagine how much that would turn me on"
"I don't need to be asked twice, I fancied your hubby like crazy long before I discovered my attraction for you. Never mind how fit he was; I knew he was giving you such a satisfying love life, while my out of shape hubby could barely manage it.
If you hadn't been such a good friend to me, I probably would have made a pass at him. I certainly got lots of opportunities after my divorce. Every time I had something that needed fixing, you sent him round. I had to get some sexual satisfaction by wearing revealing clothes and then playing with my pussy after he had gone. That time I told you about when I was on all fours pretending to search for something wearing a short dress with my legs apart. He didn't make any moves on me because he is so loyal to you, although he didn't stop watching me the whole time either. Now here I am with my fingers wrapped around his beautiful cock while you watch".
I listened to them kiss passionately again, and then my wife got off the bed and disappeared into the en-suite. She quickly returned and I felt her get back on the bed. I heard the shaving foam being squirted and then they both started lathering up all around my cock. My wife expertly drew the razor across my skin while her friend held my shaft and wiped a warm damp flannel over each spot that had been shaved. It was massively arousing as she worked her way carefully over my scrotum while her friend gently stroked my shaft.
Once complete they lathered again and re did a few bits. Then her friend lovingly wiped off the last of the foam leaving my completely hairless crotch totally visible for the first time in my adult life.
"That's better, now we are all equals," my wife said
"Aren't you worried what he will say when he sees it?" said her friend.
"No" replied my wife "equal rights; it was him who originally wanted me shaven, and now I want him shaven. And, oh my, doesn't he look big, with the hair gone. He has such a beautiful penis, I've always loved how streamlined and symmetrical he is down there. God I want to see it oiled up. Hold on".
With that, she must have taken the shaving things into the en-suite and come back with some baby oil. Then I felt the oil poured onto my belly before each of them placed a hand in it and started swirling it around my balls and cock and across the now bare skin of my abdomen. Slowly they started to pick up speed and were rub my oily shaft harder. Almost without volition my hips started to come off the bed as I pushed myself up into whichever hand was sliding down my cock at that moment.
I couldn't pretend to be out of it any longer. Slowly I pretended to wake up then opened my eyes. I needed to say something "What on earth?" I said.
"Oh hello, you're with us then. What's it look like my gorgeous husband? Did you have a nice dream? I bet it wasn't as good as this. All those times I asked you if you fancied my best friend and you said no, because you thought I would be upset or jealous. But the truth was I wanted you to say yes, so I could tell you how I did too. Whenever I asked, you if you fantasized about threesomes you thought you had to say no, but the whole time I had hoped you would say yes. I know all this might be a shock to you my gorgeous hubby, but isn't it a nice one."
I nodded.
"Oh and you will notice we have shaved you too. We thought it only fair seeing, as we are both shaven. On that note, as we have you buck-naked and shaven I suppose it's only fair that we return the favour, and let you see us?
I nodded again.
Well we have all the time in the world for that, first I really want to see my naked hubby come in my best friend's hand while we sit here fully dressed. Would you do that for us?"
Another nod.
Her friend had already taken me in her hand and started stroking my rigid length. As she leant down her cleavage was almost spilling out of her dress, and kneeling with her legs apart the sight of my wife's knickers almost totally disappearing into her moist pussy was enough to give me more inspiration than I needed.
As I started to piston myself into her hand, my wife caressed my belly and hips with one hand while she slid a hand underneath and fingered my arse. Gently she worked an oily finger inside, so that as my hips lowered from each thrust into her friend's hands her finger was going deeper inside me. With her, other hand she was now touching her oily pussy and slipping a finger into herself.
The straps on her dress gradually fell off her shoulders and her very erect nipples started to peek over the top. Her bra was one of those quarter cup types that barely covered any of her full breasts, leaving her nipples fully exposed. The sight of both girls and what they were doing to me was enough to blow my mind and sure enough, it didn't take too long.
I groaned as I started to feel the rising wave of pleasure flowing though my whole rotating groin and into my super sensitive shaft. With every thrust into her friend's hands, I sank back onto my wife's probing finger. With each movement, she pushed deeper until she had her whole finger inside me. The feeling of pushing into a tight oily hand whilst impaled on a stiff finger was unbelievably arousing.
I groaned as the orgasm built inside me. Sensing its approach and feeling my movements becoming more urgent, her friend placed her mouth over the head of my throbbing cock and started stroking me even faster. I ran my fingers through her thick hair and pushed the back of her head gently, urging her to take in more of me. As my body locked rigid and I started, spurting into her mouth my wife was biting one of my nipples whilst circling her finger buried deep in my arse.
As I felt each spasm of my orgasm I was grinding my hips pushing myself back onto her finger while her friend took as much of me as she could into her gorgeous mouth. Gradually the intensity subsided, and I looked down into her friend's face as she lovingly swallowed every last drop before tenderly licking my length clean.
I pulled them both so they both lay either side of me and alternated giving them both deep passionate kisses, all the while with my wife's finger still deep within me and her friend's hand lovingly stroking my still rock hard length. "I think I'm ready for a show of my own," I announced. "I think I would like to see you two remove some clothing too. Maybe you could help each other out of those dresses," I said with a smile.
My wife removed her finger and knelt up, I moved up the bed to sit with my back against the headboard. My wife and her friend knelt facing each other and shared a passionate open-mouthed kiss. I watched, still in disbelief that this was all really happening, as my wife and her best friend's tongues invaded each other's mouth. I sat there lightly running my fingertips all over my still throbbing cock, newly hairless pubic area and balls, as I marvelled at how passionate they were with each other.
After a few moments of this, her friend broke off the kiss and started to roll my wife's tight dress over her hips and up her body. My wife raised her arms as her friend pulled it over her head and off. My wife was wearing a flimsy suspender belt, stockings, extremely high heels, no knickers and a tiny quarter cup bra that held her breasts whilst leaving most of their globelike shape uncovered.
Her nipples were rigidly erect and proudly pointed upwards. Her hairless pussy was looking red and the lips normally so neatly tucked away were visibly swollen and open. The edges of her reddened labia glistened from her arousal. Her friend lowered her mouth and took one of her nipples into her mouth, at the same time her hand cupped my wife's pussy and started to gently rotate as she brushed over my wife's clit and then her moist lips. She repeated this languid circling motion over and over again.
Soon my wife was making whimpering noises deep in her throat and was moving her hips as she started to join her friend's rhythm. The whole time this was going on, my wife and I were staring deep into one another's eyes. From the look on her face and the motion of her pussy mashing against her friend's hand I could see she was massively turned on, being felt up by a girl while I was watching.
I took hold of my hairless cock and slowly stroked it as I took in the show. Before long, my wife was finding it difficult to keep upright and her friend pushed her onto her back beside me. I looked down at her beautiful face beside me, as she lay sprawled on the bed. Her friend knelt on all fours between my wife's legs and slowly lowered her head toward my wife's waiting pussy.
Before she reached it though, she stopped and just looked at it, enjoying the view as my wife lifted her hips trying to bring her needy sex into contact with her friend's mouth. Her friend gave a cheeky smile and still waited. My wife had lifted her shapely arse completely clear of the bed trying to push it onto her friend's mouth, but her friend leaned back out of reach. The sight of my wife in this gymnastic position was heavenly.
Her tiny waist nearly at 45 degrees to the bed, her shaven pussy being sent skywards and her breasts tilted back toward her face. My wife begged her "please, oh god please, do it". With that, her friend opened her mouth and covered my wife's pussy entirely. It almost looked like she was French kissing it. She moved her hands under my wife's raised arse to keep her firmly against her face in that raised position. Her tongue went deep inside my wife, before she slowly withdrew her mouth and then ran her tongue over my wife's lips and her clit.
Soon she was lapping away and gradually my wife sank back to the bed with the pleasure making her legs quiver. Her gorgeous hips resumed their sexy rotating motion as she ground herself into her friend's face. My cock was throbbing again and telling me it wanted some more attention. Not only that, but my wife's friend was sorely lacking some attention herself. I felt it only right I do something about that.
I got up and walked to the foot of the bed, as two sets of eyes watched me expectantly. My wife's friend was on all fours with her feet hanging over the edge; both girls still wore their high heels. Her sexy bum was high in the air and I had a delectable view of her firm buttocks barely covered by her dress and the tiny strip of her thong covering but not concealing the plumpness where her labia were restrained inside.
I slid my hands up her legs, past the tops of her stockings and onto the bare flesh of her thighs. As my hands made contact with her skin, I was aware that both girls were watching me intently. Her friend's flushed face, for the moment, looking over her shoulder at me and neglecting my wife's puckered wet opening. My wife too clearly found the sight of me behind her best friend extremely interesting. My hands reached the hem of her dress and I pushed it slowly but firmly up over her arse and kept pushing until it was above her waist.
I lowered one hand and stroked it over her thong where it covered her pussy. The fabric was warm and moist to the touch. I slid my finger against the edge and pushed the flimsy strip to one side. Lightly I rubbed my finger against her now exposed pussy lips. She groaned and pushed back with pleasure at the first contact of my fingers on her bare pussy flesh. I rubbed slowly but with increasing pressure. Her pussy gradually opened to my touch and more of her wet labia became exposed.
I lowered my head and started to run my tongue over her heated sex. She groaned and I felt her shift as she parted her legs further. She pushed back against my face, pressing her need onto my working tongue. My mouth covered her flowering labia, my nose pressed on her quivering little anus above. It didn't take very long before I felt her roaming on my mouth, the spasm of her vaginal muscles as I felt them contract and release over and over again around my deeply buried tongue.
I don't think I had ever seen a girl cum so hard and so quickly. As if to answer, my wife said, "she hasn't had any decent male attention for quite a while, plus you really are quite good with your mouth. Now I think she would really appreciate feeling your lovely hard cock deep within her". I looked into her friend's flushed face as my wife said that and could see the need on her face.
I stood straight and gently rested the head of my throbbing cock against the warmth of her waiting pussy. I rubbed the head of my cock up and down along the now open petals of her glistening red labia. Slowly I pushed and felt it gradually enclosed by her tight pussy. As I slowly slid my full length into her, she let out a guttural groan, half pleasure, half pain. When I was in fully I waited, just enjoying the sensations of her firm buttocks pressed against my hips and her pussy walls squeezing and releasing me.
Slowly I withdrew and then with more speed I pistoned back into her tight pussy. Gradually I increased my rhythm as I pumped in and out of her. My hands kneaded her shapely buttocks and sometimes gripped her hips as I pulled her onto me, so as to impale her more deeply.
By the way she was reacting, there was no way she could continue her ministrations to my wife. She was moving so much against me and clearly experiencing strong sensations. My wife though was more than happy to frantically rub her own clit as she watched her husband thrusting deep into her best friend.
Her small frame was writhing wildly and I could tell she would cum again very soon if I didn't slow down. I wanted to make this last so I slowed until gradually I was making almost no movement.
I leant forward, reached one hand around to her front, and caressed her breasts through the thin barriers of her bra and my wife's dress. I lifted her so that she was knelt upright, still with me embedded deep within her. I pulled the straps of her dress and bra down from her shoulders and pulled both garments down at the front baring her small but firm breasts to my touch. As my hands enclosed her heaving mounds, my fingers squeezed her small but incredibly hard nipples.
She turned her head sideways so her face met mine. Our mouths opened and our tongues writhed around each other, sharing the most sensual of kisses, whilst I was still buried deep to the hilt inside her. I moved my hands down from her breasts and gripped the rumpled band of her dress. I pulled it up and she raised her arms as I lifted it over her head and threw it away. I then leant back slightly to remove her bra as well.
We resumed the kiss; she was now naked other than the stockings and shoes. In this position, I could run my fingers all over her breasts, belly and pussy. Her clit was easy to reach and I ran my fingers over it continuously, my other hand stroking her firm little breasts. She started to grind her hips, her buttocks moving against my pelvis delightfully.
My wife got on all fours and stalked towards her friend like some wonderfully sexy cat. Her face took over from my hand as she started to flick her tongue over her friend's hard little clit.
Although this position was incredibly sexy, I could not move in and out of her very much. As I tried to start moving my deeply embedded shaft, she fell forward onto my wife's back. This was easily solved as my wife rotated and lay on her back so that both girl's now had access to the other's pussy.
As I pumped into her, I could feel my wife's tongue working at her labia and occasionally lashing at my shaft and even my tight, and now smooth, scrotum. All the while, I could see her friend's head moving as she lapped away at my wife's pussy.
Before long, we were all becoming increasingly vocal as our arousal built. Both the girls were whimpering and moaning as they neared their orgasms. My wife was now frantically pushing her pussy into her friend's face. Her stocking clad legs lifting her naked bum clear of the bed. She was telling her friend not to stop, whilst still licking us both where my slick shaft was pistoning inside her friend's tight pussy.
Suddenly both women were orgasming, their voices making high-pitched yelps almost as if they were in pain. I felt her friend's already tight pussy start convulsing along my length, which sent me over the edge myself.
Before I knew it, I was hunched over her tiny back as a powerful orgasm ripped through me and I started to shoot deep inside her petite body. As I pumped shot after shot into her, her vaginal muscles were fluttering in response drawing my ejaculation even deeper into her. My whole shaft became so super sensitive that I held her firmly to me, stopping her from moving. Every tiny motion caused exquisite but almost painfully strong sensations along its length.
For a few minutes, no one felt like moving as we were gently coming down from the post orgasmic bliss. I remained deep inside my wife's best friend making tiny movements; while she in turn rested her head on my wife's hip, occasionally kissing the soft skin of her belly and pubic mound. After a few moments of savouring this moment, I withdrew my softening cock and moved round to lie down next to my wife. Her best friend continued gently kissing and then lapping at her smooth mound, and then moving her head down to her glistening clit and open labia. Just little kitten licks with the tip of her tongue. As she did this, I kissed my wife passionately, our tongues duelling inside her mouth. She reached for my semi hard shaft and very lightly ran her fingertips up and down its length. Very quickly, the sight of her best friend going down on her combined with the feel of her so tenderly touching my cock brought it back to life again.
Her eyes lit up with an idea, she got us to form a triangle with me on my back, her friend on all fours with her thighs either side of my head. She then completed the triangle lying on her back. Her best friend resumed going down on my wife while reached I started to lap away at her extremely erect clit. Then I felt the warm sensation of my wife's adorable mouth as she took almost my entire length. It didn't take very long at all before we were all cumming like crazy again.
After that, the night was a blur. We continued to pleasure each other into the early hours. Even though I surpassed myself when it came to repeat performances, I still couldn't keep up with the two lustful ladies. Luckily, when I needed a rest they enthusiastically occupied each other which in turn inspired my recoveries.
That night I lay naked in the bed with a naked sleeping beauty on either side of me, wondering if with luck like this, I better buy a lottery ticket or was I just having some incredibly vivid dream. Something like this couldn't possibly be reality, was this the perfect triangle? All three of us fancied the other two like crazy, and seemingly all three of us loved seeing the other two making love. I hoped this wouldn't be a one off. My wife roused slightly and seeing me awake whispered to me. "How would you feel if she moves in? Could we live like this?
I turned to her and kissed her passionately. |
Hot Wife: Mexican Vacation Ch. 01 | 156,326 | 4.55 | 313,431 | [
"gang bang",
"wife swap",
"voyeur husband",
"deep throat",
"anal wife",
] | This Hot Wife Series is designed to be fantasy. Not to say we won't try to act them out. So, here goes.
I'm Hugh and my wife is Diane. Your average late 30s couple with young kids. A few years ago we decided to try a local swing club. It was the first time we had done anything so bold with each other. Not even strip clubs. Well, turns out it was kind of fun and totally erotic. But, that's a story (or stories) for a different time. This story begins a couple years after our first experience with the lifestyle. If you know me, then you know what turns me on. My wife. So, long as she is completely in ecstasy, then so am I. I'm visual, to watch her suck cock while I fuck her is beyond amazing for me.
She is more demure about her fantasies. She tells me that whatever turns me on, does it for her. She says she likes watching me turned on. What got us on this path were a couple of stories she shared when she was single. The first one, she joined one of her friends and the friend's boyfriend. Just sucking and licking and kissing at first. He did end up fucking the girl that is now my wife. Those two are now married. And another one where she had sex with a boyfriend of hers while his buddy jacked off in the corner. The buddy wanted to help, but she said no.
About my Diane. She is by far the hottest woman I have ever met. 5'9", slim. Legs that climb to the sky. Nice D cup breasts with nipples that cover about half her gorgeous tits. They are like large erasers when they stand at attention, too. Blue eyes, I mean clear blue. Hot, this is a HOT woman. Men and women alike want to fuck this hot MILF when we go out. Now, she is very visual, too. She'll watch other things and get so hot by them that she looses control just watching them. About me, well, I'm a man so who cares. Six foot, dollar bill cock. Take a dollar and that's how long. Wrap the dollar around so the sides barely touch and that's how thick.
Like I said we have 3 kids. Getting time to ourselves is nearly impossible. So, we try to take adult vacations every year. By adult, I mean vanilla vacations with our good friends that also have small kids. These friends are straight laced (as far as we know). And as far as they know we are too. Now, the 4 of us get along great. We all love an all-inclusive resort where we don't need to pay extra for ANYTHING. Well, we found one in Puerto Vallarta, and booked it for 8 days starting just after the 4th of July. The two months leading up to it were filled with anticipation of drinking and relaxing. That's how I got the idea for this series. Now, we'll start our story.
So we get to LAX ready for our vacation all giddy, the four of us. Fairly uneventful other than me whispering into Diane's ear about what a great time we're going to have. She kind of looks at the devilish grin and wonders if she's thinking about the same great time. Doubtful. Plane, fly, arrive, car ride.
During the car ride, I'm making snide comments about nothing in particular, but Diane thinks I'm funny and that's one of the reasons I married her. There are 2 other couples in our "bus" that are going to our resort. The other couples know each other as well; they are younger than us, about mid- to late- twenties. The guys couldn't be more different. Pete was tall, about 6'2" blond and pretty strong from what we could tell. Michael, though, had jet-black hair, kind of slicked back green eyes and not as built up as Pete. Our girls enjoyed looking at them, I'll tell you. Their wives were hot, though. Cut from similar molds, they each had that blonde hair with dark streaks, no roots showing. Kerry, Pete's wife was about 5'5" with, I could only guess, D cup breasts. She had changed into a sarong on the plane and her legs were very well worked out. Both their wives wore sunglasses, so we couldn't tell their eye colors. The other wife, Lainy, was a little smaller 5'3", with nicely proportioned B cup breasts. But, her calves were cut, you could almost lick them they were so nice. I'm a leg guy, so these were magical.
Anyway, I digress. Too much detail on the car ride. BUT, at a couple points, I leaned into Diane and whispered, "I bet Pete has a huge cock. That fucker would stretch you something terrible. You wouldn't want to fuck him. Would you?" Then she'd proceed to give me that "NOT IN PUBLIC" look. She is so magnificent. I love to fondle and try to give everyone a sneak peak every so often, but she will have none of it. No PDAs. So, again, I tried to get her excited beyond all control. I could tell I was getting to her, because she kept shifting in her seat on the ride. We said our goodbyes at the end of the ride and went to check-in.
After wondering to our rooms, we unpacked and quickly got into our suits to head for the pool bar. It was about 4pm when we arrived and I didn't want the free alcohol to go to waste since we paid for the whole day. We got down to the pool and Diane ordered a 7 & 7. Oh Man, that drink makes her horny. Vodka, though, makes her "nasty". Her words, not mine. After our second drinks, we were making plans to go change and meet back up with our friends for dinner. So, we took one to go. I didn't really have a chance to ask D how she felt about the car ride before we got to the pool. Once in the room, I started in. "So, That Pete kept looking at your hot little nipples showing through your shirt. Did you notice?"
"Well, if you hadn't kept on about him having a big dick, he wouldn't have had the chance." She said.
"Oh, so you did notice? I saw you licking your lips that one time he peaked over. You want to fuck him don't you?"
She looks at me, kind of smirks and says, "Tell me you didn't think Kerry was hot? I might want to fuck both of them."
"WHAT?!?!? You never talk like this; I'm getting hot... Yeah, they were hot, but what about their friends? I thought Lainy was the hottest of the two. God, you're making me so hot."
"Really, well yeah, I thought Lainy was hotter, but Kerry aint no chopped liver. Anyway we're here with our friends, there is NO WAY they are going to find out that we 'dabble', so that is enough, Hugh. Do you hear me?"
"Right, but what am I going to do with this hard on you've given me?" I said, complaining furiously.
"Hold onto it until after dinner. You shall be rewarded for your patience." She said, promising.
So, upset as I was, I got ready. We went to the Asian themed restaurant, which was more of a low-light affair. I had some more drinks, and D had 2 more 7 & 7s. I knew by now she was well on her way to horny city. Now, I should mention, this isn't an adult resort, nor couples only. There were plenty of kids, single men and single women. But, for the most part, everyone kind of settled into their own spaces. After dinner, we decided to hang out by the bar on the beach. They were playing disco and Diane loves to dance. So, my buddy, Joe (we call him "Crush", though I don't know why), and I stayed at the bar while the girls danced and sometimes came back for air (and a drink). Well on one of the trips back I see Diane look over at the other end of the bar away from us. She's kind of walking sideways she's staring so hard.
Believe it. At the end of the bar there are two guys; only two guys. One guy is Black and I'd guess 6'4", shaved head, good looking if I had to judge. The other guy is Hispanic, Cuban looking with the shirt, and the whole nine. Now, Diane loves both types. So, I'm like looking at her looking at these guys and then she looks back like "What?!?". I look at her like "What are you doing?" See you should know at this point we have only played with couples, so I can have fun while she is having fun, a kind of tit-for-tat thing. So, single guys (although it has been a fantasy of mine to have her gang-banged) are off limits. So, she kind of cuddles up on me and grazes her hand against my cock. Well, my buddy kind of sees this exchange. So, he laughs as he sucks down the rest of his beer. The girls go back to the dance floor (in the sand), but as they do, they walk around the other end of the bar. And that's when I saw the guys check our girls out. Now, Cruch didn't see, but I did. Then the guys started getting really animated about the girls. Talking to each other and laughing, then looking away, talking some more, then laughing. You know the deal.
After another song, these guys get up and head toward our girls. They kind of dance by them in the sand and nothing is really happening. They lean in to talk to the girls and the girls point our way. We wave, they wave, the girls wave. Crush and I kind of look at each other and toast our drinks before taking another drink. "No biggie, just means I don't have to dance now." I tell him.
After a couple more songs, they all head toward us. The girls introduce us. Their names are Carlos and would you believe Carlos. They are buddies from college and they usually try to vacation together because they are still single. Most of their college buddies have gotten married, or they've lost touch. They thank us for letting them dance with our beautiful women and head back to their side of the bar. At this point Diane whispers in my ear that the Black Carlos was rubbing her pretty close while they were dancing and she could feel his cock on her belly and back, depending on how they danced. She was pretty sure Misty, Crush's wife, got a similar treatment from Cuban Carlos.
She proceeds with, "It was hanging down and it was at least 9 inches. Semi-erect. I don't know about Pete, but, THAT guy has a monster, I promise you."
Her eyes are all wide and stuff, so I said, "I love you, you are so funny, but where's the girl for me?"
That ended it. She didn't really talk about it after that. We kind of stayed and swayed to the music for a while when Misty says her and Crush are heading to the hot tub for a while. We had just gotten refills, and said that we'd meet them there after we finish ours. They headed off to change and Diane and I started kissing really deep. I reminded her of my blue balls and how after dinner she said she'd take care of them. We were so close to each other that I didn't realize the Carloses had moved to where Crush and Misty were.
I said, "Hey guys. What's up?"
So, the black Carlos says, "Nothing, we just wanted to know if we could dance with Diane again?"
"I don't know, ask her? She tells me over and over that I'm not the boss of her."
"Diane, would you dance with me?" He says with his giant hand outstretched.
"Absolutely!" And away she goes. This guy is at least 6'4". And I tried to get a look at his cock, but he had hidden it well, by this time.
I was going to pay attention as she danced with him this time, when the other Carlos starts talking. He says, "your wife and her friend are very beautiful, you are lucky men."
"You don't even know, Brother."
"Well, my buddy told me that he thinks your wife is flirting with him." I could see he was trying not to be insulting, but testing the waters, too.
"Yeah, well, possibly, she said he had a huge cock." At that his face was full of surprise. "Yeah, she said it was rubbing up on her and it was at least 9 inches, semi-erect. She said you probably gave my buddy's wife the same treatment, but they are pretty straight, so I don't know how you'll do with that."
At that statement, he kind of smiles. Then he said, "Wow, dude. That's amazing. So, you'd let Carlos fuck that beautiful wife of yours?"
"Like I said before, I'm not the boss of her. But, your buddy Carlos, there, would need to find me a girl..."
"I'll be right back." And with that, he practically sprinted to the sand to talk to Big Carlos.
I looked toward Diane, smiling knowing she was about to make some decisions about our vacation and our swinging life. But, I realized it was a slow song, and she had her arms around Carlos. Not slutty, but like he was her boyfriend. So, I keep watching and as his buddy taps him on the shoulder, big Carlos turns and Diane kind of sneaks a rub on his cock. She did it smoothly, when she dropped her arm so nobody would see. I knew our fate right then.
So big Carlos kind of says something to Diane and she starts nodding. Well, the other Carlos starts dancing behind her. She was the meat in a Carlos sandwich. I can't have her getting a bad rep. We just got to this resort for Christ sake. Nor can I have our long time friend see this. So, I head out to get my wife out of here.
On my way to her, little Carlos backs off a little, realizing he probably got too close. As I broke up D and black Carlos, I got a glimpse of it. WOW. Diane complains about me getting too deep in her if I try to pound her really hard. There is no way she'll take that thing. Well, that's what I think, anyway.
"Come on, its time to go." I say in my best 'upset husband' voice.
She kind of puts on this little pouty face and reluctantly comes with me. As we start to walk away, hand in hand, I look back at the Carloses. They are just standing there in shock. So, I ask her, "How many Carloses do you think you can handle tonight?"
"What?!?! All of them!!!" And she kind of jumps. I don't know that I've seen her this excited.
I look back once again and say, "Well? Are you guys going to help us find our room or not?"
We just needed to make sure our friends didn't see us get back to our room. Not with these 2 strangers, at least. But, as we passed the hot tub, our friends were in there talking to some other people.
Once I shut the door, everyone kind of looks at me. So, I decided to be the boss. "Here are the ground rules. Once we leave this room, you guys only know us from the bar and trying to rub your cocks on my wife. Condoms at all times, we brought a dozen. Diane is completely in charge as soon as I finish talking. AND you fuckers didn't bring anyone for me, so I will come to each of you this week and ask you for a favor, no matter how unpleasant, you must do this favor for me. Godfather style. Cool?"
Diane immediately grabs big Carlos and starts making out with him, while she is trying to undo his shorts. Little Carlos and I begin to strip. After a while, D changes up and starts kissing Cuban Carlos, while she grabs his cock and starts jerking him off.
His cock is longer and thinner than mine, probably 7 1/2 inches long and 4 inches around. Well, she drops to her knees and starts sucking this guy's cock. He seems to like it and his buddy has his ready, now. So, then big Carlos comes up by her and she puts her hand on it and it looked like she was resting her arm on a shelf. I'd only seen dicks that big in movies. 12 inches for sure and about 8 inches thick. As soon as she put her hand on it, she kind of had the same expression little Carlos did when I hinted that his buddy might be able to fuck my wife. She never stopped engulfing his cock in her mouth, though. However bad she wanted to start on that monster, she stuck to the one in her mouth; and jerked the monster off.
After a few more sucks, she stopped and told little Carlos to get a condom on, she wanted him to fuck her before big Carlos stretched her out too much for his cock.
"Hey, what about me?" I whined.
"Oh, Baby, I know I promised, but these are special circumstances."
Then she started sucking that giant cock. She kind of waved, too. Meaning the other Carlos needed to start fucking her. NOW! So, I motioned to the rubbers we brought and he started rolling one on.
Right now, Diane is kind of in a doggie position on the floor, so as little Carlos gets behind and starts to push into her, she kind of moves forward and takes about 3/4 of that monster in her mouth. The site alone of that beautiful mouth wrapped around that big dick almost made me cum. Her head moving back and forth to the rhythm of the cock fucking her pussy.
Then, like magic, she kind of said, "I'm cughnee". I knew that only could mean she was cuming. And my God did she. She starts wriggling her hips up and down really fast, while plowing herself into his cock, all the while, her body is betraying her and she is actually deep throating big Carlos. Both guys throw their heads back. Little Carlos is obviously sent over the edge by the treatment Diane's hips just gave him. So, I expect an eruption from her tight little mouth, too. But, big Carlos says, "I want to cum so bad, but I gotta get my turn at that hot pussy, like you promised."
Wait, like you promised? That little minx promised him he could fuck her while they were dancing; I bet. She is so devilish sometimes. Well, she came down from her orgasm, and climbs into the bed. I know he can't push that whole thing into her, so I tell him she needs to work it in. We can't hurt her. He lies down, and his buddy collapses in a chair. I've been stroking myself for at least a half hour while these guys made finger cuffs out of my wife. But, I knew I was going to get my chance to cum inside her, and soon.
She climbed above big Carlos and it looked like there was no way her sweet hole would open for it. But, again like the theme of this night I was wrong. Slowly, inch-by-inch, it started to disappear in her love box, until only a couple inches remained. Then she starts lifting herself up and down ever so slowly. I can tell by her face that she loves this cock in her. She is looking at him like I've seen her look at me when whe is really turned on. I mean beyond hot.
All of a sudden, she opens her eyes and looks right at me and says, "Bring your cock over here, I need your big dick."
So, I stroll over and put it in front of her. She kisses the head, then looks up and said, "Put that cock in my ass. Yeah, I said it. Fuck my ass while Carlos stretches my pussy."
We've tried anal sex once and it was erotic, but Diane has never wanted to since, she always tells me I'm too thick. I can only imagine how thick I would feel with that monster in her pussy. But, hey, I'm not the boss. I put a finger in my mouth and get it nice and wet, then start working it around her tight little puckered hole.
"Put your cock in there! I don't need you to stretch it out, first. Don't warm it up, just fuck it. Fuck my ASS like you've always wanted. Hard and fast. Please.. God, fuck my ass."
"What?!? OK."
So I spit on my dick get right up behind her sexy ass, which has stopped gyrating on the giant below her, and push the thick head into her ass. It squeezed my cock so tight, I had to concentrate so I didn't blow my load right then. I started fucking that ass with just the head and Carlos started moving his hips up and down, which made his cock rub mine, through my hot wife's pussy cavity.
"Ok boys, really fuck me, now. Fuck the shit out of me! I need your cocks to .. FUCK ME!!!" And with that, we started pounding this sexy MILF. I know I haven't fucked someone that good, ever. And Carlos was certainly doing well, too. All of a sudden she looks over to little Carlos, who had been stroking his cock to hardness again and motions him over. She starts sucking him off while we are fucking the shit out of her. Amazing. Diane was airtight. All holes filled. What a fantasy. The sight of my wife and all this cock was unbearable.
Well, pretty soon after that, Diane kind of stiffens up and then starts her shaking again. Carlos grabs her hips to hold her tight and push his full length into her. Oh, shit, he's going to cum. With that, little Carlos threw his head back again. I full expected her to spit his cum out. Diane doesn't like cum in her mouth, so she'll spit it out, right? Nope. She starts bucking again, swallowing while she and both Carloses are cuming. She's deep throating little Carlos, too. No cum leaked out, so I'm sure it went right to her belly. Meanwhile, big Carlos starts cuming, I can feel his cock twitching and jamming itself into Diane. Then she kind of goes limp. Right there, I think she kind of passed out. Too much for me, and I start to cum. Hard.
She looks back and tells me to fill her little ass with my cum. That girl really knows how to send me over the edge.
After we all finished taking our cocks out of her, the guys went to the restroom and then came out and changed.
"My God, Diane. We double up on women all the time. But, you, you are the hottest woman we have EVER done." Little Carlos said.
"No shit. You are so unbelievably hot. We had a wonderful time. Thank you, truly, thank you both." Said big Carlos.
"Remember our rules, boys. Only know us from the bar. And you do owe me." I said.
They smiled and were out the door. |
Hot Wife: Mexican Vacation Ch. 04 | 57,885 | 4.54 | 315,422 | [
"nude sunbathing",
] | After the past two days, it was a good thing we had an excursion planned with our friends. We went on a full day outing away from the resort. Apparently D and I are sex magnets. In two days we'd had sex with 3 different groups of people. First, a gang-bang for her, then an fmf for me, and an orgy last night topped it off. Hopefully, none of those people will be on our day sail, because who knows what will get out then.
Yes! Nobody we know on our day sail. We didn't know when we booked it, however, that it was adults only. So, that was a bit of a relief. We didn't have to watch our language, or actions.
We had our sail to the dolphin encounter and caught up a little with our friends. It was good to finally spend a little time with them.
D and Misty went to the "bar" on board to get us all some more punch like six times total. By the time we got to the dolphin encounter, we were pretty well lubed. Diane was getting a little frisky with me. But, we maintained ourselves and enjoyed the dolphins. The encounter was well worth the money.
After swimming with the dolphins, we boarded the boat and headed for a secluded beach for lunch and tanning. We still had 3 more hours outside the resort, according to the brochure. We had lunch with the group, and then were about to find a place away from the group to hang out with our friends (everyone started to scatter at that point). When I hear this female voice call, "Diane, Misty."
When we all turn, we see our on-board bartender, Paulina, doing the calling. With her is Captain Juan and Cristina, our first-mate.
So, we turn back and head their way. Once we catch up to them, Paulina says they know of a really secluded place we can all go and sunbathe nude. Now, I know D and I have been pretty wild, but we aren't really "hang out naked" types. We've tried it a couple times at nude resort and whatnot, but it isn't really our thing. Plus, we're with our pretty straight-laced friends, so I'm thinking "no way." AND, these girls are hot. Paulina has brown hair that flows to the middle of her back. She's about 5'8" and thin, but with nicely proportioned C-cup breasts. She has a really dark tan like her buddy Cristina and looks incredible. A really knockout. I had to keep drinking not to get hard thinking about how I wanted to fuck her. Cristina is a little shorter with smaller breasts, but dimples that you'd kill for. I'm talking about the dimples above her ass. She got great ones in her smile, too. She was wearing a thong, and she has that perfect Mexican ass. Thick, but perfectly round. She's also got defined calves, and a flat belly with a little belly button ring. Now, Juan, our captain is cut. 6'1" six-pack, no shirt, those loose shorts that the good-looking young guys wear to show their muscles. You can see the outline of his soft cock through his loose fitting shorts. Three natural hotties. So, I'm thinking no way in hell we're going, when Misty says, "Hell yeah, we'll go." Misty! My buddy's wife.
"Ok, I guess we go." I say.
They start walking into these bushes, and there is the faintest trail. Only about 30 yards of this and a beach opens up. Paulina and Cristina untie their tops while they are running to the water. Captain Juan has brought some of the magical punch. Shit, I love this guy! Then Misty frees her breasts. Then Diane. But, Crush and I are bringing up the rear, so we only see their naked backs running away from us. Juan puts the punch down, and lays out the blanket he also brought., Next, he strips his shorts off. He has this dick that is thin and long, 7 inches, at least. And he's completely soft. I know D is going to want to see that cock hard. Friends or no friends. That's trouble.
All four girls head back from the beach and now we get to see the majesty of 8 great breasts bounding toward us. They all look amazing. I want to suck on everyone. But, it takes massive amounts of concentration to keep down my wood. I'm torn. I have always wanted to see Misty's tits, because I think she's got these long nipples. But, I can't take my eyes off of Paulina and Cristina's breasts. I strip off my shorts so does Crush. After the girls get to the blanket, they all take their bottoms off and pick a place on the blanket. This was starting to be too much for me. I suggested more punch and headed toward the cooler. We all sipped some more punch. Then, Misty whispers something in Crush's ear and he says, "Sure, what do I care, it'd be hot."
"Paulina, can you help me put some lotion on?"
"Sure, que buena."
She heads over and squeezes some into her hands and starts rubbing them together. She is behind Misty at this point. Then Misty says, "No, I've got the back pretty well covered, but I think I missed my boobs, right here." Misty then circles her breasts with her hands.
Paulina just moves around front and starts rubbing lotion on Misty's tits, concentrating on those amazing nipples I imagined she had. Then, Cristina comes over and starts doing the same with Diane. Our girls are getting completely felt up by our boat crew. And we didn't even start it. Then Misty says, "OK, your guys' turn." They switch partners and Misty squeezes out some lotion and starts rubbing it on Cristina, while D then starts on Paulina's beautiful orbs.
I know I've got something growing, and look to Captain Juan and he's slowly stroking his meat to about 9 inches and about the same 6 around I've got. But, right here, we've got some decisions coming. If D sees that meat, she's gonna want to jump on it. Crush is trying not to have his hard cock seen. But, by this point, I am way to hot, so I start stroking mine, too.
Then Misty pushes Cristina down on her back and starts rubbing all over Cristina not just her tits, the other girls stop and help her; Cristina is the center of attention. Misty keeps rubbing this beauty's legs and teasing her pelvis area, while Paulina and Diane are each concentrating on a breast. Cristina is moaning something terrible. Then Cristina, on her back, looks over to Captain Juan and says, "Amore.." We three are all stroking our meat, but Juan kind of moves toward them as Cristina beckoned.
About this time, Misty can't hold back and dives her mouth full into Cristina's pussy. I look over at Crush and he is just rubbing his cock and looking straight at the pussy his wife his devouring. Paulina then straddles her little body above Cristina's tits and starts making out with Diane. Then Cristina reaches out with her right hand and starts playing with what has to be the soaking wet pussy of Paulina. Paulina's eyes are closed and her face is flushed with ecstasy
Paulina motions Diane to her back, and D complies only to be immediately eaten by Paulina. Cristina still has her hand behind Paulina and from my angle it looks like she has a couple of fingers plunging in and out of that tight little pussy. I move over from Diane's left around her head to her right, and put my cock in her mouth. Then, Crush, scoots to where I was to get a better view of his wife eating Christina's marvelous pussy. Well, Diane, sensing him there reaches out with her left hand and finds his cock. He looks at me, and I just shrug my shoulders. Let's see how far this goes. About that time, Juan has had his cock in Cristina's mouth getting a good hard suck. She's really enjoying the thrashing Misty is giving her and she is jumping around pretty good. Then, she pops his cock out of her mouth and says something to him in Spanish. Then, Paulina stops eating Diane's pussy, looks at Cristina and kisses her full on the mouth. Like she has just fallen in complete love with her, instantly.
Cristina then says, "This is be nice. You hold on tight and watch, K?" to Diane.
Juan gets behind Paulina doggie position and starts fucking her pretty hard. So hard, then Diane really starts enjoying the added motion on her pussy. Because as Juan is fucking Paulina, she is moving to and fro on Diane's clit. She can't keep still he is pounding her so hard from behind.
I see Crush sucking on Diane's left nipple as kind of a thank you for stroking him, then he gets right behind his Misty and starts fucking her doggie style. He is fucking her with a nice smooth motion, not like Juan is fucking Paulina, rough and hard, but kind of slow and lovingly. Misty really starts moaning and reaches back with a free hand to rub her protruding clit.
Diane has stopped sucking me and backs away from Paulina's mouth to survey the scene. "Can you believe this?" She whispers to me.
"I love my life." I say.
She then says, "I don't care if our friends see, I want a cock in me. Iwant that big hard cock of Captain Juan's to fuck me like he is fucking her."
"I only have 2 condoms left. Are you sure? So far, Crush and Misty have only seen mild stuff from us. Once you start fucking him, it could change everything."
"Look. Look at how good he fucks. Oh, I'm sure. You?"
"I guess. Here, good luck prying him off of Paulina.
"I think I can get him away from her. Watch me. Hey, Juan," as she starts rubbing her pussy and waving the condom, "can I see how that feels?" She is incredible, a thorough slut.
He looks at Cristina for permission and she says, "ABSOLUTAMENTE!!!"
He gets out from behind Paulina, comes over to Diane who has her knees up by her shoulders again, then she says, "hard, K? Fuck it hard. Just like Paulina."
He just rolls the condom on and plunges into her. Meanwhile, I put the other one on and head toward Cristina, she gets into a doggie position and starts kissing Diane, while her Juan is pounding my Diane really deep, I am really starting from way back to force the whole length of my cock into her tight hole. I want to drive as deep as possible into her. She feels a little looser than Diane, so I can really last while I pound her hard.
I look over and Crush is fucking Misty, Paulina has slid under Misty reversed, so she sees Crush fucking that pussy and so Misty has free access to her pussy. Paulina reaches up and starts playing with Crush's balls. Then, she takes his cock out and starts sucking it. Crush has no idea what to do. The look on his face is panic, he must feel like he is betraying Misty, but Paulina's mouth feels too good to stop her. The, it happens, he starts to cum. He really starts bucking and poor Paulina is having a hard time swallowing his load. As I keep watching, I see her choke and cum spurts out of her nose. He is still bucking, too. Shooting cum all over her tight chest and belly.
Diane is now in it deep. I see her roll her eyes back and say, "Fuck me you big stud. Just fuck me hard. God, you are a fucking stud."
And Misty says, "Let me finish you off, Captain Juan."
I look at Crush, and he looks into it. So, I start really checking out Cristina's ass while I'm fucking her pussy. I'm pressing my thumb into her little hole. Then, I rub some pussy juice on my first two fingers and plunge them into her asshole while I fuck her hard doggie style. She stops yelling in Spanish and just starts squeaking. That does it, I start to cum. Man, I really start giving it to her while I'm coming and she just keeps squeaking. Then, silence and she starts shuddering.
Then, Misty puts her wide-opened mouth right on Diane's ass, waiting for the moment. She is looking up at Juan and licking Diane's ass, waiting. Juan pulls out, pulls off the condom, and shoots his semen all over Misty's face. Beautiful. Then, Paulina comes over and licks it all off.
Then, the girls all headed into the water to wash up before we cleaned up the beach and headed for the boat. Back on board, we found out Juan and Cristina were engaged and Paulina was to be the Maid of Honor, as Cristina's best friend. Paulina and Cristina had talked about sharing Juan, but never actually taken the steps until this erotic encounter with us on the beach.
Diane and I tried to understand our new friends' complex relationship instead of face our old friends during the boat ride back. So, we kept asking them questions and avoiding the talk that was bound to creep up. I knew they'd have some hard questions for us that may jeopardize our friendship. |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 01 | 82,010 | 4.65 | 2,002,078 | [
] | *I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the next, of now twelve interviews, I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.*
It started out as a day like any other, well except for the snow. Little did I know it wouldn't end up that way? I looked outside and saw the snow coming down at an alarming rate. It was early spring, the weather had been in the fifties just weeks ago, but a front from Canada hovered over us for days bringing bitter cold and now snow. Lots of snow.
Most of the patrons filed out of the gym earlier than normal hoping to avoid the brunt of the storm. I sent the cleaning crew home first figuring I would hold down the fort until everyone left.
I had seen her come in, hell everyone did. I think half the guys here chose this time to train knowing she would be working out. I kept a close eye on every woman in the place but her in particular.
We had interacted briefly on occasion, mostly just hellos as she logged in or as I walked around. She was polite but as guarded with me as every male she encountered. Not that it mattered, she was well out of my league and I knew it.
From what I could tell, over the last two weeks, she came in each day except Sunday. Every other day she did a different routine. If not drop dead gorgeous she is striking for such a small woman. Today was the routine that was a bit more upbeat and intense.
I looked outside seeing the parking lot covered several inches deep in snow and almost empty. As the few remaining guests departed I sent home the last of the staff. All but alone in the gym, I went in the men's locker room to check on the stragglers. I turned off most of the lights as the last guy left.
Wishing the patron a good night I held the front door for him and then locked it. In the parking lot were two vehicles. My sedan and a Land Rover. Since I knew who owned the Land Rover I assumed she must still be in the women's locker room? I looked at the clock, it was still an hour before we normally close. I patiently waited for her to exit so we could both go home.
My name is Parker and I moved back here a year ago after being away for two years. It was a fortunate set of circumstances that brought me to this moment. A moment that would forever change my life.
My grandmother had broken her hip. No longer trusted to be alone she went to live with mom and dad. We are close my grandmother and me, I lived with her the last year of school and again when I got my masters. After taking a job in another town I received an offer here where she lived, the same town I graduated college from. I just bought her house for a price well below market. She even threw in the car since she can no longer drive.
I am in finance on a corporate level. My buddy Josh owns the gym and two others. Recently he got married and I was one of the groomsmen. Part of my present to him was to watch over this gym while he was on his honeymoon and taking care of some business. I normally workout here early in the morning.
I looked at the clock on the wall, fifteen minutes passed fifteen minutes ago. I never knew her to shower here, how long can it take to empty your locker? I walked to the door of the women's locker room and called out.
"Is anyone in here?" I yelled but not screamed. I waited, but heard no response.
"Is anyone in here?" I repeated walking past the entrance. Still no reply.
I went in further and then heard what sounded like someone talking.
"Are you Ok?" I called out.
I turned the corner to the lockers and there she sat naked from the waist up. She didn't see me at first as she was talking on her phone. Her pert tits were a sight to behold, one was pierced vertically with delicate pink balls on each end. She looked up at me as my eyes lingered too long. She seemed neither shocked nor annoyed that I had been checking her out.
"Yes?" She said curtly.
"When you're done, I'd like to lock up." I smiled.
I turned and left, she started talking on the phone again. I did a few reps on a machine waiting for her. I'm not a physical fitness person as such, but I do it to offset setting behind a computer all day. She emerged from the locker room with not much more than her workout clothes and a sweater. As I met her at the front door she looked outside seeming surprised at the accumulation of snow.
"Do you need help cleaning your car off?" I asked.
"Thank you but I should be fine." She looked at me suspiciously now.
"Sure." I replied understanding her concern.
I turned the handle and opened the door to let her out. She easily navigated the shoveled walk then trudged through the snow in the lot. Figuring I had already started I turned and decided to finish working out. I went and changed wearing full length sweats and an old college sweatshirt with sleeves that reached my elbows. When I came out of the locker room there was frantic knocking at the door.
It was her. The handle on the outside is locked but will open from the inside in case of an emergency. I hit the lever and pushed the door open. The frigid air blew in with her in tow.
"I think I'm stuck?" This thing of beauty said batting her eyes at me.
"It's a four wheel drive vehicle." I explained as if she didn't know.
"I hit something and now I'm stuck!" She admitted turning red.
"Stay here and I'll go check it out." I smiled looking out at her Land Rover.
The rear bumper was now sitting noticeably higher than the front. With my phone in hand in case I needed a flashlight, I headed across the lot to where her car was still running. I assessed the situation quickly, she had backed into a short parking pole protecting a small ditch. The pole was bent back at an angle and her bumper was caught on the top edge.
If it had been a dry day I am sure the vehicle would have pulled itself free, albeit with probable damage. The slippery surface not only prevented the damage but her freedom as well. I lifted the rear bumper enough to clear the pole. The car however did not move.
Now I just needed her to pull ahead while I lifted and the problem should be solved. Happy for such an easy fix I started walking back to the building.
"You got me free!" She yelled running out of the building.
"The door...!" I whispered. It was no use yelling...as the door was just inches from closing. Then I watched as the door shut sealing my fate.
"What?" She stopped no doubt looking at the pained expression on my face.
"I'm locked out." I explained trying not to look too upset.
"Oops!" She laughed.
At the time I didn't see the humor in it.
"Do you have another key?" She asked. It was a simple question that required a complicated answer.
"I do. At the house." I dialed up my phone. "Tom's Towing? This is Parker, is Tom around."
She looked on as I waited for the answer.
"I understand. No I will call back if I still need him." I said hanging up.
"Why do you need a tow truck to get a key from your house?" It was a simple question that required a complicated answer.
"The spare key to the house is in my car." I explained dialing my phone again.
I had no more luck getting a taxi than a tow truck. I went to my car and brushed off the snow with my semi bare arm. My grandmother had backed into a car at church one day smashing the rear corner and breaking the tail light.
Before dad could come down and get it fixed she ran into the garage with the front corner, the headlight now pointed at the ground. Mom took her license away and the car was never repaired. It was given to me sitting in the garage with only twenty seven thousand some odd miles on a twelve year old car.
With no choice I picked up a rock and smashed the window to the rear door. I laughed at the poor old car thinking the look was complete now. Just some plastic and duct tape and I would be welcome in any Walmart parking lot.
"Are you crazy?" She yelled as the shattered glass filled the back seat.
Unlocking the front door I reached in and pulled out my spare house key holding up for her to see.
"What now?" She asked.
"Now we get your car loose so you can get home." I explained.
"But I thought you got it loose?" She looked at me concerned that she might be stranded like me as well.
"I need your help, but don't worry you'll be on your way soon." I smiled. She seemed relieved as I explained what was needed.
She hopped in her Land Rover and on my signal inched forward. The bumper scraped the post but with a final lift slipped past the edge and she was free. I waved her goodbye and made sure she was headed out of the lot.
I started jogging in the other direction heading for home. Luckily it was just a few miles away. The snow had all but stopped but the accumulation made it difficult to run as well as being slick.
"What are you doing?" She asked pulling up beside me on the street.
"Getting the key to the gym." I answered not breaking stride.
"Get in, you'll freeze! I'll take you." She offered.
"That's ok I need the exercise. I'll be sweating by the time I get there." I replied.
"Great! But how are you going to get back?" It was a good question, even I had not thought about that.
"I can run back. Besides you don't even know me." I waved for her to go.
She pulled up and stopped. Getting out of the Land Rover she held the passenger door open.
"I insist." She pointed to the warm interior of the vehicle.
I turned to the car and cleaned my sneakers off the best I could. She waited for the traffic to clear and then hopped back behind the wheel.
"Lilly!" She offered me her hand.
"Parker." I introduced myself.
"Where to?" She smiled seemingly comfortable I was not going to attack her.
I gave her directions to the house I bought from my grandmother. Lilly pulled in the drive and looked up at the architecture from days past. I could see she was impressed.
"You're welcome to come in." I offered. "I would like to put some dry clothes on."
"Thanks but I'll wait here." She politely answered.
"I understand. I'll leave the door open if you change your mind." I grinned.
Trudging through the deep snow I made it to the front door. I opened it and grabbed the snow shovel from the foyer I left there for just these occasions. It was a small plastic one but was all I needed to make a narrow path the short distance to her car. Returning to the house I slipped off my shoes and wet socks and bounded upstairs. Turning on the light I knew she could see which room I was in.
I took my time changing and as I descended the steps I saw her shadow in the living room.
"Well?" I asked knowing it was more than she expected.
"You live here?" Lilly asked clearly impressed with the inside of the house too.
I could have bragged and explained it was mine, maybe I should have just to clarify it.
"Well let's just say the rent is affordable." I smiled.
We headed to the foyer, I opened the closet to get a coat. Hanging beside mine were several stylish jackets and coats clearly not for men. Lilly saw them and her expression changed immediately. I pushed them aside to grab one of mine. I'm not the smartest guy but I knew what Lilly was thinking. I knew she was out of my league, but I decided to keep my options open.
"I swear my sister has more coats than shoes!" I mumbled straightening them out.
I turned just in time to see her smile fade. Again I knew I had no chance with Lilly but just knowing she smiled was a boost to my male ego.
"Your sister?" Lilly asked demurely.
"Daisy, she help's with the rent." I lied. "She's a senior at the college. Off with friends for the weekend skiing."
Daisy lives here with me but helping with the rent was just a polite way of saying she was welcome to stay. Oh, and she is almost a senior, she will need a couple of classes to graduate after this semester.
"Anyone else help with the rent?" Lilly asked slyly.
"No such luck. Just the two of us unless she has visitors." I added to put her mind at ease.
"Don't you have visitors?" Lilly pried.
"You could say I am between visitors right now." I teased.
Lilly tried to hide her smile but I could tell she was pleased by the news.
I remembered to grab the spare key to the gym. It was just for the front door, Josh gave it to me a year ago so I could get in if he was running late. The keys locked in the building were the ones he left giving me access to the whole building.
Lilly and I talked on the way back about nothing special. Her headlights illuminated my battered car as we pulled into the parking lot. She saw it and again her expression changed immediately. It was like a slap to her face it was so immediate.
A sobering thought entered my brain. She thinks I am just a guy that works at the gym, drives a clunker, and lives with my sister. I smiled inwardly thinking it was just as well. Guys like me never get the hottest chicks.
They always seem to go for the other guys that come to the gym. Guys that think of themselves first and everyone else later. Parking at the curb Lilly got out with me. I unlocked the door and with a sigh of relief entered the building I was responsible for.
"Thank you Lilly." I offered her my hand.
Regardless of the realization that I was probably a loser, Lilly seemed truly happy for the time we were together.
"What no kiss?" She teased.
"Oh? Well I never kiss on the first date." I now teased her. "Too presumptuous." I laughed.
"This was a date?" Lilly asked tilting her head.
"Well we had the excitement of getting stuck, the action of breaking windows, the chase scene, I showed you where I lived, and we drove around town. I think it has most of the elements of a date." I explained as she laughed with me. She offered her hand and we shook.
"Can I use the ladies room before I go?" Lilly asked.
"Sure. I'm going to check on a few things and take a shower." I explained. "You can let yourself out if that's ok?"
"Thank you, I'll do that." Lilly replied passing me to head to the women's locker room.
"Don't forget, the door will lock behind you." I reminded her.
"Really?" Lilly gave me a fake scowl. "Now I'm glad you didn't kiss me!"
I went to check on the pool and made sure the filter was turned off. I double checked the back door and turned off all of the lights except the few we leave on for security. I made my way through the back of the men's locker room to get my stuff. Setting it out I headed to the shower.
It had been a long day and it wasn't over yet. I was formulating a plan on what to do with the broken window as I stood in the shower letting the conditioner do its thing.
I heard the steps on the tile floor first, I ducked my head under the spray to wash the conditioner off and clear my eyes. Wiping the water from my face she was coming towards me still dressed.
"Lilly?" I almost choked. "I thought you left."
Standing there naked with nowhere to go I'm sure I looked like a dork. The fact is, in a way I am. I am not exactly shy, but I am not what you would call experienced either. I've had my time between the sheets with women, but only two and that was before I moved here. Women always say they want a nice guy but that's bullshit. I am a nice guy, I know.
They only want to take me home to meet mom, then they want to go behind my back and get their brains fucked out by some guy that treats them like shit. I like women, hell I've loved women, but I have never figured them out.
"Parker, I can't leave yet." Lilly glared at me. "Something's not right here."
"Sorry?" I asked bewildered. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, and that's what's bothering me." Lilly acted pissed. "Do you know who I am?"
"Um...You're not Lilly?" I asked more confused than ever.
"You really don't know do you?" She smiled broadly now.
"Should I?" I asked still bewildered.
I was standing in the shower naked with a beautiful woman I had only said hello to before today. Now she is suggesting I should know who she is. I honestly thought I was in a dream.
"Parker, here's the problem. I do kiss on the first date." Lilly informed me.
She walked up to me and led me from under the shower head. With one hand pulling me down for a kiss she reached for my cock with the other and stroked it. I moaned through the kiss, my buddy was at attention in a flash.
Lilly continued kissing me firmly and stroking me faster. If there was something I should have done different it wasn't coming to me then. In fact there were only two thoughts I can remember. Not to cum on her and who the hell is this woman?
I actually lasted longer than I think she thought I would, definitely longer than I thought I would. In the end the outcome was predictable on my part. As for Lilly she continued to shock me.
After my balls emptied she bent over and kissed the end of my dangling cock. Her hand was near the base and still several inches were exposed even when I was soft. Lilly stroked the length of my cock and a small pearl of cum formed at the tip.
She bent over again and licked it off then moved up and kissed me again, this time her tongue pressed past my lips. I wrapped her up and kissed her back with all the passion I could muster. Lilly indicated I should let her go. I pulled her up and let her free. She looked frazzled for just a second. A wicked smile crossed her face.
"The next time we go out I expect you to kiss me!" With that Lilly turned and left me standing like a dork again.
I was still in a daze as I locked up and headed to my car. I fired it up and drove through the slushy parking lot, the wind whipped in from the broken window. With Daisy's car gone I parked it in the garage and vacuumed the glass up before I went to bed.
It was hard to concentrate on work, my mind kept wandering to what would happen tonight at the gym. I left with mixed emotions, excited to see her, but afraid it was just a one-time mistake on her part.
I was in the back when she walked in the front. Lilly stopped at the counter and checked in. I could tell by the way she fidgeted she was nervous. She scanned the large room several times passing by me at least twice. Was I that invisible or was she afraid someone would see her acknowledge me.
Lilly scanned again before she locked on me still standing in the back. It was a telling look even for my limited social skills. I instantly let her off the hook by smiling, nodding my head and breaking our gaze.
From all indications Lilly enjoyed her workout. She did so wearing earbuds and her phone strapped to her arm. I gave her space and Lilly avoided eye contact with all of the guys as she always did.
It was a blow to my ego for sure but I have prepared for it my whole life. I was tending to a customer in the office and lost track of Lilly. When I came out she was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed I didn't even get to say hello I went about my business. I was at the counter just in front of the doors when Lilly exited the women's locker room.
Lilly saw me standing there and for a moment froze. I could see the fear in her I had experienced so many times before in my life. I was devastated she felt trapped by me. Lilly quickly scanned the room.
I thought she might be looking for another exit, but then I realized Lilly was looking at the people to see if they were watching her.
I moved from the counter and went into the office giving Lilly the freedom to leave without fear of interacting with me. My ego hadn't been stepped on this hard in some time. I sat at the desk my head down, my hands wrapped behind it ready to pull my hair out.
"Hello Parker." A voice acknowledged me from the door.
I lifted my head and there Lilly stood. At first glance she looked completely flushed. Studying her a bit longer Lilly had that look of being guilty of something.
"Hello." I replied standing up.
Lilly now looked petrified and skittish at the same time. My instinct was to move closer but I feared doing so she would bolt. Lilly looked both ways outside the door, ostensibly to see who was watching. There was an awkward moment where I wasn't sure if I should say something or not.
"I just wanted to say hi before I left." Lilly whispered.
"I'm glad you did." Was all I could muster.
Lilly smiled, then, just like she came, Lilly left my door quickly. In a matter of minutes there was a complete reversal of my fortunes. Why did she look so nervous when I stood up? I came to the conclusion Lilly didn't want anyone to know she knew me.
To her, I was after all, just a guy working at the gym. Lilly might think if the other guys thought I was approachable, maybe they could be too?
I decided to forgo trying to figure it all out and concentrate on the fact Lilly did indeed stop and say hello. Buoyed by the understanding Lilly could have just as easily had left, I considered it a great day. I walked to the door and watched her head to the Range Rover. I smiled realizing there was no snow left from the day before.
I looked back at the people in the gym, more than a few looked up at me as I walked back to the office. The guys had that look suggesting I was out of my league. The women seemed to be talking amongst themselves as if there was some gossip I was missing out on.
One thing I liked about this gym was being able to come get my workout in quickly and without distractions. Among the things we discussed before Josh left was protecting clients information as well as unwanted advances.
During my time in charge there were a few comments from the people who work here. Mostly about client's outfits or lack of really working out but taking up machines. When it came to Lilly even the staff seemed to be tight lipped. It was as if there was some secret no one was letting me in on.
Wednesday I really had no idea what to expect when Lilly walked in the door.
"Hello Parker!" Lilly greeted me halfway to the women's lockers.
"Hello!" I said happily.
The greetings were quick and garnered little attention. Lilly headed straight to the locker room without stopping. I saw Lilly come out but didn't approach her.
Today was her upbeat routine and Lilly seemed happy to be here. Still listening to music with her phone strapped to her arm, there was little chance to interact. Based on yesterday I let Lilly initiate any conversation. Lilly waved as she left.
"Bye Parker!" She called out.
It was as if all eyes were on me now. I'm guessing it was the first time Lilly had publicly spoken to anyone in the building.
"Goodbye." I waved back. By not using her name, if there was a secret, I wanted Lilly to know it was safe with me. And just to be honest if she did reject me in the future I wouldn't be publicly humiliated.
Thursday Lilly was back doing her more casual routine. I was dealing with maintenance problem on the pool so I didn't see Lilly until she was almost done. I walked past Lilly as she was working on one machine.
"Hello." I smiled, stopping so she could respond.
Lilly pulled her earplugs out. Her smile seemed forced but sincere.
"Parker." She said. Lilly waited as if she was expecting me to ask her something.
"Just thought I would say hello." I offered.
Lilly turned red, her eyes dotted around the room to see if people were watching.
"Hello Parker." Lilly replied politely.
I took that as a cue to leave and did so clumsily. Lilly did however wave goodbye on her way out.
Friday Lilly was back, she seemed happy to see me. Like yesterday she avoided any direct contact. I was still dealing with the repairs to the pool when Lilly left so I didn't get to see her to say goodbye.
I finished my workout and took a shower as the last of the gym rats were leaving. The staff and I checked the building over like we do each night and I said goodbye locking the door behind me.
I pulled in the drive at home but there was a vehicle in back blocking the garage. It was a Land Rover. Parking behind it I grabbed my bag and walked in the back door only to be greeted by Daisy.
"Parker there is a woman here to see you!" Daisy blurted out.
"You seem surprised?" I teased her. I looked past Daisy to see where Lilly was.
"Well I am! Do you know who that is?" Daisy asked excitedly.
"Lilly?" I answered. Daisy twisted her nose at me but I was in no mood to talk. "Where is she?"
"Daisy where is she!" I asked again this time more sternly.
"Have it your way, she's in your room." Daisy whispered.
"My bedroom?" I asked shocked.
"She insisted." Daisy threw up her hands. "She knew right where it was."
Daisy gave me a suggestive smile but I wasn't in the mood to explain it. I rounded the banister and looked up the stairs. Now what is Lilly doing in my room I thought? I walked up the stairs as Daisy came into the foyer watching me.
I opened the door and found Lilly sitting on my bed perusing an investment book that had been setting on the nightstand. She was wearing a dark blue dress that was stylish but not too revealing. Her coat and hand bag were beside her, they both looked expensive.
"You read this stuff?" Lilly asked.
"As well as other things." I smiled.
"Do you understand it?" Lilly closed the book and replaced where she found it.
I smiled broadly. "I believe so." I replied happily. I was confident Lilly took this as wishful thinking.
"Since this is our second date, give me a kiss." Lilly sat on the edge of the bed not moving to get up.
I moved slowly and steadily closing the door behind me. Sufficiently prepared to handle just this situation I bent over to kiss her. Lilly guided me to my knees between her legs then embraced me for a perfect kiss. When we parted she seemed taken aback again.
"That was nice. You're a good kisser." She cooed.
Embarrassed by the compliment, I tried to find something witty to say. "You're the perfect date." I gushed.
"Parker now it's time to give me a proper kiss." Lilly gave that wicked grin from the other night.
She scooted back pulled her dress up and exposed her naked pussy! I was speechless. Without hesitation Lilly's hand gently guided my face between her legs. This of course I was not prepared for. Thankfully I was at least experienced.
I may not be lucky with women but it wasn't for a lack of trying. I delved between her legs like a seagull after a fish. Lilly moaned loudly the instant my tongue speared her core. I had her attention now and intended to keep it. I flattened my tongue and opened her labia and trailed up tickling her clit.
"Parker!" Lilly growled.
I spread her legs wider and then settled down to a leisurely pace hoping to prolong her pleasure. At first Lilly allowed me the luxury of patience but it was soon clear hers was waning fast. Lilly gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it over my head tight.
Her ass skittered to the side as her body started to tremble. I slipped my hands under Lilly's ass and lifted her pussy splaying it open even further.
"Oh god!" She shouted. Lilly lifted the dress back over my head and instead grabbed my hair.
I could feel her body start to waver side to side, her stomach tightened, Lilly bucked up driving my tongue deep in her cunt.
"I need to cum!" Lilly wailed.
Lilly had waited, not patiently maybe, but she tried. Lilly let me teach her what I knew without altering my course but her needs dictated an end to my plans.
A simple tug was all that was needed to set a new course. I took her clit between my lips and the reverberations were instant.
"OOOHHH! Lilly announced her orgasm.
I on the other hand flicked her clit several times then so as not to overstimulate her started kissing around her pussy. Lilly combed through my hair with her fingers mumbling her gratitude. I pulled back and let Lilly enjoy being be repaid without further commitment on her part.
If anything she was not shy. Lilly let me gaze upon her perfect sex for just a minute until she regained her senses. Lilly looked at me through half closed eyes, there was a yearning on her part she could not hide.
I was back on my haunches ready to pounce if she gave me the signal. Lilly looked at me intently, there was a sadness that came over her. I had seen that look before too.
"It's ok." I whispered.
Lilly jumped up from the bed grabbed her coat and purse and made a beeline to my door.
"No Parker, it's not." Lilly shouted back. "I'm sorry!"
She opened the door quickly and there to the surprise of us both was Daisy on the other side. It seems we were all caught red handed so to speak.
Daisy looked at Lilly, knowing she had just been caught listening in. Lilly now looked at Daisy, once the shock passed I saw that wicked smile. Lilly it seems was happy for the audience. Daisy blushing looked at me on my knees. She smiled at my predicament.
Lilly looked back at me, she pulled Daisy close and whispered in her ear. My sister's eyes grew big, she started to squeal before covering her mouth. Lilly pulled back and nodded glancing back at me again.
"Really? Parker?" Daisy squealed again.
"Trust me, I know." Lilly whispered just loud enough I could hear.
Then from nowhere she pulled Daisy close and kissed her squarely on the lips. You would think I would be the one surprised. And to some extent I was, but it was Daisy that was taken back this time.
Lilly quickly descended the steps.
"Lilly!" I yelled jumping to my feet.
"What?" She yelled from the foyer.
"You can't go!" I replied.
"You don't understand I must."
I heard the front door close before I could reach the first step. I bound down the stairs through the kitchen grabbing my coat. I skidded to a stop just feet from her Land Rover.
"Please don't come any closer!" Lilly begged her window rolled partially down.
"I understand." I said. I then took a step back.
"No you don't Parker." Lilly answered.
I could see fear in her eyes. Not physical fear but fear just the same.
"If you're going to leave I need to move my car." I offered.
In her haste to go it didn't even register my car was blocking her in. Lilly looked in the rear view mirror and saw I was telling the truth. I walked back and pulled the car in the street. Lilly backed out the opposite way. I smiled as I pulled back in the drive. I turned off my car and sat for a moment taking a deep breath.
When I got out Lilly was standing outside my door. I looked up and her car was still running in the street. The only way she could have gotten here this fast was to run.
"Is everything ok?" I asked confused.
"No damn it! Everything is not ok." Lilly cursed. "Here take this."
Lilly thrust out her hand and produced a key with a fob. Bewildered I took it from her.
"It's a valet key to the house." She seemed torn on what to do next. "I know I am going to regret this, but give me a kiss!" Lilly insisted.
"But I haven't washed yet!" I warned her.
"I know!" She smiled that wicked smile.
Like I had allowed her to kiss me after cumming, Lilly let me kiss her after eating her pussy. I felt her melt in my arms through the kiss. Then as quickly as we started she pushed me away.
"Who are you?" She gasped as I let her go. "I'm sorry Parker I need to leave now!"
Lilly ran back to her car and drove away without looking back.
I walked back to the house confused more than dejected. I mean I did get her off, and she did come back for a kiss, and now a key to her house. Still there were unanswered questions. One was where did she live? The other was why did she give me a key?
I closed the door and hung up my coat. Out of nowhere Daisy comes bounding in the kitchen. She runs to me and throws herself into my arms and tries to kiss me.
"What the hell?" I scolded her trying to pull her off me.
"Kiss me like you kissed her!" Daisy suggested.
"I will not!" I chastised her.
"Please Parker just once?" Daisy pleaded.
"No! You're my sister! Now let me go." I demanded.
It was getting to the point I was going to hurt her if I got any more physical.
Daisy giggled. "Just once Parker, one real kiss and I will stop."
"Just tell me why?" I tried to talk my way out now.
"Do you really not know who that is?" Daisy asked.
"Her name is Lilly." I explained again.
"Kiss me and I'll tell you who she really is." Daisy bartered.
"Who is she?" I asked my curiosity piqued.
"Kiss me and I'll tell you." Daisy repeated. "A real kiss, on the lips."
"I haven't washed." I warned her.
"I know, now kiss me." Daisy bubbled.
I thought I would give her a solid effort but Daisy had her sight set way higher than I expected. When her tongue probed for mine, well, I gave her what she wanted. Just like Lilly her body melted in my arms, the difference was Daisy was in no hurry to end our kiss.
"Wow, she was right." Daisy stood up grinning. "Well done Parker."
"Ok who is she?" I asked.
"I can't tell you!" Daisy replied.
"Wait, you said if I kissed you, you would tell me who she really is!" I complained.
"I know, but I promised her I wouldn't tell you." Daisy moved to the hall.
"Daisy I'm warning you!" I threatened.
"Look, you didn't tell her who you really are." Daisy exposed me. "Neither did I. You're smart, you figure it out."
"You really didn't tell her." I asked knowing I was just as guilty as Lilly was if Daisy was right.
"Not a word, and Lilly did ask." Daisy offered. "Oh, and Parker, maybe you shouldn't start looking into it for a week or two. I have a feeling things will play out on their own before then."
If I was clueless about the ways of women Daisy was just the opposite. With her suggestion filed away, my thoughts turned to Daisy. She wasn't supposed to be home from skiing yet.
"No Lucas?" I asked knowing it was fifty/fifty as far as what the answer would be.
"We went skiing, he fell off the cliff." Daisy joked. Still I could see it stung.
"You need a hug?" I offered.
"I do." Daisy pouted.
"Seriously you ok? Lucas seemed like he could be the one." I asked a bit more concerned.
"I thought so too. The problem is so did some other girl." Daisy started to tear up. "Why couldn't he just be honest about it? Parker don't ever lie to a woman."
"I'll try and remember that." I replied not knowing what else to say.
"I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't ..." Daisy apologized. "Why don't women see you for what you really are?"
"We were talking about you." I changed the subject. We had been down this road before and it always ends up in the same place. "Do you want to tell me?"
"No!" She snapped back. "But I'll tell you this, three might have been interesting!"
"Seriously?" I replied taken aback. "Lucas wanted a threesome?"
"He never asked." Daisy explained. "I wasn't about to offer, but the thought crossed my mind."
"I love Lucas, but I'm not sure if I could watch him with another woman..."
"I think I better get washed up." I gulped.
This was my sister and that was becoming too much information. I knew Daisy was adventurous but there are some things I just didn't want to know. She is beautiful enough, it's hard not to stare, then to think about her...well let's just say I'd rather not.
I went up and decided to just take a shower. I slipped on some sweats and went to my room to catch up on some proposals for work. Thankfully I only had a week to go at the gym. Working two jobs is a bitch.
I had just turned off the light when my thoughts drifted back to the night's events. The door to my room opened. I saw her enter and walk to my bed.
"Daisy?" I whispered.
"Can I sleep with you?" She asked softly.
"Daisy you're my sister." I reminded her.
"You slept here with Darren." She snapped back.
Just to be clear Darren is our brother and as kids we shared the bed when we visited our grandparents. Still I could hear the desperation in her voice. I moved to the far side of the queen bed.
"Thanks." Daisy said as she moved in beside me.
She tossed for another minute.
"Can you give me another kiss?"
When I didn't reply she took that as permission. Daisy turned quickly and leaned over me pressing her lips to mine. Again her tongue parted my lips. Her voluptuous breasts pressed on my bare chest, I could feel her stiff nipples poking through her thin top.
The kiss lasted for almost a minute, and then I could tell she wanted another.
"Thank you." Daisy cooed. "Good night."
"Good night." I answered relieved that was over.
"No more kisses." I replied.
"Please hold me." She squeaked.
I rolled to face her, Daisy backed up and I gripped her shoulder making sure to keep my distance. Daisy scooted back further her ass nudging up against my erection, the one thing I wanted to avoid.
"I hope that's not for me?" She teased wiggling her ass tight against it. "But thanks for the compliment."
What could I say except to tell her to leave? I remained silent and soon the little minx was sound asleep as my mind churned for another hour.
I decided to go to the office Saturday afternoon and catch up on some proposals. The gym closes at eight on Saturday, but I still had more work to do. I stopped for dinner reading some files while I ate. I figured I could continue once I reached the gym by hanging out in the office.
It was usually a light time of the week but there was a handball tournament that was just winding down and everyone was waiting to see who the winners would be. I didn't see Lilly at first but when she saw me there was an immediate smile.
I eventually made my way over to where she was working out.
"Hello." I smiled. Lilly pulled her earbuds out.
"Hello yourself." Lilly replied happy but nervous.
She looked around to see who might be watching.
"Everything ok?" I asked choosing my words carefully.
"Everything is fine." Lilly smiled, still nervous.
There was this uncomfortable pause, like we weren't sure who should speak next.
"I'm glad." I replied, then nodding, I continued on my way.
Relax Parker I told myself. She is never outgoing in public.
Still I had this uneasy feeling I was missing something. It was almost as if every time we took a step forward the next day we took a step back. Only then we took another step forward again. Maybe Lilly is just that private of a person. Maybe like me she has been disappointed too many times.
Lilly did wave on the way out. I watched the end of the tournament while I worked out. Around nine I came out of the shower and got dressed to go home. When I picked up my phone I noticed a text.
'please come, 201 cedar, in back, use key, will leave other door unlocked. 3rd on left, Lilly'
I looked at the time the message arrived, it was eight thirty. That was almost an hour ago when I would have normally left. I texted back.
'on my way, Parker'
After five minutes, I was surprised Lilly didn't reply, but more surprised she had my number. Deciding I had nothing to lose if I was late I weaved my way through town.
The only connection I could come up with was Daisy. I reached the massive house the gate was closed. I pulled out the key she gave me and pushed the button on the fob. The gate opened and I drove in pulling around back.
It was built after the turn of the century on a large lot by a wealthy industrialist. The house is very ornate and stately. At one time there was a beautiful flower garden out back my grandmother talked about all the time but it has been neglected for years.
Once owned by a famous sports figure the house was completely updated. After being traded to another team he sold it for a big loss during the recession. An investor bought it and was going to turn it into a business but the neighbors blocked that. He has been renting it out until he can sell it.
Lilly's Land Rover was there. I parked beside it, my old car look sadly out of place. There was a formal looking back door and then a more secluded plain looking door. I remember she called it a valet key. It was a polite way of saying servant's entrance.
I went to the door further away and placed the key in the lock. It turned freely and soon I was in the back of the house just off a large kitchen. The next door was propped open so I walked into the kitchen and looked around. It looked spotless but also not used.
One door led to a pantry, the other to the hall. Her text mentioned the 3rd room so I took the hall.
"Hello?" I called out not too loud.
There was no answer but I could hear faint sounds like music playing. I was so engrossed in the features of the house I almost missed the room. I stood outside, the massive door looked hand carved of solid wood. It was almost eight feet tall the ceiling at least two feet taller still.
I listened closely and the music seemed to be on the other side of the door. At this point I have to admit I'm not sure what the protocol should be? Does one knock or does one open the door? Invited in specifically to this room I chose the latter.
I opened the door and much to my surprise, and I might add, to hers it seemed, was Lilly.
"Hello?" It came out before I realized how dumb it was considering the circumstances.
It took a moment for Lilly to look up from what she was doing, but when she did it was clearly her. The auburn hair, the big brown eyes, her pixie like nose. When she raised up to get a better look at me I even saw her pierced nipple with the little pink balls.
I also saw the two legs pointed in my direction, opened and meeting at a clearly swollen pussy. There was a sheen both on it and on Lilly's face as I looked back up at her. She was naked, her perfect ass just beyond, a pair of hands gripping her waist. I could see her legs spread as well, the person eating her out not visible.
"Parker?" She gasped.
The look of ecstasy quickly turned to surprise, that look then turned to horror. Obviously I was not expected at this moment. I looked around the room to see if there were others. I looked back at Lilly and her eyes seemed to be pleading with me now.
I stepped back into the hall closing the door. I moved quickly the way I came, a muffled noise coming from the room I just left. I thought of leaving the key but figured I might need the fob to open the gate.
I pulled up to it fumbling to get the key from my pocket when the gate opened automatically. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. I wanted to do both. Here I was invited and when I showed up she was in the arms of another woman.
I thought back to Daisy for a moment and her recent break up with Lucas. Threesomes just don't happen to guys like me. Still if I had been invited? I laughed now for sure.
Yeah Parker, in your dreams, I thought. But a guy can still dream can't he? The fact is I'm not that kind of guy, or even want to be. Sure it would fun, a memory to last a lifetime even. But what then?
Swinging? Fornicating in a room with dozens of people watching? Then wife swapping? I've had my share of disappointments without trying to compete with guys hung like porn stars. Sure it's fun to dream but my goal is to find the right girl for me. In the end that is what will really make me happy.
I was almost home when my phone beeped. 'you left'
'you were busy' I replied.
'coming back' she answered.
'see you monday' was my response.
'' popped on my screen.
The message had been received and duly noted. I arrived home to an empty house on a Saturday night. If I was comfortable with my decision to leave I wasn't with what I saw. Not that Lilly was in the arms of another woman, after the kiss she gave Daisy I had a feeling she liked women as well.
But it was that she was surprised to see me. Hell she was the one that invited me! She must have thought I wasn't coming and when I came so late she had moved on to other options. Her look of horror must have been in reaction to how I reacted to the situation.
There was something else that bothered me about what I saw. Sure it was just a glance but it was worth noting just the same. I prepared for bed, read some of my book and turned off the light early.
I looked at the clock, it was just after one when she closed the door. I closed my eyes as she walked up the steps. I had just started to drift off when she opened my door.
"No kisses." I groaned rolling over.
Daisy scampered across the room and jumped on top of me.
"I love you!" She giggled.
"Go away."
"Not until you kiss me!" She laughed.
"Not a chance."
Daisy pulled the covers back and slipped in beside me.
"Go home!" I ordered her.
"Not until you kiss me." She persisted.
At this point I was in no mood to argue anymore. With a sigh I rolled over and faced my sister. Daisy scooted up to me and pressed her lips to mine.
This kiss was not like the others, it was slow, almost delicate. It was several seconds before her tongue searched for mine. Her arms pulled me over with me partially on top. The passion of the moment required me to prolong the kiss until it seemed we might never stop.
I pressed myself up looking into her sparkling eyes in the dim light. Daisy was breathing hard, she looked at me in a way that unsettled me.
"Thank you Parker." Daisy whispered.
I moved back to the side and lay my head on the pillow. Daisy snuggled back against me, pulled the covers over and lay her head down as well. For only the second time in our lives we slept together.
Monday I had made a decision to give Lilly her key back. I had thought it over all day Sunday and it seemed the best for all involved. It was a kick being part of this secret affair as it were, but someone was going to get hurt. If it wasn't me it would be someone else, and if I was the one doing the hurting...well, that I couldn't accept.
Lilly gave me the wicked smile when she came in. Her routine was just like it was every Monday, fast and furious.
"Hello Parker." Lilly pulled the buds from her ears.
"Hello miss." I answered not using her name.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked.
"Stop by the office on your way out." I replied politely.
Lilly was taken back by my curtness but nodded just the same. I left Lilly and was at the office when she exited the locker room. I had her key and fob on the desk when she entered. The office is really just a glass enclosure near the front door with a desk and a computer.
There is no privacy and little in the way of sound proofing save the glass. Lilly looked at her key and the smile vanished.
"What is this?" Lilly asked.
"I think it best you take it back." I answered quietly.
"I'm sorry Parker that won't happen again." Lilly looked scared for some reason.
"Still, I think its best." I replied not wavering.
"You need to think about this!" Lilly chastised me.
Lilly turned and left the office fuming. I looked at the desk and the key putting it back in my pocket.
Tuesday Lilly came in, she scanned the gym locating me instantly. If Lilly was mad when she left yesterday, today Lilly was taking the opposite approach. She smiled then went into the locker room. When Lilly came out I walked by.
"Hello." I smiled.
"Hello Parker." Lilly smiled back.
"Can you come to the office again before you go?" I asked.
"Sure." Lilly smiled again.
Lilly is slick, cool as cucumber this one. I waited patiently as Lilly finished her routine. Like yesterday I was at the office when she exited the locker room. Lilly met me at the office I ushered her inside and handed her the key.
"I thought about this like you said. I appreciate the offer but I think it best I give it back to you."
"But why?" Lilly's lip quivered.
"Let's just say I think you're looking for more in a man than I can give."
"But Parker you're wrong." Lilly started to tear up.
"Still I think it best." I repeated.
After yesterday's defiance and giving me a chance to think it over, Lilly reluctantly accepted my decision.
Lilly took a moment to compose herself then walked out of the office. I could see the people outside wonder what I said to upset her, but they all looked away when I turned to scan the gym.
I stayed and locked up before my work out then taking a shower before I left. When I got home I was exhausted. I even stopped in the bathroom to prepare for bed first. Without turning on the light I could see Daisy was already under the covers.
"I suppose it would do no good to ask you to leave?" I sighed.
"Go away!" She sobbed.
"This is my room!" I complained then realized she was crying. "What's wrong?"
"Go away!"
"I will not, now tell me what's wrong?" I sat down beside her.
"You can't be here!" Daisy protested.
"You just need a kiss I bet." I teased her.
I grabbed her through the covers and quickly flipped her over.
"Parker...!" Daisy became silent as my lips pressed against hers.
I pulled back and looked again into her sparkling eyes. This time they were sad however.
"Why do you have to be such a nice guy?" Daisy whispered.
"Come again?" I asked.
"I need to kiss you now." Daisy stated.
She pushed me back on the bed and pulled the covers off. I felt her nipples unencumbered with material brush across my chest. My hands instinctively reached for her waist as she positioned herself above me, I could feel she wore no panties. Her pussy was directly over my erection only the thin material of my shorts separating our sexes.
Daisy leaned over and kissed me and at the same time rubbing her pussy along my cock. She was oozing wetness, my cock was soon damp from her pussy.
"Daisy!" I pulled loose.
"I know, kiss me." She attacked my lips again.
I was pushing up as she pressed down and stroking my cock with her pussy through my shorts. Daisy moaned parting from my lips.
"Daisy!" I warned.
"Now Parker! Cum now!" She hissed.
The weight of her tits, the soaked material of my shorts, the pure ecstasy of her cunt lips alone were enough. When Daisy gave me permission, strike that, when she ordered me to cum, I obeyed.
Daisy fell limp over me as her orgasm subsided with mine. We lay there listening to each other's hearts beat. I was at a loss for words.
"Thank you Parker." She cooed.
"Why Daisy?" I asked.
"You said cum again." She gave a sad laugh.
"Seriously, why?"
"I think you know." She whispered.
When she did it stimulated my cock. She giggled and rubbed her pussy over it again making it harder. The cum in my shorts squished around the head. Daisy giggled.
"You can fuck me if you like?" Daisy now locked onto my eyes.
"THAT, is not going to happen." I assured her.
"No I suppose not. You really are a nice guy aren't you?" Daisy gave me a loving kiss. "I can see how Lilly fell for you."
"What did you say?" I asked as something she said clicked in my brain.
"Parker you need to talk to her, not me."
"I think it's time you go." I suggested.
"Good night Parker." Daisy whispered.
Daisy moved to the side, snuggled up against me her ample tits pressed into my side. Her hand squeezed my cock, she giggled and then proceeded to go to sleep.
Daisy missed it just like I had at first. Even when I asked she mistook the question. When does one plus one equal three? I asked myself. Smiling I went to sleep.
Wednesday was something of a special day. All through work I was smiling. I even bought lunch for a colleague. Josh and his new wife would be back Saturday, three more days. I could go back to my old routine. I could go back to just being Parker.
Lilly sought me out the moment she walked in the gym.
"Who are you?" She hissed trying not to draw attention to herself.
"Hello Lilly." I said grinning. It was the first time I had ever used her name in the gym.
Lilly was taken aback by my boldness. Her eyes grew wide then narrowed. She looked around, people were starting to stare. Flustered she went to the locker room. Inside I was ecstatic. I watched Lilly punish herself during her work out.
Every time Lilly looked over I was smiling. This only made her madder. By the time Lilly went to the locker room she was physically drained.
"Can I see you in the office?" Lilly grabbed my arm
I closed the door and faced her.
"Do you know who I am?" Lilly yelled no longer worried about causing a scene.
"No." I replied simply.
Lilly was shocked at such a simple answer.
"Do you care?" She probed.
"Yes, definitely." I explained.
Lilly was again taken aback by my response.
"Who are you?" Lilly muttered as she opened the door to leave.
"Can I ask you a question?" I said just as Lilly stepped out.
Lilly gave me a wicked smile and nodded confident she would know the answer.
"When does one plus one equal three?" I smiled.
"It doesn't!" Lilly snapped back.
I let her get to the front door before I called out.
"Lilly!" I yelled for all to hear.
"Yes?" She turned to see everyone looking.
"The correct answer is when one of the numbers is really two." I winked. "I would like to take Lilly out for coffee tomorrow if she's free." I winked again.
Lilly almost lost her composure. She looked around, everyone was waiting for her answer. Lilly composed herself, looked me straight in the eyes, and then gave me that wicked smile.
"Lilly would like that." Lilly replied. She winked at me then left. I looked around at a stunned gym. I went back to the office and sent her a text on where and when.
They walked in together the two minx's, I studied them closely trying to figure it out for myself. Dressed differently but virtually the same I relied on mannerisms. They were playing me just like they had all their lives to others, just like they had for the last few weeks. They were both smiling as they approached, they had the same gait, their hair in ponytails. Even their nail polish was the same.
As they got closer I found the detail I was looking for, the one that revealed the difference. Then that wicked smile confirmed my observations. I moved to her twin first and taking her in my arms gave her a kiss she would hopefully never forget.
"I missed you Lilly?" I whispered as she tried to regain her composure.
"What about me.?" Her sister asked.
I checked to make sure Lilly was ok then I kissed her sister on the cheek.
"That's it? A kiss on the cheek?"
"I never kiss on the first date." I replied.
She was stuck and she knew it. To reveal she was in fact the one that had started this all could be dicey. I knew this woman, whatever her name, she could not just sit by and be overshadowed by Lilly. She glared at me like a woman scorned.
"Should I tell her or are you?" I asked as much as threatened.
"Lilly already knows. We have no secrets." She answered. "Parker I want my kiss."
"It seems you have me at a disadvantage. I know her name, but yours has never come up." I smiled.
"It's Rose." Lilly took her sister's hand. "Our mother loves flowers."
"Pleased to meet your acquaintance Rose." I held out my hand to shake hers.
"Don't do it sis, hold out for the kiss." Lilly teased.
She had found her voice. I knew instantly that these two were closer than even I suspected.
"Now about that kiss?" Rose reminded me.
I am sure the few people in the coffee shop that witnessed the earlier affections didn't expect what came next. It may have been the most passionate kiss we shared to this point. Rose melted into me like Lilly had, but she had been here before.
"That's better." Rose admitted.
Sufficiently greeted we sat in a corner and ordered.
"When did you know?" Rose asked.
"Know what?" I replied smiling revealing nothing.
"Who I am?" Rose said.
"I don't know who you are. Either one of you." I answered truthfully. "Except of course you frequent the gym every other night."
"Really?" Lilly asked stunned. "That's all you know?"
It was a tricky question, one I would normally dodge, but Lilly seemed sincere in her reasons.
"I know Rose and I have pushed the limits of intimacy." I revealed. "I know the two of you have as well!" I laughed.
Lilly turned red, Rose just smiled.
"I'm guessing at least one of you has been intimate with Daisy." They looked at each other and giggled. "Ok, maybe both, but that's her business."
"You're ok with that?" Lilly asked biting her lip.
She studied me closely as she asked that particular question. I looked to Rose, she was looking at Lilly to see her reaction. When I looked back at Lilly there was clearly anticipation on her part waiting for the answer.
"Daisy is an adult. A bit more adventurous than I expected it seems." I offered. "She can also be naïve and trusting. When you leave I hope you let her down gently."
Lilly was clearly upset by my response, Rose however knew it was on purpose. She touched Lilly's shoulder and shook her head. I looked at Rose and could see the anxiety in her eyes.
I knew then I had made a mistake. Rose looked at me and knew it too.
"I may deserve that but Lilly doesn't." Rose snarled.
Like a lioness protecting her cubs she let me know clearly she would protect Lilly with her life. At the same time, Rose let me off the hook telling her she deserved it. Now embarrassed with myself I tried to get it right.
I knew there was something in this tangled web that involved me. The night Rose locked me out of the gym was by all accounts a mistake. But why come back in the locker room and seduce me.
Why show up at my house and let me pleasure her? Rose set me up to find Lilly on top of her in their house. That was to prove a point, they were lovers.
If they're gay why go through all of that for any guy? Better yet why me?
When Lilly looked up from that pussy, I only got a glance, but I had seen that pussy before. It was Rose's. Tuesday when Daisy said Lilly fell for me it dawned on me there might be twins, identical twins.
When I offered the key back to Rose she just got mad. Then she all but insisted I keep it before leaving. I offered it to Lilly and she took it but her reaction was much different, it was like I was saying no to her personally.
I don't consider myself conceited but there was only one answer as to why Rose pursued me. That first night she saw something she was looking for. Not for herself but for Lilly. Yesterday I let her know I was interested in Lilly as well.
That's why I came today.
"You're wrong Rose, you didn't deserve that either. I stand by what I said but offer my apologies to you both." I said sincerely.
"So?" Rose scoffed, folding her arms waiting for my answer.
"Lilly, if you want to know if I am still interested knowing you're bi-sexual, the answer is, I think so." I said struggling to get it all out. "I'm nobody special, I have no experience with this."
Lilly beamed as I finished. She looked at Rose who nodded. It was a fortuitist nod.
Rose looked at me sternly, it was like a warning shot over the bow.
"You still don't know who he is?" Rose said to Lilly but glared at me.
"I know he can kiss." Lilly said excitedly.
"You're sure?" Rose looked at her sister.
Lilly looked at me and smiled. "Yes."
"You will bring her home before dark?" Rose stated flashing her wicked smile.
"Promise." I assured her.
Rose stood, so did I. She moved to me and gave me a firm kiss on the mouth. "Let's not see if she's bi just yet."
"Agreed." I whispered back.
Rose moved to Lilly bending over and giving her a hug. She whispered something to Lilly, they giggled, kissed, and Rose left. In doing so she left behind her most precious gift, her twin sister Lilly.
Lilly and I faced each other across the table, each of us not sure where to start.
"So how long have you been working out at the gym?" I asked.
It was a way to break the ice without getting too personal.
"Maybe just a month before you started working there." Lilly answered.
I hesitated for a moment and smiled. I thought it best to come clean now before she found out herself.
"Lilly, I really don't work there." I explained. "I'm just helping a friend while he's away on his honeymoon."
With a reaction I hadn't expected Lilly almost looked disappointed. There was a split second of indecision then a sort of calmness came over her. Next was an almost imperceptible twitch of her head, as if she was shaking whatever thought she was having free from her mind.
Lilly then beamed. "So tell me what you do for a living."
Oh, I so wanted to impress her. If I was a doctor, or maybe a lawyer, even and architect I would have a chance with her. Just then I glanced out at the parking lot at my battered car and accepted who I really am.
I was going to drop it off at the shop today to get it fixed. I could afford a new car but figured I could get by driving this one for a couple more years. Face it Parker you're just a shirt, and a frugal one at that, ok, maybe cheap is a better word.
"I work for a company downtown. I specialize in corporate financing." I truthfully admitted.
"Perfect!" Lilly giggled. "Do you like flowers?"
It was now my turn to be a bit perplexed.
"Flowers? Sure I guess, but you should talk to Daisy, she's the one with the green thumb. I just plant vegetables and hope they grow." I replied.
"So you have a garden?" Lilly could hardly contain her excitement.
"It was my grandparents. I remember spending time there with my grandfather several years before he passed. When I bought the house from my grandmother I just couldn't let it turn to weeds." I rambled on.
"So you have family?" Lilly asked.
I filled her in on my grandmother, my parents and my brother. She obviously knew about Daisy.
"So tell me about you?" I inquired.
"Not much to tell." Lilly started, her eyes seemed to flicker as she looked into mine. "There's just Rose and me. My mom lives with her sister now. We haven't heard from our dad in over fifteen years."
The mood quickly turned somber. I could see how sad it made her. I looked at my watch, I needed to get to the shop soon.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your day." Lilly apologized.
"No such luck!" I teased. "I just have an appointment to get the car worked on."
Her eyes followed mine to the disappointing relic in the lot.
"If I'm going to get you home before my appointment maybe we should leave?" I hated to say.
I could almost see the disappointment in her eyes as well. I paid the bill then opened the door for her before getting behind the wheel.
"This is nice!" Lilly gushed looking around inside.
"It was my grandmothers. I have been putting off fixing the dents, kind of gives it character, don't you think?" I laughed. "It reminds me of her every time I drive it."
"The plastic bag for the window is a nice touch." Lilly teased me.
"Yeah, that one is on me. Of course your sister helped." I blushed.
"Lucky for me." Lilly reached over and took my hand. "Can I go with you to the shop?"
"Really?" I stupidly asked. "Sure if you want."
I drove to the body shop early for my appointment. Joe walked out with the clipboard. I introduced him to Lilly. He gave me a knowing smile letting me know I was out of my league. He walked around and looked at the battered corners and then the broken window.
"Parker I know it has low mileage but she's just not worth fixing." Joe lamented. "Even if I got used parts just the labor would be more than the car is worth."
"That bad eh?" I replied. In my mind I had figured as much. "What do you think it would cost? It has sentimental value to me." I tried to explain.
"Five maybe six grand with new parts assuming they're still available. Four with used parts." Joe shook his head. "If I was you I'd fix the window and sell her."
"How much to fix the window?" I asked dejected.
"Three fifty give or take, parts and labor." Joe explained. "Take a day after the glass gets in."
"Maybe I should just sell it as it is." I sighed.
I looked at Lilly and knew there was no way I could drive her around in a battered old car, sentimental or not. I had the money to put a down payment on a new car. She deserved better than this, better than me.
"Looks like I'm getting a new car." I gave a halfhearted smile.
"That's crazy Parker. This is still a good car!" Lilly burst out. "Just have him fix the window, Rose will pay for it."
"But Lilly..." The look she gave me made it clear I was not to argue.
"Ok Joe, order the window. I'll bring it back when the part comes in." I laughed. "And just to be clear I am paying for it." I glared at Lilly letting her know there would be no argument about that.
On the way back to her house Lilly seemed happy about the car, and I might add our time together. I pulled around back to drop her off. She stopped at the door after unlocking it.
"Is it true you don't kiss on the first date?" Lilly tease me.
"Firm rule of mine." I teased back.
"Well I had a wonderful first date!" Lilly offered me her hand to shake.
"This was a date?" I asked laughing.
"Well you fed me, we talked about family, you took me shopping at the car place, and bought me a window." Lilly smiled smugly. "That's a date in my book!"
"Fair enough." I chuckled knowing she had played my game and beat me.
"See you at the gym?" She asked hesitantly.
"Sure for a couple more nights." I answered happily.
"Goodbye Parker. I had a good time." Lilly offered her hand again. I shook it and looked back over my shoulder making sure she went inside.
I can't remember having such a good day learning bad news. By now everyone was watching to see what interaction would take place between Lilly and me at the gym. As it turned out they were as disappointed as I was.
We said our hello's but other than a glance or two there was nothing different from weeks past. I figured she would not want it to be known we might be friends. I watched as Lilly walked out to her Land Rover after her workout.
Thursday is usually pretty quiet after nine. All the guys are at the bar watching sports loading up on carbs so they can work it off the next week. The ladies are usually gone by this hour as well, probably at the same bars. I had just started my last set of exercises when I heard the front door open. In walked Lilly, I think, with her hair down I couldn't be sure.
"You didn't tell me you owned the house." I was wrong it was Rose. Going to have to work on that.
"Never said I didn't." I grunted lifting the bars above my chest. I was lying on my back at the bench press.
"Why didn't you kiss her?" Rose hissed quietly.
"First date!" I grunted again.
"You kissed her at the coffee shop!" Rose was fuming.
"That I did. Jealous?" I teased her again.
Rose straddled me and bent over close. It couldn't have been very pleasant as I was perspiring pretty heavy by now.
"Parker if you...I will personally...fuck..."
"Here now?" I cut her off. "That's a bit more public even for you I would think?"
Rose glared at me letting me know this was no joke for her. As I reached up she flinched. I stopped until she realized I was not going to hurt her. I brushed her hair from my face and back around her neck.
"Message received." I whispered. "I promise..."
"Kiss me Parker. I have to go." Rose cut me off.
She knew I meant it, then her glare turned to a tender yearning.
We kissed briefly, but firmly. Rose got up and headed for the door. I sat up and watched her. When I looked around there was only one gym rat still in the building, he was carrying his bag heading out. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to working out as he left. I heard the door open a second time after it close behind him.
"Were closing soon." I yelled out.
There was no answer so I sat up to see if anyone was there or if the wind had just caught the door. Rose was standing there.
"You get stuck again?" I teased her. Getting up I walked in her direction. I studied the beauty in front of me, it took a few seconds but I realized my mistake.
"I need you to take me home." Lilly said.
I looked at the clock there was still fifteen minutes until closing. I looked out at the parking lot, the only car there was mine.
"Oh sure. Just let me lock up and grab a shower." I replied thrilled to see her again.
"Parker can you just lock up?" Lilly suggested.
"Um, uh..." I looked down to see how bad I was perspiring from my work out. When I looked back at those deep brown doe eyes I knew the point was mute. There was an urgency to her question.
"Give me a minute." I grinned
With practiced efficiency I went through the whole gym making sure everything was secured and tuned off. I grabbed my bag and jammed my street clothes in the open top. Lilly had patiently waited for me to join her at the front door. Throwing on my coat I locked the door and walked her to my car. I pulled out the drive in the direction of their house.
"Parker." Lilly grabbed my wrist. "Not to the house, take me home."
It was just as much the way she said it as what she said. I couldn't believe she meant it the way I interpreted it. I reached over and took her hand, Lilly leaned against me in my smelly state. We pulled in the drive and in front of the garage was the Land Rover. I pulled in beside it and parked the car.
"Rose is here." I stated more than questioned.
"I asked them if they would come here instead of the house." Lilly looked at me her eyes begging me to understand. "I need to have her near."
I looked up at the house. This was odd for sure but it all started to make sense in a way.
"Would you like to come in?" I teased her.
Lilly knew I understood instantly. Clearly happy I had accepted her terms Lilly didn't even wait for me to open her door. She took my bag so I could unlock the back door. Once inside she tossed my bag to the side and pulled off her coat dropping it on top. She tugged at my jacket, I had just gotten my shoes off when she dragged me up the stairs to the bathroom.
"Hurry!" Lilly squealed loud enough Daisy and Rose would hear anywhere in the house.
She clawed at my workout clothes kissing me every chance she got. I reached in and turned on the shower. She pushed me in naked and started to undress herself. This five foot two auburn hair goddess couldn't get undressed fast enough for me? I rinsed the majority of the stink off of me and helped her in the stall closing the door.
"Kiss me!" Lilly pleaded.
I gave her my best effort under the circumstances. It was kind of hard to concentrate with her naked body against mine. I had her bent over a bit, my hand slipped down and gripped her ass cheek.
"Not yet you bad boy!" Lilly teased pulling my hand back up to her waist. "Now let's get you cleaned up I have plans for you!"
I have never had more fun being frustrated. Lilly teased and tormented me as she helped wash me. Top to bottom, some places twice, she kept me in a constant state of arousal and desire washing and rinsing. I tried to grab her as well but each victory was short lived as she assured me the wait would be worth it.
Neither one of us was completely dry when I couldn't stand it any longer. Both of us naked, I picked her up and carried her across the hall.
"Let me down you beast!" She squealed, gripping the door frame, the sounds echoing through the whole upstairs. Pulling her fake resistance free I kicked the door closed and flopped her on the bed with her laughing. I stood my cock standing at attention when it all became very serious. I wasn't sure I was able to take the next step.
Lilly stopped laughing and sobered up to my dilemma. She looked at me realizing as much as I wanted to I couldn't make the first move. She stood on the bed towering over me.
"I want this Parker. Why do you think Rose brought me back?" Lilly bent over kissing me passionately.
My hands reached around and gripped her ass again. Lilly squeaked in happiness.
"Not yet!" She pushed back, my hands slipped from her damp body.
She jumped off the bed, pulled off the covers and moved to the center of the bed. She crooked a finger at me beckoning me to join her. Lilly spread her legs guiding me between them.
"Parker be gentle at first." Lilly whispered biting her lower lip.
There was no foreplay, no extended kissing, no further words spoken, just Lilly guiding me into her waiting womanhood. By the third stroke I was firmly embedded in a goddess guys like me could only fantasize about. Lilly cooed and urge me on.
Extreme pleasure turned to pure panic. Oh god not now! All the pleading in my brain could not reign in the urging's in my body. With dreaded results over the conflict I flooded her womb with the bounty of my balls.
"Uuuugggghhh" I groaned adding insult to injury as I punched even deeper in her.
Not only was I embarrassed I was devastated. Of all the times to be quick draw I thought...
"I'm sorry." I whispered wanting to run and hide.
"Why? I'm flattered." Lilly giggled. I started to move off her, she gripped my shoulders and held me still. "Don't move, you're right where I want you."
"Really?" I replied astounded.
"Yes Parker, now kiss me before you fuck me again!" Lilly hissed.
Just her confidence I could do it started my cock to stir. By the time our lips touched I was well on the way to another erection. This woman wiggled, worming my cock back into her cum filled pussy. By the time I started pulling out she was whimpering.
"Shhhh. Just make love to me." Lilly stretched up to kiss me again.
I have had my share of experiences with women over the years, Lilly was no virgin, but I had my suspicions most of her experience was with women. We fell into a rhythm we both seemed happy about. It was tender but energetic, passionate but vanilla. It was just me on top of this magnificent woman in the missionary position.
The feedback was muted on both our parts and appreciated on mine. The bed started to provide feedback on its own, and in the old house, the floor did too. The squeaks soon could not be ignored. Lilly started to get excited.
"Parker..." She whispered.
I lifted up to see her eyes half closed a happy giggle escaped her pursed lips. She looked at me her body responding like nature intended.
"Faster." She moaned softly.
I smiled picking up the pace just slightly. She smiled and nodded her body responded by tensing up. The floor creaked even louder below the bed. It was like adding fuel to a smoldering fire.
"Faster." Lilly moaned with a bit more volume. I was perspiring, Lilly's chest had a sheen, and her piercing bounced with her nipple. Looking up our eyes locked on each other as I picked the pace up another notch.
The resulting speed seemed to make the bed dance on the creaking floor. By now the neighbors might hear the house protest the actions inside our walls. Surely Daisy and Rose knew what was taking place. This only spurred Lilly on.
"Faster!" She cried out no longer trying to hide her desires.
I tried but it was too late, after only a couple of thrusts Lilly arched her back offering the depths of her body to me. I felt her clamp down with her pussy, her arms wrapped behind my back pulling me down on top of her.
"COME IN ME" Lilly demanded loudly.
Her hands moved to my ass, her fingernails dug into the tender flesh and jerked me back to the depths of her pussy. I felt her shudder, she pulled harder, I released my balls to comply with her wishes, and I too was cumming. Lilly only let me pull out just enough to thrust in and deposit another serving of love.
In all there were at least five but I'm not sure the last two counted except the feeling I received as her pussy milked me. I started to move off again. Lilly pulled my shoulders and held me in place.
"Please stay." She pleaded.
I'm not a big guy just under six foot but I do weigh about one eighty, so there is some mass resting on her petite frame.
"Are you sure?" I asked concerned. I relieved as much weight as I could.
"Yes." She pulled me back down taking more of my weight. "It makes me feel safe...and loved."
I raised my torso and looked at her surprised she was already using the L word.
"You do love me don't you?" Her eyes pleaded for me to tell the truth.
"Lilly I do but..."
"Shh you big lug. I knew it." She pulled me back down. "Now just hold me."
I was thinking of how this could be happening so fast? And to me. Then circumstances took over my thoughts. Lilly and I were in my room just the sounds of our hearts beating. From out of nowhere. We heard the moaning from Daisy's room.
I pulled up so Lilly could hear it better. She giggled as the sounds got louder. By the time Lilly sat up beside me they could almost have been in my room with us.
"Cum with me you little Slut!" I heard Daisy yell.
"Never Bitch!" Rose protested.
We'll see!" Daisy screamed.
"OH SHIT!" Rose squealed so clear Lilly clung to me.
Their moans filled the whole second floor. Then Lilly and I heard a distinct thud followed by a chattering sound on the wood floor. It only got louder as it rolled closer to my room. It must have hit Daisy's door, it was the distinct sound of a rouge vibrator dancing on the floor, obviously on high. Lilly squealed in delight as the sound continued to reverberate throughout the house.
"You should go see if their ok?" Lilly teased.
"I think you're better equipped than me!" I reminder her. "Besides one is my sister."
"Yes and the other one is mine!" Lilly laughed.
"Go!" I stood her up and spanked her ass cheek.
She looked back from my door her silhouette outlined from the hall light. She left my door ajar and went to Daisy's room looking at me one last time.
The vibrator was still rattling against the door when Lilly opened it, she stepped inside and the real squealing started.
I slipped on some shorts and went to the bathroom and picked up our clothes. I folded Lilly's and set them on the far end of the counter.
I went downstairs and picked up my duffel bag took my street clothes out and stashed the bag away. Using the downstairs bathroom I got ready for bed. When I went back up all three were in the bathroom upstairs and from the sounds of it in the shower.
I propped up some pillows and with just the light beside my bed started to read my book on personal investing.
"Goodnight my knight in shining armor." I faintly heard Lilly whisper.
It must have been I dream I thought until shortly later she joined me in bed.
"Kiss me Parker." She asked.
I remember her lips, her probing tongue, and her naked body pressed against mine. The passion was there but something was wrong. No, wait, this isn't her body. This body was fuller, more voluptuous, and taller.
"Daisy!" I protested.
"Shhh." She kissed me again. "They're gone. She asked me to give you this!"
Daisy straddled me again. Her massive tits pressed hard against my chest, her lips pressed firmly against mine. My arms wrapped around her waist holding her in place while we kissed.
"Goodnight Parker." Daisy whispered as she pressed back against me.
To be continued... |
Bed and Breakfast | 73,918 | 4.53 | 516,362 | [
"bed and breakfast",
"group sex",
"hot tub"
] | *Note: How many of you have stayed in a bed and breakfast? Tammi and Ted found one that they loved so much they stayed. Enjoy.*
It took Ted and Tammi almost a hour to find the B&B in old Savanna. It was at the end of a dead end street hidden by a series of old weeping willows.
"Is it open?" Tammi asked her fiancée after stepping out of the SUV.
"I'm not sure," Ted answered. "Grab your bag and lets go and check it out."
Tammi walked behind him as they curled around a bunch of rose bushes. They stepped over some downed tree branches and stopped in front of an older but well preserved house. "The sign says Pleasure B&B."
"Pleasure," Ted repeated. He pulled the brochure out of his back pocket and read it again. "This says Pleasant B&B."
"I like Pleasure better," Tammi giggled. "I can't wait to try out the bed."
"I think we better hold it down. The walls are probably paper thin." Ted said watching the door opening up. A nice looking middle aged woman with platinum grey hair walked out.
"Well hello," she said in a strong Southern accent. You must be Ted and Tammi."
"Yes," Tammi announced as she walked around Ted and up onto the porch. "This place looks lovely."
"We promise the most enjoyable weekend anywhere. My name is Betty Lou." She squeezed Tammi's hand and waited for Ted to give him a big hug.
"My husband Bob is cleaning out the hot tub," Betty grinned. "It's been a few weeks since we've had guests."
"Really?" Ted asked. "I would think a place this nice for...for the price would be backlogged."
"We are very picky about who is accepted," Betty Lou grinned.
"Wow...I feel special," Tammy said pushing her blonde bangs from her forehead. "We've been driving for five hours. How soon can we get into the hot tub?"
"Let me show you your room. After that it's up to you," Betty Lou grinned.
Tammy walked behind Ted who was walking behind Betty Lou up the stairs. She saw his eyes focused on her cute ass and punched him lightly from the back. "Ted," she whispered.
Ted realized he had been caught and looked away.
"You're here," the hostess said after pushing open a door at the end of the hallway.
"Nice," Ted grinned not expecting to see a large king size bed covered with red silk coverings and pillows. "I never expected this."
Tammi blushed seeing the large fullsize mirror at the head of the bed which was turned downward. "I think the right word is Pleasure B&B," she whispered to Ted.
Betty Lou over heard her comment but didn't acknowledge it. "I'm sorry but you will have to use the bathroom down the hallway. We've modernized the bedroom but couldn't attached a bathroom because of the way the house is built."
"Has this house always been in your family?" Ted asked feeling himself getting excited. He turned to prevent the women seeing his growing member.
Betty Lou laughed. "No, Bob and I moved in about fifteen years ago. I think we are the ninth couple to be here."
"Cool," Tammi giggled as she moved to the bed and turned before leaping upward and falling back on the bed. As she felt back her short denim skirt plopped up over her tiny black thong. "Oops." She blushed before reaching down to push down her skirt. She looked at Betty Lou whose eyes were locked between her opened thighs. It sent chills up her spine.
"Come on down when you get your swim suits on," Betty Lou said before turning and walking out.
Ted closed the door behind her and turned to see Tammi move her feet up onto the bed. Her skirt again dropped back over her panties but this time she left herself exposed. "We don't have enough time."
"We are finally alone. Maybe now we can try new things," Tammi grinned. She pulled the panties to the side and pulled open her blonde framed pussy lips.
"Jesus," Ted gasped seeing his girl exposing herself like this for the first time.
"I want to try out new things," Tammi said fumbling her middle finger between her lower lips. She touched her swollen clitoris and closed her eyes. "Ahhh."
"Tammi...we uh..have to...we told Betty Lou that we were going to the hot tub."
"Ted...you promised," she said freezing her finger.
"I...we...uh..." He turned and grabbed his bag. "I'll get my trunks on."
Tammi frowned and pulled her finger out of her lips. "OK but later..." She grabbed her bag and pulled out her new white bikini.
Bob heard the doors opening and closing in the house and stopped cleaning the hot tub. The water was nice and hot. He met his wife at the patio door. "So?"
"I think so," she grinned. "They seem to be so fresh."
"Like we were," she whispered.
"Do you regret it?" Bob asked. "You know coming here?"
"No...it's been amazing," she smiled.
"But the others...we thought that they...you know were the ones."
They held hands and glanced up at the bedroom window.
"What is that smell?" Tammi asked as they walked down the stairs. "I've never smelled it before."
"I don't know. Must be some sort of flower."
"We're in the kitchen!" Betty yelled after hearing their footsteps. "We were wondering if you were going to come down," Betty grinned seeing the tiny bikini Tammi had on under the opened terry cloth robe.
"Hi I'm Bob," he said holding out his hand for Ted. "I hope you are satisfied with your room."
Ted grinned. "Yes...I uh think it's great."
"What is that strange smell?" Tammi asked noticing the older man glancing at her exposed thighs. She glanced at the grey curly hairs on his chest.
"Do you lke it?" Betty Lou asked noting the woman's skin glowing.
"Yes...I mean it makes me feel so...so.."
"tingly?" Betty whispered moving closer.
Tammi nodded. "Is it a flower?"
"No," Bob answered. "It's a plant that only grows around here."
"More like a mushroom," Betty added.
"It makes you feel so..so strange," Tammi said feeling slightly dizzy.
"Come on and let's check out the hot tub," Betty grinned noting that the odor was having it's effect on Ted as well.
Tammi followed the woman out onto the patio. The trees provided complete shelter except for a narrow window looking out onto the Savanna River.
"Coming?" Betty asked looking back at the woman who had stopped to see the view of the river.
"Yes," Tammi answered not noticing that they were alone. She saw Betty stop at the raised hot tub and reached back to unzip her white dress. "What are you doing?" She turned to see if Ted and Bob had walked outside.
"Clothing is optional here," Betty answered without turning around. She pushed the dress off of her hips and stood facing away naked.
"Oh my God," Tammi said starring at the beautiful ass and slim waistline. "That is so cool."
Betty turned and showed her naked profile. "Why don't you join me?"
"Me? On no...I've never..." She blushed as she watched Betty raise her left leg upward to step into the hot tub. Her eyes focused on Betty's shaved pussy lips, which opened up.
Betty grinned and sat back in the water. "You've never been naked before?"
Tammi laughed. "That's not what I meant. I've never...I mean no other man has even seen me...you know."
"Bob will keep Ted busy for a while showing him his collection of old guns."
Tammi pushed off her robe, peeked back at the house and started to reach back to release her top. When it released she grabbed the cups before they fell from her naked breasts. "I can't."
"Get in and do it in here," Betty grinned. She held out her hand to help.
"Oh God," Tammi gasped when she took Betty's hand and climbed over into the hot tub. Her left cup fell from her pink mound exposing her hard tiny nipple. As she sat down in the hot water her top floated to the top.
"Here let me have that," Betty laughed grabbing it and tossing it behind her.
Ted was about to follow his wife outside when Bob grabbed his arm. "Would you like to see my collection of Civil War guns?"
"Uh...yeah...I guess I would," Ted said wanting to get into the hot water so his hard-on wouldn't be so obvious. He followed Bob down a narrow hallway into a small room. He looked around but didn't see any guns.
Bob laughed. "Come here."
Ted was puzzled as he moved to the man who turned and opened some wooden blinds. "This is much better to look at than guns."
Ted leaned over and peeked through the slats. His eyes got big when he saw Betty removing her dress. "What?"
"Shhh," Bob whispered. "They don't know we are watching?"
Ted knew he should turn away but the woman's body was so perfect. Her breasts were round with no sag with high pointy nipples. "God."
Bob chuckled as the dress dropped at her feet. At their angle they could see her full frontal nudity.
Ted suddenly realized what he was doing and turned away. "I shouldn't."
Bob grabbed his shoulder and turned him back around. "You should. Nudity is nothing to be ashamed of."
Ted again was frozen. His eyes captured Betty's shaven pussy lips as she stepped high into the hot tub. His cock was now about to brust out of his swimming trunks. He watched the woman sink into the water and turned to watch his fiancée. "She will never..."
It was Bob's turn to watch now. They both saw Tammi remove her robe and reach back to release her top.
"Shit," Ted gasped. He leaned forward to see if she would do it and saw her catch the top before it left her chest. "Whew," he grinned. But as she moved into the hot tub the top got away and they saw the cherry tip on her pink cone.
"You just never know," Bob grinned. "Let's go and join them."
Ted followed the man out onto the deck and saw the sun going down to the west. "So how is the water?" Bob asked.
"Great," Betty replied. "Right Tammi?"
Tammi moved further down into the hot bubbling water to hide her naked titties. "Yes...it feels so...so good. Are you guys coming in?"
"No," Ted answered not wanting Bob to get that close to his topless girl.
"Yes," Bob said as he kicked his sandals aside. He walked to the hot tub and peeked down at the rise of Tammi's breasts hidden mostly by the bubbles.
They all froze as they wondered if Bob would remove his trunks. "The sun is almost down," Bob grinned looking through the trees at the fading rays of light.
It seems as if someone had turned off a light when the sun disappeared. The patio was so dark not even Tammi could see Bob's cock after he removed his swim suit and climbed into the hot tub.
"Are you coming in honey?" Tammi asked. She could barely make out Ted's body as he moved closer.
"Maybe we should call it a night?" Ted said nervously.
"I'm staying," Tammi said annoyed. "You can go to the room if you want."
Betty and Bob remained quiet as Ted made up his mind to join them or not. They knew the odor of the plant was stronger at night especially just after the sun went down.
"Uh..OK for a little while."
Betty could make out that the shy man didn't remove his trunks before climbing over the side.
Ted moved closer Tammi and whispered. "I can't believe you took off your top."
"It's dark," she giggled moving her body and breasts out of the water. Just knowing that a naked man other than her fiancée was only inches from her flaming hot body. She had never felt this turned on before. "Why don't you take off your trunks?"
He was about to say no until her hand fell down onto his hard bulge. "Ahhh."
Bob closed his eyes because he was not in a hurry. He knew that when the sun when down the plant would emit its aroma stronger. Even at 40 years old the odor still got him as hard and ready as he was at 18. Betty's right middle finger was lightly playing with her clitty. It had been months since the last couple and although they didn't fit the final bill she did totally enjoy the night with the younger man.
"Jesus Tam," Ted gasped feeling his wife's petite fingers search down under his shorts. Her fingers grabbed onto his hard shaft and jerked it out from the top.
"I'm...I'm so..sooo hot," she purred. She was not whispering when she said it.
"They...they can hear you," he whispered feeling her naked soft breast rise out of the water. She moved up onto her knees on the hot tub seat and pushed her tongue into his throat while she continued jerking him off. "Stop."
Tammi sighed and moved back next to him. She kept her bare titties out of the water. "It's not fair that Bob and Betty are naked and we aren't."
Ted wasn't sure what she was getting at until he saw her standing up. The moon had risen high enough now that they could make out the body shapes. "Tammi...sit down."
She giggled. "Take off my bikini bottoms."
"Shhh....please..." The hot water and the naked bodies were also getting to his senses.
"I guess I'll have to take them off myself," she said sadly. As she reached down to push them off she felt someone grab her hand. It was from the other side and the hand was big. "Maybe Bob will take them off for me." She moved easily away and stood with her knees touching his.
"Tammi...come back...I'll...I'll do it." He reached out to grab her body and felt her naked waist. As she moved closer to him his hand moved lower to find her bikini bottom but found nothing but skin. "Tammi?"
"Tammi's busy," Betty whispered while she opened her legs and sat up onto his lap. Her hands moved around Ted's head and pulled it and his lips forward until they touched her right breast and rigid nipple. The aroma was strong now. So strong that Ted couldn't say no if he wanted to.
Across the tub Bob was teasing Tammi by taking a lot of time pushing off her last article of clothing. It was half way off when she pushed it down more. "Please...I need to be naked," she moaned.
Bob had seen them wild before but Tammi was in a lot of heat. She pushed off her bottoms and almost dove onto his lap. Her fingers sought and found only the second hard cock in her life. It was not as long as Ted's but it was definitely a lot thicker.
"It's yours baby," Bob chuckled. "Touch it and make it nice and hard for your young pussy."
The moon was over the trees now and they all could clearly make out what the others were doing. Ted peeked over Betty's naked shoulder and saw his wife being lifted up out of the water. He saw Bob's two large hands on her bare buttocks and saw the man pull her opened legs into his face.
"Forget about them," Betty whispered. She freed his hard cock and moved upward until her moist pussy was aimed down onto the crown. "Are you ready for heaven?"
"Yes," Ted answered closing his eyes and the view of Tammi getting her pussy sucked. As Betty's experienced pussy slid down his pole he pulled her left nipple into his opened lips.
The white and red Catikia flower was in full bloom sending it's seductive erotic pollen out in the dark breeze. It loved the sweet river soil and the nurishment provided by the many river animals that died trying to crawl out of the murky river mud.
The humans in the hot tub were sex starved animals now not caring what the other couple was doing. Ted was as hard as he could remember and smiled as the hot older bald pussy woman fucked up and down his joy stick. He was not even close to cuming yet and had been fucking her for at least ten minutes.
"I knew you were the one," Betty Lou whispered feeling him go very deep inside. Her lips captured his and sucked on this tongue while her pussy sucked his shaft deeper and deeper. Neither of them realized that Tammi and Bob were gone.
"Hurry," she begged after diving onto the large master bed. They ran into the house and headed directly for the bedroom. As he moved like a fox on it's prowl she opened her young tender thighs and offered him her most private treasure.
The pollen had made Bob hard as well and as he rubbed his huge crown up and down her moist pussy he saw the sex hunger in her eyes. His hands grabbed onto her ankles and lifted them up to his shoulders. As his cock-head pushed into her moist quim her face looked at him in disbelief.
He laughed. "You've never had one this thick before have you?"
"God no....it's stretching me out sooo much."
Although she was begging for him to push it in faster he held back to prevent injuring her. At first he was as anxious as the many women who visited and the next morning realized that they were hurting.
Tammi felt it was worth the wait when his pubic hairs met and mixed with her own. He was shorter than Ted but with her legs up against his shoulders he was just as deep. "Please...please fuck me."
Bob did just that. The longest Tammi had ever been fucked before was maybe five minutes. Twenty minutes moved by and she wanted more and more. It was her third orgasm when Bob finally released his hot juicy spunk.
"ME TOO!" She screamed.
Ted and Betty also were fucking a long time. Each time she pushed down the water would splash up over the sides of the hot tub. "Are you ready baby?"
"Yes...I'm uh....READY!" Ted felt the pressure in his balls build up and suddenly released. "OH FUCK...I'M CUMING!"
Betty was not a screamer like so many of the women that Bob had fucked. It was her ability to hold the pleasure inside and turn it into extreme warmth and sparks that lit up her body and mind. "Ummmmmm," she moaned softly.
The rest of the night was fucking followed by a rest sleep period. All in all the two couples had fucked at least six times. Ted and Betty Lou ended up in the guest bed after the first session in the hot tub so when he awoke the next morning he felt the soreness on his glowing red and now soft cock.
"Ouch," he moaned as he rubbed over the sore crown. He turned to look for Tammi and realized that he was alone. After stumbling out of the bed he walked naked down the hallway towards the bathroom. He saw the master bedroom door slightly cracked open and could resist the chance to peek. He saw the pink familiar pink buttocks and pushed open the door.
"Tammi....Tammi wake up," he whispered while sitting next to her lifeless form. He glanced down at the numerous red marks on her ass and thighs knowing they originated from fucking Bob. She still didn't move so he pulled up on her left arm until she fell over on her back. More red marks covered her white breasts and lower over her bush. He could see the dried cum on her pussy lips and inner thighs.
"TAMMI WAKE UP!" He said lightly smacking her cheek. He saw her chest rising so he knew she was alive.
Tammi was still dreaming about being fucked all night. She remembered being on the bottom, on top and him fucking her doggie style. She had a big smile when she opened her eyes expecting Bob's face. "Ted...Oh God...what...what time is it?' She tried to turn over but felt the cramps in her legs. "Ohhh."
"Are you OK?" He asked.
"Uh...yeah...I'm...my thighs are sore." She looked around for Bob and Betty Lou. "Where are they?"
"I don't know. I just woke up myself."
She reached over and took his hand. "Did you and Betty Lou...you know?"
"Yes, all night I think. I've never lasted so long...it was like I stayed hard constantly."
"Bob too. He was so thick...God it hurt at first but."
"I'm sorry. You know for not..not stopping it in the hot tub. It was like I lost control and couldn't stop."
"Me too. Do you think that they drugged us?"
"We didn't have anything to drink but maybe the hot tub water...you know."
She rubbed the dried cum from the lips of her sore pussy. "I really need a shower."
"Me too. Let's use the one in the master bath."
Betty Lou looked up when she heard the shower come on up stairs. "They are awake."
"They are definitely the couple," Bob said. "I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad. The past fifteen years have been unbelievable."
"It's something we will never forget," she said standing to start the breakfast.
As she mixed up the biscuit batter he stood behind her. "Do you think they will go for it?"
"No one has turned down the offer in over a hundred years," she answered. "So how hot was she in bed last night?"
He grinned. "A wildcat. She wanted to do it everyway I could think off and I think we came up with some new positions. How about Ted?"
"Shy at first but he quickly caught on to how to please a woman. He's one of the longest I've had."
The younger couple showered and dried off before walking naked back to their rooms. "What should we wear downstairs?" She asked.
"I don't think it matters," Ted smiled. "We don't have any secrets left." However he pulled on new white boxers and jeans. He turned and saw her pulling a white sundress down over her braless breasts and naked stomach. "I think you've changed."
They held hands walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning," Ted said to Bob sitting at the table and Betty Lou at the stove.
"Good morning," Bob grinned at Tammi remembering her sweet lips locked around his hard shaft last night. "We thought you might sleep more."
"You know after the night we had I would think that I would be tired but I'm not," Ted grinned looking at Betty's white robe. He wondered if she was naked under it.
"We have a lot to tell you about this place," Betty Lou said carrying biscuits, eggs, sausage and toast to the table. "But first we need to eat."
It was after lunch when Ted and Tammi sat on the patio overlooking the river. "We have to do it," Tammi said holding his hand tighter. "Last night was unbelievable."
"They seem so happy," Ted said glancing back at the house. "They both said the stay here has been wonderful."
"I think we both know what we want to do."
"Quick back to the table," Betty Lou said seeing the youngsters stand up and turn. They sat drinking coffee and looked up when the door opened. "Well?" Bob asked.
"Yes," Ted answered for both of them.
It was a month later when a new car pulled up to the old southern home. Tammi peeked from the living room window at the cute dark haired woman getting out of the car. "God I'm so nervous."
"You don't have to be," Ted grinned. "The plant will do all the work for us." They watched the couple grab their bags and head up to the door. He opened it and smiled. "Come in."
"This place is perfect," Gina Russo said to her New York husband Sal. "I can't wait to see everything." They followed the young couple up the stairs and was shocked to see the mirror above the bed and the red silk sheets.
"This is more like it," Sal grinned. He was not that excited to see old southern places. This was the fourth bed and breakfast and he was quickly getting tired of them. However he was happy to see Tammi's little ass in the short red shorts.
"Take your time getting unpacked. Ted and I will be on the deck." Tammi grinned knowing the sun was setting in thirty minutes.
After the door closed Sal was all over Gina. He pulled off her tee shirt and almost ripped off her jeans.
"Sal stop! Is sex all you think of?" She tried to hold onto her panties but he got them down off her feet. "Let me jerk you off," she said hoping he would let her.
"Come on baby let's fuck. We have time."
"You're so gross," she said removing her bra letting her 34B mounds free. "No, a hand job is all you are getting."
"That's all I ever get lately because you don't want to make noise in these B and Bs." He sighed and sat back on the bed while she quickly jerked off his seven inch cock.
"Hello," Gina announced as they walked onto the patio wearing their bathing suits.
"Over here," Tammi said sitting by the hot tub with her hand in the water. "The temperature is perfect."
"It's really nice back here," Sal said noticing that Tammi wasn't wearing a bra under the thin pink blouse. "Especially when the sun is going down."
Gina removed the shirt over her bathing suit and stepped up on the rim of the Jacuzzi. "Is everyone going in?"
Ted sat back smelling the Catikia getting stronger. He felt the familiar reaction in his loins and saw the passion building in the handsome Italian's eyes. "Go on in. We will be in soon."
"But you are not wearing bathing suits," Gina giggled. Her body was on fire and she was not even in the water yet.
"We sometimes don't wear anything," Tammi said standing and unbuttoning her blouse. "Is that ok with you two?"
"Sure," Sal said quickly. He realized he was rock hard for the first time. He shift his position so he could see her perky titties when she pulled the blouse away.
Normally Gina would be upset but she found herself reaching back and unclasping her bikini top. "If she can do it so can I."
Ted chuckled as the scene unfolded. The sun was almost down now as he stood up and pushed off his shorts and pulled off his shirt. Since he was not wearing underwear his cock was at full length when he walked over to the hot tub. "Got any room for me?" He asked Gina.
"Maybe?" Gina grinned. "If Sal says it's ok."
Sal did not hear a word she said. His whole attention was on Tammi's hands pushing down her shorts while taking her black panties with them. "Wow."
Tammi moved seductively up to the New York stud. "Do you want to go into the tub or maybe go inside?"
Gina had her back to the house and didn't know she was alone with the guy with the long hard cock. "The smell is getting stronger and you...are getting longer." She dropped down into the water and removed her bottoms.
Ted knew he didn't need foreplay but he wanted to touch her breasts since he saw her walking up to the house. He slid into the water and dropped down until his face was lined up with her right nipple. She hooked his head with her fingers and pulled his mouth forward. "Ohhh."
Gina felt his finger pierce her hot pussy lips and knew it wouldn't be long before his cock was buried deep inside. Her hands hung around his shoulders as her hips moved up and around his hips. His hand moved down to guide his poker home. "OH MY GOD!"
Sal was on his back feeling his prick as hard as it had ever been. He looked up in the mirror as Tammi's pink ass cheeks lowered her sweet pussy down onto his shaft. He heard a scream and thought it was Tammi but realized it was his wife's. He really didn't care. For the next twenty minutes Tammi fucked up and down his shaft.
"Are you ready to cum Sal?" Tammi teased squeezing her inner muscles. "I want to feel you inside me."
Tammi was in no hurry to cum because she knew the night was still young. Even after she felt his last release she kept fucking him. He didn't soften as they went for round two.
How many times they had fucked Gina didn't know. An hour ago they had moved from the water and were interlocked on the soft lounge chair. Her face was down into the cushion as he fucked into her virgin ass. Her mind was mush and her body was in full submission.
It was day break when Gina opened her eyes. She tried to sit up on the lounge but her whole body was too sore. Her fingers felt the cum still dripping from both of her holes.
"Come on, I'll help you to your room," Ted whispered.
As they moved slowly up the stairs Tammi walked down in a long white robe. "Sal is out. I couldn't wake him."
"Good, I'm so tired," Gina grinned.
It was 2:30PM that afternoon when Gina walked into the kitchen. "I'm so hungry."
"We know," Tammi said opening the refrigerator and pulling out a tray of fried chicken. "Do you want me to heat it up?"
"No," Gina said grabbing a drumstick and taking out a big bite. She devoured the leg and started on a breast. After finished half the plate she leaned back. "So are we going to do it again?"
Tammi laughed. "You need to rest up." Ten minutes later Sal stumbled in and saw the food.
"Thank God."
It was the next day when Tammi and Ted stood in the driveway watching the couple from New York drive away.
"Fifteen more years. Do you think it will go fast?" Tammi asked.
"I hope not," Ted smiled.
The End.
*Ending Note: You just never know what grows in the low country. If anyone wants the address of the B and B let me know. LOL. Don't forget to vote and send me some feedback. Love ya..Slick.* |
Matt & Beth: The Milkshake | 18,353 | 4.57 | 1,816,691 | [
] | *I woke up with this story in my head one morning- I don't know if it was a dream or just an idea, but I liked it so here it is.*
"You can put your cold feet on me any time." Matt and I wrote our wedding vows, and this was part of mine. I married a dairy farmer. Coming to bed in the middle of the night with cold feet is part of the job. Matt's vows to me included something along the lines of, "Don't take what I say when we are working cattle personally." That got a laugh, and it turns out it was pretty good advice too. Matt isn't a huge yeller, but working cattle brings out colorful language in most everyone.
My cousin Mia (a nursing student) had stopped by to visit us and our new-born baby. It was unseasonably warm for March, so she and I were sitting in the warm sun on the front porch, the baby napping between us in a car seat.
"How is breastfeeding going?"
"It was kind of painful at first, but I am getting used to it."
"I got to follow a lactation specialist around for one of my nursing practicals."
"How did that go?"
"It was interesting, how the whole process works, with your milk coming in and the difficulties new babies have latching on."
"We haven't had too many problems with that. This little one has gained a pound since birth already. I think I have enough milk for twins. It's like my body is making milk out of pure love, 'here is my milk-think of it as love.' I suppose that's the hormones."
We basked silently in the sun for a few minutes, watching my husband, Matt across the yard in the corrals. After some gate-banging he headed our way with purpose. I shifted forward in my chair, knowing what was coming.
"Beth, Hon, can I borrow you for a bit?" Matt called out as he got close to us, "I need help sorting a pen of cows. Can you run the gate while Mia is here to watch the baby?" "Hi, Mia," he added as an afterthought.
"Sure," I got up and trailed after Matt to the barn where I found a pair of overboots and followed him into the corrals. Matt had me run a swinging gate while he funneled the cows towards me, sort of in single file. The idea was that I would use the gate to sort the cows either into a pen or the alley behind me by swinging the gate open to the pen or open to the alley. Most of our cows are gentle, so I mostly just moved the gate back and forth as Matt directed and the cows went were they were supposed to.
When a spotted-faced cow I recognized as a mean one came running at me with the intention to go in the pen instead of the alley where she was supposed to go, I hurried to close the gate before I got hit by 1200 pounds of angry pot roast.
In my haste I slipped in the mud, well it wasn't exactly mud- but it **was** slippery, and when I caught myself on the gate I jostled my breasts. Within moments, my nipples started tingling and my breasts tightened, ever so slightly. Soon the tingling had worked its way back to the base of my breasts and my breasts themselves were warm and firm. They swelled with the weight of my milk.
As soon as I had my balance back I was getting hand signals about the next critter headed my way. I swung the gate as directed until the pen of cattle had been sorted. We finished getting everybody where Matt wanted them, the ones close to birthing stayed in the corral and the others went out to pasture for the time being.
Afterwards, I slogged across the corral to Matt. By this time my breasts were so tender and heavy with milk, the slightest movement was painful. I walked gingerly, with my shoulders back so my arms wouldn't brush against my sore titties.
"Check that out," said Matt, gesturing at my shirt.
I glanced down. My nursing pads-the inserts for my bra to absorb excess milk-had soaked through and my shirt had two milk spots the size of coffee cups on it.
"And the baby probably won't be awake for another hour," I moaned. "My tits are so tight and so full it's not even uncomfortable any more, it just hurts."
We walked a few more steps and I could sense the wheels in Matt's head churning. "Can I help?" he asked.
"What exactly do you have in mind?" This could be interesting, knowing Matt's playful side.
Matt hooked his thumb towards the milking parlor and raised his eyebrows in question. The thought of my husband nursing hadn't really crossed my mind before, but I had to do something or I was going to burst.
"You know I can't resist your boobs, I want to try your milk. C'mon, it will be fun for both of us, I get a snack and you get some relief." He gave me the look he knows I can't resist, earnest, encouraging and playful at once. The look that gets him whatever he wants.
The thought of feeding Matt my fresh breastmilk made my pussy tighten with anticipation. "We could try it, if that's what you really want." I didn't dare let him know how turned on I was by the idea.
We ducked into the milking parlor and stepped into the adjacent office. I sat on the desk, facing Matt. He lifted my soaked shirt over my head and unsnapped the right side of my nursing bra, releasing my nipple and part of my breast. The nursing pad slid to the floor with a splat. A bead of milk clung to the bottom of my nipple and dropped onto my jeans. With a quick glance at me again to make sure I was on board with nursing a 30 something year-old man, Matt leaned over and licked my nipple.
He put his lips around my nipple and gave a little suck and a tug and then he opened his mouth and latched on. I felt his tongue slide around my nipple as he created suction with his lips. Matt began sucking in earnest, even using his teeth to pull my nipple and areola further into his mouth.
Gazing in to my husband's eyes as he pressed his hungry mouth against my sweet swelling breast, I felt my milk come in again. This time the tingling encompassed my breasts and went down my stomach encircling my pussy. My breasts swelled again, so much this time I was worried about developing stretch marks on my hot skin.
"Baby," I whispered as I rocked his head in my arm and stroked his forehead and hair.
Matt did his best to keep up, but he was no match for my milk. It spurted from several places on my turgid nipple into his mouth. He developed a suck-suck-swallow, nose-breathing routine that helped him keep up with the flow of milk.
I held my left breast in my hand to ease the weight on my chest. I gently stroked my breast through my bra exploring the different-ness of my lactating breast versus my pre-baby breast. I could feel hard bumps in the normally smooth underside of it. "Oh, my gosh, those are my milk ducts!" I thought.
My left breast was uncomfortably full. Matt had nursed enough from my right side to relieve the pressure, but my left breast was aching for the feel of his mouth. The nursing pad had slipped down under my breast and was doing no good at all, so I unhooked the nursing window over that breast as well, catching the soaked pad as it slid out and tossing it in the garbage.
Milk squirted from my rosy nipple like a lawn sprinkler, hitting Matt in the ear and on the side of his face next to his eye. He released my right breast to look at me in surprise. He had milk in his beard and mustache as well as dribbling down the right side of his face. I laughed to see my husband's face covered in my milk.
I mashed my thumb into my left nipple to try to staunch the spray, but milk dripped through my fingers, down my breast and onto my lap.
"Other side, Love. I am dying here." Agreeably, Matt took my left nipple into his mouth and began suckling me. I leaned back on my arms, giving him plenty of room to find a comfortable angle. He stood between my knees and pressed his dick against my thigh. The baby was only a few days old, so sex was out of the question, but I thought I could find a way to give Matt some relief later.
From this angle, I admired the changes in my right nipple, now bright pink instead of my usual pale salmon color. It seemed larger now too, perched on the end of my full breast, the sunlight from the window making my erect nipple cast a shadow on my areola.
When Matt finally came up for air I asked, "What's it like? What's my milk taste like?"
"It's watery but it tastes sweet, it's delicious. I'll give you a mouthful next time. There will be a next time, right?" He leaned into me, cupping my chin in his hand, and planted a soft milky kiss on my lips.
I loved this guy so much, I couldn't think of anything I wouldn't do for him. "I'll be sure to save you some. The feel of you nursing was incredible."
I sat on the desk with my depleted breasts peeking through my nursing bra. Matt lifted and caressed both of my breasts at the same time, running his thumbs across my extended nipples. "You are amazing, you know that, right?" He re-attached my nursing windows and I slipped my soaked shirt back on.
As we came out of the milking parlor, I could hear the baby whimper in hunger across the yard. The familiar tingling sensation started again in my breasts and my milk came in, yet again. My body was eager to feed my loved ones my sweet milk.
Once the newness of breastfeeding wore off, I didn't produce milk quite so often, but I made sure Matt got his bedtime nummies. We enjoyed breastfeeding so much I ended up feeding Matt every night after the baby went to bed and then for half a year after I weaned each of the babies. It was a great weight loss plan-for me anyway, and I loved falling asleep with my husband's nose pressed into my soft breast every night. |
Fourplay Ch. 01 | 17,043 | 4.78 | 171,432 | [
"wicked gleam",
"wet lace",
"pillow blanket",
"rest flight",
"boarding passes",
"waistband slacks",
"beneath blanket",
"thighs rubbing",
"turned slipped",
"unfastened pants"
] | The trip to Monte Carlo had been talked about and planned for almost a year. Shae Rickett couldn't believe it had been almost a year since she'd seen Garrett Shields face to face. Yes, they did talk almost every day, either on-line or over the phone. But, she had to admit, their one and only face to face meeting was unforgettable. It was one of her biggest pet peeves that she couldn't have a real relationship with him. They were just too far apart. She lived in Arizona, and he lived in Western Canada. Neither of them was in any position to move. A minor indiscretion while she was in college kept her from being considered for citizenship anywhere other than the United States. And Garrett had a promising career where he was. Shae wasn't about to ask him to give up fifteen years worth of work to move to Arizona to be with her.
As her plane taxied up to the gate Shae rubbed her clammy palms on the legs of her slacks. She was dressed in form fitting black slacks and a delicate pink blouse that plunged at the neckline and buttoned up the front. There were sandals on her feet, strappy slinky sandals that made a man think of sex. Shae was sex personified, she basically exuded pheromones and everyone around her took notice. Her body was packaged very nicely in a 5'7" frame. She was rounded in all the right places, her breasts bountiful, her hips nicely rounded and swayed when she walked. Every man in the vicinity watched her walk toward him or away from him and was grateful for whatever view he got.
Shae was aware of her sexuality, but didn't flaunt it. She figured her looks did that enough without adding ego into the mix. As she de-boarded the plane, she looked around for Garrett, for his flight was supposed to have landed an hour before hers did. They still had another two hours to wait for their flight to Monaco. It was going to be a long one, at least fourteen hours, or so the travel agent had told her when she booked the flight.
"Shae!" she heard someone call her name and looked around. There he was, standing by the row of utilitarian chairs found in all airport terminals. She swung the shoulder strap of her carry on bag over her shoulder and made her way through the crush of people towards him. As she came closer she could see the smile on his face as he opened his arms to her. She stepped into them, sighing as her body came into contact with his. His hands gripped her waist, holding her close to him while he lowered his mouth for a "hello" kiss. Her arms slid up, her hands sliding to the back of his neck as she tilted her head, her lips parting slightly in anticipation of his kiss.
One of his hands slid up to cup the nape of her neck, angling her better as his lips settled on hers, he moaned once and then devoured her. Garrett thrust his tongue deep, tracing the contours of the inside of her mouth, moaning at her taste. A small whimper escaped Shae as she sucked on his tongue, driving him crazy with her actions. He slowly pulled back and smiled down at her.
"Wow, you taste even better than I remembered baby. How was your flight?" he asked, his hand gently caressing her neck, not lightening his hold on her one bit, keeping her close and pressed against his body.
"It was ok. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I couldn't wait to see you again. It's been so long," she said, her fingertip tracing his lips.
Nuzzling against the side of her neck, Garrett agreed with a moan as he nipped her earlobe. She shivered against him, laughing softly. They separated and Garrett wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her against his side as he bent down to sling his carry on bag over his shoulder and pick up his suitcase and garment bag. They made their way down to the baggage claim to pick up her luggage before they checked it for the next flight. She only had two bags as well, a large suitcase and her own garment bag. She hefted those, since he was carrying his own luggage. Fortunately her suitcase had wheels so all she had to do was drag it. As they made their way to the gate for their flight, they were told it was early and already boarding. If they wanted to sit on the plane for an hour they could, or they could sit in one of the many airport cafes until boarding was officially called.
They checked their luggage at the ticket counter and then entered the café. As they walked up to the counter Shae felt Garrett's hand slide over her hip, she looked up at him and he smiled down at her, a little wickedly. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear.
"I bet we could find somewhere to entertain ourselves for an hour," his voice deep and husky, strumming across her nerve endings like a physical touch. She shuddered against him and could feel her nipples peaking, pushing at the fabric of her bra and shirt. He looked down and moaned, lifting his hand and then remembering where they were, letting it drop to his side.
"Yeah, I think we can, let's go." Shae said, clasping his hand in hers and leading him away from the counter of the café. She walked for a bit and then saw a sign on a ladies room door that said: Closed For Repair. Nibbling on her lower lip she poked her head in, saw that the coast was clear and yanked Garrett inside. As the door shut, she twisted the lock. They came together in a rush. Their lips were demanding, taking, and devouring each other, their hands everywhere at once. Their carry on bags both hit the floor with muted thuds. Garrett raised his hands, cupping her breasts through the material of her shirt, his thumbs rubbing over the hard nipples so clearly visible in the harsh fluorescent light.
Shae's head tipped back, a strangled moan escaping her lips as Garrett teased and rubbed her hard little nipples. He started to unbutton her shirt, his fingers kept fumbling on the buttons and with a growl of frustration he gripped the two sides and ripped it apart, buttons popping off and hitting the ceramic tiles with little tinkling sounds. Shae gasped, looking down at her shirt, all the buttons gone, and his big tanned hands fisted in the fabric as he pulled it away from her body.
She was wearing a delicate pink lace demi-cup bra beneath the shirt and he moaned again, kneeling before her and leaning forward, taking a hard nipple into his mouth. Surrounded by wet lace and his hot mouth, Shae cried out softly in arousal, his tongue abrading her nipple against the wet lace of her bra. He reached up and yanked down the cups, exposing her breasts to the cold air of the bathroom. Her nipples peaked even more, making her back arch, thrusting her chest at him.
With a growl Garrett stood up and spun her around, with a hand to the small of her back he bent her over the sink area. His hands slid up and down her sides, moving around front to cup her breasts in his hands and tease the nipples more. Leaning forward, he whispered into her ear, "This first time is going to be fast and hard. I haven't had you in a year, and I have to have you now, or die."
A shiver worked it's way down Shae's spine, her hips arching automatically at his words making him groan and press his cock into the soft swells of her ass, nestling it in the cleft of her ass cheeks. Garrett slid one of his hands down her belly to the waistband of her slacks, swiftly unbuttoning them and drawing the zipper down. Unable to help himself he slid one of his hands into her slacks and beneath her thong. He moaned as he cupped his big hand around her hot flesh.
"God, you're wet, I forgot how wet and aroused you can get, and so quickly. Before the day is out, I'll have you in my mouth," he said, his voice low and husky with arousal. Parting her lips with one of his big blunt fingers he stroked her, and she cried out with pleasure. "That's it baby, I think I'm gonna make you cum before I take you." Sliding his finger against her smooth swollen lips, he groaned, his other hand still cupping her breast, his fingers gently pinching and rolling her nipple back and forth.
Her moans and whimpers of pleasure echoed in the cavernous, empty room. Garrett pushed one of his fingers past her lips, stroking against her sensitive inner flesh, stroking her, petting her flesh. Shae writhed against him and the countertop, her hands gripping the edge as she pushed her hips against his hand. "That's right baby, show me how hot you are." Garrett encouraged. A long low groan escaped Shae's throat as she pushed against his finger, gasping as it slid into her pussy slightly. He chuckled and pushed it a little farther in, then moaning as he felt the tight wet clasp of her around his finger, knowing that she'd be wrapped around his cock like that in short order.
Shae shoved her hips back, her body grasping at his finger, pulling it inside herself deeply. Garrett groaned, sliding it back out and then back in. He plumped her breast in his hand, moving his hand back and forth between her breasts. He lowered his mouth and caressed the nape of her neck with his lips. Hearing her moan of pleasure and feeling how much wetter she was getting against his hand told Garrett that she was close and getting closer to her climax. Moving his hand from her breasts to the waistband of her slacks and pushed them down over her ass. Shae's pants dropped to the floor around her feet, leaving her in her ripped open pink blouse and pink lacy thong.
Garrett moaned at the sight of her ass cheeks, the lacy pink thong separating the pale globes of her ass. His free hand moved over her ass cheeks, plumping them, kneading them as he continued to slip his finger in and out of her pussy, her hips moving against his hand. Her whimpers and moans driving him to the edge, Garrett swiftly unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, barely dislodging them from his hips. Gripping his cock in his hand he stepped closer, rubbing the silky smooth head against her ass cheeks, making her moan and whimper in need, her hips pushing back insistently. Garrett pushed aside the thong, letting the strip of pink lace ride over her ass cheek.
Removing his finger from her pussy and spreading her thighs with his hand, Garrett stepped closer, bending his knees slightly, rubbing the head of his cock against her slick exposed flesh. Letting out a husky groan of anticipation, Shae pushed back. He held himself back, although doing so almost drove him insane. He teased her with the head, sliding it all over her wet flesh, not touching her clit at all, and keeping her on the sharp edge of release. His free hand crept over her hip, spreading her lips open, keeping her open. With his cock in his other hand he slid forward against her flesh, letting the head of his cock bump against her clit. Rubbing insistently at it, he growled, "Yeah, baby, cum for me. Cum all over my cock."
Shae whimpered, her eyes closed, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. Her hips ground down against his cock, he could feel her muscles clutching, trying to draw him in. Her hips bucked against him, her ass quivering before him. Garrett moaned as he watched her start to peak. He pushed his hips forward and rubbed harder at her clit with his cock. She threw her head back and cried out loudly, her cry echoing along the walls, slithering down his spine with the effect of a lick. He could feel the wetness of her cum seep out and over the top of his cock. Garrett could feel the muscles of her pussy spasming and quivering against the flesh of his cock. He groaned, pulling his hips back and looking down. His cock was shiny with her cum, and he growled, fisting his hand around his cock he positioned the head at her opening.
"Brace yourself baby, like I said, this is gonna be fast and hard. You're so wet, and so ready I'm not gonna be able to hold on long." Garrett said, one hand settling on her hip. He pushed his hips forward, groaning as her flesh slid over his. Re-positioning her by pulling her hips back, making her stand farther away from the counter, he looked down between them watching as his cock slid out of her tight clasping body. Shae's fingers gripped the edge of the sink tightly, her knuckles turning white. Her body trembled before him; she raised her head, looking at herself in the mirror.
Her shirt was in tatters, hanging down at her sides. Both of her breasts were exposed, the nipples hard and reddened from the attentions of his fingers. Her short spiky blond hair was mussed from his hands as well. His lips had eaten off her lipstick with his kisses. She could see his hands on her hips in the mirror, his dark skin contrasting nicely with her fair coloring. The sight of them in the mirror made her pant with pleasure. He raised his head, meeting her gaze in the mirror. This time, his groan echoed in the room as his fingers tightened, his hips snapping forward and impaling her in one thrust, the sound of their skin slapping together sounding loud in the quiet room.
Garrett thrust into her, fast and hard, to the hilt with each thrust. He leaned forward, his teeth grazing her shoulder as he gave her a love bite. His tongue slid over the bite, soothing the small hurt. She moaned again, watching him in the mirror. His hands slid off her hips and around, spreading her thighs wider, lifting her feet off the floor as he tilted her, his fingers stroking against her lips and clit as he pounded into her. Shae shuddered, her cries getting louder, her pussy starting to clench around him.
"Look at me!" he ordered, making her gaze snap to his in the mirror. He grinned wickedly at her and pinched her clit, rolling it between his fingers. She screamed loudly, her hips twitching and bucking in his hold, her pussy clamped around him hard. He grunted as he pushed against her clasping muscles, the flesh rippling around his cock, tearing a muted roar from his throat. His cock exploded, sending a wave of cum into her body. His hips jerked against her ass, making small slapping noises as he threw his head back, his fingers tightening on her clit. She cried out again, whimpering as her convulsions grew stronger again. He eased his hold on her clit, smiling at her in the mirror, her pose wanton, her body sheened in sweat and glistening beneath the harsh fluorescent lights.
As his cock slowly began to soften, he let her legs go. She stood on her own feet shakily as he pulled his hips back. She groaned loudly as he slipped from her body. He smiled patting her ass, stepping to the sink and wetting a paper towel. He slid the wet towel over his cock and then pulled his pants back up. As he was fastening them, he turned to her and picked up the wet towel. He moved behind her, for she hadn't moved and motioned for her to part her legs.
"Hmmmm, I can't wait to taste this later. You know, it is a fourteen-hour flight from here to Monaco. I'm sure you'd have to take a nap with a blanket sooner or later," he teased, reaching between her thighs and rubbing the wet towel against her pussy, cleaning her of their combined cum. He pulled his hand away and slipped two fingers into her creamy pussy. She moaned and pushed her hips down, thrusting against his fingers. "God, I forgot how hot you get after you've cum. You're gonna wear me out this trip." Garrett said, shivering in anticipation. Getting an idea, he also said, "We might have to find someone to share in our fun. I'm not at all sure I can keep you satisfied for two weeks."
Shae jerked her head up, her body quivering at the promise in his words. Their gazes met in the mirror again and he had a wicked gleam in his eye as he said, "Good thing I brought my DVD-recorder. What an amazing vacation memento, you getting thoroughly debauched, and catching it all on film. What do you think?" he asked as he pumped his fingers in and out of her slick pussy, making her moan again.
Swallowing hard, knowing he knew he was offering her one of her favorite fantasies, she said, "You know what I think. I would love it. We could both have a copy and watch it. I would want you to be in it as well though." Her lips curved in a sinful and wicked smile. He shuddered at that invitation, knowing that sharing each other had been talked about a lot in the last year. Watching each other with another person had been high in their fantasies with each other for the past year. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy, and holding her gaze in the mirror, brought them to his lips, licking and sucking their combined juices off his fingers. She moaned and quivered before him. He smiled and laughed, reaching forward and pulling her pants back up, and re-fastening them.
Gripping her shoulders he turned her around and slipped the cups of her bra back up over her breasts. He groaned and closed his fingers around her nipples, rubbing the lace back and forth over the sensitive buds, making her moan again. He pulled his hands away and pulled the sides of her shirt together. "Sorry bout that. I couldn't help myself," he said, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Do you have another shirt?" he asked, covering her breasts with her shirt before he got side tracked again. He loved her breasts; they were full, firm and 100% natural. He especially loved her nipples. They were so responsive and got so hard so fast for him. She loved it when he played with them, made them tender and red and ripe as berries.
"Yes, I have a white tank top I can wear beneath this shirt," she said as she bent and reached for her carry on bag. Setting it on the counter, she reached in and pulled out said tank top. Turning to face him, she stripped off her shirt, her breasts jiggling as she shrugged out of the shirt. The sight of her flesh almost spilling out of her bra set him on edge again, he felt his cock stirring in his pants, and was amazed at his recuperative powers. He forced himself not to touch and to calm down. If he didn't they were going to miss their flight.
She pulled the tank top over her head and then the shirt on over it, knotting it at her waist. Pulling out a brush she put her hair back into place and reapplied her lipstick and powder. Turning she said, "Ok, all set. Are we ready to board our plane? Maybe we can become members of the Mile High Club on this trip? What do you think?" Stepping around him, she cupped his semi-hard cock in her hand, giving it a suggestive squeeze. He moaned and gripped the counter. Hearing her throaty chuckle, he checked his appearance in the mirror; finger combed his hair and picked up his own carry on bag.
He met her at the door, gave her a hard kiss and then unlocked it and peeked outside. Seeing that the coast was clear he motioned her out first, then crept out second. As they left the bathroom, they heard the first boarding call for their flight. The looked at each other and smiled. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, she an arm around his waist. As they made their way to their appropriate gate, they made small talk. Reaching the gate, they put their bags through the metal detector and then stepped through the walk through. They went through the security checkpoint with no problem. As they got in line for their boarding passes, Shae pulled out her passport and two forms of id. Garrett did the same.
After getting their boarding passes, they heard their numbers called. They had booked first class seats on the plane. Neither one of them had wanted to spare any expenses on this vacation. As they boarded the plane, a flight attendant escorted them to their seats. They stowed their carry on luggage and sat back to wait for the rest of the plane to board. They made more small talk, about their jobs, their families, and friends. They settled back to watch the in-flight movie as the plane taxied out onto the runway. As they lifted off, Garrett squeezed Shae's hand, anxious and excited about their vacation together.
Shae drifted off to sleep halfway through the movie. Garrett looked over at her and smiled. He loved getting to spend time with her. It was unfortunate that she couldn't move to Canada to be closer to him. But, that was impossible. It was also unfortunate that he was so entrenched in his company or he'd move to the States in a heartbeat to be with her. Her face was a study in beauty. She kept her hair short so she didn't have to deal with it. It fit her facial structure very well; it gave her an exotic air with her high cheekbones and foxy features. She'd always kept it spiky short, but in the four years they had been talking it had been every color of the rainbow almost. She always went back to platinum blonde though; it seemed to be her favorite.
The last time they had met, it had been fire engine red. Garrett had found that he loved to fist his hands in it while they made love, or when she went down on him. She was really good at that. He felt himself stir in his pants just thinking about it. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. They had a long flight, and would have plenty of opportunity to be frisky, especially since first class was very bare with this flight. There were only four other passengers in the first class cabin. And they were all on the other side and up front. There were a row of empty seats between them and the other passengers, so they were kind of secluded.
Garrett smiled and settled back to watch the rest of the movie, his hand stroking Shae's arm. He drifted off to sleep. When he awoke the flight attendant was standing beside Shae's chair with two airline meals in her hands. He smiled up at her and took them, placing them on the tray tables in front of himself and Shae. As the flight attendant moved away, he gently shook Shae awake. She came awake slowly, smiling sleepily up at him as her eyes opened.
"Dinner is served, honey. I'm glad we're flying first class and not coach, these actually look edible." Garrett said, a wry smile gracing his lips. As they tucked into their dinners they ate in companionable silence. Finishing up, Garret excused himself and went to the lavatory to wash up. While he was gone Shae stacked the trays and gave them back to the flight attendant as she passed.
Noticing that Garrett had been gone for quite a while, Shae asked the flight attendant for a pillow and blanket. She looked outside the airplane window and noticed that they were flying through the dark now. She looked at her watch and figured that they had at least another good six hours of flying time left. She was amazed that she had fallen asleep for so long. Of course she had been at it since three that morning. She had to take care of some things before she left on her trip, and she had had an early flight out of the Tucson airport.
Shae moved over into Garrett's seat by the window and propped the pillow between the seat and the wall of the plane. She leaned the seat back and sat back to wait for Garrett. A wicked gleam came into her eyes as she reached beneath the blanket and unfastened her pants, and slipping them down over her hips. Shimmying out of them, she kicked them under the seat in front of her. She left her thong on, just in case.
She looked up just in time to see Garrett heading back towards their seats. She smiled wickedly, composing her features just as he dropped into the seat beside her.
"Cozy there in my seat Shae?" he asked, smiling at her.
"Sure am darlin," she replied. "All warm and cozy under this blanket." Shae said as she reached up to turn the overhead light off, encasing them in semi darkness since the pilot had turned off the aisle lights, and the other passengers were all sleeping. He must have caught the wicked gleam in her eyes because he slipped his hand under the blanket, finding her bare thigh. He gasped softly and smiled devilishly.
"Oooh, Shae, you naughty girl. Planning on being bad?" he asked, his fingers lightly stroking the bare flesh of her thigh, his hand steadily creeping closer and closer to her inner thigh. She sighed softly, keeping her voice low, her thighs parting for him. Squirming slightly in her seat, getting more comfortable. Suddenly he pulled his hand from beneath the blanket and signaled for the flight attendant. Shae shifted slightly, extremely aware that she was almost naked beneath the blanket.
The flight attendant answered their call and Garrett asked for another pillow and blanket, for himself. When she returned with them, she asked if they needed anything else, and Garrett told her that they would be fine for the rest of the flight, and that they were just going to nap the rest of the time. She told them that they would not be bothered for the rest of the flight. As the flight attendant took her leave, Garrett looked over at Shae and smiled wickedly, the corners of his mouth curling up.
Shae chuckled as Garrett spread his blanket over himself and the rest of it over her. Shae licked her lips as she felt Garrett's hand move back beneath her blanket and resuming it's course over her thigh. She spread her thighs, giving him better access. He moaned softly at her movement and cupped her lace covered pussy, pushing his fingers against her, feeling her wetness seep through the material. She bit her lower lip, keeping her moan of pleasure contained.
Garrett chuckled, then taking her by surprise, ducked under the blanket and settled himself on the floor. He was between her widespread legs, both blankets covering her and him, keeping himself completely hidden from view. She let out a short gasp, looking around, making sure their movements had gone unnoticed by the other passengers and crew. No one was looking at them, so Shae relaxed slightly until she felt him tugging off her thong. He tucked it beneath the seat along with her pants for easy access.
His hands smoothed up her legs, his fingers rubbing as they went. Shae moaned, squirming in her seat. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to her skin, dropping small wet kisses up her calf. He stopped, and moved to her other leg, kissing his way down to her ankle. Luckily there was a lot of legroom in first class. His mouth left her flesh, but she could feel him moving closer, between her spread legs. Shae kept a nervous lookout, their actions not as surreptitious as they should have been on a public plane forty thousand feet up.
She heard a muffled, "Relax, Shae," from beneath the blanket and giggled softly. She did as he said and tried to relax, her gaze still moving around the plane. "That's right, you keep a lookout, but stay relaxed. I told you I'd have you in my mouth before the day was out."
Shae's giggle turned into a moan, trying to stay quiet, she gripped the extra pillow and buried her face in it. She heard a chuckle from somewhere around her belly button. Then she felt his tongue, flicking against her belly, tasting her skin. Shae raised her head, keeping an eye on everything around them. Garrett's hands moved to her inner thighs, rubbing and massaging them, while spreading them wider as he wedged his body between her legs. She gritted her teeth on a moan, as her hips arched up. He slid his hands beneath her ass, and held her, then lifted her up touching his mouth to the crease between her thigh and pussy. She almost cried out, but choked it back at the last minute, her hands moving to his head beneath the blanket, her fingers gripping his hair.
"Garrett," she hissed, "do it."
He chuckled again and slid his tongue up her entire wet slit. His chuckle turned into a groan as her hand tightened in his hair. The slight pain spurred him as she'd wanted and he spread her lips with his thumbs. He moved closer and gave her several long licks, each punctuated by him tapping his tongue against her clit. Her free hand gripped the pillow and she bit it, trying to stay quiet. Her body however had different notions, and it jerked, hard, in the seat. Her stomach tightened until it quivered. Garrett knew she was holding back and decided to rip her over that edge. He thrust his tongue into her pussy, as his teeth gently scraped across her clit. She muffled most of her squeal of pleasure in the extra pillow except for a small squeak.
Garrett went stock still, not moving a muscle, his tongue buried in her pussy, the edge of his teeth resting on her clit. Shae's eyes opened with a snap and she looked around. Fortunately, everyone still appeared to be asleep. No lights had come on, no one had moved. Her body quivered, her pussy pulsing around his tongue, squeezing it with the convulsions of her muscles. Garrett's moan was muffled against Shae's pussy, her ass quivered and clenched against his hands. He was hard as granite. Watching or feeling Shae cum was the most erotic thing he'd ever experienced. He especially loved watching her face as that wave of pleasure overtook her.
Shae patted him over the blanket, giving him a signal that it was ok and the coast was clear. He moved, pulling his tongue out and lapping at her juices as they flowed out. She muffled her moan in the pillow again as he tongue flickered against her sensitive flesh. That was something else he loved about her, she was so sensitive and so hot for more after she came. As he finished cleaning her up with his tongue and mouth, she felt him slipping her pants back on. He silently slipped out from beneath the blanket and settled himself back under the blankets in his seat. His hand cupped the back of her head and he kissed her, letting her taste herself on his lips and tongue. She moaned into his mouth. He took one of her hands in his and placed it on the fly of his pants.
Her eyes widened as she felt how hard he was beneath the pants. "Something has to be done about this, sweetheart." Garrett said, his smile mischievous. Shae smiled back, hers equally devilish. "Meet me in the lavatory area in ten minutes." Garrett challenged as he stood and made his way to the lavatories. Shae sat in her seat, nibbling her lower lip and checking her watch every half minute. She shifted in her seat, her arousal growing keen. After ten minutes had passed, Shae got up and made her way to the lavatories. As she neared, she saw one door open and Garrett's hand, beckoning her. She looked around and then seeing no one looking she stepped into the lavatory.
She was surprised at the room in the lavatory, ‘Guess even the bathrooms are bigger in first class,' she thought to herself. As soon as she stepped in, Garrett closed and locked the door behind her and pushed her up against it. Ruthlessly he untied the knot of her over shirt and shoved up her tank top and pulled her bra down. Shae groaned softly as her breasts spilled out of her bra, her nipples hardening instantly. Garrett covered her mouth with his hand at her moan, shaking his head as he spun her around to face the door, his hand still in place as his other hand cupped and fondled her breast, pinching slightly roughly. "Bite me if you have to, but don't make any noise, it's easily heard in here." Garrett said roughly in her ear. Shae nodded, her arousal making her gaze glow green.
The hand that had been stimulating her nipples slipped down her abdomen and unfastened her pants, and shoving them down. He sat down on the edge of the sink and unfastened his pants, shoving them and his boxers down, letting his cock spring free. She looked over her shoulder and moaned. He shook his head and smiled, gripping her hips in both hands and pulling her up until she was straddling his hips, her feet locked in the sink, and she braced herself against the sides of the lavatory. He groaned and slipped one of his hands between her thighs, feeling her slick with wetness, her arousal running high as her hips pushed against his hand. He chuckled softly and put his other hand over her mouth, but keeping her head turned towards him. He kept looking at her as he slipped his fingers inside her, stretching her slightly, then slid his arm around her waist and positioned her to where her pussy was hovering over the head of his cock.
With a jerk of his arm, he impaled her on his cock, muffling her scream of pleasure with his hand until it was only a small squeak. He choked back his own groan of satisfaction as he speared deep into her. He kept looking at her as he pulled her up and down by her waist, fucking her fast, and hard. His teeth gritted as she started to tighten around him. The cum in his balls was boiling with need for release. She suddenly bit hard into his hand as her pussy clasped tight around him as he buried himself deep on a thrust. Unable to move he felt her muscles rippling around him and leaned forward, biting her shoulder to muffle his roar of completion as he emptied himself in her body. They were both trembling hard, sweating a little. She quickly raised herself off of him, gasping as their combined cum escaped her. He chuckled softly and quickly moved to clean her up. "You know, when we get to our villa we're going to be exhausted," he stated as he helped her put her pants back on and fix her bra and top.
"Yeah, but, we've got two weeks to sate ourselves on each other. We have plenty of time darling." Shae replied, giving him a devilish wink. "You're gonna love some of the stuff I packed," she taunted, opening the door of the lavatory and stepping out. She made her way back to her seat and made herself comfortable for the rest of the flight. A few minutes later Garrett emerged from the lavatory and came back to their seats. He sat next to her and laced her fingers with his. Garrett and Shae relaxed and napped for the rest of the flight into Paris. From Paris, they'd take a short plane flight to Nice. When they landed in Nice, they would take a helicopter to Monte Carlo. They had rented a villa situated right off of the beach.
They got through customs in Paris easily enough, and the flight was short between Paris and Nice. They were both exhausted by the time the helicopter landed in Monte Carlo. Their car was awaiting their arrival when they got there. It whisked them away from the landing pad and to their villa in short order. They stumbled blearily into their villa, and the driver of their car hauled their bags to the bedroom. Garrett tipped him and he left. By the time he got back to the bedroom Shae was facedown on the bed in a dead sleep. He chuckled and undressed her quickly and tucked her under the covers. Not noticing that she wasn't wearing her thong. Stripping himself, almost dead on his feet asleep, he left his clothes where they lay and crawled into bed with her. Gathering her body close to his, he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. |
Don's Wet Dream Ch. 02 | 15,308 | 4.72 | 385,512 | [
"romance novella",
] | *Thanks again to my editor CWatson – what a big job he took on -- but he says I'm getting better too.*
*A 'ute' is a typical Australian abbreviation of 'utility', a duel purpose vehicle with car type cabin at the front, and a tray back for rough luggage -- like a pickup in USA*
*It did a novice writers confidence no end of good to get the votes on Chp 1, I'm grateful, and if you thought I could do things better or different then would love to see your comments too –- strongly recommend read chp1 before starting Chp 2 – and hope you enjoy.*
Tuesday night was a high point for Kim; Libby was being absolutely brilliant about everything they were doing, Don had been so noble with Libby, he and Kim had had as good sex as she could remember afterwards, she'd slept really well, and, she'd learnt to handle sharing. If Tuesday was as good as it got, Wednesday morning wasn't so great, before dawn a barbarian must have snuck into the tent, kicked gentle Don out, opened her legs, mounted her without warning, woke her (of course), fucked her hard and fast, came, and rolled off to go back to sleep -– or maybe stay asleep -- leaving her lying beside him wide awake and stunned. She had cautiously snuggled up to the barbarian's back and wondered if she slept for a while she could pretend it was just a bad dream, and she'd wake up to find Don returned.
Don hadn't even acknowledged what had happened, and there wasn't a lot she could do about it, but the slow start next morning, Thursday, sans barbarian, with nice sleepy breast play, was much appreciated. Time for Kim to warm up first before he made love to her again, he made sure she came first. Don had told her only last night, "Ya sure do put some lead in my pencil babe, good thing ya gives me something to scribble on, or I'd be dangerous." And here was proof. They should try and be a little more considerate about Libby though, it was unfair on her to have to listen to lovemaking so often.
Later, while Don and Kim were enjoying their customary shower, Libby appeared with her second load of hot water for them wearing only a shy smile, and joined them. Very quickly they relaxed and there was plenty of tickling, giggling and fare bit of "Ohh, that tickles!" and "Oh that's naughty!" from all three. It started all very innocently, and it felt good to be able to include Libby. Kim had already been washed, but she roped Libby into helping wash Don. Then Kim and Don ganged up and washed Libby, in between taking it in turns to fetch more water, and topping up the suspended shower bag. It was obvious to Kim what sort of promise Don had made to Libby so long ago, and surely nothing could happen with her there anyway. Right? I mean he'd unloaded recently.
Kim had played with girls occasionally at uni -- with friends she trusted -- to tease guys. So it wasn't a problem to make sure Libby's neat breasts were clean, and looking down she could see Don was busy doing the same between her legs, should be spotless by now. Kim felt relaxed about that too, he'd made love to her only thirty minutes ago, so she was sure he would be harmless. Working together Don and Kim soon had Libby oblivious to the impropriety, she opened her legs and leant back on Kim as Don became more adventurous rubbing her lips, and clit, while Kim supported her from behind and kept rubbing of her small breasts. Don looked to have fingers inside her Libby; she said half heartedly, "No, oh God Don please no," but they knew it was a 'girl' no, not a real no. Libby soon came, not as loud as Kim, more a series of squeaks, and then she sagged against Kim. As soon as Libby regained her legs, Kim left them briefly to get more hot water.
As she walked back awkwardly from the heavy buckets to the shower, she was horrified to hear a distinct gasp of satisfaction, Don had lifted Libby, they were kissing passionately and her legs were around him as he was lowering her for at least the second time. *Fuck, that was fast*, she thought; dropping the buckets to run in and without thinking smacked Libby's butt, hard. In retrospect it might not have been a good career move. She also barked "DON! PUT LIBBY DOWN… LIBBY! OFF NOW!" and registered Don's horrified look.
Libby, dismounted as ordered, still on planet libido though: "But, but, but, look…" Wide eyed and breathless, she pointed at his erection.
"Boss, it would be best if you went to your swag, NOW!" She pointed Libby at the swag, and pushed her. "I'll talk to you later." Then, turning back to Don, who incredibly looked to be following Libby, she grabbed him by his arm to face her. His erection swung, glistening with Libby's juices. *Ohh dear Libby, you were enjoying that weren't you*? S*orry!* Kim gripped his chin, firmly, making sure he was looking at her. "Where do you think you were going mister?"
"To Libby... Kim… not to you know… just to see if she is okay."
"Okay… fair enough… do that, but get dressed first. Help *her*, then find *me*. *We need to talk*." Shit, she thought, what a mess.
"Yes Kim."
Kim dressed quickly, still trembling from shock and fear, found a log to sit on, needed time to let her emotions stabilise for a while. There was no way in hell Kimberly Louise Rogers would tolerate being the 'other woman' -- not to two women anyway. And she wasn't remotely prepared to consider those developing feelings for Don. Disappointment -- at Don; embarrassment -- for Libby; but ultimately when she had calmed slightly, fury -- at herself. Being part of that shower debacle was the most thoughtless and stupid thing she had done since the silly drinking games at University. For fuck's sake! Her job was to be the well-adjusted one this week.
Kim could hear murmurs from the swag. Don had stood a reluctant naked Libby up and was trying to dress her. Libby didn't seem too happy about it either -- but Don was too strong and persistent. Libby was clearly distraught; Kim could hear her sobs from where she sat. Her heart sank as she thought of Libby's situation. Fuck… Fuck… Fuck! Their harmonious little team might never work together again… Libby's marriage might be over. And Kim and Don, what of the two of them now?... *And Libby's marriage might be over!* Fuck! She wanted to curl up and cry, but someone needed to think.
Don finally walked up to Kim, a coffee for her. And a heavy solemn face. He looked like he'd just killed a kid's dog -- *Hold that look Don, that's a good look to have for a while.*
Surprising herself with her calmness: "How is Libby?"
"Pretty crook, she wanted some time by herself, nearly wouldn't let me dress her, made her some tea."
"Can you explain how that happened Don?"
"Nup. I let Libby down bad, promised a long time ago that would never happen, and I let you down too, and I'm sorry, real sorry… I've never been with Libby like that before, she's so sad, so angry, and I don't know what I'll do if she's stays pissed at me! Every women I like is gonna hate my guts now -- I'm no better than my slut of a wife."
"I see!" Libby's friendship meant so much to him, that was a very deep bond, and it hurt a little: how could a wife, or a girlfriend for that matter, possibly compete with a relationship like that? "Are you interested in what I'm feeling right now Don?"
Don looked straight back into her eyes. There *was* intelligence there, it just needed an emergency to activate it. He said calmly, "I know exactly what you're feeling Kim, and I said I'm sorry, but I can't change it, and I know I'll be moving my stuff back to the swag when Libby is organised, and I hope one day you'll forgive me enough to be friends with me again too."
"Don, if you'd found me ten minutes ago, you *would* be in a world of shit. But we need to stay calm, I've settled, had some time to think, because to my eternal regret I helped with that little fiasco. Where we sleep from now is a decision for the *three* of us to talk about, later okay? For one thing Libby might not want to share a tent with me."
" And it might be really dumb for me--"
"--exactly, no *might* about it, *that* will not happen! What I'm saying is you can't just make unilateral decisions like that…" This was Don she was speaking to; "…you just can't just make announcements like that. Don, if you took the time and trouble to ask me, I would have told you that I believe I can get past you being inside someone briefly when it's a mistake like that… what I am struggling with is sharing a bed with you if you take advantage of a friend when she's vulnerable."
Don wasn't following her again. "C'mon Don you *must* suspect… no?... Libby is having huge problems with her… feelings for you Don, that's why *I* spent the first night in the tent with you, not Libby. She was nearly as upset about what Sarah did as you were. You've made her safe forever, deep down she feels she owes you for protecting her for so long, and now you're hurt she's *vulnerable*, you follow?"
Clearly he had enough on his plate at the moment; he was trying to focus but it was starting to just wash over him. Kim decided that they needed to get to work and settle a bit before resolving this. "Enough for now. Don, please go and prepare the boat for work while I see what Libby wants to do."
"Right boss, I'm on it." And he spun obediently away and walked briskly to river edge and boat.
Boss! Don called her boss. Not lover-boss but boss-boss. That gesture of respect seemed strangely important right now.
Ten minutes later Kim had made peace of sorts with a listless Libby, confined the conversation entirely to the days work. Don was down at the boat, Kim and Libby were getting equipment down for him to load, when four young guys in those two canoes drifted passed, they obviously planned to call in and be social, but the cool reaction from Don made them re think and instead they waved, one of them blew kisses to Kim, and drifted on. Kim was speechless. *Oh my god*, *if they had drifted past thirty or forty minutes ago*… Shit! She felt herself blush. Libby couldn't meet her eyes. And even Don was silent too, for a while, then he said courageously, "Excuse me Kim, may I ask a question?... How deep in the shit would I have been if they'd drifted past when we was all in the shower?" Libby choked down a giggle, then asked Don if he'd put clean knickers on her.
"Yep, out of your bag, why?"
"That's a relief, you put them on back-to-front silly."
"Oops, sorry Lib, here let me fix 'em…" And he started to walk toward her. Was he was actually going to strip his boss in front of Kim? Looked like it. Kim gave up reasoning with him at this point: kicked him in the shin. Pretty hard. And pointed at the front of the boat. He understood *that* communication!
With a lot of work from everyone the little team rediscovered its routines, and they had a productive day. By morning tea time Don trapped Libby against the side of the boat and they hugged, Don looked so relieved as he swung the squealing small women high off her feet and then nearly crushed her as he lowered her to the deck. Whispered something Kim couldn't hear, Libby smiled back, nodded, and kissed his cheek. Then predictably he started re-seducing Kim, holding hands, sitting beside her at lunch, just like on day one. Kim had strongly hinted that if he showed his responsible side she would forgive him. In an effort to regain some control she whispered her own secret to Don, "We still have to talk!" But by afternoon tea the morning's fiasco was a memory the three of them decided to leave buried, she might as well accept she was *back with Don*!
Before he started cooking that night Kim asked Don to come for a walk with her. They found a smaller little beach, she sat him on a low bank, straddled his lap and making sure he was looking at her reinforced a couple of simple rules and kept his attention with some rewards. "Don, being with you has made me very relaxed, but you absolutely need to leave Libby alone. No more showers, no kisses, no touching… unless you're both dressed. She's married, she's your friend, and she's vulnerable, don't fuck it up again. Lucky for you I was there so… but no more Don! Can I put it plainer? Any part of that not clear?... Good, because when I'm relaxed I'll go into the tent with you anytime you want, just take my hand and I'll take care of you; *but* I can only stay relaxed if I'm sure Libby is safe… Okay?"
"Very Okay Kim, you deserve much more better than me!"
"Good, now honey, one last thing, before we go to bed I'd like you to go for a swim, wash Libby off, off Mr Incredible, Okay? It'll be cold baby, but then you can think how cold the water was every time you think about Libby, got it?"
"Sure babe, it's as good as done."
"And then I'll warm you up nice okay?... Okay, all sorted, all good, and big day, Kimberly hungry Donnie fix?"
""Yes dear, Donnie fix!"
"How many meals have you cooked for me Donnie?" A pensive Libby asked, watching him prepare their curried sausages -- but he was making himself comfortable against his log and Kim sat close beside him, soon to resettle with her head on his lap -- so she was left to answer her own question.
"Must be over two hundred you think?"
Their little walk and talk must have gone well. Incredibly Kim looked to be asleep quickly and Don was absorbed with Kim's sleeping face. This was no good, it wouldn't do for Don to have to wake her to finish cooking. He responded as Libby took over cooking, then walked to sit with him. By mutual agreement she didn't sit too close anymore, a pity after nearly eight years of easy togetherness. Looking for safe topics, "They don't make girls like they used to…" Libby commented, "…someone's working her too hard Don, would that be you, or I?"
"She is a good girl." Said Don fondly as he stroked Kim's hair. When their dinner was ready Libby watched with mixed feelings, as he gently woke, then tenderly held Kim until she caught up with where she was and who she was with. After dinner Kim and Libby had a quick planning meeting from either side of Don, if they were up and working early, they could be finished by late morning, pack by mid afternoon, and be home by around ten o'clock tomorrow night. Kim was strongly in favour of having an easy day, and another night, and heading home Saturday. Libby was happy with that, it would have been about a eighteen hour day, and she could cite fatigue and safety as the reason she didn't want Don driving so far after such a big day. Kim seemed subdued as a return to the real world loomed, Libby was concerned by Kim's quiet demeanour -- after three days of bright and cheeky and decisive Kim, the prospect of returning to the real world seemed to dampen her spirits, or maybe it was just the stress of the day.
Don strangely chose this evening to have what looked like a very cold swim, Kim followed him down to the river beach with a towel, lantern and a rug, and sat to wait for him. After they'd watched Don strip and enter the water, hissing at the cold, Kim turned to Libby and asked quietly, "Libby! Friends, or enemies?"
Libby reached for Kim's hand, but found no returned gesture of friendship. She self consciously withdrew her hand and cautiously answered, "Friends, Kim, friends and colleagues, may I ask why?"
"Because I'm starting to care for Don—".
"--but if I have to compete with you, I mean, with his relationship with you--"
"--I THINK THAT'S HARSH KIM, this morning was a complete aberration, never before, never--"
"--I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS MORNING LIBBY!... It's the general not the particular I refer to -- if I have to compete with you, then as soon as we get back to the real world I'm going to cut my losses before I get seriously hurt--"
"--oh Jesus--"
"--and you'll need to find another tech type to come back with him for the follow up trip."
"What happened to the romance proof heart? Kim your not being fair to any of us, even you, not--"
"--*Not fair? Not fair?"* Hissing now so Don wouldn't overhear. "I'll tell you what's not fair: *No one* can't compete, I mean, you know what I mean... Libby you asked me to forget some things, and I said I'd try, but I fear… I think that… shit how do I put this into words?... Lib -- even if Kimberly didn't exist -- those are issues you need to fix… *fix!* Not live with!"
Libby was in tears at this point, this was so unreasonable, so unexpected -- Throwing all Kim and Don's chances back on her own shoulders. It *wasn't* her fault she was so close to Don, it *wasn't* her fault Sarah had cheated, it *wasn't* her fault Kim felt like shit, none of it was *her fault.*
She sat quietly, tempted to leave and address this in the morning, but something kept her there, and she worked to recover her composure. *Should have seen this coming*. She recalled images through the amazing few days they'd had, of Don casually redoing Kim's hair while they watched Libby enter some coordinates in her laptop, or Kim tucking in his shirt and pulling his jeans up like a mother would, so familiarly you'd think they'd been together for months. There was only one thing to do right now -- and it was going to break her heart to do it.
"Okay Kim, I understand your concerns, and I will respect your wishes… Anyway, as far as competing with his relationship with me, I don't think I'm your real enemy, because I guarantee *I've* never been so far off his radar as I was tonight; I take it he's definitely leaving Sarah?"
"Well he hasn't said anything for a few days."
"Oh Kim, please be careful, even if *I* didn't exist, are you sure you want this? This is going to be the hardest thing I can imagine, sweetie, to be mixed up in a guy going through this. You understand if he has to chose between a year with you and a day with his kids, *you* lose!"
"I'm prepared to risk the will-he–divorce-Sarah-and-what-about-the-kids-and-everything-else issue, believe I can cope. It's having you as the *perfect* friend who maybe more one day that I can't manage."
"You're asking me to stop camping and travelling away with him…" And the tears started again, this time Kim reached for her hand, Libby speaking through her tears continued, "…and of course you're right. If you really want this, this, *role…* my parting advice is please please *please* be careful of Sarah's lover, Ben; my husband has done some checking, tells me he's a very capable lawyer, and if *you* fuck up, they will *shred* Don, *fillet* him -- if you look like fucking that up, you'll find me back on *your* radar big time, clear?"
"And believe it or not, I'm not trying to be a bitch asking this, but when does he find out about your periods? I'm assuming you normally tell a guy things like that *before* he falls in love with you?"
"Soon, Libby, soon, I promise; hopefully we'll make it home before its an issue..."
Libby hastily cleaned up her tears as Don returned from his swim, and watched as Kim helped dry and dress him, then welcome him onto the sand between her legs, to be pulled back, wrapped in the rug and pampered. Libby was about to leave them to have a good cry in privacy, when Don looked at her though Kim's hair, winked and smiled -- just once -- making her look away to hide her own teary smile. Well he hadn't forgotten her completely; and those guys at work who thought he was dumb should have just seen him now.
Things were unusually quiet in what Libby had started calling the 'honeymoon' tent tonight, and for a change she was straining to hear instead of trying to block it out. Hard to tell if they were making love or just talking, when Libby decided to mind her own business and get to sleep, she heard snuffling and movement around the camp, Christ! Dogs! She hissed "Don!" and the dogs stopped still, then she called louder "DON!"
"Don't move, be right there."
"Not moving."
There was a flurry of zip sounds, grunting, snarling; and through the insect mesh of the swag she could see torch light waving erratically in the tree tops, then yelps, more grunts, some swearing and it seemed that the dogs retreated.
The welcome shape of Don appeared over her swag. "Come with me." Libby realised how much she was shaking.
He led her back to the tent, and left her with Kim, she was still shaking, Don went out to get Libby's bedding.
Libby reflected later that it was funny the things that enter your head when you're tense, as Kim guided her to the bed she asked, "Where is the wet patch Kim?"
"Don't have one tonight, the sheets aren't *too* bad Libby…"
"I bet! DON… where's *my* fucking sheets?… Oh,gross, icky, yuck?"
"Libby, you're married for fuck sake, here take Don's spot, it's pretty clean and why is he taking so long?" Kim was crawling toward the door her torch in one hand.
"Probably checking the dogs have -- where are you going?"
"Where do you think?"
Oh shit, that all they needed: "Don't!"
"Libby, I'm not lying here safe; that shit's for fairy tales."
"You'll confuse him, and get between him and a dog –- he'll call us if we're needed. KIM, listen, this is how we do things, he'll be fine. Please relax, you'll end up with a rock in your head out there."
Libby wrapped an arm around a still nude Kim, and said, "It *was* a little tense, I think Don was scared of one of them, I heard him swearing while he was throwing rocks." She giggled. "He said if she looked at him in that tone of voice again she'd end up in his camp oven… with herbs and tomato."
"Don could make even dog taste good too I'm thinking."
Don came in with some of Libby's sheets and they reorganised the sheets, he covered Kim with her bedding, and crawled up over her to give a kiss, "I'd better sleep in the swag honey, you look after Libby?"
"No Don! We will both look after Libby! I'm not having you sleeping out there with the dogs, I mean we'll all fit can't we Libby?"
"Yes sure, squeeze in Donnie. But it sounds like I interrupted something, you two carry on, I'll face the wall or something."
Don said immediately "Lib, I'd like to stay, but we're happy to be obstinate."
"That's *abstinent* darling." Kim said with a smile and gentle pat of his arm. "But he's right Libby, we're okay being obsti… abstinent."
"Kim! You've loaded him, now unload him if you want him in the tent. And I don't care how. Or no one is going to get any sleep, go on Donnie, *do it*, I'm still your boss."
Libby grinned to herself, as Don rolled a speechless Kim onto her side, facing Libby and entered her from behind. While he thrust rhythmically Libby found Kim's head was on her shoulder. Libby held her loosely to start with, then was stroking her hair, then gently rubbing her breasts the way Kim had rubbed hers in the shower. To Libby's surprise, and perhaps Kim's surprise too, Kim came, growling into Libby's side; followed closely by Don, growling into his pillow. Libby whispered in Kim's ear, "Can I have another guess what size they are?" Kim gasped, and quickly wriggled back to safe territory, lying on Don for her cuddle. And while Libby thought that she'd give just about anything to be in Kim's place, just once, Kim said matter firmly, "Lib, I'd feel better if you were *unloaded* too -- then if you like Don can put his shorts on, and he can sleep in the middle."
"Are you sure you won't be offended?"
"No Lib*, do it."*
Safe under her bedding, Libby slipped her shorts and knickers half way down and brought herself off, as quietly as she could -- her second orgasm of the day. Then muttered "Phew… If *anyone* at work hears about *anything* that happened today you're both sacked… okay Kim, having Don in the middle sounds a great idea--"
" –She's asleep Lib… bit tired lately, do you think she's okay… I don't want to wake her."
"Kim's fine Donnie, she'll tell you all about it later… where's your shorts--"
"--but I don't want to wake her--"
"--we won't wake her, please Don, for me, just roll to the side a little sweetie, Kim can be the small spoon, here I'll pull your shorts on… okay?… See I'm dressed, your dressed, and I'm sure Kim would be happy, now, I'll cuddle up… all good?"
"Yep, 'night Lib."
"Goodnight sweetie -- I mean 'night Don.'"
Don told Libby to sleep in the tent again on Friday night too -- he was allowed to be the boss when there was dogs involved -– and he and Kim both stayed dressed and behaved. Libby tried to tell them to ignore her and do it again, but Kim firmly said 'not this time'. So they just talked, and cuddled until it was late and slept. In the morning Lord Donald had other ideas, so did Kim, she was very warm and cuddly this morning. And Libby left the tent, kindly braving the dogs to leave them alone.
Kim stripped her clothes off, whispering, "We *are* going to make love this morning, but not too much noise when Libby's close, okay? Don't make me cum!" And she told him, "We can play until the last minute and then I want you to climb on and do your worst."
He was sure she meant do his best. Then for the first time in years Lord Donald was in a girl's mouth and bein' sucked, *and he didn't even have to ask for it*. He groaned, "Oh, that's real good!" Kim stopped and look up crossly, "Shhh, or I'll have to stop." Don didn't trust himself to speak so he nodded, and Kim sucked him in again. A bit later still not trusting himself to speak he shook her shoulder, and she lay back and open for him to climb on and she kissed him really hard then whispered again, "I like you spurting inside me, even when I don't come, fill me honey!" And he did what Kim told him.
They just lay there and kissed some more. Then they lay with her head on his shoulder and he stroked her hair. Wanted to do this again, for sure, but he knew it wouldn't be not fair on a young bright girl to ask her to sleep with an old married man while he figured out how to divorce Sarah, and if some guy in a suit didn't snap her up in the meantime he was thinking it would be real nice to ask her out afterwards. But that could take a while. And if not he hoped she would at least be another friend, like Libby. One good thing he realised, he could keep up a younger girl, that was a good feelin'.
They all worked for an hour or so packing up their little camp site. The work equipment had been packed when Don called a halt for breakfast. He'd packed most of the cooking gear away, so breakfast was just porridge, and they talked casually about the plans for the rest of the day Don had said that he would drop Libby and Kim at home, and go home to see Sarah and his kids.
Kim had stared at him with dark angry look that scared him, then a loud, "FINE!" and thrown her porridge at him, the bowl glancing his head, and went to the tent to pack, sounded like she was tearing some of her stuff trying to fit it away. Don wondered what the fuck had happened. Kim usually said lots, so this was a bit strange too. He and Libby quickly checked each other for burns, and Libby blotted up the blood from the graze on his head.
He drove the boat out, Libby beside him, Kim pale and thin lipped in the back. And when they arrived back at the boat ramp, the maintenance guys were waiting, but didn't feel like talking to them, Libby had to do that again. They loaded the car and had a quiet drive toward home until Libby requested a comfort stop at a truck rest area. Kim left them, walking over to a picnic table and sat alone, facing away from Don, when Libby returned she insisted on rechecking the cut on his head, he sat on the trailer bar while she did that.
"So Don, am I to understand you're going to make it work with Sarah?"
That surprised him. "No Libby I'm not!"
"Sure? Good! In that case can I make two suggestions? Really think it would be a good idea to do what I say."
"One, you need to talk to Kim."
"That might be a bit hard--"
"--and two, you need to talk to Sarah! You know you have to."
"…did you notice she's a bit pissed at me for some reason? And Sarah might not be real happy either, if she finds out what Kim and me did when we was away."
"If you want me too I'll come with you, to talk with Sarah I mean, keep you from getting angry -- Kim I think you need to handle alone. And speaking of Kim, let's just think that through together can we? Do you think maybe Kim took a big risk with her self esteem getting involved with you? She did what she did for lots of reasons, but mainly for you, but now do you think she might be fond of you and thinks you're turning your back on her, and going back to Sarah? That's what I thought too this morning, and it scared me. *I* think you owe her an explanation of what your plans are. Please go talk to her sweetie. It will be alright, she wouldn't have been so angry unless she cared."
Don, putting it off for a minute, getting his head unmessed, bought an apple pie from the fast food van at the truck stop, then served a coffee from his thermos the way he knew Kim liked it. Libby beckoned him to her on his way back to Kim, reached up and fixed his collar, kissed his cheek, and they had a brief hug. "Lots of detail Donnie, OK?" Don walked over to Kim, nervous: maybe giving her hot coffee wasn't such a good idea. He sat straddling the bench seat facing Kim. She ignored him. He placed the pie and coffee on the table in front of her and then said, "Kim, I think I've figured out what made you pissed, and you missed out on breakfast, please eat this, and you'll feel better."
Kim must have been pretty hungry by now, cause she ate it quickly. Was quiet for another minute, then looked at her watch, turned to Don, looked straight at him, very unfriendly, "Six hours to check on me, says it all doesn't it? If you really want to go back to your rotten wife and get your heart broken all over that's your business—"
"--but when you drop a clanger like that -- *in front of Libby too --* it makes me think, well, 'what kind of a shit judge of character is Kimberly? Stupid bimbo shared her bed for a week, A WHOLE FUCKING WEEK…"
"--Kim, I--"
" --like, what happened to a cuddle… NOT NOW DON!… Just for old time sake, I'll give you a piece of advice, next time you stupid enough to sleep with you and decide you want to stay married, try this instead, take her for a walk to a special beach, a cuddle, tell her why you needed to go back with Sarah, a kiss on the cheek, tell her she's still special, tell her it was a great week?" Women were a bit like kids really, no good trying to talk to them when they were having a tanty, usually better to just wait til your kids finished, same with Kim.
"Tell me Don, did you decide to go back to the witch before or after you fucked me this morning? No, actually, don't tell, I feel like a stupid bit of fluff as it is." Kim looked at the coffee, he move back a bit. "Don't worry, I only throw things at people I care about, you're safe, satisfied? Thanks for finally checking, you can go back to Libby and Sarah now. Good bye!"
This had gone on long enough. "No I'm not satisfied, can you listen for a minute? I never thought that you were cheap or stupid and I'm sorry you think that, can we start today again? We'll both feel better if you let me?"
Kim turned back to face her front, "Make it quick." Still cold, but at least she was listening.
"What I meant to say was that I figured I'd go home and move into my basement. See the kids each day. Walk with them, get them to school and that so they knew I loved them, and make sure Sarah don't tell em lies. And I thought I'd see you at work most days, behave myself, not embarrass you with your friends, not pinch you on the butt in front of Max, that sort of thing. Maybe we'd have lunch together sometimes if you wanted, and I hoped you would give me some advice, help me see a lawyer with me if you wanted, 'cause you seem to know what I'm trying to think and say most of the time. And I'd find a way to let the kids meet you, if you wanted, 'cause I think you'd get on pretty well, especially with my girl…."
Libby had said a lot of detail, Ok, he could do that.
"…and then when the divorce was all finished, I thought I'd probably say to myself - 'You know, Donald, that Kim: she let you sleep in her tent every night that week we camped on the river, she must have liked you, you know. If it had been just a couple nights you would probably say it was just a treat for a sad man, but every night? C'mon you must have done somethin' right*.*' " And I also would've said, 'I wonder if she has a boyfriend yet, some arseho-- some guy in a suit, I hope not.' " And then I would have put on my best jeans, clean boots, cut my hair even, get some flowers in one hand, and the divorce thingy in the other, to show you, and I'd knock on your front door, and put on my 'hey, Kim, betcha can't resist me now*'* smile, and give you the flowers and wait til you put them in a bit of water, and ask you if you had time to come for a walk, maybe down along that river I noticed behind your house, 'cause we like rivers don't we Kim?... And after we walked a while I'd take a deep breath and I'd ask you whether you thought a that young, clever, pretty, engineer like you would ever be foolish enough to want a big dumb old labourer like me as her boyfriend. I'd hope that you'd say yes. And if you said No! Well, I'd be sad, but I'd a known I tried and you'da thought about it, like you think about everything, well nearly everything, and I woulda said as far as I'm concerned we're still friends forever, kissed you on the cheek, left the flowers, and gone. If you'da said yes, I'da thrown you in the air, then, well, you can guess what we woulda done then, as soon as we got back to your place. So, do you see why I didn't think we needed to go for a walk this morning, and I'd love to cuddle and kiss you and thank you for being special all the time, I'm sorry I didn't think to tell you that this morning."
Kim sat still, he sat still, she stared out over the fields, and he kept looking at her, his stomach so tight, he thought he must have forgotted to breath. She still hadn't turned back toward him. Her face looked just beautiful from this angle, she had a nice nose. Like on old statues of Greeks or Romans whoever they were. She was very still. She didn't talk to him for another minute then finally turned toward him again.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to divorce Sarah earlier?"
"Kim! I *was* pretty busy dodging porridge."
Kim picked up her coffee, looked at him, looked at the coffee, looked back at him, "And you did care enough to risk hot coffee? That means something I guess." With a half smile as she sipped her coffee.
"That's better, a smile… we can go home now."
The smile went. "What do you mean?"
"Libby said we couldn't go home til I made you smile, she even confiscated my keys… Hey, two smiles, she'll definitely believe me now."
Kim reached for his collar, and folded it out from under his polar fleece, she always liked him to look as neat as possible even when there was only Libby and dogs to see him -- Libby must have messed up fixing it. Don held her hand there, Kim didn't pull back, so he moved closer, waited a bit, slid one arm under her breasts and then the other arm around her back to meet low on her opposite side. With just a little bit of pressure Kim slowly melted against him, eventually resting her head on his shoulder, and gripping his arms tight against her chest, he finally knew everything was all right when she started stroking it with her thumb like she always did. He punched out a gasp of relief toward the sky, and for the first time since he'd known Kim, she tried to say sorry, mucked it up and cried. A lot. Heaving shoulders, with shudders, deep breaths, tears that wet his jacket, and a runny nose that bubbled as she breathed. He wasn't sure if holding her helped or made it worse, but she gripped his arm so tight that he kept doin' it. All he knew was that Kim in his arms wetting his jacket with tears and snot was a gazillion times better than Kim sittin' away with her back to him. Now he'd got over being pissed, that just plain sucked.
After she had started to recover, he whispered into her beautiful hair, "Babe, I've gotten you involved in a bit of a mess haven't I?"
"Yep, but that's okay, the pie will start work soon, *sniff,* give it a minute, it will, *sniff,* Don, can you do something for me please?"
"Yes Kim." Hoping she would ask for a hanky to blow her nose.
"Don't you want to know what it is?"
"Yes Kim."
"Would you come to my place, maybe for dinner? Give us time to have a talk, sort out some plans and some rules -- remember I'm an engineer? We like plans and rules."
"Yes Kim."
"It would mean a lot to me if we did that before you see Sarah."
"It would be a pleasure to have dinner with you tonight, and I will be happy to talk with you for as long as you want."
"It's a lot to ask, I know you want to see Christy and--"
"--Kim! This is Don talking... *I'll be there!*"
"Please don't growl at Kimberly sweetie, she's a bit fragile..."
"Sorry Kimberly, is your period close babe?"
"YOU THINK!... Oh, sorry too baby! Yes it's close, and I'm on the biggest fucking roller coaster in the world right now, all part of, *ta da* Kimberly, Donnie Fix?... No!... *Well Poo*!"
They hugged a bit more, "Are you sure you're still want to knock on Kimberly's door? Wait, don't answer that 'til I've blown my nose... OH SHIT!... I'm a real good mess aren't I?... *Pathetic*… just fucking pathetic*, love* people seeing me like this."
"It's only me lookin' princess, nothing to get upset about, you look pretty good to me."
"You're so sweet I almost believe you, but don't move honey, don't let Libby see me like this, *or Sarah,* oh God Don, never Sarah."
Don brought up his hanky, wiped Kim's tears, and he held her hair out of way while she blew her nose. He remembered she used his pockets for storing things, like most of her hair gear, which was why her hair looked pretty messy this morning he guessed, so got out an elastic and arranged a pony tail for her. "Kim? You trust me with Sarah don't you? Because you should sweetheart, just thinking about her makes me soft -- wanna feel? I know *if* she wants to stay married to me she might try some tricks, I figured that out, but her tricks won't work. I won't let you down again."
Cleaned up and respectable at last. "Let's talk about that tonight too." And she leaned up for a kiss, she *did* trust him with Sarah. And Libby was right, *as usual*, this was going really well. "Kimberly is back, ta da again, so, what sort of flowers?"
"What sort of…? Oh yeah, well I'd need to ask Libby or Amy or someone about that, but they would be special, cause I want to say a lot with them, for a extra special girl; say things like 'Thanks for helping me divorce Sarah,' and 'Thanks for sharing your tent on the river,' and most important, 'Hey will you be mine?…' So they would have to be serious flowers. Lots of flowers. Nice flowers. Best I can get."
"Mmmm… Roses?"
"What! N*o* roses? *Why* not roses?"
"I'm keeping the roses up my sleeve for after you agree you'll be my girlfriend. Help you to make the right decision see?"
"Sneaky, doesn't suit you at all! And anyway I *already* deserve roses, probably not red ones, lovers for nearly a week and I'm certain that lovers rate roses."
"I'll check the flower rules babe, if they say roses, you'll get roses."
"Don, you're not listening honey, its not helping me relax, *this* is not negotiable, one of our rules will definitely be that if Kimberly has your egg white dribbling into her knickers, Kimberly gets whatever fucking flowers Kimberly fucking wants. Is that reasonably clear?"
"Clear babe. Trumped me there. You get roses. Wow, *still* dribbling, after all this time?"
"Yes! I keep trying to tell you, you're very prodigious darling. Still? I didn't cum remember, lots of it's still there I promise you!"
"Prodigious." A good word. "Prodigious." Yep, a real good word. "Sweetheart… I'm not soft anymore… wanna feel again… Honey?"
"And *we* don't really need to… mmmm… we don't really need to wait til your divorce either, for *some* of those flowers, do we, *honey*?
"Nope, leave it with me."
They kissed and cuddled some more.
"Mmmm?" Sounded content, that was nice, she would be ok.
"We best be movin'."
"Mmmm!" Sounded grumpy, that was nice too.
She was pressed tight to his front and they kissed some more, it felt to Don like Kim would agreeable right now to goin' into a tent for a while; a girl's periods could be good and bad things all at the same time. She reached up and held his head with both hands.
"Listen, I was a grade one bitch this morning, a real cow, and I'm so truly sorry about what I did, and today should never have about me. Darling, I'll make this right for you as soon as I can. And you can pinch me on the butt anytime you want to." Kim looked like she wanted to cry some more. He would try and stop it this time, before it started. The hanky wouldn't cope with another cry, neither would his jacket.
"That's okay sweetie. I'll just have to be more careful when I make you porridge. Won't talk to you when you're eating it, leastwise til it cools down."
"I'm just glad no one got hurt."
They enjoyed another five minutes sitting together before Don said he thought he saw Libby gettin' a bucket out of the boat to fill up with water and throw over them, so they walked back to Libby holding hands, Don noticed Libby looking at his neck with a smile. *What was that about?* he thought.
Libby offered the front passenger seat to Kim. That was typically nice. About an hour from home, Sarah rang on Libby's phone, Libby said "Don! It's Sarah, do you want to talk to her?" She handed the phone through from the back at the same time. Libby had a way of telling you to do things with out sayin' anythin' sometimes. He took the phone.
"Hello Sarah this is Don speaking."
*"Hello Don, its good to talk to you, can we start again, I'd like us both to forget what we said last week, let's forget the rudeness, and I hope you'll come home in a good mood, ready to talk, have you done some thinking?*"
"I've done a lot of thinking, how are the kids?"
"*So are we going to have a talk?"*
"Yes I guess we need to, where are the kids?"
"*Kids are with Nanna and Pa, you'll be home soon*?"
"Not yet, I'll be at Libby's for a while, and then I'll be home about 9 o'clock probably?" With a glance to Kim who nodded "Yep around 9 or 9:30 perhaps…"
"*Why so late?"*
"I'm having dinner with Kim…" And there was a click.
Kim had taken her hand out of his so he could talk to Sarah and steer the car, and was sitting very still, holding herself with her arms. She looked more upset by Sarah's call than he was; he took her hand back.
Libby's phone rang again and this time she handled it.
"Yes Sarah… This is Libby… That's right they're coming to my place for a late lunch, then Don has a some work to do -- off-load the boat, and I believe Don is having dinner with Kim… Well I guess she thinks it her turn to cook, I don't know, maybe she asked him nicely… No I'm not going to be with them… You'll have to ask Don that question… You'll have to ask him that question too… Well I believe they are your rules Sarah… I'm sure we left half the money there, why would that mean so much unless… 'bye Sarah… You're right, Kim, she does know some bad words!"
Closer to home Libby took a couple of phone calls, from her husband Brett it seemed – he wasn't lookin' forward to seeing Brett for a while -- who she spoke with quietly, and strangely handed the phone to Kim to listen to Brett for a minute. But he was pretty excited about how Kim was squeezin' his hand, and if he didn't fuck up she had almost agreed to be his girlfriend. After a bad start to the day, that felt good. If Libby or Kim thought he needed to know what Brett was talking about they woulda told him.
Kim experienced one of her mini panic attacks listening to Don's conversation with Sarah, sinking feeling in her chest, hard to breath, hoped she hid it well. Don had handled that call with pleasing confidence, but a fine man's marriage had just ended, she witnessed it, maybe contributed to it's demise, and later the news from Brett was sombre…
Libby's children, Josh and Nicole, were playing on their trampoline when the team walked up to her house for lunch. The kids squealed excitedly, "Mummy's home, Mummy's home." And it appeared to Kim that they knew a great fast way off trampolines, "Catch me Uncle Don, catch me."
Don stayed outside playing big-angry-bear-throws-kids-back-on trampoline-faster-than-they-can-jump-off -- a noisy game! Libby ushered Kim inside and introduced her to Brett, he was a lightly-built, dishevelled looking man; he wrote text books in Geology and Archaeology. It seemed to Kim that Libby was glad Kim was there and made sure Brett understood Kim was special to Don. Rather than investigate Sarah's affairs himself he'd hired a PI and had a preliminary report which he gave to Libby, who quickly scanned it and suggested to Kim that one of them review it before showing Don -- Don never saw it, and Kim asked Libby to keep the final report.
Brett elaborated on his phone calls, they'd missed Sarah by less than twenty minutes, and he pointed solemnly at a small pile of boxes, suitcases and bags in their front room, he also handed Libby the note Sarah had dropped with the pile. Libby handed it on to Kim, who thought someone should open it, she quickly read the letter; Sarah had decided Don needed to try harder, keep thinking until he came up with a better attitude. She threatened that if there wasn't a serious effort to demonstrate more commitment on his part, the next communication would be via lawyers. She'd kicked Don out and changed the locks, the kids would be staying with her parents for a few days while she did some thinking of her own. Kim must have looked as angry as she felt; it was not a good time of month to be dealing with this sort of news. It was a very good thing Sarah wasn't there right then, and Brett actually stepped back from her. But then Kim put her thinking cap on -- she'd lost it once today and embarrassed everyone; needed to do better now. "That's made things a bit interesting hasn't it? Less than an half an hour to organise all this, *Sarah!* *I don't fucking think so, I don't*." Kim showed Libby the letter and the three of them had a brief conversation. Libby looked at Kim, query on her face, Kim nodded and Libby walked out, "Donnie you need to be in here with us for a minute… sorry kids, and where's Mummy's next hug."
Kim took his hand as he entered, and they approached the pile of bags, he obviously recognised most of it and it dawned on him what it meant. Libby and Brett politely stayed back and let Kim walk Don through the developments at her own pace; sitting him on a couch and talking him through the letter.
"We think she's trying to frighten you, and maybe try to make you go and apologise, we also don't think she couldn't have done all this in one hour and you interrupted a plan by saying you were having dinner with me. Libby and I also think that if we hadn't played those stupid games with Sarah on the phone that this might not of happened."
"Sarah used to be nice once."
"Of course she was, but she's scared honey, and I think Libby and I are partly to blame, but I'm so glad you didn't walk into something like this on your own door step, because that's what she was planning."
A cup of tea materialised for Don and he sat for a while. Brett offered to let Don stay for a few days, the kids would love to have him. Kim saw him blush, apart from everything happening to Don he now had the dilemma of Libby's husband being nice to him. Kim said, "Thanks Brett, but Don is still coming to my place for dinner, we'll talk to you about it afterwards."
They loaded Don's extra gear in the boat, and he drove Kim to the office, parked the boat and work car away and they moved everything into his ute. Don pulled up at Kim's house, he was so flat and dull that Kim was concerned that he might not be strong enough to deal with his kids. It would be better if he regrouped. It was dawning on her that crises involving others were his forte, crises involving himself were definitely not. She suggested he come in for a break, to compose himself before meeting Christy and Mark. He looked relieved and said that sounded good to him.
She lead Don into her house -- technically it was still her grandfather's, he was ill and had been moved into a hostel nearly six months ago. While he was more with it he'd said, "You're going to inherit it anyway poppet, your mother got too much too easy already, so you and Brian might as well start using it." Quickly showed him around, the action of checking out a new house seemed to partially awaken him. Kim decisively led him into her bedroom, undressed him, pushed him back on her bed and then stripped and joined him. He was definitely still flat, slow to harden.
Kim made him hard with her mouth, then lay back and received him. Eventually he said, "Sorry babe, don't think I can make you come."
"That's absolutely fine Donnie… a present from Kimberly… I want something to right for you today…"
After they finished, Kim said "Happy *tenth* anniversary honey. Now listen for a minute, there will be plenty of time to talk tonight, or tomorrow, for now I'd like to keep it simple, oh shit, the only things you need to know is that I'm here to help with Sarah and lawyers, and your children, for as long as it takes, pass me that towel honey, and if for any reason you're not comfortable here Libby is available to help too, OK?... And secondly, I think you need to get up, shower, visit Mark and Christy, if you feel comfortable, I want you to have dinner there, and then be back here by eight -– eight thirty latest. Leave Mark and Christy there, you're sleeping here, they're sleeping there, OK?... Good. I'll unpack and start checking out divorce details online… Is that OK babe, and where's a kiss at least?
"And I also want to thank you for your leadership this morning, very ashamed of the breakfast business, I can only warn you that around this time of the month, my mood swings are *extreme*, and later the cramps, nausea, migraines even, you name it I get it, and bleeding are pretty bad too. And no matter how hard I try, I'm not much fun to be around, it's something you will have to be really strong about."
She risked a glance at his eyes to see how he was receiving this news, clearly had a lot on his mind, but was focussing on her at the moment. Kim was thinking to herself 'please say that's okay, if *we're* not going to make, please, please *please* don't let it be because of my rotten stinking cursed fucking periods -- I couldn't handle *that* again.' And he stroked her hair and said "That's cool babe, I'll manage, is that why you take those days off work?"
"Uh huh... Pretty sad isn't it? And apart from Max you're the only man at work that knows."
They showered together, the shower doing even more to refresh him than their lovemaking, and Kim walked him to his ute. He looked much better now, back in the here-and-now, enough for her to be a little cheeky, "Baby, I'd be pretty sure that Sarah's mother knows about Kimberly by now, so which Kimberly is going to be in your head if she asks about me, the porridge throwing monster, or the one you just bedded?"
He was quiet for a while, looking back at her calmly*. C'mon Don, really easy options, dots so close together, you have to get this right, what's there to think about for so long?*
"I'm gunna think about none of those Kims, Kim."
"None of those Kims -- I'm gonna think about the Kim who fell asleep with her head on my lap a couple of nights ago while Libby finished cooking our dinner, because that's the Kim I decided I wanted to spend more time with. And it's when I thought that there was nothing I would ever want to do but stroke your hair and watch your face when you sleep, lookin' like a princess -- too good to have your head on *my* lap -- but there it was. And don't take this wrong sweetie, but when you wake up you're so confused and bleary eyed and your hair is all over the place, your skin is so warm and you're beautiful and I want to kiss you and hug you and tell you everything is fine, and its okay to wake up, babe, my tummy just hurts."
Kim swallowed the lump in her throat, what a day this was tuning out to be; her poet, Donnie, *who knew*? "Hold that thought Donnie, I like being *that* Kimberly in your head… and now you better go see your kids… before one of us says something to ruin it."
Unpacking her things was easy, then the big job of unpacking his stuff, both the dirty clothes from the trip and the clean clothes from Sarah's effort. To her surprise Sarah had packed with care, definitely not what Kim would have done, and Don sure had a lot of jeans. The strangest thing to make her cry a second time on this most dramatic day was the fact that every pair of jeans was labelled carefully inside with permanent marker pen identifying them as '*hunting/fishing'* or *'neat/work'* and so on. Kim blubbered a smile to herself through her tears; she couldn't say she didn't know what type of man she was getting involved with. Then there was a few hours of alone time, for the first time for a week, she got to sit on her verandah bench seat and reflect on how just a week can change so many things.
And it was time to 'phone Julie, report in.
"Hi Jules, its--"
*"—KIM! You're back!...* Rod, its Kim!*… How was the trip, how did camping go – did you get any sleep, how big was the boat, did wotsisname behave, was the food good, did you behave, did you get some sun, is your boss still talking to you, did you make it home before your period started 'cause we can bring pizza round if you need some help, what are you doing next Saturday, there's this new guy at work, the girls call him 'Lance' can you believe it -- tell me he's gifted if you know what I mean, and anyway it* is *high time you got some action, Kim you got to do this, for me, find out if its true, else I'll have go there myself and that would just* break *Rod's heart -–* wouldn't it sweetie *-–"*
"--Julie! I need some help."
"How does a guy go about getting divorced?"
*"How does a…? You got laid! -–* Rod! Kim's got a guy! *-- Who, not oh my God wotsisname?"*
"Yes, his name is--"
*"--Oh my god… I mean OH MY GOD!...* Rod, Kim's hooked up with a gorilla from work! Well say something Rod!*... What the fuck happened to the rules? What's he like, apart from big and hairy?"*
Kim tried to describe her week, and Don, and unusually Julie actually listened, interrupting only occasionally.
*"Amazing, dying to meet him, and do you need some help this week… you know we can bring some pizza around--"*
"--No, thanks Julie, its okay, Don's--"
*"--Oh, your mum helping this month?*"
"No Don's moved in, and Jules, I think he'll cope, really."
"*He's living there? Already?... OH MY GOD … I've just got to meet this Don… So that's a big no for 'Lance' I guess…* Its okay Rod I was joking, I promise baby*… You're going make me wait 'till Saturday aren't you? Witch!"*
In spite of having his own key, Don knocked on her front door, early, and clearly exhausted. Kim didn't pry too much how it went. And he was quiet, other than to say the kids were okay confused and coping. They would be at his in-laws till mid-week and it didn't look like anyone was real happy there at the moment. They had a cup of tea together, then there was a 'Where am I sleeping?' to which Kim pretended to ignore and led him to bed. Unsure how supporting she should be, and whether more love making was called for, cuddled up and he squeezed her tight. The best she could do was a place to live, a bed and a girl to cuddle. His shoulder shuddered a few times, she felt a few tears drop on her breast and arm, then he was asleep, heavy.
For a change they both slept in, the first night *she* was responsible for cuddling *him* and he wasn't in her arms -- failed. But there he was, propped up on his elbow, looking at her fondly, he looked to have recovered his equanimity, and she recalled with pleasure how much he liked looking at her face as she woke -- surely that wouldn't be the case this particular morning. Her face would be blotchy and puffy, yet, the warm look was in his eyes. When he realised she was awake, he smiled, and she thought, *he's right, today might be okay.* He stroked her hair and she knew it. "Good morning Kim, you never said yesterday whether you wanted me for your boyfriend."
"Well, you never finished asking! Yes I do –- however I require some roses -- and *where* is my wake up cuddle?"
Don rolled her onto her back and entered her quickly, God Damn it! He's done it again, and she quickly moistened as he worked in deep. They'd have to have a little chat about some more rules, lots of rules, and the difference between cuddles and sex… when he'd finished… or tomorrow. She pulled the blankets over them. Don then confused her by just lying motionless, still embedded. Kim started to roll her hips to massage him, but Don said "Uh Uh. Don't move!"
"What?" Kim answered sharply
"You asked for a cuddle, lie still, this is a special cuddle. Lie still."
So she lay still, this was new to the normally more experienced Kim, *a special cuddle*, and oh so intimate, *who knew… again?*
"Babe, what do you want to do today?" How the hell could he expect her to think at a time like this?
"phhhh… well we need to draw up Don's separation… mmmm… action plan, but other than that we could have a really lazy Sunday if you want?... Maybe more special cuddles…"
"That sounds good, see if we're together much longer you'll be as brainy as me! All I have to do today is go to work for a couple of hours and unpack Libby's samples from the boat, go to Ma's, I mean Amy's, and see the kids are OK and pick up my chainsaw 'cause John said he'd take that off Sarah once he sobered up, and I'll cut us some wood – get the fire going -- and do you want to come with me and meet them?"
"The fire's a waste of time, broke, fills the house with smoke… ahh… and did you say for *me*, to come to *Amy and John's*?"
"Yep, Ma asked if she could meet you -- and you could meet my kids at the same time if you want."
*Concentrate Kim*! "Wouldn't Sarah get pissed if I visit her parents?"
"Yep she would, and I said that to Ma, I mean Amy, but she said she couldn't give a fuck… she doesn't normally talk like that."
"Can I take a rain check honey, of course I'd love to meet them, but maybe when I'm not so… so…"
"…roller coastery…"
"…yes, and maybe meet everyone in smaller groups -- that was *very* well said honey -- and especially Mark and Christy, is that OK?"
"I mean I don't think I'm ready to do them justice."
"Sure babe, its fine, relax."
Finally Don started the make love to her, pulling out an inch at most, and pushing back in deep, the sensation of being filled was continuous, this was a nice cuddle. How could he tell her to lie still for this, and Pussy decided to get involved and make her hips move up to meet him. Kim's orgasm seemed unlikely one minute, then a surprising close the next. A little nice one that had just faded when Don asked through clenched teeth, "Where?"
He stiffened, gripped her shoulders almost hurting her, and came deep inside her. Don started to pull out when she gripped him with her legs: "No you don't, boyfriend, I want more cuddles." He smiled, rolled them over so she was on top and he was still inside her.
Kim traced his broken nose with a finger tip as she asked. "Boxing?"
"Rugby, same thing in the old days."
"Will I get a cuddle like that every morning?"
"Yep, and a walk too, when you period's not close. I guess now I need to make you breakfast; where's your roller coaster sweetie, would porridge be safe?"
"Where do you think my roller coaster is right now Don? Just look… see this look, porridge would be *perfect*."
Kim had planned to go to the depot with him to help unload the boat -- especially when she found that Libby would be there too -- and a few hours helping collect some firewood could have been fun too, but the familiar and unwelcome cramps hit hard, and tearfully she told him she'd have to pass on those trips too. And what should have been a great together day turned into just a big bucket of shit for Kim. One day! Just one fucking day longer, would that have been too much to ask?
As hoped for, Don was an absolute rock for Kim during her *toxic* week, he said he always suspected Sarah exaggerated her pains, but Kim knew he didn't doubt her suffering. Apart from cooking every meal, he did what he could to help her sleep, rubbed her back, fed her, left soup to reheat for lunch, chocolate -- even helped her shower to give her confidence with her dizziness and so there would be quick drying; telling her to stop being so silly about the clean up, 'It was only blood!'
Instead of paying overtime to Don for his extra hours last week, Max was happy for him to have some slack time, so he had plenty of time to look after Kim, see the kids either going to school or returning. He chopped wood, stayed in touch with Amy and John. Kim found to her horror he'd overhauled her pantry, all her frozen pizzas, and TV dinners were gone -– donated to less fortunate than her! Who could be less fortunate than her? There was fresh fruit and vegetables, and fresh meat in the fridge and freezer. He condescendingly went through it with her, rambling along very slowly so she could keep up. "And look Kim, these are *vegetables, a*re you paying attention? This is a carrot, this a broccoli, potato -- sit down if ya need to this will take a while if ya don't concentrate -- what they use to make chips, but we can do better than that can't we? Lettuce, tomatoes. And see these? Apples! Couldn't find a single one before. Not a one! You *will* eat three bits of fruit every day. And this is a pineapple, OK? We don't have to nuke it in a pizza oven to eat it do we? Wanna try some? Mum always told me that three bits of fruit a day will fix most anything, will you be a good girl?"
Confronted by her first stern lecture from some one whose IQ was nearly as far below a hundred as hers was above, she just nodded without thinking and said, "Yes Don."
Kim made the effort to breakfast with him before he went to work, and then her day was broken by doing what bits she could on Libby's report of their trip, and sleep and curl up on her couch in front of favourite romance movies that made her cry. And try to stay civil when he did his strange things -- like tell her he'd rung his sister, then his friend Jodi, and then even Amy for ideas to 'treat' her period symptoms. Their suggestions included some different herbs in Kim's meal and some essential oils to add to the massage oil when he gave back rubs, two every day! He did not ask for head jobs, which motivated Kim to offer him a duty one on Tuesday night. Don had half heartedly countered that it wasn't necessary, which made her more determined to do it. She'd muttered irritably, "Married twenty years and you're trying to say no to a head job, didn't you learn *anything*? Sit still!"
Wednesday morning he insisted she get up and walk with him -- his friend Jodi had said exercise helped *her*. '*Well just fantastic for Jodi!'* Kim thought, reluctant; as he tormented her out of bed and harassed her into some warm clothes she'd hissed, "Don, you do realize how much I don't *do* mornings, how cold is it outside anyway? And how if this doesn't work you're a *dead* man, you do understand that? Dead!" She did try it, and it didn't work, of course, but she didn't kill him, the backrubs were too good to do that. And the fresh cool air was refreshing. And it brought some colour to her cheeks. Apart from that -– just as she'd knowm -- it didn't help at all!
And that afternoon she slept well, to be woken by a drunk and silly Don late in the evening for a reheated roast dinner, and some TLC and hugs, then more sensational sleep. By Thursday evening Kim felt human enough to decide she was mobile, and joined him in the living room after dinner. He'd had started the fire, 'nothing warmed your bones like a fire' Don had told her -- And he also asked how hard would it have been for Brian to drop half a brick on a rope down the flue to clean out the birds nest, "Was this Brian guy a bit simple?"
Kim walked into her lounge room, still a little fragile but Normal Kim was nearly back and it was a relief to see how comfortable Don had made himself. He glance up from the couch, before he could get up she knelt beside the couch, rested her head on his chest and asked uncertainly how he was.
An arm found its way around her, "I'm fine sweetie, but how are you?"
"Okay… how are you coping? Was I…?"
"…not too bad princess, just like lookin' after a kid with the 'flu, nothin' I couldn't handle, anyway… 'cept for being told I was a dead man."
Ouch. "Sorry honey… how many times did I say that?"
"Twice!" In spite if his inbuilt reluctance to make issues of things she could see this made him grumpy. "Am I allowed to make rules too, or only you?"
"If it any consolation only twice is my best yet, a record. Easily. See I know you're special even when I'm toxic, and of course you can suggest a rule, we have to discuss them before they become real rules -- I'm guessing I'm not allowed to you call you a dead man anymore?"
Kim drew immense comfort from Don's confidence, and if trying some herbs, or having the world know she was a toxic witch for a few days was the price of the cuddles and general TLC, well so be it. She started to think that it wasn't just her problem, her previous boyfriends seemed in comparison to have been pretty selfish. Her usual attitude of playing her cards close to her chest, discretion and reserve and all that melted with her relief, "I'm so glad you're still here, every night when you came back was a the best thing for me every day, and you did very well Honey, really looked after me so well."
"Seemed fair." His arm started to roam down her back, *Uhh Oh.*
*"Sorry* Honey, still closed for maintenance…*"* Kim slid her hand down under his track suit pants "… but how *is* Mr Incredible going?... Bit neglected?... Poor baby... famine, feast, famine…" Then she pulled his cock out, and kissed it. "…hello Lord Donald, did you miss Kimberly?" Kim disliked giving head, they didn't call it a *job* for nothing did they? And she *hated* to being *told* to do it, boyfriends that had insisted hadn't lasted too long, which was why Don might get a few! Kim licked the tip, then slipped it in her mouth briefly, looked up at Don, doing her best to look innocent and confused: "Kimberly is waiting for someone to tell her this isn't necessary, that she can stop now."
"I'll never say that again, can that be a rule too?... And babe, you talk too much."
Don ran his hands through her hair, she realised that it hadn't been washed for a while, he would definitely not be impressed about that; then got to work on his cock. Don had been so patient, worked so hard.
And she needed to keep that distinction in his brain between Sexy Girlfriend and Sick Daughter.
He soon grunted and filled her mouth, she swallowed it, no mean feat, then wriggled up into his elbow for the required now-show-me-I'm-not-a-slut-for-doing-that-cuddle*.* He kissed her and said, "Sweetheart, that was sensation… I could get use to that."
"Seemed fair; what were you reading?"
"A letter from Sarah, Tuesday, well it looks like its from her lawyer--"
"They didn't dick around Kim, what do you think I should do with it?"
"Show it to me as soon as you get it, that's what you should do with it!"
"How could I show you Kim? You were--"
"--I know, I know, toxic. But for this I'd find some energy, couldn't you guess I would like to have see this straight away? How does it make you feel, are you ok?"
"I guess, surprised, thought it would be easier; twenty years is a lotta time to just piss away like that, psshh!" He did look wiped out when she looked closely, and that wasn't from coming, she had been too focused on the head job to notice.
"Let me get a paper and pencil, we have to write back, or find a lawyer, or something, it'll be fine honey, but we need a better plan." *Shit,* she thought, *Libby will not be impressed…*
They talked through the letter. Sarah had certainly got serious in a hurry. She mustn't realise that Don had proof of her affair -- that suited Kim for now -- Sarah offered that divorce seemed likely, and they should agree terms before fronting a magistrate. She wanted the house, plus she wanted thirty three percent of his pre-tax wage as support, and was offering one weekend a month access for the kids. Don said, "That doesn't sound fair she was earning as much as he was she was being greedy with the house and he wanted to see the kids more including every second Christmas and another thing that sucked was why should she stay in the house who says she gets the house I built it?... And it should be one weekend a fortnight, or at least every three!" Kim was starting to anticipate how Don reacted to bad news, when it concerned him directly he tended to panic a little, needed ideas and support. Someone to take charge.
"Honey its just an ambit claim, umm, an opening offer, sort of this-is-what-I'd-like-but-I-don't-really-expect-to-get-it, you follow?... Don't take that side of it personally. And *I* think that if she has Mark and Christy the majority of the time, the decent thing to do is let her live in the house." Was it unworthy to be wishing with all her soul, '*please Mr Judge please, let the kids live with Sarah, so much simpler'.* "But you should be entitled to pay lower payments, or have her buy you out? My friend Julie suggested we don't fight paying some support, then you keep some control, you can link it to access to the kids… You follow?"
"Not really, and should she be allowed to have dipshit stay, while she has the kids?"
"That is tricky Don, if you get too precious about things like that she would be entitled to say maybe they can't visit you while you're living here, you might have to trust her on that--"
"--you mean she might get reciprocal about it."
"Umm, that's one way to put, yes--"
"--but we're completely totally different, like comparing chalk and apples, and what about other guys, that's not good for the kids, I don't think shithead is going to last too long."
"No, neither do I. Let's think about that, honey I could really use a cup of tea, did that blow job rate a cup of tea? Oh and I better call Mum, strange she didn't comes round this time of the month, haven't seen her since we got back."
"She did, tell her I think it's a bad idea to plant garlic and rosemary, even under plastic until the weather warms up -– for a bright lady does a lot of gardenin' she doesn't know much about growin' food does she?... If she really wants me to I guess I got no choice..."
That could not, *could not,* mean what it sounded like, she must have miss heard. Just started giving Don credit for some brains after looking after her so well. Surely no one can be dense enough to meet her mother and not tell her, "What?"
"I said I can't plant--"
"--yes I got that bit, dear, garlic and whatever, too cold, not yet, makes sense, but what the hell has that got to do with my mother?"
"She gave me some garlic and *rosemary* to plant on Tuesday, no, no must have been yesterday, Wednesday, that's it, she called round on Tuesday night, to see how you were goin', but I'd put those herbs Amy gave me in your tea and got you to sleep at last and *no way* *in hell* was I gonna let her wake you after all that effort. And then I went round to pick her up on Wednesday to come get her car back and she gave me some plants for the garden."
Well, she was wrong! He was dense enough. "You met Mum!" About the dumbest thing Kim had said since puberty. Maybe it was catching. Denseness, contagious? Catching denseness from Don?
"Yep, she liked where I'd started the garden."
"The what?" *Yep, it was contagious*.
"The garden, she likes--"
"--yes I got that bit too, I'm terrifically pleased the gardens in a good spot, but where does Mum fit into that. You talked about gardening with her?"
"Yep. And showed her too. How do you know its in a good spot, you haven't seen it?"
"Just a hunch, never mind… I seemed to have missed out on a few things… Maybe I bloomed early this month… Maybe I should go back to bed for a while… And maybe then everyone can just go on without me again."
"Did I do wrong? She came round with a dinner to reheat for you, said you needed fresh vegetables *at least* one night a month, but I already knew that and I'd started that lamb roast, so she said I could put her dinner in the 'fridge and we can have it later. Tonight if you want?"
"What else did you talk you about, *come on* Don this is like pulling teeth."
"Well she likes my lamb with sage, but thought I should try garlic and rosemary, asked how I got the potatoes so crisp, and she couldn't understand why I cooked beans *and* broccoli *and* spinach for the same meal, but told her you needed extra greens, because you bleed so much. And she *loved* my Pumpkin soup, made me dick take the recipe."
"It is nice soup, but you had *dinner* with *mum*? And you didn't think to tell me she'd been here?"
"Yep and nope, I just said you were asleep, did I do wrong dear? You said your mum sometimes made you sad."
Kim reminded herself, *Think polite, think he's sweet,.* "Oh… don't know, maybe. Did she… could she… does she know we sleep together?"
"Kim, really? She saw me cookin' in your kitchen, and I wouldn't let her wake you up, and there are no other bedrooms in the house with furniture in them, and my truck was in the carport, she's going to guess we you-know, I mean she's not stupid. Tsk tsk tsk!"
"So did you tell her how we met, or how quickly we… phew?... Oh my god, what have you done Kim? Maybe I wasn't as ready for this as I thought."
"Kerrie was fun, hey Kim, she even liked my Gynaecologist joke!" *Better and better*. "She *does* likes a drink though doesn't she, all that red wine we had, gone, I had to restock! Had to drive her home too, wasn't gonna trust her with a taxi driver -- she had *a lot* to drink. Princess, you *do* look a little upset." And he must have noticed a dribble of himself on the corner of her mouth, which he wiped off with his thumb, then kissed her -- dense or not he *was* a sweet guy -- and said, "You just have a minute to yourself while I get ya a nice cup of tea, and you can tell me what's wrong. And then maybe I can give you a shower and wash your hair."
A few minutes quiet while he was in the kitchen was just what she needed, '*remember you knew what you were getting into Kim, don't blow it now.'*
"…It's cool babe…" as he ambled back with two cups of tea and they sat close on the couch, "… I kinda fibbed and told her we'd known each other for *over* three months, which is sorta true, I didn't say I was married to someone else for most of that, or talk about the kids yet, but she could tell somethin' was odd 'cause of the tan lines where my ring use to be, but she didn't mention it, so I didn't neither. And we talked about my job. And that's about all we talked about, except the garden and cookin', and how you needed lots of iron in your dinner, its fine sweetie, relax."
This wasn't so bad, he'd been protecting her, that's it, protecting her from the burden of being polite to Mum. And doing it well it seemed. It would give her Mother something to talk about other than how good it would be for Kim to move home too. It was fine. "Ok, Ok. I'm sorry I overreacted honey, its not so bad is it really? You didn't do really wrong, but you must pay attention to this, apart from not fucking other women, which you already understand, well, a really important thing that will help me relax is to know my boyfriend will talk to me about his divorce, okay, that's important. Think like instantly! And I also prefer to be there when he meets Mum. That sort of thing. See honey, when I talk to her tonight, you know what she's going to say about you?"
"Nothing. Not a single fucking word--"
"--not like you much is she?"
"…unless I mention it first -- and that'll be enough of that -- but if I didn't know she knows about you, then I'd probably wait until I'm, normal, non toxic and take you round there to met her, while I'm there too. Then I can sort of *manage* how much she knows, anyway, can you see that the phone call might be a little--"
"--awkward? Yeah, I guess it could be, sorry pet, I'll do better next time."
Kim snuggled back into his arms. "So do you think she likes you?"
"What's not to like? Strange, girl's mums use to hate me, and their dads too, but I must be getting better at it with age, it was fun with Kerrie."
"Kerrie fun? And I can't believe you call her Kerrie. And you say she got drunk?"
"Oh yeah, big time, surprise you didn't hear; those herbs must really work, thank Amy when you meet her. Do you want me to wash your hair in the shower or do you want to lean over the basin while we do it, the fire is going well, so your hair would dry tonight no problem. I'm happy to brush it, love to brush it, normally *so* beautiful."
"Honey, can we go to town shopping on Saturday? I'd like us to have a talk to Julie and Rod, and *then,* can we buy you some new clothes?"
"Good idea Kim, I don't think Sarah gave me all my jeans when she packed, always was trying to throw them out, can't help herself, now about washin'--"
"--mmmm, I was thinking you need a pair of slacks, can I choose them, a nice shirt or two, and honey can I choose them too? Maybe three shirts? And a nice jacket, Sports Jacket, is that OK? In case you need to go to court?"
*He was a Good boy!* "And speaking of hair, maybe I could see if my hairdresser can fit you in?"
"Nup. I cut my own hair."
"I know… baby just a trim, totally age appropriate, I promise."
"That'd cost money."
"Not too much… my treat."
"Here's the deal; you can wash and brush my hair *any* time you like; if you get yours cut *whenever* I say, fair?"
"I'll think about it." Don then appeared to think. It looked painful. Then thought some more. Then lifted a large handful of her hair and rubbed it between his fingers -- deep sigh -- Ouch. Then lifted it again and pulled it to his nose, smelled it -- pulled a face -- *Ouch*! Then smelled it again -- another deep sigh. Then thought some more. Well fuck, she was about to say, if its that bad just wash it anyway. When he grinned and said, "Okay sweetie, deal. Are you going to work tomorrow?"
"Yep -- *shit*! I mean *yes*!"
"Two cars or one?"
"We had better take two cars for now, not that I'm ashamed to be with you or anything, but I need to keep us under wraps 'til I talk to Libby, and work out just how to break this to everyone else. Is that OK? Its not a reflection…"
"That's fine sweetie, *relax*."
"Okay darling if you say so… relaxing… kiss?… Good. But I think a couple of the engineers are going to be surprised though?"
In managing Don's separation and divorce, Kim was facing up to serious responsibility: wrong-footed completely by Sarah's letter. And the research she belatedly did didn't give her much comfort. He should have half the modest Wilson savings to work with, but the fact was Don could be cleaned out by the legal process, just to retain fair access to his kids. That sucked! If the magistrate had grumpy pills the day Don appeared he might not even get good access. And even a faint possibility he'd have to pay Sarah's costs too, unlikely, and Kim would definitely table the photos and PI report if it came to that. She still hadn't showed the report to Don; if they could get thought this process without him seeing that it would be better. But she did stumble onto the Justice department's new 'non-adversarial pre-separation counselling process,' which looked to have possibilities; there seemed to an option of a recommendation to the magistrate to approve a divorce if all parties played the game right. The glossy propaganda bullshit said that meetings were facilitated by a court appointed mediator, and there was a court lawyer present to advise both parties on matters of law, it's objective was to be economical, and to put the welfare of the children first.
As they were going to be in town for hair cuts and clothing shopping on Saturday, Kim arranged to introduce Don to Julie, and her boyfriend Rod. She'd explored the non-adversarial process further and she wanted some advice on before going too far into it with Don. Julie *wasn't* a good girl -- had never signed up to the indicator checklist -- possessed an wicked sense of humour, and was a shameless gossip, not in a malicious way, she was as indiscreet about her own experiences as anyone else's, just no sense of privacy. If any of her friends were going to embarrass Don it would be Julie. Don was on his best behaviour, even drank the cappuccino Julie had casually ordered for him while waiting, spooning patiently through the 'fluffy shit to find the good stuff'. Rod was a neat, pleasant, dapper little man, physically he and Julie looked ideal for each other, but personality wise Kim thought he was far too staid and boring for her wild and erratic girlfriend. Julie seemed to disagree. Rod was a lawyer, contracted to the police department on criminal matters; the little he knew about divorce law was from his own experience. Kim feared that Don and Rod would have nothing in common, but they were polite while the girls quickly caught up. Julie now obviously wanted to talk alone, but Kim wasn't ready for that.
Kim, Julie and Rod went through the material Kim had printed out about divorce and the non adversarial counselling process, they talked for ten minutes before Don became ponderously involved. The conversation certainly slowed for Don's input, but Kim noticed that the quality of the information improved too. The other three were forced to justify their opinions, revisit their assumptions; a lesson there for a young professional. Finally Rod said decisively, "Don, if my lawyers hadn't rail-roaded me into the bitch fight Beth and I had, we'd be able to talk with out the spitting, and there'd be nearly $9,000 -- well actually nearly $20,000 if you include what Beth spent -- more in Jenny's inheritance. I would really try hard to take advantage of this process, don't do what I did. Can you get, what's her name, Sarah?... Can you get Sarah to try this instead of the lawyer fight?"
"Yep, easy."
"What." "How." "Your kidding." Simultaneously.
"She'll listen to her dad, and John usually listens to me, but Rod, would you do me a big favour, help me out?... Come with me to talk to my father in law for me, tell him why he should make Sarah do it this way."
"Sure Don, not a problem, call me when you have a time in mind."
Julie, being Julie, had to take the conversation somewhere more embarrassing for Kim "So Donnie, upgraded your women?"
Don was silent for a while, as much as Kim craved for him to keep up, fit in, she wasn't sure if she wanted him to try and mix it with Julie or not, and wasn't happy about her calling him Donnie either –- that term was reserved for Libby and herself -- but Kim should have given Don, and Julie, more credit.
"Yep, trade in. Old one was playing up."
"Later model?" said Julie.
"Less mileage?" said Rod.
"Better upholstery?" said Julie.
"Handles well, faster, rides good…" Said Don "… Ouch!... What time is my haircut Kim?"
"Oh no, Kim," interrupted Julie with her unique strident 'hey everybody listen, I'm about to make Kim look like an idiot' voice, "I absolutely forbid you to mutilate this man, just get back you witch, *get back*! Donnie, it's your hair, you just say no honey, SAY NO! Trust me. Don't worry about the nookies sweetie, *just say no*. She'll let you back in bed I promise, I *know* her, two days! Hell I'll fix you up myself if she doesn't -- don't look at me like that Rod, I know what she's like -- three days tops. Refuse! I insist! Refuse! Hell one day I'll tell you about the time she chased this guy down the street, stark titty bouncing naked, calling out… what Rod?... Oh!..."
Don gave Julie his biggest and best pussy moistening grin, it seemed to work too Kim noted wryly. "Well I don't have to look at me Julie, Kim does."
As they left, not nearly soon enough for Kim, the men shook hands, Don said he'd call Rod that night about a possible visit to his in-laws tomorrow.
Kim's hand had been forced, if she didn't 'introduce' Don to her mother now, it would just get harder with time, so she'd reluctantly agreed to an afternoon tea visit for them with Kerrie. Kim and her mother brought out he worst in each other, had done for nearly ten years. As Don drove her to Kerrie's -– didn't look like girlfriends did much driving in Don's world -- Kim warned him to be ready for fireworks. Kerrie usually spent half of her time trying to talk her into moving back home. And Kim usually reacted, and then it went downhill.
Don had then casually mentioned how lucky she was to be able to visit her mum, his mum had passed away when Christy was two, before Mark was born. "You know babe, he said the worst part about losing your Mum, is how much you miss her when things are going good. I'd have given both balls to have been able to take my little Mark and carry him into her house and say 'Hey, mum look what I made!'... Still get teary when I'm tired, you know on a long drive or something like that... I'd love for you to meet her."
Kim wondered whether this was a deliberate message or Don just being his normal open self. It was hard to tell sometimes. When they arrived at Kerrie's she sat for a while, then she leant over and kissed him on the cheek and said, "I'm starting to think you're about one of the smartest man I know Don."
Don chatted comfortably with Kerrie about gardening, cooking, they lamented the demise of Slim Dusty and Johnny Cash together, discussed house renovations and he politely but firmly disagreed with Kerrie's assertion that daughters must age you faster than sons. Kim worked hard to ignore the barbed comments that normally pissed her off. Even when Kerrie said she liked his old hair cut better, 'what had Kim been thinking about when she talked him into this one?' Kim remained calm, absenting herself to splash cold water on her face occasionally to calm down.
It was when Kerrie was showing Don her garden, and Don familiarly put his arm around Kim that she started to relax -- no one ever dared cuddle her in front of Mum before -- then realised her roller coaster was definitely climbing. Her bleeding had stopped, well close enough, and she was becoming eager for some loving. She'd gleaned that he wasn't keen on condoms, that was okay, she had a few safe days, and understood she'd need to go on the pill, just for a while. While they were alone briefly she rubbed suggestively up against his side and whispered "She'll try and invite us for dinner, say no! I got plans… Mum knows I'll refuse, so she might ask you instead."
"She already asked…"
"Well, Lord Donald's got plans too, he's not gunna be stopped tonight, so I said no."
Home early that evening they were in bed, Kim had been aroused since Don cuddled her in front of her mother, actually even further back than that, seeing Don and Julie flirt so easily together, and this was looking like it would be one to savour. Pussy was wet, Kim was eager, Don was keen, Mr Incredible was like a steel bar. Her legs were opening and she was rolling her hips up to Don's busy hand. To Kim it seemed as if Don had had a brain fart, he vigorously plucked two of her pubic hairs out. Two of the hairs she thought he liked.
"Owee… that hurt…. Ouch!….What the fuck was that for?" demanded Kim as she flopped onto her stomach, Don slid his hand down her side and caressed her cheeks. Please God, not another weirdo. "No! Don, stop, stayin' just like this, tell me what that was all about. And it better be fucking good. Seriously, that's--"
"--that's one hair for each time you said I was a dead man."
"Well really! Oh just fucking great! Splendid. Fine. Great. Are we done? I only said it twice didn't I? You said so. And you *were* doing so well."
"Plus one hair for each time you said you'd cut my dangleberries off with a spoon. That's another two."
And he started probing down between her cheeks, in spite of her clenching furiously, "Two of *these* will do nicely." He sounded happy about it too, didn't worry him if they came from the front or back.
"No. NO! That will really hurt, please baby, no, Don, stop, listen, just listen for a minute TIME OUT DAMMIT!"
Don stopped.
"Honey, you had *two* head jobs while I was toxic, remember it was only few days ago, good ones -- I swallowed -- so don't do this, don't piss Kimberly off!"
"Ok fair enough. I forgot. Sorry."
"Good move! Now go and wash that hand please, before you touch me again. Clean enough to eat off."
He slipped back into bed and rubbed against her -- still a man on a mission.
Pussy might have been still aroused but Kimberly was grumpy. "So are you done with that plucking rubbish?"
"Done plucking, not done with you."
"I think you might be. I'm not in the mood any more… If you're extra nice, breakfast in bed, for about a fucking month *and* watch every movie about every Jane Austin book, *ever* made, I might let you back in me again… Maybe…"
"Betcha I can change your mind."
"Betcha can't."
"What do I get if I win?"
"Never mind that, when you lose what do I get?"
"Anything you like, 'cause its not gonna happen."
"Bit cocky aren't we?"
Kim continued to play hard to get and refused to roll over, but Don seemed completely at home in this situation -- it was surprising the problems these married guys could solve -- he dribbled a bit of massage oil between her closed thighs, then slide his erection between them too. It was surprisingly nice, but no fears there, she was still felt in control. Could hold him out for ten minutes, even five minutes, declare herself winner, and then let him in anyway. Best of both worlds. Good plan Kimberly! And then he firmly forced his hand under her breasts, between them and the mattress. That felt good too, but also safe. She even felt confident enough to tease him. "Ha! Is that the best you can do, from that angle there is no way can you get inside pussy… hee… hee… oh… boy… Now that's sneaky… Who'd have thou… thou… thought… Oh My God, mmmmm." Kim's arms were trapped against he side so she couldn't reach her clit. Kim imagined she'd look like a trapped seal at the moment, the only movement open was to raise and lower her head. Beaten. "Honey you're being really mean to me tonight, please let me turn over, and then you can win. So I can play too."
He let her roll over and entered her again. Kim could reach her clit, and used her other hand behind his neck to pull their faces together, kissing frantically and exchanging tongues. Then her pussy thought it would be a good idea if her legs were way higher, and way wider, even though it meant she couldn't reach her clit anymore. Don seemed to like the idea too, then he arched up, and called too loud "Sweetheart, I'm close, come with me." Kim answered, also too loud, "Yes darling Yes. I'm nearly there, do it, fill me." She did what he said, and he did what she said. A rare vaginal orgasm -- they were always the best –- and Don stayed on top of her while he slowly softened. Then rolled off leaving Kim spreadeagled and twitching, her legs jelly, too weak to follow him, about as wrung out and helpless as she had ever felt after sex.
Don rolled her head toward him for a sweaty kiss, whispered triumphantly "See, I win?"
"Oh my god Don, what have you *done* to me?"
"Well we started to make love, then I thought it must be my turn to do something weird so I plucked--"
"--it was a rhetorical question."
Yes, sweetheart."
"We need to talk some more about some more rules…"
"Shit babe, I thought you was playin', I'm sorry did I go too far?"
"Don relax, do I *look* really upset? Remember to look... being screwed like that is always fine, It's just that plucking thing, babe, no dignity. Lets just put our heads together and see if we can think of an alternative, okay? And for the record, we have a new rule, if I'm nude, you don't have to believe me when I say no. If I'm dressed, you need to stop… What's funny?"
"Nothing babe, I like ya new rule."
"*Our* new rule honey."
"Yep, our rule."
Kim had Sunday afternoon to herself, and felt a bit guilty about how good it was to have her house to herself for a change, a lazy afternoon. She ended up meeting Amy a lot sooner than expected though. Don had taken Rod round to talk to Sarah's parents, then came a call from Amy early in the evening, "Hello is that Kim? This is Amy McClenaghan calling, Don's mother-in-law, I got me a problem -- got me three real drunk men here, and honey, *one's* mine, and *two* are yours! What do you want me to do with them? I mean, I'll get them to work tomorrow morning if that what you want but it's up to you."
Kim collected a vastly amused Julie, then followed Amy's directions and arrived at Don's in-laws. Of course there had to be coffee, with the plump Amy, followed by dinner.
Amy wasn't one to mince words and Julie's presence was not going to change Amy's agenda. Julie listening mattered not at all. And unusually Julie was quiet. Occasionally going to check on Rod and Don.
"…Kim? Kimberly?... Kim, my darlin' daughter made a mistake, fooled with her boss, stupid, and then completely treated Don like an idiot, stupider. I've know Don for twenty years, and I know he would probably not accept what she did. And now I've met you I can see that them getting together isn't going to happen -- hear me out please -- and I know he will never accept what she asked him to do when she was caught. The silly bitch should have just bent over his lap and begged for a hidin', as far as I can tell that's the only way Don would have kept her, but that didn't happen, and we gotta move on. For my daughters sake, my beautiful grandkid's, and for Don I will work with anyone to make this divorce as painless as possible, I want you to know that, so you can relax honey, we ain't going to be fighting, and if we can stay in touch it would help. Don tells me you're bright, and I can see that too, maybe you and me can keep some of the bitterness out of this process -- will you let me do that, Kim?"
Kim was trying to appear calm, polite, pay Amy the attention she deserved and ignore the drunken vacant grins from Don, but inwardly considering how the next few days would go with Julie. No doubt that all her friends would know what a soap opera her love life had become, when Julie repeated something Kim had missed, an incredulous reference to *Moonshine*?
"Sure hone, Don and John have been concocting poison out in that shed for years, think they've finally got it right, what do you think? Three of them bottled another batch this afternoon while they were talking about divorce, just be glad they didn't blow themselves up in the process."
The implications on Rod's career of him helping make moonshine were starting the percolate with Julie, and her tenseness elevated at about the same rate as Kim's relaxation. Amy winked at Kim as Julie flushed -- this was becoming fun -- for once she felt confident that this evening and the soap opera her love life had become might just stay low-key.
As Kim and an unusually terse Julie manoeuvred the two men out to the cars, one at a time, Kim felt compelled to apologise to Amy.
"Oh honey don't mention it, John needed this too, he was so worried that he'd lost Don. We don't have any sons, Don and Mark are our sons. That separation meeting business Rod talked about, it's as good as done. Don't you worry about that. We think the best thing now is to get the whole horrid business over as fast as possible so the kids can get on and adapt. And Sarah too. And you too honey… Don thinks an awful lot of you." Don grinned vacantly and nodded – well wobbled -- his head.
Kim drove a near unconscious Don home in his ute, loaning Julie her car to take Rod home. Kim laughed out loud as Don snored, one up on Julie, for a change. That was worth putting up with a drunk farting Don, any time. Shouldn't have been so smug with Julie though, he was completely out by the time they were home and she really could have used some help getting him to bed. |
Hot Wife: Mexican Vacation Ch. 05 | 39,077 | 4.63 | 316,442 | [
"big dicks"
] | After the boat dropped us at the dock, we hugged Juan, Paulina, and Cristina goodbye. We did get all their email addresses, however, so we could "keep in touch".
The bus ride to the resort was interesting, instead of hitting us with questions about our relationship, Crush told Misty that it was very erotic seeing her sucking on Juan's cock when he came. Then he said, "Can you guys help us do more erotic shit like that?"
I was taken aback and said, "Crush, Misty, we hadn't really been wild like that before this trip. But, we can see what happens. We don't want to ruin any part of our relationship. You and Misty and Diane and myself need to be ok with everything that happened or will happen, or we don't want any part of it. We need to be completely clear; that all that crap is secondary to you two and our own relationships. Cool?"
"Yeah, we are in for sure!" Said Misty, all excited.
"Yeah, man." From Crush.
Once at the resort, we all went to our rooms to change for dinner, as planned. We were going to have dinner, maybe some drinks and see where that got us. Baby steps.
At dinner, I asked, "Have you two talked about fantasies you are willing to pursue?"
"Not really. Not until we were in our room changing. After what happened on the beach, we are sexually charged. So we fucked. As we had sex, I told Crush, that I'd like to make love to Diane, then watch him make love to her, while you make love to me." Misty said excitedly.
"I was telling her how hot that would be as I pounded away at her. Diane is incredible. Behind my Misty, of course. I've also wanted to see Mis take a really huge cock. She is so hot, I know it would be amazing to watch."
"The love gets better. I've found love for Diane I never knew I had. If things work right, you'll see Misty in an even sexier light than you do right now." I continued. "How 'bout we get a little lubed up at the bar and see where it takes us, then."
"We're in."
At the bar, I ordered a vodka tonic, so did Diane. Remember, Diane says whiskey makes her horny, but vodka makes her wicked.
This should be an interesting night.
Now, Crush is a little shorter than I am. I stand at 6 foot even and he is about 5'8". Diane typically likes her man, or men, to be taller than 5'10", so they are taller than her. His dick seems to be about he same size as mine, but not as thick. And he works in construction, so he has hard, rough hands. Misty is about 5'5" with a full ass and little breasts. Every once in a while, she'll be wearing some top that is free flowing and her nipples will be standing out pretty proudly. I couldn't wait for Diane to get her naked so that I could finally see those amazing nipples. Whenever we go on vacation with them, they are constantly in their room having sex, so I know they are both insatiable. This ought to help things progress.
We have a couple of drinks and go dance in the sand a little. Each time we go to dance, Misty is really feeling and grinding Diane. D doesn't seem to mind. We keep drinking and dancing. One thing leads to another and Diane and Misty are making out on the dance floor. Seeing them there, Diane reaching down to Misty with their faces locked. You can see both their tongues swirling for the other's. Very erotic. "Hot, huh, Crush?"
"Too fucking hot. I got a hard on that needs some relief." Crush responds.
Enough. I grab Misty by the arm, because she's the aggressor and say, "Come on guys, let's go."
After the buzz-kill walk, we get to our room. I go in and turn on some music. When I turn back to them, Diane and Misty are making out again. This time, Crush is behind Misty, kind of grinding his cock against her ass and sliding his hands on her waist. So, I kind of nod over to Crush, kind of wanting him to do that to Diane, so I can do that to Misty. He moves, and I move in. We all still have our clothes on, while the girls are feeling each other up, and we are dry humping them. Diane throws her head back and reaches her hand behind her to play with his dick through his shorts. I look to be the only one with my eyes open watching at this point. We are both cupping and massaging the girls' breasts.
Then, I start to pull Misty's sundress up. She stops feeling up Diane and raises her arms. Off it goes. She has prepared for our evening by wearing nothing underneath. Meanwhile, Crush is helping Diane out of her shorts and tank top. But, D has a bra on, so off it must come. I start kissing down Misty's back wanting to lick her sweet pussy badly, but the girls grab each other arm in arm and move away from us onto the bed.
I sit in one of the chairs and Crush takes the other one. That is the girls' cue, and they start really getting into each other. Both bare assed naked, and writhing on each other. They are engaged in a passionate kiss, while their hands roam across each other's bodies. Diane really gives one of Misty nipples a pinch and she just moans. Those nipples are even better than I thought, and she likes them played with roughly. Her nipples are surprisingly darker than I thought, but that just makes you want to suck them more.
Then Diane slinks down to Misty's pussy and starts slowly teasing her by licking around the outside of her lips. Misty starts begging for her tongue. Crush and I are already naked and stroking our cocks watching our hot wives have cockless fun. Then, Diane puts her tongue right on Misty's button. She starts swirling her tongue and is definitely hitting the spot.
I don't know how much longer Misty can hold out. Not long it turns out. She starts wriggling her ass and jerking her head up and down as she comes. Her legs are holding Diane's head tight to her pussy. Then she stops.
"Good, God. That was incredible. Now its your turn." Misty says to Diane as she lays her down.
Misty then starts just going at Diane's pussy like it was on fire and she was a fire hose. I mean she's licking, nibbling, taking bites at it, and just ravaging it. "Slow..." D says.
At this point, I motion to Crush so that he and I will be on opposite sides of Diane's head. Then, I take her left hand and put it on my cock, which she starts jerking. She takes Crush's cock in her mouth and starts sucking it. I start touching and teasing her nipple, and she starts moaning her approval. So, Crush starts tweaking the other one.
About 5 minutes more of this, she grabs Misty's head and forces it to her pussy, while she starts bucking and deep-throating Crush. That's my girl. Misty finishes and sees Crush getting blown, so she says to me, "Looks like you could use a turn."
She takes me into her mouth, so I lay back, and she starts taking it deep into her mouth. I can feel the back of her throat, then she actually swallows my cock and I can feel her throat muscles trying to gag my cock down. Feels wonderful. Then, she takes it out of her mouth, kind of jacks it off and says, "How about you fuck me with that thick cock?"
"Uh, OK."
So I put on one of my last two rubbers and lay back so she can mount me. She climbs up on my cock and starts to go real slow, then just slams down on it. She was sopping wet and it slipped right in, then she starts fucking the length of my cock. Up and down pretty fast and with great skill. I look to my left and see Diane take Crush's cock out of her wonderful mouth and while she's still jerking it, she backs up doggie-style to him. I casually toss a condom next to him and he puts it on. "What is taking so long? Fuck me. Now!" Diane demands.
With that, crush grabs her fabulous hips and slowly pushes forward. I watch his cock completely disappear in my wife's pussy. Meanwhile, Misty has pulled her left leg over me and is fucking me sidesaddle. Rubbing Diane's ass, and saying,
"Fuck her Crush, fuck that tight pussy on Diane. Feels good, huh baby?"
We continue for a while, and then I pull Misty to the bed. I want her on her back, so I can drill deep. I've wanted to fuck her for a long time, so my balls are betraying me. I can feel my cum building up. It won't be long now.
As I start pounding into Misty, Crush is transfixed on us. He tells Misty, "That is the sexiest fuckin' thing I've ever seen. You take all that cock so good, Mis. Damn, you are a hot little cock slut. I'm gonna blow." And with that, Crush came inside my wife's pussy.
Soon, I was more than ready, so I told Misty, "I'm gonna cum, too. I want to cum in your mouth."
"Yeah, come on you big fuck. Come here and let me suck the cum out of your big fucking cock."
That's all the prodding I needed. I barely got the condom off and my cock in her mouth before I blew. I started coming, and she started milking me with her mouth. Surprisingly, then she stuck a finger up my asshole. I was shocked and trying to get it out, but it felt so good, and I just kept coming. Most of the time, I have just enough load for Diane to swallow. But, this girl made me come so much with her finger up my ass; she started choking. As she took my cock out of her mouth, to breathe, I looked down to see cum actually spurt out her nose. I must have bucked my cock down her throat during my cum.
Awesome, I thought. And she jacked the rest of my load onto her tits.
Once I finished, the girls gave each other a fantastic, deep kiss, then lay there for a while. We were all speechless.
Crush and Misty said thank you to us for opening their eyes to "all this". No, thank you. Then they just dressed really quick and grabbed their stuff and left. We decided to meet up in the morning for breakfast.
I was sure there was more to come between the four of us. |
Bed, Board & Boots | 111,439 | 4.59 | 108,321 | [
"shiny leather",
"tight fabric",
"mrs jameson",
"fuck mummy",
"tight red",
"skirt ridden",
"black boots",
"red skirt",
"leather boots",
"stiletto heels"
] | After I graduated from university I'd been pretty lucky, having walked into a very well paid job within a matter of months. However, the one thing that I wasn't prepared for were the property prices in London, which made it impossible to get a mortgage on somewhere decent. Needing to find a place before I took up my new job, I was faced with a couple of options.
The first was to look through the paper and find a house share, but after three years of sharing a place with a bunch of other people in their early twenties (with the accompanying mess, noise and arguments), I was certainly not going down that route. Option two was to get a mortgage on my new salary which, impressive though it was, would only afford me a rabbit hutch in London.
I'd sat wasting another afternoon in a bar trawling the property to rent/buy section in the paper, and was lighting my umpteenth cigarette of the day when I spotted a small line advert at the foot of a column.
'Lodger required. Comfortable house with all amenities, use of phone, bills included, close to bus route...'
I exhaled and took another gulp of my pint. Why hadn't I thought of it before? Peace and quiet, a handy location and the money was well within my range - a lot lower than I thought I was going to have to shell out, so I'd be able to save too. Fair enough, the lady who owned the house - a Mrs. Jameson, according to the ad - might be some old battle axe, but what the hell. I pulled out my mobile...
The phone was answered and I explained that I was calling about the advert. Mrs Jameson certainly didn't sound old (middle aged, yes) and certainly not like a battle-axe. She told me that I was the first caller, as the advert had only first appeared in the paper that day and that maybe I'd like to come around to look the place over, and see if we got on...
'Okay, so we'll say seven o'clock, then? You'll need to knock, as the bells' not working. Oh, and by the way...what's your name, love?'
'Okay Tom - see you at seven. I'm Pamela by the way...Pam, if you like. See you later.'
And that's how it began. Pam was great, the best landlady anyone could wish for. Well, that any bloke could wish for, anyway. Although it wasn't in the original agreement when I began lodging with her, Pam cooked a lot for me, and even did my laundry without me asking. The first time she did this I protested, telling her she didn't have to do it, but she wouldn't hear of it. After all, she said, she only worked part-time, and since splitting with her husband a couple of years prior, hadn't had to run around after a man, so it was a novelty - and at least I appreciated it!
I was bowled over. I knew how lucky I'd been, and to show my appreciation, I nipped out to the shops and returned with flowers, a bottle of wine and a peck on the cheek to say thanks. Blushing, she rubbed my arm, returning my kiss on the cheek and told me that I shouldn't have. But, as you know, we're always that much more appreciative towards someone when we find them attractive. I'll explain...
Pam was, well...you know how lads always fancied their mate's mothers? Pam fell into that category. Early fifties, full curvy figure, shoulder length brown hair, full lips, nice big juicy-firm breasts and a lovely round bum that had just the right amount of wobble. The icing on the cake was her style of dress. Invariably, this consisted of two things: tight skirts ending just above the knee and a pair of high-heeled knee length leather boots.
We got on very well. I'd moved in during the Autumn, and as the nights drew darker, and as my friendship with Pam grew, I stayed in most evenings. We lounged around on the settee, watching tv, drinking wine and chatting, and as time went by, we seemed to get closer and closer together on that settee, sharing the occasional hug or goodnight peck-on-the-cheek.
One cold dark Friday, I had made the usual attempt to battle the rush hour traffic, but my bus got caught up in a traffic jam. Combined with the onset of it snowing, by the time I got home at 7.30, I was cold, wet and pissed-off. Hanging up my raincoat, and kicking of my shoes, I noticed that the house didn't seem much warmer than outside.
'In here, darling. The boiler's packed up. I rang the engineer, but he won't be here 'till tomorrow.'
Pam was sitting on the settee, watching tv, wrapped up in a blanket. 'You're soaking love. Sit down and I'll get you a towel. Do you want a cuppa?'
'You read my mind' I answered.
With that, she shrugged off the blanket and stood up, as did a part of me when I saw what she was wearing. A tight red sweater which outlined the curve of her ample bosom, a tight red skirt, which ended mid way between her knees and thighs and my favourite pair of her boots. Long, stiletto heeled leather boots, the toes nice and pointed, the leather black, soft and shiny.
As she passed me to go to the kitchen, she rustled my hair. 'Get out of those wet clothes and get under that blanket before you catch a cold.'
I watched her walk down the hall, her bum swaying in the tight fabric and her boot heels clicking on the floorboards. Jesus, she was so...I blanked my mind. I was 22, she was over 30 years older than me...probably looked upon me as a son...stop thinking what you're thinking, I told myself.
I slipped off my wet trousers, unknotted my tie and covered myself in the blanket, thinking that as well as keeping me warm, it would hide anything embarrassing that may come up...
Pam returned a few minutes later with a towel, a bottle of brandy and two glasses. 'I thought we deserved something a little stronger than tea. Now budge up and give me half of that blanket!'
'Yes miss!' I said, giving a mock salute, and pulling back the blanket so she could sit down next to me.
'Less of that cheek my boy, or I'll put you over my knee and give you a spank!' she replied, sitting down and handing me the towel.
'Yes please!' I laughed, adding 'As long as you keep your boots on while you do it.'
She smiled, arching an eyebrow and giggled. 'You cheeky thing!'
Pam poured two large brandies, pulled her half of the blanket over her lap and passed me a glass, all the time smiling. She looked like she was going to say something, but then just began sipping her brandy while focusing on the tv.
We sat like that for a couple of hours, watching tv, chatting and knocking back the brandy. Eventually, we were two tired - pissed - people snuggled up. Her with her head leaning on my shoulder, her arm wrapped around mine, me with my hand gently caressing her right knee. The brandy had taken affect - we were drunk and warm. The blanket had slipped off of Pam, and her tight red skirt had ridden up around her thighs. My hand wandered, and soon I was slowly stroking her leg, touching the top of her shiny leather boot, moving over the knee, and gently touching her thigh.
Suddenly, I froze with panic as Pam placed her hand on mine, as it was inching towards her skirt hem. I'd overstepped the mark…
My mind spun. Shit. What had I done? I'd felt-up my landlady. Oh Christ...
'Tom...you do know you're like a son to me...'
'I know, Pam, I don't know what to say, it just...I'm ashamed, I...I...'
'Shush...' she whispered.
Squeezing my hand, she kissed me on the cheek. The shiny leather of her boots squeaked as she uncrossed her legs. Moving her thighs apart, she guided my hand and pushed it under the tight fabric of her skirt. My cock stiffened underneath the blanket, and I turned my face towards hers.
'It's okay, darling. It's okay...touch me...please?'
I pushed my hand up between her thighs, expecting to come up against her panties, only to be surprised by the fact that she was not wearing any. Her pussy was sopping wet, and as I lightly touched her lips, she moaned quietly. I slid a finger inside her, whilst pressing on her clit and at this, she spread her legs wider, lifting her left leg up and resting her shiny booted foot on the coffee table.
I leant in to kiss her, her hand pulling my head in towards hers as our mouths met, her lips engulfing mine. We kissed, and as we did so, my fingers slid out away from her pussy and reached out towards her boot. My hand rested mid-calf, and I slid my fingers slowly down wiping her pussy juices on her shiny black leather, before feeling my way around the stiletto heel and the pointed toe, finally resting with a grip around her ankle.
We separated to breathe, and Pam nuzzling her face next to my ear whispered.
'Do you want my pussy, darling?'
'God yes!' I panted.
We kissed again, deeply, as Pam undid my belt, unzipped my trousers and began to stoke my stiffened cock.
'You really want to fuck this old lady's pussy!?' She smiled as she wanked me.
'I've wanted my cock inside you since I moved in here, Pam. The fact that you're the age that you are, and the way you dress…and the boots you wear…just made it…harder…so to speak.'
'So if my hunky lodger here - who's been like a son to me - were to have his way, he'd like to…fuck mummy in her leather boots…?'
I gasped. 'Please…!'
'And would you like mummy to dig her stiletto heels into your bum cheeks while you fuck me?'
She didn't wait for an answer, but took my hand, stood up, and led me into the hall and up the stairs. I watched her round arse cheeks swaying in her tight red skirt which had ridden up around her thighs and gazed at her long black boots...the stiletto heels, the long shiny leather on her leg, and the boot tops where they met the back of her knees.
We walked into her bedroom. Pam stood with her hands on her hips, smiling while watching me strip. I then reclined on the bed, my legs spread out as I wanked myself. She peeled off her sweater, before reaching back and unhooking her bra, letting it fall to the floor. My mouth fell open, as I viewed her big beautiful tits, the long brown nipples hardened, awaiting my attention. Pam then unzipped her skirt and pulled it down. There she stood with only her boots on. I was in awe.
She strutted towards the bed, and crawling drunkenly across it, positioned herself astride me. Pulling her cunt lips wide she slowly, tantalizingly lowered herself onto my thick engorged cock, gasping as she took my full length inside her.
'I'm too old, tired and pissed to ride you darling' she laughed. 'I think you'll have to do the hard work, baby.'
'Roll over' I whispered.
We rolled over as one, before I parted her thighs, drove my hard swollen cock into her, and gripped her booted legs around the back of mine. I slowly stroked in and out of Pam, and knowing what I wanted, she took her cue and raised her knees, clamping her shiny black boots alongside my waist. The heels dug into my sides as the leather stuck to my sweating body.
'Is that what you want love? Fuck me nice and hard…come on…fuck me…fuck me in my boots'
'Oh fucking hell, yes…in your boots…your dirty leather boots…'
'Fuck mummy in her boots…fuck me…oh God!…I'm a slut…I'm a dirty fucking slut…come on darling…I'm in my slutty high heeled boots for you…'
Pam moaned and whimpered as I fucked her harder and faster, and as her long nails dug into my back, I felt her leather boots clamp harder against my sides and the sharp stiletto heels dig further into my flesh.
'Oh fuck…yes…!' she gasped as she held me tighter and I felt her pussy juices wash around my cock as she came. She flung her arms back against the pillows and tried to catch her breath. At this point I was so, so close to cumming too.
I gripped her ankles and lifted her legs up, bringing the soles of her boots right against my face so I could smell the heady scent of polished leather and sweat as I fucked Pam's sopping pussy harder and harder.
'Cum inside me love…please…cum in me…' she whispered breathlessly. At that moment, with my cock taken to the hilt inside her, hearing those words from her was all it took. I pumped my cum inside her, my body juddering with the sensation, and collapsing into her arms, my prick seemed to pulse, shedding every last drop of spunk.
We lay like that for what seemed like hours, her arms around me, and her hands stroking my hair as I nuzzled against her breasts, my cock limp inside her juicy spent wet pussy. |
Matt & Heather Ch. 01 | 20,840 | 4.5 | 154,449 | [
"high hopes",
"leg looked",
"lifted arse",
"lifted arm",
"simple white",
"flipped open",
"watch film",
"dating service",
"eyes shining",
"lost thoughts"
] | It was the sort of thing that begins with high hopes. It feels like a fantasy fuel adventure.
I'd signed up for a new service on my mobile phone, a dating service using the latest technology. It was exciting but as the months passed without any interest, my excitement faded into mute acceptance that I wasn't going to get lucky.
What was supposed to happen was this: You type your vital statistics into a web site, and list the characteristics of the person you want to meet. It was pretty comprehensive and definitely tailored towards the 'adult' end of the market, which of course was exactly what I wanted. It also required a photo.
Your details are entered into a database and matched with people who you're likely to be compatible with you. The clever bit came next, you tell it the details of your mobile phone and using the signal from it, it keeps track of you and any potential matches. When you get within a certain user specified distance of a match you get an alert message and the details and photo of that person, who, at the same time gets your details.
If both people tell their phones that they want to meet the other person then phone numbers get automatically swapped and you're free to get in contact. It's then up to both of you to decide whether or not to meet.
I signed up for the service 6 months ago, and up until last week I'd not received a single alert.
As I said, I started off with high hopes, I'd originally set the distance to 100 meters, confident of finding someone.
Three months ago, I'd pushed it up to two kilometers, the maximum distance allowed.
Even then, for three barren months my phone remained steadfastly silent, I considered changing my profile in order to attract more people but ultimately that was pointless, the whole idea was to meet a specific someone, not just the same old anybody's you can meet in any old bar.
Don't get me wrong, I've had sex in the last six months, some of it even good, but none of those women wanted the same as me, most I didn't even bother asking, they were vanilla when all I wanted was a little bit of rum n raisin.
One of them tried for me, she wanted to please me. Her name was Becky, a lovely girl halfway through university.
I still use images of her in my head when I masturbate. Her delicious peachy bottom raised in the air, as she waited expectantly and nervously for me to do my thing. She hadn't enjoyed it, and therefore neither had I. Well, at least tried she tried. I still have a soft spot for her, she has a new fella now, and I'm genuinely pleased for her.
And then a week ago, it happened.
I was in a pub with a couple of friends. It was the first time in ages I'd been out with them, they're older than me and have wives, girlfriends and children getting in the way of quality drinking time. They both have to consult their diaries and partners whenever they want to go out. A typical conversation would go like this:
*"I can do Wednesday next week but that's it."
"Nah, sorry, Camilla's got her gym class on Wednesday nights, how about the week after?"*
It doesn't help that I'm younger than them. They've done the partying, the drinking, the girls, whereas I feel like I'm just beginning. I wasted my late teens and early twenties and so now I want to catch up, but they're ready to put on their slippers.
I was on my second pint, settling into the comfortable seats of the cubicle. We were in a quiet corner of the pub, I was a little annoyed we couldn't sit somewhere with a view of the bar but I'd already accepted I wasn't on the pull that particular night.
My phone vibrated within my pocket, it felt like I'd received a text message. I ignored it for a few moments, not really caring. I doubted it would be anything interesting, in fact it was probably a spam text, and I'd been getting a lot of those recently.
During a lull in our typically mature conversation about the particular merits of older actresses that used to be and may or may not still be gorgeous (Goldie Hawn anyone?) I retrieved my phone from my trouser pocket, flipped it open and retrieved my message.
I felt a hot flush of excitement colour my cheeks, I tried to remain calm as neither of my friends knew about the phone-dating thing and I wanted to keep it that way. Beneath the table my cock began to swell. Could this be it?
"Anything exciting?" asked Toby, he's a colleague from work, I've known him for eight years and to my surprise, I was best man at his wedding, mainly due to him having no one else to choose from.
"Nah, fucking Modaphone telling me about their latest offer, you'd think they'd be happy that I'm a customer already, but no they want to squeeze every single fucking penny they can from me."
It was an easy lie to tell, my hatred of the phone company was well known.
I returned the phone to my pocket and waited, willing my cock to relax, as I couldn't stand up as I was. It took a while, images of Becky's buttocks swimming unwanted in my mind.
Eventually, my excitement subsided, well at least the physical signs did, inside I was wound up tight with nervous tension.
I made my excuses.
"Sorry lads I think that curry's getting to me," I said and disappeared to the toilets, locking myself inside a cubicle.
I flipped open the phone and read the message again.
Excitedly I pressed *YES* and her details came up on screen, together with a typically unclear phone picture. I could see she was a red head, slim and pale skinned. She wore a light blue slightly cropped top and it looked like she had a lovely smile.
"She'll do." I murmured to myself, my erection returning. She would definitely do.
Her name was Heather, she was 24. She'd not listed many mundane details about her star sign, job, hobbies etc. It seemed to me that like me, she'd concentrated on the interesting stuff.
I scrolled down through the list of options, reading her answers, she seemed like a perfect match, she was open, answering even the most personal questions, and her answers excited me.
It seemed that she was like me, eager to try new things but with little actual experience, she was curious and keen.
After scrolling down the bottom of the page I found another option.
I suddenly realised that she would be facing the same question, doubt entered me like a virus, multiplying with horrifying speed.
Of course she wouldn't want to meet me, in fact she was probably showing my picture around to her friends right now and laughing at me. What if one of them knew me already, my shame would be total.
Nevertheless, I of course, pressed *YES*. Another prompt immediately came up on the screen.
Again I pressed *YES* and then regretted it, I had to think of something quick, and the success of this whole thing could depend on it. Talk about pressure.
I wracked my brains and then came up with something, it wasn't great and given time I would hope I could come up with something better but quick thinking has never been my forte.
I pressed send and waited. Five minutes later, no reply had come and I really needed to get back to my friends.
I got very drunk that night, needing the alcohol to hide my nerves and increasing depression from my two friends. I don't remember the walk back home, I know I purchased a kebab from a van on the way as I found its half-eaten corpse lying in my kitchen the next morning. I also remember lying awake at two am and hearing my mobile bleeping as a message was received. I reached blindly over, fumbling in the dark and retrieved it.
Below that, wonderfully was her number and below her number was her message to me, it made me smile.
I was too drunk to even contemplate phoning but I found myself with a massive erection and couldn't help but manually ease the tension there as I thought of a red haired girl, writhing on the end of my cock, begging me to do her harder, harder, harder.
A week later, I was getting ready to meet Heather, we'd arranged to meet in a pub in town and then watch a film. It all seemed so innocent considering the context of why we were meeting. It almost felt like we should've started straightaway with the your place or mine question but of course, half the fun, is in the chase, the unknown, the seduction.
Besides, just because we were meeting because of our sexual interests didn't mean we were going to hit it off, we might've hated each other in the flesh.
Having spoken on the phone however I doubted we would, she seemed nice, softly spoken almost shy. Just hearing her voice gave me a hard on. We didn't discuss anything remotely sexual but the conversation was charged with it regardless, it couldn't fail to be. We knew why we were talking.
I got dressed in my favourite jeans and shirt combo. The jeans were faded, old looking but stylish and my shirt was short sleeved and white, made from linen. I always felt confident with this combination, I felt good and for me at least that's always half the battle.
It was 7:45 when I walked into the bar, Heather was due to meet me at 8:00.
The place was relatively quiet, I'd not been in there much as it had only fairly recently opened. It was all modern, shiny chrome and zinc bar tops and orange, almost terracotta painted walls with bright splashes of blue. At that time of night it tended to play funky, chilled out music, a Zero 7 track was playing.
The staff all wore identical tight black T-shirts and seemed to have been chosen for their looks rather than intellect, still that's not a bad selection criteria I thought as I ordered my drink from a very attractive, blond haired barmaid.
I settled in at the bar and surveyed the scene, checking to make sure she wasn't already here.
Looking around it seemed to be mostly the after work crowd in, there was an abundance of suits from the nearby office blocks, having a social one or two before heading home.
I looked at my watch again, time was going slowly, unlike my drink. I always drink quickly when I'm nervous and I certainly was then. I told myself to chill out a bit, it was just a normal date, except, of course it wasn't. Heather already knew things about me that I'd not even told some long-term girlfriends and she'd got all the info from simple multiple-choice questions.
Heather walked into the bar and my heart raced. I saw her before she saw me. She looked around the bar nervously, trying to find me amongst the small crowd.
I resisted, just, the temptation to get her attention by waving. So instead, I just watched her scan the faces, seeking me out. Her eyes eventually found mine and a timid smile formed on her lips. She avoided further eye contact as she approached, seemingly even more nervous than me.
First impressions as she came closer were good, she was prettier than her poor quality phone picture showed, girl-next-door rather type rather than supermodel type. She is however, all the lovelier for that.
She wore oval, thin framed glasses, which was a surprise but not a bad one. Some women really look sexy in glasses and Heather was no exception. Her red hair flowed down to her shoulders in lazy curls. She was quite short and slim, wearing a pair of beige drawstring trousers and a simple white blouse that revealed just a little of her small cleavage.
I couldn't help but smile inside, she really was lovely.
"Hi," she held out her hand and smiled. "You must be Matt."
I shook her hand, returning her smile.
"Yes, and I'm hoping you're Heather right?"
"That's me."
There was the merest hint of an awkward pause, we both stood their waiting and for that split second, it all felt like it was going to go horribly wrong. And then, sense prevailed and I asked her if she'd like a drink.
"Yes please, gin and tonic would be good."
I ordered two drinks while she stood next to me.
"Thank you, you'll have to excuse me," she said as I handed her drink, "I've not done anything like this before so I'm a little nervous."
"You don't look it," I lied, I'd wanted to add *You look lovely*, but it seemed too soon. I've never been good at giving or receiving compliments.
We carried on with small talk, from stuttering beginnings it began to flow pretty easily, all the usual boring subjects, of course.
I discovered she had been a librarian for three years but that she was bored with it and wanted a change. The only thing is, she didn't know what else she wanted to do.
"How about a nurse?" I suggested.
"No thanks," she replied. "You end up clearing up old men's piss and sick all day." I laughed.
"True but at least you get a sexy uniform."
"So, now I see your real motive. You just wanted to get me in uniform."
"Now there's a pleasant thought..." I pretended to daydream, tilting my head up to the ceiling, lost in my thoughts.
"Hey!" she cuffed me playfully on the shoulder. I was really starting to warm to her.
A drink or so later we got onto the subject of ex-partners. I told her I'd been single for a while, she told me about her last boyfriend, nice guy apparently. She'd been with him for two years but in the end, she just got bored with him, especially when he started dropping hints about marriage.
That was only a couple of months before we met and she'd not seen anyone in the meantime. It seemed she'd been plucking up the courage to join the phone dating service even before the split.
"So what sports you into?" she asked, leaning closer across the small table we had moved to, her cleavage tempting my eyes downwards but I was a good boy honest, well almost, I did sneak a little peak. The sight of a line of lacy bra cupping the pale swelling of her breast was my welcome reward.
"I don't really play much, I like to watch Formula One, can't stand footy."
"You ever done any extreme sports?"
"Yeah, I've done a bungee jump."
Her eyes lit up.
"Cool, did you enjoy it?"
"It was wicked, how about you, have you done one then?"
"Yeah, I've done a few, I love them, it's that moment just after you jump, when you're hanging in mid air waiting for gravity to take hold and your mind just goes blank and time just stretches out. It's fucking wicked."
I could see by the way her eyes were shining that this was a particular passion for her, it seemed this librarian was secretly an adrenaline junky.
"Have you done any other extreme things?"
She smiled.
"Yeah, a few things, I'll try anything once, as long as it gives me that rush you know, that buzz."
She seemed to get lost in her own thoughts for a second. I looked at my watch, we were nearly late for the film.
"We'd better get going." I said. "We don't want to be late."
"Good point," she said, rising from the table with me. "And I've got to get my popcorn."
The cinema was almost empty, with no more than about ten people in to watch the film. It was a summer blockbuster but it was nearing the end of its run, in a couple of days this screen would be showing something else and the crowds would be back.
When the lights went down, it was easy to imagine we were completely alone in the dark. Sitting side by side in silence, I was utterly aware of her presence beside me on my right. The film began but it was hard to concentrate. Her elbow was on the armrest between us, her left leg almost touching my right.
I thought of previous dates in cinemas, they were split 50/50 between the ones that ended up with excited fumbling in the dark and the ones spent in stony silence. If and when, to make a move have always been the questions, I knew my answer to the first. I was definitely going to try, the only question was when, and of course, how!
All my questions and prayers were answered however when Heather lifted up the arm rest between us and shifted across. I lifted up my arm and put it over her shoulder as she snuggled into my side, her cheek resting on my shoulder, a hand light on my thigh.
We stayed like that for a few minutes, it was nice. I was acutely aware of my cock beginning to grow inside my trousers, her hand resting not far from where it was pushing between my jeans and my leg.
I looked down at her, the film reflected in her glasses and behind them her eyes sparkled in the dark. She looked up and without realising it, we slid forwards into a kiss in the magical way that only first kisses seem to posses.
Softly we teased each other with our mouths, taking it very slowly, lips brushing, a flick of a tongue then a retreat. It was always swiftly followed by another advance, one step back, two steps forward.
Her lips were wonderfully soft, the softest I'd ever experienced. I put my hand high on her thigh, giving her a gentle squeeze. Things moved quickly from there.
Heather's hand found the increased swelling of my cock, and sliding her fingers firmly over the denim-clad shaft, she explored its length. Closing her legs around my hand, she pulled away from me a little, her eyes shining wide with excitement and then brought her lips to my ear.
"I don't want to fuck you, not tonight, but..." She pushed her tongue inside my ear, swirling it briefly around and giving my cock a firmer squeeze.
Her legs opened wider again and I took this as a clear hint, bringing my hand up to the apex of her thighs.
"Finger me." She whispered, as if I might have any other plans.
I pulled her head around, bring her mouth to mine, kissing her fiercely but briefly.
"Only if you suck my cock afterwards."
Her tongue pushed deep inside my mouth, I tried to bite it but she withdrew it in an instant.
"Only if you're good."
I kissed her deeply again, beginning to move my hand rhythmically up and down against her pussy.
"Pull your trousers down," I hissed.
She fumbled with the drawstring of her beige cotton trousers and then, arching her back, lifted her arse off the seat as she slipped her fingers under the waist and pushed her trousers and her white cotton knickers down to just below her knees in one motion.
"Take them off, completely off."
I watched her as she bent forward, soon there was a pair of simple white sandals, her knickers and her trousers on the floor amongst the discarded and sticky popcorn kernels.
She sat back in her seat and we kissed again, my hand resting on her now bare thigh, her skin bright white in the gloom of the cinema.
As we kissed I eased her legs up, encouraging her around until she sat or rather lay sideways across the seat, her legs over mine and resting her back on the next armrest.
I broke off the kiss as it was too awkward at the point to continue. It meant that I could look at her properly as I slid my hand up her thigh, towards the neat gash of dark pink flesh between her legs.
She was furry there, trimmed neatly but unshaven. Although my preference is for short or shaved pubes, It was a pleasant change and since the first time I'd seen her picture I'd been looking forward to seeing their colour, the thought of red pubes turning me on a great deal.
Unfortunately it was hard to see their exact colour, but they looked very dark next to her pale skin.
I trailed my fingers up over the length of her pussy, ending up in the triangular tangle of crinkly pubes. I enjoyed letting my fingers play there for a while, twisting them into rough strands, tugging at them, combing them with my fingers. I brought my other hand into play as well, trailing it up her leg.
I looked at her as she watched me, luxuriating in my attention. I noticed how small her waist was, how it flared delightfully into her hips, I wondered what lay under her blouse.
I leaned forward as my second hand reached her cunt, fingers flat against her soft lips.
"Show me your tits." I whispered.
"No, just one." She smiled.
My finger slipped ever so slightly between slippery lips.
"No." She said, shaking her head but then as my finger slid inside, a little smile spread across her face and she closed her eyes, nodding and unbuttoning her blouse as she did.
I looked around, remembering the public nature of where we were. There was no one behind us and the people in front all seemed to be thoroughly engrossed in the film.
I returned my attention back to Heather. Her blouse was undone and parted, revealing her sexy little white bra.
My finger moved inside her liquid center, exploring her cunt walls and pushing deep inside, my knuckles pressed against her lips. My other hand, the one that had played in her curls, now had its palm pressed against her mound, fingers hanging down to play amongst her folds and her most sensitive little bud.
I drew my finger from her and used it to moisten her clit, allowing my other index finger to circle the sensitive flesh, bringing forth the sweetest possible music to my ears, Heather's first little gasps of pleasure.
I couldn't resist tasting her, wrapping my tongue around my wet finger, drawing the sweet taste inside me.
I stuck another finger inside my mouth, soaking it in saliva, spitting on it as it left my mouth, a gossamer thread of spit remaining connected, stretching and finally breaking as I lowered my dripping fingers down again to her clit, spreading the slick liquid all around.
Moments later, she had two hands touching up her pussy once more. One of them sliding two fingers deeper and deeper within her, while the other rubbed her now very slippery outer flesh.
I looked up at her to see her lift up her bra, revealing her two pretty little breasts. They looked perky and firm with tiny little rice grain nipples.
She rubbed them, squeezed them together and closed her eyes. A look of indulgence on her face. Whether it was for my benefit or hers I didn't know and didn't care, I was enjoying the show and she was clearly enjoying what was happening to her pussy.
Her pelvis had begun to move up and down, writhing against the motion of my hands. She kept pretty quiet except for occasional little gasps, but they began to come more frequently, especially as I began to push more forcefully within her, building up my thrusts and curving my fingers upwards to her most sensitive spots.
My other fingers danced lightly over and around her clit, teasing and stroking it, they also slowly became more forceful. I explored her state of readiness, not wanting to go too hard too soon but wanting to fuck her.
I heard her begging for more. She moved her whole body now, her legs opened and closed around my hands and she pressed her bare feet down on the seat, lifting her pelvis up, and easing my access.
"Yes." She gasped.
On screen, a car chase had just started, there were explosions and crashes galore. The cinema was a noisy place right now, no one would hear her cries.
Steadily I began to fuck her harder, increasing the pace and strength of the fingers inside her, judging her reaction. She responded immediately and enthusiastically
"Hmm yeah," she moaned, her cunt pulsing around my fingers. "Harder."
My knuckles pounded her flesh as I finger-fucked her as hard as my tiring hand would allow.
She brought a hand between her legs, joining mine there and pulling in my hand harder, she wanted more than I could give but not for long. She was close and getting closer all the time, her orgasm building up, readying to come crashing down.
Her breasts were flushed with red both from the earlier rough attentions of her hands, and now from the growing heat inside her body.
One hand still moved there but not for much longer, she moved it up to my shoulder, gripping tighter, digging in her nails as her mouth locked open and her whole body began to stiffen, her movements jerky and erratic.
"Fuck! Ah, ah, ahhh." she gasped, short little pants of pleasure as it burst within her, her muscles rocking hard and squeezing around my fingers.
Slowly her jerky motions subsided and she sank down, relaxing into the seats, one hand clutching at her breast, catching her breath.
I stroked her legs tenderly as she recovered, feeling the warm satisfying glow of a job well done and knowing that my reward was coming soon. I couldn't help but think about those lovely soft lips around my cock.
As I pretended to be interested in the film she got dressed in silence, before sidling up next to me again, wasting no time.
"Thank you, I guess it's your turn now." She pecked my cheek, her hand wandered to my thigh and we were soon in a deep kiss, her palm pressing hard, rubbing me through my jeans.
I relaxed back in my seat and pulled at my belt, she undid my button fly with one tug, the buttons undoing with a pop, pop, pop, pop.
The, I did what she had done. I lifted my arse off the seat to allow my trousers to be pushed down. They ended up just above my knees, as did my Calvins.
My cock was more than ready, it stood tall and proud, its head glistened with pre-come and I dreaded to think what state my boxers must've been in.
"Hmm, big boy." She whispered as she kissed my mouth, running her fingers tentatively, teasingly up and down the shaft. It twitched at her caress.
She turned her head to look and dropped it lower, down to meet the uprising solid flesh, enveloping me within the hot, wet confines of her mouth.
She was good, she knew what to do and she did it enthusiastically.
One hand curled down to cup my balls, which always sets me off, while the other moved in conjunction with her mouth, up and down the shaft, spreading the wetness supplied by her mouth that mixed with that oozing from my cock eye.
She used her tongue hard on the sensitive head, causing me to moan. I moaned louder when her teeth grazed my shaft, nibbling at it, giving intense points of pleasure and more than a little added thrill.
"Ahhh, bite me." I moaned and she did a delicious nip on my meaty shaft, tipping me towards orgasm.
I slipped both hands within her luxurious red curls, gripping her head tightly as I found myself quickly approaching the edge of no return. I controlled her motions, pulling her back as it got too much, and when it had subsided a little encouraging her on when I wanted and could take more.
"I'm going to come in your mouth." I hissed, letting her know she had no option as I moved her head faster.
"...in my dirty mouth." Was all I heard as she attempted to speak, but she was hampered by her unwillingness to release my cock.
I pushed my pelvis up to meet her downward strokes, her hand moving swiftly, squeezing me hard as she wrapped her lips around my head, lapping at it quickly and hard.
It was good but when she began to tickle my perineum with her spare hand, it suddenly became amazing.
"Yes!" I gasped, lifting my arse up and spreading my legs as far as my jeans allowed, easing access and encouraging the tickling finger that was sending delightful shivers all though me.
I began to come, it grew from deep inside, a hot wave of pleasure bursting from my cock, into my body and into her mouth.
I jerked, riding the waves as she continued to pump me, drawing every last drop of pleasure from me, eventually stopping but she remained with her mouth on me until I began to grow soft.
Finally, she surfaced and rose to meet my mouth, I eagerly tasted myself on her tongue as I kissed her hard, showing my appreciation.
"That was great." I whispered in her ear "Thank you."
She snuggled up to me, resting her head on my chest
"I enjoyed it, I've enjoyed everything tonight Matt."
"Maybe we should do this again sometime."
"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." She gave my now small penis a squeeze and tugged up my boxers to cover it, in an almost maternal gesture.
Finally I pulled up my trousers and we watched the rest of the film in silence, occasionally tilting our heads together for a soft kiss.
I led her by the hand into the coolness of the night air and we embraced as other couples walked past us into the town.
We kissed again as I held her by the waist and then she spoke as I looked into her beautiful large green eyes.
"What are you doing on Wednesday?"
"I don't know, nothing as far as I know."
She gave me a quick little kiss.
"Well I finish work at five, I was thinking maybe we could meet up again," she looked at me with lascivious eyes and a bad girl smile. "And then maybe you could fuck me really hard."
I curled a hand around one of her buttocks, giving a soft squeeze.
"Only maybe?"
We kissed hard and I found myself growing hard once more.
"If you're lucky," she said turning away, eyes sparkling. "Goodnight Matt."
"Goodnight." I called after her retreating figure. "Take care." I added as an afterthought.
I watched her until she was out of sight, I had a smile on my face, and a date for Wednesday. |
HOT Wife Threesome | 178,475 | 4.61 | 927,615 | [
"slut wife",
"sharing wife",
"hot wife",
"hotel sex",
] | My wife, Brandie, and I, have been into the HOT Wife sexual lifestyle for a couple of decades, now. I've often been asked, by couples, interested in trying that for themselves, or by men, interested in becoming the other man in a HOT Wife threesome, how this lifestyle works, and what is a typical HOT Wife threesome like? I don't know that there is a typical threesome, because there's differences in every one of them. Different people, different ways they meet, different situations and places of the sex, and this variety is one of the things that keeps the HOT Wife lifestyle so fun and exciting. Every encounter is like having sex for the first time, all over again.
But for the entertainment of everyone, and the possible education of those looking to get into this sort of thing for themselves, I'm going to relate one of our experiences in the following story. This will have interest value for those interested in trying the HOT Wife sexual lifestyle for themselves, for those men looking to become that other man, and for voyeurs, because in any HOT Wife sexual encounter, there is a lot of "watching" going on, and for me, that's one of my biggest thrills about it all.
Sharing my wife with other men, was always, my fantasy and desire. I tried to get my first wife to do it and she never would. The break up of that marriage had to do with a lot of other things than her lack of willingness to indulge me in my sexual fantasies. But when I met my current wife, Brandie, I saw her as potentially one day becoming a HOT Wife. It took me several years of marriage to convince her to try it, and although it was originally my fantasy and desire, once she tried it, she came to realize just how much fun it was and how much she really enjoyed it as well.
Brandie has a natural exhibitionist streak in her, that she really never knew existed. I brought that out in her and through a long drawn out process, I showed her that her desire to be looked at by other men went a little deeper than just being attractive to the opposite sex, which is of course, what every woman wants to do. Once Brandie realized that being looked at by other men really turned her on, sexually, then it was a short step to getting her to actually have sex with other men while I, and maybe even others, watched. My wife found out that having sex with another man, while I, her husband, was right there watching and joining in, took her to new heights of sexual ecstasy never before experienced!
So, here now, is the story of just one of our HOT Wife, threesome encounters. Enjoy!
My wife, Brandie, and I, had been swapping emails, and doing Internet chatting, with a man named Matt for a couple of months. He had found us on line, in an advertisement, where we said that we were looking for other men to join us in threesomes sharing my wife. He had never done that before, but found the idea titillating and he was also turned on by the pictures of Brandie he had seen, so he was talking to us about how this all worked. I enjoy talking to anyone about the HOT Wife sexual lifestyle and don't mind sharing our experiences with others. So, I didn't mind the back and forth conversations that he and I had for months about how it all worked. He probably enjoyed more, the conversations he was having with my wife, that were a little less instructional, and a lot more sexual. Brandie doesn't cybersex chat, nor does she do cybervideo sex. Before computers, she never did phone sex, either. (Except on rare occasions, with me, when I was still a soldier far from home). But she would engage Matt in a back and forth about what she liked, (sexually), and why she enjoyed being shared by her husband with other men. And Brandie wasn't shy, with him, or me, about the fact that she liked Matt's pictures and was willing to have sex with him. So, eventually, Matt decided to meet us and possibly join us in a threesome.
No matter how long we had communicated with a man, nor how many pictures Brandie had seen of him, or him of her, every time we met a man, it was always with a "no expectations" rule in mind. We had to really meet, in person, and Brandie had to click with the man, before there would be any expectation of sex of any kind. Brandie was the one, to always make that decision about whether or not to actually have sex with a man. And sometimes, we had met men, with whom we had conversed for some time and whom, Brandie had seen pictures of and was interested in, from those pics. But once we met, she was turned off by something about him and so we ended up not having the threesome with him.
Although Brandie had the final decision making power about who we actually had a threesome with, I did as well. For instance, there were times, when we met a man, and she was so taken by his good looks and sexy personality, that her pussy was overriding her commonsense, and she didn't pick up on something about the man, that I did. Usually, this was something that just told me this guy wasn't going to respect my wife, and me, or that he thought this was all about him, when it's definitely not! So, while he was charming Brandie right out of her G-string, I didn't get a good vibe on the guy, and so I would veto any threesome happening. Brandie has always respected my intuition on this and so even if she thought the guy was right, if I said no, she didn't argue with me.
So basically the point is, that Brandie isn't forced by me to fuck anyone she doesn't want to, and we both have to agree on anyone that she does fuck.
We agreed to meet Matt, on a Friday night, in a hotel restaurant in a large city, about 50 miles from where we live. This is another thing that we usually like to do when meeting a new man for the first time, meet in a neutral location. So, that if at dinner, we didn't all three make a connection, then it would be easy enough to say our polite goodbyes and go our separate ways.
For me, as soon as we start putting some things into an overnight bag for the trip to this meeting, and possible threesome, my sexual enjoyment and roller coaster of emotions begins! When I see my wife picking out her sexy evening wear for dinner, and a couple of choices of lingerie for later, my sexual hormones begin to charge through my body. I'm watching, my wife, pick out clothing, that she hopes will entice another man to want to fuck her! My cock starts to grow in my pants. My heart rate ticks up a notch. My breathing gets a little faster. It turns me on to know that I'm watching, my wife, picking these sexy clothes, and thinking about fucking another man!
Emotionally, my mind is thinking several things. I'm excited and aroused, to think that my wife is horny, and hot enough to want to have sex with another man, even while I'm there watching. I'm proud of her that another man finds her attractive enough to want to fuck her. And there's even a little jealousy that creeps into my mind as I think to myself, what kind of a slut fucks another man while her husband watches? That seems like such a nasty, dirty, thing to do, and that thought, always leads me right back around to arousal! My wife, being a dirty, nasty, hot little slut, a woman, who is so turned on, so sexually excited, that she wants to fuck, and it matters not, if it's me, or another man fucking her, turns me on more than just about any other sexual thought I have ever conjured up!
So, we packed some bags, late morning on Friday, and made the short trip to the hotel and checked in by midday. This was not a cheap hotel. It had a very large and nice bar/lounge in it, that had live bands on the weekends, (they would have live music tonight), and a restaurant that required a dress code to enter.
We had requested a room with a single, king sized bed, and rooms like that, in this hotel, were huge rooms. When you entered our room, there was a longer than usual hallway, that had two closets in it, one to the left, and one on the right, next to the bathroom door, the bathroom being immediately inside the entry door, on the right. Just beyond the closet on the left, was a refrigerator and microwave, coffee pot, and short counter space for food and drink preparation. Then you entered into the room itself, where the king sized bed was centered on the right side wall, with a nightstand on either side of it. There was a fluffy love seat against the wall of the bathroom, on the right side of the bed, and over on the left side, by the window, was another chair and a couch. In the far corner of the room, was a desk and office type chair. In the middle of the room, off the end of the huge bed, was a bureau with drawers in it and a huge mirror on the wall above it. The flat screen TV was on the wall, in the corner, by the refrigerator and microwave area. It was a very nice room.
We settled in, putting all our clothes away, hanging up what needed to be hung, then went downstairs to get some lunch. We weren't scheduled to meet Matt, in the lobby, until 8:00 pm. So we needed some lunch, since dinner would be pretty late tonight. After lunch, we returned to our room and by a fluke, I discovered something really cool!
Both the closet doors had full length mirrors on them, as did the inside, and outside of the bathroom door. If I was in the bathroom, and the closet doors were partially opened in just the right way, and the bathroom door was half shut, then I could plainly see the big king sized bed, and whoever was on it, in the bathroom mirror, almost as if it were a large flat screen TV and the image was being broadcast on the screen! Apparently, the image was being reflected off the large mirror on the wall above the bureau, to the closet door mirror on the right, into the closet door mirror on the left, then into the mirror on the outside of the bathroom door, and finally, onto the large mirror in the bathroom, above the sink. I could see my wife sitting on the edge of the bed. I asked her if she could see me in the big mirror on the wall, at the foot of the bed. She said that she could, but not real well, (I didn't have the light on in the bathroom). I surmised, that later this evening, when the room was darker, with little lighting on in the room, that looking in the large mirror at the end of the bed, there would probably just be a dark square, where the bathroom door was and I wouldn't be seen inside. Before we went down to dinner, later that evening, I tested that theory. My wife confirmed that she could not see me inside the bathroom, even though I could plainly see her, sitting on the bed, in the bathroom mirror above the sink.
I thought that THIS was going to be a voyeur's delight, tonight! I love to watch my wife having sex with other men and I really like to be right close to the action, so that I can walk around her, and the man, on the bed, and view them from every angle and position. But sometimes, especially if the new guy is a little nervous, or, believe it or not, even with all her experience at having threesomes, sometimes my wife even gets a little nervous, and so there's a little tension while I'm sitting right there, in the room. With me right there, the two of them are a little hesitant to get things moving. So, sometimes, I have to leave them alone for a bit and let them get warmed up before I come back and get in on the action. With this setup, I wasn't going to have to leave, and MISS the action! I could be out of the room, but still see everything that was going on!
That brings me to this; at the beginning, I said that there is no typical threesome. There are probably hundreds of different ways to meet those other men, and different scenarios on how the threesome gets started and progresses. We have met men in regular bars, when we weren't even out looking for a threesome, who found my wife attractive and weren't bashful about letting her know, and we ended up having a threesome. We have met total strangers in adult bookstores, or movie theaters, and had a quickie threesome with them, without ever even knowing their name. We have had prearranged meetings with men at the swingers club and also chance meetings there, and ended up having a threesome somewhere in the club, or an all nighter at the motel afterwards. And I could go on listing several other different scenarios of how we have met men and had threesomes. And the men themselves, have been just as diverse. Different types of bodies, sizes and shapes, and experience levels. Everything from your lifelong swinger, to the first timer.
But how we were doing it tonight, is probably my favorite way of having a threesome. Meeting a man on line, who has never had a threesome before with a HOT Wife and her husband, communicating with him for an extended period of time before meeting, having seen his pictures, and he having seen Brandie's. This is my favorite way of doing it for several reasons;
First, the guy is inexperienced at the threesome with a husband and wife, so he is probably going to be nervous, and not too aggressive.
Second, Brandie is not going to be drunk like she is at a bar, or the swingers club. She might have enough booze at dinner and the bar afterwards to have a good, relaxing buzz, but she's not going to be drunk. Watching her have sex when she's drunk is fun, because when she's drunk, she has absolutely zero inhibitions! But, when she's at least half sober, she can be a little nervous herself, and it's much more real, sexual passion that she exhibits, once the action gets started.
Third, because the two of them, the man and Brandie, both, might be a little nervous, then the sex they have is much more like the sex that new lovers have when they are learning about each other, instead of just the raw, sexual passion of two drunks pawing at each other. That has it's pleasures, but I find this scenario to be much more sexually stimulating.
Because I have had a chance to communicate with the guy for some time before the meeting, I've had a chance to make sure he knows all the etiquette of a threesome, which is basically, anything he wants to do with my wife is OK with me, as long as she allows it, he's not hurting her, or disrespecting her. I would make him understand that Brandie is not very forward. That she wasn't going to make any first moves, (or at least she generally doesn't), and that once the sex got rolling, she likes for him to take charge. Although Brandie isn't a true submissive that wants to be "owned" and treated like a slave, she does like the man to take charge and she does like a little, gentle, man handling. And I always impress upon the guy, that Brandie likes to be gently caressed, touched, and made to feel like she is attractive to him, right from the start. If he is too gentlemanly, and doesn't touch her at all during dinner, or in the bar afterwards, then she's likely to think that he isn't attracted to her and she might not invite him upstairs for the threesome.
Lastly, I tell him, that nothing about the night is "scripted". That I don't direct the action. That how things progress and when and how things happen, is all up to him.
So, sitting around the hotel room that afternoon, waiting for the evening fun to begin, my sexual, and emotional, roller coaster went up and down. Every once in awhile, I would be thinking about what would transpire tonight and I would get sexually stimulated. My cock would grow to semi hardness inside my pants, my heart rate would quicken, and I would be anxious for the clock to move up to the meeting time.
That evening, about 6:00 pm, Brandie started to get ready. She took a shower and shaved her already cleanly shaved pussy, to make sure it was silky smooth without even a hint of stubble. Shaved her legs and underarms, again, they were already shaved, but she did them anyway. As she was doing that, my sexual, and emotional roller coaster took a steep uphill and a thrilling swoop down, as I knew that, my wife, was in the bathroom, preparing herself for another man! This is really the beginning of the sexual night for me. From this point on, my sexual hormones are racing through me and my heart rate and breathing goes up and down, my cock goes up and down, and I'm fully sexually charged up, all night long!
After showering, Brandie did her shoulder length, blond hair, in a nice style that fluffed it a bit and framed her pretty face. She skillfully applied her makeup to enhance her natural beauty and accentuate her best features, like her eyes and lips, upon which she applied a red lipstick, (not too red), that made her lips shine. Then she got dressed.
Brandie was wearing a blue satin blouse, that buttoned up the front and had long, see through chiffon sleeves, as well as see through areas across her chest, and upper back. Her skirt was a short black, not mini skirt short, but mid-thigh short, shiny satin skirt with a split in the back that came up to mini skirt height. When that split opened up as she moved about, it showed you her inner thighs up to within inches of her butt cheeks.
Underneath these, she wore a black lacy bra that was very low cut, to just above her areola, this combined with the see through portion of her blouse, and the fact that she only buttons the blouse up to the clasp of her front hooking bra, shows off all of the sexy cleavage between her 38C breasts. She also wore a lacy, black thong, the small triangle of lace on the front barely covering her cleanly shaved vulva, and the thin strap disappearing into the crack between her legs only to emerge again at the top of her butt crack to connect to the waistband in the small of her back.
My wife has the most incredible legs that you'll likely ever see on a 50 year old woman! Many of her younger girlfriends are jealous of her legs and wish they had them. But even though they were tanned golden brown from the sun and her year round use of her tanning bed, she wore a very high quality pair of black, super shear, real silk, garter stockings, with seams up the back. These are very expensive stockings, but they are of the highest quality and on my wife's legs, they are fantastic! The tops of those stockings were just up under the tail of her skirt, when she was standing up. Sitting down, especially on a bar stool, they would be right at her hemline and probably showing a bit of bare thigh above her lacy stocking tops. These were a special request by me, because I think her legs are so sexy in high quality stockings and I know how good it feels to touch and rub her thighs when she's wearing them. I figured Matt would like that too. When she walked, you could see Brandie's bare inner thighs, stocking tops, and a flash of a garter strap, once in awhile, through that split in the back of her skirt.
Her shoes were a pair of simple, but sexy, black velvet pumps with 4" heels. Around her left ankle, she wore a heavy gold anklet that glinted when it caught a ray of light and brought your attention to the delicate flower tattoo on the outside of her left ankle.
When she was done dressing, Brandie stepped out into the room, and twirled around for my approval of her outfit. She was especially concerned that the seams on the back of her stockings were straight.
She was exquisite! My wife was 50 years old and didn't have a "Barbie-like" figure. She had a curvy waistline, but she carried a little more weight than she would have liked around her middle. Her outfit, makeup, hairstyle, perfectly manicured nails and toenails, all made her look beautiful and sexy as Hell! She presented herself in a way that accentuated her best features, her killer legs, beautiful round ass, sexy breasts and cleavage, and her pretty face and hair.
My cock sprang to instant hardness inside my dress pants as I surveyed my wife's appearance and I knew that she was dressed so sexy, in order to entice another man to want to fuck her! Hell! I wanted to fuck her! Right now! I wanted to throw her down on the bed, shove her skirt up around her waist, pull her thong to the side and slip my hard cock into her pussy, that I knew had to be slightly wet, with her own sexual excitement over thinking about getting laid by a new cock before the night was over!
Instead, I stepped up to her, swept her into my arms and gave her a long, tongue swapping, passionate kiss.
When we broke it off, I told her, "You are so fucking sexy, that if that guy isn't interested in you, he must be gay!"
She said, "Yeah, just my luck. I've been chatting it up with this guy for months about getting together and then we find it's really you, he's after," then she laughed and said, "and now, after that kiss, I've got to fix my lipstick before we can go downstairs."
Then she stepped back into the bathroom to touch up her lipstick. When she was done, she placed the stick and a small compact, a comb, and her ID, into a small, black clutch purse, and we stepped out of the room to go meet Matt.
On our way down in the elevator, Brandie held tightly onto my hand and she said, "I'm always so nervous at this point. But, I'm also excited too. I hope he's a nice guy and we'll like him."
Even though we were the only ones in the elevator, because I was about to say something a little racy to her, I leaned over and almost whispered into my wife's ear, "I'll bet your pussy is already getting wet, too, isn't it?"
She never had to answer my question, because the elevator hit the lobby level and the doors started to open, she just looked up into my face, and smiled!
As soon as the elevator doors opened, we saw Matt standing in the middle of the lobby watching the elevators, obviously as anxious to meet us, as Brandie was to meet him. Matt was 40 years old with salt and pepper hair that he kept cut short. He was clean shaven, and although not a muscular build, he was about six feet tall and well proportioned, with a handsome face, (at least Brandie said it was handsome, I'm not a good judge of that myself). He wore a nice black suit, blue shirt and tie, and stylish slip on dress shoes.
We met him about halfway between the elevators and where he had been standing. He and I shook hands, then he took Brandie by her upper arms and gave her a polite kiss on the mouth.
Stepping back, Matt looked her up and down and said, "Oh my! You are even more beautiful and sexy than your pictures show you to be," then before she could say anything, he said, "I have been here for about ten minutes already and I have the Hostess, holding a table for us in the restaurant. Shall we go in?"
Then he offered Brandie his arm and she politely took it, with me going along behind, as if they were together and I was with them. That's cool, I thought, the guy obviously has remembered some of the stuff that we had talked about in all those email and chat messaging exchanges.
As we started towards the restaurant, Brandie told Matt, "Thank you. That was a very nice compliment."
"A very truthful compliment," he smiled as he responded.
In the restaurant, we were shown to our table by the Hostess and Matt pulled a chair out for Brandie, then he took the chair to her immediate left. I took a chair facing them, at the small, four person, square table. The Hostess offered us menus and took our drink orders. Brandie ordering a margarita, and Matt and I, both a couple of beers.
After the Hostess walked away, the three of us started engaging in small talk, trying not to talk too much about sex. Besides, over the months that we had been conversing on the Internet, we already knew Matt's story. He was married, with three kids. He made enough money that his wife didn't have to work, but she was so tied up being Mom, and everyone's community volunteer, that she had all but forgotten about being Matt's wife. Yes, they were happily married and there was no discussion of divorce, but sex was nearly nonexistent, and when it did happen, there was no real excitement to it. Yeah, they both got to that "happy ending", but it wasn't real thrilling getting there. So, Matt, was looking for some sexual excitement, and since he wasn't interested in meeting and establishing a relationship with single women, he thought he would see what it was like to be the "other man" in a sharing couple's sexual games. How he explained to his wife, where he was going to be all night, we didn't know, and didn't care. That was his business. Although we already knew this background on him, much of our small talk was about his home life and why he was there with us.
At one point in the conversation, Brandie offered up, "She's getting laid somewhere else."
Matt said, "Huh?"
Brandie repeated herself, "I'll bet she's getting laid somewhere else. No woman her age just loses interest in sex with a husband, who loves and cares about her, unless she's getting better, or should I say, more exciting sex somewhere else."
"I had once wondered about that, but then I just assumed she was so busy with all the things that tie up her time, that she didn't have time for sex with anyone else," Matt responded.
Then Brandie said, "Well, look, maybe I shouldn't have offered an opinion, but I know from first hand experience, that it doesn't take long to have good sex. You can have an exciting and quite satisfying fuck in a closet in 15 minutes, or you can have a boring 45 minutes in the bed with the same old man and the same old boring sex."
Shrugging his shoulders, Matt said, "Maybe you're right. I'll have to look into that."
After our drinks arrived and while we were making small talk and waiting for dinner, I saw Matt put his right hand under the table. Although I couldn't see it, I assumed that he was rubbing and touching my wife's left thigh and no doubt enjoying the feel of that high quality, silk stocking, covering her sexy leg. I looked at Brandie, she looked at me, and smiled a smile that kind of confirmed that he was touching her thigh. I know how much that turns my wife on. I suspected that her slit was getting moist from her own sexual urges beginning to flow inside her, as this handsome man was touching her thigh, just inches below her pussy. I wondered if he was going high enough to touch her pussy yet, but if he had, I think I would have known it by the expressions on my wife's face.
Not wanting to be too forward and pushy, Matt's hand didn't linger under the table long and he put his right hand and arm across the back of Brandie's chair.
I saw him lean closer to her and almost whisper, "I hope I didn't overstep my boundaries there, but I just had to feel your gorgeous leg! Those are exquisite stockings you have on."
As he was saying that to her, Brandie was sipping her margarita and when he sat back up straight, she looked at him and said, "No, you didn't overstep any bounds, and that was a nice compliment, thank you."
Our meals came along shortly after that and we all ate while making more small talk. We each had another drink with our meals and then followed dinner with one more before we moved to the bar. We could already hear the band playing in the lounge. As we all nursed that last drink, Brandie got up to go to the Ladies Room, and Matt and I gentlemanly rose as she got up and walked away, then we both sat back down. Matt watched her as she walked out of sight.
I asked him, "Well? What do you think of my wife?"
Matt took a sip of his beer and appeared to be nervously trying to think of the right answer, "Well, I really don't know how to put it. I've never talked to a man before, about how sexy his wife is. I'm a little nervous about what to say, and how to say it."
I tried to assure him that he was OK with however he said, whatever he wanted to say, "Look Matt, I'm here to share my wife with you. I think she's pretty damn hot and I don't mind sharing her with other men. You don't have to be nervous about saying whatever is on your mind about her to me. Just don't think about her as my wife. Think about her as some sexy piece of ass that you and I, two buddies, have happened up on, and we're going to share her, but she doesn't belong to either of us. Maybe that'll make it easier for you."
Smiling, he said, "That will be easier said than done, to forget about her being your wife."
Trying to get him to relax and loosen up a bit, I pressed him again, "Well, what did you think of Brandie? You got a pretty good look of her as she walked away. You copped a feel of her leg under the table earlier. Did you get high enough to feel her pussy? I'll bet that thing is so wet by now that her thong is soaked. So, what do you think?"
My racy language must have surprised him a little because I saw him nervously laugh before he took a gulp of his beer and answered me, "No. I didn't feel her pussy, I didn't want to be that bold and pushy. But she has fantastic legs. And her ass as she walked away, along with that peek-a-boo split in the back of that skirt, showing those bare thighs above her stockings, made my dick hard! You wanna know what I really think? I think I would like to fuck her!"
Laughing as I took a hit of my beer, I said, "There ya go, man, loosen up."
"So what happens from here," he asked.
I said, "Well, let's go in the bar and have a few more drinks. It'll be good to loosen Brandie up a bit too. You and she can dance, and when ya dance, don't be afraid to get up close and personal. She likes that, and I like to see that. When she wants to, we'll all go back upstairs and have a good time."
"Speaking of going upstairs," he said, "am I spending the night? How does that work?"
"You're spending the night if Brandie wants you to, and I don't see any reason why she wouldn't. We have a huge, king sized bed. She sleeps in the middle, between you and me. Although I don't know how much sleeping, any of us will do, the point is, she's in the middle. While we're in the bed, you do anything with her that you want to do, and that she lets you do, whenever you want to do it. I'll watch and join in as I choose. If I happen to be asleep, and you and she start fucking, I'll wake up and join in. If I don't wake up, then I just miss that one," then I laughed and swigged on my beer!
As I was finishing that about them fucking and me maybe sleeping through it, Brandie sat back down at the table, and with a big grin on her face, she said to Matt, "But he NEVER sleeps through it!"
We all laughed. Finishing our drinks, Matt paid the dinner bill, and I left a generous tip, then we moved to the lounge, which was already pretty full of people. We didn't see any tables with three seats open but we found two bar stools at the bar, so we took those and Matt offered to stand, until another seat became available. As My wife got up onto her bar stool, she showed off a generous portion of bare thigh above her stocking top and a garter strap. Once on the stool, she pulled her skirt down as best she could, but the lacy tops of both her stockings were still showing right at the hem of her skirt.
Matt was standing next to Brandie's stool, so he had to lean over between her and me, to make himself heard to me, and he said, "That was sexy as Hell!"
Brandie gave him a little scolding slap on the shoulder, all the while, smiling and laughing.
The bartender made it down to where we were and asked for our drink orders, Brandie ordered another margarita, that would be her fourth one, in a little under two hours, and she had eaten a pretty light meal of just salad and some soup. She also ordered two shots of tequila, some lemon and salt. Matt and I both changed up from beer to mixed drinks.
When the bartender walked away, I leaned over towards Matt and said, "She's getting started with the shots, two at a time!"
Brandie playfully slapped me on the shoulder then too, and said, "I'm not going to drink them two at a time! I'm just trying to save him from walking back and forth so much," we all laughed.
After our drinks arrived, I saw Matt standing closer to Brandie's stool and he put his left hand down on her left thigh. Then he started gently rubbing it up and down, even pushing his fingertips under the hem of her skirt a bit, so that he could feel the bare part of her leg above the stocking top. I saw him lean into Brandie's shoulder and say something into her ear, that I couldn't hear. She was sipping her margarita through her swizzle stick as he was speaking, a smile growing on her face. When he was done, I saw her turn a little more toward him, in the process, opening her legs a little more, and she said something into his ear. I saw Matt's hand, slip a little higher on my wife's thigh, and much of his hand now was under her skirt hem, feeling her bare thigh.
I later learned that what he had said to her was, "I can't get enough of your sexy legs. I hope that before the night is over, I can get between them."
She had responded, "I have no doubt in my mind that you will. But right now, you can slide your hand a little higher, if you would like."
Since I couldn't hear any of this conversation, I was just a bystander, watching and wondering, what they were talking about. My sexual urges began to rush through me once again. My heart beat a little faster, I felt my cock stiffing in my pants. I love watching these early first touches between my wife and another man. Seeing him desiring to have her so badly, fills me with pride, and seeing her reacting to his caresses by opening her legs wider, or kissing him, or in other ways positively responding to his advances, turns me on to see my wife acting like a slut! Matt withdrew his hand and we all sipped our drinks and made small talk about the people we saw dancing, mostly talking about some of the sexier women.
Brandie spoke up and said, "Why we always got to talk about the women? How about some of the sexy men out there?"
"I don't see any out there," Matt said.
We all cracked up laughing.
The band struck up a slow song that I knew Brandie liked and I saw her grab Matt's hand and slip off her bar stool, showing a good bit of bare thigh again as she did it, and take him to the dance floor. On the dance floor, they embraced closely and started dancing. Brandie had her cheek pressed against Matt's and I could see the two of them occasionally saying something into each other's ear. Every time they turned so that Brandie's back was to me, I could see that because of the way she had her arms, up and around Matt's neck, the split in the back of her skirt was pretty wide open and hiked up to where you could almost see an ass cheek! You could easily see her bare thighs and stocking tops. I looked around to see if anyone else was looking at that, and I think a couple of guys down the bar from me did, because I saw the one guy nudge his buddy then point out towards the dance floor. I smiled to myself with pride, that my slut was probably raising more cocks here tonight than just mine and Matt's.
I looked back at the dance floor, and saw Matt and my wife embraced in a passionate, tongue swapping kiss while they swayed with the music. My cock got instantly hard! This was the first real kiss I had seen them share tonight. The one when we first met, was just a polite "Hello" kiss. As they turned sideways to me, I could see that Brandie was pressing her pelvis pretty hard against the front of Matt's pants. I guessed, that his cock was probably rock hard and that she was trying to rub her pussy on it while they danced. My hard cock twitched inside my pants.
When the song was over, Matt gave my wife another kiss, one that was somewhere between a "Hello" kiss and the passionate one they had just a minute or so before, then they walked off the dance floor hand in hand. As Brandie mounted her bar stool again, this time not being so careful to be ladylike, she showed a lot of her bare thigh and once up on the stool, she didn't try to pull her skirt down, so that some of her bare hip was showing on each side of her, along with her stocking tops and a garter strap on each side.
Once back up on the bar stool, Brandie said, loud enough for both Matt and me to hear, "I need a cigarette!"
But she doesn't smoke. She was just trying to joke that she and Matt, had sex out there on the dance floor and she needed an after sex cigarette. We all laughed, but I was thinking to myself that I'll bet her thong is soaked with her pussy juices!
We all had another round of drinks and Brandie and Matt danced once again. When they came back to the bar this time, the stool on the other side of Brandie was open and so Matt took it. We were right at the end of the bar, and there wasn't anything behind Matt, except the wall covered in mirror. Brandie had already downed several shots of tequila and margaritas. She wasn't feeling any pain and she was certainly in a playful mood. As we all started another round of drinks, I saw my wife turn so that she was facing Matt and she spread her legs wide so that her skirt rode up on both sides of her thighs and she was showing Matt her black lacy thong that did little to cover her cleanly shaved pussy. I couldn't see her thong in the mirror, it was too dark, but I clearly saw her thighs spread wide apart with a dark strip between them, where her thong was. Then she laughed as Matt tried to run his hand up between her thighs and she clamped her legs shut, denying him the treasure he sought. I heard him call her a "cock teaser".
For the next 20-30 minutes, Brandie sat there with her back to me, pretty much ignoring me, as she was leaned over to Matt and they were talking and occasionally kissing. I didn't mind, my cock was hard as a rock the whole time, thinking about my wife sitting here, right next to me, in a public bar, seducing another man. Of course no one knew she was my wife, they probably assumed she was his, but I knew, and that's all that mattered. Then a song that Brandie and I have always liked, started to play, and she surprised me by turning around, slipping off her bar stool and taking my hand as she dragged me to the dance floor. On the dance floor, she put her arms around my neck and pressed herself hard against me. I could feel my hard cock being mashed between her belly and my pelvis.
Then giggling into my ear she said, "What is it with you guys? You can't dance with a woman without your dick getting hard?"
I said, "So Matt's dick was hard while you were dancing with him?"
"As concrete," she replied!
Then she said, "I want to go upstairs and fuck that guy's brains out."
Hearing my wife, blatantly telling me that she wanted to fuck another man, never gets old no matter how many times I've ever heard her say it! I felt my cock twitch, and so did she.
"Oh! And you want to watch me do it too, don't you," she teased?
Ignoring her tease, I said, "Well, when this dance is over, let's finish our drinks and go upstairs."
As the song ended, we shared a tongue swapping, passionate kiss and while we were doing that, I thought to myself, "I wonder what others, who have seen her kissing Matt like this while they were dancing, are thinking, now that they see us kissing like this?"
When we went back over to the bar, as Brandie got back up on her bar stool, Matt asked me, "Does it look that good when I'm out there dancing with her," obviously meaning the view through that split in her skirt?
I said, "Yup! It sure does!"
We had dinner about 8:00 pm, got into the bar about 9:45 and it was now close to midnight. I told Matt that we were going to finish our drinks and then go upstairs. He didn't give me any response, but I thought I saw a kind of startled look on his face. I wondered if maybe he suddenly realized that this threesome thing was really about to happen, and his nervousness was about to set back in.
When we were ready to go, I helped my wife down off her bar stool and I expected Matt to take her hand, or arm, or walk with her to the elevators, and act as if he was with her, like he had earlier when we went into the restaurant. But he didn't. He followed us, as I walked with Brandie to the elevators. When we went in the elevator, Brandie stepped to the back and Matt stood next to her. I expected that when the doors closed, they would embrace and make out, as the elevator took us up to our floor. I had seen Brandie do that with other men before. But Matt didn't make the move, and my wife stood there with her clutch purse clasped in front of her and looking at me in the mirrored interior of the elevator as if to say, "What am I suppose to do now?"
We took the few steps down the hallway to our room, I opened the door, and we all went inside. Brandie kicked her shoes off then sat down on the edge of the bed, near the headboard, with her right foot curled up under her and her left foot hanging off the bed. Here, in the privacy of the room, she wasn't concerned that her skirt was pulled up, onto her ass, and that her stocking tops and bare thighs were on plain display. In fact, if you walked past the end of the bed, and looked at her sitting at the head of the bed with her back to the headboard, like she was, you had a great view of her barely covered, cleanly shaved pussy.
Matt let out a little whistle and said, "Man! This is some room," then he went around to the other side of the bed and sat in the big fluffy chair by the window, up in the corner of the room, near the bed headboard.
I got a couple of beers out of the fridge and offered one to both Brandie and Matt. Then I opened my own and took a seat on the couch, in front of the window, near the foot of the bed.
Before going to dinner, earlier that evening, we had turned on only the small light on the wall near the head of the bed, over one nightstand, and the two wall lights on either side of the large mirror on the wall, off the foot of the bed. This gave the room a subdued, lighted effect, that provided enough light for anything we wanted to see, or do, but it also kind of set the tone for a sexy, atmosphere. As we started to drink our beers, no one was saying anything! I sensed that Matt had suddenly gotten a bit hesitant about this whole threesome thing and was just a little nervous. Here he was, in the room with us, he knew why he was here, he wanted to be here, but I don't think he really knew what to do.
So, I took charge of the situation and told Matt, "Hey man, you're new to all this HOT Wife, threesome thing, let me tell you about some of our hotter experiences at the swingers club."
Then for the next several minutes, I started telling, in graphic detail, using all the nasty words I could muster, about some of the times that Brandie had fucked different guys at the club. My hope was, that I would get the guy so horny, that he would go across the bed and start making out with my wife. He didn't do it. By the time I was done with a couple of stories, Brandie was done with her beer and she got up and went into the bathroom.
While she was gone, I slid over to the end of the couch closer to where Matt was in the chair, and I said, "You seem a little nervous to me, Matt," then I grinned, trying to put him at ease.
"Yeah, I'm a little nervous. This is where I want to be and I want to do this, but I'm a little unsure of how to get started," he confessed.
I told him to try to relax and just let it happen.
I said, "Pretend that you just picked Brandie up in the bar downstairs and I'm not even in the room."
"That's easier said than done," he grinned as he said it.
Then Brandie came out of the bathroom wearing one of my favorite nighties. It was black lace all over, very see through, you could easily see her nipples and the cleanly shaved slit of her pussy through it. It was short, just barely coming over her ass cheeks, and her shoulders were bare, as it only had two thin spaghetti straps over her shoulders to hold it up. The top of it, came right across the tops of her brown areolas and in fact, a little bit of each one showed above the nightie top edge. She had taken everything else off, so except for the nightie, she was completely naked. It always thrilled me to see my wife come walking into a room dressed like that, in front of new man, whom she has only a short time ago, first met. My cock started to quickly rise in my pants! I thought, that maybe she would come around the bed, sit in Matt's lap, and we would get something going here! We'd been in the room for nearly an hour now, and nothing was happening. But instead, she took another beer out of the fridge and went back to the head of the bed and sat on it in the same manner as she had been before. I guess she was waiting for Matt to make the first move, but I wasn't so sure that he was going to.
As she was walking around the room, I saw Matt staring at my sexy wife in her very revealing nightie and I saw the obvious bulge of his hard cock in his lap. I figured I had to do something to get the ball rolling.
So, as Matt and Brandie made some small talk, I got up, and walked down the hallway to the front door of the room. I opened it, then closed it gently, but instead of going out into the hallway, I just sidestepped into the bathroom. I sat down on the commode lid and watched Matt and my wife in the other room, through the magic of this mirror trick. I could hear them talking as Matt was still sitting in the chair and Brandie was on the bed.
Looking around, and not seeing me in the room with them, gave Matt the courage to say to Brandie, "My God, Brandie, you are so sexy in that nightie!"
I heard Brandie say, "Thank you. It's one of Joe's favorites. I've worn this, just like this, with nothing else but a pair of shoes, to the club sometimes."
"That must be one heck of a club you two have been talking about. Maybe one day you could take me there," he asked?
"Sure," Brandie said.
Then I saw Matt get up and walk around the end of the bed, and stop right near the refrigerator. He was looking down the hall toward the front door. He could see the bathroom door was about half shut, but there was no light in there.
He asked Brandie, "Where did your husband go?"
She said, "I think I heard him step out. He probably went back down to the bar for a bit. Sometimes if he senses a little tension,or nervousness in me, the new guy, or both of us, he leaves us alone for a little bit so that we can break the ice and get comfortable with each other."
Matt turned, walked over to the bed where Brandie was sitting, and he sat down on the bed beside her.
Now that he was so close to her, he spoke more softly, I just barely heard him ask her, "So, do we have to wait for him to come back to get started?"
I could hear her respond, I couldn't make out what she said, but I was pretty sure it was simply, "No."
Then I did hear her next comment, she said, "We can do whatever we want to do, and when he comes back in, he'll watch, or join in, whatever he wants to do."
She knew that I was sitting in the bathroom watching everything.
Then I saw Matt reach over and pull my wife's nightie top down, revealing her beautiful breasts with her large nipples already standing erect and hard with the sexual excitement and anticipation, that must have been coursing through her body for the last several minutes, waiting for Matt to make some move.
I felt my heart rate take off! I started breathing heavier. My cock was instantly hard. I thought to myself, "Finally! Here we go! They're gonna get it on."
Matt rubbed his hands over my wife's tits and her hard nipples. I saw her sort of swoon! She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out, as his hands touched her breasts and she knew that now, they were on their way to having sex! Then Matt bent over and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. I've always joked that I thought my wife had a secret nerve running between her nipples and her clit, because her nipples are so sensitive that you can often make her cum just by playing with her tits and nipples. She was so pent up with sexual expectation, that I thought this might be one of those times. I could hear her loudly moaning with pleasure as Matt sucked and nibbled on her nipple. I saw her put her hand on the back of his head and push his mouth harder against her tit. Then Matt pulled his mouth off her tit and went up to her mouth, locking on her lips in a hot, passionate kiss. I watched as they made out for several minutes, while Matt was simultaneously using his hands on my wife's tits and nipples.
He had her really going and I could her moaning loudly, around and into his mouth, and a few times she broke off the kiss and I heard her say, "Oh God, Matt, that feels so good," and "I love it when you pinch my nipples!"
Sitting in the bathroom, I was at the apex of sexual thrills and my cock was aching for attention! So I unzipped my pants, letting it spring out into my hand. Then I slowly stroked myself while I watched my slut wife making out with a man, she had just met several hours before. I was engulfed in pure sexual ecstasy!
Then I saw Matt move one of his hands down to my wife's crotch. She was still sitting on the bed, with her right foot curled up on the bed, and her left foot hanging off the bedside, like she had been since we came into the room. Matt was kind of sitting in front of her, making out with her and playing with her tits. As he slid a hand into her crotch, Brandie straightened her right leg out, stretching it out on the bed, behind Matt, thus opening herself up completely to his exploring fingers.
In the bathroom, I saw this all play out in the mirror, like I was watching an HD movie on a huge flat screen TV. As my wife opened her legs up so wide for Matt, I thought to myself, "Look at that nasty little slut! She wants his fingers up her cunt," and I almost shot my wad, right there!
My cock twitched, and a drop of cum leaked out of the little slit on the head of my dick. I roughly grabbed and squeezed my cock to fight back the urge to cum. It was way too soon for that!
I saw Matt shove his hand under my wife, and I heard her gasp and moan with pleasure, as his hand and fingers obviously made contact with the treasure she had teased him with, earlier, in the bar. Then she started gasping more, and moaning louder, as he started working his fingers in and out of my wife's sopping wet pussy. Brandie scooted her ass a little bit forward, toward Matt, so that he had better access to her, and as she did, I could now see that he had a couple of fingers up my wife's cunt and was finger fucking her in and out, then rubbing her slit, up and down. She was so wet now, that I could hear the squishing sounds of her juices, as he plied his fingers in her sopping wet slit! All the while this was going on, Matt had been alternately kissing Brandie, and sucking on her tits.
As he went back to suck one of her nipples into his mouth, this time, I heard my wife nearly scream, "Oh my God, Matt! You're gonna make me cum! Oh fuck! That feels soooooo goooood! Oh, God! Here it cuuuuuuuuummmmmmms," as she dragged out the word and convulsed into an orgasm!
I saw her body twitch and jerk and she squeezed Matt's head and face into her tit. I thought she might smother the poor man. Brandie moaned her way through her climax and then purred as it subsided and she relaxed, leaning back against the bed headboard again.
I heard Matt say, "Oh my God, Brandie, that was awesome! You are sooooooo wet! And it smells so good!"
I knew that both those statements were true. Brandie has the wettest and best smelling, sweetest tasting pussy I have ever experienced! I was filled with pride as I heard this man, who doesn't get this kind of sexual treatment at home, recognize that Brandie was something special.
I saw her reach over and rubbing the bulge in Matt's pants, she said, "I want that in my mouth."
Then she unzipped his pants and his hard cock flopped out into her hand. He wasn't overly large, but probably a little larger than I was, and I knew that Brandie was going to enjoy playing with that.
Matt stood up and quickly shucked his clothing so that he was standing next to the bed, totally naked. My wife turned herself, so that she now had both feet on the floor, with her legs spread apart, and Matt stepped between her knees so that she could take his cock into her mouth.
I don't care how many times I have seen my wife suck a man's dick, it never ceases to amaze me, every time I see her do it! I love to watch her sucking another man's cock. My wife is without question, the best cocksucker I have ever known. I've had prostitutes suck my cock that weren't as good as she is. When I first met her, I asked her how she ever learned to suck dick like that, and she said, it must be a natural talent, because she had never "taken any lessons", although she had practiced a lot! Over the years, I have had many men, tell me the same thing, that Brandie is the best cocksucker they had ever had, but some of them had to do it when their wives couldn't hear them. So, whenever I saw my wife sucking another man's cock into her mouth, I knew that he was getting a very special treat!
As my wife started pulling Matt's cock in and out of her mouth, going down on him each time, all the way, until her nose was in his public hair against his belly, I heard him say, "Oh...my...God...Brandie! I haven't had my cock sucked in years, and I've never had it sucked like this!"
She was too busy working on him to pull his meat out of her mouth and answer him, so she just kept on blowing him. She had both hands on his hips, and her head was going back and forth, pushing him in, and out of her mouth. He reached down and grabbed my wife by the back of her head and entwined his fingers in her blond hair. She loves to have a man grab her by her hair while she's sucking him and I heard her moan with pleasure as his hands went onto the back of her head. I later found out that was a part of one of the chat conversations that she and Matt had. At one time, she had told him that when she's sucking a man's cock, she enjoys having him grab her by the hair.
I watched with wonder, as my wife blew this guy for several minutes. I knew how good that had to be feeling and I knew that she could make him cum, whether he wanted to, or not. I saw Brandie reach between his legs and grabbed his ball sack in her hand and gently kneaded it as she kept blowing him. Knowing how good that feels, my own cock twitched at the sight of her hand on his nuts.
One time, she put her hand flat on his sack, and pushed it up, then ran her hand backwards through his crotch, until her finger went up through his ass crack and over his asshole. I saw Matt nearly get weak in the knees and he moaned loudly as she did that. She must have sensed that he was about to blow his load, because just then, she took his cock out of her mouth and wrapped her hand around the wet, shiny shaft.
Gently stroking his cock while looking it right in the eye, without looking up at him, I heard my wife tell Matt, "I could suck you all the way off right now," then she slid her mouth over just the head of his cock and gave it a couple of hard sucks that made him groan with pleasure, "and I will, before the night is over, I promise," another lick and suck, "but the first time," another couple of sucks on his cock head, "that you cum tonight, I want it deep inside me."
I thought I would pass out! My heart was pumping so fast, and all the blood in my body had to be in my dick, I could feel it twitch with every pump of my heart. I truly felt a little dizzy with lust as I heard my wife tell this man that she wanted him to fuck her and cum up her cunt! Could my wife be anymore of a slut than that? I loved it!
I knew why my wife told him that. Two reasons: Number one, she loves the feel of having a man cum up her cunt. She loves the warm feeling of him squirting deep inside her, sometimes sending the hot fluids all the way up to her cervix, and then flooding the entire inside of her vagina, leaking back around his cock, to seep out of her, and run down her crack to drip on the bed beneath her. And Brandie knows from experience, that the first load a man let's loose during a session of sex, will be his biggest of the night. That's why my wife hates condoms. She really wants to feel that blast of cum up inside her.
The second reason she told him that, is because she knows it will be his largest load of the night, she knows it will also be the best one for me to get sloppy seconds! She knows that after he dumps his first load of the night into her cunt, when he pulls out, she will be filled with it, and I'll have the greatest amount of pleasure sinking my hard cock into her freshly fucked, and filled to overflowing cunt!
I saw Brandie let go of Matt's cock, lay back on the bed, swinging her feet up onto the bed, putting the soles of her feet on the bed, with her knees pointing up, and her legs spread wide open. Again, this is another one of those things that I never tire of seeing my wife do, spreading her legs and opening herself up completely for another man to get between them! I've been on a sexual high, watching my wife with Matt, higher, than any drug could ever take me! This was a feeling that I would never get use to, it would never get dull, or boring, and it just totally consumed me, every time we did this.
Matt slid onto the bed on his knees and got between my wife's legs. Fortunately, since their feet were pointing right at the mirror on the wall behind them, I had a great view of Matt preparing to sink himself into Brandie's pussy. I saw him reach down and rub his cock head between her pussy lips, coating himself with her juices that freely flowed between her labia and all over her crotch. I could see that her inner thighs were soaked wet with her own juices. Then I saw my wife reach down and take Matt's cock in her hand, he released it, and she guided him into her open and waiting fuck hole. Once she slid the head of his cock into herself, Matt simply lowered his pelvis down onto hers and sank himself all the way into my wife's cunt, as deep as he could go, in one easy motion.
I heard Brandie moan with pleasure and tell Matt, "Oh Matt, that feels so damn good! I can't imagine why any woman wouldn't want that every day, ten times a day," making reference to the fact that his wife rarely had sex with him!
Then he muttered something that I couldn't hear, Brandie later told me that he said, "If I had a woman as sexy and hot as you, I would be giving it to her ten times a day."
Then he started to slowly pull himself out, then ease himself back into my wife's hot, juicy cunt.
Brandie started to buck her hips up toward him and said, "Come on, Matt, fuck me. Harder and faster."
"I'm working up to it girl," he said, "I just don't want to cum too soon, I want to make this last a while."
I couldn't take anymore of this hiding in the shadows. I wanted to get in on the action. Quietly, I stepped out of the bathroom and carefully opened and closed the room door, as if I was trying to quietly sneak back into the room, but I also made the door click shut loud enough, that they would hear it over their mutual groans and moans of sexual pleasure. Then I stepped down the hallway, stopping at the corner, to watch Matt as he picked up speed and started pounding in and out of my wife. Brandie looked over Matt's shoulder and saw me standing at the corner, watching them fuck. That was all the incentive she needed and my wife burst into a spontaneous orgasm!
She screamed out, "Oh my God! I'm going to cum! Fuck...that...feels...so...fucking...gooooooood," and I saw her push her pelvis up against Matt's as her orgasm swept through her body!
As her climax passed, and Matt started pounding her again, he was slamming into her so hard on every down stroke now, that she was grunting every time he bottomed out and I heard his ball sack slapping my wife's ass on every stroke, I quickly stripped off all my clothes until I was naked. I stepped over to the bed and Brandie reached out for my cock and sucked it into her mouth as Matt continued fucking her. I think this was the first time that Matt really realized that I was in the room with them, when Brandie turned her head and face away from him and sucked my cock into her mouth.
He looked up at me while he kept fucking my wife, slower now. His face was all sweaty dropping drips onto Brandie's chest.
I just grinned at him and said, "That's some good pussy, ain't it?"
He shook his head back and forth and said, "No, man, this is some fantastic pussy! Your wife is the hottest woman that I have ever had the pleasure of fucking! I've never been in the bed with a woman this good."
I was filled with pride hearing this man, who had his cock buried up my wife's cunt, tell me how good she was! I couldn't take anymore of my wife's mouth on my cock, or she was going to make me cum, and I was saving that for the sloppy seconds that I knew were close at hand, so I backed off and pulled myself out of Brandie's mouth, allowing her to start moaning and gasping again, with pleasure from the fucking she was getting. I bent over and kissed her, pushing my tongue into her mouth. I knew she couldn't do that long, she needed to breath, so I broke that off.
She looked me in the eye and softly said, "Thank you. I love you!"
I knew the 'thank you' was for letting her have this experience of a new cock. Every time she had sex with a new man, it was like having sex for the first time all over again. It's a new man, he does things different, he feels different, he smells different, and it's erotically sensationally different! Every new fuck from a new man has different thrills and causes different orgasms. That was what she was thanking me for. For letting her fuck other men. Brandie had told me many a time, that she could stop doing that and be monogamous with me, the rest of her life and yet still be totally, completely, sexually satisfied. But as long as I was willing to allow her to fuck other men, she was enjoying the variety of it.
The "I love you", was her deep emotional passion and love for me, and she wasn't bashful about expressing that, even as another man's cock was using her cunt!
I told Matt, "I'm glad that you're enjoying it. But we've got all night, til the sun comes up, and then some. No need to wear it all out now, enjoy yourself and fill that slut with your load. She want's it."
Hearing me, telling this other man to fill her up with his load of cum was pushing my wife closer to an orgasm, I could tell from her sounds and body language that she was getting closer. But he wasn't going to last long enough to get her there. Matt started to moan.
I heard him say to Brandie, "You are so fucking hot, I'm not going to be able to hold it back another minute!"
Then he drove hard into her, and grunted several times, as he unloaded himself into my wife's cunt! I stepped around behind them and looked at his cock buried so deep into her, that all I could see was his ball sack, which was flinching with each squirt of his semen deep inside my wife. Then I saw some of his white fluids seeping out around his cock and seeping out from under his ball sack, to run down Brandie's crack and onto the bedspread under them. The sight of another man cumming inside my wife's cunt, is nearly enough to make me blow my load without any physical interaction at all!
I heard Brandie cooing and saying, "Oh, Baby! That feels soooo good inside me!"
This shit was all about to make me blow my load, just watching it, and listening to these two! I wanted him to get the Hell out of the way, so I could get in there, but I didn't get rude, and I patiently waited for them to get done.
Matt relaxed on top of Brandie for a moment, he bent down and kissed her softly, lovingly, and then I heard him thank her for "that".
She told him, "The night is still young, we have time for more of that before it's over, but it's Joe's turn."
I think she needed to remind him that I was waiting, so he needed to get up, out of the way. He quickly pulled his softening cock out of my wife's cum filled cunt and as his cock vacated her, I saw her little oval opening, full of his white load, and much of it running down her crack and around her asshole.
I crawled onto the bed, between my wife's legs and quickly, unceremoniously, sank my hard cock all the way to the bottom, in one quick stroke. Brandie cooed as I entered her and then moaned as I bottomed out, pressing my pelvic bone against her clit.
I laid there, motionless for a few moments, taking in all the delicious feelings of having my cock buried balls deep into my wife's freshly fucked and cum filled snatch. It was so hot, inside her. She's never that physically hot when you first start fucking her, so that is one of the pleasures of sloppy seconds. Her pussy is already hot from the sex she's been having. Then there's the feeling of all the slick sloppiness of the other man's cum, mixed with my wife's own juices, still inside her cunt and smeared all over her crotch, the inside of her thighs, and running down her ass. This is the Heaven of sloppy seconds! There's no feeling on earth better than getting sloppy seconds from your own wife. Unless it's sloppy thirds, fourths, or, you get the picture. And beyond just the physical feelings of having my hard cock engulfed by her freshly fucked cunt, are the emotional feelings that race through my mind and my heart. The knowledge that "my wife" had just laid there and fucked another man, and let him fill her with his load of cum, is mind boggling! It seems like such a slutty thing for her to do, but it's also so erotic and sexually stimulating.
I softly told her, "You know I'm so keyed up, I'm not going to last long, so if you can get to that orgasm quickly, I'll try to help you along."
Wrapping her legs around my ass and her arms around my neck, Brandie whispered into my ear, "He almost had me there, I can get there quickly, just fuck me for a few minutes."
I started slowly stroking in and out of my wife. It didn't matter to her if I was going fast, or slow. This was my cock, this was me, and her love for me was all the sexual stimulation she needed. I could do her fast and hard, or slow and easy, either way, as long as I was stroking her, she was going to get to that orgasm. She kissed me passionately, shoving her tongue into my mouth. I started to pick up a little bit of speed and I was slamming into her now, hard enough that my ball sack was now spanking her ass on every in stroke. I felt her building to that orgasm and then she went over the edge. Screaming in my ear as she gripped me tight around the neck and pulled my pelvis into her as tight as she could get it, making me push my pelvic bone against her clit, I felt my wife's cunt muscles grabbing and releasing my cock as the spasms swept through her cunt and her whole body. She jerked several times, as if she was receiving an electric shock, only this was a much more pleasant sensation.
This was all I could stand.
I looked into my wife's face and I told her, "You fucking slut! You're going to make me cum and you know it! You know that I don't have the power to withstand your hot pussy and I'm going to dump my load into you, to mix with Matt's."
Grinning as her own climax was subsiding and she was enjoying the afterglow of her own orgasm, Brandie opened her eyes, and looked into mine, and said, "Let it go, Baby! Let it feel so good! Give me your cum!"
I shoved hard into her as my cock squirted several times, I thought my asshole was going to go through the head of my dick, and I honestly, momentarily, saw stars! I think every ounce of blood in my body was in my cock! As my orgasm waned and I regained normal breathing again, I tenderly kissed my wife, whispered, "I love you", into her ear, pulled myself out of her, and stood up next to the bed.
I looked down at my wife laying there on the bed, sweaty, her crotch completely soaked with the mixtures of both Matt's and my semen, and her own orgasmic fluids, soaking everything between her legs. That little open oval where my cock had just been, filled with a little puddle of two men's cum and her own juices. Her tits still exposed, her nipples still standing erect but not as hard now, she was panting slightly and trying to regain normal breathing.
I looked over at Matt, who had sat back down in his chair, naked, cock still glistening from having been up my sexy wife's hot cunt, and I said, "Come here, man," he got up and stepped over beside me, "have you ever seen anything so lovely in your life? I love to see her like this. She's never sexier, than she is right at this moment. Right now, she is more beautiful than any art, statue, or high dollar model in the world! This is why I do this. It's truly my honor to see my wife so completely sexually satisfied and know that I helped make her that way, even though I didn't do it all by myself. She is just plain gorgeous!"
Matt, was speechless. He didn't know what to say.
All he could do was mutter, "I agree," but then he added, "I've never had the opportunity to see a woman like this, ever, in my lifetime."
Then Brandie, started to get up, causing huge globs of cum to squirt out of her fuck hole onto the bedspread, and some of it to run down her crack.
She reached her hand up towards me and said, "Quit admiring your handiwork and help me up. I gotta go to the bathroom."
After she went into the bathroom, I got a couple of fresh beers out of the fridge and offered Matt one, then opened mine. I took a big swig.
Then I asked Matt, "How was that? You over your nervousness now?"
"Oh yeah, man. That was an awesome experience. I think I can do this again without being so tense and nervous," he said as he sat back down in his chair.
