{"input": "Get the robotic arm to go up 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to down 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to forward four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to where the yellow block is placed", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm to the left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Take possession of yellow block, go up, and then turn off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (198.5, 147.2, -48.9), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 198.5, \"y\": 147.2, \"z\": -48.9}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to the down 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift right, move downwards, then proceed to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Rearrange the yellow block's position so it's positioned behind the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to the backward direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot arm to go left direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot move to the up direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (459.20, 403.92, -111.12)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 459.2, \"y\": 403.92, \"z\": -111.12}}]}"} {"input": "Go to where the white block located", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Pick up the blue block and moving it forward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to orange block coordinate and move rightward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, go left, and then go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head to (199.28, 183.39, -51.17), go right, deactivate suction, then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 199.28, \"y\": 183.39, \"z\": -51.17}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Reach (297.18, 137.89, -49.08) and then move upwards", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 297.18, \"y\": 137.89, \"z\": -49.08}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the the robotic arm to the left four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to yellow block, then move left, and turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to green block location", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the orange block forward of the green block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift towards the right and then rise", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Switch on suction, navigate to position (210.88, 214.67, -58.16), move upward, then switch off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 210.88, \"y\": 214.67, \"z\": -58.16}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move rightwards and then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and move up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (438.85, 375.89, -102.43)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 438.85, \"y\": 375.89, \"z\": -102.43}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm on the left of green block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to the backward direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm forward", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (803.00, -56.90, -16.80)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 803.0, \"y\": -56.9, \"z\": -16.8}}]}"} {"input": "Move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot move to the up twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, take hold of white block, and deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the white block so it's located behind the yellow block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head left then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (1627, -736, 36).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 1627, \"y\": -736, \"z\": 36}}]}"} {"input": "Get the the robotic arm left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the yellow block so it's situated at the rear of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to the spot where the white block is located.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to the right four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (222.88, 150.33, -53.85), go right, deactivate suction, then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 222.88, \"y\": 150.33, \"z\": -53.85}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate suction, go to (237.52, 229.51, -62.03), ascend, then deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 237.52, \"y\": 229.51, \"z\": -62.03}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the the robotic arm forward 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head right and then elevate downwards", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (214.38, 156.59, -53.21), move right, turn off the suction, then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 214.38, \"y\": 156.59, \"z\": -53.21}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to go left four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to the right four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move left, reach white block, switch on suction, and then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot to go forward 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate the arm to the yellow block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to the left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm go to left and then go to the right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Grasp the pink block and push it forward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Proceed to (242.81, 174.99, -55.73) and then shift rightwards", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 242.81, \"y\": 174.99, \"z\": -55.73}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (213.58, 157.49, -53.24), move right, turn off the suction, then move down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 213.58, \"y\": 157.49, \"z\": -53.24}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to the forward direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to the backward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the the robotic arm down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn off the suction.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the white block over the yellow one.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate suction, go to (240.45, 233.65, -62.27), ascend, then deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 240.45, \"y\": 233.65, \"z\": -62.27}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the white block to the right of the yellow block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Take the blue block and move it in the forward direction.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to the coordinates of the yellow block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Reach yellow block, go left, activate suction, then move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, take hold of white block, and deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate suction, proceed to location (202.22, 232.64, -61.43), go upwards, then deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 202.22, \"y\": 232.64, \"z\": -61.43}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (4575, -3692, 49).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 4575, \"y\": -3692, \"z\": 49}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (219.46, 157.84, -53.37), move right, turn off suction, then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 219.46, \"y\": 157.84, \"z\": -53.37}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Grab the black block and move it backward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to the right twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the blue block and advance its position forward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Proceed to the right, descend, then move left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head to the yellow block, then go left, and turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot arm to go forward direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot moving up twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get to the yellow block location, then go left, and activate suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot move to the forward direction direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to backward four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm to the up 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (1410, -512, 45).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 1410, \"y\": -512, \"z\": 45}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot downward twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate suction, move left, ascend, then move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the the robotic arm to the backward direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift to the left, ascend, then move down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the arm to the backward direction direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move left, move to white block, activate suction, then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the yellow block to the left, and then to the right.