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Here is another upsetting article I am sending you about a fire and a family. Funny how this bothers me more than the previous one. The parents and the children got out safe and they didn't die and they didn't get maimed or even scratced as far as I can tell but their two cats died and they lost their home. I am a cat owner and they are always "skitished" and afraid so my first thought is how terrified they must have been and then how awful the children must feel. The horror of imagining your pet burning (though they probably died from smoke). The children will not understand and it will take awhile to forget.
The artical also Trump campaign was unprecedented in its dishonesty; the fact that the lies didn’t exact a political price, that they even resonated with a large bloc of voters, doesn’t make them any less false. No, our inner cities aren’t war zones with record crime. No, we aren’t the highest-taxed nation in the world. No, climate change isn’t a hoax promoted by the Chinese. So if you’re tempted to concede that the alt-right’s vision of the world might have some truth to it, don’t. Lies are lies, no matter how much power backs them up. And once we’re talking about intellectual honesty,
I have come across an article about the civilian casualties in Afghanistan. The war is such a terrible thing. Small children are dying just because of some military operations, i.e. some grown-ups cannot negotiate and agree on resolution of the disagreements. My heart aches as I read that burnt children corpses are tended by mourning relatives. It must be unbearably painful to exist in such pitiful condition in such a poor country and on top of that to lose your children. Life is so unfair and cruel sometimes.
It is known that colonoscopy saves lives, but the preparation can be so unpleasant. I am so happy that researchers are working towards making it more tolerable so that more people will undergo the procedure that can save their lives. I am happy that many different options are available: not all involving colon cleansing (e.g. X-rays), that there is a dietary advice to minimize the discomfort (which food to eat before the procedure), etc. So, the person’s quality of life, their well-being in the short term is taken seriously into account.
I don't understand how people can look at stories like this and still claim that "guns don't kill people, people kill people". If guns were less available and less prevalent in communities prone to violence, then confrontations between people would be far less likely to be lethal. It needs to be more difficult to obtain a firearm in this country.
This was heartbreaking to read. I can't imagine what it's like to leave the house every day not knowing if you will come back, or of living in fear of letting your children leave the house to go to school because they might not make it home. Civilians should not have to fear for their lives when they're just trying to get through the day. It sickens me that the US has participated in strikes that lead to such consequences.
It feels like this is a bit of a lie and them just trying to fear monger and use GMO's. Grass and other things will warming simply means that we have too much pollution and it affects EVERYTHING. REDUCE POLLUTION and chemicals and we won't have such an issue. This article is simply scientists trying to make us sicker with more chemicals.
I am not sure what I just read. It seems to be about some sports event which I care little about. Sports are not my favorite thing and I don't know how anyone could lose sleep over a sports event. Much more important things in life. I also am not sure how to write such a long talk based on a very short paragraph about sports.
hey my best friend Joseph, how have you been? Do you believe this? There were thousands of females that left work in Iceland and went to Austurvollur square in the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik to protest, there is discrimination against women cause they get paid way less then men do. Sucks we are still living a society where woman are not created or treated fairly.
I had to read another article with zero formatting for a survey. This one was about war in the Middle East. It was pretty depressing to read. Religion makes people do such horrible, hateful, stupid things. Apparently kids just pick up explosives, people get their heads blown off, little girls die for no reason. For what? Because someone's imaginary friend in the sky is slightly different from their imaginary friend in the sky? Ridiculous, disgusting. Imagine what these people could have accomplished if they dedicated themselves to knowledge instead. We could be on other planets, we could live for thousands of years or more. But nope, we'd rather hate and murder each other of something as stupid as "God" or "Allah."
We are living in a world that ha problems left and right and sometimes I can't help but to be sad because so many people and animals are suffering.Rivers are drying in some places and ll the fishes are dying while some areas have flash floods that destroy things and kill people.This are end times and am saddened all the time by such issues.
Another Muslim attacking Americans right here at home and you hardly hear or see anything about all these smaller attacks happening to regular people every day all over the country. And of course, they chime right in with excuses and the "don't judge us all" when they do nothing to stop it. They don't even condemn it at all, which really telling.
I think this is a bizarre article. I am not sure if there are air pollution problems in Sweden. This seems to be like an incomplete study. I would be okay if they took the angle that more densely populated areas are likely to trigger mental health issues because that has somewhat been proven in studies in mice. Using air pollution as a reason for mental health issues is weird.
This is such a non-story. Every day people are dealing with divorce and custody issues. This unfortunately has become a common problem. Generally speaking a story like this is sad to read or hear about but these are celebrities. Who cares about their problems? They are no more special than anyone else. People who get caught up in celebrity custody battles need to get a life.
You never know when a disaster could strike, and often it seems that they are the most unexpected and inopportune time. It's especially sad when you don't expect it. A whole family was lost in flames, including their family pet. Their house was turned to rubble and ash. You should always take the time in your day to appreciate everything that you have because you never know what could happen at any moment. Make sure to always be appreciative and caring.
Dear C., It's so weird how little I know about the food I eat. Just read an article about bananas, the kind you buy in a supermarket, which are apparently called Cavendish bananas and are expressly considered "commercial". Apparently, commercial bananas are under threat due to their lack of genetic diversity, making them prone to fungal diseases -- another variation, "Big Mike", went the way of the buffalo in the 60s for the same reason. I am not certain about the suggestion that wild bananas be used to produce new variations, tho. I have a hunch that this would drive the cost of bananas up, which is concerning. It might be possible in someplace like the U.S., where we have money for R & D, but I worry about how this would affect people in poorer countries.
It is sad that they cannot stop poaching. All wildlife deserves an equal chance to live freely on this earth. They should not be hunted down as trophies. I feel pleased that the security forces are trying to protect wildlife. I am also happy that rhino poaching is a crime that will help to protect the noncancerous. It hurts to know they hunt the animals just for their horns. That is sheer cruelty, not because they cannot talk but they do have feelings and should be allowed to live wild and free.
There should be a class action lawsuit against the company putting out dangerous products. They are liable for any injuries they have caused. People should be given restitution for the damages they have suffered. I am glad Kylie is speaking out against this and hopefully she can prevent further injuries to unsuspecting consumers.
Trump and Putin talk about Syria in pacific terms but then Russian warships bomb Aleppo, the bombing said to be for "show." A show that is destroying the city and its people. This is really outrageous. At least we are getting some reporting about it, even though it's just frustrating since we can't really do anything, and Trump is looking the other way. The Syrian problems seem likely to drag down the world for years to come.
My feelings and thoughts regarding the article I just read, is what I want to sit down and compose a brief message to you, in regards to it. I think that the Greenhouse Effect is highly over-rated. I find that the forces that oppose and are against it, has a strong point. As well, those in favor of it is also right, and just to want and seek and work towards ways that would be in the best interest of our lives and our environment. I believe it they would not show any interest, then whatever the harmful effects would only increase. Those in opposition, who feel that it's just an umbrella word to funnel monies in areas that are not needed. That believe Mother Nature and the natural state of how our Earth and it's environment works, are also somewhat correct. I wish each would meet halfway.
I am writing to you regarding the floods in Louisiana, and all the displaced residents. I try to put myself in their position, and wonder what would be my hearts desire as to a viable solution. If it would be more beneficial to relocate to another area, where I can then begin to rebuild my life, and replace that which was destroyed. However there is an underlying disadvantage to Louisiana, as a whole, if in the case so many would want to leave and relocate. The State is in a very difficult and decisive moment, given what they are faced with. Especially in the areas of unemployment, on average when someone is having problems finding gainful employment, they will move to another location for work reasons alone, and nothing to do with a natural disaster as Louisiana is faced with.