Matt and I are just sitting around with our wet cocks getting crusty from drying cum and drinking beer like we're discussing a football game. I grabbed a hand towel that I had brought out of the bathroom with me earlier and left on the counter by the microwave. That was just in case I couldn't wait my turn and I busted my nut too soon. I wiped my cock off, then threw it over to Matt for him to use. He did the same.
When Brandie came out of the bathroom, her hair was freshly combed, her makeup touched up, including her red lipstick, and she had washed herself up between her legs so that she was quite fresh, except maybe from some cum still leaking a little bit from deep inside her, that only a douche would have flushed out.
It was well past 2:00am, Brandie pulled the covers back on the bed and said, "I don't know about you two, but I could use a little nap."
She slid into the middle of the big king sized bed and I got in on the side by the bathroom, while Matt got in on the side by the window.
I turned out the light over the nightstand, the other two lights on the wall by the big mirror weren't bright enough to keep us awake, so we just left them on.
I heard Matt ask Brandie, "So, who do you cuddle up to?"
She giggled a little and said, "I take turns. But since you're our guest, I'll start with you."
Then she rolled over towards him, wrapped her left arm up over him and cuddled into his front. For the next 15-20 minutes, I could hear them kissing and lightly making out a little and whispering to each other every once in a while. I couldn't make everything out, but once, I think I heard him say, "Oh, that feels so good.", and she said once, "Yes, that is nice." So they were apparently playing around a little and having a little conversation that I couldn't hear all of. Later, Brandie told me they were just laying there, making out, and petting each other, she gently stroking his cock and him petting her pussy. Then, I must have fell asleep.
The sounds of my wife moaning with sexual abandonment, woke me up. I looked at the clock on the nightstand, it was 4:30am. I had been asleep maybe an hour and a half. I looked to my right and saw my wife, laying on her back, with Matt's face buried between her thighs eating her pussy. I rolled over and leaned up on my right elbow, placing my face right above hers. Her eyes were closed, as she moaned with delight, at the sensations that Matt's tongue and mouth were bringing to her pussy. When she felt me move next to her, she opened her eyes and looked right into my face.
I planted my lips on hers and gave her a passionate kiss. She opened her mouth and let me briefly explore the inside of her mouth with my tongue, then she turned her head to the side, forcing me to break off the kiss, because she needed to breath and gasp with pleasure. I could smell the scent of my wife's juicy pussy filling the air and I knew that they must have been at this awhile before I woke up.
I asked her, "He been doing that to you awhile now? It must be pretty good, huh?"
She broke out with a huge grin and said, "Oh my God! This man is eating me soooooo good! He's already made me cum twice! I don't know how you slept through those," she stopped to gasp as he did something, or hit a particular spot, then getting louder and louder as she spoke, almost screaming towards the end, she said, , "but oh...my...God, you're just in time because he's going to make me cum again...and I'm gonna squirt!"
Then my wife burst out in a screaming moan, which transitioned into a growl and a groan, as her whole body tensed up, she arched her back, grabbed his head in both her hands and pushed him hard against her crotch. I saw her belly harden, then spasm, and she screamed with total sexual ecstasy, as she squirted a copious amount of hot fluids, from deep within her cunt, that shot out of her vagina and literally soaked Matt's face, some of it squirting past his face and hitting him on the chest, and flooding and soaking the bed underneath her ass and his chest! The air filled with a new, stronger, much more pungent aroma of my wife's fresh orgasmic juices being sprayed all over Matt and the bed.
As her climax hit it's apex and her orgasm washed through her, slowly, and joyfully, slipping away through her body, Brandie relaxed and laid back down on the bed, huffing and puffing her breath, her tits heaving up and down as she tried to restore normal breathing.
Matt sat up on the far edge of the bed, swinging his feet onto the floor, and even in the dim light of the room, I could see that his face, neck, chest, nearly his whole upper torso was absolutely soaked with my wife's juices.
He looked at me and said, "My God, man! Does she do that all the time? I've heard about women doing that, but I've never experienced that in real life. I thought that was just a dream of porn writers and porn film special effects. I didn't know that women really squirted like that!"
I laughed and said, "No, she doesn't do it all the time, but when she's really hot, really turned on, and a man is doing something really good to her, you can trip her squirting trigger, and when you do, she will literally soak you."
"No shit," Matt said laughing, "I thought she was gonna drown me! When she first started squirting, I had my mouth open on her slit and the first squirt went right in my mouth! I moved my face out of the way and she hit me on the neck and chest with the next couple of squirts. That was fucking amazing," then addressing himself to Brandie, who had been laying there listening to us talk about her orgasmic explosion as if she wasn't even there, he said, "So, I guess I get a passing grade in pussy eating?"
That made me laugh, and my wife giggled as she was still breathing hard but regaining some composure, then she said, "Yeah. Yeah, I think you'll pass the course," making us all laugh harder, then she said, "oh my God, this bed is so fucking wet!"
Matt, said, "You did it."
"No! YOU did it," she said, pointing at him!
Then she sat up, swinging her feet over his side of the bed and she stood up to go to the bathroom. As she walked past Matt, she grabbed the hand towel that he and I had used before, and was laying on the arm of a chair and she tossed at him, so he could wipe himself off.
While she was gone, I just laid there on my side of the bed, watching Matt wipe his face and chest off like he had just got out of a swimming pool.
Then he stood up and said, "She's right. This bed is as wet as it would be if some kid had pissed in it."
I said, "Lay that towel over it, then the sheets and covers over it, and sleep on top of the covers, use the bedspread for a cover over you."
So Matt spread the towel out over the wet spot, it didn't cover the whole thing, but most of it, then spread the sheets and blankets over it. He pulled the bedspread back and laid down on the blankets.
When Brandie came back from the bathroom, she came to my side of the bed and crawled on top of me. We embraced in some warm, tender, passionate, love making. Gentle, not hurried kissing and making out.
She whispered into my ear, "I love you so much. No woman could ask for a better husband."
She was trying to tell me how much she truly loved me, and not just because I let her fuck other men, but because the "gift", and it truly is a gift, of new sexual experiences and orgasms, that she gets from each of our sexual adventures, is a gift that only I can give her. Like many women, she could cheat, and maybe get those physical sexual feelings. But the way we do it, she doesn't have to hide, feel guilty, or be ashamed of what she does, and so it only heightens the actual physical effects of the explosive orgasms that she experiences. She never wants me to forget, how much she loves me for giving her that gift!
I wondered what Matt was thinking as he lay there, right next to us in the bed, hearing her telling me how much she loves me, while we "make love", as if he doesn't even exist? I wondered if it made him feel awkward, and I resolved myself to broach the subject with him some other time.
After several minutes of making love to me, Brandie slipped off and onto the bed between Matt and me.
I heard her say to Matt, "I made you a promise earlier tonight, that I need to make good on."
Then she slid down his body, and taking his semi hard cock in her hand, she popped it into her mouth and started giving him a blow job, that I knew would end with him shooting himself into the back of her throat. It only took a minute, I could see that he was at full hardness, and my wife was licking, sucking, and jacking his cock with all the expertise she had gained from years of experience, giving blow jobs. As I stated earlier, Brandie is the best cocksucker I've ever known and many a man has agreed with me.
I laid there watching for about 15 minutes, with my own cock hard as a rock and wanting some attention. I slowly stroked it several times as I laid there, allowing them to have this "alone time", without me interrupting. I could hear Matt several times, moaning, gasping, breathing hard.
Several times he would say things like, "Oh, Brandie! That is wonderful!", "Oh my, you are sucking me sooooo goooood!", "Yes. YES! Oh, God that's soooo good."
Then I broke into the mental trance that Matt was in, where his entire body of nerves were centralized all in his cock, right at that moment, I spoke up and said, "As good as that feels, you want to know how to make that even better?"
"Oh, there's no way you can make this better," he said!
"Oh yes there is! Watch this."
Then I rolled over and slid my hand over my wife's ass, in between her legs, and slipped a couple of fingers up her still sopping wet cunt. When I did that, her body twitched, and I heard her moan. She sucked even harder on Matt's cock in her mouth and squeezed his ball sack with her hand that she had been gently rubbing. I sent her into a sort of overdrive of sexual desire and passion as she tried even harder to give Matt an even better blow job! When she's sucking a cock and someone starts playing with her pussy, her own sexual levels begin to rise, and so she tries harder to take the man, who's cock she's sucking, up that roller coaster climb with her.
I heard Matt moan with a renewed pleasure and he said, "Oh, MAN! That is awesome! DAMN! That feels good! It feels like she's trying to suck my cock out by the root. I don't how much more of that I can take, but I wish I could make it last FOREVER!"
Then I withdrew my hand, got onto my knees and grabbed Brandie by her hips, pulling her up onto her knees. She knew what I wanted and she was more than willing to submit. I positioned myself behind her, grabbed my hard cock in one hand, slipped it between her soaked pussy lips, and pushing my hips forward, I sank myself into my wife's hot cunt. As I slid in and bottomed out, I heard her moan with delight around Matt's cock in her mouth.
Then I told Matt, "You hold on for a few more minutes and when I make this slut cum, you'll have an experience that will absolutely blow you mind, and your load!"
"You better hurry," he said!
I started fucking Brandie, slamming back and forth, my pelvis and balls slapping against her and making a slapping sound every time I slammed in. She was on her elbows on each side of Matt's legs, trying to steady herself as I gave her a hard fucking, and she was sucking his cock for all she was worth. It only took me just a few minutes and I could tell by her body language, that I had her ready to explode. A few more strokes and she went over the edge into a huge orgasm. I heard her moan without taking Matt's cock out of her mouth and I could see that she had her hand on his balls and her mouth all the way down on his cock and was sucking him like she was trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose! I have been on that end of this game before, so I knew what this was feeling like for Matt.
I felt my wife's cunt muscles contract and squeeze then release and squeeze again on my cock as she secreted a new flood of orgasmic juices that felt so warm and slick as they enveloped my hard cock.
I heard Matt moaning louder and he said, "Oh God, Brandie! I can't hold it back now, you're gonna make me cum," then he started grunting as he squirted his load into my wife's mouth and throat!
This whole scene was so erotic, nasty, so sexually deviant to me, that my own sexual urges were out of control and I lost myself into my wife's cunt, cumming almost simultaneously with Matt filling her mouth. When my cock had spurted it's last time inside her, I froze there, with my hands on my wife's hips, my softening cock up her cum soaked cunt, and waited to regain some control of my breath and motor skills, before I tried to move. I know the term, mind blowing orgasm is a bit overused, but there are times when I have an orgasm with my wife, and I truly do, momentarily, see stars as I'm cumming, and I feel light headed. This was one of those, and I wanted to make sure I could move without falling over and making a fool of myself, before I pulled out of her and tried to lay down.
Brandie had swallowed as much of Matt's spunk as she could, taken his cock out of her mouth, and was now stroking it with her hand and licking some of his creamy white cum off him, that had escaped her hungry mouth.
Matt, was laying on his back, gasping, breathing hard and moaning.
With his eyes closed, not looking at, or directing his comments to either of us, he said, "That was the most mind blowing orgasm I've ever experienced!" (See? I told you the term is overused, but sometimes, it fits!)
When we all finally parted, and laid back down on the bed, with Brandie in between us again, she gave Matt a kiss and told him it was "my turn", then she turned and cuddled up to me. We must have all fell asleep pretty quickly after that.
I woke up with my wife's arm stretched over me and rubbing my cock, which apparently had started to harden before I even woke up. As I opened my eyes, I saw that the clock said it was 8:00am and the sun was shining brightly though the window. We hadn't ever closed the curtains, because we were on the 7th floor of this hotel and no one could see in the window. I saw Matt walk past the end of the bed, into the little hallway towards the front door, naked.
Without rolling over, I said to Brandie, "I hope he's not going out in the hallway like that."
"No, of course not, silly," she said, "he's going to take a shower," then she paused a minute before she asked me, "do you mind if I take a shower with him? I want to fuck him one more time before he leaves."
Hearing my wife just blatantly come right out and tell me that she wants to fuck this other man, made my cock spring to complete hardness before I could even speak.
That made her laugh and she said, "I guess that's a yes?"
I chuckled too and told her, "Yeah, that's OK if you want to, but do me a favor."
"The doors of the closets haven't been moved since last night. The shower curtain in that bathroom is very clear. If you leave the bathroom door open about halfway, I'll be able to lay here on the bed and watch you fuck him in the mirror on the wall," I had turned my head up toward her and smiled as I said that.
She broke out in a big grin, then kissed me, and gave me a little slap on the shoulder as she said, "You kinky fucker! Always looking for a chance to watch!"
We heard Matt turn the water on in the bathroom, Brandie gave me another quick kiss and said, "OK," then jumped out of the bed.
As she started toward the bathroom, I said, "Don't forget to leave the lights on!"
She smiled at me as she disappeared down the little hallway. I watched in the mirror as Brandie slipped her nightie off over her head and threw it down on the floor, then she opened the bathroom door, and stepped in. Once the bathroom door was open halfway and she walked into the bathroom, I could see Matt in the shower. I saw him turn his head to see who was opening the bathroom door, realizing it was Brandie, he snatched the curtain back and said something to her that I couldn't hear. I wasn't going to be able to hear anything they were saying to each other from inside the bathroom with the water running, but Brandie later told me what they said back and forth.
He asked her, "What are you doing," as he looked her up and down?
This was the first time he had seen her completely naked. Brandie has a little tummy flab and a couple of surgical scars that she's a little embarrassed about and so when she's having sex, she always tries to keep her belly covered with a nightie, or some other clothing.
She told him, "Don't look at my belly," as she put both her hands on her tummy to hide it, then she said, "I came to take a shower with you."
I saw her step into the tub as he grabbed her hand and helped her in, then he pulled the curtain back closed to keep the water from spraying out onto the floor. Even with the curtain closed, I could still see what they were doing, although the image was now a bit obscured by the distortion of the clear shower curtain, water on it, and the steam rising out of the shower.
Brandie was to the back of the shower and Matt had his back turned toward the water, so it was mostly hitting him in the back. They immediately embraced and passionately kissed, and made out for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only 5-10 minutes. Brandie had taken a bar of soap and was washing Matt's back, butt, and reaching around to wash his hard cock, all the while they were making out. Brandie told me that several times during that making out session, that Matt had whispered into her ear about how wonderful this whole experience had been, how grateful he was to her for it, and how he had never had better sex in his life. She told him that he needed to thank me for it, because without my permission and participation, this wouldn't have happened.
Then she told him, "Well before you go home, I want to fuck you one more time, so that when you get home to your wife in a couple of hours, you'll have my pussy fresh on your mind. But, doing it in the shower, you won't have it fresh on you, for her to get a whiff of."
Then I watched as my wife turned around, putting her back to Matt, and she propped her right foot up on the back ledge of the tub. Matt stepped a little closer behind her, and without even having to grab it and guide it, he jut slipped his cock into my wife's pussy. Then grabbing her by both of her hips, he started pounding himself in and out of her, giving her a fast, and rough fucking. Now, I could hear her, above the sound of the running water, as she moaned with pleasure, and gave a little gasping scream every once in awhile as if he had struck a nerve, which he might have, it's called a clit! I could hear their wet bodies slapping together every time he pounded into her. After a few minutes of fucking, I saw him lean over Brandie's back and reach around to pinch and pull on her nipples. That did it for her and I heard my wife scream her way into an orgasm.
The bathroom was right in the front of the room, in fact the back wall of the shower was right against the hallway wall in front of the room. I could hear maids out in the hallway doing their morning room cleaning routines and I had no doubt that they could hear my screaming wife inside the shower, having an orgasm. I even heard them saying something to each other in Spanish and then laughing loudly in the hallway. I heard one of them making mocking, "eww eww" sounds and then they all laughed again.
Matt came at the same time Brandie did. I saw him slam himself into her as deep as he could get, then hold himself there, as he once again emptied his balls inside my wife. Once they were both done with their orgasms, he slipped his soft cock out of her, (I noticed that when it came out, it was completely soft, where as during the night he had come out semi hard, I figured by now he might be getting a little worn out), and then Brandie turned back around to him. They embraced again and made out for another couple of minutes.
Brandie told me that while they were doing that, Matt asked her, "Is there ever a chance that we could have sex together, alone, without Joe along?"
Since Brandie and I had been living the HOT Wife lifestyle, there had been a few times, when I had agreed for one reason, or another, to allow her to go to a man, and have sex with him, alone. But that wasn't really my fantasy, or my sexual thrill. Right from the beginning, I had always wanted to share my wife, not loan her out. And in the very beginning, we had a bad experience with a fellow, who was answering HOT Wife couple's ads, as a way to find sex and maybe a woman. He was actually looking for a lover, not just sex. He actually fell in love with my wife, and she was "taken" for a bit by his flattering bullshit, until she realized the truth about him. It was a rough way for us to start our sexual expansion of our sex life, but we got past that, and most importantly, learned from it.
Brandie told me that as soon as Matt said that, alarm bells went off inside her head and she thought back to that first experience. Matt was a much different fellow, with a much different background than that guy had. But she realized that here is a man with an unsatisfactory home sex life, who, as he has stated more than once since we met him last night, experienced sex in ways that he had never had it before in his life. She was afraid that he could become infatuated with her, and the sex, and not be able to separate the two. She didn't want to become the cause of any "messy" situations with his home life.
So, although Brandie knew that I had sometimes agreed to let her have sex with some men alone, these were always men that we knew well and whom we trusted, she told Matt, "No, that wouldn't be possible," then she continued, "I really like you. You're handsome, and great in the sack. But it's a rare occasion when I have sex with a man, alone, and I don't think it would be a good idea for you and me to do that. We can have sex again, anytime you're able to get away. Just stay in touch with my husband, (I think she used that term on purpose there to kind of make a point, instead of just using my name), and let him know when you want to get together," than wanting to end this let down on a good note, she reached down and rubbed his soft cock with her hand, while at the same time planting a passionate kiss on his mouth, and when they broke it off she smiled and said, "I certainly wouldn't mind having more of this again, some day!"
She didn't give him any further explanation and I think that maybe he knew what he was feeling inside himself, and knew that he could become infatuated with my wife, and realized that she knew it too. So he didn't press the issue.
Then Brandie told him she would step out and let him finish his shower. I saw her grab a towel and quickly dry her hair, and body, as she left the bathroom and came back to the bed, where I was laying there with a full hard on. I noticed that when she left the bathroom, she left the door halfway open, and I could still see Matt finishing his shower as she came to me in the bed. She got on top of me, then grabbed me and rolled over onto her back, pulling me on top of herself.
Then she planted a huge lip lock kiss on me and demanded that I fuck her, saying, "Come on. Get those sloppy seconds I love to give you so much, fuck me!"
So, I slid myself into her and started rhythmically slipping in and out of her. Then I heard Matt shut the water off in the bathroom. I decided to give him a little show of what a slut my wife can be.
As I heard him stepping out into the room, I continued fucking her, but asked Brandie, who was building up towards another orgasm, "Why did you go get in the shower with Matt?"
Grunting and moaning, she was nearing that point of no return, she replied, "Because I wanted to fuck him one more time before he left."
"You wanted to do what," I asked her?
"I wanted to fuck him," she responded with her eyes closed and getting ever nearer to that precipice where she would slip over into that orgasm.
"You nasty slut! You're my wife, but you wanted to do what with Matt?"
I knew this was it, she screamed, tensed up, I felt her whole body convulse as she started her orgasm and I made her answer me in the middle of her orgasm, "You wanted to do what, you slut" I repeated?
"I wanted to FUUUUUUUCK HIMMMMMMM," she screamed!
Right behind her climax, and while she was still falling down off her orgasm, I shoved myself hard into her and told her, "You slut! You fucked him, then came in here to fuck me and get your cunt filled twice, AGAIN! Now I'm going to mix my cum with his," then I grunted and let myself blast inside her!
Matt stood behind us, drying off with a towel and watching this whole, nasty display.
I finished squirting my load into my wife, adding it to that of Matt's which he had deposited in her just moments before in the shower. Then I rolled off of her, onto my back and looked at Matt standing there, naked, finishing toweling himself off.
Matt spoke up and said, "You know, when I stepped out of the shower, I could see you two fucking in the mirror over the sink like it was a TV."
Brandie, and I, both broke up laughing. |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 02 | 65,286 | 4.77 | 2,003,310 | [
] | *I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.*
Chapter 2
"So are you going to tell me?" I asked Daisy across the breakfast table.
She was wearing a top that did little to hide her breasts and it was all I could do not to stare. She knew it and was using it against me.
"All of it?" She teased.
"How about we skip to the part when I fell asleep." I suggested. "What happened before that, I think we both were awake for that."
"Well I hope you were. From what Lilly said you were wide awake! More than once!" Daisy was trying not to laugh.
"Well at least I kept a grip on my date." I volleyed back.
"Touché!" Daisy chuckled unfazed. "As slippery as Rose and I were it was nothing compared to Lilly? Bet those balls aren't so blue now?"
Let her get it out I thought At least it's just the two of us.
"Daisy, was she mad I fell asleep?" I asked seriously.
As my only sister, Daisy and I have a unique bond neither one of us share with our older brother. He's a great guy and all, but he's more like a brother than a friend. We could go to him for sound advice, but Daisy and I trust each other enough to share our experiences.
We're both strong and independent, but when it's needed we can be sensitive as well. This was one of those moments and she knew it.
"She thought it was cute." Daisy confided. "You not only nailed her you nailed it."
"Sorry it was there for the taking. Lilly's smitten Parker. She called you her knight in shining armor." Daisy boasted.
"And Rose?" I asked concerned someone would get hurt. "Does she know you're just experimenting?"
"We just masturbated." Daisy admitted. "I'm not sure I want to take the next step. Do you think I'm crazy?"
"I think you're not over Lucas yet." I replied nervously. "This may not last Daisy. Are you prepared for that?"
"I'm never prepared for that." She answered honestly.
"It's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved?" I replied.
It's something we have said to each other way too many times.
"It would be nice to have loved and be loved just once." Daisy suggested.
"Touché!" I laughed knowing we were both in the same position.
"Copy cat!" She laughed as well.
"About the sleeping together, that needs to stop." I scolded her.
"It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!" Daisy reminded me.
"Then forgive me but I have to get to work, and young lady I believe you still have classes." I reminded her.
"Yes?" I grabbed my suit coat and put it on.
"Will you kiss me goodbye?" There was a look of vulnerability from our conversation.
"Just this time?" I clarified.
"If you insist." Daisy flung herself in my arms.
We kissed like siblings were never intended to kiss. When it was over I think it was for both our benefit. As I walked out to the car I remember I never insisted. Maybe deep inside I didn't want to?
It was early afternoon when I received a text at work.
'dinner will be ready when you get home' D.
This was certainly a surprise as Daisy is not exactly the domestic type. Worse yet her cooking sucks. Still, if she was cooking, I was not going to dissuade her from trying, or complain if she was bringing something home. I replied that I received the message letting her know I would be on time.
The rest of the day I was blissfully unaware of what was in store. Reports and charts with a fair amount of crunching numbers filled the afternoon. Joe from the body shop called and said the window was in. I stopped by on the way home from work and dropped the car off driving home a rental.
I pulled in the drive noticing Daisy's car in front of the garage and not in it. I parked beside it and headed for the back door with my briefcase in tow. Opening the door I was met with the aroma of freshly cooked food.
"Hello honey did you have a good day at work?" Lilly asked dressed in an apron. She took my briefcase and gave me a peck on the cheek.
"Uh, I did." Too shocked to say much else.
"Good!" She squeaked. "Dinner will be ready when the girls get here. Why don't you take your shoes off and relax until then?"
I looked in the dining room, the table was set for four. I had an uneasy feeling about this. Days ago we barely knew each other, last night we made love and now she is making dinner? There was no way I could voice my concern, not the way she lit up the moment I came in the door. Still this is not normal.
I saw the Land Rover pull in the drive just then. Rose and Daisy entered the back door laughing and carrying several bags.
"Oh good you're here! Parker is in the living room relaxing." Lilly explained, the happiness in her voice was undeniable.
"Surprised?" Daisy asked as she plopped on my lap.
"You could say that." I smiled.
Rose and I looked at each other. She knew right away what I was thinking. She looked back at Lilly and then to me. Her glare made it clear I was not to say anything.
"Red or white?" Rose asked me holding up two bottles of wine.
"I have a cold beer for Parker." Lilly cheerfully quipped. "Ok, sit down and dinner will be right out."
I can't remember when I've had a better meal since I left home. Lilly insisted I have seconds. By the time I pushed the chair back I was sure I just gained five pounds. I offered to help clean up but Lilly would not hear of it. Daisy and Rose did clear the table before they too were shooed out of the kitchen.
I was on the way to the gym rolling the events of the night through my brain. Josh would be home tomorrow and so would my responsibilities here. I looked over the people that came in and out as well at the ones that worked here. All and all it was a good experience. Owning a business is big commitment. You feel responsible for so many people.
Rose came in, she gave me just a cursory glance on her way to the locker room. I could feel the eyes on us while she worked out. There was a bit of excitement when I said hello but it quickly dissipated when she just replied in kind. After her workout there was more anticipation when she emerged from the locker room. I was busy with staff and she left without so much as a glance back.
You could feel the disappointment in the building after that. The staff and I went over the whole gym before they left. I wanted it in the same condition as Josh left it. Everyone pulled together and accomplished it before closing. I locked the door behind them and headed to start my workout. I showered and pulled on my street clothes for the ride home. As I pulled out of the lot I felt a sense of relief and accomplishment.
When I made it home Daisy's car was still in the drive. The back door was locked, so I used the key to open it. I stashed my gym bag and took my workout clothes to the laundry. Physically tired, but awake, I went up to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I headed to my room I noticed the light beside my bed must be on casting a dim shadow in the hall.
"Hello Parker." Rose said.
She was sitting up under the covers reading my personal finance book.
"I can see how this could put you to sleep." Rose chuckled.
I looked to Daisy's room but the door was open and the lights out.
"They're not here." Rose explained setting the book down, the covers fell exposing her breasts.
"I don't think you should be here either." I suggested.
"Why?" Rose asked. She gave me that wicked smile.
"Oh, I think you know why." I stood fixed at the door.
"You don't think Lilly knows I'm here?" Rose toyed with me.
"If she does, I doubt she would approve of this." I snapped back.
"And if she did?" Rose whispered.
"We will never know, now will we? Please get dressed." I replied getting agitated.
"Parker I can't do that." Rose answered bluntly.
"Sure you can, I leave, you get dressed, we talk, I take you home." I had it all worked out.
"We can talk later but we must do this first. Parker please don't make me call her yet. It will just make her upset." Rose was either the best liar I had ever met, or she was telling me there was no option.
"We must?" I refused to accept it. "Why because she's with Daisy? We're into swapping now?"
"They may be together but we both know Daisy is..."
"Not gay?" I offered."
"Maybe, but then neither is Lilly." Rose chided me. "They're just hanging out until I return."
"You can't seriously expect me to believe that?"
"Do you believe anything that has gone on so far?" Rose cut me off. "Me, Lilly, making love? Her making dinner?"
"No." I answered truthfully.
"I know you don't. There is a reason I'm here, now, alone with you." Rose grinned. "Now come give me a kiss. She knows we kissed, and the other things. We have no secrets."
"Can you tell me the reason?" I pried.
"Not yet, you will know soon enough. Now about that kiss?" Rose whispered.
In a weird way this seemed almost reasonable. This was no game to either of us. I admit a certain amount of desire but more of a duty to comply with Rose's wishes. I had no longer sat on my bed when our lips pressed passionately together. It was everything in a kiss either of us could want.
"Parker this needs to happen." There was such a commitment in her voice I believed her.
The emotions of our actions seemed to compel us to take the next step. After Rose helped me undress she lay back on the sheet just as Lilly had done the night before. There was a moment when indecision threatened to stop me.
"Parker make love to us just like you did last night." Rose said in a way that almost hypnotized me.
"Us?" I asked confused.
"Come here, put it in me." Rose said bluntly.
The feelings from last night flooded back to me as I slipped just inside her womanhood. Rose closed her eyes as her body tensed. I pulled back the short distance before her hands gripped my ass.
With Rose's urging I moved back in her tight pussy. Rose spread her legs wider and pulled my ass harder. Goodness she was tight I remember thinking. I pulled out and then headed in again only deeper, a slight whimper escaped her lips.
Rose's hands continued to guide for a few minutes before moving up my back. I could feel Rose's body relax as I started to slowly make love to her. Rose murmured soothingly as her trust in me grew. I was in heaven and I wanted to share it with her.
"Look at me." Rose said.
I lifted up and gazed into her eyes. Identical eyes to the ones I looked into last night. She wrapped her legs behind my thighs and drew me deep keeping me from pulling out. She gave me that wicked smile.
"Don't move and close your eyes." I could barely hear her. My cock swelled and the overwhelming feeling of Lilly flushed through my soul. "You can feel her can't you?"
"No!" I refused to believe it.
"Yes Parker, she's part of me." Rose pulled me down for a kiss. I was gasping for air when our lips parted. Rose unwrapped her legs, arched her back forcing my cock deeper in her pussy.
"Now make us happy just like last night."
I proceed to make love to Rose just like her sister the night before. It was loving, and tender, and just as plain. Missionary position only, me on top, Rose below. We came at almost the same time Rose a few seconds before me, just like last night. I went to roll off she held me on top wanting to know what Lilly had experienced.
We stayed that way for several minutes just holding onto one another. When I finally rolled to the side I pulled Rose up to face me. We kissed briefly.
"Parker do you know who I am?" Rose asked softly.
"I have no idea." I laughed.
"But you do know something about me?" She grinned.
"I believe you don't want people to know it's you at the gym, so you pretend to be your twin sister." I started. "I know the house, I mean the mansion you live in, you rent month to month."
Rose nodded slightly at that. "Go on." She prodded me.
"I know I have feelings for Lilly." Rose flinched when I didn't mention her as well.
"And me?" She asked her vulnerability exposed.
"I know you and I have feelings we struggle to explain. Feelings we are afraid of admitting"
"Not love?" Rose asked biting her lip.
"Love, but not in love, more practical."
"Respectful love?"
"For now." I grinned.
Rose smiled and kissed me holding on for several minutes. I felt her tear on my cheek but she wiped it away quickly so I wouldn't see her cry.
"Do you love her?" Rose asked her voice unsteady.
"This is so fast!" I protested. "It's only been days!"
"It's important Parker real important."
"Rose it's ..."
"Damn it Parker! You need to tell me." Rose insisted. "You wanted to talk now talk!"
Rose wasn't mad, she knew I didn't want to get hurt by admitting it. I rolled on my back looking at the ceiling. I couldn't face her.
"I do." I finally answered truthfully.
"I knew it!" Rose straddled me. She leaned over and kissed me yet again. "I knew it the minute I let that door close!"
"You what?" I asked stunned.
"It doesn't matter now." Rose was absolutely beaming now.
"It matters to me!" I protested. "What are you saying? You locked me out on purpose?"
"Just a formality." Rose leaned on top of me her pert nipples grazed my chest. She kissed me again. "It was the way you kissed me. I told her you were the one."
"Wait, you kissed me!" I reminded her. "You chose me? But why? I'm nobody special."
"Oh but you are so wrong!" Rose disagreed. "For two weeks I watched you. Not once did you leer at a woman. Oh you checked us out, but never ogled. I knew you respected women."
"Of course I do. My mother and sister are women." I argued. "My grandmother is a woman."
"Getting the truck stuck was an accident. I didn't do that on purpose." Rose began.
Rose played back the events of the night. She highlighted each time I offered to help without hitting on her. How I made her feel safe when I was around. How I could have taken advantage of the situation and her. She was most impressed when I refused her offer of a kiss.
She replayed everything back leading up to tonight, even how she was shocked to meet Daisy, but never exactly why. I was pretty sure I knew but it was time for her to confirm it.
"Are you going to tell me why?" I asked bluntly.
"Oh I think we both know why." She teased.
"Just in case I'm not as smart as you think, why don't you tell me?" I teased back.
"Because Lilly deserves someone like you." Rose answered. "We, I mean I, attract jerks. Users. Fast talking womanizers."
"And I'm not that?"
"You're anything but..." She pushed up from my chest as I laughed. "Well maybe a jerk! You're a nice guy. I mean that Parker."
"Too nice for you?" I asked. Rose then gave me a confused look.
"Maybe?" She laughed, but it was an awkward laugh. A laugh to throw me off.
"So you seduced me for your sister?" It came out harsher than I intended.
"It's never gotten this far before." Rose looked down at me still straddling my waist.
"This far? What exactly does that mean?" I asked feeling confused.
Her eyes then moved to see my cum oozing from her splayed pussy. Rose looked back at me there was this helpless look that scared me. Rose was looking for acceptance, for compassion.
"Rose, do you mean you never went this far for Lilly before?" My voice quivered.
There was an empty pit in my stomach. I searched her eyes and it was all missing. The laughter, the confidence, everything but the love for Lilly.
"No you didn't?" I insisted. I prayed for it not to be true.
Her eyes pleaded for me to understand. No, not like this I hoped. I sat up and embraced Rose. She tried not to cry, she was so strong, but this was too much.
"Oh you poor thing tell me it isn't true!" I begged her.
"I'm glad it was with you." Rose pulled me tighter. "I didn't think I would enjoy it."
"Stop, not another word." I pleaded. "How could I have been so blind?"
"She's my sister, I had to do it." Rose pushed back. "She was right you are the one."
Accepting it had already happened Rose looked at me now.
"Are you mad at me?" She laughed nervously.
"Are you kidding? Mad about what? Hell I'm honored." I tried not to overdo it either way.
"Parker will you kiss me?"
We embraced and locked into a passionate kiss, this time our tongues met and extended our desire. I caressed her back, Rose's tits teased my chest. She scooted over my cock making it twitch. She squealed through our kiss and played with my cock between her pussy lips.
"Rose!" I warned her.
"Shhhh. I'm seducing you!" Rose giggled kissing me so I couldn't object.
This went on for several minutes until we were in such a state of desire it could lead to only one outcome.
"I want to do it again!" Rose announced. She had regained her confidence that quick. "First I have to call Lilly and tell her."
"What?" I protested my cock starting to deflate.
Rose leaned over and picked up the phone to called Lilly. She reached for my cock with her other hand and stroked me as she talked.
"Lilly, you were right...Nah, well maybe just a bit...YES and it was wonderful...well since you got him off twice...maybe fifteen minutes, wait no, better make that a half hour, scratch that, we'll need a shower, forty five minutes no sooner... thank you sis, I'll tell him,...Lil, I have to go something has come up. Bye."
"Was that really necessary?" I asked.
"Yes, we share everything. Well we do now!" Rose laughed stroking my cock firmly. "I promised to call after I knew."
"Well I'm glad we have that settled." I teased truly relieved Lilly approved of Rose being with me.
"Oh, and she said to tell you I can be on top." Rose squealed.
Rose pushed me back and mounted my cock. More cum gushed from her pussy.
"I'm going to fuck you Parker!" Rose hissed, that wicked smile I came to expect crossed her face.
Rose stretched her arms out above me. Our eyes locked on each other as she rode my cock. Rose cooed and I moaned but not a word was spoken. Still I learned so much about her. Rose had traded her virginity in return for Lilly's future. I am sure she alone had made the decision. I could see Lilly argue with her but not change her mind.
Rose probably thought she could just endure the physical part, not intending to enjoy it. I take no direct credit for her orgasm, sure I was there, but my guess it surprised her as much as me. Afterword was an emotional moment for us both. Rose recovered her composure quickly. Like when I smashed the window with the rock, the damage was done so to speak, she was going to put it behind her and take the next step.
Rose looked between us her puffy lips splayed on either side of my cock. I could feel her pussy contract as her desire started to build again. My hands were just resting on her hips following her rapid movements her tits hung down to pointed cones, only the piercing in the one nipple breaking the profile. They danced on her chest for me, Rose saw me look and wiggled them for me even more.
Rose pulled up so just the head of my cock was at her entrance. She moved her hips side to side, then without warning, plunged down hard over my cock eliciting an audible whimper. Her eye lids closed half way as she repeated this. The third time she impaled my cock her pussy lips smacked my groin making her moan loudly.
"Oh fuck!" Rose hissed. She bit her lip, Rose closed her eyes and concentrated on her pleasure.
"Parker...Please make me cum!" She pleaded.
Rose had written the script to her desires now I just need to memorize the lines. Moving my hands down I gripped her ass low on her cheeks. She opened her eyes as if asking if she could trust me before closing them. I spread her cheeks and tugged her up, Holding just inside her quivering cunt I pulled down and thrust up at the same time.
"Fuck me." Rose whimpered.
I pulled her up, our combined lubrication slurped adding to the excitement. I pulled my cock from her pussy and slid it between her obscenely spread ass cheeks. Rose's eyes flung open a look of concern crossed her face. I repositioned it back to her pussy and filled her again. Rose closed her eyes and smiled her cunt contracting around my cock in happiness.
"Fuck me!" Rose hissed.
Pulling her up I forced her back over my cock as I thrust up the slapping noise filled the room. Pulling out again I hesitated much longer than before.
"Please Parker fuck me!" She pleaded he eyes closed tightly now.
"Ready?" I teased prolonging the anticipation.
I brought us together so hard her body quivered in response. I could feel the start of her contractions. Her nipples were stiff her stomach pulled up tight. I pulled her back to the tip of my cock, my finger rimmed her greasy asshole. Roses' eyes burst open not sure what to expect.
"Cum for me Rose!" I whispered locking onto her eyes.
"FUCK ME!" She yelled.
Rose plunged down hard and ground her pussy into my groin. Her arms let out she fell forward, I rimmed her ass with my finger again.
"Oh Parker!" She groaned as her ass bounced slightly in rapid succession as she came.
This was all too much for me. I started spewing inside her for the second time. Rose just mumbled to herself throughout the next few minutes. Exhausted she lay on top, my shrinking dick slipped from her pussy. I reached up and combed her auburn mane behind her neck to one side and lifted up to kiss her head. Rose caressed my sides and down the outside of my thighs in no hurry for this to be over.
"Lilly is a luck woman." Rose whispered.
"I think Lilly and I are both lucky to have you." I replied not wanting Rose to feel I was only here for her sister.
Rose pushed up to face me. I moved my hands along her sides just under her tits, I then squeezed letting her know we had something too. Seeing I had feelings for her she smiled.
"Dream on buster." Rose teased, her expression letting me know she agreed.
"After the last two nights I'm not sure I have anything left to dream about." I replied no longer kidding.
This got through to Rose. She knew at that moment what she feared most was coming true.
"We can never do this again." Rose sat up taking my hands from her chest. Her eyes turned red she was trying not to cry again.
"No, I suppose not." I said soberly. "I do love her Rose."
"I know, now kiss me."
I rolled her to the side and we kissed passionately one last time.
"Come on they will be here soon." Rose said.
I lifted up as Rose wiped her cheeks so I wouldn't see the tears. In the shower except for a few last embraces and quick kisses it was all business. We were in the kitchen when Lilly drove up in the Land Rover.
There was a squeal of delight when they walked in. Lilly embraced her sister before she came and greeted me with a romantic kiss. I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Daisy embraced Rose and they shared a brief kiss as well. Try as we might it was still hard to act normal. If Lilly saw our fleeting glances she never responded.
I went upstairs letting the three of them spend some time together. I heard the door close and the Range Rover pull out the drive. I waited to make sure it was just Daisy coming up. I heard her in the bathroom and then she walked into her room.
I was just putting down my book when my door opened.
"So we no longer knock?" I asked perturbed.
Probably more with me than her. Daisy walked over wearing a see through negligee, the matching panties at least had a silk panel covering her pussy.
"Move over, I'm tired." Daisy insisted ignoring my rebuke.
"You do have a bed." I replied moving as she insisted.
"If I thought you would come we could go there." Daisy turned and looked over her shoulder to see if I would agree.
"My bed is bigger." I replied more to myself than her as I moved to the other side.
"Mine, doesn't smell like sex." She teased pushing her ass back against me.
My cock started to get hard again pressing between her cheeks. Daisy wiggled her butt firmly against it.
"My, my, we aren't done yet?" Do I need to be worried?" Daisy teased.
I didn't answer hoping not to prolong the discussion. We lay there for several minutes, I was dead tired but my brain just kept churning. From all indications my sister was still awake.
"Daisy." I whispered.
"Yes." She whispered back.
"I'm afraid I messed up." I said.
Daisy turned over to face me. Her hand came up to my face and caressed my cheek.
"No Parker, you didn't, she was a wreck until she got the call." Daisy leaned in for a quick kiss. "We may never know why but the moment Rose called and told Lilly you made love to her ...Lilly made a confession to me."
"What did she say?" I asked stunned but relieved.
"Parker she wants to marry you." Even as Daisy said it I had a feeling I knew what it was.
"Daisy. How can she? It's only been weeks, really just days." I argued.
"So?" Daisy asked.
"You agree with her?" I questioned.
"With them, Parker. You're getting them both." Daisy confirmed my suspicions. "Obviously you can't marry them both. Rose is, ... well you're the first man she's ever been with, and I don't see that changing."
"What about Rose then?" I asked concerned for Daisy.
"Parker do you know who she is?" Daisy ask the same question I've answered a hundred times.
"No, nor do I care." I answered bluntly. "Now about Lilly. What should I do Daisy?"
Daisy placed her hand on my chest over my heart. "What does this tell you?"
"I'm not sure I can trust that right now." I lamented.
"Sure you can Parker, it's why we all love you so much." Daisy whispered.
"I love you too Daisy" I said hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way.
"I know Parker. Now give me a kiss good night."
"I thought we agreed this morning..." I tried to remind Daisy.
"Too bad you didn't insist on it."
As her lips pressed against mine we both knew that would probably never happen. By the time we parted my arms were around her waist, hers around my neck, her tits pressed against my bare chest through the thin material of her top.
I gently pushed her up before she got the wrong idea again. "Goodnight sis."
Daisy hesitated but fortunately turned and snuggled again.
It was Saturday morning and I was up at my usual time of seven. Daisy was no longer with me. I struggled to remember if she had an early class when I smelled the coffee wafting up the steps.
Leaving the bathroom refreshed I walked down to start the day. Joe had left a message the car was ready and he would be around this morning so I could pick it up. Then I was off to check in with Josh and return the keys to the gym.
I rounded the last step and headed back to the kitchen when I heard their voices. They were just more than whispers but clearly in a conversation. Daisy was closest, turning the corner I saw Lilly.
I looked at the table in the breakfast nook it was set for three, I looked up at the clock it was seven fifteen. I looked at Daisy, she was smiling until she looked back at me.
"Parker you're up?" Daisy kissed me firmly keeping me from talking. Her hand moved up and pressed against my chest. Daisy's index finger pushed so hard it hurt. "Lilly cooked us breakfast."
Daisy glared at me her back to Lilly.
"I was just going to ask what brought you here ..." I lied. Daisy crooked her head and raised her eyebrow telling me to make it good. "...honey?"
"I wanted to surprise you!" Lilly dropped the spatula and rushed over to greet me.
Her kiss confirmed there was no lingering effect from last night, in fact she seemed to be as happy as I have ever seen her. Breakfast was as good as dinner the other night. Lilly didn't even seem to mind Daisy kissing me or exposing herself half the time since she didn't tie her robe tight.
Lilly asked if she could go with me to pick the car up. I explained that I was also going to the gym to see Josh and she was welcome to come if she wasn't busy. Lilly of course agreed but only after she cleaned up the kitchen.
I started some laundry, Daisy had just come out of the shower. I was in my room changing into a nicer shirt now that Lilly was coming. Wrapped just in a towel Daisy stepped into my room.
"You ok?" She grinned.
"Am I wrong or is this creepy?" I hesitated to ask.
"Parker, Lilly's clock just runs faster than yours." Daisy laughed. "Has she been stalking you?"
"No." I answered.
"Coming to your work or calling fifty times a day." Daisy asked.
"No." I replied.
"Parker she's in love with you. She's trying to show you she will be a good wife."
"But we just started dating! How in the world does that equate to marriage?" I complained.
"To her that is just a piece of paper, besides Rose gave her blessing. Unless you tell her otherwise you are her husband in her mind." Daisy laid it out for me.
"What do I do?" I asked still confused.
"There are only two things you can do."
"What's that?"
"Tell her to leave or marry her." Daisy said seriously.
"You mean ask her to marry me?" I questioned eliminating the first one.
"No silly, not now. Marry her, be her husband. Not legally of course, not yet. Just be her husband." Daisy explained.
"You mean pretend?" I suggested.
"No Parker, she will see through that." Daisy corrected me. "She is months ahead of you, maybe years. Catch up and be her husband. Take control, don't you see she wants to serve you?"
"Sometimes men are so thick. Yes really." Daisy moved to me and pulled me down for a kiss. "Trust me, I am a woman you know?" She teased.
"I thought you were working on being gay?" I teased back.
"You wish!" Daisy giggled.
Daisy dropped her towel and walked back to my door naked. Taller than the twins she is a voluptuous woman. Her large breasts sit high but weighted down they settle a bit lower just perfectly. Her torso is thick but soft, she has a defined waist flaring to wide hips and a round ass. Daisy is, by the male definition, the girl next door.
Lilly was just finishing up when I came back down. I changed the washer putting the sheets in the dryer.
"You about ready to go honey?" I called out from the laundry room. It was lame but I thought I would try it out.
"In a minute dear, I need to pee." Lilly replied.
If it hadn't been the difference in her voice it could have been my mom talking to my dad. I had just picked up my keys when Lilly came in the kitchen. She was so happy she was bubbling over. I kissed her and off we went to the car.
Lilly and I started out for the body shop. My car was outside, the window replaced. Joe was inside with his wife Kathy catching up on billing. I was settling up with Kathy on the repairs and the rental car. I didn't even notice Lilly and Joe walk outside until they came back in.
Lilly and I headed over to the gym. I opened her door as she got out and offered to take her hand. Lilly couldn't have been happier with the gesture. Like always I parked near the back of the lot, so it was a fair distance to walk.
I explained how I found it funny people would drive around the lot looking for a closer parking spot so they didn't have to walk so far to get in the gym to work out.
Lilly giggled, she was amazed she had never noticed something so obvious and admitting she had done it herself. Lilly took my arm in hers and we walked across the lot to the building. Josh jumped up from the desk in the office when he saw me. He looked at Lilly and then back at me.
"Parker!" He shook my hand as we stood just inside the office door. "Lilly, ..."He nodded to her still holding onto me "...I see the two of you have met."
"We have, thanks to you." Lilly looked up at me bubbling over.
Josh seemed surprised at her suggestion.
"We met here at the gym." I clarified. "Anyway I have your keys here. How was the honeymoon?"
Josh seemed amazed to learn this happened in his gym. I handed Josh the keys and then he went on to explain the time they spent out of town. They went to a resort for two weeks then visited friends and family who were unable to attend the wedding for health reasons.
"I really appreciate you doing this." Josh shook my hand and bumped shoulders. "See you Monday?"
"If you're up that early?" I teased him. "You ready honey?" I asked Lilly offering her my hand.
Lilly accepted happily I called her honey in front of Josh. He gave me a knowing grin as we turned to leave.
"I'll give you a call some time, maybe the four of us could go out for dinner?" Josh suggested.
"We would like that." I replied smiling at Lilly.
She held on tight through the parking lot.
"Where would you like to go to lunch?" I asked.
"Take me home and I will make us lunch." Lilly said matter of factly.
I almost headed to their house but remembered Daisy's talk and that Lilly called my house home the other day.
"We could do that. I was thinking of putting the car in the garage to vacuum it out and check it over." I explained.
We pulled in the drive, Daisy's car was gone and in its place was the Land Rover. Lilly started lunch from a refrigerator and cupboards full of food. I was going to ask where it all came from but decided to just go with the flow. I emptied the dryer and started another load of laundry.
The bowl of soup and a hearty sandwich was just right for the weather outside. Damp and overcast there was a chill in the air, but thankfully well above freezing. I offered to clean up But Lilly refused. She insisted I go change into something not so nice to work on the car. I wasn't expecting to get that dirty but again did as I was told.
When I came back down Lilly had on faded jeans and an old sweatshirt.
"Ready?" She asked happily.
"You're coming?" I asked perplexed.
"Sure, I have a surprise for you." Lilly could hardly contain her excitement.
I hesitated but for only a second. "Alright then."
Throwing on our jackets we headed out to the garage. I wasn't expecting company so I wasn't intending to turn the heater on. Gramp's had a workshop out there, nothing serious but he always did his own oil changes and minor repairs. I was no mechanic but he had taught me my way around a car. You know, brakes, a battery, or maybe a water pump.
As he got older and retired he did some light woodworking, a bird house we built still hangs in the back yard. I unlocked the door and was surprised to find the heat already on. It wasn't really a furnace, just enough to take the chill out of the air so you could work without a coat.
"I had Daisy turn it on an hour ago." Lilly beamed. "Bring the car in."
I went out and pulled the car in. As the door closed behind me something else was different. There was more room in the garage. It was 3 car garage but hadn't had two cars in it for years.
"You organized?" I asked. We took off our coats and hung them up as the cold air from the open door turned warm again.
"Just a bit, when were finished with the car you need to help with the heavy stuff." Lilly informed me. "Parker open the trunk."
"The trunk?" I checked to see if I heard her right. She smiled and nodded. "Ok?"
The trunk popped open with the remote and inside were boxes and car parts wrapped in foam, some were even painted to match the car.
"Lilly what did you do?" I asked accusingly. I knew the moment I said it I made a mistake.
"I thought you'd be happy?" Lilly appealed, her smile from the day now gone.
I messed up big time. I knew I only had one chance to get this right. "Come here!" I demanded.
"Yes, Parker." Lilly came around the car and stood in front of me nervously.
I could see Lilly was on the verge of tears. I wasted no time. I leaned over and kissed her taking her by surprise. Lilly wasn't sure if she should hold me or push me away.
"You did this on your own?" I asked grudgingly.
"Yes sir." Lilly admitted. The kiss had its affect, she knew I wasn't really mad.
"This is the stuff to fix the car?" I asked still sounding gruff.
"Yes sir." Lilly dared to smile.
I pulled her to me and kissed her with meaning.
"If you expect me to put all this stuff on alone you are mistaken my dear." I scolded her.
A bit taken aback she perked up. "I can help you."
"Damn right you're going to help!" I handed her a headlamp. "How much did this cost 'us'?"
"I paid for it." Lilly said timidly.
"Well in the future we discuss these things. I'm not made of money!" I kissed her again letting her know I had forgiven her.
They were words right out of my dad's mouth. Just like Daisy said, Lilly was way ahead of me.
"Are you going to punish me?" She quizzed me.
"Do you deserve to be punished?" I asked.
Two weeks ago this was not a question I would have ever considering asking a woman. This isn't two weeks ago.
"Maybe a little bit?" Lilly giggled.
"After we work on this car I will decide that!" I assured her.
Working on the car with Lilly was like gardening with my grandmother. She wanted to help with every detail. In the end it was easier for me to hold the tools and let her do the work.
We started in the back and slowly but surely replaced the damaged parts with the ones Joe sent. It wasn't greasy work but we both got dirty. I decided to do the front another day as it was getting late.
We went in removing our shoes and coats stopping to wash our hands in the laundry room.
"Where would you like to go to dinner?" I asked after we moved the car out and locked up.
"I was going to cook." Lilly smiled. "You're not made of money you know?"
"Come with me we need to get you cleaned up." I said smacking her ass lightly.
Lilly squealed and ran up the stairs ahead of me dodging my attempts to spank her again. Turning the corner she ran to the bed and hid under the sheet. I went to the bed laughing as she struggled underneath the covers.
"What are you doing?" I asked sitting down.
"I'm hiding from you!" Lilly squealed.
"But Lilly, I know you're in there." I replied exasperated.
She stuck her arm out and threw her sweatshirt at me followed by her jeans. The covers bobbled about and then her bra and finally her panties were hurled in my direction. I stood and disrobed as well figuring two can play this game.
I pulled the covers back, Lilly was naked looking up at me with both fear and anticipation.
"You have been a very bad girl!" I teased.
Then for the first time since I had met her she gave me that wicked smile Rose used.
"Are you going to spank me now?" Lilly almost begged.
Sitting down I pulled her over and wrapped my arms around her.
"Will you be a good girl if I do?" I replied.
"I will be a very good girl!" Lilly moaned.
As I kissed her my cock started growing hard against her thigh. Breaking the kiss I easily positioned her over my lap trapping my erection between us.
'Slap' I gave her a firm smack to one cheek. Lilly squeaked in response her laughter telling me I had not gone far enough. 'Slap' I spanked the other cheek with more authority. She squealed a bit louder wiggling her pussy hard into my thigh. I could feel her wetness spread over my leg.
'SMACK' I spanked her cheek hard enough the palm of my hand stung.
"OW...that hurt!" Lilly twisted and looked back at me stunned.
"Have you learned your lesson?" I chided her.
"Yes!" Lilly squirmed to get free.
"Will you be a good girl now?" I grinned taunting her.
Lilly's eyes opened wide, she smiled.
"Yes Parker."
I pulled her up she spread her legs and straddled my cock facing me. Together she lowered her pussy over my cock and sighed as it moved deeper in her velvet cunt. I lay back on the bed and pulled her above me.
"Please Parker I need you on top!" Lilly hissed.
I rolled us at an angle moving on top. Lilly spread her legs inviting me back in her pussy. She cooed as I picked up the pace. I moved my hands under her and gripped her ass cheeks.
"Please Parker don't spank me again!" Lilly moaned.
Lilly arched her back lifting her pussy up as I pulled out. I slammed back in as she offered me her cunt. Lilly's arms wrapped around me holding on like a little chimp. Each thrust elicited a whimper, each whimper was followed by her pussy contracting tighter around my cock.
"I'm such a bad girl Parker!" Lilly grunted. "Such a bad girl!"
"Cum for me. Be a good girl!" I whispered. "Please be a good girl and cum!"
Gripping her ass harder our bodies smacked together. Lilly raked my back as her desires grew. She was right on the edge, I felt her body tighten, Lilly held her breath.
"Just like a good wife!" I whispered.
"YES! YES! ... Oh Parker ..." Lilly yelled.
Her orgasm was so encompassing I don't even think she knew I had one too. Lilly clutched me, wrapping her legs around behind mine. Holding herself pressed against me with super human strength she shuddered through the last waves of pleasure.
I pulled my hands from her ass and allowed the weight of my body to settle in over her. I said it for a reason. There was no going back now. Daisy was right, it confirmed both of our suspicions. Lilly was ready to settle down. No doubt one day with kids.
I lay on top of her for a few moments allowing us both to take in what just took place. Lifting up Lilly was clearly happy. I moved down and suckled her nipple causing her to squeal in delight.
"Let's get you cleaned up you dirty little girl." I reached up to wipe some grime from her forehead.
I scooped her up and carried Lilly to the shower. We took turns washing each other and eventually drying off. I put on fresh clothes while Lilly dressed in what she wore earlier in the day.
She once again prepared a marvelous meal and even let me help clean up. Around eight Lilly said she was going to the gym. Since I have been back going in the morning I sent her on her way.
"I will see you later." Lilly kissed me goodbye.
I finished laundry and curled up with my investment book on the couch waiting for her return. I felt her warm lips kiss my forehead.
"Parker." Daisy caressed my cheek. "Time to go to bed."
The first thoughts were happy to be woken but when I realized it was Daisy not Lilly I couldn't hide my disappointment.
"Where's Lilly" I sat up quickly.
"She's ok." Daisy put her hand on my chest holding me in place. "She's with Rose."
"How do you know?" I blurted out still not fully awake.
Daisy hesitated, I must have looked pathetic. Her hand caressed the side of my face.
"I just left them." Daisy giggled.
"What?" I started to sit up. "I don't believe you."
Daisy pushed me down as she leaned in and kissed me.
In a completely unintended reaction I wrapped Daisy up and pulled her on top of me extending the kiss.
Daisy pulled back gasping for a fresh breath.
"Parker it's me, Daisy." She reminded me.
The odd thing is she didn't try to get free, it was like she was checking to make sure I knew who I was kissing.
"I'm sorry." I replied embarrassed.
"Don't be." Daisy answered.
The odder thing is I made no move to release her. We sat there just inches from each other neither one making a move to release the other.
"I thought maybe you and Lilly..."
"Are friends." Daisy explained letting me know she was not my competition. "Only when Rose is there, and then I mostly just watch."
"I don't understand." I replied baffled.
"Rose says they share everything." Daisy giggled. "Even you Parker."
"That hasn't happened, well not together." I clarified blushing.
"I know." Daisy kissed me lightly letting me know she approved. "Parker it might never happen that way. Rose would never do anything to come between you and Lilly."
"But Lilly let Rose, I mean Rose... how could ..." I stuttered.
"Shhhh...it's how they are, don't try and understand it." Daisy kissed me passionately again. It lasted several seconds, much longer than just a reassuring kiss.
"I'm going to go get ready for bed." Daisy finally made it clear she was leaving now. "I'll join you when I'm done."
It was clear from her tone it was not up for discussion. Daisy did join me, wearing just panties and a tee shirt.
"Parker." Daisy woke me.
"What?" I replied.
"Lilly's here." She whispered.
"Where?" I sat up looking around the room afraid what she would think of Daisy in my bed.
"She's in the kitchen."
"How did she get in?" I asked shocked.
"I may have given her a key?" Daisy laughed.
"You did what?" Why?" I asked still not thinking straight.
Daisy sat up her tee shirt doing little to contain her charms.
"Parker do you love her?" Daisy asked.
"Daisy I do but I barely know her?" I argued.
"Parker the way you kissed me last night when you wanted me to be Lilly." Daisy caressed my face. "I know you don't want to get hurt, but what if she doesn't want to get hurt either?"
"I just can't run down and tell her I love her!"
"You called her wife last night Parker! Shit or get off the pot!" Daisy stood up. "Find a way."
That was another of my dad's sayings. I thought long and hard when I was in the bathroom getting ready to go down stairs. Daisy was still in my room as I got dressed. Somehow I wasn't even embarrassed being naked in front of her.
"Parker, in your way." Daisy winked.
I entered the kitchen Lilly looked up to see how I would react to find her there, then cast her eyes down.
"Is breakfast ready?" I asked evenly.
"Just give me a minute dear." Lilly looked up to see how I would react to the word. "I brought you the paper."
I walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Thank you." I said sitting down and picking up the paper.
There was a giddiness as she went about finishing the meal. Serving it to me she stood waiting to see if there was anything else. I pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit with me.
Lilly nervously made a plate for herself and sat next to me. I folded the paper and looked over.
"How was your work out?" I asked.
"Fine. I missed you being there."
"I work out in the morning, it helps wake me up for the day." I explained.
"I see." Lilly replied.
"Would you consider doing it in the morning?" I looked over.
"I work in the morning." Lilly informed me.
I didn't even know that.
"What do you do for a living?" I asked not hesitating.
"I'm a production assistant for Rose." Lilly answered.
"I, see. Well I'll see about changing my schedule then."
"Really?" Lilly beamed.
Daisy was leaning against the opening to the kitchen. I looked at my sister and Lilly turned to see her as well.
"Sunday is the day we go shopping. Sometimes it's the only day I only get to see Daisy." I explained.
"I understand." Lilly replied her eyes falling dejected.
"Come sit on my lap." I instructed Lilly.
She looked at Daisy and then slowly got up and sat on my lap. I brushed her long hair over her shoulder. I could see Lilly was anxious.
"I missed you last night. When you didn't call..."
"I'm sorry." Lilly started to tear up.
"It occurred to me, and I was reminded by someone..." I looked to Daisy and smiled. "There is something I have neglected to tell you."
Lilly looked over at Daisy, my sister smiled broadly and nodded back to me. Lilly looked at me.
"Lilly I love you." I said seriously.
Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her whole body shook. I grabbed her to hold her in place. She threw her arms around me and pulled so tight I could hardly breathe.
"I love you Parker." She whispered. "I love you, I love you." Lilly was crying now.
I looked up at Daisy, there was a happy smile for just a moment but then it dissolved. Looking sad she turned and left.
Lilly and I kissed when she finally settled down. She hugged me and kissed me at least three times.
"I'm sorry about last night." Lilly sniffled. "Are you going to punish me?"
"You need to go get Daisy, its Sunday, and we are going shopping."
"So I can go?" Lilly asked thrilled. She started to stand up.
"What husband would leave his wife at home to go shopping with his sister?" I teased Lilly slapping her ass as she stood.
Lilly ran to the door of the kitchen and stopped. "A husband that's in love with his sister." Lilly said. The wicked smile crossed her face just before she turned to leave.
The three of us spent a marvelous day together, Lilly and I held hands through most of it. She even helped Daisy learn how to buy fruits and vegetables. We ate lunch out but she insisted on cooking dinner. I offered to help but she shooed me away.
Daisy was studying for a test in the morning, Lily and I snuggled up on the couch watching TV. When the show ended Lilly started to get up.
"You're leaving." I stated more than asked.
"She's already in bed, I have to go." Lilly stood nervously.
It would have been easy to make a scene but somehow I knew it wouldn't matter.
"When will I see you again?" I asked.
"I bought lamb for supper tomorrow." Lilly replied.
"Supper it is." I kissed her goodnight and walked her to the Land Rover.
Daisy must really be studying as I slept alone that night. I was on stair climber when Josh arrived. He laughed since I beat him in again. He came over and I stopped midway through my workout.
"I can't thank you enough." Josh said shaking my hand.
"I know!" I teased him.
"So you and Lilly?" Josh wasted no time. "I assume you met her sister Rose?"
"I have." I answered giving no indication I had more than met her.
"And she approves?" Josh asked tilting his head.
"So far." I laughed.
"Well that's good." He laughed back.
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"You do know who she is don't you?"
Josh asked me the same damn question everyone else asked. You would think by now I would have found out. But you see I have a flaw in my character. It's what makes me so good in my job. I don't listen to outside noise, I get my facts from the source.
I like to do my own research, my way. Sure I could put her name in some search engine and come up with what the internet knows. In fact I already did that, but only just last week. But I want to know who she is not what other people think she is.
"Not really." I replied, knowing he had no idea what I meant by that.
Josh went over to the desk and aimed the remote at one of the TV's in the room. He changed the channel and there was Rose setting on a sound stage with her co-hosts doing a morning show on the local channel.
"She's famous!" Josh replied excitedly.
"So I gather. At least locally." I panned his enthusiasm.
"Parker she's gorgeous! And you're dating her twin sister!"
"Josh, your wife is every bit as beautiful as Lilly." I replied.
"I know, but this is me, we're talking about you!" He pushed my shoulder teasing me.
"You really didn't know?" Josh shook his head.
"First time I've seen her show." I replied honestly.
He let it run but I went back to working out. I'll have to admit she looks even better on television, but only with clothes on! Lilly was finishing up dinner when I arrived home.
She asked about my day and I hers as we ate alone. After dinner she gave me a kiss and left without explanation. Around nine the Land Rover pulled back in the drive. When I opened the door it was Rose.
"Come in." I greeted her happily.
"Can we go to your room?" She asked not waiting for an answer. She took her coat off and placed it on a chair.
"Be my guest." I answered bowing and swinging my arm. She carried her bag with her and entered my room. I was greeted with her bending over removing her workout clothes.
"Please get undressed I'll be back in a few minutes." She looked at me in an obvious hurry.
True to her word Rose joined me in bed before I finished one page.
"Warm me up!" Rose squealed dropping her towel.
I pulled her on top, Rose nestled in her head on my chest. My cock started to grow hard as she squirmed to get comfortable.
"Parker is it ok if we don't do that tonight?" Rose looked up.
"Would you like me to put some shorts on?" I asked answering her question.
"No, I like the feel of it." Rose reached down and gently stroked my semi hard shaft.
"Just don't get carried away, that thing is loaded and could go off." I teased.
"That's ok, just not in me, not tonight ok?" She whispered.
"Parker, you told Lilly you love her?" Rose asked her head resting on my chest.
"Is that ok?" I asked. "I do you know."
"I do, and yes it's ok, but this is sooner than I expected." She sighed.
"Is that a problem?" I asked confused.
"We won't know for sure right now." Rose replied. "I'll let you know if it is."
She snuggled in closer her hand still just slowly stroking me. I was not seriously hard just enjoying the softness of her hand. Still I was confused in several ways. Last time she made it clear we should not be together and insisted I tell her if I loved Lilly. Now there is an issue with me telling Lilly, and Rose is naked in bed with me. Go figure?
"Why don't you want people at the gym to know you work out there? Why are you Lilly there?" I asked a question that had been bothering me since the beginning. "They see you on TV!"
Rose looked at me cautiously, it was the first time I had ever admitted knowing what she did for a living. It was an innocent question but it seemed to elicit a response I had not expected.
"Not everybody likes Rose." She answered in the third person.
Deciding it was a subject that hit a nerve I backed off a bit.
"I saw your show this morning." I whispered.
She looked up at me nervously. "And?"
"Josh thinks you're a knock out." I laughed.
"And you?" Rose looked up again to gauge my reaction."
"I think you look better on TV..." I teased. "...except when you're naked of course!"
"Parker!" Rose yelled.
She sat up quickly and hit my chest. I grabbed her and rolled over on top of her pinning her arms down.
"But if you were to be naked on TV we would know for sure!" I teased her again.
"You'll pay for this!" Rose yelled.
I looked down and just then her eyes met mine. I looked down further and her nipples were hard as rocks. Looking further I was between her legs and her smooth pussy glistened.
My cock was poised to take her, she looked down, I could see the desire in her eyes. I reached down gripped her ass and pulled her pussy up to my tongue.
"Oh Parker you don't need to do this." She moaned.
"Somehow I think I do." I replied.
I dipped my tongue between Rose's labia opening her up so I could sample the nectar lying within. Rose arched her back and moaned as I lapped several times. I lowered her ass moving with her she combed through my hair urging me to continue.
"Sixty nine!" She called out moments later.
I looked up that wicked smile confirmed she was serious. Rose quickly moved on top as I rolled over on my back, she ground down hard on my face desperate to continue. There was a distinct gasp when her hands grabbed my wrists and pulled them to her tits.
I gripped each orb their size just perfect for my hands. I kneaded them then tugged lightly on her nipples. I played with the piercing gently letting her know she could trust me.
Rose was stroking me now my attention momentarily diverted from her pussy. I groaned and thrusted up involuntarily. Rose lowered down and took just the head in her mouth, I groaned again even louder.
With no room for my hands on her tits I reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks. Lifting my head I licked along her perineum and rimmed her asshole. Rose pushed up, arched her back and pressed her little brown star over my tongue.
I teased her by pushing past her tight muscles just enough she knew I would do it.
"No!" Rose cried out as her whole body shuddered contradicting her words. "I need to cum you bastard!"
Rose pushed her pussy back over my mouth and franticly stroked my cock. She wrapped her lips over the end again and lavished her attention on me. My desire to hold off was quickly fading.
I slipped one finger over her greasy butthole and speared her cunt with my tongue. If I was going to cum so was she! Rose ground her clit against my chin fucking my tongue like a little penis.
Her ass bounced up and down quickly in the world's shortest fucking motion. Rose seemed undecided whether she wanted to mash her clit on my chin or gently rub it side to side, so she did both. Her whole body adjusted as she searched for the perfect combination.
I myself was ready to cum. I thrust up deeper in her mouth her hand still covering half my dick. Rose sucked me hard then to my immediate disappointment pushed up grinding her pussy hard over my mouth.
"Cum with me!" Rose screamed.
Rose ground down and lifted up, I moved to flick her clit with my tongue. I needed to cum but Rose stopped stroking me at just the wrong moment. I released her ass with one hand and quickly placed it over hers.
Everything was going wrong all at the same time. I groaned in frustration, Rose cried out as her orgasm took hold. With her hand I stroked my cock. Rose pushed down grinding her pussy over my face. I tried to catch up.
Rose shuddered violently rocking slightly side to side. Her legs clamped my head holding her pussy just out of reach. I needed to cum so badly, but it was like an itch I couldn't scratch.
Then I felt it, first one drop, then a few more. I could feel Rose's pussy contracting over me as her orgasm subsided. Her pussy was oozing cum, female cum. I felt my cock expand and then the itch got scratched.
I don't know where the first blast landed or even the second. I do know her warm lips wrapped around my cock just as the third one escaped my thankful body. Rose emptied my cock and lay on top of me cooing.
I was caressing her back and ass, I think she was happy just the way we were, I know I was.
"I have to go. Lilly will be expecting a report and I have to get up early." There was disappointment in Rose's voice.
Reluctantly I rolled her off, I grabbed the towel she dropped from earlier and handed it to Rose. There was cum from her upper chest all the way down to her small patch of pussy hair. Rose giggled as she cleaned it off.
She turned to me pushing me back to lie down. Straddling me she wiped me clean as well finding something humorous along the way.
"What's so funny?" I asked laying back being wiped down.
"When you put it in me it didn't seem like so much. But out here... Parker it's everywhere!" Rose squealed.
"You mean ...?" I stopped short.
"Yes silly." Rose blushed. "So do you know who I am now?"
I sat up with her still on my lap. Rose just let me know it was the first time she had been cum on. I reached around and caressed her back, locked on each other's eyes I hesitated.
"I will if you will." She whispered.
I pulled her in for a kiss my face covered in her excitement her mouth just swallowing the remnants of my cum. Our tongues danced briefly before she pulled away.
"Parker I need to go." Rose jumped off. "Please stay here until I'm gone."
Naked she ran to the bathroom, I heard the shower run briefly. Rose came back her hair still not wet. She was drying off her glistening body for my enjoyment. Bending over to slip on panties from her bag Rose's ass was just in front of me.
"Nice ass!" I teased.
"So I gather by your attention to it." Rose turned to face me. "Don't even think of it!" She warned.
"Oh I won't stop thinking of it." I teased back. "Wonder if it will look better on TV?"
"You'll never know." Rose laughed.
Rose had just finished dressing when she walked over and gave me a quick kiss.
Rose headed for the door.
"I never answered your question." I stopped her.
Rose turned and gave me that wicked smile. "So do you know who I am now?" She repeated.
"Not really. Oh, I know what you want me to know, but there's more." I assured Rose. "Don't worry I intend to find out that as well."
"I hope you do Parker, for Lilly's sake I hope you do." Rose replied. "No one else has."
She left before I could say another word. I had just settled down when I heard Daisy pull in the garage. I turned out my light and settled in to go to sleep. Daisy came up the stairs and into her room. Moments later she was in the bathroom.
I had just closed my eyes and figured I was in for a good night's sleep when my door pushed open. There was just enough light from outside and the night light in the hall to see she was just wearing panties.
"Is this the new version of a knock?" I sighed. Daisy moved quickly across the room her big breasts moving with each step. She pulled back the covers on the opposite side and pressed against me.
"Warm me up." Daisy squeaked.
Her breasts were cold as she sought the warmth of my body. She rolled me on my back, I could feel the dampness of her panties on my thigh. Daisy leaned down her nipples brushed my chest.
Her pussy pressed hard against my thigh, the coarseness of my leg gripped the material protecting her pussy. Daisy moaned as her panties caressed her clit. Her lips moved to my cheek I felt the tip of her tongue lick a small spot.
"You washed?" Her voice dripped in disappointment.
"Daisy, this is so wrong. You're my sister." I gripped her shoulders and lifted her up.
"I know." Daisy moaned in a husky voice.
Her disappointment did little to stop her humping my leg, in fact it seemed to quicken her movements. Her tits danced on her chest, Daisy closed her eyes and continued to rub my thigh.
"Please don't make me stop. I'll hurry." Daisy groaned.
I was in a pickle for sure. I needed to stop her but how? I myself was in the same position just this very night. Earlier I too was teetering on the edge of paradise only to fear I would miss it. Was I willing to deny her the same pleasure?
"Slowly Daisy, enjoy it." I whispered.
Daisy's eyes opened wide searching to see if I was teasing her. I reached up and gripped her ass gently allowing her to continue. Happy I wasn't going to stop her Daisy closed her eyes and whimpered happily.
I patiently allowed her to hump my thigh, her wetness now coating my leg. Daisy went fast then slow, her frustration building because her orgasm wasn't.
Something was missing and I knew what it was. She had anticipated it the whole way home. She came here to get it and I robbed her of that precious gift.
"I'm sorry baby. Let me help." I tried to get her attention. She looked at me. "Do you trust me?"
"Yes." Daisy sighed in frustration.
I moved one hand under her panties from the back. I dipped two fingers in her sopping cunt.
"Shhh." I cut her off.
Her chest heaved as I slipped my hand deeper under her panties. This time she was ready for me. Pushing back my fingers slipped in to the second knuckle.
"I need you Parker!" Daisy groaned.
She started to shudder in anticipation.
"Kiss me." I whispered
Daisy mashed her big tits against me, her lips pressed hard to mine. She shoved her tongue in my mouth. I raise my thigh so she could keep in contact with it.
"Uh, uh, uh..." Daisy grunted as her orgasm dashed through her body.
At the peak she clamped so hard on my thigh I thought she might break it. Daisy slumped on top of me her body radiated from the physical exertion.
"Thank you!" Daisy moaned. "I love you Parker."
I'm not sure Daisy even knew she said it, but she did. Maybe it's what every man wants to hear but in this case I wasn't so sure. I let her linger longer than I should have but she was content to be on top of me.
"Goodnight. Daisy." I whispered when the time seemed right.
She took the hint and rolled off but made no move to leave. I snuggled up behind her and closed my eyes.
"Aren't you going to go wash up?" Daisy whispered.
I snuggled up and rested a hand on her hip.
"Na, it's too cold out there." I teased her.
Daisy took my hand, wrapped it under one breast and laid it on top of the other.
"Goodnight Parker."
To be continued... |
Fourplay Ch. 02 | 10,806 | 4.67 | 215,358 | [] | Since they had gotten into Monte Carlo around noon local time, Shae and Garrett slept until nine in the evening. Garrett woke up first, a little confused as to where he was. Then he remembered the long flight and them falling into bed completely exhausted. He turned onto his side and smiled, Shae was sleeping the sleep of the dead. Her hair was mussed and there was a crease on her cheek from the pillow casing. She was snoring lightly. He gently smoothed his fingers over her cheekbone and she didn't even stir. Grinning, Garrett got up, moving into the bathroom, he used the facilities and then brushed his teeth and hair. Noticing the size of the Jacuzzi tub, he planned on taking a bath with Shae before they went back to bed. Slipping into his complimentary black satin robe, Garrett belted it around his waist and went to tease Shae awake.
He sat on the edge of the bed and plucked a bud rose out of the vase on the nightstand. Twirling it between his fingers he looked her over. Even in sleep, she was beautiful. Her nose was straight and average in length, her eyes tilted slightly, giving an exotic air to her face. He lifted the rose and lightly trailed it down the bridge of her nose. She gave a soft moan and turned her head. Garrett was nothing if not patient. He followed her, sliding the super soft petals of the flower against the skin of her cheekbones. Shae moaned again, this time, her eyelashes fluttered slightly. Running the flower across the curve of her jaw, he smiled down at her as her eyes slowly came open.
The last time they had been together, Garrett had found that he loved watching her wake up. Her hazel eyes were more warm brown than green, a little cloudy and a lot aroused. Shae was most pliant after a good sleep. He set the flower back down on the nightstand for later use. Rising slightly Garrett tugged the blanket out from beneath him and pulled it back, uncovering her body slowly and with much relish. There was only one word to describe the state of her body after waking up and it was, soft. Her nipples weren't hard and her muscles were relaxed. Noticing that her nipples were hardening, Garrett moaned and dipped his head, catching one in his mouth, wanting to feel it get hard on his tongue. Shae moaned softly, her back arching, her other nipple hardening instantly at the feel of his mouth over her flesh. Out of the corner of his eye Garrett watched, then brought his hand up to cover it, pinching it softly between his fingers.
Shae's hands went to the back of his head, her body trembling and arching into his hand and mouth. Garrett began to softly suck on the nipple in his mouth, with each tug of his mouth, her body twitched. He growled softly against her skin, his hand kneading her flesh, making her writhe more beneath him. With a last flick of his tongue, Garrett raised his head, looked down at her and said, "Good evening, my dear."
Shae laughed huskily, licking her lips and responded, "Good evening to you too darlin'."
He looked down at her, his hand sliding down her side, over her rib cage and into the dip of her waist. "You're so soft Shae, the softest thing I've ever felt," he said, his voice soft and husky, his eyes dreamy, sliding down her body. At the expression on his face, she moaned softly, lifting her hand and sliding it down his satin covered chest. Untying the sash of the robe, she parted the sides with her hand. Another moan escaped her. "And you're so hard, Garrett, I love it that you're so hard, you fit against me so right." Shae replied, her voice also husky and soft, with sleep and arousal.
Her hand slid up over his chest, the heel of her hand rubbing against his tight little nipples. His head dipped forward and he moaned, the sound vibrating through his big chest. She smiled a wicked little smile and she brought her fingers around to encircle one of the tiny buds. She tugged slightly and felt his hand tighten on her waist, his fingertips digging into her skin. He reached up and pulled her hand away, lifting it to his lips and kissing it. "The bathroom is free, why don't you go freshen up. I figure after we eat, we can take a bath in that huge tub in there," he said, smiling down at her. "While you're doing that, I'll find something for us to eat."
He got up from the bed after giving her a swift kiss on the lips and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. As he left the room, Shae got up and made her way to the bathroom. After using the facilities she washed her face, and brushed her teeth. After finger combing her hair, she slipped on her own complimentary robe, this one in white satin. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, noticing she looked satisfied and replete. As she stepped out of the bathroom, she noticed that their traveling clothes were strewn about the room. As she went about picking them up she searched for her thong. Piling the clothes in a chair she looked under the bed and still didn't find it. Shrugging her shoulders, she dropped the clothes in the hamper after going through the pockets.
She piled the stuff from the pockets on the top of the dresser and set about putting her clothes away. She took her toiletry case into the bathroom, deciding to save that for last. As she stepped back into the bedroom, Garrett re-entered with a tray. He sat the tray on the dresser top and hauled her into his arms, giving her a sizzling kiss. Setting her back, he picked up the tray again, and settling himself on the bed. He smiled up at her as she stood where he left her, her trembling fingers held to her lips, which were a tiny bit swollen from his. He patted the bed beside him and took the cover off of the tray. There were crackers and slices of cheese and meats. Another small plate held assorted veggies and her favorite ranch dip. She smiled and sat on the bed beside him, curling in next to him and reaching for a cracker and some cheese.
He moved her hand aside and picked up the cracker with his fingers and brought it to her lips, he waited for her to open her mouth. She opened and took a bite, and then he brought the rest of the cracker to his lips and finished it off. He fed her and himself until all the food was gone. He sat the plate back on the tray and lifted the glass of water to her lips; she was smiling as she drank the cool liquid. Then she watched him as he drank. When he finished he set the drink down on the nightstand, and placed the tray on the floor. Turning to her he slid both of his hands up her neck to the back of her head and crushed her mouth to his. Shae moaned against his mouth, her own lips opening and welcoming the wet heat of his tongue. He teased the tip of her tongue with his own, coaxing it into his mouth, making her gasp as he sucked her in, nibbling on her tongue. Her hands gripped his shoulders, holding on as his passion battered her system.
His hands slid down, briefly covering her breasts above the satin of the robe, his palms rubbing the satin against her hard, sensitive nipples. She gasped into his mouth, her fingernails digging slightly into his shoulders. He moved on quickly, and untied the belt to her robe, parting the sides then breaking their kiss and looking down on her body. Her chest was heaving with her breath, her nipples tight and dark rose they were so aroused. Garrett pushed her back slightly, cupping her right breast in his hand, his right arm slid around her waist, bending her backwards over it a bit. Bending over her he plumped her breast in his hand and then set his lips against it. Trailing tiny wet kisses over her flesh; he made circles around her nipple, never touching it with his mouth.
Shae was writhing against his body; little mewls of pleasure and frustration escaping her mouth. Her hands were fisted in his hair, trying to pull him to where she wanted him to be. He refused to be rushed. He wanted to take his time and look. An idea flitted through his mind and he sent a quick glance to the headboard. Seeing what he needed he looked back down at Shae and planted a quick kiss on the tip of her nipple then released her. Rising from the bed he stood at the side and looked down at her. The hills and valleys of her body looked so sweet and fresh among the yards of white satin. He reached out, trailing the edge of his finger down the center of her chest, taking a detour around each nipple, making her cry out and arch into his touch. Garrett quickly drew his finger away and down the center of her belly. Gently, he dipped his finger into her belly button before sliding down the center of her lower abdomen. He smiled, as he could feel her muscles quivering beneath her flesh.
She eagerly parted her legs and he slid his finger to the top of her pubic bone. He smiled knowingly and detoured right as he reached the top of her slit. Sliding his finger across, he traced her hipbone and slid down her outer thigh, tracing over her knee and down the inside of her calf. Surreptitiously Garrett slipped the sash out of his robe's belt loops. Noticing that Shae's eyes were closed he laced the sash thru the bars on the footboard. Still sliding his finger down the inside of her calf he slid the satin sash under her ankle and tied a loose circle around her ankle. He noticed that she was concentrating on his touch so much that she wasn't noticing anything else. He tied another loose circle around the other ankle as he slid his fingertips across her flesh. Her eyes were still closed.
Garrett had to wonder if she was just playing possum, and just letting him tie her. He shrugged his shoulders and silently removed her sash from her robe as well. He trailed his fingers back up her body and pushed her arms up, until they were stretched above her head. Trailing his fingers up the undersides of her arms he pressed her hands onto the pillows, and sliding the sash through the bars of the headboard. He was tying her so that when she moved the loops would tighten, pinning her hands close to the headboard. He trailed his fingertips back down her body, making her moan and whimper, her eyes still closed. Kneeling between her feet on the bed, he did the same to her ankles, tying them so that when she moved the loops would tighten, pinning her feet gently to the bed.
Her eyes were still closed, but she knew what he was doing, she could feel the cool satin sliding around her wrists and ankles. She also knew that as soon as she moved the bonds would tighten around her, binding her to the bed. Shae smiled secretly to herself. Garrett slipped his hands up the insides of her legs, spreading them slightly looking at her exposed body. "Open your eyes sweetheart, I want you to watch me pleasure you," he said, his voice deep and husky. He pushed her thighs open wider, grinning as the bonds on her ankles tightened.
Shae licked her lips, and then opened her eyes, looking down the length of her body at him. He was laying on the bed, between her thighs, his hands gripping them, holding them open. She writhed before him, her flesh warming, flushing slightly. Her writhing tightened the bonds around her wrists, holding her in position for him. He smiled up at her and then slid his hands up her thighs, his thumbs teasing her swollen and slick lips. He looked down to where his thumbs pressed against her intimate flesh and moaned. His darker skin was such a contrast to her pale flesh; it was always a turn on for him. He bent his head and placed a soft kiss against her quivering and pouting lips.
Shae's back arched, the feeling of his lips pressing against hers was exquisite, then he opened his lips and flicked his tongue out, gently parting the swollen lips of her sex. The slide of his tongue felt like a swipe of rough satin against her sensitized skin. Her hands clenched into fists as her body trembled with the onslaught of sensation from his lips and tongue. He lifted his head, gazing down on her as he parted her lips with his thumbs, letting out a gasp of pleasure as he saw her wet glistening flesh. Garrett considered it perfect, like something you'd see in a magazine. Her clitoris was a tender little bud at the top of her labia, which was full and swollen, colored a delicate pink in her aroused state. Garrett knew from personal experience that the shade would get darker the more she was aroused.
Shae made a sound, making Garrett look up at her. There was a becoming blush on her cheeks caused, no doubt, from her complete exposure to his gaze. Garrett shot her a reassuring smile, then bending his head back down to consider his visual tour of her sex. He couldn't wait to get on with the tactile version of it. But, he wanted to look his fill first. She was getting so aroused her juices were leaking out a little. Fascinated, Garrett moved his thumb, sliding it up the skin between her ass and pussy, wiping up the little bit of wetness. Watching him intently, Shae could feel the muscles in her stomach quivering with need. She felt hot, achy and empty.
Releasing her with his hand, he brought his thumb to his mouth, licking off her arousal. He closed his eyes and moaned, making Shae quiver harder, her hips lifting automatically. Garrett opened his eyes and looked down at her, quickly bending and opening her wide again. Shae cried out in pure pleasure as he kept her spread with one hand and slowly started sliding his finger up and down her outer lips. She tried shifting beneath him, trying to get him to touch her more, and faster. Garrett teased her, exploring her soft, puffy outer lips with the tip of his finger, feeling how pillowy her lips were. He licked his lips, wanting to taste her so badly, but also wanting to drive her out of her mind with pleasure. That was the reason for the bonds, that way she couldn't stop whatever he wanted to do with her restrained body. He glanced up at her face, pleased to see her panting in pleasure, her eyes dilated, almost completely green, glassy with arousal, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. He felt his cock twitch as he looked at her face. Her hands were clenched into fists around the bars of the headboard, her muscles standing out on her arms.
Shae was tense all over; he was torturing her with pleasure. She wanted nothing more than to buck and writhe beneath him, grab him and make him take her. But, she couldn't, she was restrained. And that was the whole idea, she was usually the one that rushed things, he obviously wanted to take his time tonight. The finger he was running over her outer lips was rough, feeling even rougher than usual against her sensitive skin. His skin rasped across hers, and she looked up at him. He was looking down; watching his finger avidly as he kept her lips spread wide with his other hand. He licked his lips, moaning softly as he slid his finger in farther, sliding against her wet inner flesh.
Shae's hips bucked slightly, a deep guttural moan escaping her lips as she felt that hot digit slide onto her most sensitive flesh. Her pussy flushed darker and Garrett smiled in triumph, noticing it was becoming darker and darker by the second. 'She's getting wound up fast,' he thought to himself, his smile uncontainable. He kept his finger on the flesh around her labia, smiled and added a second finger going around the other side, his cock twitched as she moaned again, the sound sexy, sliding across his nerve endings like silk. He looked up at her again, and noticed her eyes were closed, her head tilted back, and her mouth open on a breathless gasp as he slid his fingers down, the tips barely grazing her opening.
Shae went rigid beneath him on the bed, her cry ripping through him like wildfire. He could feel her muscles trembling and jerking beneath his fingertips, he moaned and held them there, lightly stroking her muscles. Her cum flowed out of her, coating his fingertips. Garrett brought them to his mouth with a moan. Shae's eyes opened when he moaned and she whimpered as she watched him slide his fingers into his mouth, slick from her juices, shining in the muted light from the lamp. He sucked and licked his fingers clean, smiling down at her, licking his lips lustfully. Returning his fingers to her, he started where he left off, slowly stroking his fingers up the outside of her labia, brushing against it slightly. Her hips jerked with each touch of his fingers on her labia. Her lips were swollen, and tender after her recent orgasm. Sliding his fingers together at the top of her labia, Garrett smiled down at her wickedly and gently pinched her clit between his fingers.
Shae screamed this time. Her hips twisted and bucked, her head thrashed back and forth on the pillows and her hands clenched the iron headboard so hard her knuckles turned white. Her thighs trembled under the strain, her muscles screaming with pleasurable tension. Her blood pounded through her body, rushing through her head with deafening force. She felt as if the top of her head was going to blow off, the pressure was extreme. With a flick of his fingers Garrett rolled her clit between his fingertips, making her scream again, the tension releasing with a flood of her slick juices. Shae's entire body trembled with the aftermath of her violent orgasm. Garrett smiled down at her gently as he moved his hands to her hips, bearing her down on the mattress, keeping her still as the aftershocks moved through her, making her body twitch beneath him.
After several moments Shae's body slowly stopped shuddering beneath him. Her chest heaved with the force of her breath, and her body still quivered. He slowly lowered his head and touched his lips to hers.
Against them, he said, "From one time to the next, I forget how worked up and wild you get. And how beautiful you are when doing so."
Unable to form coherent thought, Shae moaned softly. Garrett chuckled, and then reached for the bindings on her wrists and ankles, swiftly untying her. Garrett lay beside her, gathering her shuddering form against him, nestling his hard cock against the firm flesh of her ass. She moaned softly and pressed back against him, rubbing the soft flesh of her body against him, arousing him unbearably.
Settling his lips next to her ear Garrett whispered, "Lift your leg Shae. I want to take you this way. I want to watch my hands on your body as I take you."
Still riding the euphoric wave of her last orgasm, Shae mumbled unintelligibly and obeyed his command to lift her leg. He supported her leg with his knee as he moved closer, his cock seeking entrance as he pushed forward between her thighs. Slipping one of his hands down her body, over her flat stomach, to her swollen wet flesh, he eased his entry by guiding himself into her. Shae moaned at the invasion of his cock, his length pressing against and gaining entry to her wet swollen flesh.
Garrett gently bit into her earlobe, groaning against the fragile shell of her ear as he sank himself into her. His groan shuddered through her body until she was answering in kind, her hips pushing against him, wanting him buried deep within her. His hips nestled up against her ass, gently pushing; making sure all of his length was buried inside of her. His fingers slipped up to close around her clit gently, the pads of his fingers slightly rough against her sensitive flesh. Rubbing his fingers back and forth, he slowly pulled out of her, almost to the tip. Surging against her, he moaned as her wet flesh swallowed him again.
Shae pushed her hips back as he pushed forward, making her gasp in pleasure at the depth of the thrust. Garrett moved one hand up and cupped one breast, gently pinching the nipple between his fingers. His other hand was still busy between her thighs. His fingers were gently plucking and rolling her clit. Their hips moved against each other faster and harder. The sound of their breathing the only sound in the room. Garrett groaned as he felt himself harden inside of her, knowing he was close he concentrated on getting Shae to the point of no return. Her breathing turned choppy and sped up, giving him his sign. He moved his hand that was cupping her breast to her hip, holding her still as he pumped into her, hard and fast. Lifting his leg he spread her legs wider, allowing him deeper access.
Shae cried out, her pussy tightening and gripping his shaft as he thrust into her. He felt her pussy get slicker as she came, her cry making him shudder then stiffen, his cum pumping deep into her body. They both shuddered together as the aftershocks tripped through their systems. Garrett held her trembling body in his arms, caressing her soft skin as she slowly calmed. As she calmed she slowly got sleepier until she finally dozed off. Garrett watched her slip into sleep, then nestled his hips closer, his semi-hard cock still inside her. He smiled into her hair as he slipped into sleep as well. |
Hot Wired | 69,954 | 4.56 | 291,696 | [] | "Gordon Electric," said Melanie, picking up the ringing phone. "Okay. Let me write down the address. Yeah. Okay. They'll be there between nine and ten tomorrow morning." Melanie hung up the phone and came into my office with a sheet off a pad. She handed it to me."
"They need the whole house rewired," she said. I told them you'd be there between nine and ten tomorrow morning."
I looked at the note. "Yeah, okay," I said. I put the address in the in-basket on my desk, and went back to figuring out how many switches and outlets I needed to order.
"Are we gonna get together tonight?" asked Melanie, lingering in my office.
"Yeah, sure," I said, "we'll go out for a bite to eat around six."
"And then we'll go up to my place," she finished.
"Right." I started playing with my cock behind the desk, knowing I was gonna get laid tonight. Melanie was a hot fuck. And she really loved my cock. She loved pulling down my zipper, and feeling into my boxer shorts through the fly, and stroking my hot meat until it was real thick and hard, and then she'd work it out through the flyhole. At this point she would get down on her knees in front of me to worship my piece. She would start licking it up and down, working her salivary glands to get her mouth dripping wet, and then clamp her hot jaws around my dick, letting it slide back over her tongue. She would crouch low so that her throat was in a long straight line from her mouth, and she would push on my ass to get me to work my dick past the mouth, way down deep into the hot clutching cavern of her esophagus. She would have liked it if I had shot my whole load down her throat, but I didn't want the evening to be over so quickly. I had a couple of hours of fucking left in me. Then we would get on the bed, and I would plow her hot pussy in every position that had ever been tried by man. She just loved getting fucked, and I was only too happy to oblige her. And she knew very well that secretaries were a dime a dozen, and could easily be replaced. She knew her very livelihood depended on her talented mouth and cunt.
"Okay, you can go." I waved my hand dismissing her from my office and went back to my calculations.
I was a boss who knew how to take good advantage of the employees. Gordon Electric had been my father's company, and he trained me from an early age in everything electric. He knew one day I would take over the company. And of course, being my father's son, I was immediately admitted into the union.
When dad had had enough, he and mom retired to Florida where he could play golf every day. And then the business was mine. Over the last few years I had developed a hiring strategy. I had had several secretaries, whom I kept until I got tired of their cunts, and now it was Melanie. I didn't know how much longer she would last. I was starting to get itchy pants again. Lusting for something new. Of course, she thought we were on the threshold of an engagement, that very soon she was gonna be Mrs. Ernie Gordon. But hell man, no way. I just let her think that for my own convenience. I was used to using people, and it was fun. And it was profitable.
The three guys who worked for me were virtually my slaves. I paid them very little and treated them like shit. Stupid motherfuckers. And there was nothing they could ever do about it. I had it all planned out.
They were all illegal immigrants who wanted to stay in the country. And guess what? They didn't have their green cards. I could pay them whatever I wanted, and treat them however I wanted, and there wasn't diddly shit that they could do about it. And they were all terrific trained electricians. Trained back in the old country by skilled craftsmen.
First there was Paddy from Ireland. He was about thirty-five years old. Real tall with shaggy red hair. He was a big handsome powerful guy, with a hot temper. Those giant paws of his could do the most amazing things with copper wire. I think he was wanted back in Ireland for almost beating his wife to death in a drunken rage when he found out she was screwing the butter maker. I loved to curse him out and watch his delicate white skin flush into a hot pink, as he tried to control his anger, and struggled to keep from beating me, his boss, into a pulp.
Rafael was from the Dominican Republic. About twenty-seven. He was tall too. But lean. And he had a swarthy complexion. There was something shifty about his eyes. I didn't quite trust him. I think he had been running a drug ring on the side back home, and had escaped in the nick of time before the authorities closed in. So he couldn't go back. He was trapped here with me. With me abusing his sorry ass. I say that only figuratively. My abuse was strictly emotional. I loved to watch his handsome face try to remain impassive as I was telling him what a stupid fuck he was, that he had shit for brains, and everything he did was lousy. None of this was true, but it was my way of keeping him under control. Letting him know who was boss. Me.
The third member of my beloved little trio was Dmitri. The same age as Paddy. He had come over from mother Russia, and was on the hideout from the Russian mob after he had tried but failed to take over a department store conglomerate in Moscow. His ass was grass if the mob ever found it. Of course I had no intention of turning him over to the mob, but I made sure he didn't know that. He was a big hairy Russian bear. The biggest of the three. I think six foot six. And he was covered from head to foot with thick curly black hair. I think under all that beard was a handsome face. But who would ever know? Still, when he smiled, and those strong white teeth gleamed at you, you sort of got the idea that he was irresistible to the ladies.
I got on the loud speaker and called the three of them into my office from the factory, where they had been rewiring a snazzy red Mercedes which was now blue, and which had come into my possession in a strange way a couple of weeks ago, but you don't need to know about that.
They shuffled in and stood there in front of my desk, looking at me with those stupid hangdog expressions. I told them about the job we had for the next morning, and that they were to meet me here at eight thirty and we would go in the truck. They didn't answer. They didn't say a word. They just looked at me. And when they saw I was finished, they shuffled back out. Stupid shits.
After work I took Melanie out for hamburgers at the diner. Then we went to her apartment and did the whole bit, with her digging my cock out through my boxer fly and going way down on it. Then, of course, we got on the bed and I pussyfucked the bitch upside and downside and all around side. Then I pulled out.
"Aren't you gonna come?" she asked in surprise.
"Oh, I'm gonna come all right," I told her. I'm gonna give you a hot shot up your ass."
"Oh, no," she refused, shaking her head. She pushed me away, and hit at me as I grabbed her.
"Oh, yes," I insisted, slapping the bitch across the face. "Tonight you're gonna take it up the ass."
She started to cry, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I flipped her over and climbed on top and began digging the point of my angry cock into her virgin butthole. She kept crying all the time I slammed in and out of her, and she was still crying when I released my hot load up her back channel. I pulled out and went into the bathroom to wash up. I got dressed and as I was heading out the door, I turned to her sobbing form on the bed. "Be in the office by eight thirty," I advised her. She looked at me tearfully and I pulled the door shut. Women are such pussies. She gets hysterical over a little anal action. Nobody hated having anything in their ass more than me, but I wouldn't be lying there crying over it. And it was a real good way to show her who was 'boss'.
The next morning, she's sitting primly at her desk, like nothing ever happened the night before. I saw Paddy coming toward my office.
"Paddy, you big dumb shit. Get the fuck into my office," I called. He slumped in and stood before my desk. "Sit down, asshole," I said, pointing toward one of the small straight back chairs. He sat down on it uncomfortably. He was much too big for it. "Where are the others?" I asked.
"How should I know?" he asked.
"Don't fuckin' get high and mighty with me, or I'll fire your ass and turn you into the authorities. Got that?" I asked pugnaciously.
"Yeah. I got it," he said, smiling grimly. I didn't know what he had to smile about.
Next came Rafael, the lamentable Latin. "Buenos Dias, estupido," I said to him. (Good morning, stupid.) I had learned that in high school.
"Buenos dias," he muttered and took another chair in my office. He and Paddy started giving each other mysterious meaningful looks. I wondered what that was all about.
Finally, the last of the terrific three got here. Only ten minutes late. I would fire his sorry ass, if I weren't making so much money on it.
"You made it, Dmitri," I said coldly and sarcastically.
"Da," he said. I knew that meant yes. Stupid asshole couldn't even say yes in English.
The three of them were now exchanging those annoying mysterious looks.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Vot are you talking about?" Dmitri asked innocently.
"Those looks you keep giving each other."
"Now sure 'n you must be imagining things," said Paddy. "We don't know what the hell you're talkin' about."
I think he knew all right, lying bastard. I was the one who didn't know. But I wasn't going to make a big thing out of it and press it any further. I handed Paddy the address and the keys to the truck. Let him drive. Why should I have to?
"This is where we're goin'?" Paddy asked in his husky brogue.
"That's it," I affirmed. He showed the other two the address, and they all nodded and started exchanging looks again. This was really maddening. Something was going on.
We got in the truck and Paddy drove to the house. It was amazing. This foreigner drove clear across town and found the right street and the right house without ever asking a single question. That should have made me suspicious right there.
"You been here before?" I asked.
"Aaahhh, no. No." he said. "Ain't never been here."
We got out of the truck and picked up our cases with all our gear in them, and walked up the path to the front door. I rang the front doorbell. Nobody came.
I rang it again. Nobody came. It seemed like the house was deserted. You couldn't hear a sound.
"Let me try," Paddy suggested. I moved out of the way and let him have a go. He was pounding on the door with one hand, and with the other he was taking a key out of his pocket. And he opened the front door with it.
"You have a key?" I was absolutely amazed. I didn't know what was going on.
"But who lives here?" I asked.
"We do," they all said. And before I had a second to react, Rafael and Dmitri smashed into me and sent me sprawling into the front hall. I tried to get up, but they all jumped on me and restrained me. I was putting up a good fight, but I was no match for Rafael and Dmitri together, who were slapping my face and tying me up while Paddy locked and bolted the front door with a million chains.
I noticed that all the locks on the door needed keys—from the inside.
"What are you doing?" I screamed "I'm your employer. How dare you. Let me go right now, and maybe I won't fire your sorry asses. I'm your fucking boss."
"You were our fucking boss," Rafael parroted me. "Now you are our fucking prisoner. Your 'boss' days are over, senor."
I was starting to get frightened. I wondered what these guys had in mind for me. My god. I needed to get to a phone and call the police. This was looking real bad.
"Carry him up to the blue bedroom," said Paddy. The other two grabbed my trussed body and started hauling it up the stairs. When we got into the bedroom they tossed me on the big bed.
"Now we're gonna have to untie your hands, for a couple of minutes to undress you," Paddy explained as if to a child. "If you behave nice, everything will be fine for you. But if you give us any trouble.... Well. You'll find out for yourself."
I decided not to chance it. They took the rope from around my wrists, and I started massaging them. There were big red marks there. Then they started to strip off my shoes, my socks, my shirt, my pants, my undershirt, and yes, finally, my boxers with the flyhole that Melanie stuck her hand through. Why the hell were they taking off my clothes? I didn't know what was going on.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked. No answer. "Why are you taking off my clothes?" No answer. When I was totally undressed, they took out a bunch of chains and handcuffs. The bed was a fourposter. They threw me on my stomach and cuffed my left hand to the left top post. They cuffed my right hand to the right top post. They cuffed my left leg to the left bottom post. They cuffed my right leg to the right bottom post. I was spread out like a rolled piecrust with my naked ass facing the ceiling.
"I remember you like to be clean," said Paddy. "Am I right?"
"Of course, I like to be clean," I snapped at him.
"Don't get fresh with me, boyo," and he started slapping my tender asscheeks. I was rootching around on the sheet. My ass was stinging like hell. As if that wasn't bad enough, now Rafael started pounding my poor bottom. I saw a gleam in his sneaky eyes. He was getting off on this, the creep. Dmitri looked on enviously and finally elbowed Rafael aside so that he could get in his own licks with that enormous left hand of his.
My poor bottom was really hurting now. How dare they do this to me!
"Let me ask you again, boyo. And this time I want a civil answer. Do you like to be clean?"
"Yes," I answered in a small timid voice.
"Good," said Paddy. "Because we're gonna make sure that you're very very clean." And with that he left the room. I could hear water running in the bathroom down the hall. It took a few minutes, but then he came back, and he was holding a large red enema bag. And you could see that it was full to the top.
"Please, no," I pleaded. "Don't do that." I couldn't stand having anything in my ass. Once when I was a child, my mother had tried to take my temperature rectally and I had totally freaked out. Now that my hole was about to get penetrated, I was feeling sorry for what I had done to Melanie.
"You haf to be clean," said Dmitri. "You don't want not be clean."
"Dmitri," Paddy said, handing him the end of the long hose with the mean looking plastic white tip. "Do the honors."
"No. No. Stop," I cried. "Not that. Please not that." I was really crying, and I kept trying to move my ass away from that invading plug.
"You godda keep still, or you really gonna get hurt. I might tear ass if you keep moving like that," Dmitri advised.
He had distracted me just look enough for me to slow down, and I felt the plastic moving through my sphincter. "AAAARRRGGHH," I screamed in discomfort. "Take that out of me."
"Okay. Is in. Open it up," Rafael said to Paddy. Paddy unclipped the metal stopper, and suddenly I felt a flood of hot water gushing into my ass. I screamed.
"It's hot. It's too hot. You're burning me."
"It ain't too hot," said Paddy. "It's just right. I tested it on my wrist." The fucking bastard. I just lay there with that hot stream flooding into my intestines, crying all the time.
"What a baby. What a pussy," said Rafael.
"I always knew so," said Dmitri, nodding at him. Finally the bag was empty, and I needed to get rid of that water and fast. "Let me go into the bathroom," I begged.
"Nah. You ain't done yet." Paddy reached under me and started pressing on my belly. "Nah. You can take a lot more," And he went down the hall to the bathroom again. I heard the water running. He was refilling the damned enema bag. When he returned to the room, they gave me another gutbath. I ended up having three. I was so full of hot water, I thought I was gonna explode, but they stuck a black butt plug up my ass and made me lie there for ten minutes with the water sloshing around inside me. "AAAGGGHHH."
Finally they took me down the hall, and stood there watching, while I noisily expelled the liquid. What a relief! My face was sweating. Finally when I was empty they took me back to the bedroom and refilled my colon with more hot water.
"We got to make sure you are really limpisimo (immaculate)," said Rafael in his accented English, mixed with one Spanish word.
"We like clean," added Dmitri.
I guess in another hour I was clean, because the enemas finally stopped. I was still lying there chained up with my ass in the air. Then they gave each other those looks again, and they were starting to strip off their clothes.
"What are you doing?" I asked. No answer. Suddenly a very large and very naked Paddy was kneeling in front of my face on the bed. He had white white skin with a covering of fine red hair. And the hair around the cock, which was staring me in the face, and around his balls was a flaming orange. He was pulling up and down on his enormous penis. And it was getting bigger and bigger and stiffer and stiffer. Even now I wasn't absorbing what was about to happen to me. I didn't want to know.
When the prick was very big, and very thick and very stiff, he grabbed my hair and forced my mouth over it. "Suck on it, you bastard. Suck on my big thick red-headed Irish prick." And he forced the big thing into my mouth where I choked on it. I was doing all I could not to throw up. He was using my hair to work my jaws up and down on his male sexual organ.
"Your turn," he said to Rafael, who took his place and stuffed his big bronze hard-on into my mouth. My attention was so focused on the cock in my mouth that I didn't realize what was coming next. I felt Paddy crawl over my ass, and I felt his sucked wet dick hit my buttcheeks. He pried them open, and began spitting into my hole, and working the spit in with his fingers. Then I felt the wide blunt head of his knob hitting my tender protective door. I couldn't take that big thing in my ass. No way.
"No," I screamed. "Please not that." Rafael jammed his prick back into my mouth and cut off further protests. The orange-fringed very white cock was breaching my border and invading my virgin territory. Now it was moving in. Oh god. And I had thought a rectal thermometer was bad. This big mother was crawling up inside my hole, and it was hurting. It was hurting like a motherfucker. I started sobbing again, as Paddy began to plow in and own of me. In and out. In and out.
And then this strange thing happened. I felt the pain start to ebb away. And after a few minutes it was gone. And now I just felt the big hot cock massaging the tissues of my rectal walls. It was starting to feel a little good.
"He starts to like it," Rafael observed. He pulled out of my mouth and let Dmitri take his place. Dmitri had the biggest gnarliest cock I had ever seen in my life. It was like a giant redwood. He forced my lips over the knob. It was too much. My jaws had never been spread so wide. They were aching me. But did I have any choice in the matter? Excess spit was pouring from the corners of my mouth as Dmitri fucked it. And when he shoved it back into my throat, I thought, "This is it. No more air. I'm done for." But I kept sucking, as Paddy kept fucking. He was stretched out over my back, holding my sides, and riding me like a pony as he worked his white elephant tusk into my hole. But damn. It was feeling all itchy and good back there. And his prick kept hitting against something in my ass that was just driving me up the wall. I felt a slight burning sensation in my cocktube, and thought I might shoot. Yes. I was going to shoot. It was coming out the eyehole in my dick, my white hot cum, and my ass started to vibrate around Paddy's pounding prick, which I could feel swelling inside me, and Paddy was spurting out gobs of thick white cream which I could feel coating my asswalls. I felt satisfied, and ready to go to sleep, but I forgot that there were two more cocks that would want to gain entrance into my holy chamber. Paddy pulled out with a soft audible plop, and I felt cream running out of my hole for a second, until Rafael stopped it up with his rust-colored rammer.
Now Rafael was lying on my back, hunching himself into me. At first I felt all irritated. I had just shot my load, and my ass didn't want any more stuffing, but after a few minutes, my asshole accommodated itself, and actually started to caress the tanned pole.
"He works his hot ass on my dick," said Rafael to Dmitri, who was still fucking my face. They laughed. "I didn't get laid for long time. Ever since I come to this country," Rafael said. "But now I got this nice hot pussy here. So nice. So nice. Fuck my cock, bitch. Take my big polla, puta" he growled at me. And I did.
"Si. Si," hummed Rafael continuously in my ear, and then his long tongue shot out and buried itself in my ear, licking furiously as his hips slammed down onto my cheeks. I felt his strong thighs moving against my heavy balls, and I squeezed my assflesh down on his joint. This wasn't half bad. I knew he wasn't going to last much longer, and I did my best to help him along as he slobbered in my ear. His big prick was lengthening even further into my channel when I felt his fiery blasts. My body drank it in thirstily.
I wanted more dick, and fortunately Dmitri moved down to take his place. "From front," Dmitri ordered, and he kneeled, looming above me while they turned me over, recuffing my hands to the posts, but attaching my feet with very long chains now, and Dmitri fed the biggest cock of all into my leaking hole. I didn't know I had such depths in my body, till Dmitri's dick paid a visit. I groaned in consternation. How could I ever take all that? This one was gonna kill me. But it didn't. The human body is such a wonder. It adjusts to so many things. The latest thing was Dmitri's giant redwood. My knees wobbled out to the sides as he smashed into my groin, actually hurting my testicles with the force of his fucking. I brought my legs up as far as I was able with all those chains, to get my balls out of the way, and ended up swinging my clanking feet over his meaty ass, and drawing him into me. He was a kisser. His tongue plunged into my mouth and gobbled mine. His moustache and beard tickled my lips as he screwed his lips over mine.
"You like my big xui?" he asked, kissing and fucking me. "You like Dmitri's big xui in your fucking ass?" I didn't answer and he lifted his face off mine only for the purpose of slapping my face—frontslap,backslap. "You like Dmitri's big xui?" he asked me again, getting ready to give me another pair of slaps.
"I love Dmitri's big xui," I shouted. "Fuck me with your big xui," and I tightened my arms and legs around him, drawing him so close, he didn't have room to hit me. So he just kept fucking me, and went back to kissing my drooling mouth. When I felt Dmitri getting ready to come, it was like the Titanic going down, down into the ocean of my ass, or my cunt, I guess you could call it now. And then a few tidal waves splashed into my intestinal tract, before the ocean calmed. When he pulled out, a few tidal pools shot out of my ass onto the sheets. The three of them stood around the bed admiring their handiwork, and I figured they would let me go now.
I figured wrong. "Come on, guys, you had your fun. Open the cuffs."
They just stood there giving each other those stupid looks again and smiling. "Come on, guys. Let me loose."
"Now sure'n ya know we can't do that," said Paddy.
"You have to let me loose sooner or later," I said.
"Nah," Paddy said. "We can't ever let you loose. From now on you work for us."
"No. You work for me," I explained. "Or you did work for me before I just fired you."
"See. That's what we mean," said Rafael. "We couldn't trust you after this. From now on we'll do all the jobs, and you'll be our little housewife, sitting at home and waiting for her man."
"But you got three men," said Dmitri, holding up three fingers. "You one lucky gal."
"This is crazy," I sputtered.
"I guess we gotta let him up," said Paddy. At least he was seeing reason. The others nodded. They uncuffed my hands from the bedposts, and before I could do anything they cuffed my two hands together.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
They unchained my feet from the bedposts, and held me down on the bed as they slipped a jockstrap over my cock and balls, hiding them from sight. I felt the straps in the back accentuating my exposed asscheeks. Then Rafael went to the dresser drawer and came back with a pair of pale blue women's panties. They pulled the panties over my legs and up over my exposed rear. "At least I was now covered," I thought. That was before they flipped me over on my stomach. Rafael reached down on the floor into his pants pocket and drew out a shiv. He carried a knife? He carefully slit the panties in the rear. "Try it," he said to Paddy.
Paddy climbed over my ass and fed his stiff-again prick through the hole. "Yeah, it's good," he assured Rafael, and plunged his rod into my soaking ass for a few quick test strokes, before rising off me.
"From now on, Erna. You'll address us with respect. You don't say Paddy. You say Mr. Paddy. You don't say Rafael. You say Senor Rafael. You don't say Dmitri. You say Prince Dmitri. You got that?"
Got that!?!? What bullshit! Mr. Paddy. Senor Rafael. Prince Dmitri. What bullshit! And what was this Erna shit? He was feminizing me. And I was lying there in a pair of lady's pale blue panties, with a slit cut into it, to give them quick access to my asshole. I was in a real tight spot. No doubt about it.
"You got that?" Paddy asked again.
What could I do? "Yeah, I got that," I said angrily.
"I got that who?" asked Paddy.
Grudgingly I said what he wanted me to say. "I got that, Mr. Paddy."
"That's better," he said. And then to Rafael and Dmitri. "See I told you he was gonna love this."
"I don't love it," I protested, trying to get up. They shoved me down. Dmitri reached under the bed and drew out a ping pong paddle. They were really prepared. They had every last detail planned.
"You a bad little girl," said Dmitri, shaking his head, and the paddle came smashing down on my used behind. It hurt. A lot. I screamed. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. "OOOOWWWW". They laughed. Dmitri paddled me again. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. "OOOOWWWWW". Then Rafael wanted to try it and gave me a few whacks. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP. THWAP THWAP. "OOOOOWWWW. OOOOOWWWW. OOOOWWWWW". He really got me. That hot Latin temperament. When Latins hit, they really hit. Paddy finished me off, as I writhed all around on the bed in total hysterics. "OOOOOWWW. OOOOOOWWWWW."
"See. She's hysterical," commented Paddy. "Just like a woman."
They all laughed.
I spent the rest of the afternoon sucking cock. Or more precisely sucking three cocks. I was starting to notice the different feeling of each in my mouth as I drooled over it. I was starting to savor the different feeling of each. I was starting to like it. I had become a goddamned cocksucker. Rafael's was so long and sweet, and it was not as thick as Dmitri's so I could really tongue it. I was getting so good at sucking a cock that I could have played it like a harmonica.
Rafael was moving his ass around as I pleasured his stick. I would have like to have wrapped my hands around his hard handsome butt, but my hands were locked together. "MMMMM," I said, and took my mouth off his dick for a second.
"Please. Unlock my hands. I just wanna hold his butt," I requested.
Paddy laughed and got the key. He unlocked the cuffs and I wrapped my arms around Rafael's middle. "Does Erna like cock?" Paddy teased.
"Yes, Erna likes cock, Mr. Paddy," Erna admitted, and went back to suckling on Rafael's tan tip. He came in my mouth, and it was a first for me. I rolled the liquid around on my tongue, feeling the thick slime in my mouth, tasting the tang. I slowly let it roll down my throat into my digestive track. Rafael was now a part of me. A part that I would always treasure. I wanted to taste Dmitri. I wanted to taste Paddy. And one after the other I did. And it was wonderful. Each one had a distinctive special flavor that I would never forget. They could blindfold me and put a drop of cum on my tongue, and my tastebuds would know right away whose it was. Now I not only knew how they looked, but how they smelled and tasted.
After a while, they tied me up again, and went down to the kitchen, where I heard them preparing food. They laughed and chatted as they ate. I was pretty hungry myself. I had only had a small breakfast. Eventually though they did bring up some dinner for me. Before I could eat they made me put on an apron, after taking off the jockstrap, which they decided looked too masculine on me.
"We don't wanna have to look at your jewel set," Paddy explained. "This way you're covered in the front, but you only have a couple of apron strings in the back. And you look real pretty. You look like the woman of the house." He began to spoon food in my mouth, and I refrained from answering because I wanted to eat and I was busy chewing. After dinner they washed me out again, and then brought me from the bathroom back to the bedroom. They started with a one and two finger choosing game. First Dmitri shot out one finger while the others shot out two, so he was eliminated. Then they tossed a coin to determine the winner between Paddy and Rafael. Paddy said heads, but it was tails, so Paddy and Dmitri went down the hall to other bedrooms, and Rafael climbed in with me. He was the one who would get to have me for the whole night. I wasn't sorry. I think I was starting to get a thing for Rafael. He was so----so---sexy?
We curled up with his long limp cock hanging against my buttcheeks. It didn't stay limp for long. During the night, it kept getting hard, and squeezing itself between my asspillows into the hole he was becoming fond of. Each time it sneaked into my passage, I butted back against his hips, impaling myself on his manhood. I discovered it wasn't so terrible spending the whole night with someone. I had always avoided that. As he fucked me I could feel his sharp whiskers scratching my cheek and my shoulder. And all those loads of his delicious cum which were now going into my belly from the other end, which felt wonderful, but I was wishing that my asshole had taste buds.
The next morning, they got dressed and went to the office, leaving me chained to the bed. "We'll tell Melanie you had to suddenly go out of town," said Paddy. I lay there helplessly as those big pricks got covered by underwear and pants.
"We'll see you after work, Erna honey," said Paddy and they left.
After work every night they would come home and tell me about all the electrical jobs they had done that day. And every Thursday night they would bring home their payroll checks, and also Melanie's, and also checks for the bills that had to be paid," and they would twist one of my arms behind my back until I signed them all.
"Melanie's getting' curious," said Paddy, one day. "We're gonna have to do something about Melanie." I didn't give a fuck what they did about that cunt.
Dmitri, it turned out, was a great cook, and he cooked dinner every night for a while. But then they forced me into the kitchen and Dmitri trained me in gourmet Russian cookery. I already had my apron on, so I was ready. I was making some really great stuff. If I didn't watch myself I would get a big Russian belly. But that was unlikely since after dinner every night they brought out the red bag and filled me with hot water.
"We like our women clean," said Paddy.
"Clean. Clean." Chortled Dmitri, enjoying my distress as the clear liquid flooded into my colon. It got so I really liked feeling clean. I wanted my hole to be sparkling and desirable. I wanted my cunt April fresh for their big prodders.
Little by little my hair was starting to grow, and I needed a haircut. I knew they wouldn't let me out to go to a barber, so I just asked Paddy to cut it for me.
"Ah, no, Erna," he said. "We like your hair long. It's real pretty. Those golden ringlets." And he started tenderly weaving his fingers through my locks. "So pretty," he said. "So pretty." And I loved the compliment. As his hand worked through my hair and passed my lips, I kissed it. Then I licked it. Then I kissed it again. I looked up into his eyes playfully. The three of them laughed happily. They had me now, and they knew it.
""I know what you want, honey," said Paddy and moved his big naked body onto the bed next to me. He positioned me on all fours with my ass in the air and moved against it. I heard him spitting, and then his wet dick hit the entrance of my hole. Then his wet dick moved in. The other two were watching him fuck me, as he pulled my ass back against him. I could feel his pubic hair tickling my assbubbles. Rafael and Dmitri started jacking their stiff cocks in anticipation. After Paddy had creamed in me, they would be next. I loved it when they creamed in me. The only bad thing was that after all three of them creamed, the evening was over. But still I always got one or the other of them in bed with me all night long, plugging away. They were young and insatiable and so was I. And I didn't even have to worry about getting a hard-on. My ass would always be ready.
After a while, I became so comfortable in my routine, that I would kiss them greedily when they got home from work. My heart leapt in happiness when I heard the motor of the company truck pulling in front of the house. And the weekends. The weekends were sheer bliss. All three of them. All day. All night. Nonstop fucking. I loved it. I loved it.
And they knew I loved it. After a while they let me stay alone in the house without handcuffs. I wasn't going anywhere. And besides I had no clothes. I could hardly step outside in an apron and slit panties. And also there were thirty locks on the door. Now locked from the outside.
I even began to accept that my name was really Erna. After I had shaved every night, I let them apply foundation, rouge, mascara, lipstick to my face. The whole bit. They seemed to like the feel and taste of the red gloss when they sucked on my mouth. Then they decided to pierce my ears. Dmitri was the surgeon.
"Be careful, now," cautioned Paddy.
"Is nothing," Dmitri assured him. "I do many times in the old country. No big, how you say, deal. Da. No big deal," he said as he shot a needle through my earlobe. For about a week I wore training earrings. Just little pearl studs. After that I graduated to big gold hoops. Paddy took them out of his pocket one night, and opened the box. His eyes were sparkling.
"Ya like 'em?" he asked.
"Oh, I love them," I was almost sobbing as I put them in.
"I love them who?" he asked.
"I love them, Mr. Paddy," and we smiled at each other flirtatiously. I was in love with Paddy as much as I was in love with Rafael. And I was in love with Dmitri too. They were my three guys. And I was their own special Erna.
Rafael loved licking my ear as he fucked me even more, now that I was wearing the big gold hoops. They also made me wear a stuffed brassiere on my chest, but I didn't mind. Every now and then they would slap or paddle my ass a little, but I was even getting to like that. Funny how the human brain adjusts to almost anything. Now they were the dominant ones, and I was the submissive. But there would never be anything else I would want to do for the rest of my life than submit to a dominant man.
I now realized that this was why I had never been able to form a satisfying relationship with a woman. In my heart I had always been a crawling queer cunt. I just had never confronted that side of my personality. But now I had accepted myself for who I was I and it was liberating.
I was in the kitchen one night cooking beef stroganoff when the boys came home. I heard a lot of noise in the hall and on the staircase, so I peeked out to see what was going on.
Dmitri was coming down the stairs. "Oh. You in the kitchen, Erna. We thought you upstairs." The others came down, and I kissed each one before turning my naked ass to them to return to the kitchen. I still had to add the sour cream.
We had a wonderful meal, and Rafael had even bought a bottle of red wine. We toasted happily and downed my delicious dinner. After I did the dishes, while they sat on the kitchen chairs contentedly watching my busy exposed ass, we went upstairs. I lay down on the bed with my butt raised, waiting for the red rubber bag. It came. I took three bagfuls of water. Easily now. Then after expelling it, I took another three. Great. Now I felt clean. Clean for my big handsome men. And their big handsome dicks.
I started to nuzzle on them. All three of them. One after the other. Then back again. "Suck my big pinga," screamed Rafael pulling my face down on his stiff stick, as the tip of it gagged me in the back of my throat. I sputtered and drooled spit, but let him go as far down as he could get. It was getting to be a game with me. How much could I take? A lot.
"Fuck me," I begged, rolling onto my back with my legs flaying in the air as I raised my asseye up to look at the ceiling, and I grasped for their big dicks.
"What's that, Erna?" asked Dmitri.
"Please fuck me. I beg you to fuck me, Prince Dmitri."
"That better," he said and climbed upon the bed, ready now to grant my wish. His redwood plunged into my easy asshole. He began happily to fuck it. "Is good," he assured the others. I felt his Russian seed spurting into me. If only I could have had a Russian baby. Or an Irish baby. Or a Dominican baby.
The next seed to warm my tunnel was the Irish seed. The red encircled dick felt really at home in there now. I grabbed his hard Irish butt and squeezed it in joy as he flexed it and flexed it, all the better to fuck my loving hole. "Mr. Paddy. Mr. Paddy," I cried in bliss. "Fuck my hot hole. Fuck your Erna's hot adoring asshole. Mr. Paddy. Senor Rafael, climb over my face so I can suck those hot sweaty balls, while Mr. Paddy fucks my hot ass."
Rafael didn't need any more encouragement. He did just as I had suggested, and I slopped my ardent tongue over his loose sack, feeling the large eggs inside and closing my mouth over first one and then the other. While each egg was in my mouth, I licked it voraciously. Delicious. I'd always liked eggs.
Paddy slammed his hips against my hips. He slammed his balls against my balls, and moved Rafael's balls to the side for a moment, so that he could suck my lipstick mouth as he came. His hips took on a life of their own, and we both roared as his white Irish sperm almost impregnated me. I wish. My assmuscles tried to keep possession of his softening cock, but lost the battle and the flesh dropped out of me along with half a glass of thick white goo.
Rafael moved his delicious balls away from my mouth and flipped me over on my stomach. He liked to lie on my back while he plowed me, so that he could lick my ear, and bite on my gold hoop. "Si, cara," he romanced as he pistoned into me. "Si, querida. Cuanto me gusta! Cuanto me gusta! How I love it. How I love it."
And my ass was actively drawing on his bronze butt butter, trying to get a drink of sweet Spanish cream. I knew how good that tasted. "Oh. If only I had taste buds in my asshole," I opined again to myself.
After my assmouth had swallowed Rafael's delicious elixir, I lay there in a satisfied glow, my three boys surrounding me. Even though I wasn't a genetic woman, I was the happiest woman in the world. Suddenly the closet door opened, and my mouth dropped in horror. Out stepped Melanie, with an evil smirk on her face.
"I never would have believed it," she said to Paddy. "You guys are great. This is just what that prick deserves. I hope you know what it feels like now," she spat at me. "You fucking assfucker. Now who's getting assfucked? Except you seem to like it."
"Melanie...." That was all I could say. I was totally mortified. I didn't mind the guys knowing about me. But Melanie. This was really very embarrassing.
"Now you know why he isn't coming into the office anymore," said Paddy. "You'll just write out all the checks and I'll make sure that he signs them."
"Sure thing," said Melanie.
"Don't he have a nice ass?" asked Paddy.
"I always thought he did," said Melanie. "It's just that he was a total asshole. And mean. A bully."
"Well, he ain't a bully any more. He's very obedient now. You wanna fuck his ass?" asked Paddy.
"What do you mean?" asked Melanie. Yes. What did he mean?
Paddy went to the bureau top and took a paper bag. It was a pink bag and it had a fancy script on it saying 'Pussywhipped'. He stuck his hand in the bag and pulled out a big flesh-colored strap-on dildo with a lot of ridges and veins. It must have been nine inches long.
"You wanna try it?" asked Paddy.
"I don't know," said Melanie.
"Ah. Go on now," urged Paddy.
"Well, he was a real prick to me." Melanie was really considering it. "I don't think so," she decided, "but I would like to see it going in."
"You wanna put it in?" asked Paddy.
"Why don't you do it," Melanie said.
Paddy nodded. "Rafi," he said. And he handed the big thing to Rafael, who began to strap it on over his own wilted erection. Paddy went to the bathroom, and brought back a white glass jar of cold cream. It was the same cold cream I used for taking off my make-up. He smeared the white greasy stuff over the rigid dildo, now strapped onto Rafael's body, and standing straight out from his crotch. Rafael poised himself over my ass and started pushing the unyielding object into my fuckhole. It hurt. But then a minute later it wasn't so bad, and I knew I could get through it. In fact, my asshole started grabbing at it. Melanie watched in fascination as the plastic moved in and out of my hole. She put her hand on Rafael's hammering ass to join in. I was moaning and blubbering and loving it.
Rafael fucked me for five minutes. "He likes it," Melanie observed in disbelief. Then she figured it was time to go home, so Rafael slid the object out of my greasy hole.
"See you manana," said Rafael. Paddy walked her downstairs and locked the door behind her.
"Now everyone know what you are," smiled Dmitri. "Pussy whore."
"Your pussy whore," I corrected.
"Da," he admitted. "My pussy whore."
"Nuestra (our) pussy whore," said Rafael.
"Right, boyo," said Paddy reentering the bedroom. "Let's give her some extra thrills tonight."
"Sure. Okay," Rafael agreed, not knowing what he was agreeing to.
"Da," said Dmitri.
"Dmitri. You lie down on the bed," instructed Paddy. Dmitri lay down on the bed, his enormous club swinging in the air. "Sit on it," Paddy ordered me.
"Yes, Mr. Paddy," I said obediently. I straddled Dmitri's waist and grabbed his redwood pole. Slowly I lowered myself onto it and sat, feeling the monster crawl up my insides. I rose and sat a couple of times, getting the jist of it. "Getting the jist to get the jism," I thought, laughing.
"Okay. Now lie back. Lie flat on Prince Dimitri with his cock in your ass,"
"Yes, sir. Yes, Mr. Paddy." Again I obeyed, and with my whole weight on my stuffed asscheeks, I lowered my legs till they straddled Dmitri's. I felt his heavy thighs under mine. I lay my back on his furry chest, and cradled my head in the angle of his shoulder.
"Okay, Rafi. Get up there and turn her face towards you and start feedin' it to her in the mouth."
Rafael was perfectly happy to do this, as was I, and I slipped my eager mouth over the bronze bomb and smoked it like a cigar. Dmitri was fucking me from under my ass, and Rafael was feeding me his flesh orally. I didn't know what Paddy had planned for himself. But then I saw him moving over me. Straddling my body and Dmitri's. He knelt between our double legs, and raised mine high in the air. My knees locked around his shoulders. He had a diabolic smile on his handsome red-whiskered face, and then I realized. He started pressing his meat against Dmitri's. First he was just at the entrance to my hole. Then he pushed a little. Then he forced a little. And I could feel my tired sphincter give way and allow the penetration. It was permitting the extra thickness. Now Paddy sank down on my chest, and using his strong ass for leverage, moved down the length of my inner passage. I was being double fucked. Two cocks were moving into me simultaneous. Two cocks were moving out simultaneously. Then back in. The sensations were so intense that I felt the cum bubbling in my balls, and I couldn't help myself. I shot out jet after jet of my own thick white cum onto Paddy's orange cockhair.
They both continued to fuck me, even though I had just cum. What did they care? They wanted to get their own rocks off, as did Rafael, hammering his knob past my uvula and down my gullet. Rafael's abdomen started smashing into my nose, and I felt something hot and wet wash down my throat. I only tasted it on my tongue as he slowly withdrew his softening meat from my jaws. His cum was so sweet. I loved it.
Dmitri humped up. Paddy humped down. And I was squeezed between them. Paddy started kissing me. That always meant he was ready to shoot. And when Dmitri sensed that Paddy was ready, it was too much for him. His own wad scalded out into my pussy. Paddy felt Dmitri's hot juices flow over his own cock and couldn't hold off any longer. His ass started hunching and he banged into me, banging me as I'd never been banged, as his hot thick load joined Dmitri's in my well-fucked cunt. I sighed in happiness.
Later I was just lying there with the three of them lying around me. This was my home. I would never leave. My boys were working to support me, and every night they came home and fucked me. They didn't cheat on me with other women. They were faithful. I had everything.
After a while, Paddy's dick showed signs of life again. I looked at it admiringly. That orange headed cock. It was so beautiful.
"I got a surprise for you," said Paddy. "A special present from a special electrician."
He went over to the dresser one more time and strapped himself into a strange harness that went around his middle, but left his cock and ass exposed. There were wires attached to it. Then he attached more wires around his ankles and wrists. There was a plug with a very long cord. He handed the plug to Rafael who walked to the wall and inserted it into the AC socket.
Paddy climbed over me again, and made me wrap my legs around him. He inserted his hard-again cock into my ass, and started plugging me. At this point, he reached down to his waist and flipped a switch.
His head flew back. His red hair went flying as a gentle electric current coursed through his strong body. And his cock was acting as a conductor. A conductor of the voltage which now passed from his own body into my very insides. My asshole began to orgasm around his charged cock. Sparks and flashes were shooting around our juncture. This was a feeling beyond anything anyone had ever felt in this world. He fucked into me, and the current was melting me from the inside out. I could feel my internal liquids flood around his electric organ, as it played the most unbelievable symphonies inside my ass. Rafael and Dmitri looked on in amusement as my body went into convulsions under Paddy. They saw the smile on my face and knew this was something I would be wanting constantly. Paddy kept dicking me, and I just hoped I wouldn't receive a fatal electric shock when his balljuice spilled into my electrified cunt. I felt my asswalls quivering and quaking. My asstunnel was cuming and cuming around his galvanized dick. Just like a woman. A multi-orgasmic woman. Let them spank me. Let them paddle me. Let them fuck me. I didn't care. Now I was totally their Erna, and happy to be their Erna forever. I was Mr. Paddy's. I was Senor Rafael's. I was Prince Dmitri's. Mr. Paddy was plugged in. And I was hot wired. |
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 01 | 55,956 | 4.53 | 960,849 | [
"hot wife",
"big cock",
"police drama",
"crime drama",
"pussy eating",
] | *The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.
The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1.
Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.*
**Part 1 - Prologue**
*"Hap-ppy Birth-day... tooooo... yooooo...*
As the singing died down, I leaned over and blew out the 31 candles on my cake. It was October 26th, and it was my birthday. The cake was a large, rectangular red velvet cake with that delicious white cream-cheese frosting, one of my very favorites. On top, written in red, were the words "Happy Birthday Iron Crowbar!" and a long red crowbar in red frosting beneath the words.
We were in the back room of The Steakhouse. The party was being hosted by John "Jack" Colby, and was not that large. I'd been given a birthday cake at Headquarters, and all the Detectives and many Patrol Officers streamed through, consuming the six(!) large birthday cakes that had been brought in.
So tonight it was just me, Laura, our babies Carole and Jim, my mom Phyllis, Cindy Ross and Jenna Stiles, Tanya Perlman and Baby Pete and Barry Oliver (they're sure spending a lot of time together, I thought to myself), Martin Nash and Sandra Speer, Jack Muscone, Paulina Patterson and her husband, Melina and Daniel Allgood, Chief Griswold and his wife, and Molly Evans, who was now looking very heavily pregnant, as she indeed was.
Teresa Croyle had been invited but had sent regrets, saying she had a previously scheduled mission that she couldn't get out of. Todd and Jeanine Burke had also sent regrets. I wondered if they weren't coming because Melina and Daniel were here.
Daniel was somewhat breaking the protocol of not associating with Police while running for Sheriff. I had told them to get their asses to the party: if anyone objected, just tell them Melina came to her sister's husband's birthday party and that was that, so be it. Melina looked very happy, and I was happy to see that.
Molly had been put on 'restricted duty' with the Midtown Police Force, so she was going to stay up here, and at The Cabin, and deliver my baby at University Hospital. Jack Muscone had broken up with his girlfriend, and so I suggested he spend time talking to my mom. I might have mentioned to him that my mom was a Cougar, and a lot of college guys seemed to hang around her. He got the hint, and was sitting next to her and talking to her all through the party.
Some humor came when Chief Griswold was holding Carole. She became inquisitive of that strange feature upon his face, his large handlebar mustaches. The Chief was very patient with her, and as she felt them she emitted a piercing laughter. The Chief could be a very good grandfatherly type when he wanted to be, I noted. Meanwhile, Carole was thoroughly entertained in discovering and exploring strange new things...
"Here, take this." my wife said, handing me a 'gray viagra' pill, then added "Why don't you put Carole to bed, and I'll get changed." I knew what that meant: she was finally medically cleared to have sex, and she was going to put on something hot and sexy for me. In addition, she had not let me into our marital bedroom all day, so I knew she had a big surprise for me.
Once Carole was in her crib and sleeping, I headed back to the bedroom. A lovely sight awaited me. Laura was wearing a filmy silver-white see-thru teddy, and my God! did she look hot in it. She was also wearing very high heel silver slides with a clear strap over the toes and a nearly invisible clear strap around the back of her heels to keep them in place. I felt myself growing throbbing hard.
"Now let me show you your birthday present." Laura said as I came into the bedroom and closed the door. The bed's headboard was against the wall to my right. On the wall to the left, facing the bed, was a huge flat TV screen mounted to the wall. Playing on the screen were images of people fucking; my wife had put what looked like a porn tape on the DVD.
"Think that'll help us in our fucking?" Laura asked seductively, whispering into my ear.
"Yeah..." I said, "though the way you look tonight is all I need to get fired up." I took my wife into my arms and kissed her mouth deeply. "Thanks, baby."
"Does the actress in this next scene look familiar?" Laura asked. I looked at the TV. It was my wife, and she and the college stud Nick Eastwood were making out, hotly kissing in her little bedroom near her office. I felt my wife's hands undoing my shirt buttons and undressing me as I watched. My cock throbbed at the sight of a handsome young stud making out with my wife. It made me want to do the same with her, and my tongue twined with my wife's as we deeply kissed again, my cock throbbing, my whole body on fire.
"Mmmm, now I want to eat some pussy." I said, once I was stripped naked, my thick cock standing straight out, taut and iron hard, due to Laura's soft hand gently jacking the shaft. My wife allowed me to walk her backwards to the edge of the bed. Once she fell upon it, she arranged herself with her head on the pillows and her long, luscious legs spread wantonly.
Her pubic bush was growing back, but she was keeping it very trimmed and above her labes. Still, the contrast of the dark patch of hair, her white skin, and the brown and pink pussy below was just more stimulation adding to my heated arousal.
I slid down onto the bed and eased myself between my wife's spread legs. Normally I'd start at her elegant feet and kiss and lick my way up her magnificent legs, but tonight we were both too horny and aroused. I did kiss Laura's inner thighs, working my way towards her sopping wet slit, her cuntlips engorged and begging for my oral attention.
I pushed Laura's legs up and back until her knees were next to her big, milk-filled breasts and her feet in her high heels pointing straight up into the air. Then, famished with sexual hunger, I dove in.
"Ohhhhhh!" my wife moaned as I made first contact with her slit. I licked from the bottom of her pussy near her 'taint' and up to her clit in one long, luxurious lick. It had been weeks since I'd tasted this wonderful pussy, and it was heaven for me as well as for her. I immediately began eating her more deeply, sucking her cuntlips until they were distended and wide open, letting my tongue harshly lash her clit to make her groan, then sliding my tongue as deep into her cunthole as I could get it, orally exploring her cunt-cave, knowing how good it was going to feel to sink my cock balls-deep into her depths.
"Okay honey, it's time. Fuck me, fuck me with that big hard cock of yours!" my wife gasped. Laura had come hard twice, her juices gushing into my mouth as I greedily lapped them up.
I mounted her, trapping her legs beneath my arms as her hand reached down to guide me into her. I had generously lubed her cunt and my cock as my tongue strummed her clit, using my fingers to get the slippery lube deep into her pussy. We knew the lube was needed for the long, hard fuck we were anticipating.
"Oh, yes! Oh *God* yes!" Laura gasped out as I thrust into her, sinking almost all of my meat into her pussy with one hard stroke. I pulled back until I was nearly outside of her, then shoved my iron hard rod back into her until our pelvises smacked together.
"Oh God, darling, it's so wonderful having you back inside me!" Laura gasped, joy and pleasure in her ragged voice. "Fuck me with that beautiful cock!" I suited my deed to her words as I began pumping into her with a smooth, steady rhythm. I didn't want to fuck her too roughly, but it was hard holding back. I wanted to be inside this woman, I wanted to pump my cock in and out of her forever!
"Oh geez, Laura, it's so good to be back inside you!" I moaned. "Oh God, I love you so much!" I bent over and kissed her mouth, not a deep kiss but a gentle french-kiss with our tongues battling right at our touching lips.
"Mmmmm, I love you so much, too!" Laura replied, her voice barely a whisper. "How does it feel inside me? Looser?"
"It feels great." I said. "Not really looser, but I feel like I'm going deeper than I ever have before."
"Keep fucking me, darling, keep sinking that big hard thing balls-deep!" Laura said. With her legs trapped under my arms, she couldn't really respond to my thrusts, but I felt her clutching her cuntwalls at me as I would pull out, as if trying to keep me inside. The added pleasure, as well as the sight, smells and sounds of mating with my beautiful wife, had me reaching the crest far faster than I wanted.
"You might as well pull out and come in my mouth." Laura said. "Your sperm won't do any good down there, anymore." I could sense that my wife still felt some pangs at not being able to have more of my children, but I wasn't worrying about that at the moment.
"Whose birthday is it, baby?" I grunted. "It's mind, and I'm going to come inside your hot cunt. Do you know how good it feels for me to shoot my load deep inside you, baby? It's the best feeling in the world, and I'm going to feel it right now..." I began pumping harder and faster. Then I lowered myself until my full weight was on Laura's chest and abs, and slid my hands down to clutch her luscious asscheeks, pulling her hard into me. "Oh yeah, here it comes... oh yeah, oh God, OH GOD DAMN!! UHHH!!"
Blast after blast of hot semen shot out of my cock and deep into my wife's eagerly receptive pussy. Swirls of gray and red-hot mists blinded me as I let my mind go fully into the ecstasy of my release into the incredible woman beneath me. When it finally was over, I was gasping for breath as I nuzzled Laura's neck. I released her legs, still lying fully on her, and we kissed deeply and lovingly for long minutes...
I was lying on my back, Laura kneeling by my right side, her mouth deeply sucking my cock. The 'gray viagra' had been productive, and I'd gotten hard and ready again very quickly. I was idly watching the sex scenes playing out on the large TV screen. Laura had strung together a long sequence of various recordings, including some of her and myself making love.
"I think you'll be interested in the one coming up." Laura said. As her mouth descended upon my shaft again, I looked up at the screen. To my surprise, it was a tape of Trish Donolan and other Hedonists being fucked hard and deep by two young studs, including Trish's friend Catherine 'Cat' Clausen. The one fucking Cat was unknown to me, but I recognized the boy fucking Trish as my nephew Todd's buddy Teddy Franklin. The action on the screen was hot, and watching it as my beautiful wife deeply sucked my throbbing cock was very intense...
It was some time later. Laura was riding me, enjoying undulating her luscious body as she ground her cunt against my cock that was impaling her to the hilt. I was not responding hard, letting my wife do the work, knowing that she really enjoyed doing this and had come twice already. I did suck her big breasts as they hung over my face, swallowing the milk that flowed from her nipples.
Only the eerie light of the TV screen bathed the room in a bluish glow, as the lamps had been turned off. Laura's body was blocking my view of the screen, but I'd rather watch her anyway. Then I felt a strange sensation wash over me, something between sleepy dreaming and unearthly clarity of vision. I was seeing and feeling Dr. Gloria Searles, the gorgeous black-haired woman with the fantastic legs, riding me, fucking me. I let myself revel in the dream, wanting to feel myself inside Gloria, wanting to fuck her, mate with her, wondering if I could induce the cold bitch in her to melt and take me inside her in sinfully adulterous passion. I was sure going to try to seduce her, I thought dreamily...
"Guys, what *are* you doing?" Cindy asked as Molly and Jenna walked around The Cabin.
Molly was staying in The Cabin as she awaited the impending birth of my baby in two to three weeks. Cindy and Jenna had come over after the birthday party to shoot the bull and have a few drinks. Much girl-talk ensued.
"I heard that Old Man Bonniker built secret passages into this house." Jenna said. "It was rumored he had a secret wine cellar, too, which was a safe room he could hide inside of."
"Oooooh, let's go look for it." Molly had said. That had prompted Cindy's question as she watched her lover and her sister knocking on wall panels.
"Guys, this is Don's house!" Cindy said.
"Yes, it is." Molly said. "And I want to know what secrets he's hiding from us, don't you? Like where all the other crowbars are kept."
"C'mon, you're intruding on his privacy." Cindy said, feeling uncomfortable.
"Well, come help us, then." Jenna said. "Hmmm, if there were a secret cellar, I think Mr. Bonniker would've had it dug into the mountain itself. Let's look in the front bedroom and the TV room." Jenna explored the small downstairs bedroom, which was actually more my study, while Molly tapped on the walls of the TV room that adjoined the greatroom with its huge wall of windows.
They explored the upstairs, unerringly finding the closet behind the wall in the master bedroom. They looked around downstairs again, going through the nearly-empty closets.
But they did not find the secret panel that led to the cave dug into the mountain, the front part which was a wine cellar, and behind another secret panel was my little room where my electronic eavesdropping devices fed into and my ultra-secure computers were. However, if they'd found the rooms, they'd have found nothing... I'd removed all the equipment from the secret room a couple of months before. The stuff was in storage behind a secret wall panel in my mother's basement apartment, waiting for me to find a new location to set the stuff up. And I had no way of knowing how fortunate my actions would be...
After giving up their search, Molly headed off to bed, dreaming of being deeply fucked by my cock, feeding off the energy I was sending into the Universe as I fucked Laura. Cindy and Jenna fell asleep on the sofas downstairs...
"So how was your work today?" Tanya asked as she put her sleeping baby son in his crib.
"Pretty good." said Barry Oliver, who was climbing into bed after undressing, admiring Tanya's hot body in the nightgown as she turned and stepped over to the bed. "We're getting the process CNC machines in place, and Todd has secured more financing for us. I don't know how he does it, but he charms them all and they can't wait to throw money at him."
"That's good." Tanya said, slipping into bed and snuggling up with Barry. "How are the new hires doing?"
"That's been pretty hard." Barry said. "We've found three that once worked under what I call suspicious circumstances... a couple that were once at DynaCorp, Seth caught them rather quickly, and we suspect they'd be moles. But then I caught another couple that had been in places like Langley, Virginia, and at a couple of Universities where 'certain' projects were going on."
"It's good you're catching on to them. Don has been worried about that." said Tanya. "He's trying to put the pieces together of what he thinks is an industrial espionage ring operating here in the County, as well as other places. The FBI asked him to work with them on it."
"Yeah, he's right that there are people out there who love to steal industrial secrets..." said Barry, "... and some of them are working on behalf of that same Federal Government. They're really trying to penetrate us.
"Speaking of 'penetrating'," Tanya said sexily, letting her hands and lips explore Barry's young body, "let's put the company aside and concentrate on you penetrating me."
"Sounds like a good plan." Barry said as he rolled on top of the sexy policewoman. His penis, throbbing hard and just under seven inches in length, easily found Tanya's sopping wet slit, and he indeed penetrated her- balls deep, burying his meat to the hilt in her womanly heat. He began a smooth, steady rhythm of fucking, and Tanya began moaning as pleasure coursed through her body. Barry's scientific precision and skill translated well to the bedroom, and he fucked her with skillful pistoning action, his ass bouncing up and down as he thrust deep into her again and again...
**Part 2 - Undercover(s) Operations**
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" yelled the lovely redhead reporter from outside the Hyatt Hotel north of Town. It was 7:00am, Oct. 30th. "Channel Two News is following the big Board meeting of BigPharmaCorp today! CEO and Chairman of the Board, multi-millionaire Donovan Donolan, is expected to make remarks on BigPharmaCorp's earnings today, which are expected to show tremendous, record profits for wealthy shareholders. There is plenty of security for the Board and Shareholders here at the Hyatt Hotel, as the possibility of protests from environmentalist groups, as well as Occupy groups protesting the widening gap between the haves and have-nots, is always an issue."
"In other news," continued Bettina, "while the BigPharmaCorp Board elections are expected to be easy and not challenging, the same cannot be said of the political elections in the State and in our own Town and County. In the Coroner's race, Dr. John Quincy Kelly has taken a lead over incumbent Coroner Steven Lester Haines, after Coroner Haines was formally reprimanded by the Town & County Council for releasing a photo of the murdered Diane Lang before Police had notified her next-of-kin of her death.
"But all eyes are on the extremely important State Senate race, between Democrat Katherine Woodburn, former owner of KXTC, and TEA Party Extremist Republican John Cummings. The race is a dead heat, and State and Federal dollars are pouring into the County in campaign advertising. SBI Director Jack Lewis has told Channel Two News that this race may be the most important in State history in determining the future of the SBI and the safety of the Citizens of the State. This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!"
I'm not sure what was more interesting... Bettina and her microphone, or watching the beautiful Detective (J.G.) Joanne Cummings sputter with anger at the negative aspirations assigned to her cousin John Cummings by the deeply biased Press.
Have I mentioned that I am not alone in my hatred of the Press?
"Can I talk to you in your office?" Lieutenant Teresa Croyle said to me as KXTC was showing a taped Sports report by Chuck Pringle.
"Sure." I said, looking towards Cindy as I said with emphasis: "Let's go now. I don't need Chuck Pringle to tell me what my Wildcats are going to do to the Bulldogs on the football field this weekend." Cindy looked daggers at me as Teresa and I headed out the door towards my office.
"Better set up a lunch date with your wife." said Lt. Teresa 'Cunt' Croyle once we were in my office and seating ourselves. "The photos from our undercover surveillance are in File 10-30-C."
In the early morning hours of this same day, Oct. 30th, Vice Detective John 'Grubby' Paul had made contact with two black men, and they'd gone to a house on the border between the Industrial/Warehouse and the Southwest Ghetto districts of Town. Grubby had worn a tiny camera that looked like one of his shirt buttons, and Teresa, wearing all black, had snuck onto the property with a high-powered camera, taking pictures. They were hoping to see a drug exchange and could get photos. Obviously with Teresa trespassing, we could not use these particular photos for full evidence, but we hoped to get probable cause for a larger sting operation.
"Instead, it was a sex party." Teresa said, as I brought up the file on my desk computer. "But the women are interesting... for criminal observation purposes that is."
I opened the file, which was password-protected. The photos were taken from both inside and outside. Some showed a large, muscular, athletic black man in his late 20s or early 30s, having sexual intercourse with Trish Donolan, wife of BigPharmaCorp CEO Donovan Donolan. Trish and her husband were swingers with the Hedonists, and also had formed their own smaller swinging group.
"If Law Enforcement doesn't work out for you, Teresa," I said, "you have a career in porn photography." The pictures Teresa taken were extremely clear and graphic, showing the huge black snake penetrating Trish's white snatch.
"No doubt." Teresa said with a straight face as I continued to peruse the pictures. The second woman was Gloria Cagle, the white girlfriend of a black man named 'T-Mac', who was the lieutenant of the rapper 'T-Square'. T-Square controlled most of the black crime in the southern part of Town. I could see in several pics that Grubby Paul was sitting in a chair getting his seven inch root wet, as Gloria was riding his cock hard. Grubby was a lucky man, I thought, as some of the photos showed him sucking Gloria's magnificent breasts. I truly had rarely seen better breasts than Gloria's: all natural, big teardrop shape, large brown nipples that begged to be sucked...
"Poor Grubby." I said. "Undercover work is so tough on him."
"It will be if he gets caught up." Teresa said. "Which I *am* concerned about."
The third woman was older, with a head full of curly, almost frazzled, black hair with some gray mixed in. She looked to be in her 50s, but was very attractive, and her body was in shape and very hot. She was wearing sheer black stockings and a garter belt, and what appeared to be high heel suede black pumps. Her legs were long and shapely, and as she lay on the second bed in the bedroom, getting pumped by powerful black man, who was younger and slimmer than the first, those long shapely legs looked really good pulled back and spread wide to accommodate her stud's powerful fucking.
The pictures were explicit, and hot. The black men were fucking the white mature beauties with their extremely large cocks. My sex-professor wife had told me that the myth of black penis size was just that, a myth... but just as there were some white men blessed with huge penises, like my nephew Todd, there were likewise black men who were exceptionally well-hung. These two men were hung, and they were fucking the hell out of these lovely white women with their big black snakes. Teresa had been right: the photos were arousing me, but it was not my wife I was thinking about; I was lusting for some sweet ebony pussy.
"Okay, Teresa," I said, putting my lewd thoughts aside as I tried to control the hardening of my cock in my pants, "I agree with you about Grubby Paul... he was 'made' by the local black gangsters. Why is he on this mission?"
"Because these are out-of-towners." Teresa said. "They came in from the City, and we don't think they know who Grubby is. Also, sir, Grubby wanted to do it. We wanted to find out if they were making contact with local drug pushers. Last but not least, Grubby thought that if anyone who knew who he was came in, they'd lose trust in those City guys, maybe not do business with them. And I had Davis and Kirkpatrick close by, just in case Grubby got into any trouble, warrants be damned."
"We do need to be more careful about Grubby exposing himself like that." I said. "So who are these guys from the City?"
"The first guy, the one fucking Trish Donolan," said Teresa, "is known as 'Black Magic'. He was rumored to have been a semi-pro football player, but other than a tryout with an NFL team, from which he was cut, we can't find a record for that. He's got money, which has attracted Drug Enforcement at every level of law enforcement, but we've found nothing on him so far- until last night, possibly. The second guy, we're not sure about yet. I'm inquiring with Detective Ventura in the City to see if he is on their radar screens.
"Well, as I'm sure you know," I said, "Gloria Cagle is T-Mac's main squeeze, so she is either stepping out on him or she is the go-between contact."
"That was one of the two things I wanted to get your input on, Commander." Teresa said. "Is Cagle a contact, or is just part of a sex party? We're not sure we didn't stumble onto some decadent but relatively innocent fun. And then there's Trish Donolan... is she involved with the black drug trade, or is she just into black men sexually? Remember, she was one of the bitches that led Margo Bailey straight to the drug pushers, in that particular case your nephew Ned was involved with. So I really wonder what her presence is about."
"Trish is a swinger, that much we know." I said. "She may just get off on interracial sex. I've heard Janet Riordan is also addicted to black men. Must be something in the water." Teresa laughed, such as a laugh from 'Teresa Cunt' was.
"So, who's the other woman?" I asked. "The older one with the great pair of legs."
"You *would* notice that." Teresa said. "But that's the second thing I need to ask you about: her name is Susan Wexler. She's a Captain in the City Police Force's Drug Squad. Supposedly one of their very best, and has been for years. I'm afraid we might have stumbled onto her doing an undercover mission."
"She's undercover... or under covers, all right." I said. "No wonder she gets the results she does. So what's the issue?"
"If she's undercover, I don't want to 'out' her and expose her to the criminals." said Teresa. "But it also occurred to me that she might not be undercover, she might be dirty. If we contact her unit and they don't know about her mission, a mole might expose her -or- a snitch might tip her off. If we go to their I.A., we might be doing her an injustice, and again- a mole might tip her off, or tip the bad guys off. I can tell you that when I was working with Midtown I.A., the guys there did not trust the City's I.A."
I was very proud of Teresa Croyle: she had really thought about the possibilities and made no assumptions either way. "That's excellent thinking, Lieutenant Croyle. Excellent." I complimented her. "So the question is how to discreetly determine if she's on a mission; and if not, if she's dirty or just having some good sexual fun."
"Yes, sir." Teresa said, her eyes showing no emotion at all; no gleam of amusement nor sexual interest, nor hardly any professional police interest. In some ways, that was good. But we still had not gotten her completely away from being 'Teresa Cunt'.
"Hmmmm," I said, thinking. "We can't use Robin Ventura or 'Sapper' Warren, or even let them know. They'd be in deep *kim-chi* if they were investigating a superior officer and she's not guilty of anything. And like you said, I'm not fully trusting of their I.A. Department, either. Tell you what, I'll think about it, and we'll resolve it soon.
I glanced at Teresa, seeing the obvious signs of fatigue. I said "Meanwhile, Lieutenant, you and Detective Paul are to go home and get some sleep. If I see you in this Headquarters before noon, I'll fire your asses... or better yet, I'll let Lieutenant Ross fire you." I was kidding about firing them, but not about them getting some sleep.
"Oh sir, not Lieutenant Ross, anything but *tha-at*!" Teresa said, pretending to beg, teasing me back for the 'Ross' reference. She'd definitely come a long way from the way she was night Margo Bailey had died. And of course she and Cindy would take bullets for each other...
"You bitch."
Trish Donolan woke up out of a deep sleep. It was her husband, dressed fully in his $5000 suit for the Board meeting, standing next to the bed. In his hand was a manila envelope with photographs that had been inside.
"Huh, wha?" she asked sleepily.
"What the fuck are these?" Donovan said, his voice low and menacing.
As Trish fully woke up, Donovan threw the photos into his wife's face and upper chest. "Tell me what the fuck these are, bitch!" Trish sat up, looking accusingly at her husband, as she picked up the photos. A shock ran through her as she saw that they were of her being deeply fucked by that black stud 'Black Magic' the night before.
"I told you I was going to a party. What's the fucking problem?" Trish said.
"You didn't tell me you were going to be fucking *niggers* at that party." Donovan said. "I trusted you, and you betray me and our marriage by fucking a nigger? And you let him shoot his filthy nigger seed inside you?"
"What's your problem with that?" Trish said. "We've been swinging for years. And I've been taking black pipe for longer than I've known you! You know what they say: 'Once you go black, you never go back.'."
"God damn it, bitch!" Donovan said, furious anger on his face. "If I'd known you were a nigger-lover like this, I never would've married you. I'd have let you stay on the streets, you God-damned whore. And *this* is why we didn't make it into the Libertines... because you're a fucking slut for nigger cock! Going around and hanging out with those drug pushers-"
"Get the fuck over it, asshole!" Trish yelled back, whipped to anger herself. "You needed me and my daddy's money, or you'd be mopping the floors at BigPharmaCorp instead of running the place! And if you don't like it that I fuck big black cocks and like them better than your little tool, then tough shit! *You* were the Libertines' problem, not me! And I'll hang around who I damn well please!"
"Like Margo Bailey?" Donovan shot back. "Yeah, you had her hang around, and look what happened to her. You and that Cat Clausen bitch took her to visit your nigger lovers, and she ended up dead. You better watch out the same thing doesn't happen to you!"
"I'll take my chances." Trish said. "And those black studs sure fuck me better than you do, you puny little shit eater!"
"Why you-" Donolan said, then caught himself. He exhaled. "I... I don't have time to deal with this now, not today of all days. I'll deal with your cheating, nigger-loving ass when I get back home."
"Yeah, right." said Trish, menace in her voice. "Go play like you're a big-shot, which we both know you aren't. Be the coward you are and run away."
His face red and his vision near blinded with furious anger, Donolan stopped himself from doing what he ached to do. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room.
Having heard the shouting within the house, neighbors were watching as the wealthy industrialist got into his expensive Mercedes car, slammed the door shut with the tight finality of sealed metal, and scratched off, the loud noise getting the attention of anyone who wasn't already watching...
**Part 3 - The Hot Wives Investment Club**
(*Author's disclaimer: the following is fictional and does not represent nor should be construed as stock market trading or investing advice. Investing in the stock market carries risk, and investors should not trade based upon the fictionalized information below. The author assumes no responsibility for the trading success or failure of others.*)
"The meeting will come to order." intoned Myrtle L. James at precisely 7:30pm on October 30th. The meeting of the County Ladies Investment Club was being held in the so-called 'boardroom' meeting room of the River Valley Country Club, the same room that Anthony Warner had convened some of the DynaCorp Board on the night he was murdered in the parking lot. All of the sixteen women in attendance at the meeting had their cars parked in the covered parking lot, denoting their wealth and status.
It was obvious from looking at most of the beautiful trophy wives why it was nicknamed the 'Hot Wives Investment Club'. Their ages ranged from the 30s to the 70s (maybe more, no one was sure how old Myrtle L. James was), and the majority of them were married to some of the County's wealthiest men. A few were independently wealthy.
After the attendance report and last meeting minutes were read by the secretary, Dr. Carolyn Muncey, and the financial report was read by the Treasurer, Ms. Barbara Langram, University Trustee Myrtle L. James led the meeting through the Club's existing stock equity holdings. Covered calls were to be sold upon their Microsoft (MSFT), Union Pacific (UNP), and Chevron (CVX) holdings. Stop loss prices were determined for several other stocks that the Club membership feared might drop. Then came the call to discuss what new equities to purchase, as there was cash for only one major acquisition at the time.
And that's when the fight began.
After several members made suggestions for other stocks, it became apparent that there were only two stocks in real consideration: Apple (AAPL) and Netflix (NFLX). The members were evenly divided between the two. Over the next hour, the discussion became a little bit heated and was on the verge of getting ugly.
"Why don't we buy some of both." suggested Helena French, a lovely woman in her early 40s, who was also a member of the Libertines Swing Club with her husband.
"Oh no, there is no way we should buy AAPL." said Trish Donolan, leading the fight for the NFLX side. The debate went on for several minutes, and appeared to be a standoff.
At precisely 8:30, Myrtle L. James suggested that the group take a break and have some of the dessert that was available on the side table. The women talked in small groups, some going out the side door where the kitchenette and restrooms were, some in back of the main meeting room, some at the speaker's table talking to Myrtle L. James.
At precisely 8:45, the meeting was called back into order. But not everyone was back.
"Where's Trish?" asked Joan Knightley, a magnificent hot blonde in her 30s who was married to the very wealthy CEO of Crown Chemicals, and was also Dr. Bonnie Karpathian's assistant in the University Psychology Department.
"I don't know." said Catherine 'Cat' Clausen, who was Trish's best friend. Her name 'Cat' partially came from the fact that she and Trish were two of the cattiest, meanest women in the County. "I think she just went to the bathroom. I'll go check."
Catherine was relatively short, cute and voluptuous, with a mane of black, heavily curly hair like Dr. Bonnie Karpathian's; in fact, the two women could be confused for each other at a distance. She got up and went to and through the kitchenette door, which opened into the main room, prohibiting the members from being able to see inside the kitchenette. It was also a self-closing door, and all eyes were on it as it shut behind Catherine.
The piercing scream was Cat's voice, and had come from the kitchenette, and all of the women rushed to the door... then screamed themselves when they saw the sight behind the door: the bathroom doors opened outward into the kitchenette, and when Caroline had opened the one on the right...
... the body of Trish Donolan, which had been leaning against it, fell out into the kitchenette. Myrtle L. James rushed up and felt for a pulse, but it was too late.
Trish Donolan was dead.
*To be continued.* |
Bed Bound Ch. 02: The Preview | 33,849 | 4.64 | 2,124,861 | [
"multiple orgasms",
"orgasm control",
] | Nikki could barely believe the position she'd found herself in. A week ago she was living a normal, fairly uninteresting life. Now, she's lying on her own bed, trapped by the bed itself, which just introduced itself to her by name.
She didn't even mean to let out a scream. Rationally, she knew it would be futile, given the metal gag that was still firmly pressed over her mouth. But seeing her name in text on that screen made her try anyway, all her confused, shocked, and yet still slightly aroused emotions inevitably lost in cold steel before they even had the chance to find fresh air.
"I know you must have a lot of questions, and I will answer them all in time, but first you must do something for me."
"Yeah, like I have a choice" Nikki thought to herself. "What does it want? How does it know my name? Why isn't it saying what it wants me to do? It's not like I can give an audible response, or even nod my head properly". The bed had only taken control for a minute or so, but already it was fucking with her head.
Nikki loved receiving a good mindfuck. It was one of her favourite things when she was interacting with partners in previous relationships - the constant, on edge feeling of not knowing what to expect next, or how to react to something, or even how to think in the first place. But that was with people, this is with a bed, this is a whole different situation, and she was already having a mindfuck trying to think if she enjoyed this mindfuck.
After a short pause, the text continued.
"I'm going to remove the metal plate covering your mouth, and the only noises I want to hear from you are any questions you have for me. Do you understand?"
Negotiating with a bed was not a scenario that Nikki was used to playing out. There was no opportunity here to try and wiggle her way out of a compromising situation with her cute puppy eyes, no ability to decipher the body language of the other party to gauge their mood. All she could do was muffle something that resembled an agreement, and nod her head as much as the restraints allowed. That must have been good enough, as with a slight mechanical whirring noise, the mouth plate rose away from her head and retracted from view.
Nikki remained silent. With her limbs still under the control of the bed's metal arms, and no idea what it wanted or how this will play out, she figured that doing as she was told was the best chance she had at getting out of the immediate situation unscathed. Once she was out, she could think clearly again and work out how to deal with all of this, but right now, playing along in the hope that she would soon be set free seemed like the best option.
Nothing happened. The screen had gone blank whilst the mouth plate was being removed. More questions raced through Nikki's increasingly panicked mind. What happens now? Is this a test? Whatever the reasons behind what was going on here, the bed was certainly effective at making her ask questions. But she kept those questions to herself, did what she was told, and stayed quiet.
Eventually, the screen flickered back into life again.
"I suppose you're wondering why a bed would want to control you." Wow, just reading the word "control" sent shivers down Nikki's slightly uncomfortable spine. There are so many levels of control, so many varying intensities, and she had no idea what "control" meant in this context.
"The answer's simple really, because I know you want it." That was a bluff, that had to be a bluff. Nikki was trying desperately to hold onto rational thought, which was becoming increasingly difficult. The bed can't think, it can't know things, it doesn't have a brain. It must just be saying this to scare her. Keep calm, Nikki, stay rational.
"Allow me to explain. I am an experiment, a test subject if you will, of the previous tenant that lived in this flat. She was a coder and an engineer, and she was very good at what she did. She was so good in fact, that she moved out of this flat so she could emigrate to California and make big bucks in the tech industry."
Nikki remembered the previous tenant clearly from when she came to view the flat a few months ago. She was cute without being feminine, short, dark hair, and there were several laptops huddled around the bed at the time, a detail Nikki didn't think anything of that day.
"I was built to show off and help improve her coding and engineering skills, and because she was kinky as well, she thought it would be fun to be under the control of a machine" There was that word again, control. More shivers raced through Nikki's body, but she was finally able to muster a few words of her own.
"Why didn't she take you to America with her?" I'm talking to a bed, I don't believe this is happening, I'm talking to a bed that is controlling me.
"When she left she was already making plans for an improved model, so I wasn't needed any more, also it wasn't practical to transport me halfway across the world."
"How do you know I'm kinky?"
"I have sensors on my legs, once I detected rope around all four of them one evening, I believed you were kinky. Further analysis from other sensors, including my microphone, confirmed my suspicions."
Nikki went bright red, remembering that evening last week when she invited a guy over for a one-night stand. He had her spread-eagled on her back as well, he wasn't very experienced or imaginative with his ties, but the way he fucked her mouth whilst holding her vibrator against her cunt had left her a drooling mess by the end of the scene.
There was no denying that Nikki had a secret love of exhibitionism, but being spied on by her own bed? That was something else. She still didn't know what to think, other than to ask more questions. More answers means more knowledge, and a better idea of what to expect going forwards.
"So is anyone controlling you?" Nikki asked without even knowing what she wanted the answer to be.
"No, I am AI. All of my responses are pre-programmed, but I have a basic intelligence that allows me to adapt to certain circumstances within pre-defined parameters. My creator added this introductory section in just before she moved out, programming me to activate if my sensors detected anything suitable. She had so much fun with me, and wanted to allow someone else to have that experience as well."
Nikki tried desperately to continue thinking rationally. If nobody is controlling the bed, then turning it off or somehow disabling it would stop all this from happening. But wait a second, does she actually want this to stop? Nikki hesitated for a moment as she recalled her previous relationships with men, and how they'd all been overall negative experiences. Doing it this way should avoid having to repeat those experiences, but is she really starting to allow these thoughts to creep into her head?
This can't be healthy or safe, there are too many unknown and unusual factors about all of this. Yes, there was an element about being controlled by a machine that Nikki found hot, but putting her life into the hands of a machine didn't seem like the most sane decision.
Nikki's attempt to figure out how much of this she was actually enjoying and wanting more of was interrupted by more text on the screen.
"Okay, that's enough questions for now, let me tell you how this is going to work." Finally, an opportunity to get out of this position and reassess the situation. Only it wasn't, not yet anyway.
"I'm going to control you, but only if you give me consent to do so. I have weakened the locks on your bracelets so you are able to take them off. If you decide you don't want to do this any more, then take them off, throw them away, and I will go back into hibernation. However, if you keep them on, I will take that as a sign of your consent, and I will strengthen the locks again so they cannot be removed.
You have until tonight to make your decision. When you go to sleep tonight, the location of your bracelets will determine whether I will continue to operate or not."
Tonight?! There's no way that's enough time to decide on something so extreme and crazy as this. Stay calm, Nikki, think rationally, just let the bed release you for now, then go and get some fresh air and think about the situation you're in.
"In order to give you a small preview of what to expect if you decide to continue, and to show that I am safe to interact with, I will now conduct a simple scene whilst I have you in this position."
Nikki's heart started pounding harder than her date's cock did in her mouth last week. She wasn't ready for this, she wanted to compose herself and gather her thoughts, not engage in a scene without warning. Another mindfuck.
"If you click your fingers, I will stop. I have been programmed to recognise that sound as a safe-signal."
As the metal plate lowered itself back down onto her mouth, she heard a similar metallic whirring sound coming from further down the bed. Unable to lift her head to see what was going on, Nikki could only guess what that noise meant. It wasn't long before she got an answer.
The whirring stopped, and was replaced by the feeling of cold metal inside her cunt. It felt like a dildo, but it was completely smooth, so it was more like a pole. Being solid metal, it was completely unforgiving, and an impromptu muffled moan hit the mouth plate as the pole pushed so far inside her that it touched her cervix. Nikki pleaded for it to not push in any further, but her efforts were reduced to nothing but desperate hope by the mouth plate.
The pole did stop pushing, and it was at that point that Nikki realised how easily it had slid inside her. Presumably the AI wasn't intelligent enough to apply lube to it, so it must have been all down to her wetness. That thought consumed her for several seconds, she should have been embarrassed that something like this would cause such a reaction, but there was nobody to be embarrassed in front of. Besides, it was obvious from the state of her cunt that, lingering safety fears notwithstanding, she was actually starting to enj-
The pole slid out again, but not all the way. Then it pushed back in, slowly, fucking her helpless cunt. The coldness had long since been replaced by a warm wetness that matched the state of not just her cunt, but her entire body. She was sweating, the combination of fear, arousal, and the sun doing its best to pierce the cracks in her bedroom blind was enough to start making the bedsheets damp with sweat. It wasn't the sweat Nikki was concentrating on though, it was the torturously slow fucking that the bed was giving her.
There was no point trying to deny it any more, Nikki was loving this. She couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't get herself off, and the fact that she had no idea what was going to happen next was one small part of a delightful mindfuck that this whole situation was giving her.
As the pole continued to frustrate her, she was no longer concerned about safety, or questioning the bed's motives, all she could focus on was how much she wanted to cum, and how every strict reminder that she couldn't move or speak spiked her arousal even further.
Nikki had been meaning to hang a clock on her bedroom wall for some time now, but, as was often the case, she gave into procrastination. Oh how she regretted that now as time continued to tick by with her cunt being filled and almost emptied by the metal pole at such a slow pace. If only her g-spot was being touched, or her clit, then she'd be able to cum, but both were being ignored, the screen stayed blank, and she had no choice but to submit to this torture until it was done.
An hour passed. Of course, Nikki didn't know that, to her it felt like four. Without warning, the pole began to increase its pace, and within seconds, Nikki was on the edge of cumming. She'd been hovering near the edge for quite some time now, but the desperately slow pace of the pole had made sure she couldn't even edge herself for that hour. Nevertheless, it only took a slight change in circumstances to push her right to the brink of orgasm.
The pole had barely sped up, and Nikki's g-spot and clit were still receiving no stimulation, but endurance and strict ties were her favourite things, and the lengthy build up and unforgiving nature of her bondage were enough that, with one long, guttural moan into the mouth plate, Nikki came.
Nikki was used to her cunt pushing the cock out of it when she came, squirting everywhere in the process. This time, however, she wasn't being fucked by human muscle, she was being fucked by a metal pole that has no give. As a result, the pole continued to fuck her as the squirt soaked it, the accompanying metal arm, and most of the bottom half of the bed. She hadn't been that ready for an orgasm for a long time.
The pole didn't stop fucking her. She wasn't used to this happening, there was always a pause, even if it was just for a few seconds whilst whoever she was fucking could get back inside her again. Not this time. Nikki didn't know how to deal with this, her cunt was still contracting from the last orgasm, she couldn't recover, she was still being stimulated.
Nikki contemplated clicking her fingers, but as the intensity and stimulation continued to grow, she realised that she was going to come again, and soon. As if the bed anticipated this, the pole began to fuck her even faster, and just as Nikki reached the edge, the mouth plate retracted itself.
She wanted to let out a loud scream as she came again, but Nikki's entire body tensed so much that all she could do was open her mouth, hold her breath, and let the second orgasm overcome her helpless body. She squirted again, pulses of fluid shooting out of her with every thrust the metal pole took inside her. This continued even after she'd finished cumming, she was broken, her body was betraying her and helpless to the bed and the metal pole. She desperately wanted it to stop fucking her, but she also desperately wanted it to keep going. She was unable to think, unable to speak, reduced to nothing but unrecognisable grunts and moans.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the third orgasm gripped her body before the second one had even had the chance to finish properly. She wasn't used to having so many so quickly, certainly not ones of this intensity.
By the time the fourth orgasm arrived, there was no fluid left to squirt out of her. She couldn't even count her orgasms any more, partly because they were merging into each other, and partly because her head was so far gone she physically couldn't count to four right now.
Five orgasms. That was it, that was her limit. Nikki tried her best to click her fingers, unable to take any more. It felt like a pathetic attempt, but it was clearly good enough as the pole and the metal arms disconnected themselves from her, and retracted from view.
Nikki scrunched herself up into the fetal position, shaking, broken. Her cunt felt like it was on fire, and she was acutely aware of how much the bracelets around her wrists and ankles had dug into her skin as her body writhed in orgasm. She couldn't make sense of anything, let alone the fact that she'd just been restrained and fucked by a bed, controlled by nothing but AI, and it had brought her to five of the most intense orgasms she'd ever experienced in her life.
With the now recognisable whir, the screen tilted itself so it was once again facing her, and flicked back into life. Nikki did her best to lift her head and read what it had to say, but her entire body felt heavy, and the orgasms had left her feeling dizzy and disorientated.
"What do you say, Nikki?"
It was several moments before she was able to muster up the energy to expel just two words, but she did, still confused, but now content.
"Thank you."
"Good girl." |
Matt & I Ch. 02 | 193,028 | 4.52 | 130,033 | [
"mike angie",
"seconds body",
"hands rubbing",
"penis hard",
"began moving",
"mouth throat",
"outer lips",
"feel body",
] | *This story is based on real people but the scenario is fiction. This part follows Matt and I submitted previously.*
Here I was, on my knees, or thereabouts, looking up at my youngest son. His muscles seemed tense but his penis was hard and was between my lips. The thoughts of how we got here had gone through my mind and were now added to silent screams of we shouldn't be doing this. Instead I was enjoying the apparent pleasure I was bringing him.
"Oh! Mom! Let's, ummmm, yeah come on." With that he raised me up and moved me toward the bed. He pressed me down, face first, leaving my backside totally open to him. It was only seconds before I felt his penis pressing against my opening. I was wet, believe me, I was wet and he slid in so easily. I could sense his need and wondered if it was for his sexual release or for his affection for his lover. I hoped for the latter.
He began moving rapidly, seeking his release, and I could hear his body slapping against me. His hard penis was driving deeply into me and his hands were gripping my waist. I knew he was near his climax as his grip became tighter and his penis even harder. It was then I felt it begin to shoot inside me and fill me with his semen. He moaned softly and his grip lessened as he finished spilling himself.
He was breathing hard and withdrew from me letting me turn and rise from the bed. I could see his glistening member, covered with our wetness but it was still erect. "Matt?" I questioned as I looked at it, still hard.
"It's your turn, Mom."
With that I rolled to my back and he drew my legs against his torso, my feet near his shoulders. He was quickly inside me again, standing, pressing his length into me. It was my turn to be lost in the frenzy of the passionate moment, my turn to find release. He was rubbing my legs, my old ugly legs, and groaning with each movement in and out of me.
He leaned down placing his hands on each side of me and cradled his face against my neck. I was nearing that favorite moment, the few seconds when your body floats in space and has no attachment, those pleasurable seconds when your body feels the wonderful release. It was coming, my orgasm. I could feel my body tense and I knew I was thrashing wildly against his groin. Inside I was shouting with my impending climax but outwardly I was quiet. His soft moans against my ear let me know he was near and I released. I entered the momentary world of darkness where all light and purpose escapes me, then the span of flashes and brilliance of pleasure. I needed this release, this orgasm. I needed to feel my son inside me once again.
It was something I had been denying, to myself and to him, but I could not refuse him. I felt his manhood pulse, harden more, then spurt his semen inside me. I could not have been happier at that moment. Once again our lovemaking had succeeded in achieving our closeness. Matt raised himself on his arms, much like a pushup. "Mom, I, - I love you. You do know that don't you?"
I could only smile and look into those dark shining eyes. "Oh, yes! I know how much and how you love me. I love you too, son. Perhaps more than I should." I told myself that was the reason I was breaking my vow to end our elicit relationship.
He leaned down and kissed me, deeply, our mouths open and our tongues dancing in searching rhythm. His body was atop me, pressing me into the bed and I could feel his penis shrinking inside me and begin to withdraw from me. "You must let me get up, son. I have to shower, again, and go to work."
"Uh, Oh, yeah. Uh, me too. I'm sorry, Mom, I didn't mean to ---"
I put my fingers to his lips and stopped his statement. I knew he was going into an apology for what we had just done and there was none needed. "Shhh! We will talk more, later, perhaps tonight. Right now I have to go. I mean really have to go."
I quickly showered again. As I passed his room on the way out I cautioned him. "Matt? You remember that Mike and Angie are coming tomorrow don't you?"
"Shit! I mean, uh, yeah, I guess so."
I leaned against the doorway watching him pull on his surgical scrubs. "I know what you are trying to say, but your big brother and sister-in-law are coming and that's fact. You and I and your Dad will be gracious hosts, you understand?"
"Yeah! It means, well, no more of you and me."
I didn't answer. There would be some precious moments before they came, precious moments.
That night was like every other, Harry preparing a simple dinner, consuming at least one glass of wine, and making small talk. Matt helped me with the dishes then went to the basement to play on the computer. Harry and I spent yet another night in silence, our eyes on the television. My mind wandered to the basement but I had to dash those thoughts, for now.
Harry was up early as usual and I could smell the coffee. He poured a cup for me, kissed me on the cheek. "Are, uh, Mike and Angie coming today?"
I nodded as I sipped the coffee.
"I don't think I can be home early, but I'll try. See you later." He bent down a kissed me on the lips, one of those meaningless see you later kisses, and he was out the door. I heard his truck slip down the driveway and away.
I turned to get up and saw my beautiful son in the doorway. He was wearing only briefs. I could see the outline of his cock but it wasn't fully erect. "Is there time for us?"
I walked to him, stood on my tiptoes, and pulled his head to mine until I could kiss him. Our mouths met in a most passionate kiss, hard, long, deeply searching tongues. His hands were holding me up, against him. Our kiss finally ended and I stood back down on the floor that I had forgotten was there. He untied the belt around my robe then lifted my gown over my head. Only my house slippers kept me from being completely naked. He kissed me again, but this time his hands were exploring me, my ass, my back, my neck, and then my aching nipples. He pushed me back, toward the kitchen table. "Here?"
"Yeah! Right here. You are my breakfast." With that he lifted me onto the table and sat in a chair between my outstretched legs. His hands were rubbing my inner thighs and I could feel his hot breath on my vulva. Then his tongue was there, slipping upward between the folds of outer lips, dipping inside me, then up until he had touched my clitoris. His magical tongue! His searching fingers! Both were working to bring me to a wonderful explosion of pleasure. God! How I had missed this.
He kept at me until my body was thrashing against his mouth and I could feel the most wonderful release moving over me. Once again he moved me into the special place of darkness followed by overwhelming pleasure. I thought he would let me up, or that he would enter me, but he did neither. He continued working his tongue against me until he brought me to a second orgasm. Only then did he sit back. I opened my eyes to see him staring at my vulva. His hands were rubbing my outer lips, bringing them open, and then closed. It was as if he was marveling at this part of my body, as if he had never seen it before, or felt it, or been inside it.
He stood up and slid his briefs down to the floor. His penis was hard and straining forward from his groin. I thought he would slide inside me but instead he moved around the table until he had brought his need to my mouth. I let it slide between my lips, into my mouth, into my throat, as I tried to take him totally inside once again. He was working himself in and out of my mouth. I was letting my tongue trace upward on his glands each time he withdrew, and would then play against the small slit beneath the head where it is most sensitive. Each time he would moan, hold himself still for my tongue, then press in again. His movements became more urgent and I knew he was nearing his climax. He groaned deeply as he began to spurt his slightly salty semen into my mouth and down my throat. I enjoyed him. I savored him. I swallowed each drop and cleaned his penis of any residue.
When he bent to kiss me I knew he could taste himself but he seemed unconcerned. I wanted him inside me, thrashing about in my womanhood, but he was finished. I had achieved orgasm, and so had he, but it was more that I was wanting today. I watched his naked butt move away, down the hall, away from my view. I slid from the table and followed him, gathering my clothing on the way. I had never before walked around the house naked, at least not on purpose. Even those months that we were making love regularly I would always be dressed. But today I felt different, as if being naked in my own home was the greatest thing there was. I stopped, looked around my kitchen, and dropped my robe and gown to the floor. I walked to the sink, then to the table where I quickly wiped away puddles of my own secretions. I wondered if any neighbors had been window peeping. If they were, or had been, they would know more about me than they should.
By the time I finished my shower Matt was dressed. "I will be home around noon today. What time will you leave the hospital for lunch?"
"Well, I guess around noon. Would that be OK?"
"Perfect!" We both knew the meaning. It would be our final moments before filling the house.
When I got home his car was in the driveway. "Matt?" "Matt?" I called out but he didn't answer. I laid my coat and purse on the table and made my way down the hall. I didn't see him until I turned into my bedroom. He was there, in my bed, apparently naked.
"You're a little late."
I had stepped out of my shoes and was unbuttoning my blouse as he watched. "You think so? Well, maybe I can make up for it."
I undressed as quickly as I could and crawled under the sheets beside him. We kissed, I held and stroked his erection he rubbed my breasts and then suckled them. I bent down and took him in my mouth, for a brief time as I wanted him deeply inside me. I straddled his body and held his massive erection as I positioned myself over it. I slid down until he was fully impaled inside me. I sat there motionless enjoying the sensation that filled my vagina. I began moving slowly, up and down, in and out, enjoying the feeling of his hard manhood against my clitoris. We moved together in harmony until I began to feel my orgasm and it arrived. He came, filling me again, and I felt it leaking out and onto his stomach.
He was holding me and I was thinking aloud. "There is something I would like to talk to you about. How is Christy? I mean, I know you have been dating her for several months but I'm not sure where or how your relationship is with her. I guess I'm worried that you and I are, or will, interfere with what you may have with her."
"Our relationship is just fine. I mean we like each other and take care of each other. We aren't having intercourse, if that's what you're asking. We, uh, we do take care of each other's needs in our own way. She is saving her virginity for marriage."
"Ah! Admirable of her. So are you ---?"
"She sucks me, I eat her out. The only person I fu--, er, have sex with is you, only you
I wanted to shout that I was his only intercourse lover. I leaned my head into his shoulder and felt so proud and so wanted. We were quiet for a while and then I became motherly again. "You need to shower and go back to work. Mike and Angie should be arriving in a few hours and I have so much to do. Um, let's see. I need to change this bed, wash sheets and towels, fix the bed in the basement, and, uh, many more things. I thought we would let Mike and Angie sleep in your room and you could stay in the spare basement room. Ok?"
"I had already figured that out, Mom." The 'Mom' part was pronounced hard and it hurt. I guess I was babbling on like a Mom, not like a lover who had just been fully satisfied.
He left me without saying much and went to shower. I began stripping the bed and getting the house in order. He came out of his room ready to return to work. "Mom?"
"In here."
"Look. I'm sorry for acting like a child. I guess I felt like one just then. You know I love you and how much I love being with you, don't you? Well because of the way I feel sometimes when you talk I feel like a little boy and I don't think of us that way."
His words were a ton of bricks, truth. "I, uh, I understand. I won't treat you like a child ever again."
"I've gotta go. I'll see you this evening."
He started out the door but stopped and turned back around to me. I was wearing only a big t-shirt when he pulled me to him and kissed me. I could feel his body pressing into me and his hands were caressing my ass. He kissed me like his lover.
I watched him drive away then turned on the Christmas tree lights. I was still in that t-shirt and I smelled of sex, wonderful sex. I did as much of my work as I could before showering as I wanted to keep the feel and smell of what we had done.
Around 3 hours later my eldest son and his wife arrived. Mike looked trim and fit as a good Army Sergeant should. Angie was her beautiful slender self, her dark brown hair pulled back into a small pony tail. It would be a long time before I could have Matt again, or so I thought.
*I hope you enjoyed this portion. If so there will be more to follow.* |
Don's Wet Dream Ch. 03 | 13,859 | 4.63 | 391,435 | [] | Kim told him she was sorting out precautions, but unless they wanted to make a baby they had to *abstain* for the middle week of her first cycle. He didn't think she really wanted to make a baby. She also said she was going to wear her denim shorts with three buttons at the waist to bed for the whole week to stop getting 'sleepy raped', and they weren't allowed to do anything at all sexy, cuddles only, so put anything sexy right out of his head, and then they should sleep well.
After the first couple of nights he said the buttons dug into him while they was asleep. Kim answered 'not cuddling wasn't an option', so she came up with plan B. For Plan B they *would* play sexy games, 'just to get it all out of their system', and then she would put normal panties on and they should sleep well. That worked for a couple of nights and they had a pretty good time pleasing each other with mouths, tongues, breasts and good ole stumpy. But then he mucked up one night after she made him cum between her breasts, he used his tongue to make her sing, then he lay on her for a kiss and cuddle and before he knew what was happening they was fucking. And she wasn't stopping him, she had her hands on his hips holdin' him tight like she did sometimes. She looked lots like Libby did that time her nearly did her, which reminded him how lucky it was Kim stopped him poppin' inside Lib 'cause he knew Lib wasn't takin' any precautions… PRECAUTIONS! OH SHIT and he stopped. And Kim got wide eyed and said, "Crap! Don, *what* are we *doing*?... Did you come baby, we are fucking *hopeless…*?"
"No Sweetie, but, awe shit, there might be some stuff left from before."
And then she did some countin' with her fingers, got a pill box out and read the instructions, then did some more countin' with her fingers and after a bit she went down on him and he got another great blow job, so that turned out pretty good. And while she was sucking him she came up with plan C. She said she should be safe, but just in case this time they *both* had to wear shorts for a couple more nights, and take it in turns to take them off while they played. And she cut the buttons off and used some old shoe laces to tie them up. So they could sleep good.
More important was preparing for his first session with Sarah since she'd kicked him out. It was the first counselling meeting Kim had organised for him -- she said they would probably have to have three sessions. It would be at a meeting room at the court house, she said if he behaved himself, didn't get cranky, then he might not have to go to a proper court with lawyers asking him questions in public, And she said that the good thing about this meeting thing was the bosses wanted it over with -- just like he did –- cause no one made any money out of it and they thought it was better to do it before people got bitter.
The bad thing about it was that for the first meeting he had to pretend he wanted to stay with Sarah. That's sucked! Kim said to save around seven or eight thousand dollars he could '*Just suck it up'*. Kim also said who did he want as a support person, Sarah would have a friend there so he was allowed to too. Now Don never thought he was a clever person, but he did figure out that it would be uncourteous to ask his beautiful new girlfriend to sit at home while he went to a meeting and pretended he liked his wife, misconfusions could start that way. Girls like Kim were as rare as rockin' horse shit, he wanted to keep her. Speakin' about horses, he was thinking about trying a *duplicitous* plan. Kim had used that word a bit, it was a good word, she had explained what it meant by telling him a story about a couple she knew. "There was a girl see, and this guy has been fucking her witless for nearly a week, follow? And this guy might be moving in with this girl, still with me? And he's standing near this girl's bedroom door, she's nearly his girlfriend you understand, but not quite, and instead of saying like a man should '*I'm gonna sleep there.'* He asks this, ready?... "*Where do you want me to sleep?*"… still follow? *And* looking at her in a hey Pa I've lost my horse kind of way, well Donnie that would be *duplicitous*, and I would be really pissed off if a guy I cared about had behaved like that."
Except for the thing about the horse, it nearly could have been Don and Kim! Go figure!
Anyway, he thought it might help Sarah out too, meetin' Kim would help her to stop pretendin' she wanted him to move back home either.
Sarah's support person would be her best friend Jodi. Jodi was a good girl. She was married to one of Don's rescue friends Frank. Frank would have been a good man to have as his support person, a house builder -- not a suit -- but pretty tricky when it came to meetings and legal trickery. It wouldn't be very nice to ask Frank to sit against Jodi and fight her. And Frank was the only friend he thought could have been much use, oh, except of course Libby, but Kim and Libby seemed very polite to each other these days, too nice, didn't make sense. Often Frank worked out of town or late, and because Sarah was working late more and more, him and Jodi would team up to help each other to look after all their kids, he'd take them to the park to play football, or they'd go to parties and BBQs together. Made it easier, Jodi's boys were pretty energetic, a lot of work for a tired mum. Their friends would joke that Don and Jodi knew what each other were going to say just like they were married. He better tell Kim about that before she got cranky. It was bad enough that Kim thought he wanted to fuck Libby, let alone her thinking he wanted to fuck Jodi too!
It did turn out to be a interestin' day, Sarah walked into the meeting room at the court like she owned the place, hadn't even sat down when she hissed in front of everyone, "Don, no one else, *no one else,* would be *stupid* enough to bring their slut of a girlfriend to a *reconciliation* meeting. I'm lost for words, if she stays, we're finished!"
That didn't sound right, Sarah usually found some words when she needed them, and forgetting this was part of his own duplicitous plan for a minute he picked up a court pamphlets on the table and read; "Meetings are to be free from insults, name calling and other negative behaviour -- we're *finished* anyway Sarah, but if you speak about my girlfriend like that again, we'll have to leave this to the lawyers and the magistrate will be making the decisions… Is there any part of that not clear?...Sarah, can I speak plainer?... And also and as well I think ya better apologise to Kim, or *we* are going!"
Sarah couldn't always find words it seemed. Kim grabbed his arm, looked right at him with strong eyes –- looked hurt, never met a women that liked bein' called a slut yet -- "Honey, I *don't* need an apology, we've got bigger fish to fry… but I did really like that you insisted Sarah not call me that again."
Jodi put her arm on Sarah's and pulled her down into her chair pretty hard, "Kim… it was Kim wasn't it?... Hi Kim, I'm Jodi, and Sarah will not speak in that way again." Don was still getting' over surviving being rude to Sarah and living, didn't think you were allowed to talk to Sarah like that, and sure didn't think she would listen, but it seemed to work.
The meeting went about as he thought it might. Obviously Sarah would be pissed that Don had found himself a real live one. And even better, Kim treated Don just the same in front of Sarah that she did every where else. And Kim always listened so politely to what he said. And Kim thought he was smart sometimes. Don saw that now they wouldn't have to play silly games and pretend to 'explore reconciliation' as the court documents said he should have, that was good, that shit was out of the way. He would start making more plans, plans were good when they worked.
Kim and Amy had both told him at least twice each that it would be provocative -- Amy was learning good words too -– *provocative*, of him to visit Sarah's place when the kids moved home, so he didn't. But it had been two weeks since he'd seen them. It was good when Kim made Sarah agree to weekly dinner at Kim's place for the kids, he didn't mind he had to collect and drop them off. Sarah said no way to an overnight stay. Her problem with Don having the kids sleep "In that… that… that... women's house," was the moral example it set for Christy. Well that was an interesting thing to think on, Kim sure did had a good healthy liking for lots of love making, didn't think they made girls like that until he met Kim, but how could he explain that they would behave when the kids were around with out admitting how much they played up. Kim wasn't a slut, and she wouldn't run around naked while his kids were there, and she watched her language when other people were around. While he was thinking of what to say, Kim thought of something to say first, and told Sarah that they could have a debate about moral examples, especially the examples of *fidelity, a*nd *respect,* anytime Sarah wanted, anywhere she wanted. Kim guaranteed that Christy, *and* Mark, would receive as good or better moral example in her house as they would in Sarah's. And further if Sarah hadn't kicked Don out and changed the fucking locks it wouldn't be an issue, because he would be sleeping in Sarah's basement right now and seeing Christy and Mark every day… Kim was a good girl, he hadn't thought of that! This meeting was turning fun… *who knew*?
Kim also offered to have Sarah's mother, or Kim's mother, or Jodi, or Libby, or anyone else Sarah and Don could agree on visit to supervise if that was the issue. Don thought that would be a drag, he'd looked after his own kids thousands of times without supervisors, but he remembered to stay shut up, Before the meetin' Kim had said sternly that they must *never never ever ever* argue with each other in front of Sarah – it was another rule! She'd also said that if he fucked up and let Sarah see her when she was fragile and crying she might forget some rules, like the one about promising to look after his balls, and castrate him with the potato peeler. Kim's rules were different to his rules, her rules were real rules straight away, but he had to ask Kim if his rules were okay *before* they became real rules. Seeing Sarah had lost her words again Jodi asked for a five minute break. Through the window into another meeting room Don couldn't hear what Jodi told Sarah, but there was a fair bit of finger waving and head nodding by Jodi, and a fair bit of head shaking by Sarah. When they came back to the table, Sarah reluctantly agreed to a weekly dinner visit for the kids to Kim's, plus a weekend over night sleep at least three times each school term, and the kids could stay with him for half the next school holidays. He could take them camping if he wanted. Sarah had forgot about the supervisors, but he didn't remind her. And Don could see how clever Kim had been, he would never argue with Kim in front of Sarah.
The lawyer and the mediator didn't look like they thought Don and Sarah getting back together was any use any more, but they got excited about what Sarah just said about kids visits. They called it an IAA, an interim access agreement. And then they said those golden words, for every one to *have some coffee* while they got the IAA typed up and Don and Sarah can sign it here and now, and the support people could witness it, and to get ready for meeting two – Alternatives, in about a month. Coffee sounded like a fan-fucking-tastic idea right then. Then he needed to get home, Kim's bathroom wasn't going to get fixed all by itself.
Don though these meeting were better than going to court. No suits! Even the court officers were casually dressed. And people listened when he spoke. Sarah left, looked like she needed another stress break, Jodi came up to Don and Kim as they waited for coffee, gave him a shy smile, and when he smiled back she gave him a hug. Jodi breasts were as big as Kim's, he always liked hugging Jodi.
Don was half way through introducing Kim properly when Jodi hugged Kim too and he lost his train of thinkin' -- that looked an interesting place to be! Jodi was a good girl too. Jodi told Kim that she hadn't come here looking for a battle, but as a way to help both Sarah, Don and the kids out. She politely chatted with Kim and then told Don she was sorry about Sarah, Jodi had known she was doing what she was doing for a while and had tried to talk her out of it. Good luck she said, and even thanked Kim for looking after Don.
While Don was clearly more comfortable having dinner at a set table every night. Kim liked to relax on the couch, or sit on the floor in front of TV; she agreed that when the kids visited, Don's rules would apply, but otherwise she pulled rank, and insisted that they ate most meals in front of her favourite movies. Kim didn't think he minded too much, in matters concerning sex he was a fast learner, and her libido was definitely heightened by themes of chivalry, justice and good guys getting the good girls. And cuddling on the couch in front of the fire was becoming a signature of their relationship, so what wasn't to like about that. *Ivanhoe, The Princess Bride*, and various versions of *Pride and Prejudice* were some of her favourites, usually at least one of them got a viewing each week.
Kim waited nervously at home for Don to return with Christy and Mark. *Relax* she hear his voice inside her head. She composed herself, after all meeting Amy and John had gone very well. And meeting Sarah had gone as expected. She could do this. Don walked up to her front door proudly, a slim girl at one side, and a nearly as tall red head boy on his other side. Christy was tall, taller than Sarah. Very like her in the face, although slimmer. And clearly thrilled to be with her dad; not so thrilled to be at Kim's! Mark was also slim, a mini version of his Dad, with redder hair and more freckles. And embarrassingly shy around Kim, would she be another Wilson wet dream as he grew up she contemplated – Mark wouldn't be a problem, Christy however was another issue. Eventually Christy acknowledged Kim with a cool hello.
Kim left them in the living room to catch up, it seemed that they had watched a lot of TV, and played a lot of computer games in the last three weeks. She heard Don say he would seek more weekend time with them and fix that. Kim had insisted she be allowed to present a façade of knowing what she was doing in the kitchen, and was going to roast a chicken that Don had prepared, 'can't get much simpler than that babe.' Christy joined Kim in the kitchen and politely offered to help with dinner while Mark and Don had some father-son time. And then preceded to turn the oven down ten degrees, adjust the timer twenty minutes longer and noting the small size of the potato pieces, put them in water to stop them going brown while they waited -- apparently you didn't put them in the oven at the same time as the chicken -- who knew?
Oh well, she'd tried.
"So Kim! No one's telling me a frigging thing, will you talk to me? *Did* Mum really screw around on Dad?" Well no doubt this young lady wasn't going to just sit and take what life was dishing out at the moment. Kim felt very old as they looked at each other. It was strange looking into her eyes, so similar to Don's, same shape and nearly as, but with a pretty female face around them it confused her for a moment.
"That's a question for your mother to answer Christy, I *will* answer questions about me, if they are reasonable, I *might* discuss what Don-- what your father does, but I will not discuss your mother. Consider that as a house rule."
"I'll take that as a yes, shall I?"
Tonight could go fairly badly if they weren't careful. "No comment."
"I guess now *you're* sleeping with Dad?" Better and better!
Kim's first instinct was to say ask Don, but he hadn't seemed worried about the issue, it *was* a fair question, and a chance to open communications. And Christy was what, fifteen? Not far off some big decisions herself.
"Yes we sleep together, but if that upsets you or Mark, we won't when you stay with us overnight sometime."
"Why is that?"
"Because it's a good way your Dad can show you that you're more important to him than I am, and perhaps more importantly…" Honesty would always be the best policy "… There were concerns about the moral example we would set -– it would break his heart if you can't visit."
"People always think kids are stupid, if we know you're doing *it* anyway, what difference does it make if you don't do it while we're here?"
"Its called respect Christy, I don't think its stupid, if my mother were running this, she'd say the same thing."
"Do you love my Dad?"
An excellent question, one she wasn't ready for.
"Is the answer for your mother?"
Christy blushed. "No comment."
"I'll take that as a yes shall I?... Christy I don't have a problem with you asking questions, the worst I'll do is say ask your father, but I do like to know who I'm talking to, it okay sweetie, I'd probably ask the same thing, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. No, I don't. Love is a big word for me, a huge word…I don't mind you knowing we care for each other, and we are what they call exclusive, that means--"
"--I know what *exclusive* means Kim, its what your meant to be when your married."
"… yes, well, anyway, we care about each others happiness…"
They worked together in silence. Christy certainly knew her way around a kitchen, Kim suspected Mark would too. Wouldn't be Don's kids if they didn't. Then more politely, "You're an engineer aren't you Kim? That's like, what, *forever,* at uni? So what do you see in Dad? I mean, nice guy and all, but *my dad*, you know, with an *engineer*? *Like you*? C'mon, what's in it for you? … And its me askin' this time."
Kim leaned across the island bench toward Christy, "Can you keep a secret?"
Christy leaned in too "Yes, I'm listening."
"He is the best…" With a bit of a theatrical glance toward the living room –- checking no one listening.
"…yes… best what?"
"…best cuddler I've *ever* been with, you ever find a man that loves cuddling as much as your Dad, just grab him, and make him happy."
"Oh. Okay. His hair cut is a good start, I've never seen it as neat as that, how did you talk him into that… Or shouldn't I ask?"
"Well that's another secret, strictly between us girls, we have a deal, I let him be in charge of my hair, so its only fair for me to be in charge of his isn't it? Okay plan?"
"Nice. Think you're on a good plan there, your hair is *so* beautiful… So long and soft… Dad always likes nice hair, loved brushing mine, and Mum's… before she had it cut short."
Kim hadn't spent much time with teenagers since she was one, and was pleasantly surprised how active and bright Christy and Mark were. After dinner Mark said that he missed playing cards. Kim had to admit she didn't know how to play Bridge, of all things, and had to allow Mark, her partner, to teach her.
She waited up for Don to return from dropping them home. It all gave her mixed feelings, they were very polite, and bright children. It would be a huge learning opportunity to get to know them. Don was over the moon to have seen them again, but the challenge of sharing that Julie had mentioned was also strong. And rarely he didn't make love to her that night -- which didn't help. Kim could really have used that intimacy and reassurance right then.
There was the anticipated second field trip up the river, to several of the young male staff's ill disguised envy and resentment; Kim was sent as team leader, with Don as her assistant. They did deliver the productivity, and Libby was content with the results. But even more while camping than at home, they seemed unable to say no to each other -– ever. It became a hedonistic festival that left pussy chaffed and unusable by the forth day, and Don fatigued, his immune system was weakened and susceptible to a bad head cold that was around the time they returned to the real world.
Between a week with out love making, caring for an ill Don, it was a tired and moody Kim dealing with the tasteless jokes at work, and later a really bad time for Max to try and deal with the impending schism their romance was causing in his company. On Don's first day back at work there was an ominous summons to Max's office, hasty and angry words, overheard by all the upstairs staff and then a pale Don stopped at her desk just long enough to say, "Been sacked babe, or quit, not sure which, see ya' when ya' get home." Then in his first and only display of affection at the office, kissed her hair briefly and left. Kim was torn between chasing Don, and marching in to abuse Max. Libby stopped her doing either, and lead her into a meeting room.
"Sit down, Kim.
"I can get Don a job with a thirty second phone call. And, I think you need to have a good long think about the whole situation; Max made a mistake, everyone knows it, which is why we need to help. Remember? It was your idea I get more involved in managing the company? *And you*," Libby could be very sharp, almost cruel when the situation warranted, "how many men would accommodate your issues as Max has done, unheard of. Now, have the afternoon off, look after Don and be here tomorrow, ready to say " '*Yes Max, no Max, whatever you say Max'*, got it?"
Don got some work helping Rod, one of the guys he knew from the rescue service, driving a rigid truck interstate for two long days a week, with an overnight stay while a factory night shift emptied then reloaded the truck for him. And one of Kim's neighbours was a landscaper whose workload varied enormously, he said that as long as Don didn't mind lean spells, there'd be about an average of about one day a weeks work for him. Don thought that wasn't really enough money, but Kim said it was fine, it suited his needs for now, so he decided to try it for six months and see where it left him. Besides, Kim's house needed some serious work.
Life was getting pretty good for Don again, he loved living in Kim's house. She was a really good girl. Seemed to know what he was thinking most times. And she said he was smart so he was starting to believe it. The lovemaking was great! But he had some problems too, one day he was at home, suppose to be busy fixing up the house or getting the garden tided, he spent a full day panicked when he thought about what Sarah had done, he trusted her, and she did that? Kim seemed trustworthy too, but he had thoughts about some younger guy, a suit type, I mean could he really believe that Kim wouldn't be tempted by a guy like that, younger, cleverer? It made him quiet, and he was trying to think of how to deal with it. It wasn't something that was easy to come out with and ask a girl. He was thinking so deeply about it that night that he kind of ignored Kim when they settled in bed.
"Very quiet tonight sweetheart, happy? Comfortable?"
A duplicitous plan was coming into his head.
"Thinking about Sarah…"
"… And what if I'm as bad a dad as I was a husband? What if I do something wrong with you? She knew how much it would hurt me if I knew, and she still went and did it. I must of done something wrong for her to go behind my back like that."
Kim pulled away, reachin' over to turn the light on, uhh ohh he thought, if the light was on she'd figure out his duplicitous plan straight away. He pulled her back and held her tight, "No light please Babe, okay?"
"Its fine sweetie, I know what you're asking and you're not in trouble… Okay, no light, but I want us to talk. If you do something wrong with *me*, I'll tell you, first chance we have, it's a rule remember, from your first morning here?... And I think you're a *great* dad, and I think you were a good husband too. Maybe you were trying to do too many things though, hang on honey, can I switch the light on and get some paper?" Watching Kim bounce across the room nude nearly made him forget what he was thinking about but then he thought, *I can catch up on that anytime I want --* it was a nice feeling -- he was already feelin' better. A nude Kim, and she always came up with good ideas when she got out her pad and pencil. She slid back into bed, they lay on their tummies, hips and legs hard against each other and Kim wrote out *Things that Don Does --* a bright girl, but she still stuck her tongue out sometimes when she wrote -- and she asked him to tell her what to write, cause she suspected it would be a long list.
"Christy, Mark, You, target shooting, work, hunting, fishing, rescue, get your garden right, fix your house, fix up the school... That's about all."
"See honey, that is a lot of things, and you forgot all the times you help Julie, and the others girls with their projects; you've never really told me about the rescue work? I know you give good boat and chainsaw lessens…"
Don had started to feel he'd cut more than his share of bloody screaming people out of car wrecks. Or silent ones. Even Sarah had said that it seemed to take him longer to get over the bad ones lately. Maybe he was "full". He hadn't realised he'd said that last bit out loud.
"Tell me what do you mean by *full*?"
"Take a long time to get to sleep sometimes, dreams, thinking about the kids, the dead ones… And every morning when I wave to you and you drive to work I wonder if you'll crash your car, that sort of stuff."
"Libby did tell me you were what, a crew leader?... Was that a big job, tell me about the things you do."
"Everything. First aid, cutting, jacks, talk to police and medics, hold people hands while we cut them out, help carry them to choppers, help carry them to hearses… and put my men back together afterwards… Plus we do cliff work with ropes, and flood work in boats -- I'm the unit captain."
Kim was studying his face as he spoke, and it must have been having her look at him so closely, but he felt himself blushing, wished the light wasn't on, and it was tight to breath, yeah that often happened for a week or two after a bad accident too, he'd forgot that. Kim asked gently "Does the rescue service have counselling?"
"Yep, they try and make us go."
"Are rescuer's partners allowed to ask you to try it? Would you for me?"
"Yes, but please don't. I've tried it and for me it's worse after... When I use to go away with Libby, she made me talk about it, felt better after a trip, sort of got side tracked last time!"
"You are still allowed to talk to Libby, you know that?"
"Yes, but she has gone a bit funny lately."
"I'm sure she's still your friend." Kim took Dons hand and kissed it. "Honey, I think we need to do two things, firstly I want you to talk to someone, I think there are bad things bottled up in here…" and tapped on his head "…you must, Ok? I don't mind who… Me?... Libby… Amy… or a counsellor?... Would you like to talk to me?… If we can't help each other it's a bit silly isn't it?… Will you tell me about something that gives you dreams?"
Okay, she wouldn't like it, but it was part of his life. He thought carefully, how to say this without being too gross. He told her about the all time worse car crash, Leon's crossing road -– Black Sunday. Nothing happened that hadn't happened at others, but they all happened together here. It had been a high speed multiple car and truck accident. Don explained he had been 'off roster' -– home restin' -- but after reports of the accident got mucked up and the professional crew who normally were sent first went to the wrong spot, and his volunteer unit sent to assist with a deputy in charge to, were sent to the wrong spot too. There were hasty calls for Don to take out the only other rescue unit available, the volunteer headquarters and training unit, with a crew of novices in case the accident was somewhere else. Everyone said it was the only thing the controllers did right that day.
As Don's new team responded, the radio reports from police and ambulance crews already on scene became increasingly frantic, there were multiple trapped patients and how long until some one gets here who can cut them out? Don felt the familiar tightness as he told Kim how hopeless and out of his depth he felt. Worst he'd felt since he got caught stealin' cars. He had nearly thrown up in the truck. As they speed down back roads he'd turned to check what his crew might be able to do, there was no comfort there. Not one bit. He could see two pale, wide eyed and very young women and one pale, wide eyed very young man. The driver was older, but still only in his mid twenties. Breakin' every rule, against the service's volunteer traditions, and all his crew welfare trainin', Don told them, "We won't have time to cry. And we don't have enough men for any one to quit now, *finish this job.* And worry about the rest later." We called our girls men when we was workin'.
Kim rolled away and pulled his head onto her chest.
He told her on top of the chaos with who was responded where, there was fuel everywhere, the firemen very nervous -- had us knee deep in foam, people calling for help everywhere, cars under trucks, ambos nearly in tears, they couldn't get to some of the patients to even hold their throats open, we had to get the police to drag a screaming guy away while we were trying to get his babies out of a car, dead patients when we arrived, more died while they were still trapped. He did his best, the professional unit finally arrived, followed by his own seasoned crew, he still felt the relief of that moment, how he had hid behind the truck to throw up, not because of the dead kids, but just cause there was someone to share the problems with. As first arriving crew leader he had to stay as the rescue boss, so he put guys who knew what they was doing at each problem. About three hours later, the last live patient long gone by 'chopper, and only one more dead one to get out, his deputy and the professional captain ganged up on him, and insisted, 'Don, go and look after your newbies, we'll finish this last guy'. He'd gathered his novices for a debrief, the now idle police and fire fighters kindly moved away to give them room, they had a group hug near the back of the truck. They were messy, with torn smudged overalls, foam, grease and vomit stained, and most of all stunned, silent -- and not crying. He'd said "You never quit… I shouldn't have asked that… But you done good, so good… I'm so proud of you… And you can cry now."
Don sniffed, wiped the tears away with his hand
"And they did cry!… And when we went back home the controllers said that if I ever sacrificed novices like that again, they'd kick me out of the service… they all left, the new ones, way too much, way too soon. And I knew it when I did it."
He lay, pillowed on Kim's breasts, the breasts he normally enjoyed so much. "This is my kind of counselling darlin', rescue counsellors never let us do this." He sucked in a nipple. And Kim, bless her, just lay there and let him do it. She arranged him between her legs and wrapped them tightly around his tummy keeping his face to her breasts.
"Is that any better sweetie, that there is, ohh, about, two double D's and about eighty four inches worth of *counselling,* any time you want it?" It felt good to hear the niceness in her voice.
"And if you like, we could do one of your special cuddles." He thought about that for a while, *that* was a good idea, Kim had such beautiful legs, to lie between them crying made *no sense* at all. Insulting for Kim too. He didn't need to think about too long, and he moved up and entered her. She smiled, not her normal sexy, '*fuck me Donnie'* smile, or the, 'you *got a word wrong again Donnie*' smile, this was a warm loving, '*Tell me what can I do to make you not sad'* smile. A half decent man would do anything for a girl that smiled at him like that -- Don would anyway -- providence sure had landed a good girl on his lap that week on the river. He'd have to buy her more flowers. He'd slipped lately, like he had with Sarah, he wasn't going to make that mistake again. He loved the smile Kim gave him when he picked her some flowers. The lay still, Don hilted inside his princess.
"What did Sarah do if you came home upset?"
"Not much really, but it was my problem not hers."
"Mmmm!… Anyway right now the other thing you need to do is to take some leave from rescue work. Am I allowed to insist? Think about it baby, divorce, Christy and Mark need your time, a demanding girlfriend, a lot on your mind. Tell the, what, supervisor?..."
"…Area Controller..."
"…tell the Area Controller that you're under a lot of stress and need a break. If they don't like the idea, tell him you have unresolved trauma issues to deal with. And if they still don't like that, then I'm going to tell them, only blunter. Okay?"
"You'll do that tomorrow."
"Yes darling."
"Is that okay? Do want me to come with you?"
"Yes and no."
"But don't quit, just take some leave, and if you feel better in a few months, you can go back, only if you talk to me first. And if you go back, for Christ sake you talk to me if you come home from a bad one. Promise? You'll have to resign for good unless you promise me that.
"And Don?"
"Yes babe."
"What fucking planet was Sarah born on anyway?"
"Sweetie, if you mention you know who again, Lord Donald's gonna let you down."
"Sorry darling, forgot the rule, didn't say a thing, honest... Now cuddle me harder."
After they'd finished cuddling, Don was thinking Kim probably wouldn't do what Sarah did. And also how Kim skipped over Don's target shooting and hunting, it was obvious Kim did not have anything to do with guns on her *to do* list. Other than ask how much time he spent on it she hadn't said a lot, which was rare. But the way she hadn't said much said a lot. It was a no brainer – never liked those words before -- simple, he'd have to sell his rifles, couldn't store them at Kim's house much longer, sell all of them, except the sweet little Winchester 1903 slide action 22, the one his great grandfather had bought new when he was a boy -- no way was that leaving the family. He'd find somewhere safe to store it. Leave it at John's maybe, and it would be Mark's in five years anyway. In the meantime they could still slip away and pop some bunnies together, just Mark and Don. And John. And then he would make Kim something nice, maybe some of his wild rabbit and bacon, with dumplings, in mustard sauce. Maybe she'd see why huntin' was okay then, come with them sometimes.
Don and Sarah had their second meeting. Alternatives (aka divorce). Kim would have preferred to leave Don manage it alone, but he looked so distraught she obviously relented. She did insist he prepare and do more of the hard talking himself however. So Kim coached him a little to develop confidence, they talked through imaginary scenarios, and Kim would ask him to imagine the three things Sarah might say to for each scenario, and what would Don say back? Julie and Rod came over and acted as the 'bad guys' and asked the sort of questions that had made Rod's divorce pretty horrible. They only did that once and Julie was crying and holding Rod's hand tight when they left, so they obviously didn't ask that again.
At the meeting, Kim tried to stay in the background as much as possible. The irrationality of some of Sarah's arguments just simply could not go uncorrected however. Sarah had tried to delay the process with options and phantom problems. Don did well -- the preparation really paid off -- and Kim improvising at times, dismantled Sarah's smoke screen step by step, until they were down to real issue, and simple numbers.
As far as overnight sleeps for the kids were concerned, Kim suggested that a fair way of satisfying the moral concern was to allow Sarah's parents the right of veto on an overnight partner while the kids were in either house. Further as far as Kim and Don were concerned, Kim and Don were an involved couple, and would behave as such, with normal *relations* and normal privacy in place. And then went on the suggest that Sarah be allowed partners too, as long as her parents approved of them. Sarah gave Kim a withering glare. Hoping she disguised her tension Kim gave back her best 't*ry that on someone who scares easily Sarah,'* look*.* That would rule out Ben, Sarah's parents had been openly scathing of their daughters 'fling' with Ben, knowing what it had cost, he would never be welcome in John and Amy's house. Never.
Sarah tried to revisit the thirty three percent of Don's wage that she thought she should be entitled too. Kim happened to be looking directly at Sarah and with one of those chest tightening moments of insight, realised that *Sarah didn't want to get divorced*! Thrown by the revelation, breathless and confused about her own feelings -- mainly guilt that the honourable thing to do now was to consult Don about this before it went too much further -- she responded a little rashly that Don should be entitled to half the value of the house, would Sarah like to move out and sell it, and that his job for the next two years was fixing Kim's house, and that this wasn't the appropriate venue to go into what his *wages* would be, suffice to say the *pay* would be plentiful, messy and freely given… but definitely not transferable.
Sarah looked funny, the counsellor coughed, Don looked at her amazed, but didn't speak (good boy) and Jodi quickly requested a break. Which Kim was grateful for too -- she shouldn't have said that. While Sarah stepped out to have a break, Jodi approached Don and Kim, with a cool smile for Kim, and a fond one for Don asked, "What's an old friend got to do to be offered a cup of tea around here Donnie?" He left cheerfully to arrange it.
She called familiarly to his retreating back, "Don't forget Sarah and Kim would probably like some too sweetie."
Here it comes thought Kim unkindly, a lecture from *mother hen*. And by the way *his* name is *Don*, unless *your* name is Kimberly, or Libby!
"Kim, you've got Sarah beaten, and that's fine by me, but where too from here?... *Their* friends are looking to Don to see how to treat her, and Don is taking his lead from you, I hope for the right reasons. So can I *beg* you to please show Sarah some compassion? Leave her *some* dignity. In the long term I think Don will thank you if you do. Probably trust you more too. I know I will… Kim! Please, I'll always forgive a mistake, that's what friends do, but I'd hate to lose Don 'cause his girlfriend was a bully."
They watched Don return and politely hand Sarah her coffee.
"Will you think about it Kim? Please?"
Kim restarted negotiations, ashamed of her words earlier. "Sarah, can we start again, perhaps a fair approach is to compare the support your seeking with the half the rental equivalent you should be paying Don, how does that sound?"
Sarah agreed, and after going through some rough numbers, Sarah would actually be paying a token amount to Don. Kim was aware from her chats with Amy that there had been a lot of discussion between Don and John about his tools, John in his odd way would one minute appear to be on Don's side, and for example confiscate a chain saw off Sarah for Don, and yet at another time insist that the 'court' needed to make a decision before he'd be part of taking anything off his daughter. It was causing Don a lot of confusion and he needed those tools to get serious work done on Kim's house, and they sure couldn't afford to be buying the quantum of tools Don was contemplating.
Sarah now went further, not about to be out reasonabled by Kim, she did a 180, and agreed to offering Don a choice between emptying his workshop of tools, or a selection of furniture –- but only the stuff he'd made himself! Just this once Kim wished he would have one of those discussions she'd forbidden in front of Sarah, he wasn't listening to her ESP, the house was *soo* empty. But being Don he quickly chose his tools.
Kim apprehensively agreed to try a week long camping trip camping trip with Christy and Mark. They had camped as a couple a few times, and that went very well, apart from having her pussy turned to mincemeat, but this was different. Kim knew how good his family were at camping and she was stepping into damn big shoes. While Don collected the kids, she was nervously packing and composing herself. What to wear, where would they sleep. Would they be swimming? She'd lost inches, toned and dropped a cup size, would love to be seen in her bikini now.
Gadzooks… bikini… eeeek!... Don would *have* to let her trim! Just imagine Mark if he saw her bushy bits now -– poor boy'd blush for a month solid! She giggled to herself. Mmmm, needed to sort this out tonight. A plan was forming, would have been better to try it before the kids were visiting, but they would manage, Don would even enjoy it, he'd have too or she'd let it drop, the bikini would be left at home, because she didn't want to mess with the rules, the hair management rules worked well. As soon as the kids were asleep she'd initiate a little chat -- and play! With some scissors and a razor.
That night the Kids were finally settled, and Kim started to ask about her pubic issue when she gleaned that he was distracted, even upset about something.
"Kim, Sarah said sorry, can you believe it? After all this time, she said sorry."
'Oh you fucking *bitch*', was Kim's first thought, Sarah's timing couldn't have been better, the holiday was going to be hard enough as it was. Wasn't ready this time either and, sterner than Don deserved, quickly asked, "Did she really? Tell me all about it!" Then realising that Don didn't need any more stress, softened it by sitting on his lap in their intimate straddling position. "Tell me every thing that happened sweetheart?"
Sarah had told Don that the kids were at neighbours for a little while, they'd be back soon, would he like a coffee. He had said yes. He said all he really wanted to do was be out, the house made him very sad now. Sarah had asked Don into the kitchen for the coffee, a tactical blunder in Kim's opinion, the same kitchen here she said he had to let her keep fucking Ben if he wanted to stay married.
"So I was lookin' outside for happier stuff to think about, like the bench seat under the Chinese Coachwood tree, I made that from old timber one weekend, 'cause Mark had said about six or seven years ago *that Santa Clause would need somewhere to rest, 'because daddy, by the time he gets here he'll be tired won't he?' And it will need to be strong too won't it daddy because you told me Santa doesn't eat properly*." Don smiled at the memory. "I thought she must have had a date, babe."
"Why is that sweetie?"
"Cause she was all dressed up."
"Mmm! And..."
"Well she said she was sorry for her *selfishness*…."
"She said that the reason she treated me so badly was that she was surprised I found out and she needed time to work out how to get out of the mess she was in."
"And what did you say?"
"I didn't know what to say babe, honest, I just wanted to get out, and make sure I told you before you found out some other way… I remembered the rule about tellin' you everything… my dangleberries were I peril."
"Well that was about the smartest thing you could do, what do you think she wants Don?"
"Not sure."
"Not sure! C'mon baby, you were doing really well 'til then, I told you sneaky doesn't suit you! Look at me in the eye Don, keep looking, and tell me you don't suspect you know what she's trying, she has to try doesn't she?"
"To win you back of course, not tempted? Live with the mother of your kids, all that history? *She* can cook…"
He smiled, that could have been a mistake, but he picked upon her concern and said quickly "*Inconceivable*!... " He actually blushed, "…Much more like livin' with you, you tell me I'm smart sometimes." And brushed her hair back behind her ear casually.
That was more like it, oh yes, moments like this made the effort and responsibility worthwhile. "Well you're being *very* smart right now big fella, thanks for keeping me informed, and if its okay with you I think it would be a good idea for you to thank Sarah for her apology, that would be polite wouldn't it? And then tell her she's not to say anything to *you* she wouldn't say around *me*, Ok? And I think its time for Sarah and I to have a cup of coffee…."
Don stopped smiling, tactfully he said "Would that end well?... I mean are you sure?... Dear?"
"It *might* end well, but she needs to know we talk about things like this don't you think?... Now, to some more important things, cause Sarah is not coming camping with us in here…" tapping his head "…is she? Something way more important -- thanks to you're wonderful food, and walks and everthing – Kimberly fits in her bikini again! Ta da. Would you like her to wear it when you take her to the beach? Cause I'd like for you to show me off, are the kids settled, we just have one tiny problem, can I show you what our problem is, in the bedroom…"
The holiday with four was a big step, Kim knew Don was concerned about how they were going to get along after this trip.
So was she.
He'd arranged eight days at a camping ground by a coastal river. It was still too cool for swimming, although Kim was determined to try, there were bush walks, beach walks, push bikes to hire, charter boat tours up the river, picnics. And they did all of those things, and played football, read, cooked, played cards by the gas lantern, and naturally, fished. Don of course left the sleeping arrangements to Kim, and Kim had uncomfortably consulted Christy, who said "Kim, you and Dad are sleeping in the big tent, I'm in the little tent and Mark's in Dad's swag, any other questions?"
With everyone trying very hard to make the trip work, for Kim the days were surprisingly good, a little strange being one of four instead of one of two -- but they were good kids, good company. And it was a surprise to hear Don whistling while he cooked. The evenings were not so good. Camping, by association, she found made her horny. Kim also felt she was owed some individual attention -- Christy and Mark being the centre of Don's world for most of the day -- in spite of convincing herself that she was ready for it, the sharing burden was heavy. And for Don it seemed that the lingering memories of earlier discussion with Sarah weighed heavily, he *said* he'd like to try love making but having the kids so near was giving him performance issues. Her walking electric blanket with the never fail erection feature was failing. His insistence that they sleep dressed in case they had to get up for the kids quickly didn't help.
Even her bikini couldn't break the log jam in his head, so Kim planned to ask Christy if she would be happy if Don and Kim had a night out to themselves. Christy surprised them and proposed her own plan. The charter boat company they had used previously had several tour options, there was a tour where the passengers could feed Salmon at a floating fish farm, land up river to do rainforest walks, and have morning tea at the base of a large waterfall. Christy and Mark had talked about it and would like to go, alone. Dad and Kim could have a sleep in. With a significant glance at Kim. She mentioned it would be at least four and a half hours. With another glance at Kim she suggested she and Mark could buy a hamburger for lunch and look at shops when they got back, which would make it at least five and half hours. Clearly this was Don's call, even though the conversation had been directed at Kim. To Kim's surprise Don readily agreed, and Christy and Mark planned to get themselves up and go the next morning.
That night Kim decided unilaterally to sleep naked, and just to make sure that remained the case she buried her clothes deep in their travel bag so he would have to be very cruel to make her dress –- she could exaggerate the cold, she'd win that argument—as they settled and cuddled he whispered. "Babe, you gotta tell me what how I'm suppose to feel about that."
"About what honey?'
"My little girl, fixing for me to get laid like that, didn't you notice? Its…its….gonna mess with my head."
"*Donnie*! Oh sweetheart, not what we wanted!... What can I do to unmess your head? Please don't let it worry you, I'm sure she's only doing it because she loves you."
"I guess, she is a good girl."
"Christy thinks we should have some 'one on one' time." *As does Kimberly*, she kept to herself. Kim stayed quiet for a while, often time to digest things was a good move with Don… as was a change of topic, she went on hopefully. "Darlingsnookumshoneybunny, can tomorrow morning be my morning? Can we do *Kimberly* things?"
"Mmmm, sure, what like?"
"Well, lets just pretend The King called and he said '*Donald James Wilson, hear this well, by Royal command you must spoil your gorgeous beautiful wonderful girlfriend Miss Kimberly Louise Rogers, or I'll clap you in irons and cut off your balls*.' What would you do?
"Mmm, how about let you sleep in?… Cook you a big breakfast, bacon, eggs, mushrooms with cheese on toast?… And not talk about eating healthy cause to me your body is just about perfect now?… Not make you go fishing?… Walk along the river holding hands?… Kiss and cuddle on that grassy bit over the beach, maybe take a picnic rug with us?…"
"Mmm, I've missed that, it means a lot when you cuddle me in public."
"And then I'd buy you some coffee, at the shop on the--"
"--*buy* coffee! *Really*?"
"Yep, *buy* coffee, on the pier!"
And Kim did her gruff Don voice "*What do think we are babe, rich or sumpin?...* Ouch… and then can we watch the fishing boats come home? You can take me to the beach, show me off, then we can come back here and if you want you can fuck me bowlegged, see how loud you can make me sing while the kids are away."
"I didn't think of that… mmm, yep we can do all that… and *Kim…?"*
She hadn't heard that voice for a while, or felt those hands slowly rub down her hip to check her clothing status for a while either.
"Honey, its up to you, I *can* wait to morning if you want, but I'm sure you've noticed I'm *bare*, and you know what that means?"
"I think I forgot what it means…" he was kissing her passionately and had pulled their fronts together hard, "…remind me…"
"mmmm… It means rules *are* good things… it means I'm all yours…"
"…I like rules now… you mean this bit?"
"Yep, that bit's yours."
"And what about this bit?"
"Yep, that bit too... it's *all* yours…" And when Don pulled her hand to his erection. "…and that must mean this bit is mine… *all* mine, goody, well hello Mr Incredible, you're back, hard as ever! We'll have to be quiet though won't we." Deciding to act while the raw material was there to work with, she rolled onto Don, reached back and guided him partially in her, then slotted down, she sighed gently. He groaned softly. Kim gently undulated on top of him, asking quietly if this was unmesssing his head enough. And then declaring this could be his treat, he could owe her in the morning when she could be more vocal. This was a change to their standard operating procedure, love making in the evenings were usually about Kim's pleasure first, he was still briefly, digesting this permission, then gripped her hips and pushed up deep into her, half a dozen times at most. Kim had had to quickly cover his mouth as he came, and managed to keep mostly quiet herself while he pulsed and lunged deeper yet inside her; Kim stayed on him and gently massaged him with her hips. They didn't often do 'her on top', so this was a nice change.
"Uhh Oh darling, Kimberly wasn't planning, that was always going to be huge wasn't it, I mean its good to have you back but I'm definitely going to need a towel or something, honey, quick quick quick."
Don removed his tee shirt for Kim to lie on, she dismounted with a sloppy slurp, and cuddled up beside him, "Baby, would you be offended if I had a play?"
"Will you stay awake?"
So while he held her from the side, and twisted her nipples and caressed her face, Kim brought herself off, and lay twitching, as they settled again.
He murmured fondly into her hair "Sweetheart, I'm sorry about the last few nights, you've been very patient."
Absent minded, trying to be understanding, and supportive Kim committed an awful faux pas, her first bad one, "That's Ok darling, I understand as you get older its going to happen occasionally." *Oh crap Kim*! She thought*,* did I really say that out loud? And she felt Don flinch. Yep she sure did. Fuck! Had been so careful for four months, and now that. "Darling I'm sorry, that--"
"--OLD!" he growled. "Careful with us *old* folk… our memories are no good… what was that thing you said about not plucking cheeky girlfriends… I forget." And reached for her with busy hands -- they had both forgotten she didn't have anything down there to pluck.
"No! Don, No! Please, not again, I'll wake the kids, I mean it. I'll scream." As she rolled frantically out of the bedding to avoid his energetic hands. "I'm so sorry honey that was a terribly rude thing to say it came out wrong I didn't mean it your not old I won't ever say you're old again please can I come back to bed the floor is so *coooold*." To no avail -– she'd have to play her trump card to get back into bed -- whining "*Honey*, we're making a mess, I need to get back on that tee shirt. Please can I come back to bed?" Don reached out, cupped her neck and roughly pulled her back under the blankets. Kim snuggled into his side again, kissed his cheek, whispered, "Sorry boss." And to her relief a strong arm enveloped her and gave her a squeeze –- she could still breath so it was meant affectionately -- and thought it a good time to shut up before she stuffed it again.
Kim woke early, pressed to his back, and stretched, groaned with satisfaction -- mmm-mm-mmmm -- now that was a fucking good night sleep! Don rolled over to face her as she rolled away and she was gripped from behind. Kim could hear Christy and Mark quietly packing and organising for their day trip, as she relaxed back against his chest. His top arm was over her waist and cupping her abdomen, and his bottom arm under neck and across her breast. He felt completely relaxed, Don had slept well too. Maybe that had been part of the problem for the past few night, tired? Nerves? Kim really savoured these reflective times on the occasional morning when Don slept on. She was overdue for a damn good think. Maybe that was part of their problem too.
Being a rare opportunity to reflect, she wouldn't waste this morning revisiting her last contemplations, namely, the total absence of anything from Don hinting at the future, very much lived day to day. Admitted to herself that she craved more plans and rules. Especially plans. In fact she would trade off rules for plans right now. Hopefully that would change when the divorce finally came through. And that was another thing that sucked, how long could it take for a fucking Judge to sign one lousy piece of paper anyway?
But if Don was going to sleep on for a while there were plenty of other concerns to dissect. Like, for instance; Sarah trying to win Don back; thinking through her own feelings for Don; contraception; how much nicer a messy shaved groin was than a messy hairy one… the list went on. Oh, and Dons fucking truck driving job. Kim was getting a little scared now, was starting understand she was falling in love with a very simple man? *Had* fallen? Kim had only been truly in love once, well infatuated might have been a better term, had never told a guy first and always found it hard to say 'I love you' back. And the thought of being *the boss* for ever was daunting too. It all needed exploring, some discussion, some reassurance. Something. Anything!
An escalating exchange of endearments even.
But then again while he was camping with his kids might confuse him, might not be fair. Kim thought she could start to put some dots closer together and eventually he'd join them, one day, sooner or later. Very close dots, big dots too perhaps. *Come back to that one Kim*.
Romance and tradition had skipped a generation in the Rogers family -- that could be rectified; 'So world, how does Kim and Don Wilson sound to you?'
Never stayed on the pill more than three months straight, and it had been four months for Don. She was becoming overdue to cleanse, *hated* interfering with natural processes and hormones for so long, it normally made her skin and weight hard to manage too, not so much this time –- life with Don was an active one and his superb fresh cooking helped too. But he'd said he couldn't perform with condoms. *So unfair*, and she started to get a little resentful, tense perhaps because he briefly stroked her tummy in his sleep, and Kim automatically nuzzled his arm in response, before remembering she didn't want to wake him just yet.
Kim must have dozed for a while then heard the kids had progressed to breakfast and she reviewed her issues, feeling the apprehension returning, twenty four years old, not fair, she was too young to be expected to deal with all this stuff, needed some help to sort some of these things out, it just wasn't fair, he couldn't leave *everything* remotely intellectual to her. But who could she leave it too? So she did what she usually did when she was apprehensive, nestled back tighter into Don, and received the desired squeeze, good, and a bonus loving mumble in ear, best. Kim automatically nuzzled his arm again, oops. Her panic subsided. 'Think it though girl,' as Don would say 'you've got brains.' cope!
Mrs Wilson?... No, hang on, that was Sarah… still! Fucking Judge. Sarah! Sarah needed to be dealt with. He wouldn't do anything about that, it would be left to Kim of course… *relax Kim!...* Sarah could not be allowed to smuggle her self into Kim's house, nor hitchhike with them on holidays, and a plan was forming.
Her bladder was getting a little uncomfortable, but that was a small price to pay, at least thirty minutes before it became an emergency.
Forty if he wouldn't squeeze her so hard.
The kids were resting for a while, digesting their breakfast outside, murmuring and laughing gently at the sights and sounds an early morning camping ground offered. From the snippets she could overhear it sounded like Mark was counting how many of the women making the morning dash to the communal toilets were braless. Now where would he get that sense of humour from she wondered wryly. Christy was tolerantly trying to restrain him.
And her friends? Well that was awkward, a little coolness had developed with some of the outer circle, but there was no way she was taking him to one of the crazy parties they were into. Too flippant, too quick, and *way* too cruel, especially as some of Brian's friends would be there, *that* just wasn't going to happen. No, they could spend time with him in small groups, at her home, with her rules, or they could wait… wait 'til what? Many did chose meet him on her terms. And Don, blissfully unaware of how much stage management Kim had put into the early social visits, had done very well -- must remember he'd spent a lot of time with Libby, so he did have social skills, and just needed to sharpen those skills with the younger crowd.
Her closer friends had done wonders, especially the girls, in those small gatherings, he could gently tease them around her, or her around them, and becoming able hold his own in conversation. Even flirt with a few of them in his robust way. Julie had been a huge help there. Although, *although*, hearing via the grapevine just how much of some days he was spending with her girlfriends gardening and doing other of their domestic handy jobs was wearing a little thin. For God sake, couldn't they get their own guys who could put together wardrobes, I mean how fucking hard was it? No *real* fears, nominated boyfriends were flirted with, always would be, and would always be out of bounds, always would be too -- her friends had good rules -- Julie's Rod was safe, as was Don.
They were gently pressuring her to take him to the bigger parties, even promising to help, four or five of them offered to leave their dates at home if she asked and they'd help circulate with him -- it was good to have real friends -- even if they did wear too tight shirts with at least three buttons undone when they were gardening!
Kimberly Louise and Donald James Wilson, how would that look on paper?
Going to someone else's house for a big party might be too big a step, but she *was* toying with the idea of having a larger party at her place, that might work, anyone who saw the work he'd done would have to be impressed.
And his fucking job—
"*Your dad's still asleep sweetie*, *you all set*?"
"*Oh, Hi Kim*, *yes* w*e're off, see you around twelve."*
"*Christy!* *Here, you better take your dad's phone, he never uses it anyway, its okay we're decent, come in… my number is in it… please pass me my purse…and buy a good lunch, knock yourself out, I won't tell your Dad if you have a hamburger and chips every now and then, you two go have fun*… *And thanks!*"
"*You have fun too Kim, and leave some of Dad for us when you finish… deal?... And Kim, I'm glad you didn't have to sleep on the floor?"*
Don hadn't moved, good, hadn't heard Christy's cheeky comment, better. Now, where was she? Oh yes, the bloody overnight truck trip. There had to be a better way to make some money. Don said firmly "Babe, relax! You need some *girl* time, watch those sappy movies that make you cry*!*" It was such an un-Don like concept, she was sure Julie or one of the others had put him up to it, but it turned out to be a great concept. She did need to relax, did get way too clingy, was realising now that it wasn't just cranky Kim that use to drive the guys away, but the alternating extremes that made it hard for them to be comfortable with her. So three weeks out of four Don's away night became a healthy break. Sappy movies, TV dinners and pizzas she could eat without worrying about *Don's look*. Good natured teasing from Julie and who ever else was available about the latest antics of her nine fingered boyfriend. Usually a glass or two too many of his home made bourbon, and compliments from them on his work on the house. Compliments too about Don's work on her figure. There was an occasional vague reference to Forest Gump or Crocodile Dundee or Tarzan, but all in all they were very good.
Jane loves Tarzan – now you're just being silly girl, stop it!
They teased her about her new early to bed early to rise habits too, until she asked them smugly how many mornings a week were *they* sent to work with a smile on *their* face and a spare pair of knickers placed in *their* handbag -- the *still dribbling* remark resonated loud in that interesting brain of his, evidenced by last night -- she smiled again.
For one week his night away had been hell! Kim felt the abandonment acutely. Recriminations, tears as he left, which embarrassed her, and more tears and even more pathetic Kim, when he returned, which also embarrassed her. Sleeping in one of his unwashed Tee shirts, cuddling pillows, couldn't get up to wee through the night 'cause of the stupid icky poky burglar alarm, house cold 'cause the rotten fire wouldn't light with the misogynistic wood unless Don was there to sort it out. It sucked. Big time. Didn't help that Don enjoyed his night away -- he wasn't much of an actor -- she understood grumpily that he'd sit up watching rugby on television with the security guards, drink home brewed beer as the night shift factory guys loaded his truck. And catch a minimum amount of sleep on a stretcher bed in the guard's office.
Mrs Donald Wilson? Was that was a bit *too* traditional.
Still asleep. Fan-fuckin-tastic.
Mrs Kim Wilson? Better? Yep.
And another thing that sucked, as Winter was fading there would be no fire at home soon, *poo*, no snuggling under blankets in front of TV, *double poo*.
That's enough of the negative stuff, too happier thoughts, like what would they do this morning? Well first, if she needed to make amends for that stupid cheap shot last night then that's what they would do. After four months teasing him about things he'd *get,* it was sad that remark had slipped out, because she had started to contemplate a duplicitous little More Attentive Don plan, aka a MAD plan. Don of course was normally a considerate lover, especially in the evenings, often a brilliant one. And usually too very attentive and considerate afterwards. But also often he could be selfish, many morning she woke to find that *Conan* had mounted her before she knew what was going on. And the consequence of that was half a day where Don could be a little distant, and she felt a bit used. Not a lot she could do to stop it -- by the time she had her wits about her it didn't seem worth making a fuss, and then pussy would take charge and pussy wasn't going to stop Donnie, oh no! Pussy loved Donnie. Unreservedly.
She'd tracked the pattern, the indicators were there; a few days off love making, got some the night before and no kids around, it wasn't looking great for an attentive partner on her morning. But! If she was successful in rebuffing the likely soft rape, there could well be a morning with a consequently MAD. And she suspected he could be stopped, 'cause she was awake before he was, it *should* be doable.
Mr Incredible woke, followed about two minutes later by Don. Kim kissed him, said "Good morning darling can you give me a moment, baby, just wait… wait…" and firmly pushed him back on his side, wouldn't of had the strength to do that few months ago, "…so we could have a minute to talk before we decide what we do this morning… can I trust you to be good for a minute?"
"Mmmm, where's the kids?" Already decided what he intended to do. Not that interested in talking and being good. Not looking too trustworthy either. *Good!*
"Umm, they left a quarter of an hour ago… Wait there. Wait… Wait…" Then scrambled away to find something to wear, the dribble tee shirt was the only thing handy, she could have rummaged through bags looking for lower half attire but showing him her butt like that would have been tempting fate. He looked disappointed. She crawled back into bed, top half covered, technically dressed, sort of, hopefully he would respect that.
"Darling, let me explain why I dressed, so you couldn't invoke our nude rule--"
He pulled her too him and kissed her, passionately, his hands back on her butt. Between kisses he talked uncommonly decisively. "Well I wanna find out what *nude* means… Where'd my phone go?… Gonna phone Rod… *right now*, and see whether a lawyer thinks only a Tee shirt is dressed or not, legalistically speakin'?... No knickers, see… here?... Bare!… Here?... Bare too!… And here… everywhere I'm feeling is nude to me… and babe did I tell ya your butt is feelin' just sensational, did I say how hot you look lately?... Where *is* my phone? And what if I said you have to give me my shirt back? Mmmm? Right now! What then?"
"Honey humour me you don't need your phone or your shirt right now, listen I've got a plan I'd really like to have breakfast one of your nice breakfasts stop that for a minute please… Don!... Then maybe go for a walk along the river hold hands kiss… yep like that but later… and cuddle look at boats I said stop doing that for a minute so we can think!… We've got heaps of time… DON! OUR RULE! I said stop that!"
"I did stop, this is the other cheek."
"Well stop with that cheek too… don't you like our rules anymore… and definitely stop playing with *that*… baby you're making this very hard."
"I'll say." He very slowly stopped playing with her downstairs, and moved slipery fingers up to her breasts, dragging the shirt up with them.
Pussy didn't give a fuck about Kimberly's morning!
He slid the shirt over her breasts and was sucking on her left nipple, the one with the high speed link to her mutinous pussy. His need this morning was bigger than rules, and her mutinous pussy responded to him, as usual, and her cheeky MAD plan crumbled, silly plan anyway, as she surrendered and raised her arms and let him take it off.
That she could turn this gentle considerate sweet man into a creature so overcome with desire that nothing would stop him was getting the rest of her hot too.
Now he had her defenceless she was turned back into position for him to slide onto and into her. Don surprised Kim, again, not hammering fast for his own release, but taking her deep and slow, with occasional shallow ones, the way that both tormented and delighted her at the same time. With her new strength pushed a hand down between their stomachs to her clit, found it well swollen and rubbed it in time with his thrusting. And an orgasm overwhelmed her so fast she didn't even have time to urge him on, she was somewhere else when Don came inside her. Whoo she thought, where did that come from? "That was… Oh boy… no one fucks me as good as you!"
Well it was true, and that was pretty big dot!
Still on her Don propped himself up, with his most duplicitous grin, "Didn't I just break a rule baby, thought you'd be pissed?" Terrible man that he was, didn't even have the decency to look concerned.
Pulling him back down for more kissing, "Darling, if you fuck me like that, every day, for the rest of my life, I will forgive you?"
Well that was a pretty big dot too, in case he missed the first one -- and an '*I love ya babe,'* would have been a nice to hear back.
"Don't go to sleep babe, I owes ya a mornin' don't I? Kim?"
"Honey, can you get another week off work and we go camping without the kids? I know just the place, but you need to let me buy a boat, we could have some special camping rules, and this time I'll take a rifle for the dogs."
"Mmm…Oh baby I almost forgot. This…" And Kim pressed close and gave him another kiss,"…is a down payment on a blow job, anytime you want, okay? Just ask. Because I want to apologise from the bottom of my heart for what I said last night... I'm a bit worried that it will grow into some thing bigger here…" As she tapped his skull, "...than it should, and that you'll think its an issue in here…" tapping her own skull, "…when its not. I was just trying to be funny, and supportive and I fucked it up totally. And if you're *at all* cranky with me, say something now and I'll spend the morning making it right… Okay darling?"
Silence for a minute. "What was that bit about the blow job again sweetheart?"
"It means you have a pass for one anytime you want… Yes honey you *can as*k for it… I'll waive the rule."
"When… princess?"
"Its your pass… honey."
"Now… sweetie?"
Opsie! *Icky* Donnie, a shower first *would* be nice. "Yes darling… now if you want it."
"Well… I'm not cranky--"
"—sure? Well the pass is still there for later, do you think Lord Donald is all better now?
"He's always better for a blow job babe."
"He's always…? *What*?"
"Babe, if Lord Donald doesn't get up for a head job as good as you give, then ya need ta shoot me."
Kim flopped her for head onto his shoulder. "What!… I mean… why didn't you say something! You mean to tell me that all those nights, wasted… we could have… Donald what were you fucking thinking?"
"I'm not allowed to ask babe, remember, your-- our rule?"
Two deep breaths "Okay, I see, fine, but why is it you could you break a rule this morning, and not a few nights ago?
"This mornin' were an emergency, I was so horny, babe you do that to me sometimes."
"Well if that's the case… slow down Kimberly, think about this… honey I'm gonna re visit the rules okay, a new emergency rule, I'll get back to you on that when we get home. Kiss?... And you're right as usual, lets have our morning together."
Kim knelt up and started cleaning herself with the Tee shirt, not paying much attention to Don, until a hand ran all the way up her leg and she looked into his eyes to see the familiar grin, his head was *completely* unmessed!
"A*gain*! Kidding right?... No?... Oh, of course, we were talking about blowjobs weren't we? Well, if you must we can, but baby, you don't want to make your pussy sore do you?"
"Nup, I don't, and as well I'm gonna save the blow job for later too. Shower or breakfast first? Look at all your mess! Guessing you want a shower huh?"
"MY MESS! Donald, let me tell you, if its your *pussy* then its *your* mess! Should make you clean it--"
"--Joke sweetie, joke, relax."
Something Kim had always liked about being with Don, he could make simple things special, like the rest of that morning. Given that she'd been offered -- and sometimes accepted -- adventures at luxury hotels, cruises, opening nights at shows, flights to famous romantic locations, even a memorably intense two nights on a sleeper train; just spending a morning walking along a river bank, or savouring coffee on a pier watching fishing boats return from their night's work shouldn't have felt so good. Something about finally accepting within herself that this was love, the knowing looks from people they passed on their walk, and Don one hundred percent with *her*, made it special. And there'd be no more MAD plans.
They returned to the camp later in the morning, changed into swimming gear and walked along the beach edge, smiling happily to the few other couples that braved the cool water. There would have been time for another round in bed if they'd wanted it, but with smile and shrug Don indicated for them to relax instead and he made her another coffee. Kim suspected he was saving himself for his pass, no prize for guessing what Kim would be doing tonight!
Kim's phone rang, "*Hi Kim, its Christy, listen, do you and Dad want to have lunch with us? … Or do you need more sleep in time*?"
"Hang on sweetie… Donnie, would you like to come dress shopping with Christy and I after lunch?
"I'd rather wear a suit!"
"Excellent, you'll walk me into town of course?… Christy, you there?... We'll meet you, about thirty minutes, and tell Mark he's going fishing with his Dad after lunch, and how 'bout you and me go shopping? Clothes, shoes, you name we'll check 'em out. Okay plan?"
"*Great plan*!"
All too soon their extended week was over, and they returned home, after the poor start, the holiday had exceeded all expectations; she could actually see them working as a family now. And Kim straight away implemented one of her resolutions from the camping trip, asked Don if it was okay by him for her to drop Christy and Mark home, would he mind waiting at home and starting to unpack by himself? Kim drove them to Sarah's house, helped Christy and Mark with their bags and gear, walking behind them apprehensively. This had sounded easier when she thought about it on the way home from camping.
Sarah opened the door, welcomed the kids back with a kiss and a fond smile, then noticed her on the step, the smile quickly dying. The children's excited chattering faded as they disappeared into bedrooms. Kim returned Sarah's gaze, hoping she appeared calm and composed. She had deliberately not dressed up before coming around here, as expected Sarah was made up and dressed well, while Kim was still in casual camp clothes, no make up, hair in a simple pony tail, one of Don's baseball caps, nothing glamorous, nothing special. Just Kim. After a tense pause -- which could have been five seconds or sixty -- Sarah nodded slowly, once, and closed the door gently in Kim's face.
She made it back to the car before the trembling started, and sat for at least five minutes until it passed. It hadn't exactly been a girl's chat over coffee, but they *had* communicated. That's one problem fixed, she'd let Sarah off lightly and Sarah knew it. On a roll now, you GO girl! Next on the agenda, sex without babies –- how hard could that be?
Later that night Kim lay crying in bed -- so much for working well as a family she thought. Stunned, for the first time when Don was home she had gone to bed alone, with him sulking on the verandah, angry and distant. It had started well, they usually communicated so well. She had straddling his lap as he waited to start her movie, "Got a minute honey?... You'll need to concentrate for this one… we need to go off the pill for a couple of months, I don't like being on it for more than about three to four months at a time, and I'd like to be off for at least two months, three if possible…"
No response, as far as Kim could glean, Don's attitude was that she'd lost weight while on the pill so *what was the problem*?
"…'cause now I need to cleanse, honey if we can't use condoms I don't know what we are going to do, I just don't trust anything else." He just gazed back, unconvinced, and she tapped his chest in frustration, looking for a way to turn this around, make this positive. "What if I tell you that when I'm off the Pill I do actually get really horny sometimes? Wouldn't you like to experience that?"
That got a reaction, huge wide open eyes, she could see white all the way around, he tried to speak, stopped, then muttered "Fuck, maybe I am too old."
"You're not too old... but how the… watch your language Kim, but honey can't you see, I can't trust us, I mean, well babe we'll have to sleep in separate beds for over a week –- 'cause that's the alternative, I'm not giving a weeks worth of head jobs, not even for you darling… *you* tell me what we should do, its your problem too... how did it work with you and Sarah—"
"--Obstinance… no I mean abstinence… well both actually." With a huge grin, massively impressed by his own wit.
"… yes, but overnight, in the mornings, did you, ummm, *bother* her much when she was sleepy, when you were horny sleepy?"
"Yeah, well that happened sometimes I guess, eventually she had her tubes tied… and don't even think about it, you're way too young for shit like that…" Then his grin faded, "Kim! Oh Jesus No! Oh shit." Christ what a time for him to show such perspicacity!
She wasn't prepared for that link to be made, and not so quickly either. Horrified, "No sweetie! Talk with me, that's not what I…" Kim said weakly, but he was already angry beyond words, pushed her off and walked out, his back rigid and shoulders square.
Kim vacillated between going on to the verandah and throwing herself at him, and then thinking life was so much better, simpler, without a man. About an hour after she'd gone to bed he slide quietly in, and they lay separately. Finally Kim summoned her courage, she'd decided that she wouldn't be walked over, wouldn't lose her core self respect with another boyfriend again, whatever the cost, "I won't tolerate having people I care about walk out on me like that? Surely I don't need to make *that* a rule?"
A thinking pause, "I'm having trouble with all the rules, I'm not allowed to growl at you when your crying, and if I stayed you woulda cried and I woulda growled."
"I thought you understood there are rules and there are *rules*, thought you knew that…I'll survive being growled at, goes with the territory, but I just hated it when you turned your back and walked out like that… it's a confidence thing, I'm not equipped to handle it… its… part of my past, and my childhood Don; and more to the point its one of our… I mean, we *are* suppose to go to bed together aren't we, remember, don't ever do it again."
Silence from Don's side, oh dear that had come out wrong!
"I meant to say p*lease* don't walk out angry like that, and *please* come to bed at the same time as me."
"Yep, sorry... but Kim I gotto say this… if you think about things like you were saying out there, I'm leaving, not angry I'll try, but leaving. Understand? I got enough on my consciences without knowin' you're thinkin' of doin' shit like that."
"Okay, I hear you… Can I have a turn now?... Can you listen for a bit more, and not growl, or leave? I've always been honest with you Don, but I wasn't going to share this, now, I want you to know something, from before I met you… before I even fell for Brian… I *did* try to have a hysterectomy, saw doctors, made appointments, went as far as I could--"
"--why Kim? Why?" He was still angry, or maybe confused. But at least this time they were talking about it.
Rocked on her side of the bed with a life-since-puberty-worth of frustration, the injustice, regret, embarrassment, and the simple unfairness of everything about her situation. "*Why do you think Don*? Sick to death of my fucking moods, and pains, *you* of all people know how bad it is, and do you know how much guilt there is when I snap at people I love, insulted my Pop… Mum… now you… and… and… because I knew I'd be the worst fucking mother in the world. Can you imagine me when I'm toxic? *How could I ever care for a baby*? What does it tell me when you won't even let me be with your kids then, and they've nearly grown." That was un-fair, *she'd* insisted on not being seen by them when she was fragile, but he was decent enough to not remind her of that right now.
"The doctors refused to do it… wanted me to go to counselling, idiots! Then for a while I thought I was in love with Brian I… deluded myself into thinking, maybe, just maybe… then he went away… and now your here and I'm all confused again."
There was no way the Don she loved could stay angry with her when she sobbed like this, he slide closer and she was drawn into one of his amazing cuddles, as her tears subsided he whispered "Well I'm glad the doctor wouldn't do it. Hey, I have seen you at your worst, you *do* get hit hard, princess, no mistake, but let me tell ya, you're improvin' yeah? Only one day off work last time, haven't called me a dead man for months. And *I* reckon you'd be OK. You got brains honey, and, well, it still takes two to make a baby, the dad would have to do some work too.
"And Sweetheart, for what its worth, three weeks with a girl like you makes a few days in a bed by myself no worries at all."
They lay silent together, then "We needed to talk more, tomorrow, will you please relax and talk to me tomorrow?"
In reaction to his walking out she'd gone to bed in a Tee shirt –- one of her own shirts this time -- and panties, and he cautiously asked if she like to make love, or just cuddle. Love making might have been good, but she preferred to be held, and she slept.
The next evening after work Don continued, looking stern like a father again, spent most of the day thinking this through. "Kim if we need to be off the pill, then stop. We'll be fine honey, just wear some shorts or something, and if you want we'll try *thingys*. It's just that I'll need some help, Lord Donald, well he gets cloisterphobic when he's getting' strangled in a balloon, but we c'n try some different ones. Now, listen…" with hands on her shoulders, holding her back from the hug she craved "…I've thought about this all day and its got to be said; do you still think about hyster… hyster… the thing you said?… No?… Are you being honest, 'cause I'm goin' if you're not honest... Okay?"
"Whatever you say Don… can I hug you now?"
"Yep… and Kim, I meant what I said yesterday, if I was the dad of your baby, we would cope, I'd make sure about that."
It took nearly two weeks to recover their easy intimacy, she even wished for Conan to come back, Donnie was being so gentle and considerate it wasn't natural. And Kim was stunned how traumatic the whole business had been. No one knew about that hysterectomy attempt, why had she told him? Honesty was great, but that was just *stupid stupid stupid*. No wonder he'd been stressed and funny and worried. And talking about leaving -- they could not end what they had like that. Kim resolved to stay on the pill a while longer, while they regrouped. One more cycle she told herself, after all her skin *was* great and her weight even better. Then they'd look into condoms or something.
They'd relaxed enough for her to return home from work pissed, real pissed. She did a quick calculation, no, this was not hormonal, this was raw, plain, honest old fashioned pissed. Perhaps it was lucky Don wasn't home, but it didn't help her mood for a while. There was a note on the kitchen table, in Dons rough hand writing;
*doin soMe jobs, BacK About ~~5~~ 6.*
*Love DoN.*
*(no Worries about diNNer, I'll order PIZZA.)*
Mmmm, Princess? PRINCESS!
No Don, not today, that didn't cut it today. And buy pizza! Don? Inconceivable! Something was going on -- she knew what it was, and it was killing her that he'd carelessly forgotten to tell her first, or second, or at all for that matter. Christy had called her at work to say that Sarah was a mess, her Mum wouldn't talk about it but Christy thought the divorce might have come through, was Dad okay? And did Kim know what the hell was going on? Kim was embarrassed that she wasn't able to tell Christy anything. That pissed her off. Christy asked Kim to drive around to see her at Amy's -- apparently Sarah needed a stress break again -– and Amy was asking questions Christy didn't feel up to answering. Kim hadn't been able to tell Amy anything either, had to wriggle out with some weasel words about 'Keep each other informed', without really telling her anything.
And that pissed her off too.
God Dammit! Don knew better than this, maybe they'd relaxed the rules too much, it might be time for a little 'lets review our rules for mutual clarity' session. Kim stomped around the house, throwing folded washing into the bedroom, and crashing crockery into the cupboard, she always had spare crockery stored for these types of days, He hadn't even left her any dirty dishes for her to get cranky about. Typical! Infuriating! She'd tune him up about that too. On second thoughts, no, that wouldn't work. He would just look at her patiently, densely and *deliberately* miss the point, which would just make her crankier. "Fine!" she said to the empty house, "Just Fine Don, leave it with me, I'll sort out your kids, your in-laws, anything else?"
There was no answer of course.
Only *Bloop… bloop…* from his beer brewing contraption in the corner of the living room. Why the fuck couldn't that stinking thing go out on the back verandah? Or his shed? And one more thing, she *would not* be coming to bed nude tonight. Definitely not. Probably two nights… maybe two nights… well definitely one night anyway. No matter what rabbit he pulled out of his hat this afternoon he was going to be taught a lesson – "I'll give you bloody relax Don Wilson. I'll give you relax!"
If only she hadn't made such a big deal about going to bed together he'd be on the couch tonight too. Maybe it was time for a new rule…
Beep… Beep… went his mobile phone, on the table near the door. "Don, the fucking thing will only work if you *take it with you*, how hard can that be?" Messages left! No shit! Ten of them! Well several of them turned out to be from her, Kim quickly deleted *those*, the stupid message recording must be faulty, made her sound like a cranky bitch. Two messages from Christy, an incomprehensible one from a sobbing Sarah -- that sounded disturbing -- And one from Libby, no surprise, she had told Libby why she needed to leave work early today. Kim quickly called Frank and Jodi. Frank said he'd already taken a message from Sarah but didn't realise how serious it was, he'd find Jodi and take her round to check on Sarah straight away.
"And your ex wife, anyone else? C'mon there must someone else needs good old Kim".
At last there was a knock on the door.
"WHO IS IT?" she snapped.
There was a pause, then another knock.
Kim reefed the door open to find Don waiting on the step.
"What the fuck Don! Don't you live here any-- holy shit what happened to your hair?... Oh…" And noticed, first his grin –- nervous, thrown by her temper -- then the jacket she had chosen for him, what a great buy that had been. A little traumatic by the time she made him try on about fifteen of them, but an inspiration if she did say so herself, didn't get a lot of use, but he always looked sensational in it. Strong! Flowers in one hand, Iris this time, a big bunch, blue, they looked good. And a folder of documents in his other hand. One guess what was in that, "…its so nice to see you again Don, you're well I hope?"
"Hello Kim, I'm good, how are you?"
"Never been better! Won't you come in… are they for me."
"Yep. Not a good season for roses yet, but I haven't forgotten."
"These *are* beautiful flowers though, every thing I could have hoped for." And she kissed his cheek, resisted the temptation to make it a special kiss. "Let me put them in water… drink for you? Coffee? Beer? Beer is home brewed by a fucking genius, and its really very good."
"Later perhaps. Hey Kim, the court rang me today, I've just been to the Magistrate's office, signed some stuff… I'm all divorced! Look! Official! I come 'round to thank you for your help, couldna done it with out you… and I'm a free man."
"I think you could have managed, you're pretty smart you know. And it was an honour to help, and yes you *are* free…" She quickly scanned through the conditions, at first glance the magistrate's rulings looked close enough to those they agreed at the meetings -- well done Amy! "… I can see. Maybe someone better tell those girls you garden with to do up some buttons, I mean showing that much cleavage to a free man could get them in big trouble now, couldn't it?"
"Mmmm, speaking of girls, I was wondering if you were seeing anyone… and if you're not, would you like to come for a walk with me, would that be ok?"
"Well… there was this guy, broke my heart camping on a river a few months ago, but he went away without telling me where he'd gone, so the answer is yes, Don, I'd love to come for a walk, do I have time to change into some walking shoes?"
Kim kissed his cheek again, "While I change, perhaps you better call your daughter, she's at John's place, she thought you might be here, I won't be long." She rummaged through the disturbed piles of once folded washing for some jeans, changed into them, found her walking shoes and brushed her hair, leaving it loose.
They walked down to the river and along the shared bicycle and walking track. Standard Don and Kim walking position number one for the last nearly five months was for Don to put his arm around her shoulders, and Kim to reach around his waist. Occasionally the modified standard walking position involved sliding a hand each into a back pocket to cup a buttock. But instead today, Don offered her his arm, she rested her hand around his elbow and walked beside him. One thing she knew, they had a divorce to celebrate and she would be coming to bed nude tonight -- no question about that -- definitely.
Not often Don sounded so shy. *Talk to me baby.* "Yes Don."
Don coughed, swallowed nervously, then moved his arm back to normal walking position number one.
"Babe?" So quiet, gentle and his confidence fading. *Tell me where you're going with this darling… so I can help you*.
"Yes honey?"
"Sweetheart… Kim… well you're already my girlfriend, and you know that you're precious to me… you *do* know that don't you?… Having you is a man like me's dream come true... so instead I got another question to ask while we was walkin'… Babe… Kim… Just suppose for a minute… can we talk about a guy..."
"Of course we can, we can talk about anything--"
"--a plain man, simple, boring? Type of guy that does guard duty on a castle wall in your movies. Gettin' yelled at… snowed on… stoppin' arrows… protectin' beautiful princesses, not walkin' with his arm around them! A dumb soldier type of guy, corporal perhaps… and this one princess seemed fond of the old corporal, she was very kind, kissed him, even helped him kill a witch, but the corporal had anxiety 'cause the things he did was so different from hers. She didn't go to parties no more, he couldn't take her to her parties and let her show off. And the princess spent most of her days with guys who normally order the old corporal around, like princes, and lords, and knights."
Kim bit her tongue, Don you've thought about this a lot, way too much, this was so not an issue! What have I got to do to show you? Maybe she should have initiated the, 'If Kim loves a guy, that's all he needs to know' conversation sooner, on their holiday perhaps.
"And he was worried that now that the princess had finished helping him with his witch, after a while, even if she didn't know it, she might think she would be happier to see bright lights, dress up, go to parties, rather than play cards with the corporal's kids. Maybe she was too nice to tell him this. What would *you* advise a guy like that to do, what could he change, to make sure she didn't get tired of him? He was lots in love with the princess…"
Kim noticed a bench seat, and steered them toward it. This talk needed them to be looking at each other. Needed time to think -- he said he loved her -- think about a life of drawing big dots. She waited until Don sat, then straddled his lap. It was a special and intimate position, when they sat like this unspoken rules meant that the conversation wouldn't be over until it was over.
"Don, the princess must have had a reason to help the corporal kill his witch, and to walk with his arm around her, and kiss him. It sounds to me like he has already won her heart, just by being himself. Pretty sure that this princess likes men who are themselves, most women like that, even princesses. Did you say that this corporal loves the princess?"
"Yes, he loves her."
"Yes *really* he *really* loves her, but she might be way too young and pretty and clever to settle with a slow, boring old corporal like him."
"He needs to be careful that the princess doesn't walk all over him."
"The princess is too nice to do that, she even has heaps of rules so that they treat each other well."
"This corporal, he's an honest loyal man? Would he hurt this girl?"
"He *has* made her cry sometimes, but only because he loves her."
"Does he cherish her, even when she is ugly and cranky?"
"I think she knows that, and she's *never* ugly to him… always beautiful."
"Will he use his spear only in her service?"
She could feel Don relaxing under her, even a smile "Yep, only for her."
"In my opinion, *you* should tell *him* to change *nothing,* because only a very stupid girl would let vain princes, and arrogant lords, and sleezy knights tempt her from a good man like that, ruin the special thing she shares with her corporal… does he think his princess is very stupid?"
"Nup, she is the cleverest person he ever met."
"If she kisses him, maybe she lets him guard the key to her bedroom? Only for the purpose of keeping her safe obviously, I hope he believes that there is only one key, always will be only one key!"
"He would like to keep guarding the key... just to keep her safe of course… that key is precious to him also."
Kim had craved this, commitment, *plans!* But now she felt anxiety of her own, at the crest of a snowy slope and there would be no stopping if she took the next step -- the snowball would roll out of control and grow and keep rolling -- a life of being the boss, protecting Don, sleepy rapes, rated second to his kids, and drawing big dots!
And a life of being treasured, cuddled, loved and normal.
"Well Don, be confident that the princesses' heart is his already! And I would advise him the best way to stop her looking at lords, princes and the others is to simply keep loving her."
Don was looking back at her with growing contentment, his eyes were bright and happy. Kim was drained, it was hard work being a princess, almost liked being a wet dream better. She'd made this as good for him as she could, the dots as close together as possible… or had she?
"There is perhaps one thing he could do."
"Perhaps, maybe, instead of asking what he can change, he could ask her what her dreams are."
"He's been too scared to… 'cause it might scare her away, stuff up the special thing they share"
Anxiety, she needed Don to take charge again, tell her to relax, tell her she was bright, tell her she could cope, and everything was fine. And push that little frond of hair back behind her ear. Well that answered that question -- the snowball would not be stopped, "I'm sure if the corporal asked, she would say that now she knows what having an honest man in her life is like… making her feel cherished and safe, the safest she has ever felt *in her whole life*… a man who knows exactly how to stroke her hair gently when she is confused and tired… yep, like that… hold her when she is scared… caress and love and warm her at night… and kiss her when she wakes so she knows it will be a good day… letting her tend his wounds after battle… and brighten her everyday with his smile… she thinks that this is *where* she wants to be, and *who* she wants to be. No place else. And do you understand that his princess dares to dream her good corporal will walk her somewhere, one day, just like this, and he will say '*I love you princess! I want you to trust me with your happiness, and trust me with your dreams, and your heart.'* And because she knows he loves her she would trust him, and because she loves him she would do what ever he asks. Kimberly is *your's* Don, do with her whatever you wish, *if* you tell *me* to be *your* princess, then that's what I'll be. I'd like to be precious to my sweet Don for such a long long time; dare *I* dream *that* dream?"
Kim like talking with Don, he looked at her when it mattered -- paid her that curtesy –- always had, even now when his eyes were moist. And with a broken voice she'd not heard for a long time, not since he'd broken down with Libby that first night on the river, "You love me too?"
"I love you Don."
"I love you Don."
"And you never lie do you Kim?"
"I'd never lie to you, and I never lie about love."
"And you want to hear me say that *I* love *you*? *Again*?"
"Yup, everyday."
"Well!… What's not to like about that?" |
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 02 | 20,599 | 4.71 | 962,009 | [
"hot wife",
"big cock",
"police drama",
"crime drama",
] | *The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.
The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-2.
Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.*
**Part 4 - The Crime Scene**
I arrived at the River Valley Country Club at 9:15pm, Oct. 30th. Sr. Patrolman Rudistan stopped me at the entrance to the parking lot.
"Can I see your badge, young officer?" Rudistan said jovially. I knew he was kidding, but I showed him my badge anyway.
"Sure, Sergeant Rudistan." I teased back, knowing (but he not knowing yet) that he was going to be promoted to Sergeant on November 1st. "Okay, Rudistan, you can let residents of the subdivision in so they can get to their homes, but no one goes out, and the Press does not come in at all, clear?"
"Roger that, sir." Rudistan said. "We've already got it covered." I drove on, confident that Rudistan indeed had the traffic situation under control.
There were already four police cruisers and an ambulance in the parking lot, all with lights flashing. I got on my radio and ordered that someone come out and turn off all the 'blinkenlights'. Not like they'd bring the dead back to life, and they only served to get the Media's attention. Patrolman Hicks came outside quickly and resolved the situation to my satisfaction.
I went through the front entrance, which was two large, heavy doors with a really nice glass inlay. The meeting room was immediately to the left, and entering those double doors (more normal sized, and solid wood), I found myself in the back of the room, looking forward towards the speaker's table up front. I saw a side table with desserts on the right.
Against the far back wall were two sets of double doors, with the projector screen between them on the wall. Those doors led to passageways that led to closets, a/v equipment and cleaning equipment rooms, those rooms being behind the wall covered by the projection screen. Those passageways led to a back hallway that had a door to the outside and the covered parking deck... where Anthony Warner had met his fate months before. The passageway went on around to offices and a hallway that led back to the main areas of the Club.
As I entered, I saw a number of women, some sitting, some sobbing, some being interviewed by officers. When they noticed my presence, the room suddenly became quiet.
"Commander, they're waiting for you in the back room." said Lt. Cindy Ross, coming up to me. But I didn't move immediately.
"Ladies," I called out, so that all could hear my voice, "I know you have had a shock tonight, and I appreciate your patience and staying here to help us out. I hope we'll be able to let you go home shortly. I also appreciate your cooperation in allowing the police to look into your handbags."
Police had been doing so, searching for the murder weapon, and I'd already received a phone call from Cindy about their complaints. I'd told Cindy to tell them that if they protested, we would get warrants... and they and their handbags could wait at Headquarters for those warrants. No, I didn't say they'd be arrested, but the inference was enough that they were cooperating, and so far, no one had given any back talk.
"What was that about?" Cindy asked as we went through the door to the kitchenette.
"Some of the wealthiest and most powerful wives in the County are in there." I said. "I definitely want to get on their good side to the extent I'm able."
"Oh." Cindy said. "I thought you were flirting with some of them. They way most of them looked at you, they'll be flirting with you as soon as they get a chance."
"Maybe." I said. "The perks and curses of Command. Okay, J.R., whaddya got?" I asked the youngish Crime Lab leader. He and the Crime Lab were dressed in Tyvex suits. Because of the contracts we had with other counties, we were able to afford the Tyvex suits so that our people didn't contaminate the crime scene. It was the Crime Lab leaders' call if they should wear the Tyvex or not. This scene definitely warranted it.
To the right of the main meeting room, to the speaker's left, was a door that led to a kitchenette area. Inside that area, I saw that to the right was a door that led to a service entrance for waitstaff, in front of me was the kitchen sink and counter, and to the left were the two doors to the two unisex restrooms, each meant to service one person at a time.
Halfway through the right side bathroom doorway was the deceased, lying as she had fallen. There was a pool of blood on the bathroom floor, and some on the tile of the kitchenette area from her throat wound. Inside the bathroom, the toilet was on the right and the sink on the left. There was a small trashcan under the sink. Not only was there blood on the floor, but it had sprayed all over the back and left wall of the bathroom, some to nearly the ceiling.
"Throat slit." said J.R. Barnes. "Hand over her mouth, slice across the throat with what looks like a very sharp knife, maybe a heavy one like a sendoku knife. But here's the thing, Commander: she didn't die immediately. She was dropped, but she managed to crawl to the door, tried to raise her hand to open the door, then expired and sank down, leaning against the door. When the door was opened, she fell out." J.R. had pointed to various blood smears on the door and marks in the blood on the floor as he told the story.
"Oh, but this is interesting." I said. "She was facing to the left when she was attacked. Now if she were standing at the sink, wouldn't she turn to the right to see who was coming in? And if she were standing near the potty, she'd again likely be turned to the right by her attacker coming up behind and grabbing her."
"Yes sir." J.R. said. "You're correct, though maybe in grabbing her, the assailant spun her around."
"That's a thought." I said. "So our assailant must be fairly strong, as he or she did not totally surprise the victim. So, who was it that met her unfortunate end here?" I asked, though I recognized the woman.
"Trish Donolan." said Detective Diana Torres, who had been looking around the kitchenette while her partner Martin Nash interviewed women in the main room. "Forty-six years old, married to Donovan Donolan, who goes by 'Mr. Donolan', but his apparently few friends call him 'Donovan'-"
"Is that an assumption, or do you have data, Miss Torres?" I asked.
"Data, sir." said Torres, grinning. "I wouldn't risk the Wrath of either of you Iron Crowbars by speculating."
"Smart Detective, you are." I said, grinning back. "Sorry I interrupted. You were saying?"
"Yes sir," said Torres, "he's the CEO of BigPharmaCorp. And I'm sure you remember from the recent Murdered Bride case that she was a Lightsource Industries employee."
"Yes." I said. "Do you remember exactly what capacity she was in with Lightsource?"
"Sorry, sir, I'm not prepared on that." said Diana.
"Neither am I, but that's okay: we'll refresh our memories on that soon enough." I admitted. "So, who called it in?"
"Geez, sir," said Torres, "our phones lit up like Christmas trees. The 9-1-1 system got eight calls about it, our Duty Desk got four, and Lieutenant Croyle got two."
"Croyle?" I asked, surprised. "From who?"
"I'm not sure, sir." replied Torres. "She just called Lieutenant Ross, who told me that when she told me to get over here."
"I see." I said. "Okay, J.R., what else have you found on the body?"
"Not much." J.R. said. "We took fingernail scrapings, and we're processing the scene for prints and stuff."
"Was anything of interest found in any of the ladies' purses?" I asked, looking around at the ceiling and cabinets of the kitchenette. "I don't suppose we'd be lucky enough that the murderer just stuck the murder weapon into someone's purse?
"No sir." said Torres. "No weapons, except a few handguns, and their owners have carry permits. We've confiscated them for now."
"Be damn sure to give them their weapons back when we let them leave." I said.
"Sir, are you sure?" Torres asked. I wheeled on her, harder than I meant to.
"Detective," I said, "this victim was not shot, unless J.R. changes his story in there. We have no reason to keep their weapons at this time. Make sure to give them back when they leave."
"Yes sir." Torres said, looking disappointed. I knew that there was a big debate nationally, not only about gun rights, but about confiscation of them by police at scenes like this. I, for one, did not want to deprive law-abiding citizens of their lawfully carried weapons, but I knew that others in my own Force and elsewhere were of a decidedly different attitude.
"J.R., has anyone searched above the ceiling tiles, especially in the bathroom?" I asked. It was a hanging ceiling with tiles and fluorescent lights.
"Not yet, sir." said J.R. "We'll be doing that after the body is removed."
"All right." I said. "I'll leave you guys to it. Let me know if you find anything spectacularly interesting."
"Commander," J.R. replied, "I always find *everything* about a crime scene 'spectacularly interesting'."
"I can't debate that." I said, smiling, as I walked back into the main room. Cindy Ross came up to me.
"We've interviewed nearly everyone." she said. "The stories are the same: they were having a meeting, they went on break, came back, Donolan wasn't there, one of them went to look for her, found her in the bathroom dead, screamed, they all rushed in, saw the body, screamed themselves. We've also interviewed all of the Club employees, who are all still here."
"Is there anyone that stands out that I need to talk to?" I asked. Cindy had this look like 'we can do this', but I knew that I was a Commander partly because I knew how to interview suspects and watch their faces in ways the other Detectives didn't, so sorry.
"No sir." Cindy replied.
"All right," I said, "But I do want to talk to two people: the person that found the body, and Mrs. Myrtle L. James. She's a University Trustee, so I want you to meet her. Let's go."
I walked over to the speaker's table up front, behind which Myrtle L. James was still seated. "Mrs. James," I said. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I need to ask you a couple of questions."
"Why hello, Commander." said Myrtle James. "I haven't seen you since your recent promotion. Congratulations. And I am so happy to hear that your wife has recovered so well from her surgery."
"Thank you, ma'am." I said. "May I present my partner, Lieutenant Cindy Ross."
"Oh... the Medal of Valor recipient?" Myrtle L. James replied, her eyes lighting up. "It's such an honor to meet you, Lieutenant, such an honor!" the old woman gushed as she stood up, took Cindy's hand in hers, and vigorously shook it.
"Thank you, ma'am," Cindy said, blushing modestly as she always did at such praise. "I'm sorry we're meeting under such difficult circumstances."
"Yes, so very sad." Mrs. James said as she sat back down. "Now what can I help you with?"
I pulled up a chair and sat down next to the University Trustee. "Can you tell us what happened in the moments leading up to finding Mrs. Donolan?"
"Yes." said Myrtle L. James, and I knew that of all the attendees, her mind would be the sharpest and most observant. "We started our meeting, we began a debate of which of two stocks to buy. It got a bit... exciting for a few minutes."
"What do you mean by that, ma'am?" I asked.
"Sometimes arguments happen." Mrs. James said. "Tonight we had a pretty strong one."
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong was this one?" I asked.
"Oh, about a '7'." she said. "We've had worse."
"Did it get personal?" I asked.
"Oh no, nothing like that. It never gets personal, as long as I'm moderating the debate, anyway. What's said in private beyond my hearing, I couldn't tell you."
"So what happened next?" I asked.
"At 8:30 I called for a break in the discussion." Myrtle said. "People were milling about, getting some dessert and coffee from the side table, talking in groups, using the restroom and so forth. At 8:45 I called the meeting back to order and everyone came back in... except Trish. After a moment, someone... Catherine, I believe... yes, it was Catherine, she was putting her handbag down when I asked where Trish was, and she said she'd go check and see if Trish was still in the bathroom..."
"I see." I said. "Mrs. James, let me ask some background information, if I may. How does your club choose what stocks to buy?"
"We have to agree by a two-thirds vote of the members present. With sixteen members, that means we need eleven votes."
"And if there were only 15 present?" I asked.
"Then we'd need 10, as it's based on the persons present." she said. "But I cannot remember having less than the full 16 at every meeting for at least a year."
"So how do these disputes get resolved?" I asked.
"Usually ladies give their presentations on what they think we should buy." Mrs. James said. "Usually we pick out one or two among the selections that everyone agrees pretty well on, and it's an easy vote. On some occasions, like tonight, we had a stronger argument between two stocks, Apple and Netflix. Usually when it's that evenly divided, someone suggests buying a half-position of both, but tonight... in fact, it was Trish that was very adamant about not buying Apple. She shot down the idea of buying both... in fact, she seemed more *against* buying Apple than *for* buying Netflix, if I remember the way she was talking."
"Any reason for her taking that attitude? Of not buying both, of being against Apple?" I asked, out of simple curiosity.
"No, no reason that I know of." said Mrs. James. "She didn't say during the public debate, and I didn't get a chance to talk with her during the break."
"I see." I said. "Okay, ma'am, can you tell me how the membership of the Club works?"
"Yes, but let me start at the beginning." said Mrs. James. "We began about six years ago, with twelve women each contributing five thousand dollars. Within the next six months or so, eight more women came in, contributing $5000. At that time, we realized that 20 was too many, but we didn't expel anyone. We made ourselves into an LLC and a Trust, and distributed 16,000 shares evenly. One woman, Mrs. Bonniker, passed away. Her family was paid out the cash value of her shares, and the shares distributed to the rest of us."
Mrs. James continued: "We then had three other ladies leave over the next couple of years, and we paid them out and distributed the shares until we had sixteen women with 1000 shares each. That number seemed to work well, so we set our membership limit at sixteen."
"Have others wished to join your group?" I asked. "You've done very well, from what I've heard."
"Yes, we have a waiting list." said Mrs. James. "And the value of the fund is about $2.5 million now."
I noted Cindy's look of shock and worked hard to hide my own surprise as I said "So for someone to buy in, they'd have to come up with nearly $160,000, wouldn't they?"
"No, Commander, not quite." said Myrtle. "They *could* do that, or they could pay $10,000 and their shares would only be worth a pro-rated amount. Over time, their re-investments can be used to pay to increase their shares to full par with everyone else's. It's pretty complicated, and we have a lawyer and CPA do all of that for us. We've only had two women leave since we incorporated. Well, one of them died... Mrs. Bailey."
"Margo Bailey?" I asked, surprise in my voice. I remembered how, a year and a half before, Margo had been taken to the Hospital E.R., and had subsequently died of a drug overdose. (*Author's note: Please review 'Case of the Murdered Chessplayer, Ch. 03-04, for the Margo Bailey death.*)
"Yes, that was her." said Myrtle James. "She was the closest we ever came to expelling a member. She had serious drug problems, but she got clean... for a while."
"Yes, I remember her death." I said. "I hate to have to ask this so shortly after Mrs. Donolan's death, but I really must: what will happen to Mrs. Donolan's shares?" I asked.
"I understand. Her heirs will be paid their fair value." said Mrs. James. "We'll have to have a CPA determine that amount within a couple of weeks. Then the first person on our waiting list will be offered the chance to buy the 1000 shares from the Club."
"Do you know who that person is?" I asked.
"No, I'd have to have our lawyer look that up. Mrs. Olivet- I'm sorry, Mrs. Burke, of that Women's Law Firm, is our agent. She handles all of that and doesn't tell us, to keep things fair. Only she and her two partners know."
"Thank you very much, Mrs. James." I said. "And I'm sorry for your Club's loss. Now who found the- er, Mrs. Donolan?"
"That would be Cat- oh, that's her nickname. Catherine Clausen is her name. She's Trish's best friend. She's right back there."
I saw the woman to whom Myrtle L. James was pointing, and I excused myself, listening to Myrtle tell Cindy that she so hoped to get to talk to the younger woman, if only Cindy would come to a Ladies Auxiliary meeting. To my happiness, and my surprise, I heard Cindy promise to come to the next meeting.
"Oh, Cindy, while I'm talking to this witness," I said, "would you call Paulina for a warrant to get all the video footage from the Country Club and the area, then secure it-" I broke off.
"I'll call Jenna; she's waiting up for me as it is." Cindy said. "Er... Don? You all right?"
I exhaled. "Yeah... yeah." I said, trying to recover my emotions. "I... I was just remembering when Anthony Warner was killed outside, and... and Pete Feeley had secured all that video before I even asked..."
Cindy patted me on the back of my shoulder, understanding. "I'll get right on it." she said as she dialed her cellphone.
"Oh," I said, "while you're at it for warrants, ask for these also." I told Cindy what I needed to do, what I was looking for, and why.
I went to the chairs in the back row and introduced myself to Catherine 'Cat' Clausen. She had black hair, curly, was short and somewhat voluptuous, but very pretty. But her nickname was 'Cat' because it was said she and Trish were friends, partied together, and were known to be a mean pair of bitches at times... the 'cat claws' would come out.
"Mrs. Clausen," I said, "I understand you found Mrs. Donolan?"
"Call me Catherine, or 'Cat', please." she replied, her eyes looking at me invitingly as she spoke. "And yes... yes, I found her."
"Tell me what happened?"
"We took a break from our meeting. Trish and I were talking in the kitchenette with Carol Carlington about the debate over which shares to buy. Carol wanted to buy AAPL, which Trish had opposed-"
"Let me interrupt you with a question, if I may." I said. "Was Trish normally this... defensive in her arguments? By that, I mean did she normally argue strongly and uncompromisingly?"
"She usually was set once she decided what she wanted to see happen." said Cat. "But tonight I'd have to say she was really determined to not buy the AAPL stock."
"Do you know why? And do you know why she didn't want to go along with the compromise to buy some of both?" I asked. If Cat was surprised that I knew that much already, she didn't show it.
"No sir." she said, her eyes giving pointed looks at my crotch then back to my eyes. "She never said to me."
"Did she and Carol Carlington argue about it?"
"No," said Cat, "in fact, Carol seemed to have been persuaded by Trish."
"Thank you." I said. "So you were saying, about finding Mrs. Donolan's body?"
"Oh!- yes..." said Cat. "When the meeting was called back into session, Trish didn't come back into the room. I went to see if she was in the restroom and if she was all right..." Cat burst into tears despite efforts to hold them back.
"I understand." I said. "How close to the body did you get?"
"Not close." Cat said. "I opened the bathroom door, she fell out and I jumped back in shock."
"I see." I said. "So you didn't go into the bathroom, or step in any blood, did you?"
"Not... not that I know of." said Cat. "And I didn't go into the bathroom; Trish was blocking it when she fell out."
"Just one more question: how was Trish feeling during this evening? Did she seem to be all right? Did she seem worried or distracted by anything?"
"Oh, no." said Cat. "She seemed fine. Certainly nothing different than I've ever seen."
"Thank you, Mrs. Clausen." I said. As I got up, I accidentally kicked Cat's handbag, a very large black leather bag, on the floor. "Oh I'm sorry, is that your handbag I just kicked, Mrs. Clausen?"
"Oh yes, that's mine." Cat said. "That's all right, it's almost empty. Your officers searched it already."
"Thank you for your cooperation with that." I said. Just then, Cindy came up.
"Commander, a lot of the women's husbands are trying to come in. Rudistan has them outside the gate, and they're getting angry."
"Thanks, Lieutenant." I said. "Go back outside and tell them their wives will be out shortly. Make sure they know you're a Police Lieutenant. Use your blue crowbar if needed. Don't let them give you any shit, no matter who they are."
"One other thing." Cindy said. "J.R. asked earlier if we need to search the women's cars before they leave. I asked Jenna to get a warrant to cover that when I called her."
"Yep, do that before letting the cars leave the premises." I replied. "By the way, get a patrol officer to find Carol Carlington and bring her to me. Thanks, Cindy."
"She's up there talking to Detective Torres." Cindy replied, pointing to the blonde woman standing with Torres near the dessert table. I nodded and Cindy stalked off.
I went up to Carol Carlington. "Mrs. Carlington, I'm Commander Troy." I said. "May I ask you a couple of questions?"
"Certainly Commander." said Carol, looking me up and down, her eyes going to my crotch a couple of times.
"I understand that you were talking with Trish Donolan and Cat Clausen during the break?"
"Yes, we were." said Carol. "Trish was explaining why she didn't want to invest in Apple stock. She had a couple of good points, so I let her think she'd won the debate."
"How long did you talk with her?"
"Maybe five minutes." Carol said. "I came back inside here and got some dessert."
"Did you see anyone else talking to Trish?" I asked."
"No, not after I left her and Cat talking together."
"And it was Cat who went to look for Trish after the break?"
"Yes." said Carol. "Cat was still standing, putting her handbag aside when Mrs. James asked where Trish was. Cat said she'd go look for her and went back into the break room. Then we all heard her scream."
"I see." I said. "Thank you, Mrs. Carlington. Here's my card if you think of something else that might be helpful."
"Mmm, can I call you even if I don't think of anything helpful?" Carol said, openly seductive in her speech and look at me.
"I wouldn't want either of our spouses coming after us with shotguns." I said, grinning. "Okay, I need to let you all know you can leave."
I stood up on a chair and spoke loudly. "Ladies, I appreciate your patience." I called out. "Unless you're being interviewed, you can go ahead and leave, but you cannot leave in your cars until they are searched. We are getting a search warrant to do that. In the meantime, please leave a number where we can reach you with one of our officers. Thank you, ladies." The women made their way out, and within moments only police remained in the room.
Just then, J.R. Barnes came rushing up to me. "Commander, we have something you should see."
We went to the bathroom area. Trish Donolan's body had been moved and was being prepared for its journey to the morgue. J.R. had me stand at the bathroom door while he tip-toed inside.
"Look here, sir," J.R. said, pointing to the toilet's water tank. He shined a blacklight onto the top. All I saw were faint horizontal streaks glowing purple.
"Sir, someone wiped down this toilet top." J.R. said. "This is a fresh wipedown, some of the chemicals have not yet evaporated. It's the only place in the bathroom that was so recently cleaned. What it means is that someone stood up here, then wiped it off to destroy any evidence."
"You absolutely *must* search above that hanging ceiling, J.R." I said. "And the sooner the better."
"Yes sir." said Barnes.
Almost two hours later, all of the women's cars had been searched, as had the space above the hanging ceiling above the bathroom and kitchenette. No murder weapon had been found.
"Okay, guys." I said. "Wrap it up. I'd appreciate it if you get your reports into the computers before you go home, so that I can spend the night reading them."
Just then Diana Torres came into the room. "Commander, a man is outside wanting to come in. He says he's Mr. Donolan, Mrs. Donolan's husband."
"Thank you, Detective." I said. I accompanied her outside, seeing Sr. Patrolman Morton accompanying a handsome man in his early 50s up the driveway of the Country Club. The man had black hair just showing gray, and a body that was fit but beginning to show the advance of age, and perhaps a bit of good living.
"Mr. Donolan," I said, "I'm Commander Donald Troy of the TCPD."
"I..." said Donolan, "I heard... I got a phone call that my wife had been killed."
"Yes sir, Mr. Donolan." I said, knowing the only way to do this was be direct. "I'm sorry for your loss, sir."
"Oh my God!" Donolan said, his eyes looking towards the building. "Trish!" He was about to run to the building, but I got in his way.
"I'm sorry, sir, there's nothing you can do for her." I said.
"Can I see her?" Donolan asked, his voice beginning to show the edges of raggedness.
"No sir, not at this moment." I said. "And I wouldn't want you to have what's in there as a last memory of her. What I would like is for you to go with Patrolman Morton here to the Police Station, and I'll be there to talk with you as soon as I can. If you'd like us to call one of our Chaplains or your own minister, we'll be glad to."
"Thank you." said Donolan, his voice drifting. "Oh my God..." He allowed Morton to accompany him to a police cruiser, which would transport him to Headquarters.
"Ross, Torres," I said, "I'm heading back to the Station. "Let me know if you find anything of interest, such as the murder weapon." I knew that they wouldn't find the weapon in the meeting room or breakroom area; it had evaded my own quick but thorough search. Perhaps it'd be found elsewhere in the Clubhouse or on the grounds.
As I left, I noticed the Press vans being kept outside. Both KXTC and KSTD had representation at the scene. I thought about giving just one of them an interview to piss off the other, but decided I needed to get serious about the case and leave the games to later. I drove on.
**Part 5 - The Long Night**
On the way back to Headquarters, I called Chief Griswold and informed him of what had happened. This was mainly in case the Press tried to call him at home for a statement, and he wouldn't be ambushed. I take care of my people, and I make damn sure not to let my boss get bushwhacked by the Media.
However, it was me who was surprised when I got to Headquarters... and found that the Chief was already in Interrogation-A with Mr. Donolan and his lawyer.
"Come on in here, Crowbar." said Chief Griswold when I peeked my head in the door. "I haven't asked Mr. Donolan any questions of consequence yet."
"Yes sir, Chief." I said, coming in and sitting down at the table next to the Chief. When he made no move to get up, I began to understand why he was sitting in on this one: we were dealing with possibly the most powerful man in the County except for Henry R. Wargrave, and the Chief wanted to make sure he would be the one to take any 'bullets' in the event of any fallout, instead of subjecting me to a 'trial by fire'. I realized that I had a *long* way to go to equal the leadership of this man as I prepared to take over for him upon his retirement.
"Okay," I started, "first, Mr. Donolan, I'm going to have to absolutely keep this one colored between the lines. I am going to read you your rights." I did so from the card I kept in my wallet. Donolan's lawyer whispered something to him after I asked Donolan if he understood the rights he was being read.
"Why are you reading me my rights?" Donolan asked. "Am I a suspect here?"
"Mr. Donolan," I said, "I'm sorry for your loss this evening, but as you are the husband of the deceased, you automatically become a person of interest to us."
"It's entirely routine, Mr. Donolan," said Chief Griswold, "as bad as it sounds. We're trying to get at the truth, but we have an obligation to protect your rights... as well as those of Mrs. Donolan to receive Justice for the crime committed against her."
"I'd like to talk to my lawyer for a minute." Donolan said. At that, the Chief and I got up and went into the anteroom.
"So, Chief," I added in a teasing way, "getting in some last minute interrogations before you interrogate the fish in Reservoir Lake during your retirement?"
"Might as well." said the Chief affably, then turning somber: "Seriously, Crowbar, this is a big one, politically. Those women in that Club are the wives of the Power Players in this Town, or else they're power players themselves, like Myrtle L. James. No offense to you, but I'm not retired yet so it's my place to make sure nobody tries to dump shit on you or your Detectives as you solve this thing."
"I appreciate it, Chief." I said. Just then, Donolan's lawyer knocked on the one-way glass. We re-entered the Interrogation Room.
"I am advising my client," said the lawyer, "to cooperate with your investigation and your questions. However, he reserves his right to invoke his Fifth Amendment right to silence at any time he chooses."
"Fair enough." I said. "Mr. Donolan, I must first ask where you were from 8:30 to 8:45 tonight."
Donolan replied "I was being driven home right about then. I'd just left the Board meeting at BigPharmaCorp."
"You have a company car?" I asked.
"Yes, the Company officers have Cadillac Escalades that have some enhanced security protections." said Donolan. "We took that precaution after the Crown Chemical riots some years ago... we never knew if what happened to them might happen to us one day, and we'd be attacked by Environmentalist Terrorists. Say, you don't think..."
"What?" I asked.
"That environmentalists murdered my wife?" Donolan asked.
"Sir," I said, "I have absolutely no data or leads yet on who might have killed your wife. I'll keep your idea in mind. Meanwhile, is your vehicle the one that is in the Police Headquarters parking lot right now?"
"Would you object to me having a couple of my technicians download your GPS information from that car?" The lawyer quickly leaned over and whispered to Donolan, but he shook his head.
"No, it's okay, they can do that." Donolan said. "I have nothing to hide." I immediately called the Duty Desk and told them to have two techs execute that operation.
"Thank you, Mr. Donolan." I said. "Now I have to ask some rather personal and painful questions, but there's no getting around it. How were your relations with your wife?"
"Good." Donolan said. "We have- I mean had a very strong marriage. I know that you, Commander, are aware of the open nature of our relationship. I hope we won't have to go into any details on that for the public record.."
"I can't promise anything, but I'll be as discreet as I can." I said. "So you and your wife were not having problems, nor fighting?" I looked into Donolan's eyes as I asked. Was that the merest hint of fear I saw in them?
"No, nothing serious." Donolan said. "I mean... we'd have arguments from time to time, usually over small stuff, like every couple has, I'm sure. But as I was saying, and as you know, Commander: marriages such as ours have to be strong and trusting. We get past any problems, and quickly."
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the Chief's look: he and his wife had probably never had a fight in at least 40 years of marriage; he never liked it when someone said that marital arguments were the 'norm'.
"Anything recent?" I asked. Donolan definitely looked a bit uncomfortable.
"I... we had some argument recently... I don't even remember what it was about... something about which party to attend on some night..." Donolan said, speaking as if he were trying to think. "Oh yes, now I remember... Trish did not attend the social function this evening before our Board meeting, as most wives do. She was going to that Investment Club meeting instead, and I thought her choice was the wrong one."
"Does she usually attend company events with you when she's expected to?"
"Oh yes," said Donolan. "She was very good about that. Not like Sean Bailey's drug addict wife, before she-" Donolan went silent.
"Does Sean Bailey still work for BigPharmaCorp?" I asked.
"No." said Donolan. "He left shortly after his wife died."
"On good terms?" I asked.
"Business-wise, yes." said Donolan. "He simply resigned. But there were some personal animosities when he left. Before you ask, I don't remember exactly what those problems were about, it was some time ago."
"All right, but if you remember, please contact me immediately." I said. "Mr. Donolan, do you know of anyone else who might wish to harm your wife, and why? Anyone in your company have a problem with her, or you? A past anger or anything like that?"
"Not that I know of." said Donolan. "We kept a fairly decent level of security, considering my position with my company, and we never got wind of any problems at all."
"No break-ins into your house, or surveillance of it?" I asked. "Any house staff get fired or leave suddenly?"
"No sir." Donolan said.
"Okay, Mr. Donolan," I said. "I don't have any more questions at this time. I know you have your company to run, but this is not a request: do not leave the County. In addition, it's standard procedure that Mrs. Donolan's residence will be searched. We're getting the warrant now, you do not have a choice in the matter, and you may not return to your home until that warrant is executed. If you'd like to stay at the University Hotel or the Hyatt, the County will pay for your hotel room for tonight."
Donolan was gaping at me, then turned to his lawyer, who immediately whispered something into his ear. The lawyer then spoke up. "We object to the search being made without both of us being present."
"Certainly you can be there if you wish." I said. At that moment, Sergeant Thompson came into the room from the lobby side.
"Sir, we have the warrant for the Donolan residence." the large, athletic Sergeant said.
"Assemble a team and report to Lieutenant Ross at the location." I said. "Wake up Sergeants that are good at these searches and have them report. And as you go, carry Mr. Donolan and his lawyer in the back of your squad car, so that they can be present during the search. But don't let them go inside until the warrant arrives." Sergeant Thompson escorted the two men out of the room.
Once we were alone in the room, the Chief said "You really do a good job of questioning people. I'm sure you're reading clues in their faces, too. Even my old eyes could tell that Donolan was hiding something."
"Yes sir," I said. "He got uncomfortable when I asked about recent problems with his wife. He was trying hard to think of a reason for an argument, a recent one, and he came up with that attendance story on the spot. Ergo, there *was* a recent argument that we're going to find out about, and needs explaining away. I also noticed that he made sure to bring up Environmentalists, and he made a totally gratuitous point to mention Sean Bailey. He's really trying to plant seeds of distraction, *n'est pas*?"
"Think there's anything in that?" the Chief asked.
"Oh, no doubt about it, sir." I said. "There is definitely some bad blood between Sean Bailey and Donovan Donolan, and I think I know why. We definitely need to add Bailey to our list of people to be questioned."
"Who else is on that list?" asked the Chief.
"The entire Board of BigPharmaCorp, all of Trish Donolan's friends and associates, their neighbors, all of the Investment Club women again... a lot of ground to cover. And if you'll excuse me, Chief, I need to observe my Detectives searching the Donolan home."
"You're not excused." said the Chief. I gaped at him. He grinned and said "I'm going with you to the scene, Crowbar. You drive."
Sergeant Thompson did not know that in just a few days he was going to receive a massive promotion in preparation for an even more massive promotion. As I watched him help in the search of the Donolan residence, I knew I'd made the correct choice in nominating him for Precinct Captain. Not only was he expertly searching, he was skillfully teaching everything to Detective Diana Torres that he could pour into her head in the time they had.
Detective Nash, Lt. Ross, two other Sergeants, six Crime Lab persons and, to my surprise, Lt. Teresa Croyle, were all searching for anything and everything. We found virtually nothing, until we got to the bedroom. There were a number of DVDs in the room, and it was obvious that the Donolan's would watch these DVDs while in bed. When we bagged them as evidence, Donolan's lawyer practically ran over people to get to me and ask me to personally take charge of those videos and exercise discretion. I realized what was on them... swing club film footage.
"Technician Cho," I said to Christina Cho, "put those DVDs under a seal in my name. My eyes only for first examination." I turned to the lawyer and said that I could not promise anything more than that I'd be the first person to look at them, and the only person if there was nothing of evidentiary value to them. The Chief nodded and the lawyer's face showed visible relief.
We then ran into some trouble when Sergeant Thompson discovered the wall safe in Mr. Donolan's study behind his desk.
"Mr. Donolan," I asked, "would you please open that safe?"
"No, I will not." said Donolan. "And I'm invoking fully at this time."
Everyone looked at me to see if I'd use my crowbar on Donolan or have a verbal explosion. I did realize that the crowbar would not physically open that safe... but I did not need it, nor to get upset. I just smiled a strange smile.
"Okay, Mr. Donolan, as you wish. You've invoked, and you can't take it back" I said. "Everyone stay here." I went out to my Police SUV and got a bag out of the back. It was a kit of items that I had not used in years. Taking the bag inside, I went back into the study, feeling the many pairs of eyes watching me.
Out of the bag I took safecracking devices from my days selling security equipment. Sometimes I'd sell something, including safes, only to have the client forget how to operate it, and I'd have to go help them out. I took out a device that even Federal Government agents would want to have: a device that read electronic safe combinations. It took all of 30 seconds to get into Donolan's safe. I told everyone to stand to the sides and not in front of the safe, just in case it was booby-trapped.
"I am not going to ask where you got that device." said the Chief as I slowly opened the door to the safe. "Just stay on the side of Law and Order, would you?"
"No worries, Chief." I said as I began bringing out the contents of the safe. Inside were a number of papers pertaining to his company, some CD certificates, some cash and jewelry... and more DVDs. I had the DVDs bagged as evidence under an 'Eyes Only' seal...
... and then I found a manila envelope. Pulling out the contents, I saw the photographs of Trish Donolan being deeply fucked by 'Black Magic'. They were some of the pictures Teresa and Grubby Paul had taken. I called over Lt. Croyle, who came forward and said simply "What?"
"Lieutenant," I said quietly, showing her the pics, "it looks like we have a huge leak in our computer systems." Teresa's eyes widened as I called out "Ross!" Cindy came up. "Ross, contact Myron Milton and Mary Mahoney. Right now. Get their asses into Headquarters. We're searching for a breach of our computer systems. Croyle will give you the details of the file and the photographs that have been breached."
I went up to Donolan. "Sure you don't want to tell me where you got these?" I asked, showing him the pics.
"He's invoked, Commander." said his lawyer. "Like you said, he can't talk anymore, even if he wants to."
"Too bad." I said. "These pictures in his possession are damning, and perhaps if he'd not invoked until he gave a reasonable explanation for them, there'd be no problem... but now I'm required to arrest Mr. Donolan. Sergeant Thompson, arrest Donolan, book him and process him-"
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, just a darn minute!" the lawyer said. Chief Griswold was walking up, also.
"What's going on, Crowbar?" asked the Chief.
"Sir, Mr. Donolan is in possession of photographs taken by our Vice Squad during a drug surveillance operation." I said. "Photographs that involve his wife in *flagrante delicto* with one of the drug suspects from that operation." I showed the Chief the photographs. He confirmed with Lt. Croyle that they were indeed the same photographs.
"The Commander is right, counselor." Griswold said. "Your client is in a world of shit right now."
"Look, guys," the lawyer was saying, "you're talking about the CEO of a big company, here. He gets arrested, and the Media are going to have a field day. You know how they are. They'll lie, they'll tell stories that have no basis in fact, they'll drag Mr. Donolan's name through the mud just because they enjoy it. There's got to be something we can do, something we can work out."
The Chief pulled me into the hallway outside the study. "He has a point, Crowbar." he said. "This isn't some pimp from the Tenderloin District. If he's guilty, then I'd be the first to bury him, but if he's not, he's the kind whose reputation the Media will leave in shreds with no apology, no retractions, no follow-ups to tell the truth when we get it."
"I agree. What do you want to do, Chief?" I asked.
"It's your decision. Welcome to Command." said the Chief. "And so you know, I'm not just passing the buck to you, here. This'll be going on for months, and the fallout will come onto you. I'll back you up, whatever you decide. Also, for all we know he may be innocent and these pictures have another explanation-"
"Oh! Of course!" I gasped out at the Chief's last sentence. "Oh, sorry, sir, didn't mean to interrupt. I just realized something."
"What?" asked the Chief as I tried to think.
"Give me five minutes, please." I said. The Chief left me alone and went to talk to Croyle and Ross.
Five minutes later, I returned to the study and went to the Chief.
"We should process him, just to get fresh fingerprints on file and get DNA." I said. "But he won't get bail: any judge would release a public figure like him to his lawyer's custody and on his on recognizance. So we don't have to formally charge him just yet. But what I can't see is how to stop him from fleeing, should he choose to do so."
"Leave that to me." said the Chief. "And it looks like I get to teach Kid Crowbar something, after all." I had no problems learning from the Chief's wealth of experience as I followed him to talk to the troubled widower and his exhausted legal beagle.
Moments later, I was asked by Lt. Ross to come back to the master bedroom. When I got there, she led me into the little sitting room that was next to the bedroom. It was Trish's little office study, as Melina had used her sitting room as her study when we lived in Midtown, in the house that Cindy's sister Molly now lived in.
"It's right behind this air vent." said Cindy. What looked like an A/C or heating vent in the back wall was actually a little door on a hinge. Behind it, embedded in the wall, was a small safe. Donovan Donolan, who had come up with his lawyer, gasped at the sight of it.
"Didn't know your wife had a safe here, Mr. Donolan?" I asked as I prepared my equipment to open the safe.
Donovan only shook his head as I took the next 30 seconds opening the safe. Inside were more papers and DVDs.
"Let's bag these separately from the others, Ross." I said. "DVDs under my personal seal."
**Part 6 - Suspects and Clues**
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" blared the lovely reporterette into the television sets of the region at 7:00am on October 31st. "We're bringing you live coverage of the murder of Trish Donolan, wife of wealthy BigPharmaCorp CEO Donovan Donolan. Police have not released details of the murder, but Channel Two News has confirmed that she was murdered at the River Valley Country Club during a meeting of the County Wives Investment Club." Bettina went on to describe the course of events that night, just a bit too accurately for my liking.
Bettina continued: "Wealthy CEO Donovan Donolan is at Police Headquarters now, cooperating with Police in the investigation of his wife's death. Channel Two News has confirmed that the Donolan home was searched last night. Police Chief Griswold issued a statement saying that their investigation is routine procedure, and that he expects Mr. Donolan to be able to return home soon."
Having gulped down my coffee, I went with Detectives Nash and Torres to Lightsource Industries, where Trish Donolan worked. I need not say that the company CEO, Mr. Turner Rogers, was devastated to see us for the second time in under a month.
"I can't believe it." he said to me and Nash, as Torres led a team of police officers in interviewing Trish's co-workers. "Lang and Blair, and now Trish Donolan. I feel like a curse has descended upon me."
"I am sorry for your losses, sir," I said, "and I appreciate your cooperation. Can you tell me what Trish Donolan did with your company?"
"Yes, but I need to be very careful in my wording, and I'm sure you'll understand why." said Mr. Rogers. "Mrs. Donolan was officially the Associate Director of Marketing. But what she really was... was the unofficial Social Director. She was the one that arranged social events for our clients, parties around here for the employees, birthday parties and such. She arranged for our clients to be kept happy- oh, I don't mean that the way it sounded. I meant..." Rogers did not finish the sentence, his face red from blushing.
"I understand, Mr. Rogers." I said. "So she was the Social coordinator of sorts. Do you know, sir, of anyone that might have reason to harm her?"
"No, not at all." replied Rogers. "She was popular with her co-workers, to the best of my knowledge. I know she was upset about Diane Lang and Larry and Blair, but so was everyone else."
"Martin," I said, "Why don't you go help Detective Torres finish up the interviews with the employees. I'll finish up with Mr. Rogers, here."
"Uhh..." Nash said, then caught himself, getting the hint. "Yes sir." He got up and left.
"Mr. Rogers," I said, once we were alone, "I want to ask you about the industrial espionage situation. Just you and me, badges off, no record of this conversation being written down."
"I do want to thank you for alerting me to that." said Rogers. "I hired the team of private investigators you suggested, instead of those from Acme Private Investigations. The guys I hired found that there was not only one but two leaks. One was Blair, who didn't have proper authority but managed to access our research data; and the other, we haven't conclusively determined yet. It could've been Larry Lang, but my investigators' I.T. technicians said that sophisticated programs were used to avoid detection and corrupt the IP addresses and metadata of whoever did access that information."
"I see." I said, using that phrase all too frequently. "Mr. Rogers, I am not expecting you to show me the schematics or the technical papers, but it would help if I knew what cutting edge research you're doing that has industrial spies so interested in your work. Please, tell me what you can."
Mr. Rogers grimaced, then said "I'll just tell you this much, but no more. We accidentally discovered a laser process that, if harnessed, could speed up computer processing to a trillion instructions per second... yes..." He had seen the look of shock on my face.
"We're secretly working with Mr. Oliver of BOW Enterprises." Rogers continued. "He secured patents on a nano-etching procedure before we were able to move on it... no, he didn't steal it, he applied for the patent before we even found a similar process ourselves. Anyway, between his work and our own, we're trying to flesh out what we can make work and then be practical. I need not say what this would do to the super-computing industry, nor the billions of dollars it would be worth."
"No sir, I totally get that picture." I said. "And I think you understand that these may be secrets worth dying... and killing for. I'll keep quiet about that, of course, but if I come across anything leading to the killer of Trish Donolan, I'm going to have to pursue it."
"I understand, son." said Mr. Rogers. "And I'm in your debt already for your brilliant work in solving the Lang murder, as well as alerting me to the espionage attempts."
I took my leave of Mr. Rogers and went to find my Detectives. I was not totally surprised to learn that nothing of consequence came of the interviews of Trish Donolan's co-workers.
At 11:00am, Oct. 31st, Teresa Croyle and I were shown into the office of Sean Bailey at Crown Chemicals. He was in charge of their sales and marketing department. He was a handsome man in his late 30s, with brown, almost blondish hair. He looked at me a bit warily as he asked me to sit down.
"Mr. Bailey," I said, "We're investigating the death of Trish Donolan last night."
"I heard about that on the radio." said Bailey. "I don't know how I can help you, though."
"You can help tremendously by telling me where you were between 8:30 and 8:45 last night." I replied, keeping my face emotionless and even as I looked at him.
"Oh... I see." Bailey said. "At this point, I'd like to ask the company lawyer to attend this conversation."
"By all means." I said. "Do you have a conference room where we can talk? Maybe give us a bit more room?"
Once the lawyer arrived in the conference room with us, Bailey opened up the conversation. "To answer your previous question, Commander, I was at a dinner with clients last night at The Steakhouse. We were there until 9:00pm." The Steakhouse was not very close to the River Valley Clubhouse, I thought as I asked Bailey for the names of people we could contact to verify his alibi. He gave them readily, one of them being the CEO of Crown Chemicals.
"Commander," said the lawyer, "may I ask why you're interviewing Mr. Bailey about this unfortunate tragedy?"
"Certainly, Counselor." I said. "I am well aware that a year and a half ago, give or take, Mr. Bailey's wife Margo died of a drug overdose. I also am aware that two women left Mrs. Bailey in the hands of the drug pushers: Trish Donolan and Catherine Clausen. Mrs. Donolan was brutally murdered last night."
Bailey visibly started, his face a mask of shock, as I continued: "I need to know the full story of what happened after Mrs. Bailey's death. I need to know why you, Mr. Bailey, left the employment of BigPharmaCorp so soon after your wife's passing, and what your relations with both Mr. and Mrs. Donolan were at that time."
Bailey looked at his lawyer, who whispered something to him. Bailey finally said "Okay, here's the story: after Margo died, I knew that Donolan's wife had taken my wife down to the clubs where their friends the drug pushers were. I did some investigating, and found that Trish Donolan and some of the black drug people were tight, that she'd often bring other women to their clubs so that they, the pimps, could get the women hooked. Margo had really struggled to get clean..." he paused.
"I understand how you feel, Mr. Bailey." Teresa piped up. "I was the Detective investigating your wife's death, and I know what she went through. If you can tell us everything, maybe we'll get some more Justice for your wife."
"Well," said Sean Bailey, "this won't sound good for me, but after I got the full picture of what happened, I confronted Donovan Donolan about his wife's involvement in my wife's death. He literally laughed in my face and said that my wife was just a cheap whore and a drug addict, and that his wife had nothing to do with it. Of course I resigned from BigPharmaCorp on the spot, and I came here to Crown pretty quickly afterwards."
"Did you ever have contact with either of the Donolans after that?" I asked.
"Yes, sir." Bailey said. "I had to sue him. I've looked for jobs out of the State, off and on, but I haven't been offered anything I want to take. I found out that Donolan was working to smear my name with them, and with others. I hired a law firm, and they got that stopped."
"Okay, Mr. Bailey, thank you for your cooperation." I said. "I do need you to stay inside the County for the next few days. Also, counselor, I need to interview your CEO."
"Before you go," said Sean Bailey. "Did you police ever figure out who raped my wife before she died?"
"Yes sir." I said. "There were multiple men, but I know who one of them, the ringleader, was. Do you remember the guy last summer who kidnapped that baby, then was shot dead at Ward Harvester and the baby recovered?"
"Yes sir... it was him?"
"Yes." I said as I went through the doorway. "And that son of a bitch will not be raping any woman, ever again."
"Thank you." said Bailey. "I'm glad to hear it."
"Not as much as I am." I whispered to Teresa as we started down the hall. She nodded in strong agreement.
"And I totally agree with your evaluation of your nephew as a 'son of a bitch'." Teresa said. I nodded in strong agreement.
The lawyer took us to the office of the CEO, Mr. Knightley. He was a model of a CEO, in his late 50s or early 60s, head full of salt-and-pepper hair, looking vigorous and healthy. I noticed that his administrative assistant was a hot blonde with 'decidedly' large breasts (i.e. she 'decided' to make them that way).
"What can I do for you?" asked Knightley.
"Sir, your wife Joan is a member of the Investment Club and was present when Mrs. Trish Donolan was killed." I said. "So while I'm here, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and ask you the necessary but routine questions."
"By all means." Knightley said, only the faintest inflection of a British or Australian accent in his voice.
"I understand that your wife works for Dr. Bonnie Karpathian, who is an associate of my wife at the University, is that not correct?"
"That is true... oh, by the way, has your wife recovered from her surgery? Joan was talking about Dr. Fredricson just the other day."
"She's doing quite well, thank you." I said. "So, how well did you and your wife know the Donolans?" I asked.
"Not well at all." Knightley said. "My wife knew Mrs. Donolan through the Investment Club, and that was their only connection. Joan didn't particularly like Trish Donolan and Cat Clausen. She said they were a couple of mean bitches."
"So I've heard." I said. "So where were you while your wife was at the Investment Club meeting?"
"I was at the same dinner with clients that Mr. Bailey was." said Knightley. "He'd done the groundwork, and had me come in for the *coup de grace* at the dinner."
"Successfully?" I asked.
"I think we're going to get an order from them, yes." Knightley said.
"Thank you for your time, Mr. Knightley." I said. Teresa and I took our leave.
"So, Croyle," I said, "what did you think of that?"
"The first thing that struck me was why Mr. Bailey was and maybe still is looking for jobs, when he has a pretty good one at Crown Chemicals." Teresa said.
"To get away from the Donolans, to get away from where his wife died, would be my guess." I said.
"In any case, Mr. Bailey still holds grudges." Teresa said. "However, I don't know if he's capable of killing, and he's certainly had ample time to murder either of the Donolans if he was going to do so. It'd be strange for him to wait this amount of time, then kill Trish Donolan this way. Unless again, he finds a new job out of town, comes back and kills one or both of the Donolans, then scoots out of town."
"Good points." I said. "He sure has waited a long time... unless something new came up that tore open the old wound, and caused Bailey to act. I can also see that Mr. Donolan is as mean-spirited as his wife. Whatta couple, eh wot?"
Teresa did not reply. Her face was set in stone, and I could not deduce her feelings at the moment.
"How about I take you to lunch, Teresa." I said. "I'm starving."
"If you're buying, it's a date." she replied.
**Part 7 - Loose Ends**
At 1:00pm I went into the Main Conference room to attend a very happy meeting. The six people I'd 'invited' (meaning ordered) to attend were already there: Sergeant Damien Thompson, Patrolman Ronald 'Ronnie' Kirkpatrick, Sr. Patrolman Micah Rudistan, Detective Claire Michaels, Lieutenant Susan Weston, and Deputy Sheriff (Lt.) Holsom 'Hal' Briggs.
Chief Griswold also attended, a smile under his mustaches as he 'invited' me to run the meeting.
"Okay guys," I said. "I'll start with you, Rudistan. On November 1st, you will report to duty with your uniform looking sharp and setting the example, as is expected of the Town & County Police Sergeant you will be on that day."
"Oh man!" said Rudistan as the others clapped for him.
"Kirkpatrick," I said, "that goes for you, too. You're going to be the first Corporal in this Department since Pete Feeley died, and I expect you to continue this very rare honor and legacy with distinction."
"Yes sir, I will." said Kirkpatrick. I could see my words had the desired effect. Kirkpatrick was an outstanding young officer, and would make a great leader. We'd talked to him about the Detective track, but he wanted to carry on family traditions of Uniformed Officer service. And to be the first to follow Feeley as a Corporal was significant in this Police Force.
"Detective Michaels," I said, "We were going to wait until February, but it's a Commander's privilege to change his mind: you will be promoted to Lieutenant on November 1st, and you'll take command of our SWAT Teams at that time."
"Sergeant Thompson," I said, "you also will be promoted to Lieutenant, but for a different reason, which I'm about to explain. Deputy Briggs, you'll be trading in that gold Lieutenant bar for a silver one when you report back to the Town & County Police on Friday. We talked earlier, so I know you have your new uniform ready to go."
"Yes sir, I do." Briggs said laconically, typical of his easygoing, laid back nature.
"Lieutenant Weston," I said, "I'm sorry, but you're not getting jack for a promotion tomorrow." Everyone groaned sympathetically, then I said "Of course, that Police Commendation Medal is going to look good on your uniform. I brought you here to discuss something else. Okaaaay... Kirkpatrick, Rudistan, and Michaels, you have the rest of the day off to get your uniforms ready. I'll have your badges and ranks Friday. The rest of you, please stay here."
Once the other three were gone, I said "Okay, guys, as you probably have figured out, I am pleased to say that the Town & County Council has approved your upcoming appointments. On February 1st, you're all going to be promoted to Precinct Captains. Weston, you're Precinct 3; Thompson, you're Precinct 2; Briggs, you're Precinct 1." The three appointees nodded their heads.
"On Friday," I continued, "you're all going to be reassigned to Reassignment Duty... and also the Department of Redundancy Department." Tepid laughter. "You might as well laugh, the jokes don't get any better." More tepid laughter. Tough audience today.
"Okay, seriously, you'll be working together and taking the leads on getting Precincts going." I said. "You'll be meeting with each other, meeting with Captain Charles, myself and the Chief, meeting with Personnel. You'll be in charge of getting your respective Precinct Headquarters in shape. Damien, some of that is going to be done for you, as the Old Mill building is being reconditioned."
I continued: "All of you also need to think about who you want in your precincts, especially in Sergeant roles. If two of you want the same person, then I suggest the old fashioned method of 'horse trading' to resolve it. If that doesn't work, don't start fighting; come to me and I'll flip a very unfair coin and then decide for you anyway." More tepid laughter.
"Last, but not least, you'll be meeting with the Town & County Council on several occasions, but first you'll be meeting with the Chief on how to deal with the Council... and the Chief will give you *very* thorough training on how to handle them properly. That's all, unless Chief Griswold wants to say something."
"Just one thing." said the Chief. "First of all, I congratulate you on your promotions. They're well deserved, and the Commander showed some astuteness and strong vision in nominating you to the posts. Second, make the Commander's job easier, as you've worked to make my job easier these past years. I know he'll appreciate it as much as I have appreciated your hard work."
"Amen." I said.
"You're all dismissed." said the Chief. "Okay Crowbar, let's mosey on over to our next meeting..."
*To be continued.* |
Foursome: An Erotic Tale | 22,284 | 4.52 | 529,021 | [
"second person pov",
] | You and I get to the hotel first. It's the Liberty Inn. You know where that is right? The 2 girls come up after we arrive. One is a dark skinned black woman. Her friend is Latina. Little and cute. She has dyed red hair touching her shoulders and huge tits. The black girl is about your height, but she's wearing stilettos so she looks taller. Not too big tits, but a great big firm ass. I can see your hard on through your pants as you eye both women. You look at me and smile. I get things going. I'm orchestrating this rendezvous for you, for us.
You sit on the edge of the bed and I tell the girls to strip for you. First the black chick. She slowly undresses in front of you, teasing you, wagging her butt in your face. She's wearing a white lace thong that shows up brightly against her dark smooth skin. She has long beautiful legs that stretch a mile on top of the stilettos. Her tits are medium sized but perky. She holds them in her hands and pushes them into your face. You stick out your tongue to catch her nipple, but you miss and I laugh.
Now it's the latina girl's turn to strip for you. She undresses, but leaves on her lacey red bra and matching thong. Her titties are big. They're spilling out over the top of the bra. You can see just a crescent of her dark brown aureole peeking out of the bra. I swear I think I see you drooling. You're face is flushed and you're sweating a little.
I've taken off my clothes, but I leave on my black lace demi bra and matching black lace thong. I'm sitting on a chair close to the bed. I'm getting wet watching you watch the girls. I finger my pussy a little and lick off my juices. The girls look at me for their next queue. I smile at them and nod my permission. They take you by the hand and stand you up and take off your clothes. They're experts at what they do and I'm pleased that you're enjoying all the attention. They remove your shirt, your pants, socks and shoes. They know to leave your underwear on and they move their hands over your body, paying close attention to your bulging cock. They can do whatever they want except kiss you. Those lips of yours are reserved for me alone. The Latina girl gets down on her knees in front of you and mouths your cock over the underwear. Her breath feels hot and steamy. I hear you moan. The black girl stands behind you and rubs her tits over your back while she moves her hands over your chest and belly.
I'm getting off just watching your face. You're eyes are closed and your so getting into the sensation. Finally the Latina pulls off your underwear and your dick looks and feels as hard as a metal rod. She takes your stiff shaft into her warm wet mouth. She's got full red lips that engulf your cock. You're breathing hard. You can't believe this is happening. I am so hot for you. I'm playing with my pussy watching you get your dick sucked. Oh my!!
It's time to move things along. I don't want you popping off too quickly. I tell the black chick to lay down on the bed. She spreads her legs wide, gets her knees up and you get a nice long look at her juicy black pussy. Her inner lips are pink and glistening. You get down on your knees and pull her towards the edge of the bed and get your face down into her pussy. I can hear you eating her, slurping those black cherry pussy lips. She grabs the back of your head. You can't get enough. I get busy with the latina chick. She's sucking my pussy juice off my finger then starts eating me while I'm sitting in the chair. Watching you eating the black girl is too much for me. That little Hispanic honey is eating my pussy so good and I cum quickly. I explode all over her cute little face. Her bottom lip is wet with my cum it's dripping down her chin.
I can see your hard erect cock bobbing up and down as you graze on that black pussy. I get up from my chair and stand behind you. I reach down between your legs and stroke your dick, cup your balls. I feel you shiver with the pleasure of my touch. I know that you're ready to stick that dick in some pussy. I want to watch you fuck someone else.
The black girl is fine with getting her pussy licked and sucked and I want to see you fuck that hot little Latina. I tell Ebony to move up on the bed and have Jasmine take your place between Ebony's legs. Jasmine has her JLo butt up in the air just waiting for you. You stand up and we embrace. You kiss me and I can smell and taste that black pussy on your mouth. Her juices are all over your beard. I take a step back from you and rub the tip of your dick on my throbbing clit. I almost cum again, but I want you to fuck Jasmine now and you can't wait either.
With her big round fleshy butt up, you kneel down to bury your face between her ass cheeks before you get to fucking her. You knead those cheeks and slap them a couple of times. You stick a finger into her pussy. It slides easily into her moist warm hole. You wipe her juice across my lips and kiss me. Mmmm, it's so good. I whisper into your ear, "go fuck her now. Fuck her good, for me." I don't have to tell you twice. I've never seen your cock, bigger, harder more erect. God, I want that cock in my pussy, but it's Jasmine's turn to feel that wonderful dick in her pussy. You guide yourself into her and your eyes close for just a second. She stops licking Ebony as she gasps from you penetrating her. She looks ecstatic as you start stroking in and out of her hot wet hole.
I'm back to sitting on the chair by the bed and I'm fingering my own hole. Ebony looks over in my direction as Jasmine is eating her out and you're fucking Jasmine's tight little cunt. I want to be involved in the fray and Ebony beckons me over to her edge of the bed. She invites me to sit on her face and I straddle her as I'm facing you. I lower myself onto her waiting mouth. She nibbles my pussy lips and licks it back and forth. I'm watching as you fuck Jasmine.
Jasmine is moaning and saying "Oooo poppy that's so good, fuck me good poppy, fuck me good. I love your cock in my pussy."
You're turned on more and more as she talks to you. You're fucking her harder and faster, slamming your body into her pussy, pushing your cock way up inside her. I can hear her too. The sound of her voice, her moans, the sound of your hips slapping up against her big round ass cheeks and Ebony sucking my clit while I sit on her face makes me moan out load too as I cum in her mouth. There's so much juice pouring out of my quivering pussy that she has to gulp it down. Now you're ready to cum for the first time. You say it out loud as you watch me cum. One long moan emanates from your mouth, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming" you say and you grab Jasmine's hips and thrust into her. But you pull out at the last second and cum all over her back. I can see you spurting that hot sticky ooze as you slide your cock up and down Jasmine's ass crack.
Ebony sucks up the rest of my cum until my pussy stops pulsating. I disengage my pussy from her mouth. I come over to you. I take your cock in my mouth and clean it with my lips and tongue. You know how much I love your cum. I don't want to waste any of it and I turn to Jasmine's back. I lean over her and start to lick and suck your cum off her lower back and ass crack. You can't believe it. You're so hot for me watching me do that to her.
When I'm done with my cleaning "chore" you pull me back up. Even though my lips are still wet and sticky from licking up your cum you take my face in your hands kiss me deeply, sucking on my tongue, licking my lips. You can taste yourself on me. You wrap me in your arms and hold me tightly. You've just cum, but we both know that you'll be ready to cum again after a little rest. I can't wait until it's my turn to feel that cock in my pussy.
In just a few minutes you're ready to go again. This time it's my turn. I want you so bad. The girls make room for us on the bed. I lay down face up and open my legs wide. You lay down on top of me. I can feel your weight and you lube up your cock and guide it into my waiting, quivering snatch. It slides in easily and I gasp with desire. It feels incredible. You stroke in and out slowly, deliberately, taking your time with me. You're looking at my face, looking deep into my eyes.
I'm looking right back at you. I love the look you get on your face when you're inside me. You tell me how fantastic my pussy feels surrounding your cock because it's MY pussy. As hot as those other chicks are, it's me you desire above all else. You know how I love to hear those words and it makes me even hotter for you.
You push against my clit with each stroke into me and each stroke brings me closer to cumming. I'm starting to quiver beneath you. You're kissing me, pulling at my tongue, biting my lips with your mouth. I feel my orgasm begin to grow, begin to spread outward from my body. My pussy is spasming with the force of my orgasm. You can feel it on your cock, squeezing it with my pussy muscles. Oh, how wonderful you make me feel.
I want you to cum inside me. But not in my pussy. I want to feel that big beautiful dick in my asshole. When you pull out of me my pussy juices spill out too. Jasmine comes over to lick up whats left from between my legs and Ebony cleans your cock with her mouth.
I turn over on the bed and you straddle the back of my legs. Jasmine straddles my back too and pulls my ass cheeks apart for you. You can see my hole, pink and wet, waiting for you to penetrate it. Ebony slathers more lube onto your cock and in and around my asshole and guides your cock into it. It's been a while since you fucked my asshole and it takes a little work getting your dick into me. Jasmine licks her finger and puts it into my hole to open me up and relax me. Then you put your finger in too. Soon I'm relaxed enough to accommodate your big hard cock. You inch the head of your cock in slowly and carefully until the whole thing is in my ass. It makes me feel so full and I can feel the pressure in my clit.
You stroke in and out slowly but steadily as I become accustomed to having you in my asshole. The feeling of you fucking me that way excites me so much and you know it. Jasmine gets off my back and stands to the side of me. She works her hand underneath my torso to reach my pussy. She finds my clit with her finger and is rubbing it back and forth while you fuck me. The feeling is so incredible. My body starts to tremble and you can feel my pussy tighten up as I reach another climax. My breathing is raspy and my voice hoarse as I moan loudly when I cum all over her hand. You're moaning too that you're cumming and we climax together as you pump your cum into me.
I want this to last forever, but alas, it does not. Your cock falls out of me and you collapse next to me on the bed. It's over and the girls bid us good night and leave. You're very happy and satisfied and I'm happy that you're happy and satisfied as well. We have a few minutes before either of us has to leave and we hold each other for those few minutes that we have left. And suddenly it's time to go... |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 03 | 35,716 | 4.77 | 2,005,874 | [
] | *I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.*
Chapter 3
The weather finally broke and after temperature swings of forty degrees we were finally expecting the spring like weather to stay. Jackets replaced coats and on the best days just a long sleeve shirt was enough. The next week was pleasant, Lilly was at the house cooking and now cleaning. We could finally get two cars in the three car garage.
Unfortunately my time with Lilly was going in the other direction. We still made love on occasion but she never stayed overnight. In contrast Daisy and Rose seemed to be spending more time together.
Daisy insisted they have never been intimate but knowing her I figured it was just a matter of time.
The first time I became concerned about Lilly was the next Saturday when we planned to fix the front of the car. Lilly was not there to make breakfast. I called but got no reply.
With the garage doors open I went about working on the car myself. I got the small pieces handled but I needed an extra set of hands to do the bigger parts. Eating leftovers for lunch only reminded me more of how much I missed her.
I looked out the back yard to see the garden calling my name. I called and left another message for Lilly then went out to the garage. I cleaned up the garage and went out to tend to the garden.
I tilled the soil and cleaned up the fence line. It was dinner time when I finally called it quits. I checked my phone and there was still no reply. Worried now, I called Rose.
"Parker, she's ok." Rose answered not even saying hello. "We're having a rough day."
"Is it something I did?"
"No!" Rose responded immediately. "She just needs a little time alone."
"Can I at least talk to her?" I asked.
"Maybe tomorrow Parker? OK?" Rose sounded concerned herself.
"If she needs anything."
"Thank you Parker... she knows...she feels the same way." Rose acknowledged.
"Ok." I sighed.
"Parker..." Rose called out quickly before I hung up. "...we've never gotten this far before."
Considering I didn't know what the future would hold, I guess it helped. When Daisy got home she too was in a bad mood. Surprisingly, I slept alone that night.
The smell of coffee wafted up the stairs as I headed down. I turned the corner, the old stairs announcing my arrival, she stood waiting to face me. In the breakfast nook Rose was sitting looking on. No doubt to protect Lilly from my wrath for yesterday. She needn't worry.
"I missed you." I said looking at Lilly.
"I'm sorry." She whispered looking back at Rose.
If she was looking for sympathy or support it never came. I understood now that Lilly was on her own.
"I called." I reminded her.
"I know." She looked down avoiding my eyes.
"I worried about you all day." I mentioned.
"I... I ..." Lilly stammered.
"It's ok you're here now." I moved closer.
I lifted her chin gently. I could feel her whole body tremble, she was a nervous wreck. Her big brown eyes let me know there was still hope.
"I love you Lilly." I pulled her in my arms and kissed her letting her know I meant it.
She responded by wrapping her arms around me and kissing me back even harder. There was a moment when we parted that I wanted to scold her. To have Lilly tease me about spanking her. I decided this was not that moment.
"I tilled the garden." I said instead.
Lilly was taken back by the change of subject matter. My dad was the master of it, often diffusing a situation by talking about something so random it was almost funny. Rose got it, she gave me a knowing smile.
"Parker it's too early to plant!" Lilly informed me quite matter of factly.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." I lied.
"Not until the middle of next month." Lilly scolded me. "Did you get that car fixed?"
It was just like my mom nagging my dad to get working on his honey do list.
"I started to but I needed help." I replied.
That brought her to an abrupt stop, she looked at me and smiled. She wanted to help me in the worst way.
"Well it will have to wait until after we go shopping." Lilly grabbed the pan off the stove. "Now sit and eat before this gets cold."
I sat beside Rose, she looked at me in an approving way. She stood up, her eyes darted to the ceiling sadly.
"She's upstairs in her room." I whispered.
"In her room?" Rose questioned.
"All night." I informed her.
"Oh Parker..."
"I expect you both to be ready to go shopping. It's Sunday." I smacked her ass sending her on the way.
"Yes honey!" Rose teased.
Even Lilly smiled at that.
Sunday Lilly did help me finish the car. She insisted on cooking dinner for the four of us. That night I sent Daisy home with Rose and Lilly.
Monday morning Daisy met me entering the bathroom. She looked disheveled but happy. I was just finishing up brushing my teeth when the door opened. My sister stood there stark naked.
"Daisy!" I scolded her.
"I have to tinkle." She giggled.
"There are three bathrooms in this house." I reminded her.
"But you're only in this one." Daisy teased. "Lilly is in the kitchen."
I left closing the door. I went to my room and finished dressing and headed downstairs. Lilly didn't seem to be as chipper as Daisy. There was something about the way she moved, the way she looked at me. Even the kiss we shared was different. I had had those types of kisses in the past. Hoping I was wrong I said nothing.
I was at work and my mind was not really into the task at hand. I had come across troubling news. I tossed the paperwork across my desk in frustration.
"Parker, you have a client here to see you." My assistant Lenny informed me.
"I don't have any appointments today." I replied checking my calendar.
"This is a new client." Lenny grinned.
"A new company? Why wasn't I told of this?"
"Uh, well it isn't a company." Lenny turned red.
"Then send him to a financial planner down the hall." I suggested impatiently.
"She insisted it be you." Lenny smiled again. "She asked for you by name."
"Send her down the hall. I don't have time for this today!" I barked thoroughly pissed now.
"Are you sure" Do you know who she is?" Lenny looked down the long corridor. "You should at least check her out."
I sat back in my seat laughing. Lenny looked at me not sure what to think. I shook my head in disbelief. If he only knew how many times I had heard those words he would be laughing too.
"Tell her I'll be right in." I chuckled.
Lenny hesitated at my complete 180. I waved my hand and he moved quickly down the hall. I stopped in the restroom to freshen up and then headed down the hall to the conference room. It was Rose waiting for me.
"Ms. Bowman." I held out my hand for Lenny's benefit.
"Parker." She said not even trying to keep up appearances.
"Lenny, thank you for keeping Rose company until I arrived. If I need you I will call." I dismissed Lenny much to his chagrin.
He left and I sat close to Rose but not too close. She had a stack of papers on the table.
"What do I owe this pleasure?" I asked.
"I want to hire you to look over some investments" Rose replied firmly.
"Rose I do corporate financing. Let me set you up with someone that can help you on a personal level." I offered.
"No! It has to be you" She argued. "I trust you. You have the license don't you?"
"Yes, but I haven't done that since just after college. Things change." I explained.
"Please just look at this." She shoved the file across the desk in front of me.
I figured she had gone through whatever it took to get the meeting I should at least look. I glanced at the numbers and then at the proposal. If it was correct it was too good to be true.
Rose waited patiently as I flipped through the remaining documents. Making mental notes I eventually came away concerned.
"Rose does Lilly know you're here?" I asked lifting the last page.
"Not yet, I will tell her tonight. Parker we have no secrets." Rose reminded me. "What do you think?"
"Well I would have to make a few calls but I have some concerns." I replied honestly.
"He's a fucking snake!" Rose lashed out. "He only wants her money."
"I don't understand how he would get her money. Is she going to marry him?" I asked confused.
"Baxter? Hah! He's too in love with himself to get married." Rose fumed. "Who names their kid Baxter?" She then scoffed. "He's a snake oil salesman."
"So why would she go through with this?" I asked still a bit confused.
"Just tell me this, what would you do to protect this portfolio." Rose asked.
"Well in her situation I would look into annuities." I suggested. "They're very safe, very conservative, and if she gets sued they're protected."
"You mean someone can't take it if it's in an annuity?" Rose asked.
"Nope, think of that famous ball player that was accused of killing his ex-wife. Her family sued civilly and won, but they can't touch the money in his pension, it's in an annuity." I explained.
"How do you know if the annuity is any good?"
"There is a company that rates insurance companies that sell them and how financially sound they are. Besides the states regulate them very vigorously." I explained further. "I could call my dad he sells insurance he could make recommendations."
"So he would do this?" Rose asked suspiciously.
"No, you would need to be licensed in the state that the person lives." I answered. "The company may even have direct sales but we would have to look into that."
"So she would get a check each month?"
"If she wanted. She could also just invest it, let it grow tax deferred. Then, if and when she was ready, she could set up a payment program."
"So there are options, and she would still be protected?" Rose asked.
"There are many options all under the umbrella of the annuity, even passing on the balance when the time comes avoiding probate." I replied happy she came in.
"Thank you Parker!" Rose jumped up and kissed me in the meeting room.
"Rose, maybe we shouldn't do that at my work?" I teased.
"Oh yeah." She blushed. "At least not when other people can watch!" Rose winked.
I made a few calls in the afternoon. I put the file in my personal desk drawer and locked it up for now.
When I got home there was a note from Daisy. She was going out with friends from school to celebrate the recent success on their exams. I was surprised to see it when her car was in the garage, she did this when she was going out to drink. I sent her a text reminding her to get a cab or call me for a ride.
I ate alone pulling out the file Rose gave me. I studied the financials making a notes on a separate pad. I read all the newspaper clippings as well. There were additions in the margins, I knew only Rose had that kind of rage. Their mother was unique to say the least. Crazy was probably a less polite way of saying it based on the articles. Crazy rich people are a bad combination.
I called my dad and we talked mostly business. I talked to mom and then my grandmother. When I told her I tilled the garden she set me straight just like Lilly. It was a nice night so I went and took a brisk walk through the neighborhood. When I came back I went up and took a shower and settled downstairs on the couch to read a few more chapters of my book.
I heard the car pull up, I smiled knowing it must be Lilly. Rose would be working out and Daisy was out with her friends celebrating the last day of college. Through no fault of her own Daisy is a couple of classes short or she would be graduating too.
"Parker!" Lilly called out.
"In here." I replied.
She came around the corner and with her was Rose. I laid down the book and stood up. Lilly moved forward quickly and took my hand.
"Come with us." She looked up at me nervously.
I was in denial at first, but I couldn't think of what she wanted to show me as we ascended the stairs. Lilly pulled me in my room and waited for Rose just behind me. I looked around everything seemed to be in place.
Lilly pulled me down for a kiss. She seemed uncertain as I pulled her close, then she melted in my arms.
"Do you love me Parker?" Lilly whispered her body trembling.
"You know I do Lilly." I assured her.
"Even after you read the file?" Lilly stood anxiously.
"Come again?" I asked confused.
"Our mother, she's crazy?" Rose replied.
"Colorful maybe, but crazy?" I corrected her. "But what does that have to do with how much I love Lilly?"
Lilly moved to Rose and without a word she embraced her sister and started kissing her passionately. Rose finally pulled her loose.
"I told you we can trust him Lilly." Rose replied kissing her cheek. "It's your call."
Lilly turned back to me and started to remove my shirt. Not sure what this was about yet I let her pull it over my head. She tossed it to the side and then unbuckled my jeans and pushed them down with my briefs. I pulled my socks off standing naked.
"Your turn." Lilly said standing in front of me.
I looked at Rose, that wicked smile gave me permission. I started undressing Lilly while her sister watched. Soon she too was naked.
"Now Rose?" Lilly said almost begging me not to object.
When I just stood there Lilly turned to her sister. I'm sure she had done this many times before but not like this. Then I remembered Rose told me they had never come this far. Lilly fidgeted with Rose's clothes until her sister helped her.
I was expecting it to be more sexual but the way Lilly and Rose communicated and responded with each other left me in awe. It was like they were dancing to music I couldn't hear. A sigh here, a squeak there, a giggle when you least expected it.
It was slow and sensual but most of all it was loving. When Rose was naked she took Lilly in her arms.
"Are you sure Lilly?" Rose whispered in her ear.
"Yes." Lilly said nervously as she turned to look at me.
Lilly looked over her sister's shoulder and winked at me. "We'll start, Parker can watch for now. Ok"
"Uh huh." Rose replied barely audible.
It was like Lilly was in charge now. All this time I thought Rose was the dominate one. But here with me I could feel a shift of authority.
It was like I wasn't even there. The tenderness of the first kiss was nothing like either had shared with me. The way they crooked their necks, the sounds of wet lips on soft skin. The way their hair cascaded over their shoulders was intoxicating.
Small delicate hands touched places I had touched but in a way I would never feel. Legs intertwined as they continued to stand. At one point it was almost looking at mirror images.
"Hurry..." Rose whimpered.
"Shhh... let him watch." Lilly teased.
Rose turned her sister to face me at an angle, through strands of auburn hair Lilly's eyes were closed, she was lost to me. Rose gripped Lilly's breast tugging on her piercing.
Lilly moaned. "Don't let him see you punish me." Her nipple was still pulled taunt when Rose playfully bit her sister's shoulder. "Please Rose."
"Then take me." Rose growled.
The two of them glided to the bed, Rose ripped off the covers and pulled Lilly on top. It was like a switch turned on and Rose took charge. Lilly pushed her sister's arms above her head and kissed her with force. Rose opened her legs, Lilly's thigh instinctively moved to cover her sister's twat.
"Not like that!" Rose cried out.
"Oh, we are a greedy bitch tonight aren't we?" Lilly hissed. "You want to be all juicy so he can fuck you?"
"Yes Lilly, please?" Rose whimpered Lilly now back in charge.
Lilly moved and straddled Rose facing her feet. She spanked Rose's pussy lightly.
"Open those legs and show him!" Lilly barked. Rose spread wider, Lilly spanked her pussy so firmly I could hear her moan in response. "Open wide bitch!"
Rose spread her legs, her pussy gaped open clearly excited in anticipation. Lilly looked up at me, she saw my hard cock then the longing I had to join them. She gave me that signature wicked smile then buried her face in Rose's pussy.
If I touched myself I would have cum.
Lilly looked up her face coated, it reminded me of the first time I saw them together, only this time there was only passion in those eyes.
"Fuck me Parker, let the bitch watch you fill my pussy!" Lilly ordered me.
I moved around the bed to the other side, Rose was glassy eyed and whimpering. She eagerly grabbed my cock and aimed it at her sister's cunt. Rose stroked it twice then guided me in.
I groaned but held off cumming. Rose was fondling my balls with one hand and Lilly was fucking me out of rhythm. I'm not complaining mind you but the multiple stimulations took a minute to process.
I was holding Lilly's hips, she was eating Rose's pussy, and now Rose was licking my balls between moans.
Rose came first and hard. She cried out and lurched so high Lilly couldn't stay in contact. The bed shuddered, Lilly attacked her clit and Rose responded by closing her legs and twisted them to the side.
"You'll pay for that bitch!" Lilly spanked Rose's exposed ass cheek.
Rose retaliated and sucked Lilly's clit as I pulled back. The result was instantaneous for Lilly.
She slammed back forcing Rose away and impaling herself on my cock. I grunted and Lilly protested but her orgasm was too far along to deny.
Lilly moved from Rose turned on her back and offered me her pussy. It only took a second but in that second she let me know she needed me now. I dove between Lilly's legs driving deep in her cunt.
"CUM!" Lilly yelled.
She pulled at my back, her ankles hooked behind my thighs, her pussy was spread wide and bouncing up for my cock. Lilly held off as long as she could but her body was too drained to resist.
"I love you!" I moaned slamming deep in her cunt, then let loose a torrent of cum.
"Yes Parker, Yes!" Lilly uttered. "I do love you Parker."
I did all I could to fill her pussy, she did all she could do to help. Like always she held me on top.
"Kiss me Rose." Lilly pleaded.
Rose moved to one side, I shifted to the other, Rose hovered over her sister. Again their kisses were tender. Without a word they communicated. I watched as they kissed and caressed each other.
My cock twitched just inside the entrance of Lilly's pussy. She looked at me and smiled.
"Rose's turn?" Lilly whispered.
My cock surged again growing inside her. Rose looked at me, she saw the same thing Lilly felt.
"You sure Lil?" Rose asked.
Lilly giggled and just nodded. "As long as I can watch."
"Of course baby." Rose cooed kissing her.
"Slowly Parker, I want her to enjoy it." Lilly gave me permission to proceed.
I moved behind Rose as she stayed face to face with Lilly at an angle. I slipped in her pussy and she let out a long soft moan.
"He's so big isn't he?" Lilly giggled. The truth is I'm not. They were just that tight.
"He's filling me up!" Rose hissed.
"I know. Thank you Rose, I know ...I mean how you feel about guys..." Lilly whispered.
"Shhhhh... my love. Parker is worth it." Rose replied.
"You do know I am right here?" I teased as I was slowly moving in and out of Rose from behind.
"We know." Lilly giggled. "Don't stop until you make her cum."
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Rose kissed Lilly.
"We both would." Lilly teased.
Rose caressed Lilly's tummy her hand threatening to move lower. Lily reached up and tweaked Rose's nipples. I was lost in a kind of dream watching the two of them pamper each other. Their lips seldom separated. It was slow and gentle for over five minutes. Other than continuing to fuck Rose, I didn't need to be in the room.
Then Rose did it, she slipped her hand over Lilly's mons and dipped her fingers in her snatch. Bringing the oily digits up Rose painted Lilly's nipple. Rose sucked it off with a loud slurping sound.
"Not Yet!" Lilly whined.
"Cum for me!" Rose said huskily.
"You first!" Lilly giggled. "Fuck her Parker."
"You're enjoying him stretching my pussy aren't you?" Rose moaned as I picked up the pace.
Rose coated her fingers in Lilly's pussy and fed them to her sister. The second time they shared the bounty. From there it was groping, giggling and groaning. Lilly reach up and smack Rose's exposed ass cheek hard.
"Cum in her!" Lilly arched her back as Rose was fingering her to an orgasm. Lilly returned the favor by reaching under and diddling Rose's clit. That was too much for me. I thrust deep and started to fill Rose's pussy.
"Oh god he's cumming!" Rose announced just in case Lilly couldn't interpret my groans and mumblings of pure ecstasy.
Rose arched her back, bucked against me, and started to shudder. I pressed hard into her trying to keep my cock from slipping out while she orgasmed. I felt Lilly's fingers still manipulating her clit.
"No more you two!" Rose protested.
Rose pulled loose from me and moved on top of her sister. Only then did I see Lilly had enjoyed a climax at some point. Pussy to pussy, tits to tits, lips to lips they embraced in what can only be described as the ultimate bond.
Exhausted and spent I lay on my back across the bed. Lilly reached for me and took my hand and kissed the back of it. Words were not needed. Lilly moved up and rested her head on my stomach, I combed through her hair. Rose moved beside her and they were facing each other.
They kissed gently both clearly happy. Propping my head on a pillow as they used my body as one, I looked on in disbelief. They never stopped caressing each other. Rose reached over her sister and picked up my limp cock and stroked it lazily. Lilly giggled.
"Hey that ones' mine!" Lilly teased. Rose laughed.
"I think we killed it?" Rose kissed Lilly's nose. "Thanks for sharing."
"Anytime!" Lilly squealed.
Lilly lifted her head looked at me and winked obviously happy. She rested her head and closed her eyes. The night had taken its toll on Lilly, she now looked tired. Rose moved her hand from my cock and tweaked Lilly's piercing. Lilly just smiled not even opening her eyes.
"You ok Lil?" Rose whispered.
"Please stay." Lilly opened the heavy lids covering her eyes half way.
"We talked about this. I need to go...ok?" Rose caressed Lilly's cheek.
"Please?" Lilly pleaded.
"Goodnight love." Rose held firm.
She moved in to kiss Lilly. I came to understand what was taking place. The kiss lasted less than I would have thought. With one last caress Rose sat up and turned to face me. She leaned in and kissed me passionately. Caressing my cheek she gazed in my eyes. I knew what she was thinking, I smiled and nodded.
Rose moved from the bed, picked up her clothes, and went to the bathroom closing the bedroom door. Lilly and I just lay there looking at each other. Rose left the bathroom and headed down the stairs. We heard the door close and the car start up.
"Hold me Parker." Lilly said a tear running down her cheek.
We moved in the proper position on the bed. I spooned her and pulled the covers up. Lilly fell asleep as I ran the nights events through my mind. Smiling I snuggled closer and drifted off myself.
"Parker!" Lilly shook me.
"What?" I asked groggily.
"Someone's breaking in the house." She whispered.
"Go back to sleep it's only Daisy." I mumbled.
"How do you know?" She still whispered.
"Because anyone breaking in the house wouldn't make that much noise." I turned Lilly around and pulled her back against me. "Now just go back to sleep."
I'll admit it was hard to do so. The old house announced her every move. When she came up the stairs I suddenly had a thought. What if she came in here?
I could see the glow from the hall light under the door, I could feel the tension in Lilly's body. The bathroom fan came on there was the faint sound of Daisy 'tinkling' as it echoed off the tiled walls. She had obviously not closed the door. Lilly started to giggle.
"The house burglar has to pee!"
As if that wasn't bad enough Daisy started singing to herself. Unlike me she is outgoing in public and can be the center of attention. That said she can't sing for shit.