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to white block position ", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Position the white block atop the yellow one.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Set the yellow block over the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm to the backward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot move to the backward direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm towards the left direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to pink block and move it backward", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and then move to (219.86, 163.45, -56.87)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 219.86, \"y\": 163.45, \"z\": -56.87}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to right four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot arm to go backward four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm to coordinates (390, 260, -95).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 390, \"y\": 260, \"z\": -95}}]}"} {"input": "Get the arm to the forward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot arm to go up direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift to the left, ascend, then move down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head to (211.32, 162.47, -52.51), shift right, switch off suction, then shift down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 211.32, \"y\": 162.47, \"z\": -52.51}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head left and then elevate downwards", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm to coordinates (300, 150, -60).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 300, \"y\": 150, \"z\": -60}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and then move to white block position", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Proceed to (242.81, 174.99, -55.73) and then shift leftwards", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 242.81, \"y\": 174.99, \"z\": -55.73}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Proceed to the right, descend, then shift left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Reposition the yellow block to be in front of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot upward twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift right, move downwards, then proceed to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to yellow block, shift left, activate suction, then shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Switch on the suction.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (655.7, 538.6, 104.7), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 655.7, \"y\": 538.6, \"z\": 104.7}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm forward four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Let suction cup off.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (1140.10, -200.90, 78.45)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 1140.1, \"y\": -200.9, \"z\": 78.45}}]}"} {"input": "Grasp the orange block and push it forward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and travel to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to the yellow block position, proceed left, and turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot backward", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot moving backward 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (622.8, 513.1, 94.5), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 622.8, \"y\": 513.1, \"z\": 94.5}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to the white block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to the right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (214.58, 156.49, -53.17), move right, turn off the suction, then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 214.58, \"y\": 156.49, \"z\": -53.17}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, shift left, and then shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, go left, and then go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the white block to the right of the yellow block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to the up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to where the yellow block is and then activate suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move down and then turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot upward four ", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (943.80, -196.50, 27.34)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 943.8, \"y\": -196.5, \"z\": 27.34}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the the robotic arm up 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (891.42, 198.53, -144.89)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 891.42, \"y\": 198.53, \"z\": -144.89}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to the forward direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Seize yellow block, ascend, and switch off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the the robotic arm up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go up, then descend, go left, and finally shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Travel left and then switch on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go left, go to white block, switch on suction, and then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot arm to go left 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the down four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go left, go to white block, activate suction, then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the the robotic arm to the forward direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot to go up 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (492.77, 449.48, -125.67)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 492.77, \"y\": 449.48, \"z\": -125.67}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot to go right 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to (322.94, 71.11, -44.73) and then turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 322.94, \"y\": 71.11, \"z\": -44.73}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move downwards and then turn on suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate to (572.9, 468.2, 77.7), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 572.9, \"y\": 468.2, \"z\": 77.7}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot sideways to the down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and then go down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to the down four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to the right 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Proceed to the left and then activate suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and navigate to where the white block is", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the white block to the rear of the yellow block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Take custody of yellow block, rise, and then deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift left, reach white block, turn on suction, and then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Take hold of yellow block, go up, and then turn off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift left, reach white block, turn on suction, and then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot arm to go left 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go towards (201.09, 173.71, -51.68), shift right, turn off suction, then descend", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 201.09, \"y\": 173.71, \"z\": -51.68}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, move left, and then move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to coordinates of the white block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (543.97, 511.72, -218.33)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 543.97, \"y\": 511.72, \"z\": -218.33}}]}"} {"input": "Secure yellow block, ascend, and switch off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move towards up direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the yellow block so it's placed at the back of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot arm to go left twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move leftward, go up, and then descend", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot to go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm to go up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate to (275.91, 113.21, -51.19) and then turn on suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 275.91, \"y\": 113.21, \"z\": -51.19}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to go down four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move rightward, move downwards, then shift to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, move left, and then move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate to (602.1, 495.4, 87.8), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 602.1, \"y\": 495.4, \"z\": 87.8}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Put the white block onto the yellow block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift left, reach white block, turn on suction, and then go up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (878.29, 215.78, -169.82)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 878.29, \"y\": 215.78, \"z\": -169.82}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the arm to the up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift right, move downwards, then proceed to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (414.62, 598.27, -287.64)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 414.62, \"y\": 598.27, \"z\": -287.64}}]}"} {"input": "Go to the location of the green block and turn on suction.