I am writing to you in response to an article I just read about Nevada and the water supply. It is of a truth, as the article points out that the news media primarily only follows what happens in California, and not Nevada. Which is the driest State, and in need of attention and assistance. I'm impressed with Verna Brady, 86-year-old resident there. Who cites she would rather move forward, than behind, that she, although an elder with many childhood memories, would rather adapt to what's required for today, than harbor on what use to be. That's a large statement, because when it comes to tribes in America, a lot do not to be displaced, or relocation, creating emotional and psychological problems are the results. However the present state is also causing more abuse factors in the family.
I'm not sure how to feel about this. We really do need to go green, but at what point do we call it green when it kills so many animals? I'm a little aghast, even though I know science needs evidence in numbers, that they are wasting money on figuring out that species that typically migrate are *gasp* being killed in places other than where they are from. Put that money towards developing something that stops the problem. We need green energy like wind and solar, so let's find a solution to make it so that we don't keep losing what we're trying to save.
I recently discovered a few articles that I believed to be quite interesting. The first article talks about how people argue that smoking should be banned in public places so that children would not imitate them. I personally don't have an opinion on this matter; I don't have children and I'm not a smoke either. The second article disturbed me a great deal. It talks about the work of a food inspector and it surprised me how dirty some stores can be. It really makes me wonder if I should continue going to that place near my house that does not have a perfect score.
I just read this article about how ISIS are doing dehumanizing acts upon former law officials. It disgusts me how they do what they do and are not being stopped. I believe that every nation in the world should rise up and stand against ISIS. They should no longer be able to continue to do what they do on a daily basis.
Darrell Issa is considered the " mini Trump" to many voters. To my Republican friends who support this candidate I just have a few opinions of my own. First I would say Issa never receded his support for Trump after the Infamous Hollywood Access recording. For somebody who preach's morals its kind of hypocritical. Mr. Issa has been motivated by fear of political repercussions more than his constituents’ best interests. He is now trying to distance himself from Trump because polling suggests that supporting him is not in his best interest for reelection. This guy has no morals and should not be supported for his constant flip flopping.
The Russians are always being provocative and trying to show force especially against the United States. There dangerous ways almost cost one of there pilots his life. This is yet another attempt from Russia to yet further distance themselves from NATO and to show they fully support the murderous Assad regime.
As much as I love dogs I must say this was totally the owners fault. The rule was the dog needed to be on a leash. The woman did not follow the rules and the dog ran over to a stranger. The dog scared the stranger as is expected. I have had many big scary dogs running towards me and wasn't sure if it was going to attack me or be nice. The man got scared and shot the dog. Its sad but the man did not know if the dog was going to attack him.
I just read about a car crash in Prince Georges County, near Clinton. It involved three vehicles and it happened at the tail end of rush hour. It said that one woman was critically injured, but I wonder if the passengers in the other two vehicles were injured. Maryland drivers suck. I avoid anywhere near DC since the roads are not conducive to safe driving.
Man this news story is really crazy and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Just warning you that the content is kind of disturbing but it's so scary that things like this could happen to just anyone walking down the street! Feel free to share with anyone else in Australia; I hope that poor woman is okay.
I found this article and wanted to share it with you. Very disturbing and odd results from the 2016 presidential campaign demographics results. Very surprised to see so many Lantinos voting for a dude who is so blantly racist.I think all the Black people who voted for Trump are going to see that they were uninvited to the family barbecue next year as well XD
This guy that I just read about seriously cannot be trusted. He was going around acting like an apartment belonged to him when it did not in actuality. I wonder will he be punished sufficiently. I doubt it. He will probable just strike a deal and that will be the end of it. He needs to be publicly shamed.
It is unfortunate that Venezuela seems to go through so much as a country due to politics. I do not know why the United States of America will not be more proactive in helping this less fortunate country. A lot of people complain about Chavez, but that seems to be when the country was the most stable.
The gun issue in the United States of America is becoming a joke for the entire world to see play out. Apparently, as anyone can see, guns are causing more harm than good in all communities. Perhaps since this fatal shooting involved a cop with possible mental issues it will put the spotlight on both issues. I will not hold my breath though.
The hydrogen is the poison gas. It may leads to severe health problem. So, this is must be injurious to the human body. The hydrogen is the poison gas. It may leads to severe health problem. So, this is must be injurious to the human body. The hydrogen is the poison gas. It may leads to severe health problem. So, this is must be injurious to the human body. The hydrogen is the poison gas. It may leads to severe health problem. So, this is must be injurious to the human body. The hydrogen is the poison gas. It may leads to severe health problem. So, this is must be injurious to the human body.
The police asked for help to the people for identify the lady. I think, she was escaped from the police custody and placed in the Philadelphia high way. The police explores the identification marks of the lady. The police asked for help to the people for identify the lady. I think, she was escaped from the police custody and placed in the Philadelphia high way. The police explores the identification marks of the lady.
This is messed up. Burma’s government is a joke. They are so corrupt. They basically slaughtered their own citizens. I feel for those displaced families. It’s defintiely a scary situation for all those involved. Someone should step in and put a stop to this. The United States or UN can do something. We should send aid.
I agree that this election is stressful. There seems to be a lot of tension between parties. People are worried about what could happen if Trump wins. I think all of the racists will come out of the woodwork. People won’t be comfortable. As a minority, I think things will feel different. People aren’t scared to post when behind a wall on social media.
I’m so tired of Republicans. They never compromise. They want it their way. They never meet in the middle or half way. The government is a joke and can’t get a thing done because of the divide in parties. Democrats are willing to meet in the middle but it doesn’t matter because conservatives will only have one way.
Global warming is really serious. Sometimes I think, is this a good time for having kids? I don't want my kids have a chaotic world, full of adversity and contamination. Also, I think my nation is in "control" for now, but future seem different. People now don't care about being correct and helpful to everyone, a lot of people is dishonest and disloyal. We need a society that we can trust. Our world is extremely corrupt, I think this can be change if we gave enough education to all generations since they are kids.
Why am I so ignorant when it comes to politics. I just reread an article 3 times over to try and figure out what it was talking about with Trump and jobs and discrimination and racism by the end of it all three times I felt like I had read gibberish. Is that how politics are for you or do you actually understand it. All I understand is that I don't agree with Trump I don't agree with his Antics I don't agree with his policies. I'm not sure if he's selfish or just a moron right now. How do you feel?
Hey I know you are busy but I wanted to share something that is laying heavy on my heart. The nigerian paper is reporting of mass rape done by the government. Women and children were raped by policemen, soldiers,camp leaders and vigilante groups. This makes my blood boil. How does this make you feel? What can we do?
I really didn't know Leonard Cohen that much growing up, only listen to a couple of his songs, wasn't a big fan but It's tragic that he died, to be fair its a good way to die at an old age and died while asleep, painless and nothing that hurts him. He also said that He was ready to die, so lets take that in for an account, that he was prepared to go. So he died peaceful.
Corals around the world are dying and especially corals in the Great Barrier Reef. Factors that contributed are the increase of temperature due to Global warming and Humans destroying them.The articled stated that half of the Great Barrier Reef corals are now dead from 2016-2017. That's only a year. Imagine swimming with no corals, no corals means no fish ecosystem to look at.