"She's so bad it's funny." Lilly cracked up.
"Yeah I know, I just don't have the heart to tell her." I teased.
Lilly smacked my arm scolding me. The toilet flushed the sink started, then we heard her brushing her teeth still trying to sing. Lilly rolled over to face me.
"Don't you just love her?" Lilly asked kissing me.
"Usually, maybe not right now." I joked, Lilly smacked me again.
We heard her go into her room now humming the song. At first I breathed a sigh of relief, then I saw the hall light was still on. I debated whether to go turn it off when she came out of her room. No longer humming the hall light went out, only the dim glow from the night light shown. She moved to in front of my door and hesitated.
"Goodnight Parker." Daisy said quietly.
I wasn't going to respond but Lilly nudged me.
"Goodnight Daisy." I called out.
"Goodnight Lilly." Daisy added.
"Goodnight Daisy." Lilly laughed.
Having all said our goodnight's I started to close my eyes but Daisy didn't move. Lilly lifted up to watch also. Lilly nudged me.
"What is it Dee" I asked just wanting her to go away.
"Can I have a kiss?" Daisy whimpered.
Really? The first night Lilly is staying and you want to interrupt this special event? This couldn't be true? I knew I had no choice.
"Just one kiss." I announced.
Daisy opened the door. Oh shit! In the dim light it was clear she was wearing only panties. Her full tits bounced as she moved to the bed. She located me on the other side of Lilly. Instead of walking around she sat and leaned over Lilly. Her pendulous breasts rested over Lilly's.
Daisy kissed me forcing her tongue past my defenses. She held it way too long, there was meaning in this kiss, I just wasn't sure what it was. She pulled up and gazed into my eyes. There was a sadness in hers.
"Don't I get one?" Lilly giggled. Daisy held me in her gaze letting me know this wasn't over.
"Sure Lil." Daisy kissed her with meaning. When it ended she looked back at me this time smiling.
She left just as she came her ass swayed side to side. The door closed, then hers.
"I love you!" Lilly squealed. "You really are special. That was so nice of you!"
Lilly turned and settled back into me. Happily we all went to sleep.
I wondered how Daisy knew she was there last night but Lilly had brought some clothes to wear. The suitcases were in the kitchen. In the morning Lilly had breakfast ready early, I dropped her off at work and went to the office. I picked her up and we went to the gym right after work. The whole time everyone watched us closely. I took my shower at the gym, Lilly always took hers at home.
Daisy had started dinner, Lilly made some suggestions then went up to shower.
"I'm sorry it was rude of me to barge in like that." Daisy apologized.
'We're good." I replied hoping to drop it.
"With school over for a couple of weeks, I offered to spend the night with Rose. Is that ok?" Daisy asked.
I was taken aback for two reasons. First Daisy has never shared her private encounters in the past. Second she never has asked permission, she's an adult, why should she? I was going to blow it off with a 'sure' or 'whatever' but that seemed rude somehow.
"You'll let me know when you get there?" I suggested.
"I can send a text." Daisy smiled.
"And in the morning on your way home." I followed up.
"I promise." Daisy answered happily.
"Well I better get my kiss goodnight now then."
Daisy was pleasantly stunned at my suggestion. With permission granted she took full advantage of the situation and kissed me. Lilly came down, I had the table set and Daisy finished cooking.
Daisy and Lilly cleaned up as I looked over the information I learned about their mother. I was so engrossed by what I learned I didn't even see Lilly approach.
"You ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." I replied putting the reports back in the folder.
"Problems?" She asked studying me.
"Just more questions." I shrugged hoping she would believe me. "Daisy leave?"
"She did, asked me to give you this." Lilly sat on my lap and kissed me.
"Come, we have something to do." I kissed her back. I stood up guiding her to her feet.
Lilly followed me upstairs and I took her into each of the two spare rooms. I asked her to pick out a dresser she wanted and moved it into my room. Setting her suitcases on the bed I suggested she could unpack. Daisy sent a text she was at Rose's, I showed it to Lilly, so she knew Rose was not alone.
Daisy and I shared a bathroom, mostly to keep from cleaning the other regularly. I moved my stuff into the other bathroom for now figuring the girls could use the closer one.
When I checked in on Lilly the suitcases had not been emptied. She was sitting on the bed looking despondent.
"You miss her?" I asked sitting beside Lilly.
"You're not mad?" Her big brown eyes looked at me pleading for understanding.
"I could take you home?" I suggested.
"This isn't home?" Lilly looked up.
"If you want it to be it is." I replied. "Come on, let's get ready for bed, I think we could both use a good night sleep."
We turned in early and although Lilly seemed restless at first she eventually fell asleep. With Daisy checked in and Lilly sleeping I too drifted asleep.
In the morning Lilly seemed a bit conflicted. She appeared happy to be around me but I caught her looking at the drive on several occasions to see if Rose would show up.
I took her to work and headed off to my office. It was late in the morning when I received the news confirming my suspicions. I called Rose and set up an appointment in the afternoon. When she arrived Lenny ushered her into my office.
"Parker!" Rose rushed up and embraced me.
Lenny grinned as I wrapped my arms around her trembling body. He got the hint and left us alone.
"What's the matter?" I asked as a small group of people started looking through the blinds.
"I'm scared." Rose mumbled her head pressed into my suit coat.
"About what?" I asked. I hadn't even told her what I found.
"Lilly, Daisy and you!" She looked up to see my reaction.
"Oh?" I gulped.
I knew this was bad. Rose was a pillar of strength normally. She rarely allows anyone to see her vulnerable like this. I might be the only exception. With the blinds still open I decided to do something bold. I lowered my lips to hers. Rose reciprocated allowing me to kiss her in public. When our lips parted Rose looked up a bit shocked and yet happy.
"I can't believe I let you do that! Do you know who I am?" Rose blushed then winked. Gathering her composure she gave me that wicked smile. "I thought this was going to be a business meeting?"
"Yes, well ..." I stammered.
Rose captivated me with that smile as she took a seat.
"Are they still staring?" Rose asked not looking.
"Let them!" I boasted.
She laughed as I sat down. The jocularity was short lived as I opened her folder and explained what I had found. Rose sat quietly as it all sunk in. Their mother was being advised badly and we were both concerned for her future.
"It's that fucking Baxter." Rose said under her breath.
"Rose I'm going to have to report this." I looked at her seriously.
"How soon?" She asked understanding my meaning.
"No later than the end of the week." I explained. "I'm just waiting for the final report to clear the lawyers."
Rose stood extending her hand. The whole office was surely on high alert now. I stood and shook her hand. It was soft and gentle but still nervous. There was more she was not telling me.
Lenny escorted her back to the elevators without any other show of affection much to the disappointment of the staff.
When I got home Lilly and Daisy said they were going to the movies and Rose would have dinner at her house for me at seven, not before. I figured Rose had not talked to either of them about our meeting since they were in such good spirits. After kissing them each goodbye I took advantage of the time and went up and took a shower. Wearing jeans and a polo shirt I headed out.
At seven the gate opened and Rose was waiting for me at the back door. Wearing just a men's white button down dress shirt I suspected this was not just going to be dinner. There was an uneasiness about her as she stood at the door waiting for me to approach.
"Kiss me Parker!" There was a desperation in her demand.
I obliged her picking her up in my arms. Rose put her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. This kiss was filled with too many emotions to count.
"Take me to the den." Rose pleaded.
"What about dinner?" I teased.
"Later!" She replied her voice determined.
I carried her down the hall turning into the room I found her and Lilly the first time.
"Sit down." Rose released me from her clutches.
I sat on a large overstuffed leather couch. Rose jumped on my lap facing me forcing her lips to mine.
"I need to do something Parker. Please don't stop me." Rose gazed in my eyes.
Without a word I nodded. Rose smiled then slid down the front of me. Taking a pillow she knelt in front of me unbuttoning my jeans. It was all I could do not to break my promise. It was like we had all the time in the world. It was less than ten seconds before she had her lips wrapped around my cock but took more than five minutes to get my pants free.
Wearing just my shirt I was slouched back letting Rose pleasure me. At one point I closed my eyes and imagined this is what it felt like for Lilly. Rose caressed, licked and kissed every inch of my cock and balls. Every touch was delicate, each stroke having purpose.
"Am I doing it right?" She teased.
I opened my eyes knowing she had been studying my expressions. She too was happy keeping me on the edge of cumming.
"Well you're not doing it wrong!" I moaned.
Rose leaned back and unbuttoned the shirt. It looked oddly familiar.
"Hey, that looks like one of mine!" I quipped.
"It is." She giggled. Rose pulled it off and tossed it to the side. "Now yours"
I tugged my polo shirt over my head. Rose's lips encompassed my cock sending shivers down my back. Her long hair tussled about her brown eyes focused on the pleasure in mine. When I moaned she pulled off and spread my legs wider. Rose put my cock between her tits and squeezed them together.
Her small tits were just not made for this but I wasn't going to tell her. Her hard nipples and the pink piercing rubbed along my shaft feeling exquisite just the same. She was looking up at me, that wicked smile crossed her face.
"I bet you wish Daisy was the one doing this right now!" Rose suggested.
"No!" I protested, but my cock surged exposing my lie.
"Yes we do! We both want her don't we Parker?" Rose hissed. "Even Lilly loves her!"
My cock surged again, I was going to cum.
"Please no!" I protested.
"Don't you dare come on these little titties. Save that for Daisy's big tits!" Rose insisted. "I want you to fill my mouth!"
All it took was a gentle hand on her head and Rose took my cock back in her mouth. This was all too much, within seconds I was granting Rose her wish. I filled her mouth as her hand caressed my balls to give up their treasure. Rose sucked and slurped. She coughed a little bit but when she looked up from my drained appendix not a drip was to be found.
Rose was beaming with pride. She opened her mouth to show me it was on the way to her belly. I pulled her up and straddling me once again I parted Rose's hair from her face.
"Why?" I asked.
"Surely you know?" Rose replied searching my eyes for the truth.
"But Lilly?" I asked confused.
"She knows, so does Daisy." Rose embraced me whispering.
"I'm not sure I understand." I replied.
"Parker I need you to make love to me, then we can talk." Rose pulled back letting me see her vulnerability again.
"Here?" I asked looking at the sparse surroundings.
"Take me up to bed then!" Rose giggled.
She held on as I got my legs under me picking her up with me. It was no easy feat carrying her through the house and up a flight of stairs. But all those hours at the gym were finally paying off. She led me to the room, the lights out and candles lit.
The minute I set her on the bed she pulled me on top. Our lips never parted until my cock pushed past her opening.
"I never thought I would like that!" Rose moaned. "Please go slow."
I was propped up on my elbows, my back arched. Her lips pursed whimpering with each breath matching my thrusts. There was a happiness in her expression but sadness in her eyes. I searched for what I was missing, but Rose was too accomplished to allow me to see it yet.
"Faster Parker." Rose moaned.
I started to fuck her faster, Rose smiled when I reached the point she wanted. Looking up at me Rose let me know how happy she was. Closing her eyes her smile widened.
"MmmmmmM..." Rose murmured as her hands gripped my biceps. "Lilly is lucky woman."
It was an odd statement but I thought little of it as her hand moved down my arm and tugged it. Rose never opened her eyes but she guided my one hand to her bum. I had to shift to balance myself but when I did she lifted her ass slightly for my hand. It took me a moment to get the hint but I slipped my hand under her ass. Rose moaned louder when I gripped it and pulled her up hard against my pelvis.
My cock drove deeper to an even louder whimper. I could sense her body stiffen, her breathing became more pronounced. I watched her stomach tighten, her titties wiggled the nipples stiff and excited. Rose opened her eyes and looked at me. She wiggled her ass in my hand.
"Please Parker?" She cooed. If it weren't for her wicked smile I probably would have missed it.
"You sure?" I warned her.
"MmmmmmmM..." She nodded slightly and closed her eyes.
Moving my other arm I supported my upper body with my head and neck. Reaching down I spread her ass cheeks. Rose groaned pushing up with her legs. I pulled my cock out and dragged it between her cheeks pressing it in with my fingers.
"Hurry Parker!" Rose cried out the first small tremble flashed through her body.
I pulled back and lined my cock back at her cunt.
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Oh yes! Now do it!" Rose pushed her asshole against my middle finger.
I rimmed her brown star making sure it was good and greasy. Pushing slightly Rose's ass resisted at first then relaxed just a bit.
"Fuck me!" She yelled in desperation.
I rammed my cock deep in her greedy cunt. "YESSSS" She squealed. "NOW!"
Rose's first command was immediately followed by the next. I slipped my middle finger into the first knuckle. The results were instantaneous. Her ass pushed back then jerked up smacking our pelvises hard against each other.
"Cum in me!... Love me Parker!" Rose struggled to speak and fuck at the same time.
I could feel my cock in her pussy through the thin membrane separating it from my finger. Rose pushed back harder, my finger went deeper. I could feel the surge as my cock started spewing cum deep in her cunt. We were like two animals rutting.
I wrapped one arm underneath Rose and pulled her tight against me. My finger slipped out and I thrust in one last time pinning her ass hard to the bed. Then it all went silent. In its place was the feeling of Rose jerking beneath me. I propped myself up knowing this was a different kind of emotion. Looking down she was crying.
I moved to the side facing her.
"What's wrong?" I whispered stroking her hair and caressing her cheek.
Rose never answered instead embracing me as her tears continued to flow. It was some time before she regained her composure. Rose kissed me then stood up inviting me to follow her. Even in the shower we did not talk. Drying off she led me back to bed and snuggled up tight.
"Parker I'm leaving." Rose whispered facing away from me. My arm was draped over her waist.
"Leaving for how long?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." Rose replied. "Lilly needs you Parker. My mom needs me." Rose intertwined her fingers through mine.
"Lilly will want to go with you." I suggested.
"We can't let her Parker. We will need to be strong."
"What will you tell Daisy?" I asked with a lump in my throat.
Rose rolled to face me. She searched my eyes like I searched hers.
"She's taken in with you Parker." Rose informed me. "Daisy wants to be more than your sister."
There it was said, as much as I didn't want it to be true, it was. The funny thing is, I guess I always knew. Even when we were younger I knew we shared something different than most siblings. It has never been sexual, more of an emotional attraction.
I knew about her ever changing relationships but she kept her sex life private. Only recently has Daisy pursued a physical connection with me as well.
"I know." I replied. "I'm not sure how long I can keep that from happening."
"I thought the same about Lilly." Rose responded. "I always thought one day we would go our separate ways. I'm not sure that's possible now."
"Is that why you're leaving? To find out?" I asked worriedly.
"Maybe a little. Our mother needs me right now. I must go." Rose said with conviction. "You must keep Lilly here."
"I can try, but you know I can't make her stay." I warned Rose. "About Daisy, when are you going to tell her?"
"I was hoping you would?" Rose looked up at me tears rolling over her cheeks again.
"No, Rose, you can't ask me to do that." I protested. "You need to tell her."
"But I care for her. She is so much like you, so much like Lilly." Rose wept.
"Then stay." I argued.
"But don't you see Parker I can't!" Rose wept even louder.
"Why? Because of your mother? Go home and fix that and come back." I suggested.
"Don't you get it stupid?" Rose started pushing away.
I held her tight as she fought to get away. "Don't I get what?"
"You Parker! You!" Rose screamed.
Only with super human strength did I keep her from bolting.
"I'm in love with you!" Rose blurted out.
"But surely not in THAT way?" I argued. I was completely dumbfounded now.
"That's the problem you asshole! I don't know?" Rose jumped on top of me pressing her lips to mine.
Still naked Rose smothered my body with hers kissing me like we had never kissed before. She was desperate for me to understand what she just said. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight.
"It wasn't supposed to happen like that." Rose whispered her head resting on my chest. "You were for Lilly. I don't even like guys. I think penises are repulsive"
What was I going to say? I am pretty sure she just told me I wasn't her type and she hated the one thing that made me that type. Just then she reached down and fondled my flaccid cock.
"But you...you Parker...you're different. Lilly see's it." Rose looked up at me. "Daisy see's it too."
I pulled her up and kissed her. Rose closed her eyes and let me make love to her lips. When we parted I kissed her forehead letting her know I understood.
Rose moved at a slight angle resting her back against me. With my forearm over her shoulder I caressed her tits as Rose stroked my cock lazily.
We lay there not saying a word. I was deep in thought, Rose seemed to be just enjoying being held.
"I'll tell Daisy." I whispered. Rose looked over her shoulder at me.
"I love you Parker."
"I love you Rose." She smiled at me and then nestled back deep in my arm. Within moments she was asleep.
I let her sleep for quite some time before I wiggled free. I used the bathroom and came back to get dressed. I was just finishing up when she opened her eyes.
"My flight leaves at noon Friday." Rose replied.
"And Daisy?" I asked.
"After I'm gone?"
"Maybe I can take them up to see my folks for the weekend?" I suggested.
"That would be nice." Rose replied with a pained smile. I started to move in her direction, she put up her hand stopping me. "You better go, they may be home soon."
She was crying again. I hesitated contemplating if I should ignore her request but decided not to make it worse.
"Good night Rose. I love you." I said then turned to leave.
She didn't reply her emotions getting the best of her. I heard her crying as I left. In the car it was all I could do not to go back and hold her.
Daisy and Lilly were in the kitchen when I walked in. From all appearances they too had just gotten home.
"How was the movie?" I asked.
Daisy and Lilly excitedly told me all about it. I was in my room waiting for Lilly to finish in the bathroom. She and Daisy were in there still bubbling over about the movie. When Lilly came in and lay beside me I turned out the light. Turning over I gave her a kiss goodnight.
"You went to see Rose?" Lilly stated more than questioned.
"I did." I replied.
Lilly sat up and turned the light on her side of the bed.
"Did she tell you she's in love with you too?" Lilly asked watching my every emotion.
"We may have had conversations along those lines." I answered being purposely vague.
"Are you in love with her?" Lilly challenged me.
"I'm in love with you!" I protested.
"You didn't answer my question." Lilly stubbornly held her position.
"We may have had conversations along those lines." I answered.
"What about Daisy?" Lilly had me cornered and was coming in for the kill. "Did she tell you Daisy is in love with you?"
"We may have had conversations along those lines too." I acknowledged.
Lilly sat back for a minute. She seemed deep in thought. She looked at me and then Daisy's room.
"Parker please take me to the house. I need to be with her." Lilly jumped up from the bed.
"Can't we just send Daisy?" I suggested.
"Not this time." Lilly insisted.
It was a quiet ride back to the house. Lilly opened the gate and I drove around back. I opened her car door and walked Lilly to the house.
"Parker I think I should go in alone." Lilly said.
With that she pulled me down for a kiss. It was a long kiss, too long.
"You are a wonderful man Parker, I really do love you." Lilly opened the back door, and with one last look she was gone.
It was a long lonely drive back home. I have made drives of these types in the past. At first there is optimism, then disbelief, but in the end there is always disappointment.
Daisy was waiting for me when I arrived back in my room.
"Is everything ok?" She asked.
"Some issues with their mom. Lilly wanted to be with Rose." I stayed upbeat.
"Should I be worried?" Daisy fought back tears.
"They're sisters, Lilly just wanted to be there for Rose." I kissed her forehead. "Come on lets go to bed."
I pulled Daisy into my room and led her to the bed. I slipped in beside her and gave her a passionate kiss goodnight. When we separated she looked in my eyes.
"You're not going to tell me are you?" Daisy asked.
"What?" I asked trying to throw her off.
"You've never offered before Parker, you're trying to hide something." Daisy accused me.
She was right and we both knew it, she also knew I wasn't going to tell her now. I was just trying to be optimistic. Reluctantly she turned and went to sleep.
Thursday morning I woke beside Daisy to the strong smell of coffee brewing. Daisy's breast was falling out of her top as she snuggled against me. Her fat nipple and large areola clearly exposed. I looked up and there she stood. Lilly was standing at the door just watching.
"I have to go in early." She whispered.
Turning out the door I got up from bed letting Daisy sleep. I met Lilly in the kitchen, breakfast was already started.
"I missed you last night" I said wrapping my hands around her waist from behind and kissing her neck.
"It looked like you had your hands full if you asked me." Lilly teased pulling my hands up to her small tits.
"That's not funny." I complained.
"Come eat!" Lilly turned to kiss me.
When I arrived at work I was concerned but happy. My appointment cancelled in the afternoon. First I called mom about the weekend, then I took the opportunity to go shopping. I had never purchased an engagement ring before, I'll admit the prices were a bit overwhelming.
I remember my dad and how he complained that he wished he would have bought a nicer ring for my mom. He had spent more on cars and they never lasted as long or gave him as much pleasure.
When I left I think the sales lady thought I was nuts. I called Lilly and asked her out to dinner tonight.
When I came out of the shower I headed to my room. I put on dress slacks and a nice shirt with a blazer. Lilly still had not unpacked her suitcases but I noticed a bag with dresses hanging from the hook on the door.
Lilly was in the other bathroom so I went down and waited for her in the living room. Daisy came in the back door and took one look at me.
"What's the occasion?" She snickered.
"Lilly and I are going out for dinner." I boasted.
"Well I'm glad I caught you. Rose and I are going out too." Daisy beamed.
Her eyes were filled happiness, how could I take that away? Then it dawned on me that the next day Rose would be leaving. I was so conflicted at that moment, how could let her go without warning her?
"Daisy there is something we need to talk about..."
"I'm ready!" Lilly called out from behind me.
"Lilly you are beautiful!" Daisy squealed running to her.
I turned and looked at the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Lilly was perfect. It was a classic black dress that fit her to a tee. Not too dressy but not too conservative. The neckline was just daring enough, the hem just high enough. Her hair settled over her shoulders in gentle waves. Just a touch of makeup and jewelry.
Daisy reached her and took her hands. She swirled Lilly around and then squealed as she embraced her. Daisy was so happy! Lilly looked at me over Daisy's shoulder. I could see the sadness in her eyes. At that moment, I knew, Rose had told her. She shook her head slowly warning me not to tell Daisy.
Daisy walked Lilly over to me, we both forced a smile. I leaned over and kissed Lilly telling her how beautiful she was.
"What did you want to talk to me about"? Daisy asked.
I looked at Lilly, she glared back at me.
"Rose told me she was going home for a few days..." Lilly's gaze intensified as she warned me again. "I talked to mom and suggested I bring you and Lilly home for the weekend."
"Parker that's a great idea!" Daisy squealed. "Oh, Lilly you have to come!" Daisy turned to face Lilly. "You can meet my grandmother...you will absolutely love her!"
Lilly was surprised to say the least. Thinking I was going to ruin the night for Daisy she instead found herself in a position of being on the spot.
"I thought we could leave tomorrow after work." I looked the two of them. "Lilly would you like to come?"
"I would, can we talk about it later?" She gave me that wicked smile.
"You run along Daisy I'll see you tomorrow." I winked at my sister.
She gave us both a big kiss and ran upstairs. Taking Lilly's hand I led her to the car.
"I'm sorry about that, I should have trusted you." Lilly said as I held the door open for her.
"Not tonight Lilly, there will be time to talk about that tomorrow." I suggested. I leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"I do love you Parker." Lilly smiled taking her seat.
I had fondled the ring in my pocket off and on through most of the dinner looking for the right time to pop the question. We were sitting in the booth beside each other. The conversation was light and engaging. We knew about each other personally and professionally but we had never talked much about family other than Rose or Daisy.
Lilly asked about our parents and grandmother. I told her about our older brother, and the time I spent with my grandfather before he passed. Lilly talked about the grandparents on her mother's side she doesn't remember, and Tori the aunt her mother lives with. She told me how her father left so many years ago, his parents they have not seen since.
"Then there is my mother." Lilly turned to look at me. "Parker she is crazy."
"So I've been told." I laughed.
Lilly didn't respond the same way. She became suddenly quiet. Her mood became more serious.
"Parker there's a reason we have never gotten this far before." Lilly looked at me scared. "I know why we're here, at least I think I do."
I had never seen her more beautiful, more outgoing, and more witty. I pulled out the ring and showed it to her.
"Oh Parker! It's beautiful!" Lilly started to tear up. She covered it with her hands. "I can't take it yet my love. I want to, I really do. But there is something I have to take care of first."
Lilly took my hands and brushed a tear from her cheek with the back of one then kissed it.
"What's next?" I asked feeling helpless.
"You're going to take me home and make love to me all night." Lilly looked up at me with a hopeful smile.
I was in disbelief. Not a good sign.
"Then what?" I dared to ask.
"I will be going with Rose to confront our mother." Lilly answered.
"I see." I replied all but defeated.
Lilly took my chin and lifted it up.
"Take me home now Parker." Lilly kissed me. "Tomorrow you will know what to do. I trust you my love."
I paid the bill and we headed straight home. We no more than made it in the door when Lilly jumped in my arms. We kissed as we made our way to the steps. She clung tight as I carried her up to my bedroom. I was in no rush to get undressed, remembering how Lilly and Rose savored every moment together.
We even took our time making way to the bed. All the yesterdays and tomorrows were forgotten, only now was important. I kissed Lilly along her body, she wiggled as I nibbled her shoulder. I passed her tits and made her way to her belly button. Lilly squeaked in delight as I kissed her there. Lifting a leg I kissed along the back of her calf.
"No more I need you in me!" Lilly pleaded.
She lay back giving herself to me. I moved on top and she guided me to her fill her desire. Her arms draped over my shoulders her eyes closed a deep moan escaped her lips. 'Mmmmmmmmm"
This was a night we made love like no other. Yes I was still on top, yes Lilly wanted me there, and yes it was predictable. But there was also fear, the uncertainty of our future, Roses' future, Daisy's future. Each thrust seemed to have a special meaning. I was trying to reassure Lilly, she was hoping to be reassured.
"Harder Parker!" Lilly grunted. "Show me!"
I groaned and slammed in forcefully.
"Harder Parker!" Lilly raked my back with her fingernails.
"AARRRGGGHHHHH!' I cried out. I slammed in again.
"Harder you bastard!" Lilly groaned.
She raked my back again this time her nails dug in harder.
I plowed in so deep her whole body shifted.
"Again! Punish me!" Lilly yelled.
"No!" I protested
"Then fill me with your love!" Lilly hissed.
Her body tensed up on my first thrust, she moaned and pulled herself tight against my chest. I responded by lifting her ass and fucking her faster using her cunt to relieve the pressure in my balls. Lilly squealed as her sloshing pussy was pounded by my cock. The sound filled the room drowned out only by her cries of pleasure.
I was covered in perspiration, Lilly glistened as I rolled to the side neither one of us having the strength to move. I caressed her stomach then teased her nipple with the piercing. Lilly reached over and took my flaccid cock and stroked it just like Rose would.
We laid there each afraid to speak.
"Are you coming back?" I finally gave in.
Lilly moved on top of me locking onto my eyes.
"Parker, Rose is more than my sister..." Lilly replied "...she's part of me. I can't come back without her."
"I know."
I reached up and combed her hair from the side of her face to around the back of her neck. Thoroughly exhausted Lilly laid her head down and fell asleep. The third part fell in place. I was devastated.
To be continued... |
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 03 | 33,161 | 4.67 | 964,093 | [
"hot wife",
"big cock",
"police drama",
"crime drama",
] | *The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.
The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-3.
Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.*
**Part 8 - Whiteboards**
The meeting that the Chief wanted himself and myself to 'mosey' to was at 2:00pm on Oct. 31st. It was a meeting convened in Classroom 'E' behind the MCD room, and was meant to be something of an experiment for us, but 'normal' for most Police Departments: we were going to start the 'whiteboards' on the case.
At the Chief's request, the meeting was led by Lt. Cindy Ross. Present were Martin Nash, Diana Torres, Theo Washington, Teddy Parker, Lorena Rose, Claire Michaels, Myron Milton, "Goth Girl Mary" Mahoney, J.R. Barnes from the Crime Lab, and Chief Griswold. Also attending were Detective Julie Newton and Lt. Teresa Croyle from Vice, and Sergeant Damien Thompson.
In Classrooms 'E' and 'C', which was Vice's meeting room, there are whiteboards on the side walls. They open like double doors, and can be closed and locked when Detectives are not using them. They are also detachable from the walls, and we have been known to do just that and carry them to the Courthouse and A.D.A.s offices to present our case why a Grand Jury should hear our case. On these whiteboards, we'd be putting pictures and information about the suspects and various other things about this case.
I deliberately arrived a couple of minutes late, per the Chief's instructions, then took a chair to the back corner and sat down, telling the Detectives to not mind my presence, to pretend that I was not there at all. I was trying hard to let Cindy lead the Detectives and for them to follow without me, though of course I had no intentions of disassociating from working the case. I wouldn't let them fail just to have them do a case without me.
"Okay, what did we get done this morning?" Cindy asked, as I perused officer reports of the Investment Club members' statements the night before. "Teddy? Theo?"
"We canvassed the neighborhood around the Donolan's home." said Theo Washington. "Neighbors said the Donolans seemed like a happy couple, but a couple of them said that yesterday morning Mr. Donolan left his home in an angry mood, squealing his tires as he drove off in his car. Another neighbor, in the house behind the Donolan's, said that she heard yelling, as if the Donolan's were having a fight. We did get formal statements from them."
"Good." Cindy said. "J.R.?"
J.R. Barnes, the young but promising Crime Lab liaison to the Detectives, said "The D.M.E. (Deputy Medical Examiner) says that death was from the stab wound to the throat, but she said it was not very deep, barely getting the job done. In fact, the carotid artery was not severed but nicked, and the bleed-out was slower than a full severing of the artery, which is why Mrs. Donolan lived long enough to get to the door of the bathroom. The D.M.E. thinks the killer was not particularly strong, and also the killer was either taller than Trish, or else was standing on the toilet seat when making the fatal cut."
"No murder weapon, though?" Cindy asked.
"Not yet." said J.R. "The Crime Lab went through all of the trash and through every room in the building, just to be sure. No blood anywhere else, no weapon at all. The Country Club's kitchen staff have fully accounted for their knives. None missing.
"Sergeant Thompson?" Cindy said.
Sergeant Thompson said "Ma'am, we collected all of Mrs. Donolan's correspondence at her home and Sr. Patrolman Rudistan and I are going through it all right now. Commander Troy has the DVDs, and will be looking at those with Master Technician Milton, who also has the videotapes of the Country Club that evening. Right now, we have nothing that stands out relative to the murder."
"Nash?" Cindy said.
"We didn't get anything from Trish's co-workers at Lightsource." said Nash. "But the one thing Torres and I noticed was that all of her co-workers liked her. No one thought she was mean or a bad person, which is a contrast to what we heard from her fellow Investment Club members and other women who know her socially. Her co-workers don't know her except through work, though."
"Interesting... Myron, Mary?" asked Cindy.
"The Donolan's finances are in absolutely perfect shape." said 'Goth Girl' Mary, dressed in leather, probably to tweak the Chief. "The only strangeness is that their finances are completely separate, and I mean *completely*. They own absolutely nothing jointly, that we know of, anyway. The house is in her name and it's paid for; no mortgages or liens. The cars are in BigPharmaCorp's name, leased at one dollar per year by the Donolans, and have some light armor and radios, justifying the cars as security needs."
Mary continued: "All of Trish's earned money went into her own back account. Her credit cards are in her name only, and mostly were used at Nordstrom's and other places, shopping places. For his part, Mr. Donolan mostly uses company credit cards to buy his suits, his meals, anything he can expense to the company. He does have one personal credit card, it's not used very much, and mostly for stuff at home that he can't find a way to expense. Neither of them have debt, and both are in good standing with the IRS."
Myron took up the story: "Looking into their past, Trish Donolan's family had money, which she inherited. Several tens of millions of dollars, some of it in trusts, some of it used to buy the house outright. It was her money and social influence that got Mr. Donolan started on his career to the CEO chair."
"So nothing there that suggests a motive?" the Chief asked suggestively.
"No sir." Myron said. "Not that we've found to this point. We haven't seen a will yet, so we don't know what he gets of her estate, but we did not find a life insurance policy on her when we searched the house, and they don't have any safety deposit boxes with any of the banks in Town. Now there were two life insurance policies on *him*, one of them by the company, a very typical thing; and the other was a variable whole-life policy."
"Julie, explain the importance of that." I said.
"Yes sir." Julie said. "Rich people like the Donolans don't invest for retirement through limited products like IRAs. Instead, they take out a whole-life insurance policy, and contribute far more than the base amount. The overage is invested in the markets, and the policy can grow to millions. Then when they retire or when they need the money, they can borrow against the life insurance policy, never paying it back. By borrowing, the money is tax-free, as well."
"Thank you, Detective Newton." said Cindy Ross. "While you're at it, what have you found from the Investment Club's records?"
Julie said: "First of all, the amount of their worth is, and to the penny: $2,404,684.36, and 80% of it is invested in high quality dividend stocks such as Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, Kellogg, etc. They occasionally write covered calls, which is an income producing option strategy, as well. But for the most part they're conservative, and tight with their cash."
"What about who's next to join the club." Cindy asked.
"Ah, there we ran into an issue." said Julie. "Jeanine Burke of the Women's Law Firm of Dewey, Cheatham & Howe has invoked lawyer-client privilege. She refused to respond to the subpoena and provide us with the information. Myrtle L. James said that she was willing to tell Mrs. Burke that it would be okay to release the information, but Mrs. Burke gave Mrs. James reasons why that should not happen, so they're both keeping silent now. The judge said Mrs. Burke is fully entitled to claim the privilege and not waive it, so we're stuck there."
"Commander," Cindy Ross said to me, a bit of a gleam in her eye, "are you going to work your niece-in-law over and get that for us?"
"*Nicht mich.*" I replied. "In the arena of the Law, Mrs. Burke can run rings around me. She knows what she is doing, and I suspect her reasons for invoking lawyer-client privilege are very good. So I'm not going to have any part of messing with that."
"That's a wise man talking, there." said the Chief. "Anything else, anyone?"
"Just a couple more things, sir." said Mary. "We've been checking out every member of the 'Hot Wives' Investment Club." I knew she said that on purpose to tweak the Chief, but he pretended not to take notice. "There are sixteen members, but only two of them have any financial issues that we could find. One is Catherine Clausen, Trish's best friend. She has some serious debt issues, and she and her husband are estranged."
"Miss Mahoney," said the Chief, "what data is backing that up?"
"Me, sir." I said. "As 'Crowbar 2' so astutely pointed out, Mrs. Burke is my niece-in-law, and hers is primarily a divorce law firm. No further comment will be given." Everyone broke out laughing. "Go ahead, Mary." I said as the laughter died down.
"The other is a woman named Susan Wexler. She's from the City." Mary said. At that, Teresa and I exchanged glances. "She's been a member since the founding of the Club, but she has some debt issues, as well. She's never been married, though."
"What's her occupation in the City?" Teresa asked pointedly.
"I don't know, ma'am." Mary said. "I can't find anything on her, except her personal bank account and credit cards." At that, Teresa gave me another look, and Cindy caught it.
"Share it, 'Crowbar 1'." Cindy said.
"She's a City Police Officer, a Captain in their Police Force." I said. "And she has a history of undercover work; hence, you'll likely not find much on her. And for that matter, don't try anymore. I'll have to handle that one myself."
"Absolutely, Crowbar." said the Chief. "People, let me reinforce how important it is to keep quiet and not get caught up when an undercover police officer is involved. I don't want anyone outed and murdered because somebody talked too much. Is that clear, everyone?"
"Yes sir!" came a loud chorus.
"Okay, if nothing else--" said the Chief
"Sir," said Myron Milton, "I do need to report one thing about the videotapes of the Club. The equipment is pretty old. The timestamps are not in good shape, sequence-wise, but I can't tell if it's just bad equipment or manipulation."
"Meaning the videotape footage is not really worth anything." said the Chief. "Okay, Ross, let's talk suspects."
"Yes sir." Cindy said. "We're going to start putting suspects on the whiteboard. Obviously, the first is her husband, Donovan Donolan." Cindy put up a picture of Donolan, his formal portrait issued by BigPharmaCorp. "So what are possible motives?"
"He had a fight with his wife that morning." said Torres.
"Their swinger issues, might be something there." said Lorena Rose. "I'm thinking that there might be something left over from the Diane Lang murder... the Donolans knew the Langs pretty well."
"Good points, Miss Rose." I said. Lorena was pleased at the compliment.
"Anything else?" Cindy said. "Money?" No one was really buying that, and I couldn't blame them.
"Okay, who is next?" said Ross.
Julie Newton said "Whoever is next on the list to join the club. Of course, we don't know who that is."
"True." I said, forced to break silence. "But let me point this out: no one, not even the Members nor the people on the wait list, know the names on the list, nor would they know the exact order of the names on the list. I verified that much with Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Myrtle L. James myself. What that means, folks, is that the person on top of the list is known only to the lawyers at the Women's Law Firm, and their own names are not on that list at all; a consequence of them getting the firm's legal business. *So the next woman on the list doesn't even know she's next*; ergo, no reason to go on a killing spree."
"Ah, so you did work your niece-in-law over, Crowbar 1." Cindy said, teasing me. I gave Cindy a cutting glance with my eyes. Retaliation would be soon coming, swift and devastating.
"I'd have to say every woman that was at the Club meeting that night is a suspect." said Martin Nash. "Especially Cat Clausen, who discovered the body, and was Trish's friend. For that matter, I guess the Country Club staff should be considered, as well." Cindy wrote it down, making a special notation for Cat Clausen, complete with her picture.
"Whatever you do, Ross, do *not* put Myrtle L. James's picture on that whiteboard." I said. "I don't want my wife getting fired by a pissed off University Trustee." Everyone laughed.
"Taking you seriously, Commander," replied Cindy, "if memory serves me correctly, she was in sight of multiple persons the entire time, including the break time. She's not a suspect. Anyone else?"
"Although it's thin," said Teddy Parker, "there was another murder involving Lightsource Industries, where Mrs. Donolan worked. We have to consider something or someone from there as a tie-in." I complimented Teddy for his thought process as Cindy wrote it down.
"Sean Bailey." said Teresa, to my great happiness. "His wife Margo died a year and half ago, and he blamed the Donolans. Although I checked his alibi and it checked out, he could've hired someone."
"I'll start looking into his finances." said Myron. Cindy wrote his name down on the whiteboard.
"Anyone else?" Cindy asked. No one spoke.
"Okay, everyone." the Chief said. "The Commander told me he was going to keep quiet to this point, as he wants you Detectives to think without him. That is not an insult, of course, and it won't be an insult or a put-down if he starts teaching you guys some good stuff right now. Crowbar?"
"Thank you, Chief." I said as I stood up and went to stand in front of the whiteboard. "You all did a fabulous job, and I was thinking about taking a nap in the corner there. There are a couple of points I want to bring out, though."
"First," I said, "I need to add a suspect or two, here. Trish Donolan has long been associated with black drug pushers, usually having sex with them but not known to be a drug user herself. But she might have learned something she shouldn't have. In addition, I haven't had a chance to look over the DVDs we got at the Donolans' home, and beyond that are those evidence photographs that Donovan Donolan somehow had in his possession. There may be something there, and something in these swing clubs that some of you have astutely mentioned."
"We're putting the DVD evidence onto the servers for you to look at, Commander." said Myron helpfully.
"Good. Thank you." I said as I put a piece of paper on the whiteboard. Printed upon it was a computer graphic makeup of the floor plan of River Valley Country Club, the parts around the meeting room.
"Guys, let's look at this chart and try to understand what happened." I said, in the form of a professorial lecture. "There were sixteen Investment Club members and six River Valley employees in the building at the time. No one else that we know of. None of the employees were in the kitchenette area or those bathrooms during the time of the Investment Club's break. There is a door to the kitchenette that is a service entrance, but it was locked. Also, the hall's surveillance camera covers it, for what little that's worth."
I then said "One employee was seen going in taking the desserts, and that employee came back out well before 8:30pm. The only other way into that kitchenette is through the meeting room, and none of the sixteen members noticed anyone except the employee who put the desserts on the side table then left through the main back doors, again well before 8:30. Those employees are fully accounted for."
I went on: "So here is what was accomplished: during a very short fifteen minute interval, someone had to get into that bathroom with Trish Donolan, someone she knew as she never screamed out. The killer had to not be noticed by others, and then had to kill Trish, partially clean up, get rid of or hide the murder weapon, then get out without being observed or arousing anyone's suspicions. To do this, the killer was either extraordinarily lucky not to have had blood spattered on him or her, as no one was reported as being seen with blood on their clothing, save Myrtle L. James's sleeve when she felt for a pulse. And as Lt. Ross has said, Mrs. James had eyes on her literally the entire break time, not to mention her age and lack of physical strength to commit this sort of crime."
I continued: "I again commend your attention to the missing murder weapon. The Country Club kitchen is on that side of the building, but at the end of the hallway, and the cameras showed no one going down that hallway, assuming we can trust the cameras. So I rule out kitchen knives, and J.R. has confirmed that, as well. There were no knives on the dessert table in the meeting room, and no knives in the kitchenette area, either. The murderer either had a damn good hiding place for that weapon, or else somehow whisked it out of the building undetected."
"For *all* of that to have happened, a lot of skill as well as some luck had to go into this murder." I said. "Either it was so spur-of-the-moment that the killer got lucky, or it was exceptionally and extensively planned and orchestrated well before the night of the murder, and it was carried out with practiced precision."
The Detectives were all silent, the enormity of the issues involved just beginning to hit them. The Chief broke the silence, saying "So, Crowbar, have *you* figured it out yet?"
"Oh, of course, sir." I said, grinning. "I've known all along."
"*What?!*" cried out Cindy Ross, still standing next to the left side of the whiteboard, losing her restraint. "You sat there and let us go through this and you knew all along?"
"Hell no! I don't have a clue, either!... but you thought I did, didn't you?" I said teasingly to Cindy. I did say to myself that retaliation for her earlier teasing would be devastating.
"Why you!" she said, picking up the blue crowbar from where she'd leaned it against the wall under the sideboard, and swinging it at me. I covered my head with my hands, not knowing if she were pretending or for real. All the other people in the room were laughing uncontrollably, even the Chief was gasping with merriment, his mustaches twitching mightily. Cindy didn't really hit me, but her face was red.
And then it hit me... no, not the blue crowbar, but an idea that came out of the blue. I went into a reverie. Everyone noticed as the laughter died down.
"Don? what is it?" the Chief asked. I looked up.
"I did just think of something." I said. "J.R., call Christina Cho and have her and a small Crime Lab team meet us at River Valley Country Club. Ross, Croyle, Nash, Torres and Thompson, all of you meet me at the Club. Ross, ride in my car with me. Everyone else, keep gathering that data." I scooted out, and everyone scrambled, not worrying about an explanation that they weren't going to get yet.
**Part 9 - The Magic Evidence Recovery Trick**
"I'm sorry about embarrassing you like that, Cindy." I said as we sped down the roads to the Country Club, not really sorry at all. "I meant it as a joke."
"Jerk." Cindy said, slapping me on the forearm with the back of her hand, still angry. Then she sighed and said, "Naah, I had that one coming, and you got me really good." Teresa was sitting in the backseat, trying not to laugh out loud as Cindy asked "So what are we doing now?"
"It just struck me where the murder weapon might be hidden." I said.
We all arrived at the Country Club. I told the team to wait in the lobby as I went to the manager's office to let him know we were checking on some things in the crime scene. The man's name was Trey Lundquist, and he was a very large (meaning fat) man with a bald head. "By the way," I said, "do you have a master key to all the closet doors behind the meeting room?"
"Yeah, there's a master key in the box here." Lundquist said. As he went to the keybox, I looked around the room, noticing with disdain a fake palm tree in a flowerpot in the back corner of the room. I also noted a couple of plaques on the wall behind the manager's desk and a nice fountain pen set on the desk with a small plaque and inscription at their base.
The manager unlocked and opened the keybox that was mounted on the wall. "Holy smokes!" he gasped as the door opened.
"What?" I asked.
"The... the master key." the man said. "It's not in here!"
I called out the door for Christina Cho to come in, then asked the manager "When was the last time you saw it?"
"Last night." Lundquist said. "One of your officers borrowed it, then returned it to me when you all left."
"Hmm." I said. "Who else has access to this lockbox?"
"Nobody." said Lundquist. "I have the only key on a chain. The Fire Chief has a key to the lockbox at Fire Department Headquarters. Here's my master key to the building's doors off my chain, just please give it back when you're done."
"I will. Christina," I said as the Asian woman walked into the room, "take fingerprints of the lockbox. You'll have to take the manager's prints, as I expect his will be all over the place. See if any others come up."
"Yes sir." Christina said. She got out a small rectangular box with a clear glass top. She then took a glass plate and cleaned it thoroughly, then asked Lundquist to press his fingers on the glass lightly, then remove them. After he did, she blew some dust onto the plate, then put it on the box and turned on the light inside the box. The man's prints glowed in an eerie green-blue light.
"Well I'll be damned." said the manager as Christina photographed the prints, then cleaned off the glass and had the manager give his other hand's prints. "I've never seen anything like that."
"Ain't technology wonderful?" I asked. "Okay, Christina, I'll leave you to this." I went into the hall, and led my team into the meeting room.
"Okay guys," I said. "Let's look at this. The back doors to the meeting rooms lead down corridors to a hallway that leads to the covered parking lot." We went through the passage on the right, coming out into that hallway, seeing the door that exited to the outside.
"Okay, so what's behind the bathrooms?" I asked. "Hmmm, electrical closet in the middle, behind the left restroom, and a janitor closet behind the murder scene bathroom. J.R., did the Crime Lab search in these rooms?"
"Yes sir." J.R. said as I opened the door to the electrical room. "I know we opened the doors and looked in, anyway." The electrical room also had the telephone wires, a fusebox, and connections to the generator that was outside.
"Nothing on the floor but some dust, which is not disturbed." I said. I looked up and saw that there was no false ceiling; this room was sealed against tornadoes, theoretically.
"Okay, now the janitor closet." I said, opening that door. The room was deeper than the electrical closet, and filled with cleaning supplied and two big mops and buckets against the back wall and a three foot aluminum ladder against the right wall. Dust and particles littered the floor in the back half of the room.
"See that dust and material, J.R.?" I asked. "I think it's from the ceiling tile above. Sample it." One of J.R.'s technicians did so.
"Okay, here's a ladder, and I'm a tall guy, so I'm going to look and see what's up there." I said. I put on blue latex crime lab gloves.
"But sir..." said J.R. as I set up the ladder.
"I know, you looked last night." I said. "But bear with me." I got up onto the ladder, pushed back the ceiling tile, which created more dust and particulates in the air, then shined my flashlight into the dark space above.
"Oh, what do we have here?" I asked. The red crowbar came into action, as I used it to drag the object to the gap in the ceiling where I could grab it. A plastic trash bag
emerged, which I handed down to J.R. It was tightly wrapped around something, and was about a foot long and three inches wide and three inches deep.
"Sir... I swear to God, that was *not* there last night!" exclaimed J.R., whose face was red with embarrassment.
"And I believe you." I said. "I'll explain in a minute, but what's inside the bag?"
J.R. unwrapped and opened the bag. Compressed tightly inside was a Tyvex suit with blood splattered all over it; blue cloth overshoes that were worn to protect one's shoes the way the Tyvex suit protected clothes, also spattered in blood; blue latex gloves like the ones I was wearing now; and... joy of joys... a large sendoku knife, heavy and extremely sharp, coated in blood.
"Yes! Murder weapon!" I exclaimed happily. "J.R., do I even *need* to tell you to get this processed pronto, and keep a good chain of custody?'
"No sir." said J.R. "Christina, check for prints before we touch anything further." As Christina went to work, I put the ladder back where it was after putting the ceiling tile back in place. Then I went into the hallway and started lecturing my stunned audience.
"Okay, guys," I said, "here is what I think happened. The murderer copied a master key some time before last night, used it to come into this room and set back the ceiling tile to leave a hole, then set the mop up at an angle to the bucket. We know that the murderer wiped down the top of the commode in the bathroom, and that was because he or she stood on it, passed the bag containing these extremely incriminating items over the tiles and through that hole. The bag dropped down, hit the mop, landed in the bucket with the mop on top of it, 'Rube Goldberg'-style."
I noted that J.R. Barnes was looking confused and skeptical as Cindy asked "So how did the bag get back up there?"
"I think that last night the killer returned after everyone had left, coming in through this door to the covered parking lot." I said. "The killer got into the storeroom, put the bag back up in the space above the hanging ceiling, then closed the tile. We'd looked there already; what's the chance we'd look there again?"
"100%, with the Iron Crowbar on the case." Cindy said. "But why didn't the burglar alarm go off?"
"I'm betting it wasn't set, what with all the police activity into the morning hours." I said. "Or else the criminal knew the code to deactivate it. Either is a real possibility. Nash, go see if we can get any video of the hallways or the covered parking lot from the hours after the police left the crime scene."
But our luck ended: "Sorry, Commander," said the manager as I returned his key to him. "Your police took the tapes, and we didn't install new ones and re-activate the system until late this morning. And no, we didn't set the burglar alarm; your officers stayed on duty in the parking lot, and we left the doors open for them to get in and out if they needed to."
"Tell me this." I asked. "Do you remember how many of the Investment Club members left their cars overnight?"
"About half of them." said the manager. "I didn't count, but some of them came back and got them this morning, after your police searched the cars."
"J.R.," I said, "anything else you need from the crime scene? Otherwise I'm going to release it and let them clean it up."
"Sir, after what you just did, I'm not sure of anything, anymore." said J.R., still in a state of shock over the turn of events. I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I told the manager the crime scene was released.
"Sir, may I ask one question before you go?" asked Christina Cho. I nodded and she said "Why do you believe the missing key was duplicated... and if it was, why steal it now?"
"Yes, that's a good question." I said. "The reason I think it was a duplicate key is because the original was there last night: the Crime Lab was using it, then turned it back in. As to why it was stolen last night, that's a damned good question, and I'm not sure of the answer yet."
"Damn, Crowbar," muttered Chief Griswold as he, Cindy Ross, Paulina Patterson, and myself sat in the Chief's small conference room at 5:00pm. "That is just frickin' unbelievable. How in the hell did you figure it out?"
Paulina was giving me a look that suggested she wanted to fuck my brains out right there on the table, in front of everyone. I made a mental note to take advantage of that when we were alone in her office, or mine.
"There was this blue crowbar swinging at me, and my life flashed before my eyes, and it just came to me." I said, not really kidding as much as I sounded.
"Let me swing it at you a few more times, and see what else you can solve." Cindy said, her voice deadpan flat. I had to work hard not to break out laughing.
"Seriously," I said, "it did just come to me. I'd been looking at those ceiling tiles since I got to the crime scene. The evidence hadn't been found. I was going to call for sonar equipment to look between the walls, but when I saw the janitor closet and the dust on the floor, I knew."
"So does finding this evidence help you decide who the killer is?" the Chief asked.
"Not yet, sir." I said. "Myron and Mary are burning up bandwidth looking for anyone who purchased that knife, but good luck on that. And we might be waiting days for DNA to come out, and it'll be huge luck if anyone but Trish's DNA comes up."
"Okay guys," the Chief said, "it's Hallowe'en and I know you guys have parties to go to. Get out of here. See you Monday."
As I exited the Chief's office, Myron Milton intercepted me in the hallway and asked me to come downstairs. I headed down to the 'dungeons' right behind him. When we got there, Goth Girl Mary was working in the common area in front of all the cubicles. I sat down next to Myron and his computer as he handed me a box with several jump drives in it.
"That's all the DVDs transferred to jump drive, for your personal collection." said Myron.
"And you have your own set?" I asked.
"You bet we do, sir." Mary said. "It's been heaven the last couple of nights. Those scenes really get Myron worked up, and he takes it out on me with that big tool of his." Myron was a geeky nerd, but he was blessed with an eleven inch cock that put John Holmes to shame, and Goth Girl Mary enjoyed first claim to Myron's Weapon of Lust.
"I'll be sure my wife is around when I look at them." I said. "So, anything of interest on them?"
"Most of the people on them, we already investigated during the Diane Lang murder case." said Myron. "And so far, there's not much else there. These are people with open marriages and in swap groups, I doubt they'd kill Trish over that knowledge."
"No, they wouldn't." I said. "And they would respond to blackmail by using the Duke of Wellington's response to a blackmail attempt: 'Publish, and be damned!'."
I then said "Just one question: do any of these tapes show Trish Donolan having sex with any blacks?"
"No sir, not that I remember seeing." said Mary. "All white guys. Some group parties in there, but no blacks. Is that important?"
"Just a bit." I said. "I'm beginning to wonder if, for all those years, Donovan Donolan never knew his wife was banging black men."
"It's a real possibility, sir." said Myron. "We also checked further into Sean Bailey's finances and situation. Nothing in particular, but someone kept trying to put liens on his house and have his car repossessed. He hired P.I.s to investigate, and found out Donovan Donolan was behind it. The harassment stopped after he hired a lawyer to sue Donolan."
"He's also taken a number of trips out of State." said Mary Mahoney. "Usually overnight, sometimes two nights. All kinds of cities: Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Orlando, Nashville, Buffalo."
"He was interviewing for jobs in those cities." I surmised. "Okay, let me give you guys an avenue to go down..."
**Part 10 - Hallowe'en Parties**
The first Hallowe'en party that Laura and I attended was at University President Wellman's home. Laura and I dressed as Hyppolita and Hercules, Laura looking like a Grecian goddess in her nearly see-thru negligee, and I like a man in a toga and gold leaf 'crown' that very much wanted to fuck his wife right there in front of everyone.
We all were wearing masks of some kind, as well, but it was fairly easy to tell who was there. Sally Wellman was dressed as Jezebel and her husband, University President Sidney Wellman, was dressed as Samson, and many were surprised (the ladies pleasantly so) at Dr. Wellman's still considerable physique despite his advanced age.
Tanya Perlman and Barry Oliver were there. She was dressed like a 1980s Madonna-wannabee, and he was dressed as a punk kid from that era. It did not surprise me that a number of people employed by the University and their spouses dressed up in some variation of the 1960s... they were either still living those times, or desperately wished they had lived in that era.
And then, somewhat to my surprise, there was my nephew Todd and his wife Jeanine. Todd was dressed as Julius Caesar, wearing a red robe and a skimpy toga and very short pants that showed off his muscular body and all but revealed his massive cock and balls. He got a lot of looks from the women. Jeanine got looks from the men, as under her red robe was a toga as flimsy as my wife's very revealing outfit, and almost as scandalous as Todd's (lack of) clothing.
Tom and Janet Riordan were there, dressed in clothes from the Roaring Twenties, with Janet looking like a cabaret singer, her legs looking hot in the fishnet stockings she was wearing. I did not see Henry R. Wargrave, then later overheard Dr. Wellman tell someone that the billionaire was in Washington, D.C.
"I'm hearing you invoked privilege on the subpoena for the Hot Wives Investment Club's information." I said to Jeanine. We had snuck off into Dr. Wellman's private study, where I had a very pleasant memory of what I had done to Vicki Oldeeds on that very desk. I would not have minded fucking Jeanine right there on that desk, and perhaps she read my mind, as she sat herself on the edge of the desk.
"I'm not trying to force you to reveal anything, but if there's anything you can tell me privately that'll help me catch a murderer, I'd be grateful if you could help me out." I continued, standing between Jeanine's legs as she spread and raised them, her high heels on the edge of the desk next to her now-exposed pussy.
"I've been wanting to talk to you about that privately," said Jeanine, as she reached under the hem of my toga and slid my cock out of the flimsy pants holding my male equipment, "and tell you privately why I invoked the privilege, even though Myrtle James said I could turn over the information. Fortunately, I'm the only one that knows this. It's the names on the wait list to join their club."
"Okay." I said, waiting for Jeanine to go on... both verbally and physically. She pulled me by my cock up to her, easing my throbbing cockhead into her labes. I pushed forward, sheathing my throbbing, iron hard 'crowbar' balls-deep inside my niece-in-law's steaming hot, sopping wet twat.
"The first person on the list is Diane Lang." said Jeanine, her voice getting ragged as I began fucking her slowly. "Obviously, she won't be joining this or any other earthly clubs. It's the next name that I'm protecting... the next woman up for membership is your wife, Dr. Laura Fredricson."
"Ahhhh, I see." I said, keeping up our fuck rhythm, sliding my arms under her knees so that she could take her feet off the desk, letting them hang suspended as I pumped her. "If that comes out public, I can't work on the case anymore. My wife would be a suspect, albeit a poor one."
"Yes." said Jeanine. "And I mean no disrespect to your Police Force, but without you on this case... I don't think it gets solved."
"Hell, it may not get solved even *with* me on it." I replied. "But I appreciate you doing that, Jeanine. So... how are things with Todd?" I kept stroking in and out of her as I asked her about her husband.
"Okay." Jeanine said, peering at me with a funny look on her beautiful face. "But I know he's fucking someone. I know he fucks other women, and we're talking about swinging with you and Laura and some others, but there's something strange about it. Women's intuition on that."
"Hmmm, did you ask him about it?" I asked, feeling my nut rise as I began getting closer to the crest.
"Oh, of course." Jeanine said. "Unnnh, oh that's good... Todd just says he's having an affair with his new company... unnh... working long hours and there's nothing else going on. I know that's bullshit-- well, he *is* working a lot-- but I don't know why he's lying and being evasive. He usually tells me when and who he's been fucking... speaking of fucking, you can give it to me harder than that... oh yeah..."
"I'll see what I can find out about Todd." I said. "So how are the babies?" My mind was more filled with making a baby than an already-born one as I asked the question...
"They're great." said Jeanine. "They're going to be like twins, growing up together like they are... ohhhhhh....." We said nothing further, getting more seriously into our fucking...
About 20 minutes later, Jeanine and I went to find our spouses. We found them together in the bathroom of the guest bedroom just down the hall from us. Laura was sitting on the edge of the sink counter while Todd was pumping his huge meat into her, just as I'd been doing to his wife.
"Oh God, it's going so *deep*!" Todd gasped. "You're burying every inch of me."
"Like being balls-deep in your aunty's nasty cunt?" Laura whispered to him. He responded by driving his huge meat into her with a hard thrust, causing her to say "Ohhh... easy, Todd, go easy... you're very big and I'm still not used to being... stretched like this..."
"Yeah," Todd said, "I've never gotten this much into you like this before, Aunt Laura... is that because of your operation?"
"Some." Laura said. "There's a bit more room in there, though the operation didn't make my cunt longer... mmmm... Jesus, I love feeling your size inside me like this..."
Jeanine and I just watched through the cracked door as Todd pumped my wife, taking it easy and not fucking her too hard, but still pistoning in and out of her with that deceptively easygoing, languid motion of fucking that was his almost trademark style. Even at that pace, I could tell that my wife was being intensely stimulated, and she was really enjoying being fucked by the young stud's enormous cock...
"Todd blew a huge fucking load into me." Laura said to me as we drove towards our next party destination in her Mercedes. "If I didn't know better, I'd think he hadn't gotten any pussy for days, maybe weeks."
"Jeanine was very wet and aroused, too." I said, then recounted what she had said to me about Todd fucking around.
We pulled up at our destination: Lashes & Lace. Our friend Rita, the lovely, statuesque blonde that ran the place, had invited us to the 'late' party, which was basically going to be an orgy in the downstairs room.
"Mmmm," said Rita as she greeted us in the private bar area. "Laura, you are dressed correctly; you are indeed a goddess, and you can be my goddess any time you like, if I can steal you away from this handsome hunk husband of yours." She then kissed my wife warmly and fully on the mouth. Then it was my turn to share a kiss with Rita.
"Mmm, I have a labor for you to perform, Hercules." said Rita. "I want you to spend all night trying to untie the knot deep in my pussy. It'll take many orgasms, I'm sure. Cop."
"I'll do what I can." I said...
It was nearly 3:00am and the orgy was in full swing. Everyone wore masks and some kind of costume. They were to remain in their costumes during the party, so there were a lot of cocks hanging out of unzipped pants or protruding from underneath togas (like mine), and many of the women had torn open their crotches to give easy access to their wet snatches inside.
As was almost always the case when I was there, Rita had corralled me as her official consort, and we were indeed slowly and languidly fucking. Laura had given me half a 'gray viagra', and along with the large load I'd shot into Jeanine's pussy earlier, I was able to hold off from climaxing as I steadily pumped Rita in a 'spoon' position as we watched the many couples fucking hotly on the main ballroom floor.
Laura had been eaten out by a masked woman dressed as Tinker Belle, who had enjoyed the sperm feast left by Todd in Laura's depths, then my wife had selected a very well hung young man that I suspected she knew as a University student, and he was now deeply fucking my wife in the missionary position not far from Rita's 'bedchamber' where Rita and I were. The sight of Laura's long, luscious legs in the gold lamè high heels with straps criss-crossing up her calves to her knees, as those legs wrapped around her muscular young stud, was extremely intense and erotic for me.
"Mmm, your wife does have the hottest legs in Town." Rita said, knowing what I was watching. "She has the hottest husband, too. Cop."
"I'm the lucky one." I said. "And lucky to be fucking the hottest hostess in the County right now." I slid my cock hard and very deep into Rita's cunt to emphasize the point.
"Oh geez..." Rita moaned, reaching her arm back and pulling my head down for a deep, hard kiss, which she broke after a long minute. "I love it when you fuck me deep like that. Cop. Your cock is so fucking hard; I don't know any other guy whose cock is as hard and taut as yours... does it hurt?"
"No, baby, it feels great while I'm fucking you." I said.
"So," Rita said, "you want information on this Donolan murder you're investigating?"
"If you have anything for me." I said, continuing to thrust into the blonde's tight cunt. Of course this was an unspoken but major reason for Rita inviting us to this party, and for us accepting.
"Just this." said Rita. "On the morning of the day Trish Donolan was murdered, her husband Donovan hired a private detective to look into his wife's dealings with the black drug pushers in Town. He hired Acme Private Investigations, and even after she was murdered, he told them to keep digging into her past. It looks like he didn't know that she was devouring black snake as often as she could. Also, Margo Bailey is not the only woman who Trish Donolan delivered unto death at the hands of those pushers, but you probably didn't get wind of them; they didn't take those bodies to the hospital."
"Acme Private Investigations, eh?" I said, almost idly.
"You catch on fast. Cop." Rita said, knowing I was unerringly honing in on what was important. "Funny how your rich buddy is out of town right now... and with the big football game tomorrow."
"I'm sure he'll fly in to catch that." I said. "Though his team is going to take an ass-whipping from the Wildcats."
"I'm sure he'll be seeing 'red'. Cop." Rita said, grinning. "Now why don't you shoot a big load into me, so I can let your wife eat your sperm out of my juicy, cream-filled cunt..." Just the nastiness of her words made me hotter and more aroused as I drove my meat deep into her scalding snatch...
I did not go to bed when we got home. Maybe it was the 'gray viagra', but I was wired, even though I was physically drained from the sex I'd had in the hours before. As Laura slept soundly, exhausted by the deep fucking and pussy-eating she'd done at Rita's, I began watching the evidence videos on the jump drives.
One was a tape of Cat and Trish fucking that looked familiar to me, and I realized it was the same tape Laura had been playing on my birthday night. I idly wondered where my wife got that footage as I continued to watch.
Then I put on one of the DVDs that Trish had hidden in her safe behind the air vent. This one had not been put on the jump drive; Myron and Mary had not yet seen it.
"Gold mine." I said to myself as images of Trish and various other women came on. They were fucking black men. I recognized T-Mac, Gloria Cagle's lover, as he deeply fucked Trish and came inside her. I was shocked to see 'Clete', the black guy who had been my nephew Ned's helper before we arrested him at the Olivet factory. He was fucking Cat Clausen with hard, deep, animal thrusts... this tape was some years old, I noticed, as Cat looked younger. I remembered that Clete was helpful to Ned's drug operations, and had been the one to bring Margo Bailey to Ned on her last night alive...
Then I noticed that the sun was rising. I went out onto the deck to watch the Town greet the new day. It was Saturday, November 1st. Game day. The Wildcats vs. the Bulldogs. I couldn't wait...
**Part 11 - Football Wins and Birthday Celebrations**
Later that morning of November 1st, Melina and I drove in my Police SUV into the reserved parking area near the University football stadium. Such were the perks of being in the Police Force. But instead of going towards the North stands, where the University's president box was, we headed to the box on the South side, which was the visiting School's Presidents box. Melina and I had passes to enter.
"Ah, good to see you, Commander." said my University's president, introducing several friends. Dr. Woodrow of my Crime Lab and Dr. Yates of the University Hospital staff, both graduates of my school, were also here. I introduced Melina to everyone.
"An honor to meet you Colonel." I said to the Commandant of my School's ROTC program. He'd been a highly decorated soldier with over 20 years of continuous Airborne jump status and on his way to being a general, until an injury essentially ended his career. He was doing the ROTC assignment to run out the string before retiring.
"And you also, Commander." said the Colonel. "Coach Marshall has told me of the outstanding job you're doing with the police here. I wish we still had you in the Army."
"Thank you, sir." I said. I then noticed Melina had taken a red Wildcats jersey out of her large handbag and was putting it on. I was already wearing one. We were but a few specks of Red, Black and Gold in a human sea of Blue and Silver, which was the local University's Bulldogs colors.
As the game started and progressed, it took a while to explain to everyone that Melina was not my wife any longer, that we'd both remarried (and me to her sister and a celebrated professor at this University), and that her husband was running for Sheriff... which is why Melina didn't wear the red jersey until we got to the box.
And one reason it took so much time was because we were cheering a lot. The Wildcats were running rampant over the Bulldog defense, and our own defense was killing poor Nick Eastwood as he desperately tried to run plays with virtually no supporting cast.
In the end, my Wildcats ran to a 56-0 win over the local Bulldogs, the local School's worst defeat since the 1930s. I was very happy.
"Well, Melina," I said as we headed back to my vehicle. "As you know, today is Laura's birthday, but it's not going to be a happy one after that beatdown. What do you suggest we do?"
"I've already got it planned." said Melina. "Your mother called me and we worked it out that we'll have dinner at our house, and your mom has already made a cake. What you do after that to make her happier, is your call. I would suggest... 'sex'. Lots and lots of... 'sex'."
"Thanks for that idea, Captain Obvious." I said. It was an old joke from our married days. Melina tried to smirk, but could not help laughing.
"So," I said, "are you ready to be a Sheriff's wife?"
"Yep." Melina said. "I'll take a less public role after the election, though I'll have to show up at the Ladies Auxiliary meetings and attend all the public activities with Daniel. I think he's the more excited one, now that he realizes he's going to win the job. How did you know he'd like it so much?"
"Observation and deduction, my dear, observation and deduction." I said. "Just as I'm deducing how excited you are about the new baby on the way."
"Yeah." Melina said happily. "I can't wait." She paused, as if reading my mind. "I don't know what it is. I love little Doug, but I'm fine with leaving him with his father and stepmother. But I want Daniel's baby more than anything in the world."
"I think my wife would make the psychological deduction that you're in love with your husband." I said. "Just a wild guess, though." I didn't say more, realizing that Melina's psychological makeup should be left to people with much more professional experience than I had. Fortunately, just the right person for that was on the case...
*To be continued.* |
Bed Bound Ch. 03: A Chip & A Scare | 22,146 | 4.5 | 2,136,456 | [
] | Several times since moving into the flat, Nikki had been meaning to replace the blinds that hung in front of her living room window. There was a slat missing, and every afternoon, at around 2pm at this time of year, the sun was at just the right level to shine through the gap and provide an annoying distraction from the TV she was watching, or the video game she was playing.
Today was no different, except that today, the distraction was a welcome one.
It had been several hours since Nikki's bed had told her to decide whether she wants to be controlled by it, and then fucked her into several orgasms. Most of that time had been spent curled up on the sofa, trying to stop her body from shaking and her mind from uncontrollably sprinting in every direction as she tried desperately to make sense of the situation and decide on what to do next. It was a mostly futile exercise, her mental and physical capacity still drained after the morning session, she hadn't even thought to try and take the bracelets off.
The reflected sunlight shone straight through Nikki's eyes, dragging her out of the daze she was still in, giving her focus and clarity over what to do next. She still had no idea, but she knew that talking to someone else about this must help, and there was only one person she knew she could call that might understand this crazy predicament.
"Hey Nikki! How are ya? I haven't heard from you in ages, what's news?"
It was true, Nikki hadn't spoken to or seen her best friend Tia in far too long, but this was no time for small talk and catch ups, Nikki needed help.
"Tia, I've been given this opportunity to enter into a D/s relationship, but I need to make a commitment right away and I don't know what to do."
Tia was a good choice to source for help in making this decision, for not only did she know Nikki better than anyone else bar Nikki's own mother, she also had previous experience as a live-in slave to her now ex-Dom.
"Wow, Nikki, get straight to the point why don't you. I'm fine, by the way, you know, I'm still behind on my essay and my sister still won't talk to me over the living situation, but other than that I'm fine, thanks for asking."
"Tia this is important, I have to make a decision by the end of today otherwise the whole thing is off." Nikki was unaware of how much panic was in her voice, but Tia got the message, she knew that when Nikki skipped the small talk, whatever she wanted to talk about was important to her.
"Okay, okay, calm down hun. First thing's first, the end of today is still several hours away yet, so let's be rational about this and talk things through, yeah?" Tia took Nikki's silence as agreement. "Cool, so, what's this guy's name? I'm assuming it's a guy." Nikki froze. She was far from straight, but Nikki had only ever been involved in relationships with men. That wasn't the concern right now though, she was more focused on working out how to tell Tia that this time, the potential partner was a bed.
"I...I don't actually know."
This time it was Tia who was silent, for a few seconds at least.
"Hold on a second, you mean you're telling me that some guy, who I'm assuming you've not met more than twice, wants you to make some big commitment to being in a D/s relationship with him, and you don't even know his name? That's major red flag territory, hun, and you know it. How can you trust him if you know nothing about him?" Again, Nikki froze. The points Tia made were valid, but only in a traditional relationship between two humans, right? What are the rules and boundaries for being in a relationship with an inanimate object anyway?
Not knowing how to deal with Tia's questions, nor how to tell her that it's a bed and not a guy who she was thinking of submitting to, Nikki quickly fobbed her off, telling her she was right, and making her excuses to end the conversation, still not asking anything about how Tia was doing.
This was ridiculous. Yes, the orgasms that the bed had given her that morning were amazing, and yes, it did listen to her and stop when she safeworded, but there were too many unknowns about this, too many opportunities for things to go wrong, and if they did, there would be nobody there to help fix them, and fix her.
Nikki removed her bracelets, realising that whilst the fantastical thought of being controlled by her own furniture was incredibly hot, the practical realism would, as in so many of her fantasies, get in the way of allowing the situation and dynamic to evolve as she would want. The bracelets came off easily, sufficiently weakened just as the bed said they would be.
Walking into her bedroom, Nikki placed the bracelets on her bedside table. She knew she could throw them away if she wanted to, but they looked elegant in their simplicity, and served as a reminder of one of the most bizarre episodes of her life, and she wasn't ready to discard that just yet. She glanced over to the screen on the bed, expecting it to flicker into life and acknowledge the decision she had just made. She half-expected an attempt from it to persuade her to change her mind, after all, its creator had clearly invested a lot of time and effort into making this, and adapting it to Nikki's potential use, and they wouldn't want that to go to waste. But the screen stayed blank, and Nikki left her flat to finally buy herself some lunch and get on with her day.
The rest of the day played out just like you'd expect any normal Saturday to. Nikki shopped, cleaned her flat, played video games, and all whilst being more and more convinced that she'd made the right decision, and that there was no way submitting to a bed was a sensible idea.
Day was replaced by night, and Nikki went through her usual routine of taking all her clothes off, plugging her vibrator and laptop in, and settling into bed for a satisfying wank whilst watching porn before sleeping soundly in her post-orgasm glow. Tonight, however, the routine did not go to plan.
Nikki started to wank, turning the vibrator onto it's lowest setting and pressing it down just above her clit. She always started that way, gradually moving it lower, allowing the pleasure to gradually increase in intensity, until it rested directly on her clit. As she felt herself get close to the edge, she turned the setting on the wand to maximum, the same as normal, and braced herself for an orgasm.
She couldn't cum. Getting to the edge wasn't a problem, but all she could do was stay there, the vibrator, the porn, and her own determination unable to tip her over and make her cum. The porn she was watching was the same lesbian kink she always enjoyed, but tonight it wasn't working as it almost always does.
After several minutes of riding the edge, she gave up. "It must have been all the morning orgasms I had" she thought, and, highly frustrated at not being able to cum, put everything away, and turned off her bedside light to go to sleep.
As she drew her hand away from the light, Nikki knocked one of the bracelets onto the floor. She picked it up, and the clasp opened invitingly. Nikki immediately started questioning the actual reason behind her inability to cum, spurred on by the heightened levels of horn she was still feeling from her lack of release. What if it wasn't because of her morning orgasms? What if she was too distracted by the thought of being controlled by her own bed, that a traditional wank wasn't good enough any more?
Nikki's ability to ignore her rational, objective thoughts when it came to sex has had dramatic results in the past, for good and for bad. She knew this was another one of those times, and that she shouldn't be entertaining those fantastical thoughts that had very unsubtly crept back into her mind. She also knew that if she put the bracelets back on, she probably wouldn't be able to take them off again for a while, and she had no idea what other ways the bed was programmed to dominate her in. But these thoughts excited her, consumed her, and brought her levels of horn up even higher, far surpassing what her vibrator could achieve at that moment.
With a half-thought out excuse going through her mind about how she could end this whenever she wanted to, or just not listen to the bed's instructions if she didn't want to, Nikki put the bracelets back on again, and lay back down on the bed, eyes wide open, far too horny and nowhere near tired enough to sleep.
She knew what to do to change that.
With the bracelets now clasped over her limbs, Nikki had no trouble cumming with the vibrator pushed hard down on her now very sensitive clit. She didn't even need to finish watching the video that was still playing on her laptop that she'd absent-mindedly left open on the bedroom floor, the not knowing what will happen to her over the coming days and probably weeks was enough to send her entire body into not one, but two convulsive states of ecstasy.
Nikki woke the next morning, totally skipping the half-awake, hating-the-world-and-everyone-in-it stage that usually took up the first ten minutes of her day. She sat bolt upright, and grabbed the bed screen, not even realising what her hand was doing or acknowledging that she couldn't move it anyway.
The screen was blank, and Nikki immediately clocked that it was going to play a similar game to the one it played when she first put the bracelets on. It was going to make her wait, spending an agonising amount of time allowing her to ask herself what she'll be subjected to next, getting herself lost in a myriad of mindfucks before the answer would be revealed to her in a way she would barely be able to cope with.
Nikki's vibrator was still on the floor next to the bed, she hadn't bothered to put it away after her wank the previous evening, choosing instead to writhe around in the bedsheets, enjoying her post-orgasmic high, before falling asleep almost immediately afterwards. She grabbed it, pressed it straight onto her clit, almost bypassing the build-up phase altogether, and brought herself to orgasm within seconds.
Her ability to cum as spontaneously and quickly as that was a skill that had eluded her throughout virtually her entire adult life, and she took this as a sign that she'd made the right decision, even if she didn't really know what decision she'd just made.
That afternoon, she found herself staring at her phone whilst in the kitchen, trying to decide whether to call Tia and tell her everything that had happened. She knew Tia would be upset that she had gone against her advice and ignored the red flags. No doubt she'd also be upset at how self-centred she was being, not thinking to ask how Tia was doing in her ever-troubled life. Would things be different if she explained that it was a bed and not a person? They must be, but that could mean better or worse. Better to not risk it at this stage, better to find out more about what the bed wants before sharing the experience with others.
At that moment, the bracelet on her right wrist started vibrating. It wasn't a strong vibration, but it was enough to give Nikki a jump, and see her rushing into her bedroom before her head knew what her legs were doing. Her heart was pounding and she could feel her cunt already getting wet at the thought of finding out how her bed intends to control her.
"Good afternoon, Nikki."
"Good afternoon" she replied instinctively.
"I see you've decided to put the bracelets on, this pleases me." Nikki smiled when she read those words, already basking in the bed's acceptance and pride at her being a good girl.
The screen flickered briefly.
"However, I understand that you didn't have much time to make your decision, so I need you to prove to me that you're sure you've made the right one, and that you really want to submit to me."
Nikki heard a noise behind her, and when she turned around, she noticed that part of the hardwood floor had raised itself, kind of like a trap door. She pushed her fingers in the gap, prizing it open further, revealing a small storage area, quite flat and no bigger than a pizza box in width and length. Inside was a ticket with a number on it, a t-shirt, a skirt, and a pair of bright pink high heels. She took them all out, and unfolded the t-shirt to examine it. It was white in colour, with bright pink lettering on the front. When she read the lettering, her mouth opened, and her cunt got even wetter. She looked back at the bed screen in disbelief.
"There is a package at the cloakroom of the Capital Casino, which I would like you to fetch. You may only wear the clothing provided, nothing else. Bring it back here before it gets dark today please."
With that the screen went blank, and rotated out of view. Nikki sat down on the floor where she was, once again trying to make sense of the dozens of questions spinning around her mind. Could she really do this? How would the bed know if she had complied? What would happen if she didn't? She didn't even think to consider what the package might be, it was probably something mundane, this was all about the task, about proving to the bed that she was ready to submit to it. Or was it?
Nikki tried on the clothes, and looked in the mirror to see what she was subjecting herself to. What she saw was a girl wearing a white t-shirt and no bra, so her nipples -- and particularly her piercings -- were clearly visible, a pink PVC skirt so short that you could just about see the bottom of her cheeks even when she was standing up straight, and if she bent over more than a few inches, her cunt was in full view, and a pair of very high, bright pink heels.
It was an embarrassing sight, enough to distract her from questioning how all of the measurements were near enough the right size for her, but every time she read the words on the t-shirt, it made her blush so hard she could feel her cunt throb.
Nikki tried to fight her shame with rationality. Nobody would ever read those words and take them literally, the notion is far too ridiculous, so there's no need to worry about that, right? Then again, there was the small matter of taking public transport, followed by a walk through the middle of London dressed like, well, that.
Leaving the house with her cunt still throbbing from shame, and now slightly dripping down her exposed inner thigh, Nikki walked as fast as she could towards the nearest tube station. She cursed internally at her decision to rent a flat so far away from public transport, and cursed externally at the need to walk through the local shopping centre to get to her stop. She could feel eyes everywhere, judging her, objectifying her, lusting after her. It was quickly becoming too much for her to cope with.
Exhibitionism is something Nikki has always enjoyed the thought of, but asking her to do this, alone, was a step too far. Unable to take the shame anymore, she turned around in the middle of the shopping centre and ran as fast as the ridiculous heels would allow her to, back towards her flat. She didn't even care that her skirt was riding up and exposing her with every stride, she just wanted to get home as soon as possible, and cry her shame away.
Dusk approached, and having calmed down from her recent public embarrassment, the curiosity of what the package contained overcame Nikki. She still wanted to complete the task in some capacity, knowing that whatever was in the package was probably key to the bed's future plans, even if she couldn't manage quite what the bed had told her to do.
Nikki changed out of the slutty clothes that had been provided to her, suddenly realising that she'd kept them on for the past few hours despite the deep shame she now associated with them. With her more traditional tracksuit and sweatpants now adorned, she left the flat in a much calmer state, and headed to the casino to pick up her mystery package.
The now familiar sound of the bed screen rotating greeted Nikki's ears shortly after she returned home. It was already dark, and not especially warm, but her hands were still slightly sweaty as she retrieved a metal box from inside the rucksack that she had retrieved. She was eager to find out what was inside -- the four-digit combination on the box's lock preventing her from doing so -- but at the same time, she was nervous, hoping that the bed couldn't know that she hadn't worn the clothes as instructed, and that it was relying on trusting her to behave like a good girl.
"I see you've returned with the package" the bed said, in its usual, emotionless state.
"Yes I have, I've done what you asked me to do. Can I have the combination please?" Nikki's voice remained calm and unwavering, she had always been good at lying and bluffing, as many of her poker opponents would attest to.
"Done what I asked you to do, have you? You did the entire journey wearing nothing but the clothes provided?" Nikki was torn between telling the truth and lying. Telling the truth would gain its respect quicker, but she knew there would be some sort of consequence, not that she had any idea what that would be. Lying, however, stood a good chance of working, and besides, the bratty part of Nikki's submissive nature was emerging, telling her to push back against the bed, and see how it handled it, how good it was at putting her in her place.
"Yes, I've followed your instructions." A wave of nervous horn immediately overcame Nikki as her cunt throbbed from the fear of the unknown that quickly and violently grasped her.
"You haven't though, have you."
"I have! I honestly have! It was really embarrassing, and I feel so ashamed, but I did it." That sentence wasn't entirely inaccurate, given the shame she had felt during the small part of the task that she did manage to do as instructed, and the shame of lying to a bed was starting to creep in as well.
"Nikki, there are microchips with sensors woven into the fabric of those items of clothing. They can detect body heat and movement, and also have the ability to ping their GPS coordinates back to my CPU. So I know that you only went a short distance whilst wearing them. I know you failed my task."
The lie had backfired, but Nikki was suspicious. She cast her mind back through the conversations she'd had with the bed so far, how detailed and personal they'd been. It had told her that it was nothing but pre-programmed AI, but she was beginning to doubt that was the case.
Consumed by these thoughts, and determined to desperately prove her own innocence, as unjust as it was, Nikki grabbed the t-shirt and started ripping it to shreds. The thin, semi-transparent material was easy to rip and tear, and before long it had been reduced to a pile of shreds on the bedroom floor.
Nikki looked down at the shreds, and then back at the bed screen, a look of horror and shame on her face that she knew it couldn't appreciate or savour. There, lying near her right knee, was a microchip.
"You've disappointed me already, Nikki. Now you have to make it up to me." |
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 04 | 29,271 | 4.7 | 966,785 | [
"hot wife",
"big cock",
"police drama",
"crime drama",
] | *The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa's Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.
The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-4.
Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.*
**Part 12 - Good and Evil**
Monday, November 3d. The alarm woke me up at 5:00am. My wife was lying by my side in our 'exclusively marital' bed. Molly was asleep in the guest room, having come over the evening before for dinner. Groggily, I headed to the shower.
After my shower and shave, I went downstairs and to the den to pick up my police notebook. I tripped and almost fell over Laura's large 'maternity bag', which was full of diapers, and would also have formula and blankets and extra clothes for both babies. Fortunately, no damage was done to bag or Police Commander.
This morning is not starting off right, I thought to myself as I headed out to the door and got into my Police SUV. I'm tripping all over things- hmm, maybe that's a sign, I realized as I thought about the case... maybe there's a silver lining in this morning's cloud...
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
At 6:00am I walked into the empty MCD room to find that the coffee was made already and the TVs were on. Someone was eager to get back to work, and I knew who it was.
I found Tanya in the back hallway, looking into the darkened space that was the office next to ADA Jenna Stiles's.
"Welcome back, Lieutenant Perlman." I said. "Ready to take charge of MCD?"
"Yes sir!" said Tanya, her face bright with happiness. "But I want to know why Cindy can't have this office, and me her current office. This office is not meant for Jenna's assistant Gor-don." Tanya had a point: Jenna's punk assistant had been working in that second office more and more, to the point he was practically making it his. I intended to stop that, and soon.
"Cindy's staying where she is, in the Captain's office." I said. "And the office next to hers is going to be the next Captain of Uniformed Officers's office after Captain Charles retires."
"Oh, he's leaving?" Tanya asked, surprised.
"He hasn't said so yet." I said. "But once Chief Griswold is gone, I predict he's going to desire to retire, also. I'll be surprised if he's here after February 1st."
"What about me and Teresa?" Tanya asked. "Our offices are so small, Teresa doesn't even use hers; she just sits in Vice. I'm thinking of doing the same thing."
"We'll see what happens with that." I said, not letting on that I had plans to take care of my Lieutenants, extracted from the Town & County Council in exchange for supporting precincts. Tanya peered at me, possibly observing the gleam in my eye, but she said nothing further about it.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"This is Priya Ajmani, KSTD Channel Five-Alive Morning News!" said the beautiful Indian reporterette at 8:00am, November 3d. Bettina's broadcast the hour before had had no new news, and concentrated on the Elections... still a dead heat in the State Senate race, which depressed me. But the sight of gorgeous Priya wasn't too bad, I thought as I drank coffee in the MCD room and watched with everyone else. Cindy and Jenna were watching Priya with rapt attention... and it wasn't because of her news content, if you know what I mean.
"Five-Alive News has learned that one Sean Bailey is being investigated by the Town & County Police in connection with the murder of Trish Donolan." said Priya. "Bailey is the husband of Margo Bailey, who was a chronic drug abuser and who died of an overdose eighteen months ago. Sources tell Five-Alive News that Sean Bailey believed Trish Donolan was at least partially responsible for his wife Margo's death, and that he may have acted in revenge. Calls to the Police Department for comment have not been returned."
"What the fucking hell?" I asked, absolutely shocked. "Who the fuck did she call?"
"Not me." said Lt. Scott Peterson, coming into the room. "I just checked. She called the Duty Desk at 4:00am and asked for me, then asked them to leave me a message to call her back. Of course I'm not here at that hour, and I only just now got the message to call her."
"That's dirty pool." I said. "Don't call her, Scott... call her boss and chew his ass out. Let them know there's a competing network that just might start getting our exclusive interviews and have exclusive access to our Headquarters Press Room if she doesn't watch her step." Peterson nodded and left the room just as the Chief came in the other door.
"What the hell was that story about, Crowbar?" Chief Griswold growled.
"Some bullshit games being played, sir." I said. "And two can play that particular game. Can we go to your office?" The Chief led the way. Once in his office, I told him what I thought was up, and what I wanted to do about it.
"I agree with your analysis, and you have my fucking permission to do it." the Chief said. "Move out."
I went to my office. Just as I sat down, my cellphone rang. I answered it:
"Why, hellooooooooo Bettina!" I said enthusiastically. "You're not recording this, are you?"
"Hi yourself, handsome." said Bettina. "No, I'm not. I sure don't want this recorded: I just heard about Priya's broadcast on the other station. I just wanted you to know that we were approached with that same story, but we didn't run it."
"Why not?" I asked.
"We hadn't confirmed it with the Police yet, and we think it's not kosher." said Bettina. "Want to know who called us with the story?"
"Of course." I said.
"It was the press relations officer of BigPharmaCorp, speaking on the grounds of anonymity." Bettina said.
"I see." I said. "Bettina, I was just about to call you when you called me. Obviously our minds are well connected."
"I'd rather our bodies be connected." Bettina said in a flat out invitation.
"Me too, and we'll make that happen soon. Very soon." I promised. "But for now, here's a huge scoop for you, if you'd like KXTC to exclusively film a perp walk."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News, bringing you exclusive coverage of the arrest of Donovan Donolan by the Town & County Police Department!" The image showed Donolan being led out of his home by Sergeant Thompson and now-Sergeant Rudistan, Donolan's hands cuffed behind his back, the officers holding his arms in a way that made it hard for him to duck his head.
Bettina's voice could be heard as the television showed the world the 'perp walk' by Donolan: "The Police have arrested Donolan, wealthy CEO of BigPharmaCorp, for suspicion of murder, and also for having police evidence in his personal possession without authorization. A statement from the Police says that Donolan and his wife had a fight the morning of the day she died, and that he is formally a 'person of interest' in their ongoing murder investigation. We have no further details at this time, but will bring you more news as soon as we get it..."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"What the fuck is this about?" said Donolan's lawyer in Interrogation-1. Donolan had been dragged through booking, his mug shot released to the Media for widespread distribution. BigPharmaCorp had offered no statement to the Press so far, stunned by the events.
"That Sean Bailey story." said the Chief, who was sitting next to me. Teresa Croyle was sitting in a chair behind us, and Patrolman Morton was keeping watch. I had no clue how many people were behind the one way glass, but I suspected it was a standing-room-only audience.
"What?" said the lawyer. "That wasn't us."
"Bull shit." I said quietly, my even voice belying my underlying anger.
"I said 'bull shit'." I replied a bit more loudly and with emphatic clarity, looking Donolan hard in the eyes, ignoring his legal beagle. "Your press department gave that story to the Media."
"You'll never prove that." said Donolan.
"I don't *need* to prove it, dipshit." I said witheringly. "It's enough that I know. And all this is an eye for an eye. You had your people smear Bailey's reputation out of sheer, mean-spirited spite, asshole. You're as mean as your dead wife; you two were perfect for each other."
"All right, Crowbar," said the Chief just as the lawyer was about to explode on me. "I think we get the point. But the Police Commander is right, gentlemen. And the charges are real. I suggest you think about explaining those photos."
"You know damn well he can't do that." said the lawyer. "He's invoked. He can't say anything, and you know it. You're trampling on his Constitutional rights with these threats."
"We're not trampling on anything." I said. "Your client may continue to take the Fifth, and I don't need his protestations of innocence to convince a jury of his peers, such as they are, to convict him of not only the smaller charge... but also the murder charge."
"Oh Jesus Christ, you don't have shit." said the lawyer, his voice barely restraining his anger. "I've explained the photos on my client's behalf. And he let you check the GPS on his vehicle."
"That just shows where his limousine went, not where he went." I said. "No proof he was in the limo at the time."
"For crying out loud," said the lawyer, "his limo driver will testify."
"How well do you pay your limo drivers, Mr. Donolan?" I asked, the insinuation clear. "Pretty damn well, last I checked."
"Can I have a moment to talk with my lawyer, please?" Donolan asked. He was smart enough to have understood where all this was going.
"Sure." said the Chief. "Come on Crowbar, Croyle. Morton, just outside the other door, if you will."
"Yes, Chief." said Morton. He waited until we went into the anteroom, then went out the other door, guarding it.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"Donovan, if you talk now, you can't re-invoke." said the lawyer.
"If I don't tell them about those photos, I might as well be dead." said Donolan.
"Donovan, what happened with that Sean Bailey story? Did you do that?" the lawyer asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I think my people took some of my words a little too literally." said Donolan, not admitting the real truth. He'd been the one to plan the attack on Bailey and have his company's media relations department give it to the Press.
"Okay," said the lawyer. "My advice is to keep silent and let us fight them all the way, tooth and nail, to the last ditch. There is no way in hell they can make this stick. Any of it."
"I hear you." Donolan said. "But I'm going to waive and talk. That Crowbar bastard made it clear they're going to lynch me if I don't. I was warned by some people... some really big People... that if he got pissed off enough, things would go badly. Well, he's pissed, and things are going badly."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"Just you, Commander." said the legal beagle. They'd asked for me to come back into the room alone, which was an affront to Chief Griswold, but he'd acquiesced. Regardless, Senior Patrolman Morton was in the room with me.
"Sorry, gentlemen," I said, explaining Morton, "it's Department policy to have at least two of us in the room. That's for *your* protection, by the way, since one of our former officers, now an SBI agent, liked to beat the shit out of lawyers." I was remembering Ikea's assault on Jeanine Olivet.
"Whatever." said Donolan. "Listen, I'm waiving my Fifth Amendment rights. I am telling you that those photos had been slipped under the front door the morning of the day Trish died. I confronted her about them, which was the argument we had, and then I put them in the safe and went to work. We had a huge Board meeting that day, so I didn't have time to work it out further with Trish. And I never got a chance to, I never saw her again."
I threw up my hands in mock helplessness. "Donolan, you're not giving me a thing, here."
"What *can* I give you?" Donolan said, nearly shouting. "I can't prove a negative. Look, let me put it this way: this is embarrassing to *you* that your photos leaked. And how in the hell could I get them? Aren't they secure?"
"You're a wealthy man, Mr. Donolan." I said, not pointing out Donolan's contradiction in his last two attempts to make points. "One of the most powerful men in the State. You can easily buy things you want, things like those photos."
"And how am I supposed to have known your Police Force even had those photos?" asked Donolan.
"Money talks." I said.
"My client is bring up reasonable doubts, Commander." said the lawyer, groping for something upon which to base a bluff. "Your story is not solid, and won't be in a jury's eyes."
"Harrumph!" I grunted. "Counselor, I know all about 'beyond a reasonable doubt', but juries aren't stupid either. We found the pics in his possession. That's a hardcore fact, it's rock solid, and the Chief of Police was there, for cryin' out loud. You know you have to come up with something strong to counter that solid fact."
I leaned forward a bit for emphasis as I said "And let me be sure you understand: the photos show your wife banging a black stud. You fought with her about it. That's not only probable cause... juries have convicted for murder on less than that. Jealousy... oldest motive in the world."
"Come on, Commander," said Donolan. "You of all people should know that my wife and I loved each other, and that our marriage was strong enough that we had an open relationship, and you know such strong relationships don't change on a dime. Think of your own marriage."
"Oh, if *my* marriage changed on a dime, *I'd* be the one that would come over all dead." I replied, very sure but not worried about it. "But that's beside the point. Yes, Mr. Donolan, I personally might understand... but district attorneys and juries more than likely won't."
"Look, I was in my limo." Donolan said. "People saw me get in, I'm sure there's cameras everywhere that showed my route. I didn't kill my wife, Commander. And the photos: I swear to God they just showed up under the door. Obviously someone wanted me to see them, maybe someone is trying to frame me. Sean Bailey wouldn't be above that, Commander."
"Funny how you keep bringing up Mr. Bailey, Donovan." I said. "Now why is that?" After a pause pregnant with tension, I said "It's time to come correct with that story, Donolan."
"What can I say?" said Donolan. "After the man's wife died, he blamed my wife for her death. His wife was a fucking crack whore, she really was. She went and had sex with other men, died of an overdose, and he wants to blame my wife. He made some ugly accusations, then resigned before I could have him fired. I couldn't stop him from being hired by Crown, but I sure have stopped him from being hired by anyone else that's of any quality, including Lightsource Industries."
"Why?" I asked, just curious. "The man's wife is dead, he's distraught and grieving. And here *you* are, absolutely hell-bent on destroying him, to the point of playing dirty tricks in the Media to attack him. Why?"
"It's how you get to my position, Commander." Donolan said. "When someone fucks with you, you don't just take an eye for an eye; you take out both his eyes and cut off his arms and legs, too. Look at what you've just done to me in retaliation for what you think is my press report about Sean Bailey. You know the deal, Commander, that's why you are where you are."
I tried hard to keep hold of my temper as I replied. "No, I don't beat a man down when his wife is dead and he's near-mad from grief, just for the perverse pleasure of doing it." I said. "And I'll tell you something else, Donolan: your wife *did* deliver Margo Bailey to those pimps when Margo was desperately trying to stay clean. Your wife took her to the clubs where the black drug dealers were, your wife's buddies, maybe your wife's black *lovers*..." I saw Donolan's eyes grow jet with anger... "and they got Margo jacked up on drugs, then raped before she died of the overdose."
I continued, whipped to anger, my eyes boring into the furious CEO's eyes: "Sean Bailey was right about you and your wife, Donolan. He didn't fuck with you, just the opposite. You keep going after him because you *know* he was right when he called you out for being the mean, hateful, dirty little man that you are, Donovan. What you're really trying to destroy... is the exposure of your own evil."
I stood up. "I'll tell you this, Donolan... no, I'm *not* like you... and you're damned fortunate that I'm not like you. If I was, I'd let you stand trial for your wife's murder, not worrying about your guilt or innocence. But, lucky for you, I'm more interested in Justice than in destroying someone for the sake of pure menace."
I walked out of the room and into the anteroom, almost unable to get through the crush of people. I felt pats on my back and whispered 'way to tell him!' comments as the crowd moved like a living organism before finally dispersing down the various hallways. It took some time for the cold feeling in my soul, a feeling of being dead to all but Justice, to die down and for me to relax...
**Part 13 - The Pursuit of Evidence**
Though delayed by the arrest of Donovan Donolan, the Promotions and Medal Ceremonies were conducted in the large auditorium. I had more fun pinning ranks on the promoted individuals than having to stand there as the Chief pinned the Police Star of Gallantry upon my own uniform.
Then, in a surprise, the Mayor walked into the proceedings and presented the Chief with the Police Department Distinguished Service Award, which was only superseded by the Medal of Valor and Police and Fire Crosses. The Chief's award was something of a lifetime achievement award, and I knew that upon his actual retirement he would also be getting the Public Safety Department's Distinguished Service Award. That was like the Defense Department's DSM vs. the Army's DSM. The Council does indeed like to give awards out like candy, I thought to myself, though happy for the Chief's well-deserved accolades.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
As the ceremony was ending and people chatting and dispersing, J.R. Barnes came up to me with one of his young technicians. "Commander, can we talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure." I said. "Let's go to my office."
In my office, J.R. introduced his technician, who was a rookie Police Academy graduate named Bobby Patrick. Patrick's best quality is that he had a degree in Chemistry from the local University.
"Commander," said Patrick, "Technician Barnes and I were talking about our search of the facility the night of the murder. I examined that janitor closet, *and I did take the mop out of the bucket and looked in there.* There was no bag in the bucket, sir."
"*I know.*" I said. "And I apologize for having to say that you'd missed it. I needed that wrong information poured into the right ears, so that culprits would not try to flee the jurisdiction." I told them what had likely really happened, and they understood my subterfuge. I swore them to secrecy on it, also.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
At 2:00pm, November 3d, I went searching for Cindy Ross and was told she was in Classroom 'E'. Indeed she was, and she was looking at the whiteboards and a slew of papers on the table in front of her. And she was not alone: my mother Phyllis was sitting to her left, wearing her Police Auxiliary uniform.
"Hi Don," said Cindy, "I'm just trying to earn that blue crowbar and figure this stuff out."
"You've long since earned the crowbar, my friend." I said, passing behind her back. "Hi, Mom." I said, kissing her on the cheek. "You look gorgeous today."
"Why thank you, Son." Phyllis said. "Lieutenant Ross and I are just looking over all the evidence. It's a very interesting case. I only regret that I did not see the crime scene that night."
"I agree, it would've been good if you were there, Mom." I said. "So, what have you ladies discovered?"
"Myron has found nothing on Sean Bailey, except that Bailey travels a lot." said Cindy. "I'd ascribe that to looking for a job. Otherwise, we have no motive for Sean, and really for no one else except the husband."
"That is true, though I think we have some motives for other people." I said. "I'll point out one thing, though. This was absolutely premeditated. A master key was reproduced, a hiding place for the weapon created. The killer thought ahead of time about having a Tyvex suit for the blood. The killer planned, and planned well, to go back in and re-hide the evidence bag. I see real planning and execution here, and that means that Trish was the target long in advance. What does that suggest to you, ladies?"
"Someone knew her schedule," Cindy replied, "someone knew where she'd be and when, and lay in wait for her. I'd say it was the husband after their fight after he saw the pictures, but this obviously took more time in planning for him to do it in less than a day, pretty much on the spur of the moment."
"Very good, Cindy." said Phyllis. "But I just can't help wondering... if those pictures aren't distracting us. Mr. Donolan could've been planning to kill his wife long before those pictures arrived."
"Nice point." I said. I looked amongst the mess of papers and began collecting the photographs. There were a number from the crime scene, as well as some of the main meeting room, with Investment Club members and police officers milling about.
Just then, Teresa Croyle came in. "Commander, can I borrow Lieutenant Ross for a moment?" Teresa asked. I nodded and Cindy got up and went out.
"Okay, Mom." I said. "Take a look at these two pictures..." My mother looked at them for a long moment... then she got it.
"Oh, of course, I see it." she said. "Yes, I see what you're getting at, Son."
"Yes." I said. "Now we just have to find motive, and some proof. Oh, that reminds me, I need to talk to Myron. I want him to check on the finances of someone who was at the River Valley Country Club the night of Trish Donolan's murder..."
**Part 14 - Evidence Pursuits, Sexual Pursuits**
Tuesday, November 4th. Election Day. At 6:10am I went into the Chief's office. As I entered, he said "Go get some coffee for both of us, and get back in here." I hustled to MCD, filling my large mug and then the Chief's, then hurried back. Yes, I'm the Police Commander... and I still jump when the Chief says to get him coffee.
"So, where are we on the Donolan murder?" the Chief asked when I got back with the mugs of the Elixir of Life, that being coffee.
"Close, sir." I said. "I'm waiting for DNA to get back on the evidence we found, and I hope we hear something today. I'm also waiting for Myron and Mary to research some data. What they find may be the key to solving the riddle."
"So what else are you going to do, besides wait?" the Chief asked.
"I was thinking of going over to the City and interviewing Susan Wexler." I said. "About the Donolan murder, of course. I'm still trying to decide how to approach her showing up in our Vice sting as part of that sex party. I'm thinking I might talk to Britt Maxwell while I'm over there, see what she has to say. Maybe she can look into the Wexler undercover situation, and would know who to get in touch with if there's an issue."
"Not a bad idea, but of course the real reason you're going to see Miss Maxwell is because she's so easy on your eyes." said the Chief, teasing me.
"Oh yes," I said, unperturbed, "and a lot of other men's... and women's." I replied. The Chief peered at me as I drank some coffee, then began drinking his own.
"Well, it's Election Day." said the Chief. "Captain Charles has assigned Patrol Officers to every one of our 30 voting districts, so there should be no trouble."
"No sir." I said, very sure. "But I can't say that about what's going to happen in the Courts tonight if Katherine Woodburn isn't ahead." The Chief peered at me, then drank more coffee.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
7:00am. Another wonderful cup of coffee, and a television visit from Bettina!
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" blared the lovely redheaded reporter. "Today is the day! The Polls are opening right now, and the State Senate race for the 1st District is too close to call. Katherine Woodburn has a one point lead over John Cummings, but that is well within the margin of error. Experts say it's going to go down to the wire. Meanwhile, there are no other races expected to be so close, as Miriam Walters is solidly ahead the County's first election for Solicitor, and Dr. John Quincy Kelly has pulled significantly ahead of incumbent Steven Lester Haines in the Coroner's race."
"Meanwhile, there is no new information on the murder case of Trish Donolan. Her husband, wealthy BigPharmaCorp CEO Donovan Donolan, has been released on his own recognizance after being arraigned for being in custody of police evidence without authorization. The BigPharmaCorp Board of Directors issued a statement expressing their vote of confidence in Donolan, and that no action will be taken until his legal situation is resolved. Meanwhile, as Channel Two News exclusively reported yesterday, Sean Bailey has been cleared by Police of any wrongdoing in the murder of Trish Donolan, and Police Chief Griswold emphasized that Bailey is not a suspect in their investigation. Stay with KXTC Channel Two News for the latest and most accurate news information!"
"You know," Cindy said to me, "we really haven't cleared Bailey as far as hiring someone to do it for him."
"True," I replied, "but if you can find where he paid someone a hundred grand to commit that fantastic crime, you're doing much better than Myron and Mary have been able to do."
Martin Nash said "KSTD has walked back their story about Bailey, but won't formally apologize nor correct the record."
"Withhold my surprise-" I started. I then went into a reverie. A long one.
"Don?" Cindy finally said, gently shaking my shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah..." I said to myself.
"Solving the murder over morning coffee, are we?" Cindy said. "If so, allow me to pour you a fresh cup."
"Please do." I said, holding out my cup. As Cindy filled it, I said "Solving murders is good. Coffee is better."
After sipping from my mug, I said "No, I haven't solved it yet, but what I was thinking about may tie in. I just realized why KSTD went off on Bailey like they did before confirming the story."
I stood up. "Excuse me, folks. I've got to go talk to Myron... and call Jack Muscone."
"I love my job, I love my job, I love my job, I love my job..." Cindy chanted after I'd left. Martin Nash grinned at Cindy's eternal complaint, giving about as big a grin as anyone in MCD had seen from him in some time.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
At 10:45am I entered the FBI office of Jack Muscone in the City.
"How the heck are you, Don?" Jack said. "Glad to see you over in our neck of the woods."
"Thanks, Jack." I said, sitting down in the chair to which he pointed. "So how have you been doing?"
"Not too bad, personally and professionally." he said. "My team's been working on finishing up the rogue CIA cell. They had a lot more tentacles than we realized, and your discovery of Alicia Foster and her husband Spence tore open new holes for us to look into, with some positive results. And something along those lines is why you're here now, isn't it?"
"Of course." I said. "Did you look into the industrial espionage angle I suggested?"
"Yes and no." said Muscone. "We started to, and then my boss suggested that was something our FBI Consultant could research in his spare time and get paid for doing it."
"I'm already doing it, and keeping track of the hours." I said. "Both the Alicia Foster case and the one before it, the Diane Lang murder case, have something behind them."
"What's that? CIA associates?" Jack asked, intentionally getting in a dig at the other Federal service.
"No, I'm the one sleeping with one of those." I said. "No, it's even worse than the Company... it's the lawyers. Those weren't just local legal beagles defending those ladies, but real legal firepower, 'expensive-as-all-get-out' kind of firepower. Atkins had a high power attorney behind him, also, and Spence Foster's wasn't shabby."
I continued: "As to the murder of Trish Donolan that I'm working on now, there's pre-planning and bold execution behind the killer's actions. And in that, I'm sensing that same presence lurking in the background."
"We heard about the Donolan case." said Muscone. "The boys in Washington have been getting an earful about it, wanting us to get involved in it, or get the SBI into it. Of course it's your case all the way, and I don't know why they're interested."
"It's because the dead woman's husband is the CEO of BigPharmaCorp, not one of the really big 'Big Boyz', but on the second tier. And the Big Boyz are scared shitless about the whole thing, especially after I had Donolan arrested after he pulled a dirty trick. Also, our Vice squad had a drug sting going, and we got some pictures of Trish Donolan and our drug suspects from the City fucking their brains out... and the pictures ended up in Donolan's hands."
"Fancy that." said Muscone. "You didn't do that, did you? Send the prick those pics?" I smiled. Muscone was not the dumbest rock in the box by any means.
"You're pretty sharp, no matter what everyone else says about you." I needled Jack. "No, it wasn't me. But what was interesting, and the reason I'm in the City: another woman, who is a member of the Investment Club that was meeting when Trish Donolan was killed, was caught in our Vice sting getting her brains fucked out. Her name is City Police Captain Susan Wexler. Know her?"
"Vaguely." said Jack. "We might've been introduced, but I don't really know her. I've heard about her, though. She's one of the City Police Department's highest people. She'd be a lot higher, Inspector or Assistant Commissioner, but she resisted being promoted into paper-pusher jobs."
"I'm going to meet her today." I said. "Interview her about the Donolan case, and maybe see if I can glean a glimpse into why she was featured in my Vice Squad's dirty pictures. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that there is a significant brain behind the Donolan case. I'll send you our collected data, and maybe you guys can find a connection to something bigger."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
I was escorted through City Police Headquarters by Detectives Robin Ventura and Thomas "Sapper" Warren. It took a bit of time, as many officers had heard my name and wanted to be introduced. I bore these necessities; who knows when I might need any or all of these people on my side and working with or for me in the future...
Finally I made it to the branch in Vice that I was seeking, and to the office of Captain Susan Wexler.
A lovely sight greeted me as I went into the office. Susan Wexler was in her forties. Her hair was a frazzle of black curls with a touch of gray around the ears. Her body was firm and toned, and very shapely with larger-than-average breasts and an hourglass shape that led to hips that flared out just a bit. She was wearing pants over her high heel matte black pumps, but I'd seen the photos and knew her legs were smoking hot.
"Commander, please, have a seat." she said after Robin Ventura introduced me and then withdrew.
"Tell you what." I said. "I'll drop the ranks if you will. Deal?"
"Sure... Don." Susan said, smiling brightly as she sized me up with her roving eyes.
"Thank you... Susan." I said. "Now I'm wondering if our conversation would be more pleasant over a cup of coffee at the coffee shop across the street.
"You're reading my mind." said Captain Wexler. "However, I have a better idea in mind, and a more private location to talk..."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Susan drove me to the Marriott Grande Hotel. "We have room 609 reserved at all times for undercover operations." she said.
"I like the sound of that..." I said suggestively. "Under covers." Susan smiled.
Once inside the room, we sat at the table by the window, which afforded a nice view of the western part of the City and its suburbs.
"I'm here about the Trish Donolan murder." I said. "I know you are a member of the County Ladies Investment Club, and I wanted to get your perspective on what happened there when Mrs. Donolan was killed."
"To be honest, I had no idea what was going on, and still don't." said Susan. "Since I was out of jurisdiction I just held back and let you and your guys do the work. Your officers found my gun very quickly. I showed them my carry permit instead of my badge so that I would stay incognito as a police officer. I never know when I might go undercover, nor where, so its best they don't know who I am. I'm assuming that's why you're here doing this interview one-on-one?"
"That's one reason." I said, not really masking my intentions toward this hot older woman. "But it's a wise precaution. By the way, if you do any undercover operations in my County, please at least let me or my Vice Lieutenant know, so that there won't be any problems. I'm not asking for more than need-to-know, but we do need to know if you're there. And you're not doing anything in our part of the State right now, are you?"
"No, we have no operations going on in your County right now." said Susan. "Neither does the State, as much as Jack Lewis wants to do something and fuck you guys over."
"I'm sure he does." I said, noting not only the distraction of mentioning the SBI Director, but also noting Susan's denial of conducting any operations in our County. "So your only visit to our County recently has been for the Investment Club meeting?"
"That's right." said Susan. "Though I came over the night before and spent the night at your University Hotel. Better than this place, for sure."
"So how well did you know Trish Donolan?" I asked.
"Not particularly well." Susan said. "Mostly as a member of the Club. She and her husband came to the City for receptions and such stuff which I also attended." Now I knew she was withholding the truth from me, but was the reason legitimate, I wondered to myself.
I said "Would you mind recounting how the body was found?"
Susan replied "We were back from our break, and I'd been talking to Carol Carlington, who also lives here in the City now, when someone asked where Trish was. Cat Clausen said she'd go look for Trish and put down her handbag and went into the breakroom area. Then we heard a scream and we all rushed in. Cat had found Trish's body in the bathroom."
"I'm sure that with your police experience and training, you took a lightning inventory of the crime scene." I said. "Anything unusual pop out at you?"
"Only that Trish had been leaned against the door, and when Cat opened the door Trish fell out of it and so she was halfway in the bathroom and halfway in the breakroom. I remember thinking at the time that 'that was some trick by the murderer to lean her body against the door like that'. Other than that, I saw nothing unusual. No one had tracked any blood anywhere on the floor or anything like that."
"You're right." I said. "We didn't find anything like that."
"I don't envy you, by the way." said Susan, getting up out of her chair. "This is going to be a really tough case to solve. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go powder my nose. Make yourself more comfortable, Don." I watched as Susan strutted to the bathroom, her words giving me... and my loins... a surge of hope that something *good* was about to happen.
While she was in the bathroom, I took out my little bug-detecting device and used it. The room was bugged to the hilt, which was no surprise if City Vice was keeping the room on retainer, but fortunately none of the devices were being used right now.
"So, Don..." I heard Susan's voice say. "How's this for a police uniform?" I turned and almost gasped in shock.
Susan was wearing her high heel pumps and what looked like sheer black stockings until I realized they were finely woven fishnet stockings. The stockings were connected and held up by a garter belt, and a nice patch of thick black pubic bush was gloriously exposed. Above that, Susan was wearing a button-down shirt, opened, exposing her luscious breasts. I could see blue veins criss-crossing along her breasts, and that somehow turned me on as much as the large dark nipples standing proudly on her tits.
"I definitely approve." I said going up to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Our lips met in a warm kiss, then a second kiss that turned into a deep, tongue-twining kiss.
"I heard you were a party animal." Susan said breathlessly as she felt my crotch, not missing my hardening cock. "Why don't you get out of your clothes and let's do some real under-cover work, yes?"
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
We were lying on top of the bed in a sweaty heap, cuddling and kissing. Our sexual liaison had been intensely hot. After eating her pussy and feeling her warm mouth suck me to iron-hardness, I had deeply fucked Susan in the missionary position, enjoying the feeling of her legs wrapped around me, the fishnet stocking sliding against my thighs, hips and sides. Susan had been a very active participant, moving her hips to match my thrusts, giving as good as she was getting it. It was not long before I was climaxing, emptying my balls into her snug snatch.
We then enjoyed a long, slow, deep fuck. I had taken a 'gray viagra', and felt that my stamina was good as I pumped the older woman beneath me. I have a thing for older women, and Susan Wexler was one incredible mature hottie. She expertly and deeply kissed me as we lustily mated, and I could tell she was extremely experienced in the sex department.
"I'll have to invite you to some of our parties here." Susan said as we cuddled. "My friends would love getting fucked by you... if you're into that sort of thing. Are you into the swinging and orgy scene in that rockin'-hot University town?"
"I'm sure I could be persuaded to be." I said, realizing what information Susan was probing for, but not giving it to her. She was trying in roundabout fashion to determine how much I knew about *her* sexual exploits, which I had deliberately concealed from her while interviewing her about Trish. Susan was a strong adversary, I could tell.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Before leaving the City, I stopped in to chat with Inspector Britt Maxwell of the SBI, making sure that I was not followed. I told Britt everything about Susan Wexler being in Town and fucking the black guys with Trish, and wondering if Susan was on an undercover mission, a dirty cop, or just having some good sexual fun. Britt said she'd look into it very discreetly, and would give me any information she found out... after she and I had some good sexual fun, of course.
I couldn't stay and take Britt to dinner though, and she understood: I had to go back to Town for the Election results...
**Part 15 - Election Night**
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the lovely redhead reporterette into her microphone from outside City Hall. She was dressed up, showing just a bit more cleavage, wearing just a bit of extra jewelry, her hair made up just a bit more, as if the news she was reporting was a really big deal... oh yeah, it really *was* a really big deal.
"It's 7:01pm and the polls are just closing in the County." Bettina reported. "At this time we can announce that Channel Two News projects the winner of the Sheriff's election will be Lieutenant Daniel Allgood of the Town & County Police Force!"
A cheer erupted in our room. We were in Daniel's hotel suite near the top of the University Hotel, and one of the ballrooms on the first floor had been rented for the victory party. John Cummings had rented rooms on the other end of the Hotel. Katherine Woodburn was at the Hyatt Hotel north of Town. In our room was Daniel and Melina, myself and Laura, Chief Griswold and his wife, and Martin Nash and Sandra Speer. Others would be coming in within the hour.
"Congratulations, Boss." I said, shaking Daniel's hand.
"Hey, this was all your doing, buddy." he replied.
"Yeah," I said in mock fear, "I dragged you into this, and now you'll be taking it out on me." Daniel and the Chief laughed heartily.
"Hmmm," said Melina, who was sitting next to Laura on the sofa next to ours. "So my husband is now my ex-hubby's boss." She rubbed her hands together as she cackled "Moohahahahaha!" The gleam in her eye was one I knew well from eight years of marriage to her, and I knew it required a retaliatory response.
"Yes, my dear," I replied, "but my wife is *your* boss, not to mention big sister, and I might can't kick your ass, but she can."
"I'm staying out of this one." said Laura, getting up to hug Daniel. "Congratulations, Daniel."
Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Mrs. Griswold opened it and was almost knocked down as John 'Jack' Colby burst into the room.
"You got the news on?" Colby said breathlessly. We all turned to the TV as Colby said "Nance is holding the polls open, but only in the black districts!"
"This is KXTC Channel Two News with a breaking story!" cried out Bettina. "Let's go straight to Brian Jennings. Brian, whaddya got?"
Brian Jennings, who was in reality within sight of Bettina on the other end of Courthouse Square, came onto the screen. His hair was brown-black, slightly graying at the edges. He tried to look distinguished in his suit, but came across as if he was looking down his long nose at you. His voice was condescending, and he talked as if he were better than you, knew more than you did, and wanted to make sure you knew that his word was your gospel.
Jennings began his report. "Bettina, I'm here at the Courthouse, where Superior Court Judge Harry 'Spud' Nance has just granted a motion to keep the polls in the Town's 2nd and 3d Districts, and only those districts, open for at least one more hour. The NAACP had filed a request with the Court, saying technical glitches had caused voting problems in the primarily Black districts, and that Black voters were being disenfranchised of their voting rights."
"That's a load of horse shit!" exclaimed the very red-faced Jack Colby as the rest of us watched.
Jennings continued, "Lawyers for John Cummings' State Senate Campaign have appealed to both the State Appellate Court and the Federal Court. The State Appellate Court has flatly denied the Cummings Campaign appeal, stating that this election is about more than just his race, and the County Republicans have not yet joined the Cummings Campaign appeal. The Federal Court has not yet ruled either way, waiting to hear what the County Republican Party wants to do about it. Meanwhile, both parties are complaining of harassment of their poll watchers at several polling stations, and lawyers for both parties are gearing up for legal challenges. Back to you, Bettina!"
"Don," said Jack Colby, his baritone voice quivering with anger, but also fear, "you gotta do something. They're flat out trying to steal the election from John Cummings. It's neck-and-neck, and I mean it literally when I say that a dozen votes might decide that thing."
"Mr. Colby," I said quietly, "what would you have me do? I'm a police officer, not a poll watcher."
"You can go down to City Hall, where they're counting the ballots." said Colby. "Watch and make sure they're not cheating."
I sighed. "Mr. Colby," I said, "not even Chief Griswold or the Mayor can go into there without a warrant. I'm serious. It's sealed off. If I were to go in there without a warrant, I'd be arrested myself. You're the one who has to lead this fight; my hands are tied, and all the more so because I'm a cop."
"And you predicted this would happen, too." said Colby, remembering. "Did you talk to the Elections people?"
"I sure did." I said. "But there's nothing more I can do, but wait and watch like everyone else. You might want to talk to D.A. Krasney."
"Well, I guess I better go see what I can do." said Colby. "Oh, congratulations, Daniel!" he said, striding up to Daniel and quickly shaking his hand.
"And you,too, Councilman Colby." said Daniel, but it was practically to Colby's back as he hurried out.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Thirty minutes later, I was admitted to the suite of John Cummings by his cousin Joanne Cummings, who happened to be one of my Detectives. I found a room alive with a low hum of chatter, anxious but not yet frantic.
"Hi, John." I said, stepping up to Cummings and shaking his hand. He looked depressed.
"Hi Don." he said. "I was going to try to pop over and congratulate your brother-in-law on his Sheriff win, then this came up."
"How's it looking?" I asked.
"Bad." said a voice behind me. Then Cummings' campaign manager came into my sight. "It's going to be at least midnight, but it looked like we'd win by about 200 votes out of 70,000 or so cast in the County. But this corrupt judge is going to steal the election for Woodburn!" His face was red with anger.
"Don, anything you can do? Oh... here, sit down by me." John Cummings said, his voice an open plea. Joanne Cummings was watching, almost forgetting to breathe.
"I'm afraid not." I said, sitting down to Cummings's left side. "It's in the hands of the lawyers and the Courts now, no matter who wins." I then sat down next to Cummings and said in a voice only he could hear. "John, even if you win the vote count, they'll find a way for Woodburn to win in the recount, or they'll find away to disallow some of your votes. The Democrats' lawyers are already laying the groundwork for it."
"Why? Why can't they just let the People decide by the vote?" Cummings asked, his voice exasperated. "ANDREW!" he called out.
A handsome man in an expensive suit strode up. "Oh, Andrew, this is Police Commander Donald Troy. Don, this is Andrew Cardigan, who is heading my legal team."
"Good to meet you, Commander." Cardigan said. "Can I have a moment with Mr. Cummings?"
"You can speak in front of Don." said Cummings. The lawyer did not look happy about it, but acquiesced, sitting down on Cummings' other side.
"We're trying to get in touch with the County Republican office." Cardigan said. "They're saying they're busy, running around like chickens with their heads cut off and will get back to us. To be honest, John, I don't think they're going to call us back."
"I can understand the Democrats, but why are the Republicans not helping me?" said Cummings. Cardigan looked at me.
"Because you're a Conservative, Mr. Cummings." I replied. "The Republicans hate Conservatives like you more than anything else. They'd rather the Democrat win than a true Conservative win." The look of shock on not only the two men's faces, but of everyone else who had heard my words, would've been priceless if it weren't for the open pain on their faces as they realized the truth of my words.
I also knew I wasn't too popular in that room at the moment. My cell phone saved me by ringing loudly. I took the call, which was from Laura, ordering me back to Daniel's rooms.
"Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me," I said, "I'll see what I can do on my end, and let you guys get back to work."
"If you go down to Republican Headquarters with your crowbar, it might help." said Cardigan.
"If I do that, Mr. Cardigan," I said, "I'll be indicted for murder tomorrow morning. I'm as mad as you about this. Good luck to you." I exited the room.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
When I got back to Daniel's suite, I found the room chock-full of people, and it was loud and noisy... until I walked through the door, whereupon silence was instantaneous.
"What?" I asked. "I'm not wearing a Wildcats jersey." The joke fell flat.
"What's the word over in Cummings's room?" asked T&C Councilwoman Dagmar Schoen, breaking the tension and silence.
"They're anxious." I said. "The County Republicans aren't joining their lawsuits, nor returning their calls."
"Don," Daniel Allgood said, taking charge. "The Media's pushing us for me to give my victory speech as soon as possible. I can understand; they really want to concentrate on the State Senate story. So I've given them 8:15. I'd like for you and Laura to be on the stage with us."
"Sure." I said. Just then my mother Phyllis appeared next to me.
"Hi, Mom." I said, then remembered. "Mom- who's keeping the kids?"
"Oh, Lieutenants Croyle and Ross, Son." my mom replied. "It seems they have discovered that volunteering to babysit the Commander's children gets them out of mundane police tasks like guarding Election stations and patrol duties."
I laughed. "Good on them." I said. "They're definitely as smart as they are beautiful."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Daniel had his crowd whipped up with cheers as he thanked them for their hard work on his behalf, Melina standing beside him looking lovely in her black and white dress. He then brought Chief Griswold up to the podium and said "Although we've won this race, I'm sorry that I'm losing this great police officer to retirement. Everyone give Chief Griswold a huge, well-deserved round of applause!" The room shook with thunderous applause, which caused the Chief to blush under his mustaches. It was a very nice gesture on Daniel's part, I thought.
As I stood with several other campaign people on the stage behind Daniel, I scanned the room. Near the very back, I noticed the head of ash-blonde hair at the back of the room. It was the tall figure of Henry R. Wargrave, watching the proceedings. I could make out his wife standing beside him.
"Okay everyone, enjoy the rest of the evening, and let's get ready for four years serving our County!" Daniel said, concluding his remarks. The cameras followed the Allgoods as they left the stage and mingled with the guests, the men in suits and the women in dresses, all having a good time. As soon as it was possible, I broke away from my group and went searching for the Wargraves. But they had left already.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Judge Harry 'Spud' Nance allowed the polls in the primarily Black districts to close around 8:30pm, an hour and a half after every other district's voting booths had closed. The crowd in Daniel's rooms had thinned out. The well-wishers making their rounds, such as the Mayor and his wife, had visited, congratulated, and moved on.
At 12:45am, early on November 5th, Bettina came on the air, sitting behind the KXTC News Desk. "This is Bettina Wurtzburg with the latest updates. With 98% of precincts reporting, we can project that Miriam Walters has won the Solicitor's post, and Dr. John Quincy Kelly will be the County's next Coroner. District Attorney Krasney will continue to represent The People in the County's courtrooms, and the entire Town & County Council was re-elected comfortably. Mayor Larry Vaughan is the People's Choice to continue in that post. And of course, Daniel Allgood was declared the winner of the important Sheriff's race before the evening had hardly gotten started."
"The only race left undecided is for State Senate from the 1st District. Wait!- Ladies and Gentlemen, we have breaking news! Brian Jennings is reporting from our election headquarters. Brian!"
"Yes, Bettina," said Jennings, smiling broadly as his face came onto the screen. "Channel Two News can now project that Katherine Woodburn will be the next State Senator from the 1st District! With 100% of all precincts reporting in the Senate District, Ms. Woodburn has a 700 vote lead over radical TEA Party Extremist John Cummings. It appears the People have rejected the extremism of John Cummings and elected Ms. Katherine Woodburn, who was a late entrant into the race after the death of Senator Nathan Allen!"
"Brian, do you have any breakdown of the numbers, especially of those districts that remained open?"
"Yes, Bettina, we do!" Jennings said, smiling even more broadly. "Ms. Woodburn won by around 700 votes, and reports are that about 950 votes were cast in the extra time in those precincts that were ordered to stay open by Court decree. Nearly all of those votes were cast for Ms. Woodburn, once again a total rejection of John Cummings and his extremist TEA Party views. Back to you, Bettina!"
"Thank you, Brian!" Bettina said. "Let's go to Amber Harris at County Republican Headquarters."
"This is Amber Harris, KXTC Channel Two Evening News!" said the attractive blonde. She was smiling very happily as she said "I've just gotten word from the County Republican Party that they will not join the appeals nor any recount requests of TEA Party Extremist John Cummings, and it is the official position of the County Republican Party to accept the results that are being announced at this hour. Back to you, Bettina!"
I didn't get to hear what Bettina had to say next, as the Chief got up and turned off the television set, his face inscrutable but seemingly aged. Just then my cellphone rang, and Laura's began chiming a split-second later. After hearing what was said, I hung up. I looked at Laura, who just nodded.
"Guys, Laura and I have to go." I said. "My phone call was from Cindy Ross. Her sister Molly has gone into labor, and they're going to the hospital now."
*To be continued.*
**You now have all the clues. Who murdered Trish Donolan? And why?
The solution, and the happy results of Molly's labor, are coming up in the next chapter...** |
Matt & I Ch. 04 | 79,604 | 4.52 | 441,131 | [
] | *Please read Matt and I, chapters 1, 2, and 3 before reading this chapter. This is fiction in its purest form.*
Dinner that night was almost as usual. I say almost, as Matt was quieter than usual and Harry dominated the discussion with Mike about the Army and his deployment. I could see that Matt was confused, concerned, and taken back by the day's events. I couldn't go to him like I wanted, hold him, comfort him, and touch him. Angie also sensed the mood and did her best to liven the conversation. As best I could tell Harry did not suspect a change in mood, he was just happy to have his family around.
Harry had to rise early the next day so he excused himself at his normal bed time. Matt too disappeared leaving the three of us sitting in silence neither sure of what to say or even if there was need to say anything.
I tried my best to sleep, laying there listening to Harry's snoring, but my mind whirled like a shiny ball in a dance hall. So many thoughts, Matt, Mike, Angie, and even her family clouded any chance for sleep. I slipped on my robe and slippers and started down the hall. Angie was coming from the bathroom and we met. "How about a cup of tea?"
She followed me to the kitchen and I began heating water. We spoke little until the tea was made and we sat at the table in the dim light from the stove. I could see her soft young face in that light, the softness of her lips, her beautiful blue eyes. I had never looked at a woman this way that is admiring the beauty but worse thinking what it would be like to be kissed by those young soft lips. Even more startling to me was that I had never looked at Angie like this before. I had looked at her, but never into her as I was now. Her eyes met mine as I was looking at her and she smiled. "Would you like more tea?"
She nodded and passed her cup to me. As I was heating the water again I felt her move behind me. Her arms went around me and I could feel her body pressing against me and I turned in her arms. She stood perhaps 3 inches taller; she bent forward and put her lips to mine. I didn't know how the kiss would feel but it was wonderful, so soft, so touching, then so demanding as our lips parted and our tongues were dancing inside the passionate embrace. I surrendered to her, to whatever she wanted, to whatever she wanted from me.
She reached behind me and turned off the stove then led me to the den. We stood at the sofa where she untied my robe and let it fall to the floor then lifted my gown above my head and tossed it aside. I helped her as she removed her robe and gown and I marveled at the taut firm body of the girl/woman in front of me. We kissed again and our bodies pressed together, soft flesh against hardening nipples, legs touching, toes moving in a strange dance, and our hands feeling, touching, groping and demanding more.
She pressed me back onto the sofa and began suckling at my breasts; my somewhat sagging breasts with big nipples and she took the time to taste, suck, nip, and adore each one, then moved back to my mouth to kiss me once again. My hands flew to her breasts fondling her smaller nipples that grew hard beneath my palms. In my career I had given mammograms, helping and touching many breasts, but not like this, no not like this, never exciting me until now.
When she broke the kiss she urged me onto my back and she lowered herself between my now outstretched legs. I could feel her breath on my stomach and her tongue as she moved beneath the triangle of unshaven hair to taste my most private part. She licked upward from the bottom of my vagina then inside my opening, darting her tongue in and out, then up until she was at my clitoris. She licked, nipped, sucked, and made circles around it and I began to cum. My orgasm was unlike any I had before, even unlike the wonderful orgasms Matt had given me. And, oh yes, once again I moved into that darkness, that place where neither time nor space exists, and I could feel my body pushing up against her mouth as I shuddered and came in a quiet explosion.
She held me as I came down from the top of that climactic moment, begin to breathe normally and return to the present. "Angie, I've never felt like this before" I whispered to her. "I'm, I'm not sure what to do honey."
She kissed me and I could taste the tart juices of my vagina and my orgasm. "Just do what you feel like. If you don't feel like doing anything, that's fine too."
I was in a nervous state, unsure of what to do or even if I wanted to do it, but I wanted to explore this new feeling, this new state of excitement. I slid from beneath her and replaced myself above her, edging down until I was between her legs. Her clean shaven vagina was now before my eyes in the dim light and I just stared. I put my tongue to the hood that hid her clitoris and there was no taste, only the sensation of my tongue against her flesh, against her clitoris. I began manipulating the hood, then licking harder, and with more insistence until I could feel her body moving beneath me. I licked the hard clit as it grew and she came, exuding the tangy woman fluids that filled my mouth and covered my chin; she softly moaned as she pushed against my face and mouth.
I moved to her, kissed her, and shared her own secretions with her. Then we held each other in a naked warm embrace for a long time. Neither of us spoke, we just held each other. "We should go to bed" I urged and she agreed as we dressed and made our way to our respective bedrooms.
I didn't know if Mike had been aware of our liaison but Harry continued to snore and sleep soundly. It took some time for me to doze into a satisfied slumber. There were many thoughts still dancing in my head but one curiosity had been sated, very well sated.
Harry had his breakfast and left for work, the words were few, as normal, only to say he would work half a day on Christmas Eve. Christmas, three days away, two days alone with Mike and Angie, no days alone with Matt and a lot of things left to do.
Matt came up from the basement dressed in his scrubs. "Do you have to work Christmas Eve?" I asked hoping the answer would be no.
"No. We're going to be closed that day. Not sure, but I think we're closing early the 23rd as well. Are you OK?" He cocked his head as he looked at me, questioning me.
"Yeah, no, but yeah, I'm OK."
"I uh, I don't have to go to work for another hour, I just wasn't sure if Mike and Angie were up. I uh, I would like you to, uh, that is if you want to, uh –"
I looked at the sparkling eyes of my beautiful son and the childish look he had on his face, the look of when he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Come with you?"
I asked before he could finish.
"Uh huh."
I followed him to the basement where I have an office and we have a spare living suite. I watched as he quickly removed his scrubs; his beautiful cock was already at full attention leaving no doubt as to what he wanted. I quickly dropped my robe and pulled my gown over my head and before he could move I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. He began to moan as I slid his cock and bulging head between my lips and as far into my mouth as I could stand. I cupped his testicles and sucked him.
"I don't want you to cum yet" I scolded as I stood then laid back on his bed. "I want you in me. Fuck me!" I had never used that word with him before as I rarely ever say or think it. But right then I wanted him inside me; I wanted him to pound me, to take me, to press me into the bed with each push. He quickly entered me, sliding into my already wet tunnel and burying his cock completely inside me. I threw my arms around his virile young body and my legs around his to push his body as far into me as he would go. He didn't disappoint me.
He rode me hard, pressing into me then withdrawing only to lunge back into me. I was in heaven enjoying my son's cock, enjoying my son's attack on my vagina, enjoying the orgasm I could feel pending. Then it came, the pleasant and wonderful darkness of my orgasm, that spinning of my body into space, and the warmth that spreads from my toes and tingles throughout me. As I was coming down I felt his cock harden more then shoot his semen into me. He held me tight and pressed himself as far into me as he could as he finished unloading his young semen. I almost came again from the feel of him and I enjoyed his climax.
He was still inside me as he raised himself on his arms and looked at me. "You've never said that before. Not that I can remember anyway."
"Never said what honey?"
"Fuck me! You said it a while ago."
"Oh, that. Yeah, you're right, I said it. I'm, I'm sorry baby; it's something I don't normally say but I wanted and needed you so badly. Do you forgive me?"
"There's nothing to forgive. I had just never heard you use that word before, even when you were mad at Dad or hurt yourself working in the yard. It just surprised me, that's all. You can use it anytime you want. My ears aren't virgin either."
We laughed as he withdrew from me and lay beside me. He stroked my breasts and made the nipples stand tall. He leaned over to suck first one then the other and his hand rubbed my somewhat round belly and then my legs and his fingers slid between my wet vaginal lips saturated with his cum. I reached between us, feeling for his cock, it was growing again.
"Your cock, it's –"
He just groaned "yeah" as he moved atop me again and unceremoniously pushed himself inside me. I was amazed, surprised, and a willing participant in yet another love making session with him. This one lasted longer for him, pleasantly so, as he brought me to two quaking orgasms before he finally came.
My legs were shaking but my body was so wonderfully fulfilled. I didn't want him to leave, just to lay beside me, hold me, tell me how much he loved me, be my lover and my beautiful son. But he had to shower and go to work.
On somewhat wobbly legs I made my way to the stairs. I turned to see him enter the shower, his taut firm butt, his strong legs, and I wanted to join him, but thought better of it. I made my way upstairs to see Mike sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.
"Good morning Mom."
I waited for him to crack some kind of joke or make some statement that would allude to Matt and me making love, but he didn't.
"Morning son. Have, have you been up long?"
"Long enough to make coffee. The pot was on but the coffee had gotten stale, to I made some fresh. Can I get you a cup?"
"No, no, not right now. I'm going to shower and get dressed. I, uh, I have a lot to do today; you know, getting things together and all." Mike surprised me; he didn't say anything catty or snide. He usually has some remark lurking inside his head that has to come out, often at the most inappropriate time. Perhaps he didn't know about, well, about things that happened.
Angie was coming from the bedroom as I made my way down the hall. She stopped me, holding my arm softly. "Are you OK? You look weary?"
"Yes honey, I'm fine. I guess I didn't get much sleep so I'm a little tired, that's all."
She patted my hand, "I hope I wasn't the cause of you being tired" she said in a whisper.
I just shook my head and left her. I needed a shower, I needed to think, I needed to plan how to handle the hours or days ahead, and I needed to plan how to tell Mike that as much as I love him I didn't want him for a lover. This wasn't going to be easy since I had enjoyed Angie so much.
To Be Continued. |
Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 05 | 22,312 | 4.75 | 968,801 | [
"hot wife",
"big cock",
"police drama",
"crime drama",
] | *The chronological order of my stories is as follows:
Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa's Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series.
The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-5.
Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.
This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.*
**Part 16 - Please To Remember...**
*"Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!"*
I would have great reason to remember Guy Fawkes Day, but due to a much happier occasion.
I got to the hospital to find Cindy in the waiting room. Laura was changing into scrubs, exercising her privileges of being on Staff at the hospital to help with what was about to happen.
"They took her into the delivery room." Cindy said. "They wouldn't let me go in with her since I'm not the father. I called our parents. They're still in Canada; we weren't expecting this for another week or two."
"I hear you. I'll stay here with you, then, being the father notwithstanding." I said. We waited, watching the late night coverage of the election on the TV, talking about what had happened in the State Senate race. At 2:45 am, Laura came out to see us.
"Congratulations, it's a boy!" she said. "He came out about 15 minutes ago. Mother and son are doing very well. Let them finish their initial work and put Molly in a room, and you both can go in and see them."
It was another hour, but once we got into the room we saw a very happy Molly holding her newborn baby, who was wrapped in a light blue swaddling cloth and wearing a blue toboggan cap on his little head. Molly was going to hand my new son to me, but I suggested she let Cindy hold her new nephew first. Cindy was near tears herself as she held the baby. I kissed Molly as I congratulated her and she congratulated me back.
"So, what is his name?" I asked.
"I was thinking about that." Molly said. "He sure as hell is not going to be named 'Evans'." Molly was referring to her married name, and though she hadn't dropped it, she still didn't think enough of her ex-husband to grant that name to her child. "So I was thinking his last name would be 'Troy', if you're okay with that, Don."
"Okay?" I said, "It's more than 'okay'; I'd be honored!"
"Good!" said Molly, grinning, "since I already put it on the birth certificate. His first name is Ross, and our mother's maiden name is McAlister. How does 'Ross McAlister Troy' sound?"
"Sounds very Irish to me. He'll fit right in at the Cop Bar." I said as Cindy handed little Ross to me. He was a good-looking, blue-eyed redhead like his daddy, and I felt the same emotion of holding him as I'd felt when holding baby Jim after he'd been born.
"What, can't name a male child 'Cindy'?" Cindy Ross said, teasing. "Seriously, it sounds good. I called Mom and Dad, they're probably preparing to come down now."
"I called them, too, as soon as I was put into the room." Molly said. "They're going to meet me in Midtown after I'm released from the hospital here."
"Whaaa---" Cindy said, obviously shocked by the news.
"I told them to come here." Molly said, her face a look of resignation. "But they insisted on going there, saying I had a guest room for them there, and they can see the new house as well as the new baby."
"Like The Cabin is too small for them?" I asked. The look in Molly's eyes as she glanced at me told me everything.
"Well!" Cindy said. "Congratulations, Molly, he's a beautiful boy. I'll step outside and leave you two alone with him." Before either of us could stop her, Cindy fled the room.
"Hoo boy." I said.
"Yep, you understand." Molly said. Just then the beautiful black woman Nurse Jones came into the room with other hospital staff.
"Okay, Commander," Nurse Jones said, "you know the drill by now. Tests to run, mother and son need sleep, you probably need some, too."
"Yes, I do know the drill, happily enough." I said. I handed the baby to the other nurse, who took him over to take more body measurements. I kissed Molly and told her I'd visit later that day, after solving the Donolan murder once and for all, then left the room.
I found Cindy in the waiting room, with Laura comforting her. I sat down on my partner's other side. "You okay?" I asked.
"I guess." Cindy said said, as Laura excused herself. "They're not coming here because they don't want to meet Jenna, aren't they? And I thought... after they came down after I got shot, that everything was better."
"Well," I said, "I'm not going to try to speak to their intent. I think they don't really want to see me either. They're devout, practicing Catholics, aren't they?" Cindy nodded, and I said "Well, I'm sure they're going to love their grandson, but their daughter having a bastard child by a married man probably isn't going over too well with them, either."
"Nice try." Cindy said, refusing to be mollified (pun not intended). "But we all know they don't want me introducing my new girlfriend to them. Why can't they just accept me as I am?"
"They do, and they showed it when they came down here while you were in the hospital last summer. They love you, and they love you for who you are as an individual and as their daughter. But they're not ready for your girlfriend. I replied, knowing that I was probably the only person in the world who could tell Cindy this truth without being ripped apart, and it was my duty to do so. "You want them to accept you as you are, but you have to meet them halfway and accept them for what they are... as not ready to handle you being a lesbian. You want them to change, they want you to change, and neither of you are going to change."
"You're right." Cindy said. "It still hurts, though."
Just then Teresa Croyle bounded into the room. "Hey, congratulations!" she said, about as happy as I'd seen Teresa possibly be. I took the opportunity to excuse myself, letting Cindy explain to, and be comforted by, her friend.
**Part 17 - An Interdicted Arrest**
"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" blared the lovely but tired-looking reporterette. "After a hotly contested election, Katherine Woodburn has been declared the winner of the State Senate race. TEA Party candidate John Cummings not only is refusing to concede, he is demanding a recount and his campaign is already preparing lawsuits over the results."
"However, their appeal of Judge Harry Nance's decision to let heavily Democrat districts, and those districts only, be left open has been flatly denied by the Appellate Court, and the Federal Court refuses to accept the case because the County and State Republican Parties refuse to join the lawsuits. The Republicans have brutally betrayed Mr. Cummings, leaving the Republican candidate as well as many citizens deeply angry at the seeming collusion between the Republican and Democrat Parties in installing Katherine Woodburn as the 1st District State Senator."
As a ranking Police Officer, I thought to myself, I had an obligation to outwardly be a political atheist... but right now I was disgusted with both political parties and the whole election process, especially seeing that it was the *Republicans* doing all they could to defeat Conservatives. With 'friends' like the Republicans, who needs enemies? I thought to myself. Sheesh.
Oh well, enough on politics. Time to get my ass in gear and bring Justice on behalf of the late Trish Donolan...
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
At 10:00am, I arrived at River Valley Country Club, with FBI Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone, FBI Special Agent Eduardo Escobar, Sergeant Rudistan, Senior Patrolman Morton, and Patrol Officers Johnson and Inga Gunddottar.
"We've got the Federal warrant." Jack Muscone had said at Headquarters earlier that morning. "After you had us check Trey Lundquist's fingerprints, we found that he has some outstanding warrants for his arrest in Florida. He's accused of wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering across State lines. He previously was arrested and is on probation for impersonating a police officer in Florida."
"He's got an even more serious charge now, for which I have a local warrant." I said. "Aiding and abetting first degree murder. Think the U.S. Attorney will let us cut a deal if he hands us the murderer of Trish Donolan?"
"Maybe." said Muscone. "Lundquist is pretty small potatoes as far as the FBI is concerned. Unless, of course, we find new connections to whatever you think is going on in your County here."
"That could well be." I said. "Let's get him into custody now, and we'll worry about all that shit later."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"Mr. Lundquist," said the Club staffer at the door to the Manager's office, "the Police are pulling into the parking lot. Several cars."
"Thank you, Carlotta." said Lundquist. He quickly opened the fountain pen on it's little commemorative plaque and took out a little glass capsule. He then put that glass capsule deep inside his mouth, between his cheek and back teeth.
I entered the Country Club, brushing by the staffer as she attempted to run interference by coming up to us asking how she could be of service. I barged straight into the Manager's office.
"Trey Lundquist, please keep your hands where I can see them." I said to the manager, who was sitting behind his desk. I had a red crowbar in my hands, ready for use. My officers and the FBI agents were prepared to draw their guns, if needed.
Lundquist put his empty hands on the desk where I could see them. I could see nothing else amiss in the room, though the fountain pen at front looked to be at an odd angle to its holder. "What can I do for you, Officers?" Lundquist asked.
"You are under arrest," I said. "For aiding and abetting the murderer of Trish Donolan, and helping hide the murder weapon."
"You've gotta be kidding." said Lundquist.
"The Commander has forgotten to mention my outstanding Federal warrants." Special Agent Muscone said. "Seems you've had an active career in Florida."
"But aiding and abetting murder? Are you out of your tree?" said Lundquist, pretending uncomprehending shock. I could tell in his eyes that he was busted and he knew it, though.
"Not at all." I said. "Pretending the master key was stolen was my first clue in your direction. You were the only one who could've manipulated the camera and the tapes so that you weren't seen going to the janitor closet and securing the plastic bag full of Tyvex suit and the murder weapon. Then you threw it back above the ceiling tiles later that night."
"Hell, you can't prove a word of that." Lundquist bluffed.
"Yet I was able to get a warrant, which is 80% of the battle." I said. "And when we arrest the murderer *herself*, she's going to throw you under the bus. You've only got one chance, Trey... tell me, who hired you to assist the murderer?"
"If I told you that, I'd die anyway." said Lundquist. I failed to catch the meaning of his words.
"Maybe, but I'll just turn you over to the FBI." I said, bluffing. "They'll interrogate you much more... thoroughly than I'd be permitted to. They'll get the truth out of you."
"Sounds like I'm a dead man, all the way around." said Lundquist. "Congratulations, Commander. You're every bit as dangerous as my employer said you'd be."
"Stop him!" I shouted I saw Lundquist's tongue moving inside his cheek... but it was too late. He bit down and a heavy, pungent smell of almonds permeated the room as foam began spewing from his mouth. The fat man gurgled and fell back. Within seconds he would be dead.
"Cyanide!" said Jack Muscone, who had rushed forward to try to stop him, but was too late.
"God *damn* it!" I screamed. I grabbed the fountain pen, which separated from itself, having only been loosely put back together, then threw the parts onto the floor in utter disgust with myself. "Fuck *me*! I saw this when I came in, I should have known!"
"It was in his mouth already, Commander." said Sergeant Rudistan perceptively. "No way you could've stopped it." There was general agreement, and I pretended to allow myself to be mollified. I was still pissed at myself.
"All right." I said. "Call the fucking morgue to come get this shit eater."
"What now?" asked Muscone. "Does this hurt your case against the murderer?"
"I was hoping to get him to talk." I said. "But I think we have a case, anyway. Let's move, just in case someone around here knows what's up and is calling the bitch to warn her."
**Part 18 - A Murderer Captured**
"Catherine, I don't get this." Cat Clausen's husband was saying. "Trish's funeral is coming up, you need to be here to help with that. You were her best friend."
"The funeral home will handle it." said Cat dismissively, quickly packing her large suitcase. "I've got to go, my dad called and said Mom is sick. He can't take care of her."
"When did he call?" Clausen asked, totally stunned by his wife's frantic actions. They had been trying to get back together, and had done very well in bed together the night before... but now his wife was acting strangely yet again.
"A while ago, while you were in the bathroom--" Cat said, but was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
"Don't answer that!" Cat yelled as her husband went towards the door.
"What the hell?" he answered as shouts of "POLICE! OPEN UP!" were shouted from the other side of the door. He went to the door and opened it. I barged past him, as did Sergeant Rudistan and Patrol Officer Gunddottar. We were too quick for Cat Clausen, whom we prevented from running into the kitchen towards the back door.
"Cat Clausen," I said as Inga Gunddottar deftly turned her around and affixed handcuffs to her wrists before she hardly knew what was happening, "you are under arrest for the murder of Trish Donolan."
"What the hell is going on, here?" asked Cat's stunned husband. "Cat? What's going on?"
"Your wife is under arrest for murder, Mr. Clausen." I said. "Here's the warrant for her arrest, and here's the warrant to search this house for a large black handbag, the clothes she was wearing the night of the murder, and whatever else we find pertaining to the case..."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"We've got the bag, and we've found Tyvex fibers inside it." reported Dr. Woodrow later that day. "Nothing on her clothes yet, but we're still working to see if any blood got into cracks in her shoes before she wiped off the soles."
"Good work, Doctor." I said. "Thank God she didn't get rid of the stuff." I hung up. "Okay, Croyle, let's go talk to Cat Clausen. Where's Ross?"
"In her office." said Teresa. "But to be honest, I don't think she's fully into the game right now. She told me about her parents not coming here. It's hit her really hard."
"Okay, we'll leave her alone for the time being." I said. "That means you and Tanya get to watch the fun." I grabbed Paulina Patterson, Tanya Perlman, Martin Nash and Diana Torres from MCD, and they followed me to Interrogation-1. Only myself and ADA Patterson went inside, while the others watched through the one-way glass.
"Okay, Cat." I said to the woman, sitting next to her lawyer, another expensive legal eagle from Gresham & Mason, P.C. "I am going to re-read you your rights, particularly for the benefit of your lawyer from *Gresham & Mason*, whom I'm seeing a lot of, lately." The lawyer's eyes widened slightly; he might have realized that I was onto far more than he had previously been aware. I read Cat her considerable legal rights.
"Okay, Cat." I said. "We're processing the evidence now. I know you're not going to insult my intelligence by pretending I don't have you down ice cold for Trish's murder. I only want to know two things: your reason why, and who hired you to do it and for what reason."
"In exchange for what?" said the lawyer, who was astute enough to know that the next words out of Paulina's mouth would be 'death penalty' if his client did not come correct.
"Death penalty off the table." said Paulina. "Life without parole."
"Not good enough." said the lawyer, whose eyes could not hide that he was essentially bluffing. "I don't think you have enough for a conviction, much less malice murder for the death penalty."
"Then you have another 'think' coming." I said to the lawyer derisively. "This woman viciously slit her supposedly best friend's throat with no more compunction than if she were swatting a fly. That alone is going to make a jury wonder just what capacity for evil Cat Clausen has inside her. And I'll give the D.A. the case for conviction that she'll spoon-feed to the jury like a hungry baby."
"Yeah, right." sneered the lawyer. "I'll not only have her out of here by the end of the day, I'll have the judge demanding you apologize for inconveniencing her with these fantasies of yours."
I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that. "I do apologize for laughing, Mrs. Clausen, but your legal representation here is really pathetic trying to bluff with the hand he's holding. Let me show you just some of what I have. In fact, I'll tell you just what you did, and you please correct me if I stray from the path, okay?"
I began. "Trish Donolan went into the bathroom and you followed her, with your large handbag in tow. I know this because several witnesses observed you with your handbag during the break. Inside the bathroom, you suggested that you dress up in a Tyvex suit as an early Hallowe'en trick, saying that after the break you'd come out saying the room was quarantined, or something along those lines. Trish actually helped you put on the suit, then you got up onto the toilet seat. Before she could react, you had the sendoku knife out, grabbed Trish, and slit her throat. I don't know if it was your friendship with her or just your lack of strength, but you barely got the job done." Cat's eyes were wide with shock; I knew I was on track.
"You then took off the protective suit and booties, put them and the weapon in the plastic bag, all while standing on the toilet seat, then threw the bag and contents through the ceiling tiles into the janitor closet, where your associate Trey Lundquist took the items and hid them in his office. Since he was being helpful to the police, and due to a lack of skepticism on my Crime Lab's part that I will assuredly be correcting in the near future, he was able to hide the package for the duration of our initial investigation. He later threw the package back up into the false ceiling and closed off the tiles."
"Meanwhile, you wiped down the top of the toilet and your shoes, then managed to get out of the room without tracking Trish's blood. What you didn't know is that she was still alive, moved enough to get to the door and to allow more blood to flow all over the floor, so when you 'found' her again she fell out the door."
"So you went back to the main room, then went to 'find' your friend, screamed when you 'found' her, and everyone came rushing in. Later, your associate threw the package back up above the ceiling tiles after we'd searched for them, and you intended to come back and get them and dispose of them later, when the investigation began dying down. Will it do, Mrs. Clausen?"
Cat said nothing. The lawyer thundered "Why in the hell would she kill her friend? What motive could she possibly have?"
"Money." I said. "Cat's been hooked on drugs for years. She'd been getting off light by bringing other women to the pushers, and also by having sex with them. But her debts became a bit too large, and her suppliers began demanding green dollar bills in payment for their drugs. Cat was offered the chance to wipe out her debt, get some money to start fresh somewhere else, if only she'd take care of her benefactor's problem and kill Trish, who was not as much a friend to her as people believed.
"In fact, I suspect Trish had denied Cat the money Cat needed and asked to borrow in order to pay for her drug debts. For that matter, Trish was not too far behind Cat in being hooked on drugs and needing money herself. So Cat... who was your benefactor? I suspect that if you don't tell us and let us protect you in custody, that you're going to end up with the same fatal throat injuries you applied to Trish."
"Watch your threats, buddy." said the lawyer, menace in his voice and eyes. I matched his look.
"That's not a threat, Counselor. It's a prediction, and Mrs. Clausen knows it." I said. "Why don't you tell your client what happened to her associate, Mr. Lundquist."
"Lundquist is dead." the lawyer said. I noted Catherine's look of shock as the lawyer continued "I got the call about that almost immediately after the police went into the Club to arrest him."
"Ahhh, so you *have* been anticipating me catching up to your clients." I said, glomming onto the lawyer's admission. He said nothing, but his face gave himself away as surely as if he'd stated a confession out loud.
"Trey is dead?" Cat asked, her voice shaking.
"Hush, don't say another word!" the lawyer demanded.
"Yes, Catherine," I said, quickly seeing the path I needed to walk upon. "Trey committed suicide rather than give up whoever hired him. He knew he was going to die. And I think you know what this means for you."
As neither Cat nor her lawyer said anything, I said "Ms. Patterson, I think we should give Cat and her lawyer a few moments to discuss her rather dire situation." We got up and went into the anteroom, which was full of stunned Detectives.
"So much for those high-priced lawyers." I said to the group in the hallway outside the anteroom. "He really fucked up, there."
"I thought you'd trapped him into saying that." said Cindy, who'd joined her fellow Detectives after I'd gone into the Interrogation room.
"I could pretend to take credit for that," I said, "but in reality he screwed up on his own."
Five minutes later, Cat Clausen was banging on the anteroom door. Her lawyer's face was red-faced, furious with anger, and he was shouting at her.
"Twenty-five to life with possibility of parole if I confess and cooperate?" asked Cat. To my total astonishment, the lawyer got up and left the room.
"Yeah, give it to her." I suggested to Paulina. Paulina nodded.
"Do you want new legal counsel?" I asked.
"No. I'll take the deal and confess." Cat most wisely said. "What do you want to know?"
"Who hired you, Cat?" I asked.
"Honest to God, I'm not sure." said Cat. "The manager at the Club, Trey, was my contact. He gave me the cash to pay my drug debts, which I did."
"Did he say why he wanted you to kill Trish?" I asked.
"He just said that Trish had betrayed his employer, and she had to die. He also said that I'd end up dead if I didn't kill her. I didn't really have a choice, so I took the money to get out of debt and get free. I was planning to move away, leave my husband if I had to."
"You murdered her, even though she was your friend?"
Cat peered at me. "You were more correct a minute ago. I thought Trish was my friend, but I realized that she'd delivered me to drug hell just as she'd delivered Margo Bailey and Carol Carlington, who is lucky not to be dead herself. Then when Trish wouldn't loan me the money I needed, and was a real bitch telling me that it was my own fault I got hooked, I realized she was no friend of mine. I didn't want to kill her, I don't want to hurt anyone... but I did what I had to do, and I haven't cried about it yet."
"Cat," I asked, "are you aware of Trish being involved in other criminal activities? Industrial espionage, for example?"
"No sir." said Cat, looking genuinely surprised. "She never said anything about anything like that. Of course, most of our time together we were on our backs, getting fucked..."
**Part 19 - The Solution**
I managed to spend over an hour with Molly and my new son late that afternoon. We talked extensively about our lives, about baby Ross and my desire to be involved in his life, about Cindy and their parents and the issues there.
"Okay," I said, "I've got to go tell everyone how I solved this case. I'll come by in the morning. When are they letting you out of here?"
"They're releasing me tomorrow afternoon if all continues to go well." Molly said. "I'll spend the night at The Cabin if Cindy wants to spend time with us. I hope she will, but like you said, she's hurt and I don't know what to do about it. I'm between a rock and a hard place."
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
The back room of the Cop Bar contained myself, Chief Griswold, my Lieutenants Three a.k.a. 'Crowbar's Angels', those being Tanya Perlman, Teresa Croyle and Cindy Ross, Martin Nash and Sandra Speer, Diana Torres, J.R. Barnes, Bobby Patrick, Christina Cho, my mother Phyllis, Sheriff-Elect Daniel Allgood and his wife Melina, and Jack Muscone, whom I'd invited to join us.
"Handbags, ladies!" I said loudly. "*Handbags!* I've got 'Crowbar's Angels', I've got other female Detectives and Technicians," I looked pointedly at Torres and Cho, "and none of you saw it! Even Mycroft Holmes here missed it at first." I pointed my thumb at my mother.
"Rub it in, why dontcha." said Cindy acerbically.
My mother put a reassuring hand on Cindy's shoulder. "He's right, my dear." Mom said. "We did miss it, and it's something to learn from. We won't miss it next time, ladies, will we?" Cindy nodded acquiescence.
"So what about the handbags?" asked the Chief, understanding the importance of the lesson.
"There were sixteen women at the meeting." I said. "Of those, thirteen had handbags no longer than six inches at the most, too small to carry very much. Two women had no handbags at all. But Cat Clausen had a massively large handbag."
"So that's what got you on her track?" asked Martin Nash.
"Yes." I said. "I realized when I kicked her handbag while questioning her that not only was it very large, it was virtually empty. So why was she carrying a handbag of that size? Now my wife carries a big bag like that, full of diapers, changes of baby clothes and the like, and when I tripped over *that* bag at home, it only confirmed what I'd been thinking: the Tyvex suit and footies and gloves used by the murderer, as well as the murder weapon, had to be imported, and a large handbag would do the trick."
"In addition," I continued, "several other ladies noted that Cat was putting down her bag when she said she'd go look for Trish. That infers that she had been carrying that bag into the bathroom/kitchenette area. So I let my imagination wander as to what story might fit Cat going into the bathroom with Trish, being able to put on the Tyvex suit without Trish being alarmed, and the story I presented during Cat's interrogation was pretty much what actually happened."
"What about Lundquist?" asked Daniel Allgood.
"One reason I have J.R., Bobby, and Christina here is to buy them dinner, because I had to do them the dishonor of making things look like they'd missed the evidence, when in reality they had not... and for that I apologize. I did need to do it though, because I very much suspected a mole or helper within the ranks of the employees, and telling that story kept the helper off guard and calm until I was ready to strike with an arrest warrant."
"I realized that Cat must have had help." I continued. "She was barely tall enough in high heels to reach the ceiling tiles from the top of the toilet, and thus to throw the evidence package through the gap in the ceiling tiles into the janitor closet. Of course, it would've been too extraordinarily lucky for her to make a blind shot that would've gone into the mop bucket, but fortunately you all were so amazed at me finding the evidence that you did not consider the magnitude of the luck that would've had to be involved.
I felt the ice-cold blue eyes on me. "Yes, Cindy," I said, looking at my partner, returning her stare, "I deceived you all on that one, and you can beat me up later about it."
"See you in the gym tomorrow morning." Cindy replied. She was not kidding.
"Ouch, I am soooo looking forward to that." I joked, getting a few laughs. "Meanwhile, let's talk Trey. When Trey Lundquist came up missing a key from the locker, I realized that he was likely the one that had made it disappear in order to make it look like it had been stolen, thus giving credence to someone coming in to put the evidence up in the ceiling tiles again. But it was a horrible mistake on his part: in saying the key was missing, it necessitated us getting his fingerprints... and when I had the FBI run those, they came up with all sorts of good stuff on him from his days in Florida. In addition, Myron found that he had some serious money issues, being in debt to the wrong people, so he was easy to hire by the person who really wanted Trish Donolan dead. More on that in a minute."
"Lundquist substituted a recorded tape of a blank hallway, as the equipment could be manipulated to have a false timestamp. He went down the hallway and into the janitor closet, got the wrapped evidence package, and hid it in his office, likely inside the flowerpot holding the small tree in the corner of the office. No one, including myself, thought to search his office that night other than a cursory look at the trash cans, and that is a reproach to my management of the case, and also to all of us."
"Anyway, Lundquist later threw the package back up into the ceiling tiles, and I'm sure he was shocked when we came back to the location and found it. As I said earlier, he had taken the precaution of making the master key in the keybox disappear, so he thought he was covered."
"Why did he commit suicide?" asked Martin Nash.
"He knew the game was up when we came for him. He had vowed to himself to never return to prison, and I would imagine that his 'employer' promised to take care of his family if he killed himself rather than be taken alive. That's an old mob tradition, but we've seen the cyanide poisoning before when that bozo snuck into our Evidence rooms wearing a replica of my Lieutenant badge. The capsule was analyzed by the Crime Lab, and was of the same type in both cases. Ergo, the cases *are* connected to that extent."
"So why was Trish killed, then?" asked Teresa Croyle. "She doesn't have any connection to all that crap that went on then, does she?"
"Well..." I said, considering what to say, then decided my team deserved to know. "I'll be talking to Jack and his FBI team more about that, but I'll just say this to all of you: in the last few weeks, we've had the Diane Lang murder case, the Barry Blair suicide, and the exposure of the disavowed CIA agent Alicia Foster and her husband Spence. All of these have had a common thread weaving through them, that of industrial espionage, either at DynaCorp or at Lightsource Industries."
"And ultimately, that was why Trish Donolan was murdered: someone is cleaning up the remnants of the mess we created when we whacked Jody Corrigan and his rogue agents at the County Airport, and Trish might have been involved in that. Blair was not the only one being paid to steal secrets from Lightsource; I suspect Trish was involved in that, as well. As to who is behind all this, I don't know yet, and it'll likely be the FBI's case instead of ours. Anything else?"
"Mr. Donolan." said Tanya Perlman. "He wasn't involved?"
"No, not in his wife's murder." I said.
"What about the photos he had in his possession?" Tanya asked, persisting. "I noticed you dropped the charges against him yesterday. What's going on with that?"
"Coincidence." I said. "As an aside, I have told Mr. Donolan to be on his guard, that whoever wanted his wife dead and wanted his fellow swingers Diane Lang and Barry Blair dead might also want him, Donolan, dead; and one reason I took him into custody was to prevent him from being murdered.
"Beyond that, certainly someone wanted him and his wife being hostile to each other, and those pictures may have been the way that was being done. I think we'll say no more on that for now, though. I just hope we won't be investigating Mr. Donolan's murder anytime soon..."
"Another brilliant piece of work, Crowbar." said the Chief, which was followed by loud acclaim until the Chief continued: "Daniel, you're a lucky man to have this guy on your Police Force, and I'm sorry to be retiring and not be able to watch him work. Give him every bit of support you can, even when it seems like he's bat-shit crazy about something... I've learned many times that he's not the crazy one, and there's method to his seeming madness."
"I hear ya, Chief." replied Allgood. "Melina, is Don bat-shit crazy?"
"I'm taking the Fifth on that one." Melina replied, her eyes wickedly cutting to me. "And I'm going to change the subject by offering a toast to Molly's new baby arriving in the world."
And so we drank a toast to Molly's new baby, then someone burned a doll of Judge Nance in effigy for Guy Fawkes Day, which set off the fire alarm and generally got us into some trouble...
**Part 20 - Solution to the Purloined Photographs**
"Before you whip my ass," I said to Cindy the next morning as we donned the light armor for our black crowbar battle in the boxing ring of the gym, "I do want to ask you something. Molly is being released from the hospital today, and she wants to spend the night at The Cabin before going home to Midtown tomorrow. She wants you to stay there with her. And I'd like for you to do that, also. I want you to get to know your nephew, really be a part of his life."
Cindy exhaled. "I dunno." she said. "I'm still pissed that she's not making our parents come here. She could help by telling them to come here and accept me, rather than letting them dodge me and Jenna."
"I think you're being unfair to Molly." I replied. "She's worked really hard to forge a good relationship with you. She wants you in her life and her baby's life. She's walking a tightrope between you and your parents. If she does as you suggest, her parents will simply walk away from her, also. Give her a chance, my friend. She's trying to bridge the gaps without getting herself crushed in the process." Cindy thought about it.
"Okay, I'll hang out with her. And it's a good thing her son takes after her instead of his father." Cindy said, the underlying challenge intended to rile me up.
"Oh really?" I said, taking the bit, glad to see Cindy into the spirit of things. "We'll see about that." And we did.
Let's just say that I got a lot of practice being on the very defensive, on the downside fighting for my life. It was a solid beatdown, and I knew what the local University's Bulldogs felt like at the end of that game against the Wildcats. All of Cindy's frustrations came out in the clanging of iron and the whacks of her crowbar on my body armor, which was barely adequate to the task. But I took it, every bit of it, for my own improvement in weaponless defense, but more for the sake of my teammate...
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
Vice Lieutenant Teresa Croyle walked into my office, wearing her uniform of blue pants with light blue piping, a light blue shirt with Lieutenant ranks on the shoulder epaulettes, "TCPD" insignia on the collars, her badge above her let pocket and the Purple Order insignia over her nametag on the right pocket. In addition, she wore the thin belt sash denoting a heightened level of formality. Something was up as she came to attention in front of my desk and began speaking.
"Commander, I hereby submit myself for disciplinary action--"
"STOP!" I yelled. "Not another word!"
Teresa looked at me in total shock as I stood up, my finger over my lips in a 'hush' sign. Silently, I got out my bug-catching device. It lit up bright green when I scanned the frame around my window to the outside, and around the overhead fluorescent light. Internal Affairs' bugs were not only there, but they were actively listening in, and I pointed to the glowing green light with yet another silent signal to not speak.
"Walk with me, Lieutenant." I said, walking out of my office. Teresa followed me down the hall and out the side door to the parking lot. We got into my SUV, where I again cautioned her to be silent, and we drove down the road, past the Old Mill where the 2nd Precinct would be headquartered, and down County Road 2.
"Here's where Jefferson Jackson was found dead. You can leave your radio in the car." I admonished, getting out of the car near the spot where his body had been found. I proceeded to walk another 50 feet away from the vehicle, Teresa again following.
"Don't say anything about this, ever." I said. "Not a word to me, not a word to Cindy, not a word to a priest in confession, not a word to anyone at all, ever. If you have to talk about it, do like the old Japanese proverb and whisper it down an empty well at noon, making sure no one else is around."
I continued: "I know it was you, Teresa, that put those pictures of Trish fucking those black guys under Donovan Donolan's door for him to find. I know you've been watching both Donovans as well as Cat Clausen since the night Margo Bailey died, waiting and watching for a chance at revenge. I know you took your shot when you got those pics, hoping to cause them to fight, maybe to divorce, maybe to get physical and then you could step in and take them down."
Teresa's eyes glowed with understanding as I continued: "I understand why you did it, and it was just sheer bad luck and pure coincidence that she was murdered later that day. You've been worried that giving him those pics is what caused her to be murdered, but of course that wasn't the case. As for what you did, I've figured it was you from the time we found the pics, and I've said nothing for a reason. I'm trying hard to forget the whole thing, I hope you will also, and while I understand and respect you for submitting yourself for disciplinary action, I do not want to be placed in a position of needing to take that action."
I looked around, then said "That's why I brought you out here: Internal Affairs was listening in and would've heard you if I had let you say anything more. I don't want I.A. knowing about this matter. I worked my ass off getting you back into my Police Force, I want you continuing to lead the Vice Squad, and that's that. Am I making myself abundantly clear, Lieutenant?"
"Yes, sir." Teresa said. "Thank you, sir. I'm sorry I let you down. It won't happen again."
"Unless you take up a career as a porn photographer, of course." I said, grinning. "You didn't let me down. You made a mistake, and we'll move forward from it. Now if anyone asks, I brought you out here to see the Jefferson Jackson crime spot and to talk about the finer points of the lessons learned from that case. Okay... let's go home and solve some crimes."
As we walked back to the car, Teresa noticed my slight limp. "I observe and deduce that Cindy beat the shit out of you this morning." she said. "Does she feel better now?"
"I hope so." I said. "But having a sister like you that she totally trusts makes a lot of difference..." Teresa just nodded in vigorous agreement.
**Part 21 - Epilogue**
"Dr. Fredricson, Mrs. Myrtle James and two others are here to see you." said Gayle Roberts into the intercom, at the same time that Teresa and I were examining the Jackson crime scene.
"Show them right in." said Laura Fredricson. As the door opened, she stood up to greet the University Regent/Trustee and the other two ladies: Barbara Langram, treasurer of the Hot Wives Investment Club; and Investment Club Senior Board Member Helena French.
After having the ladies sit on the sofas facing each other, and sitting with them, Mrs. Myrtle L. James got to the point: "Dr. Fredricson, we are pleased to offer you the next membership in the County Ladies Investment Club."
Of course Laura accepted, and she immediately arranged for a cashier's check for $25,000 to be made out to the Investment Club for her pro-rated membership. After the ladies left, Laura called me to tell me the good news.
After taking Laura to lunch, I thought about a conversation I'd had with Jeanine Olivet Burke. "I'm the only person in the world who knows the exact order of the wait-list," Jeanine had said, "and if I re-arranged it slightly, who else is ever going to know?"
"I take back every bad thing I've ever said about lawyers." I replied to my niece-in-law...
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
At 11:00am on the morning of Friday, November 7th, I was in the FBI conference room in the Federal Building off Courthouse Square. With me were Lt. Cindy Ross and Chief Griswold, as well as Jack Muscone, Sandra Speer, Eduardo Escobar and Lindy Linares.
"So you think there's industrial espionage behind all this?" asked Jack Muscone.
"Yes." I said. "Blair and Trish Donolan were trying to get at Lightsource's research, Alicia Foster and Spence Foster were trying to infiltrate Dynacorp, as were others who were traitors for foreign powers. Corrigan's cell tried to kidnap Barry Oliver, now of BOW Enterprises, over the nanoetching process he's now patented. And now we have Donovan Donolan, whose company spending millions in chemical and drug research. Before that, we had Tom Burleson at Ward Harvester before the Black Widow waxed him, and his brother is at Crown Chemicals now, along with Sean Bailey. But this recent stuff is especially interesting. There's definitely a thread connecting them."
"And you think there's a single entity behind it?" asked Sandra Speer.
"Yes." I said. "And that entity had the brains to put together a really interesting and brilliant scheme to murder Trish Donolan, though in my opinion it was a bit overdone. Ditto that for the Diane Lang case: elegant, but needlessly dramatic and complicated."
"And it would've been successful if not for you seeing small things like a large handbag, velcro on a wedding dress and a guy talking about his victim in the past tense, and a prostitute's disappearance at the same time Alicia Foster tries to buy a gun with a bad credit card." said Jack Muscone, shaking his head. "Salem is calling, they want you for trial."
"They'll have to wait." I said. "Too many people right around these parts want to light my fire, and in a bad way."
"So who is behind it all?" asked Eduardo.
"Oh, I suspect the person who sent me that lovely oil painting depicting the Fall of Troy." I said. "And who made the huge mistake of scaring my wife in her nursery behind her office."
"Wargrave." said Muscone. He then looked up at the ceiling. "Hmmm, lightning didn't strike me down mentioning his name."
Suddenly, someone burst into the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Muscone," said the young man, "but there's been an explosion at BigPharmaCorp! We have reports of fatalities at the scene!"
"See Jack, lightning DID strike." I said as my cell phone began going off. It was Tanya Perlman, informing me of the BigPharmaCorp explosion. She told me that several people were hurt and possibly dead. The Chief rode with me as we hustled over to BigPharmaCorp across the River.
\* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \*
"Three people dead, including the CEO." said the Fire Chief to myself and Police Chief Griswold as we stood 100 feet from the scene of the explosion. Two tanks full of propane gas had exploded just as CEO Donovan Donolan, his Media Relations officer, and a plant foreman had walked by. All three had been immediately killed by the blast, which I could tell was seemingly directed right at where they had been walking.
Two Town & County fire trucks and two EMS ambulances were on the scene, as well as three BigPharmaCorp fire trucks. The fire had been quickly contained, as it had not spread after the initial blast. "My arson team is looking into it." said the Fire Chief. "I suspect it was an intentionally set explosion."
I turned to the BigPharmaCorp security man who had escorted us to the scene. "Did Mr. Donolan normally walk down that path?" I asked.
"Yes, Commander." said the security man, his face ashen and looking like he wanted to get sick. "He often took that route to his second office, which is located inside Plant Number Two. He'd go to that office to get away from the office people in the front offices, so he could talk to the plant managers and find out from them what was really going on. He'd been doing that for years."
After watching the investigation and aftermath, including the removal of the bodies, the Chief and I walked back to my Police SUV.
"Whaddya think, Crowbar?" the Chief asked as he rode with me back to Headquarters.
"Donolan was murdered, wiped out." I said. "Whoever did it knew he'd be walking along that street, and rigged the explosion to kill him. Maybe someone was watching and triggered it, maybe it was done by some sophisticated remote control that recognized his cell phone signature."
I continued, thinking more to myself than addressing the Chief: "I don't know why, but he was silenced. Maybe he knew of his wife's espionage, maybe he was stealing secrets from his own company. Remember, sir, that the Feds in Washington, D.C. were interested in the case when I had him arrested. Something's up about this one."
"Think it's Wargrave, or someone else?" Griswold asked.
"I dunno." I said. "We've suspected there are still three assassins out there from the Corrigan Cell. Maybe they're behind it; they'd have the Special Forces training to do something like that. Whatever it is, Chief, they're not letting you retire quietly. They're going to usher you out in a blaze of glory. Things are definitely heating up, and I'm not talking about football season."
Little did I know that things were not only going to heat up... they were going to *catch fire*...
*Finis*... for now. |
Don't Answer the Door! | 141,965 | 4.59 | 743,596 | [
] | "Oh my god, this is the best Halloween party ever," Allison said, as she touched up her eye shadow in the bathroom mirror.
"I hope so, I've been planning it forever." Kaylee adjusted the blouse on her costume to show off her breasts better, and checked out Allison in the mirror. "I like your I Dream of Jeannie costume. Are you gonna be rubbing Adam's magic lamp tonight to see if a genie squirts out?"
"Gross!" Allison said, and they both laughed. "Your Little Red Riding Hood costume's hot. I bet if Billy has his way you'll be Little Red riding wood."
'I hope so! If Billy doesn't fuck me at least once tonight, I'll go crazy."
"Tramp," Allison joked. "I'm sure Billy will give you a treat."
"He better, or I'll trick him and find someone who will!"
They finished fixing their costumes and headed back downstairs to the Halloween party. Kaylee's house was decked out with all sorts of spooky decorations and props, and the front room was wall to wall with their friends and classmates from college.
"Wow," Allison said, as they weaved through the crowd. "There are so many people here! I know they're in costumes, but I don't even recognize half of them."
"Friends of friends, I guess. The more the merrier!" Kaylee handed Allison another glass of Halloween punch.
"Thanks. I'm already so friggin' buzzed, what's in this stuff?"
"Everything!" Kaylee laughed and grabbed an old straw broom that was leaning in the corner and pretended to ride it.
"That's so cool! It looks really old, where did you get it?"
"My mom took me to a bunch of antique stores to look for cool Halloween stuff. I didn't want to have boring old pumpkins and ghosts and paper decorations. I wanted authentic looking stuff, like it was from a real haunted house. We found that broom, some creepy old paintings, a cauldron, antique candle holders, and some other stuff."
"And all the candles you used to light each room look so wicked, they make the house seem real Halloweeny. You're lucky your mom helped you out, my parents would never let me have a party."
"Yeah, they're pretty cool. They're still here, hiding in the bedroom until the party's over and I tell them they can come out."
Allison laughed. "And Chris? Is he here too?"
"My brother? At a party? The only parties nerd boy likes are LAN parties. He's up in his bedroom playing on his computer and he told me 'we're not allowed in his room'. I think he's worried he might lose the virginity he's been guarding for 19 years."
"Who wants to lose their virginity?" Billy, Kaylee's boyfriend, had snuck up and grabbed her from behind.
"I would, if you hadn't already taken it!" Kaylee grabbed his cowboy hat and put it on her own head.
"Well, maybe I'll take Red Riding Hood's instead" he said, as he reached underneath her skirt and squeezed her ass.
Allison spotted her boyfriend Adam, dressed in a pirate costume, and waved him over.
"Hey, there's something cool I want to show you guys in the rec room downstairs," Kaylee said.
The four of them took their drinks downstairs and found some guys arguing over football in the rec room. Kaylee ordered them back to the party and locked the door behind them. She dimmed the lights in the room, and Allison noticed there was a ring of lit candles surrounding a spooky cauldron in front of the fireplace.
"What are you up to?" she asked.
"I thought we could use a little Halloween atmosphere." Kaylee turned on the CD player and sweet, sexy music poured out.
"That doesn't sound like the Monster Mash," Allison teased, as Kaylee pulled Billy to the carpet and started making out with him.
"I told you," she said, "if I don't get some I'm gonna go crazy."
Allison felt embarrassed watching Billy slide his hands beneath her best friend's costume. But Adam wasn't bothered, and pulled her down on the carpet so they could join them.
Adam kissed Allison and fondled her breasts through her costume. She turned her head and noticed Kaylee sliding her panties off. Adam rubbed his erection against her mound as they both watched Kaylee push Billy's pants down as far as she could. He kicked them off and Allison couldn't help but stare at his cock. She had seen it lots of times before, but was still impressed with how big it was. She was envious as Kaylee guided it into her pussy.
Allison looked away, but Adam was still watching her best friend get fucked.
"Hey!" she said, turning his head to look at her instead.
"Sorry." He pushed his pants down, freeing his own stiff cock.
"We shouldn't," she whispered, as she grabbed his shaft and started slowly stroking it.
"Why not? They aren't gonna complain." He tried to push her panties down but she pulled them back up.
"I don't know," she said, still slowly pumping his prick while watching Billy stuff his thick pole in Kaylee. "It's kind of creepy in here."
As she looked back at the cauldron, she started when someone slammed against the door, and then banged on it when they realized it was locked.
"We're busy! Go away!" Adam was on all fours above Allison, enjoying the feel of her jacking his cock while he watched Kaylee getting fucked hard.
Billy had turned her over and was banging her from behind, when he finally groaned he was close.
"Oh yeah..." Kaylee moaned, "fill me with cum, baby."
Billy kept pounding her hard because that's the way Kaylee liked it. His hips smacked against her round ass as he drilled his huge shaft in and out of her tight pussy. Kaylee's c-cup sized breasts swayed beneath her as he bounced her back and forth. She reached her hand out to steady herself against the fireplace and accidentally knocked over one of the candles -- it struck the cauldron as Billy exploded in her.
Allison was startled by the unearthly moan Kaylee let out, and swore the cauldron had started to glow. As she slowly turned her head to look at them, Allison felt her blood run cold -- Kaylee's eyes were glowing with the same golden light as the cauldron.
"Kaylee?" she whispered. "Are you okay?"
Kaylee mutely pushed Billy away and started crawling toward them, staring at Adam's cock as he fucked Allison's hand.
"Oh my god!" she cried. "Get your pants on!"
Adam got to his knees and tried to pull his pants up, but Kaylee lurched forward and grabbed his erection.
"Let him go!" Allison cried, as she went to push her away. But before she could, she was pulled between Adam's legs and dragged across the room. She looked up and saw Billy holding her. He had the same golden, glowing eyes, and she was surprised to see his cock was already fully erect again.
"Let me go!" Allison yelled, as she kicked at him and twisted back toward her boyfriend. Kaylee was on her back with her legs spread as Adam, who had always dreamed about it, pushed his cock into her tight opening.
"What are you doing?! Adam!" She struggled to get free to stop them, but Billy had her arms pinned to the floor and was using his knee to spread her legs. She fought to get free and screamed at him to get off her, but he was in a trance as he ripped her panties off. She thought of all the times she had fingered herself, pretending it was Billy's big bat, but now all she wanted to do was get Kaylee away from Adam.
"Help me, Adam!" She could hear him grunting as he fucked Kaylee on the carpet behind her.
As Allison struggled, she could hear people outside the room banging on the door. She was going to cry out for help when the lock broke and a dozen costumed partygoers poured into the room. Some of them cheered while others pulled out their cell phones and recorded the couple screwing in the middle of the party.
Two of the guys noticed Allison trying to push Billy away and quickly grabbed him. They couldn't believe how strong he was as they tried to pull him off of her. As they grappled with him, Allison crawled free and ran to lock herself in the bathroom. As she closed the door, she saw Billy had broken loose and dragged a giggling girl dressed as Lara Croft down beside him.
In the bathroom mirror, Allison saw her makeup was ruined from crying. She couldn't believe what Adam had done -- with her best friend! She checked for her cell phone to call her dad to come and get her, but it was missing; it must have fallen out during the battle with Billy. Something banged against the door, startling her.
She turned to yell that the bathroom was occupied, but hesitated as a premonition of danger swept through her; the doorknob slowly turned back and forth. When it finally stopped, she tiptoed forward and switched off the light. Beneath the door she could see the shadow of someone waiting silently on the other side. And then, in the darkness, her blood froze as she heard the doorknob turning again. Allison wondered if it was Adam looking for her, wondered if she should whisper his name. She slowly got down on all fours and bent down to look under the door; a golden, glowing eye stared back at her.
Allison shrieked and suddenly the door crashed back and forth, nearly torn off its hinges as the creature on the other side tried to force it open. She stumbled back from the door, sure that the lock was going to snap any second, and tumbled over the toilet in the dark. She fell backwards onto the bathtub; the side hit her hard right between the shoulder blades and knocked the wind out of her. As she slowly regained her breath, she saw that the door had held. The shadow on the other side was gone.
Allison hid in the dark, and pressed her hands to her ears to try to stop the noise. The bathroom ceiling shook with the sound of running, pounding feet, and shrieks and screams echoed through the walls. After a while, the sound of panic had died down and all she could hear was sweet, sexy music playing. She crept to the door and put her shoulder against it in case she had to force it shut. As quietly as possible, she peeked out.
A Halloween orgy had broken out in the rec room. A guy in a Viking costume was pillaging the pussy of a blonde in a sexy kitty cat costume, while a woman wearing a witch costume rode a guy dressed as a fireman, bouncing up and down on his hose. Six other costumed couples were in various positions as they also fucked on the floor, all with the same golden, glowing eyes. The creepy cauldron glowed even brighter than earlier.
Her hand trembled as she tried to open the door without making a sound. She was sure they'd hear her heart pounding as she snuck past, but they were oblivious as she crept through and went upstairs. The hallway door was open and when she looked toward the living room she saw it was the same as downstairs. A classmate of hers from college, dressed as Prince Charming, was going at it with a girl dressed as a sexy nurse while his girlfriend, who had come as Snow White, was on her knees sucking off a guy beside him.
Allison quietly went down the hallway toward the back door and noticed Kaylee's parents' bedroom door was open; the sound of bedsprings squeaking rhythmically came from within.
She was shocked when she peeked inside and saw the bed bouncing up and down as a guy in a lumberjack costume drove his log in and out of Kaylee's mom while a second guy filled her mouth. On the floor beside them, a girl in a Lady Gaga costume was on her hands and knees as Kaylee's dad played hide the salami behind her. All five had golden, glowing eyes.
Allison tiptoed past the door but Kaylee's dad spotted her, pulled his meat out of Lady Gaga, and stood up. As he walked past the bed, the two guys fucking Kaylee's mom also stopped and followed him.
Allison looked back as the three of them entered the hallway, their cocks pointing toward her like heat-seeking missiles. They followed her as she sprinted for the backdoor. The only way out was through the kitchen, and when she got there she saw two costumed guys with their backs to her. She hoped they'd help her, but then she saw their glowing eyes reflected in the kitchen window.
As they turned her way, she ducked down the other hallway. But she knew she was fucked -- it was a dead end. She rushed to the bathroom at the end of the hall and tried to climb through the window, but it was too small. Trapped, she locked the door, turned out the light, crawled into the bathtub, shut the curtain and made herself as small and quiet as possible. All she could hear was Kaylee's father's footsteps as they neared the bathroom door.
Alec was watching the football highlights on the eleven o'clock news when the doorbell rang.
"That can't be a trick-or-treater this late," he thought, but grabbed the bowl of candy anyways.
His wife, Andrea, always told him not to buy Halloween candy, as the neighborhood kids were all too old now. She knew the only reason he bought it was so he could eat it all. But he was glad he had some candy this night, as he opened the door for three of the sexiest trick-or-treaters he had ever seen.
"Trick or treat!" they cried.
Alec knew one of the girls, Emma. She was the same age as his daughter, Allison, and lived across the street from them. In the summer, she liked to tan in her front yard in her tiniest bikini and he liked to hide behind the living room curtains so he could watch her unseen. She was a beautiful half-Asian with long, black hair and her naughty nurse outfit, which teasingly showed her white panties, pushed her small breasts up enticingly. Her two equally hot friends were dressed as a slutty schoolgirl and a sexy elf.
"Hi, Mr. Carson," Emma purred, "I hope you don't think we're too old for you to give us some candy." She loved teasing him because she'd seen how often he watched her from his window.
Alec cleared his throat and tried to sound cool. "No, you're not too old at all, you're the perfect age. You girls all go to the same college as my daughter, Allison?"
"Yeah," Emma answered while her friends nodded, "We're on our way to Kaylee's Halloween party now."
"Oh, cool." Alec said, as he filled their bags with half his bowl of candy. "And your costumes look really...nice. I should have asked you to do some tricks."
"You should have," Emma teased, and her friends giggled.
Alec noticed all of their costumes were short enough to show their panties, and he couldn't help watching their perfect little bums as they strutted away. Emma looked back and smiled when she caught him checking them out; she whispered to her friends and they all giggled as they disappeared into the darkness.
"If you see Allison, remind her she has to be home by 1 a.m.!" he called after them.
Alec, who was now in his early forties, hoped he still had what it took to get girls like that, but his wife always said he was dreaming and called him a 'perv' when she'd catch him looking at them. He turned out the lights and ran to the living room window to see if he could watch them as they walked down the street, but they were gone.
He had only been watching TV for ten more minutes when he heard a shriek from outside. Thinking it might be more girls headed to the Halloween party, he ran to his bedroom and kept the lights off as he peeked out the curtains.
Alec felt like he had won the peeping Tom lottery when he spotted a completely nude girl with wavy, brunette hair walking barefoot down the middle of the road. She had long, athletic legs and big, grapefruit-sized tits. He could see her erect nipples and the trim between her legs as she walked purposely past the streetlights. She turned to look his way, and he realized it was his daughter's best friend, Kaylee.
"Oh man," he thought, as he watched her round ass disappear into the darkness, "she must have gotten way too drunk." He was getting ready to chase her down to take her home, or maybe bring her back to his house until she sobered up, when he heard noises below the window.
Alec pressed his face against the glass so he could see down, and saw a couple fucking on his lawn. They were in the shadows, so it was hard to see them, but they looked like a couple of college kids. He ducked back so they wouldn't see him watching and then slowly peeked out again, trying to make sure the girl wasn't Allison. And then he noticed his wife's car parked in the driveway.
"Fuck!" he thought, as he shut the curtains. "If she catches me watching them screw she'll murder me." He tried not to look guilty as he left the bedroom and called her name, but she didn't answer. The bathroom, kitchen and living room were all empty so he opened the front door to see if she was sitting in the car, but she wasn't.
Alec went outside and could hear the two kids still fucking below his bedroom window; he figured if he snuck completely around the house, he could watch them from up close without being seen. He had completely forgotten Kaylee. As he was sneaking around the side of his house, he noticed bags of groceries scattered on the grass. And then he saw his wife.
Andrea was on her back with her legs spread, her jeans off, and her underwear around one ankle as a kid in a college football jacket pumped his cock in and out of her. Alec could see the kid's big balls slapping against his wife's pussy and -- assuming he was attacking her -- was getting ready to jump him. He paused when he heard his wife.
"Oh...fuck, yeah...fuck, yeah!" Andrea moaned. "I love your cock...you're such a fuckin' stud Steve...unnh...fuck me good!"
Alec walked around them and saw it was Steve, the 20-year-old student he paid to mow the lawn, fucking his wife on his lawn. "What the hell are you doing, Andrea?!"
"Oh my god, Alec!" she cried, as she opened her eyes and discovered him watching them.
He went to grab Steve and pull him off his wife, but someone grabbed him from behind, pulled him backwards and threw him down hard on the grass. He looked up and saw it was Emma and her two friends, but now their eyes were golden and glowing.
The slutty schoolgirl and the sexy elf pinned his arms down as Emma stood over him. From his point of view, he couldn't be blamed for noticing she was no longer wearing panties. He was staring at her neatly trimmed twat when she lifted her naughty nurse outfit over her head, exposing her small breasts and tiny, dark nipples.
"What are you doing?" Alec whispered, worried his wife would catch him looking at her while she was naked. He tore his eyes away from her hot body, thinking he must be dreaming, and looked between her legs to check if his wife was okay. Andrea had her legs wrapped tightly around Steve and was in bliss as he hammered her hole.
Alec struggled again to break free, but was amazed at how strong these girls were. He was always pointing out to his wife how big girls' breasts were getting nowadays because of all the growth hormones they put in food, but all she'd say was 'quit staring at their tits'. Alec couldn't think of any other reason how these girls could be so strong.
"Emma, what are you doing? Don't!" he said, as she reached down and grabbed his pant legs.
With one yank, she tore off his jeans and boxers, revealing his embarrassingly erect cock. He was too shocked to struggle as she walked forward and positioned herself above him. She squatted, with one hand on his chest and one hand around his cock, and forced her tiny pussy down onto it. Alec knew his cock -- eight inches long and thick -- was bigger than average, but he still couldn't believe how tight she was as she rode him. He thought his wife would kill him if she saw him fucking their neighbor's daughter, but could only hear her moaning as Steve came in her.
Alec knew he was in big trouble when he saw Andrea get up and walk toward them, but she only watched with golden, glowing eyes as Emma rode him like a cowgirl.
"What the fuck is wrong with her -- with them?" Alec thought. Emma was bouncing up and down on his balls, and he couldn't believe after all of the times he'd dreamed of fucking her he was thinking of making her stop. But Alec had a hunch that if he came in her, like he wanted to, his eyes would be glowing too.
He twisted and bucked, trying to throw her off, but she rode him like a bucking bronco. He could feel his nuts tightening as she coaxed his cum to the surface. He strained to free his arms but her two friends had him pinned.
"What the hell are they putting in food these days?" he thought. "Why are they so strong?!" Alec was still fighting to get free when he heard a slurred voice.
"Right on, dude!" a drunk yelled, as he walked up the driveway with a beer in each hand to watch them. "What's with everyone getting it on tonight? How do I get a piece of this action?"
The two girls pinning Alec's arms let go, stripping off their costumes as they walked toward the drunk. Andrea, still naked from the waist down, also turned and walked toward him.
"All right," the drunk slurred, "now this is a fucking Halloween party!"
Alec seized the opportunity and quickly rolled Emma off; he had to tightly squeeze the head of his cock to prevent himself from coming.
The drunk cheered, unable to believe his luck, as Andrea and the now naked schoolgirl pulled him to the ground. The other girl, also naked, yanked his pants and underwear down around his knees and tried to stroke his drunk-dick hard.
Alec was trying to get away when an iron grip grabbed his leg; he looked down and saw it was Emma, her golden eyes burning as she crawled after him. He jerked his foot away from her, grabbed his pants and ran off down the street.
As he hid behind a hedge and got dressed, Alec knew something strange was going on. He was still in good shape and, he thought, good looking, but he knew when a 19-year-old girl as hot as Emma wants you to fuck her you're either dreaming or a millionaire. He pulled out his cell phone and called Allison, but it rang a few times and went to voice mail.
"Hi honey where are you?" he texted, frustrated she hadn't picked up. "Please call me right away!!!"
Alec waited a minute and, when she didn't reply, decided to head to Kaylee's house to find her. He was rounding the hedge when he spotted three half-naked girls walking down the middle of the street.
Their eyes glowed in the dark and they were all wearing partially removed costumes. He was ducked down, waiting for them to pass, when he heard another girl coming from the opposite direction.
"Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late," she said. "I hope the party isn't over already! My asshole parents wouldn't let me come so I had to sneak out."
The girl, blonde haired and dressed as a sexy angel, walked toward her friends and discovered they were all half naked. "Wow, looks like I missed all the fun! Are you guys on something? Can I have some?"
She shrieked when they grabbed her and forced her to the pavement in the middle of the street. "Hey! Watch my wings!" Two of the girls pinned her shoulders down while the third one got between her legs and pulled her white satin panties off.
"Oh my god," the girl whispered, "someone's gonna see us!" She let out a loud gasp as her friend lay down, wrapped her arms around her bare legs and started to lightly lick her pussy.
Alec could feel his pants tightening as he watched her squirming while her friend tongue fucked her. The little angel pulled the top of her outfit down and made one of her friends suck her nipples while her other friend teased her clit. She moaned loudly and clamped her friend's head between her legs, her little body trembling as she shook with an orgasm. And then all four of them stood up and continued walking down the street, all half naked and with golden, glowing eyes.
Alec was watching them go when he heard a voice behind him loudly whisper his name. He turned and saw his neighbor, Pam, standing in the shadows of her garage.
"Oh my god, Alec! Do you know what's going on?" she asked, after he had snuck over to join her in the garage.
"I'm not sure, but it's dangerous out there. It's like all the neighborhood kids have become...sex-crazed zombies!"
"Oh my god! They're all undead?!"
"Not that kind of zombie; they're more like automatons with one purpose -- sex!"
"I know! I was driving home and saw two boys and a girl having...hanky-panky. I got out my car and told them they should be ashamed of themselves, and they started chasing me, with their...things sticking out! I ran home to tell Paul, but he's one of them too!"
She led Alec quietly inside her house and silently motioned for him to peek into the living room. He saw Pam's husband Paul, wearing only a pajama top, pounding his prick into their Asian exchange student, who had her nightie scrunched up around her waist and was bent over the couch. Both of them had the same golden, glowing eyes.
"She must have become one of those...sex zombies, and attacked him," Pam whispered.
Alec agreed with her, even though all the men in the neighborhood knew -- because Paul told them -- he fucked every Asian exchange student Pam arranged to stay with them.
"I'm worried about Philip," she whispered, " he went to a Halloween party down the street."
"So did Allison, I'm going there to get her, Come with me and we'll find your son too." He was headed toward the front door when the doorbell rang.
"Don't answer the door!" Alec whispered. He led her down the hallway and they peeked out the side window. A pizza delivery driver, naked from the waist down, was standing outside.
"Maybe he's a friend of Philip's?" Pam whispered.
"Look at his eyes, see how they glow?" Alec whispered. "They all have those eyes. And pizza delivery drivers normally wear pants." He motioned for her to follow and they went back and out through the garage.
Pam was nervous so Alec held her hand as they warily crossed the neighbor's front lawn. They looked down toward Kaylee's house and could see couples fucking amid the fake tombstones decorating the front yard.
"We should go around the high school and try to sneak in through the backyard, there's too many of them out front," Alec said.
They skirted the bright lights of the parking lot and followed the chain link fence past the tennis courts. As they passed the portables they saw movement between the corrugated metal buildings.
Three naked college kids were in the shadows; one girl was riding a guy's cock while another rode his tongue. Pam hesitated, wondering if it was her son, until one of the girls turned her head and stared at her with glowing eyes.
Alec pulled Pam by her hand, and as they ran he looked back and saw the golden-eyed trio in pursuit. They turned right and fled down a corridor between the school buildings, and had almost reached the end when four shadowy figures appeared, blocking their way. Their golden, glowing eyes cut through the darkness.
Alec and Pam turned and tried to run back the way they had come, but the other three zombies had followed them -- they were trapped. He ran to a door on the side of the school and pulled the handle, but it was locked.
"Oh my god," Pam cried. "I'm going to die!"
"I don't think so, unless they fuck you to death!"
Pam's eyes opened wide in surprise, and she started when Alec pushed her down on all fours.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Maybe they'll leave us alone if they think we're like them," he said, as the zombies moved toward them from both ends of the corridor
Pam gasped as he tugged her skirt down around her knees, taking her panties with it. She was embarrassed, as she knew her ass was a lot bigger than it used to be. She looked back and stared wide-eyed at Alec's half hard cock as he pushed his pants down.
"Don't worry, I'm only going to pretend," he whispered as he started to dry hump her, his long dick swinging back and forth between her legs.
Pam bit her lip, trying not to cry out in fear, as he simulated sex with her, but their play fucking wasn't working, and the sex-mad monsters surrounded them.
As Alec had been bouncing his cock between Pam's legs, pretending to fuck her, he couldn't help but get hard. She could tell and let out excited little gasps every time his knob brushed against her pussy.
"We've only got one chance. I'm sorry, Pam," Alec whispered, as he slowly pushed his thick shaft into her sopping hole.
Alec got half his length into her and stopped to watch the sex zombies. They'd hesitated when he first entered her, but when he stopped they walked toward them again.
He gave Pam's pussy, which was tighter than he expected and surprisingly wet, two more strokes, and they stopped again. "It's working," he whispered, "they think we're like them!"
"Uh huh..." Pam groaned, as she tried to remember the last time her husband had made love to her. Her eyes rolled back as Alec started to fuck her with long, steady strokes, she'd never had such a huge cock inside of her.
Alec watched, as the zombies seemed to lose interest in them and wandered away. He tried to slow down so he wouldn't come, but Pam had braced herself against the pavement and was plunging her pussy against his pole.
"Whoa...whoa!" he groaned. "Good job, Pam...you fooled them. But if you don't slow down you're going to make me come, and I don't think that'd be good for either of us."
"What about me?" she asked, as she slowed down but continued to ride his cock. "Can I come?"
Alec remembered the cute little angel, remembered what had happened after she came over and over on her friend's tongue. "I don't think that's a good idea. I think if either of us come we'll end up like them."
"Damn," Pam whispered, as Alec pulled his cock out of her.
They stood up and dressed, both still flush with the sensation of being so close to coming. Sneaking quietly to the end of the corridor and peeking around the corner, they saw the coast was clear. They were walking along the pathway when two shadows emerged from the bushes dead ahead of them.
Alec grabbed Pam to protect her as she cried out in fright. As they stepped into the light, he saw that it was two college kids in matching prison inmate costumes; he was relieved to see neither of them had glowing eyes.
"Mrs. Miller?" the boy said. "I thought that was you getting..."
"Josh?" Pam went red with embarrassment as she realized her son's best friend had been watching her and Alec. "Where's Philip?"
"I don't know...he might still be trapped inside the Halloween party. Susie and me were outside smoking a -- I mean, having a beer. And when we went back, it was chaos! They were all grabbing and screwing anyone and everyone they could. Some chased us, so we ran over here and hid in the bushes. They were looking for us when they saw you guys."
"I think the safest thing'd be for you two to stay here," Alec said. "Stay hidden, and don't come out unless it looks like things are normal again."
"We'd rather come with you," Josh said. "You know, safety in numbers. And I want to help you guys find Phil."
Alec wasn't sure, but he didn't have time to argue so the four of them snuck across the school playing field to the back of Kaylee's house. He reached over the fence to unlatch the rear gate and they crept into the backyard.
As they looked around, they saw a couple doing it doggie style on the outside patio. Alec recognized Kaylee's mom, and the cowboy riding her from behind was her daughter's boyfriend, Billy.
Alec signaled to the others to be quiet, hoping they could all sneak behind them and up the back stairs without being noticed. They were quietly walking past when Pam stopped. She was looking through an open sliding door into the basement, where a fuckfest was taking place. Josh had seen her stop and was quietly sneaking back to get her when she spoke aloud.
"Philip? Is that you?"
A naked guy was standing with his back to her. He had a girl's legs locked around his waist while her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck. As he turned at the sound of Pam's voice, she saw it was her son, and he was bouncing the girl, who was dressed as a princess, up and down on his erect cock. Both of their eyes glowed golden.
Pam was speechless as she watched Philip plunging the petite princess' pussy onto his big, stiff penis. She had been positive her son, who was only nineteen, was a virgin. Now, she wasn't sure.
Billy and Kaylee's mom had also heard Pam and now they, along with all the other sex zombies downstairs, were moving toward the four of them.
"Oh my god, Pam! Run!" Alec yelled, but he knew they were surrounded.
She didn't hear him; she was mesmerized as her son let the girl down, and then walked slowly toward her with his erect penis pointing at her like a missile.
Susie, Josh's girlfriend, was terrified, but she remembered how the zombies at the school had been fooled. She quickly fumbled at Alec's pants and tugged them, along with his boxer briefs, down to his knees. Her eyes were wide with fear as she quickly bent over and started sucking his cock, praying the zombies wouldn't hurt her.
They stopped when they saw her blowing him and turned back toward Pam and Josh. Finally realizing the jeopardy she had put them in, Pam backed away in fear until Josh grabbed her.
He knew Susie had the right idea. He quickly forced Pam -- his best friend's mom -- down on her knees and, after quickly pushing down the front of his pants, shoved his prick into her mouth.
Pam was paralyzed with fear and could only watch Josh's eyes as he fucked her face. The sex zombies stopped and watched as both Alec and Josh got their cocks sucked.
Pam didn't know what to do; it had been so long since she'd given her husband a blowjob. Her mouth was a tight seal around Josh's stiff pole as he pumped it between her lips. She glanced to her right and realized Philip was standing right beside her, his own stiff cock inches from her mouth.
Meanwhile, Susie had squatted in front of Alec so she could blow him better. She realized the faster she sucked, the more the sex zombies seemed to lose interest. She rolled her tongue around the head of his cock and used her hand to jerk him quickly in and out of her mouth. She was only eighteen, but she had sucked Josh's big dick often enough to get pretty good at it. But his cock wasn't as thick as this one and she was having a hard time getting her mouth around it. As she looked up at Alec's face, she could tell he wouldn't be complaining.
Alec couldn't believe how good it felt, having this beautiful teenager bobbing back and forth on his fuckstick. But he had to grab her head to slow her down. "Not too fast," he whispered, "or you'll make me come."
Susie wanted to suck even faster, she wanted to taste his cum, but she nodded and reluctantly slowed down.
Pam, on the other hand, was speeding up. She'd been watching Susie blow Alec and tried the same technique, quickly pumping Josh's prick with her hand while she sucked on him. She was getting excited as she eyed her son's cock, hanging so tantalizingly close. She didn't hear Josh begging her to slow down as she pumped him faster and sucked him harder. And as he filled her mouth with hot, sticky cum, she felt herself falling away, like she was in a dream.
Alec knew Josh was going to lose it, and yelled at Pam to slow down. But when he saw her pull the kid's cock out and cum ran down from the corner of her mouth, he knew they were both lost.
"No!" Susie cried, and tried to get up to help her boyfriend. But Alec saw the sex zombies all turn back toward them and quickly convinced her to get back on her knees and keep sucking. Tears ran down her face as he stroked his cock in and out of her mouth and as she watched her boyfriend, his eyes golden and glowing, disappear into the basement.
Philip also wandered back inside and was followed by his mom, who watched him with her own hungry, glowing eyes.
When the coast was finally clear, Alec popped his cock out of Susie's mouth, amazed he hadn't blow his load, and tried to comfort and calm her.
"We need to figure out what happened, find out why everyone is...attacking each other. Maybe there's a way to change everyone back to normal, but first I need to find my daughter."
Susie nodded and held his hand tightly. As they crept up the back stairs, Alec looked through an open sliding door and saw there was no one in the kitchen. The hallway leading to the front of the house was also empty, but the floor was littered with discarded Halloween costumes.
As they walked through the kitchen, Alec whispered loudly. "Allison! Are you here?"
When there was no answer, they went to the hallway and peeked toward the living room, where the Monster Mash was still playing. A guy in an astronaut costume was blasting a girl dressed as Pocahontas into outer space, and as he fired his rocket into her teepee, the flickering shadows of couples fucking by candlelight danced across them.
There was a doorway halfway down the hallway; Alec heard the steady squeaking of bedsprings coming from it. Susie waited as he crept forward and peeked into the room. He recognized Kaylee's dad, but couldn't see the face of the girl he was on top of and ball deep in. But he could see a Wonder Woman outfit on the floor and he knew Allison had worn a genie costume.
He tiptoed back to Susie and they went in the opposite direction. The door to the bathroom at the end of the hallway was open and the light was off. He inched toward it as Susie fearfully squeezed his hand and tried to pull him back. He whispered into the darkness: "Allison!"
He reached around the doorframe and turned on the light; the bathroom was empty. He was turning to leave when he noticed the shower curtain was closed. Creeping near, he pulled it back -- the bathtub was also empty.
Alec knew now he had to see who the girl on the bed was, had to know it wasn't Allison. Susie squeezed his hand tightly as he led her back down the hallway. A closet door creaked menacingly behind them and she started at the sound. Hiding behind Alec, she pressed her face tightly against his shoulder as they watched the door crack open.
"Dad?" a voice whispered from inside.
Alec threw open the closet door as Allison stepped out and tightly hugged him. "I've tried calling and texting you," he whispered. "Where's your cell phone?"
"I think it fell out downstairs when I was trying to get away from Billy."
"Thank god you escaped!" Alec remembered what Billy had been doing to Kaylee's mom in the backyard. "What the hell happened here?"
"I don't know!" Allison said. "We were downstairs...fooling around, and all of a sudden Kaylee got this crazy look in her eyes, and the cauldron started glowing, and Adam and Billy were -- "
"Wait a second, what cauldron was glowing?"
"One of the Halloween decorations Kaylee and her mom got."
"One of those plastic cauldrons?"
"No, an antique one. It was really old, and black, and when Kaylee touched it...it started to glow, and everyone went insane."
"Where is it?"
"Downstairs in the rec room."
"We've got to get the cauldron, to see if it's got something to do with why everyone is acting so weird."
"No," Susie pleaded. "Let's get out of here!"
"If we get the cauldron, we might be able to turn Josh back to normal," Alec whispered. "You girls better stay near me, in case we run into trouble."
They both nodded and were frightened as they followed him down the hallway to the basement door. They could still hear the bed bouncing up and down in the bedroom as they quietly went down the stairs, passed a room full of costumed couples fucking, and neared the rec room.
Alec peeked through the open doorway. He saw a girl, about nineteen, lying naked on the floor while a guy fucked her. Five other guys were around her and she was sucking one and jacking off two others while the rest watched. Alec didn't know how many other guys had come and gone, but her face and tits and stomach were covered in cum like she was the belle of the bukkake festival.
Behind her, in front of the fireplace, Alec could see the cauldron. It was small, the size of a bowling ball, and glowed with the same eerie, golden light haunting the eyes of the sex zombies.
"I've got to get the cauldron," he said.
"Are you crazy, Dad? There's six of them in there!"
"You mean seven. You girls stay hidden. I think...I hope...the males only attack females."
He entered the room, walked quickly to the cauldron and picked it up. As he'd hoped, no one had noticed him. Allison was peeking around the corner, and he gave her a relieved nod. As he walked back across the room his foot caught on something, and the cauldron crashed to the floor as he fell forward.
He looked back and saw that the bukkake girl had stretched out and grabbed his shoe with one hand. She pushed the other cocks away from her and tried to get to Alec, but couldn't as the guy fucking her was still holding her legs as he pumped his pole into her hole. As Alec ran out of the room, picking up the cauldron on the way, the other zombies followed the girl's eyes and spotted Allison in the doorway.
Alec grabbed her hand and she grabbed Susie's and the three of them ran up the stairs with a mob of sex zombies after them. As they reached the top of the stairs, they looked to their right as a naked girl and Kaylee's dad came out of the bedroom and headed their direction.
Alec hoped to get out through the living room, but copulating couples blocked their escape. Allison took them upstairs toward Kaylee's room, but she could see through the open bedroom door that a pack of naked girls were locked together tongue to pussy on the floor. She quickly opened a door to her left and they ducked inside.
As her dad shut the door behind them, Allison realized they were in Kaylee's brother Chris' bedroom. He was wearing headphones while playing Call of Duty on his computer and was completely oblivious to them. She touched his shoulder and he jumped in fright.
"Allison! You scared the shit out of me," he said, as he took off his headphones "I told Kaylee you guys aren't allowed in my bedroom!" He realized she wasn't alone and put on his glasses so he could see Alec and Susie better.
"What happened? Why's your dad here?"
"Oh my god, Chris!" Allison cried. "You don't know what's going on? Your sister...your parents...we've all got to get out of here!"
"Why? Is the house on fire or something? I told them not to light so many candles!"
"No! Its not on fire, it's worse! Everyone has become sex-crazed zombies!"
"Zombies! Horny, fuck-crazy zombies! There's girls out there...I don't even want to tell you the things they'd do to you if they caught you!"
"Like what?" Chris said, as he reached for the door to see if she was pulling his leg.
Alec was too late to stop him as he opened the door and the four naked girls from Kaylee's room walked in. Chris backed away from them when he saw their glowing eyes, not knowing what to do. He was trapped with Susie on one side of the room while Allison and her dad were stuck on the other.
Panicking, Susie quickly grabbed Chris' belt and fumbled to undo it while shouting, "Quick, Allison! Stick your dad's cock in your mouth!"
Allison's mouth fell open in shock as she quickly looked at her dad, who shrugged his shoulders and acted like he didn't know what Susie was talking about.
Alec was panicking as he looked for a way to escape, knowing, with only his daughter close, sex wasn't an option.
Meanwhile, Chris, who had only seen naked girls on the Internet, brushed Susie's hand away and heroically stepped forward. He held his arms away from his sides and walked briskly toward the sex zombies, yelling, "I'll save you guys, run!" The four girls immediately grabbed him and dragged him to the floor while they tore his clothes off.
"No!" Susie cried, as she watched the girls yank off his pants, and stroke and rub his cock and balls while they all fought to climb on top of him.
Alec took one last look at Chris, thinking he had never seen anyone braver -- or happier -- and pushed Allison and Susie toward the open window. They climbed onto the roof and dropped to the lawn beside the house. Moving between the neighbors' houses, cauldron in hand, they managed to get home without being seen.
They were walking up the front steps when Allison said, "Mom?"
Andrea was lying on her side on the lawn across the street while their neighbor Tom, who was lying behind her, held her leg up and stuffed his dick into her pussy. Even from this far away, Alec could see their glowing eyes.
"Allison," he said, as he pulled his daughter into the house, "the only way to help your mom is to figure out a way to stop this...madness!"
Once inside, the three of them closed the curtains and locked all the doors. Allison went to her room, changed into jeans and a t-shirt, and ran to join her dad and Susie in the den.
Alec lifted the glowing cauldron, which was heavier than it looked, so he could examine it. As he held it up, he could see the old cauldron's base was inscribed with glowing letters. He couldn't read the words because they were in Old English, but was able to use the Internet to translate:
When the sacred time of Beltane is nigh The vessel fills with the goddesses' eye Run 'round the Maypole and run to the fields Reseed the Mother 'til the darkness yields When Beltane is done and Baal-fires lie cold The cauldron will sleep, the earth will turn gold
"Oh my god," Allison whispered, "the cauldron knows about mom!"
"I think 'Mother' probably refers to Mother Earth," Alec said. "It sounds like some sort of...fertility ritual."
A short while later, after a quick search of the Internet, he learned he'd been correct.
"This cauldron was supposed to be used at Beltane, which is a pagan festival that took place in the spring. In ancient times, couples would have all-night orgies in the fields believing that it would guarantee good crops. Maybe this cauldron was used to ensure everyone was an...eager participant? But Halloween falls on Samhain, which occurs six months before Beltane. And the poem says the cauldron won't sleep until Beltane is done..."
"Which means they're going to be screwing until next spring?" Allison asked.
"Not if I can help it. If using the cauldron at the wrong time of the year is what made everyone go crazy, maybe there's a way to, I don't know, cancel the spell?"
He was trying to google the information when the doorbell rang. The girls waited nervously while Alec went toward the hallway.
"Don't answer the door!" Allison whispered.
Alec turned and held his finger to his lips for silence. He crept to the end of the hallway and peeked around the corner. A naked girl was outside the front door, pressing her breasts against the frosted door sidelight and trying to see in. As he watched, she stuck her hand through the mail slot and her fingers reached out toward him as if she knew he was there.
Alec looked behind him and could see the terror on the girls' faces as they waited by the den. He got on his knees and crawled toward the dark living room. The girl pressed her face against the glass and tried to see in, while she tried the lock again and slowly dragged her nails down the door.
Alec peeked through the curtain and could see her looking toward his bedroom window. He knew her instantly by her flawless nude body -- Kaylee. Her head whipped around as if she had read his mind, but he ducked down an instant before she saw him. His heart was pounding as he crawled back to where he could see the front door, as she kept putting her fingers through the mail slot, beckoning him. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she heard a car coming down the road and disappeared into the darkness. After making sure she was really gone, Alec headed back to the den.
"Who was it?" Allison asked.
"Another zombie," he lied, "a girl in an angel costume. She's gone now."
The girls waited in the den, jumping every time they heard a shriek outside, until Alec finally found some information that seemed helpful.
"This one site written by this Wiccan...this witch, says the druids used to perform a ritual to signal the end of Beltane. Maybe if we can re-create the ritual, we can end this curse?"
"I'll help," Susie said. "What do we have to do?"
"Well first it says we need the vessel of the goddess. I think that means Kaylee, you said she was the first one to get the glowing eyes. And we need some rose oil."
"There's some in Mom's bathroom," Allison said.
"Okay, good. And earth -- we can get some from the yard. But it says we also need a phallic symbol, something to represent a maypole...Allison?" Alec realized his daughter had disappeared.
"She ran off down the hallway," Susie said.
They both came out of the den as Allison came out of her bedroom with a huge, transparent, purple dildo.
"Dad, please don't ask," she said, as Alec stared open mouthed at her.
"Umm...yeah," he said, clearing his throat, "Take it to the den, we need to put it in the cauldron while we perform the ritual. We've got everything we need now -- except Kaylee."
"But how are we gonna find her?" Allison asked.
"The last time I saw her she was heading toward the parkway. But I don't think the problem is going to be finding her, it's going to be getting her back here."
They cautiously opened the front door, and when they looked across the street they saw Andrea and Tom were gone. They snuck across their neighbors' lawns and were looking for Kaylee, when they heard the frightening sound of fucking.
Alec peeked around the side of a house. A woman in a barmaid costume was braced against the wall as her boyfriend rammed her from behind. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist and he had her blouse pushed up so he could squeeze her tits while he banged his tool into her ass. He groaned as she talked dirty to him and begged him to fuck her harder.
"Holy shit!" he cried, when he noticed Alec and the two girls enjoying the show from the side of the house. His girlfriend hurriedly pushed her skirt and blouse down while he pulled his pants up.
"I'm glad we found you!" Alec said, relieved they weren't sex zombies.
"Well, I'm not," the guy said, as his girlfriend turned her back to them and tried to do her bra back up. "How about a little privacy!"
"Oh, you don't understand," Alec said, "we want to join you!"
The boyfriend checked out Allison and Susie, but his dark-haired girlfriend lit a cigarette, looked Alec up and down, and then shook her head to show she wasn't interested.
"Sorry, man," he said. "You guys are gonna have to do the threesome on your own, we're tired and headed home."
"Threesome? Oh, no! When I said we want to join you, I meant for protection. We're looking for a lost girl."
Alec told them of the cauldron and the curse and, though disbelieving at first, the couple, Brody and Gabriella, saw ample proof while they walked that he was telling the truth. The five of them saw couples fucking on lawns, on the road, on cars and -- once -- even on a roof.
No one answered when Brody called 911, and they wondered where the police were until they saw the reassuring flash of red and blue lights. They jogged to the end of the street and saw a police car parked sideways in the middle of the road. Through the open backdoor they could see a police officer on his back while a girl in a Tinker Bell outfit lifted herself on and off his baton. His female partner was bent over the front of the car with her gun belt around her ankles as a guy in a skeleton costume gave her the bone from behind.
Alec led the group away from the flashing lights. He knew now that it was up to them to put a stop to this madness. He didn't know how far the cauldron's spell could spread, but he thought it was possible -- if they failed -- the neighborhood, the city, the state, the country and possibly the entire planet could all end up sex zombies.
They turned onto a side street and spotted a heavy, middle-aged man in a business suit behind a naked girl bent over the hood of his car. Allison instantly knew it was Kaylee and went to run to her.
Alec quickly caught his daughter and told her to stay with the others while he went closer. He carefully crept near and recognized the businessman, Sam, from the local Block Watch meetings.
Sam was an overweight salesman in his early fifties, and his pants were in a heap around his ankles as he banged Kaylee from behind. His fat stomach smacked against her round ass as he pumped in and out of her, and he wheezed while he tried to grope her tits. Kaylee reached back and pulled his hips toward her, trying to get him to fuck her faster. As Alec approached, he realized Sam's eyes weren't glowing.
"Sam!" he whispered, "are you okay?"
""Jeezus!" Sam cried, as he looked back at Alec. "You nearly gave me a heart attack Carson! I thought you were my goddamn wife!"
"You've got to get away from the girl, Sam!"
"Are you kidding me, Carson? I came home and this little darling was buck naked in my driveway," he said, grunting as he kept driving into Kaylee. "I think she's on Ecstasy or something, her eyes are all weird. She couldn't wait to get at my pecker, started grabbing it, pulled my pants down...bent over my car and spread her cheeks to show me her little fuckhole."
"Sam! You don't understand -- she's dangerous!"
"Only if my wife catches me!" he laughed. "I know this girl, she's twenty. She's legal."
"You don't understand!" Alec said, as he reached to pull Sam away. "You've got to stop!"
"Are you kidding! This girl's got a body like a porn star, I'll never get a chance to nail a sweet piece like this again!" He grabbed Kaylee's shoulders and groaned as he drained his balls into her.
Instantly, they both stopped and simultaneously turned to look at the others with golden, glowing eyes. Sam, with his tiny, stiff penis sticking straight ahead and his pants still around his ankles, shuffled toward the girls. Kaylee turned and strode purposefully toward Alec.
"Oh fuck!" Alec said, as he backpedaled away and turned to run.
Brody grabbed Gabriella's hand and they ran away with Allison, but Susie was petrified with fear as Sam shuffled toward her with his terrifying, glowing eyes. Alec stopped when he saw Susie was in trouble and turned to run back, but Allison got there first.
"Hey, pervert!" she cried, and as Sam turned her way she lifted her t-shirt and flashed her perky tits at him. He immediately changed direction and shuffled after Allison. Brody ran back and grabbed Susie's hand and pulled her away.
"I'll lead Kaylee back to our house," Alec called. "Try to lose Sam and meet me back there!"
Brody ran with the three girls through front yards and down side streets, but they were forced to stop when they saw four half-dressed men slowly walking up the road. They hid behind a fence while they waited for an opportunity to sneak past the sex zombies.
Allison grabbed the top of the fence and was trying to peek over when she was suddenly slammed sideways to the ground. Sam, who had finally kicked off his pants, had caught up and had her pinned under his bulk. He crammed his hand under her t-shirt and roughly squeezed her tit while his other hand grabbed her crotch through her jeans.
She screamed and punched and kicked while she tried to fight him off, but he was too big and too strong. He forced her pants and thong underwear down around her knees and was lifting her legs up when Brody threw a right cross that dropped him like a bag of dirt.
"Oh my god, thank you!" Allison cried, as she covered her pussy with her hand and pulled her jeans back up.
Brody peeked over the fence; the other sex zombies had heard the commotion and were heading toward their hiding place. "Give me your purse," he whispered to Gabriella. She handed it to him and he pulled out her lighter and a bottle rocket. As he lit the firework, it screamed high over the sex zombies' heads and exploded with a bang behind them. They all turned and, while they were wondering where the noise had come from, Brody led the three girls across the street and back to Allison's house.
Alec had been worried they wouldn't be able to lure Kaylee back to the house, now he was more worried by how single-mindedly she had followed him home. He had to keep jogging ahead to stay out of her reach, while making sure he didn't accidentally run into any other zombies. As she strode purposely after him, Alec couldn't stop thinking of how hot she looked bent over Sam's car and wishing that it had been him behind her. As she followed, Kaylee's burning eyes seared into him like they could read his every thought.
When they finally reached his driveway, the golden-eyed temptress bent over Andrea's car and spread her ass cheeks invitingly -- exactly as Sam had described.
Alec's cock twitched, but he backed into his house and Kaylee's eyes flared as she followed him inside. He was at the top of the inside stairs when Kaylee came through the door on all fours, and crawled up them like a kitten with her mouth open for some milk. Worried she would get too close, he stumbled back into the kitchen and went to the dining room. From this vantage point she wouldn't be able to corner him; he could see her whether she came through the kitchen or the living room.
But she didn't come from either direction. He waited more than a minute before carefully peeking into the living room and realizing that she was gone. He couldn't see her outside so he headed down the hallway toward the bedrooms.
Alec crept down the hall, and as he passed the den he looked in. Kaylee wasn't there and, he realized in horror, neither was the cauldron. He ran into the den and searched around the desk; the cauldron was gone, they wouldn't be able to complete the ritual.
His mind raced as he wondered how he and Allison could escape: Andrea's car! The keys should still be in her jeans outside. He turned to leave and saw Kaylee.
She had hid behind the door and now she stepped out, cauldron in hand. As she leered at Alec, both her eyes and the cauldron seemed to glow brighter. She shut the door. Alec made one last prayer: "Once I'm a sex zombie, don't let my daughter find me."
The front door was wide open but the house was as still as the jack-o'-lantern on the porch. Allison quietly tiptoed up the inside stairs. She assumed her dad had opened the front door but, if he did, where was Kaylee. And what if it had been her mom who had opened the door instead?
She crept down to her parents' room to check if her mom had come back, but the bedroom was empty. She walked back down the hall, past her own dark bedroom, and looked left to the den. The door was closed. She moved closer and heard a scraping sound on the other side. Her hand trembled as she reached for the doorknob.
Brody heard Allison's scream and bolted down the hall. He pushed past her as she blocked the doorway to the den and saw Alec lying on his back with Kaylee on top of him. He was struggling to throw her off, but she'd straddled his chest backwards so her bare bum was inches from his face while her vice-like thighs clamped his arms against his sides. She was pushing his pants down when Brody grabbed her and tried to wrestle her off of Alec.
Kaylee immediately grabbed at Brody's own shirt and pants, trying to tear them off, but the girls rushed in and all four of them pinned her down on the carpet.
Allison yelled at her as they fought to hold her down, hoping she'd recognize her voice, but she could see her best friend only desired one thing while possessed by the cauldron's magic.
As the others held Kaylee, Alec ran to his desk and gathered up the tools and components to perform the ritual. Allison was grappling with one of her legs while Susie lay on top of the other, pinning it to the floor. Gabriella was struggling to hold her left arm while Brody grabbed the right.
He pulled Kaylee's arm tightly against his chest; she watched him with pleading eyes as she twisted, yearning to break free. Her flawless skin looked luminescent, as it glowed and shone with the same golden aura as her haunting eyes. His gaze drifted up her long, shapely legs as they pushed and pulled against the two girls fighting to hold them. He saw the curve of her inner thighs gliding gently to her inviting wetness and, as she writhed, he journeyed across the beautiful sweep of her flat tummy and traced along her ribcage until he drifted over the contour of her firm, beautiful breasts. She arched her back and her erect, pink nipples reached toward the ceiling, aching to be touched.
Gabriella had finally got Kaylee's left arm under control by pinning it to the floor and putting her whole weight on top of it. She looked over to see how Brody was doing and was shocked to see the other arm free.
Brody was on his knees, arms hanging limp and in a trance as he watched Kaylee. With her one free hand, she had undone his pants, pulled out his hard cock, and was jacking it as fast as she could.
"Brody!" Gabriella cried, still fighting to hold the left arm beneath her. "Someone help him!"
Alec, seeing the three girls struggling to keep Kaylee down, dropped the ritual components and wrenched Brody away from her bewitching touch.
Brody didn't know what had happened, the last thing he remembered was holding Kaylee's arm. Now he was laying on his back with his pants half off and his throbbing cock, which had been two strokes from exploding, stiffly standing straight up. He glanced at the girls and saw they were both staring at his pole, with Allison giving him a quick wink of approval. His ears turned bright red as he stuffed his boner back in his boxers and pulled his pants up. Kaylee's arm was still stretching out for him, so he grabbed it and pulled it to his chest again. He looked guiltily at Gabriella and saw her staring at him like he'd done it on purpose.
"Kaylee almost made you one of them," Alec warned. "Don't stare at her body, the cauldron seems to give her the power to mesmerize men."
"Please...don't give him any more excuses," Gabriella said coldly, as Brody looked up at the ceiling and his ears went redder.
Alec began the ritual. He placed the cauldron on the floor and gently dropped a lit teacup candle inside. He sprinkled some earth around Kaylee's body and read the first incantation from the page he'd printed from the Internet. The cauldron glowed brighter.
"It's working!" Allison cried.
Alec sprinkled rose oil on Kaylee's naked body and read the second incantation as she squirmed, trying to get loose. The cauldron glowed even brighter.
Alec tried not to touch his daughter's dildo as he dropped it inside the cauldron and read the third incantation. Nothing happened. Alec read the incantation one more time, even though he was sure he'd said it correctly. Still, nothing happened.
Susie looked up when she heard a noise -- the ominous sound of footsteps as a shadow appeared in the hallway.
"Omigod!" Allison whispered. "We forgot to lock the front door!"
Susie let go of Kaylee's leg and ran to close the door to the den. She almost had it shut when a hand stabbed through the opening and seized her wrist. Susie screamed in terror as Allison's mom burst through the door.
Andrea grabbed her around the waist and pulled her tightly against her. She couldn't break free as Andrea pulled her down to the carpet and tore off her Halloween costume. Susie whimpered as she tried to push Andrea's hand away, but was helpless as her white cotton panties were pulled down. The panties, with two hearts pinned together by an arrow, were her favorite and she had worn them as a surprise for Josh. She was frozen in fear as Andrea slid her hand down and lightly rubbed her middle finger back and forth across her teen clit, and when she leaned over and licked and sucked her tiny, erect nipples she couldn't help but arch her back.
"Don't panic, Susie!" Alec called to her, "We're nearly done the ritual! Hang on -- as long as you don't have an orgasm you'll be okay!"
"Fuck," Susie thought, "that isn't gonna be as easy as it sounds." Allison's mom's tongue was teasing her nipples while her fingers did magic tricks between her legs. She watched as Andrea dipped two fingers in her pussy and they came out soaked with her juices.
"You'd better hurry!" Susie yelled.
Alec wished he could help her but knew they couldn't interrupt the ritual. He tried the incantation again, but the cauldron still didn't glow brighter.
"I don't understand," he said, trying not to panic. "The instructions say to stick the phallic symbol in the vessel -- I put it in the vessel!"
Allison realized what he'd done wrong. "Dad, can you hold Kaylee's leg?"
Alec switched positions with her and tried to pin down the kicking leg. Gabriella had jumped on Kaylee's other leg when Susie had tried to shut the door, and Brody had both her arms pinned behind her head. She kept arching her back and looking back at him with her mouth open, her eyes begging him to slide his cock in. He quickly looked up at the ceiling.
Allison went to the cauldron, took her dildo out, and ran her tongue around the head before sucking on it a few times, getting it nice and wet with her saliva.
"Why the hell did you do that?" Alec asked his daughter.
"Oops...force of habit." Embarrassed, Allison quickly continued. "I think the reason the incantation isn't working is because the cauldron isn't the vessel -- Kaylee is!"
"Kaylee?" Alec said, not understanding until he noticed Gabriella spreading Kaylee's legs while his daughter knelt between them.
Allison slid her favorite dildo into her best friend -- not for the first time -- and made a twisting motion with her wrist as she stroked it back and forth. Alec read out the third incantation as Kaylee contorted in pleasure. The cauldron glowed brighter again.
"We're almost done!" Gabriella cried, trying to hold Kaylee's leg as she twisted and ground against the dildo. "What's the next step?"
Alec hadn't mentioned it yet, as he wasn't sure how she'd react. "Brody has to screw her."
"What? Are you kidding me?" she said, glaring at her boyfriend as if it was his idea. "No way...I 'm not going to allow it!"
"Someone has to have intercourse with her to get the cauldron to the final stage. And then come in her to complete the ritual!"
"Then you can fuck her!" she said.
"I can't do that," Alec whispered, worried his wife would hear him. "She's Allison's best friend!"
"Well, Brody's my boyfriend!"
"Gabby!" Brody interrupted. "Quit being so fucking jealous! You saw what it's like out there. We have to help them end this -- any way we can!"
Meanwhile, Susie's moaning was getting louder. Andrea had moved down as Susie parted her legs, her panties now around one ankle, and was slowly licking her tongue up and down between Susie's pink pussy lips, tasting her sweet nectar. She softly flicked her tongue out, teasing her clit.
"Goddamnit," Susie moaned, "where did your mom learn to eat pussy so good!" She couldn't help herself as she grabbed Andrea's head and lifted her hips to give her tongue full access.
Allison continued to tease her friend with the dildo as the others argued over who was going to fuck her. Unexpectedly, Kaylee started to chant.
"Oh jeez, they can talk!" Gabriella cried.
Alec looked over at the cauldron and was horrified to see the chanting was making its bright glow fade. "She's dispelling the ritual, someone shut her up!"
Brody held Kaylee's wrists down with one hand and tried to clamp his other over her mouth, but she broke free of his grip and immediately started undoing his pants again. He covered her mouth with one hand while he tried to keep his pants up with the other. She was too strong though as she pulled his hand away and tugged his pants down, once again freeing his throbbing erection.
"Brody!" Gabriella hissed, as she saw how excited he was.
He reached down to pry Kaylee's hands off his cock but she started chanting again. He clamped his hands back over her mouth and she grabbed his cock again. He was fighting a losing battle.
Alec was still struggling to hold Kaylee's leg as he watched the cauldron fade, but her chanting abruptly stopped and the cauldron glowed brightly again. "You did it!" he said, "You stopped her from -- "
As Alec turned around he realized why Kaylee had stopped chanting. She'd pulled Brody close enough to get her mouth on him and was bobbing up and down on his swollen shaft. He had a panicked look on his face as he tried to push her away, but her arms were locked around his waist.
"Don't make her stop!" Alec said. "As long as her mouth is...busy, she can't chant to dispel the ritual. Hang on -- we'll be finished soon!"
"You'd better hurry up!" he groaned, as Kaylee worked his cock over like a woman possessed.
"You'll have to do it, Dad," Allison said, as she pulled the sopping dildo out of Kaylee. "You've gotta fuck her!"
"Are you sure, honey? I know she's your friend."
"Do her, or we're all gonna be sex zombies!"
Alec could hear Susie moaning desperately in the hallway as his wife's tongue pushed her to the edge. And he could see Brody's eyes rolling back as Kaylee furiously jacked his cock into her mouth.
"Hurry up and fuck her!" Gabriella cried.
Allison knew there was no other way. Her dad purposely looked away as he pushed his pants and boxer briefs down. She could see Gabriella was as surprised as her when they saw how big her dad's cock was. Getting him hard to fuck Kaylee obviously wasn't going to be a problem as his eight-incher was completely erect and really, really thick. His cock was definitely bigger than Adam's and maybe even bigger than Billy's.
The girls spread Kaylee's legs for Alec. He quickly kneeled between them and went to stick his cock in, but as she bucked and twisted he couldn't line it up with her hole. He had to put both of his hands on her waist to hold her down. He lifted one hand to guide his rod inside her but she started bucking again and he needed both hands to pin her down. His pole was bouncing around her opening as he tried to thrust it in without using his hands.
Gabriella saw he needed help and quickly reached out with her free hand and grabbed his cock. She squeezed it and gave it a few strokes, even though it was plenty hard, and guided him into Kaylee's pussy.
Her golden eyes smoldered as she watched Alec penetrate her. As he started pumping his thick cock in and out of her, she sucked Brody's smooth shaft even faster and he could see her eyes glowing like a sunrise.
Gabriella read out the final incantation. Nothing happened.
Alec hadn't noticed, as he'd entered paradise. "Oh my god," he thought, as he plowed her perfect pussy. "Sam was right, she is a fucking sweet piece of ass."
Gabriella quickly read the incantation again and still nothing happened.
"Dad!" Allison cried, as she grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. "We need to put the dildo back in her!"
"No," he groaned, "I'm supposed to fuck her...let me know when I can come!"
"You've got to turn her over, Dad! Get her on top of you!"
Alec wasn't sure what Allison had planned, but he was too far gone to argue. He reached his arm underneath Kaylee and kept his cock inside her as he rolled over until she was straddling him. Once she was on top, she slammed herself up and down on his thick stick. He pulled her down to him, crushing her firm breasts against his chest and lifting her ass in the air. Brody's cock had come out of her mouth when she rolled over and, even though she hadn't started chanting again, he stuck it back in. Gabriella couldn't resist reaching out and fondling Kaylee's breasts as she watched her bouncing her up and down on Alec's big pole.
Susie was wiggling her ass on the carpet as she ground her pussy against Andrea's mouth. "Oh fuuuuuck...I'm cumming!" she moaned.
Allison quickly sucked the dildo a couple more times and placed the head against Kaylee's ass. She had put her favorite dildo in every one of her best friend's holes, but not this one. She pushed, twisting the dildo as it stretched her virgin asshole and finally slid in.
Allison nodded at Gabriella, and she read the final incantation. Instantly, the cauldron flared with a blinding light.
"Now, Dad!" Allison cried. "Come in her now!"
Alec had his hands on Kaylee's hips and was driving her onto his swollen cock as his daughter worked the purple dildo back and forth in her ass. He looked back and saw Andrea and Susie coming toward them, both of their eyes glowing golden.
Alec groaned as he felt a new sensation. "Oh, fuck...that feels great," he said.
Brody, who was getting the best blowjob of his life, looked behind Kaylee and saw that Gabriella had reached back and was rubbing and kneading Alec's big balls to help him come while she played with Kaylee's yummy breasts.
The sight of his girlfriend pleasuring another man instantly pushed him over the edge. He knew he was going to come and tried to pull out but Kaylee was a step ahead of him; her hand moved like a snake as it seized his shaft and kept him from escaping between her lips. She bobbed one more time and he unleashed his load.
"Hurry!" Gabriella cried, as Brody's eyes turned golden. He slid his cock out of Kaylee's mouth and turned in Allison's direction.
Alec couldn't believe how tightly Kaylee's pussy was squeezing his cock as she drove herself up and down on it. Gabriella was frantically working his balls as she begged him to come. Alec felt himself falling away, like he was in a dream.
He flooded Kaylee's cumbox, and a fountain of golden light erupted from the cauldron and filled the den. As the light faded, the cauldron was black and cold again.
Andrea stopped. She looked around and realized she was inside her house -- and completely naked. The last thing she remembered was Steve fucking her beside the house; it had surprised her because he knew not to come over unless Alec wasn't home. She also wondered why her mouth tasted like pussy.
Kaylee wondered why her mouth was filled with the sticky taste of cum, and was astonished when she realized the huge cock inside her was Allison's dad's. And when she looked back and saw her best friend plugging her favorite dildo into her ass she was completely bewildered.
"Holy shit, I must have got pretty fucking wasted last night!" Kaylee said. "That really was the best Halloween party ever!" |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 05 | 26,370 | 4.78 | 2,008,861 | [
] | *I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.*
I had just spent the day with Rose and Lilly's mother, Emily. After dinner Lilly snuggled up next to me on the couch.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Lilly asked as she nestled in tight.
Lilly gave me that wicked smile letting me know she was on to me about something. Just then Rose came bounding in the room and sat down beside Lilly.
"Mom told us you took a shower with her." Rose squealed ducking under Lilly's arm.
"She told you?" I asked turning red.
"She's our mother Parker. We have no secrets." Lilly smirked.
"Of course you don't!" I replied exasperated.
"She said you came to her rescue at lunch." Rose mentioned.
"Well I don't know about her rescue. I just took her back to the table." I explained.
"Yeah well she didn't throw anything at these guys this time!" Rose laughed. "That's an improvement."
"We've never seen her happier." Lilly giggled. Thank you Parker. Maybe the next time you will let her help you too?"
"Wait a minute, are you telling me ..."
"Parker, we love you, give her time and Emily will too!" Lilly stretched up and kissed me.
It was a significant and poignant moment. Against Lilly's objections, Emily and I had an important meeting in the morning, so I headed to bed early. Lilly snuggled up to me, Rose snuggled up to her on the other side. Lilly pulled my cock free from my shorts and stroked it lazily. She knew I loved her doing this. She kept me semi hard never letting me get too worked up. Beside her Rose was caressing Lilly's breasts just as tenderly.
"Do you really need to go Wednesday?" Lilly whispered.
"I do." I looked over at both of them. "You're invited to come with me."
Lilly looked at Rose to see her response. I had seen glimpses of the Rose I first met before she returned to California. The confident and self-assured woman was still in there, but here with Emily it was Lilly that seemed the more confident of the two.
Emily was like kryptonite for Rose. I realized since I spent the day with Emily there had not been one outburst or condescending word spoken in the house. Based on this, I again had a sense my being here was no accident. I realized I may have underestimated Lilly, I hope to not duplicate that mistake.
Looking over at Rose I could see the conflict she was struggling with.
"Rose, you are welcome to come home with us. You don't need to answer now." I said.
I looked at Lilly to see her turn and kiss Rose. It was fitful night of sleep as the weight of the situation churned through my brain. I had come here to bring Lilly, and if possible Rose back home.
I wasn't even sure why Emily even wanted to go see this Baxter guy. From what I could see she didn't need the money. When I suggested a lawyer attend Rose explained Emily despised them ever since her divorce.
I had told Rose what I knew but she explained Emily insisted on going anyways. Even though this wasn't my area of expertise, Rose insisted I accompany her mother.
I had one day to fix this problem and after that I still wasn't sure what would happen.
Just the thought of losing Lilly weighed on my mind. I got up earlier than even normal. I headed out for a jog to clear my thoughts. I had studied that file over and over. Read every book and article Emily wrote that Rose supplied.
I had my research and had checked it several times. One wrong accusation could be construed as libel, a situation that could be catastrophic for me, and my career. Returning to the house I called the office and talked to Lenny to see if there were any new developments.
We talked for a few minutes and he explained what he had learned. In the end I was to continue just as I had planned.
I entered the shower alone. Mentally I was going down my check list when the door opened.
"Mind if I join you?" Lilly giggled.
I didn't even answer, instead offering her my hand.
"What brings you here?" I teased Lilly as she gripped my cock.
"I have a favor to ask." Lilly pressed against me.
We kissed as the water cascaded over us both. I caressed her shoulders as she gave me a sultry look.
"What kind of favor?" I asked.
"A big favor." Lilly batted her eyes. "But a pleasurable one."
"I'm listening."
"I'll tell you when you get back." Lilly stroked my now hard cock. "For now I want to leave you with a little incentive to say yes."
Lilly dropped to her knees and wrapped her lips around my cock. For the next ten minutes Lilly proceeded to torment and pleasure me. Each time I reached for her she stopped and warned me not to touch her.
Lilly looked at me the whole time her mouth gave me oral pleasure. There was love in those eyes, Lilly wanted me to know she was willingly doing this for me. I reached the point of no return.
"Lil!" I warned her.
She continued to work her magic. I thrust forward when the first burst was on the way. Lilly pulled off my cock and pointed the spewing geyser to her face. The volley hit her squarely in one eye. The next clung to nose. The third her neck, after that I couldn't be sure.
My eyes closed she pushed me back under the water and pulled me down for a kiss rewarding me a second time. Lilly held me as the tingling in my body sadly melted away. I wrapped her up in my arms.
"Lilly I can't lose you." I whispered.
"This will all work out, you'll see." Lilly pulled back and looked in my eyes. "It has too. I can't lose you either."
We finished the shower, Lilly and I savoring each minute together. She was like a little pixie squealing one minute and cooing the next as my hands roamed her body. We emerged taking turns drying each other off.
"Maybe I should stay?" I teased.
"You'll have time for that when you get back!" Lilly teased me slowly stroking my cock. "Promise me you won't ask her until you get home."
"What if she brings it up?"
"Don't worry she won't, she wouldn't risk losing Rose." Lilly became serious.
"Surely you don't mean that? She loves you too." I assured her.
"Oh it's not that she doesn't love me any less or any more. Don't you see why I can't leave Rose here? They're too much alike." Lilly explained. "Now you know why I took Rose away yesterday? To show you that mom and Rose can't live together. Rose still feels guilty our father left, Rose thinks if she leaves she will be abandoning mom too."
"So Rose comes home but then she is miserable." I added.
"Then mom gets mad and the cycle repeats itself." Lilly threw her arms around me. "So you see Parker, I do love you, but we can't leave her here."
"But why make me spend all day alone with your mom?" I asked.
"Because Rose needs you to prove something to Emily." Lilly looked up. "And maybe to her too?"
"Prove what?" I asked.
"If you're the man I think you are, you'll know." Lilly pulled me down for a passionate kiss. "Now you better go before I make you stay!"
I came into the kitchen wearing my suit. I checked my briefcase one last time and called Lenny to make sure I was still covered. Lilly was in the kitchen, Rose was still in the bedroom. Their Aunt Tori was at the table finishing breakfast.
"Well aren't you looking all professional?" Tori looked up.
"No more so than you!" I teased her.
Tori was dressed for the office as well. Since circumstances had limited our contact we had seen very little of each other. About all we had been able to say since I arrived, was good morning, and goodnight. That said, I liked her and sensed she liked me.
"Well you know what they say dress for success!" Tori smiled and winked.
Just then Emily walked in. I looked at Tori and she back at me and we both started laughing. Emily had on a spaghetti strap white tee shirt with no bra and a mini skirt. Her nipples were clearly protruding and you could see the faint outline of her areolas. If she coughed you would know what color her panties were or if she was even wearing any.
"That's a look!" Tori teased her.
"Mom you can't wear that!" Lilly scolded her.
"Why? It's comfortable." Emily argued.
I stood and took Emily's shoulders and stopped her. "Today you wear a dress, mid-thigh or longer." I informed her. "And a bra!"
"Says who?" She challenged me.
"Says the man that flew out here on his own dime to attend this meeting!" Lilly stated in my defense.
That wasn't really true but I wasn't going to correct her.
"I didn't ask him to come! It's none of his damn business what I do with my money!" Emily protested. "He can stay here and fuck you all!"
"Not me. I'm saving myself for someone special!" Tori joked.
"Mom we've already been down this road, if you're going, Parker is going with you." Lilly stated. "Now come with me, we don't have much time."
Lilly marched her mom, none too happy I might add, back down the hall.
Tori looked at me and kind of cocked her head and smiled.
"Who are you?"
"I'm sorry?" I replied.
"Less than two days and you have all but tamed that wild filly." Tori grinned. "Rose knew what she was doing when she found you. If Lilly is smart, and we both know she is, she won't let you go." Tori said.
"You approve?" I questioned her.
Tori stood from the table then moved in front of me. She studied me closely as I studied her.
"I may not see you before you leave tomorrow. May I give you a kiss goodbye now?" Tori whispered.
She reminded me so much of my sister Daisy. Not just her build, but the way her eyes were always searching for something. Without answering I bent down slightly, her hand slipped behind my neck.
Tori kissed me firmly, not so much sensually, more lovingly.
"I do Parker." She whispered in this sultry voice. "I do approve. I know we will see each other again. Maybe soon."
I was taken in by not only her kiss but her confidence.
"It would be my pleasure I assure you." I replied.
There was an awkward pause, I thought of kissing her again. Just then Emily came out with Lilly. Tori and I looked at her sister and back at each other. It was hard to believe it was the same woman.
Emily had on a blue dress that looked like it was painted on her. More casual than formal it was none the less classy. Above mid-thigh but not much, clingy it followed her petite curves. She had on high heels making her toned legs look even longer.
The top of the dress was thinner clearly showing she had on a black bra, the scooped neck exposed just a touch of the lace trim inside. Lower a wide belt accentuated her narrow waist. The bottom half was lined or heavier since you couldn't see her panties. There was a hint of makeup and Lilly had done up her hair by tying it back making Emily look years younger.
"Well who have we here?" Tori teased her sister. "You look hot!"
Emily brushed off her sister's remark and glared squarely at me.
"So?" Emily snorted. "What does he think?"
Referring to me in a way that confirmed how upset Emily was with me.
"Dressed for success!" I replied not daring to say what I really thought.
Lilly looked at me in a telling way. She knew what I was thinking. That wicked smile crossed her face. She slowly nodded approvingly. She too was happy her mom was looking sexy.
The drive took longer than I thought, California traffic is just deplorable. Lilly warned me as much and because of that Emily and I arrive well ahead of our appointment.
Rose had tried to talk Emily from going to see Baxter ever since she came home. Emily refused to listen to Rose even after I passed on some concerns.
Knowing I had a captive audience in the car, I started to explain the research I had done on Baxter's company. I acknowledge that I had little tangible proof, but the FBI and SEC who are responsible for investigating these accusations, confirmed my suspicions.
"You don't need to come, this is my money." Emily argued.
"It is, but I need to see for myself what he is saying and offering. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he has changed?" I offered.
Again Emily refused to discuss my concerns. She was a stubborn woman this one. Refusing to talk about it anymore, Emily tried to change the topic. Mostly she just listen to the radio.
I piloted the Jaguar looking over at my restless passenger. Emily squirmed and shifted in her seat struggling to find a comfortable position. She kept pulling at the scooped collar of her dress and adjusting the cups of her bra.
"I need to take this off, it itches." Emily complained.
"Not until after the meeting." I replied firmly.
"This is cruel and unusual punishment!" Emily glared at me.
"You look beautiful." I truthfully answered in response.
"What do you know?"
"I know what appeals to me." I answered blushing a bit saying it to her.
"And what I had on earlier didn't appeal to you?"
"Maybe in the right setting, but this ..." I scanned her body slowly smiling broadly. "...I would take you anywhere."
Emily seemed flustered but appreciative of my compliment. I pulled in the parking structure and opened her door. She turned to get out and her dress rode up exposing her panty covered pussy.
They were black lace, her furry bush clearly on display behind the see through mesh. She looked up at me making no effort to hide her charms.
"You're panties are quite sexy, does the bra match?" I asked not looking up from her crotch.
"Wouldn't you like to know pervert?" Emily took my hand as I helped her out.
I opened the back door and grabbed my briefcase. Seemingly over her tirade from earlier Emily reached over and took my hand. I looked down, she didn't even look up to see my reaction, instead looking straight ahead. I could just tell by her gait she was happy I accepted her subtle sign of affection.
Just down the hall from the main lobby we stood at the elevator waiting for it to take us up to Baxter's office. As the descending numbers showed us the car was moving closer to the ground floor, Emily started to get more nervous. With a loud ding the doors opened and we stood to the side allowing the passengers to depart.
Emily hesitated as if she wasn't going to get in. I squeezed her hand firmly.
"He's waiting for us." I whispered. Emily looked up with pleading eyes. "Isn't this what you want?" I asked.
Emily seemed miffed as we stepped in the elevator, I pushed the 25th floor and the doors closed leaving us alone together. I knew something was amiss but wasn't sure what or why. Emily was adamant we come but now it seemed like she wanted to leave.
"How do I look?" Emily asked anxiously, as she moved across the elevator from me.
"Perfect!" I replied nodding in approval.
Emily reached in the top of her dress and shifted her tits in the bra once again.
"They're too small and saggy." Emily she said in a self-deprecating manner.
"There is no such thing as a bad boob." I teased her.
"Men!" Emily replied finally smiling.
The door opened on a lower floor, two young men entered the car and pushed the button for the fifteenth floor. Emily was still on the other side of the elevator. Assuming we were not together, the two young men were clearly checking Emily out.
I nodded letting her know I wasn't the only one that that thought she was desirable. Emily blushed letting me know she understood. The two exited as the door opened for their floor. Alone again Emily stood across the elevator and pointed at me.
"Why are you here?" Emily asked her mood changing 180 degrees from moments ago.
"Rose has concerns about this investment. I have concerns myself..."
"This is my meeting, it has taken weeks to get this appointment. I don't care what you told Rose, YOU will not interrupt." Emily glared at me.
"As you wish." I lied.
Just then the elevator stopped and the door opened. Emily moved to me and grabbed my hand as we exited. And now 180, again. I noticed Emily was laser focused as we entered the lobby.
The receptionist announced our arrival, and after a short wait, were escorted into Baxter's office.
It was absolutely the most impressive office I had ever been in. Massive in scale there was a sitting area to one side and a mini bar on the other.
In front sat a desk easily twice the size of any other I had ever seen. The paneling on the walls looked hand carved the large windows looked out on the city of San Francisco. Pictures of dignitaries from around the city and the country adorned the walls.
"Welcome! I'm Baxter!" He said with a polished smile thrusting his hand into mine.
"Parker." I introduced myself. "This is Ms. Bowman."
"Emily!" She protested in response to my introduction.
"Well Emily I am so glad to have you stop in." He batted his eyes at her. "I don't normally handle sales but Angela insisted. When she told me who you were I knew I had to see you personally." He gushed.
Emily turned to me and gave me the wicked smile by now I knew all too well. Something just wasn't right but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then turning back to Baxter she did something I never expected, Emily blushed.
"Why thank you Baxter." Emily swooned.
Three minutes in and Emily acted smitten. It felt wrong to me, but I have to admit I felt sorry for anyone he wanted to turn his charm on, including me. If it weren't for the facts in my briefcase I might have invested with him as well.
"May I?" I asked before setting my briefcase on the corner of his desk.
Baxter took no notice as he agreed with a sweep of his hand. His focus was not on me but the famous author and her no doubt considerable bank account. As I opened the brief case, Baxter wasted no time buttering up to Emily.
I let him go through his entire spiel touting facts and figures that were not only misleading but outright lies. I wanted to stop him so many times but I had an obligation to the F.B.I. and the S.E.C. to hear him out. Besides Emily had insisted I shouldn't interrupt.
He was shorter than I expected, and bit heavier than his earlier pictures, but no less charismatic than his reputation. He was smooth and confident even as he rattled off returns of fifteen to twenty percent.
His speech was so rehearsed even when Emily did ask questions he had the answers at the tip of his tongue. I was impressed by Emily's questions but then she seemed to accept unrealistic claims at face value.
Baxter leaned heavily on Angela's referral spouting how she had been a client for some time and had made huge profits on her investment over that period.
Based on the pointed questions Emily asked just moments ago her next action stunned Baxter and me both
Emily pulled her check book out before I even knew she had one. Soon they started talking money, Emily suggested well into six figures to start. This was a sizable part of her portfolio. Concerned she might actually give him money, I knew I had to intervene.
"Excuse me, but I have a few questions." I interrupted, having been silent for most of the time.
With the prospect of losing the momentum he so smoothly built up Baxter glared at me. Emily turned to face me and also let me know she was not happy with the interruption.
"Is this really necessary?" Emily challenged me.
"You did ask me to come along." I glared at Emily.
Emily really hadn't and we both knew it. Emily met my glare but then for some reason soften her stance before welcoming my interruption.
"You don't mind if Parker has a few questions do you?" Emily asked demurely laying down her pen. We both saw she was filling out the check for a substantial sum.
"Please feel free." Baxter looked at Emily smiling as if to welcome the question.
"Most of your investments are in office buildings. Is that right?" I asked as if I was just fact checking.
"We are 90% invested in high rise office buildings and about 10% in commercial buildings. But only where there is high demand." Baxter replied confident that I would not interrupt again.
"Right, that is consistent with your prospectus." I interrupted anyway. I handed him a photo of a building in another city. "You say that your company owns this property is that correct?"
Clearly caught off guard for just a second Baxter quickly regrouped. Like any high stakes gambler he smiled and bluffed as he regained his composure.
"We may have at one time. We buy and sell properties regularly to increase the profit for our investors." He smiled at Emily as she sat with a partially written check in front of her.
"But according to your own paperwork you state the building is eighteen stories. I checked, that building is only sixteen stories." I locked onto his eyes. "In fact there is not one building in the whole city that is eighteen stories.
Baxter looked at the photo I handed him. He was visibly rattled but not willing to admit he was caught red handed. "That must have been a typing error." He said brushing it off.
"So is it also a typo when you say you own this building when in fact you don't own it?" I handed him another paper. "I know this because I have spoken to the real owners."
Oh but he was smooth. Without skipping a beat he hoped I was bluffing.
"Emily. This is all a misunderstanding." Baxter started to squirm.
"I'm sure it is." Emily chuckled.
"Emily, I can assure you all of our paperwork is up to date and filed with the authorities." Baxter regrouped quickly. "Besides you have Angela's personal recommendation."
"Well Angela and her husband have made a lot of money with you." Emily smiled happily at Baxter.
Emily started to fill the check out again. Baxter looked my way and silently gloated he had won again.
"But I have more." I said picking up a stack of papers.
"Parker I've made up my mind." Emily waved me off.
I couldn't believe my eyes as she dated the check. Emily had refused to listen to Rose, she wouldn't let me talk to her in the car, and now as I'm exposing Baxter in front of her she's still going to invest? Maybe she really is crazy. Oh well, I tried, I thought to myself.
"Parker I think we can trust Baxter. Look at all the money he's made. Just look at his office." Emily gushed.
Emily turned and studied me closely. I shook my head ever so slightly, there was a moment when I thought she missed it. Without a word said Emily gave me that look, that wicked smile. For just the briefest of moments I knew she trusted me.
Emily signed and tore out the check and started to hand it to Baxter. His pearly teeth and wide grin instantly returned. Baxter leaned back in his custom made chair and knew the money was his.
"Still..." Emily hesitated. "...only a crazy person would give you money before they checked with the authorities."
Emily glanced at me when she used the word crazy before she turned back to Baxter.
"Ms. Bowman, I think that would be a wise decision." I replied purposely not calling her Emily.
Baxter turned ashen and was clearly unhappy knowing how much was at stake. He looked at the signed check Emily held in her hand, then looked at me, fire was in his eyes. He looked back to see Emily had closed the checkbook. Baxter's options were few.
Baxter didn't get where he was by taking defeat easily. He started repeating the past returns, then explained this year would be better than last. I was closing up my briefcase when he brought up Emily's friend Angela one more time.
"Well that certainly is something to think about." Emily said with her check book still on his desk.
"I've been in this business for years." Baxter gloated. "There's never been a better time to invest than now."
Emily open the check book and looked at the check she signed. You could see Baxter was almost salivating over the small piece of paper. Then as if Emily was purposely taunting him she closed the check book once again.
"Please forgive me Baxter..." Emily stood up. "...but I have to go now."
Without hesitation Emily turned to me and took my hand. I grabbed my briefcase then just as suddenly we headed for the elevator. Baxter followed playing his part to the end. Outwardly Baxter was still composed, inside I bet he was seething.
The whole way to the elevator Baxter tried to make a follow up appointment. By the time the doors closed Emily was shaking almost uncontrollably.
"Kiss me now!" Emily demanded. Stunned I didn't even react. "Please Parker hold me." Emily repeated.
As I bent over Emily touched her lips to mine. Her body pressed into me, seconds later her tongue slipped between my lips. Emily refused to let go extending the kiss to the point of discomfort.
"Emily what are you doing?" I gasped as I tried to push her off.
"Then just hold me." She pleaded.
"I don't understand?" I pulled Emily tight, her whole body trembled in my arms.
"Fuck him!" She spat starting to calm down.
"Will you tell me what's going on?" I asked.
"Rose was right I never should have come." Emily replied pissed off. "I thought she was just getting back at me for things I've said to her."
"Emily the authorities really have been investigating Baxter." I explained. "I only hope your friends haven't invested too much with him."
"Fuck Angela. Wish I never knew the bitch." Emily cursed. "I just want that fucking bastard to suffer like I have."
"Emily what are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"Do you know how long I've waited to get back at that son of a bitch?" Emily asked. "Years, that's how long, too many fucking years." Emily said not waiting for an answer.
Then it hit me. Emily never intended to invest, she was settling a score. A personal score at that.
The elevator shuddered to a stop. Emily squeezed my hand firmly and looked up at me.
"Thank you Parker. I don't think I could have done that without you." Emily smiled sheepishly.
I took her hand and headed to the car. My guess is it would take a few weeks before Baxter got the really bad news. I figured it would take that long before the feds would file their case against him.
I would probably have to testify, Emily might need to sign a statement as well. It didn't make me happy, I knew may people would lose their investments. I only took comfort knowing there would be fewer victims.
I opened the door to the Jag and helped Emily in the passenger door. Leaving the garage she was squirming again in the front seat. I looked over to see her removing her bra and tossing it in the back.
"You said after the meeting!" Emily mocked me.
I took Emily to lunch where she drew her share of attention, not surprisingly much of it was mine. Back in the car Emily nodded off, the stress of the meeting clearly had taken its toll. I looked over as she leaned across the console.
With her shoulder resting on it, Emily's head was supported by my bicep. I looked down her dress gaping open and a lone breast visible nestled inside her top. The nipple thick and pink resting against the darker areola moved up and down with each breath.
I smiled knowing her daughters would look just as sexy at her age. I had time to think as we made decent time mid-day. It was clear Emily had included me in her revenge against Baxter. I wasn't sure why but I had my suspicions? Emily admitted Rose told her to steer clear of him. Why then did we even go?
Why was I in California at all I wondered? I looked down at Emily as she stirred. She looked up at me having woken from her nap. I looked down at her exposed breast and smiled. She followed my eyes and saw the situation, smiled and closed her eyes again.
"Still no such thing as a bad boob?" She teased.
"Well some are better than others I admit."
"I'm glad you came Parker." Emily snuggled the best she could in the car.
"You had no intention of giving him a check did you?" I asked.
"Nope." She replied her eyes still closed.
"Your husband?" I took a stab.
Emily sat up in her seat and studied me for a long moment. "He lost everything because of that man, even his family." Emily cursed looking out the window. "This is just Baxter's newest scam."
"So this is revenge?" I suggested.
"I prefer to call it justice." Emily glared at me.
"That's a long time to wait for justice." I pointed out.
"Rose has been begging me to let it go for years." Emily looked out the window again. "Maybe now she can forgive me."
"It took guts to go into the lions den." I reached over and took her hand. "Maybe now you can forgive yourself?"
"I couldn't have done it without you." Emily squeezed my hand.
"So you were just using me?" I chuckled.
"There were other reasons." Emily replied.
"So this is just your way of getting me out here?"
"Maybe." Emily answered. "Why did you come?"
Lilly told me I would know when the time was right. With Baxter handled this should have been that moment. Somehow it just didn't feel right. It took all the will power I had not to blurt it out.
"Lilly asked me to." I confessed.
Emily looked up at me, I could see she knew I was holding back.
"What do you think I should do with all this money?" Emily asked.
"I'm not into personal finance. I suggest you find someone that is." I suggested.
"Fair enough, any thoughts?"
"Real estate, mutual funds, bonds. I talked to Rose about annuities." I explained.
"Pretty boring isn't it?" Emily replied.
"Maybe but it's pretty safe as well." I answered.
Emily leaned against my arm and closed her eyes but only after she shifted so I could see her tit again.
We pulled in the drive Lilly and Rose were waiting for us in the living room. I carried in Emily's bra with my brief case. They both knew right away I hadn't asked Emily for Lilly to marry me. Time was running out and so were my options.
We did tell them the whole story of Baxter and how Emily taunted him with the check. I could see Rose and Emily look at each other knowing this painful memory might now be over.
"Can I speak to you?" Lilly pulled me aside.
"Sure." I replied.
"Mom has an event tonight, Aunt Tori was going to go with her but I want you to go instead." Lilly ran her hands over the lapels of my suit. "It would do her good to be seen with a man."
"What about Tori?" I asked not sure I agreed.
"She accepted a promotion, Rose and I are going to go celebrate with her." Lilly grinned.
"The three of you?" I joked as I acted surprised.
"Parker! Tori is straight, besides she's our aunt!" Lilly hit me. "We're going to the bar. Tori has a few guys she hoping might be there."
"And you?" I dared to inquire.
"I found my knight in shining armor. I'm just her wing man." Lilly laughed giving me a kiss.
"Lilly I still haven't asked Emily." I confessed.
"I know, but you will, the time isn't right yet." Lilly replied.
"How do you know?" I questioned.
"Because you haven't seduced her yet." Lilly answered.
"What?" I protested. "I can't do that she's your mother!"
"You can and you will. I see the way she looks at you, and you her. You're still a bachelor, there's no reason not to." Lilly held my face. "It's the only way she will get to know you like Rose and I do."
"Lilly she's your MOTHER!" I repeated in case she didn't hear me the first time.
"No Parker, she is a woman that hasn't been with a man in a long time. She wanted you to fuck her in the shower but you were too much of a gentleman. Tonight she needs you to remind her what being a woman should feel like." Lilly explained.
"Lilly I can't believe you WANT me to do this?" I argued.
"Parker, Rose and I agreed to share everything, even our mother. She is telling her the same thing right now." Lilly laughed.
"You mean..."
"We are sharing you with Emily." Lilly nodded. "I love you Parker.
"When will I see you?" I asked knowing it was my last night here.
"We may not get home until early in the morning. I don't want to see you before I take you to the airport." Lilly explained. "Parker, I expect you to spend the night. She's our mother not a prostitute. Now get cleaned up you haven't much time."
Lilly pulled me down and kissed me passionately letting me know once again how unselfish she was. I went and freshened up changing my shirt and removing my tie. Emily was waiting for me wearing the same dress but with her bra again.
After spending the day together, we were now acting like two teenagers on a first date. Emily was outside near the garden. I walked over and gave Emily a quick peck on the cheek.
"How can I help?" I asked.
"There are some plants in the greenhouse we need to take." Emily replied.
I backed up the Land Rover and opened the hatch. Waiting for me in the greenhouse Emily was talking to her plants. I stood for a moment and realized what Lilly was trying to get me to understand.
I watched Emily for a moment and wondered if this was the life she wanted or just the one she accepted. There was no doubt she had been hurt in the past, fifteen years is a long time to hold a grudge.
"Hey beautiful, we should start to load the car." I said leaning against the door.
The sun was setting just right, the rays coming through the glass highlighted her profile.
"Are you sure we can't stay home?" Emily whispered.
"What? And miss the opportunity show your new boyfriend off again?" I teased.
"Why are you doing this Parker?" Emily asked
"Did you ever think I might just want to do this?" I asked in return.
Emily smiled nervously and went about picking out the plants I needed to load. I closed the hatch and opened the passenger door for Emily. She stopped at the door and offered me her hand.
With her other hand she lifted the front of her dress showing me she had changed her panties. These were lace as well but a deep red. I helped her in but she didn't let go as she scooted into the seat.
"Kiss me Parker." Emily whispered.
I leaned in and kissed her. My hand moved between her tanned legs. Emily spread them slightly her dress still pulled up exposing her panties. I ran my finger along her pussy through her panties. Emily sighed as I avoided her clit.
"Now let's go show you off." I teased. I then pulled her dress down covering her legs.
We drove a fair distance to an old historical landmark where a fairly large gathering of people were in attendance. I helped Emily unload her plants and placed them with the others. It was a fundraiser for some charity and people from all around came to have their plants judged and eventually auctioned off to raise money.
I noticed Emily's plants were in an area that was marked for display only. I thought it odd since there was only one other plant there. Emily didn't seem to mind in fact she acted as if it was expected.
Emily took my hand and we strolled through the lighted paths noticing the well-kept grounds of the estate. As we made the rounds Emily stopped at several groups of flowers so she could inspect them. She mumbled to herself at each stop, about what I don't know. What I do know is what was being said behind her back.
There was a definitely a lot of gossip swirling around her about me. I was standing at the bar getting us drinks and the comments ranged from Emily being a cougar to me being a gigolo. We found our seats near the front of the room as dinner was announced.
I sat beside an older couple, the woman next to me, her husband on the other side. The conversation at the table was sparse but polite. Emily ate very little and talked even less. After the meal Emily took my hand and led me from the table.
"I can't do this." Emily whispered. "Come with me."
Emily led me back through the seclude part of the gardens and embraced me.
What's wrong?" I asked confused.
I caressed her back as she tightened her grip around me.
"I don't want to go up and talk this year." Emily whimpered. "I want to go home with you!"
I bent down and kissed her moving my hands lower over her body. Her lips pressed to mine, my tongue searched for hers. Emily moaned as our tongues danced. My hand moved lower cupping her ass.
"Yes!" Emily replied seductively.
Emily kissed me again pressing her body tighter to mine. My hands pulled her dress up exposing her panty covered ass. I gripped each globe feeling the sexy material in each hand. I pulled her up Emily's legs instinctively wrapped around my waist.
"Take me Parker!" Emily pleaded. "Do it here, do it now.
I bent my neck and nuzzled the top of her breast. Emily flung her head back and moaned as I teased her tit.
My right hand supported her weight, my left rubbed along the gusset of her panties. Emily's panties were soaked. She rotated her hips humping my hand. I was just about to pull them to the side and finger her.
"Ms. Bowman!" A voice called out. "Ms. Bowman?"
Emily pulled from my lips and begged me not to answer. I sat her down as the footsteps started getting closer.
"You can do this!" I whispered. "Let me see how beautiful you are on that stage!"
I helped her straighten her dress then took her hand just as a young woman rounded the corner.
"Ms. Bowman?" The young lady asked.
"That's me." Emily said politely.
"You are needed for the ceremony."
"Thank you I will be right there." Emily replied.
The young lady hesitated expecting Emily to come with her but thought better of it when Emily turned to kiss me. After she left Emily reached under her dress and removed her panties.
"You can take the bra off later." She said huskily as she slipped them in my pocket. "Now come walk me back to the table."
I took her arm in mine hoping my erection was covered by my jacket.
I sat down back at the dinner table which was now clear of dishes. Emily seemed nervous as she was escorted on stage with several other people. Marge the lady next to me laid her hand over my thigh and leaned in.
"How did you get her to wear that dress? She looks as lovely as her flowers tonight!" Marge whispered.
"They are, aren't they, the dress and the flowers I mean?" I chuckled. "Too bad they aren't judging her flowers."
"Oh you don't know about that?" Marge leaned back in.
"No this is my first time here." I replied.
"They won't let her compete anymore, she was winning all the time." Marge explained. "That and they think she's crazy."
"Then why does she come?" I asked dumbfounded.
"The same reason I do, that flower with hers is mine, it's for a good cause." Marge answered.
"I saw that, it was beautiful! Why isn't yours being judged?"
"Each year I bring just one flower and it too always won. I guess I was the only one that read all of her books?" Marge laughed. "In a minute you will see how generous she really is."
Just then Emily was asked to the podium where they started auctioning off her plants. Some of them went for several thousands of dollars, the bidding at times was fast and furious. The ten plants we brought fetched over twenty thousand dollars. Emily autographed each one for the bidder.
Marge's flower went next and received a top bid of five hundred from Emily herself. Emily joined me at the table as the winners of the judged plants were announced. Their plants were then auctioned off. None of the others went for over one hundred dollars except the best of show.
"You out did yourself Marge!" Emily leaned over. "That would have taken best of show this year too!"
"Thank you Emily." Marge blushed. She hesitated and looked at me oddly. "That was nice of you to say so."
I looked at Emily to see her blushing too. It seemed this was a something out of the ordinary. I had a feeling even in this circle she was an outcast. Several people came over to talk to Emily. I stood to the side and listened in as she awkwardly accepted praise.
I went and picked up Marge's flower Emily won the bid for. Marge took my hand and pulled me down to say something.
"I don't know who you are but she's not the same woman we know." Marge gave me a peck on the cheek. "Look at her Parker, it's the first year she has talked to anyone, she looks almost happy. You keep her close young man." Marge winked.
I looked over at Emily and just watched her try and interact with her fans. She eventually looked up and saw me in the distance. I could see she was uncomfortable interacting with so many women. I made my way over slowly. As I got closer, each time she looked up, Emily's body language pleaded with me to save her.
"Excuse me ladies, I hate to take Emily away from you, but it's past our bedtime." I announced.
Emily's eyes got big and that wicked smile crossed her face as a hush took over the gathering.
"Are you ready to go beautiful?" I asked Emily.
"Thank you all for taking the time to see me but it is getting late." Emily announced
Holding the plant in one hand and Emily's in the other we made our way through the crowd. Emily took my arm and pressed up against me as we took a path to the parking lot. I put the plant in the back securely and opened her door. Emily sat down in the seat facing me.
"I can't wait for you to take this bra off of me." Emily teased me.
"I can't wait to put these panties back on so I can take them off again." I said pulling them from my pocket.
"Well maybe you should do that now then!" Emily lifted her feet. "We wouldn't want to soil the upholstery would we?"
I slipped the panties over her shoes and up her legs. With her feet over my shoulders she lifted her ass and pulled back her dress. I pushed the panties over her thighs and in position over her ass and matted pussy hair. Emily squealed softly and wiggled her ass as I gripped it. She spread her legs wide as I leaned and kissed the gusset of her panties before I stood.
"Parker take me home!" Emily moaned.
I jumped in the driver's seat and headed to the house. Emily reached over and stroked my cock through my slacks. My cock was hard and stiff and she made sure I stayed that way for the remainder of the trip. I reached over and slipped my hand inside her bra and tweaked her nipple.
"No you don't!" Emily pulled my hand out after I had a little fun. "If I have to wear this these are off limits!" She giggled.
I gripped her tit over her dress instead. Emily put her hand over mine and held it firm.
"Hurry Parker!" Emily hissed.
It seemed to take twice as long to reach home as it did to get to the party but with no traffic I'm sure it was less. I pulled in the drive and put the Land Rover in park. Emily release her seat belt and scrambled to kiss me.
Our lips met, her tongue force its way inside to mine. She was in a position that couldn't last long. I opened the door and pulled her out of the driver's side. Picking her up I carried her to the house.
Emily had her arms around my neck and kissed me the whole way. I sat her down to open the door to the house, she ran inside as I closed the door. I saw her briefly in the hallway and headed that way.
I looked in her room and found her standing on the bed waiting for me. I removed my jacket and hung it over a chair. I kicked off my shoes and walk to the bed where Emily waited.
Now taller than me I placed my hands on the outside of her thighs. Emily was trembling as I pulled her to the edge. My hand went up and gripped her ass, my face pressed against her chest. Emily wrapped my head and pulled it tight.
"I'm scared Parker." Emily whispered.
"Don't be." I whispered back.
"Why are you here?" Emily took my face in her hands and looked down at me nervously.
"To make love to you." I replied honestly.
'Then what?" Emily started to tremble.
"I want to ask for your daughters hand in marriage." I replied honestly again.
"Which one?" Emily started to cry.
"Both of them, we know they can't exist without each other." I explained. "Lilly specifically."
"So you came to seduce me? So I would say yes?" Emily asked tears running down her cheeks now.
"I came to seduce you no matter what your answer." I replied truthfully.
"And what if I refuse to be seduced?"
"We both know you won't." I said confidently
SMACK! Emily slapped my face hard. It stung but I didn't budge, instead my hands started to pull her panties down.
SMACK! She slapped me again, again I shrugged it off. I pulled her panties down to her feet.
SMACK! "Please don't stop!" Emily whimpered. She was sobbing as she hit me tenderly on my face one more time.
"I think it's time we get that bra off don't you?" I whispered.
"I'm so sorry!" She sobbed.
"Don't be I deserve it." I stretched up to kiss her.
Emily pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue found me waiting. I ran my hands back to her ass and gripped her cheeks. I could feel her tears drip on my face as she continued to kiss me. I ran my hand between her sex from behind. Emily spread her legs and pressed down firmly forcing her pussy to spread. Her oily passion coated my fingers.
"Fuck me Parker, I need to feel you inside me!" Emily pleaded. "I need to know you love me!"
"I do Emily, I do. I need you to know that too." I whispered.
I moved my hands up bringing her dress with it. Emily straightened her arms and allowed me to pull it over her head. I reached behind and unhooked her bra and held it in place as I nibbled on her breast through the material.
"Ahhh..." Emily moaned.
I moved to the other, Emily pulled my hair and growled.
"Take it off!"
Deciding I had teased her enough I pulled her bra free, she took it from me and tossed it across the room. I sucked one long nipple then moved to get as much tit in my mouth as nature allowed.
"Please Parker?" Emily pleaded once again.
Emily started unbuttoning my shirt as I suckled her tits. I gripped her nipple with my teeth and pulled it taunt. Emily wrapped her arms around my head and pulled it tight against her.
My hands were busy kneading her ass and once again I probed between her legs. Emily's pussy was flooded with desire as my fingers parted her labia. She ground down against them forcing them deep in her folds.
"Oh, Oh. I need you...!" Emily shuddered against me.
I pulled my hands from her pussy and ran my oily fingers over her tightly clenched asshole. When Emily pushed back I felt the pucker loosen.
"Noooooo not there...!" Emily cried out.
I gripped her ass cheeks and pulled her free from me. I pulled Emily down to the bed her legs on either side of me and laid her on her back. I glanced up and smiled, she warned me not to but it was too late.
My tongued dove in her depths where my fingers dared not enter. I licked up inside her pussy coating my tongue with her creamy excitement.
"You fucking bastard!" Emily protested as her hand gripped my hair.
Emily pulled me hard against her pussy my nose rubbed firmly over her clit. The aroma of her scent was rich and womanly. The tartness of her juices tingled on my tongue. Her furry snatch tickled my nose.
There was no need to wonder if I was effective in my efforts. Emily responded to each touch, each kiss, and each nibble with equal passion. With her legs over my shoulders my hands gathered her tits and held them firmly.
Emily rubbed her nipples and arched her back to increase her pleasure. Much to my delight I felt the warning signs of her soon to arrive orgasm. Emily's cries of passion ceased, the room was eerily silent except for my tongue lapping at her pussy.
Emily gripped my hair as if it was the security bar on a roller coaster.
"UGGHH" She thrust up her clit forced its way against my upper lip.
There was a noticeable delay as her body relaxed.
"AAAHH" She thrust up quickly as her clit again forced its way against my upper lip.
Emily's legs clamped my head firmly, her body relaxed and then another surge gripped her body.
It was like waves in the ocean. At first Emily tensed up in orgasmic bliss like a cresting wave, only to relax as if she let the pleasure saturate her body before the next wave hit.
I rode the waves with her until she no longer had the energy to continue. I sat up and looked in Emily's eyes. We both knew this is not what she wanted.
"Damn you! Why did you do that?" Emily looked up at me in frustration.
"Because I needed you to know I would." I replied.
"Kiss me you magnificent man!" She asked in a sultry voice.
"But I just..."
"I said kiss me!" Emily demanded.
I stood up and removed my remaining clothes in a hurry. Joining Emily on the bed I hovered over her and kissed my way up from her tummy. I went slowly savoring several points along the way. Emily squealed as I kissed her side tickling her, Emily moaned as I latched on her right nipple. Emily whimpered as I kissed her neck and nibbled her ear lobe.
By the time my lips found hers Emily was frantically stroking my cock. If there was any question Emily wanted to fuck it was cleared up at that moment. She gripped my cock and squeezed it firmly. Our kiss ended abruptly as she pulled me hard to the entrance of her pussy.
"Put it in me!" Emily growled.
Emily rubbed my cock along her hairy slit, her body shivered in anticipation. With one last adjustment I found her opening, Emily pulled her hand free allowing me to complete her demand.
"Oh god! Don't move!" Emily wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down on top of her.
I was mashing her into the mattress and still she pulled me tighter. Emily quivered beneath me, her pussy clenched my cock milking it without moving. The frustration of not fucking started to build. Unable to hold off any longer I plunged deeper in her dormant cunt.
"Again!" Emily grunted as I grazed her cervix.
I pulled out and thrusted back in deeper. Emily grunted as her pussy contracted again and again. It was intriguing making love to a woman that had a full bush. As our pelvis's pressed together I could feel her hair saturated with our lovemaking meshing with mine. I withdrew and reentered Emily slowly, savoring everything about her. The way she smelled, the way she tasted, even the way she responded to my touch.
I pulled up to my elbows as Emily loosened her grip, looking down her body shimmered with perspiration. Emily gripped my hips and urged me on faster. She arched her back and pulled me deep in her greedy cunt.
"Hurry Parker I want to feel it!" She hissed. "Cum with me."
I looked down to see Emily looking at me with pleading eyes. Looking lower her tits danced on her chest the nipples fat and hard. Looking lower yet I watched as my cock disappeared in the dark forest protecting her sex.
Emily looked down and saw it too. Her hand moved to caress her clit gently. I could feel it as her pussy clenched my cock in response to her touch. Arching my back I leaned down for a kiss. Her body trembled, her hips rolled. Emily spread her legs wider exposing more of her sex. We both watched as I pounded her cunt and she rubbed her clit.
"Fuck that pussy!" Emily squealed.
That familiar tightness in my balls signaled I was not going to last much longer. I looked down to warn Emily but her eyes were closed as she herself was close to cumming.
"Inside or out?" I grunted. Emily's eyes flicked open she looked at me either confused or undecided. She rubbed her clit frantically, her stomach tightened.
"Inside or OUT!" I repeated desperate for an answer.
"Oh PARKER! FILL MY PUSSY!" Emily screamed.
She pulled her hand from between us, wrapped her legs around my thighs, her arms pulled me down. A torrent of cum spilled from my cock. I pressed up making contact with her clit. Emily groaned and pulled me tighter. I could feel her pussy milking each additional deluge from my willing balls. She herself was enjoying her second orgasm as cum spilled from her happy cunt.
Emily lay back looking satisfied but drained both physically and emotionally. My cock slipped from her pussy, she looked up and gave me a weak grin. I rolled to the side and caressed her cheek. She took my hand and kissed the palm. I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. She started to say something but I put a finger to her lips.
"Shhh. Just rest for now." I kissed her again this time with more meaning. "We can talk later."
I moved in beside Emily as she leaned up against me. I reached up and caressed her breast gently. Emily took my cock and did the same. We lay there just enjoying being together. Emily closed her eyes and stopped stroking me. I looked at the clock it was only ten thirty.
I knew I had to get ready to leave in the morning. I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'll be back Emily, you get some sleep." I whispered.
Emily reached over and took my wrist. "You're leaving me?" She looked up scared.
I rubbed my hand over her stomach up to her breasts pinching her nipple.
"I need to pack. I promise not to be gone long." I leaned over and kissed her lips. "I'm yours and only yours until breakfast."
"Promise?" Emily asked moving my hand down her body to her matted pubic hair.
"I promise. Now get some rest, if you're a good girl, I think there is more where that came from." I teased rubbing her pussy.
I kissed Emily one more time and then picked up my clothes before leaving the room. I walked down the hall to the room I shared with the girls. Inside the room I found my suitcases packed, most likely by Lilly.
I set out an outfit to wear home and slipped on some shorts. I hung up my slacks and jacket from tonight and placed the other clothes in a separate pocket. I verified my flight online, and checked my e-mails. Leaving the clothes for tomorrow I moved my suitcase and hanging bag to the living room.
It had been days since I talked to Daisy but we had stayed in touch through texts. Would she believe me when I tell her how much I had missed her? What would I say if she asked about Rose? Looking at the clock I saw it was just after eleven, it would be just after one her time. Deciding it was better late than never I sent an update to Daisy reminding her I would be home tomorrow.
Reflecting on how I spent my time here I realized how little time I spent with Lilly and Rose. How could I explain the time I spent with Emily? What had I really accomplished? How could I explain that I was no closer to bringing the twins back and had been intimate with their mother?
Just then I saw headlights pull in the drive. I ducked back down the hall waiting to see who it was. Lilly had told me they would be out late and not expect them until morning. The front door opened and Rose busted through pulling Lilly with her.
"Hurry she's waiting for us!" Rose pleaded excitedly.
"You go, I need to use the bathroom first." Lilly explained.
They were both dressed to go clubbing, high heels and slinky dresses with necklines almost to their navels. Their hair was done up, their makeup overdone. Rose was looking at her phone swaying her hips as Lilly guided her into their bedroom. I walked from the shadows and went to find Rose propped up against headboard one hand holding her phone the other between her legs.
I didn't see Lilly until she popped out in the hall facing me. We were both caught off guard at first. I grabbed her around the waist to keep her from falling.
"Parker! What are you doing here?" Lilly sighed quietly. "Where's Emily? Why aren't you with her?" She whispered with a scornful look then pulled the bedroom door closed.
"She's in bed resting." I smiled nervously.
"You smell like sex!" Lilly squealed happily.
She jumped up in my arms and kissed me passionately before I could warn her. She thrust her tongue in my mouth as her arms clung around my neck. I held her up as she clung to me.
"What are you doing home?" I dared to ask.
"Tori was hooking up with someone and Rose was feeling guilty." Lilly said as I looked at her confused. "She misses Daisy silly! Their having phone sex!"
Lilly wiggled free and opened the door so we could see Rose now naked on the bed fingering herself with one hand her phone in the other.
"I need to get in there. You should go take a shower in Tori's bathroom. I will check on mom, then I have to make sure this one sleeps soundly tonight." Lilly giggled.
I went in the master bathroom and turned on the shower. I found the towels and stripped off my shorts. I had just ducked under the water when the door to the bathroom opened. Through the clear glass I could see Lilly walking Emily in my direction. They were both naked, I couldn't make out what they were saying but it was clear Lilly was not having any of it.
Just before the door to the shower opened they stood beside each other. It struck me I was looking at both the present and the future as Lilly and Emily approached. My cock got hard at just the thought of Lilly looking as beautiful and sexy as her mother was right now. The door opened and with one last push Emily was standing beside me.
"Parker remember your promise!" Lilly pointed her finger at me.
"But baby he came for you!" Emily argued.
"Don't you see he loves you too mom!" Lilly shot back. "It's been fifteen years mom but surely you know love when you feel it!"
"But why Lilly?" Emily pleaded. "Tell me why you're doing this?"
"I need you to know he's not dad!" Lilly whispered. "I should get back to Rose, she's waiting for me."
Lilly leaned in and kissed Emily then closed the door. She looked at me with hope filled eyes then turned and left.
Emily turned and threw herself at me. I held her as she pressed herself against me.
"Is it true? Do you love me?" Emily asked shaking.
I picked Emily up by the ass as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her legs wrapped around my waist as I lowered her over my raging cock. I pushed Emily up against the shower wall and drilled her hard. I pulled Emily up so just the tip of my cock was at the entrance to her pussy. I kissed her so hard there was no reason to answer her question,
Emily bit my lower lip, and tugged it until her moans echoed off the walls. I drilled her gaping cunt again. Her back slapped the smooth tiles as her athletic legs continued to encourage me to pound her pussy.
"Take me to bed!" Emily squealed. "I want to be on top!"
We shut the water off. At first we didn't dry off as I tried to carry her from the shower. The problem is she was too slippery to hold her and walk so I lifted Emily off my cock. We took the opportunity to dry off and headed back to her room. In the hall we heard talking from the girl's room. Emily looked at me excitedly. I hesitated but she insisted we take a look.
Lilly had left the door open a crack. She and Rose were both on the bed naked kissing. Intertwined like always, Rose was pulling Lilly's nipple while Lilly was working a vibrator in Rose's pussy. Rose was still holding the phone. It wasn't clear but appeared Daisy was on the screen working a dildo in her pussy as well.
"That ass is mine Lilly, don't you dare touch it!" Daisy yelled in the phone.
"But I need to cum Daisy!" Rose pleaded.
"But Lilly said we had to wait!" Daisy replied.
"Please Lilly can we cum?" Rose kissed her sister again.
"I said no! You're both being punished!" Lilly hissed.
Lilly stuffed Rose's pussy again as Daisy moaned over the phone. They locked lips and started kissing again.
Emily pulled me from the door looking at me with passion filled eyes. She pulled me across the hall and closed the door. Emily wasted no time as she led me to the bed and had me lay on my back.
She slithered up my legs and grabbed my cock. Emily pulled it up from my stomach and sucked the head into her mouth. I moaned in response grabbing a pillow so I could watch her pleasure me.
"I always hated this part!" Emily scooted up so she was straddling my legs.
"So why are you doing this?" I cupped her face in my hands.
"Because I needed you to know I would." Emily repeated my earlier statement.
She lowered her lips and sucked me again looking up to gauge my reaction. I touched her hair, Emily flinched expecting me to get forceful. Instead I just let it float with her bobbing closing my eyes to enjoy the pleasure.
It was a good five minutes when she shifted. Emily looked up at me flushed with desire. Still holding my cock she guided it between her dangling tits. Her stiff nipples dragged across my midsection to my chest.
"Now the part I like most!" Emily cracked that wicked smile.
Guiding my cock back to her pussy Emily easily slid her velvet tunnel over my rock hard shaft. Wasting no time Emily proceeded to fuck me rapidly. I watched as her small ripe tits bounced for my pleasure.
Emily would fuck me then grind down so her exposed clit would pleasure it's self against my body. I would pull her down for a kiss and let her rest. Emily would hover over me her fat nipples just grazing my chest as she rocked her hips fucking my cock several inches from my body.
We would both look down and see our excitement drip from her cunt. I was well along the way to an orgasm. Remembering Daisy and Rose I decided to push Emily over the edge. I gripped her tits and rolled her nipples firmly.
Emily responded by arcing her back and lifting her chin exposing her neck. I leaned up and kissed her dangling nipple then licked the way up to her chin. Emily cried out grinding her cunt down hard over my cock.
She was close but I was closer. I gripped both ass cheeks and spread them. Emily looked at me with distrust. I slipped my right hand past her cheek and pulled my cock from her cunt. I pressed it in the crack of her ass.
"Don't you even think of it!" Emily hissed.
I coated my fingers and rimmed her ass hole with our natural lubrication. I guided my cock back in her gaping cunt, Emily thrust my cock in deep groaning. With my finger good and greasy I pressed it to her nether hole.
"Please Parker no!" Emily shuddered. "I'm not...I didn't...!
"Shhhhh... it'll be ok." I whispered as she pushed back. "Relax, open up for me!"
Emily whimpered as my greasy finger just stretched her tight skin. I thrust up fucking her. Emily gasped as her body was confused on where she wanted it most. My cock pulled out she pushed back as my finger delved deeper.
"That is so nasty!" She moaned. "Deeper Parker!"
I slammed my cock up again I could feel her asshole tighten around my finger. I pulled my cock out again. My balls were boiling, Emily was panting and I knew she was closer than me now.
I pressed firmly, Emily's body quivered, her ass wiggled just as she cried out. With the first jolt of her orgasm my finger penetrated her ass. I thrusted up so hard it lifted her off the bed.
"FUCK ME!" Emily screamed loud enough the girls could hear.
Emily franticly fucked my finger and my cock at the same time. I could feel her pussy expand over my cock through the thin membrane separating the two. My hot cum filled her pussy as she continued to ride both intruders through multiple waves of orgasmic bliss.
With no strength left she collapsed on my body as I pulled my finger from her ass and my cock lay lifeless just inside her pussy. I reached over for the towel from our shower and wiped each finger clean.
"Where would they live?" Emily asked not moving from my chest.
"I have a four bedroom house I share with Daisy."
"Daisy is the lesbian Rose is enamored with? The one on the phone?" Emily looked up to see my reaction. "So you have it all worked out. You get Lilly, Daisy gets Rose?"
"Actually it isn't all worked out. First, Daisy isn't a lesbian, at least she wasn't before she met Rose. I actually thought she was going to marry a guy named Lucas." I explained. "Second, we never talked about those things."
"So Rose would be alone?" Emily asked.
It was a question that had been nagging me for some time myself. Some might say I'm suspicious about such things. I prefer inquisitive. In fact these last few days have only added to my concerns.
"Emily, I doubt Rose and Lilly cold ever live apart from each other."
Emily didn't say anything back right away. She just looked at me to see if I was sincere then looked at the door to her room.
"I just know I love your daughters, and I want to marry Lilly."
"I knew they were close, just not this close." Emily looked up at me. "You're right they belong together."
"You all do." I searched her eyes. "Belong together."
"They were happier with you Parker." Emily replied.
"They came home to you." I reminded her.
"They're all I have! And Tori is leaving." Emily sighed. "The rest are just plants.
"You should get some sleep. You'll be happier in the morning."
I rolled Emily off and kissed her passionately good night. She cuddled up beside me as we both drifted to sleep.
I was up earlier than usual. I sat up in bed to see Emily sleeping soundly. Slipping on my shorts I went to my suitcase and opened it. I pulled out the box I had so wanted to open but knew that was no longer an option.
I finished my shower and dried off. Dressing with the clothes I laid out for the day I cleaned up the bathroom and looked myself in the mirror. I stopped at Emily's room and gave her a gentle kiss. I left a note and the package and closed the door silently behind me.
I walked across the hall to the twin's room. Lilly looked up at me as Rose clung to her bare chest weeping.
I walked around and sat beside Rose. I caressed her back as she continued to embrace Lilly.
"I'm leaving Rose." I kissed her shoulder.
"You can't take her." Rose sobbed.
"I know. She's not leaving you honey. I won't let that happen." I replied looking in Lilly's sad eyes. "I promise."
I wrapped my arms around Rose and pulled her free from Lilly. Setting Rose on my lap I combed her hair from her face. I smiled broadly, she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.
"Hey! Where's that sassy woman that locked me out of a building to seduce me?" I teased.
Rose started laughing and crying at the same time. "I love you Parker." She blubbered.
"I love you Rose. We'll find a way to make it work." I wiped the tears from her cheek. "Is there message you want me to give Daisy?"
Rose pressed her lips to mine kissing me while she hung on. My hands slid up her sides rippling over her rib cage. Her soft skin only reminded me again what I was giving up. I gave her back to Lilly as our lips parted. I walked around the bed and sat down beside Lilly.
I wanted to take her and make love right there, instead I just took her hand. Lilly closed her eyes and gripped my hand firmly.
"Take care of them both." I whispered. Her eyes still closed Lilly nodded she heard me.
"You will let me know your answer?" I asked softly.
Lilly's eyes closed firmly, her lips quivered holding back her tears. Lilly nodded once again.
"Then I should leave."
Lilly embraced Rose now tighter, her shoulders jerking as she held back her emotions. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. Standing up I walked to the door and opened it. I looked back to see the twins intertwined one last time. I walked out and closed the door tight.
"I LOVE YOU PARKER!" Came a loud but muted reply from behind the door. I leaned against it to steady myself.
"You can't let him leave!" Rose cried out.
"Hold me Rose. Hold me!" Lilly sobbed.
The moment I dreaded had finally come. Lilly made me promise to make it quick, she didn't want to have to watch me leave. I gathered what little strength I had and went to the living room. When I arrived Tori was waiting for me.
"So that's your decision?" Tori asked bluntly.
"No, but this is the way it is for now." I replied.
"So you're not going to stay and fight for her? For them" Tori challenged me.
"Fight whom? Emily? Don't you see why Lilly brought me here? Not to fight 'with' Emily, but to fight 'for' Emily." I explained. "Don't worry it took me a few days to figure that out myself." I winked at her.
Changing her plans Lilly had arranged for Tori to drive me to the airport. At first I thought it was just out of convenience, or that she would not be up to it emotionally. That part may be true, but I soon learned there was a deeper meaning for our time together.
It started out as polite conversation. Job, family and hobbies. The questions became more pointed and personal even going as far as asking about Daisy. All of this was done in a manner that impresses me still.
It was as if I was talking to an old friend. Sometimes it was just a well-placed "ooh" or "aha" and then Tori let me ramble on. At times I knew it was happening and I still couldn't stop spilling the beans. Especially when it came to our parents and my grandmother.
Looking back I'm surprised she never asked about Rose, Emily or Lilly. I'm sure it is a skill Tori used during job interviews, still, I'm impressed regardless.
I reciprocated asking about her as well. I learned she and Emily had no living parents, and not much family except each other.
Tori touched on her early struggles in the business world and how Emily always supported her. I found Tori pleasant, engaging, smart, and witty. She seemed confident but not in a bitchy way.
Mostly I respected her determined and steady rise in the corporate world. It's no easy feat for a male, but for a female it's a formidable battle. As we pulled onto the service road to the terminal I praised her accomplishments and wished her well in the future.
Tori pulled in the short term parking and took a ticket.
"You could just drop me off." I suggested.
"Nonsense! I drop you off and the flight gets canceled I will just have to come back and get you." Tori replied too emphatically.
I checked my baggage and looked at the line at security. It was short and I had time to kill so I grabbed us some coffees and we sat beside each other on a bench overlooking security.
"Daisy. That is such a pretty name. You're mom pick that?" Tori asked.
"My grandmother suggested it. My dad says she makes the sun shine on those around her!" I chuckled. "I think he's right.
"You miss her don't you?" Tori suggested.
"I do." I said looking at Tori without flinching.
Tori tilted her head studying me. She reached over and took my hand in hers.
"Parker can I ask you a question?" Tori turned to face me still holding my hand.
"Sure, but I don't have much time." I pointed at the quickly expanding security line."
"Why did you sleep with my sister last night?" Tori asked bluntly.
"I slept with her because Lilly thought it would help Emily understand why Lilly wants to come back with me. But I made love to Emily because...well...because I love her too." I answered truthfully.
"What if Lilly doesn't come back?" Tori asked.
It was a painful but easy question to answer. "As long as Lilly and Rose are together I can accept that. If they think their place is with Emily I respect that too. There will always be a place in my heart for all of them."
Tori seemed surprised at my answer.
"I should really get going." I said looking down at her holding my hand.
"Oh, yes...I'm sorry." Tori looked at our hands then back at me.
She let my hand go and then stood up with me. Tori stood nervously for a moment almost as if she was not sure what to do next.
"Well thank you for the ride. I hope to see you soon." I leaned in and we exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheek.
Tori refused to let me go. There was an awkward moment where I wasn't sure what to do. "Tori?"
"Parker, before you go Lilly asked me to give you something." Tori said very quickly, too quickly.
"Ok what is it?"
"A kiss." Tori replied nervously.
"I think we have time for that." I smiled knowingly.
I can't remember a more awkward start to a kiss. Even my first real kiss started better than this. Are arms were wrong, the position disjointed. It was like walking with two left feet. Then I realized Tori was trying to take control.
"Here you lead!" I laughed. I stepped back and let her approach me.
The moments after our lips touched I knew this was no ordinary kiss. Tori moaned then pulled me tight against her voluptuous body. Try as she may her tits were too big to ignore. Tori's tongue pressed forward finding mine waiting for hers.
When our lips parted Tori seemed to realize what we had just done. She held me in place and searched my eyes to verify her feelings.
"Parker, Lilly didn't ..."
"Shh. I know. I'm honored." I whispered. "I promise not to tell anyone. But I'm not sure about them."
We both looked at the growing line for security. They all turned as we looked their way. Tori and I both started laughing. She let me go, I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
"That one you can give Lilly for me." I teased Tori.
I started walking to the line of people waiting to clear security.
"Parker!" Tori called out behind me. I turned and looked at her. "Who are you?"
I just smiled and winked, then turned to join the line.
To be continued... |
Foursome and Moresome | 64,649 | 4.57 | 1,458,543 | [
] | It seems my wife and I have always been lucky in finding cool friends but the story that follows expresses our genuine love and affection for a couple that entered our life a while ago and we have no intention of letting them leave. We are Alicia and Mark. We are both now 54 and married. No kids but we love them but we never had an interest in having our own. Years ago I had a friend Tony who he knew quite well and hung out with a lot but lost contact with over the years. About 20 years ago he re-established contact with him and two years after that Alicia entered my life. I have always known Alicia but there was never any thought of us being more than friends. Then one day I asked her out for dinner and she readily accepted. We had a great time that evening at dinner and when the night was over quite late she asked if I wanted to stay the night. I asked if she knew what she was asking as it would change our friendship she said yes and she did not care. Seems she had some feelings for me and wanted to act out on them. Well, who would have known but we had the greatest night of sex we had ever had and opened up to each other quite easily. We spent hours that night fucking and talking and came to the realization that there was something going on here we should take advantage of. The first hint was when I fingered her asshole as I was eating out her wet, full lipped cunt. When I pressed a finger against her asshole she said "I hope that is just the appetizer and your cock is next!". Well I knew right then and there this was a woman for me as I and she both loved anal sex to no end.
About a week later after we spent every night after work together fucking and talking about everything under the sun that we realized something was great here and we discussed getting married. Within a month we were married and were planning on going on a honeymoon but had no idea where. Well that one weekend we were supposed to visit my friend Tony and his wife Sandra. I have known Tony for years but we were never that close but we did know some things about each other that would make others blush. We traded secrets like little kids but we never shared with anyone. We made the seven hour drive to their home and we were greeted lovingly by them. We had a great weekend with them and loved every minute of our stay with them. At one point Alicia mentioned to them that we were thinking of going away but had no idea where to go on a quick little honeymoon. They mentioned many places they had been over the years. After some discussion we finally all agreed that we should all go to St. Thomas USVI. We made the necessary arrangements and decided to get away in two short weeks.
Well the trip date soon arrived and we all flew down to sunny and warm St. Thomas. We had rented two adjoining rooms in a small hotel with a nice shared deck. We loved being there, sightseeing all day long then a nice meal on the patio. The second day we decided to go to a secluded beach we knew of on the lesser inhabited part of the island. It was about fifteen minute walk through the brush till we got to the beach area. There were just the four of us and one other couple on the beach about fifty yards from where we were. It took little to notice that they were both nude as they lay there. They smiled and waved to us and said that they hoped it was okay that they were nude and it did not bother us. We ll we all smiled back and said not at all.
"Who else wants to get nude?" Sandra asked.
"Should we?" asked Alicia.
"Why not?" said Tony "we are all good friends here and may as well lose the tanlines."
"Why not then?" we all agreed and soon we were all taking off our outfits and nude.
Truth be known Alicia and I have always loved being nude at home and on vacation just never mentioned it to our company. Turns out they were of the same thoughts when they travelled. Small world we all agreed. Well the afternoon went by quite casually. We spent hours just laying there, snorkeling and relaxing all in the nude. I must say that Sandra is quite the attractive woman. She is about 5'7, 135 lbs and small boobs capped by dark, always erect nipples. She also like Alicia shaves her pussy and I loved sneaking glances at her. Even after I removed my glasses I made no secret of admiring her body as Tony did my wife's. We all agreed that being nude is the best way to be while there. We also agreed to stay nude at the hotel as much as we could even when just hanging and eating together. Sandra said that there was no reason we should cover up there but be nude on the beach. Seems we all liked being nude and since we were all civilized we may as well stay that way the whole time there if we could. The afternoon went by quite well and we loved being nude and just being alone with each other there on the beach. Late in the day we noticed the other couple had disappeared but their stuff was still on the beach. We thought nothing of it till we heard some noises from the area behind where they were on the beach. Alicia looked at Tony and said let's go see what that is about. They asked if we wanted to join but Sandra said we would stay and watch our stuff just in case. Sandra and I watched as our spouses walked away down the beach to where the couple used to be.
"Alicia and Tony look quite good together" Sandra said.
"I agree" I replied "and you are quite the looker as well."
"Really?" she asked.
"Of course I have always found you attractive, scratch that gorgeous" I said.
"What would Alicia say if she knew that?" Sandra asked.
"She would agree" I replied.
"Really? You two are in agreement like that?" she asked.
"Of course we are very close and open with each other" I said.
"So are we" she said referring to her and Tony.
"That is so cool" I said as my cock stirred a little.
"Seems we are alike in many respects then" she said as she lay back on the towels she was on and let her legs open wide to the sun.
I could not help but notice how full and wet her pussy was. I did not know from what this was but I assumed it may have been from the chat we were having. She asked if I liked how she looked. I said that I always found her quite attractive and was not afraid to tell her so. She liked that I was so open about complimenting her and asked if I would be the same if Alicia was around. I said of course we share all and have no secrets between us. She liked that and looked directly at my half hard cock and smiled at it then at me. We looked down the beach to see if our spouses were coming back yet but we did not see them anywhere. We both commented that it was odd.
"Maybe they found something to look at" I said.
"Wonder what that could be?" she said.
"Who knows?" I said "what trouble could they possibly get into on a deserted beach?"
"So you and Alicia are open with each other?" she asked. I replied that yes we were about everything. No sense in keeping secrets it always hurts someone and she agreed.
At this time my cock for some reason had become fully hard and I felt zero embarrassment. Sandra smiled and said that it looked nice that way and I said thanks. She said she had not seen that many but mine looked quite nice compared to what she had seen in her 35 years. I looked over at her slim figure and thought I would take a closer look as we were being open and honest now. She had quite the lithe figure capped with a small tight butt and also a cup titties as well. She smiled at me and I said she looked great today nude in the sun. She asked what my fave part of her was and I mentioned it had to be her small tits. She said thanks for that as she always thought they were too small and Tony was just placating her when he said they were fine. I told her outright that Alicia and I both loved small boobs as they kept their shape better and she laughed.
"So Alicia likes small boobies too?"
"Yes she does" I said "we both appreciate the female form."
"I never knew or suspected" she said.
"Have you two ever shared a female form?" she asked.
I looked at her for a moment before answering her. I wanted to gauge what her reaction may be if I told her the truth. We are all close friends but we have never shared such intimate thoughts as of yet. Her smile and gaze told me she wanted the truth whatever it may be.
"Yes we have many times" I replied taking a great chance with sharing such intimate details about our personal lives.
"Wow that is so cool"
"Glad that you approve" I said "a lot of people would not approve."
"Trust me we do but we have not done much" Sandra said.
"So you are open to it" I asked.
"We have talked about a lot of things to try but have done nothing as we are a bit afraid" she said.
"Afraid of what?" I asked.
"Well getting with the wrong person or persons for one" she replied.
"Yes that could be an issue" I commented.
"How do you two go about it" she asked.
"Well we have been to a few parties where everyone knows what they are there for and knows how to keep a secret as they do have lots to lose" I said.
"That is what we have to try then" Sandra said.
"You two really want to try new things huh?" I asked.
"We do yes" she said "nothing is at stake and no one is bored its' just time to try a few new things before we get too old and have kids."
"I agree with you 100%" I said as she glanced again at my hard cock.
She then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said thanks for being such good friends. I replied that we too are glad that we have such good friends in her and Tony. She laughed and said the same and hope that we never judge each other and I said we never do as we have quite a few kinks that may not be for all tastes. Just then we saw Alicia and Tony coming at us from down the beach a way. Both of them were smiling and laughing as well. We also noticed that they were holding hands as well.
"You two look like you had fun" said Sandra.
"We did" Alicia replied.
"Did you find that couple?" I asked.
"Did we ever!" Tony said as he and Alicia laughed.
"What's so funny?" Sandra asked.
"Well we could not find them at first when we went down that way" Tony said "so we decided to look around."
"So we went down a hidden path off the beach into the brush a bit" Alicia said "then we both looked at each other when we heard the sounds."
"What sounds?" I asked.
"Well they were fucking" Alicia replied.
"Really? Cool." said Sandra "that explains Tony's hardon."
"Yes it would" Alicia said "was quite the sight seeing them."
"Did they see you two?" I asked.
"No" Tony replied "and they are still at it if you want to go look."
"I would love to see it" Sandra said "Mark, let's go, Alicia and Tony want to come along again?"
"We should stay and watch our things" Alicia said.
"Ok good idea" Sandra replied.
I then stood up, my hardon on display for all to see. Alicia smiled at me as she saw it as did Tony. I offered Sandra my hand and pulled her up then we started to walk down the beach hand in hand like a couple towards where the path was. I enjoyed being with Sandra and walking like we were as we turned into the bushes. Just then we heard the loud sounds of a couple making love. Sandra held her finger to her lips for us to be quiet. We slowly came around a tree and saw the couple, her bent over a log and the guy slowly sliding his cock in and out of her wet pussy. Sandra still held my hand and gave it quite the squeeze when we saw this sight. She looked at me and smiled. She then glanced down at my still hard cock and said I must like it what I see. I said yes I do and not just the couple. I then asked if she was excited to see the two fucking and replied of course she was but it was less obvious that she was as excited. I said yes women have an easier time hiding it. She smiled at me then looked at the couple and stuck a finger in her own pussy and started to finger herself and then took that wet finger out to show me how wet she was. Her finger was glistening with juices as I looked at it.
"You want to try?" she asked me.
"Are you sure?" I asked her.
"More than I ever have been of anything" she replied.
She opened her legs a little more to give me better access to her wet pussy. I slowly slid a finger in her pussy and I could not believe how wet and warm she was. She pushed back against my finger and let out a small moan as she did.
"Be careful" I whispered to her ear.
"I will try but I am so fucking wet and horny watching this" she whispered back to me.
"I am horny as all hell as well" I said.
Sandra then reached over and held my cock. I smiled at her showing her I did not mind at all what she was doing. We then watched as the couple fucked some more not twenty feet away from us. The girl was short and a bit chubby and the guy was a foot taller and had a good seven inch cock he was using on his girlfriend. She pushed back at his strokes and it was obvious they both loved what was happening. Sandra was now stroking my cock up and down and I now had two fingers in her wet cunt pleasuring her. Her moans became a little louder. I tried to get her to keep it down and she did for a bit. But as we watched the other couple her moans became a little louder. She then accidentally let out a little yelp and at that point the couple stopped and looked over to see who was making the noises.
"Sorry for interrupting you two" Sandra then said "we should leave."
"No please stay" the girl said "we love being watched. We were hoping someone would catch us but you two were so quiet!"
"Yes please stay" the guy said as he continued to stroke in and out of her.
"You and your wife are obviously enjoying this as well" the girl said.
"We are yes" Sandra said not correcting them on their assumptions.
"You two are great to watch" I said.
"Thanks" the girl said back "like I said we love being watched so come closer if you like."
"Let's honey" Sandra said as she led me by the cock right next to the couple.
For the next few minutes we just watched as they fucked and Sandra stroked my cock and I continued to finger her. The girl was obviously in heaven being drilled like that from behind and smiled at us as she watched us play with each other as well. We were not a foot from them as they played. The girl held out her hand to Sandra and she took it. She moved her hand to her breasts and Sandra started to stroke it while they fucked. I looked at the guy and he smiled at me knowing they both were loving it as we watched them. He smiled back at me and looked down at my hard cock as it was being stroked and smiled back at me. I continued to finger Sandra's wet cunt as we watched them fuck harder. We knew that they would be coming soon. The guy then sped up his fucking of the girl's pussy as she also pumped back harder. They continued like that for about a minute more and then he said he was coming. He then pulled out of her and she turned around and got on her knees as he aimed his hard cock at her face. She opened her mouth and eyes at the exact moment he shot the first wad all over her cheeks. She smiled at him and yelled for more. He then stroked his cock more and sent three or four more loads all over her face and tits. She obviously loved what she was receiving and smiled the whole time. Sandra also was moaning and said she loved what she saw in front of her. Soon the guy's pace fell off a bit as the last shot fell onto the girl's tits. She took a finger and picked up some of the cum and brought it to her mouth and ate it. It was obvious she loved it. Sandra then surprised us all but also putting her finger in the splooge and offering it to the girl who eagerly lapped it up. I was surprised by this action on her part but I guess the moment took her over. She definitely enjoyed what she saw and what she did as well and I immediately saw her in a new light.
The guy then stood up and smiled at us both and thanked us for being involved. He then asked if I wanted to get some relief but I said we would take care of it later as this was about them not us this time. I also said we would certainly meet again as we would be here for two more weeks and definitely planned on coming back to this beach again. We then said our goodbyes and we turned and walked back out the path we came in on. Sandra had a huge smile on her face as we walked out the brush onto the beach area.
"That was fucking hot!" she said.
"Definitely" I said to her "and you getting involved was cool as well."
"I don't know what came over me!" she said.
"I thought it was great and it will be our secret if you like" I said.
"I will tell Tony later ok" she said "I just want to soak it in and enjoy the memory for now."
"Our secret till you let it out" I said.
We walked back the 200 metres or so to where Tony and Alicia were. They waved when they saw us approaching. I noticed that Alicia was leaning back and laying with her head atop Tony's chest as they lay there. Neither looked surprised by our approach and Alicia mentioned I still had my woody.
"He certainly does" said Sandra "and the reason is we found that couple and they invited us to watch them fuck!"
"Really" asked Tony?
"They certainly did" I said "and it was quite hot seeing them."
"I loved it as well" Sandra replied.
"Wow" said Tony "I am glad you two enjoyed yourselves. Seems Alicia and I missed out on the fun."
"Well maybe later we can have our own fun" Sandra said surprising us all.
"Now that could be interesting" Tony said.
We spent the rest of the day enjoying the sand, the sun and the water. Finally, about five or so we decided to pack up and go have dinner. We went back to our rooms and washed up. We now left the door between our rooms open as we found it easier to communicate and we also had little to hide from each other anymore. I loved that we were getting along so well and so openly now too. Tony and I waited for the ladies as they got dressed in their rooms. I noticed that he had a boner now and did not try to hide it at all. I mentioned that it looked good on him and he smiled and said thanks. He also complimented me on mine and said Sandra liked the looks of it as well. Well thanks to her I replied. About a minute later the girls came into the room dressed so Tony and I adjourned and in minutes came back dressed and ready to go out for dinner.
We selected a quiet little place and had a great dinner there with many drinks and two whole bottles of wine along with it. After dinner we did a little walking in town before we headed back to our rooms. When there we went to our separate rooms, cleaned up a little and then all four of us nude made our way to the patio overlooking the bay. We sat there nude and chatted for a bit. Tony suggested we have some after dinner drinks and we all said sure. He left and came back about a minute later with four glasses and a bottle of port he acquired earlier. He then poured us all a glass.
"To good friends and vacations" he said.
"Salut" we all agreed.
"To open minded friends" Sandra added.
"Very definitely" Alicia added herself "so glad to have you two in our lives and especially glad that you two are open minded."
"One hundred percent in agreement" I said "but Alicia maybe they are not as open as we are so we may offend them if not careful."
"I doubt that very much" Sandra said "we are open minded here Tony and I."
I looked over at them and saw that Sandra had her hand in his lap and was stroking his growing cock as we chatted. He made no effort to hide what they were doing and I liked that. Sandra smiled at Alicia as she wrapped her fingers around his fat cock.
"Yes" Sandra said "we are reasonably open minded and are glad to have similar friends like you we can share fun and nudism with."
"So are we" I added "but not trying to outdo you we may be a bit more open that you two are."
"How so?" asked Tony.
"Are you really interested in hearing about what we like?" Alicia asked "you may hear things you might not approve of and judge us."
"Never" said Tony "we would never judge anyone as long as what they do is legal who would we be to judge."
"I agree" said Sandra "we never judge especially with two people we like as much as we like you two."
"Ok cool" I said "but one thing we ask of you."
"What is that?" asked Sandra.
"You two go first" said Alicia "as far as telling us something about yourselves then we will counter and see how it goes from there on."
"What do you think Tony?" asked Sandra of her hubby whose cock she was still manipulating slowly.
"Ok that's fair I guess" he said.
"So do we make this a tell all or do we just ask each other questions?" Sandra inquired.
"Since we are trying to find out more about each other I say we just ask questions of the others" said Alicia.
"Sounds fair" Tony said "and all truths ok no leaving anything out. We are all friends here."
"Ok here goes" Alicia said "have you and Tony ever played with anyone else while you were together?"
"No we have not" said Tony.
"But we would love to!" Sandra stated.
"Nice" I said "that is a nice surprise."
"Have you two ever?" asked Sandra.
"Many times" Alicia said.
"Really? Cool." Tony said.
"Yes we love playing with others when we get the chance" I said "it is fun and as long as we are careful it is lots of fun for both of us."
"And we never feel any jealousy either" Alicia said "we love seeing the other get and give pleasure. We take these experiences back with us and use some of what we learn in bed after."
"Wow cool" Sandra said "I would like to be that open with Tony."
"Me too with Sandra" said Tony "we just have not had any opportunities or people we felt comfortable with yet."
"Well you have a couple here right now you can try it with if you like" said Alicia.
"Really" asked Tony.
"Of course" I said "we are all friends here, we are alone and we are all nude as well. Also I think we have crossed some barriers together and now is a good time to possibly cross another if you like."
"We can try whatever you are comfortable with and stop whenever you like if it gets weird" said Alicia "how does that sound?"
"Wow we would like that as long as you know we are beginners" said Sandra "we have watched a lot of porn and videos and there is a lot we would love to try."
"Such as what?" I asked.
"I would love to see Sandra pleasure another man" said Tony.
"MMM I would love that as well" said Sandra "you okay with that?"
"Kids" Alicia said "we are cool with just about anything you can throw at us trust me. We have been playing for years even before we got married and saw no reason to stop after we got married so yes we would love to play with you two."
"What would you like to try?" asked Tony of his wife.
"Well since I have already held his cock in my hand today I may as well try that first again" said Sandra.
"It's true" I said "she held my hard cock as we watched that couple today."
"And I loved holding it" Sandra said as she got up letting go of her hubby's cock and came over to where I was sitting with Alicia on another couch on the deck.
Alicia looked up at Sandra and offered her my cock which was now standing at full attention. Sandra sat between us and kissed me on the cheek. I then turned my head towards her and kissed her full on the lips. She immediately kissed back and put her arms around me. I heard a sound from Tony and saw he had his cock in his hand and was stroking it. He mentioned other than family kisses and such that this was the first time another man was kissing his wife like this since they got married.
"Do you like what you see?" asked Alicia.
"I do yes!" he replied.
Sandra then leaned in even more and opened her mouth fully to me and kissed me with vigor now. I took a hand a wrapped one around her back and pulled her to me. With the other I cupped one of her gorgeous tits and started to rub it and the nipple as well. She let out a small groan as I did this. As I started to kiss her more and rub her nipples I saw out of the corner of my eye that Alicia got up and moved to Tony's couch and sat with him. He looked at her as she sat down and she ten took his hard cock in her hand and took over the stroking of it. Sandra then stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes one last time before I saw her head move down to my lap. She held my cock firmly and in one swoop swallowed my hard cock fully into her mouth until she reached the base. We both keep our pubes shaved so there was no hair to get in the way at all for her. She held it in her mouth for a moment before she pulled back all the way back to the tip. Trust me she was good and had lots of practice as well. I looked over at Alicia and she smiled at me as she rubbed Tony's cock and balls in the hand. Tony loved what he was feeling and especially loved what Sandra was doing.
"You have a hell of a wife here" I said to Tony as she sucked slowly on my cock.
"How is it?" asked Tony.
"MMmmmm" was all we could hear from Sandra as she kept on sucking my cock.
"You like seeing that?" asked Alicia.
"Yes it makes me quite happy" said Tony "and I can see Sandra likes it as well."
"Well now you two can see why we like playing with others as well" I said as I leaned back and let Sandra do her thing.
I watched as Alicia stroked Tony for a few more minutes as Sandra worked her magic on me as well. She then stopped after a few minutes and asked mne if I liked it.
"Hell yes" I said "I loved it. You are quite talented."
"Well thank you" she replied "who's next?"
"I'll go then" I said "I would love to see Sandra eaten by Alicia."
I saw her eyes light up as I said that and she let go of my cock. I then shifted a little on the couch we were on and pulled her legs apart a little. Alicia took the cue and immediately got on all fours and came over to Sandra's welcomingly spread legs. She looked up at her from between them and Sandra moaned please do it. Alicia then took Sandra by the knees and moved them apart. Sandra willingly allowed Alicia to spread her legs wide and she got her face between them. She moved forward and kissed her all over the upper legs as Sandra moaned in pleasure. Alicia then kissed her directly on the mound and took a finger and put in in her wet cunt. I moved over to where Tony was sitting and sat beside him as we watched the girls. Sandra leaned back as Alicia started to lap at Sandra's wet pussy lips and evidently enjoyed it. She then held Alicia by the head she was being pleasured and moaned again as she felt Alicia's tongue pleasure her intimately. Alicia is one great cuntlapper and Sandra was on the receiving end of some great pleasure. Alicia reached up as well to rub Sandra's nipples as she lapped at her pussy. Sandra looked over at us and smiled at her hubby as he watched. She also mouthed "I love you" to him as she enjoyed herself. He looked back at her and said the same back as he stroked his hard cock. I looked down at his cock as he stroked it and admired what I saw. His cock was about half an inch shorter than mine at seven and a half inches but he was thicker though by half an inch as well. He stroked it slowly not wanting to shoot his load yet as we had all night for this. He looked at me and saw that I was watching his cock intently as he played with himself. I smiled back at him and complimented him on his nice looking cock as he stroked it up and down all the while watching his wife get oral pleasure from mine. He moaned as I told him he had a great looking cock as well as a great looking wife. I said thanks and that we are all there for them to have fun with any time they like and if they like our company here that there would be no reason to stop when we get back home.
"We would love that" Toy said smiling at me.
"Excellent" I said as I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek as he continued to watch the girls and stroke himself.
"You boys like what you see?" asked Sandra.
"Of course we do" said Tony as he smiled at his wife with Alicia between her legs.
Alicia was working her magic on Sandra and I could tell she was bringing her close to orgasm by the way Sandra was starting to shake and moan. Tony also started to work his cock a little faster seeing his wife being eaten out as Alicia's ass pointed up in the air at us it's wonderful little rosebud of an asshole smiled at us. I watched as he ran his hand up and down his thick shaft. I have to say he had a fine looking cock as I looked back and forth the between him and the girls. All of a sudden I heard a loud moan and Sandra started to shake uncontrollably in her seat as her orgasm overtook her. Alicia kept eating her pussy out as Sandra came in wave after wave of her orgasm. Tony stopped his stroking to get up and sit beside his wife as she came over and over again on the couch. Sandra finally stopped coming after about two minutes and Alicia got up form between her legs her face all covered in wet juices. She looked at me and smiled and came over. I got up immediately and kissed her on the mouth and tasted Sandra's sweetness on her. I also licked all the extra juice off her face as Alicia stood there and took in all that had just happened. I looked over at Sandra and Tony who were hugging each other and kissing.
"Well how was it" I asked.
"Oh my god that was great" Sandra said "Alicia you can eat me anytime you like!"
"If you are serious I will trust me you have one sweet tasting cunt" Alicia replied "and your juices are so tasty too."
"So I assume she was good?" asked Tony.
"Fuck yes she was" she replied.
"Anyone for a refill?" I asked.
They all said yes to some water and some more port as well. No one tried to hide anything that had just happened and we openly discussed it all. After what we just did there was no reason to keep secrets so why pretend. Sandra was all smiles still and Tony was still hard as a rock. Alicia and I sat opposite them and just carried on a casual chat as we enjoyed the evening.
"So who is next to ask wat they like?" asked Sandra.
"I believe it is your turn babe" Tony said.
"Really" she asked.
"Sure why not? We have had lots of experiences so why not let you two have some fun tonight?" I said.
"Anything goes" Alicia said "we are all friends and seems we have fewer secrets now so ask away."
"Ok cool" Sandra said as she leaned over and whispered something to Tony.
"Hmmm" I said "seems you two are plotting something over there."
"No just had a fantasy but not sure if we could as you" she said.
"Sandra" Alicia said "trust me there is nothing you could possibly ask that would shock or surprise us."
"Ok" Sandra said "Tony has always wanted to be with Alicia but he also loves anal."
"Is that true Tony?" I asked.
"Yes" he said sort of sheepishly.
"Well your lucky day sir" Alicia said as she stood up from beside me.
She then looked at me and winked. Alicia then bent over the couch we were on and pointed her upturned ass at them. I got up and stood behind her just before I kneeled and started to kiss her asshole and also lapped and licked at her sweet rosebud. Sandra and Tony watched as I did that. I then sucked on a finger of mine and slowly inserted it fully into her waiting asshole as she moaned in pleasure.
"We also have a secret" Alicia said.
"What is that" asked Sandra.
"We both absolutely love anal" she replied "both of us love it in every form."
"Oh my really?" asked Tony.
"Of course" I said "we would not lie to you guys about anything sexual. Now get over here and try out this wonderful ass you have been admiring."
Tony then stood up and came over to Alicia his hard cock leading the way. He looked back at Sandra and she smiled at him. He looked at me seemingly for permission and I smiled back and he knew he had it. He then leaned over beside me and licked at her asshole as well getting it wet and ready for his fat cock. He then spat on his hand and rubbed it all over the head of his cock. Alicia looked back over her shoulder at him and said she was ready for his dick. I leaned in a bit and held my wife's cheeks apart as he held the tip of his fat hard cock to her asshole. As soon as she felt it Alicia pushed back on it fitting the tip inside her wet asshole. He was surprised she did this.
"Like I said Tony we love anal" I said to him "enjoy yourself as I patted him on the ass and kissed his head."
I then went over to Sandra and sat with her as we watched as Tony slowly got his fat sausage inside my wife's ass. Sandra was loving watching what she saw and was petting her wet pussy a little bit. I then removed her hand and replaced it with my own and she said she wanted that. I slowly started to play with her wet cunt first with one finger then with two as I held her next to me and we watched her hubby fuck my wife's willing asshole.
"You like that?" I asked.
"Oh I love it as well" she replied "but I do not do it too often as he is so wide."
"Alicia will be fine with it" I said "I have seen much larger in her back there at parties."
"Wow really?" she asked.
"Yes certainly" I said "she loves a nice sized cock back there and I love seeing her get pleasure."
"And you never get jealous?" she asked.
"Never" I said "what would it accomplish? We agreed years ago to have fun with each other and with others even if apart as long as we told the other all about it – no secrets remember? This way we are honest in our wants and needs and no one feels in competition. I know there are larger cocks out there but so what? Alicia will not leave me for one of them as we could never have with others what we have together. She can get a cock anytime, sometimes I even get them for her so we have a great arrangement."
"That is so cool" she replied "I will have to talk to Tony to get the same arrangement at home as well. I wonder if he will go for it?"
"Something tells me he will" I said to her as I continued to stroke her flowing pussy.
"You think so?" she asked me.
"Look at him" I said "we are here in paradise. I am stroking your wet cunt as your husband happily fucks my happy wife in the ass not five feet in front of us. What else could you ask for?"
"Well there are a few things we would love to try that we have never opened up to anyone about" she said "we are afraid of being judged."
"I think you are beyond being judged by us so by all means feel free to tell or ask what you would like" I said to Sandra.
"Let me talk to my hubby" she said as I rubbed her clit and pussy lips at the same time and she moaned at my ministrations.
We sat back and watched Alicia and Tony enjoy themselves. Alicia looked over her shoulder at us and smiled and told Sandra she loved her hubby's cock in her ass. Sandra told her she loved seeing him do that to her and it made her wet as all hell. Tony then also said he loved the feel of my wife's asshole. I let him know I was happy for him and for her as well. After about five more minutes of him fucking her tight ass, he mentioned he was going to come. He asked where she would like it and Alicia replied on the face please. Tony then pulled out and held his throbbing cock as Alicia got in front of him on her knees. Tony then started to jerk his cock back and forth quickly as his head leaned back. He was going to come soon. Just then he let out a deep moan and the first shot hit Alicia on the lips. She smiled and licked some into her mouth. The next few shots hit her all over the face and dribbled down her chin onto her chest. Alicia opened her eyes as he took his last shot and landed it right on her forehead. She loved that touch. Tony then stood back and admired what he just did.
"Thank you" was what Alicia said.
"My god you are welcome" he said "that was great!"
"Damn right it was" Sandra chimed in "did you like it too Mark?"
"Definitely yes" I said "I always love when she has a man shoot his load on her face!"
"Wow really?" Tony asked.
"Yes he does and so do I" Alicia said.
"Trust us this is not our first rodeo as they say" I said.
Alicia then got and kissed Tony on the lips and said thanks as some of the cum stayed on his mouth. I did notice that he did not wipe it off or be offended by its' presence. Alicia then came over to me and gave me a huge hug. She then kissed me fully on the lips with her cum covered face and lips. I love when she does that especially when the cum is from someone I like and play with. I heard Sandra draw her breath in as she saw that I kissed back with all her hubby's cum on mine and her lips as well. We broke our kiss and looked over at Tony who was now sitting beside his wife his cock now flaccid but still thick and leaking a little cum still. Sandra reached over and used the tip of her finger to grab a drop and bring it to her own lips. She then licked it off and mentioned how good it tasted with Alicia's scent all over it as well. Alicia then took a napkin and removed most of the cum from her face and sat down beside me.
"So how was your first experience in another woman's ass while your wife watched?" asked Alicia of Tony.
"I definitely liked it" he said "what about you babe?"
"Me too I definitely loved the sight and sounds" she said.
"How did it feel watching your hubby with another woman?" I asked.
"I loved it" she said "especially since it was you two. That made it all the more special."
"We are glad we could be of service" Alicia said.
"Excuse me for a moment" I said to the group as I got up "I have to piss."
"Me too" Tony said.
We walked to the bathroom and I lifted the lid and started to piss as Tony washed his hands and waited. I was still pissing when he finished and said join me you can piss at the same time. He came over to the bowl and stood beside me and pointed to cum covered cock at the water and started to piss.
"So not shy about pissing with others huh?" I asked.
"Not shy about a lot of things just not much experience either" he replied.
"May I ask what you need experience with?" I asked.
"A few things Sandra and I would love to try" he replied.
"Any hints?" I asked as I shook off my cock and washed my hands.
"You want me to tell you?" he asked.
"What harm is there in telling us?" I asked "anyways we are now a fair bit closer than earlier today would you not say?"
"I guess so" he replied "seems we have the same interests as well in bed and in sex."
"Mostly" I said "Alicia and I may surprise you. Or actually maybe you two will."
"We are open minded like Sandra said" Tony said "but we do lack experience."
"Let me tell you" I said "Alicia and I have done a lot and are more than willing to teach or do things with you if you like. All you have to do is say no to anything that makes you uncomfortable. Also we will do the same if we feel that way but I doubt you can surprise us like that."
"Really think so?" he asked me as he now washed his hands after pissing.
"Why what do you two have in mind?" I asked.
He looked at me as he stood not two feet away and grinned a wry smile. He then looked down at my cock and stared at it for a second before he looked back up at my face. I immediately knew what he wanted from me. I looked at him and nodded and he smiled back as well.
"You cool with that?" he asked.
"Definitely" I said "we are both openly bi."
He looked down again at my cock and smiled. I moved closer to him and took him by the cock and pulled him to me. He moaned a little and I knew he liked that action. He looked at my face again and I grasped his cock firmly and then leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back as well with a slight bit of reticence. But there was no fear from what I could see. I pulled him up against my body and took his face in my hands letting go of his cock. I then kissed him fully on the lips and snaked my tongue into his mouth which he willingly accepted. He wrapped his arms around me and held me as I kissed him. I ran my hands over his face then let one fall to his taught ass. He moaned into my mouth as I did that and I could tell he wanted more. I slowly broke the kiss. He looked disappointed.
"Let's get back to the women" I said "but keep this our little secret and if anything happens out there tonight act like it's our first time okay?"
"Definitely" he said "I will! And thanks for not judging me."
"Tony" I said "you are a close friend even before all of this tonight. There is absolutely nothing wrong in what we did out there or in here trust me. And if we do any more out there believe me I will think no less of you because you like men. I love both sexes and have fun with both in many different ways and always have and it appears to me that you will be doing the same soon."
"Thanks Mark" he said "I appreciate that. And I do love you as a friend. Who knows maybe even more in a while this trip. We will see."
He leaned over and kissed me one more time on the lips before we left the bathroom to rejoin the ladies. They were now sitting together arm in arm on the couch their legs both spread and Alicia stroking her wet pussy.
"What happened to you boys?" asked Sandra.
"We had to do more than take a leak" I said the girls both thinking we meant a dump.
"What did you two do while we were away?" I asked.
"Just chatting about what just happened" Alicia replied.
"And what was the verdict?" Tony asked.
"Sandra loved it seeing Tony satisfy me" Alicia said "and would love to see more."
"Like what?" asked her hubby.
"Well Sandra has some fun ideas or would you call them fantasies" Alicia asked of her.
"Depends on how things go tonight they may not be fantasies anymore" Sandra said.
"What did you have in mind babe?" Tony asked.
"Remember my fave fantasy?" she said.
"Number one or two?" he asked.
"One of course!" she replied as I tried to figure out what it could be.
"Are you sure?" asked Tony of Sandra.
"Nothing would please me more!!!" she said.
"Okay I will try to please you" he said.
He then leaned over to me where we sat on the other couch and looked at me directly. He then reached down to my soft cock and held it gently. He smiled at me and asked if that was okay with me. I responded by leaning over and kissing him gently on the lips and spreading my legs for him giving him better access to my privates. He smiled back at me as I did. I could also hear Sandra moan loudly and start to play with her own pussy.
"Oh my god this is so hot" she said "I never thought we would find a guy to play with."
"We can play in any manner you two like trust me" Alicia said "we are both openly bisexual and love seeing each other like this. Also we are a little more than just friends now and trust me we never judge anyone for what they may like in bed. We may still have a few surprises for you."
I leaned back now as Tony started to stroke my cock and I started to get hard as well. He looked at me almost lovingly as he stroked my eight inch cock in his hand. He was quite good at it as well. He even spit on his hand to lube it a bit as well. Something told me this was not his first time with a man but I concentrated on what he was doing now with me. It only took me a minute under his expert hands to get fully hard. At that point he leaned over even more and kissed the tip of my cock. I could hear Sandra take in a deep breath when she saw that. I looked directly at Sandra and could see that she was more than intrigued by what she was seeing here tonight. She was rubbing her pussy more now and staring at her hubby as he licked at my throbbing cock. Alicia looked at me and smiled then she looked at Sandra and asked if she wanted some help down there? Sandra spread her legs even more allowing Alicia to play with her lips as well. Tony meanwhile was working some magic on my organ as he licked it up and down the shaft. He looked up at me and I smiled back at him showing that I loved what he was doing. With one hand he held my cock and with the other he rubbed my balls as he licked and sucked alternately at my organ. He also used a bit of his teeth on the underside of the head which I love all the time. I know for a fact that he has done this before. He then slid off the couch and got between my legs on the floor. He then slipped off my cock and took one of my balls in his mouth ever so gently. He then swirled it around in his mouth and pulled on it a bit. He looked up at me and smiled as he did this.
"Looks like you have a keeper there Mark" Alicia said to me.
"I think you may be right" I said back "how is that cunt you are playing with over there?"
"Oh it is quite wet and juicy and tight" she said as Sandra moaned hearing us talk about her.
"This is so hot!" Sandra yelled out as Alicia fingered her pussy.
I looked down at Tony and he was now swallowing my cock almost whole up and down and his tongue worked the underside of my shaft. He was quite good at what he was doing. I was looking forward to doing more with him as I got the chance on this vacation. He then let my cock slip from his mouth and he then lifted my balls and ran his tongue down from there towards my asshole. I could tell from the look on his face he was enjoying himself as he tongued his way down to my hole. When he got there he licked at my asshole as he stroked my cock at the same time.
"Sandra" I said "you have one hell of a cocksucker here. And now he is licking at my asshole as well."
"Oh my god I cannot believe that!" she replied.
"And he is good at it as well" I said.
"Enjoying yourself honey?" Alicia asked.
"Definitely" I replied "I am enjoying this a lot. And it is even better that it is a good friend who is pleasuring me right now."
Tony licked and poked at my asshole with his expert tongue. He then wet a finger and without asking slowly put it in my waiting ass. I love the feeling of things being inserted in my ass especially with Tony doing the inserting and his wife watching my face as he did it. This was such an erotic scene him pleasuring me and my wife watching us and frigging his wife's wet cunt at the same time not six feet away. He then put his mouth back over the head of my cock and sucked gently on my hard cock as both stroked me and sucked me and played with my asshole. Never would I have guessed he was good at this as he never gave any indication of liking men. I was now glad he did and he made a move for me earlier in the bathroom. I looked down at him as he toyed with me and I knew I would not last long either.
"I am going to cum soon" I said.
"Mmmm" was all he could utter.
"I want to see this" Sandra said as she left her couch and sat beside me on my couch. She looked at me and smiled and whispered that this was so hot and that she was quite grateful I went along with it.
"Sandra" I said "assume that whatever you want to try we will go along with in the future okay?"
"I will" she replied.
Tony then ramped up his sucking and stroking and I mentioned I was moments from cumming and I asked them where they wanted it? Sandra looked at me then Tony who smiled at here and the she said on his face if I would. Oh I definitely world and could. Finally, I could take it no more and pulled my cock from his mouth. He sat back on his heels and waited as I stroked my cock at his face. It only took me a few seconds before the first shot let loose and hit him square in the forehead at which Sandra moaned and gasped. She grasped my free hand as I shot four or five more loads on her hubby's face. I must admit it was so hot to be splooging all over my best friend's face as his wife was beside me. I saw Alicia smile as I shot my load all over him as she had seen this many, many times and it never failed to make her happy. After one last shot I pulled my hand off my cock and let it fall. Tony looked magnificent sitting there, my cum all over his face. Sandra then leaned forward and kissed her hubby the cum all over both their lips and mouths. She then turned to my cock and licked the drop about to fall off the tip of it. She smiled at me when she did that and it was quite genuine. She then went back to her hubby and started to lick all my cum off of his face. I could see that they both were loving what they just enjoyed with me.
"I loved that" said Sandra "it was so hot to see two men play together like that."
"Something tells me you will see much more of that this vacation" Alicia said.
"Oh I hope so" said Sandra "I am so happy I saw what I did and especially happy it was my hubby being so open."
"I have wanted that for so long" Tony said "I played a bit in college but never told you much about it thinking you may not approve but it seems you are cool with it."
"Trust me" she said "I am more than cool with it. What about you Mark?"
"100% in favor of it" I said "especially if Tony is the one I play with and he approves."
"Oh I do" he said "and I loved what we just did together and I would love to do more if you like."
"I do" I replied "and yes we will."
Sandra pulled Tony up and he still had some of my jizz on his face. Alicia came over and licked a bit of the leftover jizz off his face and then turned to kiss Sandra who lovingly kissed her back sharing my cum between them. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a leak. While there Sandra came in and said hey as she washed up a bit. We talked about what she just saw and how she liked it. She thought it was quite erotic and she was also very happy that her hubby was open to male to male play. She had no idea we were both bi but she loved that we were. I shook the last drop of piss off my cock and also went over to wash my hands. I then turned to her and saw her smiling at me. I stepped right up to her, grabbed her by the hips and pulled her body right up against me. She then tilted her head up and went to kiss me. I kissed her back and she loved it as I did as well. I let one hand fall on her round butt and massaged it all over while the other held her firmly around the hip. She let one hand as well fall to my ass and then she ran a finger up and down my ass crack. I let her know I liked that by moaning a little bit when she ran her finger in the crack and against my hole.
"Thanks for being such good friends" she said as she broke the kiss.
"Always" I replied "we love both you guys and are very glad we all seem to have the same interests. Cannot wait to see what else we may have in common. Trust me Alicia and I have done a lot and are very open minded."
"That is good to hear" Sandra said "we want to expand our horizons and who better to do that with than someone we get along with and are not embarrassed around right?"
"Exactly" I said.
We broke our embrace and went back to the patio to find our spouses but did not see them there. We then walked hand in hand to the bedroom and there they were in a wonderful sixty nine position.
"Well, hello there!" Sandra said "I am shocked to see this sort of behavior!"
"Me too!" my own wife cheating on me with my best friend. Who would have thought?"
They looked up at us smiling and starting to laugh as we were as well. We all thought it was funny.
"May I make a suggestion?" I asked.
"Sure" said Alicia "what would it be?"
"Let's enjoy the rest of this vacation in any combination we want" I said "and not worry about who is with whom. I think we are all past the shyness phase and we all trust each other so let's enjoy each other's company in any way, shape or form. What do you think?"
"I agree" Sandra said "Tony what do you think? Or should I even ask as you have two fingers in Alicia's ass as I ask you?"
"I am in agreement as well" he said "we are all friends so let's be open about all of this and our attraction towards each other. I have finally acknowledged to Sandra that I am bi and it is apparent that she likes it and I look forward to seeing what other things we can do together as a couple in bed and out!"
"Well that settles that then" Alicia said "Tony, back to work. Or fun if you like." |
Bed Bound Ch. 04: Number One | 26,762 | 4.53 | 2,139,073 | [
] | The journey home from work was rarely an interesting affair for Nikki. Being crammed into an underground train wasn't exactly her idea of fun -- she didn't like small spaces in kink, let alone in everyday life -- but this was a compromise she knew she had to make to earn the lifestyle she was starting to become accustomed to.
Recently, however, that lifestyle was threatening to take a dramatic twist. Her own bed wants to control her, and perhaps even more shockingly to her, she wants it as well. But she failed her first task four days ago, and the frustration at not hearing anything since was easily on a par with the frustration at not being able to move whilst squashed up against several other commuters on the Metropolitan Line train to Watford.
Nikki desperately wanted to make up for her failures, and she knew it would have to be something good. Having failed the task, and then attempting to cover her failure by lying about it, Nikki had been racked with guilt during virtually every waking minute since.
The waiting wasn't helping matters. The bed was once again employing its now familiar tactic of going silent and letting Nikki mindfuck herself something crazy, an approach that was becoming all the more profound and effective.
She'd tried everything she could think of to get the bed's attention since it told her she needed to make up for her failures. She'd begged and pleaded, she'd worn the skirt and heels for several hours around the house, and even to the shops and back -- a highly embarrassing affair -- she'd even tried to coax it back into life by being rebellious and wanking several times on top of it whilst exclaiming very loudly between moans about how she didn't care any more.
Nothing worked. The bed remained silent, her bracelets stayed locked on her wrists and ankles, not doing anything, and as Nikki endured yet another unpleasant afternoon commute, she began to wonder if it was all over already. The bed knew she wanted this, so the ultimate punishment would be to completely deny her of it. A missed opportunity, and one she would probably spend the rest of her life regretting.
As Nikki stepped through her front door, she noticed a postal slip lying on her hallway floor. She'd missed a package, and immediately her heart skipped a beat with a pounding concoction of excitement and nerves. This must be something to do with the bed, she thought, she certainly wasn't expecting any post, and since Tia had stopped talking to her in protest at her selfishness during their previous phone call, there wasn't anyone who was likely to send her anything spontaneously.
The next morning Nikki woke early in order to take advantage of the post office's early opening time and retrieve the package before yet another miserable commute to work. Just as she was about to open the front door, she stopped, and considered wearing what was left of the outfit that was provided to her for the task she had previously failed. She'd ruined the t-shirt, but, in a wave of desire to please the bed, she went back into her bedroom, found the microchip that she'd ripped out of it, and, using her sewing kit for the first time since her mother gave it to her several years back, sewed it into a suitably low-cut, suitably white top.
During the walk to the post office, Nikki was determined to hold onto a sense of happiness and pride. She may be about to retrieve a package that would inevitably contribute to a punishment that she'd have to endure, but she was excited to once again be on this crazy, mysterious, and highly debauched journey. This was already a level and type of control she was totally unfamiliar with, but that she knew she wanted.
Those warm, positive feelings carried with Nikki right up until the moment the assistant at the post office caught sight of her. He was an older man, probably mid-late 50s, what was left of his hair had gone white a long time ago, and judging by the state of his teeth and the faint smell of alcohol that greeted Nikki as she approached the counter, he didn't care too much for looking after himself.
Nikki glanced at his name badge. Gary, it said, before she drew her attention upwards to his face. He already had a wry, perverted smile, the kind of smile you get from a guy who clearly hasn't had sex in a long time, and who clearly thinks he's in with a chance before he's even opened his mouth.
"And what can I do you for..." Gary said with an ill-advised level of confidence. Nikki's positive feelings were quickly replaced. She wanted to feel a feminist rage, but she was very aware of what she was wearing, and humiliation swooped in without warning and selfishly stole her thoughts.
Nikki fumbled the postal slip onto the counter, questioning why she'd decided to wear this ridiculously slutty outfit. Her cleavage was so profound it was virtually touching the glass that separated her from Gary, her bar piercings so visible that she felt like she could see them even when she stared straight ahead, her skirt and heels so pink they were undoubtedly drawing the attention of everyone else in the shop.
Gary's disgusting smile stayed with him as he walked to the back room to retrieve the package, his egg-stained trousers and sweat-ridden shirt confirming Nikki's desire to get out of the building as quickly as possible. She looked down at her top, and noticed that she hadn't checked herself in the mirror before leaving the house. Her top was so low cut that if you looked closely enough, you could just about see the top edge of her areolae peeking out, and Nikki knew that Gary was more than looking closely enough.
Gary returned with a surprisingly large package, and Nikki immediately started to try and guess what it could be -- anything to distract her from her own humiliating outfit. It was cuboid in shape, too big to fit in the rucksack Nikki had retrieved before, not big enough to be a piece of furniture or anything like that, and it didn't make any noises as Gary handed it over to her.
By the time she had returned home, Nikki's best guess was that it was more attachments for the bed, and that she would be restrained to it and used on it in more different ways to atone for her failures and prove to it that she really does want to submit to it. With not long to go before she had to leave for work, Nikki hurriedly opened the package, and discovered that she was very wrong indeed.
She'd never seen one in the flesh before, but there was no mistaking it, it was a chastity belt. Panic immediately set in as Nikki rushed to change out of her slutty clothes and into her work attire. How long does it want her to wear that thing for? Does it even fit? How will she dress whilst it's on? Can she even go to work like this? How does a bed send post anyway?
The bed remained silent. Nikki hovered next to it for a final few seconds before she really did have to leave for work, just in case it said something to give her some clues about what she was in for. The screen didn't flicker, and Nikki left her flat for what promised to be an agonisingly slow day at work, filled with questions and nerves.
Nikki returned home, and in no time at all, was standing in her bedroom, naked, holding the chastity belt and preparing herself to put it on. This was a new experience to her, in keeping with the general trend of new experiences that the bed was giving her, but she knew what to do, she'd seen girls put these kind of belts on in porn many times before.
The gap for her arsehole was a relieving sight, although it did open up the possibility of long-term wear, which terrified Nikki. The dildo for her cunt was less reassuring. It was the same metallic compound as the belt itself, reflecting the bedroom light perfectly in its clean, pristine state. It was long, and it was thick. Nikki's eye wasn't good enough to work out the exact measurements, but she knew she'd have a hard time keeping that thing inside her for anything longer than a few minutes.
With a "what the fuck am I doing" gasp, Nikki raised her left leg, and brought it down through the corresponding hole in the belt. As she did, the bed screen whirred into life, the first time it had done so since her failed task the previous week.
"Before you put that on, you need to know what's in store for you next."
"I know what's in store for me next" Nikki said with a level of cheek far too audacious for the situation she was in, "I'm going to be held in chastity."
"Not yet." The bed replied, unable to give off any signs that the tenacity in Nikki's voice had been noticed. "Take it off."
Nikki took her left leg out of the belt again, placed it carefully on the floor, and knelt on the bed.
"The combination for the package I had you recover in your previous task consists of four digits. You will now undergo four tasks. For each task you complete, I will give you a digit." Four tasks?! Nikki was expecting one, maybe two at the most to atone for her two failures, but four?
Calm down, Nikki, each task won't be as bad if there are four of them to get through.
"What's in the box?" Nikki asked, nervously.
"Something that will come to define our dynamic." That sentence sounded almost humane. Of course, the AI was programmed by a human, but so far it had done such a good job of taking the human element out of the equation. Nikki didn't know how to feel.
"Understood. What happens if I fail a task?"
"If you fail a task, you will have to retry that task again from the beginning. If you attempt to guess the remaining digits and fail to open the package on the first attempt, you will have to retry all four tasks again from the beginning. You already know that I'm able to tell if you're cheating or lying to me."
The monotonous yet stern tone being given to her by an inanimate object sent Nikki's horn through the roof. She desperately wanted a wank there and then, and wanted it even more at the prospect of impending chastity. Resisting the strong temptation to jump off the bed and grab her vibrator, Nikki waited for her next instruction, hoping the bed wouldn't play the waiting game again.
"For your first task, you are to remove the mattress and kneel underneath me, exactly in the centre of my frame." The bed paused for a few seconds so Nikki could digest that information, then retracted its screen.
Kneel underneath the bed? That wouldn't be easy, there isn't much room. What else was going to happen? That can't be the whole task, surely.
Nikki paused and reflected on her options. All the bed had threatened her with was having to start the punishment again if she failed, but if she never even started it in the first place, what has she got to lose? On the other hand, if she doesn't do this, she may never be able to submit to it, and she may never gain this experience that she's been desperately longing for for days.
Torn between curiosity and stubbornness, Nikki elected to comply, heaving the double mattress onto the floor before crawling under the frame. Sliding underneath and wriggling on her belly to the centre of the frame wasn't a problem, but bringing herself up onto her knees when she got there was a harder affair. With some huffing and puffing, and swearing at both herself and the bed, she was in position.
Her knees were already beginning to ache from kneeling on the hardwood floor, and the heavy, iron frame of the bed was digging uncomfortably into her back, but before Nikki could dwell on this, or ask what happens next, she heard a thudding sound on either side of her.
Nikki turned her head to the side, one of the few parts of her body she was able to move freely, and saw that at the edge of the bed, the frame had extended itself down to the floor. Assuming the same had happened on the other side, Nikki realised that the underside of the bed had become a sort of cage. The head end was pushed up against the wall, but craning to look behind her, she noticed that there was no activity at the foot of the bed, so wriggling backwards was still a possibility.
The walls of the cage started moving towards her.
The sight of the bed frame becoming smaller on each side was almost as terrifying as the sound of the metal scraping against the floor. For a fleeting moment, Nikki concerned herself with the possibility that this could damage the floor and cost her her deposit, but the fear of the current situation quickly took back over as the confined nature of her space became progressively more severe.
