[ { "id": 0, "license_sentence": "for written permission, please contact arrayexpress@ebi.ac.uk 4. products derived from this software may not be called \"arrayexpress\" nor may \"arrayexpress\" appear in their names without prior written permission of the arrayexpress developers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1, "license_sentence": "the installation instructions are included in readmefirst file.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Install Instructions": "MUST" } }, { "id": 2, "license_sentence": "all rights reserved redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 3, "license_sentence": "copyright information silentum loginsys is open source, meaning you may edit it as you wish.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 4, "license_sentence": "neither opennetcf nor its suppliers will be liable for any of those types of damages known as indirect, special, consequential, or incidental related to the software or this license, to the maximum extent the law permits, no matter what legal theory its based on.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 5, "license_sentence": "anyone receiving this source is licensed under idt copyrights to use it in any way he or she deems fit, including copying it, modifying it, compiling it, and redistributing it either with or without modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 6, "license_sentence": "this license may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of gubusoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 7, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including, but not limited to the java technology restrictions of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute the software, provided that i. you distribute the software complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file) and only bundled as part of, and for the sole purpose of running, your programs, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 8, "license_sentence": "no one other than sun has the right to modify the terms applicable to original code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 9, "license_sentence": "in no event shall appsflyer, its directors, officers, affiliates or agents be liable for any consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages, arising out of or relating to the services or the arrangements contemplated herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 10, "license_sentence": "this permission is granted solely for the purpose set forth above, and you are not authorized to use the software in any other manner.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 11, "license_sentence": "zend server cluster manager zend server cluster manager is not available for you to distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 12, "license_sentence": "make a single backup copy of the software and any documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 13, "license_sentence": "you must license the entire work, as a whole, under this license to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 14, "license_sentence": "copyright holders will not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the software or documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 15, "license_sentence": "by way of illustration and without limiting any other use limitations or restrictions described in this section 2.4, you are not permitted to use the software (i) for enabling web hosted workgroups or services available to the public wherein source files from outside the internal network are processed, however, customization of source files originating from within your internal network are permitted even when using data entered by a user outside your internal network through your web hosted services (provided such data is not a source file); (ii) by any individual or entity to use, download, copy or otherwise benefit from the functionality of the software unless licensed to do so by adobe, (iii) as a component of a system, workflow or service accessible by more than the permitted number of users, or (iv) for operations not initiated by an individual user (e.g., highvolume automated server processing of wire feed content).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 16, "license_sentence": "we may change it (or one or more of its components) for a final, commercial version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 17, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each contributor hereby grants each recipient a nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license under all copyrights owned or licensable by such contributor to reproduce, publicly display, publicly perform and distribute, transfer or otherwise provide to another person or entity the program in source code, object code and executable code forms, as such recipient receives the program, in any medium, provided that such recipient (i) keeps intact, without modification or addition, all notices that refer to copyright or other intellectual property in the program, to this license, and to the disclaimer of all warranties and the exclusions of damages, and (ii) distributes, transfers or otherwise provides a copy of this license along with the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 18, "license_sentence": "you may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the ms software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 19, "license_sentence": "any patent license granted hereby with respect to contributions by an individual employed by an institution or organization is limited to patent claims where the individual that is the author of the work is also the inventor of the patent claims licensed, and where the organization or institution has the right to grant such license under applicable grant and research funding agreements.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN" } }, { "id": 20, "license_sentence": "where the licensed rights include sui generis database rights that apply to your use of the licensed material: a. for the avoidance of doubt, section 2(a)(1) grants you the right to extract, reuse, reproduce, and share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database for noncommercial purposes only; b. if you include all or a substantial portion of the database contents in a database in which you have sui generis database rights, then the database in which you have sui generis database rights (but not its individual contents) is adapted material; and c. you must comply with the conditions in section 3(a) if you share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 21, "license_sentence": "the software is being provided to licensee \"as is\" and all express or implied conditions and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement, are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 22, "license_sentence": "you agree not to contend in any context that, as a result of the provision or use of the materials, either qti or any of its affiliates has any obligation to extend, or you or any other party has obtained any right to, any license, whether express or implied, with respect to any patent of qti or any of its affiliates for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 23, "license_sentence": "but when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this license, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 24, "license_sentence": "you are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using the software and assume all risks associated with the use and distribution of this software, including but not limited to the risks of program errors, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 25, "license_sentence": "except as required above, do not use microsoft's name, logo, or trademarks to market any help system that incorporates the msredistributables; iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 26, "license_sentence": "convertible free software license version 1.1, 20160811 copyright 2016, by elmar stellnberger everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 27, "license_sentence": "wrangler library license redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 28, "license_sentence": "this document and the information contained herein are provided on an \"as is\" basis and zigbee disclaims all warranties express or implied, including but not limited to a. any warranty that the use of the information herein will not infringe any rights of third parties (including without limitation any intellectual property rights including patent, copyright or trademark rights) or b. any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 29, "license_sentence": "if you offer additional terms you must offer them under an agreement of your own separate from this one.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Statement For Additional Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 30, "license_sentence": "no modification or amendment to this agreement will be effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of each party, and must specifically identify this agreement by its title and version (e.g., \u201cend user license agreement for the intel(r) software development products (version march 2016)).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 31, "license_sentence": "the author accepts no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this software and makes no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 32, "license_sentence": "there are no warranties that extend beyond the face of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 33, "license_sentence": "stanford makes no representations or warranties, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 34, "license_sentence": "you cannot copy, modify, adapt, distribute, reverse engineer and decompile any part of the software which is in the possession of soldevelo or persons who created them.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 35, "license_sentence": "you may not remove any copyright notices from any of the documents or sources given to you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 36, "license_sentence": "however, the original program distribution must be present, in its entirety, unaltered, along with your files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 37, "license_sentence": "i'd appreciate being given credit for this package in the documentation of software which uses it, but that is not a requirement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 38, "license_sentence": "\"open source\" programs mean software for which the source code is available without confidential or trade secret restrictions and for which the source code and object code are available for distribution without license charges.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 39, "license_sentence": "you agree to hold adobe and any applicable cd service provider (except as expressly provided in its issuer statement) harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, actions, damages, or claims (including all reasonable expenses, costs, and attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to any use of, or reliance on, any cd service, including, without limitation a. reliance on an expired or revoked certificate; b. improper verification of a certificate; c. use of a certificate other than as permitted by any applicable issuer statement, this agreement or applicable law; d. failure to exercise reasonable judgment under the circumstances in relying on the cd services; or e. failure to perform any of the obligations as required in an applicable issuer statement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 40, "license_sentence": "you agree that you will not take any actions that may cause or result in the fragmentation of android, including but not limited to distributing, participating in the creation of, or promoting in any way a software development kit derived from the sdk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 41, "license_sentence": "licensee may not use cnri trademarks or trade name, including pisces or cnri, in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of licensee, or any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 42, "license_sentence": "licensee shall not remove any trademark, tradename, copyright, or other proprietary notice from the product, including on any notice or boot up screen, and shall not delete such notices from any copies or backup copies of the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 43, "license_sentence": "and you are not willing to show jide name and logo in about dialog, or splash screen or any other places where users can easily notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 44, "license_sentence": "in no event will the author be liable for damages, including any lost profits or incidental and consequential damages, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages tony stiles 103a ludlow road itchen southampton hants so2 7er great britain", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 45, "license_sentence": "neither the software program nor product may be modified, nor in any way obfuscate or obstruct the copyright notice and license information displayed in the console and log files by the software program on startup.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 46, "license_sentence": "licensee shall not unbundle or repackage the software for distribution, transfer or resale.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 47, "license_sentence": "in consideration of, and as a condition to, the licenses granted to you under this license, you hereby grant to any person or entity receiving or distributing covered code under this license a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, perpetual, irrevocable license, under your applicable patent rights and other intellectual property rights (other than patent) owned or controlled by you, to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, sublicense, distribute and externally deploy your modifications of the same scope and extent as borgworx's licenses under sections 2.1 and 2.2 above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 48, "license_sentence": "blogtronix llc does not warrant that its licensed software will be uninterrupted or errorfree and disclaims all responsibility and liability for the completeness, accuracy, availability, timeliness, security, reliability, or other harm of the licensed software or any content thereon.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 49, "license_sentence": "creative commons notice creative commons is not a party to this license, and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 50, "license_sentence": "you are permitted to distribute in programs you develop if you comply with the terms below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 51, "license_sentence": "indemnification licensee hereby agrees to indemnify egenix.com against and hold harmless egenix.com from any claims, lawsuits or other losses that arise out of licensee's breach of any provision of this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 52, "license_sentence": "should the software prove defective, you and not the povteam[tm] or anyone associated with them assume the entire cost of any service and repair.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 53, "license_sentence": "neither the name of the university of california, berkeley nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 54, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is borne by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 55, "license_sentence": "you may copy, install, use, modify and create derivative works of the [modified software] \"changed software\" (but you may not modify or create derivative works of the [fonts]) and distribute and sublicense such changed software, provided however, that if the changed software contains modifications, overwrites, replacements, deletions, additions, or ports to new platforms of: (1) the methods of existing classes objects or their existing relationships, or (2) any part of the virtual machine, then for so long as the changed software is distributed or sublicensed to others, such modified, overwritten, replaced, deleted, added and ported portions of the changed software must be made publicly available, preferably by means of download from a website, at no charge under the terms of a license that makes no representations or warranties on behalf of any third party, is no less protective of [the licensors of the modified software] and its licensors, and contains the terms set forth in exhibit a below [which should contain the terms of this exhibit a].", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 56, "license_sentence": "the font software may not be modified, altered, or added to, and in particular the designs of glyphs or characters in the fonts may not be modified nor may additional glyphs or characters be added to the fonts.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 57, "license_sentence": "(ii) a and b above, hp and its suppliers provide the software \"as is\" and with all faults, and hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, warranties of title and noninfringement, any implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, and of lack of viruses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 58, "license_sentence": "in short, if you make money by using jchatbox, you need to get a different license from us, but if you do not use it to make money this license allows you to do just about anything you want.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 59, "license_sentence": "you can use this in any way you wish, as long as you leave the creator information in tact (this header) and give credit where credit is due.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 60, "license_sentence": "bsd two clause license redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 61, "license_sentence": "sshpty.c is taken from openssh 3.5p1, copyright (c) 1995 tatu ylonen , espoo, finland all rights reserved \"as far as i am concerned, the code i have written for this software can be used freely for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 62, "license_sentence": "if you created one or more modification(s) you may add your name as a contributor to the notice described in exhibit a. you must also duplicate this license in any documentation for the source code where you describe recipients rights or ownership rights relating to initial code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 63, "license_sentence": "if nethack is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 64, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the foundation or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 65, "license_sentence": "you may freely use this module or any portion of it for any purpose as long as the copyright is kept intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 66, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute the icons in the image library as described in the software documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 67, "license_sentence": "if distributed as a modified package then this file must be included.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 68, "license_sentence": "no use of any covered code, technology specifications or contributed code specifications is authorized except subject to and in consideration for this disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 69, "license_sentence": "developer acknowledges and agrees that the eula applicable to developer's beta application shall be between developer and any beta tester, and crashlytics shall not be responsible for, and shall not have any liability whatsoever for, such eula, any application tested by a beta tester, or for any breach by developer or any beta tester of the terms and conditions of such eula.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 70, "license_sentence": "ez py crypto license distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your country of residence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 71, "license_sentence": "no liability as far as the law allows, the software comes as is, without any warranty or condition, and the licensor will not be liable to you for any damages arising out of these terms or the use or nature of the software, under any kind of legal claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 72, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms of this agreement, each contributor hereby grants recipient a nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree patent license under licensed patents to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the contribution of such contributor, if any, in source code and object code form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 73, "license_sentence": ") you may release this edition of the program on cd/dvd/internet (or other media), but only in the original archive and if this cd is the programs collection.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 74, "license_sentence": "in no event shall nvidia or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information) arising out of the use of or inability to use the materials, even if nvidia has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 75, "license_sentence": "you shall have no right to modify all or any part of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 76, "license_sentence": "warranties and disclaimer except as required by law, the work is licensed by the licensor on an \"as is\" and \"as available\" basis and without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 77, "license_sentence": "you may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software product, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 78, "license_sentence": "source code, binaries and documentation must contain a notice stating: \"this product contains parts of hipergate\".", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 79, "license_sentence": "contributors may not charge recipients any recurring charge, license fee, or any ongoing royalty for the recipient?s exercise of its rights under this license to the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 80, "license_sentence": "you will defend, indemnify and hold harmless us from and against any claim by any third party arising out of or related to your use or distribution of the materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 81, "license_sentence": "this means any code, file, diagrams, data format, or other innovation containing this license within it can be copied, modified, redistributed, published, or even used for non and/or commercial purposes within the context of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 82, "license_sentence": "nothing in this license permits you to modify this license as applied to the original work or to derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 83, "license_sentence": "permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, provided the text of this notice is retained, a notice that the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice and with the copyright notice in any modified files, and that this file (\"license\") is distributed with the modified code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 84, "license_sentence": "you may not publish, communicate to the public, distribute, publicly exhibit or display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the work with any technological measures that control access or use of the work in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Publicly Perform": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 85, "license_sentence": "the copyright holder disclaims any liability of any kind for any damages whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this software or of any derivative work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 86, "license_sentence": "the copyright notices of the unaltered, original files must be preserved in all copies of source files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 87, "license_sentence": "user may not disassemble the program or allow it to be disassembled into its constituent source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 88, "license_sentence": "permission from authors if you wish to incorporate parts of the program into other programs whose distribution conditions are different, or if you wish to distribute modified versions of the program or offer users remote network interaction with a modified version of the program without divesting from disqualifying assets, write to the author(s) to ask for permission to do so under the terms of a different license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 89, "license_sentence": "mentions des droits le licenci\u00e9 s'engage express\u00e9ment: 1. \u00e0 ne pas supprimer ou modifier de quelque mani\u00e8re que ce soit les mentions de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 intellectuelle appos\u00e9es sur le logiciel; 2. \u00e0 reproduire \u00e0 l'identique lesdites mentions de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 intellectuelle sur les copies du logiciel modifi\u00e9 ou non; 3. \u00e0 faire en sorte que l'utilisation du logiciel, ses mentions de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 intellectuelle et le fait qu'il est r\u00e9gi par le contrat soient indiqu\u00e9s dans un texte facilement accessible notamment depuis l'interface de tout logiciel d\u00e9riv\u00e9.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 90, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranty covered code is provided under this license on an ``as is'' basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, without limitation, warranties that the covered code is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or noninfringing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 91, "license_sentence": "if you use them in a noncommercial project then please credit me and include a link back.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 92, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding section 2.2 (b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for any code that contributor has deleted from the contributor version; 2) separate from the contributor version; 3) for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of contributor version or ii) the combination of modifications made by that contributor with other software (except as part of the contributor version) or other devices; or 4) under patent claims infringed by covered code in the absence of modifications made by that contributor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 93, "license_sentence": "article 3 : source code 3.1 the source code of the software will be provided to the licensee in a digital form, via the possibility of downloads from the internet.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 94, "license_sentence": "(12) this license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the copyright holder.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 95, "license_sentence": "comme ce logiciel est fourni \u00ab en l'\u00e9tat \u00bb, nous ne fourniront aucun service d\u2019assistance.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 96, "license_sentence": "for example, customer will not:(i) prefetch, index, store, reshare, or rehost google maps content outside the services; (ii) bulk download geocodes; (iii) copy business names, addresses, or user reviews; or (iv) use google maps content with texttospeech services.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 97, "license_sentence": "the author does not warrant that the system is error free.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 98, "license_sentence": "if the software includes ancillary software licensed under the gnu general public license and/or under the gnu lesser general pubic license (\"gpl software\"), a complete machinereadable copy of the gpl software source code (\"gpl source code\") is either: (i) included with the software that is delivered to you; or (ii) upon your written request, hp will provide to you, for a fee covering the cost of distribution, a complete machinereadable copy of the gpl source code, by mail, or (iii) if you obtained the software by downloading it from a hp website and neither of the preceding options are available, you may download the gpl source code from the same website.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 99, "license_sentence": "unrar license unrar free utility for rar archives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ license for use and distribution of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ free portable version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the source code of unrar utility is freeware.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 100, "license_sentence": "distribution licensee may freely distribute the software, provided that: (i) such distribution includes only the original archive downloaded from the agna original site.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 101, "license_sentence": "sun microsystems, inc., at&t and bigelow & holmes, severally and individually, disclaim all warranties with regard to this source code, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 102, "license_sentence": "you must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from original code provided by eclipse in (a) the source code, and (b) in any notice in an executable version or related documentation in which you describe the origin or ownership of the covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 103, "license_sentence": "the initial developer hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims: a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by initial developer to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the original code (or portions thereof) with or without modifications, and/or as part of a larger work ; and 3. under patents claims infringed by the making, using or selling of original code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the original code (or portions thereof).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 104, "license_sentence": "you may not redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 105, "license_sentence": "modified versions of this report may also be copied and distributed for any purpose, provided that the modified version is clearly presented as such, and that it does not claim to be a definition of the haskell 2010 language.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 106, "license_sentence": "in general: personal, noncommercial use is generally permitted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 107, "license_sentence": "no charge can be incurred for the redistribution of this utility beyond material costs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 108, "license_sentence": "the names \"vocal\", \"vovida open communication application library\", and \"vovida open communication application library (vocal)\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 109, "license_sentence": "thus, we plan to make this algorithm/software free even for commercial uses, if the ipcs can obtain this amount of income from large companies (such as microsoft or apple) or governmental organizations, in the form of royalties or contributions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 110, "license_sentence": "this copyright notice must be included in the modified source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 111, "license_sentence": "by copying, installing or otherwise using spread module 1.5, licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 112, "license_sentence": "ti and its licensors make no warranty or representation, either express, implied or statutory, regarding the licensed materials, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement of any third party patents, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 113, "license_sentence": "the name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the original or derivative works without specific, written prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 114, "license_sentence": "you may reproduce and distribute copies of the work or derivative works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in source or object form, provided that you meet the following conditions: a. you must give any other recipients of the work or derivative works a copy of this license; and b. you must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files; and c. you must retain, in the source form of any derivative works that you distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the source form of the work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the derivative works; and d. if the work includes a \"notice\" text file as part of its distribution, then any derivative works that you distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such notice file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the derivative works, in at least one of the following places: within a notice text file distributed as part of the derivative works; within the source form or documentation, if provided along with the derivative works; or, within a display generated by the derivative works, if and wherever such thirdparty notices normally appear.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 115, "license_sentence": "no licensor marks may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the original code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 116, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"modencoding\" nor may \"modencoding\" appear in their names without prior written permission of internet initiative japan inc. for written permission, please contact tai@iij.ad.jp (taisuke yamada).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 117, "license_sentence": "the developer will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 118, "license_sentence": "you may also, under this license, transfer precompiled, executable programs incorporating our routines to other, unlicensed, screens or computers, providing that (i) your application is noncommercial (i.e., does not involve the selling of your program for a fee), (ii) the programs were first developed, compiled, and successfully run on a licensed screen, and (iii) our routines are bound into the programs in such a manner that they cannot be accessed as individual routines and cannot practicably be unbound and used in other programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 119, "license_sentence": "this hippocratic license is an ethical source license (https://ethicalsource.dev) and is offered for use by licensors and licensees at their own risk, on an \"as is\" basis, and with no warranties express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by laws.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 120, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the software readme file, including but not limited to the java technology restrictions of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute those files specifically identified as redistributable in the software \"readme\" file (\"redistributables\") provided that: i. you distribute the redistributables complete and unmodified, and only bundled as part of programs, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 121, "license_sentence": "further, the splunk entities shall not be responsible for any liability or damages arising in connection with or resulting from: (i) customer use or inability to use the service, including as a result of any: (a) termination or suspension of customer account, or (b) any unanticipated or unscheduled downtime for any reason, including as a result of power outages, system failures, or other interruptions, or (c) the cost of procurement of substitute services or goods, or (d) any investment, expenditure, or commitment by customer in connection with this agreement or customer\u2019s use of or access to the service; (ii) any changes made to the service or any temporary or permanent cessation of the service or any part thereof; (iii) any unauthorized access to, alteration of, or deletion of customer content; (iv) the deletion of, destruction, damage, loss, corruption of, or failure to store, send or receive any customer content, transmissions or data on or through the service; (v) statements or conduct of any third party on the service; and (vi) any other matter relating to the service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 122, "license_sentence": "you may copy, modify, deploy and distribute the source and object code form of these site templates.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 123, "license_sentence": "be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, including any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of the use or inability to use the font software or from other dealings in the font software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 124, "license_sentence": "2 distribution of modified software when the licensee makes an integrated contribution to the software, the terms and conditions for the distribution of the resulting modified software become subject to all the provisions of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 125, "license_sentence": "if it is not possible to put such notice in a particular source code file due to its structure, then you must include such notice in a location (such as a relevant directory file) where a user would be likely to look for such a notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 126, "license_sentence": "liability: the creator and contributors of this ai model bear no liability for any damages or consequences resulting from the use of this model.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 127, "license_sentence": "any or all software distributed under a given version of the agreement may only be subsequently distributed under the same version of the agreement, or a subsequent version, subject to the provisions of article 5.3.4. article 13 governing law and jurisdiction 13.1. the agreement is governed by french law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 128, "license_sentence": "we grant to you a limited, nontransferable and non exclusive right to use, copy and modify the software and/or modifications by unlimited developers working at a single location (physical address).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 129, "license_sentence": "the modifications which you create or to which you contribute are governed by the terms of this license, including without limitation section 2.2. the source code version of covered code may be distributed only under the terms of this license or a future version of this license released under section 7.1, and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 130, "license_sentence": "you will indemnify, defend and hold borland, its licensors, its suppliers and each of their respective employees, officers, directors and affiliates, harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising out of or related to the use, procurement, reproduction or distribution of your works by third parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 131, "license_sentence": "this license may not be resold, but applications developed in accordance with the terms of the license may be distributed freely subject to the limitations described above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 132, "license_sentence": "you shall indemnify and hold harmless at&t, its affiliates and authorized representatives against any claims, suits or proceedings asserted or commenced by any third party and arising out of, or relating to, your exercise of the rights granted to you pursuant to this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 133, "license_sentence": "except as expressly stated in section 2, no other patent rights, express or implied, are granted by apple herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 134, "license_sentence": "to the extent permitted by applicable law, google will not be liable for your lost revenues or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages, even if the google or its subsidiaries and affiliates have been advised of, knew or should have known that such damages were possible and even if direct damages do not satisfy a remedy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 135, "license_sentence": "this agreement may be freely reproduced and published, provided it is not altered, and that no provisions are either added or removed herefrom.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 136, "license_sentence": "you will not charge any third party a fee to use your maps api implementation, the service, or the content, unless you have purchased an applicable google maps platform premium plan or google maps apis for work license that expressly permits this use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 137, "license_sentence": "this program is free software; you can redistribute it freely.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 138, "license_sentence": "each recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the licensed work and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this license, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 139, "license_sentence": "in addition, mark adler has placed inflate.h, inflate.c, explode.c and funzip.c into the public domain; i.e., these files may be used without any restrictions beyond those of simple courtesy (credit where it's due).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 140, "license_sentence": "license does not permit licensee may not charge fees for distribution or delivery of the software without expressed written consent of alexisisaac.net.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 141, "license_sentence": "where the licensed rights include sui generis database rights that apply to your use of the licensed material: a. for the avoidance of doubt, section 2(a)(1) grants you the right to extract, reuse, reproduce, and share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database for noncommercial purposes only and provided you do not share adapted material; b. if you include all or a substantial portion of the database contents in a database in which you have sui generis database rights, then the database in which you have sui generis database rights (but not its individual contents) is adapted material; and c. you must comply with the conditions in section 3(a) if you share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 142, "license_sentence": "sharp zip lib gpl license this general public license does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 143, "license_sentence": "you agree not to modify the service in any manner or form, or to use modified versions of the software, including (without limitation) for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized access to the service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 144, "license_sentence": "everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is forbidden.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 145, "license_sentence": "assent of feedback provider: by: (signature) name: title: organization: date: email: appendix b. copyright license grant the undersigned, on its own behalf and on behalf of its represented organization and its affiliates, if any, with respect to their collective copyright ownership rights in the contribution \",\" grants to oasis a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide copyright license, with the right to directly and indirectly sublicense, to copy, publish, and distribute the contribution in any way, and to prepare derivative works that are based on or incorporate all or part of the contribution solely for the purpose of developing and promoting the oasis deliverable and enabling the implementation of the same by licensees or beneficiaries (all above capitalized terms are defined in the oasis intellectual property rights (\"ipr\") policy, see http://www.oasisopen.org/who/intellectualproperty.php).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 146, "license_sentence": "nonetheless, the software is designed and provided to you as a single product to be used as a single product on computers as permitted by sections 2 and 14. you are not required to use all component parts of the software, but you may not unbundle the component parts of the software for use on different computers.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 147, "license_sentence": "you may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any effective technological measures to, adapted material that restrict exercise of the rights granted under the adapter's license you apply.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 148, "license_sentence": "software: java web services developer pack, version 2.0 license term for fcs software: perpetual license term for ea software: 180 days licensed unit: software copy licensed unit count: unlimited permitted uses and additional restrictions for fcs software only: 1. you may reproduce and use the portions of the software identified as fcs software in the software's release notes (\"fcs software\") for individual, commercial, or research and instructional use for the purposes of designing, developing, testing, and running your applets and application(\"programs\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 149, "license_sentence": "additionally, without limitation of the foregoing and notwithstanding any provision of this license to the contrary, you cannot charge for, sell, license or sublicense for a fee, accept donations or otherwise receive compensation for the source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 150, "license_sentence": "the disclaimer and limited liability above are fundamental to this agreement between syncro and you.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 151, "license_sentence": "in no event will the author be held liable for any consequences/damages arising from the use of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 152, "license_sentence": "trademarks you shall not remove or alter any lutris or enhydra trademark or trade name placed in the original code by lutris.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 153, "license_sentence": "should the software product prove defective, you assume the risk and liability for the entire cost of all necessary repair, service, or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 154, "license_sentence": "company hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless cmu, its trustees, officers, employees, attorneys and agents from all claims or demands made against them (and any related losses, expenses or costs) arising out of or relating to company's and/or its sublicensees' use of, disposition of, or conduct regarding the licensed technology and/or licensed product including but not limited to, any claims of product liability, personal injury (including, but not limited to, death) damage to property or violation of any laws or regulations including, but not limited to, claims of active or passive negligence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 155, "license_sentence": "you may make copies of these clients and documentation in support of your authorized use of the program within your enterprise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 156, "license_sentence": "secret labs ab and the author disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 157, "license_sentence": ") this program is distributed as \"freeware\" and \"as is\".", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 158, "license_sentence": "in no event will the author be liable to you for any damages, including any loss of profit and/or data or other incidental, special or consequential damages even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 159, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: (1) redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 160, "license_sentence": "this toolkit may not be reproduced or included in any commercial media distribution, or commercial publication (for example cdrom, disk, book, magazine, journal) without first obtaining the author's express permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 161, "license_sentence": "webfx non commercial license updated 20020921 introduction our general rule is that everything on webfx is free for non commercial use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 162, "license_sentence": "effectively, this means you can do what you want with the software except remove this notice or take advantage of the author's name.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 163, "license_sentence": "this documentation must appear both in the source code and in a text file titled \"changes\" distributed with the licensed software and your extensions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 164, "license_sentence": "any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the linguistic resource is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 165, "license_sentence": "you may not alter, remove, or obscure any licensing, copyright, or other notices of the licensor in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 166, "license_sentence": "this database is provided by maxmind, inc ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 167, "license_sentence": "if you distribute the software on a standalone basis, you will do so under the terms of this agreement or your own license agreement which a. complies with the terms and conditions of this agreement; b. effectively disclaims all warranties and conditions, express or implied, on behalf of adobe; c. effectively excludes all liability for damages on behalf of adobe; d. states that any provisions that differ from this agreement are offered by you alone and not adobe; and e. states that the software is available from you or adobe and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 168, "license_sentence": "under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall you, the initial developer, any other contributor, or any distributor of covered code, or any supplier of any of such parties, be liable to any person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 169, "license_sentence": "you may not sublicense, transfer, assign, rent, or lease the licensed materials or this agreement without written permission from ti.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 170, "license_sentence": "licensee may use the media on which the software resides to copy the software onto those computing devices used by named users.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 171, "license_sentence": "gubusoft grants customer rights to modify the source code, for use within their server cpus and internet domains.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 172, "license_sentence": "\u00b7 recognize the use of part or all of the source code, the use of it and modify.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 173, "license_sentence": "the intent of this license is to establish the right to share and change the software regulated by this license under the open source model.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 174, "license_sentence": "notices you must ensure that everyone who gets a copy of any part of this software from you, with or without changes, also gets the text of this license along with the corresponding source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 175, "license_sentence": "winzip makes no warranties, and shall have no liability, direct or indirect, whatsoever with respect to open source materials contained in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 176, "license_sentence": "except as expressly authorized under this agreement, licensee is prohibited from: a. using the software on behalf of third parties; b. renting, leasing, lending or granting other rights in the software including rights on a membership or subscription basis; and c. providing use of the software in a computer service business, third party outsourcing facility or service, service bureau arrangement, network, or time sharing basis.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 177, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, microsoft and its suppliers provide the software, and support services (if any) as is and with all faults, and microsoft and its suppliers hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of reliability or availability, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide support or other services, information, software, and related content through the software or otherwise arising out of the use of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 178, "license_sentence": "no warranty and limited replacement: the materials and information are provided \"as is\" with no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of intellectual property rights, or any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal, specification, or sample.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 179, "license_sentence": "object and conditions of the license concerning composite software 1. inria and enpc authorize you to reproduce and interface all or part of the software with all or part of other software, application packages or toolboxes of which you are owner or entitled beneficiary in order to obtain composite software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 180, "license_sentence": "Each time You Distribute or Publicly Perform an Adaptation, Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the original Work on the same terms and conditions as the license granted to You under this License.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 181, "license_sentence": "restrictions you will not, and will not permit, assist or cause any third party to: a. use, modify, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, or distribute the software products (or any derivative works thereof, works incorporating the software products, or any data produced by the software), in whole or in part, for (i) any commercial or production purposes, (ii) military purposes or in the service of nuclear technology, (iii) purposes of surveillance, including any research or development relating to surveillance, (iv) biometric processing, (v) in any manner that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any thirdparty rights, or (vi) in any manner that violates any applicable law and violating any privacy or security laws, rules, regulations, directives, or governmental requirements (including the general data privacy regulation (regulation (eu) 2016/679), the california consumer privacy act, and any and all laws governing the processing of biometric information), as well as all amendments and successor laws to any of the foregoing; b. alter or remove copyright and other proprietary notices which appear on or in the software products; c. utilize any equipment, device, software, or other means to circumvent or remove any security or protection used by stability ai in connection with the software, or to circumvent or remove any usage restrictions, or to enable functionality disabled by stability ai; or d. offer or impose any terms on the software products that alter, restrict, or are inconsistent with the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 182, "license_sentence": "you must cause the program, at each time it commences operation, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 183, "license_sentence": "in the event that applicable law does not allow the complete exclusion or limitation of liability of claims and damages as set forth in this agreement, the university of notre dame's liability is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 184, "license_sentence": "conditions and limitations a. no trademark license this license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 185, "license_sentence": "you may make copies of the end user product, and the associated adobe runtime, and distribute those copies; provided, however, that (a) the adobe runtime may not be distributed or used other than as bundled with the output file as part of the end user product, and (b) you shall make use of the adobe runtime by each distributee subject to the distributee's agreement that no title to, or ownership rights in, the adobe runtime are transferred and that the end user product, including the adobe runtime, shall not be reverse compiled or disassembled.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Combine Libraries": "MUST" } }, { "id": 186, "license_sentence": "the jmagnetic software may be redistributed freely under the following conditions: (1) that no profit is made from the sale or distribution of the jmagnetic software (2) that the source code of the jmagnetic software, or any portion thereof, not be modified in any way or incorporated into any other software without pemission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 187, "license_sentence": "you assume all responsibility for use of the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 188, "license_sentence": "widget workshop makes no representations or warranties about the suitability of the software, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 189, "license_sentence": "if you can't do that, you must provide a link to a site where the source can be obtained.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 190, "license_sentence": "por exemplo, se voc\u00ea distribuir c\u00f3pias de algum desses programas, tanto gratuitamente como mediante uma taxa, voc\u00ea ter\u00e1 de conceder aos receptores todos os direitos que voc\u00ea possui.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 191, "license_sentence": "open ssl toolkit is provided by the openssl project \"as is\" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 192, "license_sentence": "python for delphi license this source code is distributed with no warranty, for no reason or use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 193, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability a. you expressly acknowledge and agree that installation and use of, and any other access to, the application is at your sole risk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 194, "license_sentence": "you agree that there is no warranty, express or implied, for this software whatsoever.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 195, "license_sentence": "(b) no trademark license this license does not grant you any rights to use the licensor's name, logo, or trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 196, "license_sentence": "except with respect to the redistributables, which are provided \"as is,\" without warranty of any kind, microsoft warrants that a. the software product will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt, and b. any hardware accompanying the software product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 197, "license_sentence": "if you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obliged to do so.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 198, "license_sentence": "\u201cadditional use rights\u201d means a license to use the software, whether unchanged or (for the portions of the software that we supply in source code form) as modified by you, (a) within your company for the purposes of designing, developing and testing your products for use with the software, and (b) in a live operating environment to allow your customers to use, via a web interface, your products that need the software to run.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 199, "license_sentence": "ownership: you may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of our products, modified or unmodified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 200, "license_sentence": "insofar as permitted under applicable law, all other warranties are specifically excluded, including warranties arising by statute, course of dealing or usage of trade.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 201, "license_sentence": "4 you must prohibit your authorized endusers from using the software independently from your integrated products, or from decompiling, reverse engineering or otherwise seeking to discover the source code of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 202, "license_sentence": "subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered code and/or as part of a larger work ; and under patent claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its contributor version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) modifications made by that contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of modifications made by that contributor with its contributor version (or portions of such combination).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 203, "license_sentence": "the user must assume the entire risk of using this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 204, "license_sentence": "notices you must ensure that anyone who gets a copy of any part of the software from you also gets a copy of these terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 205, "license_sentence": "redistribution of source code subject to these terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 206, "license_sentence": "you must affix such a notice to any open game content that you use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 207, "license_sentence": "nothing in this license shall be deemed to grant any rights to trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets or any other intellectual property of initial contributor, subsequent contributor, or distributor except as expressly stated herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 208, "license_sentence": "proguard is distributed under the term of the gnu general public license (gpl), as published by the free software foundation (fsf).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 209, "license_sentence": "neither the name of sun microsystems, inc., 'java', 'java'based names, or the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 210, "license_sentence": "original contributor understands and agrees that the use of any licensee marks in connection with this agreement shall not create any right, title or interest, in, or to the licensee marks or any licensee trademarks and that all such use and goodwill associated with any such trademarks will inure to the benefit of licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 211, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant licensee any rights in any part to use the trademarks, logos, commercial symbols, service marks owned by the licensor on legal grounds and in accordance with the provisions of applicable law, except when otherwise stipulated by the licensor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 212, "license_sentence": "for any nonconfidential information you do send, post or submit you hereby grant motorola an unrestricted, royaltyfree, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute the nonconfidential information, and agree that motorola is free to use any ideas, concepts, knowhow or techniques that you send motorola for any purpose whatsoever without compensation to you or any other person sending the nonconfidential information, and you represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the nonconfidential information and that public posting and use of your content by motorola will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 213, "license_sentence": "in no event will atinav or any other party who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the licensed materials be liable for special, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including loss of profits, revenue, business, goodwill, data or computer programs or inability to use the licensed materials, however caused and regardless of the theory of liabiliy even if atinav or such other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 214, "license_sentence": "(b) the software contains trade secrets and to protect them you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to human readable form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 215, "license_sentence": "voc\u00ea pode copiar e distribuir c\u00f3pias sem altera\u00e7\u00f5es do c\u00f3digofonte completo da biblioteca ao receb\u00ealo, em qualquer meio ou m\u00eddia, desde que publique, ostensiva e adequadamente, um aviso de direitos autorais (ou copyright) apropriado e uma notifica\u00e7\u00e3o sobre a exonera\u00e7\u00e3o de garantias; mantenha intactas as informa\u00e7\u00f5es, avisos ou notifica\u00e7\u00f5es referentes a esta licen\u00e7a e \u00e0 aus\u00eancia de qualquer garantia; e distribua uma c\u00f3pia desta licen\u00e7a junto com a biblioteca.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 216, "license_sentence": "give nonstandard executables nonstandard names, with instructions on where to get the original software distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 217, "license_sentence": "(c) all downstream distributions shall: (i) include all portions and elements of the frameworx code base required to build the source code of such downstream distribution into a fully functional machineexecutable system, or additional build scripts or comparable software necessary and sufficient for such purposes; (ii) include, in each file containing any portion or element of the frameworx code base, the following identifying legend: this file contains software that has been made available under the frameworx open license 1.0. use and distribution hereof are subject to the restrictions set forth therein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 218, "license_sentence": "this agreement does not give you any rights to install or use copies or partial copies of microsoft silverlight.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 219, "license_sentence": "user is permitted to use this code in whole or as parts for other nonprofit projects.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 220, "license_sentence": "you may permit distributors of your programs to copy and distribute the software deliverables as part of those programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 221, "license_sentence": "i cannot and will not be responsible for lost data.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 222, "license_sentence": "licensee acknowledges and agrees that the licensed software (including technical data and related technology) may be controlled by the export control laws, rules, regulations, restrictions and national security controls of the united states and other applicable foreign agencies (the \"export controls\"), and agrees not export or reexport, or allow the export or reexport of exportcontrolled the licensed software (including technical data and related technology) or any copy, portion or direct product of the foregoing in violation of the export controls.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 223, "license_sentence": "sauf mention \u00e9crite, les d\u00e9tenteurs du copyright et/ou les tiers fournissent le programme en l'\u00e9tat, sans aucune sorte de garantie explicite ou implicite, y compris les garanties de commercialisation ou d'adaptation dans un but particulier.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 224, "license_sentence": "pursuant to agplv3, section 7(a), in addition to the warranty and liability disclaimers already found in agplv3, the copyright holders specifically disclaim any liability for accusations of patent infringement by any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 225, "license_sentence": "global ip sound ilbc public license, v2.0 ietf version limited commercial use please read this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 226, "license_sentence": "customer will defend splunk against any claim brought against splunk by a third party arising out of or relating to any excluded matter or any customer extension, and customer will pay all damages finally awarded against splunk by a court of competent jurisdiction as a result of such claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 227, "license_sentence": "each time you communicate the database, the whole or substantial part of the contents, or any derivative database to anyone else in any way, the licensor offers to the recipient a license to the database on the same terms and conditions as this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 228, "license_sentence": "the library code in the lib directory may only be redistributed when linked into your application; iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 229, "license_sentence": "while this agreement contemplates the commercial use and distribution of licensed software, commercial distributors of software may, for a variety of reasons, accept certain responsibilities with respect to customers, licensees, business partners and the like.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 230, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability a. except for the indemnification obligations of section 17 or breach of sections 6 or 10, neither party will be liable to any person, with respect to any loss, damage, cost, expense or other claim, for any consequential (such as loss of income; loss of business profits or contracts; business interruption; loss of the use of money or anticipated savings; loss of information; loss of opportunity, goodwill or reputation; loss of, damage to or corruption of data), indirect, special, punitive or other damages in relation to the products including, without limitation: (a) any use or reliance on a product by the person (including the form and content of errors in and/or omissions from any information contained in the products); (b) any delay, interruption or other failure in the provision of a product; or (c) any change in the form or content of a product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 231, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"horde\" or \"forwards\", nor may \"horde\" or \"forwards\" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the horde project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 232, "license_sentence": "acknowledgement of the original author must be retained.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 233, "license_sentence": "do no redistribute this program over the internet or in any other medium.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 234, "license_sentence": "public download availability the software may be placed on a web server, ftp server, etc for public distribution at no charge to the distributor, so long as the package remains intact, as distributed from www.stonekeep.com, and proper attribution is made to the author and the web site where the package came from.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 235, "license_sentence": "include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the modified version under the terms of this license, in the form shown in the addendum below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 236, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, kms grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, nonsublicensable license to use the software solely on your computers for your internal test execution and management operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 237, "license_sentence": "stability ai noncommercial research community license agreement dated: march 18, 2024 by clicking \u201ci accept\u201d below or by using or distributing any portion or element of the models, software, software products or derivative works, you agree to the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 238, "license_sentence": "if you make the functionality of the program or a modified version available to third parties as a service, you must make the service source code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 239, "license_sentence": "prohibited uses under this commercial license, you are not allowed to create applications that can be described as a development toolkit or library, an application builder, a website builder or any application that is intended for use by software, application, or website developers or designers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 240, "license_sentence": "the license granted in section 3 above is expressly made subject to and limited by the following restrictions: a. you may distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the work only under the terms of this license, and you must include a copy of, or the uniform resource identifier for, this license with every copy or phonorecord of the work you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 241, "license_sentence": "you will not use microsoft trademarks in eligible products' names or in a way that suggests eligible products come from or are endorsed by microsoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 242, "license_sentence": "in particular, without limitation, this license does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of aptana.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 243, "license_sentence": "all rights reserved permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright no tice appear in all copies and that both that copyright no tice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu mentation, and that the name sun not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 244, "license_sentence": "any use, reproduction or distribution of the licensed program, or any exercise of rights under this agreement by a recipient (as defined in article 1 below) constitutes the recipient's acceptance of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 245, "license_sentence": "<7.adaptation of program> when a user makes some modification partly on the program and uses it, and treats as quite different from the original program, it is regarded as secondary use, not depending on the volume of modification.