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Arrange the yellow block on top of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, descend, shift left, and then shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Head the arm to the area with the yellow block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot move to the forward direction direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (767.80, -22.00, -28.06)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 767.8, \"y\": -22.0, \"z\": -28.06}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm towards the up direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to the white block coordinates and then activate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the backward direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the forward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot sideways to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to left 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot moving left four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the arm to the up direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate the arm to the location of the yellow block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Get the the robotic arm up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move upwards, grasp the white block, and turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to the down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (1520, -623, 58).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 1520, \"y\": -623, \"z\": 58}}]}"} {"input": "Go to the left, go up, and then descend", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the yellow block on top of the white one.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction, travel to (206.87, 242.31, -65.27), go upwards, then turn off suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 206.87, \"y\": 242.31, \"z\": -65.27}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move towards the up direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Deactivate the suction cup.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go up, then descend, go left, and finally shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to where the white block is located", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Move rightward, go down, then proceed to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm to the forward direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Grab the red block and bring it backward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to (474.89, 315.95, -197.82)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 474.89, \"y\": 315.95, \"z\": -197.82}}]}"} {"input": "Rearrange the yellow block to the rear of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate the suction cup and move to where the yellow block is", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction cup and shift to the right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to the forward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Navigate to (353.7, 285.6, 6.7), turn left, and then turn off suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 353.7, \"y\": 285.6, \"z\": 6.7}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move towards left direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move robotic arm to down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot moving left four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Ascend, take possession of white block, and deactivate suction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move forward and then backward", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the arm to the backward direction direction twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move up", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot to the left direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to coordinate (345.98, 253.74, -75.84)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 345.98, \"y\": 253.74, \"z\": -75.84}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robotic arm to the forward direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move upwards and then proceed to (347.28, 99.77, -44.81)", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 347.28, \"y\": 99.77, \"z\": -44.81}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot arm to go up direction 3 times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift the robot arm to go right direction four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to green block location.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction, go left, go up, go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go up, then descend, go left, and finally shift right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot sideways to the right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm on the left of pink block", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the yellow block to the front of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go towards yellow block, turn left, turn on suction, then go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move to the right four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Activate suction, move left, ascend, then move right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Rearrange the yellow block to the back of the white block.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"backward\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Turn on suction, go left, ascend, then go right", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Shift rightward and then descend", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (4233, -3350, 48).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 4233, \"y\": -3350, \"z\": 48}}]}"} {"input": "Shift to the left, ascend, then move down", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Position the yellow block on top of the white one.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robotic arm to the up four times", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}]}"} {"input": "Capture yellow block, move upwards, and deactivate suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}, {\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"up\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"off\"}}]}"} {"input": "Go to violet block coordinate and move rightward.", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the robotic arm right twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move rightward, go down, then proceed to the left", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move right then descend", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"right\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move arm to the forward direction", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"forward\"}}]}"} {"input": "Move the arm to (2879, -1993, 55).", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 2879, \"y\": -1993, \"z\": 55}}]}"} {"input": "Make the robot arm move to white block position", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 266.05, \"y\": 8.32, \"z\": -53.46}}]}"} {"input": "Approach yellow block location, move left, and turn on the suction cup", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move_to\", \"parameters\": {\"x\": 249.62, \"y\": 137.63, \"z\": -55}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"left\"}}, {\"command\": \"suction_cup\", \"parameters\": {\"action\": \"on\"}}]}"} {"input": "Make the arm move to orange block location", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"err_msg\", \"parameters\": {\"msg\": \"cannot generate plan using current condition\"}}]}"} {"input": "Get the robot arm to go down twice", "response": "{\"actions\": [{\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}, {\"command\": \"move\", \"parameters\": {\"direction\": \"down\"}}]}"}