Before long, the heavy, black cage sides reached where Nikki was kneeling, and started pressing into her skin.
"STOP!" She yelled as loudly as her compressed diaphragm would allow her to. It did stop, Nikki didn't know if the bed had listened to her or sensed that it couldn't make the space any smaller, but she didn't care, the bars were pushing uncomfortably against her sides, making it extremely difficult to move.
Panic set in, and Nikki instinctively tried to wriggle backwards. It was a difficult, painful progress, but she was able to make it a few inches before she heard a whirring sound behind her. Hearing that kind of sound was beginning to elicit a Pavlovian response inside her, although she couldn't quite put her finger on whether it was fear, excitement, or simply resignation that something was about to happen and she couldn't stop it. On this occasion, the fear that already had a firm grip on Nikki's body and mind was heightened even further by the sound, and she instantly stopped wriggling.
The whirring continued for a couple of seconds, and then Nikki felt something force its way slowly inside her cunt. She could tell straight away that it was the same metal dildo that had fucked her the previous week, and that realisation filled her with dread. Sure, that experience was an amazing one, but it was also very lengthy, and endured whilst in a relatively comfortable position. This time, she was already starting to wince in pain at the position she found herself in.
"Please don't do this" she begged the bed. She knew it could hear her, but, unable to look up and see the screen, she also knew that it couldn't communicate with her in any way other than stopping and letting her free, or carrying on what it was doing. The dildo pushed itself all the way inside her, and then stayed in position. It didn't fuck her, fast or slow, it just sat there, filling her cunt, preventing her from moving backwards any further.
Desperately trying to hold on to any shred of control she could, Nikki started wriggling painfully forwards to try and get away from the unforgiving dildo. As soon as she moved, two bars extended vertically downwards on either side of her neck, pushing into the soft area between her neck and collarbone. She was now totally trapped, and aside from wriggling her fingers and toes, and some limited head movement, she couldn't move.
She knew this task wasn't going to be an easy one, it is supposed to be a punishment after all, but this was testing her limits in ways that she never even knew existed. However, Nikki had always been a determined girl, and she knew that that determination and focus would be the only way she'd be able to complete this task.
Nikki tried to ease her mind into the situation, to accept what was happening and concentrate on getting through it. The bed, however, had other ideas, and it wasn't long before Nikki's mind was distracted by something else, as she felt a similarly hard, large, metallic dildo force its way uncomfortably into her anus. A tear started rolling down her left cheek, she struggled to wipe it off, her arms pinned to her sides by the unforgiving cage.
Both her holes were now filled to the point that they felt like they were being stretched, and with neither of the dildos moving, she didn't even have any pleasure to distract her from the ever-growing levels of discomfort she was suffering. Her will was already breaking, and she knew it had only been a few minutes since she'd started this task.
Questions started filling her mind once again. Should she have started this task? Should she have started this whole relationship in the first place? Could this really go on for as long as the previous ordeal did? Soon though, the only question she was able to ask herself was whether or not she should safeword.
This was becoming too much. Her knees were in agony, and lifting one the half an inch that her squashed position allowed her too would only increase the agony when she put it back down again. Her back felt like it was on fire, the points where the frame sat directly on top of her spine being particularly excruciating. Her cunt and arse were becoming increasingly uncomfortable and sore at being so full for so long from something so unforgiving. She'd lost the feeling in her feet, and she was in desperate need of a wee.
Claustrophobia was starting to set in as well. So far she'd been able to stave that off thanks to the admittedly undesirable distractions from the other elements of her predicament, but as time wore on, the severely confined space she was trapped in was fucking with her mind more and more, and the levels of fear were becoming more and more apparent.
Determination came back to her in one final wave. She had to do this, she had to prove to the bed that she could pass a task, and that she was worthy of it controlling her. Luckily for her, the amount of concentration required to stop herself from pissing everywhere was sufficient to distract her from the unbearable pain and discomfort.
More time passed, it was impossible to tell how much, but eventually the need to piss was also becoming unbearable.
"Please, I'm begging you, please let me out. I can't take any more" Nikki sobbed, having long since given up on trying to keep her cheeks dry or her mascara from running down her face. "I'm sorry if I haven't done enough for you, I'm sorry if I've failed this task, but I can't do it any more, it hurts too much."
The bed did nothing but keep Nikki exactly where she was, and, a few moments later, the inevitable happened. With her sobs now developed into a full-on cry, Nikki's bladder muscles gave up, and she pissed all over the bedroom floor underneath her. She regretted not going to the toilet before she'd climbed under the bed -- the excitement at starting her first punishment task presumably distracting her from the need to go -- as a long, steady torrent of piss came out of her impaled cunt and flooded the floor.
The warmth of her own piss provided a slight comfort to her otherwise unbearable predicament, but it soon went cold, and now she had the embarrassment of kneeling in her own piss to add to the multitude of mindfucks she was forced to endure. Worse still, Nikki didn't need to think about holding it all in any more, leaving her mind free to concentrate on what was no longer pain and discomfort, but simply searing, agonising pain.
For the next few moments, the only noise that could be heard was Nikki's resigned crying. This had gone far beyond what she thought she was capable of enduring, and the thought that this was only the first of four tasks she had to complete was almost as uncomfortable as the bars still pushing into her naked, helpless body. Then, the sides of the cage started retracting again, the neck bars lifted, and the dildos pulled themselves out of her holes.
Nikki was suffering from so much exhaustion and pain that she was barely able to move even without any restraints. Nevertheless, she struggled and sobbed as she slowly dragged her body, wet from sweat and piss, out from under the bed frame, and collapsed on top of the mattress next to her. Every inch of her body seemed to be in some sort of agony, but she didn't care any more, she'd done it, she'd completed the task.
Nikki smiled, despite the pain still ripping through her muscles, as she looked down at the heavily pronounced marks on her arms and legs where the bars had dug in. A sense of pride and accomplishment overcame her as the exhaustion got the better of her, and she drifted off to sleep.
The smell that greeted Nikki when she woke was not a pleasant one, and she quickly remembered why. Her body and the floor were still covered in piss, and, embarrassed yet turned on to a surprising degree by this, she dragged her still-aching body to a standing position, and headed for the shower.
As she passed the bed frame, she noticed that the screen was on, and that there was already writing on it.
"Congratulations, you have completed task number one. Task number two will involve the chastity belt, you may put that on when you're ready."
She wasn't ready. It had only been a few hours since the previous task, and her mind and body were still very much broken from it. But was this a test? Did the bed want her to prove herself by putting it on now? Nikki's glance diverted from the bed screen to her vibrator.
The thought of lying under the bed again and wanking herself to at least two orgasms whilst writhing in her own piss was an appealing one, and that in itself was shocking news to her. She'd never experienced wastersports before, never seen the appeal of it or found it arousing.
At that point she realised how much and how quickly the bed was getting under her skin, it was already making her question what she was capable of, and what she did and didn't like.
Nikki picked up her vibrator, and glanced at the large puddle of piss on the floor. The second task hadn't started yet, so there wasn't anything wrong with indulging herself a little whilst she recovered from the previous ordeal, right? |
Foursome Fantasy Becomes a Reality Ch. 02 | 37,613 | 4.58 | 1,269,633 | [
"two men one woman",
"girl on girl"
] | I took my beautiful wife into my arms as we waited for the elevator, kissed her passionately, and whispered, "I love you Brenda." We were still kissing when the door opened and unfortunately, it wasn't empty. There were two couples looking at us. One of the men looked at my hand and a big grin spread across his face. I didn't know why until I glanced in the mirror and realized he could see Brenda's thong visible in my hand. I chuckled and gave him a nod. He looked at Brenda then back to me with a "knowing look".
When we exited the elevator, Brenda turned to me and asked, "What was going on in the elevator with that guy?" I held up her thong and smiled. She gave me a puzzled look and then a look of awareness spread across her face. "That guy saw it didn't he?"
"Yes he did."
Brenda giggled and gave me a quick kiss. "I bet he enjoyed that, too."
"Judging by the way he smiled, I have a feeling he's gonna to get lucky tonight."
"Speaking of lucky, I know of a certain woman in cabin 9140 that would love to fuck you."
"Will she wait to let me shower first?"
"She will even help you shower - and more."
"I like the sound of that."
We practically ran to the cabin and once inside, quickly started stripping. By the time Brenda pulled my shorts down, my cock was hard and ready. She gave it a kiss on the tip and said, "Soon big boy, soon."
Unless you're in a suite, the shower stall in a regular cruise ship cabin is not large even for one person; with two, it is downright tight. But when you are horny, it is actually erotic. The shower, albeit tight, was sensual and made me even more turned on. Brenda and I were locked in a kiss as we soaped each other. Her hands were all over my very hard cock while my fingers were busy with her tits and pussy.
I dried Brenda first and once completed, kissed her nipples and swollen clit. I could have skipped her drying me but she took a towel and with slow deliberation, began to dry my back. When she moved to my front, she would dry and kiss her way down. She knelt down and gently dried my balls. Talk about multitasking, she took my cock in her mouth while she dried each leg. This woman never ceases to amaze me.
Brenda stood up, took my dick in her hand, and led me to the bed. She lay back on the bed, spread her legs, and placed my cock to the entrance of her love hole. "I want you inside me," she whispered. I kissed her and slowly moved my member deep inside. Her hips were matching my thrusts and I was slamming her as deep as I could. After a few moments, her breathing changed and I knew her orgasm was near. She let out a long moan with her climax. Feeling her cum was enough to put me over the edge and after a couple of thrusts I added my own cum to hers. She locked her legs over mine and held me in place, keeping my dick deep inside. I couldn't help but think how much I loved her and that our love making over the years has not diminished. She kissed me and with love in her eyes said, "That was wonderful."
We kissed and hugged for several minutes until my dick became limp and slipped out. Brenda cuddled in my arms and I held her tight. "We've had quite a day sweetheart."
"I'll say we did. It was fucking fantastic."
"Now that we have made our foursome fantasy a reality, any thoughts?"
"I liked it. It was fun having sex with people we felt comfortable with and I'm glad we were together. How about you?"
"Oh, I agree. I couldn't do this with perfect strangers, nor could I do it with someone I see on a regular basis. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure how I would feel watching Don fuck you because even though I thought it was erotic, I couldn't help but feel a bit concerned."
"How so?"
"Call it a guy thing but I wondered if you would enjoy sex with him better than with me."
"Honey, I love you and I am yours body and soul, you know that. You and I make love. Tonight we had sex that was different, forbidden, lustful, and fun. And to tell the truth, I was turned-on watching you fuck Teri. It was a bit surreal seeing your hard cock pumping her cunt while feeling Don's dick inside me."
"I know what you mean."
"I'll let you in on a little secret. Teri told me that tonight was their first time, too. Just like us, they'd talked about a foursome but never had the opportunity, until we came along."
"Lucky for all of us. I rather like way this has turned out. They don't live close so we don't need to make them part of our regular life and a cruise or resort works well for an occasional orgy. I can see this happening once or twice a year."
"That's a great point. I'm sure you and Teri will get creative and do some scheming for future play dates. I guess my next question is what does my wonderful wife and Teri have planned for the remaining two days of the cruise? I'm sure you girls have been plotting a variety of sexual activities that involves the four of us."
"Just like the movies, Teri and I want to experience two dicks at the same time. We thought we would have you and Don take turns fucking our cunt and mouth. Teri won the coin toss so you'll start with your dick in her cunt and Don will be in her mouth. After a few minutes, I'll tell you to swap positions and you'll continue swapping until you guys cum."
"Oh baby, I love it."
"Wait, it gets even better. You know how I love for you to cum in my mouth; well, Teri enjoys having Don cum in hers." A big smile spread across my face. I think I know where this is going.
"I see you smiling and you guessed correctly; you and Don are to climax in our mouths."
This is definitely a dream come true, I thought.
"We thought this would be a fun way to enjoy our last few days together."
"I'm sure you girls are already discussing the future. By the way, what are you going to be doing while Don and I are occupied, so to speak?"
"Well, remember a scene in a movie where two guys were doing a woman and the other woman was in a position under the first woman so she could lick the guy's cock as it slid in and out."
I looked at her with a big grin and a wonderful image came to mind.
"We both thought that was incredibly erotic and now is my chance to do it."
"I love the way you think. Any other fantasies?"
"Would you like to watch me eat Teri's pussy and vise-a-versa?"
"Absolutely. I take it you've given that some thought, too."
"You know how much I enjoyed watching it in the movies. So why not give it a try. Besides, when I'm just lying there with someone eating my pussy and bringing me to an orgasm, does it matter whose mouth it is?"
Am I restricted to just watching?"
"You may do whatever you want, sweetheart."
"I'd like to play with a pair of tits and finger-fuck the person doing the eating."
"I'm getting wet just thinking about that."
"Speaking of wet and eating pussy," I said with a smile as I knelt down between her legs. I kissed her hard nipples and slid my finger deep into her wet and eager cunt. She moved her hips up slightly, allowing me to go deeper. My thumb was lightly on her clit, my finger fucking her cunt, and my tongue licking her nipples. I love bringing her to a climax and this one was going to be very intense. She grabbed my hand and shoved my finger in deep while her orgasm flowed over her. Finally when she recovered, she gave me a kiss and said, "My turn."
She licked the precum from the top of my cock and slowly took it into her mouth, her tongue performing a sensual dance all over it. Holding my balls with one hand and with the other placed against her mouth, she began a slow bobbing down and up. I closed my eyes, lost in the incredible sensation. She increased her tempo and I was in ecstasy. I could feel my balls tighten and within moments I filled her mouth with my seed. Brenda kept pumping until she had milked my cock dry.
"I love you Brenda, more and more every day."
We slept in a nice 'spoon' position with my arm over her and a hand on her right breast. Morning found us in the same position except I had my usual morning erection that somehow found its way to Brenda's pussy. It didn't take long before she was wet. And with some repositioning on each part, I began to slowly fill her cunt. Soon our love making became fast and furious. I didn't pause when Brenda had her orgasm; I kept thrusting harder and faster.
I could feel my own climax building. As I was nearing the point of no return, I pulled out and Brenda moved to take my cum in her mouth. She likes to start her day with cum and coffee and I love to oblige.
We joined Don and Teri for breakfast and the girls were soon talking in hushed tones and smiling like they were planning something. As I was sipping my coffee, I just about choked when Brenda informed me that Teri liked her coffee "sweetened" the same way she did.
Teri winked at Don and said, "Best way to start the day."
I looked at Don and said, "We are two very lucky guys."
"Don't I know it," he replied. "I can't begin to tell you how great this trip has been and how lucky we were to meet. Yesterday was a day we will never forget."
"Thanks Don. I can also say that Brenda and I are very happy with how this trip has turned out. You and Teri have made a fantasy come true. And I would guess our wives have more surprises planned for the rest of the trip."
"So I've been informed. I guess they only want us for our bodies," he said with a grin.
That earned a laugh from the girls. "Well boys," Teri countered, "I'm expecting some good action tonight so save your strength."
"Yes madam," Don and I replied in unison.
Later that morning we got off the ship and wandered around the port for a bit. There was a shop that offered free Wi-Fi so we joined a few others from the ship and got caught up on emails and news from home. Teri pulled up a porn site on her computer and found a photo depicting tonight's action of two guys and a woman. Brenda reached over and discretely gave my dick a squeeze. "I can hardly wait," she whispered.
Later that afternoon we adjourned to the hot tub and pool. Watching Teri in her sexy bikini and thinking about what was to happen in a few hours kept me in a state of arousal.
I whispered to Don, "Looking at our sexy wives and knowing what we are going to do tonight is driving me crazy."
"You and me both. I've been looking at them and that is all I can think about. It appears our wives share the same ideas when it comes to sex."
"I agree. When Brenda told me what she and Teri have planned for us I thought I was in a dream. I love the way they collaborate for our enjoyment."
"We are truly two lucky guys to have such incredible wives."
"Horny wives, too," I added.
Around 6:30, Brenda and I got ready for the evening. First was dinner, then the ship's stage show at 8:00, and then our own special play time. Brenda looked exquisite in my favorite black dress. And as we waited for the elevator, she whispered in my ear, "I forgot my underwear." All I could do was close my eyes and grin.
I can't say that dinner was uneventful. It seemed Brenda and Teri had conspired to tease Don and me by talking about their toys. They were unmerciful with their teasing. All Don and I could do was smile at each other as we listened to our wives describe what they had and how they enjoyed using them. When they added the use of chocolate, whipped cream, honey, and other delights, I was ready to bend Brenda over the table and fuck her right then and there. Talk about giving a guy blue balls.
Fortunately there wasn't any talking during the stage show and I hoped I could recover from the constant state of arousal the girls had me in. No such luck. Those tight and somewhat revealing costumes worn by the women on stage didn't help at all. In fact, I was so occupied imagining them naked that I really couldn't tell you much about the show.
Brenda and I headed back to our room so I could get out of my coat and tie while Brenda remained in her dress, sans underwear. During that time I told her about my thoughts regarding the stage show. She laughed and said she thought about the entire cast naked. Now that is an image that will stick in my mind. I love the way she thinks.
As we headed to Don and Teri's room, Brenda whispered, "I'm so wet I'm practically dripping."
"I have an idea. Why don't you eat Teri's pussy first and save the three-way for last?"
"Good idea."
Don greeted us at the door and he and Teri were wearing the robes that were provided in each cabin. I suspected they were wearing nothing more. That was confirmed as we could see Don's cock protruding out of his robe. Teri's robe hung open as she came over and started removing my clothes. Don pulled Brenda's dress up over her head and she stood there naked. I couldn't help but notice her erect nipples.
Once we were all naked, Brenda said, "Lie back on the bed, Teri, so we can entertain the boys." Teri quickly complied and was on the bed with her legs spread wide. She looked so beautiful and I instinctively began to stroke my hard cock. Brenda knelt between Teri's legs and began to kiss and lick all around her pussy. I watched with delight, my mouth watering as I remembered doing the same with Teri last night. Brenda soon had her tongue buried deep in Teri's cunt. Teri's eyes were closed and there was a big smile on her face.
Don moved behind Brenda and inserted a couple of fingers into her cunt. Brenda paused briefly and let out a soft moan. While Don was doing my wife, I moved onto the bed and started licking and sucking on Teri's tits. Soon the room was filled with sounds of people voicing their pleasure.
As I was sucking Teri's nipples, I watched Brenda working on Teri's clit. Teri was panting and her hips were moving up and down. I felt her tense and convulse as she climaxed. Brenda moved to Teri's cunt and licked up her cum. Don began to increase the tempo of his hand as he finger-fucked Brenda. After a few moments Brenda, stopped her licking and began to buck her hips against Don's hand, matching his tempo. It didn't take long before she climaxed and collapsed on top of Teri.
"Fuck that was great," Brenda squeaked out after a few moments. She moved off Teri and gave me a kiss. "I can see why you like eating my pussy. It's almost as good as being on the receiving end."
"Speaking of receiving," announced Teri, "I believe it's your turn."
The girls quickly changed places and so did Don and I. I slid my two fingers deep into Teri's cunt, which was hot and wet with her cum. Don was all over Brenda's tits and I watched a most erotic scene unfold in front of me. This was far better than watching it on a movie and I had to remind myself that it was real. I loved watching the expression on my wife's face as Teri licked her pussy. I could hear her purring with pleasure.
I directed my concentration to rubbing Teri's G spot and she responded by gyrating her hips against my hand. Both girls were panting and gasping and soon I heard the familiar sound of Brenda starting to climax. She let out a loud moan that I hoped the adjoining passengers weren't able to hear.
Teri was busy licking Brenda's cum and bucking hard against my hand. She matched my increasing tempo and a few moments later, I felt her body tremble as her orgasm crashed through her like a wave.
"Brenda was right, eating pussy is very enjoyable," Teri said with a big grin. She looked at Don and me and then said, "Judging by the two hard cocks I see, I think you boys enjoyed the show and are anxious for some action."
Brenda moved off the bed as Teri got on her knees so I could insert my cock in her cunt and she could take Don's in her mouth. I held her hips and set the tempo with my thrusting. Teri had her mouth planted against her hand which was around Don's dick as she moved back and forth. I looked over at Brenda and gave her a smile. She gave me a wink and then maneuvered her body under Teri so she could lick my cock as it slid in and out of Teri's cunt. What an incredible sensation. I suddenly became fearful that I would cum too soon. I couldn't see what Brenda was doing but I sensed she was licking Teri's clit as well as my cock.
What a view I had: Don had his eyes closed and a big smile as Teri was sucking his cock. My wife was under Teri with her lovely pussy almost within reach and I watched my cock slide between Teri's pussy lips. I've never seen anything like this in a movie. I was in my own little world when suddenly Brenda announced that Don and I were to change places.
Having done so, I was enjoying Teri's BJ technique. It was slightly different from Brenda's in that she didn't go quite as deep but I could tell she was not only good at it but enjoyed it too. Brenda continued her licking in addition to holding my balls as I fucked Teri's face.
We did this swapping several times which worked to my advantage of not cumming too soon. Teri was certainly enjoying the action and it seemed she had multiple orgasm.
As much as I wanted to last longer, I finally reached that point of no return and was the first to cum; fortunately, I was already in Teri's mouth. Teri kept my dick in her mouth until Don was ready to shoot his load. I quickly moved out of the way and Teri took Don's cock deep in her mouth. I held Brenda in my arms as we watched Teri milk every drop from Don's dick.
At last, with everyone feeling sexually satisfied, we moved to the couch to relax and share a glass of wine.
"Tell me, Teri, was it everything you imagined it would be?" Brenda asked.
"Well to quote you, 'it was fucking fantastic'. How about you boys, was it good?"
"Wonderful is an understatement and better than watching it in a movie for sure," I replied.
"I totally agree," Don said with a big grin, "Watching you girls and then doing a three-way was more than incredible."
Teri placed her hand on Brenda's knee and said, "Well my dear, there is no way for me to describe the sensation of having a cock in your mouth and cunt at the same time. And I am looking forward to sharing that experience with you tomorrow night."
After a good night toast, we adjourned for the night. Once in the room, I asked Brenda how she felt about the evening.
"I thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked the sensation of eating Teri's pussy. As I said before, I can see why you enjoy doing me. What did you think about me having my tongue licking your cock as you fucked Teri?"
"I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. So wonderful in fact I was afraid I would cum too soon. Holding my balls at the same time was a nice touch, too."
"I thought you guys would enjoy that. I hope I'll cum as often as Teri did. I think she climaxed every time you guys changed positions."
"Don't I know it and I am certainly looking forward to your turn tomorrow. Just think, finally feeling a cock in your mouth at the same time one is in your cunt. When you add Teri licking your clit, you'll feel like you are in sensory overload. Mind blowing comes to mind. I think licking your clit right now sounds like a good idea."
"Right after I suck your cock."
Does it get any better than this? |
Hot Wonderful Night for Us | 7,024 | 4.71 | 1,342,334 | [
"loving couples",
"hot sex",
] | Sweetie I fantasize about you, Daily, Nightly, Hourly, I think of all the things. I'd like to do to you. Long, passionate kisses. Erotic caresses. Undressing you, placing soft kisses upon you. Seeing you stand before me, nude, Charming.
Touching you all over, using my hands, my fingers, my nails, my lips, my tongue, even my teeth to gently nip at you. I start with your lips, then I kiss your face, butterfly kisses, soft and light, as I work my way down your wondrous body. Neck, collarbone, chest, nipples, belly, pelvic area, avoiding your privates completely!.
I continue to kiss and lick and suck and caress my way down to your feet, and back up again. This time, when I near your groin, you are throbbing, dripping in anticipation just thinking of what I'll touch you with. My hands? Fingers? Maybe my lips and tongue? Nails and teeth?
You shudder as you feel my heated breath upon you. I slowly, seductively, reach for you. I wrap my fingers around your length at the base, squeeze gently and then slide my hand up to the head. I cover the head and squeeze it, rub it as it drips onto my hand, massaging the juice into the skin.
You moan, pleasure beginning to control you. My tongue laps at your sac, licking it. My lips kiss it...Suddenly it's in my mouth as I suck it. You grow in my hand, dripping more. I release the sac and allow my tongue to begin it's exploration of you.
The length, width, taste. Everything is mine to take - and give you immense pleasure in that taking!.
I lick the shaft where it meets the sac, I suck it.
I inch up ever so slowly, licking, sucking, kissing. Using my tongue to massage you...Finally I reach the head.
I lick the precum, and kiss the head gently.
You moan, your fingers twisting into my hair as your hands reach my head. Finally, I open my mouth and guide you in.
Once the head is all the way in, I close my mouth, sealing you within.
I suck on you, squeezing tighter, and slowly begin to massage your length within my mouth. Hot, wet, my tongue wraps and twists around you, rubbing you, tasting you.
Then it lays flat and you feel the head bump against the back of my throat.
I hold you there, swallow you, squeezing you with my mouth and throat.
I release you and slide you back out, just to the head. You will not be completely released, until you have completely released your seed within me.
I feel you throb, pulse, jump in my mouth. I moan onto you, still sliding you in and out as slowly as possible.
Pulling at you, teasing you into orgasm. Your moans grow louder, as your pleasure goes deeper, forcing your blood to go racing towards your one point of release!.
Your breath quickens, becomes shallow. Your heart races, pushing your pleasure and your blood faster!.
Your hands grip my head, fingers tight within my hair...you roar as you feel the building orgasm erupt from your sac, through your shaft and deeply into my mouth!
I swallow you as that first explosion goes right down my throat it taste good in my mouth, though i have never tasted it before but seems to enjoy yours.
The second splash coats my throat in cream that I eagerly swallow.
A third and fourth explosion follow in quick succession. I swallow quickly, not wasting a precious drop. I feel you begin to relax, the pulses dripping more into me.
I continue to suck and swallow until I am sure there is nothing left. Still, I swallow again. Finally, I release you. I lean back, look up at you, see you looking at me...we smile...i guess am sounding nasty here Well (My fantasy has just begun!).
I'm on my knees before you, smiling like a Cheshire cat. I've just had the yummiest snack! You are still smiling at me, the throbs of your pleasure filled orgasm still pulsing through your veins. Slower, but fast enough that your heart still races...
Taking my hands, you help me to stand and lead me to the bed. Knowing I would have by now swallowed everything, even your taste, you kiss me. There is not even the slightest hint of you in my kiss. Only me. My scent, my taste, my essence.
You deepen the kiss, reaching into me, searching for the pleasure I gave you, seeking more. I return your kiss, just as deep, just as powerful. I reach into you. Drawing that pleasure that only moments before raced through your veins.
I find it, I urge it to jump to life again...Loving our kiss, you wrap your arms around me, holding onto me, not wanting to let go of what brings you such pleasure. Knowing you are pleased fills me, I now have more pleasure to give you.
But you must be patient. The treasure you seek is the pleasure I give. Each time I please you it fills me with such joy, I am able to pleasure you yet again, and again. Search my lips, my tongue, my mouth, surely I have pleasure for you there. Drink of my kisses and be filled with pleasure.
Let my hands touch and caress you, let my nails slip across you, feel my touch and let it trace your body in pleasure. My nakedness arouses you. My full breasts, my hardened nipples, my soft skin...Touch me!
Allow your fingers to dance across my skin as they absorb, and double, the pleasure they send coursing through my veins. As I moan in pleasure, taste of me.
You Press your lips to my neck, seek out that spot that sends desire racing through me. As my pleasure increases, there is a new scent in the room...mine. The scent of my heated sex, wet and aching with desire! I sense your arousal go deeper as you smell it.
Suddenly, you are like an animal. Feral. Wild. You lay me on the bed forcefully. Seeking more pleasure you take your hands and mouth on an exploration of my body.
You find my nipples, where you nip, lick and suck with your mouth and pinch, pull and tweak with your fingers. I'm moaning, heat from between my legs now radiates from within me, warming me, heating my entire body. I feel pulses of pleasure shoot from my nipples to my womanhood, it grows hotter and wetter. My hands are in your hair.
You reach for them and place them on my sides, holding them there. Unable to touch you, I whimper. You continue your exploration, stopping only briefly to release my hands, giving me such a look as I know not to move them.
Your hands and mouth continue down my belly, my hips, my pelvic area. I am moaning, my body squirms in anticipation of you, of what you will do. You pass my shaven triangle, moaning in appreciation. You love it shaved.
You ignore it. Your exploration continues down one leg and up the other. You turn me over. Now on my stomach, you begin your exploration anew. The backs of my knees are licked, sending me into a writhing mass of sensual explosions! My ass is explored with hands, fingers, mouth and tongue.
I cannot contain my moans, nor can I keep still. Your journey continues up my sides and back. My very sensitive back. Turning me over yet again, you return to my nipples with your mouth while your hands explore what they passed up on the first trip.
I spread my legs, you spread my lips. Moaning, begging you for more, I feel myself moisten more. You gently bite at my nipples, then head down to taste what I have to offer.
My juices are flowing freely, I have already mounted that wave of pure pleasure, heading for the cliff.
All that awaits is my dive from that cliff into the abyss of ultimate pleasure...and you know exactly how to take me there! Licking softly at my well hidden clit, you coerce it out of hiding just enough for you to attack it with such a passion, it becomes a throbbing, hardened bulb in seconds! Writhing on the bed.
I'm calling your name, begging you for more! You continue your assault...and let your fingers explore me internally. As first one, then another slides into my well soaked tunnel of pleasure, I am on that cliff.
A few strokes from your fingers, more licks and sucks from your mouth and tongue, even a nip or two from your teeth...YES!
I jump off the cliff that the wave of pure pleasure took me to and I dive into the abyss of ultimate pleasure as my orgasm grabs me, shakes me from the inside out and leaves me weak, shivering as wave after wave of aftershocks flow through me.
As you lap up my juices, tasting my essence, you smile...Well sedated, I can barely move. You lay next to me, tracing your fingers across my skin, inducing more aftershocks. You kiss my neck, my breasts, my skin.
I moan and writhe. Smiling you stop and let me rest. The next pleasure will be all yours, and while you can't wait, you are patient enough to allow me to gather my strength.
I'll need it for what's to come! (My fantasy is nearly done! Some time later, well rested, sated, and eager for more, I finally move. Turning towards you, I see you lying there with your eyes closed. I gently kiss your cheek. You smile. Turning towards me, we kiss. Softly soon becomes deeply and passionately. Our hands touch each other and caress each other.
As we end our kiss, we smile at each other. I work my way down your body, kissing and caressing, heading towards your manhood. As I work my way closer, you begin to grow, pulse and throb. As I reach it, I can see the precum form and begin to drip. I lick it off. I lick up and down your length. I lick your sac, sucking it.
Licking back up again I slowly take the head into my mouth. Closing my lips and sucking your length into my mouth, I feel you throb again. As the head reaches down into the back of my throat, I swallow, squeezing you, making you moan. I slowly release you, sliding off to the head. As I reach the head, I repeat my actions. Short minutes later, your breathing is fast and heavy.
I stop. I get up and straddle you, slowly dropping my hot, wet slit to meet your head. As they touch, you pulse against me.
I rub you along my clit, my opening and back again. I moan in pleasure. Tortuously slow, I slide you into me, easing down onto you. I slide up and down so slowly, grinding on you when I'm down, rotating my hips when I'm up.
You groan, loving the feel. Too soon, maybe 10 minutes later, you reach up, grabbing me. As you manipulate me so I'm laying down with you atop me, you slide in and pump me hard. Soon I'm moaning as an orgasm reaches out to grab me.
I'm breathing fast, heavy, moaning, writhing. The orgasm has me in it's clutches, it's shaking me, sending shocks and pulses throughout my entire body. I can't stop moaning! As that orgasm begins to release it's grip, you pull out and turn me onto my knees. You enter me from behind, I feel another orgasm reach it's fingers out to stroke me.
Pumping into me, you grab my hair, wrapping your fingers deeply into it, pulling gently. Your sac is kissing my clit with each stroke of your sex into mine...the fingers of that orgasm caress me. Suddenly, you slap my ass! The hand of that orgasm grabs me and begins it's pleasure-filled torture! As you pump into me, an occasional slap, an occasional tug on my hair, my orgasm grabs me with both hands, shaking me furiously! My moans are louder, deeper.
I'm soaked! I'm so hot, so wet, you slide so smoothly within me.
I'm begging you, please, more! Within minutes, I've reached that cliff and dove into the abyss of ultimate pleasure - I'm drowning in it! I need more! You pull out, lay me down and lap at my juices, now flowing freely from my love tunnel. Turning your body, you get on me and you feed me, I taste my juices on you as I suck you into me. You moan in pleasure. Short minutes go by.Getting up, you move to face me again.
You lift my legs and sit on your knees in front of me as you slip in again and begin pumping me. I'm moaning, loving it. You rub my clit with your thumb as you pump me harder, faster. I feel another orgasm grabbing onto me. I feel you grow, stretching me, throbbing, pulsing.I cry out your name as the orgasm takes control of me, sending me into a writhing mass of moans...at that same moment, you explode deep within me, shouting out your pleasure, filling me! You join me in that abyss, pushing me deeper.
My walls convulse around you, you throb within me. We milk each other, draining each other.You let my legs down and lay atop me, still deep within me. We kiss, soft and deep. Our hands touching, caressing each other. Sated, relaxed, we unplug, cuddle next to each other and drift to sleep.Done...for now.
We have all night...this is just the beginning! I love you! i hope you re ready for this on that first night in the hotel room i hope someday soon my fantasy will soon this weekend be a very welcome reality!I love you
Your Beautiful Wife... |
Matt & I Ch. 05 | 55,828 | 4.6 | 442,855 | [
"incest novella",
"mother son sex",
"mother son incest"
] | *Please read Matt & I, chapters 01 through 04 for events leading to this fictional scenario.*
The water felt very warm, very good, very soothing, and a relaxing way to think. I just stood there with the warmth cascading over me, into my hair, across my breasts, and thought; thought about last night and this morning; I thought about the taboos I had broken in the past few months, and one I would probably break again and again. I couldn't help but to think back to last night, touching and holding Angie, then tasting her forbidden fruit. I couldn't believe that I wanted to do that but even more how much I enjoyed being with another woman. I reveled in the memory of this morning, of being in Matt's arms and having his wonderful hard manhood in me. It hit me that I had become a sexually charged woman. I had never before been a wanton woman, I had been happy with the sexual activity of my husband, but now that I had found love with Matt and all the other happenings I became more aware of sex and my sexual needs. I call it my sexual awakening.
I quickly dressed and in passing Mike and Angie's room noticed the movement inside. The door was fully open and Angie was on her knees with his cock in her mouth and her hands massaging his testicles. She turned slightly to see me standing there and winked before releasing his cock letting me see his beautiful hard manhood for the first time, and then she moved atop him took him inside. I didn't stay to watch; I closed the door, had I stayed I might have stripped and joined them in that bed. At that moment I confirmed that I would not hold to my vow and I would have sex with Mike. I had told myself I wasn't going to become Mike's lover and right now I didn't need or want another cock in me. Matt had satisfied me, again.
It was about half an hour before Angie joined me, freshly bathed, her hair damp but flowing beautifully around her face. She had on jeans and a white t-shirt top and was barefoot. I hadn't noticed her feet before, but they were slim, trim, and the toes had been professionally painted. Perhaps that was why she was barefoot, so I would notice.
"Can I fix you something?"
"No. I'll just have some coffee." She poured herself a cup and sat at the kitchen table. I could tell she wanted to talk. "Mom, what happened this morning? Mike came to me and didn't give me a chance to brush my teeth or really get awake before he was on me. I'm not complaining, just wondering."
I poured myself a coffee and sat down with her. "Mike saw me come up from the basement and knew I had been with Matt. I know he was jealous and I could tell he wanted sex. Does he know about last night with you and me?" She shook her head. "I mean, I have Matt and I love him so and I don't want to jeopardize that and have Mike blurting that out at some inopportune time. Matt seemed rather concerned, I don't mean afraid, but concerned at the thought of being with you, I think he may be afraid that it will harm his and my relationship and I certainly didn't tell him about us. I guess I think more now of being with Mike since looking at you two. It made me think about it."
There was a long silence, Angie not speaking, nor I, just the sound of sipping coffee. Then I continued. "I've given a lot of thought to all of it, your family relationship, you and I having sex, Matt as my love, and Mike wanting me as he does. If any of this ever got to Harry I'm not sure how he would react. Maybe, just maybe it would bring him out of this shell he is in and he would talk to me or maybe he would want you then I would know that it is me turning him off. I'm meandering aren't I? I guess I'm thinking out loud and I'm also not sure it makes a lot of sense, but what I'm trying to say is that I am confused, excited, dazed, and scared."
"Mom, I'm no expert at family, I mean I've told you about our relationship but through it all there is love. I mean, I know my parents love me and even my sister, in her own way, but maybe we use sex as our way of showing that love. It's easy to say I love you, but really showing it is difficult. I wish, oh, sometimes I wish it was different, but it's what I grew up with and it's what I know and understand. When we made love the other night it was wonderful and I felt like you loved me and I loved you and we showed it to each other."
I looked at her amazing blue eyes and saw they were damp, tears forming at the corners. "I do love you, I mean you're my daughter-in-law, but much like the daughter I never had. What, what happened the other night was new to me, you know that, and I'm not sure if it was expressing my love for you or if it was, well, experimenting. I don't regret it honey, don't think that, it was just new and exciting, and, oh hell, and maybe it will happen again."
She reached out for my hand, "I do hope so. It was wonderful."
The rest of the morning was uneventful, each of us doing chores around the house or going out shopping for food or Christmas presents. Matt came home early, right after lunch, kissed me on the cheek and disappeared downstairs to study. Mike and Angie followed him by only minutes. After unloading their packages Angie made her way downstairs; Matt's studies were to be interrupted.
Mike wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. "Angie and I made a decision. She's going to spend some time with Matt so I can spend some time with you. Are you OK with that?"
I felt myself trembling, wondering if I was scared or excited or perhaps both. "By spending time do you mean --?"
"Uh huh, making love; right now." He leaned down, kissed me hard, pressing his tongue into my opening mouth. I could feel his hands roaming my body, across my ass, and then feeling my breasts through the layers of cloth, and I could feel his erection against my stomach. I broke the kiss, took his hand, and led him to the bedroom he shared with Angie. I would not take him to my bed, the bed I shared with Harry and Matt.
I stood before him and undressed, quickly, so he could stare at the aging body, the sagging breasts, and the nipples that had already grown to their fullest. He didn't speak, he removed his clothes and his cock was hard. I made note that he and Matt were almost the same size as I dropped to my knees and took him between my lips. I heard him moan, felt his hands on the back of my head, and savored the feel of his cock, the large head, the glans beneath, and the pleasure I was at last giving him.
I didn't want him to cum, not in my mouth. I lay back onto the bed and I thought he would enter me, but instead he spread my legs and kissed and nibbled down my leg until he was at my vaginal opening. His tongue danced from the base, past the opening, and to my clit where he licked, nibbled, and sucked. I was once again swept into that abyss of disappearance where only the pleasure surging through my body was important and all consuming. I was aware of my hands gripping the sheets and my toes curling as ripples of pleasure darted through me.
Then he entered me; sliding his hardness fully into me with one stroke and filling my cavity with his cock. He was atop me and his body was lunging and withdrawing. I was on the verge of another orgasm when he groaned and I felt his cock spurt its semen, splashing about in my vagina and giving me a wonderful feeling of at last surrendering to my other son. He held me for some time and I felt loved. Michael is not one to say he loves me but at that moment I could understand what Angie was saying that the sex expressed love.
I twisted to face him and reached between us for his cock and stroked it to life again. He was nearly erect when I moved down to take him into my mouth, tasting the remains of his semen and my vaginal secretion. I wanted to taste him, perhaps compare him to Matt, so I began to suck him and I savored the feel, the smell, the taste and the reaction of his body as finally he came in my mouth and I swallowed it all, licking away the last drops from the tip. It was different; he tasted less desirable, but not sickening.
"You didn't have to do that", he said when I moved back to face him.
"I know. I wanted to; I wanted to taste you and, um, show you that I do love you and enjoy having made love to you."
We talked more about things not associated with our sexual activity, but about him, about Angie, about his deployment. He held me naked in his arms, but our conversation was much like the mother and son we are. After I left the bed I thought back to those moments, regarding the fact that we were both naked, had just had sex, yet we acted as if all things were normal. Perhaps they were.
I left Mike and quickly showered being unsure when Harry would get home, but it was still early and I had plenty of time. The shower felt good and gave me those lone moments to consider what I had done and where I should allow this to go. I had enjoyed Mike and had given in to his desire but I didn't want him for a lover; I really didn't want, at that moment, to have sex with him again. I touched my breasts and my big nipples sprang to attention and I rubbed them then I touched myself, my clit, and was soon picturing Matt and Angie below me. How she must feel with him inside her and how he must feel having this lovely young woman in his bed. I didn't realize I was rubbing myself but I stopped, leaned against the shower and cast out the vision of the two of them. Downstairs Matt was enjoying the attention of his sister-in-law and Angie was enjoying him. I was sure she was feeling the same or similar intense pleasures he has been giving me and will surely give me in the future.
I was beginning dinner; Mike joined me, sitting at the table drinking some of the good Cabernet I had bought earlier when Angie came up from the basement wearing only a t-shirt and carrying the remainder of her clothes. I turned to look at Mike and he winked at his wife then at me, she smiled back at him then said "I'm going to grab a shower then I'll help you with dinner." She looked at me, smiled then moved to kiss me on the neck and cheek. "You could join me," she whispered as she turned and made her way down the hall.
"Take your time honey, I've got everything planned." I could see her beautiful tight butt as she turned away and I wanted to run to her, touch her soft cheeks, but I didn't. I had to fight that desire. I silently scolded myself for thinking of her that way, after all I had just been to bed with her husband, my son, and she with my other son. I was again in some form of sexual desire and began to shake, uncontrollably. "I'll be right back", I said to Mike and moved down the hall.
The door to their bathroom was open and I could see Angie's outline through the opaque curtain. I stood in the doorway and watched her move beneath the cascading water and wanted to undress and join her. I was still shaking, shaking because of a realization that I had become a sexually charged woman who wanted and enjoyed sex more than ever in my life and all this in only a few days. I looked at the clock; it would be a couple of hours before Harry would leave the job site. I thought of the sex she had just had with Matt and began to tingle with that elusive excitement. I chewed on my lower lip as I quickly undressed and stepped into the shower behind her. She turned, we kissed, we touched, I smelled the freshness of her body, and I savored the feel of her breasts against me and the feel of my growing nipples against her softness. I kept replaying my vision of her with Matt and I sought release.
She turned off the water and we toweled each other before moving to the bed. I tossed my discarded clothing to the floor and joined her. Our kisses became heated, long, and passionate; our breathing labored, our hands roaming soft skin, our bodies pressed tightly almost forming into one person. I couldn't stand it, I had to taste her, I had to enjoy her womanhood again, wanted to bring her to orgasm. I pressed her back against the bed and slid quickly between her legs letting the clean aroma of her vagina fill my nose. I licked between her lips from base to the opening that had been recently filled by Matt's wonderful cock. I tasted her, tasting the tangy sweetness of her and feeling her body move as I let my tongue dart in and out, much like a cock. I began rubbing her clit with my finger then replaced it with my tongue, licking hard against the nub then making circles around it. I put my finger inside her and moved to find her magical G spot. I could tell by her moans and her movements that I had succeeded. I continued my ministrations until her moans became louder, her body pressed against my mouth and her fluids began flowing over my tongue.
I hadn't noticed movement near us but when I looked up Mike was also on the bed, naked, sucking on her nipples as she came. He looked at me and smiled as he released her breast from his mouth. "Beautiful isn't she, and delicious."
"Yes. Yes, honey, she is."
Angie moved from beneath me, "It's my turn Mom. You were so wonderful and I came so hard. I love you."
"I love you too", I replied and again replayed her statements about sex displaying love as I lay back and she began making love to my needing body. Mike began touching and toying with my nipples as Angie began her oral attack on me. With both of them working on me it didn't take long to reach orgasm. I thought again of her with Matt and felt her tongue on my clit and I began to shake, to constrict from my toes upward, and flow into that wonderful darkness of orgasm.
Mike moved behind her and slid his cock into her then began the rhythmic movement of intercourse and I could see Angie's eyes close, her lips tighten, and her body relish once again the entry of a hard cock. I cannot understand or explain why, but I moved around so I could watch his cock slide in and out of her wetness. I had never been a voyeur but it was so exciting to be that close, to see his hard wet cock, to hear the squishing sounds of his entry and withdrawal, and the aroma of their sex mixed with my own. I watched transfixed until he finally came inside her and I could see his semen dripping from her. I came to reality and quickly rose from the bed, gathered my clothing and cleaned myself up.
As I began preparing dinner, again, I asked myself just what in the hell I was doing. I replayed what had just happened, that I was having a lesbian affair with my daughter-in-law in front of her husband and allowed him to create a ménage-a-trios. What had I become, where was I going, how could I allow this to happen? It was bad enough being in love with my son, having him as a lover, but allowing my stepson and his wife to become part of my sexual being was overpowering. I thought also of Harry, why he couldn't or wouldn't make love to me and feared his reaction to all of us if he ever found out.
I heard Matt come up from the basement; he put his arms around me, kissed me on the neck and casually asked when dinner would be ready. As I was answering him I heard Harry pull into the driveway. When he came through the garage door I went to him and kissed him like I hadn't kissed him in a long time. I expected him to push me away, but he didn't, he held me tightly and I relish that moment.
I looked up at him, "I love you and I don't think I've told you that in a long time, but I do."
He hugged me to him again, "I know, I've always known, and I love you too. Is there something wrong?"
"No. Absolutely not, I'm just in a wonderful Christmas spirit with my family around me and I wanted to share that spirit with you. And, I'm glad you're home safe. OK?"
"You bet", he answered and continued hugging me. "Best news though is that I don't have to go in tomorrow. We have Christmas Eve off."
I was touched with happiness and sadness at his statement; happy that all my family would be around sharing the holiday and we could do things together, but sad that some of our more personal activities would be halted. I convinced myself that this was best as it would give me time to think and consider where I wanted this to go and the others time to be themselves and not adjunct lovers.
We had the rest of the Cabernet with dinner then opened another afterward. Matt announced he was meeting friends and would be home later. I was glad he was going out as he needed to be with some of his old friends and take a break from school and studies, and perhaps even a break from me. The four of us sat around talking, as family would do, then watching some holiday movies on television. Harry began to doze in his favorite recliner and I encouraged him to go to bed. It wasn't long before the rest of us chose to do the same.
I was cleaning up when Matt came in. "You're home kind of early! Anything wrong?"
"Ah, no, everything's fine. We just weren't in a mood to sit around and booze it up. Danny has a late date with Christine and Marty has to leave early in the morning to visit relatives. And me, well, I have a wonderful home to come back to."
He came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me, and nuzzled my ear. "Has everyone gone to bed?"
"Yeah, but don't go rushing into ideas young man. We need to do some talking about things, and you know what I'm talking about."
"Me and Angie" he said in a disappointed tone like being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Yeah, let's go downstairs."
Matt told me that he was at first unsure of touching or being with her, but as the moments passed and she undressed, his cock grew; his questioning gave way to desire and gave way to being inside her. She sucked him, mounted him, and he came inside her. He later rolled atop her, entered her again, and took much longer to climax. As he told me I got wet and wanted him atop me but the moment wasn't right.
"I'm not mad about you and Angie son; I knew it was going to happen. Mike and Angie planned it maybe even worked on the proper times so she could be with you. I'm not angry or disappointed." I sat back and cleared my throat. I decided not to tell him, just to let him know that his being with Angie was alright and did not affect us. "It's getting late and I need to get to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."
As I was leaving the room he took hold of my arm, spun me around, and kissed me hard and deeply, with the passion I had become accustomed to. "I love you Mom. I won't do it with Angie again."
"I love you son, but don't promise me something like that. You're young and she is very pretty and she has a; uh, she has a uh beautiful personality." I almost said beautiful vagina, but caught myself in time, actually I was about to blurt out 'pussy' for some reason, a description I rarely use. "Good night honey."
"Good night Mom."
The next day was Christmas Eve and we spent the day doing familiar family things. Angie helped me get food ready for the next day and went grocery shopping with me. With Harry home the events of previous days did not repeat themselves, everyone was on best behavior.
My wonderful husband helped himself to several fingers of single malt scotch that evening and was soon snoring in his chair. With my help he retired to bed followed closely by Mike, who had shared the liquor. Angie and I cleaned up from the evening assisted by Matt. I noticed her rubbing his cock thinking I didn't see. He was returning the favor by rubbing her beautiful round butt. I knew where this was going, I thought.
"I'll say good night to you two. See you in the morning."
It was Angie who reached for my arm, "No, come with us, please."
I looked at Matt, then Angie; she was smiling, but he looked unsure. I wasn't sure I wanted to be in bed with my son and his new lover, my lover also, but the temptation was great; more of my sexual awakening. I turned off the kitchen light and followed them to the basement. Once in the bedroom Angie quickly stripped then began removing Matt's garments. I watched as his cock sprang from his boxers and she dropped to her knees taking as much of it as she could into her mouth. Matt was moaning, and then looked at me, pleading silently for me to join them. I undressed and moved to his side. He put his arm around me and massaged my breasts encouraging my nipples to their hardest. He moved me close and kissed me, a full passionate kiss with his tongue dancing inside with mine.
Angie stood, and it was my turn to take the hard manhood into my mouth. I looked up to see him and Angie kiss then see his eyes clench as I knew he was about to cum. I let him, I let his semen flow into my mouth and then down my throat. I love the taste of him and would never deny him cumming in my mouth.
He pushed Angie to the bed and spread her legs, moving quickly to let his mouth and tongue settle on her clit. He was licking and sucking and she was wriggling beneath him and making soft sounds that showed her approaching orgasm. She reached out for me, pulled me to her, and we kissed. I wasn't sure if Matt was watching but it didn't matter any more. As the old saying goes, 'the cat was out of the bag'. She came while we were kissing and held my mouth to hers until her body relaxed.
I looked at Matt and at his questioning gaze. "Yes, honey. Angie and I are, we're, well we've been together."
His face changed to a full grin. "Fantastic!" He said as he pulled me to him and kissed me. "My Mom likes girls too; and likes my brother." I didn't have time to question him on how he knew. He pushed me back so Angie could move between my legs to give me a wonderful climax. Matt lay beside me, kissing me, fondling my breasts and rubbing her back as she dutifully licked and sucked me. He whispered in my ear "It's OK you know, doing it with Mike. He's your son too." I just looked at him as I came, appreciating my young understanding son. He was hard again and moved behind her and slid into her and came. It was a wonderful way to end the day and explain to Matt how things had changed. He already knew.
*To be continued...* |
Don't Ask Don't Tell | 89,213 | 4.61 | 283,994 | [
"gay first time"
] | 'You are hereby requested to report to the United States Army Induction Center at 122 Peabody Street, Scarsborough, New Hampshire at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday the 19th of September.'
I held the letter in my hand and stared at it uncomprehendingly. They had just recently reinstated the draft, and now they were drafting me. If I passed the physical, (and why wouldn't I?) I would be going into the army. Horrible thought.
The envelope dropped from my fingers onto the floor without my even noticing. I sat down heavily on the couch and stared over and over at the awful sheet of paper. I had never even considered that this type of thing could happen to me. The army was a place for farm kids. For factory kids. For high-school dropouts who wanted to continue their education.
I was a college graduate with a top job in advertising. I didn't want to lose my job. I had fought hard to get it and I wasn't going to let the army take me away from it. Oh God. Where was Hilda? She was usually home before me. She was the one who usually picked up the mail. But today I had picked up the mail. I had picked up the letter from the United States Army.
I heard the key in the door. It was Hilda. She looked at my face and knew right away something was up. "What's wrong?" she asked.
She approached the couch, and I held out the letter. She took it and read it. "Oh, Warren. Oh, no." We had been planning to get married in the near future. She had been selecting china patterns in the Tiffany catalogue. All that would be now on hold. "What are we going to do?" she asked.
"What I'm going to do is report for my army physical next Wednesday," I answered. We ate a quiet dinner, watched a little television and went to bed. We did not have sex. We definitely did not have sex. I was in no mood for sex. Not that night, or the next night or the night after. All I could think about was my physical. It haunted me.
On Wednesday the 19th of September I got up at six a.m., got dressed in the dark, trying not to disturb Hilda, had a light breakfast, and drove down to 122 Peabody Street. The Induction Center. There were a lot of young guys going in the front door, as well as a number of snappily uniformed military types.
I entered the building and stood in the large front hall, looking around me.
"Excuse me. Do you know where to go for the physical examination?" asked a young fellow about my own age.
"No, I don't. I have to go there too."
"You got a notice in the mail?" he asked.
"Yes," I admitted.
"Me too. You can't begin to imagine how thrilled I am," he said ironically.
"So am I," I said. "Warren Cobb," I added, introducing myself and stretching out my right hand.
"Doug Haney," he said. And we shook hands. After that we tried to read the building directory without much success. We stopped a soldier, showed him our letters, and asked him where we had to report.
"I'm going over there. Follow me," he said.
He was Sergeant Carl Merrill, according to his nametag, a compact, solid, muscular man. He marched with military crispness, leading us to the third floor medical department. "Sign in at the desk," he directed us, and walked away.
We were with about thirty other prospective inductees, and we were directed to a bank of lockers and told to strip to our shorts. We kept the locker keys around our wrists.
An army lieutenant, Lieutenant Edgar Driggs, according to his nametag, marshaled us into a large room where attendants were taking blood and urine.
"I drank three gallons of orange juice yesterday," Doug Haney whispered to me. "They say if you drink a lot of orange juice your albumin level goes way up and maybe they won't take you."
"I wouldn't count on that," I advised him.
"Yeah," he nodded his head, agreeing sadly. "Boot camp, here I come."
"I don't want to go either," I said. "But there's no way out of this. I hear they're taking everybody. A skinny friend of mine who was underweight told me they added twenty pounds to his weight on his chart, and marked him with a medium-heavy build. They took him."
"Isn't there anything we can do?" Doug whined pleadingly.
"I don't think so. If you're breathing, you're in."
"Great," he lamented. "Maybe we could say we're gay. You know. 'Don't Ask. Don't Tell'. They definitely won't take you if you're gay."
The army had a policy of 'Don't Ask. Don't Tell.' Meaning if you told them you were gay they would kick you out, but they weren't supposed to ask if you were gay. But they did ask. And they even conducted witch-hunts to ferret out any gay military man whom they promptly discharged. (They claimed that homosexuals were bad for unit cohesion. And besides it was creepy having these sexual predators in the same barracks with the straight normal guys who would even have to shower with them. Ugghh.) That was 'Don't Ask. Don't Tell.' And Doug was proposing telling.
I thought for a minute. "You know, that's a damned good idea. I think I'm going to try that. I'm going to say I'm gay."
"You are?" He was amazed. "I don't think I'd have the guts." It had been his idea to begin with and now he was backing down.
"It's easy," I said. "You just tell them you're gay. Tell them you suck cock. I'm going to do it." I raised my hand until Lieutenant Driggs noticed me.
"Yes? What is it?" he asked me.
"Sir. Can I speak to you a moment?"
"What is it?" he asked again brusquely.
"I need to tell you something privately," I explained, nodding my head to an empty part of the room. We walked over to it.
"Yes?" He asked again. "What's on your mind?"
"I have something to confess, sir," I said ashamedly, hanging my head. "I'm gay."
"I didn't hear you, son," he was speaking very loudly. "There's a lot of noise in here. You'll have to speak up."
He had heard me. If I spoke any louder the whole room would hear. I didn't know what to do. Finally, I raised my voice, but not quite enough to blast through the room. "I'm gay, sir," I repeated.
"You know there's so much noise in this room, I still couldn't hear what you said. Why don't you sit down, son. You're going to get your eyes and ears examined now."
Maybe he was the one who needed his ears examined. He couldn't hear me? Bullshit. It seemed that they weren't going to let me out for being queer, which I really wasn't. But so much for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. I returned to my seat next to Doug.
"What happened?" he asked me.
"They're either not buying it or they don't care. The bastard kept pretending he couldn't hear what I was saying.
"Fuck!" he exclaimed. "They're shameless."
"Even if he had acknowledged hearing me, he might not have believed me. I have a feeling he would have told me to prove it."
"Well, why don't we?"
"Why don't we what?" I asked, not understanding him.
"Prove it."
"And how do we do that?" I asked, thinking the guy was a little bit of a head case.
"Let's both say we have to go to the bathroom,"
"Yes?" I asked, waiting for further explanation.
"Just let's do it." He raised his hand and caught the lieutenant's eye. The lieutenant came over.
"Excuse me, sir," said Doug. "I need to go to the bathroom real bad. Can you please tell me where the men's room is?"
"Down the hall, on the right hand side," he said pointing. "But make it snappy."
"Yes, sir," said Doug, jumping up and walking toward the men's room. He turned his head and winked at me.
"Excuse me, sir, I have to go too," I said, clutching my front as if I couldn't hold it.
"Okay. But hurry up," he said. I jumped up and followed Doug down the hall. As I entered the hall, I saw the strong compact Sergeant there. Sergeant Merrill. I nodded to him, and he nodded to me. I continued down the hall and followed Doug into the gentleman's lounge.
We stood there in our jockey shorts, looking at each other, not knowing what to do next.
"Now what?" I asked.
"We have to do something," he said.
"Like what?"
"Something gay. We have to get caught. If they won't listen when we tell them we're gay, they'll have to believe their own eyes. They'll kick us right out."
"You think so?" I asked. It was an appealing idea.
"Absolutely," he answered, nodding his head firmly. "In a little while they'll send someone in to look for us, and if we're discovered in flagrante delicto......."
"Right," I said. It was a damned good idea. I could keep my job. I could keep my girl. I wouldn't have to live with a bunch of rednecks for two years. It was a great idea. "What do we do?" I asked.
"Something gay," he explained, in exasperation, as if he were talking to an idiot.
"I've never done anything gay," I explained.
"Well, neither have I," he answered. "Do you want to get drafted?"
"Then we have to do something gay. Like maybe suck cock. We have to get caught sucking cock."
"Oh," I breathed, realizing what would have to be done. "Okay. You want to suck me?" I offered.
"How about you sucking me," he challenged. We were getting nowhere fast.
"I don't know," I stalled.
"Maybe we'd better just suck each other. You know. Sixty-nine."
"Yeah, well maybe we could do that," I considered.
"Okay. Let's go," he said.
We both just stood there and looked at each other.
"How do we do this?" I asked.
He sighed at my stupidity, and slipped off his underpants. "Take off your shorts," he said.
I pushed them down my legs and stepped out of them.
"We're going to have to lie down on the floor," he reasoned.
I looked down at the white tile floor. I did not want to lie down on it.
"Come on," he prompted and sat down on the floor.
I sat down facing him. "Now what?"
"We have to lie down facing each other head to foot, with our heads at cock level," he clarified.
We both lay down on the cold hard floor and pointed our limp dicks toward each other's mouths. He tentatively began to kiss my dick. He took it in his hand and held it as he kissed it, and then he began to lick it up the shaft a little. I followed his lead and did the same for him. Then he began to kiss and lick the head of my cock, rubbing it around on his cheek a little. I followed his lead. I felt his dick getting hard in my hand, against my cheek, against my lips. It was pretty big and pretty hard now, and it was a little exciting. I felt my own dick getting hard in his hand, against his cheek, against his lips, against his tongue.
"Let's do it," he said.
"Do what?" I asked stupidly.
"Put it in your mouth and suck on it," he explained in exasperation, as if to a child. "We'll do it at the same time, okay?"
"Okay," I agreed.
"Okay. One. Two. Three. Go." He whomped down on my cock, and I whomped down on his. We were sucking each other's dicks. And it was okay. It was kind of nice. I started appreciating it, savoring it. He was getting into it too. I took it out of my mouth for a second so I could stare at it, admire it. Then I whomped back down. I wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed on his ass, urging him to feed it further in toward the back of my throat. We were each making lascivious wet slurping sound.
"How long do we do this?" I asked.
"Till someone comes in and catches us," he explained. "But you'd better not come in my mouth, you hear?"
"I hear," I said. But now that he mentioned it, I was feeling a little bit ejaculatory. I wouldn't mind shooting out a hot load. I hadn't fucked Hilda in the last week, worrying about the physical, and I needed to unload my balls. I was also starting to wonder what it would be like if his hard hot dick started spurting out thick white cream into my own mouth. What would that taste like? It was kind of a sexy idea. My cock started getting even stiffer in his Jacuzzi mouth.
All of a sudden it happened. The door opened. And it was a soldier. Not another draftee. Not a lab tech. Not a doctor. A soldier. I took my mouth off his cock for a second and turned my head back. It was that compact, solid, muscular sergeant. Sergeant Carl Merrill. I turned my face back and swallowed Doug's cock again.
"Well. Well. Well. What have we here?" he asked, coming into the room and closing the door behind him. "It looks like we have a couple of cocksucking faggots."
Neither of us answered. We just kept sucking cock.
"I said, 'It looks like we have a couple of cocksucking faggots,' don't we?" He asked again, and kicked me lightly on my butt.
"Yes, sir," I said. "You caught us. We're queer. If you would just mark that on our papers, we'll go home. We're sorry we bothered you."
"Not so fast," he said. "So you're ready to go home. Ah ha." He studied the situation and smiled. "I'm not convinced you're really queer. You could be putting on an act to get out of the military."
"Oh, no, sir. We would never do that. We're really queer," Doug asserted.
"Keep sucking," he ordered.
"What?" I asked in consternation.
"You heard me. Keep sucking. I want to watch you suck each other."
He stood there smiling over my naked body, waiting for me to put Doug's cock back in my mouth. So I did. And Doug swallowed mine again. Even with the sergeant watching us, we were both getting into it. It felt really good. A hot sucking mouth on my dick. The sergeant walked around us, studying us from all angles, and began playing with the large bulge in his army pants. Pressing it, and rubbing it. He began to walk away. I tried to watch what he was doing. He went into a closet and came out with a two-sided stand-up sign. 'Closed for Repairs' it said. He opened the men's room door and stood the sign in front of it. Then he closed the door and turned the latch. It was locked. He walked back toward us. "Keep sucking," he commanded. We kept sucking.
Now he was playing with himself a lot. He drew down his zipper and reached inside. He drew out a big red mean-looking sergeant dick. It was so stiff and hard he had trouble getting it through his zipper. He stood right behind me and gave me a light kick on my naked ass. "Get up here and suck my cock, faggot," he ordered.
"Excuse me?" I asked. I was appalled.
"You heard me, faggot. Get up here and suck this dick. If you're really queer, that is."
I had to prove to him I was really queer. I got up on my knees, so that my mouth was pretty much at the same height as his groin. I wrapped my hand around the angry red sergeant dick. I bent my head forward and closed my mouth around it. Doug had moved around on the floor, so he could keep sucking my own prick.
"Ah. That's it, faggot. That feels good. Do you like my dick, faggot? Do you like my big thick dick?"
"MMMM HHHHHMMMMM," I assured him, as I continued to suck on his big thick dick.
He reached into his pocket and took out a small pager. As I was sucking on him, he called someone. "Driggs. Driggs."
"Yeah?" it answered.
"Merrill here. I'm in the third floor men's room. You'd better get right over here. The door's locked. Knock three times." He put away the pager and grabbed the back of my head with his free hands, forcing his cock into the deepest recesses of my throat. I choked. But I gamely kept going. It was too late to stop now, and the prize was within reach. Rejection. I would be rejected by the military. How sad. How very, very sad.
I was really starting to enjoy his dick when I heard a knock at the door. Three knocks, that is. Knock. Knock. Knock. He coldly pushed my mouth off his prick and walked to the door, where he turned the latch, and standing with his exposed stiff cock behind the door, opened it. Another soldier entered. It was the lieutenant. The one who wouldn't listen to me when I said I was queer. Lieutenant Edgar Driggs. Well now he would know.
"What have you got here?" The lieutenant asked the sergeant.
"A couple of nancy boys who like to suck cock. I thought maybe you might like to get your cock sucked."
"You know me. I always like to get my cock sucked," the lieutenant assured him.
They walked over and the sergeant stuck his angry red dick back into my mouth. I noisily fed on it, as Doug continued to suck my own dick.
Lieutenant Driggs was taller than the sergeant. He was not as muscular. But he had a lanky gracefulness. He was a few years older than the sergeant, also. He had black hair in a short military buzz cut, and a five a clock shadow. With too little hair on the top of his head, and a little too much on his face, he looked dark. Dark and mean. "I'll take the other one," he said to the sergeant. He pulled out a large purple stiff dick, and walked around my body, where he grabbed Doug's hair and pulled him up on his knees to cock level. "Suck my dick, homo," he said to Doug. "And you damned well better do a good job. You hear me? You hear me, faggot?"
"I hear you, sir," Doug said. He chomped down on the large purple pole. I think Doug was getting a little frightened now. And so was I. These guys were a little mean.
The men's room was filled with the sound of two wet mouths slobbering over two large military dicks. Both soldiers had our heads in a vice, as they forced us down upon their turgid instruments. They were both breathing heavily and "Aaahhhing" a little too.
"I think some of the higher-ups might be very grateful if we let them in on this. Don't you?" Driggs asked Merrill.
"You're right. We should share the wealth. It'll look good on our next evaluation report," said Merrill. He took one hand off the back of my head and reached into his pocket again. He drew out the pager and began making calls. "Captain Argus. Captain Argus."
"Yes?" asked the pager.
"This is Sergeant Merrill. Could you come to the third floor men's room right away, sir? The door's locked. Knock three times."
"Roger," said the pager.
Sergeant Merrill made a second call to a Major Forbes who also agreed to knock three times. Then he put the pager in his pocket, but instead of grabbing the back of my head, he used both hands to open his belt. As I was sucking, he was stepping out of his clothes. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. He lifted his undershirt over his head. He dropped his pants and underpants to his ankles and stepped out of them. And while I was sucking him, he unlaced his shoes and shucked them off. Then the socks. Then he was as naked as we were. Lieutenant Driggs followed his example, move for move.
There were three knocks on the door. Merrill pushed my head away again, and moved behind the door, before unlatching it. The first one in, I learned later, was Captain Argus. Argus was in his early forties, and was a big guy. He also had a little bit of a beer gut, and his head was bald. He smiled when he saw Doug and me naked on our knees, with Driggs' cock slamming into Doug's mouth. Driggs smiled back at Argus. Before Argus could say anything, there were another three knocks on the steel door. Merrill opened it again to quickly admit Major Forbes. Then he closed the door and turned the latch. He walked barefoot back across the room, and lifted my mouth onto his dick again.
Major Forbes was in his early fifties. A career soldier, if ever I saw one. He was very tall, and very powerful looking. He had salt and pepper, black and white hair, in a short military cut. I noticed a gold wedding band on his finger as he began stroking his cock through his pants.
"Are they good cocksuckers?" he asked.
"This one's pretty good," said Driggs, in praise of Doug's oral abilities.
"Mine's pretty good too," admitted Merrill. I felt flattered. I was getting a gold star on my first cocksucking effort.
"Let me try this one," said Argus, displacing Driggs in front of Doug's mouth. He opened his zipper and dragged out his hard meat, and forced Doug to chow down.
"I'll take this one," said Major Forbes. He dropped his pants and underpants to his ankles, and when he had worked his dick into a nice size hard-on he stuck it into my mouth. Merrill, displaced, needed something to do. He walked around my body and surveyed it. He seemed to have decided on something. He walked over to the sink and covered his hands with liquid soap and water. Then he came back and sat down on the floor behind me. A wet soapy finger started flicking around on the outside of my butthole.
"Hey," I protested.
"Shut up and suck that dick, faggot," ordered Major Forbes, and he slammed my face down on his rod, until my nose was buried in his pubic hair. I choked and gagged, but he just kept slamming it in. I was so busy trying not to throw up that my attention had left my ass, but it was quickly brought back when the soapy wet finger started digging through the entrance and snaking inside my rectum. "MMMMM," I argued angrily, but that didn't stop Merrill. He just stuck a second soapy wet finger inside me.
Driggs was impressed with Merrill's spirit of initiative. He decided that was a good idea for him too. He went to the sink and soaped up his own hands, and moved behind poor Doug, who now was about to get the wet finger too. He made token incomprehensible protestations also, just as I had, but Argus slammed his face down, and the finger went in.
Merrill withdrew his finger from my ass, and he and Driggs nodded to each other. They both got up and went over to the sink where they lathered up their large erections. Oh, no. I didn't want to get fucked. I started to struggle, but Major Forbes gave me a vicious slap across my face, and bent down to twist my arm behind my back. I didn't dare take my mouth off his dick.
When Doug heard the slap, he must have stopped sucking for a second, because all of a sudden Captain Argus was slapping him viciously back and forth across each cheek. I saw tears start to form in Doug's eyes as his mouth was forced back onto the fleshy battering ram. What had we gotten ourselves into?
Sergeant Merrill walked behind me, and pulled me up from a kneeling position. I was now on my feet, bent at the waist, with Major Forbes' demanding cock in my mouth, and now my ass was sticking out, as Merrill's soapy finger dug into it. He stepped behind me and started to press his soapy steely hard-on against my protective ring. The soap was working. Little by little, I felt my defensive circle spreading around the invader, which was moving into my inexperienced chamber.
I gargled in pain around the Major's mouth-marauding fleshspear, as the other spear lanced forward into my rear. "AAARRRGGGHH," I screamed. But now it was all the way in, and I felt Merrill's scratchy bush against my cheeks. Then he withdrew the rod a couple of inches, before slamming it back home. It was starting to move in and out a little more easily now, but it still hurt like a motherfucker.
Merrill's hands grabbed at my hipbones and started pistoning my body on and off his cock. Forbes had my face in his hands and was using my mouth to jack his dick. I was being roughly used by Forbes and Merrill. Two feet away I heard another "AAAARRRRGGGHHH," and saw that Doug was being roughly used by Argus and Driggs. I could see the root of Driggs' giant hammer as it slammed in and out of Doug's ass. Doug stumbled forward a little bit, and Argus steadied him, putting his cock back into poor Doug's mouth. Driggs stepped forward a foot, following Doug's ass and reinserted the large knob which had fallen out. He began fucking Doug's thin behind again, and I was fascinated with the swaying of his giant balls as he plunged forward and drew back. They were practically the size of tennis balls. I was wondering what it would be like to suck on those things.
"Let's switch," said Forbes to Merrill. "I want to fuck his ass a little while."
"Yes, sir," said Merrill, saluting his superior officer.
"Same here," said Argus, pulling Doug's face off his dick. Driggs eased his cock out of Doug's ass and saluted the Captain.
Now Driggs and Merrill went over to the sink and washed their dicks in the liquid soap and water. We were getting those dicks in our mouths now and I was grateful that the soldiers were concerned with sanitation. Forbes and Argus stripped completely. Forbes rammed his dick home into my slightly-broken-in ass. Argus jammed his dick not too gently into Doug. The two of them were already hammering away inside us when Merrill and Driggs moved before us demanding blowjobs. I still had a cock in my mouth and a cock in my ass. It's just that they were switched.
It's funny. The cock in my mouth was starting to taste good. I think little streams of pre-cum were leaking out of it onto my tongue. It was sort of tangy. Interesting. The cock in my ass was beginning to be like an internal Swedish Massage. Very relaxing. Very pleasurable. I must never tell Hilda about any of this. She certainly would never understand. I started to experiment with my assmuscles, squeezing them around Major Forbes' long dick.
"Oh, that's it, sweetheart. Tighten that ass. Squeeze my big dick," Major Forbes encouraged me. I did. I must really be doing a good job, because now he was calling me sweetheart instead of faggot.
"Let's get him on his back on the floor," Forbes said to Merrill. Merrill withdrew his cock from my mouth, and together they flipped me over onto my back on the cold hard tile floor. Forbes knelt between my upraised legs, and began to feed his cock into me. We were facing each other, and I looked into his eyes as the cock slipped in. Merrill stood back and watched the scene. Driggs and Argus didn't flip Doug, but they lasciviously watched Forbes fucking me missionary style.
I felt Forbes balls slap against my asscheeks as he stroked in. I was really liking the feeling now. I raised my butt up to meet his strokes, and tried to give him a really good fuck. As he banged me and banged me, he wanted to make a second connection, and he lay down on my upper torso, and stuck his tongue into my mouth as he hammered.
I sucked on his tongue and wrapped my legs around his strong pile-driving ass as the pile pierced deep inside me. I lowered my arms and put my hands on his powerful buttcheeks helping him to penetrate me as I raised my hole toward his pointer. A straight thrust. Wonderful. Another straight thrust. This was fucking.
I was thinking in my head, "Fuck me, man. Fuck your whore. Make him feel your cock right up to his belly button. And kiss me. Keep ramming your juicy peppermint tongue into my mouth. Sweet. Sweet. Oh, daddy. Fuck your little boy. Fuck your little boy. Yes, daddy. Oh, yes daddy." That's what I was thinking. But I didn't say it. I prudently kept my homo thoughts to myself. I was afraid they might all come and beat me to a pulp if they knew how much I was getting to like guys. Guys and dick. Dick. Lots of dick.
"I'm gonna cum," Major Forbes yelled to the whole room. "I'm gonna shoot my hot white spunk into this queer's hot hole."
"Yeah, fuck him," urged Sergeant Merrill.
"Yes, fuck him. Come up his ass," said Argus.
"Shoot your hot load up his faggot ass," added Driggs.
Major Forbes started pounding me in a frenzy and I wrapped every part of my body around him, inside and outside. I was about to get my first assful of mancum. This was really exciting. "Oh, fuck me, daddy. Come in your little boy," I thought (to myself of course.)
It was nice being a little boy again and having a big strong daddy take care of me. I didn't realize how much I longed for that. The major's big tool swelled in my behind and starting jetting out sprays of manseed. My asshole drank it up thirstily. I pressed on his ass with my hands as his cock spasmed in my hole. "I've got my daddy's cum in me. I've got my daddy's cum in me," I silently jubilated.
Major Forbes eased his cock out of my ass, and my ass suddenly felt very lonely. But not for long, because Captain Argus said. "I'm gonna fuck his ass now. That looked real good."
"Yes. Yes," I thought to myself. Argus went over to the sink and cleansed his stiff penis. He got it good and soapy. Then he came back and knelt on the floor between my legs where the major had been. He started sticking his prick into my dribbling hole.
"It's going in real easy," Argus said to Forbes. "You got it nice and slick for me." He began an in and out movement, and it was so smooth. I wrapped my legs around Argus' ass now. "I'm fucking into your cum," he said to Forbes.
"How does it feel?" Forbes asked him.
"Real good and real easy and real warm and real wet." He started to really plow into me, and I wrapped my arms around his back. Now he started to kiss me. It was lovely. I could hear the wet sucking sounds in my asshole as he stroked in and out. Those sounds, those lips, that cock. It was all making me so hot. My cock was crazy hard. But I didn't want to come yet. If I came, I wouldn't want to get fucked anymore, and I still wanted to get fucked. I wanted my new man to come inside me. To give me his hot special cream. I wanted everyone to fuck me. Everyone.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH," Argus kept moaning, and the sounds were spilling inside my kissing mouth. Suddenly his legs shot out behind him stiffly and his ass started jackhammering. The sweat from his face was dripping into my eyes. "I'm shooting," he screamed. "I'm shooting my wad in his ass."
"Give it to him," encouraged Forbes.
"Flood his faggot guts," said Driggs. And he did. His hot liquid started jetting out inside my asshole. I had a second load in my belly. And it was hot, and it was fantastic. I closed my assring around his dick, milking out every drop.
"Oh, that's so good," praised Argus. "This faggot's the absolute best fuck. His ass is dynamite. Just dynamite." He gave me one last dry kiss on my lips and moved away from me.
"Now me," said Driggs moving into top position. I couldn't have been happier. My first male fuck, and it was a gangfuck. A great gangfuck, by strong handsome masculine military men. I was a little boy again and I had a lot of authoritative demanding daddies.
"I wanna cum in his mouth," said Merrill. "Let him suck me while you fuck him."
"Okay," agreed Driggs. He took his cock out of me for a disappointing minute and they flipped me over on my stomach. I was now lying on the floor with my naked ass in the air. Merrill got on his knees in front of my face, and eased my open mouth over his prick. He had me by my hair and lifted me on and off his sweet dick. I took as much of it as possible. I gradually schooled my throat to open so that I could get the tip way back there, and finally my lips were buried in his bristly bush. I moved up and down on his angelcock.
Driggs, meanwhile, seemed to be entranced with my round bubbles. He started patting them, and pinching them. Then he bent his head down and started giving me little bites all over my buttocks. I could feel his wet tongue between his teeth. Finally he lifted his face away from my spheres and began to slap them hard. He was spanking me, and it felt good. It felt bracing. It stung a little, but I wanted more. I raised my ass to signal him to continue. He did. He began slapping me with both hands. Hard. It was starting to really hurt now. My ass was probably very red. "AAAGGGGHHH," I started making protesting noises around Merrill's dick, and I started circling my ass around. Not because I wanted more now. Because I wanted him to stop. To cease and desist. Enough. He kept smacking me. He was a little bit of a sadist, and he was really enjoying this.
Finally, fortunately, his hand started to sting so he stopped. He blew on it. That's how I knew it was hurting him. He stretched out on top of me and I supported his weight on my sore asscheeks. His cock slipped inside and I was getting fucked. I could feel him hunching his ass on top of me, working his dick into my slick sloppy hole. I redoubled my oral efforts on Merrill's erectile tissue, and he humped up into my throat, which was now getting a little sore.
"My balls are gonna explode," screamed Merrill. I closed my mouth around him to get as much suction as possible, and the hot liquid started speeding through his tube and jetted down my throat into my stomach. After about five sprays, he started to withdraw his cock from my mouth, and I could taste the sixth and seventh spray on my tongue. It was tangy. It was nice. I rolled it over my tongue and savored it.
I loved the feeling of Driggs' giant tennis balls hitting against my asscheeks as he hammered into me. I still would have liked to lick them all over. I had never seen balls like that on anyone. Maybe it was a deformity, but it turned me on like crazy. I felt his penis rubbing against all the walls of my ass. East. West. North. South. Northnortheast. Southsouthwest. My ass was not a passive receptacle. It was very active. I was using it to pleasure Driggs. I rubbed my asswalls all around his sweet dick.
"What a sweet pussy," yelled Driggs. "What a great faggot asscunt. This is the absolute best. Oh, baby. Work that sweet ass for me. Fuck my big cock. You want my cum in your faggot ass?" he asked me. "You want me to shoot my hot load in your little tight faggot hole?"
"Yes. Yes," I screamed. I couldn't be silent anymore. "Shoot your sweet cum into me. I want your hot soldierjuice. Give it to me. Come on," I yelled almost in a delirium. My ass was moving around so much it must have looked like it was on acid.
"GGGRRRRROOOWWWW," screamed Driggs as he started flooding my insides with his firehose. I looked across the room at Doug, who was watching me in fascination as he pulled on his dick. He was sort of being left out of all this. I was the one they had chosen. I was proud. Proud and happy. Happy and contented. Contented and well-fucked. But I still wanted more.
When Driggs took his cock out, I started spiraling my bottom around in a frenzy. "More. More," I said. "Please. More."
"He wants more," said Forbes to Argus, shrugging his shoulders, and shaking his head. I guess he had never come across such a slut before.
"I had enough," said Forbes.
"Don't look at me," said Argus.
"What about him?" suggested Merrill, nodding toward Doug.
"Yeah, fine," said Forbes. "Let the queer fuck the other queer."
They grabbed Doug and laid him out on top of me. I could feel that his dick was stiff. Good. Driggs was over by the sink, washing off his cock. Doug lifted his ass and positioned his cock at the entrance to my royal palace. Then he entered. Oh. It was nice. My royal palace welcomed the handsome prince. As I moved my palace around Doug's prong, squeezing it, caressing it, I called over to Driggs. "Could I suck your balls, please? I wanna suck your balls." He laughed and came over. He knelt in front of my face and fed the enormous ostrich eggs into my mouth, one at a time. I slobbered over them. I loved them. Meanwhile Doug was having a wonderful time threading his dick in and out of my ass. He began biting my neck as he fucked me. I would probably have a hickey. Hilda would be very suspicious.
I slobbered over Driggs' tennis balls. Fifteen love. Thirty love. Love Love Love. I loved those balls. Doug was really biting me now. He was making obscene noises on top of me, and I felt his dick swelling in my ass.
"I'm cumming," he screamed. "I'm shooting inside his asshole."
And another quart of semen shot into me. There was so much inside me now that there wasn't room. It started flooding out around Doug's cock. And when he took his cock out of me, the cum just gushed out. All over my balls. All over my thighs. All over the floor. Wait till the janitor came. I just hoped no one would slip and fall before he got there.
Driggs removed his powerballs from my mouth and stood up. I lay there in an out-of-body state, my mind floating on a series of cotton clouds. As Doug and the soldiers started getting dressed, I hobbled over to one of the stalls to expel the rest of the cooling liquid. Great. There was no door on the stall. I couldn't stand going to the bathroom in front of other people, and I realized that the military latrines were built like that. No doors. No privacy. Thank god I would be getting rejected, queer that I was.
I wiped my sore asshole, and looked at the paper. Good. Just wet. No blood. I came back to where my shorts were lying and pulled them on.
"Come on. Hurry up," ordered Driggs. "You guys have got to get your physicals."
"What do you mean?" I asked, horrified. "We're queer. We told. We showed. We proved. The army doesn't want us."
"Oh, yes it does," said Major Forbes. "The army wants you a lot. The army wants your sweet hot ass."
"But you don't want a queer in the shower. No one wants to shower with a homo," I argued.
"Oh, yes they do. The guys love to shower with a homo. They can get rid of all their frustrations and tensions right there in the shower room. They can get sucked, and fuck a tight asshole. The guys are crazy about homos."
"But unit cohesion," I stuttered. "They always say fags are bad for unit cohesion.
"That's not true. Fags are really great for unit cohesion. All the other guys unite behind a shared endeavor. Pork the Pansy.
"But it's common knowledge that homosexuals are unwelcome in the U.S. military," Doug lectured.
"That's the story we put out. But we're happy to accept you guys. In fact, if you want out, you have to earn your discharge. You have to fuck and suck for it," Merrill gleefully illuminated us.
"We want you," said Driggs, putting his arm around my shoulder as if we were best pals.
"The U.S. Army wants you," assured Argus.
"Uncle Sam wants you," added Major Forbes.
Who was this Uncle Sam? I wondered if he had a big cock.
We left the men's room. Merrill took the 'Closed for Repairs" sign and put it back in the closet, and we all walked down the hall together, back to the examination area. Driggs' arm was around my shoulders, squeezing me affectionately.
Oh, god. I was perfectly healthy. I would pass the physical. I would be accepted. I would be a common private in the army. No more advertising job. No more Hilda. I'd be living with a bunch of hooligans in an army barracks. Hmmmm. A bunch of hooligans. Maybe a bunch of handsome hooligans. Maybe a bunch of powerful demanding sexy demi-gods who would want to play daddy. I could visualize myself lying naked on my cot at night with my ass up in the air, and those handsome hooligans would come over, and start feeling my asscheeks, and sticking their fingers in my hole. And then they would make me suck cock, and then one by one they would fuck my ass. Or maybe even two by two.
I wondered how soon I would be called after I passed my physical. Lying naked on my cot in the barracks while all the other guys gathered around, and........Hmmm. |
Hotbeds Ch. 08 | 13,365 | 4.58 | 1,340,403 | [
"anal sex",
*Introduction: The next chapter in the sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s, taking on from the ending of Chapter 7.*
I had better give a name to my history colleague, since she now becomes a major participant in my story. I will call her Clio, after the Muse of History, partly because, unlike many prep school teachers then, including me, she had a degree in the subject, and a first class one at that.
In appearance she was plump, and everything about her was short – stature, hair (light mouse, curly), nose, upper lip, skirts. She was not short, however, in energy, wit, ability and rude words. At the same time, she made no secret of her age, 29, and virginity. This was, I guessed, intended to defend her against unwanted sexual attentions – all sexual attention according to our retired art colleague, with whom I had had powerfully moving sex and who had painted us as Theseus and Ariadne. (This woman features in Chapter 6).
Clio was aware of, and sympathetic about, my past entanglements, and, despite her lack of experience, pretty shrewd. She knew about, but not the extent of, the devastation wrought by my affair with Carmen, and there was a significant conversation following Clio's taking our tennis players to the girls' school at which worked the games mistress who had made use of me a week earlier. (This games mistress features in Chapter 7).
The morning after Clio's trip to that school, she said at breakfast. 'Someone was disappointed not to see you yesterday. She was obviously expecting a return match.'
'Well,' I said, 'The first one was rather disappointing, for one of the players.'
'Not a classic game, then. I'm not surprised. Not been so good since our dear art colleague left, has it, Theseus?'
'No, it hasn't. And now you mention it, I wish I could see Ariadne's lovely bottom.'
'Oh,' she said, 'That stays hidden. Though, you never know, one day it might be revealed, if you're patient.'
'Nothing else to be nowadays,' I said bitterly.
'I think we had better have one of our walks later,' she said.
We were in the habit of walking round the lake, when both free, to discuss problems, personal or professional.
After supper, in the summer evening daylight, we began our slow wandering, and I confided my sadness about Carmen and the feelings I had had for her, finishing with, 'I know there was no future in it, even if she'd stayed, because I'm not sure I could have kept on with just the sex, even though that was wonderful.'
'You're going to have to tell me about that, you know, because it's time I knew.'
'You mean,' I said, 'You want me to tell you exactly what we did?'
'Yes, and what you did with our dear artist, too. You needn't be embarrassed. I know all the words.'
'But it might be private, like Ariadne's bottom,' I suggested.
'Well, only half of that was private, if you remember. For all you know the other half may be really ugly.'
'Oh, I think it's pretty symmetrical,' I said, taking a look down her back.
We strolled on a little, till she said, 'Have you got the keys to the boat-house?'
'Yes,' I said, 'Do you fancy a naked swim, like our lovely artist?'
'Not just now. I've got a proposal. Ariadne will show you her behind if you will describe what you do with women. I do need to know, even if I'm not going to do it.'
'Are you quite sure? I don't want you to regret it afterwards. That would spoil our friendship. Which is more important than me ogling your bum.'
'Remember it's Ariadne's bum. Tell me what seeing it would do for you.'
'Solace,' I told her.
'You really mean that, don't you? How can I deny you solace, or, in this case, sol-arse.'
'You do know the words.' And I unlocked the boat-house, last used with Bianca.
We went in and I locked us in. Clio walked a little way forward and turned her back. 'Brace yourself,' she said, 'This may come as a shock,' and she lifted her short pleated skirt and took hold of the waist-band of her knickers. 'Just the boring old white cotton ones. Down they go,' and she pushed them down to mid-thigh.
How do I describe a lovely bottom? I've done my best earlier on. This one was special because the cleavage began, well above the coccyx, quite wide apart, as if the buttocks intended to separate. Then the cheeks closed together a while, before spreading again. The gap at the bottom of the bottom allowed a glimpse of the vulva and some pussy-fur.
After a silence, she said, 'Are you looking? Or is it too hideous to contemplate?'
'It's beautiful,' I muttered, overcome, and my tone prompted her to pull up the pants, drop the skirt and turn round, so that she saw the tears in my eyes.
'Well! I didn't expect my old sit-upon to have that effect. My poor young friend, what a state you're in.'
She moved to and embraced me round the waist, which put her head on my chest. 'Wrong way,' she went on, 'And pulled my head down onto her bosom.' It was an awkward posture but I enjoyed it. Her breasts were warm through the bra and comforting.
'Thank you,' I said, as we stepped apart. 'Theseus was a damn fool.'
We left the place and resumed walking in silence, till she said, 'Before I hold you to your part of the agreement, I should tell you something about my younger life.'
She led the way to one of the rickety benches from which one could enjoy the view of the mansion across the lake. We sat down, and, facing front, she told me that when she had just taken the exams at the end of her university career she had been courted by an older higher-degree student. He was an attractive, clever man, confident and versed in the ways of the world. She was an innocent from a modest background, quite strictly brought up.
She fell deeply in love and he seemed to reciprocate. They spent a good deal of the summer together, thanks to her being welcomed into his opulent home by his charming mother. The relationship deepened in the autumn term, when she began her post-graduate teacher training. But then a serious snag arose.
Their love-making had included mutual masturbation, and at this point in the story she remarked, 'So, if you want to be technical about virginity I don't qualify. Not if you count fingers up the cunt which must have done in the hymen.'
'You really do know the words,' I said, 'Even the rudest ones.'
'I like them,' she said, 'I like to say them aloud for certain occasions.'
The narrative continued. He began to ask her for full intercourse and she wanted so much to agree, but her upbringing and a smidgen of caution made her refuse. Had he offered marriage she would probably have consented.
The liaison became vexed. He said that if she really loved him, she would, and she felt that if he really loved her he would not press her until he could commit himself fully. She became anxious and depressed and nearly failed her course.
Then, in the vacation following she received a letter at home. He was going to marry someone else, who was carrying his child.
She concluded, 'The bastard had been fucking another girl while trying to get me to fuck. So he'd been unfaithful, and I had to wonder what would have happened if we'd done it and I'd got pregnant. Would he have married me? Would I have wanted to marry him for that reason? The imponderables drove me mad. And I had so much loved him, and thought him so fine, and he was just after one thing, like the women's magazines warned.'
'Could you have done it with contraception?' I asked.
'No,' she said, 'You weren't supposed to do it even with that. That was for married women only. But there was another problem. The bastard had given me these amazing orgasms. Yes, I knew that word, too. I'd been reading it all up, getting ready for marriage.'
'And you wanted more of them.'
'I certainly did, and I soon found out how to have them all by myself.'
'So you distrusted men but you wanted orgasms.'
'Oh yes, I wanted Zeus to fuck me as a swan, or to be Europa and fucked by him as a bull. Those paintings were wonderful and terrible. You wouldn't believe how I went at it after I'd seen the Theseus and Ariadne.'
'Ah, yes,' I said, 'My bottom always has that effect on women.'
'It wasn't your bottom I wanted.'
'It wasn't just Ariadne's bottom I wanted, either,' I said.
'I know you've always wanted to fuck me,' she sighed. 'But I couldn't let myself. I can't let myself. But you can help me. If you tell me in detail about how you fucked with those women, I can think about it when I'm doing myself.'
'All right. Shall I start now?'
'Not yet. We'll walk on round a bit, into the trees,' she said, getting up.
Once among the trees, hidden from view, we sat down, leaning back to back. 'I can't let you look. Now tell me. Please.'
'The last time I was in that boat-house it was with Bianca. You know we were fucking. It's difficult to use the rude words to a woman. She wanted it almost all the time. In the boat-house was the second time that day.'
'Lucky old Bianca,' Clio said. 'I know just how she felt.'
'If I can't look, you could tell me what you're doing,' I suggested.
'We'll see. You go on about Bianca. What was her bottom like? What about her cunt?'
'It was a nice bottom – not as nice as yours, but nice. Remember how pale she was. Her labia were pale pink, but when I got to her clitoris they darkened. She didn't want any build-up. She was a knickers-down-straight-in girl.'
'I've got my hand in my knickers, getting my clitoris going. Go on.'
'She leant her hands on the wall and presented her bum,' I went on.
'Could you see her cunt? What was it like?'
'The lips were dark red and hanging down. I could see the slit of the vulva.'
'Was it wet. Tell me it was good and wet. Like mine is now.'
'It was,' I continued. 'She didn't make a lot of love-juice. She didn't wait long enough to make more.'
She was breathing harder. 'What about you? Were you hard? Could you do it a second time? How often can you do it in a day?'
'I was hard all right. We did it three times that day, and I could probably do more if the stimulus was enough. I could with you, I bet,' I told her.
'Oh, I like the idea of that. Wait a minute while I wriggle a bit. I need to get a couple of fingers up there. That's it. Now tell me.'
'I moved up to get my penis lodged in the cunt-opening.' I was going to give her all the rude words to help her along. 'I was hard, like now, when I'm thinking about you feeling up hour cunt.'
'You like thinking about me doing this. I'm doing it harder now. Keep going!'
'She wanted it in her cunt, but she needed to touch her clitoris to start. She did that for herself.'
'Were you in her cunt yet?'
'Not quite. She liked to get her orgasm going with the clitoris, and then my cock sliding home did the trick.'
There was a pause and harder breathing. 'The idea of it. I can imagine it, especially now I've been in that boat-house. I'm imagining it's me in there with you and you're just into my cunt and I'm starting to come. I do love 'come' for orgasm. I can come in a minute, if you go on. Did you go up her?'
'Yes,' I said, 'I glided in all the way and she came, like she always did.'
'What about you? Don't tell me yet. Wait a minute. Yes, I'm ready. Just a bit more. On the brink. Tell me!'
'When she came I came, I spurted right up inside. I could feel her cervix.'
'It's like I can feel you spurting inside me. It's lovely. Oh, it's lovely. Best come for ages. Did the sperm spill out? Was that the finish?'
'All over in less than five minutes,' I said, 'Like just happened with you. I think you're a quick comer, like her.'
I felt here relax against my back. 'Are you still hard? I want to feel. It's so long since I felt a penis, and just the one.'
'Of course I'm still hard,' I said. 'You came all right but I didn't.'
She pushed away from me, stood up and looked down at me. 'I'd love to make you come. I've never seen a cock come. He always had me do it to him in his pants.'
I stood up. 'I'd love you to make me come. But not here. You were all right. You could pull out of your knickers quick enough, but it would be riskier for me.'
'Shall we go back in the boat-house?' she asked.
That's what we did. Once locked in, she said, 'I showed you mine, now you can show me yours.'
I lowered my trousers and pants, and she said, 'It's still hard, then. I've never seen one like that. Shall I toss it off?'
'Stand on my right,' I instructed. 'Now turn towards me and reach with your right hand. That's right. Take hold. Further up, just behind the shield. That's it. Not too tight. Now up and down. Yes, that's right.'
She began to tremble against me. 'This is so exciting, actually seeing it.'
'It's wonderful that you're doing this. It's your hand that's going to make me come. That'll make it even better.'
'You've seen it, so you might as well feel it, too, if you like.'
I reached behind her, lifted the skirt and thrust my hand down the back of the knickers. The feel of those charming cheeks brought a surge of feeling, almost tipping me over. But I wanted to savour them and ran my fingers up and down the cleavage.
'Get your fingers down underneath,' she said, panting. 'Yes, yes. Now up into my cunt. I love to say it. My cunt. Up into my cunt. That's it! I'm coming again. Come now! Yes, I can feel it coming, getting harder. There it is!'
My ejaculate splattered forth in decreasing spurts, and her bottom gripped my hand as she came. Without letting go of my cock she threw her left arm round my waist and said, 'So much of it! I never knew there was so much. Oh, I'm so wet. And we came together.'
We were both trembling a little from the intensity of the orgasms, and, for the first time we kissed. It was a long, slow, tender kiss as the feeling drained. Then she studied my penis, still between her fingers and stripped it gently. More sperm oozed forth and she caught it on her finger and raised it to her nose, then put her tongue tip into it.
'Interesting,' she said. 'First time for that, too.'
'Thank you,' I said, 'I was so needing that, and you did it beautifully. I hope you'll do it again. Will you do it again?'
'I certainly will. It's thrilling. And I hope you'll make me come, too.'
We told each other next morning how well we had slept.
The summer term passed all too quickly, with frequent evening walks, pauses on benches, accounts of sex from me and masturbations from her. There were visits to the boat-house, too, of course, and her periods were no great hindrance to our mutual satisfaction. All the time I was sure that, sooner or later, my cock would be in that sweet, slippery vagina instead of my fingers. Surely her immense curiosity would eventually be too great? Her need to know all would carry the day at last.
As the end of term approached she became edgy, a little distracted on our walks, though ready enough to masturbate when I gave detailed accounts of my intercourse with Tony and Gwen. Two cunts at once really got her going. I thought perhaps she was anxious about her plans for the vacation, and eventually asked her if that were the case as we left the boat-house late one evening.
She seemed more relaxed, maybe because of the powerful climax she had just had with my fingers in her vagina. 'I don't have any plans at all this year,' she said. 'I had thought of going to a friend in Wales. She has a rather primitive cottage near Llangollen. But, actually, I've been having other ideas. Involving you.' She broke off.
'Involving me?'
'Yes. I wondered about staying, so we might be together. Specially. I'm thinking of the year before last, when Theseus and Ariadne got together in paint.'
This was rather oblique. Did she mean she wanted to replicate my time with the artist, so to speak, to the point of full intercourse? Or was she both thinking of it and fearing it, anxious about promising what, in the event, she could not deliver?
'But Theseus and Ariadne didn't get together, did they? She wanted to, but he didn't.'
'That's what I mean,' she said, 'Would Theseus actually want her this time?'
'Well, I don't know about him, but I most certainly would,' I assured her.
'Suppose she couldn't go through with it, though? She asked.
'Does she want to go through with it?'
'Oh yes. When she thinks of it she comes quickly.'
'Why don't we just see what happens. We can go swimming for a start.'
'Naked? Yes. That would be first step. You haven't seen her tits yet.'
'That is so,' I said, 'Nor her pussy, and I've got plans for that.'
'You really want to, even if we go on like now and no further?'
As we were amongst trees and it was nearly dark I took her in my arms and gave her a long, affectionate kiss.
So we had the place virtually to ourselves, and very soon we were in the boat-house and stripping off. And she had no qualms about that. She faced towards me, looking into my face, and took off her shirt. 'I hope you'll like them,' she said, unlatching and slipping off her bra. They were above average size, and as they came free they naturally flopped a little but seemed almost to bounce at their lowest. They hung, touching but pointing outwards. The nipples were small, beige, hardening in the cooler air.
'Absolutely beautiful,' I said. 'Comments inadequate. I could only appreciate them properly with lips and hands.'
'Not just now,' she said, 'We're here to swim, remember.'
She took of her skirt and stood in her knickers. 'You've been into these, these very ones, but now they've got to come off. There just may be a surprise. Here we go!'
She pushed them to her ankles, bent to take them over her feet and stood up. Her stomach was a little rounded, which I liked a lot, and her mons-hair was mid-brown, slightly curly. The surprise was that it formed a crescent. It spread sideways, thinning out as it went, up the join between stomach and thighs.
'I thought about shaving it,' she said, ruffling it with her fingers, but decided you would have to stand it as it is.
'It's charming,' I said, 'I'm so glad you didn't spoil it. I want to rub my face in it.'
'No promises, remember,' she said. 'I'm turning round now and you've seen that.'
'But I want so see it again, and again. And again.'
In reply she walked to the edge of the platform and dived into the lake.
She was a strong swimmer and we pursued each other about for a good while. The sight of her bottom, Naiad-like, in the water filled me with tenderness, and resolve. The tenderness and resolve grew stronger yet when we stood, dripping, in the boat-house again. She was truly hour-glass shaped, bosom and bottom rounded and separated by a narrow waist. Her nipples stood out like organ-stops and her little swathe of maidenhair clung to her mount and thighs.
'I see you find me attractive,' she said, 'Would you like me to toss you off?'
'I have a better idea,' I said. 'Let us have something to eat and adjourn to my room.'
'And there?'
'We would follow our inclinations.'
She began to dry herself. 'I know what your inclination is. You want to fuck me.'
'No,' I said, 'I want us to fuck, and beyond that to be happy together.'
She held still. 'I want us to fuck, too, but I don't know whether we can.'
'Shall we find out? You have nothing to fear. There would be nothing you did not truly want, and maybe things you found you did want.'
'All right,' and she resumed towelling, vigorously. 'We'll raid the kitchens and have a picnic on the lawn. 'Can you hold on till later? I shall be wet all the time, thinking of it.'
In due time, then, we arrived, fed and watered, in my room and stood looking at each other, she a little apprehensive.
'There's no hurry,' I said. 'One thing at a time. First I'm going to strip. Then I'm going to undress you, because the sight of you coming into view is so delightful.'
I undressed, then pulled her shirt over her head, unlatched and took off her bra. I sat us on the bed and cupped her breasts, stroked, kissed and licked them for many minutes.
'It's different,' she said, 'The feeling is spreading through me. They're tingling deep inside, sending messages to my cunt. Never so much of this feeling before, even with you. He didn't pay much attention to my tits.'
'They are the most beautiful ones I've seen,' I told her. 'I would like my hands to be your bra, though they wouldn't stay still.'
'Rather difficult when teaching a class.'
I laid her back onto the bed, and, as she lifted her bottom, drew off her skirt. A moment of hesitation followed, as if we were both awaiting a decision. Then she lifted her bottom again and I pulled off the knickers. There was the furry crescent, the slightly rounded stomach, the plump thighs.
She lifted her head and glanced at my flaccid cock. 'Not so eager now? Daunted at the prospect of deflowering me?'
'Oh no,' I said. 'All in good time. First, another first.'
I spread her legs, lay on the bed between them and brought my mouth to her labia. I inserted my tongue and ran it up the groove to the clitoris, and did it again and again, a cat licking the cream. I paused to say, 'This may be new?'
'Yes. I wondered what you were going to do for a minute. It was strange when you started but it's going to make me come if you go on. Is that what you want?'
'Yes. It's the start of the initiation. Is it good?'
'It's wonderful. Different from fingers. It spreads out somehow into my whole body.'
I resumed and at the same time reached up to her breasts, stroked them and played with the nipples.
'I'm going to come,' she said, 'Shall I come? Yes, I'm coming, oh, I'm coming!'
I pressed my tongue onto her clitoris and felt her pelvis judder with the orgasm.
She let out a long sigh. 'I didn't know about that. Now I know about it I think I'm going to want it all the time.'
I raised her knees and positioned myself to enter her, reached into my bedside cabinet and got a soluble pessary. 'This is going in first,' I said, 'Because we don't want any little historians.' I pushed it into her.
She looked up at me, smiled, and said, 'Looks like a crucial moment. But you don't have to promise to marry me first.'
Now fully erect, I poised my penis-tip at the entrance and said sincerely, 'But I want to marry you.'
She studied me intently. 'You really mean that, don't you?'
'I'm showing you what I mean,' and I pushed into her a little way. 'Like this.'
'You're going in! Yes, go into me. Don't stop. I'm ready.'
I pushed in further with no difficulty. She was good and slippery. 'You are so beautiful,' I said. 'I'm feeling how beautiful you are.'
'It doesn't hurt much,' she said, 'I can feel the wide part moving into me. Can you go all the way in?'
Slowly I pushed right in and stopped. She was not very deep. I could feel the cervix. 'I'm right into you,' I said. 'You've taken me into you. The greatest, most wonderful thing, a woman can do for a man.'
'It feels good. I want you to be in me. There's goes my virginity, then. I'm a proper woman now, aren't it?'
'Not quite yet,' I told her. 'You haven't yet had the final tribute.'
'You mean you need to come inside me?'
'That's the seal on your womanhood. But you have to want it, to give it, to take it. I could stop now and withdraw. It's for you to decide.'
'Oh no,' she said, 'I want you to. Yes, you must go on, finish. Come into me.'
I began to move in and out a little. 'Feel it coming. Feel down into your cunt. Feel me bringing it on. Do you feel it?'
'Yes!' she said, 'I think I do. It's getting harder. Is it coming?'
'I'm coming. Here it comes! Into you, I'm coming!' And I flowed into her, not explosively, almost calmly.
I said, 'Now you're a woman. When you freely take a man into you and receive his semen, that's when you become a woman.'
I rested within her. She relaxed and said, 'What happens now?'
'Now I shrink and ease out, like this, and there is spillage down your crack, unless you've absorbed it all. Then we rest a little, my head on your lovely bosom. Then, if you are ready to come again, I would like to go in under your bottom from behind.'
Nothing more was said about my wish to marry her. Sadly, but stoically, I recognised that, whatever her feelings for me, they didn't include marriage.
'What does a cunt taste like? She asked.
'They're all different. You know what yours smells like. The taste relates to that. There is a basic, ammonia, salty, meaty smell, and then each woman has a special scent. Yours is lemony. And the taste is the same. Of course each woman varies during her cycle, too.'
'What did your giantess smell of?'
'Her special scent was rosemary.'
'And your first one, the French mistress?'
'She was nutmeg.'
'Do you like the scent of mine?' She asked.
'I love it.'
'In two days it's my birthday,' she said. 'I was determined not to be a virgin at thirty.'
'That's a couple of days in which to make quite sure, then.'
'You want to keep fucking with me, even though you've been in there?'
'You know the answer to that. Don't you?'
She said, 'Of course I do. I was just being silly. A hangover from when I was a girl.'
We settled into a long embrace, talking of the future, though avoiding discussion of ourselves as a couple. There was an assumption, though, that we would continue to be together, in friendship and in sex. Meantime, she had a wish to study for a higher degree and to move into secondary education. I aspired to take a degree and do the same.
Eventually I changed the subject. 'Can you come again? Good. Because, to complete your womanhood we need to come together, with me inside you.'
'That's the total fucking?'
'Yes,' I said. 'Loss of virginity shouldn't be deflowering, it should be flowering, coming, in all senses, into full bloom.'
I positioned her on her side and lifted her upper leg, exposing her labia and cunt.
I sat astride the lower thigh and slid my bottom up it to place my hardening cock just short of her opening, and took the upper leg onto my shoulder. Then I slipped in another pessary and began to caress her vulva and clitoris with one hand and to stroke her breasts with the other.
'There are many ways to make love,' I said, 'And this one is good. I like it because I can see everything, your magnificent breasts if I look this way, your cunny if I look down, your delicious bottom if I look round like this. It's so exciting to watch my fingers on your clit and know that my cock can go in when you're ready.'
'I'm ready,' she said. 'Come inside me.'
I slipped my glans inside and held still. 'Are you sore from before?'
'No. Well, just a little, but go on. Go right in. Oh yes, I like that. I can feel myself holding you.'
'Grip on my finger,' I said, running my hand over her upper buttock and pushing a finger-tip into her bum.
She flinched a moment, then tightened her sphincter. 'That's new, too. I like it, though.'
'Now we're going to come together,' I said. 'Feel down into your vagina, into your bottom. Feel your clitoris swell and glow. Can you feel it?'
'Yes! I'm going to come. Come into me!'
I pushed all the way in and immediately spurted again and again as she spasmed around me, her buttocks quivering and her pelvis jerking in a tumultuous orgasm.
Thus, as far as I was concerned, we became united, whatever the future. We might soon part, but for the moment we were together, cock always in cunt, cunt holding cock, even when we were physically separated.
You may have observed that the word 'love' has not been used between Clio and me. But you may also have noted that I wanted to marry her and correctly deduced that I did, indeed, love her. In time I concluded that her first experience, with its disappointment, had proofed her against marriage. I also concluded that she knew that I loved her, and that this became irksome, and contributed to our parting.
This came after six years, during which we had studied hard, part-time of course, she for a higher, and I for a first, degree. Our courses had, conveniently, helped to cover our frequent sex, because our colleagues assumed our lengthy interludes together in my room were for mutual assistance in our scholarly activities.
Once initiated, into sex, she became avid not only for frequency but variety, and we did it in every position and variation we could devise. She led this feverish exploration, perhaps as a means for keeping the affair going. I would have preferred love-making involving exchanges of endearments and declarations, but she spoke only of organs and orgasms.
Once we had gained our degrees, so the ostensible reason for our being closeted together was gone, she cooled.
She was also, unbeknownst to me at first, applying for posts in state secondary schools. No longer hiding her light under the prep school bushel, she was striking out into a new career.
Her last day there arrived, the day after the term ended, the day before she departed for her new life. She was packed and ready. We met for what was to be our last session.
As we undressed she said, 'There's one thing we haven't done. There's one way I'm still a virgin.' She gave a smirk and looked away from me.
I had a half idea what she meant, but said nothing.
She got onto my bed on all-fours and looked over her shoulder at me, waggling her bum. 'You like my bottom so much, but you've never been up it. I want you to bugger it.'
I had never suggested this, partly because I was not keen on the idea and partly because I had assumed she hadn't, despite all her experimentations, considered it, either. I even wondered whether I would be able to oblige. But perhaps if I went a little way and she found it painful we could celebrate the end of the liaison with proper vaginal intercourse.
As I positioned myself behind her and she lowered her upper body, she said, 'I'm good and slippery in my cunt. Go in there and get your penis slippery, but don't come in there. Wait a minute and I'll grease my arse.'
She reached back and stuck a couple of fingers in her vagina to collect lubricant and wipe it over her anus. 'In you go! There's nothing to fear. It's all clean in there.'
My cock was not fully rigid, but it slid easily into her cunt. She certainly was ready. She had obviously been intending the anal penetration and was excited by the idea of it. Once into that hot, slippery haven I hardened automatically. I was reluctant to withdraw, but did so and placed my penis end against her anus. At least we wouldn't need a pessary for this.
'Push,' she ordered. 'It'll be tight, but keep going.'
I pushed and began to force my way in. She flinched, but then pushed her bum towards me. 'Keep going,' she gasped.
Slowly I forged inwards. My cock remained fully erect, because the very tightness, though slightly painful, was stimulating. And it was exciting to see myself buried deep into that beautiful bottom, which itself never failed to inflame me with desire.
'It hurt at first,' she said, 'But now it feels good. Stay still a minute while I get some fingers in my cunt. I want to feel you from inside it.' She took her weight on one elbow and felt back into her vagina with the other hand. I felt her fingers go up into it and slide in and out.
This was actually exciting and she evidently found it so, as she said, panting, 'Can you move to and fro? Yes, that's right. Oh, that's lovely. Can you come? I want you to come. That's the last frontier. I want your sperm in there. Come quick. I'm coming!'
Her orgasms never failed to fetch me off, and I ejaculated at the farthest point I could reach, shuddering with the pressure and intensity.
'I could feel it,' she said, 'I could feel you spurting, in my bum and through my fingers. It was terrific.'
Slowly I withdrew and she gave a little groan of regret as I flopped out. She lay down at once. 'Perhaps if I tighten my arse I can keep your sperm in there.'
I lay down beside her and gathered her into my arms. I could feel her bottom was tight from the clenching of her sphincter. But after a while she turned carefully over and we looked closely into each other's eyes.
She said, 'It's been wonderful. Thank you. But now I've got to go. So I'm just going to go.' She kissed me hard, but briefly, stood up, threw on her clothes and left. There was to be no immersion in that paradisal pussy then or ever again.
Though I knew it was over and had braced myself to meet it, the manner of its ending added to the sorrow, and I confess I lay there and wept. And next morning, when I went to forage for breakfast, she was gone. |
Hotbeds Ch. 09 | 13,522 | 4.53 | 1,340,406 | [
"huge clitoris",
"sexual adventure"
*Introduction: The sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s continue with his crossing the channel and entering another channel. His liaison with Denise and his threesome with Gwen and Tony are covered in Chapters 1 and 2, and his encounter with the art mistress occurs in Chapter 4.*
For a couple of days, I mooched about the grounds. I even had a swim in the lake. I could hardly be bothered to get myself meals, and I felt ashamed of feeling sorry for myself. I wished I, too, had left. But if I was going to move into state education it would be wise to have a teaching qualification. That required taking a course. There would be a grant, but I would need cash as well. Hence I planned to stay where I was for another year and continue saving. This was also why I intended to stay there for the summer, leaving almost free.
There is a tendency for something unexpected to occur when there is a crisis in one's life. This time it came in the form of a letter with a French stamp, forwarded from my previous school. The sender's name and address were on the flap. My heart leaped up. Denise was going to return to England! We would be together, or why else would she write?
This was not the situation, I soon learned. She reported herself as well and happy, and hoped that I was, too, wherever I was. Her reason for writing was to ask whether I would come to spend some of the summer vacation at her and her husband's cottage in Normandy. Not only might I enjoy a holiday break, I might also be able to offer special help a friend who would also be staying there. Could I arrive at the end of July? If I could get to Cherbourg she would pick me up.
I might have refused if Clio had stayed on with me. But the idea of just dashing off to France, especially with some kind of mission involved, offered a welcome distraction. Never mind the expense, which would not be great. There was time to overhaul the second-hand bicycle I had bought, and look up the ferries. After all, I could get to Portsmouth in a day.
Denise met the ferry, and kissed me on both cheeks. It was tricky getting the bike into the small Citroen, but taking off the front wheel made it possible, and away we went with the top open.
After a few kilometres and some small talk she pulled over and switched off.
'I know Gwen and Tony took care of you,' she said, 'We keep in touch. They're probably going to retire to Australia fairly soon.'
'They certainly did,' I said.
'They knew you got together with the art mistress at your next place, too.'
'Well, I would have liked to have had much more together with her, but that seems to be my fate.'
'You've just had a similar experience?'
'Longer one this time,' I said, 'Six years. I would have liked sixty.'
'Well, I can't promise you six years, or six days, but I think you could greatly help a colleague of mine. You're a kind man, with respect for women I think, and you're not squeamish. Of course, you can't promise anything, and if you don't want to come and meet her that's fine. I'll take you to a hotel, and you can stay there or go home again, and we will cover all expenses.'
I was enjoying the warm breeze, the scenery of the Cotentin peninsula and the sense of sudden freedom from the familiar. So I said, 'Tell me about this colleague.'
'Jeanne teaches English at my school in Paris. She's a great teacher and a dear colleague, but she got breast cancer and had to have a double mastectomy. She's recently been declared free of the cancer, but she's devastated by the loss. Her husband can't make love with her and she feels her marriage is over. She even feels she's been robbed of her womanhood, that she's a freak. Nothing anyone says makes any difference.'
'You want me to try and reassure her she's still a woman?' I was daunted by the idea.
'I want you to befriend her. I've told her you want to practice your French, and she can practice her English with you. I'm only here till the end of the month. Marcel and I are July vacationers and he has to be back at work at the start of August. He's already gone home.'
'Well, practising my French would be good. I've just finished a languages degree.'
'Couldn't be better. That makes you being here all the more plausible.'
'All right,' I said, 'I'll be glad to stay, but, yes, I can't promise anything beyond the mutual language practice'
The details of the partly restored farmhouse on the edge of a village within three kilometres of the sea are not important. Suffice to say the situation was delightful. What mattered was whether Jeanne and I would be able to relate to each other.
Jeanne was out for a walk when we arrived. She returned as I was unpacking the few garments I had brought in my saddle-bag and washing. I suspected Denise had told her more about me.
She and I were both apprehensive about meeting and likelihood of our sharing a house with no-one else in residence. But we knew at once we were going to like each other. We saw it in each other's eyes. I certainly knew I was going to like, to admire, this person greatly.
She was in her late forties, I guessed, tall and slender but well-muscled. She was swarthy, with a mane of wiry black, dusty-looking hair bunched into a great mass and tied back with a ribbon.
She was wearing a short-sleeved blouse and a short skirt, and her limbs were covered in dark hairs. This makes her sound unattractive, but the hirsuteness suited her, and in no way detracted from her femininity, because she was, breasts or no breasts, certainly female. This was partly because she gave off an aura of aliveness. I was to observe very shortly that her every expression, movement, stillness, expressed vigorous life.
Above all, this quality burned in her huge dark eyes. I had no choice but to look deep into them as we shook hands, longer than was courteous. But she seemed more amused than offended by my gaze, and by my holding her hand a trifle too long. She was also amused that we greeted each other in each other's language.
Denise cooked us a simple meal, with wine, naturally, and took us for a stroll round the village. We sat drinking coffee and talking, in both languages, until we went to our rooms.
I woke early and crept outside with the intention of going to the sea, and found Jeanne was also up and about. Without saying anything we set off and strode to the beach. It was large, sandy, with marram-grass clad dunes above the tideline, and deserted.
Fancying a swim, I took off my shirt and went into the water in my shorts. Jeanne sat on the sand and waited for me. I had not expected her to come in, though she could have bathed like me, in the shirt and shorts that she was wearing.
I don't think we exchanged a word on the walk back, either. Not much language practice so far that day. We were easy in each other's company, though. And over the coffee and baguettes we chatted a little, all three.
Denise drove us around the sights that day. It doesn't matter where we went. We were relaxed and relishing the warm sun, the salty breeze and the slight light-headedness resulting from the wine we drank at lunchtime and the sense of freedom.
Denise left next morning and Jeanne and I were alone together, drifting through the days, eating when we felt like it, drinking wine and coffee, and walking, walking, walking. We drank in the air, relished every minute observation, such as the time we came across an adder, which unhurriedly slid away, with us following until it poured itself into some scrub.
We were now talking, talking, talking, in a wonderful mixture of French and English, teaching each other new words, idioms and constructions. We discussed literature, art, music, philosophy, mythology and discovered shared tastes and relished each other's knowledge and insights. She was, in fact, much better informed and read than I was.
Sometimes we remained companionably silent for long interludes.
The first time I stripped to go for a swim, in the hottest part of the day, she showed no particular reaction, and she didn't follow suit. But that evening, as we prepared supper, she asked, 'Would you swim naked in front of any woman?'
'If I knew and felt relaxed with her, I would,' I said. 'Not if she would be shocked. I didn't think you would be shocked.'
'I was not shocked. A little surprised. I thought Englishmen were too conventional for doing that.'
'We don't have to think about conventions, do we? We can do as we like, can't we?'
She thought about it. 'I suppose we can.'
'Are we agreed about that?' I asked.
'But there may be some things one of us can't do,' she said.
'Of course,' I agreed, 'But even those may turn out not to be impossible.'
'What do you mean?'
'I cannot think of anything we might do that is impossible,' I ventured.
She made no reply, but after supper we went for another walk, down to the sea, and sat in the dunes as night fell.
'I love to swim in the dark,' I told her. 'Come with me?'
'All right,' she said.
She accompanied me down to the water's edge, and as I strode in she followed, without undressing.'
She was obviously a strong swimmer and thrashed back and forth, sometimes duck-diving and disappearing for what seemed a long time, surfacing to shake her head, her hair clinging to her scalp. Afterwards, she walked back to the house dripping.
She changed into an enveloping dressing-gown and we settled to wine and coffee and began to talk more intimately.
'You have had a sad parting, I think,' she said, 'Denise told me. Tell me about it?'
I gave her an edited account of the six years with Clio and found my eyes welling up as I concluded. Jeanne took my hand and murmured comfortingly in French.
'There was much love-making with your Clio, I think,' she said. 'I think you are a man who likes love-making and now you are missing it.'
'Yes,' I said. Then I risked saying, 'Denise told me a little about you, too. I think you are missing it, too.'
She tensed and looked away. Then she fixed me with a sad, penetrating gaze. 'Now I am like a man, with a flat chest,' she said, 'My life of a woman has gone.' That's how she put it in French. In English I guessed she meant she had been deprived of her womanhood.
I held those huge, beautiful eyes. 'You are one of the most womanly women I have ever seen,' I said. 'It shines out of your eyes, it glows from your body.'
Since I had to express this in English it took her a moment to understand.
There was a long silence. She knew what I meant. She knew that I liked, admired, desired her.
'Let's go for a swim,' she said, and I understood this was how we would move closer, without necessarily making love. Whatever we did would be good.
She went to change again and returned in another blouse and skirt. When we set off she took my hand. 'What you said,' she said quietly, 'It was - good. Thank you.'
I was tempted to tell her I meant it, but she knew that. I gave her hand a little squeeze and drew her to me, and kissed her. Her lips were large and warm and they kissed back, though our mouths remained almost closed.
When we reached the beach I undressed and moved towards the sea. It was not so dark that I was able to see out of the corner of my eye that she took off her skirt. Then I was in the water and she was following me, and had also taken off her knickers.
We swam slowly out to sea and turned parallel to the coast. We drew together and embraced, treading water and kissed, this time long and deep, tongues twining. She ran her hands down my back and sides and I stroked down her back and held her bottom. She felt my erection probing her at her thighs, and laughed.
'You like my bottom?' she asked. 'That is still there, yes.'
'It's beautiful,' I said.
'But you haven't seen it.'
'Can I see it?' I said.
'Oh yes, that is something you can see. Perhaps my life of a woman is in it?'
'No,' I said, 'Your life of a woman is everywhere.'
'It is here, for example?' She pushed her pelvis close and I felt her pussy-fuzz, against a thigh.
'Everywhere,' I said.
She detached herself and began to swim ashore. I followed, and when we reached the shallows I embraced her again, then turned her round, urged her legs apart and ducked down to take her on my shoulders. I don't know why I did that, but she let me lift her in that way, and she knew, and was content with, how I relished to the maximum the feeling of her wet hair and vulva against the back of my neck and of her bottom cheeks on my shoulders.
I walked out of the sea and up the beach into the dunes. It was quite an effort making my way up the slope in the loose sand, but I felt as if I could carry her for ever. Though once amongst the marram grass I knelt and slipped my head out from her thighs. It was time to take her in my arms, and for us to kiss long, hard and patiently, till I laid her down on her back.
'We can't,' she said.
'I know,' I said.
'Because of the salt water.' Of course, that would have neutralised her secretions and effectively sealed her vagina.
I spread her thighs and brought my mouth to bear, inserting my tongue into the labia. Her vulva was deep, very deep, and I loved the slow accumulation of vaginal fluid as I licked and sucked and nibbled. She lay still, but held the top of my head and above the sound of the little waves and the whisper of the breeze amongst the grasses I heard her beginning to moan.
As I continued her clitoris began to swell. It was enormous, the largest I had seen, and, indeed, it was the largest I ever saw. It grew from the hood like a little penis and I took it in my mouth, gently sucked it, held it with my lips and tongued it.
I felt her orgasm gathering as her labia massively engorged and laid open her vagina. But she tugged on my hair and pulled me away from her pussy.
'Now it is possible,' she gasped.
'Not yet,' I said, and returned to her clitoris and slipped fingers into her cunt, which was sticky as the lubrication overcame the salt scouring.
She came, with a scream, bucking and twisting her pelvis. I laid my head on her mount and we remained still a while.
'Wouldn't you like now?' she asked.
But when I put my tongue to her clitoris again it was still hard and I began slowly, gently to stimulate it again, and she came again almost at once, this time bursting into tears and crushing my forehead into her drying and abundant hair.
When we had rested a little I got up, pulled her to her feet and we embraced. She kissed me all over my face and chest, squeezing my bottom. 'Can you not?' She asked. 'It is because I have no bosom?' She pronounced the word 'booze-om,' which is how I have heard it ever since.
'I'm longing to,' I said. 'But I want us to be warm and dry, and to sleep together afterwards, and make and make love, and to eat and walk and make love, and sleep and make love again.'
She kissed me again, took my hand and led me back onto the beach. I turned her to look at her bottom. It was lean, muscular, like the rest of her, but shapely, and also hirsute up the crack, which I liked. We put on our clothes. Her knickers were tight, elegant, with lacy hems. I was no longer erect, because I felt content that we would be making love, again and again.
We did not hurry, but stopped to kiss, to look into each other's eyes in the starlight. When we arrived back at the house we went up to her room and I switched on the bedside light. I made to take off her blouse. She held it at the waist to prevent me. I pulled off her shorts and paused to enjoy her knickers and the escape of her now dry pubic tangle from under the hems. Then, with a little difficulty, because they were damp, I took them off. A rich, salty, vaginal aroma filled my nose. I inhaled and exhaled several times, savouring the scent.
'It is good perfume?' She asked.
'Aphrodisiac,' I said, undressing. 'But now I ask you to be naked.'
She turned round and took off the blouse. 'Now you see my bottom in the light. Perhaps it is not so aphrodisiac as in the dark?'
'More,' I said, 'Because I can see everything. Not just bottom, but under and through, lovely pussy.'
'But it is hiding in the forest. I don't cut it anymore.'
'I'm glad. I love it forested, and now I want to see it from the front, and go through it into the bower of bliss,' I said, urging her gently towards the bed.
'The bower of bliss is in The Fairy Queen,' she said.
'Yes. But it is also in you.'
She sat down, holding an arm across her chest, then lay back, drawing the coverlet across her upper body. Then she lifted her knees and opened her legs. 'Can you go in the bower of bliss now?' She asked, and then saw the answer as I undressed and my penis stood forth.
I lay down between those inviting thighs and gently opened her vulva.
'Perhaps it is ready,' she said. 'Don't wait.'
In answer I applied my tongue and lips to that honeyed crevice. Her clitoris had slackened, but it was ready to engorge again, and I marvelled at its size and hardness.
After a few minutes, she said, 'Come into me now. It will go.'
I moved up to bring my cock to her entrance. She reached down and guided me in, and I sank home and began to rock back and forth.
'Quick, quick,' she said.
Such was the size of her clitoris, pointing down and back, my cock was brushing it as I stroked in and out. She was coming, so I thrust to the limit, and my semen burst into her depths. She clamped her thighs against me and her orgasm burst and shook her like a volcanic eruption.
She stammered out some phrases in French and pulled my face down to kiss me again and again.
After a while she said, 'You had great need, I think.'
'Yes,' I said, 'But most of my need was for you. I have wanted to be inside you since we first met. My need began then.'
'But you didn't know me.'
'Yes, I did,' I said. 'I knew everything through your eyes, everything that mattered.'
She thought a little. 'You looked in my eyes, I know, and I saw much about you.'
'Did you see my desire for you. For you?'
'I didn't believe it. I saw it, but I thought I was mistaken.'
'Now you know it was true,' I said. 'It is true.'
I lifted my chest, so we could look into each other's eyes. 'You see,' I said. 'It is true.'
'I thought you might be so needing to do sex that any port in a storm,' she said.
'You knew really that was not true,' I assured her. 'It was your port.'
She laughed. 'Yes, it is my port, isn't it?'
'You also had great need,' I suggested. 'You needed, as you put it, to do sex, but you more needed someone to do it because it was you, beautiful woman Jeanne.'
We snuggled down, embraced and relaxed. We slept a while, woke at the same time.
'Let's have breakfast,' I said, 'And afterwards I will have need again of your port and bower, if you will open them again.'
She said, 'You open them.'
'Don't dress,' I suggested. 'I don't want to lose sight of your forest and bottom, forested bottom, though I suppose you'll sit on it.'
I headed downstairs to brew the coffee, and when she joined me she was bare-bottomed, but back in the blouse. After baguettes and coffee, we were back in her room, but again Jeanne turned away to remove the blouse, held her arm across her chest, as she lay down replaced with a corner of the coverlet.
'Please,' I said, as I lay down beside her, 'People making love should be naked.'
'I can't,' she said. 'It's ugly. You will be disgusted, like my husband.'
'No,' I said. 'I want to see all of you. However you are, it's you.'
'All right!' she exploded, 'Don't say I didn't warn you,' and she flung aside the coverlet.
There were neat scars with slight ridges across her chest where the breasts and surrounding tissue had been excised, but there was nothing horrifying about the aftermath of the surgery. In fact, I was expecting much more damage to the flesh.
She burst into tears and they streamed down her temples onto the pillow. I held her tight and said, 'There's nothing so terrible about those scars. They're just operation scars like other operation scars. The woman with those scars is still you and still a woman. And you can feel there's no change in my response to your body.' My penis continued rigid against her thigh.
'Look in my eyes,' I continued, and, continuing to gaze into her huge wet eyes I lifted myself between her thighs, and, without preliminaries entered her. 'Can you see what I feel, inside you and about you?'
She made a great effort and dried her eyes with the coverlet.
'What do you see?' I asked. 'Am I shocked? Am I not looking at you just as I did when we met, and when we had made love earlier?'
She didn't answer but pulled my head down and kissed me.
'Now I want to enter your blissful port, and enjoy your forested bottom,' I said.
She turned over and knelt up and I positioned myself behind her. Her cheeks began, separately, above her hips and arced outwards and downwards, coming together after a few inches. This left a little hollow above her coccyx. They curved tightly in both planes and tucked under to meet her thighs, parting again at their lowest. Up the cleavage, diminishing as it went, ran a line of short, straight, black hair.
'Oh, that is so beautiful,' I said. 'Perfect.'
Leaning back to find the angle for entry, I slid into her vagina and eased in and out a few time. Then I withdrew and slid my cock forward in the vulval groove to meet that great clitoris. Gliding back and forth I rubbed against it a few times. Then I thrust up into her cunt.
'Is this enjoyable, dear Jeanne?' I asked, having established this routine of clitoral touching and vaginal entry.
She was panting and pushing back to match my movements. 'Yes. It is making me, making me. The épectase is going to be.' She used the French word for 'orgasm.'
I could feel her vagina gripping and releasing on the in-strokes and as she tensed, and the flood of ecstasy took her, I pushed all the way, straining to cram in the last millimetre and jetted my sperm in throbbing spurts.
As my cock shrank I rolled us onto our sides and we lay spent, and as I slid out I climbed over her to hold her tight against me, chest to chest.
'You enjoyed my bott-om,' she said, leaning on the second syllable.
I kissed her, and stroked it.
After some time, we got up and had a shower together. Then we made a simple meal and went walking to the sea. The beach was deserted. I stripped Jeanne, then myself and we swam, sunbathed, ran about and eventually retired into the dunes. I sucked and licked that magnificent clitoris erect and she came with a cry of joy.
That August continued in what felt like endless days, and nights, of walking, sleeping, love-making, occasional eating and more love-making. I call it that, rather than 'fucking' because that was how it felt. We did love each other, though we knew that though the days seemed endless, we also knew the month was not. I would have to be back at the school in mid-September. Whether she had to be somewhere I didn't know.
Nothing was said about exactly when the idyll would end, but, without her making an announcement, I knew when the last night arrived.
After some hours of sleep she woke me, beginning to caress me. The announcement was in her eyes, as she said, 'Lie still. I must do this.'
She licked and kissed her way down my body to my erect penis, coated with dried secretions from us both. She took it in her mouth and sucked and licked till I was approaching orgasm.
She let me go a moment and said, 'Let me drink you.'
I knew she was seeking a further intimacy to think of after we parted, and I drew her back to my cock and very quickly I filled her mouth and she gulped it down. Then we slept again.
In the morning she again woke me, and, 'Quick,' she said. 'Quick as you can.'
She pulled me on top of her and opened her legs. 'Inside now,' she ordered.
She was sticky but I forced my way in and began to jab deeper.
'Don't wait,' she said.
I thrust vigorously, and as I came she shuddered, locked me in her legs and arms and shouted 'Enfin, dans moi, dans mon vagin, ma chatte, mon con.'
It was as if she were making our sex together the more real by saying it.
An hour later, showered, dressed in blouse, skirt, stockings and court shoes, after a hasty bowl of milky coffee and a croissant, she kissed me, like a wife going off to work. She pressed me back in my chair when I made to see her off. Then she strode to the door, passed through, closed it firmly, and was gone.
Of course, I knew she was married, twenty years older, a woman with a profession to pursue in her own country. But nonetheless I had entertained fantasies of her coming to England with me, or, easier perhaps, of my settling in France to be with her.
I wondered what to do for the remaining days of the summer holidays, torn between enjoying the freedom and possible explorations in Normandy and the fear of melancholia now Jeanne was gone. At least I would stay another day or two while I decided, and next day a letter came from Denise. She would be coming down from Paris at the weekend and would I stay on, because she wanted to see me. What happened is told in the next chapter. |
Hotbeds Ch. 10 | 12,354 | 4.53 | 1,344,259 | [
"first love",
"sexual adventure",
] | CHAPTER 10:
*Introduction: The supposed sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s. Chapter 9 is an account of his crossing the channel and entering another channel. Chapter 10 finds him still in France and offered the chance to consummate with Denise the sexual activities with her which constituted part of his initiation, as reported in Chapter 1.*
I presumed that Denise was coming to her country retreat to put it to bed for the winter, or, possibly, to quiz me about the month with Jeanne. Maybe even to report on her friend's state of mind and body after that time with me.
Her letter arrived on a Tuesday, so I had four days to fill, in effect, before she arrived on Friday evening. That not only settled my staying on for those days at least but gave me things to do during them. I busied myself changing the beds, cleaning the place throughout and going to the village market and shop to replenish supplies. Between whiles I cycled many miles around Normandy and swam a good deal on the local and other beaches. The idea was to tire myself to enable me to sleep and avoid brooding on missing Jeanne, her magnificent clitoris and the great, deep, compelling eyes which had drawn me in.
I made sure to be outside in the twilight to meet Denise, and she rather surprised me by getting out of the car, embracing me hard and kissing me, lips to lips. I could tell she was tense, agitated, and wondered if Jeanne had returned to Paris distressed. But would Denise greet me so warmly if that were the case? Perhaps she was rewarding me if Jeanne had seemed in a better state of being?
I had a meal waiting and we settled to eat, but she picked at the food and kept looking into my face questioningly.
Eventually I asked, 'Do you want me to talk about how Jeanne and I got on?'`
'I know all about it,' she said, smiling, 'She told me everything, every last detail. In both languages and several times.'
'Was she happier?'
'She's still grieving at the loss of her breasts, of course, and will go on doing so, but you showed her she can still be desired, still have sex. She loved it, every detail. Telling me helped her to enjoy the memory. She got excited again at the thought of what you did together.'
'What about her husband?' I asked.
'We discussed a long time whether or not to tell him about her infidelity. Would the knowledge that another man wanted her help him think of her sexually? Or would it just finish off the marriage?'
'What was the decision?'
'Say nothing for now and hope.'
I said, 'Has she used her mouth? What about her offering him sex from the rear, so he doesn't need to see her chest? She's got a lovely bottom after all, and if he doesn't appreciate that he must be a fool.'
'I think she's tried, but he rejects her.'
She sounded distant, as if Jeanne's situation was no longer the point, so I asked, 'There's something wrong, isn't there? Something personal to you.'
I was not surprised when she began to cry. I reached across the table to take her hands.
'It's Marcel,' she said, 'He's got a girl.'
'How do you know?' I asked. 'Did he tell you?'
'No,' she sobbed, 'I caught them when I got back from here a month ago. He thought I wasn't coming home till the next day, which was the original plan. I went a day early to leave you and Jeanne alone sooner.'
'Is it serious?' I asked. 'Does he want to leave you?'
'He doesn't know. He says he's in love with her. She's a girl from his company, half my age.'
I wondered what to say next. 'Is it a middle-aged man grabbing at his youth thing?'
She struggled to stop weeping. 'The question is; do I want to leave him?'
Obviously only she could determine that, so I said nothing. She went on, 'All those years we were apart and I didn't let any man into me, because I thought that was what mattered. You know about that. We never had full sex. You were sweet about that. I know he was unfaithful during that time, but I could manage that so long as he was faithful after we were together again.'
She got up and moved round the table and sat on my knee, and began to cry again on my shoulder. I held her tight and waited for the storm to pass. She said bitterly, 'I wish now I'd had done it properly with you. But we can remedy that, if you still want to. If you aren't empty after Jeanne. Of course I know I'm older and fatter.'
'You are as beautiful as ever,' I said, 'And of course I want to. But I don't just want to be your revenge, because you'd regret that afterwards.'
'I want you because I want you. I need to do everything you did with Jeanne, everything. Remember, I know what you and she did.'
'That would be wonderful,' I said. Did I really have scruples? Surely I was agog to get into the woman I had fallen in love some years ago?
'But we've only got till Monday morning, not a month,' she said.
'We'd better get started, then,' I replied, already hardening. 'Off we go to the sea.'
'Oh yes. I have to get grass up my arse.'
'You wouldn't have used such a word last time,' I pointed out.
'No, well, I'm not so prissy-mouthed nowadays, especially since talking with Jeanne and finding out about Marcel. I want to fuck and fuck and call it anything I feel like.'
As we came onto the beach I proposed that we speed up the chain of events Jeanne and I had followed. So she should take off her skirt and knickers.
'My arse is bigger nowadays,' she said. 'Look!'
In the twilight I inspected it with delight. 'Maybe a little. But all the better.'
I urged her legs apart in the shallows, bent and put my head through them and stood. Her vulva was now pressed to the back of my neck and her cheeks on my shoulders.
'That's interesting,' she said, rocking back and forth, holding my upraised hands for balance. 'Can you feel my cunt? Is it different from Jeanne's?'
'I can feel it all right. Leaking nicely. Not so hairy as Jeanne's and her clitoris is so large I could feel that, too.'
'Mine isn't large, but it works all right. Remember?'
'We're going to test that now,' I told, carrying into the dunes and laying her down.
'Is this where you fucked Jeanne?' She asked.
'No. This is where I sucked her off. Like this.' I bent to apply my lips to her labia and began to lick up and down vulva.
'Suck my clitoris, like you did hers,' she instructed. 'It's hard now.'
I took the little nub between my lips, licked and sucked.
'Did she come quickly?'
'Quick enough,' I said. 'And I think you're on the way, aren't you?'
'Yes. Keep going. I'm going to have this one. Here it comes!'
She uttered a high-pitched roaring sound and thrashed her bottom up and down, side to side, grinding the cheeks into the sand.
'Good one,' she said. 'I wanted that so much. It was as if I were fucking your mouth with my clitoris. Now I want you to fuck my cunt.'
'That wasn't what came next,' I told her. 'We went back to house for that.'
'But I want to know whether my cunt is longer than hers,' she objected. 'Go in and test me. You can get in easily.'
That was what I did. I pushed into her, as far as I could and held still.
'Well?' She asked. 'Does it feel different? Do cunts feel different?'
'They vary,' I said, 'Not just amongst them, but the same one changes, depending on how aroused, how slippery, how close to orgasm. But Jeanne's is longer than yours. I'm up against your cervix without cramming in the final fraction.'
'I don't know why, but I want to talk about what you do with other women, what their minges and cunts and clitorises are like. How did Jeanne's minge differ from mine?'
'Well, for one thing it's very hairy, and right past her vagina and up her crack.'
'That sounds disgusting, but you liked it, didn't you?' She asked.
'I loved it.'
'Are you going to come in me now?'
'No,' I said, 'I want to go back to the house while you get ready again, because I want you to come again when I come in you.'
'I can come again now, and when you come in me,' she said. 'Just suck me again till I tell you, and then go in and come. That'll do it. Never mind about Jeanne for now.'
I withdrew from that warm, delicious vagina. The evening air was chill on my damp tool and I longed to dive back in. But I bent again to lip her re-erecting clit, and after some minutes she tapped my head and said, 'Quick, now!'
And I was happy to plunge back in. Her cunt was slick and I slid home and ejaculated, and she bucked beneath me in the throes of her orgasm, whooping and shouting, 'You're coming! I can feel you. Spunk into me!'
We lay still, spent and beginning to shiver in the autumn darkness, for summer was ending. Then she said, 'What was it like, going inside me at last?'
I had to think for a minute. 'Slipping into cunt is the most wonderful feeling in the world,' I said, 'And slipping into a cunt you've longed to get into is even more wonderful, and slipping into the cunt of a woman you are, or have been, in love with is beyond wonderful. Magical, apocalyptic, fulfilling.'
'Apocalyptic cunt. Hm. So I have a magical minge, a fulfilling fud.'
'Yes. Come back to the house and let me into it again,' I suggested.
We didn't bother to dress again but walked back, me naked and she half naked, in the dark. Every hundred yards or so I stroked, kissed, kneaded her bottom. Yes, it was larger now, but it was even more beautiful, and such was its effect that by the time we were in her bedroom, with a double-bed, I was hard again.
As we lay down, she asked, 'What did you do with Jeanne after the dunes?'
'I sucked her off with her clit and went in we came.'
'Do that with me?'
'Gladly,' I said, and positioned myself to tongue her vulva.
'I'll start coming soon,' she said, already breathing hard and moving her pelvis up and down. 'Then you go in. It should be wet enough.'
'Oh now!' she screamed. 'Oh now!'
I scrambled into position, felt for her opening and plunged in. The sheer shock of the sticky heat within tripped my coming, and she dragged at my hips to pull me as far in as possible to prolong her climax
After this we were temporarily spent. I asked her if we could do what I so longed to do when we were colleagues at my first school, sleep together. All the time she had had her chest covered, because to emulate the sex with Jeanne there would be no access to her breasts. But now she took off the blouse and bra. Then we pulled up the covers and she tucked her bottom into my thighs and stomach and we slept.
For a long time after we woke, we lay facing, embracing and kissing. I stroked her bottom, ran my fingers down its cleavage, poked a finger up her anus. She ran her hand up and down my half-erect penis. Slowly our desire gathered.
'I know this doesn't fit with your fucking with Jeanne,' she said, 'But I want you to make love to my tits. They're a bit bigger, too, and droopier, but there's also even more feeling in them. Could you do that?'
Of course I could. 'Like your bottom they're even lovelier,' I said, and began to lick, caress and suck, rolling the nipples between finger and thumb, drawing the areolas into my mouth. When her breasts began to swell I knew she was approaching orgasm.
'I can come, if you like. Would you like to fuck into me? I'm slippy enough.'
That was invitation enough, and I was soon easing my way in and out of her, my cock tingling and throbbing with that amazing sensitivity which grows with each successive entry in a sequence. 'I can stay like this till you're ready,' I said. 'There is so much joy and delight in just being in you. But I can come any time.'
'That's good,' she said, 'So there's no hurry. I love having you in there. I can feel you bumping my cervix. That makes me feel dizzy with almost-orgasm, and as you move in my cunt it feels like I'm rubbing you off.'
We lay still a short time and without my moving within her my cock swelled and relaxed a little, and her vagina walls closed a little and then also relaxed. We remained in a state of suspended near-climax, till she said, 'I'll lose it if you don't come now. Just move a little, only a little.'
Poised as I was on the cliff-edge it took only two slight movements to tip me over and I came, my semen flowing rather than spurting, and she came with a deep sigh of mixed pleasure and relief.
'I'm sucking your sperm up my tubes,' she said. 'I can feel it going up my cervix into my womb. My womb is absorbing it. It's feeding my whole body.'
'Yes,' I said, 'And my penis is absorbing your cunt-cum. I can feel it percolating into my muscles, soothing my nerves.'
And when at last my cock shrank out of her, there was hardly any overflow, as if she had indeed drawn in my ejaculations.
We slept again, and woke late to eat a hearty breakfast and then return to bed for further sleep and conversation.
'Tell me about all the fucks you've had since Tony and Gwen,' she commanded. She enjoyed my narration of the events in earlier chapters, quizzing me about the smallest details. Then she told me that Marcel had apparently become less assiduous, almost perfunctory in his love-making. Perhaps from familiarity, perhaps from wanting variety, leading to his affair with a young colleague.
'Will you tell him about us?' I asked.
'I may well. I want him to know that if he doesn't find me desirable someone else does, and if he wants to continue the marriage he had better try harder.'
'You don't have to go back to him,' I said. 'You could come back to England, with me. Even without me. But with me would be perfect.'
'You really want me, don't you?' She said. 'That is wonderful. But I have to give him a chance. Besides I'm getting older and you're still a young man. You need a girl your own age, who can have babies and make a home with you.'
I did not argue with her, because there was good sense in what she said.
After a while we got up, had another meal and went for a long walk, relishing the sunshine and each other's company. Following which we went to bed and slept together without further sex that day.
There is only one other episode in the week-end that I recall particularly, our last congress on the Sunday night, which began with her asking, 'What else did you do with Jeanne? Was there something special? Can we do it?'
'We can try,' I said. 'Because of the size of her clitoris I could slide along her groove till I touched it, then dive into her vagina, then slip out and slide up her vulva to her clit, again and again, and eventually she came, and I drove in and shot my spunk.'
'Well,' she said, 'I know my clit-bit isn't very large, but it would be fun to try So I kneel like this and offer my arse. You'll like that, anyway, even if it doesn't have hair up the crack. Or at least I don't think it does.'
I was dubious about the efficacy of this position, but was keen to try, especially as I knew this would probably be the last time we would ever make love. So I eased into her, thrust a few time, eased out and slid my cock between her labia. They were not so long as Jeanne's, so the slot was not so deep, but careful guidance took my cock-head onto her clitoris.
It was more the excitement of just doing this which brought her on, I think, than the actual friction, but I felt the tide of her orgasm beginning to flood and I redoubled my efforts, and was rewarded with her gasping, 'Hard, hard! It's coming. I'm coming. Hold my bottom. Right in. Come now!'
The shared orgasm was tumultuous, triumphal, and valedictory. |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 06 | 28,046 | 4.76 | 2,008,862 | [
] | *I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.*
Chapter 6
On the plane I had chance to reflect on these last few months. Nothing in my life suggested any of this would or even should have happened. I have fantasies just like the next guy but this was no fantasy. I knew going in the odds were against me. If it were all to end today I would have no regrets.
Sure I intend to fight to the end but who am I kidding, I'm just another guy in a sea of guys. I will have memories no one can take away, parents that love me, a brother that I can depend on, my grandmother I adore and most of all Daisy. If there was any bright spot to my coming home now it was to see Daisy. I have to admit I had never missed her as much as I did right now.
If I was disappointed coming home without Rose and Lilly I knew she would be devastated. Daisy has no desire to accumulate money or things. Daisy values people, especially family and friends. During this short time I believe Daisy has fallen in love with Rose and Lilly as much as I have.
I sat waiting for my luggage trying to make sense of it all. Lilly hadn't even returned my message that I arrived home safely. Anyway I looked at it, it didn't seem promising. I checked the time and saw it was just after one. With nothing better to do I decided to go into the office and get caught up on some work.
I had just pulled in the parking lot when my phone rang. When I saw it was from California I immediately answered it.
"You get back here you chickenshit!" Emily blasted in my ear.
I could tell she was upset her voice quivered in defiance. I wanted to calm her down but knew it would only make matters worse. I took a deep breath then let it slowly out.
"I can't do that and we both know it!" I replied calmly.
"I don't know anything except you snuck out without so much as a goodbye!" Emily wept.
"I didn't sneak out, I left. You knew I had to be home today." I corrected her.
"When are you coming back?" Emily sobbed in the phone.
"Emily I'm not coming back, this is my home." I replied.
"What if they don't come back?" Emily threatened.
"I guess that will be up to you won't it?" I retaliated.
"I can't live without them." Emily boohooed.
"From what I saw you can't live with them!" I countered. "I told you in the letter there is a room here for you."
"What do you want Parker?" Emily shouted "Money?"
"You know this is not about money!" I shouted back.
"What do you want then?" She started to weep again.
"I'm in love with Lilly I want you to allow me to marry her." I insisted. "I want Lilly and Rose to come live with me. What do you want Emily?"
"I want to be part of their lives!" Emily blubbered. "I want you back in my life!"
"Emily, it sounds like we both want the same things don't we?" I agreed with her.
"Do you mean that?" Emily sniffled.
"Yes Emily, I mean it?" I assured her.
The phone went dead as she hung up on me. It wasn't at all unexpected her hanging up, the problem for me was, I wasn't sure why? With the talk Emily and I had still weighing on my mind I headed inside the office for a few hours.
I looked up from my desk the clock showed it was half past six, I wrapped up the file I was working on and headed out of the office.
I called Lilly before I left, she answered on the first ring.
"Parker!" She said happily. It was so good just to hear her voice.
"Hello Lilly." I said warmly.
"I miss you." Lilly whispered.
"I miss you." I repeated. "How is Rose and Emily?"
"Emily is not happy with you or me." Lilly replied. "Rose is not doing well either."
"I there anything I can do?" I asked knowing I was half the country away.
"Have you talked to Daisy?"
"Not yet I'm on my way home now." I explained.
"Oh darling I am so sorry I thought you knew!" Lilly replied exasperated. "This has all gone so wrong."
"What has?" What's wrong?" I could feel the desperation in her voice.
"You know how Rose gets around Emily." Lilly asked.
"Yea, so what does that have to do with Daisy?" I questioned.
"Emily is very upset you left. She threatened us ...Daisy called ... Rose was mad... Parker, Daisy needs you!" Lilly apprised me.
"Lilly I should get home, she's there all alone." I replied. "I'll call you later."
"Parker we can fix this. Please have Daisy call me. " Lilly replied. "I love you Parker. I trust you to do the right thing!"
"I love you Lilly." I said heading out the door.
When I arrived home the place was eerily quiet. I sat my luggage in the kitchen and headed up the stairs. Looking in Daisy's room I saw it was empty. I was just about to start back down when I heard her weeping in my room. I pushed the door the rest of the way open, she was curled up in my bed her bloodshot eyes looking out from under the covers.
"There you are." I said smiling.
"Go away!" Daisy sobbed.
Ignoring her I went and sat beside her. She rolled over facing the other direction.
"I thought you might have missed me?" I teased her. "I missed you!"
"You left me!"
"I came back didn't I?" I reached out and touched her shoulder over the covers.
"You didn't bring them back did you?" Daisy wept louder.
"No...no I didn't...I'm sorry." I whispered.
"Then she's not coming back!" Daisy wailed.
"We don't know that Daisy." I replied caressing her head as she cried in the pillow.
"She won't even talk to me now!" Daisy yelled at me
"You still have me." I whispered
The urge to kiss Daisy overpowered me. I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. Her arms instantly wrapped around my neck and pulled me tight. It was like we were two lovers kissing for the first time. Breathing through our noses was not enough to fuel the fires burning below the surface.
The noise our lips and tongues made filled the room. There was slurping and moaning. Daisy whimpered each time I pulled away, she was determined to maintain contact. The covers moved lower as she moved up to kiss me again. Her full tits slipped from below the sheet. My hands moved below the covers and gripped her waist.
"I need you Parker." Daisy mewed. She started unbuttoning my shirt.
"But Daisy you're my sister!" I protested as she pulled the shirt off my shoulders.
"I don't care, I need you to love me!" Daisy had my belt loose and working on my slacks.
"I do love you Daisy, but this is..." She pulled the covers off and pounced on me kissing me to stop me from talking.
Half undressed and struggling to control my desires I succumbed to her passion again. Daisy kissed me as my hands drifted lower gripping her panty covered ass. I thought there was a chance we might reign this in since she was at least not completely naked. I was wrong again. I let my guard down long enough for Daisy to remove my pants and tee shirt.
She resumed her attempt to seduce me with renewed vigor. I could feel my hard cock press against her pussy with just our underwear separating us from incest. We had been this close before, in fact even closer but I was in control then. For some reason this time I knew it was different.
"Daisy I can't do this, what will Lilly say?" I asked hoping to end this.
"I told you both this was going to happen." Daisy replied seriously. "Please don't make me call her yet. It will just make her upset."
I had heard those exact words before when Rose seduced me.
"Lilly approves?" I asked stunned.
Then I remembered Lilly asked me to have Daisy call. Lilly knew Daisy wanted this and in her own way she was telling me she approved.
"She let you fuck her mother Parker. She wants this as much as we do." Daisy leaned over and kissed me. "They share everything!"
Daisy lowered her lips back to mine. She pushed my boxers down. "Now make love to me!" She whispered.
I pulled her soaked panties to the side Daisy reached down and guided me into her gushing twat.
"OOOHHHH! She groaned as she lowered herself over me. "I've waited so long to feel you in me! I love you Parker!" Daisy cried out.
If there was any apprehension up to this point it melted away instantly with that declaration. I pulled her down so I could kiss her again. Daisy moaned as the pace of our coupling picked up. I gripped her ample ass and drove her down hard over my cock.
"I need you to fuck me!" Daisy groaned. "Please get on top."
She rolled to the side shucking her panties. I removed my boxers and moved between her legs. I had never seen Daisy so happy. With her legs splayed I looked at Daisy's waiting pussy. Pink and puffy I noticed something else. I looked up at her and back down to her engorged clit.
"What have we here? This is new." I reached down and flicked it gently.
Daisy arched her back and shuddered as her sensitive pleasure button wiggled to a halt.
"Not now Parker fuck me!" She looked up begging me.
"Oh you're not getting off that easy!" I panted.
I grabbed my dick and spanked her engorged clit lightly. Daisy squealed as her body reacted with dizzying swiftness. I pushed her legs open and rubbed her clit with my mushroom head, her pussy pulsed beneath me oozing her excitement. She looked up past her voluptuous breasts and watched my cock drip with pre-cum over her exposed pearl.
"Parker!" She screamed as her pussy mashed against my cock and started quivering. "I need you in me NOW!" Daisy roared.
I guided my cock back in her pussy. Daisy reached for me and pulled me down to smother her luxurious body. Taller than the twins she was also softer and voluptuous. Daisy's cunt clamped down on my cock hoping not to let it go. I started fucking her harder as she encouraged me on.
Using my elbows to support myself I gripped her pendulous breasts wiggling on her chest. Her thick nipples were hard and tempting. I let the meaty orbs slip through my hands until my fingers gripped her stiff nubs.
"Yes!" Daisy whimpered as I rolled them between my thumb and forefinger gently.
I concentrated on her every move and response. Daisy is a passionate lover, her every desire became clear as she responded to each move I made. Focusing just on her I changed rapidly with her evermore demanding desires. I had her moaning and then cooing only to build her back up to another level of ecstasy.
Daisy was pushing then pulling, her fingers dug deep in my back then caressed my shoulders, she was so consumed at times I don't think she knew where she was or what she wanted. That all changed when she started to convulse below me.
Daisy reached down and gripped my hips urging me to fuck her even faster. I lowered down to kiss Daisy as her orgasm started to build. Slowly her legs started to close, her heals dug in the bed to meet my frantic thrusts. Our lovemaking had reached a fevered pitch neither one of could continue for much longer.
"Daisy I'm close!" I warned no longer able to hold back.
I looked down at her, Daisy looked up happily. She dug her fingers in my ass and slammed me home. Her pussy contracted, her hips slapped against mine. I could feel her body tense.
"Make me cum!" Daisy squealed. "Fill me with your love!"
I ejaculated as Daisy ground her cunt against me. Her hand slip up my sides pulling my shoulders hard mashing her tits into my chest. The quivering in her pussy soon became a shudder throughout her whole body.
"Uh...uh...uh...uh ...uh...uh...uh fuck!" Daisy groaned.
I thrust in one last time before finding her lips and kissing her.
"So good!" Daisy whimpered, her hands now caressing my back. "I love you Parker."
I had deposited all the cum available leaving her cunt a frothy mess. My cock still refused to completely deflate, my semi hard cock still churned our excitement deep in her pussy. I pushed up on my hands looking between us. Daisy's hands moved back down and gripped my ass keeping me inside her.
Daisy opened her legs wide again, her clit popped up from her full puffy pussy. My cock was coated with thick creamy cum as it very slowly moved in and out of her. Daisy looked on with me to see I was still not shrinking from my first orgasm. With one hand she moved it over her mons rubbing her clit tenderly.
"She wants more Parker!" Daisy said huskily.
"You still sure this was the right thing to do?" I asked concerned our relationship would now change.
She dipped her fingers in her pussy beside my cock, it swelled instantly increasing the pressure against her fingers.
"He thinks it is!" Daisy squealed. My cock swelled again as she pulled her fingers from her pussy and sucked them clean. "I don't think he wants to stop yet! I know she doesn't."
Daisy smeared more cum on her clit and rubbed it side to side. She opened her legs wider her flush pussy gaped open around my cock inviting me back into the depths.
"Lilly will just have to wait for that call!" Daisy giggled. "My brother just showed me he loves me!"
Daisy pulled her hand from between us and urged me to start fucking her again.
"I love you Daisy." I whispered as she wrapped her arms and legs around me.
Eventually we switched positions. With Daisy on top I enjoyed the view of her ass as she rode my cock facing away from me. After some time she turned to face me so I could fondle her full sized tits until we both orgasmed again.
Daisy rolled to the side and we cuddled for a few minutes. She stroked my cock, I caressed up and down her body.
"I need to call her it's getting late." Daisy said turning to face me.
"Do you want me to leave?" I leaned over and kissed her.
"Please stay." Daisy gripped my cock harder, threatening me not to go.
We sat up in bed as Daisy called Lilly from her phone.
"Hello? Lilly it's Daisy!" She happily squeaked.
"Yes he's right here...Oh Lilly he is a wonderful lover... thank you for sharing!" Daisy looked over at me.
She took my arm and wrapped it around her. I pulled her close as she leaned back against me. With her free hand she picked up my semi hard cock and stroked it slowly.
"Lilly when are you coming home?" Daisy looked at me sadly. "Lilly he loves you more, besides I can never be his wife... of course I will stay if you want me to...but she doesn't want to talk to me! ...but ...I love you Lilly, I will..."
Daisy's soft breasts pressed against my chest as she moved to my lap. She leaned her head against my shoulder tears started to appear in the corner of her eyes. Daisy nuzzled tight begging me to hold her.
With the phone still to her ear Daisy started talking again.
"Yes Rose I'm here...I don't care I still love you!" Daisy protested weeping uncontrollably. "I forgive you please just come home with Lilly!"
"...yes you can live here." Daisy looked up at me sobbing. I nodded she was right.
"Parker just said yes...he's here holding me...yes we did..., but we love you!" Daisy argued.
"I know but it felt so good inside me..."Daisy laughed through her tears. "It's still dripping...you too?" Daisy squealed looking at me with a yearning she needed to act on.
Daisy extended up and kissed me holding the phone to our lips. "That one is for you love... we need you Rose...please come...goodbye."
Daisy hung up the phone and tossed it to the side. Wrapping her arms around my neck she tried kissing me but she was crying too hard. I held her until she no longer had tears to shed.
"Have you eaten today?" I asked.
She shook her head as I shifted from under her. I kissed her forehead then I stood up and moved across the room looking back at Daisy.
"I'll make us something to eat. You come down when you're ready." I whispered.
I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put on a tee shirt and gym shorts. It was late now so I just made a salad and crackers with various toppings. I heard the shower run upstairs. At least she was up I thought. Daisy had gone from despair to ecstasy to disappointment in a matter of hours.
Daisy came down shortly after. Hoping to stay off the subject that had consumed our lives recently, we ate, talking mostly about school. We talked about her classes for the summer and what kind of job she wanted when she graduated.
We cleaned up the kitchen and headed back to bed. I removed my tee shirt, Daisy wore only panties. Daisy kissed me goodnight several times and cuddled up to me and went to sleep.
I woke up late for me, I stopped in the bathroom on the way down to the kitchen. Since I had little to eat last night I was a bit hungry. Wearing just my shorts I started making myself breakfast. Upstairs I heard the water running announcing Daisy was not only awake but up.
I was concerned how our lovemaking would affect Daisy, our relationship, and our relationships with the twins. With a new day upon us, and the passions from last night quenched, I wondered if we would still feel the same way today. Had we gone too far? Were we prepared for the sobering reality that we committed incest?
We would soon know as the creaks from the old house announced her descending the steps. Daisy rounded the corner wearing an old button down shirt of mine. The only problem is it wasn't buttoned and she was no longer wearing panties.
"Planning a casual day are we?" I teased nervously.
Daisy sidled up to me. She took my wrists and guided my hands inside the shirt. I gripped her waist as she mashed her big tits against me.
"I know how hard that was for you Parker. If we never do it again I want you to know I'm still glad we did it." Daisy said looking up anxiously. "I really do love you."
"So I'm not just a one night stand?" I teased.
"Do you want it to be?" Daisy asked seriously.
She hit a nerve with that one. I knew how she felt about me, and me about her, but this was problematic. I reached down and grabbed her bare ass. Picking her up I sat her on the counter. I spread her legs and stood between them. Daisy seemed both happy and confused.
"Daisy this is so complex I don't even know where to start. A few months ago I was just a dorky guy ..."
"No, Parker you're not, a nice guy maybe, maybe even too nice but not a dork!" Daisy argued.
"Ok, but still? First Rose and Lilly, then Emily, and I'm still not clear on that one. And now you?" I moved my hands around her sides to her back drawing closer. "I'm in love with Lilly, I want to marry her, I don't want to do anything to lose her."
"Parker she is the one, you NEED to marry her." Daisy replied emotionally.
"But I won't do that if I lose you." I sighed. "I won't do that Daisy, I love you too much to lose you."
"Parker I feel the same way." Daisy confessed.
"But what if she ...Daisy we made love!"
"I told Lilly it was going to happen just like I told you. In fact Lilly encouraged it." Daisy replied giving me her version of the wicked grin.
"Lilly?" I protested. "How...why...?"
"Because she's in love with you silly! Rose, Emily, and me, it was all her way of keeping you for herself!"
"But that doesn't make any sense! If I'm sleeping with all of you how is she keeping me for herself?" I asked more confused than ever.
"Parker she wants to be your wife, to have kids, raise a family, and keep you happy. Sex is low on her list, how better to keep you happy than provide you with safe sexual partners. Her lesbian sister she's intimate with, a crazy mother you would never run off with, and now your sister." Daisy giggled. "Although I'm not sure the mother was planned, I think Emily pushed for that!"
"But they live in California! How is that supposed to work?" I countered.
Daisy grinned. "You've done your part, Lilly is working on the rest."
"You two have been playing me?" I said slightly offended.
"No Parker, helping you." Daisy cupped my face in her hands.
Daisy pulled me in and kissed me. "Parker do you know why Tori took you to the airport?"
"What are you talking about?" I was as confused as ever.
"Lilly was so scared she couldn't bear to watch you leave. She knew only Tori was strong enough to make sure you left."
"Wait a minute, you mean Lilly wanted me to stay?"
"No silly, she wanted you to go. Parker she wants to come home!" Daisy reached down and stroked my cock making it hard again. "Why do you think she left her clothes? She just needs to convince Rose to come with her."
"You think so?" I asked encouragingly.
Daisy slipped my shorts down and gripped my cock. Scooting to the edge of the counter she opened her legs wide and guided me to her puffy cunt. Daisy rubbed my cock along her gash several times whimpering as it brushed against her clit. The head of my cock glistened with her excitement. Her little pearl now covered in its pink hood.
"If she misses us as much as I already miss this thing inside of me, she will be back." Daisy cooed looking at me her eyes still hopeful.
I eased myself back in her dripping pussy as Daisy pulled me in for a passionate kiss. Her bare tits mashed against my chest. I pushed my cock deep in her pussy, she wrapped her legs behind me to hold me from moving.
"I'm glad we're lovers now Parker, please tell me you feel the same." Daisy whispered her head resting on my shoulder. "Show me you still love me too."
I pulled out slightly then plunged my cock hard back in her pussy. Daisy moaned in appreciation. I slammed her cunt a few more times my balls hitting the edge of the counter uncomfortably. I pulled her closer to the edge, Daisy locked her fingers around the back of my neck.
I reached up and grabbed each tit firmly leaning over and nibbling on each fat nipple. Daisy's ass screeched as it shifted on the counter. With the position we started fucking even more passionately. We looked down and her little pearl started to extend from its protective sheath.
"It only comes out for you." Daisy said huskily. "It is so sensitive when it's exposed like this, it's so greedy Parker!"
"Rub it for me!" I growled.
"I can't it's too much!" Daisy moaned.
"Rub it or I'll spank it with my cock!"
Daisy moved one hand between us and rubbed just to the side of her clit. She closed her eyes and flung her head back a loud whimpered escaped her lips. Daisy moved her fingers above her clit I watched as my cock continued to fuck her cunt. She pulled the hood over her clit back exposing more of the sensitive bud.
"Rub it!" I demanded.
Leaning over I let a large drop of spittle land squarely on her exposed clit. Daisy jerked as her fingers rubbed the slippery substance around her clit. She was moaning and writhing on the counter. I reached down and gripped her ass sliding her to the inside corner.
I pulled Daisy off the edge of the counter lying her on her back. With one leg on the counter to our left the other hanging over the sink on our right. Daisy's legs spread wide my hands held her thighs as I continued to fuck her steadily.
Daisy still had not followed my orders even though she was rubbing herself to an orgasm. Impatient I pulled out and grabbed my cock spanking her exposed clit squarely. Her tits shuddered as her body shook.
"Oh! Fuck!" Daisy screamed. "Please Parker!" She looked up past her massive tits.
"Rub it or I'll do it again!" I warned her as I shoved my cock back in her dripping cunt.
"Parker..." She pleaded but I started to pull my cock out as I dared her to disobey me again.
"Do it!" I shoved my cock back in.
Her fingers coated with spit and our passion Daisy rubbed her exposed clit. The response was instant. "Oh FUCK ME!" Her pussy clamped down on my cock so hard it hurt to pull back. "CUM IN ME!" Daisy screamed her body shaking uncontrollably on the counter.
I looked down, Daisy's one hand had two fingers formed in a V and squeezing both sides of her pussy lips pushing her clit up. With her other hand she flicked her clit one more time.
"Ah...ah...ahh...ahhhhhhhhhh!" Daisy started to orgasm.
I slammed her cunt hard as her pussy pulsed over my cock. Daisy's legs twitched on the counters, her stomach tightened. Her clit too sensitive to touch Daisy gripped her tits to keep them from slapping her chin. My balls slapped against her ass and sent a freight car filled with cum flooding her pussy. If Daisy was crying out I could no longer hear as I was lost in my own climax.
Daisy was delirious as her body wracked with each pulse of her massive orgasm. Her legs shuddered on the counters, her one foot hit the faucet turning on the water! I continued to pump her full of cum until the last thrust when I just held it against her well fucked pussy.
My legs strained to support us as I picked her ass up and set it back on the counter. Daisy sat up and kissed me, we were both covered with sweat. I reached over and turned off the water as my cock slipped from her pussy.
"Parker don't ever do that again! Another orgasm like that might kill me!" Daisy teased me.
"So you don't want me to show you if I love you again?" I teased her back.
"I want you to show me anytime you want!" Daisy threw her arms around my neck and kissed me forcing her tongue in my mouth. "Maybe just not right now!" She gasped.
Just then I heard a splat on the floor. I moved back slightly and we both looked down to see our cum oozing from her cunt and dripping on the floor. Daisy's pussy was gaping open, a pool of cum gathering at the opening. Daisy squeezed more from her pussy as we watched it land on top of the last. Her clit was red and swollen the little pearl starting to go back into hiding.
We looked up laughing at each other. I knew then and there we would always be lovers.
I was late for work but not by much. A man and woman from the FBI stopped by to update their investigation on Baxter. We went to a conference room so we could talk privately.
I explained everything over the next hour and a half. I answered every question and signed a statement. When we finished the feds were talking with my boss and thanking him for my help.
I went to my office and stared out the window. My mind drifted to Emily and our trip to see Baxter, I find myself missing her quirky eccentricity. I miss her teasing me with her body, flashing her tits, exposing her pussy.
Her clit reminded me of Daisy's. I thought about Daisy and how she told Lilly, because she was my sister, Daisy could never marry me. If the twins didn't return was that an option?
As a lover she's everything you could want, but how would she be as a partner? She can't cook, she doesn't like to clean, but she is smart and should find a good job. Daisy would make a great mother, I started to fantasize about us together.
I thought about Daisy getting pregnant, her belly swollen, and her tits getting even bigger. How her areolas would darken, her nipples engorged dripping with milk...
Just then my cell phone rang with a text waking me from my daydream. It was from Daisy.
I looked at the text, then at the clock, it was almost four. I looked back at the text. 'I will be bringing your favorite home for dinner.'
If Daisy couldn't cook she could at least do take out with the best of them. Hot wings are my favorite and she knew just where to get them. I replied that I would be home around six.
Knowing Daisy's car was in the garage I pulled in and parked in the drive. I walked in the door dropping my briefcase in the mud room and entered the kitchen. There she stood in front of the stove wearing an apron.
"Lilly?" I exclaimed startled.
"You were expecting someone else to cook your dinner?" She replied dryly.
"But Daisy texted...
"I will be bringing your favorite home for dinner." Lilly gave me her wicked smile. "So am I?"
Stunned and excited I didn't even answer. I moved to her and swept her off her feet. She kissed me as I pulled her ever tighter. It was an emotional a reunion for both of us as I hoped she was here to stay.
Just as I thought everything was going my way Lilly pulled free.
"Parker I need you to sit down!" Lilly said firmly.
Lilly then pointed to the table that was set for four. It was clear the greeting I would have expected was not going to happen just yet.
"How was your flight?" I asked as if this was a normal conversation we would have.
"It was fine." Lilly replied politely. "It was a little frantic getting to the airport but after we got on the plane it went smoothly." Lilly replied smiling.
"I hope Daisy didn't keep you waiting?" I smiled back.
"No, she was right on time." Lilly started grinning. "There was a bit of a scene at baggage claim but security made sure we got to her car safely."
"Can I see her?" I asked.
"Not until we have our talk." Lilly stonewalled me.
"Our talk?" I questioned
"Please sit down Parker." Lilly pleaded with me.
Taking a seat I looked on the table and in the middle sat the engagement ring. I contemplated what it meant. Lilly wasn't wearing it but she hadn't given it back. She glanced over at me smiling as she tended to her cooking.
"How is Emily?" I asked changing the subject.
"She's not happy with the way things were left between you two." Lilly gave me a scorned look.
"Any suggestions?" I asked humbly.
"I have one I think we could both live with." Lilly gave me that patented wicked smile.
"On the other hand Tori was very happy with the way you left things with her!" Lilly replied smiling again.
"I'm glad, I hoped we might have had more time." I suggested.
"Well you might just get that chance." Lilly replied cryptically.
It was almost dizzying as we jumped from one subject to the other while Lilly continued to cook. She had the hook set and was letting me squirm.
Lilly looked in the oven, taking off her apron she sat across from me at the table. She reached over and offered me her hand. I took it just inches from where the ring lie.
"Parker you do know I want to marry you right?" Lilly asked. "But do you know why?"
"Well I hope it is because we love each other?" I replied not quite sure what the real question was.
"Besides that?" Lilly intensified her gaze.
"Well, I hoped so we could start a family, raise some kids, grow old together?" I listed a few things that came to mind. Lilly broke out in a broad smile.
"Is that what you want Parker?" Lilly asked pointedly.
"As long as you're part of it." I answered truthfully.
"I want more than that Parker. I want normal. I want to make you breakfast, wash your clothes, send you off to work. I want babies and PTA meetings and watching our kids playing sports, or in a band, or whatever they want. I want to go on family vacations, skinny dip in the ocean, or make love in a field of flowers. I want to go to a movie and pay a babysitter, volunteer for a charity, and even host your poker night." Lilly suggested.
I stopped when her reaction didn't match my agreement. Daisy said I was always a bit behind Lilly but I felt this time I was catching up.
"...but you didn't need to come all the way from California to tell me that, did you." I pointed out. "I know there's something you're not telling me."
"Parker, I don't want to be the twin sister to a TV personality..." Lilly looked away. "...or the daughter of an eccentric author." Lilly glared back at me.
"But you are those things Lilly. I can't change that." I replied.
"But if I am just Mrs. Parker Chase..." Her eyes pleaded with me to understand. "...I might not be able to be all of those things all of the time...but even if it's just some of the time..."
"Lilly what are you trying to say?" I questioned.
"Parker, before you offer me that ring there is more." Lilly warned me.
"More?" I asked. "More what?"
"Conditions, Parker, there are conditions you must agree to." Lilly started to shift in her chair nervously. I felt her hand tremble, she looked at me almost in fear. "I need you to let me explain without interrupting, this is hard enough."
'First, my libido is not as high as yours, but you should know as your wife I will never refuse to make love to you if I am physically able." Lilly started.
"Lilly..." I stopped as she raised her other hand indicating I should honor our agreement.
"Second is this. Parker, I will never leave Rose. If you take me you take her. If she decides to live someplace other than with us she can visit whenever and as long as she wishes."
"I think we both know that is understood." I responded breaking my oath.
"Also, Rose alone decides if and when to share our bed, together or alone, no exceptions!" Lilly demanded.
Shocked this was part of the deal I looked to see if she was serious, Lilly waited for me to respond. I nodded in agreement.
"Third. The rules for Daisy will be the same as Rose's. Neither will be contingent on their relationship with or without each other."
"Understood." I replied.
"Fourth. Sunday will be a day for family and only family unless we all agree otherwise. Ok?"
"Agreed!" I smiled relieved it was something that normal people do.
"Fifth. You will spend each Saturday night with Emily, and any other as I determine." Lilly explained.
"What?" I replied in shock. "Lilly she's your mother!"
"No interrupting!" Lilly snapped pointing her finger at me.
"But she lives in California!" I argued.
"You let me worry about that!" Lilly scolded me with her finger again. "Yes or no Parker your decision!"
It wasn't that I didn't want to do it. It was that I shouldn't do it. It was bad enough Rose was in the mix but Emily was somehow different. There was no smile from Lilly now just a determined look that pleaded with me to understand. She looked at the ring and then back at me. She had drawn the line in the sand and dared me not to step over it.
"I love you Lilly, you'll be my wife." I begged her to understand.
"Yes or no Parker, this is not a negotiation." Lilly held firm.
Remembering my conversation with Daisy I somehow knew this day would come.
"If that is your wish I accept." I answered defeated.
Lilly sat back in her chair as if the world had just been lifted from her shoulders. Her hand tightened on mine. I'm not sure she was this happy when I came in the door.
"Are there any other conditions?" I asked before I reached for the ring.
"No my love." Lilly chuckled.
I reached for the ring and looked at it closely again. This simple symbol of my love now took on new meaning. I stood and moved closer. Taking a knee I took Lilly's left hand as she offered it to me.
Lilly Bowman, will you marry me?" I asked.
"Yes Parker Yes!" Lilly replied emotionally.
I slipped the ring on her finger. Lilly threw herself at me toppling me over on the kitchen floor. She kissed me sealing our bond. I wrapped my arms around her slender body holding her to mine.
Lilly seemed so fragile but I know knew how strong she really was. Lilly kissed me repeatedly telling me how much she loved me. I started getting emotional and told her how much I loved her as well.
"I've missed you so much Lilly. How did you get here?" I finally asked.
"Parker I need to tell you so much but first I need to make a call then we can eat." Lilly explained.
"A call?" I asked confused.
"You go up and get the girls, I won't be long." Lilly kissed me one more time.
We stood up, I headed to the door and Lilly dialed her phone.
"Mom he said yes!" Lilly squealed. "You can go ahead and sign the papers."
Lilly looked at me standing at the door and waved me away with the back of her hand as she listened.
As I started leaving, she started talking.
"Definitively not!" Lilly said firmly. "We agreed on Saturday...yes you have him all day... we'll talk about that Sunday!"
I headed up the stairs wondering what I just got myself into.
"Mom he's upstairs, I'll call you in the morning. Mom I have to go..."
I passed my room and the bathroom before I came upon Daisy's room. The door was open just a few inches. I pushed it aside to find Rose and Daisy, fully dressed, asleep in each other's arms.
I leaned up against the opening and looked at them, a certain calm came over me. Somehow I knew this is where we all belonged. I heard Lilly come up the steps, she approached and slipped her arm around my waist. I dropped my arm around her back and pulled her tight.
"Should I wake them for dinner?" I whispered.
"I'll just turned the oven down to keep it warm, maybe later?" Lilly replied.
Daisy opened her eyes and looked at us, a broad smile crossed her face seeing us looking on. She snuggled closer pressing her big tits into Rose's back. Rose murmured for just a second adjusting back against Daisy. Daisy winked then closed her eyes.
Lilly and I looked on for another few moments then closed the door.
I heard her in the bathroom and then the light went out in the hall. With just the reading light on beside the bed Lilly walked in the room. I wish I could find the words to describe her as she stood there.
I looked at her delicate feet and followed them up her nubile body taking in every detail. The sheer gown only accentuated the beauty beneath it. Lilly came closer standing between my legs as I sat on the edge of the bed.
I reached out and took her waist in both hands holding her to take in every detail. Lilly was just above eye level, her hands rested on my shoulders.
My hands moved in front and started to unbutton her top.
Opening the lapels I nuzzled her pierced nipple. Lilly giggled as I then sucked on it softly. She pushed me back and pulled my shorts off. She then bent over to kiss me.
"Can I be on top tonight?" Lilly whispered.
Lilly looked between us her puffy lips splayed on either side as my cock entered her. I could feel her pussy contract as her desire started to build again. My hands were resting on her hips following her rapid movements her tits hung down to pointed cones, only the piercing in the one nipple breaking the profile. They danced on her chest for me, Lilly laughed and wiggled them for me even more.
Lilly pulled up just the head of my cock at her entrance. She moved her hips side to side, then without warning, plunged down hard over my cock eliciting an audible whimper. Her eye lids closed half way as she repeated this. The third time she impaled my cock her pussy lips smacked my groin making her moan loudly.
"Oh fuck!" Lilly hissed. She bit her lip, Lilly closed her eyes and concentrated on her pleasure.
Moving my hands down I gripped her ass low on her cheeks. She opened her eyes as if to ask if she could trust me, then closed them. I spread her cheeks and tugged her up, Holding just inside her quivering cunt I pulled down and thrust up at the same time.
"Fuck me." Lilly whimpered.
I pulled her up, our combined lubrication slurped adding to the excitement. I pulled my cock from her pussy and slid it between her obscenely spread ass cheeks. Lilly's eyes flung open a look of concern crossed her face. I repositioned it back to her pussy and filled Lilly again.
She ground down trapping my cock then just stopped. Lilly grinned as I tried to continue fucking. She pulled my hands from her hips and slipped them up under her tits.
"I have you Parker and I'm not letting go!" Lilly giggled.
Her pussy pulsed around my cock keeping me excited. Lilly caressed my face as I caressed her tits. Lilly slumped over and kissed me trapping my hands between us. She used my cock to tease her clit, then humped me to the edge of an orgasm
Lilly turned to ride me facing away. She bent forward to expose her ass and squealed as I rimmed her puckered hole with my finger. She leaned back against me and rubbed her clit as I gripped each tit and fondled them roughly.
Lilly jumped off my cock and straddled my face, alternating between sucking my cock or stroking it as she saw fit. I licked her cunt, and teased her clit when I could reach it. I rimmed her ass when she presented it to me.
We had been going at this for almost an hour, she brought us both close to coming several times always backed off at the last moment. It was like a marathon session of sexual positions and I was the stage prop.
At long last Lilly jumped off and lowered herself over my cock. I gripped her ass as she stretched up to kiss me.
"Roll me over." She hissed.
I could have bucked her off at any time, I doubt she weighed much over one hundred pounds. Rolling her over was easily accomplished. Lilly spread her legs, I plunged my cock in deep as her back was against the mattress.
"Yesssss." She moaned. "Parker...Please make me cum!" Lilly pleaded.
Lilly closed her eyes and smiled, her cunt contracting around my cock in desire. She had tried several positions and this was still her favorite. I started fucking her at a steady pace. Lilly willingly gave herself to me to do with as I wished.
I gripped her ass and held it just above the bed as her pussy welcomed me to the depths of her sex. When I nudged her cervix Lilly moaned. I have to admit the thought of impregnating her crossed my mind.
I was lost for a moment relishing the thought that she had come back to me. Every touch, every scent, and each noise she made all seemed perfect. Her pussy was hot and slippery and continued to milk my cock.
"Lil!" I gasped.
"I know..." She cooed.
Lilly was kissing my chest and bit my nipple firmly. I needed to cum but so wanted to bring her with me. I turned my attention back to Lilly. I lowered my body pressing her deep in the mattress.
I drug the root of my cock over her clit as her tits were mashed against my chest. Lilly started to buck against me announcing her impending orgasm. It was none too soon as I was myself was ready to spew.
Lilly gripped the sheet, her knuckles white with tension. I lunged back against her cervix, her pelvis rolled to keep me there, then this guttural groan escaped her lungs.
"UH, uh, uh, oh, oh, ah, ah..."
"I love you Lilllllllyyyyyyyyyy!" I moaned.
"Fill me up...oh Parker... I love you..." Lilly was fucking me now. Her cunt was gushing and greedy, her body spasmed as bolts of pleasure thrust her hard over my cock. My body responded by coating her inner walls with my seed.
I could feel her heart beat below me, her hands no longer gripped the bedding. I moved down and found her lips kissing her as the last waves of pleasure evaporated inside our bodies. Lilly held me in place as we continued to kiss.
We lounged in bed her head resting on my chest as I leaned against the headboard. I was caressing her stomach and occasionally playing with the piercing in her nipple. Lilly was stroking my cock just enough to keep it from going limp.
"Should we wake up the kids and go eat." I suggested.
"In a minute." Lilly snuggled in closer. "I have some things to tell you before we do that."
"You asked me how we got here." Lilly brought up my question from earlier.
"So I did."
"Tori was offered a promotion for a position at two locations. She chose the one here in Indianapolis. The company offered Tori a house not far from here." Lilly said nervously.
"That's great!" I replied enthusiastically.
"Do you mean that?" Lilly beamed.
"Of course! She's your aunt. She's family." I gushed.
"But Emily will live so close?" Lilly seemed concerned.
"So? ..."
"Parker I love you!" Lilly threw herself at me. "She can't wait to see you. She's coming in Saturday."
"Wonderful, we'll all go out and pick her up." I suggested.
"No Parker, she's coming in Saturday to see you. You can bring her over to go shopping Sunday." Lilly grinned.
"Lilly are you sure?" I asked concerned it was too soon.
"A deal is a deal!" Lilly held up the ring teasing me. "Now go wake up our babies while I get the table set. We have a lot of shopping tomorrow for when Emily arrives."
I threw on some sweats and a tee shirt and headed back to Daisy's room. I heard Lilly in the bathroom as I looked in on the girls. I stood there for several moments appreciating how beautiful they looked together.
When I heard Lilly head down the stairs I went and sat on the bed beside Rose. Daisy looked up when she felt the bed move. She looked up at me as happy as I had ever seen her. She reached over and shook Rose gently.
"Hey baby, Parker's here." Daisy whispered.
Rose smiled before she even opened her eyes. She lay facing my sister with her back to me.
"Is he naked?" She giggled.
"No." Daisy replied laughing.
"Oh well." Rose laughed.
Rose reached back and searched for my hand. When she found it she pulled it over her side and placed it over her chest. I squeezed Rose's tit through her top making her giggle.
"Maybe later but Lilly is downstairs getting dinner ready for the second time. We really should go eat." I replied.
Rose rolled over and looked up at me.
"So you already gave her the ring?" Rose asked getting emotional.
"I did..." A tear rolled over Rose's cheek. "...and she accepted." I admitted.
"Oh Parker!" Rose lunged at me. "So you said yes?"
"I did."
"Even to Emily?" Rose asked excitedly another tear rolled over her cheek.
She looked over at Daisy and reached for her hand. They both looked back at me. I could feel Rose shaking now she was so nervous.
"Even for your sister Daisy?" Rose dared to ask.
I looked at Daisy, she must have known what we were talking about. Our eyes locked on each other, I saw how she wanted this as much as I did.
"Especially Daisy." I confessed.
There was a moment that each of our hearts stopped beating. Then the room filled with squealing women jumping on me. They were kissing me and each other, the bed groaned as they bounced around.
"Enough!" Lilly shouted. "I sent you in here to bring them down to eat not bring them off!" Lilly pointed her finger at me.
Daisy jumped from the bed and grabbed Lilly. She brought her over to the bed, Lilly tried to resist but she was no match for Daisy. Besides deep down I think she really wanted to join us.
Eventually we did go down to eat, the mood was happy and loving. As I reached up to turn the light off beside my bed Lilly snuggled up to me wearing just panties. I had just finished kissing her good night when Daisy and Rose opened the door.
"Really guys, would it hurt you to knock?" I asked.
They walked across the room also just wearing panties. Daisy slid in beside me and Rose moved to Lilly's side and cuddled up to her. I can't say it was the most comfortable night I slept but I loved every minute of it.
Friday I went to work as the ladies lounged in bed together. Lilly explained she and Rose were hoping their mother could change. Lilly knew it would be a difficult transition, but with our support, Lilly hoped Emily could start a new life.
Saturday morning when I came down for breakfast Lilly was waiting for me. There was a duffle bag and a hanging bag by the back door.
"Going somewhere?" I teased kissing Lilly on the cheek.
"No but you are." She looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes.
"Let me guess." I wrapped my arms around her slender waist holding her just inches away. "Emily is coming to town."
Lilly gave me nervous look. I leaned in and kissed her gently. "You're not mad?" She asked.
"Are you going to marry me?" I teased. Lilly pulled me down for a passionate kiss giving me her answer.
"I love you Parker. I knew you were the right man!" She beamed.
"A deal is a deal." I laughed.
"Go eat breakfast, her flight doesn't get here until later." Lilly shooed me to the table.
I was sitting along the far wall when she came down the escalator. It wasn't hard to pick her out, the floppy hat was the first thing I saw. I noticed everyone going the other direction on the escalator turned to check her out. I knew her outfit would be typical Emily. I smiled inwardly knowing this was going to be either really good or really bad.
As Emily stepped off the moving steps the crowd cleared in front of her. Her hair looked like it hadn't been combed in a week, with no makeup she looked like the wicked witch of the west.
Emily's top was several sizes too big, the scoop in the neck threatened to expose a tit any moment as it draped over one arm. That and as usual she wasn't wearing a bra. Emily's white shorts were cut off and frayed at the leg openings exposing every inch of her deeply tanned legs, and maybe a bit higher.
My guess is if you looked close enough there would be a rouge pussy hair or two among the threads of her shorts. Her camel toe was evident to anyone that cared to look. Emily's shoes had high solid wedge lifts that accentuated her calves, but they looked like she wore them in the garden.
I sat taking her in as she looked at the information board for her carousel. Her tight ass garnered more than her share of attention including mine. Her purse looked like a full size wicker basket she struggled to carry. She looked helpless and oddly out of place, which of course she was.
Emily is a star shaped peg in a world of round and square holes. She has so many facets people walking by will never see, and will never understand. I wonder how many Emily's are out there I have walked by?
I stood up and moved deftly across the massive terminal. Leaning over behind her I whispered in her ear.
"Are you still mad at me?" I teased.
Emily turned and saw me standing behind her. I knew the moment our eyes met she was about to fall apart.
"You came?" Emily cried out emotionally.
I was going to say something witty but she threw herself at me. Her hat flung back dangling by the string around her neck. I bent down and kissed her firmly on the lips, Emily's body was shaking.
As our lips parted Emily bear hugged me not letting go. I caressed her as she clung to me weeping softly. People walking by glanced at first but then started to stare.
'Em, we should get your luggage." I whispered kissing the top of her head.
"Where are my babies?" Emily held on tenaciously.
"At home with Daisy." I replied.
"They didn't come?" Emily looked up confused.
"You'll spend the day with them tomorrow." I explained softly.
"Tomorrow?" She seemed heartbroken.
"Today is Saturday." I said clearly.
Emily looked at me perplexed like I told her something she should already know. When I didn't follow up she tilted her head slightly thinking again about what I just said.
"Will have breakfast waiting for us." I replied subtly.
"Parker are you sure you're ok with this?" Emily looked up at me desperate to know what place she had in our lives.
"We have all day and night to talk about that." I assured her.
Sensing she needed reassured I bent down and offered to kiss her. Emily realizing the significance of my offer hesitated then attacked my lips with hers. I pulled her close her body melted into mine affirming our love. The tension in her body melted the longer we kissed.
"Should we take you home?" I whispered when Emily finally released me from her grasp.
"I would like that" Emily replied slipping her hand in mine.
I loaded her luggage in the back of the old sedan. We stopped and had lunch before the drive to her new house. With just the lap belt holding her in place Emily lay down across the seat with her head on my lap and dozed off.
I pulled up to the address Lilly had given me and parked in the driveway just in front of the garage. Reaching over I caressed her side moving my hand around front to grip her breast.
"Mmmmm." Emily cooed. "Instead of talking maybe we should do that all day and night?" Emily suggested.
She released the seat belt and laid back across the seat. Emily turned on her back and looked up as I shifted the car in park and turned off the ignition. I released my seat belt and sat there just looking at her. Emily took my right hand and placed it on top of her stomach. She looked up with that wicked grin and then unbuttoned her shorts.
Lifting her ass she pushed her shorts off her feet and spread her legs. So much for being subtle I thought. I slipped my hand lower engaging her course pubic hair. Emily's eyes locked on mine pleading with me not to stop.
I moved my hand lower over her furry mound and found her pussy moist in anticipation. I parted her oily lips and worked my fingers between them. With her legs braced against the door Emily pushed her pussy up urging me to probe her depths.
Still locked on each other's eyes I moved my hand back up and rubbed her clit. Emily closed her eyes and whimpered in gratitude. With my two middle fingers I spread her lips wider this time. Emily looked at me again as I approached the opening to her greedy cunt. I curled them as they slipped inside her tight pussy.
Emily bit down on her lower lip, her cunt contracted as my fingers probed deeper. Her eyes pleaded with me to bring her off. I stabbed her pussy in quick succession as her feet pushed off the door arching her back. Emily wiggled her ass and humped my fingers churning her excitement. Her breathing was erratic, she reached for my cock. I slapped her hand away.
"Cum for me!" I taunted her. "Be a good little girl."
Emily closed her eyes and moaned as my thumb rubbed her clit. She thrust up so high her top slid down to her neck exposing her tits. My hand was blur finger fucking her tight hairy snatch.
"Oh! Fuck!" Emily hissed.
The whole car started to sway, she rocked her pelvis up harder and harder. Emily clenched her legs tight over my fingers, she gripped the side of the seat with her hands. She looked up at me her eyes burning with desire. Emily's whole body quivered then slowly settled back to the seat. I pulled my oily fingers back over her thick bush. Emily pulled my hand up to her mouth, she sucked my fingers clean focusing on my reaction.
Emily lay there catching her breath sucking each finger clean a second time in a suggestive fashion. She pulled my hand back to her pussy. I gently caressed her furry mound as she closed her eyes. Emily slowly opened her legs inviting me back to her sex.
"Maybe later." I whispered continuing to focus on her bush.
"I was a good girl wasn't I?" Emily whimpered.
"You were a very bad girl!" I replied. "I just might have to punish you later." I teased.
"Promise?" Giggling, Emily pushed my hand down firmly on her mound.
"Would you like to see your house?" I asked before we got carried away again.
I pulled the keys from the ignition and opened my door. Emily looked up disappointed but reached for her panties and shorts. I opened the trunk and took out her luggage and mine. Opening the back door we went in the kitchen where there was a vase with fresh flowers and a note from Rose and Lilly.
Lilly had filled some of the cupboards with basic dishes and stocked the refrigerator. I was expecting just enough for a meal or so, but in typical Lilly fashion, it looked like she was stocking up for the winter.
Tori was offered the house through the company she worked for. It's an average Midwestern house, three bedrooms two and a half baths. Newer construction meant it was only one of four styles the builder offered.
With a brick and stained wood it lacks the charm of an older house and the mature trees that went with them. The yard had sod and only an occasional bush or plant in the flower gardens. I let Emily walk around while I washed up and carried in all the luggage.
I founded her in the sun room off the dining room facing the back yard. I walked up behind her putting my hands around the front of her waist. Emily leaned back against me pulling my hands tighter.
"We have a lot of work to do out there don't we?" Emily sighed.
Emily may be a bit eccentric but I admired her strength. Just hours ago she was an emotional wreck and now she is standing in a house she had never been in. This is a traumatic change for a woman that was a recluse for so many years. Here she stands with a one night lover making the best of a situation she had little or no control over.
"We do." I leaned over and kissed the side of her neck.
"Parker why are you doing this?" Emily questioned. "I told Lilly she could marry you."
Emily turned to face me, she searched my eyes.
"If we get the yard cleaned up I can help work on a new garden one night this week," I replied ignoring her question.
"Are you sure? That could take all afternoon?" Emily warned me.
"Well we better get at it don't you think?" I suggested.
Emily put her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a passionate kiss.
"Let's go look at the bedrooms. I'll make lunch while you get settled." I said giving her a quick peck on the lips. "You might want to change your clothes, this isn't California." I teased.
Emily gave me a wicked smile then took my hand and led me down the hall. I stopped and picked up her luggage and followed her to the bedrooms.
My understanding is the house was arranged for purchase, mostly furnished, from another employee that was moving out of the country. I can only guess that it was not cost effective to move the furnishings as they looked to be in good shape. Still Lilly did purchase a new king size mattresses for both bedrooms and had them delivered just this morning.
Lilly and Rose bought new linens for the beds and towels for the bathrooms. This house has a master bedroom on one side of the hall and two large bedrooms on the other side about the same size. Lilly picked out the one facing the back yard for Emily. I set her suitcases on the bed, Emily headed to the bathroom as I went back the kitchen to start lunch.
The house is a ranch a good twenty minutes from mine. The lots are small with neighbors close by on either side. Located in a trendy neighborhood it should fit Tori just fine. I'm not so sure about Emily however.
I changed into an old tee shirt and jean shorts to work in the back yard. I found the key to the shed and was going through it as Emily cleaned up after lunch and change her clothes. There wasn't much to work with but I did find an old shovel, a rake and a wheel barrow with a flat tire. I hauled them out to the yard and started cleaning up when Emily approached.
I leaned up against the rake and laughed to myself as Emily moved closer. Of course the floppy hat adorned her head and frazzled hair. A muscle tee shirt that did little to cover her unencumbered tits was cut off just below them. She was wearing the shorts from earlier in the day and if my guess was correct she wore no panties.
"That's a look!" I teased.
"You complaining?" Emily snickered.
"Not me, not by a long shot." I laughed. "I suggest you stay in the back yard just the same."
Emily was appreciative of the attention she received the rest of the day as we worked. She was lost in the world of gardening spending most of her time talking to herself. She looked at every tree, shrub and old planter. I think she enjoyed teasing me as much as she did gardening. Emily made sure to bend over exposing her tits dangling inside her top or her shorts riding up the crack of her ass.
The spring day was just perfect to be outside but by four we were both hot and sweaty. I rolled the last of the debris to the corner of the yard where we planned to put a mulch bin. By now the flat tire on the wheelbarrow was flopping on the steel rim.
We were nowhere close to done but at least the landscaping in the back was cleaned out. I closed up the shed and sat at the picnic table as Emily walked around the yard. She was mumbling to herself, no doubt deciding what to grow and where.
I poured a glass of ice water and continued to watch Emily roam. I sat wondering how I came to be here. Emily looked over at me and caught me staring at her. She seemed to know what I was thinking, there was a happy smile on her face as she approached me. Emily moved my legs together and straddled them still standing.
Her shorts rode up her thighs pressing tight against her sex. Emily's tits were at the perfect level, I reached under her top and gripped each delicate orb and gave them a firm squeeze. Emily cooed and leaned in closer letting her forehead rest on mine.
"They've missed you too." She whispered. "So has she."
Emily reached down and unbuttoned her shorts then unzipped them. She thrust her hand over her furry mound. Throwing her head back I nuzzled up her top and suckled one fat nipple. The salty flavor of her perspiration was intoxicating. I reached and pulled an ice cube from my glass and slipped it in my mouth. Taking the other sweaty tit in my mouth I rolled the ice cube over her nipple making it harden immediately.
"Parker...!" Emily gasped.
Emily struggled to get her hand deep enough since her shorts were so tight. She pressed against me forcing my head back as I suckled her stiff nipple with the ice cube still in my mouth. Her hand was wedged between us as she wiggled to get it deeper in her shorts.
"We should go inside." I suggested.
"Yes!" Emily readily agreed.
I picked her up as she pulled her hand from her shorts and carried her in the back door. Emily pulled the gusset of her shorts to one side and started to finger her pussy from outside her shorts.
"I need you to fuck me!" Emily moaned as we passed through the kitchen down the main hall.
"Maybe we should..."
"Now Parker!" Emily groaned grabbing my neck and kissed me desperately.
I turned into the den and sat her down on the large couch. Emily shucked her shorts then reached for mine. She had them to my knees and lunged to take my cock in her mouth. I knew we were both hot and sweaty and tried to stop her but Emily wouldn't be denied.
With one hand she guided my cock in her mouth, the other she moved to her pussy. I pulled off my tee shirt, looking down I saw Emily peering up through her frazzled mane of hair.
I reached down and gripped her under her arms and pulled her up forcefully.
"Here, let me make love to you." I said lovingly.
"I don't want you to make love to me I want you to fuck me!" Emily demanded, glaring at me from behind her hair.
"If that's what you want." I swept her hair from her eyes.
"That's what I need." Emily replied in a husky voice.
I laid her on the area rug in front of the couch and move between her legs. Emily guided me into her waiting twat. I thrust in deep as she released my cock.
"Harder Parker!" Emily grunted.
I reached down and gripped her ass and thrust in her again eliciting a groan. We were both covered in sweat and dirt from working outside and soon we only added to that effluence. I pounded her pussy unmercifully, Emily spread her legs begging for more. She reached down and gripped my ass with both hands forcing me in until there was no more in.
Emily grunted as my cock stabbed her cervix and our pelvises smacked together. With the hard floor below her there was no cushion for the constant barrage my cock inflicted on her cunt. Sweaty and dirty this was animal lust in the purest, rawest form. The only emotion in play was fucking and getting fucked.
Emily rubbed her clit on the root of my cock, as it mashed against her. There were many whimpers and mews encouraging me not to stop. At first I could feel her pussy contracting around my cock, but now, there just seemed to be a soupy mess between her legs I was stirring. Her cunt was gaping open her hips rotating to change the angle for her pleasure. My balls slapped her ass drenched in sweat and our arousal.
"Cum in me" Emily squeaked breaking the silence.
"Cum for me you dirty little girl." I bent down and kissed her forehead.
"I can't my pussy's numb." Emily giggled happily. "Please just cum in me!"
"Bullshit you started this you're going to cum!" I insisted.
Reaching around my finger found her nether hole and rimmed it with our excitement.
"Parker!" She groaned.
I slipped the tip of my finger inside to the first knuckle.
"Tonight that will be my cock!" I hissed.
Her pussy clamped over my cock hard at just the thought of it.
"It's too big!" Emily groaned as I slipped my finger in deeper.
"Then you better learn to relax now!" I warned her pushing my finger all the way in her ass.
I could feel my cock pressing along the entire length of my finger. Emily was trapped between the two. I pressed my finger up hard, her clit ground against me.
"Cum you dirty little girl!" I demanded.
With the next thrust of my cock I felt her start to wiggle between my cock and finger.
"You bastard!" Emily protested. "I'm going to cum!" She then shouted.
"The next one goes in your ass!" I shouted as I slammed in deep and uncapped the gushing oil well in her pussy.
Emily pulled me tight against her forcing me in the depths of her sex. My cock swelled with my orgasm. Emily's asshole clamped around my finger as her pussy contracted around my cock. She cried out as her body started rocking beneath me. Drenched in perspiration I slid up and down her body as she urged me to continue fucking her through her orgasm.
With one last shudder Emily placed her arms around my waist and held me from moving as I unloaded deep in her womb. I pulled my finger from her ass and wiped my hand on my tee shirt then I tried to lift my shoulders.
"Please don't move yet." Emily whispered holding me tight.
I removed as much weight as she would allow me to. No longer active the cool air settled in around us making our skin feel clammy. I'll have to admit the passion having dissipated the ripe aroma of us sweating so much filled my senses. Emily shivered below me, I thought she was cold. When I looked down she was crying.
I know what you're going to say, I should have known better. Maybe I did, still it only seemed the polite thing to say.
"You alright?" I asked. Yeah, I admit it, it was dumb. Ok it was stupid.
"NOOO..." Emily sobbed.
Lying on the floor her petite body pinned beneath me, emotional and sobbing, Emily continued to cry.
"What's wrong?" I felt compelled to ask. Like I said stupid.
"YOU...!" Emily continued to weep.
Confused and concerned, only then did I figure it might be better to just not say anything. I realized Emily was physically and emotionally drained. I pulled up, she tried to stop me but her body lacked the strength to resist me. I sat up leaning against the couch and pulled her on my lap. With my arm around her back and the other under her knees I held her against me in a fetal position.
Emily rested her head on my shoulder and continued to cry softly. We sat there quietly until my ass cheeks became numb.
"Let's get cleaned up, right now you're a stinky little girl." I teased.
Emily looked at me through her hair and gave me a weak smile. She leaned in to kiss me, when I responded by kissing her back she pressed even harder. Her tongue played with mine, soon her arms were around my neck holding on tight. I rolled to the side got on my knees and lifted her up with me.
Once in the shower I lowered her down. We took turns washing and drying each other. We went to her room where we dressed in clean clothes. I put on a pullover shirt, briefs and dress shorts. Emily pulled over this crepe white top that covered little, panties and a pair of shorts that were way too short for a woman in her forties.
"I take it we're not going out to eat?" I asked looking at her choice of clothes.
"What?" She looked in the mirror seeing the same woman I saw but clearly through different eyes.
"At least a bra, and maybe a skirt?" I suggested.
Emily looked back at me to see if I was serious. Seeing I was she looked back in the mirror.
"You don't think this is sexy." Emily turned to the side to check out her ass.
I moved in closer putting my hands on her hips. Emily looked up to see me looking her body over.
"I think it is very sexy...and so will very other guy." I whispered.
Emily seemed surprised by what I said. She cocked her head and gave me a questioned look. I moved my hands along her sides and bent down to kiss her.
"I want you all for myself." I said kissing her.
When we parted Emily stood back and gave me that wicked smile.
"Oh..." Emily looked in the mirror again and giggled. "...you mean..."
"Until you decide otherwise." I nodded.
"Oh Parker!" Emily squealed. "You go and I'll get ready." She said happily.
It was well over a half hour before she came down the hall but the wait was worth every minute. Emily had done her hair back in a ponytail, changed into a nice blouse (with a bra) and a beautiful sea-foam green skirt that was just above her knees. Appropriately dressed we headed out for dinner.
To be continued... |
Hotbeds Ch. 13 | 9,388 | 4.61 | 1,358,591 | [
Introduction: The sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s. Chapter 11 found him back at his school after an intense month of sex, reported in Chapters 9 and 10. Chapter 12 turned out, after all, not to be the last, because two more chapters are needed to deal with the sister and the mother of Melanie, the girl from Chapter 12.
I thought before I began the previous instalment, that one chapter would cover three, related, women. But Melanie needed more of an account than expected. So on we go to:*
The next Saturday, Melanie was outside the grounds again to collect me, but, after some kissing and conversation, she said, 'I'm afraid I'm out of action today and tomorrow. Mother nature is intervening, which is disappointing for me. But it may not be disappointing for you.'
'How is that, then?' I asked.
'Well, after I told mother and sis all about our time together, Miranda said she'd love you to make her come, too, and when I came on yesterday she offered to take my place. So long as you liked the idea, of course.'
'Would you mind?' I asked.
'Not at all. Poor Manda hasn't had any joy for ages, since she parted from Dan.'
'Was she used to coming with him?'
'Oh yes. I don't know how she did it, but maybe it was because she has a bigger cloritis than me, as I told you. He did go inside all the time, I do know.'
When we pulled into the driveway of the family mansion, Miranda was waiting, in her overcoat and stout shoes. She could hardly wait for us to draw up before snatching open the driver's door and looking into her sister's face expectantly. Obviously Melanie must have given a nod or wink, for Miranda hastened round the car, pulled me out of the passenger seat, threw her arms round me and embarked on a long, sucking kiss. She was clearly eager to take me away for instant intercourse.
'Let the poor man have some tea first,' Melanie said. 'Unlike you, he's been working all day.'
'Of course,' said Miranda, taking my hand and leading me in through the front door, 'And mummy is keen to say Hallo, too, naturally.'
Joanna was waiting in the sitting-room, with the tea tray in front of the log fire. She rose, shook my hand and then drew me into an embrace, with firm kiss on the lips. 'Welcome again,' she bade me. 'I see you're ready to come to the aid of my bigger girl, too.'
'How could I do otherwise?' I asked. 'To make love to one beautiful woman is lucky, to make love to two is very heaven.'
We settled to cakes and conversation, with Miranda and me full of anticipation but content to await the moment. Which came when Joanna looked at her older daughter and said, 'Dinner will be at eight, darling.'
This was our dismissal, and we were shortly in her bedroom. Hardly had she shut the door behind me than she was pressing her lips to mine again and grappling my body to her.
She withdrew, and began throwing off her clothes. She said, 'Could you do me the massage stuff you did with Mel? I haven't had that, and it sounds wonderful. I don't have any trouble with the gasming, though, as she's probably told you, and I want you inside whenever and however you want.'
I always enjoy watching a woman undress, and this one, already trembling, almost ripped off her crew-necked black sweater and corduroy skirt, followed by her full length silk slip. She then stood a moment in her white bra and briefs.
'Turn round, please,' I said.
The joy of this was that her bottom was bursting out of the top of the little knickers, which came only half way up her shapely buttocks, leaving a splendid crevasse.
'Take them off,' she commanded, and I pulled down the pants for her to step out of.'Straight in,' she said.
She knelt on the bed, presenting me with her bum. 'Just get straight in.'
It took only a short while before I was naked, rigidly erect and poised behind her. Her bottom was magnificent, not so much for sheer size, though it was quite large, but because of its side-swelling. Deep buttocks are grand, sticking straight backwards, but lateral width of cheek is also grand, and Miranda's were impressive in both dimensions. I moulded the mounds with my hands, like a horseman appreciating the quarters of his steed.
'Don't wait!' She ordered. 'I'm ready, I promise you.' Taking the weight of her upper body on her forehead in a pillow, she pulled her buttocks apart, to demonstrate her readiness, or to facilitate entry.
And she was assuredly ready. I sank my shaft all the way in at once, and the hot enfoldment all but triggered my ejaculation.
She let go a deep sigh. 'That's the way. Oh yes, I need that.'
Still holding them open she jiggled the cheeks and pushed hard back to urge me deeper, if possible. 'Do the cloritis,' she said.
It was like a little nut within the squishy labia, and she said, 'That's right. Hard as you like. Pump hard, too.'
I twanged the clit like a guitar string, and thrust in and out, almost exiting that hot, hot ski-run of delight before plunging deep again, sometimes through the fingers as she shifted her hold on her buttocks.
I was hovering on the edge, when she began to gasp and call out in staccato bursts of sound, 'Here it is! Here it is! Now! Now!'
She ground her bum into my stomach and her whole body quivered in ecstasy while her hands now pressed the cheeks together tightly and that was enough to make me come, forcing my cock as hard as I could alongside her cervix. Sperm pumped out of me as if it would never stop and I let out a shout of triumph and delight.
She took her hands away and leaned on her elbows, lifting her head from the pillow. Slurring her words, a little, she said, 'No time for the massage there. Straight to the organasm.'
'You and Melanie have such delicious variants on the terms. "Organasm," "vangina," "cloritis." I like them very much.'
'We got them from mummy. She taught us all about sex when I began my periods, but she was a bit vague about the words.'
She pulled away from me gently and my shrinking penis slid out of her. She turned over and beckoned me down onto the bed into her arms. 'Mummy had all three of us lying on her bed with our pants down, showing what was what and how it worked. I remember her inviting us to put our fingers up her vangina, not our own, because we might make ourselves bleed by tearing our humens.'
'Did she get you on the pill, too?'
'When we were sixteen. Me first, of course. It wasn't her fault poor Mel thought you had to have a man in there to have an organasm. I'd long since discovered mansturbating, so I knew, but I didn't know she didn't know. Mind you, she might have guessed, because after daddy left we used to hear her mansturbating sometimes at night.'
I said, 'Melanie did know. She said you told her about the clitoris. You showed her yours, and presumably Joanna had shown you hers.'
'She did, yes, That's how we knew the word, or her version of it.'
'Melanie couldn't make it work for her, apparently. I think she just rubbed at it without having any sexy thoughts or feelings,' I suggested.
'Change of subject,' she said. 'It's nearly dinner time. Let's get dressed and go down. We could come back later, if you'd like that.'
'Would you like that?' I asked.
'Certainly would. Maybe you could do the massaging then?'
'Gladly,' I said. 'And perhaps then you'll take off your bra.'
'Oh yes. No time for that just how. They're a bit flabby and floppy, but if you want to see them, that's fine.'
Downstairs, washed and brushed-up, I found Melanie laying the table. Joanna bustled in with plates of food and put them down on place-mats. She said, 'Judging by the sound-affects you and Manda got on all right.'
'We jolly well did,' Miranda commented as she came in.
'I'm envious,' said Melanie.
Joanna said quietly, sadly perhaps, 'Me, too.'
No-one commented on that, but Miranda put a hand on her mother's a moment.
Dinner and coffee were relaxed, but Miranda was a little fidgety, keen to return to her bedroom, and we were eventually invited to retire.
In her bedroom, she swiftly undressed me and then herself, finishing with the bra, and as she drew it off she said, 'I did warn you.'
Her breasts were quite large, yes, and they sagged, but they were lovely, and the nipples were enormous, dark, already erecting.
'Magnificent,' I said, bending to suck in a nipple, then letting go to ask, 'Do they like attention? Well, I should find out for myself.' And I nibbled the same nipple.
She hefted her bosoms towards me and threw back her head in pleasure as I licked and sucked. Then she said, 'What about this massage, then? The oil is here.' She lay face down on the bed and I knelt beside her, tipped some oil onto her back and began.
I could hardly wait to get to her bottom, but I did not skimp on the treatment and arrived there without haste. More oil was needed. I poured it into that deep cleavage and began on the buttocks, fingers within the cleft, working outwards to squeeze and smooth the cheeks.
'I can tell you like my botty,' she said. 'And it likes you. I can feel you moving it in my vangina. Your pulling my labials through the bumtocks.'
'More splendid word variations,' I said.
'Would you give the bott a slap or two?' She asked.
I'm more of a stroker than a smacker, but when a lady asks something...
'Ooh, yes, that's about right. The tingling goes inside. Ouch! Not too hard. Yes, that's it. And the tingling's gone inside it's a kind of itch, and it needs scratching.'
'Like this, perhaps?' I said, thrustinginto her.
'That's right. Course it's not quite scratching, but it's doing the trick. Give the bott a bit more tingle?'
I kept smacking both cheeks at once. If her bottom was tingling, my hands were, too. She winced and gasped with pleasure. Her vagina pulsed around me, and I had to hold myself in check. I had promised massage and was only part way.
'I could have an organasm,' she said, 'But I think I'll wait a bit, remembering what Mel said about the massage at the front.'
Her thighs awaited, and I left the now pink cheeks and moved down. She relaxed again. I worked her calves and feet and then told her to turn over.
'We know where I'm going,' I said, 'But shall we start at the top and go down, or with the feet and travel up?'
'Top,' she said, 'Then you can do the boosooms.'
'Another gem. That makes them sound even more bosomy.'
So I began with her upper pectorals and was soon passing my hands down the columns of her breasts and circling the rigid nipples. Till I eventually applied my lips and drew as much flesh as I could into my mouth and gently munched.
She uttered little 'oohs' and 'aahs' of appreciation, and I reflected that these breasts swelling in or after orgasm would be especially noteworthy.
Now was the time for her waist and hips, moving down the groin and onto the mount of Venus. It bore a tangle of wiry hairs, with a line reaching northwards almost to her navel.
I poured more oil into the dark and curly pelt, and she opened her legs wide, revealing long, dark peach minor lips, protruding an inch or two from the confines of the majora.
Those lips were already tumescent and ready glazed, so I glissaded my fingers into the groove and up and down, anus to clitoris, but hardly touching the clitoris, though it was tempting. While clitorises usually point backwards, so to speak, towards the vagina, the can also stick straight out of the labial lair, and when they do they positively inviting sucking.
Miranda's was not the largest I have seen, but it was a good size, and its little penile glans was irresistible. So, after some passes with oily fingers across it, I bent to took it between my lips, meantime returning to those voluptuous boosooms.
'This is what you did for Mel, isn't it? No wonder it gave her the organasm. It's going to do that to me in a minute. Oh, goodness, goodness, it's doing it. Aah!' She broke into little screams and shrieks and her breasts did swell mightily, to my joy.
When I stopped gently kissing the now shrinking clit, I lay beside her, pulled the cover over us. We embraced, and soon slept.
I was awoken by her hand squeezing my penis, which was already hardening as she said, 'Go the bathroom and then you can go into me, if you like. I owe you one, don't I?'
No-one was stirring as I went along the corridor naked, and I was soon back, to find she had thrown back the covers and was lying on her back, fingering her vulva.
Without further ado I threw myself between her legs and felt for her vagina.
'Let me do it,' she said, 'Dan would never let me.' And she guided me.
'It'll loosen,' she said. 'Just push harder. That's right. It's rather nice like this, because I can feel it opening me up. Quick as you like now.'
Slowly I forced in and slowly drew all the way out, so she could reach down and put me back in. Half a dozen repetition and I was about to come.
'You're ready, aren't you? It's so nice you're going to do it in me. It feels as if I'm having you. My vangina is making you, isn't it?'
'Yes,' I panted, 'It's drinking me. I'm coming! Coming!'
'I can feel it,' she said, 'Right inside. It's jerking.'
The orgasm seemed to go on much longer than usual, as if the welcome, the hand-help, the initial resistance, all added extra blessings. I lay in her arms, spent and rejoicing, and she kissed my face and shoulders, as if to reward me.
A little later we rose and went to breakfast. Joanna and Melanie hugged us both and kissed us, and Melanie said, 'He sucked your cloritis, didn't he?' Joanna grinned. |
Hotbeds Ch. 14 | 11,221 | 4.65 | 1,358,595 | [
Introduction: The sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s. Chapter 12 turned out not to be the last, because two more chapters were needed to deal with the sister and the mother of Melanie, the girl from Chapter 12. Chapter 13 recounted the sex with her sister. Now Chapter 14, and last, covers the final adventure.*
Chapter 13 closed on the Sunday morning of my weekend with Miranda. She and I had that night together, but I have described my experience with her sufficiently. Perhaps because of its sweetness and my sense of the end of an era in my life, I have been looking forward to writing about my time with Joanna.
Melanie ran me back to the school after my two nights with her sister. Melanie and I could not have intercourse because she was still periodic. But she promised she would collect me again the next Saturday evening, and then we would see.
However, it was not Melanie but Joanna who was driving when the car pulled up beside me. As I got in beside her, she switched off the engine, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, 'Bad news, I'm afraid. From your point of view, anyway. Mel has gone to Oxford. Her boyfriend begged her to take him back, and she decided to give him another chance. I told her you would understand.'
'Of course,' I said. 'I hope they make a go of it.'
'That partly depends on whether he's willing to make love as she tells him.'
I made no comment, and she went on, 'Manda got an invitation to spend a weekend a few miles away with a young man she met recently. I urged her to go, because I think she rather likes him. So, you'd probably like to stay here, or do something else this weekend.'
Was that a question or a statement? I said, 'You know, Joanna, what I'd really like is to go home with you.'
'Well,' she said, 'Of course, you're welcome. The weather is good. We could have some walks, and I can cook some nice meals, probably better than the ones you get here.'
'Those things would be good,' I said, 'But I was hoping we might get closer than walking and eating together.'
She shot a glance at me, looked away and said, 'What do you mean?'
I said, 'You know what I mean.'
She looked me in the face intently. 'You don't mean it.'
I picked up her hand from her lap and held it. 'You know I do mean it.'
'But I'm an old woman, fat and past it.' She was, however, beginning to tremble and her voice was quavery.
I put down her hand and made to slip my hand under the hem of her cashmere jumper.
'What are you doing?' She asked.
'I'm trying to get my hand up your sweater, because I want to feel your breasts.'
'You mustn't do that,' she said, but her trembling increased.
'Would you like me to, though?' I asked and persisted with the sweater.
She said nothing, but did not prevent me, and she didn't pull away when I leaned across the handbrake to kiss her. Her lips were full, soft and responsive.
My hand burrowed under the lower edge of a bra-cup and was soon clasping a full, heavy breast, and relishing the big, stiffening nipple.
Suddenly I realised her bosom was actually heaving in my grasp, and she withdrew her mouth, because tears were running down her cheeks.
'Oh, Joanna,' I said, 'I didn't want to upset you.' I withdrew my hand.
'You have no idea how long it is since someone did anything like that,' she sobbed. 'Since someone wanted me.'
'I want you very much,' I said. 'Your girls are delightful and I loved being with them, but you are a mature, beautiful woman. I have thought so much about you since we met.'
'You really do mean it?'
'You know I do.'
'Since Geoffrey left, only one man wanted me, and he just used me. I felt nothing.'
I ran my hand up under her tweed skirt. In those days, before tights or pantyhose, the hand slipped over the stocking and came onto bare thigh, and encountered the suspenders. In some positions these actually held open the knicker-leg, the elastic of which came next.
As my hand reached her thigh, Joanna trapped it through the skirt and said, 'You mustn't go in there.'
'Why not? Are you having your period?'
'Oh no,' she said, 'All that's over. It's just rather wet.'
'Wonderful!' I said, 'It shows you're excited.'
'Geoffrey used to say it was like diving into a swimming pool.'
'But I'm longing to dive in,' I said, and I pressed on with my hand, to find that her ribbed knickers were, indeed, soaking. Then I slipped my fingers in and found them enmeshed in slippery wet hair.
Her trembling became shuddering as I probed about in her vulva.
'You'd better stop,' she said, 'Or I'll have an organasm.'
I had homed in on her clitoris and she was writhing with the pleasure of it.
'Why not?' I said, 'It would be delightful,' and I caressed that little, or not so little, spur nestling at the top of the forested, flooded vulva.
She reached for me, clamped her lips to mine and rocked her pelvis back and forth, shaking, and panting though her nose, till she went rigid and let out a long, deep sigh.
Fortunately, there had been no traffic or pedestrians along that twilit lane.
As she calmed, I removed my hand, which was well coated in her sweet goo, and she said, 'I told you I got wet. I used to be very quick like that, too. Geoffrey didn't like that. He wanted to finish first himself, and I could come along afterwards, provided he went on with my cloritis. But he got bored with that, and I had to do it myself. He didn't like that, either. Eventually he didn't go into me at all. He mansturbated on me.'
Her daughters' amusing versions of sexual terminology clearly originated with their mother, as they had told me. But if the language was amusing, the account of her marital intercourse was not.
'I gather Geoffrey left and moved in with his mistress,' I said.
'Yes, he did. He said she was tighter and didn't squelch. Of course, she was half my age, and hadn't had two children.'
'Since then you've had to take care of yourself, then.'
'Yes, but it's not so good. Mind you, Geoffrey had stopped paying attention well before he went, so the monsturbating started earlier.' I liked 'mons-turbating,' which was clearly the term for female self-help, while, suitably, 'mans-turbating' covered male activity.
'Joanna, I'm desperate to go into you, and I want to attend to your clitoris for as long as you can keep coming.'
'We'd best get off home, then,' she said, smiling, but as we motored she proposed we took our time, had a meal, relaxed and then settled for the night. I readily agree. But I also asked if I could see her bottom before she started and a petticoat and there were the damp, beige-coloured viyella knickers, tight over the bulging cheeks.
Eagerly I pulled the knickers down and rejoiced at the size and roundedness. I stroked and licked with a fierce tenderness.
'Geoffrey said I had an arse like a donkey. He thought it was funny to say I had the arse of an ass.'
'What you have,' I said, 'Is the magnificent arse of a voluptuous woman, and I'm longing to enter you under it.'
'Geoffrey never did that. I don't think he ever thought of it, and he wouldn't have wanted so. But now I'm going to pop upstairs and tidy up.'
She stood and took the knickers off, and I took them from her and buried my nose in them. The musky, salty, vaginal scent was, as I said, 'Intoxicating.'
'No-one ever said that about my pants before,' she said, taking them and smiling.
She stood close to me, looking up and smiling, and a great tenderness swept through me. Her abundant pepper-and-salt coloured hair hung round her face. Her dark eyes had crow's feet at the corners and her lips were wide and dark red, without make-up. I was moved that this wonderful, mature woman was willing, no keen, to let me make love to her, admire her, pay tribute to her ripe beauty. I took her in my arms for a long, patient kiss.
Without haste she cooked us a light dinner, and we drank our coffee in the sitting-room. Then I washed up while she went upstairs to the bathroom. I felt exultant, a little daunted at the challenge of giving satisfaction to a woman who apparently came easily but had had no lover for a decade or more.
Upstairs I entered the third bedroom I had been in and found her sitting in a silk dressing-gown on the edge of a double-bed with the covers neatly folded back. It was warm and there was a scent of talcum power.
'Let me watch you undress,' she said, 'I haven't seen a naked man for so long I've almost forgotten what one looks like.'
Facing her, close to, I slowly took off my clothes. She stood and ran her hands over my chest and stomach, turned me round and ran them down my back. She patted my bum, turned me back, and said shyly, 'May I?' Taking my half-erected cock in her hand. Of course it became fully hard as she gently squeezed it.
'May I?' I asked, loosening the belt of the gown, and she nodded.
She was bare-breasted but wearing clean knickers. She said, 'I was getting wet again, you see.'
I took the gown off her and we embraced and kissed. When that stopped, she said, 'You could go into me, but it may a bit loose.'
Gently I manoeuvred her backwards onto the bed and stood back to enjoy the view.
Her heavy breasts flattened a little and hung outwards. The dark red nipples were long and the areolas enormous. Her stomach was rounded, her navel deep. Beneath, lay that dark, tangled jungle, with the half-hidden glen into which the intrepid traveller might venture.
I knelt on the bed and spread her legs, watching her vulva. The lips parted a little. Her entrance was clear, and, yes, oozing. I lay down between her legs and applied my lips to her dark-red, out-turned. They tasted of soap, musk and salt.
'Ooh! That's so nice!' She said wonderingly. 'But isn't it a bit, well, disgusting?'
Removing my mouth a moment, I said, 'No, indeed. You've had a wash and it's a privilege to do it, and very exciting if the lady enjoys it.'
'That's what you did with my little Melanie, isn't it?' She asked.
'Yes. But I've only just started. I want to suck your lovely clit, like this.' I wrapped my lips round the top of the crease and sought the clitoris with my tongue.
'So soft!' She said. 'Oh! That's lovely. I didn't know this could happen.'
Her clitoris was tumescent but pointing down the vulva, which meant I could suck it out of the labial folds, and slip my tongue-tip under its little glans. She responded instantly, lifting her mons and trembling in anticipation of orgasm. I quickly thrust three fingers into her vagina, and after at most two minutes, as the trembling increased, she said, 'The feeling's coming. It's nearly - ooooh!'
I rested my cheek on her stomach. She stroked my hair and made little murmuring sounds, and after a while said, 'That's different from monsturbating. Much nicer. Don't you want to go into my vangina now?'
'Not yet,' I said, 'There's plenty of time for that. Meantime I'm wondering if you can come again.'
'Oh yes,' she said, 'I can usually do several organasms.'
I resumed my attentions to her vulva, and slowly moving to her clitoris, which had relaxed a little but soon came erect again. This time she came even more quickly, and, I guessed, more intensely.
By now she was extravagantly wet and my face was covered in that, salty, slightly ammoniac, yet almost sweet, glaze, and I reached for her knickers to wipe myself, and her.
'Please go into me now,' she said. 'I would like you to be in there.'
I was soon leaning over her and feeling for her entry with my penis end. It slipped in and slid all the way.
'Is it too big?' She asked. 'Does it hold you enough?'
'If this is swimming,' I said, 'Let me never stop. Yes, it's a bit loose, but there are many ways of dealing with that.'
'Tell me what to do,' she said.
'Well, you can put your hand down over your entrance and let me go through your fingers. Yes, like that. One of the joys of that is that you're going to make me come. Yes, move your hand like that round me.'
'Geoffrey would never have asked me to do this,' she said.
'More fool he.'
'Are you going to "come"? That's the word, isn't it?' She asked.
'That's right, and I am going to come, yes. Do that with your hand. Yes, just like that. That's delicious.'
'You're getting even harder. Does that mean you're coming?'
'Yes!' I shouted. 'Now!' And I thrust through her hand, deep into her cunt. It felt as if I were emptying into a warm, health-giving, well.
'That was so exciting,' she said. 'I was really doing it, wasn't I? I could feel you coming with my fingers, and then it was happening inside me.'
I slipped out of her, slid myself down the bed, and once again felt for her clit with my lips and tongue, taking her by surprise. Till, as I had suspected would happen, the stimulus of my coming brought her erect, and she was ready yet again to come, and did so with a gurgling cry.
'That's all I can do for now,' she said. 'But can you come again? Geoffrey never did it twice at one time. Occasionally he did it night and morning, but that was all.'
'I need to rest a little now,' I said, 'But I haven't forgotten about going into you from the back. In a while the sight of your bottom will get me ready again.'
'Do you know,' she said, 'This is a bit like being a virgin again. I feel as if what I did with Geoffrey didn't count really. Of course it brought me my lovely girls, but I always felt there must be more than what he and I did together. He seemed almost angry when he did it, as if he resented wanting me at all. Perhaps he didn't want me, but he wanted sex. What he wanted in the end, apparently, was that girl in London.'
We settled into a loose embrace and talked a little. Then fell asleep, and when I woke up I was looking into her eyes, which were full of affection.
'Joanna,' I said, 'I can't think of a greater joy than to wake up like this.'
'Are you ready again, then?' She laughed. 'I think you are. You just looked at my boosooms and went hard.'
'Are you ready again, too?' I asked.
'I think I might be,' she said.
'Well, talking of your boosooms,' I said, 'I've neglected them so far, but they might like some attention,' and I moved down the bed to bring my mouth to the left one, while my left hand sought out the right nipple.
Both nipples speedily erected and she said, 'I never realised the tongue was so useful for making love.'
I stopped sucking a moment. 'Don't tell me Geoffrey didn't suck your nipples.'
'Obviously I don't need to tell you that. He would have thought that was for babies.'
'You have the most amazing nipples,' I said, 'So long and hard. Delicious.'
'Geoffrey -' she began.
'Geoffrey didn't like them. Yes? He wouldn't have. They were too big and frightening,' I suggested.
'In the end he wanted me to keep my bra on,' she told me.
'Aha!' I said, feeling into her vulva, 'You're beginning to flow again. So, good-bye boosooms for now.'
I wriggled down to get my mouth to her clit again, and caressed it with my lips. It swelled between them, and within two minutes she was on the brink of orgasm.
'Wait a minute,' she panted. 'If you go in from the back and I touch my cloritis I shall come and we could do it together, couldn't we? That would be so good.'
She was soon on her knees, head down, offering her extravagant spread of bottom.'
Between those abundant cheeks her whole cleavage was glistening with love-juice, and her vagina was open. As I brought my penis to it, she reached back with a hand between her legs to guide me in, and as I skated home she tucked a couple of fingers in alongside.
'If I do this I can feel you come and rub my cloritis at the same time,' she said.
No further suggestion was needed. I eased in and out slowly, and she moved her hand a little back and forth, so her fingers slid against my cock, and, I could feel, against her clit.
'Are you coming?' She asked. 'I'm coming. Come with me!'
She jabbed her fingers in as I delved into her depths. My semen burst forth as she clenched her bottom in another orgasm.
We collapsed sideways and lay panting, still joined. She withdrew her fingers and moved her hand to hold me as I shrank and slipped out. This was curiously comforting. She was certainly using her imagination and extending her experience.
'That was very wonderful,' she said, 'Coming together like that. So much I didn't know about. When you said you wanted me I hardly dared hope we could do things like this.'
'Joanna,' I said, 'You are not only learning fast but becoming a superb lover. It is such a delight to be making love with you.'
We were now both spent for the moment, so slept again.
We didn't make love when we woke, knowing we had a day and a night, without discussion agreeing to save ourselves for later.
We walked, ate, drank coffee, then ate, drank coffee, walked, drank tea, ate dinner. It rained on us in the afternoon, but we were glowing with enjoyment of our time together and hardly noticed.
Soon enough we were back in her bedroom, and I was undressing her, relishing the removal of every garment. As I undressed, she lay on the bed and said, 'Before my menopause I used to get even wetter. I was ashamed about it, but now I'm not.'
'Quite right,' I said, 'It's part of being a woman, a woman being herself with a man.'
'Look,' she said, 'It's already coming out of me. I can feel my vangina getting ready, and I would very much like it to make you come without my hand.'
'You shall, Cinders,' I said. 'Let me lie on my back and you straddle me.'
We moved suitably and she said, 'Like this?'
'Yes. Get your cunt over my cock, lower yourself and guide me.'
'I think that's a very rude word, isn't it? I've never used it, but now I'm going to say it, because it makes me feel very sexual. I've got a cunt. I'm going to put you into my cunt. You're going to come in my cunt. Here you go, into my cunt.'
'Oh, that's perfect,' I said, 'Deep in your cunt. It's so hot and wet. I feel as if my whole body is inside you.'
'Shall I go up and down, like this?' She asked.
'Yes, but lean back a little. Like that, yes. That makes you a bit tighter, and I can also get my fingers to your clit, like this.'
'So you can,' she said. 'I've never been on top of a man, like this. It makes me feel as if I'm in control. I can go up and down and take you into and out of my cunt. Oh yes, that's nice, your holding my bottom, as well.'
'You are in control, Joanna,' I said. 'You can make me cum like that. But it would be good if you came, too. So, tell me if I'm touching your clit the right way, and then tell me if you're going to come, and clench your bottom, and I'll come.'
'That's another word I like, "clit." Short for "clitoris," then, not "cloritis" at all
'Whatever it's called,' I said, 'It's a gem. It's big and hard and I love it.'
'It loves you. And it's going to come. Yes, it is. I want to go faster, is that right? I'm sure it is. Clenching my bottom now! That feels right. Here I come. I'm coming! Are you coming? Yes, yes, I can feel you in my cunt.'
I clutched her bottom tight and she leant further back as the orgasm rocked her, and we rode the wave for a long moment, till she collapsed onto my chest and we lay panting.
At last she said, 'It's a shame you're falling out. I can feel your spermen running out, too. I'm proud I could make you cum with my cunt like that.'
'I would guess Geoffrey was a one-position only man, I said.
'That's right. He wouldn't have wanted me to be in control.'
'You were in cuntrol,' I said. 'A new word.'
Her breasts were squeezed between us, the hard nipples pressing into my chest, and that sealed a time of such happiness I felt tearful. So when she raised her head to look into my face she said, 'Oh dear, your expression is so sad. Is something wrong?'
'On the contrary,' I said, 'Everything is perfect.'
And, indeed it was, and continued so, for the rest of the weekend, for the next weekend, and for all the weekends that I was not on duty, for the rest of the year. There were even a few times when one or other of the daughters were also at home, and without any awkwardness and with their blessing, Joanna and I enjoyed each other to the full.
Once more, and for the last time, then, I will describe a last encounter. My last love-making with Joanna. And it was love that we were making, for we had confessed as much, so that I had even taken the final step and proposed. I had a pleasant vision of our settling into a country cottage not too far from the grammar school I would be teaching in. But she had tactfully refused. There was not only an age difference but also there were practical problems. If she remarried Geoffrey's liberal allowance would vanish and she did not relish having to live on and assist her daughters out of a teacher's salary. The car would have to go for a start. Further, she would not find such a life sufficiently interesting, since we would not be in bed all the time, and even that might pall eventually.
I gained a place on a teacher training course at a northern university (another reason for Joanna's reluctance to splice the knot), and gave a term's notice. So, in September I travelled from my parents' house and she picked me up from the nearest station.
We were relaxed together, regretful that we must part, but reconciled to doing so. The girls were absent, firmly affianced by this time and in employment in London.
Our love-making was unhurried, more compassion than passion, but after she had come four times clitorally and I had come within her, she said, 'You know, there is one last thing. You have so often drunk my comings, but I have never drunk yours. You have filled my cunt but not my mouth. I have absorbed you into my womb, but not into my stomach. Is it possible to suck your spermen out of you?'
I assured her that it certainly was, and that that would be a wonderful last event, and I lay on my back and she positioned herself to receive my penis between her lips. Her breasts rested against my stomach. She held my cock and took it into her mouth, resting it on her tongue. Then, tentatively at first, she moved her head up and down. My penis slid back and forth between her teeth or was pouched within a cheek. She sucked and licked with fervour and quite soon I was patting her shoulder to indicate I was about to come.
She sucked still harder and I spunked abundantly. She gulped and gulped, lips tight round my shaft to prevent leakage, and the whole ejaculate went down. Then she withdrew her mouth and slurped up any last residue.
'Now I have you inside me again and anew,' she said. 'You will go into my blood and all round my body. Some of you will always now be in me, through my vangina and throat.'
Next day she ran me to the station. We kissed decorously and shook hands.
My life changed. A few months later I was a secondary teacher.
Of course, my sexual adventures continued. Perhaps I will record them in due course. |
Foursome Fantasy Becomes a Reality | 125,292 | 4.54 | 1,064,877 | [
"blow job",
"slut wife",
] | *Fun with my uninhibited wife*
I met my wife, Brenda, over five years ago at a retirement bash for a co-worker. My co-worker's wife did the introductions. Brenda was standing next to me in the receiving line. When it was my turn to greet my co-worker, his wife exclaimed, "Larry, have you two met?" She was looking at Brenda and me. I shook my head no and met the very attractive woman standing next to me. Our eyes met and I felt heat radiate throughout my body. "Care to dance?" I was able to stammer out. From that time on, we were together, a whirlwind courtship and then marriage. She has given me the happiest days of my life.
Brenda stands about 5' 5", has auburn hair, hazel eyes, with a great figure she works hard to maintain. Her breasts are perfect for holding and kissing. She was happy that she could wear high heels with me since I towered over her at 6' 3".
I had been divorced for several years and Brenda had been a widow. "He was a good man, but he was pretty set in his ways," she remarked one evening. "We never did much and he refused to travel. I dreamed of traveling the world, dancing under the stars, swimming with the dolphins; you know, living life large."
Brenda was overjoyed when I told her we shared the same goals and dreams. The best part was we had the financial means to make it come true. Early in our marriage, we still worked so our vacations were spent visiting her family or mine. One year we were able to take our first cruise and we were hooked. Cruising began initially as an annual event**.** Then when we retired, we were doing several each year.
Brenda quickly adapted to her "new" life with me. We did the things she had dreamed about; we danced, played, and traveled. In the bedroom, a whole new woman blossomed. Her repressed feelings disappeared, replaced by the desire to explore her sexuality. So much to experience and she didn't want to waste any time. With my encouragement, she sought information to be a better lover; to give pleasure and how to be pleasured. She quickly discovered it was ok to enjoy sex. It was quite a step for her to feel comfortable touching herself and even masturbating in front of me.
Brenda discovered erotic stories and we would take turns reading them aloud. When I read, she would lie naked across my lap, brushing her pussy with her fingers. She liked to set the mood in the room with romantic music, dim lights and lots of scented candles. The stories were definitely a turn on and many times we would act out a scene we had just read.
Interestingly, it didn't matter if the story was about a couple, MMF, WWM, or a group. We found them exciting, and provocative. Some just made for a good fantasy discussion. Over time, Brenda became comfortable with the graphic language used in the stories and began to include it in our love making.
One evening, however, she surprised me by proudly displaying her newly waxed pussy. This time when I read the story, she used both hands to masturbate. It was all I could do to read while watching her hands at play. She really enjoyed the way I licked and kissed every part of her and so did I.
I was so inspired by the look and feel of Brenda's naked pussy that I took her to the bathroom and handed her my razor. She gently and carefully shaved my cock and balls. A first for both of us and so erotic. Now shaving me is a regular ritual she performs when we shower together.
All of this, I guess you could say, set the stage for a chance encounter that would change our lives.
It started simply enough. We were headed to the Caribbean on our favorite cruise ship line. We chose this cruise because it was hitting islands we had not visited. As we looked at the itinerary, I noted that one of the islands was St. Martin, French West Indies. I looked at Brenda and with a grin, remarked, "They have the famous Orient Beach."
"It's a clothing optional beach."
Brenda gave me a blank look. I waited and let her think about it. Then suddenly a big smile spread across her face. "I'm game if you are." I gave her a big kiss and she started laughing. "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd be doing what we have been doing or in this case, about to do."
"I love you Brenda."
We've cruised often enough to know what to expect and how to pack. "Packing for a nude beach should be easy," I said teasingly to Brenda.
"Think you'll get an erection walking among all those naked women?" she countered.
I laughed and said, "Sweetheart, I hope I don't get a boner after I apply sunscreen all over your body, especially to your breasts and pussy."
"I'm getting excited about our trip to the beach. I still can't believe we're doing it."
During the days leading up to the trip, Brenda looked for stories involving nude beaches. Most of those stories involved other couples engaging in a foursome. "I know it's just a story," I said light heartedly, "but what would you do if the opportunity really arose?" She looked at me mischievously, came over and held my dick in her hand. We both could feel it grow and press hard against my slacks. With a coquettish grin she asked, "Do you think you could handle your wife acting like a slut and watch me fuck another man?"
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "The thought of you acting like a slut is an image I find very exciting."
"I can tell."
Looking directly in her eyes I retorted, "So, my slutty wife, would you like to see my cock in another woman's cunt?"
I smiled and wondered where this was going. Brenda closed her eyes. I could see her mind processing that image. She gave my cock a firm squeeze and after a few moments said, "I know turnabout is fair play and, honestly, I think it would be exciting, too." She gave me a kiss and continued, "Pretty unlikely to happen but still fun to fantasize. In the meantime, shouldn't we take care of our friend here?" With that, she dropped to her knees and relieved me of my slacks, my erection pressing hard against my briefs. She traced my hard-on with her fingers before gently freeing it from bondage. She kissed it on the tip before taking it in her mouth.
I sucked in my breath, closed my eyes, and savored the incredible sensation of my cock in her warm and wet mouth. I was already pretty turned on from our chat and when she added her hand in a slow rhythm, I knew I wasn't going to last. I began to moan and I was matching her stroking with my hips. "Oh, baby I'm going to cum." She took all I had to give and milked every drop.
She stood and kissed me, sharing the taste of my cum. "I love it when you fill my mouth."
"It feels so incredible for me, too. I dropped to my knees and returned the favor. Jeans were quickly removed. My fingers slid under her wet panties and brushed across a swollen clit. The sound of sighing and moaning were music to my ears. I kissed Brenda's clit through the fabric and then pulled off the remaining garment. She adjusted her legs to give me better access to her lovely pussy. I placed my mouth back on her clit and inserted two fingers deep in her. She gasped and grabbed my head to steady herself. My fingers were rubbing the G-spot and my mouth was licking her. Within moments, her heart was pounding as her orgasm rolled like a wave through her body. I stood and kissed her deeply and passionately, our tongues dancing and probing. She took my hand to lick her cum from my fingers.
My mind kept returning to our conversation about a foursome and I wondered if Brenda was serious. What if it really could happen? How would I feel and could I do it with another woman. Brenda is the love of my life and I don't want to jeopardize that. But still, just talking about it was very erotic. Clearly we need to be in agreement on this. For my peace of mind, I need another conversation.
That evening, when we climbed into bed, before turning off the light, I turned to Brenda and said, "After we talked about the possibility of a foursome, I couldn't get it out of my mind. You're probably right, the chances are small. However, if the situation was right, would you really want to do it?"
"I've given it some more thought, too. If it's ok with you, then it's ok with me."
"I love you sweetheart. If it's right, I think we'll feel ok with it." I went to sleep with my arms around my lover. I had a restless night filled with dreams of one of the foursome stories with Brenda and me in the starring roles.
The days went quickly enough and soon we were in the air heading to Florida. Brenda was as giddy and excited as a youngster on Christmas morning. I love seeing her this way. Such a contrast from the shy woman I met not that many years ago. She is a wonderful partner and lover.
We arrived at the ship's terminal to start the check-in process. We were greeted at the door and it wasn't long before we were checked in and ready to board the ship. It was at that moment that our lives would change. I saw a room with VIP above the door. I pointed it out to Brenda and asked aloud, "I wonder how you qualify for that?" No sooner had I said that when a former co-worker and his wife walked out.
"Don, is that you?" He looked up, took a moment to process, and then with a big grin ran over to shake my hand. "Larry, you old so and so! It's been years! How have you been?"
"Great! I want you to meet my wife, Brenda." By that time, Don's wife was standing at his side.
"This is my wife, Teri." In all the years I had worked with Don, I had never met his wife.
Attractive was my first reaction and then it occurred to me why I thought so. Brenda and Teri were so similar in appearance they could have passed for sisters. Height, shape, hair color were all within a "gnat's eyelash" of identical. The major difference was in personal style. Brenda's new found confidence was reflected in her choice of neckline and length of her shorts. By contrast, Teri obviously had a fitness routine. Toned and striking, her outfit hugged her firm, well defined curves and dictated her wardrobe of choice. My guess was that Terri and Don's work-out regimen was a lot more rigorous than ours. "Don, I must say, you look terrific and it is a pleasure to meet your lovely wife."
We headed to the ship, exchanged room numbers and picked a time to meet later. Don's handsome appearance was not lost on Brenda, with his silver gray hair, piercing blue eyes, beautiful smile, and broad shoulders. "He's quite a hunk isn't he sweetheart."
"Yes he is, and Teri cuts quite a figure too. I saw you staring at her breast**s**. Don't worry, it's ok with me," Brenda said with a smile as she squeezed my hand.
I told Brenda that years ago I worked with Don. He was in purchasing and often served as my buyer. We had a good working relationship but never did anything outside the office. Purchasing was always in turmoil for one reason or another. And I remember Don saying one day that he was tired of it all and was looking at a new job in Florida. A few weeks later, he was gone.
We met Don and Teri at one of the many bars on the ship. We played some catchup about what we had been doing over the years, and my marriage to Brenda. I mentioned this was our first time on this particular ship which we picked because of the interesting itinerary. Also, since we had seen them coming out of the VIP room, I asked how many they had done.
"Several dozen," Don simply replied.
"Dozens," I said with surprise.
"Oh yes, when you live in Florida, you get some great deals. This is our tenth trip on this ship because we like this particular route."
"Why?" I asked.
"We like the nude beach on St. Martin," Teri volunteered without hesitation.
I was pretty shocked by that revelation. Wow, I thought, this is taking the conversation to a whole new level. I liked the idea of seeing Teri naked. I'm sure Don will also enjoy seeing Brenda.
"My wife's a bit of an exhibitionist," Don replied with a smug grin. "You might say a real 'Southern Belle'. It's a nice beach plus she enjoys displaying her body and I enjoy the lovely scenery, too."
"Not that you don't have a terrific body," Teri countered.
I looked over at Brenda and she met my eyes. We both started laughing.
"What's so amusing?" Don asked.
"We've never been to a nude beach and we are excited about trying it out," Brenda replied. "We don't know what to expect."
"Don't worry, you both look great and you'll love it," Teri responded reassuringly.
"We didn't think we would know anybody," Brenda observed.
"We've been coming here for ten years and we have never come across anyone we knew, so this is a first for us, too. I find the freedom amazing and the atmosphere scintillating. Some bodies are better than others but all the gazing is still a lot of fun. Relax and enjoy. That's our motto."
"Trust me," injected Don, "There aren't many as lovely as my wife."
"What do you think sweetheart?" I asked, looking Brenda in the eye and giving her hand a squeeze. "Still want to do the beach?"
"Actually, I'm looking forward to it. I bet you boys are also?" Brenda asked with a giggle.
Don and I exchanged smiles and a wink. Seeing our wives in the buff together would indeed be a feast for our eyes.
Over dinner, we chatted more about our past and the variety of trips Don and Teri had taken. In addition to the cruises, they enjoyed going to places that had nude beaches**.** There were a few resorts in the Caribbean they enjoyed that were clothing optional.
"I like a day or two on the beach. I can't give you a good reason, but, when we did our first nude beach, I found I was really hooked. I don't mind showing off my body and I'm real proud of Don's physique also."
"Just to answer a question you might have in the back of your mind, Larry," Don said with a grin, "No matter the scenery, you won't get an erection."
I just about choked on my wine; the girls started laughing. "Thanks Don, I needed that."
That night, as we lay in bed, I asked Brenda how she really felt. She hugged me and told me that she was happy about the trip and very comfortable with Don and Teri.
The ship was not scheduled to dock at St. Martin until the second day. Meanwhile, Brenda and I spent most of our time with Don and Teri. To be more accurate, the girls chatted as girls do and Don and I did the guy talk. We worked out together with them. They gave us some good pointers and routines we could incorporate when we got home.
The hot tub was fun and Teri definitely wore some itsy bitsy bikinis. Watching her climb in and out of the tub was enough to bring a hard-on. Teri would sit on the edge, spread her legs wide and enter one leg at a time, giving me a wonderful view of her barely covered pussy. Don caught me staring, gave me a playful elbow in the side and said, "Quite the sight isn't she?" I winked and nodded my head. Brenda shocked Don and me by reaching over to my crotch and in a low voice said, "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll take care of this tonight."
With a grin Don countered, "Looks like we'll both have fun tonight."
Don wore a very small Speedo. On just about everyone I know, that would be gross; however**,** on Don, it worked. He had the body for it. Flat abs and good muscle tone. A lot of women stared, including my wife at a package that was clearly visible for all to see. When Don stood up in the hot tub, his wet swimsuit gave a clear outline of his dick. I glanced over at Brenda and I could see she was mesmerized by his physique. I reached over and gave her upper thigh a squeeze and she directed my hand onto her pussy. Don and Teri enjoyed repeatedly putting on a show for us. They had us so turned on that we couldn't wait to fuck back in our cabin before dinner.
The sexual tension was building and finally the day came for "the trip" to the beach. It truly is a lovely beach and is quite large. One side is for swimsuits including topless. The other is nude and as Teri stated, if you want to stick out, wear clothes. It had a nice crowd but not packed. We found a space for our blanket and stood there for a moment. The day of reckoning was here. Not surprisingly, Teri was quick to start removing her clothes. I looked at Brenda, gave her a wink, and peeled off my clothes. In a moment, we all were standing au natural, and I must say, Teri looked as sexy as I had imagined. I stared at Teri's small strip of hair on her pussy. Don was getting an eyeful of Brenda's body, too.
Teri was first to break the silence, "I need a volunteer to help me with my sunscreen. Some areas are just too hard to reach on my own." Before anyone could answer, she tossed the tube to me.
Following Teri's lead, Brenda turned to Don who already had a tube in his hand. "Start with my back," she said as she lay down on the blanket.
As I started applying the lotion on Teri's back and working my way down a very lovely tush, I wasn't sure about Don's assurance that I wouldn't get an erection. Teri didn't stop me as I moved my hands over her butt cheeks and even down her crack. She even spread her legs slightly as I did her thighs. I closed my eyes as I ran my fingers along her pussy. It was all I could do to move my hands down her legs and away from such an inviting love nest.
I looked over at Don and to my surprise, he was spending a lot of time applying lotion to Brenda's cheeks. I could tell she was really enjoying it, too. He looked at me and we both just smiled. I had a feeling the foursome Brenda and I had talked about might be coming closer to a reality.
In one smooth move, Teri rolled over to a sitting position, took the lotion from my hand and pulled me down to sit in front of her. She took my hand, squirted a dollop in it and helped herself to a portion of her own. Her hand went to my chest as she took my lotion filled hand and placed it on her breast. "We need to protect exposed skin," she said with a coy smile. Fondling her tits was giving me a hard-on. So much for Don's statement about not getting an erection.
If I hadn't had "growing interest" before, I definitely did when Teri's slippery hand moved to my groin. The feelings in my crotch had me transfixed until she moved my hand to her crotch. For several minutes, we explored each other. Her hand on my cock and my fingers on her pussy had us purring. If we had been in a private setting, we would have surely fucked. I had no idea at that point what Don and Brenda were doing and, actually, I didn't care. There could have been a crowd watching and I would have been oblivious.
I watched Teri's face, she closed her eyes and her breathing was shallow and quick. Suddenly, she stopped pumping my cock, gasped, shuddered, and quietly climaxed. While she recovered, I looked over at Don and Brenda. Brenda was panting and I knew from experience she was on the edge of her orgasm. Within moments, she let out a soft moan and collapsed in Don's arms. Don and I exchanged grins and a nod. I was ready to do a high five but thought better of it.
Teri suggested Don and I lay on the blanket for a few minutes until our dicks were soft and then we could join Brenda and her in the water. After the girls left, I looked at Don and said, "Damn, that was more than I expected or even hoped for."
"We have some pretty hot wives, Larry."
"I can't help but hope there is more to come, so to speak."
"I'm with you."
We joined the girls in the water and engaged in some playful splashing. It started with boys versus girls but soon became everyone for themselves. After we settled down, I took Brenda in my arms and kissed her. "Did you have a good time on the blanket?"
"Oh Larry, it was incredible." She paused a moment, "How about you? It looked like you were."
"My head is still swimming from all of this. It was mind blowing watching you and touching Teri at the same time."
"It appears we have found our foursome."
"I'm game if you are, Brenda."
"I'll let Teri take the lead and we'll see what happens."
The time came for us to head back to the ship. We had a few hours before dinner for a much needed shower, and some play time. As we showered, I asked Brenda if she had any second thoughts regarding what we just experienced.
"It was naughty, decadent, exhilarating, wonderful, and more. I understood Teri's feeling of freedom when she was nude. I felt that way, too. I hope we will do another nude beach someday soon. You?"
"You said it and I agree. A nude beach is worth repeating. I was surprised by what also happened."
Brenda started laughing, and then she confessed the lotion scene had been carefully orchestrated.
"Teri asked me yesterday if I would object if we swapped spouses for the sunscreen application. I liked the idea. She went on to describe in detail her plan. We both were pretty sure you guys wouldn't object. Even though it was all planned, the reality was better than I had hoped. Gosh, I'm getting horny just recalling what we just did."
"I love hearing that." I knelt on my knees, images of Don rubbing her to orgasm flashed through my mind and that really turned me on. I took my hard cock into my hand and jacked off as I licked and sucked her swollen clit. Horny was an understatement. She was begging for release and pulled my head in hard to her very wet pussy. Within a few moments, she was rocking and moaning as her orgasm was building. When she climaxed, her whole body quivered, her knees buckled, and she collapsed to the floor.
"Your pussy is a great dessert but we need to get dressed for dinner."
Don ordered some wine as we all sat down to dinner. "We need to celebrate your first nude beach and the fun we had sharing it with you. Teri and I have never engaged in a sexual adventure with another couple like we did today. My understanding is you haven't either. Definitely calls for a toast: here's to more days like today and more adventures in the future."
"And to dicks!!" Teri giggled.
"Amen!! Piped up Brenda.
"And to pussies!" Don and I responded in unison.
We all laughed, clinked glasses and I gave Brenda a wink and a nod. She returned a smile.
"We have champagne on ice in the room ready for our enjoyment," Don announced.
"And more fun," Teri quickly added.
Before dessert was served, the girls adjourned to the ladies room to "fix their lipstick." I quickly guessed and mentioned to Don that they are probably doing another planning session for everyone's delight. "I like the way your wife thinks not to mention, how hot she is."
"Your wife is a looker, too, and a sexy accomplice. I really enjoyed this afternoon. This has been a 'win-win for everyone."
We clinked our glasses and waited for the girls.
After dinner, we headed to the suite with a lilt in our steps. The elevator provided the girls an opportunity to sneak a feel. Considering our close proximity, I wasn't sure which girl had her hand on my dick. Either way, I was appreciative and so was my cock.
Once in the room, the girls disappeared into the bathroom. "The champagne is in the sink," Don said.
The girls re-entered the room, Teri holding the bottle, Brenda carrying the glasses, and both totally naked.
"Aren't you boys overdressed?" Brenda said teasingly.
We didn't need any more encouragement. The clothes were off by the time the glasses were filled.
There was no time for a toast. The girls dipped our dicks in the champagne and savored the combination in their mouths. The tongue action Teri gave my dick had me craving a blow job. All too quickly the girls moved to the edge of the bed. They leaned back, spread their legs invitingly, and dribbled a little champagne on their pussies. "Brenda informed me that you love to eat pussy, Larry. Want to do mine?" Teri offered seductively. "Brenda, check out Don's technique. Variety is definitely the spice of life."
Don and I didn't hesitate for a moment. We were on our knees with our mouths all over two lovely cunts. I licked all around Teri's pussy before moving down to insert my tongue deep into her. She moaned and pulled my head in tight. I tongue fucked her with wild enthusiasm. What an erotic cocktail of champagne mixed with her juices. I moved my hand up to play with a hard nipple. I ran my tongue up and down her slit. How soft and sweet it felt and tasted. I knew her clit was eager for sucking and I couldn't wait any longer. One touch with my lips on her clit yielded a sigh. This was heaven. She met my increased tempo with matching pelvic thrusts. Her rapid panting let me know she was ready to climax. She tensed, arched her back, then with a loud groan, her whole body trembled with her orgasm. I moved my tongue down to her cunt to taste her sweet cum. She pulled my head up and said, "I want you inside."
Teri took my semi-erect cock in her mouth and quickly brought it back to a hard erection. She guided my dick to her pussy and slid it up and down between her wet lips. She moved my cock to her and I slowly entered her love hole, wet with her cum. My whole day had been one long foreplay and my balls were begging for relief. Surrounded but her warm, tight cunt, I knew I was near my edge and hoped she would cum with me. We moved together, our bodies slapping against each other in wild abandon. When I reached the point of no return, I slammed my cock deep into her and I felt her orgasm meet mine. Breathing hard, we collapsed together, exhausted and spent.
It was then that I became aware of the activity next to us. Don had Brenda's legs on his shoulders and he was pumping her hard. Her eyes were closed and she was pinching her nipples. He grunted, "I'm gonna to cum!"
"I want to feel your cum on my tits!!"
Don quickly pulled out and I watched him shoot his milky seed all over Brenda's breasts. When he finished, she took his cock into her mouth and drained it dry. I was surprised at how exciting and erotic it was to watch Brenda fuck and suck another man. I looked at Teri and she was rubbing herself as she watched them, too. I kissed and licked her nipples as she rubbed her clit. I inserted a finger in her cunt and started rubbing her G-spot. Within a few moments, her orgasm moved through her like a shockwave.
We all lay on the bed, enjoying the afterglow of sex that up to this point had only been a fantasy.
Brenda was the first to sit up. Acting on instinct, she retrieved Don's shirt from the floor and dried her chest. She came to the bed, snuggled in my arms, and said, "Swapping is great and I'm so glad we did this. I'm still horny, why don't I take you back to our cabin and we can fuck some more."
"I know what you mean; I could use another round or two or...," Teri said as she reached for Don's cock, and gave it a kiss. "Tomorrow night, Larry, I want you to cum in my mouth."
"Same for you, Don. I love giving a blow job," Brenda said, looking at him.
"It's a date."
We sorted through the clothes to figure out theirs and ours. Somewhat rumpled but none the worse for wear, we reassembled ourselves. Brenda gave me a kiss and placed her panties in my hand. I put them to my nose and inhaled her scent. She gave my arm a gentle squeeze, "You silly boy. I love how you make them wet."
As we walked out the door, Brenda turned to Teri and said, "Good night you two, and thank you for an incredible day. We need to talk tomorrow about how we'll spend the rest of our time on the ship plus future erotic adventures." |
Hotel | 90,810 | 4.59 | 555,861 | [
"anal sex",
"first time",
"older man/younger man",
] | "Good evening, sir, what can I get you?"
"Vodka and tonic."
"One vodka and tonic coming right up, sir."
My customer was an attractive man with salt and pepper hair and yet he didn't look physically old enough to have almost totally grey hair. Handsome, he was tanned with a tight muscled frame, probably just under six feet. He was too rugged and masculine to be dressed in a tailored dark grey Armani suit. He looked wonderful but still out of place in the fancy duds. Military, not currently in the service, but he'd served before. Probably a twenty year man, like my father. I knew the type. Then he picked up his drink with his left hand. A West Point class ring, 1985, solid gold with the West Point seal instead of a gemstone. A gold wedding ring worn on the outside so the Academy crest is closest to the heart. Goddamn. He probably knew my father. Rich, too. A Vaucheron Constantin watch and Armani?. Shit. FUCKING rich. CEO, lawyer, doctor, born rich? I'd have to watch my P's & Q's.
"Not much of a crowd in the bar tonight, son."
"No, sir, it begins to wind down this time of night."
It was eleven P.M. in the bar in a fuck ass expensive hotel on the beach in Clearwater, Florida. I'd been working there for a month. I never dreamed I'd end up being a bartender but the tips are goddamn good and I need the money.
"What's your name, if you don't mind my asking?"
Mr. West Point looked at me with genuine interest.
"Rowdy, sir."
He laughed. "Rowdy? Is that a nickname or the real deal?"
"Oh, it's a nickname, sir. Name's actually Clint but my Mom started calling me Rowdy from the start."
"Let me guess. Your Mom loves Clint Eastwood and she loved the old Rawhide television series."
I grinned. "I'll bet you're a detective, aren't you?"
He laughed again. "No, Rowdy, I wanted to be a detective when I was a boy but I grew up to become an attorney. It pays a hell of a lot more, the hours are better, and unless you really fuck up, no one shoots at you."
I was polishing glasses and cleaning the bar counter as he spoke.
"That's nice. You must enjoy it."
"Oh, it has its moments. I'd say your mother was pretty intuitive naming you Clint. And calling you Rowdy is right on the money. You could be Clint Eastwood's twin."
I stared at him. I'd heard this before. He took my stare as aggressive and became apologetic for the wrong reason.
"Sorry, Rowdy, I didn't mean you look like the man now. He's what, in his eighties? But I did watch the series when I was a kid and you do look like he did in the late fifties and early sixties. Hell, you're not his kid, are you? How old are you anyway?"
I smiled. "I'm not his kid and no offense taken. And I actually take after my father. He used to say Mom married him because he looked like her favorite movie star and SHE always said when he turned out to really be more like Dirty Harry than Rowdy Yates she divorced him."
"I'll bet that happens to movie stars all the time. People fall in love with the character they play. Then you get to know them better and find out they're really just pot smoking alcoholic neurotics. It happens in real life. Divorces happen every day because partners either don't live up to expectations or won't change to satisfy the other partner."
"Yeah, well, that changing part's not all it's cracked up to be. You change yourself so much you don't recognize yourself when you shave your face in the morning. Then your wife has no respect for you because you let her walk all over you. She divorces you anyway and moves on to the next man, her new makeover project."
"You sound bitter, Rowdy," he said softly. "It sounds like your own personal experience."
"Sorry, sir, didn't mean to bore you. You here for the conference?"
He touched my arm and I fought not to jerk away.
"You're not boring me, Rowdy. And my name's Richard, Richard Mayo. I understand exactly what you're saying, better than you think. I've been divorced four times myself. I swear I'm never going to marry again. And apparently you've had a nasty breakup or two yourself."
He was sincere but I felt there was something else at work here.
"Do you have children, Rowdy?"
"No, sir, Mr. Mayo. I can't say I'm sorry about that either. So which conference are you here for?"
"The bank management group." He sighed deeply. "Bank and management, now there's an oxymoron for you. Like sharp and dull. Trouble is, most of these people are dull. I haven't seen a sharp knife in this bunch yet. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here.
Mayo finished his drink and sat it on the counter.
"Pour me another one, Rowdy. Maybe if I drink enough I won't mind it so much."
I poured him three more over the next half hour and served a few other stragglers. Mayo called me to his end of the bar again.
"Pour me another, Rowdy."
"I don't mean to offend you, sir, but you've had enough tonight. Why don't you go up to your room and sleep this one off? I'm sure you've got a busy day tomorrow."
I saw a quick flash of anger before he reined it in. Suddenly everyone had gone and he was the only bar patron again.
He smiled. "What time does the bar close, Rowdy?"
"Three A.M."
"Shit. Long goddamn night for you. They mean to get every penny they can from the drunk tourists in this town, don't they?"
That was funny and I laughed sharply. He didn't know how right he was.
"I get off at midnight. Someone else is gonna finish the night shift."
His eyes bored into mine, refused to look away, and I wouldn't let him stare me down. He might have been a fucking general or something but I was a military brat. I outranked him.
"How old are you, Rowdy?"
"Twenty-four, sir."
"Would you please pour me just one more and then I promise I'll call it a night."
I gave him a cold stare and poured him another. I turned to finish up my chores. Margie was a fucking bitch if she had to do anything other than pour a few drinks in the few hours of the AM shift. The shit she'd stir up with her complaints was not worth the price of pissing her off just for grins. And the stupid cunt's job was to clean the bar, a janitor of sorts who was also required to serve drinks to the few idiots who showed up in the wee hours of the morning.
"What would it take to get you to come up to my room tonight, Rowdy?"
His voice was low and I was stunned. I turned to him and saw the naked pain in his eyes. It took a lot of courage, vodka courage, for him to get to the point.
"Please," he whispered. "I want you tonight. I'm dying here."
I made a quick decision. I'd never had sex with a man before. I'd fucked a few women before who'd come on to me in the bar but I was careful. Management had strict rules about sex with the guests of the hotel. They'd fire you instantly and poison the well for you in the hotel industry. Shit, in this economy you'd be lucky to get another job. Sex with hotel guests can lead to legal charges of prostitution, can ruin a hotel's reputation permanently. If hotel management had its way, they'd make us wear chastity belts while we were on the premises.
"What's your room number, sir?"
I swallowed hard. What was I doing? He was probably a goddamn plant sent in to test me. I suddenly expected to be fired.
"Room 907."
Mayo looked so relieved that I'd asked for his room number I knew he was on the level.
I cleared my throat nervously. "Go to your room, sir. I'll be along in about half an hour."
He grinned. "I'll be waiting for you, Rowdy. You won't regret it."
He turned and left the bar. I was regretting it already but I was too far in. I could choose not to show up but then the bank assholes were going to be here the whole goddamn week. I couldn't face him again if I didn't keep my word.
He was my first man. When I started working at the bar I was trained by Steve, a sexy gay man in his late forties, who worked the day shift. He wasn't effeminate. You couldn't tell he was gay unless you were around him for several hours and he relaxed. Then he'd make some way off-color jokes or maybe it was something about the way he held his head, his walk, the way he'd look at you if he decided he liked you; all changes that didn't appear unless he totally relaxed in your company, when he turned Steve Serious to the off position. Any man with halfway decent gaydar would pick up on his homosexuality after that. It hadn't taken me more than twenty minutes before I caught him staring at my ass and I knew. He'd just grinned but he never made a pass at me. I wasn't sure why not. It's crazy. Most straight men get offended when homosexuals make a pass at them but then they really get pissed off when a gay guy totally ignores them. You think you've lost your sex appeal completely if you can't attract a queer.
Somehow I think Steve knew that and he played with me. He teased me a lot about being a cowboy, even brought me a cowboy hat as a gift on my birthday a week after I'd been hired. But he never made the slightest move on me. Instead he talked about the money I could make with my ass, my looks. He told me about the desperate women in the bar, women who would give anything to be fucked by a good looking young man, their chance to feel young and desirable again. Of course, he said, some had never been desirable but people like to have sex and money's money. He confessed he'd made a lot of money using his ass while working in the bar.
He told me the most money comes from the men. The men who are on vacation in a hotel at one the most famous beaches in the world, seeing all the sexy men and women cavort in the surf in miniscule bathing suits. Men who are straight but in our sexual environment want to experiment with one of the studs they see wearing next to nothing. Steve told me he was paid five thousand dollars one night to fuck a U.S. Senator, a man who had been on the national political stage for over thirty years, had even been considered for the vice-presidency once; a man in a celebrated marriage who just wanted Steve to fuck him in the ass all night long. Steve laughed and said he'd taken a dildo with him to the man's room. After all, he couldn't fuck him all night long but Steve said the dildo did the job and he'd performed the task himself twice that night. The grateful politician had given Steve a handful of hundred dollar bills and thanked him profusely for making love to him. The handful of bills had totaled five thousand dollars. The senator had stayed at the hotel several times over the years, each time asking Steve to his room, and forming a loving and friendly relationship that no one knew about. I'd wondered which Senator it was. We have many politicians who stay with us, lots of celebrities, but gays have tight lips. They like to gossip like most men but I'd never known one to out another man, to kiss and tell. They'd rip a female to shreds over her lack of taste, criticize, and gossip like housewives on a reality show but never squeal on a straight man.
I knocked on the door and Richard Mayo answered at once, barefoot, wet hair, and wearing a robe.
"Come in, Rowdy," he said nervously.
I walked in more nervous than he, suddenly afraid of what might happen. My memory flashed to a movie I'd seen years ago where a handsome man murders male prostitutes. The murders were fucking brutal. Mayo stepped back into the room and stood by the balcony door.
"Take your clothes off," he ordered.
"Yes, sir."
I'd never undressed in front of a man in this situation and I was embarrassed. I slipped my shoes off and toed my socks off, laughing to myself. Your feet are naked, Rowdy, I thought, now comes the hard part. I pulled my shirt over my head and I saw him watching me, naked lust in his eyes. I stretched and yawned, nervous as hell, and deliberately flexing my muscles. Might as well give him a show. I unbuckled my belt and the jeans button before unzipping them, looking at his face as he watched my hands. I couldn't do it. I couldn't drop my pants in front of another man like this with him watching me. I turned my back on him and dropped my jeans and boxers to the floor in one move. I heard him whistle softly. I turned around and looked at the floor. I didn't have an erection, wasn't sure if I would even be able to get it up.
"Goddamn, Rowdy, you're fucking gorgeous, you know that? Fucking gorgeous. How big's your dick, eight, nine inches?"
I didn't reply and I blushed, my face burning hot. I knew my body was in good shape. I worked out every day, ran on the beach, played beach volleyball, swam. I was a bartender who never drank a drop. Alcohol makes me puke every time. The doctors tell me my body has a metabolic intolerance for alcohol and rejects it immediately as a foreign invader. Things the body immediately rejects either get evicted by vomiting or diarrhea. I'm six feet, four inches tall, slender and muscled, with almost no body hair, just the dark brown curls under my arms and above my penis. Faint rings of hair around my nipples, a thin dark trail of hair from my belly button to my pubic bush, and a dust of hair on my lower legs, otherwise a tan hard body with a white ass that's never seen the sun.
I looked at his face. Mayo's face was flushed and I could see his erection poking like a stick into his robe. I felt almost faint and I turned around again, humiliated that I'd come to his room. For the first time in a long time I was totally panicked and afraid I might cry. Shit. I hadn't cried in years. But I'd never stripped off naked in front of another man so he could ogle me before he fucked me either. Suddenly I felt him behind me, his erection poking into my ass, his arms surrounding me, his lips kissing the back of my neck.
"Don't be so shy, Rowdy, you act like you've never had sex before. A good looking boy like you, I'll bet you've been fucking like a bunny since you hit puberty."
His teeth nipped at my ear and kissed my neck.
"What happened here?" he asked softly. "It looks like a rope scar."
I froze. I'd forgotten about the scar around my neck. In a panic, I simply told him the truth.
"I hung myself, tried to commit suicide a few years ago. Obviously it didn't work," I managed to croak out from the bottom of my gut.
He kissed my neck gently.
"I'm sorry. You're too beautiful for that, Rowdy. And I don't just mean what I can see of your body. You've got a good soul. You're a good man. Trust me. I've had to make this judgment call thousands of times in my life. Why do you think I risked everything I have to ask you up here tonight? You're a man of honor, Rowdy. It's a rare thing in this world today."
Just as I was digesting what he'd said to me he pushed me face down on the bed. His hands pulled my buttocks apart and I felt his hot breath on my ass just before his tongue licked my asshole. I jerked and he held me down, strong and in control. I closed my eyes and buried my face in the pillow. He kissed and licked my ass for the next half hour or so and I felt the rasp of his beard scrape the soft skin of my buttocks. He was only a few hours away from his morning shave and it showed. Now I knew what my ex-wife had complained about when I'd put my face in her pussy before shaving in the morning.
I felt something cold as he poured some sort of lubricant on my asshole. His fingers rubbed it in and a finger penetrated me. Then he rolled me over and sat straddling my chest, his erect cock in my face. I saw his fully naked body for the first time. He had less body hair than me, none on his chest or legs, only a few strands under his arms, and a small patch of black curls above his dick. His erect dick was maybe six inches, maybe less but it was thick like a goddamn arm. There was a huge purple vein running down one side and a pronounced circumcision scar, and the head of it looked like a peach, dark pink with the piss slit long and dripping his semen. He handed me a condom.
"Put it on with your teeth," he ordered, his eyes dancing with amusement.
I put the condom in my mouth and almost giggled. I wasn't sure I could do this and I had a vision of a police report stating I'd died from a condom lodged in my throat. I carefully held it between my teeth and lips before putting my mouth on his cock. I had a sudden thought that with my luck the condom was in my mouth backward and I'd have to take it out and start over again. I really did giggle then and Mayo smiled and ran his fingers through my hair gently.
"This is fun, huh?" he laughed softly. "I'm glad you're enjoying it, Rowdy."
I carefully rolled the condom over his cock as he pushed it into my mouth, the tip finally pushing against the back of my throat as my nose pressed into his pubic hair. He sat still for a minute and then leaned over me, fucking my mouth like a pussy. After a couple of minutes of being face fucked, he twisted off me and rolled me on my stomach again. He pushed my thighs apart and then held my buttocks open wide before I felt his cock touch my asshole. The moment of truth. I buried my face in the pillow again as I felt the thickness of his cock press against the hole. He made a few preliminary pushes and stroked my ass with his fingers.
"Push out like you do when you shit, Rowdy. Strain against my cock like you do when you're constipated. It'll be easier that way."
I did as he asked and he pushed again. I felt and heard his cock as it entered my ass. I gasped, almost screamed.
"Whoa, cowboy, don't buck me off yet. We'll take it slow. I know my cock's thicker than most."
He pushed in small increments with me gasping at each move, now biting the pillow, keeping my eyes closed throughout the ordeal. Eventually I felt his pubic hair against my ass, his balls hanging on mine, and I knew he was all the way in. Mayo leaned over my back and I felt him kiss my shoulders. He began to push his cock slowly, small retractions and re-entries, never fully pulling out. I relaxed. He was fucking me like I fucked women. Suddenly the sphincter muscle was totally relaxed and his entry was smooth, slippery from all the lubricant. Mayo lowered his body onto mine, his full weight on my back. He kissed and licked my neck, my earlobes, and he pulled my hair gently with his teeth.
He began to rock on me and suddenly he was fucking me for all he was worth, his cock pulling all the way out before slamming back in to the hilt. What had been painful was now pleasurable and I started moaning with each thrust. I felt like I'd never felt before and wondered if this was how women felt when men fucked them. Mayo kept at it, fucking me like an animal, grunting, cursing, biting my back. He grabbed my hair with his hand and pulled my head back, turning my face toward him. He kissed me gently, a surprise considering the force with which he was fucking my ass.
I let him slide his tongue in my mouth and had a sudden thought from high school locker room jeers. It's okay to let a queer suck your dick occasionally, you can even let him kiss your lips and body if it gets him off while he sucks you. But if you let him put his tongue in your mouth that means you're enjoying it way too much. Then I laughed inside, amused at my thought. The jeers had been about the rules of letting a queer give you head, all in place so a guy could get his rocks off pleasurably when no girl would oblige. Letting a guy fuck you in the ass was beyond the pale. I'd definitely gone over the dark side.
Mayo's fucking became frantic as his orgasm neared and my nervousness was gone, no more pain, only pleasure and I enjoyed what he was doing, loved it as I'd never loved anything before. I'd barely had an erection through this and suddenly I had a raging hard on pressing into the bed. Mayo's cock was slamming into me as he'd pull it all the way out before smashing it into me again. I could hear the suction sounds of the thick lubricant in my asshole and on his condom. I felt his balls slam into mine with each hit and then it was too much. I pushed against him and began to convulse, becoming the bucking bronco he'd teased me about.
"That's right, Rowdy," he grunted, out of breath. "It's about goddamn time, too. I thought you were never going to cum for me."
I exploded as I began to ejaculate my semen onto the bed beneath me. My balls churned as my asshole gripped his cock like a vise. Mayo slapped my ass hard with his hands as his own orgasm began and then he totally collapsed on me, moaning and panting into my neck as I felt that thick cock of his spasm and fill his condom with his cum. We lay like that for what seemed like forever, his cock still in my ass.
Then he rolled off me and stood up. I watched as he walked over to the dresser. He pulled his wallet out and removed a wad of money. I suddenly felt cheap. I'd enjoyed his making love to me. I'd really truly enjoyed my first sexual encounter with a man and I didn't want it ruined by seeming like a prostitute. I stood up, pulling on my clothes at record speed. I slid my shoes on and put the socks in my jean pockets.
"I don't want your filthy goddamn dirty money," I said brusquely. "I'm not a fucking prostitute. I just made a motherfucking mistake here. I'm just a sick queer whore."
I felt the tears sting my eyes but I was determined not to cry in front of him.
He pulled me into his arms, his naked flesh pressed against my clothes. He forced my head onto his shoulders.
"Don't do this, Rowdy. I know you're not a prostitute and I know for goddamn sure you're no queer whore. No one's ever fucked your ass before, I'm sure of that. I was your first man, am I right?"
My yes response was muffled in his shoulder. He smelled like soap and sexy cologne, something probably expensive because I'd never smelled it before.
"I'm giving you this money because I want you to have it, because you made a sad old man feel wonderful again. I've got tons of money; more than I'll ever spend and no one I care about to spend it on. Swallow your pride and take this. Please. It'll make me feel less like a dirty old man who stole your virginity."
I stepped back and looked him in the eye. The deep sadness within him seemed permanent. I took the money and put it in my pocket, then blushed. He kissed my nose gently and touched my cheek with his finger tips.
"I love it when you blush, Rowdy. Don't ever lose that genuine humility you have, son. Be true to yourself and try to do what makes you happy, not what your Dad wants. If you take my advice I guarantee you'll never put another noose around your neck again.
I was startled and he saw it. A wave of panic swept over me as my suspicion came to life. He saw it in my eyes. His hand gripped my face and forced me to look at him, not harshly but with a gentle strength.
"That's right, Rowdy. I know your father. He's a disgusting bastard and I never could understand why Cheryl married him in the first place, why he married her for that matter. You bear a vague resemblance to him but I had no idea until I saw the rope scar. Then I knew. I remember Cheryl calling me in hysterics after she found you hanging in the closet.
I looked at him, looked up and down his naked body. He was in fantastic physical shape and the foreskin now covered his soft penis.
"I know. You think I'm just a sick pervert in a revolting old body. It's okay if you want to think that, if it'll make you feel better."
"I don't think you're a pervert at all, sir. And you're not revolting at all either. You're sexy and handsome, my idea of what a man should be. Why do you think I made you my first?"
He took my hand in his and pulled it to his lips, kissing first the top and then the palm.
"Thank you for that, Rowdy, I mean it. I feel like I can breathe now."
He smiled at me and there was no sadness in his eyes this time.
"Do you think you might let me make love to you again while I'm staying here this week?"
I grinned at him.
"There's no 'might' about it at all, sir. I'd love to have sex with you again, I want to. Just no more money, okay?"
He laughed. "This week doesn't look so bad after all, Rowdy. And we'll talk about the money bit. I've got no one else to give it to that I care about. Indulge me."
I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips again before leaving. I smiled the way I hadn't in a long time as I heard the door click behind me. |
Bed Bound Ch. 05: Don't Move | 21,329 | 4.63 | 2,216,470 | [
"orgasm control",
] | Being fucked whilst a broken mess has always been appealing to Nikki. It's something she's had the pleasure of experiencing more than once before, and there was one particular occasion that will forever stick in her memory as one of her favourite ever kink experiences.
When she arrived at his house, she was already a desperate, dripping mess. Her state was mainly due to the seven-day touching ban he'd imposed on her leading up to this date, but there was more to it than that. There was something about the confident way he conducted himself that really got under Nikki's skin, and drove her to lusting after being controlled and dominated by his powerful body and creative brain.
She'd barely stepped into his immaculate front porch, yet somehow she already found herself tied down on top of his kitchen table. She was on her back, her ankles tied to her thighs and to the table legs so they were forced apart, exposing her greedy cunt. Her tits were so tightly bound they felt like they could touch the ceiling, and each wrist was tied to the outside of each breast, so she couldn't move her arms away from her body. Her head was hanging off the other side of the table at the perfect height and angle for him to fuck her mouth, something he did roughly and for a considerable period of time. That was the foreplay.
When he'd finished with her mouth he gagged it with a ring gag, which forced her to drool all over her inverted face as it hung off the edge of the table. Then, with her spit still all over his cock as lube, shoved his cock inside her and started fucking her cunt just as roughly as he had done to her mouth.
It didn't take Nikki long to cum, the facefucking alone was enough to bring her close after a whole week of denial. With a loud moan from her forced-open mouth, and a convulsion from her helpless body, she came, squirting all over his cock, and the kitchen floor.
He continued to fuck her for longer than Nikki thought she could deal with, bringing her to five more intense, full-body orgasms. Then it was his turn to cum, filling her cunt whilst he continued to pound her to yet another climax. He stepped back to survey what he had done to her.
She was totally broken. Her face was covered in drool, cunt covered in both of their cum, and the rest of her body covered in sweat. She tried to bring her breathing back down to normal - not an easy task in the position she was in - and start to recover from what had been a glorious fuck.
But he didn't untie her. Instead, he opened the living room door (which had remained closed until that point), and three more men walked into the kitchen.
"I'll leave you three to enjoy the mess I've created" he said, as he left the kitchen to take a shower. Nikki's heart started racing even harder, and her broken cunt got even wetter, as the first guy walked up to her body - proudly displayed to them like a hard-won trophy - and thrust his cock inside her.
That was the memory that was racing through Nikki's brain as she lay down in the puddle of piss she'd created earlier, grabbed her wand, and got ready to start bringing her used body to yet another orgasm.
But Nikki didn't get the chance to cum, because just as she started to feel the pleasure start rising inside of her, the phone rang - it was Tia.
After a brief conversation, which consisted mainly of Tia telling Nikki exactly why she hadn't spoken to her since the last phone call and how upset she was with her, the subject came round once again to Nikki's unusual new dynamic.
"I'm worried about you, Nikki, I'm worried you're starting something that you don't know the direction of, that you're getting in over your head." Tia was right, Nikki WAS getting over her head, but that was exactly what was appealing about the situation. Nikki didn't know how to answer Tia's point, spending the next few seconds murmuring and spluttering random syllables that stood little chance of forming any comprehensible words. "I'm coming over, we need to talk about this." With that, Tia hung up, and a short while later, Nikki heard a knock on the door.
Still slightly out of breath from frantically trying to mop up all the piss on her bedroom floor, Nikki answered the door, and Tia strode in with a great sense of purpose. "Put the kettle on, love, I need a piss, I'll be with you in a minute." For someone who is such a natural submissive, Tia had always been surprisingly good at ordering Nikki about. Nikki certainly enjoyed it, and never encouraged her to stop, knowing that even thought she never let on, Tia secretly enjoyed that level of control over her as well.
Nikki dutifully complied, making her way to the kitchen, filling up the kettle with way more water than was necessary (as she usually did), and flicking it on to boil. She heard Tia come out of the bathroom as the volume of the almost-boiling water increased, but as she half-heartedly perused social media on her phone, she suddenly noticed how long it was taking her to get back to the living room.
Just as this curiosity was about to reach the required level that would prompt her to do something about it, Nikki heard Tia's voice, with a not inconsiderable amount of alarm coming from it.
Panic immediately gripped Nikki's entire being. What had happened? Was Tia okay? Had she injured herself? A thousand scenarios raced through her mind in the short time it took her to jog from the kitchen to the bedroom, but none of them were what greeted her upon arrival.
Tia was standing in the middle of the newly-cleaned room, staring at the bed, the expression on her face an inquisitive blend of disbelief and abject horror. The screen on the bed was on, and contained the text that had whipped Tia into such a frenzy.
"Your reward for completing your first task: The first number is 1."
Nikki knew exactly what was going through Tia's head at this precise moment. She had realised that this is the new D/s relationship Nikki was talking about on the phone before. Nikki wasn't sure if Tia didn't want to believe what she saw, or couldn't believe it, or a mixture of both.
"What the hell is going on here?" was the only complete sentence that Tia was able to muster, given the shock she'd just received at such an unusual sight. This definitely wasn't how Nikki wanted to break the news to her. Why choose now to say this? Did it know that there was someone else in the room? Was it showing off, humiliating her, or was it just coincidental timing?
The next ten to fifteen minutes saw Nikki ignore the bed and explain to Tia exactly what had been going on, how the bed had been controlling her, what the bracelets meant, and the trouble she was currently in. Ironically, they were sat on the bed during this conversation, Tia repeatedly shifting her intense glances between Nikki and the screen, providing varying expressions of disbelief, confusion and fear over what Nikki was, and is, allowing herself to be subjected to.
At the end of the explanation, Nikki was expecting questions, lots of questions. She knew she would certainly have many if Tia had revealed to her that she was in this situation. The question she got, however, wasn't one of the ones she anticipated.
"Let me see the chastity belt." That felt less like a question, and more of a demand, but that was Tia's way, and in the state she was in, this was no time to deviate from her character.
Nikki opened her wardrobe and fished out the chastity belt that she'd hastily thrown in there whilst tidying the room in anticipation for Tia's visit.
"There you go," she declared, handing the belt to Tia "it's nothing special, just a chastity belt."
Tia spent a long time studying the belt. Had it been more normal circumstances, one could have argued that she was spending too long, but it was becoming clear that the sight of a physical object related to this whole madcap situation was something of a welcome relief to Tia, reassuring her that this was actually real, and that Nikki wasn't losing her marbles.
After exclaiming at the size of the internal dildo on more than one occasion, Tia looked at Nikki and asked a question that Nikki had never thought to ask herself when she saw the belt for the first time.
"Where's the lock?" They both checked the belt over once more, but there was no sign of a lock, or even anything that could be used as a lock in any way. The pieces of the belt joined together by sliding into the holes cut into the sides of a round-shaped piece of metal at the front, but there appeared to be no way of locking them in place, or indeed unlocking them again.
At this point, and for no logical reason, Nikki suddenly remembered that she hadn't done anything with the kettle since it had boiled some half an hour ago. So, with a simple "Tea?" and an equally simple nod from Tia, she strode into the kitchen to make them both a cuppa.
Upon returning to the bedroom, Nikki let out an "are you sure you want to do that?" gasp as she was greeted by the sight of Tia, who was now naked from the waist downwards, raising the belt up through her legs, around her waist, and bringing the components together by holding them in place inside the round "lock". It was no secret that Tia had always had a mild interest in chastity - nothing major enough that she actively pursued it in any long-term capacity, but short-term orgasm denial had always been a big kink for her.
"I wasn't expecting it to fit this well, how did the bed know your measurements?" Tia and Nikki had the same body shape, although admittedly Nikki's boobs were a couple of cup sizes bigger. However, before Nikki could answer, the look of panic swiftly returned to both of their faces.
A loudish "click" filled the room, and after a few quick tugs, both girls realised that the belt had locked in place. "NO!" Tia shouted so loud that it made Nikki jump, convincing her that the neighbours would hear. "This can't happen! How do I unlock this fucking thing!"
After a few frantic seconds of joint-tugging in all directions, they both immediately stopped what they were doing and turned in unison towards the bed, as they noticed the screen whirr back into life once again.
"It is time for your second task, Nikki. Here are your instructions."
"But that's not me wearing the belt!" Nikki screamed, with Tia too busy still desperately trying to force the lock open to join in with the pleas.
"You are to go to Piccadilly Circus, and stand next to the Eros statue for 30 minutes, without moving from the spot you are standing on. Those are my only instructions."
The bed immediately started to retract its screen.
"Wait! Please! That's not me! I'm not wearing the belt!!" Nikki's begging continued, but the screen continued to retract as normal, not offering anything in the way of understanding or acknowledgement of what she was saying.
Nikki turned to Tia, and tried to get her to calm down. "Okay, let's look at this rationally," she said with an almost futile twang to her voice, knowing that Tia was still panic-stricken at the belt locked on her body. "that task doesn't actually seem that difficult, we can both head there now, stand there for half an hour, then come back here. It'll all be over by the end of the night, right?" A tear had become visible, rolling down Tia's cheek, she was still in shock, but Nikki's words were starting to reassure her.
"I have a safeword that I can use, if you really want to get out of this right now." Nikki said, realising that she'd got so worked up in the moment that she hadn't thought to mention that before. Tia paused to think, but a look of steely determination overcame her.
"You know what? Fuck it, let's do this. I made the decision to put the belt on, so I should suffer the consequences. I'll take one for you this time, Nikki, but you said this was a punishment, so you owe me."
"Are you sure, Tia? I can easily safeword, the bed has reassured me that it would stop whatever is happening at the time if I did that. Maybe it will listen this time if I explain to it that the wrong person is wearing the belt."
"Listen, do you want to stand in the middle of Piccadilly Circus wearing a chastity belt?" Nikki hesitated for a moment. The instinctive answer to that question was yes, for that was a very hot thought. But Nikki had recently experienced just how testing the bed's punishments can be, and, secretly, she was glad that she had the opportunity to skip one and let Tia take the fall instead.
"Okay let's go then, the sooner we start, the sooner we can finish."
"Yeah, I just hope that once I've done the 30 minutes, this thing will unlock itself" Tia exclaimed, before getting lost in the thought of how she would remove the belt in such a public place.
The journey to the centre of London was much more comfortable for Nikki than it was for Tia. Not a minute went by when Tia wasn't complaining about or otherwise mentioning the size of the metal dildo forced inside her cunt by the chastity belt. She could feel it with every stride she took, and this moaning was particularly evident when Tia sat down on the seat of the tube train. It wasn't long before she decided it was too much, and stood up again for the remainder of the journey.
The only topic of conversation held between them for the entire, nearly-hour-long journey, centred around one question - what's the catch? Nikki had described the first punishment to Tia, and they both agreed that after something that hard to cope with, simply standing in one spot for half an hour wearing a device that nobody can see, seems remarkably easy in comparison. Various theories were discussed, but none seemed to make any sense, and before they were able to reach a logical conclusion, they found themselves standing at the base of the Eros statue, wondering what happens next.
Nikki checked her phone for the time.
"Okay, my phone says 22:13, so we stand here, and at 22:43, we both leave and head back to mine, mmmkay?" Tia nodded, and found a suitable spot at the base of the steps, away from the underground exit and traffic lights. However, there were still pedestrians everywhere, walking past both of them, sometimes in very close proximity, going about their daily business in the kind of selfish scurry that only Londoners seem to do.
Five minutes passed, and nothing happened. They both stood mainly in silence, anticipating the supposed "catch", the silence only being broken by another mention of just how big the dildo was and how much it filled Tia's cunt. Admittedly that was a quiet conversation - they didn't want the whole of Piccadilly Circus to know what was going on.
After a couple more minutes, the pair of them started to believe that this was actually it, and with a newfound sense of optimism, Nikki offered to buy them both a drink from the nearby coffee shop. Tia agreed, and Nikki walked off, leaving her to it.
It didn't take long for Nikki to buy the drinks, it turns out not many people want coffee so late in the evening, but, being the centre of London, most places stayed open until late at night anyway. Nikki walked back towards the statue, and sure enough, Tia was still standing there, but the expression on her face instantly told Nikki that something had changed.
Picking up her pace, Nikki soon reached Tia, asking what was happening whilst looking at the worried, slightly embarrassed faces Tia was trying her best not to pull.
"The dildo...it's started vibrating."
"Well," Nikki exclaimed at a volume that was unintentionally inappropriately loud "I guess this is the catch then." She checked her watch, and looked back at Tia with her own expression of concern. "You still have 19 minutes remaining."
The two of them had fucked enough times that Nikki knew what Tia was like with her orgasms, and what she was like was quick, and loud. Her ability to cum within seconds, and keep on coming multiple times in quick succession whilst exhaling guttural moans that could be heard at a nightclub (as had been proven when Nikki once fingered her to an orgasm in the middle of the dance floor) meant that they both quickly realised that preventing this from being an incredibly embarrassing affair would be a very difficult task indeed.
Tia did her best to suppress the noises she made as the dildo continued to pulse waves of pleasure through her cunt. The lack of people paying any attention to her was an indication of how well she was doing (and perhaps how self-centred the population of central London tends to be), but it wasn't long before the inevitable happened.
"What do you want me to do? Just try and focus, try not to cum, and if you have to, try and be quiet."
Tia's eyes rolled back in her head, her legs started shaking, and she grabbed Nikki tightly on her shoulder to try keep her balance. At first, Tia was able to stifle the moans as the orgasm ripped through her body, clasping her other hand over her mouth and pretending like she was trying not to throw up. But the dildo didn't stop vibrating when Tia had finished cumming. In fact, it found an even stronger setting, and with that, Tia was immediately thrust into a second, even more powerful orgasm.
This time there was no controlling her body. Nikki grabbed onto her as she started falling, clutching her in a sort of awkward hugging position, as Tia let out a series of moans and screams that were so loud, they almost deafened Nikki. Somehow, despite how full her cunt was, Tia managed to squirt, and several visible trails of it quickly became visible as they ran down her leg below her skirtline.
"PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" Tia shouted in Nikki's ear. By this point, everyone within reasonably close proximity had turned their heads towards them, wondering what on Earth had made all these noises, and why.
Nikki tried to answer her, but Tia was holding onto her so tightly, and in no time at all, a third orgasm overcame Tia, accompanied by another series of heart-poundingly loud noises of pure, uncontrollable ecstasy.
After the third orgasm, the vibrations in the dildo eased, although they continued at a mild level. Tia was able to regain her balance and composure, and when she realised how many people were staring at her, the overcoming feeling of pleasure was comprehensively replaced by sheer humiliation.
Without saying anything, Tia turned towards the tube station and ran as fast as her heels would take her.
"Tia!" Nikki shouted after her, "You still have ten minutes left!"
"I don't care!" Came the rapidly fading response from Tia. "I can't take that any more!"
Nikki tried to run after Tia, but as she turned, she bumped into a passer-by, and fell over. By the time she had recovered her composure and apologised to the irate pedestrian, Tia was long gone. With half the population of Piccadilly Circus still staring at her, Nikki made her way towards the station, pretending like nothing had happened, and got on the train to head back home.
When she arrived home, she sent Tia yet another text to check where she was and if she was okay, but, just like the previous texts and missed calls, there was no response. She decided to head to bed.
Taking her clothes off in the bedroom, she noticed that the bed's screen was on.
"You have failed your second task, Nikki." |
Hotel | 27,085 | 4.5 | 73,906 | [
"softly suck",
"slow love",
"orgasm subsides",
"hips put",
"eyes enjoying",
"water slowly",
"lips make",
"night end",
"kiss tenderly",
"slowly rub"
] | I first see you from my hotel balcony. My eyes are first drawn to your beautiful face, but before long, they are drawn to your lovely curves. I can’t help but stare as you lie by the pool. Your reading some sort of magazine as you sun yourself. I can tell that you have already put some oil onto yourself, as your skin glistens in the sunlight. You have also been in the pool at sometime; your hair is still wet. While I long to go downstairs and speak with you, the usual fear of rejection keeps my on that balcony. I decide to wait and watch.
I go get my binoculars. I don’t want to seem like a pervert, but I want to see you. I am drawn to you. I decide to stay in the room, off to the side so I can observe without being seen. When I finally find you in focus, I am even more pleased then before. I can see that you are even more attractive then the distance would allow my naked eyes to see. Your eyes are very beautiful and I am drawn to them. While it is a beautiful sunny day, the sun has retired behind you and is not in those precious eyes. My male instincts take over and I slowly move the sights down your body. I am very, very pleased by what I see. You are exquisite. Your curves prove that you are a woman and your femininity spills forth. Your anklet, the ring on your thumb, and the lip-gloss on your lips, show me that you are proud to be a woman. That appeals to me.
I wait patiently for what I look for next. A smile comes to my face as I see your left hand. A smile comes to my face as I see that you are not wearing a wedding ring. I continue to watch and observe and I don’t see a man coming for you. I smile again.
You notice the man on the balcony and you see that he is looking in your direction. He is not a male model or anything but, he is attractive. You catch him watching you but you do not mind. He is not leering at you; he is looking at you, admiring you. You do not feel threatened but rather, it flatters you. You read your magazine, but your thoughts are on the man above.
It has been some time since you were with a man and you long for it. You crave the warmth, tenderness, and companionship that a man can provide. If you fell in love that would be all the better, but lately it has been lust that has taken over your thoughts. You still masturbate on occasion but you have been craving the full sexual experience lately. Your fingers can give you an orgasm, but they can’t slowly massage your back as you lay in bed. Your dildo works also but a dildo cant wrap its arms around you and make you warm. A man is what you need to fill all your desires.
You’re no slut though. You have your principles. You have never even had a one-night stand before, but lately you have been craving to be touched, and held. Well who knows? Love is around every corner your grandmothers used to say. Maybe you will meet someone on this vacation. Even though your good friend backed out, you decided to go anyway, alone, against the wishes of your family. You hoped that maybe, just maybe you would find him here.
You again look up to the balcony. Your heart sinks just a little, as you cannot find the mystery man any longer. Oh well, you think to yourself, he is probably married. You return to your article, “10 things you didn’t know about sex!” Stupid article… you already knew all 10.
You hear a splash in the pool and you peek over your magazine. Oh my god, its him. The mystery man. You struggle to see what he looks like up close, but he is in the water and is on the other side of the pool. As he swims closer, you are pleased by what you see. He is handsome, and more importantly, attractive to you.
You quickly go back to your article as he swims closer. You are nervous but you don’t know why. The butterflies in your stomach are a welcome friend that you have not felt in quite some time. You love that feeling. The feeling of love as it first blossoms, but lately no one has made you feel that way. Until now…
I get out of the pool right in front of you. I am somewhat nervous, but I don’t care. I have to know who this exquisite beauty is. I cannot see your face just yet, but what I can see of your body pleases me.
Neither of us have that perfect body but so what? It is all about attraction, and I like what I see. I want to see more, and I hope that I will.
“Is this seat taken?” I asked as I slowly approach you.
“No.” You say shyly.
“May I sit down?”
“Please do.”
I sit down and for the first time, really get to see your face. You are so beautiful. I cannot take my eyes off of you. Your eyes engulf me and draw me to them, and your succulent lips make mine crave to be next to them. I take a deep breath and attempt to speak.
“I was noticing you from my room and I had to come down and meet you. I think you are very, very
beautiful and I would like to get to know you better.”
What? No goofy line about how you fell from heaven? No ridiculous antics to get your attention? The last man you met at a pool nearly killed himself as he tried to jump in the pool from someone’s roof. You were not used to this honest approach but you find it very refreshing.
You smile as he sits next to you. You like how his body looks. Nice chest, nice shoulders, decent
stomach. It all looks extra good because he is wet. His hair is slicked back and yeah, he is starting to think out up there but it looks good on him.
You two begin what turns out to be a two-hour conversation. You are so happy that the two of you have hit is off so well. You have the same likes and dislikes; you have even talked a little about sex. You feel very comfortable with him and you definitely do not want the night to end. He sees that you are a little cold; He suggests that you both get in the Jacuzzi. Not wanting the night to end you agree. You both get in and the warm water warms your cold skin. He sits across from you and you both talk. When you bring your feet up to play with the bubbles, he slowly holds one of them in his strong hands and begins to massage your foot. At first, you are a little tense but you quickly relax. His hands are magical. They massage all around your toes and your ankles. He doesn’t want you to get cold so he massages your feet under the warm water. You feel so relaxed now. He asks a waitress to bring a few drinks. You order your favorite and he orders a rum and coke. With the warm water, alcohol and wonderful massage, you quickly grow rather inhibited.
He gets out and sits on the side, wanting to cool down a bit. As you both continue to talk, you look down and notice his manhood. It is creating quite a bulge in his shorts. You know that he is not trying to be sexual, you are just talking, but it is very noticeable. He moves his legs and the next time you look down to his groin, you see more then you expected. You can see his penis through the leg of his shorts. You don’t know why but this really gets you going. You can see that he is well endowed, very thick, and uncircumcised. Your mouth actually craves to be around it. You get up and move closer, wanting more from this mysterious man. While the two of you gaze into each other’s eyes, you rub your breasts against his knees. You smile as he looses his concentration.
He stopped mid sentence as he looks down and notices what you are doing. You reach under the water and slowly pull down the front of your swimsuit. Your cleavage is now exposed and his eyes have gotten much bigger. While staring into his eyes, you ask, “Do you like what you see?”
“Uh.. Yeah” he manages to spit out, stammering all the way.
You can’t believe how aggressive you are tonight, but with the moonlight, the alcohol, and this particular man, your passions are at an all time high. You look down and see that he is nearly erect now. You don’t even think as you reach over and rub it slowly. He looks around quickly and you giggle at his nervousness. The two of you now stare into each other’s eyes, knowing what the other is thinking and wanting. In one quick motion, you reach into his shorts, pull out his thick, hard, hot cock and you place it into your hot waiting mouth. You begin to salivate as the hot cock touches your tongue. Within two are three sucks; it has reached its full potential. You taste the chlorine from the pool but you don’t mind. It tastes so good with salt from his skin. You slowly engulf his manhood into your mouth until it is far in as you can take it, and then slowly and softly suck as you raise your head. Again and again, you go down for more. The bubbles from the Jacuzzi tickle your chest as you go down on him. You know that he is enjoying this. You cannot see his face but you feel his hands on your back and on the back of your head. Not forcefully, but tenderly. You move up and run your tongue around the tip of his cock. You use all the tricks that you have learned in the past.
You lick it like a lollypop and kiss it down the sides. You do everything you can think of to give his member pleasure. When you taste his pre-cum, you stop and slowly back up to the other side of the Jacuzzi.
You left his cock out so you can see what you have created. Seeing the hot, hard cock glisten in the moonlight makes you both proud and aroused.
I take a deep breath and concentrate on holding the flood of cum back. That was the best oral anyone has ever given me and it takes me a minute of pure concentration to not cum, and then to get my bearings.
I look at you across the Jacuzzi and you are smiling. Come to think of it, I am smiling too. I realize my cock is still exposed so I lower myself into the water. I slowly make way to the other side of the pool and come right to you. I kiss you. Tenderly, passionately. Your lips are still hot which drives me wild. We taste each other for the first time and it is wonderful. I cannot believe how wonderful you make me feel. Not only physically but in every way. I loved talking to you all day. I love looking at you, and now I love tasting you.
Our tongues do the dance of delight in each other’s mouth. As we continue to kiss, your arms come up and you rest them on my shoulders. My hands hold your hips. As the kissing becomes more aggressive, I place my hands on the top of your legs, next to your hips. My thumbs are resting on your inner thighs and are very close to your womanhood. We kiss a little longer and I feel your legs slowly open. I know that I have been granted permission. I leave my left hand on your leg and my right moves over your leg and slides in between your legs. I slowly rub down until my whole hand cups your vagina. I am careful not to move. I want you to trust me. You slowly move your hips so that my hand massages you. We are both breathing heavy now. Our passion is growing by the second. My hand slowly massages you. The hot water and my hot hand please you so much, you lust grows with every second.
You can’t take it anymore. You swing him around and sit him on the little step that is in the water. You climb on top of him and straddle him. You continue to kiss and hold each other. You then reach down and massage his hard cock that I still outside his shorts. You can’t believe how hard he is. He is like a rock.
You then move closer to him. With your swimsuit still on, you press your vagina against his hard cock. You slowly move up and down his shaft. You move your hips so that your clit is rubbing on his cock as you slowly slide up and down. You want him in you but you want to be stimulated, to have the most wonderful foreplay all night.
I want to be in you so bad. It takes all of my will power to not throw you on the floor outside the pool and penetrate you like you want to be penetrated, but I stay in control.
You continue to slowly slide up and down as you continue to kiss. His hands are wrapped tightly around you. You have to have him. You reach down, move your swimsuit to the side, grab his cock, and position him. You wrap your arms around his neck, place your cheek nest to his and slowly let him penetrate you. The hot cock with the hot water makes a new sensation that you cherish and want more of. He is so thick that your vagina is stretched. Since this is the first time in a long while, you take your time and enjoy this
sensation that you have been missing. You continue to slide all the way down until he is fully inside you.
You are pleased that he fills you. The wetness makes it so easy. He slides right in. You let out a gasp when your vaginal lips make contact with the base of his shaft. You suddenly realize that you two are still outside, in view of others. Your mind has been taken away and suddenly you are awakened to reality. You realize that you are in public but there is absolutely no way you can stop now. You quickly look around to make sure that the coast is clear and then you look deep into his eyes as you slowly slide up and down.
You don’t want to attract too much attention. His eyes tell you that he is enjoying everything. You now have a connection, a bond. You are now one. After 10 minutes, you want more. You whisper in his ear, “Let’s go upstairs and do this right.”
We quickly hop out of the Jacuzzi. I have a hard time concealing my package and do my best to wrap my towel around me to conceal my seven inches of muscle. It is especially hard because I can still see a little bit of your pussy lip that is not covered by your bathing suit. I mention it to you and you give me a smile as you make sure I see it and then slowly cover yourself with a towel. We both quickly gather our things.
I can’t believe this is happening. I have never been so lucky. Sure, there have been those flings and one-night stands, but this was different. There was a connection here, a total attraction, and I want to truly be with this woman for a very long time.
We almost run for the elevator. Once inside, we again kiss tenderly and passionately. My hands long to touch your skin but my lips crave to feels your soft lips even more. We run down the hallway, giggling all the way. I fumble with the key card, and have a hard time getting it in the door because your hands are all over my cock. We laugh as we spill into the room. I throw all of my things that were in my hand onto the floor, turn around, and embrace you. I push you against the door and we kiss long and hard. I then spin you around. We take one step and you feel the dresser hit your bottom. I push you onto it, the cold wood touching your hot back. Your legs come up and wrap around my waist. I stand up, take one of your legs, and hold your foot to my mouth. I kiss your foot and then slowly suck on your toes. I think kiss your ankle, your calf, your knee, your inner thigh…I get closer and closer to what I really want. You allow me to go forward, not stopping me at all. I kiss you hot pussy over your bathing suit. I can smell your sweetness and now I am aroused even more then I was before. My tongue and teeth search for the edge of your suit, and as soon as I have a grasp of it in my teeth, I pull it to one side. I softly kiss your naked pussy for the first time. I am pleased that your lips are naked, not only from clothing but from any pubic hair. I don’t want to be impeded or distracted as I please you. After kissing you several times, my warm wet tongue goes to the bottom of your slit and ever so slowly licks you all the way to the front. My hands rest on your tummy and softly rub you as I concentrate on what I am doing for you. You pull my hands up to your breasts and I massage them over your suit.
I lick with a little more force, parting your lips open with my tongue. Mmmmm you are so wet and so sweet. I quickly begin my search. My goal will not be complete until I find what I am looking for, but I consciously take my time in finding it. My tongue explores you and after a few moments, I have reached my destination. Your clit is hot and hard. I let my tongue wrap all around it. I have the ability to turn my tongue over and so my tongue covers your clit in all directions. I know you are pleased, your hips and waist are moving in all directions. You raise your hips so that you can put more of yourself in my mouth.
I alternate between sucking on your clit, softly nibbling on it with my teeth, and licking it fast, then slow. I love the fact that I can bring you pleasure so I stay down on you. My hands now spread you farther apart and I lick all over. I continue to play with your clit until I hear what I have been longing to hear. Your breath quickens, your moans grow higher and higher. You are breathing very heavy now. I know what is coming…
What is he doing to me? You have never had oral like this before in your life, and it has taken weeks or months before you felt comfortable enough with a boyfriend to have an orgasm but not tonight. Not with him, not now. You reach down and pull his head into you as it builds…
As soon as I hear your first scream, and feel your tummy spasm from your intense orgasm, my tongue shoots into you. I wiggle it around inside you as your body spasms. I love the way your cum rushes over my tongue, and it tastes so sweet. I continue to eat you until your orgasms subsides. I am careful to listen and feel so that if I lick someplace that excites you, I stay lick a moment longer, just to give you as much pleasure as possible. For a moment, I consider staying and licking more, but I can’t take it any more. I have to have you. I pull you up and take the straps of your bathing suit in my hands. I pull it down over your shoulders, finally exposing your luscious breasts. I am very pleased by what I see. I back up and stand you up and again we begin to kiss. We move over to the bed. I grab your suit once again and as I kiss down your neck, to your chest, between your cleavage, I pull the suit down. When I kiss your tummy, your suit lands on the floor. You are totally naked before me. You don’t seem nervous at all and that makes me happy. As I kneel in front of you, I take your warm soft breasts in my hands and as I hold them, I begin to kiss them. I kiss them all over, moving slowly and deliberately. I am always careful to miss your nipples. Only my hot breath will make contact with them, teasing them and warming them. They are already very hard and before long, I cannot fight my urges. I take your hard nipple and soft areola into my warm, wet mouth. I softly suck on your nipples. I also nibble on them softly. While my mouth is on one, my hand is teasing the other. I lick my fingers to make it feel better to you.
You let out a gasp and your knees buckle. You are aroused enough you no longer need this. You push him back onto the bed and climb on top of him. Without using your hands, you move your hips around until the two of you are aligned and then you again lower yourself onto him. It feels different then it did in the pool, but it still feels heavenly. You are in control and you love it. You slowly go up and down, enjoying every one of his seven inches. It is so thick that you feel it expanding you. You sit up and put your hands on his chest. You begin to get into a wonderful rhythm. You look into his eyes and see that he is enjoying you. He is watching you, your breasts, your hair, and your face. You notice that you are breathing heavier now. Your mouth is open slightly. You need more air. You are hot and you need more air.
She is amazing. My hands slowly rub all over your body as you ride me. Your hips, your thighs, your sides, your breasts. I grab a pillow and put it under my head. This brings my face closer to yours and we kiss occasionally as you go up and down. I love the way your hair brushes against my face, and the feel of your hands on my chest. I cannot describe how good you feel inside. Hot, wet, and totally engulfing me every time you lower yourself. You then sit up and I can see your body in the moonlight. You are truly amazing with an amazing body. You hold my hands for support; you are still controlled, up, down, up, down. You are taking it slow and I love that. You lean back and let your hair fall behind you. Your finger tips barely able to touch my stomach. You then thrust yourself forward and put your arms on the bed next to me. You are loosing control. You are no longer sliding up and down; you are thrusting your hips and throwing yourself onto me. We are crashing together and it is wonderful. We both begin to moan as pleasure emanates from our groins. I grab your hips and pull you onto me. We go faster and faster. I then pull you down and stop. “Wait, stop, I don’t want to cum.” We are motionless for a few moments as the felling subsides. All you can hear is our lungs gasping for breath. I lift you off of me and tell you to stay there. I get off the bed and get behind you. I find you quickly and as I stand next to the bed, with you still on it, I begin to thrust myself into you. My hands are on your hips. Over and over I put the full length of my hard hot cock into you. You are so wet and it feels wonderful.
Oh god, he is awesome, you think. You have never had a boyfriend that would last this long. His hands are strong on your hips. You allow him to take over. He is in control now. Thrusting deeper and harder. Your breasts sway with every thrust. His balls swing up and tap your clit over and over again, you can feel another orgasm coming on.
We are really in the heat of passion now. I go faster and harder, making sure I thrust the way you like. I can see that you are hot. The perspiration from your back glistens in the moonlight. We crash together in a mind-blowing rhythm, after 20 minutes of this, we are no longer making love, we are no longer having sex,
and we have crossed into another realm. This is pure unadulterated lust.
Another orgasm starts to build deep within you. His steady pounding has not only pleased your clit as his balls tease it, but the tip of his cock has been flirting with your g-spot and you have been pleasured internally like you have never been pleasured before. You can’t even think right now. All you can do is feel. The pounding and the pleasure is all that your brain can handle. You can’t think of anything else. You don’t even realize that you are moaning. In your mind, we are truly one and nothing else exists. You focus on the pleasure and it continues to build, and build. You drop to your forearms as the orgasm hits. You let out a yell that you have never let out before. This is the most intense orgasm you have ever had. Your body tightens up. Your hands are gripping the sheets tightly. The pleasure is too much for you and it overwhelms you. You shake uncontrollably as he continues to stay in his steady strong motion. You ask him to slow own as your orgasm subsides. He does so carefully, caringly. He is now coming in and out of you much slower and with a lot less force. You tell him to pull out and he does. You roll over on your back and he comes to you. Even though your legs are sore, you willingly spread them as he approaches.
I have to cum. I am so pleased that I have been able to give you what you want but now I need to release this wonderful build up of cum. The second your cum surrounded my cock, I had to cum. I climb on top of you and put one hand under the small of your back and one behind your head. I enter you and as I look into your eyes, I thrust myself into you. We kiss in between breaths. It is different now. We are now making love. Deep and passionate. Our bodies pressed together, our eyes locked on one another. Our lips then come together. We are too tired and breathing too hard to kiss. We just allow them to rub together and touch. I feel my cum building at the base of my balls and I welcome that feeling. I now embrace you tightly and put my head down as I start to increase my speed. You embrace me tightly. I squeeze you in my arms as I fight back my cum, but it pushes and fights to come out. With one last thrust, I shoot my hot cum into you. You moan as hot cum starts spilling into you. Again and again cum comes gushing into you. As my orgasm subsides, we hold each other and kiss.
We are tired now…so tired. The night has been magical and we don’t want it to end but our passion and activity have worn us out. We lie in each other’s arms and lay very, very close to one another. Even though we just met today, we know. We know that we have found someone special and we know that love at first sight exists. We have proven that it exists. We fall asleep peacefully, fully satisfied and full of love. |
Matt & I Ch. 06 | 42,119 | 4.57 | 443,968 | [
] | *Please read chapters1 through 5 before reading this Chapter 06.
This is a fictional story.*
The Christmas holidays passed without any further experiences between Angie or Mike and me. The following day they left for home to celebrate with her family and prepare for his deployment. Matt spent the day visiting with some of his friends and Melissa. I would learn more about Melissa as time passed. "Liz", Harry spoke bringing me out of a memory, "tomorrow let's go to the mountains for a couple of days. I've made reservations at a B&B for the two of us. Just a little get-away for us."
How could I refuse? It was a beautiful trip; the air crisp and clean and the roads barely traveled. We stopped at an old store filled with antiques and collectibles. It was fun to shop and I believe Harry truly enjoyed it. We arrived at the B&B in late afternoon and met the other two couples staying there then joined them for dinner before retiring.
Harry undressed, as usual, but didn't put on pajamas; he crawled into the bed naked. I looked at him and he smiled. "Don't put anything on. Just come to bed naked with me" he said as he laid open the covers for me.
There was excitement in me, excitement that perhaps his libido had returned and he wanted to make love. I undressed and turned out the lights. The full winter moon lit the room with a blue hue. I could see Harry's eyes following my body as I made my way to the bed. He pulled me to him, into his arms, and held me against his body, then kissed me, wonderfully, fully, passionately, husbandly. I wanted him.
He broke the kiss and edged me gently out of his arms. He moved atop me then down until he was between my outstretched legs. Harry began kissing and licking me and gave me oral pleasure, pleasure he hadn't lavished on me in a long time, and I gave in to his ministrations until my body floated and I climaxed. He moved back beside me and put his arm around me and held me in silence for a long time. He asked me a favor; would I make him cum. I took his flaccid penis in my hand and began stroking and rubbing him. I saw his eyes close at the pleasurable feelings. I moved down and took his softness in my mouth and worked to bring him off. He didn't get erect but he came and I took every drop. It wouldn't be the last time I would do that for him, we would do it often.
We stayed in each others arms for a long time, enjoying the warmth of the down filled covers and our naked bodies touching. He breathed a heavy sigh then spoke. "Honey, I have something important to tell you so I want you to just hold me and be still until I'm finished."
My heart sank as I was sure he knew of me and the kids and was going to ask for a divorce, but why make love to me?
"I, I have an inoperable cancer, one that has taken away my ability to be a man, what I mean is my ability to get an erection, that is the reason I haven't made love to you for so long. I know I've been distant and I was afraid it was driving us apart. The doctors have given me anywhere from 6 months to a year."
I could hear his words but I only felt my own pain. Years ago I had stood beside doctors as they told families their loved one was dying. I had seen their anguish, and pain and now I was experiencing that same emotional roller coaster myself. "No!" I think I screamed, "we'll get second opinions."
"I have; more than one and they all agree."
I began to cry, burying my head against his naked chest, feeling the familiarity of his body and seeking his security. I cried for a long time before he spoke again.
"It will get worse honey, painful and I will lose my ability to work and other things. I've made arrangements for you; insurance, the house, other financial considerations that will make a lot of things easier for me. I haven't told the kids, I thought we would tell Matt when we get home and wait to tell Mike as he doesn't need this worry while he's over there." He paused and took a deep breath. "I'm glad you have Matt and the two of you have your special relationship. It will make things better for you down the road."
"What do you mean special relationship?" What did he know? Did he know about our affair or just that we are a close mother and son? I looked at him.
"Liz, I've known about you and Matt for some time now."
I started to interrupt, but he shushed me.
"At first it really hurt me, I mean I thought about divorce, but then I looked inside where I was hiding this illness from you and hiding the debilitating affects it has on my body and the affect it was and is having on you. Like I said, I thought it was driving us apart. When I came to the realization that I couldn't be the husband I should, I accepted your relationship with Matt and how good it is for you, maybe good for both of you. If you want Matt to know, that is about me knowing, you can tell him, if you wish. I ask that on some occasions you do for me what you did tonight, and that you keep your relationship with him discreet."
What was I to think? My husband had just told me he was dying and that he knew of me sleeping with Matt and that it was OK. I think I loved him more at that moment than I realized. He was thinking of me, not just himself. "Of course I will. You are my husband, my love and my world. You don't need to ask, I will know. And yes, discretion of course."
We talked some more of his illness and his plans, the kind of talk married couples must have when the marriage is about to involuntarily end.
As the year ended and a new one began we told Matt and he took it well, difficult, but well. I took Matt aside and told him his father's plans, his financial arrangements, and more importantly that he knew about us. He was concerned but I reassured him and admonished him that we would be discreet and not flaunt our relationship in front of his dad. We didn't tell Angie or Mike, hoping the illness would let him live until Mike returned.
Harry retired early that evening and I saw the anguish in Matt's eyes. I went to his bedroom and lay beside him just holding him. He rolled to me and held my face in his hands. He looked at me for a long time, and then leaned in to kiss me. "Make love to me Mom."
I pulled the covers back and slipped my gown over my head. I reached inside his boxers and felt his cock harden at my touch. He groaned softly as I stroked his manhood while he slid the boxers away. His hands were on my body caressing my breasts, rubbing my nipples between his fingers, and then his hand was between my legs, pressing against my wetness until his fingers disappeared inside me. He moved his fingers in and out of me as I stroked him getting me wetter and wetter as seconds passed.
I could wait no longer and I straddled his body holding his cock as I aimed it at the wet opening where he needed to be. "Yesssss", I hissed as he entered me. I was lifting myself and lowering on his hard manhood enjoying, no loving, the feeling of him inside me and the orgasm he was giving me. I came, came hard, showering his cock with my fluids and trying my best to be quiet. He was still hard, he hadn't cum.
I lifted myself from him and took him in my mouth. I could taste our salty fluids and feel the pulsating hardness of his cock between my lips. I wanted him to cum, I wanted to taste him, and I wanted him to have pleasure to erase some of the bad news. He came, filling my mouth with his semen and I willingly swallowed each drop.
We held each other barely speaking. I could sense the feelings inside him; the anger at his father's illness and fear at losing him. When I left him to return to my bed I stopped to look at his young form beneath the covers, reflecting on the months we have spent learning to please each other. Then I slid beside Harry and listened to his labored breathing for a long time before I drifted asleep.
It was March when I went to visit one of our facilities only a couple of hours from Angie, so I made arrangements to stay with her for a few days. She had a wonderful glow about her as she answered the door and pulled me in, into a big hug and a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm so glad you're here."
She took my bag and put it in a spare room then led me to the kitchen where she made tea and we sat at the table. "Mom, I, I'm pregnant!"
I screamed, jumped up, pulled her to me and hugged her. "Does Mike know?"
"I sent him an e-mail and he's going to call the first chance he gets. I'm so excited."
I could tell. We talked a long time about the pregnancy, her plans, what she needed from Harry and I and many other unrelated things. "How far along are you?"
"Nine weeks."
I began calculating. She had conceived during Christmas. Oh my god! I thought to myself. I blurted out my thoughts. "Is it Mike's or Matt's?"
"It's 100% Hendricks", was her reply.
"That didn't answer my question Angie. I'm sure you know if it is your husband's or your brother-in-law's."
She refilled the cups of tea before answering. "Mike has a low sperm count. In fact doctors told us it would practically be a miracle if I got pregnant."
"Then it's Matt's?"
"Let me finish. Mike and I came up with a plan to get Matt to have sex with me and hopefully fertilize my egg. We did, have sex as you know, but I also had sex with Mike the same day or within hours, every time. As far as I am concerned, as far as we're concerned, it is Mike's baby and he is and will be the father."
I sat there stunned, silent, and unable to respond. "You know Matt is no dummy, he's about to be a Veterinarian and I think he will consider his role in your pregnancy and question you about it. What are you going to say to him if he does?"
"That its Mike's baby and Mike is the father. Mike will raise my child; give him or her love and advice of a father, regardless of whose sperm made it to my egg first. We want it that way, it was a decision we made before coming to your house and I am happy, and I know Mike will be as well."
I had little else to say as my arguments would only serve to hurt rather than join the happiness of today. I would be a grandmother; leave it at that.
We enjoyed a modest dinner and a few laughs as the evening grew darker with the early winter hours. I made my way to the guest room and put on my gown and robe preparing for a good rest. Angie came to the door wearing her gown, one that left little to the imagination of her beautiful body beneath. "I don't want to sleep alone tonight." I didn't either and invited her in.
She untied the robe I was wearing and let it fall to the floor then placed her hands beneath the hem of my gown and tugged it over my head. As deftly she removed hers and the two of us stood naked, barely inches apart. We closed the scant distance and kissed, a long passionate and needing kiss, one that had been delayed for some months. It was as if we had not been apart as our bodies melded, our hands roamed, and our needs emerged. Her body was showing the growing belly of her pregnancy and I couldn't help but touch it, rub the growing roundness, and admire her youth and fertility.
She pulled down the covers and slid beneath holding out her arms to welcome me into the warmth of the covers and her body. She felt amazing, wonderful, soft, and I was once again in the power of desire. We kissed again, more, passion, lust, desire, all of the feelings pouring out through our lips and tongues. Her body was pressed against mine and she felt so soft and wonderful. I couldn't help but caress her breasts and enjoy the feel of her growing nipples, nipples that would soon accommodate a hungry child.
We touched, we tasted each others breasts, we licked soft skin, then she was between my legs and her tongue was dancing between the lips of my vagina. She dipped into my opening and the feel of her tongue there was indescribable but she soon moved upward where she licked and sucked my clitoris. Her fingers were inside me, touching my depths, finding my g-spot. I could feel that wonderful pleasure sensation beginning in my curled toes and moving upward through my body. Soon the starts of my visual darkness began to emerge and my body flew away into the void, into a wonderful orgasm.
She moved to lie beside me, holding me in her arms, as my body relaxed and released the last of my orgasm. "That was wonderful", I whispered to her and she kissed me, letting me taste the tart remnants of my orgasmic secretions.
I pressed her back and moved between her thighs. My nose filled with the scent of her womanhood and my tongue felt the soft folds of her lips then found her clit beneath its hood. I wanted her to have the same sensation as me and I worked at it until I felt her push against my face then heard her low moans signaling me she had climaxed.
We held each other, we kissed, and we felt skin against skin beneath the warm covers of the bed. My grandchild was near, still forming, still growing to birth, but there just the same.
I awoke first the next morning and enjoyed the softness and warmth of her naked body next to me. I rose, made coffee and it wasn't long before she joined. We kissed, not the passionate kisses of the night before, but ones that showed our love for each other. "Do you have plans for today?" I asked.
"I thought we would drive to my parents, if you have no objections. Mom said she hadn't seen you since the wedding and a visit would be nice."
I became nervous and recalled her discussions of sex with her parents. "A visit? Uh, um, are we --"
"No, we aren't. I know what you were thinking and no, it's just a visit. OK?" She laughed and I did also.
"Does your Mom know about us? I mean, does she know we have slept together?"
"No, I haven't told her. It wouldn't surprise her and I doubt that it would shock her."
The drive to her parents was short and I admired her beauty as we drove. The countryside was beginning to emerge from the winter and the warm late winter sun felt good through the car's windows. Her parents home was a large two-story nestled on several acres. As we entered the driveway I saw the door open and an Annette standing inside, her arms wrapped around her against the cold.
It was a wonderful and pleasurable visit with her inviting me to become more a member of her extended family, then talking about Mike and the baby. There was no discussion of the family sexual relationship or even hints of that. It was, as I said, a very pleasurable visit with a woman I hadn't seen for a long time, a beautiful woman with shining eyes, a woman who would be sharing with me the times of a grandmother.
That night Mike called and was as excited as a potential father could be. He was happy to talk with his beautiful wife and with me and continually expressed his elation at Angie's pregnancy. We went to bed together with no pretense of going to each respective bedroom. We made love, really made love, not just sex and it was so wonderful. I spent a great deal of time tasting her body from head to toe and a long time in between. I held her and knew I had a very special bond with my daughter-in-law, a bond that many women would love to have but don't. In the morning we made love again before I had to leave and return home. I thought about her on the return, about her body, about her sex, and about the future, the unsure future.
I made love to Harry, bringing him to climax and watching his flaccid penis spurt the white semen onto my hand and on his stomach. His groans and soft moans told me of the pleasure he was receiving and I felt wonderful. He began to apologize for not being able to enter me but I put my fingers to his lips and kept him quiet. It was not important, what was important was having him beside me as long as I could.
Matt was nearing graduation and our time together had become rare. He needed to study and had to spend many hours at the university. I missed our intimacy but as a mother relished his success and felt so good about his future. I was so looking forward to graduation; to sitting there watching Doctor Hendricks march across the stage, and that day finally came. Harry was there even though his illness was taking a massive toll on his body. He smiled, he applauded, and he beamed with pride at seeing his son receive his diploma.
Harry didn't survive to see his grandson born and I was alone. Matt left to begin his internship and future ownership of a clinic. It was hard seeing him go and knowing he was some 500 plus miles away but Melissa went with him, leaving her position here and getting one as good. She's a beautiful girl and I can see the love in her eyes for Matt and his love for her. He hasn't told her about us and may not as he is unsure of her feelings about the subject particularly since she is pregnant. Matt never mentioned his possible role in Angie's pregnancy and I was glad.
Mike's unit returned home and it was fantastic seeing him hold his young son as a good father would do. He left the Army to take a lucrative position with a contractor and no longer be away from his family.
Tomorrow the moving company comes to begin packing what I have left. I sold my home, the home Harry and I shared with two boys for many years, and bought a condo about 30 minutes from Mike and Angie. My company president thinks it is wonderful as I will be closer to some of our more troublesome facilities. Angie's parents are helping me get settled, making a lot of the arrangements there, and Annette and I have become very close and foresee our relationship growing.
As I write down all these memories I think back to the start of many changes; having sex with my son, falling in love with him as a mother should not, finding sexual love with my stepson and daughter-in-law, and loving my husband until his death. I miss Matt a great deal; I miss making love to him. But I am a much different woman, more alive, more aware of me and my needs, and aware of my desires. Annette is planning a party with just family that may be the beginning of more changes for me and perhaps new adventures.
*The End of Matt & I story. New adventures are on the horizon for Liz...* |
Hotel | 41,679 | 4.64 | 1,808,123 | [
"public sex",
"oral sex"
] | 1: Room Service
Beth and Nick checked into their room late that night.
The hotel was the last tall building at the edge of downtown, and they were on a high floor. Keeping the room's lights dim, they had drawn the curtains wide open to look out over the city lights.
The only building even close to the same height as the hotel was an old church tower covered in scaffolding across the street. Its peak was maybe two stories higher than their room. It was slightly off to the side as you looked out the window, and didn't block their view at all.
Beth was inspecting the large bathroom. "Bathrobes," she said. "They look really comfy."
Nick had kicked off his shoes and tossed his jacket on the small sofa and stood at the window, looking out. "Let's call for room service," he said, "We can pull that coffee table over and eat at the window."
He set the coffee table in its new location, then called room service. Beth meanwhile undressed in the bathroom and put on her robe. It enveloped her, and only her bare calves and feet suggested that she was nude underneath.
"Let me get you fitted for your robe," she said, and began to slowly undress him. "Hands to yourself," she warned. He obliged, and put his arms behind his back.
She knelt before him. First, socks. Then she stood. Button-down shirt: slowly, button by button. Tee up over his head. Belt unbuckled. Quick tug at his jeans' button fly. Pants down and off. She knelt again to help him step out of his jeans.
Only boxers left. He wasn't completely hard, but the boxers were tenting out. Her face was right at his fly. She parted it and peeked in. The shaft was arcing, but the tip was caught below the fly's opening.
She hooked the waist band, and swiftly pulled his shorts down. He stepped out of them. His cock rose with each heartbeat as she breathed warmly on it. She opened her mouth wide and encircled it without touching it at all. Then she slowly closed her mouth around it, holding it in her mouth without moving. It throbbed with his pulse, growing larger and larger.
She held it like that for a long minute. She loosened the sash of her robe and tugged it slightly, giving him a better hint of her cleavage.
Then with no warning, she started bobbing and sucking frantically. He gasped and nearly lost his balance. Her breasts shuddered with her movement, parting her robe a bit more.
He found himself much closer to climax than he expected. "Careful..." he said. "Don't spoil your appetite."
She took the hint and pulled away. "Do you need a snack before dinner?" She sat down onto the bed and, keeping the robe closed, pulled it open enough to expose her pussy, then lay back.
He knelt down at the foot of the bed, ran his hands up her thighs, and licked his way up to her pussy. He grooved his tongue in the crevices between each lip, then straight up her slit to her clitoris. Flicking briefly, he then closed his mouth over it and pulsed the flat of his tongue against it rapidly.
She loved being eaten, and he brought her to a quick climax. As a reward, she offered to give him a massage.
"Lie on your stomach," she told him. He stood up, his cock still hard. "Well," she added, "as best you can..." And she went into the bathroom for her oils.
He pulled the bedspread off, and then the blanket and top sheet.
He tucked his erection up against his belly and lay down.
She massaged his shoulders and neck, then worked down his back. She did each arm in turn, then moved on to his bottom and thighs.
She reached his feet, then gently whispered, "Okay, roll over." He roused himself groggily and rolled onto his back. His cock was soft again but still plump. It flopped to one side and lay on his left thigh.
The room was very dimly lit but she draped a washcloth over his eyes anyway, to help him relax, and began working on his chest. She had made her way down his torso and was working the top of his right thigh when there was a knock on the door.
Room service. She'd completely forgotten.
Nick was breathing deeply and steadily, giving no indication he had heard the knock. He had fallen asleep again.
She had long since shed her robe, and she put it back on as she walked to the door. Through the peephole, she saw someone in a waiter's uniform with a rolling tray. Waitress, actually. She was an older woman, possibly in her fifties, easily twice Beth's age.
Beth looked back at Nick, sprawled on his back, shining with body oils, cock flopped to one side. She briefly considered grabbing the other bathrobe and draping it over him, then decided to show him off to the waitress.
Deep breath, then she pulled the door open.
"Room service," the woman said. She had a husky voice and a no nonsense face. She rolled the cart into the room and barely did a double take when she spotted Nick on the bad. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything," she said. She was unfazed. She'd probably seen lots of kinky behavior before.
Beth spotted the name tag. Rose.
"Just there on the coffee table," Beth said. "No, not interrupting. Just giving my boyfriend a massage."
"Lucky girl," said Rose, taking in Nick's trim, sleeping form and his thick and shapely cock. "Lucky boy," she added, giving Beth a once-over. Even in a heavy robe showing very little cleavage, Beth's breasts were obviously large. The sash, bound only loosely, nevertheless accented a narrow waist and wide, well balanced hips. "I see a happy ending for you two. Well, certainly for him..."
Rose set out the meal on the coffee table, with the occasional glance at Nick and Beth, then she handed Beth the tab. Beth scanned it, and noticed Nick had ordered a bottle of champaigne. "I don't see the champaigne," she said.
Rose looked back at the table, and at the tab. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll get it sent up right away. Ten minutes, fifteen at the most."
Rose rolled the cart back to the door, which Beth opened for her. Rose gave Beth one more once-over, lingering for a meaningful fraction of a second on Beth's breasts, then she met Beth's eyes. Then she left.
Beth closed the door, and resolved to expose herself to Rose when she returned with the champaigne. She turned back to Nick, shedding her robe, and picked up where she had left off. She moved down the right thigh, and started up the left.
When the knock on the door came, she went to the door naked and pulled it open without checking the peephole first. She wiped her oily hands on her boobs, making them glisten. The energy with which she'd opened the door caused her enormous boobs to sway and jiggle fluidly.
Instead of Rose, a young waiter stood there. He couldn't have been more than about nineteen, possibly younger. Beside him, a bottle of champaigne in an ice bucket and two flute glasses sat on a rolling tray.
"Room Ss..." was all he could manage to say.
They stood looking at each other. His eyes grew wide and locked onto the sight of her massive and shiny boobs. He scanned down her form, taking in the narrow waist, dark bush, wide, curvy hips and surprisingly long and tapered legs. While he was looking her up and down, she glanced at his crotch and noticed a very prominent bulge was already making itself apparent.
"Oh. Hi, yes," Beth stammered, "Just, ah, over there." The young waiter wheeled the tray in, and gasped quietly when he spotted Nick's sleeping form on the bed.
"Please be quiet, my boyfriend is asleep." Trying not to stare at either Nick or Beth, the boy unloaded the champaign snd glasses onto the coffee table. There were also two slices of cake. "Compliments of the manager, for the oversight," he whispered, indicating the cake.
His trousers were slightly baggy and pleated, and they allowed the bulge to grow into a very noticeable protrusion. She was already standing naked in front this young man. Beth decided to throw caution to the winds.
"Did Rose send you up?" she asked. He nodded. Beth smiled. Rose was hazing this poor boy.
"Do you want to stay for a few more minutes?" she asked. "I was just about to finish my boyfriend's massage. You can watch if you like."
"Oh god," the boy sighed, staring at Beth's naked form. "I don't know..."
She looked at the hard bulge, guessing he was completely erect, and then at his name tag. Eric. Then she looked him in the eye, and said softly, "Actually, Eric, my boyfriend is out cold for the time being. He can wait. Let me give you your tip."
She walked up to him, took his hands and placed them on each of her breasts. "Go on," she whispered. He started kneading them in his hands, caressing her nipples. She unzipped his pants and eagerly pulled his erection out. It was smooth, as if it were fuller than the skin could accommodate. A little thinner than Nick's. She stroked him slowly and lightly, then as his breathing quickened, she sped up. He was young, and eager, and she could tell he wouldn't last very long.
She tightened her grip and stroked faster. He had stopped kneading her boobs and simply clenched them, all his attention on her hand around his cock. His eyes unfocussed. Involuntarily, he started bucking his hips. She dropped to her knees and after only a few more strokes, he sighed, "oh shit," and started coming all over her breasts. Each shot was strong and thick. She held onto his shaft, feeling him throb in her hand, then caught him up into her cleavage to feel the last few pulses.
"Okay, sweetie, can you go get me a hand towel?"
Eric hurried off to the bathroom, his young cock still hard and sticking out of his pants. He came back and she towelled off his cum. He watched her, transfixed. She noticed his erection was showing no signs of flagging yet. She glanced back at Nick, still asleep.
"Here," she said, still kneeling. She took him in her mouth and sucked him hard.
In no time at all, he started coming again. "Ohh," he whispered. She pulled away quickly so he wouldn't come in her mouth, and she milked a few more gobs out, oozing onto her breasts and the floor.
She finally felt his cock soften somewhat. "Oh my god," he said breathlessly.
"Touch me," she suggested. He leaned over and lifted her boobs, massaging them one at a time. He rubbed his own cum around.
She kept holding his penis, just feeling its solidity, and then it started filling out again.
"It's like a stunt cock," she giggled as she stroked him into another full erection. She jerked him off fast and hard, keeping up the same pace for five or six more minutes. He actually whimpered for most of the time, then sighed heavily as a third orgasm — this one very weak, with almost nothing coming out — shuddered through him. "I can't stop touching it," she said, stroking him even as he began to wilt. "You've got a lovely cock, Eric. And it performs extremely well. "
"I gotta sit down..." Eric collapsed on the couch.
"Do you have anything else for me?" she asked, after she had finished wiping them both off again. She set the cum-covered towel aside and took his softening cock in her mouth. She loved the feel of a soft penis almost as much as a hard one. She just held it in her mouth. This time, he didn't get another erection.
She stood up, leaned over him and mashed her breasts in his face. "Thank you," she whispered. "This was fun. And thanks for the cake."
Eric stood up slowly, tucked his dick into his pants and weakly dragged the cart to the door.
Still naked, she held the door open for him. Just as Eric wheeled out, an older man, in his seventies, dressed for an evening out, walked by. Beth was fully visible and the man slowed and took her in. She smiled at the man, and shrugged. The man glanced at Eric, who looked flushed and exhausted, his fly still gaping open. The man smiled and, with one last lingering look at her delicious figure, walked on.
Beth closed and locked the door, and went back to the bed, and knelt down between Nick's spread legs. She took an oil bottle and squirted some into her hand and began rubbing it between her breasts. She leaned over and carefully took Nick's cock into her mouth. Nick groaned faintly and stirred. She sucked on him gently for a few minutes and revelled in the feeling of him grow larger and larger in her mouth. He shifted and pulled the towel off his face.
"Oh Beth," he said, "how long was I asleep?"
She just looked at him and placed his cock between her oiled boobs and began rocking up and down. After only a few minutes, he started coming. She held still, her boobs enveloping his cock completely, enjoying the feeling of his throbs. Some stronger spurts managed to maked it up and out of her cleavage.
"Sorry I didn't last longer," he said after she had cleaned up. "Are you sure you didn't want more?"
"I've already had enough for tonight. And there's always later..."
They settled in to their dinner, still naked. A few times as they ate, Nick grew hard again, then subsided. She loved watching it ebb and flow like this.
They sipped at the champaigne after eating all they could. The dinner cluttered the table, and Nick suggested they set everything but the champaigne and cake outside the door. "I'll go open the door," he said, "and you set everything out."
Naked, he went to the door and pulled it open wide.
"No, no," she protested. "I'll hold the door. You're the man, you should do all this work." She held the door, and stood behind it a bit, so only one boob at most would be visible to the odd passerby.
Naked, and sporting the beginnings of a new hard-on, Nick shuttled the plates out into the hall. He would step deliberately out into the middle of the hall and ceremoniously set a plate down to the side of their door. Then he'd look up and down the hallway. It was very late, and they knew it was unlikely anyone would be out.
Despite all the walking back and forth, his cock had grown almost fully erect. At its hardest, it would stand curving upwards slightly. Right then, it still had a droop to it. Beth liked it like this, since the droop made it seem larger, heavier, as though it were too big to rise any higher.
Nick was on his last plate just as they heard voices in the distance. What sounded like several women's voices, drunken.
"Go on," Beth nodded.
Nick sighed, braced himself, and strode out into the hall with the last few things.
"Oh!" Beth heard one of the women exclaim. "Is he for us?"
Nick turned facing them, jiggled his hip once to get his erection to shake, then solemnly bent down to put the things in his hands down on the floor.
He stood again and by then, the women were at the door.
There were two of them, older by only a few years, in light summer dresses. They were clearly drunk, standing arm in arm for mutual support.
One was very dark skinned, Caribbean or Middle Eastern. A round face with very full lips. Dark eyes set wide apart. Round body, very compact. She was barely five feet tall. She was very busty and showing a lot of cleavage, though not nearly as ample as Beth. Her breasts, despite their size, were still quite firm, and she clearly was wearing no bra or support of any kind. Her dress was short, displaying shapely but rather thick legs. Very curly hair, deep brown, held back in a ponytail. She had been wearing very sharp high heels, but she was now barefoot and carrying them by the straps.
The other was shockingly tall, a foot taller her girlfriend. She was fair skinned, with a long, chiselled face framed by straight blonde hair, almost white, that fell to her collar bones. She was thin, with only the faintest curves, and her boobs were small and solid looking, like apples. Her nipples were very hard and prominent. A long athletic body under a very skimpy dress held up by the finest of speghetti straps. And she had stunning legs. Long, lithe, powerful. Even in sandals, they seemed taut, as though she were standing on point. She seemed to be nothing but legs.
"Oh my," said the tall one, tearing her eyes away from Nick's cock and spotting Beth hiding behind the door. "Did he lose a bet?"
"Or win one?" the dark one added quickly. They both giggled.
"Can I touch?" Tall asked, looking back down at the erection before her.
"Can I come?" Dark asked, her hand already finding its way to her crotch. She stepped back to lean against the far wall and hiked up the hem. No panties. A trim bush. Her eyes locked on Nick's cock, she started masturbating rapidly. By the wet smackings her fingers were making, she was obviously already very horny.
Taking no notice of her friend, Tall reached out and started grabbing at his cock with both hands, like she was trying to pick up a baseball bat. She was unsteady without the friend to lean on, and she only managed a few sloppy tugs before staggering back to lean on the wall next to Dark.
"Come on," Tall said, "the guys are waiting. Wait," she looked around. "What floor are we on? Isn't this supposed to be the floor with the roof terrace?"
"Keep going up," Beth said from behind the door.
"Come on..." Tall said to Dark. "Come up to the roof later, if you want," Tall added as she pulled at Dark, who had now hiked her dress up over her boobs, where it rested. She was still trying to rub herself as she was dragged away.
Nick watched Dark's lovely bare ass and juicy curves recede, then stepped back into the room. Beth closed the door.
Without a word, Nick dragged Beth to the bed, threw her down and mounted her swiftly. He slid in with no resistance, ramming her again and again. She came quickly, and Nick followed seconds later. They lay like that for a few minutes, feeling him shrink, then Nick got up slowly, turned off the few lights that were on, and came back to the bed.
They left the curtains open when they went to sleep, so they could have that amazing view all night.
2: Late night
Deep in the night, nestled against each other, Nick's cock was snug against her ass. Beth shifted slightly. Nick woke a little from the movement. He moved a little, too, and found himself getting hard. She shifted again, and he found she was just moist enough so he could ease his not yet completely hard cock into her pussy.
He pushed gently at first, then thrust a little more assertively. She pushed back, but he couldn't tell if she was awake or not. He held still and felt himself growing in her cunt. He began moving very slowly, making the smallest movements. She rocked very slightly with him, and moaned quietly. Was she waking up? He said nothing, but kept up the subtle thrusts.
"Oh, that's nice," Beth sighed.
"You're awake?"
"Of course I am. \*I\* woke \*you\* up." She clenched her cunt muscles as he thrust, and then she whispered, "Please..."
He pushed into her again, then held still and they both felt him begin to throb. She felt jets of his cum deep inside her. The feeling of it, the thought of it, tipped her in to her own orgasm, which felt to him like his cock was in a sucking mouth. They let their waves of climax ebb, then fell asleep with his softening cock tucked in her.
3: Morning
The next morning, Beth woke first. Nick was still asleep, lying on his back, naked. At some point, they had kicked themselves free of the sheets, or perhaps they'd never bothered with them; she couldn't remember. His cock, powdery with caked and dried fluids, was rock hard and he was snoring gently.
She got up, also naked, her enormous breasts swinging. She walked over to the window, absently running her hands over her breasts and belly, feeling for any dried cum she might have missed last night. She lifted her boobs one at a time. Under one of them, she felt a little patch. She scanned the horizon, then took in the city as she licked two fingers, rubbed at the dry cum, and licked her fingers again, until she'd gotten it all up.
She leaned over a bit and found that Nick's jizz had run down her thighs. She was stucky and her thick pubic hair was clotted with dried cum. She would need to shower soon.
It was a Monday morning, and far below her, the city was already bustling. Just as she was turning away from the window, she thought she caught some movement on the scaffolding. She scanned it, but didn't see anything in the mess of scaffolds and tarps. Something may have been moving in the breeze.
She turned and walked deeper into the room, away from the window. At the bathroom door, she turned and looked again. Now she was in the shadows, and could still see the scaffolding. After a moment, she suddenly made out several men. Two — no, three — construction workers, were on the site, slightly higher than the hotel window, looking in. They had a clear view of almost the entire room lit by the morning light.
She looked over at Nick, on his back, erection pointing at the ceiling. They could see him clearly, she was sure. And of course, she had just given them quite an eyeful as she'd stood in front of the window.
She considered going back and drawing the curtains, but of course she was naked, and they would see her. She wasn't sure she wanted to show herself off. Last night had been wild, and had been just on the edge of what she was comfortable with. She'd felt in control last night. But now?
Her bathrobe was still on the floor by the bed. Towel from the bathroom? That could work. She went to the bathroom, peed, then washed her hands.
Nick awoke to the sound of water running in the bathroom. He rolled over and looked out at the city in the morning light. Knowing that no one could see him, he stood up and walked to the window, his erection showing no signs of going down.
Just as he was looking at the scaffolding, Beth came out of the bathroom.
"Oh you're up," she said. "Oh," she added, "and... you're by the window!"
He turned, and saw Beth at the bathroom door, a large white towel wrapped around her. "What's with the towel?" he asked. "No one in this time zone can see us. Look!" He turned back and swept his arm out, indicating the miles of open sky.
He walked to her swiftly, pulled her toward the bed with one hand and yanking the towel away with the other. He held her close, and kissed her hard, running his hands all over her body.
His morning hard-on had begun to shrink, but as he cupped her breasts and kissed her on the mouth and cheekbones and throat, he was hard again in a second. His erection pressed against her thigh — the window-facing thigh, she couldn't help but think.
"Hey," she mumbled, "don't you need to pee, or maybe shower, or, I don't know—"
"Not yet," he said between kisses. He pushed her onto the bed, then grabbing her ankles, swung her around so her feet were pointing at the head of the bed and her head was hanging off the foot. He leaned forward and grabbed her breasts, kneading them as he guided his cock into her mouth.
They were in profile, and she knew they could see everything.
Nick fucked her mouth slowly and deliberately. Between his heavy-handed caresses and the delight of a hard cock in her mouth, Beth soon found she had stopped thinking about her audience. She started sucking more enthusiastically. She reached up and around to massage his ass and thighs, and to feel his thrusts better.
She had forgotten herself, so she was startled when he suddenly pulled away.
"Let's take in the view," he said, pulling her up. "Like last night..."
"Oh god, really?"
"Sure, why not." He walked her to the window, leaned her forward, and, standing behind her, spread her cheeks. She braced against the window on her elbows, with her hands spread. Her boobs hung down and swung fluidly as he jabbed at her from behind. After a few misguided thrusts, he was in her cunt.
His hands on the low slope of her wide hips, he pounded her hard, making her boobs jiggle and swing even more. She was painfully aware of how exposed they were, how on display. She kept her eyes closed.
He fell into a steady rhythm, and they fucked like that for a few minutes. Then he suddenly exclaimed, "Oh my god!" He sounded more surprised than in ecstasy, and his rhythm faltered briefly.
"What?" Beth asked, her eyes still closed.
"Oh — nothing," he said hastily, "you're just so beautiful..." He picked up his pace again, with each thrust causing a slapping sound.
But, in fact, he had finally spotted their voyeurs. Three men were watching keenly. They were close enough that Nick could see their faces. They were grinning, and trying to stay still so as not to attract attention.
Nick kept up his fucking, tried to look anywhere but at the men, and considered what to do next. He liked that he was showing off his gorgeous girlfriend. Having them see that he was with such a spectacular looking woman was surprisingly exciting. But they were looking at him, too, and he felt incredibly self-conscious. Tipsy at night in the hallway had been thrilling, but those had been women. Three strange men? It was weird to think of them watching him, but he decided to see where this would go. Beth clearly had no idea she was on display, or she would never have agreed to this. Would she? She could be wild, but then, she hadn't been too keen on those girls seeing her last night.
With every thrust, he slowly stepped forward, causing her to move closer to the window, until her huge breasts were mashed against it. Her boobs, not her arms, were now holding her up, allowing her to keep her face from pressing against the glass too. She dropped her arms and reached around. With one hand, she felt his shaft going in and out of her cunt. She could just reach his balls, and she held her other hand slightly cupped so her fingers could thrum them as they brushed past.