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 246, "license_sentence": "you may distribute sample code in source code or object code format on a standalone basis or as bundled with other software, as long as you first make modifications to such sample code that result in material improvements.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 247, "license_sentence": "except for the above express limited warranty, the apex sdk is provided \u201cas is\u201d and nvidia and its licensors make, and you receive, no other warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or in any communication with you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 248, "license_sentence": "total liability, if any, arising out of this agreement or licensee's use of the software or related services shall exceed the fees paid by licensee for the affected software or related service(s) giving rise to the claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 249, "license_sentence": "the software and any related documentation is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 250, "license_sentence": "you hereby agree to indemnify health administration corporation and every contributor for any liability incurred by health administration corporation or such contributor as a result of any such terms you offer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 251, "license_sentence": "you must reproduce on such copy the nsbc copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the software and fonts.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 252, "license_sentence": "terms the licensor hereby grants you the right to copy, modify, create derivative works, redistribute, and make nonproduction use of the licensed work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 253, "license_sentence": "licensor does not assume liability for the use of the ziparchive library trial version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 254, "license_sentence": "as a special exception to gplv3+, red hat grants you permission to link software whose sources are distributed under a license that satisfies the open source definition with libcygwin.a, without libcygwin.a itself causing the resulting program to be covered by gplv3+.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 255, "license_sentence": "you may redistribute the runtime components on the following conditions: you agree to: a. distribute the runtime components in object code form only and in conjunction with and as a part of your software product legally developed under the development license above; b. not suppress, alter, or remove proprietary rights notices contained therein; c. indemnify, hold harmless, and defend excelsior and its suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney\u2019s fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of your software product; and d. ensure that your distributors and customers agree to act in a manner consistent with your obligations under this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 256, "license_sentence": "if not, write to the free software foundation, inc., 59 temple place, suite 330, boston, ma 021111307 usa as a special exception, red hat gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the code that is the output of cgen.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 257, "license_sentence": "in no event shall sendmail, inc., the regents of the university of california or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 258, "license_sentence": "you must, where you do any of the above: acknowledge the source of the information by including any attribution statement specified by the information provider(s) and, where possible, provide a link to this licence; if the information provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, you must use the following: contains information licensed under the noncommercial government licence v2.0.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 259, "license_sentence": "you may permit distributors of your authorized applications to copy and distribute the distributable code as part of those applications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 260, "license_sentence": "you are not allowed to disassemble, decompile or \u201cunlock\u201d, decode or otherwise reverse translate or engineer, or attempt in any manner to reconstruct or discover any source code or underlying algorithms of software that is provided to you in object code form only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 261, "license_sentence": "object code) form solely for the permitted use, and (ii) distribute in object code only the vuforia engine binary files and the vuforia word lists that are included in the software, solely as such binary files are integrated into and used by each software application that you develop for the permitted use in accordance with the documentation and the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 262, "license_sentence": "the software and documentation are provided \"as is\" and without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 263, "license_sentence": "corresponding source conveyed, and installation information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Include Install Instructions": "MUST" } }, { "id": 264, "license_sentence": "in no event will the author(s) or their institutions be liable to you for damages, including lost profits, lost monies, or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to operate as documented) the program, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damanges, or for any claim by any other party, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other tortious action.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 265, "license_sentence": "licensed product is provided under this license on an as is basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties that the licensed product is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or noninfringing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 266, "license_sentence": "if you modify the program or any covered work, without changing its source code, only by linking or combining some or all bundles of the program with separate works covered by agpl incompatible license terms, the licensors of this program grant you the additional permission to convey the resulting work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 267, "license_sentence": "modifications if you have modified the program, you must include prominent notices in stating that you have modified the program's files, your name, your email address (if any) and the date and purpose of any change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 268, "license_sentence": "the software is licensed, not sold, to you for use only under the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 269, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the original code (including any modifications you make) and the documentation is with you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 270, "license_sentence": "all warranties and conditions, express, implied, and statutory are hereby dislcaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 271, "license_sentence": "no license is granted to licensee for any other purpose and licensee may not sell, rent, loan or otherwise encumber or transfer licensed software in whole or in part, to any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 272, "license_sentence": "no warranty unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the software is provided on an \"as is\" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of title, noninfringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 273, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, you may exercise your rights under this license to use the product and to create works solely for your own personal use in providing or receiving instruction within the limited scope of guided computer programming and/or software training courses in which you are a direct and personal participant, either as student or instructor (\"courses\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 274, "license_sentence": "use, reproduction and distribution of components of the sdk licensed under an open source software license are governed solely by the terms of that open source software license and not the license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 275, "license_sentence": "the authors disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall the authors be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 276, "license_sentence": "st and its licensors expressly disclaim all warranties, expressed, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of intellectual property rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 277, "license_sentence": "ce contrat peut \u00eatre reproduit et diffus\u00e9 librement, sous r\u00e9serve de le conserver en l'\u00e9tat, sans ajout ni suppression de clauses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 278, "license_sentence": "ensure everyone who gets a copy of this software from you, in source code or any other form, gets the text of this license and the contributor and source code lines above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 279, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability to the extent not prohibited by law, in no event will sun or its licensors be liable for any damages, including without limitation, lost revenue, profits or data, or for special, indirect, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability, arising out of or related in any way to your having, implementing or otherwise using using the specification, even if sun and/or its licensors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 280, "license_sentence": "you must cause any codec that you distribute or publish to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 281, "license_sentence": "you do not have: the permission to ask money for duckietv, in any shape, way or form, for instance by wrapping it in an adwareinstaller, requiring payment to download (evolutions of) duckietv, or by injecting ads to the program ever.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 282, "license_sentence": "contributors may impose different terms on their contributions by stating those terms in writing at the time the contribution is made.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 283, "license_sentence": "any software distributed under a given version of the agreement may only be subsequently distributed under the same version of the agreement or a subsequent version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 284, "license_sentence": "you document all your modifications, indicate the date of each such modification, designate the version of the software you used, prominently include a file carrying such information with respect to the modifications and duplicate the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers attached hereto as schedule \"b\" or any other notices or disclaimers attached to the software with your modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 285, "license_sentence": "use other than for commercial purposes is strictly limited to data transfer between private individuals and not serving commercial purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 286, "license_sentence": "incors' sole liability for any breach of this warranty shall be, in incors' sole discretion: a. to replace the defective software; or b. to advise you how to achieve substantially the same functionality with the software as described in the documentation through a procedure different from that set forth in the documentation; or c. if the above remedies are impracticable, to refund any license fee you paid for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 287, "license_sentence": "you may modify, distribute and bundle original code, with or without modifications, with other software, provided that in each instance: a. you must retain and reproduce in all copies of original code the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers, including any warranty disclaimer, of licensor as they appear in the original code, and keep intact all notices in the original code that refer to this license and any warranty disclaimer contained in this license; b. you must include a copy of this license and the mindterm end user license agreement, including procedures for acceptance or nonacceptance of the same, with every copy of covered code and documentation you distribute, and you may not offer or impose any terms that alter or restrict the licenses or the recipients' rights hereunder, except as permitted under section 6; c. you must duplicate, to the extent it does not already exist, the notice in exhibit a in each file of the source code of all your modifications, and cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change; d. you must make source code of all your deployed modifications publicly available under the terms of this license, including the license grants set forth in section 3 below, for as long as you deploy the covered code or twelve (12) months from the date of initial deployment, whichever is longer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 288, "license_sentence": "by copying, installing or otherwise using jython, licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 289, "license_sentence": "furthermore, if you distribute the smp software or parts of the smp software, with or without modifications developed by you and/or others, then you must either make available the source code to all portions of the smp software (exclusive of any modifications made by you and/or by others) upon request, or instead you may notify anyone requesting the smp software source code that it is freely available from the u.s. government.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 290, "license_sentence": "modification and reverse engineering you may not (and may not permit or encourage any third party to): i. reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the software, or any part thereof, or otherwise attempt to derive source code; or c. create any alteration, adaptation, modification, translation, improvement or derivative work of the software (a \"derivative\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 291, "license_sentence": "distributor fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other components in the aggregation are permitted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 292, "license_sentence": "rename any nonstandard executables so the names do not conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate manual page (or equivalent) for each nonstandard executable that clearly documents how it differs from the standard version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 293, "license_sentence": "\"to distribute\" means to transmit the copy of the program, its source code, documentation, the copy of the license and all rights simultaneously under the terms and conditions of the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 294, "license_sentence": "each recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this license, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 295, "license_sentence": "sybase may, at its sole discretion, choose to license such sybase modifications under this license, or on different terms from those contained in this license or may choose not to license them at all.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 296, "license_sentence": "do not remove or alter the agreement, any proprietary legends or notices contained in the software; iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 297, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify and hold mcafee and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees harmless from any claim or demand, including attorney's fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the software in breach of this agreement, or in violation of the rights of a third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 298, "license_sentence": "that microsoft is granted back, a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royaltyfree, and sublicensable license to, for any purpose, reproduce, publicly perform or display, install, use, modify, distribute, make and have made, sell and transfer modifications to and/or derivative works of the software source code or data that you provide to microsoft through the codeplex tool or otherwise make directly available to microsoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 299, "license_sentence": "a copy of the license is provided with the original code and modifications, and is also available at www.sybase.com/developer/opensource.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 300, "license_sentence": "download from a web site); and (d) if you deploy covered code in object code, executable form only, you must include a prominent notice, in the code itself as well as in related documentation, stating that source code of the covered code is available under the terms of this license with information on how and where to obtain such source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 301, "license_sentence": "camediaplay license redistribution freely redistributable, as long as everything is kept unmodified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 302, "license_sentence": "pysp license pysp is free and you can do as you like with it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 303, "license_sentence": "in addition to the other terms contained herein, and subject to your compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, we grant to you a revocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable and nonsublicensable license to install and use the software (the \u201ctrial license\u201d) strictly for your internal evaluation and review purposes and not for production purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 304, "license_sentence": "by using, copying, modifying, or distributing the codec or a larger work (defined below), you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 305, "license_sentence": "especially you must retain all copyright notices that are currently in place, and this license without modification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 306, "license_sentence": "if company pays using a third party payment processor or credit card, appsflyer accepts no responsibility or liability for the actions, omissions or privacy policies of the third party payment processor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 307, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms with or without modification are permitted provided that: 1. source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and comment, and 2. distributions including binaries display the following acknowledgement: \"this product includes software developed by the university of california, berkeley and its contributors\" in the documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 308, "license_sentence": "(b) ; customer may distribute customer application seat software to end users through subdistributors who are part of customer's normal distribution channels.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 309, "license_sentence": "as described below you may use this licence for any software that you wish to distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 310, "license_sentence": "you, or anyone else, is free to use the program whenever, and however they like for themselves, for no charge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 311, "license_sentence": "you must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 312, "license_sentence": "\"commercial purpose\" is one intended for or that results in commercial advantage or monetary compensation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 313, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the authors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 314, "license_sentence": "no support 4.1 sun is under no obligation to support licensed software or to provide licensee with updates or error corrections (collectively \"software updates\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 315, "license_sentence": "in no event shall intel or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if intel has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 316, "license_sentence": "vous assumez l'ensemble des risques decoulant de l'utilisation ou du fonctionnement du logiciel.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 317, "license_sentence": "for any distributable code you distribute, you must: add significant primary functionality to it in your programs; only invoke the software via interfaces described in the software documentation; for any distributable code having a filename extension of .lib, distribute only the results of running such distributable code through a linker with your application; distribute distributable code included in a setup program only as part of that setup program without modification; require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement; display your valid copyright notice on your programs; for distributable code from the windows media services sdk portions of the software, include in your program's helpabout box (or in another obvious place if there is no box) the following copyright notice: \"portions utilize microsoft windows media technologies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 318, "license_sentence": "agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend sun and its licensors from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of any and all programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 319, "license_sentence": "any award of damages from the qt company to licensee shall not exceed the total amount licensee has paid to the qt company in connection with this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 320, "license_sentence": "their reproduction or disclosure, in whole or in part, or the production of derivative works therefrom without the express permission of dolby laboratories is prohibited.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 321, "license_sentence": "restrictions licensee may not: (a) decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to a human perceivable form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 322, "license_sentence": "the original code and all software distributed under the license are distributed on an 'as is' basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, and apple hereby disclaims all such warranties, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 323, "license_sentence": "application of additional terms 3.5.1 you may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of covered software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 324, "license_sentence": "in no event shall stanford be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 325, "license_sentence": "this software is offered as is, without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 326, "license_sentence": "new versions will be published with a unique version number.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 327, "license_sentence": "this agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by you and us.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 328, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the contributor or the itu be liable for any incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever arising from the use of these programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 329, "license_sentence": "i understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information i submit with it, including my signoff) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or the open source license(s) involved.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 330, "license_sentence": "lars ivar igesund license copyright 20032005 lars ivar igesund {larsivar'at'igesund.net} permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 331, "license_sentence": "preserve in that license notice the full lists of invariant sections and required cover texts given in the document's license notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 332, "license_sentence": "distribution of executable versions you may distribute or otherwise make available covered code in executable form only if the requirements of sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 have been met for that covered code, and if you include a notice stating that the source code version of the covered code is available under the terms of this license, including a description of how and where you have fulfilled the obligations of section 3.2. the notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in an executable version, related documentation or collateral in which you describe recipients' rights relating to the covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 333, "license_sentence": "section iii: conditions of usage, distribution and redistribution distribution and redistribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 334, "license_sentence": "the user assumes all liability and responsibility for use of this source code, and the author will be liable for damages of any kind resulting from its use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 335, "license_sentence": "nfr copies: notwithstanding other sections of this license, apple software labeled or otherwise provided to you on a promotional basis may only be used for demonstration, testing and evaluation purposes and may not be resold or transferred.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 336, "license_sentence": "copying or modifying this code for any purpose is permitted, provided that this copyright notice is preserved in its entirety in all copies or modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 337, "license_sentence": "\"3dfx\" means 3dfx interactive, inc. 3. licensed activities 3.1 copying you may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, subject to the provision of section 3.3 and provided also that: (a) you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice (3dfx interactive, inc. 1999), a notice that recipients who wish to copy, distribute or modify the program can only do so subject to this license, and a disclaimer of warranty as set forth in section 5; (b) keep intact all the notices that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty; and (c) do not make any use of the glide trademark without the prior written permission of 3dfx, and (d) give all recipients of the program a copy of this license along with the program or instructions on how to easily receive a copy of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 338, "license_sentence": "tout utilisateur disposant d\u2019un acc\u00e8s valide \u00e0 votre ordinateur ou \u00e0 votre r\u00e9seau interne peut copier et utiliser la documentation \u00e0 des fins de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence interne.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 339, "license_sentence": "this license agreement governs the use of the model and modifications of the model.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 340, "license_sentence": "anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute the original sqlite code, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commerical or noncommerical, and by any means.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 341, "license_sentence": "you may use the resulting updated software only in accordance with the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 342, "license_sentence": "you may create a larger work by combining covered software with other software not governed by the terms of this license and distribute the larger work as a single product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 343, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, deepseek hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nocharge, royaltyfree, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the complementary material, the model, and derivatives of the model.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 344, "license_sentence": "(c) modify the software, provided that modifications remain subject to the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 345, "license_sentence": "in accordance with section 4, the full source code of all components of the product must be made available to any and all end users.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 346, "license_sentence": "pixar modified apache 2.0 license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution 1. definitions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 347, "license_sentence": "you must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from original code provided by the initial developer and including the name of the initial developer in (a) the source code, and (b) in any notice in an executable version or related documentation in which you describe the origin or ownership of the covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 348, "license_sentence": "you may distribute covered software in executable form only if the requirements of section 3.13.5 have been met for that covered software, and if you include a notice stating that the source code version of the covered software is available under the terms of this license, including a description of how and where you have fulfilled the obligations of section 3.2. the notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in an executable version, related documentation or collateral in which you describe recipients' rights relating to the covered software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 349, "license_sentence": "no further license or permission may be inferred or deemed or construed to exist with regard to the source code or the code base of which it forms a part.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 350, "license_sentence": "no oral or written advice provided by electronic arts or any authorized representative shall create a warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 351, "license_sentence": "therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN" } }, { "id": 352, "license_sentence": "license is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are identified as \"derived from the rsa data security, inc. md4 or md5 messagedigest algorithm\" in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 353, "license_sentence": "use, download or otherwise copy, or provide (whether or not for a fee) to a person or entity any directory of users of the service or other user or usage information or any portion thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 354, "license_sentence": "you may not charge copyright license fees for anyone to use, copy or distribute the fdk aac codec software or your modifications thereto.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 355, "license_sentence": "custom versions may only be distributed as freeware and under terms no less restrictive than this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 356, "license_sentence": "you may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the program except as expressly provided under this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 357, "license_sentence": "jgraph ltd. and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 358, "license_sentence": "licensor disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 359, "license_sentence": "no patent license is granted separate from the licensed software, for code that you delete from the licensed software and use separately, or for combinations of the licensed software with other software or hardware.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 360, "license_sentence": "the gnu general public license does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 361, "license_sentence": "the name \"mx4j\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 362, "license_sentence": "notices you must ensure that anyone who gets a copy of any part of the software from you also gets a copy of these terms or the url for them above, as well as copies of any plaintext lines beginning with `required notice:` that the licensor provided with the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 363, "license_sentence": "you acknowledge that good data processing procedure dictates that any program, including hb++, must be thoroughly tested with noncritical data before you rely on it, and you hereby assume the entire risk of using the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 364, "license_sentence": "it provides a license to use this software and contains warranty information and liability disclaimers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 365, "license_sentence": "you will not, and will not permit, assist or cause any third party, to use, modify, copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, or distribute the licensed material, and any third party material included therein, and derivative works (or any works linked thereof or incorporating the licensed material), in whole or in part, in any manner that infringes, misappropriates, or otherwise violates any thirdparty rights, you will not, and will not permit, assist or cause any third party to alter or remove copyright and other proprietary notices which appear on or in the license material.3.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 366, "license_sentence": "licensee may not distribute, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of applications and/or redistributables, in binary/compiled form, or in any other form, if such action is part of a joint software and hardware distribution, except as provided by a separate runtime distribution license with the qt company or one of its authorized distributors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 367, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"moduseragent\".", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 368, "license_sentence": "no part of the material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without intel's prior express written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 369, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation for any peaceful purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above notices appear in all copies and that both those notices and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 370, "license_sentence": "redistributable code microsoft foundation classes (mfc), active template libraries (atl), and c runtimes (crts).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 371, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability: in no event will the copyright holders, their third party licensors, the united states, the united states department of energy, or their employees: be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages of any kind or nature, including but not limited to loss of profits or loss of data, for any reason whatsoever, whether such liability is asserted on the basis of contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise, even if any of said parties has been warned of the possibility of such loss or damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 372, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, licensor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) license to exercise the rights in the work as stated below: 1. to reproduce the work, to incorporate the work into one or more collective works, and to reproduce the work as incorporated in the collective works; 2. to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform publicly, and perform publicly by means of a digital audio transmission the work including as incorporated in collective works; the above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter devised.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN" } }, { "id": 373, "license_sentence": "spider developed by metacryption llc (www.metacryption.com) 1144 w. washington blvd, chicago, il 60607, usa license 1. this license applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this general public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 374, "license_sentence": "the developer shall be obligated to give a notice that the source code is used, in such a way as separately established by tron forum, when they use the source code or the derivative work of the source code, or make the binary code available to the end user on the embedded product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 375, "license_sentence": "in addition, you must make absolutely clear that any license terms applying to such software or modification that differ from this agreement are offered by you alone and not by zimbra, and that such license does not restrict recipients from exercising rights in the source code to the software granted by zimbra under this agreement or rights in the source code to any modification granted by you as described in section 1.3.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 376, "license_sentence": "however, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to oasis, except as needed for the purpose of developing oasis specifications, in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the oasis intellectual property rights document must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than english.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 377, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms of the reference implementation of the java metadata interface specification (the \"software\"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: redistributions of the software source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 378, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding termination, the following provisions shall survive: disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 379, "license_sentence": "you agree that you are solely responsible for (and that google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) the application or any content that you create, transmit or display while using the service and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which google may suffer) by doing so.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 380, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement and restrictions and exceptions set forth in the software \"readme\" file incorporated herein by reference, including, but not limited to section 4 (java technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license without fees to reproduce internally and use internally the binary form of the software complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file) for the sole purpose of designing, developing, testing, and running your java applets and applications intended to run on javaenabled general purpose desktop computers and servers (\"programs\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 381, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the .", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 382, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute the object code form of code listed on the redist list located at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid523763&clcid0x409.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 383, "license_sentence": "your patent license to use the work shall be royalty free and without charge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN" } }, { "id": 384, "license_sentence": "this limitation will apply even if nsa has been advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 385, "license_sentence": "bittorrent, inc. disclaims any responsibility for harm resulting from bittorrent or any software or content downloaded using bittorrent, whether or not bittorrent, inc. approved such software or content.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 386, "license_sentence": "permission for use and modification without distribution (1) you are permitted to use the standard version and create and use modified versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that you do not distribute the modified version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 387, "license_sentence": "in any case, vita nuova's and its suppliers' entire liability under this licence shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the licensed soft ware.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 388, "license_sentence": "if you distribute the executable version under a different license you must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this license are offered by you alone, not by health administration corporation or any contributor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 389, "license_sentence": "don't remove or alter the copyright notice on the font.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 390, "license_sentence": "the name of the copyright holder may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 391, "license_sentence": "such limitation of liability shall apply to prevent recovery of direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, and punitive damages whether such claim is based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, (even if google and/or a third party software or content provider have been advised of the possibility of such damages).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 392, "license_sentence": "license holders are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of use and assume all risks associated with its use, including but not limited to the risks of program errors, damage to equipment, loss of data or software programs, or unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 393, "license_sentence": "these files are provided with no support or obligation on the part of u.r.a.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 394, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must (a) rename your license so that the phrases \"ecos\", \"ecos\", \"red hat\", \"rhepl\" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear anywhere in your license and (b) otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the red hat ecos public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 395, "license_sentence": "you may distribute sdk source files (but not the sample code) in source code or object code format on a standalone basis or as bundled with other components useful to developers, as long as you first make modifications to such files that result in material improvements, and provided that you (a) include a copyright notice reflecting copyright ownership in such modified files, and (b) do not use \"mx,\" \"mxml,\" \"flex,\" \"flash,\" or \"adobe\" in any new package or class names distributed with the sdk source files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 396, "license_sentence": "distribution of notice: licensee must ensure that everyone who receives a copy of or uses any part of software from licensee, with or without changes, also receives the license and the copyright notice included with software (and if included by the licensor, patent, trademark, and attribution notice).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 397, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant any rights to use the trademarks \"socialtext\" and the \"socialtext\" logo and dreamcatcher, even if such marks are included in the original code or modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 398, "license_sentence": "user acknowledges that the software is not open source and may not be modified or distributed without permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 399, "license_sentence": "code can be used anywhere as long as this copyright notices are kept untouched in both binary and sourcecode forms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 400, "license_sentence": "if you change the generating script, you must include code in it such that any output is clearly labeled as generated by a modified script.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 401, "license_sentence": "prohibited actions except for distributions for internal business and/or personal use to your employees or contractors in compliance with these terms and conditions, you may not distribute google web toolkit development tools or any services or software associated with or derived from them, or modify, copy, license, or create derivative works from google web toolkit development tools, unless you obtain google's written permission in advance.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 402, "license_sentence": "google, its licensors, and their suppliers further expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 403, "license_sentence": "recipient may not copy the printed materials accompanying the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 404, "license_sentence": "you may distribute products you make to third parties, if you either include the documentation on which the product is based, or make it available without charge for at least three years to anyone who requests it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 405, "license_sentence": "(7) no permission is granted to distribute, publicly display, or publicly perform modifications to the distribution made using proprietary materials that cannot be released in source format under conditions of this license;", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Publicly Perform": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 406, "license_sentence": "as an express condition for the grants of license hereunder, you agree that any external deployment by you of a derivative work shall be deemed a distribution and shall be licensed to all under the terms of this license, as prescribed in section 1(c) herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 407, "license_sentence": "the software is provided without any warranties or guarantees.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 408, "license_sentence": "you agree that gitlab and/or its licensors (as applicable) retain all right, title and interest in and to all such modifications and/or patches, and all such modifications and/or patches may only be used, copied, modified, displayed, distributed, or otherwise exploited with a valid gitlab enterprise edition subscription for the correct number of user seats.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN" } }, { "id": 409, "license_sentence": "i, on behalf of myself and my successors in interest and assigns, irrevocably promise not to assert my granted claims against you for your permitted uses, subject to the terms and conditions of section 3.1. this is a personal promise directly from me to you, and you acknowledge as a condition of benefiting from it that no rights from me are received from suppliers, distributors, or otherwise in connection with this promise.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 410, "license_sentence": "in no event shall at&t be liable for i. any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programs or information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if at&t or any of its authorized representatives has been advised of the possibility of such damages, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 411, "license_sentence": "tapr owns the copyright to the ohl, but grants permission to any person to copy, distribute, and use it in unmodified form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 412, "license_sentence": "download from a web site); d. if you deploy covered code in object code, executable form only, you must include a prominent notice, in the code itself as well as in related documentation, stating that source code of the covered code is available under the terms of this license with information on how and where to obtain such source code; and e. the object code form of the covered code may be distributed under your own license agreement, provided that such license agreement contains terms no less protective of sybase and each contributor than the terms of this license, and stating that any provisions which differ from this license are offered by you alone and not by any other party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 413, "license_sentence": "this document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 414, "license_sentence": "(e) ; except for the purpose of creating copies of the customer application seat software to sublicense to end users, this agreement does not grant to customer any right to copy softco software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 415, "license_sentence": "changing the name of a file (other than as necessitated by the file conventions of the target file systems) is considered to be a modification of the file.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 416, "license_sentence": "you may copy the solution (including the documentation) and any modifications in order to exercise the rights granted in this section 1. f. limitations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 417, "license_sentence": "use, download or otherwise copy, or provide (whether or not for a fee) to a person or entity any directory of users of the services or other user or usage information or any portion thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 418, "license_sentence": "copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 red hat, inc. copyright (c) 2002, 2003 john dallaway copyright (c) 2002, 2003 nick garnett copyright (c) 2002, 2003 jonathan larmour copyright (c) 2002, 2003 andrew lunn copyright (c) 2002, 2003 gary thomas copyright (c) 2002, 2003 bart veer ecos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 419, "license_sentence": "section 5 \u2013 disclaimer of warranties limitation of liability indemnification a. disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 420, "license_sentence": "this means you may not remove or hide in any other way link to amcharts web site www.amcharts.com.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 421, "license_sentence": "you can integrate all or part of upx and ucl into projects that are compatible with the gnu gpl, but obviously you cannot grant any special exceptions beyond the gpl for our code in your project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 422, "license_sentence": "the google entities hereby disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, oral or written, including without limitation, all implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability, title, or fitness for any particular purpose and all warranties arising from any course of dealing, course of performance, or usage of trade.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 423, "license_sentence": "redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notices, the above paragraph (the one permitting redistribution), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 424, "license_sentence": "this license may not be modified without the express written permission of its copyright owner.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 425, "license_sentence": "if you create an extension, you may add your name as a contributor to the text file titled \"contrib\" distributed with the licensed software along with a description of the contribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 426, "license_sentence": "rsa grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual (subject to the conditions of section 8) license for the \"rsaref\" program (the \"program\") and its associated documentation, subject to all of the following terms and conditions: a. to use the program on any computer; b. to make copies of the program for backup purposes; c. to modify the program in any manner for porting or performance improvement purposes (subject to section 2) or to incorporate the program into other computer programs for your own personal or internal use, provided that you provide rsa with a copy of any such modification or application program by electronic mail, and grant rsa a perpetual, royaltyfree license to use and distribute such modifications and application programs on the terms set forth in this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 427, "license_sentence": "exhibit a the notice below must appear in each file of the source code of any copy you distribute of the licensed product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 428, "license_sentence": "the license granted in this software license includes without limitation the right to (i) incorporate the software into proprietary programs (subject to any restrictions applicable to such programs), (ii) add your own copyright statement to your modifications of the software, and (iii) provide additional or different license terms and conditions in your sublicenses of modifications of the software; provided that in each case your use, reproduction or distribution of such modifications otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this software license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Add Own Notices": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 429, "license_sentence": "contributor license subject to the terms and conditions of this license, the initial developer and each of the contributors hereby grant you a worldwide, royaltyfree, irrevocable and nonexclusive license under the applicable intellectual property rights they own or control, to use, reproduce, modify, distribute and sublicense the software provided that: you reproduce in all copies of the software the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers of the initial developer as they appear in the original code and attached hereto as schedule \"a\" and any other notices or disclaimers attached to the software and keep intact all notices in the original code that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty; you include a copy of this license with every copy of the software you distribute; if you distribute or sublicense the software (as modified by you or on your behalf as the case may be), you cause such software to be licensed as a whole, at no charge, to all third parties, under the terms and conditions of the license, making in particular available to all third parties the source code of the software; you document all your modifications, indicate the date of each such modification, designate the version of the software you used, prominently include a file carrying such information with respect to the modifications and duplicate the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers attached hereto as schedule \"b\" or any other notices or disclaimers attached to the software with your modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 430, "license_sentence": "in no event shall internet initiative japan inc. or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 431, "license_sentence": "that is, users are free to distribute, modify, and recompile code without restriction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 432, "license_sentence": ") you may not distribute, rent, sublicense or otherwise make available to others the software or documentation or copies thereof, except as expressly permitted in this license without prior written consent from irfanview (irfan skiljan).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 433, "license_sentence": "in all other cases the entire risk related to the quality and performance of the software is on the customer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 434, "license_sentence": "norman walsh docbook license copyright (c) 2000 norman walsh permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 435, "license_sentence": "\u00a7 8 additional obligations for the use of adaptations (1) if the licensee acquires a copyright in a modification of the library, its use is only permitted if the licensee again subjects the arrangement to these license provisions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 436, "license_sentence": "\"the contents of this file are subject to the terracotta public license, version 1.0 (the \"license\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 437, "license_sentence": "distributions of coursework in source code and/or executable form must retain all copyright notices in the software as furnished by the licensor, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimers in the code, documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 438, "license_sentence": "adaptec makes no warranty of any kind with regard to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 439, "license_sentence": "the software may be modified for your own personal use, but modified files may not be distributed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 440, "license_sentence": "copy: \"copy\" shall mean everything and anything that constitutes a copy according to copyright law, without limitation.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 441, "license_sentence": "article 8 liability 8.1 subject to the provisions of article 8.2, the licensee shall be entitled to claim compensation for any direct loss it may have suffered from the software as a result of a fault on the part of the relevant licensor, subject to providing evidence thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CAN" } }, { "id": 442, "license_sentence": "in no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 443, "license_sentence": "which may be distributed with the licensed software hereunder is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, and your use and installation thereof is subject to the third party licenses supplied with such software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 444, "license_sentence": "\"distributor\" means an individual, person, organization or entity that is licensed or authorized by licensee: (a) to distribute licensee products directly to endusers, and/or (b) to sublicense other resellers to distribute licensee products to endusers in accordance with the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 445, "license_sentence": "licensee bears the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 446, "license_sentence": "you may not create, modify, or change the behavior of classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as \"javafx\", \"sun\" or similar convention as specified by sun in any naming convention designation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 447, "license_sentence": "bass is available for use in your shareware and commercial software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 448, "license_sentence": "you agree not to remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions contained in the programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 449, "license_sentence": "you may not you may not copy complete pages or this entire site and put them online on a publicly accessible web space.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 450, "license_sentence": "where non trivial extracts are taken from the licensed software you must ensure the extracts contain appropriate copy right notices based on the existing copyright notices pertaining to the files and/or directories from which the extracts were taken including a reference to this licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 451, "license_sentence": "the author hereby grants a perpetual license to everybody to use this code for any purpose as long as the copyright message is included in the source code of this or any derived work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 452, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall microsoft or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, punitive, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits or confidential or other information, for business interruption, for personal injury, for loss of privacy, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith or of reasonable care, negligence, and any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the components, the provision of or failure to provide support or other services, information, software, and related content through the components or otherwise arising out of the use of the components, or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this supplemental eula, even in the event of the fault, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, strict or product liability, breach of contract or breach of warranty of microsoft or any supplier, and even if microsoft or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 453, "license_sentence": "the license also allows you to redistribute parts of the package as part of an application generated by wrapping tools such as par, perlapp or perl2exe.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 454, "license_sentence": "do no harm license version 0.1, august 2018 https://github.com/raisely/noharm terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution 1. preamble most software today is developed with little to no thought of how it will be used, or the consequences for our society and planet.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 455, "license_sentence": "each copy must be complete, including all copyright and trademark notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 456, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement, idi hereby grants licensee a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use tixinspect 1.8 alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that idi's license agreement and idi's notice of copyright, i.e., \"copyright (c) 2001 internet discovery incorporated; all rights reserved.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 457, "license_sentence": "keep intact all the notices that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty;", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 458, "license_sentence": "developer will defend google from all third party claims, actions, suits, or proceedings, whether actual or alleged (collectively, \u201cgoogle claims\u201d), and will indemnify google and hold google harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney\u2019s fees) resulting from such google claims, that arise out of developer\u2019s (a) use of the fabric technology or reports; (b) actual or alleged infringement, misappropriation, or violation of the rights of any third party, including without limitation any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or publicity rights; and (c) breach of any term of this agreement, including without limitation developer\u2019s representations and warranties set forth in section 13 above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 459, "license_sentence": ") the font software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under any other license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 460, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, microsoft and its suppliers provide to you the os components, and any (if any) support services related to the os components (\"support services\") as is and with all faults; and microsoft and its suppliers hereby disclaim with respect to the os components and support services all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) warranties or conditions of or related to: title, noninfringement, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, quiet enjoyment, quiet possession, and correspondence to description.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 461, "license_sentence": "you may charge a fee for distributing the product, for providing a warranty on the product, for making modifications to the product, or for any other service provided in relation to the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 462, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding subsection (a) above, atlassian assumes no liability hereunder for, and shall have no obligation to defend licensee or to pay costs, damages or attorney's fees for, any claim based upon any modifications to any of the product not approved by atlassian or combination of any of the product with products not approved by atlassian.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 463, "license_sentence": "no one other than licensor has the right to modify or amend this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 464, "license_sentence": "the modifications which you create or to which you contribute are governed by the terms of this license, including without limitation section 2.2. the source code version of covered code may be distributed only under the terms of this license or a future version of this license released under section 6.1, and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 465, "license_sentence": "you must duplicate the notice contained in exhibit a (the \"notice\") in each file of the source code of any copy you distribute of the licensed product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 466, "license_sentence": "by application of the provisions in section 6 below, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royalty free, nonexclusive license, subject to said contributor's intellectual property rights, and any third party intellectual property claims derived from the licensed software under this license, to do the following: 4.1 use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute any extensions deployed by such contributor or portions thereof, in both source code form or as an executable program, either on an unmodified basis or as part of derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 467, "license_sentence": "distributing the code: feel free to distribute this code, as long as it is complete and contains all copyright information that was included in the original.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 468, "license_sentence": "you may not copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer nethack except as expressly provided under this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 469, "license_sentence": "cmix is copyright 19911999: university of copenhagen license the university of copenhagen hereby grants any person, organization, or institution who have obtained a copy of cmix, irrespective of how or wherefrom he obtained it, who is referred to as 'you', the following nonexclusive rights: 1. you may use cmix and its accompanying programs, whether for commercial, educational, research, private, or any other purpose, provided that you acknowledge the disclaimer of warranty set forth at the end of this copyright statement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 470, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranty and exclusive remedies the programs are provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 471, "license_sentence": "metafizzy continues to retain all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 472, "license_sentence": "commercial use of this software is not permitted without an explicit written agreement with the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 473, "license_sentence": "vers\u00e3o 2.1, fevereiro de 1999 copyright \u00a9 1991, 1999 free software foundation, inc. 59 temple place, suite [conjunto] 330, boston, ma [massachusetts] 021111307 usa [estados unidos da am\u00e9rica] \u00e9 permitido a qualquer pessoa copiar e distribuir c\u00f3pias sem altera\u00e7\u00f5es deste documento de licen\u00e7a, sendo vedada, entretanto, sua modifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 474, "license_sentence": "portions copyright (c) 19962004, postgresql global development group portions copyright (c) 1994, the regents of the university of california permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 475, "license_sentence": "you may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any effective technological measures to, the licensed material if doing so restricts exercise of the licensed rights by any recipient of the licensed material.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 476, "license_sentence": "the iptc may terminate this specifications license agreement immediately upon your breach of this agreement and, upon such termination you will cease all use, duplication, distribution, and/or exploitation in any manner of the specifications and materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 477, "license_sentence": "if you submit any information or feedback to broadleaf regarding testing and use of the community software, including error or bug reports; you agree to grant broadleaf a perpetual, nonexclusive, fullypaid up, royaltyfree, worldwide license to use, copy, distribute, make derivative works and incorporate the feedback into any broadleaf product at broadleaf's sole discretion.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 478, "license_sentence": "this software is provided \"as is\" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and against infringement are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 479, "license_sentence": "altered versionsincluding, but not limited to, ports to new operating systems, existing ports with new graphical interfaces, and dynamic, shared, or static library versionsmust be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 480, "license_sentence": "nontransferable license: the license to use this ai model is nontransferable and cannot be assigned or sublicensed to any other party without explicit written consent from the creator or authorized members of the association.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 481, "license_sentence": "all other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 482, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding the limitations in section 1, you may distribute your modifications back to microsoft, and if you do provide microsoft with modifications of the materials, you hereby grant microsoft, without any restrictions or limitations, a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royaltyfree, assignable and sublicensable license, to reproduce, publicly perform or display, install, use, modify, post, distribute, make and have made, sell and transfer such modifications and derivatives for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 483, "license_sentence": "no one other than initial developer has the right to modify the terms applicable to covered code created under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 484, "license_sentence": "jquery tools do what you like license no copyrights or licenses.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 485, "license_sentence": "you may modify the sample code and sdk source files provided to you in human readable (i.e., source code) format.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 486, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the openevidence project ``as is'' and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 487, "license_sentence": "the license software is \"not for commercial use\" and may only be used for the purposes described in section 4. the licensed software may not be used in a live operating environment where it may be relied upon to perform in the same manner as a commercially released product or with data that has not been sufficiently backed up.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 488, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software\\ may not be called \"workingdogs.com\" nor may \"village\" appear in their name,\\ without prior written permission of workingdogs.com.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 489, "license_sentence": "permitted use you are permitted to use, copy, modify, and distribute the software and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose, provided that the following conditions are met: 1. a copy of this license agreement must be included with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 490, "license_sentence": "sun is under no obligation to provide you with support, updates, error corrections or any other service for software licensed for evaluation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 491, "license_sentence": "article 2. you can modify your copy or copies of the program or any part thereof, or a work based on the program, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of article 1, provided that you also meet conditions following: a) add the modified files to clear indication of changes, and the date of any change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 492, "license_sentence": "nokia corporation 's product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of nokia corporation your access to this specification should not be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any marks appearing in the specification without the prior written consent of nokia corporation or nokia's licensors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 493, "license_sentence": "authors: jeremy g. siek, jeffery m. squyres, michael p. mcnally, and andrew lumsdaine license agreement: in consideration of being allowed to copy and/or use this software, user agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement as \"licensee.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 494, "license_sentence": "by installing, copying, or using isotope (the software), you agree to be bound by these terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 495, "license_sentence": "you are fully responsible for any and all damages that may result due to any failure of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 496, "license_sentence": "use of this software in whole or in parts for direct commercial advantage requires explicit prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 497, "license_sentence": "any user documentation included with a redistribution must include the following notice: \"this product includes software from the condor\u00ae project (http://www.condorproject.org/)\" alternatively, if that is where thirdparty acknowledgments normally appear, this acknowledgment must be reproduced in the software itself.