It's always sad to hear about someone(s) dying especially there are children involved, luckily only adults were killed according to the article and the children survived but it's emotional, physical, and mentally hard for the children to adapt to it. Maybe the adults were there parents and watching somebody kill your own family members is heart-wrenching. My love and prayers go out for the kids
It is really sad the way that people only see one side of the story of the Afghan war. We only see things from our side of the pond, and we see the good , but not all of the bad that we do, as a country. We tend to think of things, in generalities, and lump groups of people who live in a common area, into one pile of terrorists. There are plenty of people in Afghanistan who are against eh taliban, and we dont see the damage that we are doing by hitting them with drone strikes. Most casualties in wars are civilians , who had nothing to do with the conflict itself. There are always conflicting stories about the death tolls. I believe it is used to de-escalate our fears that , we, as a country, are doing something that could actually turn out to be very harmful instead of helpful
I just read this article about how Canada actually had school where they would force indigenous people of their land to go. They tried to erase their history , and their language. I always thought canada was such a peaceful country. These people were even experimented on, and the school was still in operation up until 1996!, That is astonishing. I thought, we , americans, were the only ones who forced the indigenous people away, or tried to kill their culture. This just shows you that people are pretty much the same, and pretty much were savages, until recently. Even now though, we still have a long way to go, until we reach a place where everyones culture and differences are celebrated, and not shamed, and destroyed
I never read up much on Thailand, but it seems as if the place might change a lot in the near future. The king died, and the queen is dying. There is some shady general who is taking over now. The people of Thailand, loved their king, and he gave them a sense of stability, in a crazy political climate. They mourned the former king for a month, and now the queens death, may follow very soon. I am glad, though I never think about it, how lucky I am to be in a country with some "sense" of stability, and not ruled in constant flux.
I blame reality TV, for all of the crazy people doing anything to get attention these days. Apparently a man was bit by a snake, after trying to take a selfie. People today are so interested in themselves, and selfies, and social media, that they often miss the real world around them. This man was literally bit by a snake, and still posted the selfie, and was more worried about how many "likes" he would get rather than his snake bite. It sets a bad example for kids, all of these "challenges" their doing. and, walking down the street , paying more attention to their phones, than the road.
Did you see where Republicans are trying to stop black people from voting. It's like its 1800's again in the U.S. and the rich are using the Southern Strategy to stop likely democrats from voting, using the divide and conquer strategy of trying to turn the people against each other instead of who they should be against. rich republicans. This is fascism, naziism, and we are going to lose our democracy if people don't wake up and get in the streets and demand these people be stopped. It's literally a coup of our government.
When you are a police officer there is a high chance you'll get shot, this kind of thing happens because people have an easy access to guns, if there was a more strict gun control, less officers would die during their service, but well, the government prefer guns over people's lives. poor officers, but they had a risky job.
I feel bad for the victims of this murderer, they did nothing wrong to be attacked during their everyday life, they were innocent. I'm extremely angry with the neo nazi murderer, he was an egoist and I'm mad with the gun control laws that allow people with "metal health problems" to easily purchase guns.
This is another example of the racism in this country, the officers again use extreme deadly force against a black person, just because he was black, he was not a threat and yet they shot him without hesitation. We feel more insecure with officers around than safe, and still they can kill people and get away with it.
As I was reading our local newspaper last night, my eyes came to rest on several reports of yet another handful of the farm attacks and -murders South Africa has become known for over the past years. Farm attacks and -murders which see journalists having to write these reports with words I cannot even begin to imagine the sickening feeling of. Words like “boiling water poured down 87-year-old farmer’s throat for hours on end,” and “his wife and two teenage daughters were tied with barbed wire in the bathroom, after which they were repeatedly raped, burned with a hot iron, and stabbed with a sharp object.”
My tears and rage will do nothing to ever change the mind and heart of a person who is, I believe, morally beyond the point of return. But I cannot stop these tears from pouring down my cheeks as I wonder what the f**k is wrong with our society. P.S. Since the report on this cruel incident is only available in my first language, Afrikaans, and on the website Netwerk24 where one has to be a paying subscriber to access their news articles, I am including a short video uploaded by the young farmer herself.
The first time I tried to commit suicide was the most painful. Two months after starting my first year of highschool, boys started treating me like a prostitute. My “friend” at the time told everyone that I enjoyed the rape. That I wanted it. I was called a whore and a slut by my peers. Older boys attempted to have their way with me. I started acting like one. I sent nudes to anyone that would ask. I believed I was only needed for sex, that I wasn’t worth anything other than my sexual appeal. I was 13. I was self harming any chance I could. My wrists, legs and chest were full of cuts. Eventually self harming didn’t help anymore. I didn’t want to live anymore. The thing that pushed me over the edge was when my “friend” invited me to a group chat with her minions. They talked about me like
I always hear about Syria but I never knew how bad it was for older people. Some of them did not want to leave and now they can't get out at all. There are barely any medical services at all. Hardly anything to help with all the old age medical conditions that show up later in life. These people don't have enough food. They are scared they will die alone. I don't think many people have thought about this. I am so heartbroken for those people. I wish I could help them. Syria is such a mess. I pray somehow this can all come to a end soon. Too many deaths have occurred. These older people never thought they would have to live like this. Everything was normal until the war for them. I think more people need to know about the older people living in Syria. They are just left there to suffer.
I can not believe Canada took so many native people and put them in their "proper" schools. They took away their language and their heritage. And on top of all that 6000 died! Plus many were abused! This is horrible! I am so upset by this! I mean seriously? How could they do that! And the worst part is that was still going on all the way up to 1996!!! That is insane! And they only apologized in 2008. Way too late. I mean the harm they did to these children is massive. They need to make up for what they have done!
So there were the guys who were basically mad the government made local land into a wildlife refuge. They went as far as getting a militia together. They had guns and were watching. They had a whole group of them involved. The problem is they shot and killed someone. Can you say it went to far? I do. I think the whole thing was a bit much. I mean they just took over the federal land. You can't just do that no matter what you stand for.
I had no clue Oklahoma was getting so many earthquakes lately. Apparently due to the oil companies injecting waste it is triggering a lot more earthquakes. They aren't massive ones, but still 5.0 is decent. It caused some damage to buildings and stuff. People even at the oil company felt it really well. It shook everyone up a good bit. But its crazy that its becoming the norm there! So crazy.
There are so many instances of shootings and mass murdering happening around the world today and the example brought up in the article like the Orlando shooting just shows how there is a culture these days where people just don't care anymore. More and more people find it okay to take the lives of innocent people for their own screwed up agenda, whatever that is so that they can show that they have control over the situation. I think a huge problem here is gun laws and there should definitely be some sort of change that occurs.
I feel like the shipwreck amongst other violence that occurred in this article is pretty sad. Like other articles that I have read, it seems like there is just so much death occurring and there is not too much coverage over it. The amount that we do see don't seem to even scratch the surface as there are many other acts of violence and events that occur that take the lives of many other people from places like third world countries that don't even get broadcasted at all. Sad to see that our world is slowly spiraling into this chaos that just continues to grow.
so i just read this article, a very interesting one. you all need to read it to understand what it is really about. there is a way the author puts things in a very simple way for everyone to understand. i would encourage you all to find it and read it. it will be worth your time.
Hello, I read the article ,and I feel like they both have reasons for feeling the way they do, If Russel was offended and felt like she was a threat he could have called for management or someone from the crew to remove her, he should not have attempted a hostile removal. She had to have been upset by Russell's rude comment, and I think that was a hurtful comment regarding her career.I do feel bad for her regarding how she was treated.
I thinj it is our responsibility as a first world country to be providing assisstance to these area in brazil and Columbia. Zika Virus could prove to be an epidemic and that is a global issue, not just a country. Giving them access to proper medical training to spread better health practices and health education to the population could be the most effective thing to preventing more spread of the virus
Being interested in sports and health together, this is a solid article showing the impact eye injuries have on different types of sports. It's somewhat common to see these injuries present themselves in basketball, baseball, and sports without protective gear. That's just the nature of sports where consequences happen.
I am a little bit on the fences about how to approach immigration and the Mexican border problem. This article talks about different issues President Trump has had his hands in on and how some problems are arising. I think the countries need to stand alone and work on their own issues so they have home build strength. Seems like a lot of compromising is not taking place.
This is one of those articles that can really make you feel paranoid. Like, what if suddenly there is a red squirrel in my backyard and it has this sickness? And now I might have it. You know? Stuff like that. In the other hand, it just shows how little we know of these world. Of the illness, the animals, how it affects us. So much to discover
Heck no, this is one of those topics that I could talk about for hours and hours. It is so stressful the fact that animals are traded like that, just unbearable. People who do that, should be the ones in the cages. They are not even humans, they are monsters. And of course they have to find a way to teach the countries what to do when they face this type of situations. And they better do it quick.