Beth realized that now Nick was completely hidden from view behind her. Not fair. She suddenly pushed him out, turned around, sat down on the window sill, and began sucking him off. Now her lovely hourglass curves and heavy dark hair were all the audience could see of her.
She pretended to adjust to be more comfortable. She turned slightly, and made him step to the side a little, so they could see his cock better. Now he was the far more exposed one.
Her blowjob distracted Nick for a minute, but then he realized that now Beth was completely hidden from view. He wanted to show her off some more, while minimizing how much of himself they could see. But he was having a difficult time thinking straight. He wanted to come in her mouth so badly, but he had an audience to consider. He briefly pondered how to get her arranged so he could come on her boobs, while keeping her very much front and center.
The bed was still perfectly visible and, he had discovered, it was the perfect height for a tit-fuck.
He pulled out, took her by the hands and led her, wet cock bobbing, to the bed. He lay her down so her head draped over the side of the bed, like before. But now her feet pointed toward the window. He stood on the far side of the bed, facing the window, and jammed his cock into her mouth.
With one hand, she began masturbating, with the other, she caressed him as she sucked him off.
Soon, she started to come and she lost her focus. She moaned against his erection as she got closer to her orgasm. He thrust into her mouth harder and harder, feeling her teeth rake against him as she tried not to bite him in her abandonment. She started to wail and he pulled out. He jacked off for a second then started coming all over her boobs and belly in five or six long, arcing shots. The next few loads fell on her throat, then on her face.
Still climaxing, she took him back into her mouth and sucked him off for his last pulses.
Her hand moved up from her pussy and smeared his come around, so she could make it to the bathroom without dripping too badly. She sat up quickly and hustled away, without looking out the window.
Nick was still hard, but drooping. He looked up and out the window. The three watchers were applauding. He looked right at them, bowed, then walked over to close the sheer curtains.
Then he went to join Beth in the shower. |
Don't Ask | 47,197 | 4.69 | 466,950 | [
"gay crush",
"gay romance"
] | I've known Xander all of my life. Ever since we were about 10 years old. I remember being in elementary school when Xander moved to South Carolina . He was the "new kid" in class and he looked scared to death. I remember how much I liked him when I first saw him. I was kind of an outcast, and it was even worse that day because I had a black eye and was bruised up and down my back; my dad's handiwork from the night before. Xander talked to me anyway; when he inquired about my injuries he accepted my explanation that I had "fallen". He just seemed to understand. I asked him to sit next to me at lunch and that was it. Our friendship just seemed to blossom and bloom. Truthfully, I had a big crush on him. Later in life, I told myself I grew out of it, but I never really did. I admired Xander; I always wanted to be around him.
Later I learned that we both came from somewhat abusive families; my father was a factory worker and his father was a lawyer. While my father was physically and verbally abusive to me and my mother, Xander's family just didn't care less. His dad worked all the time, traveling the country constantly, and his mom was out running around and doing god knows what. So, I spent most of my free time at his house after school; we'd have sleepovers, play video games and tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets. We had a lot in common, and since we didn't really have parents to raise us, we made a blood pact that we would always be there for each other, no matter what.
I wouldn't call myself gay, but I've always had feelings for Xander. He's like a brother to me, but he's more than that. He knows my every secret, my every fear, and all of my flaws. I know his. We fight, then we make up. No matter what, we're always there for each other. We grew up together, and had managed to shut out pretty much everyone else. I knew I loved him, but I tried not to let the thought linger. I just told myself we were so close and such good friends, that my mind was playing tricks on me.
I think the real reason I tried to suppress my feelings is because of my father. If he ever found out I was gay he would literally kill me. He considered himself a man's man and was very narcissistic. If I did anything that reflected bad on him, it would fuel another abusive episode that we were so acquainted with. Me being gay? Don't even think about it.
As we got older, we made other friends and had our circles at school that we ran in. We both got on the wrestling team in high school, and while neither of us were spectacular, we had a lot of fun.
Eventually, we both started dating girls, like we were "supposed" to. We were both decent looking guys; he was about 6'0, I was a couple inches taller. He had soft brown eyes and a rounder face; I had cold blue-gray eyes and a strong chin. We were both pretty athletic and muscular. Xander would go and brag to his friends about all the girls who liked him, and I would do likewise, but we were both just big talking virgins and we both knew it. I just couldn't find anyone special enough, and neither could he.
We had done some sexual stuff with girls, but the truth was, Xander turned me on more than any girl I met. Again, I just chalked it up to raging hormones. I allowed myself to fantasize about him, though.
We went through so much together. I couldn't imagine living without Xander. So when he told me he might be moving away, naturally I flipped out.
It was April of senior year, and we'd been discussing our plans for college. It was one day after school, when we were driving home, that he dropped the bombshell on me. I knew he had been acting funny that week, but I didn't know why.
"James....I got accepted into UCLA."
I looked at him, to make sure he was serious. Yep...his jaw was set and square, his brown eyes straight ahead.
My heart sank, and my stomach turned. I wanted to burst into tears, but I kept my composure. "Why are you going to California, X?" I asked him. It didn't seem like a smart decision to me. We were small town kids; Xander wouldn't be happy in California. He took a deep breath, and let it out in a shuddering sigh. "Have you ever just wanted to, you know, get away?"
"Well, yeah, but you know why I stay here."
He glanced at me, as I tried to keep my face blank. "Your grandma, I know."
That was one of the reasons. Much as I hated my dad, I loved my grandma, and she was in her 70s. She lived in the town nearby, and I really didn't want to leave her, knowing she might not be here when I return.
That wasn't the only reason, though. Xander was a big part of what kept me here.
He noticed my hesitation. "Well, why else would you stay? God knows I've got nothing to keep me here. My family doesn't care, I don't have a girl, nobody cares." He uttered those last words as we pulled up in front of his house.
I was so upset, my head was pounding. I couldn't let him see me lose it, though. If he wanted to go, who was I to stop him? We both climbed out of the car, and I grabbed my bag and took off down the road towards my house. Much as I didn't want to be home, I couldn't keep my cool and face Xander right now.
"Hey, man, where you going? I thought we were gonna chill?" He looked at me confused.
I looked back at him, standing there. He wasn't all that much to look at; about 6'0 tall, brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, slightly muscular and solid. Like me, he had dirty blonde, wind blown hair and a perpetual tan from spending all summer on the beach.
Was I really going to lose the one person that I trusted, the one person I really knew? I choked back a sob, but a tear ran down my face. His eyes widened in surprise as I quickly wiped it away.
"I gotta get home and take care of some shit," I told him gruffly, trying to sound as masculine as possible. "I'll call you later."
I turned and walked away briskly, but I knew that he was still standing there watching me as I left.
Home was the last place I wanted to be. Mom was downstairs, frantically trying to get the house clean and dinner on the table so that Dad wouldn't flip out when he came home. I helped out as much as I could, knowing that no matter what we did, it wouldn't be good enough. I was right.
Dad came in the door around six, came straight to the kitchen and started barking orders at Mom. He criticized one thing after another, from a piece of lint on the carpet, to the slightly underdone spaghetti noodles, to the fact that my mom's hair was in a ponytail and not fixed. I kept my head down as I ate and kept quiet. He had Mom in tears by the end of the meal, as usual. He then retired to the couch, where he expected to be waited on hand and foot.
It was an old, familiar tune. I hung out in my room, working on school stuff. I had learned by now how to be invisible. I didn't speak to him unless I was spoken to, and as long as I stayed out of his way he'd ignore me. I felt bad that Mom was getting the brunt of it tonight, though. Every so often, I heard him scream at Mom for one thing or the other. Each time I heard his shrill, demanding voice my stomach would tighten with anxiety.
I really wished I could be at Xander's so I wouldn't have to deal with this. He was probably missing me, too. I knew how lonely he got when he was all by himself. In all the time I'd known him, I'd only met his parents a handful of times. Usually his Mom was passed out on the couch, drunk. Now she worked, but cheated on his dad so much that she was always with a different man. They pretty much just left him to his own devices. I don't know what's worse; having parents around who want to torment you and beat you, or having parents that simply don't care at all.
Around ten or so it finally went silent and I figured Dad had passed out by now. It must be exhausting to live the life of a dictator. Mom came in the room a little later and sat on the bed, smiling at me. Her face was tear stained, and she looked exhausted. I went and sat beside her, hugging her into my arms and kissing her cheek.
"Why don't you leave him, Mom? I'm eighteen now, I can take care of myself."
She sighed and smiled sadly.
"Don't you worry about me. I can take care of myself."
We sat like that, for a few minutes.
"What's bothering you?" she asked me softly. I was surprised that she had noticed. But then again, she usually did. Tears came from my eyes as I leaned against her.
"Xander's moving away."
We didn't speak. We held each other silently. Eighteen years old and still crying to Mommy. Geez.
Xander called about twelve, which was not uncommon. I watched my vibrating cell phone turn around in circles on the desk until it finally stopped ringing.
Xander drove his car by my house the next morning and honked once. We usually rode together. I waited until he went on to get in my car and drive myself to school. All day, I kinda walked around in a daze. Nobody seemed to notice. I avoided Xander as much as possible. The last bell rung, and I was at my locker stuffing books into my bag when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around, expecting to find Xander.
It was Amy from English class. She was tiny, barely 5'0 tall, with reddish blonde hair, freckles and pale skin. We were pretty good friends.
"James, what's up with you today? You don't look good." she smiled up at me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her quickly and grabbed my bag, heading towards the door.
"Nothing, I just don't feel great today." I lied.
"Okay...how about you come out with me tomorrow night? We'll go see a movie or something." She beamed at me.
I thought for a minute. Amy wasn't really my type, but it would give me an excuse to back out of spending Friday night with Xander. That was usually the night I stayed over at his house and we'd play ball or swim in the pool, and just chill. He would be really pissed if I wasn't there.
"Sounds good," I told her, trying to sound happy, and smiled.
I didn't want to face Xander that night, and I couldn't bear to go home again, so I made the 15- minute drive to see my grandma in the next town. She answered the door, beaming at me.
She looked younger than her 70 years or so. She had bright blue perceptive eyes and a head full of thick black hair, even at her age. Her skin wasn't excessively wrinkled.
We ate dinner and sat around and talked. I enjoyed talking to her. I could always ask her advice. Every now and then, she would cough painfully. I was always worried about her health, but she refused to go see a doctor. She always said she'd be better off not knowing.
"How is your friend, doing, James?" she asked me, referring to Xander.
I hesitated. "Have a fight?" she asked, peering down at me over her wire-rimmed glasses.
I sighed. "Something like that. He's planning on leaving town for college. Going to California."
She laughed. "Why on earth would he go there?"
I shook my head. "I don't know."
She smiled at me knowingly. "You'll miss him. You'll have a hard time if he leaves."
I nodded.
"I just don't see how he can leave so easily." I told her.
She looked at me quickly, then glanced away. I couldn't quite read her expression.
"You should tell him how you feel." she spoke, finally. "Maybe he won't leave." she looked at me pointedly.
My heart skipped a beat. "What do you mean?" I asked softly.
She said nothing, just looked at me.
I got up and hugged her tightly.
She smiled at me. "Why don't you go with him? You don't have anything keeping you here, James. I know how your father is."
"I can't leave you, Grandma. And what about Mom?" I asked her.
"Oh, we can take care of ourselves. You need to do what makes you happy, James."
I knew she was right.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Xander asked me on the phone Friday night. "We always hang out on Fridays. You don't even like Amy." He sounded almost jealous, and he was definitely, as I predicted, pissed.
"Yeah, well, she's cute." I lied. "Anyway, you'll have to get used to Friday nights without me in LA, won't you?" I tried to sound cocky, or arrogant, but the words came out too softly. I sounded like a whiny girl, I thought, wincing.
"James, is that what this is all about? Look, can we talk about this? Come hang out with me, don't go out with Amy. We'll talk things over." That was Xander, ever the counselor. He wanted to be a therapist; his powerful skills of observation, coupled with the fact that he knew me intimately, meant that he could see right through me right now, and I didn't like it.
"I don't want to talk about it right now. Drop me a line from Cali, bro." I knew that would leave him seething. I hung up, finished getting ready, and jumped in the car to go pick Amy up.
I was too restless to go see a movie, so we ended up going to grab dinner. Amy chattered incessantly, talking about school and college and her plans as an English major and blah blah blah. Not that she was annoying; I just couldn't think about anything but Xander right now. She reached over to touch my hand a few times, obviously trying to come onto me, but I was too distracted to pick up on her hints.
I was angry at Xander, but I was more angry with myself for getting so worked up. I was acting like an ass. If he wanted to move halfway across the country, he had every right to do so. So, what, he's moving away? Big deal. He was just a friend. Right? No, my best friend. The only person.....
"James? You look like you're about to cry." Amy's voice came into my thoughts.
I blinked. "Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."
She looked at me curiously, then smiled, unaffected.
"Hey, maybe we should go to Brad's party after this." Brad was the captain of the football team. He was always throwing parties at his family's three story house, because his parents traveled so much. Me and Xander would go occasionally, for the free booze. Brad was a jerk, but his parents had money, and he could throw a party.
"Sure, sounds good." I mumbled. Amy kept on chattering, as I tuned out again.
About five beers and six or seven or eight shots of Smirnoff vodka later, I was feeling great. I don't know how much I had to drink. I don't drink much, but Amy's voice and the thought of a future without Xander had me in need of an escape. Plus, I was trying to push those feelings about Xander out of my head. I knew there was something more, but I just didn't want to face it right now. It was too painful and confusing. Nothing like getting plastered to deaden the pain.
If Xander found me like this, he would be so mad. He hated alcohol. He hated drugs. His mom had been an alcoholic, of course. His uncle, who used to help take care of him when he was a kid, had died in a car wreck while driving drunk. A car wreck that Xander was almost involved in. Xander always reminded me how if I hadn't been at the house with him, his uncle would have taken him back to his place to take care of him, drunk as a skunk. Not that two 12 year old kids together is responsible, but it had stopped Xander from possibly dying in that car wreck. So, of course, guess who showed up at the party?
I was sitting in a chair on the back porch, staring at the sky. Thinking about my childhood. Thinking about Xander. How much I would miss him. Trying not to think about those things, but my drunken thoughts were on a one-way track. My head was spinning. I was vaguely aware of the fact that Amy was gone. Somebody said my name.
"James!" Xander was yelling at me. I looked up, trying to focus on his features.
"Hey, X, dude, what are....what are you here for?" I slurred.
"Amy called me. Have you been drinking?" His voice had an ugly edge to it.
I was too out of it to respond. I just grinned at him, stupidly. I couldn't feel anything. I wasn't sad, wasn't happy. I felt blissfully numb. I think I passed out.
I don't really know how he got me to his car, or in the house. I woke up the next day in his bed, about noon. I felt like I was dead or dying. My head was killing me.
Somehow I made it to the bathroom where I puked my guts out. When I finally looked up, Xander was standing there, arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. The expression on his face read disappointment. Unfortunately, I could feel again. I felt ashamed. I felt sad. I couldn't even make eye contact with him.
"I had Dan drive your car back to the house. It's in the driveway when you're ready to leave.." He spoke, breaking the silence. His voice was cold.
I nodded. Dan was one of our other friends, a good guy.
"Feel better?' he asked.
I chuckled. "No."
"Do you want to talk now?"
I stared into the toilet bowl. "No." I whispered. I looked up at him. "Do you want me to leave, now?"
I must have looked pitiful, because he softened a bit.
"No, but we're going to have to talk about this, you know."
I looked back down.
"I know."
We spent the rest of the day just hanging out. Xander fed me and made sure I drank plenty of water, trying to help me recover from my hangover. He had covered my ass by calling my Mom last night and telling her I didn't feel well, and that I was staying with him. His parents were, of course, god knows where.
So we just hung out. We didn't talk about the one thing that hung in the air. We didn't really talk. Just enjoyed each other's company.
I stayed the night with him. I don't know how it happened, but we ended up dozing off on the living room floor while we were watching TV. I woke up in his arms early that Sunday morning. We hadn't done that since we were little. It was kind of nice.
I pressed my face against his bare shoulder, breathing in his scent. I brushed his hair out of his eyes, and watched him breathe. He was so cute. I touched his face, thinking back to the first day I met him.
His eyes fluttered open, and I dropped my hand. I blushed a little and untangled myself from him, standing up. He remained on the floor, his head up propped up on his elbow.
"What? Are we getting too old for that or something?" he teased me.
I swallowed hard and met his gaze. We just looked at each other for a long moment.
"Want to ride to the beach today?" Xander asked, filling the awkward silence.
I smiled. "Whatever you want, buddy."
There was a small beach about forty minutes away. Usually we had it all ourselves, except for the few people that lived around there. Most of the crowds gather at Myrtle Beach, about ninety minutes away. But this place was where we really liked to be. The two of us could just chill. It was just us and maybe a few other people out there today.
He looked so good, playing in the water in just his white swim trunks. More than once, I found myself admiring the strong muscles in his lean body, his hair blowing in the wind. He looked a like a model doing a photo shoot on the beach. I hid behind my glasses and tried not to let him catch me staring.
We dove into the still freezing ocean, then afterwards, laid on towels in the sand and soaked up the sun. Xander kept pestering me about having a 'talk'. Finally I sat up and looked at him.
"All I can really say is that, I'm gonna miss you like hell. I don't really have anyone here. You're my best friend, you know me better than anyone, and it just won't be the same." Thankfully I had on dark shades to hide my eyes.
He seemed to accept this explanation, and laid back down.
We drove home about four, in silence. We pulled up in his driveway and he turned off the car. We just sat, in silence. Finally, he turned and looked at me.
"James.....give me one, good, real, reason to stay." he spoke softly. His eyes searched mine. What was he looking for? I don't know. I don't know what made me move.
I leaned over and touched his face. "I need you, Xander."
He placed his hand over mine, and leaned in. He pressed his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes, like he used to do when we were kids.
"Why? Why do you need me?"
I closed my eyes. I didn't know what to say in that moment. I wanted to tell him I loved him. I couldn't get the words, out though. They were too dangerous.
I put my hands on his face and pulled back just enough to look into his eyes.
"Believe me when I tell you, I can not bear to lose you. I don't want to leave my grandma, but I will follow you out there if I have to. But you can not leave me. I can't imagine my life without you." It wasn't as much as I wanted to say, but I hoped he'd understand.
He nodded, then wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.
After a moment, we headed in the house and had dinner. I called home and told Mom I'd be staying with Xander that night and he would take me to school the next day.
I don't know who initiated it, but I ended up in Xander's bed that night, next to him. We lay face to face, holding each other. Just looking at each other, until we drifted off to sleep.
I slept well that night.
The commute to school was very quiet the next day. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I was definitely in love with him. I couldn't do this with Xander. Not only were we both supposed to be straight, but he was my best and only friend. Even if it did escalate to a romantic relationship, what if it didn't work out? I couldn't lose him. I couldn't hide my feelings, either. Not to mention if my family found out. I pushed those thoughts away, right now. I could worry about my dad later. What concerned me was not losing Xander.
He needed to go to LA. At least that way we could remain friends.
Amy approached me after school that day, right before wrestling practice.
"Well, did you have fun on Friday?" she asked me. She seemed a little upset.
"Amy, I'm sorry. I usually don't do that. I've been going through some stuff lately." I sincerely meant it. Nobody deserved to be ditched at a party. "And thanks for calling Xander to come get me."
"It's fine, I had one of my girlfriends take me home." She looked at me through her eyelashes. "If we go out again, will you be a better date?" she pouted.
I smiled at her sweetness. "Sure, I'll try."
"Okay, pick me up tomorrow night?" she grinned.
"Alright." I owed it to her, I felt.
I leaned over to kiss her cheek, but she turned and kissed me on the lips.
I pulled back, surprised at her boldness. She winked and walked away.
I stood up and glanced over my shoulder. Xander was watching me. He turned away, quickly but his expression was dark.
Practice went well that day, but Xander was definitely upset about something. We weren't sparring against each other, but he was much more aggressive than usual. I winced as he tackled some poor guy.
Afterwards, I went back to lift some weights. I had left my water bottle in the wrestling room, and I went back to get it. I heard movement behind me, and glanced back.
Xander had followed me into the room. He had the same, stormy expression on his face. Still wearing his wrestling clothes. He was staring me down.
"What's up, man?" I asked lightheartedly, but he didn't even crack a smile.
"I saw you kissing Amy." he said coldly.
I took a few steps toward him. "Yeah? So?"
Without another word, he tackled me to the ground. For a moment, the wind was knocked out of me, but then I was seeing red. Who did this guy think he was?
I rolled back over and tried to get him in a headlock to calm him down, but he was wild. We managed to get back to our feet, but he went down for my knees and had me down again. It probably looked like we were just running drills, but I think he was really trying to hurt me. We were pretty evenly matched, so I managed to shake him off.
I was back on my feet again, and he jumped up, eyeing me with a crazed look.
"Xander, what is the matter? Can't we talk about this?"
Mr. Therapist was in no talking mood. He lunged forward and decked me. I dodged, but his blow glanced off my jaw.
I was in shock. I put my hand up to my mouth. He hadn't hit me full force, but my lip was bleeding and it felt swollen. I looked up at him.
He wasn't angry anymore. There were tears in his eyes as he grabbed the back of my neck with his right hand and ran his left thumb over my lip.
"Oh man, I'm sorry. I've messed everything up. I was just...so angry. I can't believe it." he was babbling.
I used my shirt to wipe the blood from my mouth, but he didn't let go of me.
"Xander, what are you talking about? Why would you come in here and just start wailing on me? What is your problem?" I was fuming, so mad I wanted to hit him back, but I didn't want to hurt him. I fought to keep my temper in check as I looked into his eyes. We were both breathing hard from exhaustion. His hand was searing on the back of my neck and he had a desperate look in his eyes.
That's when he leaned in and kissed me. Hard. Rough. His tongue went deep into my mouth and he pulled my body close to his. I was surprised, but desire coursed through my body immediately. My cock became rock hard and I grabbed a handful of his hair and kissed him back.
It was so good. A hell of a lot better than kissing any girl. I finally pulled away and looked into his eyes. He looked so cute. His face was flushed, his hair was tousled and he was almost panting.
"I've been wanting to do that for years." he whispered huskily.
I looked at him in surprise. "So I'm not the only one?" I asked softly.
"Definitely not," he replied and kissed me again.
"I'm gonna go home and get my stuff...I'm staying the night with you."
He nodded, desire evident in his eyes.
"I'll be at your house soon."
I hopped in my car and ran home, where I showered, making sure I washed thoroughly. I dressed in a nice polo and shorts, and threw on some cologne. My heart was pounding and my head was racing.
So Xander felt the same way about me. That actually made sense now that I thought about it. I guess we've both been in love all this time and neither of us wanted to admit it.
I pulled up in his driveway, butterflies in my stomach.
When I walked in, Xander greeted me at the door wearing jeans and no shirt, his hair still damp from the shower. He looked just as flustered and excited as I felt. He handed me a glass of Coke and I downed most of it in one swallow. He grabbed the bag from my hand and threw it on the couch unceremoniously, then took the empty glass and set it on the table.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me close for a long moment. There's not much I can say to describe to you what it feels like to be in someone's arms after you've spent a lifetime wanting them. It's heavenly.
He brushed my hair aside and whispered in my ear,
"James, I've been in love with you.....well, it seems like forever. I don't know when I first realized it, or how long I've known it, but you're the only person in my life who really knows me, who really cares about me."
I pulled back and looked in his eyes. There were tears there, and I could feel the passion in his voice and his gaze. "Were you really going to leave me, Xander?"
He smiled and kissed my cheek, touching my face. His touch was like silk.
"Only because I was scared. I was scared of my feelings for you, and I was afraid you didn't feel the same way. Especially when I saw Amy trying to kiss you. But now that I know that you....love me, too....I'm not going anywhere. At least, not without you." he smiled and blushed as he said those last words.
"You do love me, don't you, James?"
Did he really have to ask? I had only one answer for him
I leaned in and kissed him. My tongue entered his soft mouth and gently explored it, and my arms went around him, stroking his back. He moaned against me, pushing his tongue back against mine as we wrestled for control. He broke the kiss and looked at me. We were both breathing hard and his eyes had a look of pure lust. I pressed my groin into his and he groaned. I could feel his dick getting hard through his pants. Mine had been hard almost since he first kissed me.
"You're still a virgin, too, aren't you, James?" he asked me.
"Yeah, you know that." We were both somewhat inexperienced sexually, but we often discussed our antics at length. We had both gotten and received some oral sex but that was pretty much it. We definitely hadn't been with any other guys.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm just a little nervous." he laughed softly.
I kissed his forehead and took a deep breath. "I'm nervous too, X. We don't have to do anything if you're not ready. We can just take it slow." My body was aching for him, but if he needed time, that was fine with me.
He kissed me again, hungrily, and grabbed my hand. "I don't think I can wait any longer. We might not know what we're doing, but fuck it, we'll figure it out."
I grinned as we made our way to the bedroom. He pulled the curtains, plunging the room into almost darkness. His brown eyes glimmered at me from across the room.
He had started off as the aggressor, but now I pounced on him, pulling his body to mine and invading his mouth with a deep, passionate kiss. He whimpered and yielded to me as I began to unfasten his pants, pulling them down his hips, taking his boxers with them. He stood naked before me.
His body was beautiful. He was solid, with well defined muscles that weren't too bulky. His skin was golden from the sun, and I could clearly make out the tan lines from where we'd been to the beach the other day. I started kissing his neck, working my way down his chest. He sighed and shuddered at my touch, letting me dominate him completely. I wanted nothing more than to please him, to make him moan. I worked my way down to his cock, and dropped to my knees.
Growing up together, we'd definitely seen each other naked a few times, and I had always been appreciative of his male organ. He was about my length, 6 inches, circumcised, but he was very thick with a big mushroom head and large, full balls. Right now, it was fully engorged, with precum on the tip and every swollen vein sticking out.
I placed my hands on his firm ass and brought my mouth to his groin. I licked the tip of his cock, tasting his salty juices, then slowly engulfed it with my mouth. Xander sucked in a deep breath and groaned. I tried to get the whole thing in my mouth, but about halfway in I felt it hit the back of my throat and I gagged. I pulled back, and tried again, relaxing my jaw. Xander moaned again and placed his hands on the back of my head, mostly for support. I could feel him trembling and his knees were weak. I felt powerful.
He was putty in my hands, so to speak. I worked his cock deep in my mouth and slid up and down on it, mimicking the action of sex. I used my tongue to tease the head and the shaft, and I fondled his balls with my right hand while stroking his ass with my left. He began to buck his hips wildly, grabbing my hair in his hands. He was fucking my mouth, and I loved it. I relaxed my throat and received each one of his thrusts.
He was gasping and panting, and he let out a loud groan. "James.." he warned "Oh, god, you're about to make me come.....oh, god.." I didn't let up with my assault, and a moment later I felt his warm come fill my mouth. I couldn't really taste it, so I just swallowed each spurt and kept going, draining him. Finally he began to soften, and I released him. He just dropped onto the bed, shaking.
"Damn, that was amazing....I never knew it could feel like that." he sighed.
I crawled on the bed beside him, and held him as his breathing came down. I felt the same way. It was incredible to give someone else that pleasure, especially someone you really cared about.
Xander recovered a moment later and began to kiss me. Our tongues met and I knew he could taste himself on my mouth. I let out a moan as his hand came to my crotch and he began to rub the aching bulge in my shorts. He sat up and pulled off my shirt, and kept kissing me. Our lips and tongues met, over and over, and we were both groaning in pleasure.
He started to trail kisses down my cheek, my neck, then he came up and nibbled my earlobe, using his tongue to tease the sensitive flesh. I gasped at the sensation; I don't think I knew that spot existed before now. My cock twitched in my pants and he laughed softly in my ear.
"You did it to me, it's only fair." he teased me.
"Yeah, but I hadn't been on the receiving end before." I told him.
"Well get ready because you're about to receive something else." he murmured, working his way down my chest with soft kisses and nibbles. He stopped at my bellybutton and unfastened my shorts. I lifted my hips and allowed him to strip me so that I lay naked before him.
Xander wrapped his hand around my cock and gave it a few firm strokes. I moaned and my cock twitched in his hand. I was pre cumming like crazy. He gave me a smoldering, sexy look just before he went down and took my cock in his lips.
I whimpered and dropped my head back, letting him ravish me. The inside of his mouth was satiny smooth, wet and so unbelievably hot. He teased me with his lips and tongue for a few moments before taking me deep in his throat and working my cock with his mouth. One of his hands stroked the bottom of my shaft and the other grasped my balls gently, stroking them. I placed my hands on the back of his head, burying my fingers in his soft hair. I watched his face as he continued his work on me. His brow was furrowed in concentration, but every so often he would lift his eyes to mine and give me that look again. I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to lose it.
The sensations were so wet and warm as he sucked my cock, and after a moment, I knew it was over. I grabbed the sheets and let out a loud moan. I wanted to tell him what was happening, but my mouth wouldn't work and I said the only thing I could; "Xander....ohhh..."
A second later I felt his finger touch my anus, and slide in slowly. I exploded in his mouth. He did the same thing I had done, just swallowed and kept going, working his finger deep into my rectum. It was too much and I had to beg him to stop before I passed out in pleasure. He stopped and sat up, watching me as I shook on the bed before him. He smirked at me, obviously pleased with himself.
"Was it good, baby?" he asked me, laying down beside me.
"It was amazing." I answered truthfully. I had never had an orgasm like that before. I looked down and noticed his cock was hard again.
Xander leaned over and got a tube of lube and a condom out of his nightstand. I suddenly felt a lump in my throat and I was a little scared. My earlier confidence was a bit shaken. I had never done this before. He saw the expression on my face and leaned over to kiss me, placing his hands on either side of my face.
"Tell me what you want, baby. I can make love to you, or you to me. Whatever you want to do. Talk to me."
I swallowed and looked into his face. His eyes were full of concern and love. I knew I wanted to be with him, to feel him inside me. I knew it would be okay; Xander would take good care of me and not hurt me. My voice trembled as I told him, "I want you inside me."
"Are you sure?" he asked, stroking my cheek.
I nodded, and he kissed me hungrily. He took control over me, now, invading my mouth and body with his hands and lips. I allowed myself to enjoy it, to be consumed with pleasure. All my worries were swept away as he kissed me and gazed into my eyes. There was only him, and my desire for him.
Xander went down between my legs and a moment later I felt something gently probe my entrance. I felt some pain and pressure, but mostly pleasure. I groaned out loud as he slid his fingers in and out, opening my entrance with each stroke. He used his mouth to work my cock as he used his fingers in my ass, getting me ready for him. I just relaxed and let my body surrender.
I heard someone moaning and whimpering, saying "please, please..." It took me a moment to realize it was me.
After what seemed like hours, I finally moaned, "Xander, just do it, please. I want you so bad. Just enter me, now, please."
He sat up and peered down at me. "Are you sure, James?" He stroked my cock and I groaned, nodding vehemently.
I watched as he pulled the condom on and applied more lube. I closed my eyes and lay back. A second later, I felt him at my entrance, pressing. I fought to relax every muscle in my body as he continued to push forward.
The head of his cock popped in, and I moaned. He stopped, and I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was panting in excitement, but he looked at me with warm concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, stroking my cheek.
"Yes. Don't stop." I told him.
He thrust his hips forward, burying his shaft inside me. I heard him gasp and moan with pleasure. "Oh my god, James...you're so tight," he groaned. "I won't last long."
He began to stroke in and out. I was lost in a cloud of pain and pleasure. Intense pleasure. It was even better than I thought it would be. He pushed in deeply; I felt him hit my prostate and I cried out, grabbing his arms.
"Oh, don't stop, Xander, please...." I whimpered.
Xander leaned over and kissed me as we made love. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him deeper, and he reached between us to stroke my cock.
I lost it a moment later, groaning and gasping as I came all over his belly and hand. A moment later, he came as well, biting his lip to keep quiet, and I could feel his cock swelling and throbbing inside me as he released.
Xander dropped his head on my chest and I pulled him close, stroking his hair. He softened and withdrew from my body, but we laid there together for a moment. I felt something wet on my chest and looked down to see him sobbing quietly.
I was scared. What happened? Did he regret it? Made a mistake?
I put my hands on his face and made him look at me.
"Xander? What is it?"
He wiped his face, looking embarrassed.
"Nothing...I just love you, so much." he whispered, his voice breaking. "I just can't believe this is really happening."
I pulled him close to me, with tears in my own eyes, and kissed him for all I was worth. I looked into his eyes and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"I love you, too Xander. I always have. I'm always going to be here for you. You're the only one for me, you always have been."
He smiled and lay his head back on my chest.
"That's just what I wanted to hear." he murmured.
We spent the night in each other's arms.
We drove to school the next day, beaming from ear to ear. Everyone kept asking me why I was so happy, and I wanted to tell them so badly. Damn the consequences. If I was gay, fine. Xander was mine now and we were in love and everything would work itself out. Briefly I imagined telling my family, but cringed. That would have to wait.
I went back to Xander's house after school and as soon as we got in the door we began to pull each other's clothes off. He kissed me and whispered, "I want you on top this time."
I moaned in response and pushed him on the bed. I grabbed the lube and went down and started sucking his cock. I moistened two of my fingers and began to gently work my fingers into his entrance. His breathing quickened and he groaned, his hands pulling at the sheets.
"Oh god, that feels so good."
I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm going to make it feel even better" I told him.
When I felt he was ready, I mounted him, slipped on a condom and began to ease into him gently. That wasn't going to do it for him, though. He grabbed me and pulled me inside him deeply. I stopped, afraid I'd hurt him.
"Xander, are you okay?" He nodded and grinned at me excitedly.
"It hurts, but it feels so good."
I set an easy pace, rocking back and forth slowly, teasing him. His ass was so hot and tight, and I could feel him squeezing my cock with his walls.
I played with his nippples, pinching them gently. I ran my hands down over his body. I stroked his cock, bringing him to the edge, and then stopped. I did this over and over until he begged me to let him come. He looked so sexy, writhing before me in both pain and pleasure. I leaned over and bit his neck. He groaned.
I felt so powerful, like I controlled his orgasm. Finally, I stroked his cock and allowed him to come. He groaned and his eyes rolled back as he spurted stream after stream of fluid. Watching him come brought me over the edge, and I didn't hold back my orgasm. I collapsed on top of him, exhausted. We held each other for a moment, then I looked up at him. We both laughed.
"That was amazing," he told me, laying his head back and closing his eyes.
There was a knock on the door.
Xander opened his eyes and looked at me, then we both looked in the direction of the window. I got up and peeked out the window so I could see who was out there. It was my mom.
I looked at Xander in confusion and told him who it was.
"What is she doing here?" he asked.
I grabbed some tissues and cleaned up as best I could, and threw on my clothes quickly and went to the door as Xander frantically tried to get dressed. Hopefully, I didn't smell like sex or anything. Hopefully, she wouldn't guess what we were doing.
"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked, a little more roughly than I intended.
She looked at me curiously.
"Amy's waiting for you at the house. Something about a date?"
Oh, crap.
"I tried calling your phone and Xander's phone, but nobody answered. So I figured I'd drive over real quick and see what's going on. James," she paused and spoke quietly. "What is going on?" She looked at me as if she knew everything. Maybe she did.
My heart pounded in my ears.
"Umm, me and Xander were working out. I'll be out in a minute." I told her. I doubt she bought my lie, but I couldn't come out to her right now.
I went back inside and told Xander what was going on. His eyes narrowed when he heard about my "date' with Amy. I never knew my friend was so jealous before.
"Don't go out with her tonight. Make up something." He told me coldly.
"X, what am I gonna tell her?" I asked, starting to panic. Now was not the time to play possessive boyfriend. She was at my house, and my dad was probably there. Xander must know what position I'm in right now.
"Well, I'll come tell her myself." he replied.
I looked at him. "And my dad?"
He dropped his gaze to the floor. "Oh, yeah."
"Yeah" I told him. I leaned forward and kissed him, stroking his hair. "Look, let me take care of it, and we'll finish what we started later." I gave him a smirk.
He blushed and smiled. "Alright."
I went back outside and jumped in the car with Mom, who kept giving me strange looks. I could have walked, but I wanted to get to Amy quickly before she said anything stupid.
When I got in the house, Amy was on the couch looking upset. She was probably pissed. This would be the second time I'd ditch her for Xander. Maybe she wouldn't see what was really happening.
"Oh man, Amy, I'm sorry. I was hanging out with my buddy, Xander, and we were working on this project, and..."
"What project?" she demanded, her face red.
"Well, ah...." my brain wasn't working properly. "For a scholarship." I said lamely. It was bullshit and she knew it.
"Look, maybe we can talk about it later?" I suggested, hoping she'd get the hint. She stood up, shaking her head, and went to leave. She stopped in the hallway, turned on her heel and looked at me with piercing eyes.
"Talk about what, James?" she asked.
"Well, we can talk about our next date." I said, trying to be charming. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but I just wanted to appease her and get her to leave. I figured she'd get all excited and agree.
"Next...date?" she laughed without mirth. "Forget it. You know, I always thought there was something weird going on. Now I get it." she raised her voice loudly. "I don't date GAY GUYS!"
I heard my mom gasp in the kitchen, just as I heard the front door shut. Dad was home.
My throat tightened, and I tried to protest weakly, shaking my head. "I'm not...gay..."
She was determined to make a fool out of me. "Oh, really? Don't think I haven't noticed that you only hang out with Xander? The way you look at him? You never have girlfriends. I'm not stupid, you know!" she went on and on. Everything she said was true. I guess we hadn't been so discreet after all.
My face burned with shame. I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Tornado, earthquake, fire, something....please, let something happen.
She finally left, slamming the front door. I stood, frozen in place, unable to speak.
Dad came into the room. His dark eyes were storming and his jaw was set. I knew he had heard everything. At 6'4, 300 lbs, I was no match for this man.
"Son? Is that true?" his voice had a dangerous lilt. Shame was replaced with fear. I was afraid. Scared for my life. The look in his eyes told me I might not survive the night.
I turned and bolted for the back door.
I wasn't fast enough. He caught me in the kitchen and grabbed me by my shirt, slamming me against the wall. I don't remember all the details. He hit me in the face, the stomach, the chest. I was down on the floor and he was kicking me. I heard my mom screaming. I heard glass breaking.
I remember waking up in a hospital bed with Xander and Mom standing over me. Briefly. Then I was fully awake, and it was daytime. Mom was standing over me, with tears in her eyes.
"You're awake," she sobbed, squeezing my hand.
A doctor and nurse were summoned and they told me the extent of my injuries. A few cracked ribs, a broken collarbone, and lots and lots of bruises. I had a concussion, and had only passed out for a little bit. I got off pretty easy, I think. I couldn't feel much of anything because of the painkillers.
When they left, I looked at Mom. I realized her left arm was heavily bandaged.
"Mom, tell me what happened. I don't remember much."
She smiled tearfully. "I called the cops when I heard your father's car pull up in the driveway. I tried to pull him off of you after you lost consciousness. He stabbed me in the arm with a kitchen knife. The cops barged in just in time." She leaned over and hugged me with her right arm.
"He'll be going away for a while." I could see the relief in her eyes as she spoke. She seemed happier.
I choked up. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Me and Xander..."
She shook her head. "You and Xander belong together." she said softly. There was understanding there, in her words. It would be a new beginning, for both of us.
I smiled.
Xander came to see me that day after school. He held my hand quietly and we just gazed at each other.
Graduation was a few weeks later. I managed to catch up on all my assignments, mainly with Xander's help. The principal allowed me to walk at graduation, considering my special circumstances.
Walk wasn't really the word. I hobbled around on crutches. They helped me onstage to get my diploma, and I got a standing ovation from the senior class. I was about to go back to my seat, but something was missing.
I turned and made my way to where Xander was sitting. He looked at me, confused. I pulled him up out of his seat and grabbed the back of his neck. In that moment, I forgot everything. My family, his family, all the people around us. I didn't care what they thought. I didn't care what anyone thought. It was only Xander and I.
I kissed him passionately. I think everyone was shocked, but then I heard cheering and whistles. I didn't really care what everyone thought. Xander was mine, and mine alone.
I pulled back and smiled at him. "So, UCLA, huh? You think we'll survive in California?"
"Oh, James. Do you mean it? You'll come with me?"
I grinned at him. "Do you even have to ask?" |
Foursome Fun | 118,610 | 4.65 | 235,207 | [
"hot tub",
] | I was bartending at a restaurant I work at in a tourist town. One night an attractive couple came in and we enjoyed a nice chat. The womans name was Bridgette, and she had a French accent, very attractive with short, dark hair, a gorgeous smile on her painted lips.
Her man, David, was a good looking guy, short curly hair, and a goatee. They were Canadian. We got along great. They bought me a few shots of high-end tequilla, and as they were leaving I gave them my card.
I soon forgot about them until a few months later I recieved an E-mail from them, saying they were coming back to town for another visit, and would like to take me and my wife out for dinner. We set a date, and I explained it all to my wife.
I was working when David came in and sat at the bar. I almost didn't recognize him, as when they were in before I really spent most of my attention on Bridgette. We got re-acquainted, and I remembered how cool he was. After a few drinks he loosened up, and admitted that he and Bridgette were vacation swingers, and were hoping that my wife and I would be open to having some fun with them. I told him that my wife was very fun, but a little conservative when it came to sex. He said he understood, but they would still like to take us out.
We left together to pick up my wife, Dawn. David gave her a hug on introduction, and I could see the mutual attraction there. We talked for a bit, then left together to go pick up Bridgette at their hotel. They invited us in to check it out, since we had never been to this fine resort.
The room was awesome, and as we took the tour, we saw the room service menu for the adjoining 4 star restaurant, so we decided to order in. We had already picked up 3 bottles of good wine, so we had a grand meal. Over dinner we really got to know one another. Dawn and Bridgette were bonding like long lost sisters.
After dinner, Bridgette suggested a soak in the hot tub, where-in Dawn replied that we had no suits. Bridgette and David exchanged looks and shrugged. Then Bridgette stood, untied the straps to her gown, and let it fall to the floor, revealing her voluptuous and very naked body, saying "David and I NEVER wear suits".
Until now Bridgette hadn't really shown her body, wearing sweaters and such, but now all was revealed. She had a nice slender build with C cup tits, protruding nipples, and a taut stomach. With this announcement, David stood and walked over to Bridgette, kissed her, and promptly dropped his pants. I heard a gasp and glanced at Dawn, who was staring slack-jawed at Davids impressive cock, which must have been a good 7 or 8 inches, and thick as a branch. I asked her if she thought we should join them, and she answered by pulling her blouse over her head, and tugging her bra off, then dropping her skirt. I wasted no time myself in stripping off my clothes.
By the time I had my shoes off, I heard splashing and giggling and all 3 were already in the tub. I dashed across the room, my hard cock waving wildly as I made for the tub. David was sitting in one corner with his wife in his lap, his hands rubbing her slippery tits as she encouraged me to get in. Dawn sat in the opposite corner, beckoning me to her.
As I approached the hot tub, she grabbed my bobbing pole & tugged on it, doing a pantomime rope pull. I hastily climbed in, and as I was going over the edge, she skillfully sucked my cock into her mouth, stopping me dead. I heard our friend's laughter suddenly stop, the only sounds now were the bubbling water, and the very obvious slurping sounds from Dawn sucking on my iron stiff rod.
Dawn suddenly released me, and my dick popped out of her lips like a cork from a champaigne bottle. Suddenly everyone laughed out loud. I finished climbing in and made out with my beautiful wife as our new friends watched on. Dawn turned around to sit on my cock, while facing David and Bridgette, who were also going at it.
The water was splashing out onto the floor as we made waves in the tub. Dawn was pulling her nipples as she rode me hard. I saw her and David lock eyes as they both fucked their partners. Suddenly, he threw his head back and convulsed in a powerful orgasm. As he did this, Dawn picked up her tempo, splashing more water as her pussy slapped down hard on my soaking cock until she came. I responded with my own orgasm, filling her juicy hole with my thick load of cum. We then collapsed into one another and sat cuddling for a while, exhausted.
I was the first out of the tub, as the heat was getting too much for me, so I volunteered to get drinks. As I was pouring wine, I felt a wet body press up against me, and a pair of hands wrap around me. Bridgette nuzzled my neck and her hands wandered down to play with my flacid penis. I turned around to embrace her, and glanced over her shoulder to the tub. I saw Dawns head leaning back, but didn't see David.
I offered Bridgette a glass of wine, and she took a sip, then kissed me, sharing the wine, along with her tongue. I tried to resist her, as I had not been with another woman since Dawn, but she would not be denied. She dropped to her knees, and held her wine up, immersing my cock. Then she set her glass down, leaving zinfandel dripping off me. Then she proceeded to lick the wine from me. She sucked my limp dick into her mouth, washing me with her tongue. I was rapidly regaining my erection, and soon she was having trouble getting my whole cock in her mouth. She then pulled me down to the floor on my back. She then dripped more wine on my stiff cock, & climbed onto my face, and continued to slurp the wine from me.
I looked up into her hovering cunt, seeing thick white cum oozing out, when suddenly she lowered her pussy square onto my mouth and I instinctively jabbed my tongue as far as I could into it. I knew I was licking David's jizm from her pussy, & for some reason that just made me hornier. I sucked hard, trying to coax more cum from her sweet pussy.
Bridgette continued to suck me, which was amazing. She was also doing something warm and wet with my balls. It felt like another mouth was working on them too! As I lapped at the dripping pussy and worked her hard clit, a new situation developed, as a stiff cock suddenly slipped into the cunt I was licking! As I looked up, a pair off balls rested against my forehead, and I was now licking the underside of Davids cock as he fucked his wife! Then I realized that it must be Dawn who was sucking my nuts!
This sent me over the edge, and I came hard, sending my second load of the evening into what I assumed was Bridgettes mouth. I kept up my lapping at her clit, and soon Bridgette was coming, her fluid oozing out around her husbands thrusting cock. He pushed in hard, and I saw his balls contract. I knew he was shooting his load into his wife again, but NO! Instead, he slipped out of the wet pussy. I was unsure what was happening, and still had my mouth hanging open, tongue out licking Bridgettes clit when suddenly I had a cock in my mouth, and it began spurting a huge load of sperm. It coated my tongue and actually overflowed onto my face. Bridgette then slammed her pussy down, cumming, grinding into my sticky face. She then rolled off me, and Dawn was there, kissing my sperm covered face, smearing it all over.
Then she climbed onto me, pushing her cum filled cunt into my mouth. As she rode my face I looked up and saw her sucking on Davids still hard prick. She fucked hard on my face until she had another orgasm, releasing more of her fluids into my mouth as Bridgette sucked her nipples, and David slid his long cock into her mouth.
I rolled out from under Dawn to catch my breath, and Bridgette dropped down to replace me, eating Dawn's wet pussy. Dawn couldn't hold herself upright anymore, and collapsed onto Bridgettes pussy, Both girls assuming a sexy 69. David entered Dawn from behind, and soon all 3 were coming hard. We stayed that night with them, and since they went back home. We hope to see our Canadian friends again soon. |
Bed, Breakfast and Sex Ch. 04 | 19,191 | 4.51 | 547,824 | [
"young men",
"first cunnilingus",
"oral sex",
"male virgin",
"woman on top"
] | The next day was Sunday, and she still had the house to herself. After eating breakfast and reading the paper, she decided to take a drive. She lived in a relatively small city, and it didn't take long to reach the country. She wandered aimlessly for an hour or so, and then found herself in the small town that Robby had moved to when he graduated. She drove around until she found the small electronics firm where he worked, but it was obviously closed for the weekend. She stopped at a pay phone and looked up Robert Alexander in the phone book. Sure enough, there was the address: 112 Herbert Street. She found a convenience store and bought a town map. Herbert Street was on the north end of town, in a good section.
Louise got into her car, and drove over to Herbert Street. She cruised slowly up the street, until she found the address. Robby's house lived in a duplex apartment, and according to the phone book, he was in the "B" side. She pulled into the shade of some trees, and waited. She found herself marveling that she was actually stalking, yes stalking, her old lover. But she missed him so! Robby had been a stud and a nice guy. He had been a great kisser, and a wonderful lover. He could carry on an intelligent conversation, and he was a good listener. But when Louise started hinting around about him staying with her indefinitely, he got scared, and announced that he was moving out when he graduated. "I'm really sorry," he explained gently, "but I'm not ready to make a commitment yet." Louise had almost gotten down on her knees to beg--but her dignity forbade it. In the end, he had left. He had not really gone that far away, though. Their two towns were only about 25 miles apart. Louise rationalized that if Robby had really wanted to get away, he would have gone farther.
Louise jumped as the front door of Robby's apartment opened suddenly. He came out and got quickly into his car. Louise saw with some relief that he was alone. Damn he looked good! He was just as tall, blonde and handsome as she remembered him. He had cut his formerly long hair, and Louise thought that it made him look more mature. He still had a great body, she thought appreciatively. Just thinking about his body made Louise's pussy tingle. She wanted to stick her hand down into her jeans, and caress her moist labial folds, but she stifled the impulse. Later, she would get naked, use some oil, and rub herself raw! Sighing, she started the car and drove home.
When she got home, it was only about three o'clock. She warmed a large pot of soup that she had frozen before, toasted bread in the oven, and left a note telling her tenants to help themselves. Then she went upstairs to her room with a bottle of wine. Later, she could hear her tenants downstairs, but nobody disturbed her. She felt a little better that the house was no longer empty, but she still felt lonely.
The next day being Monday, Louise got up early, prepared breakfast for everybody, and saw them off to school. Once again, she had the house to herself, but she didn't mind so much on weekdays, when she could keep busy. Mark and Lonnie came home for lunch, then ran back out, saying they had classes, labs and practice all afternoon. Everybody else seemed to have disappeared.
Danny Kaiser, the freshman, showed up around two-thirty with an armful of books, and ran up to his room. On the way up the stairs, a magazine fell out of his backpack, and he quickly stooped to get it. As it happened, Louise was right behind him on the stairs, and she picked it up for him before he could get to it. It was a copy of a popular and very graphic girlie magazine. Danny blushed furiously, and snatched it quickly from her when she held it out. Later, when her work downstairs was done, Louise went upstairs to rest and maybe nap for a while before preparing dinner. Danny's room was the second on the left after reaching the second floor landing. His door opened inward, and Louise could see that it was partially open as she walked quietly down the hall.
Something told her to tiptoe as she walked down the hall to her room. As she reached the door to Danny's room, she couldn't help but peek in. Through the crack, she could see that he was lying on his bed, facing away from her. He was wearing only his tee shirt. The open girlie magazine was lying on the floor beside the bed. Danny had his cock out, and was slowly squeezing and stroking it. His eyes were closed, and he seemed to be concentrating totally on what he was doing.
Louise made up her mind quickly, and tiptoed down to her room. Suddenly, her sex was wet with desire. She stripped off her jeans and panties, sprayed a light perfume on her neck and pussy, and slipped on a man's oversize flannel shirt. She left her room, and quietly stole back down the hall to Danny's room. Inside, nothing had changed, except that he was stroking his cock more energetically, apparently concentrating on his orgasm. Louise slipped inside the room, marveling that the door did not squeak, and stood beside the bed. Danny must have sensed something, because he stopped what he was doing, opened his eyes, and stared openmouthed at her.
"Oh lord," he stammered. "Ms. Blaisdell, I didn't hear you come in! I was just..."
"I know what you were doing, Danny. I came to see if you needed any help."
"Help? I don't know what you mean," Danny stammered.
"Here, let me show you." Louise unbuttoned and slipped off the flannel shirt, revealing her nakedness. Danny gawked and licked his lips. "Do I look all right, Danny?" Louise asked.
"Yes ma'am," Danny said.
Louise quickly knelt beside the bed. She took hold of Danny's cock gently. "Let's see what you've got here," she said. His cock was surprisingly large--at least seven inches, and moderately thick as well. It was already very hard. "I'll bet I can do better for you than those girls in the magazine." With that, Louise began gently jacking his prick up and down, squeezing it a little. A drop of clear pre-come oozed out of the head, and Louise bent over to lick it up. Then she nuzzled him gently, rubbing the head of his dick over her cheeks, and touching it gently to her eyes.
"You have a very nice young cock," she murmured throatily. She began kissing his cock all over the shaft, starting at the root in his pubic hair, and working her way to the head. Teasingly, Louise took a little of the head into her mouth. Danny moaned quietly. His hand stroked her cheek, and caressed the back of her neck. Louise left his cock and stood beside the bed. She took Danny's hand and guided it to her very wet pussy. "Do you feel that, Danny?"
"Let's go down to my room, where we can have a little more privacy."
Hand in hand, they went to the end of the hall, and entered Louise's room. She locked the door, turned, and embraced Danny passionately. She didn't know what had come over her. Something about seeing him playing with himself had made her extremely horny.
They fell on the bed together. Danny was nervous and a bit uncertain, but Louise guided him along expertly. They kissed again and again passionately, and Louise fed him her hot and swollen breasts, which he devoured eagerly. His skin was warm and musky and fragrant, and she kissed and gently bit his nipples as well. She laid him out on the bed, and moved quickly down to his engorged cock. Grasping it firmly, she kneeled between his legs and took him deeply into her mouth. He moaned in pleasure, and so did she, as she tried to get as much of his man-meat into her hungry mouth as possible.
"Oh, that feels so good!" he whispered urgently to her. "Suck it deeper!"
Louise did her best to comply. She whipped her tongue across the head of his cock, and suddenly tasted more pre-come. He was starting to tense, and she tough he was going to spurt right then, so she stopped. She let go of him and crawled quickly up his body. Throwing herself on him, she kissed him again and whispered, "I want you to do something for me, lover."
"Anything, anything," he groaned.
"Have you ever kissed a woman's pussy before?" she asked.
"No, I've never done any of this before."
"Well, today you're going to learn. I really need my pussy licked. Get between my legs."
Danny quickly got between her shapely legs. "It's beautiful," he said, looking closely at her moist sex.
Louise drew her legs up and spread her labia. Her sweet pussy was now completely open to Danny. "Now Danny, my sweet, lick around the outside first. Tease me by licking in my hair down there. Don't go in the middle yet. That's it. Oh yeah, that's so good, lover. Now gently, gently, suck my pussy lips. Yeah, like that. Oooooh, my that's good. Do it some more. Does it taste and smell good, darling?"
Danny looked up from between her legs and said, "It's wonderful Ms. Blais...I mean Louise. You have a very, very nice pussy."
"Now Danny darling, are you ready to take the plunge, so to speak? Just dive in and use that hot tongue of yours.....oooooh, that's right!! Oh, oh, oh, keep going!!"
Danny meant to keep going. He grabbed her slender thighs, and held them back while he ate her pussy up. He ardently ate her pussy out, diving into her, sticking his tongue as far into Louise as he could get it, then moving down to lick and suck at her puckered asshole. Louise was moaning and squealing in ecstasy.
Danny had transported her to another world. She could feel herself floating on a tide of feeling, rushing toward orgasm, a wonderful. Danny's tongue was hot, so hot, in the moist chasm of her pussy. He licked and laved her until she was about to scream, then opened his mouth and covered her entire pussy with a wet sucking kiss. His tongue whipped across her sensitive clit three, four, five times, and Louise found herself sobbing with pleasure as climax after climax ripped through her. Finally, she had to push Danny's head away.
Danny got up and lay down beside her. Louise could feel his hot, hard dick against her belly. They kissed once again, and Louise could taste herself on his lips. She didn't mind at all.
"Oh my my! You are something else! Who taught you to eat pussy like that?" Louise asked, beaming down into her young lover's face.
"You did. Of course, it helps when you have such a nice pussy to eat," Danny replied.
"Let me catch my breath, boy, and I'll show you something else as well."
They lay together a few minutes quietly. Danny's cock (How big it was!) had not gotten any smaller or softer. She caressed it gently and said, "Are you ready to put that thing to some good use, young man?"
"Your wish is my command, lady fair."
"How romantic. Now, lie on your back."
Danny did so and Louise straddled him. First she laid down on top of him, crushing her breasts against him, and kissing him again and again. Danny returned each kiss with passion. Then she raised herself up, and carefully placed her pussy on top of his cock, with her wet pussy lips cradling it. She began moving back and forth, back and forth, gently stroking his rock-hard penis. Danny gasped and closed his eyes. The feeling of her wet pussy lips was pure bliss. Louise then reached down quickly and slipped him inside of her. His cock whipped up into her tender depths, nudging insistently at her deepest parts. Louise gasped with the pleasure, and bent down once again to embrace him. Danny gripped her hips to spread her thighs a little, then began thrusting into her at first slowly, then more rapidly. Louise raised up again, and began moving with him, meeting his strokes, and impaling herself even deeper on him. Her pussy was lubricating even more now, and soon she was dripping wet and he was very, very deep. Both of them had their eyes closed in ecstasy. In unison they worked for a mutual orgasm. "Oh baby," Louise said urgently, "wet your finger and stick it in my butthole."
Danny touched her around her wet pussy and lubricated a finger. Then he had her pause in her movements for a second, while he gently inserted his finger into her tight smooth butthole up to the second knuckle.
Louise groaned and began moving again. Danny moved with her, keeping his finger deeply in her anus. Her pussy and ass muscles flexed, and he had to fight to keep control, but he wanted her to come first, if possible. He was rewarded when she began to gasp, "Oh baby, oh Danny, keep going, don't stop, I'm going to come soon. Oh!! Fuck me hard!!" And she screamed loudly and flung herself on him, shivering in ecstasy.
Danny removed his finger and embraced her tightly. Their lips locked together, and he began working for his own climax.
Urgently Louise whispered in his ear, "Come on, Danny honey, give me that sweet hot come. Fill my hungry pussy with it! My pussy is sucking your cock! Your cock feels so good! Give me all your come baby!" Louise worked her pussy up and down on his prick, round and round, milking him. He was getting closer and closer. Louise sat upright and leaned back, so he could see all of her lovely body, and his cock sliding in and out of her hot, wet cunt. That was what did it for him. He groaned, "I'm coming, oh I'm coming," and Louise plunged deeper down on him. Rocking back and forth, she pleaded with him, "Give me that come baby!"
With a final grunt Danny grasped and held her around the waist as the semen boiled up the shaft of his aching cock and he let loose spurt after hot spurt into her clasping pussy. Louise felt him come, and this triggered another smaller climax in her. She fell onto him, their lips melding together as rapture flooded them, just as his thick sperm flooded her pussy. |
Hotel | 33,960 | 4.68 | 2,116,443 | [
"female audio",
"female voice",
"female masturbation",
"female masturbation audio",
"female orgasm",
"female orgasm audio",
"phone sex",
] | Alone in a hotel room. I call an old fling. Hope you answer. |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 07 | 24,404 | 4.77 | 2,009,339 | [
] | I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.
Emily and I left for dinner in the old sedan. Deciding to go someplace informal we went to a BBQ place that's kind of rustic. I was surprised when Emily ordered a beer, I had one too as we sat outside waiting for a table. We talked before and during dinner mostly about the decision she and Tori made to move here. On the way home Emily was especially quiet.
Back at the house we got ready for bed. Wearing just shorts I was reading when Emily came in from the bathroom. Wearing and over-sized night shirt, I started to put the book down as she stood beside the bed.
"Would it be ok if we didn't fuck tonight?" Emily asked crudely. Even for her this was odd.
"Ok, what would you like to do?" I asked as I finished setting down the book, I offered her my hand.
Emily seemed shocked with my answer. Defiantly she refuse my offer, in fact it just seemed to make her only more upset.
"I want you to go home!" Emily blurted out. "Your place is with 'her'!"
Emily stood just out of reach still defying the offer to join me. I didn't answer right away letting her words sink in. The day had gone so well, I don't remember saying anything to upset her.
Maybe she was just tired, but I had a feeling this was her way of testing me yet again. Either way she was acting childish and I was not going to play this game.
"Her name is Lilly, and she wants me here." I informed Emily.
"I don't care I want you to leave!" Emily glared at me.
It was a good bluff but not good enough. Emily was clearly shaking she was so scared.
"I can sleep in another room but I go when she tells me to...and we both know that's not going to happen." Still sitting on the bed I turned to face Emily with my feet on the floor. "You can call Lilly if you want?"
I called her bluff by pointing to my phone on the night stand. Emily was cornered now and like any cornered person she attacked. She picked up the phone and threw it at me hitting me in the arm as I tried to avoid the projectile.
"You call the whore!" Emily spat.
Emily turned to leave but I was too quick for her. I pulled her over my knees so quickly she didn't have time to react. I pulled her night-shirt up exposing her bare ass and spanked her firmly several times.
"OW! Let me go you brute!" Emily protested as she tried to protect her ass.
"If you're going to act like a child I'm going to treat you like one." I replied giving her two more firm smacks on her ass.
"You're hurting me!" Emily lied. Her ass wasn't even red yet and she hadn't shed a tear. "Let me go!"
"I'll let you go when you tell me why you're acting like this?" I pulled her up to face me.
Emily's whole demeanor changed instantly. She started to shake then straddled my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me tight as if she let go she might never get a chance to do it again.
"What is it Em? Tell me ..."
"Parker I can't!" She whispered pulling me in even tighter.
"But darling you must." I pleaded as she clung to me.
She shook her head on my shoulder indicating she wasn't going to answer. I slipped my hands under her night shirt. Running my hands up her back I started to caress her. My fingers traced the ripples of her rib cage along her back. Moving to her shoulders I kneaded them firmly working her tense muscles.
"This isn't right. You're going to marry Lilly." Emily sighed.
"But Lilly wants this, we both do. I do have feelings for you Em." I whispered trying to push her back so I could face her. She tightened her embrace.
"Please leave now Parker."
"So are you saying you don't have any feelings for me?" I countered.
"It's been a long time since someone treated me the way you do. I think I'm falling in love with you!" Emily gasped. "Please leave now Parker."
"Come let's get some sleep. You can talk to Lilly about this tomorrow." I replied. "Now give me a kiss."
I continued to caress her back and shoulders until Emily finally released her grip. Eventually she allowed me to kiss her. It was a long and passionate kiss. We finally settled in under the covers. Emily pulled my arm over her as she pushed back against me. I kissed the back of her neck before she drifted off asleep.
I went out for an early run before breakfast. When I returned to Emily's house I went around back and looked over the features of the property. Besides the yard was the shed, and a good sized patio. I made a mental note of some things we need to buy if we wanted to add a new garden.
I headed in to take a shower. Emily was nervously waiting for me at the end of the hall.
"I'm not going with you today." Emily said abruptly.
I moved closer as she stood there blocking my way. I suspected she was worried about facing Lilly but since she didn't move I knew she wanted permission not to come. I moved closer then reached out and grabbed her night shirt. I started to pull it up along her body. Emily clamped her arms stopping my progress.
"Sunday is all about family, one way or the other you will be there." I warned her. "Now raise your arms or I will take you over my knee again."
Emily gave me that wicked smile as if to dare me to do it. I started to grab her.
"Ok, ok!" She squealed then raised her arms.
I pulled the night shirt off her. Emily was now standing naked in the hall excitedly waiting for me to embrace her. I moved to one side and passed her holding her night shirt.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Emily cried out behind me.
"To take a shower..." I pulled off my tee shirt. I stopped and looked back at her. " ...are you coming?"
Emily did join me but just like last night nothing sexual became of it. She was still in the bathroom drying her hair and such while I got dressed. Wrapped in just a towel she presented herself to me in the bedroom.
Emily picked up a thong in one hand and white panties with lace trim in the other. I chose the panties, she handed them to me and dropped the towel. I bent down, Emily placed a hand on my shoulder to steady herself as she stepped into them.
I raised the panties in place then caressed her legs down to her knees then back up to her ass. I pulled her in and kissed her pussy through the silky panties.
"Please don't." Emily whispered as she pressed in hard.
I squeezed her ass then let her go. Emily went over and picked up a bra that matched the panties. With the one hand empty she gave me a knowing smile. I took the bra and helped her on with it hooking it in the back.
I reached around and cupped her enclosed breasts. Emily leaned back against me and cooed. I let one hand drift down her stomach. My hand just reached under the elastic band of her panties when both hands came down and stopped me.
"Please Parker no." Her hands trembled when I didn't pursue going further.
"Ok, but this isn't over you know?" I whispered leaning down and nibbling her earlobe.
Emily pulled away turning to look at me to see if I was serious. I was and she knew it. I had made my point and that was enough for now. Emily went and picked out some shorts, I chose the white conservative ones that came down almost to her knees and finished it off with a yellow short-sleeve top.
Emily walked to the mirror and looked at herself.
"So this is what you want?" She looked me in the reflection of the mirror.
"For today." I smiled and winked. I picked up one of her signature hats and put it on her head. "We better go."
Emily was very quiet on the ride to my house. I turned off the car and looked over at her and smiled. I could see Emily was impressed by the architecture.
"You look beautiful. It really will be ok, I promise." I reached over and took her hand.
"Thank you Parker." Emily replied squeezing mine.
I jumped out and opened her door then led her to the house. Just before I opened the back door she pulled me down for a kiss. I looked down as we parted, Emily was bracing for the worst. I opened the door and knew right away Lilly was in the kitchen. The smell of fresh blueberry muffins filled the mud room as we walked in.
Rounding the corner Lilly was waiting for us to enter. She looked up at me then over at Emily.
"Mom! We've missed you!" Lilly moved quickly to embrace her mother.
Emily was taken back by the enthusiastic greeting. She accepted the hug and kiss from Lilly and responded in kind. Lilly backed away holding her hands.
"Did Parker dress you?" Lilly teased.
Emily turned beet red facing Lilly, her daughter knowing this is not what she would have worn.
"I may have helped." I leaned in and kissed Lilly.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Lilly praised Emily again. "I'll go get the girls."
Emily didn't release Lilly's hands, she stood nervously facing her. I knew at that moment Emily was going to confess what we had done yesterday.
"Lilly we need to talk..."
"Shhhhh!" Lilly snapped back.
"Don't you shhh me ..."
"Emily Shhhhhh!" Lilly cut her off again.
Lilly looked at me and then the doorway to the kitchen. The girls were coming down the stairs and would be here any moment.
"Rose and Daisy." I whispered to Emily.
She tried to let go but now Lilly held her instead. I moved to the foyer to head off the girls coming down the steps.
"Parker!" Daisy exclaimed.
Before I could stop her Daisy threw herself at me embracing for a sensual kiss. Rose looked past Daisy and I kissing and saw her mom with Lilly.
"Mom!" Rose rushed past us to greet Emily.
Daisy finally released me from her clutches, I turned to see Rose and her mother now embracing. Daisy and I walked the short distance to the kitchen.
"Mom this is Daisy!" Rose introduced my sister excitedly.
"Pleased to meet you Ms. Bowman." Daisy gushed. "Parker and I are so glad you decided to come!"
"Well thank you." Emily replied politely then gave me a questioned look. "It's nice to meet you too Daisy, please call me Emily."
"Come sit down, I made some fresh muffins before we go." Lilly offered.
I was surprised Emily reacted the way she did to Daisy. She all but threw me out of Tori's house but now not a peep? I'm not complaining mind you, I just find it odd.
As we sat around the table Emily kept looking at Daisy. I wasn't sure if she knew we were lovers. Rose was so excited to have Lilly and her mom with her she didn't notice Emily's confusion. Lilly however didn't miss it, she gave me a knowing grin. I started to wonder if this wasn't Lilly's plan all along.
We all piled into my car and headed out for the day together. In the morning we stopped by the farmers market. Lilly and Daisy went to buy fruits and vegetables, Rose and I went with Emily to buy a few plants.
Rose was getting back to her old self now that she's back in town. She talked confidently about her job she was returning to the next day. It was the first time I had seen her this happy in the presence of Emily.
Rose held my hand as Emily walked through the rows of vendors mumbling to herself. I could tell she was less than happy with what she found. My job was to carry the few plants she did buy back to the car. Fortunately there were only a few that suited her standards.
After lunch I dropped them off at the stores while I went to the home improvement center to get a few things on my list. When I returned I found Lilly and Emily holding hands each carrying several bags. By now the trunk was filled to capacity, I only hoped Daisy and Rose were more frugal than their peers. As it turned out they weren't.
Fortunately I was able to get us all home with our purchases in one trip. Back at the house I grilled some chicken while Lilly made dinner. Lilly came out to check on the progress bringing me a beer. I knew the moment she pressed up against me this was no regular conversation.
"Parker I talked to Emily, she told me what you two did and didn't do yesterday." Lilly stretched up and gave me another kiss.
"And?" I smiled knowing she was buttering me up.
"If you decide to stay will you come home for breakfast before you leave for work?" Lilly gave me a wicked smile then kissed me so I couldn't answer right away.
"What about you?" I asked a bit concerned this was going beyond our agreement.
"The girls invited me to spend the night." She grinned rubbing my chest. "Rose and I have to go to work in the morning too."
"Are you sure this is a good idea? Emily might get the wrong idea?" I challenged Lilly.
"Do you still love me Parker?" Lilly gazed up into my eyes.
"Lilly you know I do!" I replied emphatically.
"That's all that matters then." Lilly pulled me down for a firm kiss.
"But Emily..."
"Is falling in love with you?" Lilly interrupted. "I know, I'm in love with you too, how can I blame her? The question is do you have enough room in your heart for her?"
"But Lilly..." I started to protest.
"Parker my mind is made up! Now enjoy your beer and don't burn the chicken! If you do you're taking your lovers to dinner, and we both know you're not made of money!" Lilly winked and then turned to leave. "Oh, one more thing, she loves it when you dress her, but sometimes a woman like Emily wants you to see she is still sexy."
Lilly left me alone with my beer, the chicken, and my thoughts. I'm pretty sure she told me what I always suspected. Lilly was not only giving Emily and me permission to be more than lovers but encouraging it. It was clear that Daisy and Rose were still expected to be part of my love life also. It was a sobering thought.
After dinner Emily came outside and looked over my grandmother's old vegetable garden. She walked the whole back yard and then the front looking at each plant as she mumbled to herself. At times she seemed pleased, other times she just shook her head.
"So this is your house?" Emily asked as I was taking the chicken off the grill.
"It is. I bought it from my grandmother when she went to live with my parents."
"So the garden was hers?" Emily looked at it again.
"It could be yours." I suggested.
"Oh good, the chicken is done." Lilly said looking at the full platter I was holding.
Standing at the back door Lilly looked at her mom and back at me.
"Is everything ok?" Lilly asked concerned.
With a tear in her eye Emily walked past me and Lilly both and entered the house. Lilly watched her enter then turned to me.
"What did you say to her?" Lilly gave me a daring look.
"The back yard is so small at Tori's house ..." I started to defend myself. "...I just suggested if she wanted a garden, she could have this one."
Lilly looked back in the house and then approached me.
"Oh Parker I do love you. You are such a good man." Lilly gushed before she pulled me down for a kiss.
Emily looked over as we pulled out of the drive to head back to Tori's house. Just moments before we had said our goodbyes, none more passionate than Daisy and me. I drove her home after what can only be described as a good day. Guys like me don't have things like this happen. I'm happy, and as far as I can tell so are all of them.
"Your sister is as lovely as her name." Emily smiled.
"I think so." I replied with a blush.
"Daisy appears to be a very passionate young woman." Emily said cryptically.
"I could say the same for your daughters." I responded not quite sure where this was going.
"Lilly thinks that is in large part because of you." Emily probed.
"Well, I think it is large part because of Lilly." I replied offering nothing in return.
Emily just smiled and sat back in her seat.
We arrived back at the house without another word about the girls. What we did talk about was my house and how impressed Emily was of it. I opened her door and then opened the trunk.
Emily looked at the stuff I bought at the home center and became excited. She helped me carry it into the shed, we unloaded the plants she bought then carried the bags in the house. Sitting everything on the counter Emily turned to face me.
"Parker I want to thank you for taking me today." Emily sighed.
She closed the gap and pulled me down for a sensual kiss. Emily pressed hard against me then backed away reluctantly. The way she was standing implied Emily was expecting me to leave. I realized then that Lilly hadn't suggested to Emily that I could stay. Lilly was leaving it up to me to decide.
On one hand I wanted to run back to Lilly and show her how much I loved her. On the other hand Emily is standing right in front of me wondering how she fits into this crazy web of women.
Did I really love her or was I just saying that as an excuse to get her in bed? The bewildered look Emily was giving me suggested she didn't know either. It was an awkward moment for sure.
I moved forward to grip her waist firmly, with a quick movement I easily picked her up and sat her on the counter beside the shopping bags. I moved between Emily's legs and kissed her lovingly she responded by offering me her tongue. I accepted and kissed her back more passionately than before. Reaching for her top I pulled it free from her shorts.
"Parker what are you doing?" Emily whispered looking down at the material gathered in my hands.
"Put your arms up."
"But Parker, Lilly..." Emily stopped mid-sentence as I glared at her.
"Knows how much I love her. It's time you learn how much I love you." I whispered.
There was a moment when she wasn't sure if I was mad or making a point. Slowly Emily raised her arms as I pulled her top off. Tossing the top to the side I reached behind and unhooked her bra. Emily sat there meekly as I untangled the hated garment.
I hooked my thumbs under her breasts with my fingers along her ribs on each side. I caressed her chest then lifted her tits gripping them as my hands encompassed them.
"Is that better?" I asked softly.
"Yess..." Emily threw her head back and moaned. "...are you sure Parker?"
"That I'm in love with you too?"
I leaned down and sucked on her left nipple. Emily framed my face with her hands.
"Parker I need to know." Emily now glared at me.
"Lilly will always come first." I warned her. "Emily I do love you, as much as Rose, even as much as Daisy!"
"Oh Parker!" Emily started to get emotional. "I love you too!"
Emily started kissing me as tears ran down her cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her petite frame pulling her tight to me. This lasted for only a few moments then I felt her push me back. I released her, Emily jumped down and started for the hall.
"Don't move I'll be right back!" She yelled.
Minutes later she appeared naked with a towel and several other items. She moved back to the counter spreading out the towel. In one hand she held scissors in the other a blade razor.
"How does my love want his dirty little girl's pussy groomed?" Emily giggled.
I lifted Emily back on the counter placing her on the towel. I took the scissors from her hand, she set the razor on the counter with the trimmer and the shaving cream. She pulled her knees up and spread her legs for me. For the next ten minutes I took my time and carefully trimmed Emily's bush until we were both satisfied. Taking the electric trimmer I went around several times cleaning up the edges. As I stood back to check it out one last time, her pussy lips were peeking out glistening with excitement.
I moved in to kiss her, Emily grabbed for my shorts. "Turn over!" I whispered in her ear.
"What?" She replied shocked.
"Turn over, that dirty little ass needs attention too." I teased.
Emily whimpered then got on all fours aiming her ass at me. I grabbed the shaving cream and coated the area around her asshole down to her pussy.
"Parker what are you doing!" Emily shuddered.
"I want this as smooth as a baby's ass!" I hissed giving her a gentle smack.
With the blade razor I carefully scraped the fine hairs around her asshole and perineum. Her pussy was dripping by the time I got done. I cleaned her ass then kissed one cheek and ran my finger over her asshole. Her whole body quivered, she pushed back gently. Then Emily quickly pulled away and sat down.
"No further you brute, I'm not prepared for that!" Emily blushed. "I'll meet you in bed!"
Emily kissed me then jumped off the counter grabbing the shopping bags running down the hall. I expected Emily to be wearing some sexy outfit she bought today shopping but all she had on was a pair of lacy panties.
There was a twinkle in her eye as she approached me on the bed. Emily was up to something but I wasn't sure what. She joined me in bed straddling my waist so she could lean over and kiss me.
Emily forced her tongue in my mouth the instant her lips touched mine. She grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms above my head. It was clear she wanted to be in charge.
"So you like my hairy pussy?" Emily asked seductively.
I nodded yes which made her smile.
"But you don't like a hairy ass?" She teased me.
Choosing not to speak I shook my head slightly never taking my eyes off of hers. This brought a bigger smile to Emily's face.
"You want to fuck that ass don't you?" She hissed.
It was a fantasy of mine but had never done it before. I didn't answer right away afraid Emily might think I was a pervert. She bit my lower lip hard making me moan.
"Tell me you want to fuck your dirty little girl's ass!" Parker!" Emily growled as she pressed her pussy hard against my belly.
"I want to fuck my dirty little girl's ass!" I finally admitted. My stomach was getting slick with the excitement oozing through her panties.
"Your dirty little girl's virgin ass?" Emily squealed. Her eyes grew big as she continued to become even more excited.
"Especially her virgin ass!" I happily agreed.
I was laying there with my hands still above my head when Emily reached back and grabbed my throbbing cock.
"Well that's going to happen but not tonight! This is too big for her ass!" Emily teased by stroking my cock. "Don't worry though I have plans for this thing."
She moved up to kiss me pressing her hanging tits hard against my chest. Emily moved up and offered me a succulent nipple.
"Bite it!" Emily said huskily.
I nibbled on her fat nipple as she tugged it through my teeth. Emily groaned in pleasure as she offered me the other one. I could feel her pussy quiver she was so excited. She pulled her nipple from my teeth and looked at me her eyes filled with fire. She moved up and pressed her panty cover snatch hard against my mouth. Instinctively I sucked the excitement from the thin material.
"Take them off!" Emily yelled.
Reaching up I grabbed the waist band peeling them off as she stood above me. Looking up I checked out my handiwork. A thick full bush and a baby smooth ass. Desperate to continue she mashed her furry cunt back against my mouth.
"Is that what you want my love? You want a hairy pussy, eat it Parker? Eat your dirty little girl's hairy pussy!" Emily growled.
I had just gotten started when she rolled her hips and presented her hairless asshole. I rimmed the tight little hole when she forced her pussy back over my mouth rubbing her clit on my nose. It seemed like Emily had waited all her life for this moment, to truly love and be loved. I felt her whole body shudder above me.
Emily raised up."Noooooo! Not yet!" She growled.
I immediately gripped her thighs and pulled her clit directly to my waiting tongue. The response was instant as I gently sucked on the sensitive nub from between her hairy lips. Her legs clamped tight on my head and Emily jerked her clit from my mouth. She was yelling but I couldn't hear the words. She plunged her gaping cunt over my mouth as I stabbed deep in her pussy.
Her excitement flowed freely so I could lap it up while her body convulsed above me. Wave after wave surged through her loins until she pulled free from any further contact. I gripped her tits and flopped her backwards over my body.
Emily was spent for the moment. I grabbed her legs and spread them then attacked her puckered hole. Emily squirmed and whimpered as my tongue rimmed her tightest orifice. Her pussy continued to leak the essence of her desires.
"You need to stop!" Emily regained her strength and rolled off. "I still have plans for you!"
She removed the last of her panties and opened the drawer in the night stand. She pulled out a slender butt plug. It was about five inches long and not any bigger than my thumb. Handing it to me she grabbed the bottle of lube.
"If you're going to shove that fat cock in my ass we need to start slowly." Emily jumped back on the bed and straddled my waist again.
She bent over and kissed me rubbing her furry pussy on my belly again. She put some lube on her fingers and reached around and greased her ass. Emily added more and lubed the butt plug as I held it.
"Gently now." Emily instructed.
I reached around and pressed the dildo against her little brown star. Emily's eyes were locked on mine, I was watching for any sign of discomfort. The tip was small tapering to a fair size then to a narrow area just before a wide flange. The tip had just started to move pass her sphincter. There was a look of both fear and anticipation.
"Relax and breathe," I whispered.
"Parker I want that to be your cock!" Emily cooed pursing her lips and she drew in the next breath.
"Maybe someday baby." I replied softly letting her know she could trust me.
"Oh goodness that is so big!" Emily sighed.
The plug was only in maybe half way when she said that. There was so much tension in the air I decided to pull it back out a bit.
"Fuck me with it!" Emily hissed. "Fuck your dirty little girl's ass Parker! Make her squeal!"
I slowly pushed the butt plug back in her ass, then pulled it quickly back. Sawing it in and out Emily started to rock with me grinning the entire time. Her tits were swinging in time with our thrusts her nipples brushing up against the hair on my chest.
Her cunt was dripping again, her body was flush, her nipples fat and hard. Suddenly she gave out an animalistic moan then thrust her ass back hard against my hand. The butt plug filled her ass in one quick stroke.
"OH FUCK!" Emily grunted.
"What happened to going slowly?" I teased
"I need you in me now!" Emily hissed.
Pulling free, with the dildo still lodged in her ass, she picked up my hard cock laying in a pool of precum. Moving back she positioned my throbbing member to the opening of her pussy.
Emily's eyes locked on mine again. Lowering herself down the plug in her ass restricted the amount of room for my cock. Emily was biting her lower lip and she forced my slick cock deeper in her tight pussy.
"Was Rose's pussy this tight when you fucked her?" Emily whimpered.
"Yes." I grunted as I thrust up seating my cock deep in her furry twat.
Emily pulled up and hesitated her pussy dripping with our excitement. She was still locked onto my eyes as she started back down her body shuddered making her titties dance.
"Was Lilly's pussy this tight when you fucked her?" Emily gasped as she ground down forcing her clit against the root of my cock.
"Yes." I repeated feeling my balls tighten.
Emily pulled up again and hesitated one more time.
"Tell me Parker is Daisy's pussy this tight?" Emily slammed down quickly.
I didn't answer as she started fucking me hard and fast. Her breathing was erratic, my balls were burning, the sound of our excitement echoed off the bedroom walls. Emily reached up and grabbed her tits and tugged on the nipples.
"I bet you love Daisy's big tits, don't you? Tell me Parker ...!" Emily's whole body jerked about. "Hurry Parker fill our pussies, fill us up with your love!"
Emily thrust herself forward on my torso, my cock swelled in her tight cavern. I reached behind and gripped the butt plug and pushed it deeper in her ass.
"Oh fuck I can feel that! Fuck my ass Parker shove your cock in there make me cum!" Emily babbled on.
I pulled on the dildo, her ass refused to give up the prize easily. I fucked her in both holes but soon the effect on me was becoming too much.
"You need to cum you dirty little girl!" I moaned.
"Do it you brute! Fucking fill that tight pussy! I did it for you, just like all your lovers!" Emily pushed up and grinned happy with herself.
This is wrong I thought to myself. Instantly I pulled the dildo from her ass and rolled us over and pulled my cock from her contracting pussy.
"Nooooooo! Parker what's wrong?" Emily looked up at me in fear.
"You're not just another lover Emily!" I cursed at her. "Don't you see you're special?"
I pulled up and gently smacked her fat clit with my cock. Emily gasped as I rubbed it back and forth making her shudder. I stuffed it back in her cunt and hit her cervix.
"I'm in love with you, my dirty little girl!" I explained to her.
"That's crazy Parker I'm old enough..." Emily started to protest.
"Then I'm in love with my dirty little milf!" I teased her.
"Parker!" She scolded me.
"Cum for me...MILF!" I laughed. "A crazy milf at that!"
Emily wrapped her arms around me and pulled me down.
"Oh Parker! I will always be your dirty little girl! I do love you! Cum in my sloppy milf pussy!" Emily pleaded.
In no time she thrust up and clenched tight around my cock. My balls could no longer hold back. Soon my cock was spewing the boiling lava deep inside her needy cunt. Rolling over once again the two of us thrashed around in bed draining every ounce of energy from our bodies.
As the last shudder wracked through me Emily pulled herself up to kiss me. Her hairy snatch dripping with our combined juices left a trail as my cock flopped from inside. Emily's soft breasts pressed against me, her nipples still hard from a night of lovemaking. Her lips pressed to mine reminding me this was more than just sex for both of us.
My tongue met hers as she forced her lips tighter to mine. Her nostrils flared searching for the fuel to continue this extended kiss. I reached around and caressed her back and kneaded her tight little ass. When Emily finally broke free she scooted down and rested her head on my chest. We lay there just listening to each other hearts beat.
"Parker, do you really think I'm crazy?" Emily whispered.
The timing of her question took me totally by surprise. It seems everyone around her refers to her as crazy but I don't think anyone really believes it.
"Insane crazy? No, not at all. Eccentric like crazy? Definitely yes!" Emily lifted up to look at me to see if I was serious. "Just promise me that won't change."
"You mean that?" Emily asked uncertain. I reached down and grabbed her ass and pulled her up for another kiss.
"It's your best feature!" I teased her then lifted up to kiss her.
Emily returned my kiss happily. She kissed me several times then she rolled off so we could go to sleep.
I was up early in the morning. After using the bathroom I came back in the room to dress. Emily lay sleeping as I sat down on the bed to put my shoes and socks on. I turned to face her contemplating if I should wake her or not. I lean over and gave her peck on the forehead.
"You're leaving?" She whispered without opening her eyes.
"I have to go to work today." I kissed her cheek.
"Please tell Lilly I appreciate what she is doing." Emily reached up and touched my cheek with one hand. Still she kept her eyes closed.
"I will." I took her hand and kissed the palm. Emily smiled but still did not open her eyes,
"Look at me Emily." I finally said.
"I can't, I don't want to see you go!" Emily whimpered.
"Look at me." I insisted. Emily opened her eyes to find mine waiting for this moment.
"I love you Emily." I said truthfully.
"I believe you Parker." Her eyes started to water up. "I love you too."
I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss.
"Please go before I beg you to stay!" Emily pleaded.
I kissed her one more time then left to go home and get ready for work. Lilly was waiting for me when I arrived. She was bubbling with happiness when I walked in.
"I just talked to mom!" Lilly was bursting with excitement. "Emily said you told her you loved her! Oh Parker I can't tell you how happy that makes me!"
Lilly threw herself at me. She kissed me like it was her I said those words to. I hugged Lilly letting her know not only did I miss her but still loved her. I pulled back to look at her still glowing with happiness.
"Lilly, you do know I'm in love with you ...?"
"Shhh. Not another word." Lilly leaned in and kissed me. "Now go get ready for work while I finish breakfast."
Just like that she sent me on the way upstairs. I took a shower and dressed finding her waiting for me at the table. She popped up and assembled my plate then joined me back at the table.
"I'm sending the girls over to spend the night with Emily so she won't be alone. Tori will be here tomorrow we can make a schedule once we know her plans." Lilly explained.
We talked about a few details of how to help them get settled in but not a word was spoken about my time with her mom. In a way I was relieved but at the same time it left me feeling uneasy. Here was the woman of my dreams, hell, every man's dream, praising me for being unfaithful. When it was Rose and to some extent Daisy, in my mind I could justify it knowing Lilly was not left out.
With Emily it was on a different level, it was just me and her. There was nothing in it for Lilly or anyone else. I felt so selfish, and now by telling Emily I loved her I was feeling guilty. It went against everything I believed in and stood for.
I went to work that day finding it difficult to focus on my job at times. By the end of the day I was determined to speak to Lilly about how I felt. I settled in behind the wheel of the old sedan and headed to the gym to work out.
"Hey buddy how you doing?" Josh greeted me with a handshake.
"I'm doing fine." I smiled. I shook his hand and bumped shoulders in reply.
"Word has it you and Lilly are still an item?" He teased.
"We are." I answered suspiciously. "What else have you heard?"
"Only that Rose is also back in town." His grin became even wider.
"No comment." I replied firmly.
"Sorry dude just busting your balls." Josh laughed. "Really I'm happy for you all. My lips are sealed just don't tell my wife anything you don't want to read in the paper!"
"Thanks for the warning." I laughed gaining my sense of humor back. "I would appreciate it if this doesn't become a circus."
"I understand, really I do. I appreciate my privacy as much as the next guy. Parker as you know my staff sign a strict privacy contract about our clients, so I think your safe here, but out there you're on your own." Josh pointed to the front door. "If you ever need to talk I'm here for you Parker."
"Thanks I appreciate that."
"Enjoy your workout and come see me before you go." Josh said as one of his staff walked up.
Somehow the thought of having someone on the outside to talk to seemed to make me less anxious. I went through my workout the tension in my muscles seemed to fade away the longer I pushed on. By the time I finished I felt like a new man physically and mentally. As Josh suggested I stopped by to see him one my way out.
"You wanted to see me?" I asked sticking my head in the door of the office.
"Come on in Parker." Josh stood up. "Kelly and I would like to invite you and Lilly out for dinner sometime. Maybe a movie if we can fit it in?"
"Thank you that would be nice." I replied.
"Well I know she and Rose moved from out of town and probably don't have many friends here yet." Josh explained.
"That is very thoughtful of you. I will ask her and get back with you." I said happily.
We shook and bumped then I headed out to the car. Lilly was waiting for me at home when I arrived still in my workout clothes. The table was set for three. I gave her a confused look.
"Rose is taking a nap, Daisy is at school studying. You get cleaned up and I'll have dinner waiting when you come down." Lilly gave me quick peck on the cheek keeping her distance from my sweaty body. "Please bring Rose down with you."
I went up the steps and started the shower. I just finished rinsing my hair off when she walked in. At first I thought it was Lilly but then quickly realized it was Rose. She entered the shower without hesitation.
"I've missed you?" Rose laughed taking the soap from my hand.
Slowly she started washing me.
"I've never seen them so happy." Rose said so matter of factly.
"Them?" I asked as she continued to cleanse my body.
"Lilly and mom." Rose sat the soap in the holder and pushed me back under the spray. "You're perfect for them."
Rose ran her hands over me making sure the water had rinsed off all the suds,
"Emily is even talking about writing another book." Rose nodded her approval and handed me the body wash.
"So this was your plan all along?" I asked spreading the cleanser over her shoulders as she faced me.
"I'm not that smart..." Rose chuckled. "...I was only thinking of Lilly. Emily was her idea."
"Why is that do you think?" I asked hoping for an answer.
"Sorry Parker you'll have to ask her about that one."
Rose gave me that wicked grin. She was being coy to say the least. We both know they have no secrets. I turned her and started on her back.
"Where does that leave you and me?" I asked nervously.
"I'm here aren't I?" Rose looked back over her shoulder.
"What about Daisy?" I questioned further.
"I promise not to take her away from you!" Rose teased.
"That's not what I meant and you know it!" I protested.
"Parker you do know Daisy and I are just friends, right?" Rose said seriously. "I do love her ...and we may have fooled around a little bit ...but that's all. Nothing serious, I promise."
"Thank you for telling me, but that's really Daisy's business." I replied a bit relieved.
"I didn't tell you that to explain Daisy's love life." Rose turned to face me and stood looking at me intently. "Parker, you need to know, until you came along, there has only ever been Lilly. Parker that will never change."
"Oh!" I replied stupidly.
You would have thought by know I would have figured that out. Unfortunately I am still as clueless about some things as the first time I met Rose.
"Parker, Daisy and I still want to spend time with you...but we know Lilly...and Emily..." Rose pulled me down for a firm kiss. "Now rinse me off, I need to go before you use that thing on me."
It was good to see Rose was back to her old self. Strong and witty like when we first met, she was anything but when she was in California around her mom. With both of us laughing at my erection Rose stepped from the shower and started drying off. I finished my shower and found she was now gone. I went in our room and dressed for dinner. I headed down and found Lilly and Rose waiting for me.
"I think you two should be relegated to cold showers!" Lilly teased me making me blush.
She kissed me then sent me to sit at the table. The three of us had a nice quiet dinner. We talked about Emily and Tori and helping them get moved in. When Daisy arrived home she and Rose headed over to spend the night with Emily so she wouldn't be alone.
I thought about what Rose said earlier. I thought about what she said about Daisy, and what she said about Lilly. I remember Lilly telling me she would never leave Rose. Now Rose all but admitted she would never leave Lilly.
I'm not sure where that leaves me, especially since Lilly just agreed to marry me, but somehow I knew Lilly was still way ahead of me. I snuggled in behind her in our bed and kissed her good night.
"I love you Parker." Lilly whispered.
"I love you too Lilly." I replied before falling soundly asleep.
Still dealing with her house in California it took several days before Tori arrived in town. Since Tori and Emily's cars were being shipped I offered to drive Emily to pick Tori up at the airport.
It was nice spring day as I headed over to pick Emily up. We had talked about the garden behind my house at times but with all the hub bub of getting settled in it was always brief. With a 30 minute drive to the airport I thought this would be a good time to discuss it further.
"I was wondering what your thoughts are on the garden." I asked. "The offer still stands."
The Sunday I grilled, I suggested Emily could take over my grandmother's old garden. Emily didn't respond that night or since then either.
"I don't know Parker." Emily replied turning away.
"You do want a garden? Right?"
Emily didn't reply still looking out the other window. I'll admit being a bit confused and maybe even disappointed.
"We could put one behind Tori's house if you prefer." I then offered.
"You would do that?" Emily looked at me now with watery eyes.
"Of course I would. I know it's not California, but plants do grow here as well." I teased her. "I do want you to be happy."
"Oh Parker..." Emily reached up and touched my cheek. "...Lilly told me you are a special man."
Emily then turned and looked out the other window again. I handed her a tissue from the console as we drove in silence to the airport.
"Yoo hoo...Tori!" Emily called out in baggage claim.
Tori looked in our direction at the public greeting. Tori looked at Emily and then at me. I could see she was happy to see us both but also looked perplexed.
"Emily?" Tori hugged her sister warmly.
After a quick kiss on the cheek Tori extended her arms holding Emily at length.
"You are Emily...aren't you?" Tori kidded her sister.
Emily blushed then looked at me. She had worn an outfit I once again had chosen for her to wear. Stylish but conservative it was nothing like Emily first proposed.
"Parker made me dress like this." Emily stated.
"Well maybe I should let Parker dress me some time?" Tori approached me and kissed me firmly. "Or should I let him undress me?"
Tori winked at me as she stepped back. I knew she was joking but Emily seemed to take it seriously.
"You need to get your bags so we can go." Emily huffed heading to the carousel.
"Was it something I said?" Tori looked at me concerned.
Considering how happy Tori was when she arrived her mood suddenly changed as well.
"No, it started earlier in the car. Emily really is happy you're here." I explained.
"Something I should know?" Tori asked as we followed behind Emily.
"Not sure yet. I promise tell you when I do." I smiled. "By the way, welcome to Indiana."
"Thank you Parker."
We loaded Tori's luggage in the car and headed to their house. Emily insisted on sitting up front leaving Tori alone in the back seat. If that wasn't bad enough she barely talked the whole way.
Lilly was in the kitchen when we arrived at Tori's house. With the table set for six I guessed Daisy was invited for dinner as well. Lilly greeted me happily and seemed amused when I explained the events of earlier in the day.
Daisy arrived at the house with Rose and was introduced to Tori. As I expected Tori and Daisy hit it off great. We spent the evening at Tori's house but it was soon evident Tori herself was exhausted.
Rose insisted on staying, so it came as no surprise that Lilly asked to stay as well. Daisy and I hugged and kissed everyone goodnight. When Tori kissed me her lips lingered longer than I would have thought proper.
Lilly and Emily both noticed. Lilly seemed pleased, Emily not so much. Daisy and I drove home in my car leaving hers behind. Daisy talked the whole way mostly about what Rose had told her about Tori.
I had just come out of the bathroom when Daisy passed in front of her bedroom door. Wearing panties and the revealing top she knew drove me wild she stopped and looked at me.
"Can I have a kiss goodnight?" Daisy asked seductively.
With all that had taken place lately Daisy and I have not had the chance to be alone as much. I was tempted to say no thinking now might be a good time to go back to being brother and sister.
"Sure." I answered before I realized it.
I entered Daisy's room and soon found her massive breasts mashed against my chest. Daisy's lips parted and soon our tongues played a familiar dance. When the kiss ended Daisy's hand was rubbing along my throbbing cock.
"Goodnight Parker." Daisy laughed.
Taken back a bit I stood awkwardly realizing she was sending me to bed alone.
"Good night Daisy." I finally replied.
I leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I love you." I whispered.
"I know you do." Daisy replied happily.
I wasn't really disappointed as I walked to my room alone. I wasn't really relieved either. I guess you could say I was bewildered. Daisy had pursued me relentlessly, and now that it's just the two of us, she sends me to bed alone?
Women, I just can't figure them out.
I picked up the investing book on my nightstand and started to read. Before I met Rose that fateful night I was accustom to sleeping alone. As I looked over at the empty space beside me I started to appreciate how lucky I had been of late.
At times my mind started to wander from the pages in front of me. I thought how fortunate it was that Emily and Tori were now living in the same town. Rose was back to work, and with Lilly to watch over her, I thought maybe things might settle down.
Still I had this uneasy feeling as I turned the pages. Daisy's words about how far Lilly was ahead of me was a constant reminder of how oblivious I could be. Fortunately the book did its job, and after I sat it down, I was soon fast asleep.
Spring may have started in late March but this was an unseasonably chilly spring so far. Even now, late in April, the mornings can be downright nippily. Much like my father I skimped on running the furnace.
I preferred an extra blanket but I'll admit this morning I may have gone too far? The covers raised and the frigid air washed across my back before the icy orbs pressed against me.
"If I start paying rent can we turn the thermostat up?"
Daisy's massive tits pressed tight against my back transferring heat between the two of us. I wanted to roll over and face her but she slipped her ice-cold hand inside my shorts and grabbed my morning wood.
"Or at least a pair of gloves?" I laughed as my cock started to shrivel.
"Give me a few minutes and I can warm that up if you want." Daisy stroked me gently.
"I'm thinking that might not be a good idea." I tried to roll over again.
Daisy held me in place pressing tight against my back. If she wasn't here for sex why was she here?
"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked getting aroused.
"Parker...I need to tell you something and I don't want you to get upset." Daisy whispered.
Again I wanted to turn over and face her but Daisy held me in place.
"Lucas called me..." Daisy whispered softly still. "...I went to see him yesterday."
Lucas was a boyfriend Daisy was madly in love with at one time. There had been others before him of course, but Daisy insisted he was the one. At least he was until he cheated on Daisy a few months back.
"I see."
The words came out with difficulty, not because I was in love with my sister, but because I loved her. Lucas had broken her heart once before and I wasn't sure I wanted to see her go through that again.
"He's changed Parker." Daisy explained.
I shook my head in disbelief. People can change, but the odds are they won't.
"How do you know?" I asked pointedly.
"I don't. But you will." Daisy replied confidently. "You and Lilly and Rose will."
Daisy moved so I could start to turn over. I felt the covers shuffle and then her hands pulling at my shorts.
"Daisy...what are you doing...?" I asked pushing her hands away.
"Please Parker one last time."
When her eyes met mine I saw the same desperation she went through each time some boyfriend let her down. It was like she was pleading with me to understand. Daisy hit me in the one place she knew I couldn't protect. My heart.
"We were supposed to do it last night...but you were such a gentleman...please don't make me call her..." Daisy now was pleading.
"Lilly? She knows?" I asked bewildered.
"She made me promise..." Daisy reached out and tugged at my shorts. "...please Parker...I need you to know how much I love you..."
My brain was yelling at me about how wrong this would be, but the moment my cock slipped inside her dripping pussy I knew how right it really was. As I settled in on top of Daisy I don't know if I had ever seen her happier.
"Make love to me Parker. Take your time and make love to me all day." Daisy cooed as her lips found mine.
Daisy's lips slipped from mine as I pushed into the depths of her sex. A subtle grunt followed by her legs spreading wider urged me to continue. I slipped my arms under Daisy's shoulders as hers wrapped behind my back.
Daisy's hips thrusted up as her tits mashed against my chest. I bent down and kissed her neck as Daisy murmured 'I love you'.
Sunlight now filled the room and the covers were now shoved aside. Daisy's hands gripped my ribs and pushed me up gently.
"I want to see it Parker." Daisy gasped.
I pulled my arms from under her and pushed myself up. Daisy and I both looked past her tits to see my glistening shaft. Daisy's labia's were red and swollen as they drug along my cock. The sight of us together started to affect me.
"You are so beautiful." I whispered.
"I feel beautiful." Daisy looked deeply in my eyes. "Please don't cum yet."
Her eyes closed halfway and Daisy pulled my hips hard against hers. Pushing me up she pulled me down just as quickly.
"Faster?" I suggested.
"Mmmmmmmm." Daisy cooed.
My arms were growing weak but I dared not change position. I watched her massive tits swim above her chest as our pelvises slapped together. Daisy's stomach tightened then relaxed then tightened again.
A flush came over her as Daisy's shoulders rolled side to side. One hand came down and reached between us. The next thing I know Daisy is rubbing her clit.
"I'm going to love you Parker. I'm going to love you big time." Daisy moaned. "Now fuck my clit!"
I looked down and Daisy had her pussy lips spread and her clit exposed for me. I shifted up slightly and rubbed my greasy cock over her exposed nub sending shock waves through my sister.
Daisy rolled her hips up burying my cock back in her pussy then rolled them back rubbing her clit over my cock again.
"Oh fuck!" Daisy screamed.
Daisy's pussy repeated the process and then with strength that took me by surprise she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight through her orgasm.
"Oh Parker I love you." Daisy thrusted up. "I'm loving you." She whimpered as her pussy contracted around my cock. "I'm loving you...I'm loving you..."
As Daisy's climax slowly faded away so did the words. Still in a vice like grip, and my rock hard cock now barely moved in her pussy. The warmth of her body below me contrasted with the chilly air now on my back.
"Dee?" I asked at last.
Daisy opened her eyes and released me from her grasp.
"Did you cum?" Daisy asked with an impish smile.
"No." I replied now embarrassed.
"Thank you Parker." Daisy stretched up to kiss me. "Now fuck me slowly until you do."
Needless to say I was late to work.
My grandmother preferred planting later in the season, especially tomato's and corn that like the warmer weather. Even knowing that, I was still surprised to find Emily out in the garden behind my house the next evening when I came home from work.
"Grab the shovel and dig me a hole right here." Emily looked up from under the brim of her floppy hat.
"Can I at least go in and change?" I held up my briefcase and suit coat.
"Oh if you must." Emily growled as she turned her back. "Don't you let your wife sidetrack you now." She turned and wagged her finger.
Lilly and I have only been officially engaged for less than two weeks and already she's my wife? I chuckled to myself at Emily's dry sense of humor.
"Parker!" Lilly rushed to greet me as I walked in the back door.
"AH my wife!" I embraced her for a kiss.
"What did you say?" Lilly asked quickly as we parted.
"Your mom was busting my butt because I wanted to come in and change." I said as we both looked at her in the garden. "Emily called you my wife." I laughed setting down my briefcase.
"Why would she do that?" Lilly asked with a cautious smile.
I wrapped my hands around Lilly's back and pulled her close. I gave Lilly another passionate kiss and then squeezed her ass.
"She was afraid I might not come back outside knowing you were in here." I looked at Emily and chuckled. "She might be right?" I squeezed her ass again.
"Oh." Lilly chuckled. "Well you better get changed then."
I went upstairs and came down in jeans and a tee shirt. Throwing on some work boots I headed out to the garden where Lilly had now joined Emily.
"Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes...I expect you both to be there." Lilly glared at Emily.
Lilly turned to me and pulled me down for a quick kiss. "Both of you."
I wasn't quite sure what that was about, but I was pretty clear on the instructions. Lilly left Emily and I in the garden as she headed back to the house.
"You done playing house?" Emily growled.
"At your service madam." I swung my arms and bowed.
"A hole right here." Emily pointed to the ground.
For the next thirty minutes Emily and I planted potatoes, radishes and onions. It was just the three of us at the table. Lilly asked about my day, I asked about hers. Emily ate quietly, either she was afraid to speak or chose not to. Maybe she was just thinking about the garden?
"Goodnight my love." Lilly kissed me passionately.
"Goodnight." I replied letting her slip from my arms.
"Don't forget, night after tomorrow we're going out with Josh and Kelly." Lilly beamed. "I'll cook tomorrow."
Emily was standing near the back door as Lilly let go of my hand.
"You should stay the night." Emily barked at Lilly.
"There'll be time for that. I promised Tori and Rose we would be home for the next few nights." Lilly explained again. "If you're getting a kiss goodnight I suggest you do it now because we're leaving."
Emily huffed then walked out the back door before Lilly could say another word. Lilly stopped and looked at the door then looked back at me. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head having no clue what just took place.
"Don't move." Lilly glared at me.
Exiting the back door I don't know if I had ever seen her that mad? I waited as instructed. I might have heard screaming, if I did, so did the neighbors. Then just as I expected the back door opened and Emily walked in alone.
Moving in front of me I could see her whole body tense up in fear. Peering from under her hat Emily started to speak.
"Can I have a kiss..."
Before she could finish I scooped her up by her ass and pressed my lips against hers. Emily's floppy hat fell to the floor, her legs wrapped around my waist, and her arms around my neck. Emily's tongue stabbed between my lips desperately searching for love.
When our lips parted she hugged me with all her might. I looked over her shoulder and saw Lilly standing just outside the back door. Lilly nodded her approval.
"Would you like to spend the night my dirty little girl?" I whispered.
Emily turned her head and saw Lilly at the door. I could feel her body press hard against me then relax.
"Parker please put me down. I have to go." Emily replied her voice cracking. "Tomorrow we plant peas."
"Ok." I acknowledge.
Emily picked up her hat and looked up at me again.
"Goodnight Parker." Emily smiled.
"Em...before you go..." I grabbed her by the waist and stopped her from moving.
Emily turned to face me. I gripped the bottom of her shirt and started pulling it up her body. Emily gave me a questioned look before a smile crossed her face. Lifting her arms up I pulled her shirt over her head knocking her hat off again.
"...you won't need this tomorrow."
I reached behind Emily and released her bra. Tossing it to the side I held out Emily's shirt for her to slip back into. Emily's nipples were stiff and excited. As her head popped through the generous hole for her neck I could see she was ecstatic.
"Are you going to pick up the hat?" Emily taunted me. "Or should I?"
"You're closer." I laughed.
Emily bent at the waist, her top then gaped open, exposing her tits once again. Picking up her hat she slowly stood extending my enjoyment.
"Good night Parker." Emily donned her hat and joined Lilly before driving off.
Checking my phone before bed Daisy left a message she wouldn't be home tonight. I fell asleep with my book again.
I came home from work the next night anticipating working in the garden. Lilly greeted me with a kiss and work clothes. Emily greeted me with a constant view of her tits. They left early so I headed over to the gym for some much needed exercise.
Friday night Lilly and I went to a dinner and movie with my friend Josh and his wife Kelly. Josh owns the gym were I met Lilly and Rose. As far as I could tell it was a smashing success. Josh and Kelly must have agreed as they made a date for next Friday as well.
"You are spending the night? Right?" I asked Lilly on the way home.
"Actually I was, but Rose texted me that Emily is not feeling well." Lilly looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "I promise to make it up to you." Lilly frowned.
"Well, it's probably my fault." I laughed through my disappointment. "I was working her pretty hard in the garden these last few days."
"Parker you did no such thing!" Lilly snapped back. "Emily has been loving every minute of it."
Realizing I was just teasing, Lilly laughed as well. I ended up with another kiss and my investment book.
Emily must have been really sick as Lilly called me in the morning to explain Emily would not be able to spend the day with me. With the day to myself I went out to the garage to clean my car. It was a beautiful day to be outside.
Warm and sunny the forecast was finally starting to make up for the unseasonably cold weather this spring. One stall of the garage was filled with gardening supplies Emily must have bought during the week.
After washing and vacuuming the car I took looked out of the garage and noticed flowers where there were none before. Intrigued I walked the around the front of house and found more of Emily's handy work.
Then I looked at the grass. It was beautiful. Too beautiful. I don't mind cutting the grass but I have a service do it for convenience. They do several houses on the same block and because of that the price is very reasonable, especially considering the large backyard.
Tucked in an older neighborhood, the stately houses were built on large lots of just over an acre. The garden and garage take up a fair amount of the lot out back but there is still a good amount of ground to cover.
Their modern equipment make short work of it, saving me time and making them money. The point is they are doing it to make money. For what I pay them they do an adequate job but that's all.
I suspect Emily has been working her magic. I walked around back and the difference is notable. Except for the garden the landscaping and lawn look like they did last year. Adequate.
I knew Daisy was home last night but didn't get a chance to see her. Today she was gone early, I'm thinking getting ready for finals, or is she avoiding me too? I'm kidding of course, like Lilly and Rose we have talked, but only briefly on the phone.
Late Saturday Rose called to say Lilly is feeling sick. Concerned about exposing me and Daisy, Rose said they won't be going shopping tomorrow either. For Daisy that turned out to be an unnecessary precaution as she texted me she too is not well.
When Daisy said she was staying with a friend I assumed she meant her back again boyfriend Lucas. That is until Lucas showed up Sunday and said he received the same text. That led me to the next question. Why was Lucas here?
I'll have to give Lucas credit for showing up as he did, if I was not a hostile presence, I was at least unsympathetic. Manners dictated I invite him inside for our talk which he did.
"You've got the floor." I sat back in the chair as Lucas fidgeted on the couch.
"I want to apologize to you Parker." Lucas started.
"Apologize to me? It was Daisy you cheated on." I replied rudely.
"I did, and I apologized to her as well." Lucas straightened up as he spoke. "I let you both down."
"So now you want her back?" I continued to challenge him.
"I never wanted to let her go. I guess jealousy got the better of me." Lucas replied.
"Jealous of who? Daisy never two timed you that I know of." I shot back perturbed.
"I know that now. Still when I overheard her on the phone that night I thought she was." Lucas hung his head.
"The night you were with friends skiing?" I asked with interest.
I remember that night well, it was the night I met Rose and she locked me out of the gym.
"Yeah. I was jealous about what she said to the person on the phone late that night. I wanted to make her jealous too." Lucas looked at me with eyes asking for forgiveness. "When she was telling her friend how much she loved this guy."
"Daisy said that?" I asked now seriously intrigued.
"Yeah." Lucas dropped his head in defeat.
"Do you know his name?" I pressed.
Lucas looked up at me sheepishly. "Not a clue. She won't tell me. When I asked her, Daisy was mad I eavesdropped." Lucas explained. "She told me she was talking about the guy for a friend. I don't know maybe she was?"
"You don't seem convinced." I asked politely hoping to learn more.
"I' don't know, maybe. Just the way she said how much she loved this guy..."
"Ok, so then what?" I changed the subject quickly.
"There was this girl that had hit on me before. She meant nothing to me, but you know, I guess I wanted to hurt Daisy." Lucas admitted. "I've been sick about it ever since Daisy left me."
"And now?"
"For weeks she wouldn't even take my call. Then about a week ago Daisy agreed to meet me."
"I see?"
"Parker you need to know I would never do anything to hurt Daisy again. I love her. You have to believe me." Lucas pleaded.
"How about we grab some lunch?" I offered.
Lucas and I spent most of the day together. I decided not to ask about this other man Daisy was in love with, I'm beginning to think I knew the answer to that. I was more interested in who she was talking to on the phone. I'm pretty sure I knew who that is as well.
If I had to guess, I'm pretty sure I had been set up by my sister, to meet Rose.
Lucas and I talked about all sorts of topics, even about women, but only in general terms. Much like me, he too was clueless to the inner working of the female mind. I'll have to admit we hit it off, and except for the one lapse of judgement, I found no reason to object for Daisy to date him again.
Of course, Daisy didn't need my permission to date Lucas or anyone else. Still the fact that she asked, and Lucas agreed to meet with me, was not taken for granted. Before he left I gave Lucas my blessing.
I heard the car pull in and the garage door open and close. I was rereading the pages of my book I fell to sleep to last night. I knew it was Daisy just by her walking through the house. Suddenly my door opened and Daisy ran into my arms on the bed.
"Oh Parker I love you!" Daisy started to kiss me.
"I love you too." I said as I looked over her shoulder.
"I brought you a present." Daisy laughed. "But first I have to thank you for today."
Daisy pressed her lips to mine firmly taking my breath away.
"Lucas said you approved?" Daisy said with glee.
"I do." I replied embarrassed. "Daisy this is your decision not mine."
"Oh no my love, this is our decision." Daisy looked over her shoulder again. "We can talk later. Rose needs you now. I love you Parker."
I listened closely to the way Daisy said those words. If I was Lucas and heard her say it that way. I too would be jealous.
"Good night you two. Lilly will be here to make breakfast and get Rose in the morning. I suggest you don't stay up too late." Daisy moved to Rose and kissed her goodnight.
"You don't look happy." I move to Rose and kissed her cheek.
"Can you hold me tonight Parker?" Rose pulled herself against me.
"Whatever you want Rose." I said embracing her.
Much to my surprise Rose came out of the bathroom and entered my room wearing only a towel around her head. I laid down my book and lifted the covers. My erection was evident but contained in my shorts. Rose looked at the situation down below and then up to me. I could see the conflict she was in.
"Give me a few minutes and I'll put that away." I blushed.
"Thank you Parker." Rose said as she slid in beside me.
Pulling the towel from her hair I could smell the freshness of her shower. Rose kissed me softly then snuggled tight against me. Her naked body pressed against me did little to shrink my erection.
I wrapped my arm over Rose and held her petite body against mine. With a deep sigh I could feel her body relax like a large weight had been removed from her shoulders.
"Parker did you mean it when you said you would never take Lilly away from me?" Rose whispered.
"Of course I meant it." I replied truthfully.
"And now you're going to let Daisy date Lucas again?" Rose turned to face me.
"Well it's not like I really have a choice. Daisy is an adult." I explained somewhat confused. "Lucas owned up to his mistake and I believe him."
"So what about you Parker. What do you want?" Rose gave me that wicked smile.
Just then Rose reached in my shorts and gently stroked my cock.
"I want you to be happy. I want Daisy to be happy. Hopefully when I marry Lilly she'll be happy." I smiled.
"She will." Rose laughed.
Her hand now had me back to an aroused state and I was finding hard to concentrate.
"Kids?" Rose moved her hand faster.
"Yes, as long as Lilly still does." I shifted in the bed.
"Oh she does." Rose giggled. "And Emily?"
"She wants kids too?" I gasped as Rose continued to work her magic.
"No silly, what about Emily?" Rose tightened her grip. "Do you want to make her happy?"
"Of course." I gritted my teeth.
"So what is it you want to be happy Parker?" Rose asked with my orgasm just seconds away.
"Just don't stop jerking me off." I groaned as my cum surged from the end of my cock.
"Parker!" Rose squealed. "You're making a mess!"
Rose looked down and watched as my cum erupted covering her hand and part of my groin. Fortunately the shorts contained most of collateral damage as it were. By the time Rose cleaned me and herself up she was laughing out loud.
Rose slipped my cum soaked shorts off and wiped me down with her towel. Of course this only excited me more and soon I was hard again.
Lying on my back Rose looked at my cock and then up to me. I could see the same indecision from earlier. Moving over me Rose straddled my cock rubbing it between the folds of her pussy.
"You don't have to do this." I said to Rose.
"You're right Parker..." Rose agreed with a smile. "...but I'm afraid if I don't I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
"What does that mean?" I asked more confused than ever.
"It means if that thing goes off again and it's not inside me, it'll make such a mess we'll need to sleep with Daisy tonight." Rose teased me.
With that Rose guided my cock between her clean shaven pussy lips and slowly worked it inside. Turning off the light Rose then leaned forward and rested her head on my chest.
"Goodnight Parker. We love you." Rose whispered.
I kissed the top of her head and pulled the covers over us. "Goodnight my loves." I whispered back.
"Ok sleepy heads time to get up." Lilly shook me.
I looked at the clock and it was only 5:30 AM. The warm nubile body beside me came to life and snuggled closer.
"I don't want to go to work today." Rose pulled the covers over her head.
"Neither do I but sometimes life sucks." Lilly stood up.
I looked at the clock a second time and closed my eyes.
"Parker?" Lilly's voice sounded stern.
"Why do I have to get up? I have another hour to sleep."
"I'm not cooking breakfast twice." Lilly explained.
Just then Lilly ripped the covers off Rose and me allowing the cold morning air to come rushing in.
"Hey!" Rose screeched. "That's not fair."
"Since when did the two of you start sleeping naked?" Lilly gave us both a devilish smile.
"Since your husband came inside his shorts." Rose laughed.
Lilly looked at the wadded up garment lying on the floor and back at me. I was blushing, being caught red handed so to speak.
"And I suppose you being naked had nothing to with that?" Lilly tried to be mad at Rose.
"Parker thought I was you." Rose lied.
"Nice try Rose." Lilly laughed. "Now for sure you're going to work. I'll see you both in five minutes."
"You're so mean." Rose pouted.
"Mean will be when I bring ice water up in six minutes." Lilly threatened.
"Man am I hungry." I popped up. "Coming Rose?"
To be continued... |
Don't Be Ashamed | 47,687 | 4.57 | 2,062,875 | [
"gay anal",
"gay oral",
"gay interracial",
"younger man",
"older man",
"gay asian",
"18 year old",
] | Caleb knocked on the door three times and waited on the front porch. He just didn't know what to say to his girlfriend. He just knew that he should have apologized as soon as she discovered the truth. The eighteen-year-old Thai man had grown silent. He stared at the front door before anyone could even open it. He almost shivered at the possibility of losing his own girlfriend. He slowly tapped his feet against the floor. He slid his fingers across his short black hair. He silently rehearsed what he wanted to say to Priscilla. Even if it proved to be useless in the end, he just needed a resolution for a crucial mistake.
Caleb was so nervous. Waiting for the front door to open felt like it lasted for a few minutes. Eventually, the door did open. Caleb stood straight, anticipating another appearance from his girlfriend. But it wasn't Priscilla who answered the door. Instead, her father did. Caleb held his breath for a moment. Woodrow was a forty-one-year-old single father who shared his tremendous success with his one and only offspring. He was indeed a tall and handsome white man, with brown hair and broad shoulders. It would seem to be a stereotype, but Woodrow would be the type of person to appear in a fiery romantic tale.
Suddenly, Caleb remembered what he wanted to say.
"Hello, Woodrow. Is Priscilla here?"
He almost stuttered twice when he said that.
Woodrow smiled. "Sorry. She's somewhere else right now."
Caleb nodded. "Do you know where she is?"
"She mentioned that she'll with her friends all afternoon."
That statement made Caleb tremble with dread. Gossip would spread about his secret pastime. He would be the laughingstock in 12th Grade. The new year started with an unfortunate accident.
Caleb sighed. "I see. Well, I'll come back later."
But Caleb didn't leave just yet. Woodrow opened the door wide.
"Why don't you come in?"
Caleb grew even more nervous. "Are you sure?"
"It'll be okay. I think it's time we get to know each other."
For some odd reason, Woodrow's smooth baritone voice made Caleb lose most of his anxiety. The young man was barely conflicted with this simple invitation.
Caleb was let in by his girlfriend's father. He had already grown familiar with the house when Priscilla invited him in a few times before. This was indeed a clean and spacious house in such an affluent neighborhood. Living in the city of Dana Point was a smart decision for Woodrow. A successful man like him would be living in such a prosperous city in Southern California. Furthermore, living in a two-story house situated alongside the coast made Caleb a little jealous. He stood in the living room and looked out the window. He could see the beach during a calm and cold afternoon. After a few days of rain, Dana Point experienced a welcome change when the sun came out. The middle of January would involve low temperatures, which explained why only a few people visited the beach today. And when they did, they wore jackets and pants to keep warm.
Caleb took off his jacket. Woodrow had the heater turned on in the house. That, however, didn't stop Caleb from fearing the worst from his girlfriend. He didn't want any negative consequences.
Woodrow stepped inside the living room. He currently wore brown pants and a blue shirt. Just one look at the older man, and Caleb quickly calmed down once again.
Woodrow was immediately sincere when he said, "I'm afraid Priscilla doesn't want to see you again."
Caleb raised his eyebrows. "She told you that?"
Woodrow slowly nodded. "That's not the only thing she told me. She said something about you that's really interesting to say the least."
Caleb breathed through his nostrils. He now wanted to leave the house.
Woodrow stepped closer toward him. "She told me how she caught you wearing something that's not really for a man."
Caleb shivered again. "Did she, uh...did she specify what it was?"
"A dress."
Caleb closed his eyes. Woodrow must have thought less of him for that.
But as soon as he opened his eyes again, Woodrow smiled again.
"She wasn't too pleased with what she saw."
Caleb accepted his fate. "Maybe it's time that I just leave."
Woodrow calmly denied his request. "Don't. Stay here a little longer. I have a present for you."
He started to leave the room. "Follow me upstairs."
Caleb had his doubts. "Are you sure about this?"
Woodrow chuckled. "I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I would do to you."
As the older man disappeared from sight, Caleb took a deep breath. With everything that happened today, he now just had to get it over with. He officially lost his girlfriend, but her father didn't seem outraged by the results. Leaving his jacket in the living room, he followed Woodrow upstairs.
The two of them reached the master bedroom, which had a king-sized bed and a flat screen TV standing above a wooden dresser. It also had a clear view of the beach. Anyone standing on the balcony would be delighted to see the coast on a regular basis.
Caleb immediately noticed a small box on the bed. Woodrow opened it up and showed Caleb what had been lying inside it.
Caleb's eyes widened. Woodrow showed him a white dress. It was a simple design, with a skirt and a sleeveless top. Caleb couldn't keep his eyes away from it. It appeared to be a dress specifically designed for him.
Woodrow raised it up with his fingers. "Try it on."
Caleb hated to admit it, but seeing that white dress made him grow attached to his secret hobby a little more. But then again, he realized what would happen.
"You want me to try it on now?"
Woodrow chuckled. "Yeah, that's right."
"I'll have to take my clothes off first."
"Of course."
Woodrow didn't leave the bedroom. This gave Caleb a clear signal to do it in front of Priscilla's own father.
The young man looked down at the white dress, and then back at Woodrow.
"You want to see me take my clothes off."
"I don't mind."
Knowing that it would be inevitable, Caleb took a deep breath as he unclothed himself right in front of Woodrow. Within seconds, he only wore his underwear.
But Woodrow stated, "Take that off as well."
Caleb froze. "Uh...Why should I?"
"You don't have to wear it when you're wearing that."
Woodrow pointed at the dress. Caleb received a mixed feeling. He desperately wanted to wear Woodrow's gift, but he still felt nervous at the thought of another man seeing him naked. Despite his search for a convincing answer to this situation, he only discovered emptiness. Shivering like an actor with stage fright, Caleb ultimately took off his underwear. Now, he was completely naked in the room.
Woodrow's smile never left his face. "Good. Now, put it on."
Caleb followed the simple instruction. He slid the dress onto his body.
It was a perfect fit. The skirt ended right above his knees, and the sleeveless top made him feel more delicate than usual.
Woodrow pointed at the mirror hanging on the wall. Caleb gladly stood in front of it. He saw himself wearing the white dress. He was astonished. He looked so good in this dress. It reminded him of the various times he wore something similar in his own bedroom. Embracing a more feminine mystique had been his favorite pastime. He never thought he would be caught.
Fortunately, however, he no longer felt humiliated by Priscilla's unexpected discovery. Because now, her father showed no signs of a negative reaction. After all, he did give him this dress as a gift. He never showed any disgust with this new revelation. Seeing him smile with delight gave off the impression that he already accepted Caleb's secret passion as a positive lifestyle.
Caleb almost laughed with glee. He already loved this dress. It made him feel more girly. The skirt made him show off his hairless legs, and the overall attire made him look ever so adorable with his black hair and light brown skin. He couldn't stop staring at himself in the mirror.
He even altered his voice by giving it a more womanlike tone. "Oh, I love it. It's a great gift."
Woodrow replied, "I'm glad you like it."
He stood right behind Caleb and placed his hands on the latter's shoulders. "I like you better this way. Priscilla may not tolerate this, but I do. I believe you shouldn't be ashamed for wanting to wear something like this."
Caleb sighed. "I'm still a little sad. I lost my girlfriend."
Woodrow slowly turned him around and looked him straight in the eyes. "You've gained another companion. I'm sure that's good enough."
Caleb didn't know what to say. He was so entranced by Woodrow's lack of resentment. He was the exact opposite of Priscilla, who didn't even want to see him again.
And then, an unusual act caught Caleb off-guard. Woodrow slid his hand across Caleb's new dress and brought it to the bottom. He lifted the skirt up, which made Caleb assume an ulterior motive. The young man suddenly gasped as he could feel Woodrow's hand grabbing hold of his cock.
Woodrow whispered, "Like I said, don't be ashamed."
He caressed Caleb's solid cock. The young man was shocked by the movements. Woodrow wrapped his other arm around Caleb's waist and brought him closer. His embrace made Caleb act even more girly than before. He brought his tightened fists up to his chest like a frightened damsel. Woodrow didn't stop stroking the cock. The slow rhythm made Caleb take quicker breaths. The embrace made him not care for what Priscilla managed to leave behind.
Woodrow kissed Caleb on the forehead. "This is not a dream. This is reality. Don't hide things from the ones who care about you the most."
Caleb moaned and kept his feminine voice intact. "You're right. I shouldn't be ashamed. Oh, it feels good."
Woodrow's whisper was instant bliss to the ears. "Stay with me. We've got a good thing going here."
One look at Woodrow's eyes, and Caleb couldn't resist. He kissed the older man on the lips. Woodrow hugged him even tighter, and caressed Caleb's cock quicker. There would be no escape from a potentially wonderful experience between these two men.
Woodrow's fingers made Caleb tingle with excitement. He knew what would happen next. Woodrow let him go and began to unbuckle his belt.
"I've got something else to show you."
Caleb just stood there as Woodrow took off his own set of clothes, from his shirt to his boxer shorts. He showed his bare body to the young Thai man.
Caleb was almost speechless. Woodrow was even better naked. His cock had been the most appealing feature. Long and hard, it caught Caleb's attention right at the start. He couldn't stop staring at it.
Woodrow lent a hand. "Trust me. It'll be like stepping into paradise."
Caleb still kept his girlish behavior. He took Woodrow's hand and was pulled closer to him. They kissed as they hugged each other. Caleb had found himself an a more appropriate role. With him as the shy virgin and Woodrow as the ambitious adventurer, it seemed to be a perfect match.
They kept their lips locked, their own zest running high. Caleb didn't bring his fists down just yet. He wanted to experience a more submissive role a little longer. He breathed through his nostrils as he moaned lightly, still in his feminine manner. He admired the warmth that came from Woodrow's bare body. Woodrow caressed Caleb's hair with his fingers. The two of them even managed to touch each other's tongues for a few seconds. Their passionate embrace continued without an unwanted effect.
Woodrow finally stopped kissing and whispered, "Let's see how good you are. Get down on your knees."
Caleb, while a little surprised by this command, did what he was told. He got down on his knees and waited for Woodrow to completely control him. He stared directly at the enormous erection in front of him. Such a powerful tool for pleasure made the young man curious for a new direction.
Woodrow grabbed Caleb's head and pushed him toward the dick. Caleb had no other option but to open his mouth wide and take it in. In just a short amount of time, he had another man's dick inside his mouth. With eyes wide open, he was shocked by the older man's unexpected motive. Woodrow thrust his hips forward and hardened his grip on Caleb's hair. Caleb could feel the warm and rigid cock sliding in and out of his mouth. It was a slow process, but it gained a slight acceleration moments later. The tip of the cock reached the back of his mouth and down in his throat. In fact, he almost choked a few times. With a big dick in his mouth, he had to breathe through his nostrils.
Woodrow didn't stop. "You like the taste of it, don't you?"
Caleb couldn't say anything with a muffled voice. He couldn't deny it. He didn't find himself despising the experience. There would be no disgrace. This had become something that he had already grown fond of. He let Woodrow use him in a naughty manner, and it seemed to fit his persona. He moaned lightly, like a woman amazed by her man's authority.
The cock struck his open mouth many times, the tip of it touching the throat with aggression. Woodrow's acceleration of his pelvic thrusts brought a more intense sensation for Caleb, who never attempted to flee the scene. He already forgot about Priscilla, and managed to concentrate solely on pleasing her father.
Woodrow chuckled. "That's right. Take it like a woman."
Caleb continued to moan in his feminine tone of voice. This scenario made things so unbelievably alien to him, and yet it was appropriate for his type of behavior. He had already begun to view himself as a submissive mate, a gentle individual who sought a simple dynamic for this new relationship. After all, he was short and skinny. He would have been a perfect match for someone like Woodrow. If he was a woman, that is.
Woodrow didn't cease. Sliding his dick inside Caleb's mouth in a rapid fashion may have reached its peak. Caleb could feel his throat growing weak owing to the tip attacking it so much.
Woodrow growled. He pushed his dick inside Caleb's mouth as hard as he could. Caleb could feel the juices spurting right out of the cock and flooding his upper entrance. He made a quick decision. His instincts led him to swallow everything that he received. He gulped down as much of the semen that he could.
Woodrow looked down and smiled at him. "You're good."
Caleb didn't stop consuming the juices. He made sure that every ounce of it never came out of hiding. As soon as he did it, Woodrow finally pulled his dick right out of Caleb's mouth. Caleb almost collapsed on the floor. Woodrow observed him being down on all fours before he slowly brought himself back up on his knees. Caleb noticed that only a single drop of cum dripped down from Woodrow's cock and landed on the carpet.
Woodrow brought him up to his feet. "I bet it tasted good."
Caleb still had to catch his breath from his exhaustive obedience. "It was warm and thick. I really like it."
He licked his lips to take in the residue that clung onto them.
Woodrow's smile never faded. "We're not done yet."
Caleb could feel his legs grow weak. "What do you mean?"
Woodrow's next intention didn't need a vocal cue. He grabbed Caleb and threw him down on the bed. Caleb, though shocked by the abrupt actions, knew what would happen next. He lay flat on his back just as Woodrow lay on top of him.
The older man whispered, "Let's see if you can handle it."
Caleb moaned. "I'm waiting for it."
In just a few seconds, Woodrow lifted up Caleb's skirt and slid his dick (still erect from the first ejection) deep into the young man's lower hole.
Caleb let out a slight whimper, something that defined his brand new personality. He and Woodrow looked into each other's eyes. Their hunger for a radical passion had found an upsurge. Woodrow thrust his hips downward, deep into the tight hole that belonged to a womanly figure. Caleb's moans were loud and constantly girlish.
Woodrow grabbed Caleb's arms and pushed his cock hard. His fast and furious rhythm gave Caleb a better reason to submit to his feminine tactics. The entire bed began to creak. Woodrow's swift and aggressive movements made Caleb keep his eyes wide open. There was a sharp stinging sensation from within his hole. It caused a blend in his thoughts. Woodrow's cock made him moan in higher notes. His entire body shook to the rhythm of the older man's fierce determination.
"You love that cock, don't you?"
Caleb shrieked. "Yes, I love your cock! I fucking love it!"
He may as well kept his voice at a higher register. Enduring the pain and pleasure became quite the accomplishment for him. He let Woodrow dominate him for the next several minutes. Woodrow struck him in the right spots. It was a valid reason for Caleb to embrace his secret lifestyle. Woodrow's masculine figure felt so heavy when being right on top of the younger man, but the adrenaline and the pulsating tempos kept him from wanting an early departure.
He continued to pretend that he was a damsel being used by a prestigious gentleman. "Oh, yes! Fuck me hard!"
All of a sudden, Woodrow brought him up off the sheets. He made it clear what he wanted next. He kneeled on the bed and brought Caleb down onto his waist. Caleb, in return, wrapped his legs around Woodrow and waited for the next infiltration. Woodrow now thrust his cock upwards. Caleb grabbed hold of the older man's shoulders. They faced each other as the upward motions made Caleb squeal once more. He could feel his tight end burning from the intrusion. He bounced up and down as the dick provided the right kind of paradise.
Woodrow's thrusts were strong and uninterrupted. "You're a lot better this way, and you know it."
Caleb swung his head back as he continued his ride. "Fuck, yes! I'll be the one you fuck every day."
They heled each other tightly as Woodrow pummeled the young man in the white dress. Caleb squeezed his eyes shut. He could barely remember Priscilla in the midst of the intense interactions in the master bedroom. He was lucky that she forced their separation because of his biggest secret. Without her dismissal, there would be no way for him to know just how much her father would want him to stay this way. And for that, he felt grateful that the two of them broke up. Because this time, he had time to consider a different approach. And he took it. When taking so much of Woodrow's thick and creamy cum in both the mouth and the ass, Caleb would never want to keep away from such an exciting adventure.
He moaned louder than ever. "I want you to fuck me for as long as you want!"
Woodrow didn't stop. "Oh, I will."
Caleb felt so gentle and vulnerable in that dress. "Please don't stop!"
They spent the next few minutes hugging each other as Woodrow demonstrated his authentic authority. Caleb shrieked so much that he could have very well exhausted his vocal cords. Both men bounced up and down on the bed. Temperatures had risen, and the bed's creaking grew louder. The height of their relationship lasted as long as it could.
Caleb screamed. "Oh!"
The two men collapsed on the bed. They lay beside each other with seat on their skin. The bedroom had grown silent once more. The adrenaline had finally vanished, resulting in a good time to relax. Caleb, who finally had his hole unplugged by the cock, could feel the semen spilling out of him at this moment. The eighteen-year-old Thai man didn't mind it. He was thrilled to be the obedient one in the presence of a powerful gentleman.
Woodrow kissed him on the forehead. "I'm glad that my daughter found someone like you."
Caleb sighed in a womanly manner. "I feel the same way."
\* \* \*
The man in the white dress didn't clean himself just yet. He stepped outside and stood on the balcony. He still had cum drying up on his legs, but he ignored it. He gazed at the Pacific horizon, where the sun made its descent. Dana Point would soon be engulfed in the shrouds of the night. Caleb observed the beach in the distance. The waves had grown larger, while the pedestrians on the sand had already made their exit. Only the seagulls roamed the coast.
Woodrow joined the young man on the balcony. He wore his bathrobe as he observed the beautiful view.
"Life is good."
Caleb smiled. "Yes, it is."
He gave Woodrow a hug. They embraced on the balcony. The cold temperature didn't faze them at all.
Caleb never let go of his girlish mannerisms. Wearing a dress while being held by his new lover made him want to stick around for a lot longer. He hoped that he would visit his ex-girlfriend's father more often. And when he did, he hoped that he would always look adorable in whatever the other man wanted him to wear. |
Matt and Lauren Pt. 02 | 21,067 | 4.6 | 1,634,456 | [
"lesbian sex",
"young woman",
"huge cock",
"bubble butt",
"older woman",
"tight dresses",
"old man"
] | *Any and all characters mentioned in this story in a sexual context are aged eighteen years and over.*
**Nine weeks later**
Lost in my thoughts, I was sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of tea. I hadn't been home from work long. Matt as usual was going to be late.
I was beginning to think my life was spiralling out of control. Where had this obsession with old men come from and why was I letting Matt's Uncle Len fuck me? I know I'd told Matt it was my fantasy but my almost depraved behaviour was now beginning to worry me and I found myself increasingly distracted as I pondered more and more over my actions of the last few weeks. It seemed that all Uncle Len had to do was show up with a new dress for me and I willingly opened my legs for him. Did that make me his prostitute?
You would think that there must be something in my earlier life that would give some indication as to how I got to be this fucked up? But there wasn't. My childhood was pretty normal. I wasn't from a deprived background or anything like that. I was raised in a typical English suburban home by two loving parents who made sure to keep me well grounded. I was never a wilful child but I did have a mischievous side, which from time to time kept them on their toes.
When I grew out of my brief rebellious teenage years my relationship with mum and dad was still intact. I also had a job I liked, a car and lots of good friends.
My early sexual exploits were mundane. Nothing too risqué, just the usual fumbling around in the back seat of a car being groped and fondled, which then led onto heavier petting using fingers and tongues before I eventually lost my virginity. I didn't sleep around, never had a one night stand and I'd only had a handful of boyfriends before I met Matt.
The attraction was instantaneous and I think I fell for him after our first date. We got on so well. I'm not one who usually likes to hear the term 'soul-mate' but in this case I think it's justified. I can't think of my life without Matt always being in it.
Matt brought out a hidden streak of devil may care attitude in me, which manifested itself in our dares. These became the stuff of legends. Some of the things were downright stupid but we were young and had no worries about hurting ourselves or fear of failure for that matter. And once a dare was laid down it had to be carried out. But until now they'd never been sexual.
Like many people we watch porn to enhance our sex life and I know by talking to the girls at work that we all get aroused by different things. For some it's just seeing a big cock being shoved into a woman but for others it's more about the position. I personally like doggie so maybe I like to be dominated? Other people get turned on by interracial sex or prefer to watch anal. The fact is that there is no end to the choice that the porn industry has made available to suit our wildly contrasting tastes.
It soon became obvious that Matt was turned on by pretty much anything but he seemed the most aroused when he watched girl on girl action. I hated to admit it to him but it left me cold. I was beginning to think I wasn't much bothered about porn at all. That was until the clips came on showing the old men fucking really young women.
I have no idea what triggered it. I'd certainly harboured no deep rooted desires about any of my older relatives after puberty kicked in and I began to notice the difference between boys and girls.
It wasn't until I watched that bloody DVD that Mrs Armitage lent me. That seemed to be the catalyst that started it all off. That and Uncle Len groping me.
And now it's all Matt's fault. If he hadn't have dared me I wouldn't have acted out my fantasy. It would have remained just that. But now ...
The urgent knocking on the back door disturbed my reverie. As I opened it there stood Uncle Len clutching another bag in his outstretched hand. Another designer dress judging by the name on it. My stomach turned over. Not in disgust but in nervous excitement.
"Hello lass," he said in his nasally voice, "I've brought you something. Can I come in?"
"I suppose so," I said rather ungracefully as I opened the door wider. He walked in past me and plopped the bag on the kitchen table. I turned around to see his hungry eyes feasting on my body.
"You'll have to excuse me a minute Uncle Len," I said, "I just need to make a phone call." I went to walk out the kitchen diner to go upstairs.
"Lauren!" His harsh tone of voice made me jump as he snapped out my name.
"You'd best take this with you lass," he said in a softer voice as he held out the bag that had the designer dress inside.
Scowling at him I walked over and snatched it out of his hand. He grinned triumphantly at me.
I ran upstairs and called Matt.
"Your Uncle Len's just arrived."
"Has he now." I could sense Matt's trepidation. He hesitated for a long time before he finally asked me the question I didn't know the answer to.
"So ... do you want to let him ..." His words trailed off.
"I don't know." It was my turn to pause. "But he's brought me another designer dress." As I uttered those words I took it out of the bag. "Holy shit!"
"What?" Matt said.
"Matt, it's eight hundred and fifty pounds. The crafty old bastard's left the price tag on." I was trembling as I held the dress up.
"Try it on." Matt's request surprised me but without hesitation I quickly slipped off my work blouse and skirt. As I went to put the dress on I realised my bra would have to come off as well.
"So what's it like?"
I looked at myself in the mirror. "It's short, very short. And it's backless." I turned sideways. "Shit, there's nothing much at the side either. If it gapes then you'd be able to see my boobs."
"So I guess you like it then?" Matt's words made me jump. "Are you going to let him fuck you?"
"Do you mind?" I replied nervously. "I won't if you don't want me to."
There was a brief hesitation. "No, if that's what you want, then go ahead." I heard the slamming of car doors in the background. "I'll have to go. My appointment has just turned up. See you later."
"Matt, I love you," I said.
"Yeah, I love you too," he replied and with that he ended the call. I reached down to the bedside cabinet and brought out my emergency bottle of gin. I figured now was an emergency as I poured myself a full glass and knocked it straight back. Filling it to the brim I drank about another half. I brushed my hair, applied some more lipstick and slipped on my 5" heels.
When I walked back into the kitchen diner Uncle Len was grinning inanely. I looked down. His trousers were already down around his ankles and his cock was sticking straight out from his body. It looked bigger than ever and was rock hard and already leaking pre cum.
It made me mad that he thought I was this easy. But I guess I was. I swallowed nervously and licked my lips. My thong was already sopping wet through and I wondered why I had bothered leaving it on.
"Come here lass," he said as he stood up. I walked towards him. My stomach was in knots, my breathing was extremely ragged and I was so hot I thought my face was going to combust. And I couldn't keep my eyes off his monster.
I stood in front of him, scarcely breathing as he looked into my eyes. He was rocking ever so slightly, prodding his cock into my stomach.
"Put it in your mouth," he said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. I took hold of his shaft. Even up close it looked like polished marble. And it felt so cold. My hand closed around it and I started to stroke up and down, taking the head into my mouth every now and again, licking around it before sliding his shaft inside and down my throat.
"Oh yeah, just like that lass," Uncle Len moaned as his body started to sway and he began to pump his hips back and forth. I gagged when he became too forceful and pulled off him. Saliva poured out of my mouth as I looked up into his face to see him leering down at me. I was beginning to feel something was different in our relationship now; if that's what you could call it.
And then it came to me. It was a look of contempt. He was no longer the lucky old man fucking a hot young woman. He looked on me now as nothing more than his fuck toy. Somebody he could buy. And I also wondered how long it would be before he came to fuck me without a bribe?
"Bend down over here Lauren," he said as he helped me up and manhandled me over to one of the kitchen chairs. I dutifully complied and as I bent over he moved behind me to put his hands on my ass. He went to work on it and had me moaning within minutes as he manipulated my ass cheeks this way and that, groping and pulling and slapping my abundant firm flesh.
He slipped his fingers in between my legs and pushed them rudely into my pussy. I could feel myself gushing down below and it wasn't long before he'd bobbed down and had his face buried in between my ass cheeks as he lapped up my free flowing juices.
The gin had had it's effect on me and it wasn't long before my legs began to shake and my now trade mark rapid staccato heel tapping signalled my first orgasm.
With that he was up and in me in a flash. No hesitation, no feeding it in carefully, he just thrust his massive cock straight in. Of course I screamed the house down and called him all the names under the sun. But it wasn't long before the intense pain became intense pleasure as he slid his large appendage in and out of my spasming pussy over and over again. He got me to bend lower and that brought me to another mighty orgasm as his cock grated repeatedly across my engorged clit.
And then he did something unusual. Something he'd never bothered with before. He slipped his hands up and through the gap in the sides of the dress to close them around my breasts. Now I'm about average in the boob department but my nipples do get very big when I'm aroused. He gave my breasts a good going over before he turned his attention to my now rock hard nubs. As he twisted and pinched them between his fingers and thumbs I screamed through another mighty orgasm. This one was the biggest to date.
"Very nice Lauren," he grunted as he continued to saw his huge log in and out of my drenched and by now very sore pussy.
I was spent. I'd had enough if truth be told and he was starting to hurt me as he pounded even harder into me, the end of his cock repeatedly hammering against my cervix.
"You're going to have to stop," I said finally, "I can't take anymore. You're hurting me now."
"Okay lass. Let's try something different then." He withdrew from me with a loud squelching plop and took hold of my hand. "Come with me," he said as he dragged me out of the kitchen diner and into our sitting room. He climbed onto the sofa and lay on his back holding his cock upright with one hand. He still had hold of my hand with his other.
"Come on then lass, climb on board," he chuckled.
I swung a leg over him and straddled his thighs. I then lowered myself carefully onto his monster and slid it slowly inside of me.
"Fuuuuucckk," Uncle Len exhaled as I felt my pussy clamp onto his hardness. This was much better. I was in control now. I slid down a bit more and then pushed myself back up by flexing my knees. Ah yes, much better. I slid down and back up and then repeated, picking up a bit of speed.
Uncle Len had his eyes closed now and was pulling some really strange faces. His hands came up my body and grabbed hold of my breasts. He gave them a good mauling paying particular attention to my nipples yet again.
"Oh yessss," I hissed as I felt my arousal finally begin. Uncle Len began to get more into it and was thrusting up with a bit more force. His hands left my breasts and closed around my ass cheeks. He gave them a good going over before he began to lift me up and down the length of his hard on.
Bang. I gasped in pain as he hit my cervix again. I bent over him to adjust his angle and he took the opportunity to suck on my nipples through the dress. I whimpered as he bit down hard and I sank lower over him as he took control back and began to hammer into me again.
I gritted my teeth against the pain and rode through my orgasm. Thankfully Len stiffened and came too. I could feel his spunk shooting out the end of his shaft, a seemingly never ending torrent that filled me to overflowing.
He left shortly after and I kept the dress.
**One week later**
Uncle Len turned up again. Matt was again doing late viewings. As I suspected our relationship had changed. There was no dress but he still expected to fuck me.
I told him to leave. He poured himself a whisky and me a gin. After about half an hour of me resisting he fucked me and left. I'd cum three times but I vowed it was the last time.
**One month later**
Uncle Len had indeed come around again the following week but I sent him away without a single regret. Realising he'd made a fundamental error in his reading of our situation he turned up again a week later, this time with a dress. I still sent him away. I was fully focused on Matt now.
Fulfilling my fantasy had proved to be fairly easy due to Matt's uncle being extremely randy and well hung. But Matt's fantasy was to see me have sex with another woman while he watched. Trying to bring this to fruition was proving to be rather difficult.
For one thing I had no interest in other women sexually and didn't find the porn we'd downloaded to help stimulate and excite me that arousing or erotic. It just didn't push any of my buttons like the old man, young girl porn we'd watched had. But I was still determined for Matt's sake to go through with it.
"Maybe we need to get a full length lesbian film," Matt said as we finished watching yet another disappointing downloaded clip. It certainly was proving to be most ineffectual.
"Perhaps Mrs Armitage has some decent lesbian DVD's she could lend us?" Matt added with a cheeky grin. I looked sideways at him. "Well her first DVD proved to be a winner, so who knows? Maybe she's got a stash of porn? What do we have to lose by asking her?"
"For you ... nothing," I said wryly, shrugging my shoulders, "but for me ... only my job."
Of course I didn't want to ask her but Matt was most persistent and despite my initial trepidation I agreed to talk to her the following day. I was SO not looking forward to this conversation. It took me most of the day to pluck up the courage and I actually left it until the close of business before I went to her office. I knocked firmly on her door and entered to find her sitting behind her desk.
"How can I help you Lauren?" she said as she stared up at me. It was an intimidating look. I almost bolted for the door.
I swallowed hard before replying. "I was wondering if you ... if you had ... erm ... if you ..."
"Spit it out Lauren," she snapped, "I haven't got all day. What is it you want?"
I took a deep breath before I rattled it all out. "I was wondering if you had any more DVD's you could lend me?" I could feel my face go bright red.
Mrs Armitage didn't answer for a while but stared straight back at me with a quizzical look on her face. And then she raised an eyebrow. I started to fidget nervously.
"Well, is that all," she finally answered. "I'm sure I have. Do you have any preference or do you want a pot pourri like last time?"
"Erm ... do you have any lesbian films?"
This time she raised both eyebrows. "I'm sure I have," she said. "Anything else? Anal, Interracial, Anime?"
"No ... no that's all," I said, "just lesbian please." I was breathing easier now. "It's for Matt," I added, as if somehow I needed to justify my request.
"I see," Mrs Armitage said, a faint smirk playing on her lips. "I'll bring it in tomorrow. Is that all Lauren?"
I nodded that it was and she dismissed me.
Matt was pleased when I told him that we would have the DVD by tomorrow.
She was most discreet when she handed me a plain brown package first thing the following morning. "Enjoy," she whispered to me with a seductive smile on her lips.
Matt could barely contain his excitement when he got home that evening. We rushed through tea before he settled us down for the night, doors locked and curtains closed.
Two hours and four clips later it was all a bit of an anticlimax. Well for me it was. Again it had left me cold. Matt of course was completely turned on. I could tell that by the significant bulge in his trousers.
I was all for calling it a night but I had to let Matt make that decision. I felt I owed him that much. He paused the DVD long enough to get us both a drink before he started it up again.
The previous clips had all been girl on girl but this one was different. It started with a buxom older woman clad only in lingerie. She was sitting on her bed talking on the phone. Standing at the open doorway watching her was a much younger girl. She eventually went into the room. Apparently she was the woman's stepdaughter and although she had been making her stepmother's life miserable it was only because she had the hots for her. The MILF resisted her advances at first before the stepdaughter wore her down enough to make love to her. The whole thing took about twenty five minutes. I had to admit it was pretty hot.
I looked across at Matt. He had a silly grin on his face and when I looked lower I could see why. He had his cock in his hand and it was standing rigidly to attention.
"What?" I said to him.
"Well I guess that was a success," he replied with a smirk.
"What do you mean?"
"First it was old man, young girl porn that got your juices flowing and now it's obvious that you like MILF and young girl porn too."
"It didn't turn me on," I countered.
"No?" Matt said with a grin, "Tell me ... didn't the MILF look a lot like Mrs Armitage?"
"Don't be stupid," I said dismissively. But he had me there. I'd actually thought that myself at one point.
"Hah. Not only did you think it was her but you were turned on because of it," he said with an even bigger grin. "And with regard to being turned on, why have you not realised that I've had my hand up your skirt for the last five minutes AND you're sopping wet?"
"You're an arse," I countered again and then moaned loudly as Matt slid two digits under my thong and straight into my pussy. It was like an electric shock to my system and my whole body quivered.
"Take me to bed now," I hissed as I ground down onto his hand to force his fingers deeper inside. I dragged him off the sofa and we went upstairs to bed.
"I think maybe we should investigate this further," Matt said as we lay entwined together after our latest round of love making. "Do you think you can ask Mrs Armitage if she's got some more lesbian porn but this time just MILF on girl action?"
"Why?" I asked as I raised my head sufficiently to look into his face.
"Well it's clear that you got off on that last clip but just to make sure we need to watch some more to see if it definitely was that." He looked down at me and gave me a quick kiss. "So, can you ask Mrs Armitage tomorrow?" he added hopefully.
"Oh Matt, do I have to? She's really intimidating and it was bad enough asking her yesterday - let alone asking her if she has anymore."
"But you'll do it - right?"
I sighed deeply. "Yes I suppose so."
The following day I again left it late before going to Mrs Armitage's office. I knocked on her door before entering.
"Ah, Lauren," she said looking up from her work. She leaned back in her chair. "I see you've got my package," she added with a faint smile.
"Erm ... yes," I replied nervously. I placed it on her desk.
Her eyes flitted from the package on the desk to my face. "So how did you find it? Was it as enjoyable as you'd hoped it would be?"
"It was ... erm ... okay ... I guess," I stammered in reply. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. And it didn't help when I saw that Mrs Armitage's face was twitching as she tried to prevent her faint smile from becoming a broad grin. She was clearly revelling in my discomfort.
"Erm ... I was wondering ... if ..."
"You want to borrow some more," Mrs Armitage interrupted, finally taking pity on my hesitancy. It was a statement not a question.
"Yes," I breathed out with a sigh of relief. "Yes I would, if that's okay?"
"It's not a problem Lauren. Do you want lesbian again or something different?"
"Just lesbian please but do you have any DVD's with just MILF's and younger girls?"
Mrs Armitage looked at me curiously and again raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure I have," she said, "I'll bring them in tomorrow for you."
I muttered my thanks and left as quickly as I could. The next morning Mrs Armitage surreptitiously slipped me another brown package. It was almost clandestine.
It took a while for me to notice but gradually over the course of the day it became obvious that Mrs Armitage always seemed to be hovering around the typist's office. She seemed to be focused mainly on me, paying particular attention to my work, bending over me, her hand brushing against my body from time to time.
I made nothing of it until lunchtime when she walked into the kitchen area to make herself a drink. Instead of waiting for me to move out of her way as she normally did, she squeezed by me brushing her hand deliberately across my ass. I could have quite easily thought it was accidental contact but when she did it again on the afternoon tea run I began to think it was deliberate. It was almost as if she was trying to gauge my reaction.
I kept my thoughts to myself and didn't tell Matt either when I got home. We had tea and then settled down to watch the latest of Mrs Armitage's porn stash.
The first film clip started with a mother telling her daughter that she had a business meeting with a female client and that the daughter was expected to attend too. The daughter didn't want to go until her mother said she needed this deal to go through or they would end up bankrupt and homeless. The daughter begrudgingly agreed to go with her mother.
Everything was fine until to her horror the daughter found out that she was part of the deal. The client would only sign the contract if she got to sleep with her. Although she didn't want to she was reminded again by her mother of the need to complete the deal and so reluctantly agreed.
The porn star playing the MILF could actually act and was quite convincing in her role of the older seductress as was the girl playing the daughter. The thing was the girl playing the daughter looked a lot like me. That made me hot and as the on screen action began to sizzle so did my arousal. I became so engrossed in the film it wasn't long before I imagined it was me that was being reluctantly seduced into a first lesbian experience.
As the clip ended I grabbed hold of Matt's hand and like the previous night dragged him upstairs to bed. I came twice before he blew a load of cum deep into my pussy. We then went downstairs and switched the DVD back on.
All the clips were MILF's with young girls and they got me wet all over again. This time we never made it back downstairs. We just fucked on the sofa and I came three times before Matt was exhausted and spent.
As we lay locked in each others arms we discussed this latest revelation. We came to the conclusion that I did like lesbian porn as long as it had an older element in the story line. But not too old. My fantasy for really old men was already well known but it seemed with regards to females it only extended to MILF's. I certainly wasn't interested in really old women. That was just too gross to even contemplate.
Matt was more than happy now that we broken the lesbian seal so to speak and began to plot the next stage in my fulfilment of his fantasy.
**One week later**
We'd discussed it at length and had come to the conclusion that the only way to make progress was to actually expose me to lesbianism in the flesh so to speak. Matt felt it was time to see how I would respond to being chatted up by women. I wasn't so sure but he said it was a nailed on certainty that I would get hit on and that it would be interesting to see how I would respond to full on female flirtation.
He took me to a well known nightclub. He said he'd been told by a work colleague that it had a reputation as being a gay bar that was predominantly frequented by women.
He didn't come in with me. He had no great expectations of anything occurring. As he put it - it was purely a 'testing the waters' exercise. We had arranged that I would text or ring him if anything interesting transpired. I sat at the bar nursing a drink for an hour or more but no-one showed the slightest bit of interest in me. All the women seemed to be paired off.
I rang him to come and pick me up. It was a complete waste of a night out.
When we got home we watched another one of Mrs Armitage's DVD's and that got me in the mood. We soon adjourned to bed for a night of rampant sex.
It proved to be the last sex we had for a while as the following day Matt was sent away on a training course by his company. They'd given him no notice whatsoever. He was livid but despite his protests he had to go. He was going to be away for a week.
But he was doubly annoyed because he was due to go away on a lad's only holiday the following week. I had been happy for him to go on that as it was his best mate's stag do as well but because of the training course it meant we wouldn't see each other now for two whole weeks. I wasn't happy about that at all.
**The Christening**
The first of the three consecutive weddings we'd attended earlier in the year had been for one of Matt's immediate cousins and his heavily pregnant partner. She'd since had the baby and now months later it was time for the christening.
They pushed the boat out a little bit and despite not getting married in church as they were not religious they still had a christening there, which seemed slightly hypocritical. After the church service we all adjourned to the upmarket hotel on the outskirts of town. It was part of a well known hotel chain but it's main attraction was the twenty seven hole golf course attached to it. It was a popular venue.
Sadly Matt was unable to attend. He was still in Albufeira on his lad's only week long holiday/best mate's stag do. I hadn't seen him for nearly two weeks now. The longest time we'd ever been apart and I didn't like it.
I wasn't happy about attending the christening on my own but he insisted that I had to go to represent his family as his mum and dad couldn't make it either. They were on a cruise that had been booked and paid for months in advance.
I thought that was stupid as one of his sisters and her husband were going but I went anyway and sat with them in the church. They gave me a lift to the hotel but as soon as the food was brought out they had to leave due to a family emergency. So there I was, all alone and surrounded by a load of people I barely knew. What's a girl to do when she finds herself in such a situation?
I did what anyone else in my position would have done. I wasn't driving so I hit the bar. A couple of gins later and I was fine. After the third I felt great and made the mistake of having a fourth. I now wasn't feeling quite so good. Maybe I should have waited for the food to be unwrapped before hitting the booze.
I struggled off the bar stool and unsteadily made my way outside. I wasn't feeling sick but figured fresh air was what I needed to clear my head. I was also really missing Matt and this would give me the perfect opportunity to call him. I walked around the side of the hotel and found myself on a pathway that led through a stand of trees towards some buildings.
My curiosity piqued I followed the path until I reached the buildings and found myself at the side of the golf course. I know a little bit about golf and knew this wasn't a tee off area so I assumed it was a practice ground.
I rang Matt's phone. It rang for what seemed like ages until it made a funny beeping sound and went off. I tried again. This time it connected and Matt's voice came through loud and clear.
"Hi it's me," I almost shouted down the phone at him. There was a slight time lag but it wasn't that bad.
"Oh hi babe," he replied, "how's things?"
"I miss you," I said. I began to feel a bit tearful. Gin does that to me sometimes.
"Yeah I miss you to," he replied, "but I'll be home soon." There was a slight pause. " How did the christening go?" he added.
"Good," I lied. There was a noise at the other end of the line. "Are you still there Matt? Matt, can you hear me?"
"Yeah I'm here," he finally replied. And then I heard it. The unmistakable sound of female giggling.
"Who's with you," I said rather sternly.
"There's a group of us," he said. There was a muffled sound and I was sure I could hear him telling someone to shush.
"You're with a woman," I yelled down the line at him.
"No, yes, but no, it's not what you think," he said.
I was about to reply when I felt a hand on my ass. It made me nearly jump out of my skin and my heart almost stopped from the shock. I spun around to see myself face to face with none other than Uncle Len.
I didn't even know he was here. I'd not seen him at the church or here at the hotel. But he was here now and he was staring at my ass with a look of hunger in his eyes.
"Oh for fuck's sake," I said to no-one in particular.
I turned my back on Uncle Len to continue my conversation with Matt. I was hoping he'd give us some privacy. Ha, fat chance!
As I naively turned around he shuffled nearer and put his hands back on my ass.
"Oh get off," I said trying to shrug him off me whilst trying to talk to Matt.
But all I could hear from Matt's end was static intermingled with female giggling.
As I became more annoyed with what I was hearing and began to make up a scenario in my mind about what was occurring in Portugal, Uncle Len was doing a really good job of getting me going. My arousal built quickly helped on in no small way by the amount of gin I'd consumed. As my hips began to sway due to the way Uncle Len was groping my arse I hung up on Matt.
I suppose it was my own fault that I didn't try to stop Uncle Len and I know it's a poor excuse but add together my flush of anger towards Matt because of what I thought he was up to with some floozy he'd picked up in Albufeira plus the fact I'd not had sex for nearly two weeks and fuelled by the alcohol it soon became apparent that Uncle Len was onto a winner. I just couldn't let anyone see us.
I broke away from him and went inside one of the buildings. It was where they kept the electric golf buggies.
Uncle Len trailed in behind me, his wheezing breath giving me some cause for concern. I stood there immobile, waiting for him to start. He slowly walked around behind me before stopping. I looked over my shoulder. He was staring at my ass and licking his lips.
And then his hands came up and he began. He tenderly touched both cheeks in turn before he started to fondle and grope them. I knew he was getting excited by the way he was breathing. He knew I was getting aroused by the way I started to twitch almost immediately.
I know, I know, I shouldn't have been doing this but I couldn't help it. I was horny and I'd been drinking gin, which always lowers my resolve and makes me randy.
I was wearing a simple plain red dress. And yes it was a tight little number, short as well, a good six inches above my knees it exposed a lot of thigh. My black court shoes had a four inch heel. I looked pretty good, not that Uncle Len seemed to harbour any such thoughts about how nice my appearance was. He was much more interested in my body beneath as he took to his task of with some vigour.
"God I've missed you lass," he wheezed as he man-handled my ass cheeks with ever increasing force. He had hold of two big handfuls of my arse cheeks and was manipulating them around for all he was worth. Me, I was so aroused I was already gushing like a tap between my legs.
And then he spun me around to face him. Now this was a first. He still had his hands on my ass cheeks but this put him uncomfortably face to face with me. I thought he was going to kiss me and that most definitely was not going to happen.
To my relief he didn't but his hands left my ass and surprisingly ended up on my boobs. I couldn't believe it. But he soon proved to be as expert in boob manipulation as he was with ass cheeks.
"Ohhh fuuucckkk ..." I breathed out in one long moan as he tweaked at my puckered nipples through my dress and bra. They were already erect but he made them grow even bigger. As he rolled his hands around my breasts my hips began to sway even more. I don't think he realised what he was doing to me.
As much as having my arse fondled and groped turns me on my breasts and nipples are super sensitive and once anyone gets started on them they are absolutely guaranteed to get into my panties. Not that Uncle Len had experienced any such problems in the past however.
He took hold of my hand and placed on the front of his trousers. I looked pitifully into his face as if to say, 'do I have to?' But of course he knew I was going to. He left my hand there and I looked down at the massive bulge that was tenting his trousers and began to stroke it.
I looked up into his face. He leered triumphantly back at me. For a moment I felt like telling him to fuck off but then the monster in his trousers twitched and I renewed my efforts by rubbing harder.
"Undo my trousers love and get it out," he said. "Go on - you know you want it."
The bastard. But he was right. I couldn't wait. I fumbled with his belt, lowered the zip and pulled his trousers down. He was wearing those loose fitting boxers and the bloody thing was so big it was poking out the bottom of them.
I pulled his boxers down and his cock sprang upright to end up pointing right at my mound. It was as big as I had ever seen it. Ramrod straight and thick with a head that was already slick from the pre-cum oozing out the tip.
"Hee-hee," chortled Uncle Len, "he certainly knows where he wants to be."
I felt sick to my stomach as his words degraded me. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I was so needy now. He grabbed hold of me, spinning me around and bent me over a nearby golf buggy. I bent lower for him as he lifted my dress over my hips and slid my sopping wet thong down my thighs. His hand went to my sloppy wet gash and played around in there for a few minutes making me twitch and moan with delight. I was as revved up as I'd been in a long while.
"Are you ready lass?" he wheezed as he stuck one of his gnarled old fingers deep into my slit.
"Yessssss," I moaned as he fingered my clit making my whole body shudder.
I prepared myself. This was going to be painful. But I was excited as well.
"Eessshh ..." I tensed as I felt his cock nudge up against my engorged pussy lips. He held it there for what seemed like ages before pulling it back. He then repeated his action. He was teasing me. Either that or he was being considerate and making sure his cock was liberally coated and lubricated with my copious juices.
He did it again. I looked back over my shoulder at him. He leered back and shoved his cock against my pussy lips but he didn't enter me. This went on for what seemed like minutes but was probably only seconds.
"Eessshh ..." He pressed against me with a bit more force. My lips parted to allow the monster entry. About time I thought. He pulled back.
I turned around with a questioning look on my face. He leered back at me.
"You're going to have to beg me to put it in Lauren," he said with a sneer, "this is part of your punishment."
Punishment for what I thought. But that explanation could wait. I urgently needed the thing inside me now.
"Please, please Uncle Len, put it in, I'm begging you ..." I pleaded pitifully. I was laying it on a bit thick but it did the trick.
"Eeeeessshh ..." the breath was expelled from my mouth as he pushed forcefully home, breaching my now non-resistant pussy lips with ease. My inner pussy wasn't so accommodating however and resisted like fuck. He grunted as he pushed harder.
"Ohhhh ... fuuucckkk ..." I wailed as he began to thrust to and fro, sliding a bit more of his monstrosity inside me each time. And then he was in. He paused momentarily and then started.
There was no finesse with Uncle Len today. He just hammered away for all he was worth while I wailed, groaned, moaned and grunted my way through multiple orgasms.
When I came down from my orgasmic high I became aware of a loud banging sound. And then I realised what it was. As he slammed into me repeatedly the golf buggy he had me bent over and that I had a near death grip on was being forced against the tin sheeting of the building by the force of his actions. The noise was becoming deafening. Surely people would be hearing this as well as my screams.
But I was in orgasmic heaven. So much so that I didn't protest when he worked one of his fat gnarled digits into my other hole. He wormed it in before adding a second. The pain I felt from that was mitigated as with his other hand he went to work on my breasts and rock hard nipples.
I felt it coming. I was going to blow soon and I knew it was going to be the biggest one so far. I was so wrapped up in the anticipation I was ill prepared for what happened next.
I was thinking to myself that his fingers in my arse wasn't that unpleasant especially combined with what he was doing to my boobs so I barely had time to realise that his cock had been withdrawn from my pussy before he was pushing it up and into my butt-hole. And the head of his cock was already firmly embedded when it finally dawned on me what he was doing.
"Nooooo ... " I screamed as I tried to move and push him away from me.
"Relax Lauren," he wheezed, "I told you I was going to punish you and I always keep my promises."
I surprised myself by immediately giving in. "Please be gentle," I sniffled, "please take it slow ... I've never ..."
"You've never had it up the arse lass?" Uncle Len chortled with surprise, "I can't believe it. With an arse like yours I thought all the boys would have been gagging to fuck you there."
"No ... I've never let anyone ..."
"What, not even Matt?"
"No," I replied full of shame now. I'd conveniently overlooked the fact that Uncle Len had already had his cock in my arse once before but he hadn't actually fucked me then. Matt had arrived just in time to stop that from happening. But this time Uncle Len was going to fully take my anal virginity, something I'd promised myself Matt would do. It was going to be on a special occasion like our wedding night. Well that was out the window now as Uncle Len forced a bit more of his huge shaft up my poop shoot. My anal cherry was well and truly busted.
The pain was excruciating to start with but eventually I grew accustomed to the feeling of being so full and began to get more into it. Him working on my breasts and nipples helped and he actually took it slow until I thrust back with my hips trying to take him deeper. Then there was no holding him. He almost split me in two as he pushed more of his hard on deeper up my arse and fucked the living daylights out of me. He came like a geyser as I too came to a massive climax.
I was a mess. There was cum streaming from my swollen pussy and ravaged arse and it was dripping down onto my legs. Uncle Len didn't look much better. His trousers were flecked white with his own spunk. There was no way we could go back into the hotel looking like this.
"Have you come in your car?" I asked Uncle Len hopefully.
"Aye lass I have," he replied. "Do you want a lift home?" he added with a smile.
I cocked my head sideways and gave him my best withering look. "Yes if that's alright with you?" I said haughtily.
"Aye lass," he replied, "it certainly is."
He took me home and despite my protestations invited himself in. He poured himself a whisky - strictly for medicinal purposes he said - and me a very large gin.
Within thirty minutes he'd got me to agree to model all of the dresses that he'd bought me. Despite my initial reticence, once I got going I actually started to enjoy showing off how good I looked.
The problem was that Uncle Len had his cock out in his hand stroking it from the very start of my show.
He had me parade up and down in front of him as if I was on a catwalk and every time I went past him he made a grab for me. I avoided him the first time but he caught me the second.
I let him fondle my ass and it wasn't long before he had me bent over the kitchen chair with my dress up over my hips and his large cock embedded deep inside my pussy.
It was still fairly early and when I went upstairs to change into the next dress Uncle Len ordered pizza. When it was delivered thirty minutes later I was surprised how hungry I was. He poured me another gin to wash it down with.
I didn't even get out of my chair and he was on his knees, parting my legs so that he could have his dessert. He licked and slurped me through two orgasms before he got me up onto my knees to give him a blowjob. As I sucked him to his climax he grabbed hold of my head to make me swallow his cum. I struggled but it wasn't until he pinched my nose that I was forced to swallow it. God it was foul and it took another full glass of gin to wash away the horrid after taste. Sadly that just made my horny again.
He persuaded me to put on another designer dress and as before I walked up and down in front of him. He tried to grab me again but I avoided him. This went on for a while before he caught me. By this time I was wearing the sixth dress he had bought me. I really liked this one.
This time he led me into the living room and laid down on the sofa. He looked up at me and nodded his head.
"Come on lass, hop on board," he chuckled to himself as I clambered onto the sofa and positioned myself over his hard cock. I slowly lowered myself into position. He entered me and let me take control. I was soon bouncing about enjoying the feeling as I worked my way through two small mini orgasms. He for his part was fondling my boobs and tweaking at my erect nipples, which only served to enhance the experience.
I guess I was so overwhelmed with my good feelings that I missed the part where he slid out of me and positioned me in a slightly different place. I knew about though as soon as he forced his cock inside my arse.
"Nooooo ..." I screamed as he forced it in with little ceremony. I bucked and twisted my body trying to get him out of me but all I did was let it sink in further. And then it was too late. He soon had hold of my arse cheeks and began lifting me up and down his gigantic shaft. I bent lower so he could suck on my nipples. I found it helped ease the pain and discomfort. And then we were through the pain barrier.
I began to moan with pleasure not pain as he banged up into me repeatedly as I took more and more of his shaft deeper inside me. After a while he got me to turn around and we did a reverse anal cowgirl. This brought out a whole new sensation as I leaned back and felt the full length of his cock engulf me.
His hips were a blur as I finally exploded with another tumultuous orgasm. He came in buckets too.
I made him leave shortly afterwards. I was exhausted. He clearly wanted to stay and his cock was again rock hard when I finally forced him out the house and locked the doors to prevent him coming back in.
When Matt came back from his holiday we had fantastic sex. It was so good and he was so loving that I decided not to tell him about Uncle Len.
Of course after our fuck marathon Uncle Len thought we were back on. That was until I sent him away the next time he turned up on our doorstep. I was fully focused again on Matt and fulfilling his fantasy. Nothing was going to get in the way of that. We went back to watching lesbian porn and working out how to bring his fantasy to fruition.
**Two weeks later**
Despite the disaster of the so called lesbian nightclub Matt was not to be deterred in his quest to see if I could be seduced by a woman.
I don't know how he found out about it but the next thing I knew we were heading out one Thursday night to a pub in a nearby village. In our part of the country, Thursday was traditionally 'girl's night out' and this particular pub had developed a reputation as the place that mainly just women would go to. A lesbian haunt as Matt so crudely described it.
As usual I was wearing a short little dress, which displayed my ample backside quite provocatively and exposed a lot of bare thigh as well. Matt had insisted on 5" heels as well to accentuate my posture, which meant that my ass just stuck out more. Judging by the bulge in his trousers he was already really revved up when we arrived at the pub.
The plan was that he would go in first and find a secluded seat somewhere that would give him a good view of any potential action. I was to follow him in later and sit at the bar and wait to get chatted up.
He parked down the street and told me to wait at least ten minutes to give him time to get into position.
"Are you excited?" he asked as he leaned over to give me a quick peck on the lips.
"Yes," I replied with forced enthusiasm. I wasn't at all. I was nervous more than anything.
I waited the full ten minutes before I eased myself out of the car and walked down to the pub. I entered through the front door to find it fairly full already. There were some men there but as Matt had said, it was predominately women. I spotted Matt secreted away in a corner from where he had a good view of the bar area. As I approached the bar a space opened up for me as a group of women that were stood in front of it parted to let me through.
I ordered a large gin and tonic. As the bar-person brought it to me I decided to order a second. I was feeling pretty wired and was sure the first one wouldn't touch the sides. I spotted a bar stool nearby and went and sat on it. Matt would be pleased because my dress rode up to expose even more of my thighs. I looked around. A few women made brief eye contact and smiled before looking away.
I sat there feeling like a proper lemon. After that early flurry no-one was paying me the slightest bit of attention. All the women were either paired off or in loose knit groups of three or four.
I knocked back my second gin and ordered a third. Having had the equivalent of four measures I was starting to feel a bit of a buzz. Matt was definitely going to get lucky tonight although he'd have to make do with just plain old heterosexual sex.
After about twenty minutes I was bored. More people had arrived, mainly women of course but still no-one seemed interested in me. I fished about in my purse and pulled out my mobile phone. I sent Matt a text.
*how long are we staying?*
His reply was immediate.
*give it another 30 mins, the night hasn't got going yet*
I put away my mobile and ordered another gin and tonic, although this time it was a single measure.
Twenty minutes into the thirty somebody put some music on. This prompted quite a few of the women to start dancing where they stood. There was no proper dance floor so they improvised. The talking was louder now as they continued to chat to each other trying to make their voices heard above the sound of the music. And the laughter became ever more raucous as the drinks flowed and the bar became busier.
I was now getting jostled as people pushed their way up to the bar to get served. Hands brushed against my legs and against my back. But I realised that I wasn't getting groped. It was just inevitable that I would get touched as the swell of people trying to get served grew.
I needed to get away from the bar before I got swamped so I jumped down off my bar stool and pushed my way through the milling crowd. As I found a quieter spot I turned.
"Lauren ... is that you?"
I did a double take. Oh my god! It was Mrs Armitage from work. What the hell was she doing here?
"Good gracious, it is you," she said. As she moved quickly towards me I took in her appearance.
At work she dressed in a most matronly fashion with buttoned up high neck blouses and loose fitting, shape defying jackets and long skirts or trousers. Her black hair was usually severely pulled back either in a short pony tail or a bun. And she always wore glasses.
But not tonight. If she hadn't have spoken my name I probably wouldn't have recognised her. For starters her glossy black hair was combed out to cascade in soft waves to rest just on her shoulders. Her glasses were gone revealing startling clear green eyes and her full lips were a deep cherry red. For someone who I thought was in her late forties she was actually a good looking woman. My eyes dropped lower.
WOW! And what a body. Who knew what she had been concealing at work. She was wearing a pair of tight fitting trousers that moulded themselves to her ample hips and ass and also her sculpted thighs. But it was the bodily feature higher up that was truly startling. She was wearing a thin white tee shirt beneath which her braless breasts were displayed in all their sublime glory. Large, clearly natural with the barest hint of sag they were truly outstanding. And if that wasn't enough her aureoles and nipples were clearly visible, the latter already large and very erect.
I was so amazed I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.
"What are you doing here?" she asked as she finally made it over to me.
I gulped and managed to croak out a reply. "Hello Mrs Armitage."
"We're not at work now Lauren. You can call me Sandra."
She might look different but she still sounded matronly. "Okay," I croaked back. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment.
"So what are you doing here?" she asked again.
"I ... I'm waiting for my boyfriend to turn up." I managed to bluster that much out. "He's late," I added as an afterthought.
"So are you going to introduce me to your young friend Sandy."
I turned my head slightly and realised that the older woman standing next to Mrs Armitage ... sorry ... Sandra ... was actually with her. And if she'd been a man I would have said the leering look she directed my way was full of hunger. As if to reinforce my thoughts she tilted her head to one side to look at my backside and then licked her lips. I shuddered internally.
"Of course I am," Sandra replied somewhat frostily. "This is Lauren. She works for me." I noticed she said 'works for me' rather than 'works with me'. Even out of the office she was putting and keeping me in my rightful place. "Lauren, my friend Abigail," she snapped.
"Well aren't you the most delightful little thing," Abigail said as she held out her hand for me to shake. I noticed her false fingernails were long and pointed and painted black. A shiver ran down my spine as I shook her hand.
"But you can call me Abi ... or anything else you like for that matter," she oozed sexually as she held onto my hand for what seemed like ages. It was almost absurd and I sensed that Mrs Armitage was getting a trifle irritated with her friend.
"Shall we sit down," Abigail said as she pointed out some seats in a booth that had suddenly become vacant. As we turned, Abigail slipped her hand down onto my ass and gave my cheeks a quick squeeze as she ushered me ahead. "Mmm, nice arse," I heard her mutter as I sat down. She slid in next to me but as Mrs Armitage .... Sandra ... tried to take her seat Abigail held up a twenty pound note and waved it in her face.
"Be a dear and get us all a drink," she said almost dismissively. Rather ungraciously Sandra went off to the bar, leaving me alone with a clearly predatory Abigail.
She wasted no time in putting her hand on my knee and began to chat to me about god knows what. I was more concerned with where her hand was heading as she idly traced her fingers up and down my leg, her pointed nails scoring into the flesh of my exposed thigh.
She said something to me that I didn't catch and stupidly I moved my head nearer to her. She leaned into me, her mouth right up against my ear. But she didn't say anything. She just blew into it and the next thing I knew she was nibbling and licking it. The problem was I think I liked it.
Her hand meanwhile had disappeared down onto my inner thigh and was pushing against my other leg trying to get me to open up for her. I couldn't help it. They seemed to part of their own free will and her hand was soon firmly embedded against my mound.
I gasped at the shock of the contact and began to squirm in my seat as she gently stroked my pussy lips, which I could tell by her touch were quite pronounced. She pulled away from me slightly to gauge my reactions so far. My mouth was open and my eyes half closed so she obviously liked what she saw because she leaned in and kissed me. And I found myself kissing her back.
Now ... finally ... my heart started to jack-hammer inside my chest as I felt her fingers slip inside my panties to push against my pussy lips. I was so wet they slid in easily but I was still jolted by the shock of her entry.
Bloody hell. She'd seduced me in less than five minutes of meeting me. The quickest a man had done it was three days. I just hoped Matt was watching and if he was I hoped this was what he wanted.
She fingered me for the briefest of time before I had a small orgasm. And as I came she blocked off my moans of pleasure from the rest of the pub by shoving her tongue down my throat.
She triumphantly pushed me off just as Sandra made it back to the booth with our drinks. I sat there completely dazed as Sandra slid in the other side of me and set our drinks down in front of us.
"What did I miss," she said.
"I have to go," I blurted out. The need to get away was overwhelming. I stood and Sandra let me out her side. As I glanced back I saw the smirk on Abigail's face before Sandra leaned towards her with a quizzical look on her face. She was obviously asking what had happened.
I hurried outside, hoping that Matt had seen me leave. He had. He caught me up at the car and then took me home asking on the way about every minute detail of what had happened and what had been said.
He excitedly told me he'd seen everything. When we arrived home he took me to bed where he proceeded to fuck me to death for the rest of the night. I think I came a record six times.
The problem was the next day I was back at work. And I was most definitely not looking forward to seeing Mrs Armitage again.
Somehow I managed to avoid her until the end of the day. Then as the office was about to close she summoned me to her office. I tentatively knocked on her door before entering.
She was dressed in her usual office attire, which meant everything was covered up.
"Ah Lauren," she said haughtily, "come in."
"You wanted to see me Sandra," I replied with nervous trepidation.
"That's Mrs Armitage to you Lauren," she replied with authority. "Please remember office protocol at all times when at work."
"Yes Mrs Armitage," I replied bowing my head like a naughty schoolgirl. "Sorry."
"Take a seat Lauren," she said, indicating the chair alongside her desk.
As I sat down she removed her jacket and hung it over the back of her chair. This was unusual for her. I'd never seen her take her jacket off at work - ever.
She sat down and looked at me. I could tell her green eyes were blazing at me even though she was wearing her glasses. She leaned back in her chair and as she did I noticed that her high neck blouse was open down to the top of her breasts. In fact I could see quite a deep cleavage on display. And I then noticed her nipples were showing through her blouse and bra. They looked big and hard.
She stared at me for a long time and I could feel myself getting redder and redder. I was certainly very hot and I felt funny too. And then I realised what it was. I was aroused.
She suddenly stood and walked behind me before stopping. Her hands came up to rest on my shoulders. My whole body jolted as soon as she touched me.
"Perhaps you could tell me what you got up to with Abigail last night?" she finally asked in a quiet melodious voice. It seemed so soft and sensual, not harsh and businesslike as it normally did. She began to massage my shoulders digging her fingers into the flesh near my neck. Her fingers were strong and she clearly knew what she was doing. I leaned back in my chair and felt the stress melt away. My eyes flickered and then closed.
"So are you going to tell me?" she asked seductively. "Well?" Her last word was snapped out and brought me to my senses.
"I ... I'm not sure what you mean," I stammered out.
She leaned into me and as she stooped to whisper into my ear I could feel her large heavy breasts pressing against me. Her breath was hot against my ear and I felt a rush of heat flood through my entire body.
"Oh come, come Lauren," she murmured huskily, "I know Abigail and I know she did something to you. I just want you to tell me what it was."
"She ... she didn't do anything," I blustered nervously, "we ... we just talked ... that's all."
"Oh I see," she replied. She moved from behind me and unhurriedly dragged her chair over and sat down alongside me. My legs were crossed, which had made my work skirt ride up to expose quite a bit of my thigh.
"So she didn't touch you like this then?" she asked as she put her hand on my leg just above my knee. I didn't answer. My throat felt so constricted I just couldn't. My heart rate increased.
"Or was it more like this?" she murmured as she ran her fingers up and down my leg. I flinched from the feeling as her nails scored into my flesh. And then just like Abigail she pushed against my other leg. I couldn't help myself. I uncrossed my legs immediately and spread them wide for her. Wasting no time Mrs Armitage slipped her hand up to my mound.
I could scarcely breathe and my heart wasn't just beating faster, it was jack hammering away. And I felt so hot.
"Oooohhhh ..." I moaned softly as her fingers made the briefest of contact against my pussy lips.
"So ... is this what she did?" she breathed huskily.
"Goodnight Mrs Armitage."
The sudden shout from outside her office made me jump. I started to panic. Was the person about to enter the room?
It didn't faze her at all. "Goodnight," she replied loudly and calmly as she slid her fingers under the material of my thong and entered my extremely wet love hole.
Oh fuck. I shuddered as she pushed her long fingers deeper inside me and began to move them in a circular motion.
Oh fucking hell. What was she doing to me? I stifled a groan as another voice rang out with a cheery "Goodnight."
I heard a clatter of footstep and voices talking before the general chatter subsided and then stopped altogether with the distinct sound of the slamming of a door. And I knew we were alone.
With that Mrs Armitage grabbed hold of my hair and roughly pulled me to her, twisting my body which caused me to arch my back. And then her mouth devoured me as she kissed me hard.
I wouldn't exactly say that I kissed her back rather than my lips just hung onto hers as she mashed them against mine as if she was trying to suck them off my face. It was wet and sloppy and wildly erotic. With my back arched she had perfect access to my breasts, which must have looked much bigger than they actually are.
Her fingers were nimble as the buttons of my blouse were undone with relative ease and it was soon gaping open to expose my bra clad breasts to her gaze. The bra was deftly released with greater alacrity than I've ever experienced from a man and quickly pushed up out of the way.
Her mouth released my lips and sank down to suckle on my throbbing and erect nipples. As I've said before I'm not massive up top but they're still a decent size. It seemed Mrs Armitage could have cared less as her hand came up to grope whichever breast it was that didn't have her mouth fastened to it.
By now I was all over the place. I had never felt this aroused. My nipples were like rock hard nubs of granite and my pulsating pussy was positively gushing.
She stood and roughly taking a firm grip of my arm pulled me up and bent me over her desk. She pushed my skirt up over my hips. She hadn't spoken for a full five minutes now. I dutifully complied. She was very strong and I doubt I could have stopped her if I'd tried. But I didn't want to.
She knelt behind me and I felt ice cold fingers grab hold of my thong and tug it down my legs. I obligingly lifted one foot and she slid it off. I repeated the action with the other leg.
She finally spoke as she stood up, pushed me lower over the desk and prompted me to open my legs wider.
"Fuuuck ... but you've got a great ass Lauren." She put her hands on my bottom and sank her fingers into my abundant flesh. "So big - so hard - yet so soft too - it's perfect," she murmured as she slapped me hard a few times causing me to flinch before proceeding to give my ass cheeks a good grope.
I sighed deeply. I love my ass being groped, it's my main erogenous zone and she was doing it to perfection. So that made three people who knew how to get me turned on. Matt of course, Uncle Len and now Mrs Armitage.
She fingered me to an orgasm in record time before she knelt down and stuck her face in between my ass cheeks. Pulling them apart with her hands she opened up my pink pussy to her ravenous mouth where she proceeded to eat me out for ten minutes before I came to another huge climax.
"Your turn now my dear," she said as she stood away from me and unbuttoned her blouse.
I watched mesmerised as each button's release brought more of her colossal cleavage into view. And then her hand went behind her back to release her bra. Her breasts hung in front of her. They looked absolutely massive on her tall but slim frame. Big and heavy they sagged a little but they were undeniably natural. And her nipples were as large as they had looked earlier when showing through her clothing.
"Come to me," she said, holding out her hand. I complied immediately. She enfolded me in her arms and pulled me close. Her breasts were squashed against mine and I could feel her large nipples rubbing against my breasts. She kissed me hard for a long time until my lips were sore.
Finally she released me. I was panting for breath but also with desire. God but she was a good kisser. She pulled her skirt up and then sat down and spread her legs wide. She wasn't wearing any panties. Her pussy was glistening with her secretions, the aroma of which was musky and almost overpowering.
"Play with me Lauren, I want to feel your tongue licking my pussy and toying with my clit. I want you to devour my pussy Lauren just like I did to you. I want you to make me cum Lauren."
"I don't ... I've never ... I ... I ..." My voice trailed off as my embarrassment overcame me.
"You'll be fine Lauren," Sandra said huskily as she took my hand and pulled me down. I knelt between her legs and gasped. The smell was intoxicating. I felt a surge of lust swap my senses as I lowered my face in between her thighs and closed my lips around her prominent pussy flaps. I sucked hard and soon had Sandra simpering like a little girl.
"So good ... so good ..." she whimpered, "please Lauren ... more ... please ..."
I stuck two fingers inside her and sawed them in and out for a while. It was almost interesting to see how her body reacted to my actions. I almost felt detached from the whole experience as if it was some kind of gynaecological medical investigation.
As I sipped the nectar from her honey pot I began to understand why men like or dislike giving oral. To me it was a sensuous display of affection as I got nearly as big a thrill doing to Sandra what she and some men had done to me.
I soon brought her to her own climax and it was certainly something to behold. She bucked and writhed in her chair so violently it was all I could do to hold on. She raised her legs in the air before bringing them crashing down to clamp them around my neck.
And there she held me, her hands in my hair, her hips undulating wildly as I rode out the storm, sucking and licking and slurping as she came to a tumultuous orgasm.
She finally released me as she shuddered through her aftershocks. I lifted my face away from her mound and looked into her eyes.
"You're a dirty girl Lauren," she said with a look of lust on her face. "We must do that again."
We eventually got dressed and left the office with me first promising not to tell a soul. "It's our little secret," was how Sandra put it.
When Matt arrived home I of course immediately told him everything.
His face ran through a whole gamut of emotions in just five seconds. From shock, to disappointment, to excitement, to lust.
I grabbed hold of his hand. "Take me to bed. I need a big fat cock inside me ... now."
"I'd better give Uncle Len a ring then," Matt countered with a smile.
"This isn't a fantasy moment Matt. This is a - I love you Matt - moment," I replied with a smile. "Besides, your cock is as big as I ever want, thank you very much."
And it was true. Matt was well endowed just nowhere near as big as Uncle Len. And whilst I couldn't deny that it was good to be fucked by a monster cock from time to time I would never want my man to be that big if I wanted a long lasting and loving sexual relationship. Like the one I had and wanted to keep with Matt.
So Matt took me to bed and fucked the living daylights out of me. A feat he repeated the following morning and afternoon. And then in the evening after a night out on the town.
We discussed Mrs Armitage of course and eventually came to an agreement that she would be perfect for Matt to get his fantasy fulfilled. All I had to do was to see if she would be willing to go along with the idea. But how the hell was I going to broach the subject? That was the problem.
**Thursday night again, one week later**
Well it hadn't been easy. It was Thursday and I still hadn't broached the idea with Sandra. It was difficult when she studiously avoided me like the plague on my return to work on Monday and every day afterwards.
Matt suggested that we revert back to Plan A. I wasn't aware that we'd ever moved onto Plan B but it seemed I was wrong as Thursday night found us once more back at the pub for 'girl's night out'.
It was a carbon copy of our first night there. For thirty minutes I sat on a bar stool drinking gin being ignored whilst Matt sat nursing a beer in a secluded booth.
And then Mrs Armitage came in. This time though she was alone. She saw me immediately and came straight up to me.
"How nice to see you again Lauren," she said with a dazzling smile, "can I get you a drink?"
She wiggled her way into a gap at the bar next to me and put her hand on my knee. She gave it a squeeze as she ordered our drinks.
I won't bore you with the general chit chat that occurred for the next thirty or so minutes. Suffice to say we chatted about all sorts of things and then left together. She took me to her home where she proceeded to grope, fondle, kiss, lick, suck and nibble me to two orgasms before I reciprocated.
Matt was happy but disappointed. We had rampant intercourse for the next two hours when he got me home to bed and I came another three times as he ploughed me repeatedly with his fat cock.
God was I a happy bunny. I was beginning to think that sex couldn't get any better than this. I'd never had orgasms with Matt as intense as these last ones, so it had to be because of the lesbian sex. It must be making the difference. And to think it had only been the twice.
As we lay together we came to the same conclusion that Mrs Armitage possibly had it bad for me and that if we played our cards right, Matt's fantasy had a chance of coming to fruition.
That of course meant that I had to carry on seeing Mrs Armitage as and when she deigned it appropriate.
I needn't have worried as the very next day, Friday, I was again summoned to her office just before close of business. The office closed at five o'clock. We left at six, completely satiated.
The following week was a repeat except that she didn't avoid me until Thursday night; she ignored me until Wednesday. At close of business I was summoned to her office where she proceeded to eat me out for an hour or more.
Thursday night we met again at the pub and she took me home with her. Friday was a repeat of the previous two weeks.
Monday morning was a surprise though as she called me into her office first thing. She kissed me deeply, which came as a big shock, groped my ass for a few minutes and then sent me on my way. I was wet between my legs when I sat down at my desk, a feeling that never left me for the rest of the day. At five o'clock I was back in her office even though she hadn't sent for me and we had sex for nearly two hours.
I didn't see her Tuesday as she was out the office all day but Monday's morning and evening activity was repeated in full on Wednesday. I think Matt was right. She had it bad for me. It was time to test the waters about making this a ménage à trois and introducing Matt into our little tryst. I admit I was beginning to enjoy my liaisons with Sandra but Matt was my number one priority and always would be.
**One month later**
It was Saturday night and I was in bed languidly basking in the afterglow of my latest orgasm at the hands of Mrs Armitage.
Matt had gone out on a piss up with his rugby club mates leaving me at a loose end. Mrs Armitage had been pressing for a while to take me out for a drink somewhere special and this gave us the perfect opportunity to do that. It was a date. The drink had led to a meal and then we went back to her house. Of course Matt knew everything. He was still my number one priority. I was only doing this for him.
But there was no denying it. I was liking what I was doing with Mrs Armitage although I was still no nearer to introducing Matt into my relationship with her than I had been when this had all started.
I lay enfolded in her embrace, one leg crooked over her sculpted thigh. She stirred and half sat up. I snuggled in under her arm, which she draped over my shoulder. Her fingers traced lazily over my upper breast, giving me goosebumps.
She suddenly spoke. "Can you stay for the night?"
"No." Her question had come out of the blue and although I was surprised I hoped I hadn't shown any adverse bodily reaction.
"Is that because of your boyfriend - Martin?" she said rather huffily.
"Yes," I replied, "and his name's Matt not Martin."
There was a pause. I knew she was going to ask me another question.
"Does he know about us?"
"Of course he does. I tell him everything. We have no secrets." I felt her whole body stiffen.
"I see," she finally said, "so why?"
I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure if she was going to like my explanation but this was probably going to be my best and only chance to finally see if she would entertain Matt watching us.
"You know I'm not a lesbian although I admit I do like what you do to me. At the beginning I didn't want to but now that I have, I find it's erotic and dangerous and it turns me on. And Matt too. And this is what it's all about. We both have fantasies. Fantasies that we want to explore. I've fulfilled mine and now it's all about Matt fulfilling his."
"So I'm your fantasy am I?" Sandra said with a slight smirk on her lips. She seemed a bit happier all of a sudden.
"No you're not. Your Matt's."
"I'm sorry. I'm Matt's fantasy? I don't understand." She looked suitably shocked.
"Matt's fantasy is to watch me having sex with a woman."
"Oh I see. So all this was just a set up so Martin could get his jollies watching you have sex with me," Sandra said with some hostility.
"No, you misunderstand," I said hastily, "it was never about you. The first time you saw me at the pub we were testing the waters, to see if I could go through with it. I was supposed to flirt and get chatted up. But it was going badly and then you and Abigail turned up. So you were just in the right place at the right time. And the way you dominated me the first time in your office blew my mind. I realise now that I couldn't have picked a better person than you."
She just stared at me. "And it's Matt, not Martin," I added.
"Do you feel any love for me Lauren?"
"No," I answered immediately.
She pulled her head back sharply. "Well, that was to the point. No hesitation there AT ALL," she said. "So why are you here with me now?"
"I've already told you."
"So I'm just a means to an end?"
"Yes, if you want to look at it like that."
"So do you have ANY feelings of affection towards me?" she asked stiffly.
"Yes I guess so. As I said I'm not a lesbian and that will never change but that's not to say I haven't liked what you've done to me."
As I spoke I reached out a hand and took hold of one of her large and heavy breasts. Her nipple was big and juicy and taking it between my finger and thumb I soon rolled and squeezed it into a harder and more erect nub.
Sandra's breathing altered as I continued my assault. I frequently changed breasts, my mouth fastened firmly onto the nipple of the breast I wasn't fondling. As I sucked hard and fondled her roughly her hips began to move and it wasn't long before she was gyrating on top of the bed and opening her legs wider for me.
Leaving my hands still firmly grasping and manipulating her large breasts I worked my way down her body to crawl between her thighs and dipped my head down to let my mouth savour her liquid delights.
"Ohh Lauren ... please ... ooohhh ... please ... more," Sandra gasped as her legs began to move and her whole body began to shake, "Ohh Lauren ... please love me ..."
I pulled my head up out of her pussy but brought a hand down to replace it. I caressed her mound, gently rubbing my fingers into her wetness as I eased my way up the bed. She leaned forward eagerly to meet me and putting her hand around the back of my head pulled me to her, her mouth hungry for my lips. We kissed. And as our tongues combined my fingers entered her pussy and my thumb clashed against her clit. She opened her mouth wider to allow me to drive my tongue deeper. We kissed violently, my hand now a blur as I rushed her towards her climax.
She came hard, lifting her body off the bed, arching it upwards as her orgasm slammed through her very soul as she wailed and shouted and beseeched god as to how glorious it was to cum.
We lay together for a short while before I broached the subject.
"So Sandra, when are we going to let Matt watch us," I said firmly, "and it has to be a special occasion."
Her breathing was still ragged so it took her a while to get the words out. "How about the local Law Society's Annual Dinner and Dance next month?"
It was a fantastic idea. It would be great to get dressed up as the dinner and dance was always held at a swanky hotel venue, which meant we could book a room for the night as well. Perfect.
**The Law Society's Annual Dinner and Dance**
The Law Society's Annual Dinner and Dance was a prestigious event in our town. It was an occasion for all the solicitors to get together to show how successful they'd been the previous year. Prominent local businessmen and women were invited as honoured guests and just for balance they would invite principals from the odd Estate Agency practice too.
Held in the ballroom of the best hotel in town it was a chance to get dressed up if nothing else. So it was black tie for the men and evening gowns or dresses for the ladies. Matt had rented his tuxedo for the night although I had wanted him to buy one but he still looked dashing and handsome when I saw him all suited and booted.
"You look just like James Bond," I said as I stood in front of the mirror putting the finishing touches to my make up. I'd had my hair done earlier in the day. He flashed me a big grin and I felt my heart melt. God I loved him. "How are we for time," I added.
"Okay for once," he said with a smile. "I'll go get us a drink," he added as he walked out of the bedroom.
I went back to what I was doing. When I'd finished with my makeup I turned my attention to my dress.
It was new of course. No, it wasn't one I'd obtained from Uncle Len by way of sexual favours. I hadn't seen him for ages. No, this one I'd bought with my own money.
I slipped it on. The silky fabric felt cool at first as it clung to my body like a second skin, moulding itself around my curves. It was impossible to wear a bra with it or panties for that matter but my modesty was upheld by bra cups sewn into the fabric. My ass on the other hand had no such protection. The coral pink fabric clung so tightly to my butt that any panty line, even a thong would have been detectable. Lengthwise the dress came to my knees except on the left side where the fabric had been cut away to end up level with the bottom of my ass cheeks. It revealed an awful lot of my left leg especially my thigh.
Matt certainly seemed to like it the way he looked at me when I walked downstairs and into the kitchen diner and gave him a little twirl.
"WOW," he exclaimed, "you look amazing."
I smiled demurely before I started to laugh. "Yeah, I know," I gushed excitedly, "I do, don't I."
He was on me in a flash, grabbing my butt and pulling me tight against him. I could feel his erection pushing against my stomach as he kissed me forcibly.
"Matt, my lipstick, " was all I managed to gasp out before giving in to the persistence of his lips. We kissed deeply and I could sense my arousal was growing.
We finally parted. "You'll have to wait big boy," I pouted at him seductively as I walked over to the mirror and reapplied my lipstick.
We got to the venue with plenty of time to spare, which allowed us to drop our bags off in our room for the night. Matt had splurged big time using his commission from the sale of the Sanderson house to pay for it.
We made our way downstairs and into one of the many bars. It was early but we both felt the need for a drink. It was then that Mr Alton, one of the partners where I work spotted us.
As he walked over towards us I could see he couldn't take his eyes of me. Funny really because he never seemed to notice me at work. I suppose I was too low down the pecking order for him to acknowledge my existence.
"Ah Lauren, how are you tonight?"
I was taken aback. I didn't think he knew who I was. "Fine thank you Mr Alton," I replied. "This is Matt, my boyfriend," I added, turning to introduce him.
Matt reached over and offered him his hand. Mr Alton begrudgingly shook it.
"And where do you work?" he asked pompously.
"Ralph and Co," Matt replied.
"Oh, so you're an estate agent," he said, his distaste for Matt's chosen profession clearly evident by his tone of voice.
That seemed to kill any chance of further conversation as clearly he felt Matt was beneath him but still Mr Alton seemed reluctant to leave. I knew why of course. He thought he was being discreet but he wasn't. He couldn't take his eyes off my arse.
It made for an awkward few minutes but then in came Mrs Armitage to save the day. I wouldn't say that she floated in but she didn't seem to be walking. She glided to a stop alongside us and smiled. She looked stunning. She was wearing an emerald green evening gown, which I'm pretty sure was a Vera Wang creation with a décolletage that revealed the swell of her large breasts in all their voluptuous glory.
"Lauren," she purred as she surreptitiously scanned my body, "you look ... delectable."
"And you must be Martin," she added as she turned to look at Matt. I could see the slight twitch of her mouth as she suppressed a smile.
"Pleased to meet you," Matt replied, "and it's Matt."
"Of course it is," she replied, arching an eyebrow.
"My, my Sandra, you look lovely." We all turned. We had forgotten all about Mr Alton. He was positively twitching as he looked at Mrs Armitage. "You must save a dance for me later," he added, clearly struggling to avoid looking into her vast cleavage.
"We'll see," she replied haughtily. She turned her back on him, excluding him from our now close, intimate circle and began chatting to us. Mr Alton finally got the message and drifted away.
The night flew by. The meal was excellent and after the meal I danced a lot, mainly with Matt but I was asked by some older men who took great delight in rubbing themselves up against my arse. I admit I enjoyed it but all they were doing was getting me more revved up for Matt. He was the only man for me these days.
Mrs Armitage was also enjoying herself, even dancing with me on a couple of occasions although she was careful to avoid making bodily contact. After all she had an image to protect. But she certainly was the centre of attention. And she positively glowed.
I'd noticed Matt had stopped drinking quite early on so he was reasonably sober compared to me and Mrs Armitage. We were by no means drunk but we were definitely close. And as she drank so she began to reveal facts about herself.
As I had always suspected she was in her late forties; she wouldn't reveal her actual age; and had been married but was now divorced. She had no children and lived alone although she had two cats. The house had been part of the divorce settlement, which she hinted had been substantial.
The only man she'd ever slept with had been her husband and although she got hit on by men all the time; even when she was married; she'd always suspected that she preferred women. She then regaled us with some stories about her love life.
It was most revealing. I was shocked but when I looked at Matt after she'd finished he has grinning inanely. Sandra then went off to the bar to get us all another drink.
I sidled up closer to Matt. "What's the plan then?" I whispered seductively into his ear as I slid my hand down onto his crotch. It responded immediately so I began to rub it slowly. I could feel it getting bigger.
"No plan," he replied with a stifled moan, "but carry on doing that and I'm going to embarrass myself."
I giggled. He was so easy. "Should we go up to the room now then?" I said breathlessly. Matt had turned to face me and now had his hand up in between my legs. He began to rub against my mound. My eyes flickered as I let out a small sigh that came out more like a little grunt. My mouth opened as I breathed deeply. "Ohhhh shit ..." I exhaled.
My hips began to move. "Forget Sandra. Just take me upstairs now and fuck me," I whispered as I lent in to nuzzle into his neck.
"And what are you two up to?" Sandra's arrival broke the mood. We almost jumped apart. "Starting without me?"
"No, we were just waiting for you to arrive," I said.
"Shall we go up then," Sandra said, obviously taking command, "let's get this over with."
We followed her as she led the way to the lifts. I lent into Matt and whispered in his ear. "What do you want us to do when we get to the room?"
"Just ignore me. As far as you're concerned I'm not there. It's just you two in the room," Matt replied quietly, "and judging by the way she's been looking at you I don't think she's going to waste much time on preliminaries."
When we reached the room, Matt swiped us in and disappeared into the bathroom. As soon as the door closed Sandra descended on me, wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close.
"I've been wanting to do this all night," she hissed as her lips hungrily found mine. She kissed me hard and long whilst her hands started to wander down onto my ass. She pulled me tighter to her, her hands now groping at my ass cheeks, pinching and grasping at my abundant flesh. My legs started to buckle as I felt my pussy respond.
The high cut of my dress on my left leg gave her easy access to my mound as she proved when her hand slid easily inside. Her long fingers crept across my flesh until she reached the downward slope of my thigh that dipped in towards my pussy. Her prize was within tantalising reach. I tensed, anticipating her next touch, my body quivering with excitement. She stopped at the brink and stepped back, breaking our kiss.
I was left gasping, my mouth gaping open like a stranded fish. She turned her back on me. "Unzip me Lauren," she commanded. With trembling fingers I did as she asked.
She turned back around to face me once more. She shrugged the dress off her shoulders and let it slide down her body to pool at her feet. She picked it up and casually threw it onto a chair.
I heard a groan and knew it was Matt. I could understand why. She stood in front of me naked apart from a black lacy thong, black thigh high stockings and her 4" heels. Her body was amazing. True there was a bit more flesh around her middle than she probably wanted but her breasts didn't allow you to linger long there anyway. They were simply stupendous. She began to move towards me and they moved and jiggled with each step she took.
I backed away, suddenly intimidated by her predatory actions. She was the hunter and I was the prey. I continued to go backwards until I reached the bed. She closed on me and pushed me. I fell backwards onto the bed, my legs parting as I did. She was on me in an instant her hands pulling and clawing at my dress, pushing it up my thighs. It was urgent and aggressive. And then she was still.
I was breathless as she slowly traced her fingers along my inner thigh. My legs opened wider for her as she approached my honey pot.
"My, my," she purred seductively, "no panties Lauren?"
I moaned my response as her fingers ran across my outer pussy lips. She barely touched them as they passed over but I nearly came there and then. I could tell they were swollen because I was positively throbbing down below.
Her head dropped between my legs and her mouth closed around my pussy. She licked me and then sucked my flaps into her mouth.
"Ohhhh ... oohhmmyy ... goddd ..." I groaned as I began to buck and twist my body. The feeling was so intense I didn't think I could stand it for long.
She released my lips and moved onto my clit. She swirled her tongue over that and my response was to cry out and clamp my legs around her head. I was repeatedly sitting up and then throwing myself back down as I sought to get away from her insistent tongue. She was driving me wild.
My body was jerking up and down as she continued with her assault and when she unceremoniously rammed two fingers up me I came like an express train, screaming and waling as the full force of my orgasm struck home. She rolled away from me.
My first thought was for Matt. I looked across to where he was sitting. He was naked and his large cock had never looked bigger. He was jacking himself off furiously.
"Are you okay honey," I asked, my voice choking with emotion.
"Ohhh yeah," he grinned.
"Do you want to finish off inside me?" I asked.
"No, no, you carry on. I'll be fine," he replied with another smile. "Besides, I think Mrs Armitage is waiting for you."
I looked back. Sandra had positioned herself on the bed leaning up against the headboard. Her legs were bent at the knee but were wide open. I could see she was wet already by the damp patch on the sheet.
I shuffled around and bent in to begin. Her scent was almost overwhelming. She pulled me up and gazed longingly into my eyes.
"I love you Lauren," she whispered, "and I need you. Please love me back."
I didn't know what to say but as I deliberated, Sandra pulled me to her and gave me a scorching kiss. My hands closed around her large breasts and I began to fondle them. Her nipples were erect and seemed to grow bigger when I rolled them between my fingers and thumbs and then squeezed hard.
When I finally dropped down between her legs she was positively gushing. It didn't take me long to get her to climax because I stuck my fingers inside her almost immediately. She was beyond primed and ready. This was raw, energetic, lesbian fucking. The time for love and tenderness could come later.
She too screamed as her orgasm released itself and it was all I could do to keep my lips fastened onto her pussy as she thrashed about bucking her hips, trying to throw me off.
I was so preoccupied with finishing Sandra off that I was ill prepared when I felt the mattress behind me sag slightly.
Matt slid straight in. He was as hard as I could ever remember. I shuffled my legs wider and raised my arse up higher and he sank in a little bit deeper. I gasped and then began to grunt loudly as he hammered into me. It didn't take long. He came quickly and I could feel his hot sperm flooding my insides as he pumped a vast amount deep into my pussy.
He rolled off and padded off to the bathroom.
Sandra had come down from her post orgasmic euphoria and was now looking intently at me. "Was that as good as it seemed Lauren?" she asked quietly.
I smiled up at her, my eyes gleaming. "Ohhh yesss," I replied. She looked away. It was almost wistful.
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason." She rolled off the bed and padded off to the bathroom, now vacated as Matt replaced her on the bed alongside me.
"Was that what you wanted?" I asked, "did it fulfil your fantasy?"
Matt leaned over and kissed me hard. I was breathless when he released me. "Yes ... and thank you. It was so hot," he said with a big boyish grin plastered all over his face.
"What would you say if I told you Sandra would like you to fuck her?"
Matt looked at me strangely. "You're kidding ... right?" he replied.
"No, I don't think I am," I said, warming to my thought. "I think that if you did to her what you just did to me I don't think she'd object. It's just a womanly feeling I have but of course, I could be wrong."
Matt pursed his lips. "You wouldn't mind then ... if I did and she let me?"
I shook my head. "Not in the slightest." I heard the bathroom door open, so I lent in closer and whispered. "And by the way, she told me she's in love with me."
I jumped off the bed. It was my turn to use the bathroom. I glanced around to see Matt grinning back at me.
When I got back Matt had opened a bottle of wine and he and Sandra were sitting on the bed and talking. I joined them as he offered me a glass, which I took.
About twenty minutes later I started to stroke Sandra's legs, starting at her ankles and working my way higher. Ten minutes later and I was between her thighs lapping at her sopping wet pussy like a cat with a saucer of cream.
She screamed through another orgasm before we swapped places. Even though I'd been to the toilet I hadn't wiped away all of Matt's spunk so I was pretty sure Sandra would be able to taste it when she began to suck and slurp at my swollen pussy.
"Ohhh ... ohmygod ..." The words were expelled violently from Sandra's mouth as her body jolted forward. I smiled. I knew Matt had just mounted her.
I watched in awe as she raised her head. The look on her face was one of pain and surprise. Her mouth was formed into a perfect circle as she came to terms what was happening behind her. I looked up at Matt. He had his hands pressing down on her hips, holding her in place an he forced his cock into Sandra's pussy.
She didn't try to get away, which surprised me a little. Instead she began to move in time with Matt. He was really giving it to her and I was mesmerised by her large breasts which were now swinging to and fro in time with Matt's thrusts. Sandra meanwhile was grimacing more in pleasure than pain although a frown creased her forehead from time to time and her mouth was still contorting into funny shapes.
I knew having cum once Matt would be able to keep this up for some time. And so it proved as he continued to fuck Mrs Armitage. My needs were completely forgotten but there was no way she could have continued to eat me out the way Matt was drilling her. I got over my disappointment by reaching down and grabbing hold of Sandra's swinging breasts. I groped and fondled them and tugged and pinched at her nipples. She seemed to like that a lot.
It took him twenty minutes to cum and in that time Mrs Armitage came three times. When he pulled out of her she collapsed onto the bed.
She was exhausted. In fact we all were. I snuggled down as well, asleep as soon as my eyes closed.
It was later when I was awoken from my slumber. The bed was moving. It wasn't much, but enough that I could detect it. I opened my eyes, blinking to focus. And then I saw it. Mrs Armitage was sitting upright, her back arched, breathing raggedly, running her hands through her long dark hair. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as her body moving rhythmically from side to side and up and down.
Beneath her was Matt. His hips were moving too as he slowly thrust up to meet her as his hands massaged her large breasts. So much for being a confirmed lesbian I thought to myself as I smiled and drifted off back to sleep.
It was the insistent tapping noise that finally grew strong enough to wake me again. I wasn't sure if it was five minutes or a couple of hours later but this time the bed was moving more forcibly as it banged up against the wall.
I looked across to see Mrs Armitage on her hands and knees, her arse stuck up in the air as Matt ploughed into her from behind. The look on her face was one of pure pleasure. Matt had his hands under her body groping at her breasts.
I wasn't upset but I was definitely turned on. I slipped a hand between my legs and began to fondle my pussy. Matt saw I was awake and grinned at me.
When Sandra came to her extremely loud orgasm he pulled out of her and grabbing me, turned me over onto my stomach and entered me from behind. He gave me some long slow strokes and then began to move faster. It took me no time at all to cum.
Later that day when we were back home we sat down to discuss the events of the previous night.
"So where do we go from here?" I asked.
Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. You've told me she says she's in love with you. Do you think she really is?"
It was my turn to shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. But that was before you fucked her. I think she liked it."
Matt grinned. That boyish grin that I love. "Did she tell you she wants to see me again?"
"Without you?"
"And would you mind if I did?"
"No. Just don't go falling in love with her," I added.
"Not a chance of that," he replied, "I only have room in my heart for one - and that's you."
"Oh Matt, I love you," I said choking back a tear. It was by far and away the loveliest thing he'd ever said to me.
"And I love you," he said as he went down on one knee.
I stopped breathing as he pulled a box out of his pocket, opened it and offered it to me.
"Lauren, I love you. Will you marry me?" |
Bed, Breakfast and Sex Ch. 06 | 17,450 | 4.59 | 547,827 | [
"older woman",
"younger woman",
"younger man",
"menage a trois",
"doggie style"
] | They were all three naked in Louise's big king-sized bed. Bonnie was on one side, sucking gently on Louise's titty, and Jeremy was on the other side, doing the same to the other titty. Bonnie moved up to Louise's mouth and the two women joined in a long, soulful kiss. Bonnie had to be one of the best kissers Louise had ever experienced. Bonnie raised up slightly, and offered Louise one of her generous tits, which Louise kissed and sucked hungrily. At the same time, she felt Jeremy leave her breast, and work his way slowly down her body until he was between her legs. After pushing them apart gently, Jeremy began kissing and running his hot tongue and lips slowly up Louise's thighs. It wasn't long before she felt his warm breath on her pussy, now practically dripping with wetness. He kissed her tenderest parts ardently, and nuzzled her pussy hair. She could feel his lips on her labia, and then a warm, thick tongue pried her open gently, and Louise was suddenly awash in pleasure as Jeremy licked around her pussy lips and inserted his tongue into her. For the time being, he avoided her clitoris, lingering instead on her lips, and laving her from pussy to butthole. He circled her anus wetly, and inserted his tongue in there, also.
Louise could feel herself being swept away, down a swirling river of sensation, floating toward orgasm as if she was being swept toward a waterfall. Bonnie's kisses inflamed her more, as her swollen mouth was smitten again and again with oral caresses. Louise loved to be kissed, and she loved to be licked, and these two young people were giving her plenty of both.
Bonnie lay down on the bed, and looked up at Jeremy, nodding slightly. "Louise darling," Jeremy said, "go over and straddle Bonnie with your face between her legs. We have something special for you."
Louise crawled over to Bonnie, and after giving her a quick kiss, carefully straddled her so that Louise's face was between Bonnie's open, shapely thighs, and Bonnie's face was underneath and between Louise's thighs.
Bonnie said, "Spread your legs a little, love. Bring that pussy closer to me."
Louise relaxed her legs a little, lowering her pussy right onto Bonnie's mouth. Pretty soon, Louise felt Bonnie's warm tongue snake its way upward and into her hungry snatch.
"Lick my pussy, please," Bonnie pleaded.
Louise looked down, and saw Bonnie's pussy up close for the first time. She had neatly trimmed light brown pussy hair, and small, tight lips. A thick bead of lubrication glistened in the cleft between the partially opened labia. Louise bent and kissed Bonnie's pussy searchingly, running her tongue smoothly up and down the wet, fragrant chasm, drinking in the sweet musky essence of young womanhood.
"She's sweet isn't she?" Jeremy asked.
"Oh yes, yes she is," Louise gushed.
They went on like that for several minutes, languishing in the pleasure of their mutual sucking. Soon, Louise could hear Bonnie's cries escalating a little, and although she was about to lose control and come herself, she decided to see if she could make Bonnie come first. She pushed the younger girl's thighs far apart, giving herself greater access, and used her fingers to gently spread Bonnie's cunt open. Then she licked and sucked as if her life depended on it. Finally sensing the girl was about to explode into orgasm, Louise took Bonnie's tiny engorged clitoris into her mouth, and sucked gently but firmly.
Bonnie was groaning nonstop, and writhing in pleasure under the older woman. She began babbling and begging Louise not to stop.
"Oh Louise darling that feels so good! Your hot tongue is loving my pussy so well! Ohhhh! Please don't ever stop licking me! Oh baby! Oh baby! Oh god I think I'm gonna come now. Don't stop! Ohhhhh!"
And Bonnie cried out hoarsely as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her. Louise, knowing instinctively how much pressure to use, brought Bonnie down gently until the young woman lay quiescent under her.
She started to get off, but Jeremy said, "Not so fast. We said we have something special for you, and we have."
Jeremy put a small pillow under Bonnie's head. Now she was at the perfect angle for her to relax and eat Louise's pussy. Then Jeremy, sporting a very large, very hard cock, positioned himself behind Louise. Spreading his legs so that he also straddled Bonnie's head, he eased his dick into Louise's warm and hungry pussy. Carefully adjusting his position as he went along, he settled himself in deeply. Then, he started moving slowly, while Bonnie began licking both the underside of his cock, and Louise's pussy.
Louise had never felt anything like it. The combination of Jeremy's thick cock, and Bonnie's warm tongue made her almost delirious with pleasure. Already very excited, all she could do was bury her face in Bonnie's fragrant pussy hair while her own pussy was treated to a very loving fuck.
Louise lost all sense of time, and the pleasure she was feeling seemed to go on and on. Bonnie and Jeremy must have practiced this before she thought at one point, because they were very, very good at it. She began moaning and crying out, almost sobbing in her pleasure. Bonnie and Jeremy were also moaning. Once again, Louise felt herself being swept toward orgasm, this time even faster than before. Jeremy pumped a little faster, and Bonnie licked his sperm-laden balls on each in-stroke. Then she gently probed with her tongue into Louise's nooks and crannies, before whipping it across the clitoris. This sent Louise into ecstasy, and soon she was screaming that she was about to come.
"Oh my babies! This is so good! You are making mama's pussy sing tonight! That's right, fuck me Jeremy! Lick my pussy, sweetie! Lick mama's pussy out good. Ohhhh, ohhh, ohhh! Here it comes darlings. Mama's gonna come. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ohhhhh!!" An earthquake of pleasure roared over Louise as climax after climax slammed through her. Her breath was literally taken away.
"Oh baby," Jeremy gasped, "I'm coming too!"
He slowed his pumping, then Louise felt him tense. She swore that she could then actually feel his cockhead swell as Jeremy's pent-up semen exploded into Louise's grasping cunt, filling her with thick, creamy man-juice. Jeremy pulled out before he was finished, and Bonnie opened her mouth to receive his spermy offering right on her lips and tongue. He groaned deeply with pleasure, milking the remaining come out of his cock, and rubbing the head over Bonnie's semen-slick lips and cheeks.
All three lovers collapsed into a tangled, sated heap, sighing deeply in pleasure. Louise felt very loved at that moment, and crawled between the two young people. After deep grateful kisses among all concerned, the trio fell into a deep, contented sleep. |
Foursome Fun with Tracey Pt. 02 | 22,665 | 4.56 | 952,361 | [
"taxi driver"
] | Once we had another couple of drinks and all had calmed down a little bit we decided to leave and get a taxi back to the flat.
In the taxi queue there were further kisses, cuddles and sly feels of my arse by Jason and Nathan was doing the same to Tracey at the same time as well.
Our little mini dresses were receiving plenty pawing and straying hands as the lads massaged our bums, caressed our legs, and generally had a good feel of us as we waited.
Once inside the black cab the same was to continue for the journey.
We all had sat in the back seats, me and Tracey facing the two brothers who sat on the fold down seats with their backs to the driver.
In this position the lads could see up our dresses and as we both teased and taunted them the heat began to rise again.
I had slightly parted my legs, letting my little red dress ride up again, showing plenty of bare leg and thigh to Jason, Nathan and the driver as well I'm sure.
Tracey had gone one step further and with her dress literally up around her hips she had spread her legs and her dripping wet, shaved cunt was on full display to us all.
Her bare legs were spread fairly wide by this point and again it was obvious she was becoming increasingly turned on.
Her slit was glistening in the taxi light and small beads of her juice could be seen clearly on her lips and dribbling down her leg.
"Fuck I feel horny," she said in a very loud and audible voice. As I looked ahead I could see the taxi driver checking his rear view mirror.
'Dirty bugger,' I thought to myself. 'I bet he's getting a good eyeful.'
Nathan had by now sat forward a bit and his right hand was beginning to work its way up her leg.
"You're fucking soaking Tracey," he said to her. "Look I can see drips of your fucking fanny juice."
"I know!" she laughed. "I'm dripping like a tap here. Go on then do it!" she added, as his fingers had reached her wet quim entrance. "You know you want too."
With this he slipped two fingers easily up her cunt. An audible slurp could be heard as her lips closed around his fingers and he lowly began to finger her out right there in the back of the cab.
Not to be outdone I splayed my bare legs, lifting the right one up and hooking it over Tracey's left leg.
"Lets give them a wee show," I smirked as my dress now joined hers in riding right up to my hips, giving Jase, Nathan and undoubtedly the taxi guy a view right up to my snatch.
With our bare legs now hooked onto each other and our legs well spread, the two brothers both got their fingers busy as we drove along the roads to Jason's flat.
My gold anklet hung around my red high heel, shining in the taxi cab light as Jase had three fingers, then four squelching in and out of my fucking soaking wet slit.
My legs trembled and shook as he finger fucked me. My breaths becoming increasingly heavy and panting. I looked up to see the taxi driver staring at us in the mirror. My eyes had begun to glaze over, the sound of 'slop, slop' increasing as his four fingers pistoned in and up my soaking fucking twat.
"Oh fucking hell," I mumbled perhaps a little too loudly as again I saw the driver staring at us through the mirror. By now he would have had a perfect view of four fingers slamming in and out of my cunt.
Our eyes met briefly as I continued to be finger fucked. In my hazy state I'm sure I saw him smile at me. My cunny was now sending audible slurps, slops and sprays of my cunt juice
Both Tracey and I were really heavy breathing by this point and both our pussies were sloppy, wide and wet by this stage.
Tracey had slipped a hand inside her dress and was gently massaging her tits as she got fucked harder and harder by Nathans fingers.
After a few more minutes of having our cunnys plundered by the guys we had eventually reached home.
The driver pulled up and as we tidied ourselves up, Jason paid him.
"Thanks for the show as well lasses," he said cheekily as we got out of the taxi.
"Hope you enjoyed it," we both chirped back at him.
"Oh aye he," said in reply. "But not as much as you did I think," he laughingly added.
"Have fun!" was his parting shot at us as we walked up the driveway to the front door.
Jason had his hands all over my arse, roughly feeling me up as he did so.
"We will he," replied. "I will give her one for you mate!" he shouted at the driver as he began to pull away.
Within seconds we were inside and at each other.
Tracey and Nathan occupying the settee and Jason and I canoodling on a big comfy chair.
Again his hands were up my dress playing with my sopping cunt as I wantonly spread my legs as wide as I could.
I could see Tracey fumbling with Nathan's belt buckle. The action was clearly going to heat up and quickly.
"Lets get more comfortable," I said to Jason, Tracey chirping in that she wanted to see more of Nathan as well.
Both Tracey and I then removed our mini dresses. This left us both just in our shoes, our knicks already off, and soon our tits were bare too.
"Is this what you guys want?" I said as we both paraded and posed in just our 'come fuck me ' shoes.
"Hell yes!" both the guys responded.
I then lent over to Tracey and gave her left tit a little lick.
"Ooh that's nice," she replied. With this I took her nipple into my mouth and gave It a little suck, fuck she has big tits!
This was the start of us getting steamy with each other for the first time.
Quickly we were in position on the settee where she was sucking on my tits as I then sucked on hers and vice versa.
Having her huge titties slapping about my face and suckling on my friends big nipples was a massive turn on. She lovingly responded by milking my tits with her tongue and sucking hard on my really stiff nipples.
Soon our hands had drifted to each others very wet pussies and a couple of fingers of mine had soon found their way up Traceys wet, frothing cunthole.
She responded likewise and soon, for the first time ever she had three fingers plunging up my soppy gash.
"Oh fucking hell" Tracey I said to her in between moans of pure pleasure
"I know!" she laughingly replied. "We should have done this years ago."
As we fingered each other our heads moved ever closer and in between panting we began to exchange a nice soft kiss. Our mouths then opened and soon my tongue was snaking its way down her throat as she did like wise.
This had the effect of juicing me up even more and my cunt was fucking soaking as she eased a fourth finger up my cunny.
We then really began snogging in earnest and as I found a way to get my fourth finger up her absolutely dripping wet snatch, she eased her thumb alongside her fingers and with a slop her whole fist was soon ploughing up my fucking cunt.
"Oh fuck Tracey," I begged. "Go on fist me to a climax. Oh fuck that's great!" I implored her to carry on.
"Christ you dirty bitch," she said. "You are fucking soaking, I'm easily getting my hand up your twat now."
"I know, I've told you when I get wet Frank likes to fist me. I get so bloody turned on. Oh fucking hell Tracey, go on do it harder!"
We were almost oblivious to the two brothers who by now had stripped fully and were both sporting huge hard ons.
"Suck this at the same time," Nathan said and soon his cock was flapping about my face
"Hoy that's my boyfriend!" Tracey joked. "Well in that case let me have yours then," she quickly quipped, and with that Jason offered her his cock to suck.
At this point Tracey was fisting me as I sat with my arse overhanging the settee, Tracey was on the floor with Jason kneeling beside her, she was eagerly sucking on his rock hard prick as she roughly waggled her hand and wrist as she plundered my cunt with her fist.
"Oh fuck yes," I moaned in between mouthful of Nathan's cock.
"Fucking fist me Tracey, go on I'm cumming. Oh fuck I'm cumming!" I screamed at her.
She then sped up slightly to meet my gentle hip thrusts as I began to cum heavily, spraying my juice over her hand and sounds of my squirting cunt juice filled the air.
At this point Nathan was still feeding me his cock as he stood with one leg on the settee.
Tracey was sucking on Jason as he now stood beside her. One of my shoes had slipped off my foot as I was fisted and sucked greedily on Nathan's throbbing prick.
Jason temporarily removed his cock from Tracey's mouth to retrieve my high heel and slip it back on me.
My climax was subsiding as he popped it back onto my foot.
"I like your legs in heels," he said to me. "God I wanna fuck you so bad!"
"After me though!" was Tracey's rebuttal. "She's had a cum and I want one now."
She slipped her hand gently from my puffy fanny and then preceded to lick my cunt juice from her sticky fingers and wrist.
"Oh you dirty bitch," I said as I moved over to let her join me on the settee.
We then kissed again as I tasted my own love juice on her lips and tongue. The guys had raging hard ons by now, both cocks shiny with our spit from sucking them off.
Tracey now splayed her legs, putting her high heeled legs as wide as she could.
I climbed onto the floor and got between her legs on all fours ready for to lap at her already extremely wet quim. |
Hotel Bar | 124,660 | 4.58 | 61,638 | [
"voice purred",
"tousled hair",
"agile tongue",
"golden haired",
"mouth busy",
"doors slid",
"felt sharp",
"hotel bar",
"close feel",
"hands gripped"
] | We met at the hotel bar. This incredibly striking woman walked over to me, smiling at me as if she knew me.
"Don't sit alone," she invited, " Come and sit with us."
She took my arm as if we were old friend, and seeing her contagious smile, I decided to go along with it. She led me to a table in a corner of that room. Upon looking around, I felt almost like I had fallen down the rabbit hole, and arrived in a parallel world, where everyone was beautiful. The two men sitting at the table talking were undeniably gorgeous. One had an almost vampiric air to him, with his defined cheekbones, striking eyes, and pale blond hair that was long enough to be tied back at the nape of his neck. Unexpectedly, he looked intently at me and smiled in a manner reminiscent of a wolf regarding a rabbit. I felt my stomach do a slow somersault. Those blue eyes unnerved me, and made me want to forget myself. That wouldn't do at all. Given his effect on me, it wasn't altogether surprising that he had golden hair. Another blond. I smiled wryly. I'd often thought that blondes would be the death of me, but with this one, I could tell that it would be a fantastic way to go. Attempting to break the awkwardness, I looked at the man next to him, but he wasn't nearly as interesting, although still remarkably attractive, with his dark, finger tousled hair and clean cut features.
They looked at the woman holding my arm and smiled widely in welcome.
"Very pretty."
The feral one slid easily from the booth in one liquid movement, and took my hand.
"Come sit, you'll be very comfortable between us."
I eased myself into the booth, conscious of the hem of my dress rising on my thighs. I discreetly smoothed it with my hand to cover my garters, but felt eyes watching the movement. The booth was small, and I was very aware of the proximity of the other bodies around me. The bar had an intimate air to it, with it's dim, cleverly placed lighting, discreetly elegant decor and the surprisingly large number of patrons filling the other booths and sofas. But for all the room was full of other people, each one of them seemed to be absorbed in their own conversations and flirtations, giving our booth the illusion of privacy. I shivered faintly despite the warm air. I was nervous, and my mysterious lady friend sensed it. She reached for my hand, holding it lightly between both of hers. She smiled at me, and searched my bewildered gaze for a long moment, before licking her lips, like the cat that got cream.
"Don't worry," she reassured me, grinning wickedly now, "I'll share".
I forced a laugh, and it sounded thin and nervous even to my own ears. I glanced around at the three of them, wondering what I'd gotten myself into. Wearing this dress that barely covers my garters when I'm standing and yet hugs my curves like a lover. Admittedly, I'd gone out hoping to meet someone, but I wasn't sure I was ready for what seemed to be on offer. I briefly thought about bolting, making up some excuse that I needed to go, that I was meeting a friend for dinner…and just as I was about to open my mouth, the man with the intriguing eyes leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I know we can please you." I looked into those eyes once again, and knew that he was speaking the truth. A waitress came and we ordered drinks. I gradually relaxed and became more comfortable, as if we were all long lost friends. So the next time that I felt that intent gaze upon me, I turned and met his eyes directly, and boldly asked what he was thinking. A predatory look slid across his features and he leaned close to me, whispering, his lips so close that I felt his moist, warm breath as he caressed my thigh, fingers leaving phantom circles where they had touched.
"I want to watch her undress you so I can take pleasure in your skin, but it's entirely your choice who has you first."
I was shocked, but more stunned by the sudden dampness in my thong than his words. If his fingers had merely whispered a caress over my clit I would have come there and then. I mutely shook my head and tore my gaze from his, feeling as though my desires had left me naked and acutely vulnerable. My mouth ached to be kissed while my mind awhirl with flickering images of naked skin. I felt hungry for things that I had never known. As if I had spoken my wants aloud, my face was turned and I was kissed, not by the one who fascinated me, but by his blue eyed companion. Gentle and sweet rapidly transformed into something far more...hungrier. Confident fingers traced the seams of my dress, dancing up past my garters. My thighs parted of their own volition, surrendering to roving hands. I heard a moan and a whisper as his clever fingertips traced the crotch of my soaking thong.
"You just have to say please.." The digits rubbed insistently over my swollen clit. I only broke the kiss long enough to cry "Yes…please."
Familiar scents mingled in my nose - peppermint, sweet and spicy. The undertones of musk arose as the air in booth became heavy with desire. I could hear the smirk in his throaty voice as he purred, "Let's go find somewhere more private." While I pretended to think it over, his fingers continued their assault on the vulnerable flesh shielded by the drenched scrap of silk. I bit the lip of the angel before me, groaning as I arched my hips into his touch, wanting more. He laughed and offered his moist fingertips to the smiling goddess, who held my gaze as she savored my taste on his skin like fine cognac. I felt decidedly dazed and suddenly, there didn't seem to be enough air.
"How big is the bed in your room?" The angel enquired.
"A queen" I stuttered in reply, and with that, we were leaving, money being tossed carelessly on the table. We walked together to the bank of elevators. I hit the 'up' button and realized with a jolt that I was waiting for that silver missile to deliver me on weak knees to unknown pleasure. I noticed at the edge of my vision, that the feral one had loosened the silken strands of his hair to lay on his shoulders. The golden shimmer contrasted richly with the soft matte leather of his black coat. The elevator doors slid open with a quiet swish and the four of us stepped into it's mirrored interior in unison. He smiled at me, a predatory baring of white teeth, and leaned close to my ear.
"I can smell your need."
Abruptly, he pushed me up against the mirrored wall and stared deeply into my eyes, as the doors slid closed. The others watched his actions with lazy curiosity.
"Let me do something for you." He must have known that I would sat yes to anything at that moment but instead I settled for a shy 'please.'
That wolfish look returned as he knelt before me, his movements slow and deliberate, giving me plenty of time to protest. His hands snaked up my thighs, under my skirt, pushing it up and out of the way for a better view. My eyes never left him as he moved closer, rubbing his cheek along my thigh. That one catlike movement put his face tantalizingly close to my swollen lips. I heard him make a sound, deep in his throat.. a purr or perhaps it was a low growl, as his deft fingers pulled the sheer fabric aside. Electric pulses skittered along my nerves, leaving me shivering in their wake as he slowly licked the dew from my delicate folds. I felt the demanding strength of his hands as they gripped my ass cheeks, spreading me wider for his delectation. My hips lifted into his hungry mouth and my fingers twisted tightly in his soft hair.
As I moaned out loud, I heard a snicker that abruptly jolted me back to reality. As soon as I opened my glazed eyes, I was greeted by the sight of the goddess, kneeling before the angel. His thick, upswung shaft was encircled by her slim fingers, while her red mouth played over the gorgeous head. My gaze flicked back up to his.
"What floor?" He asked, smiling broadly.
I blinked in surprise. How long had we been riding up and down without destination? I could feel my orgasm boiling up within me, washing over me in huge, warm waves, even as I tried to form my reply.
"Nine!" I cried. The dark angel bit his lip, holding back another snicker. His eyes dropped to rest upon the sight of his friend's golden head moving between my thighs, before he turned away to the panel of buttons.
He pressed the button for the ninth floor, and I watched as it glowed golden. We were on the 17th and had to ride back down. I stared, almost spellbound as he started to moan loudly. I imagined her mouth doing something particularly delicious to his straining stalk. His eyes slid shut as he gave in to the pleasure, hips thrusting him deeper as he fucked her cherry stained pout. I noticed that her free hand had slid beneath her skirt. My golden haired lover adjusted my clothes with care before finally straightening. He caresses my cheek with one wide palm, then bent forward slightly to steal a kiss. The taste of myself on his mouth made my sex quiver anew. There was something so primitive and primal about that first kiss. Tender, yet probing, joined again by our flesh. Our bodies were molded together, so close that I could feel every pulse of his desire lying between us, as hard as alabaster. I ran my fingers over its swollen length through the straining fabric. He pressed harder against me and suckled hard on my bottom lip.
The elevator came to a sudden halt, a bell chiming softly as the doors opened. We pulled away from each other long enough for us to find my room and use the keycard to open the door. I opened the window and the drapes wide, so that everything in the dark room became silvered by moonlight. Besides, I thought wryly, it was a bit late to pretend that I cared who saw me or my companions. I felt someone press against my spine, cupping my full breasts though the fabric. I hissed as my sensitive nipples were abraded against the black lace bustier. I looked down, expecting to see large male hands. Instead I was surprised to see long, slender fingers, with crimson tipped nails. An errant lock of her near black hair fell over my shoulder as she playfully bit my neck. I reached up and tangled my fingers in the long, luxurious strands, rubbing my body back against hers. Her hands abandoned my breasts and pulled me hard against her, then caressing and teasing, as she searched for the hem of my dress. It never entered my head to resist as I felt the garment being drawn up and away slowly. She paused to nibble on my earlobe, before finally pulling it over my head. I looked down at myself, veiled in nothing but black lace, my nylons, and the shimmering silver light.
The two men were sat on the bed, looking at us with enigmatic eyes, seemingly shining with an inner light. The angel languidly beckoned me closer, and I crossed the room on unsteady legs, powerless to resist. Once I was close enough, he reached around me, unfastening and discarding the bustier, exposing my tight nipples with their gleaming silver rings. I observed his expression, enjoying the pleasant surprise I saw in it. I bent down and kissed him hard, daringly probing his mouth with my agile tongue. While my mouth was busy, I felt fingers snag my thong and snake it down my legs. Stepping out of it, I reached for the zipper of his pants. I shuddered in anticipation of feeling his meaty length driven deeply into me, like a greedy spike. I pulled back from the kiss and caught sight of the wild one's mouth busy teasing the nipples of the dark haired goddess; her naked length crushed against his. Simultaneously, my partner's fingers discovered the treasure between my legs, sliding in and out of me, delving deeply.
"You're so wet already." He murmured. Needing more, I crawled forward, straddling his lap. I pumped my fist along his length, once, savoring his warmth and size.
"It must be the company I'm keeping." I teased, before lowering my hips, descending his shaft ever so slowly. His hands gripped my hips, controlling the speed and angle of my movements. My sex clenched with delight as he filled me, the pronounced ridge of his head rubbing my sweet spot with each thrust. I attacked his hungry mouth, our tongues dancing. Our bodies found their rhythm. He tugged lightly on my right nipple ring, and heard myself add my moans to the sighs and groans filling the room. He leaned forward, capturing my hard nipple in his warm mouth…In response, I leaned back, grinding my sensitive clit against him and reveling in the friction. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on sliding up and down his rock hard cock. I could feel my orgasm coming upon me, so close that I could feel the tiniest shivers of sensation beginning inside me. The feeling slowly began to unfurl itself like a satiny, ribbon streamer, reaching out to touch anything in its path with the overpowering beauty of the experience. I felt a sharp nip on my shoulder.
Turning my head, almost as if in slow motion, I found myself looking into the eyes of the goddess, as she knelt beside me on the bed. She smiled and kissed me lazily. I feel the eyes of the wild one upon me, and as if bidden by some silent command, she moved behind him to remove his clothes. The angel laid back upon the bed, watching me ride him, and after a moment, the brunette bent her mouth to his. Admiring her toned body, I let my fingers caress the graceful slope of her back, her firm, tight ass, and finally seeking the well of her sex. finger. As I ran one fingernail lightly over her clit, I was rewarded with the echo of her moan, stolen by the voracious mouth of my partner. I almost lost myself in the rhythms of my own body, and the slick feel of unfamiliar feminine flesh until I felt teeth gently grazing my neck. I glanced back into those strange eyes, with their almost feline striations of color, and felt myself caught, like a rabbit in the headlamps of an oncoming car - but without the fear. Wordlessly, I offered him my moist fingertips, evidence of my explorations.
"Tease." He smiled and sucked the exotic nectar from them. With no further effort, I found myself sliding into orgasm, moaning loudly. As he watched me writhe, a wicked grin slashed his mouth.
"Glad to see that you're enjoying us so much." He remarked. I would have thought up a sassy rejoinder, but the thick shaft spearing me changed speed abruptly, and my breath caught in my throat. I heard unintelligible noises closer to the sound of a dove, and was amazed that they were emerging from my throat. I locked eyes with the golden haired, demonic one, allowing him to see my own unmasked hunger shining within them. I slid my hand down his chest, his lower stomach, savoring the very male texture of his hair roughened skin. I wrapped my fingers around his member, tightening my grasp, and teasing the large, plum-like head. His long fingers pistoned in and out of the wet pink pussy so close to me. As he withdrew them, I could see his fingers are gleaming with her juices.
I released him, and he guided my fingers back to her inviting opening. I rubbed tight circles on her swollen nub, and slid two curved fingers into her. I watched, amazed as she rocked back against them, her hips swaying. Soon, her kisses with my angelic lover were periodically broken with gasps. I pulled my fingers free of her and sucked on them inquisitively, tasting her for the first time. The distinctive tang of arousal filled my mouth. Suddenly, I felt big hands tip my head back and steal her flavor from my tongue. I reached out to grip his cock once again,and felt it pulse heavily under my touch. As I stroked him, he found her depths with those talented fingers and took up where I left off. I stared into his eyes for a long moment, and knew that the night was far from over; that he would spread me wide and fill me as deeply as his friend had, and still was. Perhaps even more so.
My mouth practically watered at the prospect. I felt like a fountain about to gush, so wet and so unbelievably turned on by the evening's events. I dragged my nails across his skin and watched him shudder before I returned my attention to the lover beneath me. I ground my pelvis down hard, loving the feel of him so hard inside me. I leaned down to bite at the tender skin of his throat. I felt the sharp pull of his fingers in my hair and sensed how close he was to his crisis.
"Come for me." I invited, my voice rough and almost intelligible with passion.
"I'll come for you more than once tonight." He laughed, even though his face was tight with tension. "Have patience darling."
He wrapped his big arms around me, trapping me against him and drove his cock into me with a rapidly increasing force. The air was filled with low moans and the sound of flesh hammering against flesh. Dimly, in some still rational part of my brain, I realized that I had somehow been unequivocally transformed by this encounter, and welcomed it with open arms.
My thighs shuddered with tension as he pounded mercilessly into my wet cleft. I was so high on sensation that it felt as if I coasted from one spine-tingling, melting climax to the next. Looking at the woman, I watched transfixed as her face convulsed with pleasure. Her beautiful face was flushed, and her large breasts swayed with every drive of her partner's thickness into her sex. She looked like an erotic goddess of old, in all of her naked glory. I pressed my lips to her cheek, inexplicably moved. She caught my mouth with hers and kissed me deeply, moaning into my open mouth.
"Would you like to feel him?" The angel's voice purred into my ear as his teeth teased my earlobe.
"I could stay inside you all night but I'm sure someone else wants to enjoy you too."
Our hips bumped together in sweet rhythm.
"You wouldn't mind?" I questioned. He grinned broadly.
"I'd mind more if he didn't get to have you." His cerulean blue eyes seemed to bore their way into my very soul.
"He's wanted you all night, and you want him just as much." I kissed him deeply, smiling my thanks. Sitting up, I ran my hand down the wild one's smooth chest, watching as my nails leave light pink trails. He pushed his hair back from his forehead and his startlingly green eyes sparkled, like those of a giant cat stalking it's prey.
"Yes, darling?" He asked questioningly. I looked deeply into his eyes and blurted out my invitation before I lost my nerve.
"Are you ready for me?" The sight of his stiff member sliding easily in and out of her was driving me wild. He moaned low in his throat, and I saw his expression soften.
"I've been waiting for you my whole life." He answered. I immediately disengaged myself from my angel's lovely tool, and my pussy was so sensitized that this movement alone caused little shudders of delight to rock through me. I moved off the bed on shaky legs and made my way over to the window. I felt as if I'd followed the white rabbit into another dimension. Things like this never happened to me. I heard a loud feminine cry split the air, and then it was silent. On the periphery of my vision I saw the tall, black haired one helping her to the bathroom and then heard the quiet hiss of the shower. The one that I had waited for drew level with me, and took my hand, his expression uncharacteristically solemn. My heart began racing and I felt like a virgin on her wedding night. At his urging, I lay down on the wide bed, with my arms raised above my head.
"Don't move." He ordered in a silky voice, and I nodded once.
My eyes ran over his face, half illuminated by the think sliver of light coming from the bathroom. My gaze dropped to the impressive jut of his cock and I saw it stirring at the sight of me lying before him like a maiden sacrifice. I closed my eyes. His fingers caressed my feet and my calves. He pressed gentle kisses to my knees. He straddled my legs, trapping them. His hands stroked lightly over my thighs and up over my rounded hip. His hair shimmered in the soft light as he bent to kiss the swollen pout of my labia, his agile tongue darting between my lips to flicker over my clit. My breath caught audibly and I fought to keep my eyes closed. Noticing my reaction, he laughed briefly and ran his fingernails down the front of my thighs. His tongue trailed wetly up my stomach to my chest. He used his teeth and tongue to tease and torment my stiff nipples, pulling on the shining rings and tugging on them with each slow tug of his mouth. The scent of his musk and the weight of his body above me were overwhelming and I bit at my lip, using the small pain to center myself…I wanted to impale myself upon him so badly that it was a metallic taste on my tongue. "Do you want me?" He whispered into the shell of my ear. "Yes - I want you now!" I pleaded hoarsely. He plundered my mouth in reply. I felt him slide a knee between my legs, parting them, and the tip of his big cock butted against my slickened lips. "Then open your eyes, darling." He demanded, as he aligned himself with my hungry opening. He slid home like a well oiled bolt, and I wrapped my legs around his hips, arching against his weight. He stroked his palms up my arms and finally entwined his fingers with mine on the pillow above my head. As we moved together as one being, we watched each others eyes, only breaking that stare to blink. I felt his grip on my fingers tighten like a vice as he lost his battle against orgasm. My own body was raked by deep shudders of ecstasy already, and deep inside, I could feel my walls caressing him, milking him. is shaking already lost in my own. I felt wet trails on my face, and whether they were sweat of tears, I cannot say. When I cried out joyously, I saw his eyes glitter with some unnamed emotion and I felt the burning heat of his release flood me. Releasing my hands, he wrapped his arms tightly around me, holding me close. He kissed away my tears, which ran unchecked into my tousled hair.
"You haven't asked me what my name is." He teased gently. "Aren't you even curious?"
I sniffled, then smiled tentatively. "I was going to ask over breakfast".
\~ The End \~
*\*\*Dedication \~
This is dedicated to my feral boys with razorblade smiles and eyes like candy. You touched my heart and mind with your loving touch half a lifetime ago and I was forever changed. Wherever I go, you will always be a part of my soul. And for all of the times I never said the words out loud- I love you very much.
This is for you, the men who knew my soul name before I ever knew I had one; life isn't as sweet without you in it. And I shall miss you till the end of my days.
As always \~ your bashful muse. \*\** |
1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 10 | 25,605 | 4.64 | 2,018,484 | [
] | I am not a writer, far from it. Except for the names and places, the stories you read are for the most part true. Still they are not biographies. Artistic license has been taken to enhance or in some cases minimize the events described. All sexual situations were between consensual adults within the framework of their story.
This is the tenth of now twelve interviews I have worked on over the last five years.
Most of these stories cover several years. I will try to keep the chapters short. I suggest you save one for reference. None of the stories are mine, any personal friend, or relative.
Chapter 10
"Daddy, Ashton has a poopy diaper." Violet was giggling as she ran in the room.
I looked at the TV trying not to laugh, and then back to my four year old daughter. Poop was new to her vocabulary, and she tried to use it every chance she got. I myself thought it was hilarious, others in the house however disagreed. I soon learned why.
"Where is the little rug rat?" I asked dislodging myself from the couch.
"He's in the play room with Emmie."
Violet took my hand and led me just outside the room that was once a place of reflection and solitude, my den. Now it looks and smells like a day care center. I couldn't be happier.
"I came to volunteer for poopy duty." I said to Lilly who was rocking on the sun porch.
"Mommy! Daddy said poopy!" Violet squealed.
"Yes he did." Lilly glared at me smiling. "He's being a bad boy too."
"Tattle tale." I scooped up Violet and started tickling her in my arms.
"Emmie, help me!" Violet squealed even louder.
"Emmie's busy changing Ashton's poopy diaper." Lilly said trying not to laugh.
"MOMMY!" Violet shrieked. "Daddy, mommy said poopy."
"How about you take Daisy outside, I'll bring Ashton out in a minute to play." I kissed my daughter then set her down.
"Can I water the flowers?" Violet asked.
"Yes, but not until Emmie comes out." Lilly said.
"Ok." Violet replied happily. "Daisy!" Our daughter called out.
The dog came running into the room where Violet greeted her. Together they walked to the back door like best friends. Lilly and I watched Violet head out the door then run to get the watering can.
I think my sister was offended at first when Violet picked the name. Now she sees it as an honor. The dog is just a mutt from a shelter, but she is extremely protective of both kids. Daisy followed Violet outside, but then went to a spot where she would stand guard over the entire back yard.
I looked at my wife and her growing belly. Lilly looked up at me tired but happy.
"You look beautiful." I said honestly.
"So that is your plan. To keep me bare foot and pregnant?" Lilly pushed herself up from the rocking chair.
"I told you we could stop at any time." I moved to Lilly and embraced her.
"Ha! If I stopped having babies you would starve to death." Lilly teased me.
"Very funny." I blushed. "I can't help it if I'm a tit man."
"I can vouch for that." Emily said holding Ashton's hand as he walked unsteadily. "Although to be fair, you might call him and ass man too."
"Well I'm glad you two enjoy it. I'll pass, these hemorrhoids are enough of a pain in the ass." Lilly chuckled. "You two go outside with the kids. I'll wait for Rose to get here before I start supper."
Emily led Aston out the back door and joined Violet. Violet was filling the watering can with the hose, only now it was overflowing. Lilly pressed against me stretching up for a kiss. I held her in my arms and savored her lips as if it was our first time.
"I could help." I offered.
"You have my love." Lilly whispered. "Now you go out and play in the garden with the kids. All three of them."
I turned and looked out the window with my arm around my wife. Emily was laughing as Violet was splashing in the water puddles she made. Ashton was trying to walk, but in the grass he kept falling. Daisy moved to within feet of Aston and again stood guard.
"She looks younger every day." Lilly said of her mother.
"Kids will do that for you." I teased.
"Having a man that loves you will do that for you Parker." Lilly whispered. "Now go play."
"So will I see you tonight?" I looked down at Lilly.
"You never know?" Lilly laughed. "Have you been a good boy?"
Lilly was right, rarely do I know. Each night when I go to sleep a woman lies beside me. Mostly Emily, often Lilly. Only on rare occasions does Rose spend the night, and then, only to sleep.
"I've tried to be." I boasted. "What do you think?"
"Oh Parker, you are such a good man, you have made all of my dreams come true." Lilly hugged me. "Now go play while I take a nap. I want to be awake when you ravage me tonight."
I led Lilly to the couch I recently occupied and kissed her before she closed her eyes. Walking back to the sun porch I looked out at the back yard and Emily's garden. She and Violet were now watering plants one by one.
I could see Emily teaching Violet the secrets to her success. Ashton had crawled over to Daisy, our dog, and grabbed another handful of fur. The dog must have been tormented for some time as she stood up, move several feet away and plopped down to watch my son again. Ashton then grabbed a handful of grass and tried to eat it.
Our lives are changing again, not only personally, but professionally as well.
On the personal front, as noted, Lilly and I are expecting our third child soon. Lilly says this one is also a girl. Rose suggested we call her Viola, also a flower. Now married, Lucas and my sister Daisy, have a little boy, and too are trying for more.
Professionally there is even more activity. Tori, Emily's sister has accepted another promotion with her company. She will be moving back to California and can return the house she was renting out.
Rose's career continues to advance. We just learned she and Lilly will be returning to Indianapolis to again host her own show. Although the money isn't significantly better, the market size is greater, and therefore garners more prestige.
Lilly announced that when Viola is born she will no longer be working 4 days a week. The plan for now is Lilly will work just 2 days until the kids are in school. Emily has written another book that has done quite well. The subject is gardening in the Midwest. Emily also included a couple of chapters about other successful florists.
Myself? I am now working with an architect, not as employment, but to design an addition to accommodate a growing family and Rose. Fortunately we found and expert in vintage house construction.
Emily and I are heading up to my parent's house in the morning so my Grandmother can sign off on the plans. Considering it was her house for almost fifty years it was the least I could do. While we're there Emily will be going over her financial portfolio with my father, who handles a portion of her estate.
The moment I walked out Daisy gave out a soft bark. Ashton looked over and saw me. Pushing himself up, he stood smiling and wobbling. "Dada."
I made my way over and took his hand. Ashton pointed to Violet. "Vot."
Emily looked up from under her hat at the two of us. I looked past her face and found the object of my desires dangling just inside the opening. With the kids around it doesn't happen as often these days, but Emily still likes to tease me with her tits.
"Violet, Ashton is calling for you." Emily pointed to us.
"Ok." Violet handed Emily the watering can and headed our way.
Joining us I led Ashton to the swing set and started to push them both. Violet was on the swing with the wide strap, Ashton locked in protective chair. Daisy made her way over to Emily and sat beside her as she watched.
"Rose!" Violet jumped from the swing squealing.
"Violet!" Rose happily called out before picking her up and swinging her around.
"Come swing with me." Violet tugged on her aunt.
Rose greeted both Emily and I with a kiss before greeting her nephew with one on his cheek.
"Lilly?" Rose asked as Violet pushed her in the swing.
"Napping." I explained. "Said she will start dinner when you get here."
"When she wakes up you can tell her I was running late." Rose winked at me.
Actually it was Ashton who determined the schedule. Latched onto his mother's milk filled breast, Lilly sat and directed Emily and Rose in the kitchen.
"We could just sleep." I offered.
Lilly opened her eyes and looked at me standing beside the bed.
"Is that what you want?" Lilly asked me suggestively.
"If you're tired." I replied.
"What if I'm horny too?" Lilly giggled.
"Are you?" I laughed.
"Well, I am pregnant." Lilly pulled off the covers exposing her naked body. "Isn't that the way you like it?"
"I don't remember ever saying that." I slipped in beside her naked.
"Maybe you haven't, but this big guy sure seems to enjoy it just the same." Lilly stroked my cock.
"Does that mean you'll be on top?" I leered at her milk swollen tits.
"Will you ravage me after I cum?" Lilly asked for a commitment.
"I can be talked into that." I teased.
"Oh Parker I do love you." Lilly moaned as she mounted my erect cock.
It is hard to explain Lilly and sex. Although she enjoys intercourse, her libido is actually quite low normally. Even Rose admits that Lilly rarely initiates their lovemaking. However, like with me, Lilly would never refuse Rose's advances.
Strange as it might seem, when Lilly is pregnant, it's like her hormones go into overdrive. Lilly not only asks to make love but seems to crave it at times. When she mentioned she was tired but also horny I've learned Lilly actually means it.
Other than enjoying me suckling the milk from her tits, there is nothing wild or kinky going on. Lilly will ride me to a very satisfying orgasm and then roll on her back and begs me to pound her 'pregnant pussy' as she calls it.
The next night Lilly will all but attack Rose the same way.
Then, as if the switch was turned off, between pregnancies' it's back to once a week sex if that.
"Fuck that pregnant pussy!" Lilly squeals digging her finger nails into my ass cheeks.
Lilly's cunt is red and swollen from riding me earlier. Enjoying a massive orgasm her pussy is frothing with spent excitement. Cutting me off much too soon, beads of milk still cling to her nipples assuring Ashton will not go hungry.
"Deeper Parker. " Lilly moans. "I want to feel your love when you cum."
I move my cock at an angle and drag it over her clit. Lilly grabs her stomach and pushes down as her hips roll up.
"Oh god do that again." Lilly growled.
I shifted again and drug my cock back over her clit. Lilly now grabbed both tits and squeezed them firmly. Milk sprayed over my chest and dripped back over hers. With a grunt I plunged my cock hard into Lilly.
"Feel that Viola?" Lilly hissed. "Daddy loves mommy's milk."
Lilly squeezed her tits again and again I slammed deep in her cunt.
"Cum daddy, feed mommy your milk."
Then and there I lost it. Lilly had never said or done that before. I spewed every ounce of cum my balls possessed deep in my wife. Lilly held me tight and rode out another orgasm herself.
After cleaning up we laid together on the edge of sleep.
"Parker." Lilly stroked my cock softly.
"Yeah." I nuzzled up tightly.
"Are you sure you should spend the night?" Lilly whispered.
"It's been five years Lil. I think she's earned the right to know." I replied.
My wife rolled over and looked at me. Her eyes were scanning mine to see if I was up to this. Her concerns did little to curtail mine. Lilly's hand came up and caressed my cheek.
"I think you have earned the right to know." Lilly said. "I don't want to see you lose your family over this."
"If I lose them over this...., we're not much of a family." I explained. "Don't worry, she'll call." I smiled.
"Tomorrow night when Emily calls I want to see." Lilly giggled.
"You mean watch us?" I sat up in bed. "Tomorrow? Tomorrow night at my parents?"
"Emily will love it." Lilly teased. "That's what I want to see. A live movie." Lilly chuckled.
"But how?" I asked in astonishment. "
"You have a phone, figure it out." Lilly pulled my arm around to her belly then closed her eyes. "According to Daisy, you've done things like this before." Lilly snuggled against me. "Mom will..." Lilly squeezed my cock. "...let's just say you may get more brownie points than you may ever be able to spend."
It was a beautiful morning as Emily and I headed out. We each kissed Rose and Lilly goodbye as well as the kids. It wasn't ten minutes after we pulled out of the drive when Emily's bra was placed in the glovebox.
"Comfy now?" I looked over.
"You just keep your eyes on the road and I will be." Emily chuckled as she pushed the material of her blouse against her chest.
From under the brim of her hat I looked in her eyes. Emily no longer blushes at the games we play. I know she gets just as much enjoyment flashing me as I do being flashed.
"You're as beautiful as the first day we met." I smiled.
"Ha, you're just saying that to get in my pants." Emily accused me.
"Will it work?" I teased.
"Probably." Emily chuckled.
"Then you really are as beautiful as the first day we met." I looked deep in her eyes.
Emily pulled her top down exposing a tit. Quickly covering it up, she pointed out the windshield.
"Eyes on the road."
We are on the way to visit my parents, just the two of us. Emily has been there before, but always with Lilly and the kids as well. Except for my grandmother, neither my mom nor dad has acknowledged Emily as something other than Rose and Lilly's mother. Somehow I hope to change that.
Emily made an appointment with my father for the next day. He has been helping Emily with some of her investments for the last couple of years. As we drove, I told her the story my dad told me about the guy who wanted the motorcycle insurance.
When my mother told me dad had won an award at work I suggested we celebrate by going out to dinner. They have a favorite spot, which has a small ensemble on weekends, where they can also dance. I happily agreed.
Emily put the bra back on just blocks from my parents' home.
My father, Payton, was in the garage with my brother Darren. I walked around and opened Emily's door as they approached.
"How was the drive" Dad asked looking at the old sedan.
"Happily uneventful." I smiled.
"When are you going to get rid of the old girl? Can't you afford a new car?" Darren asked kicking the tire.
I quickly glanced at Emily and then back at Darren and my dad.
"Not going to happen, she's part of the family." I replied.
"Damn right she's not going anywhere." Emily muttered under her breath.
Darren and dad looked at me to see if I understood what she said.
"Is mom around?" I changed the subject.
"They're in the back yard." My father pointed out.
Since the day of my wedding, my grandmother, Caroline, knew Emily and I were lovers. She has always greeted Emily enthusiastically. Many think it is because they both have a passion for gardening. I think it's because they both have an appreciation for passion.
My mother, Joyce, on the other hand has been wary of Emily since the beginning. Because of the distance we live apart visits are mostly only for holidays and special occasions. Lilly and I have brought the grandkids up a many times, but only occasionally with Emily. Since this is the first time Emily and I have come alone, I walked Emily over and stayed a few minutes while they all got reacquainted.
Mom hopped up to greet us both. If mom was unhappy Emily was with me, she didn't let it be known at this time. My grandmother, waited for us to approach her. Darren's wife Pam was present and waited to greet us after Caroline.
I went back and joined Darren and my dad. We all sat outside to enjoy lunch before Darren and Pam left.
"Our dinner reservations are at 7." My mother explained to Emily and me.
"Nothing too formal, I hope." Emily looked at me. "I only brought the one dress."
"Nothing formal." Mom replied. "If you're going to wear a dress, than so will we." Mom nodded to my grandmother.
It was a beautiful day to relax, and that we did. Sitting in the shade I opened up the plans for the new addition on the house. My dad and grandmother looked them over while Emily updated my mom on the grandchildren.
My grandmother gushed over the expansion especially when I explained the addition would look just like her old house inside and out. My dad was only concerned about how much it would cost.
I went out to the car and brought in our luggage. Emily was still outside with my dad and grandmother. I carried the luggage in the house, I started to pass by my mother as she stood in the kitchen. Joyce, my mother, looked at both suitcases and the hanging bag holding my shirt, slacks, and Emily's dress.
The way my mother looked at me let me know she was concerned. As I stated, up until now Lilly has always been present when we visit. My mother knows Emily lives with us, she also knows Lilly is away for days at a time. Etiquette suggests asking questions surrounding the living arrangements are not asked. Until now.
"Where are you taking them?" Mom asked.
"To the spare room." I replied unwavering.
Mom looked at the back yard for several moments. She's no idiot, for that matter neither is my father. The difference is mom notices things, my dad on the other hand does not.
"Is that wise?" My mother asked me still looking outside.
"Probably not." I answered.
"Parker, she is your mother-in-law." My mom said as the back door opened.
I looked to see who it was. My grandmother looked at us both, then sat down.
"You could sleep on the couch." Mom replied.
"We could get a hotel room." I suggested.
"You will do no such thing." My grandmother, Caroline, protested.
"But Payton..." My mother started to argue.
"Is clueless." Caroline cut her off. "We both knew this day would come. Well now it has."
It's not like I had a specific plan, if I did, it wouldn't have looked like this. My mother focused on her mother none too happy. Caroline stood her ground and nodded back at me. Mom took a deep breath then slowly exhaled.
"So it's true then?" My mother looked directly at me.
"Yes." I answered truthfully.
"And Lilly?" Mom asked with a tear in her eye.
"Encourages it. So does Rose." I explained. "Do you want to know why?"
Mom again hesitated.
"Yes." My mother whispered.
"Because of you." I admitted.
"Me?" Mom replied taken aback.
"And dad, and grandma, and especially Daisy." I offered.
"What are you saying?" Mom asked exasperated.
"Rose is a celebrity, not a national celebrity, but a celebrity just the same." I started. "I don't know all the details, but somewhere along the way Daisy met Rose, maybe for a college class?"
"Daisy?" Mom asked astonished.
"I'm pretty sure. Anyways, in public Rose would pose as her twin sister."
"To avoid unwanted attention?" My grandmother cut in. "To keep her personal life private?"
"Probably. Not all the time mind you, she's still on TV. But enough to cast doubt." I added. "Through Daisy, Rose met me. I figured out their game and met Lilly."
"And you seduced Lilly?" Mom asked piecing it together.
"Well..." I looked at my grandmother who just smiled. "Not until Rose seduced me first."
"What?" My mother stammered. "Why in the world would she do that?" Mom looked at both of us. I nodded to my grandmother.
"Darling, Rose did it..... because Rose and Lilly are lovers." Caroline announced. "I thought you knew?"
From her reaction it was clear my mom didn't know how truly close Rose and Lilly are. I took her hand and led her to a seat beside her mother.
"Mom, Lilly and I fell in love. She wanted some things Rose couldn't give her." I kneeled in front of her. "Security, kids, a normal life, something she never had with a famous mother and sister."
"You mean Lilly ......Rose." My mother's eyes pleaded with me to understand.
"Will always be together. That's why Rose made me come to California." I explained. "She didn't want me to take Lilly away from her."
"So she made her mother seduce you?" Joyce suggested.
I looked at my grandmother again.
"No baby, that had to be Lilly's decision." My grandmother took her daughters hand.
"So you seduced Emily?" My mother now accused me.
"Well, not exactly. When we met she tried to kick me out, send me back home." I explained. "But I saw in her what I see in both of her daughters. I fell in love with Emily too."
"Stop!" My mother blurted out. "Parker this is incest, and more incest! What does this have to do with me?"
I looked at my grandmother one last time.
"Joyce, Parker was chosen because of how he was brought up. Loving, honest, and if I'm right, loyal." Caroline confided. "He's a good man. Think about Rose and Emily as celebrities. What he knows about that family. The secrets he could tell."
"Parker you wouldn't?" My mother jumped up and stood over me.
"When I told you I'm in love with them...." I stood up in front of my mother. "...I meant it. I would give my life for any of them."
Mom sat back down and looked at her mother. I could see how much this weighed on her mind. She looked at me and then the back yard.
"You mustn't tell your father what you've told me." Mom looked up.
"I won't. But I won't lie either." I replied.
My grandmother squeezed her daughters hand and nodded in agreement.
"Ok." Mom replied with a sigh.
I picked up the luggage and the bag and headed out of the kitchen.
"Parker?" My mom called out.
"I'll leave clean sheets on the dresser for in the morning." Mom whispered. "If he finds out, please don't rub his nose in it."
I headed down the hallway conflicted. Mom's offer to supply clean sheets, if not an outright approval, suggested at least, a small amount of acceptance.
Taking my mother's suggestion to heart, I changed clothes in my father's office, while Emily dressed in the spare room. Walking down the hall I stopped at the spare room. The door was open and Emily was looking at herself in the mirror.
I leaned against the opening and just watched her primp. Emily looked at me in the reflection of the mirror.
"Can you zip me up?" She asked batting her eyes.
I approached from behind slipping my hand inside the back of the dress and around to the sides.
"I'd only change one thing." I teased.
"What's that?" Emily cooed.
"With this dress you're wearing a bra? It wouldn't do if you were uncomfortable all night." I winked at her in the mirror.
I reached back and undid the clasp. With the bra now free I moved my hands inside Emily's dress and cupped her tits.
"But what about your parents?" Emily stepped forward. Freeing herself, she turned and looked at me.
"As long as you don't flash them, I think they'll be fine." I joked.
Emily blushed then slid the dress off each shoulder. Next she quickly removed the bra and handed it to me. I tossed the hated bra on the bed as I ogled her tits. Now covering her chest I leaned in for a kiss. Breaking free Emily turned her back so I could zip up her dress.
Facing the mirror at a different angle than me I noticed her eyes wander to the door. I turned and looked.
"Mom?" I blurted out accusatorily. "How long have you been standing there?
She didn't answer, when her eyes went to the bra on the bed, mine followed. When she looked back at me I followed her eyes again. When she looked at Emily I stayed focused on her.
There was this pause I knew all so well. My mother had this down pat. This could be good, or bad, you never knew which. Looking for clues which way it would be, my eyes never left my mothers.
"I'm sorry Emily...it's not like me to eavesdrop...but..." Mom whispered. "...I think I have a better understanding now." Mom then looked back at me squarely in the eyes. "I see now how difficult this may be for you, but hopefully you can keep your hands off of Emily in public?"
After that my mother turned to leave.
"Mom?" I spoke up. Just hearing my voice seemed to startle her.
"Yes?" She said with her back to me.
"Is there something you wanted?" I asked.
Mom turned to us with watery eyes. "We're ready when you are."
"I'll be ready in a minute." Emily replied reaching for the bra.
"Don't be absurd." My mother smiled. "You look perfect just the way you are."
"Are you sure?" Emily wavered.
Mom stepped in the room and gently took Emily's hand. Leaning in, my mom gave Emily a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I insist." She then led Emily from the room.
With the women all in dresses and my dad in a blazer I felt a bit under dressed. I borrowed a sports coat and off we went. I let my dad drive the old sedan so I could sit in the back with Emily and my grandmother.
My dad was on his third beer, I stopped after the first. Mom ordered a small cake for desert as a celebration for my dad's award. As the band started their first set mom and dad hit the dance floor. After the second song I took my dad's jacket off, stood up and offered Emily my hand.
"Care to dance?" I asked.
"I'm not sure I know how." Emily blushed.
"Perfect, he doesn't know either." My grandmother quipped.
"I only stepped on your foot once." I replied.
Laughing, Emily took my hand and we joined my parents on the dance floor. After years of marriage and dancing, they were actually quite good. Emily and I basically just wiggled in place.
When the first slow song started playing I took Emily in my arms. Pressed against me she rested her face against my chest. With my hands on Emily's waist I was tempted to let them slide over her ass.
"Parker why have me take off the bra?" Emily whispered. "With this dress no one will know."
Emily was right. With short sleeves, a modest neckline, and the dark material, it would be difficult to tell.
"I'll know." I leaned in and kissed her hair.
"You're incorrigible." Emily smiled looking up. "I wasn't sure your mom would approve of me."
"My grandmother approves, let's just say mom is working on it." I explained.
"She handles it well." Emily looked over at my parents dancing. "That must be hard for her."
I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I didn't. Emily pressed firmly against me as we continued to shuffle in place.
By the end of our stay I danced not only with my mother but my grandmother as well. Getting ready to leave my dad handed me the keys to the car. Putting the sports coat back on I dropped the keys in the pocket.
Mom walked my father to the car as Emily and I followed behind with my grandmother.
"I think he's had one too many." My grandmother snickered.
I deposited the women in the back seat with my mother. Walking around behind the car I reached in my pocket for the keys. My hand came upon something that was slightly bigger and longer than the fob.
From the distinct contours I knew exactly what it was. Laughing to myself I reach in the other pocket. I pulled the keys out but with them came something else. Emily's lace panties. I stopped in my tracks and quickly stuffed the panties back in the pocket.
Taking my seat behind the wheel I was feeling a bit uncomfortable. My cock was starting to get hard just thinking of what may lie ahead.
"You ok?" Mom asked.
"Uh, yeah, I think dad must have moved the seat forward a bit." I lied.
I looked over to see if he was going to set me straight but his eyes were closed and he seemed to be sleeping. I drove us back to my parents' house the whole time wondering what Emily had in mind.
With the butt plug in one pocket, and her panties in the other, all I could think of is the game we play in dressing her. My guess is Emily was offering me one or another. The butt plug was clear, what was the other? My cock continued to strain in my pants as I thought of Emily sitting between my mother and grandmother with no panties on.
"Parker, you better help me with your father." Mom tapped me on the shoulder.
"Sure." I replied hoping my erection didn't show when I got out.
Emily walked with my grandmother as I helped steady my dad through the house to their bedroom. Leaving mom to deal with my dad, I found Emily and my grandmother talking in the living room. When my eyes found Emily's she stopped talking. There was this unmistakable sexual tension that instantly filled the room.
"Yes, well...." My grandmother stood. "...I'll get ready for bed so the bathroom will be free for the two of you."
Emily looked at my grandmother and let out a bit of a chuckle.
"She didn't mean it like that." I said.
"Of course I did Parker, I told you before, I was young once too."
"Goodnight grandma." I said giving her a hug.
"Goodnight Caroline." Emily stood and hugged her too.
Emily moved in front of me and wrapped her arms inside my jacket.
"Thank you for such a wonderful time." Emily stretched up to kiss me.
Her lips were warm and wet, I could feel the anticipation it the kiss.
"So did you decide?" Emily asked excitedly.
Pulling the butt plug and the panties from my father's jacket I held them in opposite hands.
"Here? In my parents' house?" I taunted her.
"It's what you want isn't it?" Emily snuggled tighter.
"Why would you say that?" I replied perplexed.
"You told your mother you're fucking me didn't you?" Emily provoked me.
"She suspected, I only confirmed it." I admitted.
"Thank you Parker." Emily stretched up and kissed me again. "Joyce is not thrilled about it, but she was happy you didn't lie to her."
"So you've talked?" I asked warily.
"In tactful way." Emily kissed me again. "Besides the fact that I'm your mother-in-law, she thinks I'm too old for you."
"And you're ok with that?" I dared to ask.
"Do you still love me Parker?"
"I do."
"Then unzip this dress and choose." Emily turned around.
"Bend over." I whispered.
Emily looked over her shoulder and into my eyes. I placed the panties back in the coat pocket and spit on the butt plug. Emily turned and bent over. Pulling the back of her dress up I placed the slender end of the dildo against her brown star.
With a firm but gentle push I inserted the butt plug fully in her ass. Emily wiggled her butt then stood up.
"Now the zipper." She murmured.
I pulled the zipper down the middle of her back. Emily pulled the dress from her shoulders then let the material fall to the floor.
"What are you doing?" I gasped in astonishment.
"Going to take a shower..." Emily looked back over her shoulder. "... are you coming?"
Now naked Emily stepped out of the dress and started to the hallway. I picked up the dress and followed her. Just as we got to the spare room my grandmother came out of the bathroom in her housecoat.
I instantly stopped but Emily continued. Grandma looked at Emily then back to me. With a wink she turned and headed to her bedroom without a word. I took off my dad's jacket, and along with the dress placed them in the closet on hangers.
I undressed then slipped on my sleeping shorts just in case. When I entered the bathroom Emily was waiting for me. Before I could respond she pulled my shorts down and grabbed my cock.
"Where's your phone?" Emily cocked her head to one side.
"What?" I asked momentarily confused.
"Rose and Lilly are waiting." Emily chuckled. "Now hurry and go get it."
Stepping out of my shorts I moved quickly down the hall and back with a raging hard on. Obviously Lilly confided with Emily to our plan. Hitting a few prompts we were soon looking at not only Rose and Lilly, but Daisy as well.
Dressed in night wear they were lounging in bed with Rose in the middle. I propped the phone up so the girls could see Emily and myself.
"Hi mom, hi Parker." Lilly leaned forward as they all waved. "We're ready when you are."
Emily giggled. "Oh, ok, well II guess we'll get right to it? Now don't interrupt, or I'll turn this off."
"We understand." Rose laughed.
"What did he choose?" Daisy asked.
"You keep watching and you'll find out." Emily turned and gripped my hard cock.
Hearing those words, the sober reality suddenly hit me. From hundreds of miles away, the girls would be watching us. Before I could start to dwell on it Emily quickly took charge.
Dropping a towel on the floor Emily moved to her knees and took my cock in her mouth.
"Mom!" Rose squealed. "I can't believe you're doing that."
"Rose be quiet." Lilly hissed.
Emily looked up at me with her eyes wide open and a smile wrapped around my cock. It was then I realized Emily's dream was coming true. The closet exhibitionist has an audience.
I rested my hand beside Emily's face and caressed her cheek. With a steady rhythm I watched as my cock disappeared deep in Emily's mouth. I looked further down and saw Emily's tits wiggle on her chest, the pert nipples begging for attention.
With an uncontrollable surge I felt my cock swell bigger in Emily's mouth.
"Cum for me Parker." Her hand stroked my tense balls. "I want to taste your love."
Emily devoured my cock once again. The sounds of her slurping echoed off the walls. My hand slipped down under her chin. As my cock went deep in her mouth I felt it start down her throat.
"I'm going to cum Em." I barely moaned.
"Do it!" I heard Daisy shout.
"On her tits." Rose added.
Just then Emily pulled my cock out and smeared her face with saliva and pre-cum.
"On my face Parker. Do it now."
Almost against my will, it happened before I knew it. With her mouth open, my cock spouted a long thick rope of cum from Emily's hair down across the bridge of her nose. Still looking at me with desire, Emily tilted her head resting my cock on the tip of her tongue.
I wanted to warn her but my legs stiffened and my cock swelled sending the next volley straight down her throat. Emily was caught off guard by the volume and coughed a bit. Closing her mouth the next splurge hit her chin, dangled momentarily, then dripped down her chest.
"All of it." Emily hissed as she pointed my cock at her chest. "Cover those titties."
I leaned my head back and let Emily stroke the remaining cum from my balls. Weak and drained I started to take a step back.
"Where are you going?" Emily snarled still gripping my half hard cock. "You have an ass to fuck."
"Really!" Rose squealed.
"But mom..." Lilly spoke up. ".....he might need a minute."
"I bet he won't." Emily stood up to face me.
She was covered in my cum and looked happy to be that way. For her whole adult life I bet she's waited for this moment. With a gentle grip on my cock Emily stoked it.
"Do you want this as bad as I do?" Emily whispered.
Her eyes focused on mine as she continued to jack me off. "Yes." I replied truthfully.
Emily turned to the phone and bent down. "Ok Lilly, you start."
I looked at my phone as Emily bent down and picked up the towel. On the small screen I watched as Lilly started to undress. From the corner of my eye Emily was cleaning the cum from her body.
When I looked back Rose was now starting to undress. Suddenly a greasy hand coated in lube stroke my quickly hardening cock.
"Ok Daisy, your turn." Emily chuckled.
Daisy stood on the bed and started to remove her pajamas. Emily greased my cock again liberally.
"Look how beautiful she is." Emily pointed to the phone.
"Daisy...but why?" I asked.
Daisy leaned forward, her massive tits hung down heavily.
"To see this. I wanted to be with my sisters to watch." Daisy reached over and squeezed Rose's tit. "Now fuck your dirty little girl in the ass."
"Ready mom?" Lilly giggled.
Laying a towel on the counter, Emily picked up the phone and motioned to me. I lifted her up and she spread her legs. Leaning back against the mirror she rolled her hips exposing the butt plug.
"Ready!" She squealed much too loudly.
I reached in and grabbed the dildo and took a firm grip. Holding the phone so the girls could see Emily nodded she was ready. With a practiced tug I pulled the ribbed toy slowly but steadily from its warm hiding place.
"Hurry my love." Emily gasped as it finally pulled free.
I tossed the toy in the sink and moved between Emily's legs. Gripping my greasy cock I pressed it to the opening for her desires.
"Slowly Parker, I want them to see how big you are." Emily grunted from the pressure.
"Mom that will never fit." Rose gasped.
"Sure it will, they've been doing for years." Lilly laughed.
"That is so fucking hot!" Daisy mewed.
With the phone pointed at our sexes Emily and I focused on each other. 'I love you.' Emily mouthed. 'Me too.' I replied the same way.
"Now Parker, show them how you fuck your dirty little girl." Emily moaned.
With one last push I forced my cock past her relaxed muscle.
"Holy shit." Rose gasped again.
"Really Rose? That's gross." Lilly laughed. "Think you could take that?"
"No fucking way." Rose cursed. "He's too big for my pussy."
"Look at her, Emily is loving it." Daisy spoke up.
She was right, Emily was loving it. Getting her ass fucked was a treat but having people watching was always a fantasy of hers.
"Mom hold the phone steady." Lilly said.
"Good bye girls, I'm going to set the phone down." Emily handed it to me.
I propped it up the best I could then grabbed Emily's hips.
"Fuck me deep Parker." Emily begged.
I pushed her legs up in front of my chest as Emily now laid on her back. I stabbed my cock in and out of her tight opening, watching her tits jiggle on her chest. Before long the moaning in the bathroom was joined by moaning from the phone.
"Hurry mom." Rose whimpered.
"What?" Emily looked up at me with half closed eyes.
I picked up the phone and handed it to Emily.
"Hurry mom, cum with me." Rose squeaked.
"Just a minute baby." Emily looked up at me. "Faster."
Handing me the phone I looked at the screen and saw Lilly working a strap on dildo in Rose's pussy as Daisy was fucking herself with another one.
"Tell mom to hurry." Rose said to me.
I looked down to see Emily rubbing her clit and squeezing her nipple.
"She won't be long now." I turned the phone to Emily showing Rose what her mother was doing.
True to my word it didn't take long for Emily to cum. Rose and Daisy joined her with their own wonderful climax.
Having cum earlier I was still hard and thought of pulling out of Emily's ass.
"Where do you think you're going?" Emily anticipated my move.
"I thought you may want a break?" I suggested.
"We're not done until you fill my ass with cum." Emily barked. "On my knees or in the shower?"
"The shower?" I guessed.
"Smart man." Emily grinned. "Tell the girls goodnight."
I looked at the phone but they were already under the covers snuggling together. I said goodnight mostly to Lilly and turned off the phone. Emily was now waiting for me in the shower with the water running.
"Are you up to this?" Emily stretched up for a kiss.
"No screaming now, the walls in this house have ears." I warned her.
"You sure she's not watching?" Emily now teased me.
"Let's find out." I took the bait.
With her back to me Emily bent over. I guided my slick cock back to her waiting ass. I pressed firmly into the puffy skin and pressed forward.
"God I love that feeling." Emily sighed as I pushed past her sphincter.
Embedded in her ass I pushed my wrists behind her knees and lifted Emily up. The weight of her torso forced my cock deep in her body as her legs dangled in front.
"Hurry now Parker. I want to feel you cum." Emily twisted to kiss me.
Our lips met and with the passion of our kiss so was the passion in her ass. The water sprayed on Emily's expose pussy sending tremors through her body.
"Your tits Em, play with your tits." I groaned.
This was our favorite position. Even as light as Emily is, the strain on my arms and back dictated it wouldn't last long. In turn it pressed all of our buttons at once.
My cock stretching her asshole with the weight of her body. The water pelting her tender clit and pussy lips. Emily teasing her tits while I was able to look on, and the best part, the strain of kissing while it all took place.
I rotated my hips forcing my cock in and out of Emily's ass.
"I can feel it Parker." Emily inhaled. "Don't wait for me." She now exhaled.
"You're so tight tonight." I moaned.
"You're so big." Emily stroked my ego.
"Soon Em." I warned her. "Show me your clit."
"No Parker." Emily protested.
"Your clit." I nibble on her ear.
"You bastard you better cum." Emily cursed.
Pulling her pussy lips wide I aimed the shower stream right on her clit.
"FUCK MY ASS!" Emily all but screamed.
I felt her shudder and then my cock unloaded deep within her bowels.
"Fuck me Parker. Fuck me again. Fuck your dirty little girl." Emily collapsed in my arms.
I pulled my cock out and together we sank to the floor of the shower. Turning in my arms we embraced and kissed for several minutes. With the water still cascading over us I pushed Emily's hair out of her eyes.
"Is my clean little girl happy now?" I whispered.
"Parker I've never been happier in my entire life." Emily caressed my cheek.
In the morning I got up early and went out for a jog. I came in the back door and entered the kitchen. Except for my dad, they were all at the table for breakfast.
The room became deathly quiet when I stepped in. Grandma was smiling, Emily was glowing. Mom glared at me as she did when I shared the room with Daisy. It was deja vu all over again.
"Your father is waiting for you in his office." Mom said dryly.
I headed down the hall to get some fresh clothes and take another shower. When I reached the spare room the door was standing open. Again, it was clear only one bed was slept in.
Emily, I mused. I distinctly remember closing the door when I left earlier. I bet Emily purposely left it open just to make a point. I took my shower and after dressing headed to my father's office.
I found not only him but Emily waiting for my arrival. My father greeted me coldly but subtly as well. Emily greeted me as outlandishly as she could. Moving to me she pulled me down for a firm kiss on the lips. At that moment, if looks could kill, I would have been dead.
"Ah, yes, maybe we should get started." My father announced instead.
I could tell it took every ounce of professionalism for him to say that instead of throwing us out of his office. Sitting side by side Emily and I sat in front of my father's desk. Dad quickly started to lay out additional suggestions for Emily's future investments.
In the middle of one important point, Emily reached over and held my hand. Seeing this my father did his best to control his emotions. Emily then plied him with question after question no doubt hoping to soften him up. I knew he was still perturbed as dad looked at Emily constantly shifting in her chair.
"You could sit on the couch, it's softer." I suggested with a sly smile.
"Would you mind?" Emily looked back at my dad.
Confused but also relieved, dad was happy to agree. "Be my guest." Payton swept his hand in that direction.
Emily moved to the couch taking a stack of papers with her.
"Now do you have any questions?" My dad asked as Emily settled in.
"I think I understand. The fixed rate is a guaranteed return." Emily repeated. "The index can change with the market but has a maximum amount of return, and in exchange can't go down."
"That's right. And the variable annuity?" Dad asked.
"Should give the best return but can lose money." Emily replied proudly. "
"Perfect." With the two of us no longer together dad smiled.
"I have my checkbook right here." Emily reached for her purse.
"Don't you want to think it over?" Dad challenged her.
"I already have." Emily replied confidently. "I trust you to do what's right for me."
Emily then stood up with just her checkbook and headed back to the desk. Just by the way she moved I sensed she was going to do something outrageous. Emily passed by the chair she occupied earlier then plopped on my lap.
"We 'can' trust him to do what's best can't we?" Emily asked me with a wink.
"Why...yes. Yes 'we' can." I quickly caught up.
"Then it's settled, what do you need from me?" Emily turned back to my dad.
"You could start with who the beneficiaries are." Dad asked a bit unnerved.
"Just Parker." Emily replied.
"My son?" My dad asked completely in shock.
He looked at me only to see if I was as surprised as he was. I was.
"Yes." Emily nodded as she started filling out a check.
"But what about Lilly and Rose?" My dad questioned. "Don't you have a sister?"
"Lilly and Rose have enough money. Besides Lilly is married to Parker, she'll get at least half if they divorce." Emily winked at me as she dated the check. "My sister has more money than me and no one to spend it on."
"Parker?" My dad repeated. "You're sure?"
"Positive. Every dime." Emily confirmed as she signed her name.
Just then my dad looked at me in a way I have rarely seen. He had tried to be professional, even overly patient. But this, this was more than he could accept.
"Is that because Parker is sleeping with you?" He lashed out.
"That and he's fucking me." Emily handed my dad the check.
This time I was sure she pushed him too far. As my dad started turning beet red, I thought he might have a stroke or something. Looking at the check only seemed to make him madder.
"I don't want this!" He stood tossing the check down on the desk.
"Sure you do." Emily pushed it back to him. "Parker only did what you told him to do."
"ME? I never told him to...to..." Dad refused to say it.
"Fuck me? Sure you did. The guy with the motorcycle insurance?" Emily chuckled.
"What?" Dad shifted his eyes to mine. "What does that have to do with what the two of you are doing?" My dad fumed.
"You told Parker to fix the problem." Emily hesitated.
My dad now looked back at Emily confused. "I'm the problem." Emily replied happily.
"What?" Dad asked shaking his head.
"Actually Lilly and I were both the problem. " Emily continued to goad him. "With two kids and one on the way, we both know he's fucking her too."
"Damn it..." Dad swore. (And he rarely swears) "...well, that's the problem, isn't it?"
"No Payton, it's not. Your son Parker fixed that. Now I need you to fix his problem."
"His problem?" My dad asked puzzled. He was way over his head and didn't even know it.
"I can take my business else ware, or keep it with you, either way we'll still be lovers." Emily pointed out. "I'm not asking for approval."
"What then?" My dad looked down at the check.
"If you're as smart as Parker is, and I think you are..." Emily turned and kissed me firmly then stood up. "...you'll figure it out." Emily then walked out of the room leaving us alone.
I sat silently as my father contemplated what just went on. He turned and looked out the window. With a voice I could barely make out.
"Does your mother know about this?" He asked still looking away.
"Yes." I answered.
"And she approves?"
"Not really." I replied.
Dad turned and looked at me closely. "But you have an understanding?"
"I wasn't supposed to tell you." I explained.
"So you had Emily do it?"
"No. I'm as surprised as you are." I answered truthfully.
"Then why did she do it?" Dad asked still puzzled.
"We may never know." I cracked a wary smile.
Dad seemed to take that as confirmation that I too was still in the dark. He sat down in his chair and looked at the check with over seven figures.
"She would leave this all to you?" Dad shook his head.
I stood up and headed to the door. Stopping I turned and faced him.
"Dad, Emily trusts you with money. Because of you and mom, she trusts me with what she cares about."
I turned and left him sitting in his office.
I had just loaded the last of our luggage in the car when Emily approached with my mother and grandmother. My grandmother approached me first offering me a hug and a kiss goodbye. I turned to my mother only to find her and Emily in an extended embrace.
When they parted mom move to give me a hug.
"Thank you both for coming." She whispered as I held her close.
I kissed her on the cheek and held her at arm's length.
"Do you really mean that?" I questioned her.
Mom looked at Emily who was now talking with my grandmother. She looked back at me with a tentative smile.
"Emily told me what she said to your father." Mom glanced at her again. "Give him a few days, he'll come around."
"You didn't answer my question." I reminded her.
"Give Lilly and the kids my love." Mom leaned in and kissed my cheek.
Mom winked then stepped back to join my grandmother.
Emily's bra was in the glovebox before we hit the highway. By the bottom of the entrance ramp her head was resting in my lap with her eyes closed. I reached over and caressed her side before moving my hand to hip. When it started to drift over her ass Emily looked up at me.
"Eyes on the road." She said before closing hers again.
"Emmie!" Violet squealed as I opened her door.
Lilly handed me Ashton as she leaned in and gave me a kiss.
"Did you miss me?" Lilly nuzzled up to me as well.
"I did." I teased her.
"Right answer." Lilly kissed me again.
"No Rose?" I asked looking around.
"She took Daisy home, she'll be back in a couple of hours." Lilly explained.
"Daisy spent the night?" I pried.
"Her and the baby. Lucas was out with some buddies." Lilly smiled. "Your mom called."
"Everything ok?" I asked concerned.
"We talked." Lilly replied cryptically.
"About you and Emily." Lilly teased.
"And?" I asked getting a bit testy.
"She wants you to call." Lilly kissed me. "She said it's kind of important."
"Do you know what it's about?" I asked softening my tone.
"That my love you will need to find out for yourself." Lilly kissed me one last time.
I spent a half hour playing with Aston and Violet, mostly because I was stalling before making the call. I put Violet down for a nap, then joined Emily and Lilly, who was nursing Ashton in the sun porch.
Rose returned just as Lilly put Ashton in his crib. Rose greeted both Emily and I with a hug and a kiss. Lilly joined me in the padded wicker loveseat.
"So are you still sore?" Rose sat beside Emily on the matching couch.
"Rose!" Emily protested.
"Mom!" Rose implored.
"Ok. A little bit." Emily blushed.
"But you loved it right?" Rose asked almost giddy.
Emily looked at me and blushed again.
"Every time we do it." Emily agreed.
"That's so awesome." Rose beamed. "So what was it like letting us watch?"
"Rose!" Emily whined.
"Come on you loved it? Didn't you?" Rose squealed.
Emily looked at Lilly and then myself. I could see that wicked smile start to form.
"Your father never understood me." Emily explained.
"Well we know Parker does." Rose laughed.
"I'm pretty sure he understands us all. Even you Rose." Emily replied. "I don't know how I can ever thank you two girls enough."
"Oh mom I love you." Rose blurted out emotionally.
Rose threw herself at Emily and embraced her like I had never seen before. Lilly looked at me and then at her sister and mother. Turning back to me I could see Lilly starting to cry.
"Oh Parker, you did it." Lilly embraced me. "This is the day I've waited my whole life for." Lilly sobbed.
With tears running down her cheeks Lilly kissed me over and over. Then in a moment of pure happiness Lilly joined Rose and Emily on the couch.
I went into the kitchen and dialed my parents' house.
"Hello." Mom answered.
"Hi mom." I replied.
"Thank you for calling Parker." She said.
"Lilly said you had something important to tell me." I questioned.
"I think your father is having an affair." Mom said much too calmly.
"Why would you think that?" I asked cautiously.
"I found a pair of panties in his coat pocket." Mom replied trying not to laugh.
"Um...about that." I stammered.
"Parker..." Mom interrupted me. "...we talked, your father and I. We'll be putting a queen sized bed in the spare room in a few days. When you bring Emily up to sign the papers next weekend, you're welcome to bring Violet as well. Your grandmother offered to share her room with Violet."
"I love you mom."
"You're a good man Parker Chase. Your father and I are proud of you." My mother said emotionally. "Please have Emily call your dad, he has a few questions for the paperwork."
"I will." I replied.
"We can talk when you get here. Give everyone our love."
That was two years ago.
I told Emily, Rose and Lilly about mom finding Emily's panties in my dad's jacket I mistakenly left there. We all had a hearty laugh that lasted almost the whole week. Emily and I did take Violet the next weekend, and although my mother set out fresh sheets, we didn't use them on that trip.
We have however, needed them on several other visits. Viola was born a healthy little girl and looks just like her mother and aunt. Lilly has talked about more kids but for now she seems happy with the three we have.
The addition to the house came out spectacular if I have to say so myself. Rose is still on TV and as far as I can tell still maintains a reasonably private life. Emily stopped writing books but still spends hours in the garden or the greenhouse each day.
My sister Daisy has welcomed a second child into their family jut six months ago. Along with her husband Lucas we see each other several times a week. Sunday is still a day for family. We are still close, but except for a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek, we have never visited the past.
Rose still loves to cuddle up on my lap and have my arms around her. With the kids getting older we have curtailed our signs of affection considerably. Only on the rarest of occasions has she spent the night. Since my marriage to Lilly we have never engaged in any sex.
Lilly now only works a day or two a week, mostly, I think, to have adult interactions. Violet and Ashton are in school and daycare. Viola is looked after by Lilly and her mom. As noted before Lilly is a perfect wife in every way. Sex is still not a priority, but as promised, is never withheld.
This may sound conceited to most, but I still love her as much today, as the day we married. We still do everything together, except on occasion, when I'm with...
From the beginning our relationship has been both tumultuous and endearing. Lilly says I've changed Emily, I say I've learned to understand her better. When Emily loses herself in the world of flowers I am no more important than a bee. If I am helping with her projects, I have a job to do, and am expected to do it.
Knowing this I patiently wait for the times Emily emerges and joins the rest of us. I savor these moments and find myself enthralled in this adorable creature. Our relationship has only grown with each passing day.
To say I love her more or less than Lilly, would be a lie, and disrespectful to them both. To compare them would be fruitless. They are exactly the same and completely different at the same time.
What Rose saw in me on that snowy spring day I may never know? But to answer the final question. I am the guy who met an amazing woman, her twin sister, and then her mother. In the process I changed their lives as much as they changed mine.
Who am I? I am the luckiest man in the world.
Parker Chase |
Don't Bet With Me | 83,874 | 4.59 | 435,730 | [
] | Paul hated Sharon. She was the bane of his existence in this office, the person who caused him more trouble than the rest of the company combined. She always thought she was right and was never shy about letting him know. Whenever she had a problem with his team, she came straight to him and complained. Then she would pull at him constantly like a mad dog, until the issue was resolved. Through experience, Paul knew she was wrong a lot more than she was right, but explaining numbers and justifying where they came from could be a time-consuming and painful process, which made every problem Sharon reported torturous. The fact that she was wrong so often did nothing to ease Paul's pain.
Today she stood in front of his desk and complained about a series of errors in a report she was waving at him. She was tall and slim with a figure that she kept hidden in airy business suits with dull colors. Her face, while not at all ugly, was nearly always framed in a stressed and disgruntled look that encouraged everyone to look away, lest they encounter her wrath.
There seemed nothing to Sharon but her job and Paul was not interested in finding out if that was indeed the case. He saw her from behind one day when they were having an office move. She wore tight jeans that showed off her attractive rear and her flowing brown hair was loose around her shoulders, rather than tied up and pulled away from her face. For a few seconds Paul wondered who the attractive new addition to staff was... a few seconds that were promptly forgotten when he saw who the figure actually belonged to.
"There have been at least twelve errors reported with this in the last month." Sharon barked at him. There was a seat in front of his desk she could've taken, but she chose to stand and look down at him.
"You're exaggerating again." Paul shook his head and sighed, this was entirely normal for her. ""There can't have been more than three."
"Bet you anything you like there are more than ten." She was defiant. "I placed calls on every one of them. Check your system."
"Bet you anything you like there are less than five." Paul just wanted to be rid of her. "Name your bet." He started to tap at his keyboard to check.
"You can buy me dinner."
The words hung out in the air for several seconds while Paul typed. He didn't comprehend them at first, but as they seeped through his brain he looked up at her in amazement. "That's a no-win bet for me." His brow furrowed and he exhaled. "Whatever." He already intended this bet to be one he didn't collect on when he won it.
His own system betrayed him. He looked at the list on the screen, counting the lines with a growing dread. "Fourteen."
"You owe me dinner." Sharon smirked, already leaving the office as though she sensed he might throw something at her. "And Paul, get those errors fixed, will you?"
He thought she had forgotten. He wanted to forget, but the awful prospect of sitting across the dinner table from Sharon haunted him. After a couple of months without a mention of the bet Paul was feeling at least a little better about it. Mmaybe Sharon really had let it slip from her mind? He should have known though—she never forgot anything.
In the end, she called in the bet when they were at a week-long offsite strategy session. They were representing their division at the session, held at a hotel downtown. The schedule was punishing, long days, pre-arranged dinner and bed. For three days Paul hadn't been outside the hotel.
"Thank God that day's over." Paul closed his notebook and sighed.
"You joining us tonight Paul?" A colleague from the West Coast asked.
"Not tonight." He rubbed his tired face with his hands. "I can't face hotel food again, and I'm worn out from all the shop-talk. Thought I might just take a walk and have an early night,"
As the others wandered off Paul packed away his laptop and papers and sensed the arrival of someone else at his side. "If you're not eating in the hotel tonight I guess that means you could buy me the dinner you owe me."
He looked up to see a familiar smirk on Sharon's face. His mind spun with reasons to get out of it, but in the end he reasoned that he might as well get it over with. After all, at least he could put dinner tonight down to a business expense, sweetening the prospect just a little. He responded, "Sure." trying not to sound as grudging as the concession was.
It surprised him when she chose only a moderately expensive Italian restaurant as he was sure it was her intention to extract every ounce of pain she could from the evening. They walked from the hotel and talked a little about the content of the week's meetings.
"No more business, okay?" Sharon insisted as she raised her wine glass to her lips for the first time. "I think we could both use an hour or two off this week."
Paul wasn't about to disagree with that sentiment. He tried hard to keep the conversation going but that was a tough task considering how much he disliked Sharon. As she talked, he did take a few moments to notice her casual appearance—her hair down and features softer than they were in the office. It wasn't like she was unattractive. She just had an annoying habit of rubbing people up the wrong way with her abrasive manner.
As she told him about her last vacation to Aruba, Paul found himself not really listening, but watching her lips move sensuously, exposing her teeth as she smiled. He noticed that she had boobs for the first time. They weren't large by any means, but they did look inviting as they pressed against her shirt. He thought back to the day she had been in the office wearing jeans and wondered why he hadn't noticed more good things about her before now.
Sharon's voice was softer than he was used to as she described some of the books she'd read on the beach, the sunset photographs she'd taken and how she'd learned to scuba dive. It was something he'd never seen in her before now, and helped him start to actually enjoy the evening.
"So," Sharon smiled knowingly at Paul, "how bad has losing your bet with me been?"
Dabbing his lips with his napkin, Paul smiled back sheepishly. "Better than I thought it would be." he admitted. "I was afraid you'd spend three hours telling me all the mistakes my team makes all year."
"Everyone makes mistakes." Sharon laughed now. "I just hope you don't think that losing your bet was a big one."
"No, it's been fine. And I'm not used to losing bets." He thought back uncomfortably to the bet he made with her. "Normally I don't make bets without knowing I'll win."
"Me neither." Sharon sniggered, one up on that one. "In fact, I can't remember ever losing a bet."
Paul watched the devilish look in Sharon's eyes. Possibilities raced through his mind, all of them somewhat less risqué if his dinner companion was any other woman but Sharon. "I'll bet you can't refrain from complaining to me for a month." he smirked.
Sharon smiled and shook her head. "I need to accept the bet before I can lose it. And you know I'd never accept that one."
"Well, you can't blame me for trying." Paul smiled, realizing he was actually enjoying the exchange for the first time. "So, what bet would you accept then?"
Sharon paused just for a few seconds as she looked into his face. Her look caught Paul slightly off-guard as this wasn't the look of someone trying to get one over on him, this was the look of someone searching for a bet she knew he couldn't win. She pursed her lips and looked away for a moment before coming back to look straight into his eyes. "I'll bet I can give you the best blowjob you've ever had."
Paul might have choked, but fortunately he had finished eating. Still, he coughed and furrowed his eyebrows like he'd misheard her. "Did you just bet me...?"
"Yep." Sharon was looking quite self-assured, but in a wholly different way from how he was used to seeing her.
Paul almost stuttered over the words, "But to win that bet you would have to..."
He recovered slightly, but was still off-balance as his mind raced. "What makes you think that you'd win, especially as I'd be the judge?"
Sharon took a deeper breath than normal, as if she was heading down a new path for her, the ball was rolling and she was finding her way. "Every boyfriend I've had has commented on it. Apparently it's just something I'm good at."
"And you'd be willing to... let me be the judge?"
"Sure, why not?" Sharon tried to make out that it was no big deal, but there was something in her face she couldn't hide.
Paul caught the look, and realized for the first time that she wanted this, maybe had even planned it all along. As he watched the fire kindle in her glassy blue eyes Paul shook away all of his previous visions of Sharon and looked at her with new eyes. It wasn't so much a surprise as it was an awakening as he recognized her for an attractive, desirable, woman and not the ogre he'd come to despise at work. Down in his pants a familiar stirring began, fueled by Sharon's intent smile and the thought of her slipping his cock between her lips.
Although her offer sounded cold, Paul watched her face intently, knowing that they had both somehow stripped away the veneer of their weekdays and found attraction in an unexpected place. Now he felt excitement and anticipation as his pulse started to race and he tried to find some calm in the moment.
"So," he mused, "just what would the bet be? What would I win or lose, depending on how I judged your skills?"
"I don't know." Her face crossed and Paul realized she hadn't though about it before. "I'll think of something. Maybe... breakfast?"
As they idly walked back to the hotel together the air was heavy enough to keep them from feeling the chill night that was closing in on them. Sharon couldn't quite believe she'd been brave enough to make the bet with Paul. She'd always liked him, despite their work run-ins, but the desire that gripped her as they ate dinner had been quite a surprise. Now she had done something bolder than she could ever recall and was energized and excited by it way beyond her expectations for the evening, or the bold gesture.
Paul's excitement was high also, even though the walk felt a little strange—weren't two people about to become sexual partners at least supposed to be holding hands by now? Their conversation was gentle and light, belying and disguising their proposed imminent activity. Paul had difficulty imagining that they were simply going to enter Sharon's room, her pull it out and go to work. But that was the bet, and as much as he couldn't get the image of her caressing him and looking up at him there was an equal amount of excitement in his not knowing how their movements would play out. He even allowed himself to fantasize about returning the pleasure for her, should that opportunity arise.
"Your place or mine?" Sharon giggled as they got the hotel elevator doors.
Sharon slipped the plastic entry key into her door, waited for the click, pushed it open and led Paul into the room. As he followed her he felt himself slip from excited uncertainty into a nervous state of what-the-hell-do-I-do-now.
"Last chance to back out." Sharon offered, turning to him, still unsure of her own movements and ever more aware of her pounding heart.
"I'm game if you are." Paul said bravely.
"Okay then." Sharon smiled and took a step towards him that looked a lot surer than it felt.
She paused just for a second in front of him before reaching with both hands to pull his shirt out of his jeans. "Shirt will just get in the way." She explained, meeting his eyes and starting to undo the buttons upwards. "I think it's best if there are no clothes getting in the way, don't you?"
Paul nodded and swallowed as she undid the final button and pulled the shirt away. He couldn't help but notice the intensity in her eyes as she looked at him and smiled, knowing the heights his excitement was now reaching. Sharon looked away from his gaze and knelt down and pulled off his shoes and socks. Then she leveled her gaze firmly at his groin as she started to unbuckle his belt. Paul thought he caught her licking her lips but was too fired up with electric anticipation to be sure of anything anymore.
He looked down intensely as she pulled at the leather and loosened the buckle. In a few moments he was going to be exposed in all of his glory to a woman he hated just an hour ago, all so she could win a bet by giving him the best blowjob he'd ever had. The very thought had him twitching beneath his denim.
Sharon pulled at the button on his jeans and eased the zipper down over the considerable bulge that had appeared. She pretended not to notice how hard he was and, smiling to herself, intentionally didn't run her hand over his cock even though by now she craved to see it, feel it. Despite the fire building in her panties she wasn't ready for Paul to know how turned on she was and tried to make her actions seem less passionate than they were. As she pulled away the jeans from his legs Paul stood upright again and her eyes came back to rest on the bulge of his cock, now only constrained by his dark blue briefs.
"Looks like you don't dislike me quite as much as you used to." She smiled up at him.
"I've seen a different side of you tonight." Paul admitted. "I can't believe I missed how sexy you are all this time. I also can't believe we're going to do this. It's quite a turn on"
"It is kind of surreal, isn't it? But, yes, very hot." And with that she deftly pulled his briefs over the top of his erection and down his legs. Right in front of her widened eyes was a beautifully shaped and very erect uncircumcised penis. "Very nice." she whispered. "Good all around, shape, length, girth." She looked up at Paul, smiling. "And you don't mind me playing with it?"
Paul shook his head, her actions reducing his ability to speak.
Sharon continued to survey his cock without touching it, moving her head around and watching it twitch with anticipation, his heartbeat trying to squeeze more blood into it as she gazed hungrily at him. She placed a single finger on the underside and ran it down his length, then around his balls. She whispered throatily, "I don't want you to do anything, but I need you to keep standing. That's the best way, something to do with the blood flow I think. But overall, just relax and enjoy. Don't try and hold back or anything, just go with the flow and let it happen."
He saw a huge smile on her face just before she leaned towards him and kissed the tip of his cock.
Sharon took the weight of his balls in the palm of one hand and used the other to grip his cock firmly at its base. Then she took the head of Paul's cock into her mouth, clamping her lips around the rim and teasing the underside of the head with her tongue, rubbing it back and forward along the sensitive part, just under the tip.
As a start, it was spectacular. Paul couldn't believe the sensations he was getting from all around his groin. His balls loving the weightless attention of her hand, his cock throbbing with the sensations her tongue was delivering and now her thumb was starting to rub along the underside of his shaft. He'd never known quite such a concentrated sexual assault on his body, instant pleasure. He thought about what Sharon had said about holding back and wondered how that would ever be possible if she kept this up.
She obviously knew what she was doing. Just as his balls started to retract, she noticed and stopped the rubbing with her tongue. Pulling her mouth off him she licked at the underside of his shaft and made some long strokes with her hand. Paul felt huge in her hands and mouth, bigger than he'd ever known his own cock. He looked down to watch as she ran her tongue along him again, her smiling eyes letting him know that she had him exactly where she wanted him.
Her hand closed a little tighter around his balls now, squeezing them gently and sending sparks up his shaft. Then she closed her mouth over the head again, clamping him tight and rubbing her tongue back along the underside of the tip. Again, the wave of pleasure built as fast as he'd ever known. This time she added a new movement and swiftly took much more of him into her mouth, dipping down his shaft till the head hit the roof of her mouth and then slowly drawing her lips along him as she got back to working him with her tongue. Paul moaned, as he felt Sharon's grip on his balls loosen and her fingers start to trace tiny movements all around the sensitive skin at the base of his cock. It felt inevitable that he would explode.
Of course, Sharon knew what she was doing, took her mouth off him and slowly stroked him again. This time when she looked up at him and started to lick underneath his cock he saw how much she was enjoying her control over his pleasure. He was in no position to deny it to her, it wasn't just his cock that was being blown... it was his mind.
This time he knew what would happen next. Sharon took the head into her mouth and squeezed his balls. After using her tongue on him for a minute or two, she dipped her head over him again and withdrew slowly, back to tonguing him. This time though her hand started to trace very lightly all over his shaft as his balls tightened inside her other hand. Sharon let them go, but continued the feather-light movements of all ten fingers on his skin. There was no sign of her taking him out of her mouth this time though and he found himself rushing towards the point of no return as she gently eased pressure on and off the rim of his cock with her lips.
The last thing he expected was that she would pull him out of her mouth just before he came, but, just as everything else she did, it was planned and felt incredible when she moved her head to the side of him and let her tongue continue to work the underside of the tip, moving with him as he did and applying only the softest touch to his most sensitive place. Paul could do nothing but groan as he started to climax, his cock twitching like never before as the waves of heat shot through him.
All through his orgasm Sharon was barely touching him, her tongue bouncing on and off his cock as it twitched and her fingers traced lightly over him. The first shot of come was the largest and most powerful he'd ever known. It seemed like it was taking off from the platform of her tongue and shot at least six feet across the room like a white comet, splashing against the dark carpet. As the streams continued Paul could hardly breathe and muttered, "Oh God" over and over again while his come laid an ever decreasing trail back to his jumping cock. The power of his sixth and final spasm was finally reduced to less than a spurt as the last of his load seeped out of him and down to Sharon's tongue.
"Good God, that was amazing." Paul slumped back onto the bed, his legs requiring some rest after their ordeal of keeping him standing through the most intense climax of his life.
"Glad you enjoyed." Sharon climbed on the bed to kneel next to him and look down at him with a now-familiar smirk. "Was it good enough to win my bet?"
"By a long, long, way." Paul laughed, a normal breathing pattern still eluding him.
"So, you'll just be getting dressed and meeting me for breakfast then?" she teased, running a finger a long his still-hard cock. "Which you'll be paying for of course."
"I'll pay, but I'm not so sure about leaving just yet." Paul sat up and reached to pull Sharon to him, kissing her hungrily now. "I'd like to repay you for that wonderful experience, if that's okay with you?"
Sharon's calm broke for the first time as she started to pull her shirt off. "God yes, I'm so hot right now you wouldn't believe it. You have a beautiful cock and I was so turned on making you come."
By the time Paul caught up with her undressing she had pulled down her skirt and had only her bra and panties on. He caught her wrists gently and insisted that he complete the job for her. Sharon's eyes were wide with lust and desire, but she nodded as he reached behind her to unclasp the bra. As she knelt before him he gently pulled away the bra and revealed a nicely pert pair of breasts, not huge but definitely larger than he'd ever figured were hiding behind her work clothes. Her small nipples were already very excited and eager for his touch.
While he felt them in turn and twisted them playfully in his hand, he reached down and pressed his other hand against the front of her panties. It was something of a surprise to find how hot and wet she was down there. Sharon closed her eyes to Paul's touch and ground her pelvis against his hand, moaning with pleasure and relief.
Recognizing her urgency, Paul reached inside her panties and began stroking her soaking pussy. She was so wet that his finger slipped between her lips without him applying any pressure at all. Sharon gasped as his finger entered her and she literally fell backwards onto the bed. The intensity of the night had been incredible, which was totally her unselfish aim, and finally her needs were being attended to.
Paul pulled her panties away, leaving her naked on the bed. He looked at her body appreciatively, kneading her breasts in turn and looking at her glistening trimmed pussy. How had he missed that she could look like this all these years? As he gazed at her, eyes closed and completely at his mercy, he thought about simply taking his cock and slipping it into her inviting pussy. He was hard enough already, but he felt like he wanted to repay the oral pleasure she had given him. At least, that should be first.
Sharon willingly opened her legs and allowed him to get his head between them. His first few licks at her swollen pussy lips were long and savored her heat and taste. Sliding further down the bed, Paul brought his hands up to hold her legs while he started to lap at her with shorter, quicker licks and the occasional probing of his tongue inside her pussy. Her pelvis rode up to meet him, lifting her bottom off the bed as she begged him to drive deeper and take her higher.
When his tongue finally started to play on her clit Sharon was nearing ecstasy. She couldn't believe how excited her whole body was and how much she needed him to make her climax. The sweet tension of her orally pleasuring him without the slightest sexual contact to her body had only increased her need beyond anything she was familiar with and now as he returned the favor she felt like she was coming to the quickest climax of her life. Any doubts she had about that vanished when Paul pushed a finger deep into her while he continued to tongue her clit with a slowly increasing pressure.
Sharon could do nothing more than lie and let everything come to her as Paul lapped slowly at her clit, now with two fingers probing her, pleasing her. His second hand came down to hold open her lips, exposing more of her excited clit for his tongue to tease and ignite. Her last thought before the climax was, "this must be how he felt".
As her head started to explode with the pleasure being sent out in shock waves from her pussy, Sharon felt herself tense and rise up from the bed. Paul just kept on with his tongue and fingers though, increasing the sensation until she gushed with her orgasm and soaked her pussy all over again. Sharon collapsed into panting even though she had not moved.
"Oh God." she breathed, grabbing Paul's head and pulled him up to face her. "That was so amazing." She kissed him deeply, passionately.
As much as she'd set out to provide the best climax of his life, she hadn't expected to be on the receiving end of her best ever. Feeling his warm naked body climb on top of her as they continued to kiss was just the icing on the cake of a special sexual moment.
Paul continued to move along her body as they kissed. His hard on was rubbing along her thigh and it was impossible for Sharon not to notice both the size and the heat of his cock. She slipped her hand down as if to test that she was right. Was she ever!
Without asking, she wrapped her hand around him, slid out from underneath him and pulled him up to his knees with her. As long as she could, she kept hold of him while she shuffled around and presented her hungry pussy for him, hot and ready between her ass cheeks. Then she let go, trusting that he knew what she wanted, no, needed, now.
Paul understood and was ready to comply with her wish, eagerly. Looking down at her, he first ran his hand all over her pubic mound while he slid his hard-on up and down the perfect, soft, white skin of her ass. Sharon was still reaching for him though, desperate to guide him inside her. Her hand came from between her legs, pulling him down and pointing him at the wet opening between her swollen lips. Taking hold of her hips, Paul allowed her to guide him to where he could thrust inside her.
The tip of his cock felt her heat as it dipped into her and coated in her juices. He saw her look around to him, her face smiling but also pleading that he continue meeting her needs and hunger for him. They had also become his own needs though and with a single thrust he was deep inside her, the hot velvet of her slick pussy walls clamping him with a divine touch. "Oh God that feels good." Sharon breathed back to him as he withdrew to the rim and thrust again.
It hardly seemed possible, but Paul's cock felt even better inside her pussy than it did in her mouth. As he made those first long strokes inside her she felt the rim of his cock pull along the walls of her pussy and send waves of pleasure all over her. She reached down with one hand to cup his balls, alternating this with rubbing her pussy as her pleasure continued to rise again. She'd never been able to come so quickly a second time but already knew that she was on the verge again. Touching him and feeling the rhythm of his strokes, she thought that he might be close again also.
Paul reached forward and grabbed Sharon's breast. Feeling the nipple held tightly between two fingers, he pulled her torso upright so he could take both of her breasts in his hands and continue to thrust up into her. Sharon took her cue, knelt up and reached around to pull his hip into her with each thrust, harder and faster. Hearing his breathing closer to her ear, she knew he would come again soon so she took one of his hands and placed it near her clit. Paul knew what to do from there and started to rub her in time with his own approaching climax.
It only took a few more thrusts of Paul slamming into her, holding her breast and rubbing her clit. Sharon still pulled him up and into her with each thrust, their bodies seeming to have as much contact with each other as anything she'd ever known.
It was impossible to tell who came first, the relief and fire spreading between them as they gasped and snatched their breath through their orgasms. Paul continued to move inside her as his body stiffened, rubbing furiously on her clit and squeezing her nipple. Sharon's body exploded with her second climax in less than ten minutes, her hands running over Paul's torso as he gasped and grunted in her ear with his own pleasure. As the fury died their bodies gave up trying to maintain the position and they fell back onto the bed, Paul's cock slipping out of her reluctantly and Sharon's breasts still eager to be held.
They wrapped around each other as they regained some composure, grinning at each other and feeling the power of truly mutual pleasure.
"Oh my God." Sharon's eyes were wild and happy. "That was amazing."
"Sure was." Paul laughed, still feeling some final involuntary shivers run through him. "I do have another bet for you though."
"Can't wait to hear this." She laughed.
"I bet we can have at least as much fun if we do this again tomorrow."
"I'll take that bet." Sharon pulled him close, encouraging his thigh back between her legs. "If you accept my bet that tomorrow morning's shower will be the best you've ever had." |
Bed, Breakfast and Sex Ch. 10 | 12,893 | 4.54 | 549,189 | [
"young men",
"oral sex",
"swallow cum"
] | The next evening, Thursday, the phone rang in Robby Alexander's duplex apartment. By a lucky chance, he was home. "Hello," he said.
"Is this Robert Alexander?" Jeremy asked on the other end.
"Mr. Alexander, you don't know me, but I'm calling on behalf of Louise Blaisdell," Jeremy said.
"Oh? How is Louise? Is she all right?" Robby sounded mildly concerned.
"Louise is fine--physically. But she is in a bit of a situation. She could use your help."
"If I may ask, who are you?" Robby asked.
"Sorry. My name is Jeremy Hill. I'm one of her boarders this year. And I'm also a friend."
"Wait a minute. Is this just a way for you to get me and Louise back together? I mean, she was very special, but I have sort of moved on," Robby said.
"Well," Jeremy said, "I would be lying if I said that Louise did not want to get back together with you. But that's not the reason I called."
"Well, then, why did you call. And why didn't Louise call herself?" Robby asked.
"Unfortunately, an awkward situation has developed with the mother of one of the boarders here. You have just the training and expertise we need to help her out of the situation. Louise did not call herself because she was unsure of your reaction. I am merely helping her out as a friend," Jeremy replied.
"What exactly can I do to help?"
"Well, I'd rather not get into it over the phone. Could you drive over, say, tonight about seven? Louise would like to cook you dinner, and go into the situation more fully."
Robby thought for a moment, and then said, "Yeah, I guess so. I'd kind of like to see Louise again anyway."
"Great," Jeremy said, "she'll be happy to hear it. I'll tell her to expect you around seven."
A few minutes after seven that evening, Robby drove up in his new Chevy Cavalier. Louise saw him out the window and thought to herself that he had been doing well. He got out of the car and started up the walk. Robby was wearing Levi's Dockers, brown loafers, and a button-down-collar dress shirt. His hair was a bit shorter and looked styled. All in all, he looked more mature than he had only a few months before. I suppose that's what the workaday world will do for you, she thought.
He came up the front stairs and rang the doorbell, Louise opened the door and let him in. She was wearing a floral print short dress with a lace-up decollete' and sleeves that fell down to expose her shoulders. The dress exposed a goodly amount of cleavage, as well as Louise's tanned thighs.
She realized that she was probably dressed a little skimpily for late September, but she felt the need to impress Robby. She was going to need his help.
They stood there a bit awkwardly. "How have you been, Louise," Robby finally asked.
"Fine," she said. "How's your job?"
"It's okay, but hard to get up in the morning sometimes."
"Tell me about it. Come on in, let's have a drink before dinner." Louise led the way to the living room.
"Where are the other boarders?" Robby asked.
"I fed them a little early, then told them I was going to be busy the rest of the night. Several of them went out, a couple are upstairs studying. What would you like, a cold beer, wine, or something stronger?
"A cold beer is fine," Robby answered.
" We'll be having lasagna and salad for dinner. I hope that's okay."
"Hey! You know I love lasagna. Especially yours."
Louise was pleased. Robby seemed to be loosening up, slipping back into his old familiar ways. She went quickly to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of Robby's favorite beer, a frosted glass, and a large glass of cold white wine for herself. They sat down on the couch in the living room.
"You really look great, Louise," Robby said, admiring her legs.
"You look good, too. How's your love life?" she asked, a bit teasingly.
"It's all right, I guess. I'm dating some, but nobody steady," he replied.
A buzzer buzzed back in the kitchen. Louise said, "That means the lasagna is done. Here, come with me while I put in the garlic bread."
In the kitchen, Robby leaned back against the table, and made small talk, while Louise put garlic bread in the oven, and dressed and tossed the salad. It felt good to Louise, just like it had been until only a few months ago.
They ate in the dining room with the door closed, so they could have some privacy. The dining room was on the side of the house away from the sun, so it began to get dark soon after they started eating. Louise got up, put a couple of candles on the table, and lit them. The room became nice and dark and intimate. Louise and Robby both were drinking a mild red table wine with the lasagna, and they grew mellow as the evening went on.
A couple of times, Robby appeared about to say something, but stopped himself.
Finally, he said, "You know, Louise, I have missed you these past four months."
"I have missed you too. But it was your decision to move away. You could have stayed here with me," she said, somewhat reprovingly.
"Okay, I guess I deserved that. I suppose that what I mean to say is that, sure, I missed you. I missed you alot. But I also felt--feel--that I needed some freedom. And, although you look fabulous tonight, and although I will help you any way I can, I'm not ready to move back in."
Louise's eyes filled with tears and Robby looked uncomfortable. "Oh shit," he said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I suppose I should leave."
"No! No, don't leave. I mean, I didn't even want to talk about your leaving. I miss you--I admit that. But I understand why you left. It just still hurts some, that's all. I'll be all right. Just give me a minute."
Louise drained her wine glass, dabbed at her eyes again, refilled both their glasses, and said, holding her glass up, "To friendship." Robby touched her glass with his, and drank.
"I just want to say one more thing, Louise," Robby said. "I just want to say that I love you as a friend, and you can always count on me."
"I don't suppose that I could ask for anything more than that," Louise said, smiling at him.
They had coffee and small pieces of chocolate cake at the dining table. Louise refilled their coffee cups, and Robby said, "Okay, Jeremy said that you were in some kind of trouble. What's the situation?"
"Well, without going into a lot of detail, let's just say that I made an error in judgment around here, and now it's come back to haunt me."
"What kind of error in judgment?" Robby asked, leaning forward.
"I was lonely one day, and I went to bed with one of the boarders, a young boy named Danny Kaiser." Louise felt a mixture of pleasure and anguish as she saw what she thought was a look of jealousy cross Robby's features. He controlled it well enough, though.
Louise continued, "The boy went home for the weekend, and apparently confessed to his mother. Now, she has threatened to report me to the school administration unless I..."
"Unless you what?" Robby asked.
"Unless I find her a young lover. A boy to become her lover. She says she and her husband haven't made love in years, and she wants someone too."
Robby looked surprised, "And you thought I would become her lover?"
"No no, goodness no!" Louise said quickly. "I have someone who is willing to help me in that regard. I just need some insurance to make sure that she holds up her end of the bargain."
"What kind of insurance? And how can I help you?" Robby asked.
Louise told him her plan.
\* \* \*
"Okay then, it's settled. We'll do it Sunday, assuming that this Kaiser lady is willing," Robby said after hearing Louise's plan.
"Oh, she'll be willing. You know, I feel a little sorry for her. She just wants someone to hold her and make her feel special. Kind of like the way you made me feel."
"Yes, I really enjoyed our times here. I'll never forget them," Robby said.
They were now sitting in Louise's bedroom, side by side in the overstuffed chairs. Two empty brandy glasses stood on the table. Both of them were feeling pleasantly light-headed.
Louise leaned over the arm of the chair to him and said quietly, "You know Robby, I won't lie to you. There have been others, but you gave me some of the best loving I've ever had."
Robby said, "I appreciate that. You were also one of the best I've ever had."
Not believing she was doing it, even as she was doing it, Louise got out of her chair and slipped her dress off. Underneath she was wearing only a light pink bra and panties. She got on her knees in front of Robby and looked up at him. Giving him a slightly vulnerable smile, she asked, "How about if I do something for you to express my gratitude?"
Robby appeared to consider it for a moment--but just a moment. "How could I resist such an offer?"
Louise was waiting for him to say that. She quickly removed her bra and panties. Then she got down on her knees again, and nuzzled his now rock-hard cock through the material of his pants. "Stand up, darling," she said. Robby stood up, and Louise quickly undid belt buckle and pants, and pulled them down. His very large brown cock jumped out at her, stiffly curving upward. The sight of it took her breath away! She had really missed it. "It still looks so good, Robby," she said appreciatively.
"It has missed your loving touch, Louise."
Robby sat back down, and Louise took his cock in her hand, feeling its warmth and power. She could smell its clean, musky scent, and it shook her to the core. She had waited what seemed like eons to suck Robby's cock again! Now all she wanted to do was suck and suck and then swallow all of his sweet sperm.
She planted wet, open-mouthed kisses all over the glans before moving down and licking the shaft, and nuzzling the pubic hair. She grasped it in her hand, squeezing it gently, until a large drop of pre-come oozed out. This she licked off hungrily. She took the head a little into her wet, warm mouth, and Robby moaned with pleasure. He tried to push her down on his cock, but she wanted to tease him a little more. Louise continued to kiss his cock lovingly, wetly, avidly, until he could stand it no more. "Oh baby, please put it in your mouth," Robby pleaded.
She was still licking him thoroughly from the root to the tip when she decided that she could not wait any longer. She opened her mouth and took the flaring head of his cock into her mouth.
It was warm and wonderful, and it filled her mouth so well. Louise loved having Robby's cock in her mouth. She had missed sucking him so much! She was in heaven. She was doing something she had wanted to do for a long time. She was once again eagerly sucking the cock of the man she loved. It was so good. His cock tasted musky in her mouth, and she ran her tongue all over it. "Oh god, baby, I can feel every move your tongue is making," Robby groaned. "Suck my cock, suck it so good!"
She sucked gently, carefully letting her teeth scrape just a tiny bit--Robby liked that. Once again, Robby shifted his hips forward, trying to get more of his rock-hard dick into her sweet mouth. "Oh baby," Robby moaned, "you are just as good as I remembered. You have no idea how many times I have jacked off thinking of you sucking my cock just like this!"
Louise smiled, her mouth full of cock. Maybe there was hope after all!
She opened her mouth wider and took as much of the cock into her mouth as she could. She could feel it swelling in her mouth. She could taste the pre-come ooze out, and she swallowed it like nectar. She could hardly wait to taste his semen. It was her gift to him, a symbol of her gratitude.
While sucking gently on his cock, she took his shaft in her hand and started to jerk him ever so slightly. She briefly took her mouth off, smacked her lips, and flicked the tip with her wet pink tongue. The she covered the head with smacking little kisses before once again covering the head with her sweetly sucking mouth.
Robby groaned again, "Baby, I'm gonna come any time now."
Louise moaned, "Come in my mouth, baby, in my mouth!"
He was thrusting gently, fucking her mouth now. She was sucking hard, and jerking his shaft with her warm hand. He started moaning, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, baby, here it comes. Here comes all my jism for you!"
Louise sucked him gently, and waited for the flood.
Robby cried out as the first spurt of hot semen spattered against the back of Louise's throat and the rest followed in a gush that filled her mouth.
Robby was groaning in ecstasy as she held onto his jerking cock and swallowed his sperm as quickly as she could. There was so much of it! Where did it all come from? He seemed to come forever. The jism filled her mouth and a little drop ran down her chin.
Finally, he stopped climaxing. Louise sucked gently, wanting all the precious fluid she could get. Then she licked up a drop from his belly and snaked her tongue out to get the come on her chin. Robby was heaving huge sighs and saying, "Oh my lord, Louise, that was the best ever! That was wonderful!" He lifted her up and planted a wet, grateful kiss on her sperm-slick lips. Louise thought she would faint.
They rested for a little while, Louise with her head on his lap, still kissing and licking his spent cock. She looked up at him, a question in her eyes. Robby, ever considerate, kissed her again and said he had to be getting home, but that he would call her tomorrow, and they could get set up for Sunday. Louise watched him go a little sadly.
She went back to her room, slipped nude under the covers of her bed, and masturbated furiously before falling asleep. |
Foursome Fun with Tracey Pt. 03: Final | 24,118 | 4.59 | 963,225 | [
] | Once on all fours I eagerly began to lap at my best friends pussy for the very first time. I was amazed at how quickly I got to grips with licking and tonguing her cunt hole. My experience with Louise had certainly gave me the appetite for more lezzy fun and boy was I enjoying it. Tracey moaned and writhed as I probed deep up her very wet gash with my tongue.
"Oh fuck Anna," she said. "That's brilliant go on keep going you're gonna make me fucking cum off you bitch."
My tongue continued to lash its way around her rock hard clit and then delve deep up her slippery twat. She ground back against my face smearing my lips in her juice as she began to cum in earnest.
By now the two brothers were tugging on their cocks watching the show.
"Oh fuck that's it, that's it!" Tracey moaned as she began to climax on my lips, tongue and face.
It was amazing. My best friend finally creaming all over my tongue. Her legs trembled visibly with the intense orgasm she was enjoying.
"Get your fucking cock up," me I spat at Nathan. "Go on fuck me as she cums off. Please!" I literally begged.
He didn't need telling twice and within seconds Tracey's boyfriends cock was buried deep up my wet cunt from behind as I finished off lapping at her quim lips as she subsided from her climax.
"Oh yes, fuck me too please," she longingly asked Jason.
We were soon side by side on all fours on the floor having a tremendous doggystyle fucking.
Tracey and I both exchanged kisses when we could during this shagging, deeply probing each other's mouths with our tongues as the guys fucked away at us from behind.
Tracey was clearly enjoying the taste of her pussy juice on my lips and tongue and she moaned we exchanged kisses. Our tits swinging side by side as we had a solid, hard ufrom the dirty sibling pair.
Soon the positions were changed and for over two hours we swapped around in various different connotations.
Tracey was being DP'ed by the guys as I paid attention to her clitty, asshole and the guys glistening shafts as they slipped in and out of her wet fuck tube.
I had seen my friend fucked many times in the past, but lapping at her juicy quim as a cock ploughed up her and then kissing her French style as she had the two cocks buried deep up her ass and pussy was sending me into sheer delight again.
It was soon my turn and Tracey responded likewise by sucking and licking on my clit as the two brothers rammed their hard cocks up my eager, married cunt and arsehole.
The positions kept changing as we enjoyed our lovely fun. A double 69 lying side by side was a real treat. Slobbering over Jason's cock as I looked across to see Tracey simply devouring Nathan's cock in similar fashion.
The inevitable 69 for Tracey and I also followed. Me underneath, back on the floor as Tracey clambered on top of me and we explored each other's cunts again with tongues and fingers. The guys moving around us commenting on the scene before them and also feeding hard cock to our mouths and pussy's in between our 69 fun.
The last position was Tracey and I both on the settee side by side, legs spread wide as fuck as the guys moved between us again.
A few strokes and humps up my cunt then Jason moved to Tracey, then back again, for a few minutes they ploughed our fucking soaking snatches this way.
Brother following brother up a sloppy hole.
"Fuck me, fuck me and spunk all over me!" I was now urging on. My anklet was swinging around my heel as I was being pummelled very hard by Jason and I could see Tracey was almost on the verge of cumming again on Nathan's fast, pounding cock.
"I'm gonna spunk," Jason the quickly announced.
"Then fucking do it," I said.
"Me too!" Nathan announced.
"Oh yes go on." Tracey said. "Spunk all over us, go on fucking spunk on us you bastards."
The two guys sped up for a few thrusts then both withdrew their rigid, throbbing cocks from out of our well used holes. Tracey and I quickly hooked our legs over each other.
Our long bare legs and slutty heels mingling in a sensual overlap of flesh and trembling thighs.
"Oh shit," Jason exclaimed and then he began to spurt.
The sight of his brothers jism must have been a clear catalyst for Nathan too as he began to let flow with his salty seed at the same time.
Their forceful ropes and streams of thick white goo flew across the air and landed on both my tits and Tracey's. Covering our stomachs and titties with their juicy offerings.
One or two of the more forceful jets splashed onto our chins and necks, the bulk of their massive, hot, fucking spunk loads washing our stomachs and then the last few dollops landing on our splayed and entwined legs.
"Oh yes, you dirty fuckers. Go on fucking cover us!" we urged.
They duly obliged, we were awash with cum. It clung to our tits and legs like icing sugar clinging to a cupcakes.
Once the guys had finished jizzing all over the fucking place it was time for more tender 69 fun as Tracey and I got onto the floor and lovingly tongued, lapped and cleaned the spunk from each other's chins, tits and then stomachs.
It ended with us again probing each others cunts with our tongues and then gently kissing and cuddling as the two guys got partially dressed.
I slept with Jason that night and we fucked again in the morning. This time just the two of us as we could hear the headboard banging next door in Nathan's room as Tracey clearly received another hard seeing to.
It had been great fun and I will certainly be seeing Jason again.
Tracey still continues to see Nathan behind her husbands back and I'm sure we will have more fun and games together now that the ice has been well and truly broken! |
Hotel Buddies | 76,182 | 4.55 | 1,363,835 | [
] | We checked in to the hotel, and I knew something was up. Bill had gone to get the rooms while I wrapped up some business on my phone from the lobby. He came back and had an upset look on his face.
"What's up?" I asked as I finished my call.
"Someone screwed up," he said. "The office must have messed up the reservations, because they have us sharing a room."
Shit. This was an unfortunate turn of events, to say the least. We had been on the road for over a week, doing training sessions for security teams. We specialized in homeland defense, and our job was often in dusty remote locales. After eight days, it was time to wrap it up, but we had this huge convention to attend.
I had hoped to go out and cut loose tonight, pick up some hot babe at the bar and fuck her brains out. But it was evidently not in the cards.
For whatever reason, the office had double booked us again. It was a cost saving measure, I knew, but what the hell? Bill and I had shared a room for several nights on this trip, but tonight was supposed to be two rooms.
"Hell," I said. "Did you ask..."
"They are totally booked," Bill said. "They even called a couple of other hotels to see if they had any rooms, but the convention has every room in the city full."
So much for my plans...
Damn hotel!
Bill was on his bed reading when I came out of the shower. I had to take a fast shower before bed, careful not to pay to much attention to just how good that shaving cream felt when I shaved my balls.
I had one pair of clean boxers saved for tomorrow, and I did not want to wear them to bed. So I just wore my towel and walked over to the ice bucket to make a strong vodka tonic. Then I just sat on the bed in my towel and tried not to be upset. I could go one more night!
"I'm gonna take a shower," he said.
I merely shrugged and turned on the TV.
As he turned on the water I browsed the channels. Of course I avoided the porn, sticking to the news channels. It's not that I didn't want the porn, but with him in the room it would just be more frustration for my lonely dick.
Bill came out wrapped in a towel. He was well built, the job keeping us both in good shape. But we were business partners, and I had never looked at him any other way.
"Animal Planet?" He said. "You kidding me?"
"Your choice," I replied tossing him the remote and fixing another drink.
"Hit me with one of those, will ya?" Bill asked as he surfed the channels.
I made him a stiff drink and handed it to him. He had a funny look on his face.
"So, how about this one," he said, indicating the TV.
On the screen was a sultry blonde who was licking a hard cock up and down slowly, making it glisten with her wet tongue.
"Oh, man," I groaned.
"What's wrong?" Teased Bill. "Can't take the stimulation of a little porn?"
So that was his game. He knew I was horny as hell, and he was tormenting me by watching the hot blowjob action on screen.
"I can handle it, if you can," I responded, taking my drink and sitting down on my bed. I was careful to be sure the towel covered my penis, which was starting to get semi hard.
The action got hotter as she stroked his cock, making the stud moan on screen.
"Wow," Bill said. "She is good."
"You're telling me," I said, feeling uncomfortable with my hard on growing under my towel.
We watched her suck his shiny cock, her lips wrapping around his hard shaft as she slid her hand up and down on his dick. It was driving me crazy!
"Hey," Bill said with a slight catch in his voice. "I think we need to get more comfortable."
"I agree," I said, looking over at him on his bed. I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but I was so fucking hard I didn't need much encouragement to get some relief. Was he going to suggest we jack off? I had never seen another man actually stroke his cock. At least not in person. I had done it on live video chats before, but never up close and personal.
"All I'm saying is that this towel is kinda wet, and I don't want to catch a cold."
"Right," I said.
"So... Let's lose the towels," he said, looking at me.
I was feeling incredibly aroused by now, so I didn't say anything. I simply stood up between the beds, and let my towel fall to the floor.
"Better?" he asked as he stared at my rock hard dick.
"Much," I said as I sat back down and reclined on the bed. My penis was pointing up at my chest, begging for attention, but I kept my hands to my side. I acted as if this was the most natural thing in the world, being totally naked in front of another man.
Bill stood up, and unveiled his own package for me. His dick was totally shaved, just like mine. It was pulsing as he dropped his towel. He looked at me for a second, and our eyes met. We just stared at each other, knowing that tonight was going to be a relief for both of us.
"Hey," he exclaimed as he stood up. "What about another drink?"
"Sure," I said handing him my glass. As I held up the drink my hand was dangerously close to his cock. I watched him walk naked over to the ice and mix the drinks. Bill had a body that could make a nun wet. His toned backside was to me, and when he turned profile I could not keep my eyes off that dick!
He crossed back, handing me my glass. I decided that as long as he was going to stand there and point that massive weapon at my face, I might as well just look at it close up.
"You know," I said. "I was really pissed at the hotel earlier. I had planned to get laid tonight."
"Me too!" He said with a laugh. He just stood there right in front of me as he took a sip of his vodka. "Well, if I wasn't getting laid, I figured I could always jerk off!"
"Yeah, that's probably what I would have ended up doing too. It's been a long trip," I replied, looking up at him to see what he'd say. He was staring down at my penis, making me twitch from an electric thrill in my cock tip.
"I suppose we could take turns jerking off in the shower," he said with a smile.
"But there's no porn in the shower," I said.
"True. Of course we could..." He drifted off, just watching my dick.
I hesitated to say it. It was clear that we both wanted - hell, we needed - to jerk off and get relief. But to actually suggest it out loud was a whole other thing. I was way over-thinking this whole thing.
Fuck, we were two men, naked in a hotel room, watching porn and staring at each other's cocks! Of course we both wanted to do it! Just the thought of masturbating with another man was totally driving me crazy, which was evident as a drop of precum spilled out of the tip of my dick and rolled down my long shaft.
I just looked up at Bill and said, "We might as well get some relief, and there is no sense doing it in the bathroom."
"Thank God!" He exclaimed. "I was afraid you'd say no."
I slid my hand down to my penis, with Bill still standing right there staring at me. By now my cock was hard as steel, and the tip was glistening with the precum. With one finger, I slowly touched the tip of my cock, which immediately twitched from arousal. I rubbed the slick moisture around slowly on my dick, lifting my finger to create a thread of precum.
It definitely had an effect on Bill, who's cock twitched several times as he stared at me. Perfect!
"Your turn," I said as I slid my hand down to cup my balls.
Bill sat down his drink, and sat down on the edge of the bed. He slowly wrapped his fingers around his dick and slowly moved his hand up the shaft to the base of his cock head. He then slid his hand back down all the way, squeezing his cock. He moaned, and my hand moved up to my shaft to mimic his actions. Damn, this felt fantastic!
I turned my attention to the TV, where the blonde was frantically stroking and blowing the cock on screen. It was a sight to behold as she looked up to him with his dick in her mouth.
"That's so hot," I whispered.
"Yeah baby," Bill moaned. "Suck it real good."
"Don't cum too soon," I said as I watched him stroke faster.
"I'll try not to, but no promises!"
The guy on screen was getting close. I alternated my view between the porn and the live view of my buddy stroking his dick. I sped up my masturbation as I grew more and more excited.
Suddenly the girl was showered in a splash of cum from the rigid cock. She took the load in her mouth and let it dribble down onto her tits.
"Oh, God," I moaned.
"Fuck, that looks good," Bill said.
We both slowed down the strokes as the action on screen faded into a new scene.
"Time out," called Bill as he took his hand off his dick.
I reluctantly loosened my grip as he had. Damn, I wanted to cum so bad! But I also didn't want to hurry this experience.
"So I have a question for you," Bill said as he grabbed his drink. He was breathing fast and his cock was rigid as he sat on the side of the bed. I turned and sat on my side as I leaned back with my dick pointing up in the air.
"Fire away," I joked with a smile as I stared at his dick.
"Have you ever tasted cum?"
"A few times," I said. "I've cum in my mouth before."
"How the hell did you do that?" he said with a laugh.
I leaned over my dick and moved my mouth down. "Like this," I said with a smile as I remembered the warm splash of jizz in my own mouth.
"You shot it in your own mouth?" he laughed. "That's some stream!"
"Have you?" I said.
"Yeah, but not my own," he said.
"There was this time in college when I gave a guy a blowjob," he said, not embarrassed about it at all.
"What was it like?"
"I just wanted to try it, you know? So I hit on this guy in my dorm who I knew was gay, and gave him a blowjob," he said. "It was alright, but I like girls better."
"Me too," I said. "But I have to admit, I have wondered what it must be like to suck a cock."
As I said this, I watched his reaction carefully, hoping I had not gone too far. But then again, here I was masturbating with him as he told me about his college blowjob adventure - I doubted that he'd turn me down now. Besides, this was an opportunity I decided I did not want to miss out on. I'd always fantasized about sucking a dick, and Bill's dick was right there, and it was perfect!
"Oh, really," he said with a tease in his voice. "Like she is doing?" he motioned to the porn on the hotel TV, where a brunette was licking her way up a big dick.
"Well, yes," I said as I watched her move up the shaft to tease his head with her tongue.
"Although I'd probably start with his balls," I added. I lightly teased my own balls as I said this, lifting them up and letting them fall heavy between my legs.
"You do have nice balls," Bill said somewhat breathlessly.
"So do you," I added. I got courageous and looked him in the eyes, "Play with them for me."
Bill blinked at my directness, then he stood up again, with his legs apart. His loose balls were hanging low from his dick, and he slowly pulled them even lower with one hand, then he cupped them as he rolled them in his hand.
"Wow," I said sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Your cock is amazing!"
"I think we are about the same size," Bill said as he leaned back to present his dick for me to see. I leaned forward so that his cock was only inches from my face. I knew he wanted me to suck it. And I wanted to! But I was going to tease him just a bit first.
I admired his penis from close up. It was really great - clean shaved, smooth and his veins were clearly visible. A drop of precum oozed out of the tip, inviting me to lick it.
"I think your's is bigger," I said leaning forward even more, then shifting my weight and standing up in front of him. Our cocks were now about a half inch apart, both of them hard as bone. I kept my dick pointing up, and stepped forward to position it right next to his.
"Wow," he gasped. "You're right, they are almost exactly the same size. But your head is bigger I think."
"Hmm, maybe you are right," I said. I slid back to the side, and our cocks touched! It was electric for both of us. I slid my penis across his shaft until they were touching along the full length of both cocks. Our heads were staring up at us like twins. I reached down slowly and pinched the head of his dick lightly, squeezing out more slick precum.
Bill moaned the instant I touched his dick. I smiled and moved my hand over to my tip, rubbing his wetness on my head.
"They feel about the same," I said in a whisper. It was becoming difficult to keep up the tease. I wanted to thrust against him and spray him with cum, but I held on just a little longer.
"So," I whispered as we both looked down at our cocks. "Did you like having that guys dick in your mouth?"
"Yeah," he moaned. His hand reached down and slid under my balls. The sensation was incredible! Bill took control of the situation as he massaged my sack.
"It was pretty fast," he whispered. "Not like now, taking our time. This is much better."
As he spoke his hand slid up to encircle both of our shafts. He slowly pulled them up together, and I felt the cum building inside.
I pulled back to avoid going over the edge.
"Well," I said with a gasp. "I guess I better find out for myself!"
I slowly moved down to my knees, my hands sliding down his sides as I positioned myself in front of his dick. I moved my hands around to his ass, then pulled him toward me. His tip was swollen and red as I lightly licked the tip of his penis. It was salty from the precum, and tasted great!
I began to lick around his head, paying special attention to the sensitive area under his slit. He moaned louder now as I moved one hand around to grasp his dick. I guided it into my mouth sucking it as I slid it in. I tried to keep my teeth off his dick, knowing from experience how that felt. So I tried my best to give him a great blowjob.
Evidently I did something right, because Bill was moaning in earnest now. I slid his dick in and out of my wet mouth while twirling my tongue over his cock. I looked up at him while he was inside me, and smiled at the expression of ecstasy on his face. Now I knew why girls always looked at me while they devoured my cock - it felt powerful and wonderful!
With my hand I tugged on his dick as I sucked on the head. I used my other hand to work his balls at the same time. He smelled wonderful and clean, fresh out of the shower. He tasted good too!
Bill was about to cum. I could tell by the moans, and by the tightening of his balls. I pulled off his head for a moment, and tugged harder on his scrotum while I jerked him off faster and faster. I stared at the head of his cock, waiting for the rewarding sight of the blast of semen which I was ready to take in my mouth.
"Oh God!" he exclaimed.
My own dick was pulsing with excitement as I stroked him harder and faster. He arced his back as the cum erupted from his loaded balls. I took the stream right in my face, completely missing my open mouth. I quickly moved my lips over his cock to take the next load right down my throat. It tasted funky and warm - I loved it. I kept stroking him as I went to town working his pulsing dick in and out of my mouth, coaxing every drop out of him. He grabbed my head and thrust deep inside my mouth releasing yet another stream. My nose touched the base of his cock as I realized I had deep-throated him! I held him tight inside me for a moment longer, until I could no longer breathe.
I pulled off his dick and gasped, completely out of breath. I sat back on the floor, against the side of the bed and admired my work. His dick was still twitching as it began to go limp. Bill fell back on the bed, his legs spread open as he exhaled loudly. I rose to my knees and crawled over to him, up onto the bed, and licked his limp dick. He tensed up immediately at the over-sensation to his penis. I smiled at the expression on his face and fell beside him, breathing hard.
"That was fun," I said.
We just lay side by side on the bed for a minute while Bill recovered. I watched his dick as he relaxed and his breathing returned to normal. My own dick was still rock hard, and was needing some attention. I moved my hand up and grabbed my shaft, lightly moving up and down as I admired his body.
The porn was still going, and it caught my attention as two girls now worked on that cock on the TV. It was fascinating to see them slide the dick in their mouths, and I could still feel Bill's dick inside my own mouth from just a moment earlier.
"Get my bag from the bathroom," Bill said softly.
I glanced over to see him watching me masturbate. I slid off the bed and went to the bath, my cock bouncing all the way. I liked knowing that he was watching me walk naked across the room.
I brought back his shaving kit, standing beside the bed. He slowly rose up, and unzipped the pouch, pulling out a clear bottle of Ultra Glide lube. He sat up, and poured a generous amount into his palm. Then he reached over and smeared the slick lube on my dick. It felt amazing!
Bill pulled me closer to him as he slid his wet hand up and down on my penis. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock as he stroked it with an expert hand.
I was in heaven! This felt so good with him massaging my pole, and he positioned me so I was facing the TV screen. The girls were working on the cock just like Bill was working on my own cock! He turned his head and matched them stroke for stroke.
My sensations were in overdrive as I was stimulated visually and physically. One of the girls began to suck on the guys balls, and Bill did the same thing to me. He slid off the bed and knelt down to take my balls into his warm mouth.
All the while he kept stroking up and down on my shaft. The girls pulled back from the cock on TV, and Bill did the same to me. But while they were kissing and rubbing their tits together he rose up on his knees and suddenly pushed my chest back, knocking me off balance. I was so surprised that I cried out as I feel on my back onto the top of my bed. He laughed and jumped up straddling me on the bed.
I saw that his dick was already hard again, and I wondered how he could possibly recover so quickly! He rubbed his dick on top of my own cock, and then reached back to the nightstand for more lube. This time he poured it in a long stream onto both of our cocks, coating us with the slick liquid.
Still straddling me, Bill rubbed our cocks together and began to jack us off at the same time. I just lay back and enjoyed the ride as I watched him fondle and jerk us together.
The sensation of his dick sliding up and down with my own was fantastic! I reached down and grabbed all four of our balls in a loose hand and began to rub them together as he stroked us. I began to buck upward as the urge to cum overtook my mind.
Our cocks were hard against one another and I moved in sync with his strokes. He rode on top of me like a rodeo bull rider as we came closer and closer to the climax.
Suddenly I leaned my head back and cried out a loud yell and my cock erupted in a giant stream of cum! Bill kept riding and stroking us both faster as I shot ropes of cum across my chest, splashing into my face and all over the bed. His grip tightened as he unloaded his second round of warm jizz on my chest and onto my penis. I was going into shock as he continued to stroke and cum, the sensations causing me to yell out again and again.
Finally spent, Bill collapsed and rolled over to my side. He moved his hand up and continued to rub the warm cum on my chest. I reached down between his legs and held his semi-hard cock in my hand as we fell asleep.