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 498, "license_sentence": "in connection with apple's promotion of the webobjects materials, including, but not limited to the listing on its web site of third party applications running on the webobjects platform, licensee grants to apple a worldwide nonexclusive royalty free license to publicly use (i) commercially available promotional material contained in or associated with the licensee product (including, but not limited to screen shots from the licensee product) and (ii) licensee's name and all trademarks associated with the licensee product for making factual statements about licensee product's use of the webobjects materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 499, "license_sentence": "any such copies of the software or the user's manual shall include licensor's copyright and other proprietary notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 500, "license_sentence": "in no event shall nvidia\u2019s aggregate liability to licensee or any other person or entity claiming through or under licensee exceed the amount of money actually paid by licensee to nvidia for the licensed materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 501, "license_sentence": "you are required to disclaim warranties on behalf of others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 502, "license_sentence": "massmailer license this code is copyright 2004 to david giffin http://www.davtri.com but is released as free sourcecode which may be used by anyone for any reason as long as this header remains intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 503, "license_sentence": "include a valid copyright notice on your software product ; iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 504, "license_sentence": "yi series models license agreement version: 2.0 date of release: november 4, 2023 1. definition \u201cagreement\u201d refers to the terms and conditions defined in this yi series models license agreement for the use, reproduction and distribution of yi series models.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 505, "license_sentence": "contributors shall make the source code for the contributor version they distribute available at a cost, if any, equal to the cost to the contributor to physically copy and distribute the work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 506, "license_sentence": "inria and enpc authorize you free of charge to use the software source and/or object code modified according to article 4a) above, without restriction, providing the following reference appears in all the copies: \"scilab inside (c)inriaenpc\".", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 507, "license_sentence": "licensee may use the adobe air trademark to refer to its developer program as an \"adobe\u00ae air\u2122 application\" only as a statement that its developer program interoperates with the adobe air runtime software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 508, "license_sentence": "you may use the licensed materials, or any derivatives thereof, with open source software or with software developed using open source software tools provided you do not incorporate, combine or distribute the licensed materials, or any derivatives thereof, in a manner that subjects the licensed materials, or any derivatives thereof, to any license obligations or any other intellectual property related terms of any license governing such open source software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 509, "license_sentence": "distribution please distribute freely public domain releases from sourceforge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 510, "license_sentence": "no additional rights or licenses will be implied from the distribution, public communication or licensing of covered software under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 511, "license_sentence": "in particular, neither the author nor queen's university at kingston makes any representation or warranty of any kind concerning the merchantability of this software or its fitness for any particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 512, "license_sentence": "in no event will netapp's or pdc's liability for any claim, whether in contract, tort or any other theory of liablilty, exceed the license fee paid by you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 513, "license_sentence": "part 2 as per the license, each time an executable program resulting from the licensed work, or a program dependent thereon, is launched or run, a prominent display of the initial contributor's attribution information must occur.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 514, "license_sentence": "when you distribute or publicly perform the adaptation, you may not impose any effective technological measures on the adaptation that restrict the ability of a recipient of the adaptation from you to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the applicable license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN" } }, { "id": 515, "license_sentence": "you may create a larger work by combining governed code with other code not governed by the terms of this license and distribute the larger work as a single product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 516, "license_sentence": "if this package is used in a product, bsafe international should be given attribution as the authors of the parts of the library used.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 517, "license_sentence": "you don\u2019t share it outside the team developing it, other than for nonproduction user testing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 518, "license_sentence": "as between licensor and contributors, each party is responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, out of its utilization of rights under this license which specifically disclaims warranties and limits any liability of the licensor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 519, "license_sentence": "silicon graphics license (c) copyright 1993, silicon graphics, inc. all rights reserved permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of silicon graphics, inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 520, "license_sentence": "stix font license terms and conditions 1. permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the stix fontstm set accompanying this license (collectively, the \"fonts\") and the associated documentation files (collectively with the fonts, the \"font software\"), to reproduce and distribute the font software, including the rights to use, copy, merge and publish copies of the font software, and to permit persons to whom the font software is furnished to do so same, subject to the following terms and conditions (the \"license\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 521, "license_sentence": "except as expressly stipulated herein, wgm makes no representations or warranties whatsoever, express or implied, relating to the use, performance or results which may be obtained through the use of the licensed software, documentation, technical support and upgrades.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 522, "license_sentence": "limit of liability subject to any liability which may not be excluded or limited by law the licensor shall not be liable and hereby expressly excludes all liability for loss or damage howsoever and whenever caused to you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 523, "license_sentence": "examples of commercial purposes would be running business operations, licensing, leasing, or selling the software, distributing the software for use with commercial products, using the software in the creation or use of commercial products or any other activity which purpose is to procure a commercial gain to you or others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 524, "license_sentence": "rick jones stephen burger the gnu general public license (gpl) version 2, june 1991 copyright (c) 1989, 1991 free software foundation, inc. 59 temple place, suite 330, boston, ma 021111307 usaeveryone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 525, "license_sentence": "any software which uses any portion of cactushop as a base may not be resold without express written permission from cactusoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 526, "license_sentence": "prohibitions on content unless expressly permitted by the content owner or by applicable law, you will not, and will not permit your end users or others acting on your behalf to, do the following with content returned from the apis: scrape, build databases, or otherwise create permanent copies of such content, or keep cached copies longer than permitted by the cache header; copy, translate, modify, create a derivative work of, sell, lease, lend, convey, distribute, publicly display, or sublicense to any third party; misrepresent the source or ownership; or remove, obscure, or alter any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices; or falsify or delete any author attributions, legal notices, or other labels of the origin or source of material.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Publicly Perform": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 527, "license_sentence": "no trademark licenses are granted under this agreement, and in connection with the seamless materials, neither meta nor licensee may use any name or mark owned by or associated with the other or any of its affiliates, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing and redistributing the seamless materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 528, "license_sentence": "developer may make a reasonable number of copies of the reports only for its internal purposes in using the results.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 529, "license_sentence": "\"license elements\" means the following highlevel license attributes as selected by the licensor and indicated in the title of this license: attribution, noncommercial, sharealike.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 530, "license_sentence": "the microsoft parties disclaim any and all warranties or conditions, express, statutory and implied, including without limitation (1) warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, workmanlike effort, accuracy, title, quiet enjoyment, no encumbrances, no liens and noninfringement, (2) warranties or conditions arising through course of dealing or usage of trade, and (3) warranties or conditions that access to or use of the web sites will be uninterrupted or errorfree.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 531, "license_sentence": "your programs must add primary and substantial functionality, and may not be merely a set or subset of any of the libraries, code, redistributables or other files of the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 532, "license_sentence": "further, you may install, use and/or deploy via a network management system or as part of a desktop image, any number of copies of the software on computer devices within your internal corporate network to design, develop and test your programs that run on a microsoft windows operating system.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 533, "license_sentence": "subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered code and/or as part of a larger work;", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 534, "license_sentence": "in no event shall adobe be liable to you or any other party for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever whether in an action of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other action arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 535, "license_sentence": "no liability for damages in no event shall the author of this software be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if the author of this software has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 536, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1. for code that you delete from the original code; 2. separate from the original code; or 3. for infringements caused by: i. the modification of the original code or ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 537, "license_sentence": "in no event will adobe be liable to licensee or any other party for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages even if adobe or any company representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 538, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must (a) rename your license so that the phrases \"netizen\", \"nosl\" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this license) and (b) otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the netizen open source license and xen open source license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 539, "license_sentence": "distribution of license: this license, and all rights associated with it is assigned upon redistribution of chap without the need for execution of an additonal licence by those parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 540, "license_sentence": "should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 541, "license_sentence": "nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right under any existing or future patent claim which is directed to a combination of the functionality of the original software with the functionality of any other software programs, or a combination of hardware systems other than the combination of the original software and the hardware or firmware into which the original software is loaded.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 542, "license_sentence": "other users may use, copy, modify, or reshare your content in many ways.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 543, "license_sentence": "you indemnify 1060 research limited against any breach of copyright, intellectual property infringement including patent infringement, damages, warranties or any other claim or action arising from any redistribution of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 544, "license_sentence": "oda and its licensors do not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 545, "license_sentence": "(b) patent grant subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a non exclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license under its licensed patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 546, "license_sentence": "you are hereby granted a nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use in connection with the web services and apis provided by facebook.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 547, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the regents and contributors \"as is\" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 548, "license_sentence": "permission is granted to distribute this file in any manner provided this notice remains intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 549, "license_sentence": "you may not modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt, decompile or make derivative works of software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 550, "license_sentence": "neither the government nor the university makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability for the use of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 551, "license_sentence": "all warranties of any type, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement of third party rights are expressly disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 552, "license_sentence": "the (modified) mit license permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice, and every other copyright notice found in this software, and all the attributions in every file, and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 553, "license_sentence": "you are permitted to use and/or modify the program for the validation of novel scientific claims if you make a goodfaith attempt to notify the author of your work and your claims prior to submission for publication.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 554, "license_sentence": "in no event shall metastuff, ltd. or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 555, "license_sentence": "derived work means any work created by the editing, modification, adaptation or translation of the data in any media.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 556, "license_sentence": "the foregoing limitations shall apply regardless of whether pivotal or its distributors have been advised of the possibility of such damages and regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 557, "license_sentence": "kxml license copyright (c) 2002,2003, stefan haustein, oberhausen, rhld., germany permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 558, "license_sentence": "you may install and use any number of copies of the software to design, develop and test youre applications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 559, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall the initial developer, any other contributor, or any distributor of covered code, or any supplier of any of such parties, be liable to you or any other person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 560, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability 1. the licensor shall not be liable for incidental, direct or consequential loss (damage, lost profits, etc.)", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 561, "license_sentence": "you are allowed to remove the copyright with a corresponding license, but not allowed to add your own copyright to the script.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 562, "license_sentence": "you may include a translation of this license provided that you also include the original english version of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 563, "license_sentence": "(c) if you distribute copies of the software or derivative works, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 564, "license_sentence": "you may incorporate the codec into a larger work and distribute that larger work under terms of your choice, provided that: a. the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 565, "license_sentence": "you shall not display or make any use of qualcomm austria\u2019s or its affiliates\u2019 names, marks or logos in connection with your application without the prior written approval of qualcomm austria, except that you may make use of the specific vuforia logos available for download at https://developer.vuforia.com/resources/devguide/brandingguidelines provided such use is in strict accordance with the logo usage guidelines accompanying such logo files, and any additional license terms or conditions provided to you by qualcomm austria or its affiliates.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 566, "license_sentence": "you may install and personally use the software and any authorized updates provided by yahoo in object code form on a personal computer owned or controlled by you and are only permitted to access the service through the software, only as authorized in this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 567, "license_sentence": "but when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the oc, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this license, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 568, "license_sentence": "wingware makes no warranty of any kind for these materials and assumes no liability whatsoever for damages resulting from any use of these materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 569, "license_sentence": "components of the software may not be extracted and used in other programs without the prior written consent of licensor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 570, "license_sentence": "in no event will qss, or its affiliates, or their officers, employees, agents, suppliers, distributors, or licensors (collectively \"qss and its representatives\") be liable to licensee or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever including, but not limited to, lost revenue, lost or damaged data, or other commercial or economic loss, arising out of or relating to any use or inability to use software, even if qss has been advised of the possibility of such damage or claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 571, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must (a) rename your license so that the phrases ``mozilla'', ``mozillapl'', ``mozpl'', ``netscape'', ``npl'' or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear anywhere in your license and (b) otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the mozilla public license and netscape public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 572, "license_sentence": "except as expressly permitted by this agreement, both parties shall not, nor shall they permit their respective employees, agents, attorneys or independent contractors to, disclose, use, copy, distribute, sell, license, publish, reproduce or otherwise make available confidential information of the other party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 573, "license_sentence": "we use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into nonfree programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 574, "license_sentence": "the main rationale for this free art license is to promote and protect these creations of the human mind according to the principles of copyleft: freedom to use, copy, distribute, transform, and prohibition of exclusive appropriation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 575, "license_sentence": "you may change the apple software's file name at your discretion.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "CAN" } }, { "id": 576, "license_sentence": "you agree that opera shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 577, "license_sentence": "the name \"groovy\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission of the codehaus.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 578, "license_sentence": "you may not: 1. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or work around technical limitations in the services, except to the extent that applicable law permits it despite these limitations; 2. disable, tamper with or otherwise attempt to circumvent any mechanism that limits your use of the services; 3. rent, lease, lend, resell, transfer, or sublicense any services or portion thereof to or for third parties, except as explicitly permitted herein or in license terms that accompany any services component; 4. use the services in a way prohibited by law, regulation, governmental order, or decree or by this agreement; 5. use the services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any microsoft service, or the network(s) connected to any microsoft service; 6. use the services to violate the rights of others; 7. use the services to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, data, account or network; 8. use the services to spam or distribute malware; 9. use the services in a way that could harm the services or impair anyone else\u2019s use of; 10. engage in activity that is fraudulent, false or misleading (e.g., asking for money under false pretenses, impersonating someone else, manipulating the services to increase play count, or affect rankings, ratings, or comments).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 579, "license_sentence": "except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise; specifically intel does not grant any express or implied right to you under intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 580, "license_sentence": "you may not use the bing maps api to provide sensor based guidance/routing, nor use any road traffic data or bird\u2019s eye imagery (or associated metadata) even if available through the bing maps api for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 581, "license_sentence": "in the event licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates tixinspect 1.8 or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of the changes made to tixinspect 1.8.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 582, "license_sentence": "s.a.kapp will grant all reasonable requests for permission to make such modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 583, "license_sentence": "license rights and restrictions oracle grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to, subject to the restrictions stated in this agreement, (a) internally use the programs solely for the purposes of developing, testing, prototyping and demonstrating your applications, and running the programs for your own internal business operations; and (b) redistribute unmodified programs and programs documentation pursuant to the programs redistribution section below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 584, "license_sentence": "programs redistribution we grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable right to copy and distribute unmodified programs and programs documentation as part of and included in your application that is intended to interoperate with the associated product, if any, provided that you do not charge your end users any additional fees for the use of the programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 585, "license_sentence": "you may not use the gexperts source code to create and distribute custom versions of gexperts under the \"gexperts\" name.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 586, "license_sentence": "you are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the program and you assume all risks associated with the exercise of rights under this agreement, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 587, "license_sentence": "you may not (and you may not permit anyone else to) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the software or any part thereof, unless this is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by google, in writing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 588, "license_sentence": "except as expressly permitted in this agreement, you shall not disclose, or permit the disclosure of, the software and/or confidential documentation in any form or any information relating to the software and/or documentation (including without limitation the results of use or testing) to any third party without qualcomm austria\u2019s prior written permission; provided that, you may otherwise generally make mention of and discuss the software with others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 589, "license_sentence": "you will indemnify and hold harmless stability ai from and against any claim by any third party arising out of or related to your use or distribution of the software products or derivative works in violation of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 590, "license_sentence": "if any licensed product is licensed to or for use by the u.s. government or any agency thereof, the following provisions shall apply: such license and usage rights include only those rights expressly set forth in this agreement (which are the rights customarily provided by northwoods to the public) and do not include any additional rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose any licensed product or redistributable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 591, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the stfc be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 592, "license_sentence": "tout utilisateur disposant d?un acc\u00e3\u00a8s valide \u00e3 votre ordinateur ou \u00e3 votre r\u00e3\u00a9seau interne peut copier et utiliser la documentation \u00e3 des fins de r\u00e3\u00a9f\u00e3\u00a9rence interne.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 593, "license_sentence": "in consideration of the mutual promises and upon the terms and conditions set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. grant of copyright license 1.1 subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, zimbra hereby grants to you, under any and all of its copyright interest in and to the software, a royaltyfree, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to copy, modify, compile, execute, and distribute the software and modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 594, "license_sentence": "the author is not liable for any damage or possible damage caused to you, your information and your business arising out of the use or inability to use this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 595, "license_sentence": "by using or copying the software, user agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 596, "license_sentence": "at this time you may use this program for noncommercial use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 597, "license_sentence": "if object code is bundled with a product, all branding should be kept as it was originally, and the following acknowledgement should be displayed clearly in any associated documentation or other collateral in printed or electronic form distributed with the product incorporating the software: \"this product includes components of the powervr tools software from imagination technologies limited\".", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 598, "license_sentence": "should the apple software or services prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 599, "license_sentence": "pixelink shall indemnify licensee against all claims made against licensee alleging that any use of the pixelink product or documentation constitutes an infringement of copyright, patent, trademark or trade secret rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CAN" } }, { "id": 600, "license_sentence": "you may not: alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the distributable code; use microsoft\u2019s trademarks in your programs\u2019 names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by microsoft; distribute distributable code to run on a platform other than microsoft operating systems, runtime technologies, or application platforms, except that javascript, css and html files included for use in websites and web applications (as opposed to windows library for javascript files covered in section 4.d below) may be distributed to run on any platform; include distributable code in malicious, deceptive or unlawful programs; or modify or distribute the source code of any distributable code so that any part of it becomes subject to an excluded license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 601, "license_sentence": "this license allows you to install and use one copy of the apple software on a single computer at a time.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 602, "license_sentence": "you can use it for your libraries too.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 603, "license_sentence": "except as expressly set forth in this license, each recipient shall not have any liability for any exemplary, or consequential damages (including without limitation lost profits), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use or distribution of the licensed work or the exercise of any rights granted hereunder, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 604, "license_sentence": "the licensee acknowledges that it has not relied on any warranty, representation, statement, agreement or undertaking given by cclrc, and waives any claim in respect of any of the same.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 605, "license_sentence": "amendments to this license may be made in the form of future versions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 606, "license_sentence": "client must abide by these trademark guidelines when distributing the software packages, regardless of whether the software packages have been modified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 607, "license_sentence": "reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code from any api or any related software, except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 608, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in binary form, without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: only unmodified installers can be redistributed; redistribution of mediacoder binaries in any other form is not permitted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 609, "license_sentence": "users and possessors of this source code are hereby granted a nonexclusive, royaltyfree copyright and design patent license to use this code in individual and commercial software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 610, "license_sentence": "\"noncommercial use\" explicitly includes research and educational purposes, as well as use in software which is made available for free.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 611, "license_sentence": "if such recipient cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously its obligations under this license and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence such recipient may not distribute the program at all.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 612, "license_sentence": "should any covered software prove defective in any respect, you (not any contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 613, "license_sentence": "norwegian licence for open government data (nlod) 2.0 preface of licence this licence grants you the right to copy, use and distribute information, provided you acknowledge the contributors and comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 614, "license_sentence": "about these terms we may modify these terms or any additional terms that apply to a service to, for example, reflect changes to the law or changes to our services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 615, "license_sentence": "les parties conviennent express\u00e9ment que tout pr\u00e9judice financier ou commercial (par exemple perte de donn\u00e9es, perte de b\u00e9n\u00e9fices, perte d'exploitation, perte de client\u00e8le ou de commandes, manque \u00e0 gagner, trouble commercial quelconque) ou toute action dirig\u00e9e contre le licenci\u00e9 par un tiers, constitue un dommage indirect et n'ouvre pas droit \u00e0 r\u00e9paration par le conc\u00e9dant.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 616, "license_sentence": "modifications modifications are permitted only if the following conditions are met: 13. modified files must contain prominent notices stating who has changed them, when and the purpose of the changes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 617, "license_sentence": "you are not allowed to charge any fee for granting the right to further use, propagate, convey or modify the copy then obtained by the acquirer, as such would be against the intention of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 618, "license_sentence": "contributor license agreement by contributing your code to json.net you grant james newtonking a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royaltyfree, sublicenseable, transferable license under all of your relevant intellectual property rights (including copyright, patent, and any other rights), to use, copy, prepare derivative works of, distribute and publicly perform and display the contributions on any licensing terms, including without limitation: (a) open source licenses like the mit license; and (b) binary, proprietary, or commercial licenses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 619, "license_sentence": "sun microsystems, inc. shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, trade secrets or any patents by sun rpc or any part thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 620, "license_sentence": "you agree to identify any modified files with a prominent notice stating that you have changed the file.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 621, "license_sentence": "ctwm license copyright 1988 by evans & sutherland computer corporation, salt lake city, utah portions copyright 1989 by the massachusetts institute of technology cambridge, massachusetts all rights reserved permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of evans & sutherland and m.i.t.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 622, "license_sentence": "\"noncommercial use\" also includes any other kind of use, except those stated in item 3.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 623, "license_sentence": "specifically, if developer creates a component using the software as a constituent component, developer may not distribute the component created with the software (in any format) to users to be used at design time and or for any development purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 624, "license_sentence": "the modifications which you create or to which you contribute are governed by the terms of this licence, including without limitation section 2.2. the source code version of covered code may be distributed only under the terms of this licence or a future version of this licence released under section 6.1, and you must include a copy of this licence with every copy of the source code you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 625, "license_sentence": "\u2022 a valid copyright notice must be provided within the user documentation, startup screen or in the helpabout section of your application that specifies lavantech as the provider of the software bundled with your application, for example: \"<> contains components licensed from lavantech.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 626, "license_sentence": "commercial use includes integration of all or part of the binary or source code covered by this permission notices into a product for sale or license to third parties on your behalf, or distribution of the binary or source code to third parties that need it to utilize a product sold or licensed on your behalf.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 627, "license_sentence": "you may cancel this licence without explanation or penalty by ceasing to copy, use, modify or distribute the licensed software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 628, "license_sentence": "it comes with no warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 629, "license_sentence": "you may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 630, "license_sentence": "for avoidance of doubt, the license granted to you in paragraph 1 is not sublicenseable; any recipient of a copy of the product provided by you under this paragraph 2 receives a license directly from zimbra as described in paragraph 1.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 631, "license_sentence": "except in cases where another contributor has failed to comply with section 3.4, you are responsible for damages arising, directly or indirectly, out of your utilization of rights under this license, based on the number of copies of covered code you made available, the revenues you received from utilizing such rights, and other relevant factors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 632, "license_sentence": "if you use some part of this software to in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 633, "license_sentence": "you must include a copy of this license or directions on how to obtain a copy with every copy of the extensions you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 634, "license_sentence": "adobe core 35 afm files with 314 glyph entries readme this file and the 35 postscript(r) afm files it accompanies may be used, copied, and distributed for any purpose and without charge, with or without modification, provided that all copyright notices are retained; that the afm files are not distributed without this file; that all modifications to this file or any of the afm files are prominently noted in the modified file(s); and that this paragraph is not modified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 635, "license_sentence": "you agree that google, in its sole discretion, may use your trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features in presentations, marketing materials, customer lists, financial reports and web site listings (including links to your website) for the purpose of advertising or publicizing your use of the services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 636, "license_sentence": "except as expressly set forth in this agreement, saic shall not have any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including without limitation lost profits), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use or distribution of the program or the exercise of any rights granted hereunder, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 637, "license_sentence": "you can easily comply with the terms of this agreement by keeping this work in the same format with its attached full project gutenbergtm license when you share it without charge with others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 638, "license_sentence": "you may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 639, "license_sentence": "if you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, you may not reproduce or in any way utilize the software or the documentation or the specifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 640, "license_sentence": "subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered code and/or as part of a larger work; and b. under patent claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its contributor version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) modifications made by that contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of modifications made by that contributor with its contributor version (or portions of such combination).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 641, "license_sentence": "in no event will destructor.de be liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use these codes, or for any claim by any other party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 642, "license_sentence": "lo script \u00e8 liberamente utilizzabile e distribuibile nel web.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 643, "license_sentence": "(b) subject to section 9.1(d), to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will solace indemnitees be liable for (a) any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages; or (b) any damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information, in each case, arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including any download, installation or use of, or inability to use, the products; even if such damages were foreseeable, and regardless of whether the solace indemnitiees have been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 644, "license_sentence": "expect license you are allowed to do just about anything with expect.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 645, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each copyright holder and contributor hereby grants to those receiving rights under this license a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nocharge, royaltyfree, irrevocable (except for failure to satisfy the conditions of this license) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer this software, where such license applies only to those patent claims, already acquired or hereafter acquired, licensable by such copyright holder or contributor that are necessarily infringed by: (a) their contribution(s) (the licensed copyrights of copyright holders and noncopyrightable additions of contributors, in source or binary form) alone; or (b) combination of their contribution(s) with the work of authorship to which such contribution(s) was added by such copyright holder or contributor, if, at the time the contribution is added, such addition causes such combination to be necessarily infringed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 646, "license_sentence": "the contents of this file are subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth in the systemc open source license version 2.2(the \"license\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with such restrictions and limitations.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 647, "license_sentence": "\u00a7\u00a7 227.72021 through 227.72024, as applicable, the splunk materials are licensed to government end users (a) only as commercial items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other users pursuant to this agreement and any related agreement(s), as applicable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 648, "license_sentence": "disclaimer the tu muenchen and the various authors of arb give no warranties, expressed or implied for the software and documentation provided, including, but not limited to warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 649, "license_sentence": "limitations of remedies in no event will dig or its contributors or suppliers be liable to you for any incidental or consequential damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 650, "license_sentence": "with respect to any modification you distribute in source code format, the terms of this agreement will apply to you in the same way those terms apply to zimbra with respect to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 651, "license_sentence": "the credit required by this section 4(c) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributors to the collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 652, "license_sentence": "in any case, mike fletcher's entire liability under any provision of this license shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you to mike fletcher for the software or cdn$10.00 .", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 653, "license_sentence": "if you distribute any excerpt, you will clearly identify that it is an excerpt and that the software is the source of such excerpt.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 654, "license_sentence": "distribution of encoded patient level data sets or knowledge encoded in the vocabulary source by licensee to any u.s. entity for use in the u.s. only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 655, "license_sentence": "this software is supplied \"\"as is\"\" without any warranties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 656, "license_sentence": "new versions are made and generally distributed solely at the discretion of lsi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 657, "license_sentence": "\"modification\" means (and \"modify\" refers to) any alteration of this product, including, but not limited to, addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of this product, translation into another language, repackaging, alteration or removal of any file included with this product, and addition of any new files to this product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 658, "license_sentence": "you may not: use the programs for your own internal data processing or for any commercial or production purposes, or use the programs for any purpose except the development of a single prototype of your application; use the application you develop with the programs for any internal data processing or commercial or production purposes without securing an appropriate license from us; continue to develop your application after you have used it for any internal data processing, commercial or production purpose without securing an appropriate license from us, or an oracle reseller; remove or modify any program markings or any notice of our proprietary rights; make the programs available in any manner to any third party; use the programs to provide third party training; assign this agreement or give or transfer the programs or an interest in them to another individual or entity; cause or permit reverse engineering (unless required by law for interoperability), disassembly or decompilation of the programs; disclose results of any program benchmark tests without our prior consent; or, use any oracle name, trademark or logo.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 659, "license_sentence": "these limitations shall not apply, however, to any mandatory liability under the applicable product liability laws, nor to any damage which is caused due to the breach of an express warranty to the extent that such express warranty was intended to protect consumers against the specific damage incurred, nor to damages due to loss of life, injury or prejudice to health.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 660, "license_sentence": "disclaimer this software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 661, "license_sentence": "no one other than redbourne has the right to modify the terms applicable to covered code created under this licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 662, "license_sentence": "you may convey a work based on the program, or the modifications to produce it from the program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) the work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 663, "license_sentence": "qti (or its licensors) shall retain title and all ownership rights in and to the materials and any alterations, modifications (including all derivative works), translations or adaptations made of the materials, and all copies thereof, and nothing herein shall be deemed to grant any right to you under any of qti's or its affiliates' patents.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 664, "license_sentence": "wtfpl do what the fuck you want to public license do what the fuck you want to public license version 2, december 2004 copyright (c) 2004 sam hocevar everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 665, "license_sentence": "in no event shall qualcomm austria\u2019s total aggregate liability for any and all damages, losses, claims and causes of actions (whether in contract, tort, including negligence or otherwise) exceed one hundred euro (\u20ac100) or the equivalent thereof in any other currency.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 666, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, 01ai makes no express or implied warranties, including but not limited to the stability, ownership, merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness for a particular purpose of the models and their output results.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 667, "license_sentence": "free ip general public license terms and conditions for use, copying, distribution, and modification 1. you may copy and distribute verbatim copies of this core, as long as this file, and the other associated files, remain intact and unmodified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 668, "license_sentence": "this agreement shall not be modified except by a subsequently dated, written amendment that expressly amends this agreement and which is signed on behalf of gliffy and licensee by their duly authorized representatives.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 669, "license_sentence": "as far as i know, all included source code is used in accordance with the relevant license agreements and can be used freely for any purpose (the gnu license being the most restrictive); see below for details.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 670, "license_sentence": "in no event shall apple's total liability to you for all damages (other than as may be required by applicable law in cases involving personal injury) exceed the amount of five dollars ($5.00).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 671, "license_sentence": "you may not disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the software to any third party without microsoft\u2019s prior written approval; work around any technical limitations in the software; reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the software except, and only to the extent: i. permitted by applicable law, despite this limitation or ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Benchmark Test": "CAN" } }, { "id": 672, "license_sentence": "you can modify this or change it provided that you aknowledge the author by retaining his copyright.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 673, "license_sentence": "this licence authorizes you to make only as many backup copies of the software as are necessary for its lawful use and solely for backup purposes, provided that all such copies contain all of the software's proprietary notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 674, "license_sentence": "for any distributable code you distribute, you must add significant primary functionality to it in your programs; require distributors and external end users to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement; display your valid copyright notice on your programs; and indemnify, defend, and hold harmless microsoft from any claims, including attorneys' fees, related to the distribution or use of your programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 675, "license_sentence": "license terms the free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that: 1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; 2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other associated materials; 3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products built using this software without specific written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 676, "license_sentence": "you should take responsibility and risks for your use and modification of [funasr software].", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 677, "license_sentence": "stability aiexpressly disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, whether by statute, custom, usage or otherwise as to any matters related to the software products, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, satisfactory quality, or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 678, "license_sentence": "disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall m.i.t.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 679, "license_sentence": "in the event licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates python 1.6b1 or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to the public as provided herein, then licensee hereby agrees to indicate in any such work the nature of the modifications made to python 1.6b1.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 680, "license_sentence": "no guarantees or warranties or anything are provided or implied in any way whatsoever.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 681, "license_sentence": "any modifications or additions to files from lzma sdk, however, are subject to the gnu lgpl or cpl terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 682, "license_sentence": "in addition to the license granted in section 1 (software internal use and development license grant) of these supplemental terms, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including but not limited to, section 3 (java technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the software in binary code form only, provided that you: i. distribute the software complete and unmodified, except that you may omit those files specifically identified as\"optional\" in the software \"readme\" file, which include samples, documents, and bin files, or that are removable by using the software customizer tool provided, only as part of and for the sole purpose of running your program into which the software is incorporated; ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 683, "license_sentence": "you hereby grant to each licensee a license to your error corrections and shared modifications, of the same scope and extent as original contributor's licenses under section 2.1 a) above relative to research use and attachment d relative to commercial use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 684, "license_sentence": "for a combined work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the library among these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the gnu gpl and this license document.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 685, "license_sentence": "any such changed files must be distributed under a license that forbids distribution of those files, and any files derived from them, under the names used by the original files in the distribution of the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 686, "license_sentence": "in no event shall index data be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 687, "license_sentence": "except as specifically permitted in sections 2.1, above, licensee is not licensed to use the rbl in any other manner, including for licensee's other internal or business use or for use in association with any other products.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 688, "license_sentence": "\"sun hereby grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide, nontransferrable license to use and distribute the java software technologies as part of a larger work in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: neither the name of or trademarks of sun may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the java software technology without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 689, "license_sentence": "\u201cpermitted uses\u201d means making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing or distributing any implementation of the specification 1) only to the extent it implements the specification and 2) so long as all required portions of the specification are implemented.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 690, "license_sentence": "we further disclaim all warranties, express and implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 691, "license_sentence": "final warranty agreement as long explicitly no money has been charged for the purchase of gfml licensed software and media files or money has been charged for a service subscription and not for the software itself following warranty exclusion applies: the software is ''as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 692, "license_sentence": "accordingly, the open directory and the netscape trademarks and logos are provided `as is,' without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties that they are merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or noninfringing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 693, "license_sentence": "in consideration for the licence, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that the use of the data is at the sole risk of the recipient and subject to the terms and conditions as set forth in the licence, a copy of which may be accessed here: https://trca.ca/datalicense.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 694, "license_sentence": "you may only redistribute the documentation with original unmodified package.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 695, "license_sentence": "le licenci\u00e9 est autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 redistribuer des copies du logiciel, modifi\u00e9 ou non, \u00e0 des tiers dans les conditions ciapr\u00e8s d\u00e9taill\u00e9es.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 696, "license_sentence": "in no event shall lucent be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 697, "license_sentence": "the article accompanying the work may not be distributed or republished without the author's consent this license is entered between you, the individual or other entity reading or otherwise making use of the work licensed pursuant to this license and the individual or other entity which offers the work under the terms of this license (\"author\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 698, "license_sentence": "lars ellingsen guestbook license d i s c l a i m e r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you may use this guestbook system as long as you: 1. do not change the copyright notes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 699, "license_sentence": "copyright in this implementation is held by dr b r gladman but i hereby give permission for its free direct or derivative use subject to acknowledgment of its origin and compliance with any conditions that the originators of the algorithm place on its exploitation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 700, "license_sentence": "attribution together with any copies of the software products (as well as derivative works thereof or works incorporating the software products) that you distribute, you must provide (i) a copy of this license, and (ii) the following attribution notice: \u201copt175b is licensed under the opt175b license, copyright (c) meta platforms, inc. all rights reserved.\u201d disclaimers the software products are provided \u201cas is\u201d and \u201cwith all faults\u201d with no warranty of any kind, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 701, "license_sentence": "applicability 2.1 this licence governs the use, copying, modification, communication to the public and distribution of the documentation, and the manufacture and distribution of products.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 702, "license_sentence": "sun shall also be authorized to use your name in advertising, marketing collateral, and customer success stories prepared by or on behalf of sun for the technology subject to your prior approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 703, "license_sentence": "syncro and its suppliers specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 704, "license_sentence": "you may not: access or use, or attempt to access or use, features of the kinect sensors that are not exposed or enabled by the software; distribute kinect for windows applications for use with any sensor other than kinect for windows sensor, its associated drivers, and runtime software; use the software or any kinect for windows applications in any high risk use; work around any technical limitations in the software; reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any part of the software not provided in source code form, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation; publish the software for others to copy; rent, lease, or lend the software; transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or use the software for commercial software hosting services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 705, "license_sentence": "you may permit distributors of your programs to copy and distribute the distributable code as part of those programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 706, "license_sentence": "you may make copies of the software but you must include all of this notice on any copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 707, "license_sentence": "should this product prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 708, "license_sentence": "however, the device manufacturer or installer, and microsoft, give no contractual guarantee in relation to the licensed software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 709, "license_sentence": "you agree that you are solely responsible for (and that google has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the terms and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which google may suffer) of any such breach.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 710, "license_sentence": "nero does explicitly not intend to limit your liability rights to an extent not permitted by law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 711, "license_sentence": "if you use this software in a product or website, an acknowledgment in the product documentation and/or source and/or on site is required.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 712, "license_sentence": "xboing license xboing an x11 blockout style computer game (c) copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, justin c. kibell, all rights reserved the x consortium, and any party obtaining a copy of these files from the x consortium, directly or indirectly, is granted, free of charge, a full and unrestricted irrevocable, worldwide, paid up, royaltyfree, nonexclusive right and license to deal in this software and documentation files (the \"software\"), including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons who receive copies from any such party to do so.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 713, "license_sentence": "a recipient (\"commercial recipient\") may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations (collectively, \"services\") to one or more other recipients or distributors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 714, "license_sentence": "you may distribute sample code (but not sdk source files) in source code or object code format on a standalone basis or as bundled with other software, as long as you first make modifications to such code that result in material improvements; and (iii) distribution of sdk source files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 715, "license_sentence": "no copyright may be removed unless together with the code contributed to the software by a holder of the respective copyright.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 716, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the author or his relatives be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of mind, use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 717, "license_sentence": "no warranty the information is licensed 'as is' and the information provider excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the information to the maximum extent permitted by law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 718, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is\" and nominum disclaims all warranties with regard to this software including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 719, "license_sentence": "you must provide documentation for any and all modifications that you have made to the program that you are distributing and include clear and obvious information on how to obtain the official povray[tm].", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 720, "license_sentence": "the main difference with the gpl is that modified versions of the ocaml compilers and tools must be distributed as patches or diffs from the original code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 721, "license_sentence": "\"reproduce\" means to make a copy of the work in any manner or form, and by any means.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 722, "license_sentence": "if the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: gnomovision version 69, copyright (c) yyyy name of author gnomovision comes with absolutely no warranty; for details type `show w'.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 723, "license_sentence": "you agree not to remove any proprietary notices and/or any labels from the firmware and accompanying materials without prior written approval by hauppauge exclusion of warranties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 724, "license_sentence": "it's licensed under gpl, the only limitations are that it can not be redistributed, and you must leave the hidden copyright notices within the code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 725, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in this position and unchanged.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 726, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 727, "license_sentence": "this software is provided as is, without representation as to its fitness for any purpose, and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 728, "license_sentence": "neither the name of rick van rein nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior digitally signed permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 729, "license_sentence": "no technical support will be provided for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 730, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify and hold goahead harmless against any and all claims, losses, damages and costs (including legal expenses and reasonable counsel fees) arising out of any claim of a third party with respect to the contents of the your products, and any intellectual property rights or other rights or interests related thereto.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 731, "license_sentence": "no other network use is permitted, including, but not limited to using the software to enable web hosted workgroups or services available to the public.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Network Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 732, "license_sentence": "if the modified module normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the module under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this general public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 733, "license_sentence": "you may add your own attribution notices within derivative works that you distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the notice text from the work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CAN" } }, { "id": 734, "license_sentence": "except as expressly provided for in the agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, google: (a) does not make any warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use, noninfringement, or errorfree or uninterrupted use of the services or software; (b) makes no representation about content or information accessible through the services; and (c) will only be required to provide the remedies expressly stated in the sla for failure to provide the services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 735, "license_sentence": "if this package is used in a product, qualcomm should be given attribution as the author of the turing encryption algorithm.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 736, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability the software is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or of any other type, whether expressed or implied, and to any remedy against aprelium and/or its licensors, whether in contract, tort, delict, quasidelict or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 737, "license_sentence": "gpl terms redistribution with or without modifications is permitted under the terms of the gnu general public licence (version 2, 1991, published by the free software foundation and is reproduced below) (gpl).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 738, "license_sentence": "if you create a derivative work, upon notice from any licensor you must, to the extent practicable, remove from the derivative work any credit as required by clause 4(b), as requested.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 739, "license_sentence": "use, modification and redistribution (including distribution of any modified or derived work) of the software in source and binary forms is permitted only if each of the following conditions of 16 are met: 1. redistributions of the software qualify as \"freeware\" or \"open source software\" under one of the following terms: a. redistributions are made at no charge beyond the reasonable cost of materials and delivery; or b. redistributions are accompanied by a copy of the modified source code (on an acceptable machinereadable medium) or by an irrevocable offer to provide a copy of the modified source code (on an acceptable machinereadable medium) for up to three years at the cost of materials and delivery.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 740, "license_sentence": "with the exception of the points explicitly mentioned here, copying the font software and documentation is not permitted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 741, "license_sentence": "goahead hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license to copy and distribute the binary code versions of the original code together with your modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 742, "license_sentence": "neither the name of the computer systems and communication lab nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 743, "license_sentence": "such limitation of liability shall apply whether the damages arise from use or misuse of and reliance on the google web apis, from inability to use google web apis, or from the interruption, suspension, or termination of google web apis (including such damages incurred by third parties).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 744, "license_sentence": "exhibit a \"the contents of this file are subject to the emorphia public license (the \"license\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 745, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that references to the association of universities for research in astronomy inc. (aura), the national optical astronomy observatories (noao), or the image reduction and analysis facility (iraf) not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission from noao.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 746, "license_sentence": "neither the name of proofpoint, inc. nor the university of california nor names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 747, "license_sentence": "redistribution this license grants a worldwide, royaltyfree, perpetual and irrevocable right and license to use, execute, perform, compile, display, copy, create derivative works of, distribute and sublicense the catharon packages (in both source and object code forms) and derivative works thereof for any purpose; and to authorize others to exercise some or all of the rights granted herein, subject to the following conditions: redistribution of source code must retain this license file (`license.txt') unaltered; any additions, deletions or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 748, "license_sentence": "however, your commercial product can embed fusioncharts free.