It brings me great sorrow to tell you about a horrific incident that left two children without parents after a mechanical failure at an amusement park. It is truly shocking and disturbing that this could have happened. Thee two kids lsot both parents and they watched them drown which is disturbing to think about.
Robert Vaughn passed away but I don't really have anything to say about him. people die every day and he was in his 80s. He was in some famous movies and seemed dto have lived a full and happy life. He wasn't in anything i have ever seen and i never heard fo him before. maybe ill check out his movies someday since he was fmous.
Even though Donald trump condemns these actions by his supporters it doesn't stop the fact that he incites this sort of behavior with his comments and his proposed laws. Trumps supporters, well a decent majority love his call of racism and bigotry. It is bno surpise that his supporters are the epitomy of racisma nd there behavior is not surpring.
Hate seems to be increasing in this country. I just read an article that hate crimes are going up. I don't know what's going on but people can't seem to handle themselves and use restraint. People are becoming too short-fused and trigger happy on attacking others with hate crimes. I hope things get better but the article didn't seem too optimistic. I guess the more we talk about this kind of stuff the better so it doesn't get ignored. It's an important issue.
In Moldovan, the lady running for president is being discriminated against in a very public way. They are saying just because she's not married, she is unqualified to lead the country. They care more about her personal business than her politics. It's a shame they are acting so backwards toward her. It makes me want to cheer for her just to spite them. I hope the rest of the world catches up to the idea everyone should be treated equally.
I think this article is really inspirational. I didn't realize how much food we waste and how inefficient we are in this respect. I would like to change the way the world behave but this would be a big undertaking and I think it may be too big. There are small and big things that we can do with our daily meals and meal planning that can help with this problem of food waste but I think it will take more time and money to implement it. And im not sure what percentage it will get us towards 0% waste. If it gets us less than 1% more efficiency in how we use food, than it may not be worth the effort, and we may need to look at other ideas. Combating food waste could also lead to an increase it food poisoning since questionable foods in our refrigerator are thrown away as a precaution.
Hi! What do you think of this? I know you hate the pipeline as much as I do. Wonder if this would have a chance of working? We all know money is more important than human life, unfortunately. I'm skeptical, but then again, nothing has worked so far, so why would this? I don't know what to think. I don't have any actions I could take at this point, anyway.
I think in this day and age, there is no reason to be poaching tigers, or any other rare game for that matter. I've discussed this with my friends before, the poachers are generally low status people, trying to feed themselves, and they're selling to the highest bidder they can find. Even if you jail the poachers, more will pop up out of desperation. One day, we'll look back and see all of the greed killing rare animals purposefully, rather than the crappy way we move them out of their territories naturally as humans.
I have very little sympathy for Turkey, it's a country that has been playing every sides of the field it can for a long time. It is so split, because of this. I feel for the people, and that's why there are so many split groups, not counting outside terrorist groups trying to gain influence in the area. I feel nothing for the country, only the people.
To all those with family members deployed in Iraq: God bless your military members who are currently trying to free Mosul from ISIS control. May they rescue and help those poor civilians that ISIS has taken as human shields. May both the US and Iraqi troops and those being held captive be kept safe.
We’ve been huge supporters of Ashton Kutcher’s campaign against human trafficking so I wanted to let you know of a situation I just became aware of. We usually think of human trafficking involving the kidnapping or sudden disappearance of a person. I just read about two pre-teen girls in Burma who were sent to work to help their family. Everything was legit at first, but as time progressed these poor girls, children really, were denied contact with their parents, tortured, and forced to work for no pay. My heart broke for them and for their parents. What’s even worse, the police ignored the parents’ request for intervention with no success. How agonized the parents must feel that they sent their daughters into this situation.
Wow.. You have to check this out. There was a horrible accident on a family type Water Ride in Gold Coast Austrailia. 4 People were killed..2 women ages 42 and 32 I think, also two men, 38, and 35,. This is what happened...2 people were ejected from the raft and the other 2 were trapped inside..they all died. The park was shut down. The thing that makes it wierd is that the water feature is like a tame family type ride..Definately things families would go on together. Makes you think Right?
I didn't realize there are still a lot of Hatians who are suffering badly since the quakes years ago. It seems a large amount of them have made their way to Brazil and central America to try to get work and get a better life. This has turned out badly for a lot of them. They have been victimized and injured and killed by gangs and terrible conditions on their way to try to get to America. When they do make it they are often given a court date to appear at some future date. Because of immigration policies many of them are suffering.
President Trump is so stupid for pulling out of the Paris deal. Being that our Country is held highly among-st the rest of the world, you would think that we would be considered with the environment just as much as everyone else. How can he believe Climate Change isn't real How is he allowed to just pull us from this deal we agreed to? It seems pretty stupid to me that he can just make these changes on his own free will. What happens later down the road when the impact of these decisions are felt and the earth really does have an Angry Summer?
Since I have no children and don't plan on having any, I don't really have an opinion regarding the ease that women choose to have cesarean instead of natural births. I don't think my opinion would be well received and I myself know I have no experience in this. I do believe, however, that a woman should look at all available options and decide what is best for her and her family.
I can't stand these Jenners and Kardashians. But I have to give them credit for making a living from doing nothing. I guess that is the new American Dream! THey are producing a product that people want to consume. Isn't that sick? The crazy thing is that this family is going to become the normal and accepted family environment.
This article is very tiring. I am tired of hearing about the corruption of politicians. There does not seem to be a single good moral politician. It would be impossible to win and position of public office without corruption. This is just another example of more corruption. Why do the biggest low lifes decide to be poloticians? Maybe because they are the type of people that like to lie and cheat there way to money and power.
Michael Moore to Democrats: I told you Trump was going to win — On Wednesday, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore penned a "Morning After To-Do List" for Democrats that has, as of Thursday morning, been shared more than 180,000 times, liked more than 350,000 times, and commented on more than 18,000 times. Moore also says Democrats must fire the pundits, pollsters, and members of the media who refused to let go of a narrative about the election that proved to be incorrect, force aside any Democratic members of Congress who aren't ready to fight, and remind everyone they meet that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. His No. 4 item, however, might come as a surprise to Democrats who are posting their own status updates on social media about how "shocked" or "stunned" they are at this outco
here regular army checkpoints serve as a reminder of the serious threat Boko Haram still poses. But despite efforts from aid organizations like ours, there are still 2.2 million people living in unreachable areas in northeast Nigeria, with no contact to the outside world ― and no guarantee of safe passage for aid workers. We don’t yet know the full extent of the crisis ― the Nigerian military and humanitarian organizations like Mercy Corps are still trying to push into these parts of the country ― but based on what we’ve seen so far, we fear the worst. “The carnage becomes more glaring as we gain access to newer areas, and it has become a struggle for those of us in the forefront to comprehend how to help the thousands we come across who need our support,” said Michael Mu’azu, our humanita
I was just reading this article and thinking about how lucky we are to not have to experience such things. Even when major weather events or natural disasters are close by, we have the ability evacuate and miss the real damage. I've never had to deal with anything like this and I think it would be so difficult--I wonder how the community will come together to support each other. It is so sad that so much destruction can happen so quickly and totally upend the lives of so many.