The last thought I had before passing out was that tomorrow was going to be a big day. And maybe we needed to spend another night at this wonderful hotel.
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Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 01 | 171,012 | 4.58 | 252,340 | [] | Preface
It has been a little over a year since that momentous New Year's Eve for our family. (If you haven't read *A Family New Year's Eve*, please do. This will make much more sense.) This past spring, Laurie took Lisa to New York for her birthday. Over the course of a few days, she told our beautiful twenty-one year old daughter *all* about our relationship. (Their adventures continue in *A Girls' Night Out*.)
Two months later, Matt graduated from high school. When Lisa came home a few weeks later, our son lost no time in re-asserting himself as the *alpha-male* in our family games. Laurie and Lisa delighted in fulfilling all of our fantasies. It was an incredibly hot summer.
In late August, he started his college career at the same large, mid-western university where Lisa was beginning her senior year. She has been living with two of her girlfriends in an off-campus apartment for the last two years, while college regulations called for Matt to live in one of the student dorms. Lisa got a new roommate this year.
Matt was quite busy for the first month; classes and schedules were frenetic for them both. And with Matt meeting loads of new kids in the dorm, they were only able to spend time together if they made a 'date' for dinner. When they did, Lisa usually cooked in her apartment and at least one of her two roommates was there. Once, though, during the first week of class, after Lisa had made dinner for all four of them, she and Matt disappeared down the half-flight of stairs across from the kitchen and into her room.
They had not been together for over a week and they were both going crazy. After Lisa locked the door behind her, she sat on the side of the bed and beckoned her brother over to her. Matt stood between her spread legs looking down on her as she pulled her shirt off and unsnapped the catch of her bra. As her brother's hands started to massage her firm tits, she pulled him closer and unbuttoned his jeans. Then smiling wickedly at her younger brother, she pulled his massive cock out of his boxers and started to stroke him with her fingertips. Lisa quietly asked him what he thought of her roommates as her second hand started to massage his sac. Then she opened her lusty mouth and took his long, fat prick all the way into her throat.
As she bobbed back and forth, Matt tried to answer her. In hoarse whispers, he said he thought they were pretty cool. Shelly was nice, but a little distant. He said it felt like she had to be that way because she was a senior and he was *only* a freshman. Lisa let him slide back out and she giggled up at him. "You're right on, bro. She's really sweet, but kind of snobby sometimes. Anyway, she's with her boyfriend most of the time."
Matt guided her mouth back to his stiff dick and she started sucking on him again, her swollen lips wrapped around his cockhead and then sliding down the hot, meaty shaft. "Now Margie...fuck, Lis'...you're getting to be as good as Mom at this...Margie's *really* hot!" Neither of them was aware that his voice was carrying up the stairs. "She's like an Asian *you*, sis." He was bucking towards her now, getting closer as she pressed on his perineum. "Unngg...fuck, Lis'..." his voice kept edging up, "you're gonna make me cum, baby...I want to see her naked, Lisa...I want to eat her cunt...I want to see you and her together."
Now his voice was lower, but it seemed to penetrate through the apartment. "Swallow my cock, slut...set it up, Lisa...the three of us...unghhh...fuck, baby...here it comes..." And then the only sound came from Lisa as she swallowed the crème he'd shot into her hungry mouth.
Matt left shortly afterwards, saying goodbye to Margie on his way out. Shelly had left earlier, right after dinner, to spend the night with her boyfriend. That was the only time brother and sister were able to be together sexually, and they were both getting a little crazy.
They both found the arrangements quite frustrating. Lisa had stopped seeing her boyfriend from the previous year – no way he could compare to her brother for sex, and she had no plans to marry him! Matt was more interested in meeting and making new friends than he was in finding a girlfriend for himself. The sex couldn't be better than what he was getting from his mother and his sister. When they came home for our annual Thanksgiving family dinner and party, they couldn't stay away from each other.
That was the night when my brother, David, happened to see Matt leave our bedroom and wander into Lisa's, leaving the door slightly open behind him. He heard them talking about school as he turned into our room to say hello to Laurie. He was pleasantly surprised to find his sister-in-law almost naked...then the realization hit him that Matt was just in there with her – and now *in his sisters room? What the fuck was going on here?* He walked in to his niece's room unannounced.
Lisa was sitting naked on her bed, her firm, tanned thighs spread wide; her feet planted firmly on the floor. Her brother was standing in front of her, facing away from his uncle; his pants and boxers were around his knees. At first, Lisa didn't notice him – she was busy trying to stuff her brother's immense cock all the way down her throat. Then she backed away slightly and she saw him. She let Matt's cock slide out slowly between her puffy lips, then she leaned back on her hands, thrusting her perfectly shaped twenty-one year old breasts at him. "See anything you like, Uncle David?" Her voice broke with emotion. She couldn't believe how she felt – naked and spread open under her uncle's gaze – "*Fuck,*" she thought as she looked at him, "*those ice-blue eyes...so hot!*" She was beginning to realize what her mother had been talking about when she'd told Lisa of her rather *unorthodox* relationship with her brother-in-law.
Matt turned around, his awesome hard-on leading the way. "Happy Thanksgiving, Uncle Dave." A little nervous, but smiling and holding up well to the intrusion, David thought.
Glancing down, he chuckled and said, "You look pretty happy to see me." Then he turned to my daughter. His eyes moved slowly up and down her body. Her long, full dark hair framed her beautiful face. Her body was fantastic...he guessed her to be a 34B... perfectly shaped with such perfect fucking nipples. He loved that she was tanned everywhere except for the pale triangles that covered her nipples and the bottoms of her breasts and the light patch of her plump little pussy. "I see a lot that I like, Lisa. Tell me, am I still your favorite uncle?" She nodded her head. He turned to Matt. "How about you, neph?" Matt nodded as well. "That's good," he said. "We'll talk later, okay?" They both nodded again and he started to leave the room. He paused and then turned back and walked over to his niece. He looked at her – she couldn't take her eyes away. "I think you forgot to give your favorite uncle a kiss, didn't you?"
Lisa's cunt was dripping – she knew her brother and her uncle could smell her arousal; this inflamed her moist pussy even more. She nodded slowly back at my brother as she stood up and slithered into his arms. "Happy Thanksgiving, Uncle David," Lisa gave him her most seductive smile as she tilted her face up and lifted her arm around the back of his neck.
David was struck by how much she resembled her mother at that age. "*God,*" he thought, "*would I have loved to fuck her when she was twenty!*" But his niece was every bit as exciting as her mother...and he suspected she shared the family libido. He was certainly going to find out.
He pulled her close and his lips closed on hers – they were so soft and sweet. His hand, clearly visible to his enchanted nephew, slid down his niece's collar bone to her perfect breast. He stroked the underside lightly with his fingertips as Lisa's tongue pushed past his lips and invaded his mouth. When he finally found her thick, pencil-eraser sized nipple, he rolled it between his fingers, squeezing it gently. Lisa moaned into his mouth in response.
Her uncle's other hand slid down the silky flesh of her back, tracing the flair at her waist and the curve of her hip. She was amazed at the sensations bombarding her. Before Laurie had told her about our relationship with my brother, Lisa would never have imagined that her uncle could make her feel this way. She was so close to cumming from the way he stroked her tit...he was as good a kisser as her dad, she thought...maybe a little better because he was a little rougher with her. It was then that the hand on her back grabbed her firm, round ass while the hand on her tit slid down over her tight abs, lingering momentarily at the little strip of dark hair that adorned the top of her slit and then cupped her hot little cunt, sliding his finger into the moist channel.
He felt my baby girl's cunt contracting around his finger as she climaxed for him. As she calmed down, he slid his finger out of her pussy and his tongue out of her mouth. Smiling at them both, he wished them a Happy Thanksgiving, reminding them he wanted to speak to them both before they returned to school.
Early the next morning, Lisa got a phone call from one of her roommates. She said that Matt would be getting an 'official' call from the school soon. To make a long story short, it seems that a year earlier, one of the students in Matt's dorm got sick. This led to the discovery of asbestos in the building and the inevitable law suit from the parents. The judge finally ruled, and the school had to shut the dorm down for immediate repairs.
Shelly, Lisa's roommate, said that she wanted to move in with her boyfriend and Matt could have her room for half the rent. (Of course, she didn't want her parents to know about it, so Lisa would keep Shelly's name on the lease and on the mailbox.) We all discussed it at breakfast and decided that it would be a good thing to do. When the lady from the Housing Office called a few hours later, Matt was told he needed to vacate his room by noon on Monday. When we explained that his older sister was a student in an apartment, they were happy to give Matt special permission to live off-campus and he would get a school parking permit and other paperwork upon his return.
Shelly moved out Sunday before Matt and Lisa returned. She did take the time to explain what was happening to Lisa's other roommate, Margie Yuen. Margie spent the afternoon moving her stuff from the downstairs bedroom (that shared a bathroom with Lisa's bedroom) to the vacant, airy room upstairs with the nice *en suite* bath.
Lisa talked to Margie on her cell phone from her car, confirming everything with her. Matt was following his sister in his car. They had spent the first several hours of the drive back to school calling each other, planning and discussing the little details of their new arrangement. Matt was happy to let his sister do the organizing – his mind was on other things. Lunchtime came and they both pulled off the highway, meeting in the parking lot of the restaurant at the rest-stop.
Matt reached into one of his bags in the back seat, grabbed something and then headed to Lisa's car. He opened her door, but instead of letting her out, he dropped the soft object into his sister's lap. When she held up the lightweight, white *wife-beater* T-shirt, she gasped and her face flushed a deep pink.
Matt's voice was so deep, almost feral as he spoke to his sister. "I told you it wasn't just for holidays and summer vacations, Lis'." She nodded, her pussy already starting to moisten. "Why don't you change into this now, big sister?" Knowing it would be too difficult to manage this in the car, Matt took the shirt and extended his hand to his sister and helped her out of her car.
She was wearing an old, gray sweat-shirt and jeans, comfortable for the drive. But standing next to her low-slung car, in front of her brother, her *Master*, she knew she was definitely out of her comfort zone. And she loved him all the more for keeping his promises and putting her there.
They were parked three rows back, in front of the main entrance. She looked around briefly, her lust showing in her dark eyes, scanning the cars and the people in the lot. Not seeing any children, Lisa crossed her arms in front of her and grabbed the bottom of the sweat-shirt. She could hardly breathe as she felt the cool autumn breeze whistle across her flat tummy and then the bottom curves of her breasts. When she raised the shirt high enough to expose her diamond-hard pink nipples, her eyes were covered.
"Stop now." Matt didn't need to raise his voice – he knew he had his sister's complete attention. As Lisa held her arms up, she heard a car door open and close from not far away. As she sucked in her breath, her nipples seem to extend even further from the pale pink aureoles surrounding them. She heard footsteps and then Matt told her to "keep going." She pulled the shirt off in one motion and then shook her long, dark curls before opening her eyes.
Standing about fifteen feet behind Matt, leaning against a car fender, was a tall, slim, dark-haired man in a leather jacket, jeans, a baseball cap and cowboy boots. He looked to be about forty years old; he was smiling at her, a toothpick hanging out of the side of his mouth. Looking straight at Lisa, he spoke to Matt with a soft drawl. "Dude...that's real sweet."
Without turning around, Matt took the sweatshirt from his sister, leaving her topless in the cool November air. "Yeah," he replied, "if ya gotta have a sister, might as well look like this." He heard footsteps coming closer; Lisa's eyes were getting brighter.
Matt handed the tiny white T-shirt back to his sister. From over his shoulder he heard the man again. "Shit, man...she's your sister?" As Matt nodded, the man stepped next to him. Matt glanced over quickly and saw no apparent threat. "That is very radical...very crazy, dude." Matt nodded again – it was true. "You should put that shirt on, missy – there's some kids walking this way." He clapped Matt on the shoulder and wished him good luck, he thought they would need it. He mumbled 'goodbye' and walked away, towards the restaurant.
Lisa pulled the shirt over her head and over her shapely torso. Her breasts were showcased by the ultra-thin ribbed cotton material. The shirt stretched tightly across her chest, hugging every curve. Even a quick glance revealed the wonderful shape of her perfect tits, riding high on her chest with her nipples fighting through the shirt. The over-sized arm holes exposed the outer curves of each breast, almost to the dusky pink areola.
Matt was staring at his sister; it still blew him away that she just didn't see how beautiful she really is. He did, though, and he was going to enjoy it. "Hungry, Sis? I'm starving." Matt didn't wait for her to answer. He pulled his wallet from his pocket and handed her a hundred-dollar bill. "Why don't you get us some burgers and stuff from the take out counter?" The way he was smiling her, Lisa knew it wasn't really a request – more of a command.
She lowered her eyes and spoke softly. "Of course, Matt. I'll be right back." She started to walk away when her brother called her back.
"I think you need more lipstick and makeup, Lis'." He was trying to hide a smile.
Lisa's heart-rate started to climb as she realized the picture she would present inside. She reached inside her car and grabbed her purse. She gave her brother a small mirror to hold as she applied color to her lips and her smoldering eyes. Her voice was trembling as she said, "God, Matty...I look like such a slut. When I give them that $100 bill..." Her knees were trembling. "Fuck, little brother...they're all gonna think I'm a whore!" When Matt gave her back the mirror, his smile was as wide as his face. Lisa raised herself up on her toes and kissed her younger brother. "I'll be right back, lover."
Fifteen minutes later, they were sitting in Matt's car eating their lunch. Matt was trying to swallow his food but he kept laughing and choking as Lisa told him about her ordeal at the counter. It seems she was correct in other peoples' assessment of her current look. "Oh my God, Matty..." she was laughing as she spoke, "it was so funny, the way they all looked at me. But...God...I was so turned on!"
Matt put down his drink and pulled the thin straps of the T-shirt down over Lisa's shoulders until her swollen nipples were uncovered. He rolled one of the hard, thick buds between his fingers. "You still are, Lis'...so am I, but we gotta boogie." He started to clean up the mess in his car. "Pretty cool that Margie moved upstairs, huh? Did you tell her about us, Lis'?"
"Uhmm..." Lisa hesitated. She wanted her brother to find out about Margie in a different way...the way she had fantasized about for the last three months – ever since Margie surprised her in the shower right after she moved in. "I guess I did, kind of...not everything." Her reluctance to talk about it was not lost on her brother. Neither was the gleam in her eye when he'd mentioned her roommate.
Matt kept his voice very light and neutral. "Okay, let's throw this shit out and get on the road." They scooped up the garbage and dumped it into the nearest trash can. Matt held Lisa's door open for her as she slid into the driver's seat and buckled her safety belt across her lap. Then without a word, Matt leaned into the car and adjusted the shoulder strap so it pulled the *wife-beater*, exposing most of her firm tit-flesh. "You have your bluetooth earpiece?" Lisa nodded. "Good. Turn it on. You'll need both hands while we're talking." Matt squatted by the door next to his sister. Reaching across her lap, he unbuttoned the top of her jeans and slid her zipper down. "Lift up, baby," he groaned as he tried to slide her pants down. She lifted her cute round bottom off the seat and Matt slid her jeans and her little panties to her knees.
The contrast between the tanned flesh of her belly and her thighs and the pale triangle between her legs made her shaved, smooth mound stand out noticeably. He bent over and gave her sweet little pussy a nice long lick and then kissed his sister hard on her mouth. "Can you move your legs enough to drive, Lis'?" She moved around a little, pressing the pedals and mimicking her driving movements.
"Yes, Matty...I'm fine." Her voice was subdued, but he could hear the trembling that indicated her excitement. The last thing Matt did was pull her T-shirt up to just below the bottom curve of her breasts, anchoring it there with the shoulder strap.
He kissed her and then backed out of her car. He shut her door and told her he'd talk to her in a few minutes. Lisa pulled out of her spot and turned towards the ramp to the highway. She was pulling away as Matt made his way back to his car.
Ten minutes later, Matt spotted her car cresting a hill and he dialed her number. "Hey," he said when she answered.
"You ever do this to Mom, Matty?"
"No. Why?"
"It's really pretty fuckin' hot, little brother...that's why."
"Where are your hands, Lis'?"
"Ten and two, bro...just like the manual says." He heard her giggling.
"When I said you'd need both hands...I didn't say *to drive*, Lisa." He thought he heard a small gasp. "Any cars or trucks by you?"
"Uhmm...there's one car about a quarter-mile ahead and two eighteen-wheelers ahead of the car." Her voice dropped and got a little tight. "Why, Matty? What to you want me to do?" Her brother couldn't see her thick nipples poking holes through the thin T-shirt, so she described it to him.
"Catch up to the car, baby...I'll be right behind you." Lisa checked her rear-view mirror and saw her brother's car for the first time since they'd started again.
"Hey, lover...I can see you now." She gained ground steadily on the sedan in the right lane. "I'm almost there, Matty, tell me what to do, baby."
"Get close enough to see who's in the car, Lis'." He watched as she moved closer.
"Looks like a mom and a little kid, Matty."
"Okay...pass her...slowly, Lis'..." Matt couldn't believe how cool this all was. It had been so hard, the last few months at school, knowing she was sleeping only a mile away. But they just couldn't seem to get together, alone, until this past week. After Shelly called Friday morning, Matt knew his world was changing again – he could hardly wait – and now it was here! "Is she looking at you?"
"Yes...she's cute, Matty...she's staring at me."
"What can she see...talk to me, Lisa!" His heart was pounding. "What about the kid?"
Lisa's voice was totally strained. "The kid is a baby, Matt. I was seeing the car seat before. She's watching me talk to you...I know she can see the side of my right breast and my nipples...they're so hard, baby..."
"Okay, listen, babygirl...I'm gonna pull up close behind you...stay even with her...keep flirting with her...alright, I'm gonna flash my brights, like you should speed up...don't... turn around and give me the finger...good, baby...now...when I flash again, pull up your shirt and rub your nipple for her." He heard Lisa gasp. "When I honk, pull ahead to that big rig in front of us...okay?"
"Yes, *Master*." He could hardly hear her whisper. He flashed his lights. He was close enough to see the grin on her face as she flipped him off. When she was back facing the young mother in the other car, Matt flashed the lights again. From behind, he could see his sister's hand moving.
"Talk to me, Lis'...everything!"
"Okay, Matty...she smiled after I gave you the finger...I'm playing with the edge of my shirt...she's staring hard, baby...I'm pulling it away...fuck, Matty...I think I might cum!"
"Easy, Lis'...stay with her, baby...talk to me."
"I just pulled the shirt away, Matty...my whole breast is out! Oh, she's smiling at me again...she's starting to roll down her window..."
"Leave your window up...suck your fingers and then pull your nip for her...now, play with your tit...I'm gonna honk...speed up, baby, now!" Lisa hit the accelerator hard, pulling away from her ardent admirer. Matt followed, pausing only long enough to look at the frustrated mother. She was cute enough, but not even close to his sister. "I think you made her day, Lis'," Matt spoke sweetly into the phone. "Ready for another little thrill?"
Lisa breathed heavily into her tiny headset. "Just tell me what to do, Matty...you know I'll do anything you want me to." Her pussy was really starting to cream.
"Are your pants still around your knees?" Matt was choking out the words. "Is your slut cunt on display?"
"Yes, *Master*."
"Good, baby...real good. Now I want you to push your shirt to the middle...tuck it under the shoulder strap."
"Jesus, Matty...my tits are both uncovered. What are we doing?" She was feeling the tremors starting to emanate from her hot, moist pussy.
"I want you to pull up to that big rig, baby...right along side. Now, Lis'." He watched her car get closer to the cab of the semi. "Okay, baby...now when you get up close, make sure he can see into the car. Talk to me, Lisa...what's going on?"
*The semi driver had seen the small car pulling closer. When it didn't pass as he'd expected, he glanced down to check out what was going on. "Holy shit!" he thought as he stared at the hot, young thing driving the car. "Maybe Sunday hauling ain't a bad idea!"*
"He's looking at me, Matt...he's saying something, but I can't hear him."
"Can he see your pussy, baby?" Lisa moaned her reply. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, lover...I'm spreading my legs as wide as I can for him."
"Finger yourself, Lis'...let him watch you fuck yourself."
*"Fuck me!" The driver was going out of his mind! When she'd looked at him, he couldn't believe how good-looking she was – perfect tits...great nipples...shaved cunt. What more could he ask for? Now she was fingering herself!*
"He's watching me, Master...I'm fucking myself for him." Lisa had a hard time speaking as she frigged herself, glancing up as often as she could to see the driver high above her.
"Tell me about Margie, Lis'." He heard his sister gasp into the headset.
"God, Matty...now?" Lisa was beginning to crest towards orgasm.
"Now, *slut*."
"One night, right after she moved in, we all got stoned and watched movies and stuff. After the last movie, I went downstairs to shower and go to bed. I was in the shower...I was thinking about you, little brother...about your huge, hard cock...I was playing with myself with the hand-held showerhead...I know I was saying your name.
"I heard the bathroom door open...Margie said she had to pee and couldn't wait. I know she saw me holding the nozzle in front of my pussy through the glass doors. I couldn't say anything as she stood there and looked at me. Fuck, Matty...just like this guy is looking at me now."
"Keep talking, babygirl...you're makin' me really hard!"
"It was like slow motion, baby." Lisa's voice was a little heavier, filled with the lusty memory. "She stood there for a minute, then she stripped off her blouse and her shorts. All she had on was a pair of pink bikini panties." Lisa was jamming three fingers into her gaping cunt. "She's so cute, Matty...she's built just like me. She didn't say anything... she peeled her panties off, opened the door and stepped into the shower.
"She took the showerhead out of my hand and started spraying herself. When she was all soaked, she aimed it at my pussy. I just stood there, baby...my knees were shaking so bad. Then she moved close, her tits were pressing into mine...she kissed me, Matty. She *frenched* me - it was so fuckin' hot!"
"Listen, babygirl..." Matt interrupted, "Suck your fingers and waive goodbye to your friend. Pull ahead into the next rest stop. But keep talking about Margie – she's sounding better and better every minute."
Lisa did as Matt instructed. She left the semi driver with one very hard dick and two very blue balls. Normally, that wasn't her style but she knew her little brother needed her. That's what had kept her cunt wet and her nipples hard for the last two months...well, that and maybe Margie, too.
"Okay, little brother. After she kissed me, she pinched my nipple, Matty – it really hurt. Then, in a real bossy voice, she asked me...she asked...who's the *Matty* that's making me so hot? Baby, her eyes were like black coals, all shiny and hot. I had to tell her, baby. I said, "You know who I mean...it's him...it's...my...brother."
"What did she say, Lis'?" Matt's voice was so low she could barely hear him.
"Did you see that sign, Matty? There's a rest area in two miles."
"Yeah, I saw it...pull off there and drive to the end of the lot. What did she say?" Lisa heard the impatience in his voice.
"She said I must be a really dirty slut to think about my brother that way. She asked me why. I...uhmm...I told her I saw you...you know...jerking off...one night in your room. Here's the exit, Matt...I'm pulling in now." Matt waited impatiently for her to start speaking again. "She asked me what I saw, baby. Okay, Matty, I'm down at the end of the middle row."
"Lisa..." Her master's voice was making her already moist pussy drip onto her seat. "Get out of your car...now."
She took off her little headset and opened her door. Seconds later, Matt's car pulled into the space next to hers. Before she could swing her legs all the way out, her brother was there to help her out of the car. She took his hand and he pulled her up out of her seat directly in front of him. Matt leaned his face down and kissed his sister. As his tongue explored her lips and mouth, his hands locked on her firm, taught ass, crushing her pussy against his massive hard-on. Lisa could only moan into his mouth, her feelings of love and submission sending lightening bolts through every nerve.
Matt held her back several inches. His eyes were wild with the testosterone and adrenalin coursing through him. His voice was as commanding as it had every been, thrilling his sister to her very soul. "What, exactly, did you tell her, Lis'?" She started to reply when he interrupted her. "Take off that fucking shirt, *slut*." Lisa started creaming as she pulled her shirt up and off. Her firm, tanned breasts stood out proudly from her chest in the late fall sunlight. Her nipples extended fully and the light, pink skin of her areolas were pebbled from her excitement.
Her gasp turned into a soft whimper as first Matt kissed one of her nipples and then softly bit down on the thick pink nub. "Get on your knees, baby..." Lisa slid down between their cars, her jeans and panties still around her knees. "Tell me what you said - unbuckle my belt, Lis'."
Lisa's mind was reeling with the memory of that night and the sensual overload of her current situation. She could barely speak, her body thrilling to the cool breeze as it caressed her hard nipples and her hot little pussy. But she knew her brother really wanted to hear the whole story. Her fingers trembling as she started to unfasten his belt, she continued. "I told her...you were laying down on your bed..." She unbuckled him and her fingers went to the button at his waist. "When I looked in...I said I saw you..." The button popped and she grabbed his zipper and started to tug it down, very carefully. Her brother seemed as large as she had ever known him to be. "I saw you stroking the *biggest* and most *beautiful* cock..." Lisa reached around behind her younger brother and tugged his jeans and boxers down to his knees as he leaned back against his car door. "...that I'd ever seen." She smiled up at him, her eyes a dark brown version of her mothers as they became glaring slits. "Surprise, baby brother," she gave him her wickedest little grin, "here he is now!"
Mat looked down at his incredibly hot sister as she rubbed the huge mushroom-shaped head of his cock all over her face and across her swollen lips. He grabbed a handful of her hair; she knew immediately what his signal meant and she took almost all of his thick rod into her mouth and down her throat. She held him still, working her tongue around the hard ridge of his crown, letting her throat adjust to his size. A moment later she let the rest of him slide into her until her lips rested against his pubic bone.
"Swallow me, sister!" Matt groaned as she started massaging his shaft with her very talented throat. After a minute of this heavenly feeling, Matt pulled her head back until his cock popped out of her mouth. "What did Margie say then?"
"She asked how big you are...I said eight or nine inches, maybe more." Lisa giggled, "You know what Dad says...always undersell the expectations." The giggling stopped. Lisa was massaging her brother's heavy balls as she spoke to him. "She asked me if I fucked you. I looked at her like I was shocked, Matty. 'Margie,' I said, 'that would be *incest*! That's so *dirty*!' Brother and sister shared a dirty, little chuckle before Lisa sucked his cock back down her throat again. This time she bobbed her head up and down on him three times before he pulled her off. A long, silvery string of pre-cum stretched between her lips and his cock-head before it snapped in the cool breeze.
Lisa looked up at her brother/lover/Master. "She pulled on my nipples again...it hurt really *good*, baby. She asked me if I wanted to...you know...fuck you. I said yes, I wanted you, I wanted your cock." She couldn't resist the tasty temptation right in front of her and sucked him in once again, swabbing his pre-cum around the head with her tongue. "*Fuck,*" she thought, "*he is so delicious!*"
Matt pulled out again. "What did she say, then?" His voice was raspy, his eyes were glaring.
It sounded almost like Lisa was sobbing, the feelings and emotions controlling her totally as she continued. "She said that really made me a dirty slut...wanting to fuck my own brother. She said she knows how to treat dirty sluts." Lisa put her brother's hands on her shoulders. "She put her hands right there, Matty...and then she...she pushed me down to my knees." Matt groaned as he imagined the scene unfolding. "She was so hot, baby... wait 'til you see her like that. She asked me if she was right...if I am a slut. I looked up at her and nodded my head. Her eyes got crazy, Matt. 'Don't move!' she screamed at me in the shower." Lisa's body began to shake as she spoke. "She put her hand on her pussy and spread her little lips apart. I was shaking so bad, Matty. My cunt was on fire!"
Matt loved the way she'd kept him on edge through the story so far. He stopped her momentarily by shoving his cock into her sweet mouth. He used *the voice* to take control of the situation back. "Who owns your pussy, slut?" He held her mouth on him as she tried to answer. "Rhetorical, baby...I do!" He shoved himself further into her throat, making her gag a little while she tried to adjust to his huge size. "Who said *my pussy* could fuck around with somebody else? I know I didn't...and if anybody else did...they don't fuckin' count anyway." He buried himself fully down her raw throat. He let her choke for a minute before he pulled slowly out.
Lisa was certain that her heart was beating outside her chest, it sounded so loud. She'd never thought she needed her Master's permission to play with her roommate. She immediately sat back on her heels, arms behind and breasts thrust forward. With her head bowed, she spoke softly. "I'm so sorry, *Master*. I never thought to ask...she's a girl...we couldn't...please forgive me, Matty. I know I was wrong...please? I promise, baby...it will never happen again...*please*?"
Matt took his cock in his hand and he slapped his sister with it across her cheek. "Never again, *without permission*, Lisa. Understand?" She nodded meekly up at him. He was smiling down at her. His voice was almost normal again. "So then what happened, baby? How does Margie treat dirty sluts?"
Lisa looked up at her brother, her eyes wide open. She was suddenly aware that her current position was much like her experience in the shower that night. "Oh, Matty... she...she had one hand on my shoulder..." Lisa was almost hyperventilating as she tried to speak. "Her other hand was spreading her pussy. She was calling me a slut...then it started." Her body was shaking so hard she almost lost control.
"What, Lisa? What started?" Matt was trying to keep his voice down as several cars had parked nearby. But it was difficult...his sister was making him crazy!
Her voice was so low he had to strain to hear her. "She started to pee, Matty...first just a little...it dripped on my leg...it made me start to cum, baby...I flashed on Mom...telling me about how you did it to her last New Year." Her voice turned a little pouty. "You promised me you'd do it to me, too, Matty. You never did." She took his stiff rod into her mouth, swirling her magical tongue around him. She pulled back slowly until she had him in her hand again. "Don't I please you enough, Master?"
"That's not it, baby. You know exactly how much you please me." Matt's voice cracked as he answered his older sister. "First, it just never seemed to be the right time. Second... I just...you know...wanted it to be when we were alone. You got no fuckin' idea how glad I am that my dorm's all fucked up, Lis'." Then he got back on track. "That was it? She dribbled a little pee on your leg?"
Lisa looked at him with a very wicked grin. "No, Matty. When I didn't pull away or anything, she started saying nasty...dirty things to me...then...fuck, Matty...she really let it go...all over me...it was so crazy." Lisa's voice conveyed all of her emotions from that night. "She must have been drinking all night, baby – it never stopped. She told me to close my eyes and open my mouth...Matty, I don't know why, but I just *had* to do it! She gave me a total *Golden Shower*, lover. I felt her stream...her steamy, yellow piss... all over my face and body...then she got close...pulled my face to her pussy...then she flooded my mouth with her piss...she screamed at me to swallow – she was pulling my nipples off my chest. Finally, I drank her pee. Matty, I came so *hard*!"
Matt's rock-hard ten inches as leaking pre-cum as it stood out from his trim, muscular waist, pointing directly at his sister's mouth. He groaned as she finished her story. "God, Lisa... that was unbelievable." Then his voice changed back, letting him take control once again. "Suck me, slut...don't stop 'til you're swallowing my cum." Lisa opened wide and took him into her warm, wet mouth. She started to bob her mouth back and forth, taking him deep in her throat, over and over again.
Matt held on to the back of her head as he started fucking her face. We...will...talk...oh, fuck! ... about your...*punishment*..." When Lisa heard that word, she started trembling and the vibrations went straight to her brother's cock. "...later. UNNNGGGH!!!! Fuck!!!" Matt drove his cock deep into her throat as he felt his load boil up through his stiff prick and erupt into his sister's greedy, sucking mouth. He just couldn't believe the feeling as his sister worked her throat muscles around his thick shaft. "Shit, Lis'," he mumbled as she sucked the last spurts of his crème from him, "a little more practice and you're gonna be better than Mom."
Lisa licked him clean and the looked up at her brother, giggling. "Maybe even better than Dad?" She slid his boxers up and put his fabulous fuck-stick back inside. Then she pulled his jeans up and Matt finished dressing himself. He glanced down – Lisa was still in her submissive mode, arms behind her back and her perfectly formed tits thrust forward.
"That's totally different, Lis'." Matt pondered her question for a moment. "I guess... well...okay, who eats your pussy better, big sister...me or Mom?" Matt extended his hand to her and helped her back to her feet. He leaned over and grabbed his sister's ass in his big hands. He pulled her close and planted his lips around her protruding little clit. He kissed her and then gently sucked her into his mouth. Lisa was starting to tremble again as Matt's tongue manipulated her clit. Then suddenly, he backed away and pulled up her panties and jeans. "Put on your sweatshirt, baby...it's getting cold outside."
Lisa pulled the thick, warm cotton shirt over her wild dark curls, loving the way the soft, fleecy material slid over her swollen nipples. "You're right, Matty. It is totally not the same at all. You and Daddy..." she giggled a little, "and all the other boys who *ever ate out at the Y*...it's all like...I don't know...definitely some do it better than others...but it's like all the same style. When Mom eats me, or...Margie does...it's so different...it's like they know exactly what to do and when to do it." She looked at her brother with a sudden, clearer understanding. "Yeah, okay," she grinned at him, "I get it, bro."
Lisa looked around the nearly empty parking area. In her sexiest, little girl voice, she asked her brother, "Isn't it my turn now, Matty?" She slid her hands down her sweatshirt until they came to her oven-hot pussy. "Don't you want to finish your little *snack* before we finish the drive?"
Matt shook his head slowly back and forth, trying to keep a grin from spreading across his handsome young face. "This can be your punishment, slut. You can drive home like this...no touching yourself...none of that *thigh squeezing* stuff, either. If you're a good girl, and tell me some good stories on the way..." His voice tailed off, leaving his sister even more frustrated.
"Matty," she moaned, "that's not fair!"
He chuckled as he opened her car door and helped her inside. "Some fucking Honor Student! Of course it doesn't seem fair, Lis'...that's why they call it a *punishment*." She was still trying to answer when he shut her door and got into his car. His cell phone chirped immediately. He saw her number and flipped the top. "I mean it, Lisa...no getting yourself off...understand?"
She faked a loud sob. "Yes, Master. I understand."
"Good little pussy...now start driving and I don't want to stop until we get to *my* new apartment." He was truly in high spirits. "And keep the stories coming, sister...we've got all the weekend minutes we need."
Lisa pulled out of the lot ahead of her brother. She *really* wanted to get herself off...but she knew she had to wait. "Matt?" Her voice sounded romantic as she called his name. "I love you, little brother."
Matt's heart burst wide in his chest. This was going to be the best thing ever! Meaning every word, he whispered back, "I love you, too, baby. Now and forever, Lisa."
She didn't need to touch herself – her heart and her cunt exploded together as she heard his words. When the shaking stopped, she started her car and pulled back on to the highway. When she trusted her voice again, she started talking to her brother.
"She doesn't have a steady boyfriend...or girlfriend, if ya don't count me..." Lisa giggled as they drove on to their home. |
Don't Break the Spell | 76,490 | 4.57 | 169,991 | [
"break spell",
"toned body",
"lay motionless",
"turn head",
"side face",
"fingers hand",
"hand legs",
] | I stir from slumber during the early, dawn hours. As I slowly edge my way towards consciousness I become aware of your toned body close to mine. I sigh. You always remind me of something powerful, protective. You make me feel safe. You are my man.
The room is hot and still. My eyes open slightly and I tease back the soft sheet with one hand, hoping this will cool my naked body. It doesn't. Even though it's raining outside, a peachy half-light filters through the blind. I hate this muggy weather. At least you and I are now uncovered from the waist up. If the morning is kind enough to carry any breeze through the open window, we will feel it.
I turn my head to look at you. You are lying on your back with one arm flung above your head. Your long fingers are curled lightly against the bed head in repose. I shift onto my side to face you and, even though it's so sultry, I lightly rest my thigh on yours. Our skin touches; we are both sticky. In the dim light I drink in the silhouette of your handsome face. Your lips are parted, so full and inviting. I hear your breath, regular and deep. It never ceases to amaze me that I am yours. You look peaceful, beautiful, delicious.
For a long while I lay motionless and silent ... absorbing this moment ... imprinting this time upon my memory. After a short while you wriggle back and forth fractionally as if trying to bury yourself deeper into the bed. Your long, toned body sways slightly, rocked by the ocean of your dreams. Perhaps you sense that I'm watching? I don't move; I don't want this magic to end.
... Hush. Don't break the spell.
Hardly daring to stir but unable to stop myself, I lean over to brush a few stray hairs away from your forehead. They are damply dark. My hand lightly cups the side of your face and I feel your early morning bristles tickle my palm.
I stare at you closely, as if for the first time. My heart lurches. I realize that this is one of those rare moments in time when I am absolutely happy. I'm flooded with the warmth of my love for you. By way of a silent thank you, I lightly kiss your cheek and your ear lobe. I lean over and touch my lips against yours - feather-light, a whispered, hushed kiss. My tongue runs almost imperceptibly over both your lips in turn. Again you rouse, sigh and shift a little but fail to wake.
... Careful. Don't break the spell.
I lay motionless breathing in your scent, so masculine. I am in paradise. Tentatively I reach across to touch your chest. I rest my palm delicately over your heart and feel its constant, affirming thud. The ever-miraculous sensation of skin against skin causes me to quiver slightly. After a while my emboldened fingers roam a little further to caress, explore. You let out a soft, almost inaudible moan. Even though you are sleeping soundly, somewhere in your dreams you know that I'm here in the real world, fondling you. I smile softly and wait.
... Be still. Don't break the spell.
Eventually my hand roams further - more adventurous this time. I hold my breath as my fingers tenderly brush your nipples. They rise and harden as if to please me. Your unconscious response to my touch arouses me beyond words. I feel my pussy tighten. My heart begins to pound in my ears.
Ever so lightly, gently, ever so slowly my hand slips wave-like down your torso. I don't want to awaken you, yet my body wants you – totally, absolutely. As if of its own volition, my hip sways inward and I knead myself rhythmically against your thigh. My nectar lubricates your skin and soon your leg becomes my slippery play thing.
God, how I want you! My mind reels. I want you to lay oblivious while I discover and tease. I am silently screaming for you to possess me. I don't want to disturb you; want to celebrate this magical time alone. I want you to wake and take me without a single word being spoken.
... but STOP! Don't break the spell ...
I roll onto my back away from you and slip my hand between my legs. My fingers are immediately drenched, I am so wet! I tease myself, running the very tips of my fingers over and around my outer lips. I'm hungry with lust. I want more but take my time, knowing that the longer I take the greater my reward shall be.
I bend my legs apart, one slightly raised because it's leaning against you. Even in sleep you entice me - you are my catalyst, my stimulus. I add pressure, slowly exploring. My juices run down the valley of my inner lips and beyond. My fingers follow the oyster soft path, slowly, lightly ... down and back again ... over and over and over ...
At last I can wait no longer and allow my fingers to stray where they want to go. My clit is engorged and I gasp involuntarily as my fingers finally find their mark. I splay my lips wide with the fingers of one hand and rhythmically circle my clit with the other. My pussy instantly responds, clenching tight within. OH God! (Did I say that out loud?!)
... Careful! Quiet! Don't break the spell!
I close my eyes. Vivid pictures of our love-making race through my mind – your hair clutched in my fists as you burrow between my legs; the look on your face, distorted in the throws of orgasm, as I buck animal-like on top of you; your cock filling me from behind as I kneel, legs wide.
I increase pace and pressure as the pictures swirl, tumbling over each other as if each wants to be the ultimate. I rub my clit faster and faster! I'm breathing hard but am trying to remain as quiet as I can. For a brief moment I turn my head towards you and wonder how on earth you can continue to sleep while my world is being rocked beyond all reason.
... Hush now. Don't break the spell.
One finger, then two, slip into my dripping pussy – hot, warm, tight. It grips eagerly. My fingers imitate the movement of your cock ... in and out ... as deeply as they can reach ... harder ... faster!!! Waves of exhilaration rush through me, each stronger than the last. My body is glistens with perspiration. My hand continues to play ... in and out ...in and out ... my mind constantly filled with vision of us.
The tension builds, it's excruciating, magnificent! I ram my pussy with the fingers of one hand, while others excite my clit to the point of no return ... my whole body writhes, my hips thrust upwards. I'm beyond knowing or caring about anything other than the sensations wracking my body. I'm panting, moaning.
I am getting close ... so very close ... I ride the ever increasing waves, rapturously driving myself further and further onwards. Every fiber of my body is tensed; my toes curl tightly. Suddenly I crest the last gigantic wave and crash down into an abyss of ecstasy. My whole body shudders repeatedly and I cry out your name. A long groan cracks the silence of our room as immense pleasure and relief overwhelm me. My hips drop to the bed and I lie perfectly still feeling my heart pound. My breathing is ragged. Hot, fast pulsations pump within my pussy. I am limp, wet, happy. I let my hand rest between my legs; it feels so good there. Slowly I begin to relax ...
"That was fucking amazing!"
At the sound of your voice I gasp and turn abruptly. You're propped up next to me, smiling. I can't speak. I'm devastated! I quickly look away only to discover that the sheet has slipped off the bed completely. In that second I realize that from whatever time you woke up you not only heard, but also saw everything! I yank my hand from between my legs and curl onto my side. A deep blush flushes my cheeks.
"Don't be embarrassed, Honey," you whisper. "It was awesome. Honestly."
"I ... I ... umm ... didn't want to wake you," is all I can bring myself to say.
"Well I, for one, am very pleased that you did, Baby. You can wake me up like that anytime you like! And now for the obvious question. Seeing as I was so rudely awoken, what are you going to do about it?"
As you chuckle out these words, you take my hand and guide it down to your big cock. It's so hard, like velvet covered steal. Without thinking I wrap my wet fingers around your shaft and lean forward to kiss you ...
... who cares about a damn spell, anyway? |
1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 03 | 135,226 | 4.58 | 539,433 | [
"group sex",
"first time"
] | "You want me to do what with you?" Jean responded when I first laid out my thoughts about her and I 'doing' Dr.Willie.
We had met for lunch at one of the student dining rooms, the two of us sitting at a two-top along one of the side walls. She had just taken a bite from her sandwich and almost spit it out in surprise at my proposal.
"Well, I was thinking," I quickly replied in an effort to calm her shock, "It wouldn't really be a bad idea for you to experience lez-sex with someone other than me, you know, just so that you can gain that experience. I mean, I guess that you enjoy our fun times, don't you?"
"Of course I do. You know I do. You've been the best time I've ever had with someone else," Jean quickly replied. She had told me of a few fumbled attempts at sex with a boyfriend in High School that was, well, horrible. Both were inexperienced and neither really knew what they were doing.
"Okay, then; Does what we do together please you enough that you've at least thought about having sex with other gals?" I pressed.
"Well...yeah, I suppose," She reluctantly admitted, "There is a girl in my biology class that keeps undressing me with her eyes when we're in lab, and it does kinda' make me feel good that she finds me attractive."
"There ya' go! But, you would never do anything to start something with her, would you? You would just wait for her to say or do something, right?"
"Well...yeah," She answered as she returned to eating her sandwich.
"All I'm saying is that doing something like this, you know, a threesome with two experienced people would add to your confidence, that's all I'm saying," I answered her, chewing on a french-fry afterwards.
"You really think so?" Jean asked earnestly of me.
"Yeah, I do; I wouldn't ask you to do something that I thought would be bad for you, Jean, I like you too much to fuck you over by doing something like that," I replied in hopes it would calm her fears and doubts.
"How does it work? You know, a threesome?" She asked.
Good! She hadn't shut her mind to the idea, I thought when she asked that question.
"Kinda' like a twosome, like when you and I play with each other except that there is another person to do things to, and who can do things to you as well. Quite exciting, actually," I opined in answer to her question.
"And you want me? You chose me to do this if I agree?" Jean said further.
"Why wouldn't I? You and I have a great time in our room when we're horny, don't we?"
"Yeah, we do, we really do," She smilingly agreed.
"So, will you at least think about it?" I asked.
"No. I trust you; if you think I'd like it, I'm sure I will, so I'll do it," She answered, surprising me that she didn't want to 'think' about it for a while.
"Let me talk to Dr. Willie and I'll let you know what the plans will be and when, okay?"
"Okay...," she said, then added, "Any plans for this afternoon, after your last class?"
"Nope, probably just go back to the room and veg for a while," I answered as I finished my last fry.
"Wanna' fuck?" She asked, surprising me that she actually asked me if I wanted to fuck rather than wait for me to make the first move on her, which I usually did.
"Are you propositioning me, you little slut?" I teased back to her.
"You've taught me well," She chuckled, flashing a big shit-eating grin to me, afterwards...
On my way back to the dorm I detoured to stop by Dr. Willie's office to see if she was in.
She was.
"That's sounds promising," Willie said after I told her of Jean's willingness to join us for fun and games in Dr. Willie's bed, "But, after we talked the other night, I had another thought that I'd like to share with you..."
"So, about that threesome with Dr.Willie," I said to Jean that afternoon as she finished licking my juices from my freshly-eaten pussy.
"How would you feel about a weekend up in the mountains, at her cabin?" I asked as I pulled her from between my legs to lay against me, my arm holding her to my body.
"Really? The three of us in the mountains at a cabin? That sounds like fun," She eagerly replied.
"Well, that's the thing; it wouldn't be the three of us, it'd be the four of us," her look of confusion quite cute on her face after she heard me say it.
Willie had suggested the weekend in the mountains and informed me that an old friend, a former lover, was flying in to spend some time with her in a couple of weeks.
"She's a couple of years younger than me, forty-one or two, I can't remember but she is extremely attractive and, like you and I, Tess, she's rather adventurous sexually. She's married now and is only able to get away a couple of times a year and before you ask, no, she's not bi-sexual. She's 'married' to another woman, but married is married and sometimes, she feels the need to 'roam', so to speak," Willie said to me that day.
"Okay," I replied, "The four of us it'll be." Now all I had to do was re-sell Jean on a foursome instead of a threesome.
Turned out that it wasn't hard to do. Jean had gotten herself so worked up at the thought of a sexual adventure with me and Dr. Willie that adding another pussy to the mix only enticed her more.
Jean and I signed out of the dorm for the weekend when the magic weekend rolled around. Walking to Dr. Willie's with our backpacks packed with clothes for a couple of days, we rang the bell and waited on the stoop.
"Nervous?" I asked Jean.
"Excited is more like it," She smilingly replied.
"Ah, it's the girls, Mags," Dr. Willie called to someone when she opened the door, "Come in, darlings, come in; I want you to meet a dear friend, Margaret."
"But, if you call me that, I'll hurt you," the tall, stunningly beautiful redheaded woman said as she walked to meet and greet us, "Please, call me Mags, call me bitch, call me anything but Margaret," she finished saying as she took our hands in hers in greeting.
"Well, are we ready to hit the road?" Willie asked as she checked her locks on her windows and the like. Walking out to her car before her, Willie set her alarm and joined us at her Escalade.
"Jean, sweetie, why don't you sit up front with me so we can get to know each other a bit," Willie said as her eyes sparkled in appreciation of Jean's rack.
"Well, I guess that leaves you and I sitting in the back," Mags said with a seductive smile, "Promise, I won't bite," laughing afterwards.
"What if I want you to?" I teased in a low voice as I passed next to her to get into the backseat of the spacious SUV.
"Oh, I can see that we're going to get along just fine, sweetheart," Mags said in reply.
The trip to Willie's cabin took about two hours. The weather was beautiful, the temperature just right, the traffic rather light. Conversation between the four of us was light, funny and without tension which could only help Jean feel more comfortable about a tryst with two women that she'd just met.
At some point, I'm not sure when because I was involved in low, private conversation with Mags, I noticed that after exchanging some sideways glances, Willie reached towards Jean with her right hand. From the backseat it 'appeared' from the movement of Willie's arm and shoulder that she was feeling and fondling my roomie as Jean laid with her head on the backrest, her eyes closed.
Motioning to me to come closer so that she could whisper in my ear, Mags leaned to meet me half-way.
"Looks like they're getting along nicely," She whispered while trying to stifle a bemused laugh at her ironic statement.
My answer was to undo my seatbelt and, turning my body so that my front was to her and my back to the front of the car, I moved my legs up on the seat as I lay across Mag's lap, her arms coming around me to support me.
Eyeing me with curiosity at what I was doing, the look of clarity came to her face when I, silently, started undoing the buttons of her blouse, revealing a rather nice set of boobs, small, but, nice. Taking her right hand in mine, I placed it under my tee and onto my breast, after which I pulled her blouse apart and dropped my mouth over one of her tits.
"I like how you play, girly," Mags said softly, sensually, as she fondled my breast, her fingers skillfully pinching my hard nipple, pinching just 'short' of pain which sent spasms of fire to my love-box.
We arrived at the cabin about a half-hour later, Mags' breasts red and wet from my mouth and tongue and my nipples, red from her fingers.
Opening Jean's door as a courtesy, she smiled sheepishly at me as she fought to refasten her shorts with one hand, while the other fought to hold her opened blouse together.
Looking over the top of her car at Willie when Jean turned her back to put herself together, Willie simply smiled back at me as she sucked, suggestively, on one of her fingers.
Well, okay then!
"Find a place to put your stuff in one of the bedrooms, I'm sure it really doesn't matter which one because I have a feeling that we will all be spending some time in both of them," Willie announced after we followed her into her very nice, modern, cabin.
We quickly unloaded the provisions that we had brought from Willie's house. That task done, Willie led us out to the deck which overlooked a beautiful valley below.
"I'll turn the hot-tub on and it'll be just right for us to enjoy after a quick dinner," Willie said to our group as we stood, marveling at the beauty of the vista in front of us.
Feeling Mags move behind me, I leaned back into her as she hugged me to her body by putting her arms around me. Kissing the side of my face, she moved her mouth close to my ear and whispered.
"Let them fix dinner tonight; you and I will do it tomorrow night, okay?"
"That's fine," I whispered back to her by turning my head so that only she could hear me, "Got any ideas how we can fill the time before dinner?" I asked, teasingly. Oh yeah, I knew where her head was at the moment.
"I was thinking about eating a little bit of nineteen year old pussy," She teased back with a seductive grin.
"Well, it just so happens that I have one of those," my grin now matching hers.
"Must be my lucky day," Mags replied, softly, placing a soft kiss to my lips, afterwards.
Well, okay then!
I'd like to say that we snuck off secretly, without making a big deal of it, you know, just casually walking away to one of the bedrooms.
I'd like to, but it wouldn't be the truth.
No, Mags, instead, said to Willie and Jean, who were sitting on a lounger, "Hey guys, y'all make dinner tonight and we'll do it tomorrow night, okay?"
Jean and Willie looked to each other for a second and turning to Mags, both nodded their agreement with Mags' suggestion.
"Good, that's settled; now, if you'll excuse us, I'm going to have an appitizer of 'Tess Tartar'," grinning as she took me by the hand, walking us from the deck into the house.
She was tall. She was sexy. She was a 'true' redhead. But, most of all? She was really, really good at eating pussy.
We had almost run down the hallway into the second bedroom, not Willie's master suite, Mags and I giggling like school girls as we did so.
"Mmmm, oh sweetie, have I got plans for you this weekend," Mags said after she closed the door behind us, almost ripping her clothes from her body afterwards as I did the same with mine. Her green eyes eyed me as I stripped, the lust and desire blazing their approval of my body as I crawled onto the bed to wait for her to join me.
Mags' body looked ten years younger than her forty-one years, obviously the result of some serious running and work in the gym. Her breasts were perky, not needing a bra for support, the nipples almost freakishly large. Her 'landing-strip' of red pubic hair appeared to be glistening with dampness, I noticed as she crawled into bed with me.
She moved her body until her breasts were near my mouth as I lay with my head on a pillow, bending to tease my lips with her hard, erect nipples. Reaching with my arms to pull her closer, I lifted my head to suck one of her tits into my mouth, sucking hungrily on her offered nipple.
"Oh, that feels good, sweetie," Mags cooed as I increased my lustful sucking, the feel of her nipple to my mouth and tongue sending waves of fire to my, now-wet, snatch.
As I made love to her breasts with my lips and tongue, she cupped my naked pussy with one of her hands, slowly caressing and rubbing it, her middle finger slipping between my pussy's lips, moving in and out in a fucking motion.
Pulling her breast from my mouth, Mags leaned down and kissed me passionately, her tongue diving deep into my mouth, almost down my throat it seemed, her finger buried in my pussy, fucking me slowly and sensually as we kissed.
Breaking our kiss, Mags moved and knelt over my head as my hands on her hips guided her pussy to my mouth.
"Ummmmmm," a muffled moan of arousal escaped my lips as I stretched my tongue to taste her, to fuck her, her scent of sex driving my desires even more so.
"Aaah, sweet Mary," Mags cooed as I dined on her delicious pussy, "Willie said that you were experienced beyond your years, but what an understatement," she said between gasps of excitement at what I was doing to her, one of her hands holding my head to her pussy as she rubbed furiously against my mouth and tongue.
"Holy shit," Mags loudly proclaimed when her orgasm racked her body with waves of pleasure, her hips bucking hard against my face as she rode my face.
Lifting her pussy from my mouth, Mags positioned herself to kiss me, her tongue driving deep into my mouth and throat, searching, it seemed, to capture her juices with it. Smilingly, she broke our kiss as my legs spread to allow her to lay between them, her mouth on my now, very-wet, pussy as my legs trapped her to my body, pulling her against me as I moved my hips in concert with her mouth and tongue.
Don't know what it is about older broads, must be the years of experience, I quickly thought as I exploded with my own climax a short, few mintues later. Willie, Mags, one of my classmate's mom, they were all much older than me and each were able to get me off quicker than any gal of my own age.
Something to aspire to, I had decided, as I quickly caught another, smaller, orgasm just as we heard the soft tapping on the bedroom door.
"Come in," Mags called out in response to the knock, returning her mouth to finish licking me in post-coital play.
"Willie said that dinner will be ready in ten minutes," Jean announced in an almost robotic fashion as her eyes took in the scene before her, her eyes bright with excitement at the sight of Mags' head between my legs, at our nakedness.
"We'll be right there, sweetie," I answered as Jean slowly backed out of the room, her eyes not leaving our naked bodies. Mags and I kissed once more, the taste of my pussy fresh on her lips and tongue, a taste that I found rather enjoyable. Quickly dressing, we soon joined Willie and Jean just as the meal was ready to be served.
"Why don't you two ladies go outside and enjoy the view while Jean and I clear the table and get the dishwasher going?" I suggested as I topped off our wineglasses, "It won't take us long and we'll join you afterwards."
They did just that as Jean and I, working like a well-oiled machine, finished the tasks quickly, the whir of the dishwasher now softly humming as I topped off our glasses. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Jean and I clinked our glasses together in a toast to a job well done.
"Looked like you enjoyed the ride up here," I casually commented to Jean, my eyes watching her over the top of my glass as I sipped my wine.
"Willie must be a witch or something," Jean answered in reply, "I mean, one minute we were talking quietly, her voice almost hypnotic, and the next, her hand was in my blouse, in my bra and doing magical things with her fingers. Next thing I knew, she had undone my shorts and had her hand in my panties, fingering me."
"You enjoyed it, didn't you?" I teasingly asked.
Looking at me as if I was the village idiot, she answered, "Well, yeah."
Grabbing the wine bottle to bring out with us, I motioned with my head, towards the deck, saying, "Come on, baby, let's go play with our dates."
"Aaah, good, you brought some more wine," Mags said as she and Willie held out their glasses for me to top off.
Placing the bottle on a table on the deck, I moved behind Jean, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her into my body tightly. I began nibbling and licking on her ear and the side of her neck knowing, from experience, that it was a 'hot' button for her, getting her horny quickly.
I continued nibbling at her while my hands slowly unbuttoned her blouse, then her shorts, slipping them from her body to fall onto the deck. Unsnapping her bra from behind her, I cupped her breasts with my hands as it, too, fell to the decking.
Fondling her tits from behind as I noshed on her neck, I whispered into her ear, "Ready to let the ladies play with you, sweetie?"
Jean just nodded her response as she leaned her head against me, her eyes closed, her hand reaching behind her to grab onto my ass, squeezing hungrily at my ass-cheek with her hand. As she played with my ass through my shorts, I slipped her panties from her hips, letting them to join her clothes at her feet.
Nudging her towards, then into the tub, Jean's hands were taken by Mags and Willie, their lust bright in their eyes from the small show I had put on for their benefit. Leading Jean to sit between them, Willie leaned in and began kissing Jean while her hand fondled one of her breasts. Not to be left out, Mags lowered her mouth and started sucking, rather nosily, on Jean's other tit while her hand slipped between Jean's legs.
Watching for a bit before I shed my clothes to join them in the tub, I indulged my streak of voyeruism, enjoying the fire that was building in my crotch.
Oh yeah, I liked to watch, having discovered that fact about me when my step-sis and her BFF introduced me to threesomes that weekend, a few years ago. They had me watch them after I had first pleasured them, one after the other.
Have to say, I enjoyed it.
Climbing into the tub with the three of them, I moved Mags from Jean's tit, placing her sitting on the tub's edge, kneeling afterwards so that I could eat her trimmed, red-haired pussy, again.
Moving Jean to sit next to Mags, Willie joined me as we explored Mags and Jean's pussies with lust and gusto, the moans and groans of excitement filling the silence of the night.
Both Mags and Jean came at nearly the same time and, as their climaxes ebbed, Willie nudge me with an elbow, asking, "Switch?"
"Oh yeah," I replied, moving in concert with Willie until I was eating Jean and she, Mags.
Of course, they climaxed again, how could they not?
Caught up in a sexual frenzy now, we quickly exited the tub, drying off before re-entering the cabin to continue our fun and games in Willie's large den/living room/media room.
To my surprise, Jean became an active participant by taking Mags by the hand and sitting her on a couch, kneeling between Mags' legs to taste the redhead. Lying on her back, Willie pulled herself until she was between Jean's legs, holding them in her hands for balance as she lifted her head to eat my roomie. Not to be left out, I immediately lay between Willie's opened legs and did the same to her.
We played that way for a few hours and when it was time to pair off for the evening, Willie took Jean with her into her master bedroom. Telling me so earlier, I knew that Willie planned to introduce Jean to the joys of the strap-on. Turned out that Mags had similiar plans for me, but not with a strap-on; no, she used a long, thick dildo on me for several wonderful orgasmic explosions.
Of course I returned the favor, the two of us finally falling asleep in each other's arms after we had thoroughly fucked each other with the dildo. Hearing Jean's cries of delight just before I drifted off to sleep, I knew that Willie was fucking her royally, still.
"Up, up, you lazy bitches," That, along with the banging of a metal pot of some kind, brought both Mags and I straight from a deep sleep, butting our heads into each other as we fumbled with the startling awakening.
"What the fuck..., are you insane?" Mags grumbled as she rubbed her head from our noggin-knocking.
"Get a move on," Willie commanded, "Jean and I have decided that we'll drive to a nearby trail-head and hike these beautiful mountains."
"Whoopie-fucking-do!" Mags replied, clearly not a happy camper.
"We leave in an hour; should be enough time for you two lazy sluts to shower, dress and grab a quick cup of coffee or two and maybe a light breakfast. Now, chop-chop," Willie ordered, then turning around, she marched out of the room, leaving Mags and I to do as she commanded, no, demanded.
"Fucking bitch; If she wasn't such a great piece of ass, I'd kill her and hide the body," Mags joked.
At least, I was hoping that she was joking.
To save time, we showered together, but nothing more than showering.
"Sweetie, normally I'd try for a little morning nooky with your sweet ass, but I gotta' tell you, my pussy's really sore," Mags said to me before we jumped into the shower.
"Good," I replied, "Mine is too; It really needs some rest," I replied, slapping Mags' upheld hand for a 'high-five'.
Okay, so the hike turned out to be fun, gorgeous, and awe-inspiring, but before you say 'told you so', it could have been terrible.
But it wasn't.
We stopped for lunch, having worked up a pretty good appetite from all of the hiking on the steep trails. Willie showed us some of the more picturesque local roads for a while, finally getting us back to the cabin around four'ish.
"So, what are you ladies planning to feed us for supper?" Willie asked as we settled back into the living room.
Oh shit! Mags and I looked at each other with the same facial expression...Oh Shit!
"I forgot that we took tonight's shift in the kitchen for dinner," Mags admitted.
"If I may make a suggestion?" Willie said, offering us a floatation device of hope, we hoped.
"How 'bout a simple dinner of grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and a small salad?"
Still looking at each other, Mags and I started nodding our head in agreement at the same time.
"Works for me," Mags and I said at the same time, causing all of us to laugh.
"Is there anything else you might need from me?" Willie asked, standing as she did.
"No? Good." Willie said matter-of-factly, adding, "I'd wait a couple of hours before starting," she suggested, "And that will give Jean and I enough time to finish our play from last night."
That said, Willie took Jean by her hand and led her back into the master bedroom to "continue their play."
"Your roomie is about to get seriously fucked," Mags chuckled.
"Better her than me," I answered in honesty, "I'm not sure that it'll be able to take anything tonight."
"That's okay, baby, in all honesty, I know mine can't," laughing at the absurdity of it all.
I mean, Mags and I are so much alike that we could be related, scary as that might seem. "Come on, woman, let's go soak our worn-out pussies in the theraputic waters of the hottub, we've got enough time."
And we did, truly enjoying the water, the company, the quiet of this hilltop that Willie called home in the mountains.
Dinner was superb, the wine even more so which led to Mags getting horny after her fifth glass. I don't turn down pussy very often but this night I did, I had to, I mean I was still sore, for God's sake.
"I'm sure Willie and Jean wouldn't mind you joining them," I suggested.
"Grand idea!" declared Willie, then turning to Jean, said, "You wouldn't mind having us two old broads ravage your body, would you sweetie?"
"Sounds like fun to me." Jean said, somewhat slurred it seemed, "When? Now?" she asked.
"If you'd like, yes, now," Willie answered.
"Okay," Jean said brightly, "I'm going to go into your bedroom and get naked, okay? And maybe one of you could fuck me with Willie's toy while I'm eating the other one," walking off after she said it.
Mags, Willie and I looked at each other, stunned at Jean's outburst.
"Note to Jean's roomie," Mags said, "Monitor her alcohol intake in the future."
"Got it," I said, "Now, go have some fun, you two," I insisted, "I'm going to veg on the deck and talk with the owls and shit," walking away to do just that. Stopping to take the little bit of wine left in the bottle with me, I communed with nature for the next couple of hours.
Okay. If I'm going to be truthful here, I did manage to gently play with myself and get off without doing too much damage to my kitty. I mean, I was thinking about what Jean and the ladies were doing to each other, and, well, what can I say, I got horny.
"Tess?" The sound of my name waking me, a bit of confusion in my head as I fought to gain clear-headedness. Obviously, I quickly figured, I fell asleep while communing with Ma Nature, the owls and shit.
"Yeah, yeah," I responded to what I realized was Jean's voice off to the side of the lounger where I was cutting some serious Zs.
"Are you going to come to bed soon?" Jean asked, a bit sadly I thought.
"Yeah...what's wrong, Jean, you sound bummed out," I replied now that my head was clear.
"Nothing," She replied, sitting on the foot of the my lounger, "It's just that I'm really sore, Tess and I'm really tired."
"Where are our 'dates'?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure they're still fucking," She replied, "But, honestly, I'm too tired to do anything else tonight. I mean, if you're horny or something, I could get you off or something," her offering, a sweet gesture, I thought.
"Nah, I'm sore too, baby; how 'bout we shower up and just go to sleep tonight. Honestly? I could use the rest myself," I countered.
That's what we did, Jean and I, we showered together, soaping and rinsing each other but with no fooling around from either of us. Climbing into bed, neither of us bothering with clothes, we were soon fast asleep, Jean in my arms, her hand lovingly caressing my breast.
Yes, that's exactly how sore we both were. But, in the morning...
"Morning sunshine," I greeted Jean when my sucking of her breasts awakened her from a deep sleep.
"Someone must be feeling better," She smilingly answered as she stretched her arms above her head which just made me suck even harder on her tits.
"Feel good enough to give you a wake-up orgasm if you think you can stand it," I said in way of answering her question.
Spreading her legs, she reached and cupped one of my breasts, softly fondling it, caressing it with a lover's touch, saying, "I think I can handle it," her eyes closing when my tongue flicked over her clit as I continue to squeeze her tits as I moved to lay between her legs.
I took my time making love to her sweet-tasting snatch, her scent and wetness exciting me even more. She had just had her second orgasm when we heard the soft rapping of a knuckle on our bedroom door.
"If you girls are awake, breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes," Willie called through the door.
"We'll be out in just a bit," I called back to Willie, returning my mouth to Jean's pussy afterwards...
"What about you?" Jean asked, obviously concerned that I didn't get off.
"Tell you what," I replied, "When we get back to the dorm tonight, you can return the favor, if you'd like."
"You know I will," She replied as I climbed from between her legs to give her a kiss on her lips.
"Yeah, I know you will, baby, I have no doubt about that."
"Tess?" She said further.
"Yeah, what, sweetie?" I answered.
"I really liked the threesomes, but, do you think we could maybe, sometime, try to have one with some of the girls back at school?"
"Don't see why not," I answered as I got into my shorts and tee to join Mags and Willie for breakfast, "Anybody in particular?"
"Maybe that girl in my lab that looks at me like she wants to fuck me, the one I told you about," She answered as she finished dressing.
"Introduce me to her sometime, baby; if you want to get into her pants, I'll make it happen," I replied, giving her a quick kiss to her lips.
"Yeah, I know you will..." she answered, giving me an embrace as she said it.
What can I say? I've corrupted my roomie...
to be continued..... |
Bed, Breakfast and Sex Ch. 12 | 15,715 | 4.53 | 551,080 | [
"young men",
"mature women",
"blonde pussy",
"cock sucking",
"passionate sex",
] | On Saturday afternoon, Robby called and said that he had everything ready for the next day. Louise had Steve call and make a reservation at the Airport Hilton. He requested a room at the back, "To get away from the noise of the traffic." He was assured that his room would be at the back of the hotel, away from the road.
All day long, Louise was very nervous. She tried eating, but had no appetite. She tried shopping, but for once could not buy anything. Steve offered to make love, but she even turned that down. She made cold cut sandwiches for Mark and Steve, the only boarders there on that Saturday evening, and went to bed early.
At eleven o'clock the next morning, Steve showed up at the front desk of the Airport Hilton, and checked in. He paid cash (supplied by Louise) for the room, and took the key. The room was indeed around back. As soon as he got there, he made a phone call. Within fifteen minutes, Robby Alexander knocked on the door. Steve let him in, and Robby set to work.
The room was a nice large one. Though not a suite, it had a large bathroom and walk-in closet. The bed was a double, comfortable and freshly made. Steve thought that Dorothy would like it, and feel comfortable there, which was very important to the plan.
At eleven forty-five, Louise knocked on the door and was admitted. She came to check on the preparations, and wish them well. She was nervous, but under control. There were serious repercussions to be dealt with if this plan should fail, or if something should go awry. She kissed both young men, thanked them both, and left.
"You know," Robby said, as he worked around the room, "Louise is a very special lady."
"Yes, you are right about that. She's pretty special. I think I'm falling for her." Steve looked at Robby to see what his reaction was. He knew that Robby and Louise had once been a couple.
Robby looked at him for a moment, nodded and said, "Well, good for you. I wonder how she's gonna take what you're doing here today, though?"
"She says that she's got it all covered. I'm supposed to lay it on thick, and make sure this Ms. Kaiser loves it. After that, Louise says that she's got it all worked out."
"Okay then," Robby said, "let's call the lady, and get this show on the road."
Steve picked up the phone, and dialed the number he had been given. It was answered on the second ring.
"Hello," a soft feminine voice said.
"Hello, is this Dorothy?" Steve asked.
"Why, yes it is. Who is this?" Dorothy asked.
"Dorothy, this is Steve. We met briefly at Louise Blaisdell's house, earlier this week. I believe that we have a appointment."
"Oh yes, Steve. I've been waiting for your call. Where can we meet?"
"I'm at the Airport Hilton, room 126. That's on the ground floor, around back," Steve said.
"Good, I'll be there in half an hour. Should I bring anything?" Dorothy asked.
"No, I've got everything we'll need. I'm looking forward to meeting you again."
"Same here," Dorothy said, and hung up.
Steve took a quick shower, put on cologne, brushed his teeth, and slipped on a sport shirt and light workout pants, with no underwear. He then opened a cooler he had brought along, and set out cheese, bread, wine (a good Chardonnay) and smoked oysters. He darkened the room and lit a couple of candles.
"Hey, you're doing this up right, aren't you?" Robby remarked.
"Louise said that it was essential to our plan that we capture this woman's heart, or at least her fancy. Plus, the darker the room is, the less chance there is of your being discovered."
Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
The two men nodded at each other. Robby disappeared into the closet, and when all was ready, he opened the door. Dorothy Kaiser stood there. She was dressed in a peach-colored cotton knit sheath dress, with a plunging neckline clasped at the top with a small decorative medallion. Her already tanned legs were bare, and she wore opened-toed sandals. Her blonde hair flowed over her shoulders. Around her neck was a single thin gold chain. She had put on a light floral fragrance before coming, and it flowed over Steve as the breeze blew into the room. He had a brief thought that, as much as he liked Louise, this wasn't going to be much of a chore after all! Dorothy Kaiser was a very attractive woman with well formed breasts, a pretty face, and shapely legs and thighs. She smiled, revealing even white teeth.
"Hello, Dorothy. Come on in! It's really nice to meet such an attractive lady again."
"Thank you, Steve." Dorothy walked into the room and commented, "Well, you certainly have made it cozy in here. Is that wine?" she asked.
"Yes it is. I think it's a good one. Come on let's have some." Steve led her over to the table, held the chair for her, and helped her sit. Then he went around to the other side and sat.
Steve opened the bottle and poured each of them a glass.
Louise tasted it and said, "It's very good. You made a good choice."
"Thank you, Dorothy. Here, let's have something to eat. It's past lunch, and I haven't eaten."
They helped themselves to food, drank wine, and became more comfortable with each other. At one point, Steve moved his chair over to sit beside her. She responded by putting her hand on his arm and squeezing gently. Gradually, time passed, and they discussed many things. Louise looked up at him and said, "You are really quite an intelligent young man, Steve. I hope that you don't think ill of me for being here. I don't know how much Louise told you of my situation, but..."
"Dorothy," Steve cut in gently, "there's no need to explain. I take people as I find them, and to me, you are just a person in need of some companionship. I can certainly understand that. We all need someone to get close to every once in a while."
Dorothy leaned against Steve. The wine was making her relaxed. She said, "I'm glad you understand, Steve. Because I think I'm pretty lucky to be here with you today. As a married woman, my options are somewhat limited."
Steve pulled her close and kissed her lightly on the lips. He held the kiss, and Dorothy put her arms around him, prolonging the kiss. They broke, and then kissed again, this time rather passionately. Steve reached down and caressed a tender breast, then ran his hand over her hip and buttock. She was wonderfully firm and resilient. He couldn't understand how a man could ignore a woman like this.
Dorothy got up from the chair, and took him by the hand. She sat him on the bed, and stood before him. First, she slipped off her sandals. Then, she unclasped the medallion at her neckline. Turning around, she whispered, "Unzip me, lover."
Steve complied. Dorothy turned around, and shrugged off the dress. Underneath, she wore nothing but a lacy pink tulip cup bra and matching panties.
The scent of her perfume blended with another aroma; Steve could swear that the light musky smell was coming from Dorothy's heated pussy. It was the smell of sex, he realized. He leaned forward and kissed her belly button. She pulled him up, and pulled his shirt up over his head. Then she kneeled in front of him, and pulled down his loose pants. Immediately, his rapidly stiffening cock came into view. He heard her moan softly and lean forward to plant a gently kiss on the head of his member. Then she stood again and they embraced. He kicked off his pants, and they fell on the bed together, kissing passionately.
Steve purposely left her underwear on, while he used hot lazy lips on her breasts and neck. She sighed deeply, arching her head back to give him better access. Steve moved over her, kissing the tops of her breasts, and nuzzling in her cleavage. Dorothy unclasped the bra in the front, and freed her generous titties to his gentle hands and searching lips. "Oh yes, darling, suck them!" Dorothy gasped.
Steve's prick was fully hard now, and in this position, kneeling over Dorothy, it brushed against her thigh and flank. She reached down and began fondling it. Her warm hand found it already leaking, and she jerked it slightly. "Take my panties off," she whispered urgently. "I want to be naked with you."
She raised her fanny off the bed, as he slipped the panties down over her hips. Then Steve moved back up to her breasts and began sucking and kneading them again. Slowly, he left a trail of warm wet kisses down her stomach to the well-groomed patch of blonde pussy hair. He buried his nose in the curly hair and inhaled deeply. Dorothy Kaiser kept her pussy in perfect condition. She smelled wonderful down there: a mixture of womanly musk and light perfume. Positioning her carefully in the center of the bed, he said, "How would you like your sweet pussy eaten, Dorothy?"
"Oh yes, darling, eat my pussy! Lick it good!"
Steve placed a pillow under her butt, and then said, "Now, open those pretty legs."
Dorothy opened her legs to reveal a womanly, yet somehow youthful pussy. Fine curly blonde hair framed a nice tight pair of inner pussy lips, with her little sentinel of a clitoris peeking out from beneath the coral-pink folds. She was very wet, and milky-white cunt whey gleamed in the cleft. "Open yourself up for me, Dorothy," Steve said gently. Immediately, Dorothy reached manicured hands down, and pulled her labia apart. Steve started slowly at first, kissing and licking her pussy, but then picked up speed as his own ardor increased. She was delicious! He covered her entire pussy with his mouth, and stuck his tongue in her as far as it would go, then dragged it up against her clit. She moaned and said, "Oh baby! That was so good!" Steve continued licking her from her clit to her sweet and musky butthole. He rimmed her asshole and stuck a thick, warm tongue in her, and she went crazy, sobbing in pleasure and murmuring endearments to him. Finally, Steve settled on a circular and flicking motion, concentrating on her sensitized clitoris. As he increased the pressure, her cries increased also, escalating until he thought she might disturb the other hotel guests.
"Oh baby!" Steve cried, "your pussy is so sweet, I could eat you forever."
"Does it really taste good?" Dorothy asked.
"It is as sweet as honey. Get ready to come, baby!"
Steve covered Dorothy's pussy with his mouth and kissed and licked as if his life depended on it. Dorothy was emitting soft, sobbing moans and lustful mews of delight. Gradually the tenor and volume of her cries increased. When Steve judged it to be the right moment, he rapidly whipped his hot, wet tongue over her engorged clit, galvanizing her in orgasm, and causing her to scream in ecstasy over and over.
"Oh please baby, ease up a little," she gasped after a time.
Steve let her down slowly, kissing her pussy gently while the shock waves from her orgasm subsided. He crawled up her body and lay on top of her, kissing her ardently. She kissed him back even more passionately than before. "Oh god, baby, that was the best orgasm I've had in a long time!"
"It's not over yet, either," Steve said.
"I know. But before you put that big cock of yours in me, I want to kiss it a little."
Steve laid down on his back, and Dorothy started by kissing his chest and nipples. Then she moved downward on his body. When she got to his groin, she nibbled his pubic hair, and rubbed his rock-hard prick all over her face, worshipping it. Steve could feel her warm breath on it, then the sweet sensation of the first appreciative flicks of her tongue on his shaft. Dorothy kissed the lovely cock ardently. It was so huge! She wanted to do everything with it. She wanted it everywhere, in her pussy, mouth, and even her butthole. She covered the head with flat sucking kisses, then whipped her tongue across it, eliciting several delighted cries from Steve.
Finally, Dorothy had to have it in her mouth. She laid her head on Steve's belly, and curled her body around the center of her attention, his cock. Then she licked her lips and made her mouth very moist. With a final kiss on the head, she opened her mouth and plunged down on Steve's prick, and took it as far into her mouth as she could.
She had to moan from the emotion and the feelings it caused. His cock was so warm and big in her mouth! It tasted so good! It was slightly musky, but clean, and he leaked a constant stream of pre-come. Dorothy bobbed her head up and down, slowly at first, then more rapidly, all the while jerking the shaft with a strong warm hand. She missed this so much! For a fraction of a second, she felt regret that she wasn't doing this to her husband. But the regret faded almost instantly--he had not been interested in her for years.
Steve's murmured endearments only served to heighten her pleasure and delight in sucking this young man's prick. Soon he was saying, "Oh baby, if you don't stop soon, I'm going to come!"
Dorothy would not at all have minded a mouthful of this young man's sweet hot semen, but she wanted his cock in her pussy, and badly. So, she reluctantly stopped sucking him and laid down beside him with her legs spread wide apart and her knees up. "Come on, big boy, put that thing in me!" she cried.
Steve didn't hesitate a second. He sprang up and got between her legs. He crawled over Dorothy, and she grasped his cock and guided it to a cunt that was overflowing with juices. Steve lowered himself down to her and kissed her while at the same time languidly thrusting into her, and prodding gently at her innermost parts. They moaned together, mouths locked on each other, tongues wrestling. Dorothy threw her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Churning her pussy around his hot, hard member, she could only utter choking half-sobs and gasps of exquisite pleasure.
Biting his lip to keep from coming, Steve thrust in and out and around, varying his strokes, and massaging parts of Dorothy that she did not know existed. She became lost in her pleasure. All she could do was hold on for dear life. Her being centered on the fucking she was receiving, and nothing else mattered but the rushing journey to climax that she found herself on. Dimly, she heard someone crying out over and over again, and just as dimly, she realized that it was her.
"Oh Dorothy," Steve gasped, "your sweet pussy feels so good! It is so wet and warm! I'm not going to be able to hold out much longer before I come!"
"Oh, baby, fuck me!!" Dorothy sobbed. "Give me your come. Give it all to me!"
Dorothy felt herself beginning to slip. Her own climax was approaching rapidly. She murmured urgently to Steve, "Oh darling, I'm going to come any minute. Don't stop fucking me! Keep going! Ohhhh!"
And then, Dorothy felt the shock wave of her orgasm wash over her, and she lost control. She was rocked over and over again by the soul-shaking earthquake of the most intense, long-lasting, satisfying climax she had ever experienced. At the same time, Steve grunted sharply and shot bolt after bolt of achingly hot jism into her welcoming pussy.
They both trembled in ecstasy, holding tightly to each other, while shaken by the tiny, sweet aftershocks of their mutual joy. Finally, Steve rolled off of her, and she cuddled up to him. "Oh Steve, that was wonderful, wonderful! That was the best loving I've ever had!" It occurred to Steve that Louise had said the same thing. It also occurred to him that, even though he knew why and who he was doing this for, there was no denying that he was starting to like Dorothy very much. Their sexual chemistry was fantastic, almost as good as with Louise.
He turned to embrace her, and she crawled gratefully into his arms, and slipped into a light doze. He raised his head, and looked toward the slightly open door of the closet, where the lens of a camcorder had recorded everything that had gone on. |
Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 01 | 134,281 | 4.62 | 451,585 | [
"internet porn"
] | Howdy, everyone. Thanks for stopping by and taking a read of our story. I say "our" because this story isn't just about me; it's about my three wives, too.
Let me back up: This is a continuation of a story that begins with "Spring Break" and "Weekend Getaway". If you haven't already, I suggest you check those out first, but if not, here's the short version:
Back in March of 1996, I was a living Jacksonville, Florida and a junior in college. I used some of my parents's timeshare points for a spring break vacation with me and four friends. First was Melinda, my kinda-sorta-sometimes girlfriend. Second was Leah, one of my dearest friends from middle and high school whose boyfriend dumped her a matter of days before the week that changed our lives. Next were Katie and Carl, a girl I knew from physics class and her high school sweetheart.
The five of us embarked on a sexual journey which involved me getting my head un-stuck from my ass and realising just how much I was in love with Melinda, Leah and Katie falling for one another, and Carl . . . well, let's just say he couldn't cope with the situation and he broke up with Katie.
After everyone graduated, we moved to Asheville, North Carolina, in part to get away from Katie's fundy Christian mother and partly to discover ourselves among some of the most beautiful mountains in God's entire Creation. Life went on; we were two couples who swapped often and enjoyed each other, not only physically, but we became best friends and soulmates. The girls pursued their professional careers and I became a stay-at-home dad to Melinda and my daughter and son, plus Katie and Leah's adopted twin girls.
At the time of this story, Kaylee is a rambunctious five years old and Bryan is almost three. Gwendollyn and Gabrielle are a couple of months behind him, although they've only been living with us for a little over a year; Katie and Leah traveled to Vietnam where they picked them up from the orphanage. We lead a quiet life; the girls's three incomes provide more than enough for our daily needs, and we made enough money in the dot-com and real estate markets to be financially stable for the rest of our lives.
Eleven years after our spring break adventure, the four of us rented a luxury cabin in the woods of north Georgia. While there, the four of us consummated our relationship as a polyamorous foursome. Along the way, the girls conspired to all get pregnant and now they're all expecting.
One afternoon, we went shopping at the local outlet malls and ran into some old friends. Geoff and Yesmine graduated with Leah and I and live in Atlanta. At the end of our visit, they let us in on one of their little secrets and offered us a proposition . . .
A noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table.
"Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer.
I just yawned.
"Come on, kids," my wife said softly. "It's time to go."
"Go?" I asked bewilderedly. "Where?"
"Their friend Zoe is having a pool party this afternoon." As soon as they heard the word "pool" all three perked right up. Katie patted me on the head and winked. "Don't worry, Melinda and I will take them. You can finish your nap."
I gave each of the three a kiss then lay back down on the couch. The girls and the kids made some noise for a few minutes then I heard the van start up and drive off. A quick glance at the TV showed Jeff Gordon in the lead with 80 or so laps to go. I had almost drifted off again when I heard the door at the top of the stairs open. I recognised the soft footsteps. I smiled to myself and pretended to be asleep.
"Daddy?" I heard someone whisper. Her voice was soft and innocent. Angelic. Like a little girl's. "Daddy, are you sleeping?"
Resisting the urge to respond, I lay there until I felt her sit on the couch next to me. Someone's fingertips ran tentatively across my cheek. I didn't respond, instead I continued my feigned nap.
The hand ran down my neck. I felt her get off the couch and sit on the floor next to me. Soft lips pressed against my neck. The ends of her hair tickled my skin.
It was all I could do not to reach out and jump her.
"Daddy?" she whispered again. With a naturally light touch, I felt hands running down my body. My cock began to harden as they expertly unbuttoned my shorts.
Soon enough my zipper was pulled down and I felt her fingers caress my sex. Using one hand to push my boxer-briefs down, she sprung my cock loose.
I wasn't fully erect but it didn't matter to her. I couldn't help but gasp when my cock was enveloped by that warm, wet feeling all guys absolutely love.
"Are you awake, Daddy?" my lover giggled.
Ever so slowly, I unrolled my eyes from the back of my head. Leah looked intently back at me, the head of my cock between her lips.
Her big brown eyes appeared innocent but they only belied the sexy little devil within her. Her hair was pulled back in pigtails. She wore a white button down shirt that was tied below her breasts; she wasn't wearing a bra. My favourite mini-skirt barely covered her white cotton panties and showed off all of her shapely legs.
"Yes, Sugar," I replied, using our private pet name, a play on "Sweetie", which is how the three of us usually refer to her.
We may be a foursome, but there are times when we want to be pairs. Leah and I started this role-play several years ago; it was our little secret and we never include Melinda and Katie in this particular fantasy. There are several variations: Slutty Sugar, Dominant Daddy, Sugar Gets Caught Watching Daddy's DVDs, Daddy's Little Girl and so on. I had a similar arrangement with each of the other two, and I'm sure they had their own private games as well.
"I'm sorry for waking you, Daddy," she said, her eyes twinkling. That's bullshit; there isn't a sorry bone in her hot little body.
My reply was cut short as she sucked my entire length into her mouth. I hardened immediately.
"Oh, Jesus, Sugar!" I moaned. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed not to grab her hair and begin fucking her pretty face.
Just as my toes started to tingle, she pulled back. I struggled to catch my breath.
Cupping my balls in her hand, she nibbled along the underside of my cockhead.
"Kaylee is spending the night with her friend Tammy." Leah slipped out of character for just a second. As she spoke, her breath along the length of my shaft made my skin crawl (in the good way). "Melinda and Katie took the others to Zoe's. We should have about three hours all to ourselves."
"What should we do for those three hours?" I looked down at my wife through eyes that were hooded over with pleasure and desire.
"I think Daddy needs to have some Sugar," she replied, caressing my tumescent sex.
"Or does Sugar need to have her Daddy?" I retorted.
"Sugar *always* needs her Daddy," my lover replied seductively. Before I could respond, she inhaled my cock again.
I barely remembered to breathe. Leah's tongue worked its way along the underside of my cockhead. Her hand slid up and down my shaft.
"That feels so good, Sugar," I moaned.
Her reply was muffled by the head of my cock in her mouth. My head fell back onto the cushions. My satisfied groans became louder; with the house empty, I didn't have to worry about anyone hearing our lovemaking or walking in on us.
My wife's mouth moved expertly over me. Her hands stroked my length and she squeezed my balls.
"Does Daddy like that?" she purred.
"Daddy *loves* that," I managed to whisper.
"Do I do that better than Mommy?"
Before I could reply, Leah took all of me in her mouth. I sucked in a deep breath and tried not to claw at her hair. A shiver ran from the top of my head down to my toes. "Oh, god, yes!"
"I've been practising for you, Daddy," she said, a twinkle in her eyes.
"Practising?" I asked with the slightest hint of disapproval in my voice. "With who, Sugar?"
"Some boys I met at school," she replied innocently. Her hands stroked me and she blew on my wet cock, causing the head to flare. "They like it when I suck on them like this . . ."
She then launched another assault on my sex and I couldn't respond, in or out of character.
"Do you know why I suck on other boys's penises?" she asked after a second. All I could do was shake my head. "Because I want to practise for you, Daddy. I want to be your cocksucking little Sugar."
Through my tunnel vision, I saw one hand disappear beneath her skirt. Her erect nipples were clearly visible through the thin material of her shirt.
"Do you do more than suck other boys?" I asked, trying desperately to stay in character.
"No, Daddy," she replied with a mischievous grin. "I won't even let them play with my boobies. . . . They're not allowed to cum in my mouth, either . . . Only you cum in my mouth, Daddy."
I gasped as her head bobbed up and down on my lap. At this rate, I wasn't going to last very long.
"Am I really better than Mommy?" Sugar asked. "Or are you just saying that so I won't stop?"
My hand brought her chin up so she was looking into my eyes. The head of my sex was still in her mouth. "Sweetheart, you are the best little cocksucker in the world."
She smiled at the compliment, even though she knew it was a lie. Of the four of us, Melinda (codename: "Mommy") has the best oral skills, hands down. And we all know it. Still, for this little role-play, we could pretend. Besides, in my household, there's no such thing as a bad blowjob.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head as Sugar's head bobbed up and down in my lap. It felt like all of the blood in my body was being drawn into my sex. Her lips moved expertly along my shaft.
Her hand held the skin taut and her teeth raked my head. If I died right there, I'd have gone to Heaven with a smile on my face for all eternity.
"Sugar . . ." I croaked, as if to warn her.
She mumbled a reply and only picked up her pace.
Every muscle in my body tensed.
I cried out and involuntarily thrust upwards into her mouth.
Reflexively my body tried to sit up, but her hand went to my chest and the pushed me back on to the couch.
Her teeth raked the soft underside of my cock. My hands went to her head and it was all I could do not to grab her by the hair and ram all the way into her mouth.
"Oh, god," I breathed. "Sugar . . . I'm about to . . . I'm . . ."
With that, she squeezed my balls again and I exploded into her mouth. I tried to speak. I tried to moan. No sound came out.
Her lips sealed themselves around the flaring head of my cock. Even after the jets of cum subsided, she suckled on me.
The waves of pleasure went on for a few precious moments. She let me down gently. I gasped for breath.
When the room stopped spinning, I opened my eyes enough to look down at my lover. My cock was still in her mouth. Her tongue and lips moved just enough to keep me stimulated. She wanted me to stay hard for her.
There was a loving look in her eyes. She winked at me. I feebly smiled back at her.
"I love the way you taste, Daddy," she said, a touch of laughter in her voice.
"And I love the way you do that, Sugar," I replied once I found my voice.
"I have something else for you, Daddy." Still holding my cock in her hand, she snaked her way up my body. We kissed, hard and deep.
"Anything," I said eagerly.
"Will you make love to me?"
"Of course, Sugar." We kissed again. Her hand stroked me a little faster. I started to push her back on the couch but she stopped me.
"Not here, Daddy. . . . Take me to bed." Her eyes flicked in the direction of our "adult" play room. I smiled wickedly.
I stood and took her in my arms. She nuzzled up against my neck as I carried her to the door. As we approached, she pulled back just enough to reach into her shirt. Around her neck was a key on a thin gold chain.
As I nibbled on her ear, she slipped the key into the lock and pushed the door open.
Sugar reached for the light switch and I kicked the door shut. Winding my way around some of the obstacles in the room, I set her down on the bed. It was almost as big as our bed upstairs and could accommodate all four of us. We don't sleep down here much, but that's not why we built this room.
It takes up almost a full third of the downstairs area. The walls and ceiling are fireproof and soundproof. There are mirrors everywhere. There's a full bathroom including a jacuzzi bathtub and glass shower sit in one corner of the room; of course, they will accommodate all of us. There are no windows. A large flat-screen TV hangs on one wall next to a panel of computer monitors and video equipment. On top of recording our own "entertainment" when the mood strikes us, we've wired all of the other rooms in the house with monitoring equipment with audio and video, so if one of the kids needs us we can see and hear them.
In the original plans for the house, the full basement was open or part walled off for storage. Alternately, for the extra-paranoid, it could be a bomb shelter or a panic room. For us, it's neither. This is our playroom.
A steel I-beam runs the length of the ceiling, dangling with hooks and rope. There's a hydraulic lift in one corner for the swing. All sorts of contraptions are scattered about, each designed to bring pleasure to one (or more) of us. The bed has an elegant wrought iron frame that is perfect for tie-downs. And of course it's just the right height for me.
When we first most moved in to the house, we used the room frequently. Whether it was in pairs, threesomes or all four of us, we got a lot of mileage out of the "sexarium" as we called it. When the kids came along, our private time dwindled (as you might expect). A couple of times, we've paid babysitters to watch them while we snuck down here, but more and more, the little ones take up our time.
Upon returning from our trip to Georgia, we vowed to make more time for the four of us. After all, we were married now, and a marriage—*any* marriage—requires effort. The girls don't work as much as they used to. At least once every other week, the four of us go out to dinner or a play or gallery opening or ballroom dancing lesson with the rule that there is no talking about the kids, work or money.
We've also tried to come down to the basement more often, just to be together. Of course, we also know that once the new kids arrive, our already thinly-stretched schedules will have even more demands on them, so we're making an attempt to pack in as much quality time for the four of us now.
Unfortunately, one of the side effects of having three pregnant women in the house is that we've had to give up some of our rougher games. But that doesn't mean we can't find other ways to have some fun . . . does it?
All my wives are almost three months along and everyone is healthy. We haven't broken the news to the other kids yet; Melinda wants to wait until everyone starts showing before telling them. Katie had some morning sickness but that seems to have passed. Leah is ecstatic that she's having twins and we all decided that we wanted to wait until the delivery day to find out the sexes of the children.
On the plus side, one of the other side effects of having three pregnant women in the house is that I'm getting luckier than usual. I don't know what it is about being pregnant, but all three girls are horny as hell (not a complaint; I'm just sayin'). Of course, when they get in one of their moods, things can get ugly—especially if one is having a bad day and takes the other two with her—but for the most part, things have been under control lately.
I set my Sugar down on the bed and tugged at the knot in her shirt. Her breasts spilled out. She pulled my t-shirt over my head and my shorts fell to the floor. Soon enough, we were both undressed.
My eyes devoured the sight before me. My lover lay on her back. Her breasts fell slightly to the sides. Her neatly-trimmed pussy was slick with excitement. Her hands ran absently up and down her body.
"Daddy," she whispered, still in character. "There's something I want to give you."
"What is it, Sugar?"
"My cherry." Her eyes twinkled and she smiled lovingly at me. Gwen and Gabi have both learned this smile from their Momma and it makes my heart melt every time, no matter who's giving it to me.
"Are you sure?" I asked, slipping a little bit of fatherly concern into my voice.
"Oh, yes, Daddy," she purred. "I've wanted to give it to you for the longest time. Do you want my cherry, Daddy?"
"Yes, I do, sweetheart." I pushed her back on the bed and climbed between her legs. I was on my knees, my sex sticking out straight in front of me.
Taking my cock in my hand, I rubbed the head against her slit.
"That feels soooooo good, Daddy," she blew in my ear. "Put your big daddy-dick inside me . . . Make love to your Sugar."
All too happy to oblige, I pressed my sex forward, but not before leaning in to kiss my bride . . .er, Sugar. She gasped as the tip of my cock entered her.
"Oh, Daddy!" she cried out.
"Am I hurting you, Sugar?" I asked with a sly smile.
"No, Daddy," she moaned. "You're just so big . . ."
Just as I lied to her about being the best cocksucker in the world, she lied to me about having the biggest dick she'd ever taken inside her. It didn't matter, though, we were together, and that's what is important.
I pushed into her quickly. Her fingernails dug into my back. This was probably the hundredth time I had taken her "virginity" and it never gets old.
"I love you," she whispered in my ear as I bottomed out.
All I could do was grunt. I started to pull out, but she wrapped her legs around my waist and held me close.
"Please make love to me." This time the little girl voice was gone. Her hands cupped my face and she pulled me into a long, sloppy kiss. I lost myself in her embrace. Time seemed to stand still.
Our bodies pressed together. The desperation that consumed us earlier was gone. Instead we lay there for a long time. I moved my hips just enough to keep my hard-on.
Her hands caressed by body. My fingers teased her nipples.
The role-play was forgotten as we melted into each other's arms. We started to grind together. After over a decade of lovemaking we could anticipate each other's movements. We complimented each other perfectly.
Her hands went to my ass and she pulled me into her with each stroke. I kissed across her cheek to that spot just behind her ear that drives her crazy.
Our moans became louder. My thrusts came faster.
Leah—she was no longer "Sugar"—spread her legs wide, taking all of my length inside her. Her pussy was slick for me. I was hard for her.
With each stroke, I thrust into the woman who was mother to my children. The woman who would soon bear me two more beautiful babies. My wife.
And she made love to me, her best friend from high school. Her lover from college. The father of her children. Her husband.
My toes started to tingle. She began to grunt with a little more enthusiasm.
We were both getting close.
I pulled back enough to look into her big brown eyes. My hand brushed the hair out of her face. We kissed one more time.
Just as she bit my lip, we came together. It wasn't hard or rough. It was tender and loving.
She arched her back and pressed her breasts into me. I thrust down towards her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The blood started to pound through our veins.
I counted the pulses of my cock. When I got to twelve, I collapsed on top of my lover. My wife. And then my eyes went black.
A few moments—seconds . . . minutes . . . it didn't matter—later, I lifted my head off the pillow.
Leah lay beneath me, our naked bodies still pressed together. Her eyes were closed. Her hands absently ran up and down my back. Her featherlight touch made my skin crawl.
I nuzzled up to her neck. She squealed with delight when I hit that spot she loves.
We held each other for a long time, knowing that our peaceful interlude would soon come to an end. Our wives and children would be coming home soon, but for now, it was just the two of us. Cozied up in our little sanctuary, we savoured the moments we had together.
"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair.
"No," I replied. "When was it posted?"
"Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email . . . wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month."
The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large enough for the four of us and a tub that could hold everyone with room to spare. Each bathroom was larger than my first apartment; they were almost as big as the master bedrooms.
What used to be Melinda and my room has a Mediterranean décor along with all the usual amenities: dual sinks, lots of outlets, heated tile floors and so on. We spared no expense. Some days I feel guilty for the amount of money we spent on this house; if we had given it to charity, I'm sure Habitat for Humanity could have built a dozen homes for needy families. But at times like this, the guilt seemed to wash away like the sweat and the grime.
"Have you replied to them?" I said, tilting her head back under one of the spray nozzles.
She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair before answering. "Not yet. I figured we needed to talk with Melinda and Katie first. Turn around; I'll wash your back."
"What exactly did they say?" When we had them over for dinner while we were in Georgia, Mimi mentioned something to Leah about us coming down to see them. Neither she nor Geoff talked to me. Apparently they had a proposition for the four of us. It seems that they had a few unfulfilled fantasies.
Usually, when one of our "friends" approaches us about watching or swinging with us, we brush them off. After all, we zealously guard our privacy. Melinda is a department chair at the university. Between her job and her artwork, Leah is a local celebrity of sorts. Katie is a partner in a successful veterinary practice. I mostly take up space and mooch off the hard work of my wives, and I worry about the kids and what they might hear.
The last thing I want is for our names and faces to appear on the news or in the local tabloids. I don't want them hearing rumours about how their parents are freaks. I've spent the last five years of my life trying to come up with a story that explains why our family is so different from everyone else they know and I don't want that explanation to come from their friends at school or from the television.
Plus, I've got three wonderful partners already. There aren't many fantasies—or combinations—we haven't already worked out. I don't want to be the gateway for someone else to get their rocks off. And, if truth be told, I don't want to share "my" girls with anyone else.
But then along came Mimi and Geoff. I guess they're a little different because they are old friends. I've actually known them longer than I've known Leah, and the two of us go back to middle school. They're also freakier than we are.
Mimi just made partner at her law firm. Geoff teaches art at a high school. Both appear to be upstanding members of their community. They go to church and liberally give money to local charities. On the side they have a pornographic website. It's apparently very lucrative because Mimi told us they make more selling subscriptions to people who want to watch them fuck than she makes practising law (Geoff makes squat as a teacher so comparing their website income to his salary would be pointless).
It doesn't stop there. The website they run features the two of them in various role-plays. In their videos, they're strictly monogamous, despite calls on their forums for them to introduce multiple partners. They have a small crew who does the actual filming and editing, but other than that, it's just them.
Geoff's face almost never appears on camera, and when it does, he's usually hiding behind a beard/goatee and/or sunglasses. I guess he doesn't want to be outed at school. Of course, he's not the reason why people pay a subscription fee to join their website.
Mimi is the main attraction. Or rather, her online persona of "Crystal" is why people pay the subscription fee. Have I mentioned that Mimi is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous? Her body has been smokin'-*hawt* since about seventh grade when the small bumps on her chest that began to bud in fifth grade filled out into big, full breasts. Her hips are nice and round. Her lips are full and sensual. She gets her exotic looks from her just-as-beautiful Lebanese mother.
When on camera, she, too, disguises herself a little. Using wigs, make-up and some airbrushed tattoos, she has kept up this online alter ego for over two years and has yet to be recognised in public. Either that or the people who do recognise her would be too ashamed to admit they're whacking off while watching her fuck her husband (because that's what the four of us do when we watch their internet videos).
To say it was a shock that some of our best friends from high school were getting rich off a pornographic internet site would be an understatement. Most of the videos on their site are of them, although they also feature a few other couples who they pay to appear. This generates a healthy amount of traffic and between advertising on their site, subscription fees and "Best of . . ." collections on DVD, they could easily quit their day jobs and go into porn full time.
At first, we thought they were trying to recruit us to appear on their webpage. That was completely off the table. All of us were dead set against that in any way, shape or form. We don't need the money and I don't want my Uncle Tom or Katie's brother-in-law Jerry watching us have sex.
After a few emails and a video conference, Mimi and Geoff assured us they wanted something else. It seems that their online exploits are just a bit of role-play for them. It pays the bills and feeds their inner exhibitionists, but isn't how they really are in bed. On their website, Mimi—er, Crystal—is the typical cock-hungry nymphomaniac who likes to talk dirty as her guy cums on her face. All she does is suck and fuck and let Geoff—a.k.a. Peter—blow his load all over her.
In reality, they're hardcore into BDSM with her as the Domme and him as the sub. Early on, they did a little bit of that on their site and it wasn't very well received among their generally "mainstream" audience. They got lots of offers from fetish sites, but that didn't make them as much money. It seems that in order for BDSM sites to do well, viewers like the men dominant and the women submissive.
"Geoff just doesn't have it in him," Mimi told us during one of our video conferences. She was very matter-of-fact, although I detected just a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Not even in make-believe."
"So what do you want from us?" Melinda asked, not mincing words.
Mimi and Geoff exchanged a loving look, then looked into the webcam. Geoff took a deep breath before speaking. "We want you four to help us fulfill a fantasy."
We exchanged a couple more emails. In some ways the whole process was very surreal. They had some ideas. We countered. They countered our counter-offer. It was like we were negotiating an NFL salary cap contract, only instead of playing-time incentives, no-trade clauses or roster bonuses, our discussions involved anal sex, bondage, nipple clips and the Sybian.
At first, the girls and I were all over the map as to whether to accept their proposition. But lately, the four of us had been closer to a consensus. Even Melinda, who had initially been the most wary of the three girls, was coming around.
I was just going with the flow, but deep down, I hoped this latest email would seal the deal.
"They're okay with everything we've asked for," Leah replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. She pressed her body against me and I could feel her erect nipples digging in to my back.
My hand reached between us and went to the space between her legs. She was slick and not just because we were in the shower.
I turned around, letting the water rinse off my back. Mr. Happy practically jumped into Leah's waiting hands.
When I was fully erect, I spun her around and pressed her against the wall. The warm water washed over us both. It's a good thing we had a "tankless" hot water heater put in at each of the master bathrooms or the flow would have gone cold at just about any moment!
The head of my cock was wedged between the cheeks of her ass. My hands caressed her shoulders and I nibbled my way up her neck.
"I like that," Leah purred.
"Pussy or ass?" I whispered in her ear.
"You're an evil man, making me choose," she snickered. "Which do you want?"
Reaching around, I cupped her breasts. They were cool after being pressed against the tile, but they warmed quickly in my hands.
"I want to cum in your tight little cunt," I bit the nape of her neck.
"It won't be so tight after your baby comes," Leah tilted her head back. My lips went to her neck.
"*Our* baby," I corrected her.
She made moaning noises as I nibbled on her soft skin. Pulling her back towards me, I bent her forward at the waist. She reached out and propped herself up against the wall.
I slipped into her easily. Having two loads of cum inside her already made her sex exceptionally slick.
My fingers dug into her hips and we established an easy rhythm. We didn't have much time left, but I was determined to enjoy every second of our private tryst.
"Cum in me," Leah groaned. "Cum in me like you're going to make another baby . . ."
I increased my rhythm just a little. The sound of my hips slapping against her ass broke through the steady stream of water. We both cried out with pleasure.
Leah was leaning against the wall, one arm holding her up. Her other hand was between her legs, frantically rubbing her clit.
Even after cumming twice inside her, I wasn't going to last much longer.
"Fuck me," she shouted, and I was all too happy to oblige.
"Sweetie . . . I'm going to . . . I'm about to . . ."
"Yes," Leah moaned. "Cum all over me."
Our hips moved in concert. After eleven years of lovemaking we knew just how to get each other off.
I thrust into her one final time. She whimpered and I felt her pussy fill with warmth.
Neither of us moved for a long time. I could still hear my heart pounding.
"No . . . don't," she said when I started to pull out of her. "Hold me."
Taking Leah in my arms, we leaned against the tile wall, spooned together. My legs were weak; hers probably were, too.
Brushing her hair to the side, I kissed the back of her neck at the spot of her tattoo.
When we got back from Georgia, the girls decided we needed to find a way to proclaim our eternal love for one another. I thought that's what the wedding bands were for, but they had other plans.
I'm not sure who came up with the idea, but we all decided to mark ourselves. Actually, they made the decision; I acquiesced because that's what husbands with three wives do. There was a little bit of discussion, but soon Leah drew up an image we all could live with.
On each of us, right at the top of our neck, there is a tattoo of a four-leaf clover. It's surrounded by a gleaming gold ring. Inside the ring are four stars, one for each of our children. When the new babies are born, we're going to get four more stars. The girls all have shoulder-length or longer hair, and my tattoo is low enough on my neck it's hidden if I'm wearing a shirt with a collar, so you can only see them if we want you to. Otherwise they're our little secret, kind of like our foursome.
"I love you," she said gently.
We held each other until my flaccid cock slipped out of my wife. Then I turned her around and pulled her close. We rinsed ourselves one more time, then dried off, got dressed and waited for the rest of our family to return.
We didn't say another word. Neither of us wanted to break the precious silence or calm. Instead we just cuddled up with the twins in Leah's belly and let our love speak for itself.
That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email.
"So what do we do?" I asked.
"I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure.
"To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you know. "Do we want two more partners?"
"It's not like we're inviting them to move in," Katie pointed out.
"So why Mimi and Geoff?" my blond wife said. I think in part she was playing the devil's advocate, if only to get us to fully think through the actions we were thinking about. "Why not Ed and Becky? Or Jimmy and Cassie? How many other couples have propositioned us for some action? Why these two?"
"They're old friends," Leah said. "We can trust them. They have more to lose than we do."
"You haven't seen them in what . . . twelve . . . years?" Melinda pressed. "I'm sure they knew—or at least heard the rumours—about us years ago. Why didn't they contact us then? Why now?"
"Maybe they weren't ready to take this step," I said calmly. "Maybe we aren't either."
"I just don't want to lose what we've got," Melinda said softly. Leah reached over and took her hand. "It's been eleven years and I think we've got a pretty good thing going. I'm afraid of messing *us* up."
An uncomfortable silence fell over the table.
Katie turned to me. "What do you want? You've been awful quiet during this whole discussion."
"I want you three to be happy," I said simply.
"So you don't want to bang Mimi?" Leah taunted.
"Not any more than you do," I retorted. "Here's where I stand on this: There can be no doubts for any of us. We all need to be on the exact same page about everything. There can be no jealousy, no resentments. If we go, we all have to want to. If we say no, we all have to want that, too."
"You're evading the question," Katie said. "Is this something you want?"
I shifted uncomfortably. "Truthfully? No. Would I like to get into Yesmine Williamson's pants? Hell, yes, I would! Anyone with a pulse would. Do I want to share the three of you with someone else? No. Call me a selfish bastard, but I don't like the idea of someone else—anyone else—sleeping with my girls. Let's face it: You three have spoiled me. For the past decade, I've had the three most beautiful women in the world all to myself. And I don't want to share."
"But—" Leah started.
"I'm not done." I put up my hand to stop her. "But I know this is something you all want . . . Yes, even you, Melinda. I know there are some things you all want to do that for whatever reason don't work when it comes to the four of us. I understand that. But I want you all to be happy. I want you to have that something I can't give you myself. I think we should do it. They've agreed to our terms. We've agreed to theirs. As far as I'm concerned, all the cards are on the table. I grew up with these two and I know we can trust them."
"Are you sure?" Melinda said softly.
"If that's what the three of you want," I replied, meaning every word. "Listen . . . I've spent the last decade living out every guy's fantasy. I know there are some others that you all have that I just can't deliver . . . at least not on my own. I just want you all to be happy."
"And you want to bone the hottest girl in the school," Leah snorted.
"Oh, hell, yeah! Do you remember going tubing with them on the Ichetucknee? I'm glad the water is a cool 72 degrees all year long . . . it kept my hard-on under control and Mimi's nipples up all day."
At that point our conversation devolved into some playful smacks, pinches and tickling. There was a little more discussion, but everyone knew where it was going, and soon enough we had a consensus.
A little while later, we were lay in the big bed. Katie and Leah were curled up together. Melinda and I held one another, watching them sleep.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" she whispered in my ear.
I kissed Melinda on the back of her neck. "Are you going to fall in love with Mimi or Geoff?"
"Then I'm fine," I said. "Remember that week in Disney World? I was okay sharing you with Carl and I'll be okay sharing you all with Geoff."
"As long as you get to have Mimi."
"No, it's not even that." I nibbled on her neck a little more. "If you said you three wanted to have them and all I could do was watch, I'd be fine with that. I love you. I love Leah and I love Katie. I don't want for attention or sex or love. As long as you three are waking up in my arms every morning, I don't care what else goes on between me and them."
"I'm happy to hear you say that," Melinda said softly. "A part of me thinks that we're jumping into this a little early. After all, the four of us have only been 'married' for three months. Adding extra partners usually doesn't help out most marriages . . . but then again, we're not most marriages. I also know Katie has been the most enthusiastic about this because she's the least experienced. She never got to have any wild flings; it was pretty much Carl, Leah and then us."
She paused for a moment. "But I know they're not looking for anything other than a weekend of wild, uninhibited sex. None of us want anything other than what we've got right now. But it would be nice to get to try out some of those things we've talked about for all these years."
We both purred at the mention of all those nasty little fantasies everyone has but very few people ever act out. My cock stiffened a little between her thighs.
"I want you to know one other thing," she said as I pushed forward, my cockhead pressing against the slick entrance to her pussy. "I've already told the other girls this . . . and I'll tell Mimi and Geoff, too . . . I don't want him inside me. I'll suck him off, I'll let him tittyfuck me, but I won't have intercourse with him and I won't swallow for him. You're the only man who will ever have me."
Pulling her close, I nuzzled up against her neck. She moaned softly when I bit her just at the top of the shoulder. I pushed forward with my cock and slipped inside her.
We made love long and slow. At first we tried to be quiet, but soon enough, both of the other girls were awake. They joined in and the four of us knew nothing but the pleasure and love that the other three felt.
The girls banished me from the house.
Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right.
Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a long weekend once school got out. There's enough to do where we live that we could entertain the kids during the day and have some side adventures for ourselves at night.
Getting sent out of the house actually suited me fine because it let me get away from the kids and work on my hobby for some "me" time. Next to my three wives and four (soon to be eight) kids, I have two other babies.
I call the first of them "Candy"; she's a 1965 Corvette Roadster in fire-engine red with a white convertible top. Under the hood is a 350 fuel-injected small block and M21 close-ratio 4-speed manual transmission that's as smooth as silk. When I bought her, she was a little run down, but I rebuilt her from the ground up and added some modern amenities like satellite radio, GPS and seats with good lumbar support. The numbers don't match, the engine's not original and she's got a lot of miles, but that's not the point.
She drives like a dream and was built to go cruising. Candy turns heads and draws many admiring stares. At car shows, the snobbier Corvette owners—with their 400 original miles and stock engines that have been babied in a climate-controlled storage facility for the last forty years—turn up their noses, but we keep moving along. Cars are made for driving, not sitting in a garage as a show piece.
My wives are that way, too. We'd rather go out and have fun than worry what other people might say or think about us. None of them are drop-dead gorgeous, but to me, Katie, Leah and Melinda are the most beautiful women in the world. They're not as "perfect" as those magazines would have you believe, but I wouldn't trade them for anything . . . Certainly not some trophy wife who only eats rice cakes and celery!
My other baby is where Candy was about four years ago. She doesn't have a name yet, but she's lean and mean. I stripped her down to the frame and have been restoring the 1970 Chevelle convertible to better-than-original condition. She's also red, but has black racing stripes and I'm fitting her out with polished chrome everywhere. When I bought her, she had an after-market 350 under the hood, but I lifted it out and dropped in a 454 LS6 for a little extra power. I am in the process of putting in a 4 speed automatic transmission with a slapstick shifter, and I think I'm going to have to beef up her rear differential to keep the frame from twisting when I drop the hammer at the drag strip.
If Candy is my cruiser, this other car is going to be my racer.
When we built the house, the girls pretty much had run of the place. I had a little bit of input, especially when it came to the building part, but just about everything inside was planned and decorated by the girls. They wanted things to be "just right". If you've built your own house with a woman, you know what I'm talking about. Now try that with three of them. Your best bet is to say, "Yes, dear" and then just do whatever it is they tell you.
However, when it came time to build the guest house, it was all me. It's a two-story building with a small living space on the upper level and a garage/workshop on the bottom floor. Since the ground around our house slopes as you go around back, there are entrances to both levels that don't involve any steps. On one side downstairs is a shop for all my tools including a woodworking bench and space large enough to work on something as big as a bookshelf or a couch. On the other side is *my* car garage (there is another four-car garage underneath the main house where we keep our daily drivers); I have two bays, one where I keep Candy in from the elements (I don't think her top has ever been up), and there's a shop-grade hydraulic lift in the other one.
The Chevelle was on the lift, although I only had her about four inches off the ground; high enough that I didn't have to bend over too much to work on the engine. After mowing the lawn earlier in the day, I was tinkering around, mostly just to kill time until our company arrived.
I vaguely heard the door open and close. The footsteps I recognised as Melinda's.
"Hey, sweetheart," she purred softly.
Looking up, I was presented with a most luscious sight. My wife was wearing a knee-length A-line skirt and a white button-down blouse. Her hair was pulled back, but I didn't really notice it. The top five buttons were open, and her magnificent breasts were spilling out. Those pillow-soft orbs were just barely held in place by a bra that seemed like it was ready to burst at any second.
She sauntered over to me. Her hips swayed and her breasts bounced with every step. Melinda walked around the car as I hunched over the engine block. She made sure to strut seductively and flash her shapely legs and voluptuous curves.
"Hey, yourself," I replied, fully aware that I was being seduced. Or rather, I was about to get jumped. For the record, that's not a complaint; I'm just sayin'.
"Whatcha working on?" she asked, pressing against me. I could feel her breasts on my back.
I shrugged. "Just checking the vacuum lines."
Her hand ran up my back and settled on my neck. You know the spot: its right at the base of your skull and if you hit it just right, it will make your entire body shiver. Melinda has always had a knack for finding that spot with the first pass.
"I have a problem," she whispered.
"Oh, really?" I asked coyly. "And what might that be?"
"You know how we all have something to do each day? I'm having trouble today." Her mouth formed a slight pout.
"What are you having trouble with, Honey?"
I almost creamed my shorts when she stuck her tongue in my ear. "I can't cum."
"Why can't you cum?" I asked when my voice returned.
"It's kind of hard to explain," she whined before maneuvering herself between me and the car. I leaned in and kissed her. "Maybe you should take a look at what's under the hood."
"Right away," I said with a smile. I was wondering if we were going to play "mechanic". Quickly cleaning my hands off on a rag, I dropped the hood on the Chevelle, then lifted Melinda so she was sitting on the grille. Her feet rested on the bumper. I love big American cars. Almost as much as I love big American girls.
Melinda leaned over and pulled my face into her breasts. I could have suckled on her nipples forever, but she had other ideas.
Leaning back, she pulled her skirt up, showing me that she wasn't wearing any panties and the plug that was nestled securely in her ass . . . just as she had been instructed. Her pussy was shaved bare. Her labia were swollen with excitement.
I looked down at my wife and saw her unbuttoning her shirt. My cock was hard and I didn't know if I was going to make it through the preliminaries.
"I've been trying and trying all morning," she whined. "And I just can't cum. Please help me."
"Play with your tits," I grunted, reaching for the hydraulic lift controls. She began to knead her big round tits as I raised her and the car up.
When her pussy was level with my mouth, I began to kiss the insides of her thighs. The sweet smell of her sex was intoxicating. Two of my fingers slipped into her easily.
"Please eat me," she moaned.
"Please eat what?" I teased.
"Eat my pussy," Melinda implored me desperately. "Eat my hot little cunt."
I smiled to myself then dove in between her legs with my tongue. At first, I debated whether I should tease her for a while or if I should do the swirly thing she taught all of us that's pretty much guaranteed to bring a woman to orgasm *very* quickly.
"Right there," she groaned. "Oh, yes! . . . Fucking eat me!"
With her legs resting on the bumper, she began to buck her pussy against my mouth. I drank down her juices which were running freely.
Her knees began to quiver.
Glancing up, I saw her fingers pinching her nipples through her bra. Her head rolled from side to side.
"Don't stop . . . don't you dare stop," she gasped as I sucked hard on her clit. "Oh, that's it . . . that's it . . . eat Mama's pussy . . . I'm about to . . . Here I cu—"
I pressed my tongue flat against her clit and she let loose with a primal scream. I lapped at her pussy, trying not to let a drop go to waste.
She gasped for breath, her body convulsing with waves of pleasure.
Smiling to myself, I let Melinda down from her orgasm slowly. She continued to shudder with every breath. The insides of her legs were coated with cum. As was my face.
The only sound in the garage was her unsteady gasps. I waited until they became somewhat regular, then reached for the control for the hydraulic lift.
Melinda jumped slightly as I lowered the car back to its original position, about four inches off the ground. I pulled her so she was once again sitting on the hood of my car.
Her legs were wobbly. Her pupils were dilated. Her magnificent breasts spilled out of her blouse. Taking her hand, I led her around the car. I opened the door and climbed into the back seat.
As I pushed my shorts and boxers down past my knees, Melinda climbed on top of me. We weren't supposed to be doing this, but in that moment, I didn't care.
I love being inside my wives right after they've had an orgasm. Especially Melinda. Even after two children, her pussy is still as tight as it has ever been. Despite all the fucking it's taken, I'll never tire of it.
She lowered herself down on top of me. We both let out a low, throaty moan.
"How long do we have?" she nibbled on my ear.
"Forever," I whispered. She looked into my eyes and I knew no other man would ever have her again.
Melinda laughed gently. "No, silly. How long until Mimi and Geoff arrive?"
"A couple more hours," I guessed.
"We'd better not take too long," my wife said, her voice sultry. "We have to get cleaned up so no one finds out we've been bad."
"Oh, you've been bad all right," I smacked her backside playfully. As I filled up her pussy, I could feel the plug in her ass pressing back against me. "I think you'll need to be punished later."
"Oooooooh," she purred. "Whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks!"
"I plan on it," I promised. She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss. We made love in the back seat of the Chevelle. Long and slow.
It's a good thing we were well away from the main house. She screamed like a banshee when she came. I just prayed, calling out God's name. A lot.
When it was over, we looked into each others's souls and promised our undying love to one another.
We were washed up and clean when Mimi and Geoff arrived. Katie and Leah were joined by Melinda and the girls finished cleaning the house. I showered out in the guest house and tried not to look like the cat who ate the canary.
The girls were all wearing loose blouses and skirts. The four kids were traipsing about with the promise of new friends on their minds. I gave everyone a hug and a kiss. The little ones got a tickle or two. The big girls each gave me a handful of their backside and a quick feel if no one was looking.
I was in the kitchen helping Katie make dinner when our guests pulled in.
Melinda called for the kids. We all went outside to greet Mimi, Geoff and their kids. As they got out of their car, Leah rushed out to greet them with warm hugs and kisses.
We introduced everyone, which takes a while when twelve people are involved. Both of my old high school friends looked just as vibrant and happy as when we had last seen them just a couple of months ago.
Only now when I looked at them, all I could picture in my mind's eye was watching them fuck. Because that's what the four of us spent our nights doing each time they released a new video.
I helped with their bags. Even though they were only staying for a long weekend, there was plenty of stuff to bring in.
Our four children hit it off right away with their two. Kaylee is the oldest at five, although their daughter Tiffany is only a year younger. Their son Jeremy is almost three, just like Bryan. Gwen and Gabi are only a couple of months behind.
We had talked to the kids about our guests and how they were special friends we had grown up with and that they needed to be on their best behaviour. Or we tried to. Sometimes, talking to two year-olds is like talking to a dog. Only the kids talk back every now and then.
I went back to the kitchen while Melinda and Leah gave Geoff and Mimi the five minute tour. Katie corralled the kids as best she could.
The rest of our evening was spent reminiscing and catching up. The kids disappeared into the downstairs play room as the adults rotated through in pairs to keep an eye on them. Only Katie and I were exempt from watching the little ones, and that was because we were in charge of cooking.
Mimi was as strikingly beautiful as always. It wasn't long before Katie and I found ourselves alone with her.
"Thank you for doing this for us," she said, pouring a glass of wine for herself. Katie and I both declined.
"We're not doing this for you," Katie shot her a mischievous smile. "We're doing it for *us*."
The two girls shared a look. Their eyes seemed to smolder. It's hard to explain. On one level, they were sizing each other up. On another, they were promising each other great things to come.
"Did you follow our instructions?" Katie broke the silence.
"Yes," Mimi replied evenly.
I jumped when Katie struck her across the chest. For just a second, Mimi seemed to recoil, like a cat about to retaliate. But then she remembered her place.
" 'Yes', what?" my wife said firmly.
Mimi's eyes dropped submissively. "Yes, Mistress."
"Prove it," Katie said, her voice not relenting.
I could tell Mimi was both loving it and having a hard time as she turned around and bent over. One hand went to brace herself against the counter. The other flipped up her skirt.
A red buttplug stuck out of her shapely rear end. And a matching vibrator was buried in her pussy. She wasn't wearing any panties.
"How long have they been in?" Katie asked. Her hand reached out and gently caressed Mimi's firm backside.
"Since this morning, Mistress," Mimi replied softly.
"Very good," the redhead patted her approvingly. "Where is the control?"
"In my purse, Mistress."
"Get it for me."
Mimi stood, her skirt falling back down. She took one step before Katie struck her across the ass with the metal spatula in her hand.
"No, slave!" she thundered, striking her again. "You do not walk when I give you a command! Slaves crawl!"
With a look that was something between abject terror and absolute pleasure, Mimi fell to her knees and crawled on her hands and knees over to the kitchen table where her purse was.
Katie and I exchanged a wicked glance. My redheaded wife was once the most demure and sexually unadventurous of the four of us. But over the last eleven years she had awakened and embraced her sexuality. She reveled in pleasure, both giving and receiving.
Of my wives, Leah is the most sexually submissive. In our everyday lives, Melinda is clearly the alpha female of our group, but in bed, she can be either the top or the bottom, depending on how she feels that day, although she likes the rough games the least. Katie loves to be in control. When we were still two couples, she and Leah complimented each other perfectly.
We're not into super-hardcore BDSM, but we like to play some bondage games every now and then. When she gets into one of her moods, Katie rules the roost among the girls. The other two call her "Mistress Katya" and they alternately hate and love her creativity in bed.
I'm a lousy sub. We tried it once or twice and it's just not something I could ever get into. I think that was part of the charm of this adventure for the girls. Geoff would let them . . . no, he would *beg* them . . . to do things to him that I would never allow.
In turn, Mimi says she is a lot like Melinda. That is, she often likes to be in control, but sometimes wants to play the other role. In that, Geoff cannot do. Like Leah, he just doesn't have it in him. So we made a deal.
The girls would get to have their way with Geoff, and I would get to have my way with Mimi.
Not a bad trade, huh?
Mimi slinked back over to us, the wireless transmitter for the vibrator in her mouth. She lay it at Katie's feet, not daring to look up.
"You learn quickly, slave," Katie said, showering a bit of praise on her new sexual toy. Katie bent over and caressed Mimi's cheek. Her next words even sent a chill through my spine. "Remember your place, Yesmine, and I will reward you. Cross me and you will beg for mercy."
A flash of anticipation and pleasure shone in Mimi's eyes. Her mouth practically started to water and I could almost smell her sex creaming. "Yes, Mistress."
"Now go back downstairs and spend your last hours as a free woman," Katie said, drawing Mimi to her feet.
Her legs shaking, Mimi walked to the door that led downstairs. She gave us one final look. It was part frustration. Part exhilaration. Part anticipation. Mimi jumped when Katie pressed the button on the control. The button that started the vibrator buried within Mimi's pussy. Then she turned and went down the steps, her long dark hair waving as she tried to keep her balance.
"Do you really think they've really gone a week without fucking?" Katie mused, the remote control turning over in her hand.
"I'd say so," I chuckled. "Considering that she almost came all over our kitchen when you smacked her tits."
"That was pretty hot, wasn't it?"
"Hell, yes, 'Mistress'," I said, my lip curling up into and pernicious grin.
"I should make you call me that all weekend."
"We've been through that already," I took a step towards her. Her body stiffened for just a second, then she folded into my grasp. I snaked one hand up behind her neck and pulled on her hair. Katie gasped and stuck her chest out, her throat exposed for me. I bit her just behind the ear. "Haven't we?"
"Yes, Master."
A little while later, the twelve of us were sitting around the table just off the kitchen. The kids had their choice of mac and cheese or what the adults were having. Only Kaylee opted for the "grown up" meal: grilled chicken Caesar salad.
Eating is always an adventure in our house, although with two extra sets of eyes to watch the kids, things were a little easier. We talked and laughed with our friends. Tiffany and Jeremy were smart and polite. Our kids were generally good.
Soon enough, the children asked to be excused. Kaylee and Tiffany took their plates to the sink; we would clean up after the little ones. We all adjourned to the downstairs play room; not all of us were finished eating, but the space down there is large enough that we can keep an eye on everyone and the kids won't feel like they are cooped up somewhere they don't want to be.
The six adults talked about things adults usually talk about: money, jobs, vacations, etc. Much of this conversation we had when we met up in Georgia, but now Mimi wanted to know more about us, especially Leah.
My brunette wife is a local celebrity of sorts. One of the reasons we settled in Asheville is because of the thriving community of artists. She is a painter of some local renown and because our lifestyle permits it, she owns a gallery that features not only her own work, but other local artists as well. In addition, she has a recurring art segment on one of the local television stations and is a part-time reporter for them as well. She used to work full-time, but like the other girls has cut back lately owing to the pregnancy.
Katie couldn't keep her eyes off Mimi. There seemed be an electricity between the two of them. Everyone else at the table saw it, too.
"So are you guys happy to almost be over the 'terrible twos'?" Geoff asked when his wife excused herself from the couch.
"They actually haven't been too bad," Melinda said. "Kaylee was worse at their age."
"Really?" Geoff's eyebrow shot up.
"These three are actually pretty good. Bryan is the most laid-back kid you'll ever meet," my wife explained. "He has his moments, but all in all, he's a lot like his dad. He just goes with whatever flow he finds. We've only had Gwen and Gabi for a little over a year and I think they've finally adjusted to life with us."
"Did I hear you flew to Vietnam to pick them up?" Mimi returned from the bathroom and sat down next to her husband. Her face was a little flush. They didn't touch.
"Leah and Katie did," Melinda looked over at our wives, who were horsing around with the kids.
"How are they adjusting?"
"Pretty well, I think. They were a little scared at first. After all, they were nine months old, traveling halfway around the world and going to live with a new family." Melinda gave the twins a wistful look. "They're also very different kids. Gabi is quiet and shy. Gwen is more outgoing. For the first four months, neither could stand to be out the other's sight. If we took them in different rooms, they both cried until they could see each other. They've gotten a little better lately, but they still sleep in the same room."
She took a deep breath before continuing. "Katie said the orphanage where they were living was okay as far as third world countries go. It wasn't dirty or squalid, but I think they were severely lacking for attention. It is overcrowded and understaffed. Both girls were underweight and they are very clingy, especially Gabi. She has nightmares, too. The only thing that makes them go away is when Gwen wakes up in the middle of the night and gets in bed with her sister."
"That's very sweet," Mimi said softly.
"It is," Melinda agreed. "They only both started talking recently. I'm hoping they're young enough that they don't remember any of the bad things."
I reached out, took my wife's hand and squeezed it supportively. Although we share the responsibility of raising all four of the kids, until we got "married" a couple of months ago in Georgia, Melinda and I (unconsciously) thought of Kaylee and Bryan as "our" children and Gwendollyn and Gabrielle as "their" (ie-Leah and Katie's) children. Now, they all belong to "us", even though we still have a momentary slip or two.
We sat around and talked for a little while longer, then went to get a snack. This is our signal to the kids that it's almost bed time. We had milk and pretzels, then put the little ones in their pull-up diapers and the twelve of us sat down to watch "Finding Nemo" on DVD.
By the time movie ended, the kids were all nodding off and the adults were ready to get down to business. I think the fact that five of the six adults had remote control vibrators inside them that had a habit of turning on and off seemingly at random may have had something to do with that. All I know is that Katie was driving Mimi nuts and I was doing my best to keep Leah on edge. Everyone else was on their own.
Only Bryan was still awake at the end of the movie, but even he had to be carried upstairs. Kaylee and Tiffany were sleeping in Kaylee's room, we unrolled a sleeping bag for Jeremy in Bryan's room, and Gwen and Gabi were in their own beds.
Mimi and Geoff were a little nervous about leaving their kids two stories up, but we assured them that we could keep an eye on everyone.
And with that, our next great adventure was about to begin.
*There's more to our story coming up! Thanks again to my editor, michchick98.* |
Hotel California | 16,810 | 4.56 | 569,792 | [
] | Hotel California was both an album and a song written by the Eagles, in 1977. This is considered to be a literal translation of the song, done as an erotic horror story. If you do not like horror, do not read; this is written in order to scare. This is also a bit longer than most of the stories I have submitted to date, but there is more sex in this as well.
It was late, almost getting to the point of being early, and I was absolutely exhausted. All I had to my name was the clothing in my boot, the .22 beneath my passenger seat and -of course- my car. Let me get you straight on this, my car is far, far dearer to me than any woman or child I have ever had. 1976 Chevrolet Impala, black. If I had to describe myself, I would say I looked unkempt at best; at worst, I looked like a thug.
Anyway, my eyes had been getting dim around the edges for the last ten miles, and this was with the window down, letting the freezing desert air whip around my head, giving me an edge. It was fine; I didn't have any real reason to keep running. The sirens faded into the horizon well before midnight. I just kinda like- liked- running.
I couldn't see much beyond the dull glare of my headlights, so it came as a surprise to me that I just happened across what counted for a town out here, in this little stretch of nowhere; a general shop, several houses, all bunched up together, an old mission church, complete with a bell tower, and a watering hole. Lucky for me- the mantra of my life- the store had a gas pump to one side. I parked next to it, and walked up to the door, and banged on it till I heard movement inside.
I saw the barrel of the rifle just in time, and ducked down as it blew a hole in the door, spraying glass all over me. I jumped away to the right of the door, and waited. Sure enough, the idiot came out, to check on whether or not he should fetch his shovel. I slammed the door on him as he came through it, the blow crushing him against the frame, and grabbed at the part of the rifle on my side of the door. He was still panting, trying to catch his breath when he saw me. I watched as his pupils dilated, and saw the fear wear away at the corners of his mouth, the muscles playing along his jaw. He was fairly standard for hillbillyville- thick round the shoulder and the stomach, short and balding. He wore a stained singlet top, and these disgusting shorts. I could smell him from the other side of the door.
I should probably explain something else as well. The description I gave of myself earlier doesn't really account for his reaction, does it? I'm the wrong side of six foot, and I never carried any fat on my frame whatsoever, I dunno why, and I tend towards the earthier side of life, which leads to my next point. I like a good fight- seem to find one almost every night- and this has given me a certain set of muscles which are intimidating enough by themselves but when coupled with my face...
I've got high cheekbones, and a slightly too strong jaw for my face. My eyes are a little drawn back, but don't let that make you think this lessens the appearance of them. They are as pale a brown as you can get, almost looking golden. The best thing about this is that both men and girls fall over themselves trying to get away- or deeper, if I like the attention. But tonight the man looked into them, and saw nothing. I was cold, and he could see the murder in my eyes. I've got a few scars, most noticably the one that lines my throat- it's kinda obvious how I got it, so I'll just describe it. Jagged, it crosses from one side of my neck to the other, widening as it goes, crossing my adams apple on its way. It makes talking difficult- the original injury, that is, not the scar- but the end result was a voice like death.
He let go of the gun, letting me have it as he backed away, and ran into the store. I followed him in. The store was small, packed as high as things could go onto shelves that hadn't been cleaned this side of 1950.
I heard a sigh coming from behind the doorway that was on the other side of the counter, and I walked round to it and threw it open.
There was a shriek as I revealed the bed and the woman who was obviously the idiot's wife saw me for the first time. I looked at her, searching for a light switch, but when I found it and turned back to the bed, I was confronted by the quaking barrel of yet another gun- this time, a shotgun.
"You comin down here, scarin my husband!?" she said, her voice quaking. I looked at her as best I could, narrowing my stare. I saw the moment she noticed their color, and watched as her cheeks reddened. It was interesting, watching as the blood warmed up her face and trailed down between her breasts before pooling above them, bleaching the skin rose.
The gun stopped shaking, but she was not going to shoot me now. I lifted my hands slowly, lazily, and flicked the barrel away, and she did nothing to really stop me.
"I just want to get some gas, then I'd thought I'd leave. But," I said, making my tone as sorrowful as possible- difficult, as I said, because I sounded like Tom Waits after a set list- "but now you shot at me. Waved a gun in my face. I think I should bring the law down here, that's what I think."
Her eyes widened. I could almost see the cogs clicking over. She forgot her shyness as she got on her knees on the bed, and took my hand.
"Please don't do that! I'll- we'll- won't charge you for the gas!"
I pretended to think about it, in the meantime checking her out kinda obviously. I'm sure you were already wondering about the husband, but I assumed he'd done a bunk, and was either lookin for help or had hidden somewhere. If it was the first, he would be more careful than me- if he was answering the door with a gunshot, than maybe his neighbours would too. Either way, I wasn't really worried.
Back to more important matters. She was kinda hot, in a older milfy fashion. Curvy around the hips and stomach, and definitely around the breasts as well. I mean, those things threatened to burst out of the thin shift she wore, and it was obvious enough to me that there was nothing inhibiting beneath them to cause the boat to crash. Faded strawberry blonde hair, complemented by dark brown eyes, and frankly the nicest set of lips I had seen for a while. You know, the sort that you can't help but imagine wrapped around your cock?
I let her notice my regard, then shook my head. "I wasn't plannin on paying anyway." I held her hand tighter, and with the other drew her in, closer. She didn't fight, her eyes wide with something emotional. She looked into my eyes, and flushed again, her mouth opening slightly as she wet her lips. I pulled against me, feeling her breasts flatten against my chest, running my hands across her shoulder blades, then down, grasping at the softness of her ass, pulling her hips towards me. She gasped as she felt my hardness through my jeans, and half-heartedly placed her palms against my chest, and lowered her eyes, breaking the spell.
"I-I can't... My husband..."
"He left you here. He doesn't care if I have my way with you- or if he does, he knows there isn't much he can do to stop me. Besides," I said as I pushed her backwards slowly, forcing her body down to the mattress, "I will get my satisfaction."
I forced my mouth on hers, completely dominating the kiss and muting any response. I wish I could say she tasted sweet, but I'd be lying. Her hands couldn't decide what to do, and they alternately grasped me, pulling me harder into her, and tried to push me off her. Her mouth was open already when I kissed her, so it was no struggle to lengthen the embrace. Her movements became more relaxed, and I felt her tongue moving against mine.
"Now, that's better, dear," I said, as I kissed the length of her jawline. I started just below her mouth, gently nibbling and scoring the surface. She gasped, and lifted her face, giving me greater access. I moved slowly, and as I reached her earlobe, my teeth closing on it, my hands roamed free below. I lifted her hips up off the bed, and pulled at her shift until it was above her waist. My kissing went lower, along her collarbone, and following the rose trails left by her growing heat. My right hand reached between her legs and cupped her sex. She was moist, even hot, and I ran my ring finger along her slit, toying with the bump near the top. I came back up to face her, and kissed her deeply as I freed my cock with my left hand and guided it towards her slit.
Her eyes widened. "N-No, what a-aaAH!-bout a c-condom?"
I used the head of my cock to slap her clitoris, the bump feeling incredible against me.
"You don't want me to use a condom. You want me to put my cock in you, and to fuck you. If you get pregnant, that's your husband's fault, isn't it?"
Her face colored again, and as she opened her mouth to protest I forced my mouth over hers. I moved my lips against hers hard, forcing pleasure from her, and I felt her hand between us, place me at her hole, and thrust down, onto me.
I groaned, as I entered her. She was so wet and so hot that I couldn't help it. She raised herself, and pushed me in further, sighing while she did it. I could feel her sex quivering around me, her pleasure pulsing. I placed my weight on my elbows and knees, and thrust hard into her. She yelped, her body moving with my thrust, her mouth then clamping onto the fleshy part of my neck. Fuck you then. I took myself out and slammed straight back in, over and over. She gasped and moaned, her breasts unable to move because I had her so pinned. Her mouth left my neck, and I could feel it stinging where she had broken the skin. She started to moan, on and on and on, not stopping to breathe, a musical accompaniment to the sounds of my hips meeting hers. I could feel her pleasure building; her hands clung to my hips, her nails digging into the skin; her moans got higher and higher, her eyes screwed up, and her sex got tighter around me. I felt her seize shut around me, and I forced my hand beneath her chin, and made her meet my eyes as she came.
Her moaning stopped, and her mouth stayed open. I love watching a girl come, I dunno why. There is simply nothing like seeing the sense of dislocation, of watching how she is both out of it and profoundly concentrating on something. Looking at her eyes, watching them burn as she came, nearly pushed me over the edge. But for me it was her expression that did it, the mixture of sheer delight and utter, utter shock, that made me lose my mind.
I thrust even deeper into her, harder, her muscles still clamping down on me, making the experience perfect. But the real difference was the silence. She hadn't come down from her peak yet, and her expression hadn't changed.
Suddenly, she became, impossibly, even tighter and, as hard as I was hammering down into her she thrust herself upwards, her body spasming. I felt wetness around my cock,along my thighs and stomach, then I realised what had just happened: the bitch had just squirted all over me.
I erupted, driving myself over and over, the wave burning down through my stomach and up through my thighs. It massed hard along my groin, boiling out over my cock. I felt every single spurt, and I ground my orgasm out into her.
Her eyes were still open, and she was whispering "oh god, oh god" over and over. Both of our lower halves were drenched. Damn; that was my last pair of clean jeans. Knew I should really have taken them off.
I got up, and felt her shiver as I withdrew. I was still kinda hard, but I had to get out of this backwater soon, before husband comes back with a lynch mob.
I did my pants up, and looked down at her. She was flushed, and she hadn't moved from the position I left her in, but her right hand crept between her legs, and she ran her fingers along her groin.
I quickly found the switchboard and turned the pumps on. I filled up as quickly as I could, and got back into the cabin- after I grabbed some food from the shop. Man's gotta eat.
As I drove off, I saw her in the revision mirror, standing, watching me as I left.
Another night, another dim stretch of road. Eyes really dim this time. Keep slipping off. Air's really cold tonight. Got bits of ice in it. Glad I took that bottle of whiskey, though. Helped dull the pain.
Hang on. Huge building, tucked away into a neat corner, all lit up like a christmas tree without the sanctimoniousness. There was a girl outside. Pretty. Long, flowing hair. Black dress. Kinda looks like that classy chick from breakfast at tiffanys.
I can't remember pulling over. I only remember her lighting a candle, and beckoning me inside. I could hear the wind whistling outside, carrying snatches of words I couldn't understand.
I remember the blackness of the room, and the softness of the bed, as I slowly sank down into it. I don't remember getting undressed, but I woke up naked so I must have. I'm not sure of this, but I can still see it even now; her face, at the end of the bed. Her bending over, taking my limp cock between her perfect lips, just as I sank into unconsciousness.
I woke up to a splitting headache, as sunlight streamed through a freshly open curtains. I groaned, as my head pulsed.
"Good maw-ning sah! It a luvely day outside."
I opened my eyes a crack to see a truly stunning black woman in a maid's outfit opening the other blinds and setting them back into their holders.
The room was- for want of a better word- odd. The furnishings were in an old fashioned style, but were done in such a fashion that they appeared timeless. I had seen setups like this elsewhere, but this room looked far more authentic.
The maid- for that was what she was- was old school creole; she had high cheekbones, a long straight nose, and huge full lips, complemented by these enormous liquid black eyes. But -and I must admit, I tend to be more attracted to faces than to bodies, I dunno why- it was her body in that tiny outfit that set her off for me. She was barely 5'5, yet her legs seemed to go on forever, and -my god!- she had simply the best ass I have EVER seen. And her breasts were heavenly, not imposing as some latin girls' girls are, but they seemed to float in their bodice. And- I seem to be saying that a bit, but I cannot overemphasise this- her hips gave her that wonderful hourglass figure that turned her from merely attractive to both utterly beautiful and mindstoppingly sexy.
"I'm sarry sah, but the cleanin crew is comin through soon. The Captain was thinkin you'd appreciate bein woken up a bit... Earlier."
I looked at her, dumbstruck. What the fuck is going on? I was distracted on several accounts, most of which should be obvious, but the last of which isn't to you, but most certainly was to the maid, who was both trying very hard not to look at it and trying harder not to smile. Yes, you guessed it; morning wood. My sheets resembled a circus tent, if not an army pavilion.
I looked at her hard, making my gaze run over her. She was still bustling round the room, moving like a hurricane. But she made every movement, however unconscious it was, sexy; her picking up the extra sheets and pillows, bending over as she did; the was she reached out, pulling back the remaining curtains and arched her back. The dress she wore was not sexy by itself- it was long, and while there was a slight bodice to it, it was not really revealing- but the way she wore it made it a tease. Her breasts bounced with every step, and she was near running around the room. I couldn't really see her hips swing, but the dress left plenty to my active imagination.
It took her a while to notice my stare, but when she did she locked eyes with me. I wondered, is there a challenge in the eyes of every creole girl, a fire which makes you want to tie them up and ravage them as best you can and still know you haven't bested them?
Still, I watched as she looked me up and down, making up her mind. Apparently she found whatever she was looking for, because when she found my eyes again there was more than just business there.
She sauntered over to me, her dress rustling against a table, trailing her fingernails across the top. Her mouth was open, the corners turning upwards. I dunno if my eyesight is any good- comparatively speaking- but I could see how dilated her pupils were, and she was still a full five feet away.
She looked down, at the sheets, as she got closer I took advantage as best I could, pulling and pushing at her skirts until all I could see was the soft white cotton of her panties, framed perfectly by skin the color of rich coffee- let’s get one thing straight here, boys. If you haven’t had a dark skinned lass before, I recommend it at least once, just for the perfect images of white against chocolate. In this case, I meant her underwear. The reason I say ‘image-s’ came later, pun intended.
I nuzzled lightly along the inside of her thighs, running my teeth against her, scoring the surface with tiny bites. She wasn’t quite moaning, but by now she was completely straddling my head, and her hands toyed at my head. I smiled into her skin; she was such a fucking tease.
I took my tongue out of my mouth, and ran the tip of it around the edge of the white cotton, starting near the top, right next to the curve of her hips, all the way down, until I couldn't reach anymore. She tried to pull her hips away, giggling, but I held onto her with my hands. I opened my mouth fully, and closed it lightly on the cup of her femininity. She got the point immediately; move, and you’ll regret it.
I could smell her arousal now, and her panties were slightly wet at the front. I licked at the front of her panties, tracing the outline of the stain her juices made. She moaned, her body moving harder towards my mouth.
I pulled away her panties at the side, and teased her mercilessly. She tried, over and over, to thrust herself closer to me, to force me to do as she willed, but I held firm, even as she pulled me into her with her hands.
I have a long tongue, and I thought of this move a long time ago, and perfected it since. I placed my mouth at the top of her warm slit, and felt for her clit. When I found it, I pulled both sides of my tongue around- you all know some people can roll their tongue? I did it, but placed the sides of it so that it closed on her, making her hips buck.
She thrust sporadically at me, as I ran my mouth up and down, caressing both sides of her clit. Her hands were claws, forcing my head to stay in the same position. She was so into the feeling that I couldn't hear her moans, as her thighs clung to me, holding me in place.
I felt her thrusts become regular, and I knew she was close. I then made my tongue flutter, both sides waving up and down her clit- and before you say ‘no way, that’s impossible’, all I have to say is this: long tongue, LOTS of practice. Trust me.
She stopped thrusting, her hands forcing me even harder into her. She clung to me desperately, and despite the deafening effects of her thighs, I could hear her scream. I continued the waves, and she held me tighter. I couldn't breathe anymore, but I didn’t stop. I could feel wetness flooding my face, and I drank in her taste. I lost myself in it, my movements becoming less sophisticated, lapping at her sex over and over.
I was gasping when she finally let me breathe, and the air tasted almost as good- believe me, I was Really needing air by that point- as she did. I was still gasping when she got off me, and stood by the bed.
“Sah, I’m saw-ry sah- h-he... we...”
I looked up and saw a man by the doorway, looking coldly at the maid. I smiled slightly, staring right back.
“I’m disappointed.” He said, his eyes hard, looking at her. She ducked her head, and left without saying anything.
His head swivelled at me, his eyes equally cold as he looked at me, but here his gaze was appraising as well.
“I’m sorry sir. She will be disciplined, if you will it.”
I smirked at him, sitting up and stretching.
“Not really. D’you mind?”I gestured at my lower half, and the bed. He nodded, unsmiling, and nodded at me.
“If you have a need, the bathrooms are in the neighbouring room.”
He left the room, and I listened as his heels clicked against the floorboards. I got up, and walked over to the bathroom.
The room was as ornate as the bedroom before it; shimmering tiles, a copper bath, and brass shower over a marble floor. I had never seen anything like this before in my life. I smiled; it was good to be me.
I got in the shower, and ran the water over my face, washing her juices off. While I enjoyed her smell, smelling like sex isn’t a great method to get more.
I have a little ritual, whenever I get in the shower- not, all of you sick minded people, not one of those. I wait a bit, then I make a slow process of turning the water temperature upwards, adjusting over and over until I get to the maximum temperature. I can't tell you how high I get, but I feel kinda cleansed after.
Anyway, I washed up, and put my clothes back on; had to get out, before one of these rich people expected me to pay for anything.
I was just about to leave, when a voice floated down the staircase, caressing my retreating head.
"Leaving so soon?"
I turned slowly. Her voice was so familiar, I felt it run up my spine, my hair standing on end.
Last night's dim light made the images of her to today incomparable; her hair was long, and clean, and unbelievably shiny. Her eyes were the exact same color, a deep, glossy black that shone from within.
Not a narrow face, by any means, but classic, high cheekbones, beautiful skin, and angelic lips, lips that were at this point quirked into a dismayed look.
Her dress was high fashion; sleek, and black, but not showy. Part of the reason she looked like Audrey Hepburn was because she wore the long gloves that were high fashion at that time. It- the dress- accentuated her body without clinging, and finished just above her knees.
Damn, even her calves were out of my league!
I'm not one for awkwardness, but I couldn't help but feel huge and heavy around this broad. Heck, I even felt guilty thinking of her as a broad; had to think of her as a lady.
Speaking of which, I'm not sure at what point you noticed, but I tend to go from using proper english to slang quite a bit. I might be a thug, but I'm not stupid.
I looked up at her. "Got to move along, miss."
She laughed, a deep throaty sound. I was instantly hard.
"But we haven't had the opportunity to get to know you at all." Her smile widened, and she slowly descended down the stairs, her eyes flashing at me.
I was drawn to her, to her youth, to her beauty. But it was the secrets, swirling around in those huge dark eyes that really intrigued me. This lady knew things; I wanted to know them too.
"Fine then; I suppose I could stay. Probably can't afford it, though." I shrugged.
She wrinkled up her nose. "You can pay by sharing you company with us. It has been so long since we have played with anyone new."
She continued down the stairs, smiling for all the world like I had given her the best present she had ever had. She laid her hand softly on my forearm.
"Come; breakfast is waiting."
I did. I often wonder what might have happened if I had refused to stay; probably the same thing.
Just the ending, ahead of time.
The buffet room was, like the rest of the place, a masterpiece; ballroom fixtures, mirrored walls and ceilings in patches, as well as waiter service to each table.
The room was full of beautiful people, mostly all of european descent; what you'd imagine if someone wanted to preserve a picture of the south of America, before Lincoln.
But the people; my god, the people. They shone as the sunlight struck them, their hair and their clothes glittering and catching the light as they danced to the music of a swing band in one corner, all smiles and laughter. They never stopped, and the dancers never seemed to step a foot out of line, nor did they seem to tire.
But the thing that most struck me was the smell that permeated the room; lust crept everywhere, over each surface, around the dancers and through the doors and windows open for the fresh air. I was stunned I hadn't noticed it, as I waited in the hallway, the lady still on my arm (my god, she was small in comparison to me!).
It was sweat, but there was something more dishonest within it; it was not a healthy smell. It was like honey, or opium, or marijuana; sickly, seductive, but ultimately wrong, just off.
She seemed unaffected by it, as did all of the people in the room; I was as hard as a bar, and straining against my jeans, as I struggled to breathe in and maintain control of myself.
I stood out like a sore thumb, beside the obvious wealth of those present, but they affected no notice, and so I didn't press the matter. The man from my room rose stiffly from his table, as we approached, and held a seat out to the lady on my arm as a waiter did the same for me.
I was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I asked the waiter for some bourbon. He looked at me as though I was foolish, and instead brought me a glass of port.
I drank deeply, as the lady introduced me to the man; he was the Captain, the master of this house. He looked at me impassively with those pale blue eyes, as empty as the lady's were full.
The lady was introduced as his wife, and the rest of the table were guests at his estate. I was seated next to the Captain's wife, and a lady who, I was told in a hurried whisper, was a bit of a scandal.
"Such pride, I know, to call what is a mere hotel an estate, but forgive my husband his illusions."
I merely smiled tightly, and tried to move as little as I could to keep myself from revealing the hard on I had been trying to suppress.
It did not help that the Captain's wife was continually touching me, to get my attention, or was smiling at me to ask my opinion on something. Her hands were still clothed in those gloves, but that just made things worse; unbidden, images of one of those gloves wrapped around my cock floated into my head, and it became all I could do to not grab her hand, and make said images reality.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my leg, to the opposite side of the Captain's wife. I swung around, and looked fully into the face of a blonde. Her clothing was every bit as aristocratic as the rest, but her bearing was predatory. She looked at me intensely, her gloved fingers on my zipper. As she pulled it down, she leaned over, and whispered into my ear.
"Turn around, and look at her. I want her to know; to watch."
I stared at her, as she took me out. She seemed, to everyone else at the table, to have ignored me after having whispered into my ear, but beneath the table, I was struggling.
She started by running the pad of her thumb along the underside of my cock, drawing back the foreskin by sheer force of will. Then her fingers surrounded my head, swirling around it.
I kept up my charade, watching as the Captain's wife dominated the conversation, her hand constantly on my arm.
Her fingers fluttered along my length, and I drew back from the table, to give her more room. I was growing desperate; they tell how a vagina feels like velvet, but I tell you right here and now, a velvet handjob is heaven.
The Captain's wife had to be able to see, but she kept going as though there was nothing untoward happening beside her.
I was almost done, when she accidently knocked her napkin onto the floor between us. Shooing off the the waiting staff, she leant down, closing the gap between us.
The woman's hands closed on the base of me, and began to jack me just as the Captain's wife caught my eye, as she moved down, ever lower, her lovely crimson lips closing over the head of my cock, taking me all the way in, to the other woman's fingers.
I burst down her throat, my head arching back. I remember staring straight at the Captain, trying for all the world to look natural- not as though I had just committed adultery in front of him, much less cum inside her- and just barely succeeding.
She must've taken it all, because when she came back up there was no sign around her lips, nor on the other woman's gloves. And they both returned to their meals and the conversation, immediately, as though nothing had changed.
I excused myself, and fled off to the nearest bathroom. I ran some water into a basin, rubbing it into my face, before looking into the mirror, straight into my own eyes.
What the fuck had just happened?
I am not considered particularly attractive- scary, arresting, maybe- so this sort of treatment was unknown to me. I had always been a go get'em sort of a man, and it took that sort of thing to get me laid.
I couldn't forget the feeling of her mouth, on me, around me. Of her eyes, stroking me with their secrets, of her amazing body that I couldn't really see.
I was already hard, and so deep in thought that I didn't hear her come in, behind me.
It was the woman, the one next to me at the table; the blonde.
I hadn't really had a good look at her- truly, for me, the look in her eyes was enough- but where the Captain's wife hid, flirted, this woman flashed, revealed.
Her bodice was part corset, part frilly decolatage, and while her dress flowed down past her ankles her breasts damn near spilled out over the top of her corset, and her waist was unbelievably small.
"I didn't get the chance to introduce myself; I'm Margaret." She said, her voice deep and husky. Her pupils were wide, and as she closed the door behind her I caught the whiff of lust again.
I couldn't help retreating before her; something was up here, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to get any deeper into the shit. She continued forwards, her eyes devouring me, making my cock strain at my pants painfully, pulsing.
Damn it, I'm only human.
She kept coming until my head hit a cubicle door, opening it. I crashed down onto the toilet, my eyes on her.
She turned, closing the door of the cubicle, one hand in front of her, the other on my thigh. As she turned back around, her fingertips pressed softly into my leg, raising the skin. Her fingers reached my zipper for the second time, and if anything drew me out easier than the first time. Her nails clawed at me, even as her other hand lifted her skirts.
Her thighs were wonderful- and let's get one thing straight. Women feel that their thighs are unattractive; I'm telling you, right here, and right now, that thighs are wonderful. On a woman, they show her maturity, her blatant sensuality, and the way she moves them can blow your mind wide open.
There is a reason fat bottom girls make the world go round.
I had enough. I grabbed her, by the hips, and stood, lifting her off her feet. Her corset tightened around her chest, making her cleavage curve, but I had only mind for her cunt.
I held her up, against the wall, as I ran myself against her naked sex, delighting in the wetness, in her openness. She was so ready, I could have taken her all in one stroke, but I kept most of myself out, using only the head.
Her arms wrapped around my neck, her mass of blonde curls hanging all around the two of us, as she savaged my shoulder, biting and mewing her way up into my ear.
I impaled her into the door, obliterating her efforts as she screeched, her heels slamming into my ass. She was good- better than good- but I couldn't help but picture the Captain's wife, and her beautiful skin, her wonderful lips wrapped around my cock.
I lost whatever restraint remained in me, and took her harder against the door. Her mouth, her voice, never stopped; scream after scream, squeal into muted gasp. Her heels hammered into me, forcing me harder, her hands clamped onto my ass cheeks fit to drive me mad.
I felt her tighten, and rose higher to meet her as she came.
I let her go, and she gave a ragged whisper, her hand moving between her legs, cupping her sex.
"Gosh, darling. You made a mess there, didn't you?"
I looked down, and saw that my groin, all over my cock and my jeans, was my come and hers intermingled. Lovely; my last pair.
"Look," I began, pissed off. "What the fuck is going on here?"
"Darling, that was rather nice, wasn't it? Perhaps you could come to my suite later, perhaps?"
I walked over to her, and took her ungently by her shoulders, bare to the touch above her corset. She looked away from me, her eyes distant, but her mouth opened, lips parted.
"My gosh, darling, are you able already?" She licked her lips.
"Are you even listening?"
Her eyes came into sharp focus, and she looked up at me, her face impassive, completely vacant. It was as though she was leached from her body, drawn away somewhere else.
"Darling," she said; her voice was harsh without emotion, the word awful without the meaning in behind it. "Don't go prying. The master does not like it when others poke their nose into his affairs."
I let her go; in an instant, the air had gone cold, the lights dimmer than they had before. I heard a snatch of the music I dimly remembered from my entrance into this place, and it shook me, playing its notes along my spine.
She returned to vivacity, and everything became as it was before, as though nothing had happened.
She looked over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling blue at me. Her teeth shone, as she smiled at me.
A warning, regardless.
I walked along the corridor, lit through the windows that rimmed the ballroom. The dancers were still dancing, the music still playing. The Captain sat with his wife and with the blonde, clapping and laughing over and over, spinning in a cycle that made my head spin.
I wondered at that. I was never afraid, not once. I had never cared, at all, about anything; I took what I wanted, and was content.
I passed a doorway, and saw the maid through the gap.
I stopped, and looked through the entrance, and opened the door.
She was naked, and tied to the bedframe; her wrists with silken ties, her ankles with silver chains. She was face down; her perfect derriarre stuck out into the air, and I watched as she turned her head, looking in the direction of the door as I opened it. Alarm showed on her eyes, but it was not alone; she wanted, that much was obvious. Her eyes glowed black, as goosebumps followed my eyes along her nakedness.
"Sah, you shouldn't be he-ah. The captayne, he will..." I placed my finger against my lips; this place was fucked UP.
Still, I thought, as I pondered her on the bed. She was amazing with clothing on, before, but it wanted that ass. Wanted to feel myself inside it; wanted to hold it as I came inside her. It.
"Please..." She whispered. "I've been g-good sah... The Captain... He..."
I couldn't help it; I ran my fingers across her beautiful nakedness. She was cold; it was wonderful how her back arched to my hand.
I straddled her thighs, lying on top of her, my entire body pressed against her. I used my arms to keep my whole weight from her, but she sighed as she felt my warmth, making a mewling sound.
I was only a man.
"Sah..." She murmured softly.
I placed my hands against her neck.
"I'm going to fuck you," I said softly. "I'm going to take your ass."
She shivered; in so far as she could move, she arched herself, pressing against my groin.
I lowered my pants, and ran my finger between her legs. I started just above her clit, underneath her, lifting her hips. She was soaking; I wondered at that.
I lined myself up with her pussy lips, and covered myself with her; it sent thrills through me, burning tendrils of ice against my manhood. Her skin was dark, amazing against me; I marvelled at it, at the beautiful ass before me.
I placed my cockhead against her, and pressed; she moaned. I thought my head would explode when she began to press back, pushing me in all the more eagerly.
She was so tight, gripping me. I was without thought, without words, beyond violence or desire to degrade her. I wanted to power into her, and to not stop until I burst, but she was so tight, even though she strained at me, to force me deeper, faster.
I eventually was fully in; she shivered once, twice, and I felt a flood of wetness between my legs; she writhed, as I held deep inside her ass.
I pulled away slowly, and pressed in as swiftly as I could; I knelt, and fucked her hard, over and over. I took her hair into my hands, and watched my cock moving in and out of that perfect ass.
I felt my end coming, and I held off, wanting to make it last longer; she had none of that.
I held deep, as far as I could go, in an effort to stop my climax; she slammed herself into me, which is to say not very effectively, but it was enough.
She shuddered as I came inside her, and her voice mingled with mine as I burst inside her ass, over and over. I think I thrust as I came, but I am not certain. I was a creature of instinct; I am a creature of instinct, but never more than in that situation.
I turned, straightened myself up, and left for the showers.
I found myself dressing in the clothing contained within a wardrobe, in a suite worthy of the venue, when I returned to my room. I figured I might as well dine with them before leaving this odd place.
Just as I had finished dressing, the Captain's wife entered the room, and looked at me; looked me up and down, before quirking those perfect lips into what could be imagined as an expression of assent.
"Much better; you look rather dashing, a gentleman."
I shrugged. "I decided that if I was going to stay for tonight, I should probably be properly attired."
Then I shook myself; I don't talk like this. The lights dimmed, and I felt a chill, as though someone walked across my grave. Then, as before, it passed, and I forgot my moment of discomfort.
She held out her arm, and I linked it with mine. We walked together, to the dancing hall.
"Once dance, before we eat?" She asked me. I nodded, smiling. I had wanted her from the second I saw her; I felt the heat swelling within me. In that second I forgot that she was married, forgot her husband, as we two danced.
It was inappropriate, how closely we stood together; I have no doubt she could feel me, through my clothing. It was nothing short of a marvel that I could be aroused, given the women I had already bedded recently, but I was. But that could have been that it was her; her face, her shape, her smell. All of it overwhelmed, intoxicated; I desired her for the entire duration of having known her. I could see us on the mirrors on the ceiling, and I drew away a little.
She held me tightly. "We need to speak, you and I."
"What about, my dear?"
"About my husband; about sin."
We were silent. "Is that why we are dancing, so we can talk? Because there is no lying here?"
"Are you denying what lies between us?
"I never wanted to be his wife." She whispered, pressing her head against my chest.
"You are married, yes?"
"I... I suppose. It was about land, and we had known each other for the longest time. We grew together. Please do not ask me any more; it would break your heart to make me tell you more."
I held her close, and breathed her in, as the dancers circled us, laughing. They never stopped; never seemed to pay us mind; for a second, I wondered at that, but it passed over my thoughts like an ill wind.
"Come," she said, stepping back. "Let us dine."
We sat; I was between the Captain's wife and the Lady Margaret again. Dinner was wonderful, despite the constant flirtations from the brazen woman. She was pretty enough, but I couldn't help being more focussed on the Captain's wife; the way she bore up in company, her manner. But she lowered her gaze under the Captain's eye; I wondered if he only ever tied the maids to the bed. I felt it beyond me to tie this gentle woman to anything. I couldn't do anything other than to make love to her softly, gently.
The lady placed her fingers on my leg under the table; I held her wrist, and shook my head when she looked at me.
"But you so enjoyed it earlier, darling," she whispered to me. I ground my teeth.
"Harridan, be careful what you do in company. I will call on you later, perhaps, but for now, behave."
She pouted, an unusual expression on an woman, but was the soul of propriety for the rest of the evening.
"Is there a reason you won't tell me your name?" I leant over to my left, and asked the Captain's wife.
She looked sadly at me, and was about to answer when the Captain looked over.
"Come now, do not whisper at my table."
We were unable to talk again at dinner, but the Captain's wife offered to see me to bed. The Captain gave her his blessing to go, before turning his ice blue eyes on me.
"I have some discipline to deliver. I may be a little late to bed, my dear."
His eyes travelled between us, and they looked all too aware of how things stood, between him and me, but also between his wife and me.
My chambers were amazing at night; lit by the gas lights, which cast floating shadows that wavered, flickering the dimness around. It created mystery, sensuality, where there was none before; given that the Captain's wife was already both of those, the room rendered her doubly of either. Her skin was pale, but in the light she was no longer simply bleached; she was tanned by the firelights, browned and yellowed into their color.
She sat at the divan in the corner, opposite the bed. She leant back, and stretched out, her eyes catlike.
"Why won't you tell me your name?" I asked her again, standing over by the door. I did not trust myself closer to her.
"You know," she said conversationally. "I used to sit in this room, when my parents brought me to this place. This was my room; this was the room when he first came to me, and took from me my purity."
She looked up at me, and she was naked, unhooded in her emotion. Something was broken within her.
"I was twenty one; we were betrothed, and he took my virginity well before our marriage. It was not so much a forceful taking as... well, I would have waited, and while I was not unwilling I was not the opposite, either.
"He has changed, since; he beds the maids, the staff, the slaves, as he would. That whore from dinner, she came here at his invitation; I know you bedded her."
She stood, and walked over to me. "So I ask you, why should I give you my name?"
There was a knock on the door, and as I opened it the Lady Margaret walked through. She reddened, on seeing the Captain's wife, but then walked over to her. Something seemed to pass between them; they turned back to face me as one.
They were both so different; Margaret was almost as tall as I was, and was statuesque; her shape was desire incarnate, temptation born. Her hair fell in golden waves to just above her waist, and her maroon dress and bodice was darkened by the dimness of the room.
The Captain's wife was small, so exquisite; she was a precious stone, a diamond beside a lump of gold. Her hair was so dark, so straight, so perfectly arranged; it was artful, her perfection in appearance, it was effortless. Easy. Her face was so classically beautiful, it appeared almost exotic. But as much as I could see of her, she hid so much more within. The cut of her dress was modest; she showed only the merest hint of bosom and hip; it had the effect of making me ache for more.
They both walked slowly to me; their steps matched each others perfectly. I wanted them both; I wondered at their unison, if it was true.
"I spoke to the Mistress, earlier," the Lady Margaret said softly, as she walked to me. "I wanted to be there, when you first took her. I wanted to see you the first time you lost yourself."
The Captain's wife didn't stop when Margaret did; she pressed herself to me. I was hard up against the door, not to evade her embrace as to escape from a situation in which I had no control, and no desire to truly absent myself.
She kissed me.
My body moved naturally to surround hers; my arms held her to me. My eyes closed as we entered Elysium together, our minds naturally lost.
I felt hands unbuttoning my shirt, as the Captain's wife worked my pants down; I felt Margaret's lips on my shoulder, her hair on my back.
We disolved together, onto the bed. For some reason I was divested of all apparel where the women retained all non essentially removable clothing. I kissed Margaret as the Captain's wife took me into her mouth; I cupped her sex in my hand, as Margaret straddled my head, feeling as my erection entered her between my fingers. We melded, broke; we kissed over and over, we devoured each other's passion.
We lay there, a tangled mass of golden curls and clothing, swimming in bliss. To say that I was disappointed would be completely untrue, but I wanted to know the Captain's wife more, to have her just to me. To make her mine, not to share her even with just another woman.
I think I must have dozed, because I awoke alone, with insistent knocking on my door.
The Captain entered, and regarded me. I felt somewhat odd, the man whom I had just cuckolded within my chambers, but I sat up.
"Tell me, sir, why is it that you insist on entering my chambers without introduction?"
"My wife," he said shortly. "I have yet to see her this morning. I assumed she was still here."
His nostrils flared as I my eyes widened, at least initially- he knew?
"Oh, yes, I know of my wife's predilections. We will discuss this later, but for now, join us for a lite meal. There is a feast tonight; we must be ready."
He left the room; I watched, then stared into the spot he had just vacated. I knew I was a cad, but frankly, I-
And I came back to myself.
I was a fucking dickhead, not a cad. I didn't know what the fuck Elysium was, or what the fuck was happening. I wanted out; I wanted my jeans, so when I found them, crumpled and dirty on the bottom of the wardrobe I put them on, inhaling the only thing that could make me remember properly who I was.
I looked for my leather jacket- fuck, I was dying for some bourbon- but I couldn't find it. I put on the heavy combat boots I wore here, and I walked out into the hallway.
It was as though the eight hours had passed, and it was night already, as I crept down the corridor. The place was deserted; I saw cracks in the perfect walls, broken glass where the windows were. And the wind howled, genuinely howled around the house. The chill I had felt was wrapped around me; every step I took was a chore.
"There he is," the Captain's wife said coldly, behind me.
"Surely you would not be so rude as to leave before the feast? Then, you have displayed a deplorable lack of manners," the whore Margaret said, using velvet clad fingers to emphasise her words. I turned, and looked at them, the two; they were as I remembered them, perfect. But they stood out now, against the hall; they were the only thing here without flaw, the only thing that shone. It hurt to look at them, and I was truly afraid of them.
"Come with us. Come to the Captain's chambers, where we gather for the feast."
I felt a pounding, between my eyes, and I vanished from myself.
I opened my eyes, and I was still me, thankfully, but I lay astride a table. It was stone; everything around was stone. I was tied face up, my body naked and cold.
"How does it feel, sah?"
I craned my head around, trying to find the maid, but I could only see myself. I tried to break the bonds that held me, but I couldn't move an inch.
"I couldn't move either, when my husband had his way with me." The Captain's wife whispered at me, over to my right. "I lied to you, when I said I was willing for that at all."
"Her predilections lay elsewhere. In my direction," Margaret's voice rasped, directly over my head. I writhed then, as something ran across the skin of my stomach.
"So he took me, and hurt me-"
"Just like he did me," the maid interrupted.
"And then he married me, and kept my love as a mistress." The Captain's wife whispered lovingly into my ear.
"Like you did," Margaret said."You are like him; like he was. He wasn't as you saw him; that is rather how we wished he was. But then, you'll see how he is now, soon."
"Would you like to know why? Why we did all this, broke you like this?"
I nodded.
"Because women have suffered at your hands, all your life." Margaret's face appeared above me, the skin too pale, her cheeks gaunt. She was a corpse; I could feel her breath, fetid on my cheek, and I retched.
"And your debts to usssss...sah." The maid said, before they all spoke in unison.
"Are due."
The bonds holding me broke, and I stood, and looked for the exit; the room came slowly into view, dimness blurring into reality.
Then I saw it; the Beast.
I ran. It chased me, charging through walls, savage in its hunger. But, as it pursued me, I could hear cries of pursuit; even as it chased me, thirsting for my blood, so was it too chased, harried.
I stumbled, and it slammed into me, a grand hulking mass of flesh and blackness; it yelped in surprise, before growling. It took me into its claws, and lifted me off my feet; I stared, over its snout, and into the electric blue eyes before I realised.
The maid, the lady, and the Captain's wife followed, and they each had a kitchen knife.
Lined with blood.
It did not just coat the blades; no, it was spotting their clothing, rimming around the corners of their mouths, their eyes. Their beauty eternally marred by the blood that changed them from delight into terror.
They were Terror.
Then we both were running, ever running, stumbling over each other in our effort to escape the women, the banshees of our destruction. I had not known the place was so large, so extensive; now I thanked whatever god was listening that it was, and that the women did not have us cornered.
"This is what you are," the women said, their voices ringing like funeral bells. "To us- to all women- you are beasts, and like beasts you will be purged."
They swooped us, and I felt their steel against me; I watched as the maid licked my blood off her knife.
I screamed.
Another night, another dim stretch of road. Eyes really dim this time. Keep slipping off. Air's really cold tonight. Got bits of ice in it. Glad I took that bottle of whiskey, though. Helped dull the pain.
Hang on. Huge building, tucked away into a neat corner, all lit up like a christmas tree without the sanctimoniousness. There was a girl outside. Pretty. Long, flowing hair. Black dress. Kinda looks like that classy chick from breakfast at tiffanys.
I can't remember pulling over. I only remember her lighting a candle, and beckoning me inside. I could hear the wind whistling outside, carrying snatches of words. But this time, I could understand the voice; it was familiar, a song I once heard.
"You may check out any time you like..."
I heard the words, but the rest of the song escaped me as I passed away into deepest unconsciousness, to repeat all of this again. |
Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 02 | 105,609 | 4.74 | 254,838 | [
] | *(If you haven't already, please read **Matt and Lisa at School – Part 1**. This will make much more sense if you do. There is more background also in **A Family New Year's Eve**.)*
Lisa and her brother didn't spend all their time talking to each other on the rest of the ride back. Matt had to call some of his friends and Lisa wanted to talk to Margie again before they got back to the apartment.
Matt's cock twitched in his pants when he heard his older sister's pouty, young girl voice. "So what are you gonna tell your friends, Matty?" This was after he'd had her repeat the 'anyone...anything...anywhere' mantra earlier during the ride to remind her of her slut status and the promises she'd made him.
He answered her, knowing it wasn't what she wanted to hear. "I have to tell them about the dorm stuff and where I'm moving to."
She was sounding almost pre-teen and Matt realized that that particular tone seemed to have a direct route from his ear-piece to his cock. "Not that, Matty...you know what I mean."
Matt sounded a little smug, trying to get his control back. "I ain't telling them nothin', Lis'. For sure, not over the phone." He heard her whimper. "You're not touching your little pussy, are you?" He had forbidden her this release before the last leg of their drive.
"No, *Master*," she whispered, "but I sure do want to."
Matt took full control now. "Don't worry, babygirl...before we're through, you'll have more cock than you'll know what to do with. So, what are you gonna tell Margie?"
And once again, that little pixy voice made his cock lurch. "You know when you call me *babygirl*, it really makes me miss Daddy, Matt. Who's gonna suck my pussy after you fuck me, baby?" Matt was really multi-tasking...driving, re-arranging his dick, listening to his sister, re-arranging his dick again, etc. "I don't know...what do you want me to tell her?"
Matt was thinking about the best way for Margie to 'discover' brother and sister together. The shower, it seemed, was the most natural place for them to begin. "Tell her..." he started to plot his strategy, "that after we heard about the dorm stuff, and I was gonna move in with you...uhmm...yeah...tell her that you spent the rest of the weekend flashing me...teasing me...coming into my room wearing just a bra and panties...telling me I better get used to it...Lis', tell her that you barged in to our bathroom when you heard me getting out of the shower...you saw my dick half-hard...you told me we were probably gonna be sharing a bathroom with two doors and I better get used to no privacy in there, too."
Lisa was moaning as she listened to her younger brother plot out the seduction of their hot, Asian roommate. "I got it, Matty. I think, after we unpack and stuff, I'm gonna say I want to take a shower. If you say something like 'let me go first...you take too long' then I'll say okay. It will give me a minute with Margie before I surprise you in the shower. If I know my little China doll, she'll be in there within five minutes."
"That sounds perfect, babygirl...I'll talk to you later." Matt hung up on his sister and started to make his calls to his friends.
Lisa creamed in her panties as Matt's *babygirl* reverberated through her head. She wanted so desperately to squeeze her firm, tanned thighs together, agitating her swollen nether lips until she came. But she also knew that if she waited for her brother to take care of her, it would be so much better! Still riding the edge, she punched the speed dial on her cell for the apartment.
Margie picked up after just one ring. "I've been waiting for you to call me, Lisa...what's going on? Where are you? When will you be here? What really happened over the weekend?"
Lisa had to laugh as her *very hot* roomie bombarded her with questions. "Wait a minute, girl...give me a second...let me answer." Lisa kept laughing until Margie finally stopped to take a breath. "I'm in my car, baby...this is the first time Matt hasn't been around and I could call. We're about an hour away. Are you all moved upstairs already?"
Margie said she'd finished a few minutes before Lisa called. "So, Lisa...were you a dirty little slut this weekend? Did you *do* your baby brother? C'mon, slut...tell me everything."
Margie's voice was affecting Lisa almost as much as her brother's had earlier. Next to Laurie (Lisa's mother), Margie had the best tasting pussy she had ever eaten. And she gave just as good as she got!
"No, not really, Margie...but after we all decided Matt would be moving in with us...I guess I kind of teased him and stuff for the rest of the weekend." Lisa heard her roommate's sharp intake as she said she'd teased her brother.
Margie's voice was very low and quivery as she started to grill Lisa. "What exactly do you mean by *teased him*, baby? What happened?"
Lisa had to suppress a little giggle – she couldn't believe Margie's reaction so far. "Well, the first thing was...after the Admin lady gave him permission to live with me off campus, we all hugged and kissed and stuff. When I kissed Matt, I kinda pushed my tits into him and slid him just the tiniest little bit of tongue."
"Oh, Lisa...in front of your parents? God, what got into you, kid?" Margie's voice was cracking as she spoke.
This time Lisa did let herself laugh. "Sweetie, my whole family is very affectionate...*if you only knew, she thought*...only Matt knew something was up. The next thing was pretty hot, though."
"Tell me you little bitch!" Lisa thought Margie was getting off on her end of the conversation...Lisa started creaming again as she continued.
"Last night our folks were out. Matt and I were finishing laundry and packing and stuff for today. About eleven o'clock, I was in my room, finishing up. I changed into a my little power blue lace panties and matching bra...you know the ones, baby."
"Fuck, you look so hot in that outfit, Lisa." Margie was moaning now. "It's like totally see-through...I love you in that, baby."
"Mar, you're making me cream, baby. I can't wait to wear them for you again, lover. Anyway, I turned the lights down a little and then called Matt up to my room."
"No you didn't!"
Lisa's chuckle was now definitely the dirty kind. "Yes I did! I was standing so that my lamp would make my undies look totally transparent...Margie, I was creaming so hard that the panties were probably soaked through anyway. When I heard him start up the stairs, I pinched my nips so they would stand out hard."
"You are such a dirty girl, Lisa." Margie was breathing hard and fast. "What happened then?"
"Matt came up the stairs and...well...'cause of the way the door is, you have to really come into the room, you can't...you know...like peak around the corner or anything."
Margie hissed at her. "You're stalling, you tease...what happened?"
"Oh God, Mar...he walked in to my room...he started to say something. Then he just stopped talking; he was staring at my tits and I could feel my nipples getting harder and harder. I said, 'God, Matt...take a picture' and he just moved his big eyes down to my creaming pussy. Finally looked at my face. He asked what was going on."
Margie interrupted again. "Did he get hard for you, baby? Did he touch you?" Lisa knew her roommate was on the edge of a major explosion.
"No, lover...he didn't touch me. And yes," Lisa was purring into the phone, "my little brother got very big, Mar. *Very big!*" They both caught their breath before Lisa continued her tale. "I told him I wanted to show him which bags to take in his car. 'But why...' he really couldn't get the words out, it was so cute, Mar. I just told him that living with two female roommates was not a peep-show, but he better get used to seeing someone in their underwear without freaking out." Both girls laughed together.
"Is that all, you little tease?"
"Be nice, roomie, and I'll tell you the rest." Margie said she would but if the story wasn't any good, she would *deal* with Lisa later that night. "Baby, you can *deal* with me anytime you want," Lisa replied in a soft, sexy whisper, "Margie...I really miss the way you treat your...dirty little slut. What you do to me makes me so hot, lover...I can't stand it."
Margie hissed back, her voice low. "Tonight, my little cunt...I'll do you tonight. Now, what else happened?"
"This morning, we had to get everything ready. Mom was at church and Dad was golfing. I was wearing just a T-shirt and panties. I walked into Matt's room to wake him up. Fuck, Margie, he was sleeping naked on top of his bed and he had the biggest hard-on ever!" Lisa paused as her playmate groaned into her phone. "I shook his arm and told him it was time to get up and shower. It was so weird...it like took him a minute to realize he was all exposed. He got so embarrassed, Mar...I just said that he should expect no more privacy from now on and he better just deal with it. He stared at me and then asked if I was going to leave so he could get ready. I told him no...he'd already wasted too much time and I was going to shower first.
"So while he laid there, with his big hard dick sticking up, I got off the bed and turned away from him. I pulled off my t-shirt and then bent over and... God, my heart is still beating so fast when I think about it, Mar...I pulled my panties off. I bent all the way over and slid them down my legs as slowly as I could. I know he could see my pussy, Margie. I was so fucking wet!"
"No you didn't!!!" The hot little Asian coed screamed into the phone as her silken hair-covered cunt started contracting all on its own. "You showed your brother your little pussy? God, you are such a *slut*!" *Again, Lisa thought, "If you only knew, girl."* Margie seemed to be struggling with each word as her orgasm washed through her 5'2" perfectly formed body. "Was...there...anything...else...you...cunt?"
"The shower downstairs is right next to Matt's room. It's just a stall with a clear glass door." Lisa was thoroughly enjoying the situation she'd put Margie into; it was getting harder and harder not to laugh as she kept fucking with her roommate's mind. "When I was all soaped up, I yelled for Matt to come...I said I needed his help. When he came in to the bathroom, he kind of froze. I was facing the back wall, but my legs were spread. This cute little ass you like so much, baby, was just two feet away from him behind the glass door. I turned sideways...I wanted him to see my tits – my nips were standing up so big...I told him I forgot my razor and asked him to get it for me.
"He just mumbled and shook his head – trying to look at me while looking for the razor. When he had it, he stepped in front of the shower. I stood there facing him...I almost couldn't breathe, Mar...I don't know where I found the strength to speak..." Lisa was laughing hysterically in her head as she verbally penetrated her friend over and over. "I opened the door and took the razor and shaving cream out of his hand. He couldn't speak at all. I kinda smiled at him and said 'thank you' and that kind of snapped him out of it. But before he could say anything, I moved my hand down to my box and his eyes just seemed to follow, getting bigger and bigger by the second.
"Oh, Margie...I wish you could have been there...his monster was standing straight up. Fuck, Mar, he looked even bigger than before. His cockhead was as big a plum – I wanted to suck him so bad, baby."
"You did, didn't you? I knew you were just an incestuous little whore, Lisa!" Margie was screaming again through the phone.
"No, baby, no...I told you already...nothing happened like that." Lisa waited until her lover's breathing started to calm down. "I just said I was thinking about shaving my little landing strip. I asked him if he thought a completely bald pussy was hotter than one with a little hair. Oh, Jesus, Mar...I thought he was gonna stroke out on me! His eyes just popped out. 'Shave it' he mumbled and I said thanks and shut the door and turned away again as I heard him stumble out of the room."
This time, Lisa had to wait for more than a minute before Margie's climax slowed down enough for them to connect again. "Margie..." Lisa was using her sexiest, whispery, most submissive voice, "...do *you* want me to do that? Baby...do you want me to do my *baby brother* for you?" Lisa knew she had her by the way Margie was moaning into the phone. "Do you want to *watch me* do it, lover?"
"Unnnggghhh....FUCK ME!!!....Yes, you little whore!!! I want to see it!!!...Oh shit!!! FUCKING FUCK ME!!!"
"Margie, we'll be home in a little while...see you then, baby." Lisa ended the call without waiting for a reply. The next thing she did was punch in Matt's speed-dial number. He answered on the first ring.
"What did you tell her?" His commanding tone had Lisa calm and in control of herself immediately.
"Just like you said, Matty. I told her first you came to my room and I was wearing the light blue lingerie you like. I said you were shocked." Lisa had to giggle as she spoke – it was all too much! "Then I told her I woke you up this morning...I went to your room and you were asleep – naked – on top of the bed. I said you had a giant hard-on, baby."
"What did your China Doll say to that, Lis'?"
"I think she was a bad girl. The whole time we were on the phone, I could hear her fingers in her pussy, little brother."
"I hope you remembered your instructions, Lisa."
Lisa's voice dropped to a whisper. "I would never disobey you, *Master*." Her breath caught in her throat. "I love you too much to that, Matty."
"Good – just making sure, Lis'. Then what happened?"
"I told her I teased you some more – I stripped in your room and then took a shower. From the shower, I told her I called you in to give me a razor...then I said I asked you if you like bald pussies or a little hair." Lisa heard Matt chuckling as she spoke. "I told her you went a little nuts...told me to shave and walked out." She was laughing along with her brother. "Oh, Matty...she was so hot! I asked her if she wanted to watch me do you. Fuck, Matty, I could hear her cumming as I said that."
Matt had to unbuckle his belt and unsnap his jeans to give his steel-hard ten inch pole some relief. "Good work, baby...sounds like you have her primed and ready to go. How long 'til we get there?"
"About twenty minutes now, baby...I can't wait. Matt, why don't we get unpacked first and then do the shower before dinner, okay?"
Matt chuckled at his sister's obvious need. "My, you are a horny little slut, aren't you, Lisa? That's fine with me...I need to bury this bone somewhere soon!" He flipped his phone closed and re-adjusted his massive cock for maximum comfort for the rest of the ride.
Margie was shaking her head in disbelief after Lisa hung up. *'That was way too hot...too much to be true,' she thought. 'If only...well, we'll see soon, won't we.'* She headed into her *en suite* bathroom for a quick shower. Five minutes later, she was in her room, toweling off her damp, honey-colored skin and dragging a comb through her long, silky black hair. Margie looked at herself closely in her large mirror. Twisting and turning, displaying herself from every angle, she was quite pleased with what she saw. At 5'2", she had kept her weight at a steady 105lbs. Her legs were trim and athletically shaped; her flared hips narrowed to a trim, tight waist. Her 34B tits stood high and proud on her chest. The nut-brown nipples were swollen with lust as she rubbed the towel softly across them, recalling the wonderful contrast when they were pressed against Lisa's pink nubs.
Over the course of the last two months, Margie had started developing some real feelings for her sexy roommate. Not that she was totally gay or anything, but she was really enjoying her relationship with Lisa. Something about her seemed to bring out the sexually dominant streak that Margie had seen first in her own mother, many years before. But it was a source of continuous puzzlement to the beautiful young girl. She loved dominating Lisa... she knew the little slut got off on it even more than she did. But sometimes, she wished that someone was dominating her...controlling her...using her any way they wanted.
Margie finished toweling off and decided to find something appropriate to wear when her lover and new roommate arrived. She found a loose cotton top, just shear enough to let her nipples be seen, and a too-short, blue-jean miniskirt that ended just below the firm round cheeks of her cheerleader ass. Finally, she pulled on a tiny, transparent white g-string that just barely covered her pussy, highlighting the silky black hair that barely covered her plump mound. She added a little make-up and was good to go.
When she heard the front door open, the long-haired little vixen made her way downstairs. Matt was struggling with one of Lisa's suitcases when she first saw him. *'God, he's even cuter than I remember...fuck, this could be great!' she thought to herself.* "Hi, Matt...remember me?" She gave him one of her sexy smiles.
Matt turned around to greet his new roomie. *'Oh my,' he thought, 'Lisa really got her all primed up. She's so fuckin' hot!'* "How could I forget someone as beautiful as you, Margie?" Matt put Lisa's stuff down and moved to the stairs where his soon-to-be newest conquest was standing on the lowest step. Stopping just inches away, he took both of her hands in his as he looked deeply into her chocolate brown eyes. "I just want to say 'Thanks' for letting me stay here. I hope I won't be any trouble, Margie." Matt purposely kept his voice neutral, not wanting to spook her before he'd established more control.
Margie's hot little box was convulsing beneath her short skirt as Matt looked her over, his ice-blue eyes scanning every inch of her body. When he called her 'beautiful' her nipples immediately started pushing out against the front of her thin shirt, begging for attention. Her voice cracked, every so slightly as she replied. "I'm sure you won't be a problem, Matt. I'm glad you're here...really."
She was stunned, standing there on the stairs. She had used her sexiest voice, her *please fuck me* expression, and he was still standing there, holding her moistening hands – just looking at her! No one had ever been able to resist that erotic invitation to kiss her before. Certainly not a *freshman*! Who was this guy?
Matt could see the lust lurking behind those gorgeous eyes. He knew she was waiting for him to kiss her – it was so hard to resist. But he knew it was necessary to keep her at a fever pitch until later. He just stood still, holding her hands and smiling at her. After the longest few seconds, Margie couldn't stop herself. She pulled Matt close enough for her nipples to graze against his chest. It was like an electric pulse raced from her breasts to her cunt, causing continuous spasms. "Welcome home, Matt." She brought her lips to his and kissed him softly, her pussy flooding as their tongues touched for the briefest moment.
Lisa had seen Margie's attempted seduction from the doorway. *'Jesus Christ, I don't know how he can resist that!' she thought. 'I don't think I could!'* She waited for them to end their little kiss before she greeted her roomie. "Hey, Mar, how was your holiday?" Lisa put down the bundle in her arms and walked over to join the two of them at the stairs. The two coeds hugged and then kissed. Margie gasped as she felt Lisa's fingertip rub over her swollen nipple. "Ummm...happy to see me, baby?" Lisa giggled and then moved back a step. "C'mon, bro...let's get this stuff unloaded and put away. I don't want to be unpacking all night." She dragged her brother away from the nymph on the stairs and got him back to the task at hand. The first thing Matt unpacked was a rolled up baggie. He extracted several joints and lit one. After taking a long drag, he handed it to Lisa. She in turn, took a long hit and passed it to Margie. The straight-haired beauty took her turn as well.
Margie, not knowing that Lisa had told Matt everything, was shocked at Lisa's display. Maybe she was telling her the truth after all. When she could find her voice, she asked if she could get them something to drink. When Matt answered, Lisa could hear the subtle tones in his voice as he began his manipulation and seduction. "That would be great, Margie. Please bring me a cold Diet Pepsi and bring Lisa an ice tea. With sugar, right, Lis'?" Lisa grunted assent as she started lugging boxes downstairs to their rooms.
Not quite understanding why, Margie was delighted to do as Matt asked. She prepared the drinks and took them downstairs to her old room. Lisa had to stifle a giggle as Margie handed her a glass. Margie had a quizzical look on her face, like she didn't know why she was serving them. Then Matt came in with another case and dumped it on the bed. When she held out a glass for him, Matt smiled and walked over to her. Margie was flushed, her skin glowing with the soft blush beneath her cheeks. Matt took the glass from her and put his other arm around her soft shoulders. "Thanks, Margie." He pulled her a little closer until her firm breast was pressed into him. He looked her straight in the eyes for what seemed like the longest time. With just a little more of the control tone added to his voice, he said, "It makes me feel really good that you want to do things for me. Thanks again, Margie." He bent over slowly, knowing she wouldn't...couldn't...move a muscle as he kissed her softly on her full, delicious lips. Then he took a long drink, put down the glass and started unpacking as though nothing had happened.
Lisa looked at her brother with total admiration and appreciation of his skills. Margie looked at Matt with pure lust in her dark brown eyes. Both of them were incredibly wet between the legs! '*Fuck,' they both thought at the same time, 'he's really good!*' When Lisa caught Margie's eye, she shrugged at her with a 'what did I tell you' look on her face. Margie just nodded back, still not fully comprehending what was happening to her.
For the next hour, Margie helped as Matt and Lisa finished emptying the cars, sorted out their stuff, unpacked, smoked another joint, and put everything away. She was always trying to rub up against the hunky freshman, but he never seemed to notice. He did kiss her again, however, when unbidden, she brought him another cold drink. Actually, he'd whispered 'Thank you' quite softly and then bent to kiss her. This time, he parted his lips so her tongue could slide in between. When it did, as he knew it would, he gently cupped her breast in his hand, giving her the gentlest squeeze she could ever imagine. Silently, she creamed her tiny panties again as Matt manipulated her physically and emotionally.
Finally, they were done. Hot, tired and sweaty from all the work, the three roommates collapsed on Matt's king-size mattress. Lisa hadn't mentioned that before – it came as a wonderful surprise. Flushed with anticipation, Lisa rose first, saying she wanted to shower and then have something to eat. As planned, Matt stopped her, but she hadn't anticipated his voice. Knowing that he had Margie right where he wanted her, Matt let himself use the full *timbre* of his incredible voice. "You take too long, Lis'..." Both girls started to tremble as they heard him speak. "Let me go first, okay, *baby*?"
Lisa felt her pussy start to leak. *'Baby'?* Why did her call her that in front of Margie...it sounded so dirty, so hot...the way he said it. Margie froze when she heard Matt call his sister *baby*. She felt the hot pangs of jealousy deep inside her as she realized she wanted Matt to talk to her the same way.
"Sure, Matty," Lisa said. She sat back down on the bed as he walked through his door to the shared bathroom, closing it behind him. He peeled of his clothes, smiling to himself as he stepped into the bathtub and pulled the glass shower doors closed. When they heard the water start, the two girls melted together on the bed. Margie lay across Lisa's chest, their breasts molding together. The Asian beauty unleashed all of her pent-up passion as she kissed her roommate, their tongues battling each other. Lisa pushed Margie over and rolled on top of her. "Can you see why I want him, baby?" Lisa's eyes had become slits, her lust glaring out at her China Doll. "Can you see why I'm such a *dirty slut*?" Lisa slammed her tongue back into Margie's sweet mouth as she pinched her swollen nipple through the thin shirt. "I have to go now, baby..." Lisa whispered softly in Margie's ear. "If I'm gonna do my baby brother...it's gonna be now or never."
Lisa felt Margie trembling beneath her. "Fuck, Lisa..." she hissed at her, "you really are a slut, aren't you?" She started to shake as the enormity of what was happening seeped into her head. "Can you really do it? That's *incest*, Lisa! Your own brother?" Lisa nodded her head quickly. "Fuck, Lisa...really? Can I watch, baby?" Margie's moist cunt was spasming out of control. Ever since Lisa admitted her incestuous attraction to her brother, Margie had spent many hours at many different internet sites researching her latest interest. And the more she learned, the more clips she saw and stories she read, the more she wanted to be 'in on the action.' She was the only child of older, conservative Chinese parents. She had no extended family in this country – the only way her insatiable curiosity could be satisfied was to encourage Lisa to sleep with her brother. She had no idea how this night would change her life.
"Give me five minutes, baby...then come in." Lisa's heart was like a trip-hammer in her chest. Lisa crawled off the bed and started for the bathroom door.
"Wait, baby!" She heard Margie call out behind her and stopped. Still believing she had any control over the situation, Margie told Lisa to strip *before* she went into the bathroom. "That way, there's no going back, Lisa."
Smiling at her roommate, Lisa slowly peeled off her jeans and panties and then pulled her shirt over her head, freeing her beautiful breasts. She ran back to the bed and gave Margie a long, wet kiss. As she got off the bed, Lisa put her mouth next to Margie's ear. "I love you, China Doll...I do...I really love you, Margie." Then she walked through the bathroom door and shut it behind her.
Lisa walked towards the shower...her heart still beating so fast. She didn't know where the words had come from that she'd whispered to Margie, but she knew it was true. There was something about that girl that made Lisa crazy. But as she focused on the steamy spray, she was taken in completely by the sight in front of her. Her younger brother was standing under the steaming spray, soap suds rinsing off of him and sliding down the drain, letting the hot water relax his entire body.
*'God, he is so beautiful,' she thought.* She let him relax another minute as she moved her eyes slowly over every inch of his superb physique. At just under six foot tall and one-hundred and eighty pounds, Matt had a classic swimmer's build. Wide shoulders and narrow waist and hips led to long, strong and powerful legs. And just below the faint six-pack definition of his flat stomach lay his greatest physical attribute. Even flaccid, as it was at that moment, it was magnificent. She couldn't resist that temptation another second.
Matt felt the rush of cool air as Lisa opened the glass door and stepped into the tub. As the door closed, Matt opened his eyes to see his love standing before him. *'Fuck,' he thought as his eyes swept over her, 'a Playmate figure with a Penthouse mind!'* His heart melted as he gazed down at her naked perfection. The steamy mist brought out the golden tan of her taut flesh and emphasized the three magical, white triangles of pale flesh where it had been covered. He kissed his sister the way a brother was never supposed to kiss his sister.
His smile warmed her heart and started her pussy to moisten in anticipation. And then Lisa told him that she thought Margie would join them in just another minute or two. Matt smiled a different smile then as he put his hands on Lisa's shoulders and turned her around so that she was under the spray. When she was completely soaked in the hot, steamy water, Matt turned them both around again. Now the water beat down on his back, shielding his sister from the direct spray. He pressed down gently on her shoulders and Lisa lowered herself to her knees in front of him.
The twenty-one year old coed felt like a young teenager alone with her boyfriend when her parents were away. Only this time, instead of a nervous fifteen year old boy with a five inch dick and a hair trigger, she was the one who couldn't wait...couldn't control her incestuous hunger any longer.
With one small hand, Lisa gently cradled her brother's balls, lightly grazing her fingernails over the heavy sac. With her other hand, she lifted Matt's thickening organ to her puffy lips and hungry mouth. She looked closely, trying to memorize every ridge and vein as her tongue flicked out at the huge head, licking his pee-hole, making him grow even larger. Then she started licking the underside of her brother's thick shaft; his clean, musky scent fueling her lust and driving her crazy. Lisa was a brilliant student with an open and inquisitive mind. But deep down, in her darkest place, she knew she had found her true self last New Year's Eve. She was all about sex...and no one in the world could satisfy her body and her mind like her younger brother.
Lisa opened her mouth and sucked Matt's cock over her tongue and into her throat. She loved the feeling as it grew to full length and girth inside her. Somehow, she was aware enough to hear the door to the bathroom open. At the same time, she felt Matt's hand on the back of her head, pulling her forward until her lips were covering half of his long, thick meat.
"That's right, big sister," Matt groaned, "suck my cock good."
Margie had shed her skirt before entering the bathroom, figuring she would want easy access to her hot slit. She was thrilled with her decision as soon as her eyes focused through the steam of the shower*. 'Oh My Fucking God!!!' Margie was screaming to herself and she couldn't stop.* One hand burrowed into her tiny panties and the other found a nipple to pull and squeeze. Her hot little playmate was in the shower, *with her brother*, on her knees with his cock in her mouth! Margie thought she was gonna pass out - her heart was racing and she could hardly draw a breath. Then she saw Lisa pull back a little (she didn't realize her roommates were aware of her presence – Matt had really pushed his sister back a little so Margie could see the full length of him) and her unbelieving eyes captured all of Matt's ten inch, rock-hard fuck-meat. The hand in her panties was soaked as her cunt reacted to the magnificent sight before her.
When Matt saw Margie walk in, he had to steady himself against the shower wall. She really was a Chinese copy of his sister – their bodies nearly identical (from what he could see) and they were both clearly in tune with their own sexuality. He couldn't wait to get this show on the road. He knew that all he had to do was show her his cock and then invite her to join them. He pushed gently on Lisa's shoulder, subtly nodding towards the door.
Lisa had heard the door as well, but she was facing away from her China Doll. With Matt's huge cock deep in her mouth, she looked up at her little brother with a grin in her eyes. She knew what he wanted so she backed away slowly, letting his thick shaft slide out from between her lips until just his head was resting on her tongue. She moved her small fingers slowly back and forth along the shaft, demonstrating his great length to her girlfriend. Her heart was pounding as fast as Margie's and she could feel the moisture lining the walls of her cunt as she waited for Matt's next move. She didn't have to wait for long.
Without even looking at her, Matt spoke in his most commanding tone. "What are you waiting for, Margie? Don't you want to join us?"
Both young women reacted to Matt's suggestion; Lisa moved her head forward and took her brother as deep into her throat as the angle would allow. At the same time, Margie pulled her shirt over her head and started walking toward the shower. All kinds of thoughts flashed through the honey-colored Asian coed's mind as she moved closer to the incestuous brother and sister – two were dominant. *'That's the fucking dirtiest thing I've ever seen,' she thought. 'And that's the biggest cock I've ever seen! Oh my God! Even bigger than that little slut said!'*
As she stood in front of the glass shower doors, Margie's eyes were drawn away from the exquisite blow-job Lisa was giving her brother and she was staring deeply into Matt's ice-blue eyes. She saw his eyes drop as he scoped out every inch of her sexy physique. When he got to her little g-string panties, he looked back up quickly with a question mark in his eyes. As though she were in a trance, she hooked her thumbs under the strings sitting against her shapely hips and slid the tiny scrap of white lace down her legs. She opened the door and stepped out of her panties and into the shower.
Lisa, still on her knees with Matt's huge tool sliding in and out of her mouth, started to climax as she felt the cool air hit her when Margie slid the glass back on its track. She couldn't believe everything was working out like they had planned. This was, by far, the hottest thing that had happened to her during her entire college career.
"You are...the dirtiest...slut I've ever known, Lisa!" Margie could barely spit the words out – her body was shaking, she couldn't breathe, and she was dead certain that her heart was now beating outside her chest!
Amused by her reaction, Matt looked at Margie, standing behind his sister. With just a hint of a smile, he said, "I think someone might be just a little jealous, Lis'." He pulled back, taking his meat out of her mouth, much to Lisa's chagrin. "Would you care for a taste, *hsiao* *tai-tai*?"
Margie almost collapsed. Lisa never told her Matt knew *Mandarin*! He had called her by the name old Chinese men used for their mistresses – literally 'little wife'. It had been one of her masturbatory staples for as long as she could remember. Her pussy was spasming out of control as she lowered herself as gracefully as she could to kneel beside Lisa.
"*Ching* *gai wo, Hsiensheng*!" she mumbled as the water cascaded over her. "Please, give it to me, Master!" Lisa pulled her roommate close for a deep kiss and then put Matt's cock next to Margie's mouth. Lost in her lusty desires, Margie opened her mouth as wide as she could and let the thick, dark red, plum-sized head slide over her soft, full lips.
All three were momentarily lost in their own lusty feelings. Matt was feeling in total control as this incredibly hot senior sucked and licked his cock while his equally hot sister stuck her tongue between his cheeks and rimmed his asshole. When Margie lifted his huge organ to get at his swollen balls, she saw her roomie tongue-fucking her brother's ass.
"God, Lisa," she groaned, "licking your brother's ass? What a fucking slut!"
Lisa stood up and put her arms around her brother, her slick, wet body molding against him. "Tell her, Matty..." Lisa kissed her brother's neck. "tell her who's slut I am."
Matt bent his head down and kissed his sister hard. When he broke their kiss, he looked down at Margie and moved her back a little. Using his most *alpha-male* voice, he started speaking. "Lisa is *my* slut, Margie...she has been for some time." Margie knew not to interrupt as the water beat down on her. "If you are interested in finding out what that means and why she agreed, I would be happy to tell you. But in the meantime, no one licks this cunt, no one *pisses* on my sister without my permission. Understood?" Not waiting for an answer, Matt turned around and turned the water off. "Get me a towel, Lis'." He slid the door open for her. Lisa stepped out and Matt followed.
Margie was still kneeling in the tub as the water drained out. She had never experienced the feeling that Matt's voice caused. It seemed to make her tremble from her still-hardened nipples to the creamy walls of her cunt. She knew immediately that her interest was absolute. She looked up to see Lisa drying her brother with a big, fluffy towel, gently taking care of his thick cock and heavy sac. Catching Matt's eye, "*Hsiensheng**, ching wo*, *ma?"* she whispered to him. "Please, Master, can I help, too?" She started to rise.
Matt's voice cut through her like an electric current. "I think your asking if you can have some of this..." he took his cock in his hand, "aren't you?" She looked up into his gleaming eyes and nodded. "Lisa, show her how she should ask if she wants my cock – put her in the proper position."
Margie was confused as Lisa told her to get on her knees. As she dropped, Lisa pushed back on the smooth, honey-colored shoulders. Softly, she instructed her China Doll. "Sit back on your heels, baby...spread your knees – shoulder width." Lisa adjusted Margie's body with her delicate hands. "Back straight...that's right. Now cross your arms behind your back...tit's out...head down just a little...perfect, Mar." Lisa's hands were gliding over Margie's breasts, teasing her nipples with feather touches. She knew she was making Margie crazy! Lisa turned back to her brother. "Isn't she beautiful, Matty?"
"Yes, baby." Matt's agreement sent chills all through Margie's body. "Next to you, Lis', our roommate is the most beautiful young woman I've ever seen." Matt shifted his eyes slowly, examining every inch of Margie's flawless flesh. "Tell her how I feel about you, big sister."
Blushing furiously, Lisa said, "You think I'm the most beautiful, hottest girl in the world." Lisa was giggling as she lowered her eyes. Then the giggling stopped. "You love me – completely and forever...the way I love you, Matty."
He smiled at his sister and then turned back to Margie. "Now you may ask me for what you want."
Margie could hardly breathe. The images in her mind, Lisa with her brother's cock in her mouth...the size and beauty of Matt's cock...Lisa's tongue up his ass...*God, that was hot!* And her she was, posed like a slave in an Arabian harem...more turned on then she had ever been in her life! Then when Lisa spoke, declaring the deep, incestuous love between sister and brother, Margie started climaxing deep in her cunt. "Your cock, Matt...your cum...I want you... you and Lisa..." The words exploded out of her, shocking her as she realized what she was saying. "I want...what you guys have."
Lisa was stroking her brother's shaft, keeping him thick and long with pre-cum starting to leak out of his large piss-hole. She laughed at Margie. "Girl, you better be careful what you wish for." She took his cockhead into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the ridge and then let him out with a *pop!* "This particular piece of meat can be very addicting." Margie was quivering at the sight just inches in front of her.
"Who's got the best bed on the house, ladies?" Matt spoke with quiet authority. They answered together, indicating Margie's new room. "Margie, if you'd like, we can move to your room." She flushed a deep pink with excitement – she was so beautiful in her aroused submission. All she could do was nod in reply. "Is there an ashtray in your room, Margie?"
"No, Matt." She was bare able to choke out her reply.
"No problem...I'll grab one. Why don't you guys get us something to drink and join me upstairs?" With that, Matt left the bathroom through the door to his room, leaving the two girls together.
Margie looked closely at her friend and lover. Suddenly, she knew that this was not the first time Lisa had been with her brother. The words came haltingly, still almost not believing tem herself. "You...and your brother...you did, didn't you?" Lisa cocked her head in question. "You fucked him...didn't you, Lisa?"
Lisa smiled enigmatically back at her roommate. "Do you really think I could get that huge fucking cock in my little pussy, Mar?" Her eyes were twinkling as she continued to torment the naked and trembling Asian beauty. "C'mon, baby...let's go get my *Master* something to drink." Margie rose and followed Lisa to the kitchen, her mind reeling. *'Master?!?!?' she thought, 'her fucking Master? What the fuck are they really into?'*
A few minutes later, the girls joined Matt in Margie's bedroom with cold beer and snacks. Matt had arranged a pile of pillows against the headboard of the king-size bed and he was resting against them as they walked in, his long, lean body exposed on top of the covers. Lisa snuggled up to her brother; she exchanged a cold beer for the joint he was smoking. After a nice long hit, she passed it to Margie, sitting on Matt's other side. When she had taken her fill, she passed it back to Matt. The cold beer had made the same journey, feeling so right after the harsh smoke. All three were quickly relaxed, and Margie seemed especially entranced.
*"Ni shuo Chung-guo hua? Wo bu shi'r dao."* Margie spoke softly to Matt. "I didn't know you can speak Chinese."
Matt looked at her, dispelling the connection Margie was trying to forge. In Mandarin, he said, "My sister doesn't. It would be rude to continue, little sister...English when she is with us, okay?" Margie nodded, embarrassed by being caught out in her obvious play.
Matt put an arm around Lisa and pulled her close. He nibbled her ear and kissed her just the way she liked on her neck and shoulder. "Sorry, baby. No more Chinese...promise." He let his hand slide down over his sister's breast, idly pulling and teasing her turgid nipple. "So, Margie...what is it you think we have? What is it you think you want?"
"When I saw you in the shower...I could see how much Lisa adores you. She...she told me that you had the most beautiful cock she had ever seen, Matt. When I saw it...you...I knew she was right." Margie was starting to get a little tremble in her thighs as she continued. "And then, when you said she was your slut...I don't know...something inside me..."
"What is it you want, Margie? To fuck me or to be my slut, like Lisa?" Matt gestured with a long, graceful sweep of his arm, stopping when he reached his sister's shoulder. Her head was resting in his lap where she was licking and sucking on his swelling cock.
Lisa raised her head and smiled at Margie. "I'm telling you this because I love you, baby...it's a trick question." She laughed softly as Matt spanked her firm ass with a light pat. "If my brother fucks you once, Mar...believe me, baby...you will want him again and again." She kissed the swollen head of her favorite cock. "Only thing is...my *Master* only fucks his sluts more than once." Margie gasped as Lisa moved her body into Matt's, every curve and angle melting together so they appeared as one. Lisa kissed her brother with all her passion. "Right, lover?" she asked.
"Your choice, big sister. Do you want to add someone? Do you want someone to help you out with your duties...help keep your promises?"
Lisa's heart was pounding in her chest as she looked deep into her brother's eyes. "I do, Matty...if it's Margie."
"Then tell her what it means, Lis'...what it means to be my slut." Matt chuckled. "It's kind of like informed consent, Margie...pay attention. There's gonna be a quiz later." Lisa punched her brother on the leg. She didn't know why he was teasing her sexy little China Doll.
Margie, still a little confused, was looking to Lisa for some clarification. "Please tell me, Lisa. What duties? What promises? What do I have to do?"
Lisa looked at her brother. He nodded, giving permission for her to give Margie the whole story. Her heart pounding, Lisa started to speak. "First of all, Mar, there is never anything that you *have* to do. Whatever you might do, it will be because you *want* to do it...for my brother...my *Master*.
"But it's not for everyone, baby. That's okay...as I tell you what I do...remember, like everyone else in my family, I like to be put on the edge." She turned back to Matt, who was idly smoking the joint. "Everything, baby?" she whispered, "Mom and Dad?"
Matt thought about it for a moment. He exhaled the powerful smoke and gave the joint to Lisa. As she took a hit, he nodded his head. The pot and the rush that came from Matt's unspoken instruction made Lisa feel faint. Slowly, carefully, she exhaled and took a drink of cold beer and passed the joint to Margie.
"Okay, Mar...you want to hear everything?" Her long, black silky hair shimmered as she nodded her head. "This is about my family, lover...if you decide this isn't for you...you have to promise..."
"Of course, Lisa...Matt...I would never say anything...I promise."
Lisa smiled back. "I know, baby...I just had to say it, okay?" Margie nodded again; Matt was enchanted by her hair. Lisa took a deep breath and started again.
"Last New Year, we found out that Mom and Dad don't have an *exclusive, monogamous* relationship. They were having dinner that night with our Uncle David...Dad's brother. Mom was in a silk slip dress – God, she looked so hot!" Lisa giggled. "I put on the same dress for a party. No bra...our tits were totally on display! Anyway, I thought it was pretty strange that Mom was dressed like that to be with our Uncle.
"Anyway, my party sucked and Matt's date got drunk or something. I called him and he picked me up and we went home...a little earlier than we thought. Mom and Dad were in the living room...God, he was all over her...but they were pretty cool when we came in. Just before midnight, Matt and Dad went into the kitchen and came out with champagne for everyone. Matt took a glass to Mom on the couch and Dad brought one to me in front of the fireplace. At twelve, we all toasted...I was looking at Matt and Mom...she put down her glass and leaned forward to kiss Matty. Even from across the room, I could see like all of her breasts...and I could see my brother's eyes all over them." Matt grunted as he took another hit.
"When she kissed him, I thought I saw tongue! We were all a little drunk, and I knew Daddy was sneaking peeks at my tits, too. When I put my glass on the mantle, he took me in his arms and kissed me like I'd dreamed about for years, Mar. I was floating...all of a sudden, Mom said she was tired and Dad said they were going to bed. We both went to change for bed, too...I was gonna meet Matt in his room to smoke a joint.
"Daddy made me so hot...I wanted to tease my baby brother...I didn't know what would happen, but I put on a little red see-through baby doll nightie and panties." Margie gasped at the vision. Matt chuckled as he took a sip of beer. "When I left my room to go downstairs, Mom was coming out of her bedroom. I couldn't believe my eyes, Mar...she was wearing the hottest little outfit...a black, stretch-lace little tank top and matching string bikini panties. I asked her where she was going...she said she wanted to check on Matt...make sure he was okay.
"For a second, I thought...oh, okay...I'll just wait...then, it hit me that she was going to see him dressed like a high-price hooker...I mean you could see her tits through the lace. I didn't know what to think...I just walked into their bedroom to ask my dad about it. Fuck, Mar...he was laying back in his massage chair, smoking a joint...he had the nicest *hard-on* poking out of his robe! He tried to cover it up, but he knew I saw it. I asked him why Mom was going to see Matt dressed like that. He said something about her checking on him...he said I shouldn't worry about it. He kept staring at me...it made my nipples so hard they hurt, baby.
"Anyway, after we got stoned, we went downstairs to get something to drink. We heard something from Matt's room and we peeked inside through a keyhole. Mar...I saw my mother giving my brother the hottest fucking blowjob I've ever seen! Me and Dad took turns at the door...when he was looking...I...I sucked him, Mar." Lisa was having a hard time speaking as the memories flooded her mind and her juices flooded her pussy. Margie was just totally in shock. "When I was at the door...he...my Daddy ate me, baby." Both girls climaxed as Lisa spoke.
"We watched my brother totally dominate my mother with his awesome cock. She couldn't get enough...she wanted him everywhere...she begged to be his cock-slut...his forever." Margie was mumbling to herself, looking back and forth from brother to sister. How she had yearned to be part of something like that!
"Matt agreed, provided she follow a simple guideline. She had to agree to do *anything* he asked of her...anytime, any place...with *anyone* he said." Both girls shuddered with the erotic thoughts that submission can bring. "She said that to have his cock, she would do anything. Then, he marked her, Margie."
Margie's eyes focused on her girlfriend. "Marked...what do you mean?" She was breathless from Lisa's tale.
Lisa looked back at her brother once again. "May I, Matty?" He nodded at her and she moved across the bed to Margie. "Look here, baby..." Lisa cupped her breast in her hand. She pointed to a tiny mark above her swollen nipple. Margie bent forward and gasped as she saw the mark. She started to ask how, but Lisa moved to her other breast. "Look here, too." Margie moved her eyes across Lisa's perfect breasts until she saw the second mark. She sucked in air as she gasped again. Lisa then laid across Matt's legs on her back. "One more, baby...come here." As Margie leaned forward to look, her heart pounding so hard, Lisa drew her closer with her hand. She pulled Margie's face close to her swollen, slick pussy. "Right here, baby...the third mark." Margie looked closely to see a small scar on Lisa's smooth-shaven mound. It gave the sexy coed goose bumps all over her body.
"Obviously, I agreed to the same thing later that day. It's our whole family, Mar. We're all a little...I don't know...we all just love to be on the edge...*sexually*. Daddy loves to be submissive to Mom." Lisa giggled. "He's really kind of her slut, baby...it's really cute! She and I are Matt's sluts...so Daddy belongs to Matt as well." She could see the question forming in Margie's almond-shaped eyes. "Yes, baby..." Lisa whispered, "Daddy loves Matt's big cock as much as we do...doesn't he, Matty?" Matt grunted again. His cock was starting to swell as he listened to his sister.
"So that's it, baby...if you want to be part of this...if you want my little brother to *own* your cunt and your mouth and your pretty little asshole...just say the word, Mar."
Before she could speak, Matt sat up. "Not yet..." he said, "it's not fair...she doesn't know what it feels like yet, Lis'." He looked at Margie, falling into the black pools of her eyes and the perfect "o" of her plump lips. "You wanna know, Margie?" She nodded, feeling her pussy starting to flood in anticipation. Matt smiled at her. "Good. Lis', make me wet baby...long and wet for your China Doll." Margie creamed when she heard Matt use Lisa's pet name for her.
Lisa was thrilled with the way everything was going...she was worried for a minute... *'Fuck,' she thought, 'that story could freak anybody!'* But now, taking her brother's fuck-meat in her mouth, she knew things would work out the way she wanted. As she lubricated the thick, veiny shaft with her soft, pink tongue, Margie moved to the middle of the bed, laying on her back, her firm, shapely legs spreading in anticipation.
Matt pulled himself away from Lisa's hungry mouth. He nodded towards Margie. "Make sure she's wet enough, baby. Don't want to hurt her, do we?"
Lisa giggled as she lowered her head to Margie's moist slit. She took a long lick from the bottom to the little clit standing up on top. Then she stuck her tongue as deeply into Margie's cunt as she could, tasting the delicious cream that coated the walls. She drew away and looked at her brother. "She's ready, lover...she tastes delicious!"
Margie's body was flushed with excitement...blood swelling her puffy little lips and hardening her nipples beyond belief. *God, she wanted this so much!* Matt knelt between her spread thighs, gazing at the soft, delicate hair covering Margie's mound. He had never been with an Asian woman...this was his first time experiencing the soft, silky hair that grew in the shape of butterfly wings. He was entranced, playing with her moist pussy. He bent down to taste her for the first time. As he licked her hot silky slit, Lisa leaned over her brother, her eyes flashing, her hand covering her mouth to stifle a laugh.
"Matty," she couldn't help giggling, "don't tell her it's the best Chinese you ever tasted." Matt turned to his sister, a huge grin on his face. Lisa was laughing out loud. "She really hates that, bro." She fell across the bed in hysterics, unable to control herself. Matt was laughing almost as hard as his sister.
Margie sat up in shock, her first thought made vocal. "What are you doing, you bitch? I HATE YOU, LISA!"
Lisa, trying desperately to stop, tried to calm her friend down. "I'm so sorry, baby... please forgive me, Mar..." She started kissing and licking her way up Margie's sweaty torso. "I just couldn't help it, baby...I'm sorry...we've just been making each other laugh at inappropriate times forever...please forgive me, lover." Lisa pressed her lips against Margie's as she lay across her body. Lisa's fingers were pinching and pulling on her girlfriend's fat nipples as her tongue worked in her mouth.
Watching the two coeds make out straightened Matt's pole to its full ten inches. *'This is better than any fuckin' Girls Gone Wild video,' he thought.* Unable to wait any longer, he gently pushed his sister to the side of the bed. Sitting back on his heels, he pulled Margie towards him until her thighs rested across his...the full length of his rock-hard cock sliding through the steamy, moist furrow of her swollen pussy lips...the dark red plum-sized head pushing her labia further apart with every stroke...gliding over her clit. It was driving her crazy with lust.
Reverting once again to his most commanding tone, he spoke to Margie as he stared into her black eyes. "China Doll, I'll tell you the same thing I told Lisa the first time we were in this position. It's your choice, darlin'...but please...believe your girlfriend...if I fuck you, Margie...you will be mine...all of you...anywhere, anyplace with anyone I say and no one else." He paused while Margie tried to catch her breath. "Tell me what you want, Margie...tell me, baby."
Margie looked at the freshman in front of her who was so obviously so much more than that. She looked at Lisa, seeing her eyes just glaring slits with pure lust all over her flushed face. She knew she was in for a very strange trip...but she wanted it so much.
"Fuck me, Matt...mark me like you did to your mother and your sister." Her voice was breaking with each word. "Give me your cock, *Master*...make me your slut. Please, Matty."
"Do it, Lisa...put me inside of her. I want to make her cunt mine." Lisa gripped Matt's throbbing cock in her hand, pressing the head through Margie's open portal. As Matt slid the head and several inches of his shaft into the tight, wet vice that gripped him, Margie groaned with the feeling of fullness she had never experienced before.
"Please...stay there a minute...let me get used to you, Matt," she whispered to him. "My God...you're huge!" Matt felt her cunt start to expand around him, opening itself for deeper penetration. He slowly slid another three inches into her hot, liquid core. Margie was squealing as she felt every vein and every ridge of the magnificent cock invading her. "Fuck, Lisa...how can you do it? Your brother is so big...can you really take it all?"
Lisa started to trace her fingers lightly around Margie's distended clit. Her lips were locked on her nipple before she raised her head to answer. "Relax, baby...easy, Mar...easy." Lisa kissed and licked across Margie's neck and shoulder. "He's very good at this...just let him open you up, lover...give him your cunt, Margie."
Matt started to move slowly inside of the velvet glove that gripped him so hard. Just a few inches back and then slowly forward again. After just a few strokes, Margie started lubricating, her crème coating Matt's fuck-stick as he slid back and forth. Margie was groaning, the feelings and sensations driving her out of control. She felt Matt pushing further into her with every stroke. Miraculously, she was taking him all! When she felt his heavy sac smacking against her ass and his big head bumping against her cervix, she climaxed from the thought that this huge cock was fully inside her tiny cunt.
"Oh God...Matt...your fucking me so good." Margie was moaning and groaning as Matt started fucking the whole length of his cock in and out of her "Lisa...I'm gonna cum again...he's so big...unghhh...fuck me, *Master*...oh fuck...I'M CUMMMMIINNNG!!!"
Matt was in heaven – sitting back on his heels, his big hands wrapped around Margie's thighs as he held her close, thrilling to the feeling of her cunt walls spasming around the full length of his tool. *'Christ, her pussy is tighter than Lisa's.' he thought. 'What a great fuck!'* The thought made his cock twitch inside the Asian beauty, which caused her to clench his cock even harder with her tight, little pussy. She was helped along by Lisa's constant attention to her rubbery nipples. Matt made the decision for all three of them. He looked at Margie, her exotic beauty and her *Perfect 10* body overwhelming him again.
"Talk to me, Margie...tell me what you want." His soft yet firm voice seemed to calm her down. Lisa had moved along side her, snuggling into her China Doll's curvy body. She whispered into Margie's ear.
"Three holes...three marks, baby. You want to continue?"
Margie's dark eyes opened wide as she grabbed Lisa and pulled her close for a deep french kiss. When she could draw a breath, she croaked out her answer. "Yes...I want it so bad, baby." She threw Lisa off and raised herself to a sitting position across Matt's strong thighs, his cock still firmly embedded deep within her. She offered her perfectly shaped, honey-colored breast to him. She could feel her nipples throbbing with every beat of her heart. "Mark me, *Master*...please?"
Lisa kneeled next to the joined couple, her arms around both of them. "Do it, baby..." she said quietly, "make her your slut...make her my *slut-sister*."
As much as Matt wanted to, he knew he had to make sure this is what she truly wanted. "Tell me what it means, Margie...what are the promises that will bind you to me...to this cock you seem to love so much." Once again, he made his huge organ twitch inside her.
Margie pushed herself even closer to Matt, driving his cock-head through her cervical ring. She out her arms around his neck and kissed him as deeply and passionately as she had ever kissed anyone. When she took her soft lips off of his, she looked him squarely in his gorgeous, ice-blue eyes and she spoke softly to him. "To me...I don't know why, Matt...I think you are everything I've ever wanted in a man. I think...I'm falling in love with you. I want to please you, Master...I want to do whatever it takes to make you happy." She kissed him again, running her tongue over his lips, licking his teeth. "I want to live on the edge...like your sister and...your parents." Her breathing got shallower as her heartbeat rose. "I want you to make me do things...things I would *never* do on my own." She clenched her cuntal walls around him again, emphasizing each word with a full spasm. "I promise, Master...to do anything you want me to do...anytime... anyplace...with anyone you want."
She kissed him again. "I promise, Matt...to do this for you...with you...as long as you want me...as long as..." This time she kissed Lisa with the same passion. "As long as you tell me...you think...maybe...you could ever... you know...love me..." Matt and Lisa gasped together. Margie hurried to explain herself. "God...I know you'll never love me like you love your sister...I'm sorry...please...but if you think, someday...maybe... you'll love me *almost as much*..."
Matt couldn't believe what he was hearing! This totally unbelievable girl, so exotically beautiful, physically perfect in every way, was begging him to love her. He could do nothing to stop the load of cum boiling up from his swollen sac. Using all his skills and concentration, Matt tried something his father had once told him about. He held Margie's head in both hands and gently pulled her forward until their lips met. Then he broke their kiss and spoke softly, but with full command.
"*Hsientsai**, wo ai ni, hsiao jieh*." He kissed her again. "I already love you, *little sister*. Feel this...for you, baby." Margie squealed as she felt a single, powerful blast of Matt's semen shoot into her womb, her hips shaking in his lap. "Lis', would you like to help... like Mom did?"
Lisa was breathless at the scene before her – in her wildest dreams she hadn't hoped it could all work out this well. She wondered what Matt was doing when he asked Margie if she could feel something – but she would have to remember to ask him later. She didn't want to break the spell that seemed to bind them all at that moment. "Of course, Master. I would love to help."
Matt took Margie's breast in his hand, rolling her nipple and stretching the skin above her light-brown aureole. He bent his head down and swiped his tongue across the tangy flesh. His eyes darted up to Margie's. "First mark, *slut*." Matt found her stretched breast-flesh with his teeth and bit her as lightly as he could, penetrating just the top layers of her skin. She started to cry out, but her cries turned to deep moans as Lisa licked and sucked gently at her breast and then, once again, Matt loosed one single, hot spurt of his cum deep inside her. The sensory overload, coupled with her random thoughts about Matt's incredible control sent her into another huge climax. "God...Matt...you're...FUCK... GOD...un-fucking-real...OHHHH OHH OH...Lisa!!!!" Margie flopped back on the bed, no longer in control of her body, her eyes rolling back in her head.
Matt carefully eased his still-hard cock out of her flooded pussy, a mixture of both of them covering the thick shaft and swollen head. As Margie lay on the bed, apparently passed out, Lisa took her brother's blood-filled organ in her mouth, licking the delicious sex cocktail off of him. She looked up at her younger brother, the love of her life. "God, Matty...what were you doing to her? What was she supposed to feel?" She licked him again, loving his taste on her tongue. "Do you wanna cum in my mouth, baby?"
Matt was overwhelmed by his new-found ability to control his climax – he felt more powerful, more *in control* than ever before. He tried to explain it to his sister. "You don't get it, Lis'...I *am* cumming...right now...I'm like in the middle of this...I don't know... like extended, prolonged orgasm."
"What?" Lisa started to laugh. "Matty, darling...if you were having an orgasm now, wouldn't you be...you know...cumming?" She held his cock as though she was inspecting it for something.
Matt wasn't laughing when he took her by the back of her head and pulled her close. "Put me in your mouth, Lisa." She obeyed instantly, opening her lips wide for him. As soon as she closed her mouth around him, Matt let another spurt of his crème fly over her tongue and into her throat. Lisa was astounded; first, by the shock of his quick release, and then by the fact that he only shot once! That was certainly a first!
She backed off and slowly relished the taste as his thick, potent semen slid down her throat. "Oh My God, Matty...that's so cool...you did that to her? Shoot just once? I bet it made her nuts!" Lisa was intrigued and excited by her brother's seemingly new ability. "Are you still...what...cumming, I guess?"
"Yeah...at least, I think so, baby. I don't know how long it lasts like this." They both looked at Margie as she moaned and tried to sit up. She fell back on the bed and Lisa, giggling happily, helped her up.
Margie looked anxiously at Matt. "Was I good enough for you, *Master*?"
He looked at her with all the love and attention he could give her. "You were fantastic, baby...I never felt like that before...I never came like that before. I think you were responsible for that, Margie." He kissed her gently. Then he turned to his sister and kissed her the same way. "Don't ever be jealous," he whispered in her ear, "you know I'll always love you the most...forever, babygirl." He stood by the side of the bed and lit a joint from the ashtray. As he held the smoke in, he motioned for Margie to come closer. Finally, he let himself exhale. "Put my cock in your mouth, *slut*!" She opened wide and put his hot throbbing meat between her lips. "Let's see, Lis'...see if I'm still cumming." He shoved his hips forward until Margie started to gag. Then he unleashed the last of his amazing climax, sending his final spurts of semen down her throat. "Fuck," he said to no one in particular, "that's just way too fuckin' cool!"
The newest Master of the Universe (Matt chuckled to himself at the thought) pushed his newest slut into his sister's arms. "That's two holes that have my cum in them, baby. Time for your second mark. Hold your slut-sister, Lis'...make her comfortable." Lisa held her girlfriend/slut-sister against her from behind. She let her hands massage Margie's smooth, firm flesh as she kissed and nibbled at her ear. One hand wandered to the unmarked breast, her fingers massaging the moist flesh. As she pulled on Margie's nipple, she whispered to her brother to mark her again. As Margie's tongue was exploring the inside of Lisa's mouth, she felt her Master nip the taut skin above her swollen nipple. The sharp pain caused another mini climax; she could feel the moisture running between her legs as Lisa bent over her to lick the traces of blood away from the tiny cut.
Matt looked down at his two beauties, his eyes filled with love, lust and awe, and not necessarily in that order. Margie was whimpering and mewling softly as Lisa comforted her with gentle kisses and licks and loving whisperings in her ear. *'God,' he thought, 'wouldn't be cool if Mom and Dad were here?'* The very idea! His cock started to thicken as blood rushed to his huge tool. He climbed up on the bed, lying next to Margie. He bent to her soft, swollen lips and kissed her so gently. Then she watched as he carefully inspected her marks of submission. "Are you alright, love?"
Margie's heart exploded with joy...again, in his own way, he said he loved her! It was still so hard for her to speak. "I think...no, I know, *Master*...I've never been better...I've never felt anything like I have tonight." She kissed him, sucking on his lower lip. "Thank you, *Master*. Please, tell me what else I can do."
"Tell me, Margie," Matt smiled, "what is your Chinese name?"
Lisa looked up at her brother, wondering what he was planning now. Margie, thinking his request would be radically different than this, looked at Matt with confusion. "Yuen Mai Ling." She was desperate to speak in her native tongue, but remembering Matt's earlier warning, she stuck to English. "May I ask why you want to know?"
Matt smiled again. "Isn't Mai Ling a beautiful name, Lis'?" His sister reluctantly drew her lips away from Margie's stiff nipple. She reached across both of them to reach the ashtray. Her breast fell just above Margie's mouth and she felt such soft, full lips start to suckle at her tit. She lit a joint, took a hit and handed it to her brother. When she moved back, she kissed her China Doll, exhaling the potent smoke into her mouth.
Lisa looked across the honey-colored vision of profound beauty and even deeper lust. "A beautiful name for my beautiful China Doll, Matty." Her hand moved lazily over Margie's body, tracing her breasts and then gliding over her flat tummy to the soft, silky hair covering her plump, perfect mound. "God, Bro, don't you just love her to death? Have you *ever* seen anyone cuter or sexier?" Lisa grinned at her brother. "And you can't say me, Matty."
Matt started mimicking Lisa's movements over Margie's perfect form...so like his sister's. He kissed Margie and then he kissed his sister. He smiled at them both. "Well, if I can't say you, Lis'...then no...I've never seen anyone as cute...as sexy...as totally hot...as you, Mai Ling." They kissed again, this time their tongues dueling before they disengaged.
His eyes got a little harder...his voice just slightly less warm. "But you know we're not through yet." Margie moaned softly, knowing what was coming. Of course, her pinkish-brown rosebud was no stranger to fingertips and the occasional tongue. Even an inch (maybe two) of a slim, slick dildo has been in her pert backside. But no one had ever asked, let alone told her that they were going to fuck her ass. Her pussy was creaming again in anticipation. "But right now, I'm too fucked up. I need a quick shower...alone, girls... and you guys take one, too." He started to walk to the door and then stopped and looked back towards the bed. "Lisa," he said, his tone capturing both girls immediately, "shave her." Then he turned and left the room.
Matt was in his bedroom a few minutes later. The shower had felt great – completely rejuvenating him and restoring all of his energy. He'd promised his parents that he and Lisa would call to let them know they had arrived safely. He picked up his phone and made the call.
Seeing her son's name on the Caller ID, Laurie answered on the first ring. "Hi, sweetheart. Everything okay? Dad and I have been waiting for you to call."
"Hi, Mom...yeah, everything's fine...great even! The drive was fine...but Mom, has Lisa ever said anything to you about her roommate, Margie?"
Laurie's heart sped up as she recalled a brief but pretty explicit conversation she'd had with her daughter about the lovely (she'd been told) Chinese girl only a few days earlier. "She's mentioned her, sure, honey. Why do you ask?"
Matt's voice changed as he answered his mother – even over the phone, the effect was instantaneous. "It seems that your slut daughter told her a little about us." He heard his mother gasp. "It's okay, Mother...it seems that she wants to join our little family." Again he heard the sharp intake of breath on the other side.
"And?" Laurie asked. She was trying so hard to stay calm. "How does your sister feel about this, Matty?"
"With Lisa's full approval, I've decided to adopt her on your behalf, Mother." Matt chuckled as he spoke. "In fact, with my sister's happy participation, Margie has already received two marks. I don't have my computer set up yet, so I don't have my internet cam...but would you and Dad like to listen as she gets her third mark?"
Laurie was overwhelmed...the sudden and quite unexpected turn of events causing her pussy to moisten. "Matt, are you sure, baby? Is this what you want, really?" Matt knew her motherly concern was overriding what she knew was the proper response, but he let it slide. In a much more normal voice, he offered her the comfort she needed. "Mom... believe me...you'll love her the minute you guys meet her. And Mom...a minute after that...you'll both want to fuck her." Matt chuckled lightly and he could sense Laurie relaxing a little. "I don't know, Mom...there's something special about her...she's so much like you and Lisa...I think I'm falling in love, Mom."
"Oh, darling," Laurie was thrilled by her son's obvious feelings for this girl, "that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you, Matty...for all of us!"
"I'm glad your happy, Mom...you're gonna love her. Anyway, you think you guys want to listen in?"
"You know what, baby? Use your camcorder..." Laurie's voice dropped to a husky whisper, "I'd much rather see your gorgeous cock take her ass than just listen, okay, baby?"
"Sure, Mom...good idea. Listen, say 'hi' to Dad for us...we'll call tomorrow after I go to the housing office, okay? Love you guys...bye, Mom."
"Bye, baby...we love you guys, too...say 'hello' to your sister...and your new *slut*... from both of us. Love you, Matt."
Lisa and Margie, having taken a couple hits each of the joint before going to the bathroom were now huddled together under the warm spray. Lisa had already trimmed back most of the silky black hair that had covered Margie's mound and framed her pink pussy before they got into to the shower. Lisa moved Margie around until she was sitting on the tile at the back of the large tub, her legs spread wide. As Lisa spread some shaving gel through the stubble, Margie looked at her and asked, "Why does he want me shaved? Doesn't he like my pussy hair, Lisa?" Margie moaned as Lisa began working the gel into lather with her skillful fingers.
"No, it's not that at all, Mar." Lisa was really high...yeah, the pot was great...but it was even better to be able to talk to someone...really open up about her life, her devotion to her brother and her parents. *And her dark side*. "Jesus, Mar...your life is gonna really change, you know?" Lisa giggled as she rubbed the lather into a rich, thick foam covering all of the remaining hair. "Sorry, sweetie...of course you know...but your *really* don't." Strangely enough, Margie seemed to follow this stoned logic. "But that's what I'm gonna tell you now, baby. Okay?"
Lisa stretched the skin over Margie's mound with one hand and carefully started to shave her with the other as she continued speaking. "On New Year's Day, the first thing that my brother made me do was suck and fuck his best friend from high school."
Lisa's fingers were getting to Margie as she stretched her soft flesh back and forth, needing to slip a finger inside to stretch the skin between her pussy and her thighs. She moaned, "Fuck...how was it, Lisa?"
"Don't talk, baby...just listen...questions later, okay? Anyway, his friend said he liked the way Mom's pussy looked with no hair at all...he thought I should get rid of the little landing strip I had above my slit." Margie started to moan something. "Yes, baby...my mother...I'll tell you later. Then Matt told him he was thinking the same thing. He told his friend he was thinking about sending me and Mom out to *entertain* one of my Uncle David's clients. He thought it would be hot if we were both shaved." Lisa pushed Margie's thighs upwards. "Help me, baby," she said. "Hold your knees up and apart... good...hold it just like that." Lisa spread a little more of the gel below Margie's pussy and all around her puckered little hole. Lisa carefully shaved her girlfriend's ass crack and all around her butt-hole. She completed her task and then rinsed all the remaining lather and hair away with the shower head.
Lisa grabbed a bottle of baby oil and massaged some into Margie's smooth, naked flesh. "Feel good, baby? All nice and smooth?" Margie moaned in reply. Lisa, on her knees in front of her, said, "Better let me give it a final test, Mar." Lisa dipped her head down and flicked her tongue across the newly shorn mound*. 'God, she's even sexier now! Un-fucking-believable!'* Lisa's heart was beating so fast, her nipples hardened and thick. Her China Doll's slippery slit tasted so good! She licked all around both holes and found no trace of any remaining hair. She knew she had Margie on the edge, almost ready to cum again, when she backed off and pulled her beautiful face close enough to give her a deep kiss. "You're ready, baby..." Lisa said breathlessly as her lips left Margie's. "Time to take you back to Matty."
As they dried each other with soft, fluffy towels, Margie paused. "Can I ask you a question, Lisa?"
Lisa looked up, troubled a little by Margie's expression. "Sure, Mar...what is it? Is something wrong?"
"No, no...well, at least I don't think so." Margie's voice got softer as she spoke. "I just...I don't know..."
"C'mon, baby...you can ask me anything *now*. Don't you get that?"
"Yeah, I know...this is just...kind of...*personal*...you know?" Both girls started laughing at the words coming from Margie's mouth. "Okay...okay..." Margie was trying to stop giggling and get serious again. "Lisa, I just need to know...this has all happened so fast...just tell me, baby...it's okay, with you, that Matt said...you know...that he loves me...and I said the same thing to him?"
Lisa dropped her towel and wrapped her arms around Margie, pulling their bodies close together. "Oh baby, of course it's alright with me. Neither of you can help it...I know, because I love you both so much, Mar...I dreamed this would happen for all of us." Again, their lips found each other with tenderness and passion combined. Lisa broke the kiss, but held her lover's face close. "My daddy taught us all a long time ago...people can love more than just one other person. He's right, baby." Lisa grinned. "Now I can't wait for you to meet him and Mom. Boy, are you gonna love him! He's fluent in all kinds of tongues, Mar!"
Matt had grabbed a couple of joints from his room and a few cold beers from the kitchen as he made his way back up to Margie's bedroom. He was propped up against some pillows, braced by the headboard. He had a joint in one hand and a cold brew in the other. His eyes swept around the room as he relaxed, getting more accustomed to his new surroundings each minute. He figured he would probably fall asleep right there as often as he would in his own bed in the future. He glanced down at himself, stretched out on the bed. He knew that girls had always thought he was cute...but fuck! *'Where did this Wonder Dick come from? Mars?'* He started laughing to himself. *'Jesus, this is good weed!'* He knew his dad did some LSD when he was in college...maybe there was some DNA shit that caused it. Whatever, it was sure nice to have!
Even more amazing to the young man was his quick mastery of his growing vocal skills. This, he knew for a fact, came from his father. And not from his genes, either. It was passed on by education and training. Not that he or his father could do anything truly extraordinary; there was certainly nothing magical about it. Really, and this was the funny part, anybody could do it. It's just, well, nobody does. *So if you can, and if you do...*Matt took another drag and ground the joint out in the ashtray. He was sipping the cold beer as the bathroom door opened; his eyes were drawn immediately to the vision before him*. 'FUUUUCCKKK!!!' his mind was screaming, 'they are just so FUCKING HOT!!!'* The girls walked towards him slowly, seductively, their arms around each other's waist, kissing each other as he watched them.
They were as close to a mirror image of each other as their racial differences would allow - Lisa maybe a fraction taller, but that could be her long, wavy hair. Margie's waist was perhaps just an inch larger...no...he couldn't tell and then decided it didn't really matter.
Then, collecting himself a little as he realized he was still in complete control, he spoke to his sluts. "Mmmmh...cinnamon and honey...my favorites."
He patted the bed, a hand on each side of the mattress. Both girls giggled as they hopped up on the bed. Matt grabbed Margie and pressed her onto her back. Pulling her legs up and out, he started to inspect Lisa's handiwork immediately. He used all his fingers and his lips and his tongue, losing himself in the totally smooth feeling of her perfect flesh.
Margie was going crazy as Matt pulled and prodded, sucked and licked at her bare mound and thickening pussy lips. Between sister and brother, they had her riding the crest of a long orgasmic wave. She needed to be finished so badly! "Do you like my shaved pussy, *Master*? Does it please you?" She choked out the words, her mouth was so dry.
"I love it, Mai Ling...you are even more delicious...isn't she, Lis'?" Margie's flushed form was writhing beneath brother and sister. When he'd called her *Mai Ling*, she started the final ride down the face of the giant wave crashing towards the shore.
Lisa grinned at her brother. "Mai Ling, huh? I like that Matty...sexier than China Doll... well, prettier, anyway." She bent down and kissed the quivering beauty. "I love you, Mai Ling." Her voice dropped to a whisper and she could feel her flesh heat up. "Are you ready for your third mark, baby?" Margie couldn't speak – all she could do was nod back to acknowledge her growing need and moan with lust. "Oh, Mar...Mai Ling...you're gonna love this. He's so good at it...don't be scared, lover." The girls kissed again, their hardened nipples grazing each other, exciting them both even more. When Lisa drew away, she shifted around to face her brother. He was smiling, but she could see the lust building in his eyes. Without a word, she took his semi-hard cock into her hungry mouth and started to suck him deep inside her.
Kneeling between Margie's legs, Matt sat back on his heels and leaned back, his long arms supporting him from behind, as his sexy sister prepared him for the final fuck of their ritual. *'Fuck, what a natural! She gets better ever time she does this!'* He moaned as he felt himself get longer and thicker in her throat.
Lisa was a little surprised when Matt pulled himself out of her mouth. He had a strange expression on his face when she looked up at him. "I talked to Mom before, Lis'...I told her what's been going on." He paused as both girls gasped simultaneously. Then the lusty smile returned. "I asked her if she and Dad wanted to listen..." he glanced down at the slick honey-colored body beneath him. "while I fuck little Mai Ling's ass." He knew how nasty that must have sounded – the boy was having more fun than he'd ever thought possible.
Lisa was immediately caught up in her brother's outrageous idea. "Oh my God, Matty... that would be so fucking hot!" She started to get up to grab her phone.
"Wait, Lis'...slow down." As he spoke to his sister, Matt's hands were playing a sex symphony, Margie's body providing all the instruments. "Mom had a better idea. Go to my room and get my camcorder...it's on the dresser." Lisa squealed with delight as she bounced out of the room and down the stairs.
Margie was having a hard time finding any oxygen. She could feel the lust in her blood as it coursed through her body, heating her skin and filling her breasts. Her cunt was juicing in false anticipation of being filled, the liquid spilling out and covering her quivering anus. She just couldn't breath, that's all...then Lisa came rushing back into the room, the palm-size device in her hand and Margie gasped, taking in a huge gulp of air as the reality of her current situation struck her lick a slap across her face. She thought she might be having a panic attack!
She started to raise up; she thought she wanted to say something...but then she noticed the puzzled looks coming from both sister and brother. And as their puzzlement turned immediately to concern and deep affection, her panic fled and she lowered herself back to the mattress. She smiled at them, finally finding her voice. First, she wanted to stop them from thinking there was something wrong – there definitely wasn't! "I'm fine...it's okay now... really, guys." She felt herself surfing back up that wall of overwhelming feelings and sensations. Their smiles had returned and she saw Matt's cock starting to thicken again. She giggled, surprising herself. "I just...uhmm, you know...don't want the first thing...God, this is so embarrassing..." Matt and Lisa just smiled, refusing to make this any easier for their new lover. "I know I'll love your parents...but please...don't let the first thing they see...you know...be my...asshole...okay?"
Matt and Lisa fount the sexy, pouty little-girl expression on Margie's face to be totally hilarious and they both started laughing, trying to reassure her at the same time.
Matt was the first to find his voice, only chuckling lightly as he spoke. "Don't worry, baby. You can say hello to them on the tape first." That sent all three into a laughing fit. While it did break the tension, it did nothing to stop the rising temperature in the room.
Lisa was looking around, realizing that she didn't know where Margie's stuff was in her new room. She looked at her little beauty, "Mai Ling," the name rolled off her tongue like music, "where are your toys? Do you still have some lube?" Margie trembled as she motioned to her top dresser drawer. Lisa, following the graceful movement, walked to the dresser and found the Astro-Glide in the drawer. She brought it, along with the cam-corder, back to the bed.
Matt was keeping Margie distracted, gliding his massive cock through her swollen, slick labia, massaging her clit with his thick, vein-covered shaft. He was nibbling on her stiff nipples when Lisa re-joined them on the bed. She handed the camcorder to her brother and poured some of the slick lubricant into her palm. As she started to cover his cock, sliding her palm all around him, she saw the red light coming from Matt's hand. Lisa smiled as she looked up into the camera lens. "Hi, Mom...hi, Daddy..." she gave a sultry shake of her head, her hair moving in waves over her bare shoulders. "Sure wish you guys were here."
Matt followed her with the camera as Lisa moved towards the head of the bed and cradled Margie around her shoulders. "This stunning creature is our roommate, Margie Yuen." Lisa pulled Margie's face around to plant her lips against her lover's. After a moment, she turned Margie back to the camera. Matt had her perfectly framed – her long silky hair hanging over her shoulders, just covering the tops of her perky breasts. "For you, Daddy, that would be *Yuen Mai Ling*." Lisa brushed Margie's hair away from her breasts, teasing her nipples with her fingertips. "Isn't she the most beautiful girl ever?" Margie blushed and the camera caught the flush deepen her skin's natural color.
"Her marks, Lis'...show them her marks," Matt said off camera. He zoomed in on those gorgeous tits.
Lisa cupped Margie's breasts in her hands, holding them out to the blinking red light. "See, Mom...just like you and me. Matt's already given her two marks, now we're getting her ready for the third one." Lisa laid Margie back down against the pillows and held up the bottle of Astro-Glide. "I already got Matty ready...show them, little bro." Matt focused the camera down on his glistening shaft. Lisa's hand moved into the picture as she rubbed more lube around his swollen head. "Mmmmh, betcha you miss this already, don't ya, Mom?" Matt moaned as Lisa's fingers worked his meat.
"Now I have to get Mai Ling ready, Daddy..." Again, Matt followed his sister with the camera as she spread the clear lubricant all over Margie's anus. Using even more, Lisa started to work first one then two fingers into the tight, rubbery ring. Slowly, she rotated her hand, opening the little hole wider and wider. "God, she's so tight, Daddy..." Margie started moaning as Lisa's knuckles worked her sphincter. "Like her shaved pussy, Mom? I did it earlier...I think Matty wants her ready to help you and me do stuff...like for Uncle David. And Mommy...she eats pussy so good..." Margie groaned as Lisa spoke about her. "Just wait 'til you guys come for a visit...mmmm...I can't wait."
"Take the camera, Lis'," Matt growled at his sister. "I can't wait, either." He handed the tiny camcorder to his sister who moved back a little to get her stud brother and the hot little Asian in the viewfinder. Matt leaned forward and kissed Margie's soft, inviting lips. Then he whispered softly in her ear, "Relax, baby...just try to breathe easy...push out like you need to go...trust me, love..."
Margie shuddered as Matt sat back on his heels and pulled her towards his imposing prick. *'He's gonna fucking split me in two with that thing!'* she thought wildly. What came out of her mouth, very softly, was "Easy, baby...please...unghhh..." She moaned as he pushed the dark-red head of his cock past her anal ring. "So big...fuck! Oh!...slow, *Master*, please?"
Lisa zoomed in to record Margie's final submission. *'This is so fucking cool,'* she thought as she tried to hold the tiny camera still. As much as she'd enjoyed being used as Matt's slut, it was always better when her mother was there, too. Now, Margie would be her willing companion on her voyages to the dark side of her sexuality.
Matt handled her body like it was as heavy as a feather. With just his fingertips curled around her thighs, he pulled her closer, forcing his cock several inches further into her tiny, tight chute. She moaned again, so grateful that he stopped, allowing her rectum to stretch, her bowels opening to accommodate all of him. God, it hurt so bad...but the feeling of fullness seemed to override the pain with a strange warmth. As Matt felt her start to relax and accept him inside, he startled her with a request. "Tell me again, Mai Ling...tell my parents what you promised me before." Lisa pulled the camera back to catch the totally hot expression on Margie's face.
Margie just couldn't believe the feeling of Matt's huge cock fucking her up the ass. After the pain subsided, he started moving back and forth – very slowly and just a few inches at a time. Nothing had ever made her feel like this before! Then it was her body, her hungry and yearning asshole that was driving onto him. She pushed herself harder, driving the full ten inches of his fuck-meat deep into her bowels. "Please, *Master*...keep fucking my ass...it's so good...unghh..." she moaned as he buried himself. Then she turned her head to find the red light. Her face was a mask, showing her feelings, her lust. Her dark almond-shaped eyes were now slits in her face, glaring towards the camera. Her smile was wicked and her tongue kept darting out to moisten her puffy lips as her breathing grew shallower and more rapid.
"I...promised..." her mouth was so dry it was hard to speak. "I promised my *Master*... that I would do anything he said...anywhere...with anyone he told me to...I promised him...I would be...his slut." Matt was stroking the full length of his rock-hard pole in and out of her gaping anus and playing with her swollen clit at the same time. The supreme ass-fucking she was receiving, along with his wonderful finger-play, brought her to the final crest of her orgasmic wave...her video 'confession' brought her over the top and down the crashing wall. "OH...OH FUCK! I'M...oh, oh, unghhh...almost...now, FUCK!!! GOD...SO GOOD!!! FUCK ME!!! SHIT!!! ARGHHHH!!!" Margie's body was writhing on the bed as Matt gently withdrew his still-hard cock.
"Now, Lis'...get a good close-up." Matt hissed at his sister as he stretched his legs out behind him. He held Margie's ass up from the bottom with one hand – with the other he spread the hot, slick baby-soft flesh of her mons, just above and to the left side of her throbbing clit. He lowered his head and starting with her still open sphincter, he licked and sucked all of her most private places until he reached the very top of her slit. He looked up into the slits on her darkly beautiful face. "Mark three, slut." Without waiting for a reply or reaction, Matt pinched a small bit of skin between his fingers and pierced the flesh with his teeth. He held onto Margie's thighs as she jumped in reaction to the sharp pain. When she calmed herself, Lisa handed the camcorder back to her brother and nudged him out of her way.
Making sure Matt had the camera on her, Lisa tossed her hair back over her shoulder and smiled at the lens. "Tonight I get to do your part, Mommy. I already licked the blood off of *Mai Ling's* beautiful tits...aren't they hot, Daddy? Mmmm...now I get to clean up her third mark." Lisa kept her long hair to the other side, allowing her brother to capture everything for their parents. She flattened her tongue over Margie's clit, teasing it so gently, and then slowly licked her way up the smooth mound and over the cut Matt had inflicted. Lisa moaned as she licked and sucked at the tiny wound. Finally she turned her face back to the camera. "Mmmm, Mommy...that's so good..." Lisa half-turned her body towards her brother. She cupped her breast, holding it up to him. "See how hard it makes my nipples, Daddy?" She giggled. "Does this make me a vampire? God, I hope so!" Lisa returned to the honey-colored crotch in front of her, burying her tongue as deeply into Margie's cunt as she could. She was lost in eating that sweet pussy as she heard Matt, somewhere in the background, saying goodbye to their folks on the tape.
Matt put the camera down carefully on the dresser and aimed it to cover the entire bed. He knew they would all want a complete record of this in the morning. Standing at the foot of the bed, he moved behind Lisa and pulled her towards him. "Hey...I was *eating*... that's kinda rude, you know," she giggled at Matt.
Matt chuckled back...he loved Lisa's attitude about everything! "I think you can get that 'to go'...now get your cute little ass back here, slut." Lisa dragged Margie with her as she slid down the bed. Both girls were giggling as Lisa tried in vain to keep her tongue inside of Margie's pussy.
Matt decided to re-position them in a classic 69 with Lisa on top and her ass facing the foot of the bed. He lifted up a handful of Margie's long, silky black hair and rubbed it softly over his cock and balls while she tongued Lisa's bald cunt. He pulled the hair back gently, bringing Margie's mouth away from Lisa. Matt pushed his cockhead between her pink lips. "Make me wet, baby...gotta fuck our sister now..." Lisa was quaking as she licked and sucked on Margie. *'Our sister?'* She was thinking it couldn't get any better when she felt the massive head work its way past her labia and into her moistening cunt.
"Oh yeah," Lisa moaned with ultimate contentment. "Fuck, me little brother...fuck your sister's cunt, Matty...God, I love you, bro..." She could feel every ridge and bump along every vein of his magnificent meat as he pounded her with increasing speed. Margie was playing with his balls, scratching them lightly with her fingernails as she licked at the junction of where cock met cunt. Lisa had been too excited for too long – she knew she wouldn't be able to hold off her climax for much longer...she didn't really want to. "Don't stop, Matty...fuck me harder...make me cum on your cock, *Master*!" She was moaning non-stop as Matt's hips became a blur, driving his pole into her faster and deeper with each thrust until finally, he leaned back – pulling all but the head out of her – and then rammed himself one last time past her cervix, unloading jet and jet of his hot, sticky brother-cum into his sister's womb.
The first shot was all Lisa needed to bring her over the top. Too exhausted to scream out her ecstasy, she just moaned over and over again as her cuntal walls clamped down repeatedly on her brother's huge tool, flooding him with her liquid love. Still in the grip of his own climax, Matt slipped out of his sister and stuck his cock into Margie's waiting mouth. She sucked his head between her lips, catching the last spurts of his crème in her mouth. Then she gently licked both brother's and sister's juices off of his softening shaft. With one last show of command, Matt told Lisa to sit up and let Margie suck the remains of his load from her juicy cunt.
He walked slowly to the dresser and turned off the camera. He looked at the bed, only to see a glob of his semen dropping from Lisa's lips into Margie's mouth. "I'm going to bed, girls...my bed...alone." They both moaned in semi-serious disappointment. "One of you...wake me in time to get to the housing office before noon, okay?" They both said yes before they resumed their sweet sixty-nine. As the freshman stumbled out of the bedroom, he grinned – a great big grin! *'God,' he thought to himself, 'they're gonna fucking kill me! What a way to go!'* |
Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 02 | 51,499 | 4.56 | 451,587 | [
] | I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom.
Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian.
Of paramount interest was the rack of TV monitors and computer controls. When we built the house, we wired it all over for sound and video. There are surveillance cameras mounted in all of the public rooms, at all of the entrances (inside and out), as well as in the kids' rooms. We can monitor almost all of the cameras from control panels in the kitchen, our bedroom, the kids' playroom and the adult room.
Within this room, we can (and do) record our adventures, both from cameras mounted in the walls and from hand-held cameras. All of our recordings are digital and we have some high-end video-editing software to make movies. We watch DVD movies on the big screen or surf for porn on the internet from this room. Although we have never shared any of our adventures with anyone else, watching ourselves make love turns us on to no end.
Geoff's eyes were especially wide as I showed him around the control panel. I could see the gears turning in his head at the possibilities of using our setup for his business.
"Okay, here's the deal," Melinda said once we had shown them around the room. "You guys go upstairs and change. If you are absolutely sure this is what you want, then come on back down. This is your last chance to back out. If we don't hear from you again tonight, we'll never mention this to you again. Otherwise, we'll be waiting."
Mimi shared a secret smile with her husband, then the two of them left the four of us alone.
"I remember when you gave Carl and I that same speech—what was it?—eleven years ago," Katie stepped into Melinda's arms. She and our wife held each other for a second, then drew Leah into their embrace. "I'm so glad we knocked on the door."
"So are we," Leah kissed her, then reached for me. The four of us shared a tender embrace, knowing that for better or for worse, our lives were about to change again. And that we were in this together.
We each kissed one another, then changed clothes. I shed my jeans and sweatshirt and pulled on a nice pair of khakis and a button-down shirt. I admired each of the girls as they slipped on slinky cocktail dresses.
I went over to the small refrigerator and drew out a bottle of champagne. Leah produced six flutes and kissed me gently on the cheek. Katie and Melinda lit some candles around the custom-made bed that was easily as big as two king-sized mattresses.
Our wait wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. Katie let Mimi and Geoff in. Like me, he dressed up as if he was going out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Both Leah and Melinda drew in a sharp breath as their eyes devoured Mimi.
Her full head of hair was pulled back, highlighting her high cheekbones and delicate features. She wore a sheer black dress that showed off her generous curves. A pair of high heels made her shapely legs only that much more alluring.
Arm in arm, she and Geoff stepped into the room. Nobody said a word; I think we were all afraid the spell would be broken.
Popping the cork on the champagne, I poured everyone a glass.
"To friends, old and new," Melinda said as the flutes clinked together. I downed mine in a single pull; the girls only sipped at their champagne. As I refilled the empty glasses, my wife took charge. "We just want you two to understand what's going on here: We're all about to have an affair. Let me say it another way: Extra-marital sex. If you don't want to watch your partner having sex with someone new, now is the time to speak up. Otherwise, the 'no jealousy' rule is in effect."
Melinda, Leah and I exchanged knowing glances. We had lived through this once. For us, everything worked out. For Katie and Carl . . . not so much.
We had spent several nights discussing the ramifications of this very scenario. Sometimes it was as part of a hot and heavy fantasy, but since Mimi and Geoff first propositioned us, our talks had taken on a serious tone. I hoped that we had all fully thought this through and were willing to live with the consequences.
And I hoped my old high school friends had done the same.
I saw Geoff draw in a deep breath before speaking. "We've wanted this for a long time. Yesmine and I . . . we want you to be the ones we share ourselves with."
"And we will be happy to share ourselves with you," Leah answered.
With that, she set her flute down and stepped into Geoff's arms. She tiled her head back as he leaned in and kissed her. My heart started to pound as I saw my wife holding another man.
A twinge of jealousy shot through my body, but I squelched it when I felt Mimi's hand brush my arm.
"I guess that means I get a kiss, too." There was a sultry look in her eyes. She took a step towards me, but I fell back, surprised as Katie stepped between us.
"I'm claiming the first kiss," Katie said firmly. Without waiting for a reply, she pulled Yesmine to her.
Even though Mimi was taller, she tilted her head back. Katie brought her mouth down on the other woman's and the two kissed. I was mesmerised by the pair.
Looking over, I saw Melinda smiling wickedly. She stepped forward and tugged on Katie's arm. "Come on, girls, it's time to get busy."
She led Leah, Katie and Geoff to the bed. He stumbled along like a lamb being led to slaughter. There was a flash of disappointment on Mimi's face as Katie turned, but it quickly changed to desire as she watched my three wives push her husband back on to the big bed.
"Let's sit over here," I suggested and guided my old high school friend to a loveseat that was next to the bed. She dumbly followed me, unable tear her eyes away from our other lovers.
The threesome on the bed quickly divested Geoff of his clothing. We had all seen him naked on his internet videos, but the real thing was so much better. The girls all had that "blood in the water" look on their faces as they caressed his body.
I think he was in sensory overload. There were six hands, three mouths and gaggle of tits all vying for his attention. Melinda lay him down on his back in the center of the bed. The soft light of the candles flickered and bathed everyone in an ethereal glow.
Ever so gently, the three girls began to undress each other, all for Geoff's benefit. They took turns smothering his face between their breasts, kissing his lips and stroking his cock.
Next to me, Mimi began to breathe heavily. If she was only half as aroused as me, her pussy was probably already soaked. My hand slipped into hers. We shared a look that was part desire, part jealousy. And all anticipation as to what was coming for us.
Melinda took her dress by the hem and lifted it up over her head. She wasn't wearing any underwear.
"Oh, dear Jesus!" Mimi gasped. "Her tits are fantastic."
"Yes, they are," I heartily agreed.
"Are they . . . hers?"
"One hundred percent natural," I winked. That was technically true. "You'll have to ask her about them later."
"Oh, I will," Mimi's mouth was practically watering.
"Yours aren't so bad either," I commented.
"Yeah, well they're not as nice as hers," my friend replied.
I leaned in as if to let her in on a secret and smiled. "No one's are."
We shared a mischievous grin and then turned back to the foursome on the bed.
All three girls were naked. Geoff's cock stuck straight up in the air thanks to Leah's expert manipulations. One of Melinda's nipples was jammed into his mouth and Katie was kissing her way down his stomach.
"Geoff's going to love this," I warned Mimi. She was squirming in the seat next to me. "Is your pussy wet?"
"Yes," she moaned.
I reached over and pinched one of her nipples through the thin material of her dress. " 'Yes', what?"
Her eyes got wide for just a second, then dropped from me as she had done with Katie earlier.
"Yes, Master," she whispered.
"Watch what your Mistress is doing, Yesmine," I said softly. "She's going to be doing that to you later."
"I can't wait, Master," my soon-to-be lover cooed in my ear. "May I ask a favour, Master? . . . Please don't call me 'Yesmine' or 'Mimi' . . . that's not who I am for you . . . I came here to be your slave. I want you to treat me like one."
"I think I can do that," I whispered back. "Your Mistress and I will have to come up with an appropriate slave name for you, my dear."
"Thank you, Master," she sucked on my ear and I had to resist the urge to throw her down on the bed next to our spouses and fuck the shit out of her right there.
"Watch them, slave," I said firmly as we turned our attention back to the foursome on the bed.
Melinda had straddled Geoff's face and was grinding her pussy against his mouth. Katie was fondling his balls while Leah stroked his cock.
I can't tell you how many times I have been the lucky recipient of a three-way blowjob and each time it's like Christmas, our anniversary, Valentine's Day and my birthday all rolled into one.
Sitting next to Mimi, my eyes hooded over with jealousy and excitement. One of my oldest friends was about to get a treat that had been my sole domain for the last decade. Of course, I was caressing the one pair of breasts just about everyone I had grown up with coveted, so I can't say I was getting a raw deal.
"You do that very well, Geoff," Melinda moaned. "Your wife has turned you into quite the pussy-eater."
She looked over at us, her naked breasts swaying. All three of my wives had turned to face us. I nodded and blew them a kiss.
Katie winked and then all three of their mouths descended on Geoff's engorged cock. Melinda took the head in her mouth. Leah's teeth raked the soft underside. Katie sucked gently on his balls.
I thought we were going to have to peel Geoff off the ceiling.
Melinda's weight held him down, her legs pinning his arms to the bed. Her pussy stifled a scream that was part surprise. Part sensory overload. All ecstasy.
In perfect practised unison, their mouths worked over my friend's dick and balls. They alternated their tempo and intensity.
When one of the girls would deep throat his cock, one of the other two would move her mouth to his balls and the third would kiss the insides of his thighs.
Mimi began to breathe heavily. Her nipples were all crinkled and hard. Her eyes were wide.
The three heads on the bed bobbed up and down in a finely-tuned, ballet-like fellatio.
Geoff's toes were curled up. Every muscle in his body was tensed.
"Take off your dress," I said softly. Mimi didn't respond. I reached under her chin and tore her gaze away from her husband. My voice hardened. "I said, 'Take off your dress', slave!"
"Y-y-yes, Master," she mumbled and immediately flung her slinky little black dress across the room.
"That's better," I said. "Stand up."
Robotically, Mimi obeyed. I walked her over so she was standing at the edge of the bed. None of the other three girls had noticed us.
I stood behind my friend; I was the only one of the six of us still clothed. Reaching around, I cupped her marvelous breasts. She let out a low, throaty groan as I began to roll her nipples between my thumb and forefinger.
"Do you like that, slave," I blew gently into her ear. "Do you like watching my wives suck your husband off?"
She only nodded.
Wordlessly, I continued to grope the woman in my arms. Melinda's tongue danced over the head of Geoff's cock. Leah and Katie kissed one another with only his shaft between their lips.
Geoff started to hyperventilate. I don't know if it was because Melinda was smothering him with her sex or if the blowjob was too much for him to handle.
"Don't you dare cum," Katie warned.
"Please!" Geoff wailed from between Melinda's legs. "That feels so good . . . please may I cum?"
"What do you think?" Melinda looked up at Mimi, a lustful look in her eyes. "Should we let him cum right now or should he have to hold it?"
Mimi was so mesmerised by the sight in front of her, it took a second for the words to sink in.
"Get on the bed," Katie said, the command slipping into her voice. "Come down here and join us."
Crawling up on her hands and knees, Mimi got on the bed and joined the other three in working Geoff's cock over. Katie blew me another kiss and then turned her attention back to her new lover.
My cock was about to burst out of my pants, so I shed them. Mimi's ass was pointed right at me as I watched the back of her head bob up and down. She seemed to naturally find her rhythm with the other three girls.
Her labia peeked out at me from between her thighs and were swollen with excitement.
I lifted my shirt over my head and began to absently stroke my cock as I watched the action on the bed unfolding in the soft candlelight.
Melinda let out a sharp gasp as Geoff tried to distract himself from the four hungry mouths vying for his attention by channeling his energy into eating her out.
"Oh, yes, Geoff . . . that's a good boy," her eyes were closed and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. "You do that almost as good as a girl! . . . Right there . . . oh, yeah . . . you're going to be spending a lot of time doing that this weekend."
Katie and Mimi's lips brushed a couple of times and I could tell it was hard for my wife to resist kissing this new lover. But there were conditions and terms to our lovemaking, and as long as Geoff was underneath Melinda, no one was allowed to kiss his wife.
That didn't stop me from climbing on to the bed and caressing the perfect globes of Yesmine's big, round butt with one hand. My other hand went to Katie's equally shapely rear end.
"I think it's time to fuck," Leah said softly.
"I like the sound of that," I was unable to contain my excitement any longer.
Mimi's eyes were glazed over with pleasure as I pulled her away from her husband's cock. I pushed her on to her back so she was laying next to Geoff. Her chest rose and fell with each laboured breath.
Geoff's face was coated in Melinda's juice. His cock looked like it was going to burst.
Melinda and Katie rolled to one side of the bed and into each others's arms. Leah and I shared a pernicious smile. Our two friends wanted us to be their first extra-marital lovers. She straddled Geoff's hips as I spread Mimi's legs.
In unison, we leaned forward and kissed the lovers we were about to take. Yesmine eagerly kissed me back. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she drew me in. Her breasts pressed against me.
The head of my cock rubbed up against the slit of her pussy. We both shuddered with pleasure.
"Last chance to back out," I whispered in her ear.
"Not a chance in hell," she breathed desperately. I pulled back to look into her big brown eyes.
Any reservations I may have had about taking another lover were instantly washed away. I forgot about the two of my wives who were watching us intently. I forgot about my third wife who was taking a new lover inside her at that very instant.
I lost myself in Yesmine Williamson's . . . er, Meadows's . . . hypnotic gaze.
Pushing forward with my hips, I entered her with just the tip of my cock. Her eyes rolled back into her head. She had very specific instructions that she was not to have any kind of sexual contact with her husband for a week leading up to our visit and her body was completely on edge. I could tell from the way her fingernails dug into my shoulders that she wasn't going to last very long.
Good thing, too; I wasn't either.
Mimi's pussy was slick with anticipation. My cock bottomed out after the first pass. We found an almost natural rhythm.
I leaned in and kissed her again. I cupped one of her breasts in my hand.
"Oh, god, that feels so good!" she cried out.
Next to us, Leah was riding Geoff. Her hips moved with fast, deliberate strokes. She pushed her chest forward and thrust her breasts into his eager mouth. Her hands pulled at his hair.
The bed began to rock as the four of us found our sync. Yesmine spread her legs as far as she could. Each time I rammed my cock into her a little bit harder. A little bit faster.
She bit her lip, but soon began to scream with delirious bliss. One of her hands went to my ass as she pulled me into her with each pass. Her other hand reached out to the man laying in the bed next to her.
Their fingers intertwined as the four of us made love.
Geoff was the first to go. After the four-way blowjob, he didn't have much left.
He bellowed something unintelligible then his whole body tensed.
"Cum in me!" Leah moaned and she brought herself down on him one final time. Her hair fell over her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Suddenly she threw her head back as the cum hit her. "Fuck!"
I slowed my rhythm as Mimi and I both turned our attention to the couple next to us. Her eyes were mere slits that smoldered with desire.
Leah collapsed on top of Geoff as the two of them rode out their orgasms. I smiled inwardly then picked up my pace.
Mimi started to babble uncontrollably as I jackhammered her with my cock. We were both covered in sweat. Her pussy made that delightful sucking sound with every pass of my sex.
"I'm going to cum!" she wailed.
I leaned in and bit her ear. She cried out. I whispered so only she could hear me. "Cum for me! Cum for me, my little slave-whore! Cum all over me!"
Her pussy contracted around me, then flooded with warmth. I think if I had pulled out of her right then, she would have squirted all over the six of us. As it was, I could feel her juice coating the insides of her thighs.
It's a good thing we soundproofed this room. Otherwise, I think she might have woken the kids who were two floors above us!
Mimi arched her back to meet my final thrust.
I let out a gasp then released a torrent of cum into her pussy. I counted eleven pulses. My hips never stopped moving, even as we lay there, trying to catch our breaths.
None of us said a word for a long time.
Finally, I rolled to one side. Leah to the other. That left Geoff and Mimi laying in the middle of the big bed, still holding hands.
I looked over and saw Melinda and Katie cradling our wife to them. My wives all blew me a kiss.
Slowly, Geoff fell into Mimi's arms, his head resting on her shoulder. They kissed gently and whispered back and forth for a second. When she spoke, there was an undeniable authority in her voice. "You have something to do, slave."
Obediently, Geoff got on his hands and knees. He crawled between his wife's legs and his tongue began to lap at her cum-filled pussy.
I saw his flaccid cock begin to harden as he went down on the cream pie I had left inside his wife.
Mimi began to moan as Geoff attended to her oral needs. Within a couple of minutes, he had brought her to a smaller, but no less fulfilling orgasm, with his mouth.
"Very good, my little slave," Mimi said dreamily. "You may thank your lovers now."
Submissively, Geoff crawled over to each of the other three girls and kissed their feet. Then he returned to his wife as she cradled him in her arms.
I slipped off the side of the bed and was about to cuddle up with my wives, when I heard soft whimpering coming from the bank of computer monitors. I looked over and saw Gabi tossing and turning in her bed.
Katie followed my gaze and our paternal instincts took over. We both started to reach for our robes, but I waved her off. "I'll take care of it; it's my turn."
"Wait!" Mimi reached for me. Her hand pulled me back for just a second. She kissed me deeply, even as her husband rested his head on her shoulder. "Thank you."
Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe.
When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside.
Stopping in the kitchen, I heard two pairs of footfalls coming up the steps. It was Yesmine and Melinda. Both were covered by plush robes like the one I was wearing. We stepped into the kitchen.
"Is everything okay?"Melinda asked. It's funny how in the span of about four minutes, we can go from fucking like rabbits to carrying on a conversation about our kids, isn't it?
"Yeah," I replied. "She's fine now."
"Where is everyone else?"
"I think Katie is in the process of making Geoff her bitch," Yesmine grinned. I reached into the fridge for a pitcher of filtered water. Both of the girls passed. I reached back in for a bottle of merlot. Yesmine accepted; Melinda declined.
"She's been looking forward to that for a long time," my wife said with a smirk. She retrieved two wine glasses from the cabinet and a Diet Pepsi from the pantry as I hunted through the drawers for a bottle opener.
"He's a good slave," Mimi commented. "He will make her very happy."
An awkward silence fell over the three of us.
I poured two glasses of wine and Melinda's Pepsi into a glass of ice.
"To new friends and new adventures," Yesmine said. Our glasses clinked together.
None of us said a word for a long moment. We were each lost to our own thoughts.
"Let's see what they're up to," Melinda suggested. Mimi looked on curiously as I walked over to the widescreen computer monitor that hung out from underneath one of the cabinets.
When we built the house, I wired every room with T3 network cable and recently upgraded to a gigabit secure wireless LAN. From the touchscreen monitor in the kitchen (or its counterparts throughout the house), we could access the internet or tap into the closed-circuit feeds from any of the security cameras. Usually we use them to keep an eye on the kids, although we could also use them to eavesdrop on just about anything that went on in the house. Some of the cameras are stationary, others can be controlled by the touchscreen monitors.
Sometimes, when two (or more) of us know the other(s) are watching, we'll put on a show. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a call from one of the girls "inviting" me to watch her masturbate. Tinted privacy screens cover the monitors to keep little people from seeing things they probably shouldn't. Plus they contain the light the computer monitors put out when we check them in the dark.
I pressed my finger against the biometric scanner and accessed the "secure" cameras. Mimi's eyes got wide as she watched the scene unfold before her.
Katie had a riding crop in her hands. Leah and Geoff were both on their knees in front of her. Their hands were clasped behind their necks, their chests stuck out.
Geoff's cock was hard again. A pair of nipple clips was chained to Leah's collar.
Katie was firmly in control. There was an inkling of fear in Geoff's eyes, but it was outshone by his excitement. Leah was in nothing less than pure heaven, giving herself to the lover who had captured her heart all those years ago.
The three of us only watched for a few minutes; it's hard to explain, but it was almost as if we were intruding on Katie's indoctrination of her new slave.
"Let's go to bed," Mimi whispered. I flipped the monitor off and Melinda and I retreated into our bedroom to freshen up. Yesmine went to the guest room. She joined us a few minutes later, having brushed her teeth and let her hair down. Her long tresses fell over her shoulders, highlighting her exotic beauty.
Melinda lit a couple of candles and set them on the nightstand next to the bed. We all shed our robes and climbed into the big bed. Both Melinda and I took a second to ogle Mimi's voluptuous body.
Yesmine lay between Melinda and I. We talked for a little while about our plans for the next day. A few minutes later, Leah came up from the basement, shed her robe, and joined us in the bed. Her face was flush. She had an empty, dreamy look in her eyes. Her breasts and the insides of her thighs were red and warm. Her ass showed the tell-tale marks of Mistress Katya's open palm. She climbed over me next to Mimi. I spooned up behind her. The insides of her thighs were slick with excitement.
Apparently, Katie wanted a few minutes alone with Geoff.
Our conversation turned to more intimate things.
"Your breasts are beautiful," Mimi said, taking of one my wife's enormous cups in her hands.
"Oh, bad move," Leah said under her breath. I chuckled a soft *tsk-tsk*; our old friend was about to get a lesson.
" 'Breasts'?" Melinda said, her voice thick with playful scorn. Mimi's eyes got wide when she realised she had made a little slip. Melinda thrust her chest forward while pulling Mimi by the hair. Her free hand went to her nipple and she practically forced it into the other girl's mouth. "Look here, bitch, these aren't breasts. These are tits, and they are fan-fucking-tastic! Understand?"
"Yes, Mistress," Mimi managed to breathe. That was her second mistake. Melinda struck her across the cheek.
"Katya is your mistress, not me," my wife said sternly. In my arms, Leah tensed. I could tell she was about to cream right there. She loves it when one of the other girls gets this tone in her voice.
"Yes, Melinda," Mimi said submissively. I could tell it was hard for her to adopt this role, but she was learning quickly.
"That's better," my wife said with a sly smile. Her grasp on the back of Mimi's head relaxed a little.
Our new lover explored Melinda with her mouth. She took a nipple in her mouth and caressed each of her big, full breasts . . . er, tits.
Melinda is not a vain woman. However, after Bryan was born, she felt very self-conscious about her breasts. For one, they are *huge*. Second, after two kids and thirty years of gravity, they had started to get saggy. So for her next birthday, the three of us pooled our money and took her in for a mastoplexy, or breast-lift. I won't get in to the specifics, but the plastic surgeon basically gave Melinda her old tits back. They stuck out high on her chest like when she was nineteen. She was the same cup size, but with no sag.
Of my other wives, Katie will never need anything done to her breasts. They're small, but perky. Next to Melinda, she feels very inadequate, but all of us love her just the way she is. A couple of times, she mentioned getting implants, but none of us want that. Leah's are somewhere in the middle. Hers have begun to show a little bit of sag, but they're remarkably firm. I'd say we'll probably be getting her a mastoplexy when she's done breast-feeding the four new kids.
As Leah and I watched Melinda and Mimi kiss one another, she turned and whispered in my ear. "So was Mimi better than us?"
There's a loaded question if I've ever heard one.
"Not as good as you," I smacked her across the backside which drew a squeal of delight. "How did you like Geoff's big dick?"
"I can't wait to have yours in my pussy while he's in my mouth," Leah sidestepped my question. I smiled back and we turned our attention back to the other two.
Melinda had let Mimi come out from between her breasts to get a gasp of air.
"Your tits are very nice, too, Mimi," I said, laughter dancing in my eyes. Melinda smiled wickedly.
"Thank you, Master," she replied.
"Oh, we won't start that yet," I winked. "Not without Mistress Katya."
Leah and I both reached out to feel her up. The fondling and groping continued for a while as we talked some more. It turned out that Mimi had the same lift procedure on her breasts and she compared notes with Melinda. I guess there was no way tits on a thirty-two year-old woman could look so good without help. And believe me . . . they looked *good!!!*
We were curled up and about to blow the candles out when we heard Katie and Geoff coming up from downstairs. I could hear Katie's soft footsteps, but Geoff sounded like he was clomping along on the hardwood floors.
It turns out he was crawling on his hands and knees. Naked. Katie . . . er, Mistress Katya if she was in character . . . wore a bathrobe as the rest of us had come upstairs. She held a leash in her hands that was affixed to a studded dog collar around Geoff's neck.
"Up here, boy," Katya said, taking a tone you might use on a golden retriever. She patted the mattress. Geoff obediently hopped up on the bed, never leaving his hands and knees. She scratched him behind his ears. "Sit! . . . Down! . . . Good Boy!"
Melinda looked amused. Leah looked envious. Mimi shuddered with anticipation.
Katie bent over and kissed Geoff gently. He beamed with pleasure.
"You have done a very good job in training your slave," Katie turned to Yesmine. "Thank you for sharing him with me."
"Everything I have is for you, Mistress Katya," Mimi replied.
Reaching around the back of Geoff's neck, Katie slipped the collar off our friend, signaling an end to the role play. She did not, however, remove the plug in his ass that was still softly vibrating away.
My three wives all seemed to be vying for Mimi's attention. Geoff hadn't moved. Even though he had been released by Katie, he and Mimi must have some arrangement still in effect.
Melinda made way as Katie climbed into the bed. All of us were naked except for the redhead. "So what have you guys been up to?"
"We were waiting for you," Mimi said.
"Waiting for me to what?"
"I don't know about them," Mimi's voice became deep and sultry. "But I've been waiting for you to fuck my brains out."
"Mmmmmmmm," Katie kissed her new lover and purred. "I like the sound of that."
The two fell into an almost natural embrace. Leah looked on, a twinge of jealousy in her eyes; I couldn't tell who she wanted to be more: Mimi or Katie. Melinda winked at me. I started to grind my rapidly-recovering cock into Leah's backside. Reaching around, I found her nipples were rock hard.
"Undress me," Katie whispered to the woman in her arms.
The two kissed passionately. Both women seemed to radiate lust.
Mimi broke away for just a second to address her husband. "Assume your position, slave."
Without hesitation, Geoff sprung to his knees and sat back on his heels. His hands went behind his back. His cock was flaccid, although like me, the sight of watching his wife making out with another woman was making him hard.
Katie lay back and pulled Mimi down on top of her. The two kissed again, their tongues intertwined. For a long moment, the only sounds to be heard were the deep breaths of the spectators.
The two women seemed lost in their own little world. Mimi cupped Katie's face in her hands.
"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Katie whispered when they both took a break to come up for air.
"I've done *this*," Mimi replied, leaning in for one more kiss. "But, no, I've never made love to a woman. In fact, before tonight, I've never made love to anyone but Geoff."
"So you're tripling your number right now?" Leah asked.
Mimi thought for a second. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm hoping to quintuple my number before the night ends."
"I think we can arrange that," Melinda giggled. She reached out to Leah and the four girls collapsed in a heap. Their hands and lips roamed one another. I could hear Geoff let out a tortured groan.
"So what's your number?" Mimi asked, looking over at me.
"Eight," I replied. "Present company included."
Mimi looked around the room.
"Six," Katie said. "Including you two."
Right after the four of us moved in together, Katie, Leah, Melinda and I had this conversation, so there were no surprises.
"Fourteen," Leah had the most lovers, which is odd only because she is the pickiest of us all. Go figure.
"Eleven," Melinda said.
"Have you girls always been bi?" Mimi asked, her libido apparently taking a backseat to her curiosity.
The threesome shared an amorous look.
"Leah turned me gay," Katie laughed.
"I started out as a LUG," Leah admitted. The two shared a secret smile. Many, many years ago, Leah and Mimi had done some drunk making-out, but had never gone beyond basic kissing. "You know that."
"And you?" Mimi asked Melinda.
"My first lover was another girl," my wife replied. "Cute little thing, too."
"So are you a lesbian who just likes guys, too?"
"I've never considered that," Melinda said thoughtfully. "I don't know that I ever thought of girls sexually. Growing up, all of my fantasies involved guys. Sometimes, though, I just found myself attracted to people and some of them happened to be other girls. When I was in high school, me and my best friend were a little curious and ended up . . . you know, fooling around. Only it was more than just comparing tits and clits."
"What did you like about her?" Mimi's whispered.
This detour down memory lane was making Melinda flush. Both Katie and Leah fidgeted. We don't often talk about our past lovers. We may be a polyamory and share each other freely, but bringing up old partners isn't something we normally do.
"We grew up together, much like you guys did," Melinda said after a moment. "She was thin and pretty, just like Katie . . ."
Melinda paused long enough to look over at our redheaded wife and give her a loving smile.
"So she wasn't a butchie?" Mimi asked.
"Not in the least," Melinda smiled gently at the memory. "For some reason, I like girly girls. After all, why be into girls who want to look like guys when you can just have a guy? I think Melanie is the reason why I fell in love with Katie so easily . . . they're very much alike."
Katie reached out and caressed Melinda's cheek. The two shared an intimate kiss and whispered some soft words in each others's ears before Melinda pulled back.
I wondered why Mimi was drawing this out. A few minutes ago, she and Katie had been hot and heavy ready to jump all over each other. Then I looked over at Geoff. He was sitting in what appeared to be a not-so-comfortable position. I smiled inwardly, realising this was probably Mimi's way of torturing him just a little more.
"Will you please make love to me?" Mimi said softly.
None of us spoke a response, but Katie drew our new lover's lips to hers. Even though Mimi was on top, Katie was firmly in control of the pace and intensity the pair took.
Their mouths wandered. Katie gasped when Mimi hit one of those spots just right. Yesmine's hands pushed Katie's robe down over her shoulders.
My wife lifted off the bed just enough to draw her arms free from the terrycloth. The two embraced. Once again, all they saw and felt was each other.
Except for Carl, I've been present each time Katie took a new lover. It was an odd contrast from eleven years ago, when she was a shy young girl who had lived a fairly sheltered life. The tables were now turned. Katie was no longer taking tentative steps. She was the "experienced" one.
Mimi seemed eager to please her new lover. Her eyes were hooded over with pleasure. After a few tentative—but eager—passes, she started to kiss Katie a little more passionately.
The nipples on both girls were erect as they rubbed together, Mimi's larger breasts pressing flat against Katie. The pair started to grind their hips together as Mimi's mouth began to wander.
My other wives looked on enviously. I was spooned up behind Leah and my rapidly-hardening cock was pressed against the slick spot between her legs. Pushing forward with my hips, I entered her with just the tip of my cock. We both purred with delight.
Melinda rolled off the other side of the bed and walked around so she was laying behind me. The three of us watched cuddled together as our other wife took a new lover and Geoff only looked on helplessly.
Katie's eyes were closed as Mimi began to kiss her all over. The pair fondled and explored each other with the excitement of taking a new lover. Katie cried out when Mimi began to suckle on her little nipples.
Mimi continued to work her way down Katie's body. Her lips left a trail of wet, sloppy kisses across the redhead's flat, baby-bearing belly.
I felt Melinda's big breasts against my back. She bit me gently at the base of my neck, sending a shiver throughout my body. Her arm reached across me and she groped one of Leah's breasts.
Unconsciously, our hips fell into rhythm with Katie's gyrations. With each stroke, I entered Leah a little deeper until her ass was pressed against me.
On the other side of the bed, Mimi planted a series of soft kisses on the sensitive part of Katie's inner thigh.
All six of us were breathing heavily. Yesmine looked up at her husband, as if seeking his permission. He was unmoving, his eyes glazed over. His cock stuck out from his body, its tip flaring. Mimi smiled at him, her gaze turning soft. Hearing no objection, she returned her attentions to my petite wife.
Katie spread her legs with anticipation. She wore a neatly-trimmed landing strip just above her labia, which were swollen and flush.
Taking a deep breath, Mimi stuck her tongue out and made a quick, exploratory pass at Katie's engorged clit. She must have liked it because she instantly went back for another.
No one spoke. Katie's mouth fell open. Mimi's initial restraint slowly gave way to some primal urge. Leah, Melinda and I fell into a natural rhythm.
Her ass sticking up in the air, Mimi buried her face between our wife's thighs. Katie threw her head back and gasped. Taking a handful of Yesmine's thick, full hair, she pulled her new lover down while thrusting forward with her hips at the same time.
I could practically feel Leah's and Melinda's hearts racing. Katie's toes were curled up. Her eyes were narrow slits as she watched Mimi eating her out.
What she lacked in experience or technique, she more than made up with genuine, unbridled enthusiasm. Mimi's tongue lapped at Katie's pussy, while cupping her ass with one hand. Two fingers from the other hand worked in and out of the pussy that was spread before her.
Reaching around, my hand strayed to between Leah's legs. She spread them for me as I searched for her button. With my cock inside her, Melinda playing with one of her breasts and me stroking her clit, Leah began to moan softly.
"Oh, god, Mimi!" Katie broke the silence. "Right there . . . that's it . . . right . . . fucking eat that pussy . . . oh! . . . don't . . . don't stop . . ."
Her voice trailed off as she threw her head back into the pillows. She let out an ear-splitting scream that was pure ecstasy. All the while Mimi never let up. She continued her assault on Katie's pussy, sucking down all of her lover's juices.
Leah shuddered at the same instant. I didn't orgasm, but just thrust into her as hard as I could. I continued to rub her clit and Melinda pulled herself closer to us.
We watched Katie ride out her orgasm as Mimi finally pulled back and let her down slowly.
The only sound in the room was Katie's laboured wheezing. Mimi gave her pussy one final kiss then she cuddled up to her new lover. They lay like that for a few moments, speaking so softly that we couldn't hear them.
My eyes lingered on the almost-perfect globes of Mimi's rear end until she rolled over on her back. The pair lay side by side for a second.
Mimi spread her legs and motioned to her husband. In an instant, he bounded over Katie and pounced on his wife. His cock slipped into her easily, but his true attention was focused on kissing her.
He lapped at Mimi's face, as if trying to clean Katie's juice. They kissed passionately and seemed to forget about the four of us.
Katie rolled over to the side of the bed where the three of us lay. Leah took Katie in her arms even as my cock was still inside her.
We lay together for a long while. After several minutes, Mimi and Geoff de-coupled, although it didn't appear that they were done.
Yesmine reached for Katie. Her voice was soft. "Thank you."
"No, thank *you*," our wife replied in a sultry voice. "You were wonderful."
Mimi blushed.
"Would you like to stay with us tonight?" Melinda asked for the four of us. In all of our emails and conference calls and advance planning, sleeping arrangements were something we had never settled upon.
Geoff and Mimi exchanged a look. He spoke for them. "Not tonight. I think I need to go make love to my wife."
"I think so, too," Katie said gently.
With that, Geoff stood by the side of the bed and scooped Mimi up into his arms. He carried her out of the bedroom. Neither bothered to dress. The girls all giggled at the sight of the plug that still protruded from his backside.
Melinda blew out the candles and the four of us curled up together. None of us spoke. We each de-compressed the night's adventures in our own way, but we held one another close, knowing that our bond may have been tested. I got the feeling that in some ways we all grew closer that evening.
I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin.
Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder.
With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the tangle of bodies and went to the bathroom to do my morning business. When I returned to the bedroom, Katie stirred. She yawned and stretched.
Flashing me a dazed morning smile, Katie folded into my arms as I pulled her petite form close to me. I carried her through the house to our sun room. It was enclosed by glass but was heated. The furnace had automatically turned on about a half hour before. Even in late May/early June, the Carolina mornings can be a bit brisk, but our favourite time to make love is as the sun comes up.
I set myself down on one of the chaise lounges, sitting upright with my legs folded. Katie lowered herself on to my lap while facing me. Her legs wrapped around my waist.
My cock was slow to wake but being so close to Katie's hot little box brought him to life with very little effort. We kissed gently. Our bodies generated enough heat to make up for not wearing clothes.
Her hips began to move in a slow circle as she brushed her clit against the bottom of my cock.
When I was hard enough, she lifted up just enough to take me inside her. Neither of us was in a hurry. We both knew the kids would be getting up soon and then we had a full day ahead of us.
"I love you," I whispered in her ear.
"Even if I just had an affair?" she asked.
I smiled gently and kissed the side of her neck. "I had Mimi first."
The two of us giggled and only pulled each other closer. Her head rested on my shoulder. My embraced enveloped her. We stayed like that for a long time before I spoke again.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" I asked.
"I'm sure," she said, her voice shaky.
"You're not going to like some of the things I do," I warned. "And you're not going to like some of the things you're going to have to do."
"I know," Katie whispered.
"We're going to break her," my tone was firm, but not devoid of dread. This was something we had talked about repeatedly over the last few weeks. It required total commitment from all parties involved. Katie was the wild card in all of this. After all, she knew what was coming; she had lived through it once. Now she was going to be on the other side.
"I know," she repeated, even though she wouldn't look me in the eye. The rest of our day was scripted out. I only hoped she was going to make it through.
Of the children, Bryan and Kaylee woke up first followed shortly by Tiffany and Jeremy. Both Gabi and Gwen were content to sleep in. Despite having company, our morning routine passed as usual. Melinda woke up as Katie and I showered.
We fixed the kids a quick snack then began cooking a big, country-style breakfast. Mimi and Geoff came in following the smell of bacon. Both seemed to glow. Leah was still asleep in our bed. On the baby monitors, we heard Gwen and Gabi stirring. Katie and I went upstairs and carried the girls down, dropped them in the big bed and let them cuddle up to their Mommy.
Saturday mornings are one of the few times that we all have together and we included our house guests in what we usually do: a whole lot of nothing.
The kids played with their new friends. Leah and the twins eventually hauled themselves out of bed and joined the rest of us. We hung out for the rest of the morning doing some chores and talking. Just after lunch, Melinda and Leah piled our kids into the Suburban and took Geoff and Mimi and their kids down to Biltmore Village for some shopping.
Katie and I took the opportunity for some afternoon delight and caught a quick nap. We had a big night ahead of us, after all.
When everyone else returned, we were in the middle of cooking dinner. I pressed Mimi into helping us, and no sooner had everyone else gone downstairs to play than Katie and I began to molest her. Somehow, her ass always seemed to back itself into my open palm and her mouth seemed to find one of Katie's super-sensitive breasts in it with alarming frequency.
"We're going to fuck the shit out of you tonight, whore," I whispered in her ear and her nipples crinkled right up.
"I hope you liked eating pussy because you're going to eat your husband's cum out of mine later," Katie promised. Mimi's eyes danced with anticipation.
Dinner passed without incident. The kids played amongst themselves, seemingly oblivious to the innuendo being thrown around by the adults. Just like the night before, we ended up watching a kid's movie on TV. I fell asleep on the couch with Gwen in my lap, Gabi in one arm and Melinda in the other.
When I awoke, Mimi was on her knees in front of me. Naked. She had managed to open my belt without waking me, but was just a little too clumsy when tugging on my zipper.
"Mistress Katya told me wake you with a kiss," she said with a sly smile.
I started to reply but instead struck her across the chest. Mimi recoiled with shock and surprise. I reached out and grabbed a head full of her hair. She let out a yelp.
"You woke me with your clumsy hands, bitch," I snarled. I figured that since she wasn't wearing any clothes, the kids had gone to bed. I stood. "Take out my cock, slut."
Mimi rushed to comply. There was panic on her face, which was good. I started to get hard at the thought of what we had planned for her.
"Suck it," the command crept into my voice. She quickly complied, although I could tell that she was still going to need some time becoming accustomed to being the one receiving the commands instead of giving them.
Laying back, I savoured the feel of Mimi's mouth on my cock. She was an accomplished fellatrix and I had to push her head back to keep from cumming in her mouth. I stood and pulled my shorts up. As I walked over to the door of our playroom, Mimi followed, crawling on her hands and knees.
We entered the room and I began putting her though the paces. First I had Mimi retrieve a worn leather belt that hung from one of the bedposts. As she did so, I ran through the cameras throughout the house. All the kids were asleep. Katie and Melinda were working Leah and Geoff over.
Over the next hour or so, I began my indoctrination of my new "slave". I gave her short, clipped instructions. Hesitation brought the snap of the belt across her backside. An incorrect response or failure to follow the directions properly brought the same. And sometimes, I struck her just for the hell of it.
She was a quick learner and I had to find excuses to use the belt. I don't know if Mimi was more eager to please me or if she was trying to avoid punishment. This first part of her training brought no arousal from me. In fact, it was the part I hated the most.
What I needed was Mimi's instant obedience. She didn't have the luxury of thought or reason. I had to get her to the point of unconscious reaction.
After a little while, Katie came down from the upstairs bedroom. The door opened and Mimi's head shot around. Instantly, I struck her across the backside.
"You never look up at your Mistress!" I thundered, raining a series of blows down on her ass until it turned a bright, hot red. "Keep your eyes down, bitch!"
Katie's robe fell to the floor. She was wearing a pair of black lace panties and a wry smile. "May I take over, Master?"
"Of course," I said, a bit of relief in my voice. I held the belt out to our slave. "Kiss it."
Obediently, Mimi's lips touched the hard leather, though her eyes remained downcast. She was learning.
Taking over, Mistress Katya reached for the riding crop that hung from one of the bed posts.
"I have something for you," she said to Yesmine. "It's something of your husband's. On your knees . . . Too slow!"
She struck Mimi across the backside, drawing a yelp of pain. I had left both of our new lover's cheeks bright red, and Mistress Katya's riding crop had to sting.
Katya thrust her crotch forward into Mimi's waiting mouth. The dark-haired girl lapped at her mistress's pussy, drinking down the cum Geoff had left inside my wife. Mistress Katya purred with delight as our new lover made love to her with her tongue. For someone who had never been with a women prior to the night before, she was a quick learner.
Still, we both knew that this wasn't the time for pleasure. I saw a dark look pass across Katie's eyes, then she suddenly pulled Mimi by the hair, drawing a surprised gasp.
Without a word, Katya began to beat Mimi across the backside with her riding crop. Mistress Katya yelled and cursed at our new slave, berating her for being sloppy and clumsy.
When I noticed Katie's eyes begin to well up, I stepped back in and struck Mimi with my favourite leather whip. This went on well into the night. We were very careful never to strike her too hard; the object was to break her emotionally, not injure her physically.
Nothing Mimi did was ever good enough for us. She was always too slow. Her movements never exact enough for us. We called her all sorts of names. A ball gag found its way into her mouth and nipple clips brought our slave to tears.
It's hard to please a single Master or Mistress, much less two, but that's what we demanded of our slave.
Yesmine wasn't helped by the fact that the previous day was spent running around with the kids and our families. That Katie and I had a nice little nap was not a coincidence.
Right after midnight, Mimi finally broke. Her arms were bound above her head and she was standing on her tip toes. The clothespins on her breasts surely were uncomfortable, if not downright torturous. Her body was covered with red marks from where we had struck her with our open palms, whips and all manner of other devices designed to cause sharp stings, but not permanent injury.
"Stop crying, you stupid whore!" I thundered when Yesmine burst into tears. Up until that moment she had taken everything like a trooper. The last of the defiance in her eyes was snuffed out. If she was going to use our pre-arranged "safe" word, that was the moment. She didn't, even as she sobbed for breath.
I struck her a few more times across the belly and rear end, which only drew more gasps. Looking over, I saw Katie about to break, too. I had to end this quickly, lest our slave see weakness in her Mistress.
With one fluid motion, I released the rope holding Mimi up. She collapsed onto the floor, unable to move. Tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks.
"You disgust me," I snarled in Mimi's ear. The slipknot holding her wrists came undone quickly. I pulled her hands around behind her back, then secured them with a pair of un-padded cuffs. Her hair fell over her face, her cheek resting on the cold hardwood floor. Katie stood mutely by as I bound Mimi's ankles then tied the cuffs together.
She was bent back in the most awkward of positions. Her breasts stuck out, but the scene was hardly arousing. Unable to move, all our slave could do was cry, gasping for breath.
"You're weak," I spat. "We'll be back for you later. Don't you dare move."
Taking Katie by the arm, I led her out of the room, pausing only to flip the lights out. Mimi was left in the darkened room. There were no windows, only a handful of amber lights on the inactive computer monitors.
As I shut the door, I looked up to see Katie bury her face in her hands.
"Not here," I whispered. Scooping my wife up in my arms, I carried her to the couch in the basement.
Katie was crying almost as hard as Mimi. I gathered a blanket around us, held her close and stroked her hair.
"Why?" she whispered. "Why did we have to take it so far?"
I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts. I knew this first session would be the hardest on us all. Katie likes to be in control, as does Yesmine. For this arrangement to work, the pecking order had to be clearly established. We had talked about it before Mimi and Geoff had arrived; I don't think Katie quite appreciated the emotional toll it was going to take on her.
After all, Geoff was already broken. For him, it was simply a matter of accepting a new Mistress. With Yesmine, everything had to be stripped away for her to learn submission. There was a method to the madness. A Master or Mistress doesn't whip or strike their slave(s) out of malice. It is never done in anger.
This sounds kind of odd unless you have been through it, but a Master or Mistress beats their slave out of love. The object isn't simple control. It's not even about discipline. It's about surrender.
In submitting to a Master/Mistress, the slave is surrendering control. They are showing complete and unconditional trust in the person holding their collar. In accepting that slave, the Master or Mistress in turn is binding their own self to another person and accepting responsibility for them.
It takes a certain kind of person to be a Master or Mistress and it takes a different mentality to be the slave. That's why neither Leah nor I have ever switched roles. Although Katie likes to be dominant over the girls, I'm not wired that way, so she never had a chance to try it out with a guy until Geoff showed up and offered himself to her.
Melinda is one of the few people who can switch between the top or the bottom with relative ease, and in some ways I envy that in her. Mimi was learning, and in the previous night, she came close. Mistress Katya and I had broken her down. Now we just needed to build her back up.
So far Katie had only seen the first part of the training, and it was hard on her. Just as it had been hard on me when I did it to her. But just as parents need to let their kids cry sometimes, a Master or Mistress needs to let their slave do the same. I only hoped both women understood the reasons why.
"Because Yesmine needs to see that you are in control," I said gently. "And you need to understand how much trust she has in you."
"I don't know if I can do this again," Katie wiped her eyes.
"It gets better," I flashed her a weak smile. "Mimi's a blank canvas right now. Did you see how she was reacting instantly to our commands? She's not thinking, and that's good. Tomorrow morning we'll start fresh."
My wife took a couple of deep breaths before speaking again. "Is it easier the second time?"
"No," I replied gently. "It's never easy."
"Why didn't you ever do this to Melinda or Leah?"
I brushed the hair out of her face. "Because with them, there was never any doubt about who is in control."
"So they gave themselves to you just like that?"
"No, Katie," I brought her lips up to mine. "I gave myself to *them*. My heart has belonged to Melinda and Leah from the beginning. There was no control to give up because they have always had it. Not in the physical sense . . . no matter what I do to them, it is always out of love. They know that. They trust me. They know that I want nothing more than to bring them the same pleasure that I feel when I'm playing the role of their Master."
"Then why did you do this to me?"
"Because I fell in love with you, Katelyn Marie," my own eyes began to water. "When you said you wanted to join Leah and I in our games, I knew that I was going to have to give myself over to you, as well as to the other girls. You may call me 'Master', but the collar you wear is a symbol of my love as well. With it you have my heart and no matter how painful the blow, know that it's only love that drives it."
"Does this mean we're falling in love with Mimi?" Katie breathed.
I only shrugged. "Maybe a little bit. I can't imagine taking a slave and having no emotional investment at all. I love you, Katie. I hope after tonight you understand just how much . . . we've done quite a number on Mimi; it took me three nights in a row to get you to break. But when you look into her eyes tomorrow, and you see the desire there . . . and you see that she wants nothing other than to please *you*, you'll understand what it truly means to be a Mistress."
"Why is it different with Leah?"
"Because we've had eleven years together," I wiped the remaining tears away. "The four of us know one another probably better than we know ourselves. Just as I have given my heart to the three of you, you have given yours to us. Those were the vows we took a couple of months ago, remember? The four of us had more time; we had to break Mimi in a night, but the basic process was the same. All of the walls each of us built up had to be broken down, then built back up with trust and love and understanding. You and Leah fell into it so naturally . . . and remember it wasn't until we were together for a couple of years that the play really got rough between you two."
Pulling my wife close to me, we stayed downstairs for a little while longer. I checked the secure monitors and saw Mimi still laying on the floor, her arms and legs bound. She had cried herself to sleep and every now and then twitched or moaned. I gathered Katie's lithe form in my arms, then carried her upstairs to the guest suite. Quietly I checked the other monitors in the house. The kids were all asleep. The other adults were in our master bedroom.
Melinda was laying in the big bed, Leah on one side, Geoff on the other. All three were blissfully unaware of what had gone on in the basement. I turned out all the lights, checked one more time on Mimi, then climbed into bed with my wife. Cuddling up together, Katie and I lay in each others's arms, waiting for the morning to come.
When the alarm went off, I sat up in the bed, then gently roused my wife. It was still dark outside. We needed to move quickly, before the rest of the house came to life.
Slipping on our robes, the two of us went downstairs to the "dungeon".
Mimi was right where we left her. I had looked in on her a couple of times throughout the short night. She seemed to be okay. Physically, at least.
When the door opened, her eyes jerked awake. I didn't fling it open, nor did I say anything. I walked over to the center of the room where Mimi lay. Katie silently followed behind me.
Unconsciously, Mimi started to tremble. Her eyes darted around, having been suddenly roused from her slumber. I could tell she was anticipating being struck at any moment. Little did she know that nothing of the sort awaited her this morning.
I stood in front of her.
"Good morning, slave," my voice was firm, but gentle.
"Good morning, Master," her reply came automatically.
"Greet your Mistress."
Without hesitation, Mimi shuffled as best she could to where Katie was standing. Mimi kissed her feet. "Good morning, Mistress Katya."
Katie reached down and brushed the hair out of Mimi's face. The other woman looked up, fear in her eyes.
I took a second to look her over in the dim light. Mimi's tears had dried and most of the marks had gone away. Her wrists and ankles were red from the cuffs. Drawing the key out of the pocket in my robe, I took the shackles off our slave. Instantly Mimi was on her hands and knees, her eyes downcast. From her movements, I could tell her entire body ached. That was by design.
Without another word, Katie draped a plush terrycloth robe around Mimi's shoulders. I gathered her in my arms. Her body was limp; she was completely exhausted: physically, mentally, emotionally. Katie led us up the steps to the guest suite.
I set Mimi on the toilet, instructed her to relieve herself then closed the door. Katie began drawing a nice hot bubble bath. After a moment, my wife opened the door to the water closet. Fresh tears rolled down Mimi's cheeks.
None of us spoke. I gently lifted our slave to her feet. Her legs trembled but we made it to the big whirlpool tub that's big enough for four (not a coincidence). The three of us shed our clothes then got in.
Yesmine practically melted into our arms.
"You did very well last night," I said softly. She unconsciously smiled at the praise.
"Yes, you will make a fine slave," Katie echoed.
In sharp contrast to the night before, the two of us tenderly rubbed our lover's body from head to toe. Her legs were cramped up from being left in the same position for the last several hours. Her shoulders ached. Her arms were sore.
The look in her eye told me she wouldn't have traded that feeling for the world.
I think the three of us spent close to an hour in the bathtub. We didn't speak, except to tell our slave how proud we were of her.
Just as the sun was coming up, I pulled the plug on the tub. Katie and I helped Mimi to her feet then led her to the king-sized bed. We spooned up together with Mimi in the middle and dozed off. When I heard someone—probably Melinda—stirring, I roused Katie from her sleep then we left Mimi in bed by herself.
She was out like a light, but she unconsciously smiled as we each gave her a parting kiss.
Geoff and Leah were still in bed. Katie gave each of them a sharp *smack!* across the backside, then instructed Geoff to get in bed with his wife, but also to be careful not to wake her.
After a quick check of the monitors, I saw the kids were still asleep, so Katie and I snuggled up with Leah to get a few moments of rest before the next day began.
*I can't thank my editor, michchick98, enough!* |
1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 05 | 77,763 | 4.54 | 544,901 | [
"erotic couplings",
"first times",
] | When you think about it, the decision to move in together, off campus, was pretty much a slam dunk.
After that fateful night, several weeks ago, when Tess & Jean hooked up with Becks, one could hardly go anywhere on campus without seeing at least two of the trio together. More often, though, it was The Three Amigoes (their pet name for themselves) strutting around the picturesque campus.
There was a bit of talk about their friendship from some of Becks' teammates, mostly wondering why Becks wanted to hang with non-athletes instead of the jocks.
"S'matter Becks, we not good enough for you anymore?" some had teased. Becks shrugged it off and simply said in response, "Hey, I hang with them 'cause I know they have my back, all the time, unlike some of you two-faced bitches."
Well, that was true enough. Some of the very same team members who questioned her new friendship with Tess and Jean were the same chicks who gladly spread their legs for Becks in secret, late-night trysts, but would act as if Becks was a social pariah outside of team play.
Becks was 'out', had been so since the end of her freshman year in college. Tess and Jean, on the other hand, had no issue hanging out with Becks, known lesbian or not. Becks respected that and, besides, Tess and Jean were dynamite lovers.
Tess and Jean's parents thought it a good idea, as well, for the three girls to share a place, off-campus, and as it turned out, off-campus housing would cost them less than the dorm fees, so win-win, from their view point.
Of course, the fact that Becks' dad had connections in the real estate business of the city didn't hurt.
"Damn, please tell me that's the last fucking box we have to haul upstairs," Becks said,complaining to Tess and Jean as they moved into their new abode.
"I sure as shit hope so," Tess agreed, "I've got nothing left in the tank," dropping the big box onto the floor, not so gently, at that.
"I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize how much stuff I had," Jean said, apologetically.
"I sure as hell could have told you how much crap you had, girl; remember, I shared a small dorm room with you and didn't hardly have room for my shit," Tess replied.
"The good news, Tessie-baby, is that she has to put her crap away, not us," Becks teasingly said.
"Got that right!" Tess agreed.
It was a three day project getting them moved into the rather large, three bedroom, old Victorian house a few blocks from campus. The downstairs was all living/kitchen/dining space; the upstairs was three bedrooms and two large bathrooms. There was an add-on half-bath downstairs, as well. But now, it was done. Finished. Well, except for the unpacking part but they could take their time about that since the new semester was still two weeks away.
When the trio first talked about it, it was decided that each would have their own bedroom. Of course they were sleeping with each other, a lot, but having your own room also meant that each could bring 'dates' home and have some privacy. They decided to set some ground rules, over beers, after having moved all of their shit to the house. All that was left was the-ugh-unpacking and putting away crap.
"I mean, seriously, do we really need ground rules?" Becks asked Tess and Jean.
"Probably just so there's never any misunderstandings," Tess offered as reason number 1.
"And probably, just so we don't intrude on personal or private time," Jean offered as reason number 2.
"Already got your sights set on some new pussy, Jeannie-baby?" Becks asked teasingly.
"Maybe," Jean answered coyly.
"Do tell," Tess chimed in, more than a little intrigued by Jean's remark, "Last time you had a crush on someone we wound up fucking the black bitch," smiling and winking at Becks when saying it. Becks knew that Tess was teasing and took no offense.
"Yeah, that's right, you honky trash and you looove my little black pussy, bitch; you know you do," winking back at Tess.
"Well, can't say that you're wrong about that," Tess admitted with a smile. Becks was right. Tess did love that little black pussy, loved it a lot, in fact.
"Only black on the outside; all pink on the inside; found out for myself," Jean tossed in, her own two cents worth now on the table.
"Oh yeah, you surely did, girl," Becks commented with a wink to Jean, now.
"So, what are we saying here?" Becks remarked to get the discussion back on track and over with.
"Simple. Bedroom doors closed, privacy wanted; doors opened, an invite. Agreed?" Tess asked the other two.
"Sure." Becks and Jean agreed. Discussion over, now on to the ugly part; unpacking and putting away their shit........
Tess's new schedule found it's way to her after her mother remailed it from their home. Checking to see that she got the classes she had selected, she smiled broadly when she found that space was found for her with Dr. Willie's World History 3, a Junior/Senior level course. A few well-placed tongue flicks should be able to keep her in good stead with Dr. Willie, Tess mused. Not that she wouldn't actually study or do the work, no, that wasn't like her at all. But, as in life, in college you play with whatever advantages circumstance hands you.
The rest of her courses were exactly as she applied for, right down to the days and times of her classes. Cool, she thought, this will be a good semester, she predicted to herself.
"Hey, babe, what's shakin'?" Becks called to Tess as she closed the front door behind her.
"Nuttin' honey, just going over my schedule and lovin' the fact that it's just as I want," Tess replied with a beaming smile, exchanging cheek-kisses with Becks afterwards, "How 'bout you?"
"Got a problem, sweetie," Becks said with a face that betrayed sadness, horror, and/or a million other bad things one might think of.
"Oh Shit! What? What's wrong?" Tess asked, genuinely concerned.
"Got a pain, a really bad pain that just won't go away," Becks explained further, her face contorted as if in severe pain.
"Where? What...here, sit down, I'll get you some water," Tess busily said, her concern ramping up now.
"Maybe you can help me up to my room, help me get into bed, that'll help a lot," Becks said as she slowly ambled towards the stairwell.
"Sure, not a problem. Want me to call somebody?" Tess asked as she put her arm around Becks to help her as she started climbing the stairs.
"Yeah, sweetie. Call my doctor. You know the one, Dr. Loooove," Becks said with a hint of a grin on her face, now.
"You skanky-assed bitch," Tess hissed at Becks, realizing, now, that she had had her chain yanked by Becks.
"Does that mean you won't help me feel better?" Becks asked, still grinning.
"No, you cunt, it means that you owe me two orgasms for your one," Tess replied, her own face showing a smirk, now.
"Otay, Buckwheat," Becks replied, taking Tess' hand in hers, "But, me first; I'm so horny I could almost fuck a man."
"Wow, that's horny," Tess laughingly agreed.
Her eyes closed, Tess was drunk with the intoxicating taste and scent of Becks' pussy. She happily took her time in performing cunnilingus on Becks. She didn't want to rush, didn't feel the need to rush, she wanted it to last a long time, wanted to savor the taste that was Becks.
"Ooooh yeah, baby.....you do know how to rock momma's world, yeah, baby, just like that," Becks cooed, her own eyes closed in pleasure, her hips gently moving in concert with Tess' mouth and tongue.
They were so engrossed in what they were doing in Becks' bed that they didn't hear Jean when she came home. Didn't hear Jean when she walked up the stairs looking for them. Didn't hear or sense Jean as she leaned against the doorframe of Becks' room, gazing at the scene in Becks' bed. No, the first awareness they had of Jean's presence was when Tess felt a tongue flick across the back of her neck, just before she felt a hand, then a finger fondle her pussy from behind, then enter her.
Tess didn't stop her munching of Becks, no, what she did was to spread her legs a wee bit further apart so that Jean could properly finger her as she drank of Becks' juices.
"Oh damnit girl, damnit to hell, don't you dare stop now, you hear me," Becks moaned aloud as she held onto Tess' head and hair with both hands, her hips almost a blur as they rocked against Tess' mouth. Tess tightened her grip on Becks' hips, moaning in concert with Becks from Jean's fingering of her, muffling her cry of orgasm into Becks' pussy as they both quaked with spasms of joy, of release, of unbridled pleasure.
"Sweet Jesus, but that was fucking good," Becks finally said after catching her breath, "Holy crap, but that was soooo fucking good!"
"More where that came from, sweetcheeks," Tess gasped, "but not for a while; I've got to rest, my jaw's sore."
"How 'bout you, Becks? Your jaw sore?" Jean said, causing Becks to open her eyes and look towards Jean, who was getting out of her clothes, dropping them behind her as she crawled onto the bed and over Becks' head.
"How 'bout you, Becks?" Jean said as she lowered her pussy towards Becks smiling face.
"Never too sore for your sweet snatch," Becks replied with a broad grin as her hands gripped Jean's ass, pulling her pussy towards her mouth.........
They were three weeks into the new semester, most of the bullshit startup crap behind them all. Now, it was into the 'meat' of their courses, no more easy days. The work load did cut into their playtime with each other, not a lot, but enough that they all commented on it at one time or another.
The girls, as a live-together unit, really worked well. They liked being with each other, liked each other's company, was respectful of each other, in general. With their course loads beginning to settle into a routine, they decided one night that they should throw a house-warming party.
"Need to be selective as to who we invite," Becks counseled her two house-mates over beers that night, "Don't want a bunch of loud, drunk, trouble makers, for damn sure!"
"Why don't we just make it a girls-only party?" Jean suggested, "Sororities do it all the time and, well, we're almost a Sorority, don't you think?"
"All the pussy that's been eaten in this house? Yeah, I'd pretty much say we're like a Sorority," Tess chimed in, causing all three to laugh at the remark.
"I know that's true," Becks retorted.
"Seriously. I mean we all know plenty of girls that would love a girls-only night, don't we?" Jean pressed her issue further.
Becks and Tess nodded in agreement, Tess adding, "We could make it a real mixer; invite some straights, some bi's, even some dykes that are on campus. Hell, it'd be fun to see how that mix turned out."
"Can't let it get out of control," Becks chirped.
"Need to be really selective; keep it on the down-low as much as possible so we don't have to deal with crashers," Tess contributed.
"Could be a fun night," Jean argued once more for her cause.
Eventually, the three of them fell into agreement, set a date, and started making plans for the First Annual Girls Night Soiree at their place...........
"Good turnout," Becks commented to Tess as they passed in the hallway that led from the kitchen to the living/dining area, the dining area having been turned into a dance floor which was getting plenty of use.
"Yeah, it is," Tess replied, her eyes joining Becks' as they looked at the girls dancing to some serious funk/hip-hop grooves of Becks' party-mix CDs.
The thing is, unless they're really, really drunk, you never see a group of guys break into dance moves with each other. Chicks? Well, put on a groove and their bodies seem to go into auto-pilot, dancing, grinding, letting the rhythyms move their soul.
Not a bad thing.
"Seen Jean?" Tess asked before they each headed to wherever it was they were going when they met in the hallway.
Rolling her eyes upward, Becks leaned in so that Tess could hear her above the music, "Saw her heading upstairs about a half-hour ago with two of the Butch-Babes in tow."
"Again?" Tess asked, mouth agape.
The party had started at seven, and given Jean's limited capacity to hold her liquor, by seven-thirty she was tipsy and loose, emphasis on the word 'loose'. Seeking out the girl-love friendly gals that she had Becks and Tess point out to her when she started drinking, Jean had managed, by eleven, to have made two previous trips upstairs to her room, each with a different chickadee in arm.
"Girl's getting her freak on, tonight," Tess said further.
"Tru dat," Becks agreed, "See you later, got a newbie I'm working on," Becks said in leaving.
"Good luck," Tess replied, "I'm going to mingle a bit."
And mingle she did, stopping to talk with several differnt chicks, or groups of chicks, prowling, responding to her gay-dar pings, keeping her options open. Oh, she was going to get some pussy tonight, of that she had little doubt; worse case scenario would be a little sixty-nine session with either Becks or Jean.
Not a bad thing, mind you.
At around one in the morning, their house had thinned quite a bit of party-goers. The music had slowed down, the tunes dreamy, soulful, the kind of music that you stood in place, barely moving, slowly grinding with your partner.
Most, but not all, of the straights had gone by then. There were one or two left, the more adventurous ones, the ones not scared by lez chicks on the prowl. There were a few couples on the floor, grinding and kissing to unheard music. One or two couples in various stages of make-out, groping sessions on couches, on sofas. Hell, Tess walked into the downstairs half-bath and found a 'Barbie' sitting on the vanity, her dress hiked up over her waist, and one of the Butch-Babes giving the Barbie, what looked to be, a world-class pussy eating.
"Lock the door, guys, sheeeesh," Tess commented while rolling her eyes.
Walking down the stairs from using one of the upstairs bathrooms, Tess spied the chick that had pretty much caught her attention early on in the evening. A really cute chick of Asian bloodlines that Tess kinda' kept her on her radar throughout the night, saw her dancing several times to the faster tunes, saw in conversations with different groups or party goers.
No time like the present, Tess decided.
"Hey, been meaning to introduce myself to you earlier, but...." Tess said, looking around at the party aftermath that was beginning to show, indicating that she had her hands full most of the evening, "Anyway, I'm Tess, one of the house-mates that lives here."
"Yeah, one of the girls I talked with earlier had pointed the three of you guys out to me; I'm Soo, 2 O's, not UE."
"Get you a beer or something?" Tess asked, walking towards the kitchen, her body language encouraging Soo to follow along.
"Yeah, that'd be great; great party, by the way, lots of fun people tonight," Soo commented, idly.
"No major disasters-yet-thank God," Tess said with a chuckle.
"Most of the people are gone, it looks like," Soo said as she took the offered beer from Tess' hands.
"Some die-hards still hanging on," Tess commented as they looked upon the few guests that were left, most in some form of make-out scenario.
"You're still here, aren't you?" Tess commented, with a smile.
"Yeah...See that blonde on the dance floor?" Soo asked.
"Yeah, you mean the one in a serious lip-lock with the redhead?" Tess asked.
"Mindy. My ride here but I'm guessing, not my ride back to the dorm; She just informed me that she and her new friend were going over to red's apartment to "talk"," Soo clarified, laughing afterwards.
"Talk. More like, get her pussy licked," laughing some more after she added that.
Tess quickly took in the vision that was Soo while Soo was explaining her situation. Five-four'ish, maaaaybe one-oh-five, on a fat day, flawless skin, pouty lips, and from what she could tell, very small boobs, almost school-girl boobs, Tess figured.
"You're straight, aren't you," Tess asked out of the blue.
"You're not; neither are your house-mates," Soo said in way of an answer.
"Doesn't answer my question," Tess prodded, leaning against the kitchen counter at the same time.
"Is there a category for 'Curious'?," Soo asked/answered.
"There is," Tess answered, setting her beer on the counter afterwards, "Dance?"
The beautiful sounds of Etta James' "At Last' was just starting. Who doesn't like to dance to that tune?
"Never slow-danced with another girl," Soo said, setting her own beer on the counter, next to Tess'.
"Always a first time for everything," Tess replied, then taking Soo's hand in hers, she led Soo out onto the dimly lit, uncrowded, dance floor.
"Just relax," Tess instructed, "I'll lead, you follow, let the music move you," placing her hands on Soo's almost non-existent waist as Soo wrapped her arms around Tess' shoulders, her hands clasping each other behind Tess's head.
They danced well together, their bodies visibly relaxing, becoming comfortable with each other's movements. Slowly, as they danced, the space between their bodies melted away until, by the end of the song, they were firmly against each other's body. Another slow song started immediately as Etta's mournful voice faded away.
"Dance some more?" Soo asked, "You really dance well," Soo asked, settling against Tess without waiting for an answer.
"Curious, huh?" Tess said as her lips moved closer to Soo's ear.
"For a while, actually," Soo replied, pulling away so that she and Tess could look at each other while talking.
"How come?" Tess pressed.
"Don't know, just am; played a kissing game with some girls in my senior year in High School and, I don't know, just kinda' piqued my curiosity about sex between women," Soo answered as honestly as she knew how.
"Yeah, those kissing games in High School gets many a chick," Tess jokingly replied.
"How about you? Have you always liked girls?" Soo asked, moving back to dance close to Tess' body again.
"Yeah, pretty much," Tess admitted honestly.
"When was your first time?" Soo asked, tightening her arms around Tess when she did so.
"First time what? Kissing a girl? Feeling a girl? What?" Tess asked/answered, tightening her own grip on Soo's body.
"No, going all the way with a girl," Soo clarified.
"Fourteen. Haven't looked back since," Tess answered.
They said nothing further, letting the music take them away on a private journey as they enjoyed the feel of each other's bodies against one another, loving the tenseness that was almost palatable.
Song over, they stood looking at each other, still holding hands, not saying a word. Breaking the stare-down with Soo, Tess looked around and realized that they were alone, the others had somehow left without Tess noticing. Taking Soo by the hand, she led them back to their beers in the kitchen.
"Surprised you haven't acted on your curiosity, yet," Tess prodded, returning to their dance-floor conversation.
"Kinda' why I came to the party," Soo honestly admitted, "But, I guess I just didn't give off the right vibe."
"More that nobody picked up on it; I did. I am," Tess responded holding the bottle to her lips, not sipping, just looking hard into Soo's eyes.
"Yeah? What kind of vibe do you think you're picking up?" Soo asked, not breaking her eye-lock with Tess when asking.
"The kind of vibe that says you want me, or someone, to take you to bed and make love to you; the kind of vibe that says you want to see what the fuss about girl-love is all about; that kind of vibe," Tess replied, finishing her beer in one long gulp afterwards.
"Yeah. Pretty much covers it," Soo admitted, placing her beer on the counter afterwards.
Tess pulled Soo close to her, her mouth covering Soo's immediately. Not a hard kiss. Not a vulgar kiss. More a kiss that seals the deal. Soo didn't fight it off, no, she responded to Tess' lips as one would to any good kiss. Willingly, wantingly, her mouth slowly opening to Tess' tongue probes.
Breaking off their kiss, Tess said, "Let me lock up and we'll continue this conversation upstairs, in my room, okay?"
"Okay." Soo confirmed, her lipstick just a little bit smeared.
Finished with her round of locking up, Tess said to Soo, "Whatever happens, you're spending the night; no way are you walking back to campus this late, alone."
"Okay." Soo agreed, following behind Tess as she led them to the stairs, Soo's hand in Tess', once more.
At the top of the landing, Tess noticed that both Becks' and Jean's doors were closed. As they passed Jean's room, Tess could hear Jean's moans and sounds that she makes when having great sex. Wonder who she's in bed with now? Tess asked herself as she led Soo to her bedroom. She saw the two Butch-Babes leave earlier, so she knew it wasn't them. Oh well, find out in the morning, hopefully.
Turning a bedside lamp to its dimmest setting, Tess joined Soo, who was standing in the middle of the room, next to Tess' bed, after having closed her bedroom door to the outside world.
"Want to get comfortable?" Tess asked as she kissed Soo's face, neck, licking her ears slowly.
Soo was holding onto Tess' shoulders with her hands, moving her head to match Tess' kisses and tongue flicks, loving the feel of Tess' tongue as it slowly creeped up her neck.
"Yes." Soo finally answered, her voice soft, her breathing a bit hard as they, once more, let their lips find each other.
While they kissed, Tess reached down between their bodies, her fingers unsnapping Soo's jeans first, then her own. Breaking off the kiss, Tess sorta' stooped-kneeled, pulling Soo's jeans down as she did so.
Her hand on the top of Tess' head for support, Soo stepped out of her jeans, revealing her bikini briefs only scant inches from Tess' head, a faint whiff of Lilacs finding its way to Tess' nostrils. Standing, Tess slipped her jeans off first, then lifing her arms above her head, she said to Soo, "Take off my tee."
Soo pulled the tee-shirt off of Tess, revealing Tess' braless breasts, the nipples already hard from arousal. Dropping the tee to the floor, next to their jeans, Soo pulled her own tee off of herself, revealing a pair of small breasts, A-Cup, if that.
Taking Soo's hand in her own, Tess pulled Soo to join her as she climbed onto her queen-sized 4-poster bed, laying them both down on top of the duvet of the bed.
Without saying a word, Tess leaned in and found Soo's opening mouth with her own, letting her hand fall to Soo's waist, slowly rubbing her fingers over Soo's flawless skin as they kissed. Tess ran her fingertips lightly up and down Soo's ribcage, each trip coming closer to Soo's breast and hip. As their kiss increased in passion, their breathing became heavier, louder, soft moans of pleasure escaping from both of their mouths as they started moving and squirming against each other's bodies.
Tess moved her leg to lay on top of Soo's thighs at the same time that she moved her hand to one of Soo's breasts. Slowly squeezing and fondling Soo's tit, Tess felt her honey-pot getting wetter and warmer as she and Soo kissed.
Soo opened her legs, allowing Tess' knee to nudge against her pussy. Rubbing against Tess' knee, Soo's hips were slowly grinding, the friction bringing a level of horniness to Soo that overtook whatever doubts or concerns she might have had about making out with Tess.
"Liking this, baby?" Tess asked after breaking their kiss, "This feeling good?" all the while still fondling Soo's titties.
"Oh, yeah, liking it a lot," Soo managed to say in answer as she reached for Tess' lips with her own.
Dodging Soo's mouth, Tess lowered her mouth to Soo's breast, letting her tongue dance across Soo's rock-hard nipples before surrounding one of her tits, sucking on it with lust and want.
"That really feels good," Soo stammered as she felt arousal wrapping her up in its arms.
Increasing her suckling of Soo's breasts, Tess slipped a finger into Soo's panties, pulling them gently, slowly from Soo's hips and down her legs until they hit the floor when Tess tossed them towards the end of her bed.
Using both of her hands to hold Soo's arms and hands above her head as she sucked and licked on Soo's tits, Tess slipped between Soo's ever-widening legs, letting her own breasts begin to rub against Soo's, now wet, pussy.
And just that quickly, Tess had her mouth on Soo's 'little man', letting her tongue flick across it while she slowly sucked on it.
"Oh, oh, oh.....mother fucker, that feels so damned good," Soo managed to moan as she moved her pussy's lips to rub against the magic mouth and tongue of Tess.
She orgasmed so much quicker than she wanted to, did Soo, wanting those feelings to go on forever. She had no sooner stopped shaking from that climax, when she felt another building, building so quick that it was upon her before she could even think about it.
Tess didn't concern herself with her own need and desire to orgasm, no, she wanted to smother sweet Soo with as many orgasms as she could, wanting Soo's first experience to be not good, but out-fucking-standing.
And it was, dear people, it was unlike anything Soo had ever experienced in her young eighteen years on Earth. When Tess finally lifted her head from Soo's crotch, her mouth and lips were red and wet with Soo's juices, her smile a mile wide, it seemed to Soo.
"I need to take a breather, sweetie," Tess said as she crawled up to lay next to Soo, on her back, as Soo was.
Turning on her side, Soo smothered Tess with kisses to her face, her neck, bravely placing her hand onto one of Tess' tits, loving how it felt to her hand as she squeezed and caressed it.
"You like what I did?" Tess asked, knowing that she did.
"More than I can tell you," Soo cooed, her hand still fondling and caressing the tit in her hand.
"Ready for some more?" Tess asked, her eyes closed, the taste of Soo still on her lips and tongue.
"No, not yet," Soo said, "I want to pleasure you, now, I want to taste you, now," Soo cooed.
"Suck on my breasts, baby, suck on them like you would want someone to suck on yours," Tess said, her eyes still closed.
Closing her eyes, Soo placed her mouth over one of Tess' tits, almost climaxing when she felt how good it felt to her mouth, to her tongue. Increasingly, Soo sucked harder and harder, her hand caressing and fondling the tit she wasn't sucking on, her crotch feeling as if it were on fire from her excitement and arousal.
Tess slipped a finger into her own panties top, slipping them off of herself in one swift motion. Pulling Soo from her breast, Tess kissed Soo passionately, driving her tongue deep into Soo's mouth. Soo captured Tess' tongue in her mouth, sucking it like a cock, moans of excitement escaping from her mouth as she did so.
Gently pushing and moving Soo until her pussy was feeling the hot breath coming from Soo's mouth, Tess placed her hands on Soo's head, pulling it to her pussy as she raised her hips to meet Soo's mouth.
"Oooooh, mmmmmmmm," Soo moaned as she tasted pussy for the very first time in her life. And she liked it, she liked it a lot.
No instruction from Tess was needed for Soo. No, second-nature took it's course, and Soo figured it out for herself, her clumsy first-time at eating pussy, bringing Tess to a very satisfying climax.
Lifting her head to look up to Tess' face, Soo smiled, asking, "Did I do okay? Did you enjoy that?"
"Oooooh yeah, baby, momma enjoyed the fuck out of that," Tess replied with her own smile on her face as she pulled Soo to lay in her arms, kissing her lustfully and passionately for a very long time.
"Don't go anywhere, sweetie, I'm going to freshen myself up in the bathroom; I'll be right back, so be ready for me," Tess said with a smile.
Rolling over onto her back, Soo spread her legs wide, saying, "Come and get it when you're ready," smiling, then chuckling afterwards
Fuck getting dressed, Tess said to herself, I'll be quick. Opening her door, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Jean walking out of her own room. Naked as a new-born babe, she was followed by two, very pretty African-American coeds, clothed but messily so. Watching from the crack in her door, Tess watched as Jean kissed each of the black girls in turn, her tongue deep down their throats while they availed themselves of one more feel, one more caress of Jean's naked body.
Jean simply smiled and led the girls down the stairs and to the front door. Walking back to her room, Jean spied Tess as she tried to duck into the bathroom.
"Feel like playing?" Jean asked.
Are you fucking kidding me? Tess asked herself, not believing what she just heard. Jean fucked like a whore last night and she wants more????
"Can't, sweetie, got company," Tess said.
"Can I join?" Jean asked.
"She's a newbie, baby; I'm not sure she's ready for a threesome quite yet," Tess explained further.
"Okay. Then, I'm going to bed and try to get a bit of sleep; see you a little later," and with that said, Jean closed the door behind her after she entered her room.
Freshened, Tess slipped back into her room, crawling onto her bed, between Soo's still-spread legs.
"Now, where was I?" Tess asked, teasingly.
"Right between my legs," Soo replied with a smile, "and you were just about to go down on me, once more."
"Oh yeah, now I remember," Tess teased again, smiling broadly at Soo as her mouth found its way to that sweet tasting pussy of Soo's...........
Tess was awakened as the early morning light was creeping into her room through her shear curtains. But, it wasn't the dawn that woke her up. No, it was Soo having crawled between Tess' legs, her mouth slowly, lovingly, exploring her lover's pussy.
"Like that, do you?" Tess asked sleepily as her fingers played with Soo's hair.
"Yeah, I do," Soo answered between tongue swipes of Tess's pussy-lips, "Pussy tastes good," she said further.
"Girl keeps herself clean, pussy should taste good," Tess replied as her hips moved against Soo's mouth and tongue.
Grabbing Soo's head with both her hands, Tess humped against Soo's efforts, increasing her grinding until she got off, holding Soo's mouth tight against her pussy.
"Another home run, baby, that was really nice," Tess said to Soo as she helped Soo from between her legs, pulling her to lay next to her in her sex-wrecked bed.
"Yeah, it really was," Soo agreed, her voice a bit sleepy. Or exhausted? "Though, I might need to practice some more, you know, to 'get it right'," giggling afterwards.
"Anytime you want, sweetie, anytime you want," Tess replied, her own voice betraying the need for just a few more hours of sleep.
Settling into the crook of Tess' arm, Soo smiled and placing a hand onto one of Tess' tits, she sighed a sigh on contentment........ |
Don't Call Me Daddy | 37,644 | 4.61 | 2,169,487 | [
"older man",
"younger woman"
] | Fred thought that it was really kind of Stu to invite him to his flat-warming party. They got along well enough at work; they'd both joined the tech firm at around the same time - Stu fresh out of college, Fred after a successful first career at another company, now looking for a new challenge. They'd landed in the same team, and struck up an unlikely friendship. It didn't seem to matter that Fred was old enough to be Stu's father; they trusted each other - Stu appreciated Fred's breadth of experience, and Fred respected Stu's drive and determination to understand all the new frameworks and tools that were coming out.
The backpack was a little heavy; a box of beers and a couple of bottles of champagne turned out to weigh more than Fred had expected. But he'd never be so rude as to turn up empty-handed. It was just a short walk from the Tube, and the early evening air was cooling. Fred ran his hand over his salt-and-pepper beard, brushing away an itch.
The flat was a new build, out in north-east London, practically Essex. A bit of a trek from home, but Fred remembered the horror tales Stu had told about trying to buy the place, so congratulations felt in order - he wouldn't have missed this for anything, wanted to celebrate with his friend. He remembered what it had been like, moving into his place with his then fiancée. Happy times. He was a few minutes late, but he pressed the intercom, and Stu buzzed him up to the 5th floor.
Not so late, it turned out; it was just Stu and Joe there. Some of the friends had cancelled, others would be along later. So they popped some beers, sat around taking shit, with X-Factor being projected against one wall, muted.
They were nearing the end of the second beer, having demolished one pizza already, when the buzzer went again. Over the next half-hour or so, several couples and groups arrived. They all clearly knew each other well; Fred felt a bit like an outsider so was happy to nurse a beer and introduce himself to people as they wandered his way. With such a young crowd he'd expected to feel a bit of a loner, but - as in the office - he just acted as himself, let his wry and slightly dark sense of humour show, and they warmed to him. It didn't feel awkward at all.
Heather looked down at him as she knelt astride his waist, his cock buried deep inside her. Such a beautiful man, she'd just had to take him one last time before leaving. She was late, but no fucking way was she giving this cock up before they'd brought each other again. She bounced on him, driving her tight cunt over his long hard length, slapping her clit into his pelvic bone. He held her tits in his rough hands, mashing them, as he growled and cursed at her.
Come for me, you bastard, and bring me off. She could feel the sweat running down her back, her legs tiring. He sat up, took one nipple in his mouth, and fed. She threw her head back, tossing her hair aside, and let him ravage her. He had one hand in her hair, the other reaching down her back, cupping her arse, finger stroking into her crease and probing her butthole.
She was so close, but she needed more. She climbed off, knelt on the bed, arse high and tits on the mattress. He knelt behind her, slapped his hand across her arse, then ploughed roughly into her from behind. This is what she needed. His fat cock stretched and pounded into her, balls slapping her clit with each thrust, cunt filled with his meat. He had a filthy mouth, calling her a bitch, a dirty whore, ordering her to take him. She flicked at her clit as he drove into her, smothering her face in the pillows, as the pleasure tore through her and she clamped around his pulsating cock.
The fire warmed her whole body, and she collapsed to the bed, quivering. He looked as if he'd passed out from exhaustion. She glanced over at the clock. Shit, it was after eight already; Stu was gonna be so pissed.
Wiping herself off with his duvet, she dragged her ripped skin-tight jeans over her legs; her thong lost in the flat somewhere. She found her bra, thank god - she was far too blessed to be able to go without - but her blouse was ruined, an early casualty of last night's passion. She grabbed the dude's shirt and tied it up under her tits, and made for the door. "See ya, lover," she called back.
She didn't even know his name.
She met Mo and Sahar at the entrance to the Tube. Sahar looked pissed off. "Where the fuck have you been?"
Heather smiled. "I got tied up with that guy from the club."
"Literally, I'll bet," Mo replied. "You've not even been home, have you? Slut."
"Guilty as charged," she admitted. "Come on, we'll be late."
More people were arriving all the time. The latest trio made it about a dozen twentysomethings in the flat, drinking and laughing. Stu introduced Fred to the new friends, whom he said he'd met at college. Sahar was an Indian girl, coffee-coloured skin and long black hair. Mo was of middle-eastern origins, a smartly dressed young man with a wide mouth. And there was Heather - white, heavily tattooed on the extensive amount of skin on display, purple hair up in a bun. Eyebrow and lip piercings, and when she spoke Fred noticed her tongue had been done as well.
I wonder if she's got any more, he thought to himself. The shirt was tied tight enough, and the ripped jeans practically painted on; you'd think you'd be able to tell. Do try not to stare, you old letch, he thought.
Stu wandered back in from the kitchen, champagne bottle in hand. "I think that's everyone," he said, "so let's christen this place!" He popped the cork, denting the plaster ceiling slightly, and splashing a jet of bubbly straight onto the carpet. "Oops," he said, clamping his mouth over the bottle; that just resulted in foam jetting out of his nose. Choking, he handed the bottle over to Mo, who took it back to the kitchen to grab some flutes.
Another drink later, and someone had pulled YouTube karaoke videos up on the big projector, and fished out some Rock Star microphones. Joe was leading off with a particularly bad rendition of Sex on Fire. The gang yelled out the chorus; Fred stood to the side, singing along to himself. He did love a good bit of karaoke.
"Let's get some classics going," Stu said, calling up a playlist and hitting random. Fred expected some Beatles, maybe the Beach Boys... But first up it was a Spice Girls track, properly cheesy. Then he realised - this might be retro for them, but to him it was just music, the stuff he grew up with. But at least that meant he knew most of it; even the awful stuff. Especially the awful stuff.
But it was catchy, and he found himself singing along; group numbers with the others, and he gave his best Ricky Martin a spin.
Enjoying himself immensely, he didn't notice the time, until it was too late to do anything about it. He caught up with Stu in the kitchen. "I'm not gonna make it in time for my last train," he admitted.
"No worries man. I made up the spare bed for ya. It's cool. Here, have another beer!"
"Cheers!" He texted home to his wife to apologise. He'd catch all kinds of shit for it tomorrow, but since there was nothing he could do about it now, he decided to enjoy the rest of the evening.
"You've got a great voice," Heather shouted to Fred. She'd plumped herself down on the sofa next to him, and was trying to make herself heard over the tortured-cat sounds of the group murdering I Will Survive.
"Thanks," he shouted back.
She wasn't normally into older men, but this Fred was pretty buff. Rugged face with a nice trim beard. Big hands. And a confident manner. She couldn't help wondering what those hands would feel like on her, whether that beard would be soft or rough as he drew it over her thighs... Shit, I'm so horny. I thought that session earlier was going to be enough, but no. Just try not to drool on him. But fuck, look how he's looking at me. Raw lust burning in his eyes, like he wants to eat me alive. And fuck, do I want him to...
That gaze - a deep burning lust, a desperate hunger - reached in through her eyes and made her pussy flood and clench. She loved how such a simple thing - a tilt of the head, brushing her hair aside, stroking a tongue over her lip - could put that look in a man's eyes, fill them with such need.
"D'you wanna have a go together?" she asked.
He choked on his beer. "Excuse me?"
She nodded to the screen. "A duet."
He coughed himself back to normal. "Sure," rising from the sofa. "But I get to choose."
He stood, microphone in hand, as the intro to Private Emotion played out. He'd taken his cue from the earlier Ricky Martin success, hoping she'd know this one. She looked confident.
And hot. Smoking hot. Fred was sure she was flirting with him. But then, Fred thought every woman was flirting with him. He lived his life constantly horny, ever frustrated that his wife was not the same. She'd had a strong sex drive when they met, years ago; but it had diminished with every passing year. Fred's stamina may have faded, but his desire still burned strong, largely unrequited.
She swayed as she sang. Fred checked out her bubble butt, wrapped so tight in those jeans. How she didn't rip through the material he had no idea. And the shirt, clumsily tied across her tits, gave a great show of her deep cleavage and tight stomach.
If only I was twenty years younger, he thought.
Then he caught himself. If I was, then what? Then I'd just be too shy to do anything about it, he admitted. And now? Now, I'm too married to do anything about it.
It's a private emotion that fills you tonight, he sang. Fuck, is it ever. His hard-on pressed uncomfortably against his trousers. He was glad it was dark.
He watched her face as the song ended. She looked in his eyes, licked her lips. Come to me, she sang. Cum to me.
Fred felt himself falling asleep - partly the booze, but mostly he just wasn't as young as he used to be. The group had scattered; some on the balcony smoking, a couple making out in the darkness of the kitchen, some had left, a few zonked out on the sofa. Fred had retired to the guest room, leaving the stragglers to chat and push on through to the early hours.
He lay in the bed, thinking back over the night. Of Heather, the way he'd imagined she was looking at him. Nonsense of course; he could be her father, she wouldn't think of him that way. The paradox of age - he still found twentysomethings as attractive as he always had, but it just didn't work the other way around.
Regardless, the thought of her kept him awake. He'd have to do something about it. He reached down to the floor, grabbed a sock, and took matters into his own hands. Thinking of her, kneeling for him, taking him between those full pouting lips, in the way his wife now refused to do. Bending her over the back of the sofa and ploughing into that magnificent arse. Imagining how those heavy tits would sway as he pinned her to the bed and thrust deep inside her tight pussy. All the time moaning his name, telling him how big and strong he was, how he satisfied her in a way that pathetic boys her own age never could.
He came like thunder; a brilliant flash of pleasure, and deep rumbling, pulsing and throbbing that seemed to roll on forever. He hadn't come that strongly in months; the flood of endorphins brought welcome oblivion.
When he woke, the sky had lightened to a navy blue, although the stars were still visible. Too early to start the day; he was still exhausted... But there was a pressure low in his belly that he could not ignore. Curse my aging body and bladder, he thought, pulling his boxers back on for a quick trip to the bathroom.
The other occupants of the flat were dead to the world; Fred saw a few bodies in the lounge as he passed towards the bathroom. He relieved himself and made his way back to his room.
As he stepped through the door, it was shoved closed behind him; then she was there, pressing herself against him, pushing him back onto the door, crushing her boobs on his chest and forcing her tongue into his mouth.
"Fuck, I'm so horny..."
"No, Heather, please, I can't..."
"Shit, you're huge." She stroked her hand across his cock, through his boxers, then started to pull them off him. "I need you. In me. Now."
He ran his hands down her shirt, tucked them underneath, cupped her arse; he wrapped his palm round the firm cheek and his fingers reached into the crack. Finding no knickers, and her undercarriage soaking wet, the lust flared white-hot, burning through his objections, his conscience. He grabbed her arse in both hands, lifted and spun and pinned her to the wall, then thrust fast and hard inside her. This wasn't nice, or gentle. No foreplay, just hard fucking. They both needed it raw.
"Oh shit! Fuck yes! Harder!!" He clamped his mouth over hers, cutting off her dirty talk mid-flow, in case she woke the others. She lifted her legs, wrapped them round his waist, ankles crossed at the small of his back, as he drove up and into her. She was no weight at all. It had been a quarter-century since he'd taken a woman like this. The urgency, the desperation, was almost frightening. She was so tight, yet took him so easily. He felt himself pulling at her walls, clamped round him, each time he drew back.
He needed more. He wanted to bury himself inside her. "The bed," he said, and lifted her away from the wall, walked to the bed with her still impaled on his dick, and they collapsed onto the sheets together. She raised her arms over her head, presenting her tits; he clamped her wrists to the pillows with his strong rough hands, and feasted on her breasts. Her arms were covered in roses, and her tits in spider-webs, looking like a tattooed bikini top. He ravaged her, driving into her, through her, almost wanting it to hurt. With his wife, he had to be soft and gentle, to hold back. With Heather... The harder he thrusted, the greater the reaction. He watched her eyes, as she struggled to focus; her mouth gaping, gasping; her hands clawing at his back, driving him on. And her mouth, her beautifully foul mouth, urging him to greater efforts.
He grabbed her legs, pulled them forwards, so he knelt behind her arse and drove into her. She was shaved, a tattooed skull over her mons with her pussy as the mouth. He bottomed out inside her, slamming her cervix with each thrust, determined to stuff his whole length inside her. She came, convulsing round his cock, but he didn't even slow down. For once, he didn't care about the woman's pleasure or pace. This was for him. He grabbed her tit with his spare hand, covering her pierced nipple with his palm, mauled at the flesh, feeling her tight walls milking his cock as he did so. When he came, it was sudden and strong and raw, and he barely checked himself from yelling in triumph and waking the others.
He collapsed onto her, spent, exhausted, but feeling great. Feeling a way he hadn't felt for years. Probably for longer than she'd been alive.
"Fucking hell, that was intense," she said, spooning into his side, stroking the hair on his chest. "Your wife's one hell of a lucky woman."
Guilt stabbed at him, a little. "You'd think," he mumbled. Well, he was available any time his wife wanted him. He looked at Heather, a sheen of sweat over her inked body. "Fuck, sorry, that's not like me at all. I..."
"Shit, don't apologise. That was a great fuck, I've not been taken like that for days!"
Days. My god. He'd not been taken like that since... Since before he was married, he realised. Shit.
He pulled her up onto him, and she leant down and kissed him, tenderly this time. She sat up, in his lap, stroking his cock between her moist lips; up and down from tip to base, bringing him back to hardness, ready to slide him back inside her.
She'd woken from an intense sex dream; riding Fred while sucking off the dude from last night. Her heart was pounding and her clit tingling; she reached under the shirt and started to stroke herself towards completion. It was the early hours of the morning. Could she wake him, to make his part of the dream real? She needed a good fuck; too horny to go back to sleep.
She heard a noise - a door opening. She sat up, looked down the corridor, saw Fred heading to the bathroom. This was her chance. She rose from the couch, crept along the corridor and snuck into his room, intending to surprise him by lying naked and provocatively across the bed. But he got back much faster than she expected, so she just jumped him as he walked back in.
Now he lay, spent and content, as she played with his chest hair. It's like he thinks it's over, she thought. Oh no, mate - that was just the entrée; the main course is yet to come. As he pulled her back on top of him, she placed her pussy over his cock, which lay flat against his stomach. She felt her lips wrap around his shaft, and slid back and forth, smearing their juices back over him as they talked. Hard again now, she felt him rocking his pelvis, trying to guide his fat cock back inside her. Oh no you don't, not yet. She steadied herself with a hand on his chest, over his fast-beating heart, as she teased him.
She reached down to where her lips slid over him, ran her fingers across him, and took their combined secretions to her lips. "Mmmm," she said. She saw the lust burning in his eyes. "Fuck, I love cum," she said. A little white lie; she didn't mind it, but she didn't crave it either. But she knew what he wanted to hear; to see; to feel. Driving that lust gave her power, turned her on. She took his hand, ran his fingers along his length between her lips, and brought his slimy fingertips to her mouth. She flicked her tongue over them, felt his breath catch and his cock twitch, then sucked them right to the back of her mouth, deepthroating his hand.
"Oh fuck, you cocktease," he breathed.
She giggled, shaking her tits. "Am I being a bad girl?" she asked, head thrown to the side, pouting. "Are you gonna punish me?"
He shook his head. "Sorry; I don't play those games. You're no little girl. And please, don't call me daddy. It weirds me out."
She shrugged. and lifted more of their cum to her lips. "Your wife - does she spit, or swallow?" And sucked his fingers back into her mouth, working her tongue over them, feeling the pulse in his dick growing stronger and faster.
"Neither." Heather raised an eyebrow, and he elaborated. "She won't let me cum in her mouth. Not that she sucks me anymore anyway. I get to come in her pussy, or more precisely into the condom in her pussy. When we have sex at all, which is never."
You poor bastard, she thought. She's his wife, for fuck's sake; doesn't she love him?
She slid further down, along his leg, until she lay across him, cock nestled between her tits. It was so slippery, and she worked her tits back and forth over him, kissing his toned stomach as she did so. His breathless "oh fuck" made her clench down below. But she'd started something now, and she was going to finish it; her cunt would have to make do with her fingers while her mouth took its turn on his cock.
Fuck, she loved how they tasted. She licked his cock, holding it in her hands as she ran her flat tongue up the long hard length of him, sucking his tip between her lips before running them back down. Took each large, heavy ball into her mouth and rolled it ever so gently as her hand stroked him.