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 749, "license_sentence": "the project is provided \"as is\", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 750, "license_sentence": "no warranty or maintenance is given, either expressed or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 751, "license_sentence": "section 1 rights (1) you may reproduce and distribute the program and make it publicly available in an unmodified form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 752, "license_sentence": "that if you distribute any derivative works of the software, you will defend, indemnify and hold microsoft harmless from any claims, losses or damages arising from any actions brought by a third party against microsoft to the extent caused by your acts or omissions in connection with such distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 753, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 754, "license_sentence": "to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event will ai2 be liable to you or any third party for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure, interoperability or malfunction, or any other loss) arising from or related to this lr agreement, including without limitation, any use or inability to use any artifacts or derivatives, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or any other theory, even if you or any third party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 755, "license_sentence": "jam stapl software license software distribution agreement the jam software program and executable files, and related specification documentation (\"programs\") (available for downloading from this web site or enclosed with the computer disk accompanying this notice), are made freely available for use by anyone, subject to certain terms and conditions set forth below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 756, "license_sentence": "you may not copy, modify, sublicense, display, distribute or transmit the codec except as expressly provided under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 757, "license_sentence": "you may not delete any copyright notices contained in the software or documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 758, "license_sentence": "the covered code is provided \"as is\" and without warranty, upgrades or support of any kind and licensor and licensor's licensor(s) (collectively referred to as \"licensor\" for the purposes of sections 8 and 9) and all contributors expressly disclaim all warranties and/or conditions, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, of quiet enjoyment, and noninfringement of third party rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 759, "license_sentence": "\u5b9a\u4e49 \u201c\u534f\u8bae\u201d\u662f\u6307\u672c\u534f\u8bae\u4e2d\u5b9a\u4e49yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u4f7f\u7528\u3001\u590d\u5236\u548c\u5206\u53d1\u7684\u6761\u6b3e\u548c\u6761\u4ef6\u3002 \u201c\u6a21\u578b\u201d\u662f\u6307\u4efb\u4f55\u9644\u5e26\u7684\u57fa\u4e8e\u673a\u5668\u5b66\u4e60\u7684\u7ec4\u4ef6(\u5305\u62ec\u68c0\u67e5\u70b9)\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u5b66\u4e60\u7684\u6743\u91cd\u3001\u53c2\u6570\uff08\u5305\u62ec\u4f18 \u5316\u5668\u72b6\u6001\uff09\u3002 \u201cyi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u201d\u662f\u6307\u8bb8\u53ef\u65b9\u5f00\u6e90\u7684\u4ee5yi\u547d\u540d\u7684\u4e0d\u540c\u89c4\u683c\u3001\u4e0d\u540c\u80fd\u529b\u7684\u6a21\u578b\uff0c\u5305\u62ec yi6b\u3001yi34b\u7b49\u3002 \u201c\u6a21\u578b\u884d\u751f\u54c1\u201d\u662f\u6307\u5bf9yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u7684\u6240\u6709\u4fee\u6539\u3001\u57fa\u4e8eyi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u7684\u5de5\u4f5c\uff0c\u6216\u901a\u8fc7\u5c06yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b \u7684\u6743\u91cd\u3001\u53c2\u6570\u3001\u6fc0\u6d3b\u6216\u8f93\u51fa\u6a21\u5f0f\u8f6c\u79fb\u5230\u5176\u4ed6\u6a21\u578b\u800c\u521b\u5efa\u6216\u521d\u59cb\u5316\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u5176\u4ed6\u6a21\u578b\uff0c\u4ee5\u4f7f\u5176\u4ed6 \u6a21\u578b\u7684\u6027\u80fd\u4e0eyi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u7c7b\u4f3c\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u4f46\u4e0d\u9650\u4e8e\u9700\u8981\u4f7f\u7528\u4e2d\u95f4\u6570\u636e\u8868\u793a\u7684\u63d0\u53d6\u65b9\u6cd5\u6216\u57fa\u4e8eyi\u7cfb \u5217\u6a21\u578b\u751f\u6210\u5408\u6210\u6570\u636e\u6765\u8bad\u7ec3\u5176\u4ed6\u6a21\u578b\u7684\u65b9\u6cd5\u3002 \u201c\u8bb8\u53ef\u65b9\u201d\u662f\u6307\u5317\u4eac\u96f6\u4e00\u4e07\u7269\u4fe1\u606f\u6280\u672f\u6709\u9650\u516c\u53f8\u3002 \u201c\u60a8\u201d\u662f\u6307\u884c\u4f7f\u672c\u534f\u8bae\u6388\u4e88\u7684\u6743\u9650\u548c/\u6216\u51fa\u4e8e\u4efb\u4f55\u76ee\u7684\u548c\u5728\u4efb\u4f55\u4f7f\u7528\u9886\u57df\u4f7f\u7528yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u7684\u4e2a \u4eba\u6216\u6cd5\u4eba\u5b9e\u4f53\u3002 \u201c\u7b2c\u4e09\u65b9\u201d\u662f\u6307\u60a8\u4e4b\u5916\u7684\u4efb\u4f55\u4e2a\u4eba\u3001\u6cd5\u4eba\u5b9e\u4f53\u6216\u975e\u6cd5\u4eba\u7ec4\u7ec7\u3002 \u201c\u5206\u53d1\u201d\u662f\u6307\u5411\u7b2c\u4e09\u65b9\u4f20\u8f93\u3001\u590d\u5236\u3001\u53d1\u5e03\u6216\u4ee5\u5176\u4ed6\u65b9\u5f0f\u5171\u4eabyi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\uff0c\u5305\u62ec\u5c06yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\u4f5c \u4e3a\u901a\u8fc7\u7535\u5b50\u6216\u5176\u4ed6\u8fdc\u7a0b\u65b9\u5f0f\uff08\u4f8b\u5982\u57fa\u4e8e api \u6216 web \u8bbf\u95ee\u7684\u4efb\u4f55 saas \u8f6f\u4ef6\u6216 paas \u8f6f \u4ef6\uff09\u63d0\u4f9b\u3002 \u201c\u5546\u4e1a\u7528\u9014\u201d\u662f\u6307\u4f7f\u7528yi\u7cfb\u5217\u6a21\u578b\uff0c\u76f4\u63a5\u6216\u95f4\u63a5\u4e3a\u5b9e\u4f53\u6216\u4e2a\u4eba\u8fdb\u884c\u8fd0\u8425\u3001\u63a8\u5e7f\u6216\u4ea7\u751f\u6536\u5165\uff0c\u6216 \u7528\u4e8e\u4efb\u4f55\u5176\u4ed6\u76c8\u5229\u76ee\u7684\u3002 \u201c\u6cd5\u5f8b\u6cd5\u89c4\u201d\u662f\u6307\u4e2d\u534e\u4eba\u6c11\u5171\u548c\u56fd\u5927\u9646\u5730\u533a\uff08\u4ec5\u4e3a\u672c\u534f\u8bae\u4e4b\u76ee\u7684\uff0c\u4e0d\u5305\u62ec\u9999\u6e2f\u3001\u6fb3\u95e8\u548c\u53f0\u6e7e\uff09 \u7684\u6cd5\u5f8b\u53ca\u884c\u653f\u6cd5\u89c4\u3002 \u201c\u4e2a\u4eba\u4fe1\u606f\u201d\u662f\u6307\u4ee5\u7535\u5b50\u6216\u8005\u5176\u4ed6\u65b9\u5f0f\u8bb0\u5f55\u7684\u4e0e\u5df2\u8bc6\u522b\u6216\u8005\u53ef\u8bc6\u522b\u7684\u81ea\u7136\u4eba\u6709\u5173\u7684\u5404\u79cd\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c \u4e0d\u5305\u62ec\u533f\u540d\u5316\u5904\u7406\u540e\u7684\u4fe1\u606f\u3002 \u201c\u6807\u8bc6\u201d \u662f\u6307\u4efb\u4f55\u5546\u6807\u3001\u670d\u52a1\u6807\u8bb0\u3001\u5546\u53f7\u3001\u57df\u540d\u3001\u7f51\u7ad9\u540d\u79f0\u6216\u5176\u4ed6\u5e26\u6709\u663e\u8457\u54c1\u724c\u7279\u5f81\u7684\u6807\u8bb0\u3002 2.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 760, "license_sentence": "in consideration of, and as a condition to, the licenses granted to you under this license, you hereby grant to any person or entity receiving or distributing covered code under this license a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, perpetual, irrevocable license, under your applicable patent rights and other intellectual property rights (other than patent) owned or controlled by you, to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, sublicense, distribute and externally deploy your modifications of the same scope and extent as apple's licenses under sections 2.1 and 2.2 above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 761, "license_sentence": "except for the express warranties set forth in this section 7, telerik disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of title, noninfringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 762, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by sleepycat software ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement, are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 763, "license_sentence": "two pilots grants you a royaltyfree right to distribute copies of the runtime files for use with applications you have developed using the software, if the software is licensed under a small business license, web license for small business, application license, or web license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 764, "license_sentence": "where said distributions are modified, the source code must be the modified source code which was used to produce the software being distributed, and changes made must be clearly labelled, and it must be clearly labelled as being modified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 765, "license_sentence": "not to use microsoft's name, logo, or trademarks to market the licensee software; v. to display your own valid copyright notice which shall be sufficient to protect microsoft's copyright in the software; vi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 766, "license_sentence": "users must agree not to remove the copyright notice inside each script.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 767, "license_sentence": "jsrs javascript remote scripting copyright (c) 2001 by brent ashley license: you can use this however you like.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 768, "license_sentence": "restricted rights if you distribute a license to the united states government, the programs, including documentation, shall be considered commercial computer software and you will place a legend, in addition to applicable copyright notices, on the documentation, and on the media label, substantially similar to the following: notice of restricted rights \"programs delivered subject to the dod far supplement are ';commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable oracle license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 769, "license_sentence": "the software is delivered \"as is\", without any form of warranty, either implied or expressed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 770, "license_sentence": "you will not modify or create a derivative work based on any content unless expressly permitted to do so under these terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 771, "license_sentence": "you may reproduce and distribute copies of the work or derivative works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in source or object form, provided that you meet the following conditions: a. you must give any other recipients of the work or derivative works a copy of this license; and you must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files; and c. you must retain, in the source form of any derivative works that you distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the source form of the work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the derivative works; and d. if the work includes a \"notice\" text file as part of its distribution, then any derivative works that you distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such notice file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the derivative works, in at least one of the following places: within a notice text file distributed as part of the derivative works; within the source form or documentation, if provided along with the derivative works; or, within a display generated by the derivative works, if and wherever such thirdparty notices normally appear.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 772, "license_sentence": "nist does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 773, "license_sentence": "you may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software unless this right is specifically granted to you by applicable law to decompile only to achieve interoperability with other software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 774, "license_sentence": "if you distribute, or publicly perform the work or any collections, you must, unless a request has been made pursuant to section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means you are utilizing: (i) any attributions that the licensor indicates be associated with the work as indicated in a copyright notice, (ii) the title of the work if supplied; (iii) to the extent reasonably practicable, the uri, if any, that the licensor specifies to be associated with the work, unless such uri does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 775, "license_sentence": "the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or xiii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 776, "license_sentence": "rbot license redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 777, "license_sentence": "for distributions of the covered code in source code form, the notice must appear in every file that can include a text comments field; in executable form, the notice and a copy of this license must appear in related documentation or collateral where the recipient.s rights relating to covered code are described.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 778, "license_sentence": "oracle also grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive patent license under oracle's licensed patents solely to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the program in source code and object code form and to sublicense, directly and indirectly, such rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 779, "license_sentence": "motorola makes no representation or warranty as to any third party content, products or services, and you agree that motorola shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such thirdparty content, products or services available on or through any such site or resource.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 780, "license_sentence": "therefore, you must treat this software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book), except that you may either make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes or transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 781, "license_sentence": "dans toute la mesure permise par la l\u00e9gislation en vigueur, microsoft et ses fournisseurs fournissent le produit logiciel et tous (selon le cas) services d\u2019assistance tels quels et avec tous leurs d\u00e9fauts, et par les pr\u00e9sentes excluent toute garantie ou condition, expresse ou implicite, l\u00e9gale ou conventionnelle, \u00e9crite ou verbale, y compris, mais sans limitation, toute (selon le cas) garantie ou condition implicite ou l\u00e9gale de qualit\u00e9 marchande, de conformit\u00e9 \u00e0 un usage particulier, d\u2019absence de virus, d\u2019exactitude et d\u2019int\u00e9gralit\u00e9 des r\u00e9ponses, de r\u00e9sultats, d\u2019efforts techniques et professionnels et d\u2019absence de n\u00e9gligence, le tout relativement au produit logiciel et \u00e0 la prestation ou \u00e0 la nonprestation des services d\u2019assistance.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 782, "license_sentence": "you must accredit micro focus inc for in the about box and/or banner of your application.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 783, "license_sentence": "you may sell a derived work, provided that all source code for your derived work is available, at no additional charge, to anyone who buys your derived work in any form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 784, "license_sentence": "while redistributing the software or modifications thereof, licensee may choose to offer, for a fee or free of charge, support, warranty, indemnity, or other obligations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 785, "license_sentence": "all export distributions must consist of or be ancillary to distribution of source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 786, "license_sentence": "for example, it is not appropriate to write \"systemc\u00ae's software.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 787, "license_sentence": "in particular, you can use r2corba to build proprietary software and are under no obligation to redistribute any of your source code that is built using r2corba.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 788, "license_sentence": "in no event shall any developer be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the developer has been advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 789, "license_sentence": "no representations and warranties are made to you regarding any aspect of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 790, "license_sentence": "no assignment or amendment this agreement may not be assigned or amended without the prior written consent of the parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 791, "license_sentence": "in short, if you make money by using download4j, you need to get a different license from us, but if you do not use it to make money this license allows you to do just about anything you want.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 792, "license_sentence": "no warranty the freetype project is provided `as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 793, "license_sentence": "subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered code and/or as part of a larger work; and (b) under patent claims infringed by the making, using, or selling of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its contributor version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) modifications made by that contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of modifications made by that contributor with its contributor version (or portions of such combination).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 794, "license_sentence": "however, in accepting such obligations, you may act only on your own behalf and on your sole responsibility, not on our behalf, and only if you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, us by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 795, "license_sentence": "(iii) no money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overheads.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 796, "license_sentence": "a cada vez que voc\u00ea redistribuir a biblioteca (ou qualquer obra nela baseada), o receptor automaticamente recebe uma licen\u00e7a do licenciante original para copiar, distribuir, ligar ou modificar a biblioteca, sujeito a estes respectivos termos e condi\u00e7\u00f5es.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 797, "license_sentence": "in addition, licensees that modify the program must give the modified program a new name that is not confusingly similar to flowplayer and may not distribute it under the name flowplayer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 798, "license_sentence": "in addition, as a special exception, red hat, inc. gives you the additional right to link the code of this program with code not covered under the gnu general public license (\"nongpl code\") and to distribute linked combinations including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 799, "license_sentence": "cron license copyright 1988,1990,1993,1994 by paul vixie all rights reserved distribute freely, except: don't remove my name from the source or documentation (don't take credit for my work), mark your changes (don't get me blamed for your possible bugs), don't alter or remove this notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST", "State Changes": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 800, "license_sentence": "the software provided hereunder is on an \"as is\" basis, and the zsh development group have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 801, "license_sentence": "while i may offer support if you are having problems, or general queries about implementing one of my scripts, i cannot be held responsible for any problems encountered or losses incurred through use of any of these scripts.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 802, "license_sentence": "however, should you provide intel with comments or suggestions for the modification, correction, improvement or enhancement of (a) the software or (b) intel products or processes which work with the software, you grants to intel a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, royaltyfree license, with the right to sublicense intel's licensees and customers, under your intellectual property rights, the rights to use and disclose such comments and suggestions in any manner intel chooses and to display, perform, copy, make, have made, use, sell, and otherwise dispose of intel's and its sublicensee's products embodying such comments and suggestions in any manner and via any media intel chooses, without reference to the source.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 803, "license_sentence": "effective upon distribution of any licensed work by a distributor to a third party, such distributor hereby grants all recipients a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims, under patent claim(s) licensable by such distributor that are or would be infringed by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, importing, exporting, transfer or disposal of any such licensed work distributed by such distributor, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, import, export, transfer and otherwise dispose of such licensed work or portions thereof (collectively and in each case, the \"distributor version\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 804, "license_sentence": "qss expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty or condition of fitness for highrisk applications; or 7.6. use to pursue any formal qualification, certification, or designation, unless it is for a specific end user device or unless qss has provided its express written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 805, "license_sentence": "you assume all risk as to the quality and effects of the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 806, "license_sentence": "blend fonts for visual studio 2012. you may distribute unmodified copies of the buxton sketch font, sketchflow print font and segoemarker font.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 807, "license_sentence": "lsi shall have no obligations whatsoever to support, maintain, contribute to, or provide updates, new versions or any modifications to licensee derivative works of the lsi source code and shall have no liability whatsoever for such derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 808, "license_sentence": "copyright 1994, 1998 the open group permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 809, "license_sentence": "without limiting the foregoing, you may not use the software during the evaluation period to create publicly distributed computer software or for any other commercial purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 810, "license_sentence": "mordor mud driver v5.0 copyright (c) 19932000 by brooke paul you may without charge, royalty or other payment, copy and distribute copies of this work provided that: (1) you appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; (2) faithfully \" reproduce all prior copyright notices included in the original work; and (3) agree to indemnify and hold all prior authors, copyright holders and licensors of the work harmless from and against all damages arising from use of the work (4) charge no fee for distribution, execution, use or other purpose without written consent of the copyright holder.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 811, "license_sentence": "if the program is defective, you assume the cost of all services, corrections or repairs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 812, "license_sentence": "nxp semiconductors also make no representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 813, "license_sentence": "no one other than apple has the right to modify the terms applicable to documents created under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 814, "license_sentence": "any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the site is done at your own discretion and risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material, or use of this site.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 815, "license_sentence": "no one other than original contributor has the right to promulgate rcsl r&d versions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 816, "license_sentence": "redistributions in binary form with or without modifications must reproduce the above copyright notice, his list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and other materials provided with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 817, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors \"as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 818, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each licensor grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, royaltyfree, copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense and distribute its work and any resulting derivative works in any form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 819, "license_sentence": "the gnu general public license (gpl) version 2, june 1991 copyright (c) 1989, 1991 free software foundation, inc. 59 temple place, suite 330, boston, ma 021111307 usa everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 820, "license_sentence": "grant of patent license subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nocharge, royaltyfree, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such contributor that are necessarily infringed by their contribution(s) alone or by combination of their contribution(s) with the work to which such contribution(s) was submitted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 821, "license_sentence": "libraries are separate components which link against the given work or other components.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 822, "license_sentence": "modifications are to be distributed as patches to released version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 823, "license_sentence": "if you use any license other than this license, however, you must continue to fulfill the requirements of this license (including the provisions relating to publishing the source code) for those portions of your derivative works that consist of the licensed product, including the files containing modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "CAN" } }, { "id": 824, "license_sentence": "oracle disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 825, "license_sentence": "commercial use and distribution of technology and modifications is permitted only under a sun commercial license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 826, "license_sentence": "limitation des recours; absence de dommages indirects ou autres.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 827, "license_sentence": "that microsoft will not be liable for any damages related to the software or this license, including direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, to the maximum extent the law permits, no matter what legal theory it is based on.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 828, "license_sentence": "the rights granted in paragraphs a. and b. allow the recipient to sublicense those same rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 829, "license_sentence": "acm software copyright and license agreement copyright \u00a9 1998 association for computing machinery, inc. permission to include in application software or to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work is subject to the following licensing agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 830, "license_sentence": "article 6. the distribution of a program (or any derivative work) involves sending a license authorizing the copying, distributing or modifying the program, the terms and conditions of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 831, "license_sentence": "com disclaims any warranties for any information or advice obtained through the kerbango tuning service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 832, "license_sentence": "tracetool exception to gpl 2.0 you are free to distribute the viewer (gpl) and to incorporate the library (lgpl) in your product (commercial or not).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 833, "license_sentence": "exclusion de responsabilit\u00e9 pour les dommages accessoires, indirects et certains autres types de dommages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 834, "license_sentence": "the owner of this mod takes no responsibility for any damages incurred from the use of this mod.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 835, "license_sentence": "you completely assume any and all risks and associated liabilities that might result by usage of any information, facts, opinions, views, material or programs available on this website.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 836, "license_sentence": "in addition to any terms and conditions of any third party license identified in the thirdpartynotices file, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation on and exclusion of remedies and damages provisions of this agreement shall apply to all software in this distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 837, "license_sentence": "under this agreement, you can also deliver valueadded versions of the systemc modeling platform, including your own \"permitted modifications\", to your customers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 838, "license_sentence": "whenever a recipient distributes or redistributes the subject software, a copy of this agreement must be included with each copy of the subject software; and 2. if recipient distributes or redistributes the subject software in any form other than source code, recipient must also make the source code freely available, and must provide with each copy of the subject software information on how to obtain the source code in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 839, "license_sentence": "no charge is made for this software or works derived from it.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 840, "license_sentence": "an appropriate copyright notice for your derivative work must be added adjacent to the other copyright notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 841, "license_sentence": "the foregoing constitutes altova\u2019s sole and exclusive liability for intellectual property infringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 842, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, shavlik technologies, llc (\"shavlik\") grants to the individual or entity installing this product (\"licensee\"), a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the software, together with any updates and data components provided to licensee under a current software support services agreement, and any accompanying documentation provided by shavlik (collectively, the \"product\"), solely for licensee\u2019s internal business purposes and only in as many copies and/or for the number of virtual or physical workstations, pcs, servers, and/or other devices scanned, remediated, or reported on using the software (\"seats\") as authorized by shavlik as part of licensee\u2019s purchase.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 843, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including, but not limited to section 3 (java (tm) technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the software in binary code form only, provided that i. you distribute the software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of, and for the sole purpose of running, your java applets or applications (\"programs\"), ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 844, "license_sentence": "you may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices for use with your asp.net programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 845, "license_sentence": "the oculus sdk (including, but not limited to libovr and vrlib), and any developer content that includes any portion of the oculus sdk, may only be used with oculus approved products and may not be used, licensed, or sublicensed to interface with software or hardware or other commercial headsets, mobile tablets or phones that are not authorized and approved by oculus; 2.2 you must include with all such redistributed or sublicensed oculus sdk code the following copyright notice: \u201ccopyright \u00a9 facebook technologies, llc and its affiliates.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 846, "license_sentence": "use of the software is done so with the understanding that adobe will not provide you with any technical or customer support or maintenance.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 847, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the regents or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 848, "license_sentence": "subject to and conditioned on compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, including without limitation compliance with the obligations regarding the end user requirements (defined below), bugsense hereby grants you a nonexclusive, limited, nontransferable, revocable license (without the right to sublicense except as expressly permitted by this section) to (i) install, use, and copy the bugsense sdk for the purpose of debugging, monitoring, developing and operating your user app and (ii) include the bugsense sdk in your user app and distribute to end users (directly or indirectly in accordance with your regular distribution channels for the user app) the bugsense sdk as contained within your user app.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 849, "license_sentence": "do contr\u00e1rio, se a obra for um derivado da biblioteca, voc\u00ea poder\u00e1 distribuir o c\u00f3digo objeto da obra sob os termos da cl\u00e1usula 6. quaisquer execut\u00e1veis contendo esta obra tamb\u00e9m se submetmem \u00e0 cl\u00e1usula 6, estejam ou n\u00e3o diretamente ligados \u00e0 biblioteca em si.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 850, "license_sentence": "adobe shall not be liable for loss or damage arising out of this agreement or from the distribution or use of the software or any other materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 851, "license_sentence": "in no event shall unicode or its licensors be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, whether or not unicode was advised of the possibility of the damage, including, without limitation, those resulting from the following: loss of use, data or profits, in connection with the use, modification or distribution of this information or its derivatives.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 852, "license_sentence": "all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: \"this product includes cryptographic software written by eric young (eay@cryptsoft.com)\" the word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not cryptographic related :).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 853, "license_sentence": "n\u00e3o fa\u00e7a nenhuma outra altera\u00e7\u00e3o nesses avisos ou notifica\u00e7\u00f5es.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 854, "license_sentence": "com disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, or operability or availability of information or material displayed in the kerbango tuning service results.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 855, "license_sentence": "this is because they have allowed anyone to use the work in whatever way they choose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 856, "license_sentence": "no use of any covered code is authorized hereunder except under this disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 857, "license_sentence": "this software is provided ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and against infringement are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 858, "license_sentence": "any replacement software will be warranted for the original warranty period covered by this section.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 859, "license_sentence": "subject to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement and any specific restrictions which may appear in the redistributables text files, intel grants to you a nonexclusive, nonassignable, fullypaid copyright license to distribute (except if you received the materials under an evaluation license as specified below) the redistributables, or any portions thereof, as part of the product or application you developed using the materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 860, "license_sentence": "software provided without warranty and subject to limitation of liability.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 861, "license_sentence": "the enduser documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: \"this product includes software developed by the the authors of melati (see http://www.melati.org).\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 862, "license_sentence": "the distribution of the derivative software and/or derivative software services must be on the terms of the 1060 public license, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 863, "license_sentence": "you may make a commercial redistribution of the programs only if (a) permitted under a separate written agreement with red hat authorizing such commercial redistribution, or (b) you remove and replace all occurrences of red hat trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 864, "license_sentence": "if you purchase or download the software in china, india, indonesia or vietnam, you may not copy the software or printed materials accompanying the software for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 865, "license_sentence": "the inventors of sosemanuk wish that the sosemanuk cipher and the provided reference implementations are and remain freely available, and may be used by anyone for any purpose, including commercial exploitation, without restriction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 866, "license_sentence": "sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, royaltyfree limited license to reproduce and distribute the software to third party end users through multiple tiers of distribution solely as a component of your programs provided that you: i. distribute the software complete and unmodified (except that you may elect to only distribute all of the specific runtime files, complete and unmodified, identified in the software readme file); ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 867, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute the object code form of code listed on the redist list located at go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid247624.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 868, "license_sentence": "redistributions in binary form must reproduce the abovec opyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 869, "license_sentence": "these license terms give you no rights to any microsoft trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 870, "license_sentence": "note, however, that you may not do anything to the ace+tao+ciao code, such as copyrighting it yourself or claiming authorship of the ace+tao+ciao code, that will prevent ace+tao+ciao from being distributed freely using an opensource development model.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 871, "license_sentence": "in particular, you must make the source code of your modifications available to others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 872, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must (a) rename your license so that the phrases \"mozilla\", \"mozillapl\", \"mozpl\", \"netscape\", \"mpl\", \"npl\" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this license) and (b) otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the mozilla public license and netscape public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 873, "license_sentence": "you are not allowed to post or otherwise make the software available on the world wide web.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 874, "license_sentence": "(c) you may not modify, adapt, translate, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, distribute, network, or create derivative works based on the software or any part thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 875, "license_sentence": "this license agreement does not grant permission to use cnri trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of licensee, or any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 876, "license_sentence": "this eula does not grant you any rights in connection with any trademarks or service marks of acme.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 877, "license_sentence": "if that product is based on a modified cidlib reference release, this will obviously require that the modified cidlib version be redistributed in source form as well.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 878, "license_sentence": "permissions for redistribution of the standard version (2) you may distribute verbatim copies of the source form of the standard version of this package in any medium without restriction, either gratis or for a distributor fee, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 879, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, store and modify, the software and its source code is granted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 880, "license_sentence": "the names of the modified fonts must not start with the two letters `ec' or `tc'.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 881, "license_sentence": "developer will defend crashlytics from all third party claims, whether actual or alleged (collectively, \"crashlytics claims\"), and will indemnify crashlytics and hold crashlytics harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) resulting from such crashlytics claims that arise out of developer's: (a) use of the services, (b) actual or alleged infringement or misappropriation of the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, any intellectual property rights, privacy rights or publicity rights, and (c) breach of any representations and warranties set forth in the agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 882, "license_sentence": "wpf040 license redistribution and use in source and compiled forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 883, "license_sentence": "your extension is distributed subject to one of the floss licenses listed below, and is accompanied by the complete corresponding machinereadable source code on the same medium and under the same floss license as the extension your extension can reasonably be considered to be adding to or modifying standard functionality of the library for software development purposes and does not constitute an independent and separate application in itself.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 884, "license_sentence": "less license less redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 885, "license_sentence": "you must obey the gnu general public license in all respects for all of the program code and other code used in conjunction with the program except the nongpl code covered by this exception.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 886, "license_sentence": "you must make it absolutely clear than any such warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by you alone, and you hereby agree to indemnify the initial developer and every contributor for any liability incurred by the initial developer or such contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms you offer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 887, "license_sentence": "the microsoft parties disclaim any and all warranties, express, statutory and implied, including without limitation 1. warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, workmanlike effort, accuracy, title, quiet enjoyment, no encumbrances, no liens and noninfringement, 2. warranties arising through course of dealing or usage of trade, and 3. warranties that access to or use of the service will be uninterrupted or errorfree.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 888, "license_sentence": "you are hereby granted permission to access the content from the site in whole or in part, solely for your personal, noncommercial use of viewing and browsing through the site or ordering products or services from the site.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 889, "license_sentence": "outras atividades que n\u00e3o a c\u00f3pia, distribui\u00e7\u00e3o e modifica\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o s\u00e3o cobertas por esta licen\u00e7a; elas est\u00e3o fora de seu escopo.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 890, "license_sentence": "licensee agrees that each copy of licensee's software distributed by licensee shall be subject to a licensee end user software license, the terms and which shall be at least as protective of deliverables as i. the terms and conditions licensee uses for its own software products and ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 891, "license_sentence": "the names ace(tm), tao(tm), ciao(tm), dance(tm), cosmic(tm), washington university, uc irvine, and vanderbilt university, may not be used to endorse or promote products or services derived from this source without express written permission from washington university, uc irvine, or vanderbilt university.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 892, "license_sentence": "in addition to the license granted in section 1 (software internal use and development license grant) of these supplemental terms, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including but not limited to section 3 (java technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the software in binary code form only, provided that you i. distribute the software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of your programs, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 893, "license_sentence": "although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the software and data, the nlm and the u.s. government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that may be obtained by using this software or data.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 894, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 895, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is\" and internet software consortium disclaims all warranties with regard to this software including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 896, "license_sentence": "in return, we simply require that you agree: not to remove any copyright or other notices from the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 897, "license_sentence": "do what the fuck you want to public license terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification 0. you just do what the fuck you want to.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 898, "license_sentence": "this paragraph is to be used in conjunction with and controlled by the disclaimer of warranties of section 8, the limitation of damages in section 9, and the disclaimer against use for high risk activities in section 10. the licensor has thereby disclaimed all warranties and limited any damages that it is or may be liable for.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 899, "license_sentence": "when compiling, linking with, distributing, transferring or otherwise providing implementing code, which is subject to a valid separate license under this section 5, in combination with the program, the applicable contributor shall include a conspicuous notice in each such distribution, transfer or provision (i) stating that the program includes a component that is subject to a separate license, (ii) describing such component with sufficient detail to permit its removal, and (iii) making available a copy of or working reference to such separate license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 900, "license_sentence": "however, nothing other than this license grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 901, "license_sentence": "sie durfen die quellcodes ebenfalls verandern und weiter geben.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 902, "license_sentence": "the licensee is free to use, copy, modify, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or merchandise the work, subject to the licensee inflecting a positive message unto someone.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 903, "license_sentence": "you \"release\" software when you disclose its source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 904, "license_sentence": "nvidia grants you (\u201cyou\u201d) a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable worldwide, royaltyfree license to (a) internally install, use and display the apex sdk, solely for purposes of developing apex asset content for physics applications; (b) internally use, copy, modify and compile the sample code to design, develop and test apex assets; and (c) reproduce and distribute the redistributable code only in object code form and only as fully integrated into physics applications, provided you meet and comply with all requirements of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN" } }, { "id": 905, "license_sentence": "you may, free of charge and without additional permission from the u.s. government, distribute copies of the smp documentation, with or without modifications developed by you and/or by others, at no charge or at a charge that covers the cost of reproducing such copies, provided that this smp public license is retained.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 906, "license_sentence": "should the software prove defective in any respect, sgi assumes no cost or liability for any servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 907, "license_sentence": "macromedia's total liability to you for actual damages for any cause whatsoever will be limited to the greater of $500 or the amount paid by you for the software that caused such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 908, "license_sentence": "the entire risk associated with operation of the software product is assumed by you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 909, "license_sentence": "section (c) shall have the following exception: you are permitted to use the covered code in a standalone executable application (but not a platform) that involves or uses a network for downloading content provided that: (a) such content is not viewed or streamed via a browser; (b) only you will sell or profit from content viewed using the covered code; (c) you agree to not use the covered code in a manner such that any third party could lawfully sell or profit from any content that uses the covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 910, "license_sentence": "under no circumstance will calerga or its resellers be responsible for any loss of money, time, data, goods, or lives.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 911, "license_sentence": "this covers not any cost or damages resulted directly or indirectly from the usage of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 912, "license_sentence": "software may not be redistributed, leased, assigned, or sublicensed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 913, "license_sentence": "you grant aspose the right to use your name and logo in press releases, brochures, case studies, marketing materials, the aspose website and similar materials indicating that you are a customer of aspose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 914, "license_sentence": "\"; and (ii) make one (1) copy of the images or clips, font software, or sample content for backup or archival purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 915, "license_sentence": "commercial distribution and/or use prohibited without written permission from bit bucket software co. noncommercial distribution and/or use is permitted under the following terms: 1. you may copy and distribute verbatim copies of binkleyterm source, documentation, and executable code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy a valid copyright notice \"(c) copyright 198796 bit bucket software co.\"; keep intact the notices on all files that refer to this license agreement and to the absence of any warranty; provide unmodified copies of the documentation as provided with the program; and give any other recipients of the binkleyterm program a copy of this license agreement along with the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 916, "license_sentence": "in no event will the copyright holder, the united states, the united states department of energy, or their employees: be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages of any kind or nature, including but not limited to loss of profits or loss of data, for any reason whatsoever, whether such liability is asserted on the basis of contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise, even if any of said parties has been warned of the possibility of such loss or damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 917, "license_sentence": "the license, in the form of the file called \"license.txt\" must accompany any such distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 918, "license_sentence": "use the trademark, and no other mark, to identify the software, the documentation, the specifications and any products that implement the specifications; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 919, "license_sentence": "however, you acknowledge that the programs may not be intended for production use and/or oracle may not make a version of the programs available for production or other purposes; any development or other work you undertake with the programs is at your sole risk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 920, "license_sentence": "if you created one or more modification(s), you may add your name as a contributor to the notice described in exhibit a. you may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Add Own Notices": "CAN" } }, { "id": 921, "license_sentence": "we would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 922, "license_sentence": "by way of example, but not limitation, dstc pty ltd makes no and disclaims any representation or warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or that the use of fnorb will not infringe any third party rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 923, "license_sentence": "copying policies 1. you may copy and distribute verbatim copies of smail source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy a valid copyright notice \"copyright (c) 1988 landon curt noll & ronald s. karr\" (or with whatever year is appropriate); keep intact the notices on all files that refer to this license agreement and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the smail program a copy of this license agreement along with the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 924, "license_sentence": "the author of this product (dmitry koterov, http://dmitry.moikrug.ru) may change the product's license type and any of license conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 925, "license_sentence": "the javapos working group (including each of the corporate members, contributors and individuals) makes no representations or warranties about the suitability of the software, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 926, "license_sentence": "the royal statistical society holds the copyright to these routines, but has given its permission for their distribution provided that no fee is charged.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 927, "license_sentence": "it is not allowed to create your own ajax library for the .net framework using this source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 928, "license_sentence": "section iii: conditions of usage, distribution and redistribution 4. distribution and redistribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 929, "license_sentence": "inmon hereby grants to licensee a perpetual (subject to inmon's termination rights under section 7 below), nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable license to use the trademark on or in connection with the software, the documentation, the specifications and any software that implements the specifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 930, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this eula, macromedia grants you the nonexclusive, royaltyfree right to reproduce and distribute, in object code form only, any macromedia redistributables identified in the redistrb.txt file located i. on the software cdrom, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 931, "license_sentence": "rice bsd software license permits source and binary redistribution of the software arpack and parpack for both noncommercial and commercial use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 932, "license_sentence": "gl2ps license version 2, november 2003 copyright (c) 2003, christophe geuzaine permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and his permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 933, "license_sentence": "to the full extent permitted by law, all obligations are hereby excluded whether express, statutory or implied under law, course of dealing, custom, trade usage, oral or written statement or otherwise, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose concerning the code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 934, "license_sentence": "if duplicated and/or distributed, no fee beyond reasonable duplication charges may be charged for hb.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 935, "license_sentence": "object and conditions of the software license a) inria and enpc authorize you free of charge, to reproduce the software source and/or object code on any present and future support, without restriction, providing the following reference appears in all the copies: scilab (c)inriaenpc.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 936, "license_sentence": "adobe is acting on behalf of its suppliers for the purpose of disclaiming, excluding and limiting obligations, warranties and liability, but in no other respects and for no other purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 937, "license_sentence": "however, if you submit feedback to us, then you grant us a nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license that is sublicensable and transferable, to make, use, sell, have made, offer to sell, import, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, and publicly perform the feedback in any manner without any obligation, royalty or restriction based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 938, "license_sentence": "accordingly, wingware and its suppliers and licensors specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 939, "license_sentence": "a license to copy, compile, install, and use the timescale software in unmodified form: (i) solely for your own internal business purposes in a manner that does not expose or give access to, directly or indirectly (e.g., via a wrapper), the timescale data definition interfaces or the timescale data manipulation interfaces to any person or entity other than you or your employees and contractors working on your behalf, and (ii) solely in compliance with all applicable usage limits and any limits imposed on the use of enterprise features by a license key or the timescale software itself.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 940, "license_sentence": "(b) any use or distribution you make of uploadbean is subject to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 941, "license_sentence": "permitted uses: you may use the software for your own individual, commercial, or research and instructional use for the purposes of designing, developing, testing, and running your programs, subject to and conditioned on your compliance with the additional terms below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 942, "license_sentence": "http://www.getpaint.net/donate.html permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software (the \"software\"), to use the software without restriction, including the rights to use, copy, publish, and distribute the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 943, "license_sentence": "attribution requirements noncommercial use acknowledgement: while it is encouraged, noncommercial users are not strictly required to attribute the model; however, voluntary attribution is appreciated to acknowledge the efforts of the original creators.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 944, "license_sentence": "not commercial software the software components subject to this agreement are not commercial software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 945, "license_sentence": "in no event shall nrl or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 946, "license_sentence": "if it is not reasonably evident to a recipient of your derivative work that the derivative work is subject to the terms of this license, a statement indicating such fact must be included in the same place as your copyright notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Statement For Additional Terms": "MUST" } }, { "id": 947, "license_sentence": "any replacement software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 30 days, whichever is longer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 948, "license_sentence": "if you do not accept all of these terms and conditions, do not use, reproduce, modify, or distribute the software in any manner.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 949, "license_sentence": "modifications are encouraged but must be packaged separately as patches to official zope releases.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 950, "license_sentence": "you may modify, copy, distribute or deploy any .js files contained in the software as part of your applications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 951, "license_sentence": "covered code is provided under this license on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties that the covered code is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or noninfringing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 952, "license_sentence": "if you want to distribute source code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 953, "license_sentence": "additional term: attribution (a) as a modest attribution to the organizer of the development of the original code (\"original developer\"), in the hope that its promotional value may help justify the time, money and effort invested in writing the original code, the original developer may include in exhibit b (\"attribution information\") a requirement that each time an executable and source code or a larger work is launched or initially run (which includes initiating a session), a prominent display of the original developer\u2019s attribution information (as defined below) must occur on the graphic user interface employed by the end user to access such covered code (which may include display on a splash screen), if any.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 954, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and to redistribute to others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 955, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant any rights in the patents, trademarks, service marks, or logos of backbase (except as may be necessary to comply with the notice requirements in section 2.2).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 956, "license_sentence": "if the products contain documentation that is provided only in electronic form, you may print one copy of such electronic documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 957, "license_sentence": "details of the open source components and related license text can be found at http://support.intel.com/support/motherboards/server/sysmgmt/sb/cs031025.htm end user license: if you are an end user, meaning that that you have acquired the intel hardwarebased server board, system or accessory (the \"intel hardware\") for which the software was provided primarily for your (or your employer's) own use and not for redistribution or resale, intel grants you a limited copyright license to copy or otherwise install and run the software for the purpose of supporting the intel hardware.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 958, "license_sentence": "any source code developed by the working group is solely subject the source code license included in the working group\u2019s repository for that code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 959, "license_sentence": "the fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 960, "license_sentence": "copyleft clause: if the licensee distributes and/or communicates copies of the original works or derivative works based upon the original work, this distribution and/or communication will be done under the terms of this licence or of a later version of this licence unless the original work is expressly distributed only under this version of the licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 961, "license_sentence": "the software deliverables contain compiled code that you are permitted to distribute with programs you develop if you comply with the terms below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 962, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, developer hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license to reproduce, publicly display, and publicly perform the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN" } }, { "id": 963, "license_sentence": "you can choose what license to use for new code you add.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 964, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a contributor: for any code that a contributor has removed from covered software; or for infringements caused by: (i) your and any other third party\u2019s modifications of covered software, or (ii) the combination of its contributions with other software (except as part of its contributor version); or under patent claims infringed by covered software in the absence of its contributions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 965, "license_sentence": "incorporate the software (or any copy or portion thereof) into any of your products (except solely to the extent expressly permitted with respect to the static libraries and sample source code under section 2(a) section 2(c), respectively).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 966, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify and hold yahoo and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, partners and licensors harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party in connection with or arising out of your use of the service, your violation of any terms or conditions of this license, your violation of applicable laws, or your violation of any rights of another person or entity.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 967, "license_sentence": "you may modify the solution and/or combine it with your own products or services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 968, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the package or the use or other dealings in the package.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 969, "license_sentence": "accordingly, aol and its licensors specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 970, "license_sentence": "you must give permisson for said source code to be used and modified under the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 971, "license_sentence": "in no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall licensor be liable to you for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this license or out of the use or inability to use software (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 972, "license_sentence": "to the extent licensee owns or controls any patents for such feedback licensee hereby grants to digia and its affiliates, a worldwide, perpetual, nontransferable, sublicensable, royaltyfree license to (i) use, copy and modify feedback and to create derivative works thereof, (ii) to make (and have made), use, import, sell, offer for sale, lease, dispose, offer for disposal or otherwise exploit any products or services of digia containing feedback, and (iii) sublicense all the foregoing rights to third party licensees and customers of digia and/or its affiliates.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 973, "license_sentence": "you must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files, identifying the changes, and identifying the dates of any changes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 974, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation for any peaceful purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above notices appear in all copies and that both those notices and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 975, "license_sentence": "authorization for redistribution original model: licensees are permitted to redistribute the model in its original form, provided that they comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 976, "license_sentence": "bbn hereby grants to licensee a royalty free, worldwide right and license to use, copy, distribute and make derivative works of openmap, and sublicensing rights of any of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 977, "license_sentence": "any use of the work, in whole or in part, involving commercialization, is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of licensor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 978, "license_sentence": "a contributor may add its own copyright notice to the subject software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CAN" } }, { "id": 979, "license_sentence": "nothing contained in this agreement limits adobe's or its suppliers' liability to you in the event of death or personal injury resulting from negligence or for the tort of deceit (fraud).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 980, "license_sentence": "except as and only to the extent expressly permitted herein or by applicable law, you may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, or create derivative works of the apple software or any part thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 981, "license_sentence": "if you link the application or widget to a modified version of fltk, then the changes to fltk must be provided under the terms of the lgpl in sections 1, 2, and 4.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 982, "license_sentence": "in no event shall apple's liability under this license exceed the amount of $500 (except as not permitted by local law); and apple does not undertake to furnish any maintenance services or update services relating to the webobjects materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 983, "license_sentence": "you may use the adobe air trademark to refer to your developer application as an \"adobe\u00ae air\u2122 application\" only as a statement that your developer application interoperates with the adobe air runtime software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CAN" } }, { "id": 984, "license_sentence": "\u00f6ffentlich zug\u00e4nglich machen: die \u00f6ffentliche weitergabe des programms in unk\u00f6rperlicher form, insbesondere das bereithalten zum download in datennetzen.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 985, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the software is provided \"as is\" and nvidia and its suppliers disclaim all warranties, eitherwhether express or, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and, fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 986, "license_sentence": "mountain view, ca 940397311. permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that i. the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 987, "license_sentence": "the opc foundation makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the software deliverables, including but not limited to any warranty of title or ownership, implied warranty of merchantability, or warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or use.you may have additional consumer rights under your local laws that this agreement cannot change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 988, "license_sentence": "you may distribute the executable version of covered code or ownership rights under a license of your choice, which may contain terms different from this license, provided that you are in compliance with the terms of this license and that the license for the executable version does not attempt to limit or alter the recipient's rights in the source code version from the rights set forth in this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "CAN" } }, { "id": 989, "license_sentence": "the source code must either be included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost of distribution, and must be freely redistributable under reasonable conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 990, "license_sentence": "neither the name of the sun microsystems, inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 991, "license_sentence": "microsoft grants you the right to distribute test version of your application created using the prerelease code provided you comply with the distribution requirements described in section 1 and the following additional provisions: a. you must mark the test version of your application \"beta\" and b. you are solely responsible for updating your customers with versions of your application that operate satisfactorily with the final commercial release of the prerelease code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 992, "license_sentence": "except as expressly authorized under this agreement, licensee is prohibited from: (a) using the software on behalf of third parties; (b) renting, leasing, lending or granting other rights in the software including rights on a membership or subscription basis; and (c) providing use of the software in a computer service business, third party outsourcing facility or service, service bureau arrangement, network, or time sharing basis.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 993, "license_sentence": "you may not distribute (or continue to distribute if you have already started) the software if you have been or are in breach of any of the conditions of this license, or if you or your legal representatives have been notified by us or our authorized representatives (via telephone, email, fax, or physical mail to the last known contact point for that communication method) that you may not.