This is such a terrible thing to happen to so many people. I wonder how a town can meaningfully bounce back and rebuild their lives. I don't know what I would do if this happened to me. Move? Work on recreating the city? Turn to the government for hope? It just seems so overwhelming and impossible. I feel so grateful to have avoided such an experience. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help.
i think this article represtens us in the fact that all ee see in our fracebook timeline would be posts about the elctions or posts about politcis every where instagram and every single social media that we use is filled with these posts and they are just not necessary for us to look at everyday they flood our timelines and they just influence people to become the worst and very hostile in the comments why do we encourage this talall we do not need to be seeing this every single day
We are only given one life. I think that everyone wants to live a long and fruitful life. I know that sometimes we all have to do things that we do not want to do. There are certain procedures or policies that we need to follow to be able to maintain a certain life, and lifestyle. I know I don't really enjoy going to the doctor.
Mosul is Iraq's second most populous city.a major military campaign launched by the Iraqi Government forces with allied militias, The intensity of the fighting and the airstrikes in eastern parts of the city is high many people are killed their bodies hang in the middle cities not giving to the resident. The coalition strategy was reported to be to encircle Mosul completely, after which Iraqi troops would advance into the city-center. Pro-government fighters in the south of Mosul were battling pockets of ISIL fighters and snipers as they tried to reclaim the village of Abbasi.
E rate government funding program across country to connect the school from internet and It hits the hot buttons of education, technology, and good jobs at good wages in one shot and spreads federal monies to vendors and consultants in every corner of the country.Students achievement in 2013 bring up the fundding 2.3 billions budget to 4 billions.
there was this article about a subject I no nothing about and really could care less but here I am messaging you about it..................hope you find this very very very very very very very very entertaining............. I know I have, so what else have you been up to.............i hope you find this pleasant to read......
This article was really inspiring. The woman in it goes through so much but she still tries to persevere. I think it is admirable to not give up in the face of such obstacles. But I imagine it was really difficult for her to do! Imagine being in pain like that... it's horrifying. What do you think of this article? Isn't it inspiring?
Check out this article about the zika virus. I did not know that there was so much going on with it, or that it spread so much. I also did not know that it can spread through the ways they described in the article, like sex. Definitely information we need to know Make sure to read up on this and be careful!
Trump and his administration are horrible people. I can't believe (okay maybe I can) that they would behave like that. There is nothing wrong with LGBT individuals. We need more representation in this country and politicians need to stop pushing their backwards beliefs onto others. LGBT deserve to live just as much as everyone else, and they deserve their freedom too.
It's really sad that it seems that so many people are ignorant when they purchase pets. People should be more dedicated to animals and the environment and if they don't feel prepared to take care of a pet then they should just, not get one. This is why goldfish are invading Australia. Invasive species are extremely problematic to the ecosystem and combating them is difficult and expensive.
Crazy things are happening in Afghanistan still...don't want to go there anytime soon. Too unstable and too many people getting kidnapped...and that would certainly suck. Not that I would really ever want to go to Afghanistan in general anyway. Why would you want to go somewhere so dangerous? I don't understand.
It's ridiculous that this day in age and for such an advanced country, we can't even get water right. It should be a priority that a basic necessity for life be safe. If we can't do water right, how can we do anything else right? It's a freaking joke. Our whole governmental system is a mess. And yet, no one does anything.
Wow, killing someone in public? That takes some serious nerve. I don't particularly know whether she is guilty or not, but for it to be played out in the media isn't fair. While they may not have the same protections that the accused have in the United States, they should still give her a new trial, something quiet, out of the public eye, maybe even outside of the country, where she can get a fair trial based on the facts. If there is video of her spiking the coffee, or any indication that she has had any contact with cyanide, then I say she should get a retrial.
This is an extremely sad story The civilians who lost their did nothing wrong. They did not ask for this war to come to their region. They were mere victims of the misfortune of being born where they were and being where they were when they were. They were no more guilty than you or I. It is extremely sad and disappoints me as an American.
I think this family had more then enough warning and notice not to go into that hot spring area. the young man fell and scalded himself to death while his sister/friend sat there and videotaped the whole thing. i dont understand some peoples logic. what made them think this was ok? what made them think they would be ok and what made them thing that parks put boundaries up jsut because they think its funny.
While I do sympathize with the plight of back people and latest police violence, I think that they are not helping the situation by engaging in violent protests that take even more lives and create a great deal of disturbance in USA! These protests ignite racial tensions but will not bring back the lives of innocent victims. What needs to be done here is clamping tight on the police force-punishing them appropriately and in the harshest of form if they take an innocent life or harass black people for no reason! They need to undergo training and psychological evaluation before being allowed to go out there and deal with criminals! They need to be psychologically stable and clear of racial bias, otherwise they are not suitable for this job!
A well known journalist in the UK, editor for Elle magazine and was suffering from depression for long time and she was found dead and pulled ashore. She killed herself after a long suffering of depression. She repeatedly looked for for professional help and because "missed opportunities" she decided to kill herself. It is hard to imagine someone would be refused this kind of help after so many referrals. The professional mental health services have admitted the error and said lessons had been learned and changes have been made since the tragic loss of the journalist. It's sad that there is such a price needed to pay for changes to be made.
These migrant camps are getting more and more reminiscent of internment camps by the day. For a country that prides itself on being so civilized, I can't imagine how French citizens can accept the treatment of the camp's children and others who remain behind in appalling conditions. Have a little compassion for your fellow human beings, please.
Hello there. I just read this story about a cop who killed a totally unarmed black man and I think it is disgusting. The police has been very biased against blacks lately and this is just another example of how bad things have gotten. I think this cop needs to be sentenced severely so that all other cops can also refrain from doing the same
Is Val Kilmer healthy or not? Seems as though comments keep being made about his health and now Michael Douglas has even said something about him. Although, just because the two worked together on The Ghost and the Darkness (one of the best movies ever!) doesn't give him the right to make public comments about Kilmer's health whether it's true or not. Maybe he doesn't want the whole world to know if he's going through something.
If we think we have it bad having to put up with Trump, think about how Mexico feels. This article puts a lot in perspective, but I really struggle with the quote by the Mexican foreign minister saying that Americans chose racism and hate. Don't group us all in one category. We didn't ALL choose this clown to be president. I understand their fears and stress, but that comment really just rubbed me the wrong way. Hopefully both countries can maintain their ties until he's out of office.
I just read about this Australian hiker that was lost in the Malaysian jungle for two weeks and most of that time without food. He was week but he survived. I'm shocked. I'm happy he made it because to often you hear those stories of a lost hiker and it ends tragically. His friends and family say he has a strong mental attitude, he must. I don't think I'd ever survive that long especially since I don't even know anything about safe plants to eat like this guy must have. Way to go sir. Way to fight.
An agency that I can't recall the full title of just released proof of the fact that the earth is getting warmer. Yeah, it was only a couple of degrees but that's how it starts, right? Something is causing the world, the United States in particular, to warm up. I know where I live that it's seems a lot warm than it was even 7 or 8 years ago. The seasons used to be predictable, but they don't seem to be that way anymore.
it is not new story that civilian were killed in American based operation in Afghanistan and these things happened in wars all the time . there is no way to fight a war without unnecessary human casualty but with proper planning and intelligent this factor can be reduce to a great extend i think but it harder than it look
the war on terror that began with the initial war of America on Afghanistan for the purpose of eliminating Talibaan and restoring order and democracy there but this war has continue for quite some time and has turned the country in ruined . i think its about time we leave that country for good and let them live there life
Friends and Family - we need to lobby for president Trump to take global warming more seriously. As predicted, the temperature may rise in the near future by one point five degrees Celsius. This will drastically change our weather and therefore cause disastrous effects to many, many places around the world. This can all be stopped though if we get on board now!
Hey, I'm sending you something you might find of interest. I heard about this really interesting study regarding the relationship between mothers and middle school aged children. I have to say the findings rang true to me and brought back a lot of memories. Middle school was a miserable time for me as I struggled with some classes and often felt either depressed or angry for no particular reason. I remember feeling constantly stressed over both academics and the challenges of middle school social life with maintaining friendships, cliques, dating etc.