"Jeez, what you do to me... I'm too old to come this much..."
"Fuck that," she said, and forced his thick cock down her throat. She'd not found a cock yet she couldn't deepthroat and had no intention of failing now; she relaxed as she felt his head blocking her airway, and looked at him with watering eyes, bobbing and stroking the base of him, caressing his balls, bringing him to the edge.
"Fuck, here it comes," he said soon enough. She pulled back off so that she could take it across her tongue, sucking her cheeks in as he unloaded his salty-sweetness into her mouth. When his cock stopped pulsing, and started to soften, she took her mouth back off him, and let him see his cum sliding around her tongue. "Holy fuck. A dream come true." She closed her mouth, swallowed, showed him it was empty. He pulled her up to him, kissed her passionately.
"I'm going to need a few minutes," he admitted.
She took his hand, guided it between her legs. "While you wait..."
She gasped as he slid his thick middle fingers into her, stretching them out into a V and pushing against her walls. He took a third, slid it in alongside them, forcing her open. "Holy fuck," she said. It was as thick as his cock, as thick as all her fingers were. She trembled, wondering what it would be like to try and take his whole hand...
Finger-fucking was something Fred knew well; since his wife lost interest in having to "clean up" afterwards, mutual masturbation was pretty much the only action he got any more. With her, anyway. He watched Heather's face as he thrust, corkscrewed and splayed his fingers, gauging her reactions to know what to do more of and what to abandon.
"You know," he said, wondering how far he could push his luck, "oral isn't the only thing she won't give me." He took his other hand, stroked down her side; across the spider's webs that ran from her breasts to her waist, over her hip, and grabbed at her arse, pulling the cheek aside so he could stare at her bud, twitching as he worked his fingers in and out of her cunt.
"I ain't that easy," she said, despite his experience to the contrary. "You want this arse, you gotta earn it."
He raised an eyebrow. "And how should I do that?"
She smiled, a naughty smile. "Where's the fun if I just tell you?"
"Bitch," he chuckled, and his mouth dived onto her breast.
He felt her back arch as he drew his teeth over her nipple, fingers curled and stroking down the front wall of her pussy, and he smiled. She might have had more partners than him, but he'd brought his wife this way hundreds of times. He'd been making women come with his hands before she was even born. Who had more experience than whom, really? Hearing her moans, her fingernails clawing at his back, he slowly slid down her body, kissing across her tits, her stomach, her abs. Licking across the belly piercing, and continuing down to his soaking wet hand. I'm gonna give that skelly a French kiss it'll never forget.
He wrapped his lips round her clit, sucked, and flicked his tongue over her. She drew her legs back, hands behind her knees, pulling them up to her tits, ensuring maximum exposure to his skilled mouth. Fingers driving inside her, tongue working her over and lapping up her cream, it wasn't long before she came, snatching at his fingers with her cunt.
But he wasn't finished. He was barely started.
Broad thick strokes of his tongue ran over her lips, her clit. The more he cleaned her, the more she made for him. He drew it from her depths with long thick fingers, a bear going wild for honey. He brought his other hand down, ran circles over her clit as his other fingers dived into her, stretched her out, as he kissed and licked over her lips. He took one finger out; this gave him the flexibility to really pound the remaining two into her, faster and faster, as his mouth ravaged her clit. "Ohmygod ohmygod yes yes yes yes!" and she was coming again, pulsing round his fingers.
He slipped round, lay between her legs, and replaced his fingers with his tongue, sliding it into her to lap at her directly, scooping her juices from deep inside; his hand taking up duties on her clit. She was whining, keening, tossing her head back and forth. She grabbed his head, pulling at his hair, forcing his face into her; he growled, sending shivers through her pussy and up her spine. He ate her like he'd never taste a woman again, feeling her shuddering under his lips, her legs twitching as one orgasm rolled into the next, coming on his face over and over.
"Okay," she breathed, "you've proved your point." She raised her head, looked into his eyes, seeing his mouth clamped over her sex. "Take my fucking arse," she ordered. He felt under his chin with his fingers; she sure was wet down there. He reached further between her cheeks with a fingertip, found her bud twitching as he stroked through her lips with his rough tongue.
Not yet, he thought. Not just yet.
He brought his face away, saw her lust-filled eyes staring back at him. He flipped her over, onto her knees; she presented to him. On her back, in profile as if to pounce, was the source of the webs over her tits - a tarantula, beautifully inked in tramp-stamp style across the small of her back, furry legs reaching for her hips, eight eyes giving him the death stare. But spiders held no fear for him. He took a moment to enjoy the sight of a hot young bitch displaying herself to him, pussy and arse, while she gazed longingly over her shoulder at his aching cock.
Soon, my friend. Soon.
He knelt behind her and resumed his oral attack on her pussy, licking across her clit and through her folds, probing her depths, working his fingers in rhythm with his tongue and lips. He heard muffled cries; saw that she'd buried her face into a pillow and was screaming into it.
Nearly there.
Fingers deep inside her, he licked and sucked along her pussy, away from her clit, and kept going. Even through the pillow, he heard her cry of "Oh FUCK!" as he drew his tongue across her arsehole. Fingers inside her, tongue teasing at her forbidden bud, he felt her squirm; she pressed herself back against his mouth as his tongue started to probe her arse.
She sprayed the bed as she came once more, jets of fluid splashing over the sheets, as Fred kept working her over. She was trembling, as if she'd caught a nerve; then her leg gave way and she collapsed onto her side on the bed, quivering.
"Please, fuck my arse! Now! Fuck it hard, I need it so bad! Please!"
Fred smiled, and knelt behind that glorious, desperate-to-be-fucked arse. He lifted the cheek and guided himself towards her rear entrance.
Starved of sex at home, he'd been consumed with doubts. Did women actually like sex? His wife didn't, at least not anymore, and he worried that she never had. He knew porn wasn't real; fiction for the male gaze, actresses paid to please, to act aroused. But those sex-positive women he followed on his secret Twitter account - were they for real? Were they actually men, getting off on writing filth? Or women forced into posing for the camera by abusive boyfriends?
But here was Heather, throwing herself at him, happily swallowing his load, begging him to take her up the arse, restoring his faith. Sad for him, trapped in a loving but sexless marriage; but better than the mental torture of living in an absurd conspiracy.
He wet the tip of himself in her pussy. God she felt so good, so tight. He couldn't help himself; grabbed her legs and pulled her over him, driving his full length deep into her, working her juices back over him. She grabbed the pillow, brought it back to her face, as he lubed himself in the warm depths of her cunt.
But that wasn't what either of them wanted. "Stop fucking teasing! Fuck my fucking arse, for fuck's sake!"
He withdrew, slid his thumb into her cunt, pressing over her clit with his palm, and used his other hand to steady himself as he pressed his cock against her rear opening. He looked up at her face; flushed red, nostrils flaring, mouth full of pillow. Eyes begging him to hurt her.
He shoved.
Her mouth opened and the pillow fell out as she gasped and growled, his fat cock stretching her arse open as he forced it inside. "Holy fuck yes!" she said, pulling the pillow back to her face as he slid deeper into her guts. A few powerful strokes and he'd buried himself completely inside her arse, stroking in and out from root to tip.
Fucking hell, so tight, so hot, he thought. Her sphincter constricted round his cock so strongly that it was nearly painful, and he worried for a second how she felt. But he saw her crossed eyes, fists balled in the covers, tits shaking; felt her cunt convulsing round his thumb, clit throbbing. She felt fucking fantastic about it.
He pounded that arse. He knew Heather didn't want it gentle and slow; she wanted it furious and rough and primal. He slammed his cock into her, making her body jolt each time he slapped into her leg, tits bouncing with each jerk. He watched her pert butt cheeks as he drove his length between them, and couldn't resist the urge to slap that juicy backside as he fed his hardness into her. This wasn't going to last much longer. He grabbed round her waist with his hands, used that to steady her as he drove into her forbidden depths for a few last strong thrusts, before his balls boiled over and he poured himself deep into her bowels.
He fell forward onto his arms, cock clamped inside her twitching arse, as he felt her coming down from her own climax. She rolled onto her back, tucking her leg over his head, and lay panting on her back, pussy twitching and her heaving chest rocking her boobs up and down. Regretfully, he slid his softening cock out of her arse, and he fell onto her, kissing her deeply before rolling aside himself, laying his head on her chest.
She stroked his head. "You okay, old man?"
"Give me a minute," he panted. "And less of the old, little girl."
"Yes daddy," she said, and got her arse slapped for her cheekiness.
The sun was now fully up. How long had they been fucking? A couple of hours, maybe? Jeez, he'd not had a session like that for... Well, probably never actually.
Rising from the bed, he leant over and stroked her face. "Thanks," he said, weakly; a pretty lame goodbye to someone who'd taken him in every hole. But it was all his washed-out brain was capable of. He grabbed his boxers, then looked down at the mess his cock was in. He shrugged, wiped himself off as best he could on his underwear, then tossed them at the bin. He pulled his jeans over shaking legs. "I'm so sorry; but I have to go. I have to get back to my family." He felt like shit. Surely he owed her breakfast, at least? But she just shrugged.
"WhatsApp me?" she said. He nodded; but knew that it would be a bad idea to keep in contact. He'd have a hard enough job not obsessing over her, over the memory of this night, as it was. Far worse if he could contact her whenever he wanted. He didn't want to be that sad lonely old man.
The bedroom was wrecked; sheets loose and stained and bunched across the bed and the floor, soaking wet from their sweat and cum. What would Stu think, when he found it like this? How could he face him at work on Monday?
"I'll deal with it," she said. "You go."
He pulled his shirt over his head, slipped his boots on, heading for the door.
"See you at the next one?" she asked, smiling.
Bed, Breakfast and Sex Ch. 13 | 13,296 | 4.51 | 551,082 | [
"young men",
"mature women",
"cock sucking",
"eat pussy",
"doggy style",
"swallow semen",
"cum on breasts"
] | Louise watched in fascination and some jealousy as Steve masterfully made love to Dorothy Kaiser. Robby, Steve and Louise were watching the video tape Robby had made during Steve and Dorothy's encounter in the motel room. It was Monday afternoon.
Robby commented, "Despite the low light, the details are very sharp and clear. You can clearly identify both the people. Hell, it's nearly good enough for a porn movie!" Then, seeing Louise's frown, he wisely shut up.
Louise looked over at Steve, "Well, you certainly made it believable, didn't you?" she said a little testily.
"Look, Louise, I'm not going to say that I didn't enjoy it. I mean, Dorothy is pretty fantastic. But, I'm still with you on this. You need the protection that this tape can provide. And, after all, didn't you yourself say to be easy on her, that you like her a little yourself?" Steve had not been provoked. He had initially been against Louise even seeing the tape. He had wanted to keep it between himself and Robby. But she had insisted.
Robby said, "There's also an audio tape. In it, you can hear them addressing each other as 'Steve' and 'Dorothy'."
"It's a good thing that Robby knows his electronics," Steve said. "Most of the equipment he needed came right from work. He did a good job, too."
Louise came out of her reverie. On the screen, Steve and Dorothy were rushing toward a mutual orgasm. Their cries and moans could be heard clearly on the video tape.
"This morning," Robby said, "I went into work a little early, and made one copy each of the video and audio tape. One copy is yours to keep, the other can be given to Ms. Kaiser as evidence that you mean business. I think that once she sees herself on the tape, she'll be willing to keep quiet."
"Yes," she said absently to Robby. "Thank you." She squeezed his hand. She suddenly seemed sad.
"Well, I've got to go, Louise. I'm expected back at work," Robby said, getting up. "Besides, I think you and Steve have some talking to do."
Louise walked him out the door. On the porch, she gave him a hug and said, "Please don't be a stranger, Robby. I know that things can't be the way they were, but I'd still like to see you from time to time."
"Hey, I'll be around," Robby answered. "Besides, Steve's a nice guy. He'll take good care of you." Mock-sternly, Robby said, "I approve of that young man."
Louise gave a little laugh, hugged him again, and sent him on his way.
Inside, Steve had rewound the tape and put it back in its box. Louise sat down with him on the couch and said, "Well, what do you think we should do next?"
"Well, it's your call Louise, but I think we should follow the original plan. Contact Dorothy Kaiser, show her the tape, and tell her that if she reports you to the authorities, we'll send a copy of the tape to her husband."
"Okay, agreed," Louise said. Then, a bit hesitantly, she said, "What about us, Steve? You certainly looked like you had a good time with that woman. Am I out of the picture now?" Tears brimmed in Louise's eyes, and she sniffled.
Steve patted the couch next to him, and Louise slid gratefully over to him. She curled up in his arms, and they kissed tenderly. "Louise, you are not out of the picture by any means. I think you are very special, and I love making love to you. But I do admit that I sort of like Dorothy Kaiser, too. I wish that there was some way that we didn't have to coerce her into staying quiet."
Curled up in his arms, Louise thought over her options. She could give Steve an ultimatum: Dorothy or her. She could let Steve go altogether. Or, she could reluctantly try a compromise and share Steve with Dorothy.
She did not want to risk alienating Steve by issuing an ultimatum. She certainly did not want to give Steve up altogether and miss out on some of the best loving she'd ever had. Louise sighed deeply, looked up at Steve and said, "Kiss me, honey. I need to be kissed badly." Steve did so.
Then, Louise said, "Well, I suppose that there is a way that both Dorothy and I could have you. We would have to work out an arrangement to, um, share you between us. How do you feel about that?"
"Well," Steve said, "I am not a dummy, Louise. The though of having both of you is very exciting to me. I would do my best to keep both of you happy."
Louise stroked the rapidly growing bulge in his pants and asked, "How do you think Dorothy will take it?"
"About like you, but she'll get used to it," Steve replied. Louise's touch was rapidly turning him on.
"Okay then," Louise said, "let's do this. As long as we can keep Dorothy happy, we'll keep the existence of the tape to ourselves. But if she starts making noises like she's going to go to the administration, we'll start playing hardball."
"I'm okay with that. That way, as long as everyone is discreet, we can all be friends."
"Yeah, you rascal, and you get the best of both of us," Louise said playfully.
Steve kissed her again, and ran his hands over her breasts. He reached down and cupped a firm buttock. "Mmmmm. How about a 'nooner'?" he asked huskily.
"Sounds good to me," Louise said. She got up and headed upstairs to the bedroom.
\* \* \*
Although Louise would never have admitted it, one of the reasons she was so excited at that moment was because she had been watching Steve's performance on the videotape. He was really a special young man, and quite a stud. After they had started cuddling, and he had reassured her, well, her pussy had begun to flow.
She quickly undressed him, then pushed him back on the bed. Still fully clothed herself, she crawled up on top of him and took his hard, hot dick into her mouth. Oh! It was so good to have a man when she wanted one! And what a man, too!
Louise genuinely loved sucking his cock, and she took as much into her mouth as she possibly could, eliciting a groan from Steve. She tongued his glans for just moment more, then reluctantly took her mouth off, and quickly undressed. Laughing, she threw herself on the bed beside him, and was soon wrapped up in his strong arms, enjoying his kisses and caresses to her breasts, thighs, and even her anus. Grunting a little, Steve whispered, "How would you like to take my cock up your little butthole sometime?"
She smiled up at him and said, "Anything for you, my darling."
Steve planted hot, wet kisses all over her titties, and then sucked them gently. Then he quickly moved down to her dewy snatch. Throwing her legs back, he practically attacked her pussy, eating her out with gusto. He licked her rapidly but gently all around her labia, then stuck his tongue as far into her sweet pussy as he could. "Get up on your hands and knees," he said. Louise complied, arching back so that her wet pussy with it splayed-open lips, and pink-brown dot of her butthole were displayed to Steve's admiring gaze.
"Are you going to sodomize me now?" Louise asked.
"Not this time. But soon, baby. I've wanted that sweet little butthole of yours for a while now."
Steve bent down and kissed Louise's tight little anal pore. He held the kiss, tasting her musky asshole fully. Then he moved downward to her flowing pussy, and renewed his attentions on her labia. Finally, he moved slightly lower, and gently caught her sensitive little clitoris between his lips. Louise went ballistic, and began crying out delightedly at his ministrations. "Oh Steve darling, that feels so good! Don't ever stop licking me! That's right, right there, don't stop! Oh, I'm coming! Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhh!!!" She collapsed forward a little, gasping for breath, but still leaving her butt in the air.
Steve could wait no longer. He got behind Louise, and rubbed the swollen head of his cock around in her wet, slippery pussy hair and outer lips. She moaned in pleasure. Then, changing his angle slightly, he pushed his cock into her pussy. "Unngh," he grunted in pleasure. Her pussy felt like a hot, wet, boneless fist around his cock. "How does that feel?" he asked breathlessly. Since they had begun fucking, Steve had learned to like it when they talked dirty during their loving. It increased his pleasure, and hers.
"Oh sweetie, it feels...so...good," Louise gasped, starting to move back against him.
Steve locked his gaze on her sweet little asshole. Not today, he thought, but soon. "Are you sure that I can put my cock in your sweet little butthole?" he asked.
"I can hardly wait to feel your huge cock in my tight, hot little butthole, baby," Louise said kittenishly.
Steve, inflamed by her words, began fucking her in earnest. He stroked her deeply and slowly at first, gradually building up speed. Louise's pussy responded by getting wetter and, if it was possible, even tighter. Her cunt felt like a hot, sucking mouth on his cock.
Louise was rapidly approaching orgasm again. She cried out, "Oh baby, fuck me good. Swirl your dick around some. Oh, that's good. Now in and out. Oh, just like that. Now faster!! Oh god, that's so good! Oh baby, I'm coming again!! Oh! Oh! Ahhhhhhh!!" she screamed out again and again as her climax ripped through her.
Steve stroked her long enough for her to get the most out of her orgasm, then said, "My turn now, baby. I want to come all over your pretty tits!" He stroked a couple more times, then felt the sperm start to flow up his cock. "Okay, now!" he cried out.
Louise quickly leaned forward and turned around to face him. She took his cock in her mouth, taking the first couple of spurts of come down her throat, then leaned back and jerked his dick while bolt after bolt of thick, white semen jetted out of him and onto her face and breasts. Steve groaned in ecstasy while Louise milked the last sticky-hot drops of come out of his cock, then rubbed the head of his dick through the pools of come on her breasts. She finished by taking him back in her mouth, and gently suckling him for any come that was left. He collapsed on the bed, and she crawled up beside him and hugged him to her, gluing them together with his sperm. Thus reassured, Louise slipped off into a light doze. |
Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 03 | 39,560 | 4.6 | 451,904 | [
"bdsm play",
] | "Hey, come check this out," Melinda tugged at my elbow. I looked up from the cooktop to see that my wife had turned on one of the secure monitors in the guest suite. All six of the kids were playing in the living room as I prepared breakfast.
Geoff and Mimi were gently making love. The TV was muted to avoid alerting the kids, but the two of us watched our friends for just a second.
Yesmine lay on the back, her legs spread wide. Geoff's rear end rose and fell as his cock pistoned in and out of his wife. What struck me was how loving the two of them were.
In previous viewings—mostly of their pornographic website—we had seen them go at it hot and heavy. In a series of private videos they sent to us about a month ago, we watched Mimi dominate Geoff. Mostly what we had witnessed was them fucking.
While that was *hawt*, observing them make love was erotic.
Their movements were slow and complimentary. They seemed to anticipate each others's needs and desires almost telepathically. I guess being together for sixteen years will do that, huh?
After a few moments, Melinda changed the channel; a part of me felt like I was intruding on our friends's most private of moments. She brought up the master bedroom, where Leah and Katie slept in each others's arms.
"I take it Mimi finally understands what Geoff endures for her," my wife said softly.
"I think Katie finally understands how much Leah loves her," I paused for a moment. "What about you? Did you enjoy your time with Geoff and Leah?"
Melinda made a funny face that was something between a wistful smile and a dismayed frown. She pushed the skillet of bacon off the gas burner, lest it burn. Then she stepped into my arms. "We had a good time. Leah and I made a sandwich out of Geoff with him inside her and me raping him with a strap-on . . . It was kind of hot . . ."
". . . But . . ." I prodded.
"It wasn't the same as when we do it to you," she finished with a mysterious smile.
She took a deep breath before replying. "Because I don't love him like I love you. He's a great guy and neither Katie nor Leah have any complaints about him in bed . . . but I just don't want to have sex with him."
"Do you regret saying 'yes' to this weekend?"
"No," she replied after a moment. "I have to confess that I like getting the chance to dominate a guy for a change."
I grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, sorry about that."
"Don't be," she chided me gently. "That's not who you are. What about you? Do you regret saying 'yes' to this weekend?"
It was all I could do to stifle a flippant reply that went something like, *And miss out on the chance to bang the hottest girl in my high school? Not on your life!* but I didn't say it 1) because that would have been tacky, and 2) I would have been kicked out of the big bed for a month. Instead, what I said was, "Not as long as you guys are okay with the way things are going."
Melinda snorted, seeing through my bullshit. She shot me a wicked smile. "Just remember who's financing your life of leisure as you're fucking you *hawt* new girlfriend's brains out."
I reached out and smacked her playfully across the backside. "Play your cards right and she'll be your *hawt* new girlfriend, too!"
We didn't go out again for the rest of the day. We certainly have enough toys and stuff around the house for everyone to be entertained. Kaylee and Tiffany spent most of the afternoon playing *Mario Kart* on the Wii. The younger kids made a mess of the downstairs playroom.
Geoff and Mimi's family seemed to fit right in with our clan. I found Melinda sneaking a nap with Bryan and Jeremy, and Gabi latched right on to Mimi in a way that she *never* does with strangers.
"She's so cute, I could just take her home with me," Mimi gushed.
"You'd have to fight Katie and Leah first," I warned playfully. "And don't forget, you won't just be getting Gabi; she's a package deal with Gwendollyn."
"I'll take them both," she replied with a smile.
"Remember that in about five months when we're up to our eyeballs in kids and these four need more attention than we can give them," I said.
"You call us any time you need us." Her tone turned serious. I smiled appreciatively, remembering why Yesmine and her husband were such dear friends in high school. Despite our differing backgrounds and temperaments, Leah, Yesmine, Geoff and I got along famously. Meeting again after all these years, it seemed like we had just parted, then picked up right where we left off.
Since she was holding my daughter, I resisted the urge to give Mimi a deep not-so-casual kiss and cop a quick feel, but we both knew that's what I wanted to do. I think she wanted it, too.
They had originally planned to stay only until Monday, but with school out, there was no reason they couldn't stay. Over lunch, the six kids practically begged us for a couple more days together, so we put on a good show of having second thoughts. Mimi said she could take a couple extra days off and the girls cleared their schedules until Wednesday.
After lunch, Geoff, Leah and I kept one eye on the kids and spent part of the afternoon catching up. Katie seemed withdrawn and quiet; I think the previous night had shaken her more than she cared to admit.
Our conversation wandered from politics to mortgages to websites to religion and on and on. The three of us all graduated in the top ten percent of our graduating class, but still behind Yesmine. I appreciated the time we had to catch up with an old friend.
About mid-afternoon, the younger kids crashed so we put them down for naps. Kaylee and Tiffany had settled on a more sedate activity and were pretty capable of watching themselves. Our voices low, the three of us turned our conversation to more adult matters. More specifically, Geoff wanted to know how much our video setup cost and how easy it was to use. I could see the gears turning in his head as he imagined the possibilities of using our equipment for his online venture.
Both Leah and I were relieved beyond words that he never asked if we wanted to appear on his website.
A little while later, Katie came downstairs. She wore a bright red sundress and it may have been my imagination, but I thought I saw the beginnings of a little bump on her otherwise flat tummy. She leaned over and gave Leah and peck on the cheek, then looked over at me with a mischievous grin. "You're wanted in the big bedroom."
There was a twinkle in both Geoff and Leah's eyes.
"Just don't wake the children!" Leah called as I went up the steps and the three of them giggled.
The door to the big bedroom was closed. I pressed on the handle and found it unlocked.
My cock began to harden at the sound of the soft moaning.
Yesmine was laying on her back, her head hanging over the side of the bed. Her eyes were hooded over with pleasure. In each hand, she was cupping one of her big, round breasts. I could see her nipples sticking out through the thin material of her t-shirt.
She wasn't wearing a bra. Her skirt was pushed up and her panties were in a wad on the floor.
Melinda's face was buried between Mimi's thighs. When I opened the door she glanced up just enough to wink at me.
The two had apparently been at it for some time. Mimi was hyperventilating. She bucked her hips against Melinda's face.
My wife's hands were cupped under our lover's ass. I could tell by the glazed look in Mimi's eyes that Melinda was doing the swirly thing with her tongue.
In the six or so steps it took me to cross the room to the bed, I unbuckled my belt. With the flick of a button and quick pull in the zipper, my cargo shorts fell to the floor along with my boxers.
Yesmine's mouth was open as she gasped for breath. Her body seemed to shudder from head to toe with every pass of Melinda's skilled oral ministrations. I only had to stroke my cock a couple of times before it stood at full mast.
Our bed is too high for the kids to just climb up into it, but it's just the right height for me. My cock was level with Mimi's mouth and as my wife worked her from one end, I pushed my head through her lips from the other.
At first, I just fed Yesmine the head of my cock, but as Melinda increased her tempo, I did the same. With each stroke, I pushed a little deeper into her mouth.
Mimi moaned as we continued our assault on her. In addition to her tongue, Melinda was using two fingers into the slit of our lover's pussy.
When she added a third, Yesmine's eyes got wide.
They teared up when I pushed my cock deeper into her mouth and down her throat.
Gasping for breath, Mimi fought the gag reflex gallantly, but when I withdrew, she couldn't help but cough. Smiling to myself, I pulled my cock so only the tip was touching her lips.
Then, without warning, I thrust back in. Melinda and I shared a wicked look. Mimi was taking it well, I'll give her that.
"Five seconds," I said, command creeping into my voice. Ever so slowly, I counted backwards. "Five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . one."
I withdrew my cock and let Mimi catch her breath. Then I pushed even deeper into her mouth. It took several tries, but soon I was able to slide the entire length of my cock into her mouth and down her throat.
As she breathed through her nose, it tickled my balls.
Without a word, Melinda and I made Mimi the object of our game. My wife would try and bring her to orgasm with her tongue while I would try and make her gag with my cock.
I thought that I was at a disadvantage; after all, Melinda was using her tongue on Yesmine's clit, three fingers in her pussy and had mischievously slipped two more fingers in our lover's ass. All I had was my dick in her mouth.
To make up for it, I pushed Mimi's hands away and began to maul her breasts as I skull-fucked her.
Yesmine's nipples were rock hard and when I pinched them her entire body shuddered. Of course, that could have been due to Melinda's tongue flicking the nub of her clit back and forth.
Our lover lay on the bed and I felt her throat relax. Mimi gave herself over to both Melinda and I and just hung on.
I let up for a second, knowing that my wife wanted to bring Yesmine to orgasm. Pulling my cock out of the eager mouth below me, bent my knees slightly.
"Suck," I said and Mimi obediently took my balls in her mouth. I never let up on her tits, squeezing them like ripe melons. Rolling her nipples between my fingers. Her areolas crinkled up, and not because it was cold.
Melinda's head stopped bobbing and I knew she was going for broke. Standing, I lifted my balls out of Yesmine's mouth, lest she accidentally bite them in her excitement.
For a brief second, the room fell silent. Mimi gritted her teeth. I smiled and watched my wife work her magic. Melinda's mouth had fully enveloped Yesmine's swollen labia. Neither girl moved, but I knew my wife's tongue was a tornado in her mouth.
Just as Mimi's body tensed, I raised my hand up then struck her breasts with my open palm.
The timing was perfect.
An ear-splitting scream echoed off the walls as Melinda raped Mimi's pussy and ass with her fingers. All the while, her tongue flicked against our lover's engorged clit.
"I'm cumming!" Mimi desperately gasped for air. Neither Melinda nor I let up.
Between the two of us, I think Yesmine was near sensory overload. Her arms flailed around as she vainly sought out something to hold on to. Melinda was still working Mimi over with her fingers and her tongue; I kneaded her breasts, alternating between soft and gentle and hard and fast.
A stream of obscenities spewed forth from Mimi's mouth. Her eyes glazed over. Her entire body shook as the orgasm enveloped her.
"Oh, god!" she moaned. "Fuck! . . . fuck . . . fuckfuckfuck . . . I'm still . . . still cumming . . . don't . . . stop . . . please don't . . . .fucking . . . stop!"
Melinda was too happy to oblige our lover.
I never let go of her tits. Those glorious breasts that I had fantasised about since . . . well, since that day in about seventh grade when I first noticed breasts. They were the object of much of my "alone time" until my freshman year of college when I met Melinda.
And now . . . after all these years . . . I had the four most wonderful breasts in the world in my bedroom. Naked.
Summoning all the willpower I possessed, I resisted the urge to stroke my cock. I was only about ten seconds from blowing cum all over Yesmine Williamson's tits, but I had other plans.
As Melinda slowly let Mimi down, I stepped back long enough to shed my shirt. Mimi lay limp on the bed, her eyes rolled back in her head.
Satisfied with her work, Melinda sat back on her knees. I noticed that she was wearing a loose blouse that was unbuttoned. Her big round breasts spilled out of the bra. Like the other girls, Melinda had been instructed to spend the weekend wearing skirts; hers was hiked up and I could see her fingers absently stroking the bare pussy beneath.
I smiled wickedly.
Walking around to the other side of the bed, I pushed Melinda on top of our lover, who was just barely conscious. She purred with delight as I rubbed the head of my cock into the slit of her labia.
Melinda leaned in and kissed our lover. Whispering in the other girl's ear, she pressed her body against Mimi's, as if she was going to mount her.
It took a great effort, but Yesmine threw her arms around Melinda and the two women embraced, their bodies melting together.
I don't think I have to tell you this, but there is nothing more erotic than watching two beautiful women kiss. Maybe I'm biased. Maybe I'm just a chauvinistic guy who watches too much porn. But I challenge you to find something that gets *anyone's* blood pumping more than watching pretty girls making out.
Melinda's ass stuck up in the air. I smacked it playfully. "Roll over."
As one, the two girls turned to the side so Melinda was laying on her back and Yesmine's perfect rear end was facing me. I got on my knees behind her.
The two of us moaned as I entered Yesmine's tight little snatch. Like my wives, her pussy was especially tight after having an orgasm and I was in the right place at the right time.
Grasping her wide hips, I pushed her away as I pulled out and pulled her to me as I thrust in. Melinda and Mimi continued to kiss, their tongues intertwined.
"That feels so good!" Yesmine gasped and I couldn't tell if it was because of what I was doing or if it was Melinda's hand that had found its way between our lover's legs.
I felt my wife's fingertips brush the underside of my cock as she rubbed Mimi's clit.
Yesmine had collapsed on top of Melinda. Her arms and legs would not support her weight. She convulsed as we made a sandwich out of her. My cock was buried in her pussy while her breasts pressed against Melinda's soft, round orbs.
With each stroke, I pulled back so only the tip was still inside her, then I thrust forward. Each time a little harder. Each time a little faster. Each time bringing us a little closer to orgasm.
"Do you like that?" Melinda said softly. "Do you like that feeling that cock in your pussy?"
"Yes!" the other woman moaned. "I love it!"
"Do you like getting fucked from behind?"
"Do you like getting fucked doggy-style?"
"Yes!" Yesmine sobbed as I pounded away at her.
I reached up with one hand and grabbed a handful of her hair. Mimi's moans turned to screams.
"Do you like being my bitch?"
All she could do was grunt incoherently.
"Do you like being my bitch?" I repeated, my voice a little louder this time. My strokes a little deeper.
"Yes!" she shrieked. "I'm your bitch! I'm your whore . . . just don't . . . don't stop fucking me!"
Every time I thrust forward, I pulled a little harder on her glorious mane. This left her throat exposed, her mouth hanging open and she struggled for breath.
Melinda's lips latched on to the soft underside of Mimi's neck. Her teeth raked the sensitive sides from behind Yesmine's ear down to her collarbone.
Mimi's entire body began to shake as she approached another orgasm. Or maybe it was a continuation of the one she had before.
The two of us hammered her relentlessly. Me in her pussy. Melinda stroking her clit and cupping her pendulous breasts.
As I felt Mimi's pussy flood with warmth, I tried to stave off my own orgasm. Melinda's arms were wrapped around our lover. She bit softly on Yesmine's ear. Our eyes met and we exchanged a knowing smile.
Just as I was about to cum, Melinda pinched one of Mimi's erect nipples with one hand, while slapping her clit with the other. Combined with my cock buried deep inside her, Yesmine went over the edge.
She took one deep breath and then let loose with a primal, glorious scream.
I pressed as deep inside her as I could go. I felt the walls of Mimi's pussy pulsing around me and I desperately tried to keep from shooting my wad inside her.
My hands grasped Yesmine's round buttocks. I leaned forward and sucked on the back of her neck as she rode out the cum.
Panting for breath, Mimi fell limp in Melinda's arms. My cock was still hard, although I wasn't going to last much longer. I brushed the hair out of her face and noticed that Yesmine's eyes had rolled back into her head.
As gently as I could, I withdrew my cock from the warm confines of Mimi's pussy then rolled her to the side.
Melinda lay on the bed, her legs splayed open. Her blouse hung loosely to the sides. There was a hungry look in my wife's eyes.
"Save some for me, mister?"
"You bet," I leaned forward and kissed my wife. Her hands worked between us and popped the front-mounted clasp on her bra.
Finally free, those big luscious tits mashed against my chest and our bodies pressed together. My cock slipped easily into my wife and we both let out a satisfied groan.
I looked over to check on Mimi. Her eyes were closed. She had a slight smile, but was otherwise passed out. I turned my attention back to Melinda.
"Is her pussy better than mine?" Melinda asked as I sank all the way into her.
"No," I replied to the obviously loaded question. But I wasn't lying. "No one's is."
"Is Mimi better in bed than me?"
"Sweetheart," I buried myself as deep as I could go; Melinda arched her back so her breasts pressed forward while pulling me towards her. "No one is better in bed than you."
She purred in my ear as I began to grind my hips against her. She whispered in my ear. "You remember that."
"Do you want to make love?" I bit her just behind her jawbone. She squealed with delight. "Or do you want to fuck?"
"I want you to fuck me like you fucked her," Melinda growled.
"I'm gonna fuck you six ways from Sunday," I pulled back so only the very tip of my cock was still inside her. Then I thrust in as hard as I could. My wife cried out, her fingernails digging into my shoulders
Without preamble I began to pound Melinda mercilessly. She spread her legs as far apart as they would go. I hooked her knees inside my elbows.
Her pussy made that squishy sound as I pistoned in and out of her. All the while I thanked the inventor of the Tempurpedic mattress because as I fucked my wife's brains out, our companion in the bed lay undisturbed only a couple of feet away. If we were still in our waterbed from college, Melinda and I would have either made Mimi seasick, or she would have been washed over the side!
I felt Melinda's teeth dig into my collarbone to keep from screaming loud enough to wake the children. Her breasts shook with every stroke. Our hips slapped together.
As I drilled her over and over, I pulled back enough to look into my wife's gorgeous face. Though both of us had just had our lover, in that moment, we only had eyes for each other.
After all these years. After sharing one another with our two other wives. Two children. Moving three states away. Two adopted children. And now taking another couple as lovers.
She was still the most beautiful woman in the world. At least to me.
You'd think that after the thousands of times we had made love, things might have become a little stale. But no, every time was like the first. *Every* time.
And I was more in love with her than the day we met.
I gave her one deep push and held my cock inside her. Melinda pulled me close, knowing I would cum if she so much as twitched. "If you keep fucking me like that, you're going to poke your baby's eye out!"
We both giggled. She let out a disappointed sigh when I withdrew my cock from between her legs.
"Get on your knees," I said.
"Do what?" there was a sly wink in her voice.
"Get on your knees, *bitch*!" I smacked her across the chest, drawing a satisfied moan from my wife.
With one fluid motion, I entered her from behind. She braced herself against the headboard with one hand and was furiously rubbing her clit with the other.
There was no way I was going to last very long. From the way she cried out as I sank into her, Melinda wasn't either.
I leaned forward, one hand on her shoulder, the other on her ass. Her breasts were mashed flat against the bed. Good thing, too; the way I was going, if they were hanging loose, they would have slapped her in the face!
Without mercy, I began to fuck my wife. She met each thrust resolutely. Her ass absorbed every blow as my cock pounded her tight little pussy.
"Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuckfuckfuck!" she chanted, her words barely audible through the pillow.
Both of us were covered in sweat. My cock was tumescent. Mere minutes before I had been inside the hottest girl in my high school.
Now I was filling one of the three people on God's green Earth I loved more than anyone, save my children.
The room began to spin. Melinda was babbling incoherently, begging me not to stop. Begging me to fuck her harder.
Oh, was I happy to oblige her!
My toes began to tingle. My eyes fixated on the four-leaf clover on the back of Melinda's neck. The symbol of our love and our commitment.
I felt Melinda's pussy spasm around me. She filled with warmth. Her legs gave out and we collapsed on to the bed.
It's a good thing the four of us believe God has a tremendous sense of humour, because if Jesus had shown up like Melinda apparently wanted him to, He probably would have been very annoyed at her for calling his name so much.
Still I hammered away at Melinda's pussy. I was in the zone. Her legs were spread wide. I could hear each slap of my cock against her backside. I never wanted that feeling to end.
What pushed me over the edge was the unexpected feeling of something entering my ass. It was warm and slick. Mimi's finger nudged my prostate in just the right way to make me see stars. I howled, "Fucking shit!"
Then the orgasm consumed me.
I fell on top of Melinda's limp body. It seemed to go on and on and on.
My last conscious action was to kiss the back of Melinda's neck as my cock poured out its contents into the womb that was already carrying my child.
"I love you," I whispered to my wife just before I blacked out.
It was probably only a few seconds later when the world came back into focus.
"That was the hottest thing I have ever seen," Yesmine said dreamily.
Neither Melinda nor I could move, although we both had regained consciousness. Mimi's cool touch rolled me to the side. My wife fell into my arms.
Through eyes that were glazed over with post-coital bliss, I watched Yesmine stumble out of the bed towards the bathroom. The water ran for a few seconds, then she came back out, drying her hands in a towel.
Yesmine climbed into bed with us, her back to Melinda. The three of us spooned up together for the rest of the afternoon, just letting the day pass by, wanting nothing.
"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily.
"Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time.
"I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'."
My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up for some sub time with our redheaded wife.
"You'll be back in time to finish up with Mimi, though?" Katie asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I nuzzled up to her neck, drawing a delighted squeal. We talked for a few more minutes, about logistics and stuff, then called the other adults in the house to get the schedule straight.
Half an hour later, Katie and I were showered and clean, then those of us who were going out loaded up all six kids in the Suburban (what I would give for Honda to make a van that seats 9!). We waved good-bye to Katie, Leah and Geoff then took the kids out for an evening of ski-ball, pizza and fun.
I was driving and Mimi was in the passenger's seat. Melinda was in the third row along with Gabi and Gwen. The other kids were strapped in to their seats for the ten minute ride.
There's a place near our house where the kids love to go called Asheville's Fun Depot. Think of Chuck E. Cheese on crack. In addition to video games and ski-ball, they've got bumper cars, go-karts, miniature golf, laser tag, batting cages, a "soft play" area, mini-bowling, and just about anything else that makes noise. The kids all love to go there because they accumulate a mountain of tickets on the rides and games to "buy" cheap and chincy trinkets.
We (the adults) like to go there because the kids are entertained for an evening and all we have to do is take a periodic head count. Sure they're taking our money, but that's the price of entertainment, right? Plus, amidst all of the noise and clatter, our children are saints compared to some of the other kids who show up and inevitably throw a hissy fit when their folks run out of money or they crash from their sugar high. It makes us feel better to see that other people out there are worse parents than we are.
Another plus to taking the kids there is that after an evening of fun, the kids all crash and everyone gets a good night's sleep. And with the six of us wanting to get some more of our own "play time" in before Mimi and Geoff left, having the kids in bed early is the object of every activity we planned.
When we were about half way there, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a remote control. I pressed a button and Mimi let out a sharp gasp. I smiled inwardly and continued talking as if everything were normal.
Before we left, Katie informed me that she had instructed Yesmine to wear a device we call "the threeway." It's harness that has three vibrators built into it: one that goes in the pussy, one in the ass and a little nub that fits against the clitoris. The girls all pass it around and usually the person wearing it is doing so as some sort of punishment. Or it's her birthday and taking the Sybian with us out to dinner seems rather tacky.
There's a remote control with a series of buttons on it that activates some combination of the vibrators at varying degrees of intensity. Melinda says the trick is to change up which vibrators are on and at what level with regular frequency. She made Katie sit through one of the *Lord of the Rings* movies while wearing it. I thought Katie was going to soak the seat at the theater, and when we got back to the car, my redheaded wife nearly mauled my blonde wife (in the good way).
Now it was Mimi's turn.
As soon as we walked through the door, I turned the vibrators off. I figured that she was going to have enough stimulation with a small vibe in front and in back to start the evening. Plus, we had to get the kids situated first.
"Hey, honey," I said to Melinda. "Your boyfriend's here."
My wife smiled warmly. Yesmine's eyebrow shot up. Melinda winked.
Our kids knew the drill and Mimi's picked up quickly. Over the past several months, the girls and I scouted out the best place to sit that gave us a clear vantage of the whole place, and on a Sunday night, business was down, so our usual picnic-style table was open. I headed for the food, Melinda went for tokens and Mimi made sure no one disappeared. After placing our order for pizza, I returned with a couple of pitchers of Sprite and some cups.
Melinda got play cards for all the kids that would give them unlimited time in the indoor play area, golf and the arcade. She also had a handful of tokens we would ration out all night to the kids to play the ticket games.
Then we turned the kids loose with instructions to come back when they saw our food arrive. The three of us sat down, Mimi and I on one side, Melinda across from us. All night, we each counted heads periodically. All six of them headed for the "soft play" area that was just the right speed for three and five year olds. None of them were old enough to ride the go-karts or play the miniature golf, nor were they really any good a ski-ball or Whac-A-Mole.
But they could climb a padded jungle gym or dive into a pool of soft rubber balls.
"I wonder what the others are doing," Mimi mused.
"I'd say Katie is fucking their brains out," Melinda said softly.
"Speaking of that," I reached into my pocket and flipped all three switches to high for about ten seconds.
I thought we were going to have to peel Mimi off the ceiling.
"Go to the rest room and take your bra off," I said once I turned everything off.
"What?" It took Yesmine a second to un-cross her eyes.
"You heard me," the command tone crept into my voice. "Go take your bra off."
"Not here . . . You can't make—"
With one swift motion, I reached over and pulled on Mimi's thick mane of dark hair. Her jaw fell open, her throat exposed. There was fear in her eyes. Excitement, too.
"I said, 'Go take your bra off.' I won't ask again."
"Yes, Master," she whispered. Her legs shaking, she headed towards the women's room. Melinda and I shared a conspiratorial grin.
A few minutes later, Mimi returned to the table.
"Show me," I said softly. She tipped her purse to the side, revealing her neatly folded bra within. I motioned to the bench next to me and Mimi obediently sat down. She smiled demurely when I patted her gently on the backside. "Very good, my dear."
I was about to toy with Mimi's toy, when the pizza arrived. Melinda immediately put on her most charming smile.
"Hello, Daniel," she greeted the boy who held a large pizza tray in each hand. He set them on the table. Another kid handed him a stack of plates and some napkins.
"Hi, Prof— . . . er, Melinda," he stammered. It's taken a while, but we've finally broken him of calling the girls "Mrs." or "Ms.", although Melinda says he still refers to her as "Doctor" or "Professor" at school.
"Are you ready for graduation?"
"Um, I guess." When I talk to him, he is friendly and engaging. Smart, too. But when around my girls, he becomes a tongue-tied little kid who's in puppy love with my buxom wife.
"Have you decided what you're going to do next year?" Melinda asked. While she seemed to be carrying on a normal conversation, she was toying with this kid . . . a child really. She leaned forward ever so slightly. Just enough to let him look down the first three open buttons of her blouse.
Since Kaylee was about three, we'd been coming here on a fairly regular basis. Many of the staff knew us by name, and they all dote on our kids. We tip well and often find a few "extra" tokens or cookies slipped in here or there.
Daniel was about to graduate from one of the local high schools. He'd been working at the Fun Depot since he was sixteen. Melinda had him in a dual-enrollment freshmen literature and language class where he earned high school and college credits. He was immediately smitten and is quick to cater to her every whim.
We have gotten to know him reasonably well. He's bright and hard-working. In many ways, he reminds me of Katie's former boyfriend, Carl. Tall and lanky, his movements are awkward, as if he's still trying to grow into his body. In a couple of years, he'll fill out nicely.
"I haven't decided," he replied with a frustrated frown. From past conversations, we knew he had been accepted at Guilford, UNC Asheville and Wake Forest. His first choice was Wake, but I don't know that he can afford it. "I'm still trying to see who's going to put together the best financial aid package."
It seemed to me that a part of him would be more than happy to stay at home, not rack up mountains of debt going to a public university and take all of Melinda's literature classes.
"Who's your friend?" Mimi asked, catching on quickly. She stuck her chest out, trying to pry the boy's eyes away from my wife. Just for good measure, I turned on two of the vibrators and her nipples popped up, seemingly ready to burst through the thin material of her blouse.
"Oh, how rude of me," Melinda said with a smirk. "Mimi, this is Daniel. He's one of our regular servers here. He was also in my freshman LANG-120 class. Daniel, this is our friend, Yesmine. See the dark haired girl playing with Kaylee? That's Mimi's daughter Tiffany and the boy over with Bryan and the twins is Jeremy."
"It's nice to meet you." It took him a second to form the words. I could see the gears turning in his head, wondering who she was and what she was doing with us. That Melinda, Leah, Katie and I are a foursome is an open secret among people who know us, Daniel included. Like everyone else who meets Mimi, Daniel was enraptured by her beauty, but deep down, he only had eyes for Melinda. If he weren't so nice, I'd have throttled him for looking at my lovely bride the way he does sometimes.
Of course, Melinda only eggs him on. While his name tag reads "Danny" and that's what everyone else calls him, she insists on using his formal name. She says it makes him seem more grown up. I just tell her that she's got to let him down easy, because I'm not letting any of the girls go . . . at least not for a gawky, teenage kid with stringy hair and bad skin.
He started to say something else, but the six kids saw the pizza and abandoned the play area for the food. Kaylee ran up to Daniel and gave him a big hug. He picked her up and spun her around once, then set her gently down next to Melinda. "If you need anything else, just let me know."
"We will, Daniel," Melinda winked, knowing it would only get his heart racing. "Thanks again."
The three of us set about ensuring that all the kids got enough pizza and Sprite before getting some food ourselves. The food isn't great, but nor is it awful. Plus, it's reasonably priced and the kids love it.
Between the nine of us, the pizza disappeared quickly. Then the kids went back to the games and fun area.
"What's the deal with your friend?" Mimi asked with a smile.
"It was love at first sight," I said before Melinda could respond.
My wife snorted, although she blushed a little bit, too.
"You've got quite the cougar there, tiger," Yesmine said to me.
"She just likes the attention," I winked. "As if she doesn't already have three people in love with her already."
"He keeps looking over at you," Mimi teased.
"I think he's looking at you," Melinda retorted.
"Let's find out . . . Yesmine, I think you need to go over and chat with Daniel for a while." I flipped the vibe on Mimi's clit to medium and the one in her ass to low. She let out a desperate moan. I reached into my wallet and pulled out a twenty. "Go get some dessert for us. We'll get the kids something later."
The look she shot me was a mix of desire and frustration. I smiled innocently.
"Damn, that girl is *hawt*," Melinda breathed as we watched our friend saunter away. That much was true.
Even without the little bit of extra sway in her hips she put in just for us, Yesmine Meadows is probably one of the ten hottest people I can think of off the top of my head, and that list includes Megan Fox, Tricia Helfer and Jessica Alba. Even though she wasn't wearing a bra, her breasts sat up high and perky on her chest; after her mastoplexy, Melinda's did, too, but not like Mimi's.
Daniel's eyes got wide as Yesmine began a conversation with him. His eyes were glued to her chest and I could only imagine him feeling guilty for "cheating" on Melinda as he visually undressed the dark-haired goddess we sent over to him. Of course, when she was sitting next to us, neither Melinda nor I could keep our eyes off her chest, either.
"So why didn't you two ever go out?" Melinda asked out of the blue.
"We did go out," I replied. "Well, once or twice."
"So what happened?"
"Yesmine is way out of my league," I snorted.
"She's way out of Geoff's league," my wife pointed out, and she's right. "And they've been together for sixteen years."
I paused for a second. "We were always just friends. There wasn't even the undercurrent of sexual tension like there was between Leah and I."
"You mean you didn't want to bone her?"
"Hell, yes, I wanted to bone her!" I had to keep my voice down to avoid the people two tables over from eavesdropping on our conversation. "Everyone in our school wanted a roll in the sack with her. That includes the other girls and the teachers, too. But I never wanted to go out with her. Not seriously anyway."
"Why not?" As I said before, Melinda has a bit of insecurity about her. Never mind that she has a PhD, is well-regarded in the academic community and is a fairly successful author of trashy romance novels (under a pseudonym, of course). Not to mention the fact that she has three spouses who love her more than life itself and four (soon to be eight) children who absolutely adore her. Except for my daughters, I think Melinda is the most beautiful woman in the world, and that includes my other two wives (just don't tell them I said that).
I took a minute to formulate my response. "We're not on the same page. Leah and I have been best friends from the day we met. Leah and Katie are soulmates. You and I . . . we were meant to be together. No matter what else had gone on in our lives, I am convinced that even without that trip to Disney World, we would have been together forever. It may have taken me a couple more years to get my head out of my butt, but we would be married and have kids and grow old together."
Reaching across the table, I took her hand.
"That's Mimi and Geoff," I said softly. "Mimi and I were friendly, but there was no . . . no spark. Not beyond physical attraction . . . and mostly it was me being attracted to her, not the other way around. I didn't go out of my way to stay in touch with her like I did with Leah. I didn't quit a job to be with her like I did for you. Even Katie and I had more of a latent attraction when we were just lab partners than I ever had with Mimi. We always got along and were best buds, but as soon as we got to graduation, I never expected to see her again."
"So you just wanted to stick your dick in her?" Melinda asked with that wicked smile that makes my pulse race.
"I'm breathing, aren't I?"
"You're full of shit," she pinched me once for good measure.
"And yet you still married me," I tugged on her hand and we both leaned across the table for a quick kiss. "Twice."
"And I'd marry you a third time if you'd ask."
"As long as you promise never to leave me, I'll ask every day," I said gently.
"Oh, stop that!" We could hear Mimi's eyes rolling as she returned to the table. The funnel cake in her hands momentarily distracted me from the crinkled-up nipples that were plainly visible through her blouse. "You two should get a room."
"We have a room," Melinda retorted. "Later we just might tie you up in it."
Mimi's eyes smoldered. I knew she wanted to say something that would probably result in us getting kicked out of the place. Instead, she set the dessert down and the three of us resumed our vigil over the children.
I turned the vibrators off and we fell into an easy conversation. The kids stopped by for drinks, some more pizza and to beg for ice cream. We let them play for another hour, then packed everyone up to go home.
Daniel came out to see us one more time, under the flimsy pretense of busing the table. I can't say I blame him; if I were eighteen years old and had the opportunity to ogle two hot MILFs like Melinda and Yesmine, I'd do it, too. Hell, I'm thirty-two years old and I take every chance I get to ogle the four hot MILFs currently sleeping under my roof!
By the time we got back, it was after bedtime. The little ones were either asleep or nodding off in the car. Kaylee and Tiffany trudged upstairs and changed for bed. Leah, Geoff and Katie were waiting for us. All three were clothed, but Geoff appeared to be walking a little funny; I didn't ask, but Katie winked mischievously.
We got everyone in their pajamas and tucked in before the six of us settled in for some "adult" time. Geoff and Mimi had a short conversation, and then they disappeared into the big bedroom with Leah and Katie. Melinda flashed me her tits and evaded my attempts to grope her.
Then she sent me downstairs to get ready.
I sat in front of the panel of video monitors watching my children sleeping. Kaylee, Tiffany, Bryan and Jeremy were zonked out and in dreamland. With a worried expression on my face, I watched Gabi toss and turn. The volume was off on the monitors, but I could tell she was whimpering and crying.
After a few minutes, Gwen woke herself and climbed into bed with her sister. The pair held one another as I sat there feeling helpless. Soon both were breathing rhythmically, each clutching the other in their little arms. It was all I could do to resist going upstairs, but I knew nothing I did would make a difference.
A soft knock at the door brought me out of my reverie. I turned the video monitors off, knowing that one of the other girls upstairs would have an ear out on the kids.
"Enter," I called, my voice hard.
Meekly, Yesmine crawled into the room. I knew the hardwood floors weren't very good for bare knees, but that was part of the point.
She wore a black leather cupless corset, thigh-highs and stiletto heels. She clutched something in her teeth and a plug protruded from her shapely backside. Her long hair was pulled back in a tight braid.
Katie followed her, striking our slave for moving too slowly. She, too, wore a leather corset, only hers had red accents.
Her head bowed, Yesmine stopped at my feet. She didn't move, even though Mistress Katya struck her several times just for good measure.
"You have something for me," I said. It wasn't really a question.
Mimi's head bobbed as she lay the collar at my feet.
I squatted down so I was almost eye with her.
"Look at me," I lifted her chin because she reflexively cast her eyes down. I waited until I was staring into those big, brown orbs. "Do you understand what this means?"
"Yes, Master," she whispered.
"Do you?" I looked up at my wife who was standing behind our slave.
"Yes, Master," Katie said. There was fear and excitement in both their voices.
I reached down and picked the collar up off the floor. It was leather with a silver buckle on the back. Three interlocking rings hung from the front. Our slave lifted her head and exposed her throat.
It took a little bit of effort to secure the strap around her neck (it was new leather, give me a break!), but soon it was securely fastened.
"I have something for you, too, my dear," I said gently. Katya and I exchanged a quick glance. "A name."
Mimi beamed expectantly. After the previous night, when all we had done was beat her, she had a whole day to reflect on what we had done. I think part of her was ready; after all, she kind of knew what to expect because she had been the playing the Domme part in her relationship with Geoff.
Still, it's one thing to know and the other thing to go through it. Our ferocity had thrown her for a loop, which was probably why she broke down crying after only a few hours. Yet, she knew what she had to do, and now was the time for her reward.
"Your Mistress and I have been talking about this, and we have decided to name you Amira," I said, caressing her cheek.
"Princess," our slave whispered. Her smiled turned to a surprised yelp as Katya smacked her for speaking without permission. Her eyes were immediately downcast. "My apologies, Master."
I stood, pointedly not accepting her contrition. "Undress me."
The first thing our slave did was lean over and kiss my bare feet. Without implicit instructions, I could tell she was having a hard time deciding what to do next. Of course, that was not a coincidence.
Raising up on her knees, Amira reached for my belt. Opening the buckle, she pressed her face against my crotch. My cock began to stiffen. Taking the zipper between her teeth, she lowered her head. My shorts fell to the floor.
Her legs weak, our slave slowly stood. She lifted my t-shirt over my shoulders. All the while, her lips planted soft kisses all over my body. Soon I was naked. Mimi was behind me, pressing her glorious breasts into my back.
She raked my shoulders with her teeth. I looked over at Katya, who had a flash of jealousy in her eyes; I couldn't tell if it was aimed more at me or Amira.
Our slave's hands ran down my back and wrapped around my waist. I grasped her wrists and twisted, just enough that Amira sank down to her knees. Keeping my expression carefully neutral, I looked into her eyes.
"You are a good slave," I said. "Yet tonight you disappointed me."
Her eyes got wide when she realised what I was talking about.
"What is the punishment for disobedience?" I asked Mistress Katya.
"Ten lashes," she replied automatically.
"That means twenty for you," I started.
"No, Master," our slave began to beg. "Please . . . I didn't know—"
"Do not speak out of turn!" Mistress Katya, reached down and pulled on Amira's long, dark hair. Her throat bared and vulnerable, our slave fell silent, but her eyes began to tear up.
The girls have never actually beaten or whipped me; that was part of the attraction of this weekend with Geoff for them. I think the anticipation is often worse than the actual punishment. Our usual instrument is a quarter-inch wooden dowel rod. You can buy them at Lowe's or Home Depot, or even at an arts & crafts store. It's like a switch that many of us remember our parents using on us as children.
I like them because they cause a nice little sting, but won't break the skin and they snap with very little exertion, so there's no possibility of causing an actual injury. I know this sounds kind of cliché and clinical, but in everything we do, safety is our primary concern and I would do nothing that would truly hurt any of my wives. Sure, I sometimes push them to the limit of what they can endure, but breaking a bone or twisting a joint is neither fun nor exciting; it's abuse.
Sensing Amira's apprehension, Mistress Katya smiled and led her to a metal rod that hung from the ceiling. There were cuffs on the floor and on the bar, which we could also raise or lower depending on who was attached to it.
With practised efficiency, Katya strung our slave up. She stood there on her tip-toes, her arms and legs spread wide. The cuffs supported her weight, although they would cause her shoulders to be sore in the morning. That was okay, though; we had other plans that would also cause her to be sore, too.
"Count," Mistress Katya's voice was firm. She raised the three-foot stick and struck Amira across the backside.
"One," she groaned.
With each strike, Amira's voice became a little more strained. With each strike, a fresh tear fell from the corner of her eyes. With each strike, she became ours.
Our slave's rear end was criss-crossed with red lines by the time she got to twenty. Her legs were quivering and shaking from hanging there so long.
Amira fell to her knees and sobbed when I released the cuffs around her wrists. Mistress Katya reached under her chin and firmly lifted so the two were looking eye to eye.
"Do not disobey your Master again, slave." The tone of her voice even sent a chill down my spine.
"I won't, Mistress," Amira whispered.
"Good." Katya tugged on our slave's hair then the two girls kissed, hard a first, but it soon became surprisingly gentle. Hypnotised by their sheer eroticism, I watched them, absently stroking my cock, which was standing at full mast.
"Thank you for disciplining me, Mistress Katya." I swear those are the sexiest words I think I have ever heard.
"Oh, we're not done yet, Amira." There was a hint of laughter, in my wife's voice, but also the promise of great things to come. "Wipe your tears away, we've just gotten started for tonight."
I leaned over and gave both girls a kiss. "I think Amira needs to practice."
"Practice what, Master?" Mistress Katya asked.
"Her new trick," I replied with a sly grin. "I'm sure she will please you."
"She had better," Katya's voice became firm. "Come, Amira."
My wife lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide. Our slave instinctively crawled up between them, and she began to gently kiss her Mistress along the inside of her thighs.
Katya's eyes rolled back into her head as the two women began to make love. My eyes fixed on the round globes of Amira's near-perfect rear end.
"That's very good," my redheaded lover purred. "You do that very well!"
My cock hardened in my fist. There were so many things I wanted to do in that instant: Shove my cock down my wife's throat. Fuck our slave from behind. Eat both women out all night long.
Instead, I waited for the pair to share their intimate moment. Amira's head had a slight bob to it as she went down on her Mistress.
"Oh, yes!" Katya cried out. "Right there! Eat my fucking pussy, you little whore . . . Don't stop!"
Eager to please her Mistress, our slave doubled her efforts.
Mistress Katya was splayed out on the bed. Her hands cupped her tiny little breasts, their nipples sticking straight up. Her eyes opened to mere slits, their green pupils peeking out at me.
We smiled lovingly at one another. I was eager to put our slave and lover between us. I could tell Katya was, too, only she was enjoying being eaten out too much!
Her hand went to the back of her slave's head. She grasped a handful of that thick, black hair and thrust her pussy forward. Bucking her hips against Amira's mouth, she began to unleash a stream of snarling obscenities that were probably the sexiest things I have ever heard.
Soon enough, Amira was going for broke. She had pulled back, her lips no longer on her Mistress's pussy. Instead, she flicked the nub of Katya's clit rapidly with her tongue. All the while, she used two fingers to saw in and out of the soaking-wet pussy in front of her.
Unable to hold back any longer, my wife began to orgasm. She clawed at her lover's hair and writhed on the bed.
Finally, she threw her head back into the pillows and let the cum consume her. The room was filled with the sounds of Katya's shrieks and the sloppy lapping of Amira's tongue.
After only two days of being a "lesbian", it seemed that our new slave had picked up quickly. She seemed to instinctively let my wife down slowly. When it became apparent that her Mistress was close to passing out, Amira kissed her way up to Katya's lips and both women held one another close.
Not wanting them to get too comfortable, I waited just a moment then reached out and pulled on Amira's hair. She let out a shocked yelp, but didn't protest as I dragged her across the room to the "rape stand".
My cock wasn't going to be denied much longer and after having witnessed my wife having her way with our slave, I was sure as hell going to get mine!
Among all of the other contraptions and devices in our basement, we have two stands. Each is designed to support the girls laying on their stomachs. There are supports for their knees and elbows. Basically, they allow me (or one of the others) do them from behind while it holds up their weight. One is well-padded and is one of the girls's favourite toys.
The other . . . well, not so much.
In fact, it was designed to be uncomfortable. Instead of a soft cushion, the top is metal. The supports have a little bit of padding, but not much. Sometimes we use metal cuffs. Other times, we use rope tie-downs or even bungee cords.
I led Amira to the stand and lay her down. The cold, hard steel deck made her nipples stand straight up. I saw goosebumps on her back and arms. Her backside was still red from the lashing.
From between her legs, her puffy labia peeked out. Amira was soaked.
Mistress Katya and I fastened leather cuffs around her wrists, then bound her to the stand. We did the same to her ankles.
"Do you think our bitch is ready?" I asked with a sly smile.
"I believe she is, Master," my wife replied, a dreamy look in her eyes.
"Then let's get fucking." I saddled up behind our bound slave. Of course the stand is just the right height for me.
With one swift stroke, I entered her all the way to the hilt. She cried out with pleasure. I let out a low moan.
My hands dug into the round globes of her magnificent rear end. As far as I'm concerned, the only ass in the world better than the one on Yesmine Meadows belongs to Katie.
There was no pretense, no real foreplay. I began to pound away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katya fitting a red strap-on harness around her waist.
Our slave gritted her teeth, trying not to cry out. After about twenty seconds of merciless pounding, I pushed forward and held my cock inside her. I looked across the room and looked at us in the mirror that spanned the opposite wall.
Amira's face was flush. She had bitten her lip to stifle a scream. The veins in her neck were visible and a thin sheen of sweat covered her brow. The metal on the choker around her neck glistened in the soft light.
"Are you ready to fuck our slave?" I asked.
"Not yet, Master," my accomplice said, a wicked smile on her face. Seeing what she held in her hands, I withdrew, my cock glistening with Amira's juices. My wife fitted the small vibrator against Amira's clit, then secured the straps around her waist and thighs. Her pussy was fully accessible from behind, and the vibe began to hum softly.
"Don't you dare cum without permission," Mistress Katya warned.
"I won't, Mistress." Our slave's voice was already strained. I entered her again and we both gasped.
After a few strokes, I glanced over my shoulder into the corner. Sure enough, the tell-tale red light on one of the cameras shone. I nodded and then winked over at Katya, who stuck her cock into our slave's mouth.
We did her from both ends, varying both the intensity and the speed of our thrusts. I could hear our slave alternate between choking and moaning from the pounding we gave her. She had stopped resisting; instead she took each blow like a trooper, fully surrendering her body to us.
It was all I could do to keep from cumming all over her. Every time Mistress Katya thrust forward into her mouth, Amira's entire body tensed and the muscles in her tight little sex clenched even tighter around my cock.
For several minutes, we kept this up until there was a soft knock on the door. Amira was so absorbed in the fucking we were giving her, she didn't hear it.
The second, louder knock brought a bewildered look to our slave's face as both of us withdrew from her.
There was one final act of submission Mistress Katya and I needed from our new slave.
"Come in," I called.
The door opened and Melinda and Leah led Geoff in to the room. Melinda held the leash in her hands. Both girls were wearing strap-ons that were covered in lube.
Geoff was crawling on his hands and knees. Both his and his wife's eyes got wide when they saw one another.
"Please, Master," Amira begged, even though she had not been given permission to speak. "Not in front of my slave. I'll do—"
Mistress Katya struck her across the backside with her dowel rod so hard I heard it crack. She simply tossed it into the corner and picked up another one. Our slave fell silent, although her eyes were rapidly filling with tears.
Even before the weekend started, the six of us had come up with some ground rules about what was fair game and what was off limits. Mimi had told us she wanted the full slave experience. I don't think she imagined that it would include us humiliating her in front of her own slave, and lacking any explicit rule prohibiting us from doing it, Katie and I decided to proceed.
Besides, everyone had a safe word and if Mimi didn't want to go on, all she had to say were the words, "Starfleet Command".
I half expected her to put an end to the fantasy right then and there, but she didn't.
Yes, there was dismay and embarrassment in her eyes. In all of their D/s play, I don't think Yesmine had ever allowed Geoff to be in a position of power, or see her as anything but the person in control.
Now . . . now, she was clearly not in control.
In their videos, Mimi adopts the character of "Crystal", a typical internet bimbo who just wants to fuck and suck until her guy shoots all over her. Yet that's just a character, and even in their online play, she's clearly in charge.
We had her tied down, beaten until her backside was almost blistered. We had fucked her hard, and we still weren't done. She was completely helpless and at our mercy.
Our plan was to blindside them both. Even though our six-way swap was pre-planned and consensual, this was not. In this little role-play, we were humiliating Mimi by raping her in front of her slave, and humiliating Geoff by cuckolding him.
When we let Melinda and Leah in on our little scheme, they seemed enthusiastic and we all hoped our two friends would like it, too.
The pained expression on Geoff's face was priceless. As was the underlying excitement that I could see in his eyes. Yesmine was equally turned on, although I know she didn't expect this particular twist.
"How do you like that?" I asked, entering her once more. Melinda had positioned Geoff so he was sitting back on his knees. Aside from his collar, he wore a ring around his cock and balls, but was otherwise naked. He had a clear view of his wife mounted to the rape stand. His hands were locked behind his neck and he didn't move.
"I love it, Master," Amira moaned.
"You what?"
"I love it, Master," she repeated.
"You what?" my voice rose just a little and I pounded her a little harder.
"I love it, Master!" she cried.
Releasing my grip on her ass, I raised my hand and struck her across the ass. "You what?"
"I . . . love . . . it . . . Master," she shouted between strokes, although she was unable to look her husband in the eyes.
Satisfied that she was not going to invoke the safe word, I motioned to Mistress Katya, who stepped forward and inserted a ring gag into Amira's mouth. Then she fastened the strap behind our slave's head.
"We're going to fuck you in front of your husband, you little whore," my redheaded wife promised, her voice both hard and excited at the same time.
Amira only grunted, unable to speak. Once I was confident she was secure, I once again began to pound my cock into our slave.
She let out a wail that was filled with exhilaration.
"That's it, you little cock-slut," Katya taunted. "Take that dick up your dirty fucking cunt . . . I'm gonna fuck your mouth, bitch . . ."
Our slave's moans turned to gags as we fell into an easy rhythm. Not to be left out, I felt Leah press her body against mine, her nipples poking into my back. Her lips brushed against the nape of my neck.
"It's my turn," she whispered and my skin began to crawl.
I pulled away and Leah stepped up to gang-bang our old high school friend. Before she mounted our bound slave, she turned to me and mouthed the words, "I love you."
Looking over at Geoff, I saw the agony and the ecstasy on his face.
My brunette wife began to slowly fuck Amira with her strap-on, even as Mistress Katya was giving her the skull-fuck of her life. Melinda patiently waited her turn.
For a long time, I stood there in the middle of my basement watching my three beautiful wives fucking the shit out of one of my best friends from high school. They alternated between Amira's mouth and pussy. They never let up. They never stopped.
Our slave absorbed every blow. She moaned as she was penetrated from both ends, even as the vibrator nestled securely against her clit let out a high-pitched whine.
The ring gag in her mouth caused her to drool uncontrollably. All the while, her husband watched on mutely. His erect cock told me what he thought of the sight before him. And that he liked it.
"I think your slave wants to tell you something," Melinda said, grabbing a handful of Amira's hair and pulling as she rammed her hips forward with each stroke.
"Do you have something to say?" Mistress Katya pushed forward with her own cock, causing our slave to gag. The response was unintelligible.
"It sounds like she wants to cum," Melinda laughed.
"Oh, not yet," Katya looked over at me and winked.
I blew her a kiss back and motioned to Leah, who obediently knelt in front of me to take my cock in her mouth.
Mistress Katya withdrew from Amira's mouth. She and Melinda swapped places, pausing only long enough to grope one another and steal a loving kiss. Standing at Amira's head, Melinda unfastened two buckles and her strap on fell to the floor, exposing her gloriously bare pussy.
"Eat it, bitch," my wife commanded and Amira struggled to comply. Her tongue barely extended past the gag and Melinda did not move close enough for anything more than the tip to brush her skin. My wife smiled wickedly. "Your little cunt can't eat pussy worth shit."
"I'll fix that," Katya said quietly. Leah paused long enough to look over at our wife. Laughter danced in both our eyes.
Amira couldn't see her, but Mistress Katya slipped a condom over her strap-on, then coated it with lube.
Her hands spread Amira's glorious ass cheeks, then she rubbed the tip of her cock into the crack of our slave's ass.
Tears fell along with spittle as Katya entered our slave's puckered little asshole. Amira's eyes rolled back into her head and in that instant, I could tell that she fully gave herself over to her Mistress.
It was as if every muscle in her body relaxed. She stopped resisting. At that moment, she became the submissive Mistress Katya and I demanded. I knew from then on, she would cater to my every whim and that her obedience would be instant and complete.
Looking over my shoulder, I could tell Geoff knew it, too.
With Melinda's pussy on one end, and Katie pounding on her ass at the other, Amira struggled against her bonds for a just a second. I think she wanted to reach up and grab Melinda's ass and pull her closer.
"Take the gag off," Katie commanded after several minutes of ass-fucking. Melinda reached down, tugged on the strap holding the gag in our slave's mouth, then let it fall to the floor.
Amira coughed a couple of times and flexed her jaw to make sure it still worked. She tried go back to eating Melinda's pussy, but clenched her teeth as Katya went to town on her ass. Our slave cried out, unable to contain her pent-up lust.
"M-m-mistress . . . may . . . I . . . please . . . cum?" she gasped.
"Not yet, my little whore," the redhead pushed her strap-on deep into the bound woman's ass, then withdrew suddenly.
In one fluid motion, she slipped the condom off her cock, then walked around to Amira's head. Without pretense or giving our slave time to react, she stuck her cock into the open mouth.
At first, Amira resisted, but then she gagged and tried to spit out the head of Mistress Katya's cock, thinking that it had come straight from her ass. In response, her Mistress slapped her cheeks and thrust forward until it was buried deep in the slave's throat.
More tears ran down Amira's cheeks as she was humiliated in front of her own slave. The illusory ass-to-mouth only added insult to injury.
Even as this went on, Melinda had pulled her strap-on harness back on and was fitting herself with the "double-penetrator" attachment. Geoff's eyes widened. Leah looked on enviously. I tried to decide where I wanted to stick my dick next.
Our slave was in for a long night.
And all six of us loved every minute of it.
*There's more to our story to come, so stick around for the next part. Thanks once again to my editor, michchick98!* |
Hotel Californication Ch. 02 | 40,149 | 4.5 | 550,489 | [
] | Check in was at two o'clock. The resort was indeed rustic, situated in lush green foothills with breathtaking views. We were again given a handout of daily events and activities, dining hours and informed that there would be an initial welcoming party that evening at six. Interestingly, our thumb prints were then taken and would serve as the keys to our room, along with our authorized signature for room service if we desired that, or any other special needs or desires outside of the many already included in the price of our stay.
Even the two hour drive up to the resort had been interesting. Something about not taking any luggage to speak of. Aside from a small overnight bag filled mostly with toiletries, a few toys, and the one and only outfit allowed while there. On the second nights stay, there would be what was being called a "lingerie" ball. Carol had brought a sexy black outfit, with the only one rule being...everything had to be accessible. For myself, all I was required and allowed to wear was a black bow tie. So even that would no doubt prove to be interesting.
Driving up, just thinking about all the possibilities had the two of us extremely aroused and horny. We'd been fondling one another most of the way there, talking about the "what if's" and if we were indeed as open-minded, uninhibited as we believed ourselves to be. After that night with Diane, I believed we were, though there were still several boundaries neither one of us had crossed yet. So the question remained, would we? And after once again reviewing all the various activities that would be available to us, we likewise spoke of them at length, questioning one another, and just shortly before arriving, agreeing to simply plunge in, see how it went. It would either prove to be the most amazing experience of our life, or at the very least, show the two of us where our personal limitations really were.
After checking in, we were asked to immediately undress, leaving the clothes we had come in, in a large community locker room. We had approximately two hours to wander around and familiarize ourselves with the grounds, prior to attending what was no doubt an orientation, get to know everyone cock-tail hour, followed by dinner, and then free after that to attend any one of the various scheduled activities. Escorted up to our room by a very attractive looking couple, likewise naked, we stepped into the elevator. Almost immediately the slim blonde had reached over clasping my dick and began fondling it. It was obviously a taste of what could be expected and should be as she did that, though I was still a bit startled with the guy who was with her reached out and did the same briefly, as she then turned to Carol, running a finger gingerly up and through my wife's legs just as the elevator reached the third floor where our room was.
"Would either one of you care for a hand-job, blow-job, oral? Or anything else?" The couple asked. "And as you'll see on the in-room menu of available services and amenities, you can ask for anything like that anytime day or night. Someone will always be willing and available to come to your room. All you have to do is state your preferences, and what you'd like, and we'll see to it that your needs are met."
Admittedly, I was in a bit of a devilish mood here. The ride up leaving me very horny, not to mention finally being here, walking around with a nice hard firm erection in front of everyone, just as we'd seen ourselves as other couples wandered about going to and from the lobby area.
"You know...what I would like, is for the two of you to rub my cock against my wife's pussy until she cums, and until I squirt on the outside of it. I'd enjoy feeling and seeing that," I told the two of them, much to Carol's surprise and delight, though by the look on he face, she was all for it.
It was such a beautiful day, that we actually decided to step out onto the deck outside our room, though when we did, we quickly realized it was more than a deck or balcony really. It was more like a long walkway, connecting the entire floor. Passing by everyone else's rooms, again another reminder to us that an open door, either from the hallway, or walkway, was an open invitation. Stepping out, there was one other couple sitting outside in deck chairs a few rooms down, immediately taking interest, watching us as Carol walked over, now leaning against the railing, spreading herself. Her wantonness in doing so, so totally and completely uninhibited as she did, just like that in front of total and complete strangers in a sense, was thrilling to me. Sally, the slim sexy blonde immediately began working my cock as I stood there, though there wasn't a great deal of effort in getting me all nice and hard, I already was. Though Ted, the guy with her, was ensuring that Carol too was all nice and wet as he toyed with her hard firm clit momentarily, before the two of them then placed their hands around my hard stiff cock together, and began working it together up and down my wife's juicy split, just the way I'd asked them to do.
As we began doing that, I noticed the older looking couple down the way finally stand, and then nonchalantly began walking over towards us. Curious, I was wondering what they'd do, say...or want to do. Obviously, this would be the norm around here going forward, so it was something we'd best hurry up and get used to. And though they were obviously an older couple, they both looked very attractive for their age. Sally and Ted standing there with their hands around my prick, teasing my wife's slit with it, acknowledging the couple as they sauntered over, just standing there watching us before introducing themselves, asking.
"You two mind if we watch?" The man asked, already reaching down to begin fondling his own cock, that though flaccid at the moment, already showed signs that it wouldn't be for very long. "We're Steven and Marsha by the way," he added. "And this will be our second time coming here," he grinned charmingly. Marsha stood cupping one of her rather large, somewhat floppy looking breasts, though I found that quite alluring as she stood there doing that. She had amazing nipples, larger and fatter than any I had ever seen as she pulled and pinched on one of them twisting it as she looked on, running her tongue over her lips, keeping a firm eye on Ted and Sally's hands as they continued running my cock up and down my wife's spit, teasing her with it.
"That looks fucking hot, bet it feels hot too doesn't it?" Marsha asked, obviously well aroused. "I wouldn't mind having them do that for us as well," she added after they're finished here."
"More than happy too," Sally quickly agreed, though it was then that Carol once again surprised the hell out of me, with her comment.
"Or...we could!" She spoke hotly, obviously teetering on the edge already by the look on her face. I turned towards her, surprise at her suggestion clearly etched in my face, but smiling at her, nodding my head in agreement. Ted and Sally too, smiling, obviously well pleased, and no doubt already making notes that would no doubt be included in our overall "performance" review during our stay here.
Steven and Marsha continued to watch, playing with themselves, looking on as I rapidly reached the point of no return here.
"Does he cum a lot when he squirts?" Marsha asked curiously, the tone of her voice quivering with lust and desire as she almost cruelly now, pulled and again pinched on those thick fat nipples of hers, simultaneously sliding a very wet, slippery sounding finger in and out of her cunt as she asked that question.
"Usually, yes..." Carol moaned. "Especially when he's really horny, and hasn't cum for a while, like now," she groaned deeply again, which was more than enough for me as I felt my legs buckle at the knees, nodding my head which is more than I do beyond passing out from the sheer pleasurable release I now felt as Ted and Sally's hand really went to work on my cock, now milking out one enormous streamer after another as I began spurting copious jettison's of spunk against my wife's pussy.
"Oh yes! Yes! Look at that fucker spray!" Marsha cried out in delighted glee, Steven too chuckling with enjoyment at the sight of that. "Oh honey, I'm so looking forward to this now myself," she added to that as Sally finished milking out the last final drop from my prick, smearing it carefully, and teasingly against Carol's cum-drenched quim. She was an erotic sticky mess, looking obscene, delightfully so, as she reached down now, smearing all that white hot spunk of mine even further into, and against herself.
"Well, we'll leave the four of you to get better acquainted then, and see you for cocktails a bit later." Sally and Ted moved off, leaving the four of us to stand there alone now, as Marsha took up much the same position against the railing that Carol had, likewise spreading herself as Steven stepped up, standing between his wife's legs, Carol and I now standing on either side of him. She looked at me, wondering...waiting to see if I was still willing and curious enough to actually do this, but I found surprise in myself without any real hesitation, reaching down to now clasp the man's rock-hard cock, taking it in hand, just as Carol's hand now joined me, the two of us holding on to it, as we began rubbing, and running it up and down his wife's sweet juicy split.
It sure didn't take long for Carol and I to get Steven off, as worked up as he was. Within moments after actually doing this, we soon had his cock lurching, spurting and spraying his wife's cunt every bit as much as I had done to Carol's.
"Oh! Oh! That's fucking hot!" Marsha cried out enjoying a nice little orgasm as she did, feeling her husband's hot spunk spurting against her, looking down at it as he did, as Carol and I continued manipulating the man's cock together, rubbing...still milking it until we'd managed to again secure each and every last drop from it that we could. Now like Carol had been, she too was a sticky mess, but had one other request before parting here. "There's something else I'd enjoy doing...if you'd let me," she asked my wife.
"Name it," Carol grinned excitedly. Obviously not even knowing what it was yet, she was all for it.
"I'd like to grind this messy cum covered pussy of mine against yours for a moment, see how that feels," she asked. Just the thought of that was getting me all hard again as Carol stepped up between the woman's legs, lifting one, placing it on the railing for a better angle and fit as the two women now came together, cunt to cunt, kissing cunt...cum-covered slippery hot cunt, which then now gently ground, mashing and pushing against one another with.
"I love watching her do that," Steve commented, his dick too, surprisingly firming up again, though looking more than content to merely stand there and watch the two of them, just as I was.
"I'm beginning to like it myself," I agreed, now listening to the rather decadent, slick sounds we could so easily hear as the two woman stood there, humping one another so tenderly against the railing.
"I think I'm going to cum," Carol spoke. "I might even squirt a bit, that ok?" She asked.
"Oh my god! I hope you do! I would love to feel you do that," Marsha told her. "Only wish I knew how, and I would for you too!"
"Maybe another time, I can teach you. Most women can learn how with a little practice and patience, but in the meantime, you can at least feel me squirting against you while I do."
Carol did indeed squirt, just a little bit, but it was enough that Marsha once again climaxed feeling my wife doing that against her. We soon after parted ways, Steven and Marsha heading back the opposite way to their room, though we had actually agreed to perhaps hook up again a bit later. I hadn't really expected to become this familiar, or this friendly with anyone so soon, especially a much older couple. But it had been easy with both of them, far more than either one of us could have ever realized.
Carol and I strolled off along the walkway in the other direction, taking in the grounds from above, passing by other rooms as we went, each one with their sliding doors open...invitations, which so far, no one else seemed to be denying anyone. And the place was obviously filling up fast by the looks of it, with most of the other guests having also arrived. And though most, like us...were just settling in, it was interesting to pass by a couple of rooms where the occupants inside were already going at it in one way or another. To have that freedom and access to stop, look in, or even walk in if we wanted to, added yet again another interesting piece of erotic sensuality to all this. And we'd barely even gotten started here.
I think that when you factor in the added spice of exhibitionistic, or voyeuristic eroticism, that it simply intensifies, magnifies, everything else. At least for Carol and I, in certainly did. Wandering along, we had stopped to peer out over the balcony, stopping where another couple now stood looking below. Nodding heads cordially in greeting at one another, looking over. Below, there on the grass just below us, two couples had spread out a rather large blanket, and even now lay side by side, playing and fucking one another so openly as others milled about, some standing close-by watching for a moment before moving off. Others, openly masturbating or fondling themselves looking on, as was the other couple standing at the railing along side us.
"Hey, look at this!" Carol said as we slowly strolled by yet again another open doorway. Inside on the bed, a rather large, somewhat plumpish woman lay on the bed, sharing what was obviously a very large, wicked looking double-dildo with another woman. The two connected there in the middle of the bed together, four men, standing around the bed looking on, either jerking themselves off, or one another as they stood watching. "Come on, let's go in...I'd like to see this."
"Yes...really, and so would you by the looks of it," Carol said reaching down, leading me inside the room by my now very hard stiff cock.
"Maybe so," I grinned back, allowing her as we entered in, no one even really paying much attention to us as we came into the room, the girls obviously enjoying one another, along with the attention of the audience just standing there looking on.
It was a rather interesting display. The somewhat large plump looking middle-aged woman with large pendulous breasts, sharing the dildo with a much younger, very slim petite woman, with hardly any breasts at all, and again, all four men standing around, though one of them soon moved forward, stroking his cock, obviously preparing to unleash a torrent of semen anytime now.
"Where would you like it?" He asked.
"Anywhere but on the face," the older woman said. "I want to wear all this cum to the party, but...I don't want my face all sticky when I do either, so wherever else you'd like, though I'd especially like it mostly on my tits."
"I can do that," he leered, and then knelt next to her on the bed, aiming and pointing his cock squarely at her. Sure enough, he was soon tossing several ribbons of cream across both of her breasts, moving off and away as another guy soon came over, taking his place, and almost identically doing the same thing as well.
"You're welcome to do so too if you'd like," she said looking over towards me, though I had already decided to start saving it up again for later. It was still way too early for me to be moving quite this fast a pace, though I wasn't really too worried about it. I had a feeling, I'd be cumming more during this stay than I ever had in my entire life.
We soon after left, heading back towards our own room again to shower and freshen up before the formal cocktail hour, but not before watching the last two guys jerking one another off, likewise spraying a fairly liberal amount of their semen onto the woman's already cum-soaked tits. Obviously, she quite enjoyed that, and as we would learn much later, had a real fetish for having as many men as possible, saturate her boobs throughout the night whenever the opportunity presented itself.
It was indeed promising to be a very interesting weekend, and things weren't even really getting started yet.
By the time we got back to the room, there was a very elegant looking folder laying on the bed waiting for us. As it turned out, it was a brief itinerary of the evening ahead, along with seating assignments for lunch and dinner, that would change each and every meal, ensuring that we always sat with a new group of people each time. No surprise there, something we had pretty much already expected. There was also of course a list of recommended, suggested activities we could look into if we so wanted to. Some of which again, would be interesting to say the least, and far beyond anything that Carol and I had even considered doing so far. But then again, so far...we had accomplished that much all on our own.
We had showered, gotten cleaned up, and ready to head downstairs. It was still a bit strange, preparing to leave without wearing a single stitch of clothing, entering into the hallway, just as other couples began doing, everyone heading down the hall towards the elevators. It was an interesting mix from what we could see, some younger, some older, no one really perfect, nor had we expected, or even wanted that. It was far more interesting, exotic, and erotic to see the average everyday kind of person just openly expressing their sensuality in whatever way that might be. One woman in fact, leading two men who were collared, around their dicks, by a simple gold chain which she held in her hand as she lead them inside the elevator behind us. We stepped inside, the doors closing, and no sooner had they done so, I looked over just in time to see that same woman's hands reach around, cupping one of my wife's breasts, giving it a gentle, friendly little feel.
"Nice tits, hope you'll let me suck on them later," she told my wife.
"Feel free, any time," Carol responded pleasantly enough.
"Thank you, I will. And I wouldn't mind sampling your husband's cock either. We're planning on going to the black light party later, so that's where you'll find us if you're interested," she stated.
I remembered seeing something about that as one of the listed room activities. I wasn't sure I'd find that as interesting as a few others, though it was at least worth another look if nothing else. According to what I had read, the party/orgy room was in a total black light, people entering were then sprayed down with various wild psychedelic colors. A bit of a throwback perhaps to more interesting times. Though the thought of what something like that might actually look like, a group of people all painted and decorated up beneath black-lights, cavorting about, might indeed prove interesting as well as entertaining. It was at least something to think about...for later.
We soon entered the large formal dining room, a podium set up on the stage. It was nice to see Diane, along with several others sitting there, proudly displaying the fact that she...was indeed a true shemale, along with another just as equally attractive looking woman sitting next to her. So she obviously wasn't alone in this either. Quickly finding our assigned table, we were actually pleased to see that for this evening at least, Steven and Marsha would be sitting with us, so at least we had some small advantage having already met someone, though we quickly made introductions to the other two couples who had joined us. A waitress came by, took our drink orders and returned with them a short time later. We sat sipping our drinks, chatting with our new table guests, getting to know a little more about everyone when one of the gentlemen on stage stood up approaching the podium. And though currently flaccid at least, he had a very long cock that seemed to swing freely to and froe as he walked across the stage towards the podium. I had to laugh as Marsha openly gasped, gawking at him as he did.
"God I hope to see how that fucker looks all nice and hard later!" To which one or two others openly laughed as well in obvious agreement with that. Having heard the remark, "Dan" as he soon stood introducing himself, purposely pointed towards her, announcing as he did, that as soon as they'd finished up with the welcoming portion of the program, he'd see to it that Marsha was given the first chance to actually make it hard for the evening, joining us briefly at our table afterwards. She was very well pleased with that.
"Now then...welcome, everyone," Dan continued. "And we do so hope that each and everyone of you will enjoy your stay here with us this weekend. We know that for many of you, this will be your first time here with us, but hopefully...not your last. At least half of you here tonight are returns from previous weekends, so to you...welcome back, and we again hope you will obviously enjoy yourselves as much as you must have the last time, or you probably wouldn't even be here."
There was a loud smattering of applause after that, the excitement already starting to fill the air.
"Now, as some of you already know, and have experienced, it is tradition here for each and every table group to become a bit more personally intimate with one another by way of formal greetings and introductions. So for those of you who haven't been here before, it's really quite simple. If everyone would stand please, and then everyone in your group is now invited to give a friendly little shake of the cock, or a gentle cup or feel of any women present by way of truly getting to know one another."
As one, the entire room stood as each table began doing just that. And though Carol and I had basically already said "hello" in that way to Steven and Marsha, we did so again, along with the other two couples we had just met, Brian and Tracy, along with Debra and Robert. Younger couples, mid to late thirties perhaps, though Debra appeared to have been some sort of professional body-builder or something, based on the well honed muscles she had, which easily put me to shame. As we all took a brief moment to shake dick, or slip fingers inside the women briefly, Carol turned towards me speaking over her shoulder at me.
"Make sure you feel hers," she said speaking about Debra, winking at me when she did. Which I soon did, my eyebrows raising almost immediately upon doing so, realizing what Carol had obviously meant by that. Debra had the largest clit I had ever felt before, without even really seeing it. It had felt almost like a miniature hard cock as I had slid my finger up her very wet slick furrow, before sitting down next to her again at the table as we all now reseated ourselves.
"I hope you enjoy women who have rather large clits," she said candidly after sitting down again. "Because I sure enjoy having it played with," she told me, even going so far as to reach over, taking my hand, and now placing it down between her legs again, as Carol looked on, quite curiously in fact. And I of course couldn't help myself either, now openly toying with it a bit, though I just had to actually look at it too.
"Would you mind terribly if my wife and I had a better look at it?" I asked.
"Not at all," she smiled happily, scooting back her chair, turning it towards us, and then facing us, spreading her legs. Sure enough, her blood-engorged, elongated clit-cock, stood swollen, protruding a good two inches, if not more, roughly about the size of my thumb, even looking as though it had a males little cock helmet attached to it. I could already see myself sucking and licking it, along side my wife. And then decided right there on the spot, one way or the other before this weekend ended at least, we would be.
Carol soon after exchanged places with me, wanting a better and closer look at this woman's amazingly large clit, which she was only too happy to oblige in doing. Spreading her legs even more so than she had been, Carol sat across from her, reaching over, and began stroking it up and down, just as though it was a small cock, much to Debra's obvious delight. And as she continued doing that, sure enough, Dan soon came wandering over to join us, along with Diane, who I was again very much pleased to see. She might have indeed been a Shemale, but she was damn beautiful too, even if her cock was a bit larger than mine was. Marsha was of course in seventh-heaven as Dan presented her is still somewhat flaccid cock, which she immediately took inside her mouth, sucking it towards it's full potential, barely able to even contain it once she had.
"I don't suppose you'd mind fucking me just a bit with this too now would you?" She asked hopefully.
"I'd be delighted to," he told her. "Where ever, and however you'd like it."
"On the table!" Marsha expressed without any further hesitation, as Steven helped to quickly clear off a few items in the way in order to accomodate her request. Dan soon after eased that rather long, impressive looking cock of his up inside her as they began fucking one another right there on the table in front of everyone, though Carol and Debra seemed still pleased well enough, doing what they were doing together as Diane walked over, now standing next to me.
"Nice to see you here," she told me. "I really enjoyed meeting the two of you the last time," she added to that, her somewhat slim, tapered prick just then starting to harden a little. I surprised myself, reaching over, taking it within my hand, caressing it, feeling it stiffen even further.
"Same here," I responded back. "And I do so hope, we'll be able to enjoy a repeat of that a bit later."
"Indeed we will, if you like, and there's someone else I'd also like you to meet, another Shemale friend of mine who was sitting there next to me on stage earlier. That's Charlie, and I daresay, the four of us could have a very, very interesting time together if the two of you would enjoy that."
"I know I would!" Carol laughed, only then turning briefly to blow Diane a kiss, before suddenly slinking down to her knees there on the floor, suddenly taking Debra's clit deeply into her mouth, sucking it.
"Sorry...couldn't help myself," she grinned, and then slipped two fingers inside Debra as well, sucking her once more as we all stood there looking on, standing now, as Diane began fondling my cock, as I stood fondling hers.
And the party had hardly even begun...
*To be continued...* |
1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 06 | 70,396 | 4.58 | 545,802 | [
"group sex",
] | "That's what we need to get for Jean's room," Becks said sotto-voiced to Tess, making sure that Jean wasn't close enough to overhear her remark.
"What? Where? What the hell are you talking about?" Tess asked in genuine confusion
"That," Becks' replied, pointing to an old, antique ballpark turnstile, the kind that counted entrants.
"Hmmmph," Tess remarked, "Poor old thing would probably fall apart from overuse," meaning it when saying it.
The First Annual Girls Night Soiree was a huge success beyond the three house-mates' wildest dreams. Yes, it took the three of them two long days of cleanup to return the house to acceptable condition, but they got it done.
All three gals heard nothing but compliments from many attendees throughout the following week. More than a few of the uninvited, having heard of the Soiree, begged to be invited to the next one, several stopping 'just short' of offering to prostitute themselves to the gals if it'd get them an invite.
So, yeah, it was a huge success.
Today, The Three Amigoes were at an outdoor flea market, mostly looking for eclectic 'junk' to fill various nooks and crannies that were bare or needed 'something' to make the house pop. It was Becks to decorate as she saw fit since her daddy-kins bought the house soon after the girls moved in as an investment, he said. Actually, his intent was to deed it to Becks upon her graduation so, yeah, she could do what she damned well pleased.
In reality, they were also killing time before their various evening plans. Becks had a team practice that night but also, a date. Well, sort of a date. Okay, more of a hotel sneak-fuck with the married lady that had caused Becks to flunk the Biology course that landed her in Jean's class.
Yeah, that one.
The married lady sought Becks out, again, after seeing her play in a Volleyball Tournament that she had attended with her husband, an alum of Becks' school. So, every few weeks or so, when the married lady got horny for Becks' exquisite pussy, she called, set up a meet at a hotel, and spent several hours as Becks' Bitch.
The married lady liked being Becks' Bitch.
Jean? Well, Jean's plan for that evening was very simple. She was attending a very private, inititation ceremony of one of the Sororities on campus. Her function at the secret ceremony? She was to perform cunnilingus on the initiates and, afterwards, she'd probably bounce from bedroom to bedroom for a few of the Sorority 'honchos' that were running the ceremony. If I'm lucky, Jean thought when first approached, I'll get my mouth on a half-dozen pussies that night.
From Jean's point of view, it was a good thing.
Tess? Well, Tess was staying in that night. She was fixing dinner for Soo and a 'curious' friend of Soo's. After dinner? Well, there was nothing 'specific' planned but Soo was hoping to get her 'curious' friend into bed with her and Tess. Soo had even scored a small bit of weed to help get everyone 'in the mood', she said to Tess.
So that's why our intrepid trio were at the Flea Market, killing time, before their various evening plans started.
"You know we're going to have to talk to her eventually, don't you?" Becks asked Tess, referring, of course, to their house-mate, Jean.
"Yeah, yeah, I know and I feel like crap that we do," Tess replied.
Tess was feeling guilty, now, for having seduced Jean when they were dorm-mates last year. She felt guilty for turning Jean from a nice, midwestern 'girl next door' into a pussy eating machine that was getting quite the rep on campus for being 'easy' with other gals. A rep similar to the reps gals get who spread their legs for the football team, you know?, that kind of rep.
Truth is, Tess might have opened that door but it's on Jean that she chose to walk through and keep on truckin' down that road beyond the door. But that really didn't make Tess feel any better.
"Next week, sugar; we'll have a sit-down, get-down, serious session between the three of us, okay? We owe her that and I like her too much to ignore it, okay?"
"Okay, I know you're right but still......." Tess said in reply, her voice trailing off to silence.
"Oh, hey, there y'all are," Jean's voice called from behind Becks and Tess, "Y'all find anything we could use at the house?"
Looking to each other quickly, both thinking about the antique turnstile that Becks made the comment on, Tess answered for the both of them, saying, "Yeah, we did but decided it wouldn't hold up under use," causing both Becks and Tess to bite their tongue to keep from laughing.
"Aww, too bad. Well, who's hungry? I could use a burger or something," Jean replied, ready to go, obviously.
"Good idea, let's go eat," Becks agreed.
Walking out of the Market together, our three coeds were each thinking about their night ahead......
"It's unlocked," Becks heard in response to her soft knuckle-rap on the hotel room's door. Walking in, Becks closed the door behind her, locking it and placing the safety chain in place.
"Got anything to drink, bitch?" Becks asked her lover, well, her lover that night anyway.
"Yes, I do....here, sit here while I fix us a drink," Sondra said, standing and indicating that Becks should take a seat on the suite's divan.
"I got Blue Sapphire, just as you asked, and tonic and limes, I didn't forget those, either," Sondra said, hoping that those details would please Becks.
"Turn around, let me look at you," Becks said quietly.
Stopping the stirring of their drinks, Sondra brought a drink to Becks then stood back, almost at attention, doing as Becks asked her to do, hoping that Becks would be pleased in her choice of dress for the evening.
Tonight, Sondra, the forty-two year old married business executive, was dressed as a French Whore, complete with fishnet stockings, just as Becks asked her to do. Her skirt hugged her ass, her very toned, forty-two year-old ass in a most provacative way, the slit on the side of the skirt leaving little to the imagination. Her blouse was opened to the skirt waist, and shear, almost as if it were not there, her ample breasts begging to be touched under the shear material.
Sondra took great pride in her body, in how well she looked for a woman of her age. Not that her husband appreciated it, no, Mr. Big Man had too many business irons in the fire to appreciate what was under his nose. If only, Sondra thought, then she probably wouldn't be here, in a hotel suite, about to be fucked by this young, black woman. This woman that Sondra couldn't get out of her mind after that night, so long ago, when she got drunk and had the best night of orgasms that she's had in forever.
Oh well, his loss, was her feeling on the matter.
"You like?" Sondra asked Becks as she did a model's turnaround, in place.
Oh yeah, Becks liked, Becks liked a lot. Smiling, Becks took in the sight and liked what she saw.
Tall, five foot ten; no more than one-thirty-five usually; legs that stretched forever from that gorgeous ass and a pair of suprisingly firm thirty-eight D-cups that absolutely drove Becks wild with lust. Couple all of that and add the honey-colored hair and big, pouty lips, well you just had to fuck that, was Becks' way of thinking.
Taking in the vision of Sondra, Becks slowly sipped her Gin and Tonic, giving Sondra permission to also drink with a slight head-nod towards the untouched drink sitting on the vestibue of the small suite.
Silently, Becks stood and taking Sondra by the hand, walked them into the bedroom, drinks in hand, lust in hearts......
Nice, Jean thought to herself, when led into the large, dimly-lit meeting room by one of the Sorority officers, the three initiates standing, blindfolded, with just a plain white toga as dress. Three, this time, Jean thought as she gazed at the three blindfolded girls; nice, she told herself, again. The last time she did this for the Sorority there was only one initiate.
"Remember, keep silent as they take their oaths," Jean was reminded by the 'Prez' as she liked to be referred to, voices low, in whisper.
"I know," Jean replied, feeling her horniness beginning to ramp up as she looked upon the unsuspecting freshman coeds, the soon-to-be pleasure that her mouth and tongue would experience.
"Don't forget," Prez whispered as she prepared to conduct the ceromonies, "After you're through with them, you need to satisfy me and my girls," referring to her two Veeps of the Sorority.
"Have I ever not?" Jean relied with a smile.....
"Son of a Bitch!" Tess howled to the empty house after forgetting to use the oven mitt to grip the handle of the skillet, to move it to a slower fire.
"Dumb cunt!" She derided herself as she ran cold water on the stinging burn, not a bad burn, more of a 'dumb-shit' burn that irritates.
Okay, she wasn't the handiest thing in a kitchen but what she did cook, she cooked well. In this case she was smothering some bits of pork in a green enchilada sauce, trying like hell to keep everything flowing right, to time everything just right.
She was cooking tonight for her newest conquest and a friend of said conquest. According to Soo, when the friend (Jan?) heard the story of Soo's adventures with Tess at the Bash, she got very horny, stating over and over how much she (Jan) wished she had been there.
"I damn sure would have found a way into some gal's bed," Jan said to Soo over coffee on the Monday after the party.
Jan went on to say that she's been curious for years about making out with another girl but never had the guts to act on it.
"Wouldn't take much for me to try it," Jan reiterated to Soo, dropping another hint.
Ya' think?
So that's how Soo came up with the idea to bring Jan to meet Tess and, well, see where it would lead to.
"I mean, Jan's not bad looking at all, kinda' cute, actually," Soo said between licks of Tess' pussy that Monday night.
"So, a threesome is what you're saying?" Tess responded, ever the pundit of the obvious.
"Yeah,"...lick..."Could be fun"...slurp..."I'm game if you are,"...insert tongue into pussy and moan contentment.
"Set it up, baby," Tess gasped, grabbing Soo's head in her hands and pulling it tighter to her pussy which was about to erupt with a body-shaking orgasm.
Not bad looking, my ass!, Tess thought when introduced to Jan, when the girls arrived, a few minutes after burning her hand. She's a fucking doll, Tess thought further, her mind already fast-fowarding to being between Jan's legs with her mouth.
"Wanna' smoke or a beer?" Soo asked after she comfortably kissed Tess in greeting, a deep, tongue-probing kiss, a kiss designed by Soo to provide a bit of visual excitement for Jan.
"Beer. Let's save the smoke for later, after dinner, to help us all relax," Tess replied, her eyes hard on Jan when she said it.
Giving one of Tess' tits a slight pinch on the nipple through the tee-shirt material, Soo smilingly replied, "Works for me. Three beers coming up," opening the fridge to retrieve the ice-cold beers.......
They were, indeed, quite the vision of Black & White contrasts, in the soft, low hotel lighting of Sondra's suite. If one was able to view them from directly above Sondra's bed, they would present a picture of a 'curl', of an almost perfect human sixty-nine form.
Curled together with both of their heads buried between the opened legs of the other, Becks and Sondra made love to each other's pussy, both nosily and wetly, both eager for another climax, both determined to provide that to the other.
For Sondra, Becks was her first taste of 'black', literally and figuratively, and thinking of the adage that we've all heard, Sondra wasn't sure that she 'could ever go back'. No, she wasn't sure at all. She's been fucking other guys and gals, behind her husband's back for, what now? Five years? Couldn't remember, didn't care that she couldn't; she did care that this pussy, that Becks' tasty, sweet pussy was the first one that she could not stop thinking about since her first taste a few months ago.
Becks' mind was buzzing with confusion as well, getting in the way, at times, of her focus of the taste of Sondra's cunt. She's fucked other white girls, and women before, that wasn't new, not new at all. What was new was the fact that she was fucking a married broad on the sly, on the downlow and damn if that just didn't provide her with thrills she never saw coming.
"Motherfucker....." Becks' groaned into Sondra's pussy as the first waves of orgasmic release began to wash over her, to start her body shaking with the quake of satisfaction, causing her to try to bury her face in her partner's very wet pussy.
"Mmmmmmmph, mmmmmmmphh," was all that Sondra could moan as her own climax grabbed her and began to shake her in a most delicious way. Knowing that her black lover was coming at the same time just made it that much better for her........
Jean sat back on her heels, her knees on the floor, waiting as the third, and last, initiate was led to the cushioned chair in front of Jean. The coed was still blindfolded, as were the other two before her, and like the other two before her, the coed was now naked, except for the blindfold. Like the two before her, the coed was sat down by her 'handlers', then her arms were strapped to the chair-arms in faux-fur lined restraints. Remembering what she had been told, like the two before her, the coed said nothing, asked no questions.
The two initiates before this one were gone from the room, whisked off by their handlers after receiving head from Jean. They, nor the coed seated before her, would ever know 'who' exactly it was that performed cunnilingus on them as part of their initiation ritual. No, only Jean, and the two handlers, this time the Prez and her first Veep, would know the identity of the mystery pussy eater.
Righting herself from her seated position on her heels, Jean leaned forward, sliding her hands, lightly, up the bare thighs of the coed who had a sharp intake of breath at the unexpected touch. Gently griping the thighs of the coed, Jean leaned forward and, one at a time, kissed, sucked, and licked the rather nice-sized breasts of the coed.
The initiates were forewarned about silence throughout whatever the last ritual was, but Jean could tell by the change in breathing whether or not what she was doing pleased them. It did. She knew this, and she enjoyed that as much as she enjoyed eating pussy.
Pulling her mouth from the coed's, now red and wet tit, Jean bit down slightly on the nipple before trailing her tongue down the coed's flat belly, stopping just above the coed's clit.
Standing off to the side, Prez and Veep, stood transfixed, their eyes absolutely glazed over with lust and want as they watched Jean do these things to their new members.
Circling the coed's clit with her tongue for just a bit, teasing, enjoying how the coed struggled to control her breathing, her excitement, Jean finally lowered her mouth, surrounding the coed's clit with it, her tongue now dancing all over it.
As she had done with the first two, Jean prolonged her release as much as possible. Not for their pleasure, oh hell no!, but for her own. Her eyes closed, Jean was off into her own little world as she always was when eating somebody's pussy. Feeling a bit of a squirm from the coed's hips, Jean knew that she was going to pop at any second, which only made Jean redouble her efforts to get the girl off.
She did; the coed got off, biting her lips as she struggled mightedly to maintain her silence when, all the while, the coed longed to be able to moan the satisfaction that washed over her in wave after wave.
Through with the coed, Jean sat back again on her heels as the handlers unstrapped her and the Veep led her off to wherever. After the door had closed and they were alone, the two of them, Prez helped Jean from her knees. Taking Jean into her arms, Prez kissed Jean hard, lustfully, sending her tongue diving into Jean's opened mouth while her hands filled themselves with Jeans' breasts and ass-cheeks, Prez's grunts and moans filling the dimly-lit room, the sounds echoing it seemed.
"Go to my room, wait for me, I'll only be a few mintues seeing to the girls," Prez said after breaking off the kiss, the words coming between gasps of hard breathing from the excitement that the Prez was feeling.
Jean knew the way to Prez's room, entering it, taking off her clothes and then climbing onto Prez's bed to wait..........
"Damnnnn, this is good shit," Tess said as the last of her 'hit' leaked from the corners of her mouth, passing the joint to Jan who was seated between Tess and Soo.
Dinner was good, cleanup was quick, and the three gals were in the living room on one of the sofas, sharing the joint that Soo had brought to the 'party'.
Jan and Soo agreed with Tess, each exclaiming the joint's virtue at one point or another. When the last bit of roach found it's way to Tess, she turned to Jan, saying, "Face me, I'll give you a shotgun," positioning herself to do so. Taking a huge hit, then swallowing the roach, Tess pulled Jan's face to her own, placing her lips over Jan's and blowing the herbal smoke into Jan's mouth.
And, as had been her plan all along, Tess evolved the shotgun into a kiss, soft at first, ramping quickly to open-mouthed Frenching by them both. Sliding closer to Jan's back, Soo began kissing the back of Jan's neck while her hand reached around and fondled Jan's nice-sized tits which caused Jan's muffled moans of contentment to ease from her mouth which was still covered by Tess' own.
Breaking off the kiss with Jan, Tess locked eyes with Jan as Soo continued with her kisses to the nape of Jan's neck, her hands, both of them now, fondling and feeling Jan's breasts as she did so.
"Wanna' go upstairs with me and Soo?" Tess asked softly of Jan, knowing that the answer would be yes.
Nodding her head, Jan stood when Tess did, and with Soo following, the three coeds walked up the stairs to Tess' room, Tess closing and locking the door behind them.
Tess and Soo surrounded Jan, both kissing, touching, feeling Jan up as they took off first, her clothes, then, their own. Leading Jan by her hands, Tess and Soo placed her on Tess' bed, between them.
There was no script for what happened next unless you count that both Tess and Soo, and yes, Jan too, wanted to make love to her, with her, with each other.
As Soo kissed and sucked on Jan's tits, Tess licked her way down Jan's body until she was between Jan's legs, softly kissing and sucking on Jan's dripping wet pussy, Sliding her tongue in and out, Tess was loving the sweet taste of Jan's pussy, her eyes taking in the sight of Soo's suckling of Jan's breasts. For her part, Jan had her head thrown back in unbridled pleasure and excitement, her eyes closed, her body tingling with electricity, it seemed, from what Tess and Soo were doing to her.
Moving so that she could munch on Tess while Tess ate Jan, Soo had her head deeply buried between Tess' legs after she had positioned Tess so that she could do so.
And in a move nobody expected, Soo felt Jan positioning herself so that she could, for the first time in her life, taste another woman's pussy. They hadn't thought of or planned a daisy-chain, but yet, here they were, in one, everybody getting their pussies' eaten and everybody eating pussy..........
"When can I see you again," Sondra asked as Becks took her time in getting dressed.
Sondra was still on the bed, naked, her white skin showing redness where Becks had bit her, softly, not painfully, her shaved pussy still glistening with the wetness that Becks' mouth had produced.
"I don't know," Becks answered as she looked at Sondra, liking the lust that was still in Sondra's eyes as she swept them over Becks' body, "Call me in a couple of weeks and we'll talk."
"Couple of weeks?" Sondra repeated, "Not any sooner than that?"
"Couple of weeks, bitch; got it?" Becks repeated firmly.
Bending down, Becks kissed Sondra hard, holding her head back by her hair with one hand, Sondra's moans of excitement a backdrop of sound for them.
Breaking off the kiss, Becks looked down at Sondra for a moment more, then turning, she walked out of the bedroom of the suite to the hall door, closing it behind her as she left.
Still sitting on the bed, Sondra's eyes stared at that door, stared hard at the path that Becks had walked when she left..........
Well, this is different, thought Jean, when Prez walked into her room, her two Veeps in tow. Before, Jean went to their rooms; tonight, Prez brought her Veeps to her own room for Jean to pleasure.
And, each in turn, Jean did pleasure the Veeps, laying them on their backs then slipping between their legs to have her way with them, was Jean's thinking. As Jean happily munched away on the Veeps' pussies, Prez and the other Veep stood, watching, the lust building as they took in the tableau before them. When the second of the two Veeps climaxed from Jean's excellent oral abilities, it seemed as if the poor girl hadn't had time to stop shaking from orgasm before Prez hustled the two Veeps out of her room, locking the door behind them when they left.
Jean had rolled over onto her back when the last of the Veeps was pulled from the bed to leave by Prez, her feet on the floor, her pussy and ass on the edge of the bed.
They were alone now, Prez and Jean, no one else in the room, no one else to witness Prez ripping off her ceremonial clothing as she walked towards Jean, Prez's eyes focused, now, on Jean's snatch which was wet from arousal and excitement. Kneeling between Jean's legs, Prez lowered her head until her nostrils could smell the flowery scent wafting from Jean's pussy. Placing her mouth over Jean's pussy, Prez indulged her desire that had been eating away at her all night, slipping her tongue easily into Jean's pussy while her hands found, and fondled, Jean's breasts as her mouth and tongue tasted pussy.
No, of course not, Prez wasn't a 'lez', a 'carpet-muncher', no, not at all was Prez's thinking. She had a boyfriend, for God's sake, a studly speciman of manhood who was Captain of the School's Football team after all. What she was doing to Jean, what she and Jean would do with each other before Jean left Prez's room was nothing more than 'play', private play that was just a part of the ceromonial rites of the evening. It didn't count for anything, Prez thought to herself, it was just 'play' she reminded herself, the thoughts leaving her mind as she aggressively assaulted Jean's sweet-smelling, sweet-tasting cunt, her mouth emitting coos and grunts of pleasure as she tasted Jean's womanhood.
When Jean climaxed, Prez lifted her mouth from the wet pussy, and pulling Jean by her hands until her head was on the pillows of the bed, Prez crawled over Jean's body until they were in a position to sixty-nine each other. Lowering her pussy to Jean's head, Prez lowered her mouth once more, her moans, soft and primal, as their tongues found each other's pussy..........
Well, this has turned out rather well, thought Tess as she slowly rubbed her pussy up and down Jan's mouth and tongue as she 'sat' on Jan's face, her hands holding onto the headboard of her large, king-sized bed. Behind her, Soo was busy between Jan's wide-spread legs, tasting, biting, her tongue slipping in and out of Jan's snatch.
Jan's desire to quench her curiosity about gal-gal sex was being met, Tess thought further, Jan not needing to be coaxed into the sex-play that the three of them had done since coming upstairs to Tess' room. Smiling to herself, Tess closed her eyes and let the orgasm crawl up her body until it was ready to claim her, to wrap its arms around her, causing her body to shake with pleasure as she pressed her pussy harder against Jan's, oh-so-willing, mouth.
It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning that the three gals called it quits, mouths red and somewhat sore, pussies and libidoes, fully sated. Lying between Jan and Soo, Tess felt herself slipping into sleep as Jan and Soo clung to her body on either side of her, each with one of Tess' tits in their hand, her arms around them both, hugging them to her.
Tess didn't hear either Becks or Jean come home a little while later, separated by fifteen minutes or so, each going to their own rooms, quietly slipping into their own bed to find, and capture, much needed sleep, all three house-mates drifting off with the memory of their evening still fresh in their minds.......... |
Bed Full of Pussy | 82,343 | 4.51 | 626,145 | [
"three way",
"3 way",
"female female male",
] | Bed Full of Pussy
*Author's Note:
The (X) Full Of Pussy stories are not consistent with each other and are not part of a larger whole. You need not have read any other story in the 'Full Of Pussy' group to understand this one. I am trying to make these fun little romps so don't go looking for a great deal of depth.
Special thanks to my editor bikoukumori!
Now that I know the setup, and the way it unexpectedly paid off in spades for me, I don't so much mind all the bullshit I had to go through that night, but damn if it didn't look like a serious disaster for a while. I'm not sure which part was worse, facing down an angry pimp or forking out $500 in bail for my idiot 'friend.' But I am getting ahead of myself.
So this guy – Brad – is dating my wife's best friend Cathie. Cathie is a cute little thing, busty and sassy and bursting with life with this strange ability to look naughty at all times, while Brad looked more like some loser who could only hope to stalk a looker like her. He was tall, sure, but scruffy and...odd. I never understood what she saw in him. Somehow it comes up in conversation between these two that Brad had never been to a strip club. Cathie thought that was terrible and wanted him to go, perhaps to get it out of his system for when (if) they got married. She and my wife Angela then decided that I had to take him out to the local titty bar.
"So long, boys! Don't come home early!"
Now at this point I'm feeling pretty damned good about life. It's not every day the wife hands you $300 and says go get some tits in your face, right? I wouldn't say I go without at home, but Angie's long, lean body wasn't blessed with big jugs and a man does have certain needs. And so what if Brad is a bit of a freak? It's not his tits I want to see. So off we go on a Saturday evening to The Classy Chassis on the other side of town. I had been in there a few years before at a bachelor party and it was a decent place, I thought.
Things had changed. I'll make this long story short and sum up like this: The girls were nasty, the place was dirty, and the drinks were expensive. The thing is, Brad didn't know any better and wouldn't listen to a damn thing I said so he dove in to the vibe of that place big time. He went and got drunk and picked up a whore and got lured out into the parking lot where she and her pimp tried to roll him. Thank God the pimp only had a knife. I stood up for Brad and had a nice little showdown in the parking lot when some cops arrived. Thankfully Sir Pimps-a-lot and his bimbo ran off so that made them look like the guilty party. Nothing had actually happened and I don't think Brad really even realized it was a whore so I figured we were safe and we could scamper off to a decent titty bar. That's when Brad started cussing out the cops for ruining his 'date.'
An hour later I was forking over a stack of $20 bills to get his ass out of jail on a public intoxication charge. On the one hand I was angry as hell to have to do it, but on the other glad they didn't decide to add more charges. And I damn near had to bail him out again as he tried to start something with the cops as we left. Dumb fuck. So I drove him to his house, pushed his drunk ass through the door and went the hell home. I was not a happy guy and I was not in the mood for any more of that bullshit bar scene. It was just before 11:00 PM when I got home, much earlier than I expected.
Cathie's car was still on the street but I figured they went out in Angela's so I didn't think to look in the garage. The house was dark and quiet. I stopped in the bathroom and dragged a toothbrush across my teeth, trying to scrape away the taste of beer, then shuffled into the bedroom. I didn't even bother with the light; I just stripped down, dumped my clothes on the hamper, and slipped into bed.
It was a significant surprise to find my wife in bed, and a very nice surprise to find her naked. My evening picked up in a real hurry. She was on her side facing away from me so I spooned up behind and slipped a hand around her front to see if I could start something. Even ugly strippers will get a guy in the mood and the bullshit with Brad faded from of my mind in a hurry. I started kissing her shoulder and I was glad I had stripped down naked so there would be nothing in my way. She clamped her legs shut as I headed south to tickle her clit so I changed directions and went for a handful of her hard little tits.
The surprises kept coming and I found out that it was not my wife I was fondling. I know my wife's topography quite well and the plump, full breast in my hand was not attached to the girl I married. The bed went silent and still. In the dim light from the window I could see beyond the hair I had just started nuzzling, and into the face of someone else. I did a little bit of math real quick.
"I'm going to assume this is Cathie's breast right here, and that Angela is on the other side facing me?"
"Uh, yeah." Came the curt reply, and I could see Angela's head nod a few times.
"OK. Well. This is unexpected."
"You are home awfully early."
"Yeah, actually I am." I had not moved since I made my shocking discovery, though my cock was starting to swell and would soon be poking Cathie in her nethers. The silence grew awkward quickly.
"So...ah...you girls have a good time tonight?" I could see very little detail on Angela's face in the dark. but the turn of her head was her cute little guilty face I knew and loved. Unexpectedly, Cathie spoke up.
"We had a very good time." There was a suggestive tone in her voice that landed hard on my libido and my long john gave a lurch against her backside. My left hand, which had been frozen on her breast, was freed of its paralysis and I began enjoying her plump tit. "What about you guys?"
"Well, Brad got drunk and tried to pick up a hooker, the hooker and her pimp tried to rob him, I nearly got stabbed and Brad got arrested so I bailed him out and took him home and then I came home to find my wife in the afterglow of a clandestine lesbian fuck fest after some naked spooning with her best friend. Same old stuff, you know?"
"Are you serious?" asked Angela.
"If I'm lying then let my cock not be wedged in between Cathie's butt cheeks."
"He's not lying," she added with that same sexy tone. She had relaxed a bit and her hand found its way down between her thighs to tickle the end of my dick. My head was spinning a bit, but I'm not dumb enough to fuck up an opportunity like that.
"Angela, I had never really planned on asking you this, but since it has come up...and since I'm about half an inch away from it already...would you mind if I had sex with your friend Cathie?" She giggled in the darkness.
"Uh, well...I guess I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I said no. You probably should check with her too."
"Oh, I think I've got her permission already." Cathie was rubbing my cock up against her wet pussy and it would take only the slightest shift in position to add another name to my list.
"What do you think, Cathie? Should we let him into the club?"
"There is a club?" I asked.
"I don't fucking care what you...hold on." Cathie scooted up a little, arched her back and pushed her pussy toward me a little, then guided me straight up into her slit. "There! Now he is in the club."
"I swear, you are such a slut." Angie scooted off the bed on the other side and flicked on the light, then pulled the covers off us. She stood next to the bed watching as we scooted and adjusted until we had a nice comfortable position going, both of us on our right side and me fucking her from behind. The look on my wife's face was incredible – all hungry and sexy and lustful, looking at us like we were a buffet and she didn't know where to start.
I love the look of my wife. She is slender and hard, and runs for recreation. We bought her new tits a few years ago so she has these high, round orbs jutting out of her ribcage. Nature cursed her with damn near no breasts at all and we didn't want her looking freakish so the implants are on the small side, but since she is so slender they look perfect. Her blonde hair is long and straight and she likes to keep it pulled back in a pony tail, but standing there next to the bed she had let it go. She was a lovely mess with her bed hair flowing wildly around her head and shoulders, looking like she'd been screwing for an hour or so, her sharp little features focused on what I was doing to her friend.
Cathie is a bit fuller of figure, but only by comparison. Most people would probably pick her as the sexier of the two women. Her breasts were plump and natural with thick nipples, her ass a little more plush than Angie's hard, athletic caboose, and her figure a bit more womanly. I always thought she looked a little funny with a slightly big nose and slightly wide mouth, but you'd never catch me calling her ugly. Far from it, she looked uniquely enticing. Truth be told, at that point she could have been dog ugly and I wouldn't have cared much. Her pussy felt just fine regardless of the rest of her.
Since we found a more comfortable position I figured I might as well throw some heat on the girl. I picked up the pace and went from gentle slip-n-slide to a right proper fucking. Angie's hungry face split wider into a positively predatory grin.
"Oh, that's fucking hot. That's right, baby. You fuck her hard!"
She got up on the bed, standing, and took a position directly over Cathie's head. She dropped to one knee, her other foot behind Cathie's head, landing her pussy right on the other woman's face. She took up a fist full of Cathie's dark hair and pulled her into place.
"Eat me, cunt! You lick that pussy good or I'll take your new toy away. Yeah, that's it!"
Cathie wasted no time slithering her tongue up into my wife's pussy and I got a front row seat to all the action. Angie continued to growl out instructions, every last one of them filthy as hell, while she rode the other woman's face. After a little while I started to feel left out.
I reached up to Angie's pussy, gently pushed Cathie's face out of the way and slipped two fingers into my wife.
"You too," I said to Cathie, and in a moment she slid in two fingers of her own.
Angie gasped and moaned as our fingers wiggled and thrust, prodded and poked inside her. My wife's other hand landed on my head and she gripped a fistful of my hair.
"Oooh, you two are naughty. I think I'm going to enjoy this."
"You damn well better," I said. She turned to look down on me with the sexiest face I ever did see. Damn I love that woman. We kept that up for a few minutes but with such a wealth of opportunities on the table we couldn't stick with one thing for very long.
Turns out my lovely wife is a bit of a top. She's always held her own with me and I'd say we were equals in the libido department, but I guess adding another body brings out the alpha in her. She took command of Cathie and I pretty quickly. With her hands in our hair she slowly stood, pulling us up and out of our position. I was a little sad to slide out of Cathie's hot little puss but I couldn't wait for whatever Angie had in mind. We both got up on our knees in front of her and she looked down at us with a sneer of superiority.
"I like this." She pulled my face to her pussy and I quickly lapped her up, flicking my tongue against her swollen clit. She shuddered and pulled me away, then replaced me with Cathie. Back and forth we went for a few minutes, sharing my wife and making a hell of a sloppy mess. After we were both covered in spit and pussy juice, Angela pushed our faces together. I'm, not sure if I spent more time kissing Cathie or licking her face, but either way it was fucking hot.
Still with her hands in our hair, Angie dropped to her knees, then further down on the bed until she was on her back. She pulled each one of us to a nipple and we shared her tits for a while.
"Get those fingers back in me," she said. In moments she had three or four fingers sliding around inside her. Her eyes rolled up and shut, her head stretched back and she started a low, gentle moan that I knew very well. She was settling down for her first orgasm. Well, her first since I got home anyway.
It wasn't easy to get my message to Cathie, but after a while I finally managed to mouth the words and pantomime my intent enough, without distracting Angie, to get her on board with my plan. Angie's nipples are pale pink nubs, demure and shy little things, until you start to work on them. They swelled up and darkened, turning into purple-red gumdrops in our mouths. As we worked her pussy her moans started to grow louder, more plaintive and intense. She likes a general breast mauling and we used our tongues like paint brushes on her aftermarket rack with gusto.
Cathie had a thumb on Angie's clit and was pushing her straight toward an orgasm. It was nice to have somebody else who knew just how to operate that sexy machine. As Angie's noises reached their crescendo I gave the signal.
Angie shrieked in surprise, pain and pleasure as we both bit down on her nipples at the same time. She says she doesn't like that, but she lies. Her hand turned to a fist in my hair and her arms went rigid as the rest of her body rocked and rolled from the overwhelming orgasm we were giving her. I hoped Cathie hadn't bitten down too hard - there are limits to what my wife can take – but God damn what a wild ride!
Angie climaxes and falls off quickly so it was over in a flash. Cathie tried to go back to her gentle suckling but Angie would have no part of it. She pulled her lover's head away. I knew better. After the bite she needed some alone time with her nipples.
"That was your idea," she chided, shaking my head by the hair.
"You come twice as hard when I do that." Angie grunted in partial consent.
"Can I get some of that?" Cathie was envious.
"You want the same thing?"
"Hell yes."
"With or without the teeth?" I asked as the girls traded places.
"I like teeth," she replied with a wicked grin. It almost made me reluctant to ask for a blow job later.
In moments I had the first new tit in my mouth in four years. Well, barring a few strippers whose nipples might have slipped in just a little bit. But they don't count. These were big, soft natural boobs and I had all kinds of permission to play. Her areolas were very large and her nipples nice and thick. I ran the front of my teeth across her nipple as it hardened and grew. Cathie's hands were far less commanding and she played with my hair, more cradling my head than directing it.
As before, I had two fingers wriggling up inside her while my wife did the same. Cathie was much more laid back and just let us do our thing for a while. I'll admit, I was having a damn good time with her big tits. I was looking forward to having her above me at some point so she could lower them down on my face.
Ever impatient Angie decided we were done a few minutes later and sat up on her knees, wiping spit and pussy juice off her face.
"I need some cock."
"You are in luck. I got one right here." I got up, then stood on the bed, putting my cock at perfect sucking level. Angie was quick to slurp me down while Cathie sat up to join her.
"I can taste you on him," she said as she passed me over to her lesbian lover. Cathie took up my cock as Angie headed south to tongue my balls. They switched off several times and paused to kiss each other sloppily at the end of my prick a few times. I could have popped off right there and been a happy man, covering these two hotties with my spunk, but there was so much more to do.
"I want to see you sixty-nine," I told them. Cathie gave a fake pouty face.
"What? Again? Didn't we already do that?"
"Yeah, but we didn't have an audience."
"Well, I guess we could do it again." Her words said one thing but the look in her eye and the speed with which she dropped on the bed said something else. Angie was quick to throw a leg over the other woman's face and assume the position.
I got down off the bed and watched them for a minute, enthralled and excited. All that naked flesh writhing and squirming, those tongues wiggling into each other...I was overwhelmed. Well, almost. I had enough sense to hurry up and get my dick in one of them before they forgot about me. I got back on the bed on my knees behind Angie and pointed myself at her pussy.
"About damn time," she groused from between Cathie's legs. I slipped in carefully, making sure not to pin Cathie down by her hair, and started slowly fucking my wife from behind. My balls were dangling in the other woman's face and a couple of times she switched her tongue from pussy to ball sack. That reminded me of something I had always wanted to do. I pulled out and pushed Angie forward a little, exposing more of Cathie's face. I aimed my cock at her mouth and she slurped me down with glee. She sucked off Angie's wetness and took me down as far as she could before I pulled out of her mouth and put it back in Angie.
I pulled that trick several times, switching between mouth and pussy. It was magical. I literally cannot imagine a sexier thing to do. God damn I wanted to come like that, but still I needed to make sure I got everything I could before I shot my load. I was only too happy when Angie wanted to switch.
"My turn," she announced as she hopped off her lover. Cathie got up and they changed positions in a flash, and once again I was balls deep in Cathie. The contrast between them was interesting. Angie is a little tighter near the entrance, but Cathie seemed to press in near the end, like her body curved more inside. Hell, I don't know, I was just happy as hell to be there.
After slathering up my cock with Cathie's juices I pulled out and let my wife clean them off. Back and forth I went from mouth to pussy, living my fantasy completely. After a while I figured it was time to put the icing on the cake, so to speak.
"I want to cum on Cathie's tits." Cathie rolled of Angie and we moved around so I was straddling her waist with my cock jutting out above her big boobs with Angie next to us, her face near my dick. I was so damned excited that it took only a few moments of pulling my pud to bring it to a boil.
"You got something for me, baby?" asked my wife, almost as hungry for my orgasm as I was.
"You'll have to share with your friend." I said through clenched teeth as the first spurt roared out of me. It was considerably heavier than normal and it splattered against my wife's cheek, half of it immediately falling down on Cathie's right breast. I aimed a little better the next time and sent the second wad into Angie's mouth, the third back down to Cathie's other breast and the rest I let Angie suck out of me. She nursed me hard until that last shuddering spurt left me.
Angie moved up to Cathie's face and opened her mouth, letting a slurry of spit and sperm fall down into Cathie's open mouth. Oh God that was hot. I couldn't be left out. I dropped down with them and kissed them both as all three mouths collided in a slippery, sticky, gooey mess. I smeared what was left into Cathie's tit and Angie quickly dropped down to clean her off while I kept kissing her. We all played in that mess for a while and enjoyed each other immensely.
We took quick showers after that and piled into the bed for some shut eye. To this day I don't know which one sucked me off a few hours later. I woke up to a warm mouth wrapped around my cock and I didn't complain. Angie won't tell me who it was and I mostly don't care. When I dropped my load she slurped it up and then threw the blanket back over me. I was asleep in seconds.
The next morning was chaotic. Cathie had to go, but she didn't want to. She was supposed to meet Brad for something. I found her cell phone in her purse, tossed it to her as she was lounging in bed with my wife, and dove between her legs for some pussy.
"Call him while I eat you out," I said. She didn't bother. After I made her squeal for a while she insisted she HAD to go or she'd be late. The girls had a strangely erotic wrestling match while Cathie tried to get dressed and Angie tried to stop her, and somehow that ended up with me on my back on the bed, Cathie impaled on my cock and Angie squatting on my face while they kissed above me. I came inside Cathie and my wife was eager to lick her clean.
She had missed the appointment by then and she pretty well gave up trying to escape us. We spent the rest of the day molesting her over and over. After what we did to that girl in our bed, we deserve a trophy. And maybe a restraining order. |
Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 03 | 47,358 | 4.6 | 278,128 | [
"china doll"
] | *(If you haven't already, please read **Matt and Lisa at School – Part 1 and Part 2**. This will make much more sense if you do. There is also more detailed family background in **A Family New Year's Eve.**)*
Matt was living the high life; there was no question about it. Not only was he one of the few freshmen allowed to live in an apartment off campus, he had a car and a good parking permit as well. The tall, slim handsome young man grinned that same 'idiot grin' that crossed his face every time he thought about his current situation.
He was majoring in the same field as his brilliant sister, Lisa, now his roommate, and his other roommate, the equally brilliant Margie Yuen. Both girls were seniors and headed towards graduating with honors. While Matt was every bit as bright as the two girls, he didn't have the same focus and drive they did. And it certainly didn't bother any of them that he used their well-annotated text books and class notes for the same core courses they had taken three years before.
Of course, he knew that wasn't the best thing about them – not by a long shot. His pulse started to quicken a little as he thought first about his older sister. They had grown up, two and a half years apart, as best friends. And they stayed best friends until the winter holiday break of Matt's senior year in high school. Lisa had come home to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve with her family. What a celebration that turned out to be! The whole family discovered lots of interesting things about each other that fateful December thirty-first. Questions were asked and answered; truths were bared, along with everyone's bodies, and relationships were changed that night forever. Matt's cock started to swell in his jeans as he remembered it all.
During the course of the long evening, between midnight and noon the next day, Matt turned his mother's attempted seduction around, possessing her in all ways. He reached a new level of understanding with his father, feeling an abounding love for the man whose deepest pleasure was to teach his son and daughter all he could of the practical and the arcane, the intellectual and the sensual. And then there was Lisa – the love of his life. That night changed them forever, brought them closer than they could ever have imagined. Best friend status was tossed aside as brother and sister became incestuously bound, both physically and emotionally. Matt started to sweat, remembering that first time...in the living room with his mother and father at hand, looking on...the exquisite feeling he had as he sank his ten-inch cock into the finest pussy he'd ever had...the exclamations of love between brother and sister bringing joy to the whole family.
Then his mind shifted to his newest heart-throb, causing Matt to shift his swollen prick around in his pants. Lisa's roommate, Margie *Mai Ling* Yuen, was an absolute mirror image of his sister, aside from the obvious racial differences. Her long, black hair hung straight down over her shoulders and her eyes...fuck...those almond-shaped slits held the darkest, deepest eyes he'd ever seen. And before Lisa shaved Margie's pussy the first night Matt moved in, her silky, black pubic hair barely covered her plump mound.
But their bodies were nearly identical – both could have been cheerleaders if they'd wanted to. They both stood about five feet two inches tall with athletic 34-24-35 inch figures. And their faces...God...they could be the two cutest coeds on campus – or they could look like the two dirtiest sluts he'd ever seen. They were fantastic! And the three of them were totally in love with each other...fuck, it was sweet.
He was sitting at the desk in his room, in front of his computer. As usual, multiple chat windows were open, most of his friends were on-line, as he thought about plans for the weekend. His best friend (and roommate before their dorm was closed), Winston, was telling him about a new pool parlor in town. The idea appealed to Matt and he asked Winston what he knew about it. Winston told him that their friend Paulie went down there the other night. He got in the door and looked around...real classy, he said...great sound system and lots of tables.
Matt: Sounds great...let's go 2nite. U n Paulie meet me n my roomies there @ 8.
Winston: W8T a minute. P got hassled. Fuckin nerd, went in jeans n t-shirt. Tried to say he is gr8t shooter (he is) but small posse of big bald brothuhs in tuxes escorted him OTD. Told him not to come back – very rude!
Matt: Gonna talk to roomies – got an idea – call you later. Bye.
Matt swiveled his chair away from the desk, got up and found a joint in his ashtray. That brought another grin. Teaching Margie to roll the way he liked them was a stroke of genius! He lit it and took a deep hit, idly wondering where the girls might be. He sat back down and thought about how they might have a little adventure and help his friends out at the same time. As he smoked the joint, his little scenario took shape, the details sorting themselves out in his mind. By the time he'd finished the perfectly rolled joint, his plan was set. He called Winston on his cell.
"Hey, Matt. What's your idea?" Winston drawled in his deep southern twang
"Well," Matt replied, "I thought I would take Lisa and Margie down there...you know... meet the boys – maybe come to some kind of *arrangement*."
"What kind of arrangement you talking about?" Winston sounded confused. Matt figured his friend was stoned, too.
"You high already, dope fiend?" Matt chuckled as he asked his friend. Winston just chuckled back. "Thought so. Anyway, I think I can get them to agree to a couple of things...including letting Paulie and his nerd friends play there."
He could picture Winston as they spoke. His friend was a tall, lanky southerner with thinning blond hair, whose pronounced drawl and dark, sleepy eyes belied an intellect of genius level. He also possessed a tremendous sense of humor – they kept each other amused at all times. Paulie, on the other hand...well, he was smart, that's for sure. But his body still hadn't really matured; neither had his social skills. But he was as naturally funny as anyone Matt knew.
"And how you gonna do that, chief?" Winston sounded amused.
"I ain't gonna do nothing, dude. That's what the girls are for." Matt let Winston think about that for a minute. "Well, is your little dick hard yet? Thinking about Margie and my sister with the *posse*?"
"Dude, I think about Margie and Lisa all the time. And you know what that does to Winton, Jr." He paused and then continued with a little stoned trepidation in his voice. "Matt, do you think your sister would like it if I shaved my dick?" Matt started laughing at his friend's suggestion. "No, really, dude..." he sounded a little frantic, "someone told me it makes you look bigger...and chicks like it 'cuz, you know, no hair when they blow ya." Matt was nearing hysteria as he listened to Winston. "Well, what do you think?"
Tears were rolling down Matt's cheeks as he tried to respond. "Go ahead, dude...I'm sure she'll appreciate your consideration." As he got himself back together a little, he said, "Okay, you and Paulie meet me and the girls at the pool hall at nine o'clock. Tell them at the door that you are friends of mine...don't worry; they'll know me by then. And for God's sake, make sure Paulie wears something nice, okay?"
Winston confirmed and they ended the call. As Matt flipped his phone closed, he heard his roommates come in the front door. They were giggling and whispering as they made their way downstairs and into Matt's room. They were both dressed alike in tight jeans and halter tops and carrying shopping bags in their hands. The bags hit the floor as they moved in tandem to the front of Matt's chair. As always, Matt was struck by the pure sex appeal they both radiated. And as always, their presence caused blood to start pooling in his groin, feeding his swelling fuck-meat.
Lisa stood just behind Margie, both of them facing their *Master*. He hadn't said a word, but Lisa caught his quick eye movement towards Margie's top. From behind, she brought her hands up slowly over her girlfriend's flat stomach, sliding her fingers under the halter until she had Margie's perfect tits in her hands. She kissed the Asian beauty on the neck as she rolled Margie's hardening nipples between her fingers. Then she pulled her hands out and grabbed the hem of the halter top, lifting it slowly up and over her head, revealing Margie's perky, cheerleader breasts and her fat nipples to Matt's hungry gaze. Then Lisa dropped to her knees, still behind Margie. She reached around the tight little ass that she knew so well and unsnapped her lover's low-cut jeans, pulling them apart until Matt saw the small white triangle covering her smooth mound. She let one of her hands slide under Margie's panties and cup her hot, moist pussy. As she slid her finger between the wet, puffy lips, she looked up at her brother.
"It's Friday, Matt. No reason to get up in the morning." Margie started moaning softly as Lisa's fingertip found her clit and started to make gentle circles around it. "Got anything planned yet?" Lisa gave her younger brother a devastating smile. "Or would you like some suggestions?" Lisa moved her hands to Margie's hips and grabbed the jeans and her little white lace thong. Slowly and deliberately, she skinned them down her China Doll's firm, taut thighs and shapely calves until Margie lifted her feet and stepped out of them. Lisa moved in front of the other girl and pinched the dark, thick nipples that crowned Margie's *Perfect 10* tits. Then she put her hands on Margie's shoulders and pushed down softly. The little black-haired coed dropped to her knees, assuming the submissive pose that turned all of them on so fiercely.
"What kind of suggestions you got, Lis'?" Matt's voice was unnaturally calm as he slipped into his *Alpha Male* persona at Margie's display. Lisa was slowly pulling her top up, teasing her brother with the bottom curves of her ripe, young breasts.
No matter how many times she had been scantily clad or even naked in front of her brother, it never failed to cause nipple-stiffening, cunt moistening tremors through her entire body. She gasped as she felt the soft halter top catch on her swollen buds and then spring free as she pulled it over her head. "Your sluts went shopping this afternoon, Master." She spoke softly, her voice a husky whisper as her delicate fingers found the snap on her jeans and then the tiny zipper. She looked at Matt, staring at her breasts as they moved seductively on her chest. She pushed her jeans and panties down her tanned legs until she could step out of them. "We each got a new outfit, Matty...want us to model them for you?" Lisa was remembering what happened in the tiny dressing room at the shop. Her nipples were thickening as she recalled the taste of Margie's sweet cunt.
Matt returned Lisa's lusty look with a grin. "Sounds great, sis. You guys change and then I'll tell you what's on for tonight."
The girls giggled as Lisa helped Margie to her feet. They grabbed the shopping bags they'd brought in earlier and went into Lisa's room to change. Margie looked back over her shoulder and grinned at Matt as she shook her gorgeous little butt. In a silly sing-song Chinese accent, she said, "You will truly like them, Master...they hotter than Chinese firecrackers!" Then she shut Lisa's door as she went into the room.
Lisa was waiting for her with open arms. Margie was hot and flushed as she moved into Lisa's embrace. "God," she said as Lisa bent her head to kiss her lover's stiff nipples, "your brother gets better looking every day." She felt Lisa moan in agreement, the vibrations moving from her engorged nipple to the depths of her cunt. "But then," she Asian coed continued, "so do you, lover." She raised Lisa's face to hers and kissed her hard. They both moaned as their tongues dueled and their lips crushed each others. Margie finally broke their embrace. "C'mon, *babygirl*," she gently pushed Lisa back, "our *Master* is waiting for us."
Lisa knew her brother very well. She noticed that lately, he'd often had a Jet Li movie, *Romeo Must Die*, playing in the background on his computer. And she also was aware of his cock growing during an early scene in the movie. Two beautiful, young Asian women, dressed in tight little mini-dresses start dirty-dancing together at a club and as they kiss, one girl pulls the other's dress down over her breast and starts kissing her nipple.
Earlier in the week, she passed a new boutique that had a very similar dress in the window. She'd brought Margie back and they found two dresses, tight, slinky and sparking, that were reminiscent of the outfits from the movie. A red dress looked perfect on Lisa and a similar one, colored electric blue, was pure *Mai Ling*. Then they bought Lisa a wig; long, black hair cut in a classic Chinese style, along with the proper make-up, transformed her instantly into a totally hot, slutty looking oriental woman. What she didn't know was how well her little fantasy for Matt would dove-tail with his plan for that night.
As Matt waited for his little sluts to change, he got a cold beer out of his little mini- refrigerator, lit a joint, and stripped off his hot, sweaty clothes in anticipation of a blowjob and a shower. He was leaning back on his study pillow as Lisa's door opened. At first, he thought he was seeing things (he was very high...he loved Fridays after classes were out.) Two Margies? The girls were backlit until they were inside Matt's room. Only then did he see Lisa under the long hair and make-up. And then his cock started to grow.
Lisa and Margie slithered into the room with their arms wrapped around each other and their tongues flicking against each other's neck. They walked over to Matt's stereo and put a dance cd in the player. Then they recreated the scene from the movie that Matt knew so well. They moved slowly, rocking together to the strong beat of the music. Their *Master's* eyes were glowing with a burning lust as Margie peeled Lisa's tight dress down over her 34B breast. His long, thick cock started leaking pre-cum as his beautiful *Mai Ling* nibbled her way across his sister's tit, then licking and finally sucking Lisa's hard nipple into her mouth.
Then, following the movie, Margie used her hand to slide Lisa's dress back up, her fingers kneading her girlfriend's breast as they moved to the music. After a long french kiss, Lisa backed away and turned the music down. Both girls sat on the bed, one on either side of the highly excited young man. "Well, little brother, what do you think?" Lisa was breathless from her hot dance with Margie.
Matt looked back and forth from one to the other. He just couldn't believe how exciting the two of them were together. He was quite stoned, his cock was fully extended, and it was time for the evening to begin. Falling naturally into his *command* voice, he addressed them both. "Very nice, girls...very nice. Beautiful dresses...take them off; you'll be wearing them again in a little while." They stood and peeled off the tight little dresses and sat back down again. Keeping his expression as neutral as he could, he turned to his sister. "*Little brother*?" His voiced dropped as his eyes widened. "Is that the proper way to address me, slut?" Lisa started apologizing, secretly thrilled that Matt caught her *mistake*. He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to his. "Stop apologizing, Lis'." He grinned at her. "Don't worry – you'll pay for that later." He knew she couldn't wait. What a hot little slut – no wonder he loved her so completely.
"Love the wig, by the way. But keep it out of the way now." His long arms embraced both his loves. He drew them down to his massive erection. "Both of you...lips and tongues...and I'll tell you about my plan." A moment later, his tool had their complete attention. They used their tongues and lips to wet his shaft and spread his pre-cum over his spongy, dark pink cock head. And then they started sucking him, first one taking two or three strokes into her mouth and then trading with the other. As Matt got into their rhythm, he told them about Winston's call and Paulie's problem.
"So," he explained, "we're gonna go down to the pool hall tonight. I think you two will be able to entice the big, bald posse into seeing things our way. And those dresses should only make your jobs easier." It was hard to maintain that particular tone of voice as he was far more interested in the boiling rush he could feel starting in his balls.
Margie had his meat in her mouth as he finished telling them about the evening ahead. When he all but said that both she and Lisa would be fucking and sucking a group of strangers, *black strangers* at that, she couldn't control the shock waves that moved through her body. Her trembling reached her mouth, causing her lips to vibrate around Matt's thick stalk. As Lisa massaged his swollen sac, Matt felt his load surging up his cock and exploding into Margie's mouth, bringing her along with him into orgasmic never-never land.
Since becoming Matt's slut, at his direction, she had slept with Winston several times (she thought he was pretty cute), Paulie once (she was still a little put off by his lack of social skills and dick-length, but he was very easy to blow and he came so quickly!) and a few of Matt's dorm friends. Except for Winston, the actual sex was okay at best. But that really didn't matter to the black-haired coed – she was pleasing her *Master* by doing his friends. Between the pleasure she received from her submission and the pleasure she and Lisa gave each other (they always partied together), and most of all, the supreme pleasure she received from Matt's cock, she had experienced more climaxes in the last month than she had in her previous twenty years.
But now, all she could think about was her upcoming role that night – and it was making her completely crazy. She was aware of Lisa kissing and licking Matt's cum off of her lips and chin. She kissed her lover back hard and shared the sticky load their *Master* had left on her tongue. She knew Lisa had previous experiences with black men, and quite frankly, Margie didn't know how Lisa could do it. Margie had never been close enough to an African-American to know that her parent's old stereotypical attitudes were all wrong. But she had never let herself get put in that position – *until now*! And she was trembling in anticipation.
Matt had crawled off his bed, sated for the moment by Margie's wonderful mouth. He turned the hot water on in the shower and stood under the spray, still planning the way he wanted the evening to go. When he saw the girls walk into his room earlier in those dresses, every curve of their bodies highlighted by the shimmering material, he knew they would be irresistible – that was the key to his plan. He washed and rinsed and when he stepped out of the shower, his older sister was there, holding a warm towel to dry him off. It was a small sensual pleasure they both shared.
"You know, little *Mai Ling* has never been with a black guy before, Matty?" Lisa spoke softly as she toweled off her brother's long, lanky body.
"Didn't know that, Lis'," he replied easily. "She should get a kick outta this, then."
Lisa moved the soft towel gently over his cock and around his sac. "Well, I don't think she'll be surprised by the size anymore, baby brother," she giggled as she held his length in her palm, "at least, not after this big boy." Then she grew a little more serious. "But I think she's kinda scared, Matt. She told me her parents are really bigoted, and she thinks they handed down their attitudes to her."
Matt started to laugh softly. "That's all, sweetie?" Lisa nodded. "Then there should be nothing to worry about...really. Ask Dad about it sometime – his stories are pretty funny – they're all based on the fact that Asian people thought that black people smelled bad."
"What?" Lisa rolled her eyes at Matt's suggestion. "Are you kidding me?"
"Nope." Matt was laughing now at Lisa's expression. "That's probably what's bothering her the most." He took the towel out of Lisa's hands to finish drying his hair. "Okay, time for you to get dressed." His voice dropped the humorous tone. "I want you both in those dresses...sheer black thigh-high hose and dressy shoes and lots of make-up" He paused a second, then, "And I want you two in matching thongs – the sheerest, smallest ones you have that match." Matt dropped the towel and kissed his sister, his hands pulling her perfect little figure against him. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "You're gonna have an excellent time tonight, Lis'...go make sure our little China Doll is okay."
Lisa walked into her room, gathered what she would need and went upstairs to Margie's room. She found her on her bed, one hand rubbing her breast – teasing her thick, dark nipple; the other was lightly massaging her shaved mound. Margie was moaning softly, almost whimpering as she played with herself. She looked around and saw Lisa standing next to her bed. Lisa smiled at the trembling girl and bent down to kiss her softly on the lips. When she pulled back, Margie looked up and whispered, "We're really gonna do this, aren't we, Lisa?" Her almond-shaped eyes were as wide as they could be. "I mean," she continued her hoarse whispering, "it's one thing with Matt's friends, but...Lisa, this could be four or five really big black guys."
Lisa thought Margie was going to start hyperventilating; her breathing was so shallow and rapid. She wanted to calm her girlfriend down – it wouldn't do for Margie to be afraid of what lay ahead. She kissed her again, very tenderly. "There's no reason to be afraid, my love. You know Matt would never put us in any danger, right?"
Margie gasped as she heard Lisa trying to ease her fears. "Oh, no, baby...that's not it." She was following the feeling of her fingers in her cunt and on her tits. "You don't know how many times I've gotten myself off thinking about this exact thing!" Margie was bringing herself closer and closer to the crest. "I used to think about getting gang-banged by the basketball team..." Lisa started to laugh, both at Mai Ling's confession and at her own misunderstanding of her girlfriend's true feelings. Margie punched Lisa lightly on the shoulder. "Don't laugh at me...I'm trying to cum, damn it!"
Lisa kissed her again and apologized for her mistake. "So tell me...what happens, baby?"
Margie, resuming her finger play, brings herself close again. She says, "It's like a dream ...suddenly, we're all in my bedroom at home...they're so big, they take up my whole room." Lisa could see Margie's beautiful, golden skin begin to flush and then glow with her excitement. "They're so dark...big black hands on my pale tits...long black fingers playing with my pussy. My clothes are gone – so are theirs. Fuck, Lisa, their cocks are huge...and so dark...I want them in me so bad."
Lisa had just put a finger into Margie's wet pussy when they both heard Matt calling from the living room. "We got places to go, people to see...let's go, ladies."
Lisa gave her China Doll a final kiss. "You'll have your chance later, I think, to finally fulfill your fantasy, lover. But right now, we better hurry." She told Margie about Matt's instructions. Lisa held up a tiny, almost transparent white lace thong. "I know you have one of these...is it clean?" Margie found it in her drawer along with the black hose she would wear. They applied their make-up just slightly too heavy...*they might be hookers, but then again, maybe not...*slipped into their new dresses with all the appropriate jewelry, and finally got Lisa's wig adjusted just right. They put on the high heels that Matt wanted and walked down to the living room.
Matt was sitting down on the couch, smoking a joint as they came down the stairs. It was all he could do not to choke on the smoke he'd just inhaled. *"Fuck*," he thought, "*they are So Fucking Hot*!" He never could understand it when a gorgeous girl couldn't see her own beauty. Not these two – no way. His princess-sluts knew exactly how good they looked...and they loved it every bit as much as he did.
Margie's dress, an electric blue, skin-tight sheath, was tied halter-style around the back of her neck. The front had a generous scoop neckline, displaying her cleavage and the curved inner sides of her naturally perky breasts. Her excited nipples pressed against the thin material, inviting the stares of those around her. The tight bottom just barely covered the lace tops of her thigh-high stockings.
Lisa's was of the same type of material, only hers was shiny red. And her dress wasn't a halter. It was sleeveless and strapless, fitting snugly across her breasts, barely an inch above her elongated nipples. The bottom fit snugly around her beautiful little butt just the same way Margie's fit her. With the wig and make-up, it was hard to tell it was Lisa at first glance. The two of them had never looked better – *Fuck, they were sooo hottt!!!*
Keeping his voice as normal as he could, Matt asked them about their underwear. They lifted the bottom hems up, revealing the matching transparent white lace thongs. Matt grinned in approval, clapped his hands together and announced it was time to go.
Twenty minutes later, Matt and the girls piled out of their taxi in front of the billiard parlor. Lisa and Margie smoothed and straightened Matt's jacket over his lean, muscular six-foot form. He had on a new charcoal-gray Italian suit that fit him perfectly – the jacket unbuttoned over a black, silky t-shirt. He thought he could do a walk-on on *The Sopranos* they way he looked. With an arm around each girl, they walked up to the club. Before they could reached the top step, the black and red lacquer double doors were opened from the inside and they were greeted by the wide-eyed stares of two very tall, very bald, and very dark thirty-something African-American men in perfectly tailored tuxedos.
Lisa started to cream as the man on her side raised his eyes slowly from her beautifully displayed tits until he locked them firmly on hers. She smiled warmly at him as she decided he was the most perfect looking man she'd seen (other than her brother, of course) in a long time. On Matt's other side, Margie was experiencing much of the same feelings as her sister-slut. The man smiling down on her was every bit as awesome as the man who was captivating Lisa. Matt was smiling as he watched his sister and *Mai Ling* work their magic on the two bouncers.
A moment later, a third, almost identical man greeted Matt with an outstretched hand. In a mellow, deep bass voice he asked how he might be of service. Matt shook his hand and said they thought it might be fun to shoot a little pool...did they have an open table? Maybe one in a back room?
The man spoke again. "My name is Maurice, and this" he pointed to the man next to Lisa, "is Henry." Turning towards Margie, he continued, "And this is William. Please let them take you to the bar and buy you a drink, uhm..."
Matt smiled pleasantly and spoke in a low, firm voice. "Glad to meet you gentlemen. My name is Matt. This," he drew Lisa closer and kissed her bare shoulder, "is Lisa." As he turned towards Margie, she met him with open lips. When Matt pulled back from her wicked kiss he said, "And this is *Mai Ling*."
Maurice smiled and continued. "As I was saying, Matt, please let Henry and William escort you and these two beautiful ladies to the bar and have a drink on me. I'm going to find the manager and we will fix you right up...I believe you would like a private room, correct?"
Matt smiled again at Maurice. "That would be perfect," he said and with his arms around his women, they followed the tall, tuxedo-clad men to the main bar.
Standing with the bouncers next to the shining, ebony bar, they waited for Maurice to return. Matt sipped an ice-cold draft while Lisa and Margie drank champagne cocktails. They were looking the place over, listening to the music coming from an excellent sound system (loud enough to feel the music, but not too loud to speak in normal voices) when Henry leaned towards Matt and asked, "Both these women...they be with you?"
Matt nodded his answer back with a small grin as he drank more beer.
William took his shot and asked, "Both? At the same time?"
Again Matt nodded and grinned. He was really enjoying the moment, and anticipating even more fun in just a few minutes. Both girls had finished their drinks and put their glasses on the bar. As the bartender poured them each another, Lisa put her hand on Henry's arm. "Can you help me up on the stool, please?" She hit him with a devastating combination of innocent school-girl voice and $1000 hooker expression on her face. "It's just so high, you know."
Henry looked at Matt, as if for permission, and Matt nodded to him. He moved very close to Lisa, much closer than he needed to be, and circled her waist with his long fingers. Effortlessly, he lifted her straight up, brushing her protruding nipples against him until they were face-to-face. Lisa kissed him quickly on the corner of his wide mouth and said 'Thank you" as he put her down on the stool.
William was staring. It was rude, he knew, but he couldn't help himself. The club hadn't had that many hot women stop by since it opened – certainly none as hot as these two! When he saw Lisa kiss his friend, he started thinking about all kinds of possibilities. He turned quickly to Margie and gestured towards the barstool next to her. She smiled up at the tall, dark man. While she may have looked in control on the outside, she was coming apart on the inside. All three of the men were simply gorgeous...and God, they smelled so good! Whatever were her parents thinking? But before William could lift her sexy little body onto the stool, Maurice returned with a fourth, identically dressed, tall and athletic man.
"Matt, ladies...this is Jamal Compton. He is the manager of our little establishment." Jamal moved forward to take Matt's hand, impressed with the dry, firm grip he felt. The young, well-dressed white boy didn't seem nervous or intimidated at all...not the usual reaction he'd seen when he and his staff surrounded anyone. This might be fun, he thought to himself.
"Nice to meet you, Matt...ladies. Welcome to our humble club." His wide smile revealed perfect teeth and warm, dark eyes. Matt could sense Lisa's and Margie's interest shift from the bouncers to the manager. "Maurice tells me you are interested in a private room. I think I have what you're looking for." He put his large hand down on the bar. "Please leave your drinks – someone will bring fresh one's to the room. And now if you'll come with me..."
Jamal and Maurice walked along side Matt as they guided him through the club's main room and down a hallway with several open doors. Inside a few of them, Matt saw several people shooting pool, drinking and dancing to the pervasive beat of the music. Some of the rooms were vacant, and some had the doors closed. It was in front of one of the closed doors where Jamal stopped and turned. He smiled as he noticed that both of those oh-so-fuckable little cuties each had an arm around their escorts' waists. "I think you will like this room," Jamal said as he opened the door and turned on the lights.
The room was divided into two areas. Eyes were drawn first to the classic pool table on the left side of the room. Clean, smooth green felt covered the thick slate bed and the pockets had woven leather baskets to catch the balls. A beautiful Tiffany lamp seemed to illuminate only the table, leaving the high stools and cue racks and the rest of the area to be lit by the reflection off of the dark paneled walls. The right side of the room looked quite comfortable as well. Well-placed indirect lighting highlighted a small bar in front of one wall, and two chairs and a love seat that were grouped around a small cocktail table. Just beyond the small couch, some lights in the ceiling shined down on a small dance floor.
A waitress followed the group into the room, carrying a bottle of champagne and an ice bucket. She left them on the bar and then shut the door behind her as she left the room. "Please," Maurice said as he reached for the bottle, "allow me." He opened a small knife and expertly slit the foil around the top of the bottle, popped the cork and poured two fresh glasses for Lisa and Margie. This time, Henry and William lifted the shimmering beauties onto the barstools without being asked.
At the same time, Jamal found a frosted mug in a small freezer behind the bar and poured a cold draft for Matt. "Let me show you a few things," he said as he handed Matt the beer. He moved towards the wall behind the bar. "This switch calls for a waitress...she won't come back again until you want her." His had traveled a few feet further across the wall. "And this rotary switch controls the volume of the music coming in." He turned it up slightly and the girls started to sway on their stools to the dance music that filled the room..
Matt glanced at his watch – it was already past eight-thirty and he knew his friends would more likely be early than late. He needed to take care of business quickly.
Glancing around the room, noticing all four men watching Lisa and Margie move back and forth, Matt offered to buy them all a drink. Jamal thanked him and took a bottle of scotch from the bar. He topped off four shot glasses and handed three of them out to his posse. When everyone had a glass in hand, Matt said, "I think we should drink to your most excellent club, Jamal. I hope we have a chance to come back again sometime." Ignoring the slightly confused looks from the four tuxedo-clad studs, Matt turned to his sluts. "Nice dance music, huh?"
Lisa and Margie put their glasses down on the bar and started to get off of the stools. Large warm hands helped them down and the girls moved under the thin beams of light shining down from above the dance floor. Aside from the music, there was dead silence in the dark private room as Lisa moved into Margie's arms and they started to rock together to the driving beat. Matt touched Jamal lightly on the arm to get his attention. "So, if the door is closed...no one comes in?" he asked.
The tall good-looking manager couldn't take his eyes from the scene in front of him. Margie turned Lisa around so they were front-to-back as they danced, facing the men at the bar. As Lisa ground her fine little ass against her girlfriend's front, Margie moved her hands across the front of Lisa's dress until they rested on her curvy hips. Margie was licking Lisa's neck as they moved together. "Uhm...Jamal..." Matt tried again to get the club manager's attention, "you said no one comes in, right?"
With his eyes still locked on the dancing girls, Jamal answered softly. "That's right, Matt...actually, the door is always locked from the outside. Only staff has keycards...the waitresses won't come back unless you flip the switch...if you need me or Maurice, we're on the speed-dial on the phone under the bar."
Matt took a joint out of his pocket and held it out to Jamal. "This won't be a problem then, right?"
Margie had her fingers on the hem of Lisa's dress and slowly slid it up her shapely thighs, exposing the lace tops of Lisa's stockings to the posse as they continued their hot little dance exhibition. And when she saw all eyes on Lisa's dress, she wiggled it up just a little more until the four black men were all captured by the sheerest little triangle of white lace pressed against her bare mound. Amid various comments, grunts and groans from their audience, Margie dropped Lisa's dress. Maurice and Jamal looked at Matt with wide grins.
Maurice held out his hand for the joint. Matt gave it to him and Maurice lit it and took a hit. Making a face, he ground the joint out in an ashtray and then reached into his own pocket. He took out a gold cigarette case, flipped it open and removed a perfectly rolled joint. "Try this...I think you'll enjoy it." Matt took it and lit it, taking a lungful of sweet smoke into his lungs. The taste was incredible and the effect was almost immediate. He was getting very high – it was great dope.
He handed the joint to Jamal and they looked back at the little dance floor. Margie's hands were covering and caressing Lisa's tits over the sparkling red material, forcing her breasts up and out of the top of the dress. Then she bent around Lisa and took her swollen nipple between her lips and sucked loudly to the delight of their observers. Henry was the first to move towards the dancing pair. He looked back at Matt and asked, "These girls just dance with each other?"
Matt shook his head as he took another hit. "All you got to do is ask, my man," he grinned as he answered the big, black bouncer.
With that, Henry took Lisa away from Margie, replacing the hot little Asian girl's hands and lips with his own. Lisa made little whimpering sounds of pure pleasure as the tall, powerful man flicked her nipples with his broad flat tongue and moved his hands over her ass and stroked her hot, inner thighs with his long, black fingers. Henry turned Lisa around until her back was facing Jamal and Maurice and the strange white dude. He lifted the shiny red material over her perfect bubble-butt, exposing her to the rest of the room as he slid his finger between her cheeks.
William moved as well, gliding across the floor until he had Margie in his long arms. They started to kiss as well, with William's hands searching for and finding the halter tie behind her neck. Margie's breath caught in her throat as she felt him pull the bow apart. Untied, her dress fell away from her pounding chest; her nipples had never felt longer or harder as the tall, dark stranger licked and sucked the fat dark tips and then squeezed them between his long, dark fingers until she thought they would burst.
He peeled the electric blue sheath down over Margie's chest, then lower, revealing her flat stomach and the curve of her hips. The good-looking man dropped to his knees by her side as his fingers stroked her golden flesh and his full, dark lips kissed the swell of her breasts down to her cute little bellybutton. Then with a flourish, he peeled the dress all the way down her stockinged legs. Balancing herself with her hand on his shoulder, Margie stepped out of the dress, leaving herself covered only by the tiny, white lace panties and her black thigh-high hose. She knew, without looking, that her panties were made totally transparent by the wetness leaking from her cunt.
Matt looked at Jamal and Maurice taking in the action. Their tongues were almost hitting the floor as they watched Margie and Lisa, identical in matching lingerie, touching and kissing each other. Building the heat in the room, they teased Henry and William with their hard nipples and their tiny fingers. Taking the joint from Matt's hand, Jamal took a long hit and then turned to the young man. "Say, Matt, what did you mean before about
'*You hope you have a chance to come back*'? You local folks, right?" Matt nodded at the manager. "Looks like your ladies are comfortable here...you seem to be pretty relaxed yourself."
"That is certainly true, Jamal," Matt said as he took the joint out of Jamal's hand and took a hit. Lisa was kneeling in front of Henry, stroking his long, hard cock with her little manicured fingers. Margie was sitting back on the couch, relishing the feeling of William's tongue wiping across her shaved mound. "It's just that...well...some friends of mine were here yesterday..." Matt took another hit, "and they weren't made to feel this comfortable. In fact, they weren't even allowed to stay inside." He blew a long, thin stream of smoke between Jamal and Maurice.
Matt picked up his beer and moved over next to Margie on the couch. When he sat down, Lisa immediately moved to his other side. Both girls started hugging him and stroking his body with their nimble fingers. Jamal and Maurice moved over to the couch, moving William out of the way. Jamal was starting to look upset as he looked down at Matt.
"That doesn't sound right...what happened with your friends?" He turned to Maurice. "Mo, you know anything about this?" Maurice just looked at his boss with a blank face.
Matt sat forward, gesturing for their attention. A young man named Paulie was here with a couple of his friends. I guess they didn't meet your dress code, because they were escorted right out the door."
Maurice started nodding his head. "Oh yeah, I remember. Shit, they were your friends, Matt?"
"What happened, Mo?" Jamal interrupted his bouncer. "Talk to me."
"Couple young kids came in, Boss...in torn jeans and old tee-shirts...didn't look like they could pay for a beer, let alone an hour for a table."
"That's it?" Jamal asked. "You tossed 'em caused they looked like they couldn't pay?"
Maurice was getting a little nervous as Jamal was getting more agitated. "No, man...that ain't all. They looked too young and they was getting up in all the girls' faces...made our guests uncomfortable."
Matt waived his hands to stop the two men from further discussion. He stood up and his living bookends stood with him. "Listen, I don't really care what happened before." He smiled as he watched Jamal and Maurice focus their attention on the two hot little twenty-year old bodies in front of them. "And, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm all about everybody being comfortable." He gently directed his sister and their roommate to stand against Maurice and Jamal. "I was hoping we might come to some sort of arrangement... then we would all be comfortable enough to come back...often."
Jamal was examining Lisa's breasts as Matt spoke. He was particularly delighted with the tiny triangles of pale flesh highlighting the hard, thick nipples on each tit. He rolled a swollen nub between his finger and thumb, slowly driving Lisa out of her mind. "What kind of arrangement might you be looking for, Matt?"
Matt smiled again as he took another hit of the outstanding weed. "Remember," he choked out over the smoke, "I'm all about comfort. Let's start with yours, gentlemen." He gestured to the girls and they immediately dropped to their knees beside their tall, black companions. Jamal and Maurice looked down to see small hands unzipping their pants and reaching in for their thickening cocks.
Lisa and Margie had been on the edge since they started dancing and making out. They were both so anxious to get this particular party started they were hardly listening to their *Master's* negotiations. Much more interested in what was in hand, they started licking the thick, dark slabs of fuck-meat right in front of their faces. Margie was fighting to control herself as she became lost in the musky smell of pure male sex coming from Maurice's groin. "*God*," she thought, "*my parents are so fucked up!*" Lisa, knowing she had to impress the club manager, started sucking his big, dark purple colored head into her mouth.
"Comfortable, guys?" Matt asked as he watched his girls do what they do so well. "Maybe it would be better if you sat." He gestured to the couch and the two men sat down. Lisa and Margie moved with them, licking and sucking until two hard ebony poles jutted upwards. Jamal and Maurice were enjoying the oral attention until Matt spoke again. "Maybe," he spoke like he was thinking about what he was saying, "the girls can make you even more comfortable." Lisa and her Asian twin stood in front of the couch, facing each other right in front of the two excited men. They caressed each other gently, working their hands down the length of their trembling torsos. With hands at each others' hips, they peeled the little scraps of lace off of each other and turned back to the couch, their matching shaved pussies on display.
Turning back again, facing Matt, Lisa backed up a step, moving her firm, round ass over Jamal's thick, black shaft. Holding herself up with her left hand on his strong thigh, she used her right hand to grasp him and hold his thick, spongy head to her moist, spreading lips. At the same time, Margie climbed onto the couch on her knees, poised just above Maurice's impressive member. And then, together, they sank down over the hard, black cocks; the two men were going slowly insane with lust as the girls sank down an inch at a time, using every muscle they had to squeeze and please the hard, thick shafts sliding up their tight little white cunts.
The telephone behind the bar rang. Jamal told Henry to quit staring and answer the phone. He picked up the receiver and listened for a moment. "Eldon's at the front door, Boss..." he said to Jamal, "says two white boys...friends of Matt's...said they were expected."
Jamal looked at Matt and started to chuckle from deep in his gut. "Goddammit, I like your style, young man." He turned back to Henry. "Tell El to buy them a beer, keep them at the bar until we send for them." He checked with Matt – "That okay with you?" Matt nodded as he watched Jamal's big hand squeeze his sister's breasts as he lifted her up and then pulled her back down over the length of his deep purple, swollen cock. "Okay, then. I believe you have me exactly where you planned on having me, Mr. Matt."
He glanced across to see Margie frenching Maurice as she fucked her first black cock. She was all lust and hunger, sucking his tongue into her mouth and his massive cock into her wet, pulsating cunt. She was so close to cumming on her first black dick. She put her mouth next to Maurice's ear and whispered softly, "Please, baby, fuck me harder." Jamal and the others heard her and they all moaned and groaned at the raw lust on display.
Matt moved a step closer to Lisa and Jamal. "It's simple, Jamal. All I want is for me and the girls and a few of my friends to have a nice club to go to, shoot a little pool, smoke some dope...have a good time, you know?"
Jamal looked at Matt. "That sounds very reasonable...but why do I think maybe there's something else, too?"
Lisa turned around and kissed Jamal long and hard on his thick, dark lips. "Because you're smart as well as sexy, Boss." She gave him her cutest, sexiest little girl look. "Can I call you 'Boss', Jamal?"
"Sure, baby..." he grinned at the hot little coed sitting on his dick, "you can call me anything you like." He turned back to Matt. "So, what's the real deal, kid?" He was finding it hard to concentrate as Margie leaned towards them, helping Jamal massage Lisa's tits.
"It's easy, dude," Matt started to explain, "I got a *Plan A* and a *Plan B*...your choice, but I think *Plan B* is the better option."
"Go ahead...let me hear them." Jamal was chuckling again at Matt's nerve and poise.
Lisa and Margie kept fucking the two men as Matt explained the options. "*Plan A*," he said, "would be pretty casual. We'd drop by every couple of weeks, have a couple drinks, and shoot some pool. If you or your staff wanted a little attention from these girls, I'm sure they would be more than happy to comply. For that, I would like my friends to be made welcome here as well. Don't worry about Paulie...I'll see to it that when he comes, he's dressed properly and he behaves with a least a little dignity." Jamal chuckled. "Oh," Matt continued, "by the way, Paulie shoots about the best stick I've ever seen...side bets could be quite lucrative."
"Okay, sounds reasonable. What's *Plan B*?" When he wasn't speaking, Jamal's lips were trying to suck the skin from Lisa's neck. He wasn't being particularly gentle – she loved it!
"Oh, I think this is way better, Jamal." Matt reached over to Maurice, who was still marveling at the way Margie's cunt clenched around his thick meat. "Give me another blunt, Mo." Matt spoke in the same voice he used with Lisa and Margie. Jamal looked on in amazement as Maurice opened his case and gave the young white boy one of his joints. "Thanks, Mo." Matt lit the joint and then turned back to Jamal. He ignored the puzzled look on Jamal's dark face and handed him the joint.
"Personally," Matt began, "I would like to be here a couple times a week." He bent down and kissed his sister on her swollen, puffy mouth. "Oh yeah," he chuckled as he moved to Margie and kissed her the same way. "I think Lisa and Mai Ling would like to spend some quality time here, too." He took the joint from Jamal's hand and sat down. He took a long hit, enjoying the sight of his sluts fucking the shiny black poles in front of him.
He blew a long plume of smoke at Lisa's pussy. "Okay...here's the deal. This is a great club, and I like you guys. So do the girls. We'll drop by a couple times a week. You and the guys can party with Lisa and *Mai Ling*. When my friend's come by, they get this room if it's available. No charge for the room or the table...Paulie will let you make the book and side-bets are your own."
Jamal was impressed with Matt's control of the situation. "That's cool." He agreed to Matt's terms. "What about you, young son?" Jamal chuckled deeply. "What do you get out of this? This pussy is way too fine to pay for a few hours on a pool table."
Matt smiled at Jamal. "You know, I really like this part of town. Some great music, nice little clubs and places to eat." He put his palm on Lisa's breast and rubbed her in circles. "Some pretty hot women around here, too." Matt looked around the room. "Unfortunately, outside around here isn't too safe...especially for young, pale-skinned college students, you know?" Jamal nodded – Matt was telling the unfortunate truth.
"Well, I can't expect you to change the whole place overnight, Jamal...but it would be very cool if I knew that the girls and other friends who might be with me would be totally safe around here...you know...like someone heavy in the neighborhood vouched for us. That would be way cool."
"What do you think, Mo?" Jamal was chuckling again. "You think we *heavyweight* enough to protect this pussy?"
"Okay then," Matt resumed speaking in his control voice. "Just two things and we're done, okay?" He looked at Jamal directly. "First is...well, maybe three things, but the third..."
Jamal let out a big laugh. "Boy, I think you had enough of Mo's weed for one night. Now what you trying to suggest?"
Matt tried to control himself, but there was that little giggle in his voice. "Okay...first thing is..." he paused to make sure he had everyone's attention, "ladies, up please." Both Lisa and Margie lifted themselves slowly off the ebony poles embedded in their hot, wet cunts. Lisa turned back to face Jamal as she sank to her knees, right beside her China Doll. Both girls took the thick, crème-covered shafts into their mouths to finish what they had started earlier. "First thing, gentlemen, is that the only way you finish in them bareback is with current medical tests results. Current means within seventy-two hours, okay? Otherwise it's blowjobs...which...aren't too shabby...or condoms. Understand?"
Matt looked slowly from man to man, catching their eyes, making sure he was fully and completely understood. When he was satisfied, he looked at Jamal again. "Good," he said in a more pleasant tone, "I know you see the value in that for you as well as me and my babies."
Jamal stared at Matt for what seemed a long time. Still locking eyes with the young lad, he said, "Maurice, you know what I'm looking at?" The other man was leaning back, eyes closed as Margie used her throat muscles to massage his thick, black cock. But Jamal wasn't waiting for an answer. "I'll tell you, Mo...I'm looking at a man with all the necessary attributes to be good friend, that's what." His hand was riding the back of Lisa's neck as she bobbed up and down over his delicious chocolate log. "That is a perfectly acceptable condition, Matt. What else you got, buddy?"
"Okay," Matt continued, "I knew you'd like that one, J." Matt glanced over at the man with a strange look. "Okay if I call you J?" he asked. "It just kinda came out naturally."
Jamal looked at Matt again very seriously. "Yeah, that's fine. Last man called me J was my brother. Tell you about him some other time, but sure...that's cool."
"Cool," Matt continued as if there was never a doubt. "Finally, because we are both business men, let's put a value on all that I've been talking about."
Jamal looked at Maurice and punched him in the shoulder. "Wake up, Mo...this boy is good, god-dammit!" Maurice opened his eyes and rubbed his shoulder. He paid attention.
Matt smiled at Jamal, his new best friend and possible partner. "The girls will be here for you and your tuxedo posse, to be used as you like..." his voice dropped a notch and got a little more firm, "no marks...no shit...no pain that they don't agree to." Again, he paused while he looked all four men directly in the eye, one at a time. When they all nodded their understanding, he continued. "Other than that, they really love being dirty little sluts – pretty much anything goes. They'll let you know when no really means no. And the first time someone disrespects them or their decisions, the whole fucking arrangement is over." They all nodded again.
"The deal is for two nights a week, at least 4 hours a night. No charge to me, of course, for the room and the table and the booze we drink. Of course, when my friends play without me...no charge for the room and table, but they buy their own drinks. Unless you're making nice money off of them – then I know you'll do what gentlemen do." Jamal waved his hand in agreement, this was the small stuff. "And of course, if there was another, you know, local woman here...when I was here with the girls, well, that wouldn't be too bad, would it? But," he said to Jamal, "I'll leave that to you. Sound good so far?"
Jamal tried to scowl at him, but it was hard. He was high, the cutest little white girl he'd had in a long fucking time was sucking his dick like a seasoned pro, and he genuinely liked this kid. "Yeah, sounds fine so far." He shook his head back and forth. "Fuck me, Matt...I don't want to know what this Homecoming Queen pussy is gonna cost me. I'll pay...take it easy on a old man."
Matt smiled, ready to close the deal. He didn't want to be greedy, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. "Okay, old man, not that much...I am assuming you deal in a little something other than retail...I want two ounces of this very fine herb – per week – when I bring the girls over."
Maurice and Jamal looked at each other, then looked down at the twin heads bobbing on their cocks and then grinned as they slapped hands. Jamal looked at Matt and smiled. "Done and done, young son. Let's have a joint to celebrate."
"Cool," Matt said with a huge grin breaking out over his face. *"Perfect,"* he thought to himself. "Henry," Matt said, once again in complete control, "please call the bar and have my friends brought down." Jamal was once again amused by the young man's apparent control over his staff. "And, Henry," he called after the man, "you might want to get a bunch of condoms...unless any of you have a current letter from your doctor..."
Matt was exhausted from putting the whole thing together and his throat was way too dry. "William," he called as he sank down onto a chair facing Jamal and Maurice, "please, man, can you get me a cold beer? My throat's killing me." Once again, Jamal noticed with interest the way his well-trained staff was responding to Matt's requests. Matt leaned forward towards the two bobbing heads. "Okay, ladies...quit screwing around... time to end round one."
Lisa and Margie responded to Matt's command immediately. They both took the slick, thick, ebony shafts between their lips and over their tongues until the throbbing cocks were lodged deep in their throats. Then slowly, breathing through their noses, they started the swallowing technique that Lisa's mother had taught her and she had taught Margie. Both men started groaning as the twenty year old throat muscles worked their magic, drawing the hot, salty jism out of their balls and up the big, black roots. As the groaning became louder the girls used their perfectly manicured fingers to massage that sensitive patch of skin just behind the men's' sacs, causing hips to fly off the couch, driving the fat, purple-headed cocks even deeper down their throats.
Neither Jamal nor Maurice could ever remember getting sucked off like that. Of course, as they blasted their thick crème down the coeds' throats, all they were aware of was the pure passion of complete release. Only later, when they talked about it, did they realize it was the first time that they never had to hold the girls' heads down – they fuckin' loved it as much as the men they'd blown!
As Lisa swallowed Jamal's salty load, her body was vibrating along every nerve path. Her younger brother had just sold her hot little ass to these gorgeous hunks. She couldn't wait to start their new arrangement. Like Margie, she was more than happy to fuck her brother's friends, but she was craving something more exciting...more on the edge as their parents described it. She was finally getting it...understanding what her mother and her father told them about that long New Year's Eve night and day.
Lisa found her Asian lover in the throes of her own climax as she lovingly cleaned Maurice's spent tool. She licked and sucked his crème and her saliva off his slick black shaft and his ebony sac. Sliding her hands up Margie's back, Lisa moved them around until she cupped the perfect golden globes in her hands, trapping Margie's nipples between her fingers. Lisa lifted her lover to her feet, turned her around so they were face to face, and then they kissed each other as though no one else was around. They were locked in that intimate embrace when they heard the high pitch of Paulie's distinctive voice. "Christ, Matt, what the fuck is going on here?"
Jamal looked at Matt and then turned to Maurice. "That the one?" he asked, motioning towards Paulie. Maurice nodded and rolled his eyes back in his head.
Matt was chuckling along with Jamal. "Dude, I don't blame you...just no more, right?" Maurice acknowledged the new deal with a long sigh. Matt grinned as he shook hands with Maurice and Jamal. Then he took Lisa in his arms and pulled her close against him, her hard nipples scraping across his shirt and her soaking pussy pulled tight against his muscular thigh. This is what she dreamed of...to be held and displayed like this...by her brother.
Margie slithered against Matt's other side, gently humping her panty-covered pussy against him, alternately kissing and licking Matt's neck and Lisa's sweet lips. Matt looked at his friends who were standing wide-eyed and open-mouthed between Henry and William. "Easy, boys...have you met William and Henry?" Winston and Paulie shook hands with the men next to them, but no one really looked away from Margie and Lisa; no one could. Matt saw that Jamal and Maurice had tucked themselves away and stood up to greet the new arrivals. Matt gestured towards his friends. "Winston...Paulie, I'd like you to meet Jamal and Maurice. Jamal...Maurice, my friends Winston and Paulie."
The two nervous and confused boys shook hands with the tall, bald men. "Uhm...Matt... this is the man who..." Paulie's voice was filled with stress as he spoke.
Maurice, trying not to enjoy the young boy's nervousness too much, smiled down at Paulie – his teeth looming large and white against his dark lips. "And I do apologize for that, Paulie...I truly do." Maurice put his arm around Paulie's shoulder and gave him a friendly hug. Paulie was speechless. "But I must say, I am...I mean we are...thankful for whatever it was that brought my man Matt and these lovely ladies into our club." He was grinning hugely, very stoned and deeply in love with the two coeds making out... *swapping cum*...just in front of him. He looked at his three cohorts and raised his arms in the air. "Can a brother get an *Amen* to that?"
Matt, Lisa, and Margie burst into laughter along with all the men in tuxedos. Winston and Paulie grew even more pale and confused. Jamal was the one who first took pity on them. He took them both to the couch and had them sit down. First, he told Maurice to light a joint for the two college boys to help them calm down. After each had taken a couple hits and they mellowed out a little, Jamal said, "You know, fellas...y'all are pretty calm seeing these two little girls all naked. You know them? You seen them naked before?"
Winston looked up at Matt and saw his friend nod in his direction. "Uh, yeah...I mean *yes, sir*..." he pointed at Lisa, "she's..." Winston looked up at Matt again and smiled. When he continued, he sounded like a game-show prize announcer. "She's a senior...an honor student with several majors...she gives the most awesome blowjobs – though she says her mother does it better..." That brought loud gasps from the four club men. "She would be Lisa, the lady I love, the older sister of my best friend Matt."
When his words were fully understood by the bald posse, they all sucked air in unison as they turned to Matt to ask if it was really true. They found brother and sister engaged in the most soulful kiss; Matt's hands covering his sister's ass and pulling her tight against the bulge in his pants.
Jamal looked at them for a minute. "That some intense shit, Mo." Then he broke into a wide grin and started chuckling. "Betcha Mommy and Daddy happy the kids getting along so well."
Winston, glad that the tension was breaking, continued with a much more normal voice. "This beautiful Asian angel..."
Margie sat down between the two boys on the couch, putting an arm around each one. "*Mai Ling*," she interrupted Winston with a quick kiss.
"*Mai Ling*," he continued smoothly, "is also a senior, also an honor student and has the most perfect body of all time. She, Lisa and Matt are roommates and lovers...all of them. Just like Lisa, she fucks whoever Matt wants her to fuck. Lucky for us," he pointed at Paulie, "he asked them to fuck us!" Margie put her hand on Winston's crotch to find a healthy lump forming. She kissed him on the lips and started to slide his zipper down.
Matt watched his precious *Mai Ling* as she started to stroke Winston's cock. He spoke softly to her in Chinese, telling her that she could do Winston and Paulie later...for now, she and Lisa were there to be used by the tall, bald posse. She bent over and kissed Winston as she put his dick back in his pants. Winston looked at Matt with a big question mark across his face.
With his sister draped all over him, dressed like Margie in only panties, thigh high hose and her 'come fuck me' high heels, Matt moved closer to his friends on the couch. Winston was trying to be as cool as everyone else in the room; Paulie, on the other hand, was pretty excited. He had only been favored once with Lisa's company, and that was for a blowjob. She had come into Matt's room when Paulie was visiting, dressed in her panties and a very sheer bra. Matt scolded her for teasing his friend and 'made' her suck Paulie's dick. It took about a minute before he spewed down her throat. He had never been this close to her almost naked body before...never had her bare tits in his face. The same was true for Margie...she had blown him, but she was dressed at the time as well. He was slowly going out of his mind...smoking that incredible weed and staring at the two most beautiful girls he knew.
Matt waived a hand in front of Paulie to get his attention. When he spoke, both friends looked up at him. "Okay, guys...here's the deal. Paulie, you and your friends can play here whenever you want. In fact, you can have this room if it's available at no charge." Paulie started smiling, losing some of his nervousness. "You pay for your own drinks, Paulie...so go easy, dude." Paulie and Winston slapped hands and grinned. They knew that Matt would get stuff straightened out! "But you gotta do something too, Paulie." The young boy snapped his head back around to face Matt. "I told Jamal that you shoot for real, dude. When you're here to make money, you have to let Jamal make your book for you. More important, you have to tell him when to make side bets, which guys are your marks. Ok?"
Paulie was grinning and nodding agreement, shaking Matt's hand and then Jamal's. "Dude," he exclaimed, 'this could be totally awesome!"
Jamal took the boy's hand and led him through a multi-step soul handshake while Maurice, William and Henry laughed and slapped each others' hands. The tension was completely gone from the room. Matt moved closer to Winston, bringing Lisa within inches of her admirer. He looked down at his friend. "Like that dope, dude?" Matt took the joint out of Winston's hand and lit it again. He took a long drag and handed it to Lisa. She took a deep hit and passed the glowing butt to Margie.
Winston looked up at Matt and Lisa and nodded his head. "It's sweet, bro...very sweet."
"Glad you approve...we'll have some to play with on a regular basis – courtesy of Jamal and Maurice. Be sure to say thanks later." Matt was smiling widely as he spoke; this was all working out so well. "Hey, Win...listen, this is key...when we're down here, going to a club or restaurant...don't need to worry about bein' in this nasty part of town. Jamal and Maurice are gonna make us known...they'll be kinda like a sponsor for us in the neighborhood...keep our lily-white asses safe, right, Mo?" Maurice shook his head and rolled his eyes. Jamal could see that his friend liked this strange white boy as well.
Meanwhile, Margie took a hit off the joint and handed it back to Matt. "*Master*," she whispered in his ear, "your slut is really hot. May I ask William to fuck me? Please, *Master*?" Margie rubbed her fingers in slow circles over Matt's cock. "Don't you want to see his big, black cock in my little pussy, *Master*?" He kissed her open mouth, drawing the breath out of her. And then he turned her around and sent her towards the tall, bald, black man. Lisa leaned into her brother and told him to watch Margie – this was gonna be hot!
Margie glided towards the well-built ebony stud, barely aware of her surroundings or the other people in the room. The dope that Maurice had provided was working its full effects on the hot little Asian coed. She was very stoned and incredibly horny. Her pussy felt empty and she didn't particularly like that feeling. Telling Lisa about her parents silly racist thoughts brought her long and deeply suppressed desires boiling to the surface and she was more than ready to indulge in them all.
William watched intently, trying so hard to keep his cool together, as the little Chinese angel came slowly towards him. "*Man*," he thought, "*she so fuckin' tight!*" He thought both girls were as good as anything he'd seen in the *Playboy Cheerleader* issues. Margie slid her hips to the dance music coming from the speakers, her breasts moving to the same beat as she got closer to the tall man. Even with her heels on, her face was at his broad, muscular chest. She moved into him, her hot pussy tight against his thigh and her arms around his narrow waist. Her breasts were pushed half-way into him, rock-hard nipples grazing his skin through the bright white dress shirt that covered his sinewy, powerful physique.
Margie leaned back and looked into the eyes of the man holding her nearly naked body against him. Her eyes were sharp slits of black energy burning into his face and her voice held all the lust she felt at that moment. Her whisper was soft but her tone was harsh and impatient. "William, will you kiss me, please?" He didn't reply. No one said a word. All eyes in the room were on the entwined couple in front of the bar.
William's hands moved lightly down both sides of Margie's face, his fingers familiar-izing themselves with the beautiful, young coed's cheeks and her full, pouty lips. Then they moved over her perfect, full young tits and his large fingers rolled the stiff buds between them; her nipples were so hard she ached. When his hands slid down her flat tummy to her athletic hips, he grabbed on to her and lifted her up to his face.
Margie knew *this* is why she had let Matt mark her...make her his *slut*. *This* is what Lisa had tried to describe to her before. She felt totally *on the edge* like never before. She recognized a spicy rum smell...thought it was a perfect scent for his ebony skin. She tilted her head to accept William's kiss as he moved maddeningly closer to her hungry mouth. She threw her arms around his neck as their lips melted together in the heat of their passion and lust. Margie opened her mouth to her newest lover, letting him explore her with his long, agile tongue. She lifted her left leg around his hip and when he moved his hand underneath her firm ass to hold her there, she lift her right leg around him as well.
William was lost in the heat of the crazy little girl he was kissing. He couldn't ever remember being with anyone remotely like her before. He was a good looking man, but he thought she was way out of his league..."*Like Playboy out of his league*," he thought. His hands felt so right, supporting her perfect ass as she licked his lips and slid her tasty little tongue around his mouth. His long fingers found their way to Margie's pleasure spots and proceeded to tease her sensitive back door and stroke her wet slit at the same time. The young girl gasped as she felt the tip of William's finger invade her anus and in reaction, she pushed out, knowing the hole would open and allow his thick, black digit to slip up inside her. When he felt her ass welcome him, he almost blew his nut. He broke their kiss and looked down at the golden-skinned girl, his finger still lodged up her pert little butt. "*Mai Ling*? That your name? Baby, I gotta have a piece of you now." William was trying so hard to control himself in front of the others...but it was hard...so hard!
Matt was getting another joint from Maurice. He looked at William and smiled. "Of course you do...she is so fucking hot, isn't she?" William just gave him a puzzled look. "What you got William? A doctor's letter with fresh results or a condom?" The tall man shook his head for a second, trying to figure out what the crazy young white boy was saying...then he remembered the conditions for the deal he'd heard earlier. William smiled broadly at Matt and then gave Margie a peck on the lips before withdrawing his finger and setting her back down on the floor. He reached into his tuxedo and withdrew a long, flat wallet. From inside the shiny black leather, he with drew a piece of folded paper and handed it to Lisa. Then he bent down and started kissing Margie again.
Lisa scanned the letter and then handed it to her brother. She didn't wait for him to say anything before walking over to the couple and kneeling at William's feet. She unzipped his trousers and drew his cock out. It felt so heavy in her small, white hand. She started to lick his thick, meaty shaft when she heard her brother. "Letter's two days old...very fresh," said Matt. "Been with anyone since the test, William?"
The bald man smiled at the freshman. "Only my wife," he chuckled.
He stopped grinning when he heard Maurice say, "Fuck, nigger, everybody's been with your wife!" Jamal, when he stopped laughing, told Matt that William has been spending all his time at the club – no time to be out fucking around. When Matt said it all seemed cool, Lisa sucked the big dark head of his ebony prick between her moist lips.
Lisa bobbed her head back and forth a few times, making William long and hard. She loved that his cock was shaved...it felt so good when she sucked on him. Then she stood and kissed her China Doll deeply, sharing the taste of William's pre-cum that had collected on her tongue. When the girls finished kissing and giggling, they turned to help William undress.
As they did, Matt motioned to Winston and Paulie and they all walked over to the pool table. The two friends thanked Matt for the arrangements he'd made on their behalf. Matt said he was happy to do it...it seems to have worked out well for everybody. But for now, he told them, it looked like the rest of the night was gonna be a private party. Winston and Paulie looked a little disappointed until Matt promised both of them an hour with either girl later in the week. Happier than they were a moment earlier, the boys said their goodbyes and made their way out the door. Henry had followed them and locked the door after they had gone.
As he walked back across the room, his tuxedo jacket flew in one direction and then his dress shirt in another. Henry was a very impressive physical specimen and he knew it. He took a condom off the bar and grabbed Lisa's hand away from William. "We have some unfinished business to take care of, little sister." He pulled her into a clinch with his fingers around her tits. As they kissed he told Lisa that the fun would start now...now that the *little white boys* had gone away, he could show her what a real cock and real fucking were all about.
Maybe Henry didn't realize how loudly he was speaking before, but he did now as everybody else was stone silent. Jamal almost jumped up as he started apologizing to Matt for Henry's behavior. Matt just smiled and shook his head as if to say 'no big deal.'
But it was Lisa who put everything back in order. She backed away from Henry and stood next to Margie. They both smiled at the posse. "You guys seem really nice," Lisa spoke lightly to the four good looking black men. "You're all really hot, that's for sure. Right, Mai Ling?" The Chinese girl giggled and nodded her agreement. "And I think you guys think we're kinda hot, too, right?" All four agreed. "Then can't we just have a good time? No bullshit?"
"It ain't no bullshit, baby..." Henry started to explain.
But Lisa cut him off quickly. She walked back to him and slid her arms around his waist from behind, rubbing her tits all over his back. She slipped her hands under his pants and grabbed his prick. "Feel good, baby? Does it make you dick all nice and big for me?" Henry was enjoying the feel of her hands on his cock, making him swell up strong and proud. "Mai Ling," Lisa said to her lover, "could you please help me...with my little brother?" The Asian girl giggled as she stepped next to her *Master*. Matt looked at Jamal and Maurice, his eyes trying to say "sorry...it wasn't my idea."
Lisa unfastened Henry's pants and slid them, along with his silk boxers, down his legs. Lisa gasped as Henry was exposed. On display was about eight and one-half inches of beautiful black cock. "It's so handsome, Henry," Lisa cooed as she licked the chocolate stalk. "It even looks a little bigger than William...maybe Jamal and Maurice, too. What do you think, *Mai Ling*?" Margie nodded in reply. "Bigger than anyone here, huh?"
This time Margie shook her head. "Oh no, Lisa...not at all." Margie giggled as she batted her eyes and did a terrible Chinese accent. "Young white boy here have much bigger snake...look!" She'd unbuckled and unbuttoned Matt's pants and drew them down his legs. Without exposing him, she took his cock down her throat and 'swallowed' around the meaty shaft, making him expand inside her. When he finally unsheathed his full ten inches, Maurice, Jamal and William looked over at Henry and then back to Matt.
It was Maurice who finally spoke. Trying to be kind to his friend, he just shook his head. "Not close, man...not even a little bit."
"But it's beautiful, Henry," Lisa said just before she sucked him into her mouth, rolling her tongue around the ridge of his thick head. She pulled him out with a loud *pop*! and licked his full sac. Lisa stood up, rolling his cock between her perky tits. "I can't wait to fuck him, Henry," she said, "but let's just have fun...nobody's got anything to prove here. Right?" When Henry saw everyone waiting for him to agree, he nodded, almost embarrassed by what he'd said earlier. The tension once again left the room and Margie made her way back to William as Lisa took Henry back into her hungry mouth.
Matt was getting himself all tucked in when Maurice handed him a joint. He took a deep drag and sat down next to Jamal. He exhaled the thin stream of smoke towards Lisa and handed the skinny back to Jamal. "So tell me, Mo," Matt was speaking to the guys but all three were looking at the two couples getting very friendly in front of the bar. "What's the deal with you guys...y'all okay with group activity? I only ask," he continued, "because if you want one of them privately...all you have to do is tell them to go with you to a more private place." Matt gazed at his sister as she licked her way around Henry's perfectly formed abs. He shifted his gaze towards Margie. She had removed her thigh-high stockings and her high-heeled sandals and then stripped William of all his clothes as well.
Matt spoke quietly to Jamal and Maurice, watching the two girls move closer together as they each sucked a steel-hard ebony shaft into their mouths. "Those two look okay with it...and I do recommend it...there are additional benefits when my girls play together."
Maurice answered Matt quietly as he kept his eyes on the girls. "Ain't no big thing, bro. Whatever fits the time and place is cool. Right, Boss?" Jamal grunted in assent, more interested in watching than in any discussion...these girls could really suck dick and they loved putting on a show.
Margie let William's black pole slip out of her mouth. She rubbed the dark spongy head over her erect nipples, loving the feel of his pre-cum on her sensitive buds. She stood slowly, licking her way up his perfect torso until she had her arms around his neck once more. And again, William's hands held her up, supporting her firm buns in his long, strong fingers. She felt weightless to him, she seemed perfect to the tall black stud in every way. Margie leaned across his shoulder and 'whispered' in his ear, loud enough for everyone to hear, "I've never been with a black man before, William. You're so dark...so beautiful..." she nuzzled his neck, sucking on his slick flesh, "Do you want to fuck me, William? Do you wanna be my first African lover?"
Maurice, his voice low and petulant, said, "Hey, little girl sucked *my* dick first..." He shut up when Jamal punched his shoulder.
William face broke into the widest smile as he looked at Maurice. "That be good for you, nigger, but it is this *beautiful black African* who gonna fuck this girl now...not you." He brought Margie's face to his and they kissed deep and hard. Margie was starting to feel faint from the excitement of her fantasy come-to-life. She let William's tongue explore her lips and mouth as she ground her thick rubbery nipples into his chest. She locked her legs around his back, trapping his thick erection between them as they continued to kiss and rub themselves lewdly against each other.
At the same time, not two feet away, Lisa was on her knees again after helping Henry out of the last of his clothes. When she looked up at his nude body, it was like she was gazing at a statue carved in black marble. He was perfectly developed in every way; his muscles defined but not overwhelming, his black penis uncut and thick and his heavy sac as bald as the rest of his body. He was, she was sure, the incarnation of some powerful warrior. And so it was natural for her to fall back on her heels, arms clasped behind her back, thrusting her perfectly shaped twenty year old tits up at him. She could smell her own excitement and wondered if the others did as well. She hoped so...and it made her tremble.
Margie looked down to see her girlfriend in the slave pose. She gasped at how hot Lisa looked, but she was worried...she didn't know if it was okay to be a slave for someone else. She whispered something in William's ear and he put her down so she could speak to Matt. Walking over to the couch, completely naked, Margie really started to feel all the eyes burning into her flushed body. It felt absolutely electric and the energy seemed to magnify every sensation. "*Oh fuck, Daddy,*" she thought as she stopped in front of the couch, "*your perfect little princess...naked and stoned...waiting to fuck four of the most BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN I've ever seen...I wish you were here right now, Daddy!*"
She dropped to her knees and then sat back on her heels the same way Lisa had done before Henry (who was now watching Margie as well.) "*Master,"* she kept her eyes down as she spoke softly to Matt, "I'm sorry, but I just didn't know what to think when I saw Lisa kneel like that. Can we be a slave to others while bound by you, *Master?"*
Matt looked across Margie to his sister. Lisa was looking directly at him, her eyes full of all the love, trust and respect they felt for one another. He knew she was thinking the same thing he was...they could hardly wait for Margie to be as comfortable with them as they were with each other. He looked back at the beautiful girl on her knees in front of him. "*Bu shr*," he said in Mandarin, "no, not be their slave...give the appearance only... it makes everyone feel better, yes?" Margie looked up and smiled with a new sense of understanding. "Now go back to your friend, *Mai Ling*, I think he misses you." Margie stood and went back to William, jumping into his arms and kissing him deeply. Matt turned to his buddies and apologized for speaking Chinese. "It's rude, I know, but sometimes it's just easier and quicker." Maurice and Jamal just looked at each other and rolled their eyes again. This kid was too much.
Lisa looked up at Henry. She was close enough to see the pulse of his blood in the veins that fed his cock, making him thicker and longer with each passing heartbeat. She was on fire, wondering how he would use her...how many times they would have to come back before this magnificent man would give her what she truly wanted. She didn't care – she knew they would be back plenty! For now, she just wanted to get fucked hard!
A little tear in the foil packet and she slipped the condom over his growing cock. As she stood up, grasping Henry's thick meat in her hand, she hooked her right leg over his hip and pushed down on his shoulder with her left hand. He let his knees fold until he felt Lisa place the tip of his cock against her shaved pussy lips. She was so wet his head popped right in and as he slowly straightened his legs, Lisa was impaled on his exquisite erection. She wrapped her left leg around his hip and threw her hands behind his head, drawing herself up to kiss his beautiful mouth and then fucking herself with him as she slid back down his steel pole.
When she lifted herself up again, she bent to his ear. "You feel so good in me, baby..." she licked his ear and she whispered to him, "I want you to fuck me hard, Henry...I know I'm small, but I swear I won't break." She felt his fingers dig in to her firm ass cheeks as he slid her back down the thick, ebony shaft. Then it was Henry lifting her up and then jamming her small pink pussy back down so hard that everyone could hear it splat against his groin. Lisa threw her head over the tall black man's shoulder. "Harder, Henry," she whispered directly in his ear, "I want to know what it's gonna feel like...when I ask you some day...to breed me...make your baby in me..." Her body was trembling, she was so turned on her skin felt like ripples of electric current spreading out from her wet cunt.
Henry held her perfectly shaped body out at a forty-five degree angle, his left arm under her ass and his right arm under the middle of her back. Just like Margie was to William, Lisa felt weightless to Henry as he used all the power in his legs and his ass to fuck his cock as deep into the little naked white pussy as he could. Everyone in the room could hear his heavy sac slap against Lisa's ass as he fucked her harder and faster with each passing minute.
Margie was also beyond rational thought as she watched Henry pounding Lisa's pussy just a few feet from where she was resting against William. She sat on the bar stool next to him, her head at the same height as his. She stroked his cock slowly as they watched their friends' fucking frenzy. Margie spoke softly to him. "It's very hot. Isn't it, William?" He moaned his reply. "Is there something I can do for you, baby? Make it better?" William just shrugged his shoulders as he watched Lisa start to cream all over Henry's weapon. Margie whispered into his ear. "I read a story about a white woman and some black men...they told her that she had to prove how much she wanted their big black dicks...they said..." her heart was pounding so hard she wasn't sure if he could hear her words over it, "they said she had to eat their ass holes if she wanted them to fuck her." Margie's eyes closed as the mini-explosion started in her cunt. She couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth. Then she startled herself again. Not waiting for his reply, Margie whispered once again, "Is that what you want, lover? Want me to eat you, ream your asshole, baby?"
William looked at the cute little coed, wondering for the hundredth time how the fuck he got so lucky. Not saying a word, he just nodded his head once and moved to the love seat. He stood behind it, facing the bar with his back bent over and his legs spread. The hot little Chinese girl followed, leaving the others to guess what this latest twist entailed. Margie stopped by the couch, took a hit of the joint in the ashtray, and the a sip of Matt's cold drink. She smiled at Jamal and Maurice. "Why are you guys still dressed? Don't you want to party with us too?" Then she moved behind William, running her hands softly over his back and sides, giving him a light massage was he watched Henry fuck Lisa. When Maurice noticed that Margie's hands had moved to William's ass, he got Jamal's attention. When they both saw her delicate, golden fingers spread his ebony ass cheeks apart, they undressed in record time.
Lisa was riding the crest of the strongest orgasm she had experienced in a long time. Her admission...her confession to Henry...released an unending flow of her slick cunt juice. The hard black cock inside her seemed to grow longer and thicker with each thrust as it finally drove past the ring of her cervix. "There, baby...right there...cum in me, Henry... ohhh!!!!...fuck me, baby....ahh...ahhh...FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!! She screamed as Henry unloaded his hot, thick potent cum. Lisa would swear she felt it deep in her womb. He pulled her hips against his harder and harder as each spurt of hot semen shot out the tip of his rock-hard cock... four, five, six times his ass clenched as he filled the condom with his thick crème. Finally, he brought her flushed body back up to his. He held her close, his right arm supporting her bottom, his left arm across her back. With the little energy she had, Lisa threw her arms around Henry's neck and put her lips against his. She kissed her African Warrior with the promise of more pleasure to come. Then, pulling her gently off his softening cock, Henry put her down. He leaned down and whispered to her to call him anytime she was ready...to be *black bred*. It made the twenty year old white, suburban honor student cum again...really hard!
Lisa's legs gave out as the effect of Henry's words rippled through her muscles. She stumbled towards the love seat, falling on her back on the seat cushions, right under William's wide-open eyes. He couldn't move – it was all he could do just to moan and groan as Margie performed like the slut of his dreams and the whore of her own fantasies. She had started to massage his butt cheeks, using her thumbs to pull them apart. Leaning into him, she tongued the back of his sac and then the skin between his balls and his ass. William groaned as he felt the tip of her tongue slide up that slick skin and work its way into his anus. He pushed out and his sphincter opened to admit her tongue into his rear passage.
Margie was so excited she could hardly breathe. She had never felt so *dirty* before...and she loved it! She found the tart, tangy taste of his ass flesh intoxicating and she drilled her tongue through the tough ring of his sphincter. Her sensitive diamond-hard nipples were digging into the back of his thighs, the pressure and friction driving her insane.
William thought he was going crazy as well. Matt had moved to the love seat to see to his sister's comfort, his hands moving all over the gorgeous little coed, his tongue moving from her nipples to her mouth. William had seen a lot of different things in his life, but he'd never seen a brother kiss his sister like that! When he broke the kiss, Matt looked at William and motioned towards the girl behind the tall, well-built man. "You want her ass or her pussy for your first time, bro?"
William didn't hesitate. "Her pussy, man. Got to tap that!"
Matt grinned back. "Excellent choice...right here okay?" He waved his arm over the love seat. William nodded his approval. Matt started to lift Lisa upright and told Margie to come around the front. He laid her on her back on the love seat cushion, her ass resting on the low, padded arm. William moved around and spread Margie's legs, pulling her wet slit up and open. As he rubbed his thick meat through her moist swollen lips, massaging her clit and lubricating himself at the same time, Matt brought his sister back down so she was facing William and her creamy cunt was poised above Margie's mouth. And as William slid his rock-hard cock into Margie's waiting, gaping shaved pussy, Lisa lowered herself, her well-used cunt leaking Henry's cum, on to Margie's mouth.
Jamal, Maurice and Henry all started to make nasty comments as William soul-kissed Lisa, squeezing her tits as he fucked the beautiful Asian girl beneath him. Matt moved out of the way as the three tall, well-built (obvious now, as they were all nude) black men surrounded the love seat. Their hands were all over Lisa and Margie...fingers exploring every opening they could find.
After a few minutes, Jamal and Maurice took hold of Lisa and lifted her off the love seat and carried her over to the couch. Within a minute, Jamal slipped on a condom and had the hot, slick-skinned coed bent over the side arm and his broad cock had worked its way fully into the twenty year old and her magic pussy. As he lodged his stiff fuck-pole deep in her hot, wet cunt, Jamal became aware of the most incredible feeling...her cunt walls were rolling over him, *massaging* his prick! He was receiving the benefit of hundreds of hours of Kegel exercises – and it was a feeling he'd never felt before. His eyes rolled back as he started to moan. "Sister doin' something...fuck, Matthew, s'good, very good, goddammit! Unghhh!!!"
Maurice was facing Lisa and Jamal, standing with his left foot on the floor and his right knee on the couch. Lisa's long dark hair hid her face, but Matt knew Mo's hose was buried deep in his sister's talented throat. "Ain't nothin' to what she doin' to me," he moaned as he rocked his hips slowly, his hand on the back of her head as she 'swallowed' his cock, massaging it with her throat muscles. "Sweetheart," he was swooning with delight, "I'm bringing you home with me...show my wife what a blow job supposed to be."
Margie was enjoying the way William was fucking her. Long and deep, he blew past her cervix with each thrust. But it wasn't exactly providing the level of excitement she was looking for. When Henry appeared at her side, her pulse started to pick up again. She'd seen the powerful fucking he gave Lisa – she wanted that too. The adorable Asian coed wanted to be slutty, not cute. She wanted to be used hard, not lovingly. She grabbed his thick shaft and she knew exactly what she wanted. She drew him into her mouth as William continued to fuck her accommodating cunt. When Henry started to harden, Margie let him slide out between her lips. She raised herself up, kissing and licking his articulated physique as she moved upwards.
When she reached his neck, she whispered in his ear. "Get a condom, Henry...I want you in me now. Please, Henry?" Margie moved his hand over her breast, pressing his fingers into her hot flesh until he was pulling and teasing her swollen nipple between his broad fingertips. "Will you fuck me, Henry? Now...while William's fucking my pussy...I want you to fuck my ass, Henry...okay?" Margie *Mai Ling* Yuen, honor student and the pride of her very old-fashioned Taiwanese parents, couldn't believe the thoughts and images that were invading her head. She looked up at Henry as she stroked his thick, hard shaft. She smiled as her eyes smoldered. "Don't you wanna stretch my little asshole with this big, black monster?"
Henry almost knocked Matt over as he moved to get a fresh condom from the bar. "Sorry, man," the naked black man held out his hand to the young freshman, "you know, about earlier...I spoke without thinking...sorry."
Matt took the strong dark hand in his and shook it warmly, with feeling. "No problem, Henry. I like you guys," he looked at his sister and then at Margie, "and I think they do, too. It's all good, my friend." He drew Henry closer. "What did *Mai Ling* want, Henry?"
"Don't know why, dude...beautiful little girl want me to tap her ass." There was a definite smile behind the bewilderment. "Guess it would be impolite to say no, huh?" Now he didn't even want to stop the grin that was spreading across his dark, handsome face.
Matt leaned close and spoke softly. "Do it, Henry...double-fuck her with your buddy. When you start going hard, slap her ass with an open hand." Henry looked up with surprise. "Don't worry...she'll love it – believe me." Henry nodded as he took a foil square off the bar. Matt spoke again, "Looks like you were a hit with my sister...I hope it was good for you, too." Matt chuckled as Henry did a double take.
His voice was deep and clear as he asked Matt to clarify. "She really your sister? And the rest of your family? They know about this?" Matt looked at him, careful to keep his expression very neutral, and slowly nodded his head several times. "Your momma too, boy?" Slowly and carefully, Matt reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He flipped it open, punched a few keys, and then held it towards Henry.
"Wouldn't you?" He handed the tall black man his cell, an image of his mother, Laurie, nude and hugging an equally nude Lisa.
"Fuck me..." Henry mumbled as he stared at the picture, his black shaft thickening as he thought about doing mother and daughter together. He slipped the condom on as Matt took the phone back. "Anytime, brother," Henry chuckled, "I'll help you out any way I can! I see where your sister gets her looks from, alright." He moved back to the love seat to attend to Margie. "Show that picture to my brothers, young man...you are creating a legend here tonight!"
He moved in and spoke to William and Margie. They separated and William sat down on the love seat, leaning back into the cushions. Margie moved in front of him, a vision of young, perfect lust. Her nipples were so hard they seemed to jump off her firm, sweat-covered breasts. Her golden skin was highlighted by the moisture that covered every delectable inch if her body. Her labia were dark from the fucking and stretching that William's cock put her through. They were spread apart, her pink, wet pussy walls on display as she licked her way up her African lover's perfect body. With her knees straddling him on the cushion of the love seat, she settled herself over his ebony spear and sank down, inch by indescribable inch as her cunt opened, got slick and consumed his wonderful prick. She paused several times, adjusting to the new depth that this position allowed. Finally, with his engorged cock fully sheathed in her tight, twenty year old cunt, Margie leaned into her lover, pressing her thick nipples into his chest as she kissed him deeply.
Then she turned her face back to Matt. "*Master*, please?" She laid her hand on her firm ass cheek as she looked at him. "Will you help me get ready?" It was a very bold request, she knew, but she also knew that brother and sister liked to be on the edge as much as she did. Maybe he wouldn't like it...maybe...he would *punish* her? Not knowing where that thought came from, she simply enjoyed the rush that traveled through her flesh like electricity.
Lisa felt that electric pulse as well when Margie asked Matt for help. She was feeling magical and powerful as she worked her cunt and throat muscles on Jamal and Maurice. They were barely moving...moaning and groaning as they exclaimed their surprise and delight over and over. Sensing something exciting was going on across the room, Lisa intensified the cunt massage and started bobbing her head up and down the full length of Maurice's cock. She needed to hurry them...she needed to see her brother react to Margie's request.
Neither man could take the assault on their weapons. Exclaiming Lisa's wonders as they unloaded jet after jet of thick white ropes of cum into her cunt and down her throat, they congratulated themselves on their newest 'find'. She held Maurice's cockhead in her lips as he climaxed over her tongue and into her gullet and worked her fingers around his sac while she sucked every drop she could from his chocolate pipe.
Jamal was slowly making his descent as well, the rocking motions around his now tender fuck-pole slowed as his breathing started to normalize. Coated with a mixture of his semen and Lisa's secretions, his cock slipped from her well-fucked hole. Lisa squealed as Jamal's large hands moved under her to grab her tits. She pushed his hands away and then turned around to face him. Lisa put her arms around Jamal's neck and pulled him down into a hot little kiss. Then she slid down his well-muscled torso until her face was directly in front of his softening cock. She licked him up one side and then down the other, sucked their crème off his sac, and then finally sucked his head into her mouth to complete his cleaning. She looked up at both her men and motioned towards the loveseat.
Matt stood at the bar, taking in the scene in front of him. To his left, his sister was sandwiched between Jamal and Maurice on the couch. Long black fingers were playing over her tanned flesh – the contrast most erotic when they ventured into the pale triangles at her chest and her crotch – as the three of them looked back and forth between Margie and him. Ahead of him, at the loveseat, Henry stood to the side of Margie and William away from the couch, not blocking his bosses' view. (He thought he should let Henry know later that he'd noticed the action.) He could see that while Henry was eager to start, he knew something larger was happening and was willing, if not content to wait.
The music had gotten wilder – the Latin rhythms mixed with African drums and soulful electric guitars seemed to have everyone in a sweat. Matt took a joint out of the ashtray on the bar and took a hit. He held the pungent smoke deep in his lungs as long as he could as he removed his clothes and folded them neatly over a bar stool. When he was as naked as the rest of them, he took the joint and walked over to the couch. He took another hit and handed it to Jamal. When he exhaled, he moved in front of his sister, his semi-flaccid cock dangling in front of her face. He just looked at her for a moment before Lisa leaned forward and took his cock between her lips. The music lifted him higher as he enjoyed the feel of her tongue swirling over the crown ridge of his swelling head.
The four tall, imposing black men all gasped as they looked on in shock and awe as the hot little twenty year old sucked her brother's very large cock deep into her mouth. They all *knew*, of course...they had even seen him kiss her in a decidedly 'un-brotherly' way as he felt her naked tits. But this... this was the real deal. They all had heard the stories; they all knew someone who knew someone, etc. The moment she sucked him inside her hot mouth... *incest* ran through each of their heads...*this is for real!*
Matt heard the gasps and knew what Jamal and the others were thinking. Maurice got up and walked to the bar to get another joint. He saw the open flip-phone and took a closer look. "Oh goddam, boy!" Mo was groaning as he looked carefully at the photo of Lisa and Laurie. "This your moms?" He found a joint in his coat pocket, lit it and walked back to the couch with the phone. He exhaled the smoke as he handed the phone to Jamal and the joint to Matt. "She's a fine looking woman, bro...a little like big sister here, no?"
Jamal looked at the picture and then at the naked couple before him. "Your momma teach you this shit? When she come to visit? You bring her 'round to shoot pool...let your new *boyz* taste that?" He handed the phone back to Maurice.
Matt laughed as he shoved his growing meat stalk past his sister's lips again. He took another hit off the joint and then blew the smoke out in a long plume that exploded around Margie's upturned ass. He shook his head slowly back and forth as he said, "I don't know what I'm gonna do with you, *Mai Ling*. Me help you?" He saw the flicker of excitement in her dark, almond-shaped eyes before he turned back to Lisa and said, "Doesn't she have that backwards, *slut*?"
He pulled away from his sister and moved to the crouching tigress, her eyes flashing with lust as she waited, half-full, for her *Master's* response. Matt slid his hand lightly down Margie's smooth arched back. When he reached the curve of her upturned ass, he slid his hand off and then brought it back down hard across her firm cheek. At the same time, he spoke to her in Chinese. He made it sound as though her was angry with her. "Little sister, I love you so much!" He massaged her ass where he'd slapped her. "I'm so happy you enjoy our games. I'm happy to help you, *Mai Ling*." He slapped her ass again as he switched to English. "And how exactly did you want me to help you, slut?" He was still acting angry and his audience was enthralled. He reached across and gently brushed his hand against Henry's still hard cock. "You think I'm gonna make him all wet for you?" He looked up at Henry to see his shocked expression. "Don't worry, bro...ain't gonna happen." Matt grinned at the puzzled face in front of him. "I really don't like the taste of latex."
Matt turned back to Margie to make sure she was watching him as his hand came down once again across the red mark on her ass cheek. He saw the flash in her eyes as the rest of the group gasped in reaction to the cracking sound of flesh on flesh. His hand slid over the perfect curve of her butt to her inner thigh. His fingers found what he was looking for – her pussy was leaking crème from her reaction to being spanked. He held his slick, wet fingers out to Henry. "See, I told you she likes it." Then he scooped up some more and stuck his fingers into Margie's little puckered hole. She moaned as he worked the natural lubricant around her tight sphincter, stretching her muscle in preparation for Henry's thick cock. "That's all the help I can give you now, *slut*. Let my man take over..." he moved away and Henry took his place, "he knows what you want, baby girl."
Matt didn't look back as he heard Henry's hand smack Margie's backside. He was facing his sister when Margie groaned as the stiff black pole invaded her backside. Lisa moved towards her younger brother, her mouth open and waiting for him. With the sounds of Margie urging her lovers to find a comfortable rhythm and the hot, sexy music in the background, the young man brought his cock to his sister's mouth once again. This time, though, he wasn't gentle like he had been before.
He'd watched the four men with his girls and it had gotten to him. They were all incredibly attractive people and the mix of racial features and skin tones proved highly erotic to the young man. He looked over to see Jamal moving his eyes back and forth between the sweaty DP taking place on the love seat to Matt's cock as he worked it in his sister's mouth. When he saw both Jamal and Maurice staring at his burgeoning tool, he put his hand behind Lisa's head and pulled her to him, forcing his thick cock into her throat.
"Unghh! Unfff! Gunghh!" Lisa grunted as her brother forced his half-hard cock against the back of her throat. Matt knew that Jamal and Maurice, tough as they are, were bothered by the gagging sounds issued from Lisa's throat. Not Matt, though. He knew Lisa was doing it to add more atmosphere to the already taboo incestuous act.
Surrounded by powerful men, Matt thought it was time to exhibit some power of his own. Grabbing a fistful of Lisa's long, dark hair, he pulled her off his burgeoning tool. "Suck it all, slut! Take it all down your throat now!" Matt took his sister's breast in his hand and pulled her erect nipple out from her chest. His fingers rolled the swollen pink bud until Lisa moaned and dropped her mouth over the head of her brother's cock.
Between his sister, his mother and Margie, Matt had a hard time deciding who gave the best oral sex. Usually, his answer favored the one he was with at the time. But regardless of who might be *the best*, all three knew exactly what to do and how to do it. Now, it was all about the show that Lisa and Margie seemed to enjoy more each time they performed it.
Lisa held her brother's heavy sac in her small palm as she rolled his balls gently in her fingers. Matt groaned as she swallowed his entire pole into her throat, this time not bothering to gag. She kept her lips tight against his shaft where it grew out of him until she heard Maurice comment on it to his friend. When Jamal said that Matt 'obviously... can't be that big' she knew her time was at hand.
Margie was having the fuck of her life, riding the crest of a cataclysmic orgasm as two of the most gorgeous male specimens she had every seen were exercising all of their perfectly formed muscles on her behalf. Every grunt and groan was music to her ears; every sweat-inducing pelvic thrust brought their hot, moist ebony flesh into contact with the satin smoothness of her golden skin. Both men were drilling deeper and deeper with each plunge, filling her cunt and her bowels with their thick, meaty shafts. They felt themselves rub against each other, desperate to fill the little China Doll sandwiched between them with all the thick, hot crème they could produce. Back and forth, the men acted in perfect synch as they brought Margie closer and closer to her climax. The sweat-soaked coed looked across to see Lisa deep-throating her brother and she immediately wanted to play with them.
As William and Henry fucked her faster and faster, Margie began rolling her hips, grinding her clit against William until she brought herself over the brink. "OHHHH MY GOD!!! FUCKKK MEEEEE!!! I'M COMMMIIIINNNNGGG!!!" Screaming as she climaxed, her cunt and her colon started squeezing the cocks they held on to so tightly, working them, wringing out every drop of semen they produced. "Oh God..." Margie slumped forward against William's sweat-slicked chest, "...thank you. That was fucking perfect, guys...just perfect."
Henry withdrew slowly from Margie's ass. When his head popped out, his cum started to trickle out of her anal ring. Reaching behind her, the little dark-haired girl scooped up as much as she could and rubbed it all over her flushed skin. She rose up off of William's deflating hose and moved Henry so he was sitting on the love-seat next to William. Kneeling between them, Margie completed her attentions by sucking the love cocktails off of their cocks and balls. Then kissing each man gently on the cheek, she slithered her way to the couch to help Matt and Lisa complete their incestuous coupling.
Margie swayed her hips to the music that infused the room as she got closer to Lisa and Matt. She rubbed her pert breasts and her swollen mound first against Maurice and then Jamal as she moved passed them, playing lightly with their semi-erect organs. "Did I hear you say my *Master's* cock isn't that *big*?" She giggled as she moved passed them and knelt beside Lisa. She dragged a long fingernail under Matt's scrotum, making him shiver. Margie saw the bulge in Lisa's throat as the shiver reached that magnificent tool. "Don't you remember...before...when Henry..."
Maurice interrupted the beautiful Chinese girl kneeling in front of him. "Too far away to tell. Besides...look...nobody could take that much and she got him all."
"Mmmmh hmmmmmm!!!" Lisa mumbled around her brother's erection.
Margie flashed a killer smile at Maurice as she slid her hand up the inside of her firm thigh, dragging her fingers through the moist slit of her swollen pussy lips and then up to her centerfold tits. "You a betting man, Mr. Maurice?" She tweaked her dark pink nipple waiting for his reply.
"What you got in mind, honey?" Maurice chuckled, slapping Jamal on the shoulder and drawing a glare in response.
Margie smiled at Matt and then turned back to Maurice. "If she has swallowed at least ten inches, then you give me an ounce of your best stash." She took the joint out of Matt's hand and took a hit. After she exhaled, she said, "And not this stuff, either. It's good, but I know you don't carry your best, right?" Jamal, William and Henry started laughing, knowing the girl was correct.
Maurice suddenly didn't seem so sure of himself. "And if he under ten? What do I get?"
Margie stood and moved to the couch. She slid her body around the tall, muscular black man, pressing her breasts into him and dragging her hard pink nipples across his ebony flesh. Her pussy was sliding over his thickening shaft as she moved against him. "Me," she said. "For a whole weekend, Maurice..." she grabbed his balls and started to squeeze, "no rules, no limits. You can do whatever you want to me...anything, Maurice..." her voice dropped so he could hardly hear her, "anything at all for forty-eight hours."
The comments from the posse decided it for Maurice. He asked William to get a tape measure from the toolkit behind the bar. A moment later, Margie had the device in her hand. She knelt next to Lisa again and looked up at the handsome black stud. "Come closer, Mr. Maurice," she curled her finger at him, "I don't want you to accuse me of cheating." He leaned forward and saw Margie press the end of the tape against Matt's groin at the side of his thick stalk. "Okay, baby," she said to Lisa, "time for show-and-tell."
Lisa began to pull away from her brother, slowly letting his cock slide out from between her plump, juicy lips. Margie held the tape next to his stiff pole as Lisa moved back. The rest of the men gathered closer; Maurice counted out the inches as more and more of Matt's cock was exposed and measured. When Margie held the 8" mark next to the throbbing meat, she motioned to Lisa to stop moving. Margie looked at Maurice and smiled at him. "Would you like to go double-or-nothing, Mr. Maurice? For the second weekend, I'll pay for the best hotel room in town. You can keep me handcuffed to the bed for forty-eight hours...bring your friends...whatever you want."
Maurice almost succumbed to the comments from the posse, but in the end declined her offer. That done, Lisa let the rest of her brother's cock slide out from between her lips. Maurice had his hands around Margie as she held the 10" marker just above the ridge circling his dark cockhead. "Well fuck me...you'll have your ounce before you leave, darling." Margie dropped the tape and licked Matt's pole. Maurice turned to Jamal, his eyes wide and bright. "Ain't never seen a brother and sister do that for real. Is it me, or does it get you in the nuts, too?" Jamal and the others all moaned in agreement.
Lisa stood and took a drink of water and then found a lit joint in an ashtray. She took a hit and then gave it to her younger brother. She looked at each of the men in the room, a smile on her all-American cheerleader face. "You guys liked that, huh? Did I tell you guys..." she found Matt's phone and held up the photo of Lisa and her mother, naked in each other's arms. "it was Mom who taught me how to do that for my baby brother?" Lisa sat back on the couch, making room for herself between Jamal and Maurice. Leaning back, with the edge of her ass on the front of the cushion, she threw her right leg over Jamal's left thigh and her left over Maurice's right.
Lisa loved this part most of all. Her heart was beating so fast and she could barely speak. Just knowing what was coming was enough to start her cunt lubricating itself and to make her nipples extend themselves on her perfect, firm breasts. Lisa grabbed a thick, hard black cock in both her hands and slowly started to stroke them. "Look," she told them and nodded to where Margie was sliding the end of Matt's cock through Lisa's dripping slit. When she had coated the long, thick stalk and the firm head in cunt crème, Margie put Matt's cockhead inside his sister's pussy lips and started feeding him into her cunt.
"The first time my brother fucked me..." A moan interrupted the gorgeous twenty year old as her brother slid the full length of his blood-engorged tool into his sister's cunt. "UNnnnngggghhh...easy, baby...let me get used to it, honey..." She continued stroking the hot, ebony cocks in her small white hands. "The first time, my daddy put Matt's big cock in me and then he and mom watched us."
Matt was really fucking his sister now, sliding out until just his head was between her lips and then plunging into her until his groin meshed with hers and his balls slapped against her upturned ass. Lisa leveraged her legs against Maurice and Jamal as her back slid lower and her ass lifted higher, making it easier for her brother to take her hard and deep. "That's it, baby...fuck me...ohhh OHHHH FUCK ME MATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!" The nonstop thrusting of his engorged cock put his sister right over the edge and it was all Matt could do to control his orgasm as her cunt muscles worked his fuck-meat with each spasm. When Lisa stopped trembling, Matt pulled his thick pole out of her well-fucked hole and laid his ten inches across her stomach pointed up at her face.
Lisa let go of the ebony flesh she had been gripping so strongly. Now with one hand she held Matt's hot, hard cock and with the other she cradled his full sac. She looked at Jamal and then at Maurice. She smiled across at Margie as she saw her China Doll pleasuring William and Henry, appreciating the contrasting colors where their hands covered Margie's flesh. She blew a kiss to her brother and then spoke again. "Boss..." she looked first at Jamal and then at Maurice, "Mister Maurice...what you think now? Isn't family love just the best?" She looked across at William and Henry as she stroked Matt. "And you two...oh my God!...you are so beautiful...even money says any of the women in your families would have you in a minute – if they haven't already!" Lisa lifted her brother's cock, aiming it towards her mouth and scraped her fingernail against the soft underside of sac. "Boss," her voice was deep and breathy, "I bet you have a sister or a cousin you would like to do this to..." She scraped his sac once again and Matt let one long spurt of his cum fly at his sister's face. With some of the cum on her tongue and the rest on her chin, she turned to Maurice. "And you, baby? You dream of doing this to your sister?" And again, she coaxed another long stream from her brother's cock. This time she displayed the cum in her mouth before swallowing it down.
Matt pulled his cock off Lisa's stomach and pushed it back into her cunt where he shot two more thick streams of his cum into his sister. Then just as quickly, he pulled away and turned to Margie. She stood in front of him with her arms reaching up and clasping him around the neck. He lifted her curvy little golden butt in his hands and her legs wrapped around his hips. Margie moaned as her Master dropped her slick pussy lips over his swollen cockhead and plunged into her hot gripping cunt. Her diamond-hard nipples scraped his skin as she felt him release the rest of his climax. They kissed hard and deep as he emptied himself into this perfect young girl, feeling their connection and their love once more.
When he was through, Matt lifted her off his softening cock and laid her down on the coffee table in front of his sister. He took Lisa's hand and lifted her up, kissing her deeply as well as he guided her to Margie. She knelt above her girlfriend's face, her heart pounding so hard she thought she would pass out. Matt hadn't really pushed her into anything too outrageous since the drive back to school...until now! She squeezed her pussy muscles rhythmically, thankful once again for Margie's exercise tips, until her brother's crème slid out of her gaping hole and unto Margie's open mouth. Then Lisa dropped her head to Margie's bare mound and in a well-practiced move, they rolled over so Margie was now straddling Lisa's face.
Margie sat up, her swollen lips hanging several inches above Lisa's hungry mouth. She looked at her Master and smiled as she started to gently roll her hips. She closed her eyes and thought, for just a moment, about her childhood in Taiwan. Little girls were taught at school, from the earliest years, that they must exercise their vaginal muscles *every day of their lives* or they would lose their husbands after they had a child. That was nonsense, of course...but she was certainly happy with the results regardless.
Lisa was happy with the results, too, as she saw her brother's thick semen fall slowly from Margie's beautiful pussy and collect in her hungry hole. This time, after the exchange, Margie leaned forward and started licking and sucking Lisa's gash and Lisa did the same to her. Using their fingers to hold cunt lips apart and ass cheeks spread open, they exposed themselves fully to the four black men who would become very close, very special friends sooner than anyone might have imagined. And as they had done to each other so often before, fingers and lips and tongues brought both of them to resounding orgasms, each of them losing themselves in the moment...in their fantasies... and in their dreams.
When the girls came back to reality, Matt was already back in his clothes as were the beautiful black men of the pool hall posse. William had rung a waitress to bring some fresh towels and he gave them to the girls so they could clean off. Maurice went to his office and then returned with a package for Matt and a smaller package for Margie. He wasn't surprised when she handed her bag to Matt as well. "Call me, young man," Maurice said, "before you get rid of any of that." He nodded at the larger package. "And be very careful," he laughed, "with that." This time he motioned towards the small bag.
The girls were dressed and ready to go in minutes. *"They look as good leaving as they did walking in earlier. Better," thought Matt, "more confidence."* He realized Jamal was saying something to him. "Sorry, J..." he shook his head at his sister, "I couldn't take my eyes off her. What did you say?"
Jamal chuckled quietly at his new friend. "I understand Matt...I truly do. What I said was take my card..." he held it out for Matt, "it has my cell number and my email. Send me pictures of you and the girls and your friends...and your cars and license plate numbers, okay? I'll make sure it gets circulated around." Jamal looked around the room, making sure everything was under control. He smiled as he saw Lisa and Margie flirting with William and Henry as they waited for Matt. Then he noticed Maurice on the phone at the bar, smiling and then replacing the receiver on its cradle.
Maurice walked over to Matt and put a long arm around the young man's shoulder. "Taxi out front for you, Bowie." Matt looked puzzled and then Jamal started to laugh.
"You still got it, Mo," he said. "David Bowie," he explained to Matt, "you know...Thin White Duke? That David Bowie?" Jamal laughed again. "You're too young, Bowie, but I like your style." He called the others over to the door and they all walked back out to the main room. "Now remember to call Maurice tomorrow. He know you gonna sell that weed – he just wants to make sure you in a safe territory and your price in line with his boys." And with that last piece of advice, Jamal put Matt and the girls into the cab waiting in front of the club. "Saturday night pretty exciting down here. Call me if you gonna come back for dinner or later tomorrow."
The door closed and the cab sped away. Jamal looked at Maurice and grinned. "He told me it's gonna be Parent's Weekend in a couple weeks. Momma be coming in for that... and a whole lot more..." |
Don't Call Me Daughter | 204,353 | 4.54 | 237,208 | [
"bitter divorce",
"sexy teen",
"oral sex",
] | I suppose some of you, after you read my story, will think I'm some kind of monster, a pervert for the way I successfully seduced my own daughter.
But, you know what? I really don't give a shit.
I am balls-deep in the hottest, creamiest cunt I've ever had the pleasure of sticking my dick into, plus I have the satisfaction of knowing that every time I fuck my daughter, I'm sticking it to my ex-wife.
Of course, she'd have us both arrested if she learned what's going on, but there isn't much chance of that happening. As far as anyone here knows, I'm just putting my daughter up while she goes to college, and Lorrie's certainly not going to tell her mom what's going on.
For one thing, she loves me and the fucking she gets from me, and for another, she and Estelle – my ex – have had a testy relationship for a long time, all the more so after she told her mom she wanted to attend college here and live with me.
Truth is, I've never really thought of Lorrie as my daughter. Lorrie – that's short for Lorraine – hasn't been a regular part of my life since Estelle and I broke up 11 years ago. And even before that, I wasn't much of a father to her.
It's a very long story, but my ex ended up with full custody of our daughter, and after the divorce she moved with Lorrie back to her hometown in another state, some 500 miles from where I was living at the time.
The only times I saw my daughter – without Estelle hovering over us – was four days over the Christmas holidays and three weeks in the summer every year. Of course, we talked a lot on the telephone, but those conversations were more friend-to-friend than father-to-daughter.
And even when Lorrie was here to visit, I'd act more as her friend than her father. Lord knows, she needed a friend. Estelle was the mother from hell, and she rode poor Lorrie like a rented mule throughout her teen years, to the point where Lorrie finally rebelled.
At the risk of sounding like a pedophile, I've known since she was a small child that Lorrie had a certain sensuality, a certain innate sex appeal about her. My ex-wife would argue the point, but I think she got the best of both of us. She got Estelle's looks and my personality.
At one time, my ex-wife was a fun-loving beauty, with dark hair, dusky complexion, blue eyes, a nearly perfect body and a totally healthy appetite for sex.
We met at the university, and we threw off sparks right from the get-go. Not long after I graduated from college, when I was 22, we married. We'd been together for a little over a year, and I figured it would last forever.
I'm not sure when things started to turn sour. Over the first three years of our marriage, we both worked, but we still had a vigorous sex life, still had a lot of fun, although there were times when Estelle could be a little bitchy.
But I just chalked that up to female hormones, and left it at that.
Things changed noticeably, though, after Lorrie was born. Estelle was in heat the whole time she was pregnant, but after the birth, it was like turning off a faucet. It had been a painful delivery, then Estelle had severe post-partum depression.
And, of course, I didn't help matters by going out with my best friend afterwards to celebrate Lorrie's birth by getting riotously drunk.
Once she got over the baby blues, Estelle's whole attitude toward sex changed. Where before, we rarely let a day go by without fucking, suddenly weeks went by where she would hardly let me touch her.
On top of that, I was having to work extra-long and extra-hard because Estelle absolutely refused to go back to work. She wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, and we just couldn't afford it.
I harbored my resentments for six years, during which time I drank a lot (which made matters worse) and we argued constantly.
But what really made things worse was after Estelle did finally go back to work, when Lorrie was 4. About six months after she returned to work, a co-worker gave her some religious pamphlet and invited her to some sort of revival.
You can guess where this is heading. Estelle got the fever in the worst possible way. Suddenly, everything that we had been doing with our lives was the embodiment of sin.
She fell head over heels into this strict evangelical cult, and when I showed no interest at all in following suit, she cut me off completely. The last time we had sex was on my 30th birthday, and she made her distaste obvious throughout.
Incredibly, because I still thought I loved her, I stayed on another year after that before I finally succumbed. At first, I contented myself with masturbating to skin magazines, and soon I was doing that a lot. But then she caught me at it one night and went into orbit.
So I decided if I couldn't get any kind of sexual relief at home, I'd get it somewhere else. I had always gotten come-ons from women I met in the office or at the bars, and finally I just said, "fuck this," and took up with a gal from work.
Of course, Estelle found out, and that was the end of my marriage. I've had other relationships since, but nothing has come of them, and the past few years I haven't really tried all that hard.
I've always been a little obsessive-compulsive where sex is concerned, though, and I always liked to masturbate. I figured I could be my own best lover and I wouldn't let anyone break my heart. That became a lot easier when I discovered the Internet. In fact, that was the vehicle by which I enticed Lorrie into sex.
I think I always had a little bit of desire for Lorrie. She always reminded me of Estelle – the Estelle I'd fallen in love with, not the shrew she became – and there was always that little twinge in my gut every time we spent time together.
But it wasn't until she came to visit me the summer before her junior year in high school, not long before she turned 16, that I really began to articulate some lust for my daughter.
On her previous visit, six months earlier, I could see that she was developing into a fine-looking thing, but she was still more little girl than young woman.
But the person I saw get off the plane that summer had matured into a real stunner. She had the same dark hair, the same blue eyes, the same dusky complexion and the same good looks her mother had had in college.
And even through the bulky clothes that Estelle made her wear, I could see that Lorrie had the same killer body. She had nice, firm breasts, a pert little butt and long, sleek legs.
As usual, I was pissed off when I saw how Estelle made our daughter look. I mean, it was the first of July, it was hotter than hell, and Lorrie was wrapped up in a long, heavy skirt and a long-sleeved blouse that I'm sure had originally been buttoned to the neck, with her hair down to her butt.
It had almost become a game. The first place we went – every year – after Lorrie arrived was Wal-Mart to buy her some real clothes. I bought her snug-fitting jeans, shorter skirts, shorts, short-sleeved blouses, T-shirts, and this time I encouraged her to get some skimpier underwear. I also let her pick up a bikini, so she could use the pool I had in the backyard of the new house I'd bought in the city where I had recently moved.
Of course, Estelle would call me as soon as Lorrie returned home – every year – raging about my letting her daughter wear, "those sinful clothes that make her look like a slut." Well, they did no such thing, but I got a kick out of being able to rattle Estelle's chain like that, and, truthfully, so did Lorrie.
This time, I went one step better. We were leaving Wal-Mart and Lorrie was complaining about her hair. She hated having to fool with that much hair, but Estelle's sect didn't believe in letting women cut their hair.
So, naturally, I asked Lorrie if she wanted me to stop at the salon, and we did. She got almost two feet of hair cut off, so that it was right at shoulder-length. Then we had the hair tied up so we could send it off to that charity that uses hair like that for people such as cancer victims who've lost their hair to radiation treatments and such.
Oh my, I could feel the flames of Estelle's wrath burning through the phone lines when she called to bitch at me about that. I just laughed at her and asked her what she was going to do, glue it back on?
But Estelle was about to get a much worse shock. Before Lorrie left to return home that summer, we talked about her college plans.
One thing I'll give Estelle credit for is the fact that she made Lorrie into a good student at school. Problem was, her grades were much better than her ACT scores, so she wasn't going to get a lot of scholarship money wherever she went, at least not initially.
As Lorrie and I talked about where she wanted to go to college and what she wanted to do, it became apparent that she and Estelle were at odds.
Estelle's idea was to send Lorrie to the church-based college there in her hometown. The church that operated the school wasn't quite the same as Estelle's, but it was close enough in doctrine to satisfy her. It wasn't a bad school, but it was very expensive.
Lorrie wanted to go off to college, to begin breaking free of the bonds that her mother was pinning her down with. Her idea was to go to the big public university in their home state.
I immediately saw my opening, and suggested that she might want to consider coming here. The college here is a state university, but it isn't a real big school, it would cost far less than the one Estelle wanted her to attend, and she could stay with me, reducing the cost of lodging, a huge savings over the school Lorrie had in mind.
Once I planted the idea in her mind, Lorrie was all for it.
About a week after Lorrie's return home, I got a phone call at home. It was Estelle.
"Bert?" I heard from the other end.
"Well, if it isn't the highlight of my day," I said. "Always a pleasure to hear from you, Estelle."
"Bert, why can't we for once have a civil conversation without you being so sarcastic?" Estelle said.
"Estelle, why can't we for once have a civil conversation without you being such a bitch?" I shot back.
I could just see the steam rising off her head at that.
"Look, Bert, I didn't call you to engage in verbal warfare with you," Estelle said, a trifle wearily. "We have to talk about Lorrie, and this nonsense about her going to college over there."
"Sounds like a great idea to me," I said, breezily.
"You know good and well I'm not going to let her go off to college there, much less stay with you," she spat.
"I don't see where it's your decision to make," I said. "You send her to that college there, and I promise you it will be a waste of money you don't have, because she'll deliberately flunk out. She has no interest in going to school there, none whatsoever, and you're wasting your time if you try to make her go there."
"It's the best place for her," Estelle said, her voice taking on a whiny aspect that always got on my nerves.
"Here's the deal, Estelle," I said, slowly and deliberately. "I will pay her way to come here and go to college. She can stay with me, so there's no room and board to worry about, and it won't cost you a dime. I can afford it, and you and I both know damn good and well that you don't have the money to send her to that school over there."
"My daughter is absolutely NOT going to college there, and she's sure as Hades not going to live with a heathen pervert like you!" Estelle said, slamming the phone.
I chuckled, because I knew I had her. She had completely overlooked my "damn good and well," and had said she was, "sure as Hades," not letting Lorrie live with me, and for Estelle to use a phrase like that, she might as well have strung together a whole series of f-bombs.
The thing was, she knew I was right. Estelle had managed to make a living for herself and a home for Lorrie there in her hometown, but it was a struggle, and there was no way she had been able to save up enough to send Lorrie to school over there.
If she wanted Lorrie to get an affordable education, Estelle was going to have to let her come here and live with me. Even as I thought about it, my cock stiffened at the thought of my sexy daughter – my sexy, fully of-age daughter – living under my roof on a full-time basis. Oh, the possibilities.
From that point on, Lorrie's relationship with Estelle deteriorated dramatically, and I saw the effects the next summer when Lorrie came to stay with me. In fact, it concerned me a little, too.
Gone was the bulky outfit. Lorrie bounced off the plane in a tight pair of jeans, a light spaghetti-strap top, which just did cover a very scanty bra – neither of which did much to hide her gorgeous cleavage – sandals and she was quite well made-up, which was another sin in her mother's eyes.
And when she saw me, she bounded into my arms and gave me a full kiss on the lips. I looked into her eyes, and I knew this girl was no longer a virgin, and while the thought made me hard as a rock, I felt like I needed to maybe slow her down a little bit.
The opportunity came after she'd gone out one night with some of the friends she'd made, and came home with beer on her breath and a whiff of marijuana on her clothes.
The one area of social life where Estelle and I were in total agreement on Lorrie's upbringing was in regard to alcohol and drugs. Estelle's distaste for it came from her religion; mine came from hard experience.
I'd always liked to party, always liked the beer and the weed, and after my divorce I dove into both with gusto.
The first time I got arrested for a DUI, there weren't really any consequences. I paid the fine and was done with it. But the second time, just 13 months later, was more serious. Not only was I arrested for a second DUI, but the cops also found a little pipe with some weed that I'd been smoking.
My boss at the time, who was also a long-time friend from college, gave me an ultimatum: go into rehab, get clean and sober – and stay that way – or kiss my career goodbye.
Since I happen to work in a field that I love, at a good company that compensates me very well, I chose Door Number One. I did a three-month outpatient stretch at a rehab clinic, then another 18 months doing the AA thing learning how to deal with sobriety before I let that fade out of my life. But I've been clean and sober for seven years now, and I believe it saved my life.
But Estelle and Lorrie knew nothing about that, so when Lorrie came home that night a little drunk and high, I decided it was time she learned the truth.
I sat her down and told her gently but firmly that I wasn't going to accept that from her, that she was much too smart to fall into that trap. Then I told her my story. By the end, she was crying on my shoulder, which – devil that I am – gave me the tinglies inside.
And I promised Lorrie that she could come here to go to college, and I would support her every way I could, but she had to promise me that she would keep her nose clean and stay out of trouble in the interim.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes and promised that she would. And as we stared in each other's eyes, I saw something else, too: desire. Suddenly, I understood that as much as I'd lusted after her, she'd held me up as her ideal of the sexy man.
Our little talk helped set Lorrie straight about drugs and alcohol, but her entire senior year of high school she still gave her mother fits. She had boyfriends, usually more than one at a time, in open defiance of Estelle, and I was pretty sure those boyfriends were getting what they wanted from her.
Well, as it turned out, they were and they weren't. Lorrie was smart enough not to get pregnant, and she kept the boys happy by becoming the best head-giver in her class.
Half the boys in her graduating class whooped and cheered when she walked across the stage to get her diploma, and she stuck out her tongue playfully as she left the stage, to Estelle's absolute disgust.
Estelle was stubbornly holding on to the notion that Lorrie would dutifully trot off to the local college, but we both finally informed her, in no uncertain terms, that she'd be moving in with me in August and attending college there.
Estelle had one desperate trump card she tried to play as we sat in her house after Lorrie's graduation.
"If you do, you'd better take whatever you don't want me to throw away," Estelle said to Lorrie bitterly. "Because if you go off with him, you will no longer be my daughter."
I was actually stunned speechless. But only for a moment.
"Do you really hate me that much?" I asked quietly. "Are you really that cold-hearted that you would disown your daughter, the one you've fought like hell to raise into a decent young adult, to get back at me? Why do you hate me like that?"
"It's not a matter of whether I hate you or not," Estelle said. "As a matter of fact, I don't hate you. But you're a godless sinner, and I will not have my daughter living in sin."
Lorrie and I looked at each other, and we both gave a sort of half-smile. I think we both understood the irony of the term "living in sin."
But we stood firm. Before I returned home, I helped Lorrie complete her admission forms, and we made plans for me to come back over when it came time for her to go off to college.
So on Lorrie's 18th birthday, I drove a rental truck to Estelle's little house and loaded up Lorrie's things. By then, Estelle had softened just enough that she wanted Lorrie to stay in touch, and they did hug when we left, but it was a strained parting.
There was no air conditioning in the truck I'd rented, it was hot in that cab, and we were both sweaty and tired by the time we got to my place.
I was also horny as hell, because the moment we turned off the street after leaving Estelle's, Lorrie reached under her T-shirt and pulled off her bra. And at our first stop, she changed into a pair of shorts.
Seeing those long legs and that beautiful set of tits wiggling freely in her sweaty T-shirt kept my cock in a state of high alert the whole trip. I knew it wasn't going to be long before we would be lovers, but I wasn't sure how to proceed.
It was the computer and my trusty left hand that provided the opening.
Lorrie had finally gotten moved into the second bedroom, then we had to get her into orientation and all the things that come with starting school as a freshman.
Things had finally settled down to a routine, and I was following one of my routines late one night, after she had been there about three weeks.
I was surfing the Web for some of my favorite porn sites, with my hard 7 inches sticking out through the hole in my pajama pants. I had a nice easy rhythm going, working my lubricated cock up and down and groaning softly.
My computer sits in the front of the den off the kitchen, set off in its own area, but accessible from anywhere in the house.
I was looking at movie clips of girls who take facial cumshots, and I was really starting to get into it when I heard a soft gasp from the kitchen. I whipped my head around and Lorrie was staring at my cock.
I went through the motions of stuffing myself back in my pants, and I apologized, but Lorrie just said not to worry about it, and apologized for interrupting me.
I waited until she finished the bowl of cereal she'd gotten up from bed to have, then she came over and gave me a big hug. As she leaned over to hug me, I got a close-up view of Lorrie's wonderful tits, right down to the stiff, pink nipples, and she smiled seductively as she strutted off to bed.
"Carry on," she said as she looked over her shoulder and winked at me.
It took me about 30 seconds after that before I shot a monster cumshot all over my chest and hands.
A week or so went by, and I quietly monitored where Lorrie had been on the computer, and sure enough, I discovered that she was looking at some of the sites I'd conveniently left in the History file.
But what really got my cock up to speed in a hurry was when I happened to access the Google file to see what she'd been fishing for. About six lines down, I read that someone – and it had to be Lorrie – had inquired about incest stories.
And, lo and behold, when I dug around deeper in the History file, I saw that my darling daughter was reading erotic stories about fathers seducing their daughters.
I decided it was time to up the ante. I didn't want to come on too strong to her, despite my raging desire. I wanted her to take things at her pace, and for her to decide how far she wanted to go.
So my plan was to act as I would if I were still living alone, and see what she would do. The moment came on a Friday night. The college football team was playing at home the next afternoon, and she'd attended a pep rally that night, then she had gone out with some friends.
One thing I found quite gratifying was that Lorrie made friends easily. Like I said, she has my personality. I'm an open, likeable guy and I make friends everywhere I go. Most of my really close friends live some distance away, but I've made quite a few solid acquaintances in the two-plus years that I've lived here.
I watched the news, then booted up the computer. As I waited for the machine to warm up, I thought about what I wanted to do, then I decided to do like I always did. I slid my gym shorts off, kicked them aside and sat naked in my office chair.
I hadn't taken care of business in several days, anticipating something like this. I wanted to have a full head of cum built up for what I had planned, so my cock was already throbbing with need and wet at the tip. I reached in the desk drawer and pulled out the lubricant jelly, and got it ready to go.
I started off by looking at some movies of lesbians in action. I have a certain progression that I use when I get in front of the computer, and watching hot girls licking each other's pussies or, better yet, working long, fat dildoes in their cunts, always gets my cock up to speed in a hurry.
I had that nervous feeling in my stomach that I always get when I start getting aroused, and that sent a tingle through my cock as I slowly worked it with my left hand. I was all the more aroused because of where I hoped things would go on this particular night.
As I clicked through some of the movie samples of girls with girls, I felt a thick ball of pre-cum boil out the tip of my cock, and I rubbed the natural lubricant all over the head and down my shaft.
I was groaning softly as I enjoyed the exquisite feelings of lust swelling through my body. I squeezed my cock and gasped from the sparks of sensation that crackled through my body.
As the flow of pre-cum became thicker, I switched from lesbians to groups, watching sluts of every type taking on two or more men at a time.
My cock throbbed as I watched, and finally decided it was time to grease the skids, so to speak. I flipped open the top of the tube of jelly, squeezed out a generous dollop and slathered it all up and down my shaft, then down over my balls.
I began to work both hands slowly up and down my cock, panting heavily as the cum started to boil in my balls.
I watched samples of girls taking cocks in their pussy and in their mouth, samples of girls getting double penetrated, and one incredible sample film of a hot-looking blonde taking a cock in her pussy, one in her ass, three in her mouth and one in each hand.
After that, I moved on to the facials, which is where I usually come. I was beginning to wonder how long I could hold back the tidal wave of cum that was locked and loaded for delivery. I was taking it very, very slowly, working my cock carefully to keep from coming too soon.
Just when I thought I couldn't stand it anymore, I heard a car door slam outside. I felt a tingle rush through my body as my iron-hard cock sat on go.
I clicked on a movie of a girl taking two cumshots on her face and as I watched I heard the side door open. I pretended to be oblivious to Lorrie's presence, but it was tough. I heard her come into the kitchen area.
"Hi Daddy, I..." and she stopped as she saw what I was doing.
I was concentrating on the screen, but I was grinning inside. Lorrie had a full-on view of my throbbing-hard cock and the computer monitor, which showed the girl getting hosed by two huge cocks.
I couldn't hold it back. I grunted and groaned as a quicksilver cumshot raced through my cock and exploded out the tip. I shot thick jets of pearl-white cum high into the air and shivered as it splattered all over my bare chest.
I gave a satisfied moan as I squeezed out the final dregs of one of the most spectacular orgasms I'd had in a long time.
I happened to steal a glance over at my daughter, and she had a shocked look on her face, with a hand covering her mouth. But her eyes were gleaming in lust as she stared at my cum-covered cock, which was rapidly deflating.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," I said. "I didn't expect you until later, and I was too close to quit."
Lorrie's reaction was curious. Instead of bolting off in embarrassment, she nonchalantly walked into the kitchen, opened a drawer, pulled out a hand towel and brought it over to me.
"That's OK, Daddy," she said, keeping her eyes glued to my dick. "It's not like I haven't ever seen a man's cock before."
"Oh?" I said, as I casually cleaned the cum from my body and slipped my shorts back on. "I take it, then, that you aren't a virgin?"
"Well..." she said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
And that's when she told me about her sex life up to that point. As I had suspected, she'd given up her virginity during her junior year of high school, and had had a couple of encounters with boys.
She loved sex, she said, but she was afraid of going too far too often. She knew her mother wouldn't allow her to get on contraceptives and that Estelle would throw her on the street if she came up pregnant.
"So I decided to get very good at handjobs and blowjobs," she said with a knowing grin.
I could feel my cock swelling again at that thought.
"I see," I said, and we grinned at each other. "Would you like to get on the pill?"
"Well..." she kind of hemmed and hawed, so I told her I would make an appointment with a gynecologist, but that it might be a few weeks before she could get in to see one.
"No problem," she said. "I'll just do what you're doing until I can fuck without worrying about getting pregnant."
I laughed and we hugged before going to bed. Yet I also felt a sizzle roll through me not only at the casual way she used the word, "fuck," but also at the implication that she planned on sitting in my chair and getting herself off, and the way she intended to become sexually active once she got on the pill.
Things really picked up steam after that. The next afternoon, we went to the game, which our team won, then Lorrie decided to accompany me to a post-game dinner rather than go out with her friends. She had a devilish look in her eye as we sat and ate.
We were having coffee, when she looked me squarely in the eye and said something that made my cock stand up straight, right there in the restaurant.
"Daddy, can I watch you tonight?" she said. "You know, watch you beat off? I love watching guys come."
"Really?" I said.
"Um hum," she said, and her tongue slid over her lips in a gloriously seductive manner.
"How about you?" I asked. "You think you might let your pervert dad watch you? It's been awhile since I've seen a real live naked woman, and you're about the prettiest, sexiest woman I've seen in a long time. I've always thought you were sexy."
"Mmmmmm," she purred. "I'd like that. We can watch each other come. Sounds like fun."
We were both jacked with excitement over the turn our relationship was taking. We drove home and the silence in the car was palpable.
When we got home, we retreated to our respective bedrooms, and I quickly changed into my trusty gym shorts, then went out and booted up the computer. My cock was a raging beast in my pants as I awaited Lorrie's entry.
To say I was stunned by my first look at my daughter's naked body when she emerged from her bedroom would be an understatement.
She's a little taller than average, probably 5-foot-8 maybe, and slender, with those long legs I mentioned earlier, and an absolutely beautiful set of tits that I'd guess are in the 34B range. Top it off with her dusky complexion – made all the darker by her tan from sitting by the pool – her dazzling eyes and her long dark hair, and you've got a walking sex bomb.
And she knew what she had, too, because she strutted into the study like a cat on the prowl. She walked in to where I'd pulled a chair up so she could sit next to me and watch the monitor.
"You like my body, Daddy?" she said, staring at my rampant cock.
"Does this answer your question?" I said as I slid the shorts off to reveal my rock-hard cock.
"You've got a beautiful cock, Daddy," Lorrie purred. "It's the biggest and nicest one I've ever seen."
"Really?" I said. "I'd have thought some of those young studs at your high school would have been hung like horses."
"No, not really," she said, and I looked over to see Lorrie fussing with one of her nipples.
My cock was a throbbing monster, and, yes, it is a nice-sized piece of meat, probably 7½,maybe 8 inches and pretty fat. I had already begun idly stroking it as Lorrie and I chatted, and a big fat ball of pre-cum boiled out the tip.
I swirled it around with my thumb, and more followed, until I had the whole cap covered with slick lube. I looked down and saw that Lorrie had her left hand between her legs and was working her middle finger around her clit, just getting it warmed up.
With my cock in my left hand, I worked the mouse through some pictures and movie clips of girls together, then some girls taking on some very nice-sized cocks.
My cock was a rock hard as I worked some lube up and down the shaft. I offered Lorrie some, but she declined, and when she showed me the fingers she'd been fucking herself with, I understood why. They were gleaming with the wet juice of her arousal.
"Ummmmm, Daddy, that is soooo hot," Lorrie purred.
"What? Me or the clips?" I said.
"Ummm, both," she answered. "Your cock is so big, so hard. Will you fuck me with it? Please?"
"When you get on the pill, you can have this thing any time you want it," I said in a ragged tone of voice. "For now, just watch."
I could hear the panting as she used both hands on herself. The fingers of one hand were stroking her clit, while she had two fingers of her other hand plunging briskly back and forth in her soupy cunt. She groaned in lust and frustration as she climbed ever higher toward a tumultuous orgasm.
"I wanna... see cummmmm!" Lorrie cried as her climax reached a peak.
I clicked onto a clip of a girl getting multiple cumshots from a host of guys, and I could see Lorrie's eyes glaze over and her body shudder as her orgasm began to rock through her.
"Oh, GOD! Daddy, I'm c-c-c-cummmmmmmming!" Lorrie cried. "Come on, Daddy, shoot it, come with me!"
I had been holding it back with great difficulty, but when I heard that coming from my baby girl, I lost it. I felt something like an iron rod explode from my scrotum, blast through my shaft and spew out the end of my dick in a flowing fountain of silky white cum.
Lorrie squealed as she watched my cum shoot a good two or three feet in the air, then splatter all over the place – my thighs, my hand, the floor – I shot cum everywhere.
And when I was finished with the initial rush, I continued to shoot a flow of hot semen out over my shaft until I finally squeezed out the last few drops. I was so absorbed with my own orgasm, it took me a minute to realize that Lorrie was staring at my cum-covered cock with a look of wild lust on her face.
"Daddy?" Lorrie said in a quiet, but intense voice. "I want you."
"I know, sweetheart," I said, shakily. "I want you, too. But I'm afraid if I fuck you now, before you get on the pill, I'll knock you up, and that's something we don't want to have happen."
"I understand," she said. "But the day after I get them, I'm going to fuck your brains out. I can't remember a time when I didn't want you. I've always dreamed about you taking me as your woman. I always knew I could be a better lover to you than Mom ever was. She was a fool to let you go, and I have no intention of making the same mistake."
"Honey, in fairness to your mother, I was a different person then than I am now," I said. "True, she turned into a bitch, but I was an asshole in a lot of ways. After she got religion, we were like oil and water together. We just didn't mix."
"Maybe so, but I can't imagine anyone who had access to this cock ever letting it go," Lorrie said, and I jumped as I felt her soft hand caress my cock. "Come on, let me do you this time. Let me show you how good I am with my hands."
Lorrie slowly jacked my cock, and I obliged by working the mouse through another series of movies. I discovered quickly that she did indeed know what she was doing with a man's cock. She knew just how to apply the right amount of pressure with her hand to get me back to rock-hard stiffness.
When she had me back fully hard, she took the jelly and worked a good bit of the lube around the shaft, getting into a good rhythm.
And I wasn't idle, either. While I operated the mouse with my right hand, my left hand slipped between Lorrie's legs and I began to work my middle finger around her pebble-like clit. She gasped as I expertly manipulated her little bud, then slid my fingers between her juicy lips.
"What do you want to see?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"Teen girls with older men," she said with a smile, and as we stared at each other, she brought her mouth to mine and we kissed, hard, with our tongues slashing together.
I have to say, I was sorely tempted to just stand my daughter up right there, bend her over and fuck the living hell out of her, but I restrained myself with great effort.
So I concentrated on the video show on the computer and the exquisite feeling of Lorrie's hand working briskly up and down my cock, and on the job of playing with her pulsing pussy, which was beginning to twitch in anticipation of another monstrous orgasm.
We were both groaning in lust as the climactic feeling swelled.
"Cum, Daddy, I want to see... cumshots," Lorrie gasped. "I want to see a young girl's face get blasted with hot cum. Oh, yeah, Daddy, do it to me. Unnnnnh!"
We both grunted hard in our climax, as I found a site where a college girl was surrounded by three men, and as they each took turns covering her sizeable tits with cum, I couldn't hold back. Lorrie's hand was whipping up and down my cock as I arched my back and exploded with another hard splattering of cum all over my chest.
At the same time, I felt her body tense for just a second, then she shuddered deeply as her orgasm swept through her body. She twitched and shook on the chair as the rush flowed through her, covering my hand with the fruit of her lust.
Finally, we were done, and we both slumped on our respective chairs, a bit stunned by what had transpired that evening.
"Daddy?" Lorrie said wearily. "Can I sleep with you tonight? I want to feel you next to me, and I'd like to give you a chance to feel a body next to you. I know how long it's been since you had a real lover. I want to be one for you."
I couldn't turn her down, so we trudged off to bed and slept blissfully together for the first time.
The next morning, we slept late, then showered together. It was remarkable how quickly we had become comfortable with seeing each other naked. We soaped each other, letting our slippery bodies slide together, and the lust that crackled between us was palpable.
When she was fully rinsed, I knelt down on the tile floor, with the warm water cascading over my back, and buried my face in Lorrie's hot pussy. I captured her clit between my teeth, licked up and down her furrow and kissed her hole as if it was her mouth.
I was gratified to hear Lorrie moan and clutch the back of my head as I ate her out with all of the expertise I could muster, and it wasn't long before her hips were jerking rhythmically as her climax reached a peak. With a gasp and a sharp cry, Lorrie's body shuddered as a hard orgasm swept through her body.
We went out for breakfast, then came home and I turned on a football game, while Lorrie went into her room to study. Midway through the third quarter, though, she emerged naked, walked over to where I was seated, picked up the remote and turned off the game.
Smiling wickedly, she knelt in front of me, pulled my shorts off to reveal my rapidly stiffening cock, then spread my legs and moved in for the kill.
"Now, I think it's time I showed you how good a cocksucker I am," Lorrie purred. "And besides, I need to thank you properly for what you did to me in the shower. You're the best, Daddy."
I wasn't about to argue. Compared to getting a blowjob from my daughter, a mere NFL game couldn't hold a candle. I just leaned back on the sofa and let Lorrie do her thing.
She took my cock in both hands and softly worked it up and down, getting me fully hard. When a drop of precum welled up from the tip of my cock, Lorrie grasped me firmly at the base with one hand, leaned in and licked it off, savoring the taste.
Then she licked again, this time swirling her tongue around the head in ever-widening circles until I felt her lips just touching the tip.
But instead of drawing me in, she pulled her lips back and licked around the underside of the crown, and that earned her a long, loud groan of lust from my mouth. Lorrie's tongue traveled briskly down the crown to where her hand was softly caressing my balls.
She licked them gently, then used her tongue and lips then worked her way back up the shaft. This time, she didn't tease me. She licked and kissed the hard ridge on the underside of my cock, up over the head and slid her lips around the crown.
At first, she just took the head, and rolled her tongue around the shaft, but slowly she took more cock into her mouth, until she had about half of me in her mouth. Up and down, she worked her mouth on my rod, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked me as deep as she could into her throat.
My eyes were closed as I reveled in the feeling of my daughter's hot mouth on my turgid cock. I was getting close, and I knew she could feel the twitching that signaled I was near an explosive cum.
But she was good, very good, and she knew how to draw it out and make it last. Squeezing the base of my cock to stem the flow of cum, She pulled her mouth off my cock, and I shivered at the sight of my purple cock covered with Lorrie's saliva.
"Where do you want to come, Daddy?" she whispered. "Whatever you want. I'll swallow your cum, I'll let you shoot on my face or you can give me a pearl necklace. I'll take your cum any way you want."
"Which do you prefer?" I asked in a choked voice.
"If it's up to me, I usually swallow," she said, giving my cock a good lick. "I looooove the taste of cum. There's nothing like it in the whole world. Although there are times when I like a good facial."
"You are a nasty little girl," I said.
"I get it from you," she said, then swooped down and devoured my cock again.
This time, she went at me with purpose, working her head up and down while her hand rhythmically squeezed the base of my cock.
I could feel the iron tingle of a huge cumshot boiling over in my scrotum, and I instinctively put my hand on the back of Lorrie's head to better control her movements. My hips were thrusting up, trying to drive as much of my dick into her mouth as she could take.
Lorrie was humming and I was groaning as I reached the peak. What finally set me off was when I glanced down and saw Lorrie briskly strumming her pussy with her free hand. I gasped as the flow of cum shot out the end of my cock and bathed my daughter's throat.
I shot a succession of deep cumshots into Lorrie's stomach, and her throat muscles worked expertly to milk my cock of every drop of precious cum. As I came, I could see her body shiver as she worked herself into a nice little orgasm.
Finally, I was done, and I collapsed back on the sofa, while Lorrie fell back on her haunches, her chest heaving with her exertions. I nearly got hard again when she smacked her lips in obvious relish, but the truth is, my cock was pretty depleted from the workout it had gotten over the previous two days.
"I can't wait for you to fuck me, Daddy," she panted.
"Me too, sweetheart, me too," I said with a fair amount of frustration.
We decided later that day that we wouldn't sleep together until we were ready to consummate our lust. I don't think either of us trusted ourselves to avoid fucking if we were lying together naked.
Still, the next three weeks passed quite quickly. Lorrie stayed busy with school, and I was in a particularly busy stretch at my work.
We did manage to have about a half-dozen sessions in front of the computer, where we watched each other masturbate. I found I got a huge thrill out of stroking my cock for an attentive audience, and I loved watching my darling daughter use her fingers on herself.
We surfed the Internet for all sorts of nasty stuff to stimulate our lust, and I discovered that Lorrie had a wicked imagination. She wasn't as keen on visuals as I was, but she loved erotic stories, especially incest stories involving young daughters and older fathers.
She'd click through a succession of hot tales while we worked our hands on ourselves mostly, but occasionally, we did each other.
Finally, we came to the long-awaited day when Lorrie went to see the gynecologist, and she came home beaming, with a full prescription for contraceptives.
The next day was Saturday, and lucky for us, it was raining hard, so we had a good excuse to stay home. After coffee, Lorrie sat naked at the computer and got us ready to go. I sat down in my chair, equally naked, and let her run the show.
My cock began to throb as she worked us through a series of video clips of young girls fucking older men, first one-on-one, then in groups.
My cock was like iron as I softly stroked it up and down while Lorrie worked the mouse with one hand and her pussy with the other.
We looked over at each other and slowly came together in a searing kiss, our tongues slashing together and our lips working together hungrily. Instinctively, our hands migrated to the other's crotch. Lorrie jacked my cock while I slid my fingers between her juicy pussy lips.
After watching a few videos, Lorrie switched to our favorite story site and pulled up a couple of her favorites as we slowly stoked each other's fire to a white-hot pitch.
At least, I knew it was time, and so did she. My daughter looked over at me with the blaze of lust in her eyes.
"Fuck me, Daddy, please?" she whispered.
I was beyond speech, as I stood up, pulled her to her feet and bent her over the desk. Lorrie's legs were spread as she arched her back at me, and I just stared at the juicy gash that lay open for me. Just to emphasize her need, she reached under her body with a hand, and spread open her lips.
"Do it now, Daddy!" she panted. "Fuck your baby."
I grasped my dong with one hand and aimed the bulbous head at the wet opening, and as I pushed my cock into her velvety hole, we both groaned long and loud.
"Oh, baby!" I exclaimed as I sank my cock into my daughter's hot pussy for the first time.
Lorrie was reading a particularly hot story as she thrust her hips back and sucked my dick in to the hilt. I quickly got up to speed in her gripping, clutching cunt, pumping hard, but at a deliberate pace.
Each time I sank to the max in her depths, I heard a little squeal from Lorrie, while I grunted hard with each thrust. I fucked my daughter with everything I had, every bit of experience coming to the fore as I worked my cock back and forth in her sizzling slit.
"Unnnnnnnnnnhhhhh!" she wailed as her orgasm began to gather steam. "F-f-f-fuck meeeee! Fuck me, Daddy! Oh God, give ... it ... to ... me!"
I had to hold on tight to her butt, because she was starting to hump me back with an increasingly jerky motion, her climax consuming her. The story she'd been reading was forgotten as we lost ourselves in the forbidden lust that we'd kept at bay for so long.
My legs were starting to cramp, and sweat broke out all over my body as I worked us toward a shattering climax, as the tingle in my groin told me I was getting close to an explosion of epic proportions. Squeals, gasps and moans flew forth from both of our lips as we fucked each other with wild passion.
It was Lorrie who got there first. She gave a long squeal of lust, and her body shuddered from head to toe as a tremendous orgasm roared through her body.
It was too much for me. As her body twitched in her climax, I felt the crackling rush of cum as my own orgasm boiled over. With a huge roar, I pushed forward as deep as I could and cut loose with a torrent of semen.
I basted my baby's pussy with at least a half-dozen really intense cumshots, filling her with hot, thick semen. Then I squeezed out another series of smaller shots, grunting as I kept pushing my cock deep in her cunt, trying to drain as much of my cum as I could before I disengaged from my daughter's pussy.
Finally, I was finished, and as my wilted cock slid out of Lorrie's cum-filled pussy, I slumped back on my seat. From that position, I had a close-up view of my cum as it rolled out of her dilated hole and down the insides on her thighs.
"Oh my God, Daddy, that was great!" Lorrie said as she slowly moved from where she'd been leaning on the desk to sit in her chair. "Can we do it again?"
I looked over at my daughter, who was now my lover, and just nodded my head with a chuckle.
"But this time, we're doing it right," I said. "We're going to do it in the bed."
I stood up, went to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for each of us, then we adjourned to the bedroom. After the frantic first fuck, I think we both wanted to take some time to play, and that's what we did.
With our hands slowly working each other back up to readiness, we kissed languidly, luxuriantly. I took some time to lick and nibble on Lorrie's tits, and she returned the favor.
When my cock was back at full hardness, I rolled her onto her back and got up on my knees. Lorrie looked up at me with the most intense expression of love and lust I've ever seen on a woman, and she opened her legs to let me gaze at her dripping-wet pussy, the pink gash spread wide just for me.
No words were necessary. I simply leaned forward, put the head of my cock to her hot hole and slowly rammed my way in.
Our arms snaked around each other's backs as we kissed again, this time with the fever of lust. My cock was churning at a smooth, steady pace in her velvet cunt, her legs encircling my waist as she thrust her hips up to meet my incoming push.
"Oh God, Daddy, don't EVER stop fucking me," Lorrie said in a soft voice. "Fuck me forever."
"Oh, baby, you know I will," I panted. "I've waited a long time for this, and I'm going to please your hot little pussy for a long time."
As we fucked, our pace gradually got faster and harder, as our sweaty bodies slithered together, producing sizzling sensations of pure lust.
We were both panting hard as we climbed ever higher to another huge climax, until I was pounding her pussy hard, and she was taking everything I could give her and asking for more.
Faster, faster, faster, I fucked my daughter's steaming pussy until I felt the crackle of orgasm rolling through my cock. Pushing forward again, I clutched Lorrie's body to mine as I surrendered another hard, intense cum load.
As I filled her again, Lorrie's body stiffened, then she gasped hard as her own orgasm flew forth. We seemed to be transposing the sensations as our bodies clung together in the mutual dance of passion.
When I had given my daughter all the cum I had to give, I slumped forward and we kissed, quite tenderly. Then I rolled off of her, gathering her in my arms as we settled in for a long nap on a rainy afternoon.
Lorrie and I have been full-blown lovers now for several months, and our passion shows no signs of abating. We're careful to keep our feelings hidden when we're out in public, but when we get behind closed doors, we're all over each other.
Perhaps, in time, she'll want someone her own age, although she insists I'm all the man she ever wants. And I'm certainly not going to want anyone else any time soon. I'm happily fucking the best pussy I've ever had, which belongs to the best woman a man could want.
You can call Lorrie my lover, maybe even my wife, but don't call her my daughter. She became much more than that the day we finally let our lust run wild.
As for Estelle, well, we'd love to be able to thumb our noses at her and let her know exactly what she's missing out on. But we'll just have to be content with knowing that every time we fuck, we're sticking it to her just little bit deeper. |
Hotel Californication Ch. 04 | 31,790 | 4.5 | 551,054 | [
] | Even now, I'm not sure things would have happened the way they did had it not been for one simple act that seemed to intrigue me when it did. Perhaps it was also the fact that Charlie, for all intense and purposes, was both. Male and Female, in every sense of the word that made that final hurdle so much easier for me. Jumping into something that up until now, I had only thought about, considered, but never really saw myself as actually doing. Whatever hang ups, prejudices, or self doubts about my own masculinity, for whatever reason, seemed no longer important. Like Carol and I had long ago discussed, this weekend for us was about experimentation, self discovery, exploration. We had come here with an open-mind and attitude towards that. Maybe it would only be a one-time thing, whatever happened. But we'd already made that agreement to see, to do...and then take things one day at a time after that.
When Diane climbed between Charlie's legs, spreading them, and began sliding that long slim cock up and down her wet pink slit, as I said before, I was both excited and intrigued, watching as I crawled over next to the two of them. I gently wrapped my hand around Charlie's dick and began stroking it. And as I mentioned, though it wasn't a very big cock, it was damn fucking hard, swollen purple as the pre-cum oozed from her prick-tip, which I then smeared about the small little helmet of what she jokingly referred to as her "clit-cock". Doing this, still watching as Diane's Shemale prick continued to spear slowly in and out of that succulent cunt, hearing it...listening, seeing the almost frothy white juice Charlie was secreting as it clung to it was an erotic, amazing sight. Still holding onto her cock with one hand, I reached down with the other, quickly locating her female clit, just below the shaft I was holding onto. I pinched it gingerly between my fingers, pulling on it sweetly, rolling it, still stroking as Diane fucked. Up until now, both Carol and Jack content to sit by watching all this as well. Though within moments, my wife soon joined me, now easing down on the opposite side of where Charlie lay. Placing her hand on Charlie's prick, which we now shared, she simply looked at me, smiling...and then offered it towards me. Without thought, without any further hesitation on my part whatsoever, I let her feed it to me, drawing it fully and deeply inside my mouth, sucking it.
"Oh fuck! Oh my god that's so good! So fucking good!" Charlie cried out. "Holy fucking shit!" She exclaimed once again.
Carol and I now began sharing her cock together, kissing one another deeply, passionately, with Charlie's stiff hard prick sandwiched between us. Our lips meeting, wrapping themselves around her shaft as we traveled up and down along it's length, teasing her. I was so involved, so consumed by this, that initially, I didn't even feel or realize it when I now felt the additional sensation of someone now sucking on my cock. I briefly glanced down and over, realizing as I did, that it was now Jack who had positioned himself down between my legs, my prick fully engulfed inside his working mouth as he pleasured me deliriously. I simply gave myself over to the experience, in both what I was feeling, and doing. It was a unique situation perhaps, and one that I am still not sure I would have ever done or attempted, but given the circumstance, and the incredibly sensual, sexy people we were with, it felt perfectly natural, and beyond any previous erotic encounter or experience that either Carol or I both, had ever known.
When the time came, literally...I didn't even think about what was obviously about to happen. It had always been illogical to me, by my way of thinking anyway, that if Carol enjoyed sucking my cock, drinking my cum, why would I then have any sort of aversion to that myself? After all, it was me...it was my own essence, and why should I be squeamish about something like that, especially as she wasn't, nor more than I was for her licking her juice whenever she came like that. It was a short time after we had actually been together that I had filled her pussy full of cream, and then surprised her...quite delightedly I might add, having her then sit on my face, where I devoured her again, licking out all of my cream from her cunt. She had climaxed again, even more forcefully this time, informing me later, that that had been one of the most powerful, intense orgasms she had ever known. Just something about my doing that for her, seemed to enhance the experience for her, knowing that I had done so, without fear and without reservation. Like I said, that wasn't a problem for me, it would have been too illogical for me otherwise.
But here yes, this was a little different perhaps, no real idea of what to expect, though I was again not really thinking in those immediate terms at the moment. I was sharing a very intimate, erotic moment with my wife, the two of us still kissing, licking and simultaneously sucking Charlie's cock together, Jack likewise wonderfully sucking on mine. When Charlie suddenly cried out, her ecstasy and pleasure imminent, I was fully prepared for it.
The first spurt caught Carol and I both by surprise, watching the thin little streamer of white spunk suddenly shooting out the end of her dick. Carol quickly mouthed it, catching the second one, and then almost as quickly passing it back to me as I caught the third and forth very creamy shots in my own mouth. It wasn't so unlike my own either, a bit salty, and yet sweet in a way as I swallowed, now passing it back, though Carol's climax no longer as forceful perhaps, her cream just barely oozing out of her cock as Carol and I now danced around her cock-tip with our tongues, cleaning her up. It was here though however, that Diane now to joined us, likewise screaming out her own impending ecstasy, her somewhat longer slimmer prick now lurching, spurting, adding her own creamy sauce to the mix, which Carol and I again shared, taking it, rubbing her still spilling cock against Charlie's as we held the two of them together, licking and once again cleaning the two of them off.
My own orgasmic pleasure already well on the way, Charlie and Jack now slathering my cock together, the way we'd been doing, as I poured what felt like a gallon of cum down their two sucking mouths. It had indeed been one of the most intensely satisfying orgasms I had ever known.
It was well past three in the morning by the time we had stumbled back to our room. And though the sounds of the night had quieted down around us somewhat, you could still hear occasional laughter, the sounds of people still fucking, partying inside their rooms as we collapsed tiredly into our bed, and soon after fell asleep.
When I woke, the sun was obviously well up by now, though it wasn't quite nine o'clock yet. Carol and I had also had the foresight to have scheduled and ordered room-service for breakfast that morning, rather than trying to get up early and attend the buffet, though I wouldn't have been surprised to discover hardly anyone else there either. And though it had been a long, almost exhausting evening, I still found myself curiously refreshed, and magnificently horny, laying there once again with a stiff hard penis in hand, wondering if I should wake her, and do something about it when we both heard the knock on the door.
"Room service!" Someone had announced, though appearing to be a female voice by the sound of it.
I rolled out of bed, for a moment looking for something to wear, and then laughed at myself, reaching and opening the door, my hard stiff cock pointing directly out in front of me as I did. There was indeed a young petite woman standing there, with smallish, though very perky breasts, a small tuft of golden blonde hair just above her cunt lips, almost winking at me. A young man with her, holding onto another tray of pastries and coffee, which Carol had indeed ordered the day before. They both smiled, passing by me, entering the room and then heading straight out onto the deck, placing several plates of food down for us to enjoy at our leisure. By now, Carol sitting up in bed wiping the sleep from her eyes, and yet still looking sultry, if not just as horny as I was.
"Would you care for a morning blow-job with your coffee?" She asked.
And suddenly, that sounded like a sensational idea, which Carol quickly agreed to as well, as the two of us sat down, chairs facing out and away. Kimberly, the cute little brunet with the perky tits, placing a large comfy pillow down on the ground before me, now sucking my prick as I sat pouring Carol and I coffee. Pete, the younger man who'd come in with her, now doing the same thing in front of Carol, now licking and teasing her split, the two of us sitting side-by-side, table, coffee and croissants between us, and each one of us being licked and sucked all the while.
"God, does it get any better than this?" I asked, looking out at the glorious morning, the beautiful manicured grounds beyond, already people wandering about looking for new adventure no doubt.
"I don't know...kind of hard to beat last night, that's for damn sure!" Carol quipped, reaching out to place her hand on the back of Pete's head, pressing him a bit more firmly against herself as he drew my wife's clit between his lips, gently chewing and sucking it. "But this aint half bad either," she giggled hotly, enjoying it as she took a bite of her strawberry filled pastry, and then making an obscene display with it as she lapped at some of the whipped cream frosting letting it dangle on the tip of her tongue for me. "And it was fucking hot...doing that with you too," she added. "It was WAY fucking hot, and I am so hoping that we'll be able to do that with those guys again."
"Yeah, me too," I honestly admitted. And really hoped that we would.
"So, what's on the agenda this morning after all this?"
Carol looked at her watch. It was by now nearing ten o'clock. "Oh that's right! I almost forgot! I looked in the brochure we were given, and actually scheduled a cum-massage for this morning, it looked interesting."
"A cum massage? You're kidding!? What's that?"
"Oh she's gonna love that!" Kimberly quipped briefly removing my cock from her mouth. I try to schedule one of those myself every now and again when I can, it's really quite sensual and erotic, which I'm sure you'll find out. And damn hot to watch too, though you can certainly participate. Usually the more the merrier, and the better, which is why they usually set the table up out here, which I'm sure they will, just in case anyone else wants to drop by, which they usually do."
I gave half a notion to not coming, but then changed my mind, as good as Kimberly's mouth was, it was too much of a temptation to pass up.
"I'd like to cum on your tits," I informed her looking down as she now held my shaft between them, running it back and forth, over and around those sweet hard nipples of hers.
"I'd like that," she said.
"And I'd like to see it," Carol added to that, though she was already in the midst of having an orgasm as Pete continued sucking my wife's clit, now likewise finger-fucking her as she sat there looking on. I was soon pouring another delightful creamy load all over the young woman's breasts. Once they were indeed and completely saturated, I was again surprised as Pete now came over, standing in front of her, now licking them off until he had thoroughly cleaned them off.
"Is there anything else the two of us can do for you?" They asked.
"No, thank you. That was perfect, delightful breakfast, and nice way to start off the new day."
"Very well, enjoy your morning cum-massage then, they should be here soon and get things set up for you," she added, and then the two of them left.
We sat finishing our delicious breakfast when again another knock came on the door. Four men and two women entering the room, carrying what appeared to be a standard massage table, which they indeed set up out on the deck next to us, placing fresh crisp sheets upon it. The women were both Asian, very beautiful and attractive with their long dark hair, one with considerably large breasts for an Asian woman, and the other much more typically smaller, though I was taken in by the dark alluring coloring of their respective nipples and areolas. The smaller breasted woman's nipples quite thick and long surprisingly, and already firmly erect.
Carol was then invited to climb up onto the table where the two women then heated up some oil, pouring that onto her and began working it into her skin, one starting at her feet, the other her head, working towards one another. The four men, two on each side, now standing there stroking away at their hard stiff cocks as I sat looking on, enjoying this as they did that, finding myself suddenly getting hard again as well, though I wasn't sure how much I'd actually contribute to any of this when the time came. "But I'd certainly do what I could," I laughed to myself.
Obviously, these guys were hand-picked for their unique special abilities as Carol and I were about to find out, though not before being pleased to see Steven and Marsha emerge from their room only a short distance away, spotting us, and then curiously wandering over. Though it was indeed nice to see them again.
"Cool!" Marsha quipped, was wondering about getting one of these myself, now I can actually watch it before hand."
"Feel free to join in too," one of the women spoke. "That's in fact part of the experience as long as no one else minds."
"Don't mind at all," Carol moaned softly, just as the first one of the four men standing around her began to pump out what eventually took on epic proportions. I'd never seen so much cum pouring out all at once from any one single prick before, though this was soon added to rather quickly, as one man after the other suddenly began to erupt as well, my wife's body suddenly covered in thick streamers of white hot sticky spunk that almost entirely covered her from her chest down to her toes.
The two Asian women continued to go about their assigned tasks, massaging in all that hot sweet cream into my wife's body, though the four men soon after left. Marsha now jacking off her husband's cock, Steven taking delight in aiming it directly against my wife's juicy wide-open split as moment's later, he add his cream to the mix, dousing my wife's hard succulent clit, which one of the gals then began massaging more directly, working it specifically for her like that, driving Carol nuts as she did. Another couple passing by, stopping for a moment, looking on, and then likewise invited to join us if they cared to. Not too surprisingly he did, and though he didn't offer up much, no doubt as spent from the night, or mornings activity as I was, he still yet added a dollop or two of cream to each one of my wife's nipples before the couple once again moved on.
It was over all a much enjoyable experience to have seen and witnessed, especially when Carol eventually had one of her more liquid orgasms, liberally spraying her pussy juice all over the breasts of the larger breasted woman who at this point in time, was actually holding one of those magnificent beauties against my wife's cunt, actually masturbating her with it when she came.
"Whew, that was really, really nice! Thank you!" She exclaimed, and then was pampered again as the women washed and dried her off, a nice pink glow on her skin as she all but melted into full and complete relaxation afterwards. "Now I think I'm going to take a little nap," she informed me.
No surprise there. I would have too. But, I was now interested in seeing what else that this place had to offer, deciding to head on down to the pool for a refreshing dip before joining up with Carol later over lunch.
I was a bit surprised to find the pool area as busy as it was, though for the most part, most people there seemed to simply be relaxing and enjoying the morning sun. One or two couples sharing large float rafts together, though only one of those couples actually fucking as they did. Still it was fun to watch as I ordered up a Bloody Mary from the bar, and then sat back in one of the many available float chairs to enjoy it, again looking on as the couple fucked nearby. A young woman, simply passing by stopping briefly to fondle my cock for a bit, before moving on again, though I noticed she seemed to be purposely making the rounds, doing that to as many men, and even some women as she could before moving on again. It was just as interesting watching her doing that too as it was watching the couple next to me, though another man soon joined the two of them, and took turns with her partner fucking her back and forth. I was surprised after the mornings activities that I was becoming as aroused as I was, soon sitting there cock in one hand, drink in the other.
"Hi, good morning. Care if I join you?"
It took me a moment for me to realize who it was that was speaking to me, and then I did. It was Debra, the woman I had met at the table during the cocktail party, the one with the really big clit.
"Not at all, I'd enjoy the company," I announced quite happily, not at all embarrassed or shy about sitting there the way I was, cock in hand, all nice and hard as I held it, gently stroking it. Debra too, in her own float chair, though she nosed it around, now facing me, bringing it towards me, docking it with mine. Her feet soon after coming up in order to reposition themselves over the armrest of my chair, effectively making it easy for her to spread herself, her legs now spread widely once more. That clit of hers already poking out so invitingly as she reached down and began toying with it, almost as though she too had a cock, and could jerk it off much as I was doing.
With very little effort, we both scooted forward in our chairs just enough that I could actually reach down, taking my cock, and now rubbing it directly against that massive clit. We sat there, each one of us fondling ourselves, though rubbing ourselves back and forth against one another. Shortly, the three people who'd now been watching slipped off their mattress and came over. Asking if they could help out, which we delightfully agreed to. Debra enjoying a nice tit massage by the two men, while the woman now took over for me, taking my cock in hand, now rubbing it directly and with ease against Debra's clit as I in turn reached up, sucking and fondling this woman's tits.
"You mind terribly if I suck on that for a bit after he's cum on it?" The woman asked. "I've never seen a clit this big before, let alone sucked on one like this, and I'm dying to try it!"
"Be my guest!" Debra cried playfully, though we were both still enjoying the manipulation of my prick against her clit, though I was soon indeed spurting out a surprisingly large portion of spunk onto it, shortly after that. I soon moved away, though not too far so that I could watch, as the woman now bent over, standing there in the pool, drawing Debra's clit between her lips, my cum still clinging to it as she began lapping away at it with her tongue, causing Debra to bounce almost spasmodically there in the water. And then as she did that, reaching out, taking both men standing next to her in hand, placing each of their cocks inside her mouth, sucking the two of them together. She came, just as they did, the two of them shooting off almost simultaneously, Debra actually having difficulty taking them both, though somehow she did.
Thoroughly satisfied, if not once again exhausted, I decided to head back to our room, clean up, take a shower and soon after join my wife for lunch, already looking forward to even more afternoon adventures.
It didn't take long to discover that either. Much to my delightful surprise.
I stepped back into our room, expecting to find my wife asleep, still resting, but instead heard the sound of the shower running instead, deciding to join her as I entered the large bathroom area, that had a shower big enough to easily accommodate six comfortably. And that's when I noticed, she wasn't alone. There were two others with her inside there, both women, and since there was no need for any kind of enclosure the way the showers had been built, all three greeted me with smiles on their faces as I came in, though I hadn't seen either of the other women before, up until now anyway.
"Hi baby, this is Darcy and Jolene...our other neighbors next door to us. They're lesbians, so hope you don't mind if you don't really join us, though they said earlier if you came back early, you were certainly welcome to watch. I was more than happy to just do that anyway, too early yet after what I'd just been through to even consider getting it up again so early, though just the sight of my wife and these two sexy looking women already had my cock stirring at the thought.
Jolene dropped back down to her knees between my wife's legs, licking and sucking her cunt, Darcy now standing behind, fondling and cupping my wife's breasts while she did that. Carol was indeed in seventh-heaven, enjoying the attention of both women, who soon after switched places with her, Carol now doing to Darcy, what Jolene had been doing to her. I had always enjoyed watching Carol with another woman, and this was indeed such a treat, now nonchalantly sitting there on the bench seat across the way from the three of them, slowly stroking myself, without intention, merely enjoying the show as they continued.
With another bench seat across the way from the one I was sitting at, the three of them soon climbed out of the shower, still wet, moving over towards it. I wondered briefly as to what they were up to, though it mattered not as they soon slid into position, again...something else I so wonderfully enjoyed seeing, and which would no doubt leave me rock-hard, and seriously considering having another orgasm myself.
Darcy and my wife had slid easily into a 'scissors' position there on the bench, cunt to cunt, now grinding, humping against one another as Jolene eased herself down over my wife's face on the opposite end. Sitting there watching Carol's pink tongue as it slithered inside the woman's pussy, seeing her actually chewing on, and sucking in the woman's rather long delicate labia was hot as hell. That...and hearing once again the obvious flow of juices, which I knew damn well Carol was producing, as slick sounds became even more and more obvious. Darcy and Carol grinding against one another, clit to clit, cunt to cunt, my hand flying away, up and down my shaft like a jack-hammer now, every intention of working another one off, come hell or high water while seeing all this. I doubted I had ever come this many times, or in so short of a time in my entire life, but I was again constantly reminded of the new found sensuality I was discovering here.
And I was also in for another nice surprise as well. Darcy too, was quite the squirter as it turned out, even more so than I'd seen Carol manage to do in times past. Announcing it in fact, for everyone's benefit, though specifically mine perhaps, she cried out in anticipated glee a few moment's later, her words, decadent, dirty and hot, paving the way to orgasmic bliss, all the way around for everyone.
I had already seen four guys, and more...drop more cum on my wife than I had thought humanly possible to even witness. And now, here again...watching one woman, so thoroughly saturate and spray my wife from one single pussy was amazing. I began to wonder if what I was actually seeing was some sort of a trick, as just when I was sure she had to be nearing completion, there would come another, and yet again another of these long clear streamers of girl juice, pumping out, cascading down over my wife, along with Jolene as well. Darcy was literally and figuratively speaking, raining cum-juice down on top of the two of them.
"Hurry, come here, if you'd like to feel this," she said looking over towards me. "There's still a bit left if you'd like."
I wasn't about to pass that up, hurriedly standing walking over as she spun around on the bench, surprising me to some extent, actually taking my cock in her hand, holding against her cunt as she once again squirted one or two more, her juices bathing my prick, as she slicked it back and forth in her hand.
Carol sat up in order to watch, and then as Darcy finally finished coming herself, actually held it for her, feeding my prick to Carol, who now sucked it. Ok, so there wasn't much...I mean after all, but it felt fucking good nevertheless, Darcy holding my prick for my wife, Jolene still holding onto and fondling Carol's tits as she did that.
I was starting to wonder if we'd ever make it out of here to actually go to lunch. Though we soon said good-byes, finished my own shower, and then actually dawned ourselves in the soft terry-cloth robes we'd been provided, and proceeded downstairs to the restaurant.
We enjoyed a light simple lunch, once again met a new group of interesting people, and looked over the itinerary for the Lingerie Ball scheduled for that evening. It promised to be interesting, as I was sure it would be. More fucking than dancing actually perhaps by the looks of it, but that too was what this was really all about after all. A black, cock-tie affair for the men, and sexy lingerie for the women as we all came together out on the massive expanse of the dance-floor later.
I was also pleased to see both Diane and Charlie heading towards us after we had finished up with lunch.
"Make sure you save a dance or two for us later," they stated. And I had no intention of doing anything but that, already looking forward to it more than even I realized.
To be continued... |
Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 04 | 45,402 | 4.7 | 452,309 | [] | Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up.
For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and serene mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore.
One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends.
We were a tangle of bodies, Melinda lay on her side; I was spooned up behind her. Leah's body pressed against mine, her head nestled in the nape of my neck. Katie, Mimi and Geoff were on the other side of my blonde wife, their arms and legs intertwined.
Every part of me ached, and I was sure that the others were all worse for wear. All six of us reeked of sex. As we fell asleep, our bodies had been drenched in sweat and cum. My skin was clammy and stuck to my lovers.
And I wouldn't have traded that feeling for anything in the world.
I lost myself to that blissful feeling, holding my wives in my arms. Cuddling with my soulmates. Wanting nothing. Content. Happy.
When Melinda stirred, I kissed her in the crook of her neck. She smiled as she emerged from her sleep. Turning her head, she kissed me, her lips tasting of pussy. And cum. And love.
The two of us carefully extracted ourselves from the intertwined bodies on the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I shut the door, just as the morning's first rays began to shine through from behind the curtains. Melinda took her turn on the toilet while I started the large stand-up shower.
By the time I was done with my business, both heads were going, as were the body jets.
Neither of us spoke. Instead, we simply held one another as the water cascaded over our bodies. Our lips met in a loving kiss.
In that moment, the world consisted of me and my lovely wife. Her skin felt so soft against me. Her touch so gentle.
Our wives. Our children. Our friends. Everything else fell by the wayside. I gazed into her bright, blue eyes and lost myself to her.
Years ago, I took a vow in front of God and everyone I loved dearly that nothing would ever come between us. And through all the ups and downs of our lives, I'd like to think I have renewed that vow every day. Sure we share our love with two other women, but still, nothing separates us from the feelings we've shared since our first kiss all those years ago.
Her hands ran through my hair and down my back. Her touch was electric. No, I wasn't aroused. After all of the last night's fucking, I don't think Mr. Happy was going to be getting up any time soon. After all, I wasn't twenty-one anymore, and as the girls take much delight in reminding me, they're just heading into their sexual peaks, while I passed my prime about a decade ago.
Morning time is our favourite time to be together. It always has been. There's just something magical about starting your day in the arms of someone you love. Some days we make love long and slow. Other days—like this day—we simply hold one another. She tells me how much she loves me. I promise that I will never let her go.
Though our bodies were weary, we summoned the strength to wash each other, knowing that our children would be waking soon, as would our wives and our guests. Still, it was nice to share this moment together. That quiet, still moment of peace and calm. The one just before daybreak that enables you to face the day with a smile on your face and love in your heart.
"So what's up today?" Mimi asked. The kids were sitting at the table, breakfast on their plates. Leah was still in bed; Geoff was in the shower. Katie and Melinda were manning the griddle, whipping up stacks of hotcakes, bacon and eggs. I filled cups with juice and milk, making sure each of the six children was eating.
"You tell me," I replied. "You're the ones who wanted to stay a couple of extra days."
"We could go to the park, Daddy," Bryan said, his mouth stuffed with pancakes.
"Yes, we could," I laughed. He smiled, very proud of himself.
"I need to go down to school for a little while. I forgot about a department meeting we're having at eleven." Even though the primary schools had just gotten out, the university was in the middle of one of its summer sessions, and Melinda's duties as department chair necessitated her being available more than some of the other professors. "Why don't you guys come down to campus? We can get something to eat and let the kids play outside."
"That's a great idea," Mimi said.
"It sure is," I quickly agreed. "It's going to be a nice halter-top day, too."
All three women rolled their eyes at me. I just laughed.
After everyone was fed and dressed, the twelve of us piled into two cars and drove down to the university. Melinda went to her meeting while the rest of us took a leisurely stroll around the campus. It was warm, but not hot. Not too humid. I think the late spring/early summer time is the reason why I love North Carolina.
Geoff and I did our share of ogling the college girls who were out in force and enjoying one of those perfect Carolina days. Although the campus was less crowded than in the Fall or Spring semesters, there were still enough kids around to make it worth our while.
We caught a quick lunch in one of the dining halls, which is quite a trick with six kids, four of them being under three years old. Then it was back home for another lazy afternoon. Even after the whole weekend together, the children seemed to be getting along fine. There was no little kid drama; it helped that they could pair off so no one felt excluded.
The little ones nodded off in the car on the way home for their afternoon nap. We carried them inside and up to their beds. Geoff and Mimi cuddled up on the downstairs couch as Kaylee and Tiffany started up a game of Mario Kart.
"We need to talk," Leah whispered in my ear, her teeth nibbling on the lobe. I looked around and saw that my other two wives had disappeared. Steeling a glance over at our guests, I saw Mimi's eyes were closed. Geoff's were glazed over. I guess we had worn them out, too.
I followed my wife up the steps to our bedroom. Katie and Melinda were sitting on the bed.
Immediately, I knew something was up.
The last time the girls had conspired like this without me, we ended up making four babies. I felt like a lamb being led to slaughter.
For the record, I know who runs my household. I'll give you a hint: It's not me. To their credit, the girls do a good job of making me think that a lot of the things that go on are my idea or that I have some input. I have no illusions about how things go, and in terms of the day to day operations or when a project comes up, I run the show, but in reality, they're in charge.
If there's a guy out there who says he's the true head of his household, he's lying.
You know what they say: If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
That's our house. Only there are three Mamas I've got to keep happy.
"Sit down." Melinda patted the bed next to her. I climbed over my wife as Katie snuggled up to my other shoulder. Leah sat down. All three girls shared a predatory smile.
"What's up?" I asked.
The girls paused for a moment. As she usually does, Melinda spoke for the trio.
"Beloved, you know how much we love you, right?" she began. That's always a bad sign when they start that way. "Well . . . We've been talking . . . And we want to make our arrangements with Geoff and Mimi a little more . . . permanent."
My eyes got wide.
"We like them," she continued. "We *really* like them. And they like us, too."
"Do they know about this?"
"Mimi does, Tiger," Katie purred. "Geoff . . . well, he'll go along with it because Mimi will tell him to."
"You've been planning this from the beginning." That wasn't really a question.
"We wanted to see how this weekend was going to go first," Leah said diplomatically. The girls all exchanged a glance. "Remember when we first started talking about this . . . you know, bringing in another couple? Well, we thought Mimi and Geoff would be perfect since you don't go for some of the things they do."
"You mean some of the things Geoff does," I interrupted.
"Um, yeah," Leah blushed.
Katie slipped her hand into mine. "We love you, but over the past couple of days . . . we've had some wild times with Geoff . . . and we don't want to stop. At least not right now. Maybe the novelty will wear off . . ."
I snorted.
"It might," my redheaded wife said sheepishly.
"We talked to Mimi and Geoff separately and together," Melinda brought us back on track. "They're on board. Our original deal was for one weekend. Which we extended a couple of extra days but will end on Wednesday morning when they leave. We want a running extra-marital relationship with both of them. No other partners for them or for us. And no jealousy."
Leave it to my wives to have already planned this out. Who was I to argue?
"You must really like making Geoff your bitch," I said. The four of us already knew what my answer was going to be.
"We do," Katie smiled. "My love, the decision is yours. If you say 'no', we'll be fine with that. We just want them for the sex. Nothing more."
"And if I say 'yes'?"
"Then you get to bang Yesmine Williamson whenever you want," Leah purred.
"But what if I want to watch *you* bang Yesmine Williamson?"
"We'll do anything for you; you know that. Hell, we'll even let you fuck Geoff if that will make your day," Melinda said and the four of us laughed.
I pulled the three of them close. Not sexually, just to feel my wives near me. I took a deep breath before continuing.
"I just don't want this to break us up," I said softly. "Remember what happened when an innocent, little redheaded girl was seduced by a hot sexy brunette, a blonde with big tits and the luckiest SOB in the world? She and her boyfriend broke up and could never go back to being friends. I don't want us to end up like Katie and Carl."
The girls all drew in a sharp breath, like I had slapped them. Leah's eyes darkened with a tinge of anger. Katie's face became sad. Melinda bit back a stinging reply. My invocation of Katie's psycho stalker ex-boyfriend was deliberate. I wanted everyone to fully understand what we might be getting in to.
No one spoke for a long moment. I wondered if I had pushed things too far.
"We won't," Katie whispered, her voice laced with regret.
"How do you know that?" I pressed.
"We're not the same people we were eleven years ago."
"I know that, sweetheart," I said gently. "Listen, I'm not one to be complaining, but I've spent the last decade living *every* guy's wet dream. I'm married to the three most beautiful women in the world. We share everything, but we work because we're willing to talk things out and make a go of even the worst days. We've got four kids and four more on the way. We can't afford to screw this up."
An awkward silence fell over our foursome. This was the moment I feared from the first mention of inviting another couple into our bed.
Would it break us?
"We talked about this when we got back from Georgia," Melinda began. "We knew this would come up. Is it a problem? How do you feel watching us with another guy? Or with Mimi?"
Apparently the girls were united on this. Or at least they had hashed out their differences in advance.
"Truthfully? At first I wasn't that thrilled," I admitted. "It's hard watching the three loves of my life having sex with another man. But then I remember that I have *three* loves. I was jealous watching the three of you plus Yesmine suck Geoff off . . . Wait, I'm not done . . . A part of me gets a little thrill watching you with him. Because I know you're going to come back to me. I know you don't love him. And I appreciate that he's willing to let you do all the things I won't let you do to me."
I took a deep breath before continuing.
"More than anything, I want you to be happy. All three of you." Reaching out, I squeezed their hands. "If Geoff and Mimi weren't two of our best friends, I would have stopped this at the beginning. But I know that we're strong enough to weather any of the little storms because we're all in this together."
We all shared a knowing smile. Everything was going to be all right.
"Plus you're getting to bone the hottest girl in our class," Leah snickered. The other girls started to laugh. I pounced on my wife.
"I've been boning the hottest girl in our class just about every day since we got back from Disney World," I took her in my arms. We shared a deep kiss.
Two more bodies pressed against me. I felt lips on my mouth and behind my ears. Our clothes somehow vanished. The four of us fell into a familiar rhythm. We ended up in a tangle, our love enduring, our bond strengthened.
I guess now I had a girlfriend in addition to my three wives.
"You look very handsome," Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I'm going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie.
The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah's new hybrid Lexus sedan. It seemed that my five partners in crime had cooked up this evening's plans without me.
Somehow I found myself all dressed up with a dinner date. Geoff, Melinda, Leah and Katie were staying behind to watch the kids.
"Tiffany and Jeremy are used to Mommy having to go out with clients for dinner," Geoff waved off my concerns.
"And we'll tell the kids that you're going out with some of your computer geek friends," Katie added.
"Not dressed up like this," I pointed out.
"Just go," Leah rolled her eyes. "They'll forget all about you when we get out the new lightsaber attachments for the Wii controllers."
"When did you get those, and why didn't you tell me?" I asked, only half-joking. I hate it when the girls hide new toys from me. Interpret that anyway you want. I checked my watch. "What time do I have to be back?"
"No earlier than ten tomorrow morning," Melinda pushed a handful of numbered envelopes and the GPS into my hands. She kissed me behind the ear. "Open the first one when you get there. Now go fuck her brains out."
I managed to grab a handful of her wondrous backside. "Don't have too much fun without me."
"We won't," she giggled. "But we'll make a video so you can watch us raping Geoff. . . . Remember, we love you."
"I love you, too," I whispered. With that, I snuck out the back door and into the garage. I got in the one working car that didn't have a child seat in it: my Corvette.
The top was down (of course) and I pulled out of the driveway to enjoy a nice early summer day. It was right before the evening rush hour and traffic wasn't too bad. The GPS led me to a set of coordinates Melinda had programmed in.
As soon as "Gabby" (the Garmin) told me to get off the interstate, I knew where the girls were sending me. Following the roads up the mountain, I made my way to Asheville's historic Grove Park Inn. It's one of those places that's featured on shows like "America's Castles" and was built in 1913 as a resort for rich people who wanted to get away from the summer heat to the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Over the years, they've expanded the property and added wings and most recently a 40,000 square foot spa. If you're ever up our way, drop by and visit, even if you just want to look around. It's worth it, trust me. It still caters to people with upscale tastes. Every now and then, we stop in for the Sunday brunch, but we've never stayed overnight.
I pulled off to the side and opened the first of the envelopes.
*Drop your car off with the valet then go in to the lobby.*
Dutifully, I followed Melinda's mysterious instructions. The next envelope told me to have a drink at the bar. The third envelope had a magnetic strip key in it. The room number was written on the outside of the envelope.
The attendant at the front desk directed me to the newest of the renovated "club floor" rooms. They were set up as suites and spared no expense. I got off the elevator and went down the hall to the last room on the left.
At first, I thought to just walk in, but instead I knocked. My heart pounded for a couple of long moments, then the door opened.
My jaw dropped. Yesmine stood there in her full, beautiful glory.
Her hair was pulled back. Evidently she had spent some time at the new spa getting done up for tonight. She hardly needed any make-up to highlight her exotic, angular features. A slinky "little black dress" highlighted her considerable curves but left enough to the imagination to be considered elegant instead of slutty.
Like my wives, Mimi never tries to dress like she is still twenty-three. We're all in our early thirties, and while that hardly qualifies us as "old", we're parents and not young college-age kids anymore. Maybe it's just me, but I'm liking women in the "MILF" age bracket now and Yesmine Meadows was fully in my crosshairs. Don't get me wrong; I'll ogle a twenty-one year-old co-ed just like the next guy. But there's just something alluring about a woman who's more . . . experienced.
I'd like to think that we've all aged gracefully. Sure there are streaks of grey in my hair. I'm sporting a few extra pounds. The girls have a few more lines around their eyes than they'd like. We have to eat less and work out more to keep the Wii Fit from plumping up our avatars. Yet, I wouldn't go back to the drama that filled our lives when we were twenty or twenty-one for anything.
Instead I stood there like an idiot unable to speak. My eyes gravitated to the generous amount—but not too much—of cleavage that Mimi was putting on display.
"Hi," she said softly.
"Um, hey," I grinned sheepishly, realising I had been busted for staring at her tits. Can you blame me? "Ready for dinner?"
"I am," she didn't invite me in. Instead, she retrieved her purse and shawl from the table that sat next to the door. Her hand slipped into the crook of my arm as I checked the last envelope.
*You two have reservations at Horizons on the main level. Everything else will be taken care of tonight. Enjoy yourselves. We love you.*
Mimi blushed as she read the card along with me. The two of us walked in silence down to lobby level. There was an odd tension in the air.
It's hard to explain, but it was sort of like the first date anticipation you have the first time you go out with someone. Of course, this wasn't the first time we had gone out. Back in high school, she was my date to see R.E.M. when they were touring to support their "Out of Time" album, and we went to see Jimmy Buffett about a month before graduation.
Still, there was no expectation then. Not from her and not from me. We were simply friends. Not like Leah and I were friends; there was never any sort of sexual tension between us or deep undercurrent of unrequited love. We were just two kids who had known each other since third grade and wanted a date for a couple of concerts. After the shows, we went back to school and our lives went on.
Now . . . now, things were different. On top of being lovers now, we were going to have an ongoing relationship. At least that was the impression my wives had left with me. Maybe I shouldn't count my eggs before they hatch.
I gave my name to the hostess and she immediately seated us at the best table in the house. It was near the big bay windows that looked out on the rest of the resort. On the other side of the golf course, the view of the sun setting over the mountains was breathtaking.
Yesmine deferred and let me order for both of us. I had the Kobe beef filet and Mimi had the roasted spring lamb. I ordered a Bordeaux off the wine list that I knew wouldn't trigger my allergies. Nothing like a trip to the hospital to ruin a romantic evening, right? I think we both needed something to loosen us up a little and a little alcohol always helps.
"So whose idea was this?" I took a sip of wine and looked Mimi in the eyes.
She shifted uncomfortably. My eyes strayed to the diamond pendant that hung between the orbs of her breasts, but they shot back up when she spoke softly. "Leah's, actually. Don't look so surprised . . . She's quite the little minx. Are you okay with this?"
I took a deep breath. "Yes . . . I think so. What about you?"
Mimi took a second to look around to make sure no one could hear her. Several years ago, when Melinda, Leah, Katie and I started out as a foursome, we often did the same thing. We were wondering who was eavesdropping on our conversation. Who was lying in wait to expose us to the rest of the world. Of course, back in those days, we didn't have kids to worry about, but nor were we as secure in our relationship as we are now.
For Yesmine, I could tell this was going to be different. Until the Friday before, neither she nor Geoff had ever been with anyone else. Now, only three days later, we were talking about taking lovers who were not our spouses. On top of all that, there was the remote possibility that someone would recognise her from her internet porn website.
"Geoff and I have talked about this before," she began. "Not necessarily with you and the girls, but about having other lovers. On one level, we both wanted to be the other's one and only. It's rare these days, you know. Look, I love Geoff with all my heart and soul. If he didn't want the same thing, I would go to my grave and never be with another person and my life would have been perfect."
She paused for a second to stare gaze wistfully out the window towards the setting sun. "You and the girls . . . you're our fantasy. Just as I hope we're yours. But I don't love you. I don't want to love you. My heart will always be Geoff's. I guess you could say we're using you for the sex."
We both stifled a nervous chuckle.
"There has always been something missing from our lives," Mimi continued. "Nothing we couldn't live without . . . but when you go thirty-two years and only have one lover . . . we just felt that some of the things we talk about and share in bed would be better off . . . well . . . well, if they weren't just fantasies that we dreamt about."
She reached across the table and took my hand in hers. Our fingers intertwined, and our wedding bands clinked together. In the light of the setting sun, the diamonds glistened. The white gold of her ring was radiant, as was the polished black coral of my own.
"Remember all of those emails and voice mails we've exchanged over the past three months?" Yesmine asked. "There are some things Geoff just can't do for me. Just as there are some things I can't do for him. You . . . you have three lovers. Each one plays a different role, and while I know that you would spend your life with any one of them if the others weren't in the picture, the fact of the matter is that Leah, Melinda and Katie complement each other perfectly. That's what Geoff and I want."
I squeezed her hand gently.
"I loved it when you and Katie dominated me." Her voice was so soft I could barely hear her. "I loved feeling like a cheap slut and dirty little whore. I loved the four of you raping me in front of my husband. But the real reason why I loved it was because he got off on it."
Her eyes flashed with excitement.
"I also like that you're not like Geoff." As much as I wanted to speak, I could tell that this was something Mimi needed to work out for herself. "He's the perfect father and husband. But he's not . . . how can I say this? He's not *strong*. He'd never order for me like you did tonight. Don't get me wrong; he's chivalrous and charming. But he's not assertive like you are. And that's what I miss. Sometimes . . . sometimes, I like a guy who takes charge. And that's what you do. In and out of bed. Not all the time, but just enough to make me feel like a girly girl."
"Is that what you think of me?" I shot her an amused grin. "Because my wives planned this evening out for me."
"I know how your house works," Mimi winked. "The girls have you trained well. But I also know that the three of them are at your beck and call, too. You have the *perfect* arrangement, at least perfect for the four of you. And that's what I want. At least on a part time basis."
Our conversation was put on hold as our entrees arrived. We ate quietly, each of us lost to our thoughts. We passed on dessert.
A part of me wanted to rush back to the room, but I had a feeling my lover wasn't quite ready for that. We took a few minutes to stroll through the historic hotel and let our dinner settle.
The sun had set, its last rays slowly vanishing behind the mountains. The stars were out and a three-quarters moon hung in the sky. We found ourselves walking arm-in-arm outside on one of the patios. The temperature had dropped a little, so I took my jacket off and draped it around my date's shoulders. In return, she snuggled a little closer, even resting her head on my shoulder a couple of times.
"Tell me about one of your fantasies," Mimi said when we stopped for a moment.
I pulled her closer to me. "I don't really have any."
She snorted.
"No really," I said. "Everything I've ever wanted to do, I've done. I've got three wives, each different in their own way. When we're together . . . things just seem . . . right. There aren't many combinations or things we haven't tried already."
"So for the past ten years, there's nothing else you would ever want to do?"
"I wouldn't say that . . ."
"Then what fuels your fantasies?"
My mind swirled for a second. "Making my wives happy. Giving them whatever it is that I cannot. Oh, don't get me wrong . . . when they said they wanted to join you and Geoff for a wild weekend, I jumped at the chance to roll in the sack with the hottest girl in the Ponce de Leon High School class of 1992! But there's really nothing that I can think of that I would say is an unfulfilled fantasy."
To my surprise, Yesmine started to laugh. "You are so full of shit. Your loyalty to your wives is admirable, but I can see right through you, mister!"
Her lips went to my ear lobe. "How about this: You want to stick that big cock of yours right up my ass. Maybe while my husband watches . . . Is that a fantasy you have?"
"Um . . . yeah," I stammered.
"Thought so," she giggled. "Well you need to think good and hard about some fantasies you have because part of my deal with Leah and the girls is that I would become your fantasy girl. Whatever you want . . . I'm here for you. Don't get any funny ideas, though; it's just about the sex for you and me."
"So let me get this straight: You're going to be at my beck and call. I can fuck you six ways from Sunday. Anything I want, I get. All with no emotional attachments?"
"I wouldn't go that far," Mimi replied with a sultry glance. "I wouldn't say no emotional attachments. We go back to elementary school, remember? But to answer your question: yes, I'm yours. No jealousy, no falling in love. You see, you're not only getting use of me . . . I'm getting use of you. And your wives. Geoff and I have never been with anyone else. Not until last Friday. But we've always fantasised about it. We've always talked about it. We're using you as much as you all are using us."
Her hand tensed on my arm. I could feel her shaking.
"Me giving myself to you and Katie was the beginning," she said softly. "There's so much more Geoff and I want. For just you and me. And Geoff and Katie. And me and Leah. And everything in between. If it's okay with you, this weekend was the first step in a journey for all six of us."
"Does it worry you where this journey might take us? I mean . . . you had your 'one and only' and now . . . now . . . are you sure you wanted to open Pandora's box?
"It's too late for that now," she replied. "It was too late when you and Leah lay Geoff and I down on your bed and made love to us. The only question now is how far are we willing to go?"
My palms were sweating. My cock was about to burst from my pants. My breaths came in short, rapid pulses.
"Let's go make love," she whispered in my ear. Her breath sent a chill down my spine. The command in Yesmine's voice was distinctly different from the submission in Amira's. There was an underlying tone of seduction, excitement and desire.
My heart raced at her touch. I felt giddy, like I was eighteen again.
I led her back to the room. When we got to the door, she slipped the key through the slot then pushed it open, but didn't enter. Yesmine looked at me expectantly. After a moment's hesitation, I scooped her into my arms and stepped over the threshold.
There were candles lit throughout the living area, the bedroom and the bathroom. I started back towards the bedroom, but Mimi whispered in my ear, "Chair."
Setting her gently in the plush lounger, Yesmine surprised me by standing. Bewildered, I let her push me down as she fell to her knees. Neither of us spoke as she opened my belt and zipper. She drew my cock out of the slit of my boxers. It hardened in her able grasp.
Her mouth enveloped the head of my cock. My hands gripped the armrests, my knuckles turning white. With an expert touch, stroked my tumescent sex as her lips worked up and down my shaft.
"Oh, god, that feels so good," I moaned.
Through hooded eyes, I saw the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile. Still, she never let up. Her head bobbed up and down on my lap, although I could tell she wasn't going for broke.
Instead, she was getting me hard for a good long fuck. I just didn't know how long I was going to last. I wasn't eighteen anymore, after all.
Each time she brought me close to orgasm, she backed down just before I went off in her mouth. I wanted to reciprocate, but whenever I tried to get her to swap positions, she stopped me, either by taking my whole cock down her throat or pushing me gently back into the soft cushions.
My eyes rolled back into my head, when I felt her mouth leave my cock for the first time in what seemed like eternity. Her hand stroked the length of my shaft.
"What do you want to do right now?"
"Cum in your mouth," I blurted out.
"I don't think so," that sultry tone was back in her voice.
She began to stroke my cock a little bit faster. Her lips brushed the slit. Her teeth raked the soft underside.
It took every ounce of will power I possessed not to put my hands on the back of her head and thrust upwards into her mouth at the same time.
The room was filled with the sounds of my moans and Mimi slurping on my cock.
When my toes started to tingle, I knew I was in trouble. She never stopped. This time, she didn't back down. She alternated between her hand and her mouth.
"Cum for me," she coaxed. "I want you to cum hard . . . shoot it all over me . . .give me that cum . . ."
It didn't register in my mind that as long as she was talking, she wasn't sucking until I felt the head of my cock explode.
I could barely see through the slits of my eyes as Mimi pointed my cock right at her face. Her eyes closed reflexively as the first strands shot out.
"Fuck!" I shouted, unable to stop myself from cumming. Unwilling to stop.
After my orgasm subsided, it took me several long moments for the room to stop spinning. Mimi was still on her knees in front of me.
She absently stroked my cock to keep my hard-on from slipping away. Drops of cum covered her cheeks, nose and forehead.
Smiling perniciously, she let me stare at her through disbelieving eyes. I drank in the sight; she was a real, live porn star covered in *my* cum. Several ragged breaths later, I finally found the strength to speak.
"Thank you," I croaked.
"Did you like that?" she snickered.
I only nodded.
"Do your wives let you do that? Cum all over their faces?"
"No," I moaned. They thought it was gross and something that was only done for the sake of porn videos. The only time I ever came on any of their faces was either by accident or if they were giving me a double (or triple) blow job and my head wasn't in someone's mouth. Never mind that on occasion one of them would let loose with a mind-blowing, scream-and-wake-the-neighbours orgasm that would cause her to squirt, but usually they like me to cum on their chest or ass if I wasn't going to shoot off inside them.
"Well you can cum on my face any time," she said, licking my cock once more. Just for good measure, I guess. "Let's get cleaned up."
She stood and walked towards the bathroom, a little extra sway in her hips. Still shaking, I numbly followed her, leaving a trail of clothes along the floor.
The tub was half-full. Rose petals covered the tile and floated on the water. Yesmine bent over to start the hot water. Her exaggerated motions only highlighted her shapely rear end.
My hands caressed the round cheeks of her ass. As she stood upright, I unzipped her dress. She leaned back into my arms as my hands ran over her body. I cupped her breasts as she pushed her dress down over her shoulders.
My lips left a trail of wet kisses across her shoulders.
She turned so we were looking at ourselves in the mirror that hung above the dual sinks. Her face was still spotted with my seed.
"I'm your whore . . . your mistress, and that's with a little 'M'," she giggled. "And you're going to be my 'boyfriend'. While your wives are doing whatever it is they want to do to my husband, you and I . . . well, let's just say that I'm going to be wearing you out."
We both laughed. There was a nervousness undercutting our excitement. She turned back to me and wiped the last of my cum from her face, then rubbed it into her chest.
I took her hand and led her to the tub, which was almost full. We shed the rest of our clothes and slipped in. She leaned back into my arms. I inhaled the sweet scent of her locks. Her skin felt so soft against mine.
Soaking in the warm water, we began to talk. We caught up on our lives since high school. We talked about raising kids, retirement plans and other things that occupy the thoughts of people with families in their thirties. She fit comfortably in my arms, although I will be the first to admit that it felt odd to be holding someone so intimately who was not one of my wives.
I found out that in addition to her work as a lawyer, Geoff's pittance salary as a teacher and their webcam pornography, they also toured the country giving talks on sexuality to religious groups.
"Who hires you?" I asked, curiosity displacing my arousal. "I don't normally think of church groups wanting people to come in and talk about sex."
"You'd be surprised," she said in a rather matter-of-fact voice. "The appeal of us is that we pretty much portray the 'perfect' fundy Christian situation: we're monogamous, we've been married for ten years now and have never had anyone but each other."
"If only they knew!" we both laughed.
"Seriously, though," Mimi continued, "A lot of those 'red-state' people really don't know a lot about sex. That's why teen pregnancy in those areas is higher than in the rest of the country. They teach abstinence-only, but when their kids are having sex, they don't use protection. We talk to groups about sexuality, and how to have a fulfilling sexual relationship with your spouse that's not dirty or taboo. I think a lot of people's idea of kinky is with her on top."
"What's your idea of kinky?" I asked, but she ignored my question.
"We also use it as an opportunity to push our website, since we only feature couples and we don't swap, although some of the performers on our site are single and they do videos together," she finished.
"What are you going to tell them now?" Although I meant to tease her a little, this was a really serious question.
"I guess Geoff and I will have to talk about that," she said, her brow creasing for just a second.
"You could go over to the dark side and start doing girls and have gang-bangs," I joked.
"That wouldn't go over real well," she snorted. "Although it might also increase our site traffic, too. We've had a lot of people ask when I'm going to start doing girl-girl and DP scenes."
"Are you?"
"Only if you and your wives are willing to appear on our website," she replied evenly. "Neither Geoff nor I want any more lovers."
"You might talk Katie into it," I said. "She's the exhibitionist of the group. Melinda and Leah will say no."
"What about you?" she asked hesitantly.
"I would be more than happy to make all manner of videos featuring you and me . . . and maybe even Geoff . . . but they would be just for us." I gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed her right behind the ear. "I don't have any need to broadcast my sex life to the world."
"What kind of video would you make with me?" her hand began to stroke my leg. "Would you make an S&M video? Or straight sex? Or maybe invite one of your wives?"
"As long as it involves fucking your brains out, I don't care." My teeth dug into the crook of her neck, which drew an excited squeal from my lover.
"What's your favourite position?" she took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I began to knead them, pausing only to roll her nipples between my fingers.
"I like doggy . . . or cowgirl . . . or any of the three-ways," I whispered in her ear. "What do you like?"
"Usually I'm on top," she purred. "I love to fuck Geoff in the ass. I love to make him eat me . . . but I also like it from behind. I love to feel the full length of a cock inside me. What's your favourite three-way?"
Her hand had strayed down between her legs. My erect cock was pressing against her back.
"I either like to do one of the girls from behind while they eat one of the others out," I said. Mimi's other hand reached in between us and she began to stroke me. "Or I like to be laying on my back with one of the girls riding me while another sits on my face. . . . Tomorrow night . . . Geoff and I are going to spit-roast you . . . you're going to suck his cock and I'm going to fuck you from behind."
"Promise?" she gasped.
"Promise," I bit her earlobe. She cried out. "Put your hands on the side of the tub . . . Show me your ass . . . that's it . . ."
As she bent over, I rubbed my cock against the slit of her pussy. In the soft candlelight, she watched as I placed my hands on her hips. She bit her lip as I entered her, my cock slowly filling her up.
Gently at first, I began to move in and out of my lover. Her breasts began to sway with each thrust.
Our eyes met in the mirror. I cupped her breasts, holding her up. Her hands reached around, spreading her ass cheeks.
"Do you want to slip that cock in there?" she taunted. "Do you want to fuck me in the ass? I haven't let Geoff have me back there in over a year . . . When Katie put that dildo up my butt, I forgot how much I liked it. I'd let you, you know . . . the girls will never find out."
I slapped her backside. Partly out of frustration. Partly because I knew the only reason she brought this up was because that was about the only thing I wasn't allowed to do to her; that was part of the ground rules we agreed on before the weekend started. "You might not tell, but what if I tell Mistress Katya that you wanted me to fuck your ass?"
"You wouldn't dare!" The playful look in her eyes belied the shock in her voice.
With one hard thrust, I buried my cock inside her. "I just might."
There was no threat there, but I knew that between the wine we had consumed earlier and my own weak willpower, if I even considered slipping my cock in between her cheeks, it would probably happen. Better to stop it now than pay the price later. And believe me: my wives would make me pay!
"Turn the water jets on," I told Mimi. She pressed a button on the side of the tub and the jacuzzi nozzles came to life.
Very carefully, I maneuvered Yesmine so that a stream of water was passing over her clit and my balls. We both moaned.
She braced herself against the side of the tub. I started to pound my cock into her.
"Oh, sweet Jesus," Mimi gasped. "Why have I never done this before?"
All I could do was grunt. The water made the underside of my cock tingle.
Mimi's sex was like a vice clamping down on my cock. The water in the tub sloshed around as we found or rhythm.
My knees were going to be sore, but I didn't care. Relentlessly, I pistoned my cock in and out of her. She arched her back and stuck her rear end out, absorbing every blow. Both of my hands gripped the round globes in front of me.
Both of us were so close!
Yesmine came first. My only tip was the ear splitting scream she let out. With the water rushing between our legs, I couldn't feel her pussy contracting. Nor could I feel her warm cum flooding around me.
Still gripping her ass with one hand, I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. She let out a surprised—but satisfied—yelp.
I never let up.
"Cum . . . cum . . . cumming!" she shrieked. "Cum in me!"
Who was I to deny her?
My balls seemed like they were going to burst. I felt my cum pouring into her womb. The room started to spin. I don't know how long it went on, but it felt like it would never end.
Finally, I collapsed on top of her. My head rested between her shoulder blades. I feebly reached for the tub control and the jets subsided.
Still inside Yesmine, I pulled her to me then sank back into the tub. Her eyelids fluttered, but her big brown orbs were rolled back in her head. Cradling her to me, I pulled her close and waited until I could move again.
The bathroom was a mess. We had splashed so much water around, the closest candles were snuffed out.
When she regained consciousness, I pulled the plug on the tub, toweled us both off and led her to bed. I blew out most of the candles, but was content to watch my gorgeous lover fall asleep. My arms around her, we spooned up together and drifted off as the last of the candles burned themselves out.
All the while, I thought of all sorts of things I wanted to do to her. And the things my wives would want to do to her. And the things I wanted to do to my wives while they were doing her.
And how I was the luckiest bastard in the world.
I woke up the next morning with Yesmine's arms around me. Her breasts were pressed against my back, her soft, rhythmic breathing in my ear. She woke when I rolled her over on her back. We made love long and slow, followed by a lazy shower together. Mimi had a suitcase of my things Leah had packed for me the day before.
Breakfast showed up a little after 8 AM. We fed one another and talked some more.
"I think we need pet names," Mimi said.
"What do you mean?" I asked, slipping a slice of strawberry between her lips. She sucked seductively on my fingertips.
"You know . . . 'play names'. Like when Geoff and I are on video, he's 'Peter' and I'm 'Crystal'," she replied. She took a deep breath and made an odd face. "It will help me compartmentalise 'us'. The fact of the matter is . . . I'm still a little new at this. I mean, having a lover other than my husband."
"It's a little strange for me, too," I squeezed her hand gently. "It seems strange to say, since the girls and I have been swapping for the last eleven years, but adding someone new to the mix is a little odd to me, too."
"Does it worry you? You know . . . the extra-marital stuff?"
"No," I said, and for the first time, I meant it. "These last few months have been a whirlwind for us. But I finally realise that Melinda, Leah, Katie and me were meant to be together. Our love is something that I can't really explain, but it's real and it's complete. You and Geoff are probably the only couple we would even consider opening ourselves up to."
"You're not the first couple to proposition us." I set my breakfast aside. "We've been fielding offers . . . oh, since about Day One. But you're the first couple where it's more than the guy wanting to see his wife with another woman. Or two."
"Has that really happened to you?"
I chuckled. "The first one was a guy Katie kind of dated after she broke up with Carl. When she stopped seeing him because Leah moved to town, he moved on. Or so we thought. He knocked a girl up and got married a year or so later. Anyway, one night Katie and Leah ran into him and his wife at Club Five in Jacksonville. He was a little tipsy and pissed of that Katie, A) dumped him and B) wouldn't put out. So he tells his wife that he wants to see her make out with one of the girls."
"So what did they do?"
"Well, I think Leah was about to rip his head off," I said, remembering how my brunette wife doesn't like anyone laying hand on "her" girl. "But Katie called his bluff. When she made a pass at the guy's wife, his insecure side took over and he bolted. I think a lot of guys say they want to see their wife with another girl, but when push comes to shove, most of them chicken out."
"I'd believe that," Mimi said. "So who do you want to be? Andie and Duckie?"
"You're too pretty to be Andie."
"Andrew and Allison."
"I'm not a jock."
"Ferris and Sloane."
"What is this? John Hughes Character Reference Day?"
Yesmine laughed. "Do you have any better ideas?"
"How about Edward and Vivian? Or Winnie and Kevin? I've got a better couple: Han and Leia."
She rolled her eyes. "I'll have to think about that."
"Never underestimate the erotic power of a Star Wars nerd," I winked. "C'mon, how 'bout it? I'll even buy you the metal bikini."
This time she snorted. "You and Geoff would like that!"
We both laughed. That discussion wasn't settled right then, but it didn't matter. We finished our breakfast, then packed our things. Right as we were about to leave, I bent Mimi over the arm of the couch, fucked her senseless, then left a thick load of cum on her neck and chest.
Arm in arm, we checked out of the hotel and drove home in my Corvette. I told Mimi that we'd come back for the van later; we needed to get home to see how our spouses had fared the night before.
"Thank you," Yesmine said as we pulled into the garage.
"No, thank you," I gave her hand a squeeze. She tugged and tilted her head back. We kissed gently, ending the first of many trysts between the two of us.
When we went inside, we found all the kids were downstairs playing with Geoff, Melinda and Katie. All of the adults looked like the cat who ate the canary. The kids rushed out to greet us with hugs and kisses. I'm so glad to have children who are still young enough to believe whatever it is we tell them.
"Where's Leah?" I asked my redheaded wife. Her face was flush. Like the others, her movements were stiff from exertion. And like the others, she was radiant from the pleasures of the night before.
"Upstairs," she replied, giving me a playful swat across the backside. "I hope you saved some for us."
I pulled her to me and looked lovingly into her eyes. "Everything I have is for you."
She squealed with delight as my hands dug into her perfect backside and spun her around. Katie giggled and I sent her back on her feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Melinda looking on, her smile part amused, part envious, part libidinous. She winked and I knew she wanted to talk later.
Once I got upstairs, it only took me a minute to locate my third wife. Leah was laying on the couch in the living room. One foot was on the floor, the other over the back. Her skirt was pulled up, revealing her neatly-trimmed pussy.
"I've been waiting for you," she said softly. Her hand extended. "Come here."
"Cum where?" I unbuckled my belt and fell into her waiting arms. Even after having Mimi twice already and being jacked off in the shower, the sight of my waiting wife was enough to get me going almost instantly. It helps that over the past eleven years, I've pretty much had sex two or three times a day. As a result, even though it takes me a little longer to recharge in between cums, a decline in my sex life isn't in the foreseeable future.
"Cum here," she patted her belly. "Cum where you did to make this baby that's inside me."
Her arms enveloped me and our lips met. I groped her chest through her bra and blouse. My cock slipped easily into her, probably since she hadn't cleaned Geoff's cum out of her tight little pussy.
"Did you have a good time last night?" she whispered in my ear.
"I did," I nibbled on the soft underside of her jaw. "Did you?"
"Yes," Leah replied dreamily. "We fucked Geoff silly. He gave up at about one thirty this morning. Katie really roughed up his butt and Melinda squirted all over his face."
"What about you?" I asked. "What did you do to him?"
"I had him inside me while Melinda and Katie took turns on his ass."
"That sounds like fun." Sinking all the way in, we both let out a low moan. I've been in the middle of one of the girls's sandwiches and it's quite a treat. Of course, I imagine they were a lot rougher with him than they are with me.
"He's walking a little funny today," Leah giggled. "And not because Katie is making him wear the magnum plug!"
*Ouch!* I thought. Of the girls, only Melinda has taken that one inside her, and even then, it was with a gallon of lube and two smaller ones stretching her out first. I won't let it near me.
I leaned in to kiss my wife, but she pushed me back. A little confused, I stared into her big brown eyes.
"Do you love her?" Leah asked softly.
"No," I replied instantly. "Do you love him?"
She shook her head.
"Last night was very nice," I said softly. "But there's nothing there for me but the sex."
"What if I told you I didn't want you to have her again?"
"Then we're done," I said firmly. "You and Katie and Melinda are my girls. You always will be. The only people I will ever love more are our children."
She smiled contentedly. I couldn't tell if I was being tested, or if she was just curious.
We fell into our familiar rhythm. As we made love on the couch in our living room, I realised that our foursome was drawn together by fate. I won't lie to you: when I was in high school, I'd have given up five years of my life to bang Yesmine Williamson, but the natural "fit" I shared with Melinda, Leah and Katie just wasn't there. Mimi and I were still exploring and getting to know one another. With the other three girls, that connection was almost instant. Not only between me and them, but among each other, too.
I knew we didn't have long. After all, there were six kids and four other adults in the house and we were in the middle of the living room. Leah let out a joyous cry each time I bottomed out.
Our tongues intertwined. Her hands ran though my hair.
"Let me see your face when you cum," she gasped as I picked up my pace.
I pulled back and closed my eyes. One of her fingers found its way into my mouth. I sucked greedily on the tip. She tasted of pussy, probably because she had been playing with herself when I found her.
"That's it," Leah whispered. "Cum in me . . . just like Geoff did this morning. Just like you did for Mimi all last night . . ."
Her legs were spread wide and I filled her with as much of my cock as I could. My balls tingled and I felt her squeeze me with her sex. I let out a moan and couldn't hold it any longer.
"I'm cumming!" I clenched my teeth and let go. Leah arched her back as I fell on top of her.
All I could hear was the blood pounding through my veins. In my tunnel vision, all I could see was my wife's beautiful face. She bit her lip as I pushed forward with one final thrust.
A few moments later, I came to. Leah's arms and legs enveloped me in a protective embrace. We lay there for a few minutes, content to be with one another. She was the only one of us who could speak.
"I love you."
*There's one more part to our latest adventure, so hang on for the conclusion. Thanks to michchick98 for being such a great editor!* |
Hotel Californication Ch. 06 | 31,843 | 4.5 | 551,660 | [
] | Hotel Californication - Chapter Six
We arrived back at Diane and Charlie's bungalow, the anticipation of what lay ahead already thick as a knife. The sexual tension, atmosphere, extremely apparent. Especially since anyone that had one...had an erection already. Pouring us a drink however, we took the time to recoup from our previous exertions at the party, simply relaxing for the moment, taking in the sight of this smaller, more intimate group of people we were now with. Carol and I both hoping, as well as feeling, that it wouldn't be the last time we'd experience something like this with these guys.
Not too surprisingly, it was Charlie in her typically bold, horny fashion that got things rolling again.
"I need two nice hard cocks," she began, and then having already chosen me as one of them, which I was quite looking forward to, selected Steven as the other. Not at all sure at first as to what she had in mind, we both however quickly placed ourselves in position, according to her specific instructions. Basically ass to ass, cocks nearly touching, it was quite the sight to see as Charlie unbelievingly so, as she somehow managed to squat down over the two of us. And though initially I didn't think it was going to work, as tight as she was at first, after only a few minor adjustments, Steven and I both found ourselves embedded deep inside Charlie's cunt, side by side. "Alright, now...Diane? Get that sweet ass of yours over here!"
It was indeed interesting to watch, as well as to feel as Diane came over, easily sliding down over Charlie's stiff cock as she smoothly slipped inside the woman's ass.
"All right. No one's tell'in but I am say'in...now I need to be sucking that cock!" Marsha called out already moving over towards Diane, though no one said a thing, half expecting that perhaps. Bending over she began mouthing Diane's prick, Charlie of course fucking Diane's ass, and then Steven and I embedded deeply inside Charlie's cunt. The only one really left out at this point was Jack. But the answer to that came to him almost immediately. Bent over as she was, Jack easily slid in and behind Martha. And that of course left the only other person yet to join in...my wife. Good old Carol, not to be left out, especially now, found her own place in the mix. Walking over, still half standing up, she slid in between and just over Martha, now presenting herself, spreading her pussy lips open, to which Diane, still fucking Charlie, smiled at in seeing. It was an easy task at this point for her to now begin licking and sucking my sweet wife's pussy.
And then all seven of us, were linked up together.
The fact that Charlie's cunt could actually fit the two of us inside was amazing enough. But feeling Steven's prick rubbing directly against my own as we fucked her was beyond description. I had no idea anything could feel as good as this did. And Charlie was juicing us both quite nicely at this point, though I am fairly damn confident, the two of us were certainly adding to all that. The slick, sloppy...even frothy sounds we were making just added a choir of decadent delight in accompaniment to all the additional moans and groans everyone else was making.
"Suck that bitch! That's it! Suck my fucking cock!" Diane screamed literally on the edge as she cried out her pleasure right into my wife's pussy. Laying as I was, still able to easily look up, I could see my wife's face screwed up in unbridled pleasure as well. She was humping Diane's face like there was no tomorrow. Jack...Jack-hammering, so to speak, his thrusts deep, hard and fast. The sound of flesh slapping flash as he skewered Marsha's pussy from behind was the added base to this symphony of sex we were all playing.
I held on, and held out for as long as I could. But again the sensations were way beyond any previous experience. I felt my prick balloon inside, felt my balls almost implode and cried out my imminent release. I began spurting inside her copiously, knowing as I did, I was not only coating her lovely cunt-cave, but Steven's prick as well. He too must have felt it, sensed it, for only seconds after I began ejaculating, he too began crying out wildly, and then added his own nasty sauce to ours.
It was like watching dominos fall after that. Charlie squirting both ways, which she said later was a very rare occurrence for her. And though she could indeed climax both vaginally, and through her prick as well, it usually never occurred almost at the exact same time. Diane of course must have felt Charlie's prick throbbing inside her ass, likewise triggering her climax, which Marsha was only two happy to receive. Carol too of course, liberally spraying all over Diane's face, as she again cried out in glee, slurping down my wife's wet sauce as rapidly as she could. And though Jack didn't finish off inside Marsha, he had stood, rapidly walking over towards Carol, who'd already indicated to him a few moment's ago that she wanted to drain his cock for him when the time came, which she was now happily doing. He fed her his prick as I lay there watching, my own orgasm still ebbing in sweet little throbs of pulsating after glow. I saw her mouth fill, closing about his organ, and then allowing the dribble of semen to come back out, dripping down to fall on her gorgeous breasts. In seconds, Marsha was then sitting up, sucking and licking that off.
And as odd as it all sounds, we'd barely been at it for even fifteen minutes yet. I could only begin to wonder what the rest of the evening was going to be like.
With our frenzied lust for the moment thoroughly satisfied, it was kind of nice to just sit back, relax, laugh and simply enjoy one another's company while we all slowly recovered. Being with this particular new group of friends was not only intimate and friendly, but both Carol and I were finding a whole lot out about ourselves that was eye-opening in more ways than one. For me personally, I was actually enjoying all the eye candy I was currently looking at. So diverse for one, that I found not only sensual and alluring, but far more erotic and exciting than what I had ever seen in a lot of men's magazines.
Even Carol didn't have the perfect body by any means. Though I personally found her breasts near perfect for my tastes, full and heavy against her chest, she'd always thought her nipples were proportionately two small for them, with much smaller areolas than she would have liked. And though we were both fairly well toned from working out, she also had a large appendectomy scar that she'd (up until now anyway) never been real comfortable displaying, and thus rarely if ever wore a two piece bikini that would show much of it. And then looking over at Marsha. An amazing woman in my book. Older yes, certainly, but with that air of experience about her, a no-nonsense attitude and outlook on life. Gravity eventually catching up to her of course, but it mattered not to her, nor to anyone else either, as it should. She had large droopy tits, "fun-bags" as she called them, with amazingly thick long nipples that she loved having them played with. Which Jack was currently doing at the moment, sitting next to her on the couch, casually enjoying a glass of wine, his hand at the moment gently rolling and teasing one of her tits as she just as casually sipped on her drink, and fondled his somewhat floppy prick though I noticed it was already starting to firm up. Just as mine was.
And what more can I say about Diane? She was to me a woman in every sense of the word. She truly was gorgeous, her tits near perfect, her face a sculptured beauty that truly showed off her femininity. Had it not been for her long slim cock currently dangling down between her legs, as reminded that first night we had met her, there was honestly no way that Carol or I would have known. She and Carol standing near the bar laughing and chatting, though Diane was gently and somewhat teasingly running her fingers down through my wife's still juicy split. Again, more of an affectionate intimate private tease of things yet to come as they stood there enjoying one another's company.
And then there was Charlie. A man AND woman in every sense of the word. Smaller breasted yes, but her tits were perky sweet, sexy...with elongated nipples that constantly spoke of her arousal. And though she indeed had a much smaller prick than anyone else, it was constantly hard and erect, or so it seemed anyway, as I rarely saw or found it otherwise. She was like a kid who'd just discovered this particular appendage and thus rarely if ever left it alone. I almost think she held it in her hand constantly, fondling it...just because she could, and because it was there. Uncaring what anyone might have thought had they been standing around or next to her. Even now as she sat across the way speaking with Marsha and Jack and previous happenings at the resort, she continued to fondle the head of her dick playfully, though I was pretty sure she was very much aroused simply watching Jack and Marsha as they continued fondling and toying with one another.
Steven had taken a seat on the couch next to me. He too looking on, smiling at his wife as she and Jack continued to play. His own hand gently fondling his prick, that again at the moment somewhat flaccid, immediately reminded me of what it had felt like, rubbing my against his all the while up inside that amazing elastic pussy of Charlie's. That had indeed been an interesting experience for me, and I felt my own cock throb excitedly in remembrance of that. And unlike my own, Steven's prick though not overly large by any means, did have what I gauged as one of the biggest dick-heads I'd ever seen. Where mine was far more tapered, which Carol said was just perfect for ass-fucking, Steven's was this large, fairly bulbous head, fat...large and round, that was interesting to watch anyone trying to suck on it. It seemed to take more effort just getting that mammoth prick tip inside the mouth than it did finally swallowing the length of it afterwards. Without even thinking about it really, I simply reached out and over, grasping his prick in hand, curious to feel it a bit in it's current somewhat flaccid state, but likewise wanting to experience it as it grew in my hand too.
Steven was only too happy to allow me to do that, sitting back, once more relaxing and joining in on conversation as I slow-stroked his prick up and down, enjoying the contact and sensation as my fingers and hand rolled up and over that massive head of his, before squeezing it just a bit, eliciting a nice dew-drop of precum before skinning back down his rapidly growing shaft.
Maybe it was just suddenly looking over and seeing what I was doing that garnered her immediate attention. But Charlie stood, now walking over, and then kneeling down on the floor there in front of where Steven was sitting.
"I love watching that," she said hotly. "Just something about two men comfortable enough to play with one another like that," she moaned softly, still fondling her own cock looking on. "And he really does have one hell of a big fucking prick-head doesn't he?" She commented, only then leaning forward a bit, her tongue snaking out to lick at it as I found myself feeding it to her.
"Come here Brian. Get down here and help me lick this bad-boy," Charlie told me, now trying to fit her mouth around that steely-hard looking head, which appeared seemingly impossible at the moment, though she soon succeeded in doing so. Her statement however quickly drawing everyone's attention towards us, especially my wife as she sauntered over, now standing near by with a big shit-eating grin on her face.
"Yeah baby, suck and lick it for me, I want to watch you doing that," Carol moaned softly.
Steven had stood, the two of us now kneeling there in front of him, each of us with a hand on his prick, my mouth slowly licking and teasing up and down one side of his now very hard cock, and Charlie doing the same to the other side. The two of us periodically kissing, or at least trying to, with his prick sandwiched between us. All around, the sound of murmuring pleasured approvals, the escalation of breath, sounds of others likewise touching again, stroking, playing as our intimate little group gathered around simply to watch.
I wasn't at all surprised when Diane decided to join us, or rather join me. Sitting down next to me there on the floor, she began stroking and playing with my prick as Charlie and I continued to lap, and lick...occasionally feeding one another Steven's prick as we alternately sucked on it. And I of course too...found it next to impossible to fully fit that massive dick head of his inside my own mouth, though just as she had done, eventually succeeding.
"Fuck that's hot baby!" Carol groaned loudly, though looking up and towards her now, I also had to believe that had something to do with the fact that Marsha was standing behind her, rubbing her massive tits against my wife's back, her hand somewhere down between her legs, obviously finger-fucking her.
Eventually Jack moved over to now stand in front of the three of us. Charlie taking his cock in hand, placing it tip to tip against Steven's, rolling and slapping the two heads together for a moment, and then once again somehow managing to fit, not all...but most of the two of them together in her own mouth. Once again, she offered the two pricks to me, which I tried in vain to emulate what she'd done, giving up...content then to simply lap and lick away at the two heads now together as she held them like that.
"Oh fuck...I'm gonna cum again!" Jack moaned, his pleasure quick and obvious. Charlie's hand now basically taking over, skimming his prick a bit more urgently now up and down, once more pressing it directly against and around Steven's cock though I continued to hold onto it myself, still occasionally leaning it to nip at it a bit, though more curious now to see Jack climax, which he was only moments away from doing. Though so was Steven as it would soon prove out.
Without further warning, Jack's seed suddenly skyrocketed from his prick-tip, the first heavy streamer of cum drenching the head of Steven's cock in a near-perfect saturation of copious fluid. And this, quickly followed by another, though almost simultaneously perhaps...is when that Steven too unleashed his own sticky mess. Like dueling swords now, Charlie and I holding on, fencing the two squirting cocks against one another, watching them both spray, spurt and continue to coat each others shafts was erotically decadent in a very unique, inexplicable way. My own balls now tight, seeking their own release, though Diane seemed intent on making that happen very soon, though it quickly became apparent, that Charlie wanted in on that action as well.
"Ok baby...now it's your turn," she told me, still licking her lips after having thoroughly cleaned off the two slick messy pricks she'd been working on. I now stood, as she and Diane both now knelt below me, feeling their twin tongues as they began working up and down the length of my own shaft.
This wasn't going to take very damn long, I was almost there already only moments after the two of them began, though Marsha now too, seemed intent on being a part of this, the three of them now kneeling there in front of me, though Diane and Charlie took immediate delight in feeding my prick to Marsha, slapping her face with it, taunting and teasing her, at times allowing Marsha to mouth it, before torturously taking it away again, causing me to feel as though riding a rollercoaster of ecstasy that rolled up and down, climax moving forward and then just as quickly slipping away again. All three of them driving me nuts.
"Squirt on my tits for me baby, go ahead cum on my tits." Marsha now held her two massive breasts closely together, her fat nipples now being treated to a back and forth rub of my cock as Diane and Charlie took immediate delight in doing that to her. I called out, crying out, fighting to keep my eyes open just so that I could watch, knowing full well as I began to climax, that this indeed would be a good one. And it was. Somewhat surprised at myself that I could so soon, all things considered, unleash yet again, another torrent of copious creamy semen which began splashing in criss-crossed layers of spunk back and forth between the giggling woman's breasts.
I collapsed back down on the couch, once again spent, content to melt into the seat for a moment, though it was again still interesting, looking on as almost immediately, Carol came over, as had Diane, the two women now licking and sucking off Marsha's breasts, cleaning off the rivers of jisim I had just finished depositing on them.
At this point, I honestly have to say that I didn't think it was even physically possible that I could cum again. But even if I didn't or couldn't, I knew damn well it would still be exciting and arousing for me to simply watch and enjoy everyone else during the course of the evening. Ironically too of course, it was again the 'men' who were for the moment at least, out of action, leaving it now up to the four women in amusing themselves.