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 994, "license_sentence": "an individual or company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with pccts or the code generated by pccts, including the incorporation of pccts, or its output, into commerical software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 995, "license_sentence": "we encourage you to read the terms and conditions of the license carefully before you use, copy, modify or distribute this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 996, "license_sentence": "this software is open source, free software, you are free to use, modify, and distribute the source code and object code produced from the source, as long as you include this copyright statement, along with code built using this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 997, "license_sentence": "distributing the program on removable computerreadable media, provided that the files containing the program are reproduced entirely and verbatim on such media, that all information on such media be redistributable for noncommercial purposes without charge, and that such media are distributed by themselves (except for accompanying documentation) independent of any other product or service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 998, "license_sentence": "in no event shall sendmail, inc., the regents of the university of california or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, butnot limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and onany theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use ofthis software, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 999, "license_sentence": "covered code, all technology specifications and contributed code specifications are provided \"as is\", without warranties of any kind, either express or implied including, without limitation, warranties that any such covered code, technology specifications and contributed code specifications are free of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or noninfringing of third party rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1000, "license_sentence": "disclaimer: this software is provided by naumen \"as is\" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1001, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the freebsd project ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1002, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the xulux project and contributors ``as is'' and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1003, "license_sentence": "shareware and freeware distribution companies may distribute the software included in software only compilations using media such as, but not limited to, floppy disk, cdrom, tape backup, optical disks, hard disks, or memory cards.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1004, "license_sentence": "except to the extent required by applicable third party licenses, you may not load any part of the sdk onto a mobile handset or any other hardware device except a personal computer, combine any part of the sdk with other software, or distribute any software or device incorporating a part of the sdk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1005, "license_sentence": "the sound of one hand clapping comes with no warranties of any kind including warranty of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1006, "license_sentence": "you may also choose to use such licensed product under the terms of any subsequent version (but not any prior version) of the license published by licensor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1007, "license_sentence": "no trademark licenses are granted under this agreement, and in connection with the playground materials, neither playground nor licensee may use any name or mark owned by or associated with the other or any of its affiliates, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing and redistributing the playground materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1008, "license_sentence": "microsoft patent promise for .net libraries and runtime components microsoft corporation and its affiliates (\"microsoft\") promise not to assert any .net patents against you for making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, or distributing covered code, as part of either a .net runtime or as part of any application designed to run on a .net runtime.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1009, "license_sentence": "indien de gebruiker een afgeleid werk maakt, dient hij, op verzoek van welke licentiegever ook, de op grond van artikel 4(b) vereiste naamsvermelding uit het afgeleide werk te verwijderen, voorzover praktisch mogelijk, conform het verzoek.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1010, "license_sentence": "should any covered software prove defective in any respect, you (not health administration corporation, its licensors or affiliates or any other contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1011, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby also granted to distribute programs which depend on this package, provided that you do not distribute any modified package without express written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1012, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement, cnri hereby grants licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable, royaltyfree, worldwide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use the software alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that cnri's license agreement and cnri's notice of copyright, i.e., \"copyright \u00a919961999 corporation for national research initiatives; all rights reserved\" are both retained in the software, alone or in any derivative version prepared by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1013, "license_sentence": "basic permissions use of the work is permitted free of charge, provided that said use does not involve commercialization.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1014, "license_sentence": "distribution restriction you may distribute the contribution you received or your derivative work through any medium with or without modification, whether in source or executable forms, provided that you meet the following conditions: 1) you must provide recipients with a copy of this license and retain copyright, trademark, patent and disclaimer statements in the contribution; and, 2) if you distribute the contribution you received, you must provide copies of the contribution\u2019s source code under this license; if you distribute your derivative work, you have to: (i) accompanying the derivative work, provide recipients with corresponding source code of your derivative work under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1015, "license_sentence": "if you give feedback about the software to microsoft, you give to microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share and commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1016, "license_sentence": "you may obtain a copy of the license at http://www.emorphia.com/epl/ software distributed under the license is distributed on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1017, "license_sentence": "grant of rights 2.1 subject to the terms of this license, each contributor hereby grants recipient an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the contribution of such contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1018, "license_sentence": "the contributor still retains rights to the donated material, but by donating, grants, and warrants that he is entitled to grant unrestricted, irrevocable usage and distribution rights to the povteam[tm] and indemnifies them against any claims of unauthorized use of the donated software or any technology contained or expressed within it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1019, "license_sentence": "davide calabro license author: davide calabro' davidecalabro@yahoo.com http://www.softechsoftware.it disclaimer this software and the accompanying files are distributed \"as is\" and without any warranties whether expressed or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1020, "license_sentence": "end of terms and conditions < h3>how to apply these terms to your new programs if you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1021, "license_sentence": "this exclusive use also includes the integration of this software in licensee products and applications, providing all such distribution and use includes all these copyright and license terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1022, "license_sentence": "all rights not expressly granted by the licensor are hereby reserved, including but not limited to, the exclusive right to collect, whether individually or via a licensing body, such as a collecting society, royalties for any use of the work which results in commercial advantage or private monetary compensation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1023, "license_sentence": "any such modification of the netapp software will breach this license, and such derivative work is and shall be owned entirely by netapp; you hereby assign and agree to assign to netapp all right, title and interest in and to said derivative work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1024, "license_sentence": "licensee acknowledges that it has read the foregoing disclaimers of warranty and limitation of liability and understands that licensee assumes the entire risk of using the vpasp shopping cart.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1025, "license_sentence": "if none exist, the w3c software short notice should be included (hypertext is preferred, text is permitted) within the body of any redistributed or derivative code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1026, "license_sentence": "in no event shall dsc be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1027, "license_sentence": "official wording of the emit the enhanced mit license (emit) copyright (c) 2016 wix.com permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1) the above copyright notice, this permission notice and the complete introduction section above shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1028, "license_sentence": "an individual or company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with antlr or the code generated by antlr, including the incorporation of antlr, or its output, into commerical software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1029, "license_sentence": "\"multiplelicensed\" means that the initial developer permits you to utilize portions of the covered code under your choice of this license or the alternative licenses, if any, specified by the initial developer in the file described in exhibit a.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1030, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the author and contributors \"as is\" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1031, "license_sentence": "thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the library.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1032, "license_sentence": "the software program may not be modified, nor may the product in any way obfuscate or obstruct the copyright notice and license information displayed in the console and log files by the software program on startup.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1033, "license_sentence": "customer agrees to hold each licensed product in confidence and not to disclose such licensed product without the prior written approval of northwoods, except: to customer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s developer(s) to whom disclosure is necessary for customer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s permitted use of such licensed product, provided that (i) customer shall ensure that each such developer agrees to comply with all of customer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s obligations under this agreement, and (ii) the acts and omissions of customer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s developer(s) shall be deemed to be the acts and omissions of customer and customer shall be responsible therefor and for any breach of this agreement caused thereby, or as required by applicable law, rule, or regulation, or by an order of a court or governmental or law enforcement agency or other authority, each of competent jurisdiction, provided that customer shall have used reasonable efforts to secure confidential treatment of any such information to be disclosed, or that customer may distribute redistributables (in object code form) as part of licensed applications as permitted by section 2.1.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1034, "license_sentence": "by using, modifying or distributing the program (or any work based on the program), you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions for using, copying, distributing or modifying the program or works based on it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1035, "license_sentence": "modification of fabric3, in source or binary form, is permitted, but only under the following conditions: i. you may perform local modifications and individual patches to fabric3, provided that such changes are only utilized to accomplish bug fixes and minor adaptations to allow running the software on existing operating systems (\"patches\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1036, "license_sentence": "paws license licensing for commercial use someone asked me about licensing paws for commercial usage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1037, "license_sentence": "such a modified version of the work must clearly credit the author, display this license, and include all copyright notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1038, "license_sentence": "you may also (a) add glyphs or characters to the fonts, or modify the shape of existing glyphs, so long as the base set of glyphs is not removed and (b) delete glyphs or characters from the fonts, provided that the resulting font set is distributed with the following disclaimer: \"this [name] font does not include all the unicode points covered in the stix fontstm set but may include others.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CAN", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1039, "license_sentence": "use and redistribution of torque v2.5 in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that all of the following conditions are met.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1040, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement, mdt hereby grants licensee a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use matplotlib alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that mdt's license agreement and mdt's notice of copyright, i.e., \"copyright (c) 2012 matplotlib development team; all rights reserved\" are retained in matplotlib alone or in any derivative version prepared by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1041, "license_sentence": "this license may not be revoked, redistributed, photocopied, or discussed without the express written consent of the parents.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1042, "license_sentence": "(c) you may make a limited number of copies of the sdk to be used by your employees or consultants as provided herein, and not for general business purposes, and such employees or consultants shall be subject to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1043, "license_sentence": "no logo, graphic, sound or image from any microsoft web site may be copied or retransmitted unless expressly permitted by microsoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1044, "license_sentence": "please leave the credit in the blog page though.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1045, "license_sentence": "licensor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims, to do the following: a. use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute licensed product or portions thereof (including modifications as hereinafter defined), in both source code or as an executable program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1046, "license_sentence": "under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall the licensor be liable to anyone for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this license or the use of the original work including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1047, "license_sentence": "this licence authorizes you to make or download one copy of the documentation for each additional copy authorized by the volume licence, provided that each such copy contains all of the document's proprietary notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1048, "license_sentence": "if crawl is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1049, "license_sentence": "this means that the p/c cannot be redistributed to any third commercial part because this would break 2. this also means that if the p/c is included in a widget pack (component library) then the widget pack (or parts of it that uses the p/c) may not be used in a commercial environment.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1050, "license_sentence": "you may charge a fee for the derived work, but you may not charge an additional fee, or require any other additional actions in order to deliver the original text of the derived work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1051, "license_sentence": "notice; limited license grants sun microsystems, inc. (\"sun\"), and bea systems, inc. (\u201cbea\u201d) hereby grant you a fullypaid, nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide, limited license (without the right to sublicense), under sun's and bea\u2019s applicable intellectual property rights to view, download, use and reproduce the specification only for the purpose of internal evaluation, which shall be understood to include developing applications intended to run on an implementation of the specification provided that such applications do not themselves implement any portion(s) of the specification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1052, "license_sentence": "h. auch, dass wir keine verantwortung fur irgend welche schaden ubernehmen, die aus dem einsatz der codes (oder mit den codes erstellten programmen) entstehen.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1053, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort, even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1054, "license_sentence": "licensee may permit the single authorized end user to install a second copy for end user's exclusive use on a second computer as long as only one (1) copy of product is in use at any time.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1055, "license_sentence": "nothing in this agreement shall obligate broadcom to provide any support for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1056, "license_sentence": "disclaimer this software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors \"as is\" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1057, "license_sentence": "accordingly, oclc makes no warranties, representations or guarantees, either express or implied, and disclaims all such warranties, representations or guarantees, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose, as to: (a) the functionality or noninfringement of program, any modification, a combined work or an aggregate work; or (b) the results of any project undertaken using the program, any modification, a combined work or an aggregate work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1058, "license_sentence": "riverbank makes no representations or warranties, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1059, "license_sentence": "except as indicated above, in no event will hp or its suppliers be liable for loss of data or for direct, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit or data), or other damage, whether based in contract, tort, or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1060, "license_sentence": "in no event shall via networking technologies, inc. or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1061, "license_sentence": "concession de la licence sous r\u00e3\u00a9serve des dispositions du present contrat, adobe vous concede par les presentes une licence non exclusive, valable dans le monde entier et gratuite pour utiliser, reproduire, creer des ouvres derivees, representer publiquement, exploiter publiquement, distribuer et souslicencier le logiciel a toutes fins, a condition que la mention de droit de propriete intellectuelle cidessous figure a un endroit visible dans le code source du logiciel distribue, et que la presente licence figure dans la documentation accompagnant ledit logiciel que vous distribuez.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1062, "license_sentence": "by using this script you agree to take full responsibility for it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1063, "license_sentence": "all copies of the original and modified licensed work, and derivative works of the licensed work, are subject to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1064, "license_sentence": "nexb will have no responsibility with respect to any thirdparty software, and licensee will look solely to the licensor(s) of the thirdparty software for any remedy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1065, "license_sentence": "you may also reproduce and redistribute the sdk without your applications provided that you redistribute the sdk complete and unmodified (i.e., with all \"read me\" files, copyright notices, and other legal notices and terms that unboundid has included in the sdk).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1066, "license_sentence": "the licensee is authorized to redistribute the modified software, in source code or object code form, provided that said redistribution complies with all the provisions of the agreement and is accompanied by: a copy of the agreement, a notice relating to the limitation of both the licensor's warranty and liability as set forth in articles 8 and 9, and that, in the event that only the modified software's object code is redistributed, the licensee allows future licensees unhindered access to the modified software's full source code by providing them with the terms and conditions for access thereto, it being understood that the additional cost of acquiring the source code shall not exceed the cost of transferring the data.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1067, "license_sentence": "however, you may accept compensation in exchange for copies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1068, "license_sentence": "the runtime part of java cup is distributed with the generator under the following licensing terms: cup parser generator copyright notice, license and disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1069, "license_sentence": "limitation des dommagesint\u00e9r\u00eats et exclusion de responsabilit\u00e9 pour les dommages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1070, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the the author(s) be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1071, "license_sentence": "1 distribution du logiciel sans modification le licenci\u00e9 est autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 distribuer des copies conformes du logiciel, sous forme de code source ou de code objet, \u00e0 condition que cette distribution respecte les dispositions du contrat dans leur totalit\u00e9 et soit accompagn\u00e9e: 1. d'un exemplaire du contrat, 2. d'un avertissement relatif \u00e0 la restriction de garantie et de responsabilit\u00e9 du conc\u00e9dant telle que pr\u00e9vue aux articles 8 et 9, et que, dans le cas o\u00f9 seul le code objet du logiciel est redistribu\u00e9, le licenci\u00e9 permette aux futurs licenci\u00e9s d'acc\u00e9der facilement au code source complet du logiciel en indiquant les modalit\u00e9s d'acc\u00e8s, \u00e9tant entendu que le co\u00fbt additionnel d'acquisition du code source ne devra pas exc\u00e9der le simple co\u00fbt de transfert des donn\u00e9es.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1072, "license_sentence": "we make no warranty and assume no responsibility for the safety or stability of the materials and any output therefrom.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1073, "license_sentence": "the unrar utility may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1074, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"jinitools\", nor may \"jinitools\" appear in their name, without prior written permission of iain shigeoka.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1075, "license_sentence": "no technical support our technical support organization will not provide technical support, phone support, or updates to you for the programs licensed under this agreement unless technical support is acquired under a separate agreement with oracle.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1076, "license_sentence": "in no event whatsoever will licensor be liable for any indirect or consequential loss (including without limitation, loss of use; data; information; business; production or goodwill), exemplary or incidental damages, lost profits or other special or punitive damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort, (including negligence, strict liability and all others), warranty, indemnity or under statute, even if licensor has been advised of the liklihood of same.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1077, "license_sentence": "except as specifically authorized in any supplemental license terms, you may not make copies of software, other than a single copy of software for archival purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1078, "license_sentence": "this license agreement grants you the right to study, modify, convert to object form, and use the source code portions of the software product for the sole purposes of designing, developing, and testing your own application programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1079, "license_sentence": "scea welcomes contributions in form of modifications, optimizations, tools or documentation designed to improve or expand the performance and scope of the software (collectively \"contributions\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1080, "license_sentence": "in the event licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates scgi1.7 or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of the changes made to scgi1.7.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1081, "license_sentence": "permitted use the basic principle of download and use of the source and/or object form of the product is the use of the source and/or object form of the product exclusively for personal (internal, intracorporate) purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1082, "license_sentence": "this library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu lesser general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2.1 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1083, "license_sentence": "it is your obligation that the changed version of your sources will be available to the public for free within the time frame of a month at least if there is no undue hindrance by the authors to make it available.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1084, "license_sentence": "you may use and/or distribute this software only subject to the following conditions: you may not modify the program or documentation files in any way.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1085, "license_sentence": "the entire risk arising out of use or performance of the os components and any support services remains with you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1086, "license_sentence": "xephem source code or executable binaries may not be used, in whole or in part, to build or augment other computer programs or systems without prior agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1087, "license_sentence": "remedies and liabilities in no event will michael kiss [axtools] be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the use or inability to use vs10x code map, even if michael kiss [axtools] or a dealer authorized by michael kiss [axtools] had been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1088, "license_sentence": "this license does not include a license to access or modify the source code of the real format code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1089, "license_sentence": "you must clearly identify the software as sun's product on the media holder or media label, and you may not state or imply that sun is responsible for any thirdparty software contained on the media; vii.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1090, "license_sentence": "copies of documentation are limited to internal use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1091, "license_sentence": "agree to indemnify, defend and hold macromedia harmless from any and all liabilities (including attorney's fees) arising from any claims, lawsuits, or other legal proceedings that arise from or are related to the use or distribution of any software application product that you reproduced and/or distributed that incorporates the redistributables; and v. do not incorporate the redistributables into any software product which would compete with the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1092, "license_sentence": "in addition, each recipient that creates and distributes a modification or derivative work of the osci documentation, whether or not such modification or derivative work has been contributed pursuant to a copyright agreement must identify the originator of such modification or derivative work in a manner that reasonably allows third parties to identify the originator of the modification or derivative work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1093, "license_sentence": "to run the derivative work of the source code modified pursuant to paragraph (1) above for its own research, development and the like.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1094, "license_sentence": "licensee shall not use the program or the modified program, directly or indirectly, for the purposes of designing, developing, producing, or stockpiling any weapon of mass destruction such as nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, missiles to deliver any such weapons, or conventional weapons, and shall not sell, rent, dispose of, have use or sublicense to any third party who has such purposes the program or modified program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1095, "license_sentence": "you must also cause a crossreference to appear in the source code at the location of each change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1096, "license_sentence": "gcc runtime library exception 3.1 to gpl 3.0 version 3.1, 31 march 2009 copyright (c) 2009 free software foundation, inc. everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1097, "license_sentence": "(c) any software or system which uses unregistered version of jmailcomposer must display a statement with the following information : jmailcomposer is copyrighted by javazoom, the official jmailcomposer website is http://www.javazoom.net jmailcomposer is provided is provided as is, with no warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1098, "license_sentence": "add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1099, "license_sentence": "however, licensee is permitted to use, copy and redistribute its modified sample code only if all of the following conditions are met: a. licensee includes adobe's copyright notice (if any) with licensee's application, including every location in which any other copyright notice appears in such application; and b. licensee does not otherwise use adobe's name, logos or other adobe trademarks to market licensee's application.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1100, "license_sentence": "freertos gpl exception license the freertos gpl exception text follows: any freertos source code, whether modified or in it's original release form, or whether in whole or in part, can only be distributed by you under the terms of the gnu general public license plus this exception.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1101, "license_sentence": "rename any nonstandard executables so the names do not conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate manual page for each nonstandard executable that clearly documents how it differs from openmap.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1102, "license_sentence": "you shall to include a valid copyright notice in your own name in your application, which notice shall be sufficient to protect microsoft\u2019s copyright in the modified sample code; and iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1103, "license_sentence": "licensor will not sell or otherwise redistribute to third parties the information licensor collects from you, as described in this section.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1104, "license_sentence": "if the software is downloaded from the apple itunes application store, then you acknowledge and agree to the following additional terms: (a) apple has no liability for the software and its content; (b) your use of the software is limited to a nontransferable license to use the software on any iphone\u2122, ipad\u2122 or ipod touch\u2122 that you own or control as allowed by the application store terms of service; (c) apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance or support services for the software; (d) to the extent permitted by applicable law, apple has no warranty obligation to the software and adobe will be responsible for any claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty set forth in this agreement; (e) apple is not liable for any claims relating to the software or your possession and/or use of the software, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the software fails to conform to any applicable legal requirement; and (iii) consumer protection claims; (f) apple is not liable for any thirdparty claims that the software infringes a third party\u2019s intellectual property rights; and (g) apple and its subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this agreement with respect to any software, and that apple will have the right to enforce the agreement against you as a third party beneficiary.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1105, "license_sentence": "conditioned upon your compliance with section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims, the initial developer hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license: (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by initial developer, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the original software (or portions thereof), with or without modifications, and/or as part of a larger work; and (b) under patent claims infringed by the making, using or selling of original software, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the original software (or portions thereof); (c) the licenses granted in sections 2.1(a) and (b) are effective on the date initial developer first distributes or otherwise makes the original software available to a third party under the terms of this license; (d) notwithstanding section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: (1) for code that you delete from the original software, or (2) for infringements caused by: (i) the modification of the original software, or (ii) the combination of the original software with other software or devices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1106, "license_sentence": "the names \"ironsmith\" and \"the ironsmith project\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1107, "license_sentence": "except when otherwise stated in writing, the property is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1108, "license_sentence": "you may not distribute any files, except those that jide has expressly designated as redistributable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1109, "license_sentence": "the content may not be modified via excerpt or otherwise with the exception of additional citations such as described above without prior consent of paul hsieh.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1110, "license_sentence": "you may however sell applications developed using this library either in binary or source form without restrictions as long as you charge for your program, not for the library or the library sources.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1111, "license_sentence": "exception for development version 1.04, january 18, 2013 exception intent we want people who build extensions, developer toolkits and frameworks, language packs and themes for sencha frameworks and libraries to be able to publicly distribute them under less restrictive license terms, even though version 3 of the gnu general public license (the \"gpl\") may require them to be licensed under the gpl.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1112, "license_sentence": "no patent licenses or other rights except those expressly stated in the openssl open source license shall be deemed granted or received expressly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1113, "license_sentence": "kinkatta mit license copyright (c) 2001 neil stevens {multivac@fcmail.com} permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1114, "license_sentence": "if you use this software in commercial or shareware applications you are gently asked to donate any sum of money to the author:", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1115, "license_sentence": "agreement 1. permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify and/or distribute this package, provided that: 1. all copyright notices within source files and as generated by the software as output are retained, unchanged.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1116, "license_sentence": "copies of redistributables may only be distributed with and for the sole purpose of executing application programs permitted under this sla that you have created using the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1117, "license_sentence": "to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend microsoft from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney\"s fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the licensee software; viii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1118, "license_sentence": "\"commercial purposes\" refers to the use of the yi series models, directly or indirectly, for the operation, promotion, revenue generation, or any other profitmaking purposes for entities or individuals.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1119, "license_sentence": "3 limitations customer may not rent, lease, or transfer the rights to the software to someone else.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1120, "license_sentence": "in no event will any of the authors or copyright holders be liable for any damages caused by the use or the inability to use, of the freetype project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1121, "license_sentence": "barrel patrol license you may freely copy this program as long as this readme file is included.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1122, "license_sentence": "gnu gpl2 with sequiturg2p exception this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license version 2 (june 1991) as published by the free software foundation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1123, "license_sentence": "in addition, this license permits you to make one machinereadable copy of the software and documentation solely for backup purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1124, "license_sentence": "each version will be given a distinguishing version number.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1125, "license_sentence": "licensee must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from original intel code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1126, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must a. rename your license so that the phrases \"freeimage\", `freeimage public license\", \"fipl\", or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear anywhere in your license and b. otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the freeimage public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1127, "license_sentence": "psf shall not be liable to licensee or any other users of python 2.2.1 for any incidental, special, or consequential damages or loss as a result of modifying, distributing, or otherwise using python 2.2.1, or any derivative thereof, even if advised of the possibility thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1128, "license_sentence": "subject to the exceptions set forth at the end of this section 3, a copy of the software installed on a single common machine may be shared for internal use by employees and contractors of your business only, provided that a license has been purchased for each individual user.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1129, "license_sentence": "and if the work includes a \"notice\" text file as part of its distribution, then any derivative works that you distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such notice file", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1130, "license_sentence": "to the extent allowed by applicable law, in no event shall netscape or its suppliers be liable (under any legal theory, wheter tort, contract or otherwise) for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation, any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of use or data, interruption of business, damages for loss of goodwill, computer failure or malfunction or for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind, even if netscape has been advised of the possibility of such damages and notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1131, "license_sentence": "no trademark license is granted to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of us, except as required to fulfill notice requirements under this agreement or as required for reasonable and customary use in describing and redistributing the materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1132, "license_sentence": "'use' as a verb, means doing any act which is restricted by copyright or database right, whether in the original medium or in any other medium, and includes without limitation distributing, copying, adapting, modifying as may be technically necessary to use it in a different mode or format.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1133, "license_sentence": "nothing in this agreement excludes or restricts a party's liability for (a) death or personal injury caused by that party's negligence, (b) fraud, or (c) any other liability to the extent that it cannot be lawfully excluded or restricted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1134, "license_sentence": "sun is under no obligation to support software or to provide upgrades or error corrections (\"software updates\") to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1135, "license_sentence": "lucent disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1136, "license_sentence": "university of utah research foundation public license 1. definitions 1.1 \"commercial use\" means covered code utilized by user to generate a revenue stream, including but not limited to, embedding the source code in user's proprietary software, executable software, or consulting utilizing the source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1137, "license_sentence": "such recipient shall include a conspicuous notice in the documentation for such derived work, and on any distribution medium (or if distributed as a download as a notice that must be read prior to commencing the download), that (a) with the exception of the warranties recited in section 10 below, disclaims on behalf of all contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and noninfringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, (b) with the exception of direct damages for breach of the warranties recited in section 10 below, excludes on behalf of all contributors all liability for damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, and lost profits, (c) includes an appropriate copyright notice, and (d) includes a statement that the program is subject to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1138, "license_sentence": "the openldap public license version 2.5, 11 may 2001 redistribution and use of this software and associated documentation (\"software\"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain copyright statements and notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1139, "license_sentence": "such code, when distributed for use with clisp, must be distributed under the gpl.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1140, "license_sentence": "any publication resulting from research that made use of this software should cite this document.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1141, "license_sentence": "nero makes no warranties to you in connection with implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1142, "license_sentence": "modifications are to be distributed as patches to the released version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1143, "license_sentence": "you may not loan, rent, lease, license or transfer for commercial gain the licensed software or any copy to any third party outside your organization except for the distribution of the redistributable code as a component of your applications as permitted hereunder.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1144, "license_sentence": "you may submit your modifications to me, but please do not redistribute the script with your modifications, as it is not the original work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1145, "license_sentence": "amendment this eula may not be amended except with the written agreement of atlassian whose consent may be withheld in its complete discretion without any requirement to provide reasons.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1146, "license_sentence": "| ++ | filename: suppfile.txt | ++ part 1 the license notice in part 5 of exhibit a of the license must be included at the beginning of all source code files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1147, "license_sentence": "the onetime license fee is based on the total number of users the program is configured to support, in accordance with the pricing schedule set forth in attachment c. the license fee covers customer's installation, copying, and use of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1148, "license_sentence": "you may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications obtained from the public domain or from the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1149, "license_sentence": "the name of author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1150, "license_sentence": "use the software only for personal use or benefit.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1151, "license_sentence": "if you share the licensed material, you must: a. retain the following if it is supplied by the licensor with the licensed material: i. identification of the creator(s) of the licensed material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the licensor (including by pseudonym if designated); ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1152, "license_sentence": "you agree that you bear the entire risk in connection with your use and distribution of any and all technology under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1153, "license_sentence": "you hereby confirm that nero and its affiliated companies do not assume any accountability for delays, errors, or failures which concern this function or which arise as a result of using the function.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1154, "license_sentence": "for original works licensed under this nonprofit osl 3.0, licensor offers no warranties whatsoever.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1155, "license_sentence": "notices of copyright or attribution which appear at the beginning of any file must remain unchanged.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1156, "license_sentence": "the name \"adobe systems incorporated\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from the source code without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1157, "license_sentence": "section 5 of the lgpl distinguishes between the case of a library being dynamically linked at runtime and one being statically linked at build time.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1158, "license_sentence": "article 7. si, \u00e0 la suite d'une d\u00e9cision de justice, d'une plainte en contrefa\u00e7on ou pour toute autre raison (li\u00e9e ou non \u00e0 la contrefa\u00e7on), des conditions vous sont impos\u00e9es (que ce soit par ordonnance, accord amiable ou autre) qui se r\u00e9v\u00e8lent incompatibles avec les termes de la pr\u00e9sente licence, vous n'\u00eates pas pour autant d\u00e9gag\u00e9 des obligations li\u00e9es \u00e0 celleci : si vous ne pouvez concilier vos obligations l\u00e9gales ou autres avec les conditions de cette licence, vous ne devez pas distribuer le programme.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1159, "license_sentence": "you may not create additional classes to, or modifications of, the java technology, except under compatibility requirements available under a separate agreement available at www.java.net.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1160, "license_sentence": "\u201cadditional permissions\u201d are terms that supplement the terms of this license by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1161, "license_sentence": "no credit is required though some of the code requires that the specific source code modules retain their existing copyright statements.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1162, "license_sentence": "you may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1163, "license_sentence": "the licensor shall not be liable for any failure or temporary unavailability of the download and use of the object or source form of the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1164, "license_sentence": "as a special exception, szymon stefanek gives permission to link this program with the openssl project's \"openssl\" library (or with modified versions of it that use the same license as the \"openssl\" library), and distribute the linked executables.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1165, "license_sentence": "if you wish to create and distribute a derived work from this document, you are hereby granted permission to copy, display and distribute the contents of the derived work in any medium for any purpose without fee or royalty provided that you include this ipr, license and distribution notice in its entirety on all copies, or portions thereof, that you make and you complete a valid profile registration with ims and receive an email from ims granting the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1166, "license_sentence": "(iii) if only interfaces and no other code is copied between the software and the other foss in either direction, the use and/or distribution of the software with the other foss shall not be deemed to require that the other foss be licensed under the license of the software, other than as to any interfaces of the software copied into the other foss.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1167, "license_sentence": "usamos esta licen\u00e7a para determinadas bibliotecas, a fim de permitir a liga\u00e7\u00e3o dessas bibliotecas a programas n\u00e3olivres.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1168, "license_sentence": "any modification which you create or to which you contribute must be made available in source code form under the terms of this license via an accepted electronic distribution mechanism to anyone to whom you made an executable version available and to the initial developer; and if made available via electronic distribution mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) months after the date it initially became available, or at least six (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular modification has been made available to such recipients.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1169, "license_sentence": "you may not create derivative works of the tck nor of any of its components except for the redistributables in a tck adaptor; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1170, "license_sentence": "as used herein, the term \"publicly available software\" means any software that contains, or is derived in any manner (in whole or in part) from, any software that is distributed as free software, open source software or similar licensing or distribution models; and that requires as a condition of use, modification or distribution that such software or other software incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such software: a. be disclosed or distributed in source code form; b. be licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or c. be redistributable at no charge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1171, "license_sentence": "if the software is modified, it must include the following notices: the software is not the original (for protectiion of the original author's reputations from any problems introduced by others) change history (e.g.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1172, "license_sentence": "you may not assign, delegate or otherwise transfer, whether by agreement, operation of law or otherwise, any right or obligation hereunder without the express prior written consent of broadcom, and any attempted assignment, delegation or transfer without such consent shall be void.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Transfer": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1173, "license_sentence": "(f) the modifying party shall defend and indemnify qualcomm incorporated against all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, which qualcomm may incur in connection with any intellectual property infringement or similar claim related to the modified software, if such claim is related to that party's modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1174, "license_sentence": "this includes, but is not limited to, property damage, mental harm in addition to injury and/or death.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1175, "license_sentence": "licensee may not: a. display, disclose, sublicense or distribute the product to third parties; b. modify, adapt, alter, recast, transform, translate or create derivative works of the product; c. distribute, sublicense, lease, rent, sell, loan or otherwise transfer the product to any third party; d. reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the product; e. copy or distribute the documentation or any portion thereof; or f. use the product other than in accordance with the foregoing usage rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Publicly Perform": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1176, "license_sentence": "this applies to whether or not you add your own copyright notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1177, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, the elastic software is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, and elastic and its licensors make no warranties whether expressed, implied or statutory regarding or relating to the elastic software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1178, "license_sentence": "you may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this license in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1179, "license_sentence": "curiosityware license license: you're free to use any code, though i'd love to know for what you'd us it.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1180, "license_sentence": "this license is a kind of \"copyleft\", which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1181, "license_sentence": "representations, warranties and disclaimer the licensor offers the work asis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence of errors, whether or not discoverable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1182, "license_sentence": "5 you may embed copies of the font software into your electronic documents for the purpose of printing and viewing the document.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1183, "license_sentence": "the trial/demo software cannot be distributed as part of your software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1184, "license_sentence": "it is also permitted to combine the program or parts thereof with other programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1185, "license_sentence": "developed by: impact group, university of illinois, http://impact.crhc.illinois.edu permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal with the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1186, "license_sentence": "the documentation may be distributed only under the terms of this license or a future version of this license released in accordance with section 5.0 (\"versions of the license\"), and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the documentation you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1187, "license_sentence": "the exercising of this right is conditional upon the obligation to make available to the community the modifications made to the source code of the software so as to contribute to its evolution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1188, "license_sentence": "bowser software license bowser's source code is provided without any warranty whatsoever, users may use the source code at their own risk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1189, "license_sentence": "copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] copyright and related rights are licensed under the solderpad hardware license, version 0.51 (the \"license\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1190, "license_sentence": "our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1191, "license_sentence": "meta llama 3 community license agreement meta llama 3 version release date: april 18, 2024 \u201cagreement\u201d means the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and modification of the llama materials set forth herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1192, "license_sentence": "permission is granted to copy this document verbatim in any medium, provided that this copyright notice is left intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1193, "license_sentence": "upon oracle's acceptance, you have the limited right to use the materials resulting from the consulting services you ordered solely for your business operations and subject to the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1194, "license_sentence": "copyright (c) 19951996 guy eric schalnat, group 42, inc. the software is supplied \"as is\", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1195, "license_sentence": "redistributions of modified software, whether in source or binary form, must include the following notice: \"this software is not, and may not be represented as, the reference implementation of the java metadata interface specification.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1196, "license_sentence": "this agreement does not limit your right to distribute files that are entirely your own work (i.e., which do not incorporate any portion of the software and are not modifications) under any terms you choose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1197, "license_sentence": "original contributor disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1198, "license_sentence": "any liability under the terms of product liability laws remains unaffected.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1199, "license_sentence": "ibm will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result of using this sample program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1200, "license_sentence": "(b) you may make a single archival copy of software, but otherwise may not copy, modify, or distribute software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1201, "license_sentence": "conditions for commercial bundling vendors wishing to bundle povray[tm] (or any software that is derived from it or any part of it) with commercial software (including shareware) or any other use or distribution not already expressly allowed above must first obtain express written permission from the povteam[tm].", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1202, "license_sentence": "for a small fee of $15 you can own and modify this module and images to your hearts content.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1203, "license_sentence": "except as otherwise expressly provided in this agreement, you may not: (i) modify, adapt, or create derivative works based upon the software; (ii) copy the software; (iii) except and only to the extent explicitly permitted by applicable law despite this limitation, decompile, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to humanreadable form; or (iv) use the software other than for the purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1204, "license_sentence": "in no event shall infoseek corporation be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1205, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute smail (or a portion or derivative of it, under paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machinereadable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or, b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal shipping charge) a complete machinereadable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or, c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the corresponding source code may be obtained.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1206, "license_sentence": "the licensee's (\"you\" or \"your\") license to download, use, copy, or change the software product is subject to these rights and to all the terms and conditions of this end user license agreement (\"agreement\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1207, "license_sentence": "the software may not be freely used in any other manner than those described in section 1, \"terms of use\".", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1208, "license_sentence": "the requirement for fonts to remain under this licence does not require any document created using the fonts or their derivatives to be published under this licence, as long as the primary purpose of the document is not to be a vehicle for the distribution of the fonts.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1209, "license_sentence": "you may copy, modify and distribute the object code form of code identified as \u201csketch\u201d or \u201csimple\u201d styles.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1210, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the codehaus, spiritsoft, and contributors \"as is\" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1211, "license_sentence": "if the program does not function as warranted during the first year after you obtain your license and ibm is unable to resolve the problem by providing a correction, restriction, or bypass, you may return the program to the party (either ibm or its reseller) from whom you acquired it and receive a refund in the amount you paid for it.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1212, "license_sentence": "such derivatives of the software include the above copyright notice to acknowledge the contribution from this software where applicable, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1213, "license_sentence": "to the extent that patent claims licensable by the university of wisconsinmadison are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of the software, you are granted a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty free perpetual license under such patent claims, with the rights for you to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the software in source code and object code form and derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1214, "license_sentence": "\"copy\" means any reproduction of an original as defined by this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1215, "license_sentence": "in no event shall julie haugh or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1216, "license_sentence": "some jurisdictions prohibit exclusion or limitation of liability for implied warranties, consequential or incidental damages, so certain limitations may not apply.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1217, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the authors and contributors ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1218, "license_sentence": "the data files and software are provided \"as is\", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of third party rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1219, "license_sentence": "carnegie mellon requests users of this software to return to software distribution coordinator or software.distribution@cs.cmu.edu school of computer science carnegie mellon university pittsburgh pa 152133890 any improvements or extensions that they make and grant carnegie mellon the rights to redistribute these changes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1220, "license_sentence": "regardless of any modifications that you make and regardless of how you might compile, link, or package your works: a. you may not permit your end users to modify, distribute or use redistributables in any program that such end user creates, has created or uses other than the works; b. you may not use borland's or any of its suppliers' names, logos, or trademarks to market your works, except to state descriptively that your work was written using the product; c. all copies of the works you create must bear a valid copyright notice, either your own or the borland copyright notice that appears on the product, and you may not remove or alter any borland or its licensor's copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice contained in any portion of the redistributables; and d. you may only distribute redistributables with works that add primary and substantial functionality to the redistributables, that are not merely a set or subset of any of the redistributables, and that are created in accordance with the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1221, "license_sentence": "the author(s) shall not be held for any liability under any circumstances.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1222, "license_sentence": "in consideration for the rights granted hereunder in section 3(a), you agree to grant, upon request and upon reasonable, nondiscriminatory and royalty free terms and conditions, to licensor and any participant a royaltyfree, fullypaidup, worldwide, nonexclusive, nontransferable license under your patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and otherwise exploit any open source software and practice any method embodied in open source software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1223, "license_sentence": "depcomp compile a program generating dependencies as sideeffects copyright 1999, 2000, 2003 free software foundation, inc. this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1224, "license_sentence": "for downloading) the library in object code form or in executable form, to make each copy contain either: (a) an offer valid for at least 3 years to send the complete source text on a medium which is normally used to store software is attached, whereby the cost of sending must not exceed the price for the medium and the cost of shipping; or (b) a clear reference to a publicly accessible internet address where anyone can download the full source text free of charge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1225, "license_sentence": "any exercise of rights under this license by you or your sublicensees is subject to the following conditions: 1. redistributions of this software, with or without modification, must reproduce the above copyright notice and the above license statement as well as this list of conditions, in the software, the user documentation and any other materials provided with the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1226, "license_sentence": "you may not move, change, disable, or circumvent the license key functionality in the software, and you may not remove or obscure any functionality in the software that is protected by the license key.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1227, "license_sentence": "derivative works of license; antecedent licenses if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must a. rename your license so that the phrases \"terracotta\", \"tpl\", or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this license) and b. otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the terracotta public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1228, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by carnegie mellon university.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1229, "license_sentence": "\u201cadobe\u00ae air\u00ae\u201d is a trademark of adobe that may not be used by others except under a written license from adobe.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1230, "license_sentence": "although the authors have attempted to find and correct any bugs in the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the package.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1231, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranties: you agree that adobe has made no express warranties to you regarding the software and that the software is being provided to you \"as is\" without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1232, "license_sentence": "the licenses granted in section 2.1 for lsi binary code and related explanatory materials are subject to the following restrictions: (a) licensee shall not use the lsi binary code and related explanatory materials for any purpose other than as expressly provided in article 2; (b) licensee shall reproduce all copyright notices and other proprietary markings or legends contained within or on the lsi binary code and related explanatory materials on any copies it makes; and (c) licensee shall not distribute or disclose the lsi binary code and related explanatory materials except pursuant to an agreement with terms at least as protective of lsi's binary code as the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1233, "license_sentence": "if you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this license and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the font at all.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1234, "license_sentence": "nothing in this license shall be interpreted to prohibit licensor from licensing under terms different from this license any original work that licensor otherwise would have a right to license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1235, "license_sentence": "al\u00e9m disso, para a prote\u00e7\u00e3o de cada autor e a nossa, queremos ter certeza de que todos entendam que n\u00e3o h\u00e1 nenhuma garantia para este software livre.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1236, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this agreement, splunk does not provide maintenance and support (section 7), warranty (section 10), or indemnification (section 13) with respect to free software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1237, "license_sentence": "except as otherwise provided by law, licensee may not modify or create derivative works of the licensed software, or reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile binary portions of the licensed software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code from such portions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1238, "license_sentence": "the author hereby grants anyone permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this source code, or portions hereof, for any purpose, without fee, subject to the following restrictions: 1. the origin of this source code must not be misrepresented.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1239, "license_sentence": "altova and its suppliers do not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1240, "license_sentence": "due credit should be given to the openldap project (http://www.openldap.org/).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1241, "license_sentence": "this software is provided \"as is,\" without warranty of any kind, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1242, "license_sentence": "covered code is provided under this license on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement of third party intellectual property rights, and any warranty that may arise by reason of trade usage, custom, or course of dealing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1243, "license_sentence": "you may not mark or brand this file with any trade name, trademarks, service marks, or product names other than the original brand (if any) provided by new relic.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1244, "license_sentence": "each time you publish, communicate to the public, distribute or publicly digitally perform a derivative work, licensor offers to the recipient a licence to the original work on the same terms and conditions as the licence granted to you under this licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1245, "license_sentence": "you may install and use any number of copies of the software on your premises to design, develop and test your programs for use with the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1246, "license_sentence": "for software requiring mandatory production activation, in addition to the single copy of the software permitted in section 2(a), the primary user of the computer on which the software is installed may make a second copy of the software and install it on either a portable computer or a computer located at his or her home for his or her exclusive use, provided that: a. the second copy of the software on the portable or home computer i. is not used at the same time as the copy of the software on the primary computer and ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1247, "license_sentence": "fuse mediation router (for enterprise apache camel) [based on the apache license version 2.0, january 2004] terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution read the terms of this license agreement (\"agreement\") carefully before installing this work.