Man is there some issue with the quality of air in India. I'm not sure if I would be willing to take a trip there. There seems to be a heavy smog lingering over the town that has caused a number of respiratory illnesses as well as shut down some schools. I have just read that air quality readings have been taken from some scientists. They found the quality of the air to be like smoking 40 packs of cigarettes a day. Yet, the local media is reporting something more like two dozen. I'm not sure who to believe but either way it seems like quite a dangerous situation to me.
have a friend I wrote a letter for, and gave it to her on her birthday. In the beginning I wrote about how our friendship began, and wrote about all of my favorite memories with her from as far back as I could remember. Our first interaction to when we first started texting and getting to know each other, all the way up to when I wrote the letter. She is really good at always telling me how she feels about me and how grateful she is to have me as a friend. I usually suck at reciprocating, so I took this as an opportunity to tell her what she meant to me. I made the end of the letter forward looking and wrote of how grateful I considered myself to be because she was in my life, and how I hoped that wouldn’t change for a long, long time.
Nicolas Maduro is the current leader of Venezuela and it has led to major issues and divide in the country. The country is pretty much tyrannical at this point and the government is over-reaching into everyone's lives. Reading about the protests and issues going on makes me feel grateful to be out of that country. I really hope the people can oust him and replace it with a better government.
This is sad that a company that is based here in the US and that actually manafucters its products in the US is in debt. More effort should have been placed to ensure company's success. More companies should be encouraged to manufacture their products in our country while also making them affordable and appealing.
This really doesn't seem that much different to me than capital punishment which is accepted in our country. Yes, it's cruel and seems to be brutal but at the same time it could be a good way of discouraging people to commit such crimes. On the other hand a victim's situation will not be improved or reversed because their perpetrator has been harmed in the same way.
I don't know what more it's gonna take for meat eaters to finally get it through their heads that we consume way too much meat. If someone says "plant based" anywhere near them they seem to automatically reject it. Agriculture is the main contributor to the destruction of the earth. It's not like people are preaching everyone go vegan, but drastically reducing your intake of meat would help the planet by a huge margin. For whatever reason, they just can't seem to rationalize that simple sentiment.
Oh my gosh! Can you even imagine this? Thinking of citizens being torn from their homes, tortured, frightened! How could they just blatantly violate people in this way? I suppose it is hopeful that we might learn from this, correct mistakes, but that doesn't mitigate the harm that was done! It also doesn't bode well that protecting the victims now, after the fact, also seems to be in question. The assumption that they were informed of the release of the data, I think, is reckless. Verification that the already suffering victims won't be further victimized is as important as the far reaching implications of the data itself! I wonder why there is no mention of the ramifications to the department either. Just releasing the data is great, but what about investigations and punishments?
Holy moly! It looks as if this trial is getting out of control. I know that sensational stories have a tendency to get tons of attention, but I can't help but think about the victims in these cases. I mean, here is a young woman, whole life ahead, who is inexplicably and disturbingly murdered. There seems to be only circumstantial evidence against the accused and the media is overblowing the story which can really detract from finding the truth! The victim here is being overshadowed by the gawker phenomenon. It's sad. I mean, even the premise sounds... fishy... but instead of talking about that, it looks like it's being sensationalized into some media circus. It's terrible. How can they ever get to the truth if the story is corrupted and broadcast to the whole country?
The fact that so many people still die of smoking deaths is unbelievable. With so much knowledge these days we should be able to educate people about the danger associated with smoking and change this pattern! And the fact that the WHO recommends taxation at 75 percent of retail cost and NO states do this is crazy!
There are all these people protesting on both sides of this issue but where were many of these people at the voting booths?? If everyone who is so against Trump came out and voted maybe we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!! And all the people who voted for third party candidates know that you contributed to this as well because you threw away your vote!
I just learned about the British banker who killed the two Indonesian women in Hong Kong. How horrifying that we have people like this in the world. They seem like your everyday ordinary person, but it shows you just never know. You always have to stay safe, not take chances and don't trust appearances.
Male models are paid a lot less than female models, which is interesting considering all of the news lately about a "wage gap" that some people believe exists. Each industry has a different set of pay and things and that's fine, you have to look at the individual characteristics when judging whether something is wrong. It's very interesting that this is starting to change though, as male products become a bigger market for companies.
So apparently Russia sent a bunch of bombs on a school in Syria. It killed like 22 kids. Now the Russian government is trying to say it never happened. They even showed satellite images of another place and claimed it was there. Some organization called HRW (Human Rights Watch) had evidence to show otherwise. They even had images of the same type of aircraft that the Russians use.
So one of Mariah Carey backup dancers got fired and banned from the Ceasers Palace. Her ex Packer got super jealous of the flirting between them and went all crazy on him. But I do not know why he cares since they broke up last month after something went on between him and her assistant. They say he did something bad to her but I bet he was trying to flirt with her as well.
Did you hear that some kids in another country are passing out in school because they do not have enough to eat? The school can not do much or wont due to lack of funding. Over 35% of kids do not even go to school because of lack of food causing some effect. That is so sad. I am glad that our government has different programs instilled to prevent that.
Did you hear that the very first female US atorney general died recenty at 78. She was put in under Clinton though so she was probably very corrupt and did a lot of bad things over the course of her career. But she went to Harvard so she must have been pretty smart regardless. She was also the one who got a little boy sent back to Cuba which is just horrible since they are living in horrible conditions with a horrible government that abuses them.
Hearing this news makes me so sick. The worst thing a person can do is to hurt a defenseless animal for no reason. It's so sickening that someone felt the need to senselessly murder one of these amazing horses. It makes me so sad that this happened, and I really hope the culprit gets brought to justice.
Police officers are getting out of control nowadays. I can't believe that there hasn't been more action taken against this officer who blatantly punched a woman in the face without provocation, especially since the entire incident was caught on tape. It makes no sense to me that this officer hasn't been charged with assault in this case.
I wasn't sure how the story would end - I know that emus can get aggressive! So glad to know that the emu was docile and behaving well. It seems like the local officials were doing their best not to excite it, that's gratifying to know. Its actually something of a funny story on the whole. I hope that this story provides a good model for others to follow in the event of another emu intervention.
another case of government not working like it should. one should have effective recourse without having to hire an attorney and spend thousands of dollars to straighten things out. it makes me angry because i know how easily it could happen to me. why people can't do their jobs and/or show some empathy in this situation is beyond my comprehension. i sure hope this does not happen to me or you.
there are too many police shootings. however, being in the police is not an easy job. too many people are in a rush to judgement. if cities would be more forthwright and transparent it would help. why people feel that violence and looting is a valid method of protest is beyond me. i have great sympathy for the police.
it is amazing how little it takes for some people to harm or kill another person. it seems like there is a breakdown or morals in our society. we have become more anonimus and disconected from others where we live, in large cities. with no connections to others some people in our society act out their aggression on others.
It aggravates me that in our modern society leaders are condemned before they even have an opportunity to lead. It will happen forevermore into the future no matter who wins elections from here on out. The issue is not opposition so much as it is the ability to organize against someone anymore. Using the internet, it is quite easy to gather a group of thousands and perhaps even hundreds of thousands to combat against something vile or unwarranted. The problem is Trump wasn't even given a chance. Now that things have played out, perhaps some of those people were right about their hatred or grievances but its entirely unfair to subject any president of our country to this before they have even been given the chance to lead.
