stringlengths 20
වාණිජ බැංකු is a synonym of commercial bank. |
📱 is a symbol of ජංගම දුරකථනය. |
පහ has context of cardinal. |
ආගම් is a synonym of religion. |
child is a synonym of ළමයා. |
බත් is related to rice. |
ගොට්ෆ්රයිඩ් ලෙයිබ්නිස් is a synonym of gottfried wilhelm leibniz. |
history is a synonym of ඉතිහාසය. |
විදුලි බලාගාර is a synonym of power station. |
නව වසර is a synonym of new year. |
bharat is a synonym of භාරත්. |
ගුවන් යානයක් is related to airplane. |
ක්ෂුද්ර පරිගණකය is a synonym of microcomputer. |
කෘෂිකර්මය is a synonym of agriculture. |
මෙසොපොටේමියාව is a synonym of mesopotamia. |
now is a synonym of දැන්. |
🕣 is a symbol of අට. |
ජෛව තාක්ෂණය is a synonym of biotechnology. |
දත් දිරායාම is a synonym of dental caries. |
පහ is related to five. |
කාල් යුං is a synonym of carl jung. |
ඉංග්රීසි is etymologically derived from english. |
අවුරුද්ද is related to year. |
මූණ is related to මුහුණ. |
ස්වාභාවික දර්ශනය is a synonym of natural philosophy. |
කොටස් වෙළදපොල is a synonym of exchange. |
ලොකු මීයා is derived from මීයා. |
සමුද්ර ජීවවේදය is a synonym of marine biology. |
හය is related to six. |
ෆ්රෙන්ඩ්ස් is a synonym of friends. |
වැලන්ටිනා තෙරෙශ්කෝවා is a synonym of valentina tereshkova. |
පොල් තෙල් is a synonym of coconut oil. |
කෙසෙල් is a synonym of banana. |
සංගීත භාණ්ඩ බටනලාව is a synonym of flute. |
ජනේලය is etymologically related to januella. |
බුරුමය is a synonym of myanmar. |
රතු යෝධ තරු is a synonym of red giant. |
ආර්ථික විද්යඥයා is a synonym of economist. |
දැන් is related to now. |
ජෝර්ජ් වොෂිංටන් is a synonym of george washington. |
ශක්තිය is a synonym of energy. |
🎐 is a symbol of සුළඟ. |
🔴 is a symbol of රතු. |
පෝල් ක්ලී is a synonym of paul klee. |
සිංදු is a synonym of song. |
විශ්වය is a synonym of universe. |
diwali is a synonym of දීපාවලි. |
නංගි is related to sister. |
මරක්කල is a synonym of moors. |
කොලරාව is a synonym of cholera. |
විද්යුත් චුම්බක වර්ණාවලිය is a synonym of electromagnetic spectrum. |
මැංගනීස් is a synonym of manganese. |
week is a synonym of සතිය. |
හිමාලය is a synonym of himalayas. |
තාත්වික සංඛ්යා is a synonym of real number. |
ජර්මනිය is a synonym of germany. |
ආයුබෝවන් is related to greetings. |
ටාගස් is a synonym of tagus. |
කීමොතෙරපි is a synonym of chemotherapy. |
🖤 is a symbol of හදවත. |
වාතය is related to air. |
boat is a synonym of බෝට්ටුව. |
1812 යුද්ධය is a synonym of war of 1812. |
bomb is a synonym of බෝම්බය. |
political science is a synonym of දේශපාලන විද්යාව. |
🌊 is a symbol of ජලය. |
අම්ලකර is related to oxygen. |
විකිපීඩියා:සිංහල අකුරු මාර්ගෝපදේශකය is a synonym of humanities. |
ගාන්ධාර is a synonym of gandhara. |
චෙන්නායි is a synonym of chennai. |
ශීතකරණය is related to refrigerator. |
තරුව is related to star. |
😊 is a symbol of ඇස. |
එච්.අයි.වී is a synonym of hiv. |
ඇපලෝ වැඩ සටහන is a synonym of apollo program. |
හොඳම චිත්රපටය සඳහා ඇකඩමි සම්මානය is a synonym of academy award for best picture. |
පිළිකා is a synonym of cancer. |
සිම්බාබ්වේ is a synonym of zimbabwe. |
සැකිල්ල:sexual orientation is a synonym of sexual orientation. |
යුරෝපා is a synonym of europa. |
🤳 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. |
තාපගති විද්යාවේ දෙවන නියමය හැඳින්වීම is a synonym of second law of thermodynamics. |
ගිතෙල් is related to ghee. |
හෙපටයිටීස් ඊ is a synonym of hepatitis e. |
වනාන්තරය is a synonym of forest. |
ඈ is related to she. |
✂ is a symbol of කතුර. |
පැය is related to hour. |
සංවිධානය is a synonym of organization. |
🌂 is a symbol of වැස්ස. |
පාර්ලිමේන්තු පටිපාටිය is a synonym of parliamentary procedure. |
qatar is a synonym of කටාර්. |
එක is etymologically derived from एक. |
🧒 is a symbol of ළමයා. |
කනවා is related to eat. |
project management is a synonym of ව්යාපෘති කළමනාකරණය. |
internet is a synonym of අන්තර්ජාලය. |
මිංචි ගණය is a synonym of mentha. |
ඕස්ට්රේලියාව is a synonym of australia. |
💳 is a symbol of මුදල්. |
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