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1248, "license_sentence": "the balloon open hardware license (bohl) version 0.2 for discussion the text of this license is copyright (c) 2006 2007 itechnic ltd permission is granted to copy this license unmodified and use it to protect open hardware designs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1249, "license_sentence": "nothing shall obligate ti to provide you with source code for the software licensed and provided to you in object code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1250, "license_sentence": "your modifications must remain publicly available in source code form, and may not be encrypted, obfuscated, or otherwise rendered intentionally humanunreadable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1251, "license_sentence": "distributing the redistributable code (or derivative works thereof) in any manner that would cause the redistributable code to become subject to any of the terms of an excluded license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1252, "license_sentence": "broadleaf, and its suppliers make no warranty, condition, representation, or term (express or implied, whether by statute, common law, custom, usage or otherwise) as to any matter including, without limitation, noninfringement of third party rights, merchantability, satisfactory quality, integration, or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1253, "license_sentence": "however, except with respect to implementations of the specification (and products derived from them) that satisfy limitations (i)(iii) from the previous paragraph, you may neither: a. grant or otherwise pass through to your licensees any licenses under sun's applicable intellectual property rights; nor b. authorize your licensees to make any claims concerning their implementation's compliance with the spec in question.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1254, "license_sentence": "this product contains the following third party software: expat software that is copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 thai open source software center ltd. permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this expat software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1255, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the product is with you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1256, "license_sentence": "copyright of the software and supporting documentation is, unless otherwise stated, owned by [copyright holder], and free access is hereby granted as a license to use this software, copy this software and prepare derivative works based upon this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1257, "license_sentence": "preamble: this license establishes the terms under which the package may be copied, modified, distributed and/or redistributed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1258, "license_sentence": "these provisions are intended to ensure that there is a clear record of ownership of all intellectual property rights necessary to copy, modify, distribute, make, use or sell the software or modified versions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1259, "license_sentence": "furthermore, while these terms apply to any damages claims you make in respect of your use of the software, we will be liable for direct losses that are reasonably foreseeable in the event of our breach of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1260, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms of this license and subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license: a. under copyrights licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered software and/or as part of a larger work; and b. under patent claims necessarily infringed by the making, using, or selling of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its contributor version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1. modifications made by that contributor (or portions thereof); and 2. the combination of modifications made by that contributor with its contributor version (or portions of such combination).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1261, "license_sentence": "if you use the product in any derived works, you must purchase the applicable license and you may be sued for collection and punitive damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1262, "license_sentence": "gnu library general public license terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification 0. this license agreement applies to any software library which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this library general public license (also called \"this license\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1263, "license_sentence": "for any distributable code you distribute, you must add significant primary functionality to it in your programs; require distributors to agree to terms that protect it at least as much as this agreement; display your valid copyright notice on your programs; and indemnify, defend, and hold harmless microsoft from any claims, including attorneys' fees, related to the distribution or use of your programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1264, "license_sentence": "idi makes no representations or warranties, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1265, "license_sentence": "in no event shall inmon or its suppliers or licensors be liable for any consequential, incidental, special, indirect or exemplary damages whatsoever, whether related to or arising out of this agreement, the trademark, the software, the documentation, the specifications, or otherwise, including without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of data, costs of procurement of substitute goods or services or for any claim or demand against licensee by any other party, or other pecuniary loss, even if inmon has been advised of or knows of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1266, "license_sentence": "you must link to the original web page at a list apart in which the article appeared, and must credit the magazine and the original author[s].", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1267, "license_sentence": "accompany any nonstandard executables with their corresponding standard version executables, give the nonstandard executables nonstandard names, and clearly document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the standard version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1268, "license_sentence": "if you make any changes to this file, please do not distribute the results under the name `zedcsp.sty'.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1269, "license_sentence": "you may not work around any technical limitations in the software; reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the software, except and to the extent required by third party licensing terms governing use of certain open source components that may be included in the software; remove, minimize, block or modify any notices of microsoft or its suppliers in the software; use the software in any way that is against the law; or share, publish, rent or lease the software, provide the software as a standalone offering for others to use, or transfer the software or this agreement to any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Include Notice": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1270, "license_sentence": "digital creations requests that attribution be given to zope in any manner possible.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1271, "license_sentence": "you may make one copy of the apple software in machinereadable form for backup purposes only; provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the original.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1272, "license_sentence": "the credit required by this section 4(d) may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of an adaptation or collection, at a minimum such credit will appear, if a credit for all contributors to the adaptation or collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1273, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the codehaus or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1274, "license_sentence": "redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice and the licence terms in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1275, "license_sentence": "utility, for any legal purpose, at a time.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1276, "license_sentence": "vous ne pouvez l\u2019utiliser que dans le but de r\u00e9installer le logiciel.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1277, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding any damages that you might incur for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of microsoft and any of its suppliers under any provision of this supplemental eula and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the os components or u.s.$5.00.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1278, "license_sentence": "you are allowed to modify or change the source code if you accept that the resulting changed work will become subject to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1279, "license_sentence": "mike fletcher expressly disclaims any warranty for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1280, "license_sentence": "you may not use the nvidia ai foundation models in any manner that would cause them to become subject to an open source software license; subject to the terms in the \u201ccomponents under other licenses\u201d section below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1281, "license_sentence": "disclaimer the software contained in this package is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1282, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, you may not use the software to develop and distribute other software programs that directly compete with any altova software or service without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1283, "license_sentence": "for each validly licensed copy of the applicable os product, you also may reproduce one additional copy of the applicable os components solely for archival purposes or reinstallation of the os components on the same computer as the os components were previously installed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1284, "license_sentence": "restrictions you may not use, copy, modify, translate, or transfer the programs, documentation, or any copy except as expressly defined in this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1285, "license_sentence": "distribution and/or modification this copyrighted package may only be distributed and/or modified according to the terms and conditions contained in this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1286, "license_sentence": "linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1287, "license_sentence": "our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright the library, and (2) offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1288, "license_sentence": "subject to your compliance with the terms of this license, including the restrictions set forth in section 2.2, licensor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nontransferable, nonsublicenseable, nocharge, royaltyfree, irrevocable license to practice any invention claimed in the licensed patents (i) for any research use, (ii) for any noncommercial use, and (iii) in any software implementation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1289, "license_sentence": "cantex consulting group, inc.?s liability for damages to the licensee for any cause whatsoever, regardless of the form of any claim or action, shall not exceed the total license fee paid by the licensee for the license to use the software under this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1290, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"cocoon\" nor may \"cocoon\" and \"java apache project\" appear in their names without prior written permission of the java apache project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1291, "license_sentence": "you shall not remove, alter, cover, or obscure any confidentiality, trade secret, trade mark, patent, copyright or other proprietary notice or other identifying marks or designs from any component of the licensed materials and you shall reproduce and include in all copies of the licensed materials, or any derivatives thereof, the copyright notice(s) and proprietary legend(s) of ti and its licensors as they appear in the licensed materials.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1292, "license_sentence": "in consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, apple grants you a personal, nonexclusive license, under apple\u2019s copyrights in this original apple javaapplicationstub binary module software (the \"apple software\"), to use, reproduce and redistribute the apple software in binary form only as part of your own software program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1293, "license_sentence": "such limitation on damages includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of goodwill, lost profits, loss of data or software, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction or impairment of other goods.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1294, "license_sentence": "the code and text files listed below are \"distributable code.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1295, "license_sentence": "you may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the software product either in whole or in part; each copy should include all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this eula.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1296, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the use of this product is assumed by the user and/or licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1297, "license_sentence": "any use, modification, change, display, performance, copy, or distribution following written notice under this paragraph, but without the implementation of an agreement as provided herein, shall constitute an irrevocable and conclusive waiver by the governmental entity (and any and all governmental persons of such governmental entity) of any and all reliance on any legal doctrine either referenced in such written notice or omitted from it.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1298, "license_sentence": "customer may not assign, delegate or transfer this agreement, in whole or in part, by agreement, operation of law or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Assign": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1299, "license_sentence": "any use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the software and accompanying documentation by the united states government shall be governed solely by the terms of this agreement and shall be prohibited except to the extent expressly permitted by the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1300, "license_sentence": "no liability for consequential damages except for the licensor's indemnification and each party's confidentiallity obligations hereunder, in no event shall either party be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the use of the product, even if the licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1301, "license_sentence": "you may copy and install the utilities you receive with the software on to other third party machines.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1302, "license_sentence": "adobe systems incorporated grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, no charge, royaltyfree, irrevocable copyright license, to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute this source code and such derivative works in source or object code form without any attribution requirements.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1303, "license_sentence": "in addition to the license granted in section 1 (software internal use and development license grant) and section 2 (license to modify modifiables and to redistribute modified modifiables) of these supplemental terms, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute, in binary form only, those files specifically identified as redistributable in the software \"readme\" file (\"redistributables\") provided that: (i) you distribute the redistributables complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file) in binary form (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file), and only bundled as part of your programs, (ii) you do not distribute additional software intended to supersede any component(s) of the redistributables, (iii) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the redistributables, (iv) you only distribute the redistributables pursuant to a license agreement that protects sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in the agreement, and (v) you agree to defend and indemnify sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all programs and/or software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1304, "license_sentence": "you may distribute source code of compliant implementations for commercial use only to community members from whom you have first obtained a certification of status in the form set forth in attachment a1.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1305, "license_sentence": "such theories of liability include contract or tort (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the download, installation, use, operation, or maintenace of the netapp software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage or loss.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1306, "license_sentence": "general provisions this dla may only be modified in writing signed by you and an authorized officer of stimulsoft.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1307, "license_sentence": "(the general public license restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine executable.)", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1308, "license_sentence": "you will not utilize any output of climategpt (\"output\") or sell, share or disclose output to any third parties to train an ai model or have an ai model trained (e.g., engaging in \u201cmodel scraping\u201d).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1309, "license_sentence": "for the avoidance of doubt, you may only use the credit required by this section for the purpose of attribution in the manner set out above and, by exercising your rights under this license, you may not implicitly or explicitly assert or imply any connection with, sponsorship or endorsement by the licensor or others designated for attribution, of you or your use of the work, without the separate, express prior written permission of the licensor or such others.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1310, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute such modifications or work, provided that you: i. cause the modified program to carry a prominent notice stating that it has been modified, and cause the modified files to carry notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change; ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1311, "license_sentence": "the names ace(tm), tao(tm), ciao(tm), washington university, uc irvine, and vanderbilt university, may not be used to endorse or promote products or services derived from this source without express written permission from washington university, uc irvine, or vanderbilt university.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1312, "license_sentence": "confluent hereby disclaims any and all warranties and conditions, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1313, "license_sentence": "no charges or fees for either private or commerical usage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1314, "license_sentence": "you shall not subject the materials to any third party license terms (e.g., open source license terms).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1315, "license_sentence": "disclaimer this software is provided by the copyright holders ``as is'' and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1316, "license_sentence": "if your modification has such potential, you must delete any notice of this special exception to the gpl from your modified version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1317, "license_sentence": "a fee may be charged to cover solely and only the costs of the distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1318, "license_sentence": "you may not redistribute our code by itself or in a collection with other code apart from your application, software, or service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1319, "license_sentence": "``the contents of this file are subject to the interbase public license version 1.0 (the \"license\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1320, "license_sentence": "any extensions you make and deploy must have a distinct title so as to readily tell any subsequent user or contributor that the extensions are by you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1321, "license_sentence": "cnri shall not be liable to licensee or any other users of the software for any incidental, special, or consequential damages or loss as a result of using, modifying or distributing python 1.6b1, or any derivative thereof, even if advised of the possibility thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1322, "license_sentence": "the gpl requires that for any software covered under the gpl, which is distributed to someone in an executable binary format that the source code also be made available to those users.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1323, "license_sentence": "cx hextris license hextris copyright 1990 david markley, dm3e@+andrew.cmu.edu, dam@cs.cmu.edu permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute, this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software with specific, written prior permission, and that no fee is charged for further distribution of this software, or any modifications thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1324, "license_sentence": "all modified copies shall carry a notice stating who made the last modification and the date of such modification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1325, "license_sentence": "limitation on remedies: no consequential or other damages your exclusive remedy for any breach of this limited warranty is as set forth below.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1326, "license_sentence": "marvell grants no right to licensee to modify, license, distribute or sell the deliverables.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1327, "license_sentence": "if you create an extension, you may add your name as a contributor to the source code and accompanying documentation along with a description of the contribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1328, "license_sentence": "the +cal software license agreement legal notice this software is available without charge but subject to compliance obligations; you can redistribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the +cal software license agreement (the \"agreement\"), as published by the corporate accountability lab nfp (\"cal\"), available here: https://www.legaldesign.org/calsoftwarelicense.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1329, "license_sentence": "you assume total responsibility and risk for use of the at&t software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1330, "license_sentence": "si votre pays n'autorise pas l'exclusion ou la limitation de responsabilit\u00e9 pour les dommages indirects, accessoires ou de quelque nature que ce soit, il se peut que la limitation ou l'exclusion cidessus ne s'appliquera pas \u00e0 votre \u00e9gard.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1331, "license_sentence": "the source code cannot be used in a commercial product without the written authorization of the authors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1332, "license_sentence": "conditioned upon your compliance with section 3.1 below and subject to third party intellectual property claims, the initial developer hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license: (a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) licensable by initial developer, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the original software (or portions thereof), with or without modifications, and/or as part of a larger work; and (b) under patent claims infringed by the making, using or selling of original software, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the original software (or portions thereof).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1333, "license_sentence": "alter or remove any proprietary notices in the software or documentation; v. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive or discover the source code for the software; or vi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Own Notices": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1334, "license_sentence": "in no event shall qti, qti's affiliates or its licensors be liable to you for any incidental, consequential or special damages, including but not limited to any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental damages, arising out of the use or inability to use, or the delivery or failure to deliver, any of the deliverables, or any breach of any obligation under this agreement, even if qti has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1335, "license_sentence": "indemnification by licensee licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless backbase and its officers, directors, employees and shareholders from and against any and all loss, damage, settlement, costs or expense (including legal expenses and expenses of other professionals), as incurred, resulting from, or arising out of any third party claim which alleges that a derivative work infringes upon, misappropriates or violates any intellectual property rights, where such claim is independent of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1336, "license_sentence": "the enduser documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: \"this product includes software developed by think network, munich (http://www.thinknetwork.com/).\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1337, "license_sentence": "some note in the application's documentation or credits must mention the usage of phelix.net and its origin.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1338, "license_sentence": "although the company wants to encourage development of this base, it is essential that no changes be introduced into these components by anyone other than the kernel maintainer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1339, "license_sentence": "the indemnifying party will not be responsible for any settlement made by the indemnified claim without the indemnified party\u2019s prior written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1340, "license_sentence": "in order to provide everyone with the rights to freely use the osci library in accordance with these license terms, each copy of the osci library shall contain the following reference to the validity of this license and its location in clearly visible form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1341, "license_sentence": "you may not distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the work with any technological measures that control access or use of the work in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT", "Publicly Perform": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1342, "license_sentence": "the developer license allows the developer royaltyfree unlimited distribution of the software bundled with an application, provided you adhere to the following distribution terms: \u2022 you may not resell, rent, lease or distribute the software alone.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1343, "license_sentence": "you may not alter any copyright, trademark or patent notice in the distributable code ; v. use microsoft's trademarks in your programs' names or in a way that suggests your programs come from or are endorsed by microsoft; vi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1344, "license_sentence": "the foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, of any kind, including warranty of design, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1345, "license_sentence": "in addition open cloud and its suppliers will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1346, "license_sentence": "each contributor disclaims any liability to recipient for claims brought by any other person or entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1347, "license_sentence": "grant of copyright license subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, use, modify, or distribute its contribution, with modification or not.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1348, "license_sentence": "with respect to any patent claims covered by this license that would be infringed by all technically feasible implementations of the specification, such license is conditioned upon your offering on fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms, to any party seeking it from you, a perpetual, nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide license under your patent rights that are or would be infringed by all technically feasible implementations of the specification to develop, distribute and use a compliant implementation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Grant Patents": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1349, "license_sentence": "\"excluded license\" means any license that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution of software that is subject to the excluded license, that such software or other software combined or distributed with such software be (x) disclosed or distributed in source code form, (y) licensed for the purpose of making derivative works, or (z) redistributable at no charge.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1350, "license_sentence": "distribution and royalties this agreement entitles you to the royalty free distribution of software in any applications, frameworks, or elements developed using the software, which do not violate restrictions set in section 4 of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1351, "license_sentence": "you may use, copy and distribute copies of the software in any medium, provided that you keep intact this entire notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1352, "license_sentence": "however, in addition to the other notice obligations, all copies of the covered code in executable and source code form distributed must, as a form of attribution of the original author, include on each user interface screen i. the logos located at http://www.symbiot.com/logos/ and once for each user session ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1353, "license_sentence": "some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you to its full extent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1354, "license_sentence": "representations, warranties and disclaimer unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties in writing, licensor offers the work asis and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantibility, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement, or the absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence of absence of errors, whether or not discoverable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1355, "license_sentence": "indemnification you agree to hold harmless and indemnify google, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any thirdparty claim arising from or in any way related to your use of the google web toolkit, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees, of every kind and nature.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1356, "license_sentence": "in no event will sun or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates be liable for any lost revenue or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1357, "license_sentence": "the full text of this ee license shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1358, "license_sentence": "notwithstanding section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1. for code that you delete from the original software; 2. separate from the original software; or 3. for infringements caused by: i. the modification of the original software or ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1359, "license_sentence": "this hpnc copy may not be used in any commercial or revenuegenerating business activities, including without limitation, workfromhome, teleworking, telecommuting, or other workrelated use of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1360, "license_sentence": "hztty license copyright @ 1992, 1995 by yongguang zhang permission to use, copy, modify, and redistribute is hereby granted.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1361, "license_sentence": "the names \"edg\", \"edg toolkit\", and \"eu datagrid project\" may not be used to endorse or promote software, or products derived therefrom, except with prior written permission by hepprojectgridedglicense@cern.ch.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1362, "license_sentence": "pyrite publisher license pyrite publisher (formerly doc toolkit) version 2.1.1 content creation tools for palm computing platform users copyright 19982002 rob tillotson {rob@pyrite.org} all rights reserved permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation or portions thereof, including modifications, that you you make.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1363, "license_sentence": "grant of patent license subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, irrevocable (except for revocation under this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer for sale, sell, import or otherwise transfer its contribution, where such patent license is only limited to the patent claims owned or controlled by such contributor now or in future which will be necessarily infringed by its contribution alone, or by combination of the contribution with the software to which the contribution was contributed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1364, "license_sentence": "there is no warranty, express or implied, not even the warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1365, "license_sentence": "should any original code prove defective in any respect, you (not the initial developer) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1366, "license_sentence": "if you distribute copies of the original work or a derivative work, you must make a reasonable effort under the circumstances to obtain the express and volitional assent of recipients to the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1367, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the xfree86 project be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1368, "license_sentence": "nothing in this agreement or otherwise prevents nokia from developing, distributing and/or making use of any application that is directly or indirectly competing with your application.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1369, "license_sentence": "[blackduck] from ftpparse.c d. j. bernstein, djb@cr.yp.to http://cr.yp.to/ftpparse.html commercial use is fine, if you let me know what programs you're using this in.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1370, "license_sentence": "the tizen sdk is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1371, "license_sentence": "no one other than the condor team has the right to modify the terms of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1372, "license_sentence": "such altered versions are further prohibited from misrepresentative use of the zipbugs or infozip email addresses or the infozip url(s), such as to imply infozip will provide support for the altered versions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1373, "license_sentence": "subject to the conditions contained herein, sun grants to you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide, and royaltyfree license to do the following for your research use only: 1. reproduce, create modifications of, and use the technology alone, or with modifications; 2. share source code of the technology alone, or with modifications, with other licensees; and 3. distribute object code of the technology, alone, or with modifications, to any third parties for research use only, under a license of your choice that is consistent with this license; and publish papers and books discussing the technology which may include relevant excerpts that do not in the aggregate constitute a significant portion of the technology.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1374, "license_sentence": "copyright notice: \u00a9 us postal service 2009 disclaimer: this software is provided by the united states postal service \"as is\" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1375, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute it freely, by any means and under any conditions, as long as the code and documentation is not changed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1376, "license_sentence": "in any current or future medium and for any number of copies, and iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1377, "license_sentence": "no oral or written documentation, information or advice given by licensor, a licensor authorized representative or any contributor shall create a warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1378, "license_sentence": "you have permission to modify, redistribute, hoard, or even sell blat in its executable or source form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1379, "license_sentence": "no license is granted hereunder for any other purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1380, "license_sentence": "das komplette risiko der benutzung, der ergebnisse und leistungsfahigkeit tragen sie alleine.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1381, "license_sentence": "license: the redis source available license described in section 1. licensor: redis labs ltd. modification: a modification of the software made by you under the license, section 1.1(c).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1382, "license_sentence": "you are expressly prohibited from redistributing the debug smartheap dll or shared library or executable files created using the debug smartheap library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1383, "license_sentence": "this agreement may not be modified except in a writing duly signed by an authorized representative of the author and recipient.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1384, "license_sentence": "(certain portions refer to custom versions of the software, there are specific rules listed below for these versions also.)", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1385, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability in no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will licensor and all contributors, or any other party who may modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1386, "license_sentence": "notices you must ensure that anyone who gets a copy of any part of the model, or any modification of the model, or their output, from you also gets a copy of these terms or the url for them above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1387, "license_sentence": "postgresql database management system (formerly known as postgres, then as postgres95) portions copyright (c) the postgresql global development group portions copyright (c) 1994, the regents of the university of california permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1388, "license_sentence": "license and restrictions permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. the origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1389, "license_sentence": "the section of this license in which each defined term is first used is shown in parentheses.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1390, "license_sentence": "tiff license copyright (c) 19881997 sam leffler copyright (c) 19911997 silicon graphics, inc. permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of sam leffler and silicon graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of sam leffler and silicon graphics.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1391, "license_sentence": "if you link a program with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1392, "license_sentence": "you are responsible for ensuring that the source code to each version you deploy remains available even if the electronic distribution mechanism is maintained by a third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1393, "license_sentence": "accordingly netronome and, where applicable, netronome's third party licensors specifically disclaim any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1394, "license_sentence": "if the software product is labeled \"not for resale\" or \"nfr,\" then, notwithstanding other sections of this eula, your use of the software product is limited to use for demonstration, test, or evaluation purposes and you may not resell, or otherwise transfer for value, the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1395, "license_sentence": "subject to and conditioned upon your full compliance with the terms and conditions of this license, including sections iv (restrictions and community responsibilities) and v.e.7 (international use), original contributor: 1. grants to you a nonexclusive, worldwide and royaltyfree license to the extent of original contributor's copyrights and trade secret rights in and covering the reference code and technology specifications to do the following for your research use only: a) reproduce, prepare derivative works of, display and perform the reference code, in whole or in part, alone or as part of covered code; b) reproduce, prepare derivative works of and display the technology specifications; c) distribute source or object code copies of reference code, in whole or in part, alone or as part covered code, to other community members or to students; and d) distribute object code copies of reference code, in whole or in part, alone or as part of covered code to third parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1396, "license_sentence": "in no event shall jcraft, inc. or any contributors to this software be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1397, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, acme and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and noninfringement, with regard to the software product, and the provision of or failure to provide support services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1398, "license_sentence": "although the licensor will endeavour to keep the generator bugfree, they specifically exclude any warranty to that effect, and also specifically deny any time span either express or implied for the correction of any bugs found.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1399, "license_sentence": "you may not (except as and only to the extent any following restriction is prohibited by applicable law): (a) decompile; (b) reverse engineer; (c) disassemble; (d) attempt to derive the source code of the oculus sdk or any part of the oculus sdk, or any other software or firmware provided to you by oculus.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Decompile": "CANNOT", "Reverse Engineer": "CANNOT", "Disassemble": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1400, "license_sentence": "seetex license copyright 1989 dirk grunwald permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of dirk grunwald or m.i.t.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1401, "license_sentence": "a modified version of this file may be distributed, but it should be distributed with a different name.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1402, "license_sentence": "by (a) using, copying, modifying, or distributing the documentation, or (b) making or having products made or distributing them, you accept this agreement, agree to comply with its terms, and become a \"licensee.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1403, "license_sentence": "this notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1404, "license_sentence": "exemptions la pr\u00e9sente licence ne conf\u00e8re pas le droit d'utiliser : des renseignements personnels; des droits de tierces parties que le fournisseur d'information n'est pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 accorder; les noms, les embl\u00e8mes, les logos ou d'autres symboles officiels du fournisseur d\u2019information; l'information qui est assujettie \u00e0 d'autres droits de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 intellectuelle, y compris les brevets, les marques de commerce et les marques officielles.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1405, "license_sentence": "except as expressly provided herein, freescale does not grant to you any express or implied rights under any freescale or third party patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1406, "license_sentence": "distribution of only part of the program is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1407, "license_sentence": "esta biblioteca \u00e9 distribu\u00eddo na expectativa de que seja \u00fatil, por\u00e9m, sem nenhuma garantia; nem mesmo a garantia impl\u00edcita de comerciabilidade ou adequa\u00e7\u00e3o a uma finalidade espec\u00edfica.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1408, "license_sentence": "it can be freely used for educational and research purposes by nonprofit institutions and us government agencies only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1409, "license_sentence": "you acknowledge and agree that nero and its affiliates shall not be liable for any delays, failures or outages relating to or arising out of use of the web search feature.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1410, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1411, "license_sentence": "you agree that licensor is not liable for the effects of any thirdparty plugins that you produce or install.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1412, "license_sentence": "condition against further restrictions; inbound license compatibility when distributing a covered work, you may not impose further restrictions on the exercise of rights in the covered work granted under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1413, "license_sentence": "no trademarks or service marks of qss or its licensors are licensed by this eula, and you understand and agree that qss trademarks or service mark may not be applied to your goods or services without the express written permission of qss.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1414, "license_sentence": "zigbee is not responsible and shall not be held responsible in any manner for identifying or failing to identify any or all such third party intellectual property rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1415, "license_sentence": "this copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1416, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms of this agreement, lsi grants to licensee a nonexclusive, worldwide, revocable (for breach in accordance with section 7), nontransferable limited license, without the right to sublicense except as expressly provided herein, solely to: (a) use the lsi source code and related explanatory materials solely for the authorized use for source code and only with lsi devices; (b) make copies of the lsi source code and related explanatory material to support the authorized use for source code only and for archival and backup purposes in support of the authorized use for source code only with lsi devices; (c) modify and prepare derivative works of the lsi source code for the authorized use for lsi source code and only for use with lsi devices; (d) distribute the binary form only of any authorized derivative work of the lsi source code (\"licensee binary derivative\") and necessary portions of the related explanatory materials only for use with lsi devices; and (e) sublicense the rights granted in paragraph (d) above in accordance with the terms provided in this agreement to subsequent users who are not end users for the purpose of distributing and supporting licensee's product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1417, "license_sentence": "the information provider may make changes to the terms of this licence from time to time and issue a new version of the licence.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1418, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the copyright holder or any other contributor be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages for loss of profits, revenue, or for loss of information or any other loss.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1419, "license_sentence": "unless otherwise provided herein, you shall not a. in the aggregate, install or use more than one copy of the trial version of the software, b. download the trial version of the software under more than one username, c. alter the contents of a hard drive or computer system to enable the use of the trial version of the software for an aggregate period in excess of the trial period for one license to such trial version, d. disclose the results of software performance benchmarks obtained using the trial version to any third party without macromedia's prior written consent, or e. use the trial version of the software for a purpose other than the sole purpose of determining whether to purchase a license to a commercial or education version of the software; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, you are strictly prohibited from installing or using the trial version of the software for any commercial training purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1420, "license_sentence": "the software must not be modified, adapted, reengineered, decompiled or disassembled nor be used as a basis for further developments.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1421, "license_sentence": "this product distributed in hope it may be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and compliance with any standards.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1422, "license_sentence": "therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1423, "license_sentence": "who made contributions to the program distributed by the commercial contributor against any losses, damages and costs (collectively ?losses?)", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1424, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement and where and as applicable, each contributor hereby grants to you a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nocharge, royaltyfree, copyright license to reproduce, prepare, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense under the terms herein, and distribute the model and modifications of the model.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1425, "license_sentence": "this license cannot be modified or amended except in a writing signed by licensor and licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1426, "license_sentence": "this means no liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental loss or damage, no matter what legal theory it is based on, to the maximum extent the law permitsthis exclusion.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1427, "license_sentence": "under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall the licensor, any contributor, or any distributor of licensed product, or any supplier of any of such parties, be liable to any person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1428, "license_sentence": "all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: \"this product includes software written by eric young (eay@cryptsoft.com)\" 4. if you include any windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: \"this product includes software written by tim hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)\" this software is provided by eric young ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1429, "license_sentence": "nara institute of science and technology (naist), the copyright holders, disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall naist be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1430, "license_sentence": "sell verbatim copies of the software for a media fee, or sell support for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1431, "license_sentence": "you may not wrap the software or any software executable (e.g., .exe, .msi, .iso or .dmg or similar executable now known or later developed) with any third party software addon or offer except pursuant to a separate express, written, fullyexecuted agreement with winzip.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1432, "license_sentence": "you may not create, or authorize your licensees to create additional classes, interfaces, or subpackages that are in any way identified as \"java\", \"javax\", \"sun\" or similar convention as specified by sun in any naming convention designation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1433, "license_sentence": "should the apple software prove defective, you (and not apple or an apple authorized representative) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1434, "license_sentence": "permission is granted to freely distribute verbatim copies of this documentation only if the following conditions are met: 1. that the copyright notice remains intact 2. the original authors' names are clearly displayed, 3. that any changes made to the documentation outside the official pdl distribution (as released by the current release manager) are clearly marked as such and 4. that this copyright notice is distributed with the copied version so that it may be easily found.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1435, "license_sentence": "google and such third parties expressly disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law all express, implied, and statutory warranties, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement of proprietary rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1436, "license_sentence": "in the event licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates the software or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to the public as provided herein, then licensee hereby agrees to indicate in any such work, in a prominently visible way, the nature of the modifications made to cnri's software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1437, "license_sentence": "through 227.72024. d. you shall provide to timesys any modifications, error corrections, or derivatives of the software developed by you (\"your modifications\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1438, "license_sentence": "you do not have to provide a copy of the fltk license with programs that are linked to the fltk library, nor do you have to identify the fltk license in your program or documentation as required by section 6 of the lgpl.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1439, "license_sentence": "trademarks and logos this agreement does not authorize licensee to use any sun name, trademark, or logo.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1440, "license_sentence": "the company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1441, "license_sentence": "creative commons attributionnoncommercialnoderivatives 4.0 international public license by exercising the licensed rights (defined below), you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this creative commons attributionnoncommercialnoderivatives 4.0 international public license (\"public license\").", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1442, "license_sentence": "game for nokia 9210 license copyright 2002 kenneth guy, you are free to take the source and do as you wish with it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1443, "license_sentence": "in addition and if you are using the services for internal use, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, maxmind also hereby grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to access and use the services for your own internal business purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1444, "license_sentence": "any modified or merged portion of the sdk source files is subject to this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1445, "license_sentence": "oracle corporation (\"oracle\") hereby grants you (as either an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this license) a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive copyright license to use, copy, modify, distribute and sublicense the software program accompanying this license (the \"program\"), including any end user documentation accompanying the software program (the \"documentation\"), in source and binary forms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1446, "license_sentence": "in such cases, the modified files must be marked as such in a comment following the charmed quark software copyright comments.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1447, "license_sentence": "the categories of precluded damages include without limitation lost data, interruption of business, or any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind (including lost profits), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if informed of the possibility of such damages in advance.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1448, "license_sentence": "you may not redistribute this code in any way except through its use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1449, "license_sentence": "without limiting the generality of the foregoing, mulesoft does not warrant that the free software will operate uninterrupted or that it will be free from defects or that it is designed to meet customer\u2019s business requirements, and mulesoft offers no implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1450, "license_sentence": "adaptec grants to you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide license to copy the software in object code form only, combine it with your software and distribute it, directly to customers, or through your distribution network.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1451, "license_sentence": "in no event shall intel or its suppliers and licensors be liable for any damages whatsoever from any cause of action of any kind (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) arising out of the use, modification, or inability to use the intel software, or otherwise, nor for punitive, incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind, even if intel or its suppliers and licensors has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1452, "license_sentence": "grant of rights (a) code copyright grant subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree copyright license to reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of any contribution for which source code is provided, and distribute its contribution or any permitted derivative works that you create.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1453, "license_sentence": "original or modified versions of the work may be bundled, redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy contains the above copyright notice and this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1454, "license_sentence": "if and only if, and for so long as you remain a qualified licensee, in accordance with section 3 of this license agreement, author hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, nonsublicensable license to do the following: 6.1 to reproduce the program in copies; 6.2 to prepare derivative works based upon the program, or upon software that itself is based on the program; 6.3 to distribute (either by distributing the source code, or by distributing compiled object code, but any export of object code must be ancillary to a distribution of source code) copies of the program and derivative works to others, with the proviso that copies of the program or derivative works that you distribute shall be licensed under this license agreement, that you shall fully inform all recipients of the terms of this license agreement; 6.4 to perform the program or a derivative work publicly; 6.5 to display the program or a derivative work publicly; and 6.6 to charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy of the program (you may also, at your option, offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Ask Distribution Fee": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1455, "license_sentence": "except as set forth in the foregoing limited warranty with respect to software other than any sample application code, macromedia redistributable, ms redistributable, trial version and not for resale version, macromedia and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties and representations, whether express, implied, or otherwise, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1456, "license_sentence": "federal copyright laws prohibit the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted materials, if any, contained in the archival backup copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Publicly Display": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1457, "license_sentence": "redistribution you may reproduce and distribute copies of the materials or derivative works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in source or object form, provided that you meet the following conditions: a. you shall give any other recipients of the materials or derivative works a copy of this agreement; b. you shall cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files; c. you shall retain in all copies of the materials that you distribute the following attribution notices within a \"notice\" text file distributed as a part of such copies: \"tongyi qianwen is licensed under the tongyi qianwen license agreement, copyright (c) alibaba cloud.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1458, "license_sentence": "the modifications which you create or to which you contribute are governed by the terms of this license, including without limitation section 2.2. the source code version of covered code may be distributed or provided over a network as a service to end users (otherwise provided) whether hosted by you or a third party only under the terms of this license or a future version of this license released under section 6.1, and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute or otherwise provide.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1459, "license_sentence": "nothing contained on this server shall be construed as conferring by implication or otherwise any license or right under any patent or trademark of picodoc or any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1460, "license_sentence": "intellectual property you agree not to remove, obscure, or alter google's copyright notice, trademarks, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within google soap search api.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1461, "license_sentence": "in addition, after a new version of the agreement is published, contributor may elect to distribute the covered code (including its contributions) under the new version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1462, "license_sentence": "you may otherwise modify your copy of this package in any way, provided that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least the following: rename any nonstandard executables and testcases so the names do not conflict with standard executables and testcases, which must also be provided, and provide a separate manual page for each nonstandard executable and testcase that clearly documents how it differs from the standard version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1463, "license_sentence": "you agree that we have no obligation to provide any support or engineering assistance of any sort unless we otherwise agree in writing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1464, "license_sentence": "redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: \"this product includes software developed by the apache group for use in the apache http server project (http://www.apache.org/).\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1465, "license_sentence": "if you alter the software in any way without being authorized by winzip, winzip will not remedy defects caused by such alteration and you are liable for any damages incurred by winzip due to your unauthorized alteration.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1466, "license_sentence": "(hereinafter referred to as \"licensee\") and fraunhofergesellschaft zur fuerderung der angewandten forschung e. v., a nono profit organization duly organized and existing under the laws of the federal republic of germany and having its principal office at leonrodstrasse 54, 80636 muenchen, germany, acting on behalf of its fraunhofer institut fuer graphische u u datenverarbeitung having its principal office at rundeturmstrasse 6, 64283 darmstadt, germany (hereinafter referred to as \"fhg\") witnesseth: whereas, fhg is the owner of certain \"semoa software\" (as hereinafter defined), and wishes to have this semoa software utilized by licensee; and whereas, fhg intends to make sure the semoa software (including semoa source code and object code) is free for all its users; and whereas, the semoa software license is designed to make sure that each licensee has the freedom to distribute copies of free software including semoa software source code and object code, that each licensee can change the semoa sofware source code and object code or use pieces of it in new free programs; and whereas, to protect each licensee's rights and to protect the free distribution of semoa software fhg needs to make restrictions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1467, "license_sentence": "you may not copy, sublicence, distribute or transfer crawl except as expressly provided under this licence agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1468, "license_sentence": "in consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, apple grants you a personal, nonexclusive license, under apple's copyrights in this original apple software (the \"apple software\"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the apple software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the apple software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the apple software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1469, "license_sentence": "however, i encourage you to contact the author for merging your patch into) warranty absolutely no warranty.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1470, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license and the license grant in section 3.2, you may freely redistribute source code or compiled code that is entirely your own and does not contain any redistributables.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1471, "license_sentence": "do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the servlet jar files; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1472, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by law, the deliverables are provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1473, "license_sentence": "the precise terms and conditions for copying, 2.1 this license applies to any program (or other \"work\") which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this 3dfx glide source code general public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1474, "license_sentence": "i grant of copyright license: subject to the terms of this agreement, licensor hereby grants to you a worldwide, nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to reproduce, prepare enterprise derivative works (as defined below) of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute dgraph enterprise edition for your business purposes, for so long as you are not in violation of this section 2(b) and are current on all payments required by section 4 below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1475, "license_sentence": "incorporate \"static library\" components of the software (the \"static libraries\") into the developed applications and to distribute such developed applications; provided, however, that you a. incorporate the static libraries solely in the form in which the libraries have been provided by palmsource; and b. reproduce and include the copyright notice that appears in such static library as provided by palmsource.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1476, "license_sentence": "if not, write to the free software foundation inc., 59 temple place suite 330, boston, ma 021111307 usa linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1477, "license_sentence": "some examples of what is acceptable and what is not are: acceptable: use our dhtml scripts on any personal or commercial web site to aid in its functionality/ usability.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1478, "license_sentence": "do not redistribute without an unmodified copy of this file.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1479, "license_sentence": "you may not disclose the results of any benchmark tests of the software to any third party without microsoft\u2019s prior written approval; work around any technical limitations in the software; reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation; make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation; publish the software for others to copy; rent, lease or lend the software; transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or use the software for commercial software hosting services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1480, "license_sentence": "in no event will softco be responsible for any incidental, special, consequential, or other indirect damages or for any damages resulting from inaccurate or lost data or loss of use or lost profits arising out of or in connection with this agreement, the use or performance of the softco software, or any services performed by softco, whether in an action in contract, tort, or in any other cause of action.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1481, "license_sentence": "once a copyright notice has been added to the subject software, a recipient may not remove it without the express permission of the contributor who added the notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1482, "license_sentence": "... article 4 scope of use 4.1 permitted uses a. for products delivered to licensee, licensee may ... 5. distribute to third parties software and any associated authorization codes required for use of a deployment license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1483, "license_sentence": "if you do not accept the terms and conditions of this license, do not download, install, use, modify, or integrate any portion of the licensed software.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1484, "license_sentence": "modified apache 2.0 license version 2.0.1, february 2015 terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution 1. definitions.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1485, "license_sentence": "any use of this software is at the user's own risk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1486, "license_sentence": "if you create or use a modified version of this license (which you may only do in order to apply it to code which is not already covered code governed by this license), you must a. rename your license so that the phrases \"scalix\", \"spl\" or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license (except to note that your license differs from this license) and b. otherwise make it clear that your version of the license contains terms which differ from the scalix public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1487, "license_sentence": "each recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this agreement , including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1488, "license_sentence": "permitted uses; conditions & restrictions.subject to the terms and conditions of this license, sybase hereby grants you, effective on the date you accept this license and download the original code, a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, to the extent of sybase's applicable patent rights and copyrights covering the original code, to do the following: 2.1 you may use, reproduce, display, perform, modify and distribute original code, with or without modifications, solely for your internal research and development and/or personal use, provided that in each instance: (a) you must retain and reproduce in all copies of original code the copyright and other proprietary notices and disclaimers of sybase as they appear in the original code, and keep intact all notices in the original code that refer to this license; and (b) you must retain and reproduce a copy of this license with every copy of source code of covered code and documentation you distribute, and you may not offer or impose any terms on such source code that alter or restrict this license or the recipients' rights hereunder, except as permitted under section 6.