I just read an article Regarding a severe problem in the Chicago area with the fact that their public water supply has high amounts of lead traces. Just what I need, another worldly problem to stress about?! Article shook me, as the health of not only myself but my children is of the upmost importance to me. I know, I don’t live in the Chicago area, but the article certainly made me think about the water that I drink every day, and my children drink and then just threw foods that I have cooked and prepared. Even my local town has just posted something on the fact that they need $3.2 million to repair the water mains in the one square-mile town as the water pipes are corroded and near health hazard. I Will be researching this locally. I will also be researching for more info on the subject
I just read a story about a study being done by a new University of Washington that was funded and the satellite data from NASA, that was about the Arctic Polar Bears. It said that the climate change has been affecting the feeding and breeding of these 19 polar bears population. It has been having a negative impact on them. I did not know that a polar bear depends on the sea ice to eat. They can not outrun their prey so the sit at the air holes of the seals and when they go up to get air the bear will capture it to eat. The days that this ice is available to the bears have shortened over the thirty-five-year study to almost seven weeks. The study shows that this is a continuing pattern. I am really worried about the outcome for these bears. It is sad to think they may become extinct.
I just read a story about a black man named Terence Crutcher who was shot and killed by a white police officer named Betty Shelby in Tulsa Oklahoma. She was responding to another call when she noticed Terence Crutcher. The camera on her dashboard showed that Terence had his hands up. It was also video tapped by a helicopter. The officer claimed she felt like her life was in danger. Terence was a good man with a good heart. He was a churchgoer and a father of four children. Hundreds of people mourned his passing. If convicted Betty Shelby age 42 could face 4 years in prison for first degree manslaughter.
I kind of felt a little angry reading this article. I felt as thought this may have been something that was preventable with better infrastructure in place or procedures to check water supplies for such bacteria. Many people lost their lives or ended up, maybe it was passed through their family. It would be horrible to lose someone that you care about like this.
We should protect our environment from now on. I think a lot of wild animals have been put into danger because of human beings. People have put too much plastics into the oceans and pollute the living society of wild animals. It was danger to them if there is plastic around. I wish people will do a better jobs.
An article talking about increasing the deportations of Haitians is one that I feel for those involved. Haiti has been brutalized by mother nature, and the Clintons, and people are trying to get somehwere to survive while the country recovers. The U.S. let's them in to ship them back out and that is a bit ridiculous. It's not a situation where those from Mexico just sneak over and hide from society. These people need help but it doesn't shock me that the U.S. wiould do this in a time of need. Sympathy felt but helpless to do anything about it.
I just read this article about the doom of bananas that made me feel like an idiot. I like to think i am smart enough to process this type of article but the words used just had me lost. I wouldn't bother reading it if you still planned on it. It was informative but i felt like i was reading a manual.
So i just read this horrific article about women in nigeria being raped by the officials that rescued them from Boko Haram. If you don't know about Boko Haram you should really look them up. These poor women have no one to trust. I am shocked by what i read and feel so sorry for these people. i wish there was something we could do that would have real impact on their lives. you must read this article.
A hiker was lost in a Malaysian jungle for ten days. The hiker only brought enough food for one day. He survived on bananas and berries he found in the jungle. When he was found he was covered in leaches, weak, and very disoriented. Its a miracle he survived on his own for ten days in the jungle. There was no cell coverage in the part of the jungle he was in so he could not communicate to anyone or ask for help.
A man has took it on himself to kill evasive mice that have doubled in size on an island. The mice feed on birds and when the birds have babies its like a buffet for them to thrive on. I imagine it must be disgusting to have so many mice doing what they please and destroying other animals. It gives me the creeps thinking about it.
Hello! This is why you follow the rules at our National Parks! This is a terrible tragedy that could have easily been avoided. I was young once, and I did plenty of reckless things. I understand, maybe the boy was just trying to check the temperature. Maybe he didn't believe the signs, or he thought it would be cool to do what no one else has done. His poor sister! To see that happen! To see her own brother boil to death. I can't imagine how gruesome that must have been. I just can't believe they couldn't get his body until the next day...and the next day it was gone! This is a huge lesson for anyone that is young and reckless!
Hello again! Writing to share some things I have been learning about. I read that Syrians and Iraqis are granted asylum in Germany far more often than Pakistanis, and Nigerians. Germany is confronting the task of deciding who gets to stay. If you’re from Syria or Iraq, sanctuary is almost guaranteed. But if you’re from Nigeria or Pakistan, chances are you journeyed all the way there for nothing. This is so distressing!
I rememeber where I was when the Paris attack happened. It was so terrible how I felt and how everyone around the world felt. These terrible people are trying to make us scared to do things we love. But I wont let them win. Im so happy the band decided to go back and give a concert. This has to be a statment for us all. Fear will never win!
I am so moved and jealous really of the people of south Korea. For them to protest there President, who is totally wrong for all she did, is somthing to be admired. I love the spirit of the people to not stop untill she leaves office. If only it was that easy for us AMericans to do the same with Trump.
Its so obvious how much lady periods and pills we have to take are linked to our depresstion and body pains. The chemistry going on in our body is somthing I cant even get ahold of. The pill though is such a thing we need if we dont want to have babies that this time. The after math of it is just a deeper conversation we have to understand so that we dont end of hurting ourself.
If you are wearing contacts for your vision to improve then you should be sure to take them out when sleeping. You can get some bacteria in your eye that will accumulate and might cause problems if you do not do this. I forgot what the thing was called but it might even cause the contact user to become blinded.
The Islamic state is now desperately using human shields to try and deter our attacks against them. This is a strategy that is doomed to failure for multiple reasons, the biggest being the civilians they are using aren't going to tolerate that shit forever, and will probably start resisting and escaping. The next biggest, America doesn't really show restraint when they want to bomb a target and civilians are present. I mean, we generally go out of our way to not blow up the nearby children's hospital, but the second we suspect Bin Laden's cousin is in there 7000 drones start swarming.
And in other news ushering in the apocalypse, Paraguay just mismanaged their water resources so poorly that one of their rivers almost completely has dried up, in addition to a drought. I feel like these types of things are going to become extremely common in our near future thanks to our current President's very uninterested feelings about global warming. We will likely never recover since we have long since not done enough to combat it, and millions worldwide are going to suffer and die as stuff like this becomes a seasonal thing.
From this article I learned about repression of gay rights in Uganda. Gay rights protesters were rounded up by police and taken away from the resort where they were protesting and of those that attempted to resume protesting at another spot, police escorted them away. Gay rights have been struggling in Uganda, where homosexuality is illegal and repressed.
I was reading an article about poachers killing off many elephants because of the ivory trade. One part that stuck in my mind is that in one country, the elephants are protected more than they are in the neighboring country. It is odd that an elephant can literally walk away from its protection by wandering into the neighboring country. I was not aware of any of this. The article somewhat jokingly said that elephants do not have passports.
Hey man did you hear about this Palm Oil Company is trying to threaten to take down the worlds third largest Orangutan populations? This is pretty upsetting for me as I am in love with these animals. They are wanting to cut down most of the forest. This place is in Indonesia and this company is also planning on building a drainage canal from the north to the south side of the area for which some work has already reportedly began. I really wished there was a way we can help and protect this land. You would have thought that this would be an important area that needed protected. I mean there are what about any where from 750 to 1750 orangutan..They're classified as endangered now.
Those native people really dont deserve that kind of treatment its unfair. how can you have people just not speak their own native language? i dont get why they cant just let them live in both worlds and experience both cultures instead of forcing them to be a part of their specific culture. They really need to be spoken up against for this kind of injustice
I pretty much hate all wildlife including squirrels. They should just go blast the little varmint. After all squirrels carry rabies and other diseases even if they say small animals seldom have rabies. Once you bite a human, it's over and you deserve to die. It is kind of funny though these elderly people not being able to get away. Why does everything wacky always happen in Florida. Like 30% of anything strange happens in Florida. Frankly I think some reporter made the whole thing up. Squirrels are not going to attack multiple people. Sure they might on a rare occasion bite someone but not three people. Then again it's Florida so common laws and logic go out the window. ANyhow thought you might enjoy some rambling on some things I read. Take care buddy. Later.
