# Volunteering help for KTISEOS NYX projects [__Promotion and Docs__](#promotion-and-docs)
[__Setting up For Development__](#setting-up-for-development)
[__Contributing Code__](#contributing-code)
[__Previous Builds__](#previous-builds)
## Promotion And Docs We're always looking for help with: - Video Tutorials - Documenting - Feature Ideas - Aesthetic Suggestions - Design Discussion - New Code Coordinate with us by: - Opening a topic in [discussions](https://github.com/Ktiseos-Nyx/Dataset-Tools/discussions/new/choose) - Opening an [issue](https://github.com/Ktiseos-Nyx/Dataset-Tools/issues/new/choose) - Connect with us live on discord! ![A flat logo for Discord](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20Discord%20_%20_%20_%20_%20_%7C-_?style=flat-square&labelColor=rgb(65%2C69%2C191)&color=rgb(65%2C69%2C191)) ## Contributing Code ### Specifications : > #### Formatting/Linting Specification > ``` > editor = Visual Studio Code > formatting = Ruff/Black/Better Align > docstrings = NumPY/Sphinx > installation = setuptools > testing = pytest > typing = Pydantic > ui = QT > ``` > #### Variable dictionary > ``` > # Actions > Delegate / Arrange / Direct / Traffic / Filter / Coordinate / Assign > Fetch / Get / Extract / Pull / Send / Feed / Push > Delineate / Format / Detail / Cat|Concat / Show / Join / Splice > Diverge / Unite / Resolve / Generate / Activate > Identify / Compare / Detect / Measure / Scan / Scrutinize > Log / Cache / Read / Load / Capture / Populate / Save > Test / Interpret / Poll / Interrogate / Flag / Mark / Mask / Trace > Protect / Register / Ignore / Canonize > Check / Validate / Normalize > Advance / Skip / Exit / Leave / Cross / Structure / Fold > # Conditions > Raw / Upstream / Downstream / Up / Down / Low / High > Active / Passive / Inactive / Public / Private > Extrinsic / Intrinsic / Static / Dynamic / Valid / Invalid > Indirect / Direct / Pending / Next > Maybe / Local / Remote / Persistent / Relevant > # Object > File / Folder / Fragment / Component / Segment > Header/ Content / Pattern / Target / Aspect > State / Signal / Trigger / Level / Status / Attribute > Location / Path / Parameter / Code / Mask > Net / Disk > # Between bits > Is / Has / Can > # File and Folder handling > file_contents = data inside the file > file_name = exclusively > file_path = the path leading up to the file, with no file name > file_path_named = relative or absolute path including name > empty_file_name = a file to be created > empty_file_name_and_path = relative or absolute path including name to be created > folder_contents = file names inside a folder > folder_name = the name of the folder > folder_name_and_path = relative or absolute path including name > empty_folder_name = a folder to be created > empty_folder_name_and_path = relative or absolute path including name to be created > # Key and Value handling > key_name > key_name_and_path > empty_key_name > empty_key_name_and_path > value_name > value_name_and_path > empty_key_name > empty_key_name_and_path > new_key_name > ``` ## Setting Up For Development These are the instructions to follow for people who want to build the app with us! ### Dev Installation: > ``` > pip install -e .[dev] > ``` ### Update version: > ``` > python -m _version > ``` > ### Run with debug logging : > ``` > dataset-tools -d > ``` > or > ``` > python -m main --log debug > ``` ### Reinstallation: > ``` > pip uninstall dataset-tools > ``` ## Previous Builds ### Where we started from Here you can see some screenshots of previous versions of the application. Look at our baby pics! 🍼 Screenshot of the Application Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 22 00 40 Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 22 09 01 Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 00 03 47 Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 00 03 55 Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 00 04 16 Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 14 06 00 Screenshot 2024-06-15 at 15 01 45