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1489, "license_sentence": "you must duplicate the notice contained in exhibit a (the \"notice\") in each file of the source code of any copy you distribute of the licensed software and your extensions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1490, "license_sentence": "should any covered code prove defective in any respect, you (not the university or any other contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1491, "license_sentence": "voc\u00ea poder\u00e1 modificar sua c\u00f3pia ou c\u00f3pias do programa ou qualquer parte dele, formando, dessa forma, uma obra baseada no programa, bem como copiar e distribuir essas modifica\u00e7\u00f5es ou obra, de acordo com os termos da cl\u00e1usula 1 acima, desde que voc\u00ea tamb\u00e9m atenda a todas as seguintes condi\u00e7\u00f5es: voc\u00ea deve fazer com que os arquivos modificados contenham avisos, em destaque, informando que voc\u00ea modificou os arquivos, bem como a data de qualquer modifica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1492, "license_sentence": "gpl 2.0 with openssl exception specific permission is granted for the gpled code in this distribution to be linked to openssl without invoking gpl clause 2(b).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1493, "license_sentence": "notice of rights the licensee expressly undertakes: 1. not to remove, or modify, in any manner, the intellectual property notices attached to the software; 2. to reproduce said notices, in an identical manner, in the copies of the software modified or not; 3. to ensure that use of the software, its intellectual property notices and the fact that it is governed by the agreement is indicated in a text that is easily accessible, specifically from the interface of any derivative software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1494, "license_sentence": "in each instance in which you attribute ownership or authorship of the codec you will include an acknowledgement in a location viewable to users of the codec as follows: \"this product includes software developed by or derived from software developed by project mayo.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1495, "license_sentence": "the modifications which you create or to which you contribute are governed by the terms of this license, including without limitation section 2.2. the source code version of covered code may be distributed only under the terms of this license, and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1496, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the authors be liable for any loss or damages that arise from the use of this code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1497, "license_sentence": "in the event that the modifications do not meet such requirements, you agree to publish either (i) any deviation from the standards protocol resulting from implementation of your modifications and a reference implementation of your modifications or (ii) your modifications in source code form, and to make any such deviation and reference implementation or modifications available to all third parties under the same terms a this license on a royalty free basis within thirty (30) days of your first customer shipment of your modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1498, "license_sentence": "the recipient may not distribute the software source code or any derivatives of the software source code without express written permission from the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1499, "license_sentence": "except to the extent enforcement of this provision is prohibited by applicable law, if at all, customer shall not decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, or otherwise reverse engineer software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1500, "license_sentence": "we ask only that: if you publish results obtained using meschach, please consider acknowledging the source of the code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1501, "license_sentence": "you may not do so to share this license between devices.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1502, "license_sentence": "except as warranted in the license agreement, cmp media llc hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the software, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability, whether express, implied or statutory, fitness for a particular purpose, title and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1503, "license_sentence": "licensee will not alter, remove, cover or otherwise obscure any copyright notices, trademark notices and any other intellectual property rights attaching to or displayed on the pixelink product, documentation and any other material and documentation made available under this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1504, "license_sentence": "licensee shall hold harmless and indemnify licensor against all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including licensor's reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or relating to licensee's noncompliance with this license or use of the software in violation of human rights laws or human rights principles.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1505, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of rackspace, inc., airbrake, exceptional, airbrake.io, exceptional.io except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of this file and reproducing the content of this notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1506, "license_sentence": "\u201clicensor\u201d refers to beijing lingyiwanwu information technology co., ltd. \u201cyou\u201d refers to an individual or legal entity that exercises the license granted by this agreement and/or uses the yi series models for any purpose and in any field of use.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1507, "license_sentence": "stated plainly: you are prohibited by the terms of this licence agreement from using crawl for gainful purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1508, "license_sentence": "the name of silicon graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of silicon graphics.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1509, "license_sentence": "oracle corporation disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1510, "license_sentence": "unless previously agreed to in writing by the original copyright holder, when you distribute, market, or provide information about a derived work to third parties, you may used the reserved name solely for the purpose of indicating that the derived work is derived, directly or indirectly, from the property.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1511, "license_sentence": "if you distribute the sample code or sdk source files under this agreement, you must include a copyright notice in such code, files, the relevant developer application or other larger work incorporating such code or files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1512, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with each recipient individually.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1513, "license_sentence": "distribution on cdrom or high capacity media such as backup tape is permitted if the total cost to the user is no more than two (2) u.s. cents per megabyte of data.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1514, "license_sentence": "you may distribute binaries built from the unmodified amiwm sources, for noncommercial purposes, provided that the entire amiwm source distribution is also included, as per the preceding paragraph.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1515, "license_sentence": "in no event shall smartlabs llc be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, and the loss of business information or computer programs), even if smartlabs llc or any smartlabs llc representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1516, "license_sentence": "in no event will zigbee be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of use of data, interruption of business, or for any other direct, indirect, special or exemplary, incidential, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, in contract or in tort, in connection with this document or the information contained herein, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1517, "license_sentence": "apple, its officers, affiliates and subsidiaries shall not, directly or indirectly, be liable, in any way, to you or any other person for the content you receive using the quicktime player or for any inaccuracies, errors in or omissions from the content.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1518, "license_sentence": "no party has authority to use legal force or the threat of such force to circumvent any right declared herein to belong to all parties, nor to recover perceived damages only involving the manifestation of such rights.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1519, "license_sentence": "to the extent that you provide sun or bea with any feedback, you hereby: (i) agree that such feedback is provided on a nonproprietary and nonconfidential basis, and (ii) grant sun and bea a perpetual, nonexclusive, worldwide, fully paidup, irrevocable license, with the right to sublicense through multiple levels of sublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without limitation the feedback for any purpose related to the specification and future versions, implementations, and test suites thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1520, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms of this license and subject to third party intellectual property claims, each contributor hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license: a. under copyrights licensable by contributor, to use, reproduce, modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the modifications created by such contributor (or portions thereof) either on an unmodified basis, with other modifications, as covered software and/or as part of a larger work; and b. under patent claims necessarily infringed by the making, using, or selling of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its contributor version (or portions of such combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) modifications made by that contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of modifications made by that contributor with its contributor version (or portions of such combination).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1521, "license_sentence": "ati will not be liable for 1) loss of, or damage to, your records or data or 2) any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1522, "license_sentence": "blogtronix shall not provide any support or professional services under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1523, "license_sentence": "by installing, copying or otherwise using the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1524, "license_sentence": "in addition, licensee may make one extra copy of the licensed software as an archival backup copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1525, "license_sentence": "customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1526, "license_sentence": "lack of maintainance or support services: licensee understands and agrees that licensor is under no obligation to provide maintanance, support or update services, notices of latent defects, or correction of defects for the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1527, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including but not limited to the java technology restrictions of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute those files specifically identified as redistributable in the software \"readme\" file (\"redistributables\") provided that: i. you distribute the redistributables complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file), and only bundled as part of programs, ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1528, "license_sentence": "the recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless trca, its directors, members, officers, employees, agents and independent contractors against any actions, proceedings, claims, losses, damages, liability awards, judgments, settlements and other expenses that trca may incur in consequence of a breach of any terms of the licence by the recipient.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1529, "license_sentence": "the terms are consistent with the limitations on use described in section 1. c. you include an acknowledgement in a location viewable to users of a distribution of a larger work as follows: \"this product includes software developed by or derived from software developed by project mayo.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1530, "license_sentence": "grant of license provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this agreement, www.jibble.org grants you a nonexclusive license including the following rights: 1. you may install and use one copy of the product on a single computer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1531, "license_sentence": "any data included in a product upon shipment from telerik is for testing use only and telerik hereby disclaims any and all liability arising therefrom.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1532, "license_sentence": "openvision also retains copyright to derivative works of the source code, whether created by openvision or by a third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1533, "license_sentence": "licensee may continue to market and distribute product versions containing the software program so long as such product versions have been completely developed by the end of the period licensee's subscription of the tsims is active; provided however that under no circumstances may licensee develop or continue to develop any new product, or new product version, using or containing the software program after licensee discontinues subscription of tsims.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1534, "license_sentence": "neither the name of interactivetools.com, inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1535, "license_sentence": "in addition, each contributor must identify itself as the originator of its contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent recipients to identify the originator of the contribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1536, "license_sentence": "you bear sole responsibility and all liability for any loss incurred due to failure of the software product to meet your requirements.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1537, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall symbian be liable for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, economic, punitive, special, or consequential damages, however caused and whether arising under contract, tort, negligence, or other theory of liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if symbian is advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1538, "license_sentence": "you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of them including the risk of any defects or inaccuracies therein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1539, "license_sentence": "oracle further disclaims all warranties, express and implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement .", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1540, "license_sentence": "\u00a7 8 additional obligations for the use of adaptations (1) if the licensee acquires a copyright in a modification of the library, its use is only permitted if the licensee again subjects the arrangement to these license provisions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1541, "license_sentence": "gnu classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1542, "license_sentence": "; we intend this report to belong to the entire scheme community, and so ; we grant permission to copy it in whole or in part without fee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1543, "license_sentence": "the javapos working group shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1544, "license_sentence": "if you want to use the commercial features for any purpose other than as permitted in this agreement, you must obtain a separate license from oracle.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1545, "license_sentence": "you may make one copy of the software for archival purposes or when it is an essential step in authorized use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1546, "license_sentence": "specifically, it is prohibited to change or modify the font/trademark names used as identifying tags in the font software in any form or manner.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1547, "license_sentence": "if you distribute, or publicly perform the work or any adaptations or collections, you must, unless a request has been made pursuant to section 4(a), keep intact all copyright notices for the work and provide, reasonable to the medium or means you are utilizing: (i) the name of the original author (or pseudonym, if applicable) if supplied, and/or if the original author and/or licensor designate another party or parties (e.g., a sponsor institute, publishing entity, journal) for attribution (\"attribution parties\") in licensor's copyright notice, terms of service or by other reasonable means, the name of such party or parties; (ii) the title of the work if supplied; (iii) to the extent reasonably practicable, the uri, if any, that licensor specifies to be associated with the work, unless such uri does not refer to the copyright notice or licensing information for the work; and (iv) , consistent with section 3(b), in the case of an adaptation, a credit identifying the use of the work in the adaptation (e.g., \"french translation of the work by original author,\" or \"screenplay based on original work by original author\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1548, "license_sentence": "by using this code you agree to indemnify anon sricharoenchai from any liability that might arise from it's use.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1549, "license_sentence": "licensor grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, sublicensable license, for the duration of the copyright, to do the following: a. to reproduce the original work in copies, either alone or as part of a collective work; b. to translate, adapt, alter, transform, modify, or arrange the original work, thereby creating derivative works (\"derivative works\") based upon the original work; c. to distribute or communicate copies of the original work and derivative works to the public, with the proviso that copies of original work or derivative works that you distribute or communicate shall be licensed under this open software license; d. to perform the original work publicly; and e. to display the original work publicly.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1550, "license_sentence": "disclaimer: this software is provided as is, without representation from the trustees of columbia university in the city of new york as to its fitness for any purpose, and without warranty by the trustees of columbia university in the city of new york of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1551, "license_sentence": "you hereby agree to indemnify the initial developer, original developer and every contributor for any liability incurred by the initial developer, original developer or such contributor as a result of any such terms you offer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1552, "license_sentence": "programs licensed for trial purposes are provided \"as is\" and oracle does not provide technical support or offer any warranties for these programs.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1553, "license_sentence": "pyz3950 license permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1554, "license_sentence": "sdk license from google 3.1 subject to the terms of the license agreement, google grants you a limited, worldwide, royaltyfree, nonassignable, nonexclusive, and nonsublicensable license to use the sdk solely to develop applications for compatible implementations of android.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1555, "license_sentence": "the authors specifically disclaim any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1556, "license_sentence": "as a fellow developer, all that i expect and request for is to be given the credit for intially developing this reusable code by not removing my name as the author.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1557, "license_sentence": "if smail is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on our reputation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1558, "license_sentence": "any redistribution of the apex sdk (in accordance with section 2 above) or portions thereof must be subject to an end user license agreement including language that (a) prohibits the end user from modifying, reproducing, decompiling, reverse engineering or translating the apex sdk; (b) prohibits the end user from distributing or transferring the apex sdk other than as part of the physics application; (c) disclaims any and all warranties on behalf of nvidia and its affiliated companies and licensors; (d) disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, nvidia\u2019s, its affiliated companies and its licensors' liability for all damages, direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, that may arise from any use of the apex sdk and/or physics application; (e) requires the end user to agree not to export the apex sdk and/or physics application, directly or indirectly, in violation of any u.s. laws; and you are required to notify nvidia prior to use of the apex sdk in the development of any commercial physics application.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1559, "license_sentence": "copyright (c) 1989 james e. wilson, robert a. keoneke this software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are included in all such copies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1560, "license_sentence": "limited warranty there is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software, it is provided solely \"as is\".", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1561, "license_sentence": "subject to all of the terms and conditions in this eula, you may reproduce and distribute exact copies of the redistributables, provided that such copies are made from the original copy of the software product or the copy transferred to a hard disk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1562, "license_sentence": "neither data provider nor any upstream data provider shall have any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including without limitation lost profits), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the data or results, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1563, "license_sentence": "this option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the library into a program that is not a library.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1564, "license_sentence": "redistributions is only permitted for the unregistered version and in a nonprofit purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1565, "license_sentence": "it may be freely copied and used as long as this copyrightnotice is left intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1566, "license_sentence": "the names and trademarks of copyright holders may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software without specific prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1567, "license_sentence": "if you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you must not install, use, or copy the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1568, "license_sentence": "any replacement software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1569, "license_sentence": "to accomplish this, add the phrase 'distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.'", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1570, "license_sentence": "you may not: work around any technical limitations in the software, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation, make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation, publish the software for others to copy, rent, lease or lend the software, or use the software for commercial software hosting services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1571, "license_sentence": "the oculus parties hereby disclaim any implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1572, "license_sentence": "some of the curand library routines were derived from code developed by d. e. shaw research and are subject to the following license: copyright 20102011, d. e. shaw research.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1573, "license_sentence": "\"this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 1 of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1574, "license_sentence": "you may not delete or in any manner alter the copyright notices, trademarks, logos or related notices, or other proprietary rights notices of adobe (and its licensors, if any) appearing on or within any of the sdk components other than sample code or sdk source files that are substantially modified by you in accordance with this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1575, "license_sentence": "unless otherwise designated by one of the license stewards, no one other than the license stewards has the right to modify or publish new versions of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1576, "license_sentence": "\u00a7 10 additional obligations for utilization in complete programs (1) in any case of use of the library within the framework of an overall program pursuant to \u00a7 5 of these license terms, the licensee shall in addition to the other obligations arising from \u00a7\u00a7 79 make clear that the library is included in the overall program and that this may only be used under these license terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1577, "license_sentence": "you may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations and/or other rights consistent with this license (\"additional terms\") to one or more recipients of covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1578, "license_sentence": "you may not use the icons for promotional purposes (e.g.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1579, "license_sentence": "any sublicensing that may be permitted under this agreement by solace will be subject to such sublicensee agreeing to substantially similar restrictions and obligations set out in this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1580, "license_sentence": "xgraph license you are free to use, modify and distribute this source, as long as there is no charge, and this header stays intact.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1581, "license_sentence": "neither the name of facebook technologies, llc, oculus vr, llc, oculus, nor the names of oculus\u2019s contributors, licensors, employees, or contractors, may be used to endorse or promote products developed using the oculus sdk without specific prior written permission of oculus.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1582, "license_sentence": "in other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of my program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1583, "license_sentence": "if a contributor creates a rand contribution, such contributor must, upon the request of a recipient, license any or all (as requested) incorporated patents of such rand contribution on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms, which license shall include the right to use, make, have made, sell, offer to sell, import, transfer or otherwise dispose of the program (including versions of the program subsequent to the date of such rand contribution only to the extent that such subsequent versions do not include changes to those parts or components of the program incorporating such rand contribution that infringe such contributor's incorporated patents).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1584, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by harvard and its contributors ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1585, "license_sentence": "that is, you may use this executable as part of your software development endeavors but you may not sell it, either by itself or bundled with any other products.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1586, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including but not limited to the java technology restrictions of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license without fees to reproduce and distribute those files specifically identified as redistributable in the software \"readme\" file (\"redistributables\") provided that: (i) you distribute the redistributables complete and unmodified (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file), and only bundled as part of programs, (ii) you do not distribute additional software intended to supersede any component(s) of the redistributables (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file), (iii) you do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in or on the redistributables, (iv) you only distribute the redistributables pursuant to a license agreement that protects sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in the agreement, (v) you agree to defend and indemnify sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all programs and/or software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1587, "license_sentence": "marvell may make changes to the deliverables at any time without notice.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1588, "license_sentence": "in addition to the license granted in section 1 (software internal use and development license grant) of these supplemental terms, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including but not limited to, section 3 (java technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce and distribute the software in binary code form only, provided that you (i) distribute the software complete and unmodified and only bundled as part of your programs, (ii) do not distribute additional software intended to replace any component(s) of the software, (iii) do not remove or alter any proprietary legends or notices contained in the software, (iv) only distribute the software subject to a license agreement that protects sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in this agreement, and (v) agree to defend and indemnify sun and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all programs and/or software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1589, "license_sentence": "nothing limits liability to you in the event of death or personal injury resulting from negligence or for the tort of deceit (fraud).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1590, "license_sentence": "by installing, copying, or otherwise using the software product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this sla.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1591, "license_sentence": "permitted uses: 1. you may reproduce and use the software for individual, commercial, service provider and research and instructional use only for the purposes of designing, developing, testing, and running your applets and applications (\"programs\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1592, "license_sentence": "qss licenses the qnx development suite for commercial development activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1593, "license_sentence": "intel disclaims all express or implied warranties with respect to them, including any implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for any particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1594, "license_sentence": "permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the above disclaimer and the following restrictions: 1. redistributions of source code (in whole or in part) must retain the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1595, "license_sentence": "end of terms and conditions how to apply these terms to your new libraries if you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1596, "license_sentence": "his primary concern is that it remain freely distributable, he said.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1597, "license_sentence": "ibm corporation (the \"spec lead\"), for the jsr 286 specification (the \"specification\"), hereby grants permission to copy and display the specification, in any medium without fee or royalty, provided that you include the following on all copies, or portions thereof, that you make: 1. a link or url to the specification at this location: http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id286 2. the copyright notice as shown herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1598, "license_sentence": "with respect to any copies of the softco software ordered by customer for its internal use, softco hereby grants to customer a nonexclusive, nontransferable, personal license during the term of this agreement, subject to customer's compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, to use such copies of softco software internally solely at the location set forth on the signature page of the master agreement (or such other location as customer may designate in writing).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1599, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the authors be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the code or the use or other dealings in the code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1600, "license_sentence": "you are required to include a copy of the license in distributions that you make.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1601, "license_sentence": "the receiving party may not copy any of the disclosing party\u2019s confidential information without the disclosing party\u2019s prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1602, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license, each copyright holder and contributor hereby grants to those receiving rights under this license a perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, nocharge, royaltyfree, irrevocable (except for failure to satisfy the conditions of this license) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer this software, where such license applies only to those patent claims, already acquired or hereafter acquired, licensable by such copyright holder or contributor that are necessarily infringed by: (a) their contribution(s) (the licensed copyrights of copyright holders and noncopyrightable additions of contributors, in source or binary form) alone; or (b) combination of their contribution(s) with the work of authorship to which such contribution(s) was added by such copyright holder or contributor, if, at the time the contribution is added, such addition causes such combination to be necessarily infringed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1603, "license_sentence": "any distribution to the public or commercial usage needs prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1604, "license_sentence": "notice all use of the original code (gips ilbc, and code provided by gips as part of any related ietf standard or draft standard) is subject to the complete global ip sound ilbc public license, ietf standard, limited commercial use (the (license\").", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1605, "license_sentence": "the total liability of maxmind, in connection with a loss or damages arising hereunder (an \"occurrence\") is limited to the greater of $100 or the lowest amount permitted by applicable law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1606, "license_sentence": "the content is furnished on an \"as is\" basis, and licensor disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of noninfringement of thirdparty rights, or of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties arising by statute or otherwise in law, or from a course of dealing or usage of trade.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1607, "license_sentence": "redistribution is permitted, in both source and binary form, provided that this notice remains intact in all source distributions of this package.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1608, "license_sentence": "this license agreement grants you the right to use the software product for the sole purposes of designing, developing, and testing your own application programs for educational and/or noncommercial use only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1609, "license_sentence": "postgresql, inc. will not be liable to you on account of errors, omissions, delays or losses unless caused by its gross negligence or willful misconduct.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1610, "license_sentence": "licence 2.1. evaluation licence if you have received an evaluation version of the materials, sourceguardian ltd hereby grants to you, strictly for your own internal business purposes (and subject to the other terms and conditions of this licence agreement), a limited, nonexclusive licence for a single user to: 2.1.1. install the materials for use on a single computer owned, leased and/or controlled by you for an evaluation period of 14 days; 2.1.2. make a single copy of the materials for backup, archival or other security purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1611, "license_sentence": "products derived from this software may not be called \"moddav\" nor may \"moddav\" appear in their names without prior written permission of greg stein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1612, "license_sentence": "our intent is that noncommercial use would be free, and commercial use would incur a fixed, onetime licensing fee to support continued research at rsa laboratories.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1613, "license_sentence": "this library is free for commercial and noncommercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1614, "license_sentence": "in some cases, determined at the discretion and by the decision of the licensor, the licensee shall be entitled to distribute the source and/or object forms of the products, but only with the licensor,s written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1615, "license_sentence": "\"recipient\" means any person or entity (including an entity on whose behalf a duly authorized individual is acting, provided that such entity has accepted this license) that uses, reproduces, prepares derivative works of, publicly displays, publicly performs, distributes, makes, sells, offers to sell, imports, transfers or otherwise disposes of, the program and shall include any contributor.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1616, "license_sentence": "distribution of the documentation outside of licensee is prohibited without the express written permission of solace.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1617, "license_sentence": "the enduser documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowlegement: \"this product includes software developed by symphonysoft limited (http://www.symphonysoft.com).\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1618, "license_sentence": "restrictions on use you may not and will not allow any third party to: copy, decompile, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, disassemble, modify, rent, lease, loan, distribute, or create derivative works (as defined by the u.s. copyright act) or improvements (as defined by u.s. patent law) from the software, or any portion thereof, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code or protocols (including but no limited to api protocols) in the service; obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorized access to the service or the yahoo network; incorporate the protocols or software, or any portion thereof, into any other service, software, hardware, or other technology manufactured or distributed by or for you; use the service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with this license; use the service to operate nuclear facilities, life support, or other mission critical application where human life or property may be at stake.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1619, "license_sentence": "palmsource and its suppliers shall not have any liability to you or any third party (whether based in contract or tort, negligence, statute or other legal theory) with respect to any matter arising out of or in connection with the agreement, the program (or any services or palmsource materials provided in connection therewith) for: a. any incidental, consequential, indirect, special, or punitive damages of any kind, or for loss of revenue or profits, loss of business, loss of information or data, or other financial loss; or b. any amounts exceeding the greater of i. the amount of the membership fee last paid by you for membership in the program, or ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1620, "license_sentence": "i disclaim all liability and responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of this biginteger class.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1621, "license_sentence": "any individuals, companies or groups who have been granted licenses for earlier versions may continue to distribute them but must reapply for version 3.5 or later versions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1622, "license_sentence": "unauthorized copying of the software or accompanying materials even if modified, merged, or included with other software, or of the written materials, is expressly forbidden.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1623, "license_sentence": "you will not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of any sdk component provided to you in compiled or object code format except to the extent you may be expressly permitted to decompile under applicable law.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1624, "license_sentence": "on each software copy, licensee shall reproduce and not remove or alter all hazelcast or third party copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the software, and licensee must provide the notice below with each copy.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1625, "license_sentence": "if the program materials include any libraries, source code, or other materials we make available specifically for incorporation in your products (as indicated by the applicable documentation), you may incorporate those materials in your products and reproduce and distribute those program materials as incorporated in your products.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1626, "license_sentence": "the author can change the terms of this license at any time.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1627, "license_sentence": "the name \"sysunit\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission of the codehaus.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1628, "license_sentence": "however, the publication of derivative works of this document for use as a technical specification is expressly prohibited.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1629, "license_sentence": "packages in the development of any noncommercial project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1630, "license_sentence": "the source code version of covered code may be distributed only under the terms of this license or a future version of this license released under section 2.6, and you must include a copy of this license with every copy of the source code you distribute.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1631, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1632, "license_sentence": "under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall the licensor, any contributor, or any distributor of licensed software alone or including modifications, or any supplier of any such parties, be liable to any person for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1633, "license_sentence": "archival or backup copies you may copy the software for back up and archival purposes, provided that the original and each copy is kept in your possession and that your installation and use of the software does not exceed that allowed in the \"license grant\" section above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1634, "license_sentence": "redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1635, "license_sentence": "except as required by section 4 below, in the license agreement with end users (and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this section), you will not refer to bugsense by name or with other identifying information; instead, you will address the end user requirements by referring to your \"suppliers,\" \"licensors\" and \"service providers\" (or using similar words that refer to bugsense).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1636, "license_sentence": "\u201cshare\u201d means to provide to a third party or the public by any means or process that requires permission under the licensed rights, such as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution, dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make available to a third party or the public including in ways that members of the public may access from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1637, "license_sentence": "you must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the library is used in it and that the library and its use are covered by this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1638, "license_sentence": "if recipient distributes the source code version under a different license recipient must make it absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this license are offered by recipient alone, not by sgi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1639, "license_sentence": "consultants can\u2019t use the same license to build application for multiple customers, if the customers are to own the application, unless the third parties purchase a commercial license directly.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1640, "license_sentence": "you may not disassemble and use part of this product (code, graphics) in other projects.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1641, "license_sentence": "the name of the may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1642, "license_sentence": "do not distribute additional software intended to replace any components of the software; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1643, "license_sentence": "furthermore if you modify this software you must label your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a fashion that it might be confused with the original mit software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1644, "license_sentence": "in no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any contributor be liable to you for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this license or out of the use or inability to use the model and the complementary material (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1645, "license_sentence": "(b) conferring any license or right with respect to any trademark, trade or brand name, a corporate name of nxp or its affiliate(s) or suppliers, or any other name or mark, or contraction abbreviation or simulation thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1646, "license_sentence": "redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution .", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1647, "license_sentence": "you may not remove, obscure, or alter any copyright or other proprietary rights notices that are in or on the copy of the specification you download.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1648, "license_sentence": "you may not remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other proprietary notice, legend, symbol or label in the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1649, "license_sentence": "additional provisions for third parties making use of the work 2.2. further licence from the licensor each time you publish, distribute, perform or otherwise disseminate the work; or any derivative work; or the work as incorporated in a collective work the licensor agrees to offer to the relevant third party making use of the work (in any of the alternatives set out above) a licence to use the work on the same terms and conditions as granted to you hereunder.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1650, "license_sentence": "where the licensed rights include sui generis database rights that apply to your use of the licensed material: a. for the avoidance of doubt, section 2(a)(1) grants you the right to extract, reuse, reproduce, and share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database, provided you do not share adapted material; b. if you include all or a substantial portion of the database contents in a database in which you have sui generis database rights, then the database in which you have sui generis database rights (but not its individual contents) is adapted material; and c. you must comply with the conditions in section 3(a) if you share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1651, "license_sentence": "you may not reproduce or distribute copies of the individual software components, source code, any of the documentation, nor may you supply any means by which your users could create or modify any lmdtools related files or installation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1652, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, microsoft and its suppliers provide the software and any (if any) support services as is and with all faults, and hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of lack of viruses, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, and of lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to the software, and the provision of or failure to provide support services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1653, "license_sentence": "such recipient must cause the derived work to carry conspicuous notices identifying such recipient (the applicable person or entity) and stating that such recipient changed the program files pertaining to the derived work and the date of any change; and iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1654, "license_sentence": "you may not (and you may not permit anyone else to) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the software or any part thereof, unless this is expressly permitted or required by law, or unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by google, in writing (e.g., through an open source software license).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1655, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, including, but not limited to section 4 (java(tm) technology restrictions) of these supplemental terms, sun grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to reproduce internally and use internally the binary form of the software complete and unmodified for the sole purpose of designing, developing and testing your java applets and applications intended to run on the java platform (\"programs\").", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1656, "license_sentence": "in addition the author reserves the right to grant free licenses for commercial use in special cases (for example where there is a general benefit to the public), contact the author for details if you think you qualify.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1657, "license_sentence": "incorporation of the product into your own software, modification of the product's sourcecode and incorporation of the modified sourcecode into your software, within the limits of the number of \"licenced copies\" specified above.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1658, "license_sentence": "in no event shall sendmail or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including without limitation negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1659, "license_sentence": "for software provided to users to run on their own computers, give credit in documentation, notice files, and any \"about\" page or screen.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1660, "license_sentence": "copy and use as you wish; just leave the author's name where you find it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1661, "license_sentence": "if the recipient redistributes the licensed program pursuant to paragraph 6 of the preceding article, the recipient shall meet all of the following conditions: (1) the recipient may not change the name of the licensed program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1662, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify, defend (at atlassian\u2019s request) and hold atlassian, its affiliates, and its and their officers, agents and employees harmless from any claims by third parties, and any related damages, losses or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising out of your violation of these terms of use or the applicable vendor terms, your violation of any rights of a third party, or any content you submit to or publish on the atlassian marketplace.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1663, "license_sentence": "any person is hereby authorized, without fee, to view, use, reproduce, and distribute all documents and files solely for informational purposes in the creation of products supporting the unicode standard, subject to the terms and conditions herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1664, "license_sentence": "you agree to defend and indemnify oracle and its licensors from and against any damages, costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or action by any third party that arises or results from the use or distribution of any and all programs and/or software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1665, "license_sentence": "rtems is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1666, "license_sentence": "this means that you cannot sell anything, directly or indirectly using the environment.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1667, "license_sentence": "file drop list ctrl license you're free to use, modify and distribute this code as long as credit is given...", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1668, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless samsung, including their affiliates, from any claims, damages, liabilities, losses, costs, suits or expenditures incurred by samsung, including their affiliates as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of intellectual property rights of a third party caused by your development or exploitation of applications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1669, "license_sentence": "grant of rights 2.1 subject to the terms of this license, each contributor hereby grants recipient an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide, royaltyfree license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the contribution of such contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in source code and object code form.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1670, "license_sentence": "all users must ensure that the software in all its derivations carries a copyright notice in the form: \u00a9 copyright n.m. maclaren, \u00a9 copyright university of cambridge.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1671, "license_sentence": "(a) under this license, you may use, modify or merge all or portions of the sample code with your application programs and distribute it only as part of your products in object code form only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1672, "license_sentence": "rent, lease or lend the software; transfer the software or this agreement to any third party; or use the software for commercial software hosting services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1673, "license_sentence": "you must include a complete copy of this license with your distribution).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1674, "license_sentence": "you may not: alter any copyright, trademark, or patent notice in the distributable code; use microsoft's trademarks, including, but not limited to microsoft, kinect, and windows, in your kinect for windows applications' names or in a way that suggests your kinect for windows applications come from or are endorsed by microsoft; distribute distributable code to run on a platform other than a microsoft windows operating system; include distributable code in malicious, obscene, deceptive, or unlawful programs; include distributable code for any programs designed or intended for high risk use; or modify or distribute the source code of any distributable code so that any part of it becomes subject to an excluded license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1675, "license_sentence": "if you abide by this agreement, hpe grants you a nonexclusive nontransferable license to use one copy of the version or release of the accompanying software for your internal purposes only, and is subject to any specific software licensing information that is in the software product or its supporting material.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1676, "license_sentence": "warranty disclaimer: this software is licensed \"as is,\" and licensor disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied war ranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular pur pose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1677, "license_sentence": "this source code is provided \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1678, "license_sentence": "our total liability in any matter arising out of or related to these terms is limited to us $100 or the aggregate amount that you paid for access to the service and software during the threemonth period preceding the event giving rise to the liability, whichever is larger.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1679, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranty to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, microsoft and its suppliers provide the software product and support services (if any) as is and with all faults, and hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of reliability or availability, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the software product, and the provision of or failure to provide support or other services, information, software, and related content through the software product or otherwise arising out of the use of the software product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1680, "license_sentence": "you agree that you will not delete any copyright notices in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1681, "license_sentence": "this specifications license agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized representative of the iptc.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1682, "license_sentence": "for written permission, please contact opensslcore@openssl.org 5. products derived from this software may not be called \"openssl\" nor may \"openssl\" appear in their names without prior written permission of the openssl project.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1683, "license_sentence": "2 customer may make such number of copies of each licensed product as may reasonably be required for customer\u00e2\u20ac\u2122s exercise of its license rights and for archival purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1684, "license_sentence": "the program is provided without any warranty, implied or expressed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1685, "license_sentence": "you will indemnify, defend and hold google, its agents, affiliates, and licensors harmless from any claim, costs, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments and expenses (including reasonable fees of attorneys and other professionals), arising out of or in connection with any claim, action or proceeding (any and all of which are \"claims\") by a third party arising out of your misuse of the services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1686, "license_sentence": "policy on commercial distribution of clustal w clustal w is freely available to the user community.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1687, "license_sentence": "in the european union and in most other legal systems, this right in particular includes the following authorizations: 1. running of the program as well as reproducing on harddrive and ram required for this; 2. making of a backup copy; 3. correcting errors; 4. distributing a lawfully acquired physical copy of the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1688, "license_sentence": "you can not use the materials or any output therefrom to improve any other large language model (excluding ghost 7b or derivative works thereof).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1689, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will nvidia be liable for any (i) indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages, or (ii) damages for the (a) cost of procuring substitute goods or (b) loss of profits, revenues, use, data or goodwill arising out of or related to this agreement, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise, and even if nvidia has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if a party's remedies fail their essential purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1690, "license_sentence": "these additional license rights are conditioned upon your compliance with the distribution requirements and license restrictions described in section 3.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1691, "license_sentence": "the names \"machii\", \"mach ii\", \"machii\", \"mach\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1692, "license_sentence": "art 4. modification of lafac the source code of lafac is not made public.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1693, "license_sentence": "use of phpfaber cms is subject to the following terms: 1. you may use only one instance of phpfaber cms on only one computer solely for your own personal or business use, subject to all other terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1694, "license_sentence": "we explicitly forbid the redistribution of apache under any other name.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1695, "license_sentence": "you must retain in all copies of the climategpt materials that you distribute the following attribution notice within a \"notice\" text file distributed as a part of such copies: \"climategpt is licensed under the climategpt community license, copyright \u00a9 eqty r&d, inc. all rights reserved.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1696, "license_sentence": "xephem output products may be used without restriction as long as they are accompanied by the following reference: \"created by xephem, for more information go to http://www.xephem.com\" furthermore: the author disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1697, "license_sentence": "it is the intent of this license to allow commercial usage of the jetty package, so long as the source code is distributed or suitable visible credit given or other arrangements made with the copyright holders.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1698, "license_sentence": "alex harper license copyright (c) 19942003 alex harper permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that i. the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1699, "license_sentence": "there is no shareware fee required for personal, educational or noncommercial use of this version of cbaspad.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1700, "license_sentence": "license types and grant we hereby grant you a nonexclusive license to use one copy of the software, according to one of the following license types.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1701, "license_sentence": "toute utilisation de ce logiciel est \u00e3\u00af\u00e2\u00bf\u00e2\u00bd votre seule risque et p\u00e3\u00af\u00e2\u00bf\u00e2\u00bdril.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1702, "license_sentence": "exclusive remedies and limitation of liabilities 4.1 regardless of any other provisions of this agreement, neither agere systems nor its affiliates, contractors, suppliers, or agents shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost profits) sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation, or inability to use the software or for damages due to causes beyond the reasonable control of agere systems, its affiliates, contractors, suppliers, and agents attributable to any service, products, or action of any other person.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1703, "license_sentence": "any stylesheet derived from this software that is publically distributed will be identified with a different name and the version strings in any derived software will be changed so that no possibility of confusion between the derived package and this software will exist.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1704, "license_sentence": "in no event shall activestate's liability for damages for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of action, exceed in the aggregate the amount of the purchase price paid for the software license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1705, "license_sentence": "download4j license software license and limited warranty the intent of this license is to allow use of the download4j freely by individuals and in educational or research settings, but to require a separate \"commercial\" license if you want to make money by selling software that uses download4j or by using download4j to run a service for which you charge money.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1706, "license_sentence": "also, there is no warranty or condition of title, quiet enjoyment, quiet possession, correspondence to description, or noninfringement with regard to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1707, "license_sentence": "mulesoft shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages of any kind arising under or related to this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1708, "license_sentence": "make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, import and export or otherwise distribute products also through multiple tiers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1709, "license_sentence": "you undertake not to use, apply for, or register anywhere in the world, any word, name, trade mark or device which is substantially identical or deceptively or confusingly similar to any of the pov team's[tm] trade marks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1710, "license_sentence": "eine unterlizenzierung oder \u00fcbertragung der rechte ist nicht gestattet.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1711, "license_sentence": "nothing in this additional permission grants any right to distribute any portion of the software on terms other than those of the software license or grants any additional permission of any kind for use or distribution of the software in conjunction with software other than other foss.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1712, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by tmate software ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement, are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1713, "license_sentence": "java exchange license i believe that it is important that the algorithm for generating random guids be open for inspection and modification.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1714, "license_sentence": "if you link the application or widget to a modified version of kwic, then the changes to kwic must be provided under the terms of the lgpl in sections 1, 2, and 4.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1715, "license_sentence": "you will not reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the program materials (except to the extent applicable law doesn\u2019t allow this restriction); remove any embedded software from any equipment; copy any embedded software; or use any software provided with equipment separate from the equipment for which it was provided.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1716, "license_sentence": "you may not relicense, reproduce or distribute any key code except with the express written permission of altova.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1717, "license_sentence": "jim knoble license by jim knoble {jmknoble@pobox.com} copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001 jim knoble disclaimer: the software is provided \"as is\", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1718, "license_sentence": "(d) notwithstanding section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted: 1) for code that you delete from the original code; 2) separate from the original code; or 3) for infringements caused by: i) the modification of the original code or ii) the combination of the original code with other software or devices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1719, "license_sentence": "the foregoing states the sole liability of atlassian and the exclusive remedy of licensee for any infringement of intellectual property rights by the software or any other items provided by atlassian under this eula.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1720, "license_sentence": "any use of this specification shall be made entirely at the implementer's own risk, and neither the consortium, nor any of its members or submitters, shall have any liability whatsoever to any implementer or third party for any damages of any nature whatsoever, directly or indirectly, arising from the use of this specification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1721, "license_sentence": "you may include additional disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any jurisdiction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN", "Retain Disclaimer": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1722, "license_sentence": "modification: any extension, shortening and/or alteration of the program, including, but not limited to further developments.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1723, "license_sentence": "no one other than zenplex has the right to modify the terms applicable to covered code created under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1724, "license_sentence": "make copies of the software and distribute such copies to others within a corporation or similar organization so long as either (a) each recipient affirmatively agrees to be bound by this license and any updates and changes to this license, or (b) you have the legal right to bind and hereby bind your organization (and others within your organization) to both this license and to any updates and changes to this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1725, "license_sentence": "nist does not support this software and does not provide any guarantees or warranties as to its performance, fitness for any particular application, or validation under the cryptographic module validation program (cmvp) {http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/}.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1726, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors \"as is\" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1727, "license_sentence": "you will indemnify us from any loss, damage, claims, or lawsuit, including attorney\u2019s fees that arise or result from any developer application or your use of the sdk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1728, "license_sentence": "you are granted a nonexclusive, worldwide, nontransferable and royaltyfree limited license under meta\u2019s intellectual property or other rights owned by meta embodied in the seamless materials to use, reproduce, distribute, copy, create derivative works of, translate speech and text, and make modifications to the seamless materials solely for noncommercial research uses.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1729, "license_sentence": "conditions and limitations (a) no trademark license this license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1730, "license_sentence": "the source code and any derivative works may not be sold for profit without the permission of andrew plotkin and richard bartle.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1731, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the author, the university of california, the university of utah or distributors of this software be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the authors or any of the above parties have been advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1732, "license_sentence": "archival or backup copies you may copy phpfaber cms for backup and archival purposes, provided that the original and each copy is kept in your possession and that your installation and use of phpfaber cms does not exceed that allowed in this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1733, "license_sentence": "should the program or any derivative work prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1734, "license_sentence": "in no event shall digital equipment corporation be liable for any special, direct, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1735, "license_sentence": "in no event shall at&t be liable for (a) any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programs or information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the source code or capsule, even if at&t or any of its authorized representatives has been advised of the possibility of such damages, (b) any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the source code or capsule, or (c) any claim by any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1736, "license_sentence": "you may make and give away verbatim copies of this package for personal use, or for use within your organization, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1737, "license_sentence": "lsi makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any confidential information, which is furnished \"as is\" with all faults.