I just read an article where there was a horrible natural disaster. They were saying how the town is a virtual ghost town and workers weren't allowed to go back until they check the building further. Could you imagine what it would be like to be one of those people, I mean to lose everything you have? Things you've worked so hard to aquire just gone? And God forbid a loved one? I don't even know how you would begin to process all of this.
I've seen the Slager video, he needs to be in prison. As far as Tensig goes, that's a tough call. Moral of the story is, don't give a man with a gun any reason to be afraid of you.The traffic stop went the direction it did because of DuBose's actions.I have a hard time feeling sympathy for someone who makes horrible decisions that result in predictable outcomes.
I just read an article about cave divers in Florida who died trying to explore the cave system. It seems like an incredibly dangerous thing to do. I'm not so sure I see the benefit in doing this kind of activity. I feel like they people knew the risks and what could happen if things go wrong. This is not something I'd do myself.
I read an article about the Loud Music Shooter, not sure if you've heard about this case in Florida. It seems like they've upheld the murder conviction for the man who shot a black teen during an argument about loud music being played. It did seem more like murder and not so much like an actual self-defense situation.
I just read a really sad story about a kid who got lost while hiking in Vietnam. You should read it. It's frustrating because he made a number of very basic errors that even the young kids in my scouting group know to avoid. He was alone. He lacked proper gear to survive changes in weather. He did not know his route. When he got lost, he kept moving instead of staying put. He also failed to let rescuers come to him. He could very easily have been stayed if he had made all of these error s and just stayed put. I hope his friend doesn't feel too much guilt over this. It's not her fault but judging from the article, she blames herself. I can't imagine what his parents are going through. My mom is always worried when I go backpacking and she'd go crazy if anything like this happened to me.
Here's another article from the 2016 campaign that didn't age well. Read it and have a laugh. It's pretty ridiculous in retrospect. More of the women they're talking about voted for Trump than Hillary. I guess they never asked women if those allegations bothered them or were important. I know that you told me after the Access Hollywood tapes that you didn't care about that stuff, that policy issues were more important.
This story is just sad and I just feel like there should be something that we can do to prevent killings of wild animals just because they own the earth as well as we do. Just because humans are expanding and advancing in technology it does not mean that we kill and we hunt everything that we see. It is heartbreaking.
what horror this news. in poor little boy of just 2 years of age he fell through the window of his apartment on the 11th floor of a building. The mother relates that I go to sleep with her older brother and this one hour later I climb to the window that apparently was open and rushed into the void crashing with the asphalt of the parking lot. A neighbor found the scene and desperate for horror called 911.
This article is extremely sad for the State of Louisiana. Not only has the state been ravaged by floods leading to the damage of both homes and businesses, but now the economy is being further devastated by the exodus of individuals and population erosion from pre-Katrina years. The state needs an injection of capital to help individuals and small businesses get their feet back underneath them, and providing the foundation of the local economies to not only sustain themselves and thrive.
Man that's tough to read- I remember watching those events unfold and just being absolutely miserable and horrified over it. I remember hearing that they were killing hostages one by one on the news, and just bursting into tears at that point. This article really vividly reminded me of that moment, it's really sad.
It is sad that people have nothing better to do than to get into other people's business. It seems that we are at an all time low as a society and that there is no respect for other people's privacy. This is what I see as the darker side of the internet. It opens the the door for behavior that should not be encouraged in for a safe and productive society.
There are several strange factors surrounding the tragic and fatal event. First, why was there not a sign or caution tape to block off the broken elevator? How was the mother able to walk into it without knowing that it was broken? The other tenant's reports about the condition of the elevators in the past are also alarming. Why was this problem not addressed long ago by the landlord? It should not take such a horrible event to occur for people to recognize that there is a problem with the building and the way technicians are doing inspections.
The thought of such conditions in the slaughtering of chickens is very disturbing. I am by no means a vegetarian, and enjoy eating chicken a great deal. However, the thought of torturing a chicken for slaughter turns my stomach. There needs to be an ethical solution to the slaughtering of all animals, not just chicken. And I believe a universal approach that is easily controlled and monitored would be ideal, but most likely not cost efficient.
Hey, Check out this article about PTSD. I feel bad for these veterans that had to experience this as a result from the Vietnam War. I know someone that has fought in the Vietnam War and he has seen other soldiers being diagnosed as a result of the war. It's sad to see these soldiers go through so much trauma and disgust after the war. With the increasing rate of the mental health issue, it makes me worry even more.
So a man murdered someone over a card being declined. At a Starbucks of course, this is just getting to be ridiculous. Someone gets pissy because they have no money and decide to hurt someone else that has nothing to do with it. The more news articles I read like this, the less faith I have in humanity.
This right here is bullshit. I don't know who wrote this shit article but from what I read it argues that livestock are more a contributor to gas emissions in our atmosphere then vehicle emissions. It spouts some numbers and facts but I can see straight away this is a fabricated article that is completely biased. This is the crap we need to take out of our news.
Looks like American Apparel is at it again and declaring bankruptcy. Ironically they are getting bought out by a Canadian company. I feel sorry for the employees, but its hard to feel sorry for the company since they just dont seem to get it. I think one chance is fair, but when you have to declare bankruptcy again a year later your management doesnt seem to know what they are doing. Maybe the company that bought them will finally get it right.
What a tragedy this is! I feel so bad for all the owners who lost their pets in that situation. Pets are like members of your family, and losing a pet is no different. My heart goes out to all of the people who are effected by this. There is nothing this business can do to bring back the animals that died and ease the owners suffering. Hopefully they never let something like this happen again.
Well, I dont really feel much about this either way. I feel badly for the family of the victim, I'm sure they are devastated, but it's not surprising something like this would happen, given the type of things he wrote, and the climate in the country in which they lived. My thoughts of out to the family.
Although this is bad, I have to admit that it's also rather funny. I do wonder what caused the squirrel to go on such a rampage. Perhaps it felt threatened? Maybe it was abused? Perhaps it got caught inside and out of fear did what animals do - bite and claw their way out. I'm assuming it was the latter reason and this just happened to be an odd situation. I don't think it meant to hurt anyone, I think it was just scared and people got bit because they got in its way. I can't imagine another reason than that. And the people were fine anyway.
This article highlights the fact that we might be going on about our lives, secure in the knowledge that everything is fine, but then suddenly when you least expect it, we are reminded of our own mortality. It makes me want to live each and every day as well as I can, because I never know if it might be my last. Sometimes we think we have forever, but this article is a reminder that each day we live on this Earth, imperfect though it may be, is a gift.
This is an absolute disgrace that it still happens and can happen in America. How are things like this still happening. I get that there has always been murder, and if someone is determined enough they are going to find a way to do this, but for it to happen in one of the most locked down and secured places is ridiculous. I feel bad for the family involved and hopefully their loss will help spark a positive change.
I just read this article about a forest land in Indonesia that could potentially be cut down and turned in to a tree plant. Normally an article like this might not attract my attention and cause me to read any further, but this particular forest land is home to the 3rd largest population of endangered orangutans and if the forest is cut down, it is estimated that 1750 orangutans will die or have to be rescued and re-homed. This is so heartbreaking to me because these are innocent animals, endangered ones at that, that are just living in their natural environment and have done nothing wrong. How can the government in Indonesia think that this idea is even a possibility, never mind the fact it could not possibly be a positive thing because of the negative impact it has on this species!!
Wow! I just read this article about a young boy in China who fell in to a well and was found dead 4 days later. It was SO sad to read this! It stated that boy was helping his dad harvest food when he fell in this well that was only 1 foot wide and that no adults could fit in it to go down and rescue him! Can you even imagine what that father must have been feeling knowing that his little boy fell in this well while helping him and he could not get down there to help him! I just imagine how heartbreaking this whole situation must have been for the family and for the rescuers who spent days trying everything they could to get to him and potentially help him. As a mom, it just makes me sick to think that I could be in a situation like that and do nothing to help one of my babies!