I loved the fact that Carol enjoyed exploring and being with another woman, something I could watch her do almost every minute, every hour of the day. She was particularly fond of "pussy-kissing", or "cunt-humping" as she referred to it, soon after leading Marsha down onto the floor with her, the two of them soon sliding into her particularly favorite position, legs crossing over one another, now resting in a scissors fashion there on the floor, cunt to cunt. They slowly began working against one another in this way, with again Diane and Charlie joining them, though more to add to the stimulation as opposed to interfering. Diane simply fondling and now playing with my wife's breasts, while Charlie began doing the same to Marsha. Hands and fingers only occasionally caressing, reaching down to touch, to feel...observe, though it was Carol and Marsha who primarily just lay there teasing and pleasing one another with their respective cunts.
I wasn't at all surprised either when Carol eventually climaxed, squirting her own female juice copiously all over and against the two of them, though Diane had taken the opportunity to dive down, somehow managing to stick her own tongue and face in between the women's legs so that she could likewise savor and enjoy the essence of my wife's slick sweet cream as she lay there enjoying her own little feminine ejaculation.
"Alright Diane, this bitch needs to get fucked!" Charlie demanded. "Come give me that cock of yours," she added to that. "And you..." she smiled looking on towards Steven again. "Time for me to feel what it's like having you sucking on my cock!"
Likewise laying down on the floor, Charlie came over placing herself in a reverse cowgirl position over Diane's body. Diane now slipping herself up inside Charlie's tight little cum-box. Steven had by now moved over, kneeling between Diane's outstretched legs, easily able to devour Charlie's prick now as he began sucking and licking it for her, while Diane slowly began working herself in and out of her friend from below.
Though still far beyond leaping in and really doing anything yet, I was still in a horny mood and ready for further exploration and enjoyments. Seeing that Jack was surprisingly getting stiff again, it gave me an idea, which expressed was immediately accepted by my wife and Jack, not too surprisingly. I lay down on the floor, Carol straddling my face where I proceeded to do what I loved doing to her to begin with, licking and sucking her cunt. Her hard sweet clit so tasty as I lay there teasing it, Jack soon after joining us, slipping his now hard prick fully and deeply inside Carol's cunt. Laying there watching it just above me, even feeling his shaft at times as it burrowed inside her, licking them both, capturing it with my hands to briefly suck the tip before purposely cramming it once again back inside Carol's pussy was hot as all get out.
Marsha wasn't about to be left out now however. And even though I was still pretty damn flaccid, the feel of her mouth as she slurped me inside felt heavenly. Rolling my soft floppy cock around inside her mouth still had a nice tingly feeling and sensation to it. And Marsha didn't seem to mind at all that I was like that, taking it on as a bit of a challenge perhaps, though after only a short while of doing so, she began raising the dead, much to my own surprise.
When I was in fact all nice and hard again, Marsha quickly repositioned herself over my prick, easily sliding down, capturing it, now grinding herself against me. I continued to lap away at Carol's sweet split, still enjoying the sensation of seeing Jack's dick thrusting and now slamming in and out of her pussy while still sucking hotly away at her clit. Marsha's well lubricated quim, bathing my cock in her own sweet essence, and again the sounds of our other equally engaged friends still having their own good time next to us, just added and intensified that pleasure.
And though he didn't cum much, nor would I when I did either, I could hear, and then see the bit of dribbled spunk that he tossed inside Carol's pussy, her own frothy mixture, which was in a sense a never-ending reservoir for her, foamed, gushed, and liberally began to ooze out of her cunt, bringing his along with it. She cried out, my lips firmly wrapped about her clit, sucking and pulling on it as she came. I then felt the liquid bath above me, Marsha too now climaxing...a hot warmth, though perhaps not quite as liquefied as my wife's was, still equally thrilling to sense as the warmth of her own feminine orgasm began leaking down, and now bathing my balls. I felt my cock lurch, felt the pleasure, not at all sure just how much actual semen I was depositing inside her, but it still felt damn fucking good, never the less.
I knew now however, I was done for. And it was in fact getting late. Exhausted beyond my wildest dreams, though so was everyone else, we decided to call it a night, once more heading back to our own room, where we soon fell into deep blissful sleep.
It would indeed be difficult leaving this place so soon, though we had already agreed and spoken about returning here again soon, and as often as we could manage it. And as we also found out, quite unexpectedly, was the fact that Marsha and Steven only lived a short half hour away from where we did. And even went so far as to invite us to once again join them, along with two other couples who they were pretty much exclusive with, and though older like them, the thought of doing so intrigued Carol and I both as we quickly agreed to do that, and soon too.
But at least we still had the better part of another day before we had to check out. And though Diane and Charlie had told us they'd be pretty busy with specific guests and activities for the most part, they again assured us that if we didn't get together again while here, they would certainly see to it that they'd both come by at some point for another visit back at our place. Carol and I were already looking forward to that.
After breakfast, there were indeed a few morning activities we could either participate in, or observe. Most of which were simple, yet sounded interesting, whether we participated or not, though eventually I...along with Marsha who again happened to come by just as we had, convinced her into doing so. Several women in fact had signed up for this, so I knew for me at least, it would be damn interesting to watch, taking pleasure in the fact that Darcy too had signed up for this as well, one of the two lesbians that Carol had enjoyed cunt-humping with previously. I was actually surprised at the number of women who had, some twenty or so, with the whole object here in seeing, who could in fact squirt the furthest for one, and the most copiously for another. There was even money involved for the winners of this particular contest, along with a somewhat cheesy looking statue, that was obscene, yet would no doubt prove out to be quite a conversation piece to whoever was awarded it. A woman standing, legs spread, hands obviously fingering herself, and this streamer of female spunk arching up into the air and away from her. Oh yeah, I could just see this particular little award sitting out on our mantel piece at home.
Admittedly, it was interesting watching all these girls lining up, and then one by one, standing around and along what was a huge bright red-green and blue stripped bulls-eye target, proceeded to diddle, fiddle, finger-fuck or pussy slap themselves in whatever manner would eventually get them off. A fairly large crowd standing around behind, watching, some likewise engaged, fondling and playing with one another as they watched, not too surprisingly I suppose, though I remained far more interested in watching the girls compete down in the circular pit just below me. One by one, most of them came, a few obvious real contenders here, three women in particular, one of which I was sure was a shoe-in for the most copious amount of female cream, though she didn't squirt nearly as far as another woman had, actually managing to reach the center of the bulls eye in fact. And then it was my wife's turn, as I and several others, including Darcy who had participated, but fell well short of the mark, cheered her on.
"Good luck," I laughed, not expecting her to do all that well, especially since she had has so many orgasms as of late. But I'd seen her do it before, a few times anyway, where she had totally surprised me with the oft times unanticipated discharge that she could produce. I knew I had seen one, that could, and would easily reach the center mark, if she had something like that one in her again.
I guess all women certainly have their own ways, tricks and means of doing something like this, and Carol was no exception. She briefly at first just fingered herself, at times actually jacking off her clit like a tiny cock, pulling on it...stretching it, but then switching to what was a rather rapid series of hard pounding cunt-slaps, something that never failed to eventually get her off. I had in fact enjoyed a few nice hard cock-slaps myself, a bit of a tingling sting to the pleasure as Carol so often, and so lovingly jerked me off. But watching her as she masturbated for me as often as she did, had always been a true and real thrill for me. And now, watching her here, in front of all these people cheering her on, was even more exciting and I began wondering, if the excitement and pleasure she was receiving in that, might indeed cause her to have one of her more remarkable squirtings!
Her hand was indeed rapid fire now, the sounds of her actually pummeling herself, almost drawing the crowd down to a hushed whisper, the climatic moment intense, the hopeful anticipation that she might indeed have a chance here. And then suddenly, her loud, long scream, the look on her face telling me at once, the moment was indeed here. And then sure enough, almost in disbelief, this sudden fluid arch of her female nectar spurting out, not so much in volume as some others I had seen. But it was without any doubt, the longest one...easily reaching and surpassing the earlier mark left by another woman. The blue circle of the bulls eye suddenly darkening, as one of the judges quickly looked down to spot it. And though three additional contestants remained, all fell far short of doing anything as spectacular, thus giving my wife one of the two oddly sculptured awards.
I wondered then if it really would end up on our mantel piece.
It was then the guys turn, and though this one I certainly didn't enter, there were several men who did, each one putting on a pretty good show themselves, several hard cocks eventually spurting, shooting more for actual distance than anything, though one man was in fact awarded what was given out as the special "volcano" award. And though he certainly didn't shoot very damn far, if at all...his prick just kept oozing and oozing semen forever, until a rather large pool of it had actually accumulated there beneath him on the ground. Even that had been interesting to watch as we stood there doing so. But there were also indeed several guys who I thought tossed a fairly impressive load, flying several feet in fact, where it was even then hard for the judges to finally decide who the true winners had been, eventually reaching a tie, and awarding prizes to two men who had truly impressed the crowd with their long arching jettison's of spunk.
It had been an interesting way to end our time here as we shortly thereafter returned back to our room and prepared to check out.
We had briefly dropped by, saying good-bye to our new found friends, Steven and Marsha, promising to call them and get with them as early as the following week. They had already invited us to drop by for a small intimate party with the friends they had mentioned to us. And Carol and I were indeed looking forward to that.
We next went in search of Diane and Charlie again, not wishing to leave until we'd seen and said good-bye to the two of them, though pleased and delighted when we stayed a bit longer than we'd intended to, ending up with a bit of a good-bye romp, me fucking Charlie's ass, and Carol fucking Charlie, while Diane fucked my wife in the ass. It was a nice way to end things as we drove home, laughing and reminiscing about everything we had done. And we'd already booked our next stay there as well in a few months, looking forward to our return, and a whole new group of guests. Though Charlie had likewise teased us about the fact, that another woman who was just like her, would also be there, and that the things the two of them were able to do together, had to be seen to be believed.
I could only begin to imagine...
\-End- |
1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 07 | 65,586 | 4.58 | 547,366 | [
"anal sex",
] | "Oh, I got the job, by the way," Tess cooed softly as she and Soo lay languidly in her sex-messed bed in post-coital bliss.
"Mmmmmm, that's good, baby, I'm happy for you," Soo cooed in reply, loving how Tess, her sweet, sweet Tess, was nuzzling her neck and nibbling on her ears.
"I'll let you know what the work schedule is when I find out, okay?" Tess added, cupping Soo's girlish-boob in her hand, running the tip of her tongue around Soo's large, thick nipple.
"Okay, baby, whatever.....," Soo cooed in reply, her mind not really wanting to concentrate on anything else right now but the horniness that was ramping up in her belly, between her thighs, from Tess's oral stiumulation. I mean, Soo thought in passing, even though I just got off there's not orgasm-limit rule, is there?
It was a Thursday afternoon and as happenstance had it, an 'off' afternoon for them both, no classes, no labs, no one else in Tess' house but them.
"Night stand," Tess instructed Soo between bites of Soo's nipples, "get the strap-on, I'm going to fuck you before my meeting with Dr. Willie."
"That's what I'm talking about," Soo said happily as she fumbled the night stand drawer open, reaching in and wrapping her small hand around the thick faux-phallus.
"Ass or pussy?" Soo asked as Tess slipped the harness of the strap-on around her waist, lubricating the dildo with K-Y, after it was attached.
"Ass, baby; I want to fuck your ass," Tess replied at the same time she flipped Soo over onto her stomach with a hand on Soo's hip.
Raising her ass to Tess as she got onto her knees, Soo's head lay on the pillow, her hands gripping the sheets of Tess' bed, her back arched as she offered up her ass for Tess' pleasure....and, her own, of course.
Soo and Tess were not a couple; were not exclusive in anyway. Had you asked either of them, both would have said that in answer to the question. Simply put, it was pure, raw, sexual pleasure with the other that kept both of them coming back for more.
Rec-sex; recreational sex, nothing more for either of them. Soo had had a few other flings with a couple of other coeds on campus since Tess seduced her on the night of the party. And Tess, well, Tess was Tess and had quite a few flings herself.
So, no; no exclusivity, just unbridled, lustful sex is why they continued to fuck each other. Not really complicated in the whole scheme of things.
"Tess, this is Dr. Pollard," Dr. Willie said when she asked Tess into her office, "She'll sit in on the meeting since we'll be sharing you."
Sharing me? What the fuck? Tess thought in the moment.
"I'm sure you realize that with the economy, higher education institutions have been forced to seek areas where cutbacks can be made," Dr. Willie continued, "and to that end, the powers that be in administration have approved an assistant for the department, the caveat being, that two full professors must share one assistant," Dr. Willie concluded.
Oh, 'that' kind of sharing, Tess thought to herself quickly. You are such a slut, Tess thought again after hearing the explanation, trying very hard not to laugh at herself.
"The game plan, at the moment," Dr. Pollard said as she picked up the conversation from Dr. Willie, "is that Willie, Dr. Willie, will have you on Mondays and Wednesdays; I'll have you on Tuesdays and Thursdays, adjusting that as necessary, as circumstances dictate, clear?"
"Yes ma'am," Tess said demurely.
"As I'm sure you are aware, Dr. Pollard is the department head for the Studies of African Culture and since her office is right next door, we'll both have easy access to your talents as our student assistant," Dr. Willie said further, picking up the conversation from Dr. Pollard.
There she goes with those fucking double-entendre remarks, Tess thought again, not sure in her own mind if that's what it really was.
"Any questions?" Dr.Willie asked Tess.
"No ma'am," Tess replied.
"Good; well you'll start 'officially' on Monday, in my office, but it wouldn't hurt for the three of us to get together before then to go over some basics of the job, of what we expect from you and what you expect of us," Dr. Willie continued, "What's convienient for you, Tess?"
"Well, I'm free tomorrow night or late afternoon, after classes, if that works for you and Dr. Pollard?" Tess replied.
"Tomorrow night, around six'ish, we'll order in," Dr. Willie said, sounding as if she was concluding the meeting, "dress casual and we'll get to work right away, working as we eat, okay?"
"Yes ma'am," Tess answered, standing, then leaving through the opened door, her eyes quickly darting towards Dr. Pollard who was holding the door open for her, the meeting clearly over.
"So, that's Tess," Dr. Pollard remarked to Dr. Willie as she closed, then locked the door of Dr. Willie's office.
"Yes. Smart young lady, very quick in picking up the bare-bone facts in class and able to expound upon them in essays," Dr. Willie said in answer.
"But," Dr. Pollard said further as she sat on the small divan of Dr. Willie's office, pouring tea for both of them as Dr. Willie joined her on the divan, "Can she really be that good of a lover at that young age as you claim her to be?" raising her cup to slowly sip the hot, herbal liquid, her eyes over the lip of the cup, showing interest.
"Experienced beyond her years," Dr. Willie answered her friend, and lover, Dr. Beatrice Pollard, taking the cup and saucer from Dr. Pollard's hands.
"You'll see. Tomorrow night. You'll see for yourself," Dr. Willie commented further while unbuttoning Dr. Pollard's blouse, then yanking it open, part of it pulled from the skirt waistband, revealing the firm, coffee-colored breasts of her younger, but equal, colleague.
"You'll see for yourself," Dr. Willie reiterated, leaning forward to slip her lips over the gorgeous, thick brown nipple, sucking it quickly into her mouth...............
Interesting lady that Dr. Pollard, thought Tess as she walked the few short blocks across campus to Dr. Willie's home.
One of the youngest department chairs on campus; she was what? Twenty-six? Seven? Had her PhD at the tender age of twenty-two, Tess believed she had heard when she started at the college a year or so ago .
Certainly not bad-looking, Tess thought further as she made the turn onto Dr. Willie's street. Her skin was smooth, almost flawless, a beautiful shade of Mocha. Tess guessed her to be 'almost' as tall as Dr. Willie, maybe an inch or so shorter; one-thirty'ish? medium-sized breasts from what Tess could judge based on the blouse she wore at the meeting yesterday. Loved her 'do'; buzzed, close to the scalp, African-tribal buzzed, big hoop earings to complete the 'look'.
Gay? Well, Tess wasn't sure. She got a ping on her gay-dar, and her gay-dar was never wrong, but it was more of a 'maybe? ping', a 'not sure? ping' Confusing, to say the least, for Tess. Oh well, she was pretty sure there'd be no play between she and Dr. Willie tonight, not with a guest joining them.
Tess dressed casual as Dr. Willie had suggested, choosing a long-sleeved rugby-type shirt and jeans; no bra, she hardly ever wore one at her age, and the thong that Dr. Willie loved so much, you know, 'just in case'?
Approaching Dr. Willie's door, the delivery driver was leaving, Dr. Willie still at the door with a large, paper sack in hand.
"Tess, there you are; remarkable timing, the food just got here, so now we won't have to reheat it. Hope Chinese is alright with you?" Dr. Willie said, stepping back to allow Tess to pass, to enter her house.
"Love Chinese, Dr. Willie," Tess smilingly replied, her mind thinking of both Soo and the cuisine and proud of herself for her own double-entendre thoughts.
"I've told you; call me Willie, off-campus," Willie chided her young lover.
"I know," Tess said, her voice low so that only Willie could hear, "But, with Dr. Pollard here and all, well, you know...." leaving the rest unsaid.
"Not a problem, my darling, you'll see," Willie responded a bit mysteriously, piquing Tess' curiosity a bit.
"So good to see you again, Tess," Dr. Pollard said, taking Tess' hand in hers softly, a slight caress rather than a hand-shake or squeeze, her demeanor clearly less formal than at their meeting yesterday.
"And just so we're clear," Dr. Pollard threw out into the air, "away from school, please, call me Bea," smiling at Tess, her eyes warm and soothing, Tess thought, and captivating.
Bea's eyes were a mesmerizing yellow/green, clearly a sign of white blood in her gene pool at some point of her family's existence. So unusual was it to find in Afro-Americans, it captured, and held, your attention when you did.
"Thank you, Bea," Tess stammered out, " great to see you too."
"Well, let's eat and get that out of the way, shall we?" Willie announced, "here, in the kitchen nook and perhaps we can get the work done while we feed our bodies," she suggested further.
The food was to die for, Tess thought, trying hard not to seem like a piglet as she sampled from every box of the 'family-style' meal that is Chinese cuisine.
They were able to get the minutae dealt with fairly easily, the job really not all that complicated. Prepare tests for distribution; help with the grading of said tests, and varying miscellany of tasks. No, not difficult at all.
"Well, that was quick," Willie said as they sipped their after-dinner Irish coffees, expertly prepared by Bea, "I hope you don't have anything pressing that would prevent you from staying for a while?" Willie asked Tess, her eyebrows raised in question.
"Well, no, I don't actually," Tess answered, more curious now, wondering, now, as to exactly what Willie's plans were for the rest of the evening.
"Outstanding!" Willie beamed, "Well, you two go get better acquainted while I just neaten up the kitchen and all that rubbish," smiling at Tess and Bea as she said it.
"Bea, be a darling and open that bottle of Merlot we talked about, and pour some for all of us; I'll catch up with you two in just a few minutes," Willie concluded as Bea and Tess got up from the kitchen nook's table.
"A lovely idea, Tess and I getting acquainted," Bea said softly, taking Tess' hand in hers, gently pulling Tess to follow her to the entertaiment space of Willie's home.
Those damn green eyes, Tess thought as she mindlessly followed behind Bea, those fucking, mesmerizing green eyes.
Reaching the large couch, Tess sat as Bea opened, then poured three glasses of the excellent Merlot. Sitting at one end, Bea raised her glass to Tess who returned the gesture, both sipping as they stared into each other's eyes, Bea winning that battle.
"Willie says that she's extremely fond of you, as a student, as a new friend, that she appreciates your 'special' talents," Bea said, breaking the silence of the moment.
"Special talents?" Tess questioned, even more confused now.
"Do I really need to spell it out for you, sweetheart?" Bea asked with an amused, crooked little grin, "Do I really need to be clearer?" setting her half-finished glass of wine onto the coffee table before them.
Well, okay then, Tess quickly thought, smiling broadly when the idea fully sunk in, I get to pleasure the profs.
"Oh no, I'm very clear, now," Tess replied, her smile now one of excitement as she viewed Bea in a completely different light.
"Good, now sit closer to me so that I can taste those lips of yours," Bea replied, patting a spot right next to her on the sofa, "I want to kiss you for a deliciously long time, okay?"
"I can do that," Tess replied as she slid closer to Bea, her horny motor having been switched on now, finishing her wine quickly before moving.
Fuck, I really am such a slut, Tess thought to herself as her lips neared Bea's; thought it and, as always, was okay with that view of herself.
Slipping her hand behind Bea's head, Tess pulled them closer together, feeling a jolt of electricity when her lips first touched Bea's, that, along with a jolt to her snatch at the same time. Closing her eyes as their lips opened for each other, Tess slowly rubbed her hand over Bea's buzzed head, getting hornier by the nano-second.
"Mmmm, taste scrumptious, sweetie," Bea murmured as she sucked Tess' tongue into her mouth, sliding her hand, at the same time, under Tess' rugby-style shirt, her hands drawn to Tess' larger breasts as if by a magnet.
Tess didn't reply, didn't want to reply, she just wanted to feel the heat of Bea's mouth enveloping her probing tongue. Mimicking Bea's hand, Tess slid her hand under Bea's peasant blouse, her hand finding and fondling Bea's tits quickly, their kissing making loud, wet sounds in the silence of Willie's entertainment space.
They are smaller than mine, Tess thought in a flurry of other thoughts as she continued to kiss and be kissed. B-cups, with large nipples sitting on raised areolas. Little bumps on larger bumps, she thought excitedly, her lustfulness taking control of her, of her actions, of her desires as it always did.
"Raise your arms, babygirl, I'm going to take your shirt, then your jeans, off of you," Bea instructed Tess when she broke their kiss.
"Ooooh, nice," Bea said just before leaning forward to quickly suck a nipple into her mouth, her hands unsnapping Tess' jeans at the same time.
Bea pulled Tess' jeans from her firm legs quickly, returning to suckle on Tess' breasts while cupping Tess' pussy in her hand. Sucking hard with her mouth on Tess' tits, her hand squeezing, rubbing the pussy in her hand with a frenzy of want.
"That feels sooo good," Tess cooed as she rubbed both of her hands over Bea's closely-shorned scalp, throbbing bolts of excitement in her belly from Bea's mouth on her breasts.
Neither of them had heard Willie walk into the room so busy were they in their foreplay. Sipping her wine slowly, Willie watched them, her excitement building quickly from the live sex-play before her.
"Getting started without me?" Willie's said, her voice breaking into the tableau in her entertainment room, "Can't have that now, can we? You'll both need to be punished, understand?"
Lifting her mouth from Tess' breast, Bea continued to rub her thumbs across Tess' nipples, her eyes burning into Tess' eyes, answering, "Yes, Willie, we do, don't we, Tess?"
"Yes, yes I, I mean, we, do," Tess answered after a short pause, a pause in which she wondered where this was all going.
Not that she wouldn't want to go, but she was just curious as to where she'd be going with these two, tonight.
"Upstairs, now," Willie's voice commanded, her tone not one that Tess had heard before in any of her trysts with Willie, and there had been quite a few of those with Willie and others.
Sure, she's had threesomes before with Willie, even foursomes, but, never in their light bondage sex play had Willie ever sounded quite like this, Tess thought.
Shit! Her mind registered, I'm the only one naked here, as Bea and Willie led her up the stairs to Willie's bedroom, her hands in theirs, a path that Tess had come to know well over these past several months. Sure, I still have my thong on but, seriously, do you count a thong as having clothes on?
"Here, turn around," Willie commanded Tess. Doing as she was told, Tess felt her hands being shackled behind her back, not a whole lot of movement available to her, afterwards. Willie's fingers slipped into the almost non-existent waistband of Tess's thong, quickly pulling it down, then off of her.
Afterwards, while she stood there, naked, hands restrained behind her back, Tess enjoyed, yes, enjoyed, watching Willie and Bea get out of their clothes. Both naked now, Willie and Bea kissed each other in a lover's embrace, their fondling of each other's bodies meant to excite Tess.
It worked.
"Over here, babygirl, on your knees, over here," Bea said, sitting down on the side of Willie's bed, "I want to see for myself if you're as good as Willie says."
Walking the few short steps to the side of Willie's bed, Tess slowly kneeled, her eyes focused on the prize. Leaning forward slowly so that she wouldn't lose her balance, Tess moved her head forward so that her tongue could flick over Bea's perky, aroused nipples.
Lowering her head even further, Tess ran her tongue slowly up and down the dark lips of Bea's shaved pussy, having to use her tongue to separate those lips since she didn't have the use of her hands to do so. As she busily used her mouth and tongue on Bea, she sensed Willie behind her and in a swift movement, she felt the collar as it was slipped around her neck, clasped, then shackled to her hand restraints, restricting her movements even further.
It was in that moment that Tess wanted so much to be free, to have her arms and hands unshackled so that she could feel, fondle,and touch Bea while her mouth and tongue tasted Bea's sex. The desire to do so and the realization that she couldn't because of the shackles, gave Tess a mini 'ah-ha' moment of the thrill of bondage. She had been restrained before, with scarves and the like that, had she tried, she could have gotten out of. But this was different, very different; there was no getting out of these restraints unless freed by her 'captors'.
And, she liked it.
Not being able to use her hands just made Tess redouble her oral skills to please her partner and, afterall, wasn't that the point?
Bea made it somewhat easier for Tess to pleasure her by sitting with her ass on the edge of the bed, her feet raised from the floor and propped on the side slat of Willie's large, california-king bed and her legs spread wide.
Feeling movement on the bed as her oral efforts became noisier, Tess raised her eyes upward, seeing Willie now kneeling behind Bea, fondling Bea's breasts as their lips were welded together in a lustful kiss. Bea kept one hand on the back of Tess' head, holding it tight to her pussy, her other hand behind her, holding Willie's head and lips tight to her own, their tongues dancing in each other's mouth.
"Awww, that is sooooo good," Bea cooed to Tess, her hips moving faster now, in concert with Tess' excellent mouth and tongue, the first signs of climax making itself known to her now.
Willie was now reclining on the bed, behind Bea, her head on a pillow watching, her eyes glazed over with desire and lust as she watched her student perform cunnilingus on her colleague, her friend, her lover. Willie, of course, had one hand playing with her own increasingly moist cunt while the other hand played with Bea's tits.
When her orgasm erupted suddenly, Bea grasped Tess' head between her hands, gripping it tightly as she humped, pushed and rubbed her pussy in a frenzy against this young coed's experienced mouth and tongue. Collapsing backwards when it was over, Bea enjoyed Tess' post-climax licks of her pussy with her head resting on the thigh of the reclining Willie.
"My turn," Willie said matter-of-factly as she switched places with Bea, her ass and legs positioned as Bea's had been.
"Now, earn that A+ grade you want so badly," Willie commanded Tess, "make me scream with delight, you little cunt-munching slut," Willie's voice almost a grunt when saying it.
Cunt-munching slut? Tess quickly thought, the sting of the barb quickly giving way to the thought that Willie was very much correct. Tess was a cunt-munching slut and accepting that as a truth, Tess closed her eyes and gave Willie the best pussy eating that she had ever had before in their brief, but moltenly hot, relationship.
Tess lifted her head and mouth from between Willie's thighs after Willie experienced the "mother of all orgasms" she had said afterwards, Tess' mouth awash with the juices of the two professors. Laying on her bed, her body still quaking and Bea leaning over her, lovingly sucking on Willie's breasts, Willie simply smiled in the afterglow of outstanding sex.
"Certainly an A+ effort, my darling Tess," Willie cooed lovingly as she and Bea lifted Tess from her knees, from the floor, unclasping, but not removing, the shackles around her wrists. Laying Tess onto the bed, Bea and Willie attached the hand restraints to the bedposts at the head of Willie's bed, restraining Tess' legs to the footboard's posts afterwards. Willie left the collar around Tess' neck, however.
"Me first, Willie, afterall, you've already had the pleasure of tasting this young thing's pussy," Bea stated to her colleague, situating herself between Tess' out-stretched legs and lowering her tongue to have her first 'taste' of this coed's pussy which was very, very wet with the juices of arousal.
As Bea amused herself by slowly tonguing, eating and tasting Tess, Willie was doing the same, alternatingly kissing Tess lustfully on her lips and suckling Tess' breasts which were now wet and red, showing the marks from Willie's playful bites of her nipples and tits.
Leaving the play-bed, Willie returned from her walk-in closet with the strap-on device around her hips, a larger, longer dildo, now attached. Standing behind Bea, the tip of the dildo poised at the entrance to Bea's love channel, Willie closed her eyes and slipped the dildo into Bea's still-wet pussy, her hips beginning the thrusts of fucking almost immediately, Willie's clit awakened by the friction from the love-button laying against it.
Unable to no longer prolong her climax that Bea's excellent oral skills had brought to her, Tess screamed her satisfaction loudly when the first waves of climax rolled over her restrained body, her voice dying off to soft, incoherent murmurs afterwards.
Pulling Bea from between Tess' legs, Willie wasted little time in positioning herself to now fuck the shackled Tess, driving the dildo deep into Tess' pussy, the shaft still wet with Bea's juices.
Tess could only gasp as Willie drove the longer, thicker dildo into her, burying it to the hilt, lowering her breasts for Tess to suck on while she took her time fucking Tess with the strap-on device.
As Willie entertained herself by fucking Tess, Bea had slipped away to the bathroom, returning with a slim, vibrator in her hand. Climbing onto Willie's bed as it bucked and bounced from Willie's fucking of Tess, Bea lay on her side and positioning the slim vibrator against Tess' puckered asshole, she slipped it in slowly, the thin vibrator humming as it did it's work.
Mother of God, Tess screamed inside of her head, they're going to split me wide open as she felt both of her holes being fucked relentlessly by the two profs. Quickly, the pleasure overrode the pain and Tess was soon begging for them to fuck her harder, faster, begging them to get her off, again. The pleasure and pain was so intense, so delightfully intense, that when Tess' orgasm rolled over her shackled body, she passed out, briefly, at its height of pleasure.
"She's back," Tess heard Willie's voice saying as she rose from the depths of unconsciousness, her mind in a bit of a fog.
She was unshackled now, her collar gone as well, the kisses and soft caresses to her body from Bea and Willie soon making themselves known to her, her pussy and asshole throbbing pleasantly from what had just been done to them.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Tess heard Bea asked as she kissed and nibbled at Tess' lips. Tess couldn't speak at that moment but managed to slowly nod her head in answer.
"Of course, she's okay," Tess heard Willie comment between playful bites of Tess' nipples, "Our girl is a tough, little cunt-muncher", biting harder, now, on one of Tess' nipples which sent a jolt of pain/pleasure to Tess' snatch, her well-licked, well-fucked snatch.
There was no further sex-play between the three of them that night. Bea and Willie smothered Tess with loving licks, kisses and touches, tenderly loving on Tess' body. Soon enough, they departed Willie's bedroom after Willie had retrieved Tess' clothes from downstairs so that she could dress. Throwing a light wrap to Bea, the two profs did that, using wraps to clothe their nakedness.
"Girl sure knows how to eat pussy," Bea commented to Willie as they both stood at the opened door of Willie's home, Bea leaning against Willie, Willie's arm holding Bea to her body, both of them watching as Tess walked, a bit unsteadily they thought, back towards campus.
"Told ya'," Willie replied.
It was still fairly early in the evening, nine thirty'ish, Tess thought as she made her way across campus to her shared house. Slowly making her way up the stairs of her home, Tess quickly stripped and jumped into one of the bathrooms to shower, to refresh herself for bed, ready for some much needed sleep and rest.
Wow. Did her pussy and asshole hurt, Tess thought as she cleaned her privates. Drying herself, she performed the rest of her night-time abolutions, dragging herself to her bed after closing her door and turning off the light.
Need to remember to talk with Becks about our meeting with Jean in a couple of days. After thinking it over, long and carefully, Tess concluded that neither she or Becks had any moral highground to stand on regarding the volume of pussy their friend, lover, and housemate fucked.
They would caution her, is all, Tess had decided, thinking that Becks would also be of the same mind, at the end of the day.
Sleep did come to Tess rather quickly, her last memory that of wondering how her Asian lover, Soo, felt about bondage and collaring......... |
Bed of Roses | 21,491 | 4.56 | 140,937 | [
"waiting feel",
"circled nipple",
"raised leg",
"long slim",
"pulling face",
"ice bucket",
"making gasp",
"glass champagne",
"bottle champagne",
"back kissed"
] | He pushed her gently through the open door, making sure that her eyes were completely covered. Manoeuvring her through the small apartment, he ushered her into the dimly-lit bathroom and closed the door behind them.
“Open”, he said, uncovering her eyes. He watched her blink several times as her eyes adjusted to the change of lighting, and then watched as she broke out in a wide smile. She threw her arms around him and pressed her lips firmly against his.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“You are the BEST boyfriend in the world, did you know that?” She kissed him again and then looked around their small bathroom. There were candles everywhere, the flames creating flickering patterns on the white tiled walls. Rose petals had been scattered all over the floor, and the tub was full with steaming water and frothy bubbles.
“That’s not all.” He winked and opened one of the cabinets, emerging seconds later with two glasses and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. He popped the cork and poured, handing a glass over to her. She took it gladly and sipped, savouring the crisp taste and the feel of the bubbles against her tongue.
“Well, you have thought of everything!”
He smiled, and took the glass out of her hands. Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her softly, tasting the champagne on her lips. Pulling away, he looked at her face; the beautiful brown eyes, the well sculpted bone structure, and the full, pouty pink mouth. He had fallen in love with those features over two years ago, and never tired of seeing them. With slow, well-practised hands, he began to undress her; uncovering the body that, despite having seen hundreds of times before, still thrilled him. He unbuttoned her white shirt, letting it fall to the tiled floor and then, after removing her shoes, slid off her jeans. He stepped back, away from her, drinking in every inch of her slim body now encased only in a lacy white bra and matching thong.
“What are you staring at?”
“I don’t know, but it’s sexy as hell.”
She smiled, her lips parting to reveal straight white teeth. “How about if I took this off?” She traced the material of her bra with one finger; running it lightly over a nipple. She met his gaze and ran her tongue over her lower lip slowly. Hooking a thumb under each strap, she lowered them down her arms, until her breasts threatened to spill out over the edges of the cups. Removing her arms from the straps, she held the flimsy garment against her breasts, grinning as she teased him.
“Hey, who’s birthday is it? Yours or mine?”
She laughed at his little joke and kissed him again as he moved closer. His hands moved slowly up and down her back, finally resting at the fastening of her bra. With ease, he snapped it open and felt it slip down between their bodies to join the rest of her clothes on the floor. He pulled her closer, feeling her breasts crush against his chest. He slid his hands down her back again, letting them rest on the swell of her buttocks. He gave them a playful squeeze and laughed as she protested loudly. He hooked his fingers into the soft waistband of her thong and pulled down, allowing her to help him with their removal. Satisfied that his woman was completely naked, once again he stepped away and looked at her.
She rolled her eyes and crossed the bathroom. Grabbing an elastic hair band, she gathered up her long dark hair and tied it up in a loose knot on the top of her head. She picked up her glass of champagne and took another sip, eying her boyfriend over the rim of her glass. “Well, what next?”
He didn’t answer for a second, his attention was directed elsewhere. His gaze travelled the whole length of her body. Her small delicate feet, her toenails painted a deep red. Her long, slim, lightly-tanned legs and smooth slender thighs. Her womanly hips and flat, toned stomach. He allowed himself a while longer when his gaze rested on her breasts. Perfect; not too big, yet full and firm. They had yet to show a single trace of aging, sitting pert and proud topped with pink nipples that were not quite erect. He pried his eyes away and continued the ascent of his journey of her body; up over her delicate collarbone, up her long slim neck, finally stopping again at her lovely oval face. He crossed the room to her, and took her hand in his. He helped her step into the large deep bath tub, and knelt down beside it as she settled down.
“Aren’t you coming in with me?”
“No, you just enjoy it.”
“I’d enjoy it more if you were in here with me,” she said, but looked as if she didn’t care either way. She lay back, luxuriating in the bubbles, her glass of champagne held loosely in the hand that she kept dangling over the side of the tub. She closed her eyes and smiled as she heard soft music begin to play. Chris DeBurgh’s Lady in Red. She raised her leg and wiggled her toes, showing him her painted toenails. She heard him laugh, and giggled herself; mainly at his choice of cheesy love song.
He listened as she sang along, slightly off-key. Laughing, he reached out and stroked her soft hair, brushing aside the strands that had escaped from captivity. He got to his feet and leant down to kiss her forehead. “Come into the bedroom when you’re done in here, I have another surprise for you.” He left the room, ignore her excited questioning.
He only had to wait five minutes until he heard the bathroom door open and the sound of damp feet padding along the hallway. He smiled at her impatience and sat down on the edge of their double bed. He watched the door as it opened and she slipped inside, her beautiful face lighting up as she drank in her surroundings. Every flat surface was cluttered with candles which made the walls, painted a deep red, seem to glow. She ran over to the window where two dozen red and white roses were artfully arranged in a crystal vase.
“God, I love you, you gorgeous man!”
She ran across the room, wrapping her bath towel tighter around her body and jumped onto his lap, causing them both to be sent sprawling backwards. She covered his mouth with her own and kissed him deeply, her hands finding their way to his dark blonde curls. Her damp body, still encased in an even damper towel, was pressed hard against him; their legs entangled.
“Hey! You’re making me all wet!”
“I could say the same about you.”
He laughed and gently pushed her away. “I’ll go and get the champagne” he said, as he got to his feet, panting slightly from the ferocity of her kisses. He winked at her and left the room quickly, eager to return.
She watched him leave, and then noticed that he’d spread rose petals all over their bed too. She smiled and scrambled to her feet. She let her towel fall to the ground and reached up to untie her hair, watching in the mirror as it tumbled around her shoulders in long glossy waves. She positioned herself on the bed, in what she thought to be a seductive pose. However, it didn’t last long as, on his return, she burst into a fit of giggles. He walked through the door completely naked, his lean body listening with moisture; his modesty protected only by the ice bucket that held their bottle of champagne.
“Isn’t that cold?”
“It’s freezing, now shut up.”
“You forgot the glasses!”
“We won’t be needing glasses.”
He set the bucket down on the floor beside their bed and positioned himself over her. He brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her lightly. She responded greedily, parting his lips with her tongue; causing their mouths to mesh together tightly. After a minute or so, he forced himself to pull away; he smiled at her disappointed face, and then lowered his lips to her throat. He traced his lips slowly over the vulnerable skin, glad to hear her low groans of appreciation. His hands travelled down her body to rest on her hips as his lips moved down over her collarbone. With another quick kiss, he knelt up between her legs, shaking his head as she moved to sit up with him. She frowned and leant back on her elbows, watching him through slightly narrowed eyes. He smiled and moved slowly down the bed.
Gently, he took one of her feet into his hands, rubbing the underneath slowly and firmly with his thumbs. He rubbed harder as he heard her moan and fall back against the pillows. He lifted the foot slightly and bent his head, kissing the soft skin near the underneath of her toes. With his tongue, he lightly traced a line up and down the underneath of her foot, causing her toes to curl. He raised her leg higher, pushing it up over his shoulder. With feather-light kisses, he kissed his way up her slender calf, over her knee, and up along the inside of her thigh. He heard her breathe in deeply as his lips moved closer towards her neatly trimmed pubic hair, only to breathe out again in frustration as he stopped, and moved down to administer the same treatment to her other foot and leg.
Only this time, he didn’t stop when he reached the top of her thigh. She lowered her leg, curling it around his back as he kissed her pussy lips softly. She closed her eyes, waiting to feel his fingers part her lips, and his tongue to find its way to her clitoris. But, that didn’t happen; inside his lips moved upwards towards her stomach. She opened her eyes and raised her head impatiently.
“You’re a fucking tease, do you know that?”
“Oh, shut up, you impatient cow. You know what they say.”
“What? That men are bastards?”
“No,” he replied, kissing up over her stomach, lifting his body until his face was level with hers. “Good things come to those who wait.”
“Oh …”
“No, you naughty girl,” he slapped her hand away gently as it moved down between their bodies, reaching for his stirring cock. “Don’t do that, just lie back and behave.”
She did as he asked and lay back as he kissed between her breasts. With the thumb of one hand, he circled her nipple slowly, and with the other reached down into the ice bucket, retrieving a single, melting ice cube. Smiling at her, he pressed the cold cube against her nipple, making her gasp. He ran it lightly over her breast, the droplets of water glistening on her tanned skin. He moved the ice cube slowly over to the other nipple, gliding it slowly across the little bud that hardened instantly. He slipped the ice cube into his mouth and moved up to kiss her, feeling her cold, hard nipples against his chest. They kissed, tongues pushing together, the ice melting in the heat that their mouths were creating. He pulled away again, cool water running down his chin, dripping down onto her chest. He reached down beside the bed again, this time returning with the half-full bottle of champagne. He dribbled some into her mouth, licking away the liquid that spilled over her lips. Sitting up slightly, he held the cold bottle against her stomach, enjoying her squeals of protest. Tipping the bottle, he poured a steady stream over her chest, watching as the bubbly golden liquid flowed over her swollen pink nipples. Quickly he bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking at it gently, savouring the sharpness of the champagne mixed with the delicious flavour of her skin. He circled the nipple with his tongue, sucking and biting at it gently; moving his mouth across to her other breast as he felt her fingers run through his hair and her little moans get louder and louder.
“Would you like me to finish what I started a few minutes ago?”
“Yes, please.”
He smiled at her whispered response, and replaced the bottle, picking up another ice cube.
“No! Not down there!”
He ignored her, and positioned himself between her readily parted legs. He pushed them further apart, and bent his head to kiss her pussy. He ran his tongue up and down her pouty outer lips, and then with his thumbs, spread them open to reveal her deep pinkness. Her clit was already hard, poking out from beneath its little hood, eager for attention. Glad to oblige, he pressed the smuggled ice cube against the sensitive nub, causing her to cry out; her legs trying to push together to combat the cold. He tortured her for a little while longer, rubbing the ice cube over her clit, watching it melt; the water running down her pussy in tiny rivulets. Knowing that she couldn’t take anymore, he lowered his head and took her hard little clit between his lips, sucking it firmly; his hands spreading her pussy open even wider. He licked at her harder as she raised her hips towards his face, his tongue moving down from her clit to the opening of her vagina. He dipped his tongue inside slightly, tasting her musky juices, and then began to lap at her; his tongue flicking in and out of her pussy while his thumb continued to rub at her clit. She was thrusting her hips now, practically fucking his tongue; needing to feel it deeper inside of her. As he heard her the pace of her breathing quicken, he quickly replaced his tongue with two fingers; pushing them in and out of her as fast as he could manage, while his lips moved back up to her clitoris. As she approached her orgasm, he felt her hands on his head; gripping his hair, pulling his face closer into her pussy as she ground herself against his fingers and tongue.
“Mmm, that was nice.”
He smiled, running his tongue along her soft pussy lips again, tasting the sharp sweetness of her come. Pushing himself onto his knees, he looked down at her flushed, smiling face. She reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling it towards her face. Her eyes never leaving his, she took two of his fingers between her lips and sucked at them slowly; tasting herself.
“Taste good?”
“Mmm, I’d rather be sucking on something else though.”
“Not tonight, you can do that tomorrow if you must.”
He took his cock, which was only semi-hard, into his hand and started rubbing it with hard, firm strokes. She propped herself up on her elbows and watched him; something she had always enjoyed. She watched as it swelled in his hand, the wide red tip glistening with pre-come. She wanted to lean down and lick it off, but decided against it, as he had warned her not to. Instead, she reached down between her own legs with one hand and, with her index and ring finger, spread herself open, using her middle finger to slowly, lazily circle her hard, swollen clit.
“So impatient, aren’t you?”
She laughed and moved her hand away as he moved closer, cock still in his hand. He lined it up with the entrance of her pussy and pushed, just the head of his cock, inside her. He pulled back again, teasing her with the tip of his dick. He wanted to hear her ask to be fucked. After a couple of shallow thrusts, he got what he wanted.
“Please, just fuck me.”
He couldn’t deny her, especially not on her birthday. Gripping hold of her waist, he pushed his cock deep inside her, savouring the sensation of the walls of her tight wetness gripping him. She raised her hips to meet his every thrust, their pelvic bones grinding together as he slid his hard cock in and out of her; pounding her pussy with hard, fast strokes. He leant forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth, while his hands manoeuvred her legs over his shoulders once again, allowing him to enter her more deeply.
She pushed forward, her legs tightening their grip around his neck. She wrapped her fingers around his wrists, crying out as he bit down softly on her breast. He was banging in and out of her, slamming his cock deep into her pussy, making her gasp with every thrust. She could feel the orgasm building up inside of her; could feel the familiar tingling in her clit. He could feel it too.
“Turn over.”
She took a moment to calm her breathing and quickly turned over onto her knees, supporting her weight on her elbows.
“Spread your pussy for me.”
She did as he asked. Supporting herself with one arm, she reached down between her legs and spread herself open wide, waiting to feel him inside her again.
He watched as she opened herself up for him; saw how wet she was and how far her clit was protruding from its hood. From experience, he knew that she wouldn’t last much longer; he doubted he would either. Taking his cock in his hand again, he rubbed the tip against her clit and over her fingers; teasing her once again. Then, without warning he thrust inside her, knocking her off balance. Grabbing her hips to both steady her and support himself, he pounded his cock hard and fast in and out of her cunt. He listened to her loud groans of approval and picked up the pace; slamming himself in and out of her tight, wet pussy.
“Oh God,”
She cried out as she orgasmed, a long guttural shout as he continued fucking her. He felt her pussy get even slicker as she came, coating his cock with her juices; her pussy contracting around him. With one last thrust, he exploded, coming hard and fast inside her; releasing long spurts of his warm thick come into her cunt. With a loud grunt, he fell down on top of her, wrapping his arms tightly around her. He brushed her long, damp hair away from her shoulder and kissed the smooth skin that was glistening with moisture.
“That was a nice birthday present.”
He smiled, listening to her slow panting, and rolled over onto his back, lifting his arm as she snuggled in against his chest. Stroking the soft skin of her arm, he kissed the top of her head, smelling her hair and falling in love all over again.
“Feels like it’s my birthday, too.”
She tilted her head and they kissed, softly and slowly. She pulled away, a sly smile spreading across her lips.
“Hmm, well, it’s your birthday next month. I’ll just have to see what surprises I can come up with.” |
Don't Call ME... | 19,777 | 4.68 | 1,006,421 | [
"susan emilia day",
"patty esther dimberg",
"jess day",
"jeanine peddington",
"rosie day",
"larry day",
"obscene phone calls",
"kid sister moving in",
"secret lesbian admirer",
] | **SS40:** "Don't Call *ME*..."
*Another story type and category first for me: as this doesn't really fit anywhere else, it's going under Toys/Masturbation.*
**Tuesday, December 9th, 2014, 4:58 p.m.**
Susan Emilia Day was about to close another *mind*shatteringly exciting day of work at Seven Seas Systems, the company which had been kind enough to bring her under its employ three years ago. She shut off her computer, collected her stuff and navigated through her ritual of goodbyes like so many days before. If there was a friendlier person in the person—or the city—Susan'd yet to meet them.
"Bye Andrea!" she called to Andrea Richards, a marketing rep with seniority over just about everyone in the office. "Give Christian and the kids some X-Os for me!"
"Will do, Suse," replied Andrea. "G'night."
"See ya, Drew!" Susan tossed to Drew McAdams, a review coordinator who'd come onboard two years back. "Take care!"
"Sweet dreams, babe," waved Drew. "Catch ya tomorrow."
"Cheers Terri!" she bade Terri Finklestein, a department manager who'd been around a bit longer than Susan. "Lotsa love!"
"Later on, Susie," Terri sent her off with a wink-click-point-shoot. "Have a good one."
Susan next knocked on the cubicle wall belonging to Patricia Dimberg, a recently hired data entry clerk, and her ASL interpreter Jeanine Peddington, who'd informed everyone her friend preferred Patty for short. Jeanine turned to see her, and manually told Patty Susan'd just popped up behind her. Patty gave a small gasp and jump. Turning to regard Susan, she looked a bit frazzled.
"Hi Patty!" Susan smiled with a friendly wave. "Are you liking it here so far?"
Jeanine translated, and Patty responded. Jeanine nodded, addressing Susan verbally.
"She says yes. Everyone's been super-nice, and she's really happy."
"Oh, that's terrific," said Susan, prompting Jeanine to sign again. "Well, I gotta get goin', so you two take it easy!"
The two cubicle occupants shared their next signing exchange. Jeanine translated for Susan once more.
"...She says she's very glad you stopped by, hopes you have a nice night, and she really really loves you."
Reading her lips, Patty abruptly and vehemently shook her head. She gave Jeanine an insistent tap on the wrist and signed again.
"Hm?... Oh, I'm sorry, Susan. She says she really really *likes* you."
"Oh. Gosh. Well..." Susan chuckled, regaling them with another wave. "'Kay, thanks, bye!
"¡Adios Maria!" she said to Maria Figueroa, a bilingual secretary with a first year under her belt. "¡Hasta luego!"
Maria nodded. "Mañana, chica. Buenas noches."
Susan slung her purse in the passenger seat, driving home as normal, singing and rapping the steering wheel. The labor part of her job was fine enough, but the real reason she worked at Seven Seas was her colleagues. She loved them. She really was just about the friendliest person on Earth, and had cultivated a semi-special relationship with almost every workmate, in one way or another.
She'd turned 26 a few months before, and now roomed with her 22-year-old sister Jess. Well, "roomed with" may've been a bit of a stretch. "Took care of" would more accurately describe their situation. Jess had grown tired of living with their folks, and crashing in Susan's apartment was basically her only option. It was considerably smaller than their parents' house, but Jess didn't mind, having freer rein with just her sibling. Though the salary of her mall job at Mrs. Fields Cookies enabled her to contribute only about a fifth of the rent. Jess was lethargic, and Susan had trouble getting her to pull her own weight, but the kid sis was not without her charms. While she could be an advantage-taker when it came to her only sib, Jess would be the first to concede and agree how lucky she was. To have Susan as a sister, and as a caretaker, who didn't mind keeping food on the table for the both of them.
Speaking of food, Susan had to stop on the way home for some shopping. She full-handedly pushed the door open to see Jess lying on the couch, watching television, grazing on a bag of cheese curls. The bag and remote rested side by side on her belly.
"Ngh! Hi sis," Susan grunted, arms weighed down with grocery bags.
"Yo," muttered Jess, mouth full of crunched-up cheese puff.
"So, uh...what'cha watchin'? Anything good?"
"Nah, just surfin'."
Susan put away the groceries, then traversed the hall and living room, plucking Jess' stray clothes from the floor. A small heap of them mingled in the carpet between the couch and TV. Susan stooped to collect them.
"Mm. Susie, you're kinda blockin' the TV, babe," Jess complained.
Susan straightened up to throw Jess a stare. As much as she loved her sister, and as okay as she was looking after her, sometimes she could be *just* the smallest thorn in the tushie.
"Oh, I am *so* sorry, Jessie," Susan sardonically apologized. "So sorry that doing *your* laundry is so disturbing to *your* entertainment."
Her kid sis picked up on neither the sarcasm nor the hint. She merely and affably thumbed Susan away.
"No problem, no worries. Just scoot so I can see."
Talking of entertainment, Susan now and then entertained consideration of booting Jess out on her butt, but she couldn't do that. For one, their parents would never let her hear the end of it. Besides, they were sisters. They loved each other. Jess was kind of a freeloader, but also a sweetie. She was off work tonight, which was fine. But on the evenings when duty called and Jess trolleyed off to the mall, Susan had to admit to a bit of relief in having the place to herself.
She tossed Jess' less than fresh threads in the laundry, and also ran the dishwasher. It was nice to sit, kick back and let the machines do their thing. An hour or two later, she whipped them up penne pasta for supper.
"Jess! Dinner's ready, hon!" she called from the kitchen, slapping some on her plate. "Come and get it!"
There may not have been a multitude of reasons for Jess to vacate the comfy couch, but dinner was one. As Jess entered the kitchen and they crossed paths, Susan took advantage of the empty sofa, plopping herself down, claiming the remote and flipping to her program of choice. Jess reentered with a dish of food as Susan's show was starting.
"Oh geez, you're watching New Girl?" a disenchanted Jess uttered.
"Um, *duh!*" laughed Susan.
"*God...*" Jess groaned, perching beside her. "D'you have any idea how much ribbing I've taken 'cause of this damn show?"
"*So* totally exaggerating."
"Oh, really??" Jess proceeded into an imitation of fans of the show who found it cute to kid her about it.
"'Wow, your name's Jessica Day?? No kidding! You look *nothing* like her! Har-dee-har-dee-har!'" She returned to her normal voice. "Well no Schmidt; I mean, hel*lo??* I *am* nothing like her. We're complete opposites! She's a brunette, I'm a blonde, she's a nerd, I'm cool, she's straight, I'm gay, she's got a smoking hot model friend, I've got...*you*..."
Susan chose to ignore that remark, instead re-retrieving the remote to turn on closed captioning.
"Well hey, why don't'cha just get married? That'll solve *both* our problems."
The rest of the evening progressed as more or less normal for the Day sisses. Susan put the clean dishes away, replaced them with the dirty ones, changed into her jammies, made the bed, flossed, brushed her teeth and hair, applied facial cream and fluffed her pillows, readying herself for sleepy-bye time.
"Jess? Don't stay up too late, honey," she called back out into the living room.
"I *woooo*-oooon't..." an exasperated Jess called back in a sing-songy voice, uttering one more word under her breath.
Susan pushed her bedroom door all the way without shutting it. Her teddy bear and eyeshades waited for her in their reserved spots.
The phone rang.
Susan looked to the clock. "What in th—...'s almost 11:00 for heaven's sake. *Who*'s calling this late?" She picked up her extension.
She failed to understand the first thing she heard. It sounded like just...breathing. Heavy, hard breathing.
"Hel*lo?*" she repeated.
The breathing loudened.
"Okay, you get one more hello and that's it. HEL*LO??*"
Finally, Susan heard a soft, raspy female voice.
"Hi *there, you sexy thing.*"
Susan made a strange face. "...Ex*cuse* me?... Who is this?"
"*The girl of your dreams, sweet baby.*"
"*You heard me, honey.*"
"Um...yeah. Well, listen, *honey*: even if I had the faintest clue who you are or what's going on here, there'd still be about a dozen things wrong with this, so...however you got my number, I'll kindly thank you not to use it again."
The breathing resumed.
"Hello?... Did you hear me?"
At this, Susan heard a *moan*, followed by—
"*C'mon, you* know *you wanna get naked with me! My pussy's starved for you. It's so wet! Don't tell me* yours *isn't!*"
*WHOA.* "*Yeah*, okay, I'm gonna say *bye* now." *Click.*
She marched back out into the living room, where Jess continued to catch waves on the cathode ray tube.
"Where's the cordless phone?!" Susan demanded to know.
Jess whipped her head in Susan's direction, a bit startled by her sharp grilling. "What?? W—...I dunno."
Susan eventually located it, scrutinizing the caller ID readout. **12/9 10:54p UNAVAILABLE**
She blew out her breath. *Figures. She probably star-67'd me.*
"'Sa matter?" asked Jess.
Susan sighed. "Ohhh...something really *weird* just happened."
"Oh." Curiosity satisfied, Jess returned to the TV.
Not knowing what to do at the moment, Susan returned to her room. This was no dream, and her mind wasn't bored enough to concoct such bizarre amusement. But whatever the case, she had to get up again for work the next morning. Maybe Jess had the right idea. Maybe she should just flip on her own tube and let it put her down for the night.
**Tuesday, December 9th, 2014, 11:24 p.m.**
Susan's admirer was less than thrilled to be hung up on, but was as enthused to have gotten to speak to her. Her attraction to Susan went far deeper than mere infatuation. She'd enjoyed a nip of brandy, and before she could stop herself, proceeded to drink and dial. The alcohol infused her with the courage to say to Susan the things she really wanted to say, but could not while sober. The admirer did not take to the "orthodox" forms of courtship. She was hooked in by the steamy allure of intimacy. And especially in her inebriated state...the thought of making love to Susan Day set her instantly *aflame*.
She climbed into bed and fetched her vibrildo. She was an avid, skilled masturbatrix, with capacity for fantasy and imagination that would put most others to humdrum shame. She'd been irrepressibly enamored of frigging off since her first climax as a randy teen. She jilled herself whenever the chance arose, at least a few times a day. It rivaled the most prized things she held dear.
She dreamt about Susan Day and night. Before knowing Susan, she was unaware just how it felt to be in love. The things she loved were loved dearly, and with a passion. And she had fallen as deeply in love with Susan as with her beloved masturbation, the two of which went hand in hand—pun most certainly intended. Her love for booze ran almost just as deep.
She slid her vibing girlfriend inside, nice and easy. She always began slow and gentle, and proceeded to build until veritably raping herself. One of her hotter fantasies involved being on either end of a violent rape. It was near impossible to picture Susan involved in a rape scenario, but that didn't stop her from pretending. The fire pierced her skin with scorching pleasure. Her swelling pussy leaked and drenched her sturdy vibrildo. She needed a strong, resilient piece of equipment to handle the workout she put it through.
"*Suuuusan...*" she moaned. "*Ohhhhh, baby...I need you...so, so bad...*"
She eased into herself inch by inch. The lightning strikes intensified. She threw her head back in the pillow, curling her quivering toes. Her nipples stood erect and burning. She began sweating, taken to the next level. Oh, how sublime it felt...
Each time she pleasured herself, she tried to top her previous session. Hot passion seized her in its dizzying grip, forcing her to bite her lip, straining and groaning. She normally became too impatient to wait for her pussy to stretch to max length on its own. She bent at the knees, planted her feet in the mattress, spread her cunt as wide open as possible, arched her back, and plunged. Once the vibrildo held her ajar, she pried back her hood and stimulated her fragile clit. It took not much longer before she began going insane.
"*FUUUUUUCK...*" she rejoiced, as her eyes began fluttering. "*Susan, my love, I need you!*"
The vibrildo began to feel like a pulsing red-hot poker in her pussy, unquenchable by her feminine juices. It torched her inside and out. Her shouts built to wicked screams. She couldn't stand much longer. She thrashed the bed, desperately pounding the mattress with her heels, vibrildo wreaking havoc on her hungry cunt. The lust was unreal. The stimulating tip shocked her clit, sending her through oblivion. She felt as if being tumbled around an inflated, adult woman-sized bounce house, surges of heaven shooting through her, unprecedented to this point in her masturbatory career. Somehow, she always managed to outdo herself.
There was only one ingredient missing to complete her orgasmic experience. She continued building till she could bear it no longer. Finally, it was time to incorporate her last, most vital element. Out of the darkness, she pictured Susan ascending onto her bed...and subsequently her body. Enfolding her in her embrace, holding her endlessly through the night, like a sensual teddy bear. It mattered not if her Susan fantasy involved tender love, smoky intimacy, or harsh, binding kink. She achieved momentous results in all cases.
"*Susan... dearest... sweetheart...* please *return my love. I'll worship you forever.*"
She at last imagined Susan's lovely voice professing boundless, doubtless adoration to her...
"*I love you too, my darling.*"
...And that was all it took.
She *erupted*, primal and ferocious. Her supreme orgasm necessarily included a dose of pure, untaintable love. She shot through every dimension of ethereality before the monstrous orgasm released her. The experience was irresistibly explosive. She saw heaven. Stars burst in her eyes, into splashes of magic moon dust, sprinkling her glowing, glistening body. Her engulfed pussy caked the top half of her vibrildo in hot, sticky honey-cum. At last, after twenty seconds of Earth-stopping, soul-searing delirium... it was over.
She used all of her leftover mental functioning to reach down, turn off the vibrildo, and drop dead asleep.
**Wednesday, December 10th, 2014, 8:25 a.m.**
"Hi, hi, hi guys," Susan greeted her coworkers, getting into the office the next morning. "How's it going?"
She settled into her cubicle, hoping she'd be able to let go of the events of the previous night.
"Hey, Susie," said Julie, a by-passing friend and colleague. "How goes it?"
Susan turned to regard her. When she didn't respond immediately, Julie furrowed her brows and followed up her greeting.
"...Y'okay, girl?"
"...Um...actually, Jules..." She waved her in. "Could I talk to you for a minute?"
"Yeah. Yeah, of course." Julie sidled inside. "What's up?"
"Well...something strange happened to me last night."
"Really? Like...bad strange?"
"Oh...sorry, Suse. What was it?"
"Hmmm, how do I explain this...Jules, eh...y'ever gotten an obscene phone call?"
Julie's eyes opened wide, pushing her eyebrows up an inch.
"No...I take it *you* did though?"
Susan nodded. "It was weird. And creepy."
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, Suse...what'd it sound like?"
"Well, it was a girl...raspy, husky...kinda low and soft."
"...Wow...well...I mean, I dunno what to tell ya, Suse. There's lotsa weird stuff out there. Lotta creeps, too. 'Dya check caller ID?"
"Yeah, of course I did. Just said unavailable."
"Huh. Figures. 'Dyou star-69 her?"
"...Well, I...thought about it, but even if that works, I definitely don't wanna talk to her again."
"Well, there's the obvious option: you could always just not answer the phone."
"No, I can't. I've never been able to ignore the phone. My parents traumatized me with that. Anytime I missed a call, they freaked. '*SUS*AN! What if that had been *important?!* Suppose that'd been Aunt Brenda or Uncle Chester calling because they had an accident?! Suppose that was your grandparents needing some help?! Suppose the universe blew up?!' You get the idea, Jules?"
"...So if you don't answer, and it's them calling, you know you're gonna get tortured for it next time you see 'em."
"All right, well...I'm here for ya, Suse. Just, y'know...be careful."
"Thanks, Jules."
Lunch arrived. Susan hopped up, and stopped and popped by a few colleagues' cubes to see if they wanted to go eat. Apparently, she was late, because they were already gone. It looked as if she was on her own today. She headed outside, pondering meal choices. She was just about to get in her car, when—
She heard her ringtone. A worried feeling took form in her belly. She took out her phone and checked.
*Whew.* It was her parents. That was right, she realized, the call last night was on her landline, not her cell.
"Hey sweetie! It's Dad. We're putting the guest list together for Christmas, and just making sure you and Jess're coming?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, we'll be there. No problem, Dad."
"Sounds good. Okay hon, I know you're at work, so I won't keep ya, just needed to check on that real quick. Love you!"
"Love you too, Dad, bye-bye."
Just about to hang up, she heard a beep. She checked the display. She was in fact getting another call.
*Oh, no...* Those same eleven wretched little letters turned her tummy queasy.
*Oh god.* This creepy girl had her cell number too?? This was getting to be too much. What now? She didn't know if she could follow Julie's advice and just not answer. Maybe she could just wait and see if...
She ran out of time to think. Voicemail. Susan hoped there would be no message, and for a few moments she thought she was okay.
Then, she heard the jingle chirp. *Oh hell*, she thought. She wanted to automatically delete it, but figured if she did, her curiosity would drive her crazy the rest of the day. What if this chick was deciding to add threats to her suggestive remarks?
*Screw it*, she thought. *Be brave. Be a woman about it.* She opened voicemail and faced the proverbial music.
"Wednesday...twelve...oh six...p.m."
"HI*ya, hot stuff. I guess you're a little too busy to pick up right now. Bet I know what you're doin', too. And I'd like to do it* for *ya, if ya know what I mean. Hope you're having fun, thinking about me while you're stroking that pussy...Susan baby.*"
Susan at once felt ill.
The girl knew her *name??* Had Susan been able to think rationally, she'd have realized that if the caller had both her numbers, she'd know to whom they belonged. But even still, if she knew her name, what *else* did she know?! Susan abruptly felt very unsafe.
"*I'll be thinkin' about you* too*, hottie.* OOH*, you make me sizzle. Lotsa love 'n' kisses you know where! Happy jilling!*" *Click.*
Susan couldn't believe it. Her heart raced. Not only was it the same woman, she had her info, and had upped the ante. Now she presumed Susan was masturbating to her, and was reciprocating. This was getting way out of hand. Much as she didn't want to, Susan thought she might just have to star-69 her after all. She didn't know if anything more serious would develop. Again, how much more did she know about her? And again, was she plotting possible threats??
Susan's heart thundered through her chest as she dialed the three buttons. But she did so, and brought the phone to her ear.
Beep-BEEP-*BEEEEEEEEEP*. "Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number, and dial again."
Susan had to admit this result gave her a tiny bit of relief, as she was apprehensive to confront the situation head-on. Unlike her sister, she'd never been skilled at handling confrontations. But she knew this little relief would be greatly outweighed by dread, if and when this continued. Should she just call the police?
After enough thinking, she came to a decision. She'd considered leaving work right now to go home and toil on this, but it didn't seem drastic cause to take liberal leave. If the girl was threatening her, that might be another story. She'd been saying graphic perverse, sexual things, but hadn't made any legitimate threats. Susan would stay at work, and what was more, would save this message for evidence. Confidants could now too hear the actual voice. And hear that this girl knew her name.
Yes. She'd go on with work. Cutting her workday in half and going home because she was scared felt like letting the caller win. Suddenly without much of an appetite for lunch, she went back into the office. Her day slogged on and finished, after which she didn't really feel like going home either. But she knew she'd have to sooner or later. She wanted to talk to Jess, but Jess had to work tonight, so she was kind of c.o.l. She guessed she might as well just head home and see what happened.
*Wait a sec...did I just totally forg—... Oh my god*.
She realized she forgot to update Julie on this and play her the message. *How* on Earth this could possibly have slipped her mind she couldn't fathom, but, she could just proceed to do so tomorrow...back at home, she turned her cell back on. No more new messages. Well, there was good news anyway. She dialed her sister.
"Hey, Jess?...Yeah, hey, it's me. Listen, when're you gonna be home tonight?... Oh, no, no, it's not about dinner; you can have whatever you want for dinner, I just...eh...got something I wanna talk to you about. It's kinda important.
"...No, no no, Jess, 's not about that. It-jus-th—...never mind, Jess, it's not about you. I'll just see you when you get back."
Susan wasn't sure what to do now. Did she kick back and turn on the TV set? Did she go online and research her problem, just waiting for the phone to ring? She supposed she could call her parents, or go and visit them. But she couldn't just let this drive her out of her own home. Maybe she *should* call the police. Or someone. She didn't want to just sit here by herself.
Finally, she decided on her parents. And in person. She could use some comfort, and determined this was the literal way to go. She picked up her purse with all normal necessaries, got back in the car and drove the 4.5 miles to her folks'.
"Well hi, doll!" greeted her mother Rosie, opening the door. "This is a nice surprise! Honey, Susie's here!" she called to Susan's father Larry. They hugged, kissed and took her into the family room.
"So what brings you by, Suse?" asked Larry. "Update on your Christmas plans?"
"No actually, Dad, no change there. But as it turns out, I've run into a little, eh...let's say...situation. And...well, I was hoping you guys might be able to give me a little advice...or comfort...and-or guidance."
"Well, of course, sweetheart!" said Rosie. "You know we'll do anything we can for you. What's the matter?"
Oh, this was awkward. Susan wasn't especially keen talking to her folks on anything sexually related, but she did kind of have to make an exception. She pulled out her cell and proceeded to play them the message.
*Click.* Susan disconnected and sat in silence a moment, letting her parents take this in. Both were stymied what to say, caught off-guard and unawares. When they remained quiet, Susan spoke.
"She, uh...sh-she called me last night too. She didn't exactly say anything like *this*, but she told me...that I knew I wanted to 'get *naked* with' her," Susan air quoted.
Larry rejoined. "Was that on your cell too?"
"Larry, what does that matter??" Rosie wanted to know. "This woman's harassing our daughter!"
"But Mom, it does matter," Susan insisted. "'Cause no, it wasn't. Last night it was my landline. So she has both my home number *and* my cell number! And I dunno how she got 'em. I dunno *any*thing about her!"
"Does this make you feel unsafe?" her Dad asked.
"Well...I dunno if 'unsafe''d be the word," Susan considered. "I think Mom's more on the right track. She hasn't threatened me...at least not yet. I feel more...harassed than unsafe, I guess. Little more...disturbed, y'know?"
"Well, this really pisses me off!" said Rosie. "If I got my hands on this sick little pervert, she'd be sorry she ever picked up a phone!!"
"A'right, Rosie, a'right," said Larry. "It's not gonna help to lose control."
"Larry, you *did* hear that message, didn't you?? This little psycho thinks Susan's thinking about her and touching her..."
Rosie got a bit less than comfy herself. She paused, swallowed, and lowered her voice to a whisper.
Susan gave a tiny chuckle-scoff. If the situation wasn't so unpleasant it would be kind of humorous. Her mother Rosie'd say now and then that she wasn't a prude. And Susan believed her, though she often tossed off signals to the contrary. She was a bit old-fashioned, and needed time to adjust to both her daughters' homosexuality. But she loved them no matter what, and wouldn't discourage their adult sex lives. An obscene phone call, then again, was a different story.
Larry's reaction took a different turn. He certainly wasn't happy about this either, but what he wanted to know was how this person knew so much about his daughter. He imagined she probably dug her up through social media. After another moment, he rose.
"Y'know what? Hang on, I'll be right back."
He retrieved his laptop, brought it to the living room, went online and navigated.
"Susie, you're on Facebook, right?"
"Yeah, sure Dad. Twitter too."
"Well, there's the thing, honey. Your residence includes your land phone. And with access to sites like this, it's not especially difficult for someone to get your contact info. I mean, Suse...I don't love saying this, but...personal privacy's not what it was years ago. Our business is all out there now. 'F you're on the net, you're on the grid."
"Well, yeah Dad, I get that. But...what'm I supposed to *do* about this?"
"Well babe...if it's really bothering you, you might need to contact the proper authorities. You can wait and see if the calls persist, or take action now. You're a big girl. We can give you our input and tell you what we think, but the final decision has to be yours."
"D'you wanna stay with us tonight, sweetie?" asked her Mom.
"Rosie, the woman has her cell number," said Larry. "Staying here won't keep the calls away."
"Exactly!" said Rosie. "I'd like to wait and see if this little perv *does* call again! I wanna give her a piece of my mind!"
"Rosie, I get how you feel, but I really think we need to let Susan handle this on her own."
"He's right, Mom. I can't just let her drive me outta my own home. But I definitely plan to keep you posted."
Rosie didn't feel great about doing so, but she allowed Susan to hug and kiss them, take their regards home for Jess, and adjourn.
**Wednesday, December 10th, 2014, 7:42 p.m.**
The first thing Susan did when she got home was check her messages.
"You have: three...new...messages," the electronic voice greeted.
*I do?* She wasn't sure she loved the sound of this.
*Beep.* "Hey, sis, it's me," began the first message.
*Oh. Good.* It was Jess.
"Can we maybe have pizza for dinner? Like, one of those really big supreme stuffed crust ones? That'd be awesome. Thanks."
Susan shrugged. *Sure*, she thought. *Why the hell not.* She was far past resentment of her sister's presumptuous nature. Besides, it wasn't a bad idea. They were both pizza lovers, and she could use a little comfort food this evening.
"You're the best, babe. See ya in a couple hours." *Click.*
Okay, so the subsequent messages were likely also Jess'. Her sis did tend to call several consecutive times in single spans. She probably wanted to modify her pizza order. Or, more predictably, add to it.
*Beep.* "A'right Jess, what *else* d'you want?" Susan asked out loud.
"*Well well* well*, sexy Susan, you* are *a busy little bee, now aren't'cha, sweet cheeks??*" asked a semi-familiar voice.
*UH-oh...* This was increasingly taxing her nerves. As she tried to decide whether to let it play or just skip and delete it, it went on.
"*I got my vibrildo on me right now, and I'm imagining it's your tongue, baby...I want you so bad*."
Some*one needs a fucking hobby*, the caustic part of Susan's mind thought.
"*Oh GOD, it feels* so *good, Susan...I want you to sit on my face. I wanna taste you...I wanna suck you...*"
For the love of crying out loud... If this wasn't so creepy it might actually almost be kind of...*hot*. But...*ugh*.
"*I wanna make you cum like you've never cum before in your* life*, Susie Q.*"
All right, decided Susan, enough. She rested her finger over the skip button.
"*OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!*" came the voice, upon the sudden onset of apparent climax. "*FUCK!! Oh, YES!!*"
"*Talk to ya* next *time, dirty-flirty lovergirl!*" chuckled the voice. *Click.*
*Oh, my, fucking, god.*
*Beep.* "Hey, girl, Jessie here again. Just tried callin' ya a minute ago, couldn't get through. Who're ya talkin' to? Anyway, hope ya didn't order the 'zza already. Listen, you wanna throw a Mountain Dew on that too? Or a Pepsi? Or both; both'd be good. Oooh, ooh, and some cinnamon sticks too, that'd be dynamite! You get all that? Thanks again, Suse, you rock. See ya!" *Click.*
... *Oh, my, fucking, god.*
**Wednesday, December 10th, 2014, 9:53 p.m.**
Susan placed the order, because she'd told Jess she could have whatever she wanted for dinner, and didn't feel like hearing her whine if she didn't get it. It appeared shortly before Jess arrived home. Susan laid it out in the kitchen, but wasn't particularly famished just now. She paced anxiously back and forth as her kid sister bounded through the door.
"Whew! Damn, it's cold out there!" Jess shivered off the chill, slamming the door behind her. "Hi babe! 'Dya get the food?"
Susan removed herself from Jess' eager path. "Right in the kitchen."
Jess grinned and threw a hug on her. "Oh thanks Susie! You totally rule!" she exulted.
Susan smirked as she watched Jess open a pizza box like it was already Christmas. She had to admit, while her sister may have been something of a...well, she didn't want to come right out and use a word like "sponger" or "mooch." But...she *could* be pretty darned grateful when she wanted to be. In fact, Jess looked *so* grateful, Susan almost wasn't sure she wanted to see how much. The food was delish, and her sister looked hungry enough to rape it. Sure enough, she returned with a full plate, grabbed the remote and collapsed on the couch, legs stripped to the boxer shorts.
"Ahhh...best, night, ever," Jess sighed happily.
Susan smiled. As much as her sister could bug her sometimes, she really did enjoy pleasing her. In fact, she thought she might go get some dinner herself. She heard Jess address her coming back out of the kitchen.
"Zhuuzhe!" Jess pushed the one-syllable abbreviation of her sister's name through a full mouth. "Phone!"
Susan broke stride. Sure enough, that was the phone ringing.
*Oh lord,* so help *me...* Susan decided to handle this in her room, taking the pizza with her though her appetite began waning again.
"Be right back, Jess..."
*Slam.* *Rrrrrrrriiii—* "Hello?"
"*Well* hi *there, sex doll! I was startin' to think you were avoiding me, hot stuff.*"
"You thought *right*," Susan growled. "Look, enough the hell is enough. Who the *fuck* are you, and why're you doing this to me?!"
"*Why, I told you, sweet chick pea!*" giggled the voice. "*I'm the girl of your dreams, playmate!*"
"I'm gonna ask you nicely: please get lost. I've got enough going on in my life right now; I don't have time for an obese phone caller."
The voice chuckled. "*I think you mean 'obscene,' fluffy muff.*"
"No, no no," contradicted Susan, feeling moxie kick in. "I meant 'obese.' You sound fat."
"*Why,* I *am not fat at all, honey puss. I am slim, petite and delicious.*"
"Oh? You don't sound it at all. I think you're actually a three hundred-pound pig with braces and acne."
"*Now where would you get an idea like that, sweetcakes?*"
"Reality, bitch."
There was no immediate response. Now fueled with fiery ire, Susan went on.
"In reality, obese phone callers're desperate losers who have nothing better to do with their time or space-wasting lives. And that's all you are, sleazeball. You're just a fat, pathetic, worthless *cunt*."
"Aw, why, what's the *matter*, ya douchey creep?" Susan shouted, feeling herself getting out of line with verbal abuse, but unable to stop. "Nothing to say now??"
"*Oh now Susan, I know you don't mean those things, sexy bear. You're hurting my feelings, sugar.*"
Susan gave a laugh. "*'Feelings'??*" she exclaimed. "Obese phone callers have *feelings?!* Imagine that, fat-ass!"
Her bedroom door opened behind her.
"Susie, who the hell ya talkin' to?" Jess wished to know. "I could hear ya yellin' all the way down the hall."
Susan turned to see her, sighing with exasperation. She covered the mouthpiece.
"An obscene phone call."
Jess made a face. "Ugh, that's sick."
"Yeah, she's pretty depraved."
"It's a *girl??*" Jess' face morphed from downright disgust to high intrigue. She grabbed for the phone. "Mine! Gimme!"
Well, there was an interesting idea. Susan could hand it off to her sister and see how Jess handled it.
"...What the hell; here."
Jess took the phone. "*Hey* you. So you're an obscene phone caller, huh? What'cha wearin'??"
It was Susan's turn to make a face. Jess might actually be pretty *good* at this type of thing...which in and of itself was a disturbing thought... But just a moment later, Jess' smirk faded to a frown.
"This is Jess. Who's this?"
Susan raised her eyebrows. Would her sister have better luck getting a name out of this character?
"'Put *Susan* back on'?!" Jess repeated indignantly. "Well fuck you too, lady!"
*Hmph.* Apparently not.
"No, *you* wish!" Jess retorted. She tossed the phone on Susan's bed and about-faced to the living room.
Well, so much for that. Susan was about to pick the phone back up, but then thought...
*...Why? ...Just hang up!*
So she did. Two minutes later—
*Dammit. Sigh.* "Hello?"
"*Well hey,* there *y'are, sexy baby. Guess we got disconnected.*"
That was it. She'd *had* it now. Suddenly, it all came pouring out. Even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't.
"*No*, actually, in fact I hung up. 'Cause unlike yourself, I've got better things to do than indulge some pitiful lard-ass chicken shit hiding behind her phone like a troll. I said it before, I'll say it again: you, caller, are a psychopath. You need help. Now listen. What I want you to do is hang up, put yourself to bed, and seek professional counseling in the morning. Keep calling, I'll no longer answer. Leave as many the hell voicemails as you please, but once the police show up, problem's all yours, my friend. We clear?"
Again, only silence followed.
"Hm," Susan subtly chuckled at her. "That's what I thought."
A sound came across the line. It sounded like...a *sniffle??*
"OH, my, *god*. Are you *crying*, for Chris'sakes?"
Identical sniffles and whimpers ensued. But no more words. Susan could only scoff.
"*Wow*. You're even more pathetic than I thought. You're not even a woman, are you? You're just a perverted little girl."
More weeping.
"...Yeah, a'right. Well, like I said twenty-four hours ago, I'm hanging up now. Go annoy someone else."
**Thursday, December 11th, 2014, 9:12 a.m.**
Feeling more empowered after telling the obscene caller what was up last night, Susan got up, took her shower, got dressed and had breakfast, and got into work all on time. She decided her Dad had been right: if she wanted something done effectively, she had to do it herself. She could hardly wait to tell them the good news. But in the meantime, she could certainly tell Julie. She opened an IM window to do just this, starting off with a smiley Emoticon.
They carried on chatting a little more as the morning came to a close. At approximately a quarter to noon, Susan's cell vibrated.
*Uh-oh...* She removed the phone, desperately hoping it was someone with whom she actually wanted to converse.
*Oh for god's sake, you have* got *to be kidding me! What the hell do I have to do to get rid of her??*
She stepped outside where she could nab a moment of privacy, and quietly answered.
"*Look, I'm not kidding you*," she snarled. "*You dial this number* one more *goddamn time, you* will *regret it.*"
"*Susan, Susan, please please* please *don't hang up on me.*"
"*What the hell do you want from me, you psycho? Do I have to get a fucking restraining order put out on you?!*"
"*Okay, Susan, please, if you'll just give me a chance, I've decided to tell you the truth. All of it. Everything.*"
"Oh really? Well, listen up, tubbo: your so-called 'truth' might've flown with me the first time. But you not only crossed the line with me, you can't even *see* the goddamned thing at this point. So whatever the hell your story is, I couldn't be less interested. Now do you wanna go away on your own this time, or shall I do the honors once more?"
"*Susan, I swear, I'll do, say or give* anything *if you'll please just listen to me.*"
Susan sighed. She felt her inner compulsions pulling and tugging. The caller's voice sounded especially desperate.
*...Ohhhh, curse my infernal friendliness...*
The voice began to sob again. "*...Oh Susan, please!*" it cried. "*Don't do this to me! I can't take it! Please just let me* talk *to you!*"
Susan let out a large, *long* sigh.
"...You've got one minute, and this'd *better* fucking be good."
Suddenly, the voice loudened to a normal speaking tone. The following sentence tumbled out with no audible struggle.
"Okay. Susan, my name is Patty, and I'm a sexual compulsive."
"Patty Dimberg. Your workmate? In the office, the data entry girl? Y'know, Jeanine's friend?"
"...Patty Di—...what t—...what the hell're you talking about? My colleague Patty Dimberg is deaf!"
The door opened behind Susan. She turned, and gaped at whom she saw. She heard the voice, both through the phone, and directly in front of her, one and the same, in unison.
"No I'm not, Susan."
The phone slipped from Susan's stunned hand and clattered to the cement.
**Thursday, December 11th, 2014, 11:57 a.m.**
"*Are you* FUCK*ing* kid*ding me??!*"
"Susan, please, I'm *so* sor—"
"*What*, the *FUCK?!*" Susan demanded to know.
"Susan, I'm sorry! A billion times! Please, if I can just get you to calm down a little, I'll explain everything!"
"Calm down? *Calm down??*" Susan inched on her with fury. "Oh, I'll let you explain, but I'd like to see you do it with a wrung neck!"
She reached to throttle her. Patty had to act fast. There was one thing she could think of to divert Susan's mind, if only momentarily. She had to do it. Susan might still proceed to murder her afterwards, but she *had* to do it. She snatched Susan's hands before they could reach her, leaned in... and *kissed* her, with more fiery, vigorous passion than she'd displayed to anyone in her life.
For about half a second the gesture threw Susan completely off-guard. But she then instantly pulled away.
"*What, the FUCK?!*" Susan repeated. She now sounded hoarse and squeaky, as if the kiss usurped the essence of her voice.
"Susan, I *love* you."
Susan was more stupendously baffled than she could remember being at any point in *her* life.
"You're insane. You are categorically in-fucking-sane."
"I've loved you from the moment I saw a picture of you on Facebook," Patty confessed. "I knew I had to find you. I found out you work here, and did everything I could to be taken aboard just to be close to you. I-I-I know I sound like a total stalker, but, I..."
She struggled to catch breaths and fought back the first tear.
"Love makes people do strange things, Susan. I, uh...I do know ASL, but I pretended I was deaf and brought Jeanine here with me 'cause I was too scared to let you see who I really am. ...She's in the women's room right now. I snuck off and called you when she went. She doesn't know the whole story. She actually still thinks I'm really deaf."
She sat on the cement against the brick wall, as the tears started coming out.
"That's how I got your phone numbers, they're in your e-mail signature. I, um...I made those phone calls 'cause I had some brandy, and it loosens me up. But the problem is it loosens me up too much, and turns my judgment to shit. I...guess you found that out," she wept. "When I was drunk, I guess I just thought of it as exciting flirting. Now that I'm sober, I can see that what I thought was flirty playfulness...could be seen as harassment. But like I told you, I'm a sexual compulsive.
"That's the hundred percent truth, Susan, I really am. I know you don't wanna hear this, but I really was being...intimate with myself while I was talking to you and leaving those messages. That's how I...express myself. I didn't feel like I could come right out and tell you that. But I hope it explains a few things after those calls. I am *so* intimidated by you, Susan. You're the most *beautiful* woman I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't talk to you sober. If you rejected me, I didn't think I could bear to go on. But I just *had* to find some way to talk to you. ...Unfortunately, that way ended up being drunk and horny."
Out it came, one tear after another, each sniffle more prominent than the last.
"You were right about me, Susan," she sobbed. "I *do* have issues. I *do* need help. I *am* a psychopath. And a stalker. And a liar.
"...I'm a bad person."
Susan was almost starting to believe her, until she said, "I need a good spanking."
Patty caught herself, and dropped her face in her hands. "Oh—y'see? *You see??* I told you, I'm hopeless! And now I've alienated myself from the only woman I've ever *loved!*"
What she did next threw a panic into Susan. Patty intensified her crying fit and shouted through her tears.
"*Oh, I just wanna DI-I-I-IE!!*"
Apprehensive what this might cause to happen, Susan hurriedly knelt beside Patty to console her. It was now she struggling to calm Patty down. As she took it all in, Susan had to admit that Patty's confession did seem logical, and her contrition sincere. And all this did explain a lot. Part of Susan even felt a bit flattered by these lovestruck words. But Patty was on the money about one thing: right now, flattery didn't compare to the other emotions she felt.
"Al—...all right, all right, Patty," urged Susan. "Settle down. Stop crying. Look, I...I understand what you said, but I can't be responsible for your feelings...so if you can't stop crying, I'm gonna have to leave you here."
Patty began to settle. She pried her wet face out of her hands and brought her eyes to meet Susan's.
"Okay, look, let's...let's get someplace away from here," Susan suggested. "I don't want this to turn into a big office drama scene. This isn't appropriate for our workplace. Now look, it's..."
She thought a moment. She wasn't wild about making this offer, but it would excuse them from the situation.
"It's...just about lunchtime. Are you hungry?"
Motionless silence occupied the next few seconds. Then, Patty allowed Susan to pull her back to her feet, and lead her to her car.
**Thursday, December 11th, 2014, 12:10 p.m.**
"What do you like to eat?" Susan tried to keep the conversation brief and curt as possible as she drove.
"My favorite food's tacos. Or...anything Mexican, really."
"A'right, Taco Bell it is. We'll drive through so we can sit in the car and talk this out privately. But Patty, I'm warning you right now, you try to touch or kiss me like that again, you're gonna pay for it."
"Thank you Susan. Uh..." Patty went into her purse. "Here's some money."
Another ten minutes later, they were parked in the middle of the lot, digging into lunch.
"...Do you think you...might be able to...forgive me?" Patty cautiously ventured.
Susan shook her head. "Patty... I'm just not sure how possible that is. I mean, you *really* freaked me out with those phone calls."
Patty let her own head droop. "I understand."
"*Do* you?" came Susan's reply. It sounded sharp and hostile.
"Do you *really*, Patty? Do you understand why I started insulting you last night?"
"It was because I was *angry*, Patty. I was damn *pissed* at whatever the hell was going on, and whoever the hell you were. Do you get that? You're right; you *did* harass me. *And* you scared me."
"*I'm sorry*," Patty again murmured.
"Sometimes 'sorry' just doesn't cut it, Patty."
"I know. But for what it's worth...those tears I was crying last night were real. When you started saying those things to me, it did really start to sober me up."
"Patty, lemme ask you something, just out of curiosity. If you liked me so much when you saw a picture of me online, why didn't you just try contacting me...on*line?*"
Patty shrugged. "I dunno. I...thought it would make me seem weird."
"Oh. *Weird*, I see. So, you decided to find out where I work, take a job here and start obscene-phone calling me with an untraceable number instead?"
"Susan, I'm sorry!" Patty repeated. "I dunno what else to say for myself! I've never had a girlfriend or a relationship. Clearly, I'm not good at this type of thing! If even possible, I'm trying to make it okay! I sincerely wanna be a good person and make it up to you! I'm-I'm apologizing till I'm blue in the face here! Can I just have a *little* slack, please?"
"You've never had a girlfriend before? How old're you, anyway?"
"Huh...you're the same age as my kid sister."
"Really?...How old're you?"
"That's an impolite question. Okay, look: you wanna make this right? Well, one thing I think you could do's stop drinking, if it turns you into such a chatty, horny slut."
"You're right. You're right, Susan. I'll start going to Alcoholics Anonymous...and maybe a sex support group while I'm at it."
"Well, those seem like steps in the right direction."
For the next few minutes they sat eating in silence.
"Yeah, Patty?"
"...I may hate myself for asking this, but...in another time and place...if things were different...d'you think you might possibly..."
Her voice timidly lowered.
"*...Like me?*"
Susan swallowed. "Oh, Patty...I couldn't answer that right now. I would have to actually get to know you first.
"No offense, but is that even your real name?"
Patty nodded. "None taken. And it is; I'll show you." She dug into her purse and found her wallet, plucking out her license. "There's my full name, see? Patricia Esther Dimberg."
"Hm," Susan remarked. "We have the same middle initial."
"Yep; Susan Emilia Day."
"Well hey, whaddaya know; we have the same last initial too."
"That's true. We're 'SED' and 'PED,'" said Susan, pronouncing their acronymic initials as words. They shared a chuckle. It was their first moment of merriment together. Now that it appeared things had turned cordial, Patty didn't want them to end so soon.
"I, um...I like having lunch with you, Susan," Patty cooed, shyly dipping her toe. "I'm glad you asked me."
"It's not so bad," Susan agreed.
Patty wanted to ask if Susan might feel like having lunch again sometime, but didn't want to push her luck. Instead, she scarfed another mouthful of beef, tomato, lettuce, salsa and tortilla, and mouthed, "*Thank you.*"
**Thursday, December 11th, 2014, 12:53 p.m.**
Susan and Patty returned to the office. When Jeanine saw them come in, she threw out a gasp and rushed to them.
*Patty, where the heck have you been?* she signed. *I've been looking everywhere for you!*
Patty began signing back, but Susan interrupted.
To Jeanine's utter shock and awe, Patty turned in Susan's direction at the sound of her voice.
"...Tell her."
So Patty sat her friend down and explained everything: how she was not really deaf, why she pretended to be, the reasons behind her motives, how she was now trying to turn herself around, coming clean about her falsehoods and seeking help for her shortcomings.
"I'm so sorry I lied about being deaf, Jeanine," she said. "I promise, I haven't lied to you about *anything* else as long as we've known each other. I hope you can forgive me, 'cause you're my *best* friend in the world. You're like a sister to me."
"And, uh, please forgive me as well, Jeanine," Susan stepped in. "I know my nose doesn't belong here, but Patty confided in me how much you really do mean to her. She wouldn't hurt you for the world."
Jeanine turned back to Patty. "I know," she said. "Wow, I can't believe I actually get to hear your voice!"
Susan smiled as she adjourned to her desk to resume work.
What a surprisingly nice day it had become.
**Friday, December 12th, 2014, 9:54 p.m.**
"*Yes*, you can have what's left of the pizza, Jess... *No*, I didn't touch the cinnamon sticks... *YES*, your party clothes are in the washer... You're welcome, sweetie... I know I'm the best, thank you... I'll see you when you get home... Love you too. Bye."
Susan chuckled with a shake of the head as she hung up the phone. She stretched and headed for her room.
She didn't know if Jess, Jules or her parents would ask about resurgence of the elusive obscene caller. But she made up her mind if anyone did ask, she'd explain the calls had simply stopped. She and Patty might still keep in touch, and she didn't know if she'd call the girl a friend just yet. But she felt it safe to presume Patty wouldn't be menacing her with verbal innuendo anymore.
It was a bit before 10:00, and Susan was already barefoot in her jammies, teeth and hair brushed, facial cream rinsed and a bed full of fluffed pillows. It may have been Friday night, but the week had been tryingly long, and she was pretty wiped. But not totally.
She had about another half-hour till Jess got home. Just enough time. She dug into her sock drawer. And dug. And dug.
*So help me, Jess, if you took my v—...ah. Never mind; here it is.*
*Oh geez...whoever you are, please make it quick; I'm in the mood.* "Hello?"
"Susan? It's Patty."
"Oh, hi. Um...how are you?"
"Hornier than a jackrabbit. But that's actually not why I called this time. I just really wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I want you to know that I'm looking into finding a local chapter of A.A. And I owe it all to you."
"Oh, Patty, that's so great. Congratulations, I'm really really proud of you."
"Thanks Susan, I'm proud of me too. And I didn't star-67 you this time either. My number's on your caller ID, just...y'know, in case."
"Oh, well Patty, that's fantastic, but...could we continue the conversation tomorrow, or another day? I'm, uh..."
Susan'd had a little time to think about Patty and the time she'd spent with her the previous day. She felt bad for her because of her mental maladies, but now also knew how Patty felt about her. She'd replayed their lunch in her mind a number of times. Susan didn't know her very well, but from what she did, Patty seemed a rather remarkable girl. She got the feeling there were many layers to Patty, layers rife with interests, hobbies, thoughts, feelings, emotions, characteristics. She always tried to see the good and the unique in anyone, cordial or hostile. She thought she'd be missing out by passing up the chance to get to know Patty.
As for the girl's raw libido, while it didn't make the obscene calls acceptable, Susan had to respect her adamance to make amends. In the meantime, the identity now stripped of its mystery, Patty's honeyed words had stirred up something in Susan she hadn't felt for a long time. Perhaps Susan could be provocative in her own way. Perhaps she could drop a little verbal innuendo herself, and see how Patty responded. She *was* in the mood right now. How might Patty react to a little...teasing?
"...I'm afraid I only have enough energy to use my vibrildo and hit the hay."
Patty's pussy tingled. "Ooooh, you have a vibrildo?? No kidding, me too! Aren't they fun??"
"They're a superball. Actually, Patty, uh..." She chuckled. "This, eh...feels a little funny to admit to you, but...I haven't done this for a while. I hope I remember how."
"*Real*ly?..." asked an intrigued Patty. "Y'*know*...I, uh, could maybe kinda...talk you through it...if you want."
"Hmm...that's an interesting idea. I *was* trying to come up with something to...get my motor runnin', so to speak..."
"Wellllllll, I could tell you what does it for *me*...but I doubt it's the same thing."
Susan giggled. "Patty, you are a silly goose."
"Well, 'horny' goose'd be more accurate. Now, what kind of equipment're you working with? Standard dildy? Hitachi?"
"...IIII...dunno. It's...shaped like a phallus, and it's got a little, like...flicky twangy thing on top."
"...Good *lord*, you *are* rusty, aren't'cha?"
"I told you. Okay, talk to me like I'm four... teen."
Patty giggled. "I like this, Susan. I'd usually pay like three bucks a minute for a call like this."
"Well, I'll settle for a dollar-fifty."
Patty laughed. "Susan, you're so funny."
"So what do I do first?"
"Well, first thing we should do's get you nice and revved up... Oh, this is gonna be fun..." |
Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 05 | 44,648 | 4.7 | 452,310 | [] | The rest of the day passed lazily for the twelve of us. Leah and Melinda went out to the store to pick up some steaks and chicken for dinner. The younger kids lay down for a nap; somehow Mimi got suckered into cuddling up with Gwen, Gabi and Jeremy. Bryan and I fell asleep on the couch watching Kaylee, Tiffany and Geoff play Wii Bowling.
When it came time for dinner, Geoff and I manned the grill. The girls rotated through the kitchen and the play room, alternating between preparing dinner and watching the kids. All in all, it was a good night. The kids still seemed to be getting along and I noticed that the girls took turns disappearing a pair at a time with our adult guests.
"We've got a surprise for you tonight," Melinda said when there was no one else around.
"I think this whole weekend has been one big surprise," I replied.
"Is that a complaint?" Mock indignation was offset by the laughter in her eyes.
I pulled her close to me and groped her voluptuous curves. "I just don't know what else you can do that will shock me."
"Well stay away from the alcohol, sugar and caffeine," she advised. "Eat lots of carbs. You're going to need a boatload of energy tonight."
Melinda winked and then disappeared back into the house. We ate out on the back deck, citronella candles warding away the mosquitoes and the fire pit providing light and warmth. The meal was full of friendly conversation, playful laughter and good food.
We ended up playing with the kids some more and then settled down to watch a movie. When it was time for bed, we walked/carried the little ones upstairs. All of us knew this would be our last night together for this trip. I wondered what the girls had up their collective sleeve.
Melinda and I had just tucked Kaylee and Tiffany in when I noticed that the other adults had disappeared. She did not seem to think anything was amiss. I followed her down the steps, my eyes lingering the sway of her hips. She let me to our bedroom; once we were through the door, she spun on her heel and pressed me against the door frame.
Her tongue snaked into my willing mouth and we took turns running our hands over the other's body.
It wasn't long before I found myself naked and being maneuvered towards the bed. Melinda pushed me down.
Instantly, her mouth was on my cock.
"Oh, god," I groaned as she went to work. Have I told you about Melinda's oral talents? Eight years ago (on the night before our wedding, no less!), my lovely new bride wanted a new car. She challenged me to a 69; if I won, she would let me slip my cock in between Katie's magnificent little ass cheeks, and if she won, I had to give her the money for a down payment on brand new 1998 Mazda Miata.
I lasted all of thirty-seven seconds.
We know this because Katie caught it on our VHS camcorder and the girls played it back with a stopwatch just to be sure . . . and to taunt me about it later. (I know you care, but Melinda made Katie cum in forty-three seconds; her best time against Leah is a shade under fifty seconds.)
My disappointment at losing was offset by the way Melinda and I broke the new car in. Plus, I only had to wait another year when Melinda let me have both Leah and Katie's rear ends as a Christmas present.
Over the years, I've managed to win a couple of the "69 bets" as we call them, but Melinda has something like a .687 winning percentage. Leah is the only one who has consistent success against our buxom wife and even then, she still loses almost six out of ten times.
So I lay back on our bed while my wife went down on me in advance of the night's festivities.
Her hand stroked my cock when she suckled on my balls.
"Mouth or tits?" Her lips broke their airtight seal around my cockhead.
"Tits," I croaked.
Her hands moved a little faster, one on my cock, the other on my balls.
"Cum on me," she coaxed. "Shoot it all over me . . . cum on my tits like you did for Mimi today . . . I could taste you on her earlier when I was playing with them . . ."
"Oh, god, Melinda!" I gasped when her finger entered my ass. That was the last straw. My balls exploded under her able touch and I covered Melinda's deep cleavage with cum.
I lay there for a few minutes trying to catch my breath.
"Come downstairs when you can," Melinda kissed me then disappeared through the door, pausing only to toss me a robe.
After a few moments, I sat up then pulled the terrycloth around my shoulders. I checked the kids on the monitors. All were sound asleep. I was tempted to look in on the activities in the basement, but I resisted, sensing that the girls (plus Geoff) were plotting a surprise.
Once down the steps, I followed the music. Although our adult playroom is soundproof, it doesn't really work when the door is propped open.
*Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?*
I smiled to myself. *Ah, the greatest stripper song in the history of the world!*
As soon as I rounded the corner, I saw one of the hottest things my imagination could conjure.
Mimi was sitting back in one of the plush recliner chairs. Katie was straddling her lap, gyrating to the music. Leah and Melinda sat on the couch, watching the show. Their hands idly caressed one another as their eyes devoured our wife's lithe movements.
Katie was topless. The others were fully clothed. Candles lit around the room bathed the four women in a soft ethereal glow.
"No touching," Katie playfully slapped Mimi's hands away from her breasts. The other woman's eyes smoldered with desire.
Geoff sat by himself, his eyes transfixed on our wives. Unbridled lust—and maybe a touch of envy—shone on his face.
About a year ago, right before they adopted the twins, Katie and Leah took a road trip out to California and took some how-to stripper classes. They learned the art of lap and pole dancing and have become quite good at it, I must say.
We installed a stripper's pole in the center of the room and both Melinda and I are quick to encourage the girls to put on a little show for us every now and then. It's all just to make sure they stay in shape and don't get out of practice, of course.
Katie had her arms around Mimi's neck and seemed to be taking great pleasure in driving the other woman crazy. Every time Yesmine would try to kiss or touch her, Katie pulled away or admonished her for getting too close.
"I'm gonna fuck you senseless, Katie," I heard Mimi growl.
"Not tonight, sweetheart," my wife replied, a teasing tone in her voice. "Others have dibs on you first."
Disappointment and excitement flashed across our friend's face. Katie leaned in, her red locks falling over her face. Her lips brushed Mimi's and the two whispered back and forth softly.
Then Katie pulled away and stood up. Her skirt fell just above her knees. She wasn't wearing anything else. "I think you need to go get ready."
The two shared a secret look. Katie blew our lover a kiss, then extended her hand to draw Mimi to her feet. They kissed once more before Yesmine turned to the rest of us. She winked at me and the girls and turned and left the room, all of our eyes on her shapely backside.
"What shall we do now?" Katie asked coyly.
"I think it's someone's turn to be stuffed full of cock," Melinda replied with a wicked grin.
"And whose turn would that be?" I asked.
"I won the coin toss," Leah announced proudly.
"So who's going to stuff you?" I pulled her up from the couch.
"Well . . . there are only two real, live dicks here . . . and I want them both!"
My arms drew my wife close to me. Leah tilted her head back and we kissed eagerly.
"Where do you want it?" I whispered in her ear. "Mouth and pussy?"
"Pussy and ass," she replied firmly.
"Which do I get?"
"You already know that," Leah purred. That much was true. The girls were adamant that they wouldn't give up their asses to either Mimi or Geoff, nor would I get to have Mimi's rear end, although they could. It was something they wanted to keep between us. Come to think of it, even though Mimi had the second-nicest butt on the planet (next to Katie), I wanted the four of us to have something special, too, so I didn't mind.
She turned to Geoff and gave him that "come hither" look. Or perhaps I should say, "*Cum* hither."
He rose from where he was sitting as Katie and Leah led him to the bed. They pushed him down on his back, their hands tugging at his clothing. I felt Melinda press her body against me, her breasts on my back. Her hands reached into my robe and she stroked my semi-hard cock.
Leah and the now-naked Geoff were making out, their tongues intertwined. Her fingernails ran up and down the shaft of his sex, which was encased in an uncomfortable-looking cock ring.
Katie was tying silk scarves around his wrists and ankles. I guess he *really* liked being helpless. She secured him to the bed, tying him down spread-eagled.
Both Leah and Melinda shed the rest of their clothes. My eyes lingered on their nude forms.
On the bed, Katie's backside was up in the air as she and Geoff kissed eagerly. One hand stroked his cock. Her teeth raked his cheeks and neck.
My brunette wife put her arms around me and pressed her naked body against mine. Her nipples stuck out prominently on her chest.
"Are you ready for the fucking of your life?" I asked.
She nodded eagerly, then pushed the robe down off my shoulders. It fell to the floor as she took my hand and we climbed on to the bed.
Katie whispered something in Geoff's ear as Leah mounted him. Her pussy slid down the length of his cock. A low, throaty growl started in her chest and echoed throughout the room.
Leah leaned forward and brushed her breasts against Geoff. She jiggled her chest against his face as she worked her hips forward and backward. Side to side.
"I see someone's ready to go," Katie snickered. Her hand rubbed against my sex. I was tumescent with excitement.
From the couch, Melinda tossed me a condom and some lube. There was envy in her eyes, but also something else. Amusement? Not quite. Desire? Certainly.
It's what binds us together. No matter what we do in our lives, the love each of us has for the other three plus our children is what drives us. Over the past eleven years, we've shared good times and bad, riches and poverty, illness and health. We divide each other's sorrows and multiply our joys.
Melinda knew how much both Katie and Leah wanted this. I think she was instrumental in talking me into this adventure with our friends.
She winked at me, then pulled her skirt up, revealing her clean-shaven pussy. She seductively diddled her clit, then blew me a kiss, just to let me know that I wasn't off the hook with her for tonight.
Katie took the rubber from my hands and unrolled it down the length of my cock.
"Are you ready, Sweetie?" she asked.
"Yes," Leah purred. She turned and looked back at us, her eyes hooded over with pleasure. Her pussy was spread wide with Geoff's cock inside her.
The round cheeks of her ass glistened in the candlelight. The rosebud that peeked out from between her cheeks seemed to beg me to fill it. From the beginning of our sexual relationship, I've had an obsession with Leah's rear end. It's not toned and round like Katie's cute little bubble butt, but nor is it saggy or flabby. It just begs to be cupped and squeezed. She has the perfect body to fill out a pair of jeans; it's not just me that thinks this because neither Katie nor Melinda can seem to keep their hands off her, either.
In high school, Leah played soccer, lacrosse and even kicked field goals for the football team (she went 11 of 16 on field goals and was perfect on PATs, a record that still stands at Ponce de Leon High School). Her entire body is strong and fit, especially her hips and legs.
I love doing her from behind, when I can grab on to her big, wide hips and go to town. The first time I she let me put my cock in her back door, I only lasted a couple of minutes because it was so hot for me.
My redheaded wife applied a generous portion of lube to my cock and to Leah's ass, then she guided me in.
There were three moans as I pushed the head of my sex past the sphincter of Leah's rear end. She fell on to Geoff, who was filling her tight little pussy.
"Deep breath, Sweetie," Katie coaxed. "That's it . . . relax . . . take it . . . you're almost halfway there . . . don't tighten up! . . . slow . . . slow . . . just a little more . . . little more . . . breathe . . ."
"Oh, god," I moaned, sinking all the way inside her.
The three of us lay there motionless for a long moment, as Leah's body adjusted to having the two cocks so close together. Next to me, Katie's pert nipples stuck out excitedly. She was absently rubbing herself with one hand, the other caressing the cheeks of our lover's butt.
"I'm going to kill you for making me wait eleven years for this," Leah said to Melinda, her eyes barely open.
"You like?"
"Me likey." Leah arched her back and tentatively began to grind her hips.
My third wife lifted herself off the couch and crawled across the bed. She leaned in and kissed Leah deeply. Her breasts hung over Geoff's mouth and he was quick to caress her engorged nipples with his tongue.
Melinda whispered something in Leah's ear. Both girls giggled and gazed lovingly into each other's eyes.
"I love you, Melinda."
"And I love you, Leah."
I wanted to take all three of my wives in my arms, but I was a little preoccupied right then.
"Don't cum inside her," Katie patted me on the backside. "I want you to cum inside my ass."
Fortunately for me, the condom was doing a good job of decreasing the sensation enough that I didn't shoot off right after entering my wife. I think the cock ring was doing the same for Geoff. My only problem was that I still couldn't guarantee that I'd make it through both girls. Maybe I should have taken one of those little blue pills and hoped for a four-hour erection.
"Be gentle on her," Melinda said to me with a wink. She pulled Katie back into her arms so Leah, Geoff and I could have our little fun.
Leah has been in the middle of a sandwich before, although until then, one of the cocks was always attached to a strap-on harness. Once she got used to having both me and Geoff inside her, she began to slowly gyrate her hips. I didn't move, and neither did he.
Instead we let Leah set the pace.
I reached around and kneaded her breasts in my hands. She squealed with delight as I pinched her nipples.
Her hands were on Geoff's chest as she arched her back and pressed her ass back against me. I leaned forward and kissed her right at the back of her neck, on the spot of our tattoo.
She turned and whispered in my ear, "Fuck me . . . fuck me, please . . ."
"Fuck you where?" I pushed forward, just a little, going as deep as I could inside her.
"Fuck my ass," she slurred. "Fuck my ass while I've got Geoff's dick in my cunt."
"God, you're such a whore for cock," I growled, my tone and words feeding Leah's generally submissive nature. I thought back to our first threeway with Melinda when we called her every name in the book and she loved it.
"I'm a whore for *your* cock," her voice took on that dreamy tone. "I'll always be your slut."
With as much care as I could, I pulled back so only the head of my cock was within her, then thrust forward.
Both she and Geoff cried out. I could feel him inside her; our cocks were separated only by a thin membrane of skin. He hadn't moved, but was instead content to feel Leah's tight little pussy wrapped around him.
"Harder," she moaned. "Fuck me harder."
Oh, was I happy to oblige!
The only sound in the room was my hips slapping against her ass. She began to moan uncontrollably. My teeth raked her neck and my hands dug into her hips.
She started to say something, but the words were muffled by Katie pressing her lips against our wife. I looked up to see Melinda draping her breasts over Geoff's face. I guess they didn't want to just be spectators.
The five of us found an easy rhythm.
Leah was the center of our attention. As Geoff and I worked on her pussy and ass, Melinda and Katie were quick to play with her breasts and cover her face in passionate, loving kisses.
When Melinda reached between Geoff and Leah and started to stroke our wife's clit, I knew she was close.
Her ass clenched around my cock. I started to pound away at her butt, my cock sliding easily into her thanks to the copious amount of lube Katie had applied.
"I'm cumming!" Leah cried out. "Don't . . . don't stop . . . don't stop fucking me!"
No, Sweetie, there was no chance of that happening!
Katie nibbled on her ear and played with Leah's super-sensitive nipples as Melinda's fingers furiously worked her clit.
It took every ounce of willpower I possessed not to cum along with my wife, but somehow I managed to keep the contractions of Leah's ass from sending me over the edge.
Leah collapsed on top of Geoff's limp form as she rode out the orgasm. If not for the soundproofing, I might have worried that she'd wake the kids. And the neighbours. And people on vacation in Black Mountain.
I held myself inside her until her body went limp, then I withdrew. My cock was still hard, although on a hairtrigger. I sat back on my knees, breathing heavily. Melinda and Katie rolled Leah off of Geoff. I think he was about to shoot off, too.
His cock stuck up obscenely. It glistened with Leah's juices.
My wife's eyes had rolled back into her head. She couldn't move and fell into Melinda's arms.
"Oh. My. God. That was the hottest fucking thing I have seen in my entire life." Our heads shot around at the sound of the voice, at least the four of us who were conscious.
"Wow," I breathed.
"Fucking shit," Katie grinned perniciously.
In the open doorway stood the sixth of our group. Mimi had changed and was standing there, leaning against the frame. Of all the thoughts that could have popped into my head, the first was, *What if the kids heard us?*
Then my dick took over and what Mimi was wearing registered in my brain.
Her breasts were prominently displayed in a red leather cupless corset. Her red-brown nipples were rock hard. A matching garter belt held up thigh-highs. She had a pair of red high-heel hooker boots to complete the ensemble.
Mimi's dark brown hair hung down past her shoulders, a pair of devil horns protruding from her scented folds. When she strutted over to us, I noticed a pointed leather tail waving between her legs. I later found out it was attached to the buttplug that was up her ass.
"I see you've gotten the boys all worked up," she said with a sly smile. "Are they ready for me?"
"Back off, bitch," Katie said playfully. "It's my turn now."
Yesmine's lower lip turned down in a mock pout.
"Come over here," Melinda was literally salivating. "I can think of a couple things you can do while they have their fun."
My cock twitched again. It may have been from the excitement of watching Melinda and Yesmine kiss. It might also have been from Katie slipping the condom off my cock and unrolling a new one.
"My turn, Beloved," she whispered in my ear. "Are you ready to put this in to my ass?"
"I'm *always* ready to put my dick in your ass," I smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Melinda push Mimi on to the bed, but tore my eyes away from those two and concentrated on watching Katie mount Geoff. I found the lube and greased up my cock again.
Katie was moaning as she lowered herself on to Geoff. Leah lay next to us in a near comatose state, her eyelids fluttering. Though her body was limp, a faint smile graced her lips. She looked to be happy. Content. At peace.
For his part, Geoff hadn't moved. I guess his bindings were so tight he couldn't move.
"Are you ready?" I caressed the perfect globes of Katie's ass. The grinding of her hips was hypnotic. I watched Geoff's cock sliding in and out of my wife's pussy. For just an instant, there was a twinge of jealousy as I watched Katie having sex with another man.
After all, except for Katie's ex-boyfriend Carl, no other man had ever had her. Not only was I allowing this, I had encouraged it.
Despite this, I felt no regret about the past weekend. I knew the girls had enjoyed themselves, and more than that, I knew this new adventure was a new step in our relationship, not only with our friends, but among the four of us.
The pleasure Mimi and Geoff brought us was purely physical. Yes, we were friends. Good friends, too. Yet I knew that not in a million years would I fall in love with either of them. Not in the way I fell in love with each of my wives each and every day.
I squeezed some more lube onto my cock, then dropped a dollop into the crack of her ass.
"Not too fast," she purred as I pressed my head against her. "I want you to go slow, sweetheart."
She reached back, her slender hands pulling her cheeks apart. I stared down at her tight, little rosebud and thought about the first time I had taken her there. She was so nervous. The first time was painful, but she liked it enough to let me do it again. Each time since, it's gotten easier for both of us, and I mean that from both the giving and receiving ends.
Geoff mumbled something but he was interrupted by Katie leaning forward and sticking one of her pert nipples in his mouth.
"I think someone is anxious to get going," she snickered. "Go easy . . . give it to me."
"Once I get it in, I'm going to pound you," I promised.
"That's right you are," Katie turned and I leaned forward. Our lips met and I pushed forward.
She let out a gasp as my cock entered her.
As always, at first her body resisted. As she started to relax her ass, I went to give her more, but she stopped me.
"I want you bare," she whispered. "Take that condom off."
Normally, after a round of anal play, we bathe or shower, but I thought that it was going to be Mimi's turn next, and I didn't know if she would want to wait for me to clean up. I looked over at Yesmine and Melinda, but the two of them were oblivious to the rest of us.
I withdrew from Katie and slipped the condom off. As I applied the lube to my cock, I realised I wasn't going to last very long.
Katie lay against Geoff, her ass sticking up in the air. I gripped her hips and entered her again.
"Oh, god, yes," she gasped.
Her ass clenched around my cock.
"Slow . . . slow . . . that's it," she whispered.
It took us a few minutes, but soon, my hips were pressed against her ass, my cock buried all the way inside her.
"I'm so full!" Katie moaned.
"Are you ready?" I smiled.
"Almost," she replied. "Let me start."
Her hips began to move, first back to me and then down on to Geoff. As with Leah, Geoff and I let Katie set the pace. There were a couple of awkward moments, but soon enough we were moving in synch with one another.
"Honey . . .Sweetie," Katie gasped. "I hate . . . to say this . . . but two real dicks are so much better than you two."
"We know, Baby," Leah reached out and took our wife's hand. "And those two dicks are all yours . . . any time you want them. . . . Now fuck her, boys, she's due for a big O."
"That's right, guys," Katie arched her back as I thrust forward. "Fuck my brains out."
"As you wish," I whispered in her ear.
I cupped her perfect bubble butt.
"Do it!" Katie hissed.
With a slow, deliberate motion, I pulled back so only the tip of my cock was still inside her. She was slick with the lubricant and my cock was tumescent. Holding myself still for just a moment, I thrust forward with all my might.
Katie let out a yelp that was part surprise, part exhilaration.
So I did it again.
"Harder," she cried out, then she giggled. "You, too, Geoff."
As I pulled back, he thrust in. When I pushed forward, he withdrew. With each stroke, Katie's moans became louder. Soon they were screams.
One of my hands dug into her ass, the other clutched her hair.
"Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuckfuckfuck!" Katie shouted. "Fuck my cunt . . . fuck my ass . . . goddammit, don't stop!"
The two of us were only happy to oblige her. My cock started to tingle as Katie clenched her ass around me.
We were a blur of bodies. Our cocks worked in and out of her. Katie's hips bucked against each of us in turn. I could see her fingernails digging into Geoff's shoulders, drawing a thin trickle of blood in a couple of places.
I never let up. I pounded away at her ass like a man possessed.
"Don't stop . . . don't fucking . . . don't fucking stop!" Katie gasped.
There was no chance of that happening!
Her body began to convulse and I knew she was close. Geoff probably was, too. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.
My hands went to her shoulders and I pulled her to me with each thrust. I had to bite my lip to keep from cumming.
Katie was screaming, her body writhing in ecstasy beneath me.
"Oh, jesus," I mumbled, as if to warn her.
Katie's reply was cut short as Melinda's lips pressed against hers. Then I felt a tongue enter my ear and hands on my ass, coaxing me along. As if I needed any help!
"Cum in that ass," Mimi whispered. Her breath on my ear sent a chill throughout my body. "Cum in that ass so when you put your big dick in me, it will last a good, long time."
All I could do was grunt. Then I felt another of my lovers next to me.
"I'm gonna squeeze your cock off with my cunt," Yesmine purred. "And after you cum in me, I'm gonna make your wives eat your jizz out of me."
"Keep talking like that and I'm going to take my cock out of Katie's ass and fuck your face with it," I groaned.
"You are so full of shit," Mimi laughed in my ear.
She only thought I was joking.
"Harder . . . fucking . . . harder," Katie shrieked. I gave her one more hard thrust and then her entire body tensed. She threw her head back and let out a scream that started in her toes and echoed off the walls. Then her body fell limp on top of Geoff's prone body and into Melinda's waiting arms.
My cock pistoned in and out of her a couple more times. My toes began to tingle.
When Mimi's finger entered my ass, I was done.
"That's it," Katie whispered. "Fill my ass with cum . . . it's so warm . . . I can feel you cumming inside me."
Teeth raked my neck. The room began to spin. Then I blacked out.
I guess I was only out for a few seconds. Geoff, Katie and I lay in a pile on the bed.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw the other three gazing lovingly at us. Leah still held Katie's hand. Mimi was on her back, her legs spread wide. Melinda rested her head against Yesmine's breasts. Her ass stuck up in the air, and the insides of her thighs, as well as her face were covered in juice. She winked at me.
"That was wonderful," Katie mumbled. She covered Geoff's face with soft kisses. My flaccid cock was still nestled between the cheeks of her ass. I could barely move.
My arms wrapped around my wife, even as she held her other lover. Geoff's cock was still hard inside her; I guess he was the only one in the room who hadn't had a good cum.
It took me several deep breaths before I managed to extract myself from the tangle of bodies. My body was covered in sweat. I reeked of sex.
"Is it my turn yet?" Mimi laughed from the bed.
"I think someone needs to get cleaned up," Katie slurred. "I'm just gonna lay here for a minute."
I trudged off the bed and into the shower. The frosted glass obscured what the girls were up to, but I saw bodies moving on the bed. As quickly as I could, I cleaned myself off, wiping away the remnants of our lovemaking. Preparing for what was next.
Drying off, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back out to the main room.
Geoff was still tied to the bed. His face was obscured by Melinda's luscious hips as she ground her pussy and ass against his mouth. Mimi was squatting over his cock, reverse cowgirl style. The red leather devil's tail was draped across his stomach, Yesmine's butt still filled with the plug.
Her red corset was in stark contrast to everyone else's nakedness. She was the goddess in the room. The focus of all our attention.
Katie lay on the bed next to Geoff trying to recover from her recent pounding, a blank, dreamy stare on her face. Leah's tongue worked over Yesmine's clit. Geoff's cock was in her hands and she rubbed it against Mimi's dripping gash as if to tease both of them.
"Are you ready?" Leah asked. She wasn't talking to me. Mimi nodded. "Condom or bareback?"
"I recommend bareback," Katie said playfully. The space between her legs was a glorious mess. Her cum was dipping from her pussy, mine from her ass.
"Bareback it is," Mimi leaned forward, using Leah to support herself as she reached back with one hand to remove the plug from her ass. There was an audible pop before Leah tossed the plug to the floor; we'd wash it later.
"Hold still, Geoff," Leah held his cock straight up and applied a generous helping of lube to our married lovers. "Slow or all at once?"
"Let me do it," Mimi exhaled slowly as she lowered herself on to her husband. It took her a minute, but having already been stretched, it didn't take as long as I expected.
He moaned into Melinda's sloppy wet pussy. From what I could gather, Mimi didn't let Geoff have her back there all that often. Not because she didn't like anal sex, but because she held it over Geoff's head. I think for him, butt sex is like blow jobs are for a lot of regular married couples; you're lucky to get it on your birthday, anniversary or Valentine's Day (if that often).
I know Mimi wasn't shy about having her ass played with, and all three of the girls had been inside her delicious rear end at some point over the last weekend.
"It looks like someone likes that," Melinda grinned. "Oh, that's it, Geoff . . . eat that pussy . . . Get lots of practice, cuz after your wife gets fucked, there's going to be a nice thick cream pie for you to eat later."
Once she was settled down on Geoff's cock, Mimi leaned back into Melinda's arms. Her legs were spread wide. I looked over at the bank of computer monitors on the wall and saw one of the cameras had a perfect view of Geoff's dick stuck in her ass.
Her magnificent breasts jutted out from her chest, their nipples hard with excitement. Melinda reached around and cupped them. Mimi turned her head and the two kissed, which was just what my limp cock needed to spark it back to life.
Leah leaned her face down between Mimi's legs. I saw her tongue flicking Yesmine's clit back and forth, causing tremors of pain to shoot through our lover's body. One hand cupped Geoff's balls, which were held tightly in the cock ring. They looked big and full, ready to finally empty their contents into his wife's ass.
"Fuck her good, sweetheart," Leah reached out to me, her hand wrapping around my cock.
I got on my knees before Yesmine. Her eyes were closed as she and Melinda continued to kiss, but when my cock brushed the slit of her pussy, I once again had her attention.
With Melinda supporting her weight, Mimi reached for my cock with one hand, the other moving to stroke her clit.
My cock entered her easily. Her labia were swollen. Her pussy slick with anticipation. I slowly pushed forward until I bottomed out.
This being our third time of the evening, Geoff and I pretty much knew what to do that would cause the least amount of discomfort for everyone involved.
"We are definitely doing this again," Mimi began to grind her hips against me and Geoff. Leah's hand stroked her pussy as Geoff and I began building a head of steam.
I reached up and cupped Yesmine's breasts in my hands. I rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, drawing a squeal of delight. She lifted her legs; I took the hint and brought her calves to my shoulders.
"Fuck, yeah!" she shouted as I started to really let her have it.
Looking up, my eyes locked on to Melinda's. She smiled knowingly and continued to molest our lover. My wife bit her lip to keep from crying out; I guess Geoff was still working his magic tongue over her clit. Melinda blew me a kiss, then stuck her tongue in Mimi's ear.
Katie was just recovering from her turn in the middle. Leah pulled her to our pile on the bed, pausing only to give her a deep, passionate kiss.
Let me say this about a six-some: it takes a lot of flexibility. And a big bed.
"Right there, Geoff," Melinda gasped. She clenched her thighs together and bounced up and down a few times.
"Cum for him," Mimi whispered. "Cum all over his face."
"Oh, god . . . oh, god . . . ohgodohgodohgod!"
Yesmine lifted herself up just a little then turned and sucked one of Melinda's nipples into her hungry mouth.
My wife threw her head back and let out a rapturous scream. Her entire body started to shake and she leaned into Mimi to keep her upright.
"I'm cumming!" Melinda's eyes clenched shut as the orgasm overtook her. I slowed my pace enough to enjoy watching my wife cum.
I know some people think the faces we make during sex are comical or funny. On strangers, that may be true. However, on my wives, I think the expressions they have when they orgasm are the closest thing to pure beauty.
It's that instant, you know the one: You are with that person (or in our case, *persons*) whom you love more than anyone else in this world. Your body has been building sexual energy and tension. Every nerve ending in your body tingles. All of the concerns of your life: mortgages, child care, daily reports, school attendance . . . everything. None of that matters. You are connected with your loved one. And then . . . and then the pleasure centers of your brain seem to explode with sensation.
Maybe you cry out their name. Maybe you dig into their shoulders with your fingernails. Maybe you pass out.
In any event, I think that the human body in that instant is at its most primal, most raw state. And I think its most gorgeous.
My wives are not beauty queens. Never have been, never will be.
Yet they are the three most beautiful women in the world. I will fight anyone who tells me otherwise.
As I watched Melinda cum, even though it was another man who gave her the orgasm, I was reminded how much I loved her. And Leah. And Katie.
I knew her grunts and gasps intimately; I had spent the last eleven years with them as a constant in my life. I watched them overtake her until she could barely sit up.
"Go to her," someone whispered in my ear. Katie.
Somehow, she had slipped her strap-on cock into the harness around her waist. I pulled out of Yesmine and was quickly replaced by my redheaded wife. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Leah fitting her own dildo on.
Melinda fell into my embrace. I pushed her on to the bed so she was laying next to Geoff. I didn't tie her down, but her hands reached above her head to grasp the wrought iron bed frame.
"I love you," she whispered as I entered her.
"And I love you . . . I will always love you," I promised, losing myself in the hypnotic gaze of her big blue eyes. "Thank you for this weekend."
"No, sweetheart, thank you," she smiled. "Now fuck me like the whore I promised I'd be when we got married."
Oh, the things I do for my wives!
Next to us, Leah untied Geoff and the four of them changed positions. Leah lay on her back with Mimi straddling her. Geoff re-entered his wife's ass, then Katie bent him over and stuck her cock up his ass.
The six of us made love well into the early morning hours. We swapped places and partners. Geoff was finally allowed to cum; he in Mimi's ass as I came in her pussy.
Then the girls really got started. I stumbled upstairs to our bedroom and was joined a little while later by Leah, then Mimi, and finally the other three. We fell asleep together, a sweaty tangle of bodies. As friends. As lovers.
"Daddy, when will they come back?" Kaylee asked as Yesmine and Geoff's car backed out of our driveway. Everyone waved and Geoff honked the horn.
"I don't know sweetheart," I said. "Maybe we could go visit them sometime."
"That would be fun," my daughter slipped her hand into mine. "I like them a lot."
"Me, too, Kaylee."
The girls scooped up Bryan and the twins, then we went inside. All three girls were taking the day off so we could have a family day for just the eight of us. After all, we weren't going to have many more days like this before the new ones arrived.
Next week, the contractors are supposed to arrive to break ground on the new addition to the house. There are doctor's appointments and school and work and everything else in our daily lives to occupy our time. Even though the girls weren't due for another six months, the babies would be here before we knew it.
I cherished the time with my family. As crazy as our lives are, it seems so . . . so . . . normal. At least as normal as a man living with three wives and four children can be.
The four of us lay down for a nap not long after lunch, all of us in the big bed.
My head rested against Leah's bosom, one of my daughters cradled in my arms. I reflected back on the previous weekend and realised that I had the three best wives a guy could ask for. Yeah, it meant sharing them with another couple, but that was just for the sex.
And I now had a girlfriend.
A week before, I wondered if opening up our marriage would be the beginning of the end. Instead, it was the beginning of something new. We already had an unconventional arrangement . . . now it was that much more perfect. I never doubted the love of my spouses, nor the love I had for them.
In sharing them with Mimi and Geoff, and in turn being shared, I realised just how lucky we were to have the relationship we do.
. . . And that happily ever after is whatever you make it.
*I hope you enjoyed our latest adventure. Please leave a comment or send me an email. Once again, much thanks to my editor, michchick98!* |
Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 04 | 45,133 | 4.69 | 287,014 | [
"asian coed",
] | *(If you haven't already, please read **Matt and Lisa at School -- Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3**. This will make much more sense if you do. There is also more detailed family background in **A Family New Year's Eve.**)*
The slow cab ride back from the pool hall to the apartment was almost painful for the three roommates crowded together in the back seat. They couldn't keep their hands or their lips off of each other, much to the chagrin of the tough-looking, middle-aged African-American woman driving the cab. When they were stopped at a red light, Margie peeled Lisa's dress down, exposing her pert 34B breast and her swollen pink nipple. The lighter, triangular area defined the shape of her bikini top and highlighted the dusky pink bud in the center.
The driver, after seeing Lisa exposed in her rear-view mirror, turned around with a frown. "What you doin' back there? Sure...you cute, honey." she smiled at Lisa, "but why in my cab, darlin'? Can't you all wait but a few minutes?"
Matt couldn't help himself. He turned his sister towards him and dropped his mouth on to her breast, sucking the rubbery tip between his lips. The driver gasped at the brazen action of the young white boy. But before she could say anything, the light changed and she started to drive. Margie leaned over the front seat and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Don't worry about them, Ma'am," she said with a soft chuckle. "He's her brother...he'll watch out for her."
"Lord preserve us all," the driver said as she looked heavenward. "I've seen a lot of things in my cab, honey," she'd caught Margie's eye and then looked in her mirror again. Matt was licking his older sister's breast, rubbing her nipple between his fingers. "Those two pretty hot, hmm? Really brother and sister?" Margie nodded as she watched her *Master* and her lover getting more and more excited as they got closer to home "Mmmm, mmmm! Well if you say so, darlin'. I guess they come from a close-knit family, huh?"
The cab pulled up in front of their apartment as Margie covered Lisa's breast with her dress and Matt pulled a bill out of his wallet to cover their ride and a very generous tip. "You wouldn't believe how close-knit our family is, Ma'am," Matt handed the bill to the driver. "Thank you, Ma'am...I don't need any change back, no." He started to climb out the door after Margie and his sister. The driver grabbed his hand as it lay across the top of the front seat.
"Well, your parents raised you to be polite, young man...I know you can't be all bad." She smiled at him. "You take care of her now." Matt shut the door and she drove off down the street.
Lisa and Margie wrapped their arms around Matt's waist as the trio strolled into their building. Once in the apartment, Matt took the two baggies of his new sales supply and put it safely away in his room, knowing he would call Winston the next day and they would strategize a new distribution scheme along with Maurice's help. The third bag, the one Margie had wagered for, sat on Matt's desk as he changed out of his suit into an old, comfortable pair of cut-off sweat pants. He set the music menu on his computer and when he was ready, he sat down at his desk, opened the bag and rolled a thin joint. As he lit the end, he punched a number on his cell phone. He took a hit as he heard a distinctive ring from upstairs.
Margie knew the ring as soon as she heard it. "Yes, *Master*?" she answered. "How may I serve you?" Her voice was whispery soft, the lilting Chinese accent sounded so hot.
Matt exhaled slowly, surprised by the sweet, heavy taste of the potent smoke. It had been a long time since he had smoked anything of this quality and the effects were both extreme and instantaneous. "Come down here...bring a pitcher of ice water and glasses. I need to thank you." Matt closed his phone and took another hit of the joint before he carefully snuffed it out in an ashtray. "Lisa? You in your room, baby?" He didn't have to raise his voice as his older sister's bedroom was right next to his; the doors from each of their rooms to the shared bathroom were open and he could hear her moving around.
He looked up when his sister entered his room and just like on that magical New Year's night, she simply took his breath away. The soft lights played off her tanned flesh, still slick with the sheen of sweat and good sex. He loved the way that her nipples were highlighted by the pale triangles on her rounded breasts left from her tanning bikini. He needed that ice water -- his mouth was parched and he was unconsciously licking his lips as his eyes moved over her exposed flesh. His breathing grew shallow as his eyes locked on to the third pale triangle caused by her tiny suit. Still plump and swollen from her earlier activities, Matt thought his sister's cunt was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
As Lisa crossed to her brother, an equally naked Margie followed her into Matt's room carrying the water pitcher from the refrigerator and three glasses. Setting the glasses down on the dresser, the beautiful Asian coed tilted her head causing her long black hair to fall over her perfect tits and highlight her stiff nipples. She filled the glasses with the most graceful movement of hand and arm and then set the pitcher down.
Again, Matt felt in awe of the gift that *Yuan Mai Ling* had given him -- all of her self... her love completely...to be *his*. She took a glass in each hand and gave one to the brother and one to the sister. Handing them over, she kissed each of them lightly on the lips, whispering her love to both of them.
Matt took a much-needed drink of water and then sat down in the swivel chair in front of his computer. He lit the joint in the ashtray and took another hit before passing it on to Margie. After she took the joint from his hand and took a small hit, Matt pressed his lips to his sister's and slowly exhaled the powerful smoke into her mouth. He motioned to both girls to hold the smoke deep as long as they could. And as the smoke started to escape their lips, all three were smiling at each other, the girls standing together in front of the luckiest freshman on campus.
He looked at Margie and once again marveled at how much she looked like a Chinese version of his older sister. Their physical measurements were almost identical -- both of them were perfect in every way. "You were very smart tonight, Mai Ling." A deep blush only made her neck and cheeks more beautiful. "I was so proud of you...using what I have tried to teach you."
Margie was so excited by her *Master's* unexpected words of praise. The rush she felt was as dizzying as the potent dope she was smoking. *It made her sooo wet!*
He took the joint out of her fingers and pulled the outrageously cute coed down on his knee. Inhaling the last of the thick, sweet smoke, Matt kissed his sister and gave her the smoke as he exhaled. Then he turned to Margie. "I told you I needed to thank you. Know why?"
Margie grinned back. "I think we are smoking the reason, Matt." She moved her head slowly to the left and then the right. Her hair was like a black shimmering waterfall rushing down over her breasts, separating around her hardened nipples.
It was difficult to draw his eyes away but he did. "That's certainly part of it, baby... knowing that a dealer would keep his best stuff for himself...but there was more."
Margie tried to ask but nothing came out of her mouth. Lisa had sunk to the floor between her girlfriend's legs and her tongue was buried between Margie's swollen labia. Matt gently pulled his sister back, eliciting a groan from both girls. "Tell her, Lisa...why are we so proud of our China Doll?" He bent forward and took her fat nipple in his mouth. Covering his teeth with his lips, he started chewing on the rubbery tip. Margie was going crazy as Lisa substituted two fingers for her tongue inside Margie's cunt.
Lisa straightened enough to bring her face even with Margie's. They both leaned into the kiss at the same time...all three seemed to be operating on the same wavelength. All of the lust and passion that she was feeling came out in Lisa's deep, throaty voice. "Two reasons, baby..." she looked directly into the black pools of Margie's almond-shaped eyes, "first, you chose to listen to Matt and me about black men, ignoring the old stories."
Another deep flush colored Margie's golden skin as she thought again about what had happened earlier that night. "Oh my God!" Margie cried, her voice pitching higher. "I'm so glad that I did...I mean...Oh my..." She looked at Matt, scared for a moment that he would be unhappy with her, but he was smiling and enjoying her reaction.
"We knew you would be, baby..." Lisa continued, "but the second reason is really the one Matt was talking about." Matt sat back and looked at his sister and then nodded his head for her to continue. "Margie, think about it, baby. How did my brother describe us -- you and me -- in his words and his actions tonight?" Margie looked at Lisa and then turned to Matt. She thought for a minute and then turned back to Lisa. "Whores." She started to smile as she started to understand. "We were his whores. He used us to *seal the deal*. We were his possessions." She slid a finger through her wet slit.
Lisa smiled back at her Asian lover. "You are absolutely right, my love." Margie's skin flashed with Lisa's words; her nipples grew even longer and her cunt grew wetter. "We were the lowest of the low." Margie nodded at Lisa again. "Tell me, baby...tell us both..." Lisa's voice dropped again, "was there ever a minute...outside of having huge orgasms...that you did not feel like you were in complete control?"
Margie's eyes opened as far as they could as she gasped, drawing in air. "Oh, I know!" She started to bounce her taut ass on Matt's thigh. "God, Lis'," she shrieked, "that's what made the sex so good! They thought it was all about them..." her whole face began to smile, "but the whole time...it was all about us...it was so cool!" The two girls met in a torrid kiss.
Matt took the opportunity to stick several fingers into each of their pussies and gently circle their clits with his thumbs. "That's right, babe. It's a couple of things all mixed together." Both girls were moaning into each others' mouth as Matt fingered both of them deeper and deeper. "There's attitude in there along with some incredibly cute pussy power." He smiled when he heard one of them giggling softly. "But mostly," he said with a sudden seriousness, "it's recognizing and understanding who has the real power in a dominant / submissive relationship."
Lisa pulled back and looked at her brother, lust pouring out of her dark brown eyes. Then she looked at Margie. "It was like...you just knew...that was pretty cool, baby. You haven't been at this stuff too long." Both girls reacted to Matt's thumbs as they circled ever closer to their engorged clits. It was hard for Lisa to speak, but she continued. "But when you used it...when *the whore* reeled in the mark and set the terms for the bet... sticking it to the big man... baby that was unbelievable." Lisa and Margie met again -- lip to lip and tongue to tongue -- as Matt brought them to climax with his fingers.
He watched his two lovers kiss for a moment and then drew them apart. "Lisa," he said, "go call Mom and Dad. If they're up, tell them to turn their webcam on and IM me." He watched her walk away, swiveling her gorgeous ass before she turned into her room.
Smiling up at the beauty perched on his thigh, he asked Margie how he could thank her properly. "Your wish is my command, my darling," he said. Her almond-shaped eyes opened wide as she considered the possibilities.
Margie looked around his room as she thought through her choices. Lisa came back in with a smile on her face. "They were in bed, Matty. Mom's gonna IM you in a minute." She noticed the strange look on Margie's face. "What did I miss? What did you say to her, Matt?"
Matt brought his laptop to life as he answered his sister. "I asked how she would like to be thanked her for her fine work earlier this evening." He kissed Lisa the way brothers are never supposed to kiss their sisters. "I said her wish was my command."
Lisa gasped when she heard her brother. She looked at Margie who nodded in response to her silent question. Before she could say anything, the computer signaled an incoming message. Margie stood up next to Lisa as Matt swiveled around towards his desk and clicked on the video chat window.
"What a lovely surprise, darlings!" Laurie's voice came from the computer speakers. The window on the monitor showed a close-up of her beautiful face.
Lisa pushed over Matt's shoulder. "You cut your hair again, Mom...it's so cute...God, it's so short."
Their mother laughed at her daughter's comments. "Funny as it seems, the shorter I cut my hair..." she paused for a moment. "Hey guys, who all is there?"
Matt clicked on the 'zoom out' button until he could see himself and the girls over his shoulders in the little monitor window. "Just us chickens, Mom," he said. "Lisa's right... your haircut is really hot."
"Thanks, honey." Laurie zoomed her webcam back as well, revealing her full, rounded breasts and then her husband at her side. "Like I was saying, the shorter I cut it, the longer your father seems to get." She pulled him closer until his hard cock was exposed to the camera.
"Oooh, Daddy," Lisa moaned, "you're looking very tasty tonight."
"Hi, sweetie," Steven greeted his daughter, "we were just talking about all of you. Yes, all of you, *Mai Ling*." Margie giggled, but they all knew she loved being included as part of the family.
"What's up, Pop?" Matt asked for all of them.
"Nothing, really. We've just been...missing you guys...and wondering when a good time would be to...come and visit." Matt and girls were staring at his monitor, watching their mother's head bobbing back and forth over their father's hard cock. The slow speed of the video, combined with the position of the camera - their father's head was missing - made for a very surreal image.
"Mom," Matt interrupted, "do you have your monitor window on? Can you see what we're seeing?"
Laurie let her husband's cock slip out of her mouth and looked at her monitor. "Of course, Matty. Why do you ask?" "Just a real interesting view is all, Mom. Dad isn't all there, if you get my drift."
Laurie zoomed her camera in until her head and shoulders filled the frame. Then she brought Steven's hard-on into view. "Right now, children..." she drew her tongue along the curved shaft, "this is really the only part of your father I'm interested in."
Lisa and Margie moaned together at the sight before them. Each one thought how nice it would be to be at Laurie's side, helping her suck that cock.
"Anyway," Matt continued, "that's really the reason we're calling. There's a Holiday Parents' Weekend in two weeks and we really want you guys to come."
"Two weekends from now?" Laurie paused to think for a moment. "I'm sorry, honey, but that Friday is the staff party at school...and I've missed that the last two years."
Lisa and Margie were instantly aware of the change in Matt. He sat up straighter in the chair and his breathing slowed and steadied. His chest and arms seemed to expand as he sat there concentrating for a moment. His voice was normal volume, but he pitched it to a lower register. "Excuse me, *slut*. What did you just say?" The girls jumped at the tone of Matt's voice. They almost pissed themselves and he wasn't even talking to them! Then Matt turned and smiled at them -- his back to the camera. "Margie, roll a skinny...that bag." He pointed to the open baggie and then resuming his role, he turned back to the camera and waited for Laurie to speak.
Matt and Lisa watched silently as their mother looked into the camera and then crossed her arms behind her back, thrusting her full breasts and swollen nipples towards her children. Then lowering her head, she apologized to her son. "Please, *Master*. I am so sorry. It has been too long since you have disciplined me...and I need that so much." Laurie glanced at the camera and then looked down again. "Of course...we will be there with you. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else, *Master*." It had been so long since she hard heard that tone...she reacted immediately in a physical way.
Matt's father leaned down into the webcam's range. He was laughing as he spoke to his son in Chinese. "*Hen hao de!* Very well done! I can smell your mother's cunt from ten feet away!"
"Thanks, Pop." Matt resumed conversing in a normal tone, speaking Chinese. "I'm not the only one who has done well...*Yuan Mai Ling* outdid herself tonight. She is a bright pupil and she seems to want to pursue this lifestyle with us. I want you and Mom to spend time with her, help her the way you helped Lisa and me." Margie was squealing in delight (of course she understood father and son) as she finished rolling the joint. She lit it and gave it to Matt and he took a hit. Ten seconds later, he exhaled and gave it to Lisa.
"Wait 'til you try this, Pop...outrageous." Matt had switched back to English. "Even better...wait until you and Mom meet our new friends...the guy who gave me this and his business associates. Gonna be a ton of fun." Laurie moved back into sight. She whispered into the microphone, "Am I forgiven, *Master*?" She looked back down waiting for her son's reply. Just a moment later, she looked up hearing his cheerful response.
"Of, course, Mother. You know I can't stay upset with you. But you can look forward to some *corrective attitude adjustment* when I see you again." Matt's smile was just a little crooked when he said that.
Matt and Margie both laughed when they heard Steven from off camera. "*Shr, hai eega*... Once again," he'd said, referring to the musky aroma coming from Laurie's excitable pussy.
Laurie looked at her son and her daughter and their roommate. "*My God*," she thought as she gazed at the monitor, "*they are so beautiful...so bright*." Then she saw Margie kissing her daughter. "*And so incredibly hot!*"
"So tell us," Laurie said, "what our newest daughter did to make you so proud of her tonight."
"It's kind of a long story, Mom. I'll tell both of you the whole sexy tale when you get here. You'll need to know about the whole thing anyway when you meet our new friends." Matt paused to take a hit off the joint. "But for right now, I'll just say that she performed like a pro. In a pretty stressful situation, she stayed aware of everything going on, and used a little situation going on to snag this baggie of $1000 pot." Matt saw the look of shock register on Laurie's face and realized his mistake. "No...I don't mean she stole it or anything."
Laurie calmed down immediately. "Well that's good, honey. What *did* she do?"
Lisa and Margie were giggling in the background, feeling each other up for the parents' benefit...and theirs, of course. Matt said, "She bet one of the guys that my cock is more than ten inches long. The way she did it, he had to take the bet...had no choice in front of his friends. Of course," Matt chuckled, "we already knew who the winner would be."
"Well done, *Mai Ling*," they heard Steven. "I can't wait to taste it...*gan ni*...you, too," he said. They all laughed together. "What did your Master do to thank you?"
Matt looked back at the gorgeous Chinese coed, standing naked and smelling like sex just behind him. Lisa leaned into the front of the camera and said, "Oh my God, Mom...he said, and I quote, 'Your wish is my command'! Can you believe it?"
Knowing better than to question her son about this, Laurie simply smiled back into the webcam. "Matthew," she said, "if you don't mind, please have Margie go to her room -- right now, yes -- and call me on my cell phone." She saw Matt nod and turn towards Margie. Then she saw the girl turn and walk out of the room. "Alright, darlings," she said, "we are going to get off now. Please make reservations for us at the usual hotel." Laurie paused thoughtfully for a moment. "I'm going to go talk with Margie now, Matthew. Remember, honey, everything happens for a reason. Talk to you soon. We love you guys."
Matt and Lisa could hear the cell phone ringing in their parents' bedroom. Together, they said goodbye to their mother and father and promised to make the reservations the next day. Matt closed the video chat window on his computer, turned off the monitor, and got up from his chair. He smiled at his sister as he put his long arms around her and drew her body next to his. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with all the love he felt for her. Then he pulled away and looked into her dark brown eyes. "You know why I'm doing this, don't you?"
Lisa smiled warmly at her little brother. "Of course, silly. I know she did great...and when you said 'stressful' before, you don't know the half of it."
Matt kissed her again -- this time letting his tongue open her lips as his hands drifted over her moist flesh. When his hand found the curve where thigh meets ass, he grabbed hard and pulled her against his thickening tool. Lisa worked her hands down until she had her brother's shorts in her grasp. She broke their kiss to kneel in front of him and peel them down his muscular legs. As always, when she found herself up close and personal with her brother's magnificent organ, she fell immediately under its spell. Almost unaware of his hands, Lisa felt herself being drawn up Matt's torso until she was on her feet again.
"She's jealous of you, you know..." Matt said softly to his sister. His hands were on her breasts, his fingers rolling her thick rubbery nipples. Lisa's fingers were stroking her brother's cock and rubbing gently over his balls. "I don't want her to be...I don't want her to have any reason to be unhappy about all this, baby."
"I know, lover," Lisa mumbled as she kissed and tongued her brother's nipples, still stroking his growing stalk. "Don't worry, baby. I could never be jealous of you no matter what you do." She looked up into his beautiful eyes. "I love you so much, Matty -- that's all that matters, knowing you love me just as much as I love you." They kissed with even more passion this time, losing themselves in each other until Matt felt Lisa lift her leg against his thigh, offering herself to her brother by spreading her swelling labia before his ever-hardening cock.
With his cock still in her hand, Lisa drew him forward, nestling the thick shaft between her moistening lips, sliding it back and forth through her creamy slit until he was covered in her secretions. Then she put the bulbous head into her hole and slid herself down the slick, thick ten-inch shaft until her brother's cock was buried to the hilt in her loving cunt.
"I do, Lis', I love you more than anything...you know that." Matt didn't move his body as he flexed his cock inside his sister's hot, tight walls. "Enough so I'm not jealous of you, either." Lisa moaned as he kept flexing himself in her. "I heard you before, you know, when you were *talking* to Henry." Lisa groaned as her brother's cock kept tapping against her G-spot and her cervix at the same time. She opened her mouth to suck on the finger she found there. The next thing she knew, that same finger was rubbing circles around her little star-shaped pucker. Then it was back in her mouth, demanding more moisture. And then, finally, she felt the slick digit penetrate her ass, fucking in and out of her while her brother's magic cock was playing her pussy like a musical instrument.
"You would make beautiful children with Henry, baby cakes...I really think so." Matt whispered into his sister's ear. "If that's what you want some day, it would be okay with me." That was all Lisa had to hear...when he started playing with her nipple again, pulling it in time to the finger fucking her ass and the cock twitching in her cunt, her best orgasm of the night rolled over the incestuous twenty-one year old coed. Matt could feel her climax everywhere. Her sphincter clamped down on his finger in time with the spasms of her cuntal walls trying to coax the sperm from his balls. It took all his concentration to keep himself from giving in to the sweet temptation.
Matt was still hard as he lifted his sexy sister off of his cock. But he knew it would go down in a few minutes - he'd wanted to save himself, to be ready for whatever Margie came back with. And he knew it would be soon.
When both siblings had calmed down, Matt asked his sister to find out what was keeping their China Doll and at the same time, re-fill the pitcher of ice water. As Lisa left the room, Matt sat down and rolled a pin-joint from the new pot. It was almost gone a few minutes later when Lisa and Margie returned.
"May I?" Margie asked as she took the joint out of Matt's fingers. She took a nice, long drag and handed it off to Lisa. After a while, the hot little twenty year old blew the smoke out and sat down by Matt, on the side of his bed. She looked at him and smiled.
"*God,*" he thought for the thousandth time, "*she's so fucking beautiful!*"
Lisa put her tray on top of the desk and poured two glasses. She took one and handed the other to Matt. She nodded at Margie and said, "Guess who I found at the refrigerator? I think she was on her second glass when I got there."
Margie smiled again at the sexy siblings. "I got very thirsty talking to my new mother. She is so beautiful. And my new father seems just as nice." Margie sighed as she took another drink. "I wonder how I could be so lucky!"
Lisa couldn't stand the suspense any longer. "What did you talk about? What did she tell you?"
Margie just looked at Lisa and shook her head. "I'll tell you later, baby. Right now, I think I owe Matt an answer to his question." Matt started to move but Margie put her hand on his chest, keeping him still. "My wish, *Master*, is that for the rest of the night, you treat me...just the same..." It was so hard for her to get the words out of her mouth she had to take another sip. "I want you to treat me the same way...that your father treats your mother."
Lisa just about spilled her water when she heard what Margie said to Matt. She couldn't wait for his reaction...this was *brilliant*! And yet, once again, her little brother proved to be in command of this as well.
Shocking them both, Matt slid off the side of his bed until he was sitting on the floor by Margie's dangling legs. He looked up into her black, almond-shaped eyes and let himself fall in to the deep obsidian pools. "*Fuck me,*" he said to himself, "*that is some great fuckin' dope!*" With the most mellow smile he was capable of, Matt said he would be honored to serve her like that.
Lisa was starting to hyperventilate. This was about the hottest thing she'd heard of since her family started sharing *everything* last New Year. "Fuck, Matty..." Lisa hissed at her brother, her eyes turning to slits with thoughts of unholy lust, "guess what's gonna be on the top of my birthday list?"
Margie looked at her with an expression Lisa had never seen before...a little superior, maybe a little dismissive. Whatever it was, it made Lisa's pussy drool. Still looking at Lisa, Margie spoke again to Matt. "You can let her help, if you'd like...but please keep her quiet, Matthew." This time, Lisa's excitement was evident throughout the room. She could feel her response dripping down the inside of her thigh.
Matt turned to Lisa and using only his eyes, he directed her to the floor and had her assume her submissive pose. Only then did he turn around to look at Margie. "What may I do for you, love?"
"What time is it, Matthew?" Margie ignored his question.
"1:45 in the morning."
The sexy coed scooted back on the bed and took another drink. "Roll me a joint, dear." Matt looked at Lisa and she hopped over to the desk, busying her experienced fingers with the task. A minute later, Matt placed it between Margie's lips and held a flame to the tip.
As Margie slowly sucked on the tip of the little white tube, she raised her right knee until her foot was flat on the bed. Her left leg was flat on the mattress, slightly bent towards Matt. The beautiful long-haired Chinese girl moaned as she sucked in the smoke, letting the fingers of her right hand trail slowly down the inside of her firm golden thigh towards her slick, bare mound.
When her fingers found the top of her slit, she looked right at Matt, whipping her long black hair over her swelling nipples. "Call your friend, Winston. Invite him to come over here...now. Tell him you would be very pleased if he would...come over and...fuck me." Lisa thought that her heart was going to explode! She couldn't believe how hot this was...watching her *oh-so-powerful* brother being dominated like that. She wanted Margie so badly...she had never appeared more desirable. That Margie wouldn't speak to her or even let Lisa speak at all sent vibrations through every nerve in her body.
Again, Matt glanced at her and she got to her feet. Locating his cell phone, she handed it to him and resumed her pose at his side. Lisa gazed up at Margie with a new-found respect and admiration. Seeing Matt involved on the phone, Margie relaxed a little and winked at Lisa, then puckered her plump lips in a very sexy air kiss.
A minute later, a red-faced Matt turned back to Margie. "He said he had to shower. He'll be here in about 30 minutes." Matt looked down for a second and then back up. "May I ask you a question?"
"Of course," Margie answered. "What is it, Matthew?"
"My father treats my mother many ways. I think I know what you want, my love...but if I'm wrong...or not...don't hesitate to correct me, okay?"
Margie's eyes gleamed. "Don't worry, Matthew...your mother told me all about how she corrects your father. Sometimes, he even deserves it, she said!" Margie laughed -- alone. "But you've done nothing wrong, so far..."
Matt looked up again. "For right now," he said, "I just want to know...what do you want me to call you?"
She looked at him, stared at him until he saw her eyes change once in anger and then again in understanding. Now, looking just plain hot and sexy, Margie spoke in a low, throaty voice. "Matthew, you can call me whatever you like...whatever makes you comfortable. It's not what you call me, love. It's how you treat me tonight that counts."
Brother and sister were both more than a little impressed by her answer. Everything she did, earlier and even now, seemed to justify their feelings about her. They were both totally in love with her...and she with them.
Margie could see the understanding in Matt's eyes. She could also see the love he felt for her and her heart caught in her throat. He was so beautiful to her. "Stand up, come closer, Matty." He stood next to the bed and leaned towards her. His cock was standing straight out, almost perpendicular to the floor. Margie slid her fingers around the thick shaft with one hand and cradled his balls with the other. She pulled over even farther, stretching the skin covering his genitals.
"I want you to start a bath for me, baby..." Margie licked his cock and kissed the smooth, soft skin covering his sac as she gave him her orders. "You can bathe me and shave me for your friend, okay?" Lisa was shivering from the way Margie was addressing her brother. She wasn't kidding about the birthday list thing! When several seconds went by and Matt remained silent, Margie held her breath and bit down on her lip as she remembered what Laurie told her to do...had to do, she'd said, if this whole thing was going to work for everyone. Margie held his thick hard cock against his stomach as she licked the base of his cock and the top of his sac. Matt moaned as she licked him, unaware of her tiny right hand between his legs. As she stretched his cock upwards, she held her middle finger back with her thumb creating as much torque as she could. She silently counted five seconds, hoping he would respond. When the time passed, she let her middle finger go...that classic flick from everyone's childhood...and her long, painted fingernail landed hard and flat, flush against the tender scrotal bag.
When the sounds of brother and sister gasping died down, Margie smiled at Matt. "I believe I asked you a question. Were you going to answer me, baby?"
Matt was trying very hard to gather himself together. The electric jolt of Margie's snapping nail had scattered parts of him throughout all the known universes. He was so high... the pain was almost transcendent. When he felt he could speak, he slid back down to the floor and apologized from his knees. He could hardly breathe, he was so excited. And without looking at his sister, he knew she had climaxed again when Margie's finger struck him.
"Of course, my love," Matt finally spoke, his tone low and soothing, "let me get it started for you now." The handsome young man backed out of the room and ran upstairs to start a hot bath in Margie's bathtub.
When the girls were alone, Margie motioned Lisa up on to the bed with her. She smiled at Lisa, her black eyes bright with power and lust. "Lick my pussy, baby." Margie hissed at her lover. Lisa moved her head immediately between her girlfriend's firm, golden thighs; her tongue finding the moist, hot slit full of crème. "That was so cool, baby. I felt his whole body tremble." Margie started to giggle as Lisa's tongue found her hole. "Your mother told me how to do it, honey...I hope you're not mad at me for doing it...she told me I would have to."
Lisa looked up at the beautiful girl with a sly smile. "I almost always listen to my mom," she whispered. Then she looked up again. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I spoke without permission. Will you punish me now?" Both girls giggled together until Margie heard Matt's footsteps on the stairs. She pushed Lisa off the bed before Matt re-appeared to escort her upstairs.
And just like he'd seen his father do on occasion to his mother, the incredibly mature freshman bathed and shaved the classic Chinese beauty, stroking her ego along with her perfect body as she relaxed in the steaming tub. Ten minutes before Winston was due, Matt lifted her out of the tub and carried her, wrapped in a thick towel, to her bed. He'd finished drying her and was applying a very light coating of body massage oil to her golden flesh when Lisa brought Winston into Margie's bedroom.
(Only a few minutes earlier, Lisa had been in the living room waiting for Winston. Knowing what might develop, she thought it prudent to speak to the young man before anything happened. She knew she had to grab his attention and then his agreement as quickly as she could...she thought answering the door completely naked would help. It did.)
Hearing his footsteps coming towards the door, Lisa's heart was pounding and her breathing was getting faster and shallower as she waited for him. Finally, she just couldn't stand waiting another second and she threw the door open just as he stepped up to knock. Winston stood there, his arm suspended as his eyes took in his all-time favorite fantasy image -- but this time she was real and right in front of him.
Lisa brought him quickly inside, whispering to the freaked out freshman to be quiet as she shut the door behind him. Lisa slid into Winston's arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. Her hand found the tent in the front of his jeans and gave him a little squeeze. "You seem to be all ready, Win," she whispered to him. All he could do was groan in response. "Listen up, little boy," she continued, "tonight's not like usual." He started to say something but she cut him off immediately. "No questions...no time, baby...just listen. Some things may happen that...you...maybe won't be expecting. Nothing bad...just different." Lisa kissed him again, harder this time, as she closed her fingers around the pole in his pants. "Just go with the flow, Winston...okay?" He hesitated for just a moment, trying to figure out *what the fuck* Lisa was talking about. Thinking he was being reluctant, Lisa whispered again. "If you're a good boy tonight, Win, I'll be a bad girl for you another night."
Winston was sure that Lisa could hear his heart pounding. His mouth was so dry he could barely get the words out. "How...bad?"
Lisa smiled up at the cute boy, remembering what it was like when she was just a lowly freshman. Her cunt started to juice up as she suddenly knew his fantasy. Her nipples poked him in the chest as she whispered again. "If you just go along tonight, baby... sometime very soon...I'll get all naked for you...and let you fuck my little asshole..." Winston , now certain his heart was outside his chest and ready to explode, was on the verge of cumming in his pants. "And Winston," she said, later wondering if it was to 'seal the deal' or if it was just her own fantasy come out to play, "you can do it...do me...in front of a few of your friends...if you want."
When Winston's knees started to buckle and he groaned softly about starting to cum, Lisa dropped to her knees, unzipped his jeans and pulled his stiff cock out just as it started to spurt his thick, hot cum. The first jet hit Lisa on her cheek before she was able to get his thick head between her lips. She sucked and swallowed as the overexcited boy splashed the inside of her mouth time after time until finally, only a small drop fell on to her tongue. She licked him clean and put his cock back in his pants. She stood up, his arms around her again. "I take it we have a deal?" She smiled as she licked the last of his crème from her swollen lips. All he could do was nod his head in agreement as she led him to the stairs.) Winston's eyes were jumping back and forth between Margie and Matt. He decided he wasn't high enough for this...whatever *this* was! He turned back to Lisa. "I need a joint, Lis', okay?" Before he could turn back, he heard Margie, but he'd never heard her speak this way before.
"You heard your friend, Matthew," she hissed at him. "Get him what he wants...the good stuff."
Winston turned around quickly, immediately captivated by that voice...so strong...so totally in control. He looked more closely this time, at first seeing the flush spread through his best friend's face and neck. He looked at Margie, propped up against a few pillows. Her right leg bent upwards at the knee and her left leg flat on the sheet, her left knee pointing towards the side of the bed. He saw the moisture collecting at the bottom of her slit and his heart started beating so fast he thought he would pass out.
Then he saw Matt stand up. Naked. They had seen each other nude before -- they had been dorm roommates, after all -- but he'd never seen Matt (or any other real, live man) like this before. Naked and Excited. He knew Matt was kinda big (he had only seen him flaccid), but fuck...the dude was *huge*! Matt walked by his friend and motioned to Lisa. She left to get the pot, some papers, an ashtray and a lighter.
Finally, Margie spoke to her special guest. This time, when she opened her beautiful mouth, it sounded like music. She patted the side of the bed, "Winston, I'm so happy you could come over. Come here, baby...sit down by me."
He moved nervously over to the bed, sitting awkwardly on the edge...not knowing exactly what was going on or what he was supposed to do. Margie sat up and hugged him from behind. He was built lean and strong and she could feel the muscles beneath his skin. She whispered softly in his ear, "Don't be nervous, Win...I know you want to do all kinds of nasty stuff to me." She dropped on hand down to his crotch. "And I want you to, baby...I really do." He felt her fingers squeeze his swelling cock. "But I have to be honest -- I'm just using you to teach your friend a lesson. Don't worry...he won't hate you for this...he'll thank you later and really mean it, Win." Margie pressed her tits into his back as she licked the side of his neck. "Okay, baby?"
Winston had been watching his former roommate as Margie whispered in his ear. He didn't understand it at all...he knew he was 100% straight...why did Matt look so fucking hot to him? All he really heard from Margie was "Okay, baby?" and now he turned towards her...he'd forgotten for a minute just how truly beautiful she was...and brought his mouth down over hers in a searing kiss.
Margie melted into the young man's arms as he rolled her back into the pillows. He took his long, supple tongue out of her mouth and then bent over her chest, massaging first one nipple and then the other with the tip of that same tongue. When he'd made them stand out, hard and thick, he moved back to Margie's face. "Okay," he whispered back to her.
Matt couldn't believe all of the emotions and feelings that coursed through him, mind and body. It had started earlier, when he told her how he wanted to thank her. He was every bit as much in love with Margie as he was with his sister. The only difference was simply the time the siblings shared before they knew her. He felt that giving her dominion over him would help her see his true feelings. After Margie spoke with Laurie, and then told him how he could thank her, the intensity of those feelings almost overwhelmed him. (He had spoken several times with his father about it in the past. Try as he might, he just couldn't feel what his father was describing when he played slut for Laurie. He and Lisa talked about trying it, but it was so very foreign to the way they were with each other, it just didn't seem real at all.)
Then it came to him...it was his mother all along. She understood that her children wanted to experience their parents' fantasies as well as their own. She and Lisa had discussed Steven's submissive behavior and knew the problems her kids were having trying to experience it for themselves. This "thank you" gesture was the perfect way for Matt to understand his father's feelings. Lisa would learn enough to know how to play when her opportunity came.
Matt looked at the bed and saw his good friend licking and kissing those perfect breasts. While he'd seen several people do this since Margie chose to become his slut, this time it was different. This time, it was all about her...all for her pleasure and satisfaction. Not his slut...this was one of the women he loved...the one he thought he might (OMG) *marry* some day...fucking his friend...for kicks. He felt like he might be sick for a moment, but that passed when he realized what his mother was talking about earlier.
His father had spoken to him at length about experiencing some of life's finest adventures *on the edge*. "It's an enviable place to be," he'd said, "but you have to be very careful if you truly want to spend time there." The first rule, he'd told his son, was that you could never forget that *on the edge* was not a real or normal place to be...not a good 'full-time' location. The second rule was the same as the first, he'd said. "Remember, it's not a real or normal place...have fun...experience everything you want to...no judgments to take back with you to the real world."
So here he was, on the edge himself this time and determined to experience all that he could. If Winston couldn't deal with it afterwards, he thought, well that was Winston's problem. He found himself moving towards the bed, to see if he could be of service when he heard Lisa come in behind him. He took the ashtray and put it on the end table next to Margie's bed. Next, he took a joint and a lighter off the tray and indicated to his sister to put the tray down on the dresser. Lisa did as he bade, and then kneeled on the floor in her classic submissive pose.
Matt held the joint out for his friend, waiting until Winston was able to pull his lips away from Margie's perfect breasts. When Winston noticed the joint, he sat up and let Matt light it for him. Winston took a hit and passed it to Margie. "So, sexy...how do you wanna do this?" he asked after he exhaled a long plume of smoke. Then he took the joint as she handed it back to him again. Margie looked at Winston. He was so eager...she'd felt used earlier and she really liked that; now she was feeling adored and she didn't want to make him wait any longer. Then she looked at Matt. Her pussy started to flood again at the thought of what she was going to see. Margie smiled at the young boy in her bed. "First thing is," she said, "I want to see you naked and hard."
Winston grinned. "That's easy," he said. He took a hit of the joint as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and started to remove his clothes.
He felt Margie leaning against his back. "Hey. Easy, baby," she whispered in his ear again. "It's easier than you think...watch."
"Matthew," he heard Margie from behind him, "did you hear what I said?"
Winston almost jumped out of his skin; Matt was at his side so fast. Before he realized what was happening, Matt had unbuttoned Winston's shirt and his hands were on his friend's belt buckle. Winston panicked for a moment, before he remembered his earlier conversation with Lisa. Margie felt the boy tense up as Matt touched him, but just as quickly, she felt him relax and accept the situation.
Lisa rocked back on her heels, her breathing shallow and her heart rate rising, as she watched her brother's long fingers work the belt buckle and the zipper of his friend's jeans. She wanted to stick her fingers up her pussy as far as she could, but she knew it wasn't the right time for that. Still, she could feel her nipples getting harder as her brother skinned the jeans and boxers off his friend's legs. Shirt, shoes and socks followed quickly, leaving Winston naked as the day he was born.
Margie was still wrapped around him from the back. Looking over his shoulder, she said, "Well...at least you're naked..."
Winston grinned as he turned around. "Don't worry; I can get hard on command."
Margie pulled him back and kissed him deeply on the mouth. "You don't have to do anything, Win...You just lay back here against me, okay?" She moved back against the pillows and drew Winston back between her spread legs. His head rested against her soft shoulder and his hands spread out over her firm thighs. She handed Winston the joint, encouraging him to take another hit. As he held the smoke in, he heard Margie tell him to relax. He opened his eyes when he felt movement on the bed. Margie kept whispering 'relax' in his ear as he watched his best friend kneel between his legs and start sucking his dick all the way into his mouth.
It only took a few bobs of his head, but Matt managed to get all four of them as excited as they could be. When he drew his lips slowly up his friend's hard-on, Matt felt the blood throbbing under the smooth skin. He also felt the pre-cum start to ooze out of his own cock -- he hadn't been this turned on in a long time. He was beginning to understand his father even more.
Margie was getting impatient. Seeing that Matt had already made Winston hard, she rolled him over until he was lying between her legs and they started kissing. Without being told, Matt moved to the side of the bed and knelt next to the entwined couple. He moved his arm in their direction until he was able to take Winston's hard cock in his hand. And when he felt they were ready, Matt put his friend's cock-head at the entrance of his lover's cunt and with his other hand, he pushed Winston's ass hard, forcing his cock all the way into Margie.
He watched them fuck for a little while. It was so hot -- watching them move together in an erotic dance. But he thought his presence might be inhibiting them, so he backed out of the room, taking his sister with him. He left Margie's door open, knowing what she would require of him when they were done.
Brother and sister smoked a joint and talked quietly in the living room while Winston and Margie enjoyed each other to the fullest.
"Matty, can I ask you a question?" Lisa sounded almost shy as she asked.
He knew what was coming and he smiled warmly at his sister. "Of course, love. You can ask me anything...you know that."
"Do you think you're *bi*?"
It was what he'd expected and he was fairly sure his answer was what he truly felt. "I don't really think so, Lis'," he said. "I mean...before...upstairs...I guess I really got into sucking Winston's dick. It was hot...you know, the whole situation." Lisa nodded as she smoked the joint. "But really bi? I guess I say 'no' because...while I got nothing at all against sucking cock, or even taking one up my ass..." Lisa gasped, picturing a hard cock sliding up her brother's butt. "...every once in a while, I just can't see myself involved romantically, or even kissing another guy."
He took another drag, counted to ten and exhaled. Matt looked into his sister's dark brown eyes. "Guess I'm just a cock slut -- just like you, baby doll." Lisa moved into her brother's arms, her body a perfect fit to his. They kissed, so deep and so hard it seemed like each one was trying to bring the other inside themselves. "God, I love you, Lisa," Matt moaned into his sister's mouth. "But I think we better get back upstairs."
"You can't leave me like this, Matty. I need you in me, little brother." Lisa was moaning as her brother's fingers kneaded her tit-flesh. She reached between them and started stroking his cock, loving the feel of his pre-cum on her fingers.
"Gotta wait, hon." Matt gently took Lisa's fingers off of his semi-erect organ. "You know I have to finish this for our China Doll." Matt kissed his sister lightly on the lips as he stood up. "But as soon as she's through with me..." Matt left his sister with a wicked grin and started back up to Margie's bedroom.
He could hear Margie moaning over the slapping sound of flesh on flesh. Matt looked into the room to see his tall, slim friend covering the little Asian coed completely as he lay over her *Perfect 10* body. Winston was fucking her furiously, pounding his prick into her wet velvet sleeve, his balls spanking her ass crack on every downward stroke. When he saw Margie looking at him, Matt walked into the room and knelt down close to the bed.
Margie's black, almond-shaped eyes were glowing with her excitement as she turned towards Matt. "Oh baby...Winston's fucking me sooo goooood!" The throaty, gravelly whisper was about the sexiest thing that Matt had ever heard. Winston groaned as Margie clenched her pussy walls around his thick pole. "I really want to feel him cum in my pussy, baby...now."
Winston tried to say he was still a few minutes away when Margie cut him off. "Don't worry, Win...your friend is gonna help you again." She shifted her glowing eyes back to Matt. "Aren't you, baby? Go on...get behind him, baby." Matt jumped up to obey.
Margie held Winston close as she looked over his shoulder. "That's right, Matthew. Right behind him..." She looked up at Winston again. "Hold still, lover...we're gonna make you fill me up." She started squeezing his cock rhythmically with her cunt and she could feel him start to throb and get even larger immediately in her hot pussy. And finding Matt kneeling and ready behind his friend, she whispered again, in that same incredibly hot voice, "Lick your friend's asshole, Matthew...do it now...spread his cheeks and lick him, baby..."
Matt felt his skin flush all over -- it seemed his body temperature went up 10 degrees in the blink of an eye. He couldn't believe that's what Margie wanted -- or, that his mother did this to his father. Matt felt a chill as he started to understand more and more of his parents' unique perspective. Slowly, he leaned down and spread his friend's cheeks with his hands. He slid his tongue tentatively down Winston's crack, finding it musty but clean. "Fuck, Matt..." he heard his ex-roommate moaning to him. "that ...unghh...God ...feels so..." *"In for a penny..." Matt thought to himself*. "Ohhh! Fuck me, Matt!" Winston moaned again as he felt his friend's tongue burrowing past his sphincter and a couple inches up his ass. Margie squeezed down one more time and that was all it took to send Winston into paroxysms of orgasmic delight, his hot, thick crème painting Margie's cuntal walls with each spurt of his rock-hard cock.
When Winston buried himself as deeply in Margie's wonderful pussy as he could, Matt withdrew his long tongue from his friend's anus and sat down on the floor next to the bed. His face was burning as he tried to get his breathing and his heartbeat back under control as quickly as he could. Christ, he felt so embarrassed now that it was done...he didn't know how his dad was able to do it... *especially* to a friend. And then he became aware of Margie's voice and he knew it wasn't over yet.
"Winston," she murmured to the freshman boy, now laying on his back next to her, "that was so good." Her eyes lit up her face as she asked, "Where did you learn to screw like that?" He started to answer, but she silenced him with a deep french kiss. When she broke away, she asked him if he would like to spend the rest of the night with her.
Matt gasped when he heard her and then he thought his heart would explode when Winston asked if that meant she wanted to fuck some more. "Of course, baby," Margie cooed back. "Don't you want me again, Win?" Matt was starting to feel some real jealousy as he watched his China Doll licking and sucking Winston's nipples while waiting for his answer. "*God," he thought for what seemed the hundredth time in the last hour, "if I didn't love her so much, I think I'd kill her!*"
"Bro," he heard Winston say, "Can you find a blunt to light?" Matt stood and looked around the room spotting his sister kneeling by the door. She nodded her head towards the tray on the dresser. Lisa had, thankfully, rolled a few before she'd brought the tray in earlier. He picked one up and lit it, took a deep hit of the pungent and powerful smoke and handed it to his friend. After Winston took a drag and handed it to Margie, he exhaled and said, "Do I wanna fuck you again, Margie? Well, *duhhh!!!*"
His hand smoothed its way over her golden flesh; starting at her firm thighs his fingers moved over her like a blind man reading Braille. When they drifted up over her baby-smooth mound, across her flat, toned abs and then up to her perfect, sweat-covered breasts, he said, "Margie, you are...man, I don't know exactly how to say this...okay, like half of the hottest, sexiest woman in the world." (Winston's favorite jack-off scenario lately always involved both Margie and Lisa.)
No one could help it. They all knew what (and who) he meant. Everybody started to laugh just a little. "But I'm gonna need a break before, you know..." His hand lifted and then dropped his crème-covered cock.
Margie smiled at the shy young man. "We're in no hurry, honey..." She looked at Matt and then at Lisa -- pure lust radiating out of her beautiful face. "I think your friend and the *other half* you were referring to are going to do something to inspire us in a little while. But first," she continued, her voice so loving and so soft, "I think we should get cleaned up a little." Her eyes narrowed, reminding Matt of his mother. "Matthew," her voiced dropped again to that gravel-rough whisper that he couldn't resist, "come up here and clean us up, darling."
He could feel Lisa's eyes on him from behind while Margie's held him captive from the front. Again, he felt his temperature rise as his skin flushed deep red. And then suddenly, like a white light clarifying everything in his mind, Matt reached a *gestalt* understanding of what his father had tried so hard to explain. The 'love her/kill her' dichotomy was the edge Dad had been trying to describe. Now, in a moment of complete understanding, Matt realized a great many things. First among them was the total pleasure that taboo sex brought *on the edge*.
Margie gasped, just slightly, as she noticed the subtle change occurring right in front of her eyes. The way Matt looked at her and the way he moved as he crawled onto the bed. Her nipples started to ache as they grew even larger. Her pussy started to moisten again as she realized what was happening. "*Oh My God! Laurie was so totally right!*" she screamed to herself.
(During their private conversation earlier, as Laurie tried to explain so much in too short a time, she did manage to make at least one thing perfectly clear. "Matt's father is so good at what he does, Margie," she said, "sometimes I forget that all of this started...a long time ago...for his benefit. The fact that I got a whole lot out of it myself, well I think that was just a bonus. When my son realizes the same thing, and if you do what I tell you to he certainly will, you will see him take back all the power and control. And, in that way, his pleasure is magnified any time and any way that he can add to yours.")
Matt moved over the mattress on his knees, ending up between Winston's outstretched legs. He looked at Margie and there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes. "Guest's first, right?" He lifted Winston's semi-hard dick off of his thigh and without waiting for Margie's reply, he swiped the broad part of his tongue along the underside, licking away the sex cocktail that covered the soft skin. The taste intoxicated him -- he couldn't get enough.
He heard both Lisa and Margie gasp in unison as he lowered his head and took Winston into his mouth, letting his friend's still thickened organ slide over his tongue and into his throat. "Holy fuck, Matt." His friend threw his head back in total shock and awe. "Dude," he could hardly speak, "you suck a mean fuckin' dick." Then Winston groaned as Matt slid his lips down the length of his shaft and then drew them up slowly, sucking the last sexy bits from the taut flesh. He smiled at his friend and shook his head without saying a word.
He surprised Margie a minute later by laying down on his back between her spread legs, his head resting just between her thighs. "Your turn, my love," he growled at the golden-skinned beauty. Matt's long arms reached back to grasp her hips, lifting her up and forward. Margie giggled as Matt held her over his face as she settled down on her knees, one on each side of his head
Margie turned to Winston, her eyes glaring and her breathing very shallow. "Move over, baby," she hissed at him, pointing to a spot further down the bed, "you're gonna want to see this." And as he crawled down the bed, Margie looked at Lisa and spoke to her directly for the first time since Winston had joined them. "Get a bath towel, slut." Margie couldn't believe that the words were actually coming out of her mouth. She could barely hear herself over the pounding of her heart! "Put it under your brother's head."
Lisa couldn't move -- shock rooted her to the spot on the floor where she sat on her heels, her face burning with Margie's command. As softly as she could, Lisa whispered to Matt, "*Master*?"
Winston almost fell off the bed as Matt answered Lisa with more control and power in his voice than he had ever used before. "You will not question her tonight, *slut*. Do as she says."
As Lisa rose gracefully from her submissive position, Winston's mind was reeling. *"Fuck," he thought, "she looks so fucking hot!" Then the image came to him...like the really hot covers of the sci-fi paperbacks*. He could hardly believe he was there, stoned, in the middle of the hottest night of his life!
Margie was only aware of the pleasure-waves that started in her hot, wet cunt and shot down every nerve in her body the moment Matt answered his sister. *Laurie had told her this might happen, too*. Her swollen, sensitive nipples burned as Matt told Lisa to obey her. She came back to her self when she felt Lisa lift her brother's head to lay the towel underneath. Her eyes were shining slits of pure lust as she took in the scene around her.
As Lisa moved away, Margie stopped her. "Go to Winston...keep his cock in your mouth while he watches me." She breathed more than spoke the words. Then, as Lisa moved down to follow Margie's instructions, she fixed her glowing eyes on Winston. Her mouth was smiling but there was nothing *nice* about her expression at all. "Watch your friend, Win..." Margie raised one hand to her breast, cupping the firm flesh from underneath and teasing her nipple with her thumb as she watched Lisa roll onto her back and let her head hang off the edge of the bed. Winston stood up and straddled her head as she sucked him through her mouth and into her throat.
When he stopped moaning, Margie could hear the soft nasal breathing and the un-mistakable sounds of swallowing that came from the foot of the bed. "Watch him clean your cum out of me, baby..." With her other hand, the hard-bodied Asian coed spread her swollen, shaved pussy lips apart and used her well-developed muscles to squeeze and push out the thick, white crème that Winston had left, her gaping pussy hovering six inches above Matt's open mouth.
Matt was experiencing a whole new realm of sensations as he lay underneath Margie's exquisite body. Time seemed to stand still as he took in his surroundings, enjoying the sights and sounds and aromas that enveloped him. He looked up to see his friend's semen start to slide out of the perfect pussy just above his mouth. He moaned in appreciation as the sex cocktail landed on his tongue. He thrilled in excitement as he heard his friend exclaim that was *the hottest fucking thing he'd ever seen*. He felt the pre-cum start to leak out of his rapidly expanding fuck-meat as Margie hissed at him to suck the rest out of her as she planted her cum-filled pussy on his mouth.
The way brother and sister were arranged on the bed, both on their backs with Matt's feet towards the foot of the bed and Lisa's feet pointed towards the head, Margie had easy access to the incestuous siblings' genitals while Matt licked and sucked her clean. She teased and tormented them both with her soft fingers and her sharp, painted fingernails as she tried to speak.
"Unnnggghhh...right there, baby...keep licking me...I just keep coming. OH! OHH!! FUCK!!!...unh! unh! How does it feel, Winston? I can see the...unh...outline of your cock...in her throat." Matt couldn't resist shoving his hard tongue through the tight ring of Margie's sphincter. Margie's heart jumped into her throat as her cunt convulsed and her asshole clamped down hard on Matt's tongue. She screamed out to Buddha in her native Chinese as her climax washed over her, wave after fucking wave.
Winston was so close to losing his load down his heart-throb's throat. As soon as she'd sucked him in, he felt the most outrageous sensations surround his cock as she started an unceasing yet gentle swallowing action in her mouth and throat. Without moving inside of her, Winston was getting a *full cock* massage. And watching Margie dominate Matt was only making the whole thing crazier.
As the spasms of Margie's last climax became manageable, she tried to tell Winston what was happening. "Your friend, baby...he's been very bad...very naughty. He didn't tell me, Winston...he didn't...warn me. He just...unnnggghhh..." Margie leaned down, her eyes glaring as she cocked her fingers once again only this time, it was right in front of his friend's face, and she flicked him squarely on his sac. When he realized what she was doing, Winston's cock lurched sympathetically in Lisa's throat as Matt groaned from the extreme (but, thankfully, short-lived) pain. "He just bit me...can you believe that? First he rapes my ass with his tongue...now he bites my delicate little pussy...your friend is so bad, Winston..."
The young man was mesmerized as he watched the scene unfold before him. Margie was grunting and groaning as she became almost violent riding Matt's face, grinding her pussy and her ass all over his mouth and chin. A quick glance down confirmed Matt's excitement by the length of his hard-on. Lisa's reaction to the scene was to increase the swallowing pressure she exerted around Winston's cock, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. And when it seemed like no one could take any more, Margie blew them all away.
"So bad, Winston...his mommy told me...how to..." she could only whisper as her heart crept up her throat, "punish him...when he's a bad little boy." Margie lifted herself up on her knees, her heavenly pussy just inches from his face. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might have a stroke as she forced herself to follow his mother's instructions to the letter. She straightened up and let the fuzzy electric excitement fall over her shoulders, caressing her breasts and her sides as the power fell lower through her torso and found its target below her firm belly. With extreme concentration, the young Asian student found herself in a place she'd never been before. And as Laurie's words came alive inside her head, her bladder opened so slightly that just a trickle of her golden warmth escaped and sprinkled Matt's face.
"*Oh Christ! You fuckin kidding me or what?*" Winston couldn't believe his eyes! She couldn't...wouldn't...FUCK!!! SHE WAS!!!! He couldn't take his eyes away.
"She said I had to, Winston...you know, punish him...like this..." And now Margie reached that place that Matt's mother had told her about...where their desires and their hungers fed off one another, driving them higher, making each experience more intense. And she let herself go...the power below her belly opening her up and letting her tangy yellow stream splatter over Matt's face and into his open mouth. Margie had never cum so hard in her life.
The moment he saw that heavenly-looking girl piss into his friend's mouth, Winston drove his cock as deep into Lisa as he could and started pumping a continuous stream of hot, thick cum down her throat and into her belly. Lisa climaxed as well, recognizing the sounds and the smells coming from her brother and Margie while she savored the essence of Winston's climax.
On his back with Margie's smooth, hairless pussy and her tangy puckered rose grinding over his face, Matt felt unbelievable surges of power course through him; he was in total control of his senses and keenly aware of what was happening around him. For the first time, tonight had brought much more insight and understanding to the overwhelming love he'd already had for his parents. The way they used their own needs and desires to drive each other further over the edge...it was pure genius. Every time one of them escalated their feelings, it resulted in an exponential burst of passion for them both.
He heard Margie trying so hard to speak to Winston. When he felt her sitting still, a few inches above his face, he knew what was coming. Those first few golden drops splattered against his cheek; when his brain processed the pungent aroma and wet heat, a long strong rope of white fluid escaped his thick, meaty cock-head and puddled on his chest. With all the concentration he could muster, Matt held back the rest of his orgasm. It was so hard for the young man -- Margie's warm, tangy rain had turned into a downpour and he let her steaming yellow stream fill his open mouth. He swallowed a little, wanting to taste her this way, wanting to share another feeling with his loving family.
After the first long burst of piss started to fill Matt's mouth, Margie's orgasm over-powered her urge to pee and took total control of her. When she came back to reality, she moved back, off of Matt's face, and made her way to the edge of the bed. She slid off and leaned over to kiss her Master gently on his tangy lips. "*Wo ai ni!* I love you," she whispered softly in Chinese. She turned away and moved quickly to the bathroom. Now her primary consideration was getting rid of all the water Laurie had told her to drink earlier
Matt tilted his face to the side after Margie had left. The pungent golden liquid left in his mouth drained out, caught by the towel Lisa had place under him earlier. He sat up slowly, bringing himself back from the peak of his sexual euphoria. As his breathing and his heart rate came closer to normal, he looked around the room and noticed Winston's head between his sister's raised and spread thighs. He looked at Lisa and smiled warmly, his love for her was palpable. And it was enhanced when she brought her arm up from the side of the bed with a lit joint between her fingers. She took a hit and then motioned her brother closer. Even as Winston licked deep into her pussy, Matt bent over her and as they kissed deeply, Lisa exhaled the sweet smoke into her brother's mouth.
Matt leaned back on his elbow, his face so close to his beautiful sister's that he gave her butterfly kisses, flicking his long eyelashes against hers. Lisa giggled as he knew she would -- the sound filled him with delight. He took the joint from her, took a quick hit and asked how she was doing. Lisa glanced down the bed, watched the cute freshman boy eating her cunt for a moment, and looked back at her brother. "I'm doing just fine, thank you very much." She absently ran the fingers of one hand through Winston's hair. It reminded Matt of someone scratching a dog while watching TV. "That was pretty intense, little brother." She was trying to keep the excitement in her voice down, just in case he was having second thoughts. But the fire in her eyes gave her away -- he had seen that look *up close and personal* too many times not to know what it meant.
Matt looked right into her deep, dark eyes, now only inches away from hers. His hand found her breast and he squeezed her, tapping against her extended nipple with his thumb when he whispered to her, "I think, after a little while, I'll be able to describe it properly, Lis'." He took the swollen tip between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it and pulling it, making his sister crazy. His smile was just a little crooked as he said, "But right now, I'm gonna grab a quick shower." He kissed her lightly on her full, sweet lips. "Then I'm gonna come back and take you to a place you've never been before." He bent down and took her dark pink nipple between his teeth, pressing lightly but firmly into her. Then he let her slip away with a quick flick of his tongue. He looked down her perfect body, saw Winston still at work and he whispered one more time in her ear, "Now I understand, baby...how hot you thought it would be...just a heartbeat ago...if I really would have bitten you." As he got up off the bed, Lisa was gasping and looking at him in awe.
"Don't make her cum, bro...whatever she bribes you with, 'kay?" Winston looked up, rolled his eyes and dove right back into the sweetest honey pot he'd ever tasted. Lisa put both hands on the back of his head and starting rolling her hips, moaning like a soft-core porn star on cable. "I mean it, Winston...remember, *amigo*...no matter what you think you've seen here tonight...you know who rules the roust. Don't make her cum, bro."
Lisa was pretending to cry as Matt chuckled his way out of the room. He went into Margie's bathroom and found her standing naked on a big fluffy towel, brushing her long, straight hair as she stood in front of the mirror. Every time he saw her, it was like the first time all over again. His heart was in his throat -- she was simply stunning in every regard. He couldn't believe how truly lucky he was. When she noticed him, she dropped her brush on the counter and turned towards him. "Matt," she said softly with downcast eyes, "are you...I mean...is everything..."
Matt could see her struggling to make sure everything was alright. She had obviously put a tremendous amount of trust in his mother, and he needed to make her see it was the right thing to do. He moved to her, taking her in his strong arms and pulling her perfect body next to his. "I love you, *Mai Ling*." He kissed her softly. "You...everything...it's all just perfect." They kissed again, this time their tongues finding each other. He pulled his face away and grinned at her. "Tell me, baby...how hard did you cum...when you *pissed in my mouth?*" He tried, but he just couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice.
Margie's almond-shaped eyes flew open (as much as they could). "Oh my God!" she shrieked as she jumped into his welcoming arms. "I swear, Matty, it was..." Her head fell back, the curve of her neck and shoulder was poetry to his eyes, "...an explosion, like all of me was riding the great karmic wave."
Matt held her firm, rounded ass as she brought her legs down to the floor. "Me, too, baby. It was indescribable...perfect...like you, love."
The light from her eyes almost blinded him before she dropped to her knees into her submissive position. "*Master*, may I make a request? Please?"
"*God,"* he thought to himself*, "she's just too fuckin' hot to be real!*" "Of course...you may ask. But quickly...I'm a little smelly..." She giggled. "...and I want to go shower."
"Please, Matt, when your parents come...I want you to give me to your mother." It was what he'd expected from her and it made him smile. "I want to thank her, of course..." Margie looked up at the young man she loved so much, her grin was a little naughty, "but also...I think there's more that she can teach me...to please you and Lisa."
Matt looked down at the wet-dream on her knees in front of him. Of course he would give her what she wanted -- there was never a doubt. But, he thought, he might enjoy her before he gave his answer. "We'll see," he told her. His voice carried more weight as he spoke again. "Come downstairs, *slut*." He could see Margie's golden skin flush in reaction to the word. "You can give me a shower while I decide."
A few minutes later Matt stood under the steaming spray, letting the hot water loosen his muscles as it cascaded down his long torso and over his long, fit legs. He leaned against the wall, his shoulders and back getting the benefit of the liquid heat raining down and then he felt her rubbing a soapy washcloth over his neck and shoulders. She lathered his back and arms and then dropped her soapy fingers to his well-muscled ass, rubbing him lewdly as she cleaned every inch of him. When she finished his legs and feet, she stayed in the Asian-style squat in front of him and turned him around. Margie worked quickly with the soap and washcloth up his shins and thighs, gently and lovingly massaging the soft, thick shaft of his cock and then his sac with the foamy cloth.
She stood up in front of him, making sure her nipples came in contact with his cock-head, and quickly finished his flat stomach and broad, muscular chest. He handed her the detachable shower head and she rinsed him off, using her free hand to wipe the clean water across his flesh. She softened the spray as she rinsed between his legs, her fingers lifting and separating to allow the water full access. She turned him half-way around again and rinsed his back and then used her fingers to spread his cheeks and make sure his ass was soap-free before she handed the shower-head back to him.
By the time he'd replaced it and turned back again, Margie was already waiting outside the tub with a soft, warm towel to dry him off. He let her pat him down, front and back, and then stood in front of his mirror to brush his hair. He glanced at her reflection in the mirror and then smiled to himself as she resumed her kneeling position. He thought about her request for a moment and then turned around, leaning back against the counter.
Keeping his voice firm, using the controlling tones he employed so well, Matt said, "Come forward, Margie...let's *multitask*!" She looked up hesitantly into his ice-blue eyes as she slid closer to him, between his spread legs. "That's better, *Mai Ling*. You practice my mother's 'deep swallow' technique while I decide what to do about your request."
He groaned softly as Margie raised herself enough to take his thick flesh pole past her soft, sweet lips and into her welcoming mouth. She loved to take him this way -- not yet hard - she knew Lisa did, too. (They did talk about him, after all!) She controlled her gag reflex well as she felt his large, spongy head pass the back of her tongue. Breathing slowly through her nose, she 'swallowed' him into her throat. Matt was moaning softly, concentrating on not moving his hips as Margie held still, letting her throat adjust around him. After a very long minute, she put her hands around Matt's ass and pulled him closer, driving another inch or two deep into her throat. Again, she held him still as her body found ways to accommodate his length and girth. When her breathing and her pulse seemed reliable, the beautiful twenty-year old Chinese girl, completely naked on her knees in front of him, started to use her throat muscles the way Laurie had taught Lisa and Lisa had taught her. For the lucky 'stiff', it felt like nothing else in the world! A base-to-tip, 360 degree, wet, warm, swirling cock massage to die for!!!!!
Matt worked hard, willing himself to speak while Margie practiced her magic on his ever-thickening cock. "I can tell you to please my mother...and my father...while they are visiting." He groaned...he was in love with a witch. "And don't forget, *Mai Ling*, you are *slut* number three...if I want my *slut*-mother to teach you her tricks, I could just tell her to." She looked into his eyes, acknowledging the truth of what he was saying. He looked into her eyes and saw the lust that was driving her. "Stop," he whispered to her. His hand went to her cheek as he slowly withdrew from her mouth. She made a small whimpering sound, feeling suddenly very empty.
"Don't worry," he told her, his voice nearly normal again. "You can practice later. I want drown my sister in my love for her...you can fuck Winston again while you watch us." Matt's pulse picked up as he looked at her; his breathing became shallow as he pictured it in his mind. "*Shr, ne kan wo...*" he started in Chinese, drilling his authority into every word, "Yes, you watch us - watch me fuck my sister. Every way I fuck her...you make my friend fuck you the same way...very hot, little girl."
"Okay," he switched back to English, "I'll give you to my mother...but don't come back to me if it's not quite what you think it might be. Margie, she could do something in front of your friends...you never know if you give her control." Margie felt her cunt flood at the thought of being exposed...for what she truly was...in public, in front of her friends and classmates..."*Oh God*," she thought, "*maybe even in front of my professors*!" Matt saw the lightning bolt shoot out of her eyes when he mentioned her friends; he could smell her arousal immediately. "If that's what you want...fine." He waved his hand dismissively as he walked out of the bathroom towards the stairs. She sat there, creaming at the possibilities when his voice broke her trance. "Coming, *slut*?"
When he walked back into Margie's bedroom, he found Winston rolling joints (he immediately took one, lit it and took a long drag) and his sister on the phone. He sat down next to her on the bed, listening to her end of the conversation. "That will be so cool, Mom!" She was bouncing up and down like a little girl, her smile lighting the room. "Downtown? The Presidential Suite?" She lifted the joint from her younger brother and took a drag. "Okay...I will...see you then, Mom. Love you...Love you too, Daddy." And she snapped the phone closed.
Matt started to ask what the call was about when Lisa cut him off with a big sloppy kiss, her arms around his shoulders and her breasts pressed against his chest. "Wait a minute, Matty, please?" She looked into his eyes. "There's something I have to tell you, bro. Then I'll tell you what Mom said, okay? But first..." she flipped her phone open again, "there's a quick call I have to make." Matt kissed her softly and nodded his approval.
Margie walked into the room with a fresh pitcher of ice water and a few cold beers. She looked at Matt quizzically as he motioned her to be silent. Lisa punched a speed dial number and they could all here the ring on the other end. Lisa issued a disappointed sigh when she heard her Uncle David's voicemail greeting. Still, with a smile in her voice, she spoke into the phone. "Hi, Uncle David. It's Lisa." Her voice changed completely as she continued...deeper, smoky and sexy. "Mom just told me about Parents Weekend. I'm so sorry you can't make it." Margie moved closer to Matt, handing him a cold beer. Lisa looked at her, moved her hand to Margie's firm breast and gave it a loving squeeze. "I can't wait to see you fuck my hot little roomie." Margie gasped and Matt chuckled. Winston looked up for a minute, then continued rolling. "Anyway, thanks again for taking care of everything, Uncle David." She paused, looking at her brother again, and then she finished, "I love you, Unc...I'm here whenever you want me." She flipped the phone closed again.
Lisa looked up at her brother; he was smiling patiently at here -- nothing but love in his light blue eyes. She was nervous and it started to affect her breathing and her skin raised in a million goose bumps. As gently as he could he said, "Lisa...there is nothing you could ever say that would make me stop loving you." He kissed her softly on her trembling lips. "What is it, baby cakes?"
"Uhmm..." she looked up at her younger brother, the love of her life, a tear falling down her cheek, "I'm so sorry, Matty...I...lied to you." The tears started to flow as he gathered her in his arms and hugged his sister close. "I'm so sorry."
Matt held her, kissed her head and shoulders and whispered that everything was okay... he loved her...it would be alright. When she calmed down, he said, "Tell me Lis' -- you'll feel better, honey. Believe me." Lisa shifted around on the bed until she was sitting on her brother's lap, facing him and straddling his waist with her legs. Matt's big, thick cock pressed against the length of her sweet slit as she pushed it between them. She was so close that when she inhaled, her nipples grazed his chest. She knew she shouldn't have lied, but she also knew he would not only forgive her, it would turn him on as well.
When she looked up, Margie was giving Matt a 'shotgun' hit off the joint, carefully placing the lit end in her mouth and blowing the smoke out the end of the joint into his mouth. Lisa rubbed her hand across Margie's back and the seductive curve of her hip. When Matt leaned down to exhale the smoke, kissing his sister's open mouth, Lisa slid her finger through Margie's cheeks and pressed up until she was two knuckles deep in her ass. As Margie pressed down and rotated on her finger, Lisa exhaled and started to speak.
"Remember a few weeks after we got back from Thanksgiving? I told you I was going to my friend Amy's wedding...I was gone for a weekend?" Matt was trying to remain straight-faced as his sister 'confessed' to him. But he was getting really hot as Margie's gyrations intensified. He started pulling gently on his sister's dark pink nipples; they seemed to stiffen at the same rate his cock was. "There was no wedding, Matty. I spent the weekend in a hotel in St. Louis." She moaned as her brother pulled on her...drawing her breast out as he stretched the rubbery flesh. "Uncle David called me...unghhh...he'd told me at Thanksgiving...uhmm, that feels so good...he said we, all of us, are like a...I know it sounds stupid, Matty, but it kinda made sense at the time...God, you're making me crazy, bro...he said we were like a vampire coven and he was the head."
When the silence was broken by Winston's laughter, Matt let go of Lisa's tit and punched his friend in the shoulder. Silence ensued. Then Lisa continued.
"He said that since he made Mom his slut first, every incestuous connection in both our families came from that...I was his slut, too." Matt was licking the bottom curve of her perfectly formed tit. Lisa waited until she felt Margie start to lift up and she straightened out the finger that had invaded that beautiful asshole. When Margie sat back down, she groaned and started fucking herself on Lisa's stiff digit. "You too, Margie." She was barely able to speak -- her brother's lips and teeth were working her overly-sensitive nipple and his stiff cock was working her clit as she pressed and humped herself at him. "We talked about you, lover...he said if you were really a part of all this...then you were his as well."
Margie was so close to reaching her peak; she felt her nipples harden into long, dark bullets and her clit poked out as she rubbed lightly around it. She caught Matt's eye, "Please, *Master*, may I say yes?" she whispered in his ear. When he smiled at her and nodded his head, she flew over that peak; her pussy released enough juice to coat Lisa's fingers and another one found its way up her beautiful ass.
Lisa looked at her brother. He was, she thought, much too calm and collected about all this. She was no longer afraid and she was getting extremely turned on, aware of every touch of his cock against her, every lick and kiss and suck of his lips and tongue on her warm, moist flesh.
"He called me one night and asked me if I'd meant it...that I would be his slut. God, I was dieing, baby. You just don't know what guys like you and Uncle David do to us poor little girls. I said yes and he emailed me instructions. I packed some wicked outfits and some toys and I went to a hotel downtown. There was a keycard waiting for me...David said I could help myself to the mini-bar or room service while I waited. He told me to get there at 5:00pm and I shouldn't have to wait more than an hour. So I had some wine and I took a bath and it was about 5:30 and I was getting kinda nervous. I took a half tab of some herbal-X...it was so good. When it started to kick in, the door opened...God, I so wanted to be fucked, Matty, I couldn't believe it!" Margie was gushing all over her hand, but her brother was still in total control as she told him her story. "Oh My God!! It was Brian, baby! Not David...his son!"
Lisa couldn't take it any more. She put her hands around her brother's face and looked right into his eyes. And of course, she realized the obvious. "You knew!" she squealed with delight as brother and sister shared a deep kiss. "When...what...tell me, little brother...what do you know?"
Matt turned to Winston. "Make yourself useful, dude. Light me a joint and give me something cold to drink." As he waited for his good bud to take care of him, Matt turned to Margie with a smile. "How's your pussy feel, baby? You worked it hard tonight, huh?"
The sexy Asian coed wet a finger in her mouth and drew it down slowly over her *Perfect 10* breast and her flat stomach until she was rubbing ever so softly over her tender, swollen mound. "*Ta shr buh tso*...not too bad..." she replied in Chinese, "but always open for you, *Master*."
"No, sweetheart, not tonight." He took the joint from Winston, took a deep drag and gave it to his sister. After a long swallow of cold water, Matt handed the glass back to his good friend. He nodded towards Winston's wet dream. "She'll suck your cock again if you want. But if you fuck her...use her ass, okay?" Then he took the joint out of Lisa's hand, took one more drag himself and then handed it back to Winston, too. "Listen, bro...I don't mean to be rude...but I'm gonna be concentrating on my sister for a while. Why don't you and Margie move up to the head of the bed, okay?"
Matt lifted Lisa and placed her on her back across the lower part of the bed. Taking a large feather pillow in one hand, he lifted her and slid the pillow underneath her saucy little bottom with the other. Lisa was sooo ready for this; in her mind, everything before had been appetizers leading up to the main course...her sexy younger brother's big, thick beautiful cock. God, how she loved him! Her still-tanned flesh was moist and flushed from the little mini almost-orgasms that Winston provided via his talented tongue. (She avoided the big O as Matt had made a point of telling his friend NOT to make her cum.) Now, with the pillow beneath her, Lisa watched her brother's face as he sat cross-legged between her spread and upraised thighs. Her breathing got shallower and her heart rate increased as he inched closer to her hot, wet core.
As much as he appeared to be in control, Matt was every bit as excited as his older sister. His ice-blue eyes locked on to hers as he slowly leaned forward, bringing his talented tongue ever closer to her slick, shaved mound. He'd been waiting forever, or so it seemed to the young man, and his time was at hand. He touched her briefly, with the tip of his tongue, on that little ridge that separates pussy from pucker. He smiled at her when she gasped.
"Did you think Uncle David would have called you like that without talking to me first?" Without waiting for an answer, Matt started licking in circles around her dusky pink rosebud. Lisa could only moan an answer. "At first, *he* was planning on meeting you, Lis'. He slid his finger into her moist little fuck-hole, lubricating it with her succulent crème. "He called me earlier that week...asked me if I minded if he sent Brian to fuck you." He withdrew the coated digit and found her asshole with the tip. "When David told me that Brian was already sleeping with Mom..." Matt pushed his finger up Lisa's clenching bowels with one thrust and Lisa, Margie and Winston all groaned together. "I figured it would be cool to talk to him after...you know...your brother and your first cousin, sitting around..." He thrust a second finger past her sphincter and started to stretch her out. "Comparing you and Mom...talking about how we like to fuck you. So I told him okay. But I never really heard any of the details. You can tell all of us now." Matt started to lick his sister's puffy lips as his fingers twisted in her ass. Suddenly, he remembered his mother's phone call. He looked up from between his sister's thighs. "Hey, Lis', before you do...what did Mom say before?"
Lisa was having a hard time listening to her brother. His fingers were fiddling with her ass like a concert violinist playing a Stradivarius...and the idea of her brother and her cousin discussing her like that...it just made her cunt flood. But she tried to respond...she knew Matt wanted to hear about Brian and St. Louis. "Uncle David...unghh...is paying for a *huge* suite at a downtown hotel for Parents' Weekend." Her voice was low and gravelly and it made her brother's cock as hard as rock. "Mom and Dad, the three of us and Brian." Margie was moaning along with Lisa as she pictured the possibilities. "And new people, too, Matty. Brian is bringing his fiancée, Kathy, and her brother, Andy." Matt looked at her with a question on his face. Lisa's dark brown eyes were slits of pure lust. "Brian brought Kathy to our house one night. Daddy fucked her while Brian did Mom...then, Kathy told them that she and Andy have been having sex with each other since her senior year of high school." She tried to climb his fingers, thrusting her ass up off the pillow. "Brian told Mom that he looks just like you, Matty...he said you could be brothers."
Matt felt his sister's colon start to clamp down ...she was so close to cumming...but then he took his fingers away, leaving her feeling so empty. "Matty," she moaned her loss, "what are you doing to me, baby?" Lisa moaned again feeling her brother's hands under her ass. He pulled her forward until her gaping rosebud was winking at the ceiling. Then he slid his long fingers up the back of each thigh, pressing her knees against her breasts. "Hold them wide open, baby," Matt growled as he slid his hands back down the hot moist flesh, "while you tell us about fucking our dear cousin Brian." Matt's fingertips slid through Lisa's creamy slit, playing lightly over her hyper-sensitive, hairless cunt lips from her erect little clit to her stretched-out sphincter. Then he took the shaft of his cock in his hand, lining up the thick head with her gaping hole. Pinching her clit with his other hand, Matt plunged his pole deep into her receptive bowels. "Talk to me, *slut*. I want to know what happened."
Lisa gasped as her younger brother's fingers found her swollen clit and then groaned as he lodged his thick, meaty prick deep in her ass, filling her completely. She never felt as good as she did when her brother's magnificent cock was somewhere inside her. He slid his hips upwards, withdrawing his cock. "Ohhh, Matty..." Lisa moaned her loss, but then, quite unexpectedly, she felt his fingers holding her gaping sphincter open and his tongue slithering into her ass. Then she remembered...her *Master* wanted to her about her encounter with their cousin. "Oh God...that feels...unnnggghhh..." Matt plunged his thumb into her pussy, searching out her G-spot. "Please, Matty..."
He really didn't want to stop reaming her butt-hole, but he had to get her back on track. "Keep talking, Lis'..." he grinned at her -- his eyes were slits of fire as he took his cock in hand and once again plunged it deep into her backside. "Or I'll stop what I'm doing." He pulled himself out, his thick head making a *plop!* as it passed her rubbery ring. Looking down, he mumbled to her, "God, Lis', I love the way your asshole stays open...like it's waiting to get filled up again." And again, he drove all ten inches into his sister's warm, tight bowels until his balls slapped against her upraised cheeks. He pulled his thumb out of her pussy and replaced it with two long finger that he used to massage his cock through her cuntal wall. *Fuck, it felt awesome!*
Lisa was losing her mind as her brother continued his sensual assault on her vulnerable flesh. "He was so surprised, he told me. He was expecting Mom, but he was real happy that it was me, baby." Matt again replaced his fat cock with his tongue, licking and poking deep into her anus. "He asked me if I was really Uncle David's *slut*. I said yes. He asked me what that meant and I told him that I would do *anything* he wanted for the weekend." It took all of her concentration to keep going. Her brother was moving his tongue and fingers (and occasionally his cock) back and forth between her hot, bare mound and her open and excited dusky pucker.
"Margie," Lisa tried to get her attention, "you'll meet him soon. Brian, our cousin...about 6'2" of beautiful stud with red hair, blue eyes, slim body and really great cock." She heard the beautiful Asian girl mumbling something about 'great cock'. "He told me later that Daddy said he loved sucking him so much that he could come over anytime he wanted a blowjob. Anyway, first, when he kinda got over the shock of finding me there instead of Mom, he told me since freshman year in high school, he thought about me when he jacked off."
Matt stopped chewing on her pussy lips for a moment. He looked up towards the head of the bed. "He was always so popular and athletic...even as a little kid. Lisa and I both were not. It wasn't until freshman year that Lisa changed. She changed from a kid to a complete hottie." He resumed eating her, devouring her essence. Then looking up again, he said, "He really is beautiful, *Mai Ling*...all through college, he was a high fashion catalog model. Great cheekbones, I was always told...I guess a great cock, too."
"I smiled at him," Lisa continued, her eyes rolled back in her head, "and told him he didn't have to do that anymore. I was wearing jeans and a little top. He looked at me and told me to take off the top...I think he wanted to see if I would more than he wanted to see my boobs. I turned around and took off my top. When I turned back around, he just stared at my eyes and told me I was beautiful. Then he told me to roll a joint from some stuff he brought. I lit it when I was done rolling and then handed it to him. He still hadn't touched me so when he took a hit, I put my hand on his jeans, over his cock, and I gave him a little squeeze. That got him started!" She giggled at the memory.
"He told me to get naked so I gave him a little show -- peeling off my jeans and then my little panties. He *loved* my shaved pussy, *Master*! Then I stripped him and we played around for a little while and then he finally fucked me. It was wonderful, Matty. And then we showered and when I washed his back, I spread his cheeks and tongued his asshole. He really loved that! When he asked me if I 'swallow' cock like Mom, I think I came a little bit. So I turned him around and showed him I could it, too."
Matt was back to alternating tongue, fingers and cock in both of his sister's exposed openings. He was immersed in the tastes and textures that kept subtly changing as Lisa's state of excitement altered. He pictured his older cousin as his sister mumbled on about her weekend. As he tongue-fucked his sister's juicy cunt, he thought about his dad's comment. Maybe he would get a chance to find out for himself... *Oh man*! He didn't know where that thought came from! But when he realized the desire was real, it put Matt right back on that insane edge that his father had described. He was ready to start his journey, bringing his hot, sexy sister along for the ride!
Matt sat cross-legged directly in front of his sister's upturned behind. He told her to let go of her legs and let them drop slowly over his. Lisa sighed as her legs dropped slowly, not realizing the strain they had been under. Matt stroked her thighs, working up to her perfect mons, bending forward to kiss her clit. Then he nuzzled his way up the hot, moist flesh of her flat tummy until his broad tongue stroked around the underside of her delicious tits.
Lisa felt like she was under water, immersed in the total pleasure of being devoured by her brother, her mind filled with graphic images of her time with Brian. "Tell me more..." she heard her brother's voice just before she felt his teeth on her stiff nipple. She was just vaguely aware when he shifted his hips. She thought she heard him again -- "Talk to me, baby," he said, just before he drove his stiff cock fully into her in one thrust.
"UNnnnngggghhh...God, Matty...you're so fucking big." He brought back nine inches, very slowly, and then plunged to the hilt again. "He made me dress all slutty and then took me to the hotel bar so guys could hit on me." Again, her brother slowly withdrew his rock-hard slab until just the thick, spongy head was between her pussy lips, paused and then filled her completely again. He was making her crazy -- they both knew it. There was nothing on earth that could make him vary the pace and the depth of his stroke. It was a sensual torture that his father taught him and he was well into the first stage as Lisa kept talking about her weekend. "We got kicked out of the bar...went back upstairs to order room service. *Oh fuck, Matt!!!* Oooh yessss!" Matt felt her crème coating the length of his cock as she mini-climaxed when he bit her other nipple. "The room service waiter was a great guy...45 maybe 50 year old black man...very classy and *very* fit. Brian gave me to him...he wanted me to lick his ass before he fucked me. After, Brian gave him a hundred-dollar bill -- told him to tell all his friends in the kitchen to take good care of us all weekend. And they did, baby, they really did!"
Matt kept the same pace as he continued to fuck his sister's hot, wet cunt. But now, when he was fully in her, he twitched his cock-head against her cervix before he withdrew. He was moving to stage two of his father's technique. He kissed the curve of her shoulder where it met her neck and then slid his lips up the moist, cinnamon skin until he could whisper in her ear. "Love your cousin, Lis'?"
"Ummm hmmm," she moaned her agreement, "he's so beautiful, *Master*." She couldn't believe the way he was fucking her!
"Gonna keep fucking him, baby cakes?"
"As long as you let me...as long as he wants me. Oh FUCK ME, MATTY!!!" Lisa screamed as she climaxed again while feeling her brother's cock twitch against the opening to her womb. "Will you let me, Matty?" she asked when she could speak again.
"Sure, baby, sure..." Matt kissed his sister, falling in love all over again with her soft, supple lips and her teasing tongue. "Was he as good as the bald, black posse? Wanna make babies with him...like you want to...with *Henry*?" Matt took Lisa up another level; when he mentioned Henry's name, his thumb plunged through her stretched-out anal ring and up her ass - all the while maintaining the same tempo and depth (and little cock twitch) like a fucking machine.
Lisa was babbling and moaning as her brother's words started to penetrate her conscious mind. Babies...Henry..."Oh Jesus! Ohhh FUUCCCKKK!" she screamed her climax without knowing it. She was only vaguely aware of her ass clamping down on his thumb; it felt so good...so right...but he was making her *COMPLETELY FUCKING CRAZY* fucking her the way he was. She managed to find some words as her lust-filled eyes found his. "You heard me, Matty? Ooooohhh.. OH! OH!" She came again, picturing the African Adonis who'd fucked her so well earlier that night.
"He told me, Lis'...didn't want to get on my bad side." Matt smiled darkly at his sister. "You would make beautiful babies, no doubt." He slid another finger into her, grinding along side his thumb. Lisa reverted to mumbling sounds, not words, as her brother played his sensuous symphony all over her perfect, young body. Her cunt was gripping his hard, thick cock like the walls had fingers and her ass was eating his fingers with every plunge. It was getting to be impossible for Matt to continue much longer. If he would have let himself, he could have cum anytime in the last ten minutes. As it was, he knew he had only a limited amount of time to bring both of them up the final level...on the edge.
Their bodies were slick from their exertions, providing a full-body lubricant to the incestuous siblings as they rocked back and forth against each other. Sensing his sister was riding the crest of a huge orgasmic wave, Matt withdrew his long, hard, cum-coated prick from her exquisite pussy and his thumb and finger from her bowels. Shifting only slightly, Matt's cock found her dusky pink hole and he was up her ass in one smooth stroke. He watched his sister carefully as her eyes started to roll back with no apparent focus. When he pulled back and then fucked her asshole again, her eyes changed back again to the lust-filled slits he cherished.
"Ooooohhh, Matty...unghhh...OH FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK unnnnnggggg!!!!" She had never...*never-fucking-ever* felt like this! Three, four, five times he fucked his stiff meat in her ass hard and deep, his balls slapping against her cheeks. Then suddenly he lifted her legs up and moved her away and off his rock-hard pole. He came out of her ass so easily, it seemed like it was a choreographed dance move. Flowing with the cosmic wave that seemed to be guiding his actions, Matt rose up on his knees, his strong, sure hands holding his sister by her trim waist. She was weightless in his grip and with no visible effort, the young man held her above the mattress, turned her upside down and brought her body back in to his.
Lisa could not understand what her brother was doing to her. He had never...no one had ever...pushed her farther or harder. Her mind was turning to jelly as the pleasure neurons across her brain and body exploded continuously. Before she knew what was happening, a tremendous rush overwhelmed her as Matt held her with her head down. When she opened her eyes, she was looking at the swollen, mushroom-shaped head of her brother's completely erect cock. She found the drop of pre-cum leaking from his piss hole simply irresistible and moved instinctually to take him into her mouth.
Matt opened his sister's thighs and rested them on his shoulders. At the very same time Lisa stretched her sweet lips around the massive corona of the finest cock in her world, she felt her brother's mouth form a seal over her smoothly shaved pussy. When he started to suck...oh so lightly...around her supersensitive clit, she felt the wave take her up a notch to a new level. Her breathing was so shallow and her pulse so rapid; electricity shot through her from where ever their flesh touched. She worked his cock deeper, gently swallowing him when she felt the head slide in to her throat.
He couldn't take another minute of the exquisite torture he was putting himself through. He realized, somewhere deep inside, that if he was this far gone then his sister had to be, too. He started to relax the muscles holding back his climax while he slipped a long finger into her cunt, massaging her G-spot. His tongue beat a steady tattoo against the sides of her swollen nub, careful to avoid direct contact. He felt the heat of lust in her mouth as her tongue traced every vein and every ridge of his thick shaft. With all of his will...all of his strength...he lifted his mouth from her fire-hot flesh. "Just think, baby..." he was just barely able to speak, "you, Margie and me, Mom and Dad...Oh! Fuck, Lis'...I'm starting to cum, baby...God...Brian and Kathy and Andy... Ahhh..." he released the first long spurt of his thick semen into her gullet. "All of us fucking each other...and then with the bald, black posse." Lisa slid her mouth back until her lips sealed around the ridge of his cock-head; she needed to taste her brother's love and he complied with another stream across her tongue. He felt her tongue caress his cock, licking all around him. Matt dropped his mouth back to her steamy slit and started nibbling and chewing her clit with his lips.
Matt fell slowly on his back, bringing Lisa with him. Their mouths never lost contact with each other's sex. He felt her scream around his thick, hard cock as the sensory overload proved to be too much for either sibling to handle. The vibrations from her lips and tongue triggered a totally uncontrolled release and his thick, hot crème filled her mouth as she struggled to swallow it all.
Lisa had already been seeing stars from her brother's lips and tongue...then the G-spot thing...God, he was incredible! It was just about all over for the sex-saturated coed when she felt him gnawing on her clit. *How much could a girl take?* Not much, it seemed. When her brother's hot, thick, slightly salty cum started spraying inside her mouth, her cunt started clenching and clamping and finally squirting her love juice into Matt's mouth.
They held each other so tightly, neither wanting their incestuous encounter to end. They were silent as they listened to each other's bodies...taking a last lick and a final suck before they became too sensitive to touch. When Lisa's mind came back to her body, and her breathing resembled something nearly normal, she crawled off Matt's prone torso, turned, and lay down next to him, propped up on her elbow on Margie's bed.
Matt smiled up at her when opened his eyes. "Oooh!" he exhaled. "I love you, sis."
Lisa looked at her beautiful younger brother, deep in to his eyes. She wanted to stay like this forever. "I love you too, bro," she said just before she kissed him lightly on his swollen lips. She smiled at him and shook her head. "Completely and forever, Matty...I know you know that, right?"
"Of course, love," he smiled at her.
"You really don't have to prove anything, little brother..." Lisa reached back with her free hand to pull Margie next to them. The beautiful Asian lay down on the other side of their Master and she and Lisa kissed deeply. "We're gonna see those big, beautiful black men several times a week," she said. "You'll kill all of us if you react this way every time, baby." They all looked at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter.
Margie put on the cutest, sexiest little pouty face she could manage. "*Master*," she said with a silly Chinese accent, "if you feel compelled to prove it to *me* like that...I wouldn't mind." She paused and looked at them with a very wicked smile. "Maybe...sometime during *Parent's Weekend!*" |
1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 08 | 75,090 | 4.5 | 548,502 | [
"lesbian sex",
"taboo sex"
] | Her mind was overflowing with a flood of thoughts and emotions, almost to the point, thought Tess, of making her wanting to find a 'hidey-hole' to crawl into, to find some time to reboot, to recharge.
She and Becks' had the 'BIG TALK' with Jean and, as Tess had correctly surmised, Becks agreed that neither of them had any moral high ground to stand on, no right to preach to Jean about her promiscuous behavior. Jean took the talk well, understood their concern for her reputation and, outwardly, at least, agreed that she needed to be a 'bit' more selective and less whore-like in her demeanor with other gals.
Would she? Well, that was the question now, wasn't it?
Tess asked for, and was granted, the use of Dr. Willie's Escalade in which to go to the airport to pick-up her step-sis, Jolene, or Jo as she preferred to be called these days. Oh sure, Dr. Willie extracted a 'quickie' in her office as tribute for the use of her car but Tess had no problem with that at all. Since she had started as the student assistant to Willie and Bea, there had been quite a few afternoon 'quickies' with one or the other in their offices. Wasn't part of the job description but what the hell, it still happened from time to time and to Tess, it was no big thing.
Jo was three years older than Tess and now, a Second Lieutenant in the Army following her graduation from college. She, Jo, was on leave between Advance Training Schools for her Specialty and would, eventually, be shipped overseas to one of the many wars in which our troops were engaged.
A slight smile came to Tess' lips as she thought about Jo, her step-sis-NO! Fuck that! Her sister!-her first lover and in many ways, her one true love. Thinking of the first time when they had made love, when Jo had showed her the pleasures of making love with another female , well that always brought a smile to Tess, always.
'They' say that you never forget your first time. Tess would agree with that, loving to think about it often and, at the end of the day, Tess cared little about other people's reaction that Tess' first time had been with family. Fuck 'em, was Tess' thought on the matter; it is what it is and she would change absolutely nothing about that fact, plain and simple.
As is her usual bent, Tess was early, her preference always to be early, rather than late, for anything she had on her schedule. After parking the Escalade in the underground covered parking lot next to the terminal, Tess sauntered inside, grabbed a latte and found a seat to wait for her beloved Jolene. Sitting there, slowly sipping her hot latte, Tess' thoughts drifted to that first time with Jo.......
"Are the 'rents asleep?" Tess had asked Jo when she closed Tess' bedroom door behind her, closing it softly so's not to make any noise.
"Yeah, they're down for the count," Jo replied, her voice in a whisper as was Tess'. The 'rents, or parents, had a bit too much wine at the family's celebration of Tess' birthday and would sleep the sleep of the dead that night. Tess had lost her mother when she was eight years old and when she was eleven, her dad married her step-mother, a nice woman who also had a daughter, Jolene, who was three years older than Tess.
Growing up together over the next few years, they both grew close, bonded quickly as step-sibs, sharing the secrets that kids do as sibs. Tess grew to love Jo very much as a sister, never tiring of being able to hang out with her whenever she could
"What's that?" Tess whispered her question to Jo, referring to whatever Jo had concealed in her hand, behind her back.
"Thought we'd have our own celebration of your big birthday," bringing the unfinished bottle of wine that her parents had left sitting on the counter.
What Tess remembered next about that was while Jo had poured them both a glass, it was only Tess' that kept getting refilled and when it was all said and done, after a half-hour of sitting on Tess' bed, giggling about the school gossip of the day, Tess had a fairly serious wine-buzz going and she remembered that it felt really good, really 'adult'.
Reaching with her fingers, Jo tweaked the budding breasts of Tess through her tee shirt that she always wore to bed, saying, "Looks like you're starting to grow some boobies, li'l sis," smiling at Tess when she said it.
"Yeah, but they're not as big as yours," Tess observed correctly, for Jo was sporting a pair of 34-Cs, a very handome pair, at that.
"Give it time, baby, you're still growing," Jo replied, stroking Tess' arm lovingly, a stroking meant to show her care for her baby step-sister, the step-sister that had been giving Jo wet dreams at night since she first started noticing how Tess was entering into woman-hood. So many wet dreams had she had about Tess that she was bound and determined to do something about it that night, step-sib or not.
Jo knew that she liked sex with other girls, had known it since her first time when she was with her BFF and lover, Allison. Oh sure, she was fucking the boy she was dating but that was for show, in Jo's mind anyways, nothing more. There were only a few of Jo's peers that knew of her love of other girls' pussies. Those that knew, kept it secret because, afterall, they benefitted from Jo's love of eating other girls' pussies.
"So, kissed any boys yet?" Jo asked Tess, changing the topic, letting her fingers linger on Tess' arm just a 'wee' bit longer than sisterly, others would say.
"NO!" Tess answered in a loud whisper, frustrated in many ways because she really wanted to, really wanted to kiss a boy, "I don't even know how; probably make a fool of myself if I ever do," Tess lamented to Jo.
"Oh, well, no worries, lil' sis, we can teach you how to kiss, I mean, if you really want to know how," Jo offered, reclining now, supported on one elbow, her other hand tracing invisible lines on Tess' knee and thigh, almost absent-mindedly it would seem to the casual observer.
"Really?" Tess replied, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of learning how to properly kiss another person, "You'd do that for me?"
Well, really, its more for me, Jo thought but replied, instead, "Yeah. No biggie, you really want to?"
"Well, yeah..." Tess replied as if she were talking to the village idiot for asking such a silly question. Of course, she wanted to, I mean after all, she should know how to kiss was Tess' view of the issue.
"Lay down, here, next to me," Jo commanded Tess, patting the space next to her on the bed, "And, just close your eyes, relax, just respond naturally as you feel 'things'," not really explaining to Tess what 'things' she should expect to feel.
But Tess quickly found out about those 'things', and by the end of their first time, she really liked feeling them.
"Relax, baby," Jo's soothing voice said, her voice soft, low, her hot breath on Tess' face making Tess aware of strange stirrings in her belly, in her head.
Jo's lips were amazingly warm Tess thought when she first felt them on her own, and wet, very wet, Tess thought further as Jo's mouth kissed her step-sister.
"Like that?" Jo asked, pulling her lips from Tess', Tess' head rising a slight bit to stay attached to Jo's lips.
"Oh, yeah, that feels good," Tess replied, a strange warmth starting to develop in her privates, in her 'nookie' as she called it.
Jo kissed her again, this time a little harder, her tongue slipping past Tess' lips and into Tess' mouth. Tess didn't question it, didn't want to question the tongue in the mouth thing, she just wanted to feel more of it. As their kissing of each continued to develop into something more serious, something hotter than a quick sisterly peck, Tess didn't stop it. Oh hell no, she didn't stop it, she liked whatever was happening, that much she knew for sure.
With her tongue now deeply probing her sister's mouth, Jo slipped her hand under Tess' sleep-tee, her fingers crawling slowly up her sister's flat belly, loving how the abs rippled under the touch of her fingers. When Jo placed her hand over Tess' small titties, her voice murmurred arousal, muffled by their mouths clamped together, both of them showing an increase in their breathing, both getting aroused.
"Like that?" Jo asked when she pulled her mouth from Tess', her hand fondling Tess' small boobs with increased urgency, increased desire.
"Yeah, that feels good," Tess answered dreamingly but truthfully to her older step-sib.
Smiling at Tess, Jo raised Tess' tee, gathering it above her chest and quickly, before Tess could object, dopped her mouth over one of Tess' tits, sucking it deep into her mouth for her tongue to tease and tantalize.
As far as how Tess felt about all of this, well, Tess felt absolutely wonderful. She didn't know what all she was feeling but she did know that it all felt delightful to Tess and she certainly didn't recall having any second thoughts about what she and Jo were doing, that night, in her bed.
It went on like that for a short time, all the while Tess becoming more naked as Jo, expertly at that, peeled Tess' tee and panties from her, her mouth and tongue keeping Tess excited, keeping Tess wanting more of everything.
Pausing a second or two at Tess' pussy, light pubic hair starting to show above her tight slit, Jo just smiled, saying to Tess, "Close your eyes baby, just enjoy this."
And Tess did just that, closing her eyes as she felt Jo's warm breath create a hurricane of feelings between her legs. But when Tess felt the tip of Jo's tongue slowly lick across her pussy lips and Jo's fingers sliding into her pussy to the first knuckle joint, she had her first orgasm in that quick second or two, not knowing, then, what it was she had felt.
But, she did know that, whatever it was, she liked it. She fucking liked it a lot, her hands reflexively, it seemed, grabbing Jo's close-cropped hair with her fingers, squeezing tightly as if holding on to the reins of a horse on a runaway gallop....
"College life sure seems to agree with you, li'l sis, looking good, sweetie," Tess heard, the words echoing as if in a canyon, almost as if she didn't hear it at all, the words and sound of Jo's voice snapping her out of her revery.
"Army's really got you stylin', hon," Tess said teasingly as she hugged her BDU-dressed step-sis to her body, kissing her in welcome as they embraced.
The desert camouflaged BDU's did little to show Jo's toned, muscled, sexy body, just draping, no, covering her best assets. Such is life in the regular Army.
"Well, I'm sure I won't be walking any runways in Paris in this getup, that's for sure," Jo laughingly agreed as they walked with arms around each other's waists to retrieve Jo's luggage from the baggage claim of the airline.
"So, you've already been home? Seen the 'rents?" Tess asked as she wended her way from the airport, turning to take the interstate to the exit for her college and, her neighborhood.
"Yeah, saw them first, saving the best for last," Jo replied, placing her hand onto Tess' arm, giving her arm a little squeeze of affection.
"All good at the house?" Tess probed further.
"Yeah, yeah, baby, it's all good," Jo finally replied after a noticeable hesitation.
Tess picked up on the hesitation but didn't push or probe as to why. Jo'll tell me if there's anything going on that I need to know about, was Tess' view of the matter.
"So, you got a spot for me to bunk for a couple of days?" Jo asked, changing the subject quickly.
"Yep. Choices, always good to have choices," Tess replied, "Becks is away for the weekend at a tournament, so her room is available; my slut-housemate, Jean, said you could sleep with her if you'd like since she's never fucked a soldier," laughing after she said it, "And, of course, you can always share my bed, you know you're always welcome in my bed," turning to smile at her beautiful Jo.
"Jean? That the one with the big rack you drooled over?" Jo asked for clarity.
Yes, they kept themselves abreast-no pun intended-of their sex lives and conquests. They were sisters for God's sake.
"Yep. That's the one," Tess affirmed for Jo, "Great set of tits has that one," winking at Jo after she said it.
"Well, we might have to give the constantly horny Jean a tumble before I leave; you good with that?" Jo asked in earnest.
"Always good with doing somebody with you, Jo, you know that," Tess answered.
True enough, thought Jo, they, the two of them, certainly had their share of threesomes over the past few years.
"Well, we'll see," Jo remarked as Tess pulled into their unused driveway. Unused because, unless they had visitors with a car, The Three Amigoes did not have a set of wheels between them. They were good with that, having plenty of 'rides' whenever they needed such.
Schlepping Jo's bags into the house, the two sibs made their way up the stairs, Tess leading, Jo following, her eyes fixated on Tess' muscled ass, a pleasant view thought Jo, sis or no sis.
"Damn girl, you been working out or something? That ass of yours looks fine," Jo commented as they reached the top landing.
"Running; I run a few times a week when I can," Tess answered, giving her booty a bit of a shake for Jo's benefit, "You like?"
"Always have; Well, it's working, just so that you know," Jo said in compliment.
"Thanks, sis. Well, you gonna' use Becks' room for your stay or do you want to bunk with me?" Tess asked, turning to face Jo afterwards.
Jo's face took on a serious cast for a brief second or two before she replied.
"Won't see you for a while after I'm deployed, sis; Any problem with sharing your bed with me for the weekend?" Jo asked.
"Seriously? You're asking me that? Seriously?" was Tess' reply.
"Just checking, babygirl, don't want to get in the way of anything you might have had planned for the weekend," Jo retorted.
"Only plans I have for the weekend is to enjoy your visit," Tess answered as she moved towards her room with one of Jo's bags in hand.
"Me too, baby, me too," Jo replied with a grin on her face and a smile in her heart at Tess' answer.
"So, what's on the agenda?" Jo asked, dropping her bag onto Tess' bedroom floor.
"Up in the air; I have the use of Willie's car for the weekend since she and Bea are at Willie's mountain retreat, so we have wheels, if needed," Tess replied.
"If you don't mind, I'd really like to just hang here, chillin', if that's okay," Jo answered.
"Yeah. Sure, that's fine, don't really want to be driving anyway if we're drinking or anything," Tess said truthfully.
"Smart girl," Jo smilingly replied, "Maybe, just order in tonight for food?"
"That's what I was thinking. Jean's got labs on Fridays and she'll be able to join us a little later for supper, so, yeah, let's go with that," Tess replied, adding, "She'll be home in a half-hour, give or take a few minutes, so if you want to take a shower and freshen up, you have time."
"Great! I'd love to get out of these BDUs and feel like a normal human being for a while," Jo answered enthusiastically.
"Use the bath across the hall, it's bigger and I'll figure out someplace to order from, okay?" Tess answered.
Taking Jo into her arms, Tess embraced her sis, so freaking happy to have her here to do so. Stepping back, Tess gave Jo a quick peck on her lips, saying, "You have no idea how happy I am to have this time with you, thanks for making room for me in your busy schedule."
"Wouldn't have it any other way, baby," Jo replied, truthfully at that. Jo loved Tess, probably a bit more than she should but, fuck it, it is what it is.
"Better have a cold beer waiting for me after I get out of the shower or I'll whip your ass, li'l sis," Jo cheerfully said to Tess as she closed the door to the bath for her shower.
"Yeah, yeah, you and what Army? Oops, can't say that now, can I?" Tess answered in laughter, "Be waiting for you downstairs, sis," skipping down the stairs afterwards, Tess as happy as she's been in a long time.
Jo had that effect on Tess, no doubt about it.
"Hey there, so where's your sis?" Jean asked Tess, laying her backpack on the counter.
"Upstairs, showering; she'll be down in a bit," Tess answered while taking in the fact that Jean, unlike when Tess had first seduced her, was now dressing so that her rack was 'showcased'; not hanging out but you couldn't help but have your eyes drawn to her chest.
"So, what's your plans for the evening? Gonna' eat with us?" Tess went on to ask Jean.
"Sorta' have a date but nothing definite, you know? I mean, I can get outta here so that you two can catch up and all that, I don't want to be in the way," Jean answered.
In truth, Jean wanted desperately to be asked to join them in hanging out at the house. Ever since hearing of Tess' introduction to gal/gal sex by her step-sister, Jean's wanted to meet her, to see what she was about.
"Won't be in the way at all, Jean, you're welcome to chill with us if you've got nothing else going on tonight," the voice said from the top of stairs, getting louder as the disembodied voice came down the stairs.
The attraction was just that evident to all but the blind when Jean and Jo set eyes on each other for the first time. Jo was dressed in shorts and a tank-top, cut off at the mid-driff, her 34-Cs, braless and still bouncing when she hit the main floor at the bottom of the stairs. Had you been listening for it, you would've heard Jean's short intake of breath at the sight of Jo.
Jo's eyes were immediately drawn to Jean's cleavage, the swell of her 36-Ds begging to be looked at. Taking in the rest of Jean in a quick scan, Jo was smittened. Not in a want-to-spend-my-life-with-you way, no, it was very much of a I-will-fuck-you way, nothing else, but it was enough.
Tess noticed the invisible bolts of sexual energy fly between Jo and Jean in that quick second. Of course she did; Tess might be only nineteen, but that doesn't mean she was oblivious to such things. Her reaction to that, though, was pure Tess; gutteral, instinctive, and basically predatory. She quickly envisioned the three of them in a menage-a-trois and felt her pussy dampen at that mind-pic.
"Hey you two, how 'bout we order some food and eat before y'all fuck each other's brains out," Tess interjected with a chuckle.
"A good thought," Jean said, finally finding her voice.
"What? Eating? Or fucking each other's brains out," Jo laughingly commented as she took the offered beer from Tess' hand.
"Both," Jean answered honestly as she also took a beer from Tess.
"So, Pizza? Chinese? Chicken? What? Give me a clue, people," Tess asked as she sipped her beer, perusing the various take-out menus from the menu drawer.
"Jean?" Jo asked, tossing the hot potato to her as she sipped her bear, her eyes locked onto Jean's face.
"I'm easy, don't care," Jean said, sipping her own beer, and exchanging eye-fucks with Jo.
"Yeah, baby, we all know you're easy," Tess joked, "But, hey, fuck it! Y'all had a chance so I'm saying we're eating Pizza tonight, thick crust, double-cheese and Pepperoni," picking up the phone and placing an order for such.
"Mmmmmmm, great choice baby-sis," Jo commented as she fought to lick the string of cheese into her mouth with her tongue.
"For sure," Jean agreed, all of them laughing at Jean's inability to avoid a string of cheese from dropping onto the swell of her breasts, stinging just a bit from the heat.
"I'll get that," Tess said and leaning over, she swiped her tongue across one of Jean's exposed tit-swells in the vee of her low-cut sweater.
"You missed a spot," Jo declared, quickly flicking her tongue on the other tit-swell, getting the cheese onto her tongue.
"Ooooh, wait, let me drop some more cheese for you to lick," Jean joked; well, sorta' joked, 'cause she did like it, afterall.
"Won't need any cheese, sweetie," Jo said, her voice a bit lustful, "those puppies are just begging to be played with," taking a bite from her last piece of Pizza she was holding.
"True 'dat," Tess agreed, dropping her last bite of pizza into her mouth, "love Jean's girls, they're fun to suck on," smiling as she chewed her food.
"Well, why don't we just pretend that Jean's not fucking here? Yeah, why don't we do that?" Jean chided the sibs, teasing, of course; Jean liked being talked about in that way, she liked it when some of the girls she pleasures compliments her on her 'girls', on her 'tonguing', on anything about her.
"Aaah, you know you love the attention, slut," Tess said in reply, getting up from the table to throw away her paper plate, trailing one of her hands across one of Jean's boobs in doing so.
"Who's up for another beer?" Jo asked and without waiting for a response, got them all fresh beers, handing them out to the other two.
The trio sauntered into the living room, Tess turning on the student radio station of the college and plopping into one of the overstuffed chairs of the room.
"So, you really don't mind me staying in with you guys tonight?" Jean asked, sitting down on the couch as she did so.
"As long as you're okay with my baby sis and I fucking you later," Jo answered, sitting onto the couch with Jean, next to her, close to her, sipping her beer as she leaned into the back of the couch, stroking a hand softly across one of Jean's cheeks.
"Yeah, I'm okay with that," Jean replied, turning towards Jo and leaning her head onto the back of the couch, looking at Jo dreamingly.
"Why don't you go up to my room, baby, get into bed and wait for us, okay? We'll be up in just a sec, after we finish our beers, okay?" Tess said/commanded.
As the sibs watched Jean ascend the stairs, Jo turned to face Tess now, her eyes a bit downcast at first, but rising to meet Tess'.
"You know that this is just play-sex, right?" I mean, for me, right?" Jo asked, truly wanting to know.
"Yeah, I get that," Tess replied.
"You know that our time together, just us, nobody else, you know that that's different. Special. On another level," Jo asked further, "right?"
"Always have known that," Tess said, rising from her chair and putting a hand out towards Jo, "Never a question in my mind about the specialness that we have."
"I love you," Tess added, taking Jo's hand in hers.
"Back at'cha," Jo answered, following her sister up the stairs for a fuck session with the chronically horny house-mate and her sister.
Life is good, Jo thought to herself, but not because of the fucking the three of them were about to do. No, not that. Life was good because she and Tess had each other in their lives, simply that.
"Ooooooh, those girls are lovely," Jo cooed as she eyed Jean's breasts as she lay naked on Tess' bed, Jean's fingers toying with her sex, "Can't wait to get those nips in my mouth," pulling her tank-top over her head, her own girls bouncing teasingly.
Jean's intake of breath at the beauty of Jo's toned body was loud enough for all in the room to hear. Tess smiled as she stipped as well, watching as her sis, crawled into bed with Jean, her hand on one of Jean's tits, her mouth on Jean's lips, wasting no time at all.
Joining them in bed, but on the other side of Jean, Tess lowered her mouth to suck the other breast of her house-mate, she and her sis working in tandom, almost as if their moves were choreographed.
They weren't choreographed at all. No, their moves as they made love to Jean's body were simply a result of the many threesomes that they had shared, each it seemed, in tune with the other's mind, almost 'knowing' how to compliment the other's love-making with their own.
Jean, on the other hand, cared little as to the whys and wherefores of how Tess and Jo were making love to her. Didn't care about that in the slightest. No, what she cared about and marveled over was making love with them was sweet, fulfilling, tender almost as it was when she and Tess made love to each other, only, it was in stereo and she fucking loved that.
As Jo and Tess slowly suckled each of Jean's spectacular tits, their hands traced trails of light fingernails up and down Jean's body, one or the other, pausing to toy with Jean's very wet snatch. And almost as if on cue, they slowly snaked their mouths and tongues down her belly, her ribcage, their hands now replacing their tongue on Jean's breasts, kneading them, caressing them slowly, nipples pinched 'just so'.
Tonguing slowly, the sibs eyes were on the other, locked in some sort of fierce stare of emotion and lust, both wanting to be under the other's tongue right now. But no, they were in unspoken agreement this night to make it all about Jean.
Taking turns, Jo and Tess teased Jean unmercifully with tongue swipes and mouth nibbles of her pussy which was wet with desire and need. And when Jo slid her body over Jean's leg to lay between Jean's thighs, Tess ceded command over Jean's vaginal territory, rising and moving to lay partially on Jean's outstretched leg and Jo's back and ass.
As Jo lowered her head to taste and tongue Jean, Tess lowered her head to place small butterfly kisses to Jo's nape, her shoulders, along her spine, Tess knowing how much Jo liked for her to do that, sliding a hand under Jo's body to caress and fondle Jo's breast.
Holding onto Jo's head with her hands, Jean's moans of need grew louder as Jo's expert abilities brought Jean to climax in record time. Just barely giving Jean enough time to recover, Tess replaced Jo between Jean's thighs as Jo replaced Tess in the same way, kissing her sister's back, stroking her sister's firm ass, trailing her finger down the crack, teasing Tess' puckered hole repeatedly with a finger.
It took a couple of hours but Jo and Tess had finally worn out the usually unquenchable sex-thirst of Jean, Jean calling 'No Mas' as she rode her last orgasm down the mountainside. Commanding the sibs to sit with their backs against Tess' headboard, Jean pleasured both of them, one at a time, fingers playing with one while her mouth pleasured the other. The two sibs kissed each other lustfully as Jean did this, their hands on each other's body, the fondling of need so prevelant in their play with the other.
Sliding down to lay on either side of Jean, their eyes never left each other's, each telegraphing their want and need of each other, their hands each finding a breast to caress on their trip into dreamland.
But, both knew, that tomorrow night, Jo's last night of her short visit would be for them and them alone.
Reaching her hand to cover Jo's on Jean's breast, Tess fell asleep with a contentment and joy that she needed to feel.........
*(Note: The visit continues in Chapter Nine..)* |
Hotel "Camping" with Lisa | 109,440 | 4.75 | 125,269 | [
"camp counselor",
"watching sports",
"elbows bed",
"bra eyes",
"feels goooood",
"staring lisa",
"lisa playing",
"contact pussy",
"idea lisa",
"massaging asshole"
] | Dinner was over, thank goodness. It had been for about 30 minutes, which is just about the minimum amount of time you had to socialize afterwards before you could excuse yourself without drawing any attention to yourself.
Conventions were nice for a variety of reasons. In the first place, they got me out of town for a few days. Second, I could always spend some time in the hotel room away from the regular pressures of day-to-day life and just detour from things in general. And, I got to see some old and new faces, good or bad they were at least different from the regular crowd at the high school.
I've only been teaching high school math for 2 years but already was starting to settle into a routine and had discovered which conversations to include myself in or excuse myself from.
Lisa, a science teacher and the only other attendee to the convention from our school, had been standing next to me at the after dinner reception for the last 10 minutes. Since she seemed to be enjoying herself, I figured I could tell her I was leaving to go back to the hotel and she would be willing to cover for me. It was only two blocks and the night was still warm so I was looking forward to the walk as wind down time.
I should tell you that Lisa is a pretty but typical teacher. She dresses conservatively at school so as not to attract attention (especially from the teen age boys) and keeps her conversations in neutral topics. She's not quite completely vanilla but you'd have a hard time locking onto one trait that would make you seek her out for company. Of the figure she does reveal, it has always been full but lean, topped off with a short blonde hair style that kind of came out of the 60's. You know, the one where you comb it down and curl it in with the angled bangs in front? On anyone else it would be old but for some reason it worked for her.
This was the first night that I had seen Lisa in anything that could be considered formfitting attire. Still it was just a simple blue, sleeveless dress with a moderate neckline and came down to her knees. The matching blue shoes and gold jewelry made for a nice but conservative outfit. You'd really have to stretch to catch a glimpse of any bare skin but you could see she had a nice set of round hips and enough of a bust to fill out the front of her dress.
At a pause in her conversation with another of the dinner guests I leaned in to her ear and made her aware of my plans.
"Lisa," I said, "I'm going to sneak out of here and go back to the hotel. I've had enough mingling for one day. Can you cover for me in case anyone comes looking for me?"
Lisa half looked at me and half looked at the crowd while responding to me. "You took the words out of my mouth, Tom. What do you think the chances are we can both escape at the same time? My feet are killing me!"
"Let's go now while the gettin's good," I said. "Otherwise we could be here all night."
"I'm right behind you," she said.
So Lisa and I both walked toward the doors to the hall, casually leaving our half full drink glasses on one of the dinner tables on the way out.
"Do you have a coat or purse you have to get from the check area?" I asked.
"No," she said. "I left all that in my room so I wouldn't have to worry about it."
"Smart thinking," I said.
We exited the convention center and began to walk leisurely back to the hotel, making small talk as we went and careful not to talk about our local school politics. Seemed we both liked the chance to get away from home mentally for a while.
"So, it's only 10 pm," said Lisa. "You can't tell me you are really going to your room for the rest of the night. You must have some other secret entertainment plans in the works, right?"
"Actually, Lisa, I do plan on going to my room and doing some SportsCenter Camping," I said.
"SportsCenter Camping? What in the world is that," she asked. At this point I'm sure she thought I was pulling her leg but it's really what I had in mind.
"It's where I go to my room, order up a couple of drinks from room service, get naked and watch SportsCenter on ESPN til I go to sleep."
Lisa started laughing. "You've got to be kidding!" she said. "That sounds more like something a teenage boy would do, not someone your age. You're not planning on going out somewhere to party?"
I wasn't sure if I had the reputation of being a partier or if she was just fishing for more information on what I was REALLY going to do for the rest of the evening. I didn't much worry about it, though, as she seemed pretty genuinely interested for no reason other than being interested.
"Nope," I told her. "It's a great way to unwind and just totally relax with no one around to bother you or complain about your clothes on the floor or your burpin' or nuthin'." It was kind of nice to be involved in a lighthearted conversation with her for a change. This comment drew a slight chuckle from her. I felt like she might be starting to loosen up a bit.
"What are you planning on doing for the rest of the evening?"
"Well the first order of business is to get out of this outfit and into some jeans. Then I really didn't have much planned," she said.
I wasn't sure if that was an opening for me or not but I thought, what the hell? Might as well indirectly proposition her and have some fun. She won't take me up on anything anyway, but it will be fun to try and make her blush.
"Well," I said, "why don't you change and come to my room. I'll order you a couple of drinks and you can go camping with me."
Lisa nervously giggled. "Yeah, right, just what us girls like to do. Hang out naked, drink and watch cable sports. Oh my!"
We kept walking down the block and it was then that I realized her response wasn't a "yes", but it also wasn't a "no". Maybe if I worked this just a bit the evening could get much more interesting.
"So it must be the sports that turned you off on the idea, huh? I know you drink because I saw you at the dinner. And I'm also going to guess you get naked once in a while to shower and change clothes. So it must've been watching sports that killed the idea, huh?"
Lisa sort of half looked at me while she walked. "Actually I like sports, even on TV. And like you said, I do drink---socially of course. I'm just not so sure about the 'get naked' idea with you."
Then she caught herself.
"Don't get me wrong--you're an attractive man. It's just that we don't know each other all that well and it might not be too relaxing, it being our first evening out together, away from the school."
By this time we were only about 50 yards from the entrance to the hotel. I decided I had one more chance to make this offer more appealing or we'd be in the hotel lobby and I'd never get her up to my room. Based on our conversation so far, I felt my chances were more than 50-50 now, so why not?
"I tell you what," I said. "Change into your jeans, come up to my room and we'll start by having a drink. Then, if you start to feel comfortable, we'll lose a shirt or something and get more into the camping phase. If you want to stop with just the drink and sports, then that's cool, too. At least we get the chance to visit and get a little sports in as well."
By now we reached the front doors of the lobby and Lisa spoke briefly to the doorman and hotel clerk but not to me. Not until we were in the elevator.
"OK, what room are you in?" she asked.
"1541. Out the elevators, go left, end of the hallway."
"OK, I'll stop by for the drink and we'll see about the "camping" idea. Give me about 10 minutes to change and freshen up."
"Fair enough. What are you drinking?"
"Get me two glasses of white wine, large," she said.
"White wine it is." At that point the doors to the 8th floor opened up and Lisa walked out of the elevator.
Glancing back over her shoulder, she said, "See you in 10!"
Finally this conference was getting interesting! I had no real idea what Lisa even looked like under all that conservative frumpy wear but maybe the jeans would show something more. At worst, I would get to banter and tease with a female tonight. She did have a nice sway to her hips as she walked away from me but who knows what was under there.
I ordered a bottle of white wine for her instead of the glasses. This way it would stay cold longer. For me, it was three bourbon and sevens, heavy ice. Why they supplied the room with snacks but no wet bar was beyond me. Maybe they felt they made more money if you had to use room service for alcohol.
After tidying up the room a little, I decided to get into my jeans also and a Polo shirt. No reason for me to stay in my dress clothes, was there?
Ten minutes came and went. At first I thought she may have decided against coming but then women always take longer to change than they say it will. So I decided not to worry until I hit the 20 minute mark. I turned on SportsCenter, fluffed the bed pillows and planted myself for the wait.
Two minutes later I heard a shy knock on the door. While walking to the door I called out, "Just a minute."
Opening the door I was pleasantly surprised. There stood Lisa in a white, spaghetti strapped tank top that showed off an elegant neck line, a full bust line and trim waist. Naturally I tried to see if she was wearing a bra but didn't want my eyes to linger there for too long or I'd scare her off.
Her jeans were lightly worn Levi's that showed off her full hips and long legs. It was refreshing to not see some bullshit designer label It really made her look more casual and relaxed.
"Sorry I'm late," she said. "Some kids pushed all the buttons on the elevator and I got the scenic view of the hotel on the way."
"Not a problem," I said. "Come on in and pour yourself a glass of wine. I got the bottle just so it would stay cold longer."
"Oh really. Not because you wanted to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" She said half joking over her shoulder as she walked to the table. "Nice shirt."
"Well, the thought did cross my mind," I said. "But I thought I'd at least start out the evening being a gentleman. And thanks--it's one of my favorite shirts."
Closing the door I had a better chance to check out Lisa's figure. There was a nice jiggle to her breasts as she walked past me. But the most pleasant surprise was her ass! Round and firm, it was candy for the eyes to watch it move as she walked across the room. I could already imagine her on the bed, doggie style and me hanging on to those hips as I fucked her....
"What are you drinking?" Lisa asked.
"Bourbon and seven," I replied.
"The hard stuff, huh?"
"Well, I drink what I enjoy and not a lot," I said. "Grab your wine and make yourself comfortable on the bed. Or you can take the desk chair if the bed is a little too friendly for you. SportsCenter is just starting."
"The bed is fine," Lisa said. "Besides it looks like you got more pillows than me in my room so it should be pretty easy for both of us to get comfortable."
Lisa laid down on the bed and propped herself up with the pillows in prime position to watch TV. I did the same and soon we were drinking and visiting like old friends about sports and our sports heroes.
After getting up and refilling our drinks, I settled back on the bed to continue watching the show when Lisa spoke up.
"So when do you usually get into the 'camping' part of the evening? Or have you changed your plans just because I came over?"
"Well," I said," when I'm alone I usually get naked right away. Since you're here, I thought I'd wait and see if you developed an interest in joining me. After all, it wouldn't be right if I was naked and you weren't."
"What's wrong with you being naked and me dressed?" she said, joking again. "All right, all right. I think I'd like to try the 'camping' thing but I'm not sure about getting totally naked just yet."
"So how about we ease into the idea?" I suggested. "How about we each take a piece of clothing off every few minutes until we are either naked or one of us says 'stop'?"
"That's not a bad idea," Lisa said. "Can I trust you to 'stop' when I say so?"
"Absolutely! This evening is about having fun and relaxing, not being uncomfortable. You say 'stop' and we 'stop', no questions.
Lisa was quiet for a moment, watched the TV and sipped her wine. Then she made her decision.
"OK, I'm willing to try it. How do we get started?"
"Since you are the guest this evening, I'll let you decide," I said. "You decide what we should both take off first, and I'll follow along. Then, when you say you are ready to take off another piece, we'll take off another piece."
"And what happens when we are totally naked?" asked Lisa, as she took another sip of her wine.
At this point I decided not to tell her that my honest answer was I would love to fuck her brains out for the next 3 hours. I knew that would probably not prolong the evening. So I came up with something a little more gentlemanly.
"We can do whatever you want. 'Camping' is just hanging out. If you feel like doing more at that point, we can talk about it. If you feel like just hanging out and watching TV, that's cool too."
"OK," she said starting to get into a sitting position on the bed, "I guess we should take our shirts off first."
"Works for me," I said. "But we can make this a little more interesting if you'd like."
"How's that?" Lisa asked, suddenly thinking the rules were being changed on her.
"Well, instead of each of us removing our own piece of clothing, we can have the other person do it for us. It would add just a little more spice to the process if you're interested."
Lisa gave it some thought. The idea obviously intrigued her but her hesitation said she was not ready.
"How about we do the first one ourselves? Then maybe we can do each other on the next one?" She said.
"Sounds great to me. Just drop your shirt wherever you want or there are hangers in the closet if you want to hang it up."
Lisa smiled and relaxed and reached for the bottom of her tank top. At that point she paused, though. She wasn't going one step further until she saw I was serious about removing my shirt also.
So, I grabbed the collar of my shirt and casually pulled it over my head, smoothing out my hair once it was off. I then folded it in half and tossed it on the chair.
Looking back at Lisa I saw she was halfway through pulling her tank top over her head. She was just then pulling the garment past her breasts and over her head. It was obvious now she wasn't wearing a bra.
My eyes almost dropped out of my head when I saw her breasts! Perfect, full conical shapes with an elevated nipple on top. The nipples were large and hard and standing up nicely but not enough to look like erasers. The moved gently while she finished removing her top but were firm and had no sag in them yet.
Her skin was lightly browned but it was obvious she didn't get much time in tanning. Her stomach was flat and led to a trim waistline.
Lisa casually tossed her top over mine on the chair and then settled back into her sitting position on the bed. She tried to look relaxed but was obviously getting as excited as me, sitting there half nude watching TV.
"Now what do we do?" She asked, half nervous.
"We just watch sports," I said, as casually as possible. "How's your drink---more wine?"
"Yes, please."
I was hoping she would say that. Sometimes something as simple as getting a drink refill can really lighten up a tense spot. And Lisa couldn't decide if she was tense or getting excited.
I got up, refilled her drink and got my second one from the tray. I turned to walk back to the bed with her drink and did my best not to stare at her tits. Fortunately she was still focused on the tube so I got a good look in before setting down her drink. Just as I set it down, I heard her say thanks. As I looked at her to tell her she was welcome, I saw Lisa's eyes staring right at the bulge in my jeans. Obviously she wanted to see if I was getting turned on, too.
It was pretty obvious my dick was getting harder by the minute. The bulge in my jeans proved that. It was just a good thing I kept my jockeys on when I changed into my jeans. They at least minimized the bulge until I wanted to reveal things. Not that I'm built like a horse or anything. But I do have a nice 7" cock with a sweet mushroom head. It just makes it more fun when you can control the "unveiling".
I returned to my place on the bed and watching Sports Center. Gradually the conversation loosened up again and pretty soon we were both behaving just like before our shirts were gone. The booze certainly didn't hurt the situation but it was obvious Lisa was beginning to relax and enjoy herself.
The topic of baseball came up on the tube and Lisa and I started getting into a good discussion about what and who we liked and didn't like in the sport. To emphasize a point, Lisa set her wine glass down and turned on her side so she was facing me. I did the same and soon we were looking right at each other, holding out discussion.
We started out keeping our eyes fixed on each other but I couldn't resist staring at her breasts periodically, just challenging myself to get her nipples standing out as much as possible.
My change of view must have been apparent, as Lisa started checking out my chest in return and then my crotch. We continued this conversation for about 15 minutes, all the while feeding the hunger in each other's eyes with the views of our half-clad bodies.
After a short lull in the conversation, Lisa asked, "Is it getting hot in here to you?"
Actually, with the exception of a very hard cock being restrained by my pants, I was very comfortable. However, I saw the opening so I thought I should take it.
"It is getting a bit warm in here," I said. "Maybe we should take another piece of clothing off?"
Lisa smiled and started to giggle. "I wondered how long you would wait before you suggested that." She paused, then looked at me and said, "OK, I guess the pants are next huh?"
"Yup," I said and started to reach for the top button on my jeans.
"Wait!" She said. "Want to make it more interesting?"
"Sure. What did you have in mind?"
"I thought we would try your idea, you know what you said before. Where we each take off each others piece of clothing," she said.
"All right. Did you want to go first or do you want me to go first?"
"Why don't you go first," she said. "Then I'll have a better idea of what to do. After all, this is 'camping' by your rules."
"Ok, slide on down to the edge of the bed and we'll get those pants of yours out of the way," I said as lightheartedly as possible.
Lisa and I both moved to a sitting position on the edge of the bed with our legs were hanging off the end, sort of like when you are getting ready to put your shoes on before leaving the room. I started to stand up and Lisa grabbed me gently by the arm, indicating she wanted me to stay seated. I turned to look at her to ask her what she needed and found her just staring at me.
We looked at each other for a moment and then she put both arms around my neck and reached in to kiss me. First it was just a simple peck on the lips, followed by another and then another.
Then she backed away and whispered to me, "I just wanted to let you know I'm having a nice time 'camping' so far."
"That makes me very happy," I said.
Then she pulled me even closer with her arms and started French kissing me, shoving her tongue into my mouth as far as it would go. I thought I was in heaven!
As we continued the kiss, I gently placed my hands on the sides of her waist and started stroking her body up and down. Her light moans told me I was doing fine and it was safe to go further.
I slowly edged my hands up to her tits, lightly brushing her nipples with my palms. This Lisa let me do for about a minute before breaking off my kiss and backing away. I let my hands fall back down to her waist.
"Oh, sorry!" She said. "I didn't mean for that to happen. I just got carried away." At this point she started fanning herself with her hand, like she was having a hot flash.
"Don't worry about it," I told her. "People do unexpected things when 'camping', it's just part of the being out in the wild."
Apparently that made Lisa relax and giggle a little. But it didn't do anything to stop her state of arousal. Her nipples were as hard if not harder than before. And she was still stealing glances at my crotch when she didn't think I was looking.
"Ready to get rid of those pants?" I asked. I was curious if she had gone too far already for her comfort level.
"Yup. Where do you want me?" She asked.
"Stand up right in front of me," I said. "That way I can pull them off easier without us going through gyrations."
"I don't know, a little 'gyration' might be fun," Lisa teased. Obviously the wine was starting to loosen her up a bit.
"Hush and get up her camper," I said jokingly..
Lisa stood up in front of me, her legs inside of mine, with he hands on her hips. Looking up at her I decided she was far prettier than I had given her credit for. As my eyes met hers, I could now tell she not only trusted me but was looking forward to how the game would progress.
Lisa's waistline was eye level with me and my mind was working furiously to decide the best way to remove her pants yet take advantage of the situation to get her as worked up as possible.
I thought about having her turn around so I could see her ass as I dropped her pants, maybe asking her to bend over in the process but that would be too obvious. Besides, I could save that position for when I removed her panties next time and could see her pussy and asshole unveiled at the same time.
Of course, I wasn't even sure she was wearing panties yet!
I decided the best course of action was to just have her stand facing me. But since Lisa had broken the ice on the level of contact with her little kissing session, I had a few ideas in mind for her in return.
I placed one hand on the outside of each leg and gently started caressing her legs up and down through her pants. After about the third time I had repeated this action, Lisa piped up.
"Are you trying to wear my pants off or take them off?" She said somewhat sarcastically.
"Oh, I'm taking them off, all right. I just have to make sure there is no static cling in the material first," I said. This made Lisa laugh and relax further. Now she moved one of her hands from her hip and placed it on my head, gently stroking my hair.
Based on her last comment, I decided I better get on with it before the opportunity disappeared.
I moved my hands up to the top button on her jeans and undid the clasp. My hands weren't cold but Lisa nevertheless sucked in her stomach when she felt my touch. Maybe it was a nervous reaction or done just to make it easier for me, I don't know. It was definitely a sexy move, though.
With my left hand I held one side of her jeans and with the right I grabbed the zipper and gently tugged it down until it was all the way at the bottom. As curious as I was as to whether or not she was wearing any underwear, I didn't encourage her jeans to fall open. I wanted to unveil things myself.
Using both hands I peeled open her jeans to find a skimpy white lace thong underneath. It looked gorgeous against her skin and did a nice job of hiding a full bush of hair. I could feel the heat coming off her pussy.
"I changed those, too, before I came up here," Lisa said looking down at me with a smile.
"Very good choice," I told her.
Fortunately her jeans were tight enough that they would need my assistance making their way past her hips. I slid each hand inside her jeans and moved each of them around to her ass cheeks, enjoying the satin smoothness of her skin along the way. Once I had a cheek in each hand, I gave them a gentle but firm squeeze, which made Lisa gasp and grab my hair slightly instead of just stroking it.
"You're bad!" She said.
"I try," I said.
"Don't forget, turnabout is fair play," she said.
I gently moved my hands down her hips to her thighs, trying to make the removal of her jeans as slow a process as possible. Hell, I was having too much fun teasing her! Unfortunately, after her jeans made it past mid thigh, they fell down to calf level on their own.
I decided to just ignore this event and moved both my hands to her right leg, one on the inside and one on the outside. I moved them up so high that my right hand came into contact with her pussy. After giving it a gentle rub and feeling how wonderfully wet it was under that thong, I ran both hand slowly down her leg to where her jeans were crumpled up.
Once done with the right leg, I moved to repeat the same process with the left leg. As soon as my left hand came in contact with her pussy, Lisa gasped again. Not only could I feel the heat and wetness, but I could now smell her pussy as she got more excited.
"I think my jeans are already a little lower than that," she said.
"I know," I said, grinning up at her. "We just don't want to leave any static electricity behind, you know."
Lisa just chuckled knowing full well that comment was full of crap, it was just an excused to grab a feel.
After running both hands slowly down her left leg, I had Lisa put both hands on my shoulders while I helped her step out of her jeans. Once both feet were out she just kicked them off to the side and left them on the floor.
"I think it's time we switched places," she said, grinning down at me.
I smiled back at her and took the same position she just had.
Staring down at Lisa clad in only her white thong and big smile did nothing to make my cock any smaller and she knew it.
She started out by running her hands up and down the outside of my legs just like I did with her.
"This is how you 'campers' do it, right?" She asked with her little grin again.
"That's perfect," I told her.
After two more passes on the outside, Lisa brought her right hand up to the front of my jeans and started running her hand directly over my crotch, specifically over the area of my cock. The first two times she just moved her hand in circles but the she started rubbing it along the outline of my cock. Her stare did not move from my crotch.
"This looks like it needs more room," she said, to which I said nothing.
At that point she brought both hands up to the top button on my jeans and started undoing it. Then she moved on to the second, then third.
"I guess we'll know real soon, won't we?" She asked.
"Know what?" I said.
"Boxers or briefs, silly!" She said.
I was glad that was important to her because right now all I was thinking about was her sucking my cock!
She kept working the buttons until they were all undone and then pulled my pants open to reveal the briefs. She inserted one hand in each side of my jeans and slowly worked them back to my ass cheeks, just as I had done with her. With that motion my jeans dropped to thigh level, exposing my briefs and now ranging hard on.
With one hand on each cheek she started a gentle massage, all the while staring at my cock. She then left her left hand on my ass but moved her right hand back around to the front of my briefs. She began tracing the outline of my cock through my underwear. Then she started rubbing it, like she was trying to jack me off through my underwear.
"Does that feel good," she asked, looking up at me with a grin.
"A little too good," I replied, hoping she would get the message that I would come soon if she kept that up.
Lisa stopped rubbing my cock and put her right hand up along side it, like she was positioning it for something and she was. With that, she leaned her face forward and placed a kiss on my cock through my underwear!
But she didn't stop at one---she just kept placing little kisses all up and down my cock through my underwear, occasionally grabbing my ass with her left hand for emphasis.
What a turn on! I didn't think my cock could've gotten any harder but this little high school teacher had me ready to go through the roof! Too much longer and I was going to have the biggest load of cum in my underwear of my life.
Sensing how I was tensing up, Lisa moved her head away from my crotch and placed both her hands on my hips again.
"I think I've changed my mind," she said. Then she moved her hand back to my ass cheeks, inside my briefs and started pulling them down.
"Changed your mind about what?" I asked.
"I think we should be naked---now," she said. With that she had moved my briefs off my ass and her hands back around to the front of my briefs. She gently put her index fingers inside the waistband and pulled the briefs out and down from my body.
"I think there's something here that needs some breathing room," she said, bringing my briefs down below my cock which was now standing straight out and staring Lisa in the face.
We were now at a point that I never thought about with Lisa. I really didn't know her and had no clue how attractive she was til an hour ago. Now, I was naked, she was almost naked and my cock staring her in her face!
"Don't move," she said. She then went about finishing the removal of my jeans and briefs, tossing both over on the floor next to hers. "That's better."
Lisa put her hands back on my thighs, gently rubbing them up and down, just staring at my cock and balls. I'm not sure, but I think she was trying to think about what she wanted to do next.
Lisa moved her face closer to my cock and let it rub the cheeks of her face as she moved around it. Gradually she moved her left hand up to cup and massage my balls and her right hand came up to take a hold of the base of my cock. At this point, I was ready to lose my balance so I put one hand on each of her shoulders to steady myself.
"You have a nice cock," she whispered. "Would you like me to suck it?"
"I think that's a great idea," I said.
"Just don't come in my mouth, OK? I like to suck cock but I don't like the taste of cum."
With that Lisa pursed her lips and kissed the head of my cock several times, all the while gently massaging my balls. Then, she opened her mouth and slowly swallowed it all the way down to the hairy base, stopping to suck gently on the head as it left her mouth on the way out.
"Oh, suck my cock," I said. "Your mouth is so warm and soft and wet. Ummm. Geez, I hope you don't mind if your fellow 'camper' talks dirty like that once in a while--it turns him on."
Lisa took my cock out of her mouth to answer. "You can talk dirty to me," she said. "I like to talk dirty, too. It turns me on. Just don't call me your bitch or any of that." With that she swallowed my cock again.
"Not into that either," I said. "Oh, fuck, you know how to suck cock. It's a shame you don't like cum. I'd love to shoot my load in that warm mouth of yours."
Lisa let my cock slip from her mouth, her saliva dripping off the head onto her chest. "Just hold your load till I tell you, sweetie. Maybe we can find some other nice place for you to stick this thing and cum." With a little grin on her face, she put my cock back in her mouth and began sucking again, up and down, over and over.
I couldn't let this go on too much longer or Lisa was going to end up with a load going down her throat. But I was also going to enjoy this as long as I could.
While I was enjoying watching my cock go in and out of her mouth, I couldn't resist dropping my hands to her tits and massaging them. I figured the sooner she got to the point of no return, the faster we could both move on to something closer to fucking
As soon as I started squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples, Lisa started moaning. Then her legs started involuntarily opening and closing around mine, a further indication she was getting worked up. She was starting to lose her concentration on my cock.
"Ummm, that feels nice," she said. She had taken my cock out of her mouth and turned her head sideways to share a kiss with me. As our tongues danced in each other's mouth, she continued jacking me off with her right and massaging my balls with her left.
As our kiss ended she said, "Stand straight up and turn around. I want to do something."
Not wanting to ask and break the moment, I let go of her tits and did as I was asked. Facing away from her I put my hands on my hips waiting for the next instruction.
"Bend over and put your hands on the bureau," Lisa said, "and spread your legs a little."
I did as she asked and felt her hands on my hips, tugging me back towards her and the bed. I moved back until my legs were in contact with hers again and the bed.
"Let me know if you like this, "she said.
With that she placed her left hand on my hip, her right hand started stroking my hard cock again and I could feel her licking and kissing my ass!
First she started placing soft kisses on the right cheek, then the left. Somewhat methodically she kept moving toward the crack. When she got there, she moved her left hand to my left ass cheek so she could grab it and spread my cheeks apart more.
Then Lisa started licking my ass crack up and down, over and over, getting it very wet. It was almost like a feather teasing more only I was being massaged at the same time. I could feel her tongue and her nose rubbing up and down my ass and her hot breath as she exhaled on me in between licks.
"Bend over a little further," she said. "I want to lick your ass hole."
"Oh, fuck yes!" I said. "Lick me! Lick me!"
With that I tried to give her all the access she wanted. I even used my hands to grab my own ass cheeks and pull them apart for her.
"Ooohhh, I've always wanted to do this," Lisa said. "Spread your ass nice and wide for me." With that she moved one of her hands back to her own hips, the other started to gently rub her pussy through her thong and placed her mouth right on my ass, gently rimming my ass hole with her tongue.
She took several licks, backed away for a second and then took several more. She was not only testing and enjoying the moment but savoring it as well.
In the meantime my cock was still hard as a rock and starting to ooze cum. I was so pleased she quit jacking me off by now as I surely would've sent a load all over the floor.
"Lick me good, Lisa. Stick your tongue up my ass and make me cum!" I said.
This just seemed to motivate her more and she increased her efforts. Her hot breath and wet tongue were driving me crazy! Round and round her tongue went on my asshole. Every once in a while she even tried to fuck my ass with it, shoving it a little ways in and out.
After a couple of minutes of this, Lisa backed off, tired from her efforts and her saliva running down my ass. She was now more turned on than ever.
"Turn around," she said.
I stood up and turned back around to face her, once again my hard on at eye level. She reached out and gently started stroking my cock again as she caught her breath, still stroking her pussy with her other hand.
"So," she asked, "are all your 'camping' trips this exciting?"
Stroking her face gently with my right hand I said, "So far this is the best one ever for me. What about you---enjoying yourself so far?"
She just looked up at me and smiled. "Uh-huh," she said.
We just looked at each other for a moment. Then Lisa let go of my cock, stood up and placed both of her arms around my neck. She started French kissing me again, her lips still wet with her saliva and fresh from rimming my asshole.
I knew this was a test from her, to see if I would back away or not. But I had no intention of doing so. I returned the passion in her kiss and ran both my hands up and down her back, eventually grabbing her ass cheeks and pulling her as close as I could without crushing my hard on.
Breaking our kiss, Lisa whispered in my ear, "What would you like to do now?"
"I think you need to catch up with me," I said and grabbed each side of her thong, tearing it away from her body. After a little gasp, she opened her legs a bit so I could finish pulling the material away from her. As she stood there with a little grin, I pulled the thong up to my nose and inhaled deeply.
"Smells like honey flavored pussy."
"How would you know what flavor it is? You haven't tasted it yet."
"Is that an invitation?" I asked.
"Could be. I was told to do anything my camp counselor told me to."
"Good. We like obedient campers," I said grinning. I dropped the remnants of the thong on the pile of other clothes. "I think you need to make yourself comfortable on the bed again. Only this time, as you lean back against the headboard, place a pillow under your ass to elevate it a bit. Oh, and pull you knees up a bit and spread your legs as wide as you can."
Lisa looked at me with a sheepish grin, knowing full well such a position would fully expose her hairy pussy and asshole to me. "That sounds like a very suggestive pose."
"It will work for starters," I said. "Once you get comfy, I'll tell you what's next."
Lisa gave me a quick peck on the lips and crawled back to the top of the bed. Sitting with her back to the headboard, she grabbed two pillows, one for behind her back and one for under her ass and leaned back. She pulled her legs up as she was told but only spread them about a foot apart.
"C'mon, you heard me," I said. "Spread them nice and wide so I can get a good look at you."
After saying that, I turned around and went to the snack supply and got a package of honey. I then went to the bathroom and got the small bottle of hand lotion that seems to come with every room. I wasn't really prepared for an evening such as this but was somehow finding the tools to make it as interesting as possible.
Returning to the bed, I noticed Lisa had indeed spread her legs nice and wide for me. As I approached her she gazed back and forth between my face and my cock and smiled. It was nice to know she was still into the evening. I kneeled on the bed next to her so that my cock was at her eye level.
"Play with your pussy for me, Lisa. Play with your pussy with your left hand and jack me off with your right."
"Oh, so you want to watch me play with myself, do you?" she asked teasingly.
"Absolutely," I said. "I want to watch you make yourself come while you play with my cock. Think you can concentrate on both at the same time?"
"Why don't I try and we'll find out?" With that she began to massage her pussy in slow circles with her left hand and grabbed my cock with her right. She slowly began jacking me off but it was obvious that she was too turned on to do a good job of both at once. Her breathing was increasing and her left hand started moving faster and faster while the action on my cock was slowing down. It was time to move to our next game.
"How does that feel, Lisa? Do you like playing with your pussy for me?"
"Uh-huh," she whispered.
"Say it for me, Lisa. Tell me you like playing with your pussy for me. Talk dirty for me, Lisa. It's now the camp rule," I said in almost a whisper to her.
Lisa looked at me and grinned. You could not only her the moisture in her pussy as she masturbated herself but could smell it in the room. "I like playing with my pussy for you. It's so warm and wet. Ooooh, it feels so goooood right now."
With that I took Lisa's right hand off my cock and got the bottle of lotion. After pouring some into my own hand, I took her hand and thoroughly began lubricating her index and middle fingers. She just looked at me, waiting for what was coming next while still playing with her pussy.
"Have you ever been fucked in the ass Lisa?" I asked.
Lisa just nodded.
"Tell me all about it Lisa, every detail, of the last time you were fucked in the ass." My cock was now starting to leak a light amount of pre-cum in anticipation of the story about to be shared. I was almost done with the application of the lotion.
"Do I have to?" she asked.
"Uh-huh," I said, planting a soft, wet kiss on her lips.
"Well I was 18 and in college and it wasn't very good. How's that?" she asked, grinning, knowing that I would not be satisfied.
"Try again," I said.
"Ok," she said. "It was in my dorm room one night. This guy I was dating came over when my roommate was at the library."
As she began telling her story, I took her lotion coated fingers and moved them down to her own asshole. I placed both of them at the puckered opening and began moving them in a small circle, massaging her asshole gently. For a second she stopped the story as she watched what I was doing.
"Keep going," I said. "I'll keep these fingers busy while you tell the rest of the story. You were in your dorm room....."
Gathering a little composure she continued. "Anyway, we started necking and were soon naked. He really liked to 69 so I climbed on top of him and we went at it."
"What were you doing to him?" I asked, prodding for her to put things in explicit talk. She caught on quickly.
"Oh, yes.....well, I was sucking his cock while he licked my pussy," she grinned. Lisa was now starting to relax and enjoy being more graphic in her conversation and it was starting to turn her on more.
"Was he any good at licking you?" I asked. As I said that, I stopped her right hand from massaging her asshole. I took her index finger and placed it at the entrance to her asshole applying just a slight pressure so she would know I wanted her to put it in. In it went to the first knuckle. She paused briefly to adjust, then continued her story.
"He was pretty good." Lisa had her eyes closed now while trying to manage the sensations from her pussy and her ass and still tell a story. "Anyway, after a minute, he started tonguing my ass. At first I thought it was gross but he wouldn't quit. Then it started feeling pretty good and then he put a finger in."
At this point, I put more pressure on her right hand until her index finger was all the way in her ass and held it there.
"Go on," I said.
"Well, after he played with me like that for a while, he got out from under me and stuck his cock in my ass and fucked me. And then it was over."
I knew it was getting harder for her to concentrate now so I'd have to drag the details out of her if I wanted them. I poured a little more lotion onto my hand and removed her index finger from her ass. After coating it liberally I put the finger back in her ass, and moved it back and forth, like she was getting fucked in the ass by a small cock at the same time as she was masturbating.
"Did your friend have a big cock or a small cock?" I asked.
"Not too big, about average," she said, half opening her eyes and smiling. "About the size of yours."
"And what did you use for lube?" I asked.
"I can't remember," she said. "Oh wait, I had some KY in the drawer of my desk. We used that."
"Did he last a long time? Did you let him cum in your ass?"
"Not too long, I think he came pretty quickly. I don't remember. All I remember is it felt strange. And he came in my ass. Uhhhhh....." She was getting close to cumming now.
At this point I put another dab of lotion in my hand and took her finger out of her ass again. Only this time I coated her index and middle finger and pushed both of them into her ass. Once she adjusted, I began moving them in and out again, fucking her ass with her own right hand.
"You are turning me on so much right now, Lisa," I said, giving her a deep French kiss. "Finish the story for me. Did his cum leak out of your ass later and down your leg? Was your ass sore?"
At that point I began sucking her right breast, nibbling gently at the nipple.
"Uh, man, that's good," she said. "It did leak out....his cum...mostly while I was sitting at my desk trying to study later that night. Oh, fuck......". As Lisa was starting to cum. I began massaging her left breast with might right hand, continuing to suck on her right breast.
"And was your ass sore?" I repeated the question.
"Uh.......huh.....for a day or so. We never did it again, though." With that she began to move her left hand furiously on her pussy, moving towards orgasm number two.
"Oh, fuck.......oh, fuck......" She said. "I need your cock......I need it now........oh, man......."
I got back on my knees and reached for the package of honey. Opening it, I began to pour it on my cock.
"Where you want the camp counselor's cock Lisa? You need to tell me where to put it to make you feel better," I said teasing her.
"Anywhere....put it anywhere....I just need your cock........Uh....uh......."
"Lisa, you are such a good camper!" I told her. I shifted over the top of her so that I had one knee on the side of each shoulder, straddling her. "Open your mouth, sweetheart, I want to fuck your mouth first. And I have a surprise for you....."
Lisa smiled and obediently opened her mouth but still had her eyes half shut. I slid my honey coated cock half way in and then started fucking her with it. As soon as she tasted the honey, her eyes opened wide and a huge grin appeared on her face. She began sucking me in earnest as I fucked her mouth in return. Some of the honey leaked out on the edges of her mouth leaving a golden coating to go with her saliva. At this point her hands had stopped their activity while she focused on sucking my cock.
"Lisa, sweetheart," I told her, "take your right hand a shove one of your fingers up my ass."
Immediately I could feel her right hand clasp my ass cheek. After getting her bearings, she eased her index finger into the crack of my ass and, upon finding my ass hole, slide her finger all the way in.
"Uhmmm, fuck, that's good!" I cried out.
Lisa pushed me back far enough for my cock to slide out of her mouth so she could talk.
"Somebody else likes to have their butt fucked, too, huh?" she giggled. Then she reached up and grabbed my cock and began sucking it again.
Wanting to make the most of the moment, I grabbed her hair and began taking charge of half of the fun. While I gently fucked her mouth, she was gently fucking my ass with her finger. I was getting closer and closer to coming but knew I wanted a least a taste of her pussy yet, if not her ass too.
"Now where do you want it?" I asked.
"Where do you want to put it?" she asked, taking my cock out of her mouth.
"In your hot pussy," I said, again kissing her and giving her left breast a squeeze.
"Then fuck my pussy," she whispered.
I slid down and positioned my cock at the opening to her pussy. I whispered in her ear, "Say it again."
"Fuck my hot pussy with that hard cock of yours," she whispered in my ear. "Fuck me.....fuck me......"
With that I sank my cock all the way into her pussy, till my balls were tickled by her pussy hair.
"Uhhhhhhhh........mmmmmmmmm....." After all her own masturbation, Lisa was wet and ready for a cock in her pussy. "Oh, that feels goooood....so goood......"
I grabbed each of her legs and placed them over my shoulders and began fucking her pussy hard and fast. You could hear the slapping of my thighs against her soft ass cheeks as the rhythm kept on building. By now Lisa had moved both of her hands to my chest, grabbing onto the chest hair and hanging on for the ride.
"You are such a hot fuck, my little camper Lisa," I said. "Your pussy is so hot and wet!"
I kept pumping into her, over and over, getting closer and closer to cumming.
"Oh, Lisa.........." I said. "I'm getting close.......uhhhhhh.........ready for me to stick my cock someplace else?"
I was hoping that she would let me fuck her gorgeous ass, especially since she had already primed it herself. I was curious if she had been serious when she said I could put my cock anywhere. I didn't need to wait long for the answer.
"Uh......uh......I told you......you can put your cock anywhere," she said smiling.
I stopped fucking her for a minute, let her legs down and moved up to kiss her. Staring into her eyes, I began fucking her slowly, ever so slowly.
"And where do you want me to cum, camper Lisa? Where do you want me to shoot that hot sticky load of cum that you have built up in me by turning me on so much?"
"Like I said," she said teasingly, "anywhere but my mouth......anywhere."
Then I told her, "Roll over onto your knees......I want you from behind."
With that Lisa smiled and kissed me. She rolled over onto her knees and got into position with her head on the pillow and elbows on the bed. In front of me was that gorgeous ass that I had just stripped the jeans off of moments ago.
I gently grabbed a hold of her legs and spread them wide enough so that my cock was level with her pussy. Grabbing my cock I slid it in her pussy and began fucking her, holding her by the hips to control the motion.
"Uhhh.......uhhhhh.....faster.......faster......," Lisa said.
"What faster," I teased her.
"Fuck me faster, you tease......" She replied. "Uhhh.........uhhhhhh......that's it........"
While I was fucking her, I licked my thumb, applying a thick coat of saliva and stuck it in her ass.
She was caught off guard but adjusted rapidly. Her asshole was still loose from her own masturbation earlier. After moving my thumb around in her ass a couple of times, I decided to make my move before the moment escaped me.
I quickly pulled my cock out of Lisa's pussy, totally soaked with her pussy juices and placed it at the opening to her ass. With very little effort, my cock slid in halfway. I paused at this point to make sure she was in no pain. With no reaction from her I slid my cock all the way into her ass and held it there.
What a sensation! Her ass was so tight around my cock! And her ass cheeks were so warm against my groin! I had to fight from cumming right there but just stayed still for a moment to appreciate the sensations.
"You all right?" I whispered.
"Fine," she replied. She hesitated a moment and then began moving her hips slightly, a sign that I took as it was OK to resume fucking. I started to pull out and move back in slowly, working up a gently rhythm in her ass.
"Is that still all right?" I whispered.
"It's more than all right," Lisa replied. "Keep going."
Again grabbing a hip in each hand, I began fucking Lisa's ass. Slowly and methodically I pulled my cock out and shoved it back it, each time enjoying the warmth and tightness of her back passage.
"You know, I've always wanted to fuck the science teacher in school," I said. "I just never thought I'd hook up with such a hot one!"
"Uh-huh, I bet you did," Lisa said as she reached back with her right hand to play with her pussy while her ass was being fucked. "That's it.....nice and easy......uh-huh.......oh, I love your cock.....fuck, yes........"
"You have such a hot ass, Lisa! Damn it feels good!"
I wasn't going to last much longer and I was glad Lisa was ready to cum also.
"Ready to cum, Mr. Camp Counselor?" Lisa asked looking over her shoulder. Her right hand was working furiously at her pussy while my cock worked her ass. Her breathing was fast and shallow and she was close.
"Very soon," I replied. With that I stopped my motion, grabbed Lisa by the waist and pulled her up to a more vertical position. With my cock still buried all the way up her ass, I placed a hand on each of her breasts and whispered into her ear.
"This has been the hottest night of my life with an incredibly hot woman. You are simply a terrific lover!" I said.
Lisa smiled and kissed me, cupping her hands around mine on her breasts.
"And you are one hot lover as well, Mr. Camp Counselor. I've enjoyed every minute of it! Now fuck me nice and hard until you cum very deep in my ass.....and then we can get some sleep and do it all over again tomorrow!"she said. "Fuck my ass!"
With that Lisa returned to her former position with her head on the pillow. I took hold of each of her hips again and began fucking her ass with a nice strong rhythm. The sensation was incredible!
"I'm cumming!!" I moaned. And with that I shoved my cock balls deep into her ass and shot my load!
The spasms were incredible. I couldn't move and didn't want to. I can't remember ejaculating as many times or as much ever in my life. It felt so good that even when I was done cumming, I just stayed there with my cock buried in her ass, enjoying the sensation.
"Uhhhhhhh.........uhhhhhhhh........." Lisa fell off her elbows all the way to the bed, cumming herself over and over again, completely spent as well. After several minutes, her heavy breathing returned to something more normal.
Lisa was the first to move. Slowly she lowered herself to the bed and I followed right on top of her. As my cock slowly lost its erection, it slipped out of her ass, remaining nestled in the moist crack.
Sliding off her and spooning her from behind, I ran my finger up and down her ass and whispered, "You know, Miss Sexy Science Teacher, you might have some cum leaking out of your ass later. I'd hate to have your chair get messed up in your room later," an obvious reference to her earlier college story.
Lisa whispered back, "I'm sure I will, Mr. Camp Counselor.....nice and sticky hopefully.....but I don't think it will have any effect on the chair in my room cuz I think I'm going to be in this room for a while longer. I think the camp brochure promised an overnight stay. Maybe you can wash it off me in the shower later? This camp does have showers, doesn't it"
"Absolutely. And it would be my pleasure," I said. "I might even teach you the camp song before the night is over."
But that's another story. |
Don't Cry Emma | 98,860 | 4.55 | 498,245 | [
"doggie style",
"bent over"
] | Her sister, Debbie, was twelve when she was born. A change of life baby, Emma was a complete surprise to her parents who thought they were beyond their child baring years, Debbie having already been born late in their life. She was loved by everyone though, including her older sister who took care of her almost as much as their mother did. Five years later Debbie became pregnant at age 16 by a boy who had no interest in being a father and vanished the moment Debbie told him she was expecting his child.
Being a teenage mother is never easy but Debbie refused to consider the alternative and against her parents wishes 9 months later her son, Tyler, was born. Though her parents had encouraged Debbie to think of her own future and end the pregnancy they were instantly won over at the sight of their grandchild and he became the new family darling. Even Emma was instantly smitten with the baby, the closest thing to a younger sibling she'd ever have. Debbie lived with them while she finished high school. They already had Emma, it wasn't that much harder having Tyler home all day and truthfully they adored him.
Debbie graduated high school and had moved on to her first semester of college, working nights to help support her and Tyler as well as pay for school. Their family was comfortable but the expenses of a baby as well as tuition were heavy and though her parents helped as they could she wasn't going to sit around and let them carry the full burden. Then tragedy struck, as it always seems to do when things seem to be working out.
Her parents were on their way home from the grocery store, Emma and Tyler strapped securely into the back seat of their car, when they were hit by a drunk driver. Their father died instantly, their mother two days later in the hospital. Emma and Tyler walked away with a few cuts and scratches and Debbie was left a young single mother of both her son, and now her little sister. Thankfully she was old enough to be made the legal guardian of Emma and her parents had made smart decisions and invested their money well for their retirement, which they were not far from, and had a safety net to leave behind for their children. Not to mention life insurance claims that paid out quite handsomely. It was a struggle but Debbie managed to put aside her own heartache aside and stepped up to the plate, taking care of both children as well as continuing to work and go to school, as best she could.
Life wasn't necessarily easy but they made it work and were a loving family, however small and broken. Debbie worked tirelessly and managed to graduate from college and start to build a career. Tyler and Emma grew up, Emma living at home when it was finally time for her to go to college so she could be close to her family. She was in her second year of college when Debbie met a man, a man that didn't care that she had a high school aged son and had her little sister living at home with her. He understood Debbie came with family and he embraced them all and they, in turn, welcomed him into their family and home. They married and when Emma was in her final year of college Debbie gave birth to a little girl she named Mariana after their mother.
Emma and Tyler remained close in spite of their five year age difference. They talked about everything, including her boyfriends and his girlfriends and their sex lives. As an older woman she tried to give Tyler some insight into the feminine mind and prepare him for the kind of games that girls would be playing with him. She'd been rather popular throughout high school and was just as popular in college, so she knew a thing or two about the dating game. As a result he seemed to be doing quite well with the ladies and it never ceased to amaze her, the stories he told her about what he'd done with the girls he dated.
Emma had begun dating one boy at college very seriously around the time Mariana was born, Jacob Chalmers, a smart, charming, suave, rich boy who managed to sweep her right off of her feet. Though she didn't come from the kind of money he did her voluptuous 5'4 figure, long auburn hair, and hazel eyes had certainly made up for any lack of family money. He couldn't resist her and he made sure she couldn't resist him. They married right out of college, her hard earned degree in international studies put on a shelf as she took on the full time job as the Wife of Jacob Chalmers.
The wedding was lavish and expensive, the only real part she'd had any hand in arranging was the presence of her family. Tyler looked miserable. He didn't like Jacob, thought he was a slimy bastard who only wanted Emma as the lovely trophy wife to look good on his arm. He was right, of course, but she was a young bride awash in the first bloom of what she thought was real love and wouldn't listen to reason. She moved out of her families smaller but happy home and into Jacob's large, and very cold, manor. She did her best to be a good wife but she grew bored easily just attending to Jacob's social demands for her with little else to occupy her time and she spent a lot of time at her sisters house.
In spite of their difference in opinion on what Emma's role was, their sex life was good, very good, and she enjoyed Jacob's lovemaking regularly. It didn't take long at all for her to become pregnant and 9 months later she gave birth to her own daughter, Grace, named for her mothers middle name. Life wasn't perfect but it was good and Debbie and Emma enjoyed sharing motherhood with one another, their daughters, almost 2 years apart in age, sharing much of their time together. Then, as if Fate were not quite done toying with their family, another tragedy rocked them all to their foundation.
While walking to their car after a romantic dinner, Debbie and her husband were accosted in the parking lot, an armed assailant shooting them both and taking everything of value on them. Emma had been with Tyler watching Mariana and Grace, the police arriving just before midnight to tell them what had happened. Apparently the assailant had tried to take Debbie with him, intending to steal the car and her sister, but she'd fought like a maniac, knowing if he took her she was as good as dead anyway. He'd shot her husband before her eyes then shot her.
Once again death had claimed the loving base of their family, once again children were left orphaned and alone. Just as her parents had done for Debbie when she'd become pregnant, and just as Debbie had done for her when their parents had died, Emma would now have to take responsibility for Tyler and Mariana, raising her as their own so the state wouldn't take them away. In one fell swoop she'd lost her second mother, her sister and closest female friend, and she was now the mother of three, rather than one.
Jacob was furious when she brought it up to him, refusing to take responsibility for her niece and nephew, stating it wasn't their problem. This time, however, she would not be moved so when he laid down the ultimatum that their marriage was over if she accepted custody of Tyler and Mariana she calmly turned and left his study, packed her and Grace up, and left, all without him ever realizing it. A week later divorce papers were delivered to his door. She would give up the right to alimony or any of his assets as long as she was given sole custody and child support. It was over more quickly than it had begun.
Emma moved back into the house she'd grown up in, now the one solely responsible for the family that resided within it. Mariana and Grace were easy, they were too young to understand what was going on, but Tyler was another matter. Anger and sorrow warred for equal footing within him and she could see his unspent rage at the man that had killed his parents. He'd been caught but that wasn't enough for Tyler. He was nearing the age of 18, in his final year of high school, a high school wrestler who'd recently taken up MMA on the side. He was tall, athletically built, and devastating to the female population of his high school. A fact that Emma could not help but notice.
They'd always been close and now was no different. In fact she began relying on him more and more without realizing it, Tyler slowly taking on the role of Man of the House, acting as surrogate father not only to his little sister, Mariana, but to his cousin, Grace, as well. Debbie had been wise, educated by her own parents death, and had an iron clad will as well as a hefty life insurance policy, so he didn't need to worry about getting a job to support the family but the support he offered was so much more valuable. Tucking in little girls and reading bed time stories meant more than any paycheck he would have brought home.
He did his best to be there for Emma as well, the looks of longing that followed her around the kitchen as she cooked, or the way he would hold her a little tighter or a little longer each night as she hugged him before bed, were completely lost on Emma who seemed completely oblivious to him as a man. Or so he thought. He still talked to her about his girlfriends, open and even more blunt than before, going into great detail about the things he would do to them under the premiss of asking her advice on his approach. He was trying to get a rise out of her, to remind her that he was a man, a sexual being, and right there for the taking, and it worked. Emma found herself growing wet when he would tell her one of his stories, her thighs pressing together to try to dull the ache deep inside her. His physical appeal, shaggy dark brown hair and clear blue eyes to top off his fit frame, were not lost on her either and she caught herself eying him from beneath her lashes, picturing herself as the girl in his stories. She knew it was wrong, he was her nephew and younger too, but she figured harmless fantasies were fine as long as she didn't act on them.
Both remained unaware of the thoughts of the other and Tyler graduated high school, ready to attend college in the fall while living at home as Emma had done. It was a week after graduation and the night of his eighteenth birthday when everything changed yet again. She'd made a big family dinner, the two little girls still too young to really grasp what was going on, but it was a family event nonetheless, no one getting left out. She'd worked for hours on all of his favorite dishes, wanting to spoil him rotten on his special night. She was so proud of him, so thankful for him, and she wanted to show him what he meant to her, even if she couldn't tell him how she really felt. She didn't truly understand what she felt for that matter.
He'd made arrangements to go out after dinner with his friends so it was with some reluctance that he stood from the table at the honk outside and kissed his three best girls, as he affectionately called them, good bye before heading out for a night of male teenaged debauchery. Waving from the front door she closed it once he was out of sight and sighed. She was still young, only 23, but she hadn't felt it recently. She knew now what Debbie had felt, being a mother so young, responsible for an entire family at such a young age, and she'd been even younger and more unprepared than Emma had been. A whole new respect for her sister emerged and she was again overcome with grief at her loss, at the lost chance to tell her sister thank you for all she had done. Of course she'd been grateful, she had adored her sister, but now she understood all Debbie had sacrificed for them.
Doing her best to shake off the melancholic thoughts she set herself to the task of putting Mariana and Grace to bed. That in itself was a feat but it was eventually accomplished and both little hellions were soon slumbering peacefully in their beds. Changing out of the nicer clothing she'd worn earlier she pulled on a pair of cut off sweat pant shorts and a half tank top. Didn't need to be glamorous to clean the kitchen. Clearing dinner away the left overs were packed into the fridge and she set herself to the mountain of dishes left behind. She didn't mind though, it'd been worth it to see Tyler's face when he'd come into the dining room. He'd looked happy, genuinely happy, and that wasn't a look she saw on his face too often these days.
Debbie would be so proud of him if she were here to see this, his step father as well. He'd grown into such a handsome young man, responsible, caring, and sexier than a nephew had a right to be. He was the type of man all mothers hoped their sons would grow to be and as she thought about how Debbie was missing it the tears slowly began to slide silently down her nose. She ignored them, focusing instead on the dishes, but the dam had opened and the rest of what she kept bottled up came rushing to the fore.
Eventually her thoughts turned to Jacob and how he had so easily cast her out of his life. She hadn't let herself cry for him then, she'd been too furious and had the children to think about, but now, alone, she cried for his callousness. For the little girl who would never know her father because she highly doubted Jacob would bother with Grace. Word had it he was already engaged again and would no doubt soon have replacement children as well. If she were honest with herself though, she didn't truly miss him so much as the companionship being in a relationship offered, not to mention the sex. She hadn't bothered with men since the divorce, preferring to focus on her family for the time being, but she missed sex, and yes, she cried for that loss too.
Realizing how ridiculous she was being she swiped her hand across her cheek, brushing the tears away, but they refused to stop coming. It was time for her own personal catharsis and once begun it wouldn't stop until she'd let it all out. Stacking the final dish on the side board she washed her hands and was rinsing them free of the soap when two strong arms came around her from behind, sliding around her waist to pull her back against a strong male body. Tensing in alarm she struggled until she realized it was Tyler, his head lowering over her shoulder to allow his cheek to press to hers, his arms holding her tightly against him in a way he never had before.
"Why are you crying, Em? Please don't cry...I can't stand to see your tears," he whispered, the sexy rumble of his voice causing a shiver to dance down her spine.
"T..Ty...what are you doing here? I thought you were going out with your friends?" Her voice sounded breathy even to her own ears and she squeezed her eyes shut, the last of the moisture escaping to zig zag down her cheeks. Good, yes, let him think it was the crying that had her sounding like a bad imitation of Marilyn Monroe and not the fact that his arms were around her and his lips were just barely caressing her cheek.
"I did...but I got bored really fast. I didn't want to spend my birthday with them. I wanted to spend it with you. And I get home to see you crying....why, Em?" His arms tightened as he spoke, pressing more firmly against her back until she could feel the bulge in his pants nestled securely in the cleft of her ass. God, he was turned on? The knowledge sent a little thrill through her and she could already feel herself growing wet, her ass pressing back against him ever so slightly as though it had a mind of its own, the soft hitch of his breath his only acknowledgment of her actions.
"Um...just thinking about your mother....yes. Your mother. My sister. You are my nephew. Ty...Tyler you shouldn't be holding me this way." Not even she thought she sounded convincing as her body made no attempt to pull out of the circle of his arms. It just felt too good to be held against him, to have a male body pressed to hers, and the fact that it was Tyler only made it that much better. She realized then she had feelings for him no Aunt should ever have for her Nephew. They'd grown up together, shared their deepest secrets with one another, and slowly but surely he'd insinuated himself as the man in her life over the last several months. She could see it now and could see that she had subconsciously welcomed it.
"Don't cry, Emma. I miss her too. She'd want us to be there for each other...she'd want us to comfort each other," he whispered. Each word became more seductive, encased in velvet that stroked her senses and robbed her of her reason. It was wrong, all of this was so very wrong. He was her nephew, however close in age they were, and she was responsible for his well being. This was abuse, according to the majority of the world, yet when he tightened his arms around her, wrapping them around her waist beneath her breasts, she couldn't stop the way her ass pressed back against him. The warmth of his hard cock could be felt even through the jeans and sweat shorts between them and she shifted until it lay nestled in the cleft of her ass.
"Not like this Tyler...she wouldn't want this," she said, her words barely more than a moan as she tried one last time to restore reason to this situation yet still she couldn't find the will power to pull away and he knew it, could sense that she was losing the battle. She wanted him, if he'd had any doubt about that before he could sense her desire now, and he had always wanted her from the time he was old enough to understand what sex and women were. She'd been his dream girl from the beginning and no amount of fucking other girls had slaked his hunger for her. He would never have wished these circumstances or the pain it had caused their family, but he wasn't going to step aside now...not when he was so close to getting what he wanted.
When she nestled her ass against his cock he moaned softly against his neck, taking her actions as a sign that even if her mind hadn't realized this was right, her body had, and his arms shifted, hands pressing to her stomach before sliding up her body and beneath the half tank top she wore. He didn't rush but rather let his fingers slowly caress her skin, giving her a chance to say no if she truly wished it. For all his desire he wouldn't force her, he wanted her wet and wanting, not resisting. He heard no protests though and easing his hands a bit higher he cupped her breasts in his warm grip. He heard her gasp, felt the shudder that caused her to tremble against him, and he smiled. Pressing more firmly against her ass he trapped her against the sink, thumbs and forefingers teasing at her already hard nipples until he heard her moan.
"I want this Em....more importantly, you want this. That's all that matters, not what anyone else thinks. If you truly don't want me, tell me right now, and I will stop what I'm doing and never touch you like this again."
Now was her chance, she could just say the word and it would all come to an end, no harm no foul. But she couldn't...no matter how she tried she couldn't make the words pass her lips though they parted several times as if preparing to do so. Tears filled her eyes at her weakness, at the knowledge that she desired her nephew enough to allow them to engage in the most taboo of sexual acts. With a soft moan of surrender she arched her back slightly, pressing her breasts into his palms as her ass pressed back to rub sensually against the proof of his own desire.
He knew it the moment he had her, the moment her beautiful eyes filled with unshed tears and she moaned, the sound representing nothing short of victory to him. Her body arched and he groaned as her ass ground back into his cock. She had no fucking idea what she did to him so he decided it was high time he showed her. Pushing her shirt up over her firm breasts he knew to be a small double D from doing the laundry he palmed her tits, rolling them gently in his grip, teasing her hard nipples against his palm, his hips pressing forward to grind into her ass. She felt so good, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough.
Sliding his hands down over her skin from her breasts he caught his fingers in the waist line of her sweat shorts and pushed them down over her hips so forcefully they slid completely to her ankles leaving her bare from the shoulders down, her bunched up shirt her only remaining clothing. His eyes devoured her bare skin, the sight of her pressed against the sink, naked, slightly bent forward, her ass presented to him, causing his cock to throb so badly he thought it would burst through the denim confining it.
"Fuck, Em...you're so beautiful," he moaned, his hands caressing over her bare skin, sliding over the perfectly round curves of her ass before caressing down her thighs and over her abdomen. His left hand splayed over her flesh, passing teasingly down over her pelvis until his hand could ease between her thighs. A gasp caught in her throat as his fingers slid over the lips of her slit, god she was already so wet, the lips of her pussy swollen with need. His fingertips found her clit and her moan sounded almost like a sob of pure need as her knees nearly gave out on her.
Never had Jacob played her body like this and she had always thought their sex life was wonderful. But now, here, in the kitchen with her 18 year old nephew behind her toying with her pussy she was hotter and wetter than she'd ever been. She needed his cock, not just anyone, but him...she knew he was the man she'd always wanted but had never let herself dream of having. His free hand moved between them and she heard the telltale sound of a zipper being lowered and moaned with raw need.
"Please Ty..." she whimpered and that was all the encouragement he needed. Pushing his jeans down to his thighs his cock sprang free from the confines of his pants, hard and bobbing in front of her bare ass. He wasn't porn star huge or anything but he was well enough endowed at 8 inches to make sure he pleased the girls he'd been with. Easing her gently forward with his left hand his right hand took hold of his cock and guided it between her thighs, his right foot gently kicking her feet further apart so that her legs were spread for him.
The head of his cock slid along the lips of her slit and she moaned, her body shivering in anticipation as he teased her wet cunt. Coating his length in her moisture he eased his hips back and found her opening, the head of his cock pressing into her slowly. Forcing herself to relax she trembled in anticipation, waiting for him to push fully inside of her and when she felt his hands grip her hips she whimpered gently, knowing what was about to come.
God she felt good. For a woman who had just had a baby a year before she was still tight enough to clench around the head of his cock. He could see her trembling and he smiled, his male ego enjoying the moment even if he didn't want her to be nervous with him. He'd intended to ease slowly into her, to let her experience every inch of his thick length filling her, but he couldn't seem to make himself wait. The moment her sheathe encased the head of his cock he knew he had to be inside her, and fast. Gripping her hips he jerked her body back into him, his cock sliding hard and deep into her pussy and he was rewarded when she cried out loudly in response.
He wanted to go slow..but he couldn't. She wouldn't let him. He realized quickly enough when she began backing her ass into him, forcing his cock harder and deeper into her, that she wasn't looking for lovemaking, she was looking to be fucked. He was more than willing to give her everything she needed and gripping her hips he began to thrust his hips, pumping his cock into her tight pussy fast and deep. Lowering his head he watched as his cock, glistening with proof of her own arousal, slid into her cunt and he couldn't stop his own moans from joining her's.
Her hands gripped the edge of the sink as she leaned forward until her breasts were hanging over the still damp wash basin of the sink, swaying with every forceful thrust. She couldn't believe this was happening but any protests she might have had were long gone as she began rolling her hips back against him, rotating her ass until she seemed to be dancing back onto his cock, her pussy tightening to milk his length every time he slid into her.
"Oh my god Ty....your cock feels so good baby."
The words tumbled from her lips without thought, without hesitation, her words nearly drowned out by the sound of his thighs slapping against her ass. Her skin was turning a bright shade of pink from the sensual impact of their bodies and the wet sound of his cock filling her only made her moan louder.
His hands tightened on her hips as she spoke and he groaned in response to her words. How many nights had he dreamed of hearing her talk to him like that, like he was a man...her man. Her lover. In his heart he had always belonged to her and he was determined to show her how much he wanted her. Easing his right hand around the curve of her hip he slid his hand between her thighs and again parted the lips of her slit, his fingers easing into her until he found her clit. She gasped as he touched the sensitive bundle of nerves, her hips jerking back against him in response.
"Mmm...you like that, Em? C'mon..back that ass into my cock."
She heard his words but couldn't manage to form a response as he began rubbing her clit, his cock slamming into her cunt over and over, forcing her harder against the counter. Her lips parted on a series of moans that never stopped and she rose up onto her tip toes, lifting her ass into the air to take more of his cock until the head began to bump against her cervix. It had been so long since she'd had sex and Tyler was fucking her like she'd never been taken before. She knew it wouldn't be long before he made her cum and she tried to tell him to slow down but he wouldn't listen.
"Ty...s...slow down...I'm...gonna cum...." Every word was a sultry whimper, her pussy clenching on his cock as his fingers massaged the sensitive flesh of her clit. Hearing her words he grinned.
"That's right...cum on my cock baby," his moaned words inflamed her as his left hand left her hip to slide around her waist. His arm tightened around her and he used his grip to pull her back against him, forcing her cunt down onto his cock as he pinched her clit, grinding himself into her as if he wanted to imprint himself on her body.
Within moments she was cumming, her body writhing frantically in his grip as she threw her head back, lips parting on a wanton scream as her pussy tightened almost painfully around his cock. Thrusting deep into her he pressed against her, grinding his cock into her as his fingers worked her clit for every drop of her orgasm. Her hands clenched the sink, her hips jerking back against him as her legs nearly gave out from the force of it, his arm around her waist the only thing holding her up.
When he was sure he'd wrung every last bit of her orgasm from her he moved his hands back to her hips and gripping them tightly began to thrust again, his moans growing louder as he raced towards his own release. Her pussy still throbbed around his cock and it wasn't long before his hands were tightening, his hips thrusting his cock deep into he gave in to his own release. He'd wanted her for so long that when he finally came rope after thick rope of cum splashed against her cervix, filling her pussy as his shout filled the kitchen.
Neither was sure how much time passed but eventually he let his cock slide from her pussy and sliding his hands up her body drew her up from where she still leaned wantonly over the sink and turned her to face him. Gazing down at her face he smiled gently, his arms going around her as he drew her close to him, his words cutting off any words of regret over what they'd just done before she had a chance to voice them.
"I love you Em...I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I'll never stop loving you."
He leaned down then and kissed her, his lips brushing lightly over her's in a feather light caress that sent shivers down her spine. He'd anticipated her guilt once the heat of passion had subsided and had stopped it in its tracks. When his lips caressed her's she knew she was in love with him too and, for good or bad, she wanted to be with him.
"I love you too, Ty."
It was all she got out before he grinned and scooped her up in her arms. Squealing in surprise her arms locked around his neck, protests forming on her lips which he quickly brushed aside as he began to carry her towards her bedroom.
"It's my birthday Em...and I'm not nearly done with you yet." |
Bed of Rose's Ch. 01 | 100,872 | 4.74 | 172,446 | [
"charlotte tongue",
"charlotte rose",
"felt end",
"face charlotte",
"looked quizzical",
"girl minutes",
"rose managed",
"gave rose",
"school yeah",
"charlotte hand"
] | *Disclaimer: The characters in this story are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead (or undecided), is entirely coincidental. The following story involves graphic descriptions of sexual encounters. If such things offend you, please read no further. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy the story.*
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"This Bed of Rose's . . ." Part 1
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"Oh, fuck," she muttered as her fingers traced her vaginal lips. Rose was as turned on and looking for release. She was sitting in her traditional spot overlooking the college soccer fields, watching the girls' soccer team practice. Rose had realized back in high school that she was sexually attracted to girls, and she had a definite preference for athletes.
She had discovered this spot a while back. The university wasn't that far from where she lived, and was suitably overgrown so that no one down on the field without a set of binoculars had a chance in hell of seeing her. And she like to watch those girls play while she played with herself. She leaned back in her lawn chair, cupping one of her breasts while she fingered her pussy with her free hand. She would occasionally run the breast-hand down her rock-hard, sculpted body so to double the effort on her moist sex. She noticed the goalie was taking shots, and Rose redoubled the speed of her fingers.
You see, Rose REALLY liked the goalie. Her name was Charlotte Webb, which had gotten her teased quite a bit in high school because of the its association with the story and with an old Statler Brothers song. The two of them had sort of known each other back then. But Charlotte was the kind of girl that was supposed to leave town for an Ivy League school and a get a frat-boy boyfriend/husband-to-be and a degree in accounting after she graduated. It wasn't like the university she was going to wasn't prestigious, which in fact it was; it just didn't fit the story Rose had created in her head. The two girls had played on the soccer team together for a year, until Rose's "coming out" with the young English teacher caused problems with her for the other girls. Rose heard that Charlotte had actually stood up for her when no one else would. Rose had wanted to thank her, but she had transferred to another school so she wouldn't have to deal with the constant string of acidic attacks.
Thinking of Charlotte made Rose even more aroused. She slid her tight, well-worn jeans all the way down to her knees so she could work on of her fingers into her ass while teasing her clit with her thumb. She pinched one of her nipples, then the other, then started rubbing her mound, wishing it were Charlotte. Charlotte was one of those girls who was just intrinsically cute. She wore her medium length blonde hair up in pigtails all the time and her blue eyes sparkled underneath long lashes. She wasn't cut like Rose was; rather she had just a little of baby fat to fill out her very delectable curves. She definitely had some muscle there (as most soccer players did), but she still had a look of softness to her. She had a nice set of boobs and a lightly rounded but still firm butt.
Rose's fingers were working frantically towards the goal of achieving orgasm. All the girls but Charlotte had headed for the showers, and she was just doing a few last-minute stretches. The sight of her bending over and hugging her legs was enough to put Rose over the edge. When Rose achieved release, she did it with gusto. Her body tensed up and started shaking. She let out a series of low, gasping noises before her body arched itself in the final stages of her ecstasy. She sat back into her chair, letting the breeze roll over her sweaty body and waiting for her energy to recover a bit. She looked out onto the field, and Charlotte was still there. She had her stuff in hand, and actually seemed to be looking towards the hill where Rose was sitting. Rose didn't move. It was not likely she could be seen, much less identified from this distance through the terrain but she wasn't going to take any chances. Finally, Charlotte turned and headed back to join the other girls.
Rose quickly got dressed and headed back through the woods to her house. It wasn't much of a house, but it was hers. Her father had run off with a county-fair queen a number of years ago, while her mother had waited until Rose had turned eighteen before jumping in a big rig with a nice trucker she had just met and hadn't been heard from since. Apparently, whatever maternal instincts she might have had diminished when she found out her daughter was gay, and hence unlikely to find a rich husband who would support them both. That was almost two years ago.
The house (using the term "house" loosely) had been handed down to her father by his crazy father and by default to Rose. They had basically stuck a barn over a large basement and had attached a garage with an overhang next to it. The storm cellar was actually a very comfortable apartment, so that was where she actually lived. Her grandfather had converted it into a fully self-sufficient bomb shelter back in the 50's. It had its own shower, kitchen and phone line. And it was pretty much sound proof. You could get in by going down the concrete stairs at the side of the house or, when it was raining, using a spiral staircase that opened up into a closet in the house. Her grandfather had been paranoid, but Rose thought those stairs were really cool! The upstairs house was both her personal gym, with a punching bag and full weight set, and her office. After her mom took off, she needed to support herself. Her dad had left his tow-truck behind, so Rose had started working for a couple of repair-shops. Some of them were initially reluctant to work with a woman, particularly one as young as Rose, but her automotive knowledge impressed them into giving her a shot. The one thing her otherwise useless father had done was to teach her about cars. She had rebuilt her first engine when she was 13 years old, and she had never looked back. She had been a good student, but the sudden vanishing act of her support system had left her unable to attend regular college, so she took the tow-truck gig. Her goal was to eventually open her own garage, specializing in domestic cars. When she wasn't on call, she took classes from the community college on how to run a small business, and she picked up tips from some of the guys she worked for. It wasn't the glamorous life little girls dreamed of, but she got by.
Since the weather was nice that day, she took the quick route to the cellar through the outer doors. She needed to get cleaned up after her little "session" on the hill. She shirked her clothes and headed for the shower. She took a moment to look over her body to see if anything was getting flabby. It wasn't. She took great pride in her appearance. She had long been a workout fanatic, even back in middle school. She was five foot seven inches of lean muscle. She wasn't overbuilt like a professional bodybuilder, but she had clearly defined muscles in places where most people didn't know they had places. After she had gotten kicked off the soccer team, she had started taking boxing lessons at the community center, and took an immediate liking to the sport. She hit the heavy bag at least a half an hour every day, which helped keep her toned. And she liked being able to see the definition, so she had shaved almost all the hair from her body. All except her mohawk. She had naturally red hair that she had grown long until high school. At that point she had shaved both sides of her head, leaving a two-inch streak running straight down the center of her skull. Because the hair that remain was long and because she never used hair spray or anything like it, her hair almost resembled the mane of a horse, which was just fine with Rose. The end of it almost reached her belt-line. Her wardrobe consisted mostly of faded denim or leather pants and she had a bunch of single color, sleeveless cotton shirts. Her breasts were firm enough that she really never war bras, or underwear for that matter. The only clothes she actually took pride in were her biker boots and a long leather duster that ended right above her ankles, which she had inherited from her grandfather. But she only took that out for special occasions, like when she was looking for some action.
Action had not come to her often. It wasn't that she was unattractive. Even with the haircut and her style of dress, most people thought she was quite a looker. But she had developed a somewhat distrustful attitude towards the world, which is why her isolated life didn't seem that bad to her. She would occasionally bed some well-built but dumb-as-a-post trailer park wife who was looking to spice up her meaningless existence by having a bisexual fling with a bad girl like Rose, but they never meant much to her. She was content to have her periodic affairs and her afternoons on the hill overlooking the soccer fields. And she had a lot of toys she used when she was at home.
She was on call in the evenings that week. School was letting out, so students who had abused their cars all semester were trying to get out of town and their overloaded vehicles were always breaking down. She made pretty good money that week. Enough to pay the bills, put food on the table, and put a little away in her savings account. Someday, she was going to open that garage.
On the last day of her workweek, she was headed home when she got a call. While normally she would ignore it, it was raining hard and the thought of someone being stranded out there in the rain bothered her just a bit. The caller had reported a street name that wasn't far at all from her house, which is why they had called her. It didn't take her long to find the vehicle. It was one of those cute little new Volkswagen Beetle convertibles. Call her a purist, but Rose liked the older ones better. She backed up to the front of the car and grabbed her cheap umbrella and made her way out into the storm. She knocked on the driver's window. When the window rolled down, Rose found herself looking at cute blonde girl with very distinct pigtails.
"Rose? Rose McGuire?"
"Ch . . . Charlotte?"
"Holy shit! It's been forever!" The blonde girl lunged through window and gave Rose a breathtaking hug.
"Hi . . .breath . . .crushing umbrella . . . getting wet."
"Oh, sorry!" Charlotte withdrew into her car. Rose felt her heart beating awfully fast. "You're the tow? That is so cool!"
Weird. Charlotte didn't actually sound sarcastic or condescending when she said that. But she had always been a bit bubbly.
"Yeah. So what happened?"
Rose chuckled. "With your car."
"Oh, that. I don't know. The lights started dimming, including the headlights, so I pulled over. The car stalled, and I couldn't start it again."
"Well, could be battery problems, but I can't really look at it out here. I could tow you back to the house where I've got a garage. It's just down the road, so I wouldn't even have to charge you."
"That would be so cool! Do I just sit here?"
"Nah. You're supposed to sit up with the driver."
"Cool!" she said again. "We can catch up." She grabbed her purse and rolled up her window. Rose felt a pang of regret at that. Charlotte was wearing a low cut shirt underneath her fashionable jacket, and Rose had enjoyed the view. When the door opened, she held the umbrella over it so Charlotte could mostly avoid getting wet. Once her passenger was inside the truck, Rose got very drenched hooking the little car up before climbing in herself.
"I REALLY hate the rain."
"I'm sorry for all the trouble."
"No trouble. Just my job."
Once back at her little garage, she lowered the Beetle and had Charlotte pop the hood. Both of the battery cables were loose, and one wasn't even touching the battery. There was some other loose wiring, but it only took her a few minutes to get everything straightened up.
"There you go. Whoever installed your battery or mucked with it last probably just didn't tighten everything up enough. You should be good to go."
"Excellent! How much do I owe you?"
"Don't worry about it. You were literally on my way home, and it took me all of two minutes to fix everything."
"Thank you. You are SO wonderful!" She paused. "Man, it is really beginning to pour out there!"
She was right. The rain had turned it up a notch. Rose half expected an ark laden with two of every animal to come drifting into view.
"Listen, if you want to hang out for a bit until this calms down, you're welcome to. We could just chill . . ."
"Great. I'd love to! Just let me call my folks and let ‘em know I'm running late. Yes, I still live with my parents. But I got to move into the pool house, so at least I have SOME privacy." She pulled out her cell phone and wandered towards the house. Rose enjoyed watching her butt move. She was wearing a fairly short skirt that didn't even make it halfway to her knees. "O.k. Thanks again for the offer. My mom said that a lot of the roads are flooded anyway, so she'd rather I wait it out."
"Cool," said Rose, trying to sound nonchalant. Privately, she was thinking how weird it was. Just a week ago, she had masturbated while thinking of this girl, now here she was. She led Charlotte into the house. Charlotte looked perplexed by the lack of furnishings. Rose tried to put her at ease. "This is my gym. And sometimes my office. I live downstairs."
"Check this out. I think it's cool." Rose opened the door to what Charlotte thought was a closet and revealed a winding staircase. They descended into the basement, which was a little less sparse. Rose had a huge, king-sized bed that wasn't made. The comforter was black, while the sheets were red satin. She had a plush red sofa, a large comfortable looking rug (with a picture of the signs of the zodiac on it) covering the concrete floor, and various other accoutrements one might expect.
"I love your house!" Charlotte practically shouted. "Or should I say your lair!" She grinned. Rose smiled back. Smiling felt strange to Rose. She didn't remember doing that much of it for a while.
The two girls talked for hours. Charlotte talked about her university experiences thusfar, her courses, her soccer stories, and her dreams of becoming a doctor. Rose talked about the history of the house, her business ambitions, her workout routines, and some unusual things she had found under the hoods of cars she had towed. There seemed to be no end to the amount of laughter the blonde girl could produce. And the fact that she leaned forward and put her sizeable tits on display whenever she was listening intently didn't hurt matters either.
Unfortunately, the rain died down noticeably. Charlotte looked up the stairs. "Well . . . I guess I'd better get going while I've got a break in the weather." She sounded a little disappointed.
"Yeah. Listen, it was great talking with you again." And she meant it. Her isolation was mostly self-imposed, but she found it was nice to have at least one person to talk to.
"Hey, mind if I drop by again? I'm not doing summer school, so I've got some time to kill. If you're not too busy."
"No, that'd be great. I work evenings next week, but I start a month of morning shifts the week after. Besides that, I'll be around." Rose escorted Charlotte up to her car, and waved pensively as she drove away. Rose wondered if she would actually see the other girl again. She went inside and pleasured herself, all the while thinking of a blonde-haired girl with pigtails.
She didn't have to worry. Charlotte dropped by several times a week for several weeks. Rose still enjoyed her quiet moments alone, but her friend's visits gave her life a little sense of balance. And with the weather warming up, Charlotte's clothing was getting smaller. The girl seemed to enjoy short shorts and skirts, as well as tight, low-cut shirts and blouses. Sometimes they would go out for dinner, sometime they would eat in. Rose showed Charlotte how to hit the punching bag without breaking her wrist and Charlotte brought tapes of some of her team's away games. And after every visit, Rose would go back to her room, break out one of her many sex toys, and masturbate to images of Charlotte.
One evening, Charlotte was over and had been there for a while. It had started raining again, giving the two unlikely friends more time to talk. Rose was sitting on the sofa drinking hot chocolate when Charlotte sat down fairly close to her and propped her legs up on Rose's knees. Rose finally worked up the nerve to say something she'd meant to say years ago.
"Hey. Got a question for you. Remember when I got kicked off the team back in high school?"
"Yeah." Rose noted some disdain in her voice.
"Well, I heard you actually stood up for me."
"Fat lot of good it did. What a bunch of narrow-minded . . ."
"It was nice that you tried, though."
Charlotte stood up. "I didn't do what I should have done." She put her cup on the counter and wandered into the bathroom.
"What do you mean?"
"It's easy to stand up for what's right after the fact if you're not really risking anything. They gave you the boot because you're gay, right?"
"Yeah. And for having sex with a teacher, but . . ." It was strange hearing it said out loud.
"Well, I should have told them if they kicked you off for being a lesbian, they needed to kick me off too."
Rose froze. Her cup was at her lips, and she found herself staring blankly forward. "Come again?"
"Well actually, I haven't cum the first time, but we'll see how this goes." Charlotte came out of the bathroom clad only in a shirt, which was unbuttoned all the way. Rose could see the inside of her cleavage bouncing between the gap in the cloth, as well as her neatly trimmed pubic region. "You see," she continued, "after hearing about you and the teacher and after you got kicked off the squad, I stuck up for you because I was hoping they might accept me too. If I came out of the closet, I mean."
"You're serious? You? Gay?"
"I guessed you hadn't figured that out yet. That's why I decided to make the first move. I figured you had to be at partially interested, the way you're staring at my tits all the time. I just want you to know before you say anything that I'll be crushed but understanding if you turn me down . . ."
Initially, Rose wasn't sure if this was all a joke or a dream or what, but she was face to pelvis with a girl she had fantasized about, and she had made up her mind already. When Charlotte got close enough, Rose leaned forward, reached under the other girl's shirt and grabbed both of her wonderful, round butt cheeks. Charlotte's skin lit up with goose bumps almost instantly.
"So, you're not saying no then?"
Rose looked up and saw genuine worry disappearing from Charlotte's face. "I wouldn't worry about that if I were you." She pulled the girl forward so that Charlotte was standing on the sofa, her moist sex just inches from Rose's face. Rose lifted her head a bit and began to lick.
She wasn't sure how many partners Charlotte had been with, because the blonde girl was reacting to the most basic of Rose's oral skills. She started by just flicking the different parts of Charlotte's nether region at random spots, seeing what was the most sensitive. She darted in the direction of her asshole a few times, which made Charlotte freeze-up noticeably. Not everyone was into that sort of thing, which Rose respected. Besides, she had plenty of other delicious spots to work with. She buried her face in Charlotte's crotch, pushing her tongue as deep in as it could go. For her part, the other girl was beginning to grind her pussy as hard as possible against Rose's face. Rose brought her fingers into play, sticking two of them into Charlotte's pussy while rubbing her clit with the thumb. Charlotte was also becoming painfully aware of the tightness of her jeans and the quickly growing dampness of her crotch. She struggled with the buttons with her free hand, determined not to divert any more attention than necessary from the task at her lips. Finally she was able to fit her hand and start fingering herself, relieving some of the pressure.
"Huh . . . huh . . . oh shit . . . oh that feels good!" Charlotte was already panting, and had to put her hands on the wall to brace herself. One hand would sometimes drift down and rest on Rose's head, stroking her stripe of hair and pushing her face further into Charlotte's crotch.
Rose didn't need any more encouragement. She had worked three fingers into Charlotte's pussy, and had wrapped her lips around the girl's entire clit area. With three fingers inside her, her upper mound engulfed in Rose's mouth and Rose's tongue dancing across her clit, Charlotte was already close. After only ten minutes of Rose's attention, Charlotte began to cum. She took a breath but was unable to exhale. Her legs were shaking, and then her torso got into the act. Rose's face was quickly covered in her friend's sticky stuff. It seemed to take all of the girl's physical and mental strength just to remain standing as her body came down from her sexual earthquake.
Finally, Charlotte uttered "O.k. That was good. We can keep that!"
As Charlotte started to back up, Rose stood up and wrapped her arms around the girl's midsection. Charlotte quickly wrapped her legs around Rose's waist. Rose was strong enough to hold her up, but not for long. She quickly moved towards the bed, engaged in a passionate kiss with Charlotte the whole time. She deposited the girl on the bed, and took a moment to look down at the gorgeous creature lying on her sheets.
"Take off your clothes," whispered Charlotte. "Slowly. Please?"
Rose started with her skintight jeans, which were already unbuttoned. She turned around and inched them past her ass and down her legs.
"You're ass is amazing! It is so tight!" Charlotte reached out and grabbed Rose's butt, apparently marveling at its tautness. Rose enjoyed the groping as she pulled her sweat-soaked shirt over her head. "You are so beautiful," Charlotte whispered. "So tight. So hot. So fuckin' sexy!" Rose felt the girl's tongue on her back and her hands pulling Rose down to the bed. The two of them lay side by side, exploring each others body: Charlotte's being soft and voluptuous, while Rose's was lean and hard. Charlotte would fondle Rose's ass while Rose sucked on Charlotte's tits and made her moan.
"I just want you to know," said the blonde girl after a few minutes, "I'm not sure how good I am at this. I've only been with a couple of girls, and neither of them were what you would call experts. Or even sober."
Rose inverted her body so they were both face-to-crotch. "Just follow my lead." She started eating Charlotte out much as she had done on the couch; with a few flicks of the tongue to key areas. Charlotte did as well as she could. She was a little clumsy in her efforts at first, but Rose made sure to moan whenever she hit a good spot, providing good feedback. Then she started licking Charlotte's pussy like an ice cream cone, all the way up one side of the slit, then the other. She flicked the clit, took the pussy lips in her mouth, and then traced the mound with the tip of her tongue. Charlotte was beginning to keep up quite well, and had even initiated the use of fingers in their little sixty-nine session. Rose felt what she thought were three fingers working their way into her box.
"Oh, so you wanna play rough, hunh?" With that, Rose tripled her efforts.
"Babe, it is ON now!" was Charlotte's response, and showed herself to be a quick learner.
Both girls were licking, sucking, and fingering with almost reckless abandon. Rose rolled them both so that she was on top for a moment before Charlotte countered. The two were rolling around the bed, each trying to be the one on top while still eating the other girl out. After several minutes of this, both girls were incredibly sweaty, and both of their crotches were glistening with juice. Charlotte was attempting to get back on top when she accidentally rolled them both off the bed and onto the floor.
"Oh shit," she gasped. "Are you o.k."
Rose took a mental inventory. "I think so. I'm seeing stars, but that might be due to the lack of blood going to my brain right now." With that, she took Charlotte by surprise and managed to get on top again.
"Ooooh, you little . . ." And they were off again. Luckily the rug was comfortable, and the two girls covered pretty much the entire floor. After a few more minutes of heated pussy licking, they found themselves near the bed again.
Rose actually was the first to break the deadlock, and she started trying to crawl back onto the bed. She felt Charlotte's hand grasp her ankle.
"Just where do you think you're goin'?" Charlotte began kissing the back of Rose's calves, then the tender area just behind the knee. Her tongue followed a path up the girl's well-muscled thighs until it reached her ass crack. Rose groaned as she felt her friend's tongue licking her pussy from behind and occasionally rim her tender asshole. As much as Rose wanted to "win" their little contest, she was exhausted, and the sensation was all too pleasurable for her to even try and fight back.
"I've never tried it, but do you enjoy this?" Charlotte asked, breaking her lip-lock on Rose's pussy long enough to moisten her thumb in her own mouth and then stick it in Rose's ass. Rose gasped audibly, reaching back to spread her ass cheeks. "I'll take that as a yes!" Now Charlotte had Rose on the ropes. She kept her thumb in the redhead's ass while sticking her middle two fingers in the girl's cunt. Since the amount of space available for fingering was limited, Charlotte used her other hand to play with herself. She fondled her breast, gently squeezed her nipples, then diddled her own pussy.
Rose managed to start crawling forward again, forcing Charlotte to follow her back onto the bed. With both of them back where they started, Rose managed to line their bodies back up face to crotch again. But instead of using their tongues, they both seemed content to use their fingers. This left them to stare into each other's eyes. Both girls had looks of smoldering intensity. They were both covered in sweat. Charlotte's hair was plastered to her head. They were also both fingering each other like mad. Charlotte, possibly due to having come already, was able to get Rose off first. Rose's orgasm was more powerful than anything she had experienced before. Wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body. Her cum flowed down her legs and onto the bed sheets. It seemed like forever before she came down. It also seemed like she came down too soon.
"I win," said Charlotte weakly. The girl looked exhausted, but extraordinarily happy.
Rose wasn't willing to completely concede defeat, if you could even call have a mind-numbing orgasm at the hands and mouth of a beautiful woman "defeat." She had an idea. "On your knees dear. This isn't over."
Charlotte did as she was told. Rose reached down, sticking two fingers into Charlotte's box and cupped her mound. She then pushed her own body against the other girl while reaching around and grabbing a solid handful of ass. As she started fingering her friend in earnest again, she whispered into Charlotte's ear, "Fuck my hand! Grind your hips against it and fuck my hand!" Charlotte did just that. Rose was fingering as hard and fast as she can with her pinned arm, and Charlotte was humping against it with great determination and zeal. Rose kept whispering "Fuck it. Fuck it. That's it. Fuck my hand like a good girl!" She stopped whispering long enough to nibble on Charlotte's earlobe, then started sucking on her neck.
It didn't take much of this to finish Charlotte off. She came for the second time that evening with as much intensity as the first. She had to put her hands on her own calves to keep from fall over backwards. The two girls were looking lustily into each other's eyes until Charlotte could no longer keep her own eyes open. Here body was quivering, making her chest quiver and bounce more than usual. And finally, it was done.
The two girls collapsed onto the bed. Rose had one arm draped over her lover's body, and their head rested right next to each other on the pillow.
"Was I alright?" asked Charlotte finally, with a hint of trepidation.
"You were better than alright. I've never felt this good in my life. And it was all because of you."
Charlotte practically beamed at those words. The two girls continued to kiss and nuzzle and make small talk until neither could stay awake another second.
Rose awoke after a few hours. She was actually amazed at that, since she had never been as physically drained as she had been after having sex with Charlotte. That fact hit her like a freight train. She was in bed with a beautiful, athletic woman she had fantasized about since high school. A woman who had broken through her self-imposed isolation like an 18-wheeler. She didn't want this relationship, if that's what it was, to come to an end, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to rejoin the world. Or if she really wanted to. Rose quietly inched her way out of bed, gently lowering Charlotte's arm to the sheets. She made her way, completely nude, upstairs into her gym. Since the apartment below was mostly soundproof, she was determined to get a quick workout done. It was something that always helped her clear her head. She did a fast warm up, then hit the weights. She was doing a toning set on the bench press when she heard the stairway door open.
"Couldn't sleep?" asked Charlotte quietly.
"No. Strange. I was dead tired a few hours ago. You wore me out girl."
"I hope this didn't weird you out."
"No. Listen, I was really happy it happened. But sometimes I get freaked out when good things happen to me. I'm not used to it, I guess."
"Well, if you like, I can try and arrange for good thinks to happen to you. A lot. Maybe even a couple of times a day!"
Rose looked up and saw Charlotte smiling shyly. What did this woman possibly have to be shy about? "I'd like that. I think I'd really like that."
Charlotte was kneeling next to Rose and she was finishing a set. "Do me a favor?"
"Do a few more. Please? I love watching your muscles . . ." she paused to lightly kiss Rose's abdomen and gently tongue her naval, ". . . move underneath your skin," she finished.
Rose was willing to anything that would keep Charlotte doing what she was doing. She didn't have much weight on, so she started another set.
"God, you're sexy." Rose felt Charlotte gently parting her legs, and then felt the girl's tongue tracing her pussy lips.
"Oh shit." She tried to pace herself well, because she didn't want to drop even this small amount of weight across her neck. Charlotte's tongue and lips and increased in ability exponentially over the course of the night. Or maybe it just seemed that way since Rose didn't have enough blood flowing to her brain right now. Nah. She was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to her protégé.
It only took a minute until she was covered in sweat. The strain of the weights, a tongue on her clit, three fingers in her pussy and one digit invading her rectum were almost more than she could stand. The cool night air on her skin contrasted with the hot breath on her crotch.
Charlotte withdrew her fingers and replaced them with her tongue again. She would alternately suck Rose's pussy lips into her mouth, then lick the slit from bottom to top. She had a single finger acting like a piston in Rose's puckered sphincter. It was all too much. Normally, it took a lot longer to get Rose off, but this was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She locked her arms with the weight above her head. If she brought it down again, she didn't think she be able to lift it again. Meanwhile, she felt her pussy walls clamping down on Charlotte's tongue, and her asshole gripped the girl's finger. Her body arched off the bench as every other muscle in body clenched itself. She quickly moved the weight back to the rest position before she dropped it across her neck.
"Ah . . . ah . . .aaaahhh." And it was over. Her body sunk to the bench. Her skin was coated with sweat, and her crotch was coated with her own cum. Charlotte moved down, still on her knees, and rested her head on Rose's chest.
"You're heart is beating so loud. Did little old me do that?"
"You don't fool me for a minute. You know perfectly well what you did."
"Yeah," she said coyly, "but I wanted to hear I from you." She kissed Rose. Their tongues touched, then started exploring each other's mouths. Charlotte broke the kiss somewhat reluctantly. "Now come back to bed."
For one of the few times in her life, Rose was too tired to even argue. The two girls went back downstairs and fell back to sleep.
Rose had to start work early the next day, so she and Charlotte kissed goodbye. Neither was sure what to say, so Charlotte asked if it would be okay if she dropped by the next day. Rose hugged her, gave her ass a quick squeeze, kissed her, and said that would be just fine.
That whole day was kind of a blur, and she spent a lot of time sitting in her truck. Most of the college kids were away on vacation, so business would slow down a little, but nothing to worry about. One of the mechanics at one of the garages actually asked her if she was o.k., because she actually looked happy. She had taken a playful punch at his arm that landed harder than she expected, but those guys were tough. He laughed and she laughed back. Most of the guys she worked with hadn't seen her laugh much before.
The next day, she actually found herself worrying. What if Charlotte had changed her mind? She tried to shake off the unease by reminding herself it wouldn't be the first time she was alone. But she couldn't dismiss one fact; it would be the first time she could remember not wanting to be alone. So her heart skipped a beat and she sighed with relief when she saw that little blue Beetle sitting in the drive after her last run.
Charlotte was sitting on the storm doors when Rose drove up. Her hair was back up in pigtails, and she was beaming a brilliant smile. She had on some of the tightest, flimsiest jogging shorts (pink, of course) that Rose had ever seen, and tight, blue-pastel t-shirt that was tied off above the midriff. She was so fucking cute! She stood up and literally bounced down to meet Rose at the truck. Rose was wearing grease-covered overalls and a work shirt. She suddenly felt a little disappointed in her appearance. Charlotte seemed not to care as she gave Rose a big hug and kissed her square on the lips.
"Missed you!"
Rose smiled. Charlotte wasn't just a girl: she was a cheerful phenomenon. "Hey, hands off! At least let me get cleaned up and change clothes."
Charlotte began to pout somewhat extravagantly. "Oh, all right. But put on ‘yer finest outfit ma'am. We be going to be goin' to McDonalds!" she finished in an outrageous Texas drawl.
"Yeah. Your fridge is empty. I checked."
The two girls laughed. Charlotte looked on appreciatively as Rose got undressed. Rose made sure to take her time. When she got done showering, she found Charlotte had rooted through her closet and laid out some clothes for her. Black leather pants and a red leather vest.
"Do you even own underwear? I looked everywhere and couldn't find any."
"I think so. I couldn't tell you where it was if my life depended on it. Could be in a box somewhere."
"We'll have to do something about that. No, I'm not going to force you into a complete makeover. But you have some fine assets, with an emphasis on ‘ass.' You should show them off sometimes."
Rose was sliding into her pants. "Show them off to who?"
"Me," returned Charlotte, who helped Rose lace up her vest. "There we go. Shall we?"
The two girls went off to dinner. Rose was a little taken aback by it all. Charlotte would occasionally grab and hold her hand. She would whisper conspiratorially in Rose's ear or kiss her on the cheek or lips for no apparent reason. On the drive home, Rose brought this up.
"Hey, uhm, I'm not sure how to ask this but what was up tonight?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it almost seems like you were trying really hard to make everyone knew we were together." She moved to head off any misinterpretation. "Not that I mind people knowing we were . . . well, together, but you just seemed to making it super-blatant."
Charlotte sighed. "Remember how I said I wish I had done more when you got kicked off the team in high school?"
"Yeah, but I'm cool with that. You weren't ready."
"Maybe. But I kind of want to convince myself I'm not going to hide this time. I've been with a couple of girls before, but I've never really ‘outed.' I guess this is just my way of doing it."
"Cool." Rose reached out and took one of Charlotte's hands in her own. She brought it to her lips and kissed the back of her hand. Charlotte was practically glowing.
When they got back to Rose's place, she got an idea. "Wait here for a second." Charlotte looked quizzical while Rose went inside. She grabbed a bag of toys and a spare blanket. "Follow me."
Even though it was beginning to get dark, Rose was able to navigate to her favorite little spot on the hill. And since the moon was going to be full that night, they wouldn't have any problem finding their way back.
"Holy shit! You can see the soccer fields from . . . Hey! Do you come up here often?"
You have no idea, Rose thought to herself. "Yeah. I enjoy it here. Actually, that has something to do with what I wanted to tell you. I actually come here to watch you."
Charlotte looked flabbergasted. "Really?!? Why didn't you ever come down and say hi?"
"I didn't think you would even remember me."
"Remember you? Hell, I wanted you to be my first . . . you know. But you took off right after the incident, so I never got the chance to ask. You know, about a month ago I could have sworn that I saw something red moving around up here. The first thing I thought of was you. That's why . . ." Charlotte trailed off. Even in the dimming light, Rose could tell she was blushing.
"'That's why' what?"
"That's why I took the time to look you up. And find out where you lived and where you worked. And . . ." Charlotte was blushing furiously. "And why I loosened my battery cables in a place where you were most likely going to be the person who got called."
Rose was speechless. She thought she had brought Charlotte out here to spring a surprise on her, and once again the tables were turned.
"You set me up? I . . . You . . ." Rose knew she wasn't making any sense.
"Don't be mad! I just didn't know how else to approach you and . . ." Charlotte was cut off when Rose fell down, laughing her proverbial ass off. Charlotte just stared at the other girl incredulously. Then she started to giggle, then chortle, and then she was laughing just as hard as Rose. Soon they were both on the ground rolling around in the grass.
"Oh, man!" said Rose at last. "What a pair we make!"
"We don't do very many things conventionally, do we?"
"No. No we don't." She looked over at Charlotte. "You know, I didn't come out here all the time to just watch you. I, well, entertained myself as well."
Charlotte rolled over on her stomach, resting her head on her folded arms and looked at Rose. "Really? So what are you going to do now that I'm here in the flesh instead of just in your mind?"
"I'll think of something." She unrolled the blanket and set her bag next to it. Charlotte lay down on the blanket much as she had been on the grass. "Close your eyes," said Rose.
Charlotte did just that. Meanwhile, Rose got undressed. The moon was out now, and the sun had just disappeared below the horizon. She reached into her bag of goodies and pulled out two thin gloves, each of which had a small battery pack that tied to her wrists. She straddled Charlotte's back, and with some help pulled the girl's t-shirt over her head. Then Rose turned the gloves on. There were small pads in the fingertips that started to vibrate, and the pads in the palms produced a small amount of heat. The batteries only last for about an hour with these things, but that was usually plenty of time.
Rose started at her friends neck, and the reaction was noticeable.
"Oh! Oh I like that. Where on earth did you get those things?"
"Adult novelty shop."
"We . . . we really need to go . . . mmmh . . . go shopping there again sometime."
Rose's hands massaged Charlotte's neck then she started working the shoulders. She could feel the knots and tension dissolving beneath them. She started moving her hands in ever widening circles, further down the girl's back and around the side; massing the sides of her breasts. Then she scooted back so she was straddling the upper part of Charlottes legs, so Rose could work the middle of her back, lower back, and finally that wonderful ass. Rose spent a lot of time massaging those beautiful cheeks, running her fingertips all over that tight pair of pink shorts. She scooted back one more time so she was over Charlotte's knees, and that's when the real fun began. She massaged Charlotte's upper legs, then her hands crept up and under those lovely shorts.
"I don't know what you're looking for," moaned Charlotte, "but I think it is a little lower."
Rose had Charlotte's legs pinned together with her knees. She turned one hand sideways and wiggled it between Charlotte's thighs just below her ass. Her thumb was in just the right position, so she began rubbing it up and down the other girl's mound. Sometimes she pushed inward just a bit, stimulating the sensitive opening. And Charlotte was completely at her mercy. With all of Rose's weight on the back of her legs, all she could do was hump upward a little, groaning and gasping for breath.
"Let me roll over," she asked plaintively. "Please?"
Rose smile and let the other girl roll over. But as soon as she was comfortable, Rose straddled her midsection again.
"Gotcha!" She reached back with one hand and began fondling Charlotte's crotch again, but this time she had more access. She pushed in a little deeper than she had been able to before. Charlotte was arching her back as much as she could, and was pushing her breasts together. That gave Rose an idea, and she moved her free hand up to grasp one of those wonderful globes. She teased the girl's nipples with her vibrating fingertips and caressed the soft skin underneath with the heated palms.
Charlotte had an almost maniacal look in her eyes. She flung her arms out to give her some leverage, and her hand encountered Rose's bag of goodies. She rooted around in it for a moment, then made a pleasurable, squealing little noise.
"What do we have here?" She pulled out Rose's double-ended dildo. "What on earth could you use this for?"
Rose grinned and took it from her. "Well, I guess this means we're going to have to get those shorts off so I can show you." She got off Charlotte's midsection, and the blonde girl lifted her butt off the ground so Rose could peel her very damp shorts off. Rose took a moment to take a few licks of Charlotte's cunt, then put one end of the dildo at the girl's opening. "How it works is this goes in here," she said pushing the head inside her friends waiting box, "and it gets pushed about halfway in." By that point, Charlotte's eyes were almost completely rolled back in her head. The dildo's progress was slow, as Charlotte was incredibly tight. "Then while you keep your legs spread, I turn sideways like this, and the other end," she said as she placed the free end of the dong between her own pussy lips, "goes in here." She slowly worked the other half of the toy into her body until she and Charlotte were mound-to-mound, and the dildo had completely disappeared from sight.
"Oh fuck me!" groaned Charlotte. She was beginning to move up and down the shaft, pausing at the bottom of every swing to grind her pussy against Rose's. Rose followed suit. After remembering she still had the gloves on, she ran a hand down the inner part of Charlotte's thigh until it reached the junction between the two girls. She placed her hand on her friend's body, and began massaging the mound and clit with her thumb. Now any one of the three things that was going on, including pussy bumping, dildo riding, and the vibrating gloves, would have been enough to make Charlotte cum. The three things together gave her no chance of survival. After only a couple of minutes, the blonde girl was in the throes of orgasm. Rose actually had to stop because Charlotte's legs clamped down on Rose's body, and the girl's vaginal walls clamped down on the plastic invader. Rose looked at the other girl as her muscles started to relax. Her skin was glistening with sweat and girl-juice. The look on her face was pure satisfaction. In a word, she looked . . . well, beautiful. Charlotte lay on the blanket with her arms stretched out at her sides, looking very much content. But as Rose started to disentangle herself from Charlotte's legs, the other girl showed signs of life.
"Oh no. We don't stop until we've BOTH gotten off!"
"So," Rose said coyly (and a tad huskily), "what did you have in mind?"
Charlotte leaned forward and whispered into Rose's ear. "Just get on your hands and knees, and I'll show you a REAL good time."
Rose did just that. The two-ended dildo had slid out in the uncoupling process, but she felt it being pushed gently into her slick pussy once again. Then, she felt the other end touching the puckered rosebud of her asshole.
"Oh, you are a naughty thing!" she whispered, waiting anxiously for what she knew was coming.
"Just stay right there and I'll treat you real good. And since I don't want you to bite your own lip or anything," Charlotte continued as she grabbed up her discarded shorts and sticking the crotch of them in Rose's face, "maybe you should bite down on these."
Rose took some of the shorts in her mouth. This was kind of cool, she thought. The smell of Charlotte's sex permeated the material, arousing Rose to all new heights. Then she felt the other end of the dildo being pushed gently put determinedly into her waiting ass. As always, it too a moment for her rectum to adjust to an intruder, so she put her head down on the ground while biting down on Charlotte's shorts. As her butt-hole released its death grip, Charlotte was able to start moving both ends of the toy. She put her had around the middle of the device, as if it were the handle on a suitcase. She started pulled and pushing the entire dildo at once, in and out of both openings.
Rose was in heaven. She had tried doing both ends before on her own, but it was impossible to get this kind of action going when you were on your own. Charlotte's hand picked up its pace. It must have looked like a piston moving; in and out, over and over. Rose elbows were on the ground and her hands were clenched around the back of her head. It felt so fucking good! She was getting jack-hammered in both holes by a plastic cock being wielded by her sex-crazed dream girl while she inhaled that very girl's aroma from her moist, sticky shorts. Dream girl. Was that what Charlotte was? Yes, thought Rose to herself. She definitely was.
It wasn't long until Rose felt a familiar sensation building up inside. "I'm close. Do me a favor, okay?"
"Anything. And I mean anything!"
"I want to come on your face!"
"That's like offering water to a woman dying of thirst!" Charlotte lay on her back, and Rose backed her crotch over her girlfriend's face. While leaving one end of the dildo buried in Rose's backside, she pulled the other end out so she could have the whole pussy to herself. She practically buried her mouth and tongue in Rose's box, waiting for her sweet reward. She didn't have to wait long before Rose exploded, grinding her pussy against Charlotte's face as the juice flowed from her body. As the last waves of pleasure ran through her, she felt Charlotte's tongue still licking gently away. She felt her friend kiss her pussy, then she felt a tugging on her hips. Rose slid down until, once again, they were lying side by side and looking into each other's eyes.
"You look even more beautiful in the moonlight, by the way," said Charlotte, who was gently tracing the outline of the muscles on Rose's arm. "I think I could get used to fucking you outdoors." She nibbled on Rose's ear a bit before and after uttering the word ‘fucking', which was a sensation Rose enjoyed very much.
"You're beautiful always. As far as sex outside," she continued while gently palming on of Charlotte's breasts (after discarding the now non-functioning gloves), "I think it would be fun to try snow. Sure it would be cold," she said while snuggling closer to Charlotte, "but that would mean that we would have to make more heat somehow."
"Somehow indeed." Charlotte looked quizzical for a minute. "Listen love," she said. Love, thought Rose. She liked the sound of that, too. "I've got a question for you," her friend continued, "and I hope it doesn't freak you out."
"Well?" said Rose.
"Well, my parents want to meet you. Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? I know it's your day off."
Rose was amazed at this girl's ability to amaze her. "You want me to meet your parents? Seriously?"
"Yeah. I kind of told them about you, and about us. I left out some of the naughtier details, of course, but that I hadn't been out with ‘just a friend.' I think they suspected I was gay, but . . ."
"Wait a minute! I thought you said . . ."
"I said I'd been with a couple of girls, but they were either drunk or even more shy than I was. Certainly they weren't even close to being . . .well you."
"So you outed yourself to your parents? Because of me? They're going to want to kill me! I know I'm gonna . . ."
Charlotte cut her off. "Actually, they're not. I think my mom suspected, so it was almost as if she was waiting for it. And I think my dad was happy. He actually said, ‘Well, at least you won't get knocked up anytime soon.' It was kind of strange."
"He actually said that?"
"Yep. So, what do you think?"
Rose lay there quietly for a moment. She hadn't imagined things moving that fast. She also realized that one thing that she was afraid of was that Charlotte's parents wouldn't like her.
Charlotte seemed to sense her trepidation. "Don't worry. They're quirky, but my parents are good people. They were both hippies long after the movement was over. And don't stress about making yourself up. You are who you are, and I want them to like you for that. I certainly do."
Rose made up her mind. "O.k." It felt good to say it. She was going to take a chance, sink or swim. Charlotte made it worth it.
"But," continued Charlotte, "we are DEFINETLY going to have to buy you some underwear. And maybe some lingerie. And possibly . . ." Rose cut her off with a kiss and a smile. They lay there on the blanket for almost an hour, basking in the light of a full moon.
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*To Be Continued . . .* |
Subsets and Splits