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1738, "license_sentence": "nist would appreciate any credit you can give for this work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1739, "license_sentence": "notice of use and disclosure the zigbee specification is available to individuals, companies and institutions free of charge for all noncommercial purposes (including university research, technical evaluation, and development of noncommercial software, tools, or documentation).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1740, "license_sentence": "without limitation of the above, broadcom grants no warranty that the software is errorfree or will operate without interruption, and grants no warranty regarding its use or the results therefrom including, without limitation, its correctness, accuracy, or reliability.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1741, "license_sentence": "when the program is made available in source code form: a) it must be made available under this agreement; and b) a copy of this agreement must be included with each copy of the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Include License": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1742, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the intel or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1743, "license_sentence": "you may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the program except as expressly provided under this general public license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1744, "license_sentence": "to the extent allowable under law, licensor hereby disclaims any and all warranties and conditions, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1745, "license_sentence": "redistribution of data 3.1. you may redistribute the data, so long as: 3.1.1. you include with any data you redistribute all credit or attribution information that you received with the data, and your terms require any downstream recipient to do the same; and 3.1.2. you bind each recipient to whom you redistribute the data to the terms of the cuda.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1746, "license_sentence": "beopen makes no representations or warranties, express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1747, "license_sentence": "this limitation shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury to the extent that applicable law prohibits such limitation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1748, "license_sentence": "not to remove or obscure any copyright, trademark or patent notices that appear on the software as delivered to you; vii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1749, "license_sentence": "the preferred manner of placing such a notice is to include the following statement immediately after the copyright notice for such an original work: \"licensed under the hacktivismo enhancedsource software license agreement, version 0.1\" 2. means of acceptance use, copying, distribution or modification by anyone constitutes acceptance.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1750, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of stichting mathematisch centrum or cwi not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1751, "license_sentence": "conditions and limitations a. no trademark license this license does not grant you rights to use any contributors\u2019 name, logo, or trademarks.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1752, "license_sentence": "except as explicitly set forth below, i. you are not permitted to lease or rent (except under separate mutually agreeable terms set forth in writing and signed by both parties), distribute or sublicense the software or to use the software in a timesharing arrangement or in any other unauthorized manner; ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1753, "license_sentence": "the licensee may electronically distribute font software embedded in a \"personal or internal business use\" document only when the font software embedded in such document is in a static graphic image (for example, a \"gif\") or an embedded electronic document, and is distributed in a secure format that permits only the viewing and printing (and not the editing, altering, enhancing, or modifying) of such static graphic image or embedded document.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1754, "license_sentence": "limitation of liability in no event shall lsi, its employees, affiliates orsuppliers be liable for any lost profits, revenue, sales or data or costs of procure of subtitute goods or services, interruption, loss of business information or any special, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, economic or punitive damages, however caused, and whether arising under contract, tort, strict liability, negligence or other theory of liability, arising out of the use or inabilty to use the lsi licensed code or explanatory materials, even if lsi or its employees, suppliers or affiliates are advised of the possibiltiy of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1755, "license_sentence": "the names \"spice\" and \"spice group\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1756, "license_sentence": "the licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1757, "license_sentence": "you may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1758, "license_sentence": "by clicking on the \"accept\" button below, or by downloading, installing, using, copying, modifying or distributing the software or derivative works thereof, you are consenting to be bound by this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1759, "license_sentence": "without limiting the foregoing, copying or reproduction of the software to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is expressly prohibited, unless such reproduction or redistribution is expressly permitted by the license agreement accompanying such software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1760, "license_sentence": "except as specified above, actuate will not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior written authorization.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1761, "license_sentence": "no supplement or modification to the terms and conditions hereof shall be effective as between the parties unless it is made in writing and signed by their duly authorized representatives.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1762, "license_sentence": "permitted enduser rights and limitations on use 2.1 during the term of this agreement and as long as you comply with the terms of this agreement realvnc hereby grants you the nonexclusive, nontransferable enduser rights to install and use one copy of the software solely and exclusively for your use on any apple iphone, ipad or ipod touch that you own or control and as permitted by the usage rules set forth in the app store terms of service.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1763, "license_sentence": "as such, this software can be used to run free as well as proprietary applications and applets.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1764, "license_sentence": "licensor grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, sublicensable license, under patent claims owned or controlled by the licensor that are embodied in the original work as furnished by the licensor, for the duration of the patents, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made, and import the original work and derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1765, "license_sentence": "any other distribution or use of this source violates copyright.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1766, "license_sentence": "the licensee is invited to inform any licensor who has indicated his wish to receive this information about the type, quantity and dates of production of products the licensee has (had) manufactured 5. warranty and liability 5.1. disclaimer \u2013 the documentation and any modified documentation are provided \"as is\" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, noninfringement of third party rights, and fitness for a particular purpose or use are disclaimed in respect of the documentation, the modified documentation or any product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1767, "license_sentence": "you may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1768, "license_sentence": "effect of new versions you may distribute or publicly communicate the covered software under the terms of the version of the license under which you originally received the covered software, or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license steward.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Publicly Communicate": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1769, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall acme or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if acme has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1770, "license_sentence": "all other products or company names mentioned are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1771, "license_sentence": "you agree to indemnify us against all claims by you or any third party for any reason whatsoever.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1772, "license_sentence": "bocaloco hereby excludes and disclaims all implied or statutory warranties, including any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quality, noninfringement, title, results, efforts or quiet enjoyment.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1773, "license_sentence": "you may not: 1. merge, distribute (for free or for sale) or sublicense the software; 2. reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1774, "license_sentence": "the licensee is authorized to make any or all contribution to the software provided that it explicitly mentions its name as the author of said contribution and the date of the development thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1775, "license_sentence": "the data may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1. all data pertinent to a specific coordinate system must be copied without modification and all related pages must be included; 2. all components of this data set pertinent to any given coordinate system must be distributed together (complete distribution of all components of the data set is preferred, but the epsg recognises the need for a more limited distribution); 3. the data may not be distributed for profit by any third party; and 4. the original source [epsg] must be acknowledged.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1776, "license_sentence": "grant sun a perpetual, nonexclusive, worldwide, fully paidup, irrevocable license, with the right to sublicense through multiple levels of sublicensees, to incorporate, disclose, and use without limitation the feedback for any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1777, "license_sentence": "modification of original source code for the software copyrighted by this license may only be redistributed in form of patches to the original source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1778, "license_sentence": "however, to distribute binaries and/or source code which constitute part of the mod placed under the osml, this license requires you to agree additionally to terms (d) through (f).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1779, "license_sentence": "\u00a7 1 rechte (1) sie d\u00fcrfen das programm in unver\u00e4nderter form vervielf\u00e4ltigen, verbreiten und \u00f6ffentlich zug\u00e4nglich machen.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1780, "license_sentence": "may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1781, "license_sentence": "this software is provided by the author and contributors ``as is'' and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1782, "license_sentence": "carnegie mellon university isp license copyright 1998 carnegie mellon university no warranties, either expressed or implied, are made regarding the operation, use, or results of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1783, "license_sentence": "subject to your compliance with the terms of this license, original contributor grants to you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, to the extent of original contributor's intellectual property rights covering the covered code, specifications, and tck to do the following: (a) research use license: (i) use, reproduce and modify the covered code and specifications to create modifications and reformatted specifications for research use by you; (ii) publish and display covered code and specifications with, or as part of modifications, as permitted under section 3.1(b) below; (iii) reproduce and distribute copies of covered code to licensees and students for research use by you; (iv) compile, reproduce and distribute covered code in executable form, and reformatted specifications to anyone for research use by you; and (v) use the tck to develop and test covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1784, "license_sentence": "modifications if you have modified the program, you must include prominent notices in stating that you have modified the program's files, your name, your email address (if any) and the date and purpose of any change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN", "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1785, "license_sentence": "the right to distribute this software or to use it for any purpose does not give you the right to use servicemarks (sm) or trademarks (tm) of the copyright holders.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1786, "license_sentence": "except as expressly set forth in this section 6, or in a separate written agreement with nvidia, you may not use nvidia's trademarks, whether registered or unregistered, in connection with the physics application in any manner or imply that nvidia endorses or otherwise approves of the physics application or that you and nvidia are in any way affiliated.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1787, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the results and performance of the product is assumed by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1788, "license_sentence": "copyright in this document is owned by sun microsystems inc. sun microsystems, inc. (sun) hereby grants to you at no charge a nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual, worldwide, limited license (without the right to sublicense) under sun's intellectual property rights that are essential to practice this specification for the limited purpose of creating and distributing implementations of this specification, provided however, that such implementations do not derive from any sun source code or binary materials and do not include any sun binary materials without an appropriate and separate license from sun.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1789, "license_sentence": "nero shall only warrant against software defects that significantly reduce the software's value or suitability for use as stipulated in the contract.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1790, "license_sentence": "indien de gebruiker een verzamelwerk maakt, dient deze, op verzoek van welke licentiegever ook, de op grond van artikel 4(b) vereiste naamsvermelding uit het verzamelwerk te verwijderen, voor zover praktisch mogelijk, conform het verzoek.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1791, "license_sentence": "we would also appreciate a link back from your product website to our website www.fusioncharts.com/free asis distribution infosoft global allows and encourages 3rd parties to distribute and make as many exact copies as you wish of fusioncharts free and distribute it by internet, bbs's, shareware distribution libraries, cdroms, etc provided that the following terms are satisfied: exact copies of the complete software package, and that it is unmodified and individual package and not as a part of any other application/product/software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1792, "license_sentence": "licensed product is made available for your use provided that you include this license and copyright notice on all media and documentation and the software program in which this product is incorporated in whole or part.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1793, "license_sentence": " and b) the contributor may distribute the program under a license different than this agreement, provided that such license: i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all other contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and noninfringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; ", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Keep Same License": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1794, "license_sentence": "swig is distributed under the following terms: i. copyright (c) 19951998 the university of utah and the regents of the university of california all rights reserved permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that 1. the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of the source code and 2. redistributions including binaries reproduces these notices in the supporting documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1795, "license_sentence": "you may also choose to use such covered code under the terms of any subsequent version of the license published by zend technologies usa, inc. no one other than zend technologies usa, inc. has the right to modify the terms applicable to covered code created under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1796, "license_sentence": "in no event shall oracle be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data or data use, incurred by you or any third party, whether in an action in contract or tort, even if oracle has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1797, "license_sentence": "it would, for instance, not be appropriate to superimpose the logo of another business over any osci logo.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1798, "license_sentence": "you are not required to accept this license agreement and prior to the time you elect to become a licensee and accept this license agreement, you may always elect instead not to copy, use, modify, distribute, compile, or perform the program or any software released under this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1799, "license_sentence": "you agree that goahead and its distributors and dealers will not be liable for defense or indemnity with respect to any claim against you by any third party arising from your possession or use of the original code or the documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1800, "license_sentence": "no warranties the sdk is provided by nvidia \u201cas is\u201d and \u201cwith all faults.\u201d to the maximum extent permitted by law, nvidia and its affiliates expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind or nature, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, noninfringement, or the absence of any defects therein, whether latent or patent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1801, "license_sentence": "licensee may modify the sample code solely for the purposes of designing, developing and testing licensee's own software applications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1802, "license_sentence": "quick unformal highlights of this license you are free: to use lafac for about any purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1803, "license_sentence": "redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are limited to the following terms and conditions: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, listed conditions and disclaimers.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1804, "license_sentence": "advertising neither catharon productions, inc. and contributors nor you shall use the name of the other for commercial, advertising, or promotional purposes without specific prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1805, "license_sentence": "the names \"kannel\" and \"kannel group\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1806, "license_sentence": "it is copyright by the free software foundation but is freely distributable.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1807, "license_sentence": "license grant: subject to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement: a. intel grants to you a nonexclusive, nonassignable, copyright license to use the material for your internal development purposes only.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1808, "license_sentence": "licensee agrees that, (a) unless explicitly provided by netronome, the source code of the software is not being provided to licensee and is confidential and proprietary to netronome and that licensee has no right to access or use such source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1809, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant any rights to use the trademarks \"interbase'', \"java\" or \"javascript\" even if such marks are included in the original code or modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1810, "license_sentence": "you may also reproduce and distribute the sample code in object code form along with any modifications you make to the sample code, provided that you comply with the distribution terms described below.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1811, "license_sentence": "nvidia copyright notice(s) may appear in any of several forms, including machinereadable form, and you agree to reproduce such notice in each form in which it appears.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1812, "license_sentence": "prohibited uses you may not, without prior written consent of activewidgets, redistribute the software or modifications other than including its parts or as a whole into your own product, which must have substantially different functionality than the software or modifications and must not allow any third party to use the included parts of the software or modifications for the software development purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1813, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is,\" and no warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose or arising by statute or otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage in trade, is made by nga as to the accuracy and functioning of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1814, "license_sentence": "this agreement may be changed only by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1815, "license_sentence": "if you write an application using bond, then you must release your code under the gpl also.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1816, "license_sentence": "fuse message broker v.5.0.x license agreement [based on the apache license version 2.0, january 2004] terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution read the terms of this license agreement (\"agreement\") carefully before installing this work.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1817, "license_sentence": "opensek exception to gpl 3.0 license linking opensek statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on opensek.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1818, "license_sentence": "you must obtain the recipient's agreement that any such additional terms are offered by you alone, and you hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold the initial developer and any contributor harmless for any liability incurred by or claims asserted against the initial developer or any contributors with respect to any such additional terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add Statement For Additional Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1819, "license_sentence": "unless google specifically agrees in writing, customer will not: (a) copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to extract any or all of the source code (except to the extent such restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law); (b) sublicense, transfer, or distribute any of the services; (c) sell, resell, or otherwise make the services available as a commercial offering to a third party; or (d) access or use the services: (i) for high risk activities; (ii) in a manner intended to avoid incurring fees; (iii) for activities that are subject to the international traffic in arms regulations (itar) maintained by the united states department of state; (iv) on behalf of or for the benefit of any entity or person who is legally prohibited from using the services; or (v) to transmit, store, or process protected health information (as defined in and subject to hipaa).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1820, "license_sentence": "should the chartdirector software prove defective, the licensee assumes the risk of paying the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction and any incidental or consequential damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1821, "license_sentence": "nothing in this agreement shall be construed to limit either party's right to independently develop or distribute software that is functionally similar to the other party's products, so long as proprietary information of the other party is not included in such software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1822, "license_sentence": "we are licensing the software on an \u201cas is\u201d basis at your own risk and we disclaim any warranty or liability to you of any kind.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1823, "license_sentence": "you do not distribute additional software intended to supersede any component(s) of the redistributables (unless otherwise specified in the applicable readme file), iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1824, "license_sentence": "permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of her majesty the queen in right of canada not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1825, "license_sentence": "further, it may not be reproduced in hard copy for training material, nor for commercial gain, nor for public or organisationwide distribution.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1826, "license_sentence": "as a special exception, oracle gives you permission to link this openjdk code with certain code licensed by oracle as indicated at http://openjdk.java.net/legal/exceptionmodules20070508.html (\"designated exception modules\") to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of the designated exception modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under gpl2, provided that the designated exception modules continue to be governed by the licenses under which they were offered by oracle.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1827, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is\" and digital equipment corp. disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1828, "license_sentence": "latex project public license lppl version 1.0 19990301 copyright 1999 latex3 project everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but modification is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1829, "license_sentence": "google may make changes to this agreement, including pricing (and any linked documents).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1830, "license_sentence": "requirements on modified works all modified versions of documents covered by this license, including translations, anthologies, compilations and partial documents, must meet the following requirements: 1. the modified version must be labeled as such.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1831, "license_sentence": "you agree to identify any modified files with a prominent notice stating that you have changed the file.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1832, "license_sentence": "if you modify this program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program, but you are not obligated to do so.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1833, "license_sentence": "you may not assign this agreement, or any rights or obligations herein, without our prior written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Assign": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1834, "license_sentence": "this agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by an authorized officer of nokia, although nokia may vary the terms of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1835, "license_sentence": "the package provided hereunder is on an \"as is\" basis, and the authors have no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1836, "license_sentence": "you are not allowed to resell the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1837, "license_sentence": "means anyone who modifies, copies, uses or distributes the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1838, "license_sentence": "atlassian may modify these terms of use at its sole discretion by posting the revised terms on the atlassian marketplace.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1839, "license_sentence": "any act or attempt to copy, modify, sublicense, display, distribute or transmit the codec other than as permitted herein will automatically terminate your rights under this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1840, "license_sentence": "the openldap public license version 2.2.1, 1 march 2000 redistribution and use of this software and associated documentation (\"software\"), with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. redistributions of source code must retain copyright statements and notices.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1841, "license_sentence": "this license does not grant any rights to: (i) any software apart from the covered code, nor shall any other rights or licenses not expressly granted hereunder arise by implication, estoppel or otherwise with respect to the covered code; (ii) any trade name, trademark or service mark whatsoever, including without limitation any related right for purposes of endorsement or promotion of products derived from the covered code, without prior written permission of sgi; or (iii) any title to or ownership of the original code, which shall at all times remains with sgi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1842, "license_sentence": "the unrar sources may be used in any software to handle rar archives without limitations free of charge, but cannot be used to recreate the rar compression algorithm, which is proprietary.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Combine Libraries": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1843, "license_sentence": "however, if you distribute the originals, you must distribute all original files as well.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1844, "license_sentence": "do not use intel's name or trademarks to market your product without written permission, iv.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1845, "license_sentence": "you may not assign any of your rights in these developer terms, and any such attempt is void, but dropbox may assign its rights to any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with the services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Assign": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1846, "license_sentence": "you acknowledge and agree that you shall not a. modify or create any derivative works of the software or documentation; b. attempt to disable the software by any means or in any manner; c. attempt to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the software (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction); d. redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or disclose the software to any third party; or e. remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other proprietary notice, legend, symbol or label in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Sublicense": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CANNOT", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1847, "license_sentence": "this limitation of liability also applies to any developer of a program supplied to ibm.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1848, "license_sentence": "the source code of the software may not be disclosed, transmitted or distributed without the written permission of vitesse.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1849, "license_sentence": "each party acknowledges and agrees that this agreement does not confer any rights to use any of the other party\u2019s names, trademarks, or logos for any reason, including but not limited to, in connection with it advertising, publicity or other marketing activities.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1850, "license_sentence": "this term also includes a desire to transmit the copy of the program, its source code and documentation expressed by giving a possibility to get the copy of the program, its source code and documentation in a free, freeofcharge and public way (e.g., from a website).", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1851, "license_sentence": "3. redistribution des modules dynamiques lorsque le licenci\u00e9 a d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 un module dynamique les conditions du contrat ne s'appliquent pas \u00e0 ce module dynamique, qui peut \u00eatre distribu\u00e9 sous un contrat de licence diff\u00e9rent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1852, "license_sentence": "to the greatest extent allowed by law, zimbra specifically disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose (even if zimbra had been informed of such purpose), and noninfringement with respect to the software, any modifications thereto, and with respect to the use of the foregoing.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1853, "license_sentence": "microsoft does not grant an express or implied license to patents that cover nonmicrosoft code in derived software works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Grant Patents": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1854, "license_sentence": "remove, alter or obscure any product identification, trademark, copyright, confidentiality, proprietary or other notices or legends contained on or within the software; v. use the software for timesharing or service bureau purposes or in any other manner not expressly permitted hereunder; or vi.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1855, "license_sentence": "you may not decompile or replace any compiled files that enforce such licensing restrictions or remove references to such files in the provided source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1856, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms of this agreement, the 3delight team hereby grants you a revocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable license to copy the software onto a single computer for your personal use and to make protection backup copies of the software, provided that any and all copies made must contain all of the original and unmodified proprietary notices, including, but not limited to, this license agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1857, "license_sentence": "licensor grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive, sublicensable license, for the duration of the copyright, to do the following: a) to reproduce the original work in copies, either alone or as part of a collective work; b) to translate, adapt, alter, transform, modify, or arrange the original work, thereby creating derivative works (\"derivative works\") based upon the original work; c) to distribute or communicate copies of the original work and derivative works to the public, with the proviso that copies of original work you distribute or communicate shall be licensed under this upstream compatibility license and all derivative work you distribute or communicate shall be licensed under both this upstream compatibility license and the apache license 2.0 or later; d) to perform the original work publicly; and e) to display the original work publicly.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1858, "license_sentence": "you acknowledge and agree that: a. the product is protected under u.s. copyright and other laws; b. ideskcentric and its licensors retain all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the product; c. there are no implied licenses under this license, and any rights not expressly granted to you hereunder are reserved by ideskcentric; d. you acquire no ownership or other interest (other than your license rights) in or to the product; and e. ideskcentric owns all copies of the product, however made.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1859, "license_sentence": "the entire risk arising out of use or performance of the software product remains with the licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1860, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"package\"), to deal in the package without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the package, and to permit persons to whom the package is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the package.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1861, "license_sentence": "all expressed or implied warranties, including without limitation the implied warranties or merchantibility, noninfringement and fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby disclaimed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1862, "license_sentence": "redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1863, "license_sentence": "in no event shall netscape or its suppliers be liable for i. any representation or warranty made to any third party by licensee, any distributor or their respective agents; ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1864, "license_sentence": "use this license to use or redistribute the torque software v2.5+ and later versions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1865, "license_sentence": "restrictions derivative and separate works may not claim to be a completely original work either explicitly or by omission.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1866, "license_sentence": "except to the extent prohibited by law, in no event will licensor or its suppliers be liable (under any theory of liability) for personal injury or any indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages (including for loss of data, loss of content, loss of inapplication features, loss of profits, or business interruption) arising out of or related to your use of or inability to use the application, even if licensor and/or its suppliers has/have been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1867, "license_sentence": "you may not use these services in any way that could harm them or impair anyone else?s use of them.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1868, "license_sentence": "header block of script file (tree.js) can not be modified or removed.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1869, "license_sentence": "the software is offered \u201cas is,\u201d and broadcom provides and grants and licensee receives no support and no warranties of any kind, express or implied, by statute, communication or conduct with licensee, or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1870, "license_sentence": "the software is provided \"as is\", without express or implied warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1871, "license_sentence": "you, and your distributees, use this software at your own risk.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1872, "license_sentence": "dlde>by1.0 data licence germany \u2013 attribution \u2013 version 1.0 any use shall be permitted provided the source is mentioned.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1873, "license_sentence": "``the contents of this file are subject to the gsoap public license version 1.2 (the ``license''); you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1874, "license_sentence": "you are granted no right, and shall not purport to permit any third party to use the icons in any manner without microsoft's prior written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1875, "license_sentence": "commercial licensee may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations or other terms to one or more recipients of original code or executables.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1876, "license_sentence": "this obligation shall include indemnifying against all damages, losses, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by at&t, its affiliates and authorized representatives as a result of any such claims, suits or proceedings, including any costs or expenses incurred in defending against any such claims, suits, or proceedings.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1877, "license_sentence": "you may also distribute this software with books or other teaching materials, or publish the software on websites, that are intended to teach the use of the software for academic or other noncommercial purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1878, "license_sentence": "restrictions 4.1. you agree to: (a) display the original, unmodified jet3d logo as the first logo on startup of your product, demo or application; (b) prominently display the jet3d logo on any marketing materials, advertising or packaging of your product, demo or application; (c) distribute the covered code to third parties who agree to be bound by these terms and conditions; (d) make reasonable efforts to discontinue distribution of the covered code upon eclipse's release of an update, upgrade or new version of the covered code and to make reasonable efforts to distribute such updates, upgrades or new versions to your customers who have received the covered code herein; (e) be solely responsible for any update or support obligation or other liability which may arise from your distribution of the covered code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1879, "license_sentence": "le titulaire s'engage \u00e0 ce que le logiciel initial reste au moins r\u00e9gi par le contrat et ce, pour la dur\u00e9e vis\u00e9e \u00e0 l'article 4.2 .", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1880, "license_sentence": "you may obtain a copy of the license at http://www.scalix.com/community/licensing software distributed under the license is distributed on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1881, "license_sentence": "you shall not use microsoft\u2019s name, logo or trademarks to market your application; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1882, "license_sentence": "gips modifications are not automatically subject to this license; gips may, at its sole discretion, choose to license such gips modifications under this license or on different terms from those contained in this license, or may choose not to license them.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Add License Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1883, "license_sentence": "server side public license version 1, october 16, 2018 copyright \u00a9 2018 mongodb, inc. everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1884, "license_sentence": "unauthorized reproduction or distribution may result in civil and criminal penalties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1885, "license_sentence": "strony niekomercyjne dla cel\u00f3w niekomercyjnych system jest darmowy, trzeba jedynie spe?ni?", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1886, "license_sentence": "you must not use any of the names of the authors or copyright holders of the original software for advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution without specific, written prior permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1887, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute the object code form of the following files: microsoft.windows.shell.dll and ribboncontrolslibrary.dll.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1888, "license_sentence": "with limiting the foregoing, nothing in this license is intended to restrict the ability of the initial contributors to sell, transfer, license, or commercially exploit their respective intellectual property rights that may be embodied in the initial contributions through other licenses or agreements of the same programs and materials as were included with the initial contribution, even if such licenses or agreements would be inconsistent with this license, provided that nothing in such other licenses or agreements can take away the rights granted to the recipients hereunder in and to such initial contributions and derivative works.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1889, "license_sentence": "at the time licensee provides a copy of a derivative version of the program to a third party, licensee shall provide stanford with one copy of the source code of the derivative version at no charge to stanford.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1890, "license_sentence": "redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: \"this product includes php, freely available from http://www.php.net/\".", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1891, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 1. redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1892, "license_sentence": "you agree that borland will have no liability of any nature, and you are solely responsible, for any expense, loss, injury or damage incurred as a result of such use of the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1893, "license_sentence": "restrictions other than as expressly permitted herein, you may not: (i) use the software for any unauthorised purpose; (ii) modify, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, revise or enhance the software, create derivative works or attempt to discover the source code for any element of the software not already provided in source code form; (iii) remove any proprietary or copyright notices on or accompanying the software; or (iv) incorporate or combine the software, with any open source software in such a way that would cause the software, or any portion thereof, to be subject to all or part of the license obligations or other intellectual property related terms with respect to such open source software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1894, "license_sentence": "you are granted a royaltyfree right to reproduce and distribute the software provided that you: i. distribute the software complete and unmodified, provided that the software is distributed with your java applet or application (\"program\"); ii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1895, "license_sentence": "this agreement may only be amended in writing, and must be executed by both parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1896, "license_sentence": "you may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on this data (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically given permission to do so by the owners of that data.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1897, "license_sentence": "open market has no liability in contract, tort, negligence or otherwise arising out of this software or the documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1898, "license_sentence": "goahead hereby grants you a worldwide, royaltyfree, nonexclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property claims, to use, reproduce, modify, copy and distribute the original code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1899, "license_sentence": "you may obtain a copy of the license at http://www.mozilla.org/mpl/ software distributed under the license is distributed on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1900, "license_sentence": "the software may not be sold for profit or as \"hidden\" part of another software, but it may be included with collections of other free software, such as cdrom images of ftp servers and similar, provided that this software is not a significant part of that collection.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1901, "license_sentence": "any software originating from intel or derived from intel software is provided \"as is,\" and intel will not provide any support, assistance, installation, training or other services.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1902, "license_sentence": "in no event shall apple's total liability to you for all damages exceed the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00).", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1903, "license_sentence": "modified works should carry a notice stating that you changed the software and should note the date and nature of any such change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1904, "license_sentence": "microsoft grants you a limited, nonexclusive, royaltyfree license to reproduce and distribute the content of msm file(s) listed in redist.txt in the manner described in the software documentation only so long as you redistribute such content in its entirety and do not modify such content in any way.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1905, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the contibutors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1906, "license_sentence": "for product distributed in any other manner, cray research disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1907, "license_sentence": "you may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1908, "license_sentence": "in no event will sun or its licensors be liable for any lost revenue, profit or data, or for direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages, however caused and regardless of the theory of liability, arising out of the use of or inability to use software graphics artwork, even if sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1909, "license_sentence": "ps utilities package copyright (c) 19911995 angus j. c. duggan the constituent files of this package may be copied and used for any purpose (including distribution as part of a forprofit product), provided: 1. the original attribution of the programs is clearly displayed in the product and/or documentation, even if the programs are modified and/or renamed as part of the product.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST", "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1910, "license_sentence": "\u2217 4. the names \"skin look and feel\", \"skinlf\" and \"l2fprod.com\" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1911, "license_sentence": "the font software is provided \"as is,\" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement of copyright, patent, trademark or other right.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1912, "license_sentence": "dstool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1913, "license_sentence": "however, you may not distribute the content files on a standalone basis (i.e., in circumstances in which the content files constitute the primary value of the product being distributed), and you must not claim any trademark rights in the content files or derivative works of the content files.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1914, "license_sentence": "requirements a contributor may choose to distribute the program in object code form under its own license agreement, provided that: 1. it complies with the terms and conditions of this agreement ; and its license agreement: 1. effectively disclaims on behalf of all contributors all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and noninfringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; 2. effectively excludes on behalf of all contributors all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits; 3. states that any provisions which differ from this agreement are offered by that contributor alone and not by any other party; and 4. states that source code for the program is available from such contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software exchange.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CAN", "Offer Source Code": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT", "Add Statement For Additional Terms": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1915, "license_sentence": "disclaimer of warranty 5.1. to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law vita nuova provides the licensed software on an ``as is'' basis and does not warrant or represent that the licensed software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the licensed software will be uninter rupted or errorfree or that defects in the licensed software will be corrected.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1916, "license_sentence": "this code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1917, "license_sentence": "such redistributions must allow further use, modification, and redistribution of the source code under substantially the same terms as this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Keep Same License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1918, "license_sentence": "except as specifically stated in this paragraph 3 or a license for a particular component, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, the software packages and the components are provided and licensed \"as is\" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement or fitness for a particular purpose.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1919, "license_sentence": "the licensor is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental consequences, and other losses or damages related to your use, reproduction, and distribution of the yi series models, and the creation of derivatives under this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1920, "license_sentence": "professional identification url \"promotional slogan for author's professional practice\" all rights reserved attribution assurance license (adapted from the original bsd license) redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the conditions below are met.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1921, "license_sentence": "this document and the technology which it describes are distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1922, "license_sentence": "all software provided to the u.s. government pursuant to solicitations issued on or after december 1, 1995, is provided with the commercial rights and restrictions described herein.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1923, "license_sentence": "we give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1924, "license_sentence": "to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall stimulsoft be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or the provision of or failure to provide support services, even if stimulsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1925, "license_sentence": "this program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by the free software foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1926, "license_sentence": "modifications: you are authorized to make any necessary modification(s) to our products to fit your purposes.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1927, "license_sentence": "you may modify it, and you may distribute your modified version, provided the original work is credited to the appropriate authors, and your work is credited to you (don't make changes and pass them off as my work), and that you aren't charging for it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1928, "license_sentence": "\"license\" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by sections 1 through 9 of this document.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1929, "license_sentence": "each recipient must include the following in a conspicuous location in the program so distributed or transferred: copyright (c) 1996{date here}, by all contributors.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1930, "license_sentence": "they may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without nvidia's prior written permission.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT", "Distribute": "CANNOT", "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1931, "license_sentence": "to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event will ai2 be liable to you or any third party for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure, interoperability or malfunction, or any other loss) arising from or related to this mr agreement, including without limitation, any use or inability to use any artifacts or derivatives, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or any other legal theory, even if you or any third party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1932, "license_sentence": "licensee may use the sdks or apis to create valueadded applications and distribute and license those valueadded applications to its end users to use the valueadded applications anywhere not prohibited under export regulation subject to article 3, section 3.1 of the general license terms and conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1933, "license_sentence": "(e) each time you redistribute the program or any derivative work, the recipient automatically receives a license from 3dfx and successor licensors to copy, distribute or modify the program and derivative works subject to the terms and conditions of the license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1934, "license_sentence": "for freescale licensed software provided to you in source code form (human readable), freescale further grants to you a worldwide, personal, nontransferable, nonexclusive, license, under freescale's intellectual property rights: (a) to prepare derivative works, only as part of, or integrated within, authorized systems and not on a stand alone basis, of the licensed software; (b) to use, demonstrate, copy, distribute, market and sell derivative works of the licensed software in object code (machine readable) only as part of, or integrated within, authorized systems and not on a stand alone basis.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1935, "license_sentence": "you must limit use of this software in any manner primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation to a trial period of 32 consecutive calendar days.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1936, "license_sentence": "in each source file that you have modified, you must include a prominent notice that you have modified the file, including your name, your email address (if any), and the date and purpose of the change; iii.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1937, "license_sentence": "the images may not be used to sell or otherwise promote image collections that compete directly with iconshock.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1938, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement, psf hereby grants licensee a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use python 2.1.1 alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that psf's license agreement and psf's notice of copyright, i.e., \"copyright (c) 2001 python software foundation; all rights reserved\" are retained in python 2.1.1 alone or in any derivative version prepared by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1939, "license_sentence": "microsoft and its suppliers provide the software \"as is\" and with all faults, and hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to any (if any) implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1940, "license_sentence": "you may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the program a copy of this license along with the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Retain Disclaimer": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1941, "license_sentence": "this program is free so you may not charge anybody for copying it.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1942, "license_sentence": "permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1943, "license_sentence": "except as stated herein, i expressly disclaim any warranties (express, implied, or otherwise), including implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, fitness for a particular purpose, or title, related to the specification.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1944, "license_sentence": "you may copy, use and distribute these files, without modification, in programs you develop for your internal use or in programs that you develop and distribute to third parties.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1945, "license_sentence": "the entire risk as to the quality of the original work is with you.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1946, "license_sentence": "neither the licensor's nor other contributors' names or trademarks must be used to support, recommend or market the licensee or any products or services using the information.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1947, "license_sentence": "you may not charge a fee for the game itself.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Ask Distribution Fee": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1948, "license_sentence": "fsf unlimited license license retention variant copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2007 free software foundation, inc. this file is free software; the free software foundation gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1949, "license_sentence": "permission to copy and distribute font3d in its entirety, for noncommercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CANNOT", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1950, "license_sentence": "furthermore, qualcomm does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the software or any documentation provided therewith in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1951, "license_sentence": "in no event shall the australian national university be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the australian national university have been advised of the possibility of such damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1952, "license_sentence": "subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement, psf hereby grants licensee a nonexclusive, royaltyfree, worldwide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use python 2.2.1 alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that psf's license agreement and psf's notice of copyright, i.e., \"copyright (c) 2001, 2002 python software foundation; all rights reserved\" are retained in python 2.2.1 alone or in any derivative version prepared by licensee.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Publicly Display": "CAN", "Publicly Perform": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1953, "license_sentence": "except as expressly provided herein, you shall not use hauppauge's name in any publications, advertisements, or other announcements without hauppauge's prior written consent.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1954, "license_sentence": "in addition, licensee must cause all covered code to which licensee contributes to contain a file documenting the changes licensee made to create that covered code and the date of any change.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "State Changes": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1955, "license_sentence": "no products may be derieved out of exophpdesk's code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1956, "license_sentence": "you may also make modifications to the sdk and distribute them too.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1957, "license_sentence": "customer retains title to the customer extensions, subject to splunk\u2019s ownership set forth in section 5. if customer allows end users of customer extensions to modify or distribute the customer extensions, customer shall limit such modification or distribution to use with the designated software or splunk extension only, and will flow down the conditions in (x) and (y) above to end users of customer extensions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1958, "license_sentence": "the name \"sendmail\" is a registered trademark and service mark of sendmail, inc. 5. we reserve the right to cancel this license if you do not comply with the terms.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1959, "license_sentence": "nothing in this agreement shall be construed as conferring rights to use advertising, publicity or otherwise any trademark or the name of \"stanford.\"", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1960, "license_sentence": "feh license permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"software\"), to deal in the software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software, and to permit persons to whom the software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: the above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies of the software and its documentation and acknowledgment shall be given in the documentation and software packages that this software was used.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include License": "MUST", "Give Credit": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1961, "license_sentence": "hazelcast hereby disclaims any and all warranties and conditions, express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1962, "license_sentence": "you understand and agree that authorize.net is not liable for any loss or damage that you may experience as a result of your use of open source software and that you will look solely to the licensor of the open source software in the event of any such loss or damage.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1963, "license_sentence": "broadcom specifically disclaims any and all implied warranties of title, merchantability, noninfringement, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness, quiet enjoyment, quiet possession or correspondence to description.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1964, "license_sentence": "definitions a. this tongyi qianwen license agreement (this \"agreement\") shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, distribution and modification of the materials as defined by this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1965, "license_sentence": "we are holding the copyright on the source code, so please do not delete our name from the program files or the documentation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1966, "license_sentence": "customer may redistribute and use software in source code form provided a. customer applications of software add primary and substantial functionality, and are not merely a set or subset of any of the functionality of the software, or a set or subset of any of the code or other files of the software; b. the source code retains all source code comments, including all copyright notices, without modification; c. customer includes a valid copyright notice on their application; and d. customer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend gubusoft from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys' fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of customer's application.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Retain Copyright Notice": "MUST", "Include Notice": "MUST", "Liable for Damages": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1967, "license_sentence": "united kingdom: no warranty (section 2): the following replaces the first sentence in the first paragraph of this section: subject to any statutory warranties which cannot be excluded, ibm makes no warranty or condition either express or implied, including (without limitation) the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement, regarding the program.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1968, "license_sentence": "the licensor disclaims any and all liability as regards the licensee's use of the name of the software.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1969, "license_sentence": "jive software grants to you a nonexclusive, nonsublicensable right to use the icons royaltyfree as part of spark.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1970, "license_sentence": "a copy of this can be found in the copying.txt file or at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ additional permission granted by tagservlet ltd: tagservlet ltd grants the user the exception to distribute the entire open bluedragon runtime libraries without the web application (.cfml, .html, .js, .css, etc) that open bluedragon powers, from itself being licensed under the gnu general public license (v3), as long the entire runtime remains intact and includes all license information.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Combine Libraries": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1971, "license_sentence": "you may not otherwise copy, store, archive, or create a database of the content available through the bing maps api.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1972, "license_sentence": "such modifications include, but are not limited to: enabling games that are disabled changing the rom verification commands so that they report missing games removing the startup information screens if you make a derivative work, you are not allowed to call it mame.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Rename": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1973, "license_sentence": "by using the specifications and materials including the document in any manner or for any purpose, you release the iptc from all liabilities, claims, causes of action, allegations, losses, injuries, damages, or detriments of any nature arising from or relating to the use of the specifications, materials or any portion thereof.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1974, "license_sentence": "a source copy must also be made available with or alongside the derived work should the derived work not be distributed as such by default.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Offer Source Code": "MUST" } }, { "id": 1975, "license_sentence": "in no way may the developers who have contributed to the code be held accountable for damages that arise from the use or misuse of the source code.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1976, "license_sentence": "you may not lease, license or sublicense the icons, or a subset of the icons, or any modified icons to any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Sublicense": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1977, "license_sentence": "you may obtain a copy of the license at http://www.cs.fsu.edu/ engelen/soaplicense.html software distributed under the license is distributed on an \"as is\" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1978, "license_sentence": "the commercial chibios code has to be used asis, modifications are not allowed in the commerciallylicensed modules.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Modify": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1979, "license_sentence": "any use, reproduction, or distribution of the software constitutes licensee\u2019s acceptance of this agreement.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1980, "license_sentence": "you may choose to redistribute a copy of the program exclusively under the terms of the gpl by removing the floss exception notice from that copy of the program, provided that the copy has never been modified by you or any third party.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CANNOT", "Include Notice": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1981, "license_sentence": "licensee will not display or make any use of solace\u2019s or its affiliates\u2019 names, marks or logos without the prior written approval of solace.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Use TradeMark": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1982, "license_sentence": "at the present time, license is granted only for personal use and evaluation.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Private Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1983, "license_sentence": "is considered as use for commercial purposes but may be subject to special conditions.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Commercial Use": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1984, "license_sentence": "you may use any authorized version of this license to copy, modify and distribute any open game content originally distributed under any version of this license.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN" } }, { "id": 1985, "license_sentence": "the author piers lauder disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software!", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Place Warranty": "CANNOT", "Liable for Damages": "CANNOT" } }, { "id": 1986, "license_sentence": "this agreement may only be amended in written form, executed by you and freescale.", "terms_and_attitudes": {} }, { "id": 1987, "license_sentence": "by obtaining, using and/or copying this original work, you agree that you have read, understand, and will comply with the following terms and conditions of the educational community license: permission to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and sublicense this original work and its documentation, with or without modification, for any purpose, and without fee or royalty to the copyright holder(s) is hereby granted, provided that you include the following on all copies of the original work or portions thereof, including modifications or derivatives, that you make: the full text of the educational community license in a location viewable to users of the redistributed or derivative work.", "terms_and_attitudes": { "Copy": "CAN", "Distribute": "CAN", "Modify": "CAN", "Sublicense": "CAN", "Commercial Use": "CAN", "Private Use": "CAN", "Include License": "MUST" } } ]